MTBMLE Grade 2 Weeks 1-5

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The Daily Lesson Plans for Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual

Education (MTB-MLE) for Grade 2 would have not been possible without the

cooperation, support and desire of identified teachers, school heads, district

supervisors, the division MTB-MLE coordinator, CID Chief, assisstant schools

division superintendent and schools division superintendent of Schools

Division Office of Legazpi City who outstandingly extended their efforts in the

development of this teachers’ material. Great acknowledgement is extended.

Writers Demonstration Teacher: Validators and Evaluators:

Amelita MArantal Concepcion C. Gapayao Concepcion C. Gapayao

Eleanor Sevilla Amelita A. Bismonte Mhark Alan M. Peṅa

Hedda R. Baldon Melanie D. Perez Maridel M. Navarro

Joy A. Atos Mercy J. Bertiz Phoebe S. Santiago

Lea Asul Chin O. Añonuevo Zorayda B. revelo

Lea Bibe Hazel O. Suarez Nonie S. Conda

Shiela Rognao Agbes B. Nase Marites B. Tongco

Raquel Jacob

Layout Artist:

John Claude R. Caunca

Week 1
Day 1: Noting important details in grade level texts:
(character, setting, plot) ……………….. 1
Day 2: Identify and use naming words in sentences
Identify the elements of the story. ……………….. 6
Day 3: Rhyming Words in a Poem, Poster Making
Values: Love and respect for family members ……………….. 10
Day 4: Fill Out Form
Values: Accuracy and honesty ……………….. 14
Day 5: Listening & Singing a Song
Value Focus: Family togetherness & being helpful ………... 18

Week 2
Day 1: Listening & Singing a Song
Value Focus: Family togetherness & being helpful ………... 19
Day 2: Poster Making
Value Focus: Family’s love and unity, helpfulness ………... 22
Day 3: Classify Naming Words ……………….. 25
Day 4: Noting Details
Story: Si Orly kan Bagyong Reming ……………….. 27
Day 5: Story, Poem and Fill out forms (e.g. school forms)
Reading of a poem – Pamilyang Mahigos ……………….. 32

Week 3
Day 1: Correct Sequence of 3-5 events in a story ……………….. 36
Day 2: Consonant Blends – br, dr, gr, kr, pr, tr ……………….. 41
Day 3: Express Ideas Through Poster Making ……………….. 47
Day 4: Fill out forms (e.g. school forms) ……………….. 51
Day 5: Correct Sequence of Events
Consonant Blends (br, dr, gr, kr, pr, tr)
Fill- out form using cursive handwriting ……………….. 56

Week 4
Day 1: Expressing Ideas Through Poster Making
Value Focus: Unity, Teamwork ……………….. 58
Day 2: Reading of Consonant Blends, Clusters, and Digraphs ……... 61
Day 3: Identifying and using collective nouns ……………….. 65
Day 4: Sequencing 3 to 5 events in a story ……………….. 69
Day 5: Filling Out Forms ……………….. 74

Week 5
Day 1: Poster Making ……………….. 79
Day 2: Parts of a Sentence (Subject and Predicate) ……………….. 82
Day 3: Reading for Learning and Pleasure ……………….. 85
Day 4: Affixes, Rootwords & Its Meaning ……………….. 88
Day 5: Spelling and Writing ……………….. 91
(Week 1-Day 1)

Theme: My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem

I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard:
1. Possesses developing language skills and cultural awareness
necessary to participate successfully in oral communication in different
2. Demonstrates knowledge and skills in word analysis to read, write in
cursive and spell level words.
3. Demonstrates expanding knowledge and use of appropriate grade level
4. Demonstrates understanding of grade level literary and informational
B. Performance Standard:
1. Uses developing oral language to name and describe people, places,
and concrete objects and communicate personal experiences, ideas,
thoughts, actions, and feelings in different contexts.
2. Applies word analysis skills in reading, writing in cursive and spelling
words independently.
3. Uses expanding vocabulary knowledge and skills in both oral and
written form.
4. Comprehends and appreciates grade level narrative and informational
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
1. Participate actively during story reading by making comments and
asking questions using complete sentences. (MT2 OL – I – a-6.2.1)
2. Read a large number of regularly spelled multi – syllabic words.
(MT2PWR - IA – b – 7.3)
3. Use words unlocked during story reading in meaningful contexts.
(MT2 VCD–Ia-i-1.2)
4. Note important details in grade level narrative texts:
a. character b. setting c. plot (problem and solution)
(MT2 LC – Ia – b.1.1.1)

II. Content:
Noting important details in grade level texts:
a. character b. setting c. plot (problem and solution)

III. Learning Resources:

A. References:
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials p.3
3. Textbooks
4. Additional Materials from LR (portal)
B. Other Learning Resources:
K to 12 MTB CG p.84 Story, chart, Pictures, Activity sheets
Value Focus: Respect to Family Member

IV. Procedure:
A. 1. Review
Let the children sing “Kun Kita Nagtitiripon” LM p. 3
Ask: How do you feel when you are with your friends/family?
What will you do to make your friends/family happy?

2. Motivation
Show picture of a family.
Ask: Who are in the picture?
Do you love your family? Why?

3. Unlocking of Difficulties
The teacher unlocks the difficult words in the story through pictures.
Direction: Match the pictures with the words. Connect with a line.




4. Motive Question:
Why is the family of Mang Jose happy one day?

B .1.Presentation
The teacher reads the story aloud while the pupils follow silently.
(Standard in silent reading).

Maogmang Pamilya

Sarong aldaw, nagkatiripon an pamilya ni Tiyo Jose. ”Marhay pa

mapasyar kita sa Sabado,” an sabi ni Tiyo Jose. “Sain po kita maduman?” hapot
ni Michael. “Maduman po kita sa bagong mall digdi sa Legazpi para
makapaglibot – libot.” an sabi ni Karen. “Makawat ako duman kan paborito kong
rides, an sugpon man ni bunso. “Makaon kita sa restawran para matanaan an
saindang mga pigpreparar na luto,” an sabi ni Tiya Azon.
“Sige magtarabang muna kita maggibo kan mga gibohon digdi sa harong
tangani makapamasyar kita sa Sabado. “sabay simbag ni Tiyo Jose. Maogmang
nagtarabang an gabos kaya natapos tulos an mga gibohon sa harong.
Aldaw nin Sabado atab na nagpreparar an pamilya ni Tiyo Jose para sa
pamamasyar. Kan maluwas na sinda sa harong biglang nag uran nin makusugon
buda may kasabay na makusog na duros. Nahadit si Tiyo Jose sa kamugtakan
kan panahon. Nagbalik sinda sa saindang sala dangan naghalat-halat na
magpundo an uran. Pagkalipas nin pirang minutos nagpundo na an uran dangan
an makusog na paros. Nalawos man giraray an saindang pamamasyar.
Nagduman sinda sa lugar na gusto ninda pasyaran. Nagkawat an mga aki
pagkatapos nagkaon sinda sa paborito nindang restawran.
“Sana pirmi kita mag-iriban para pirmi maogma an satuyang pamilya,” an
sabi ni Karen. Maugmahon an pamilya ni Tiyo Jose na nag–uli sa saindang
harong. Nahiling sa saindang pandok an kaugmahan na namatian sa ginibong

2. Comprehension Check-up:

1. Why is the family of Mang Jose happy?

2. What did they do before they go to the mall?
3. Who are the characters in the story?
4. Where did the family of Mang Jose go one Saturday?
5. What did they do in the mall?
6. What happened when they are about to leave the house?
7. What did they do?
8. What were their plans that day?
9. Was their plan attained that day?
10. How did they feel when they went home?
11. Did the family have a happy time together? Why?
12. Which part of the story you like best?
13. How do you feel when going to places like the mall? What other
places do you enjoy going to?

C. Development of the Lesson
1. Group Activities:
Group 1 - Read the story again “Maugmang Pamilya “and complete the
Characters Setting Problem Solution

Group 2 – Read the following sentences. Place the name of the

characters in the red box, yellow for the settings and blue for the plot.

1. Maugmahon an pamilya ni Tiyo Jose na nag-uli sa saindang harong.

2. Sarong aldaw nagkatiripon an pamilya ni Tiyo Jose.
3. Maugmang nagtarabang an gabos kaya natapos tulos an mga gibuhon
sa harong.
4. Kan maluwas an pamilya sa harong biglang nag uran nin makusog
may kasabay na makusog na duros.
5. Aldaw nin sabado atab na nagpreparar an pamilya ni Tiyo ni Jose para
sa pamamasyar.

Group 4 – Dramatize the part of the story where the family enjoyed at the
Rubrics for Dramatization
Excellent Very Good Good Poor
5 pts. 4 pts. 3 pts. 2 pts.
-Uses appropriate -Uses appropriate -Uses appropriate -Does not use
gestures with eye gestures with eye gestures with eye appropriate
contact to contact to contact to gestures with eye
audience always. audience most of audience contact to
-Shows the time. sometimes. audience.
appropriate facial -Shows -Shows -Does not show
expression all the appropriate facial appropriate facial appropriate facial
time. expressions most expression expression.
-Delivers lines of the time. sometimes. -Does not deliver
with correct -Delivers lines -Delivers lines lines with correct
phrasing, with correct with phrasing, phrasing,
intonation, diction phrasing, intonation, diction intonation, diction
and stress all the intonation, diction and stress and stress.
time. and stress all the sometimes. -Shows No
-Shows full time. -Shows 25% mastery of the
mastery of the -Shows 50% mastery of the presentation.
presentation. mastery of the presentation.

2. Presentation of each group/Processing

Let each group present their output in front of the class. Discuss each activity.

3. Application:
How do you spend your free time with your family? Is it important to have
time with your family? Why?
4. Generalization:
What are the elements of the story?
(The elements of the story are characters, setting, and plot.)

IV. Evaluation:
Read the story and answer the questions that follow:

Si Biboy, an Matinabang na Aki

Si Biboy aki nina Tata Tasyo buda Nana Minda. Aroaldaw paghale sa
eskwelahan pagkahapon tulos na nagsasanli si Biboy kan saiyang uniporme
para tabangan an saiyang ama sa uma. Nagbabaribi siya kan saindang gulayan
buda pighahali nya an mga duot. Maugmahon an saiyang magurang nin huli ta
matinabang na aki si Biboy. Gusto ni Biboy na makatabang sa saiyang
magurang sa mga gibohon sa uma.
Sarong aldaw, udto ng nagimata si Biboy. Matamlay na nagsabi sa
saiyang ina na may kalintura siya. Nahadit an saiyang magurang. Sinabi ni Nana
Minda na dai na muna siya magklase buda magpahingalo na muna.
Nagpahingalo si Biboy nin pirang aldaw hanggan siya marahay. Kan marhay na
an pagmati nya tulos ining nag-eskwela. Dai s’ya nakakalingaw na magtabang sa
saiyang ama sa mga gibuhon sa uma.

Let the pupils answer the following questions. Encircle the letter of the correct

1. Sisay an mga tawuhan sa istorya?

a. Biboy, Nana Minda, Tata Tasyo
b. Berto, Nana Azon, Tata Tonio
c. Boboy, Nana Nilda, Tata Mando
2. Saen nangyari an istorya?
a. harong buda uma b. park buda simbahan c. saudan buda
3. Nata dai nakaeskwela buda dai nakatabang sa uma si Biboy?
a. nahulog sa kahoy b. pigkalintura c. nadapa
4. Anong klaseng aki si Biboy?
a. ugakon b. matinabang c. utikon
5. Ano an naukudan nindo sa istorya?
a. Pabayaan sana an magurang sa mga gibohon sa harong.
b.Sabihon sa magurang na maghanap na lang nin ibang katabang.
c.Magtabang sa mga gibohon sa harong.

V. Agreement:
Let the pupils read a short story that they like best. Let them identify the
characters, setting, plot (Problem and solution) in the story.

(Week 1-Day 2)

Theme: My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem

I. A. Content Standard: The learner
1. Demonstrates knowledge of and to read grade level in word analysis to
read, write in cursive and spell grade level words.
2. Demonstrates the ability to read grade level words with sufficient
accuracy speed, and expression to support comprehension.
3. Demonstrate understanding of grade level narrative and informational
4. Demonstrates understanding and knowledge of language grammar and
usage when speaking and/ or writing.

B. Performance Standard: The learner

1. Applies word analysis skills in reading, writing in cursive and spelling
words independently.
2. Reads with sufficient speed, accuracy, and proper expression in
reading grade level text.
3. Uses literary and narrative texts to develop comprehension and
appreciation of grade level appropriate reading materials.
4. Speaks and writes correctly and effectively for different purposes using
the basic grammar of the language.

C. Learning Competency/ Objectives

1. Read a large number of regularly spelled multi-syllabic words
(MT2 PWR-Ia-b.7.3)
2. Read aloud grade level text with an accuracy of 95% - 100%
(MT2 F – Ia–i -1.4)
3. Note important detail in grade level narrative texts:
a. character b. setting c. plot (problem and solution)
(MT2 RC – I – a – b – 1.1.1)
4. Identify and use naming words in sentences
(MT2 GA –I.a-21.1)

II. Content
Topic: Identify and use naming words in sentences
Identify the elements of the story.

III. Learning Resources:

A. References: CG p.34 – MTB MLE 2
1. Teacher’s Guide: p.13 – 15 – MTB MLE 2
2. Learner’s Materials: 9-10
3. Textbooks
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal
B. Other Learning Resources: chart, story, pictures
Value Focus: Respect to Family Member

IV. Procedure:
A. Review: Let us recall the story, “An Maogmang Pamilya.”
Who are the characters in the story “An Maogmang Pamilya?”
Where did it happen?
What were the important events happened in the story?
B. Presentation:
Show the picture on LM page 9.

Ask: Who are in the picture?

What are the things that you see in the picture?
Where can you find this place?
What are the animals seen in the picture?
The teacher will write the answers on the board.
Say: The words you mentioned are called naming words.
These are names of persons, things, animals, places, and events.
Give more examples of naming words.

C. Development of the Activity:

Group Activity:
Group 1 – Underline the naming word/s in the following sentences:
1. An Bulkan Mayon mahihiling sa Albay.
2. Masimba kami sa Domingo sa Cathedral.
3. Si Ms. Ana Cruz an bago mi na paratukdo sa Filipino.
4. An samuyang ama mahigos magtrabaho sa uma.
5. Mahamis an hinog na mangga.
Group 2 – Read the short story. Complete the graphic organizer using the
story given.

An Magkambal
Si Ian buda si Iya magkambal. Dakol sinda na magkaparehong gusto.
An saro sa gusto ninda gibuhon iyo an magkawat nin holen. Nagkakawat sinda
sa natad kan harong ninda kun warang klase. Sarong aldaw, nawawara an mga
kawatan ninda kasabay an saindang holen. Pighanap ninda ini sa laog kan
harong, pero dai ini nakukua. Pighapot ninda an saindang ina pero dai man daa
ini pigsaray. Nagduman sinda Ian buda Iya sa likod kan saindang harong
nahiling ninda na pigkakawatan an mga kawatan ninda kan saindang ataman na
ayam. Nagparaibi an magkambal. Sinabihan na lang sinda kan saindang ina na
babakalan na lang pero nangako sinda na isasaray na an mga kawatan
pagkatapos ini gamiton.

Titulo kan Istorya

Tawohan Pinangyarihan Problema Solusyon

Note: Rubrics: Please refer to Rubrics for Graphic Organizer in Week 3

Session 3
Answer the following questions: (Write your answers in the graphic organizer).
1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. Where did the story happen?
3. What happened to their toys?
4. What did they do to find their toys?

Group 3 – Write the following words in their proper column.

Tawo Bagay Hayop Lugar

baka sukray simbaham mall dyip

libro aki ayam relo sinehan
ospital paratukdo lapis parke holen

Presentation of the output /Processing

Children present their output in front of the class. Process each activity.


