Accepance Testing HI-TRAC HSWIM (Aug-04)
Accepance Testing HI-TRAC HSWIM (Aug-04)
Accepance Testing HI-TRAC HSWIM (Aug-04)
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Acceptance Test Vehicles
1.3 Static Weight Measurement
1.4 Calculation of Accuracy based on Mean Impact
Factor and Coefficient of Variation
1.5 COST 323 and ASTM E1318-02 Recommendations
and Standards for Acceptance Testing
TDC Systems Limited HI-TRAC®100 – Acceptance Test Procedures
¾ The HI-TRAC® 100 is a medium or high speed traffic classification and weigh-in-
motion (WIM) system. The HI-TRAC® 100 system provides a low-cost means of
recording traffic data without interruption to traffic flow. The HI-TRAC® 100 will
detect and record traffic at speeds from 5 to at least 200 kph.
¾ The signal from the piezo-electric sensors is monitored by the HI-TRAC® 100 and
used to calculate the axle loading, vehicle speed and vehicle inter-axle separation
as the vehicle passes over the road sensor array. The recommended WIM sensor is
the MSI Class I BL Piezo Electric Sensor
¾ The inductive loop serves as a vehicle presence detector ensuring that data
ascertained from the piezo electric sensors is assigned to the vehicle passing over
the sensors at that time.
¾ The HI-TRAC® 100 system utilizes the TDC Systems Neural Network Temperature
Compensation Algorithm to continually fine tune axle load temperature
compensation for optimum system performance and accuracy.
¾ The acceptance test procedures outlined below are based on those specified by the
UK Highways Agency on recommendations from the TRL (UK Transport Road
Research Laboratory). The acceptance testing was not dissimilar to the
recommendations laid down in COST 323 or the equivalent ASTM Standard E1318-
¾ The results shown in the procedures that follow are taken from actual calibration and
acceptance tests on a HI-TRAC 100 system installed in February 2004 in the UK.
TDC Systems Limited HI-TRAC®100 – Acceptance Test Procedures
i) 2-Axle Rigid
ii) 3-Axle Rigid
iii) 5-Axle Articulated
The acceptance test vehicles are weighed accurately on a recently calibrated axle
weighbridge. The load cells fitted in the axle weighbridge are OIML R60 Class III
approved. Axle weights and gross weight are required for acceptance test calculations.
TDC Systems Limited HI-TRAC®100 – Acceptance Test Procedures
1.4 Calculation of Accuracy based on Mean Impact Factor and Coefficient of Variation
The vehicles pass over each lane of the sensor array at a constant speed of between 50
and 100KPH. The axle loading is recorded using the HI-COMM 100 software package
by viewing and printing from the real-time view mode, or alternatively by noting the serial
numbers of the vehicle records and recalling them later from the downloaded VBV data.
It is important that the vehicles travel smoothly across the sensor array. The vehicles
should not change gear, accelerate or decelerate as they pass over the site. The
vehicles should maintain the same position on the road, central to the lane, on each
repeated pass.
Note the temperature (via the menu option on the HI-TRAC 100) at which the calibration
is performed. This is important as the HI-TRAC 100 will compensate about temperature
variations from the calibration temperature according to the temperature coefficient
The Mean Impact Factor (MIF) is determined by calculating the Impact Factor (IF) of
each axle for the ten passes of the three vehicles then calculating the mean i.e. MIF.
The overall MIF should be between 0.9 and 1.1 to meet the UK DfT specifications.
The overall COV should be less than 18% to meet UK DfT specifications.
1.5 COST 323 and ASTM E1318-94 Recommendations and Standards for Acceptance
According to COST 323 Class B(10) is used for: infrastructure design, maintenance or
evaluation and pre-selection of overloaded vehicles.
COST 323 recommends static measurement of calibration vehicle weights using load
cell based weighing instrumentation as described in Section 1.3 above.
For ASTM E1318-94 a TYPE III WIM system requires GVM ±6% for 95% confidence.
For ASTM E1318-94 a TYPE II WIM system requires GVM ±15% for 95% confidence.
TDC Systems Limited HI-TRAC®100 – Acceptance Test Procedures
TDC Systems Limited HI-TRAC®100 – Acceptance Test Procedures
Pass ID Number Speed Axle 1 Axle 2 Axle 3 Axle 4 Axle 5 GVW Temp
1 62 6350 8640 6590 6410 4820 32810 13
2 62 6730 7850 6660 6790 5160 33190 12
3 63 6590 8660 6910 6880 4850 33890 12
4 58 6870 7980 6960 7080 5130 34020 12
5 61 6900 7840 6820 6700 4970 33230 12
6 46 6540 8190 7100 6980 4820 33630 15
7 47 6810 8160 7380 6560 5360 34270 15
8 47 6630 8390 7470 6340 5140 33970 15
9 48 6580 8470 7200 6630 4680 33560 15
10 47 6760 8460 7240 6620 5410 34490 15
Average 6680 8260 7030 6700 5030 33710
MIF 0.93 0.94 1.09 1.09 1.10 1.02
TDC Systems Limited HI-TRAC®100 – Acceptance Test Procedures
Pass ID Number Speed Axle 1 Axle 2 Axle 3 Axle 4 Axle 5 GVW Temp
1 60 6850 7980 6970 6680 5390 33870 11
2 65 6690 9130 6820 6460 4970 34070 11
3 66 6370 9120 6850 6570 4730 33640 11
4 65 6930 7630 7160 7060 4990 33770 11
5 61 6900 8200 7110 6750 4910 33870 11
6 48 6490 8100 6520 6350 5070 32530 14
7 50 6300 8160 7050 6140 5030 32680 13
8 46 6570 8030 6660 6690 4930 32880 13
9 49 6390 8510 6740 5870 5030 32540 13
10 47 6680 8160 7080 7090 5170 34180 13
Average 6620 8300 6900 6570 5020 33400
MIF 0.92 0.95 1.07 1.07 1.10 1.01
NOTE: In RED vehicles with gross weight error greater than 10%
The vehicles were selected and loaded to provide a wide range of axle weights.
The vehicles were passed over the sensor arrays in lanes 1 and 2 at a range of speeds.
Lane 2 was not as extensively tested as lane 1 due to the normal speed of traffic in this
lane compared to maximum speed of the test vehicles.
The results were recorded in the tables above. The overall mean impact factor is
calculated from the average of the axles (or gross) impact factor. This should be close to
unity for a correctly set-up WIM system.
The COV gives an indication of the variation of the WIM system. The MIF and COV
together give an indication of good WIM operation and accuracy.
The results comply with accuracy requirement of COST 323 Class B(10). The gross
weights highlighted in red show gross weights exceeding the ±10% gross weight
accuracy tolerance.
The vehicle weight results shown in the tables above refer to downloaded and stored
vehicle-by-vehicle data records. These are available in Microsoft Access format and can
be viewed using Microsoft Access or the HI-COMM 100 software package.