Objective:: Lab#7: Introduction To Kit SSUET/QR/114
Objective:: Lab#7: Introduction To Kit SSUET/QR/114
Objective:: Lab#7: Introduction To Kit SSUET/QR/114
Introduction to MDA – 8086 Training Kit
MDA-8086 has high performance 64K-byte monitor program. It is designed for easy function.
After power is on , the monitor begins to work. In addition to all the key function the monitor has
a memory checking routine.
CPU 8086
Main RAM 64 KB (62256 x 2)
Monitor ROM 64 KB (27C256 x 2)
Display Unit LCD (16 x 2 Line)
I/O Port 8255A
Serial Port RS-232C (8251A x 1)
System Clock 4.9152 MHz
Clock Generator 8284
Interrupt Controller 8259
Level Meter 10 step
DOT Matrix 8 x 8 (3 Color)
Operation System Software 8086 Assembler
Keyboard 16 Key of data, 10 Key of function
System bus indicator LED (3Ø) x 12
System bus 62pin x 1
Expansion Connector
External Interface 20pin x 1
Step Motor Interface Driver T.R x 4
ADC : ADC 0804
A/D , D/A Converter
DAC : DAC 0800
Power 110V/220V
Board size(mm) 310 x 265
Wood case(mm) 100(H) x 300(D) x 430(W) ± 10(mm)
About MDA – 8086:
• MDA is a company name “Midas Engineering”.
So as to use serial monitor, move jumper P1 which located on the PCB like this.
Whenever RES is pressed, the display becomes FIGURE 1-1 and user can operate keyboard only
in this situation.
1. AD 0000
2. : 1000
3. DA B0 MOV AL , 3E
4. + 3E
5. + 24
6. + 0F AND AL , 0F
7. + 90 NOP
8. Press again : key and then set offset value which you set starting of the program.
9. STP
10. REG Show AX = Result
0011 1110 3E
0000 1110 0E
After entering the above commands in the MDA – 8086, the following result was obtained:
AX = 0E