Biology 9 Icse Sample Paper 1
Biology 9 Icse Sample Paper 1
Biology 9 Icse Sample Paper 1
Class IX Biology
Paper - 1
Time: 2 hrs Total Marks: 80
General Instructions:
1. Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
2. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in
reading the question paper.
3. The time given at the head of the paper is the time allotted for writing the answers.
4. Attempt all questions from Section I and any four questions from Section II.
5. The intended marks of questions or for parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].
Question 1
(b) Select one suitable term from the brackets and fill in the blanks:
(i) The female reproductive part of a flower is the __________. [carpel, stamen, corolla]
(ii) Vallisneria is pollinated by __________. [water, air, animals]
(iii) __________ is a false fruit. [Mango, Apple, Grape]
(iv) The joint present in the elbow is the __________ joint. [ball and socket, hinge, pivot]
(v) The branch of science that deals with the study of cell and its function is
__________. [Botany, Ecology, Cytology] [5]
(c) State one point of difference between the following pairs on the basis of what is
indicated in the brackets.
(i) Parasitic and saprophytic nutrition [definition]
(ii) Centrosome and chromosome [location]
(iii) Algae and fungi [mode of nutrition]
(iv) Respiration and photosynthesis [product formed]
(v) Stomata and lenticels [guard cells] [5]
(d) Define:
(i) Pollination
(ii) Apocarpous gynoecium
(iii) Incubation period
(iv) Antibiotics
(v) Peristalsis [5]
(e) State whether the following are True or False. Correct and rewrite the statements
(i) Cross-pollination requires abiotic or biotic agents.
(ii) In mammals, the neck contains eight vertebrae.
(iii) Keratin gives colour to the skin.
(iv) Fats are non-essential components of food.
(v) All bacteria are useful to man. [5]
(h) The given figure shows a cell organelle.
Question 2
(b) Write the functions of:
(i) Stigma
(ii) Chromosomes
(iii) Phloem
(iv) Sweat gland
(v) Roughage [5]
Question 3
(b) Define:
(i) Cross pollination
(ii) Immunity
(iii) Thallophyta
(iv) Radial symmetry
(v) Yeast [5]
Question 4
(i) State the role of nitrifying bacteria.
(ii) State three harmful effects of bacteria. [5]
Question 5
(b) [5]
(i) List any three health problems in India.
(ii) State two functions of WHO.
Question 6
(b) Write an experiment to prove that air, water and temperature are needed for the
germination of seeds. [5]
Question 7
(i) List the merits of local defence systems.
(ii) How will you control mosquitoes? [5]
(i) State three characteristics of fish.
(ii) Draw the structure of a maize grain. [5]