Software Upgrade: Install Ivista
Software Upgrade: Install Ivista
Software Upgrade: Install Ivista
Software Upgrade
Upgrade Procedure
If a USB stick is used for software upgrading for the first Disconnect the USB stick from your computer
time, it has to be made “bellavista-ready”:
Start iVista (internet connection required)
Select Update bellavista
Unpack/extract the downloaded zip-folder to the
Existing Data on your USB stick will not be affected.
USB stick
The file structure on your USB stick must then look
exactly as follows:
b) Get bellavista Device Information c) Download Upgrade onto USB Stick
Switch on the bellavista and wait until the start-up is Reconnect the USB stick with your computer running
completed iVista (iVista automatically changes to the screen
Connect the “bellavista-ready” USB stick with the showed in the screenshot below)
bellavista Select the bellavista serial number you want to up-
grade in the Devices panel
bellavista automatically stores LOG files and device ID
Check if an update for the selected bellavista serial
on the USB stick. A small grey bar pops up in the upper
number is available (if no update is available, there
left corner of the screen showing the download progress.
will be the message Device is up to date in he On
server panel)
Wait until the grey bar disappears, then disconnect
Select the (latest) update by checking the corre-
the USB stick from the bellavista
sponding checkbox in the On server panel
Screenshot iVista
Software Upgrade
This is an update description file for the bellavista with bellavista again automatically stores the actual LOG files
the serial number MB100123. and device ID on the USB stick. A small grey bar pops
up in the upper left corner of the screen showing the
download process. After the download is completed, a
This is the actual update data. message that indicates that a software upgrade has
been detected appears in the grey bar in the upper left
corner of the screen.
e) Feedback to iVista