Studies On High-Strength Concrete Columns Linder Eccentric Compression
Studies On High-Strength Concrete Columns Linder Eccentric Compression
Studies On High-Strength Concrete Columns Linder Eccentric Compression
fhe results of a research program on the behavior and strength of high- Although 50 MPa (7250 psi) is used as a lower limit, this
strength concrete columns under eccentric compression are presented. does not mean that there is a sudden change in material prop-
an fhirty-six columns were tested; the variables were column cross section,
erties at that strength. However, certain differences in me-
is eccentricity of load, longitudinal reinforcement ratio, and concrete com-
pressive strength. The columns were either 300 x 100 or 175 x 175 mm ( 12 x chanical properties and behavior are evident. A detailed
4or 7 x 7 in.) in cross section with an effective length of 1680 mm (66 in.). examination of the mechanical and physical properties of
fhey were reinforced with either four or six deformed bars of 12 mm (0.5 in.) high-strength concrete may be found elsewhere. 24 Current de-
diameter and yield strength of 430 MPa (62 ksi). Concrete cylinder com-
sign practices and equations that are based on experiments on
pressive strength at the time of testing was either 58, 92, or 97 MPa (8410,
]3,340, or 14,065 psi). Eccentricity of load was varied in the range from concrete with compressive strengths less than 40 MPa (5800
0.086 to 0.4 times the column depth and the rectangular specimens were psi) should be reassessed in light of current research findings.
4L loaded about the minor axis. Lateral reinforcement was provided by 4-mm The principle reason for using high-strength concrete is
(0.16-in.) closed ties with a minimum yield strength of 450 MPa at 60-mm
1ts). (2.36-in.) spacing.
that it may offer the most cost-efficient solution for many
A theory was developed to predict the load-deflection behavior and the structural design problems while providing higher strengths
failure load of high-strength concrete columns under eccentric compres- and improved durability. The use of high-strength concrete
sion. The theory is based on a simplified stability analysis and a stress- is particularly advantageous in compression members. For
strain relation of high-strength concrete in compression. The average ratio
this reason, the use of high-strength concrete in columns and
of test failure load to predicted failure load is 1.13 with a coefficient of
variation of 10 percent. core walls of buildings, among other applications, is increasing.
Table 1-Details of test columns The largest app~ic~tion of high-strength concrete ?as been
Lateral in columns of bmldmgs. Columns are usually subJectect
Eccentricity, BxD, Longitudinal reinforce- Concrete combined bending moment and axial compression, i.e to
Column mm mmx mrn reinforcement ment mix ., et
centric compression. However, the number of studies ·
IA 15 !75 X 175 6Y 12 R4- 60 01 .
such columns made of h1gh-strengt . extrern %
h concrete IS
IB 50 175 X !75 6 y 12 R4-60 01 . ey1
limited. The research reported herem attempts to address thi
IC 65 175 X 175 6 y 12 R4- 60 OJ
limitation. The results are useful not only to understand lh1
IIA 10. 300 X 100 6Y 12 R4- 60 01
behavior of such columns, but also t~ devel?P a rational de~
liB 30 300 X 100 6 y 12 R4-60 01
sign method. One such method descnbed b~efly under "be.
IIC 40 300 X 100 6 y I2 R4- 60 01
sign Applications" will be of interest to designers.
IliA 15 175 X 175 4 y 12 R4- 60 01
IIIB 50 175 X 175 4 y 12 R4-60 01
me 65 175 X 175 4 y 12 R4-60 01
Test specimens
IV A 10 300 X 100 4 y 12 R4-60 01
A total of 36 columns were tested. All specimens Were
IVB 30 300 X 100 4 y 12 R4-60 01
1500-mm-(60 in.)-long and either 175 x 175 or 300 x lOOnun
IV C 40 300 X 100 4 y 12 R4-60 01
(7 x 7 or 12 x 4 in.) in cross section. The other test parameters
VA 15 175 X 175 6 y 12 R4-60 02
were percentage of longitudinal reinforcement, concrete rest
VB 50 175 X 175 6 y 12 R4-60 02
strength, and load eccentricity. The reinforcement cage was Th•
vc 65 175 X 175 6Y 12 R4-60 02
not welded in Series IX and X. In all other series, it was rest J
6 y 12 R4-60
VIA 10 300 X !00 02
welded. The details of the specimens are summarized in
VIB 30 300 X !00 6 y 12 R4-60 02
Table 1. Scale models were used to insure that the failUre VII,·
VIC 40 300 X !00 6 y 12 R4-60 02
load of the colun1ns was within the capacity of the test machine. trici t
VIlA 15 175 X 175 4 y 12 R4-60 02
The concretes used in the tests were supplied by a com. serie
VII B 50 !75 X 175 4 y 12 R4-60 02
mercia! ready-mixed plant in Perth. The nominal 28-day were
65 175 X 175 4 y 12
4 y 12
R4-60 02
compressive strengths were 60, 90, and 80 MPa (8700, us.
10 300 X !00 R4-60 02 bent
13,050, and 11,600 psi) for Mixes 01, 02, and 03, respectively.
VIII B 30 300x 100 4 y 12 R4-60 02
Mixes 02 and 03 contained a superplasticizer, water-reducer, than
VIII C 40 300 X 100 4Y 12 R4-60 02 spec1
4 y 12
and silica fume of 8 to 10 percent by weight. The aggregate
IXA 15 175 X 175 R4-60 03 Th
was a 1017 mm (0.4/0.3 in.) sand blend. Other details of the
IXB 50 !75 X !75 4 y 12 R4-60 03
mixes were not released by the concrete supplier. The com. caps
IXC 65 175 X 175 4 y 12 R4-60 03
pressive strength of concretes was based on average results ure c
XA 10 300x 100 4 y 12 R4-60 03
for a minimum of three 100-mm-(4-in.)-diameter by 200. and·
XB 30 300 X 100 4 y 12 R4-60 03
mm-(8-in.)-high cylinders cast at the same time as the co]. tens I
XC 40 300 X 100 4Y 12 R4-60 03 bar.