A. Tell if it is a character, setting or plot of the story.

1. Mario
2. sa uma
3. nakabakal nin project sa eskwelahan
4. nawara an pitaka
5. sa may simbahan

B. Write letter A if it is a name of person, B for thing, C for animal and

D for place.
______1. kompyuter
______2. eskwelahan
______3. ikos
______4. relo
______5. inhenyero

What are naming words?
(An mga tataramon na nagsasabi nin ngaran nin tawo, bagay, hayop, o lugar
iyo an pangangaran.)

IV. Evaluation:
Direction: Encircle the naming word/s in the following sentences.
1. Si Arlan an napili na maging presidente ka samuyang klase.
2. Nahulog an aki sa kahoy.
3. Pigtutukduan ako ni Inay magbasa sa harong.
4. Igwa akong ataman na ayam sa harong.
5. Maduman kami sa mall sa Sabado.

V. Agreement.
Give two examples for each of naming word (names of persons, places,
animals and things) and use it in own sentences.

(Week 1 - Day 3)

1. Demonstrates the ability to formulate ideas into sentences or longer
texts using conventional spelling.
2. Demonstrates the ability to read grade level words with sufficient
accuracy speed, and expression to support comprehension.
3. Demonstrates positive attitude towards language, literacy, and

1. Uses developing knowledge and skills to write clear and coherent
sentences, simple paragraphs, and friendly letters from a variety of
stimulus materials.
2. Reads with sufficient speed, accuracy, and proper expression in
reading grade level text.
3. Values reading and writing as communicative activities.

1. Express ideas through poster making.
2. Read grade level text with appropriate speed.
3. Identify rhyming words in poem consisting of two or three stanzas

II. CONTENT: Rhyming Words in a Poem, Poster Making

Values: Love and respect for family members


K to 12 Curriculum Guide in MTB-MLE pages 83-84
MTB-MLE LM’s pages 2-3
Poem: “An Sakuyang Pamilya”, Aki Ko, pictures,

1. Review the story previously read.
A. What was the story about?
B. (Teacher will provide a piece of paper) Draw part of the story you
liked best.
C. Call a pupil to say something about his/her drawing.

1. Unlock difficult words found in the poem through pictures and context clues

*maogmahon –Maogmahon an magtugang kan namasyar

sinda sa Albay Park & WildLife

* matrangkilo – Matrangkilo an pamilya kun dai nag –iiriwal.

* nagkakatiripon – An pamilya maugma pag kompleto

na nagkakatiripon.
1. Motivation :
Where does your family go on Sundays?
2. Motive Question:
Why did the child say that he has a happy family?


1. Teacher will read the poem:

An Sakuyang Pamilya

Pamilya mi pirming maugma

Kung nagkakatiripon baga,
Si Ina buda si Ama pirming naghahanda
Si Ate, si Kuya nagtatabang man sinda
Kami pirmi iriba iba sana.

Sa aldaw nin Sabado

Sa SM Mall kami nagpapapresko
Kun aldaw man nin Domingo
Pamilya mi sa simbahan kan Albay nagdederetso
Ini an pamilya ko, buhay matrangkilo.

1. Comprehension Check Up:
1. Why did he/she say that they are a happy family?
2. Who do you think is talking in the poem?
3. What your family do on Saturday or Sunday?
4. Is your family happy? Why do you say so?
5. What good values did you learn from the poem?
6. How do you show love and respect to your parents and to other
members of the family?
2. Teacher will flash words from the poem then let the pupils read.
maugma naghanda sainda sana
nagpapapresko matrangkilo Sabado Domingo

Ask: How many syllables does each word has? Let’s Clap it.
Call a pupil to spell a word.


1. Teacher will read the poem with the pupils with appropriate speed and
Call a volunteer to read the poem with appropriate speed.
2. Read each pair of words on a of paper strip.
maugma - baga nagahanda - sainda
Sabado - Domingo nagpapapresko - matrangkilo
Ask: In what sounds do the words end with?
Do they have the same sound?


1. Divide the class into three groups.

Group1 –IKABIT MO! Match the picture that rhymes

puto lola

uma lobo

Basurahan pasyaran

Group 2 – ISURAT MO! Write the missing word to complete the rhyme.
Pamilya mi maogma
Kami pirmi ________
Pag aldaw nin Sabado
Kami tarabang na __________

Group 3 – IDROWING MO! Make a poster of a happy family.

Say something about it.

2. Group presentation.


1. Let pupils read the poem with accuracy and appropriate speed by
group, by two’s then call a volunteer to read it by herself/himself.
2. What good values did you learn from the poem?

What are rhyming words?

A. Write on your notebook the words that rhyme.

Aki Ko
Aki ko, aki ko
Ika padaba ko
Gabos sakong gingibo
Para sa ikararahay mo.

Pangadyi ko sa kagurangnan ta
Magdakula kang may paggalang sa kapwa
Maging maboot, mapinadaba
Buhay maging matrangkilo

B. Make a poster about the things that your family likes to do together.
Write a sentence about it with words that rhyme.
Rubrics: Idea 5%
Creativity 3%
Neatness 2%
TOTAL 10 %

Write 5 pair of words that rhyme.

(Week 1 Day 4)

1. Demonstrates developing knowledge and skills and strategies to
listen, read and write for specific purposes.
2. Demonstrates knowledge and skills in word analysis to read, write in
cursive and spell grade level words.

1. Uses his developing knowledge and skills to listen, read and write for
specific purposes.
2. Applies word analysis skills in reading, writing in cursive and spelling
words independently

1. Fill out forms (e.g. school forms)
2. Write upper and lower case letters using cursive strokes. (Oo)

II. CONTENT: Fill Out Form

Values: Accuracy and honesty


K to 12 Curriculum Guide in MTB-MLE pages 83-84
Poem: “Siisay Ako”, pictures, blank forms, metacards

A. Review:
What are rhyming words?
Give each group of 3 met cards. Tell them to write pair of words that
Read and check if the words rhyme.

Ask: Who do you think are in the picture?

1. Motivation:
Do you also have a friend? Who is your bestfriend?

2. Motive Question:
What was asked by his friend?

1. Teacher will read the poem

Siisay Ako?
Siisay ako?
Hapot kan bago kong amigo.
An ngaran ko po Anselmo.
An edad ko pito.

Nakaistar sa syudad nin Legazpi

EM’s Barrio an lugar na harani sa Bicol University
Kadakol na mga tindahan an mahihiling digdi
Maboboot an mga tawo buda magagalang pati.

An ama ko si Pedro,trabaho nya parauma

An ina ko si Maria na sarong labandera
An tugang ko duwa, si Miko buda Mika,
Kami dai nag- iiriwal, pamilya mi pirming maogma.


1. Comprehension Check Up:
1. What was asked by his new friend?
2. Who do you think is talking in the poem?
3. What other details/information about Anselmo was mentioned in
the poem?
4. Is it necessary to know important details about yourself? Why?
5. Do you think Anselmo is proud of his family? Why did you say so?
6. Are you also proud of your family? In what way?
7. How do you show love and care to your friend?
8. What good values did you learn from the poem?
9. Is it necessary to be accurate and be honest in giving personal details
or information about oneself? Why?
2. Let the pupils read the poem with correct speed and intonation by
pair/ group.
3. Call any volunteer to read.


1. Show a sample of an identification card (ID)


NAME; Oscar M.Sevilla

ADDRESS: Brgy.1 EM’S Barrio, Legazpi City
SCHOOL: EM’S Barrio Elementary School
In case of emergency, please contact:
Omar E. Sevilla

1. Where and when do you use an ID?
A. What information or details that you can see in an ID?
B. List down pupil’s answer.
Let’s read:
name, address , name of school ,
name of contact person ,contact number
2. What is the beginning letter of the name? (O)
A. Give names that start with O?
B. Let’s practice writing big letter O and small letter o in cursive form.
C. Write Oo in cursive form on air, on your desk, at the back of
your seatmate and on your lap.
D. Call a volunteer to do a board work.


1. Divide the class into three groups .Each group will be given different

GROUP 1: Fill out the form correctly.

School Form
Pangaran kan Eskwelahan :_____________________
Pangaran :__________Grado & Seksyon:__________
Kompleanyo: ____________ Edad : ____________
Ngaran kan Ama:___________Trabaho :_________
Ngaran kan Ina : ___________Trabaho : _________
Bilang kan mga tugang : _________

GROUP 2: Acting out situation.

Nag-iba ka ki Mama mo sa SM Mall.Legazpi City. Mantang nagpipili si
Mama mo kan babakalon nyang bado, may nahiling kang mga kawatan.
Nawili ka saka naglibot-libot hanggang sa nareparo mo na nawawara ka
na. May nahiling kang gwardiya. Ano an mga detalye na sasabihon mo
para matabangan ka kan gwardiya na mahanap si Mama mo?

Write big letter O and small letter o in cursive form 5 times in a ½ manila

3. Presentation of outputs.



1. Why is it important that you know the details about yourself?

Nata importante na maaraman mo an mga detalye manungod sa

saimong sadiri? Pano ini makakatabang sa saimong buhay?

2. Why is it important to know the proper way of writing Oo in cursive


Nata ta importante na maadalan mo an tamang pagsurat nin kabit-

kabit kan letran Oo?

What details do you write in filling out forms?


(Teacher will provide evaluation sheet for each pupil)

A. Fill out the given form.


Name of Pupil : ________________________________

Grade Level : ___________________________________
Name of School : _________________________________
Birthdate : __________________ Age : ______________
Address : ______________________________________

B. Write Oo in cursive form. (5 times.)

Bring a sample of an ID form tomorrow.

(Week 1-Day 5)

I. Objective: Weekly test

Conduct weekly test.
Topics: Identify and use naming words
Note important details in grade level texts:
(character,setting, problem, solution).
Learning Resources:
TG p. 11-12
LM p. 9
Additional Material from LR Portal:
Other Learning Resources: K to 12 MTB CG. p. 84
Test Papers

II. Procedure:
A. Review: a. What are naming words?
b. What are the elements of the story?
B. Setting of Standards
What should we remember when taking the test?
C. Giving of direction:
Let pupils listen to the directions given by teacher.

III. Test proper:

A. Direksyon: Lagan nin tsek (✔) kun nagsasabi nin pangngaran, ekis (X)
kun bako.
_____ 1. Lisa _____ 3. ayam _____ 5. trak
_____ 2. magayon _____4. uma

B. Basahon an tula. Simbagan an graphic organizer.

Madya Na Kapamilya

Aroaldaw si Nanay buda si Tatay nagpapasiring sa uma

Nagtatanom nin manlain-lain na mga gulayon buda duma.
Si Manay buda si Manoy nagtatabang man sainda
Si bunso pirmi kaiba pero nagmamasid sana.

An problema kun may nakabuhi na mga hayop

An mga tanom ninda napipirwisyo.
Dipisil ini kay Tatay na maabot para madakop
Nagpapatabang sa mga kabisto buda kaamigo.

Para an mga ini madakop darahon sa mga amo.

Pagkatapos kan mga gibohon
An sabi ni Tatay, madya na kapamilya
Hapon na mauli na kita.

Titulo kan Tula

T Pinangyarihan Problema Solusyon

C. Bilogan an tamang tataramon para maging tama an pangungusap.

1. Mahigos magturo an samuyang (paratukdo, dyanitor).
2. Igwa akong ataman na (tanga, bayong).
3. Si Mario nagduman sa (saudan, parke) para magsaod.
4. Kun aldaw nin Domingo nagpapasyar kami sa (parke, saudan).
5. Maharang an (lada, dulsi).

IV. Agreement:
Review least – learned items.


(WEEK 2 - DAY 1)

Theme: My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes

I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard
The learner possesses developing language skills and cultural awareness
necessary to participate successfully in oral communication in different
B. Performance Standards
The learner uses developing oral language to name and describe people,
places, and concrete objects and communicate personal experiences,
ideas, thoughts, actions, and feelings in different contexts.
C. Learning Competencies
Recite and sing in group longer songs with ease and
Confidence (MT2OL-Ib-4.1.1)

II. Content:
Listening & Singing a Song
Value Focus: Family togetherness & being helpful

III. Learning Resources:

1. DLHM -An Harong Mi (LITAN-LS-IV-P33)
MAPEH LM - An Sakong Pamilya, Isinurat ni Lea J. Llorin, page 82-
K to 12 Curriculum Guide, MTB MLE Indicators page 83
2. Materials:
Picture of a house, family cleaning the house and family eating
Chart of the song “An Harong Mi” and An Sakong Pamilya”
Newsprint or cartolina, pentel pen, crayons, masking tape

IV. Procedure:
A. Review
1. Group the pupils into three.
2. Let each group form the jigsaw puzzle
3. Let each group talk something about the picture
Group 1: Picture of a simple house

Group 2: Picture of a family helping in household chores
Group 3: Picture of a family eating together
B. Presentation:
1. Talk about the pictures posted on the board (formed jigsaw)
1. What can you say about these pictures?
2. Where can we see these?
3. Who are these people?
4. What are they doing? (2nd picture)
5. Do you also eat together? What do you do before and after eating?
6. Is your family doing these also? (3 rd picture)
7. Do you also help in making your house & surroundings clean?
2. Today we are going to learn a new song with the title “An Harong Mi”.

C. Development of the lesson

1. Modelling:
a. Teacher reads first the song “An Harong Mi”, then followed by the
b. Let the pupils listen while the teacher sing the song.
c. Sing the song with the pupils. (by class, group & by five)

An Harong Mi

An harong mi
Sadit sana
Pero malinigon
Maski sa kusina
Magkakan man kami
Pirming sa lamesa
An sira mi
Gulay sana

2. Discussion:
a. What is the song about?
b. How can we describe the house in the song?
c. Up to what part of the house should be cleaned?
d. Who should help in cleaning our house?
e. What should we do with our garbage? Why?
f. What other activities that the family do in their house?
g. Do you also eat together with your family? Why?
h. What are the things that we do before and after eating?
i. What kind of food does your family eat? Why?
j. Do you think your mother or father will be happy if you’re eating the
food that they prepared?

3. Guided Practice (Provide Rating Rubrics)

a. Group the pupils into three.
b. Give the standards in doing the activity
c. Let the pupils perform the following activity
Group I: Sing the song “An Harong Mi” with action.
Group II: Act out the activities mentioned in the song.
Group III: Write a short thank you letter for your mother or father
d. Let each group present their output in front of the class.
e. Did you help in doing the activity? What did you feel?

D. Evaluation: (Provide Rating Rubrics)
Let them sing the song, “An Sakong Pamilya”, isinurat ni
Lea J. Llorin
(Song adopted from MAPEH LM p. 82)
Pupils sing it by class, group and by ones.

An Sakong Pamilya
Isinurat ni Lea J. Llorin (MAPEH LM)

An Sakong Pamilya pirmi lang maogma

Ta yaon si Lolo pati na si Lola
Si Tatay si Nanay si Ate si Kuya
Sagkod na si bunso an pinakabida

E. Assignment:
Let the pupils make a simple picture frame using their family picture.
They may use karagumoy, sinamay, abaca or recycled materials for the
frame. (Teacher will show a sample picture frame) Present it to the class

(Week 2 - Day 2)

Theme: My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes

I. Objectives:
D. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates the ability to formulate ideas into sentences
or longer texts using conventional spelling.
E. Performance Standards
The learner uses developing knowledge and skills to write clear and
coherent sentences, simple paragraphs, and friendly letters from a
variety of stimulus materials.
F. Learning Competencies
Express ideas through poster making using stories as springboard.

II. Content:
Poster Making
Value Focus: Family’s love and unity, helpfulness

III. Learning Resources:

3. DLHM -An Harong Mi (LITAN-LS-IV-P33)
MAPEH LM - An Sakong Pamilya, Isinurat ni Lea J. Llorin, page 82-
K to 12 Curriculum Guide, MTB MLE Indicators page 83
4. Materials:
Sample posters, Newsprint or cartolina, pentel pen,
crayons, masking tape

IV. Procedure:
A. Review:
1. What was the title of our song yesterday?
2. Divide the pupils into three groups.
Each group will sing “An Harong Mi” with action
3. Ask the following questions:
a. Who are the members of your family that lives in your home?
b. What kind of house do you live in? Is it like with the home
mentioned in the song?
c. How can you help maintain the cleanliness and safety of
your home?
4. Unlocking of Difficulties: Through Context Clues
matinabang (helpful) bagyo (typhoon)
naapektuhan (affected) Tiwi, ALbay (show map)
pamilya (family)

B. Presentation of the Lesson

1. Today, we are going to read a short story with the title, “An
Matinabang na Pamilya”. Find out in the story how the family
helped other families in need.
2. What are the standards to be followed in reading the story?
3. The pupils will read the story.

