Legacy System Migration Workbench (LSMW) Workbook For Loading Master Data

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1 THE COMPANY Upload instructions............................................3

2 Setting up the LSMW...................................................................4
3 Maintain Object Attributes.............................................................9
4 Maintain Source Structures.........................................................21
5 Maintain Source Fields................................................................25
6 Maintain Structure Relations.......................................................44
7 Maintain Field mapping & Conversion Rules..............................46
8 Maintain Fixed Values, Translations, User-defined Routines......51
9 Specify Fields..............................................................................52
10 Assign Files..............................................................................57
11 Read Data................................................................................60
12 Display Read Data...................................................................63
13 Convert Data............................................................................65
14 Display Converted Data...........................................................67
15 Create Batch Input Session.....................................................69
16 Run Batch Input Session.........................................................71

1 Upload instructions
When loading HR Master Data into the Production system via LSM, the following
LSMW must be used in the order specified.

NB: You will notice that I have, on each Excel Spreadsheet, coloured the data
that has already been uploaded into Production, in yellow. This means that
should additional data have to be loaded via LSMW, the same spreadsheet can
be used but only the additional data be loaded.

The LSMW upload order is:

Sequence No. LSMW Name Excel Spreadsheet Name
1 ZHRORG Org Upload for Workflow_FINAL
2 ZHRORG2ORG Org2Org Upload for Workflow_FINAL
3 ZHRPOS Position Upload for Workflow_FINAL
4 ZHRORG2POS Org2Pos Upload for Workflow_FINAL
5 ZHRPOS2POS POS2POS Upload for Workflow_FINAL
6 ZHREMPLOY Employee Upload for Workflow_FINAL
7 ZHREMP2POS Employee to Position Upload_FINAL

NOTE: The ZHREMP2POS LSMW must only be used if the relationship between
a position and an employee did not materialize. The user will notice this when
looking for an employee on the structure and the employee does not exist.

The Procedure for uploading this data is described below:

2 Setting up the LSMW

Follow the steps below when creating an HR LSMW.

Step 1: Create a spreadsheet with entries e.g., Organisational Units

01011900 31129999 10000000 THE COMPANY THE COMPANY
01011900 31129999 10000001 IT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
01011900 31129999 10000002 OPERATIONS OPERATIONS
01011900 31129999 10000003 TECHNICAL TECHNICAL
01011900 31129999 10000004 HR HUMAN RESOURCES
01011900 31129999 10000005 MKT (COTY) MARKETING (COTY)
01011900 31129999 10000006 MKT (YOL) MARKETING (YARDLEY)
01011900 31129999 10000007 FINANCE FINANCE
01011900 31129999 10000008 SALES & DIST SALES & DISTRIBUTION
01011900 31129999 10000009 BUS DEV BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT
01011900 31129999 10000010 FACTORY FACTORY
01011900 31129999 10000011 FACTORY (YOL) FACTORY (YOL)
01011900 31129999 10000012 FACTORY (COTY) FACTORY (COTY)
01011900 31129999 10000013 SITE SERVICES SITE SERVICES
01011900 31129999 10000014 SITE SERV (YOL) SITE SERVICES (YOL)
01011900 31129999 10000015 SITE SERV (COTY) SITE SERVICES (COTY)
01011900 31129999 10000016 PURCHASING PURCHASING
01011900 31129999 10000017 PLANNING PLANNING
01011900 31129999 10000018 PLANNING (YOL) PLANNING (YOL)
01011900 31129999 10000019 PLANNING (COTY) PLANNING (COTY)

Step 2: Log onto SAP

Step 3: T-Code: LSMW
Step 4: LSMW Screen appears

Step 5: Maintain the following fields:
 Project: Enter a name for the project e.g., ZHRORG.
 Subproject: Enter a name for the subproject e.g., ZHRORG. This name
should be the same as that for Project.
 Object: Enter a name for the object e.g., ZHRORG. This name should be
the same as that for Project.

The screen should now look something like this:

Step 6: Click again in the Project field

 Click on the Create button

 A pop-up screen “Create Project” appears

 In the Description field, enter a long name for the LSMW e.g., ZHR
Organisation Units

Step 7: Click on the Continue / Enter button.

 The screen expands to enable you to give a description for the subproject.

 Repeat this for subproject and object.

Your screen should now look like this.

Step 8: Click on the Continue / Enter button.

The Legacy System Migration Workbench screen appears again.

Step 9: Click on the Continue/F8 button.

The LSM Workbench screen appears.

