Studies On High-Strength Concrete Columns Linder Eccentric Compression

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studies on High-Strength Concrete Columns

Linder Eccentric Compression

bY Natalie Anne Lloyd and B. Vijaya Rangan

fhe results of a research program on the behavior and strength of high- Although 50 MPa (7250 psi) is used as a lower limit, this
strength concrete columns under eccentric compression are presented. does not mean that there is a sudden change in material prop-
an fhirty-six columns were tested; the variables were column cross section,
erties at that strength. However, certain differences in me-
is eccentricity of load, longitudinal reinforcement ratio, and concrete com-
pressive strength. The columns were either 300 x 100 or 175 x 175 mm ( 12 x chanical properties and behavior are evident. A detailed
4or 7 x 7 in.) in cross section with an effective length of 1680 mm (66 in.). examination of the mechanical and physical properties of
fhey were reinforced with either four or six deformed bars of 12 mm (0.5 in.) high-strength concrete may be found elsewhere. 24 Current de-
diameter and yield strength of 430 MPa (62 ksi). Concrete cylinder com-
sign practices and equations that are based on experiments on
pressive strength at the time of testing was either 58, 92, or 97 MPa (8410,
]3,340, or 14,065 psi). Eccentricity of load was varied in the range from concrete with compressive strengths less than 40 MPa (5800
0.086 to 0.4 times the column depth and the rectangular specimens were psi) should be reassessed in light of current research findings.
4L loaded about the minor axis. Lateral reinforcement was provided by 4-mm The principle reason for using high-strength concrete is
(0.16-in.) closed ties with a minimum yield strength of 450 MPa at 60-mm
1ts). (2.36-in.) spacing.
that it may offer the most cost-efficient solution for many
A theory was developed to predict the load-deflection behavior and the structural design problems while providing higher strengths
failure load of high-strength concrete columns under eccentric compres- and improved durability. The use of high-strength concrete
sion. The theory is based on a simplified stability analysis and a stress- is particularly advantageous in compression members. For
strain relation of high-strength concrete in compression. The average ratio
this reason, the use of high-strength concrete in columns and
of test failure load to predicted failure load is 1.13 with a coefficient of
variation of 10 percent. core walls of buildings, among other applications, is increasing.

- Keywords: columns (supports); compressive strength; high-strength con-

cretes; reinforced concrete; slenderness ratio; stress-strain relationships;
Utilization of high-strength concrete leads to a reduction
in column size that results in significant economic benefits.
The reduction in size, however, results in an increase in slen-
strUctural design.
derness of columns that would otherwise be stocky when
built using low-strength concrete. In addition, columns are
i4) The development of concrete technology and practice has rarely designed for pure axial load, yet most research to date
1036) led to a changing perception of what is high-strength concrete, has focused on high-strength columns subject to concentric
(0038) compression. Very limited test data is available on columns
and subsequently, the definition of high-strength concrete has
changed over time. For instance, in the 1950s, concrete with subject to eccentric compression. 5· 9 The present research,
compressive strength of 30 MPa (4 350 psi) was considered to therefore, focused on slender columns subject to eccentric
be high-strength. Currently in Australia a number of construc- compression. The aims of this research program are:
cate tion projects have used concrete with 28-day compressive 1. Investigate the behavior and strength of high-strength
strengths in the range of 65 to 70 MPa (10,000 psi) and con- concrete columns subject to combined axial load and uniax-
cretes with compressive strength up to 100 MPa (14,500 psi) ial bending, i.e., eccentric compression by means of an ex-
are available from ready-mixed concrete suppliers. It is perimental program.
convenient, therefore, to define an arbitrary lower limit for the
t3) definition of high-strength concrete. In this paper, the Austra- ACI Structural Journal, V. 93, No. 6, November-December 1996.
~ (0044) lian Standard for Concrete Structures, AS 3600, 1 limit of 50 Received Apr. 17, 1995, and reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copy-
right © 1996, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including the making
MPa (7250 psi), is used to define the lower limit of high- of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent dis-
cussion will be published in the September-October 1997 ACI Structural Journal if
strength concrete. received by May I, 1997.