An Matinabang na Pamilya
Aldaw nin Sabado mantang pigkakawatan kan magtugang na Kelly buda
Julio an saindang ataman na ayam. Nahiling ninda na dakol na tawo an kaiba
kan saindang mga magurang sa Barangay hall. May paghuhururonan palan digdi
manungod sa gigibohon na pagtabang sa mga naapektohan kan makusog na
bagyong Usman sa Tiwi, Albay.
“Matabang po kami! pasabay na sabi kan magtugang sa saindang
magurang mantang sinda naglalakaw pauli sa harong. Pipirilion ko an mga luma
kong bado na dai ko na pigagamit tanganing itarao sa mga aki duman, sabi ni
Kelly. Matabang man ako kara mama buda papa magpatos kan mga noodles,
sardinas buda bagas, sabi man ni Julio. Napaulok si Tiyo Diny buda Tiya Sena
sa pigpapahiling na kamawotan makatabang sa iba kan saindang mga aki.
Pag-abot kan Domingo, maugmang nagsabay sa Oplan Tabang Tiwi an
Pamilya ni Tiyo Diny kairiba an iba pang ka barangay ninda.

C. Development of the Lesson

1. Discussion
a. How did the family of Tiyo Diny help other families in need?
b. Who are the helpful siblings in the story?
c. What is the Oplan Tabang about?
d. Where are they going to have the Oplan Tabang?
e. How are they going to extend their help to the affected families
of Typhoon Usman?
f. If you were Kelly and Julio are you going to help them also?
g. What do you think the families in Tiwi, Albay will feel about the
donations they received?
h. Did you feel happy in helping others? Why?

2. Guided Practice
f. Group the pupils into three. Do the “Gallery walk”
g. Give the standards in doing the activity
h. Each group will do the activity per station.
i. Let the pupils perform the following activity
Group I: Pantomime: Act out,”The family that prays together
stays together”.
Group II: Match the picture with the sentences and illustrations
like helping in the household chores, helping others or
community and a family showing love & unity.
Group III: Make a poster about proper waste disposal/
segregation and its effect to our community
j. Let each group assess their performance by showing the card

k. Let them explain about the poster they’ve made.

l. How did you find the activity? What did you feel while doing it?
Did you cooperate with your group mates?

D. Evaluation: (Provide Rating Rubrics)

Make a poster about your family showing love and unity. Write a
short explanation about it.

E. Something To Do:
Write the names of your family members at the back of the poster
you’ve made. Draw a heart and color it with Red.

(Week 2 - Day 3)

Theme: My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes

I. Objectives:

II. Content Standard

The learner demonstrates understanding and knowledge of language
grammar and
usage when speaking and/or writing.
III. Performance Standards
The learner speaks and writes correctly and effectively for different
purposes using the basic grammar of the language.
IV. Learning Competencies
Classify naming Words (MT2GA-Ib-3.1.1)

II. Content:
Classify Naming Words

III. Learning Resources:

5. MTB-MLE LM page 13
K to 12 Curriculum Guide, MTB-MLE Indicators page 83
6. Materials:
Pictures showing persons helping others
Newsprint or cartolina, pentel pen, crayons, masking tape

IV. Procedure:

J. Review
1. What was the title of the story that we read yesterday?
2. Who were the members of the family?
3. How did they help the affected families?

K. Presentation and Discussion

1. Present again the story. Let them underline the naming words used
in the story
a. Aldaw nin Sabado mantang pigkakawatan kan magtugang na
Kelly buda Julio an saindang ataman na ayam.
b. Nahiling ninda na dakol na tawo an kaiba kan saindang mga
magurang sa barangay hall.
c. Matabang man ako kara mama buda papa magpatos kan mga
noodles, sardinas buda bagas, sabi man ni Julio.
d. Napaulok si Tiyo Diney buda Tiya Sena sa pigpapahiling na
kamawotan makatabang sa iba kan saindang mga aki.
2. The teacher will provide basket of words/cut-outs for the pupils to
name the objects and classify

Kelly ayam Barangay hall Noodles

Julio Sardinas

3. Read the words by column.

4. What do we call with these words in first column? second column?
third column? fourth column?

5. Let them classify the words. Write the answer of the pupils. (strips
of cartolina)
Tawo Hayop Lugar Bagay
Kelly ayam Barangay hall Noodles
Julio Sardinas
6. What do we call with these words?
7. How do we classify them?
8. Let the pupils give words that name persons, places, animals and
things that could be found in the classroom or in the school. Then,
classify them.

L. Development of the lesson

Guided Practice:
1. Show the puzzle and the direction to the three groups

Group 1: Look for the naming words then write them in their
proper column.
Group 2: Give the cut outs, name them, then paste them in
their proper column.
Group 3: List down the things inside the classroom.

2. Let the 3 groups present their output.

3. What do we call of these words? (Naming words or Nouns)
How do we classify them?
4. How did you find the activity? What did you feel while doing it?
5. Did you cooperate with your group mates?

M. Evaluation:
Tell whether the word is a name of person, place, animal or a thing.
1. book
2. teacher
3. chalkboard
4. cat
5. Legazpi City
E. Assignment:
Write the names of persons, place, things or animals you can find in your
house. Classify them.

(Week 2 – Day 4)

Theme: My Family and I

Likes and Dislikes
I. Objective
A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of grade level
literacy and informational texts.

B. Performance Standard: The learner comprehends and appreciates grade

level narrative and informational texts.

Use words unlocked during story reading in meaningful contexts.

C. Learning Competencies: Note important details in grade level narrative

a. character
b. setting
c. plot (problem and resolution)

II. CONTENT: Noting Details

Story: Si Orly kan Bagyong Reming
Isinurat ni: Lea B. Azul
Typhoon Reming LITAN - HM 1- P. 38

III. Learning Resources

A. References: Curriculum Guide 2016 MTB p. 86
1. Teacher’s Guide pages DCCM p. 324
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional materials from Learning Resources

Kaogmahan sa Parke
Isinurat ni: Myra B. Conda

An Samuyang Pamilya
isinurat ni: Rachel B. Ramos

IV. Procedures
A. 1. Review
Can you name some preparations or preventive measures if there is a
coming typhoon?
2. Motivation:
Have you experienced a typhoon? What do you feel if there’s a
3. Unlocking of difficult words: Use the following in sentences.

Bagyo Nalunod

Pagbaha Pagragasa kan daga

Motive Question: What do you think Orly did when the typhoon strike/hit
their place?

B. Presentation of the lesson:

Read a narrative story about –

Si Orly kan Bagyong Reming

ni Lea B. Azul

Nasa ikaduwang grado si Orly kan mangyari an dai niya

malilingawan na nangyari sa saindang pamilya kan nakaaging Ika-
30 nin Nobyembre 2006 sa siyudad kan Legazpi kan nagkaigwa nin
makusog na bagyo na an pangaran “Reming”. Dai niya mahuna-
huna an mga pangyayari. Nagsunod man sinda sa bareta na
nadangog sa radyo na magpreparar asin magrikas pero huri na an
gabos dai sinda nag-andam sa pagbaha na may darang dugi saka
darakulang gapo na hali sa bulkang Mayon. Nalunod an saiyang
ina asin mantang sinda kan saiyang nguhod na tugang nakaputan
kan ama asin nakaligtas. Kadakul na destroso an dara kan bagyo.
Kadakul an nagadan sa pagkalunod buda pagragasa kan mga
gapo asin daga, wasak an mga harong, dai nin kuryente buda
komunikasyon, raot an dalan, dakul an natumbang poste.
Mamundo sa palibot, nagparaibi si Orly nangadyi siya na sana
malampasan ninda an nangyaring ini buda makabangon tulos sa
kadipisilan, ini an hagad niya sa Diyos.

Comprehension Check;

a. What was the preparation made by Orly when typhoon struck

their place?
b. Who was involved in the story?
c. What was he talked about?
d. When did the story happen?
e. Where did it happen?

f. What happened to his family?
g. How did he feel about his family?
h. Is it important being ready at all time? Why?

C. Development of the Lesson:

Tell the events happened in typhoon Reming. Use them in

sentences. (Prepare the picture of the different events)

Strong wind and rain Flood

Landslide People in Misery

Group Activity: Divide the class into three groups and make use of
graphic organizer.

Group I. Group II. Bagyong

II. Reming

Character Setting Plot

Group III.

Kun igwang bagyo Kun daing bagyo

______________ pangyayari _____________

______________ _____________

_______________ _____________

Generalization: _____________

Why do we need to prepare if there is a calamity?

Fixing Skills:

Write if the sentence tells about character, setting and plot.

______________ 1. Si Orly, nguhod na tugang buda

an saiyang ama
______________ 2. Sa siyudad kan Legazpi
______________ 3. Kairibang nakaptan an saiyang
nguhod na tugang
______________ 4. Mamundo sa palibot na lugar nin
huli sa dakulang destroso kan bagyo
______________ 5. Nabaha sa barangay kawsa kan
makusog na uran

D. Evaluation:

Read the story:

Kaogmahan sa Parke
ni Myra B. Conda

Sarong aldaw nagduman si Rene sa parke kaiba an saiyang

tugang na si Lisa.
Nagsakay sinda sa see-saw. “Wee! Wee!” an suriyaw ni Lisa
mantang nag-iitaas ini.
Pagkatapos mag see-saw nakahiling sinda nin sarong
lalaking nagtitinda nin lobo na may manlain lain na kolor. May
nagraning aki. “Lolo mabakal po ako nin lobo. Gusto ko po so
berde.” Hiniling na sana ni Rene an pigbakal kan aki na lobo ta
maski muya man niya magbakal dai siyang kuwarta para sa lobo.
Maogmang nagpadagos kan pamasyar sinda Rene asin
Lisa. Nagdalagan an magtugang paduman sa may tulay. “Wow!
Hilinga an mga talapang na naglulukso, magayunon ritratohon,”
sabi ni Rene.
Nakahiling man si Lisa nin mga makukulor na kulibangbang
asin tibagros. Binukod ninda ini, mantang naglalayog. Kan
nakamati nin pagal an magtugang, nagtukas sinda sa swing asin
maugmang nag-uron-uron.
Maugmahon palan talaga mamasyar digdi sa parke. Sa
masunod iiba ta na si bunso tanganing digdi kita magkarawat. Dali-
daling nag-uli an duwang aki para istoryahan an saindang tugang
na bunso.
Nagplano na sinda kun nuarin naman mabalik sa parke.

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Maugmang nagpadagos kan pamamasyar sinda Rene asin Lisa.

a. Setting b. Plot c. Problem

2. Sarong aldaw nagduman si Rene sa parke kaiba an saiyang

tugang na si Lisa.
a. Setting b. Plot c. Solution

3. Hiniling na sana ni Rene an pigbakal kan aki na lobo ta maski

muya man niya magbakal dai siyang kuwarta para sa lobo.
a. Character b. Plot c. Setting

4. Si Rene buda Lisa an magtugang na mahilig magkawat sa

a. Plot b. Setting c. Character

5. Maugmang uminuli an magtugang para istoryahan an saindang

tugang na bunso. Nagplano na sinda kun nuarin naman mabalik sa

a. Setting b. Character c. Solution

E. Agreement:

Read the story. Give the characters, setting and plot make your own
graphic organizer.

An Samuyang Pamilya
ni Rachel B. Ramos

Ako si Emman, matua sa tulong magturugang kan pamilya

Mercado. Aroaldaw akong nagtatabang sa mga gibuhon sa samuyang
Pagkaaga pagmata, tulos akong nangangadyi bago magpuon kan
sakuyang mga gibuhon. Inot, pigtatabangan ko an sakuyang ina mag-
init nin tubig na pangkarigos ming magturugang mantang nagluluto si
Nanay kan samuyang pamahawan.
Ikaduwa, papakarayon ko an lamesang lalagan kan mga pagkaon
na niluto ni Nanay.
Sunod, sarabay kaming magkaraon. Maugma kaming magkaon
kan masiramon na luto ni Nanay.
Pagkatapos magsipilyo, dagos kaming nagkakararigos. Pakasanli,
ihahatod na kami ni Tatay sa samong eskwelahan.

(Week 2 – Day 5)

Theme: My Family and I Likes and Dislikes

I. Objective
A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates positive attitude toward
language literacy and literature. Demonstrates
developing knowledge and skills and strategies to
listen, read and write for specific purposes.

B. Performance Standard: The learner values reading and writing as

communicative activities. Uses his developing
knowledge and skills to listen, read and write
for specific purposes.

C. Learning Competencies: Express individual choices and taste for texts.

II. CONTENT: Story, Poem and Fill out forms (e.g. school forms)
Reading of a poem – Pamilyang Mahigos
(MT2ATR-Ia-4-5.1), (MT255-Ia-d.8.1)

III. Learning Resources

A. References: Curriculum Guide 2016 MTB p. 86
1. Teacher’s Guide pages DCCM p. 324
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional materials from Learning Resources pictures, chart

IV. Procedures
A. 1. Review: What are the elements of the story? Can you name them?
2. Motivation: What consists a family? What does your family do in
3. Unlocking of difficult words: (through pictures)

Tiripon Tarabang

Pamilya Harong


Motive Question:

What does the family do to make their work easy?

B. Presentation of the lesson:

Read the poem:

Pamilyang Mahigos

Magayon paghilingon
Pamilya’y tiripon,
Nagtatarabang mapadali an mga gibuhon
Makakatao pa nin marhay na solusyon.

Yaon si ama orog na mahigos

Tinaguriang harigi nin harong
Si ina na ilaw man nin harong
nagtataong giya sa marhay na pagpadara.

Si Ate responsable sa mga gibuhon sa harong

Malinig, magayon, presentableng hilingon
Si kuya an pagtabang sobra
Tanganing sinda maging onra.

Kita sararo sa pagtarabangan

Tanganing matuninong an iribahan
Madali matapos mga gibuhon
Lambang saro maray may pakinabang.

Comprehension Check Up:

a. What does the family do to make their work easy?

b. What are the duties of each member of the family?
c. How does it feel if each one helping together?
d. What are the qualities mentioned about the sister? Brother?
e. Cite an example that your family can be proud of you.

C. Development of the Lesson:

There are words used to identify persons, things, places or animals.

Can you name them? (use metacards)

ama ate harong

ina kuya pamilya

Fill in the correct name of the following words:

Pangaran: _____________________________________
Edad: _____________________________________
Istaran: _____________________________________
Eskwelahan: _____________________________________
Group Activity:

Divide the pupils into three groups.

Group I Group II Group III

Pantomime Draw a Family

children doing Helping Together
chores Father Mother

What did you learn about the poem that you have read?
Is helping together necessary to a family?

Fixing Skills:
Box the word that tells about person, places and things.
1. An amiga ko mahigos.
2. Si Martha igwang bagong bado.
3. Marhay magduman sa Wildlife.
4. An kompyuter naraot sa baha.
5. Sa Albay nakaistar an sakuyang tiya.

D. Evaluation:
An Pag-eskwela

Madya na! Madya na!

Mag eskwela na kita
Makakanuod ka pa nin iba-ibang giya
Satong kaeskwela marhay na kairiba
Sinda nagpapahiling nin pagdisidir
para an buhay mamantinir
Sa karahayan asin kagayunan
Tanganing pagdakula maging ladawan
kan mga kaakian.

