Chapter 2. Why Do Field Research?: by Victoria Reyes-García and William D. Sunderlin

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Chapter 2. Why Do Field Research?

By Victoria Reyes-García and William D. Sunderlin

The aim of science is not to open the door to infinite wisdom, but to set a limit to
infinite error.
Bertolt Brecht, “The Life of Galileo” (1939, scene 9)

1. Introduction

Field research is a methodological approach to observe behaviour under natural

conditions. Field research is traditionally contrasted to research conducted in
laboratories or academic settings, or to research exclusively relying on existing,
or secondary, data. In the social sciences, the collection of raw data in situ, often
– but not exclusively – occurs in a geographical and cultural context not familiar
to the person collecting the data. Differently from other methodological
approaches, field research in the social sciences allows the researcher to
engage in detailed observation and conversations to elicit information about the
data being collected. Many techniques and methods for data collection can be
used during field research (Bernard 1995), including:

 Observation of events as they occur in natural settings sometimes expanded

by means of a contextual inquiry. Observation can be naturalistic or
participant, when the researcher engages in the observed activities;
 Archival research or the study of information from already existing records,
such as national census or local publications, but also personal documents;
 Field experiments or experiments conducted in natural settings in order to
understand causal relations among variables; and
 Surveys or the collection of systematic data on people’s actions, thoughts,
and behaviour through asking direct questions in natural settings.

In the next section we outline reasons that justify the investment in field research
in general. Then, in the third section we ask why one should do field research in
poor developing countries. We pose the question at three levels: the interest of
society; the interest of the community being researched; and the interest of the
researcher. Before concluding, we also discuss some of the ethical challenges
related to doing field research. This last section helps understand how one
should prepare and do field research properly, if one should decide to do it.

2. Four basic reasons for doing field research

Field research has been a common technique in the social sciences during most
of the 20th century (see Box 1). But, field research, including the collection of data
through household surveys – the main method discussed through this book – can
be expensive, time consuming, and in some cases, invasive. Who likes to have
strangers ask personal questions concerning your level of education, the number
of chickens on your farm, possibly illegal uses of the forest, and the amount of
remittance income you got from your daughter who lives abroad? So, what is it
about field research that justifies the often extraordinary amount of effort involved
in conducting it, and especially in doing it well? After all, tons of data –including
household level data from developing countries- can be downloaded in a few
minutes and free of charge from the internet. Why, despite the high costs in time
and money, have researchers from many disciplines adopted field research as a
valid methodological approach for collecting data? We outline four basic reasons:


2.1. Overcoming lack of data

Field research is often necessary to fill an information void related to the problem
to be investigated. Often there is very little or no existing information concerning
a problem in a given place or topic. The problem might be known or suspected
by hearsay and rumour, or through reports in newspapers and radio, but without
primary data to analyze it in a scientific and systematic way. If there is
information concerning the problem in the national census, it might be
inadequate for gaining insights on its cause, development, and possible
resolution. For example, national census information is often available at high
levels of aggregation only. Field research allows us to test theoriesat a low level
of aggregation because field researchers typically collect information on some of
the basic units for decision making parameters (communities, household,
persons). Even when some amount of data exists, gaps might need to be filled.
In that case, one could conduct targeted supplementary field research to collect
the complementary data needed. Field research makes possible the scientific
exploration of problems in geographic areas or on research topics where there
are few pre-existing data. Indeed, the major rationale for the PEN project was the
lack of comparable data on the relationship between forests and poverty (chapter

2.2. Understanding the context

Even in cases where there is a perfect set of available data to answer a research
question, researchers opt to conduct complementary field research. Economists,
for example, often conduct short field research visits to understand the social and
economic context of the location where the data were collected (see, for
example, the work of Pender (1996: 257-296) in ICRISAT’s Village Level
Studies). For instance, imagine that you use information from the national census
to study a region’s economy. You find that most people derive their livelihoods
from agriculture, and that most land is communal. But you also find a high
inequality of income in agriculture. The finding is puzzling: Why is there so much
inequality if land is held in common? Field research can help you understand the

context of your findings. It might be possible that, because there are high taxes
on private land ownership but no taxes of communal land ownership, people
declare lands as communal (to avoid taxes), but use them privately in
accordance with customary rules for land distribution.

Field research can thus provide a deeper understanding of the local situation,
allowing the researcher to measure the origins, scope, and scale of a problem,
as well as to gauge local opinions on the causes, consequences, and means to
resolve a problem. In the best of cases, with a large and representative sample
of households, it might be possible for research results to serve as an input for
rethinking or guiding policy at the national level. But even short of this, local case
study research might provide vital insights for understanding and resolving a
pressing problem.

2.3 Controlling data quality

Field research enables control of the accuracy of data collection through at least
two mechanisms. First, field research enables corroboration or confirmation of
data via triangulation (Cf. chapter 11). For example, answers to household
surveys can be checked against information from other interviewees,
observation, or written records locally available. Field research helps the
researcher determine which results are valid. Second, field research enables the
researcher to select sensible questions for the specific cultural context being
investigated (e.g., avoid asking Muslim respondents about pork meat

Furthermore, cultural or ethnic differences can affect the interpretation of a

question, but also people’s trust in the interviewer and willingness to give
accurate answers. For example, in a culture where government and/or business
are perceived as being corrupt or exploitive, responses to questions from
outsiders are likely to be affected by the risk that responses may be obtained and
abused by government officials or others. As discussed later in this book (chapter
11), field work can improve the quality of the data collected by a) increasing the
trust of people in the researcher, and b) allowing to identify questions that might
be sensible in a given cultural context, and improve the way those questions are
being asked.

2.4 Opening new frontiers of knowledge

Observing the local reality often tells you things that cannot be observed through
national census or survey data. Field research thus puts researchers in contact
with a situation that can open their eyes and enable them to initiate new lines of
thinking. Field research can provide an empirical basis (and in some cases, the
only basis) for challenging conventional wisdom or for testing a research
question, a theoretical proposition, or a hypothesis related to a pressing issue.

3. Reasons for doing field research in poor developing countries

Why should we do field research in poor developing countries? To answer this

question it is appropriate to frame the issue in a larger context: Why should one
do research in poor countries, including not just field research but also the entire
linked research enterprise – including, research conceptualization and design,
bibliographical research, analysis of the census and other national data, and the
like. A preliminary answer to these questions is rather obvious. Poor developing
countries are places that are often beset by many problems including:

 Low income, livelihood insecurity, vulnerability, and poverty;

 Insufficient and unreliable access to health care and education;
 Lack of voice and power of ordinary people in the national and local policy;
 Gender oppression and inequality;
 Lack of access to markets with subsequent low prices for the produce;
 Inadequacy and unfairness of laws and regulations;
 Victimization of local people by powerful outside entities (e.g.,
government, military, private enterprises);
 Lack of recognition of rights, including: tenure over land and resources
(customary and/or statutory); citizenship; civil rights; human rights;
 Problems related to environmental management and conservation (e.g.,
deforestation, restriction to access natural resources, climate change);
 Conflict and war; and
 Natural disasters (e.g. earthquakes, droughts, hurricanes, tsunamis) and
epidemics (e.g. HIV-AIDS, ebola virus).

It is important to point out that all of these problems exist to a degree in so-called
developed countries, making it important to ask: Why conduct social science
research in developing as compared to developed countries? One possible
answer is that a variety of problems can be more severe (though not necessarily
so) in developing than in developed countries, and that the means for addressing
them (i.e., financial, institutional capacity, etc.) can be more limited in developing
countries. Additional knowledge concerning these problems, generated through
the collection and analysis of primary data, is often useful for understanding and
formulating policy or institutional solutions. Furthermore, in some countries with
less freedom to conduct research, outsiders can poke into social and political
issued that would otherwise not be researched – and, hence, challenge the
status quo. In the best of all possible worlds, research effort should be directed in
proportion to the severity of social, economic, and environmental problems,
though this is not always the case.

So – getting to our central question – Why should we specifically do field

research in poor developing countries? It is important for the following reasons:

1) Field research can reveal new or related problems that the researcher was
unaware of. Researchers often go to the field with a pre-conceived idea of the

scientific or social problem they want to address. Upon arrival to the field they
often discover that the problem of interest for the researcher is not the most
urgent priority for people in the area (See Box 2).


2) Field research can serve as a vehicle for local people to comprehend and
address a problem they are facing, thus making it possible to work towards a
solution, or at least, to give local people a means for inserting their views into the
policy process (See Box 3).


3) Field research can be directed not only at understanding a problem, but also
at monitoring and/or evaluating government policies and programs that might
have been put in place to address the problem. For example, field research can
help understand how integrated community and development projects (ICDPs)
actually work, and to evaluate the real conditions that affect the success of those
programs. Other examples of programs related to livelihoods in forested areas
and environmental problems are: social and community forest programs; eco-
tourism; payments for environmental services (PES); and Reducing Emissions
from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD) schemes.

