Finz Multistate

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Advance College of Continuing Legal Education
The Sea Ranch, California

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To Iris


How To Use This Book 1

Strategies & Tactics - Playing the MBE Game to Win . 3

Sections By Subject
Constitutional Law
Questions 25
Answers 77
Questions : 123
Answers 195
Criminal Law
Questions 259
Answers 309
Questions 355
Answers 403
Questions 449
Answers 503
Questions 555
Answers 619
Practice Multistate Bar Exam
Questions - A.M. Exam 683
Questions - P.M. Exam 717
Answers - A.M. Exam 751
Answers - P.M. Exam 797

How To Use This Book

This book contains a collection of questions (called "items") in the Multistate exam for-
mat, accompanied by answers (called "options") and explanations. Each of the explanations
is intended to be a mini-dissertation on the topic involved. Every item and explanation was
written by a law professor and then checked and rechecked by at least one other law profes-
sor who specializes in the subject matter involved.
The chapter entitled Strategies & Tactics: Playing the MBE Game to Win (what we
call the Multistate Method) sets forth a detailed method for approaching and dealing with
items in this format. You should study the chapter diligently before beginning to practice on
the items which follow it. Then, as you go through the questions, you should return to the
appropriate sections of the chapter for help in responding to particular question types. By
the time you have worked your way through fifty or sixty items you should have become so
familiar with this Multistate Method that its use is second nature.
The questions are divided into the six subject areas tested on the Multistate Bar Exami-
nation: Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law, Evidence, Real Property, and Torts. If
you are still in law school, you can use the separate sections to review the material which
you are studying in each of the subject areas. Each section is accompanied by a subject mat-
ter outline and question index. Using the question index, you can look for questions dealing
with the particular topics and subtopics that you wish to review.
The items which appear in this book are similar in content and form to the questions
which appear on the Multistate Bar Examination. On the MBE, each item tests only one
general subject area, but is likely to cover several topics and subtopics within that area. A
Torts question, for example, may test knowledge of intentional torts, negligence, nuisance,
and proximate cause all in the same set of answers (options).
For this reason, most questions (items) in this book may be listed in several different
places in the question index. If you have just completed your study of intentional torts and
wish to field questions which test your newly acquired knowledge, you can find them by look-
ing at the appropriate place in the Torts question index. You may discover, however, that the
same questions also test knowledge of topics that you have not yet studied. This need not
prevent the questions from being useful to you.
The Multistate Method game plan suggests that in answering Multistate items you treat
each option (i.e., proposed answer) as a separate true-false question. Using this approach,
you can choose to deal only with the options for which your studies have prepared you. The
explanation accompanying each item analyzes why the answer we pick is correct and why
each of the incorrect options is incorrect. You can use these analyses to check your responses
to the options.
If you are preparing for the MBE, you should work the items in each of the subject areas
after completing your review of those areas. If your review has not prepared you for all the

options, you will know what areas need further review. The explanations can help you com-
plete your study.
In addition, this book contains a 200 question practice exam in which the items are shuf-
fled, as they are on the MBE, so that the six subjects are tested in random order. The prac-
tice exam is accompanied by a question index which indicates which items test which
subjects, topics, and subtopics. If you are still in law school, you may use the items contained
in the practice exam for further review as you study the subject areas involved.
If you need additional questions to review, or want Strategies & Tactics on each MBE
subject, you should purchase a copy of Strategies & Tactics for the MBE, also published by
Aspen and available at your local bookstore. For each MBE subject, Strategies & Tactics for
the MBE delivers detailed advice on what to study and what traps to look out for, as well as
actual released MBE questions with detailed answers.
For substantive MBE review, you should check out the Law In A Flash MBE Set, which
contains flashcards on all MBE subjects (Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law,
Criminal Procedure [tested on the MBE as part of Criminal Law], Evidence, Future Inter-
ests [tested as part of Property], Real Property, Sales [tested as part of Contracts], and Torts)
as well as a copy of Strategies & Tactics for the MBE. The MBE Set is available at your local
If you are preparing for the bar exam, you should wait until you have completed your
review of all six Multistate subjects before taking the practice exam contained in this book.
It may be a good idea to simulate examination conditions when taking it. Turn off your
phone, lock your door, tell the rest of the world to go away, and give yourself three uninter-
rupted hours for each half of the exam.

Steven Finz

&Tactics® - Playing the MBE Game to Win


It's given on the last Wednesday of February and July in almost every one of the fifty
states. In the past two decades, it has become a significant factor in the bar admitting stan-
dards of most states. It dredges loathing and paranoia from the souls of embryonic attorneys
across the land. It's the Multistate Bar Examination (the MBE), an all-day challenge consist-
ing of 200 questions on six important subjects. It scares the devil out of most of us.
The reason it's so frightening to us is that our profes~;ion attracts people who learned as
they were growing up that they could talk their way into and argue their way out of most sit-
uations. I'm one of these people. You probably are, too. Much of the time, people like us treat
life as a game. The trouble with the MBE is that it doesn't give us a chance to talk or argue,
which is what we believe we do best. We find it too structured, too restrictive. There's not
enough game in it. It cramps our style.
When we think that, though, we're forgetting that the people who create the MBE are cut
from the same cloth as we are. They are law professors and practitioners who have argued
their way into and out of trouble all their lives. They've been playing the same game with
their lives that we've been playing with ours. The ideas that appeal to them also appeal to
us. The only difference is that they specialize in testing and finding out what other lawyers
are made of. Their exam does a pretty good job of it, but we have to approach it the way we
approach other problems in our lives - as a game that must be played from a position of
It helps to realize that, by its very nature, the MBE has certain aspects that work in our
favor. First, because it is given in most ofthe states, it can test only general principles oflaw
- no petty details. Second, because its multiple choice format eliminates the options of argu-
ment or explanation, each issue must be so precisely drawn that only one of the four possible
answers satisfies the requirements of the question. Most important, because it is given to
budding lawyers, the most argumentative and litigious people in the world, it must be scru-
pulously fair and unassailable.
To assure that the exam will be just and to protect it against attack, the creators of the
MBE have developed a method for constructing questions. They stick to a policy which
requires that there be no trick questions and no trick answers. No problem will be solved on
the basis of a subtle turn of word or phrase. They even have rules to assure the effective use
of apostrophes and to eliminate the confusing misuse of pronouns. Questions are screened
repeatedly before they are used, and then screened again.
Mter the exam has been given, the answers are analyzed. Questions which proved too
tricky to be fair are invalidated, eliminated from further consideration. Questions which
show themselves to have no correct answer or more than one correct answer are also invali-
dated. Applicants are not supposed to be asked to select the best of four bad answers or four

good answers. To each question there is only one demonstrably correct answer. The others
are clearly incorrect. Clearly, that is, if we follow the right analytical steps.
Since they have a method for creating the exam, we need a method for taking it. This
chapter provides a unique Multistate Method. To develop our method, we must begin by
understanding theirs.

Questions, or "items" as the examiners call them, come in many different shapes and
forms. All, however, can be broken into three distinct parts: the root, the stem, and the
The root is the part of the item containing the underlying facts. Sometimes it's written in
the present tense; sometimes it's written in the past tense. Sometimes it's short; sometimes
it's long. Sometimes it's followed by one set of options; sometimes it's followed by several sets
of options. Sometimes all the facts in the root are significant; sometimes many of the facts
are irrelevant.
The stem is the part of the item containing the call of the options or assigning a task.
Sometimes it is in the form of a question; sometimes it calls for the completion of a sentence.
Sometimes it adds facts to those contained in the root; sometimes it requires that an
assumption be made. Sometimes it specifies what cause of action or theory a party is advanc-
ing; sometimes it doesn't.
The options are the choices given as answers. Sometimes they state conclusions and
nothing more; sometimes they link a conclusion with a reason to support it. Sometimes two
or more of the options seem to be related to each other; sometimes each of the four is inde-
pendent of the other three. One of them is always the correct option; three of them are
always incorrect.
Exhibit A, on the opposite page, shows a typical item.

The examiners spend a lot of time and energy creating three wrong options for each item.
They call the incorrect options "distractors" or "foils". In using those names, they have
unwittingly tipped their hands. According to Webster, a "distractor" is something which com-
pellingly and confusingly attracts in the wrong direction. A "foil" is something which serves
to set off another thing to advantage or disadvantage by contrasting with it. By definition,
some of the incorrect options are there to make the others look good, and some of them are
there to make the correct option seem bad.
Here, again, the nature of the exam works in our favor. The examination is supposed to
be a test of knowledge. The correct choice must be somewhere among the four options, but it
can't be left exposed for everyone to see; it has to be hidden. According to their own rules, the
examiners can't use tricky devices or puzzling language, so they have to hide it behind a

Exhibit A
Construction of an MBE question or "Item"

Congress passes a law providing that no one who

has been a member of an organization which uses
Root of the question unlawful means to deprive any group of person of
(Facts) their rights under the United States Constitution is
eligible for employment by the federal government.

Stem of the question If the constitutionality of that law is challenged, it

("Call" of options) should be held

(A) unconstitutional because it is an ex post facto

(B) unconstitutional because it prohibits members
of certain organizations from holding public
office whether or not they knew the purpose
Options of the organizations.
(Answer choices) (C) constitutional because employment by the
federal government is not a right but a
(0) constitutional because the federal government
has the right to protect itself by not employing
persons who hold views inconsistent with the
United States Constitution.

screen of distractors and foils. Like a magician's banter, these are designed to make us look
away from the real action. That's how the game is played.
Many of the people who create the MBE are law professors or former law professors. In
creating distractors and foils, they use insight which comes from their experience with law
students. After all, the main purpose of the exam is to find out whether we are finished
studying the law and ready to start practicing it. Their foils and distractors are usually
based on anticipating the errors that law students are likely to make.
Their method gives all the options a look of superficial plausibility. At first glance every
option appears to be correct. Our response to their bag of tricks must therefore include a
careful reading of the language which they use.

Incomplete definiti~ and arguments

No one needs to be more precise in the use of language than a lawyer. Learning to
communicate precisely is one of the goals oflaw school education. A first semester law
student may define "murder" as the unjustified killing of a human being, but a lawyer
knows that an unjustified killing isn't murder unless it's an unjustified killing of
another human being with malice aforethought.
Some of the foils and distractors that appear on the MBE consist of incomplete or
imprecise statements, like those made by beginners in the classroom. An option that
says, "John is guilty of murder if he committed the unjustified killing ofa human being,"
is wrong because it is based on an incomplete definition. Don't assume that the examin-
ers left out the rest of the definition by mistake, or that they expect you to know what
they really mean. Don't allow yourself to complete the argument or definition in your
mind and conclude that it is correct.

Dealing with the facts

Lawyers must be very careful with facts. They must assume nothing in addition to
what has been established or given. In summing up to a jury, for example, trial counsel
may not make reference to any facts which have not been proven. Frequently, distractors
and foils are designed to find out whether we have the ability to play the game the way a
lawyer plays it. If a prosecutor proved only that John shot Mary and that Mary died an
hour later, John's prosecution for murder would have to be dismissed unless the prosecu-
tor had also proven that John's bullet caused Mary's death. If the facts in the root of the
item do not say that Mary died as a result of John's bullet, don't assume or infer that she
did. Only a medical expert is competent to draw such a conclusion, and you are not a doc-
tor. Without such proof, we must conclude that John's guilt has not been established.
On the other hand, lawyers can't get away with ignoring facts that have been estab-
lished. In arguing appeals, for example, lawyers may not claim that the facts proven at
the trial should be ignored. They are restricted to making arguments about the legal
effects of the proven facts. Since examiners are out to determine whether we can do a
lawyer's job, they are likely to fill the root with implausible facts in an effort to trick us

into rejecting or disbelieving them. Falling for their ploy can be disastrous. In taking the
MBE, we must accept the facts that are given to us, no matter how unlikely or implausi-
ble they may seem.
We may have been taught, for example, that an intoxicated person is not capable of
driving her car in a reasonable manner. If, however, an item's root tells us that after
Mary drank two quarts ofwhiskey, she was driving her car in a reasonable manner when
she collided with Paul, we must accept this as true. Since negligence is unreasonable con-
duct, and since we are told that Mary was driving her car in a reasonable manner, we
must conclude that she was not negligent.

Common enors
Some areas of the law are so confusing to law students that they furnish the examin-
ers with a fertile field in which to cultivate foils and distractors. The literature distrib-
uted by the examiners indicates that incorrect options contained in MBE items are
frequently based on common errors made by law students. Often, these common errors
result from misunderstandings about the significance of legal expressions which have
different meanings for lawyers than for lay persons.
The doctrine of "last clear chance" is an example of how this common confusion can be
used to create an effective foil or distractor. "Last clear chance" is a doctrine that can be
raised only by a plaintiff; its only effect is to eliminate the consequence of the plaintiff's
contributory negligence. Thus, even in a jurisdiction which applies the "all-or-nothing"
rule of contributory negligence, a plaintiff who goes to sleep in the middle of the road and
is struck by a defendant who sees her in time but fails to take reasonable steps to avoid
striking her, may still win her case. In finding for the plaintiff, the court is likely to say
that the plaintiff's negligence does not bar her recovery because the defendant had the
"last clear chance" to avoid the accident.
Knowing that many students are confused about this doctrine, the examiners may
create a distractor which says, "Defendant wins because plaintiff had the last clear
chance to avoid the accident." It sounds logical, but not to someone who understands that
"last clear chance" is a doctrine available only to plaintiffs.
Similarly, a foil or distractor may be based on the "dead man's rule" which excludes
evidence of certain conversations with a person now deceased. Although the "dead man's
rule" sometimes keeps evidence out, it never justifies the admission of evidence. Thus, an
option which says, "The evidence is admissible under the dead man's rule" has to be
incorrect, even though at first glance it sounds logical.

Overlooking the obvious

Some lawyers lose cases because they overlook the obvious. Perhaps that's why the
examiners occasionally create an option which is so obviously correct that there is no
rational excuse for missing it. It's amazing how many applicants reject such an option in
the belief that nothing so important can possibly be so easy.

Items regarding the sufficiency of a deed description are good examples of this tech-
nique. The general rule is that a description in a deed is sufficient if it adequately identi-
fies the realty conveyed. Usually, it is impossible to decide whether a description satisfies
this requirement without knowing something about surveying in general and the geo-
graphical area involved in particular. Since the MBE is not a test of surveying or geo-
graphical knowledge, however, its creators cannot expect us to determine the validity of a
particular description. Instead, they are likely to give the language of a deed description,
ask whether it is valid, and then create an option which says, "The description is valid if
it adequately identifies the realty conveyed." Can anything be more obviously correct?
Don't miss a gift like that one.

Plausible creatiom
Some applicants are so intimidated by the examination process that they are sure the
correct options will involve concepts they never heard of before. This not only leads them
to reject options which are obviously correct, it causes them to select options which con-
sist of meaningless garbage. Knowing this, the examiners occasionally indulge their
sense of whimsy by building foils and distractors around Latin words or phrases which
sound momentous but are used in a context which makes them meaningless.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc is an example of a Latin phrase which may be at the core of
one of these seemingly plausible creations. The expression translates as "after which,
therefore because of which," and is a name given to the error in reasoning which leads
people to offer such arguments as, "It always rains after I wash my car, so washing my
car makes it rain (i.e., it rains after (and, therefore, because) I wash my car.)" This is
likely to show up as a foil or distractor in an option which says something like, "John will
win under the doctrine of post hoc ergo propter hoc."
If that kind of bluff fools us, we will end up at the examiners' mercy. In a question
which actually appeared on a past Multistate Bar Exam, many applicants were taken in
by a double-talk option which stated that a plaintiff could not be the holder of a certain
easement because, "an incorporeal hereditament lies only in grant." One way to avoid
falling for such seemingly plausible creations is to remember that after passing all your
law school finals, taking a bar review course, and cramming for the exam, you probably
are familiar with any rule of law that will matter to the examiners. If an option cites a
doctrine or rule that you never heard of before, it's probably incorrect.

U nfamiJiar phrases
This doesn't mean that all the correct options will use familiar language. One of the
goals of the exam is to determine whether we really understand the law we've learned or
whether we've just been trained like parrots to spout phrases. To accomplish this goal,
the examiners may describe familiar concepts in non-traditional words. Instead of say-
ing, for example, that John owed Marya duty of reasonable care only if he created a fore-
seeable risk to her, they may say that "John had no obligation to Mary unless it appeared
that John's conduct would injure her." Instead of saying that strict liability is imposed on

one who engages in an ultra-hazardous activity, they may say that "a defendant is liable
without regard to fault if her occupation is extremely dangerous." Remember that there
are many ways of saying anything, and that substance is far more important than form.


In the real world, lawyers play various roles. Sometimes they are judges, deciding the
outcome of an issue or selecting the winner of a case. Sometimes they are advocates, making
the best argument possible for one of the parties, even though there's no telling whether that
party is going to win. Sometimes they are scholars, unconcerned about who wins or loses,
interested only in seeing the legal significance of a fact or in selecting the most applicable
rule of law, without caring whose interest will be served. It is natural that the items appear-
ing in the MBE game should cast us in each of these three roles. This makes knowing how to
act in each of the roles an important part of our Multistate Method.

Acting as the judge

[Typical stem: If John sues Mary for battery, the court should find in favor of ... ]
In the real world, the judge starts out with no particular result or conclusion in mind.
He does not decide questions of fact, but is always alert for misstatements about the facts
in lawyers' arguments. If an argument does not accurately characterize the facts, is
based on an inference not justified by the facts, or is based on a rule of law which is not
correctly stated, the judge rejects it. He rules in favor of the argument in which accurate
statements about the facts and law are consistent with the conclusion with which they
are coupled.
When you are asked to act as judge, do not decide questions of fact. Do not try to
determine who should win or how the issue should be resolved until you have considered
all the arguments presented in the options. Examine each option in turn. First, see
whether the facts and law are accurately stated. Ifnot, reject the option. See whether the
conclusion offered is consistent with the argument advanced. If not, reject the option.
There will be only one option in which the argument advanced is based on accurate state-
ments of fact and law and is consistent with the conclusion offered. This is the correct
choice. Select it, even though you may not like the result. After all, you're a judge.

Acting as the advocate

[Typical stem: ''Which of the following is the most effective argument in favor of Mary's
Unlike the judge, the advocate works toward a particular result, the one she's been
paid or assigned to accomplish. It doesn't matter whether she believes that her client will
win. As long as there is any question at all for either the judge or jury, she understands
that her client is entitled to representation. The advocate assumes that her client can
win, and then makes the argument which is most likely to bring about the victory. She

doesn't invent facts, but presents and interprets in the light most favorable to her client
those facts which have been established.
When an item asks you to be an advocate, examine each of the options in turn to see
whether the law is accurately stated and whether the inferences on which it is based are jus-
tified by the facts which are given. If not, reject it. See whether the option presented could
possibly result in victory for the client the stem has assigned you to represent. If not, reject
it. There will be only one option in which the argument advanced is based on accurate state-
ments of law and fact andwhkh supports your client's position. Choose it, even ifyou don't
really believe that your client can win. Mter all, you're an advocate.

Acting as the scholar

[Typical stem: "The interest in Blackacre which John had on the day after Testatrix's
death is best described as a ... ]
The scholar doesn't try to decide or influence the outcome of a case. The scholar uses
his knowledge of the law to recognize the legal significance of a particular fact or to select
the most applicable rule. He sees an intellectual challenge and nothing more. Like a pro-
fessor asking a question in the classroom, he cares not who wins or loses. He focuses on a
specific and limited issue and listens to each of the options chosen by his students. Then
he smiles at the student whose choice comes closest to the one he had in mind when he
asked the question.
Do the same with an item which casts you in the role of a scholar. Forget about who
will win or lose. Don't worry whether the option you select will result in justice. Just
focus on the specific issues involved and try to resolve them in your mind. Then examine
each of the options carefully and select the one which comes closest to the selection you
have already formulated.

Our Multistate Method must teach the most efficient possible use of time. Most people
barely manage to answer all the items in the allotted time. You probably will not have an
opportunity to go back and check your choices. It's wise to get them right on the first
pass, because that's probably the only chance you will get.
According to the Examiners, six subjects are tested. The test presents 34 questions each
on Contracts and Torts, and 33 questions each on Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Evi-
dence, and Real Property. You should recognize, however, that in reality nine law school sub-
jects are tested - the section on Contracts includes questions on Sales, the section on
Property includes questions on Future Interests, and the section on Criminal Law includes
questions on Criminal Procedure.
There are usually two or more versions of each exam so that, although everyone gets the
same questions, the questions are not in the same order. They are randomly shuffled in each

version. Therefore, you may see two real property items in a row and then not see another
until ten or twenty items later.
Everyone feels stronger in some of the subjects than in others, and there will be a power-
ful temptation to go looking for those questions that deal with your best subjects. Resist that
temptation. Answer the questions in the order in which they appear.
There are three good reasons why you should take this advice. First, the tough ones
aren't going to get any easier with the passage of time. If anything, fatigue will make them
seem even. tougher, so there's no poin.t inputting them off. Second, if you read item #3, for
example, and decide not to answer it until later, part of your mind will still be working on it
when you try to answer subsequent items. This will keep you from devoting all your energy
to the item before you, and may even cause you to base a choice in one question on facts
which you still remember from item #3. Third and most important, ifyou skip item #3, there
will be a blank space on your answer sheet, and you may become confused into putting the
answer to item #4 in the space for item #3. Once you do that, every choice that follows will be
written in the wrong space.
This potential pitfall alone makes it better to guess than to leave a blank space. But
there's more. The examiners give you one point for every correct choice and don't subtract
any points for a wrong choice. This means that a wrong choice is certainly no worse than a
blank space. In most states, you can get 60 or more wrong and still pass the exam. If you
can't come up with the correct option, guess and move ahead. You have at least a 25% chance
of guessing correctly.
Mter the exam is over, the examiners usually determine that some of the items - some-
times as many as 10 - were invalid. When this happens, they often give credit for any
option chosen. This means that you may receive a point even if you guessed wrong. If you left
it blank, you'll get nothing.
You won't really be guessing anyway, because a "guess" is a choice which is based on no
real knowledge. By the time you get to the bar exam, your head will be so filled with infor-
mation that there won't be any item that you don't know at least something about. Even if
it's buried deep in the unconscious recesses of your mind, this knowledge willincrease the
probability that the option you choose is correct.
Time is not on your side. You'll have two three-hour sessions with 100 items in each. That
breaks down to 33.3 items per hour, about 17 items per half hour, or 1.8 minutes per item. It
is important to stay on schedule. Each item is worth one point. You don't get anything extra
for the ones you spend extra time on. Every extra second you spend on one item is a second
less that you'll have to spend on the next.


Mter observing a courtroom proceeding for the first time, the lay person typically
scratches his temple and says, "It's a game. Nothing but a game." We tell him it isn't; it's
serious business. But when we reflect on the origins of the adversary system, we see knights

in armor jousting on a field of battle in the belief that the righteous was assured of winning
the contest.
It started out as a game, and we're kidding ourselves if we try to believe that there isn't
any game left in it. In a way, the phrase "adversary system" is a euphemism for a complex
and exciting game that society plays, with lawyers as its game pieces.. It is fitting, therefore,
that the bar examination, which tests competency to practice law, is, itself, a kind of game,
testing, among other things, the applicant's ability to play.
All games involve a combination of knowledge and strategy. A crap-shooter has no con-
trol over the numbers that come up on the dice, but wins or loses by making bets based on
his knowledge of the odds. A card-player decides "when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em" by
knowing what cards are in the deck and remembering which ones have already been dealt.
Trivial Pursuit champions win by moving their game pieces in the most advantageous way,
but they don't get to move them at all unless they know the answers to the questions that
appear on the game cards.
The MBE is a game that can't be won without knowledge. Knowledge isn't all, though.
Given enough time, any decent lawyer who approaches the MBE seriously enough to prepare
for it adequately, can get a passing score. But the exam is long and the hours are short. With-
out an effective strategy, an applicant is likely to be cut down by the clock. Ding dong. Game
To avoid running out of time, move through every item as swiftly as possible. To avoid
being foiled and distracted, however, read every relevant word patiently and carefully. At
first, these goals seem to be inconsistent with each other. By beginning with an orientation,
our Multistate Method provides us with a strategy for accomplishing both of them.

The fact pattern in an item's root may raise dozens of issues, some of which can be
resolved and some of which won't ever be resolved. Usually, however, the stem is more nar-
rowly drawn to eliminate all but one or two of the possible issues. If we waste time answer-
ing questions that weren't asked, we won't have a chance of answering the ones that were.
To avoid being drawn in a series of false directions, always begin with a quick read-
ing ofthe stem to determine the call of the question. If there are two or more stems, quickly
read them all. Look for the role which each stem assigns and the task which it sets before
you. It may specify a particular cause of action; it may name a crime; it may point to a clause
of the Constitution; it may designate the parties plaintiff and defendant.
After the stem, quickly read the root. We're still not ready to begin choosing among the
options, so we aren't sure what we're looking for, even though the stem gave us a pretty good
idea. This first reading of the root is part of our orientation.
Don't struggle too hard at this point to understand all the facts. Don't worry about keep-
ing the chronology straight. Don't begin drawing those little diagrams you learned about in
law school or bar review. Some facts in the root may not even be relevant to the options, and

attempting to deal with them at this point may turn out to be a waste of time. If necessary,
you can always return to the root to check the facts again.


Our first reading of the stem and root was an orientation, designed to find out what role
we've been assigned to play and what task we've been asked to accomplish. Now it's time to
accomplish it. Read the stem again, more carefully this time. Where a single root is followed
by two or more stems, deal with one stem at a time, selecting among one set of options before
beginning to think about the next.

Basic game plan

Because the examiners' game plan includes options which make us look in the wrong
direction, our Multistate Method must adopt a game plan that will keep us from being
foiled and distracted. Since the wrong options are supposed to make other options look
either good or bad by comparison, don't compare one option to the others. Treat each as a
separate option and as if it were the only one before you. Recall, according to the examin-
ers' policy, only one can be correct. To play it safe, even if you have found one which you
think is true, don't stop until you have checked all four options.
With pencil in hand, examine each option carefully, returning to the root to confirm
facts if necessary. Mark the option with a "T" if it is true, with an "F" if it is false, and
with a "?" if you can't make up your mind. When you're done, you should have three "F"s
and one "T". As long as you have a good clear "T", count "?"s as "F"s. Ifyou have no "T"s at
all, treat a "?" as a "T". The option with the "T" next to it is the correct answer.
Although this basic game plan works for all MBE item-types, there are a few varia-
tions which may help us deal more efficiently with particular kinds of items.

Negative response
Occasionally a stem asks for a "reverse" response, like, "Which of the following is
LEAST likely to violate the Fourteenth Amendment?" When that happens, restate the
stem in the reverse: "Would the following violate the Fourteenth Amendment?" You
should end up with three "T"s (yes) and one "F" (no). Choose the one that got the "F".

Overlapping optioat
Sometimes some of the options contain parts of others. Typical options:
John is guilty of
(A) Burglary only.
(B) Robbery only.
(C) Burglary and Robbery.
(D) Neither Burglary nor Robbery.

Instead of trying to deal with these overlapping options in combination, break them
down into the individual components (e.g., Burglary, Robbery). Give each of the individ-
ual choices a "T" or "F" and then find the option which contains the correct combination
of choices.

T"\\O-tiered options
Sometimes overlapping options are presented in two tiers to make the individual
choices easier to spot. A typical question is as follows:
John is guilty of
I. Burglary.
II. Robbery. + First Tier

(A) I only.
(B) II only.
(C) I and II.
+ Second Tier
(D) Neither I nor II.

Treat two-tiered options in the same way as overlapping options. Assign a "T" or "F"
to each statement in the first (Roman numeral) tier, and then select from the second (let-
tered) tier the option containing the correct combination of choices.

Three-to-one options
In some items, three of the options offer one conclusion coupled with different reasons for
it, while the fourth offers the opposite conclusion with no reason at all. A typical question:
John will
(A) lose.
(B) win, because .
(C) win, because .
(D) win, because .

Since the odd option is unaccompanied by a reason, it is impossible to select it with-

out eliminating the other three first. For this reason, when confronted by a three-to-one
options item, always consider the odd option last. Then choose it only if all of the others
have received "F"s.

Sometimes the options offer additional facts, and the stem calls for selection of the
fact pattern which would be most likely to bring about a particular result. This kind of

item is like the classroom game in which the professor changes the facts in a case under
discussion by saying, "Now, what if ...."
[Typical stem: Which of the following additional facts or inferences, if it was
the only one true, would be most likely to result in a judgment for Mary?]
It is important to remember that this kind of item does not require you to decide
whether the additional fact or inference in the "what if" option is true, but directs you to
assume that it is. If you encounter one of these, combine the stem with each "what-if"
option-in turn,accepting as true the facts which it contains. In.assignin.g a"T" or "F",
don't ask whether the facts are true or the inference is justified; assume that they are.
Then decide whether the existence of these additional facts or inferences would be likely
to bring about the particular result. (e.g., In the above item, ask, "If this fact were true or
this inference were justified, would it result in a judgment for Mary?")


Selecting the correct option is easy once you've placed three "F"s and one "T" next to the
given options. The hard part is deciding whether to give an option a lOT" or "F". This becomes
easier if an appropriate strategy is applied. Although the MBE will present you with 800
options (i.e., four for each question), all options fall into only five categories. Our Multistate
Method provides a strategy to use for each of the categories.

Simple optiOffi
Some options only state possible conclusions. These are called "simple options."
Here's a typical simple-option item:
Johnson took a diamond ring to a pawnshop and borrowed $20 on it. It was agreed
that the loan was to be repaid within 60 days, and if it was not, the pawnshop
owner, Defendant, could sell the ring. A week before the expiration of the 60 days,
Defendant had an opportunity to sell the ring to a customer for $125. He did so,
thinking it was unlikely that Johnson would repay the loan and that if he did, Defen-
dant would be able to handle him somehow, even by paying for the ring if neces-
sary. Two days later, Johnson came in with the money to reclaim his ring.
Defendant told him that it had been stolen when his shop was burglarized one
night and that therefore he was not responsible for its loss.
Larceny, embezzlement, and false pretenses are separate crimes in the
Which of the following crimes has the Defendant most likely committed?
(A) Larceny.
(8) Embezzlement.
(C) Larceny by trick.
(D) Obtaining by false pretenses.

These options are "simple" rather than "complex," but not "simple" rather than "diffi-
cult." Since nothing is given but a bare conclusion, simple options usually require the
most work. In dealing with each simple option, it is necessary to remember the essential
elements of whatever rule oflaw is applicable and to check the root to see whether every
one of those elements is satisfied by the facts given.
In the above example, to decide whether to mark option (A) with a "T" or "F", it is first
necessary to remember that larceny is the trespassory taking and carrying off of personal
property known to be another's with the intent to permanently deprive. Then it is neces-
sary to return to the root to see whether Defendant trespassorily took the ring, whether
he carried it off, whether he knew that the ring belonged to another, and whether he had
the intent to permanently deprive. The option can receive a "T" only if all the elements of
the crime are satisfied by the facts.
In the real world, it is likely that some of these elements will raise questions of fact
for a jury to determine or questions of law which ultimately will be decided by an appel-
late court. Different juries may come up with different answers to the questions offact,
and different appellate courts may come up with different answers to the questions of
law. An MBE item must have three options which are clearly incorrect, however, and one
which is clearly correct. This means that the facts must be structured so as to make it
clear that at least one of the elements of the rule applicable in each option is unsatisfied.
In the above example, Defendant's act cannot be larceny (option A) because there was
clearly no trespassory taking. A defendant trespassorily takes when he receives posses-
sion contrary to the rights of the owner. Since Defendant received possession of the ring
lawfully, with Johnson's consent, and with no improper purpose, he did not trespassorily
take it and cannot be guilty oflarceny. Larceny by trick (option C) is committed by fraud-
ulently obtaining possession of personal property known to be another's with the intent
to permanently deprive. Since Defendant was not planning to steal the ring when he
obtained it from Johnson, he did not obtain it fraudulently or with the intent to perma-
nently deprive and cannot be guilty of larceny by trick. Obtaining by false pretenses
(option D) is committed by fraudulently inducing another to transfer title to a chattel.
Since Johnson never transferredtitle to the ring, Defendant cannot be guilty of obtaining
it by false pretenses. As can be seen, options A, C, and D are clearly incorrect.
At the same time, the facts must establish that all the elements of the rule support-
ing the correct option are satisfied. Embezzlement (option B) is committed by criminally
converting property of which the defendant has lawful custody. Since Johnson delivered
the ring to Defendant before Defendant developed the intent to steal it, Defendant's cus-
tody was clearly lawful. Because only a person with the right to do so is entitled to sell a
chattel, and because Defendant did not have the right to sell it, his sale of the ring was
clearly a criminal conversion. Since all the elements of embezzlement are clearly satis-
fied, (B) must be the correct option.

Complex optiotti
Most of the time, an option will consist oftwo parts: a conclusion and a reason or con-
dition giving rise to the conclusion. Here's a typical complex-option item:
Paulsen was eating in a restaurant when he began to choke on a piece of food that
had lodged in his throat. Dow, a physician who was dining at a nearby table, did not
wish to become involved and did not render any assistance, although prompt med-
ical attention would have been effective in removing the obstruction from Paulsen's
throat. Because of the failure to obtain prompt medical attention, Paulsen suffered
severe brain injury from lack of oxygen.

If Paulsen asserts a claim against Dow for his injuries, the court should find for

(A) Dow, because Dow did not cause the piece of food to lodge in Paulsen's throat.
(8) Paulsen, if a reasonably prudent person with Dow's experience, training, and
knowledge would have assisted Paulsen.
(C) Paulsen, but only if the jurisdiction has a statute which relieves physicians of
malpractice liability for emergency first aid.
(D) Dow, unless Dow knew that Paulsen was substantially certain to sustain seri-
ous injury.

The strategy to be used for each complex option depends upon the conjunction which
joins its parts. Four such conjunctions are commonly used on the MBE, each with a spe-
cific meaning of its own. They are "because," "if," "only if," and "unless." Our Multistate
Method provides a different approach for each of them.
[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Since the following sections deal with complex options, they
contain complex explanations. It is recommended that you separately study each of these
sections since each deals with a different conjunction. When you work on practice ques-
tions containing options built around these four conjunctions, return to the section on
each conjunction used and review it.]

"Because" as a conjunction
An option built around the conjunction ''because'' or its synonym "since" couples a
conclusion with a reason for the conclusion. An option of this kind actually makes two
statements. If I say, "The street is wet because it is raining," my conclusion is "the
street is wet," and my reason is "it is raining." If it isn't raining, my whole statement
is false. Even if it is raining, my statement is true only if the rain is what is making
the street wet.
To decide whether to give the option a "T" or "F", we must first determine whether
the reason given is based on an accurate statement. In the real world, we can find out
whether it is raining by looking out the window. In an MBE option, if the reason
given involves a statement about the facts, we must return to the root to see whether
the facts are accurate. If the reason involves a statement about the law, we must
search our bank of knowledge to see whether it states the law accurately. If the rea-
son is based on an inaccurate statement of either facts or law, the option gets an "F".

But even if the reason given is based on an accurate statement of the facts or law
(i.e., it is actually raining), we can not give the option a "T" unless the reason logically
justifies the conclusion. Since rain does make the street wet, the reason given in the
above statement (i.e., it is raining) justifies the conclusion (i.e., the street is wet), and
the entire statement is correct. If the statement is, "The street is wet because the sun
is shining," the statement is incorrect even if the sun is shining, because sunshine
does not make the street wet.
Option (A) in the above item says that the court should find for "Dow, because
Dow did not cause the piece of food to lodge in Paulsen's throat." Since the reason
given (i.e., Dow did not cause the piece of food to lodge in Paulsen's throat) is a state-
ment about the facts, we must return to the root to see whether it is accurate. Accord-
ing to the root, Dow happened to be dining at a nearby table when Paulsen began
choking on food. Since there is no fact indicating that Dow had anything to do with
the food in Paulsen's throat, the reason is based on an accurate statement about the
facts. So far, option A is valid.
Next, we must decide whether the fact that Dow did not cause the food to lodge in
Paulsen's throat justifies the conclusion that the court should find for Dow. Here, of
course, it is necessary to rely on our knowledge of the law. Under the law ofnegli-
gence, a defendant is generally not under a duty to assist a plaintiff in peril unless
the defendant did something to cause that peril. Since Dow did not cause the food to
lodge in Paulsen's throat, Dow had no obligation to help remove it, and his failure to
do so cannot result in liability. Since the reason is an accurate statement, and since it
logically justifies the conclusion with which it is coupled, option A should receive a
If option A states the reason as follows: "the court should find for Dow because
Paulsen's brain injury resulted from a lack of oxygen," the option would be incorrect.
The root states that Paulsen's brain injury was caused by a lack of oxygen, and this
establishes that the reason is based on an accurate statement of the facts. But the
medical cause of an injury does not necessarily determine whether a particular defen-
dant is liable. Thus, the reason given does not justify the conclusion to which it is cou-
pled, and the option should receive an "F".

"If" as a conjunction
An option built around the conjunction "if" couples a conclusion with a condition
requiring that conclusion. An option of this kind makes only one statement. If I say,
"The street is wet ifit is raining," my conclusion is "the street is wet," and the condi-
tion is "if it is raining." It doesn't matter whether it is really raining, because I
haven't said that it is. Nor do I need to say that it is. All I've said or need to say is that
were it raining, the street would be wet.
To decide whether to give an option a "T" or "F", we don't need to determine
whether the "if" -condition is an accurate statement. We don't have to look out the
window to see whether it is raining. Use of the word "if" requires that we assume the

condition which follows it. In a similar MBE question, we don't have to search
through the root to see whether the "if'-condition contains an accurate statement
about the facts and we don't have to check our memory to see whether the "if"-condi-
tion contains an accurate statement about the law.
All we have to do is assume that the "if"-condition exists and then decide whether
it logically justifies the conclusion. Ifwe assume that it is raining, the street will cer-
tainly be wet since rain wets everything it touches. The "if"-condition (i.e., it is rain-
ing) thus justifies the conclusion (i.e., the street is wet), and the entire option is
correct. If the option is "the street is wet if the sun is shining," the statement is incor-
rect whether or not the sun is shining because sunshine does not make the street wet.
Option (B) in the above item says that the court should find for "Paulsen, if a rea-
sonably prudent person with Dow's experience, training, and knowledge would have
assisted Paulsen." Since "if" introduces an assumed condition, we need not decide
whether a reasonably prudent person with Dow's experience, training, and knowl-
edge would have assisted Paulsen. We simply assume that this is so. Our job is to
decide whether this "if" -condition would be sufficient to make Dow liable.
Although we do not need to search the facts in the root or our memory to decide
whether the "if"-condition is based on an accurate statement offact, it is necessary to
rely on our knowledge ofthe law to determine whether the "if"-condition would justify
the conclusion. Since a defendant is generally not under a duty to assist a plaintiff in
peril unless the defendant did something to cause the peril in the first place, Dow's
liability is not measured by what any other person would have done. Since the "if"-
condition (i.e., a reasonably prudent person with Dow's experience, training, and
knowledge would have assisted Paulsen) would not justifY the conclusion (i.e., the
court should find for Paulsen), option (B) should receive an "F".
If the option said that the court should find for "Paulsen if Dow had an obligation
to assist him," the statement would be correct. This is so because, once we assume
that such an obligation exists, Dow's failure to render aid would be a breach of it, sub-
jecting him to liability. Although no jurisdiction is likely to hold that Dow owed
Paulsen such an obligation, the word "if" requires us to assume the existence of the
condition (i.e., Dow does owe Paulsen that obligation), and our knowledge of the law
tells us that this would make Dow liable. Since the "if"-condition would justifY the
conclusion, the option would then be correct.

"Onlyif" as a conjunction
An option built around the conjunctive phrase "only if" couples a conclusion with a
different kind of condition--an exclusive condition. An option of this kind makes only
one absolute statement. If! say, "The street is wet only ifit is raining," my conclusion
is that "the street is wet," and the condition is "only if it is raining." It doesn't matter
whether it is really raining, because I haven't said that it is nor do I need to say that
it is. What I've said is that rain is the only thing in the world that can possibly make
the street wet.

To decide whether to give the option a "T" or "F", we don't need to ask whether the
"only if"-condition is an accurate statement. We don't have to verify that it is raining,
because the phrase "only if" requires that we assume the condition which follows it
(i.e., that is is raining). Since rain is not the only thing in the world that could possi-
bly make the street wet, the option (i.e., the street is wet only if it is raining) is false
in any event.
In an MBE question, we don't have to search the root to see whether the "only if'-
condition contains an accurate statement about the facts and we don't have to check
our memory to see whether the "only if"-condition contains an accurate statement
about the law. As in the "if" option, we must assume that the "only if"-condition exists
and ask whether it logically justifies the conclusion. Ifwe assume that it is raining,
the street will certainly be wet since rain wets everything it touches.
For our next step, we must decide whether the "only if"-condition (i.e., it is rain-
ing) is the only thing in the world that could possibly justify the conclusion (i.e., the
street is wet). Since there are many things that can make the street wet, rain is not
the only condition which would make the conclusion correct, and the entire option is
therefore incorrect. If the option is restated, "The street is wet only if there is liquid
on it," the option is correct since, by definition, liquid is the only thing in the world
which can make another thing wet.
Option (C) in the above problem states that the court should find for "Paulsen, but
only if the jurisdiction has a statute which relieves physicians of malpractice liability
for emergency first aid." Since "only if" introduces an assumed condition, the fact that
the root says nothing about whether the jurisdiction has such a statute is irrelevant.
We must simply assume that it does.
Our job is to decide whether the existence of such a statute is the only thing in the
world which would make the court find for Paulsen. Although we do not need to
search the root or our memory to decide whether the "only if"-condition is based on an
accurate statement offact, it is necessary to check our knowledge of the law to deter-
mine whether the "only if'-condition would justify the conclusion. Where they exist,
statutes of the kind described (i.e., Good Samaritan laws) protect a physician who
renders aid, but do not require that s/he render aid. For this reason, the existence of
such a statute would not impose a duty on Dow and would not be relevant to Dow's
liability. Its existence would not make him liable and certainly is not the only thing
which could possibly make him liable. For these reasons, this option should receive an
If the option said that the court should find for "Paulsen only if Dow had an obli-
gation to assist him," the option would be correct. This is so because all the other ele-
ments of a negligence cause of action are satisfied by facts contained in the root. A
defendant is liable for negligence ifhe breaches a duty of reasonable care and if that
breach is a proximate cause of plaintiff's damage. Since the receipt of prompt medical
attention would have prevented the injury, Dow's failure to render aid was a cause of
Paulsen's damage. If Dow had an obligation to assist Paulsen, his failure to do so

would be a breach of his obligation. Thus, the only thing in the world which would
make a court find for Paulsen would be a rule imposing on Dow an obligation to assist

"U nless" as a conjunction

An option built around the conjunction "unless" couples a conclusion with still a
different kind o(condition--a negative exclusive condition. An option of this kind also
makes only one statement. If I say, "The street is dry unless it is raining," my conclu-
sion is "the street is dry," and the condition is "unless it is raining." It doesn't matter
whether it is really raining, because I haven't said that it is. Nor do I need to say that
it is. All I've said is that rain is the only thing in the world which would keep the
street from being dry.
To decide whether to give the option a "T" or "F", we don't need to determine
whether tHe "unless"-condition is an accurate statement. We don't have to look out
the window to see whether it is raining, because the word "unless" requires that we
assume the condition which follows it.
In an MBE q~estion, we don't have to search the root ~o see whether the "unless"-
condition contains an accurate statement of fact and we don't have to check our mem-
ory to see whether the "unless"-condition contains an accurate statement about the
law. We must accept the "unless"-condition as stated and decide whether it is the only
condition in the world which would make the conclusion false. Ifwe assume that it is
raining, the street will certainly not be dry since rain wets everything it touches. The
condition (i.e., it is raining) would thus make the conclusion (i.e., the street is dry),
For our next step, we must decide whether the "unless"-condition (i.e., it is rain-
ing) is in fact the only condition in the world that would make the conclusion (i.e., the
street is dry) false. Since there· many things that can make the street wet, rain is
not the only condition whichwo~ldmakethe conclusion false. The entire option is,
therefore, incorrect.
If the option is "The streetis·dry unless.there is liquid on it," the option will be
correct since, by definition, liquid is the only thing in the world which can keep
another thing from being dry. "Unless" is the opposite of "only if." "The street is wet
only if it is raining" means the. same thing as "The street is dry unless it is raining."
Option (D) in the above item says that the court should find for "Dow, unless Dow
knew that Paulsen was substantially certairito sustain serious injury." Since "unless"
introduces an assumed condition, the fact that the root says nothing about whether
Dow knew that Paulsen was substantially certain to sustain serious injury is irrele-
vant. We must simply assume it.
Our job is to decide whether the state of mind described is the only thing in the
world which would prevent the court from finding for Dow. Although we do not need
to search the root or our memory to decide whether the "unless"-condition is based on

an accurate statement, it is necessary to rely on our knowledge of the law in deciding

whether the "unless"-condition would make the option false. A defendant who per-
forms a voluntary act with the knowledge that it is substantially certain to result in
injury intends that injury and may be liable for causing it. Intentional tort liability
cannot be based on a failure to act, however, unless there was an obligation to act in
the first place.
Because of the rule which provides that a defendant has no duty to assist a plain-
tiffin peril unless the defendant caused thatperil, Dow had no obligation to assist
Paulsen. Thus, even if he was substantially certain that his failure to do so would
result in injury, he is not liable for the injury. For this reason, the "unless"-condition
(i.e., Dow knew that Paulsen was substantially certain to sustain injury) would not
prevent the court from finding for Dow and, therefore, is not the only thing that
would prevent Dow from prevailing. The option thus should receive an "F".
If the option said instead that the court should find for "Dow unless Dow had an
obligation to assist Paulsen," the option would be correct. This is so because all the
other elements of a negligence cause of action are satisfied by facts contained in the
root. Since the receipt of prompt medical attention would have prevented the injury,
Dow's failure to render aid would be a cause of Paulsen's da.mage. If Dow had a duty
to assist Paulsen, his failure to do so would be a breach of his duty. Thus, the only
thing in the world which would prevent the court from finding for Dow would be a
rule imposing an obligation on Dow to assist Paulsen.


Anyone who says that practice makes perfect is telling a tall tale; no one and nothing can
be perfect. Practice does lead to improvement, though. No matter how good you are at
answering Multistate-type questions now, the more you practice, the better you'll get at it. If
you know your law, practicing our Multistate Method will equip you with a strategy for
achieving success on the MBE.
People who think that there is a way to get the actual MBE questions in advance are
dreaming. It's true that each MBE contains 50 questions that have been used before. But the
examiners only publish the ones that they will not use again. So if you have a complilation of
released questions, such as Strategies & Tactics for the MBE, don't expect to see any of them
on your exam.
Some publishers and bar reviewers take the exam every time it is given and tell you that
their books contain verbatim copies of all the questions that were on it. This is an empty
promise. There's no such thing as a fully photographic memory. Nobody can take a six hour
exam and come out of it remembering even a single question word for word. MBE questions
are written so precisely that even a slight change of wording alters the effect of the entire
Instead oftrying to find out what the questions are going to be, concentrate on mastering
the Method so that you'll be ready for whatever comes. The questions in this book are similar

to those which the Multistate Bar Examiners use. Every one of them was written by a law
professor and then reviewed and revised by another law professor. This is how the examiners
do it.
Try to deal with the item by using the Method outlined in this chapter. Start by orienting
yourself to the item with a quick reading of the stem and root, paying careful attention to the
role which each assigns. Then apply the basic game plan, treating each option as a separate
true-false choice and marking it with a "T", "F", or "?". In deciding whether to mark a "T" or
"F", choose the appropriate strategy for a simple option or a complex option and analyze the
use of the conjunctions "because," "if," "only if," or "unless."
The MBE is a very special game because it's a game played only by prospective lawyers.
Some will be winners, and some will be losers. Decide in advance which you intend to be and
build your whole attitude from that basic decision. When you've learned to think of the MBE
as a game, you may even find that you look forward to playing it. Afterwards, you may hear
yourself saying that it was fun. Nevertheless, it's a game you don't want to play more than
once. So practice, practice, practice.
After you've been sworn in, send me a business card in care of the publisher.

Steven Finz

Numbers refer to Question Numbers

I. The nature of judicial review

A. Organization and relationship of state and
federal courts in a federal system •••••.••••...•• 14, 19,23-24,31,32-34,41-42,
80-81, 102-104, 145-146
B. Jurisdiction 101
1. Constitutional basis 1-2,6 -7,14-15, 19,32-34,41-42,46-47,
2. Congressional power to define and limit 14-15, 19,32-34
C. Judicial review in operation
1. The "case or controversy" requirement : 41-42,91
2. Standing, ripeness, mootness 1-2, 10-11,20,21-22,25-26,31,
112, 121-123, 133, 135-136, 145-146
3. Justiciability 1-2,31,89, 117, 130
4. The "adequate state ground" 14-15,,41-42,91, 102-104
5. Discretionary abstention 1-2, 14-15,23-24, 102-104, 130
6. The presumption of constitutionality 16, 67,121-123,135-136

II. The separation of powers 59-60, 119-120

A. The powers of Congress 5,16,17-18,23-24,32-34,37,43-44,49-50,
1. Commerce, taxing and spending 5,6-7, 16, 19,27,43-44,49-50,51,55,
99-100, 114, 115, 134, 142
2. Power over the District of Columbia
and federal property 57, 73,82,99-100, 115, 124, 132, 144
3. War and defense powers 12,45, 117, 125
4. Power to enforce the Thirteenth, Fourteenth,
and Fifteenth Amendments .43-44, 119-120
B. The powers of the President
1. As chief executive 12,40,45,53-54, 109, 139, 141
2. As commander-in-chief 12,45,117,141
3. Treaty and foreign affairs powers 12, 40, 45, 53-54, 86,
109, 128, 129, 141
C. Interbranch checks upon the exercise of federal power
1. Congressional limits on the executive 117,128-129,139
2. The President's power to veto or to withhold
action under a statute 88, 128-129
3. Judicial restraints upon President and Congress 12, 117, 130

III. The relation of nation and states in a

I federal system
A. Intergovernmentalimmunities
16, 17-18, 19,31,32-34,37
6-7, 14-15,23-24,27,29-30,31,55,80-81,
B. The authority reserved to the states 1-2,6-7, 19,20,23-24,29-30,
C. National power to override state authority 3, 10-11, 17~18, 23-24,
IV. Individual rights
A. "State action" and the role of federal
judiciary 14-15,23-24,31,36,43-44,46-47,68
B. Due process 1-2,63-64
1. Substantive due process .43-44,59-60, 118
a. Fundamental rights 17-18,28,67, 112
b. Other rights 49-50,51, 75
c. "Incorporation" of portions of the Bill of
Rights in the Fourteenth Amendment. 101, 116
2. Procedural due process 28,35,38-39,46-47,51,59-60,
C. Equal protection 1-2,10-11,13,17-18,28,36,43-44,49-50,
1. Regulations of voting and legislative
representation 21-22,65-66, 143
2. Economic and social welfare regulations 1-2, 10-11,63-64,
83,97-98, 105
3. Regulations affecting other interests 1-2, 10-11, 140
4. Race, alienage, sex, illegitimacy, and poverty
classifications 17-18,21-22,36,67,90,110-111,112
119-120, 121-123, 135-136, 146
5. Other classifications 80-81,97-98, 102-104, 105
D. Privileges and immunities clauses 8, 13,43-44, 59-60, 75, 80-81,
105, 119-120, 140
E. Obligation of contracts, bills of attainder,
ex post facto laws 3, 75, 80-81,92, 118, 124, 140
F. First Amendment freedoms 9, 38-39, 74
1. Freedom of religion and separation of
church and state .4, 10-11,20, 70, 93-94, 144
2. Freedom of expression 28,46-47,65-66
a. Regulation of oral and written
communication .. , 25-26, 56, 69, 76, 86, 95:..96, 106-108

b. Regulation of conduct involving protest

or dissent. 9,38-39,61,69,95-96
c. Regulation of obscenity 25-26,52, 106-108, 126, 137
d. Regulation of, or impositions upon public
employment licenses, or benefits based
upon exercise of First Amendment rights 9, 61


Questions 1-2 are based on the following fact situation. (C) The power to license professionals is
reserved to the states by the Tenth Amend-
The state of New Bedford enacts the Continuing Pro- ment to the United States Constitution.
fessional Education Act, which provides that allper-
(D) The state bar association passed a resolution
sons licensed by the state to practice any profession
approving of the requirements contained in
other than medicine are required to complete ten units
the Continuing Professional Education
per year of state-approved continuing education studies
as a condition for renewal of their professional
3. The feral tusker is an unusual species of wild pig
which is found in the state of Tuscalona, having
1. The day after the statute goes into effect, Jude, a
evolved from several strains of domestic swine
law school graduate who has applied for but not
which escaped from the farms of early Tuscalona
yet received a license to practice law, sues in fed-
settlers. A Tuscalona state law declares the feral
eral court seeking a declaratory judgment that the
tusker to be an endangered species, and prohibits
Continuing Professional Education Act is uncon-
the killing or shooting of any feral tusker within
stitutional. Which of the following is the clearest
the state. The Tusker National Park was estab-
ground for dismissal of this action by the court?
lished by the federal government in order to pre-
serve plants and animals native to the region, and
(A) No substantial federal question is presented.
is located entirely within the state of Tuscalona.
(B) The suit presents a non-justiciable political The feral tusker is so hardy that it has begun to
controversy. displace other wildlife in the Tusker National
Park. Because the feral tusker is actually
(C) Jude lacks standing to attack the statute.
descended from European stock, the United
(D) The validity of the statute has not yet been States Department of the Interior has contracted
determined by a state court. with Termine, a resident of another state, to kill
all feral tuskers living within Tusker National
Park. The contract with Termine is specifically
2. An action is brought in a state court by a New
authorized by federal statutes regulating the oper-
Bedford attorney for an injunction prohibiting
ation of national parks.
enforcement of the Continuing Professional Edu-
cation Act and an order declaring it to be uncon-
If Termine is prosecuted by the state of Tuscalona
stitutional on the ground that it violates the Equal
for violating the law which prohibits the killing
Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment
of feral tuskers, which of the following is Ter-
to the United States Constitution. Which one of
mine's strongest argument in defense against that
the following additional facts or inferences, if it
were true, would most effectively support a find-
ing that the statute is constitutional?
(A) Only the federal government can declare a
species to be endangered.
(A) Competency in law is based upon knowl-
edge of principles which change more (B) As applied, the Tuscalona statute unduly
quickly than those upon which compe- interferes with interstate commerce.
tency in medicine is based.
(C) As applied, the Tuscalona statute violates
(B) A license to practice law is a privilege rather the Obligation of Contracts Clause of the
than a right. United States Constitution.

I (D) As applied, the Tuscalona statute violates

the Supremacy Clause of the United States
ucts from abroad.

Questions 6-7 are based on the following fact situation.

4. A state statute prohibits the killing of any animal A federal statute directs payment of federal funds to
"in a manner which causes unnecessary pain or states for use in the improvement and expansion of
suffering of said animal." Dobson is prosecuted state hospital facilities. The terms of the statute provide
for violating the statute by strangling a chicken as that "No state shall award a contract for hospital
part of a religious ritual in which he participated. improvement or expansion financed in whole or in part
Dobson defends on the ground that the state stat- by funds received under this section unless said con-
ute as applied in his case unconstitutionally inter- tract requires that the contractor pay its employees a
feres with his free exercise of religion. minimum wage of $10.00 per hour."

Which of the following may the court NOT con- The state of Calizona contracted with Bilder for the
sider in determining the constitutionality of the construction of a new wing on the Calizona state Hos-
statute? pital, after receiving funds for that purpose under the
federal statute. The contract did not require Bilder to
(A) Whether the statute is necessary to protect a pay its employees a minimum wage of $10.00 per hour.
compelling state interest. Upon learning this, federal officials demanded that the
(B) Whether the religious belief which requires state of Calizona either modify its contract with Bilder
the strangling of a chicken is reasonable. or return the funds received under the statute. When
Calizona refused, the federal government sued the state
(C) Whether the religious ritual involving the of Calizona in a federal court for return of the money.
strangling of chicken has been practiced
for a long period of time.
6. In the action by the United States against the state
(D) Whether Dobson is sincere in the religious of Calizona, the court should find for
belief which requires the strangling of a
chicken. (A) the state of Calizona, because fixing the
minimum wage of employees is a tradi-
5. Congress passes a law regulating the wholesale tional state function.
and retail prices of "every purchase of an auto- (B) the state of Calizona, because the regulation
mobile in the United States." The strongest argu- of hospitals and of construction practices
ment in support of the constitutionality of such a are traditional state functions.
statute is that
(C) the United States, because Congress has the
(A) taken as a whole, the domestic purchases power to regulate the way in which federal
and sales of such products affect interstate funds are spent.
commerce. (D) the United States, because some of the mate-
(B) the United States Constitution expressly rials used in hospital construction are
authorizes Congress to pass laws for the traded in interstate commerce.
general welfare.
(C) Congress has the authority to regulate the 7. Assume for the purpose of this question that sev-
prices of products purchased and sold eral employees of Bilder who received less than
because commerce includes buying and $10.00 per hour while working on the Calizona
selling. State Hospital expansion instituted an action for
damages against the state of Calizona in a federal
(D) Congress has the right to regulate interstate court, and that the state of Calizona moved to dis-
transportation and the importation of prod-

miss their cause of action. Which of the follow- (C) I and II.
ing is the clearest reason for dismissal of the suit? (D) Neither I nor II.
(A) The state of Calizona is immune from such 9. An organization called the National Anarchist
an action under the Eleventh Amendment Party (NAP) asserts that government should be
to the United States Constitution. abolished. NAP's slogan is, "What if they made a
law and nobody obeyed?" Its published literature
(B) Nofederal question is involved.
urges all persons to violate laws, no matter how
(C) The state of Calizona did not employ the logical they might seem, and in this way to help
plaintiffs. bring about the abolition of government.
(D) The plaintiffs voluntarily accepted the wage
While in law school, Arthur joined the NAP for
which Bilder paid them.
the purpose of acquiring material for a book
which he was writing. Although he had heard that
8. The zingbird is a rare species of quail found only the NAP was a dangerous and subversive organi-
in the state of Capricorn. Because its flesh is zation, Arthur thought its members to be fools,
tasty, it was hunted nearly to extinction until and believed their slogan and literature to be too
thirty years ago. At that time, the state of Capri- ridiculous to ever convince anybody of anything.
corn instituted conservation and game.manage- So that he could have access to NAPrecords, he
ment programs designed to preserve the zingbird. volunteered to be Party Secretary. In his capacity
These programs included the establishment of as such, he frequently typed handbills written by
zingbird breeding preserves, the employment of the NAP propaganda Chairperson, and arranged
ornithologists to study zingbird habits, the pas- to have them printed for subsequent distribution,
sage of laws restricting the hunting of zingbirds, although he did not intend for anybody to be con-
and the employment of game wardens to enforce vinced by them. All of these handbills contained
those laws. The expense of maintaining the pro- the NAP slogan and urged the deliberate viola-
grams was financed in part by the sale ofhunt'ing tion of laws. Eventually, Arthur wrote a book
licenses. A recent statute passed by the Capricorn about the NAP entitled "The Lunatic Fringe."
state legislature fixes the fee for a hunting license When he finished law school and applied for
at $10 per year for Capricorn residents, and $20 admission to the bar, his application was rejected.
per year for non-residents. Gunn, a hunter who The state bar examiners stated that the only rea-
resides outside the state of Capricorn, was son for the rejection of Arthur's application was a
arrested in Capricorn and prosecuted for hunting state law which provided that "No person shall be
without a license in violation of the statute. He licensed to practice law who has belonged to any
defended by asserting that the statute is unconsti- organization advocating unlawful activity." If
tutional because the hunting license fee for non- Arthur brings an appropriate judicial proceeding
residents is higher than for residents. for an order directing the state bar examiners to
admit him to practice law, should Arthur win?
Which of the following correctly identifies the
clause or clauses of the United states Constitution (A) Yes, because he joined the NAP for the pur-
violated by the Capricorn hunting license statute? pose of gathering information for a book
which he was writing.
I. The Privileges and Immunities Clause of
Article IV. (B) Yes, because he did not intend for the NAP
11. The Privileges and Immunities Clause of to succeed in convincing people to violate
the Fourteenth Amendment. laws.
(C) No, because he knew that the NAP advo-
(A) I only. cated unlawful conduct when he joined the
(B) II only. organization.

(D) No, because he played an active role in the (B) Yes, unless the American Buddhist League
NAP's activities. is a recognized religious organization.
(C) No, because the American Buddhist League
Questions 10-11 are based on the following fact situa- produced a spiritually uplifting television
tion. program which will not be broadcast
because of the statute's provisions.
A statute of the state of Mammoth requires pay televi- (D) No, if the religious sensibilities of the Amer-
sion stations to set aside one hour of air time per week ican Buddhist League are offended by the
to be made available without charge for the broadcast- statute.
ing of spiritually uplifting programs produced by rec-
ognized religious organizations. The statute further
provides that air time thereby made available shall be 12. When revolutionaries seized control of the gov-
equally divided among Jewish, Roman Catholic, and ernment of Nilezia, a republic on the continent of
Protestant organizations. A religious organization North Antica, they confiscated and nationalized
known as the American Buddhist League produced a several privately owned businesses, including
spiritually uplifting program, but was advised by sev- some belonging to citizens of the United States.
eral pay television stations that it could not be broad- The President of the United States ordered the
cast under the statute. The American Buddhist League Secretary ofDefense to prepare to send troops
has instituted a proceeding in federal court challenging into Nilezia to protect American interests there.
the constitutional validity of the Mammoth statute. When the Secretary of Defense began giving
appropriate orders to military leaders, action was
instituted in a federal court for an injunction pro-
10. The clearest reason for finding that the statute is hibiting the Secretary of Defense from sending
unconstitutional is that it violates troops to Nilezia. The plaintiff in that action
asserted that the President's order to invade Nile-
(A) the Free Exercise Clause, in that it treats zia violated a federal statute which limited the
religions unequally. President's power to invade the nations of North
(B) the Establishment Clause, in that it is not Antica. The Secretary of Defense asked the court
closely fitted to furthering a compelling to dismiss the case, on the ground that it lacked
governmental interest. jurisdiction.

(C) the Equal Protection Clause, in that it Does the federal court have jurisdiction to issue
applies only to pay television stations. therequested injunction?
(D) the Supremacy Clause, in that broadcasting
is an area already subject to extensive fed- (A) No, because the president is commander in
eral regulation. chief of the Army and Navy.
(B) No, because the federal courts lack the
11. Assume for the purpose of this question only that power to review the constitutional validity
the state of Mammoth moved to dismiss the pro- of a Presidential order.
ceeding on the ground that the American Bud- (C) Yes, because federal officials are subject to
dhist League lacked standing to challenge the the jurisdiction of the federal courts even
constitutional validity of the statute. Should the when carrying out Presidential orders.
motion be granted?
(D) Yes, because the President lacks the power
(A) Yes, because an intellectual interest in the to order the invasion of a foreign nation
outcome of a constitutional challenge is without a declaration of war.
not a sufficient personal stake to confer
standing. 13. A federal statute prohibits male employees of the

United States Census Bureau from wearing (C) either by appeal or by certiorari
beards or moustaches, although no such prohibi-
(D) neither by appeal nor by certiorari.
tion exists for employees of other federal agen-
cies. Parsons was discharged from his
employment with the U.S. Census Bureau for 15. Assume for the purpose ofthis question only that
violating the statute by refusing to remove his after the decision by the Encino Court of Judicial
moustache. If Parsons asserts a claim on the Appeals, the owner of an automobile registered in
ground that the statute was invalid, his most the state of Encino sues in a United States District
effective argument is that the law Court for an injunction prohibiting the Encino
state insurance commissioner from authorizing
(A) denies him a privilege or immunity of different rates for males and females on the
national citizenship. ground that the statute empowering him to do so
violates the Equal Protection Clause of theFour-
(B) invidiously discriminates against him in vio-
teenth Amendment to the United States Constitu-
lation of the Fifth Amendment to the
tion. If the insurance commissioner moves to
United States Constitution.
dismiss the proceeding, the motion to dismiss
(C) invidiously discriminates against him in vio- should be
lation of the Fourteenth Amendment to the
United States Constitution. (A) granted, because adequate state grounds
(D) deprives him of a property right without just exist for the validity or invalidity of the
compensation. statute in question.
(B) granted, under the abstention doctrine.
Questions 14-15 are based on the following fact situa- (C) denied, because the United States District
tion. Court is empowered to determine the
validity of a state statute under the United
The constitution of the state of Encino contains an States Constitution.
equal protection clause identical in language to the (D) granted, because the Eleventh Amendment
Equal Protection Clause in the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prevents a federal
to the United States Constitution. The Encino state leg- court from hearing claims against a state
islature passed a law empowering insurance companies brought by citizens of that state.
within the state to charge different rates for males and
females where actuarial analysis revealed a relation-
ship between gender and increased risk. Shortly after 16. Congress passes the Federal Humane Act prohib-
its passage, Claimant sued in the Encino state court for iting the interstate transportation of dogs for use
a judgment declaring that the statute violated the equal in dogfighting competitions or exhibitions. Ken-
protection clause of the Encino constitution. The trial nel is prosecuted in a federal court for violating
court found the statute to be valid, and Claimant the Federal Humane Act, and defends by assert-
appealed to the Court of Judicial Appeals, the highest ing that the statute is not constitutionally valid
court of the state of Encino. The Court of Judicial because it was enacted for purposes which were
Appeals affirmed the ruling of the lower court. entirely noncommercial. The most effective argu-
ment in support of the constitutionality of the
statute is that
14. If Claimant seeks United States Supreme Court
review of the Encino Court of Judicial Appeals (A) Congress is empowered to prohibit cruelty
decision, United States Supreme Court review is to animals under the federal police power.
(B) the power to regulate interstate commerce
(A) by appeal only. includes the power to completely exclude
specified items from interstate commerce
(B) by certiorari only.

without regard to Congressional motives. (B) All state discrimination against aliens is
invidious since alienage is a suspect classi-
(C) under the "Cooley Doctrine," the federal and
state governments have concurrent power
to prohibit cruelty to animals. (C) The section has no rational basis, and is not
necessary to serve a compelling state inter-
(D) acts of Congress are presumptively constitu-
(D) An alien is not a "person" for purposes of
the Equal Protection Clause.
Questions 17-18 are based on the following fact situa-
19. Congress enacts the Truth in Selling Act, requir-
Allen, who was not a citizen of the United States, ing that certain disclosures be made by sellers in
applied for temporary employment with the state of interstate sales transactions, and fixing civil dam-
Birch. She was rejected, however, because the Civil ages for failure to make the requisite disclosures.
Service Law of the state of Birch prohibits temporary The Act authorizes parties allegedly damaged by
state employment of a person who is not a United violations of the Truth in Selling Act to sue in
States citizen. Allen sued in a state court for an order either state or federal courts. The act further pro-
directing the state Civil Service Commission to recon- vides that any decision of a lower state court con-
sider her application, on the ground that the section of struing a section of the Truth in Selling Act may
the Civil Service Law which prohibited the temporary be appealed directly to the United States Supreme
employment of non-citizens was unconstitutional. Court.

The provision of this statute which authorizes

17. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
appeal of a lower state court decision directly to
Allen asserted that the section in question was
the United States Supreme Court, is
invalid under the Supremacy clause. In determin-
ing the constitutionality of the section in ques-
(A) constitutional, because Congress has the
tion, which of the following would be most
power to regulate interstate commerce.
(B) constitutional, because Congress may estab-
(A) The unemployment rate in the state of Birch. lish the manner in which the appellate
jurisdiction of the United States Supreme
(B) Federal civil service laws.
Court is exercised.
(C) The immigration laws and treaties of the
(C) unconstitutional, because Article In of the
United States.
United States Constitution does not autho-
(D) The percentage of persons residing in the rize the United States Supreme Court to
state of Birch who are not citizens of the directly review the decisions of lower state
United States. courts.
(D) unconstitutional, because it infringes the
18. Assume for the purpose ofthis question only that sovereign right of a state to review deci-
Allen asserted that the section in question was sions of its own lower courts.
invalid because it violated the Equal Protection
Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the
20. Congress enacts the Aid to Education Act, which
United States Constitution. Which of the follow-
authorizes the direct expenditure of federal tax
ing would be her most effective argument in sup-
funds for the purchase of computers and audio-
port of that position?
visual equipment which are then to be donated to
private schools for educational purposes. The Act
(A) The right to earn a living is a fundamental
makes the equipment available on equal terms to

religiously-oriented and non-religious private with self adhesive stickers imprinted with her name,
schools. However, a provision of the Act states and told them that they could cast a "sticker vote" for
that the equipment so purchased and donated her by placing the sticker in the appropriate place on
must be used solely for non-religious purposes the ballot. Because he feared that stickers would sepa-
and non-religious education. rate from the ballots to which they were attached and
attach themselves to other ballots, the City Elections
The parents of several students at public schools Commissioner advised Candida before the election that
located in the state of Webster have sued in fed- sticker votes would not be counted.
eral court for an order enjoining the use of federal
tax funds for the purchase of equipment to be
21. Assume for the purpose of this question that Can-
used by religious schools, on the ground that such
dida instituted a judicial proceeding for an order
expenditure is unconstitutional.
compelling the City Elections Commissioner to
count sticker votes on the ground that his refusal
Should the court issue the injunction?
to do so violated the constitutional rights of vot-
ers. Which of the following would be the City
(A) Yes, because expenditures of public funds
Elections Commissioner's most effective argu-
for the purchase of equipment to be used
ment in support of the constitutionality of his
by religious schools violates the Establish-
refusal to count sticker votes?
ment Clause.
(B) Yes, because regulation of education is (A) Candida is not entitled to assert the constitu-
solely a function of the states. tional rights of others.
(C) No, because the petitioners lack standing to (B) The use of sticker votes would interfere with
challenge the expenditure of funds by the the accuracy and convenience of ballot
federal government. counts.
(D) No, because the Aid to Education Act per- (C) Persons who are unable to read and write
mits such expenditures only for non-reli- English should not be permitted to vote.
gious purposes.
(D) The use of sticker votes would enable a per-
son to vote who was not familiar with the
Questions 21-22 are based on the following fact situa- issues or candidates.
22. Assume for the purpose of this question that the
An ordinance of the city of Lincoln provides for the
City Elections Commissioner advised Vogt, who
election of a mayor every four years. The ordinance
is not a citizen of the United States but has been
makes all persons living in the city for one year eligible
living in the city of Lincoln for ten months, that
to vote in mayoral elections. It specifies how a candi-
he will not be permitted to vote in the mayoral
date may have his or her name placed on the ballot, and
election because he fails to meet the one year res-
provides that a voter may vote for a person whose
idency requirement of the city ordinance. Is the
name is not on the ballot by writing that person's name
one year residency requirement imposed by the
onto the ballot at a place provided for that purpose.
ordinance constitutionally valid as applied to
Candida was a lawyer active in Lincoln civic affairs.
Although she was not associated with any political
(A) Yes, because a municipality has a compel-
party, she decided to run for the office of mayor. It was
ling interest in assuring that voters will be
too late for Candida to have her name placed on the
interested in and familiar with the issues.
ballot, so she campaigned for write-in votes. Because
many of the people she regarded as her constituents (B) Yes, because aliens have no constitutional
were not United States citizens and did not read or right to vote.
write English, Candida furnished prospective voters

(C) No, because a state may not make durational

residency a prerequisite for eligibility to (A) Yes, under the doctrine of abstention.
(B) Yes, because the Eleventh Amendment to
(D) No, because although a state may establish the United States Constitution grants the
durational residency requirements for eli- states immunity from such actions.
gibility to vote, a requirement of one year
(C) No, because the state employs the plaintiffs
does not serve a compelling state interest.
to engage in the business of tourism, which
is not a traditional state function.
Questions 23-24 are based on the following fact situa- (D) No, under the supremacy clause.

