Ngeniuspulse: Challenges Solved by Ngeniuspulse
Ngeniuspulse: Challenges Solved by Ngeniuspulse
Ngeniuspulse: Challenges Solved by Ngeniuspulse
Business users depend on IT to ensure they when no one is on the system, providing Challenges Solved by
have access to the network and applications early detection of potential issues. For nGeniusPULSE
they need to do their jobs. For IT, the network business service availability and performance,
IT is expected to assure service delivery
has expanded from the data center to the nGeniusPULSE uses hardware and software-
in increasingly hybrid environments that
edge to include users on Wi-Fi connections at based active agents, called nPoints, to
consist of on-premise and cloud applications,
remote or home office locations - accessing simulate user actions; giving proactive
infrastructure – both physical and virtual –
services hosted in the cloud or in multi-cloud awareness from anywhere in the Enterprise.
and access via wired and Wi-Fi on a variety of
environments. All performance information is sent to the
devices. nGeniusPULSE helps you successfully
nGeniusPULSE Server where it is displayed in
The infrastructure supporting the delivery overcome the challenges of monitoring this
easy-to-read dashboards and drill-downs.
of critical business services has also complex network and provide the quality
become more complex, with combinations nGeniusPULSE also extends the service- service your business users demand.
of physical and virtual servers and wired oriented approach of nGeniusONE®
Business Service Monitoring: With users
and wireless networks, Wi-Fi infrastructure and Adaptive Service Intelligence™ (ASI),
accessing business critical apps, including
and an ever-expanding number of devices. providing visibility into infrastructure
SaaS and VoIP, IT needs visibility throughout
All of this means that IT must have visibility health. Server, network, and Infrastructure
the Enterprise to understand how the apps
to ensure the availability, reliability, and health is monitored via polling from the
are performing from the users’ perspective.
performance of both the critical business nGeniusPULSE Server to provide a holistic
When apps are delivered as a SaaS, IT is
services and the underlying infrastructures view of the user experience. Simultaneously,
dependent on 3rd-party vendor support
supporting those services. nGeniusPULSE uses native APIs to monitor
and often forced into a reactive mode
VMware virtual infrastructure to provide
when availability or performance issues
nGenius®PULSE uses synthetic testing to visibility of both physical and virtual
are reported by business users. Moreover,
measure the availability and performance of environments. With contextual workflows
with users working from many disparate
applications over wired or Wi-Fi connections, directly from nGeniusONE, IT has visibility of
locations, it is difficult to isolate problems
giving IT essential visibility to the edge of issues anywhere from the service themselves
and determine root cause. Finally, when
the network. The synthetic tests run even to the supporting infrastructure elements.
monitoring services over Wi-Fi, you need to
”be there” in order to measure performance.
IT needs visibility to identify who owns
the issue and the data to report actual
performance to their SaaS vendor(s) for
faster resolution.
NETSCOUT offers sales, support, and services in over 32 countries. Global addresses, and international numbers are
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InfiniStream, InfiniStreamNG, nGenius, and nGeniusONE are registered trademarks or trademarks of NETSCOUT SYSTEMS, INC., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries.
Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.
EQL_052_EN-2001 03/2020