Accounting Standard 1: Disclosure of Accounting Policies
Accounting Standard 1: Disclosure of Accounting Policies
Accounting Standard 1: Disclosure of Accounting Policies
Note: Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956, provides that any increase or
reduction in liability on account of an asset acquired from outside India in
consequence of a change in the rate of exchange, the amount of such
increase or decrease, should added to, or, as the case may be, deducted from
the cost of the fixed asset.
Therefore, for fixed assets, the treatment described in Schedule VI will be in
compliance with this standard, instead of stating it at historical cost.
• Exchange differences arising on the settlement of monetary items or on
restatement of monetary items on each balance sheet date shall be
recognised as expense or income in the period in which they arise.
• Exchange differences arising on monetary item which in substance, is net
investment in a non integral foreign operation (long term loans) shall be
credited to foreign currency translation reserve and shall be recognised as
income or expense at the time of disposal of net investment.
• The financial statements of an integral foreign operation shall be translated as
if the transactions of the foreign operation had been those of the reporting
enterprise; i.e., it is initially to be accounted at the exchange rate prevailing
on the date of transaction.
• For incorporation of non integral foreign operation, both monetary and non
monetary assets and liabilities should be translated at the closing rate as on
the balance sheet date. The income and expenses should be translated at the
exchange rates at the date of transactions. The resulting exchange
differences should be accumulated in the foreign currency translation reserve
until the disposal of net investment. Any goodwill or capital reserve on
acquisition on non-integral financial operation is translated at the closing rate.
• In Consolidated Financial Statement (CFS) of the reporting enterprise,
exchange difference arising on intra group monetary items continues to be
recognised as income or expense, unless the same is in substance an
enterprise’s net investment in non integral foreign operation.
• When the financial statements of non integral foreign operations of a different
date are used for CFS of the reporting enterprise, the assets and liabilities are
translated at the exchange rate prevailing on the balance sheet date of the
non integral foreign operations. Further adjustments are to be made for
significant movements in exchange rates upto the balance sheet date of the
reporting currency.
• When there is a change in the classification of a foreign operation from
integral to non integral or vice versa the translation procedures applicable to
the revised classification should be applied from the date of reclassification.
• Exchange differences arising on translation shall be considered for deferred
tax in accordance with AS 22.
• Forward Exchange Contract may be entered to establish the amount of the
reporting currency required or available at the settlement date of the
transaction or intended for trading or speculation. Where the contracts are not
intended for trading or speculation purposes the premium or discount arising
at the time of inception of the forward contract should be amortized as
expense or income over the life of the contract. Further, exchange differences
on such contracts should be recognised in the P & L A/c in the reporting period
in which there is change in the exchange rates. Exchange difference on
forward exchange contract is the difference between exchange rate at the
reporting date and exchange difference at the date of inception of the
contract for the underlying currency.
• Profit or loss arising on the renewal or cancellation of the forward contract
should be recognised as income or expense for the period. A gain or loss on
forward exchange contract intended for trading or speculation should be
recognised in the profit and loss statement for the period. Such gain or loss
should be computed with reference to the difference between forward rate on
the reporting date for the remaining maturity period of the contract and the
contracted forward rate. This means that the forward contract is marked to
market. For such contract, premium or discount is not recognised separately.
• Disclosure to be made for:
o Amount of exchange difference included in Profit and Loss statement.
o Net exchange difference accumulated in Foreign Currency Translation
o In case of reclassification of significant foreign operation, the nature of
the change, the reasons for the same and its impact on the
shareholders fund and the impact on the Net Profit and Loss for each
period presented.
• Non mandatory Disclosures can be made for foreign currency risk
management policy.
Accounting Standard 12: Accounting for Government Grants
• Grants can be in cash or in kind and may carry certain conditions to be
• Grants should not be recognised unless reasonably assured to be realized and
the enterprise complies with the conditions attached to the grant.
• Grants towards specific assets should be deducted from its gross value.
Alternatively, it can be treated as deferred income in P & L A/c on rational
basis over the useful life of the depreciable asset. Grants related to non-
depreciable asset should be generally credited to Capital Reserves unless it
stipulates fulfilment of certain obligations. In the latter case the grant should
be credited to the P & L A/c over a reasonable period. The deferred income
balance to be shown separately in the financial statements.