3 Maintain Object Attributes

Step 1: Double click on Maintain object attributes.

The LSM Workbench: Display object attributes screen appears.

Step 2: Click on the Display < > Change / Ctrl + F1 button so that the screen
changes to “LSM Workbench: Change object attributes” as shown below

Step 3: Click on the Recordings: Overview button (see arrow)

The Recordings of project ‘ZHR1’: Overview screen appears.

Step 4: Click on the Create Recording / Ctrl + F1 button.

A pop-up screen “Recordings of project ‘ZHR1’: Overview” appears.

Step 5: Give the recording a name e.g. ZHRA and a description e.g. ZHRA
Testing Org Structure. NB: The recording name must be different from your
project name.

Your screen should look something like this:

Step 6: Click on the Continue / Enter button.

A pop-up screen “Transaction Code” appears.

Step 7: In the Transaction Code field, enter the transaction code you will be
recording, e.g. PO10 (used in HR for creating an organizational unit).

Your screen should look like this:

Step 8: Click on the Continue / Enter button.

The recording goes to the SAP system.

The Maintain Organisational Unit screen appears.

Step 9: Maintain the following fields in the order explained.

 Plan Version field: Click once in the Plan Version field. The field should
contain the value “01” or have “Current Plan Version”.
 Organisational Unit field: Cleat the contents and enter the correct ID
number e.g. 10000000 for THE COMPANY (as per spreadsheet).
 Time Period: Click once in the From field and once in the To field.
 Click once on the Planned tab.
 Click once on the Active tab.

 Infotype Name: Click on the box next to the infotype to be maintained. In
this case the “Object” infotype is to be maintained. (see arrow).
 Menu Path: Edit > Create Infotype.

The Add Object screen appears.

 Object abbr. field: Enter the short name of the object to be created e.g.
 Object Name field: Enter the long name of the object to be created e.g.
 Menu Path: Infotype > Save

The Maintain Organisational Unit screen appears again.

Step 9: Click on the Back / F3 button.

The Create Recording screen appears.

Step 10: The last 2 lines can be deleted (see arrows) by selecting one line and

clicking on the Remove screen field button. Repeat for the next

Step 11: Click on the Default all pushbutton.

A pop-up screen Information appears.

Step 12: Click on the Continue / Enter button.

The Create Recording screen should look like this:

Step 13: Double click on the pink section of the MARKFIELD line (as indicated
by the arrow).

A pop-up screen Maintain Field Properties appears

Step 14: Maintain the following fields

 In the Name field, enter MARK

 In the Description field, enter MARK.

Step 15: Click on the Continue / Enter button.

The screen should now look like this.

Step 16: Save this screen

Step 17: Click on the Back button x 2

The Recordings of Project XXXX: Overview screen appears again.


Step 18: Click on the radio button next to Batch Input Recording (see arrow 1.).
Step 19: Click in the field next to Recording (See arrow 2.) A search option

button will appear.

Step 20: Click on this button. The last recording done will default into the
Recording field.
Step 21: Press enter on your keyboard.
Step 22: Save this screen.
Step 23: Click on the back button.

The LSM Workbench screen appears again with the next radio button

4 Maintain Source Structures

Step 1: Double click on Maintain Source Structures.

The LSM Workbench: Display Source Structures screen appears.

Step 2: Click on the Display < > Change / Ctrl + F1 button.

The screen changes to LSM Workbench: Change source structures

Step 3: Highlight the word “Source structures” by clicking once on the line

Step 4: Click on the Create Structures button.

A pop-up screen Create source structure appears.

Step 5: Maintain the following fields:

 Source Structure field: Give the source structure a name e.g., ZHRTest.
NB: There must be no spaces in this entry.
 Description field: Give the source structure a description e.g. ZHR
Testing 123.

Your screen should look something like this:

Step 6: Click on the Continue / Enter button.

The LSM Workbench: Change source structures screen should now look like

Step 7: Save the screen and click on the back button.

The LSM Workbench screen appears again. This time the third radio button is

5 Maintain Source Fields

Step 1: Click on the first radio button again (Maintain object attributes)

Step 2: Click on the Object Overview pushbutton.

A pop-up screen Display object overview appears.

Step 3: Click on the option “Table”.

The LSM Workbench: Object Overview (Table) appears.

Step 4: Position cursor at PLVAR.

Step 5: Select Ctrl + Y. The cursor becomes a cross.