In keeping with the quotation from Bertolt Brecht above, the achievements of
household field research can be justified even if they are modest and do not
achieve “infinite wisdom.” If the research can help lessen the effects of a problem
by pointing out a policy error and leading to a policy course correction, it may end
up having been worth the high costs involved and the disruption of daily life.
Ultimately, the utility of field research to society is partly related to whose
interests it serves.

4. Whose interests are served in doing field research?

The discussion above assumes there is only one frame of reference for judging
the utility of field research: that of the academic community and the society at
large. But of course, there are various interests involved in weighing the merits of
undertaking field research involving data collection through household surveys.
In this section we focus the discussion on the interest of 1) society at large, 2) the
community that is the target of the research, and 3) the person or team
undertaking the research.

4.1 The interests of society at large

The discussion in section 2 above basically justifies field research on the basis of
increasing our scientific understanding of a given problem. The discussion in

section 3 adds that conducting field research is justified if it serves to understand,
diminish, and/or resolve the problem it is designed to address. But “society at
large” is a complex entity. Which part of society at large do we mean? Much of
social science research in developing countries is funded by bilateral or
multilateral donor organizations in collaboration with national governments and
institutions. In the best of cases, all institutional parties that manage research are
of one mind on the importance of the research. But in some cases the research
is more a reflection of international rather than national priorities. Furthermore,
national or more local priorities are not necessarily in agreement in some
research interest. For example, national governments might not have an interest
in research focusing on the social conditions of ethnic or religious minorities that
outside researchers consider worthy of study.

Research on tiger conservation in India provides an example of how international

agendas often dictate what needs to be researched. The rapid decrease of the
tiger population has led both to policy responses by the national government and
to an increase in research on the topic, but neither of these really take into
account local priorities. Following an international trend (Smith and Wishnie
2000:493-524; Chan et al. 2007: 59-68), the government of India in 1973 enacted
“Project Tiger,” a set of political measures to protect this emblematic species
mainly through the creation of protected areas, such as Tiger Reserves and
Wildlife Sanctuaries. Unfortunately, these measures generally do not take into
consideration the presence of people living inside or around the protected areas.
Research on the topic has focused on the biology of the species and on the
causes of its disappearance, such as poaching or habitat destruction
(Madhusudan and Karanth 2002: 49-54), but not on the interactions between
local people and wildlife. Thus, policy measures and the research agenda have
both followed trends established by international conservationist organizations
and have neglected local priorities such as access to natural resources,
development, and protection from wildlife. It is important for conscientious
researchers to be mindful of these dynamics and of the fact that society is
composed of many actors, not all sharing the same interests.

4.2 The interests of the community being researched

Does field research conducted in a given community end up serving the interests
of that community? Ideally, this would be the outcome, though often it is not. And
even worse, bad field research can cause or aggravate problems in the
community being studied.

Ideally, field research can at least provide an indirect benefit to a community by

(for example) serving as the information base for development projects or policy
reforms which eventually redound to the benefit of the community. In some
cases, the benefit can be more direct – for example, in cases where action
research is focused on understanding and remedying only the problem
experienced by the community. However, many field research projects fall short

of these objectives. It is important for research institutions and individual
researchers to attempt to design research in such a way that community interests
are served, either directly or indirectly, in spite of the fact that this is a tall

Frequently, respondents in target communities reap absolutely no benefit from

research in spite of having collectively put hundreds of unpaid hours into
answering questions. This might result from any combination of bad preparation,
poor design, implementation, data collection, analysis, policy outreach, and
policy impact, among others. A frequent retrospective lament of many university
students and senior researchers is that their hard work in the field has ended up
“gathering dust on a shelf.”

Often, however, research is deliberately extractive in character and has no

intention to directly benefit the community being researched. Often extractive
research can be justified by indirect benefits to be community researched (for
example through policy change) and possibly to other communities to which the
results may be generalizable. However in some cases, field research does not
attain even the indirect benefits sought.

How can we best assure that field research serves the interests of a given
community, if that is a goal of the research? One way to do that is to involve local
people in the conceptualization, design, and/or implementation of the research
(see Box 3 above). It is not always practical or possible to carry out field research
in this way, but is an option that should be considered by researchers who are
strongly inclined toward assuring that communities benefit from research efforts
carried out in their midst. Other ways of benefiting local communities is directly
sharing the knowledge generated through the research with them, as was done
by several PEN researchers (see Box 4).