A. Simbagan an kahaputan.

1. Who is talking in the poem? ________________________

2. What is the importance of education? ________________
3. What do we learn in school? _______________________
4. How do we make life beautiful? _____________________
5. Why do we need to study? _________________________

B. Fill in the form with the correct word.

Pangaran: ___________________________________

Grado: ______________________________________
Istaran: _____________________________________
Ama: _______________________________________
Ina: ________________________________________
Eskwelahan: _________________________________

V. Agreement:
Make your own 1 stanza poem about health. (Kalusugan)

(Week 3- Day 1)

Theme: My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem

l. Objectives:
A. Content Standard:
A.1. Possesses developing language skills and cultural awareness
necessary to participate successfully in oral communication in
different contexts.
A.2. Demonstrates knowledge of and skills in word analysis to read, write
in cursive and spell grade level words.
A.3. Demonstrates expanding knowledge and use of appropriate grade
level vocabulary and concepts.
A.4. Demonstrates understanding of grade level literary and informational
B. Performance Standard:
B.1. Uses developing oral language to name and describe people, places,
and concrete objects and communicate personal experiences, ideas,
thoughts, actions, and feelings in different contexts.
B.2. Applies word analysis skills in reading, writing in cursive and spelling
words independently.
B.3. Uses expanding vocabulary knowledge and skills in both oral and
written forms.
B.4. Comprehends and appreciates grade level narrative and
informational texts.

C. Learning Competencies
C.1. Relate one’s own experiences and ideas related to the topic using a
variety of words with proper phrasing and intonation.
C.2. Read with understanding grade level text.
C.3. Use words unlocked during story reading in meaningful contexts.
C.4. Give the correct sequence of 3-5 events in a story/poem

II. Content
A. Topic: Correct Sequence of 3-5 events in a story
B. Learning Resources:
TG p.16
LM p.10, p.20
Additional Material from LR Portal:
Other Learning Resources: K to 12 MTB CG p.87,
Stories, Song, Pictures, Charts, Checklist,
Activity Sheets Classroom Assessment (1994)
by Peter W. Airasian p. 262

III. Procedures
A. Pre- reading Activity
1. Review
Let the children sing, “An Samuyang Pamilya”, on p.10 (LM)

An Samuyang Pamilya
Tune: Paruparong Bukid
Sinurat ni: Imelda R. Hona

An samong pamilya, pirmi pong maugma

Malinig sa hawak, sa kapalibutan
Nagtuturog amay, pagmata nag-eeksersays
Tanganing an buhay pirming marahay rahay.

Luto kan samong ina, pirming masustansya

Sagana sa bitamina, maging sa protina
Dahil sa masiram, pirming gaganahan
Hawak makukusog maski daing yaman.

What does the family do to become healthy?
Do you think cleaning our surroundings would also help us to become
healthy? Why?
Is being healthy important? Why do you think so?

2. Motivation
Show picture of a family.

Say: Name the members of the family.

Ask: Do you love them? Why?

3. Unlocking of difficulties
Unlock difficult words in the story through pictures and context clues.

Show picture of a truck.

Say: An trak sarong dakulang lunadan na piglalaugan nin dakul na


b. buko
Show picture of a buko.

Say: An buko iyo an prutas nin niyog.

c. Tabaco
Show picture of Tabaco City

Say: An Tabaco sarong syudad sa Albay.

d. prinsesa
Show picture of a princess.

Say: An prinsesa sarung magayon buda mayaman na babae na
nakaistar sa palasyo.

e. droga
Show picture of illegal drugs.

Say: An pinagbabawal na droga maraot sa satong salod.

4. Motive Question
Why did the child love his father so much?

B. Presentation of the Lesson

1. During Reading
Pupils will listen as the teacher introduces the title and the writer of the
story. Teacher reads the story with proper phrasing and intonation.
Then, children read the story

An Sakong Ama
Sinurat ni: Joy B. Atos

Bruno an pangaran kan sakuyang ama. Siya atab magmata para

linigan an trak na saiyang pigmamaneho. Pagkatapos linigon an trak
nagpapamahaw siya nin pritos na sira buda gulay na niluto kan sakuyang
ina na si Trining. Dali-dali man na nagkakarigos buda nagsasanli nin bado
na pangtrabaho. “Mag-ingat ka po sa saimong pagmamaneho, Papa”, an
sabi ko. “Salamat, tabangan mo an saimong ina sa mga gibuhon sa
harong”, an tugon niya. An pigmamaneho kan sakong ama sarong trak na
pano nin mga prutas na buko na pigdadara sa syudad kan Tabaco.
Duman niya ini pigpapabakal. Mahal an presyo kan buko pero dakol an
nagbabakal nin huli ta masustansya ini.

Sa saiyang pag-uli sa harong, bitbit niya an bagong krayola para sa

sakuya. Sa pagbaba ni Mama sa traysikel na hali sa saudan, dali- dali
man na pigtatabangan ni Papa na bitbiton an mga sinaudan. Saka tinatao
tulos an pasalubong na para sa sakuyang ina. “Wow! Magayunon an
badong itinao mo sakuya. Garo ako prinsesa kaini.”, Maugmang sabi ni
Mama. Mabuot, mahigos buda mapinadaba an sakuyang ama. Kaya
padaba ko man siya. Laumon niya na magiging marhay akong aki.
Maharayo ako sa pigbabawal na droga buda marhay na grado an
mahihiling niya.

2. Post- Reading Activity/ Comprehension Check-up

1. Why the child loves his father so much?
2. What is the name of the father?
3. What is the work of his father?
4. What did the child promise to his father?
5. If you were the child in the story, would you do the same? Why?

C. Development of the Lesson

1. Group Activities
a. Activity 1: Read A Loud
Direction: Read the story with proper phrasing and intonation.

Rubrics for Oral Reading

Criteria Excellent Average Poor

100% 90% 80%
Proper Reading all of Reading 90% of Reading 80%
Phrasing the lines of the the lines of the of the lines of
story with correct story with correct the story with
phrasing phrasing correct
Tone of Voice changes voice inconsistent speaks in a
tone to emphasis given monotone
emphasize to important
important content content
Volume of Well-modulated Inconsistent of speaks too
Voice voice voice volume softly
Pronunciation pronounces each mispronounces slurs and
word clearly some words mumbles

b. Activity 2: Checklist
Direction: Put a check () if the sentence was mentioned in the
story and a cross (×) if it is not.
_____1. Belardo an pangaran kan ama.
_____2. An saiyang ama sarong parauma.
_____3. Buko ang laog kan trak.
_____4. Krayola buda bado an pasalubong sa pamilya.
_____5. An aki maadal nin marhay.

c. Activity 3: Sequencing Events

Direction: Arrange events in proper order. Number them 1-5.

_____ May darang pasalubong an ama para sa pamilya.

_____ Pigmaneho kan ama an trak paduman sa Tabaco City
_____ Nagkarigos an ama buda nagsanli nin pangtrabaho.
_____ Nagpamahaw an ama nin pritong sira buda gulay.
_____ Piglinigan kan ama an trak na pigmamaneho.

2. Presentation of each group/Processing

Let each group present their output in front of the class. Discuss each

D. Generalization
How do we sequence events in a story?

E. Application
a. How will you show your love to your father/mother/family?
Is it important to show respect and love to your family? Why?
b. Let them share the things they do before going to school.
Ask: Ano an saindong ginigibo bago kamo magpaeskwelahan?
Ano an inot na ginigibo nindo? Panduwa? Pantolo?

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Read the story and arrange the sentences in proper order. Write
numbers 1-5 in the box.

Nagkakaon nin batag si Trisha habang naglalakaw pauli sa saindang
harong. Kan naubos na an batag itinapok niya an ubak kaini sa dalan. Daing
pagkaaram si Trisha na an ubak kan batag na itinapok niya natungtungan ini nin
sarong aking lalaki. Nadalinas buda natumba an aki. Dai nakahiro an aking lalaki
nin huli ta nakulugan siya. Marhay ngani ta may nakahiling na babae sa aki saka
tinabangan siyang makatindog.

Nagkakakan nin batag si Trisha habang naglalakaw pauli sa harong.

Natungtungan kan aking lalaki an ubak kan batag.

Itinapok ni Trisha an ubak kan batag sa dalan.

Nadalinas buda natumba an aking lalaki.

Tinabangan kan babae an aking lalaki na makatindog.

V. Agreement
List down the things you do when making your project in Mother Tongue. Write it
in correct sequence.

(Week 3 - Day 2)

Theme: My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem

I. Objectives
A. Content Standard:
A.1. Demonstrates knowledge of and skills in word analysis to read, write
in cursive and spell grade level words.
A.2. Demonstrates the ability to read grade level words with sufficient
accuracy speed, and expression to support comprehension.
A.3. Demonstrates understanding of grade level narrative and
informational texts.
A.4. Demonstrates positive attitude towards language, literacy, and

B. Performance Standard:
B.1. Applies word analysis skills in reading, writing in cursive and spelling
words independently.
B.2. Reads with sufficient speed, accuracy, and proper expression in
reading grade level text.
B.3. Uses literary and narrative texts to develop comprehension and
appreciation of grade level appropriate reading materials.
B.4. Values reading and writing as communicative activities.

C. . Learning Competencies
C.1. Read with understanding words with consonant blends, clusters and
digraphs when applicable
C.2. Read aloud grade level text with an accuracy of 95-100%.
C.3. Give the correct sequence of 3-5 events in a story.
C.4. Express individual choices and taste for texts.

II. Content
Topic: Consonant Blends – br, dr, gr, kr, pr, tr
Learning Resources:
TG p.18
LM p.11
Additional Material from LR Portal:
Other Learning Resources: K to 12 MTB CG p.87
Story, Pictures, Activity Sheets
III. Procedures
A. Pre-Reading Activity
1. Review
Ask: What was the title of the story we read yesterday?
Did you appreciate the story? Why?
What did you learn from its text?

2. Motivation
Ask: Do you give gifts to your father and mother? Why?
What do you do if you do not have money to buy them gifts?

3. Unlocking of difficulties
Match the sentence with its picture.

a. Atab magmata an sakuyang ama.

b. Nagpapamahaw nin pritos na sira.

c. Trak an pigmamaneho kan sakuyang ama.

d. Nagsakay sa traysikel an sakung ina.

e. Magayon an prinsesa.

4. Motive Question
How did the father show his love to his child and wife?

B. Presentation of the Lesson

1. During Reading
Present again the story “An Sakuyang Ama”. Pupils read the
story with the teacher then by themselves. Underline the words- Bruno,
trak, pritos, Trining, trabaho, prutas, presyo, krayola, traysikel,
prinsesa, droga,grado. Let the pupils read the underlined words.

An Sakuyang Ama
Sinurat ni: Joy B. Atos

Bruno an pangaran kan sakuyang ama. Siya atab magmata para

linigan an trak na saiyang pigmamaneho. Pagkatapos linigon an trak
nagpapamahaw siya nin pritos na sira buda gulay na niluto kan sakuyang
ina na si Trining. Dali-dali man na nagkakarigos buda nagsasanli nin
bado na pangtrabaho. “Mag-ingat ka po sa saimong pagmamaneho,
Papa”, an sabi ko. “Salamat, tabangan mo an saimong ina sa mga
gibuhon sa harong”, an tugon niya. An pigmamaneho kan sakong ama
sarong trak na pano nin mga prutas na buko na pigdadara sa Tabaco
City. Duman niya ini pigpapabakal. Mahal an presyo kan buko pero dakol
an nagbabakal nin huli ta masustansya ini.

Sa saiyang pag-uli sa harong, bitbit niya an bagong krayola para
sa sakuya. Sa pagbaba ni Mama sa traysikel na hali sa saudan, dali- dali
man na pigtatabangan ni Papa na bitbiton an mga sinaudan. Saka tinatao
tulos an pasalubong na para sa sakong ina. “Wow! Magayunon an bado
na itinao mo sakuya. Garo ako prinsesa kaini.”, Maugmang sabi ni
Mama. Mabuot, mahigos buda mapinadaba an sakuyang ama.Kaya
padaba ko man siya. Laumon niya na magiging marhay akong aki.
Maharayo ako sa pigbabawal na droga buda marhay na grado an
mahihiling niya.

2. Post- Reading Activity/ Comprehension Check-up

1. Did the father love his family? How did he show his love?
2. What are the underlined words in the poem?
3. What two letters do the underlined words begin? (br, dr, gr, kr, pr, tr)
4. What do you call these letters br, dr, gr, kr, pr and tr?
5. How do we call them?
(Say: These are called consonant blends)

C. Development of the Lesson

1. Group Activities
a. Activity 1: Draw and Tell
Direction: Draw the correct sequence of events in a story.
(Stick Figure only)

1 2 3

Rubrics for Drawing

Criteria Points
Excellent such that the work
satisfies All of the following:
a. presents a clear and
complete information
b. is neat and artistically done 100%
c. submits the output within
the given time frame
Very Good such that the work
satisfies 2 of the following:
a. presents a clear and
complete information 90%
b. is neat and artistically done
c. submits the output within
the given time frame
Good such that the work satisfies
only 1 of the following:
a. presents a clear and
complete information 80%
b. is neat and artistically done
c. submits the output within
the given time frame

b. Activity 2: Read A Loud
Read the words with consonant blends with accuracy.

Bruno brilyante
trabaho trak
prutas presyo
krayola krus
grado grasa
droga drama

Rubrics for Oral Reading

Criteria Excellent Average Poor

100% 90% 80%
Proper Phrasing Reading all of Reading 90% of Reading 80%
the lines of the the lines of the of the lines of
story with story with correct the story with
correct phrasing correct
phrasing phrasing
Tone of Voice changes voice inconsistent speaks in a
tone to emphasis given monotone
emphasize to important
important content
Volume of Voice Well-modulated Inconsistent of speaks too
voice voice volume softly
Pronunciation pronounces mispronounces slurs and
each word some words mumbles
clearly words

c. Activity 3: Graphic Organizer

Direction: Read the activity sheet and select the words with
consonant blends. Then write it in the graphic organizer.

braso ama dragon

buko gripo kristal
prinsipe Tabaco trapo

Mga Tataramon na may Kambal- Katanog

Rubrics for Graphic Organizer

Criteria Points

 is concise 100%
 well- organized
 complete
 is neatly done

Very Good:
 is inconsistent but
adequately organized 90%
 lacks details
 does not have clear intent
 have few erasures

 unreadable
 does not address the 80%
 not organized
 untidy output

2. Presentation of each group/Processing

Let each group present their output in front of the class.
Discuss each activity.

D. Generalization
What do you call with these letters- br, dr, gr, kr, pr,tr?
How do you read them?
What are words with consonant blends?

E. Application
a. Ask: What will you do to make your parents happy?
b. Give examples of words with consonant blends- br, dr, gr, kr, pr and tr.
Let pupils write their answers on the board and ask them to encircle the
consonant blends.

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Read the following words with consonant blends. Then, encircle
the word that tells about the picture.

1. 1
bronse braso bruha

2. drama dram dragon

3. krayola krus krema

4. prinsesa prinsipe pruta


5. traydor trumpo trak

V. Agreement
Direction: Complete the table with words having consonant blends.

br dr gr kr pr tr

(Week 3 - Session 3)

Theme: My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem

I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard:
A.1. Demonstrates the ability to read grade level words with
sufficient accuracy speed and expression to support
A.2. Demonstrates the ability to formulate ideas into sentences or
longer texts using conventional spelling.
A.3. Demonstrates understanding and knowledge of language
grammar and usage when speaking and/or writing.

B. Performance Standard:
B.1. Reads with sufficient speed, accuracy, and proper expression
in reading grade level text.
B.2. Uses developing knowledge and skills to write clear and
coherent sentences, simple paragraphs, and friendly letters
from a variety of stimulus materials.
B.3. Speaks and writes correctly and effectively for different
purposes using the basic grammar of the language.

C. Learning Competencies
C.1. Read grade level texts with appropriate speed. *(Note: should
include benchmarks on number of words per minute once
research and data have been gathered)
C.2. Read grade level texts with appropriate intonation, expression,
and punctuation cues when applicable.
C.3. Express ideas through poster making (e.g. ads, character
profiles, news report, lost and found) using stories as
(These writing activities are scaffold by the teacher.)
C.4. Identify the gender of naming words, when applicable.

II. Content

A. Topic: Express Ideas Through Poster Making

B. Learning Resources:
TG p.64
LM p.27
Additional Material from LR Portal:
Other Learning Resources: K to 12 MTB CG p.87
Story, Pictures, Charts, Activity Sheets

A. Pre- Reading Activity
1. Review
What were the consonant blends learned yesterday?
(br, dr, gr, kr, pr, tr)
Give examples of words with consonant blends.
(Bruno, droga, grado, krayola, prutas, traysikel)

2. Motivation
Show picture of a family helping one another in cleaning their home.
Do you help at home?
What are the things you do at home?

3. Unlocking of difficulties
Using pictures and context clues, let pupils give the meaning of the
underlined words.

a. Si Ana atab magmata para dai siya maudyan

sa klase.
b. Nagtugot an ina ni Mar na magkawat siya
kairiba an mga amigo.
c. Magayunon an ngirit ni Mariz.
d. Mahal an presyo kan karne ngunyan.
e. Dyes pesos an kantidad kan kawatan ko.

4. Motive Question
Why the boy wants to go with his father?

B. Presentation of the Lesson

1. During Reading
Pupils will listen as the teacher introduces the title and the writer of the
story. Teacher reads the story with appropriate speed, intonation,
expression and punctuation. Then, let the children read the story.

Maiba po Ako!
Sinurat ni Joy B. Atos

Sabado nin aga, atab magmata si Tiyo Bruno ta may trabaho siya.
Nagimata an saiyang aki na si Troy. “Papa, maiba po ako!”, sabi ni Troy.
Nagtugot man an saiyang ama para makapasyar man siya sa syudad
kan Tabaco. Dali daling nagpreparar an duwa para atab sindang
makahali. Maugmahon si Troy nin huli ta nakasakay siya sa trak.
Pag- abot sa syudad kan Tabaco, kadakol na tawo an naghahalat
para magbakal nin buko na dara ni Tiyo Bruno. Nagtabang si Troy sa
pagpabakal kan mga buko. An presyo kaini dyes pesos. Dahil dakula
buda makusog an lawas dai napapagal magtabang si Troy sa saiyang
ama. Kan naubos na an saindang paninda pigpakarhay ninda an
saindang gamit para makauli na. “Kay siisay an payong na ini?” hapot ni
Tiyo Bruno. “Sa babae po iyan na nagbakal sato nin buko.” simbag ni
Troy. “Ibabalik ta ini sa saiya.” taramon ni Tiyo Bruno.
Sa saindang pag- uli, magayunon na ngirit an mahihiling sa pandok
ni Troy buda bigla ining nagtaram, “Maiba po ako giraray.” Ngirit an
simbag kan saiyang ama.

2. Post- Reading Activity/ Comprehension Check-up
1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. Where did the story happen?
3. What are the important events that happened in the story?
4. Who is your favorite character in the story? Why?
5. If you were Troy, would you do the same? Why?

C. Development of the Lesson

1. Group Activities
a. Group Activity 1: Advertisement
Direction: Make an advertisement based from the story read.

Ngaran kan Produkto

Lugar kun Sain Ini

Mababakal Idrowing an
Presyo kan Produkto produkto

Iladawan an Produkto

b. Group Activity 2: Lost and Found

Direction: Complete the chart (Lost and Found) based from the story

Idrowing an Bagay na Nakua

Nakuang Bagay
Hanapon sina: ______________________________
An saindang numero: 09163923222

c. Group Activity 3: Certificate of Award

Direction: Fill up the certificate of award. Choose your favorite
character in the story.

Idrowing an Pandok
Ining sertipiko itinao kay
sa pagiging _______________________________________.
Itinao sa ika ________aldaw kan _________, 20_____

Rubrics for Poster Making

Citeria Points
Excellent such that the work satisfies All of
the following:
a. Has artistic and correct illustrations
b. Presents a clear and complete
information 100%
c. Submits work within the expected
Very Good such that the work satisfies 2 of
the following:
a. Has artistic and correct illustrations
b. Presents a clear and complete 90%
c. Submits work within the expected
Good such that the work satisfies only 1 of
the following:
a. Has artistic and correct illustrations
b. Presents a clear and complete 80%
c. Submits work within the expected

2. Presentation of each group/Processing

Let each group present their output in front of the class.
Discuss each activity.
D. Generalization
How were you able to express your ideas after reading the story?
(Express ideas through poster making.)
E. Application
a. How are you going to show your appreciation to those people who are
good to you?
b. Make a poster about your parents.
IV. Evaluation
Direction: Choose a character from the story, “Maiba po Ako!”. Sketch a
portrait in the box and describe that chosen character to complete the
different parts of the character profile. (Same as in Rubrics for Poster

Character Profile

Hitsura kan Tawuhan Ugali kan Tawuhan

Pangaran kan
V. Assignment Marhay na Ginibo niya
Makena Giniboabout
a poster niya your ambition in life.

(Week 3-Session 4)

Theme: My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem

I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard:
A.1. Demonstrates knowledge of and skills in word analysis to read, write
in cursive and spell grade level words.
A.2. Demonstrates expanding knowledge and use of appropriate grade
level vocabulary and concepts.
A.3. Demonstrates developing knowledge and skills and strategies to
listen, read and write for specific purposes.

B. Performance Standard:
B.1. Applies word analysis skills in reading, writing in cursive and spelling
words independently.
B.2. Uses expanding vocabulary knowledge and skills in both oral and
written forms.
B.3. Uses his developing knowledge and skills to listen, read and write for
specific purposes.

C. Learning Competencies
C.1 Correctly spell grade level words.
C.2. Write upper and lowercase letters using cursive strokes.
C.3. Use the combination of affixes and root words as clues to get the
meaning of words.
C.4. Fill out forms (e.g. school forms)

II. Content
A. Topic: Fill out forms (e.g. school forms)
B. Learning Resources:
TG p.342
LM p.67
Additional Material from LR Portal:
Other Learning Resources: K to 12 MTB CG p.87
Story, Activity Sheets, Pictures, Charts

III. Procedures
A. Pre-Reading Activity
1. Review
What kind of poster did you make yesterday?
(Advertisement, Lost and Found, Certificate of Award and
Character Profile)
Let pupils explain/describe the content of each poster.
Discuss and analyze the character profile they have made.

2. Motivation
Show picture of a library.

Ask: Do we have a library in our school?

Who is in charge of our library?
Do you borrow books there? How do you borrow books?

3. Unlocking of difficulties
Use the combination of affixes and root words as clues to get the
meaning of words. Let the children read the following sentences:
Set A
1. Subli na.
2. Masubli nin libro.
3. An mga aki pinasubli nin mga libro.
Set B
1. Gisi na an.
2. Dai mo paggision.
3. Nagisi an libro.
Set C
1. An ritrato magayon.
2. Magayonon an drowing.
3. Pinakamagayon an libro ko.

a. What word is commonly heard/used in each sentence?
subli masubli pinasubli

b. What are the root word in the three words you gave?
subli masubli pinasubli

c. What affixes are added to the root word?

d. Did the affixes change the meaning of the word? Why?
e. Ask questions a-d for Set B and C sentences.

4. Motive Questions
In the story, find out if the children were able to borrow books from the
school librarian. Why?

B. Presentation of the Lesson

1. During Reading
Let pupils read the story with proper phrasing and intonation.

Magayon na Libro
Sinurat ni Joy B. Atos

“Yaun na si Papa!” suriyaw ni Troy. Pigkua siya ni Tiyo Bruno

sa eskwelahan. Naglalakaw na si Troy paduman sa saiyang ama
kan inapod siya kan saiyang kaklase.
“Troy masubli kita nin libro sa library!” suriyaw ni Kris.
“Halat ta mapaaram muna ako kay Papa.” simbag ni Troy.
Nagrani si Troy sa saiyang ama saka nagpaaram. Sabay na nagpa-
library an magkaklase.

“Dios marhay na hapon po, Mrs. Trillas.” an sabi kan duwang

aki. Pinadagos sinda Troy buda si Kris kan saindang librarian saka
hinapot, “Ano an maitatabang ko sa saindo?”
“Masubli po kami nin libro na may magayon na ritrato.” sabi
ni Kris.
An sabi man ni Mrs. Trillas,” Magayunon an mga libro digdi.
Dapat dai paggision ini tanganing magamit pa kan kaakian. Bago
ko itao an libro dapat simbagan an library card na itatao ko sa

saindo.” Nagkaproblema an duwang aki nin huli ta mahahaloy
sinda sa pagsimbag kan library card. Kaya sinabi na lang ninda
Troy buda Kris na ibabalik na lang an ini sa sunod na aldaw.
Nagtugot man si Mrs. Trillas. Dali-daling nagbalik si Troy sa
saiyang ama saka pinahiling an Library Card saka hinapot an
saiyang ama, “pwede mo tabi akong tabangan na simbangan ini?”
“Syempre man!” maugmang simbag kan ama. Pag-abot sa
harong, tulos tulos man na sinimbagan ni Troy an library card na
katabang an saiyang ama.

Library Card

Pangaran: Troy B. Brosas

Numero kan Eskwela (LRN): 114457150928
Grado/Seksyon:2- St. Gabriel
Magurang/Taga-ataman: Bruno T. Brosas
Istaran: St. Marquez, Legazpi City

Mrs. Brenda D. Trillas

School Librarian

2. Post Reading Activity/ Comprehension Check-up

1. Were the children able to borrow books from the librarian? Why?
2. Who were the characters in the story?
3. Where did the story happen?
4. What was the problem in the story? What was the solution to the
5. What will you do with the book that you have borrowed?
6. Do you think books are important? Why?

C. Development of the Lesson

1. Group Activities

a. Library Card
Group Activity 1: Fill-out Form
Direction: Fill-out the library card.
Pangaran: __________________________________
Numero Kan Eskwela (LRN): ___________________
Grado/Seksyon: _____________________________
Magurang/Taga-ataman: _____________________
Istaran: ____________________________________
School Librarian
b. Group Activity 2: Trace Me
Direction: Trace the uppercase letters correctly.

c. Group Activity 3: Copy Me
Direction: Copy the lowercase letters correctly.

d. Group Activity 4: Missing Letters

Direction: Write the missing letters correctly.

Rubrics for Writing
Criteria Points

Excellent such that the work

satisfies All of the following:
a. Each letter is formed
correctly 100%
b. Neatly done
c. Submits work within the
expected time.

Very Good such that the work

satisfies 2 of the following:
a. Each letter is formed 90%
b. Neatly done
c. Submits work within the
expected time.

Good such that the work satisfies

only 1 of the following:
a. Each letter is formed 80%
b. Neatly done
c. Submits work within the
expected time.

2. Presentation of each group/Processing

Let each group present their output in front of the class.
Discuss each activity.
D. Generalization
Is it important to fill-out forms correctly? Why?
Will cursive writing help you read and understand words also?
E. Application
1. Fill out the form.

Borrower’s Card
Name: _____________________________________________

Grade/Section: _____________________________________

School Year: _____________________________________

(Taon kan Pagklase)

Date Issued Title of the Book Date

(Petsa kan (Titulo kan Libro) Returned
Pagsubli) (Petsa kan

2. Using their show board, let children write the uppercase and
lowercase letters using cursive strokes.

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Fill-out your ID Card. Write the needed information.

Rubrics: (Same as in Rubrics for Writing)

V. Assignment
Fill out your Identity Card. Write the needed information in cursive


(Week 3 - Session 5)

Theme: My Family and I: Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem

I. Answer test items correctly.

II. Weekly Test

A. Correct Sequence of Events
B. Consonant Blends (br, dr, gr, kr, pr, tr)
C. Fill- out form using cursive handwriting.
Learning Resources:
TG p.18
LM p.18-20
Additional Material from LR Portal:
Other Learning Resources: K to 12 MTB CG p.87
III. Procedure
a. Review
Let pupils review on sequencing events, consonant blends and
filling-out forms in cursive writing.
How do we sequence events in a story?
What do you call these letters- br, dr, gr, kr, pr,tr?
How do you read them?
What are words with consonant blends?
Is it important to fill-out forms correctly? Why?

b. Setting of standards
Let pupils give the things to remember when taking a test.

c. Giving of directions
Teacher gives the directions in Test A, B and C.

IV. Evaluation
A. Direction: Teacher will read the story, “Si Tina, An Mataba na Kino”,
(LM page 18- 20)

Si Tina, An Mataba na Kino
Sinurat ni: Imelda R. Hona

Igwang inang kino na may tulong aki. An mga ini sinda Bino, Kina, saka si
Tina. Naiiba si Tina sa saiyang duwang tugang. Mataba siya mantang an
duwang tugang maniwang. Hugakon si Tina mantang an duwang tugang
Sarong aldaw, matapos magkakan. “Ay! Sobra na an taba ko! Masasakitan
na ako magdulag sa ikos!” sabi ni Tina. “Iyo yan. Habo mo kayang magtrabaho.
Dapat magtrabaho ka tanganing dai ka magdakula nin marhay,” dagdag kan
tugang niya. “Aram ko man yan kaya lang talagang an gusto ko sana magkakan
saka magturog ta yaon man kamo na nagtatrabaho kan mga gibuhon,” simbag ni
Tina. Dai nanggad nagsusunod si Tina sa mga sinasabi kan saiyang mga
Pagkalihis kan nagkapirang aldaw, may nahiling si Tina na sarong
pidasong keso. Masiram talaga an keso kaya dai niya narisa an pag-abot kan
dakulang ikos. Bigla siya kaining linuksuhan. Ano kaya an nangyari ki Tina?

Direction: Arrange the sentences in proper order. Write numbers 1-5 on the lines
provided for.

____ May nahiling si Tina na sarong pidasong keso sa salog.

____ Masiram talaga an keso kaya kinua ini ni Tina.

____ Biglang linuksuhan si Tina kan ikos.

____ Pipatrabaho si Tina kan tugang para dai magtaba nin marhay.

____ Dai nagsunod si Tina sa mga sinabi kan tugang.

B. Direction: Fill the blanks with correct consonant blends for each

1. ___ayanggulo 2. ___ipo 3. ___ower

4. ___ilyante 5. ___us

C. Direction: Fill-up the Card. Write the needed information in cursive


Rubrics for Writing
Criteria Points
Excellent such that the work
satisfies All of the following:
a. Each letter is formed
b. Neatly done 5
c. Submits work within the
expected time.
Very Good such that the work
satisfies 2 of the following:
a. Each letter is formed
correctly 3
b. Neatly done
c. Submits work within the
expected time.

Good such that the work satisfies

only 1 of the following:
a. Each letter is formed
correctly 1
b. Neatly done
c. Submits work within the
expected time.

V. Agreement
Review least- learned items.


(Week 4 - Day 1)

I - Objectives
A. Content Standards
1. Possesses developing language skills and cultural awareness
necessary to participate successfully in oral communication in different
2. Demonstrates the ability to formulate ideas into sentences or longer
texts using conventional spelling

B. Performance Standards
1. Uses developing oral language to name and describe people, places,
and concrete objects and communicate personal experiences, ideas,
thoughts, actions, and feelings in different contexts.
2. Uses developing knowledge and skills to write clear and coherent
sentences, simple paragraphs, and friendly letters from a variety of
stimulus materials
C. Learning Competencies
1. Relate one’s own experiences and ideas related to the topics using a
variety of words with proper phrasing and intonation.
2. Express ideas through poster making about a typhoon

II - Content
Expressing Ideas Through Poster Making
Value Focus: Unity, Teamwork

III - Learning Resources

A. References: K to 12 Curriculum Guide, page 88;
MTB-MLE Indicators Division Local Heritage Matrix, page 37
B. Materials: Pictures showing destruction caused by a typhoon, Selection
about Typhoon Reming, Coloring materials, Picture of Albay church

IV - Procedures:
A. Review:
1. Have you experienced calamities in your locality? What are those
calamities? What did your family do during the calamity?

* Teacher asks pupils to read their answers which are written on the
board, observing proper phrasing and intonation. (Teacher writes
pupils’ possible answers and guides the pupils in reading if necessary)

Possible answers: (Group reading)

1. Nagkaigwa nin bagyo sa samong lugar.
2. Kun minsan, nag-uuran nin makusog buda nagbabaha sa samong
3. Pig aatugan nin magabat na bagay ni papa an atop kan samong
harong ngani dai ilayog kan makusog na paros.
4. Nagtatabang kami kay Mama magsaray kan mga bado sa plastik
ngani dai madumog kun yaon na an bagyo.