The Isles of Pine are a series of islands located in the 24. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Wyandango River, which serves as the border between persons employed by the state of Durango as
the states of Wyandotte and Durango. Some of the Isles Wyandango Cruise crewmembers at wages less
of Pine are part of the state of Wyandotte, and some are than $6.50 per hour assert a claim in a Durango
part of the state of Durango. Wyandango River Reserve state court for money damages consisting of the
is a state park operated by the state of Durango. The difference between the wages they have been
park consists of a thousand acres of land along the receiving and $6.50 per hour as required under
Durango shore oftheWyandango River, and includes the Federal Interstate Riverboat Act. The court
those islands of the Isles of Pine which belong to the should find for
state of Durango. One of the state park's most popular
features is the "Wyandango Cruise," a scenic boat ride (A) the employees, because as to them, the
on the Wyandango River. Wyandango Cruise tour Durango Civil Service code is superseded
boats, which are operated by employees of the state of by the Federal Interstate Riverboat Act.
Durango, conduct passengers around all of the Isles of (B) the employees, because the federal govern-
Pine, including those which belong to the state of ment has the power to set minimum wages
Wyandotte. Wages of the tour boat crew vary from to promote the general welfare.
$6.00 to $8.00 per hour, depending on the crewmem-
ber's rank in the Durango state civil service system as (C) the state of Durango, because fixing the
provided in the state Civil Service Code. wages of state employees is a traditional
state function
The Federal Interstate Riverboat Act provides that the (D) the state of Durango, because the state is
minimum wage for persons employed on river boats immune from wage regulations under the
engaged in interstate commerce shall be $6.50 per hour Eleventh Amendment to the United States
and authorizes the United States Department of Labor Constitution.
to impose sanctions for violations of its provisions.

Questions 25-26 are based on the following fact situa-

23. Assume for the purpose of this question only that tion.
persons employed by the state of Durango as
Wyandango Cruise crewmembers at wages less X Productions is a distributor of "adult" mail order
than $6.50 per hour assert a claim against the products. Sumer purchased several pornographic vid-
state of Durango in a federal court for money eotapes by mail from X Productions, and showed them
damages consisting of the difference between the to friends who attended a barbecue at his home. Sumer
wages they have been receiving and $6.50 per was arrested and charged with presenting an obscene
hour as required under the federal Interstate performance in violation of state penal code § 123. X
Riverboat Act. If the state of Durango moves to Productions was charged with being an accessory to
dismiss the action, should the motion to dismiss Sumer's violation.
be granted?

25. Assume for the purpose of this question only that chase of obscenity.
Sumer pleaded guilty and received a suspended
sentence in return for his promise to testify
27. To finance federal aviation services, a federal
against X Productions in its prosecution for being
statute requires the payment of an annual federal
an accessory to Sumer's violation. In defense
tax of $1,000 on every aircraft of a certain size.
against that prosecution, X Productions con-
The state of Agraria Department of Farming
tended that, as applied, penal code section 123
owns an airplane which it uses for aerial survey-
unconstitutionally violated Sumer's constitu-
ing of agricultural land in the state. Although the
tional rights. Does X Productions have standing
size of the airplane makes it subject to the tax, the
to assert a violation of Sumer's Constitutional
state of Agraria paid the tax under protest. If the
rights in its own defense?
state of Agraria sues in an appropriate federal
court for the return of the tax payment which it
(A) Yes, because the videotapes which Sumer
made to the federal government, the court should
had been prosecuted for showing were pur-
find for
chased from X Productions.
(B) Yes, because any person may challenge the (A) Agraria, because the power to tax is the
validity of a statute regulating freedom of power to destroy.
(B) Agraria, under the doctrine of state immu-
(C) No, because Sumer waived his constitu- nity.
tional rights by pleading guilty to the pros-
(C) the federal government, under the doctrine
of state subordination.
(D) No, because no person may defend against a
(D) the federal government, because the state
criminal charge by asserting the constitu-
receives benefit from federal aviation ser-
tional rights of third persons.

26. Assume for the purpose of this question only that

28. A state statute provides that any married persons
Sumer pleaded not guilty and asserted in his
who engage in certain "unnatural" sex acts as
defense that, as applied, the state statute violated
described by the statute are guilty of second
his rights under the United States Constitution.
degree sodomy, and that unmarried persons who
Which of the following would be Sumer's most
engage in those acts are guilty of first degree sod-
effective argument in support of his position?
omy. John and Mary Dalton, a married couple,
were prosecuted for second degree sodomy after
(A) The statute violates Sumer's rights to free-
engaging in the prohibited acts with each other in
dom of speech and the press because the
a friend's home while at a party. In defense, they
right to hear, see, or read is part of the free-
asserted that the statute was invalid under the
dom of expression.
United States Constitution.
(B) Application of the statute to Sumer is uncon-
stitutional because it violates the film- The most effective argument in support of the
maker's rights to freedom of speech and assertion that the statute was unconstitutional is
the press. that it violated the Dalton's constitutional right to
(C) Sumer's constitutional right of privacy was
violated because it includes his right to pri- (A) substantive due process.
vately possess obscene materials. (B) procedural due process.
(D) The penal code section which Sumer is (C) equal protection.
charged with violating was intended to
(D) freedom of expression.
punish the publishers rather than the pur-

Questions 29-30 are based on the following fact situa- contractors from the payment of state tax.
30. If Hook is prosecuted in a Kahuna state court for
The calemone is a shellfish found in waters located
failing to pay the state Building Rental Tax,
several miles off the coast of the state of Kahuna, from
which of the following would be Hook's most
which extensive calemone fishing activities are con-
effective argument in defense against the prose-
ducted. Because the calemone is regarded as a rare spe-
cies, a federal law known as the Protected Shellfish Act
prescribes the size and number of calemone which may
(A) The Building Rental Tax violates the Equal
be taken commercially. To enforce the Protected Shell-
Protection Clause of the United States
fish Act, the federal government contracts with private
enforcement agencies who patrol calemone fishing
grounds in unmarked vessels, and who are empowered (B) The state may not tax the landlord-tenant
to make arrests for violation of the Act's requirements. relationship with the federal government.
The Protected Shellfish Act provides that contractors
(C) Hook's tenancy is specifically authorized by
hired to enforce the Act shall be exempt from the pay-
the Protected Shellfish Act.
ment of state income taxes. The state of Kahuna
imposes a personal income tax on the income of per- (D) Hook is a federal contractor.
sons residing within the state. In addition, the state of
Kahuna imposes a Building Rental Tax of ten dollars
31. The state of Ascaloosa requires persons applying
per year on tenants occupying rented commercial space
for state welfare assistance, driving licenses,
within the state. Hook is a contractor employed by the
admission to the state university, or certain other
federal government to enforce the Protected Shellfish
state benefits to list their federal social security
Act, and derives his entire income from his contract
numbers as part of their applications. In this con-
with the federal government. Under the terms of his
nection, Ascaloosa state agenciesrefer to an
contract, Hook rents space for the conduct of his busi-
applicant's social security number as his or her
ness in a federal office building located in the state of
"Central File Number." Lawrence has brought an
Kahuna at an annual rental of $1.00. Although Hook
action in a federal court against certain specified
resides in the state of Kahuna, he has refused to pay the
state officials for an order enjoining them from
state income tax. In addition, he has refused to pay the
using social security numbers in this fashion. In
state Building Rental Tax.
support of his position, Lawrence argues that at
some time almost all citizens of the state apply
29. If Hook is prosecuted in a Kahuna state court for for some form of state benefit, and that the com-
failing to pay the state income tax, which of the pilation of a central file on each citizen of the
following would be Hook's most effective argu- state is likely to have a chilling effect on the exer-
ment in defense against the prosecution? cise of rights granted by the First Amendment to
the United States Constitution.
(A) Income from federal employment is exempt
from taxation by the state. The clearest reason for the dismissal of
Lawrence's suit is that
(B) The state income tax imposes a burden on
the federal government, since it is likely to
(A) the action is unripe.
increase the costs of enforcing the Pro-
tected Shellfish Act. (B) the question presented is moot.
(C) The state does not have the power to tax (C) under the Eleventh Amendment to the
income derived from activities conducted United States Constitution state officials
on the high seas. are immune to lawsuits of this kind.
(D) Under the Necessary and Proper Clause, (D) the creation of a central file on each person
Congress has the power to exempt federal applying for state benefits involves the res-

olution of political questions. the Fraser City Municipal Court?

(A) Yes, because by convicting Butch the Fraser

Questions 32-34 are based on the following fact situa- City Municipal Court has, in effect,
tion. declared the ordinance to be valid under
the United States Constitution.
Fraser City is located in the state of North Vellum,
three miles from its border with the neighboring state (B) Yes, if North Vellum state laws do not per-
of South Vellum. Fraser City hospitals recently treated .mit appeal from judgments of the Fraser
several persons for food poisoning caused by the con- City Municipal Court.
sumption of tainted meat. As a result, the Fraser City (C) No, unless North Vellum state law specifi-
Council passed an ordinance prohibiting the sale in cally authorizes appeal of Fraser City
Fraser City of meat processed at a processing plant not Municipal Court judgments directly to the
certified by the Fraser City Health Department. Butch, United States Supreme Court.
who operated a retail grocery store in Fraser City, was
arrested after selling meat to an undercover police (D) No, because under Article III of the United
officer. Because the meat had been processed at a plant States Constitution, the United States
in South Vellum which had not been inspected or certi- Supreme Court may only review decisions
fied by the Fraser City Health Department, Butch was of federal courts and of the highest state
charged with violating the ordinance and prosecuted in courts.
the Fraser City Municipal Court. Butch admitted vio-
lating the ordinance, but argued that the ordinance was 34. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
not valid under the United States Constitution. a person with standing to do so sues in an appro-
priate federal court for an order enjoining
32. Does the Fraser City Municipal Court have juris- enforcement of the Fraser City ordinance on the
diction to determine the constitutionality of the ground that it is invalid under the Commerce
ordinance? Clause of the United States Constitution. Which
of the following is the best argument in support
(A) No, if determining the constitutionality of of granting the injunction?
the ordinance requires interpretation of the
United States Constitution. (A) As applied, the ordinance interferes with
interstate commerce.
(B) No, because Butch will not have standing to
challenge the constitutionality of the ordi- (B) Regulation of the purity of food is not a mat-
nance until he has been convicted of vio- ter which is of local concern.
lating it. (C) The concurrent power to regulate commerce
(C) Yes, because any court has the power to does not apply to municipalities.
interpret the United States Constitution. (D) There are equally effective and less burden-
(D) Yes, only if the Fraser City Municipal Court some ways of regulating the purity of food
is a state court under the laws of North Vel- sold in Fraser City.
35. While trying to arrest an unarmed bank robber,
33. Assume for the purpose of this question only that Maple City police officer Orville fired a shot
Butch was convicted of violating the ordinance which killed an uninvolved bystander. When
by the Fraser City Municipal Court, and that Orville returned to the police station, Captain, his
Butch seeks direct review by the United States supervisor, told him that he was suspended from
Supreme Court. Does the United States Supreme duties without pay effective immediately, and
Court have jurisdiction to review the decision of took from him his gun and badge. Orville subse-
quently instituted an action for an order directing

Captain to restore him to the job of police officer. held by the federal agency which ran the
project solely because of his religion.
Which of the following additional facts or infer-
(D) Plaintiff is a woman whose application for
ences, if it were the only one true, would be most
employment as a deputy sheriff was
likely to result in a DENIAL of the relief sought
rejected by the county solely because of
by Orville?
her sex.
(A) A Police Department hearing was scheduled
for a future date to determine the propriety 37. The state of Norfolk recently passed a law which
of Orville's conduct, and Orville would be prohibits the drivers of trucks over a certain
restored to his position and compensated length from driving within the state for more than
for lost pay if he was found to be without four hours without stopping to rest for at least 30
fault. minutes. Trucker was prosecuted for violating the
law while driving a truck through the state on an
(B) Maple City Police Department policy pro-
interstate run. As part of his defense, he asserted
hibited police officers from firing their
that the Norfolk statute was unconstitutional in
guns in attempting to arrest unarmed per-
that it unduly burdened interstate commerce. The
trial court took judicial notice that there is no fed-
(C) Orville's killing of the bystander amounted erallaw requiring interstate truck drivers to stop
to involuntary manslaughter. for rest breaks.
(D) The Maple City Police Department Manual
In view of the absence of a federal law requiring
of Procedure called for immediate suspen-
sion of any police officer whose conduct interstate truck drivers to stop for rest breaks,
which of the following is the state's most effec-
while attempting to effect an arrest
tive argument in support of the constitutionality
resulted in the death of an uninvolved
ofthe statute?
(A) The absence of a federal law indicates that
36. In which of the following fact situations has there Congress does not regard the matter as one
most clearly been a violation of the plaintiff's requiring national uniformity.
rights under the Fourteenth Amendment to the
(B) The requirement that truck drivers stop for
United States Constitution?
rest breaks is largely a matter of local con-
(A) Plaintiff is a black person whose application
for state employment was rejected because (C) The statute requiring truck drivers to stop for
he failed to pass the state Civil Service rest breaks is enforceable only within the
examination. Statistics reveal that 10% of state of Norfolk.
the black applicants and 60% of the white
(D) In the absence of preemptive legislation by
applicants who have taken the exam have
Congress, a state is free to impose restric-
passed it.
tions on interstate commerce.
(B) Plaintiff is an American of Mexican descent
who was denied admission to a privately-
owned hospital solely because of her eth-
Questions 38-39 are based on the following fact situa-
nic background, but who received compe- tion.
tent professional treatment at a state
A state statute known as the Unlawful Assembly Law
hospital instead.
contains the following provisions:
(C) Plaintiff is a Jewish person who resided in a
federally operated housing project, and Section I - it shall be a misdemeanor for any
who was excluded from a prayer breakfast group of three or more persons to gather on a

public sidewalk and to deliberately conduct that he defends by asserting that the section vio-
themselves in a manner which is offensive to lates the First Amendment to the United States
passersby. Constitution. The court should find him

Section II - it shall be a misdemeanor for any (A) not guilty, because the public sidewalk in
group of three or more persons to engage in a front of a government building is tradition-
public demonstration on a public sidewalk in ally regarded as a public forum.
front of any state governmentofficeduring~regu­
(B) not guilty, because Section II unlawfully
lar business hours unless said demonstration is
regulates the subject matter of demonstra-
related to matters under consideration by officials
tions conducted outside government
employed in said government office.

When the governor of the state refused to grant a par- (C) guilty, because the state has a compelling
don to a college student who had been convicted of interest in the orderly conduct of govern-
destroying state college property during a campus pro- mental affairs.
test, members of a student orga.nization decided to dis- (D) guilty, beca.use the demonstration in which
rupt state government operations by conducting a loud Demos participated kept persons with law-
and boisterous demonstration outside a state govern- ful business from entering government
ment office building which they selected at random. offices to transact it.
About thirty members gathered on the sidewalk outside
the building with noisemakers and musical instru-
ments,and began marching while making a loud and 40. Assume that the Hawk Party and the Dove Party
disturbing noise. Several persons who had business are the major American political parties. In a cer-
inside the building were unable to get past the crowd of tain presidential election, relations between the
demonstrators to enter. Demos, one of the participants, United States andthe republic of Orinoco were
was arrested for marching and shouting obscene words the basis of a substantial disagreement between
which many passersby found offensive. the candidates, each supporting the view of his
political party. Bight, the Hawk Party candidate,
had already served one term as president, but was
38. Assume that Demos is prosecuted for violating defeated by Gentle, the Dove Party candidate.
Section I of the Unlawful Assembly Law, and After taking office, President Gentle communi-
that he defends by asserting that the section is cated with Henderson, who was serving as
overbroad. The court should find him ambassador to Orinoco by appointment of Presi-
dent Bight with the advice and consent of the
(A) guilty, because his conduct was in fact offen- Senate. President Gentle demanded that Hender-
sive to passersby. son either agree to support the foreign policy con-
(B) guilty, only if the reasonable passerby would tained in the Dove Party platform or resign.
have been offended by Demos's conduct. When Henderson refused to do either, President
Gentle told him that he was dismissed from the
(C) guilty, only if the reasonable person in
office of ambassador.
Demos's position would have known that
his conduct would be offensive to pass-
Given the facts, did President Gentle have the
power to remove Henderson from office?
(D) not guilty, if some of the conduct which the
law prohibited is constitutionally pro- (A) Yes, because ideological differences consti-
tected. tute cause for dismissal from ambassado-
rial office.

39. Assume that Demos is prosecuted for violating (B) Yes, because the president has the power to
Section II of the Unlawful Assembly Law, and dismiss ambassadors without cause.

(C) No, because an ambassador appointed with the Assembly Appropriations Committee
the advice and consent of the Senate can- approved the proposed legislation, and that it was
not be dismissed from office without the subsequently enacted by the state legislature.
advice and consent of the Senate. Protesse, a state taxpayer and the chairperson of
"Save Them," an organization dedicated to cam-
(D) No, because removal of an ambassador is a
paigning for the rights of unborn children, insti-
de facto withdrawal of diplomatic relations
tuted a proceeding in the federal district court for
with a foreign power.
an injunction prohibiting state officials from dis-
bursing funds under the new law. In support of
Questions 41-42 are based on the following fact situa- her petition, Protesse argued that since feelings
tion. regarding abortion are related to religious views,
state supported advertising for abortion would
The Assembly Appropriations Committee of the State violate the Establishment Clause of the United
Assembly of the state of Colombia was considering a States Constitution. Which of the following is the
bill which would appropriate state funds for advertising best reason for the court to conclude that Protesse
the availability of abortion to indigent women. Prior to has standing to challenge the statute?
discussion of the bill, the Committee directed the state
attorney general to seek an advisory opinion from the (A) Any person has standing to challenge a stat-
state court regarding the validity of the proposed bill ute on the ground that it violates a First
under both the state and the federal constitutions. The Amendment right.
attorney general made the appropriate ex parte motion (B) Unborn children are a discrete and insular
pursuant to the state procedure code before the Court of class which can not be represented in any
Errors, the highest court in the state. The Court of other way.
Errors rendered an advisory opinion in which it stated
that the proposed bill did not violate the state constitu- (C) The law involves a direct expenditure of
tion, but that it did violate the First Amendment to the state tax funds.
United States Constitution. (D) Protesse is chairperson of special interest
political group which has a philosophical
41. Assume for the purpose of this question that the and moral interest in preventing enforce-
Assembly Appropriations Committee voted to mentof the statute.
reject the proposed legislation in reliance on the
advisory opinion of the Court of Errors. Does the Questions 43-44 are based on the following fact situa-
United States.supreme Court have jurisdiction to tion.
review the advisory opinion rendered by the
Colombia state Court of Errors? The Young Trailblazers is a youth organization with
chapters and members in all fifty states. Concentrating
(A) Yes, because it interpreted a .section of the on what it calls "the outdoor experience," the organiza-
United States Constitution. tion attempts to teach its members to love all forms of
(B) Yes, because the decision did not rest on an life. According to the bylaws of the Young Trailblazers,
adequate state ground. membership is open to all white children between the
ages of eight and fourteen years. Penny, a twelve-year-
(C) No, because an advisory opinion is not a
old black child, applied for membership in the Young
case or controversy under the United
Trailblazers at the joint request of the Pintada state
States Constitution.
attorney general and the United States Department of
(D) No, because there has been no opportunity Justice. The Young Trailblazers rejected her applica-
for appellate review by a state court. tion solely on the basis of her race, advising her in writ-
ing that membership was open only to white children.
42. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
A federal statute makes it a crime for an organization

with members in more than one state to deny member- sion. In connection with a century~old border
ship to any person on the basis of that person'srace. A dispute, one of Cllrasia's neighbors recently
statute of the state of Pintada makes it a crime to vio- threatened to attack Curasia if eurasia did not
late a right conferred on any person by the Fourteenth relinquish its claim to a certain peninsula. At the
Amendment to the United States Constitution. request of the Curasian prime minister, the presi-
dent of the United States has ordered American
troops to be flown to Curasia immediately for the
43. Is the Young Trailblazers guilty of violating the
purpose ofdefending Curasia against attack.
Pintada state statute?
If the president's order is challenged in an appro-
(A) Yes, because the policy of The Young Trail-
priate proceeding in a federal court, the strongest
blazers resulted in a denial of Penny's right
argument in support of the validity of the order is
to equal protection.
that the president
(B) Yes, because the policy of the Young Trail-
blazers resulted in a denial of Penny's right (A) has the power to declare war.
to the privileges and immunities of citizen-
(B) has the power to commit American armed
forces to foreign hostilities to satisfy treaty
(C) Yes, because the policy of the Young Trail- obligations.
blazers resulted in a denial of Penny's right
(C) has the power to make treaties with the
to substantive due process.
advice and consent of the senate.
(D) No, because the Young Trailblazers is a pri-
(D) is the commander-in-chief of the Army and
vate organization.

44. Assume that the Young Trailblazers is prosecuted

Questions 46-47 are based on the following fact situa-
in a federal court for violation of the federal stat-
ute, and the Young Trailblazers asserts that the
statute is invalid under the United States Consti-
Sander was a student at Hippocrates University, a pri-
tution. Which of the following would be the pros-
vately owned medical college. One weekend during the
ecutor's most effective argument in supporting
school semester, Sander was arrested by Hippo City
the constitutional validity of the federal statute?
police for participating in a demonstration against the
government's position on nuclear disarmament. When
(A) The policy of The Young Trailblazers vio-
Sander was brought before a judge for arraignment,
lates the spirit of the Commerce Clause.
however, the court dismissed the charge with the con-
(B) The policy of The Young Trailblazers estab- sent of the public prosecutor. The following day, the
lishes a badge of servitude in violation of dean of Hippocrates University called Sander into her
the spirit of the Thirteenth Amendment. office. The dean referred to the arrest, and said that
(C) The United States Supreme Court has found because his conduct had embarrassed the school,
racial discrimination to violate the United Sander was expelled. Sander subsequently sued Hippo-
States Constitution. crates University for damages resulting from his dis-
(D) Racial discrimination is inimical to the gen-
eral welfare of the citizens of the United
States. 46. The most effective argument in support of
Sander's claimis that the dismissal violated
Sander's right
45. In the Mutual Aid Treaty of 1957, the United
States and the southeast Asian republic of Cur- (A) to an administrative hearing.
asia agreed to defend each other against aggres-
(B) to due process.

(C) to freedom of expression. criminates against members of the mining

(D) under an implied contract with Hippocrates
University. (C) Plaintiff is a federal taxpayer. He sues to
recover taxes paid by him under protest 011
the ground that the money so paid is being
47. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
used to support military activities against a
after Sander instituted the action, Hippocrates
nation with which the United States is not
UniYcersity reinstated him, and that he subse-
at war, and that the statute authorizing its
quently graduated in good standing. Assume fur-
use for that purpose is therefore unconsti-
ther that Sander passed his state's licensing
examination and petitioned the state Board of
Medical Licensing Examiners (the Board) for a (D) Plaintiff is a state taxpayer, whose taxes are
license to practice medicine, and that solely used, among other purposes, to support the
because of his arrest by Hippo City police and activities of local school districts.
expulsion from Hippocrates University the Board Although she has no children of school
refused to issue him a license. If Sander sues the age, plaintiff is suing to enjoin enforce-
Board in a federal court for an order directing the ment of a state law the terms of which per-
Board to license him, the court should find for mit counselors employed by local school
districts to advise students about Acquired
(A) the Board, because a license to practice Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
medicine is a privilege rather than a right.
(B) the Board, unless Sander first attempted to Questions 49-50 are based on the following fact situa-
sue in a state court and was unsuccessful. tion.
(C) Sander, only of the Board's action is found
to be arbitrary and capricious. After examining the effects of diesel exhaust on the
environment, Congress enacts··a statute requiring the
(D) Sander, because the Board's decision owners of diesel-powered trucks used in interstate
deprives Sander of property without due commerce to pay a Diesel-Powered Vehicle Use Tax of
process. $800 per vehicle. Weelco, a trucking company which
operates more than one thousand trucks in interstate
48. In which of the following fact situations is the commerce, refuses to pay the Diesel-Powered Vehicle
plaintiff most likely to have standing in a federal Use Tax, and sues in a federal court for an injunction
court to challenge the statute involved on the prohibiting the enforcement of the tax statute.
ground that it is unconstitutional?
49. Which of the following is Weelco's most effec-
(A) Plaintiff is the chairperson of an organiza- tive argument in opposition to the tax?
tion dedicated to preventing cruelty to ani-
mals. She sues in that capacity to enjoin (A) The tax is regulatory in nature.
the enforcement of a state statute which
permits state officials to seize and destroy (B) Imposition ofthe tax violates Weelco's right
unlicensed dogs without notice to their to equal protection under the Fifth Amend-
owners. ment to the United States constitution.

(B) Plaintiff is the state of North Webster in (C) The tax is so burdensome as to amount to a
which mining is a major industry. It is taking of private property, for which just
suing for a judgment declaring unconstitu- compensation is required.
tional a federal statute which imposes a tax (D) The tax is coercive in nature, since it is
on the mining of certain specified metals, likely to discourage the use of diesel pow-
on the ground that the tax invidiously dis- ered vehicles in interstate commerce.

the United States Constitution, which of the fol-

lowing arguments would most effectively support
50. Which of the following is the federal govern-
his position?
ment's strongest argument in opposition to
Weelco's claim that the Diesel-Powered Vehicle
(A) The law denied Mac due process, since it
Use Tax is invalid?
required him to give up merchandise with-
out receiving cash in return.
(A) The tax protects the general welfare by dis-
couraging the use of diesel powered vehi- (B) By its terms, the law violated the Commerce
cles in interstate commerce. Clause, since the businesses which were
subject to it were all involved in interstate
(B) Protection of the environment is part of the
federal police power.
(C) The power to coin and fix the value of
(C) The tax is a valid exercise of the spending
money is exclusively that of Congress.
power, since it enables Congress to assure
that the money which it gives states for the (D) Requiring Mac to accept casino chips in
construction of roads will be most effi- return for merchandise is a taking of pri-
ciently spent. vate property without just compensation.
(D) Weelco lacks standing since it has not yet
paid the tax. 52. Mag was prosecuted in the Municipal Court of
the city of New Morris for selling an obscene
magazine. At his trial, the jury found the follow-
51. Several years ago, the state of Nevorado legalized
ing by special verdict:
certain forms of gambling, and began issuing
licenses for the operation of gambling casinos. (1) Applying standards ofthe average person
Since then, legal gambling had become the state's residing in the city of New Morris, the maga-
most economically significant industry. People zine taken as a whole appealed to a prurient
travel to Nevorado from all over the United interest in sex.
States to visit nearly 2,000 licensed casinos (2) Applying standards of the average person
located within the state. All of the casinos dis- residing in the United States, the magazine
courage the use of cash at gaming tables, and sell taken as a whole did not appeal to a prurient
chips for gamblers to use when participating in interest in sex.
the games which they operate. For this reason, (3) The magazine depicted sexual conduct in a
many visitors to the state find themselves to be in way which was offensive to contemporary
possession of chips when returning home. For the standards existing in the city of New Morris.
convenience oftourists, the Nevorado legislature (4) The magazine did not depict sexual conduct in
passed the Casino Chip Law requiring restaurants a way which was offensive to contemporary
and retail business located at Nevoradoairports, standards existing in the United States in gen-
train stations, and bus terminals to accept chips eral.
from customers in lieu of cash,at two-thirds the (5) Taken as a whole, the magazine had serious
face value of the chips so tendered. The law also literary value.
requires licensed casinos to redeem the chips at
their face value. Mac, the owner of a restaurant Based upon the jury's special verdict, Mag was
located at an airport in Nevorado, was prosecuted found guilty. If Mag appeals his conviction on the
in a Nevorado court for violating the state law by ground that it violates the First Amendment to the
refusing to accept casino chips from a customer United States Constitution, his conviction should
who attempted to use them to pay for food pur- be
chased at Mac's restaurant.
(A) reversed, because the magazine was found
If Mac defends by asserting that the law violates to have serious literary value.

(B) reversed, because applying anational stan- order is challenged by a person with standing to
dard, the magazine did not appeal toa pru- do so, the court should find that the order is
rient interest in sex.
(A) valid, since the nation must speak with one
(C) affirmed, because, applying a contemporary
voice in matters of foreign affairs.
community standard, the magazine
depicted sexual conduct in a manner which (B) valid, since the president has broad discre-
was offensive tionary powers in matters of foreign
(D) affirmed, because, applying a contemporary
community standard, the magazine (C) invalid, since the president may not abrogate
appealed to a prurient interest in sex. foreign treaties without the advice and
consent of the Senate.

Questions 53-54 are based on the following fact situa- (D) invalid, since the president lacks the power
tion. to suspend enforcement of the Romanian
National Tax Immunity Act.
In 1979 the United States and the republic of Romania
entered into a treaty by which each country agreed not 55. In an attempt to reduce air pollution caused by
to tax citizens of the other. Pursuant to that treaty, Con- the use of fossil fuels, Congress passes the Fossil
gress enacted the Romanian National Tax Immunity Fuel Use Tax Act, which imposes a tax upon the
Act which exempts Romanian nationals residing in the owners of buildings heated by burning fossil
United States from the obligation to pay income tax to fuels. The state of Atlas owns an office building
the United States. Recently, however, a United States known as the Brill Building, which was once
citizen living in Romania was prosecuted by the Roma- used to house state government offices. Since the
nian government for failing to pay Romanian income state government moved to new quarters, offices
tax. Last week, the president of the United States issued in the Brill Building have been rented by the state
an executive order requiring the Internal Revenue Ser- to tenants engaged in various aspects of private
vice to begin collecting income tax from Romanian cit- enterprise. Although the Brill Building is heated
izens residing in the United States. by fossil fuels, the state of Atlas has refused to
pay the tax imposed by the Fossil Fuel Use Tax
53. Which of the following persons would be most Act. The federal government has commenced a
likely to have standing to challenge the constitu- proceeding against the state of Atlas for taxes due
tional validity of the presidential order in a fed- under the Fossil Fuel Use Tax Act as a result of
eral court? the use of fossil fuel to heat the Brill Building.

(A) An organization known as America's Image Which of the following is the most effective argu-
which is dedicated to the principle that the ment in support of the federal government's posi-
United States should keep its promises. tion?

(B) A United States citizen of Romanian descent (A) Under Article I of the United States Consti-
who owns land both in the United States tution, Congress has unlimited power to
and in Romania. impose taxes.
(C) A Romanian citizen living in the United (B) Protection of the environment is a legitimate
States. reason for imposing a tax.
(D) A representative of the Romanian govern- (C) The states owe the federal government the
ment suing on behalf of the republic of obligation of paying those taxes fixed by
Romania. federal law.
(D) As applied, the Fossil Fuel Use Tax Act
54. If the constitutional validity of the presidential

taxes the state of Atlas's activities as a leading a riot which resulted in the death of a
landlord rather than as a state. prison guard. Without a hearing, the warden
ordered Dickson placed in solitary confinement
for the remainder of his sentence. Dickson sued
56. After examining studies indicating that chewing
in a United States District Court for an order
gum was directly related to the incidence of tooth
directing his removal from solitary confinement
decay, the legislature of the state of Minnitonka
on the grounds that he was deprived of due pro-
enacted a law prohibiting the advertising of
cess, and that solitary confinement for the
chewing gum in all media. Which of the follow-
remainder of his sentence was a cruel and
ing is the clearest reason for holding the law to be
unusual punishment. The District Court rendered
judgment against Dickson, who appealed to the
United States Court of Appeals. The United
(A) A state may not interfere with commercial
States Court of Appeals affirmed, and Dickson
petitioned for certiorari to the United States
(B) The sale of chewing gum frequently Supreme Court. While Dickson's petition was
involves interstate commerce. pending, parole officials voted to release him
from prison although it was three years before the
(C) The law imposes a prior restraint on publica-
end of his sentence, on condition that he meet
with a federal probation officer once per month,
(D) There are less restrictive ways of protecting that he seek gainful employment, that he refrain
the public against tooth decay which from consorting with criminals, and that he be
would be equally effective. returned immediately to prison upon violation of
any of the conditions of parole. In opposing
Dickson's petition for certiorari, the state's attor-
57. Assume that Congress enacted a statute making
ney asserted that his release from prison made the
education through the 12th grade compulsory.
issue moot.
Which one of the following facts or inferences, if
it was the only one true, would be most likely to
Which of the following is the strongest reason for
lead to finding that the statute is constitutionally
finding that the issues presented by Dickson's
petition are NOT moot?
(A) The majority of people living in states which
(A) Dickson is no longer a prisoner.
have inadequate compulsory education
requirements are members of ethnic (B) In granting parole, parole officials have
minorities. acknowledged a violation ofDickson's
constitutional rights.
(B) Educational levels in England, France,
China, and the Russia are superior to those (C) Dickson's claim is capable of repetition if it
in several of the states of the United States. evades judicial review.
(C) By its terms, the statute is applicable only to (D) Dickson might be returned to solitary con-
residents of the District of Columbia and finement if he is re-incarcerated forviolat-
of United States Military bases. ing the conditions of his parole.
(D) The majority of American schoolchildren
move from one state to another at some Questions 59-60 are based on the following fact situa-
time during the first twelve years of their tion.
A statute of the state of Eternica provides that no per-
58. While serving a ten year sentence for murder in son can be elected to state office who is not a citizen of
the United States. The constitutionality of the statute is
the Foldora state prison, Dickson was accused of
challenged in an appropriate action by Baker.

United States constitution and to oppose

the overthrow of the state or federal gov-
59. If the court hearing Baker's challenge takes judi-
ernment by unlawful means."
cial notice of the treaties and immigration laws of
the United States, it will be because they are rele- (D) The loyalty oath is only required of persons
vant to the validity of the statute under appointed to positions with the state militia
which are likely to expose them to classi-
(A) the Supremacy Clause. fied information.
(B) the Privileges and Immunities Clause.
62. In an attempt to improve air quality, several states
(C) the due process requirement.
pass laws providing that vehicles powered by die-
(D) the doctrine of separation of powers. sel engines of more than a certain size must be
equipped with a specified smog-elimination sys-
tem in order to be driven on highways within the
60. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
state. Ace Trucking Company challenges such a
Baker's challenge was heard by the highest
law in the state of Baxter on the ground that it
appellate court of the state of Eternica, and that
unreasonably burdens interstate commerce.
the court declared the statute to be unconstitu-
Which of the following is the state of Baxter's
tional on the ground that it violated the equal pro-
best argument in support of the law?
tection clause of the state constitution. If the state
of Eternica seeks review by the United States
(A) The law applies to intra-state as well as
Supreme Court, which of the following state-
interstate shipments.
ments is most accurate?
(B) The law applies to all vehicles traveling
through the state, including those which
I. The United States Supreme Court may
properly review the decision by certiorari. are garaged primarily in the state.
(C) The law is necessary to protect the health
II. The United States Supreme Court may and safety of residents of the state.
properly review the decision by appeal. (D) Other states have similar requirements.
(A) I only.
(B) II only. Questions 63-64 are based on the following fact situa-
(C) I and II.
(D) Neither I nor II. The coastal state of Oceania has enacted the Ocean
Fishing License Act, which regulates the right to fish in
coastal waters. Section 1 of the act provides that no
61. Under which of the following circumstances is a person shall fish in the ocean from a vessel registered
court most likely to uphold the constitutionality in the state of Oceania who has not obtained an ocean
of a statute which requires the taking of a loyalty fishing license from the state Department of Fish and
oath by public employees? Game. Section 2 of the act sets the fees for ocean fish-
ing licenses at ten dollars per year for residents of the
(A) Only persons appointed to state office by the state of Oceania, and twenty dollars per year for non-
governor are required by law to take the residents. Section 3 of the act provides that if any sec-
loyalty oath. tion of the act is found invalid for any reason, such
(B) The statute requires that the loyalty oath be finding should not affect the validity of any other sec-
taken by all state employees. tion of the act.

(C) The loyalty oath required by the statute con-

sists entirely of a promise "to uphold the 63. Which of the following would provide the stron-

gest basis for declaring Section 1 of the Ocean only to persons who are able to pass a simple test of
Fishing License Act to be INVALID? reading and writing in the English language and who
own agricultural land within the geographic boundaries
(A) A federal law which authorizes a federal of the District, and that voters in such elections may
agency to issue licenses for fishing in cast one vote for each acre of agricultural land which
coastal waters of the United States. they own within the district.
(B) The absence of any federal law regulating
fishing in coastal waters of the United 65. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
States. the constitutionality of the statute has been chal-
(C) The Equal Protection Clause of the Four- lenged by a litigant who claims that it violates the
teenth Amendment to the United States "one person one vote" principle. The best argu-
Constitution. ment in response to that claim is that the principle

(D) The Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amend- (A) applies only to elections for statewide and
ment to the United States Constitution. federal office.
(B) does not apply where property rights are
64. Assume for the purpose of this question only that involved.
an action is brought in a federal court by a resi-
(C) does not apply because of rights reserved to
dent of the state of Oceania for an injunction to
the states by the Tenth Amendment.
prohibit the state of Oceania from enforcing Sec-
tion 2 of the Ocean Fishing License Act. Which (D) does not apply, because results of District
of the following arguments would be LEAST elections will principally affect the owners
likely to lead to a finding that the provisions of of agricultural land.
that section are invalid?
66. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
(A) The act violates the Commerce Clause.
the constitutionality of the statute has been chal-
(B) The act violates the Equal Protection Clause. lenged by a litigant who objects to the literacy
(C) The act violates the Necessary and Proper requirement. If that challenge is successful, it will
Clause. probably be because the requirement violates

(D) Section I of the act is constitutionally (A) the Equal Protection Clause of the Four-
invalid. teenth Amendment.
(B) the "race, color, or previous con.ditionof ser-
Questions 65-66 are based on the following fact situa- vitude" clause of the Fifteenth Amend-
tion. ment.
(C) freedom of the press under the First AIl1.el1d~
The state of Bostonia enacts legislation appropriating
several million dollars of state funds to be spent on
conservation of agricultural lands within the state. The (D) the Twenty-Sixth Amendment (granting the
statute directs the distribution of such funds to Agricul- right to vote to persons eighteen years of
tural Conservation Districts geographically equivalent age and above).
to the counties of the state, authorizes the creation of
such Agricultural Conservation Districts, and empow-
67. In a case in which the constitutionality of a state
ers them with responsibility for administering funds
law regulating the sale of birth control devices is
assigned to them. The statute provides that fiscal deci-
in issue, which party will have the burden ofper~
sions of each District shall be made by a Board of Gov-
ernors to be elected by its residents. The statute also
provides that participation in district elections is open

(A) The state, because procreation involves a backs." Brown was arrested under a statute newly
fundamental right, and the law may have a enacted by the Caledonia state legislature. The
substantial impact on that right. complete text ofthe law was, "No person shall
behave in a shocking or offensive manner in a
(B) The state, because the state law is more
public place. Any violation of this section shall
likely to have a substantial impact on
be punished by a term not to exceed six months in
women than on men.
a county detention facility."
(C) The person challenging the statute, since
there isa rebuttable presumption that all If Brown defends by asserting that the statute is
state laws are constitutional. unconstitutional, his most effective argument
(D) The person challenging the statute, since the would be that
regulation on non-expressive sexual con-
duct is reserved to the states by the Tenth (A) under the First and Fourteenth Amendments,
Amendment. expressive conduct may not be punished
by the state
(B) the statute is vague.
68. A state law makes it a crime to interfere with
"any right conferred by the Equal Protection (C) the reasonable person is not likely to have
Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the been shocked or offended by Brown's con-
United States Constitution." In which one of the duct.
following cases is the defendant LEAST likely to
(D) conviction under a newly enacted statute is a
be convicted of violating the law?
violation of due process.
(A) Defendant, the manager of an apartment
building funded and operated by a federal 70. A law permitting the payment of public funds as
housing agency, refused to rent an apart- financial aid to schools operated by religious
ment to a black family solely because of organizations is most likely to be constitutionally
their race. valid if it directs payment to
(B) Defendant, the commissioner of police of a
(A) primary schools, for enhancement of the sal-
large city, refused to hire homosexuals as
aries of teachers who do not instruct on
police officers solely because of their sex-
religious subjects.
ual preference.
(B) primary schools at which no more than ten
(C) Defendant, threatening violence, induced a
percent of the instructional time is spent on
school bus driver, employed by a public
religious subjects, for the purchase of labo-
school district, to refuse Jewish students
ratory equipment.
rides solely because of their religion.
(C) secondary schools, for the purchase of text-
(D) Defendant, the proprietor of a restaurant
books on secular subjects.
located in a state office building and rented
from the state, refused to serve Vietnamese (D) colleges, for the purchase of athletic equip-
immigrants solely because of their place of ment.
national origin.
71. Because the Oakbranch River is wide, deep and
69. Mter the state of Caledonia raised property taxes, flows through several states, it is an important
Brown becameaHive in an organization called thoroughfare for interstate commercial cargo
Citizens 0Pl1osed to Soaring taxes (COST). As ships. The state of Birmingham, through which
part of a protest, Brown paraded nude in front of the Oakbranch flows, has passed a law imposing
the tax collector's office, carrying a sign which strict water pollution controls on ships using riv-
read "Soaring taxes take the dothes offour ers within the state. Shipco, a transport company

that operates ships on the Oakbranch, has chal- not a "religion" for First Amendment pur-
lenged the statute, asserting that it violates the poses.
Commerce Clause of the United States Constitu-
(D) may be upheld, even if the group sexual
activity was required by Durk's sincere
religious beliefs.
Which one of the following facts or inferences, if
found to be true, would be most likely to result in
a finding that the statute is constitutionally valid? 73. TEe muscovite beetle is an insect pest which
threatens the fruit growing industry of the state of
(A) The Oakbranch is a source of water for agri- New Britain. In an attempt to exterminate the
cultural irrigation in all the states through insect, the New Britain Bureau of Agriculture has
which it passes. ordered the aerial spraying of insecticide in all
forested regions of the state. A federal law pro-
(B) Congress has not prohibited state regulation
hibits the use of insecticides in areas designated
of water pollution.
as national parks. Brittania National Park, owned
(C) Congress has enacted laws regulating water by the federal government and nearly one million
pollution in interstate rivers. acres in size, is heavily forested, and is located
(D) Shipco operates only within the state of Bir- wholly within the state of New Britain.
If an appropriate agency of the United States of
America sues in a federal court for an injunction
72. Durk was a member of an organization known as to prevent aerial spraying in BrittaniaNational
The Church of Twelve Gods. Members of this Park, should the court issue the injunction?
organization worship twelve different deities,
each said to be in charge of a different field of (A) No, because control of the environment is
worldly acti~"ity. Each month of the year, the primarily a state function.
organization c:mducts a festival dedicated to a
(B) No, unless it can be shown that use of the
different one of the deities. In March, the festival
insecticide will be damaging to the park's
of Love was hJld to honor the goddess of love.
As part of the festival, members met to engage in
activities involving nudity and group sexual (C) Yes, unless the use of the insecticide can be
intercourse. Along with other members of the shown to serve a compelling state interest.
organization, Durk, who participated in the festi~
(D) Yes, because Congress has legislative power
val, was arrested by police from the county vice
over federally owned lands.
squad. He was convicted of violating a state law
which made it a crime "for any adult to engage in
sexual intercourse with another while any third 74. The White People's Socialist Party(WPSP)is a
person is present." small political organization which advocates
racial segregation and which occasionally runs a
If Durk appeals, the conviction candidate for election to office in the state of
Nevorado. The WPSP planned to hold a cam-
(A) must be overturned, if the group sexual paign rally at the state capitol two weeks prior to
activity was required by a reasonable inter- the last statewide election. Because anonymous
pretation of the organization's religious threats of violence were received by the state
beliefs. police, however, a Nevorado court issued an
injunction prohibiting the WPSP from conduct-
(B) must be overturned, because the conduct
ing any public rallies until afterthe election.
was part of the free exercise of a religion.
After the election was over, the WPSP sought
(C) may be upheld, on the ground that an organi- United States Supreme Court review of the Nevo-
zation which worships multiple deities is rado court's decision.

Bar Association of the state of Tetonic sues to

The United States Supreme Court should enjoin further publication of the advertisement in
that state, the injunction should be
(A) review the state court's decision if the WPSP
desires to hold future rallies in the state of (A) granted, it Tetonic statutes prohibit advertis-
Nevorado. ing by attorneys.
(B) review the state court's decision because any (B) granted, since the advertisement could have
interference with the right to assemble vio- the effect of encouraging young women to
lates the First Amendment to the United violate the law.
States Constitution.
(C) denied, since the advertisement constitutes
(C) not review the state court's decision since commercial speech.
the question presented has become moot.
(D) denied, under the First Amendment to the
(D) not review the state court's decision since United States Constitution.
the aims of the WPSP violate the Equal
Protection Clause of the Fourteenth
Amendment to the United States Constitu- Questions 77-79 are based on the following fact situa-
tion. tion.

Congress passes the Schools Construction Act, provid-

75. In 1980, the state of Corinth enacted the Energy ing for grants of federal funds to states to help finance
Conservation Tax Rebate Act, creating a state the construction of new school buildings. A section of
income tax credit for persons who installed solar the Act provides that states which do not alter their
and/or wind powered generators in residential building codes to prohibit the use in school construc-
realty. Homer began to install a solar generator in tion of certain substances listed as carcinogenic (can-
his home in the state of Corinth in November cer-causing) are ineligible for federal funds under the
1993, but did not complete the installation until law. The state of Forest is the home of an industry
February 1994. In December 1993, however, the which produces one of the materials listed in the fed-
Corinth legislature repealed the Energy Conser- erallaw as carcinogenic. Its legislature has refused to
vation Tax Rebate Act, effective January 1, 1994. alter the state building code to conform to the require-
ments of the Schools Construction Act.
If Homer challenged the repeal of the Act on the
ground that it was constitutionally invalid, his
most effective argument would be that repeal of 77. In a federal court, which of the following poten-
the statute violated the tial plaintiffs is most likely to be able to obtain a
judicial determination of the validity of the sec-
(A) Obligations of Contracts Clause. tion of the Schools Construction Act dealing with
state building codes?
(B) Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amend-
ment. (A) The parent of a child who currently attends a
(C) Privileges and Immunities Clause. public school in the state of Forest and
who fears that the quality of education in
(D) Just Compensation Clause. the state will decline if the state does not
receive federal funds for school construc-
76. Congress passes a law requiring all females who tion.
are eighteen years of age to register for the draft. (B) An organization dedicated to protecting the
A non-profit organization known as Females concept of "states rights" against
AgainstRegistration advertises that it will pro- encroachment by the federal government.
vide an attorney and defend without charge any
female prosecuted for failing to register. If the (C) A taxpayer of the United States and the state

of Forest who fears that if Forest does not tion.

receive federal funds for school construc-
tion, her state taxes will be increased to A law in the state of Atlantis requires any person doing
pay for school construction which would business in that state to obtain a business license from
otherwise have been federally funded. the state's Department of Commerce. A recently
enacted amendment to that statute prohibits convicted
(D) A building contractor who has been hired by
felons in the state of Atlantis from doing business in
the state of Forest to construct a school
that state, and authorizes the state 's Departrilent of
building, under a contract which is contin-
Commerce to deny a business license to any such per-
gent upon receipt by the state of federal
school- construction funds to which it
would otherwise be entitled.
Fell, a convicted felon who was released from an
Atlantis prison after completion of his sentence,
78. In defending the validity of the section, which of applied for a business license after the passage of the
the following arguments would be most effec- amendment described above. He brings an action in a
tive? federal court to enjoin the Atlantis Department of
Commerce from enforcing the amendment against him
(A) The section is a necessary and proper exten- on the ground that it is constitutionally invalid.
sion of the congressional power to regulate
80. Fell's strongest argument is that
(B) The states surrendered their authority over
school construction by accepting federal (A) states are forbidden by the Obligation of
funds for that purpose in the past. Contracts Clause from interfering with the
(C) The federal government can regulate school rights of felons to do business.
construction without limitation because the (B) the statute unreasonably interferes with the
federal government is paying for some of right of felons to travel from one state to
the construction costs. another.
(D) It was reasonable for Congress to believe (C) the statute violates the Equal Protection
that compliance with the section will Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to
assure that the federal money spent on the United States Constitution.
school construction will result in greater
(D) he has already paid his debt to society, and
benefit than harm to the general public.
should be given the opportunity to make a
fresh start in life by engaging in a lawful
79. The section is question is probably occupation.
I. constitutional on the basis of the federal
police power. 81. A federal court will probably
IT. constitutional on the basis of the spending
power. (A) dismiss the action, because no federal ques-
tion is involved.
(A) I only.
(B) dismiss the action, since Fell is a resident of
(B) II only. the state against which the action is being
(C) I andIT.
(C) hear the action, since Fell is a resident of the
(D) Neither I nor II.
state against which the action is being
Questions 80-81 are based on the following fact situa- (D) hear the action, since Fell has asserted that

the statute is constitutionally invalid. of Health, which is empowered to inspect hospi-

tal facilities prior to accreditation and as a condi-
tionof continued accreditation. All hospital
82. Congressional legislation abolishing all legal
employees are required to be licensed by the
penalties for gambling could most easily be
Department of Health. The Department is also
responsible for the distribution of funds under a
state law that provides financial aid to all accred-
(A) as a regulation of interstate and international
ited hospitals for the prirchase of equipment. The
state law makes each hospital's share propor-
(B) under the Supremacy Clause of the United tional to the number of patients which it treated
States Constitution. the previous year.
(C) if scientific studies showed gambling to be a
Minority Hospital, a privately operated hospital
harmless activity.
accredited by the state of Fargo, denies admission
(D) if it applied only to the District of Columbia. to Caucasians except under emergency circum-
stances. An organization known as Patients'
Union has brought an action against Minority in a
83. Clover, a resident of the state of South Maple,
state court for an injunction directing it to discon-
recently lost her job when her employer went out
tinue its racially exclusionary policy on the
of business. While employed, Clover worked on
ground that it violates the Equal Protection
the night shift and attended college during the
Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Which of
day. She applied for unemployment compensa-
the following is the strongest argument in support
tion benefits under South Maple's Unemploy-
of the position taken by Patients' Union?
ment Compensation Act. Although she was
otherwise entitled to benefits, she was denied
(A) Under the Fourteenth Amendment no place
them under a provision of the Act which prohibits
of public accommodation may discrimi-
the payment of benefits to any person who
nate against persons because of their race.
attends school between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6
p.m. After exhausting all administrative reme- (B) The licensing of hospital employees by the
dies, Clover appealed the denial of benefits, state requires the hospital to act as the state
asserting that the prohibition against payment of would act in complying with requirements
benefits to day students violated the Equal Pro- of the Fourteenth Amendment.
tection Clause.
(C) The Equal Protection Clause of the Four-
teenth Amendment requires the state court
Which of the following is the minimum finding
to eliminate racial discrimination in places
that would result in a ruling that the statute is
of public accommodation.
constitutionally valid?
(D) The state's involvement in hospital regula-
(A) The classification is a reasonable way of tion and support makes the Equal Protec-
protecting a compelling state interest. tion Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment
applicable to Minority Hospital.
(B) The classification has a rational basis.
(C) The receipt of unemployment benefits is a
85. In which of the following cases is defendant's
privilege rather than a right.
conviction most likely to be reversed on constitu-
(D) The payment of benefits to day students tional grounds?
would result in a clear and present danger.
(A) Defendant is convicted of operating a theater
showing pornographic films in violation of
84. The state of Fargo requires all public and private
a zoning ordinance which prohibits such
hospitals to be accredited by the state Department
activity from being conducted within 500

feet of a school. (B) The executive agreement could have been

implemented in a less burdensome manner.
(B) Defendant is convicted of giving weekly
parties at his home at which obscene films (C) The executive agreement violates the First
are shown to persons who pay an entrance Amendment to the United States Constitu-
fee in violation of a county ordinance tion.
which prohibits the display to groups of
(D) The Friendly Nations Publications Act vio-
three or more persons of materials defined
latesthe First Amendment to the United
by state law as obscene.
States Constitution.
(C) Defendant, a professional bookseller, is con-
victed of selling an obscene book to an
87. The National Forest Service, an agency of the
undercover police officer, in violation of a
federal government, leases grazing rights in the
state law which provides: "It shall be a
national forests to cattle ranchers for a fee. Stock
misdemeanor for any person to sell or to
is a cattle rancher who leases grazing rights from
possess for the purposes of sale any
the National Forest Service on 1,000 acres offed-
obscene book, magazine, or other publica-
erally owned land in the Woods National Forest.
The state of Blue, in which the Woods National
(D) Defendant, a magazine publisher, is con- Forest is located, had recently enacted a statute
victed of sending obscene materials imposing a "grazing rights lease tax" on leases of
through the mails in a trial at which the grazing rights within the state. The tax is based
court permitted the introduction of evi- on the number of acres leased by the taxpayer for
dence that the defendant advertised his grazing purposes, and approximates one dollar
magazine in a way which pandered to the per acre per year.
prurient interests of readers.
If Stock seeks an injunction to prevent the state of
Blue from collecting the tax, should the court
86. Relations between the United States of America
issue the injunction?
and the Union of Free Republics (UFR) have
been strained for the past four decades. In an
(A) Yes, since the power to tax is the power to
attempt to improve these relations, the president
of the USA and the premier of the UFR enter into
a series of executive agreements. One of these (B) Yes, ifthe effect of the "grazing rights lease
agreements requires the government of each tax" is to increase the cost of leasing graz-
country to discourage its press from making ing land from the National Forest Service.
derogatory references to the other country. At the
(C) No, unless the tax discriminates against
president's request and in support of that agree-
leases of federal land.
ment, Congress enacts the Friendly Nations Pub-
lications Act, which prohibits the publication of (D) No, because states are immune from taxa-
certain specified disparaging statements about the tion by the federal government.
UFR in any magazine or newspaper published by
the armed forces of the United States.
88. Assume that Congress passes a law which pro-
vides that whenever the President of the United
Which of the following would be the strongest
States delegates any person to travel to a foreign
argument against the constitutionality of the
nation for the purpose of negotiating an executive
Friendly Nations Publications Act?
agreement, the President must designate a mem-
ber of the United States Senate to accompany and
(A) The president lacked the power to make an
advise that person. Assume also that the President
executive agreement requiring the United
vetoes the law, but that the presidential veto is
States to discourage its press from making
overridden by a two-thirds majority of both
derogatory references to the UFR.

houses of Congress. Assume further that the Pres- from maintaining the proceeding.
ident subsequently delegates an ambassador to
(B) No substantial federal question is presented.
travel to a foreign nation for the purpose of nego-
tiating an executive agreement without appoint- (C) Candida has already had her day in court.
ing a member of the United States Senate to
(D) Candida's claim presents a non-justiciable
accompany and advise the ambassador.
political question.
Which of the following arguments would most
effectively justify that action by the president? 90. Congress passes the Federal Aid to Scholars Act,
providing for grants of federal funds to college
(A) The President has sole and exclusive power and university students who meet certain finan-
over foreign affairs. cial and scholastic standards. A provision of the
act restricts such payments, however, to citizens
(B) The law unconstitutionally discriminates
of the United States. Immerson is a foreign
against members of the House of Repre-
national studying at a university located in the
United States under an appropriate visa granted
(C) The law violates the principle of separation by the Department of State. If Immerson chal-
of powers by interfering with the Presi- lenges the constitutionality of the citizenship
dent's power to delegate authority in the requirement of the Federal Aid to Scholars Act,
field of foreign affairs. the court should rule that provision
(D) A presidential veto of a law relating to for-
(A) valid, because Congress has plenary power
eign affairs is final, and may not be over-
ridden by Congress. to regulate the rights of aliens.
(B) valid, because resident aliens are not pro-
tected by the United States Constitution.
89. When Candida declared herself to be a candidate
for election to the United States Senate from the (C) invalid, because it violates the Equal Protec-
state of Batavia, the state Commissioner of Elec- tion Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
tions refused to place her name on the ballot. The
(D) invalid, because resident aliens are entitled
commissioner said that his decision was based on
to the same constitutional protections as
the fact that state records indicated that Candida
was only twenty-seven years of age. Candida
subsequently instituted a proceeding against the
commissioner in a state court. Mter examining 91. A statute of the state of Penelope permits school
state birth records, and after taking the testimony districts to determine whether or not they will
of Candida's mother and of a physician who was provide transportation for pupils. The statute pro-
present at Candida's birth, the court found that vides that school districts electing to furnish such
Candida was thirty years of age and directed the transportation must finance half the resulting
commissioner to list her as a candidate. Candida costs by taxing the families of students who are
won the election, but after she began her term of so transported, and requires the state to provide
office, the Senate expelled her, declaring that she "matching funds" upon application by the school
did not meet the constitutional age requirement. district. The Flores School District opted to fur-
nish transportation to pupils. It was considering a
If Candida institutes a proceeding in a federal policy which would prohibit school buses from
court for an order reinstating her to her seat in the traveling on unpaved roads. Parents of school
Senate, which of the following would be the most children who reside on unpaved roads in the
effective argument in support of a motion to dis- Flores School District objected to the proposed
miss her proceeding? policy, arguing that it would violate the Equal
Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment
(A) Candida should be collaterally estopped to the United States Constitution. The school dis-

trict requested an advisory opinion from the state day, the Department of Transportation ordered
Supreme Court under the state Judicial Code. Hauler to remove all Toxinol residues from the
roads of the state of New Brittany. Hauler refused
If the state Supreme Court issues an advisory to do so, and on August 15 was convicted of vio-
opinion determining that the School District's lating the Clean Roads Act by failing to comply
policy is constitutional, and if the parents seek with the Department of Transportation order.
review by the United States Supreme Court, may
the United States Supreme Court properly review If Hauler appeals his conviction, his most effec-
the state court's decision? tive argument would be that the Clean Roads Act

(A) Yes, unless the decision rests on an adequate (A) was an ex post facto law.
state ground.
(B) was a bill of attainder.
(B) Yes, since the state court found the policy to
(C) violated the Due Process Clause of the Fifth
be valid under the United States Constitu-
Amendment to the United States Constitu-
(C) No, since a request for an advisory opinion
(D) violated the Due Process Clause of the Four-
does not satisfy the "case or controversy"
teenth Amendment to the United States
requirement of the United States Constitu-
(D) No, unless the state of Penelope receives
federal funds for the transportation of Questions 93-94 are based on the following fact situa-
pupils. tion.

A recently enacted statute of the state of Cantoria pro-

92. Hauler was in the trucking business, specializing vides that no person shall be granted a high school
in the transportation of a toxic chemical known as diploma without first passing a series of examinations
Toxinol within the state of New Brittany. In Janu- designed to test minimum competency in reading, writ-
ary 1984, Hauler's truck was involved in an acci- ing, mathematics, and American history. The statute
dent which caused a crack in its chemical holding requires that the examinations, known as the Regents'
tank. Although he knew about the crack, Hauler Examinations, are to be written by the state Board of
continued using the truck to transport Toxinol Regents and are to be administered on the same day
until January 1985, when he bought a new vehi- throughout the state. It further provides that each high
cle. In March 1985 several people who lived in school in the state may elect to have the Regents'
the state became ill. On March 28, after state Examinations administered either by its own employ-
health investigators determined that the illness ees or, without cost, by agents of the state Board of
resulted from exposure to Toxinol residues on the Regents.
roadway, the state legislature enacted the Clean
Roads Act. The Clean Roads Act authorized the
state Department of Transportation to determine 93. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
without a hearing the identity of persons spilling Tandy, a taxpayer of the state of Cantoria, has
toxic chemicals on state highways and to order sued in a federal court to enjoin the state from
the removal of such chemicals by such persons. enforcing the statute on the ground that the
The law also provided that failure to comply with administration of the Regents' Examinations in
such an order within thirty days after receiving it religious schools by agents of the state Board of
was a crime. On May 1, state investigators sub- Regents violates the Establishment Clause of the
mitted a report stating that the leak in Hauler's First Amendment to the United States Constitu-
truck had caused the deposit of Toxinol residues tion. Which of the following is the most effective
on roads within the state during the period from argument in opposition to Tandy's claim?
January 1984 through January 1985. The same (A) Tandy lacks standing to challenge the consti-

tutionality of the statute. required.

(B) The law does not discriminate between reli-
Section 3 - The provisions of this ordinance are
severable, and a judicial declaration that one sec-
(C) The law has neither the effect nor the pri- tion hereof is unconstitutional shall not affect the
mary purpose of advancing religion. validity of any other section.
(D) The state has a compelling interestin the
competency of high school graduates. Speeger desired to hold a rally in the City of Ortega.
After submitting his application for an assembly per-
mit, Speeger stated in a radio interview that he planned
94. Assume for the purpose of this question only that to lead the people at the rally to raid and bum an abor-
Holy Academy, a religious high school in the tion clinic operated by the city. Upon hearing the radio
state of Cantoria, sues in a federal court to enjoin broadcast, the mayor of the City of Ortega denied
enforcement of the statute. In support of its peti- Speeger's application.
tion, Holy Academy asserts that its students
belong to a religion which opposes all secular
education, and that the statute therefore violates 95. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
their rights and those of the school under the Free Speeger conducted the rally, calling for the
Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the immediate destruction by fire of the city abortion
United States Constitution. Which of the follow- clinic; that he passed flaming torches to people in
ing would be the most effective argument in the crowd, saying "Follow me, and we'll burn out
opposition to that claim? that nest of evil"; that he was arrested as the
crowd began to follow him towards the abortion
(A) Holy Academy lacks standing to challenge clinic, and that he was subsequently convicted of
the constitutionality of the statute. conducting a public rally without an assembly
(B) Opposition to all secular education is not a permit in violation of the above ordinance. On
reasonable religious belief. appeal, Speeger's conviction should be

(C) The law is not primarily intended to interfere (A) reversed, because prior restraint of speech or
with a religious belief. assembly is inconsistent with the First
(D) The state has a compelling interest in the Amendment to the United States Constitu-
competency of high school graduates. tion.
(B) reversed, because although punishment of
Questions 95-96 are based on the following fact situa- Speeger's conduct may be constitutionally
tion. valid, his conduct cannot be punished
under this ordinance.
An ordinance of the City of Ortega provides as follows: (C) affirmed, because as a result of Speeger's
attempt to incite unlawful action he lacks
Section I - No person shall conduct a public standing to challenge the constitutionality
speech or demonstration in the City of Ortega of the ordinance.
without first obtaining an assembly permit from
(D) affirmed, because an ordinance which
the city mayor, who shall not issue such a permit
requires a permit for the conduct of a pub-
if, in his opinion, the speech or demonstration is
lic meeting is constitutionally valid.
likely to result in a breach of the public peace.

Section 2 - A fee often dollars shall accompany 96. Which of the following is the LEAST likely rea-
every application for an assembly permit, unless son for holding that Section 2 of the ordinance is
the application is for a permit to conduct a politi- invalid?
cal campaign rally, in which case no fee shall be

(A) Section 2 violates the Necessary and Proper

Clause of the United States Constitution.
98. If Petro challenges the constitutionality of statute
(B) Section 2 discriminates against speech on 2 in an appropriate proceeding, which of the fol-
the basis of its content. lowing additional facts or inferences, if it was the
(C) Section 2 is vague and/or overbroad.
only one true, would be the most likely to result
in a finding that statute 2 is unconstitutional?
(D) Section 1 is vague and/or overbroad.
(A) More than fifty percent of the transportation
of unrefined petroleum over roads in the
Questions 97-98 are based on the following fact situa-
state of Sartoria is connected with inter-
state commerce.
Statutes in the state of Sartoria provide that: (B) There is no federal statute concerning the
right of a state to tax the transportation of
(1) No producer of unrefined petroleum within the unrefined petroleum within that state.
state may sell more than half its annual pro-
duction to buyers outside the state. (C) The state of Sartoria imposes no tax on the
(2) Every carrier transporting unrefined petroleum transportation of any other product within
over roads within the state is required to pay a the state.
state highway use tax based upon a formula (D) The states bordering on Sartoria have indi-
which combines the quantity transported and cated an intention to impose similar taxes
the distance over which it is moved within the
state. on transportation over their highways.

Petro is a producer of unrefined petroleum within the

Questions 99-100 are based on the following fact situa-
state of Sartoria and operates a trucking company for
the transportation of his product.
Congress passes the State Highway Subsidy Act which
97. Assume for the purpose of this question only that makes matching federal funds available to states for the
there is no federal statute concerning the right of construction of state highways on condition that states
a state to regulate the sale of unrefined petroleum receiving such funds prohibit trucks longer than a spec-
produced within that state. If Petro challenges the ified size from operating on state highways. The state
constitutionality of statute 1 in an appropriate of Carmody has refused to amend its statutes to comply
proceeding, which of the following would be with the Act.
Petro's most effective argument?
99. Which of the following persons is most likely to
(A) The production and sale of unrefined petro-
have standing to challenge the constitutionality of
leum is a matter of national concern,
the State Highway Subsidy Act?
requiring uniform federal regulation.
(B) The unrefined petroleum sold by Petro (A) A taxpayer of the state of Carmody who
remains in its original package until it believes that if the state does not receive
reaches the ultimate consumer. matching federal funds for the construction
of new highways, the state's roads will
(C) The state's attempt to regulate the sale of
soon become inadequate for use by its resi-
unrefined petroleum in interstate com-
merce violates the Full Faith and Credit
Clause of the United States Constitution. (B) A federal taxpayer who believes that if the
state of Carmody does not receive match-
(D) Regulation of the sale of unrefined petro-
ing federal funds for the construction of
leum is preempted by Congressional
new highways, its roads will soon become

inadequate for use in interstate commerce. (C) denied, because the United States Supreme
Court did not grant certiorari.
(C) A non-partisan political-action membership
organization dedicated to the preservation (D) denied, because the state court has already
of "states' rights" which believes that the determined that Dillon's Fourth Amend-
State Highway Subsidy Act interferes with ment rights were not violated by admission
the state's right to regulate the size of of the evidence.
trucks using its highways.
(D) Aroad construction company which has a Questions 102-04 are based on the following fact situa-
contract to build a road for the state of Car- tion.
mody and which believes that without
matching federal funds the state will be Appleton's application for employment as a state of
unable to honor its contract. Moravia police officer was rejected pursuant to a state
law which prohibited state employment of "sexual
100. The State Highway Subsidy Act is most likely to deviates," on the ground that he was a homosexual.
be held constitutional Appleton subsequently challenged the validity of the
state law in a Moravia state court, asserting that it vio-
(A) as an exercise of the general police power of lated the Equal Protection Clauses of the constitutions
the federal government. of the United States and of the state of Moravia, the
language of which is substantially the same. No Mora-
(B) as an exercise of the spending power of Con- via court has ever interpreted the phrase "sexual devi-
gress. ates" as used in the state law.
(C) under the Property Clause of Article IV of
the United States Constitution. 102. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
(D) under the Eleventh Amendment to the while his state court action was pending, Apple-
United States Constitution. ton instituted a proceeding in a United States Dis-
trict Court seeking an order enjoining the
Moravia police commissioner from enforcing the
101. Dillon was convicted of murder in a state court law described above on the grounds that it vio-
after a trial in which evidence was admitted over lates the federal constitution's Equal Protection
Dillon's objection that it was obtained in viola- Clause. If the court declines to grant Appleton
tion of his Fourth Amendment rights. On appeal relief, it will most likely be
to the highest court in the state, Dillon's convic-
tion was affirmed. After Dillon's petition for cer- (A) based on the abstention doctrine.
tiorari was denied by the United States Supreme
Court, he filed a petition for habeas corpus in the (B) based on the Eleventh Amendment to the
appropriate United States district court on the United States Constitution.
ground that the evidence used to convict him was (C) on the ground that the question is moot.
obtained in violation of his Fourth Amendment
rights. Dillon's petition for habeas corpus should (D) on the ground that Appleton lacks standing.
103. Assume for the purpose of this question that the
(A) granted, because the United States district Moravia court found the law to be valid under the
court may consider de novo a constitu- Equal Protection Clause of the United States
tional challenge to the admissibility of evi- Constitution but invalid under the Equal Protec-
dence in a state court. tion Clause of the constitution of the state of
(B) granted, because Dillon has exhausted all Moravia. Assume also that the highest court of
available state remedies. the state of Moravia affirmed the judgment. If the
commissioner of police of Moravia seeks review

by the United States Supreme Court, such review be that the law
(A) has no rational basis.
(A) available by certiorari only.
(B) violates the Full Faith and Credit Clause of
(B) available by appeal only. the United States Constitution.
(C) available by either certiorari or appeal. (C) discriminates against out-of-staters.
(D) not available because no substantial federal (D) violates the Privileges and Immunities
question is presented. Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to
the United States Constitution.
104. Assume for the purpose of this question that the
state of Moravia court found the law to be valid Questions 106-08 are based on the following fact situa-
under the Equal Protection Clauses of both the tion.
federal and state constitutions. Assume further
that an intermediate appellate court of Moravia Pomco placed the following advertisement in a maga-
affirmed the ruling, and that Appleton's subse- zine:
quent petition for certiorari was denied by the
highest court in the state. If Appleton seeks judi- STEAMY FORBIDDEN SEX! The United
cial review by the United States Supreme Court, States Supreme Court has said that nobody
can the United States Supreme Court grant such can interfere with the private possession of
review? pornography for private viewing in the pri-
vacy of your own home. SO, NOW, FOR THE
(A) No, because the decision of the Moravia FIRST TIME EVER, we are offering films
court is based on an adequate state ground. TOO HOT for commercial showing. Fill out
this coupon and SEND NOW for porno too
(B) No, because there has been no determination sizzling to be legal in theaters or clubs. THIS
on the merits by the highest court of the OFFER AVAILABLE ONLY FOR PRIVATE
(C) No, because sexual preference is not a sus- THE PRIVACY OF YOUR OWN HOME.
pect classification.
Fenton, a federal police officer, ordered films from
(D) Yes. Pomeo by sending a check to the address given in the
advertisement. Fenton signed and enclosed the adver-
105. A statute of the state of Lincoln requires hair- tising coupon which stated:
dressers to be licensed by the State Department of Rush me the films described in this ad. I
Education. The statute further provides that no HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I INTEND TO
person shall qualify for a hairdresser's license POSSESS THEM PRIVATELY FOR PRI-
who has not completed a prescribed program of VATE VIEWING IN THE PRIVACY OF MY
study including a two semester-unit course in OWN HOME.
biology. Benson, who held a valid hairdresser's
license from another state, moved to the state of After Fenton received the films, Pomco was charged in
Lincoln and applied to the Lincoln Department of a federal court with violating a federal statute which
Education for a hairdresser's license. Benson's prohibits sending obscene films through the mail.
application was rejected on the ground that,
although he had completed all other requirements
for a state hairdresser's license, he had never 106. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
studied biology as required by the state law. If at Pomco's trial, an attempt is made by the prose-
Benson seeks judicial review of the denial of his cution to offer into evidence a copy of the adver-
application, his most effective argument would tisement to which Fenton had responded. Upon

timely objection by Pornco, the court should rule (D) Yes, because Pornco sold the films through
the advertisement the mail.

