IOT Based Smart Monitoring System For Fish Farming: A.Ramya, R.Rohini, S.Ravi

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International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)

ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-6S, August 2019

IOT Based Smart Monitoring System for

Fish Farming
A.Ramya, R.Rohini, S.Ravi 

ABSTRACT--- The purpose of the current method is to create feeding starvation and fish, leads to poor water quality in
a safe and secure that helps the fish pond owners and aquatic fish wells and indoor fish pots. It is therefore important to
planters in producing high quality fish by maintaining normal monitor fish fasting, which is very useful for fish
water levels in the fish tank. The flow of the low or high water in
proprietors. The work is planned for assuaging fish [4] to
the fish pond will solve the long-term problem of killing fish in a
fish tank. Each water quality can affect the health of animals reestablish fish at the hour of encouraging their fish utilizing
alone. The flow of water on fish ponds discusses how every day a fish-bolstered mode and microcontroller and raspberry
should be monitored. This should ensure quality by handling the pack based web application. . In this structure, fish
PH, membrane, temperature, ammonia etc. It is a symbol of good proprietor can screen a fish tank for appropriate activity of
quality water quality standards and poor water quality pools and the fish proprietor [4]. Moreover, the client can set fish feed
how it should be upgraded. It is recommended that a prerequisite
tables through the web application. This strategy likewise
to increase production by ensuring sustainable fresh quality, and
consequently, priority should be given priority. Therefore, water can record valuable sustenance timing, and the client can see
quality parameters maintain balanced positions, culture is the them from the UI [5]. The interface can be gotten to through
basis for the health and development of living organisms. It is the associated site utilizing raspberry pie. Other usefulness
recommended to monitor and evaluate water quality parameters on the interface incorporates a fish feed catch naturally,
on a regular basis changing or changing the nourishment setting lastly camera
Keywords - Fish pond, Microcontroller,pH sensor,IOT. work. Associating the angler's Internet association can
utilize the camera appended to the tanker to check the mass
of the tank. This is to guarantee that the client isn't going
This area reconsider some of the already existing [6].
automatic fish feed systems. Most automated fish feeding
tools are not easy to control the size of the published food. EXISTING SYSTEM
For an indoor fish feeding system such as water tank , a Fish feeder system using Raspberry Pi
small device may be appropriate but external pools may In the existing method we used Internet of thing (IOT)
need to create a larger system for saving large water. using Raspberry Pi. The individuals having local pet fish are
Determines the number of fish stockpiles of fish size of fish in trouble when they aren't around the local area to nourish
size and the fish of the dense aquarium fish. The method is and deal with their fish. This may prompt overloading or
to monitor and control the fish tank through the Internet. starvation of the fish without feed. Right now there are
The level of fish and the quantity of food items can be Arduino based frameworks that could fill the need with
properly monitored. The purpose of this system is to design planned sustaining of the fish. In any case, the proprietors
and develop a fish feed system. The fish owner will be able will be still in trouble for not knowing the state of the fish
to personalize the feeding time or to feed their fish from their remote areas. The mechanical part comprises of
immediately without delay. Fish owner can monitor the the stepper engine constrained by the Raspberry Pi B+
environment of the tank using the Internet and check the through web interface, which can apportion sustenance
food level. The purpose and definition of this system are pellets by means of suitable revolutions of the compartment
listed below according to identification and usage objectives containing the nourishment pellets according to the
and this system can only dissolve dry food. This method is overseer's inclination. The electrical part comprises of a
used online and can monitor the fish tank environment and Raspberry Pi B+ module and a pi-camera, which gives web
check the status of the previous meal. interface and the continuous video information
accumulation of fish. The web interface comprises of the
II. REALTED WORKS client fixed booking, bolstering information, live spilling of
Fish are generally not able to feed at fish when they are fish, and so on. In the manual nourishing, the client must
usually unable to recover when the fish are usually away sustain the fish remotely through the web interface. So, the
from home environment [2]. Two reasons, the risk of module can be utilized for planned sustaining of the fish or
remotely feed through web interface.
Revised Manuscript Received on August 14, 2019.
A.Ramya, P.G. Scholar Department, of Computer Science and
Engineering, Vivekanandha College of Engineering for women, Tamilnadu,
India. (E-mail:
R.Rohini, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women,
Tamilnadu, India. (E-mail:
S.Ravi, Senior Lecturer, Botswana International University of Science
and Technology, Botswana. (E-mail:

