Ce 408
Ce 408
Ce 408
Environmental Engineering – II
Lecture 4
Dated: 8th June, 2020
• Assumptions of Rational Formula
• Examples
• Sewage Disposal Techniques
• Design of Sewers
• Example
• Hydraulic Elements of Sewer
• Design Consideration
• Examples
Rational Method
Example 1
A watershed of area 50.7ha contributes to an urban storm drainage.
60% area is row cropped with good practices having C value 0.55,
remaining 40% area is a wood land with C value 0.12. Determine
the peak runoff for rainfall intensity 85mm/hr.
SCS Technique
• The CN is a runoff coefficient of sorts which includes the
effects of infiltration and detention storage.
(a) subsoil water level (b) length of sewer (c) nature and type of soil through which sewer
laid (d) size of sewer
• For industrial purposes the wastewater generated per unit production will be multiplied by the total
Design of Sewers
Design Steps
1. Estimation of future population
2. Average daily sewage flow
3. Calculating peak factor
4. Infiltration/exfiltration allowance
5. Industrial/commercial sewage allowance
6. Velocity of flow
Design of Sewers
• Controlling Factors:
Maximum and Minimum rate of sewage
Design Period:
Period for which system is designed i.e. 50-60 years
Population Density:
Number of People per sq.km
Variation in Sewage Flow
• The variation of maximum, average and minimum is sometime high and need a
particular multiplying factor known as Peak factor and is defined as the Peak/average
flow rate.
• In normal conditions M= 4 for laterals; 2.5 for main and trunk and 2.0 for combined
Wastewater flow pattern during a day
Residential wastewater flow as
ratio to Average flow
• Maximum velocity must be less than 2.5 m/s in storm sewers flowing full.
Nature of Sewers Non Scouring Velocity (m/s)
Earthen channel 0.60 – 1.20
Brick lined sewer 1.50 – 2.40
Cement line sewer 2.40 – 3.00
Stone ware sewer 3.00 – 4.50
Design of Sewers
Infiltration/exfiltration allowance
• 10% of average daily waste water flow
• 3-5% of peak hourly domestic flow
Velocity of flow
• Sanitary sewer ; 0.6m/sec
• Storm sewer ; 1m/sec
• Manning’s equation
V = l / n (R)2/3 √S
Design Steps
1. Forecast the design population (P) of the area.
2. Find the sewage flow per day by multiplying population with flow per capita of sewage.
3. Select a peak factor (P.F) to find the peak sewage flow according to Population.
5. Calculate infiltration from average sewage flow as given by WASA. Q inf = (0.05 to
0.1) Q avg
6. Find the design sewage flow by adding peak flow, industrial allowance and infiltration
d = 274 mm
Sewage Disposal Techniques
• Two method for collection and disposal of sewage:
The system has only disadvantage of wastage of water, which is used for
making the sewage in liquid form (about 99.9% of sewage is water)
Example 6
Estimate the peak hourly, average daily and minimum hourly and
daily residential sewage flow from an area of 1200 people. Assume
an average water consumption is 100gal/capita day and return water
is 75%. Consider the length of sewer 1.2 miles and infiltration rate
is 30000gal/mile. Give result in GPD and LPD. Calculate diameter
of sewer using minimum self cleansing velocity. Also calculate the
diameter using slope 1.2% and n = 0.012.