(A) admissible because pandering is not pro-

109. Basset was appointed U.S. ambassador to Fre-
tected by the First Amendment.
donia by a former President with the advice and
(B) admissible as evidence that the films sold by consent of the Senate. Three days after taking
Pornco appeal primarily to prurient inter- office, a new President requests Basset's resigna-
est. tion. Upon Basset's refusal to resign, the Presi-
dent issues an order purporting to remove Basset
(C) inadmissible as constitutionally protected
from office as ambassador. Is the presidential
commercial speech.
order valid?
(D) inadmissible because the advertisement is
not, itself, obscene. (A) Yes, but only if there was cause for Basset's
removal from office.
107. Which of the following may the court properly (B) Yes, because the President has the power to
consider in determining whether the films sold by remove ambassadors without cause.
Pornco are obscene?
(C) No, because the President may not remove
I. Expert testimony that the films have seri- an ambassador without the advice and con-
ous value as works of erotic art. sent of the Senate.
II. Expert testimony that activities depicted in (D) No, unless the Senate subsequently ratifies
the films are likely to appeal to the prurient the order by consenting to the appointment
interest of persons under the age of eigh- of a new ambassador to Fredonia.
teen years.

(A) I only. Questions 110-111 are based on the following fact situ-
(B) II only. ation.

(C) I and II. A state law sets the mandatory retirement age for pub-
(D) Neither I nor II. lic high school teachers at 65 years for males, 62 years
for females, and 60 years for physical education teach-
ers of either gender.
108. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
the films are found to be obscene under a consti- 110. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
tutionally acceptable definition of obscenity. Can Anderson, a sixty-two-year-old female public
Pornco be properly convicted of sending obscene high school science teacher, challenges the law,
films through the mail? asserting that it violates the Equal Protection
Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the
(A) No, because the advertisement indicated that United States Constitution. Anderson's claim will
the films were being sold only for private most likely
possession and use.
(A) succeed, because the classification estab-
(B) No, because Fenton certified that the films lished by the state law is based on gender.
were being ordered for private possession
and use. (B) succeed, unless the state law is substantially
related to the achievement of important
(C) Yes, because although the Constitution per- governmental interests.
mits the private possession of pornogra-
phy, it does not protect the private (C) not succeed, unless the classification is
possession of obscene films. found to be based on benign sex discrimi-

(D) not succeed, because gender discrimination (D) The right to regulate marriage is reserved to
is not based on a suspect classification. the states by the Tenth Amendment.

111. Assume for the purpose of this question only that 113. A policy of the State University of the state of
Bobbins, a sixty-year-old public high school Magnolia prohibits use of campus facilities by
physical education teacher, challenges the law, persons or organizations without a permit from
asserting that it violates the Equal Protection the University Chancellor. Stuard, a student at
Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Which of Magnolia State University, is president of a stu-
the following additional facts or inferences, if it dent organization known as the Freedom With
were the only one true, would be most likely to Responsibility League. On three occasions, Stu-
result in a finding that the statute is constitu- ard's applications for permits to use a classroom
tional? for meetings of the organization were denied by
the University Chancellor. The reason given by
(A) Bobbins is not as vigorous and healthy as he the Chancellor was that the Freedom With
was at the age of fifty years. Responsibility League advocates interference
with freedom of speech as protected by Magno-
(B) Physical education teachers must engage in
lia's constitution.
strenuous physical activities likely to be
hazardous to the health of a person over
Following the most recent denial of her applica-
the age of sixty years.
tion, Stuard commenced a proceeding in a U.S.
(C) The state has the right to set the retirement district court seeking an injunction prohibiting
age for teachers and other state employees. denial of permits to the Freedom With Responsi-
(D) State law provides that physical education bility League on the ground that it violates the
organization's constitutional right to freedom of
teachers who reach the age of sixty years
must be given first preference in being assembly. Before a hearing could be held on Stu-
ard's claim, the University Chancellor reversed
hired for other teaching positions for
which they qualify. his prior decision and granted the Freedom With
Responsibility League a permit for the use of
campus facilities, declaring that the philosophy
112. A statute of the state of Orlandia provides that no embraced by a student organization would no
marriage shall be performed without a license, longer be considered in deciding whether that
and that no license shall be issued for the mar- organization would receive a permit for use of
riage of any male person below the age of 19 campus facilities. If the University attorney
years or any female person below the age of 17 moves to dismiss Stuard's claim, the motion
years. Malcomb, an 18-year-old male, desires to should be
marry Willa, an 18-year-old female. Because of
the provisions of the statute, however, Malcomb (A) denied, if none of the University Chancel-
has not yet asked Willa to marry him. If Malcomb lor's decisions was based on an adequate
challenges the statute in a state court, asserting state ground.
that it violates his rights under the U.S. Constitu-
(B) denied, because Stuard's claim is one which
tion, which of the following would be the most
is capable of repetition and likely to evade
effective argument in opposition to Malcomb's
judicial review.
(C) granted, because the claim is moot.
(A) Malcomb lacks standing to challenge the
(D) granted, unless Stuard was damaged by past
denials of her application.
(B) The statute has a rational basis.
(C) Females mature earlier than males. 114. After archaeologists discovered the fossil

remains of a stone-age society in the state of institutes a proceeding in a federal court, chal-
Caledonia, Congress passed a law establishing lenging the constitutionality of the regulation.
"the National Museum of Prehistoric Artifacts for
the enjoyment and education of all residents of Which of the following would provide the
the United States." Under the statute, the museum National Preserve Service with its strongest argu-
was to be built in the state of Caledonia, near the ment in support of the constitutionality of its reg-
site of the archeological find. It was to be funded ulation?
entirely by the federal government;usingreve-
nues derived from the national income tax. The (A) The Commerce Clause of Article I of the
federal law provided that the museum was to dis- United States Constitution.
play prehistoric artifacts and fossils gathered
(B) The Property Clause of Article IV of the
from all parts of the United States, in addition to
United States Constitution.
those artifacts which had been discovered in the
state of Caledonia. The attorney general of (C) The federal police power.
another state instituted a proceeding in a federal (D) The federal government's right of eminent
district court for an injunction against the use of domain.
federal funds to establish the National Museum
of Prehistoric Artifacts in the state of Caledonia,
asserting that such expenditure would be an 116. After three children residing in the City of
unconstitutional disbursal of federal funds. Corinth were bitten by poisonous snakes, the City
Which of the following is most likely to support a Council passed an ordinance which prohibited
finding in favor of the constitutionality of the fed- keeping poisonous snakes within city limits.
eral statute? Snake Haven, a reptile preserve, was located in
the city of Corinth. Prior to passage of the ordi-
(A) The congressional spending power. nance, Snake Haven engaged in the business of
breeding poisonous snakes which it sold to zoos
(B) The Commerce Clause.
throughout the world. In addition, Snake Haven
(C) The Eleventh Amendment to the United conducted tours of its facility, charging an admis-
States Constitution. sion fee to persons who entered for that purpose.
Following passage of the ordinance, Snake
(D) The doctrine of state sovereign immunity.
Haven instituted a claim against the City of
Corinth in a state court, asserting that it was enti-
115. The National Preserve Service is a federal agency tled to just compensation under the Fifth Amend-
authorized by Congress to regulate the use of ment to the United States Constitution.
national preserves. The Gatos National Preserve
is a tract ofland owned by the federal govern- Will Snake Haven win?
ment and located entirely within the state of Los
Gatos. Under state and federal law, persons who (A) Yes, if the ordinance resulted in a taking of
have obtained fishing licenses from the state of private property for public use.
Los Gatos are permitted to fish within the Gatos
(B) Yes, unless the City of Corinth can establish
National Preserve.
that the ordinance serves a compelling
Because of a series of destructive forest fires in
the state of Los Gatos, the National Preserve Ser- (C) No, because the Just Compensation Clause
vice issues a regulation closing the Gatos of the Fifth Amendment is not applicable
National Preserve to public use from dusk to to takings by a state or municipality.
dawn. As a result, there is a reduction in the num- (D) No, if any person had been bitten by a snake
ber of persons applying for fishing licenses and kept by Snake Haven.
this causes a decline in state revenues. For this
reason, the state Department of Fish and Game

117. Because a revolution in the Central American (B) substantive due process requirements.
republic of Libertad threatens to topple its gov-
(C) the Equal Protection Clause of the Four-
ernment, the President of the United States orders
teenth Amendment.
federal troops to invade Libertad. Congress sub-
sequently passes a resolution directing the Presi- (D) the prohibition against bills of attainder.
dent to recall the troops. When the President
refuses to do so, a proceeding is instituted in a
Questions 119-120 are based on the following fact situ-
United States District Court seeking an order
compelling the President to comply with the con-
gressional directive. Which of the following
Adamson, an alien convicted of murder in a state court,
would be the President's most effective argument
appeals on the ground that aliens were systematically
in opposition to that proceeding?
excluded from serving on the jury.
(A) United States District Courts lack power
over the President. 119. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
(B) The President is commander-in-chief of the a federal law prohibits aliens from serving on
armed forces. juries in state court proceedings, but that there is
no state law creating such a prohibition. If Adam-
(C) The matter is a non-justiciable political son's appeal results in a reversal of his convic-
question. tion, it will probably be because the federal law
(D) The presidential order sending troops to Lib- (A) violates the Equal Protection Clause of the
ertad amounted to a declaration of war. Fourteenth Amendment.
(B) violates the Due Process Clause of the Fifth
118. A statute of the State of Ono makes it a felony for Amendment.
a person over the age of 21 years to engage in
(C) is invalid under the doctrine of separation of
sexual intercourse with a person under the age of
16 years. The statute further provides that if per-
sons who are unrelated to each other by blood or (D) is invalid under the Supremacy Clause of
marriage spend more than three hours in the same Article VI.
hotel room together, they are conclusively pre-
sumed to have engaged in sexual intercourse.
120. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
a state law prohibits aliens from serving on juries
Dow was charged with violating the statute by
in state court proceedings, but that there is no
engaging in sexual intercourse with Young, a per-
federal law creating such a prohibition. If Adam-
son under the age of 16 years. Dow and Young
son's appeal results in a reversal of his convic-
were not related to each other by blood or mar-
tion, it will probably be because
riage. In its instructions to the jury, the court said,
"If you find that Dow and Young spent more than (A) a state law may not discriminate on the basis
three hours in the same hotel room, you must find of alienage.
that they engaged in sexual intercourse." The jury
(B) the state law violates the Privileges and
found Dow guilty.
Immunities Clause of the Fourteenth
If Dow subsequently challenged the constitution-
ality of the statute in an appropriate proceeding, (C) the state law violates the prohibition against
Dow's most effective argument would be that the discrimination on the basis of race, color,
statute violated or previous condition of servitude con-
tained in the Fifteenth Amendment.
(A) procedural due process requirements. (D) the state law is invalid under the Supremacy

Clause of Article VI. II. Chandler's claim of sex discrimination

should fail if the law is largely related to an
important government interest.
Questions 121-123 are based on the following fact sit-
uation. (A) I only.
(B) II only.
A state law provides that the names of prospective
(C) Neither I nor II.
jurors in County Courts shall be drawn from the list of
county residents holding state driving licenses. Chan- (D) I and II.
dler, a resident of Durban County, is a 22-year old
black woman who does nothold a driving license. She
123. If a motion is made to dismiss Chandler's claim
has never been called as a prospective juror in the Dur-
on the ground that she lacks standing, the motion
ban County Court. In a federal court, Chandler chal-
should be
lenges the constitutional validity of the state law,
claiming that it violates the Equal Protection Clause of (A) granted, because Chandler does not hold a
the Fourteenth Amendment. In support of her chal- state driving license.
lenge, Chandler offers proof that black women between
(B) granted, if Chandler has never been called as
the ages of 18 and 23 make up a large portion of the
a prospective juror.
population of Durban County, but that no member of
this group holds a state driving license or has ever been (C) denied, if being deprived of the opportunity
called as a prospective juror in the Durban County to serve on a jury is found to be concrete
Court. harm.
(D) denied, because the exclusion of black
121. Evidence that no black women between the ages women between the ages of 18 and 23
of 18 and 23 who reside in Durban County hold could deprive Chandler of due process if
state driving licenses should be she is ever a litigant in the Durban County
(A) excluded, because a state law does not vio-
late the Equal Protection Clause on its face
unless its purpose is to discriminate. 124. In an attempt to improve the position of United
States companies in the world pleasure-cruise
(B) excluded, because a state law does not vio-
market, Congress voted to sell five former battle-
late the Equal Protection Clause as applied
ships to the Red, White, and Blue Cruise Line for
unless it is applied with a discriminatory
$1 each. If a competitor of the Red, White, and
Blue Cruise Line challenges the constitutionality
(C) admitted, because a law which has a dis- of the congressional action in an appropriate pro-
criminatory effect may violate the Equal ceeding, the sale will probably be found
Protection Clause even if its purpose is not
(A) invalid as a denial of equal protection under
to discriminate and it is not applied with a
the Fourteenth Amendment.
discriminatory purpose.
(B) invalid as a bill of attainder.
(D) admitted, because the exclusion of black
women between the ages of 18 and 23 (C) valid under the property clause of Article IV.
years may be evidence that the law had a (D) valid under the general police powers of
discriminatory purpose or was applied Congress.
with a discriminatory purpose.

125. Under authority granted by Congress, the United

122. Which of the following statements is/are correct? States Department of Defense awarded a contract
I. Chandler's claim of age discrimination to National Munitions Corporation for the pro-
should fail if the law has a rational basis. duction of airborne bomb sights. The contract

called for all work to be performed at a National of your motel room at the Blue Motel. Ask for
Munitions Corporation factory located on the BARNYARD, THE MOVIE."
banks of Winding River in the State of Tyrol. A
clause of the contract prohibited National Muni- Later, an undercover police officer registered at
tions Corporation from discharging more than 3 the Blue Motel and rented from Blue a copy of
units per day of a pollutant known as Frammisate "Barnyard, The Movie." After viewing a portion
into Winding River as a result of bomb sight pro- of the film in his room, the officer arrested Blue
duction. for violation of the state's obscenity statute. At
Blue's trial, the prosecution attempted to offer
While producing bomb sights pursuant to its con- Blue's advertisement in evidence. If Blue's attor-
tract with the Department of Defense, National ney objects to the admission of the ad, the objec-
Munitions routinely discharged between 2 and 3 tion should be
units of Frammisate per day into Winding River.
Subsequently, the State of Tyrol prosecuted (A) sustained, because Blue rented the film for
National Munitions Corp. for violating a state private viewing.
statute which prohibits any person or business
(B) sustained, because the film speaks for itself.
entity from discharging more than 2 units of
Frammisate per day into any river or stream (C) overruled, because Blue made the state-
located in the State of Tyrol. In defense, National ments contained in the advertisement and
Munitions Corp. asserted that as a federal con- should be required to explain them.
tractor it was immune to regulation by the state. (D) overruled, because the language of the
advertisement may help establish that the
Which one of the following additional facts or film lacked serious value.
inferences, if it were the only one true, would
most effectively support the State of Tyrol's argu-
ment? 127. Congress passes the Securities and Exchange
Court Act establishing the federal Securities and
(A) Winding River is located entirely within the Exchange Court. Under the Act, the new court is
State of Tyrol. to hear civil actions for damages resulting from
federal securities and exchange law violations.
(B) Prohibiting the discharge of more than 2
The Act also provides that there is no right of
units of Frammisate per day into Winding
appeal from decisions of the Securities and
River would not increase the cost of pro-
Exchange Court, and that the Court's will cease
ducing the bomb sights called for by the
to exist at the end of six years unless Congress
specifically authorizes it to continue for an addi-
(C) Congress has not expressly exempted tional period. If a defendant against whom a judg-
National Munitions Corporation from ment is rendered by the new court challenges the
compliance with state water pollution stat- constitutionality of the Securities and Exchange
utes. Court Act, which of the following arguments
would be most likely to result in a finding that the
(D) Winding River is not a navigable river.
Act is unconstitutional?
(A) The Securities and Exchange Court Act does
126. At the Blue Motel which he operated, Blue
not require that judges be appointed to
equipped all.rooms with VCRs and television
serve for life.
sets, and rented video-taped movies to guests for
viewing in their rooms. After obtaining a video- (B) The provision that there is no right of appeal
tape of a film called "Barnyard, The Movie," violates the due process clause of the Fifth
Blue caused an advertisement to be published Amendment.
which contained the following language: "View
(C) The U.S. Constitution does not provide for
outrageous kinky sex with animals in the privacy

the establishment of a federal court to hear ing.

prosecutions for federal securities and
(B) If the state of Athabaska does not collect
exchange violations.
taxes from Ruritanian corporations doing
(D) The United States Constitution gives the business in the state, the tax burden
Supreme Court the power of judicial imposed on other state residents will be
review over all inferior federal courts. increased.
(C) No federal statute authorizes the president to
Questions 128-129 are based on the following fact sit- make executive agreements with Ruritania.
uation. (D) Prior to the agreement, Congress enacted a
statute prohibiting the president from
Mter negotiation, the president of the United States agreeing not to tax foreign corporations
and that of the Republic of Ruritania reached an execu- without the advice and consent of the sen-
tive agreement. Under the terms of the agreement, ate.
profits earned by Ruritanian corporations in the United
States would not be subject to taxation in the United
States, and profits earned by American corporations in 130. Following an investigation by a congressional
Ruritania would not be subject to taxation in Ruritania. committee, an impeachment proceeding was
Ruricorp is a Ruritanian corporations operating in the brought against federal judge Jackson before the
state of Athabaska. An Athabaska statute imposes a tax United States Senate. Jackson was not permitted
on all income earned within the state and designates the to be represented by counsel at the proceeding,
State Revenue Service as the agency which collects it. although she asked for representation and offered
to pay for the services of her own attorney. The
Senate found that Jackson engaged in improper
128. Assume for the purpose of this question only that acts and entered a judgment of impeachment,
the Athabaska State Revenue Service demands removing Jackson from judicial office. Jackson
that Ruricorp pay income tax as required by state subsequently asked a federal court to set aside the
law. If Ruricorp challenges the state law, Ruri- judgment on the grounds that the denial of her
corp's most effective argument would be that, as request for representation by counsel at the
applied to Ruricorp, the law is unconstitutional impeachment proceeding was a violation of her
(A) because no state may tax imports or exports constitutional rights. If the federal court refuses
without the consent of Congress. to grant the relief requested by Jackson it will
probably be
(B) under the supremacy clause.
(A) because the Right to Counsel applies only to
(C) under the necessary and proper clause. criminal prosecutions.
(D) because the power to tax is the power to (B) under the doctrine of separation of powers.
(C) under the abstention doctrine.

129. Assume for the purpose of this question only that (D) because a judgment of impeachment cannot
the state of Athabaska commences an appropriate extend further than to removal and disqual-
proceeding to challenge the constitutionality of ification from office.
the executive agreement between the United
States and Ruritania. Which of the following 131. An ordinance ofthe City of Elwood requires any
additional facts or inferences if it was the only person desiring to use public streets for a parade
one true would be most likely to result in a find- to first obtain a parade permit from the Police
ing that the executive agreement was unconstitu- Commissioner. The ordinance sets forth proce-
tional? dures and requirements for obtaining such a per-
(A) The executive agreement was self-execut- mit. March challenged these procedures and

requirements in a federal court, and they were 133. The state of New Bedford enacts a law imposing
found to be constitutional on their face. March a one cent tax on each use of any video arcade
subsequently applied to the Police Commissioner machine located within the state. All such exist-
for a permit to conduct a street parade. Although ing machines are equipped with coin slots which
March complied with all the requirements con- accept only quarters. Since it would be too expen-
tained in the ordinance, the Police Commissioner sive to convert the coin slots to accept additional
denied the application, saying "You look like a one cent coins, the practical effect of the new law
rebel to me." Two months later, March conducted will be to require the tax to be paid by video
the parade and was arrested for parading without arcade operators. All such machines are manufac-
a permit in violation of the ordinance described tured outside the state of New Bedford. Which of
above. In defense, March asserted that the ordi- the following would be most likely to have stand-
nance was unconstitutional as applied to him ing to challenge the constitutionality of the stat-
because the Police Commissioner had arbitrarily ute?
and capriciously denied his application for a
parade permit. Which of the following would be (A) A child who regularly plays video arcade
the most effective argument in response to amusement machines.
March's assertion?
(B) An association of video arcade operators.
(A) There was sufficient time for March to seek
(C) An out of state manufacturer of video arcade
judicial review of the Police Commis-
amusement machines.
sioner's denial of his application.
(D) A corporation located within the state which
(B) The constitutionality of the statute is res
is in the business of converting the coin
slots on video arcade amusement
(C) The statute imposes a time, place, and man- machines.
ner regulation which is not based on mes-
sage content.
134. Congress passes a law imposing a tax on the
(D) The street is a traditional public forum. owners of buildings containing insulating materi-
als made of asbestos. The law provides that funds
derived from the tax shall be used to help finance
132. Congress passes a law making it a crime in the
research into the treatment of diseases caused by
District of Columbia to operate any commercial
exposure to asbestos. The constitutional validity
motor vehicle which is not equipped with a speci-
of the statute is challenged in an appropriate pro-
fied noise suppression device. If the constitution-
ceeding on the ground that one of the purposes of
ality of the law is challenged in an appropriate
the tax is to discourage the use of asbestos insula-
proceeding, the law should be declared
tion in buildings. The statute should be declared
(A) valid as an exercise of the congressional
(A) constitutional as a valid exercise of the con-
police power over the District of Colum-
gressional taxing power.
(B) constitutional under the general federal
(B) valid as a reasonable exercise of the Con-
police power.
gressional power to protect the environ-
ment. (C) unconstitutional because Congress does not
have the power to regulate the use of build-
(C) invalid under the Equal Protection Clause of
ing materials.
the Fourteenth Amendment.
(D) unconstitutional if the law was passed for
(D) invalid under the necessary and proper
any purpose other than to raise revenue.

Questions 135-136 are based on the following fact sit-


uation. ute which made it a crime to publish any obscene

work. Prior to trial, the publisher conceded that it
A state law prohibits the ownership of land within three published the book and that the book depicted
miles of the coast by any person who is not a citizen of sexual conduct in a way that was patently offen-
the United States. sive to contemporary community standards. The
prosecution conceded that on the whole the book
had serious literary value. The publisher should
135. Which of the following is most likely to have
be found
standing to challenge the constitutional validity
of the state law?
(A) guilty, because the book depicted sexual
conduct in a way which offended contem-
(A) An association of persons owning land in a
porary community standards.
community located within three miles of
the coast which asserts that the statute will (B) guilty, if the average person applying con-
prevent the cultural growth of the commu- temporary community standards would
nity. find that the book taken as a whole
appealed to a prurient interest in sex.
(B) A citizen who seeks to sell his property to a
non-citizen and asserts that the statute will (C) not guilty, but only if the average person
prevent the sale. applying contemporary standards would
not find that the book taken as a whole
(C) A state taxpayer who asserts that the statute
appealed to a prurient interest in sex.
will affect the price of real estate, thereby
reducing tax revenue. (D) not guilty, because on the whole the book
had serious literary value.
(D) A real estate broker who asserts that the stat-
ute will reduce the number of prospective
purchasers of realty. 138. Which of the following state laws is LEAST
likely to be declared unconstitutional?
136. If the constitutionality of the statute is challenged
(A) A law which imposes a tax on all owners of
in an appropriate proceeding on the ground that it
real property within the state including the
violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Four-
federal government.
teenth Amendment, a court is most likely to hold
that the statute is (B) A law which imposes a registration tax on
all vehicles garaged within the state
(A) constitutional, if the state establishes that the including those owned by the federal gov-
statute has a rational basis. ernment.
(B) constitutional, unless the challenger estab- (C) A law which imposes a tax on all building
lishes that the statute lacks a rational basis. contractors operating within the state
including those who work exclusively for
(C) unconstitutional, unless the state establishes
the federal government.
that the statute is necessary to achieve a
compelling state interest. (D) A law which imposes a tax only on persons
who lease grazing land from the federal
(D) unconstitutional, only if the challenger
establishes that the statute is not substan-
tially related to an important government 139. Forty years ago, Congress enacted the Pure
interest. Drinking Water Administration Act. By its terms,
the Act created an executive agency to be called
the Pure Drinking Water Administration
137. The publisher of a novel entitled "Devilish
(PDWA). The PDWA was empowered to autho-
Rhymes" was charged with violating a state stat-
rize research into the purity of drinking water

throughout the United States and to make its find- millions of dollars worth of property. Following
ings known to the states. The act provided that the disaster, the president of the United States
the PDWA was to be headed by a director to be issued an executive order sending U.S. military
appointed by the president of the United States troops into Mexico to assist in the evacuation of
with the advice and consent of the Senate. Subse- earthquake victims and in general recovery
quently, with senatorial approval, the president efforts. Congress was not in session at the time. If
appointed a director. Since that time there have the constitutionality of the presidential order is
been several PDWA directors, each appointed by challenged, which of the following arguments is
the president with senatorial approval to replace a most likely to result in a finding that the presi-
predecessor who had resigned. This year, by pres- dent's action was constitutional?
idential order, the president purported to dismiss
the present PDWA director. (A) The order was a valid exercise of the presi-
dent's emergency powers.
Is the presidential order constitutional?
(B) The order was required by the humanitarian
obligations of the president.
(A) Yes.
(C) The president is commander-in-chief of the
(B) Yes, but only if the Senate ratifies the
armed forces.
removal of the director by the vote of a
majority. (D) The president has power over foreign affairs.
(C) No, unless the Senate ratifies the removal of
the director by the vote of a two-thirds 142. Congress passes a law which grants federal funds
majority. to states for the purchase of equipment to be used
in public hospitals for the treatment of diseases
(D) No.
caused by cigarette smoking. Paragraph 7 of the
law provides that "no state shall be eligible to
140. Because there were limited facilities in the state receive such funds unless said state shall have
for disposing of toxic wastes, the state of New imposed a tax of seven cents on every package of
Brittany enacted a law prohibiting the disposal cigarettes sold in such state in addition to what-
within the state of toxic wastes generated outside ever cigarette tax is already in existence at the
the state. A manufacturing company located out- time that this act takes effect." From which of the
side the state had previously contracted for the following does Congress derive the power to
disposal of toxic wastes at a disposal center enact paragraph 7 of the law?
located inside the state. If the manufacturing
company brings an appropriate proceeding chal- (A) The congressional taxing power.
lenging the constitutionality of the state law, the
(B) The congressional spending power.
argument LEAST likely to result in a finding that
the law is invalid is that it violates the (C) The general federal police power.
(D) The congressional power to regulate inter-
(A) obligations of Contracts Clause. state commerce.
(B) Commerce Clause.
(C) Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth 143. Although voters in the state of Metrizona ordi-
Amendment. narily cast their votes by going to a specified
polling place, a recently enacted state statute
(D) Privileges and Immunities Clause of Article
makes provision for voting by mail in certain cir-
cumstances. The statute provides that in order to
vote by mail, a voter must request an absentee
141. A disastrous earthquake in Mexico resulted in the ballot from the state's Commissioner of Elec-
loss of thousands of lives and the destruction of tions. It further provides that if the applicant for

an absentee ballot is male, his request must be tion by interfering with the free exercise of reli-
accompanied by satisfactory proof of physical gion.
inability to travel to the polling place, but if the
applicant is female, no such proof is required. Which of the following would be the most effec-
The statute's legislative history indicates that the tive argument in support of the constitutionality
reason for the differing requirements is that many of the law?
female voters must care for children, and that this
usually makes it more difficult for them to attend (A) The use of fire is not a traditional religious
the polling place in person. A male voter has practice.
challenged the constitutionality of the statute on
(B) In view of the danger of wildfire, the use of
the ground that it discriminates against males in
fire is not a reasonable religious practice.
violation of the equal protection clause of the
Fourteenth Amendment. (C) The prohibition of fires within Mountain
Range National Park does not discriminate
The court should find that the statute is between religions and has a primarily sec-
ular effect.
(A) constitutional, if it has a rational basis. (D) The law is a valid exercise of the power
(B) constitutional, only if it is substantially granted to Congress under the property
related to an important government inter- clause of the Constitution.
(C) constitutional, only if it is necessary to Questions 145-146 are based on the following fact sit-
achieve a compelling state interest. uation.
(D) unconstitutional, under the "one person one
vote" principal. Cheff, who was employed as fire chief by a municipal-
ity of the state of Columbia was required to retire under
a state of Columbia statute which mandated the retire-
144. The Followers of the Holy Flame is a religious ment of all fire department personnel at the age of 55
organization. According to its religious philoso- years. Two months after his retirement, Cheff obtained
phy, fire is symbolic of the presence of the Cre- employment as director of fire safety with a private
ator in all living things. As part of their system of corporation at a salary higher than that which he had
worship, members of the Followers of the Holy earned as fire chief.
Flame attend meetings once per month at which
all sit in a circle around a blazing campfire to sing
hymns and recite prayers. Usually, they attempt 145. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
to conduct their meetings on top of the highest Cheff institutes a proceeding against the state of
mountain in the region, in the belief that such a Columbia in a federal district court seeking dam-
location is closest to heaven. For the past several ages resulting from his mandatory retirement.
years, they have conducted their monthly meet- Which of the following would be the most effec-
ings on a mountain located in Mountain Range tive argument in opposition to Cheff's claim?
National Park, a preserve owned and maintained
entirely by the federal government. This year, (A) The issues are moot.
because of the danger of wildfire, Congress (B) Cheff lacks standing to assert the challenge.
passed a law prohibiting campfires anywhere
(C) The issues are not ripe for determination.
within Mountain Range National Park. An attor-
ney representing the Followers of the Holy Flame (D) The proceeding is barred by the Eleventh
has commenced an appropriate proceeding on Amendment.
behalf of that organization challenging the valid-
ity of the law on the ground that it violates the
146. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
First Amendment to the United States Constitu-

Cheff institutes a proceeding against the state of

Columbia in a federal district court seeking an
order enjoining the enforcement of the state's
mandatory retirement law on the ground that it
violates the equal protection clause of the Four-
teenth Amendment. Cheff's application for an
injunction should be

(A) denied, because the proceeding is barred by

the Eleventh Amendment.
(B) denied, if the law has a rational basis.
(C) granted, unless the law is substantially
related to important government interests.
(D) granted, because the statute discriminates
against a suspect class.

1. C The "case or controversy" requirement of the United States Constitution requires a per-
son attacking the constitutionality of a statute in a federal court to satisfy the burden of
showing some actual or immediately threatened concrete personal injury which would
be prevented if his challenge were sustained. Since Jude has not yet been licensed to
practice law, the Continuing Professional Education Act does not affect him; declaring
it unconstitutional will not protect him against immediately threatened injury. He, there-
fore, lacks standing to challenge it.

A challenge to the validity of a statute on the ground that it violates the United States
Constitution is a federal question. A is, therefore, incorrect. A claim is said to present a
non-justiciable political controversy if its adjudication would unduly interfere with the
exercise of powers of co-equal branches of government or with national policy. B is,
therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because the federal courts are not required to wait
until the state courts have acted before determining the constitutionality of a state stat-

2. A The Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution prohibits classifications
based on invidious discrimination. Not all classifications are invidious, however, (e.g.,
persons licensed as attorneys are not permitted to perform surgery, but persons licensed
as physicians are). A system of economic classification is not invidious if it has a ratio-
nal basis. If it is more important for lawyers to keep up to date on the law than it is for
doctors to keep up to date on developments on medicine, then the system of classifica-
tion adopted by the Continuing Professional Education Act is not invidious, and does
not violate the Equal Protection Clause.

B is incorrect because even where a state has the right to determine conditions for a
license, it may not do so in a way which denies equal protection. C is incorrect because
the states may not exercise their powers in a way which violates constitutionally pro-
tected rights. Although the United states Constitution does not specifically protect the
right to practice a profession it does protect the right to equal protection. If the statute
invidiously discriminates against certain professionals, it violates that right. D is incor-
rect because the state bar association does not have the power to waive the constitu-
tional rights of its members.

3. D Under the Supremacy Clause an otherwise valid state statute may be superseded by fed..,
erallegislation to the extent that the two are inconsistent. The contract to kill feral tusk-
ers in the national park was authorized by federal statutes. Since the Property clause
gives Congress the power to control federal property, the federal statutes are valid, and
so the state law which prohibits their killing is superseded, at least as to killings within
the national park.

The power to protect the environment is held by both the federal and state governments,
so states do have the power to declare a species to be endangered and to enact legisla-
tion protecting it. A is, therefore, incorrect. Since the Tuscalona statute prohibits the
killing of feral tuskers only within the state, and since there is no indication that anyone

other than Termine is interested in coming from outside the state to kill them or that kill-
ing them is commerce, the statute probably does not unduly interfere with interstate
commerce. B is, therefore, incorrect. The Obligation of Contracts Clause prevents the

I state from interfering with rights acquired under existing contracts, but does not prevent
the state from prohibiting activities which parties might otherwise contract to perform.
C is, therefore, incorrect.

4. B Basic to freedom of religion is the rule that a court may not inquire into the truth or rea-
sonableness of a particular religious belief.

A is incorrect because in free exercise cases the state's pursuit of a compelling state
interest would certainly be sufficient (though not necessary) to lead to the upholding of
the statute. In Wisconsin v. Yoder 406 U.S. 205 (1972), the United States Supreme Court
examined the sincerity of a claimant's religious beliefs in determining whether a state
statute as applied violated the free exercise clause. In doing so, the court referred to the
fact that the belief involved was of long-standing tradition. C and D are, therefore,

5. A Under the Commerce Clause, Congress has the power to regulate commerce among the
states. The Necessary and Proper Clause permits Congress to do whatever is reasonably
necessary to the exercise of its enumerated powers. It has been held that if in the aggre-
gate a particular industry has an impact on interstate commerce, Congress may regulate
even those aspects of it which arecompletely intrastate.

B is incorrect because no provision of the United States Constitution gives Congress the
power to legislate for the general welfare (i.e., federal police power). C is incorrect
because the congressional power to regulate commerce is limited to interstate com-
merce, or at least to trade which has an impact on interstate commerce. D is a correct
statement, but would not furnish an argument in support of the constitutionality of the
statute in question since the statute regulates "every purchase of an automobile in the
United States," and this may include those which are sold domestically and intrastate.

6. C Under the Necessary and Proper Clause, Congress has the power to make laws regulat-
ing the use of federal money disbursed pursuant to the spending power. This may enable
Congress to control functions which are traditionally those of the state.

A and B are, therefore, incorrect. An intrastate activity may be controlled by Congress

under the Commerce Clause if its impact on interstate commerce justifies regulation to
protect or promote interstate commerce. D is incorrect, however, because the fact that
some of the materials used are traded in interstate commerce is not, alone, sufficient to
establish such an impact.

7. A The Eleventh Amendment bars action against a state for money damages in a federal
court by a resident or non-resident of the state if a judgment in the action would have to
be paid out of the state's general treasury.

B is incorrect because the suit arises under a federal statute. C is incorrect because this
question does not depend on whom the plaintiff's employer was, since the action by
employees of Bilder is for damages resulting from Calizona's failure to require Bilder to

pay the $10.00 wage. Unless the employees were aware of their rights, they could not
have waived them. D is incorrect because there is no indication that the employees
knowingly waived their rights.

8. D The Privileges and Immunities Clause of Article 4 requires each state to treat non-resi-
dents in the same manner as it treats residents. An exception has been made, however,
for a law which makes it more burdensome for non-residents than for residents to
exploit a state's natural resources for recreational purposes. See Baldwin v. Montana
Fish and Game, 436 U.S. 371 (1978), holding that charging non-residents a higher fee
than residents for hunting licenses was consistent with the Privileges and Immunities
Clause of Article IV. I is, therefore, incorrect. The Privileges and Immunities Clause of
the Fourteenth Amendment protects only those rights which persons enjoy as citizens of
the United States (e.g., the right to travel from state to state, to vote for federal officials,
to sue in federal courts, etc.). Since there is no federal right to hunt, II is also incorrect.

9. B A person in an organization which advocates illegal conduct can be punished or disqual-

ified for state benefit only when he is an active member of it, knows that it advocates
illegal conduct, and has the specific intent to bring about the accomplishment of its ille-
gal goal. Although Arthur was an active member of NAP and knew that it advocated
illegal conduct, he did not intend for it to succeed in accomplishing its illegal goal. He,
therefore, cannot constitutionally be punished for his membership in it.

C and D are, therefore, incorrect. A is incorrect because freedom of the press applies
only to the communication of ideas, and not to the conduct involved in acquiring the
information to be communicated.

10. B A state law which discriminates among religions violates the Establishment Clause
unless it is closely fitted to furthering a compelling governmental interest. It is unlikely
that the statute in question would satisfy that test, but, in any event, the argument con-
tained in B is the only one listed which could possibly support the challenge. B is, there-
fore, correct.

A statute does not violate the Free Exercise Clause unless it interferes with a practice
required by a religious belief. Since there is no indication that the religious beliefs of the
American Buddhist League require the broadcasting of their program, A is incorrect.
Although the statute's discrimination against pay television stations might violate the
Equal Protection Clause, C is incorrect because only a victim of that discrimination
(i.e., a pay television station) would have standing to assert that challenge. D is incorrect
for two reasons: first, the power to regulate use of the airwaves is, to some extent,
shared by the federal and state governments; and second, the Supremacy Clause makes
a state law invalid only when it is inconsistent with some valid federal statute affecting
the same subject matter. Since there is no indication that there is a federal statute which
differs from the state law in question, D cannot be the correct answer.

11. C Standing to challenge the constitutional validity of a state statute requires a personal
stake in the outcome. The fact that the American Buddhist League's production will not
be shown so long as the statute is enforced is a sufficient personal stake to confer stand-

A is incorrect because the personal stake thus created is more than an intellectual inter-
est. B is incorrect because a non-recognized organization would be denied benefits
under the statute and thus has the necessary personal stake. D is incorrect because an

I 12. C
affront to religious sensibilities is insufficient to confer standing except in a challenge to
the validity of a tax or spending law.

Although there is some question about the court's ability to enforce orders directed at
the President, it is clear that the court may exercise control over the conduct of execu-
tive officials even when they are carrying out Presidential orders.

B is, therefore, incorrect. Although the power to commit troops to foreign hostilities
without consulting Congress is one of the emergency powers of the president, it may be
limited in advance by federal statutes. If the presidential order was, in fact, a violation
of the federal statute cited by the plaintiff, it may be held invalid. A is, therefore, incor-
rect. D is incorrect because the president may mobilize troops against foreign nations in
the protection of the national interest without a declaration of war.

13. B By the process of "reverse incorporation," the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amend-
ment has been held to require equal protection from the federal government similar to
what the Fourteenth Amendment requires of state governments. Parsons may argue that
since the statute applies only to employees of the Census Bureau and not to other fed-
eral employees who deal with the public, it arbitrarily discriminates against him.

A is incorrect because the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits states from abridging the
privileges or immunities of national citizenship, but does not prohibit the federal gov-
ernment from doing so, and because the right to wear a moustache is probably not pro-
tected by the Privileges and Immunities Clause because it is not fundamental. C is
incorrect because the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits invidious discrimination by the
states, but not by the federal government. The Fifth Amendment prohibits the taking of
private property for public use without just compensation, but is inapplicable since no
property has been taken from Parsons for a public purpose. D is therefore, incorrect.

14. D The decision of the Encino Court was based solely on its determination of whether the
statute in question violated the state constitution. Since the United States Supreme
Court has no jurisdiction to interpret state constitutions, it has no power to review the
decision of the state court interpreting its own constitution. A, B, and C are therefore,

15. C Article III of the United States Constitution gives the federal courts the power to decide
questions arising under the federal Constitution. Since the action in the United States
District Court is for an injunction based on the invalidity of a state statute under the
United States Constitution, the United States District Court has jurisdiction.

A state court decision which rests on an adequate state ground may not be appealed to
the United States Supreme Court, but A is incorrect because this isa new action, and not
an appeal from a state court decision. The abstention doctrine may prevent a federal
court from taking a question regarding the constitutionality of a state law when the
meaning of the state law is uncertain and may be cleared up by a state court decision. B
is incorrect because there is no uncertainty about the meaning of the state statute in

question, and therefore, no reason to wait for interpretation by a state court. B is also
incorrect because no relevant state proceeding is pending. D is incorrect because
although the Eleventh Amendment prohibits a federal court from hearing a claim for
damages against a state, it does not prevent a constitutional challenge to a state law.

16. B The congressional power to regulate interstate commerce has been held to include the
power to exclude whatever items Congress wants to exclude from commerce between
the states. The courts do not usually examine congressional motives in determining the
constitutionality of such a statute. -

A is incorrect because there is no federal police power. The "Cooley Doctrine" provides
that the commerce power, at least in part, is held concurrently by the state and federal
governments. C is incorrect because the "Cooley Doctrine" has nothing to do with the
prohibition against cruelty to animals. Although acts of Congress are presumptively
constitutional, D is not an effective argument because the presumption of constitutional-
ity is a rebuttable one.

17. C Under the Supremacy Clause, an otherwise valid state law is invalid if it is inconsistent
with a federal law covering the same subject matter. Since the immigration laws and
treaties of the United States might contain provisions which are inconsistent with a state
law restricting the employment of aliens, they would be relevant to determining its
validity under the Supremacy Clause.

If the state law is invalid under the Supremacy Clause, it is unconstitutional no matter
what the unemployment rate in the state of Birch and no matter how many non-citizens
reside there. A and D are, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because federal civil ser-
vice laws regulate employment by the federal government, and therefore, do not cover
the same subject matter as the Birch Civil Service Law.

18. C Two tests exist to determine whether a state system of classification violates the Equal
Protection Clause, depending on the basis of the classification. The "rational basis" test
is applied to economic and social legislation, while the "compelling state interest" test is
applied to legislation based on a suspect classification or which interferes with a funda-
mental interest.. Although alienage is ordinarily regarded as a suspect classification
requiring application of the compelling state interest test, the rational basis test is
applied when the discriminatory legislation involves standards for employment in exe-
cuting public policy or performing functions which go to the heart of representative
government. The argument in C is effective in either event.

So far, only voting, marriage, and procreation have been held to be fundamental inter-
ests. A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because systems of classification which
serve a compelling state interest are not invidious even though based on alienage. D is
an incorrect statement of the law; aliens are "persons" under the Equal Protection
Clause. Even if it was a correct statement, however, D would not support Allen's posi-

19. B Article III of the· United States Constitution gives the Supreme Court appellate jurisdic-
tion over all controversies arising under the laws of the United States, and authorizes
Congress to determine the ways in which that jurisdiction shall be exercised. Since the

Truth in Selling Act is a federal law, the court has jurisdiction to hear appeals from deci-
sions construing it, and Congress may authorize appeals directly from lower state

The power to regulate interstate commerce may empower Congress to authorize a stat-
ute requiring disclosures in interstate transactions, but A is incorrect because the power
to regulate interstate commerce is separate from and unrelated to the power to regulate
the exercise of appellate jurisdiction by the Supreme Court. C is incorrect because Arti-
cle III gives the Supreme Court jurisdiction over the cases involving federal laws, and
empowers Congress to determine how that jurisdiction should be exercised. Although a
state has the right to review the decisions of its own courts, the United States Constitu-
tion gives the Supreme Court the .power to review decisions relating to federal laws. Its
exercise of that power is thus constitutionally valid, and not an infringement on the sov-
ereignty of the states. D is, therefore, incorrect.

20. D The U.S. Supreme Court upheld such a program against Establishment Clause attack, in
Mitchell v. Helms, 530 U.S. 793 (2000). A majority of the Court believed that the fact
that the program treated religious and non-religious schools identically was enough to
avoid Establishment Clause problems, as long as there was no evidence that the equip-
ment was actually being diverted for religious purposes.

A is incorrect for the same reason that D is correct. B is incorrect because the power to
spend for the general welfare includes the power to subsidize education. Since the use
of tax money for religious schools is likely to reduce the amount of tax money available
for use by non-religious schools, C is incorrect because the petitioners have the neces-
sary standing.

21. B Since the right to vote has been held to be a fundamental interest, state interference with
the right to vote is unconstitutional unless it can be shown to serve a compelling state
interest Since the state has a compelling interest in the accuracy and facility of ballot
counts, the refusal to count sticker votes will be valid if the City Elections Commis-
sioner shows that it serves that interest. Although it is not certain that this argument will
be successful, it is the only one listed which could possibly support the Commissioner's

The existence of certain relationships has been held to justify the assertion by one per-
son of another's constitutional rights. A is incorrect since the relationship between can-
didate and voter probably is one of these, and because, as a voter, Candida is asserting
her own rights. A federal statute prohibits the use of literacy tests in determining eligi-
bility to vote. Even without it, however, C is incorrect because it would not eliminate
illiterate voters until after they had cast what they believed to be a vote. D is a non-
sequitur, since familiarity with issues and candidates does not logically require the abil-
ity to write aperson's name on a ballot, and because most traditional voting methods
(i.e., marking an "X" or flipping a lever) require no more literacy than the sticker vote

22. D It has been held that a state may establish durational residency requirements to assure
that voters will have sufficient interest in the outcome of an election. It has also been
held, however, that overly long durational requirements serve no compelling state inter-

est, and are therefore invalid. The United States Supreme Court has specifically held
one year to be too long (Dunn v. Blumstein, 405 U.S. 330 (1972».

A and C are therefore incorrect. The United States Constitution sets requirements for
determining eligibility to vote in national elections, but is silent about the right of aliens
to vote in local elections. B is incorrect, however, because the city ordinance extends the
right to all persons who satisfy the residency requirement.

23. B The Eleventh Amendment provision that the judicial power of the federal government
shall not be extended to suits brought against a state by residents of another state has
been held to prohibit the federal courts from entertaining suits for money damages
against a state by its residents, unless authorized by valid federal statute. For this reason,
the federal court action against the state of Durango by its employees must be dis-
missed. B is incorrect.

The doctrine of abstention prohibits a federal court from deciding constitutional issues
that are premised upon unsettled questions of state law upon which the determination of
the action would depend. Since no such unsettled question exists, A is incorrect. Tour-
ism is not a traditional state function, and since under the Commerce Clause the federal
government has the power to regulate interstate commerce, the Supremacy Clause
makes the Federal Interstate Riverboat Act supersede the Durango Civil Service Code.
C and D are incorrect, however, because under the Eleventh Amendment, the federal
court lacks jurisdiction to hear an action for damages against a state.

24. A Under the Supremacy Clause a state law is invalid to the extent that it is inconsistent
with a valid Federal law affecting the same subject matter. Although in paying its
employees the state may be immune from federal regulation, this is so only when the
state is engaging in a traditional state function. The United States Supreme Court has
held, however, that engaging in interstate commerce is not a traditional state function.
For this reason, federal law fixing the wages of persons employed in interstate com-
merce is applicable to state employees, and - under the Supremacy Clause - super-
sedes inconsistent state law.

B is incorrect because there is no general federal police power (i.e., power to legislate
for the general welfare). In determining whether the state is engaging in a traditional
state function, and thereby possibly immune from federal regulation, it is necessary to
be more specific than the argument in C would suggest. Although paying employees is
a traditional state function, paying them to operate interstate cruise boats is not. Cis,
therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because the immunity granted to states under the
Eleventh Amendment is applicable only in federal courts.

25. A Although a party challenging the validity of a statute is not ordinarily permitted to assert
the constitutional rights of third persons, X Productions may do so for two reasons: first,
if the statute as applied violated Sumer's constitutional rights, Sumer could not be guilty
of violating it? and X Productions could not be called an accessory to the commission of
a crime; and, second, vendors have been held to have standing to assert the constitu-
tional rights of their· customers.

B is incorrect because a person challenging the validity of any statute on any constitu-

tional ground must have standing to do so. C is incorrect because although Sumer can
waive his own constitutional rights, he cannot waive those of X Productions. If the stat-
ute's application to Sumer was unconstitutional, convicting X Productions of being an
accessory to it would violate X Productions' constitutional rights. D is incorrect because
it is overbroad. Several exceptions to this general rule exist, including one which per-
mits a vendor to assert the constitutional right of its customers.

26. C The United States Supreme Court has held (Stanley v. Georgia, 394 U.S. 557 (1969»
that there is a constitutional right to privacy which protects the private possession of
obscene materials for non-commercial use.

A is incorrect because the First Amendment freedoms of expression protect the rights to
speak or print, offering only indirect protection to the rights to see, read, or hear. B is
incorrect for two reasons: First, one is not ordinarily permitted to assert the constitu-
tional rights of third persons. Although vendors may assert the rights of their customers,
no rule has developed which permits vendees to assert the right of their suppliers. Sec-
ond, freedom of speech and the press does not protect the publication of obscenity. D,
too, is incorrect for two reasons: first, there is no indication that the statute in question
was not designed to punish purchasers of obscenity; and, second, if Sumer presented an
obscene performance as charged, he is a publisher of obscenity.

27. D Although the doctrine of state immunity prevents Congress from exercising its com-
merce or taxing power in a way which substantially interferes with traditional state
functions, there is no reason why a state should not have to carry its share of the burdens
of government by paying taxes for benefits which it receives. Since the federal tax in
question is applied to all who derive benefit from federal aviation services, and since it
does not interfere with a traditional function of the state, it is valid.

The power to tax may be the power to destroy, and for this reason states may not freely
tax the federal government. A is incorrect, however because the federal government is
not under the same restraint in taxing the states. B is incorrect because the doctrine of
state immunity does not protect the state against paying its fair share for the federal ser-
vices which it receives. C is a fabrication; there is no "doctrine of state subordination."

28. A The United States Supreme Court has not yet held that the right of privacy protects mar-
ried persons against all state interference in their sex lives, but it has indicated that, at
least to some extent, the right of marital privacy is protected by the substantive Due Pro-
cess requirement of the Fifth Amendment as extended to the states by the Fourteenth
Amendment. Of all the arguments listed, A is the only one which could possibly support
the Daltons' position.

B is incorrect because procedural Due Process refers to the receipt of notice and the
opportunity to be heard before being deprived of life, liberty, or property. Although the
statute appears to discriminate between married and unmarried persons, C is incorrect
because the Daltons are not the victims of this discrimination and will not therefore ben-
efit from a ruling which eliminates the discriminatory effect of the statute. Some public
displays of sexual conduct have been held to be expression protected under the First
Amendment. D is incorrect, however, because there is no indication that the Daltons'
activity was intended to be a form of expression.

29. D Under the Necessary and Proper Clause, Congress has the right to make whatever laws
are necessary and proper in implementing its other powers. This right has been held to
include the power to grant immunity from state taxation.

Although the federal government is, itself, immune from state taxation, the immunity is
not derivative. For this reason, federal employees and contractors are not automatically
immune from state taxation, even though such taxation may indirectly burden the fed-
eral government. A and B, therefore, are incorrect. C is an incorrect statement of law,
since it has been held that a non-discriminatory state income tax may be imposed on
state residents who derive their income from out-of-state activities.

30. A The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Consti-
tution provides that no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws. Since the Building Rental Tax is imposed on those who occupy
rented space, but not on those who occupy space which they own, it is possible to argue
that the law denies equal protection. This argument might fail, but it is the only one
listed which has any chance at all of success.

Although the federal government is immune from taxation by the states, that immunity
is not enjoyed by persons doing business with the federal government, even though their
business is specifically authorized by federal statute. B, C and D are, therefore, incor-

31. A A controversy is not "ripe" for decision unless the issues are fully developed, clearly
defined, and not merely speculative, conjectural, or premature. Usually, this requires a
showing that objective harm will occur if the issues are not decided. Mere general alle-
gations of a possible subjective "chill" are not sufficient to satisfy this requirement.

A case is "moot" when no unresolved contested questions essential to the effective dis-
position of the particular controversy remain for court decision. B is incorrect because
all the issues raised by the action are unresolved. C is incorrect because the Eleventh
Amendment does not prevent lawsuits to enjoin state officials from enforcing laws
claimed to be invalid. A question is political if its resolution would unduly interfere
with the operation of a co-equal branch of the federal government or with national pol-
icy.. D is therefore incorrect.

32. C Since the United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land, every court must
determine whether the laws which it enforces violate the Constitution either by their
terms or by the way in which they are applied. This necessarily involves interpretation
of the Constitution.

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect for two reasons: ftrst, the Fraser City Municipal
Court determines who has standing to appear or make particular arguments before it;
and, second, even if the Municipal Court's rules regarding standing were identical to the
federal rules, Butch would have standing because the possibility of his conviction is suf-
ftcient to give him a personal stake in the outcome of the constitutional argument. D is
incorrect because every court has the power to interpret the Constitution.

33. B Federal statutes limit the Supreme Court's review of state court decisions to those of the
highest state court to which appeal is possible. If no appeal is possible in North Vellum
state courts, then there is no reason why the United States Supreme Court cannot review
decisions of the Municipal Court.

A is incorrect, however, because if appeal to a higher state court were possible, the case
would not be ripe for consideration by the Supreme Court until the highest state court
decided it. C is incorrect because under Article ill of the Constitution, the appellate
jurisdiction of the Supreme Court is regulated by Congress and not by the states. At
present, applicable federal statutes limit Supreme Court review to decisions of federal
courts and of the highest state courts. D is incorrect, however, because this limitation
does not appear in the Constitution.

34. D Under its police power, a state may enact laws to protect the welfare of its residents
even though those laws impose a burden of some kind on interstate commerce, so long
as there is no reasonable, less burdensome way of accomplishing that purpose. If, how-
ever, the burden which it imposes on interstate commerce is an unreasonable one, the
statute will be invalid under the Commerce Clause. Although it is not certain that the
argument in D would succeed, it is the only one listed which could possibly support
granting of the injunction.

A is incorrect because the fact that a statute interferes in some way withintestate com-
merce is not, alone, sufficient to make it invalid. Since the state's police power permits
it to enact laws for the welfare of its residents, the purity of food is clearly a matter of
local concern. B is, therefore, incorrect. Powers reserved to the states may be delegated
by them to their municipalities and agencies. C is incorrect because the state's power to
regulate commerce is concurrent with the federal commerce power, and may thus be
exercised by municipal governments within the state.

35. A The concept of due process requires that a person be given a hearing before being
deprived by government action of life, liberty, or property. Since termination of govern-
ment employment is a deprivation of property, Orville is entitled to a hearing before his
job, pay, gun, and badge are taken from him. If, however, delaying government action
until a hearing would cause threat of serious harm, such em~rgency situation may jus-
tify acting first and holding the hearing later. Since a police. officer is armed and has
much opportunity to do harm, it may successfully be argued that a suspension pending
the hearing was necessary to avoid the obvious threat that would result from allowing an
incompetent or unbalanced person to serve as a police officer. If a no-fault finding at the
hearing will result in full restoration of job and pay, there has been no deprivation of
property interest without Due Process.

Although the facts assumed in B and C might justify firing Orville, he is still entitled to
due process (i.e., a hearing). Band C are, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect for the
same reason, since putting a procedure in the Procedure Manual does not exempt it from
the due process requirement of the United States Constitution.

36. D The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment provides that "no state shall
... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." Actions
of a county or other political subdivision of a state are regarded as state actions. While

there may be valid reasons why certain women should not be employed as deputy sher-
iffs, the fact that plaintiff's application was rejected solely because of her sex would
probably make that rejection invidious, and a violation of her Fourteenth Amendment

In A, the disparity between the pass rates of black persons and white persons might be
evidence that a law is being applied in a discriminatory manner, but does not establish it
conclusively. A is therefore, incorrect. Although discrimination based solely on ethnic
background may violate the Equal Protection Clause, B is incorrect because the Four-
teenth Amendment prohibits state action only, and the discrimination in B was practiced
by a privately-owned hospital. C is incorrect for the same reason, since the discrimina-
tion was practiced by a federal agency rather than a state one.

37. B Under the Cooley Doctrine, the state's power to regulate commerce is held concurrently
with the federal government's commerce power. If an activity is one largely of local
concern, the state may regulate it in the absence of a federal statute indicating congres-
sional intention to pre-empt the field. On the other hand, if the activity is one requiring
national uniformity, the state may not regulate in it the absence of a federal statute spe-
cifically authorizing regulation by the states. For these reasons, the absence of a federal
statute would establish that the state regulation is constitutional only if the activity regu-
lated is one largely of local concern. Although it is not certain that the argument in B
would succeed, it is the only one that could possibly support the constitutionality of the

A is incorrect because the absence of a federal statute might mean that Congress regards
the matter of rest breaks for truck drivers as one requiring national uniformity, but does
not consider a statute requiring such breaks to be a good idea. Although the statute is
enforceable only within the state of Norfolk, it clearly has an effect on interstate com-
merce. C is, therefore, incorrect. D is a correct statement if the activity involved is not
one requiring national uniformity. If, however, it does require national uniformity, the
states are not free to impose restrictions upon it unless authorized to do so by Congress.

38. D A statute is void for overbreadth if it punishes expression which is constitutionally pro-
tected along with expression which can validly be punished. Although certain types of
offensive expression (including, perhaps, Demos') may be prohibited by statute, a law
which prohibits "offensive" conduct is so vague that it may also end up punishing con-
stitutionally protected speech. Such a law is, therefore, overbroad.

A, B, and C are incorrect because a person whose conduct can be constitutionally pun-
ished under a statute has standing to assert the rights of persons whose conduct is
unconstitutionally prohibited by the statute. Thus, although it might have been constitu-
tional to punish Demos' conduct, the law is constitutionally invalid because of other
conduct which it might reach, and if invalid, cannot be enforced even against Demos.

39. B The state may impose "time, place, and manner" restrictions on expression in protection
of its interest in promoting free access to government buildings and the orderly conduct
of governmental activities. These restrictions may not, however, be based on message
content because such restrictions unconstitutionally interfere with freedom of speech.
Since Section II permits demonstrations involving one kind of message and prohibits

demonstrations involving a different kind of message, it violates the First Amendment.

Although the United States Supreme Court has held that a statute may not completely
prohibit expression in traditional public forums like streets and parks, A is incorrect
because this statute is directed only at the sidewalks in front of government office build-
ings, and does not prevent the use of other parts of the public forum for purposes of
expression. The state's compelling interest in the orderly conduct of governmental
affairs and in the protection of free access to government buildings would probably jus-
tify a law prohibiting noise or demonstrations in front of government office buildings. C
and D are incorrect, however, because Section II imposes restrictions on the message
content of such demonstrations.

40. B Although the Constitution requires the advice and consent of the Senate for ambassado-
rial appointments, the United States Supreme Court has held that the president may dis-
miss an ambassador at will and without cause.

A and C are, therefore, incorrect. Whether the removal of an ambassador constitutes a

withdrawal of diplomatic relations depends on the reason for the ambassador's removal.
D is incorrect for this reason, and because the president has the power to withdraw dip-
lomatic relations with a foreign government.

41. C The "case or controversy" requirement of Article III of the United States Constitution
prevents the United States Supreme Court from exercising jurisdiction in anything but a
concrete dispute in which the Court may effectively remedy damage to a legal right by
rendering a judicial decree. Since an advisory opinion does not determine the rights of
any person, the opinion of the Colombia Court of Errors is not a case or controversy,
and the Supreme Court has no jurisdiction to review it.

A is, therefore, incorrect. If a state court's decision that a statelaw is invalid rests on an
adequate state ground, it is not subject to review by the Supreme Court because such
review would be futile. If a state's court's decision in a matter which qualified as a case
or controversy were based on its interpretation of the federal Constitution, the United
States Supreme Court could review it. B is incorrect, however, because the advisory
opinion of the Court of Errors was not a case or controversy. Where a constitutional
issue is involved, the Supreme Court may review the decision of a state's highest court,
even though that decision was based on an exercise of original jurisdiction. D is, there-
fore, incorrect.

42. C Federal taxpayers are usually regarded as being too remote from the expenditure of fed-
eral funds to have standing to challenge them, but state taxpayers are not. If a state law
involves a direct expenditure of funds, as this one does, any state taxpayer may have
standing to challenge it.

A is incorrect because standing requires a personal stake even if the challenge is based
on an alleged violation of the First Amendment. B is incorrect for several reasons, but
the simplest is that a statute which authorizes the advertising of services that already
exist does not threaten the rights of unborn children. D is incorrect because philosophi-
cal, moral, intellectual, or political interest is insufficient to confer standing on a person
challenging a law.

43. D Although the Young Trailblazers may have violated a federal law, it did not violate the
state statute. The Fourteenth Amendment provides that no state shall make or enforce a
law which denies the privileges and immunities of citizenship, due process, or equal
protection of the laws. Since The Young Trailblazers is not a state, the Fourteenth
Amendment does not confer upon Penny a right to be protected against its action.
Therefore, A, B and C are incorrect.

44. B The Thirteenth Amendment abolishes slavery, and gives Congress the power to make
laws enforcing its provisions. Discrimination based solely on race has been held to
involve a "badge" of slavery which the Thirteenth Amendment authorizes Congress to

The Commerce Clause gives Congress the power to regulate interstate commerce, but
imposes no obligations on anyone. The Young Trailblazers' policy could not, therefore,
violate "the spirit of the Commerce Clause," so A is incorrect. C is incorrect because
racial discrimination violates the United States Constitution only when practiced by
government. D is incorrect because there is no federal police power, and thus no con-
gressional power to legislate for the general welfare.

45. B The emergency powers of the president have been held to include the power to commit
United States military personnel to foreign hostilities in satisfaction of existing treaty

A is incorrect because Article I of the Constitution grants the power to declare war to
Congress rather than the president. C is incorrect because the validity of the treaty is not
in issue. As commander-in-chief, the president is the ultimate maker of military policy.
D is incorrect, however, because the decision to send troops to Curasia is a matter not of
military policy, but of foreign policy.

46. D Constitutional guarantees of due process and freedom of expression protect only against
government action. Since Hippocrates University is privately owned, it is not bound to
give Sander due process or to avoid interfering with his freedom of expression. Com-
mon law and contract rights are thus the only ones which he may hope to enforce
against the university.

A, Band C are, therefore, incorrect.

47. D Whether it is classified as a right or a privilege, a license to practice medicine is an enti-

tlement of which a person cannot be deprived without due process. A is, therefore,
incorrect. Since the denial of this entitlement was based on an arrest and an expulsion,
neither of which involved a hearing, it has been accomplished without due process, and
thus violates Sander's constitutional right.

B is incorrect because the federal courts have jurisdiction to adjudicate federal ques-
tions, and an asserted violation of rights under the United States Constitution obviously
raises a federal question. The deprivation of property interest without a hearing violates
the due process requirement, even though not arbitrary or capricious. C is, therefore,

48. C To have standing to litigate the constitutionality of a statute, a plaintiff must show that
he has a personal stake in the action. Federal taxpayers do not usually have standing to
challenge an expenditure of federal money because their interest in the taxes which they
pay into the federal treasury is too remote to be regarded as substantial. If the federal
taxpayer is suing to recover taxes paid under protest, however, he has the right to urge
any appropriate objections to the validity of the tax - including a constitutional chal-
lenge to the law which imposed the tax or directed disbursement of tax money collected.

A is incorrect because a moral or intellectual interest in the outcome of litigation is not

sufficient to satisfy the requirement of a personal stake in the action. B is incorrect
because a state does not ordinarily have standing to bring an action as a representative
of its citizens, since they are said to be protected by their political representation in Con-
gress. State taxpayers have standing to challenge a direct and substantial expenditure of
their tax money. But where the activity involved has only a tenuous relationship to an
expenditure of funds, it is necessary for the plaintiff to show a direct injury to her finan-
cial interest. D is incorrect because no such injury is shown to exist.

49. B The Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment prohibits arbitrary discrimination by
the federal government. Since the law requires the payment of a tax by diesel-powered
vehicle users which is not required from non-diesel powered vehicle users, it is possible
to argue that the law discriminates against the operators of diesel vehicles. The argu-
ment is very likely to fail, since the prohibition falls before an overriding national inter-
est, but it is the only one listed which has any chance of success whatsoever.

A is incorrect because the fact that the tax has a regulatory effect is not, alone, enough to
make it invalid. The argument that a tax is so burdensome as to constitute an unconstitu-
tional taking has been held to be a political question for which appropriate judicial stan-
dards of judgment are not available., C is, therefore, incorrect. The use of a tax to
discourage certain activities has been upheld, if it is imposed to accomplish an objective
within the scope of some other delegated power. D is incorrect because the tax is proba-
bly justified under the Commerce Clause.

50. A If diesel exhaust is harmful to the environment, a tax discouraging the use of the diesel-
powered vehicles might be beneficial to the general welfare. Since Article I, Section 8
of the United States Constitution gives Congress the power to impose taxes to provide
for the general welfare, A is the best argument in support of the tax.

Although Congress may tax for the general welfare, B is incorrect because there is no
"federal police power." C is incorrect because the tax is not tied to spending, and there
is no indication either that it is applicable only in states which have received federal
highway funds or that it will result in more efficient use of such funds. A taxpayer has
standing to challenge the validity of a tax which, if valid, will require payment from the
one challenging it, since he has the necessary personal stake in the outcome of the litiga-
tion. D is, therefore, incorrect.

51. C Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution grants Congress the exclusive right
to "coin money and regulate the value thereof." Since the Nevorado statute requires cer-
tain businesses to accept casino chips in payment for merchandise and services, in effect

it makes those chips legal tender(i.e., money) thus exercising a function exclusively that
of Congress.

Ordinarily, the requirement of due process applies only to governmental deprivations. A

is incorrect for this reason, and because the Casino Chip Law provides a method for the
persons affected to be paid, and even to receive a profit (of one-third) for the handling
of the chips. According to the Cooley Doctrine, the commerce power is held concur-
rently by the state and federal governments. B is incorrect because under the Cooley
Doctrine the fact that state law affects interstate commerce is not, alone, sufficient to
make it invalid. Since the Casino Chips Law requires licensed casinos to redeem the
chips at face value, the "taking" (if there is one) is not without compensation. Although
Mac might argue that the compensation is not "just," the argument in D is not nearly as
strong as the one raised by C, to which there is really no possible response.

52. A In Miller v California, 413 U.S. 15 (1973), the United States Supreme Court held that
no work may be found obscene unless it appeals to a prurient interest in sex (taken as a
whole and applying contemporary community standards), and it depicts sexual conduct
in a way which is patently offensive according to contemporary community standards,
and it lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. Since the jury found
the magazine to have serious literary value, it does not meet all three parts of the defini-
tion, and cannot, therefore, be ruled obscene.

In determining whether material appeals to a prurient interest in sex, the standard of the
local community (the judicial district or state) is applied. B is, therefore, incorrect.
There is some question about whether a local or national standard should be applied in
determining whether the material depicts sexual conduct in a way which is offensive
according to contemporary community standards. C is incorrect, however, because no
work can be obscene unless it meets all three criteria of the Supreme Courts's definition.
D is incorrect for the same reason.

53. C Standing to challenge the constitutionality of a law or an executive order requires a

"personal stake" in the outcome. This requires that the plaintiff be threatened with
immediate damage to her rights which can be avoided if the court grants the requested
relief. A Romanian citizen living in the United States was immune from taxation until
the presidential order was issued, and under that order will be required to pay taxes. Suf-
ficient personal stake thus exists.

A is incorrect because an intellectual or political interest is not sufficient to give a plain-

tiff the personal stake required. B is incorrect because an American citizen was not
immune from taxation before the order, and therefore has no personal stake in having it
declared unconstitutional. D is incorrect because foreign governments have no rights
under the United States Constitution, and therefore have no right to seek its enforce-

54. D The president may have the power to abrogate treaties when certain circumstances make
such abrogation necessary for protection of the national interest. He does not have the
power to suspend enforcement of laws enacted by Congress, however, except in
extraordinary circumstances (e.g., wartime emergencies, etc.). Once Congress enacted
the Romanian National Tax Immunity Act, the immunity of Romanian nationals was

protected by law, rather than by treaty.

A, B, and C are, therefore, incorrect.

55. D A federal tax on state activities is valid as long as it is non-discriminatory and does not
seriously interfere with the functioning of state government as a sovereign entity. If the
activity on which a federal tax is imposed is not one unique to the state government, the
tax probably does not interfere with the functioning of state government as a sovereign
entity. Since the Brill Building is rented to private tenants much as any other commer-
cial office building, the state's activity in operating it is not one which is unique to state

A is incorrect because Congress's power to tax is subject to all constitutionallimita-

tions. Although protection of the environment is a legitimate reason for imposing a tax,
a state will be immune from such a tax if it interferes with the functioning of the state as
a sovereign entity. B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect for the same reason.

56. D Although the state may interfere with commercial speech to serve a substantial govern-
mental interest, it must not do so in a way which is unnecessarily restrictive. Thus, even
though the state may have a substantial interest in protecting the public against tooth
decay, the law prohibiting the advertising of chewing gum would be constitutionally
invalid if there are less restrictive ways of accomplishing the same objective (e.g., by
requiring a warning). Although it is not certain that the argument in D would result in a
finding that the law is invalid, it is the only one listed which could possibly support such
a finding.

A is an incorrect statement of law, since freedom of expression is not absolute and may
be interfered with to serve a substantial government interest. The mere fact that a state
law will have an effect on interstate commerce is not enough to make that law invalid,
unless it imposes an unreasonable burden on interstate commerce. B is, therefore, incor-
rect. Although the United States Supreme Court is wary of laws which impose prior
restraint on publication it is far less concerned when those laws affect commercial
speech only. D is incorrect because the speech involved is commercial, and the fact that
the law imposes a prior restraint is, therefore, not alone sufficient to render it constitu-
tionally invalid.

57. C Congress has the power to make laws regulating conduct on federal property and in the
District of Columbia, virtually without limitation.

A is incorrect because the police powers of the states include the power to regulate edu-
cation. Although states must do so in a way which does not deny equal protection to
persons within their jurisdiction, there is no constitutional requirement that each state do
so in an identical way. Some highly imaginative argument might lead a court to con-
clude that if B were true the statute would be valid under the war and national defense
powers of Congress, or that if D were true the statute would be valid under the Com-
merce Clause. No such stretch of the imagination is necessary in C, however, so B and
D are incorrect.