4 y 12
umns. The cylinders were tested in a compression test rna·
XIA 15 175 X 175 R4-60 03 thee
chine at a load rate of 20 MPa!min (17 kgf/min). All
XIB 50 175 X 175 4 y 12 R4-60 03 regu
cylinders were tested using a neoprene cushion and steel cap.
XIC 65 175 X 175 4 y 12 R4- 60 03 Tr
4 y 12
The average compressive strength of the cylinders at the
XIIA 10 300 X 100 R4-60 03 that·
4 y 12
time of column tests was 58.0 ± 2.7, 92.0 ± 4.7, and 97.2±
XIIB 30 300 X 100 R4-60 03 asse1
5.3 MPa (8410 ± 392, 13,340 ± 682, and 14,094 ± 769psi)
XIIC 40 300 X 100 4 y 12 R4-60 03 all st
Note: I m. : 25.4 mm.
for Mix 01, 02, and 03, respectively (Table 1).
The columns were reinforced with both lateral and longi·
tudinal reinforcement (Table 1). The longitudinal reinforce· else'
2. Formulate an analytical method based on a simplified bet\\
ment consisted of six or four deformed 12-mm-(0.5-in}
stability analysis and a stress-strain relation for high-strength (66 i
diameter bars. For the square columns, this yielded a rein·
concrete to predict the load-deflection behavior and failure the c
forcement ratio of 2.155 and 1.44 percent, respectively. A
load of high-strength concrete columns subject to eccentric similar reinforcement ratio was obtained using the same n
compression. The
number and configuration of bars for the rectangular col·
3. Study the correlation of results predicted by the analytical umns. The longitudinal reinforcement had a yield strength of
method with those obtained from the experimental program. 430 MPa (62 ksi) and nominal area per bar of 110 mm2 (0.17
vc 65 795 12.3 795 12.3 < 750 I
0 I
VIA 10 1189 16.1 1213 17.8 ...J I
VIB 30 471 23.6 444 32.1 ~
VIC 40 422 22.2 406 27.6 <
VIlA 15 1745 7.6 1732 8.3
VIIB 50 908 11.1 903 11.6
VIIC 65 663 15.4 656 18.9 0 10 20 30 40
VIII A 10 1043 13.4 1037 13.4
VIII B 30 369 20.4 374 20.4 DEFLECTION (mm)
VIIIC 40 312 21.5 305 24.2
IXA 15 1975 6.4 1962 6.8 Fig. 2-Load-versus-midheight deflection
IXB 50 1002 10.9 994 10.9 curves (Series I and II) (I in. = 25.4 mm; 1 kip=
IXC 65 746 14.2 744 15.5 4.448 kN)
XA 10 1610 13.3 1580 13.3
XB 30 436 20.5 385 35.7 1. The columns with small load eccentricity (Series A) ex.
XC 40 333 20.2 326 23.4 hibited little or no deformation beyond the peak load as
XIA 15 1932 5.6 1928 5.6 shown by the load-deflection graphs (Fig. 2 and 3). The con-
XIB 50 970 10.7 963 11.2 crete spalling was explosive for a number of these columns.
XIC 65 747 13.9 747 14.2 The failure mode was not significantly different for any of
XIIA 10 1650 13.2 1640 13.2 the concrete mixes.
XIIB 30 509 21.3 510 22.5 2. The columns subjected to larger load eccentricity (Series
XIIC 40 314 20.6 305 23.6 B and C) exhibited greater deflection at failure (peak) load.
Note: I m. = 25.4 nun; I kip= 4.448 kN; I m.-lb = 0.113 Nm.
The columns with the largest load eccentricity (Series C)
were observed to crack and deform significantly priortofaiJ.
spalled and the longitudinal bars in the compression zone ure. After the peak load, they continued to deform as an in-
buckled. This type of failure occurred for all three ranges of dication of a ductile behavior. The load-deflection graphs for
these columns exhibit postpeak deformation (Fig. 2 and3).
concrete compressive strength. On the other hand, the lateral
reinforcement provided was adequate to prevent buckling of
Moment-curvature curves
longitudinal bars in the compression zone for columns with.
The general features of moment-curvature relation at mid-
larger load eccentricity (Series B and C.)
height for the test columns were similar to those of the load-
deformation curves. Complete test data for each column are
Load-deflection curves given in Reference 11.
Fig. 2 and 3 illustrate typical load-deflection relations at
midheight for the test columns. The graphs highlight the be-
havior and ductility of the columns. An important parameter Simplified stability analysis
that influenced the trend of load-deflection graphs was load The axial load capacity of slender reinforced concrete col·
eccentricity. Full load-deflection data for each column are umns in braced frames can be calculated using a simplified
given in Reference 11. The following general features stability analysis as reported previously by Rangan. 12 1bis
were observed: analysis has been modified for the test columns.
I (a) I
< 750 I!
< 500 I
-------xiC I
I \
250 I
~ ''
0 5 10 15
2000 (b)
1500 I
I 0
0 1250 I
< I
0 1000
..J I
..J I
750 I
I p
< I X liB
250 --------~IIC
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Fig. 3-Load-versus-midheight deflection 6!\
curves (Series XI and XII) (1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1
kip = 4.448 kN) Fig. 4-Simplified stability analysis
Me=P(e+O) (10)
through 8 are performed until the refined intersection point
of the external and internal moments is determined.
11. The chosen value of axial load Pis increased by0.025