2. Unlocking of difficult words:

Teacher unlocks the difficult words through context clues.
a. nadistroso - naraot
Nagkaigwa nin makusugon na paros kaya nadistroso an mga
b. pagrugaring - pagsadiri
An mahiwas na daga ni lolo saro sa mga pagrugaring niya na
itinao samo.
c. residente - mga tawong nakaistar sa sarong lugar
Gabos na residente kan Taysan naghahanda kun piyesta.
d. nagragasa - nagbulos nin makusog
Makusugon an uran kaya nagragasa nin makusog an tubig sa

* Teacher unlocks the word using picture

Establisemyento Picture of a building

Ini an establisemyento kan simbahan sa Albay.

DRRM- Disaster Risk Reduction Management

*Teacher briefly explains the function of DRRM in any disasters. An
opisina kan DRRM o Disaster Risk Reduction Management an saro
sa mga nagtatabang kun igwa nin kalamidad sa sarong lugar.

3. Motivation:
Let the pupils see the pictures showing destruction caused by a
What do you think happened before?
How does a strong typhoon affect a community?
What do you do during typhoon?

4. Motive question:
What happened in Barangay Padang when Typhoon Reming
devastated the place?

B. Presentation of the lesson

Teacher reads the selection- Bagyong Reming

Bagyong Reming
Kan nakaaging Nobyembre 30, 2006, an Rehiyon Bicol inagihan nin
makusugon na bagyo, iyo an bagyong Reming na may international name na
“Durian.” Dakol an nadistrusong pagrugaring buda nagbuwis nin buhay dahil kan
Bagyong Reming. Halimbawa kaiyan an Barangay Padang sa siyudad nin
Legazpi kun sain igwa nin halos pitong gatos (700) na residente an nagadan kan
nagragasa an baha na igwang kasabay na dugi katakod kan nasabing bagyo.
Siring man an ibang parte kan Kabikolan, nagdanas man nin maraot na
eksperyensiya. Dakul na pananom an dai na napakinabangan, mga harong,
tinampo, siring man maging pribado o pampublikong establisemyento iyo man an
nagkagaraba. An pangyayaring ini iyo an nagsirbing adal sa lambang Bikolano.
Kaya sa paagi kan Disaster Risk Reduction Management an mga Bikolano pirmi
nang naghahanda kun may nagdadangadang na bagyo.

Comprehension check:
a. What happened in Barangay Padang when Typhoon Reming
devastated the place?
b. What is the selection about?
c. When did it happen?
d. What happened to plants, houses and other properties when
Typhoon Reming struck Bicol Region?
e. What lesson did Typhoon Reming give to the Bicolanos?
f. What should we do if there is a calamity like a typhoon?
g. Why do we need to prepare for the typhoon? What should we

C. Development of the lesson

1. Based from your experience, what did your family do before and after
the typhoon?

Group the pupils into three. Give each group a task card. Let them do
the activity written in the card.
Group 1 - Make at least three sentences that describe the activity
shown in the pictures. (This group should be given pictures
showing activities of Red Cross volunteers before the coming
of typhoon)
Group 2 - Draw example of events that could happen during the
Group 3 - List down examples of assistance that typhoon victims
received after the typhoon.

2. Group output presentation

3. Generalization: How did you express your ideas about a typhoon?
4. Application: Giving examples of safety tips to be observed if there is a

V. Evaluation:
Ask pupils to express their ideas on what to do before, during and after the
typhoon by making a poster about it.

* Teacher uses rubrics in rating the performance of each pupil.

Rubrics in rating the performance:

Creativity and presentation 40%

Originality 30%
Relevance to the theme/ topic 30%
Total 100%

VI. Agreement/ Assignment:

Draw at least three (3) important things you should prepare if there is a
typhoon coming.


(Week 4-Day 2)
I - Objectives
A. Content Standards
1. Demonstrates knowledge of and skills in word analysis to read, write in
cursive and spell grade level words.

2. Demonstrates the ability to read grade level words with sufficient

accuracy, speed, and expression to support comprehension.

B. Performance Standards
1. Applies word analysis skills in reading, writing in cursive and spelling
words independently

2. Reads with sufficient speed, accuracy, and proper expression in

reading grade level text.

C. Learning Competencies
1. Read with understanding words with consonant blends, clusters, and
digraphs when applicable

2. Read aloud grade level text with an accuracy of 95- 100%.


II - Content
Reading of Consonant Blends, Clusters, and Digraphs

III - Learning Resources

A. References: K to 12 Curriculum Guide, page 88
Learners’ Materials page 24- 25

B. Materials: Realia or pictures of blouse, plate, faucet, plastic and Ligñon Hill

IV- Procedures
A.1. Review: Have you visited beautiful places in Legazpi? What places have
you visited? (Teacher shows pictures of some places in Legazpi City)
2. Unlocking of difficulties:
Teacher unlocks these words through pictures or real objects
a. blusa c. gripo
b. plato d. plastik
3. Motivation: Show the picture of Ligñon Hill.
Ask: Have you visited this place? What can you say about Ligñon
4. Motive Question: In the story that you will read, find out why Blesilda
and her family could not push through their plan in going to Ligñon Hill.

B. Presentation of the lesson:

1. Teacher presents the story on pages 24- 25 of Learners’ Materials.
Pupils read the story entitled, “An Pinakahahalat na Pamamasyar”
written by Emy B. Barja.
*Teacher makes necessary corrections, if mistakes were committed while
reading the story.

Comprehension check:
a. Why could Blesilda and her family not push through their plan in
going to Ligñon Hill?
b. What did Blesilda do on a Saturday morning?
c. Who told Blesilda about the postponement of their plan?
d. Based from the story, what was the reason of prohibiting the use of
plastic in the locality?
e. What do you think did Blesilda feel since they could not push
through their plan to visit Ligñon Hill?
f. Why do we need to refrain from cutting down trees?
g. How could you help your community in preventing flood?

C. Development of the lesson

1. The pupils will read the sentences taken from the story. They are going
to give the meaning of the underlined words by choosing the answer
inside the parenthesis.
a. Sulot ni Blesilda an saiyang magayon na blusa.
(lapis, bado, payong)
b. Pinakaray niya an plato na gagamiton sa pagkaon.
(kaunon, inuman, kaagan nin pagkaon)
c. Nagkua siya sa gripo nin tubig na babalunon.
(tubo, laugan nin tubig, pabulusan nin tubig)
d. Ipinagbabawal na an paggamit nin plastik.
(basket, manipis na papel,bagay na dai basta natutunaw)

2. Group Work Activity: Form three groups. Each group will be given a
task to perform.
Group 1
Gamiton sa panaramon an mga minasunod:
platito plantsa planggana prinsesa prutas

Group 2
Isurat an nawawarang letra ngani mabilog an tataramon. Gamiton
an mga letra sa laog kan kahon.
1. Gr_ _ _ 3. Tr_ _ _ 5.
pou oon da
2. Pl_ _ _ 4. Br_ _ _ oGr_ _ _
saa uah

Group 3
Pangaranan an mga minasunod na ladawan:

1. 3.
_____ ___

2. 4.
_____ ______


3. Group output presentatation

After the group output presentation, the teacher will ask the pupils to
read the words they presented.
What is common to the words you used/ presented?
What did you notice about the first two letters of each word?

4. Generalization: How would you know that the word has consonant
blends? What did you do with the words with consonant

5. Fixing Skills: Distribute metacards with:

A. Words with consonant blends

troso groto braso krayola trapo

tsansa trangkaso promisa grasya
B. Synonyms of the given words with consonant blends.

kahoy estatuwa takyag pangkolor pamunas

pagkakataon helang pangako biyaya maayahay

Say: Find your partner by looking for the word which is the synonym
of the word you have. Show and read the words with your
partner in front of the class.

D. Evaluation:
Fill the blank with the appropriate word. Choose the answer inside the box.
trumpo prutas trapo braso grasya

1. Paborito ko an mga _________ na mangga, bayawas, buda santol.

2. Darakula an ________ kan mga kargador kaya kayang kaya ninda mag-
alsa nin magabat.
3. Kinua ni Khen an ______ ta mapunas siya kan lamesa.
4. Maugmahon si Froilan ta mataririkon an _______ niya.
5. Magpasalamat sa gabos na _________ na tao kan Diyos.

E. Agreement/ Assignment:
Think of five words with consonant blends. Write them on your
notebook and be able to read infront of the class.

(Week 4-Day 3)

A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding and knowledge of language grammar and
usage when speaking and/or writing

B. Performance Standards
Speaks and writes correctly and effectively for different purposes using the
basic grammar of the language

C. Learning Competencies
Identify and use collective nouns, when applicable.
Use words to unlock during story reading in meaningful contexts.

Identifying and using collective nouns


1. Teacher’s Guide pages p. 88
2. Learner’s material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from the LR portal
5. Other learning resources: charts, activity sheets, pictures/real objects
6. Clipart.image, clipating. com,,

A. Review
1. Write what the children do in the picture. Write in the blank the
consonant blend to complete the word.

Nagbabasa ki _ _ aryo. Naghuhugas ki _ _ato. An mga _ _usa pigpakarhay.

Nagkakaon ki _ _utas. Pigtipon an _ _astik na bote.

2. Unlocking of Difficulties

Say: Look and name the pictures posted on the board. Choose a
metacard (with names) and post them below parallel to its picture.

1. 2.

baryo klase

3. 4. 4.

pamilya grupo

3. Motivation
Picture puzzle
Work on the picture puzzle.

Ask: What does the girl do in the pictures?

Motive Question: What kind of girl is Dana?

B. Presentation of the Lesson/Reading of the Story
Read the short story while pupils listen. (Read again as needed)

An Mahigos na si Dana
Sinurat ni Hedda R. Baldon

Sa sarong sadit na baryo may sarong aking babae na si Dana. Si Dana

mahigos sa pag eskwela. Sarong tinapay o sinapnang batag an saiyang balon sa
eswelahan. Nasasabutan niya an sitwasyon kan saiyang pamilya. An saindang
ina sarong labandera dangan an ama niya drayber na nagsusuporta sa saindang
apat na magturugang.
Sa klase, saro siya sa matali asin maigos na estudyante. Si Dana an lider
sa mga gibuhon kan kada grupo. Naiiling saiya kan maestra an determinasyon.
Pag ali sa eskwelahan diretso siya sa harong para magtabang sa ina sa mga
gibuhon an pagkatapos dangan siya nag aadal.
Pag abot kan Marso tinaram kan saiyang maestra na siya an First Honor
sa klase. Maugma niyang itinaram sa saiyang ina an marahay na bareta.
Napaluha sa kaugmahan an saiyang ina dangan kinugos si Dana.

Comprehenssion Check
1. What kind of a girl is Dana?
2. What character trait is shown in the selection?
3. What did Dana do after school?
4. Do you think Dana is happy with the kind of life she has? Why?
5. What does her mother felt when she told her that she is the First
Honor in the class?
6. Do you admire Dana? Why?

C. Development of the Lesson

1. Let the pupils read the sentences taken from the story.
 Nasasabutan niya an sitwasyon kan saiyang pamilya.
 Sa klase, saro siya sa matali asin maigos na estudyante.
 Si Dana an lider sa mga gibuhon kan kada grupo.
(Let them read the underlined words and ask the meaning of each
Ask a question: What do you call these words?
Say: (These words are called collective nouns.)
The teacher will give some examples of collective nouns.
Ex. Banda dosena batalyon
Barkada padis tumpok
Tribu bugkos lahi

2. Discuss each word as to where it can be used, as to a group of people,

things or animals.
Say: Can you describe what collective nouns are? (Guide the pupils in
describing collective nouns.)
Collective nouns are words used to a group of people, thing or animal.

3. Group Activity
Group the pupils into four. Give each group different activity sheets.
Group 1
Underline the collective noun in the sentence.

1. Sarong sapad na batag pinalod ni Mang Karding.
2. Mabakal po ki duwang tumpok na lada.
3. Nag-hururon an senado manungod sa maabot na eleksyon.
4. Limang padis na sapatos an binakal ni Sel.
5. Magayon an mga kanta kan bandang nagtugtog.

Group 2
Write the collective noun that best describe each picture (Show
pictures). Pick out your answer from the box.

Dosenang itlog patos ki dolse

Tribu Maugmang barkada

Group 3
Color the heart if the word inside is a collective noun.

lahi komite rawog ki niyog

Rakoy ki sapad

Group 4
Use the collective nouns in the sentence.
1. tropa
2. tambak

D. Generalization
What is collective noun?

E. Fixing Skills
Let the pupils name the pictures and make a sentence about it using
collective nouns.
The teacher may use real objects of the following collective nouns.
1. kumpol nin Mangga
2. binugkos na dahon nin petsay
3. mga tinapay sa plato
4. sarong kaing na lansones
5. duwang patos na tsokolate
Which of these pictures are good for your health? Why?

V. Evaluation
Copy the collective noun in the sentence. Write it on your paper.
1. Nakabakal si Ina ki sarong pungot na singkamas.
2. Maboot an lahi ni Sandra.
3. Nawara an bulig nin batag sa likod kan harong.
4. Si Chad an napiling manggana kan mga hurado.
5. Mga opisyal kan klab an nagtarabang sa paglinig.

VI. Agreement
Write 5 examples of collective nouns.


(Week 4 - Day 4)

A. Content Standards
Demonstrates understanding of grade level narrative and informational
B. Performance Standards
Comprehends and appreciates grade level narrative and informational
texts. Uses literary and narrative texts to develop comprehension and
appreciation of grade level appropriate reading materials
C. Learning Competencies
Give the correct sequence of 3 to 5 events in a story
(MT2VLC–Ic–i-1.2), (MT2VRC–Ic–i-1.2)
Browse/read books for various purposes such as for learning or for
pleasure (MT2ATR-Id-f-2.1.1)

Sequencing 3 to 5 events in a story


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages K to 12 BEC Guide p. 88/TG p.43-44
2. Learner’s material pages TG p 17-20
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from the LR portal
1. Other learning resources: charts, activity sheets, pictures, strips of
cartolina, Fable: Si Tina an Mataba na Kino
5. Clipart.image, clipating. com,,

A. 1. Review/Drill
 Arrange the pictures in correct order.

2. Motivation
Ask: What comes to your mind when you see a rat and a cat?
Write the pupils answers where the arrows point.

ikos kino

What do you think happened when a cat sees a rat?

3. Presentation of the Lesson

Let the pupils arrange the set of pictures in sequencial order.
They will arrange the pictures by group. (Group of 3)
The pictures were taken from the story “Si Tina, an Mataba na Kino”

Unlocking of difficulties
Name the pictures.

pidaso keso

Motive question: Today we are going to read a fable about a fat rat named Tina.
Let’s find out what happened to Tina when a cat saw her.

During Reading
Read the fable “Si Tina, an Mataba na Kino” Magpurbar kita MT Bikol LM pp.18-
20 while pupils listen.

Si Tina, An Mataba na Kino
Sinurat ni: Imelda R. Hona

Igwang inang kino na may tulong aki. An mga ini sinda Bino, Kina, saka si
Tina. Naiiba si Tina sa saiyang duwang tugang. Mataba siya mantang an
duwang tugang maniwang. Hugakon si Tina mantang an duwang tugang maigos
Sarong aldaw, matapos magkakan. “Ay! Sobra na an taba ko!
Masasakitan na ako magdulag sa ikos!” sabi ni Tina.”
“Iyo yan. Habo mo kaya magtrabaho. Dapat magtrabaho ka tanganing dai
ka magdakula nin marhay,” dagdag kan tugang niya.
Aram ko man yan kaya lang talagang an gusto ko sana magkakan saka
magturog ta yaon man kamo na nagtatrabaho kan mga gibuhon,” simbag ni Tina.
Dai nanggad nagsusunod si Tina sa mga sinasabi kan saiyang mga tugang.
Pagkalihis kan pirang aldaw, may nahiling si Tina na sarong pidasong
keso. Masiram talaga an Keso kaya dae niya nariparo an pag abot kan dakulang
ikos. Bigla siya kaining linuksuhan.
Ano kayang nangyari kay Tina?

