Prelim Reed 204 Exam

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I am the Vine and you are the False

branches” * 6. What is the German term Correct answer
1/1 pertaining to” what belongs to True
John. 15:5 the Lord? *
Luke. 10:16 1/1 10. What was the Old Testament
Matthew 25:40 Kirche derivation of the term Church? *
Ephesians 2:19 1/1
l Corinthians 3:16 Kyriake Qahal
2. Christ is the sacrament of ek-kalein Kirche
God’s love Kyriake
1/1 7. What is the Greek term from Ekklesia
True which English word Church is
False derived? * 11. The Church is a community
1/1 of believers who live a
3. Church is like any other Kirche sacramental life and who
human community and it is easy Kyriake commit themselves to
to understand the depth of its fellowship and service for the
meaning because we are Ekklesia sake of the Kingdom. *
members. * ek-kalein 1/1
0/1 True
True 8. The Church claims to be a
False faith- assembly whose root False
Correct answer cause is God’s free call to all to
False share His divine goodness and 12. New Testament derivation of
4. What is the Greek term love in Christ. * the term Church *
meaning to call out? * 0/1 1/1
1/1 True Qahal
Kirche False Kirche
Ekklesia Correct answer Ekklesia
ek-kalein True

9. In the Christian usage, the 13. Ekklesia is used frequently in

5. We, Christians, can fathom the word “Church” designates the the Latin Old Testament for the
plumb the depth of the meaning liturgical assembly. * assembly of the Chosen People
of the Church. * 0/1 of God on Mt. Sinai. *
1/1 True 1/1
True False True
False Matthew 25:40 21. “No one knows the things of
Ephesians 2:19 God except the Spirit of God” *

14. Some Christians are called to l Corinthians 3:16 John 4:23-24

openly proclaim belief in our Hebrew 5: 1-4

Lord Jesus Christ. * 18. “I am the Vine and you are Romans 12:1b, 2b

0/1 the branches” * Revelation 3:20 ff

True 1/1 1 Corinthians 2:11b

John. 15:5
Correct answer Luke. 10:16 22. He who hears you, hears me.
False Matthew 25:40 He who rejects you, rejects me” *
Ephesians 2:19 1/1

15. Christ and the Church are the l Corinthians 3:16 John. 15:5

sacrament of God’s love * Luke. 10:16

1/1 19. You are the temple, and spirit

True of God dwells in you * Matthew 25:40
False 1/1 Ephesians 2:19
John. 15:5 l Corinthians 3:16
Luke. 10:16

16. Which of the following is the Matthew 25:40 23. Which of the following is the

total repudiation of the Christian Ephesians 2:19 withdrawal of submission to the

faith? * l Corinthians 3:16 Supreme Pontiff or of

1/1 communion of the members

Heresy under him? *

Schism 20. Which of the following is the 1/1

Filioque obstinate denial by a baptized Heresy

Apostasy person of a truth which must be Schism

believed by divine and Catholic

Perichoresis faith? * Filioque
1/1 Apostasy

17.Consequently, you are no Heresy Perichoresis

longer foreigners and strangers,

but fellow citizens with God’s Schism 24. “I assure you, whatever you

people and also members of his Filioque did for one of these least

household * Apostasy brothers of mine, you did for me”