Field research can potentially uplift local people by valuing their knowledge.
Many local people are used to having their opinions ignored. By trying to
understand local perspectives and putting them in the public arena, researchers
can provide an avenue of empowerment and communication between local
people and authorities (for example) that would otherwise not exist. Last, in some
cases at least, especially where there is no research fatigue, local people might
simply enjoy the interaction with somebody from outside asking interesting
questions, bringing pictures of faraway places, and just spending time with them.

4.3 The interests of the researcher

Field research is done not just to meet societal and community objectives, but
also those of researchers themselves. Various academic and personal interests

motivate the implementation of field research by researchers and university

1) Academic interests. There is often a pedagogical component in social science

curricula that gives attention to “learning by doing” and learning by having first-
hand contact with, and knowledge of, the day to day realities experienced by the
people being studied.

Such curricula tend to espouse a training approach where the practicum

embraces all aspects of the social scientific approach, from beginning to end:
theory; methods; identification of a problem; formulation of a question or
hypothesis; draft research instrument; pre-testing; community household census;
random selection of households; implementation of a household survey; data
entry; data cleaning; data analysis; write up; and restitution to the community.
Indeed, the structure of this book reflects such an approach.

Relatedly, field research experience is sometimes a requirement for obtaining a

degree in a specific field of study (e.g. anthropology or development studies).

2) Personal experience. Field research provides the opportunity for a unique

personal experience. Field research entails the discovery of new places,
challenging oneself, often learning how to work in a class, race, ethnic, cultural,
and linguistic context different from one’s own, and learning how to overcome
difficulties in this unfamiliar context.

Understanding the world through field research is a valuable personal asset. In

many types of employment (including jobs in the conservation and development
sectors), field research experience adds to the value of an academic degree.

While a positive personal experience and growth are important motivations (and
these help in doing good fieldwork), there is also a risk that fieldwork can become
“academic tourism.” It is important for researchers to reflect on their motivations
for doing field research, and to answer the question: “Who will really benefit from
this research?”

5. The challenges of field research

What has been stated above appears to be – we hope – a set of convincing

arguments for conducting field research in general, and field research in
developing countries in particular. As long as the interests of society at large, the
community, and the researcher are all met, why would one hesitate to conduct
such research? Reflecting on what happens in the real world of research, there
are some good reasons to hesitate to do field research and to reflect deeply on
whether it is truly worth the investment. The main challenges in conducting
accurate and useful field research are ethical and personal. We outline bellow

some of the more important ethical challenges, and in chapter 9, our colleagues
discuss personal challenges while being in the field.

5.1 Ethical challenges

Field research raises ethical issues and it is important to be fully aware of them
beforehand to address them adequately. The following are among the most
important issues that must be thought through before and during field research:

1) Perpetuating unequal power relations: Bear in mind that communities that are
the subject of field research may not always have the power to authorize or
object to the field research being done. They are often on the receiving end of a
prior decision by people in government and/or in academia that “the research will
be conducted in village X.” Even if researchers ask village or town leaders for
permission to conduct research, there is often no latitude for the leaders to say
no. Conversely, communities are often unable to promote (i.e., by funding) or
authorize research in cases where they want it done (say, to reveal a problem),
as villages often lack the financial means to fund research, and as authorities can
prohibit research that is too sensitive.

Closely related is the fact that local people often have no say in the content of the
research to be done. For example in the 1980s and 1990s much of the content of
social science research in forests in developing countries was motivated by the
concern for the protection of forests and biodiversity and gave little (or lesser)
attention to the wellbeing and rights of forest dwellers (West et al. 2006: 251-277;
Chan et al. 2007: 59-68). Similarly, since 2006-7 the focus has shifted to the role
of forests in the global carbon cycle. Participatory approaches (see Box 3) can
address these problems to some degree. However the participatory approach is
not always an appropriate mode of research and it should not be used in
situations where science is not well served by the consultative process.

The unfortunate and often invisible reality is that among the three interest groups
discussed above, the communities are the least powerful.

2) Release of sensitive information. During field research, sensitive private

information might be disclosed, potentially resulting in embarrassment or harm to
community members. Researchers should protect the privacy of participants. To
prevent the release of sensitive information in settings where interviews are
conducted face-to-face, researchers should select their methods of data
collection, processing, and publication carefully. For example, researchers
should strive to conduct household interviews privately – out of the hearing range
of eavesdropping neighbours or local government officials – both to guarantee
privacy and also to improve the quality of communication with (otherwise)
reluctant respondents. Researchers can also minimize the risk of public release
of sensitive information by assuring the confidentiality of the names of
respondents, and the names of research villages.

3) Issues related to data ownership. Researchers conducting field research
assume they have full ownership of the primary data being collected. But in
cases of research on sensitive topics, for example on issues related to territorial
rights or traditional ecological knowledge, local people might be interested in the
use of the primary data for non-academic purposes. The matter of relinquishing
control over research data enters into a realm of ethics that researchers seldom
think about beforehand.

4) Unexpected outcomes: The implementation of research sometimes stirs up

local emotions related to the problem being investigated. In those cases,
government authorities might act against local people who have chosen to
become vocal. Or sometimes, the published research leads to policy reform or
rethinking of program objectives, and these reforms or new objectives are
sometimes contrary to the interests of people in the community. For example,
documenting widespread illegal forest uses may lead to stronger law
enforcement towards local violators. While the researcher might not have
intended these outcomes, it does not change the fact that – in the worst of cases
– the outcomes can be devastating and cannot be changed.

Almost all research endeavours have some relation to politics and power, and for
that reason alone, one must be mindful of the consequences of conducting field

5.2. Overcoming the challenges

The negative consequences described above can often be avoided with foresight
and – above all – a conscientious attitude on the part of researchers. In various
parts of this book, reference will be made to steps one must take to uphold
ethical standards in designing and implementing a research project. Here, we
merely list a few basic principles that should be borne in mind as researchers
embark on their projects:

 Consider participatory research approaches, but only if they are feasible,

practical, and are consistent with the topic being investigated (see Box 3).

 Make sure that target communities are adequately consulted prior to doing
research, and engage in these consultations mindful of the unequal power
relations mentioned above.

 If the research project involves indirect rather than direct benefits to the
community, explain this candidly to community members.

 Guarantee anonymity in the processing and publication of data (e.g. the

names of respondents should not appear in publications) and then
rigorously uphold the promise.

 Tell members of the community that you will give them a full accounting of
what has been found through the research, and then come through on this
promise. Returning information to communities can be done in simple and
inexpensive ways (such as community workshops), even for graduate
students with small budgets.

 Prepare yourself for the field. Minimize culture shock by getting a big head
start in learning the local language and by informing yourself about
customs, mores, and traditions. The more prepared you are, the more
enjoyable your field experience will be.

6. Conclusion

In sum, there are good reasons for doing field research, and yet also various
reasons to be hesitant before committing oneself to this time and resource-
demanding activity.

In deciding whether and how to do field research in developing countries,

prospective researchers need to be mindful of whose interests are being served
and the ethics of the research enterprise. Researchers need to go beyond the
deceptively comforting assumption that a research project is well-conceived and
worthwhile if it is initiated and funded by an international donor organization and
endorsed by a national government. Researchers should be aware that their
presence in the field, rather than contributing to the welfare of the people that
supply the data and host them, can be potentially abused in power struggles,
and research results can be used to fuel those struggles. So, in weighing ethical
considerations of field research, it is important to think through ways to avoid
perpetuating unequal power relations, and to affirm a moral commitment to the
community by planning ways to guard sensitive information, by anticipating
sensitive issues related to data ownership, and by striving to conduct the
research in such a way that unwanted outcomes are prevented.

In our elaboration of the challenges of field research in poor countries, we do not

want to dissuade prospective researchers from undertaking this activity. Instead,
our message is that field research can be of great service to the community
being studied, to society at large, and to the researcher if and only if serious and
responsible thought is given to the challenges that surely lie ahead.

Box 1
The birth of field work

By Victoria Reyes-García and William D. Sunderlin

Anthropologists attribute the development of the modern tradition on field

research to Malinowski, through his study of the Trobriand Islanders of New
Guinea (Malinowski 1922). Malinowski argued that anthropologists needed to get
off the verandas of the missionaries’ and government officials’ houses to see
what local people were really doing. The basic idea was that only by immersing
oneself in people’s daily activities and talking to local people in their houses and
fields, could one hope to understand them.

"Indeed, in my first piece of ethnographic research on the South coast, it

was not until I was alone in the district that I began to make some
headway; and, at any rate, I found out where lay the secret of effective
field-work. What is then this ethnographer’s magic, by which he is able to
evoke the real spirit of the natives, the true picture of tribal life? (…)
Field-work consists mainly in cutting oneself off from the company of other
white men, and remaining in as close contact with the natives as possible,
which really can only be achieved by camping right in their villages. (…)
And by means of this natural intercourse, you learn to know him, and you
become familiar with his customs and beliefs far better than when he is a
paid, and often bored, informant (Malinowski 1922: 6-7).

For many years, field research was the most common –and sometimes the only-
methodological approach of cultural anthropologists. Once mainly a domain of
anthropologists, field research is now widely conducted in most of the social
sciences, including geography, sociology, and economics (Udry 2003: 107-111).

Box 2
Field work as an eye-opener. An example from Guatemala

By José Pablo Prado-Córdova

Our research project was aimed at exploring the cause-effect relationships

between the conservation status of the Guatemalan fir (Abies guatemalensis
Rehder) and its socioeconomic functions at the household level in the adjacent
rural villages within this species’ distribution area. Field work was carried out
during the period 2004-2006 and entailed interaction among villagers and
botanists, plant ecologists, foresters, agronomists, entomologists, economists,
enumerators, and students from both the University of San Carlos of Guatemala
and the University of Copenhagen. The original research question for the
socioeconomic component of this project dealt with estimating the economic
importance of A. guatemalensis in nearby peasant households. This was decided
without consulting villagers about the extent to which this question was valid or
even relevant for the proposed aim of the research project. Soon we came to
realize that this species plays a minor role in local households’ economies. We
also learned that conservation threats such as poaching were more associated
with external agents who take the lion’s share of the selling of illegally harvested
branches, than with local agents. Field work actually was an eye opener for those
involved in the project and made us adjust our original set of research questions
in order to come up with a more realistic, problem-focused approach.

Box 3
Participatory ethnocartography with the Achuar, Perú

By Martí Orta-Martínez

In a series of workshops held in Lima and Iquitos in 2005, the umbrella

organization of the indigenous peoples in the Corrientes River (Federación de
Comunidades Nativas del Río Corrientes FECONACO) asked for research that
mapped the activities of oil companies in their territory. FECONACO aimed to get
scientific evidence for the environmental impacts that these activities have in the
communal territory of the Achuar indigenous peoples.

To answer the call, a team of researchers of the Autonomous University of

Barcelona (UAB) designed a Participatory Action Research (PAR) plan involving
both UAB researchers and members of FECONACO. Researchers trained a
team of indigenous monitors in the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) and
digital and video cameras. After training, indigenous monitors walked the territory
and collected information on old and new oil spills. Researchers cross-validated
these data with results obtained from a temporal study of satellite images in order
to assess the spatio-temporal environmental impact of the oil companies on the
indigenous territory.

FECONACO has used the information generated by the team of researchers and
indigenous monitors to initiate legal complaints to the government of Peru on the
impact of oil companies in their territory. The research has empowered
indigenous communities, allowing them to support their case in legal
confrontations with the oil company. It has also raised the environmental
standards of the oil company, with obvious environmental benefits for indigenous

Box 4
Returning information to participants: The Community Baboon Sanctuary,

By Miriam Wyman

A study was conducted within the Community Baboon Sanctuary (CBS), Belize,
a small community-reserve under IUCN Category IV protected area status to
protect the Black Howler Monkey (Aloutta pigra). Research assessing
conservation from different perspectives involved interviewing 135 of the
approximately 220 landowners within the seven villages that make up the CBS.
Additionally, field work surveying forest and land cover change covered all seven
villages. The research results were returned to the CBS villages through
meetings and through dissemination of written materials:
1. Meetings
The researcher returned to the CBS to make a formal presentation to the
Women’s Conservation Group, the management body representing women
leaders from the seven CBS villages that oversees conservation efforts and
research within the CBS.
Additionally, the researcher visited each of the seven village leaders and
organized a meeting in each of the villages for interested residents. The
meetings provided a good opportunity to not only summarize the research
findings, but also to answer the questions or concerns of residents regarding the
goals and process of the research. Several meetings provided a forum for
residents to communicate with each other on how this research could improve
their livelihoods or resolve local management issues.
2. Written materials
Short, non-technical reports (3-5 pages) were developed and handed out to
residents at all meetings and to each of the seven village leaders. A laminated
poster showing research results was used at every meeting and left with the
director of the CBS. A copy of the dissertation was sent to the CBS director, as
will be copies of any future publications from this research.
Not only is sharing research results an ethical thing to do, but results can also
help with future management decisions and support for future funding. In the
case of this particular research site, the CBS director is interested in using this
study’s findings for future grant writing to improve conservation and development


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