Comrehension Check-up
Ask: 1. What happened to Tina when the cat saw her?
2. Why did she become very fat?
3. What did her brother tell her?
4. Did Tina follow what her brother said? Why? Why not?
5. Why did it happen to Tina?
6. Do you think it will happen to Tina if she obeyed her brother? Why?
Why not?
7. If you were Tina, would you do the same? Why? Why not?
8. Is it good to obey you elders?
9. Was there a time that you didn’t obey your elders? What

C. Development of the Lesson

Let us go back to the pictures you have arranged.
Say something about the pictures. (Teacher may prepare the
sentences ready on a strip of cartolina and post them.)
 Pigtaraman siya kan saiyang tugang na kaipuhan niya
 Nahiling ni Tina na sobra na an saiyang taba.
 Nadakop kan dakulang ikos si Tina.
 Nagkaon si Tina kan keso.
 Nahiling siya kan kadulang ikos.
Are the pictures arranged according to what had happened in the
Which picture should come first? Second? Third? Fourth? Last?
Which group arranged the pictures properly?

Group Activities
Group the pupils into four. Give each group different activity sheets.
Read the sentences and arranged them according to the story.
Write numbers 1-5.
___ Binatok saka binukod siya kana yam.

___ Naglalakaw paeskwelahan ang aking lalaki.
___ Naagihan niya an ayam sa tangod kan harong.
___ Nagsakat an aki sa kahoy habang pigbabatok kan ayam.
___ Naglakaw parayo an ayam mantang an aki nasa itaas kan

Group 2 (for slow group)

Arrange the following pictures in sequential order. Write numbers 1-
5 on the box.

Group 3 (fast group)

Make an event chart out of the given story. Paste your answer on
the correct sequence. (The title and events were written on strips of
Si Rino Dangan an Buwaya

May sarong buwaya na nalaom sa salog. Warang nakakarani

digdi ta ini maisog buda nangangaon.
Sarong aldaw naghahanap asin nagdadakop nin kasag an sarong aking
lalaki na si Rino. Nailing niya an buwaya, naerak siya pero narumduman niya an
sinabi kan saiyang ina manongod sa buwaya.
Aroaldaw nagduduman siya sa salog tangani mailing ini. Habang nag-
aaloy, pig-iiling niya an buwaya mas lalo siyang naeerak digdi. Naisipan niyang
tabangan an buwaya na maka-ali. Tinangkas niya an pisi para makawara ini.
Naogma an buwaya. Tangani mapasalamatan an aki aroaldaw
nagdadakop ini nin kasag pigkakaag sa sarong lugar para kay Rino.
Titulo kan Istorya

Enot na


 Si Rino dangan an Buwaya

 Sarong buwaya an nalaom sa salog.
 Nailing ni Rino an buwaya habang nagdadakop nin kasag.
 Nahirak si Rino asin pinatakas an buwaya.
 Naogma an buwaya kaya tinabangan niya man si Rino sa
pagdakop ki kasag.

Group 4
Arrange the following activities as you do them before going to school.
Paste the metacards beside the corresponding number.
1. Magsangli nin bado
2. Magkaon nin pamahaw
3. Magkarigos
4. Magsipilyo
5. Magsukray

D. Generalization
How can we recall the events that happened in the story?
How did you arrange the pictures?
(Think about what things happened first, next and last)

E. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills

Fast Learners:
Say: What are the activities you do during Sundays?
Write the activities given by the pupils on the board.
Say: Let us arrange the activities that you gave. Write numbers beside
each sentence.

Option 2 for slow learners:

Say: 1. What are the activities you do during Sundays?
2. Here are some activities that you might do during Sundays,
arrange them sequentially.

What is the important thing we should not forget to do during Sunday?

Is it good to help your parents at home? Why?

V- Evaluation
Read the story. Arrange the pictures to show the order in which they
happened in the story. Write numbers 1-5.

Si Ken

Aldaw nin Domingo, pig-agda si Ken kan saiyang mga barkada. Malangoy
sinda sa salog dangan pagkatapos makawat. Dai nag iba si Ken ta sa masunod
na aldaw igwa sinda nin test.
Nagtabang siya sa saiyang Ina sa paglinig kan harong dangan nagsigid.
Pagkahapon, nagsimba an pamilya ni Ken. Inagad niya sa Diyos na makakua nin
alangkaw na iskor sa test tangani makapasar. Kan pag-uli sa harong kinua niya
an saiyang mga libro asin notebook dangan nag-adal.
Aldaw nin Lunes, maingat na sinimbagan an mga hapot sa test.
Kinaagahan nakua na ninda an resulta. Saro si Ken sa may pinakahalaw an
marka. Napalukso siya sa kaugmahan. Dai nasayang an saiyang pagbasa asin

Let the pupils do Mag-ensayo Kita, “Arin an magkasurunod?” MT Bicol LM p.


(Week 4 Day 5)

A. Content Standards
Demonstrates developing knowledge and skills and strategies to listen,
read and white for specific purposes
Demostrates knowledge of and skills in word analysis to read, write in
cursive and spell grade level words.

B. Performance Standards
Uses his developing knowledge and skills to listen, read and write for
specific purposes.
Applies word analysis skills in reading, writing in cursive and spelling
words independently.

C. Learning Competencies
Fill out forms (e.g. school forms)
Correctly spell grade level words
Write upper and lower case letters using cursive strokes.

Filling Out Forms


A. References
2. Teacher’s Guide pages K to 12 BEC Guide p. 88/ TG p.
3. Learner’s material pages p. 13-15
4. Textbook pages

5. Additional Materials from the LR portal
6. Other learning resources: charts, activity cards, pots, pictures,
organizer, forms
7. Clipart.image, clipating. com,,

A. 1. Review
Play the game Treasure Hunting (Pot of Gold)
Look for the big and capital letter.

Small Letters Big Letters

2. Motivation
Show picture of a teacher.
Ask: Who was your teacher in Kinder? Grade 1? What can you say about

B. Presentation of the Lesson

Show example of identification form about a teacher. Let the pupils
analyze and read the data.

An Maestra Ko
1. Pangaran kan Maestra:
______________Corazon T. Belga____________
2. Istaran:
________San Francisco Legazpi City________
3. Pigtuturuan na Asignatura:
__________Filipino, Mother Togue, Math_______

How do the informations in the form written?

Discussing new concept

a. Study the data.
1. How is the beginning letter of the teacher’s name written?
(It begins with a Capital letter)

Names of
Lorna Eman Sonia Mildred
Person Ramos
Cruz Santos Aquino

2. How about the address- place where one lives?

(Write the beginning letter of the word using a capital latter)

Names of
Legazpi Tabaco
Place Naga Masbate
City City City

3. How about the names of the subjects?

(They also begin with capital letters)


Filipino AP

English ESP


(The teacher may add information using capital letters)

Say: Try to fill out this form

An Maestra Ko
1. Pangaran kan Maestra:
2. Istaran:
3. Pigtuturuan na Asignatura:

Did you fill out the form correctly? Why?

What did you do in filling out the form?

C. Development of the Lesson

Group Activity:
Group the pupils into 4. Each group will be given activity cards for them to
work on.

Group 1
Write the names correctly on the line next to each name
1. Anita flores ___________________________________
2. liza lopez ___________________________________
3. Lester tan ___________________________________
4. flora Milay ___________________________________

5. lito Navarro ___________________________________

Group 2
Correct all errors in the use of Capital Letters. Use cursive stroke in
1. maslog legazpi _________________________________________
2. rizal Street _________________________________________
3. naga city __________________________________________
4. Sorsogon city __________________________________________
5. camarines norte ________________________________________

Group 3
Label your notebooks with the name of subject. Write it correctly.

mother tongue math filipino english

Group 4
Fill out this form. (Data from one of the group member)

1. Pangaran:_______________________________
2. Edad: ________________________________
3. Istaran:_________________________________
4. Kompleanyo:____________________________
5. Paboritong Asignatura:_____________________

D. Generalization
How do we fill out information?
When do we use capital letters?

E. Fixing Skills
Option A: Spell the words as the teacher dictates. Write it in cursive

Option B: Write the underlined words correctly.

Si Susan
Siya si susan monte, nakaistar sa taysan legazpi city. May edad na
7 taon. Si danilo monte dangan si mina monte an saiyang mga magurang.
english, filipino dangan math an mga paborito niyang asignatura.

Fill out the form.

Si Susan

1. Pangaran:_______________________________
2. Edad: _______________________________
3. Istaran:________________________________
4. Pangaran kan Ama: ______________________
5. Pangaran kan Ina: _______________________

V. Evaluation
Fill out the form with important data in cursive handwriting/strokes.
1. Pangaran:_______________________________
2. Edad: _______________________________
3. Istaran:________________________________
4. Paboritong Asignatura: (4)__________________

D. Agreement
Fill out the form.

1. Ama: __________________________________
2. Ina: __________________________________
3. Mga tugang: ______________________________
4. Paboritong Kolor: ___________________________

(Week 5 - Day 1)

I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard:
1. Possesses developing language skills and cultural awareness necessary to
participate successfully in oral communication in different contexts.
2. Demonstrates knowledge of and skills in word analysis
to read, write in cursive and spell grade level words.
3. Demonstrates the ability to formulate ideas into sentences
or longer texts using conventional spelling.
B. Performance Standard:
1. Uses developing oral language to name and describe people, places, and
concrete objects and communicate personal experiences, ideas, thoughts,
actions, and feelings in different contexts.
2. Applies word analysis skills in reading, writing in cursive and spelling
words independently.
3. Uses developing knowledge and skills to write clear and coherent
sentences, simple paragraphs, and friendly letters from a variety of
stimulus materials.

C. Learning Competencies:
1. Use expressions appropriate to the grade level to give opinion in a text
listened to, heard or read. MT2OL-Ie-f-3.2
2. Read content area-related words. Math and Science terms
(MT2PWR-Ie- i-7.6 )
4. Express ideas through poster making (e.g. ads, character profiles, news report,
lost and found) using stories as springboard. (MT2C-Ia-i-1.4)

II. Content: Poster Making

III. Learning Resources:

1. TG page
2. LM page
3. Textbook page
4. Additional Mat. From LR Portal: DCCM /DLHM
5. Other Learning Resources:

IV. Procedures:
1. 1. Review: What is your favorite “kakanin”? Show ibos and binutong. Name
2. Unlocking of difficulties:
a. Pigmamasa- pighahalo (through action)
Pigmamasa ni Mama an arina, asukar saka bonay

b. Sibot - dali -dali ( through action)

Sibot na si Ate pauli ta banggi na.

3. Motivation: Show picture of pinuso or a real pinuso (balisuso) Ask: Have you
tasted it already? Let the children share their experiences about eating
4. Motive Question: We will read a story. Find out why Samara and her mother
cook pinuso?

B.Presentation of the Lesson: Teacher reads the story

Pinusong Bagas
Ni: Lea M. Bibe
Atab na nagmata kan Sabadong idto si Samara. Sibot sindang
marhay kan saiyang ina huli ta may maabot sindang bisita hali sa Manila. An
saiyang Tiya Marina saka an aki kaining si Renz an pighahalat ninda.
“Mama, ano po an lulutoon mong mirindalan?” hapot ni Samara sa
saiyang ina kan naabutan niya ini sa kusina.
“Maggibo kita nin pinusong bagas ta paborito ini ni Tiya Marina mo”,
simbag kan saiyang ina.
“Ano po an mga gagamiton sa pagluto kaini?”
“Panginot na kaipohan kaini an giniling na bagas, lukadon, asukar,
saka dahon ki batag na may tamang sukol.”
“Pira pong kilo an gigibohon mo?
“Sarong kilong giniling na bagas ta dakulon na man ini”, simbag kan
saiyang ina.
Magbakal ka nguna palan ki sarong kilong asukar sa tindahan mantang
pigkukudkod man ni Papa mo so lukadon,” an sabi kan saiyang ina.
Pagbalik niya, pigmamasa na kan saiyang ina an mga salak sa paggibo
nin pinuso dangan ikinaag na an asukar na dara niya.
“Mama, ano po an apod kayan pag pigsaralak na an mga ingredients?
“Mixture an apod kayan Samara”, simbag kan saiyang ina.
“Nata po ta malumoy pa ini saka garo may tubig?” So pigbabakal ta
kaya baga matagas-tagas na.
“Liquid pa iyan, Samara. Kun ini pigluluto na dangan naiinitan na,
magigi na ining matagas o solid. Chemical change an apod kayan,” paliwanag
kan saiyang ina.
“Ngunyan nasasabutan ko na Mama, pareho kan paggibo nin yelo nag-
aagi man nin chemical change.”
“Tama ka, Samara! Pakatapos kong ikaag an mixture digdi sa dahon ki
batag na korteng trayanggulo dangan ta isasapna. Pakalihis nin 30-45
minutos, mahihiling mo matagas na ining mixture”, paliwanag giraray kan
saiyang ina.
“Sigurado ako mauugmahon si Tiya Marina saka si Renz pag natanaan
ining gibo mong pinuso.
Nagiulok na sana an saiyang ina sa sinabi ni Samara.

Comprehension Check:
1. Why did Samara and her mother cook pinuso?
2. Who will cook pinuso as mentioned in the story?
3. Who are the visitors coming to Samara’s house?
4. What are the materials needed in making pinuso?
5. How is pinuso being prepared?
6. What kind of change does pinuso undergo?
7. Aside from pinuso, what other “kakanin” does your mother prepare?
8. Will you encourage your friends to eat pinuso also? Why? Why not?

C. Development of the lesson

1. If you are going to make your home-made pinuso known to your barangay,
how will you advertise it?

Let the children form 3 groups and choose from among the activities below
on how to sell their home-made pinuso.
Group 1- Poster Making
Group 2- News Report
Group 3- TV Commercial

2. Every group will present their output.

3. Generalization: What other effective ways could you give to promote your
home-made products?

4. Fixing Skills: Create a simple RAP in selling Samara’s pinuso.

A. Evaluation:
Make a poster on how you will sell suman.
(Rubrics will be used by the teacher in rating their outputs.)

B. Agreement: List down one kakanin which is available in your community.

Think of an artistic way on how you will sell it to your neighboring barangays.

(Week 5 - Day 2)
I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard:
Demonstrates expanding knowledge and use of appropriate grade level
vocabulary and concepts.
Demonstrates understanding and knowledge of language grammar and
usage when speaking and/or writing.
Demonstrates the ability to read grade level words with sufficient accuracy
speed, and expression to support comprehension.

Performance Standard:
Uses expanding vocabulary knowledge and skills in both oral and written
Speaks and writes correctly and effectively for different purposes using the basic
grammar of the language.
Reads with sufficient speed, accuracy, and proper expression in reading
grade level text

C.Learning Competencies:
Use words unlocked during story reading in meaningful context (MT2VCD-Ia-i-1.2)
Identify the parts of a sentence (subject and predicate). (MT2GA-Ie-f-2.5)
Read aloud grade level text with an accuracy of 95 - 100%. (MT2F-I-a-i-1.4)

II. Content: Parts of a Sentence (Subject and Predicate)

III. Learning Resources:

1. TG page
2. LM page
3. Textbook page
4. Additional Mat. From LR Portal: DCCM/DLHM
5. Other Learning Resources:

IV. Procedures:
A. 1. Review: Show picture of San Vicente Ferrer. Who is this?
2. Motivation:
What do you know What do you want to What have you learned
about San Vicente know about about San Vicente
Ferrer? San Vicente Ferrer? Ferrer?

3. Unlock:
A. deboto (parasunod o nagtutubod)– (picture of people joining in
a procession)
Nag-iiba sa prusisyon an mga debuto ni Nuestra Senora de
B. milagroso(dakul na ginibong ngangalasan) – (show a picture
of an ill person and a healthy one)
Dahil sa pagiging milagroso ni San Vicente, narahay si Tiya
C. patron (saint)– show picture of San Roque or any saint
Si San Roque an patron kan Barangay Taysan.

4. Motive Question: In the story, find out why people keep on visiting
San Vicente Ferrer
B. Presentation of the Lesson. Reading of the story, “Si San Vicente

Si San Vicente Ferrer

ninda: Lea M. Bibe/ Rule V. Montales
Kada Biyernes na hapon, nagduduman sa kapilya kan Barangay Homapon an
mag-inang Monet saka Lenard. Haloy na sindang debuto ni San Vicente Ferrer. Minana
pa ini ni Nanay Monet sa saiyang mga magurang.
“Mama, sisay iyan na pirmi ta pigbibisita”, hapot ni Lenard.
“Si San Vicente Ferrer iyan, sarong santo na milagroso saka patron kan mga
engineer. Kada Mayo 5, pigseselebrar an saiyang kaaldawan. Dakol na mga debuto an
nagbibisita saiya hali sa manlain-lain na lugar.
“Nata man siya Mama pigbibisita?” hapot giraray ni Lenard.
“Huli sa saiyang pagiging milagoso, naglakop an istorya na dakol na mga may
hilang an napaparahay niya”.
“Ah! Marahayon talaga palan siyang santo kaya pirmi kita nagdidigdi”, sabi ni
“Iyo talaga kaya kada petsa 5 kan bulan, an mga tawo digdi sa Homapon
nagpuprusisyon sa pag-omaw saiya. Kada Biyernes man, an mga tawo hali sa ibang
lugar nagdidigdi sa kapilya tangani magpasalamat, magpamibi, saka maghagad kan
anuman na kaipohan ninda,” paliwanag pa ni Nanay Monet.
“Pag dakula ko man Mama, gigibuhon ko man an piggigibo ta ngunyan”, sabi ni
“Iyo Nonoy ta dakulaon na tabang sa pamilya ta an pagdebosyon ki San Vicente
Ferrer, dagdag pa ni Nanay Monet.

Comprehension Check:
1. Why do people keep on visiting San Vicente Ferrer?
2. Who went to Homapon chapel?
3. When did they go to the chapel?
4. When is the Feast Day of San Vicente Ferrer?
5. What kind of saint is San Vicente Ferrer?

6. How do people of Barangay Homapon show their devotion to San Vicente
7. If you will visit this patron, how will you show your faith to him?

C. Development of the Lesson:

1. Read the sentences taken from the story.
Si San Vicente Ferrer sarong santong milagroso.
Who is being talked in the sentence? Si San Vicente Ferrer (subject)
What does it tell about the subject? Sarong santong milagroso

2. Match Me!
Look for a partner. Match the subject and the predicate using the paper
a. Our family attends mass every Sunday.
b. Hailey had memorized Our Father.
c. Emil is a member of Children’s choir.
d. Miles loves to draw dolls.
e. Rea has a good singing voice.

3. Group Activity:
Divide the class into 3 groups. Encircle the subject,
box the predicate.
a. Ram wishes to be a doctor and engineer someday.
b. Gab and his friends went to the park.
c. They went to the beach last Saturday.
d. Mother bought 5 kilos of lanzones.
e. Her twin sister got sick.

4. Generalization:
What are the parts of a sentence? How do they differ?

5. Fixing Skills: Complete the table with the missing part of a sentence.

Subject Predicate
1. Mother
2. played baseball.
3. The children
4. Some men
5. planted rice and vegetables.

D. Evaluation: Underline the subject once and the predicate twice.

1. Sick people were healed by the patron saint.

2. Every devotee prays sincerely.
3. The family attended novena masses.
4. The church is surrounded with flowers.
5. The altar servers were all boys.

E. Agreement: Write 5 sentences. Underline the subject and box the predicate.

(Week 5 - Day 3)

I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard:
1. Demonstrates understanding of grade level literary and informational texts
2. Demonstrates positive attitude towards language, literacy, and literature.
3. Demonstrates developing knowledge and skills and strategies to listen,
read and write for specific purposes.

B. Performance Standard:
1. Comprehends and appreciates grade level narrative and informational texts
Values reading and writing as communicative activities
2. Uses his developing knowledge and skills to listen, read and write for
specific purposes.

C .Learning Competencies:
1. Relate story events to one’s experiences. MT2LC-Ie-6.1
2. Browse/read books for various purposes such as for learning or for
pleasure. MT2ATRId-f-2.1.1
3. Follow instructions in a test carefully. MT2SS-Ie-g-1.2

II. Content: Reading for Learning and Pleasure

III. Learning Resources:

1. TG page
2. LM page: MTB 2 LM pages 18-20, pages 24-25 and pages 86-87
3. Textbook page
4. Additional Mat. From LR Portal: DCCM
5. Other Learning Resources

IV. Procedures:
A. 1. Review: What was yesterday’s story all about? Give a brief summary of
the story. How do you find it?
2. Motivation: What other stories have you read? What do you think is the
purpose of writing it?
3. Unlock:
1. apa (through picture)
2. maragsip –Show any picture of food item that tastes maragsip.
(through action)
4. Motive Question: We will a read a story. Find out if the story is for learning
or pleasure.

B. Reading of the Story

An Turon
Ni: Lea M. Bibe
Paborito ni Yuri an turon. Ini an pirmi niyang pighahagad na pasalubong
kay Papa niya. Kaya kada hapon, dai nalilingawan kan saiyang ama na si Papa
Intoy na bakalan siya.
“Yehey! Uni na si Papa, maogmang sabat ni Yuri kan inabot saiya an
Mantang nagkakaon, hinapot niya an saiyang ina na si Mama Yani.
“Mama, pano po an pagluto nin turon? Dakol man po an kaipohan sa pagluto
“Diit man sana Yuri an gagamiton sa pagluto kan turon. Apa, batag
dangan lana man sana an panginot na sangkap kaini.”
“Arog kaini an paagi kan pagluto kan paborito mong turon,”
pagpapaintindi kan saiyang ina.
Inot, ubakan nguna an batag. Ikaduwa, bangaon an batag sa duwang
parte. Sunod, ikaag an batag sa apa saka tiklupon ini. An pinakaudyan, pritoson
na an batag. Mangnohon sana dapat na marhay an pagpritos. Siguraduhon na
bako makusog an kalayo mantang ini pigluluto tangani na dai matutong an apa.
Mas masiram kaya an turon pag maragsip pa an apa,” dagdag pang sabi ni
Mama Yani.
“Ay, madali man sana palan an pagluto kan turon. Pwede po kita sa aga
maggibo Mama,” hapot ni Yuri.
“ O sige, maluto kita sa aga ki mirindalan tangani matanaan man ni Papa
mo pero tabangan mo ako ha!”
“ Iyo po, Mama tatabangan ta ka po,” an sabi ni Yuri.

Comprehension Check:
1. Was the story for learning or for pleasure?
2. Why did you say so?
3. Who were the characters in the story?
4. What does Yuri like to eat?
5. What are the ingredients in cooking “turon’?
6. What are the steps in making “turon”?
7. Is turon a nutritious food? Explain your answer.

C. Development of the Lesson:

Go back to the story of Pinusong Bagas and San Vicente Ferrer, could
you tell the purpose of the writer in writing those stories? Is it for learning or

Group Activity: Read the following story. Find out if it is for pleasure or

1. “ Si Tina, An Mataba na Kino” ni Imelda R. Hona
( MTB 2 LM pages 18-20)

2. “An Pinakahahalat na Pamamasyar” ni Emy Barja

(MTB 2 LM pages 24-25)

3. “Maogmahon si Angie” ni Agnes M. Camposano

(MTB 2 LM pages 86-87)

Group Presentation:
Generalization: What are the purposes of a story?
Fixing Skills: Get a partner. Read the story given by the teacher.
Tell its purpose.

D. Evaluation: Read the story below. Answer the question that follows

Aragawan Base
Ni: Lea M. Bibe

“Dali, aabotan ka na ni Andres, Mikay”, suriyaw ni Amber mantang

naghihiling ki kawat na aragawan base.
Makaskason man na nagdalagan si Mikay. Tulos siyang nakaabot sa base
na dai nainotan ni Andres.
“Hay! Pinagal ako saimo Andres”, nagngangarakngak na sabi ni Mikay.
Huna ko aabutan mo na ako? Hahaha!
“Kansukat gari may nagtusok sakong dagom sa bitis kaya bigla akong
nakapundo. Ito palan sadit na gapo man sana.” “Pero matibayon ka magdalagan,
Mikay garo dai na nagduduot an bitis mo sa tinampo. Ha!ha!ha! “
“Grabe ka man, Andres! Desidido sana ako makaabot sa base”, simbag ni
“Sa agang hapon makarawat naman kita ha! Iiba ko man so tugang ko”,
sabi ni Amber.
Pakatapos magkarawat, nagpahiringalo nguna sinda saka nag-
uruiristoryahan. Ogmahon sindang marhay mantang pigbabalikan so pag-
aragawan base.

Comprehension Questions:
1. Who played Aragawan Base?
A. Sander, Mika, Pat
B. Ara, Ella, Carlo
C. Amber, Mikay, Andres

2. What was the game played by Andres, Mikay and Amber?

A. Kadang-kadang B. Aragawan Base C. Patintero

3. Who won in the game? A. Amber B. Mikay C. Andres

4. Why did Mikay win the game?

A, She is persistent to reach the base.
B. She is in a hurry to go home.
C. She will win a prize.

5. What do you think was purpose of the writer in writing the story?

A. For pleasure B. for learning C. for information

D.Agreement: Read any storybook written in Bikol. Tell its purpose.


(Week 5 - Day 4)
I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard:
1. Demonstrates knowledge of and skills in word analysis to read, write in
cursive and
spell grade level words.
2. Demonstrates the ability to read grade level words with sufficient accuracy
speed, and expression to support comprehension.
3. Demonstrates expanding knowledge and use of appropriate grade level
vocabulary and concepts.

B. Performance Standard:
1. Applies word analysis skills in reading, writing in cursive and spelling words
2. Reads with sufficient speed, accuracy, and proper expression in reading
grade level text.
3. Uses expanding vocabulary knowledge and skills in both oral and written

C.Learning Competencies:
1. Read content area-related sight words.
2. Read grade level texts with appropriate speed (MT2F-Ia-i-1.5)
3. Use the combination of affixes and root words as clues to get the meaning
of words. (MT2VCD-Ic-e-1.3)

II. Content: Affixes, Rootwords & Its Meaning

III. Learning Resources:

1. TG page
2. LM page:
3. Textbook page
4. Additional Mat. From LR Portal: DCCM
5. Other Learning Resources:

A.1. Review:
2. Motivation:
3. Unlock: kapilya (show picture of a chapel)
sash ( show sample of a sash). Where do you see it?
tradisyon ( show any picture depicting Filipino traditions)
4. Motive Question: We will a read a story. Find what was
celebrated at Hailey’s barangay chapel?

Ni: Lea M. Bibe
Santa Elena, Reyna Elena, Reyna de los Flores, Reyna Emperatriz,
nagkapira sana ini sa nabasa ni Hailey sa mga sash na sulog kan mga
daraga na nahiling niya sa kapilya. Sa paghuna niya nasa 30-40 an nag-intra
sa okasyon na ini. Sinda nakasulog nin simple alagad makokolor na mga
“Mama, nata po ta arog kayan an mga sulog ninda”, hapot ni Hailey.
“Katapusan kaya ngunyan kan Santacruzan digdi sa satong
barangay, Hailey. Pigseselebrar man ini sa bilog na Pilipinas kada bulan
nin Mayo”, simbag kan saiyang ina.
“Sain po Mama nagpoon an Santacruzan”, hapot pa
“Sosog sa istorya kan mga gurang, sabi daa pakatapos magadan si
Kristo nagduman sa bulod si Santa Elena tangani hanapon an krus na
pinagpakuan ki Kristo. Pag-abot duman, tulong krus an nahiling ninda. Saro
daa duman so krus ni Kristo na nakarahay sa kaiba ni Santa Elena. Duman
na nagpoon an tradisyon kan Santacruzan. “Mas naging magayon kaya
ngunyan an Santacruzan ta dakulon na ki nag-iintra. Igwa na pati nin
makukulor na arko dangan magagayon na bado”, paliwanag pa kan saiyang
“Pag daraga na ako Mama pwede mo na man po ako paintrahon sa
Santacruzan”, pakaraw na sabi ni Hailey.
“Aw! iyo tangani maranasan mo man na maging parte kan
Santacruzan. Ako kaito pinaintra man ni lola mo. Reyna Estrella ako. Bituon
an kapot ko. Magayon an naging ekpersyensya ko kan pag-intra ko”,
pagrumdom na sabi kan saiyang ina.
“Oh! Ining cruz pinasan ni Hesus
Nin huli sa sala niyato gabos. (2x)
“Mari na, malaog na kita sa kapilya ta mapuon na an prusisyon.
Nagpoon na kayang magkanta an mga kantura”, sabi kan saiyang ina.
Sabay na naglaog an mag-ina saka pinadukotan an dara nindang

Comprehension Check:
1. What is being celebrated at Hailey’s barangay chapel?
2. Who participated in the Santacruzan?
3. How many ladies joined?
4. When is Santacruzan celebrated?
5. How did it start?
6. What can you say about the celebration of Santacruzan?
7. Would you like to join in this celebration? Why? Why not?

B. Development of the Lesson:

Read the following words taken from the story
nahiling makolor hanapon
nabasa nagpoon pinadukotan

• What syllables are found in each word?
• What does each word mean?

Explain that some words can be formed by adding affixes from its
rootword & give definite meaning

Group Activity: Divide the class into 3 groups. Use the table below in getting the
rootwoord, affixes & word meaning.

Rootword Affixes Meaning

Word (Group 1) (Group 2) (Group 3)
1. linuto
2. nag-uli
3. sunudon
4. gibuhon
5. hinali

Group Presentation:
Generalization: How are the words formed?
Fixing Skills: Think of 5 words. Give the rootword, affixes, & its meaning.
C. Evaluation: A. Fill in the table with its rootword & affixes

Word Rootword Affixes

1. kinaon
2. dangugon
3. magdigdi

4. Makaskason magdalagan si Romar. Ano an gustong sabihon kan


A. Maluyahon B. maliksihon C. madulagon

4. Dakol an sinaudan ni Mama. An gustong sabihon kan
A. Binakalan B. dinarahan C. tinao

E.Agreement: List down 5 words. Write the rootword, affixes, and the

(Week 5 - Day 5)
I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard:
Demonstrates the ability to read grade level words with sufficient accuracy
speed, and expression to support comprehension.
Demonstrates knowledge of and skills in word analysis to read, write in
cursive and spell graded level words.
B. Performance Standard:
Reads with sufficient speed, accuracy, and proper expression in reading
grade level text.
Applies word analysis skills in reading, writing in cursive and spelling
words independently.
C. Learning Competencies:
Read grade level texts with appropriate intonation, expression, and
punctuation cues when applicable. (MT2F-Ia-i-1.6)
Correctly spell grade level words. (MT2PWR-Ia-i-6.3)
Write upper and lower case letters using cursive strokes (MT2PWR-Ia-i-3.3)

II. Content: Spelling and Writing

Learning Resources:
1. TG page
2. LM page:
3. Textbook page
4. Additional Mat. From LR Portal: DCCM
5. Other Learning Resources:

III. Procedures:
A. 1. Review: What was the story you have read yesterday?
Here are the words taken from the story:
bado arko dakulon pigseselebrar paintrahon

Say the syllable that composes each word. Can you read them?
B. 1. Present the words in cursive form.
aga daa gogo
Ask: Can you still read these words correctly? Why? Why not?
4. Say: So that you will be able to read them correctly, we will study
how to write them.
C. Development of the Lesson:
Call some pupils to write words using the letters previously learned like

d o a g
What other words could be formed by these letters? Read them.

Group Activity:
Using the mini-writing board, spell and write the following words in cursive form.
goad daga gaod
 Group Presentation:
 Generalization: In what other form could you write the words?
 Fixing Skills: Let other pupils write some words in cursive form in the
chalkboard using the letters d.a.o,g and read them afterwards.

D. Evaluation:
What word was formed? Write in cursive form.

ad ga
ogo g
da go


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