1/1 Perichoresis *

John. 15:5 1/1

Luke. 10:16 John. 15:5

Luke. 10:16
Matthew 25:40 28. Charity is the bond of 32.The Church follows the
perfection. * Principle of collegiality and
Ephesians 2:19 1/1 Petrine Commission. *
l Corinthians 3:16 Church is one 1/1
Church is holy Church is one
25. Which of the following Church is holy
means the total burning of Church is Catholic Church is Catholic
animal for sacrifice? * Church is apostolic Church is apostolic
Liturgy 29. The Church is world-wide
Sacrifice and sent to all people * 33. It is the Holy Spirit who
1/1 unites the faithful into one
worship Church is one communion of believers. *
holocaust Church is holy 0/1
Correct answer Church is Catholic Church is one
holocaust Church is holy
Church is apostolic Church is Catholic
26. Consequently, you are no Church is apostolic
longer foreigners and strangers, 30. The Church is established on
but fellow citizens with God’s the foundation of the Apostles. Correct answer
people and also members of his One * Church is one
household * 1/1
1/1 Church is one 34. Jesus is the founder who
John. 15:5 Church is holy came to reconcile mankind
Luke. 10:16 Church is Catholic through His Blood on the cross *
Matthew 25:40 Church is apostolic 0/1
Ephesians 2:19 Church is one
Church is holy
l Corinthians 3:16 31. The Church continues to be Church is Catholic

the sign and instrument of

27. The Trinity is the source of holiness. * Church is apostolic
unity. * 1/1 Correct answer
1/1 Church is one Church is one
Church is one Church is holy
35. Jesus Christ, the one
Church is holy Church is Catholic mediator, is the source of
Church is Catholic Church is apostolic sanctification and a way to
Church is apostolic salvation. *
0/1 0/1 1/1
Church is one True It is a belief that all forms of
Church is holy False life contain a soul
Church is Catholic It is a cyclical pattern, so once
Church is apostolic Correct answer it ends, it begins again
True It is a belief that existence of
Correct answer this cycle is governed by
Church is holy 40. Mystery is a special kind of Karma.

symbol, an efficacious symbol, It means going through the

36. The Church is a complex something concrete that brings cycle of repeated births and

reality, made up of human and about what it points to. * deaths

divine elements. * 1/1

1/1 True
True False 44. In the Chalcedon Creed, we
profess, “We believe in one, holy
False Catholic, and Apostolic Church.”

41. Jesus Christ is a kind of These are the four marks of the

37.The Church arose from the sacrament or sign of intimate Church. *

saving design of the Father, the union with God, and of the unity 1/1

redemptive mission of the Son of all mankind. * True

and the sanctifying work of the 1/1 False

Spirit. * True
1/1 False
True 45. Which of the following is a
Other: belief the soul is eternal and
False lives in many lifetimes in one

42. The sacraments are body after the another? *

38. The destiny of the Church is described as the signs and 1/1

the full realization of this instruments by which the Holy Ascension

communion in the Kingdom of Spirit spreads the grace of Christ Incarnation

God at the end of time. * the head throughout the Church Glorification

1/1 which is his Body * Resurrection

True 1/1 Reincarnation

False 46.Through the continued

39.The Church is a sacrament guidance of the Holy Spirit, the

because of her relationship to 43. Which of the following refers Church fulfills the essential

the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. * to the Samsara? * characteristics of the Church *
1/1 50. Which of the following is the John 4:23-24
True Greek translation of the Bible? * Hebrew 5: 1-4
1/1 Romans 12:1b, 2b
False Biblos Revelation 3:20 ff

47. As Catholics, we are united in Septuagint 1 Corinthians 2:11b

our Creed and our other
teachings, the celebration of the 54.The Old Testament stories
sacraments, and the hierarchical 51.“No one knows the things of show Jesus urging His followers
structure based on the apostolic God except the Spirit of God” * to forgive enemies and to take
succession preserved and 0/1 care of strangers challenge
handed on through the John 4:23-24 Christians to choose the way of
Sacrament of Holy Orders. * Hebrew 5: 1-4 forgiveness and devote time and
1/1 Romans 12:1b, 2b money to improving the plight of
True Revelation 3:20 ff poor persons *
1 Corinthians 2:11b 1/1
False True
Correct answer False