ACI Structural Journal I November-December 1996 631

The research examined high-strength concrete col
Natalie Anne lloyd luls worked in Penh, Western Australia, and London for Ove
Arup Pannership. Consulting Engineers, and for BHP, Ltd., in Penh. She received a with compressive strength in the range of 50 to 10() u~~
bachelor's degree in /988 and a PhD in civil engineering in /995 from Cunin Univer- (7250 to 14,500 psi), subject to eccentric compression~~.
sitY ofTechnologv in Penh. Her researr:h interests include high-stren11rh concrete columns.
variables were concrete compressive strength, colullln · lne
B. Vijaya Rangan. FAC/, is a professor and the head of civil engineerinx at Cunin section and slenderness ratio. longitudinal reinforcement tro&\
University of Technology. He is a member of se·veral ACJ committees and a member of ·
and eccentricity of load. The researc h d1.d not lllclude l'a.tio.
the Standards Australia Committee on concrete structures. He has carried out exten- umns constructed with varying lateral reinforcement t Co].
sive research on concrete structures, for which he has won a number of awards. and . . at10
coauthored a texthook on reinforced concrete that is widely used in Australia. arrangements, or type of lateral remforcmg bar. \,

Table 1-Details of test columns The largest app~ic~tion of high-strength concrete ?as been
Lateral in columns of bmldmgs. Columns are usually subJectect
Eccentricity, BxD, Longitudinal reinforce- Concrete combined bending moment and axial compression, i.e to
Column mm mmx mrn reinforcement ment mix ., et
centric compression. However, the number of studies ·
IA 15 !75 X 175 6Y 12 R4- 60 01 .
such columns made of h1gh-strengt . extrern %
h concrete IS
IB 50 175 X !75 6 y 12 R4-60 01 . ey1
limited. The research reported herem attempts to address thi
IC 65 175 X 175 6 y 12 R4- 60 OJ
limitation. The results are useful not only to understand lh1
IIA 10. 300 X 100 6Y 12 R4- 60 01
behavior of such columns, but also t~ devel?P a rational de~
liB 30 300 X 100 6 y 12 R4-60 01
sign method. One such method descnbed b~efly under "be.
IIC 40 300 X 100 6 y I2 R4- 60 01
sign Applications" will be of interest to designers.
IliA 15 175 X 175 4 y 12 R4- 60 01
IIIB 50 175 X 175 4 y 12 R4-60 01
me 65 175 X 175 4 y 12 R4-60 01
Test specimens
IV A 10 300 X 100 4 y 12 R4-60 01
A total of 36 columns were tested. All specimens Were
IVB 30 300 X 100 4 y 12 R4-60 01
1500-mm-(60 in.)-long and either 175 x 175 or 300 x lOOnun
IV C 40 300 X 100 4 y 12 R4-60 01
(7 x 7 or 12 x 4 in.) in cross section. The other test parameters
VA 15 175 X 175 6 y 12 R4-60 02
were percentage of longitudinal reinforcement, concrete rest
VB 50 175 X 175 6 y 12 R4-60 02
strength, and load eccentricity. The reinforcement cage was Th•
vc 65 175 X 175 6Y 12 R4-60 02
not welded in Series IX and X. In all other series, it was rest J
6 y 12 R4-60
VIA 10 300 X !00 02