58. D A question is moot when the issues which it raises have ceased to exist. Although Dick-

son has been released from physical custody, violations of the conditions of his parole
would result in his re-incarceration for the remainder of his sentence. Since the warden
ordered his confinement to solitary for the rest of his sentence, a return to prison would
subject him to enforcement of the warden's order. The issues raised by his petition have,
therefore, not ceased to exist.

A is incorrect because although Dickson is no longer in prison, he was paroled on a con-

ditional basis and could be returned to prison for the remainder of his sentence. B is
incorrect because there are many reasons why parole might be appropriate even if Dick-
son's rights were not violated. Sometimes the nature of the judicial process makes it
impossible for the court to reach a decision in a particular kind of claim before it
becomes moot (e.g., challenges to a law prohibiting abortion could never reach the
Supreme Court before birth of a petitioner's baby). In such cases, if the claim is one
which is capable of being repeated, but likely to evade judicial review, it will not be
mooted even though the petitioner is unable to show that specific damage will result
from a refusal to hear it. Dickson's petition is not such a case, however, because there is
no indication that the warden's order was part of a policy which would lead to repetition
of claims like Dickson's; and, even if it were, there is no indication that subsequent
claims by other prisoners are likely to become moot before being reached by the court.
C is, therefore, incorrect.

59. A Under the Supremacy Clause, state legislation is invalid if it is inconsistent with federal
law. In a challenge to the constitutionality of a statute excluding non-citizens from pub-
lic office, the treaties and immigration laws of the United States might be relevant to
determine whether federal legislation has already addressed the subject, and, if it has, to
determine whether the state law is inconsistent with it.

B is incorrect since the treaties and immigration laws of the United States are not rele-
vant to determine what the privileges and immunities of citizenship are. C is incorrect
because substantive due process has not been held to include the right to hold public
office, and procedural due process does not prevent the enactment of a law. The doctrine
of separation of powers refers to the relationship between the three branches of the fed-
eral government, not to the relationship of state governments to the federal government,
so D is also incorrect.

60. D Since the United States Supreme Court does not have jurisdiction to determine whether
a statute violates the provisions of a state constitution, it could not overturn the Eternica
court's finding that the statute in question violates the Eternica state constitution. State-
ments I and II are therefore incorrect.

61. C An oath to uphold the Constitution and to oppose the unlawful overthrow of govern-
ment is nothing more than a promise to do something which public employees are
legally obligated to do.

A, B, and D are incorrect because some loyalty oaths (such as those which require a dis-
claimer of membership in organizations referred to as subversive) have been held to
deny the freedom of assembly to public officials who are required by statute to take

62. C A state law which burdens interstate commerce is valid if the state interest which the
law is designed to protect outweighs the burdens which the law imposes on interstate
commerce. Although not enough facts are given to allow a determination of whether
this is so in the instant case, C is the only argument which offers any support at all to the
state's argument.

A and B are incorrect because the law is likely to discourage commerce from out of
state, even though it applies equally to intra-state shipments and vehicles garaged within
the state. If all or most other states have similar requirements, that fact might be relevant
in determining that the burden on interstate commerce is not an unreasonable one. But
the fact that some other states have such a requirement is not, alone, enough to establish
that it is reasonable. D is therefore incorrect.

63. A Under the Supremacy Clause, a state law which is otherwise valid may be declared
invalid if it is inconsistent with a federal law concerning the same subject matter. If
there is a federal law like the one described in A, the Ocean Fishing License Act may be
inconsistent with it. If so, the act will be invalid.

In the absence of any conflicting federal law, the state law might be a valid exercise of
police powers or revenue-raising powers. B is therefore incorrect. C is incorrect because
there is no indication that enforcement of Section 1 results in discrimination. D is incor-
rect because the Fifth Amendment imposes restrictions on the federal government, but
is irrelevant to state action.

64. C The Necessary and Proper Clause permits Congress to do what is necessary and proper
in carrying out the powers delegated to it by the Constitution. It is therefore irrelevant to
the constitutionality of this state statute.

A might lead to the conclusion that the section is invalid, since it obviously discrimi-
nates against interstate commerce. B might lead to the same conclusion since the higher
license fee imposed on non-residents could constitute invidious discrimination. If Sec-
tion 1, which requires a license, is constitutionally invalid, Section 2, which sets the fees
for such licenses, could not be validly enforced. For this reason, D might likewise jus-
tify the conclusion that Section 2 is invalid.

65. D Because the activities of Agricultural Conservation Districts will only affect owners of
agricultural land, and because such owners constitute a narrow class of persons, elec-
tions do not have to be conducted according to the "one person, one vote" principle.

A and B are under-inclusive, since the "one person, one vote" principle applies to all
elections which affect the general public. C is incorrect because states may not exercise
their own powers in a manner inconsistent with the requirements of the U.S. Constitu-

66. A The Equal Protection Clause prohibits invidious discrimination. Although a literacy
requirement in a voting statute is not necessarily invidious, A is the only reason listed
which could result in a judgment that the statute is unconstitutional.

Literacy tests have sometimes been found to be a tool of racial discrimination, but such

a finding generally leads to the conclusion that there has been a denial of equal protec-
tion rather than a violation of the somewhat narrower prohibitions of the Fifteenth
Amendment. B is therefore incorrect. C is incorrect because the literacy requirement
does not prohibit or otherwise regulate the written use of foreign languages. D is incor-
rect because the Twenty-sixth Amendment only prohibits discrimination in the fran-
chise based on age.

67. A In a challenge of state interference with a "fundamental right," or to a state law which
allegedly discriminates against a "suspect classification," the state has the burden of
establishing that the law is necessary to serve a compelling state interest. The United
States Supreme Court has characterized marriage and procreation as fundamental rights.

B is incorrect because although gender-based classification is subject to heightened

security, the Supreme Court has not held gender to be a suspect classification. C is
incorrect because interference with fundamental rights is presumed to be unconstitu-
tional. D is incorrect for the same reason, and because state exercises of powers
reserved under the Tenth Amendment must be consistent with other requirements of the
federal constitution.

68. A The Equal Protection Clause prohibits states from engaging in invidious discrimination.
In A, the discriminatory action was by a federal rather than by a state officer.

Convictions in B and C are likely, since the clause has been held to apply to municipal
as well as state action. A conviction in D is possible if it is found (and it has been in sim-
ilar cases) that, because of its location in a state office building, and because of the fact
that it is rented from the state, the restaurant is so closely linked to the state that the
Equal Protection Clause should apply to its management.

69. B Statutory language which does not allow the person of ordinary intelligence to know
what conduct is prohibited by the statute is vague and, therefore, unconstitutional. Lan-
guage such as that given has frequently been held to be vague. Although it is not certain
that a court would come to that conclusion, B is the only argument which could possibly
support Brown's position.

Although it may be expressive, conduct like Brown's can be prohibited as part of "time,
place and manner" regulations not aimed at the content of the symbolic speech. A is,
therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect for two reasons: first, it may not be an accurate
appraisal of the reasonable person's response to Brown's conduct; and, second, the con-
stitutionality of a statute depends on how the person of ordinary intelligence would
understand it without regard to any particular conduct. If the language of a statute can
be understood by the person of ordinary intelligence, it is not vague and a conviction
under it does not violate due process for the sole reason that the statute has been newly
enacted and not yet judicially construed. D is, therefore, incorrect.

70. D The Supreme Court has been permissive of public aid to religious colleges, since the
restraint imposed by the academic disciplines of their instructors and the age of their
students make it unlikely that they are primarily devoted to religious indoctrination.

Almost all direct aid to primary and secondary schools operated by religious organiza-

tions has been held to violate the Establishment Clause. A and B are incorrect for this
reason, and because investigation and classification of the teachers and curricula of
schools seeking such aid would necessarily result in excessive entanglement of the state
with religious schools. Although the Supreme Court has approved the loan of textbooks
purchased with public funds to students at religious schools, C is incorrect since it
would involve the payment of public money directly to the school, and this, too, would
probably result in excessive entanglement.

71. B Because problems of water pollution tend to vary from place to place, it is generally
understood that, in the absence of congressional mandates to the contrary, states are free
to exercise inconsistent pollution controls in the interest of local health and safety.

A is incorrect because problems of pollution may differ, even though the water is used
for the same purpose in various states. C is incorrect because if Congress has enacted
laws regulating water pollution in interstate rivers, inconsistent state regulations are
likely to be invalid under the Supremacy Clause. D is incorrect because the intrastate
nature of Shipco's business is not relevant to the effect that the statute may have on
interstate commerce.

72. D A state interference with the free exercise of a religious belief is constitutionally valid if
it is necessary in light of a compelling state interest. Since a court might find that a pro-
hibition of the kind of activity described by the statute serves a compelling interest of
the state, D is correct.

A and B are therefore incorrect. C is incorrect because in considering a challenge to the

constitutionality of a state interference with religion, the court may not consider the
validity of the religious beliefs in question.

73. D Article I, Section 8, paragraph 17 of the U.S. Constitution, known as the "property
clause," grants Congress the power to legislate over federally owned lands.

A is an incorrect statement, since the power to regulate for the protection of the environ-
ment is held concurrently by the federal and state governments. B is incorrect because
the federal government's power to control federal lands can be exercised substantially
without limitations other than constitutional ones. The compelling state interest test is
ordinarily applied only in cases involving interference with human rights. C is therefore

74. A The proper means of attacking an injunction is by judicial proceeding. Because of the
short time period involved, however, it would have been impossible to obtain judicial
review before the election. If the WPSP desires to hold rallies in the future, there is a
likelihood that similarly issued injunctions will likewise evade review. Where a prob-
lem is capable of repetition, but likely to evade review - even though, as here, the
injunction being challenged is no longer in effect - Supreme Court review is available.

B is incorrect because some state interference with the right to assemble is permitted, as
in the case of valid time, place, and manner regulations. C is incorrect because the pos-
sibility that similar future claims will evade review prevents the question from being
regarded as moot. D is incorrect because the Fourteenth Amendment is not relevant to

anything but state action, and the WPSP is a private organization.

75. A If the Rebate Act was an offer for a unilateral contract, and if Homer's commencement
of performance can be regarded as an acceptance of that offer (or as a condition which
prevents its withdrawal) then the repeal of the act may be found to impair the obliga-
tions of a contract. Although it is unlikely that the act will be found to constitute an
offer, this is the only one of the arguments which could possibly benefit Homer.

B is incorrect because the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment applies only to
federal action. There are two Privileges and Immunities Clauses, but neither is applica-
ble here. That of Article IV prohibits discrimination against out-of-staters, while that of
the Fourteenth Amendment prevents states from denying persons the rights conferred
by U.S. citizenship. C is therefore incorrect. D is incorrect since the Just Compensation
Clause requires payment for private property which is taken for public use, and here no
private property was taken.

76. D It has been held that the First Amendment protects the right of non-profit organizations
who use litigation as an instrument of political expression to solicit prospective clients.

A is incorrect, since the Supreme Court has held that non-deceptive advertising of legal
services is protected by the First Amendment. B is incorrect because the fact that the
advertisement "could have the effect" of inciting illegal conduct is not sufficient. In
order for an interference with inciting expression to be valid there must be both an
intention that the expression will cause illegal conduct and an imminent probability that
such illegal conduct will occur. C is incorrect for two reasons: first, although commer-
cial speech is entitled to First Amendment protection, the fact that speech is commercial
does not alone mean that laws regulating it are invalid; and, second, the communication
in this case is more likely to be regarded as political expression rather than commercial
speech, since it does not relate solely to economic interests.

77. D Since the results of litigation become part of the law, the requirement of standing is
designed to assure that the person challenging the constitutionality of a statute has an
incentive to litigate all issues fully and vigorously. Ordinarily, this requires that the
plaintiff show some actual or imminent concrete personal injury that would be remedied
or prevented if his claim were sustained. The building contractor in D stands to lose the
economic benefits of his contract with the state unless the section in question is invali-

A and C are incorrect because the damage apprehended is less direct and imminent than
that in D. B is incorrect since it is generally understood that a mere political or intellec-
tual interest does not satisfy the requirement of a personal injury.

78. D Since the Constitution grants Congress the power to spend for the general welfare, Con-
gress is entitled to attach conditions to its grants to assure that such spending does, in
fact, promote the general welfare. The use of federal funds in a way which is likely to
give cancer to school children would not promote the general welfare, and so Congress
is empowered to guard against it.

A is incorrect because Congress does not have the power to regulate education. B is

incorrect because receipt of federal funds does not result in a surrender by the states of
the powers reserved to them under the Constitution. C is incorrect because Congress'
power to regulate by attaching conditions to federal spending programs is limited, at
least, to conditions which are themselves constitutionally valid.

79. B I is an inaccurate statement since there is no general federal police power. II is an accu-
rate statement since the "spending power" entitles the federal government to take steps
to assure that its spending benefits the public welfare.

80. C The Equal Protection Clause provides that, "No state shall ... deny to any person within
its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." A statute which invidiously discrimi-
nates against members of a particular class violates its requirements. Although some
questions might exist as to whether the statute's discrimination against felons is "invidi-
ous," there is no need to make a determination since, of the arguments listed, C is the
only with which Fell stands any chance at all.

A is incorrect because the statute in question did not interfere with rights under a pre-
existing contract. Since the statute applies only to persons convicted of felonies within
the state, it does not discourage the interstate travel of felons, and B is therefore incor-
rect. D is little more than a statement of moral philosophy, and has no basis in constitu-

81. D The U.S. Constitution gives the federal courts jurisdiction over all cases arising under
the Constitution.

Since Fell's argument is that the statute violates the u.S. Constitution, and thus involves
a federal question, A is incorrect. The Constitution does not give the federal courts juris-
diction over cases between a state and a citizen of that state, so C is incorrect. But
because a federal question is involved, B is also incorrect.

82. D Since the U.S. Constitution gives Congress the exclusive power of legislation over the
District of Columbia, there could be no question about the validity of a federal law
applicable only there.

Although legalizing gambling would probably promote certain interstate economic

activity, state concerns for the public morals would probably outweigh the federal inter-
est in protecting such commerce. This is especially true since all states now prohibit or
regulate gambling. A is, therefore, not as effective an argument as D. The Supremacy
Clause applies only where state legislation conflicts with federal law enacted within the
scope of the powers delegated to Congress. Whether a federal gambling law would be
within the scope of these powers presents a serious question. B is therefore not the best
of the four arguments. Since there is no general federal police power, Congress lacks the
power to substitute scientific opinion (or congressional opinion) for that of the state
regarding the public morality. C is therefore incorrect.

83. B In cases of economic regulation, the proper test of constitutional validity is whether
there was a rational basis for the law. This means that if any situation can be imagined in
which the law would be a reasonable way of accomplishing a legitimate purpose, it is

A is incorrect, since the "compelling state interest" standard is ordinarily applied only in
cases involving interference with a "suspect classification" or a "fundamental right." C
is incorrect since the distribution of any entitlements, whether they be classified as
"privileges" or "rights," must be consistent with the requirements of the Fourteenth
Amendment. D is incorrect because the "clear and present danger" test has only been
applied to interference with First Amendment rights.

84. D It has been held that significant state involvement in a- particular private activity might
make the Equal Protection Clause applicable to the private activity. It is possible that the
state's licensing, funding, inspection and oversight of the Minority Hospital operation
would be sufficient to have this effect. While it is not certain that a court would come to
that conclusion, the argument in D is the only one listed which could possibly support
the position of Patient's Union.

A is incorrect because the Fourteenth Amendment relates only to state action or to pri-
vate action in which the state is significantly involved. B is incorrect because cases have
held that licensing alone is not sufficient state involvement. Although the Equal Protec-
tion Clause prevents state courts from enforcing private policies of racial discrimina-
tion, it does not require state courts to eliminate privately practiced discrimination. Cis,
therefore, incorrect.

85. C A statute which makes the possession or sale of obscene material by a bookseller a
crime without imposing any requirement of scienter is unconstitutional because it is
likely to have a chilling effect on booksellers who probably cannot familiarize them-
selves with all of the books which they sell.

Statutes like that described in A have been declared valid on the ground that they are
justified by a municipality's interest in land-use planning. Although the Supreme Court
has held that no person may be punished for private possession of materials judged to be
obscene unless they involve child pornography, showing films for a fee is not private
possession, even when done in the home. B is therefore incorrect. D is incorrect because
the Court has held that evidence of pandering may be relevant to the questions of
whether material alleged to be obscene appeals primarily to prurient interest and
whether it lacks serious value, two elements of the Supreme Court's definition of

86. D Since the First Amendment provides that "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the
freedom of ... the press," a statute that prohibits certain publications probably violates

A is not the strongest argument, since the president's power to make executive agree-
ments is broad, and may cover any area of international concern. B is incorrect because
there is no constitutional requirement that an executive agreement must be implemented
in the least burdensome manner possible. The executive agreement simply calls for the
government of each country to "discourage" the press from making certain statements.
Since this can be accomplished without violating the First Amendment, C is not a cor-
rect statement.

87. C Persons dealing with the federal government may be taxed by the states so long as such
taxation does not discriminate against them because of their relationship with the fed-
eral government.

States are prohibited from taxing the federal government or its agencies because "the
power to tax is the power to destroy," but this principle does not prevent the taxation of
individuals dealing with the federal government. A is therefore incorrect. The state's
power to tax will undoubtedly result in increasing costs of engaging in certain busi-
nesses, but this, alone, is not sufficient reason to invalidate a non-discriminatory exer-
cise of that power. B is therefore incorrect. D is incorrect because the facts do not
indicate any federal taxation of state activity.

88. C Since the President has broad authority as our chief spokesman in the area of foreign
affairs, delegations of authority by him in this field are constitutionally valid. On the
other hand, the President's broad powers to delegate authority in this area make interfer-
ence by Congress with such delegations a violation of the principle of separation of

A is incorrect because the U.S. Constitution specifically gives Congress the power to
exercise some control over foreign affairs (e.g., the senatorial power to "advise and con-
sent" in the execution of treaties), thus preventing the President's power in this area
from being truly "sole" or "exclusive." B is incorrect because the Constitution gives the
Senate, not the House of Representatives, power over foreign affairs. Likewise, D is
inaccurate since any presidential veto can be overridden by a two-thirds vote of Con-

89. D A case presents a non-justiciable political question when a decision would unduly inter-
fere with the operation of a co-equal branch of government. Article I of the United
States Constitution provides that each house of Congress "shall be the Judge of the
Elections, Returns, and Qualifications of its own members." Since the order which Can-
dida seeks would interfere with this power of the Senate, her petition might be said to
present a non-justiciable political question.

Collateral estoppel prevents the relitigation of an issue identical to one which has
already been judicially determined. There is some doubt about whether the doctrine
would apply to determinations by non-judicial bodies (such as the Senate). In any event,
A is incorrect because if the doctrine were applied, it would aid Candida's case rather
than lead to its dismissal, since the issue of her age was determined in her favor. Since
the qualifications of a United States Senator are established by the United States Consti-
tution, any question about whether a person is qualified to be a United States Senator is
a federal one. B is, therefore, incorrect. The fact that Candida has already had her day in
court might lead to a dismissal of her claim if the Batavia court's decision had been
unfavorable to her. Since it found in her favor, however, its decision should not justify a
dismissal of her case. C is, therefore, incorrect.

90. A Article I, Section 8, clause 4 gives Congress the power to "establish an uniform Rule of
Naturalization." This has been held to grant Congress plenary power over aliens which
includes the power to treat non-citizens differently from citizens, so long as the discrim-
ination bears some rational relationship to national policy. Since the provision in ques-

tion could have the effect of encouraging naturalization, it is probably justified by the
plenary power of Congress over aliens.

B and D are incorrect because resident aliens are entitled to many but not all of the pro-
tections guaranteed by the United States Constitution. Since the Equal Protection
Clause applies only to action by the states and is inapplicable to federal action, C is

91. . C The basic requirements for a "case or controversy" are a concrete dispute in an adver-
sarial context relating to substantive rights threatened with immediate impairment
which the court may effectively remedy by a judicial decree. Since the School District
has not yet adopted the policy, and since the state court's opinion was advisory only, it
does not threaten the immediate impairment of any substantial right.

A and B are incorrect for the reasons stated above. D is incorrect because the receipt of
federal funds would not turn the advisory opinion into a "case or controversy."

92. D The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment prevents the states from depriv-
ing any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. Since the Clean
Roads Act made violation of an administrative order a crime, it violated Fourteenth
Amendment due process by permitting the order to be issued without giving Hauler an
opportunity to be heard.

An ex post facto law is one which punishes as criminal an act which was not prohibited
when it was performed. The Clean Roads Act was not an ex post facto law because it
did not impose punishment for an act which had already been committed. Instead, it per-
mitted the issuance of an administrative order the future violation of which would be a
crime. A is, therefore, incorrect. A bill of attainder is a law which punishes a person
without the benefit of a judicial trial. Since Hauler's conviction was the result of a trial,
the Clean Roads Act cannot be called a bill of attainder, making B incorrect. C is incor-
rect because the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment applies only to the federal
government and has no application to the states.

93. C The United States Supreme Court has held that state aid to religious schools is constitu-
tionally valid if it has a secular purpose, a primarily secular effect, does not result in
undue entanglement between state and religion, and does not produce political divisive-
ness along religious lines. Since the Regents' Examinations are designed to test compe-
tence in secular subjects, and are to be given in all high schools, their administration in
religious schools by state employees is not likely to result in entanglement or political
divisiveness. So, if the law has a purpose and effect which are primarily secular, it does
not violate the Establishment Clause.

A is incorrect because the courts have generally held that a state taxpayer has standing
to challenge the constitutionality of a statute which will directly result in an expenditure
of state funds. B is incorrect because even a law which does not discriminate between
religions may be found to violate the Establishment Clause if it serves to advance reli-
gion in general. If a law violates any of the four prongs of the test outlined above, the
fact that it was enacted to serve a compelling state interest does not prevent it from
being unconstitutional under the Establishment Clause. D is, therefore, incorrect.

94. D In deciding whether an interference with an activity required by religious belief violates
the Free Exercise Clause, the courts apply the compelling-state-interest standard. Thus,
if a statute serves a compelling state interest and is sufficiently narrow to be the least
burdensome method of achieving that interest, it may be constitutionally valid even
though it interferes with a particular religious practice.

A is incorrect for two reasons: first, associations are frequently held to have standing to
assert the constitutional rights of their members; and second, since the statute may
necessitate a change in the school's curriculum with attendant [mancial outlays, the
school has a personal stake in the outcome. Although the sincerity of a professed reli-
gious belief may be examined in a free exercise challenge, B is incorrect because the
Establishment Clause prevents a court from inquiring into the reasonableness of a reli-
gious belief. Even a law which is not primarily intended to interfere with a religious
belief may violate the Free Exercise Clause if it has that effect. C is, therefore, incorrect.

95. B Speeger advocated an act of arson; the fact that the crowd - carrying flaming torches
- began following him towards the clinic indicates that unlawful conduct was immedi-
ately probable. Speech which advocates illegal conduct may be constitutionally prohib-
ited if it advocates action, and involves incitement of immediate and probably unlawful
conduct. Speeger's conduct may, therefore, be constitutionally prohibited. A law which
requires a permit for the conduct of a public assembly but provides vague standards for
the granting of such permit violates the First Amendment, however. Since this ordi-
nance granted the mayor unfettered discretion in granting permits, it was unconstitu-

A is incorrect because speech which advocates unlawful action and is probable to

immediately incite such unlawful action may be subject to prior restraint which is con-
stitutionally permissible. Although Speeger probably did not have a constitutional right
to engage in the conduct described, the requirement of standing is relaxed in a constitu-
tional challenge based on vagueness or overbreadth. Thus, even though Speeger's con-
stitutional rights were not violated by the ordinance, he has standing to challenge it on
the ground that its vagueness or overbreadth might result in a violation of the constitu-
tional rights of others. C is, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because it is overinclu-
sive. Some permit requirements (like those which regulate the time, place, and manner
of speech) are constitutionally valid. Others (like this one which is based on vague stan-
dards) are constitutionally invalid.

96. A The Necessary and Proper Clause authorizes Congress to do whatever is necessary and
proper in carrying out its other powers, and is, therefore, irrelevant to the given facts
which involve a municipal ordinance.

Although certain regulations concerning the time, place, and manner of holding public
meetings are constitutionally permissible, such regulations may not be directed against
or in favor of particular types of message content. B might, therefore, be a good argu-
ment, since the ordinance requires a fee for a permit to conduct an assembly for some
purposes, but not for others. A law is vague or overbroad if the person of reasonable
intelligence would not be able to understand its terms. Since Section 2 makes special
provision for "political campaign" rallies without defining them, it is possible to argue

that it is vague or overbroad. C might, therefore, be a valid argument. If Section 1 is

vague or overbroad (which it probably is in view of the unfettered discretion which it
grants to the mayor) it cannot be enforced. If Section 1 - which requires a permit-
cannot be enforced, then, obviously, neither can Section 2 - which fixes a fee for the
permit application. Thus, in spite of Section 3 which purports to make Sections 1 and 2
severable, D is a good argument.

97. A Although the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution gives Congress the
power to regulate interstate commerce, it is understood that the states may exercise
some regulation as well. If, however, the interstate activity in question is of national
concern and requires uniform federal regulation, then the states may not regulate it in
the absence of a federal statute specifically authorizing them to do so. Since this ques-
tion calls for the assumption that there is no such federal statute, Sartoria's attempt to
regulate the interstate sale of petroleum produced within the state would be unconstitu-
tional if that activity is of a national concern and requires uniform federal regulation.

Whether an imported product remains in its original package may be relevant to deter-
mining a state's right to tax it under Article I, Section 10(2) (which prohibits the states
from taxing imports or exports). B is incorrect, however, because the "original package
doctrine" has never been relevant to determining whether a state may regulate a particu-
lar activity. Under the Full Faith and Credit Clause, a state is required to enforce judg-
ments and decrees of the courts of other states. Since the facts in this case do not involve
an attempt to enforce the judgment or decree of the court of another state, the Full Faith
and Credit Clause is inapplicable, and C is incorrect. Under the Supremacy Clause, a
state law is invalid if it conflicts with a federal law dealing with the same subject matter.
In such cases, the field is said to be "preempted" by the existence of a federal statute
dealing with the same subject matter. Here, since there is no federal statute, there has
been no "preemption," and the Supremacy Clause is inapplicable. D is, therefore, incor-

98. C The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits invidious discrim-
ination by the state. If Sartoria imposes a tax on the transportation of unrefined petro-
leum, but not on the transportation of any other product, it is possible to conclude that it
is invidiously discriminating against transporters of unrefined petroleum. While it is not
certain that a court would come to this conclusion, the argument in C is the only one
listed which could possibly result in a finding that the section in unconstitutional.

Although the Constitution is silent as to the rights of states to tax interstate commerce, it
is generally understood that a state tax is valid if it requires interstate commerce to pay
its fair share of the value of state services without discriminating in favor of local com-
merce. Thus, the fact that the tax is imposed on interstate transporters as well as local
ones is not enough to make it invalid, and A is, therefore, incorrect. The state's power to
tax activities performed within the state does not depend on a statutory grant of author-
ity by the federal government. Thus, unless a federal statute specifically prohibits a par-
ticular form of state taxation, it is presumed valid. B is, therefore, incorrect. A state tax
on interstate commerce is ordinarily valid if it bears a fair relationship to services pro-
vided by the state to the taxpayer, and will not readily produce cumulative tax burdens.
Since transporters of petroleum receive the benefit of using state roads, a tax based on
distance and the quantity of cargo transported bears a fair relationship to that benefit.

Although neighboring states may impose similar taxes, there is no danger of duplicative
taxing since the amount of the tax is related to activity actually performed within the
state. D is, therefore, incorrect.

99. D Because the determination of any constitutional issue is likely to become an important
part of our law, the requirement of standing is designed to assure that persons litigating
constitutional issues have incentive to litigate them vigorously and effectively. For this
reason, standing requires that a party seeking to assert a constitutional issue must have a
personal stake in the outcome. Usually, this takes the form of an actual or immediately
threatened concrete injury which would be prevented by a favorable determination of
the claim. Since the construction company in D will lose profits if the state is unable to
honor its contract, it has the necessary personal stake to confer standing.

Although a state taxpayer may have standing to challenge the constitutionality of an

outlay of state funds, A is incorrect because the challenge in this case is to a federal stat-
ute, and not to the expenditure of state funds. The relationship between a federal tax-
payer and the federal treasury is regarded as too indirect to confer standing on a federal
taxpayer seeking to challenge an outlay of federal funds. B is, therefore, incorrect. An
interest which is purely intellectual or political is generally not held to be sufficiently
"personal" to confer standing, making C incorrect.

100. B Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution empowers Congress to spend
money for the general welfare. Under the Necessary and Proper Clause, this spending
power includes the power to impose conditions designed to assure that Congress will
get its money's worth for sums spent. Since the size of the vehicles which use a highway
could affect its longevity, the condition contained in the State Highway Subsidy Act is
probably a valid exercise of the spending power.

A is incorrect because there is no general federal police power. The "property clause"
(Article IV, Section 3) empowers Congress to make needful rules and regulations con-
cerning federal property. Since the State Highway Subsidy Act applies. to the construc-
tion of state highways, the "property clause" is inapplicable, and C incorrect. The
Eleventh Amendment prevents federal courts from hearing certain claims against states.
It is, therefore, inapplicable to determining the constitutionality of a federal law. Dis,
therefore, incorrect.

101. D The primary purpose of the exclusionary rule is to deter police misconduct in gathering
evidence. The United States Supreme Court has recently held, however, that after a per-
son has had a full and fair hearing in a state court on his claim that evidence against him
was seized illegally, additional review by the federal court would be of minimal use in
deterring police misconduct. For this reason, in a habeas corpus proceeding, the federal
court is bound by the state court's finding regarding a claimed Fourth Amendment vio-

A is, therefore, incorrect. Although a habeas corpus petition based on an asserted viola-
tion of the United States Constitution can be heard in a federal court only after all state
court remedies have been exhausted, the exhaustion of state remedies is not, alone, suf-
ficient reason for the federal court to grant the petition. B is, therefore, incorrect. C is
incorrect because a denial of certiorari by the United States Supreme Court indicates

only that fewer than four judges wanted to hear the claim. It does not reflect any finding
on the merits by the United States Supreme Court, and does not affect the power of any
other court - state or federal - to hear the claim.

102. A The abstention doctrine prevents federal trial courts from deciding constitutional issues
which are premised on unsettled questions of state law. Since the constitutionality of the
Moravia statute would likely depend on the meaning of the term "sexual deviates," and
since the facts say that the Moravia courts have never interpreted that term, the United
States district court should refrain from considering the validity of the statute until the
state court has had an opportunity to determine the meaning of the term.

Although the Eleventh Amendment prevents federal courts from entertaining damage
claims against a state by its citizens or by those of another state, it does not prevent
those courts from issuing an injunction ordering a state official not to violate federal law
(including the federal constitution). B is, therefore, incorrect. A question is said to be
moot if there is no longer an issue the judicial determination of which would affect the
rights of the parties. Since the rejection of Appleton's application was based on the state
law described, an order enjoining the state from enforcing it could result in the hiring of
Appleton. The question is, therefore, not moot, and C is incorrect. A person has stand-
ing to assert a constitutional claim if a judicial determination would prevent a concrete
and direct injury to him. Since a favorable decision could result in Appleton's being
hired, he does have standing. D is, therefore, incorrect.

103. D Article III, Section 2 of the United States Constitution extends the power of the federal
courts to cases arising under the Constitution or laws of the United States (i.e., to federal
questions). For this reason, the United States Supreme Court lacks jurisdiction to inter-
pret state constitutions. Since the decision of the Moravia state court was based on its
interpretation of the state constitution, the review sought by the commissioner does not
present any issue arising under the Constitution or laws of the United States. Because
the United States Supreme Court could not grant the commissioner of police the remedy
which he seeks, he is not entitled to have it review the state court's decision.

A, B, and C are, therefore, incorrect. (Note: A recent federal statute has made the dis-
tinction between appeal and certiorari virtually obsolete, but the examiners may still use
questions like this one to test judicial review.)

104. D Review by the United States Supreme Court is available when a state court has held a
state law valid in the face of a challenge based on the United States Constitution. Since
the Moravia court ruled that the state law was valid under the Equal Protection Clause
of the United States Constitution, the United States Supreme Court may review that

A law which violates the United States Constitution is invalid. The fact that it does not
violate the state constitution could not, therefore, provide an adequate ground for hold-
ing it valid. A is, therefore, incorrect. Although federal statutes limit Supreme Court
review to decisions of the highest state court available, the denial by the highest state
court of Appleton's petition for certiorari means that the intermediate appellate court
was the highest state court available to him. B is, therefore, incorrect. Whether or not a
particular system of classification is "suspect" determines the burdens ofproof to be met

in a constitutional challenge to it under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth

Amendment to the United States Constitution, but is not relevant to the availability of
judicial review. C is, therefore, incorrect.

105. A A statutory system of classification is unconstitutional if it lacks a rational basis.

Whether or not this statutory requirement has a rational basis is uncertain, but of the
arguments listed, A is the only one with any possibility of success.

While the Full Faith and Credit Clause requires a state to honor the judgments of the
courts of other states, it has never been held to require that states honor professional
licenses issued by other states. B is, therefore, incorrect. Since biology may be studied
anywhere, and since the statute makes the study of biology a requirement for all persons
- state residents and non-residents alike - there is no indication that the statute dis-
criminates against out-of-staters. C is, therefore, incorrect. The Privileges and Immuni-
ties Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment prevents states from interfering with the
rights which flow from the relationship between a United States citizen and the federal
government. Since the right to be a hairdresser does not arise from that relationship, D
is incorrect.

106. B Material is obscene if it appeals primarily to prurient interest, depicts sexual activity in a
way which offends contemporary community standards, and, on the whole is lacking in
serious artistic or scientific value. Although a "pandering" advertisement used to sell
allegedly obscene material might not, itself, be obscene, the United States Supreme
Court has held that its contents may be admitted as evidence relevant to a determination
of whether the material so advertised appeals primarily to prurient interest and whether
it is lacking in serious value.

Pomco has not been charged with publishing an obscene advertisement, so it does not
matter whether the advertisement is constitutionally protected. Its admissibility depends
not on whether the advertisement can be constitutionally punished, but on whether it is
relevant to a material issue in the case. A and C are, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect
because, even though not itself obscene, the advertisement may be relevant to determin-
ing whether the film is obscene.

107. A Although expert testimony is not necessary to establish that a work does or does not
have serious value, it is admissible for that purpose. I is, therefore, correct. Unless the
material is targeted to a specific group, however, the standards of the adult community
must be applied. II is, therefore, incorrect.

108. D Although the United States Supreme Court has held that the Constitution protects the
private possession of obscene material for private use, it does not protect commercial
distribution of obscene material for that purpose, or the use of the mails for such distri-

A and B are, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect for two reasons: first, the United States
Supreme Court has declared that the private possession and use of obscenity is constitu-
tionally protected; and, second, because Pomco was not charged with privately possess-
ing obscenity, but with sending it through the mails.

109. B Although many presidential appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the
Senate, it has been held that the president may remove appointees at will so long as they
do not perform judicial or quasi-judicial functions. Since ambassadors perform func-
tions which are strictly executive, the president may remove them at will.

A, C, and D are, therefore, incorrect.

110. B Ordinarily, statutory discrimination not based on suspect classifications is valid if it has
. a rational basis; Although gender has been held not to be a suspect classification, recent
decisions of the United States Supreme Court hold that gender discrimination is subject
to heightened scrutiny, and is valid only if substantially related to important governmen-
tal interests.

A is incorrect because classifications based on gender are constitutionally valid if they

are substantially related to important governmental interests. Some gender classifica-
tions have been upheld on the ground that they were "benign" (i.e., harmless). Other
"benign" gender classifications have been held invalid, however, especially where
based on old ideas about sex roles and the dependency of women. C is, therefore, incor-
rect. Whether a classification is "suspect" plays a role in determining which party has
the burden of proof in a challenge to its constitutional validity. D is incorrect, however,
because a statute which discriminates without a rational basis is always unconstitu-

111. B A statute which discriminates on the basis of age is constitutional if its system of classi-
fication has a rational basis (i.e., if facts can be imagined which would make the statute
a reasonable means of accomplishing a legitimate purpose). Protection of public health
is a legitimate legislative purpose. Thus, if the work of physical education teachers is
hazardous to the health of older persons, the statute's age classification is a reasonable
means of achieving a legitimate legislative purpose.

A is incorrect because the physical condition of one sixty- year-old person is not suffi-
cient to establish a rational basis for a statute which discriminates against all persons of
that age. Even when exercising its legitimate powers, a state must do so in a way which
is consistent with requirements of the United States Constitution. Cis, tl;lerefore, incor-
rect. Since some physical education teachers may be unqualified for other teaching
positions, the fact assumed in D would leave them no better off th~n they would be
without it. D is, therefore, incorrect.

112. A Because the determination of any constitutional issue is likely to become an important
part of our law, the requirement of standing is designed to assure that persons litigating
constitutional issues have incentive to litigate them vigorously and effectively. For this
reason, standing requires that a party seeking to assert a constitutional issue must h.ave a
personal stake in the outcome. Usually, this takes the form of an actual or immediately
threatened concrete injury which would be prevented by a favorable determination of
the claim. Since Willa has not yet consented to marry Malcomb, the state law· does not
injure·or imminently threaten to injure him.

B is incorrect because marriage is a fundamental right, and a statute which interferes

with a fundamental right is valid only if it is necessary to serve a compelling state inter-

est. Unless males under the age of 19 are not sufficiently mature for marriage and
females over the age of 17 are sufficiently mature for marriage, the fact that females
mature earlier than males - even if accurate - is irrelevant. C is, therefore, incorrect.
D is incorrect because the exercise of a power reserved to the state - even a reserved
power under the Tenth Amendment - must be consistent with the United States Consti-

113. C A claim is moot when there are no unresolved questions for the court to determine.
. Since the injunction which· Stuard seeks has been made unnecessary by the change in
University policy, there is no longer a need for judicial determination. C is, therefore,

Federal courts lack the power to interpret state constitutions. For this reason, a federal
court may not review a state court decision which is based on an interpretation of the
state constitution. (i.e., based on an adequate state ground). This principle does not pre-
vent a federal court from hearing a challenge to state action, however, if that challenge
is based on the federal Constitution. Since Stuard's federal court proceeding asserts that
the United States Constitution prohibits the Chancellor's act, the existence or absence of
an adequate state ground for the Chancellor's act is irrelevant. A, is, therefore, incorrect.
A court may hear a claim even though it has become moot if the nature of it is such that
the question may come up again and that it is likely to evade judicial review. (For exam-
ple, the constitutionality of a statute preventing the abortion of a child could not possi-
bly be determined by the United States Supreme Court before the birth of the child.) B
is incorrect, however, because, in view of the change in University policy, there is no
reason to believe that the claim will come up again. Since the Eleventh Amendment pre-
vents federal courts from hearing damage claims against a state, the fact that Stuard had
been damaged by past denials of her application would not give the court a reason to
hear the claim which is otherwise moot. D is, therefore, incorrect.

114. A The spending power authorizes Congress to expend funds to promote the general wel-
fare. Since the museum was intended to serve all residents of the United States, the con-
gressional decision to establish and fund it is probably justified under the spending

The Commerce Clause authorizes Congress to regulate the interstate movement of peo-
ple or commodities. Although the museum is to serve Americans from all states, the
statute makes no attempt to regulate their movement or that of the artifacts to be dis-
played. B is, therefore, incorrect. The Eleventh Amendment prevents federal courts
from hearing claims against a state. Since this claim is against the United States, and not
against any individual state, C is incorrect. The doctrine of state immunity relieves
states of the obligations imposed by certain federal laws. D is incorrect because the stat-
ute in question imposes no obligations on a state.

115. B Article IV provides, in part, that Congress shall have the power to make all needful rules
and regulations respecting property belonging to the United States. This has been con-
strued to mean that Congress - or an agency authorized by Congress - may exercise
power over federal lands substantially without limitation.

The Commerce Clause is inapplicable here, because there is no indication that the Gatos

National Preserve is involved in interstate commerce or movement. A is, therefore,

incorrect. C is incorrect because, although Congress is empowered to spend for the gen-
eral welfare, there is no general federal police power. The power of eminent domain
permits the government to take private property for public use (subject to the Fifth
Amendment requirement of 'just compensation"). Since there has been no taking of pri-
vate property, D is incorrect.

116. A The Fifth Amendment provides in part that private property shall not be taken for public
use without just compensation. Frequently, a regulation made in furtherance of the
police power raises an issue as to whether or not a taking has occurred. Sometimes, a
balancing of the importance of the public need against the detriment suffered by an indi-
vidual leads to the conclusion that the regulation did not result in a "taking." If there
was a taking, however, the Fifth Amendment would require just compensation.

This is true even if the taking was required to serve a compelling interest of the govern-
ment. (The government might, for example, have a compelling need to build a highway
over a particular piece of realty. If it took the realty for that purpose, however, it would
still be required to pay for it.) B is, therefore, incorrect. Although the Fifth Amendment
relates primarily to action by the federal government, the Just Compensation Clause has
been held to be applicable to the states under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth
Amendment. C is, therefore, incorrect. The fact that a person had been bitten by a Snake
Haven reptile might playa role in the balancing used to determine whether the ordi-
nance resulted in a taking. D is incorrect, however, because that fact would not, alone,
be determinative of the question.

117. C An issue presents a non-justiciable political question when a decision would unduly
interfere with the exercise of powers vested by the Constitution in other co-equal
branches of government. Although it is by no means certain that this is such an issue, C
is the only one of the arguments listed which has any possibility of success.

It is not clear how a federal court could go about enforcing process against the President
if he refused to obey a judicial order, but it is generally understood - and was so held in
u.s. v. Nixon, 418 U.S. 683 (1974) - that the federal courts have jurisdiction over the
President. A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because, although the President is
commander-in-chief of the armed forces, his power as such is subject to limitations
imposed by Congress. The United States Constitution gives Congress - and not the
President - the power to declare war. Thus, if the presidential order sending troops to
Libertad was a· declaration of war, it would be constitutionally invalid. D is, therefore,

118. A Procedural due process requires, among other things, a jury trial on issues of fact. For
this reason, the United States Supreme Court has held that an arbitrary statutory pre-
sumption violates procedural due process by depriving the defendant of his right to a
jury trial on the issue involved. The State of Qno statute creates an irrebuttable pre-
sumption that persons who spent more than three hours together in a hotel room had
sexual intercourse. If that presumption is an arbitrary one, it violates the requirements of
procedural due process.

Substantive due process requirements are said to be violated when a statute interferes

with certain constitutionally protected individual freedoms. This statute forbids sexual
intercourse with persons under the age of 16 years. Since there is clearly no constitu-
tionally protected right to engage in sexual intercourse with such persons, B is incorrect.
The Equal Protection Clause is violated by a state law which invidiously discriminates.
Since statutes designed to protect young people against their own lack of mature judg-
ment - particularly with respect to sexual intercourse - have been held not to be
invidious, C is incorrect. A bill of attainder is a law which has the effect of punishing
specific individuals without benefit of a trial. When the law in question does not name
the specific individuals to be punished, it is a bill of attainder ifit mandates a punish-
ment based on preexisting and unalterable characteristics. Since the State of Qno statute
does not impose punishment without a trial, it is not a bill of attainder. D is, therefore,

119. B The Fifth Amendment provides in part that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty,
or property without due process of law. Due process includes the right to a fair trial.
Since it is possible to argue that the systematic exclusion of aliens from the jury denied
Adamson a fair trial, it is possible that the federal statute excluding aliens from juries
violated his due process rights. It is, of course, far from certain that a court would come
to this conclusion, but of all the arguments listed, that set forth in B is the only one
which could possibly lead to a reversal. of Adamson's conviction.

A is incorrect because the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment only
prohibits discrimination by the state and cannot, therefore, be the basis of a decision that
a federal law is unconstitutional. The doctrine of separation of powers requires that the
duties of the federal government be divided among the three branches created by the
United States Constitution (i.e., executive, legislative, judicial). It is not applicable here
because there is no claim that Congress interfered with any other branch of the federal
government by passing the law in question. C is, therefore, incorrect. Under the
Supremacy Clause, when a state law is inconsistent with a valid federal law, the state
law is invalid. For this reason, it could not support a conclusion that a federal statute
was unconstitutional. D is, therefore, incorrect.

120. D Under the Supremacy Clause of Article VI, a state law is invalid if it is inconsistent with
a valid federal law covering the same subject matter. It is easy to decide whether a state
law which specifically contradicts a federal law is invalid under the Supremacy Clause.
It becomes more difficult when, as here, the state law prohibits something which the
federal law does not mention at all. The fact that the federal law is silent about aliens
serving on state juries might mean that Congress has permitted aliens to serve on state
juries by not prohibiting such service. It could also mean, however, that Congress delib-
erately left the matter to regulation by the states. In deciding which conclusion to draw,
it is necessary to consider the dominance of federal interest. Since Congress has primary
authority to determine the legal status of aliens, state legislation which affects aliens is
likely to be preempted by congressional silence. While it is not certain that a court
would come to this conclusion, the argument set forth in D is the only one listed which
could support a reversal of Adamson's conviction.

Although state laws which discriminate on the basis of alienage are unconstitutional
unless they are necessary to serve a compelling state interest, they are not per se invalid.
(Also, remember that there's an important exception to the general rule that a compel-

ling state interest must be served: where the government job involves a "traditional gov-
ernment function," even just a rational basis is enough to restriction of the job to
citizens valid.) A is, therefore, incorrect. The privileges and immunities clause of the
Fourteenth Amendment prohibits a state from interfering with rights which result from
United States citizenship. It is inapplicable to this case since aliens are not United States
citizens. B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect for two reasons: first, discrimination
against aliens is not necessarily based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude;
and, second, the Fifteenth Amendment only prohibits such discrimination in denying
the right to vote.

121. D The Equal Protection Clause prohibits invidious discrimination by the state. Since not
all discrimination is invidious, a series of standards have been developed to determine
whether a particular form of discrimination is constitutionally valid. If a discriminatory
purpose (i.e., a desire to exclude black women between the ages of 18 and 23 from Dur-
ban County Court juries) was a motivating factor in enacting the law, or if the law is
deliberately applied for that purpose, it is necessary to turn to the standards mentioned
above. If, however, a law is neutral on its face and is not purposely applied in a discrim-
inatory way, it does not violate the Equal Protection Clause, even though it may have a
discriminatory effect. The fact that a law has a discriminatory effect is, thus, not suffi-
cient to result in its invalidity under the Equal Protection Clause unless it is shown that
the law had or was applied with a discriminatory purpose. The fact that the law effec-
tively excluded a particular group may be Circumstantial evidence that it was intended
- either on its face or in its application- to have that effect.

A and B are, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because the fact that an otherwise neu-
trallaw had a discriminatory effect is not enough to make it invalid unless there was a
discriminatory purpose.

122. D Unless they interfere with fundamental rights (i.e., voting; marriage and procreation)
statutory systems of classification are generally valid if they have a rational basis. Sys-
tems based on suspect classifications, however, are valid only if they are necessary to
achieve a compelling state interest. The United States Supreme Court has held that age
is not a suspect classification. Thus, a rational basis would be sufficient to defeat Chan-
dler's claim of age discrimination and I is correct. Although the United States Supreme
Court has not held gender to be a suspect classification, it has developed a third or mid-
dle level of scrutiny for statutory systems of classification based on gender. These are
valid if they are substantially related to important govemmentinterests. Thus, if the stat-
ute is substantially related to important government interests, Chandler's claim of sex
discrimination will fail, and II is correct.

123. C In order to assure that constitutional challenges will be fully and vigorously prosecuted,
the concept of standing requires that a person challenging the constitutionality of a stat-
ute have some personal stake in the outcome. Usually this means that the challenger
must face some imminent concrete harm which would be avoided if the court grants the
relief which she requests. Since Chandler's complaint is that the law effectively pre-
vents her from serving on a jury, she lacks standing unless being deprived of an oppor-
tunity to serve on a jury constitutes concrete harm.

Since Chandler does not have a driving license, the existing law makes her ineligible for

jury service. Since a declaration that the law is invalid would remove the disability
imposed by the statute, Chandler's failure to have a driver's license is more likely to
result in a finding that she has standing than a finding that she does not. A is, therefore,
incorrect. Under the existing law Chandler will not be called as a prospective juror so
long as she does not have a driving license. On the other hand, a declaration that the law
is invalid would have the effect of making her eligible to be called as a prospective
juror. Since this would eliminate the harm which the existing statute causes, the fact that
she has never been called is more likely to defeat than to support the motion to dismiss
her claim. B is, therefore, incorrect. Since there is no fact indicating that Chandler is or
is about to become a litigant in the Durban County Court, the possibility that she will be
denied due process if she ever does become one is not harm which is imminent or con-
crete. D is, therefore, incorrect.

124. C Article IV Section 3 of the United Constitution provides in part that congress shall have
the power "to dispose of ... property belonging to the United States." Since the battle-
ships are property of the United States, Congress has the power to dispose of them
under this constitutional provision.

A is incorrect because the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment pro-
hibits certain discrimination by the states, but is not applicable to the federal govern-
ment. A bill of attainder is a legislative act punishing an individual or a group of
individuals without a judicial trial. Since the sale of battleships did not punish anyone, it
could not be a bill of attainder. B is, therefore, incorrect. Although Congress has the
power to spend for the general welfare, it is generally understood that there is no general
federal police power. D is, therefore, incorrect.

125. B Under the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution, a state law is invalid if it con-
flicts with a valid federal law dealing with the same subject matter. This principle is fre-
quently used to support the conclusion that a state attempt to regulate the federal
government or a federal activity is invalid. A state is free to regulate federal contractors,
however, so long as such regulations do not interfere with federal purposes or policies.
If the state pollution law were likely to have the effect of increasing the cost of produc-
ing bomb sights for the Department of Defense, it could successfully be argued that it is
invalid under the Supremacy Clause. If, on the other hand, the state pollution law would
not significantly increase the costs of the bomb sights, it would probably not interfere
with any federal policy, and would, therefore, be valid.

If Winding River is located entirely within the State of Tyrol, it might not be subject to
valid congressional regulation under the Commerce Clause. A is incorrect, however,
because Congress has other powers which might justify federal regulation concerning
Winding River. Congress may exempt federal contractors from compliance with a state
regulation on the ground that the regulation unduly interferes with a federal activity.
Since Congress may create such an exemption impliedly, however, the fact that it has
not expressly done so would not be conclusive. C is, therefore, incorrect. The question
of whether a river is "navigable" is relevant in determining whether the federal courts
have admiralty jurisdiction over it. D is incorrect, however, because congressional
power to regulate activities on the banks of Winding River may come from other
sources (e.g., the power to provide for the common defense).

126. D Under the test created by the United States Supreme Court in Miller v. California, 413
U.S. 15 (1973), a work may be found to be obscene only if it appeals primarily to pruri-
ent interest, depicts sexual conduct in a way which offends community standards, and
lacks serious value. Subsequently, the Court held that advertisements used to promote
allegedly obscene material might be relevant in determining whether the material was
intended to appeal primarily to prurient interest, and in determining whether it lacked
serious value. The language of Blue's advertisement may thus be admissible for that

Although the United States Supreme Court has ruled that a law may not interfere with
private possession and use of obscene materials, this rule does not apply to commercial
use of obscenity, which obviously includes renting an obscene film for a fee. A is, there-
fore, incorrect. Although a jury may base its decisions about an allegedly obscene film
upon a viewing of the film itself, other evidence (e.g., expert opinion) may also be con-
sidered. B is incorrect because the United States Supreme Court has specifically autho-
rized the admission of advertisements. Since the Fifth Amendment protects against
testimonial self- incrimination, Blue cannot be required to explain anything. C is, there-
fore, incorrect.

127. B The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides in part that no person
shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. Although "due
process" is an elusive term, it is generally held to include· the right of appeal. For this
reason, the provision of the Securities and Exchange Court Act which provides that
there shall be no right of appeal probably violates the Due Process Clause.

Article TIl of the United States Constitution provides that federal judges shall hold their
offices during good behavior. This has been held to mean that so long as a judge does
not act improperly, she may not be removed from office during her lifetime. This does
not mean that the office itself may not be abolished, however. A is, therefore, incorrect.
C is incorrect because Article TIl of the United States Constitution specifically empow-
ers Congress to ordain and establish federal courts inferior to the United States Supreme
Court. Although the United States Constitution vests the judicial power of the United·
States in the United States Supreme Court, it provides that the Court's appellate jurisdic-
tion is subject to such exceptions as Congress shall make. D is, therefore, incorrect.

128. B Under the Supremacy Clause of Article VI of the United States Constitution, the stat-
utes and treaties of the United States are the supreme law of the land. This means that a
state law which is inconsistent with any valid federal law or treaty is invalid. Although
an executive agreement is not a treaty, it has the same effect as a federal law under the
supremacy clause. Since the application of Athabaska's state income tax law is incon-
sistent with the executive agreement which prohibits the taxation of Ruritanian corpora-
tions within the United States, the Supremacy Clause may make the state law invalid as
applied to Ruricorp.

Although the United States Constitution prohibits the states from taxing imports or
exports without congressional consent, A is incorrect because the Athabaska income tax
is not a tax on imports or exports. The necessary and proper clause gives Congress the
power to do whatever is necessary and proper in carrying out its other powers. C is
incorrect because the constitutionality of an act of Congress is not in question. It has

been said that states are prevented from taxing the federal government because "the
power to tax is the power to destroy." This argument is not applicable in this case
because Athabaska is making no attempt to tax the federal government. D is, therefore,

129. D Like treaties, executive agreements are the supreme law of the land. Unlike treaties,
however, executive agreements do not stand on the same footing as acts of Congress.
Thus, while a treaty supersedes prior inconsistent federal statutes, an executive agree-
ment does not. For this reason, Congress may, by statute, limit the president's power to
make executive agreements. If Congress had done so by a prior law which prohibited
the president from making this kind of agreement, the agreement may be declared void.

Some executive agreements require subsequent congressional action in order to operate.

Others, called "self-executing," require no subsequent act of Congress to become opera-
tive. This distinction is related to the effect of an executive agreement, but not to its
validity. For this reason, A is incorrect. As the Equal Protection Clause of the Four-
teenth Amendment prevents invidious discrimination by the states, the Due Process
Clause of the Fifth Amendment bars arbitrary discrimination by the federal government.
When federal regulation (to which an executive agreement is equivalent) has nation-
wide impact, however, the existence of overriding national interests may permit regula-
tion that would be forbidden to the states. For this reason, the fact that the executive
agreement imposes an increased tax burden on non-Ruritanian corporations is not,
alone, sufficient to make it invalid. B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because the
president's power to make executive agreements is inherent, and, therefore, does not
require specific authorization from Congress.

130. B A federal court may refuse to hear a case because it presents a "non-justiciable political
question." An issue is nonejusticiable if a decision would unduly interfere with the exer-
cise of powers vested by the constitution in a co-equal branch of government, or if it
involves a matter which the text of the constitution commits to one of the other branches
of government. Since this concept is designed to keep the judiciary from interfering
with the activities of the executive and legislative branches of government, it derives
from the doctrine of separation of powers. Since the United States Constitution provides
that cases of impeachment shall be tried by the Senate, the doctrine of separation of
powers could result in the court's refusal to hear Jackson's challenge.

The Sixth Amendment provides that defendants in criminal proceedings shall enjoy the
right to counsel. A is incorrect, however, because the Due Process Clause protects the
right to counsel at other proceedings as well. The abstention doctrine prevents a federal
court from considering a constitutional question based on an unsettled question of state
law. Since Jackson's right to counsel at an impeachment proceeding does not depend on
state law, C is incorrect. Article II, Section 3 of the United States Constitution provides
that a judgment of impeachment cannot extend beyond removal and disqualification
from office. Federal employment may be a "property" interest, however, to which the
Due Process Clause applies. Thus, the fact that the impeachment proceeding results in
no more than loss of a job is not, alone, sufficient to prevent the Due Process Clause
from requiring the right to counsel.

131. A If a law requiring a permit for the exercise of First Amendment rights is invalid on its

face, its constitutionality may be attacked as a defense against a charge of violating it.
If, on the other hand, the law is invalid as applied, the unconstitutionality of its applica-
tion may not be raised as a defense against a charge of violating it. Instead, the appropri-
ate course is to apply for a permit and then seek judicial review of the denial of the
application, unless there is no time for such judicial review. Since the law was already
held to be valid on its face, and since the only claim made by March is that the law was
unconstitutionally applied, this claim may not be raised by March as a defense unless
two months would not have been sufficient time to obtain judicial review. The facts do
not disclose whether this is so, but the argument set forth in A is the only one listed
which could possibly be an effective response to March's claim.

Although the constitutionality of the ordinance on its face has already been decided by a
federal court, and is therefore res judicata, March's claim is that the ordinance is being
applied in an unconstitutional manner. Since even a valid ordinance may be applied in
an invalid way, B is incorrect. To promote the public order or other public good, a law
may impose time, place, and manner restrictions on expressive conduct so long as these
restrictions are not based on the message content of the expression. Since the ordinance
was found to be constitutional on its face, it probably did constitute a valid time, place,
and manner restriction. Like B, however, C is incorrect because the application of the
ordinance is being challenged. Although laws may regulate expressive conduct even in
traditional public forums, D is not a good response to March's claim because not all
such regulations are valid. [Note: Actually, regulations applicable to traditional public
forums must face a stricter test than other such regulations.]

132. A The Constitution gives Congress the exclusive power of legislation over the District of
Columbia. Thus, although there is no general federal police power, Congress does have
police power over the District of Columbia. A is, therefore, correct.

B is incorrect because there is no general federal police power and no specific Congres-
sional power to protect the environment. The Equal Protection clause of the Fourteenth
Amendment provides that no state shall deny equal protection of the law to any person
within its jurisdiction. Since it applies only to state action and not to action by the fed-
eral government, C is incorrect. The Necessary and Proper Clause gives Congress the
power to do whatever is necessary and proper in exercising its enumerated powers
under the U.S. Constitution. Although it may result in a finding that an act of Congress
is valid, it cannot be used to justify a finding that an act of Congress is invalid. Dis,
therefore, incorrect.

133. B The requirement of standing exists to assure that all constitutional issues will be vigor-
ously and thorougWy litigated. In order to have standing to challenge the constitutional-
ity of a statute, it is necessary for the challenger to have a personal stake in the outcome
of the challenge. In general, one who is likely to sustain concrete harm which could be
avoided by a declaration that the statute is invalid has sufficient personal stake to chal-
lenge its validity. Since the statute will have the effect of requiring video arcade opera-
tors to pay the tax, and since they will not have to pay the tax if the statute is declared
unconstitutional, a video arcade operator would have sufficient personal stake to chal-
lenge the statute's validity. Since an association has standing to assert the rights of its
members, B is correct.

Since the arcade operators would be paying the tax, persons who use video arcade
machines will not lose anything if the statute is declared constitutional. For this reason,
A is incorrect. Since there is no indication that the new statute will have any effect at all
on the manufacturers of video arcade amusement machines, the manufacturers of such
machines have no personal stake in the outcome of the challenge and, thus, lack stand-
ing to assert it. C, is therefore, incorrect. If the statute has any effect on a corporation
which is in the business of converting coin slots, it would be to increase rather than
decrease its earnings. For this reason, D is incorrect.

134. A Under the U.S. Constitution, direct taxes must be allocated among the states in propor-
tion to population, all customs duties and excise taxes must be uniform throughout the
United States, and no tax may be imposed on exports from any state. Except for these
limitations and prohibitions, the congressional power to tax is plenary. For this reason,
A is correct.

Although the U.S. Constitution gives Congress the power to spend for the general wel-
fare, B is incorrect because there is no general federal police power. So long as a tax is
within the lawful power of Congress, a court may not inquire into the congressional
motive for the imposition of that tax. For this reason, C and D are incorrect.

135. B In order to assure that constitutional issues will be thoroughly and vigorously litigated,
the requirement of standing makes it necessary for a person challenging the constitu-
tionality of a statute to have a personal stake in the outcome of the challenge. A chal-
lenger has sufficient personal stake when it has suffered or is about to suffer some
concrete harm which can be remedied or prevented by the court. Since the challenger in
B asserts that the statute will prevent the sale of his property, he faces imminent con-
crete harm. Since a declaration that the statute is unconstitutional will permit the sale of
his property, thus preventing that harm, he has sufficient personal stake and has standing
to assert the challenge.

Although an association may have standing to assert the rights of its members, it is nec-
essary that its members would have standing to sue on their own. A is incorrect because
the harm faced by the association members is not sufficiently concrete to give any of
them standing to challenge. the constitutionality of the statute. A state taxpayer lacks
standing to challenge any statute except one which provides directly for an expenditure
of public funds. C is, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because the harm which the
challenger asserts is neither concrete nor imminent.

136. C Ordinarily, a state classification which regulates economic interests is valid if it has a
rational basis. If the classification discriminates against a suspect class, however, it is
presumed invalid unless it is shown that the classification is necessary to achieve a com-
pelling state interest. Since alienage has been held to be a suspect class, the statute will
be presumed unconstitutional unless the state can satisfy this burden. C is, therefore,

A and B are incorrect for this reason. A is also incorrect because in the case of economic
regulation the burden is on the challenger to establish the lack of a rational basis. The
language of option D suggests the middle level of scrutiny, applied in cases involving
classifications which are not suspect but which are close to being suspect (e.g., gender,

legitimacy). D is incorrect because alienage has been held to be a suspect class.

137. D The United States Supreme Court has held that no work can be declared obscene unless
(1) the average person applying contemporary standards would find that taken as a
whole it appeals to a prurient interest in sex, and (2) it depicts sexual conduct in a way
which offends contemporary community standards, and (3) on the whole it lacks serious
literary, artistic, political or scientific value. Unless all three of these requirements are
satisfied, a work cannot constitutionally be declared obscene. Since it conceded that on
the whole the work has literary value, the prosecution has failed to meet the third prong
of the test and must faiL D is, therefore, correct.

A and B are incorrect because all three prongs of the test must be satisfied in order for a
work to be declared obscene. C is incorrect because since the work is conceded to have
literary merit, the prosecution will fail whether or not the book is found to appeal prima-
rily to prurient interest.

138. C Although the federal government is immune from state taxation, that immunity does not
shield persons working for the federal government, even where the cost of such taxation
will eventually be borne by the federal government. For this reason, a tax on building
contractors who work for the federal government is constitutionally valid so long as it
does not discriminate against them. C is, therefore, correct.

Because the power to tax is the power to destroy, it has been held that any attempt by a
state to impose a tax directly on the federal government or its activities is constitution-
ally invalid. A and B are, therefore, incorrect. Although persons doing business with the
federal government may be taxed by a state, the state law may not constitutionally dis-
criminate against people doing business with the federal government. D is incorrect
because the law taxes only those persons leasing land from the federal government.

139. A Although the Constitution is silent on the president's power to remove executive
appointees, the United States Supreme Court has held that these appointees can be
removed by the president at wilLThis is true even where the appointment itself required
the advice and consent of the Senate. The only exceptions are for officers appointed
pursuant to an act which specifies the length of their term of office or who perform a
quasi-judicial function. These, too, can be removed by the president, but only for cause.
Since the Pure Drinking Water Administration Act did not specify a term of office, the
president's order was constitutional.

B, C, and D are, therefore, incorrect.

140. A A state law regulating private contracts violates the obligations of contracts clause only
if it is limited to altering contractual rights and remedies. Thus a law, such as this one,
which regulates private conduct does not violate the obligations of contracts clause
merely because it incidentally reduces the value of existing contracts. Since the statute
is not limited to altering contract rights and remedies, it does not violate this clause, and
A is correct.

The Commerce Clause has been held to prohibit discrimination by a state against out of
staters since this would have the effect of preventing the free movement of persons and

things between the states. Since the state law permits the disposal of wastes generated
inside the state while prohibiting the disposal of wastes generated outside the state, a
court could find that it violates the Commerce Clause. B is, therefore, incorrect. The
Equal Protection clause prohibits a state from denying to any person within its jurisdic-
tion the equal protection of the laws. Since the state law in question denies to out of
staters a benefit which is available to state residents, it could beheld to violate equal
protection. C is, therefore, incorrect. The Privileges and Immunities clause of Article IV
requires a state to accord out of staters within a state the same treatment as residents.
Since this· statute does not, it could be held to violate the Privileges and Immunities
clause. D is, therefore, incorrect.

141. C Although there are few cases regarding the extent of the president's powers as com-
mander-in-chief, it is clear that they include the command of the military forces of the
United States. While it is not certain that this includes the power to send troops into a
foreign country in the absence of any military threat to American interests, C is correct
because it is the only argument listed which could possibly justify the presidential order.

A is incorrect because the president's emergency powers apply only when there is some
threat to the national interest. B is incorrect because the U.S. Constitution recognizes no
such power or obligation. The president's power over foreign affairs generally is under-
stood to refer only to diplomatic matters such as the negotiation of treaties and execu-
tive agreement and the receiving of foreign diplomats. D is, therefore, incorrect.

142. B The U.S. Constitution grants to Congress the power to spend for the general welfare.
The Necessary and Proper clause adds the power to do whatever is necessary and proper
to the execution of Congress's other powers. It has been held that in spending for the
general welfare, the Necessary and Proper clause permits Congress to impose condi-
tions to assure that it gets its money's worth. Since the federal funds covered by the law
are to be used for the treatment of diseases caused by smoking, it is possible to argue
that a required tax which makes cigarettes more expensive and thus discourages people
from using them is a necessary and proper way of protecting the investment of federal
funds. While it is not certain that a court would come to this conclusion, B is the only
principle listed which could possibly justify the provision in question.

The taxing power is the power to lay and collect revenues for the federal government.
Since the challenged provision would not require any payment to the federal govern-
ment or result in any federal revenue, A is incorrect. C is incorrect because there is no
general federal police power under the U.S. Constitution. The congressional power to
regulate interstate commerce is the power to control the movement of people and things
across state lines. Since there is no indication that the addition of a seven cent tax by
states would have any effect at all on movement across state lines, D is incorrect.

143. C In deciding equal protection cases, the United States Supreme Court has developed
three levels of scrutiny. Most statutes which regulate economic or social interests are
constitutionally valid if they have a rational basis. Statutes which discriminate against
suspect classes or which interfere with a fundamental rights are valid only if they are
necessary to achieve a compelling state interest. Statutes which discriminate against
classes which are close to being suspect or which interfere with rights which, although
not fundamental, are very important, are valid only if they are substantially related to an

important government interest. Since this statute interferes with the right to vote, and
since voting has been held to be a fundamental right, it is constitutionally valid only if it
is necessary to achieve an important government interest.

For the above reason, A is incorrect. Since gender is close to being a suspect class, a
statute which discriminates against males would ordinarily be scrutinized under the test
indicated in B. Since this particular statute interferes with a fundamental right, however,
B is incorrect. The "one person one vote" principal requires that voting districts be
approximately equal in population size so that each voter will receive approximately
equal representation. It does not apply in cases involving statutes which might prevent a
qualified voter from voting at all. D is, therefore, incorrect.

144. D The Property clause gives Congress the power to make laws disposing of and making
regulations concerning the use of all property of the federal government. This includes
the power to make restrictions for the purpose of preventing injury to federal lands.
Since Mountain Range National Park is owned and maintained by the federal govern-
ment, the Property clause authorizes Congress to prohibit fires within its boundaries. D
is, therefore, correct.

One of the factors to be considered in freedom of religion cases is whether the challeng-
ers are sincere in their religious beliefs. The United States Supreme Court has indicated
that the fact that a religious group has engaged in a particular practice for a long period
of time is relevant to determining whether the challengers' beliefs are sincerely held.
Except for this limited purpose, however, the fact that a particular practice is or is not a
traditional one is of no importance. Since no question has been raised regarding the sin-
cerity of the beliefs held by the Followers of the Holy Flame, A is incorrect. B is incor-
rect because courts may not inquire into the reasonableness of any religious belief or
practice. A law which interferes with the free exercise of religion is valid if necessary to
achieve a compelling state interest, considering the weight of the government interest,
the degree of interference with a religious practice, and the availability of alternate
means of protecting the government interest. Although discrimination between religions
and the primarily secular effect of a law are factors to be considered in establishment
clause cases, they play no role in free exercise challenges. For this reason, C is incor-

145. D The Eleventh Amendment prohibits the federal courts from hearing damage claims
against a state. For this reason, Cheff's proceeding should be dismissed. D is, therefore,

A case is moot when there are no longer any contested issues to be decided by the court.
Since Cheff claims to have sustained damage as a result of the enforcement of the man-
datory retirement law, at least the issue of damage remains to be decided by the court.
For this reason, the case is not moot, and A is incorrect. A person has standing to assert
a claim if he has sustained or is about to sustain concrete harm which the court could
remedy or prevent by granting the relief requested. Since Cheff claims to have sustained
damage, and since the court could remedy the harm by awarding a judgment for dam-
ages, Cheff has standing to assert his claim. B is, therefore, incorrect. A controversy is
ripe for decision when the issues are fully developed, defined by concrete facts, and not
merely speculative. Since Cheff has been forced to retire and since he was unemployed

for a period of two months following his retirement, these requirements are met and the
matter is ripe for decision. C is, therefore, incorrect.

146. B In deciding equal protection cases, the United States Supreme Court has developed
three levels of scrutiny. State regulations of social or economic interests are valid if they
have a rational basis. Statutes which discriminate against a suspect class or which inter-
fere with a fundamental right are not valid unless they are necessary to achieve a com-
pelling state interest. Statutes which discriminate against a group which is close to being
a suspect class are valid only if they are substantially related to important government
interests. It has been held that discrimination based on age does not involve a suspect
class or a group which is close to being a suspect class. For this reason, the statute is
valid if it has a rational basis.

C is, therefore, incorrect. The Eleventh Amendment prevents the federal courts from
hearing damage claims against a state. Since this proceeding is not an action for dam-
ages, however, the Eleventh Amendment does not prevent it from being heard. A is,
therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because age is not a suspect class, and because even a
statute which does discriminate against a suspect class may be valid if it is necessary to
achieve a compelling state interest.

Numbers refer to Question Numbers

I. Formation of contracts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107-108

A. Mutual assent 5-7,122-124
1. Offer and acceptance 1,8-9, 18,26,31-32,35-36,50,56-57, 73,83-85,
158, 159, 172, 176-177, 187, 193-194
2. Mistake, misunderstanding, misrepresentation,
nondisclosure, confidential relationship,
fraud, undue influence, and duress 66, 77, 103-104, 131-132, 143,
144, 145-148, 150-152, 167-168
3. Problems of communication and
"battle of the forms" 35-36,83-85, 122-124
4. Indefiniteness or absence of terms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7, 27, 37, 42-43, 44, 81-82, 90,
107-108, 122-124, 138, 173, 184
B. Capacity to contract 25,42-43,61-62,88, 105-106
C. Illegality, unconscionability, and
public policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7, 8-9, 19, 34, 77, 81-82,
112, 150-152, 153-154
D. Implied-in-fact contract and
quasi-contract. 3-4, 13-14, 18-38,45-46,60,
E. "Pre-contract" obligations based on
detrimental reliance 8-9,13-14,18,31-32,42-43,45-46,50,56-57,

II. Consideration 41, 121, 170-171

A. Bargain and exchange 1,11,13-14,45-46,56-57,63-65,80,83-85,86,
167-168, 170-171, 174, 175, 187, 193-194
B. "Adequacy" of consideration: mutuality
of obligation, implied promises, and
disproportionate exchanges 41, 78-79, 105-106, 121
150-152, 188-189
C. Modern substitutes for bargain: "moral
obligation," detrimental reliance, and
statutory substitutes 13-14,26,31-32,80,83-85,86,131-132,
145-148, 149, 170-172, 174-175, 185-186, 187
D. Modification of contracts: preexisting
duties 31-32,34,49,67, 134-137, 139-140,
145-148, 155-157, 174-175, 180-181
E. Compromise and settlement of claims 21, 45-46, 54, 68-72, 94-96, 101,

155-157, 162-164, 180-181

III. Third-party beneficiary contracts

A. Intended beneficiaries 22-23,38,47,63-65,68-72, 103-104,
174-175, 185-186, 188-190
B. Incidental beneficiaries .47, 63-65, 68-72, 103-104, 174-175,

I C. Impairment or extinguishment of third-party

rights by contract modification or mutual

D. Enforcement by the promisee 170-171,180-181

IV. Assignment of rights and delegation of

duties " 10,22-23,29-30,33,47,61-62,63-65,68-72,88,103,
104, 116-117, 133-137, 143-144, 162-164, 165-166,
169, 170-171, 178-179, 185-186, 188-190

V. Statutes of frauds 24,27,31-32,34,44,56-57,63-65,67,86,89,90, 129,

130, 139-140, 145-148, 149, 150-152, 162-164,
167-168, 170-171, 174-175, 180-181

VI. Parol evidence and interpretation 12,22-23,28,90,93, 138,

150-152, 173, 184

VII. Conditions 15-16,63-65,83-85,103-104,118-119,

162-164, 167-168
A. Express 1,3-4,22-23,51-53, 78-79,89, 118-119,
128, 134-137, 180-181, 182-183
B. Constructive
1. Conditions of exchange: excuse or suspension
by material breach 39-40, 118-119, 162-164
2. Constructive conditions of non-prevention, non-hindrance,
and affirmative cooperation 51-53, 134-137, 182-183
C. Obligations of good faith and fair dealing in
performance and enforcement of contracts 78-79, 122-124
D. Suspension or excuse of conditions by
waiver, election, or estoppel 81-82, 134-137
E. Prospective inability to perform: effect
on other party 59,113-114,134-137

VIII. Remedies
A. Total and partial breach of contract 5-7,48-49,165-166
B. Anticipatory repudiation 5-7, 39-40,59,78-79,113-114,
134-137, 155-157, 193-194
C. Election of substantive rights and remedies 100, 126, 160, 172
D. Specific performance; injunction against
breach; declaratory judgment 31-32, 51-53, 81-82,91-92, 105-106,

107-108, 113-114, 160, 176-177

E. Rescission and reformation 27,39-40,66, 107-108, 150-152, 165-166
F. Measure of damages in major types of
contract and breach 2,3-4,5-7, 10, 15-16, 17,29-30,39-40,48-49,
145-148, 155-157, 161, 165-166, 191-192
G. Consequential damages; causation, certainty, and
foreseeability 15-16, 109-110
H. Liquidated damages and penalties 74-76,91-92, 160
I. Restitutionary and reliance recoveries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-4, 25, 60, 111, 165-166
J. Remedial rights of defaulting parties 113-114, 116-117, 127,
141-142, 191-192

IX. Impossibility of performance and frustration

of purpose 3-4, 19,29-30,34,48-49,51-53,55,68-72,87,
109-110, 112, 153-154, 155-157, 185-186

X. Discharge of contractual duties 5-7, 17,29-30,39-40,48-49,54,55,59,61-62,

141-142,155-157,169, 178-179, 180-181


1. Immediately after his graduation from college in production of the chairs, however, and they were
June, Stuart announced his plan to begin law the last ones Sorrento had. For that reason, Sor-
school the following September and to marry Sue rento advertised them .at $75 each, even though at
in December. Stuart's father, Farrell, was afraid that price her profit would only be $10 per chair.
that marriage during Stuart's first year of law Barrie, an interior decorator, had contracted to
school might cause him to fail or drop out of provide furniture for anew hotel. On May 4, after
school. He called Stuart on the phone and said seeing the barrel chairs advertised, Barrie wired
that if Stuart postponed his wedding plans until Sorrento, "please ship me 500 barrel chairs as
after the completion of his first year of law advertised at $75 per chair COD." On May 5,
school, Farrell would give him a cash bonus of immediately upon receipt of the telegram, Sor-
$1,000 and would pay Stuart's tuition for the sec- rento wired Barrie, "AcceptyoUf offer. Will ship
ond year of law school. Stuart agreed, and called 500 barrel chairs tomorrow." Barrie telephoned
Sue to tell her that he wanted to postpone the Sorrento immediately upon receipt of Sorrento's
wedding. She became so angry at him that she telegram on May 6, saying that after discussing
broke off their engagement. Two months later, the chairs with his client he had decided to cancel
Sue married someone else. the order. On May 7, Barrie sold all the chairs to
Meyers at $75 each. If Sorrento sued Barrie for
Farrell died soon after Stuart began school, but breach of contract, the court should award Sor-
Stuart successfully completed his first year. rento
Although Stuart earned excellent grades, he
decided that he was not really interested enough (A) $5,000 (500 chairs at $10 profit per chair).
in the law to want to continue his legal education.
(B) $37,500 (500 chairs at $75 per chair).
After failing to register for a second year of law
school, he notified Farrell's administrator of his (C) $12,500 (fair market value of $100 minus
decision. Stuart said that although there would be contract price of $75 times 500 chairs).
no tuition expense, he expected to be paid the
(D) nothing, since Sorrento sustained no damage.
$1,000 cash bonus which his father had promised
him. The administrator refused to pay anything.
Questions 3-4 are based on the following fact situation.
If Stuart brought suit against the administrator of
Farrell's estate for $1,000, Stuart would probably On March 12, Homer hired Bilder to construct a three
be car garage on Homer's realty. After negotiation, they
entered into a valid written contract which fixed the
(A) unsuccessful, because his contract with Far- price at $8,000. According to the terms of the contract,
rell violated public policy. Homer was to pay $4,000 when the work was half
completed on or before Apri125, and to pay the balance
(B) unsuccessful, because Stuart failed to regis-
upon completion. All work was to be completed by
ter for a second year of law school.
June 1. On April 10, when the work was one quarter
(C) unsuccessful, because Farrell's death termi- complete, the partial structure was totally destroyed in
nated his offer. a fire which started without fault by either party. The
(D) successful. damage done by the fire made it impossible to com-
plete construction on time. Because he was committed
2. Sorrento, a furniture dealer, had 500 barrel chairs to begin construction on a hotel on J1:me 1, Bilder noti-
for sale. The chairs had a fair market value of fied Homer onApril 12 that he would perform no fur-
$100 each. The manufacturer had discontinued ther work for Homer. Homer subsequently hired Toil,

another contractor, to build the garage at a price of uncover the studs.

5. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Boswell refused to pay for the studs before
3. Assume for the purpose of this question only that inspecting them, and that the driver returned them
Homer instituted an action against Bilder for to Stilton. If Stilton asserts a claim for breach of

I damages resulting from breach of contract, and

that Hilder asserted a defense based on impossi-
bility of perlormance. The court should find for
contract against Boswell, the court should find

(A) Stilton, because Boswell's refusal to pay

(A) Bilder, because the fire was not his fault. prior to inspection was a breach.
(B) Bilder, because he has not yet received any (B) Stilton, because Boswell's refusal to pay
compensation .from Homer. prior to inspection was an anticipatory
(C) Homer, because the work was only one-quar-
ter complete when fire destroyed the struc- (C) Boswell, because the contract provision call-
ture. ing for payment prior to inspection was
(D) Homer, because Hilder's obligation was to
work for Homer until June 1. (D) Boswell, because Stilton failed to deliver the
4. Assume for the purpose of this question only that 6. Assume that Boswell paid the driver before
Bilder institutes an action against Homer on a inspecting the studs. Upon subsequent inspection,
quasi-contract theory, seeking compensation for however, Boswell discovered that the studs were
the services which he rendered prior to the fire. utility grade instead of construction grade.
Bilder is entitled to receive Assume for the purpose of this question only that
he then telephoned Stilton, offering to return the
(A) the reasonable value of the work performed studs and demanding the return of his money, but
by Bilder, less the difference between the Stilton refused to take the merchandise back or to
price which Homer had agreed to pay return Boswell's money. Which of the following
Bilder and the price which Homer agreed to is most correct about the effect of Boswell's pay-
pay Toil. ment prior to inspection?
(B) the reasonable value of the work performed
(A) The terms of the contract required an uncon-
by Bilder.
ditional acceptance prior to inspection, and
(C) one quarter oftheprice which Homer agreed payment constituted unconditional accep-
to pay Bilder forthe completed structure. tance.
(D) nothing, since Homer has received no benefit (B) Even if the contract provision calling for
from Bilder's work. payment prior to inspection was invalid,
payment resulted in a waiver of the right to
inspect prior to acceptance.
Questions 5-7 are based on the following fact situation.
(C) Payment did not impair Boswell's right to
Boswell agreed to purchase 250 2" x 4" construction inspect the goods prior to acceptance.
grade wooden studs from Stilton by a written contract (D) Payment constituted acceptance, but Boswell
which provided that Boswell would make payment
was entitled to revoke acceptance within a
prior to inspection. The studs were delivered to
reasonable time thereafter.
Boswell by truck, <ind were covered with a canvas tar-
paulin when they arrived at Boswell's worksite. The 7. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
driver demanded payment before he would unload or after discovering that the studs were utility grade

instead of construction grade, Boswell sent Stil- head. On March 15, the notice was removed from the
ton a letter notifying him that the studs did not employees' lounge, and replaced by a sign which said,
conform to the contract. Assume further that "The offer of a cash prize for redesigning the Basic
Boswell kept and used the studs. If Boswell Computer Program is hereby withdrawn." On March
asserts a claim against Stilton for breach of war- 17, Enner submitted a modification design which did
ranty, the court should enter judgment in favor of double the operating speed and which was eventually
adopted for use by the company. No other employees
(A) Boswell, for the difference~between the value responded to the notice. The company has refused to
of utility grade studs and the value of con- pay any cash prize to Enner.
struction grade studs.
8. The notice which was posted on March 1 consti-
(B) Boswell, for return of the price which he tuted
(C) Stilton, because Boswell used the studs. (A) an offer for a unilateral contract.

(D) Stilton, because he might have been able to (B) an offer for a bilateral contract.
sell the studs elsewhere for a higher price. (C) an offer for a unilateral contract which rip-
ened into a bilateral contract when Enner
wrote the memo on March 8 and deposited
Questions 8-9 are based on the following fact situation.
it in the interoffice correspondence system.
Compinc, a manufacturer of computer hardware and (D) a preliminary invitation to deal, analogous to
software, was seeking a way to speed up the operation a newspaper advertisement for the sale of
of its Basic Computer Program. On March 1, it posted goods.
the following notice in the employees' lounge:
9. If Enner asserts a claim against Compinc for
The stockholders of Compinc are offering a $200 in a jurisdiction which accepts the view
cash prize of $200 to any employee who expressed in the Restatement of Contracts, Sec-
develops a modification of Compinc's Basic ond, Enner's most effective argument will be that
Computer Program which will double its
operating speed. Design modification entries (A) a bilateral contract was formed when Enner
should be submitted to the head of the Basic submitted the design which the company
Program Department prior to June 1. In the eventually adopted.
event that modifications are submitted by
more than one employee, the prize will go to (B) Enner relied on the offer contained in the
the employee who submits the design which, first notice by working on the design in his
in the opinion of the Basic Program Depart- spare time prior to March 15.
ment, can be used most economically. (C) the promises contained in the first notice
could not be withdrawn until June 1.
Enner, an engineer employed by Compinc, read the
notice on March 5, and immediately began working on (D) the company's attempt to withdraw its offer
program modifications in his spare time. On March 8, was unconscionable.
he wrote and signed a memo which said, "I accept the
stockholders' offer of a two hundred dollar prize for 10. Corman was the owner of a condominium which
redesigning the Basic Computer Program. I am hard at consisted of an apartment with a patio and a small
work on the project and expect to submit my modifica- backyard. When he moved in, he entered into a
tion design within a week or two." Enner sent the note written contract with Lansman. Pursuant to its
to the head of the Basic Program Department by the terms, Lansman was to perform certain specified
interoffice correspondence system, but it was somehow gardening services in the yard of Corman's con-
diverted and was never received by the department dominium each week for a period of one year, for

which Corman was to pay the sum of $50 per not officially assigned to the case, he notified his
month. The contract contained a clause which fellow police officers and his usual underworld
stated, "Corman hereby agrees not to assign this informants that he was especially interested in the
contract without the written permission of Lans- case. As a result, Marino, a police officer, and
man." Three months after entering into the Pidgeon, an underworld informant, passed infor-
agreement, Corman informed Lansman that he mation to Curran which they thought might relate
was selling the condominium to Antun, and asked to the arson crimes. The tip which Curran
Lansman to consent to Connan's assignment of received from Marino proved to be of no assis-
the contract to Autun. Because the costs of land- tance, but that which he received from Pidgeon
scaping materials had increased dramatically in led him to conduct a further investigation. His
the last three months, Lansman was glad for an efforts eventually resulted in the arrest of two
opportunity to be relieved of his obligations men who pleaded guilty to setting fires in public
under the contract, and refused to consent to the buildings. Curran demanded that the City Council
assignment. Corman assigned the contract to pay him $1,000 but the council refused.
Autun anyway, but Lansman refused to perform
any further work on the yard. After formally If Curran institutes a lawsuit against the City of
demanding performance from Lansman, Antun Metro for the $1,000 reward offered in the signs
hired another gardener to do the same work for posted on June 2, which of the following would
$75 per month which was the best price Antun be the City's most effective argument in defense?
could negotiate.
(A) The reward should go to Pidgeon, since it
In an action by Antun against Lansman for was his information which eventually led to
breach of contract, the court should find for the arrest of the arsonists.
(B) The reward was not accepted, since the
(A) Antun, because Lansman had no right to
arsonists were not convicted but pleaded
unreasonably withhold consent to the
(C) Curran gave no consideration for the City's
(B) Antun, because the assignment was valid in
promise to pay a reward, since he was
spite of Lansman's refusal to consent.
already obligated to attempt the apprehen-
(C) Lansman, because the contract prohibited sion of the arsonists.
assignment by Corman without Lansman's
(D) There was no enforceable promise by the
City, since the offer was for a gratuitous
(D) Lansman, because the contract was for per- cash award.
sonal services.
11. On June 1, after arson fires had damaged several 12. San Sebastian is an English speaking republic on
city buildings, the City Council of the city of the continent of Europe. Its unit of currency is the
Metro voted to offer a reward to aid in apprehen- San Sebastian dollar, which is worth about 85
sion of the arsonists. On June 2, by order of the U.S. cents. While on a business trip in the United
City Council, signs were posted in various loca- States, Sella, who owned a glue factory in San
tions throughout the city. The posters identified Sebastian, entered into a written contract with
the buildings which had been burned, and stated: Belton. According to the contract, Belton was to
"$1,000 REWARD is hereby offered by the City purchase thirty tons of liquid glue from Sella to
of Metro to any person furnishing information be delivered on or before July 10. The contract
leading to the conviction of persons responsible stated the total price of the glue to be "NINE
for setting fire to said buildings." Curran, a THOUSAND ($9,000) DOLLARS."Mter
police officer employed by the City of Metro saw receiving the shipment, Belton sent Sella an inter-
the posters on June 5, and resolved to make a spe- national money order for 9,000 San Sebastian
cial effort to catch the arsonists. Although he was dollars. Sella wrote to Belton claiming that the

agreement called for the payment of 9,000 U.S. 13. If Sport institutes an action· for the value of her
dollars, but Belton refused to make any further fishing gear against the executor of Manfred's
payment. Sella instituted an action against Belton estate the court should find for
in the United States and offered to testify that,
prior to executing the written memorandum, she (A) Sport, on a theory of quantum meruit.
and Belton agreed that the price expressed in the
(B) Sport, because danger invites rescue.
writing was to be in U.S. dollars.
(C) Sport, b~caus~JherellsoI1able person in
If Belton objects to the testimony, the objection Manfred's position would have offered to
should be pay for the loss of the fishing gear in
exchange for Sport's attempt to rescue
(A) sustained, since the oral agreement about Manfred.
which Sella is offering to testify was made (D) the executor of Manfred's estate.
prior to the execution of the written memo-
randum of sale.
14. If Sport institutes an action against the executor
(B) sustained, only if the written memorandum
of Manfred's estate for the $100 which Manfred
was prepared by Belton.
promised to pay her, the court should find for
(C) overruled, unless the writing is found to be a
complete integration of the agreement (A) Sport, if the jurisdiction has a good-samari-
between Belton and Sella. tan statute.
(D) overruled, because the evidence which Sella (B) Sport, because she detrimentally relied on
is offering to present does not modify or Manfred's promise to pay her one hundred
contradict the terms of the writing. dollars.
(C) Manfred's executor, because Manfred's
Questions 13-14 are based on the following fact situa- promise was unsupported by consideration.
tion. (D) Manfred's executor, because it is impossible
to calculate the value of Sport's services.
Sport was fishing on her boat in Clear Lake, when she
heard a call for help. Looking about her, she saw Man-
fred, who was drowning and flailing his arms over his Questions 15-16 are based on the following fact situa-
head. Sport jumped into the water and swam toward tion.
Manfred, dropping her fishing gear into the lake and
losing it in her effort to aid Manfred. She grabbed Man- Honniker's hobby was restoring and collecting antique
fred by the hair and swam to the shore, dragging him automobiles. After acquiring a 1919 Bensonhurst Bul-
out of the water. Manfred was unconscious, but she let automobile, she contacted Carl's Custom Body
gave him mouth to mouth resuscitation until he Shop about having the car repainted. Carl said that he
regained consciousness. When Manfred opened his would paint the Bullet for $700, and would sell Honni-
eyes, he said, "I know 1 can never repay you for saving ker a new bumper for an additional $150. Using an
my life, but 1 promise to pay you $100 the first of next order blank from a pad which he purchased at a station-
month as a token of my gratitude." A few days later, ary store, Carl wrote out all the terms of their agree-
Manfred died from causes not related to the incident. ment. On a printed line marked, "PAYMENT" he
wrote, "Paint job -- $700, payable $300 in advance and
The following month Sport made demand upon Man- $400 on completion. Bumper--$150 payable on deliv-
fred's executor for the $100 which Manfred promised ery." Both Carl and Honniker signed at the bottom of
her and for an additional $100 which was the value of the form.
the fishing gear that she lost in her attempt to rescue
Manfred. The executor rejected both demands.

15. Which of the following statements most correctly find a job until six months after his discharge,
describes the obligations set forth in the writing when he went to work for Newton doing the same
signed by Honniker and Carl? general sort of work which he had been doing for
Boss and earning the same salary. In an action by
(A) Payment by Honniker of the initial $300 is a Worthen against Boss for damages resulting from
condition precedent to Carl's obligation to breach of the employment contract, the court
paint the car, and Carl's painting of the car should give judgment to
is a condition precedent to Honniker's obli-
gation to pay the additional $400. (A) Boss, since Worthen's position was elimi-
(B) Payment by Honniker of the initial $300 is a
condition precedent in form and substance (B) Worthen, for severance pay in a sum equiva-
to Carl's obligation to paint the car, and lent to two months salary.
Carl's painting of the car is a condition pre-
(C) Worthen, in a sum equivalent to the salary
cedent in form, but subsequent in substance
which Worthen lost between the time of his
to Honniker's obligation to pay the addi-
discharge and the time he began working
tional $400.
for Newton, plus the cost of advertising in
(C) Payment by Honniker and painting of the car the "jobs wanted" section of the newspa-
by Carl are concurrent conditions. per.
(D) Neither party's obligation to perform is con- (D) Worthen, in a sum equivalent to the salary
ditioned upon performance by the other which Worthen would have received during
party. the balance of the contract term.

16. Assume for the purpose of this question only that 18. Cabb was the owner of a fleet of taxis which he
Carl notified Honniker that he would not deliver leased to independent drivers in return for sixty
the new bumper as agreed, and that Honniker percent of the fares which they collected. All the
succeeded in buying one like it in another town leases were scheduled to expire on December 31.
for $130, but that her reasonable travel expenses Because the cars in his fleet were beginning to
in finding and purchasing it amounted to $20. In look shabby, Cabb decided to have them all
an action by Honniker against Carl, the court painted during the first week of January, before
should find for negotiating new leases with the drivers. At the
beginning of December, he called Payne, the
(A) Honniker, in the sum of $20. president of Paint-a- Car Auto Painting company,
to inquire about his price for painting all the cars
(B) Honniker, in the sum of $40.
in Cabb's fleet. Payne said the he would do the
(C) Honniker, in the sum of $170. job for $150 per car.
(D) Carl.
Cabb said, "I'm talking about sixty cars. That's a
17. Worthen was employed by Boss as department lot of business. I'll give you the job if you'll do it
manager pursuant to a written contract. The con- for $125 per car."
tract was for a five year term, and fixed
Worthen's compensation at $2,000 per month. "I'd really like to have your business," replied
Worthen's work was satisfactory, but two years Payne.
after entering into the contract with him, Boss
reorganized the company. As a result of the reor- "See you the first week in January," Cabb said.
ganization, Worthen's department was elimi-
nated, and Boss terminated Worthen's On January 3, Cabb brought one of his taxis to
employment. Worthen advertised in the "jobs the Paint-a- Car shop, and offered to make
wanted" section of the newspaper, but did not arrangements for bringing in the rest of the cars

to be painted. Payne said that he had just obtained If Osteen sues Martin for breach of contract, the
a contract to paint some school buses and that he court should find for
was too busy to do any work for Cabb. Cabb sub-
sequently asserted a claim for damages against (A) Martin, under the doctrine of frustration of
Payne. purpose.
(B) Martin, under the doctrine of impossibility of
Which of the following additional facts or infer-
ences' if it were the only one true, would be most
helpful to Cabb in his action against Payne? (C) Martin, because after the contract had been
formed, government action made its subject
(A) Payne's statement, "I'd really like to have matter unlawful.
your business" implied a promise to paint (D) Osteen.
all the cars in Cabb's fleet at $125 per car.
20. X-tendo contracted to add a room to Homer's
(B) Cabb relied on Payne's statement by bring-
house for $3,000, with the understanding that the
ing the taxi to the Paint-a-Car shop.
materials used by X-tendo were to be included in
(C) Immediately prior to January 3, Cabb could that price. The day before work was to begin,
have had the taxis painted at another shop Homer wired X-tendo, "The deal is off. Do not
for $125 each, but immediately after Janu- begin work, Homer." X-tendo subsequently
ary 3 the lowest price he could find was asserted a claim against Homer for breach of con-
$150. tract. Homer raised non-compliance with the
Statute of Frauds as a defense. Which of the fol-
(D) On January 3, when Payne told Cabb that he
lowing statements is most correct about the appli-
was too busy to do the work, Cabb offered
cation of the Statute of Frauds to the contract
to pay Payne $150 per car, and tendered
between Homer and X-tendo?
payment of that sum.
I. The contract was required to be in writing
19. When Osteen's uncle died, he left her a ten-story if the materials which would have been
office building which had a motion picture the- required had a price in excess of $500.
ater on its ground floor. The offices in the build-
ing were all occupied when Osteen acquired title II. The contract was required to be in writing
to it. The motion picture theater was vacant, how- if, at the time of contracting, the parties
intended that the materials required would
ever, so she advertised for a tenant. Martin had
have a price in excess of $500.
researched the neighborhood and decided that it
was a good location for a pornographic movie (A) I only.
theater. When he saw Osteen's advertisement, he
contacted her and said that he was interested in (B) II only.
leasing the theater. He did not tell her what type (C) I and II.
of films he intended to show because he thought
that she might be unwilling to rent it to him for (D) Neither I nor II.
that purpose. On April 1, they entered into a writ- 21. After Poston said that Dworkin owed him $3,000,
ten rental agreement for the theater, occupancy to Dworkin promised to pay $2,000, which Poston
begin on May 1. On April 15, the city council agreed to accept as payment in full. Subse-
passed an ordinance prohibiting the showing of quently, Dworkin refused to make payment, and
pornographic films in the neighborhood where Poston asserted a claim for $2,000 based on
the theater was located. As a result, Martin Dworkin's promise. If it was the only one true at
advised Osteen that he was canceling the rental the time of Dworkin's promise, which of the fol-
agreement. lowing additional facts or inferences would be
most likely to result in a judgment for Poston?

(A) Dworkin honestly believed that he owed (B) Yes, because a modification of a construction
Poston $3,000, but Poston did not believe contract may be·by oral agreement.
that Dworkin owed him the money.
(C) No, because Smith is estopped from denying
(B) Poston honestly believed that Dworkin owed the validity of the written agreement.
him $3,000, but Dworkin did not believe
(D) No, because the agreement concerning the
that he owed Poston the money.
loan is an oral agreement which was made
(C) Poston was threatening to institute a lawsuit prior to the writing and which contradicts
against Dworkin for $3,000 plus costs and the terms of the writing.
(D) Poston had already commenced a lawsuit 23. For this question only, assume that Smith
against Dworkin for $3,000 plus costs and obtained the loan, and that Trac completed build-
interest. ing the fireplace on February 5. Assume further
that because Dot had married a man of whom
Trac did not approve, Trac asked Smith to pay the
Questions 22-23 are based on the following fact situa-
$1,000 to Trac directly, which Smith did on Feb-
ruary 6. If, on February 12, Dot learns for the first
Trac's daughter Dot was about to celebrate her twenty-
time of the written agreement between Smith and
first birthday, and Trac wanted to give her a gift which
Trac, and commences a lawsuit against Smith for
would express his sentiments for her. Trac was a
$1,000, will Dot's lawsuit succeed?
wealthy and successful building contractor, but had
begun his career as an assistant bricklayer. Instead of
(A) No, because she gave no consideration for
purchasing something for Dot, he decided to give her a
Smith's promise to pay her.
gift with the labor of his hands. Trac entered into a
written contract with Smith. According to its terms, (B) No, because the payment by Smith to Trac
Trac agreed to build a brick fireplace for Smith, per- was the result of an effective oral modifica-
forming all the labor himself. In return, Smith agreed to tion of the written contract.
pay the sum of $1,000 to Dot on her birthday, February (C) Yes, because Dot is an intended donee bene-
12, upon completion of the work by Trac to Smith's ficiary of the contract between Trac and
satisfaction. Dot did not learn of the transaction until Smith.
February 12. Before signing the writing, Smith and
Trac agreed orally that Smith would make a reasonable (D) Yes, because the written contract between
effort to obtain a loan to pay for the work but that if Smith and Trac operated as an assignment
Smith was unsuccessful in doing so by January 1, the to Dot of Trac's right to payment.
agreement between them would be of no effect.
24. Assume that Defendant in each of the following
22. For this question only, assume that Smith made fact patterns objects to enforcement of the agree-
efforts to obtain the loan, but could not do so. ment on the ground that it violates the statute of
Assume further that on January 1, Smith frauds. In which of the following fact patterns is
informed Trac that, because he was unable to the agreement between Plaintiff and Defendant
obtain the loan, he was calling off the deal. In an LEAST likely to be enforced over Defendant's
action for breach of contract brought against objection?
Smith by the proper party, will Smith be success-
ful in asserting as a defense his inability to obtain (A) Defendant orally agreed to purchase a series
a loan? of porcelain figurines from Plaintiff to be
delivered one per week for fifteen weeks at
(A) Yes, because obtaining a loan was a condi- a price of $100 per figurine. Prior to the
tion precedent to the existence of an first delivery, Defendant advised Plaintiff
enforceable contract. that he was no longer interested in receiving

the figurines. friendly competition with the other. Sulton owned

a garden tractor which he used for cultivating
(B) Defendant orally agreed to purchase a hand
vegetables in the backyard of his home. Brendan,
carved entry door for Defendant's home
who wanted to plant a garden in his own back-
with Defendant's coat of arms on it for a
yard, sent Sulton a note in which he offered to
price of $600. After Plaintiff completed the
buy the tractor from Sulton for $500. Sulton
rough carving of Defendant's coat of arms,
responded on February 15 by sending Brendan a
Defendant changed her mind and notified
letter which stated, "I will sell you my garden
Plaintiff that she would not accept delivery
tractor for six hundred dollars, and not a penny
of the door.
less. To give you time to think it over, I promise
(C) Defendant's pleadings admitted making an to hold this offer open until March 15." On
oral agreement to purchase a painting from March 5, Brendan noticed a similar garden tractor
the Plaintiff for $900, but asserted as an in the yard of Norton, another neighbor. He called
affirmative defense that the agreement was Norton on the phone and offered to buy it for
unenforceable under the Statute of Frauds. $500, but Norton said, "Are you kidding? I just
bought it from Sulton for $600." On March 6,
(D) Defendant orally agreed to a price of $1,200
for the purchase of 100 lawn-trimmers Brendan went to Sulton's store with $600 in cash,
and said, "I've decided to buy that tractor from
manufactured by Plaintiff for resale in
you. Here's the money." Sulton refused the
Defendant's store. Plaintiff then sent Defen-
money and told Brendan that he had already sold
dant a memorandum signed by Plaintiff and
the tractor to Norton. If Brendan asserts a claim
outlining the terms of their agreement.
against Sulton for damages resulting from Sul-
Defendant did not sign the memorandum or
ton's refusal to sell the tractor on March 6, the
respond to it in any way.
court should find for

25. Margeaux, a minor, purchased a used car from (A) Brendan, because Sulton's offer of February
Utrecht Car Sales for $1,200. The reasonable 15 was irrevocable until March 15.
rental value ofthe car was $150 per month. After
(B) Brendan, because Sulton did not notify him
she had owned the car for two months, the steer-
that he was withdrawing his offer to sell
ing failed while she was driving it, causing it to
Brendan the garden tractor until after Bren-
collide with a tree. Although Margeaux was
dan accepted it.
unhurt, the car sustained $400 worth of damage.
Margeaux returned the damaged car to Utrecht (C) Sulton, because Brendan learned of the sale
and demanded her money back, but Utrecht to Norton on March 5.
refused to refund her money. If Margeaux asserts
(D) Sulton, because his letter of February 15 was
a claim against Utrecht, the court should award
a rejection of Brendan's original offer to
her a judgment in the amount of
purchase the garden tractor.
(A) $1,200 (the full purchase price ofthe car).
27. Seller and Buyer entered into a written contract
(B) $900 (the purchase price of the car less its
for the sale of 200 electric power drills. Although
reasonable rental value).
they orally agreed on a price, they inadvertently
(C) $800 (the purchase price of the car less the failed to include it among the terms of the written
damage which it sustained). agreement. In an action for breach of the contract,
the court should
(D) nothing.
26. Sulton and Brendan were neighbors who owned (A) admit oral testimony to establish the price
homes on adjoining parcels of realty. They were which the parties intended.
both in the business of selling art supplies, each
(B) refuse to enforce the contract if it is one
operating an art supply store which engaged in

which the Statute of Frauds required to be ditioning units at a price of $250 each, FOB Koolers
in writing. factory. The contract contained a clause which prohib-
ited either party from assigning its rights or obligations
(C) conclude that the contract calls for the pay-
under the contract without the consent of the other
ment of a reasonable price.
party. On June 1, Kooler's employees loaded the units
(D) disregard the writing since it fails to contain on a truck owned and operated by Carrier, an indepen-
all the essential terms of the agreement. dent trucking company. When the loading was com-
plete, Kooler phoned Bittelthat the shipment was on its
way. Later that day, Kooler executed a document which
28. On May 15, after negotiation, Payne and Hoser
contained the following language: "In consideration of
entered into a written agreement for the painting
$20,000 to me in hand paid by Abco this date, I hereby
of Hoser's home. The writing stated that the price
assign to Abco all rights under my contract with Bittell
was to be $300 plus the cost of materials, that the
dated May 20." On June 2, while en route to Bittell's
work was to begin on June 2 and to be completed
warehouse, the truck containing the air conditioning
by June 12, that stucco portions of the house were
units overturned, and the entire shipment was
to be painted yellow and that wood trim was to be
painted brown, and that the written memorandum
was a full and final expression of the agreement
between Payne and Hoser. During litigation 29. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
between Payne and Hoser to enforce the contract, Bittell did not consent to Kooler's assignment of
Hoser offered to testify to the following addi- rights to Abco. In an action by Abco against Bit-
tional facts. Which is the LEAST likely to be tel, Abco will probably recover
admitted into evidence over timely objection by
Payne? (A) the contract price of $25,000 (100 air condi-
tioning units at $250 each).
(A) Prior to signing the memorandum, Payne and
(B) the difference between the contract price and
Hoser orally agreed that the contract would
the market value of the air conditioning
have no legal effect if Hoser sold his house
prior to June 2.
(C) nothing, since recovery from Bittell would
(B) Prior to signing the memorandum, Payne and
unjustly enrich Abco.
Hoser orally agreed that Hoser would use
no paint without first submitting it for (D) nothing, since the contract between Bittell
Hoser's approval. and Kooler prohibited assignment.
(C) While signing the memorandum, Payne and
Hoser orally agreed that any promises made 30. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
by either of them during negotiations were Bittell did consent to Kooler's assignment of
to be enforceable, even if they were omitted rights to Abco. In an action by Bittell against
from the memorandum. Kooler for damages resulting from non-delivery
(D) While signing the memorandum, Payne and of the air conditioning units, which of the follow-
Hoser orally agreed that Payne would spend ing would be Kooler's most effective argument in
no more than ten dollars per gallon for defense?
(A) There has been a valid assignment to Abco.
(B) The risk of loss passed to Bittell when the air
Questions 29-30 are based on the following fact situa-
conditioning units were loaded onto Car-
rier's truck.
On May 20, on a form provided by Kooler, Bittel (C) The risk of loss passed to Carrier when the
agreed to purchase from Kooler 100 described air con- air conditioning units were loaded onto

Carrier's truck. except number 30, for which Nan insisted the agreed
price was $3,000. Delia left without buying it, saying
(D) Perfonnance of the contract was made
that Nan would be hearing from her lawyer.
impossible by the destruction of the air con-
ditioning units.
31. If Nan asserts a claim against Delia for breach of
a contract to purchase painting number 30 for
Questions 31-32 are based on the following fact situa-
$3,000, the court should find for
(A) Delia, because her promise to pay $3,000 for
Paco Toro was a world-renowned artist who painted
the painting was not in writing.
until he died at the age of 87. His will left a collection
of 30 of his paintings to his niece Nan, who was an art (B) Delia, unless the fair market value of paint-
dealer. The paintings inherited by Nan were untitled, ing number 30 increased by $1,000
but were identified by numbers I through 30. Nan had between August 1 and August 3.
a catalog printed containing photographs and descrip- (C) Nan, because she relied on Delia's promise
tions of each in the collection. On August I she sent a to pay $3,000 for painting number 30.
copy of the catalog to Delia, who was also an art dealer,
with the following cover letter: (D) Nan, because she had not received payment
from Delia prior to their conversation on
Dear Delia: I know how much you like my August 3.
uncle's work, so I'm giving you an opportu-
nity to buy some of these painting before I 32. Assume for the purpose if this question only that
offer them to any other dealers. The price is Delia sued for an order directing Nan to sell Delia
two thousand dollars per painting, no matter the paintings numbered 1 through 29 for two
how many you buy. Telegraph your order thousand dollars each. Which of the following
within two weeks, or I'll put them on the mar- would be Nan's most effective argument in
ket. defense against that action?
(signed) Nan.
(A) Since Delia is an art dealer, there is an ade-
On August 2, Delia sent Nan a telegram which said, "I quate remedy at law.
accept your offer to sell Taro painting number 30 for
(B) Nan's August 1 promise to keep the offer
$2,000. I will come to your gallery in two days to pick
open for two weeks was unsupported by
up the painting, and will pay cash at that time. Delia."
On August 3, after receiving the telegram, Nan tele- (C) Delia's telegram of August 2 was a rejection
phoned Delia and said that because of favorable public- of Nan's offer to sell paintings numbered 1
ity which the collection had received, she would not through 29.
sell painting number 30 for less than $3,000. Delia
(D) The catalog and Nan's cover letter were mere
agreed on the telephone to pay $3,000 for painting
invitations to negotiate.
number 30.

On August 4, Delia sent and Nan received a telegram 33. On March 1, Seider, an aluminum siding contrac-
which said, "I accept your offer to sell Taro paintings 1 tor, entered into a written contract with Forrest
through 29 for $2,000 each. I will pick up the paintings for the installation of aluminum siding on the
tomorrow, and will pay for them at that time. Delia." exterior of Forrest's home. The contract called for
completion of the job by April 1, and contained a
On August 5 Delia presented herself at Nan's gallery clause which prohibited assignment by either
and tendered payment of $2000 each for all 30 paint- party without the other party's written consent.
ings but Nan refused to sell her any of the paintings Seider started work immediately upon the signing

of the contract. On March 15, Forrest sold his Ronson's most effective argument in defense?
house to Byers, assigning to Byers his contract
with Seider. (A) Ronson's demand for more money was
unconscionable, since typewriter ribbons
In which of the following fact situations is the were available at a lower price.
plaintiff LEAST likely to succeed in his action (B) The August 15 agreement increasing the
against the defendant? price was not in writing.
(A) Seider finished the job in a workman-like (C) Ronson's promise to pay $650 was unsup-
manner on March 29 and demanded but did ported by consideration.
not receive payment. Seider instituted an (D) An increase in Well's cost resulting from a
action against Forrest for payment. shortage of materials was foreseeable on
(B) Seider finished the job in a workman-like August 1.
manner on March 29 and demanded but did
not receive payment. Seider instituted an
Questions 35-36 are based on the following fact situa-
action against Byers for payment.
(C) When Seider learned of Forrest's assignment
to Byers, he refused to do any further work. Salas was an importer of arts and crafts products from
Forrest instituted an action against Seider the Mediterranean countries, selling mainly to large
for breach of contract on April 15. department stores and import shops. To keep his sales
force down to a minimum, Salas did most of his selling
(D) When Seider learned of Forrest's assignment
by sending catalogs describing products and prices to
to Byers, he refused to do any further work.
prospective customers and taking orders by mail on
Byers instituted an action against Seider for
forms provided with the catalogs. The phrase "10%
breach of contract on April 15.
discount on COD orders only" appeared on the order
form and on each page of the catalog. After receiving
34. On August 1, Wells, a wholesaler of office sup- one of Salas's catalogs, Bostoria decided to order 1000
plies, contracted by telephone to sell 50 cases of Greek coffee pots for sale in her import shop. On April
typewriter ribbons to Ronson, a business equip- 25, she typed the following across Salas's order form:
ment retailer, at a total price of $450. On August "Send immediately 1000 Greek coffee pots (Catalog
15, Wells telephoned Ronson and told him that #6047) at ten percent discount. Payment within ten
because of a shortage of materials, the price days of receipt and acceptance." Salas received the
which Wells had to pay for typewriter ribbons order on April 27. On April 28, Salas shipped 1000
had increased drastically. Wells said if he deliv- Greek coffee pots to Bostoria, who received and
ered the ribbons at the price of $450, he would accepted them on May 2. On April 29, Salas wrote to
lose a great deal of money. He asked Ronson to Bostoria, "I am shipping pursuant to your request and
consent to a higher price, suggesting that Ronson will expect payment within ten days. Since discounts
pass the increase along to his customers. After apply only to COD shipments, you are herewith billed
further discussion, Ronson and Wells agreed to at full price." Bostoria received the letter and enclosed
change the price of the order from $450 to $650. bill on May 3. On May 4 Bostoria sent Salas a check in
On August 18, Ronson succeeded in purchasing payment of the amount billed, less ten percent.
fifty cases of typewriter ribbons from another
supplier for $500. On September 1, Wells deliv-
35. When was a contract for sale ofthe coffee pots
ered fifty cases of typewriter ribbons to Ronson
together with a bill for $650. Ronson rejected the
(A) On April 25, when Bostoria sent the order to
In an action by Wells against Ronson for breach
of contract, which of the following would be (B) On April 27, when Salas received the order

from Bostoria. 38. Evans, who broke his leg falling from a ladder,
was treated by Dr. Drake. At the time treatment
(C) On April 28, when Salas shipped the coffee
began, Evans explained that he was short of cash,
pots to Bostoria.
but that his treatment was covered by group
(D) On May 2, when Bostoria received the ship- insurance. Dr. Drake agreed to wait for his fee
ment of coffee pots. until the insurance company made payment and
offered to bill the insurance company directly for
36. If Salas asserts a claim against Bostoria for the
the services which he rendered to Evans. Evans
balance of the amounfbilled, the court should
provided Dr. Drake with claim forms from the
find for
company which insured Evans's union. Dr. Drake
filled out the form, had Evans sign a portion of it
(A) Salas, because Bostoria's order was on
authorizing the insurance company to make pay-
Salas's order form.
ment directly to Dr. Drake, and submitted the
(B) Salas, if Bostoria was aware that Salas's cat- form to the company. Because of an error by
alog and order form specified that the ten employees of the insurance company, the pay-
percent discount applied only to COD ship- ment was sent to Evans, who failed to make any
ments. payment at all to Dr. Drake.
(C) Bostoria, only if she had been doing business
If Dr. Drake asserts a claim against Evans to
with Salas on an "open account" basis.
recover the amount of the unpaid bill, the court
(D) Bostoria, because Salas accepted her offer to will probably find for
purchase at a ten percent discount.
(A) Dr. Drake, because he is a creditor third-
37. After lengthy negotiations, Beryl purchased a car party beneficiary of the group insurance
from Sargent, a car dealer. Beryl was driving it policy which covered Evans.
the following day when the brakes failed due to a (B) Dr. Drake, because Evans impliedly prom-
defect which existed at the time Sargent delivered ised to pay Dr. Drake for his services.
the car to Beryl. As a result, the car collided with
(C) Evans, because Dr. Drake agreed to accept
a pole and was damaged. Beryl asserted a claim
payment from the insurance company.
against Sargent for damages resulting from
breach of the implied warranty of merchantabil- (D) Evans, because Dr. Drake billed the insur-
ity. Which one of the following additional facts, ance company directly.
if it were the only one true, would be most likely
to result in a judgment for Sargent?
Questions 39-40 are based on the following fact situa-
(A) At the time of the sale, both Sargent and tion.
Beryl signed a document stating that the car
Marshall wanted to open an amusement park on a par-
was being sold "as is."
cel of real estate which he owned. After negotiation,
(B) The car which Beryl bought from Sargent Marshall hired Structo to build a roller coaster and sev-
was a used car. eral other amusement devices on the land according to
(C) The defect which caused the brakes to fail specifications furnished by Marshall. Marshall and
could not have been discovered by reason- Structo entered into a written contract by which Structo
able inspection prior to the sale. agreed to begin construction on August 1, to be fin-
ished with everything but the roller coaster by Novem-
(D) Beryl purchased the car in reliance on the ber 1, and to complete construction of the roller coaster
advice of a mechanic whom she hired to by December 15. The contract price was $150,000 to
inspect it prior to making the purchase. be paid as follows: $50,000 on August 1; $50,000 upon
completion of everything but the roller coaster; and the
balance of $50,000 upon completion of the roller

coaster. Structo began work on August 1, after receiv- assumable mortgage securing a note with a bal-
ing $50,000 from Marshall. By November 1, Structo ance of $100,000. For this reason, Manna offered
completed construction of everything but the roller to sell Mannacre to Sokol for $100,000. Sokol
coaster in accordance with the specifications. said that he would like to buy it, but that it would
take him a while to raise the money. Fearful that
she would die before the transaction could be
39. Assume for the purpose ofthis question only that
completed and that her administratrix would be
on November 1 Structo demanded Marshall pay
unwilling to sell the realty to Sokol for that price,
him $50,000, but that Marshall refused to do so.
Manna wrote and signed a document which said,
Which of the following statements is most correct
"In consideration of $20 paid to me by my son
concerning the rights of Structo?
Sokol, I hereby promise to convey my realty
known as Mannacre to him for the sum of
(A) Structo is entitled to damages limited to the
$100,000 if he pays the entire purchase price
sum of $50,000.
within one month." Two days later, Manna died.
(B) Structo is entitled to damages in the sum of One week after that, Sokol tendered the sum of
$100,000. $100,000 to the administratrix of Manna's estate,
demanding that she convey Mannacre to him, but
(C) Structo may refuse to perform any further
the administratrix refused.
work without incurring liability for breach
of contract.
If Sokol instituted a proceeding against Manna's
(D) Structo may not sue Marshall for breach of administratrix for an order directing her to sell
contract until he completes construction of Mannacre to him for $100,000, the court should
the roller coaster. find for

(A) Sokol, because the document written and

40. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
signed by Manna was a valid option con-
Marshall paid $50,000.10 Structo on November 1,
and that Structo began construction of the roller
coaster but before it was completed, Structo (B) Sokol, because the document written and
informed Marshall that he would not finish the signed by Manna was intended to be a testa-
job. Which ofthe following statements is correct mentary substitute.
concerning Marshall's rights against Structo?
(C) Manna's administratrix, because $20 is not
I. Marshall may recover all payments which sufficient consideration for a $100,000
he has made to Structo. option.
II. Marshall may recover from Structo the (D) Manna's administratrix, because $100,000 is
reasonable cost of completing the roller not sufficient consideration for realty val-
coaster. ued at $500,000.
(A) I only.
(B) II only. Questions 42-43 are based on the following fact situa-
(C) I and II.
(D) Neither I nor II. Morris, a minor who looked older than he was, wished
to purchase a motorcycle. Morris went to Dawes's
Motorcycle Showroom and looked at some of the mod-
41. Manna was suffering from a terminal disease and els on display. Selecting a Hawk 61, he began negotiat-
did not expect to live much longer. She was the ing with Dawes. Dawes offered to sell him the Hawk
owner of a parcel of realty known as Mannacre 61 which was on display in the showroom, but Morris
and wanted her son Sokol to have it. Mannacre said that he wanted a new one. Dawes explained that
was worth $500,000, but was subject to a non- the display model was the only one she had, but said

that she was planning to order some new Hawks from Dawes's obligation under the contract,
the manufacturer anyway, and would order one for since an agreement which is silent as to the
Morris if he agreed to purchase it. Morris and Dawes manner of payment is presumed to call for
entered into a written contract for the sale of a new payment in cash.
Hawk 61 at a price of $1,000 to be paid on delivery
(B) Morris's tender of a check discharged
within two weeks. The following day, Dawes ordered
Dawes's obligation under the contract
ten new Hawk 61 motorcycles from the manufacturer,
unless Morris tendered payment in cash
and Morris purchased materials and began building a
immediately upon being infomied of
storage shed for the motorcycle.
Dawes's refusal to accept Morris's check.
(C) Morris's tender of a check did not discharge
42. Assume for the purpose of this question only that Dawes's obligation under the contract, but
one week after contracting with Morris, Dawes Dawes's obligation will be discharged of
notified Morris that the new Hawk 61 was ready Morris fails to tender cash within a reason-
for delivery, but that Dawes would not deliver it able time.
to Morris unless Morris either proved himself to
be over the age of majority or found an adult to (D) Dawes's refusal to accept a check discharged
act as co-purchaser of the motorcycle. If Morris Morris's obligation under the contract,
immediately commenced an action against since an agreement which is silent as to the
Dawes for breach of contract, the court should manner of payment is presumed to call for
find for payment in any manner current in the ordi-
nary course of business.
(A) Dawes, because if she delivered the motor-
cycle to Morris, Morris might subsequently
disaffirm the contract and demand the
44. On March 22, by a written memora~ signed
by both parties, Varsey agreed to seEd Pantel
return of the purchase price. agreed to buy a described parcel of realty. The
(B) Dawes, because Morris lacked contractual contract called for closing of title on May 30 and
capacity. fixed all other terms, but did not indicate the
price to be paid. On May 30, Pantel tendered
(C) Morris, because he purchased materials for
$60,000 cash, but Varsey refused to convey the
and began construction of a storage shed for
realty. Pantel subsequently instituted an action
the motorcycle in justified reliance on
against Varsey for specific performance of the
Dawes's promise to deliver it.
contract and offered evidence that $60,000 was
(D) Morris, because one who contracts with a the fair market value of the realty both on March
minor is obligated to perform. 22 and on May 30. In defense Varsey asserted
that the memorandum failed to satisfy the
requirements of the Statute of Frauds. Pantel's
43. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
suit against Varsey should
one week after contracting with Morris, Dawes
notified him that the new Hawk 61 was ready for
(A) succeed, if Pantel and Varsey are both in the
delivery, and Morris went immediately to
business of buying and selling real estate.
Dawes's showroom to take delivery of it. Assume
further that Morris tendered his own personal (B) succeed, because under the Uniform Com-
check in payment of the purchase price, but that mercial Code a contract which is silent as to
Dawes refused to accept it. Which of the follow- price is presumed to call for payment of fair
ing most accurately describes the legal rights and market value.
obligations of the parties upon such refusal by (C) fail, because the written contract did not fix
Dawes? the price to be paid.
(A) Morris's tender of a check discharged (D) fail, unless the evidence establishes that the

parties orally agreed that the price to be (C) Rusk has detrimentally relied on Humbert's
paid was the fair market value of the realty. promise to pay him $500.
(D) Humbert made the promise to pay Rusk vol-
Questions 45-46 are based on the following fact situa- untarily and of his own free will.
47. Daniels was the owner of a large dock on Lake
Rusk saved the life of Humbert's· wife Welton, who Waters. Daniels marked three spaces on his dock
subsequently promised to change her will to leave five with paint. The space closest to the shore was
hundred dollars to Rusk. Welton later died intestate, numbered 1, the space at the furthest end of the
however, survived only by Humbert. After Welton's dock was numbered 3, and the middle space was
death, Humbert executed a document which read as numbered 2. Daniels rented space 1 to Axel,
follows: space 2 to Barre, and space 3 to Chula by three
In consideration of my wife's promise to leave separate written agreements. Each of the agree-
Rusk $500, of Rusk's saving my wife's life, ments provided for the use of the designated
and of Rusk's promise not to assert any claim space by the lessee for one year, and the payment
against the estate of my wife, I hereby prom- of a montWy dock rent to Daniels. In addition,
ise to pay Rusk the sum of five hundred dol- each lease prohibited assignment. Soon after
lars. entering into the agreement, Barre decided to
travel on his boat for several months. Without
Humbert died two months after signing the above seeking or receiving Daniels's permission, Barre
agreement. Rusk submitted a claim for $500 to the purported to assign his dock rental contract to
administrator of Humbert's estate, but the administrator Newcombe. Newcombe's boat was bigger that
denied the claim. Barre's, and Chula feared that if Newcombe
docked at space 2, damage to Chula's boat would
45. Is the fact that Rusk saved Welton's life sufficient result. Chula brought an action for a judgment
consideration for Humbert's promise to pay him declaring Barre's assignment to Newcombe
$500? invalid. In this action, Chula will

(A) Yes, because it is recited as consideration in (A) prevail, if he names Daniels as a defendant in
the document which Humbert signed. the action.

(B) Yes, because it materially benefitted Hum- (B) prevail, because the contract between
bert. Daniels and Barre prohibits assignment.

(C) No, because Humbert did not ask Rusk to (C) not prevail, because the non-assignment pro-
save Welton. vision in the contract between Daniels and
Barre was not made for the benefit of
(D) No, because the value of the service rendered Chula.
by Rusk to Humbert was speculative.
(D) not prevail, unless he entered into the con-
tract to rent space 3 before Barre entered
46. In an action by Rusk against Humbert's adminis- into the contract to rent space 2.
trator, which of the following would be Rusk's
most effective argument?
Questions 48-49 are based on the following fact situa-
(A) Rusk and Humbert have made a compro- tion.
In preparation for the annual convention of the Associ-
(B) Humbert's estate would be unjustly enriched ation of Life Insurance Agents which was to be held on
if the administrator is permitted to deny January 9, Committee ordered 500 ball point pens from
Rusk's claim. Penco at a total price of $285, paying for them in

advance. Because the pens were to be given to conven- reduce the order to that number.
tioneers as souvenirs, they were to be imprinted with
the name and slogan of the association and were to be
50. Ace, a construction contractor, was planning to
delivered to Committee on or before January 8. Penco
submit a bid for the renovation of a county office
and Committee entered into a written contract contain-
building. Ace called Wire, a subcontractor who
ing the above terms on November 16. Penco tendered
had done electrical work for Ace in the past, and
475 ball point pens to Committee on January 8.
described the proposed project. Ace told Wire
about the electrical work that would be required,
48. Which of the following correctly states the legal and asked Wire to state the price that Wire would
relationship between Committee and Penco on charge to do the electrical work for Ace. Wire
January 8? inspected the office building on which the work
was to be performed, and spent six hours estimat-
(A) Committee must accept the tendered delivery ing the cost of the job. Wire mailed Ace a letter
of 475 pens, but may successfully sue for describing the work to be performed, and con-
damages resulting from breach of contract. taining the following statement: "I will do the
work described for a total price of $16,000. This
(B) Committee may elect to accept the tendered
price is not subject to change until one week after
delivery of 475 pens, but may not success-
the county awards the contract." Wire subse-
fully sue for breach of contract if it does so.
quently purchased materials in anticipation of the
(C) Committee may reject the tendered delivery job.
of 475 pens, but may successfully sue only
for the return of its advance payment if it Ace submitted a bid for renovating the building,
does so. and was awarded the contract. Ace called Wire,
(D) Committee may reject the tendered delivery offering to pay $12,000 for the electrical work.
of 475 pens, and may successfully sue for When Wire refused to accept anything less than
the return of its advance payment and for $16,000, Ace hired Lectric to do the work instead
damages resulting from breach of contract of Wire.
if it does so.
If Wire sues Ace for the cost of the materials
which Wire purchased in anticipation of the job,
49. Assume for the purpose of this question only that the court should find for
Committee eventually instituted an action against
Penco for breach of contract. If only one of the (A) Wire, if Ace relied on Wire's offer in bidding
following additional facts were true, which would on the job.
furnish Penco with its most effective defense to
(B) Wire, if the materials which Wire purchased
that action?
will not otherwise be used in the ordinary
course of Wire's business.
(A) Penco was unable to obtain necessary mate-
rials from its suppliers in time for produc- (C) Wire, if he purchased the materials in reli-
tion of 500 pens by January 8. ance on the belief that Ace would hire him
upon receiving the contract from the
(B) Committee failed to serve Penco with notice
of its intention to sue before instituting the
action. (D) Ace, because he had no agreement with Wire
concerning the electrical work.
(C) Only 400 conventioneers attended the con-
(D) On December 18, Penco advised Committee Questions 51-53 are based on the following fact situa-
that it would only be able to deliver 475 tion.
pens, and Committee orally agreed to

On June 1, Briar, a licensed real estate broker, entered 52. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
into a written contract with Ostend. According to the Briar sues Ostend for a seven percent commis-
contract, Briar was given the exclusive right to sell sion based on Ostend's contract with Second.
Ostend's home at a price of $100,000 for a period of Which ofthe following would be Ostend's most
three months. Ostend agreed topay Briar a seven per- effective argument in defense against Briar's
cent commission "upon transfer oftitle." On July 1, as claim?
a result of Briar's efforts, First agreed to purchase
Ostend's home at a price of $100,000. According to the (A) The price which Second agreed to pay for the
terms of the contract, Ostend was to deliver evidence of purchase of Ostend's home was $98,000.
clear title prior to July 20. At Ostend's request, an
(B) Transfer of title was not to take place until
abstract company researched the chain of title and
after the three month period of Briar's
delivered an abstract to Ostend on July 15 showing
exclusive right to sell.
clear title. Ostend did not deliver the abstract to First,
however, because his neighbor was unhappy with the (C) As a result of Second's conduct, transfer of
prospect of having First move into Ostend's home and title never took place.
asked Ostend to try to get out of the deal. On July 21, (D) Briar did not participate in the formation of
First notified Ostend that he would not go through with Ostend's contract with Second.
the transaction because of Ostend's failure to deliver
the abstract of title as agreed.
53. Assume for the purpose of this question that
On August 1, Ostend entered into a written contract Ostend instituted an action against Second for
with Second for the purchase and sale of Ostend's breach of contract. Which of the following state-
home at a price of $98,000, with title to close on ments is most correct regarding the legal relation-
December 1. Briar was unaware of the transaction, and ship between Ostend and Second?
did not participate in it. On November 1, Second I. Ostend is entitled to a judgment for dam-
informed Ostend that he was retiring because he had ages resulting from Second's refusal to
suffered a heart attack, and that due to the changes in complete the transaction.
his financial circumstances, he would not be going
through with the deal. II. Ostend is entitled to a judgment for spe-
cific performance, because every parcel of
real estate is unique.
51. Assume for the purpose of this question only that III. Second is excused from performance
Briar sues Ostend for a seven percent commis- because of impossibility.
sion based on Ostend's contract with First. Which
of the following would be Briar's most effective (A) I only.
argument in support of her claim?
(B) II only.
(A) Briar delivered a buyer "ready, willing and (C) I and II only.
able" to purchase Ostend's property.
(D) III only.
(B) But for a willful breach by Ostend, First
would have taken title to the realty.
54. Solder and Brandeis entered into a written con-
(C) Ostend and First entered into a contract for tract for the sale of five hundred bicycles at a
the sale of Ostend's realty as a result of total price of $50,000. The contract required
Briar's efforts. delivery by Solder prior to June 1, and payment
(D) Ostend's refusal to deliver the abstract frus- by Brandeis within 30 days after delivery. On
trated the purpose of the contract between May 15, Solder delivered the bicycles to Bran-
Ostend and Briar. deis, who received and accepted them. On May
21, because Solder was having cash-flow prob-
lems, he telephoned Brandeis asking whether

Brandeis could pay for the bicycles immediately. quently stormed all during the month of
Brandeis said that he would pay by May 25 if April.
Solder was willing to accept $45,000 in cash as
(C) Super, if on April 1 both parties knew that it
payment in full. Solder agreed, but by June 20
frequently stormed all during the month of
Brandeis had made no payment at all. Solder sub-
sequently instituted an action against Brandeis
for $50,000. Brandeis admitted the existence of (D) Super, only if the parties intended time to be
the contract, the delivery ofthe bicycles, and his of the essence in their contract of April 1.
non-payment; but asserted that he was liable for
only $45,000 because of the agreement which he
Questions 56-57 are based on the following fact situa-
made with Solder on May 21.
Is Brandeis's assertion correct?
In hopes of improving his hardware store's image in
the community and thus improving sales, Hardy adver-
(A) No, because Brandeis did not pay $45,000 by
tised that he was running an essay contest. The subject
May 25.
was "The Role of Law in American Society." The
(B) No, because a promise to perform a pre- contest was open only to persons who had been admit-
existing obligation is not valuable consider- ted to but had not yet begun attendance at any law
ation. school accredited by the state. The prize, to be called
(C) Yes, because there has been a valid novation. the "Hardy's Hardware Scholarship," was full pay-
ment of all law school tuition and registration fees for a
(D) Yes, because there has been a valid agree- period of three years. When Galen's essay won the con-
ment of accord. test, Hardy delivered to her a document which he had
executed, and in which he agreed to make payments for
55. Super was the owner of a grocery store. Because tuition and fees directly to the law school for so long as
he wanted to expand his business, Super leased Galen remained a student in good standing. When
the vacant store which was adjacent to his own, Galen showed the document to her mother Monte,
planning to combine the two stores into one large Monte was so proud of Galen that she said, "If you
supermarket. Super hired Fixer to do the work. successfully complete your first year, I'll buy all your
On April 1, Super and Fixer entered into a written books for the following two years. In addition, I'll give
contract which required Fixer to remove the wall you $250 for every 'J.: that you earn in your first
separating the two stores and to perform other year."· Monte died while Galen was in her first year of
law school, but Galen succeeded in earning two "J.:'s
specified work, with completion prior to June 1.
A series of storms which began on April 3 and in her first year, and completed school in two addi-
continued until April 28 made it impossible for tional years. Galen demanded that Monte's executrix
Fixer to do any work on Super's premises during pay her $250 for each of the two "J.:'s which she
the month of April. On May 1, Fixer advised received in her first year, and pay for the books which
Super that because the weather had delayed com- she had purchased in her second and third year, but the
mencement of the work, he would not be able to executrix refused.
complete the job by June 1, and that he was,
therefore, canceling the contract. 56. If Galen asserts a claim against the executrix for
$500 for the two "J.:'s which she received in her
If Super sues Fixer for breach of contract, a court first year oflaw school, will Galen's claim be
should find for successful ?

(A) Fixer, because the delay resulted from an act (A) No, because she was already obligated to use
of God. her best efforts while in law school.
(B) Fixer, if on April 1 both knew that it fre- (B) No, if Monte died before Galen received the

"P:' grades. 59. Overlook Corporation was the owner and opera-
tor of the Overlook Hotel, a summer resort
(C) Yes, if, prior to Monte's death, Galen made
located at a high elevation in the northern part of
extra efforts in an attempt to earn "P:'s.
the country. Because the hotel was only open dur-
(D) Yes, because Galen's essay won Hardy's ing the summer, Overlook usually employed a
contest. single resident caretaker to live and work at the
hotel during thewinter months. On August 1,
after applying for the job of winter caretaker,
57. If Galen asserts a claim against the executrix for
Carson entered into a valid written contract with
the cost of the books which she purchased in her
overlook. According to its terms, Carson was to
second and third year of law school, which of the
take up residence at the Overlook Hotel on Octo-
following would be the executrix's most effective
ber 1, and to remain in residence until the follow-
argument in defense against Galen's claim?
ing April 1, at which time Overlook Corporation
was to pay him ten thousand dollars. During Car-
(A) The agreement between Monte and Galen
son's period of residence, he was to receive free
was divisible.
room and board, and to perform certain mainte-
(B) The agreement between Monte and Galen nance tasks. On August 15, Carson enlisted in the
was not in writing. U.S. Navy, his period of service to begin on Sep-
(C) Monte's offer was for the payment of a cash tember 25 and to continue for three years. Men-
bonus. tion of Carson's enlistment appeared in the
"Hometown Gossip" section of a local newspa-
(D) Monte's promise was unsupported by con- per, and was seen by executives of Overlook Cor-
sideration. poration. Overlook immediately began seeking
another winter caretaker, and hired Newt on Sep-
58. Ina transaction involving the sale of a bicycle, tember 15, entering into a valid written contract
which of the following persons is NOT a mer- with him on that date which contained terms
chant under the Uniform Commercial Code? identical to those in the contract with Carson.

(A) The owner of a bicycle store who sells her On September 20, Carson failed the physical
own personal bicycle after using it for 14 examination performed by Navy physicians and
months by placing an advertisement under was rejected for naval service. Carson reported
the heading "Used Merchandise" in the for work at the Overlook Hotel on October 1, but
classified section of the newspaper. was advised that his services were not required.

(B) The owner of an automobile dealership who If Carson asserts a claim against Overlook for
buys a bicycle for use by employees of the damages resulting from breach of contract, the
dealership's parts department in making court should find for
(C) A bicycle mechanic who buys a new bicycle (A) Carson, since he was ready, willing, and able
from a retail store to give as a gift to his to perform as agreed on October 1.
nephew. (B) Carson, since he never informed Overlook
(D) The owner of a messenger service who that he would not be reporting to work as
employs a full time bicycle mechanic to agreed.
maintain bicycles used in her business, and (C) Overlook, since Carson's enlistment was an
who sends the mechanic to inspect a new anticipatory repudiation of his contract with
bicycle before buying it for use by messen- Overlook.
gers in her employ.
(D) Overlook, since Overlook hired Newt in reli-
ance on the reasonable belief that Carson

would be unable to perform as agreed. they offered, Disco would have the exclusive rights to
copy and market the program for "Stump the Hump"
and would pay Whiz 30 percent of all revenues derived
60. On May 1, Ogden hired Sheldon to reshingle the
from the exercise of those rights. After consulting with
roof of his house at an agreed price of $5,000 to
his parents and their attorney, Whiz accepted Disco's
be paid within ten days after completion, and
offer and signed the contract. Three months later,
with all work to be completed by July 1. Sheldon
before Disco had begun marketing Whiz's game pro-
began work on May 2 and worked diligently until
gram, Whiz needed cash to purchase expensive com-
May 15. At that time, Sheldon had performed ser-
puter equipment. For a large cash payment, he assigned
vices which were worth $1,500 and which
his rights under the contract to Adso. Adso intended to
increased the value of Ogden's house by $1,500.
inform Disco of the assignment, but neglected to do so.
On May 16, through no fault of either party, the
One month later, Whiz assigned the same rights to
house caught fire and was totally destroyed.
Basile as security for a credit purchase of additional
Although the proceeds which Ogden received
computer equipment. Basile was unaware of the
from his fire insurance policy were sufficient to
assignment to Adso, and never notified Disco that
cover the cost of building a new house, Ogden
Whiz had assigned the rights to Basile. Two months
decided to sell the property instead. Sheldon
later, Disco began marketing "Stump the Hump," real-
demanded payment under the contract, but Ogden
izing high profits from its sale. Although Whiz has
refused to pay.
demanded payment pursuant to the terms of his con-
tract, Disco has refused to make any payments.
If Sheldon asserts a claim for payment against
Ogden, a court should award judgment to Shel-
don in the sum of 61. If Whiz commences an action against Disco for
royalties equivalent to 30 percent of the revenues
(A) $5,000, since it was the price on which Shel- generated by the sale of "Stump the Hump,"
don and Ogden agreed. which of the following would be Disco's most
(B) $1,500, since it was the value of Sheldon's effective argument in defense?
(A) Whiz was a minor at the time he contracted
(C) $0, since Ogden derived no benefit from with Disco.
Sheldon's work.
(B) Whiz has made at least one effective assign-
(D) $5,000, because Ogden could have rebuilt ment of the contract rights.
the house with the proceeds from the fire
(C) Neither Adso nor Basile notified Disco about
insurance policy.
the assignment from Whiz.
(D) An assignment of wages is invalid.
Questions 61-62 are based on the following fact situa-
62. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Whiz mastered the basics of computer programming by after Whiz commenced the lawsuit, Disco offered
the time he was twelve years old. At the age of 14 he to pay Whiz $50,000 for all rights to "Stump the
designed a program for a video-computer game which Hump" if Whiz would consent to a mutual
he called "Stump the Hump." He demonstrated the rescission of the contract, and that Whiz accepted
program to Disco, a company in the business of mar- the offer and received a payment of $50,000. If
keting computer software. Disco executives were so Adso subsequently institutes an action against
impressed by the program designed by Whiz that they Disco for a sum equivalent to 30 percent of the
hired him as a game program consultant at a salary of revenues derived from the sale of "Stump the
$30,000 per year. In addition, they offered to purchase Hump," the court should find for
marketing rights to "Stump the Hump" by a separate
contract. According to the terms of the contract which (A) Disco, because the rights under which Adso

is claiming were subsequently assigned to fifty percent of the inheritance. Susan agreed, and Bob
Basile. immediately wrote to Tia, telling her that he was mov-
ing to Wildwood in response to her offer. Tia received
(B) Disco, because Disco was unaware of the
Bob's letter on March 20. Bob made arrangements to
assignment to Adso at the time it paid
move to Wildwood, and did so, at an expense of $800.
$50,000 to Whiz.
Both Mollie and Tia died on March 22, but Bob did not
(C) Disco, because the right which Whiz pur- learn of their deaths until he arrived in Wildwood on
ported to assign to Adso was neither identi- March 24. At that time, Susan refused to allow him to
fied nor existing at the time of the purported move into the house.
(D) Adso, because he gave value for the right 63. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
which Whiz assigned to him. Bob instituted an action against Susan for dam-
ages resulting from her refusal to allow him to
move into the house, and that the only defense
Questions 63-65 are based on the following fact situa-
asserted by Susan was that her promises were not
in writing. Which of the following would be
Susan's most effective argument in support of her
Mollie and her sister Tia lived together in Mollie's
house in the town of Wildwood. On March 1, Mollie
called her daughter Susan on the telephone and said
(A) Her promises to Mollie and Bob were prom-
that she was beginning to have premonitions of her
ises to create an interest in land.
own death. Mollie said that she was willing to deed her
home to Susan while she was alive rather than put (B) It was possible that the promise which she
Susan through probate expenses. Mollie said, however, made to Mollie and Bob would not be per-
that she would only do so if Susan agreed to permit Tia formed within a year.
to stay in the house for the rest of her life, and to permit
(C) The house had a value in excess of $500.
Susan's brother Bob, who resided in another state, to
live in the house for as long as he wanted if he should (D) She received no consideration from Bob for
ever decide to come to Wildwood. Susan promised to either promise.
do so, and on March 15, Mollie deeded the home to her
as agreed. At the time, the home had a value of
64. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
$100,000. Susan called Bob on March 10, and told him
Tia's will left her entire estate to Bob, and that
that Mollie had deeded her the house but did not tell
Bob refused to share any portion of it with Susan.
him about her promise to allow Bob to live there. On
If Susan asserts a claim against Bob for a share of
March 15, Tia wrote Bob:
the inheritance which he received from Tia, a
court should find for
"I don't think that either your mother or 1
have much longer to live, and we both miss (A) Susan, because Bob is estopped from deny-
you terribly. If you agree to come and live ing the existence of an enforceable contract
here in Wildwood for as long as either of us between him and Susan.
lives, 1 will leave you my entire estate.
Love, (B) Susan, because Bob promised to share the
inheritance with her if she promised to
(signed) Aunt Tia."
allow him to live in the house until Tia's
On March 17, Bob called Susan and told her about the
note which he had received from Tia. He said that he (C) Bob, because Susan's promise to Mollie cre-
was thinking of moving to Wildwood, and that if Susan ated an implied condition precedent to
promised to allow him to live in the house which Mol- Bob's obligation to share the inheritance
lie had deeded to her until Tia died, he would give her with Susan.

(D) Bob, because Bob's promise to Susan was realty was worth substantially more than
not supported by consideration. the contract price at the time that they con-
tracted for its sale.
65. Assume for the purpose of this question only that (D) No, because the appropriate remedy is refor-
Tia's will left her entire estate to Bob, and that mation of the contract.
Bob refused to share any portion of it with Susan.
If there was an enforceable agreement between
67. Short, a manufacturer of widgets, entered into a
Bob and Tia, Susan is most correctly described as
valid written contract which called for the sale of
2,000 widgets to Bateman at a price of ten dollars
per widget. Several weeks prior to the date set for
(A) intended creditor beneficiary of that agree-
delivery, Short telephoned Bateman and advised
her that because of difficulty in locating a suffi-
(B) intended donee beneficiary of that agree- cient supply of frammis rods, Short would be
ment. unable to deliver more than 1,000 widgets. After
discussion, Bateman agreed to accept 1,000 wid-
(C) incidental beneficiary of that agreement.
gets at ten dollars per widget instead of 2,000 as
(D) assignee of 50 percent of whatever rights originally agreed. After Short delivered 1,000
Bob has under that agreement. widgets, however, Bateman brought an action
against him for damages resulting from breach of
66. Landing owned a parcel of realty which he
contract. In adjudicating Bateman's claim, the
bought with the intention of building a home, but
court should find for
which he decided to sell instead. On March 10,
Vestor, who frequently invested in land, con-
(A) Bateman, because her agreement to accept
tracted with Landing for the purchase of Land-
1,000 widgets was not in writing.
ing's realty at a price of $400,000. The state
highway department had previously voted to con- (B) Bateman, because her promise to accept
struct an eight lane highway near Landing's 1,000 widgets was not supported by con-
realty, as a result of which the value of Landing's sideration.
property had increased from $400,000 to
(C) Short, because Bateman agreed to accept
$4,000,000. Landing was unaware of this on
1,000 Widgets.
March 10, because the highway department had
not yet made its decision public. On March 11, (D) Short, because there has been an accord and
the highway department's plan to construct a satisfaction.
highway was announced. When Landing learned
of this, he sought rescission of the contract.
Questions 68-72 are based on the following fact situa-
Is Landing entitled to rescission of the contract?
Andrews and Bloch were neighbors in a recently cre-
(A) Yes, but only if Landing and Vestor were
ated subdivision. Since both wanted to have landscap-
both mistaken about the value of the prop-
ing work done, they decided to join forces in hopes of
erty at the time that they contracted for its
getting a better price. They hired Scaper to plant grass
and shrubs in their yards, directing him to bill each of
(B) Yes, if Vestor was aware that the realty was them for the labor and materials attributable to his sep-
worth substantially more than the contract arate realty. After Scaper completed the work, he sub-
price at the time that they contracted for its mitted his bills to Andrews and Bloch, who paid them
sale. immediately. The following week, however, Andrews
(C) No, unless the reasonable person in Vestor's concluded that Scaper had erroneously billed him for
position would have been aware that the some work done on Bloch's land. He showed his calcu-
lations to Bloch, asking that Bloch reimburse him for

the amounts which he claimed to have paid on Bloch's

account. Bloch was certain that Andrews was incorrect,
69. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
but because he did not want to come to bad terms with
Purtle sues Mauer for breaching the agreement
his new neighbor, he offered to hire a gardener to keep
contained in the memorandum. The court should
Andrews's lawn mowed and trimmed for the next two
find for
years. Andrews agreed to accept the offered services in
lieu of payment.
(A) Mauer, unless the payment by Purtle resulted
in a novation.
Bloch hired Mauer to maintain his lawn and
Andrews's lawn for the next two years, agreeing (B) Mauer, because his only agreement was with
to pay him $50 per month for certain specified Bloch.
services. Bloch and Mauer signed a memoran-
(C) Mauer, if no consideration flowed from Pur-
dum of agreement, and Bloch gave a photocopy
tle to Bloch in exchange for the memoran-
of it to Andrews. Two months later, Bloch sold
his house to Purtle. At the closing of title, Bloch
handed Purtle the original memorandum of his (D) Purtle, as assignee of the agreement between
agreement with Mauer and executed an assign- Mauer and Bloch.
ment to Purtle of his rights thereunder. Mauer
continued rendering services as agreed for an
70. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
additional six months, receiving a check for $50
Andrews sues Mauer for breaching the agreement
from Purtle each month. Then, Mauer notified
contained in the memorandum. The court should
Andrews and Purtle that he would no longer be
find for
able to work on their lawns. Andrews wrote to
Bloch and Purtle demanding that they make
(A) Andrews, because Andrews is a creditor
arrangements to have his lawn maintained for the
third party beneficiary of the contract
remaining 16 months pursuant to his agreement
between Mauer and Bloch.
with Bloch, but neither responded.
(B) Andrews, because Andrews is a donee third-
party beneficiary of the contract between
68. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Mauer and Bloch.
Bloch sues Mauer for breaching their agreement
regarding maintenance of the lawns. Which one (C) Mauer, because Andrews is only an inciden-
of the following facts or inferences, if it were the tal third- party beneficiary of the contract
only one true, would furnish Mauer's most effec- between Mauer and Bloch.
tive argument in defense against Bloch's claim? (D) Mauer because there was no privity between
Mauer and Andrews.
(A) There are equally competent gardening ser-
vices in the area which, for $50 per month,
would perform work comparable to that 71. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
which Mauer agreed to perform. after Mauer notified him that he would no longer
perform services, Andrews hired a gardener to
(B) The value of labor and materials used in continue performing the same services on
lawn maintenance has increased dramati- Andrews's lawn for a fee of $25 per month. If
cally since the signing of the memo.
Andrews sues Purtle for $400 ($25 per month for
(C) The agreement between Andrews and Bloch the 16 months remaining in the term), the court
was oral. should find for
(D) Mauer's inability to work on the lawns was
(A) Andrews, because Purtle's monthly pay-
the result of a serious heart attack which led
ments to Mauer resulted in an estoppel-type
his doctors to advise him against ever work-
waiver of his rights to deny liability.
ing again.

(B) Andrews, because Bloch's promise to pro- Huner received the note on September 14, but
vide lawn maintenance services touches made no response. On September 28, without
and concerns the land. Huner's knowledge and while Huner was at
work, Screner went to Huner's home and
(C) Purtle, because he did not agree to pay for
installed new aluminum window screens.
the maintenance of Andrews's lawn.
(D) Purtle, because the price of $25 per month to Which of the following best characterizes the
maintain Andrews's lawn was one- legal relationship between Huner and· Screner
half the price which Mauer charged for AFTER installation of the window screens on
maintaining both lawns. September 28?

(A) A contract was formed when Huner failed to

72. If Andrews sues Bloch for damages resulting
respond to Screner's letter of September 12
from Mauer's failure to provide services, the
within a reasonable time after he received
court should find for
(A) Andrews, only if he is unable to collect from (B) A contract was formed when Screner began
Purtle or Mauer. to install the screens on September 28.
(B) Andrews, if Andrews sincerely believed that (C) A quasi contract was formed when Screner
Bloch owed him money at the time when finished installing the screens on September
Bloch promised to pay for lawn mainte- 28, obligating Huner to pay a price equiva-
nance. lent to their reasonable value.
(C) Bloch, if in fact there had been no error in (D) No contractual relationship existed between
Scaper's bill. Huner and Screner.
(D) Bloch, because his obligation was intended
to be conditioned upon continued occu- Questions 74-76 are based on the following fact situa-
pancy by Bloch of the realty. tion.

73. In response to an advertisement which he saw in When Odyk purchased her home, she obtained a policy
the newspaper, Huner telephoned Screner and of fire insurance from Grail Mutual Insurance Com-
asked him to come to Huner's home to estimate pany. The policy provided that if the home was
the cost of providing and installing new alumi- destroyed or seriously damaged by fire, Grail would
num screens for all of Huner's window's. After pay "living expenses necessitated by the loss" until
taking measurements, Screner returned to his Odyk's house was rebuilt or she acquired another
shop and prepared a written estimate, in which he house, but in no event for a period in excess of ninety
said that he would do the entire job for $350. days. The policy stated that since it was often impracti-
When Huner received Screner's written estimate, cable to distinguish between normal living expenses
he wrote across it with a red felt-tipped pen, "I'll and those necessitated by fire-loss, Grail's liability for
pay $300, but not a penny more," and mailed it "living expenses necessitated by the loss" was fixed at
to Screner. When Screner received the estimate $50 per day.
with Huner's statement written on it, he wrote on
the estimate, "I'll do it for $325." He sent the Subsequently Odyk's home was seriously damaged by
estimate back to Huner on September 5, but on fire. Odyk moved into a hotel, and entered into a writ-
September 12, having received no response, he ten contract with Recon for repairs to her home. The
sent Huner a note which said, "All right, you contract required payment in advance by Odyk and
win. I'll do the job for $300. Unless I hear from completion of repairs by Recon within sixty days. One
you to the contrary, I'll be there with the new of its clauses provided that if Recon failed to complete
screens on September 28. Signed, Screner." the job on time, Recon would pay Odyk the sum of $50
per day as liquidated damages.

(D) Grail, because Odyk is estopped by the liqui-

It took Recon seventy days to complete the job. At the dated damages clause in her contract with
end of that period, Odyk moved back into the house. Recon from asserting that her "living
She furnished Grail with the necessary proof of loss expenses necessitated by the loss"
forms, and demanded that Grail pay her $3,500 (70 exceeded $50 per day.
days at $50 per day). She also sent Recon a notice
demanding payment of $500 (10 days at $50 per day)
76. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
as liquidated damages. Recon refused to pay, asserting
after Odyk moved back into the house, she dis-
that the liquidated damages clause was invalid.
covered that Recon had failed to repair the roof as
agreed, and that she hired Shingel to do so at an
74. Was the liquidated damages clause in the contract additional expense of $250, which was the rea-
between Odyk and Recon valid? sonable value of Shingel's services. Assume also
for the purpose of this question only that the liq-
(A) Yes, if Recon's late performance actually uidated damage clause in the contract between
resulted in losses to Odyk which reasonably Odyk and Recon is held to be valid. If Odyk insti-
approximated $50 per day. tutes an action against Recon for the $250 which
she paid Shingel, the court should find for
(B) Yes, if at the time Odyk and Recon con-
tracted it reasonably appeared that Odyk
(A) Odyk, because the additional expense of
would sustain approximately $50 per day in
$250 resulted from Recon's breach.
damages in the event of late performance
by Recon. (B) Odyk, only if Odyk notified Recon of
Recon's failure to repair the roof as agreed,
(C) No, if Odyk was entitled to receive $50 per
and offered Recon an opportunity to do so
day from Grail for the same ten days.
prior to hiring Shingel.
(D) No, if Recon's failure to complete the job on
(C) Recon, if Grail compensated Odyk for the
time was reasonable and not caused by any
additional expense resulting from her hiring
fault of Recon.
Shingel to repair the roof.
(D) Recon, because the liquidated damages
75. Assume for the purpose ofthis question only that
clause took the place of all remedies which
Grail paid Odyk $3,000 (60 days at $50 per day),
would otherwise have been available to
but refused to pay the additional $500 for the ten
day period caused by Recon's late performance.
If Odyk sues Grail for $500, the court should find
for 77. Hostel Corporation was seeking a contractor to
build a hotel on realty which it acquired near the
(A) Odyk, because Grail agreed to pay $50 per seashore. Hostel sent copies of its plans to several
day until Odyk's house was reconstructed. builders with whom it had done business in the
past and asked them to submit bids for construc-
(B) Odyk, only if she can establish that her "liv-
tion of the building. Coast Construction, one of
ing expenses necessitated by the loss"
the builders, assigned an employee, Edwards, to
exceeded whatever amount she was entitled
prepare an estimate ofthe job. Although Hostel's
to receive from Recon.
plans called for construction of a twenty-seven
(C) Grail, unless at the time the fire insurance story building, Edwards mistakenly believed that
policy was issued to Odyk it reasonably the building was to be seven stories. He estimated
appeared that Odyk would expend approxi- the costs accordingly and submitted the estimate
mately $50 per day in "living expenses to Coast, the owner of the company. Based on
necessitated by the loss" in the event of fire Edwards's figures, Coast prepared and mailed to
damage to her home. Hostel a letter offering to build for $1,000,000

according to Hostel's plans and setting forth all a written contract with Chisel, hiring her to create the
other necessary tenns. Hostel had already statue and agreeing to pay her $5,000 upon its installa-
received four other bids on the job, each for a fig- tion on the steps of the town hall on or before June 30.
ure far in excess of $1,000,000. Upon receiving A clause in the contract provided, "It is expressly
Coast's bid, Hostel immediately telegraphed understood that the personal satisfaction of the mayor
Coast, "We accept your offer to build according of Rural is a condition precedent to the Council's obli-
to the plans which we sent you. Entire job to be gation to make payment hereunder. Upon completion
completed for one million dollars. Hostel." of the statue, it shall be made available for inspection
Before Coast began construction, he learned that by said mayor. If said mayor is unsatisfied with the
Hostel's building was to be 27 stories, and that work, he shall notify Chisel immediately, and the con-
Edwards had calculated in the mistaken belief tract shall be canceled without liability of any party."
that it was to be seven stories. Coast wrote to
. Hostel asking for renegotiation of the contract, Chisel sculpted a likeness of Ray in farmer's overalls
but Hostel indicated its intent to hold Coast to his with his hands in boxing gloves clasped victoriously
original offer. Coast advised Hostel that he over his head, which she completed on June 10. Ray
regarded the contract as a nullity and would not had been arrested in another state on May 30, however,
perfonn according to its tenns. and charged with possession of a dangerous drug. His
trial was scheduled for September 10. The town coun-
In an action by Hostel against Coast for breach of cil was fearful that Ray would be convicted and that the
contract, the court should find for statue would embarrass the town.

(A) Hostel, if Coast's mistake was the result of

78. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
negligence by Coast's employee.
the mayor went to Chisel's studio on June 11 after
(B) Hostel, because Coast's mistake was unilat- receiving notice that the statue was ready for
eral. inspection. When he arrived, the statue was cov-
(C) Coast, because it would be unfair to require ered with a canvas tarpaulin. Before Chisel could
Coast to complete construction at the con- remove the cover, the mayor said, "It's too small.
tract price. The deal is off." Chisel subsequently demanded
that the town council pay for the statue, but the
(D) Coast, if the reasonable person in Hostel's Council refused. In an action by Chisel against
position would have known that Coast's bid the town council, the court should find for
was the result of a mistake.
(A) Chisel, if the reasonable person would have
found Chisel's work to be satisfactory.
Questions 78-79 are based on the following fact situa-
tion. (B) Chisel, because the mayor was fearful that
the statue would embarrass the town if Ray
Ray, the son of a poor family, grew up on his family's was convicted.
small farm just outside the town of Rural. Despite the
(C) the town council, because the contract gave
handicaps of poverty and lack of education, Ray even-
the mayor the absolute right to reject
tually became the world's heavyweight boxing cham-
Chisel's finished work.
pion. Proud of Ray's accomplishments, the Rural town
Council voted to erect a statue commemorating Ray's (D) the town council, if the mayor actually
victory over his social and economic disadvantages. believed that the statue was too small.
Pursuant to town ordinances and regulations, bids were
accepted from several sculptors, including Chisel.
79. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Because Chisel's work was relatively unknown, she
when Chisel finished the statue, an art collector
attempted to make her bid more attractive to the Coun-
offered to purchase it from her. Fearful that Ray's
cil by including a guarantee that her work would be sat-
pending trial would induce the mayor to reject
isfactory. On February 1, the town council entered into

her statue, Chisel immediately accepted the offer, offer open until June 10.
notifying the town council on June 10 that she
(B) win, unless Sailor had actually sold the
would not be submitting a statue for the mayor's
motorcycle to someone else.
approval. In an action by the town council against
Chisel, the court should find for (C) lose, unless Sailor is found to be a merchant
with respect to the sale of the motorcycle.
(A) the town council, because Chisel has com-
(D) lose, because the option contract was not in
mitted an anticipatory breach.
(B) the town council, only if the statue which
Chisel created would have met with the
Questions 81-82 are based on the following fact situa-
mayor's satisfaction.
(C) Chisel, unless the price which she received
from the art collector exceeded $5,000. By a written contract, Helth, the operator of a natural
(D) Chisel, because the town council's promise foods store, agreed to purchase 200 pounds of grade A
under the contract was illusory. large gobbus nuts from Gro at a specified price. A term
of the contract provided that "payment shall be due
immediately on delivery and prior to inspection of the
80. On June 1, Sailor was arraigned on a charge of shipment." When a box containing the nuts was deliv-
petty larceny. He pleaded not guilty, and told the ered, Helth paid the agreed price without inspecting its
judge that he was planning to enlist in the U.S. contents. One hour later, Helth opened the box and dis-
Navy. The judge set July 9 as the date for trial, covered that it contained grade A small gobbus nuts
but told Sailor that she would dismiss the charge instead of grade A large gobbus nuts. When Helth tele-
if Sailor was accepted into the Navy before then. phoned Gro to ask that Gro exchange the small nuts for
On June 2, Sailor said to Brady, "I will sell you large ones, Gro refused. Helth repackaged the nuts and
my motorcycle for $450 cash." Brady said, "I'll returned them to Gro. Subsequently, Helth asserted a
need a week to raise the money, but I'll give you claim against Gro for breach of contract.
$50 now if you promise to hold the offer open
until June 10. Then if I buy I'll pay you an addi-
tional $400, and if I don't buy you can keep the 81. In considering the contract provision which
$50." Sailor agreed to the terms and accepted his required payment prior to inspection, a court is
check for $50. most likely to hold that

On June 5, Sailor's lawyer told him that it was (A) it is unconscionable, and therefore not sub-
unlikely that Sailor would be convicted on the ject to enforcement.
charge of petty larceny. Upon hearing this; Sailor (B) it constitutes a waiver of the buyer's right to
decided not to enlist in the Navy, and not to sell inspect prior to acceptance.
his motorcycle to Brady for $450. He sent Brady
(C) it does not impair the buyer's right to inspect
a money order in the sum of $50 with a note stat-
prior to acceptance.
ing that he had already sold the motorcycle to
someone else.· On June 8, Brady went to Sailor's (D) it was not enforceable when the contract was
house and handed Sailor the uncashed money made, but since Helth did pay before
order together with $400 in cash, demanding that inspecting the goods, he waived his right to
Sailor sign the motorcycle over to him. Sailor a pre-acceptance inspection.
82. If Helth succeeds in an action against Gro for
In an action by Brady against Sailor for breach of
breach of contract, a court is most likely to
contract, Brady will probably
(A) issue an order directing Gro to deliver 200
(A) win, because he paid Sailor $50 to keep the

pounds of "grade A large" Gobbus nuts as tomorrow. I'll just have to borrow a friend's station
required by the contract. wagon to transport them." Bertrand said, "Never
mind. I don't want them," and handed Sylvester the
(B) award damages consisting of the difference
note which he had written but not mailed.
between the value of "grade A large" gob-
bus nuts and "grade A small" gobbus nuts.
(C) award damages consisting of the purchase 83. In Bertrand's letter of July 8, what was the legal
price plus the difference between the con- effect of the statement, "I promise to hold this
tract price and the market price for "grade offer open until September I"?
A large" gobbus nuts.
(A) The language did not prevent Bertrand from
(D) require Gro to return the price which Helth revoking the offer.
(B) At common law, the language creates an irre-
vocable option in Sylvester's favor.
Questions 83-85 are based on the following fact situa-
(C) Under the Uniform Commercial Code, Ber-
trand was prevented from revoking the
offer until September 1.
Bertrand and Sylvester were members of the graduat-
ing class of Tate College. Bertrand, who was planning (D) The language created an option in favor of
to go to law school, told sylvester that he might be Sylvester, subject to the condition that Ber-
needing some law books. Sylvester had recently inher- trand actually begin law school.
ited a law library, so he compiled a list of the books in
the collection, and mailed it to Bertrand on July 5 with
84. If Sylvester instituted an action against Bertrand
a note that said, "Interested in buying?" Bertrand
for breach of contract, which of the following
wrote the following letter on a copy of the booklist and
statements is most correct about Sylvester's letter
mailed it to Sylvester on Tuesday, July 8:
of July 9?

Dear Sylvester, (A) It bound both parties to a unilateral contact

when it was mailed.
I will buy your law library consisting of the
(B) It formed a bilateral contact when mailed,
books on this list for $2,600 cash if you
because Bertrand chose the mail as the
deliver the books to my home by the time I
medium of communication.
start law school in mid-September. I promise
to hold this offer open until September 1. (C) The letter would have constituted an accep-
Yours Truly, tance if it had been received, but because it
[signed] Bertrand was not received, no contract was formed.
(D) Sylvester's mailing of the letter did not pre-
Sylvester received the letter on Wednesday, July 9, and vent Bertrand from withdrawing his offer.
immediately responded by writing, "I accept your offer
to buy my library, and will deliver it to you as you
require." He signed the letter and mailed it properly 85. Sylvester's statement on August 1 that, "I'll be
addressed to Bertrand, but due to a fire in the post bringing you those law books tomorrow" was
office it was never delivered. On August 1, Bertrand probably
decided that he did not want to go to law school after
all, and wrote Sylvester a note telling him that he was (A) an offer.
no longer interested in buying the lawbooks. He was (B) a ratification of the acceptance which was
about to go to the post office to mail it, when Sylvester mailed on July 9 but was never delivered to
knocked at his door. As soon as Bertrand opened the Bertrand.
door Sylvester said, "I'll bring you those law books

(C) an acceptance. (B) Fixer, if Bott's prior commitments made it

impossible for Bott to use the yacht until
(D) commencement of performance.
the following March.
(C) Bott, if Shimmering Bay was frequently sub-
86. Which of the following is most likely to be
ject to storm conditions and choppy waters
regarded as valid consideration for Brown's oral
in the month of October.
promise to pay Green $1,000?
(D) Bott, if Fixer could have completed the work
(A) The fact that Green had saved Brown's house in time by removing the yacht from the
from a fire the day before Brown's promise water during the month of October.
was made.
(B) The fact that at the same time Brown made 88. Mter the commercial success of a rock music
the promise to pay, Green promised to group called Porta-Potti, its lead singer, Rocker,
deliver to Brown fire-fighting equipment entered into a contract with the Groovy Record
valued at $1,000. Company. According to its terms, Rocker, sing-
ing alone, was to record a song for Groovy.
(C) The fact that after Brown made the promise,
Groovy was to pay Rocker two thousand dollars
Green relied upon it by committing himself
thirty days after the record was made, whether or
to the purchase of fire-fighting equipment
not it was ever commercially released. If the
at a price of $1,000.
record was released, Rocker was to receive addi-
(D) The fact that immediately after Brown made tional compensation depending on the number of
the promise, Green sent Brown a written copies of the record which were sold.
memorandum of their agreement, to which
Brown did not object within thirty days. Rocker made the record required by the contract
on March 1. On March 15, Rocker bought a piano
from Keys, promising to pay for it when he
87. Bott was the owner of a large yacht which he usu-
received payment from Groovy. As security for
ally kept moored in Shimmering Bay. On August
his promise, Rocker assigned to Keys his right to
15, Fixer agreed to repair Bott's yacht for a fee of
collect the two thousand dollars which Groovy
$2,000, and to have all work completed by
owed him for making the record. Keys immedi-
November 1. Because of the yacht's size, it
ately notified Groovy of the assignment. On April
would have been impractical to take it out of the
1, Rocker purported to assign the same right to
water for repairs, and it was understood that all
his landlord to induce him to refrain from institut-
work would have to be performed while the boat
ing eviction proceedings based on nonpayment of
was moored in the bay. There were heavy storms
rent. The landlord immediately notified Groovy
all during the month of October, however, and the
of the assignment. On April 20, Rocker sued
waters of the bay were too choppy to permit any
Groovy for non-payment of the two thousand
work on the yacht. As a result, on October 28,
Fixer notified Bott that he would be unable to
complete repairs by November 1.
Which of the following additional facts or infer-
ences, if it were the only true, would be most
If Bott asserts a claim against Fixer for damages
likely to result in a judgment for Groovy?
resulting from breach of contract, the court
should find for
(A) Rocker was an infant at the time of all of the
transactions described above.
(A) Fixer, if Fixer's prior commitments made it
impossible for him to work on Bott's yacht (B) Rocker made at least one effective assign-
at any time other than during the month of ment of the right to collect the two thousand
October. dollars.

(C) Rocker's performance at the March 1 record- formance. At the trial, Brewer offered the testi-
ing session was so bad that the record can mony of eyewitnesses who were present when
never be commercially released. the agreement was signed and who heard Samson
and Brewer orally agree on a price of $50,000 for
(D) A statute in the jurisdiction prohibited the
the lot. Samson asserted a defense based on the
assignment of future wages by employees.
Statute of Frauds.

89. loan agreement made on April 15, Carveragreed The court should find for
to design a coat of arms for Houser and to fabri-
cate a wooden door with the coat of arms carved (A) Samson, unless Brewer can prove that the
into it for the front of Houser's home. Houser reasonable market value of the lot was
agreed to pay $650 for the door, but it was under- $50,000 at the time the agreement was
stood that if Houser was not completely satisfied made.
with the coat of arms and the door, he would be
(B) Samson, because the price agreed upon is an
under no obligation to go through with the deal.
essential part of the contract, and must be
Before Carver completed the door, Houser came
specified in a writing signed by the party to
to the conclusion that he did not really want a
be charged.
coat of arms. When Carver brought the finished
door to Houser, Houser took a quick glance at it. (C) Brewer, because in a contract for sale, the
Although the coat of arms was properly designed only term which the Statute of Frauds
and carved, and although the door had been fabri- requires to be included is the quantity.
cated in a workmanlike manner, Houser said, "I (D) Brewer, if the testimony of the witness does
just don't like it," and refused to accept it. not contradict any term of the writing.
In an action by Carver against Houser, which of
the following would be Houser's best defense? Questions 91-92 are based on the following fact situa-
(A) The agreement was not in writing as required
by the Statute of Frauds. When Carter's employer prepared to transfer him to its
plant located in Twin Oaks, Carter contracted with
(B) The agreement was an offer for a unilateral
Hammond for the purchase of Hammond's home
contract which Houser rejected by refusing
located in Twin Oaks. According to the contract, title
to accept the finished door.
was to close and the home was to be vacant and ready
(C) Houser's subjective satisfaction was a condi- for occupancy by Carter no later than April 20.
tion precedent to his obligation to accept Because Carter was arranging to move his family to
the door. Twin Oaks on April 20, at Carter's insistence the con-
(D) Since the coat of arms was not yet associated tract contained a liquidated damages clause. The clause
with Houser, it was possible for Carver to provided that if the house was not ready for occupancy
find another buyer for it. on April 20, Hammond would pay Carter seventy-five
dollars for each day thereafter that it remained unavail-
able for occupancy. When Carter and his family moved
90. Mter they inspected Samson's subdivision to Twin Oaks on April 20, the home was not ready for
together, Brewer and Samson signed an agree- occupancy. As a result, Carter and his family had to
ment under which Brewer was to buy one of the stay at a motel. On May 1, Hammond advised Carter
lots in the subdivision from Samson. The agree- that he did not intend to go through with the sale of this
ment made no mention of purchase price, but house. On May 10, Carter instituted an action against
contained reference to all the other terms neces- Hammond for specific performance and damages.
sary to make the contract enforceable. Samson
refused to go through with the sale, and Brewer
instituted an action against him for specific per-

91. With respect to Carter's demand for specific per- and the doors and window frames green, but gave
formance, a court them only one coat of paint. Homer refused to
pay unless Brush gave the wood trim, doors, and
(A) may find for Carter, whether or not the liqui- window frames a second coat. Brush instituted an
dated damages clause is held to be enforce- action against Homer for seven hundred dollars.
able. At the trial, Homer attempted to testify that prior
to executing the agreement, he and Brush agreed
(B) may find for Carter, but only if the liquida-
orally that Brush would apply two coats of paint
tion damages clause is held to be unen-
to the wood trim, doors, and window frames, as
well as to the siding.
(C) may find for Carter, but only if the liquida-
tion damages clause is held to be enforce- The trial judge should rule Homer's testimony
(D) must find for Hammond. (A) admissible only for the purpose of establish-
ing that the phrase "(two coats)" is ambig-
92. With respect to Carter's demand for damages
(B) admissible for the purpose of establishing
pursuant to the contract's liquidated damages
that the phrase "(two coats)" is ambiguous,
clause, the court's finding will turn on whether
and for the additional purpose of explaining
the ambiguity.
(A) the motel at which Carter stayed charged a
rate which was commercially reasonable. (C) inadmissible unless the agreement was writ-
ten by Brush.
(B) Carter could have avoided staying at a motel
by making a reasonable attempt to mitigate (D) inadmissible since the writing was a com-
damages. plete expression of the agreement of the
(C) at the time the contract was formed, the sum
of seventy-five dollars a day was reason-
ably related to what the parties believed Questions 94-96 are based on the following fact situa-
Carter's living expenses would be. tion.
(D) Carter's purpose in insisting on a liquidation
damages clause was to encourage Ham- Wand, who had been studying the writings of various
mond to vacate the premises on time. mystical philosophers, decided to sell all his worldly
possessions, give the money to charity, and wander
about in the desert for a while to seek insight and spiri-
93. OnIune 11, Homer asked Brush, a local handy- tual fulfillment. After about a month in the desert,
man, whether Brush would be interested in paint- Wand became ill and collapsed into unconsciousness.
ing Homer's house. Following their conversation, When he woke, he was in the home of Doc, a retired
they entered into the following handwritten surgeon who now lived like a hermit on the desert, and
agreement, which they wrote on the back of an who had found him in a helpless condition. As Doc fed
old envelope and which both signed: soup to Wand, Wand said, "I have no money. I can
never pay you for any of this." Doc replied, "I'm not
"Homer and Brush hereby agree that Brush doing this for money."
will paint the outside of Homer's house for
seven hundred dollars as follows: wood trim In the next week, Doc fed Wand and gave him medical
brown; doors and window frames green; sid- treatment. When Wand was well enough to travel, Doc
ing yellow (two coats)." borrowed an old pickup truck from a distant neighbor
and drove Wand to the house of Wand's mother, Mag-
Brush painted the siding yellow and gave it two gie. The following week, after Wand told Maggie what
coats of paint. He painted the wood trim brown Doc did for him, Maggie wrote Doc: "In gratitude for

the services which you rendered my son, I hereby cient consideration depends upon whether
promise to pay you $350.00 when I get my dividend Harold received any material benefit from
check next month." Before the dividend check arrived, them.
however, both Maggie and Doc died. Ad, Doc's admin-
(D) the question of whether or not they are suffi-
istrator, advised Maggie's husband Harold of the letter
cient consideration depends upon whether
which Maggie had sent, and indicated that he intended
the reasonable value of the services approx-
to make a claim against Maggie's estate for $350.00.
imated $350.00.
After a discussion with Ad, in which Ad agreed
not to assert a claim against Maggie's estate, 96. If Ad brings an action against Wand for the rea-
Harold prepared a document which read, "In sonable value of services rendered by Doc, Ad
consideration of services rendered by Doc to my will most likely
son, and of Ad's promise to make no claim
against the estate of my wife, I hereby agree to (A) win, if the state has a "good Samaritan"
pay $350.00 to Doc's estate." After signing the statute.
document, Harold handed it to Ad. Harold never
(B) win on a theory of quantum meruit.
paid anything to the estate, however, and Ad
instituted suit against him. Harold defended on (C) lose, since Doc had no expectation of com-
the ground that his promise to pay $350.00 was pensation when he rendered the services.
not supported by consideration. (D) lose, since Ad is bound to accept the sum of
$350.00 agreed upon by Harold.
94. If Ad's lawsuit against Harold is successful, it
will most likely be for which of the following
Questions 97-99 are based on the following fact situa-
(A) The document which Harold executed was
On September 10, Pubco, a well known publisher of
an offer for a unilateral contract which Ad
law books, posted the following notice on the bulletin
accepted by not making a claim against
board at University Law School:
Maggie's estate.
(B) A judgment for Harold would result in his As an incentive to research and scholastic
being unjustly enriched. excellence, Pubco announces the institution of
(C) Harold is estopped from denying the validity the Pubco Award. The award will consist of a
of his agreement with Ad. complete set of the Pubco Encyclopedia, and
will be presented to the student in each gradu-
(D) Harold's agreement with Ad was a compro- ating class of the law school who attains the
mise. highest overall cumulative Grade Point Aver-
age. In the event two or more students gradu-
95. .As to the question of whether services rendered ate with the same Grade Point Average, the
by Doc are sufficient consideration for Harold's dean will be asked to select the winner from
promise, a court is most likely to find that among them based on school service and
community involvement.
(A) they are sufficient consideration because
they imposed a preexisting moral obligation Val, who had just begun her final year at the law
upon Harold. school, saw the notice. Her grades already placed her
toward the top of her class, but she resolved to work
(B) they are not sufficient consideration because harder than ever before in art attempt to win the Pubco
they were not requested by Harold. Award. On September 20, she mailed a letter to Pubco
(C) the question of whether or not they are suffi- saying, "I accept your offer for the Pubco Award, and

will do my best to win it." Her letter was received by ance on the offer contained in the notice of
Pubco, but lost in the mail department before any September 10.
Pubco officials had an opportunity to see it.
99. In an action by Val against Pubco, a court is most
The following May, because of budget cutbacks at
likely to find the promise contained in the Sep-
Pubco, the following notice was posted at University
tember 10 notice
Law School:
(A) enforceable, on a theory of promissory
The Pubco Award program is hereby discon- estoppel.
tinued. Pubco will be unable to present any
prize or award to students of this law school. (B) enforceable, because Val's performance was
consideration for it.
The week after the second notice was posted, Val (C) unenforceable, since Val was already legally
took her final examinations. Her scores on those obligated to use her best efforts while in
examinations made her grade point average the law school.
highest in the class, and resulted in her being
declared Valedictorian at her graduation. She sub- (D) unenforceable, since it was a conditional
sequently wrote to Pubco demanding her prize, promise to make a future gift.
but Pubco refused to award it.
100. Cohen is the operator of an ice cream parlor
97. Which of the following statements is most correct where ice cream is sold in cups and cones for
about Pubco's first notice consumption on or off the premises. In prepara-
tion for Halloween, she ordered fifty gallons of
(A) It was an offer for a unilateral contact. pumpkin-flavored ice cream from her supplier,
Darry. Because Darry was sold out of pumpkin-
(B) It was an offer for bilateral contract. flavored ice cream, he sent fifty gallons of cinna-
(C) It was an offer for either a unilateral contract mon-swirl instead. Past experience had taught
or a bilateral contract at the offeree's Cohen that cinnamon-swirl was a poor seller, so
option. she called Darry and told him that she couldn't
use it. Darry became offended, told her that if she
(D) It was an offer for a unilateral contract which sent it back he would not accept it, and hung up
ripened into a bilateral contract when Val the phone. The same day, Stand, another ice
achieved the highest grade point average in cream retailer, offered to purchase the cinnamon-
her class. swirl ice cream from Cohen at a wholesale price.

98. In ajurisdiction which applies the Restatement of Is she entitled to sell it to him?
Contracts, 2nd rule, a court's decision as to
whether Pubco's offer was effectively revoked by (A) Yes, but only if the price which Stand has
the notice posted in May (the second notice) will offered to pay is equal to or greater than the
most likely depend on whether price which Darry was charging Cohen.
(B) Yes, at any commercially reasonable price,
(A) Val saw the second notice before taking her taking into account the fact that because the
final examinations. ice cream is perishable its value is likely to
(B) the second notice was as large, and as con- diminish as time goes by.
spicuously posted as the first. (C) No, since under the circumstances, Cohen is
(C) Val's letter of September 21 was effective not obligated to pay for the ice cream.
when mailed or when received. (D) No, unless a public sale is conducted at
(D) Val made extra efforts in her studies in reli- which Stand is the highest bidder.

turer of wooden furniture with a factory located

in Towne. Pursuant to a written agreement, Billy
101. Sewco was a manufacturer of sewing supplies,
agreed to purchase fifty gallons of wood stain
including thread, needles, thimbles, and patterns.
from Sally at five dollars per gallon "EO.B.
Pat was an engineer employed by Sewco in its
Billy's factory." Sally delivered the wood stain to
product design department. Working at home on
Carrier Trucking Company which loaded it safely
his days off, Pat invented a device which could be
onto a truck at City. While en route to Towne,
used to increase the fuel efficiency of automobile
however, the truck was hijacked by thieves. Its
engines. Withouttelling his employer anything
contents were never recovered.
about it, Pat obtained a patent on the device and
sold the patent rights for one hundred thousand
In an action by Sally against Billy for the agreed
dollars to General Truck, a motor vehicle manu-
price of the stain, which of the following com-
facturer. Sewco subsequently learned about Pat's
ments is most correct?
invention and demanded the money which Pat
had received from General Truck. In support of
(A) Sally fulfilled her obligation to Billy when
its demand, Sewco referred to a provision of Pat's
the stain was loaded safely aboard a truck at
employment contract which required him to
devote all his working time and energies to his
employment. Sewco attorneys argued that (B) The risk of loss passed to Billy when Sally
because of this provision, the device had been delivered the stain to Carrier, although title
invented on company time, and that the patent to the stain never actually passed to Billy.
rights therefore belonged to Sewco. At a confer- (C) The risk of loss did not pass to Billy.
ence with Sewco attorneys, Pat signed a promis-
sory note for fifty thousand dollars payable to (D) The risk of loss was not on Sally, since the
Sewco, and Sewco agreed to abandon its claim. loss was the result of action by the public
When the note came due, Pat refused to pay it. enemy.

In an action by Sewco against Pat on the promis-

Questions 103-104 are based on the following fact sit-
sory note, which of the following additional facts
or inferences, if it was the only one true, would
be most helpful to Pat's defense?
Mut was the owner of an unimproved lot valued at
$20,000. Payne was a painting contractor. When Mut's
(A) The employment contract was oral, although
daughter Debra and Payne's son Sal announced that
the Statute of Frauds required it to be in
they were getting married, Mut and Payne decided to
give them a house as a wedding present. On January 1,
(B) At the time Pat signed the promissory note, Mut and Payne entered into a written agreement with
Sewco did not honestly believe that it was each other, pursuant to which they were to have a
entitled to the patent rights, but Pat believed house built on Mut's lot, with Mut and Payne each pay-
that Sewco was entitled to the patent rights. ing half the cost. It was further agreed that after com-
pletion of the house Payne would pay Mut $10,000 as
(C) At the time Pat signed the promissory note,
his share of the cost of the lot, and Mut would convey
Sewco honestly believed that it was entitled
the lot to Debra and Sal.
to the patent rights, but Pat did not believe
that Sewco was entitled to the patent rights.
On February 2, Mut and Payne entered into a written
(D) Sewco was not entitled to the patent rights contract with Bild, a building contractor. The contract
under the employment contract. called for payment in installments, each payment being
due upon completion of a specified stage of building.
In addition to its other terms, the contract contained a
102. Sally was a manufacturer of wood finishing prod-
clause providing that as each payment came due Bild
ucts with a plant in City. Billy was a manufac-
would bill and collect half of it from Mut and half of it

from Payne. In the contract, Bild agreed that neither defense?

would be responsible to him for more than half of the
price. (A) Sal did not rely upon or assent to the contract
of January I between Mut and Payne.
On March 3, Payne entered into a separate contract
(B) Sal's painting of the house was a condition
with Bild. Pursuant to this contract, Bild hired Payne as
precedent to Mut's obligation to convey.
a subcontractor to do all the painting required in con-
nection with the construction of the house. Because the (C) Sal waso11ly an irtcidentalbeneficiaty of the
house was being built for his son, Payne agreed to do January 1 contract between Mut and Payne,
the job for $3,000 although his work was worth $5,000. since Mut's primary intention was to bene-
The $3,000 was to be deducted from the final payment fit her daughter Debra.
which Payne would owe Bild for construction 0f the
(D) The contract which Payne made with Bild on
March 3 was a breach of a fiduciary obliga-
tion which Payne owed Mut.
In April, Payne became ill. Because he could no longer
work, he sold his painting business to his son Sal, who
was a competent and licensed painting contractor, for Questions 105-106 are based on the following fact sit-
about half of what it was actually worth. As one of the uation.
terms of the contract of sale, Sal promised to do all the
painting work on the house which Bild was construct- Susan and Barbara had been friends for years. Susan
ing. Payne notified Bild of his agreement with Sal. was the owner of a rare antique sports car, which Bar-
When the house was ready to be painted, however, Sal bara had offered to buy from her on several occasions,
informed Bild that he would not paint it. but which Susan had never been willing to sell. On
Barbara's birthday, Susan and Barbara went out for
dinner and drinks. After dinner, Susan continued drink-
103. Assume for the purpose ofthis question only that
ing until she was somewhat intoxicated. During their
Bild hired another painting subcontractor to do
conversation, Susan said, "Barbara, as a birthday
the job at a price of $5,000 and asserted a claim
present, I've decided that I'm going to sell you my
for breach of contract against Sal. If there was an
sports car for five hundred dollars. And just to make
enforceable contract between Payne and Sal, the
sure that I don't change my mind after I sober up, I'll
court should find for
put it in writing." With that, she wrote on a paper nap-
kin, "We agree to the sale of my sports car to Barbara
(A) Sal, because there was no privity between
for five hundred dollars, COD," and signed her name
Bild and Sal.
at the bottom. Barbara also signed the napkin and put it
(B) Sal, because a contract for personal services in her purse. The following day Barbara tendered five
is not assignable. hundred dollars in cash to Susan but Susan refused to
sell her the car, claiming that she had been drunk when
(C) Bild, because Bild was an intended donee-
she made the offer.
beneficiary of the contract between Payne
and Sal.
(D) Bild, because Bild was an intended creditor- 105. In an action by Barbara against Susan for breach
beneficiary of the contract between Payne of contract, which of the following additional
and Sal. facts, if it was the only one true, would be most
helpful to Susan's defense?

104. Assume for the purpose of this question only that (A) Susan was so drunk when she wrote on the
after the house was completed, Mut refused to napkin that she did not know the legal con-
convey the property to Debra and Sal. In an sequences of her act.
action by Sal against Mut, which of the following
(B) Susan would not have offered to sell the car
arguments would furnish Mut with her strongest
to Barbara for five hundred dollars if she

had not been drunk. mining the reasonable value of a bird with Ozzie's
(C) The car was worth more than $500.
(D) Susan changed her mind about selling the car Pett contacted five generally acknowledged experts in
before Barbara tendered the cash. trained exotic birds, and received opinions from them
regarding Ozzie's value which ranged from seven hun-
dred dollars to one thousand dollars. When Pett
106. If Barbara is successful in her action against
attempted to buy Ozzie from Fether, however, Fether
Susan, a court is-niost likely to
indicated that he was unwilling to sell Ozzie at any
(A) issue an order directing Susan to sell her the
car for five hundred dollars.
(B) award damages equivalent to the reasonable 107. In an action by Pett against Fether for specific
market value of Susan's sports car. performance of the agreement made on January
5, Pett will
(C) issue an order directing Susan to sell her car
for five hundred dollars, and award dam- (A) win, if he offers to pay one thousand dollars
ages equivalent to the reasonable market for Ozzie.
value of Susan's sports car less five hun-
dred dollars. (B) win, but will be required to pay a price for
Ozzie which the trier of the facts finds to be
(D) award damages consisting of five hundred reasonable in light of expert and other evi-
dollars. dence presented at the trial.
(C) lose, since the January 5 document does not
Questions 107-108 are based on the following fact sit- manifest an intent to be bound.
(D) lose, since specific performance is not avail-
able in an action for breach of a contract for
Fether was the owner and operator of a store which
the sale of a chattel.
sold exotic birds and aviary supplies. Pett was the
owner and operator of a pet shop in which dogs, cats,
tropical fish, and exotic birds were sold. Fether kept a 108. Does the Uniform Commercial Code apply to the
trained amazon parrot named Ozzie on a perch near the transaction between Fether and Pett?
sales counter in his store. The bird had an extensive
vocabulary and did tricks on his perch to the great (A) Yes, because this was a transaction in goods.
amusement of Fether's customers. Pett wished to have
(B) Yes, because only the price and delivery date
Ozzie for his own personal pet, and had attempted to
terms were missing from the agreement.
purchase him from Fether on numerous occasions, but
Fether always indicated that he was unwilling to sell. (C) No, because, unless it is a farm animal, a liv-
On January 5, Pett again asked Fether if he would sell ing thing does not fit the definition of
Ozzie, to which Fether replied, "I'd consider selling "goods" under the UCc.
him to you, Pett, but I don't even know what a bird (D) No, because Pett was not seeking to purchase
with Ozzie's training is worth." Pett said that he would Ozzie for resale.
do some research to find out, if Fether would promise
to seriously consider selling Ozzie for whatever they
found the proper price to be. Based on their conversa- Questions 109-110 are based on the following fact situ-
tion, Pett and Fether executed the following document: ation.

Fether hereby agrees to sell to Pett one trained amazon Ben was the owner of Ben's Air Conditioning Repair
parrot known as Ozzie for a price to be paid in cash and Company. His employees did all the repair jobs, but
on delivery, said price to be agreed upon after deter- Ben himself did the estimating and made price quotes

to customers. Ben maintained a fleet of pickup trucks ble.

for use by his employees when traveling to and from
(C) Ben could have mitigated damages by rent-
repair jobs, but Ben usually drove his own personal sta-
ing another vehicle or using one of the com-
tion wagon when going out to give a potential customer
pany pickup trucks while waiting for
an estimate.
delivery of the station wagon.
On February 15, Ben ordered a new Ferris station (D) Consequential damages are not available for
wagon from Car Sales Inc, a new cat dealer. Prior to the breach of a contract of sale.
signing the sales contract, the salesperson who sold
him the car explained that the new car could only be
110. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
obtained by Car Sales Inc from the Ferris Company.
on March 5 Car Sales Inc informed Ben that it
For this reason, she said, it might be as long as two
would be unable to deliver the station wagon as
weeks before Car Sales Inc could deliver the new car to
promised, and that Ben thereupon cancelled the
Ben. Ben said that this would be all right, but that he
contract. In an action by Car Sales Inc against
definitely needed the car by March 10 for use in his
Ferris, Car Sales can recover
business. Based on this discussion, it was agreed that
the new car would be ready for him no later than March
(A) nothing, if Ferris's delay in delivery was a
reasonable one.
Immediately following the signing of the sales contract (B) nothing, unless Car Sales Inc is subsequently
by Ben and Car Sales Inc, the salesperson contacted the held liable to Ben for breach of contract.
Ferris sales department and placed the order for Ben's
(C) the profit which Car Sales Inc would have
car. She explained to the sales representative at Ferris realized on the sale to Ben.
that she had contracted to deliver the car to Ben no later
than March 5, and that if she was unable to do so, she (D) the difference between the price which Car
would probably lose the sale. The sales representative Sales Inc had agreed to pay Ferris and the
assured her that the car would be delivered on time. reasonable wholesale market value of the
vehicle ordered.
On March 4, Ben sold his old station wagon, because
he believed that he would be receiving the new one the
111. Meder, a licensed physician, was driving home
following day. Ferris failed to deliver the new car to
from the hospital where she worked when she
Car Sales Inc until March 30, making it impossible for
saw Hart, a pedestrian, fall unconscious to the
Car Sales to deliver it to Ben on time. pavement. Meder stopped her car, examined
Hart, and diagnosed that he was experiencing car-
109. Assume for the purpose of this question only that diac arrest. After attempting to render medical
Ben instituted an action for breach of contract treatment, Meder carried Hart to her car and
against Car Sales Inc, and that he alleged dam- drove him to the hospital. There, she continued
ages which included lost profits resulting from attempting to treat him for an hour, after which
his inability to travel to the premises of potential Hart died without ever having regained con-
customers for the purpose of estimating jobs and sciousness. Meder subsequently sent the adminis-
selling his company's services. Which of the fol- tratrix of Hart's estate a bill for medical services,
lowing would be Car Sales most effective argu- but the administratrix refused to pay it.
ment in response to that allegation?
If Meder asserts a claim against Hart's adminis-
(A) At the time the contract was formed, it was tratrix for the reasonable value of her medical
not foreseeable that late delivery of the services, the court should find for
automobile would result in business losses.
(A) Meder, if at the time she assisted Hart she
(B) Late delivery by Ferris made performance of
reasonably expected to be compensated for
the sales contract by Car Sales Inc impossi-

her services. (D) Bukke, since his sentence to serve nine

months in prison made performance by him
(B) Meder, because a contract was implied-in-
impossible as a matter of law.
(C) Hart's administratrix, because Hart received
no benefit as a result of Meder's services. Questions 113-114 are based on the following fact situ-
(D) Hart's administratrix, if the jurisdiction has a
"good Samaritan" statute. On November 19, Maxine, an attorney, hired Consult-
ant to advise her as to how she could derive the benefit
112. Bukke was a professional gambler who made his of maximum deductions under the tax laws. After
living by accepting illegal bets on horseraces and examining Maxine's financial condition, Consultant
other sporting events. Because he suspected that advised her to invest exactly $4,000 in works of art for
the police had discovered his operation, he began her office prior to December 31. On December 10
looking for a new location for his illegal activi- Maxine entered into a written contract with the Gale
ties. Finding an empty store-front building on Gallery for the purchase of a painting known as "Wild
Main Street, he contacted Opal, its owner. On Orchids" at a price of $4,000. Pursuant to the contract,
December 12, they entered into a lease of the pre- Gale was to frame the painting according to Maxine's
mises for a six month period. According to the specifications and to deliver it to her on December 28.
lease, Bukke's occupancy was to begin on the
first of January, at a rent of two hundred dollars Because of a filing error, the sale to Maxine was not
per month. Bukke paid the first month's rent properly noted by Gale employees. As a result, on
upon signing the lease. December 20 Gale sold the painting to Dealer for
$3,500. The contract of sale provided that Dealer
On December 17, Bukke was arrested on charges would not re-sell the painting at any price without first
of illegal bookmaking. He pleaded guilty and giving Gale an opportunity of repurchasing it at that
received a nine month sentence. The following price. On December 24, when Maxine learned of the
day, his attorney advised Opal that Bukke would sale to Dealer, she purchased a sculpture from a differ-
not be moving into the leased premises after alL ent gallery for $4,000, without saying anything to Gale
Opal agreed to release Bukke from the lease, and about it.
immediately rented the premises to another ten-
ant for three hundred dollars per month, occu- On December 26, Gale discovered the clerical error
pancy to begin on December 20. When Bukke which had led to the sale of "Wild Orchids" to Dealer.
was released from prison nine months later, he Gale employees immediately contacted Dealer, and
demanded that Opal return his two hundred dol- bought the painting back from him for $4,000. On
lars. Opal refused, on the ground that the contract December 28, when Gale employees delivered the
which Bukke had made with her had an illegal painting to Maxine's office, she refused it, telling them
purpose. that she had already invested her money in a sculpture.

If Bukke institutes an action against Opal, a court 113. In an action by Gale against Maxine for damages
should find for resulting from her refusal to accept delivery of
the painting, the court should find for
(A) Opal, since the courts will not aid either
party to an illegal contract. (A) Maxine, because she justifiably relied on
(B) Opal, since she and Bukke were not in pari Gale's prospective inability to perform
delicto regarding the illegality of the lease when she purchased the sculpture.
agreement. (B) Maxine, if but only if Gale's sale of "Wild
(C) Bukke, since the lease agreement was not Orchids" to Dealer was the result of negli-
illegaL gence by Gale's employees.

(C) Gale, since under the contract with Dealer, computer.

Gale might have been able to re-acquire the
(C) an invitation for offers which ripened into an
painting prior to December 28.
offer when Beatrice relied on it by sending
(D) Gale, because it did not breach its contract her check and covering letter.
with Maxine.
(D) an offer for the sale of a Peechie 401 com-
114. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Maxine instituted an action against Gale on
Questions 116-117 are based on the following fact situ-
December 29 seeking specific performance of the
December 10 agreement. With respect to Max-
ine's demand for specific performance, a court is
Muse was a musician who played at weddings and
most likely to find for
other private parties. As the result of a conversation
between Muse and Gru, they entered into a written
(A) Gale, since Maxine refused to accept deliv-
agreement on February 1. According to the terms of the
ery of the painting on December 28.
agreement, Muse was to play at Gru's wedding on June
(B) Gale, since Maxine has already succeeded in 15 at a hall known as Wedding Plaza for a fee of two
investing $4,000 in art for her office. hundred dollars. Gru paid half the fee upon the signing
(C) Maxine, if the painting known as "Wild of the contract and was to pay the balance in cash
Orchids" is found to be a unique chattel. immediately after Muse began to perform at the wed-
(D) Maxine, since Gale's sale to Dealer was an
anticipatory repudiation of its contract with On March 10, Gru's fiancee broke their engagement
Maxine. and told Gru that she decided to marry New. She and
New planned to marryon June 15 at Wedding Plaza. To
115. Beatrice received an advertising brochure from show his good will, 'Gru congratulated her and prom-
Selco in the mail. The brochure contained a pho- ised to provide the music as a wedding present. He
tograph of a Peechie 401 computer, and above it assigned his February 1 contract with Muse to New and
the statement, "While they last. All Peechie com- promised that he would attend the wedding and pay
puters on sale at 25 percent below manufacturer's Muse the balance of his fee.
list price." Beatrice immediately contacted the
Peechie Computer Company which manufac- Gru said nothing to Muse about the change until the
tured the computer pictured in Selco's brochure, day before the wedding. Then, calling Muse on the
and determined that Peechie's list price for the phone, Gru informed him that the only change in the
410 was $1,000. She then sent her check for $750 plan was that New was to be the groom. Gru assured
($1000 less 25 percent) to Selco with a covering Muse that he would still be paying the balance of
letter which stated "lhereby accept your offer for Muse's fee as originally agreed. Because Muse disliked
the sale of a Peechie 401 computer. My check is New, he assigned his contract to his brother Bro, who
enclosed herewith." Selco threw Beatrice's letter was also a musician. New, who had been looking for-
and check away. ward to having Muse play at his wedding, refused to
allow Bro to play. Consequently, Gru did not pay the
The brochure which Selco sent Beatrice is best balance of the musician's fee to either Muse or Bro.
described as
116. If Bro brings an action against Gru for breach of
(A) an invitation for offers. contract, a court is most likely to find for
(B) an invitation for offers which ripened into an
offer when Beatrice learned the Peechie (A) Bro, since Gru's obligation was not assign-
Computer Company's list price for the 401 able.

(B) Bro, if New's credit standing was inferior to 118. Which ofthe following statement concerning the
Gro's. order of performances is least accurate?
(C) Gru, since Gru's assignment of the contract
(A) Suzanne's delivery of title on or before
to New relieved Gru of any obligation
August 1, and Balbo's payment of $58,000
which he owed thereunder.
are concurrent obligations.
(D) Gru, if the February 1 contract called for per-
(B) Vacancy of the upstairs apartment is a condi-
sonal services by Muse.
tion precedent to Balbo's obligation to pay
$58,000 upon delivery of title.
117. If New brings an action against Muse for breach
(C) Payment by Balbo of $58,000 is a condition
of contract, a court is most likely to find for
precedent to Suzanne's obligation to deliver
title to the premises.
(A) New, if, but only if, the February 1 contract
be tween Gru and Muse did not contain a (D) Payment by Balbo of $2,000 is a condition
clause prohibiting assignment by Gru. subsequent to Suzanne's obligation to have
the downstairs apartment vacated within
(B) New, because Gru's assignment of the con-
three months after the delivery of title.
tract to New resulted in the imposition of
different obligations on Muse.
119. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
(C) New, if the services of Bro would not have
Suzanne delivered title to Balbo on August 1, and
been identical to the services of Muse.
that as of November 15 the downstairs apartment
(D) Muse. remained occupied by Tenn and his family.
Which of the following statements best describes
Balbo's rights?
Questions 118-120 are based on the following fact situ-
ation. (A) Balbo is entitled to an order directing
Suzanne to commence a legal proceeding
Suzanne was the owner of a lot and building which
against Tenn for the purpose of evicting
contained two residential apartments. Suzanne resided
him from the premises.
in the upstairs apartment, and rented the downstairs
apartment to Tenn and his family on a month-to-month (B) Balbo is not required to pay Suzanne the
basis. Balbo was interested in purchasing the realty additional two thousand dollars.
from Suzanne. After negotiations, Balbo and Suzanne (C) Balbo is entitled to rescind his contract with
entered into a written contract which provided that Suzanne, reconveying title to her and
Suzanne would sell the house to Balbo for sixty thou- receiving the return of his $58,000.
sand dollars, and that delivery of title was to occur on
or before August 1. Suzanne promised that at the time (D) Balbo may bring a legal proceeding for the
title was delivered the upstairs apartment would be purpose of evicting Tenn from the premises,
vacant and that the downstairs apartment would be and, if successful, is required to pay
vacant within three months thereafter. Balbo promised Suzanne $2,000 less the expenses which he
to pay fifty eight thousand dollars upon delivery of title incurred in evicting Tenn.
and the balance of $2,000 three months after delivery
of title. The contract provided that, "Balbo's obligation 120. Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code
to pay $2,000 three months after delivery of title shall applies
be voided if the downstairs apartment has not been
vacated by that time." (A) only to transactions in goods.
(B) only to transactions involving merchants.
(C) to all commercial transactions.

(D) only to transactions in goods or services. wire. Ansel."

On May 1, Manson received Ansel's telegram, and sent

121. After seeing the small airplane which Pilot was
Ansel a telegram stating, "Accept your offer to sell
flying go down in stormy seas, Pilot's wife
George IV settee for $16,000. Manson." Manson
Wanda stood on the shore screaming, "Oh, God,
immediately telephoned Collard and boasted about the
won't somebody please save my husband?"
Upon hearing her appeal for help, Robinson went
out in his rowboat and succeeded in rescuing
Ansel received Collard's telegram on May 2, and Man-
Pilot. Robinson subsequently asked Wanda to pay
son's telegram on May 3. On May 5, Ansel shipped the
him for his trouble, but Wanda refused.
settee to Manson.
If Robinson asserts a claim for payment against
Wanda on a theory of promissory estoppel, which 122. In litigation between Collard and Ansel, if a court
of the following would be Wanda's most effective determines that Ansel's letter of April I? was not
argument in defense? an offer, it will most likely be because that letter

(A) Robinson was an officious intermeddler. (A) was an acceptance of the offer contained in
Collard's letter of March 11.
(B) The value of Pilot's life is too speculative.
(B) did not specify the terms of payment.
(C) No promise of payment can be reasonably
inferred from Wanda's cry for help. (C) did not manifest a willingness to be bound.
(D) There was no consideration for Wanda's (D) did not specify a manner of acceptance.
123. In litigation between Collard and Ansel, if a court
Questions 122-124 are based on the following fact sit- determines that Ansel's letter of April I? was an
uation. offer, was a contract formed between Collard and
Collard was a collector of antiques who had purchased
many expensive pieces from Ansel, an antique dealer. (A) Yes, if sending a telegram was a reasonable
Knowing that Ansel was traveling to Europe, Collard way for Collard to accept Ansel's offer.
wrote to him on March 11, "Ansel: If you should come (B) Yes, because, as a merchant, Ansel was obli-
across a George IV piece in your travels, please pur- gated to act in good faith.
chase it for me. I don't care about the cost. Collard."
(C) No, because an offer sent by mail may be
On April I?, Ansel wrote to Collard, "I have found an accepted only by mail.
excellent George IV settee. The price is $15,000, but I (D) .No, if Ansel had changed his mind about the
think it's a good buy. Are you still interested? If so, let price prior to April 21.
me know if the price is acceptable to you. Ansel."

Collard received Ansel's letter on April 21, and, on that 124. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
same day, wired Ansel, "Fifteen thousand is OK. Buy no contract was formed between Collard and
the piece on my account. Collard." Ansel. Was a contract formed between Manson
and Ansel?
Because of negligence by the telegraph company, Col-
lard's telegram was misdirected and therefore delayed. (A) Yes, because after receiving Manson's wire
On April 30, not having heard from Collard, Ansel on May 3, Ansel shipped the settee.
wired Manson as follows: "Will sell you fine George (B) Yes, but only if the telegram sent by Manson
IV settee for $16,000 firm. If interested, respond by to Ansel on May 1 was an offer.

(C) No, if the telegram which Ansel sent Manson

on April 30 did not manifest Ansel's inten-
126. Samson is a manufacturer of wall-coverings
tion to be bound.
which he ordinarily sells to retailers in boxes con-
(D) No, unless there was a prior course of deal- taining ten packages per box. By a valid written
ing between Manson and Ansel. contract, Bixby agreed to purchase and Samson
agreed to sell ten boxes of 107-Blue. When the
boxes arrived, Bixby inspected them and found
125. Francis, who resided in the city of Westlake, was
that two of the boxes contained 109-Red instead
the owner of a chain of dry cleaning stores known
of 107-Blue. Bixby immediately notified Sam-
as Sparkling Frank's. Because his stores had been
son, who informed Bixby that he no longer pro-
financially successful, he began selling fran-
duced #107-Blue, and had sent Bixby his last
chises. By the terms of his franchise agreements,
eight boxes. Samson said that he had sent two
Francis permitted franchisees to use the name
boxes of 109-Red as an accommodation, and that
Sparkling Frank's in return for an initial fee of
Bixby did not have to accept them unless he
$50,000 and ten percent of the gross revenues.
wanted to.
Francis's cousin Amy lived in a distant state.
Which of the following correctly states Bixby's
When she heard about the financial success of the
rights regarding the shipment?
Sparkling Frank's stores, she wrote to Francis
asking him to sell her a franchise to operate a
Sparkling Frank's dry cleaning store in her state. I. Bixby may reject the entire shipment.
Because Francis had great affection for Amy and II. Bixby may accept the eight boxes contain-
wanted her to live near him, he sent her a letter in ing 107-Blue and reject the two boxes con-
which he said, "If you will come and live here, I taining 109-Red.
will give you a franchise to operate a Sparkling
III. Bixby may accept the entire shipment, and
Frank's in Westlake without any initial fee. All
collect damages resulting from its non-
you will have to pay is ten percent of the gross
conformity to the terms of the contract.
(A) I only.
Amy immediately wrote Francis to tell him that
she was coming to live in Westlake as he (B) lor II only.
requested, and that she was looking forward to (C) II or III only.
operating a Sparkling Frank's store there. After
Amy moved to Westlake, however, Francis told (D) lor II or III.
her that his contract with another franchisee pre-
vented him from giving her a franchise to operate 127. By a valid written contract formed on May 7,
a Sparkling Frank's store in Westlake. Bilden agreed to construct a warehouse for
Owwens. Pursuant to the terms of the contract,
If Amy asserts a claim against Francis for breach the building was to be completed no later than
of contract, the court should find for November 30. The agreed price was $60,000, of
which Owwens was to pay $20,000 when the
(A) Amy on a theory of bargained-for exchange. construction was 50 percent complete, and the
(B) Amy, because she detrimentally relied on the balance upon completion. Bilden began work on
promise made by Francis. May 11, and had completed 25 percent of the
construction by June 5, when the partially fin-
(C) Francis, because his promise was for a con- ished structure was struck by lightning, and com-
ditional gift. pletely destroyed in the resulting fire. No
(D) Francis, because his affection for Amy is not payment had yet been made by Owwens to
sufficient to support his promise to her. Bilden. On June 7, Bilden notified Owwens that

he was too busy to rebuild the structure, and that Ritchie's demand for payment.
he would not continue to work on the project.
Owwens subsequently hired another contractor to If Ritchie institutes a claim against Salzburger for
build the warehouse at a lower price, and rejected her commission, she is entitled to collect
all of Bilden's demands for payment. If Bilden
asserts a claim against Owwens, Bilden is entitled (A) $4,800 (6 percent of $80,000).
to recover
(B) $4,500 (6 percent of $75,000).
(A) the difference between $60,000 and the price (C) $600 (6 percent of $10,000).
which Owwens paid to have the warehouse (D) Nothing.
built by another contractor.
(B) the reasonable value of work performed by
129. On August 1, Sante said to her friend Crowley,
Bilden prior to the destruction of the struc-
"My brother Burdy needs money. Will you lend
ture by lightning and fire.
it to him for three weeks?"
(C) 25 percent of $60,000 ($15,000).
Crowley said, "Your brother isn't working. I
(D) nothing.
can't lend him money. How do I know he'll pay
me back?"
128. When Salzburger's employers transferred him to
the west coast, they promised to pay all his relo- Sante answered, "All right, then. Lend the money
cation expenses, including any commission to me, but give it to my brother."
which he might have to pay for the sale of his
home. Salzburger contacted Ritchie, a real estate Crowley said, "OK. That's good enough for
broker, and entered into a written contract with me." Crowley then mailed Burdy a check pay-
her on September 1. Under its terms, Salzburger able to Burdy for the requested sum.
agreed that if the house was sold to any buyer
who made an offer during the following two Three weeks later, when Burdy failed to repay the
months, he would pay Ritchie upon the closing of money, Crowley asked Sante for it. On Septem-
title a commission equivalent to 6 percent of the ber 15, not having received payment, Crowley
actual selling price of the house. In return, sued both Burdy and Sante. In an appropriate
Ritchie agreed to make reasonable efforts to find motion to dismiss Crowley's claim against her,
a buyer for the house at a price of $80,000. Sante asserted that there was no agreement in
writing between Crowley and her. Sante's motion
On September 15, after Ritchie showed should be
Salzburger's home to Barnaby, Barnaby offered
to purchase it for $75,000, on condition that title (A) granted, if the sum lent by Crowley exceeded
would close on or before December 1. On Sep- $500.
tember 18, Salzburger accepted Barnaby's offer.
(B) granted, if Sante's statement, "Lend the
On September 19, Barnaby gave Salzburger
money to me, but give it to my brother,"
$10,000 as a deposit.
was a promise to pay Burdy's debt to Crow-
On November 15, Barnaby notified Salzburger
that he had changed his mind, and would not go (C) denied, if Crowley's statement, "That's good
through with the purchase of the house, agreeing enough for me," was an acceptance of
to forfeit the deposit which he had paid in return Sante's offer to pay Burdy's debt to Crow-
for Salzburger's agreement not to sue for dam- ley.
ages. The following day, Salzburger entered into (D) denied, if Crowley's check was a writing
a contract to sell the house to another buyer for which evidenced the debt.
$80,000. Salzburger subsequently rejected

ted a written bid to Bilder. In the written

communication, Elco offered to do all the electrical
130. Marilyn and Fred were co-owners of a parcel of
work on the renovation project for $15,000, and prom-
realty known as Greenacre. Mter twenty-five
ised to keep its offer open until two weeks after Bilder
years of marriage, they decided to execute wills.
received the contract from the City of Baden.
Before executing the wills, they agreed in writing
that each would leave a life-estate in his or her
Bilder submitted a bid for the renovation project to the
share of Greenacre to the other, and that the sur-
City of Baden, and on October 15, the Cityof Baden
vivor would leave a fee interest in Greenacre to
awarded the renovation contract to Bilder. On October
their son Samuel. After executing their wills, they
16, Wirco, another electrical subcontractor, sent Bilder
told Samuel about their agreement. Samuel had
a written communication in which it offered to do the
recently contracted for the purchase of a resi-
electrical work on the renovation project for $12,500.
dence, but subsequently canceled the contract.
Bilder accepted Wirco's offer the following day. On
Shortly afterwards, Marilyn died, leaving a life
October 18, however, Wirco realized that it had made a
estate in her share of Greenacre to Fred. One year
mathematical error in calculating its price for the job,
later, Fred remarried and changed his will to
and notified Bilder that it would not be able to do the
leave Greenacre to Twylla, his second wife.
electrical work for less than $18,000. Bilder immedi-
When Fred died, Samuel learned that Fred's will
ately went to the office of Elco, for the purpose of sign-
left Greenacre to Twylla, and sued the executrix
ing a contract with Elco pursuant to its bid. When
of Fred's estate for damages resultingfrom Fred's
Bilder arrived at Elco's office, however, Elco's presi-
breach of his agreement with Marilyn.
dent informed Bilder that Elco was withdrawing its
offer. Bilder subsequently contracted with another elec-
The court should find for
trical subcontractor to do the job at a price of $16,000.
(A) Samuel, if he canceled his contract for the
purchase of a residence in reliance on the 131. If Bilder institutes an action against Wirco for
agreement between Marilyn and Fred. breach of contract, the court should find for
(B) Samuel, because after Marilyn's death, Sam-
(A) Wirco, because its initial bid was the result
uel became a creditor beneficiary of the
of a mathematical error.
agreement between Marilyn and Fred.
(B) Wirco, if Bilder knew or should have known
(C) Fred's executrix, because Samuel is a donee
that Wirco's initial bid was the result of an
beneficiary of the agreement between Mari-
lyn and Fred.
(C) Bilder, unless Wirco's error would permit
(D) Fred's executrix, because, by its terms, the
Bilder to realize a profit which Bilder did
agreement between Marilyn and Fred might
not contemplate when bidding on the reno-
be capable of being performed within one
vation project.
(D) Bilder, only if Wirco could have done the
work for $12,500 without sustaining a loss.
Questions 131-132 are based on the following fact sit-
132. If Bilder institutes an action against Elco for
When the City of Baden decided to renovate its city breach of contract, the court should find for
hall it contacted Bilder, a building contractor, and
ask;d him to bid on the job. Since the renovation would (A) Bilder, because of Elco's written promise to
require extensive electrical work, Bilder contacted keep its offer open until two weeks after
Elco, an electrical subcontractor with whom Bilder had Bilder received the contract from the City
done business in the past. On September 1, after exam- of Baden.
ining plans and specifications for the job, Elco submit- (B) Bilder, unless Elco was not a merchant.

(C) Elco, if it knew that Bilder had accepted the terms of the sale, Dataflo assigned to McOwen all
Wirco's offer to do the job for $12,500. her rights under the contract with Kunkel and Williams.
(D) Elco, only if Bilder did not rely on Elco's
offer in preparing the bid which he submit- 133. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
ted to the City of Baden. Kunkel and Williams failed to make any payment
following the installation of the hardware, and
thaton August 15, Datafloinstituted a claim
Questions 133-137 are based on the following fact sit~
against them for $5,000. Which of the following
would be Kunkel and Williams' most effective
argument in defense against that claim?
When they decided to computerize their paperwork, the
law firm of Kunkel and Williams contacted Dataflo, a
(A) Dataflo has not begun work on designing the
specialist in the application of computer technology to
software required by the contract.
the practice of law. After negotiations, Kunkel and Wil-
liams entered into a written contract with Dataflo on (B) Dataflo has made at least one effective
June 1. According to the terms of the contract, Dataflo assignment of her rights under the contract.
was to immediately deliver and install in the office of (C) Kunkel and Williams have no assurance that
Kunkel and Williams a computer and other specified Dataflo's obligations under the contract will
hardware. Dataflo was also required to design and be fulfilled.
install, by October 15, software consisting of a com-
puter program which would suit the special needs of (D) The contract between Dataflo and the firm of
Kunkel and Williams' practice. In addition, Dataflo Kunkel and Williams was divisible.
agreed to service and maintain the hardware for a
period of six years from the date of the contract. In 134. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
return, the firm of Kunkel and Williams agreed to pay on August 15 Antun instituted a claim against
$5,000 within 30 days after delivery of the hardware, Kunkel and Williams for $5,000. Which one of
$5,000 within 30 days after delivery of the software, the following additional facts or inferences, if it
and $1,000 on the first day of each year that the con- were the only one true, would be most likely to
tract remained in effect. lead to a judgment for Kunkel and Williams?

The firm also agreed to furnish specifications for the (A) Antun was not a specialist in the application
software at least 30 days before the date for its installa- of computer technology to the practice of
tion. The hardware referred to in the contract was stan- law.
dard equipment, readily available from and serviceable
by any reputable computer supplier. The software was (B) The contract between Dataflo and the firm of
not standard, however, and its design required special Kunkel and Williams did not contain a
skill and knowledge regarding the application of com- clause permitting assignment.
puter technology to the practice of law. The contract (C) The contract between Dataflo and the firm of
specified that the price of the hardware was $6,000, the Kunkel and Williams contained language
price of the software was $4,000, and the charge for which stated, "This contract may not be
service and maintenance was $1,000 per year. On June modified except by a writing signed by both
15, Dataflo installed the agreed hardware in the office parties hereto."
of Kunkel and Williams. On June 20, in satisfaction of
an antecedent debt, Dataflo assigned to Antun her (D) Kunkel and Williams paid $5,000 to Dataflo
rights to receive payment for hardware already deliv- prior to being notified of Dataflo's assign-
ered under the contract with Kunkel and Williams. On ment to Antun.
August 1, before beginning to work on the design for
the agreed software, Dataflo sold her business to McO- 135. Assume the following facts for the purpose of
wen, an established and reputable computer dealer. By this question only. On August 15, Dataflo noti-

fied Kunkel and Williams that McOwen had pur- 137. Assume the following facts for the purpose of
chased her business, and requested that Kunkel this question only. McOwen designed the soft-
and Williams furnish McOwen with specifica- ware required by the contract and installed it on
tions for the software required under the contract. October 1 to the complete satisfaction of Kunkel
Kunkel and Williams did not furnish specifica- and Williams. Kunkel and Williams paid $5,000
tions, but on August 20 asked McOwen to assure within 30 days and an additional $1,000 on the
them that he was capable of designing the soft- first day of the following year as required by the
ware called for by the contract. McOwen did not contract, but McOwen thereafter failed to service
respond until October 10, when he sued Kunkel or maintain the hardware. Which statement below
and Williams for breach of contract. The court correctly completes the following sentence:
should find in favor of Kunkel and Williams may succeed in an action
for breach of contract against
(A) Kunkel and Williams, because McOwen
I. Dataflo, because she continues to be obli-
failed to assure them that he was capable of gated to them under the June 1 contract.
designing the software.
II. McOwen, as third party beneficiaries of
(B) Kunkel and Williams, because they were not the contract between McOwen and Data-
in privity with McOwen. flo.
(C) McOwen, because Kunkel and Williams
(A) I only.
continued to have rights against Dataflo
under the contract. (B) 11 only.
(D) McOwen, because Kunkel and Williams (C) land II.
failed to provide specifications as called for
(D) Neither I nor 11.
by the contract.

138. Bildco was a construction company which had

136. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
been awarded a contract to build a transmission
on August 16, Dataflo informed Kunkel and Wil-
tower for the United States government. Sue
liams of her sale to McOwen, stating that the
Supervisor was a well-known architect and man-
software called for by the contract would be
aging partner of S&M Architectural Specialists.
designed and installed by McOwen and not Data-
On October 20, Bildco wrote to S&M Architec-
flo. If Kunkel and Williams institute a claim
tural Specialists indicating that Bildco was inter-
against Dataflo on August 18, the court should
ested in retaining the firm to supervise the
find for
building project on condition that Sue Supervisor
undertake the job personally. On October 28,
(A) Kunkel and Williams, since Dataflo's state-
S&M responded with a letter stating, "Sue
ment on August 16 was an anticipatory
Supervisor receives $50,000 for every project
which she personally supervises. Our fee for such
(B) Kunkel and Williams, since Dataflo's sale to a project is normally $60,000." Bildco received
McOwen did not impose on McOwen an the letter on October 31. On November 5, after a
obligation to design software. telephone conversation between Bildco officers
and the president of S&M Architectural Special-
(C) Dataflo, since design and installation of the
ists, Bildco wrote to S&M, "Terms in your letter
software was not required until October 1.
of October 28 are acceptable to us."
(D) Dataflo, since her sale to McOwen implied a
delegation of all her obligations under her After Bildco completed the project under the
contract with Kunkel and Williams. supervision of Sue Supervisor, S&M Architec-
tural Specialists rendered a bill for $110,000,
indicating that of this sum $60,000 was the fee

charged by S&M, and $50,000 was an additional she said, "I was hoping to get $1,000 for the tiger, but
sum for the personal services of Sue Supervisor. I'll throw it in under our existing contract without
Bildco refused to pay, asserting that the agree- charging you anything at all for it." On March 10, Vic-
ment called fora total fee of $60,000, of which toria was at Zooloo's farm for the purpose of inoculat-
$50,000 was to be paid to Sue Supervisor for her ing some of his cattle. When Zooloo asked why she had
services. S&M Architectural Specialists subse- not brought the tiger, Victoria said, "I've changed my
quently sued Bildco for breach of contract. At mind. If you want the tiger, you'll have to pay $450 for
trial S&M's presiderttatte1llpted to testify that in it."
her November 5 conversation with Bildco offic-
ers, she had explained that Sue Supervisor's fee
139. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
was in addition to the $60,000 charged by S&M
Zooloo asserts a claim against Victoria because
Architectural Specialists. On timely objection by
of her refusal to deliver the tiger as promised.
Bildco's attorney, the testimony of S&M's presi-
The court should find for
dent should be
(A) Zooloo, because although Victoria was not a
(A) excluded; under the parol evidence rule.
merchantas to the sale of a tiger, she was a
(B) excluded, unless it is regarded as evidence of merchant as to the sale of veterinary ser-
a prior course of dealing between the par- vices.
(B) Zooloo, because his conversation with Victo-
(C) admitted, only if S&M's billing arrangement ria on February 22 resulted in a valid modi-
was consistent with customs and proce- fication of the existing contract.
dures normally followed in the construction
(C) Victoria, because her promise to give Zooloo
and architectural industries.
the tiger was unsupported by consideration.
(D) admitted, because it does not contradict a
(D) Victoria, because her promise to give Zooloo
term of any written agreement.
the tiger was not in writing.

Questions 139-140 are based on the following fact sit-

140. Assume the following facts for the purpose of
this question only. On March 10, Victoria and
Zooloo agreed that she would sell him the tiger
Victoria was a veterinarian who specialized in the treat-
for $450, payment and delivery to be on March
ment of livestock including pigs, horses, cows, and
20. On March 15, Zooloo telephoned Victoria
sheep. Zooloo was a farmer who raised various species
and said, "When you deliver the tiger, will you
of livestock. In addition, Zooloo kept a private collec-
throw in a pig for my daughter Borah without
tion of exotic animals. Because Zooloo's livestock fre-
charging me extra for it?" Victoria said, "Yes,"
quently needed the attention of a veterinarian, he
but when she delivered the tiger on March 20 she
entered into a written contract with Victoria on January
refused to give Borah a pig. If Zooloo asserts a
1. Under the terms of the contract, Zooloo was to pay
claim against Victoria because of her failure to
Victoria $250 per month for one year, in return for
deliver the pig as promised, the court should find
which Victoria would render whatever treatment
Zooloo's livestock required during that period.
(A) Victoria, unless she and Zooloo were mer-
On February 10, the local zoo telephoned Victoria,
chants with respect to the sale of a pig.
offering to give her a surplus tiger. Although Victoria
had no experience with exotic animals, she accepted (B) Victoria, unless she and Zooloo were mer-
the tiger and PJIt it in a cage in the back of her office. chants With respect to the sale of a tiger.
On February 22, having heard that Victoria had (C) Victoria, unless she and Zooloo were mer-
acquired a tiger, Zooloo called her. When he asked Vic- chants with respect to the sale of a tiger and
toria if she was interested in selling the tiger for $450,

the sale of a pig. contract price. If Surly refuses to do so, and Ben-
son asserts a claim against Surly for breach of
(D) 200100.
contract, the court should find for

Questions 141-142 are based on the following fact sit- (A) Benson in a sum equivalent to the difference
uation. between the contract price and the fair mar-
ket value of 7-foot boards on January 15.
On January 3, Benson, a retailer of 111Ihber, ordered (B) Benson in a sum equivalent to the difference
from Surly, a lumber wholesaler, 1000 2"x 4" :fir between the contract price and the fair mar-
boards, each 8 feet in length, for delivery by January ket value of 8-foot boards on January 15.
15. When Surly delivered t1).e fir boards on January 15,
they were received by Benson's manager, who (C) Benson in a sum equivalent to the difference
informed Benson that delivery was made, but that the between the contract price and the fair mar-
boards delivered by Surly were only 7 feet long. Ben- ket value of 8-foot boards on January 17.
son intended to notify Surly immediately, but was busy (D) Surly.
and forgot to do so.

Questions 143-144 are based on the following fact sit-

141. Assume for the purpose of this question only that uation.
Benson failed to notify Surly, and that on Febru-
ary 20, Benson received Surly's bill for the Pawnie, a pawnbroker, occasionally sold used jewelry
boards, but did not pay the bill or communicate to Johnson, who owned a jewelry store. Each time she
with Surly in any way. Assume further that on did so, she and Johnson entered into a written contract
May 15, Surly instituted aclaim against Benson fixing the price of the piece being sold and giving
for the price ofthe boards and that, in defense, Johnson 30 days to make payment.
Benson contended that the boards delivered did
not conform to the contract of sale. The court On June 1, Pawnie sold Johnson a ring for $2,500, rep-
should find for resenting the stone in it to be a diamond. Johnson paid
the price on June 30. On July 15, Pawnie sold Johnson
(A) Surly, because Benson failed to inform him a pearl necklace, and entered into a contract with him
that the boards were only 7 feet in length. setting the price at $2,200 and requiring payment on or
(B) Surly, because a merchant buyer who accepts before August 14. On July 16, Johnson learned that the
delivery of non-conforming goods is bound stone in the ring which he had purchased from Pawnie
topay for them a.t the contract price. the previous month for $2,500 was not a diamond, but
was cubic zirconia, making the ring worth only $300.
(C) Benson, because the boards did not conform
to the contract of sale.
On July 17, Pawnie assigned to Ascot, for $1,500 cash,
(D) Benson, because a merchant seller is not the July 15 contract with Johnson for sale of the pearl
entitled to the price of non-conforming necklace. Johnson was immediately notified of the
goods if a reasonable inspection prior to assignment. On August 14, Ascot requested payment
shipment would have disclosed the non- from Johnson. Johnson refused, asserting that he was
conformity. deducting his loss on the cubic zirconia ring from the
price of the pearl necklace.
142. Assume forthe purpose of this question only that
on January 16 economic conditions caused the 143. Assume for the purpose of this question that
price of lumber to double, and that on January 17 Ascot instituted an action against Johnson for
Benson notified Surly that the boards were only 7 $2,200 allegedly due under the July 15 contract
feet in length, returned them to Surly, and between Johtison and Pawnie. Can Johnson suc-
demanded that Surly furnish 8-foot boards. at the cessfully assert a defense based upon the fact that

the stone in the ring purchased from Pawnie in

June was not a diamond? Tracto: I have only three model-614 motors
left in stock and have stopped manufacturing
(A) Yes, because by the assignment of Pawnie's them. If you are interested, I will sell you any
contract with Johnson, Ascot did not or all of them for $1,000 each, a fraction of
acquire any rights against Johnson which their usual price. Because we have done busi-
Pawnie did not have. ness in the past, I promise to hold this offer
(B) Yes, but only ifPawnie knew or should have open until June 1, 1985.
known that the ring was not a diamond.
On May 15 1985, not having heard from Tracto, Moto
(C) No, unless Johnson notified Pawnie of his sold two of the model-614 motors to Second for $1,000
claim to a setoff prior to Pawnie's assign- each.
ment of the contract to Ascot.
(D) No, because Johnson's claim is a defense 145. Was Moto's statement, "I promise to hold this
which is personal against Pawnie. offer open until June 1" supported by consider-
144. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Ascot is unsuccessful in her action against (A) Yes, because it was a firm offer under the
Johnson. If Ascot brings an action against Pawnie Uniform Commercial Code.
for damages, the court should find for (B) Yes, if Tracto detrimentally relied upon it by
not responding before May 15.
(A) Pawnie, because an assignment does not
imply a warranty that the obligor will per- (C) No, unless Tracto subsequently purchased
form. one or more of the model-614 motors from
(B) Pawnie, because the assignment to Ascot
caused Ascot to step into Pawnie's shoes (D) No, because Tracto gave nothing in return
with respect to the claim against Johnson. for the promise.

(C) Ascot, because Johnson's defense existed at

the time the assignment was made by 146. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Pawnie to Ascot. on June 2, after learning that Moto had sold two
of the model-614 motors, Tracto wrote to Moto,
(D) Ascot, because an assignment for consider- "I am enclosing a check for $3,000 as payment in
ation implies a warranty that the obligor full for all three model-614 motors as per your
will perform. offer of April 15. My truck will be there next
week to pick them up." This letter constituted
Questions 145-148 are based on the following fact sit-
uation. (A) an acceptance of Moto's offer to sell three
model-614 motors.
Moto was a manufacturer of engines and motors, (B) an acceptance of Moto's offer to sell one
including a motor known as the model-614. Tracto, a model-614 motor.
manufacturer of tractors, had purchased hundreds of
model-614 motors from Moto in the past at a price of (C) an offer to purchase three model-614 motors.
$5,000 each. In 1984, Moto ceased production of (D) an offer to purchase one model-614 motor.
model-614. By April 15, 1985, Moto found that she
had only 3 model-614 motors left in her warehouse.
Because she wanted to make room for the newer mod- 147. Assume the following facts for the purpose of
els, Moto signed and sent the following letter to Tracto this question only. On June 2, after learning that
on April 15, 1985: Moto had sold two of the model-614 motors to

Second, Tracto wrote to Moto, "I agree to pur- into the airshaft, sustaining serious injury him-
chase one model-614 as per your letter of April self. Finding that Boss was still alive, Edward
15." Moto delivered the remaining model-614 gave her first aid consisting of cardiopulmonary
motor to Tracto the following day. In a telephone resuscitation. When the ambulance arrived, para-
conversation with Moto on June 5, however, medics used stretchers and pulleys to get Boss
Tracto said that he would sue Moto for breach of and Edward out of the airshaft, and then brought
contract unless Moto agreed to accept $200 as them to the hospital. Several days later while she
payment in full. Moto agreed to accept that sum, was still in the hospital, a doctor told Boss that
but subsequently rejected Tracto's tender of she would probably have died if not for Edward's
$200. If Moto sues Tracto for $1,000, the court quick and effective action. Boss wrote Edward a
should find for note, which said, "In return for your saving my
life, I'm going to pay all your hospital bills. In
(A) Tracto, because the original agreement was addition, I'm going to add a bonus of $3,000 per
modified in the telephone conversation of month to your salary for the rest of your life. If
May 30. you choose to retire right now, I'll pay you
$3,000 per month for the rest of your life as a
(B) Moto, because her agreement to accept $200
retirement pension." Boss paid Edward's hospi-
was not evidenced by a writing.
tal bills, but because her business took an unex-
(C) Moto, because her agreement to accept $200 pected downturn, she never paid him $3,000, and
was unsupported by consideration. subsequently informed him that she would not be
(D) Moto, because her agreement to accept $200 able to pay him a bonus or a retirement pension.
was made under duress. If Edward asserts a claim against Boss for her
failure to pay him the bonus of $3,000 per month,
which of the following would be Edward's most
148. Assume the following facts for the purpose of effective argument in support of his claim?
this question only. On May 17, Tracto wrote
Moto, "I'll take one model-614 as per your (A) Boss's promise to pay the bonus was in writ-
offer." On May 18, Tracto wrote Moto, ing.
"Changed mind. Cancel purchase of model-614
(B) Edward detrimentally relied on Boss's prom-
motor." On May 19, Moto sold the last mode1-
614 to Second for $1,100. If Moto subsequently
asserts a claim against Tracto for breach of con- (C) Boss's promise was supported by an underly-
tract, the court should find for ing moral obligation.
(D) Edward's rescue of Boss resulted in a con-
(A) Moto, in the sum of $1,000.
tract implied-in-fact.
(B) Moto, in a sum equivalent to whatever profit
Moto would have made if she sold the
motor to Tracto for $1,000. Questions 150-152 are based on the following fact sit-
(C) Moto, in a sum equivalent to whatever profit
Moto would have made if she sold the Gail, an art dealer, employed several agents who trav-
motor to Tracto for $1,000, minus $100. eled throughout the world purchasing art for her to sell
(D) Tracto. in her gallery. One of her agents sent her a painting
entitled "Sunset," informing her that it had been
painted by Van Gook. Gail had just received the paint-
149. Boss and her assistant Edward were working ing and was about to place it on display when Bertrand,
alone late one night when Boss had a heart attack a collector of art, came into the gallery. Seeing the new
which rendered her unconscious and caused her painting, he said, "An interesting Van Gook." Gail
to fall down an airshaft. Edward believed Boss to replied, "Yes, it is. I'm asking $50,000 for it." Ber~
be dead, but called for an ambulance and leaped trand agreed to the price, and immediately wrote a

check for the sum of $50,000 payable to the order of of explaining the ambiguity.
Gail, writing the words "Payment in full for Sunset"
(D) No, under the parol evidence rule.
on the back of the check. Gail accepted the check and
delivered the painting to Bertrand. If the painting had
actually been by Van Gook, it would have beenworth 152. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
$50,000. The same day, however, Bertrand discovered Bertrand sues for rescission of the sales contract.
that the painting was a forgery, worth only a few hun- The court should find for
dreddollars, and stopped payment on his check before
Gail could cash it. (A) Gail, since the terms of the contract have
already been performed.
150. If Gail asserts a claim against Bertrand for breach (B) Gail, unless she knew with substantial cer-
of contract, which of the following would be Ber- tainty that the painting was not by Van
trand's most effective defense? Gook.
(C) Bertrand, but only if Gail should reasonably
(A) The contract of sale was not evidenced by a
have known that the painting was not by
writing signed by both parties. Van Gook.
(B) At the time of sale, Bertrand and Gail both
(D) Bertrand, if Gail knew that Bertrand was not
believed that the painting was by Van
willing to pay $50,000 for a forged Van
(C) It is unconscionable to make Bertrand pay
$50,000 for a painting worth only a few
Questions 153-154 are based on the following fact sit-
hundred dollars.
(D) The painting known as "Sunset" was not
adequate consideration for Bertrand's On February 1, Lawrence and Tennyson entered into a
promise to pay. written contract. By its terms, Lawrence was to rent
Tennyson a building for use by Tennyson as a "sports
book," which is an establishment where bets are made
151. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
on horse races and other sporting events. Tennyson's
when Gail delivered the painting to Bertrand,
tenancy was to commence on April 1 and to continue
they both signed a document which said, "Sale of
for a period of two years. Rent was to be $1,000 per
painting entitled 'Sunset' by Gail to Bertrand for
month, plus 20% of Tennyson's gross profits. Prior to
the sum of $50,000 paid by check received by
occupancy by Tennyson, Lawrence was to remodel the
Gail subject to collection." Assume further that
building's interior so that it would be suitable for Ten-
at the trial of Gail's breach of contract action
nyson's purpose. Specifically, the contract required
against Bertrand, Bertrand offered to testify that
Lawrence to install a "tote-board" which could instan-
before purchasing the painting he had a conversa-
taneously compute and display gambling odds on spec-
tion with Gail in which both referred to it as a
ified sporting events, a series of projection-screen
Van Gook. If Gail objects to the testimony,
televisions with cable connections for the broadcast of
should it be admitted?
sporting events as they happened, and other equipment
suitable only for use in a "sports book" establishment.
(A) Yes, but only if offered to establish a willful
Upon signing the contract on February 1, Tennyson
misrepresentation by Gail.
gave Lawrence a deposit of $2,000. At that time, nei-
(B) Yes, but only if offered for the purpose of ther party could have reasonably anticipated that exist-
establishing that the writing was ambigu- ing state law would be changed. On April 1, Lawrence
ous. had not made the agreed improvements in the interior
(C) Yes, for the purpose of establishing that the of the building, and refused to comply with Tennyson's
writing was ambiguous and for the purpose demand for the return of his deposit.

153. Assume for the purpose of this question only that for harvest in June. Because she expected the harvest to
on February 1, existing state law prohibited the yield more than 5,000 bushels of kung beans, she
operation of a "sports book," but that on April 1, entered into a written contract with Amos on March 1,
existing state law permitted the operation of a wherein Seeder agreed to sell and Amos agreed to buy
"sports book." If Tennyson sues Lawrence for 2,000 bushels of kung beans to be delivered during the
the return of his deposit, the court should find for month of June at the American Kung Bean Exchange
price as ofJune 15. On March 2, Seeder entered into an
(A) Lawrence, because public policy prohibits identical written contract with Barton.
the enforcement of gambling contracts.
In the first week of April, heavy rains inundated
(B) Lawrence, because the agreement of Febru-
Seeder's field, destroying part of her crop. As a result,
ary 1 had an illegal purpose.
she doubted that she would be able to fulfill her con-
(C) Tennyson, because he and Lawrence were in tract with Amos and Barton. On April 15, she called
pari delicto. Barton and said that because of the storms, she would
(D) Tennyson, under the doctrine of frustration not be able to deliver more than 1,000 bushels. Barton
of purpose. said "I'll take whatever you deliver, but I intend to
hold you to the terms of our contract."

154. Assume for the purpose of this question only that Seeder than called Amos. When she explained the
on February 1, existing state law permitted the problem to Amos, he said that he would accept 1,000
operation of a "sports book," but that on April 1, bushels instead of 2,000 if Seeder would agree to
existing state law prohibited the operation of a accept the American Kung Bean Exchange price as of
"sports book." If Tennyson sues Lawrence for May 1 instead of June 15. Seeder said, "Well, you've
the return of his deposit, the court should find for got me over a barrel. I'll never be able to deliver 2,000
bushels in June, so I accept your terms."
(A) Lawrence, because public policy prohibits
the enforcement of gambling contracts. On June 15, Seeder harvested her field. The American
(B) Lawrence, because the purpose of the agree- Kung Bean Exchange price on both May 1 and June 15
ment of February 1 has become illegal. was $2.00 per bushel, and kung beans were readily
available on both those days atthat price.
(C) Tennyson, because he and Lawrence were
not in pari delicto.
155. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
(D) Tennyson, under the doctrine of frustration Seeder's harvest yielded 2,000 bushels of kung
of purpose. beans, and that on June 15, she delivered 1,000
bushels to Barton. If Barton institutes a claim
Questions 155-157 are based on the following fact sit- against her for damages resulting from breach of
uation. contract, which of the following would be
Seeder's most effective argument in defense?
Kung beans are grown throughout the United States
and are harvested at all times of year. Important as a (A) Her inability to deliver 2,000 bushels was the
food commodity, kung beans are traded on the Ameri- result of an act of God.
can Kung Bean Exchange. Although farmers are free to (B) She notified Barton on April 15 that she
negotiate prices for the sale of their kung beans, the would be unable to deliver more than 1,000
price received by kung bean farmers on any given day bushels.
is generally determined by the American Kung Bean
(C) Barton sustained no substantial damage,
Exchange price.
since the contract price equaled the market
price on the day of delivery.
Seeder is a farmer who grows kung beans. In January,
she planted a field of kung beans which would be ready (D) Her obligation to Amos was greater than her

obligation to Barton, since her contract with Questions 158-159 are based on the following fact sit-
Amos was formed before her contract with uation.
Homer went into his garage one morning and found
that someone had broken in during the night and stolen
156. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
a hand-carved Bavarian milking stool which had been
on April 15, immediately after his conversation
stored there. The stool did not have much intrinsic
with Seeder, Barton contracted to purchase 1,000
worth but was a family heirloom and had great senti-
bushels of kung beans from another supplier with
mental. value for Homer. Angry, Homer ran into Joe's
delivery to be on June 15, and price to be the
Bar which was located near his home. Entering the bar,
American Kung Bean Exchange price on the day
he said in a loud voice, "I'll pay $1,000 to anyone who
of delivery. Assume further that on June 15
finds the thief that stole a hand-carved stool out of my
Seeder delivered 2,000 bushels to Barton, but
garage last night." While Homer was in Joe's Bar, his
Barton refused to accept any more than 1,000
garage burned down and everything in it was
bushels. If Seeder sues Barton for breach of con-
destroyed. Joe, the owner of the bar, heard Homer's
tract, Barton's most effective defense would be
statement and said, "I'll catch that thief for you,
based on the principle of
(A) novation.
158. Which ofthe following statements most correctly
(B) anticipatory repudiation.
describes the position of Homer and Joe follow-
(C) nudum pactum. ing the incident in Joe's Bar?
(D) impossibility of performance.
(A) Homer has made an offer for a unilateral
contract which became irrevocable when
157. Assume the following facts for the purpose of Joe said, "I'll catch that thief for you,
this question only. On June 16 the price of kung Homer."
beans doubled. Seeder's harvest yielded 4,000
(B) Homer has made an offer for a unilateral
bushels. Seeder delivered 1,000 bushels to Amos
contract which Joe can accept only by
on June 20. Amos demanded the right to pur-
catching the thief before Homer makes an
chase another 1,000 bushels at $2.00 per bushel,
effective revocation of the offer.
but Seeder refused to sell him an additional 1,000
bushels at that price. If Amos institutes a claim (C) Homer and Joe are parties to a bilateral con-
against Seeder for breach of contract, the court tract.
should find for
(D) Homer has not made any offer which can be
accepted by Joe.
(A) Seeder, because farmers are free to negotiate
prices for the sale of their kung beans.
159. Assume the following facts for the purpose of
(B) Seeder, because her agreement to accept the
this question only. Two days later, Galen caught
American Kung Bean Exchange price as of
the thief and recovered the stool. When Galen
May 1 was consideration for Amos' agree-
returned the stool to Homer and demanded
ment to accept 1,000 bushels instead of
$1,000, Homer refused to pay her. Galen subse-
2,000 bushels.
quently instituted an action against Homer for
(C) Amos, because the agreement to modify his $1,000. Which one of the following additional
contract with Seeder was not in writing. facts or inferences, if it were the only one true,
(D) Amos, because Seeder's harvest was suffi- would be most likely to lead to a judgment for
cient to permit her to satisfy her original Homer?
contractual obligations.
(A) Homer's statement that he would pay $1,000

to anyone who caught the thief was made in II. If the liquidated damages clause did not
the heat of passion. establish a penalty, the court can properly
direct Owen to perform as agreed.
(B) If the thief had not stolen the stool, it would
have been destroyed in the fire which (A) I only.
burned Homer's garage.
(B) II only.
(C) Galen was not in Joe's Bar when Homer
stated that he would pay $1 ,OOOto anyone (C) I and II.
who caught the thief, but came in immedi- (D) Neither I nor II.
ately afterwards and heard about it.
(D) Galen was in Joe's Bar when Homer stated 161. Sun Auto was an automobile dealer which sold
that he would pay $1,000 to anyone who an expensive line of imported automobiles bear-
caught the thief, but was not aware of ing the name Doppleford. The Doppleford Com-
Homer's statement until after she had pany, which manufactured the vehicles in
caught the thief and recovered the stool. Germany, sold them to Sun Auto at the wholesale
price for resale by Sun Auto at the retail price.
160. Owen was the owner of two adjoining parcels of
unimproved realty. Although she was interested On January 12, Barlow ordered a new Dopple-
in improving and selling the realty, she did not ford automobile from Sun Auto, executing a writ-
have the necessary capital. After negotiation, ten contract of purchase and sale at the specified
Owen entered into a written contract with Barks- retail price. The car was to be equipped with cer-
dale, a building contractor. According to the tain optional equipment, and was to be delivered
terms of the contract, Barksdale was to provide on or before March 15. Immediately after con-
labor and materials for the construction of a tracting with Barlow, Sun Auto ordered the car
building on one of the parcels according to cer- from the Doppleford Company in Germany.
tain specifications. All construction was to be
completed by a certain date, at which time Owen On February 28, Otter ordered from Sun Auto a
was to convey the other parcel ofrealty to Barks- car identical to that which had been ordered by
dale as his sole compensation for the labor and Barlow at an identical price. The following day,
materials supplied. The contract contained a before ordering a car for Otter from the Dopple-
clause providing for liquidated damages in the ford Company, Sun Auto received the car ordered
event of a breach by either party. by Barlow. When Barlow was notified, however,
he said that he had changed his mind and would
After Barksdale completed construction as not go through with the transaction. Sun Auto
agreed, Owen refused to convey the other parcel therefore delivered the car to Otter and did not
of realty to him. As a result, Barksdale appropri- order a car for Otter from the manufacturer.
ately asserted alternative claims for relief against
Owen demanding liquidated damages as pro- If Sun Auto asserts a claim against Barlow for
vided in the contract, or actual damages, or an damages resulting from breach of contract, Sun
order directing Owen to perform as agreed. Auto is entitled to recover

Which of the following correctly describes (A) nothing, because the car was sold to Otter at
Barksdale's rights against Owen? the same price which Barlow agreed to pay.
(B) the difference between the wholesale price of
I. If the liquidated damages clause estab- the car and its retail price.
lished a penalty, the court can properly (C) the difference, if any, between the price
enter judgment for any actual damages which Barlow agreed to pay for the car and
which resulted from Owen's breach. its reasonable market value.

(D) the difference, if any, between the price 163. Assume the following facts for the purpose of
which Sun Auto paid for the car and its rea- this question only: On July 2, 1986, Barker deliv-
sonable market value. ered to Lulu a copy of the letter which Ruskin
had sent him on September 3,1985 asserting that
he was an assignee of Ruskin's rights and
Questions 162-164 are based on the following fact sit- demanding that Lulu send $10,000 directly to
uation. him. Which of the following would be Lulu's
Illosteffectiveargument in opposition to Barker's
For several years following his graduation from col- claim?
lege, Ruskin made no attempt to find employment.
During this period, he was usually intoxicated, and (A) Ruskin's letter was not an assignment of
spent most of his time drinking alcohol at Barker's tav- Ruskin's rights against Lulu.
ern. In August 1985, Barker threatened to sue Ruskin
for $10,000, claiming that Ruskin owed him that sum (B) Ruskin's assignment to Barker was unsup-
for unpaid bar bills. Ruskin asked his mother Lulu to ported by consideration.
lend him money with which to pay Barker. On Septem- (C) Lulu was not notified of Ruskin's assignment
ber 1, 1985, Lulu stated orally that if Ruskin promised to Barker.
to go to law school and to stop drinking for the rest of
his life, she would give him $10,000 on July 1, 1986. (D) Lulu did not consent to Ruskin's assignment
Ruskin promised that he would never drink alcohol to Barker.
again, and that he would enroll in law school as soon as
possible. On September 3, 1985, Ruskin wrote to 164. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Barker describing his agreement with Lulu, and stating on July 1, 1986 Lulu paid Ruskin $10,000, but
that if Barker did not sue him, he would pay Barker the Ruskin refused to pay Barker, denying that he
$10,000 as soon as he received it from Lulu. owed unpaid bar bills. If Barker asserts a claim
against Ruskin for breach of the promise con-
Ruskin began attending a law school two weeks later. tained in Ruskin's letter of September 3, 1985,
In December 1985, however, he withdrew from the which of the following additional facts, if it were
school, deciding that he did not like it. the only one true, would be most likely to result
in a judgment for Barker?
162. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
on July 1, 1986 Lulu refused to pay, and that (A) Barker did not respond to Ruskin's letter of
Ruskin asserted a claim against her for $10,000. September 3,1985.
Which of the following would be Lulu's most (B) On September 3,1985, Ruskin reasonably
effective argument in response to that claim? believed that he owed Barker $10,000, but
Barker did not reasonably believe that
(A) Ruskin's completion of law school was an Ruskin owed him $10,000.
implied condition precedent to Lulu's
promise to pay $10,000. (C) On September 3, 1985, Barker reasonably
believed that Ruskin owed him $10,000,
(B) Ruskin's remaining in law school until July but Ruskin did not reasonably believe that
1, 1986 was an implied condition precedent he owed Barker $10,000.
to Lulu's duty to pay.
(D) On July 1, 1986, Barker's claim against
(C) Lulu's promise was not supported by consid- Ruskin for unpaid bar bills was barred by
eration. the statute of limitations.
(D) Lulu's promise was not in writing.
Questions 165-166 are based on the following fact sit-

Duster's father earned his living asa crop-duster, using (A) Duster only.
an airplane to dust farmers' fields with insecticides for
(B) Airco only.
a fee. When he died, he left the business to Duster.
Although Duster did not know how to fly an airplane (C) either Duster or Airco.
and did not personally participate in crop-dusting, she (D) neither Duster nor Airco, because Flores'
continued to run the business by hiring pilots to fly the only remedy is a judgment for the differ-
crop- dusting planes. Soon after inheriting the business, ence between the contract price and the
Duster entered into a business contract with Flores, a price which Flores would have to pay
farmer. The terms of the contract required Duster's another for the same service.
company to dust Flores' crop four times per year for a
period of four years, at a total price of $10,000 which
Flores paid upon signing the contract. Questions 167-168 are based on the following fact sit-
Duster's company performed as agreed for two years.
At the end of that period, Duster sold the entire busi- Bullion was a major shareholder of Mart Corporation, a
ness to Airco, assigning to Airco the balance of her retail company. In January, Mart Corporation had cash-
contract with Flores. All of Duster's employees agreed flow problems which placed it in danger of insolvency.
to work for Airco. On January 15, Mart Corporation applied to Trust Bank
for a loan, but Trust Bank said that it would lend the
money requested only if Bullion agreed to guarantee
165. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
payment by Mart Corporation. Fearful of losing her
after being notified of the assignment Flores sued
investment in Mart Corporation, Bullion promised
Duster, asserting that Duster's sale of the busi-
Trust Bank on January 16 that if Mart Corporation did
ness to Airco was a breach of Duster's obligation
not repay the loan as agreed, Bullion would do so. On
under the contract because crop-dusting involves
January 17, Trust Bank made the requested loan to
a personal service. Which of the following would
Mart Corporation.
be Duster's most effective argument in response
to that claim?
On May 1, Mart Corporation defaulted in payment, and
Trust Bank threatened to force Mart into bankruptcy.
(A) An assignment of contract rights includes a
On May 11, in an attempt to save the company, Mart
delegation of contract duties.
Corporation officials offered to turn some of the corpo-
(B) Airco had more expertise at crop dusting rate assets over to Trust Bank for sale at their market
than Duster did. value, with the understanding that if the market value
exceeded the amount which Mart Corp. owed Trust
(C) Duster had never personally participated in
Bank, Trust Bank would refund the excess to Mart Cor-
dusting Flores' fields.
(D) Duster's assignment of Flores' contract to
Airco did not impose an additional burden
on Flores since there was no change in 167. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
price. Trust Bank rejected Mart Corporation's offer of
May 11 and asserted a claim against Bullion for
repayment of the loan. Which of the following
166. Assume for the purpose of this question only that additional facts or inferences, if it were the only
Flores consented to the assignment, but that one true, would be most likely to lead a court to
Airco subsequently failed to perform as required find in favor of Bullion?
by the contract. If Flores seeks the return of the
unearned portion of the money which he paid to (A) Bullion's January 16 promise to pay Mart
Duster on the signing of their contract, he may Corporation's debt was induced by the fear
collect it from that Mart Corporation could not continue to
exist without the loan.

(B) Bullion's January 16 promise to pay Mart (B) Layton's accepting rent from Su resulted in
Corporation's debt was not in writing. an accord and satisfaction.
(C) Bullion received nothing of value in return (C) By accepting rent from Su, Layton impliedly
for her January 16 promise to pay Mart consented to Theobald's assignment to Suo
Corporation's debt.
(D) A prohibition against assignment of a lease-
(D) The assets which Mart Corporation offered hold interest is a restraint against alienation.
to turn over to Trust Bank on May 11 were
sufficient to repay the loan.
Questions 170-171 are based on the following fact sit-
168. Assume the following facts for the purpose of
this question only: Trust Bank accepted Mart Thorn owned a trucking company. His wife Ardiste
Corporation's offer of May 11 and sold the assets was a free-lance book illustrator. When Pressley, a
the following day for a sum which was sufficient book publisher, contacted Thorn to discuss the trans-
to repay the loan but which was only half the portation of his products, Thorn promised Ardiste that
market value of the assets. Bullion then asserted a he would get Pressley to employ her as a book illustra-
claim against Trust Bank, alleging that selling the tor for a year. During negotiations with Pressley, Thorn
assets for less than their market value diminished offered Pressley a lower rate if Pressley would do so.
the value of Bullion's stock in Mart Corporation.
In deciding Bullion's claim, the court should find Thorn and Pressley subsequently entered into a written
for one-year contract for Thorn to transport all of Press-
ley's products at a specific low rate. At the same time,
(A) Bullion, if Bullion was an intended benefi- Pressley orally agreed that in return for the low rate
ciary of the May 11 agreement between which Thorn was giving him, he would employ Ardiste
Mart Corporation and Trust Bank. for a year as his book illustrator starting immediately.
(B) Bullion, because Mart Corporation was Bul-
lion's fiduciary. When Ardiste learned of the agreement, she notified all
of her clients that she could no longer work for them
(C) Trust Bank, because Bullion was not a party because illustrating books for Pressley would take all
to the agreement of May 11. her time. For the next six months, Ardiste did a satis-
(D) Trust Bank, if the sale of Mart Corporation's factory job as Pressley's book illustrator. Then, she and
assets was made in a commercially reason- Thorn were divorced. Following the divorce, Thorn
able manner. told Pressley that he was releasing him from his prom-
ise to employ Ardiste and would give him the same low
rate even if Pressley did not continue to employ Ardiste
169. Layton was the owner of a store-front building for the rest of the year. Pressley thereupon discharged
which she leased to Theobald for a three-year Ardiste from his employ.
period. Theobald paid the rent for two years, and
then assigned the balance of his lease to Su,
advising Layton in writing that Su would be pay- 170. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
ing the rent from that point on. For the following Ardiste asserted a claim against Thorn for dam-
five months, Su paid the rent directly to Layton. ages which resulted from his releasing Pressley
Then Su moved out and stopped paying rent. If from the promise to employ Ardiste for a year. If
Layton asserts a claim against Theobald for Thorn's only defense is that he received no con-
unpaid rent, which of the following arguments sideration for promising Ardiste that Pressley
would be most effective in Theobald's defense? would employ her for a year, which of the follow-
ing would be Ardiste's most effective argument
(A) Layton's accepting rent from Su resulted in a in response to that defense?

(A) Pressley's promise to employ Ardiste for one (A) Brantley, because she accepted Salo's offer
year was obtained by Thorn as a gift from before Salo withdrew it.
Thorn to Ardiste.
(B) Brantley, because Salo promised in writing
(B) Thorn made an irrevocable assignment to to hold the offer open until February 2.
Ardiste of rights under his contract with
(C) Salo, because a judgment for damages is not
an appropriate remedy for breach of a con-
(C) No consideration is required to support a tract to sell a unique chattel.
promise between husband and wife.
(D) Salo, because when Brantley tendered pay-
(D) Pressley's promise to hire Ardiste for one ment, she knew that Salo had already sold
year was given in return for the low rate the painting.
which Thorn gave him.
173. Beaver operated a grocery store in which he sold
171. If Ardiste asserts a claim against Pressley for fresh fish and other food items. Salley was a
damages resulting from breach of his promise to wholesaler of fresh fish. By a written contract,
hire Ardiste for one year, the court should find for Beaver and Salley agreed that Beaver would pur-
chase from Salley 100 kilograms per week of a
(A) Ardiste. fish known as "rock lurgid" at a specified price.
When Salley made the first delivery under the
(B) Pressley, because Ardiste gave nothing in
contract, however, Beaver refused to accept it,
return for his promise.
complaining that the fish delivered by Salley was
(C) Pressley, because his promise was not in scmods, a species unrelated to lurgid.
(D) Pressley, because he and Thorn mutually Salley subsequently asserted a breach of contract
rescinded their contract. claim against Beaver. At the trial, Salley
attempted to testify that in the fresh fish industry
scmods is frequently referred to as "rock lurgid."
172. When Salo inherited a valuable painting, he
asked Brantley, an art dealer, if she was interested If Beaver objects, this testimony should be
in buying it. On January 15, after looking at the
painting, Brantley said that she would not have (A) excluded, because it modifies the terms of a
enough cash to purchase the painting until Febru- written contract which Beaver and Salley
ary 1. At Brantley's request, Salo signed a docu- intended to be a complete record of their
ment containing a written offer to sell the agreement.
painting to Brantley for $50,000 and a written
(B) excluded, if the price to which Beaver and
promise to hold the offer open until February 2.
Salley agreed is higher than the market
price of scmods.
On January 20, Salo sold the painting to some-
one else for $45,000. The following day, after (C) admitted, only if Beaver was aware of the
Brantley read about the sale in a newspaper, she fact that scmods is frequently referred to as
went to Salo's home with $50,000 in cash and rock lurgid.
demanded that Salo sell her the painting for that
(D) admitted, to explain the meaning of the term
price. Brantley refused, saying that he was with-
"rock lurgid" as used in the contract.
drawing his offer.

If Brantley asserts a claim for damages resulting Questions 174-175 are based on the following fact sit-
from Salo's sale of the painting to another, the uation.
court should find for
Mter serving in the military for ten years, Doris

informed her father Finley that she had gotten married

and was retiring from military service. Glad to hear the
175. If Doris asserts a claim against Finley, which of
news, Finley said, "Because that's what 1 always hoped
the following would be the most effective argu-
you would do, I'm going to give you a home as a wed-
ment in support of her claim?
ding present." He showed Doris plans for the construc-
tion of a house, and promised that he would have it
(A) The modification of Finley's contract with
built on a lot which he owned and would deed it to her
Barto was unsupported by consideration.
as soon as it was complete. Doris was so pleased with
the plans which Finley showed her that she immedi- (B) Doris detrimentally relied on Finley's oral
ately canceled a contract which she had already made promise by canceling the contract which
for the purchase of a home. she had already made to purchase a home.
(C) The contract between Finley and Barto was a
The following week, Finley contacted Barto, a builder.
writing signed by Finley.
Finley showed Barto the plans and asked her to build a
house according to those plans so that he could give it (D) Doris' marriage and retirement from military
to his daughter as a wedding present. By a written con- service was consideration for Finley's
tract Finley and Barto agreed that Barto would build on promise to give her a house built according
Finley's lot according to the plans on a cost-plus-profit to the plans which he showed her.
basis. Finley immediately sent a copy of the contract
and plans to Doris.
Questions 176-177 are based on the following fact sit-
Barto subsequently informed Finley that soil condi-
tions would make it necessary to drive piles for the
On January 5, because he needed money to pay the rent
foundation, increasing costs by approximately 600 per-
on his store, Scott sent copies of the following letter to
cent. At Barto's suggestion, Finley and Barto agreed to
Asher, to Barrell, to Caper, and to Dodson:
the construction of a less expensive house instead, to be
based on different plans. When Doris learned about the
change, she informed Finley and Barto that she was 1 need to sell my heart-shaped diamond ring
dissatisfied with their new agreement. by January 15 for $1,500.1 am making this
offer to Asher, Barrell, Caper and Dodson
because all of you have admired the ring. If
174. If Doris asserts a claim against Barto as a third interested, please contact me before January
party beneficiary of the original contract between 15.
Finley and Barto, Barto's most effective argu-
ment in defense would be that On January 14, Scott received a letter from Asher
agreeing to pay $1,500 for the ring. Scott did not
(A) Doris was a donee beneficiary because the respond to Asher's letter. On January 17, Scott received
house was being built as a wedding present a letter from Barrell agreeing to pay $1,700 for the
for her. ring. On January 17, Scott wrote to Barrell saying, "I
(B) Doris was a creditor beneficiary because the agree to the terms of your letter."
contract between Finley and Barto was
made after Finley promised Doris that he 176. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
'would give her the house. Asher asserts a claim against Scott on account of
(C) Doris did not rely to her detriment on Fin- Scott's refusal to sell the ring to Asher for $1,500.
ley's promise to give her a house built The court should find for
according to any particular plans.
(A) Scott, because the offer contained in Scott's
(D) Doris was not an intended third-party benefi- letter of January 5 was revoked by his letter
ciary of the contract between Finley and to Barrell on January 17.

(B) Scott, because he did not accept the offer ryegrass requirements for April. On April 20, Seedco
contained in Asher's letter. sold its entire business to A11grass, including its con-
tract with Nursery, and notified Nursery of the sale the
(C) Asher, because Asher complied with the
same day. On April 24, after Nursery received notice of
terms of Scott's offer.
the assignment, Allgrass delivered the seed which
(D) Asher, because Barrell's letter was not Nursery ordered from Seedco.
received by Scott until after January 15.
The next day, Nursery wrote to A11grass, enclosing a
check for the seeds A11grass had delivered, and
177. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
demanding that A11grass assure Nursery that it would
Barrell tendered payment immediately after
be able to meet Nursery's ryegrass seed requirements
receiving Scott's letter of January 17, but Scott
in the future. On June 1, not having heard from
refused to sell him the ring. If Barrell institutes a
A11grass, Nursery notified Seedco and A11grass that it
proceeding for an order directing Scott to sell him
was canceling the contract.
the ring for $1,700, is Barrell entitled to the relief
178. If A11grass asserts a claim against Nursery for
(A) No, because specific performance is not breach of contract, the court should find for
available as a remedy for breach of a con-
tract for the sale of personalty. (A) A11grass, because Nursery failed to order
(B) No, unless Scott is a merchant with respect seeds as required by contract.
to the sale of a diamond ring. (B) A11grass, because there was no indication
(C) Yes, if the ring is higWy unusual. that the terms of the contract would not be
performed by A11grass.
(D) Yes, because Scott could have obtained spe-
cific performance in the event of a breach (C) Nursery, because Allgrass failed to furnish
by Barrell. assurances as demanded by Nursery.
(D) Nursery, because requirements contracts are
not assignable without consent of the pur-
Questions 178-179 are based on the following fact sit-

Nursery was a retailer of home gardening supplies. On 179. If Nursery asserts a claim against Seedco for
March 1, Nursery entered into a written contract with breach of contract, the court should find for
Seedco, a wholesaler of seeds. According to the terms,
Seedco was to furnish Nursery with ryegrass seeds in (A) Nursery.
10 pound bags at a specified price. The contract pro-
(B) Seedco, because Nursery impliedly con-
vided that for a period of one year, Nursery would pur-
sented to the assignment by accepting
chase all its ryegrass seeds from Seedco, and that
delivery from A11grass.
Seedco would furnish all the ryegrass seeds required by
Nursery. It provided further that Nursery would advise (C). Seedco, because Nursery impliedly con-
Seedco of its requirements by the first of each month, sented to the assignment by demanding
and that Seedeo would make delivery by the end of that assurances from Allgrass.
month. The contract was silent about the right to assign (D) Seedco, because its assignment of rights to
or delegate. A11grass implied a delegation of duties.
Upon signing the contract on March 1, Nursery notified
Seedco of its ryegrass seed requirements for that Questions 180-181 are based on the following fact sit-
month. Seedco made a delivery to Nursery on March uation.
17. Prior to April 1, Nursery notified Seedco of its

Otten hired Pullen, a painting contractor, to paint (B) Otten, because no consideration is required
Otten's residence, entering into a valid written contract for an agreement to modify a contract.
with Pullen which fixed the price of the job at $5,000
(C) Pullen, because the agreement to modify the
and provided that Pullen would deliver a "satisfactory
contract was not in writing.
result." Because Pullen wished to give his daughter
Donia the money which he received from the job as a (D) Pullen, if Pullen did not believe that the
wedding gift, a clause of the contract directed Otten to result was not "satisfactory" as required by
pay the money directly to Donia. After Pullen finished the contract or that Otten was entitled to a
painting the house, he sent Otten a bill for $5,000. reduction in the price.
When Otten received the bill, he called Pullen and
complained about the paint job, saying that he did not
Questions 182-183 are based on the following fact sit-
think it was "satisfactory" as required by the contract.
He said, "I've got half a mind not to pay you at all, but
if you'll take $4,500, I'm willing to call it square."
When Sinclair decided to sell his home, he entered into
Pullen reluctantly agreed to accept $4,500 payable
a valid written contract with Ruse, a licensed real estate
directly to him, because he needed cash. Otten paid the
broker. The terms of the contract provided that Ruse
$4,500 to Pullen, who did not give any part of it to
would make reasonable efforts to sell the property and
that if she succeeded, Sinclair would pay her a commis-
sion equivalent to 10% of the selling price. The con-
180. Assume for the purpose of this question only that tract further provided that the commission would be
Donia learned about the contract between Pullen earned when Ruse located a ready, willing, and able
and Otten after Pullen received payment from buyer, and that payment of the commission would be
Otten. Which of the following most accurately made upon the closing of title. As a result of Ruse's
describes the rights of Donia? efforts, Sinclair subsequently entered into a written
agreement for sale of the property to Basic at an agreed
I. Donia is entitled to collect $5,000 from
Otten. upon price and under the terms specified in Sinclair's
contract with Ruse.
II. Donia is entitled to collect $4,500 from
182. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
(A) I only. prior to the date set for closing of title, Sinclair
notified Basic that he would not go through with
(B) II only.
the transaction, and that Basic instituted a pro-
(C) I or II, but not both. ceeding for specific performance against Sinclair.
(D) Neither I nor II. If Ruse asserts a claim against Sinclair for her
commission, a court should find for

181. Assume for the purpose of this question that (A) Sinclair, because closing of title was a condi-
Pullen subsequently brought a claim against tion precedent to Sinclair's obligation to
Otten for $500 as the balance due on the agreed pay Ruse a commission.
price of the paint job, asserting that his agreement
(B) Sinclair, unless his agreement to sell the
to accept $4,500 was unsupported by consider-
property to Basic is enforceable by Ruse.
ation. If Otten defends by claiming that there
was an accord and satisfaction, the court should (C) Ruse, because Sinclair prevented perfor-
find for mance of a condition precedent to Sinclair's
obligation to pay Ruse a commission.
(A) Otten, if Otten reasonably believed that the
(D) Ruse, but only if Basic is successful in
result was not "satisfactory" as required
obtaining an order directing specific perfor-
by the contract.
mance by Sinclair.

tion which took place prior to signing of the writ-

ten contract and in which Brosnan agreed that he
183. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
would pay for materials purchased but not actu-
prior to the date set for closing of title, Basic noti-
ally used.
fied Sinclair that he would not go through with
the transaction, and that Sinclair instituted an
If Brosnan objects to Subic's testimony about the
action for damages against Basic. If Ruse asserts
conversation which took place prior to signing
a claim against Sinclair for her commission, a
the written contract, the court should
court should find for
(A) exclude Subic's testimony unless payment
(A) Sinclair, because closing oftitle was a condi-
for unused materials is customary in the
tion precedent to Sinclair's obligation to
construction industry.
pay Ruse a commission.
(B) exclude Subic's testimony because it is pro-
(B) Sinclair, but only if Basic's repudiation
hibited by the parol evidence rule.
resulted from some fault by Ruse.
(C) exclude Subic's testimony if the contract
(C) Ruse, because Ruse found a ready, willing,
between Brosnan and Otto did not provide
and able buyer.
for Otto to pay for materials purchased for
(D) Ruse, but only if Sinclair succeeds in recov- the job but not used.
ering damages from Basic.
(D) permit Subic to testify for the purpose of
clarifying any language of the contract with
184. Otto was the owner of a parcel of realty on which uncertain meaning.
he wished to build a house. After discussion, he
entered into a valid written contract with Bros-
Questions 185-186 are based on the following fact sit-
nan, a building contractor. Pursuant to the terms
of the contract, Brosnan was to construct a resi-
dence on the realty according to attached plans
When Forde's daughter Dale told him that she was get-
and specifications. The contract required Otto to
ting married, Forde was so happy that he promised to
make periodic payments to Brosnan when the
deed her a parcel of realty which he owned and to have
structure was 25%, 50%, and 100% complete,
a house built on it for her as a wedding present. The
and permitted Brosnan to hire subcontractors at
following day, Forde entered into a written contract
his discretion.
with Boudreau, a building contractor, for the construc-
tion of a house on Forde's land. Forde later gave Dale a
After entering into the contract with Otto, Bros-
copy of the contract, and, as a result, Dale canceled a
nan hired Subic, a subcontractor, to do all of the
contract into which she had previously entered for the
carpentry work. By a written contract, Brosnan
purchase of a home. As a result of an argument
agreed to pay Subic a specified price for his labor
between Forde and Boudreau, Boudreau never built the
upon completion of the carpentry work, and, in
addition, to "reimburse Subic for all material
purchased by Subic for the job". During the
course of the work, Subic purchased $5,000 185. Assume for the purpose of this question that
worth of lumber, but actually used only $3,000 Forde later deeds the land to Dale, and that she
worth of it. When the carpentry work was com- asserts a claim against Boudreau for failure to
pleted, Brosnan paid Subic the agreed price for fulfill the obligations under his contract with
Subic's labor, but refused to pay more than Forde. The court should find for
$3,000 for lumber. Subic asserted a claim against
Brosnan for an additional $2,000 for lumber (A) Dale, because Forde intended for her to ben-
which he purchased for the job but did not use. At efit from his contract with Boudreau.
the trial, Subic attempted to testify to a conversa-
(B) Boudreau, because the contract called for

personal services. If Bethel asserts a claim against Sandez for dam-

ages resulting from Sandez's sale of Sandacre to
(C) Boudreau, because Dale is an incidental ben-
Duncan, the court should find for
(D) Boudreau, because Dale is a donee benefi- (A) Sandez, because he received no consider-
ciary. ation for his promise to keep the offer open.
(B). Sandez, only if he sold therealty to Duncan
186. Assume for the purpose of this question only the more than 30 days after promising Bethel to
Forde refused to deed the realty to Dale, and that keep the offer open.
Dale institutes a proceeding against him for dam-
(C) Bethel, because the document which Sandez
ages resulting from breach of contract. The court
signed on September 1 was a firm offer in
should find for
(A) Dale, because she detrimentally relied on (D) Bethel, only if Bethel customarily engaged
Forde's promise. in buying and selling real estate.
(B) Dale, because she is a third party beneficiary
of Forde's contract with Boudreau. Questions 188-90 are based on the following fact situa-
(C) Forde, because he received no consideration tion.
for his promise to Dale.
When he won the state lottery, Hamlin bought a new
(D) Forde, under the doctrine of frustration of home and decided to have it landscaped by a well-
purpose. known landscape architect. After investigating several
sources, Hamlin learned that Landsman was one of the
187. Sandez was an investor who frequently bought most famous landscape architects in the world. Follow-
and sold real estate on his own account. He had ing a series of discussions, Hamlin and Landsman
purchased a parcel of realty known as Sandacre entered into a written contract which called for Lands-
for $100,000 and was considering selling it. On man to design and execute a landscaping plan for Ham-
September 1, Bethel asked whether Sandez lin's property at a total price of $90,000. Upon
would be willing to accept $125,000 for the prop- completion of the job, Hamlin was to pay $80,000 of
erty. Sandez said that he would, but only if pay- this sum directly to Landsman. Hamlin agreed to pay
ment was in cash. When Bethel said that he the balance of $10,000 to Crawford because Landsman
would need a month or two to raise that kind of was indebted to Crawford for that sum. A clause of the
money, Sandez wrote the following on a sheet of contract provided that "there shall be no assignment of
paper and signed it: rights under this contract."

Landsman's design called for a moat to be dug around

I hereby offer to sell my realty known as San-
Hamlin's house and planted with aquatic plants.
dacre to Bethel for $125,000 cash. I promise
Although Landsman completed the rest of the job him-
to hold this offer open until November 1, and I
self, he hired Digger, an earthmoving subcontractor, to
further promise that I will not sell the property
dig the moat, which Digger did in complete conformity
to anyone else before then. This is a firm offer.
with Landsman's plan. When the job was completed,
Crawford executed a document purporting to assign his
Subsequently, but prior to November 1, Sandez
rights under the contract to Anchor. The entire job was
sold the property to Duncan for $110,000 and
completed in a reasonably workmanlike manner, but
wrote Bethel a note in which he said, "I hereby
Hamlin refused to make any payment under the con-
withdraw my offer to sell you Sandacre for
$125,000." On October 25, Bethel purchased
Sandacre from Duncan for $135,000.

188. Assume for the purpose of this question only that plan.
Crawford asserts a claim against Hamlin for
(D) Landsman, because all contract rights are
$10,000, which Crawford claims Hamlin owes
freely assignable.
him under the contract. Which of the following
would be Hamlin's most effective argument in
defense against that claim? Questions 191-192 are based on the following fact sit-
(A) Crawford has made a valid assignment of his
rights under the contract. Frost, a manufacturer, needed a new factory and pur-
(B) Crawford was not a party to the contract. chased a parcel of realty on which he wished to have it
constructed. After negotiation, Frost entered into a
(C) Crawford was a mere incidental beneficiary valid written contract with Berry, a licensed builder.
of the contract. Pursuant to its terms, Berry was to construct a two
(D) There was no mutuality of obligation story building on Frost's realty according to specifica-
between Hamlin and Crawford. tions furnished by Frost, at a total price of $250,000, to
be paid in full upon completion of the building.

189. Assume for the purpose of this question only that

Anchor asserts a claim against Hamlin for 191. Assume the following facts for the purpose of
$10,000. In deciding the claim, a court should this question only. Berry completed the building,
find for and Frost paid him $250,000 but subsequently
Frost learned that the building failed to conform
(A) Hamlin, because the contract prohibited to the specifications. As a result, it would not
assignment. serve Frost's purpose. The building had the same
value as if constructed in conformity with the
(B) Hamlin, if the contract called for Landsman specifications, but it would cost Frost $12,000 to
to perform personal services. make it conform to the specifications. Because of
(C) Anchor, because an assignee stands in the an increase in the costs of construction, it would
shoes of his assignor. cost $350,000 to construct a new building in con-
formity with the specifications.
(D) Anchor, but only if Anchor paid consider-
ation for the assignment. If Frost asserts a claim against Berry for breach
of contract, Frost should recover
190. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Landsman asserted a claim against Hamlin on (A) nothing, because the building had the same
account of Hamlin's refusal to pay him for his value as if built in conformity with the
services, and that Hamlin defended on the ground specifications.
that Landsman breached the contract by hiring a (B) $12,000 (the cost of making the building
subcontractor to dig the moat. In deciding the conform to the specifications).
claim, the court should find for
(C) $100,000 (the difference between the con-
(A) Hamlin, because Landsman hired Digger to tract price and the cost of having a new
dig the moat around Hamlin's house. building constructed in accordance with the
(B) Hamlin, because the reason why Hamlin
contracted with Landsman was that he (D) $250,000 (the contract price).
wanted the job done by a well-known land-
scape architect. 192. Assume the following facts for the purpose of
(C) Landsman, because the moat was dug in this question only. When the structure was par-
complete conformity with Landsman's tially completed, Frost decided to retire from the

manufacturing business and told Berry to stop 193. Stubb's letter of May 1 to Altom, Better, Carrol
work. Berry had already spent $180,000 on mate- and Danton is best described as
rial and labor, and would have needed to spend
another $35,000 to complete the building in con- (A) a firm offer.
formity with the specifications. Because of an
(B) an invitation for offers.
increase in construction costs, the value of the
partially completed structure was $300,000. If (C) an option to purchase which was given to
Berry asserts a claim against Frost for breach of Altom, Better, Carrol and Danton but could
contract, Berry should recover only be exercised by the first to respond.
(D) an auction.
(A) $265,000 (the value of the partially com-
pleted structure less the cost of completing
construction). 194. Stubb's letter of June 21 to Better is best
described as
(B) $250,000 (the contract price).
(C) $215,000 (the contract price less the cost of (A) an offer.
completing construction).
(B) an acceptance.
(D) $180,000 (the amount which Berry has
(C) an invitation to negotiate.
(D) an anticipatory repudiation of Stubb's agree-
ment with Altom.
Questions 193-94 are based on the following fact situa-

Stubbs wanted to sell his piano. Because Altom, Better,

Carrol, and Danton had all expressed interest in it,
Stubbs wrote and signed the following letter on May 1,
sending a photocopy to each of the persons named:

Dear Altom, Better, Carrol and Danton:

I know that you are all interested in buying
my piano and I need to sell it. I therefore
promise to sell it to whichever of you makes
the highest offer prior to June 15.
(signed) Stubbs.

Altom, who knew that the piano was worth $1,700,

wrote a letter to Stubbs on June 1, in which he said that
he would pay that sum for the piano. Stubbs received
the letter on June 2. On June 19, Stubbs received a let-
ter from Better which said, "I received your offer of
May 1. Will $2,000 buy the piano?"

On June 21, Stubbs wrote to Better, "I accept your

offer and will sell you the piano for 2,000. (signed)

1. D Farrell's offer was for a unilateral contract - his promise to pay in return for Stuart's
postponing the wedding. When Stuart postponed the wedding, he accepted Farrell's
offer, and a contract was fonned.

Some cases have held that an agreement never to marry violates public policy, but there
is no reason why an agreement to postpone a marriage would do so. A is, therefore,
incorrect. B is incorrect because Farrell's promise was to pay if Stuart postponed the
wedding. His language did not make payment conditional upon Stuart's registration for
a second year. Although an offer terminates upon the death of the offeror, C is incorrect
because Stuart accepted the offer by postponing the wedding, and, once accepted, an
offer is no longer revocable.

2. D Since Sorrento sold the chairs to another buyer at the same price which Barrie had con-
tracted to pay, Sorrento sustained no damage. Where there is no limit to the availability
of the items sold, some cases allow a seller to recover lost profits when a buyer cancels,
reasoning that even though the seller resold at the same price, she would have made two
sales instead of one if the buyer had not breached. Since there were no more barrel
chairs to sell, however, Sorrento lost nothing.

A is, therefore, incorrect. An action for the price might be available where traditional
calculation of damages would be inadequate, but B is incorrect because Sorrento has
suffered no damages. C correctly states the remedy which would have been available to
Barrie in the event of a breach by Sorrento. Because the fair market value exceeds the
contract price, however, the fonnula expressed in C bears no relationship to damages
suffered by Sorrento as a result of Barrie's breach. C is, therefore, incorrect.

3. A If an event which was not foreseeable to the parties at the time a contract was fonned
makes perfonnance of the contract impossible, such perfonnance is excused. In the
absence of facts which specifically suggest the contrary, destruction of the subject mat-
ter of a contract is usually held to have been unforeseeable by the parties at the time of

At the time the fire occurred, Homer was not in breach because he was not required to
make payment until the garage was half complete, and Bilder was not in breach because
he was not required to be half finished until April 25. Band C are, therefore, incorrect.
It is usually held that impossibility excuses perfonnance only to the extent that perfor-
mance has been made impossible. D is incorrect, however, because the contract was not
for labor until June 1, but rather for construction of the garage by June 1, and the fire
has made completion by that date impossible.

4. D Since quasi-contract remedies are essentially designed to prevent unjust enrichment,

they are usually unavailable against a non-breaching defendant who has received no
benefits from the plaintiff's work.

A, B and C are, therefore, incorrect. In addition, A is incorrect because its fonnula bears

no reasonable relationship to the value of either the benefit received by Homer or the
detriment suffered by Bilder. C is incorrect for the additional reason that quasi-contract
recovery is based on reasonable value rather on the contract price.

5. A The vee provides that where there is no agreement to the contrary, a buyer is entitled
to inspect the goods prior to making payment or accepting them. It provides further,
however, that the parties may agree that payment is required before inspection. If so,
failure to make payment upon delivery of the goods is a breach.

I Anticipatory repudiation occurs when, prior to the time when peiformance is required, a
party indicates by word or deed that he will not perform. B is incorrect because
Boswell's refusal to pay occurred at the time payment was required, and therefore con-
stituted a breach. The vee provides that even if payment is made prior to inspection,
no acceptance occurs until after the buyer has had a reasonable opportunity to inspect.
In view of this provision, a promise to pay prior to inspection is not unconscionable, and
C is incorrect. Since Stilton tendered delivery in accordance with the terms of the con-
tract, D is incorrect.

6. C Section 2-606 of the vee provides that unless the buyer does some act inconsistent
with the seller's ownership, acceptance of goods occurs only after the buyer has had a
reasonable opportunity to inspect the goods and either notifies the seller of his intention
to keep them or fails to reject them. Thus, a payment did not constitute acceptance
because it was made before Boswell was given a reasonable opportunity to inspect the

A, B and D are incorrect because the vee provides that acceptance does not occur until
after there has been a reasonable opportunity to inspect.

7. A Vnder Section 2-313 of the vee, a warranty is made by any description of the goods
which is given by the seller and which is part of the basis of the bargain. Stilton thus
warranted that the studs delivered would be construction grade. Vnder Section 2-714 of
the vee, a buyer who has accepted non-conforming goods and who notifies the seller
of the non-conformity within a reasonable time is entitled to damages. The measure of
damages for breach of warranty is fixed by Section 2-714 as the difference between the
value which the delivered goods had at the time of acceptance and the value which con-
forming goods would have had at that time.

B is incorrect because it would entitle Boswell to keep the studs without paying any-
thing for them. C is incorrect because it would allow Stilton to collect the price of con-
struction grade studs although he delivered utility grade studs. Although Stilton might
have been better off selling the utility grade studs to another buyer at a price higher than
they were worth, he has breached his warranty that the studs delivered would be con-
struction grade and will be required to compensate Boswell for what Boswell has lost. D
is, therefore, incorrect.

8. A A unilateral contract is a promise to perform in exchange for a specified act by the

promisee. Since eompinc promised to make payment to the employee who submitted
the winning design, its offer was for a unilateral contract.

A bilateral contract is an exchange of promises, each given in return for the other. Since
the company promised to pay only if the modification design was actually submitted,
and asked for no promise in return for its promise to pay, B is incorrect. Compinc's
notice made clear its intention to pay only one prize and its obligation to pay only upon
receipt of a design which complied with its requirements. Its promise, therefore, could
not have been given in exchange for the promise contained in Ermer's March 8 memo,
even if that memo had been received. C is, therefore, incorrect. The key difference
between an offer and an invitation to negotiate is that an offer creates an immediate
power of acceptance in the offeree. Since any employee could have accepted the com-
pany's offer of a reward by successfully designing and submitting the required program
modification, D is incorrect.

9. B Under the Restatement of Contracts, Second an offer for a unilateral contract cannot
effectively be withdrawn once the offeree has begun performance. Since Ermer began
working on the design prior to the company's attempt to withdraw its offer, the com-
pany's offer will be held to be irrevocable.

A bilateral contract is an exchange of promises. Since Ermer's performance was com-

plete upon his submission of the design, no bilateral contract was created by the submis-
sion because no promise by Ermer resulted from it. A is, therefore, incorrect. C is
incorrect because an offer for a unilateral contract can be withdrawn at any time prior to
the offeree's commencement of performance. D is incorrect for the same reason, and
because under the UCC "unconscionability" only prevents enforcement of a contract
which is found as a matter of law to have been unconscionable at the time that it was

10. B If a promise not to assign a contract is enforceable, it is like any other promise in that
damages may be available as a remedy for its breach. An assignment made in violation
of such a promise is usually regarded as valid, however. This means that even though
Lansman may be entitled to recover from Corman for damages resulting from Corman's
assignment to Antun, Antun may enforce the contract against Lansman.

C is, therefore, incorrect. A is incorrect because a promise not to assign without a

party's consent does not require that party to act reasonably in deciding whether or not
to consent. It is generally understood that a contract involving personal services is not
assignable because an assignment of such a contract may increase the obligor's burden.
Since the contract between Corman and Lansman specified the tasks which Lansman
was to perform, and since a change in obligee (i.e., in the ownership of the condomin-
ium) would not alter those tasks, assignment to Antun did not increase Lansman's bur-
den. For this reason, the contract should not be regarded as one calling for personal
services, and D is incorrect.

11. C Consideration is a benefit to the promisor or a detriment to the promisee which was bar-
gained for and given in return for the promisor's promise. For this reason, if Curran did
something which he was already obligated to do, his act could not be consideration for
the City's promise to pay since no new benefit was given to the City and no detriment
was sustained by Curran in return for that promise. A police officer's obligation to his
employer includes the duty to attempt to apprehend criminals, so Curran's performance
was of a pre-existing duty.

A is incorrect because establishing that Pidgeon is entitled to the reward does not neces-
sarily establish that Curran (or anybody else) is not entitled to it also. B is incorrect
because a guilty plea is a conviction. Since the City's promise was to pay in return for
infonnation leading to a conviction, it was an offer to pay for something of value, not an
offer for a gratuitous cash award. D is, therefore, incorrect.

12. D The parol evidence rule prohibits the introduction of extrinsic evidence of prior or con-
temporaneous agreements offered to contradict, vary, or modify an unambiguous writ-

I ing which the parties intended to be a full and final expression of their agreement (i.e., a
"complete integration"). Since the "dollar" is the unit of currency in both the U.S. and
San Sebastian, the contract which specifies a price of 9,000 dollars without identifying
which country's dollars are intended is probably ambiguous. The evidence offered by
Sella would help explain and clarify the ambiguity. It is not barred by the parol evidence
rule since it does not contradict, vary, or modify the writing.

A and C are, therefore, incorrect. Ambiguities in a writing are frequently construed

against the party who prepared it, but only if they cannot be clarified in some other way.
B is incorrect because parol evidence may be introduced to explain an ambiguity, no
matter who caused it.

13. D Manfred made no express promise to pay for the fishing gear. There was no implied
promise because there is no fact indicating that Sport acted with the expectation of com-
pensation or reimbursement for her losses. The executor is, therefore, not bound to pay
for her loss.

Quantum meruit is available to prevent unjust enrichment only where services were ren-
dered under circumstances such that the party from whom payment is sought was aware
of the other party's expectation of payment. A is, therefore, incorrect. The phrase "dan-
ger invites rescue" has been used in tort cases to explain why one who creates a peril
owes a duty of care to a person attempting to rescue another from it. B is incorrect, how-
ever, because the principle has no application in contract problems. Since there is no
indication that Manfred promised to pay for the fishing gear, the fact that someone else
in his position would have is irrelevant, making C incorrect.

14. C Usually, a promise is unenforceable unless it is supported by consideration, which

requires a bargained-for exchange. Since Manfred's promise was made after Sport ren-
dered a service with no apparent expectation of compensation, the service was not given
in exchange for the promise, and the promise is not supported by consideration. For this
reason, the majority of jurisdictions would not enforce it. Although some courts might
enforce a promise to fulfill a "moral obligation," C is the only answer which could be
correct in any jurisdiction.

"Good Samaritan" statutes, where they exist, protect from liability for negligence those
who render emergency aid at an accident scene. These statutes do nothing more. A is
incorrect because they have no application to contract problems. B is based on an inac-
curate interpretation of the facts: since Sport did not change her position after receiving
Manfred's promise, she did not rely on it, detrimentally or otherwise. D is incorrect
because if something of value has been given in return for a promise, the promise is sup-

ported by consideration even though the value of that consideration may be uncertain.

15. A Performance of one of a series of mutual promises is a condition precedent to others in

the series if the circumstances indicate that it should obviously precede the others. Since
the writing called for payment of $300 in advance, it is obvious that the parties intended
that it should be paid before the work commenced. Honniker's payment of $300 was
thus a condition precedent to Carl's obligation to paint. Since the contract called for the
payment of an additional $400 after··completion, it is obvious that the parties intended
that the paint job should be finished before payment of the additional money was
required. Completion of the paint job is thus a condition precedent to Honniker's obli-
gation to pay the additional $400.