48. Which of the following is the John 4:23-24

central administration of the
Catholic Church? * 52. The New Testament 55. For every high priest chosen
0/1 articulate the justice and care of from among men is appointed to
Holy See God for all of God’s people lead act on behalf of men in relation
Bishops Christians to select the values of to God, to offer gifts and
justice and care for all people as sacrifices for sins… *
Diaconate goals worthy of imitation and 1/1
Roman Curia implementation in their daily John 4:23-24
Correct answer lives. * Hebrew 5: 1-4
Roman Curia 1/1
True Romans 12:1b, 2b
49 Which of the following is the False Revelation 3:20 ff
Latin translation of the Bible? * 1 Corinthians 2:11b
Biblia 53. Here I am! I stand at the door
Vulgate and knock. If anyone hears my
voice and opens the door, I will
Septuagint come in and eat with that
person, and they with me. *
56. Present your bodies as a 62. The burnt offering *
living sacrifice, holy and 59.Jesus Christ was a religious 1/1
acceptable to God, which is your Jew who attended the Types of Offering
spiritual worship. Do not be synagogue and celebrated The Voluntary Offering
conformed to this world, but be Jewish festivals, and his
transformed by the renewal of disciples were familiar with The Obligatory Offering
your mind” * Jewish ritual and tradition. * Common Elements in the
1/1 0/1 Ordinance of Sacrifice
John 4:23-24 True
Hebrew 5: 1-4 False 63. Which of the following is a
Romans 12:1b, 2b worship is addressed only
Correct answer indirectly to God or veneration or
Revelation 3:20 ff True respect paid to the saints and
1 Corinthians 2:11b angels as the servants and
60.Jesus puts it so well –Yet a friends of God? *
57. When we accept Jesus as time is coming and has now 1/1
our Lord and Savior we accept come when the true worshipers Dulia
the invitation from God to have a will worship the Father in the
relationship with Him and having Spirit and in truth, for they are Latria
a relationship with God and the kind of worshipers the Father Worship
building our relationship is in seeks. * Sacrifice
effect worship. * 1/1 Hyperdulia
1/1 John 4:23-24
True 64. In the New Testament
Hebrew 5: 1-4 Worship is more about
False Romans 12:1b, 2b relationship and attitude —
Revelation 3:20 ff based on love as demonstrated
58.Which of the following is the 1 Corinthians 2:11b by Christ’s death on the cross
expression of God’s holiness, and the response to that love. *
goodness, and power? * 61. Jesus fulfilled the Old 1/1
0/1 Testament sin offerings through True
Dulia his death, therefore, we need to
Latria make such sacrifices to God False
Worship again. *
Sacrifice 1/1
Hyperdulia False
Correct answer
65. Which of the following is an 68. Which of the following is the 71. The purpose of the ordinance
act of slaughtering an animal or veneration offered to the of sacrifice, like our own
person or surrendering a Blessed Virgin Mary as the most sacrament, was to assist Israel
possession as an offering to exalted of creatures having a in remembering God so that they
God or to a divine or separate and absolutely super might have his spirit to be with
supernatural figure? * eminent rank among the saints? them. *
1/1 * 1/1
Latria 1/1 True
Worship Latria
Sacrifice Worship False
Hyperdulia Hyperdulia 72. Flour is often used as a
symbol for the life of Jesus and
66. Manifestation of God’s the nourishment that comes
Presence in the New Testament 69. God is more pleased and we from the word of the Lord *
was done in nature and miracles, are more fulfilled when we 0/1
signs and wonders which is develop lifestyles characterized True
termed as Epiphany. * by the well-rounded worship False
0/1 experience as described in the
True New Testament. * Correct answer
0/1 True
False True
Correct answer False 73. In the sin offering the proper
False focus is on the spiritually
Correct answer destructive nature of sin *
67. The place of the offering * True 1/1
1/1 True
Types of Offering 70 The purpose of the shedding
The Voluntary Offering of blood was to bring expiation False
The Obligatory Offering or atonement. *
Common Elements in the 1/1 74. Which of the following is
Ordinance of Sacrifice True revealed when we have critical
reflection of life experiences? *
False 0/1
Our acknowledgment that God
as the origin of all that exists
and the object of their worship.
Our recognition of the We are led to articulate the 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
presence of God, gently yet values which motivated our
powerfully guiding the friendship and love
moments and movements of We may start to understand 79.. Which of the following were
our lives. the love to see the deceased offered to express gratitude for
loved one as a real encounter God’s goodness and blessing? *
Our recognition that Jesus with God 0/1
Christ is the fullest revelation We begin to reflect on our sin offerings
of God by which the imitation relationship with the loved one voluntary offerings
of Christ, under the guidance and tell stories of our obligatory offerings
of God’s Spirit, becomes their friendship and love. thanksgiving offerings
lifelong task. All of the above
All of the above Correct answer
None of the above None of the above obligatory offerings
Correct answer
All of the above 77. Which of the following 80. Which of the following were
played a key role in the some of what Hindus believe? *
75. Which of the following ordinance of sacrifice in which it 0/1
contains the story of God’s is spot where Yahweh promised They believe in Trinity of gods.
revelation of the Messiah who to meet with his people, speak to They believe in castes based
would save humanity, world and them, and reconcile them to on ritual purity
history from the bondage of sin him? * They too believe in the unity of
and death? * 1/1 all life, afterlife and
0/1 The altar reincarnation
Old Testament
New Testament The priest They believe in the freedom
The offerer from desire which comes from
All of the above The mediator a lifetime of worship,
None of the above knowledge and virtuous acts.
Correct answer 78. Do you not know that your All of the above
Old Testament bodies are temples of the Holy None of the above
Spirit, who is in you, whom you Correct answer
76.. Reflecting on past have received from God? All of the above
experiences especially the death Therefore honor God with your
of a loved one, which of the bodies. * 81. Which of the following tells
following would be the lesson? * 1/1 about Islam?. *
1/1 Hebrew 9:11-14 0/1
Romans 12:1 –3 It is the youngest of the major
Exodus 20: 3 – 7 world religions
It is the religion rapidly They are monotheistic and They are avenues where Islam
spreading faith throughout the worship one, all-knowing God, teaches that Allah’s word was
world who in Arabic is known as revealed to the prophet
It is the second largest religion Allah. Muhammad
in the world after Christianity
Correct answer 86. Which of the following refers
It is a religion which started in They aim to live a life of to the Sahada? *
Mecca, in modern-day Saudi complete submission to 1/1
Arabia Allah. to pray five times a day
All of the above to give alms to those in need
None of the above 84. Which of the following tells to declare one’s faith in God
Correct answer about jihad? * and belief in Muhammad
All of the above 1/1
It is a central idea in Islam to make a pilgrimage to Mecca
82. Which of the following which means struggle. at least once during a person’s
means Islam? * lifetime
1/1 It is the internal and external
It is the submission to the will efforts to defend their faith. 87, Which of the following
of God. It is a place where Muslims are speaks of Sawn? *
gathered together to worship 1/1
It is a life of complete Allah to fast during Ramadan
submission to Allah It is a military just war to
It is the abstinence of the defend against invaders of to pray five times a day
struggle here on earth. their holy land to give alms to those in need
It is the reverence found in the to declare one’s faith in God
Judeo-Christian Bible. 85. Which of the following and belief in Muhammad
speaks about the mosques? *
83. Which of the following refers 1/1 88. Which of the Noble eightfold
to the purpose of the followers They are places where path divisions of Buddhism right
of Islam? * Muslims worship. understanding belongs? *
0/1 1/1
They aim to live a life of They are prayer houses where The Division of Wisdom
complete submission to Allah. Muslims gather for their
They believe several prophets services The Division Ethical Conduct
were sent to teach Allah’s law They are places where The Division of Mental
They believe that nothing can Muslims live a life of complete Discipline
happen without Allah’s submission to Allah
89. Which of the following It is the most popular creed
belongs to the Division of Ethical used in worship by Western The Church originates from
Conduct? * Christians. the mission of the Son and the
1/1 Holy Spirit, in accordance with
Right Effort 92.Which of the following tells the decree of God the Father
Right Thought us about The Nicene Creed? * The Church is a reality imbued
Right Livelihood 0/1 with the hidden presence of
It sets out the main principles God which can be fully
Right Concentration of Catholic Christian belief. captured and explained by
It taught Christ to be human thought.
90. Which of the Noble eightfold acknowledged in two natures
path divisions of Buddhism Right one divine and one human. 94. Which of the following is the
Mindfulness belongs? * It is recited at Sunday Masses destiny of the Church? *
1/1 and is the core statement of 0/1
The Division of Wisdom belief in many other Christian It draws from the communion
The Division Ethical Conduct churches as well of love of the Father, Son and
The Division of Mental It is apparently used as a Holy Spirit,
Discipline summary of Christian doctrine It is the full realization of this
for baptismal candidates in the communion in the Kingdom of
churches of Rome. God at the end of time.

