Mext-Research-Checklist IMPROVED
Mext-Research-Checklist IMPROVED
Mext-Research-Checklist IMPROVED
Applicants must submit the following documents to the Japanese diplomatic missions by the required date. The submitted
documents will not be returned. Any document titled as “original” must have pen-and-ink signatures and/or real photographs
attached (not digitally inserted). All documents must be in either English or Japanese. If in another language, a certified
translation must be provided.
Graduation If you have already graduated from the school you most “Original” (1)** June 11, 2018
Certificate recently attended, please provide your diploma. Photocopies (2)
(Diploma) **Please note that making a photocopy of the diploma which
is then notarized or attested by the registrar’s office will be
OR accepted. Please do not submit the actual original diploma as
it will not be returned.
Proof of
Anticipated If you have NOT yet graduated (i.e. you are a current
Graduation Date student), you must provide a proof of expected graduation
from the registrar’s office or National Student Clearinghouse
which specifically lists your anticipated graduation date.
Recommendation A letter of recommendation from a president, dean, or Original (1) June 11, 2018
(Academic) academic advisor from the current or most recent university Photocopies (2)
Recommender must use recommendation form provided.
Letters must be provided in an envelope, sealed, with the
writer’s signature across the closure to show that it is
confidential from you (the applicant).
Recommendation A letter of recommendation from a workplace supervisor or Original (1) June 11, 2018
(Professional) manager (NOT a colleague or peer) at the current or most Photocopies (2)
recent place of employment. Individuals with no employment
history should provide another academic recommendation.
Recommender must use recommendation form provided.
Letters must be provided in an envelope, sealed, with the
writer’s signature across the closure to show that it is
confidential from you (the applicant).
Abstract of theses Abstracts of the graduation thesis and any presented papers Copies (3) June 11, 2018
will suffice. Please note that these abstracts will be used as
basic data for evaluation of the applicant’s academic ability.
Do not submit full papers, just abstracts.
Visual record of ONLY if the applicant is an art/dance/theater major whose Original (1) June 11, 2018
art/dance/theater final theses were visual or performance in nature. All others Photocopies (2)
final theses should provide abstracts as described above.
The deadline for the 2019 MEXT Scholarship is June 11, 2018. This is not a “post-marked by” deadline. Late
applications will not be considered. Please mail documents to: