1910pasp 22 165e
1910pasp 22 165e
1910pasp 22 165e
By Ferdinand Ellerman.
© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System
Publications of the
© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System
Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System
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© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 167
it was found that the clouds which continually hung over the
mountains north of Honolulu would greatly interfere, as they
came right in line of the comet. A site south and east of
Honolulu was therefore considered, and it was found that at
Diamond Head a clear eastern horizon was obtainable, and a
site was selected on the south slope about 150 feet above the
ocean and 300 feet back from it. A splendid road circles
Diamond Head and made the site easily accessible from Hono-
lulu. The electric cars run to the base of the slopes of the
¿rater and within about a mile of the shelter, but as the cars
stop running at midnight I made the trips from Honolulu at
night on a motorcycle, which I found very practical, as the
roads around the city in general were splendid.
There was no running water to be had, however, so the
plates were taken to the cottage I had rented, and all the dark-
room and laboratory work was done in the bathroom, which
was transformed for this purpose. The water supply of Hon-
olulu comes from the streams in the mountains and answers
very well for all photographic purposes.
The shelter, whose co-ordinates were λ =1570 48'.5, ψ =
21° 15'.5, was constructed of a frame-work of pine, well
braced to withstand the wind, and covered with canvas. A
partition divided the observing-room, which was about nine
feet square, from the darkened room for changing plates. The
roof was mounted on castors and rolled back to the north,
giving a free sweep of the sky.
The weather during the greater portion of April was very
unfavorable. While very little rain fell at Diamond Head,
the clouds were dense. The comet was first sighted on April
14th and 15th, but only a few minutes' exposure obtained.
There were no observations till the 25th on account of clouds.
From about the 25th, to the 17th of May, the sky was good
most of the mornings and a good set of photographs was
obtained. There were, however, some clouds, especially low
. down, which interfered every morning and covered the head
of the comet until it was from 50 to 120 high.
On May 18th the sky was cloudy till about 3 p. m., when
the clouds began to disperse, and by 3:30 was perfectly clear
until 6 o'clock (G. M. T. 1411 to ι6113θιη). The definition of
the Sun most of the time was good and the granulation came
© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System
Publications of the
© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System