Step 6: Select the area from PLVAR, across to CHAR 002, down to STEXT
CHAR 040. This section should now be highlighted.
Step 7: Go Ctrl+C (to copy)
Step 8: Open an excel worksheet
Step 9: Select cell A1 and go Ctrl + V (to paste)

Your excel spreadsheet should look like this.

Step 10: Select the first column of text.

Step 11: Follow Menu Path: Data > Text to Columns.

A pop-up screen Convert text to columns Wizard – Step 1 of 3 appears.

Step 12: Click on “Next >”.

Step 2 appears.

Step 13: Move the line (see arrow) to just before the P for Plan version.

Step 14: Scroll across until you see CHAR columns.

Step 15: Insert a line as shown below.

Step 16: Click on “Next >”

Step 3 of 3 appears.

Step 17: Click on Finish.

The Excel spreadsheet should now look like this:

Step 18: Change the entries in Column C (see solid arrow) so that they are all
Step 19: Delete Column “D”. (See dotted arrow).
Step 20: Move Column B to after the numbers (see screen dump below in terms
of what the spreadsheet should now look like)

The spreadsheet should now look like this:

Step 21: Select the first column entries again.

Step 22: Go Ctrl + C (to copy)

Step 23: Go to Sheet 2 of the workbook
Step 24: Right click in A1.
Step 25: Select Paste Special

A pop-up screen “Paste Special” appears.

Step 26: Select “Transpose” (see arrow).

Step 27: Click on OK

Sheet 2 of your workbook should now look like this.

Step 28: Do the same for column D in sheet 1. This time Paste Special into
Sheet 2, cell A2.

Your Sheet 2 should now look like this:

Step 29: Under Plan Version: Enter “01” in all fields.

Step 30: Under Search Term: Access original spreadsheet with master data to
be copied. The search terms refers to the OBJ ID number. In this case the object
ID numbers will be those that look like this: 10000000. 10000001 etc. (See

01011900 31129999 10000000 THE COMPANY THE COMPANY
01011900 31129999 10000001 IT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
01011900 31129999 10000002 OPERATIONS OPERATIONS
01011900 31129999 10000003 TECHNICAL TECHNICAL
01011900 31129999 10000004 HR HUMAN RESOURCES
01011900 31129999 10000005 MKT (COTY) MARKETING (COTY)
01011900 31129999 10000006 MKT (YOL) MARKETING (YARDLEY)
01011900 31129999 10000007 FINANCE FINANCE
01011900 31129999 10000008 SALES & DIST SALES & DISTRIBUTION
01011900 31129999 10000009 BUS DEV BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT
01011900 31129999 10000010 FACTORY FACTORY
01011900 31129999 10000011 FACTORY (YOL) FACTORY (YOL)
01011900 31129999 10000012 FACTORY (COTY) FACTORY (COTY)
01011900 31129999 10000013 SITE SERVICES SITE SERVICES
01011900 31129999 10000014 SITE SERV (YOL) SITE SERVICES (YOL)
01011900 31129999 10000015 SITE SERV (COTY) SITE SERVICES (COTY)
01011900 31129999 10000016 PURCHASING PURCHASING
01011900 31129999 10000017 PLANNING PLANNING
01011900 31129999 10000018 PLANNING (YOL) PLANNING (YOL)
01011900 31129999 10000019 PLANNING (COTY) PLANNING (COTY)

Step 31: Copy all the data in this column (except for the heading).
Step 32: Access Sheet 2 of the LSMW worksheet and paste under SEARCH
TERM column.
Step 33: From the original worksheet, copy the FROM DATE column data (Not
the heading). This data should look like this: 01011900. This data must be
copied into the BEGDA column.
Step 34: From the original worksheet, copy the TO DATE column data (Not the
heading). This data should look like this: 31129999. This data must be copied
into the ENDDA column in the LSMW Worksheet.
Step 35: On the LSMW worksheet, in the TIMR6 column, enter a capital X in all
the fields
Step 36: On the LSMW worksheet, in the MARK column, enter a capital X in all
the fields.
Step 37: From the original worksheet, copy the SHORT column data (Not the
heading) (See arrow). This data must be copied into the SHORT column on the
LSMW spreadsheet.