welded. The details of the specimens are summarized in
VIB 30 300 X !00 6 y 12 R4-60 02
Table 1. Scale models were used to insure that the failUre VII,·
VIC 40 300 X !00 6 y 12 R4-60 02
load of the colun1ns was within the capacity of the test machine. trici t
VIlA 15 175 X 175 4 y 12 R4-60 02
The concretes used in the tests were supplied by a com. serie
VII B 50 !75 X 175 4 y 12 R4-60 02
mercia! ready-mixed plant in Perth. The nominal 28-day were
65 175 X 175 4 y 12
4 y 12
R4-60 02
compressive strengths were 60, 90, and 80 MPa (8700, us.
10 300 X !00 R4-60 02 bent
13,050, and 11,600 psi) for Mixes 01, 02, and 03, respectively.
VIII B 30 300x 100 4 y 12 R4-60 02
Mixes 02 and 03 contained a superplasticizer, water-reducer, than
VIII C 40 300 X 100 4Y 12 R4-60 02 spec1
4 y 12
and silica fume of 8 to 10 percent by weight. The aggregate
IXA 15 175 X 175 R4-60 03 Th
was a 1017 mm (0.4/0.3 in.) sand blend. Other details of the
IXB 50 !75 X !75 4 y 12 R4-60 03
mixes were not released by the concrete supplier. The com. caps
IXC 65 175 X 175 4 y 12 R4-60 03
pressive strength of concretes was based on average results ure c
XA 10 300x 100 4 y 12 R4-60 03
for a minimum of three 100-mm-(4-in.)-diameter by 200. and·
XB 30 300 X 100 4 y 12 R4-60 03
mm-(8-in.)-high cylinders cast at the same time as the co]. tens I
XC 40 300 X 100 4Y 12 R4-60 03 bar.
4 y 12
umns. The cylinders were tested in a compression test rna·
XIA 15 175 X 175 R4-60 03 thee
chine at a load rate of 20 MPa!min (17 kgf/min). All
XIB 50 175 X 175 4 y 12 R4-60 03 regu
cylinders were tested using a neoprene cushion and steel cap.
XIC 65 175 X 175 4 y 12 R4- 60 03 Tr
4 y 12
The average compressive strength of the cylinders at the
XIIA 10 300 X 100 R4-60 03 that·
4 y 12
time of column tests was 58.0 ± 2.7, 92.0 ± 4.7, and 97.2±
XIIB 30 300 X 100 R4-60 03 asse1
5.3 MPa (8410 ± 392, 13,340 ± 682, and 14,094 ± 769psi)
XIIC 40 300 X 100 4 y 12 R4-60 03 all st
Note: I m. : 25.4 mm.
for Mix 01, 02, and 03, respectively (Table 1).
The columns were reinforced with both lateral and longi·
tudinal reinforcement (Table 1). The longitudinal reinforce· else'
2. Formulate an analytical method based on a simplified bet\\
ment consisted of six or four deformed 12-mm-(0.5-in}
stability analysis and a stress-strain relation for high-strength (66 i
diameter bars. For the square columns, this yielded a rein·
concrete to predict the load-deflection behavior and failure the c
forcement ratio of 2.155 and 1.44 percent, respectively. A
load of high-strength concrete columns subject to eccentric similar reinforcement ratio was obtained using the same n
compression. The
number and configuration of bars for the rectangular col·
3. Study the correlation of results predicted by the analytical umns. The longitudinal reinforcement had a yield strength of
method with those obtained from the experimental program. 430 MPa (62 ksi) and nominal area per bar of 110 mm2 (0.17