Published By:
Retrieval Number: F10890886S19/19©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijeat.F1089.0886S19 420 & Sciences Publication

III. PROPOSED SYSTEM & RESULTS into fish lakes got the opportunity to be observed every day
and it quality guaranteed through the control of parameters
A) Fish pond maintained using controller
like: hydrogen particle fixation, turbidity, temperature,
In this proposed system of microcontroller based fish smelling salts, and so forth.
pond maintained using the sensors. The ultrasonic and PH It any discussesthe lists of fine quality water and
sensors are fixed in the pond system to monitor the water accordingly the impacts of poor water quality in lakes and
level and water quality. The ultrasonic sensors are used to the way it should be improved upon.It suggests that
sense the object of the fish living the pond, and the pulse to guaranteeing feasible great water quality is a precondition
send and receive the echo of the sound in the system of pond for expanded profitability and the other way around and
system. The PH sensor is used to sense in level of water in a ought to in this manner be given direct need Thus, keeping
pond system. The microcontroller are used to control in a up adjusted degrees of water quality parameters is prime for
whole circuit of the system, LCD display are connected to each the wellbeing and development of culture living
microcontroller with any fault or issues will indicate to beings.
display the problem.The method discusses but water stream








Figure III.a) Block diagram of the Proposed system

B. Construction. condenser filter the output voltage from rectifier is
 To measure the status of the water, pH sensor, fed to filter.
humidity sensor, water level sensor and dissolved  The filtered DC voltage is given to regulator to
oxygen sensor had been used. The pH sensor supply 12v constant DC voltage.
measures the acidic or basic nature of the water in  LCD Liquid crystal display are interfacing to
the pond microcontroller. This 5V DC is used to supply
 The ultrasonic sensor is find the obstacle in the power to the controller and the LCD. Power supply
water tank to the LCD is given from the voltage regulator.
 The power supply gives the input supply interface  A transformer is AN electrical regulator designed
to the microcontroller to mechanically maintain a relentless voltage level.
 The RS 232 is interface both hardware andsoftware  In this project, power offer of 5V and 12V area unit
 The power supply circuit consists of step down needed
transformer which is 230v step down to 12v.In this
circuit 4diodes are used to form bridge rectifier
which delivers pulsating dc voltage & then fed to

Published By:
Retrieval Number: F10890886S19/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijeat.F1089.0886S19 421 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-6S, August 2019

C. Hardware Explanation Working Principal Of LCD

i) Ph sensor

Figure c).iii Simulation Diagram of LCD

Figure c).i pH Sensor
The standard behind the LCD's is that once partner
A pH meter is a logical instrument estimating electrical flow is connected to the fluid particle, the atom
hydrogen-particle work in water-based arrangements, its will in general fix out.This causes the edge of light which
causticity or alkalinity. pH meter estimates the distinction is going through the atom of the enraptured glass and
in power between a PHH and one reference voltage, so furthermore cause an adjustment in the point of the top
the pH meter is here and there alluded to as a "metric pH polarizing filter.As an outcome a touch lightweight is
meter". The difference in electric energy is related to the permitted to pass the captivated glass through a chose
acidity of the solution or the pH. The pH meter is used in space of the alphanumeric display.Thus that definite
various applications ranging from laboratory tests to space can wind up dim contrasted with alternative.The
quality control. alphanumeric showcase chips away at the guideline of
ii) Ultrasonic sensor square lightweight.While building the LCD's, a reflected
The ultrasonic sensor is a 4 stick hinder, whose stick mirror is composed at the rear.An conveyor plane is
names are Vcc, Trigger, Echo and Ground individually. framed of indium-tin synthetic intensify that is whole on
This sensor is a famous sensor utilized in numerous high and a spellbound glass with a polarizing film.
applications, where separation or sensitivity is needed. iv) Interfacing Lcd With Microcontroller
The block consists of two eyes, such as an ultrasonic  Interfacing LCD with microcontroller is extremely
transmitter and pre-programmable recipients. The sensor simple errand if the best possible LCD
ultrasonic transmitter works with a simple high school programming calculation is known.
formula that passes an ultrasonic wave, and this reflected  LCD utilized here has HD44780u spot framework
wave ultrasonic receiver block is observed when the wave LCD controller.
travels the air and it senses the reaction when it opposes  LCD module has 8-piece information interface and
any substance the executives pins.One will send learning as 8-
piece or in consolidate of 2 4-piece snack.
LCD Initialization
 Steps to introduce the LCD
 Specify capacity set: Send 38H for 8-piece, twofold
line and 5x7 spot character group.
 Display On-Off control: Send 0FH for showcase
and squint cursor on.
 Entry mode set: Send 06H for cursor in
augmentation position and move is undetectable.
Figure c).ii Ultrasonic Sensor  Clear show: Send 01H to clear show and return
cursor to home position
iii) PIC microcontroller
 Next venture after instatement is to send
PIC Microcontroller Pic16f877a is one of the triumphs information bytes to required showcase information
control in the strategy . This controller is exceptionally RAM memory
advantageous to utilize, this controller is all the more  Location. Right off the bat set the location area
simple to record or programming. One of the real utilizing address set direction byte and after that
favorable circumstances is that it can compose and delete send information bytes utilizing
ordinarily by utilizing streak memory innovation. This is  The DDRAM compose direction. To address
the complete number of 40 pins and the info and yield are explicit area in showcase information RAM one
33 pins. PIC16f877a is utilized in numerous PIC must have the learning of how the location counter
microcontroller programs. Pic16f877a Digital Electronics is increased.
Circuit has numerous applications. Pic16f877a detects its
applications in a large number of devicesPIC16F877A