01011900 31129999 10000000 THE COMPANY THE COMPANY
01011900 31129999 10000001 IT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
01011900 31129999 10000002 OPERATIONS OPERATIONS
01011900 31129999 10000003 TECHNICAL TECHNICAL
01011900 31129999 10000004 HR HUMAN RESOURCES
01011900 31129999 10000005 MKT (COTY) MARKETING (COTY)
01011900 31129999 10000006 MKT (YOL) MARKETING (YARDLEY)
01011900 31129999 10000007 FINANCE FINANCE
01011900 31129999 10000008 SALES & DIST SALES & DISTRIBUTION
01011900 31129999 10000009 BUS DEV BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT
01011900 31129999 10000010 FACTORY FACTORY
01011900 31129999 10000011 FACTORY (YOL) FACTORY (YOL)
01011900 31129999 10000012 FACTORY (COTY) FACTORY (COTY)
01011900 31129999 10000013 SITE SERVICES SITE SERVICES
01011900 31129999 10000014 SITE SERV (YOL) SITE SERVICES (YOL)
01011900 31129999 10000015 SITE SERV (COTY) SITE SERVICES (COTY)
01011900 31129999 10000016 PURCHASING PURCHASING
01011900 31129999 10000017 PLANNING PLANNING
01011900 31129999 10000018 PLANNING (YOL) PLANNING (YOL)
01011900 31129999 10000019 PLANNING (COTY) PLANNING (COTY)

Step 38: From the original worksheet, copy the LONG column data (Not the
heading) (See arrow). This data must be copied into the STEXT column in the
LSMW Worksheet.

01011900 31129999 10000000 THE COMPANY THE COMPANY
01011900 31129999 10000001 IT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
01011900 31129999 10000002 OPERATIONS OPERATIONS
01011900 31129999 10000003 TECHNICAL TECHNICAL
01011900 31129999 10000004 HR HUMAN RESOURCES
01011900 31129999 10000005 MKT (COTY) MARKETING (COTY)
01011900 31129999 10000006 MKT (YOL) MARKETING (YARDLEY)
01011900 31129999 10000007 FINANCE FINANCE
01011900 31129999 10000008 SALES & DIST SALES & DISTRIBUTION
01011900 31129999 10000009 BUS DEV BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT
01011900 31129999 10000010 FACTORY FACTORY
01011900 31129999 10000011 FACTORY (YOL) FACTORY (YOL)
01011900 31129999 10000012 FACTORY (COTY) FACTORY (COTY)
01011900 31129999 10000013 SITE SERVICES SITE SERVICES
01011900 31129999 10000014 SITE SERV (YOL) SITE SERVICES (YOL)
01011900 31129999 10000015 SITE SERV (COTY) SITE SERVICES (COTY)
01011900 31129999 10000016 PURCHASING PURCHASING
01011900 31129999 10000017 PLANNING PLANNING
01011900 31129999 10000018 PLANNING (YOL) PLANNING (YOL)
01011900 31129999 10000019 PLANNING (COTY) PLANNING (COTY)

The spreadsheet should now look like this:

Step 39: Save this spreadsheet as an xls. file
Step 40: Save spreadsheet as TXT file.
Step 41: Return the LSMW Workbench where the LSM Workbench: Object
Overview (Table) screen is displayed.

Step 42: Click the Back button.

The maintain LSMW screen is displayed and the radio button next the Maintain
Source Fields is activated.

Step 43: Double-click on the Maintain Source Fields option.

The LSM Workbench: Change source fields screen appears

Step 44: Click once on the yellow line where the source field title is.

Step 45: Click on the Table Maintenance button

The Source Fields of Source Structure XXXX appears.

Step 46: Go back to the spreadsheet that looks like this:

Step 47: Select all the entries and Copy.

Step 48: Go back to the LSMW screen Source Fields of Source Structure
Step 49: Paste the data into this table.
The Source Fields of Source Structure XXXX screen should now look similar
to this:

Step 50: Save the screen and go back a screen with the Back button.

The LSM Workbench: Change Source Fields screen appears.

Step 51: Save the screen and go back a screen with the Back button.

The main LSMW screen appears again, with the Maintain Structure Relations
option highlighted.

6 Maintain Structure Relations

Step 1: Double-click on the Maintain Structure relations options.

The LSM Workbench: Display structure relations screen appears.

Step 2: Click on the Display < > Change button.

The screen changes to LSM Workbench: Change structure relations.

Step 3: Save this screen.
Steps 4: Click on the back button.

The LSM Workbench screen appears again, with the option “Maintain field
mapping and conversion rules” selected.

7 Maintain Field mapping & Conversion Rules

Step 1: Double click on this option.

The LSM Workbench: Display field mapping and conversion rules screen

Step 2: Click on the Display < > Change button.