91. Which of the following tells It is derived from the mission

us about The Apostles Creed? * Correct answer of the Son and the Holy Spirit,

0/1 It is recited at Sunday in accordance with the decree

It sets out the main principles Masses and is the core of God the Father

of Catholic Christian belief. statement of belief in many It arose from the saving design
other Christian churches as of the Father, the redemptive

It is the most popular creed well mission of the Son and the

used in worship by Western sanctifying work of the Spirit.

Christians. 93. Which of the following is

It taught Christ "to be meaning of the expression the Correct answer

acknowledged in two natures Church is a mystery? * It is the full realization of this

one divine and one human. 1/1 communion in the Kingdom

It is recited at Sunday Masses The Church has the source the of God at the end of time.

and is the core statement of Blessed Trinity by both its

belief in many other Christian nature and mission 95. Which of the following
churches as well The Church is a divine, speaks about Jesus? *
Correct answer transcendent, and a salvific 0/1
reality which is visibly present Jesus points to the reality of
among men. God
Jesus is the invisible image of Because of her final destiny, Correct answer
the invisible God. which is the full realization in Because of her final destiny,
Jesus is the sacrament of God the kingdom of God at the which is the full realization in
and the sacrament of God’s end of time. the kingdom of God at the
love end of time.
Jesus is the outward visible 97. Which of the following who
sign of God’s loving gift of first used this word Catholic 99. Which of the following
Himself in human history which means universal? * indicates the mark of the Church
1/1 as holy? *
Correct answer St. Thomas Aquinas 1/1
Jesus is the sacrament of St. Ignatius of Loyola Jesus Christ is present to us in
God and the sacrament of St. Ignatius of Antioch the Church
God’s love Our Lord Himself is the source
St. Bernard of Clairvaux of all holiness.
96. Which of the following is not The one Christ is mediator and
the reason of the essential 98.Which of the following is not the way of salvation
characteristic of the Church as the reason of the essential She is a visible sign of holiness
Holy? * characteristic of the Church as through her teaching, prayer
0/1 Holy? * and worship, and good works
Because of her final destiny, 0/1 All of the above
which is the full realization in Because of her final destiny,
the kingdom of God at the end which is the full realization in None of the above
of time. the kingdom of God at the end
Because of her founder, Jesus of time. 100. Which of the following
Christ, who came to reconcile Because of her founder, Jesus sacraments, Jesus entrusted a
all mankind through the blood Christ, who came to reconcile special authority to St. Peter to
of the cross all mankind through the blood act as His Vicar here on earth? *
Because of her source, which of the cross 0/1
is the Holy Trinity, a perfect Because of her source, which Sacrament of Baptism
unity of three divine persons – is the Holy Trinity, a perfect
Father, Son and Holy Spirit unity of three divine persons – Sacrament of Holy Orders
Father, Son and Holy Spirit Sacrament of Confirmation
Because of her soul, the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist
Spirit, who dwells in the souls Because of her soul, the Holy Correct answer
of the faithful, who unites all of Spirit, who dwells in the souls Sacrament of Holy Orders
the faithful into one of the faithful, who unites all of
communion of believers, and the faithful into one
who guides the Church. communion of believers, and
Correct answer who guides the Church.

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