Phys507 Lect 7
Phys507 Lect 7
Phys507 Lect 7
Lecture 7: Electrostatics
Special Techniques: Part B
2n +1 1
an = ∫ f (x)Pn (x) dx
2 −1
Multipole Expansion-a
• If you are far away from a localized charge distribution
of total charge Q then you approximate at large distances
the potential with that of a point charge:
1 Q
4πε0 r
1 !1 1
V (r) = # ∫
4πε0 " r
ρ r '
d τ '
∫ r cosθ ρ (r ) d τ
' ' ' '
1 2&3 1) ,
∫( ) '2 2*
r ' ( cos 2 θ ' − + ρ r ' d τ ' + ....
The monopole term
• Ordinarily the multipole expansion is
dominated (at large r) by the monopole term:
1 Q
V= , Q= ∫ ρ dτ
4πε0 r
• If the charge is point-like it is the only term. The
other multipole terms vanish
The dipole term
• In the case where the total charge is zero the
dominant term is the dipole term.
1 1
V (r) =
4πε0 r 2
∫ r cosθ ρ (r ) d τ
' ' ' '