The screen changes to LSM Workbench: Change field mapping and
conversion rules.

Step 3: Follow the Menu Path: Extras > Auto-Field Mapping.

A pop-up screen “Auto-Field Mapping: Settings” appears.

Step 4: Select the following radio buttons:

 Process all target fields
 Only process initial target fields
 Match fields with identical names
 Only apply rule “Transfer (MOVE)”
 Without confirmation

Step 5: Click on the Continue/Enter button.

Another pop-up screen “Information” appears

Step 6: Click on the Continue / Enter button.

Your screen should now look like this:

Step 7: Save the screen.

Step 8: Click on the Back button.

The LSM Workbench screen appears again, with the option “Maintain field
values, translations, user-defined routines” highlighted.

8 Maintain Fixed Values, Translations, User-defined

Step 1: Double click on this option.

The LSM Workbench: Fixed value, translation, individual routines screen


Step 2: Click on the back button.

The LSM Workbench screen appears again.

9 Specify Fields

Step 1: Click on the radio button next to the option “Specify fields”.

Step 2: Double click on this option.

The LSM Workbench: Specify files (Display) screen appears.

Step 3: Click on the Display < > Change button.

The screen changes to LSM Workbench: Specify files (change).

Step 4: Click on the top option “Legacy data” (see arrow) and click on the Create

A pop-up screen File on Frontend: Edit properties appears.

Step 5: Click on the search function button to access the txt file which
contains the master data.
Step 6: Description field: Give the file a description.

Step 7: Select the following fields:
 Data for one source structure (table)
 Tabulator
 Field names at the beginning of the file
 Record end indicator (text file)
The screen should now look like this:

Step 8: Click on the Continue / Enter button.

Step 9: Save the screen.

Step 10: Click on the Back button.

The LSM Workbench screen appears again, with the next option Assign Files

10 Assign Files

Step 1: Double click on the Assign files option.

The LSM Workbench: Assign files (Display) screen appears.

Step 2: Click on the Display < > Change button.

The screen changes to LSM Workbench: Assign files (Change)

Step 3: Save this screen.

Step 4: Click on the Back button.

The LSM Workbench screen appears again with the next option, Read Data,

11 Read Data

Step 1: Double click on this option.

The LSM Workbench: Read data for XXXX appears.

Step 2: Click on the Execute button.

The LSM Workbench: Read data for XXXX appears.

Step 3: Click on the Back button (x 2)

The LSM Workbench screen appears again with the next option, Display Read
Data selected.

12 Display Read Data

Step 1: Double click on this option.

A pop-up screen, Display Read Data, appears.

Step 2: Click on the Continue / Enter button.

The LSM Workbench: Display Read Data appears.

Step 3: Click on the Back button.

The LSM Workbench screen appears again with the next option, Convert Data,

13 Convert Data

Step 1: Double-click on this option.

The LSM Workbench: Convert Data for XXXX appears.

Step 2: Transaction number: 2 to 100.

Step 3: Click on the Execute button.

The LSM Workbench: Convert Data XXXX appears.

Step 4: Click on the Back button (x 2)

The LSM Workbench screen appears again with the next option, Display
converted data, selected.

14 Display Converted Data

Step 1: Double click on this option.

A pop-up screen, Display converted data, appears.

Step 2: Click on the Continue / Enter button.

The LSM Workbench: Display converted data screen appears.

Step 3: Click on the Back button.

The LSM Workbench screen appears again with the next option, Create batch
input session, highlighted.

15 Create Batch Input Session

Step 1: Double click on this option.

The LSM Workbench: Create Batch Input Session screen appears.

Step 2: Tick the box next to “Keep Batch Input Session(s)?” (See arrow)
Step 3: Click on the execute button.

A pop-up screen “Information” appears.

Step 4: Click on the Continue/Enter button

The main LSMW screen appears with the final option “Run Batch Input Session”

16 Run Batch Input Session

Step 1: Double-click on this option.

The Batch Input: Session Overview screen appears.

Step 2: Click on the grey box (see arrow) next to the top line. This option is now
highlighted. In the status column “New” is indicated. The latest batch session is
always posted in the top line.

Step 3: Click on the Process Session button.

A pop-up screen “Process Session XXXX” appears.

Step 4: Click on the radio button next to “Display errors only”. (See solid arrow).
Step 5: Click in the box next to “Expert Mode”. (See dotted arrow)
Step 6: Untick the box next to “Dynpro Standard Size”.

The screen should now look like this:

Step 7: Click on the Process button.


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