• Grants of revenue nature to be recognised in the P & L A/c over the period to
match with the related cost, which are intended to be compensated. Such
grants can be treated as other income or can be reduced from related
• Grants by way of promoter’s contribution is to be credited to Capital Reserves
and considered as part of shareholder’s funds.
• Grants in the form of non-monetary assets, given at concessional rate, shall
be accounted at their acquisition cost. Asset given free of cost be recorded at
nominal value.
• Grants receivable as compensation for losses/expenses incurred should be
recognised and disclosed in P & L A/c in the year it is receivable and shown as
extraordinary item, if material in amount.
• Grants when become refundable, be shown as extraordinary item.
• Revenue grants when refundable should be first adjusted against unamortised
deferred credit balance of the grant and the balance should be charged to the
P & L A/c.
• Grants against specific assets on becoming refundable are recorded by
increasing the value of the respective asset or by reducing Capital Reserve /
Deferred income balance of the grant, as applicable. Any such increase in the
value of the asset shall be depreciated prospectively over the residual useful
life of the asset.
• Accounting policy adopted for grants including method of presentation, extent
of recognition in financial statements, accounting of non-monetary assets
given at concession/ free of cost be disclosed.
Accounting Standard 13: Accounting for Investments
• Current investments and long term investments be disclosed distinctly with
further sub-classification into government or trust securities, shares,
debentures or bonds, investment properties, others unless it is required to be
classified in other manner as per the statute governing the enterprise.
• Cost of investment to include acquisition charges including brokerage, fees
and duties.
• Investment properties should be accounted as long term investments.
• Current investments be carried at lower of cost and fair value either on
individual investment basis or by category of investment but not on global
• Long term investments be carried at cost. Provision for decline (other than
temporary) to be made for each investment individually.
• If an investment is acquired by issue of shares/securities or in exchange of an
asset, the cost of the investment is the fair value of the securities issued or
the assets given up. Acquisition cost may be determined considering the fair
value of the investments acquired.
• Changes in the carrying amount and the difference between the carrying
amount and the net proceeds on disposal be charged or credited to the P & L
• Disclosure is required for the accounting policy adopted, classification of
investments; profit / loss on disposal and changes in carrying amount of such
• Significant restrictions on right of ownership, realisability of investments and
remittance of income and proceeds of disposal thereof be disclosed.
• Disclosure should be made of aggregate amount of quoted and unquoted
investments together with aggregate value of quoted investments.
Accounting Standard 14: Accounting for Amalgamations
• Amalgamation in nature of merger be accounted for under Pooling of Interest
Method and in nature of purchase be accounted for under Purchase Method.
• Under the Pooling of the Interest Method, assets, liabilities and reserves of the
transferor company be recorded at existing carrying amount and in the same
form as it was appearing in the books of the transferor.
• In case of conflicting accounting policies, a uniform policy be adopted on
amalgamation. Effect on financial statement of such change in policy be
reported as per AS5.
• Difference between the amount recorded as share capital issued and the
amount of capital of the transferor company should be adjusted in reserves.
• Under Purchase Method, all assets and liabilities of the transferor company be
recorded at existing carrying amount or consideration be allocated to
individual identifiable assets and liabilities on basis of fair values at date of
amalgamation. The reserves of the transferor company shall lose its identity.
The excess or shortfall of consideration over value of net assets be recognised
as goodwill or capital reserve.
• Any non-cash item included in the consideration on amalgamation should be
accounted at fair value.
• In case the scheme of amalgamation sanctioned under the statute prescribes
a treatment to be given to the transferor company reserves on amalgamation,
same should be followed. However a description of accounting treatment
given to reserves and the reasons for following a treatment different from that
prescribed in the AS is to be given. Also deviations between the two
accounting treatments given to the reserves and the financial effect, if any,
arising due to such deviation is to be disclosed. (Limited Revision to AS 14
w.e.f 1-4-2004)
• Disclosures to include effective date of amalgamation for accounting, the
method of accounting followed, particulars of the scheme sanctioned.
• In case of amalgamation under the Pooling of Interest Method the treatment
given to the difference between the consideration and the value of the net
identified assets acquired is to be disclosed. In case of amalgamation under
the Purchase Method the consideration and the treatment given to the
difference compared to the value of the net identifiable assets acquired
including period of amortization of goodwill arising on amalgamation is to be
Accounting Standard 15: Accounting for Retirement Benefits in the
Financial Statement of Employers
• For retirement benefits of provident fund and other defined contribution
schemes, contribution payable by employer and any shortfall on collection
from employees if any for a year be charged to P & L A/c. Excess payment be
treated as pre-payment.
• For gratuity and other defined benefit schemes, accounting treatment will
depend on the type of arrangements, which the employer has entered into.
• If payment for retirement benefits out of employers funds, appropriate charge
to P & L to be made through a provision for accruing liability, calculated
according to actuarial valuation.
• If liability for retirement benefit funded through creation of trust, cost incurred
be determined actuarially. Excess/ shortfall of contribution paid against
amount required to meet accrued liability as certified by actuary be treated as
pre-payment or charged to P & L account
• If liability for retirement benefit is funded through a scheme administered by
an insurer, an actuarial certificate or confirmation from insurer to be obtained.
The excess/ shortfall of the contribution paid against the amount required to
meet accrued liability as certified by actuary or confirmed by insurer should
be treated as pre-payment or charged to P & L account.
• Any alteration in the retirement benefit cost should be charged or credited to
P & L A/c and change in actuarial method should be disclosed as per AS 5.
• Financial statements to disclose method by which retirement benefit cost
have been determined.
Accounting Standard – 15 - Employee Benefits – Effective from accounting
period commencing on or after 1 April, 2006.
Applicable to Level II & III enterprises (subject to certain relaxation
provided), if number of persons employed is 50 or more.
For Enterprises employing less than 50 persons, any method of accrual for
accounting long-term employee benefits liability is allowed.
Employee benefits are all forms of consideration given in exchange of
services rendered by employees. Employee benefits include those provided
under formal plan or as per informal practices which give rise to an obligation
or required as per legislative requirements. These include performance bonus
(payable within 12 months) and non-monetary benefits such as housing, car
or subsidized goods or services to current employees, post-employment
benefits, deferred compensation and termination benefits. Benefits provided
to employees’ spouses, children, dependents, nominees are also covered.
Short-term employee benefits should be recognised as an expense
without discounting, unless permitted by other AS to be included as a cost of
an asset.
Cost of accumulating compensated absences is accounted on accrual basis
and cost of non-accumulating compensated absences is accounted when the
absences occur.
Cost of profit sharing and bonus plans are accounted as an expense when
the enterprise has a present obligation to make such payments as a result of
past events and a reliable estimate of the obligation can be made. While
estimating, probability of payment at a future date is also considered.
Post employment benefits can either be defined contribution plans,
under which enterprise’s obligation is limited to contribution agreed to be
made and investment returns arising from such contribution, or defined
benefit plans under which the enterprise’s obligation is to provide the
agreed benefits. Under the later plans if actuarial or investment experience
are worse then expected, obligation of the enterprise may get increased at
subsequent dates.
In case of a multi-employer plans, an enterprise should recognise its
proportionate share of the obligation. If defined benefit cost can not be
reliably estimated it should recognise cost as if it were a defined contribution
plan, with certain disclosures (in para 30)
State Plans and Insured Benefits are generally Defined Contribution Plan.
Cost of Defined contribution plan should be accounted as an expense on
accrual basis. In case contribution does not fall due within 12 months from the
balance sheet date, expense should be recognised for discounted liabilities.
The obligation that arises from the enterprise’s informal practices should
also be accounted with its obligation under the formal defined benefit plan.
For balance sheet purpose, the amount to be recognised as a defined
benefit liability is the present value of the defined benefit obligation reduced
by (a) past service cost not recognised and (b) the fair value of the plan asset.
An enterprise should determine the present value of defined benefit
obligations (through actuarial valuation at intervals not exceeding three
years) and the fair value of plan assets (on each balance sheet date) so that
amount recognised in the financial statements do not differ materially from
the liability required. In case of fair value of plan asset is higher than liability
required, the present value of excess should be treated as an asset.
For determining Cost to be recognised in the profit and loss account for the
Defined benefit plan, following should be considered :
Current service cost
Interest cost
Expected return of any plan assets
Actuarial gains and losses
Past service cost
Effect of any curtailment or settlement
Surplus arising out of present value of plan asset being higher than
obligation under the plan.
• Actuarial Assumptions comprise of following :
Mortality during and after employment
Employee Turnover
Plan members eligible for benefits
Claim rate under medical plans
The discount rate, based on market yields on Government bonds of
relevant maturity.
Future salary and benefits levels
In case of medical benefits, future medical costs (including
administration cost, if material)
Rate of return expectation on plan assets.
• Actuarial gains / losses should be recognised in profit and loss account as
income / expenses.
o Past Service Cost arises due to introduction or changes in the defined
benefit plan. It should be recognised in the profit and loss account over the
period of vesting. Similarly, surplus on curtailment is recognised over the
vesting period. However, for other long – term employee benefits, past service
cost is recognised immediately.
o The expected return on plan assets is a component of current service cost.
The difference between expected return and the actual return on plan assets
is treated as an actuarial gain / loss, which is also recognised in the profit and
loss account.
o An enterprise should disclose information by which users can evaluate the
nature of its defined benefit plans and the financial effects of changes in those
plans during the period. For disclosures requirement refer to para 120 to 125
of the standard.
o Termination benefits are accounted as a liability and expense only when
the enterprise has a present obligation as a result of a past event, outflow of
resources will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate of it
can be made. Where termination benefits fall due beyond 12 months period,
the present value of liability needs to be worked out using the discount rate. If
termination benefit amount is material, it should be disclosed separately as
per AS – 5 requirements. As per the transitional provisions expenses on
termination benefits incurred up to 31 March, 2009 can be deferred over the
pay-back period, not beyond 1 April, 2010.
o Transitional Provisions
When enterprise adopts the revised standard for the first time, additional
charge on account of change in a liability, compared to pre-revised AS – 15,
should be adjusted against revenue reserves and surplus.
At the inception, lease should be recognised as an asset and a liability at lower of fair
value of leased asset and the present value of minimum lease payments (calculated
on the basis of interest rate implicit in the lease or if not determinable, at lessee’s
incremental borrowing rate).
Lease payments should be appropriated between finance charge and the reduction of
outstanding liability so as to produce a constant periodic rate of interest on the
balance of the liability.
Depreciation policy for leased asset should be consistent with that for other owned
depreciable assets and to be calculated as per AS 6.
Disclosure should be made of assets acquired under finance lease, net carrying
amount at the balance sheet date, total minimum lease payments at the balance
sheet date and their present values for specified periods, reconciliation between total
minimum lease payments at balance sheet date and their present value, contingent
rent recognised as income, total of future minimum sub lease payments expected to
be received and general description of significant leasing arrangements.
The lessor should recognize the asset as a receivable equal to net investment in
Disclosure should be made of total gross investment in lease and the present value
of the minimum lease payments at specified periods, reconciliation between total
gross investment in lease and the present value of minimum lease payments,
unearned finance income, unguaranteed residual value accruing to the lessor,
accumulated provision for uncollectible minimum lease payments receivable,
contingent rent recognised, accounting policy adopted in respect of initial direct
costs, general description of significant leasing arrangements.
Lessors should present an asset given on lease under fixed assets and lease income
should be recognised on a straight-line basis or other systematic basis, if appropriate.
Initial direct costs are either deferred over lease term or recognised as expenses.
If the transaction of sale and lease back results in a finance lease, any excess or
deficiency of sale proceeds over the carrying amount should be amortized over the
lease term in proportion to depreciation of the leased assets.
If the transaction results in an operating lease and is at fair value, profit or loss
should be recognised immediately. But if the sale price is below the fair value any
profit or loss should be recognised immediately, however, the loss which is
compensated by future lease payments should be amortized in proportion to the
lease payments over the period for which asset is expected to be used. If the sales
price is above the fair value the excess over the fair value should be amortised.
In a transaction resulting in an operating lease, if the fair value is less than the
carrying amount of the asset, the difference (loss) should be recognised immediately.
Note : Leases applies to all assets leased out after 1st April, 2001 and is mandatory.
Elimination of cost to the parent of the investment in the subsidiary and the parent’s
portion of equity of the subsidiary at the date of investment. The difference to be
treated as goodwill/capital reserve, as the case may be.
