Snake and Ladder
Snake and Ladder
Snake and Ladder
Project Report
Project-III (BIT278CO)
Submitted to:
Purbanchal University
Biratnagar, Nepal
Submitted by:
Putalisadak, Kathmandu
3 May 2021
A project report
Submitted to:
Purbanchal University
Biratnagar, Nepal
Submitted by:
Project Supervisor
Mr. Ramesh Parajuli
Asst. Professor
It is hereby informed that the topic selected by Aditi Maskey (334388), Prabhat Kiran
Sigdel (334404) and Yubraj Khadka (334416) of BIT III semester for their semester
project has been found suitable and as per the credit assigned by Purbanchal
University (PU), Biratnagar, Nepal.
The Project Committee has approved the following topic and supervisor for the above
mentioned students.
Ramesh Parajuli
Project Supervisor
Department of IT
Ashim K.C
Program Coordinator
Department of IT
Bikash Neupane
Project Coordinator
Department of IT
This is to certify that the project entitled “SNAKE AND LADDER” submitted by
Aditi Maskey (334488), Prabhat Kiran Sigdel (334404) and Yubraj Khadka (334416)
to the Department of Information Technology, School of Science and Technology at
Kantipur City College, Kathmandu, Nepal towards the requirement for BIT: Project-
III is an original work carried out by them under my supervision and guidance.
Project Supervisor
Asst. Professor, IT
The project members would like to express our deepest appreciation to our supervisor
Mr. Ramesh Parajuli for providing guidance during the completion of our project.
The project members would like to thank our supervisor for supervising, motivating
and being co-operative throughout the project work. Without his guidance and
persistent help, the project would not have been possible. The project members are
grateful to all the teachers who had helped us directly and indirectly throughout the
project. Finally, project members are indebted to the lab in-charge for providing the
facilities of lab during our project. We cannot move on without thanking our beloved
principle Mr. Raju Kattel for creating the required academic environment which
made our task appreciable.
Aditi Maskey(334388)
Yubraj Khadka(334416)
Today the computer game industry is one of the most appreciated industry in the
world .Games are something which everyone loves to play on their computer .In fact
it is one of the most used application in the computer .Game helps you to relax and
they are a perfect way of killing time when you are feeling bored. These factors have
inspired us to make a project which aims at creating game.
“Snake and ladder”, the game is primarily developed for entertainment purpose. Our
project aims at using C# language on Visual studio to make Snake and ladder game.
In our project we use visual studio platform to develop forms and coding is done
through c# to make the game. Through the use of these platforms we tried to make
the game interesting and user friendly.
The role of included snakes acting villains and ladders acting as player’s supporter is
implemented like the game has always been played. The extract of the whole game is
being able to play the board games according to the suggested player numbers who
can roll the dice(with 6 faces) to get a particular number that would decide whether or
not the player wins the game.
Acknowledgement I
Abstract II
List of figures
List of tables
Chapter 1: Introduction
a. Project Background
b. Project Introduction
c. Objectives of the project
d. Significance of the project
e. Project Features
f. Assignment of roles and responsibilities
g. Documentation organization
a. Conclusion
b. Limitation
c. Future Enhancement
1.2 DFD
1.3 Testing
a. Project Background
Snakes and Ladders, also known as Chutes and Ladders is a simple board game. In
ancient India, the game originated as Mokshapat or Moksha Patamu. Some historians
claim the game was played as early as the 2nd century BC but others are of the
opinion that Swami Gyandev invented the game in 13th century AD.
Snake and ladder was apparently invented to teach children a lesson in morality,
about karma and kama (destiny and desire). The game was initially devised to teach
Hindu principles of virtue, represented by the ladders, and evil, represented by
snakes. Snake and Ladder was as a part of family of dice board games.
b. Project Introduction
The Snakes and Ladders board game has one hundred numbered squares that begin in
the bottom left corner and taper up through 10 rows of 10 squares. The goal is to be
the first player to reach square 100. As per the dice roll, the players get to raise their
position as suggested on the dice. On each row of ten squares are ladders, some of the
ladders rise quite high, some are somewhat shorter. Also, on each set of 10 squares,
apart from the bottom set, is a snake. If a player ends there turn on a snake's head they
tumble down the snake's body to the lower levels and if they end up on a ladder, they
get a free ride to a higher position suggested by the ladder.
Basically the game is played between two or more players on a game board having
numbered, gridded squares, the number of ladders and snakes are pictured on the
board. The home page of the board has two player names with respective default
names (player1, player2). The ‘start’ button when clicked leads to the game board
where all the manipulation of the dice, coin, snakes, and ladders takes place.
e. Project Features
GUI interface
Multiplayer game
Mouse and keyboard interaction
Dice board: Display game update with spotted players score, snakes and
Roll dice
f. Assignment of Roles and Responsibilities
Table no 1.1
g. Documentation Organization
Table no 1.2
Chapters Heading
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter2 Literature Review
Chapter 3 System Analysis
Chapter 4 System Design
Chapter 5 System Development and Implementation
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Enhancement
Snake and ladder is a game that has been around for the longest of time, unknown of
the inventor. It is believed the game was played at the time as early as 2 nd century BC.
Since then the game gained popularity for its playing system with vipers that demotes
the players piece contrasting with the ladders that promotes to higher number plates.
It is predated yet an interesting game for users to learn and entertain.
The following literature reviews attempt to demonstrate and support the grounds for
the game snake and ladders.
It was the game developed by Mozzo Studio for fun intention. It is a multiplayer
board game that can be played between 2 players taking the concept of ancient snake
and ladder game; they built an interesting 2D snake game for android.
The developer works with creating graphics of great complexity, screen splash idea of
the snake was basic use of the basic function like rectangle, line to a flip pattern.
It was the game app developed by Hippo Lab in intention to make the game popular
among the children. It allows two or more users to play at a same time .They also
named it as “sapsidi” game which is local name of snake and ladder in Indian
The working mechanism behind the movements between the player pieces
synchronizing with the number on the dice.
It delineated the process of the return and proceeds by jumping the remaining tracks
in between the ladder or the snake.
a. System Development Model
As for the requirement of the project of BIT III semester, the model with which we
decided to work is “Waterfall Model”.
Waterfall model
The process of development, first worked on tracking down the topic for us to begin
our project with based on the conditions of our semester project. Finding the topic of
the project to be carried out led us to gathering the resources according to the need to
complete our defined project. Then the features characteristics for our project were
discussed and the particular model for software development was implemented.
After the discussion part, it came down to accomplishing the desired project. The
program coding for the project was then started. Likewise the system architecture
started coming together with the consultation of our supervisor. The designed product
was then tested as the testing process is declared to be the next phase of software
development. The tested product of our project “Snake and Ladder” was presented to
the respective committee of teachers to make certain that it would make a valid
semester project.
The documentation of this project was carried out all along through only planning and
preparing till the deployment.
b. Requirement Specification
I. Functional Requirements
The functional requirements of this system are as follows:
Reliability: The system performs consistently well and all the actions like rolling the
dice, moving the coin is worth the try.
Performance: The performance is quite fast but sometimes snakes and ladder actions
may lag.
c. Feasibility Study
Technical: Can be operated and developed on general PCs.
2. Requirement gathering
6. Documentation
Figure no. 1.1
Tasks completed
a. Context Diagram and Data Flow Diagram
Figure no. 1.2
b. Use case Diagram
Snake Ladder
Back end:
b. Operating Environment
Minimum (operating system=Windows 8.1, architecture=x86, x64)
Thus can be concluded that learning while playing can strategize appropriate teaching
methods for students with or without learning difficulties. This is to enhance their
cognitive development and also to build up their interest to be involved actively in
b. Limitations
Database not included.
c. Future Enhancements
User interface can be further developed.
Change the field to online gaming.
Oct 12, 2. (n.d.). Who invented the board game Snakes and Ladders? - Times
of India. Retrieved November 29, 2020, from
Snakes and Ladders. (2020, November 19). Retrieved November 29, 2020,