632 ACI Structural Journal I November-December 1996 ACI

fbe cross sections of test columns are shown in Fig. 1. 175mm •
1 1 300mm
/\ateral reinforcement consisted of 4-mm-(0.16-in.)-
flte eter closed ties terminating in 135-deg bends at a spac- t· I

~[[] f' ==;:;:::=:=::;-J

Ji9Jflf60 mm (2.36 in.) (Fig. 1). The tie wire had a minimum 0 Omm
iO~ ~strength of 450 MPa (65 ksi). The lateral reinforcement
[-:;=1 I ]

,iel 11 was based on research findings by Yong et al. 10 that

Series II and VI
r'tC ested that adequate confinement would be achieved if Series I and V
,vgi:lteral reinforcement was placed at spacing smaller than
tne 0 or 0.5 B, whichever is less, where Dis the overall depth
I~ Bis the width of column cross section. The lateral rein- J)
J0 ement was in excess of the Australian Standard AS
een ~~0 t requirements for nonseismic load conditions. Cover of Series IV. VIII,X and XII
l to ··, Jf!tll (0.6 in.) was provided to the outside of the lateral re- Series III,VII.IX and XI
ec. I-forcing bars for all columns.
on '0rne columns were cast horizontally in timber molds in the
ely Diameter of longitudinal bars: 12mm closed ties:4mm @ 60mm.
boratory. The columns were compacted using hand-held
his 13 cbanical vibrators. The cylinders were filled with three Fig. 1-Cross sections of test columns ( 1 in. = 25.4 mm)
the 111~ers of concrete and compacted on a vibrating table. One
de. 1\ after casting, the cylinders and columns were stripped and the deformations at column midheight were measured by
~~Jll the molds and covered in wet hessian and plastic. The L VDTs. An automatic data acquisition unit· was used to
~0111mns and cylinders were covered until the seventh day, record and store data during the test.
',0en the hessian and plastic were removed and the speci-
11 ens allowed to air-dry until testing. The cylinders were
Failure loads and modes of failure
~erefore subject to the same curing conditions as the test A summary of test data is given in Table 2. In Table 2, the
coJutllfiS. concrete compressive strengths of test columns were as follows:
ers Series I to IV (Mix 01): 58 MPa (8410 psi)
rest setup and procedure Series V to VIII (Mix 02): 92 MPa (13,340 psi)
'[be columns were tested in a 2500-kN (562-kip) capacity
•as test machine with varying load eccentricities ranging from Series IX to XIII (Mix 03): 97 MPa (14,065 psi)
•as o.086 to 0.4 times the overall column depth. Series I, III, V, The complete test results for each column are given in Ref-
in erence 11. The failure (peak) load and the corresponding
vii, IX, and XI (square columns) were tested at load eccen-
Ire midheight deflection are given in Table 2. The axial load and
. tricities of 15, 50, and 65 mm (0.59, 1.97, and 2.56 in.).
11e. the midheight deflection that yield the maximum moment
· series II, IV, VI, VIII, X, and XII (rectangular columns)
m- were tested at eccentricities of 10, 30, and 40 mm (0.39, are also reported in Table 2. The maximum moment Mmax is
lay equal to P(e + O) where Pis the axial load and 0 is the corre-
t.l8, and 1.57 in.) (Table 1). The rectangular columns were
)0, sponding midheight deflection. The values of axial load and
bent about the minor axis. All eccentricities were greater
:ly. midheight deflection that result in the maximum moment
than the design minimum of 0.05 times the column depth
er, Mmax are not necessarily those of the failure (peak) load and
specified in AS 3600. 1
lte corresponding deflection.
The test column ends were confined by external steel end
caps to a depth of 300 mm ( 12 in.) to prevent premature fail- As expected, an increase in the concrete compressive
ure of the end zones. These caps were constructed using 20 strength increased the failure load of columns. The failure
and 40-mm (0.8 and 1.6-in.) slotted steel plates that were load was also dependent on the eccentricity of load and the
tensioned with 25-mm-(1-in.)-diameter high-tensile steel longitudinal reinforcement ratio. An increase in load eccen-
bar. Special epoxy resin was used to attach the end caps to tricity resulted in a decrease in failure load and an increase
the ends of the test column as well as to minimize surface ir- in midheight deflection at failure. A 50 percent increase in
regularities between the concrete column and the end caps. the longitudinal steel ratio produced a 20 percent increase in
The loads were applied through specially built knife edges failure load.
:± that were attached to the test machine platen. The knife edge Generally, columns failed at midheight or close to mid-
si) assembly insured that the load eccentricity was maintained at height. The mode of failure was flexural with concrete spal-
all stages of loading. Complete description of the knife edge ling in the compression zone. Columns with large load
assembly together with other details of the test setup are given eccentricity (Series B and C) had sheet spalling of the con-
:e- elsewhere. 11 The effective length of the columns, measured crete in the compression zone. Columns with small load ec-
.)- between center-to-center of the knife edges, was 1680 mm centricity and compressive strength of 97 MPa (14,065 psi),
n- (66 in.). This value was used in the theoretical analyses of i.e., Columns IXA, XA, XIA, and XIIA, failed in a shear-like
A the columns. mode across the column depth.
ne The test columns were loaded to failure at a rate of 350 N/min. The lateral reinforcement provided was insufficient to in-
>1- The data recorded for each test column were load, midheight sure a ductile failure mode for columns with small load ec-
of deflection, and column compression and extension ov~r a centricity (Series A). These columns failed in a sudden,
17 gage length of 500 mm (20 in.) that were used to determine brittle, and explosive manner. Very little postpeak deforma-
curvature at rnidheight. The load was measured by a load cell tion was observed. At the time of failure, the cover concrete

~6 ACI Structural Journal I November-December 1996 633

Table 2-Test data summary-load and midheight 1750
deflection 1500 .---JA
Failure Load at z~ 1250 I

(peak) Deflection at maximum Deflection at I


Load eccen- load, failure (peak) moment, maximum 0

< 1000 I
Column tricity, mm kN load, mm kN moment, mm 0...J I
IA 15 1476 8.3 1464 9.0 ...J 750 I
IB 50 830 12.5 822 14.2 X 500
IC 65 660 13.2 655 14.7
IIA 10 1192 10.2 1179 12.6
liB 30 436 23.1 440 24.1 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
IIC 40 342 23.0 341 25.5
IIIA 15 1140 8.8 1133 9.6 DEFLECTION (mm)
IIIB 50 723 12.9 721 13.8
IIIC 65 511 11.7 504 15.4
IVA 10 915 12.3 910 14.1
IVB 30 425 18.6 425 18.6
IVC 40 262 21.8 239 35.0 ... ---nA
15 1704 6.2 1691 6.6
VB 50 1018 9.7 1013 9.7

vc 65 795 12.3 795 12.3 < 750 I

0 I
VIA 10 1189 16.1 1213 17.8 ...J I
VIB 30 471 23.6 444 32.1 ~
VIC 40 422 22.2 406 27.6 <
VIlA 15 1745 7.6 1732 8.3
VIIB 50 908 11.1 903 11.6
VIIC 65 663 15.4 656 18.9 0 10 20 30 40
VIII A 10 1043 13.4 1037 13.4
VIII B 30 369 20.4 374 20.4 DEFLECTION (mm)
VIIIC 40 312 21.5 305 24.2
IXA 15 1975 6.4 1962 6.8 Fig. 2-Load-versus-midheight deflection
IXB 50 1002 10.9 994 10.9 curves (Series I and II) (I in. = 25.4 mm; 1 kip=
IXC 65 746 14.2 744 15.5 4.448 kN)
XA 10 1610 13.3 1580 13.3
XB 30 436 20.5 385 35.7 1. The columns with small load eccentricity (Series A) ex.
XC 40 333 20.2 326 23.4 hibited little or no deformation beyond the peak load as
XIA 15 1932 5.6 1928 5.6 shown by the load-deflection graphs (Fig. 2 and 3). The con-
XIB 50 970 10.7 963 11.2 crete spalling was explosive for a number of these columns.
XIC 65 747 13.9 747 14.2 The failure mode was not significantly different for any of
XIIA 10 1650 13.2 1640 13.2 the concrete mixes.
XIIB 30 509 21.3 510 22.5 2. The columns subjected to larger load eccentricity (Series
XIIC 40 314 20.6 305 23.6 B and C) exhibited greater deflection at failure (peak) load.
Note: I m. = 25.4 nun; I kip= 4.448 kN; I m.-lb = 0.113 Nm.
The columns with the largest load eccentricity (Series C)
were observed to crack and deform significantly priortofaiJ.
spalled and the longitudinal bars in the compression zone ure. After the peak load, they continued to deform as an in-
buckled. This type of failure occurred for all three ranges of dication of a ductile behavior. The load-deflection graphs for
these columns exhibit postpeak deformation (Fig. 2 and3).
concrete compressive strength. On the other hand, the lateral
reinforcement provided was adequate to prevent buckling of
Moment-curvature curves
longitudinal bars in the compression zone for columns with.
The general features of moment-curvature relation at mid-
larger load eccentricity (Series B and C.)
height for the test columns were similar to those of the load-
deformation curves. Complete test data for each column are
Load-deflection curves given in Reference 11.
Fig. 2 and 3 illustrate typical load-deflection relations at
midheight for the test columns. The graphs highlight the be-
havior and ductility of the columns. An important parameter Simplified stability analysis
that influenced the trend of load-deflection graphs was load The axial load capacity of slender reinforced concrete col·
eccentricity. Full load-deflection data for each column are umns in braced frames can be calculated using a simplified
given in Reference 11. The following general features stability analysis as reported previously by Rangan. 12 1bis
were observed: analysis has been modified for the test columns.

634 ACI Structural Journal I November-December 1996

r z
1000 I



I (a) I
< 750 I!

< 500 I
-------xiC I
I \

250 I
~ ''
0 5 10 15

2000 (b)
1500 I

I 0
0 1250 I
< I
0 1000
..J I
..J I
750 I
I p
< I X liB
250 --------~IIC

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Fig. 3-Load-versus-midheight deflection 6!\
curves (Series XI and XII) (1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1
kip = 4.448 kN) Fig. 4-Simplified stability analysis

The test column is modeled by an equivalent slender pin- In Eq. (1)

ended column, as shown in Fig. 4(a). To begin the stability
analysis, a family of moment-curvature curves must be cal- n = 0.8 + (f/ /17)
culated for a range of axial thrust values. To calculate the
moment-axial thrust-curvature relationship, a linear strain
distribution over the depth of the section is assumed. By using
k = 0.67 + (f/ /62) when £/£/ > 1 (3)

a suitable stress-strain relationship for high-strength con-

crete and steel, the stresses in all fibers can be calculated for = 1.0 when £/£/::;;:; 1 (4)
a given strain distribution and value of axial thrust.
The uniaxial stress-strain relation for unconfined high-
strength concrete in compression is considerably different
than that oflower strength concrete. 14 Recently, Collins et al. 13
have proposed a stress-strain relation for concrete in com- and
pression that applies to all grades of concrete. Accordingly,
the stress ac is given by
Ec = 3320 JJ:' + 6900 (6)

(1) Note that in Eq. (1) through (6),// is expressed in terms

Eq. (1) is used in the present analysis. The tensile strength
where k3 is the concrete compressive strength reduction fac- of concrete is neglected. The stress-strain relationship for re-
inforcing steel is idealized as elastoplastic.
tor. Based on test data, Collins et al. have recommended that
The magnitude of the internal forces and moments are cal-
culated by integrating the stresses over the section for a given
k3 = 0.6 + ( 10/f/) : ; :; 0.85 (2) strain distribution. Thus, the calculation procedure to deter-

ACI Structural Journal I November-December 1996 635

mine the moment-axial thrust-curvature relationship is itera- Po = 0.85 · f/ (BD- A,) + fnA,
tive. For a chosen value of axial thrust, a series of
calculations are performed for a number of increasing values
Initial load P was chosen as 0.025 times P and (C'I''
of extreme compressive fiber strain. /~
lowing calculations in Steps 2 through 12 are '" perfo the foJ.
By assuming the deflected shape of the column is a partic-
2. A value of neutral axis depth is assumed. A vaJ~ed.
ular mathematical function, the curvature at midheight of the ~(
treme compressive fiber strain, ranging from 5 x 10 .~ Of e~.
column 1C is related in a simple manner to the midheight de-
maximum value of 0.005 is chosen. A linear strain d' 10 the ./fl
flection 0. In the present analysis, the deflected shape v(x) is /(!'•
tion over the depth of the section is assumed. For th'Stnbu.
assumed to be defined by a sine wave function as given by
of extreme compressive fiber strain chosen, the caicu~avalue
in Steps 3 to 8 are performed. lion~
(7) 3. The stresses in the compression zone concrete ·
culated using Eq. (l ). The stresses in steel are calcu!are CaJ.
. an eI astopI ast1c
usmg . stress-stram
. reI auons
. h.1p. atect bY ~
Differentiation of Eq. (7) yields
4. The forces in the steel and concrete are calculated f
the stresses. rolli
5. The neutral axis depth is adjusted and Steps 3 and 4 ~·
(8) repeated until the summation of the internal forces e are ~~
the a~ial ~oad P. A series ~f iterations ~e performed w~~a~eu ~
creasmg mcrements of tnal neutral axis depth to dete .e. ~
At column midheight, x = 2e, and from Eq. (8), therefore the correct neutral axis depth to within 0.0001 times thllnine ~
e Col
umn depth. · ---Vii
6. With the neutral axis depth determined, the internal --vii
lC- (9) ments about the plastic centroid are calculated from th rno.
em. --vii
ternal steel and concrete forces. -vw
7. The midheight deflection is calculated using Eq. (9). --viii
For a given column and for a chosen value of axial thrust, 8. The external moment is determined using Eq. (10) d -vw
the moment-axial thrust-curvature relationship is converted compared with the internal moment. an ----rx
to the moment-axial thrust-deflection relationship using Eq. (9). 9. The extreme compressive fiber str~in is i?creased by 1x ----rx
A sequence of increasing values of axial thrust Pis chosen 1o-4 and Steps 3 to 8 are performed until the mtemal and ex. ----rx
and the corresponding family of internal moment Mi versus ternal moments are nearly equal. -x:
deflection 0 relationships may be constructed as shown in 10. When the external and internal moments are nearly -x!
Fig. 4(b). equal, finer increments of strain are used. The extreme com. -xl
The external moment at midheight of Column Me is given by pressive fiber strain in incremented by 5 X 10-5 and Steps 3 XI

Me=P(e+O) (10)
through 8 are performed until the refined intersection point
of the external and internal moments is determined.
11. The chosen value of axial load Pis increased by0.025

times Po and Steps 2 through 11 are performed until the ex- xu

Eq. (10) is represented in Fig. 4(b) by Line AB. Distance
AO is numerically equal to the eccentricity e.
For a given value of axial thrust at a known eccentricity,
treme compressive fiber strain is equal to 0.005. Thus, the
full load-deflection relationship is determined.
- Not<

12. The peak of the load-deflection relationship in Step II

the point of coincidence of the internal and external moment-
is refined by incrementing the chosen value of axial load p
deflection relationships is the equilibrium point. At this point Loa
by 0.005 times P0 so that the failure (peak) load is deter-
mined accurately.
P=MI(e+O) (11) umn
By selecting a number of values of axial thrust P 1, P 2, P 3••• , pier
etc., a series of equilibrium points can be determined and the Failure loads n
axial thrust-deflection relationship may be plotted as shown The simplified stability analysis described previously was curv
in Fig. 4(c). The axial load capacity of the column P max for a used to predict the failure load of 36 test columns. In Table 3, and!
known eccentricity is defined as dP/do = 0 and is given by the predicted failure loads are compared with the test values. that.
the peak of the load-deflection curve as shown in Fig. 4(c). In general, the agreement between predicted and test values deflt
At the peak load Pmax• the column has a corresponding de- is good. The average ratio of test failure load to predicted TJ
flection at midheight of oy. failure load is 1.13 with a coefficient of variation of 10 percent. pred
The variation in the ratio of test failure load to predicted First
Calculation procedure failure load is slightly greater for the rectangular columns. influ
The simplified stability analysis described previously was The coefficient of variation for the rectangular columns is 13 simr
used to calculate the load-deflection curve and the failure percent and for the square columns is 6 percent. The average the (
(peak) load of test columns. The calculation steps are as follows: ratio of test failure load to predicted failure load is 1.11 for that
1. Axial load capacity P0 is calculated by the expression the rectangular columns and 1.16 for the square columns. erini

636 ACI Structural Journal I November-December 1996 ACI

re;orrelation of failure loads 1750
I " Eccentricity,
Test failure
load, kN
Predicted failure
Ratio test/

:~ 50 830 667 1.24 < 1000

65 660 537 1.23 ....J
10 1192 887 1.34 <
x 500
,, 30
,,c 0
15 1140 1102 1.03 0 2 4 6 8 10
50 723 601 1.20 DEFLECTION (mm)
65 511 478 1.07
10 915 848 1.08 1000
rv A TEST~
jVB 30
1.02 z 800
, ,, ...
,vc ~
15 1704 1533 1.11 0 600
vA <
vs 50 1018 839 1.21 0

vC 65 795 671 1.18 ....J 400

10 1189 1175 1.01 ~
viA X
30 471 483 0.98 < 200
viC 40 422 362 1.16
vii A 15 1745 1499 1.16 0 5 10 15
vnB 50 908 787 1.15 DEFLECTION (mm)
vue 65 663 604 1.10 aoo~------------------~
vJIIA 10 1043 1132 0.92
JXA 15 1975 1834 1.08 0
50 1002 820 1.22 ~ 400
JXB ....J
JXC 65 746 618 1.21 ....J

y.A 10 1610 1180 1.36 < 200 /,

30 436 430 1.01 <
y.C 40 333 298 1.12 " COLUMN IC
0 5 10 15 20 25
y.JA 15 1932 1834 1.05
r.IB 50 970 820 1.18
_....y.JC 65 747 618 1.21 Fig. 5-Correlation of test and predicted load-
y.JIA 10 1650 1180 1.40 versus-midheight deflection curves (1 in. =25.4
~r.JIB 30 509 430 1.18 mm; 1 kip = 4.448 kN)
. .r.uc
. 40 314 298 1.05
Note: lm. = 25.4 nun; I kip= 4.448 kN. assumptions yielded fairly good predictions of the failure
load (Table 3) and the ascending portion of load-deflection
curves, they are perhaps too approximate to predict the post-
Load-deflection curves peak behavior of test columns.
The load-versus-midheight deflection curves of test col-
umns were computed by the simplified stability analysis. Design applications
Complete details are given in Reference 11; only some sam- In Reference 12, it was shown that the theory correlated
~le results are presented herein. well with test strength of columns made of concretes with
The correlation of predicted and test load-deflection compressive strength less than 50 MPa (7250 psi). Based on
curves of Column lA (eld = 0.1), Column IB (eld = 0.33), the results of the theory, simple expressions were developed
and Column IC (eld =0.43), is shown in Fig. 5.1t can be seen for the column deflection By.
that, in all cases, the ascending portion of the predicted load- The creep deflection, calculated using the expressions re-
deflection curve agrees fairly well with the test curve. ported in Reference 12, may be treated as additional eccen-
There is disagreement between the descending portion of tricity. The magnified moment is therefore equal to the
predicted and test load-deflection curves for several reasons. design axial load multiplied by the sum of load eccentricity,
First, the descending portion of test curves may have been column deflection, and creep deflection. In design, the col-
influenced by the stiffness of the test machine. Secondly, the umn cross section should be adequate to resist the combined
simplified stability analysis is based on the assumptions that effect of this magnified moment and the design axial load.
!he deflected shape of the column is a sine wave [Eq. (7)] and The previous design method, fully described in Reference 14,
; !hat the behavior of the column can be described by consid- applies to columns made of low-strength as well as high-
, ering the state of stresses at column midheight. While these strength concretes, provided that the magnitude of the uni-

ACI Structural Journal I November-December 1996 637

form stress of the ACI equivalent rectangular stress block is somewhat too approximate to predict the descendin
taken as afc' where a is given by of the load-deflection curves. g Pottj<ll)
The results of the research have led to a design Ill
a = 0.85-0.004 if/- 55) (13) outlined briefly under "Design Applications'' anct fulJethOd
scribed in Reference 14. Yde.
whenf/ is expressed in MPa or
a = 0.85-0.03 if/- 8) (14) The research work reported in this paper was financially supPG
grants from the Australian Research Council. The concrete was 8 fled b)
CSR Readymix. Perth. and the steel reinforcement by Smorgon ARc b)
whenf/ is in terms ofksi within the limits 0.75 sa s 0.85.
The experimental work was assisted by the laboratory staff of the Sc~Perth.
The method shows good correlation with numerous test re-
Civil Engineering, Curtin University. The authors are grateful fortheSeOolor
sults (Reference 15). It is therefore recommended for use in
erous contributions. &en.
design calculations.
I. "Australian Standards for Concrete Structures (AS 36()()_ 199
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under eccentric compression. Both 175 x 175-mm (7 x 7-in.) London. June 1990. 64 pp. · F!P.
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were tested. The compressive strength of high-strength con- cretes: A State-of-the-Art Report," SHRP-C/FR-91-103, Strategic fii n-
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' .c
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mm (2.36-in.) spacing. The slenderness ratio was 32 for Third International Symposium on the Utilization of High-Strength Con.
square columns and 56 for rectangular columns. The load ec- crete, Proceedings, V. I, Lillehammer, Norway, June 1993, pp. 277-284.
centricity was 15, 50, or 65 mm (0.59, 1.97, or 2.56 in.) for 7. Held, M.; Konig, G.; and Simsch, G., "Ductility of Large fligh.
square columns and 10, 30, or 40 mm (0.39, 1.18, or 1.57 in.) Strength Concrete Columns in High-Rise Buildings," Third International
for rectangular columns. The rectangular columns were bent Symposium on the Utilization of High-Strength Concrete, Proceedings, V.J,
about the minor axis. Lillehammer, Norway, June 1993, pp. 200-208.
8. Rang an, B. V.; Saunders, P.; and Seng, E. J ., "Design of High-Strength
The study also comprised the development of a theory to
Concrete Columns," Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures
predict the behavior and the strength of test columns. Based
and Innovations in Design, SP-128, American Concrete Institute, Detroi,
on the results of these studies, the following conclusions
1991, pp. 851-862.
are drawn:
9. Ibrahim, H. H. H., and MacGregor, J. G., "Flexural Behavior of High-
1. As expected, an increase in concrete compressive Strength Concrete Columns," Structural Engineering Report No. 196,
strength or an increase in longitudinal reinforcement ratio in- Department of Civil Engineering, University of Alberta, Mar. 1994, 197 pp.
creased the strength of test columns. An increase in load ec- 10. Yong, Y. K.; Nour, M.G.; and Nawy, E. G., "Behavior of Laterally
centricity decreased the strength of test columns and Confined High-Strength Concrete under Axial Loads," ASCE Journal of
increased midheight deflection at failure. Structural Engineering, V. 114, No.2, Feb. 1988, pp. 333-351.
2. The mode of failure of test columns was typically flex- II. Lloyd, N. A., and Rangan, B. V., "High-Strength Concrete Columns
ural with concrete spalling in the compression zone. under Eccentric Compression," Research Report No. 1/95, School of Civil
3. Columns with small load eccentricity (Series A) failed Engineering, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Jan. 1995,199pp.
in a brittle manner. The lateral reinforcement provided was 12. Rangan, B. V., "Strength of Reinforced Concrete Slender Columns,"
insufficient to avoid buckling of longitudinal bars in the ACI Structural Journal, V. 87, No. I, Jan.-Feb. 1990, pp. 32-38.
compression zone. 13. Collins, M. P.; Mitchell, D.; and MacGregor, J. G., "Structural
4. Columns with larger load eccentricity (Series B and C) Design Considerations for High-Strength Concrete," Concrete lnteTIIIJ-
tional: Design and Construction, V. 15, No.5, May 1993, pp. 27-34.
were less brittle. The lateral reinforcement provided was ad-
14. Rangan, B. V., "Design of Slender Reinforced Concrete Compres-
equate to prevent buckling of longitudinal bars in the com-
sion Members," Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural
pression zone.
Stability and Design, Sydney, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1995.
5. The theory based on a simplified stability analysis and
15. Basappa, Setty R. H., and Rangan, B. V., "Strength of High-Strength
a stress-strain relationship for high-strength concrete pre- Concrete Columns under Eccentric Compression," Research Report No. ms.
dicted the strength of test columns well. The average ratio of School of Civil Engineering, Curtin University of Technology, Perth. Aug.
test strength to predicted strength is 1.13, with a coefficient 1995, 102 pp.
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6. The ascending portion of the predicted load-deflection Review," Research Report No. 1/93, School of Civil Engineering, Cuttin
curves agrees fairly well with the test curves. The theory is University of Technology, Perth, Jan. 1993, 132 pp.

638 ACI Structural Journal I November-December 1996

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