Minority interest in the net income to be adjusted against income of the group.
The tax expense (current tax and deferred tax) of the parent and its subsidiaries to
be aggregated and it is not required to recompute the tax expense in context of
consolidated information (ASI-26).
• Effective date when mandatory – (a) For listed companies and their
subsidiaries – 1-4-2001 (b) For other companies - 1-4-2002 (c) All other
enterprises - 1-4-2003.
• The differences between taxable income and accounting income to be
classified into permanent differences and timing differences.
• Permanent differences are those differences between taxable income and
accounting income, which originate in one period and do not get reverse
• Timing differences are those differences between taxable income and
accounting income for a period that originate in one period and are capable of
reversal in one or more subsequent periods.
• Deferred tax should be recognised for all the timing differences, subject to the
consideration of prudence in respect of deferred tax assets (DTA).
When enterprise has carry forward tax losses, DTA to be recognised only if there is
virtual certainty supported by convincing evidence of future taxable income.
Unrecognised DTA to be reassessed at each balance sheet date. Virtual certainty
refers to the fact that there is practically no doubt regarding the determination of
availability of the future taxable income. Also, convincing evidence is required to
support the judgment of virtual certainty (ASI-9).
• In respect of loss under the head Capital Gains, DTA shall be recognised only
to the extent that there is a reasonable certainty of sufficient future taxable
capital gain (ASI - 4). DTA to be recognised on the amount, which is allowed as
per the provisions of the Act; i.e., loss after considering the cost indexation as
per the Income Tax Act.
• Treatment of deferred tax in case of Amalgamation
• in case of amalgamation in nature of purchase, where identifiable assets /
liabilities are accounted at the fair value and the carrying amount for tax
purposes continue to be the same as that for the transferor enter price, the
difference between the values shall be treated as a permanent difference and
hence it will not give rise to any deferred tax. The consequent difference in
depreciation charge of the subsequent years shall also be treated as a
permanent difference.
• The transferee company can recognise a DTA in respect of carry forward
losses of the transferor enterprise, if conditions relating to prudence as per AS
22 are satisfied, though transferor enterprise would not have recognised such
deferred tax assets on account of prudence. Accounting treatment will depend
upon nature of amalgamation, which shall be as follows :
• Tax expenses for the period, comprises of current tax and deferred tax.
• Current tax [includes payment u/s 115JB of the Act
(ASI-6)] should be measured at the amount expected to be paid to (recovered
from) the taxation authorities, using the applicable tax rates.
• Deferred tax assets and liabilities should be measured using the tax rates and
tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance
sheet date and should not be discounted to their present value. Deferred Tax
to be measured using the regular tax rates for companies that pay tax u/s
115JB of the Act (ASI-6).
• DTA should be disclosed separately after the head ‘Investments’ and deferred
tax liability (DTL) should be disclosed separately after the head ‘Unsecured
(ASI-7) in the balance sheet of the enterprise. Assets and liabilities to be
netted off only when the enterprise has a legally enforceable right to set off.
• The break-up of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities into major
components of the respective balances should be disclosed in the notes to
• The nature of the evidence supporting the recognition of deferred tax assets
should be disclosed, if an enterprise has unabsorbed depreciation or carry
forward of losses under tax laws.
• The deferred tax assets and liabilities in respect of timing differences which
originate during the tax holiday period and reverse during the tax holiday
period, should not be recognised to the extent deduction from the total
income of an enterprise is allowed during the tax holiday period. However, if
timing differences reverse after the tax holiday period, DTA and DTL should be
recognised in the year in which the timing differences originate. Timing
differences, which originate first, should be considered for reversal first (ASI-3)
and (ASI-5).
• On the first occasion of applicability of this AS the enterprise should recognise,
the deferred tax balance that has accumulated prior to the adoption of this
Statement as deferred tax asset / liability with a corresponding credit / charge
to the revenue reserves.
a. Entering into binding sale agreement for substantially all of the assets
attributable to the Discontinuing Operation.
b. Enterprise’s Governing body has approved a detailed, formal plan for the
discontinuance and made an announcement of the plan.
The venturer’s share in the post acquisition reserves of the jointly controlled entity
should be shown separately under the relevant reserves in the consolidated financial
statements (ASI-28).