CyberSecurity of Romania
CyberSecurity of Romania
CyberSecurity of Romania
I. Introduction
1. Background
The rapid development of modern information and communication technologies – a sine qua non
condition for the edification of the Information Society - has had a major impact on the social
environment, marking true mutations in the operating philosophy of economics, politics and the culture,
but also in the daily life of the individual. In fact, at present, the easy access to technology information
and communication is one of the prerequisites for the proper functioning of modern society.
Cyberspace is characterized by the absence of borders, dynamism and anonymity, generating equal both
opportunities to develop knowledge-based information society and risks to its functionality (at the
individual, state and even transborder).
Alongside the undeniable benefits that computerization introduces in modern society, it also introduces
vulnerabilities, so the security of cyberspace should be a major concern of all stakeholders, especially at
institutional level, where responsibility of elaborating and implementing coherent policies in the field
Romania aims to develop both a dynamic information environment based on interoperability and
specific information society services, and enforcement of citizens’ fundamental rights and freedoms and
the national security interests, in an appropriate legal framework. In light of this, there is a need to
develop a cyber security culture among the ITC users, which are often insufficiently informed of
potential risks and countering solutions. Widespread knowledge about risks and threats deriving from
activities in the cyberspace, as well as means of prevention and countering them requires efficient
communication and cooperation between specific actors in this field.
The Romanian state assumes the role of coordinator of cyber security activities at national level, in line
with EU and NATO initiatives. The cyber security issue has become a priority for these bodies, which
implement regulatory approaches required for the development of cyber defence mechanisms.
Cyber security incidents and major cyber attacks which some states and international organizations
have faced in recent years have determined, at international level, the understanding of the need to
adopt strategies and policies in the field of cybersecurity. Thus, there are now national cyber security
strategies, such as those of Estonia, United States, Britain, Germany and France, which substantiate the
need to further develop their capabilities to counter cyber attacks and which set the framework for action
and cooperation between different government entities and NGOs in order to mitigate the consequences.
According to these strategies, states’ efforts aim at implementing security measures conducive to the
growth of cyber infrastructure protection level, especially those supporting national critical
The rapidly evolving nature of cyber threats has required the adoption, including at NATO, of a new
concept and a new cyber defense policy. To this end, NATO has redefined its role and area of action in
the field and developed a plan of action to develop the capabilities required to protect own cyber
infrastructure own and mechanisms for consultation between Member States and for assuring assistance
in the event of major cyber attacks.
At the EU level, the adoption a European cyber security strategy, aimed at harmonizing the efforts of
Member States to address security challenges in cyberspace and critical information infrastructure
protection, is in progress.
At the same time, the EU has outlined the need for a policy on fighting cybercrime. Subsequent
initiatives have started from realizing the increase in the number of computer crimes, the deeper
involvement of organized criminal groups in cybercrime, and the need for coordinating EU efforts in
countering these crimes. Given that the large scale, coordinated cyber attacks targeting cyber critical
infrastructure of the Member States are a growing concern of the EU, there is an urgent necessity to take
action to combat all forms of cybercrime, both at European and at national level.
Increasing capacity to fight cyber crime at national, European and international level requires, inter alia:
- increased cooperation and coordination between units responsible with countering cybercrime, other
authorities and experts from the European Union;
- developing a coherent regulatory framework at EU level on the fight against cybercrime, in
coordination with Member States and with European and international relevant authorities in the field
- raising awareness of costs and dangers posed by cybercrime.
In this context, Romania acknowledges the existence of such threats and supports a joint integrated
approach, coordinated at both NATO and EU level, in order to offer a timely response to cyberattacks.
Romania's cyber security strategy sets out the objectives, principles and major directions for action for
understanding, preventing and counteracting cyber security threats, vulnerabilities and risks and to
promote Romania's interests, values and national objectives in cyberspace.
To ensure coherence and actionable efficiency, the strategy seeks to achieve the national security target
concerning "achieving cyber security", while respecting the principles and characteristics of the National
Defense Strategy and National Strategy for the protection critical infrastructure.
