Snake Game Report
Snake Game Report
Snake Game Report
Final Report
Problem Statement/ Objective:.................................................................................................................2
Software Requirements:............................................................................................................................2
List of use cases:....................................................................................................................................2
Use-case Model......................................................................................................................................2
Use Case Diagram:................................................................................................................................2
Sequence Diagram:................................................................................................................................3
Software design:........................................................................................................................................5
Software Implementation:........................................................................................................................6
Programming Language/Tool Selection...............................................................................................6
Software Used:.......................................................................................................................................6
Visual Studio:.....................................................................................................................................6
Microsoft Word.................................................................................................................................6
Software Testing:.......................................................................................................................................6
Test items...............................................................................................................................................7
Test cases................................................................................................................................................7
Snake game is very popular in world wide every one like to play this game because it is very easy and
simple. Snake game is a computer action game and its goal are to control the move of snake and collect
food. In this document I develop a snake game. In this game snake have to collect the food. Aster
collecting each food score is added. Player can control the snake using the keys (up, down, left, right).
Experimental results show that our design method able to generate smart controllers.
Software Requirements:
Let’s take a look on the requirements that are needed to introduce the software of Calligraphy
Recognition System.
The purpose of this Requirement Specification document is to clear the requirements of
the system and to decide what the game should do and what the game should not do.
List of use cases:
There are 3 cases that are used in our developed application which are as follows:
1. User launches the game
2. Play game
3. Display Scoreboard
4. User hits an obstacle
Use-case Model
Use-case model contains use-case diagram and details of use-cases. Use-case diagram is a
graphical representation of user’s interaction with the system. Use-case diagram can portray the
different types of users of a system and ways that they interact with system. Use cases list is
mentioned in use case diagram.
Use Case Diagram:
User Display
Score is
User hits an
obstacle Game over is
displayed with
try again option
Use-case diagram
Sequence Diagram:
Player Game
Hits dot
Test cases
The following are the test cases for the Snake Game. As black is the head of snake:
TEST CASE 1 – Game Execution
• Incorrect Input: User cannot run code properly or there must be an error.
• Pass Criteria: the system shows an appropriate message that there must be an error in your
• Correct Input: The correct input would be that code run properly and there is no error in code.
• Pass Criteria: The pass criteria is game executed and display the game screen.
TEST CASE 2 – Left Function
• Incorrect Input: incorrect input is that user may not press valid key like left arrow key.
• Pass Criteria: The Snake didn’t change their direction and after touch to boundary game
• Correct Input: the user presses valid key like left arrow key.
• Pass Criteria: The Snake change their direction to Left.