Published By:
Retrieval Number: F10890886S19/19©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijeat.F1089.0886S19 422 & Sciences Publication

16X2 LCD
 16X2 LCD can be used to display 16 characters in
2 rows. It has the ability to display numbers,
 Characters and graphics. It has an inbuilt refreshing
circuit, thereby relieving the CPU from the task of
 Refreshing. LCD discussed has total of 14 pins
RS 232
Figure c).v Circuit diagram of Relay
In this strategy to correspondences between PC
hardware over phone lines, RS232 is presently generally IV. CONCLUSION
utilized for direct associations between information
The microcontroller based self-kept up aquarium
obtaining gadgets and PC frameworks. As inside the
utilizing with sensors framework utilizes the utilization of
meaning of RS232, the PC is data transmission
various advances in its structure, improvement, and
equipment (DTE).
execution. The framework utilized microcontroller to
Be that as it may, a few interface item don't appear to
screen the procedure of fish tank in an over-head tank
be information interchanges instrumentalty (DCE) .Null
stockpiling framework and can identify the degree of
electronic hardware links territory unit intended for this
water in a tank, switch on/off the tank utilizing sensors as
circumstance; rather than having the stick high in
needs be and show the status on a LCD screen. This
associations of electronic gear links, invalid electronic
strategy has effectively given an enhancement for
hardware links have totally unique inward wiring to allow
existing water level controllers.
DTE gadgets to speak with each other. RS-232 links
region unit unremarkably out there with either four, nine
or 25-stick wiring.The 25-stick link interfaces each stick;
the 9-stick links don't encapsulate a few of the The degree behind building up the programmed fish
exceptionally utilized associations; 4-stick links offer the bolstering framework is to lessen the manual fish
empty least associations, and have jumpers to give sustaining framework which uses more work powers.
"handshaking" for those gadgets that require it. These Also, there are sure preferences that lead to its
jumpers interface pins four, 5 and 8, and furthermore advancement which are the measure of sustenance that
sticks 6 and 20.The approach of the IBM PC AT has will be conveyed to the water body that will measure or
made a fresh out of the plastic new wrinkle in RS232 controlled keeping aquarium clean and fishes
correspondences. healthy.Feeders can sustain the fishes notwithstanding
when the proprietor is away in a helpful manner. In view
of the abilities and functionalities, general battery worked
fish feeder gadgets accessible in the market can just suit
nourishment like beds, chips and powder, so by including
extra compartment for pleasing characteristic fish
sustenance’s like worms, water escapes and so forth
makes the gadget progressively helpful as it were.

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Retrieval Number: F10890886S19/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijeat.F1089.0886S19 423 & Sciences Publication
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Published By:
Retrieval Number: F10890886S19/19©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijeat.F1089.0886S19 424 & Sciences Publication

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