There is air surrounding us everywhere. You can’t see the air, but you can feel it
when the wind blows, and see it pushing the leaves around. The air is made of small
particles called molecules that we cannot see. Even though we cannot see them,
they still take up space and have weight.
TRY THIS: Take a deep breath and feel the air going into your nose. Did your chest
We don’t think about it, but we are living at the bottom of a large pool of air that
surrounds the entire earth. This large pool of air is called the atmosphere. The
atmosphere is nearly 80 miles thick. Have you ever swum to the bottom of the
swimming pool and felt the water push on your ears? The pool of air we live in is
also pushing on us, but we are so used to it we don’t even notice.
The weight of the air pushing on us is called air pressure and it is the equivalent of
about 15 pounds weighing on every square inch of us. The big turkey you had at
Thanksgiving weighed about 15 pounds and a square inch is about the size of a
stamp. That is a lot of weight pushing on us! Luckily the air inside us is also
pushing out, so we aren’t squashed.
Let’s try some experiments to see what all that air pressure does and some ways
we can change it.
Thank you to the WIN Chapter at Oak Ridge National Lab, Tennessee
for lesson plan development.
• The Magic Cup of Water
• Water in a Tube
1) Fill the glass 1/3 full of water. Cover the top of the cup with the index card.
2) Put your hand on the index card and hold it against the top of the glass and
turn the glass and index card upside down.
3) What do you think will happen if you remove your hand from the index card
(don’t forget to hold onto the cup with your other hand)? Remove your hand
from the index card and see what happens.
Remember that ocean of air that we live in? Although we cannot see it, it is
pushing on us and also on the index card. It is pushing so hard that the water
cannot push the index card away. The water weighs less than 1 pound, but the air
is pushing with 15 pounds for every square inch of the index card. The air holds
the index card in place, and the water stays in the cup.
Air is All Around Us
Water in a Tube
1) Place the tea bag into a glass of water, or color the water with food coloring.
2) Pour water in the plastic tube, but don’t fill it up all the way. Hold both ends
of the tube and see if the water is at the same height.
3) Now try moving the tubing to make one side of the water higher than the
other. Could you do it? Now put your finger over one end of the tubing and
try again.
The air was pushing on the water at both ends of the tube, so the water levels
stay exactly the same. When you put your finger over one end of the tube, you
blocked the air from getting to the water. Now the pressure on each side of the
tube is different, and you can change the level of the water. You can use this
principle when you are building a wall to make sure it is all at the same height.
Just fill a garden hose with water and hold one end so the water level is at the top
of the wall. Then stretch the hose to the other end of the wall. If your wall is level,
the water level at that end should also be at the top of the wall.
More and Less Air Pressure
Marshmallow Face
1) Draw a face on the flat end of the marshmallow with the magic marker.
2) Put the marshmallow in the jar, and screw on the lid.
3) Put the straw through the hole in the lid until about an inch is inside the
jar. Press the clay around the straw to make an air-tight seal. The clay will
keep the straw from falling into the jar. The air-tight seal is essential!
4) Now suck the air out of the jar. Suck really hard. If you do this in front of a
mirror, you can see what is happening to your marshmallow face.
5) Now quit sucking and see what happens.
Although the marshmallow looks solid, it is full of pockets of air. When you suck
the air out of the jar, there is not as much air to push on the marshmallow. This
means there is less air pressure. The pockets of air in the marshmallow are still
full of air and are pushing out, but there is not as much air in the jar to push back.
The pockets of air push out and become bigger and the marshmallow puffs up.
When you quit sucking on the straw, the air rushes back into the jar and pushes
the marshmallow back to its original size.
More and Less Air Pressure
The Water Foundation
• Jar with lid
• Drinking straw
• Piece of clay
• Water
• A large bowl or a large sink
1) Use the jar, lid, straw, and clay from the last experiment.
2) Fill the jar 1/2 full of water. Push the straw through the lid until 1 inch of the straw is
below water. Make sure the clay makes a seal with the straw and the jar lid.
3) Place the jar in a large bowl or the sink.
4) Now blow as hard as you can into the jar. Quickly let go of the straw.
Before you blew on the straw, the air pressure inside the jar and outside the jar were the same.
Air is made of tiny particles that we can’t see called molecules. There is lots of empty space
between these molecules, so there is room for more air. When you blew on the straw, you
pushed more air into the jar. Did you see how the air bubbled up?
Where there is more air, there is more pressure. After blowing in the straw, there is more air
and pressure inside the jar than there is outside the jar. Look at the “after you blew” jar above.
All that air is pushing hard. It can’t get back out of the jar, because the water is in the way. The
air pushes on the water so hard that it pushes the water up the straw and out of the jar and you
have a water fountain.
Heating and Cooling Air
The Inflating Balloon
Heat changes air pressure in a closed container. The more heat in the air, the higher the air
pressure in the container. Let’s try an experiment and watch how heat changes air pressure.
1) Put a balloon over the end of the plastic bottle.
2) Pour some hot water in a bowl. Hot tap water will work, but hot water from the stove is
even better. Hot water can burn, so have your parent or teacher assist.
3) Place the bottle in the hot water. Watch what happens to the balloon (it may take a few
4) Let the air out of the balloon. If it breaks, get a new balloon.
5) Put the balloon back over the neck of the bottle.
6) Now place the plastic bottle in a bowl of ice water. Watch what happens to the balloon.
Bottle in Hot Water
Heat causes things to expand or get bigger, while cold causes things to contract or get smaller.
When the bottle is put in the hot water, the air inside the bottle is heated. The air tries
to expand, and the air pressure increases because it cannot escape the bottle. The air pushes
out of the bottle and into the balloon, which is why the balloon inflates or gets bigger.
1) Put the plastic bottle into the hot water.
2) Wait a few minutes and put the lid tightly on the bottle.
3) Now put the bottle into a bowl with ice cubes or put it in the freezer for 15 minutes.
Did anything happen to the bottle?
When the bottle was heated, the air expanded and escaped from the bottle. When you put the
lid on, the air could not return to the bottle. As the bottle cooled, the air that was left in the
bottle contracted or became smaller, causing the air pressure to become lower. The outside air
was pushing in a lot harder than the inside air was pushing out. The outside air pushed hard
enough to collapse the sides of the bottle.
Another interesting fact about air pressure is that the higher we go in the atmosphere (the sea
of air surrounding us), the thinner the air is and the lower the air pressure. That is why your
ears hurt when you drive back down from the mountains. The air inside your ears is the still at
the lower air pressure from the top of the hill, but now the outside pressure is getting higher.
The outside pressure is pushing in harder than the inside pressure is pushing out.
Think of the bottle on the top of the page as your ear drum -- no wonder your ears hurt! When
you yawn, you open a passage (called the Eustachian tube) in your head that allows more air to
flow into your ears (that’s when your ears pop). The pressure becomes the same inside and out,
and your ears quit hurting.