That is, (a) the act itself, (b) the motive, and (c) the Any one of three elements alone is enough to
situation make an act evil, but one alone is not enough to
make it good, because for any human work to be good,
each of its essential elements must be good. For
The object chosen is a good toward which the will instance, a good building can be spoiled by a bad
deliberately directs itself. It is the matter of a human act. foundation, bad walls, or bad electrical wiring. In a
(CCC 1751) story, a good feature (for example, a good plot) is not
enough to make a good story if the story lacks good
characterization or a good theme. So with a human
Matter here does not mean merely physical matter, like act. The act itself and the motive and the circumstances
giving a man money or fighting a war, but the moral raw must all be right. You must (a) do the right thing (b)
material or content of the act, what the act objectively is for the right reason (c) in the right way.
in itself. For instance: is this money bribery or repayment
of a debt? Is this war aggression or defense?
Each of the three common oversimplified
moralities focuses on only one of the three factors and
In contrast to the object, the intention resides in the ignores the other two. Legalism focuses only on the
acting subject/person. (CCC 1752 objective act itself, as specified by the moral law.
Subjectivism focuses only on the subjective intention.
But although personal intentions are subjective, they can And Situation ethics or moral relativism is more
be good or evil just as objective acts can be good or evil. complete, realistic, and balanced.
An objectively good act can have a good or a bad
intention. For instance, giving alms is a good act;
relieving another’s suffering is a good intention for it, but
showing off is not. An objectively evil act can also have a
good or bad intention. For instance, a robbing a rich man
is an evil act; the intention of harming the rich man a bad
intention, and the motive of helping the poor with the
money is a good intention.
Mercy is the loving disposition towards those who suffer Jesus said many times that those who follow Him will be
distress. Love, compassion, and forgiveness towards persecuted. "If they persecute me, they will persecute
one's neighbor will bring peace in your relationships. We you" (John 15:20-21). Stephen, Peter and Paul, nearly all
say in the Lord's Prayer: Forgive us our trespasses, as we of the Apostles, and many Christians in the Roman era
forgive those who trespass against us. As we are merciful suffered martyrdom. Oppressive governments and
to others, so our Heavenly Father will be merciful with endless conflicts in the last one hundred years, such as
us! Jesus reminds us that whatever "you did to the least World Wars I and II, and the Middle East Wars in Iraq,
of my brethren, you did it to me (Matthew 25:31-46)." Egypt, and Syria have seen their share of martyrs, such as
St. Paul calls for the obedience of faith in the beginning Maximilian Kolbe, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Latin American
and end of his Letter to the Romans (1:5, 16:25-27). The martyrs, and Middle East Christians. The Central
following are ways to be merciful to your neighbor as American Martyrs include the 38 recognized martyrs of
well as to be obedient in faith to Christ our Savior. La Cristiada, the Cristero War from 1926 to 1929, when
the Mexican government persecuted priests of the
Catholic Church, such as St. Christopher Magallanes, St.
The Corporal Works of Mercy ToribioRomo Gonzalez, and the 14 year old martyr
1 Feed the Hungry Blessed Jose Luis Sanchez del Rio. St. Maximilian Kolbe
2 Give drink to the thirsty offered his life in place of a stranger at the Auschwitz
3 Clothe the naked death camps on August 14, 1941. Dietrich Bonhoeffer
4 Shelter the homeless was a Lutheran pastor who was hung on April 9, 1945 for
5 Comfort the imprisoned condemning the leadership of Hitler in Nazi Germany.
6 Visit the sick Another Central American martyr was Oscar Romero,
7 Bury the dead Archbishop of San Salvador, who was assassinated while
saying Mass at Divine Providence Hospital on March 24,
The Spiritual Works of Mercy 1980 for speaking out against government human rights
1 Admonish sinners violations. Middle Eastern Christians have suffered
2 Instruct the uninformed severe persecution since the Iraq War. At least 58
3 Counsel the doubtful Christians were slaughtered at Sunday Mass at Our Lady
4 Comfort the sorrowful of Salvation SyriacEastern Catholic Church in Baghdad on
5 Be patient with those in error October 31, 2010. The present turmoil in Syria has left
6 Forgive offenses 500,000 Christian refugees displaced from their homes,
7 Pray for the living and the dead having fled to Jordan, Lebanon, and other Middle Eastern
countries. But the Lord promised those that suffer for his
sake will be rewarded with the Kingdom of Heaven!
"Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God."
But the one lacking fortitude loves "external (St. Gregory): VAINGLORY gives directive to-
goods" and the goods of the body (temporal DISOBEDIENCE, BOASTFULNESS, HYPOCRISY, etc.
goods) more than his character, more than
As St. Thomas Aquinas writes: "Humility makes us honor The guiding principle of justice is: “To each his due”. A
others and esteem them better than ourselves", for we child with a disability and a highly gifted child must be
see some of God's gifts in them, gifts that we don't have. encouraged in different ways so that each may fulfill his
potential. Justice is concerned with equity and longs to
(c) PATIENCE: is the virtue by which a man bears up
see people get that to which they are entitled. We must
against the evils that tend to make him sad and to break
allow justice to govern our relations with God also and
his spirit. It comes from love or charity; that is, from the
give him what is his: our love and worship. Justice toward
grace and friendship of God. It is possible only when the
God is called the “virtue of religion”
soul loves something good with love strong enough to
make it bear up under oppressing evils. PATIENCE cannot “You shall not be partial to the poor or defer to the great,
be a perfect virtue unless the love of God above all is its but in righteousness shall you judge your neighbor” (Lev.
core and essence. 19:15).
(d) PERSEVERANCE: is the virtue which disposes a person “Masters, treat your slaves justly and fairly, knowing that
to hold steadily to a good purpose, keeping the end you have a Master in heaven”. (Col.4:1)
steadily in view, despite delays, fatigue, and temptations
“Justice without mercy in unloving; mercy without justice
to indifference.
is degrading”. (Friedrich Von BodelSchwingh-Lutheran
What does it mean to have fortitude? theologian and founder of the Bethel Hospitals)
“For the valiant man, fortune and misfortune are like his
right and left hands; he uses both.” St. Catherine of
What is Justice?
“So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest
of these is love. (1 Cor. 13:13)
What is faith?
Why are faith, hope, and charity virtues?
• ______ “ (to hold something as true)
Faith, hope, and charity, too, are genuine powers-
bestowed by God, of course- that a person can develop • “Fides” (intellectual conviction)
and consolidate with the grace of God so as to obtain
• Thomas = “an act of the intellect when it ascends
“the abundant life” (Jn. 10:10) (1812-1813, 1840-1841)
to Divine truth under the influence of the will
Order among Virtues moved by God through grace”.
in Time = simultaneous (all of them) Faith is the power by which we assent to God,
acknowledge his truth, and commit ourselves personally
in Nature = Faith – Hope – Charity
to him, (1814-1816, 1842)
in Excellence = Charity – Faith – Hope
Faith is the path created by God leading to the truth that
is God himself. Because Jesus is “the way, the truth, and
the life” (Jn.14:6), this faith cannot be merely an attitude
Faith Hope or “confidence” about something or other. On the one
hand, the faith has definite contents, which the Church
FAITH w/o Love is DEAD, LOVE w/o Faith is professes in the Creed- profession of faith, and it is her
SENTIMENTALITY, HOPE w/o Faith is wishful duty to safeguard them. Anyone who wants to accept the
thinking gift of faith, in other words, anyone who wants to
believe, acknowledges this faith, which has been
preserved constantly through the ages and in many
FAITH w/o Hope is BLEAK LOVE w/o Hope is different cultures. On the other hand, part of faith is a
DESPERATION, HOPE w/o Love is SELFISH trusting relationship to God with heart and mind, with all
one’s emotional strength. For faith becomes effective
only through charity, practical love (Gal. 5:6). Whether
someone really believes in the God of love is shown, not
Love in his solemn affirmations, but rather in charitable deeds.
“Gavah” (Heb.) = “waiting for” These are the gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel,
fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. With
these the Holy Spirit “endows” Christians, in other
words, he grants them particular powers that go beyond
their natural aptitudes and gives them the opportunity
to become God’s special instruments in this world.
In the “Fruits of the Holy Spirit” the world can see what
becomes of people who let themselves be adopted, led,
and completely formed by God. The fruits of the Holy
Spirit show that God really plays a role in the life of
Question 1 Correct answer: True
The agent can have more than one intention from a Question 11
single act.
Which action is elicited?
Correct answer: True
Correct answer: Intending
Question 2
Question 12
Cheating is neither good nor evil.
Moral responsibility is less when the person performing
Correct answer: False the act is in the state of grave fear.
Correct answer: All of these The perfection of the moral good consists in man’s
being moved to the good not only by his will but also by
Question 6
his “heart.”
Amoral action can be made good by reasons of the end
Correct answer: True
of the agent and the circumstances.
Question 4 Question 11
Question 5 Question 12
The following are functions of conscience, except; The following statements about the moral principles in
conscience are true, except;
Correct answer: A desire of good and evil
Correct answer: Man has no moral the obligation to
Question 6
follow his conscience,
The following are corporal works of mercy, except;
Question 13
Correct answer: Forgive offenses
What is the seventh beatitude?
Question 7
Correct answer: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they
The following statements about conscience is false, shall be called children of God”
Question 14
Correct answer: It is the voice of God
“Blessed are those who mourn” refers to those who;
Question 8
Correct answer: Are troubled by the injustices of the
Which of the beatitudes expressed serenity and self- world
control in times of difficulty?
Question 15
Correct answer: Blessed are the meek
Which of the beatitudes expressed the need to free
Question 9 oneself from selfish intentions?
Which type of conscience we should form? Correct answer: Blessed are the pure in heart
4. Perfection is achieved in everyday acts. Regarding the beatitudes which of the following is true.
5. Every human action that pleases God is the work of Correct answer: All of these
grace from the beginning, in
Question 19
the middle and at the end.
In the Beatitudes of St. Matthew’s Gospel, to become
“spiritually poor “means;
Correct answer: to be humble
Question 20
Correct answer: