Medieval Russia: A Source Book
Medieval Russia: A Source Book
Medieval Russia: A Source Book
Article 4
If a person strikes another with an unsheathed sword, or with the hilt of a
sword, he pays twelve grivnas for the offense.
Articfe 3 Article 12
If a person hits another with a stick, or a rod, or a fist, or a bowl, or a If anyone steals another's horse, or weapon, or clothes, and the owner recognizes
[drinking} horn, or the dull side of a sword, he is to pay twelve griz·nas fine; it within his township, he gets back his property and three grivnas for the
if the offender is not hit back [by his victim}, he must pay, and there the offense.
matter ends.
Article I 3
If anyone should recognize his scolen property, he should neither take it nor
say to a person, "This is mine"; he should say as follows: "Let us go to the
Fwm M. N. Tikhomiruv, Pr;Jobit' dlit1 1;;11chemia N11s.rkoi Prt11'{/r (An Aid for ilw Studv of
Russian Jusricd (Moscow, I~dardstvo Moskovskogu Univusnet,;, t9'i )), pp. 7 ',-8(1. Tr:rns-
place where you got it"; if he will not go immediately, he must post bond
latiun mine. Items in brackets are mine. · within five days.
I Kievan R11s Ruskaia Pravda: The Short Version
Article 14 Article 21
If a business partner should demand money from his associate and the latter And for a prince's steward, eighty grivnas; and for a master of the stable
should demur, he must be brought to a court of twelve men; and if it should [killed} near his livestock, also eighty grivnas, as decreed by Iziaslav when
be established that he [the associate} cheated, the partner shall receive his the Dorogobuzhians killed his master of the stable.
share and three grivnas for the offense.
Article 22
Article 15 For (the murder of} an elder of a prince's village, or for a field overseer, twelve
If the original owner should recognize his [runaway} slave and should want grivntis; and for the helper of a steward, five grivnas.
him back, the present owner shall lead him to the party from whom he
purchased the slave, and he may go the second party; and should the matter Article 23
go to the third party, the third party should be told: "Give me back my And for the killing of a peasant or a five grizirias.
slave, and try to get your money back [from the fourth party} with the aid
of an eyewitness." Article
And if a slave-nurse or her son is killed, twelve grivnas.
Article r6
If a slave should hit a free man and then hide in the house of his master, Article 25
and the master should be unwilling to him up, the slave must be And for [the killing of} a prince's horse, if the laccer has a brand, three grivntis,
and his master must pay twelve grivnas fine; and the offended free man may and for a peasant's horse, two grivnas.
beat that slave wherever he finds him.
Article 26
Article 17 And for a mare, sixty rezantis; for an ox, one grivna; for a cow, forty rezanas;
And if anyone should break [someone's} spear, or shield, or damage his clothes, for a three-year-old cow, fifteen kunas; for a yearling (heifer}, one-half grivna;
and then should want to keep [these items}, he must pay for them; and if for a calf, five rezanas; for a yearling ewe, one nogatrt; and for a yearling ram,
he should insist on returning the damaged article he must pay for the value one nogtlta.
of that article.
The Law of the Rus Land enacted at a meeting of Princes Iziaslav, Vsevolod, Article
and Sviatoslav, and the advisors Kosniachko, Pereneg, Nikifor of Kiev, Chu- If anyone should abduct someone's male or slave, he has co pay twelve
din, and Mikula. grivnas for the offense.
Article 18 Article 28
Should a bailiff be killed deliberately, the killer muse pay eighty grinias fine; If a man should come bleeding or bruised, he needs no witness.
the people are not co pay; and for [the murder of} a prince· s adjutant, eighty
grtvnas. Article 29
And whoever steals either a horse or an ox, or robs. a barn, if he is alone he
Article 19 has to pay one grivna and thirty rezanas; if there were as many as eighteen
And if a bailiff is killed in a high-way attack and the people do not search thieves, each pays three grivncu and thirty rezanas.
for the killer, the fine will be paid by that locality when.: the killed official is
found. Article 30
And if anyone damages or bums a prince's bee hive, three grivnas.
Article 20
Should a bailiff be killed near a barn, or near a horse [stable}, or a livestock Article JI
[shed}, or [trying to prevent} rustling of cattle, the murderer should be killed And if anyone should torture a peasant, without the pnnce·s order, three
like a dog; the same law is apnlicable to the murderer of a steward. grivnas for the offense.
Kie1•,m Rus Ruskaia Pravda: The Short Venion 41
Article Article 42
And [for the torture of} a bailiff, a steward, or a sheriff, twelve grivnas. The following is the tax collecting custom: the collectors [during their journey}
should receive seven buckets of malt, a ram or some other meat or two nogatas;
Article and on Wednesday one rezana or cheese; the same on Friday; and as much
And whoever should plow over the property line or destroy a property mark, bread and millet as they can eat; and two chickens per day; and shelter for
twelve grivnas for the offense. four of their horses and feed for them, as much as they can eat; the collectors
should [collect} sixty grivnas, ten n:zanas, twelve veveritws, and a grivna in
Article 34 advance; and during Lent collectors should receive fish and should get seven
And whoever steals a boat, he has to pay [the mvner} thirty rezanas for the rezanas for fish; during a week they should receive fifteen ktmas and food as
boat, and sixty rezanas fine. much as they can eat; tax collectors should complete their task in one week;
such is laroslav' s decree.
Article 35
And for [the theft of} a dove or a chicken, nine kunas. Article 43
The following is the code of bridge builders: when they complete a bridge,
Article 36 they should receive for their work one nogota; also one nogata for every span;
And for [the theft of} a duck, a goose, a crane, or a swan, thirty rezanas and and if an old bridge needs repair of several planks, three, or four, or five, the
a fine of sixty rezanas. same payment.
Article 3 7
And if anyone steals someone's hunting dog, or a hawk, or a falcon, three
grivnas for the offense.
Article 38
If anyone should kill a thief in his own yard, or at the barn, or at the stable, The Church Statute of Kiev
he is [justly] killed; if, however, anyone detains the thief till daylight, he must
bring him to the prince's court; and should he [the thief} be killed, and A few years after he became a convert to Christianity, Vladimir granted
should people see that the thief was bound, the killer must pay for him. the Church many rights and privileges. His son and successor, Iaroslav
the Wise, bestowed upon the Church additional favors. The original
Article 39 copies of these two vital documents have not been preserved. There do
If anyone should steal hay, nine kunas; and for wood, nine kunas. however, two editions of Iaroslav·s "Church Statute"-the West
Rus, or what may be appropriately called the early edition, and the East
Article 40 Rus, or late edition. Both appeared many decades after the original
If a gang of ten thieves should steal an ewe, or a goat, or a pig, each must document was issued and as a consequence include within their provisions
pay a fine of sixty rezanas. a number of later practices and expressions.
Article 41 I, Grand Prince Iaroslav, son of Vladimir, in accordance with the wish of my
And whoever should apprehend a thief receives ten rezanas; and a sheriff
receives fifteen kunas from three grivnas [of fines collected}; fifteen ktmas go
[to the Church} as tithe; and the prince receives three grivnas. And from From Pohwe Solmmie Rwskzkh Letopi.re1 (Complete Colleniun uf Russian Chronicles) 2d edition
twelve grivnas of theft, the apprehender of the thief will receive seventy ktmas; (Moscow-Leningrad: 1925), vul. V, pp. r20-122. Translation mine. lt<:ms in btackets are
[the Church] two grivnas as tithe; and the prince ten grivnas. rnint:,