For ensuring Romania’s cyber security, the strategy sets the following objectives:
a) adapt the regulatory and institutional framework to the cyberspace threats dynamics;
b) establish and implement security profiles and minimum requirements for national cyber
infrastructures, relevant in terms of the proper functionality of the critical infrastructures;
c) ensure the resilience of cyber infrastructure;
d) ensure security through understanding, preventing and fighting vulnerabilities, risks and threats to
cyber security of Romania;
e) take advantage of the opportunities to promote the national interests, values and objective in the
f) promote and develop cooperation between the public and private sectors at national and international
level in the field of cyber security;
g) develop a security culture by raising awareness of the population concerning the vulnerabilities, risks
and threats originating from cyberspace and the need to ensure protection of their information systems;
h) active participation in the initiatives of international organizations which Romania is part of in
defining and establishing a set of international confidence-building measures concerning use of
3. Concepts, Definitions and Terms
For the purposes of this strategy, terms and expressions have the following meanings:
- cyber infrastructure - information technology and communications infrastructure, consisting of
systems, applications related electronic communications networks and services;
- cyberspace - virtual environment generated by cyber infrastructure, including content information
processed, stored or transmitted, as well as actions taken by users in this;
- cybersecurity - normality resulting from the application of a set of proactive and reactive measures that
ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability, authenticity and non-repudiation in electronic
information, resources and public or private services, in cyberspace.
Proactive and reactive measures may include political, concepts, standards and guidelines for security,
risk management, and training awareness activities, implement engineering solutions to protect cyber
infrastructure, management identity and management consequence;
- cyber defense - actions taken in cyberspace to protect, monitor, detect, counter aggression and ensure
appropriate response against specific cyber threats to national defense infrastructure;
- operations in computer networks - complex process of planning, coordination, synchronization,
harmonization and development of actions in cyberspace protection, control and using computers
network to obtain superiority information, while neutralizing enemy capabilities;
- cyber threat - circumstance or event which constitutes a potential danger to cyber security;
- cyber attack - hostile action in cyberspace held to affect cybernetics security;
- cyber incident - event occurred in the cyberspace, whose consequences affect cyber security;
- cyber terrorism - premeditated activities carried out in cyberspace by individuals, politically motivated
groups or organizations, ideological or religious which may cause damage materials or victims, likely to
cause panic or terror;
- cyber espionage - actions taken in cyberspace in order to obtain unauthorized confidential information
in the interests of state or non-state entities;
- cybercrime - all facts under criminal law or other special laws which constitute a social threat and
are committed with guilt, through cyber infrastructure;
- vulnerability in cyberspace - weakness in the design and implementation cyber infrastructures and
associated security measures which can be exploited by threat;
- security risk in cyberspace - the likelihood that a threat will materialize, exploiting a specific cyber
infrastructure vulnerability;
- risk management - a complex , continuous and flexible identification, evaluation and counteracting
cyber security risks process, based on the use of techniques and complex tools for preventing losses of
any nature;
- identity management - methods for validating the identity of persons when they accessing any cyber
- cyber infrastructure resilience - the ability cyber infrastructure components to withstand a cyber
incident or attack and return to normality;
- CERT-type entities - specialized structures within the meaning of art. 2 letter a) the Government
Decision no. 494/2011 on the establishment of the National Response to Security Incidents Cybernetics
4. Principles
Ensuring cybersecurity should be the outcome of an approach based on risk assessment, resource
prioritization, implementing and monitoring the efficiency of the security measures identified through
the application of risk management and compliance and respecting the following principles:
- Coordination - activities are carried out in a unitary, based on convergent action plans for cyber
security in accordance with the duties and responsibilities of each entity;
- Cooperation - all entities involved (in the public or private) are working at nationally and
internationally, to ensure an adequate response to threats from space cybernetic;
- Prioritization - efforts will focus on securing cyber infrastructure supporting national and European
critical infrastructures;
- Dissemination - ensuring the transfer of information, expertise and best practices in order protect cyber
- Protecting values - cyber security policies will ensure a balance between the need for increased
security in cyberspace and the preservation of privacy and other values and fundamental freedoms of
- Accountability - all owners and users of cyber infrastructure must take the necessary steps to secure
their infrastructures and not affect other users;
Romania is currently facing threats to its critical infrastructure, originating from cyberspace. This is due
to an increasing interdependence between cyber infrastructure and infrastructure such as that belonging
to banking, transport, energy and national defense sectors. The globality of cyberspace is likely to
increase the risks affecting both citizens, businesses and the government.
In general, cyber infrastructures may be affected by technical threats (i.e., deficiencies or technical
failures), human threats (i.e., operating errors, actions voluntary) or natural threats (i.e., extreme
weather, natural disasters).
Threats to cyberspace can be classified in several ways, but the most commonly used are those based on
motivational factors and impact on society. In this regard, we can consider cybercrime, cyber terrorism
and cyber war, having as source both state actors and non-state actors.
Threats from cyberspace materialize - by exploiting vulnerabilities of human, technical and procedural
nature - most often in the form of:
- cyber attacks against the infrastructure supporting public functions or information society services,
whose disruption or damage could constitute a danger to the national security;
- unauthorized access to cyber infrastructures;
- modification, deletion or deterioration of computer data or unauthorized illegal restriction of access to
such data;
- cyber espionage
- causing patrimonial damage, harassing and blackmailing individuals and businesses, public and
The main actors who create threats in cyberspace are:
- persons or organized crime groups that exploit cyberspace vulnerabilities to obtain property or non-
property benefits;
- terrorists or extremists who use cyberspace to conduct and coordinate terrorist attacks, communication
activities, propaganda, recruitment and training, etc. fundraising for terrorist purposes;
- state or non-state actors which initiate operations in cyberspace, with the purpose of intelligence
gathering in the governmental, military, economic fields or of ensuring the materialization of other
threats to national security.
2. Opportunities
At the same time, cyberspace, which became a new area of interaction within modern society, offers a
number of opportunities generated by its very specificity. Thus, the following opportunities which
Romania can take advantage through cyberspace of have been identified:
- Supporting policies and promoting the national interests;
- Developing and supporting the business environment;
- Improving the quality of life through the development of the information society services;
- Improving knowledge and the support for national policy decisions in the Information age through
ensuring adequate cyber capabilities and tools;
- Increasing knowledge and prediction capacity for early warning of national security risks and threats;
- Increasing technical capacity and human resource skills to achieve national security objectives.
1. Establishing the conceptual, organizing and actional framework required for ensuring cyber security:
- constituting and operationalizing a national cyber security system;
- completing and harmonizing the national legal framework in the field, including setting up and appling
minimum security requirements for national cyber infrastructures;
- developing cooperation between the public and private sector, including through stimulating reciprocal
information exchange concerning threats, vulnerabilities and risks, as well as cyber incidents and
2. Developing national risk management and reaction capabilities in the field of cyber security, based on
a national programme and including the following aspects:
- consolidating, at the level of competent authorities, the potential of understanding, preventing and
countering threats and minimizing risks associated with making use of the cyberspace;
- ensuring tools for developing public-private cooperation in the field of cyber security, including for the
purpose of creating efficient early warning, alert and response mechanisms concerning cyber incidents;
- stimulating research, development and innovation capabilities in the field of cyber security<
- increasing the resilience level of cyber infrastructures;
- developing CERT-type entities in both the public and private sector.
The mission of the NSCC is to provide elements of knowledge, prevention and counteracting of threats,
vulnerabilities and specific risks specific to the cyberspace that may affect national cyber security
infrastructure, including consequence management.
For the purpose of this strategy, NSCC works as a unitary mechanism effective networking and inter-
institutional cooperation in developing and implementing the prompt decision.
NSCC is acting on the following components:
The knowledge component - provide information support to develop proactive and reactive actions
to ensure cybersecurity.
The cooperation and coordination component - ensures uniform and effective networking mechanism
in the NSCC.
The counter component - ensure effective reaction to threats or cyber attacks by identifying and
blocking their manifestation. This is done in order to maintain or restore the cyber security infrastructure
concerned and to identify and punishing perpetrators law.
NSCC's main functions are achieved through information, monitoring, dissemination, analysis, warning,
coordination, decision, response, recovery and awareness and the adoption of proactive and reactive
Efficient activities in NSCC depends essentially on cooperation between public and private cyber
infrastructure and between the holders and state authorities’ ability to undertake measures to prevent and
counteract threats, investigation of the cyber attacks and minimizing their effects.
The Supreme Council of National Defense is the authority that coordinates the strategic level of NSCC
activity. The Supreme Council of National Defense approves cyber security strategy of Romania and
approved Rules of organization and functioning of the Council Operative on cyber security. Cyber
security operative Council (COSC) is the body through which the unitary coordination of NSCC. COSC
in part, has permanent members, representatives of the Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of
Interior Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry for Information Society, the Romanian
Intelligence Service Information, Special Telecommunications Service, the Foreign Intelligence Service,
Service 15/17 Protection and Guard, National Registry Office for Classified Information and Secretary
of the Supreme Council of National Defense. Leadership is provided by a COSC president (presidential
adviser on national security issues) and a Deputy (Adviser to Prime Minister on National Security).
Technical coordinator of COSC is Romanian Intelligence Service, under the law.
The Government of Romania, through the Ministry for Information Society, ensure coordination for
other public authorities that are not represented in the COSC, to achieve government policies
consistency and implementation strategies for electronic communications, information technology,
information society services, and the National Response Centre for Cyber Security Incidents - CERTRO
- Ensure the development and dissemination of public policies for preventing and counteracting
incidents of cyber infrastructures, according to the competence area. The Romanian Government will
draft a law on cyber security, which it will submit Parliament's approval, according to the law. All the
institutions that are represented in the COSC cooperate with international bodies EU, NATO, OSCE,
etc., each in its field of competence.
The main guidelines to ensure cyber security, by cooperation between public and private, must pursue:
- Cooperation based on trust between the state and business at all levels;
- Increased protection of the cyber infrastructure by correlating measures undertaken with resources
available in the public and private sectors. Cyber security responsibility lies on all stakeholders, taking
into account the complementary interests in this area to ensure the legality of operations conducted,
combating cybercrime and Infrastructure Protection Critical interconnected cyberspace and is based on
Mutual Trust.
The main objectives of cooperation between the public and private sectors aimed at:
-Exchanging information on threats, vulnerabilities and risks;
Developing early warning capabilities and response to cyber incidents and attacks;
- Conducting joint exercises on cyberspace security;
- Development of educational programs and research;
- Development of safety culture;
- Joint response in the event of major cyber attacks.
Mentioned objectives requires cooperation between the public and private sector, including prevention,
awareness and promote opportunities in the cyber domain.
VI. Conclusion
Ensuring the cyber security is based on cooperation at national and international level to protect
cyberspace by coordinating the actions of national guidelines and measures at international level in
cooperation formats to which Romania is a party.
Given the dynamism of global developments in cyberspace and our objectives in the development of the
information society and implementation of large-scale electronic services, it is necessary to develop a
national program in detail, which - based on benchmarks provided by this strategy - to ensure
development and implementing concrete cybersecurity projects.
NSCC operational measures efforts should be harmonized with the size of critical infrastructure
protection, with the process of developing capabilities of CERT. The best option, NSCC must have a
flexible and adaptive encompassing identification and prediction capabilities, resources and operational
procedures prevention, response and countermeasures, and tools for documentation and sanction cyber
attacks authors.
It is necessary to implement at national level the minimum standards of procedural and cyber security
infrastructures, to substantiate the effectiveness of the actions protection against cyber attacks and to
limit the risk of incidents with significant potential impact.
Public authorities with responsibilities in this area will allocate the necessary financial resources for
cyber security through policies planning. In order to ensure increased capacities to identify, assets and
design for properly management measures risk or incident response and cyber attacks is a priority trade
development Information and transfer of expertise between the authorities responsible in the field,
cooperation development between the public and private sectors and expand cooperation with the media
NGOs and the academic community.
The NSCC will be the platform for cooperation and harmonization of existing capabilities for CERT
nationally, drawing tools offered by them, and will work to strength the expertise in cyber risks, by
stimulating synergies between the different plans cyber security action (military and civil, public-private
governmental – non-governmental).
Given the rapid pace of issue development, this strategy will permanently be tested and reviewed,
including in the broader context of defense strategy, continue to adapt the challenges and opportunities
arising from a changing environment security.
Within 90 days of the entry into force of this strategy, COSC will develop a program for national cyber
security risk management.