Brain and Behavior Reflection
Brain and Behavior Reflection
Brain and Behavior Reflection
understand psychology. It takes physical evidence and helps us to come to conclusions about
what can be causing people to behave the way they do. It touches on subjects from every part
of the body and introduces ideas from animal-based studies. It is truly incredible to me some of
the human biology I have had the opportunity to learn about this semester. There are so many
things I would love to do with some of the technology that is available to people doing research
in the field.
I truly believe that there must be physical evidence to account for why people behave
the way they do. Some of the most interesting things we learned about were, the biology of the
human senses, parts of the brain and more detail into their relationship with the human body,
more detail about the nervous system, sleeping, and brain waves. The field itself is so broad, I
could see going into almost every aspect of it into far more detail. It is a subject that can use
more research, and the things that people could do with knowledge gained would be very
The class does more than just follow the curriculum of the book though. Each week, we
would have group discussions about various TED talks, or other material so that we can each
give a little bit more of our perspective about various topics. The topics are still related to brain
and behavior, but they really show how there is a little more to the science than just data. What
people believe about the data, and what is being shared is debatable and is something that
more people should be talking about. It is incredible to me how much my mind has changed
from listening to some of the various talks and discussions, particularly about evolution, but
me a long time to finish reading a book with my busy lifestyle. I was pleased that Kylee
volunteered to read the book with me and reading this book at this time in my life I feel has
been very important. I feel like it is a major time in my life where I can make decisions that
really affect my future and knowing that it may affect my brain health has been life changing. I
feel more inspired and motivated to live a healthier life and to exercise more even though most
of the time in the past it is something that I have always been putting on the back burner.
I can certainly respect everything I have learned about sleeping this semester, and in
Keep Sharp, but it has been a very difficult semester for me in this regard. As much as I want to
slow things down and be very planned out about everything, there is no way for me right now.
My life is busier than it has ever been, and I am looking forward to some much-needed time off
this summer.