A condition subsequent is an event the occurrence or non-occurrence of which operates

to discharge a duty which had already become absolute. Since Carl was obligated to
paint before receiving the additional $400, and since he could not undo the paint job
once it was completed, Honniker's payment of the additional $400 cannot be called a
condition subsequent to Carl's obligation to paint the car. B is, therefore, incorrect. Con-
current conditions require the parties to exchange performance simultaneously. C is
incorrect because the language of the contract makes it obvious that the parties intended
a consecutive order of performance (i.e., H pays $300, C completes paint job, H pays
$400). Since the agreement required part payment in advance, and completion of the job
before the balance was due, D is incorrect.

16. A Upon breach of the sales contract, the non-breaching party is ordinarily entitled to com-
pensatory, incidental, and consequential damages. A buyer's compensatory damages
consist of the difference between the contract price and either the fair market value or
the "cover" price (i.e., actual cost of replacement, so long as reasonable). If the cover
price (or fair market value) is less than the contract price the buyer is not entitled to
compensatory damages, but the saving is not credited to the breaching seller. Incidental
damages consist of the reasonable costs of repurchasing. Consequential damages are
those which foreseeably arise from the special needs or position of the buyer which
result from the breach (e.g., seller's non-delivery causes buyer to go out of business).
Honniker sustained no consequential losses, and since Honniker's cover price was less
than the contract price, she can receive no compensatory damages. Since the repurchase
involved $20 in reasonable expenses, she is entitled to $20 as incidental damages.

B is incorrect because it bears no reasonable relation to Honniker's loss. C is incorrect

because it would award Honniker the entire contract price in addition to incidental dam-
ages. D is incorrect because it would credit Carl with the savings which resulted from
his breach.

17. C In an action for breach of an employment contract, a non-breaching employee is entitled

to receive the full contract price for the balance of the term plus consequential damages,
less damages avoided by mitigation. Since Worthen mitigated damages by taking a job
with Newton at the same salary, he is entitled to what he lost between the discharge and
the beginning of his new job. His advertising expenses are collectible as consequential

A is incorrect because the reorganization by Boss was voluntary. An employment con-


tract may require payment of severance pay in the event of termination, but absent such
agreement, there is no such legal requirement. B is, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect
because Worthen's work for Newton at the same salary mitigated his damages.

18. A If Payne's statement implied a promise to paint the cars, it was an acceptance of Cabb's
offer, thus forming a contract of which Payne's subsequent refusal to paint the cars
would be a breach. (NOTE: Although Payne's statement probably was not a promise,
the question requires this to be assumed as an additional fact.)

If, on the other hand, he made no promise to paint the cars, there was no contract and
could be no breach. This would be true even though Cabb suffered detriment in reliance
on his belief that Payne would paint his cars. B and C are, therefore, incorrect. When
Cabb offered $125 per car, he rejected Payne's offer to paint them for $150. It was too
late for him to accept that offer on January 3, so D is incorrect.

19. D None of the reasons given to justify a victory for Martin are good ones. The doctrine of
frustration of purpose may excuse performance of a contract when an unforeseen event
destroys its underlying purpose, but only if both parties knew what that purpose was.

A is incorrect because Osteen did not know Martin's purpose. Impossibility of perfor-
mance discharges a contractual obligation when an unforeseen event makes perfor-
mance vitally different from that reasonably contemplated by both parties at the time the
contract was formed. B is incorrect because Osteen was unaware of the use contem-
plated by Martin. When government action makes the subject matter of a contract
unlawful, it may be unenforceable for illegality, because of frustration of purpose, or
under the doctrine of impossibility of performance. C· is incorrect, however, because the
subject matter of the contract between Osteen and Martin was the rental of a motion pic-
ture theater, and the showing of motion pictures was not made unlawful by the city
council's action.

20. D The Statute of Frauds requires a contract for the sale of goods with a price of $500 or
more to be in writing, but does not apply to a contract for services, even if goods are to
be provided by the person performing the services. I and II are, therefore, incorrect.

21. B Usually, a promise is unenforceable unless it is supported by consideration. Consider-

ation is a bargained-for exchange of value given for a promise and may consist of bene-
fit to the promisor or detriment to the promisee. If an alleged debt is invalid, a person
who promises to pay a sum in settlement of it receives no benefit in return for his prom-
ise. Similarly, if a person who receives such a promise does not honestly believe that the
debt is valid, he suffers no detriment by agreeing to accept less in settlement. For this
reason, a promise to pay a sum of money to settle a claim for debt is supported by con-
sideration if the debt is valid or the person asserting the claim believes that it is. Thus, if
Poston honestly believed that Dworkin owed him $3,000, his agreement to accept
$2,000 was considerationJor Dworkin's promise, making the promise enforceable.

On the other hand, if Poston did not believe that Dworkin owed him the money, Poston
suffered no detriment and Dworkin received no benefit in return for Dworkin's promise.
Since the promise would, thus, be unsupported by consideration, it would be unenforce-
able. A is, therefore, incorrect. C and D are incorrect because, unless the debt actually

existed or Poston believed that it did, his agreement to accept $2,000 would not be con-
sideration for Dworkin's promise to pay it.

22. A Although the parol evidence rule prevents the introduction of extrinsic evidence for the
purpose of modifying the terms of certain written memorandums, it does not prevent the
admission of such testimony for the purpose of establishing that no contract was ever
formed. Since the oral agreement made before execution of the writing establishes a
condition precedent to the formation of a contract, it is admissible.

An agreement to modify a contract is one which is made after formation of the contract.
B is incorrect because the oral agreement regarding the loan was made before execution
of the written contract. Since Smith has not asserted that the written agreement is valid,
there is no reason why he should be estopped from denying that it is. C is, therefore,
incorrect. D is incorrect because the oral agreement relates to the formation of the con-
tract, and does not modify or contradict its terms.

23. B A donee third party beneficiary of a contract may enforce it. The parties are free to mod-
ify that contract, however, any time prior to the donee beneficiary's detrimental reliance
on it. Since Dot did not learn of the contract until after it had been modified, she has no
right to enforce the terms which existed prior to the modification.

A is incorrect because a third party beneficiary of a contract may enforce it even though
she has not, herself, given consideration. C is incorrect because the rights of a donee
beneficiary do not vest until she learns of or relies upon the contract, and Dot did not
learn about or rely on the contract until after it had been modified to exclude her. An
assignment of contract rights is ineffective until the assignee learns of and accepts it. D
is incorrect because even if the written contract between Smith and Trac was an assign-
ment to Dot, Dot did not learn of Trac's intent to create rights in her until after he elimi-
nated those rights by modifying his contract with Smith.

24. A The Statute of Frauds requires a contract for the sale of goods with a price of $500 or
more to be in writing. It might be argued that the agreement in A was divisible - really
15 separate agreements, each for a single $100 purchase - and therefore not within the
Statute of Frauds. (Note: Since the agreement was for the purchase of a "series" of fig-
urines, it was probably not a divisible contract, but A is the only one of the four fact pat-
terns presented in which the Statute of Frauds might prevent enforcement.)

Dee Section 2-201 specifically excludes from application of the statute a contract for
the sale of specifically manufactured goods if the seller has made a substantial begin-
ning in their manufacture. The Statute of Frauds would be inapplicable in B, since
Plaintiff had already completed the rough carving when Defendant attempted to cancel
the contract. Since 2-201 specifies that the Statute of Frauds is satisfied by an admission
in the pleadings of the existence of a contract, the statute would not prevent enforce-
ment in C. Section 2-201 provides that between merchants a written memorandum of a
contract which is sufficient to bind the sender binds the receiver also if she fails to
object to it within 10 days. Since both parties in D are merchants, the writing prepared
by plaintiff and not responded to by defendant satisfies the statute.

25. B A minor may disaffirm a contract on the ground of incapacity. If, however, the disaf-

fIrming minor is the plaintiff in an action for restitution, her recovery will be offset by
the reasonable value of the benefIt which she had received. Measuring the benefIt in
terms of reasonable rental value is a common judicial approach.

A is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because the damage which the car sustained is
not related to the benefIt which Margeaux received. D is incorrect because it fails to rec-
ognize the minor's right to disaffirm the contract.

26. C An offer may be revoked any time prior to its acceptance, and is effectively revoked
when the offeree learns of an act by the offeror which is wholly inconsistent with the
offer. Sulton's offer to sell the tractor to Brendan was thus revoked when Brendan
learned that Sulton had sold it to Norton.

Sulton's promise to keep the offer open until March 15 was unsupported by consider-
ation, and, therefore, not enforceable. Although vee §2-205 makes certain fInn offers
between merchants enforceable without consideration, A is incorrect because Sulton
and Brendan were not merchants regarding the sale of the tractor. B is incorrect because
the revocation took effect when Brendan learned of the sale to Norton. D is incorrect
because the letter of February 15 was an offer to sell the tractor, and could have given
rise to a contract if accepted by Brendan before Sulton revoked it.

27. A A court may reform a contract. to reflect the intentions of the parties if as a result of
inadvertence the writing does not actually do so. In determining the intentions of the
parties, the court may admit whatever evidence is relevant and material.

B is incorrect because vee Section 2-201 declares that a writing may satisfy the Statute
of Frauds even though one or more terms (except the quantity term) are omitted. The
vee provides that parties may conclude a contract for sale even though the price is not
settled, and that if they do, the price is to be the reasonable price at the time of delivery.
C is incorrect, however, because Seller and Buyer did agree on a price. D is incorrect
because parol evidence may be admitted for the purpose of determining what the parties
intended the price to be.

28. C The parol evidence rule prohibits the introduction of extrinsic evidence of prior or con-
temporaneous agreements to contradict, vary, or modify an unambiguous writing which
the parties intended to be a full and fInal expression of their agreement. It is generally
understood that in the absence of fraud or mistake, a clause in a written contract which
states that the writing is intended to be a complete integration of the agreement between
the parties establishes that it is. If so, the agreement in C would be barred by the parol
evidence rule since it was a contemporaneous agreement which contradicts a term of the

The purpose of the parol evidence rule is to discourage litigation by encouraging parties
to put their entire agreement in writing. Since this purpose would not be served by pro-
hibiting parol evidence regarding the question of whether or not the obligations created
by the writing ever came into being, parol evidence pertaining to a written contract's
becoming effective is admissible. A is, therefore, incorrect. Since the writing requires
Hoser to pay for the paint, the agreements in B and D do not modify any obligation cre-
ated by the writing, and so would probably be admitted. B and D are, therefore, incor-


29. A An agreement for the sale of goods FOB a particular place requires the seller to load the
goods on board a carrier at that place. Once the seller has done so, the buyer's obligation
to pay the seller for the goods becomes complete. Under UCC Section 2-210, a seller
who has completely performed may assign its rights even if terms of the contract pro-
hibit assignment. Since the seller's rights have been assigned to Abco, Abco now is
entitled to collect the price from Bittell.

B correctly states the remedy usually available to the buyer in the event of the seller's
failure to deliver, but is incorrect as a statement of the seller's remedy. Payment by Bit-
tell might enrich Abco, but since Abco has given value for the assignment of Kooler's
rights, the enrichment would not be unjust. C is, therefore, incorrect. So long as assign-
ment does not impose an additional burden on the obligor, an assignment of contract
rights is enforceable in spite of a clause prohibiting it. D is, therefore, incorrect.

30. B In an FOB contract, the risk of loss passes to the buyer as soon as the goods are loaded
on a carrier at the place specified. This means that once the air conditioner units were
loaded onto Carrier's truck, any loss not resulting from the fault of the seller became
Bittell's. Bittell is thus not entitled to damages due to non-delivery resulting from such

A is incorrect because assignment does not free the assignor from obligations under the
contract, even if the obligee has consented to the assignment. As between parties to a
contract, one of them always bears the risk of loss. The fact that a third (i.e., non-con-
tracting) party may also have become liable for such loss does not affect the rights
which contracting parties have against each other. C is, therefore, incorrect. After a con-
tract is formed, if there occurs a change in circumstances which was not contemplated
by the parties at the time of formation and which makes a party's performance impossi-
ble, that performance is excused. D is incorrect, however, because the destruction of a
particular shipment of air conditioning units does not necessarily make it impossible for
the seller to deliver other units which would satisfy its obligation under the contract.

31. A A contract is formed upon acceptance of an offer. An offer is a manifestation of present

intent to be bound to specific terms. Since Nan's letter of August 1 clearly expressed her
willingness to sell each of the paintings to Delia for $2,000, it was an offer. An accep-
tance occurs when the offeree communicates to the offeror that she agrees to the terms
of the offer. Since Delia's telegram clearly expressed her willingness to pay $2,000 for
painting number 30, it was an acceptance. A contract for the sale of painting number 30
at a price of $2,000 was thus formed. For this reason, Nan's action for breach of a con-
tract to purchase the painting for $3,000 must fail unless there has been an enforceable
modification of the original contract. Under uee section 2-209(3) a modification of a
contract must be in writing if the contract as modified is· within the provisions of the
Statute of Frauds. Since, as modified, the oral contract between Nan and Delia calls for
the sale of goods with a price in excess of $500, it violates the Statute of Frauds and will
not be enforced over Delia's objection. A is, therefore, correct.

Since an increase in the fair market value of the painting would not satisfy the require-
ment of a writing, B is incorrect. A promise which is not supported by consideration or

one which violates the Statute of Frauds may be enforceable if the promisee justifiably
relies on it to her detriment. C is incorrect, however, because reliance alone is insuffi-
cient to have this effect and because there is no indication that Nan changed her position
(i.e., relied). Since Nan's offer of August 1 called for acceptance by telegraphed order,
Delia's telegram on August 2 was an acceptance even though payment had not been
made. D is, therefore, incorrect.

32. C Since Nan's offer was for the sale of any or all of the paintings, Delia could accept by
promising to purchase any or all of them. Since her telegram specifically agreed to the
purchase of only one painting. Nan may successfully argue that it rejected Nan's offer to
sell the others.

A is incorrect for several reasons. Specific performance is available as a buyer's remedy

when the subject of the contract of sale is unique because no amount of money can
replace it. The fact that Delia was an art dealer does not establish that she was buying
the paintings for resale. Even if she was, damages might not be an adequate remedy
since the uniqueness of each painting makes it impossible to determine what her dam-
ages were. B is incorrect because Nan and Delia are merchants, and under the uee a
promise between merchants to keep an offer open for a specified period of time may be
enforceable even without consideration. Since the language of Nan's letter made it clear
that Delia could create a binding contract for the sale of any or all of the paintings sim-
ply by telegraphing her order, Nan's letter was an offer, and D is incorrect.

33. C Assignment of a contract transfers all the assignor's rights to the assignee. After the
assignment, the assignor has no rights in the contract and cannot sue to enforce it.

A is incorrect because assignment does not discharge the assignor of his obligations
under the contract. There is a presumption, however, that an assignment of rights under
a contract includes a delegation of duties as well. B is, therefore, incorrect because, as
assignee, Byers is obligated to make payment as agreed by Forrest. Unless there is a
clear agreement to the contrary, a promise not to assign without consent of the other
party is usually viewed as a covenant. An obligee who breaches that covenant by
assigning may be liable for damages to the obligor, but the assignment is valid in spite
of the no-assignment clause so long as it imposes no additional burden on the obligor.
Since Seider's obligation after the assignment is identical to his obligation before the
assignment (i.e., to install aluminum sliding on the outside of the building), there is no
reason to hold the assignment invalid. D is, therefore, incorrect.

34. B The uee treats a modification of a contract as a new contract. For this reason, if the
contract as modified falls within the provisions of the Statute of Frauds, the modifica-
tion must be in writing. uee §2-209(3). Since the modification resulted in an agree-
ment to sell goods with a price of $500 or more, the Statute of Frauds requires a written
memorandum. The absence of a writing makes the contract unenforceable over the
objection of Ronson.

A contract is unconscionable if one party is so deprived of free choice that slhe is forced
to make a one-sided bargain which favors the other party. Since the free enterprise sys-
tem sometimes results in different prices being set by different suppliers of the same
commodity, the mere fact that the merchandise was available at a lower price than that

requested by Wells is not sufficient to make the agreement to pay Wells' price uncon-
scionable. A, is therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because, under UCC §2-209(1), an
agreement to modify a contract may be enforceable even though unsupported by consid-
eration. D would be relevant if Wells attempted to excuse his own non-performance by
asserting impossibility or frustration of purpose. Since Ronson agreed to the modifica-
tion, however, Wells's reason for requesting it is irrelevant to its enforceability.

35. C A contract is formed upon acceptance of an offer. Since Bostoria's order identified the
subject of the transaction, specified the quantity, set forth price andteims, and called for
shipment, it conferred upon Salas the power to create a contract by accepting, and was,
therefore, an offer. Under UCC §2-206(1)(b) an order to purchase goods for prompt
shipment calls for acceptance either by prompt shipment or prompt promise to ship.
Since Salas shipped (i.e., accepted the offer) on April 28, the contract was formed on
that date.

Catalogs of the kind used by Salas are mere invitations to negotiate because they are
sent to a large number of buyers and do not refer to specific items for sale, but rather to
types of items. For that reason, Bostoria's order could not constitute an acceptance. A
and B are, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because the contract had already been
formed when the goods were shipped.

36. D Since Bostoria's order constituted an offer, and the shipment by Salas constituted an
acceptance of that offer (see explanation #35), the terms of the offer became the terms
of the contract. Bostoria is thus entitled to the discount for which she contracted.

If there is a discrepancy between printed words in a contract form and typed words on
that form, the· typed words are presumed to control. A is, therefore, incorrect. Although
Salas's catalog made clear his unwillingness to apply a ten percent discount to any but
COD shipments, Bostoria's offer was to purchase at discount with payment within ten
days. When Salas accepted by shipping, his pre-offer unwillingness became irrelevant.
B is, therefore, incorrect. An open account is an arrangement between seller and buyer
whereby the buyer regularly purchases on credit without executing notes or security
agreements. C is incorrect because the existence of an open account, while relevant to
credit terms, is not relevant to price terms in a contract.

37. A Under DCC Section 2-314 an implied warranty of merchantability accompanies every
sale by a merchant unless disclaimed by unequivocal language. UCC Section 2-
316(3)(a) specifically provides that the phrase "as is" may be used to disclaim the war-

B is incorrect because the implied warranty may accompany the sale of a used product
as well as a new one. C is incorrect because liability for breach of warranty does not
depend on negligence or fault by the seller. Under DCC Section 2-315 an implied war-
ranty that the product is fit for the buyer's particular purpose accompanies a sale only if
the seller knows the buyer's purpose, and knows also that the buyer is relying on the
seller's judgment in furnishing a product to suit that purpose. D is incorrect, however,
because the implied warranty of merchantability does not require reliance on the seller's

38. B In the absence of an agreement to the contrary, one who seeks the services of another,
knowing that the other expects to be paid for those services, impliedly promises to pay
for the services by availing himself of them. Although Dr. Drake agreed to wait for pay-
ment and to bill Evans's insurance company directly, nothing in the conversation
between Dr. Drake and Evans indicates that Drake was willing to look solely to the
insurance company for payment.

If the benefit which a contract confers on a non contracting party was intended to satisfy
a pre-existing Obligation owed by one of the contracting parties, the person on whom
the benefit is conferred is called a creditor third party beneficiary. Since Evans's debt to
Dr. Drake did not exist at the time the insurance contract was made, Dr. Drake could not
have been a creditor beneficiary. A is, therefore, incorrect. C and D are incorrect
because, as noted above, nothing in the conversation between Dr. Drake and Evans indi-
cates that Dr. Drake agreed to look solely to the insurance company for payment.

39. C When either party to a contract breaches it, the other party is excused from further per-
formance. Since Marshall breached by refusing to make payment as required, Structo
may refuse to perform any further work

In addition, the non-breaching party is entitled to damages consisting of the losses

which he sustained as a result of the breach. This may include profits which he would
have earned if the breach had not occurred. D is, therefore, incorrect. Ordinarily, lost
profits are measured by the balance of the contract price less whatever it would have
cost the builder to complete performance. Since the amounts specified in A and B are
not necessarily based on this measure, A and B are incorrect.

40. D When a builder commits an anticipatory repudiation of a building contract, the person
who hired him may be entitled to rescind and be free of all obligations under the con-
tract. I is incorrect, however, because the builder is then entitled to an offset based on
quasi contract (i.e., the reasonable value of his services) for work already performed. If
Marshall rescinds, Structo's quasi contract remedy might exceed the amount which he
has received from Marshall. If so, Structo is entitled to credit for the excess as a setoff in
Marshall's action for the cost of completion. On the other hand, if Marshall does not
rescind, but instead sues Structo for the standard remedy, he is entitled to the difference
between the contract price and the cost of completion. Since Marshall still holds
$50,000 of the contract price, this sum should be deducted from the standard remedy. II
is, therefore, incorrect.

41. A An option is a promise to keep a particular offer open for a specified period of time. If
it is supported by consideration, it is a separate contract and is enforceable during the
specified period. Since the document stated that Manna received $20 in return for her
promise to keep the offer open, her promise was supported by consideration and is,
therefore, enforceable. Many cases hold that consideration which is cited in a writing
but which was never actually given or received is "sham consideration" and that sham
consideration does not support a promise. A is correct in spite of this, however, because
the facts do not indicate that Manna did not receive $20 from Sokol, and because none
of the other answers listed could possibly be correct.

An attempted testamentary substitute is an attempt by a person to dispose of her prop-


erty after death without the formality of a will. Since all jurisdictions have statutes
which impose certain formal requirements on wills, a testamentary substitute which
fails to satisfy these requirements is ineffective. Thus, if the document signed by
Manna is an attempted testamentary substitute, the result would be a judgment for the
administratrix. B is, therefore, incorrect. To avoid interfering with the freedom of con-
tract, courts do not ordinarily inquire into the adequacy of consideration. This is partic-
ularly true where parties to a contract are related to each other or where there is some
other reason why one of them might be willing to accept less than actual value from the
other. For this reason, C and D are incorrect.

42. D A minor may disaffirm his contract on the ground that he lacked capacity, but the party
contracting with him may not.

A and B are therefore, incorrect. Detrimental reliance is sometimes given as a reason for
enforcing a promise which was unsupported by consideration. C is incorrect because
Dawes's promise was supported by consideration (i.e., Morris's promise), making Mor-
ris's reliance irrelevant.

43. C Under UCC Section 2-511, a contract which is silent as to the manner of payment calls
for payment in any manner current in the ordinary course of business. The seller is enti-
tled to demand payment in cash, but if she does so the buyer is entitled to a reasonable
opportunity to procure it.

A is incorrect for the reason stated above. B is incorrect because the buyer is entitled to
a reasonable time to procure cash. D is incorrect because a seller may demand cash.

44. C Under the Statute of Frauds, a contract for the sale of any interest in real estate must be
in writing, and the writing must contain all the essential terms. The price is an essential
term in a contract for the sale of realty, since the court will be unable to fashion a rem-
edy without it.

Although UCC §2-305(l) makes special provision for contracts between merchants,
providing that a contract silent as to price is presumed to be for a reasonable price, these
provisions apply only to the sale of goods and not to the sale of realty. A and Bare,
therefore, incorrect. Since this contract does not satisfy the requirements of the Statute
of Frauds, it is unenforceable over objection, even though oral evidence might establish
the intentions of the parties with respect to missing terms. D is, therefore, incorrect.

45. C Consideration requires a bargained-for exchange. Since Humbert did not ask Rusk to
save Welton, Rusk's doing so was neither bargained for nor given in exchange for Hum-
bert's promise.

The fact that a promisor calls something "consideration" for his promise, does not
make it so. A is incorrect because the service was not given in exchange for the prom-
ise. Even though the service rendered by Rusk may have materially benefitted Humbert,
it is not consideration for Humbert's promise because it was not performed in exchange
for the promise. B is, therefore, incorrect. A service given in return for a promise, how-
ever, would be consideration for the promise even if the value of the service cannot be
specified. D is, therefore, incorrect.

46. A A compromise is made when a party agrees not to assert a cause of action, in exchange
for some promise or act by another. It is enforceable if the person agreeing not to assert
a cause of action believed in good faith that he had a right to assert it. If Rusk believed
in good faith that he was entitled to assert a claim against Welton's estate, his agreement
not to do so is consideration for Humbert's promise to pay him, and their agreement is a
compromise. Although the facts are silent as to Rusk's belief, the argument in A is the
only one listed which could possibly support Rusk's position.

Unless Rusk saved Welton with the reasonable expectation that he would be compen-
sated, the enrichment which results from the administrator's failure to pay him is not
unjust. B is, therefore, incorrect. Sometimes detrimental reliance by a promisee may
permit enforcement of an otherwise unenforceable promise, but C is incorrect because
there is no indication that Rusk relied on Humbert's promise or suffered detriment as a
result of such reliance. D is incorrect because a promise is not ordinarily enforceable
without consideration even though voluntarily and freely made.

47. C Ordinarily the promises contained in a contract can be enforced only by one in privity.
An exception is made when the parties to a contract intend that its benefits shall flow to
a third party, but there is no indication that Daniels or Barre had Chula's protection in
mind when they included a no-assignment provision in their contract.

A, B, and D are therefore, incorrect.

48. D The seller's obligation under a contract of sale is to deliver goods which conform in
every way to the terms of the contract. Since the contract called for delivery of 500
pens, delivery of anything less is a breach. Since Penco failed to perform as promised,
Committee is entitled to the return of all money already paid. In addition, since Penco
breached the contract, Committee is entitled to damages resulting from the breach.

A is incorrect because the buyer is not required to accept a non-conforming tender. If a

buyer chooses to accept a non-conforming tender, it must pay at the contract price, but
is entitled to sue for damages resulting from the seller's defective performance so long
as it notifies the seller of its intention to do so. B is, therefore, incorrect. On the other
hand, if the tender does not conform to the seller's promise, the buyer may reject it.
Having done so, the buyer is entitled to damages which resulted from the seller's
breach. C is incorrect because return of Committee's advance payment may not be suf-
ficient to compensate Committee for other damages which it sustained. (Note: Damages
are traditionally measured by the difference between the contract price and the "cover
price" or the fair market value of the goods involved.)

49. D Under UCC §2-209(1), an agreement to modify a contract is enforceable even though
unsupported by consideration. Since, as modified, the agreement does not fall within the
provisions ofthe Statute of Frauds, it need not be in writing. Thus, if Committee agreed
to accept 475 pens instead of 500, Penco's delivery of 475 pens would not be a breach.

Penco's inability to obtain the necessary materials would not excuse performance unless
that inability resulted from circumstances which were not within the reasonable contem-
plation of the parties at the time the contract was formed. Since there is no indication

that this is so, A is incorrect. A buyer who accepts a non-conforming tender may
recover damages only if it notifies the seller of its intention to sue. B is incorrect, how-
ever, because no notice is required if the buyer rejects the tender. Since the contract
called for delivery of 500 pens, tender of any fewer is a breach in spite of the fact that
Committee may not have actually needed 500. C is incorrect for this reason (and inci-
dentally, because there is no indication that it was Committee's plan to give only one
pen to each conventioneer).

50. D An unaccepted offer binds neither the offeror nor the offeree. There is nothing to indi-
cate that Ace accepted Wire's offer to do the job for $16,000.

Ace's reliance on Wire's offer might entitle Ace to enforce it, but A is incorrect because
Ace's reliance does not confer any right on Wire. WIfe's reliance on the belief that Ace
would hire him confers no right on Wire unless that reliance was justified. Since there is
no indication that Ace promised the job to Wire, Wire's reliance was not justified. B and
C are, therefore, incorrect.

51. B Under the brokerage contract, transfer of title was a condition precedent to Ostend's
obligation to pay a commission. There is always an implied agreement, however, that a
party will not willfully prevent the performance of a condition to his obligation. If trans-
fer of title was prevented by Ostend's willful breach of his contract with First, Ostend
thus violated the implied agreement with Briar and may be held liable for damages (i.e.,
the unpaid commission) which resulted.

Although real estate brokerage contracts frequently require payment of the commission
when the broker procures a ready, willing and able buyer, A and C are incorrect because
this contract was conditioned on the transfer of title. "Frustration of purpose" may
excuse performance of a contract where an unforeseen event destroys the underlying
reasons for performing the contract. D is incorrect because the doctrine of frustration of
purpose never results in liability, but rather excuses a party's failure to perform.

52. C The brokerage contract made transfer of title a condition precedent to Ostend's obliga-
tion to pay Briar. Since title was not transferred, the condition had not been met, and
Ostend's obligation to pay the commission never came into being.

A is not a good defense because Ostend voluntarily accepted the $98,000 offer, thus
waiving the price condition which appeared in the brokerage contract. Since the con-
tract for sale between Ostend and Second was formed on August 1, within the period of
Briar's exclusive right to sell, B is not a good defense. Since the contract between Briar
and Ostend granted Briar the exclusive right to sell Ostend's home, Briar would be enti-
tled to a commission upon the transfer of title even though the sale was made without
Briar's participation. D is, therefore, not a good defense.

53. A Since Second contracted to purchase Ostend's home, his failure to do so is a breach
which entitles Ostend to any damages which result. I is, therefore, correct.

A buyer can frequently obtain specific performance of a contract to sell realty because
the uniqueness of a given parcel of realty makes money damages an inadequate remedy.
II is incorrect, however, because there is nothing unique about the money which Ostend

was to receive under the contract, making money damages an adequate remedy for the
seller. Impossibility excuses performance only if the circumstance which made perfor-
mance impossible was unforeseeable at the time the contract was formed. The subse-
quent illness of a party is usually regarded as foreseeable, making III incorrect.

54. A An accord is a new obligation intended to take the place of an existing one. To be
enforceable, it must be supported by consideration. To discharge the original obligation,
it must actually be performed. Performance of the new obligation is known as "satisfac-
tion," and it is the satisfaction rather than the accord which discharges a contractual
obligation. The agreement of May 21 constituted an accord, but since Brandeis did not
pay $45,000 in cash by May 25 there has been no satisfaction and thus no discharge of
his obligation to pay $50,000 as originally agreed.

While a promise to perform a pre-existing obligation is not valuable consideration, B is

incorrect because Brandeis's original contractual obligation was to pay before June 14,
and his May 21 promise was to pay by May 25. A novation is an agreement to substitute
a third party for one of the parties to the contract. C is, therefore, incorrect. D is incor-
rect because accord without satisfaction does not work to discharge contractual obliga-

55. C Impossibility may excuse performance, but only where the conditions which made per-
formance impossible were unforeseeable to the parties at the time the contract was
formed. If on April 1 both parties knew that it frequently stormed all during the month
of April, Fixer is deemed to have contemplated that fact when he promised to do the
work. The storms would not, therefore, excuse his performance, and he would be held
liable for breaching the contract.

A is incorrect because even acts of God may be foreseen, and, if so, do not excuse per-
formance. B is incorrect because such knowledge would make the storms foreseeable,
and prevent them from excusing performance. D might be correct if Fixer performed
late, but is incorrect because he cancelled the contract and did not perform at all.

56. C Most jurisdictions agree that an offer for a unilateral contract cannot terminate once the
offeree begins performance. Galen's extra efforts to earn "N's while Monte was alive
would thus have prevented Monte's death from terminating the offer. Earning the "N's
constituted acceptance of the offer and entitled Galen to the promised bonus.

A is incorrect because th.ere is no rule of law requiring a law student to use her best
efforts while in law school. B is incorrect because Galen's efforts would have prevented
termination of the offer until she had a reasonable opportunity to complete performance.
Since Monte's promise was Ilot made until after Galen's essay had won the contest, and
since Galen did not enter the contest with any expectation of compensation from Monte,
Galen's essay was not relevant to the enforceability of Monte's promise. D is, therefore,

57. B Under the Statute of Frauds, a promise which by its terms cannot be performed within a
year must be in writing. Since Monte's promise to buy books for a two year period
could not be performed within a year, it violated the Statute of Frauds.

Even if the offer made by Monte was divisible, Galen's successful completion of her
first year of law school would have been an acceptance of both its parts. A is, therefore,
incorrect. C is incorrect because there is no special rule governing a promise to pay a
cash bonus; such a promise is enforceable according to the rules which govern the
enforceability of promises in general. Since Monte's offer to pay for Galen's books was
an offer for a unilateral contract (a promise for an act), Galen's successful completion of
her first year was both an acceptance of the offer and consideration for Monte's prom-
ise. D is, therefore, incorrect.

58. B UCC Section 2-104 defines a merchant as a person who deals in goods of the kind
involved in the transaction, or one who by his occupation holds himself out as having
knowledge peculiar to the goods involved in the transaction, or one to whom such
knowledge may be attributed by his employment of a person who by his occupation
holds himself out as having such knowledge. Since the buyer in B is not in the bicycle
business, does not hold himself out as having special knowledge of bicycles, and does
not employ a person who does so, he is not a merchant under UCC §2-104.

The seller in A is in the bicycle business, and therefore deals in bicycles. The buyer in C
is a bicycle mechanic, and as such holds himself out as having special knowledge of
bicycles. Special knowledge of bicycles may be attributed to the buyer in D because she
employed a bicycle mechanic to assist in making the purchase.

59. D A prospective inability to perform occurs when a party to a contract has, by his own
conduct, divested himself of the ability to perform. A party who justifiably relies to its
detriment on another party's prospective inability to perform is discharged form its obli-
gations under the contract. Since Overlook executives learned that Carson had enlisted,
and since this would make it impossible for Carson to perform, they were justified in
hiring another caretaker. Since Overlook ordinarily employed only one winter caretaker,
hiring Newt was sufficiently detrimental to excuse it from performing its contract with

A and B are incorrect because Overlook justifiably relied to its detriment on Carson's
prospective inability to perform when it hired Newt upon learning of Carson's enlist-
ment. An anticipatory repudiation occurs when a party refuses to perform even though
he is able to do so. C is incorrect because Carson never refused to perform.

60. B Ordinarily, when unforeseeable circumstances make performance impossible, that per-
formance is excused. When this occurs after performance has begun, the party who has
performed is not entitled to contract remedies, since there has been no breach by the
other party. In order to avoid injustice, however, a party who has rendered some perfor-
mance may be entitled to a quasi-contract remedy. Usually, the damages are based on
the detriment suffered by the person seeking compensation. In this case, the detriment
suffered by Sheldon can be measured by the value of the work which he performed.

A and D are incorrect because Sheldon did not fully perform, such performance having
become impossible without fault by either party. C is incorrect because quasi-contract
damages are measured by the value of the plaintiff's detriment rather than by the benefit
received by the defendant.

61. B An' assignment transfers the assignor's rights to the assignee thus extinguishing the
assignor's rights under the contract. Since Whiz has assigned his rights under the con-
tract, he can no longer enforce them.

A is incorrect for two reasons: first, lack of contractual capacity makes a contract void-
able only at the option of the person who lacked it; and, second, a minor has capacity to
contract in connection with his own business interests. An assignee's failure to notify
the obligor that an assignment has been made may result in a discharge of the obligor's
obligation to the assignee to the extent of payments which the obligor made to the
assignor. C is incorrect, however, because the assignee's failure to notify does not alone
discharge any obligation owed by the obligor. In some jurisdictions, an assignment of
wages is invalid. D is incorrect for two reasons: first, if the assignment is invalid, Disco
is liable to Whiz; and, second, the assignment was of royalties, not of wages.

62. B Before the obligor learns of an assignment by the obligee, if an obligor and obligee
agree in a commercially reasonable manner to a valid modification of the contract, the
modification is effective as to rights which the assignee has acquired against the obligor.
Thus, Adso is bound by the modification. An obligor's duty under a contract is dis-
charged to the extent of payment made to the obligee before learning of the obligee's
assignment. Thus, Disco should receive credit for any payment which Disco made to
Whiz prior to notification of the assignment. Since Disco's payment of $50,000 to Whiz
completely discharged Disco's obligation under the contract as modified, and since the
modification and payment took place prior to notice of the assignment to Adso, Adso's
claim will fail.

A is incorrect because where the same right has been assigned to two different people,
the first in time generally has priority. The right to collect royalties existed and was
identified as soon as the contract between Disco and Whiz was made, even though the
"Stump the Hump" program had not yet been manufactured or marketed. C is, there-
fore, incorrect. D is incorrect because Adso's failure to notify Disco of the assignment
resulted in a discharge when Disco satisfied its obligation to Whiz under the contract as
modified before receiving notice of the assignment.

63. A The Statute of Frauds requires that a contract to create an interest in land be in writing.
Most states agree that this requirement applies to a promise to create a leasehold inter-
est, so it would apply to both promises made by Susan.

The Statute of Frauds also requires a writing if the contract is one which by its terms
cannot be performed within one year. The promise which Susan made to Mollie could
be performed within one year if Bob died during that period. The promise which Susan
made to Bob could be performed within one year if Tia died during that period. B is,
therefore, incorrect. VCC §2-201(l) requires that a contract for the sale of goods for a
price of $500 or more be in writing. C is incorrect, however, because a house is realty
rather than goods, and because the requirement of a writing is based on the price rather
than the value of goods sold. Consideration is something of value given in return for a
promise, but it is not necessary that the consideration flow from the promisee to the
promisor. D is incorrect because Mollie's conveyance to Susan was consideration for
Susan's promise to Mollie and because Bob's promise to share the inheritance was con-
sideration for Susan's promise to Bob. In addition, D is incorrect because the lack of

consideration does not relate to the assertion that an oral promise is unenforceable.

64. D Ordinarily, no promise is enforceable unless it is supported by consideration. Consider-

ation consists of some legal detriment sustained by the promisee in return for the prom-
isor's promise. Since at the time Susan promised Bob that she would let him live in the
house she was already obligated to do so, her promise to him was not a legal detriment
to her and so could not be consideration for his promise to share Tia's estate with her.
For this reason, D is correct.

Even without consideration, a promise many be enforceable under the doctrine of prom-
issory estoppel if the promisee justifiably relied on it to her detriment. A is incorrect,
however, because there is no indication that Susan relied on Bob's promise to share the
estate. B is incorrect because Bob's promise was unsupported by consideration. Since
Bob was unaware of Susan's promise to Mollie, it could not constitute an implied condi-
tion precedent to Bob's obligation. C is, therefore, incorrect.

65. D An assignment is a transfer of a right to receive the benefits of a contract. If there was an
enforceable agreement between Bob and Tia, Bob's promise to share some of the rights
which he received under that contract could be called an assignment. Although it is not
certain that Bob's conversation with Susan resulted in a valid assignment, A is the only
answer which could possibly be correct.

The difference between an assignee and a third party beneficiary of a contract is that an
assignee's right is transferred to her after a contract has been created, while a third party
beneficiary's right (whether an intended or an incidental beneficiary) is created by the
contract itself. Since the agreement between Bob and Tia did not require either Bob or
Tia to give anything to, or do anything for, Susan, Susan's right was not created by it.

A, B and C are, therefore, incorrect.

66. B Rescission is an equitable remedy granted in the discretion of the court, but is usually
available if the parties contracted as the result of fraud by one of them or as the result of
a mutual mistake about a basic assumption of the contract. If, at the time they contracted
for its sale, Vestor was aware that the realty was worth substantially more than the con-
tract price, his failure to disclose the fact might be fraud which would justify rescission.

A is incorrect for two reasons: first, many courts refuse to grant rescission where the
mutual mistake was about market conditions; and, second, because the possibility that
the contract will be rescinded on the ground of fraud by Vestor prevents mutual mistake
from being the only thing which could result in rescission. Negligence by a party is not
ordinarily a ground for rescission, or necessary to it. C is, therefore, incorrect. Ordi-
narily, a court will reform a contract only where it is clear that the contract formed does
not reflect the true intention of the parties, and where the court can determine what their
intention was at the time of contracting. D is incorrect because neither of those require-
ments is established by the given facts.

67. A VCC section 2-209(3) provides that an agreement to modify a contract must be in writ-
ing if the contract as modified is within the provisions of the statute of frauds. Since the
contract as modified calls for the sale of 1,000 widgets at ten dollars per widget for a

total price of $10,000, and since the statute of frauds requires a contract for the sale of
goods with a price of $500 or more to be in writing, the contract as modified falls within
the provisions of the statute of frauds. Since it is not in writing, it is not enforceable over
the objection of Batemen.

C is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because DCC section 2-209(1) provides that an
agreement to modify an existing contract may be enforceable without consideration.
An accord is an agreement to substitute a new obligation for an existing one. In order to
be enforceable, an accord, like any other agreement, must be supported by consider-
ation. Since consideration, is a detriment suffered in exchange for a benefit received,
and since Short suffered no detriment in return for the reduction in his obligation, the
agreement to accept 1,000 widgets instead of 2,000 as originally required by the con-
tract is unsupported by consideration. D is, therefore, incorrect.

68. A Although Mauer breached his contract with Block, he is not liable unless the breach
resulted in damage. If there are equally competent gardeners in the area who will per-
form the same work at the same price, Bloch has sustained no damage as a result of
Mauer's failure to perform.

An increase in the costs of labor and materials would not excuse Mauer from perfor-
mance, since such increases are usually regarded as foreseeable to the parties at the time
they contract. B is, therefore, incorrect. The agreement between Andrews and Bloch
may have motivated Bloch to contract with Mauer, but C is incorrect because Mauer's
obligation does not depend on the validity of Bloch's motivation. A party's inability to
perform does not excuse performance unless the inability was unforeseeable at the time
the contract was made. Since the likelihood that one of the parties to a contract will
become ill is generally regarded as foreseeable, D is incorrect.

69. D The assignee of a contract rights is entitled to enforce them to the same extent the
assignor would have been.

Mauer's breach of his contract with Bloch gives Purtle, as Bloch's assignee, a cause of
action against Mauer. A and B are, therefore, incorrect. Contract rights are ordinarily
alienable as are other chattels. Since any chattel or right may be the subject of a gift, the
fact that Purtle gave no consideration for the assignment of Bloch's right would not pre-
vent it from having effect. C is, therefore, incorrect.

70. A Although a contract is not usually enforceable except by one in privity, a third-party
beneficiary may enforce it if the parties to the contract intended that it should benefit
him. This is true whether the intended third-party beneficiary is a creditor beneficiary or
a donee beneficiary. A creditor beneficiary is one whom the parties intended to benefit
in order to satisfy a preexisting obligation owed by one of them. Andrews is a creditor
beneficiary since Bloch made the contract so as to satisfy an obligation that he owed

A donee beneficiary is one whom a contracting party intended to benefit even though he
owed him no obligation. B is incorrect since Bloch owed Andrews an obligation under
their previous agreement. An incidental beneficiary is one who derives benefit from a
contract not made with the intention of benefiting him. Thus, C is incorrect. D is incor-

rect since Andrews was an intended beneficiary of Mauer and Bloch's contract.

71. C Since Purtle did not by word or deed express or imply a willingness to pay for the main-
tenance of Andrews's lawn, he is under no obligation to do so. (Note: It is generally
understood that an assignment of contract rights includes a delegation of contract obli-
gations. Since Bloch assigned to Purtle his rights under the·contract between Bloch and
Mauer, Mauer would have been entitled to enforce against Purtle any rights which
Mauer had under that contract. Since Bloch did not assign to Purtle any rights under
Bloch's contract with Andrews and did not delegate to Purtle any obligations under his
contract with Andrews, however, Andrews may not enforce those rights against Purtle.)

A is incorrect because there is no indication that Andrews has suffered any detriment as
a result of reliance on the payments made by Purtle to Mauer. A covenant contained in
the record of title to realty may be enforceable against subsequent owners of the realty if
it touches and concerns the land involved. B is incorrect, however, because there is no
indication that Bloch's promise was noted in the record of title to his realty. As has been
noted above, Purtle is not liable to Andrews because Purtle made no express or implied
promise which would be enforceable by Andrews. Although D correctly concludes that
Purtle is not liable to Andrews, it suggests that the reason is that Andrews sustained no
damage. This is incorrect, however, because Andrews is now paying $25 per month
while previously he was paying nothing.

72. B Ordinarily, a promise is not enforceable unless it was supported by consideration. Con-
sideration is a bargained-for exchange of value given in return for the promise. Usually,
it consists of some detriment to the promisee. Andrews gave up his claim for payment in
return for Bloch's promise to provide lawn maintenance services. In order for this to
serve as consideration, the claim must have been of value. It is generally understood that
a promise which is made in return for the promisee's forbearance to assert a claim is
supported by consideration (i.e., the forbearance is a thing of value) if the claim was
valid or if the person giving it up sincerely believed that it was valid. Thus, if Andrews
sincerely believed that Bloch owed him money, then his acceptance of Bloch's offer to
satisfy the debt by hiring a gardener was consideration for Bloch's promise to do so.

The fact that Andrews cannot collect from anyone is not, alone, sufficient to give him a
right against Bloch, making A incorrect. If Andrews sincerely believed that Bloch owed
him money, the fact that Bloch actually did not owe it would not prevent the compro-
mise agreement between Bloch and him from being enforceable for the reasons stated
above. C is, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because the facts give no indication that
such an intention existed.

73. D The note which Screner sent on September 5 demanding $325 was a rejection of
Huner's offer to pay $300. An offeree who has killed an offer by rejecting it does not
have the power to resurrect it by a subsequent acceptance. Screner's note of September
12 was thus no more than a new offer. Since an offer may not make the offeree's silence
an acceptance, Screner's offer of September 12 was never accepted because Huner did
not respond to it.

A is, therefore, incorrect. Since there was no existing offer which could be accepted by
performance, Screner's commencement of performance on September 28 could not

have resulted in the formation of a contract, making B incorrect. Since Huner did not
know that Screner was installing the screens, and since Screner did not have a reason-
able expectation of compensation at the time he installed them, Screner has no quasi-
contract remedy, and e is incorrect.

74. B The validity of a liquidated damages clause depends not on what damages actually
flowed from a contract breach, but on what damages were reasonably contemplated by
the parties at the time the contract was formed. Thus, if, at the time they contracted,
Odyk and Recon reasonably expected Odyk's damages to approximate $50 per day, the
agreement to pay that sum as liquidated damages was valid.

A is, therefore, incorrect. Insurance proceeds are not usually considered in determining
the damages sustained by the victim of a breached contract, since doing so would confer
on the breaching party a benefit which the insured party bought and paid for. e is, there-
fore, incorrect. D is incorrect because liability for breach of contract does not depend on
fault, and because the validity of a liquidated damages clause depends on circumstances
existing at the time the contract was formed rather than at the time it was breached.

75. A An insurance contract involves an agreement by the insurer to pay the insured upon the
occurrence of an event not within the control of either. The payment agreed upon need
not bear any relationship to damage which results from the event (although many poli-
cies require that there be such a relationship). Since Grail agreed to pay $50 per day in
the event of destruction or substantial damage to the house by fire, it is obligated to do

B is, therefore, incorrect. Grail's agreement to pay $50 per day is not a liquidated dam-
ages clause, since it does not fix liability in the event of breach by Grail. e is incorrect
because it attempts to apply to an insurance contract the rule which determines the
validity of a liquidated damages clause. The insurance policy fixes Grail's liability for
Odyk's living expenses at $50 per day without regard to whether or not she actually
incurred such expenses. D is incorrect for this reason.

76. A The appropriate remedy for a builder's breach of a construction contract is the cost of
making the building conform to the agreed specifications.

Although the DeC Section 2-508 requires that a buyer notify a seller of a delivery's
non-conformity before commencing an action, this provision applies only to a sales
contract between merchants. B is, therefore, incorrect. Since insurance proceeds are not
ordinarily considered in determining damages sustained by the victim of a breached
contract, e is incorrect. If the liquidated damages clause in the contract between Odyk
and Recon is valid, it replaces traditional measures of damage. The contract provided it
only as a remedy for damages resulting from late performance, however. D is incorrect
because the subject of Odyk's action is not damage resulting from late performance, but
damage resulting from defective performance.

77. D Ordinarily, a unilateral mistake does not excuse performance and is not grounds for
rescission. Where the other party knew or reasonably should have known of the mis-
take, however, the mistake may be asserted as an excuse for non-performance.

A is incorrect because even though the mistake resulted from negligence by Coast's
employee, the difference between Coast's bid and all the others received would proba-
bly have led the reasonable person in Hostel's position to realize that an error has been
made. B is incorrect for the same reason. Unless it is found as a matter of law to have
been unconscionable at the time it was formed, a contract may be enforceable even
though some unfairness will result. C is incorrect because unfairness alone is not suffi-
cient to excuse non-performance.

78. D Ordinarily, a promise to perform services implies a promise to perform them in a satis-
factory manner, judged by an objective standard. A specific agreement that personal sat-
isfaction is required, however, is usually understood to call for subjective satisfaction so
long as the party whose satisfaction is required acts in good faith. Thus, if the mayor
actually believed that the statue was too small, and he was, therefore, not subjectively
satisfied with it, the town is discharged of its obligation under the contract.

A is, therefore, incorrect. If the mayor liked the statue, but rejected it because he feared
embarrassment resulting from a conviction, the town would be in breach because the
rejection would not be in good faith. If he genuinely did not like the statue, however, the
incidental fact that he feared embarrassment if Ray was convicted would not be rele-
vant. B is, therefore, incorrect. Although the clause called for subjective satisfaction, it
did not create an absolute right to reject the work, since such an agreement is under-
stood to mean that the decision as to whether or not the work is satisfactory must be
made in good faith. C is, therefore, incorrect.

79. A An anticipatory breach occurs when, before performance is required, a party to a con-
tract says or does something which indicates that she will not perform as required.
When an anticipatory breach occurs, the other party need not wait until the time for per-
formance is passed, but may immediately avail itself of remedies for breach of contract.

Since Chisel's obligation under the contract was to submit a statue for approval by the
mayor, her failure to do so is a breach whether or not the statue would have met with the
mayor's approval when submitted. B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because a
breach occurs when a party fails to fulfill her contractual obligations, whether or not she
profits from such failure. Since a contract calling for a party's personal satisfaction is
understood to require good faith, that party's promise to pay if satisfied is not illusory. D
is, therefore, incorrect.

80. A Since Sailor's promise to keep the offer open until June 10 was supported by consider-
ation, it is enforceable.

Refusal to sell the motorcycle to Brady as promised is a breach, whether or not the
motorcycle has actually been sold to someone else. B is, therefore, incorrect. The UCC
provides that a promise to hold an offer open for a specified period of time (i.e., a firm
offer) is enforceable without consideration only if it is made between merchants and if it
is in writing. C and D are incorrect, however, because Brady gave consideration for
Sailor's promise.

81. C UCC Section 2-512 (2) specifically provides that where a contract calls for payment
prior to inspection, such payment does not constitute acceptance and does not impair the

buyer's right to inspect.

The requirement of payment prior to inspection is not an uncommon one, and therefore
not unconscionable, making A incorrect. Band D are incorrect because Dee Section 2-
512 (2) prevents pre-inspection payment from having these effects.

82. C Ordinarily, non-delivery by the seller entitles the buyer to damages consisting of the dif-
ference between the contract price and either the "cover price" or the reasonable mar-
ket value of the undelivered goods. Here, because the nuts delivered did not conform to
the agreement, Helth was entitled to return them. Since he has already paid the contract
price and has received nothing for his money, he is entitled to the return of what he paid
in addition to damages.

Specific performance, as suggested by A, is available only where the subject of the sales
contract is unique or cannot otherwise be obtained. Here there are no facts to suggest
that this is so. B is incorrect because it is the measure of damages for breach of war-
ranty, and is obviously insufficient to compensate Helth, since the small nuts have been
returned, but paid for. D is incorrect because it does not permit recovery for damages
resulting from Gro's breach.

83. A Since the promise to keep the offer open is unsupported by consideration, it is a gratu-
itous one, and therefore unenforceable.

Although Dee §2-205 makes certain "firm offers" between merchants enforceable
without consideration, at common law an option (i.e., promise to hold an offer open) is
not enforceable without consideration. B is incorrect because it is, thus, based on an
inaccurate statement of the law. C is incorrect because Dee provisions relating to "firm
offers" apply only when they are made by merchants. D is incorrect for these reasons,
and also because nothing in the language of Bertrand's letter indicates that Bertrand's
beginning law school is a condition for any of the obligations which might result from
the transaction. It clearly was not a condition precedent because performance was to
take place prior to the beginning of law school in mid-September.

84. D Bertrand's offer was for a unilateral contract. According to its terms, it could only be
accepted by performance consisting of delivery of the books to Bertrand's home. An
offer for a unilateral contract can be withdrawn at any time prior to the offeree's perfor-
mance or commencement of performance.

A is incorrect because an offer for a unilateral contract binds only one party (the promi-
sor) until accepted by performance. B and C are incorrect because an offer for a unilat-
eral contract cannot be accepted by any means other than performance.

85. A An offer is an expression of willingness to be bound to specified terms. Since both par-
ties were aware of the price and terms set forth in Bertrand's letter, Sylvester's state-
ment could be construed as an offer to sell the books to Bertrand under those same

Band C are incorrect because Bertrand's letter of July 8 bound him to purchase only if
the books were delivered to his home, so nothing but delivery could be regarded as

acceptance. D is incorrect because the performance required is delivery of the books,

and Sylvester has, by his statement, made no efforts toward such delivery.

86. B Although the Statute of Frauds might require a contract for the sale of goods with a
price of $1,000 to be in writing, the question only asks if Green's promise can be
viewed as consideration for Brown's promise. Consideration is something of value
which is bargained for and given in exchange for a promise. Since Green's promise to
deliver fire-fighting equipment is of obvious value to Brown, if given in return for
Brown's promise of payment, it is consideration for it.

A is incorrect because Green's prior services were not given in exchange for Brown's
promise. C is incorrect because the doctrine of promissory estoppel may make a con-
tract enforceable in the absence of consideration, but although detrimental reliance may
take the place of consideration, it is not consideration unless bargained-for. Although
the kind of written memorandum referred to in D sometimes satisfies the requirement of
a writing, it is not relevant to the question of consideration or the lack of it.

87. C Circumstances which make performance of a contractual obligation impossible excuse

such performance, but only if the circumstance could not have been foreseen by the
contracting parties at the time the contract was formed. If Shimmering Bay was fre-
quently subject to stormy conditions and choppy waters in the month of October, the
circumstance which prevented performance was foreseeable and would not excuse
Fixer's non performance. C is, therefore, correct.

Since Fixer must have known of his prior commitments at the time he contracted with
Bott, A is incorrect because the circumstances were, thus, foreseeable. B is incorrect
because Bott may have been damaged (e.g., by his inability to rent it or lend it to
friends) even though he himself was unable to use the yacht until March. Since the par-
ties understood that the work would be performed while the yacht was in the water,
Fixer cannot be required to remove it from the water. D is, therefore, incorrect.

88. B An assignment is only effective if the assignor has given up all rights under the assigned
contract. Thus, if Rocker has made an effective assignment, he no longer has any rights
against Groovy.

A is incorrect for several reasons: first, since the contract was for Rocker's business,
Rocker's infancy is probably irrelevant; second, even if Rocker's infancy at the time of
his contract with Groovy is relevant, it makes the contract voidable at Rocker's option,
not Groovy's; third, if Rocker's infancy invalidated the assignments, Groovy would not
benefit in Rocker's action against it. C is incorrect because the agreement was to pay for
the recording session whether or not a record was ever released. D is incorrect because
Rocker was probably a contractor rather than an employee, and because if the assign-
ments were held invalid, Groovy would have to pay Rocker.

89. C A condition precedent is an event which must occur before a party's obligation to per-
form under a contract becomes absolute. Since the agreement provided that Houser
would be under no obligation to pay unless he was satisfied with the product, satisfac-
tion was a condition precedent to his obligation to accept and pay for the door. Ordi-
narily, a contract making a buyer's satisfaction a condition precedent to his obligation is

held to require that the goods be satisfactory to the reasonable person (i.e., objective sat-
isfaction). Where, as here, however, the agreement calls for the design of something to
be personally identified with the buyer, it is more likely that the parties intended the
buyer's own personal satisfaction (i.e., subjective satisfaction) to be the standard. If so,
Houser's dissatisfaction with the product, so long as it was based on good faith, would
prevent Houser from being obligated to purchase the door. While it is not certain that a
court would come to this conclusion, the argument set forth in C is the only one listed
which could possibly support Houser's position.

A is incorrect because the statue of frauds does not apply to goods which are especially
designed for the buyer and which, therefore, would not be readily salable in the regular
course of business. A unilateral contract is one in which the promisor has agreed to do
something in return for a specified act by the promisee (i.e., a promise for an act), and,
therefore, one in which only one party is bound to perform. B is incorrect because the
agreement between Houser and Carver was an exchange of promises, each party's
promise being given in exchange for the other party's promise (i.e., a bilateral contract).
If Carver were able to sell the door to another buyer, her damages might be mitigated to
some extent. D is incorrect, however, because the mere possibility that damages might
thus be mitigated is not sufficient to defeat Carver's substantive rights.

90. B Under the Statute of Frauds, a contract for the sale of an interest in realty must be in
writing, and the writing must contain all essential terms. The price is an essential term
in a contract for the sale of realty because, without it, the court could not determine the
intentions of the parties or fashion relief in the event of a breach.

A is incorrect, since it suggests that the contract price could be determined by reference
to an external standard instead of to the intentions of the parties. Although UCC §2-
201(1) provides that a contract for the sale of goods may satisfy the Statute of Frauds
even if terms (other than quantity) are omitted. C is incorrect because that rule does not
apply to a contract for the sale of realty. D refers to the parol evidence rule, which
excludes certain oral testimony only if it contradicts the terms of a written agreement.
Oral testimony is not acceptable, however, to take the place of the writing required by
the Statute of Frauds. D is, therefore, incorrect.

91. A Specific performance is a remedy which may co-exist with the remedy of damages.
Thus, its availability does not depend on the availability of damages - liquidated or

B and C are, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect, since specific performance is available

as a remedy for the seller's breach of a contract for the sale of realty.

92. C A liquidated damages clause is enforceable (and does not constitute a penalty) if the
amount specified is reasonable in light of what the parties contemplated at the time the
contract was formed, if the actual damages would be difficult to ascertain, and if the liq-
uidated damages agreed to are tailored to the circumstances of the contract. Since living
expenses would be difficult to ascertain and since the clause calling for liquidated dam-
ages was tailored to the contract, the clause is enforceable if seventy-five dollars per day
was reasonable in light of what the parties contemplated at the time the contract was

A and B are incorrect since, if the liquidated damages clause is enforceable, Carter need
not show that he actually sustained or could not have avoided or mitigated the damage.
D is incorrect since a liquidated damages clause does not constitute a penalty just
because one of the parties hoped that it would encourage the other to perfonn on time.

93. B The parol evidence rule prohibits the admission of extrinsic evidence of a prior or con-
temporaneous agreement to contradict, vary, or modify the tenns of an unambiguous
written contract which the parties intended to be a final and complete expression of their
agreement. Almost all jurisdictions, however, permit extrinsic evidence to be used to
establish that the writing is ambiguous, and, if so, to explain the ambiguity.

A is incorrect since it does not recognize that oral testimony may be used to explain the
ambiguity. C is incorrect for the same reason, in spite of a general rule of construction
which requires the resolution of unexplained ambiguities against the party who drafted
the contract. D is incorrect since even if the writing was a complete expression of the
parties' agreement, oral testimony is admissible to explain ambiguities.

94. D A promise to forbear or abandon a civil claim in return for some payment by the prom-
isee is referred to as a compromise. The promise to forbear is sufficient consideration
for the promisee's promise to pay if the claim could have been asserted in good faith.
Although the facts do not indicate whether Ad believed in good faith that he had a claim
against Maggie, D is the only theory listed which might have any prospect of success.

A is incorrect, since Harold's promise was given in exchange for Ad's "promise to
make no claim," and a unilateral contract involves a promise which is given in
exchange for an act rather than a promise. B is incorrect, since the facts do not indicate
any unjust enrichment, and since, even if they did, unjust enrichment is not, alone,
enough to result in liability. C is incorrect since promissory estoppel requires detrimen-
tal reliance by the promisee, and there is no fact indicating detrimental reliance by Ad.

95. B Although Ad's forbearance might have been consideration for Harold's promise to pay,
the question specifically asks whether Doc's services are sufficient consideration. Con-
sideration involves a bargained-for exchange, and since Harold did not ask Doc for the
services, they cannot be said to have been "bargained-for." (Note: Although some cases
allow recovery on another theory for services like those rendered by Doc, to the extent
necessary to prevent injustice, such services are not "consideration" unless bargained-

The services rendered may have imposed a moral obligation upon Harold, but A is
incorrect because it is generally understood that a moral obligation is not sufficient con-
sideration for a promise. C is incorrect because even a material benefit is insufficient to
serve as consideration unless it was bargained-for. D is incorrect for two reasons: first,
courts do not generally inquire into the adequacy of that which was given as consider-
ation; and, second, since there was no bargain, it does not matter whether the services
rendered were adequate.

96. C The law implies a promise to pay reasonable value for services which are rendered with
some reasonable expectation of compensation. Here, however, the conversation which

took place between Doc and Wand makes it clear that at the time Doc rendered the ser-
vices, he had no expectation - reasonable or otherwise - of being compensated.

A "good Samaritan" statute, where it exists, protects a doctor against liability for negli-
gence if he or she voluntarily and without expectation of payment renders emergency
aid, but it has no other effect. A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect since quantum
meruit is available only where the services are rendered with a reasonable expectation
of payment, and Doc had no such expectation at the time the services were rendered. D
is incorrect since Wand was not a party to any agreement which may have been made
between Ad and Harold. Therefore, although Ad may be bound by that agreement in
dealing with Harold, the agreement is not relevant to Ad's rights against Wand.

97. A An offer for a unilateral contract involves an offer to exchange a promise for an act.
Since the notice offered a prize to the student achieving the highest GPA and did not ask
students to make any promise or agreement that they would do so, it was a promise
offered in return for an act.

B is therefore incorrect. C is incorrect, since the offeror has the sole power to decide
whether its offer can be accepted by an act or a promise. D is incorrect since once Val
achieved the highest GPA in her class, there was nothing further for her to do, and so it
could not be said that she was now obligated to perform, as she would be under a bilat-
eral contract.

98. D Although an offer can ordinarily be withdrawn by the offeror at any time prior to its
acceptance, the Restatement Rule is that an offer for a unilateral contract cannot be
withdrawn once the offeree has begun to perform. Thus, if Val began making extra
efforts in an attempt to win the prize, Pubco was prevented from withdrawing the offer.

A and B are, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because an offer for a unilateral contract
can only be accepted by performance, making Val's letter irrelevant.

99. B Since the promisor in a unilateral contract has called for acceptance by performance of
an act, the promisee's performance is consideration for it.

A is incorrect, since promissory estoppel applies only where there has been no consider-
ation. Since there is no rule of law which requires a law student to use her best efforts
while in law school, C is incorrect. D is incorrect since a gift is something given without
consideration, and, here, Val's performance was consideration for Pubco's promise.

100. B Under UCC Section 2-603, after rightful rejection of non-conforming goods in the
buyer's possession, a merchant buyer is required to comply with the seller's reasonable
instructions. If no such instructions are forthcoming, and if the goods are perishable, the
buyer may make attempts to sell the goods on the seller's account in a commercially
reasonable manner. Because of the perishable nature of this product, it might be reason-
able to accept a price lower than that which the seller ordinarily receives.

A is therefore incorrect. C is incorrect because, even though Cohen was not obligated to
pay, she was entitled to sell on Darry's account. D is incorrect, since a private sale may
be commercially reasonable.

101. B Even if a claim is invalid, a promise to abandon it may be consideration for another's
promise of payment if the claim could have been asserted in good faith. If Sewco did
not believe that it was entitled to the patent rights, it could not have asserted its claim in
good faith, and its promise to abandon the claim would not have been consideration for
Pat's promise.

If Sewco's claim was asserted in good faith, abandonment of the claim was consider-
ation for Pat's promise of payment, regardless of whether the employment contract was
enforceable. A is therefore incorrect. C is incorrect, since it indicates that Sewco's
promise to abandon the claim was made in good faith, which would make it good con-
sideration for Pat's promise. D is incorrect because abandonment of an invalid claim
may be consideration for a promise to pay, so long as the person abandoning the claim
believes in good faith that it is a valid one.

102. C The term "EO.B." requires the seller to deliver the goods on board the carrier at the
place specified, and the risk of loss does not pass to the buyer until the seller has done
so. Since this contract was "EO.B. Billy's factory," Sally's obligation was to deliver it
there, and the risk of loss did not pass until she did so.

A and B are, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect for two reasons: first, the term "public
enemy" refers to a person, group, or nation waging war against the United States; and,
second, because while interference by a public enemy might relieve a seller of the obli-
gation to deliver, it does not pass the risk of loss to a buyer.

103. D When a promise is made with the intent that its benefit flow to a third person that person
is an intended beneficiary of the promise. When that benefit is intended to satisfy an
obligation which the promisee owes to the third party, the third party is an intended
creditor beneficiary. According to the Restatement 2d, a promise is enforceable by an
intended creditor beneficiary when he relies upon or assents to the arrangement. Since
the beneficiary is presumed to have assented when notified of the contract, and since
Payne notified Bild, Bild may enforce Sal's promise, even though there is no privity
between them.

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect for two reasons: first, because non-assignability
would prevent the assignee from recovering, but could not be raised as a defense by that
assignee; and, second, because obligations under a construction contract may generally
be assigned to any competent contractor. C is incorrect because the pre-existing obliga-
tion which Payne owed Bild, and which the Payne-Sal contract was designed to satisfy,
made Bild a creditor rather than a donee beneficiary.

104. A If a contract is made with the intention of benefiting a third party to whom neither of the
contracting parties owes any obligation, that third party is referred to as an intended
donee beneficiary of the contract. Since Mut's intention was to give a wedding gift to
Debra and Sal, Sal is an intended donee beneficiary. In some jurisdictions, a donee ben-
eficiary may only enforce a promise on which he has detrimentally relied. In others he
may enforce it if he has assented to it. The Restatement view is that he may enforce it if
he relied or assented. But if, as here, he has done neither, he has no right to enforce the

A condition precedent is an event which must occur before a party's obligation to per-
form becomes absolute. Ordinarily, it results from an express or implied agreement
between the parties. Since Sal's agreement to paint the house was made after Mut's
agreement to convey, Sal's performance could not have been intended to be a condition
to Mut's obligation. B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because when Mut entered
into the January I contract with Payne, it was for the purpose of giving a wedding gift to
Sal as well as Debra. D is incorrect for two reasons: first, the agreement between Mut
and Payne probably did not create any fiduciary relationship between them; and, sec-
ond, Payne's agreement with Bild was not inconsistent with any right or benefit to
which Mut was entitled.

105. A Since a contract is a meeting of minds, a person who does not know the legal conse-
quences of her act is incapable of contracting. Where the incapacity results from intoxi-
cation, some jurisdictions require proof that the other party was aware of the
intoxication and the resulting incapacity. Although it is not dear whether Barbara was
sufficiently aware of Susan's incapacity, the additional fact in A is the only one listed
which could help Susan's defense.

So long as Susan knew the legal consequences of her act, her motivation is irrelevant. B
is, therefore, incorrect. So long as the consideration given for a promise has value,
courts, recognizing that contracting parties may be motivated by factors other than mon-
etary worth, do not usually inquire into the sufficiency of that value. For this reason, C
is incorrect. Although an offeror may withdraw an offer at any time prior to acceptance,
D is incorrect for two reasons: first, such withdrawal is not effective until communi-
cated to the offeree; and, second, the facts suggest that a contract was formed when the
napkin was signed, making a subsequent attempt at revocation ineffective.

106. A Specific performance of a sales contract will be granted where money damages which
would accurately compensate cannot be measured because the subject of the sale is rare
or unique. Since the car was a rare antique, specific performance might be available.
Although it is not certain that a court would decide to grant such relief, A is the only
remedy listed which could possibly be granted.

If a court awarded damages, they would be based on the difference between the contract
price and the fair market value of the car. B is incorrect because it does not accurately
measure the damage. C is incorrect because, while Barbara may elect damages or spe-
cific performance, she may not receive both. D is incorrect since there is no relationship
between five hundred dollars and the damage sustained by Barbara.

107. C Although a court may reform a contract by filling in a missing term in accordance with
the manifest intent of the parties, it may not create a contract where the writing fails to
indicate that the parties had the intent of creating one. The January 5 document leaves
the price term to subsequent agreement after determining reasonable value. It does not
indicate that reasonable value will be the price or set forth any method by which the sale
price is to be determined. It is an "agreement to agree," and as such does not manifest
an intention to be bound to any particular terms.

A and B are, therefore, incorrect. Specific performance may be available in an action for

breach of a contract for the sale of a chattel if the chattel is unique. Since a trained, talk-
ing bird is probably unique, D is incorrect.

108. A By its terms the VCC applies to all transactions in "goods," which are defined as any
things which are movable at the time of the sale.

The VCC provides approaches for filling in certain missing terms, but the absence or
presence of any particular terms in a contract does not determine whether the VCC
applies. B is, therefore, incorrect Cand n are incorrect since nothing iIi the VCC defi-
nition of "goods" excludes living creatures or consumer items (i.e., items purchased for
the buyer's own use).

109. C Losses which are normal but not inevitable results of breach of contract (e.g., Ben's
claim of lost business resulting from non-delivery of the station wagon) are called "con-
sequential damages" and may be recovered if they were foreseeable to the parties at the
time the contract was made, and if they could not have been mitigated by the aggrieved
party. If Ben could have traveled to the customers' premises by renting a car or by using
one of the company pickup trucks, Car Sales would not be responsible for damages
resulting from his failure to mitigate consequential damages by doing so.

A is incorrect because Ben had advised the sales person that he needed to use the station
wagon for his business, making business losses foreseeable. B is incorrect because
impossibility only excuses performance if it results from factors not within the reason-
able contemplation of the parties at the time the contract was formed. Here, both parties
knew that Car Sales Inc was planning to order the station wagon from Ferris, and could
have anticipated that Ferris might not deliver the car on time. D is incorrect since conse-
quential damages are available in actions for breach of a sales contract.

110. C The standard measure of damages for seller's breach of contract consists of the differ-
ence between the contract price and the reasonable market value. Based on this measure
alone, there might be no damages to Car Sales Inc. But the victim of a seller's breach
may also recover consequential damages. These consist of foreseeable losses which
could not have been avoided by mitigation, and which resulted from the special position
in which the breach placed the buyer. Here, since Ferris knew that the station wagon
was being ordered for resale, and that the sale would probably fall through if the car was
not delivered on time, Car Sales Inc's loss was a foreseeable one. Since Car Sales Inc
could not have gotten the car any other way, it may recover for the profit lost through its
inability to complete the sale to Ben.

A is incorrect because liability for breach of contract does not depend on the reasonable-
ness of the defendant's conduct and may be imposed even if the breach was reasonable.
B and D are incorrect, since they ignore the possibility of consequential damages.

111. A Even though no contract exists, a party can recover from another on a quasi-contract
(i.e., contract implied-in-law) theory when she rendered a service to the other with the
reasonable expectation of compensation. Thus, if Meder had a reasonable expectation
of payment at the time she rendered medical services to Hart, she may recover on a
quasi-contract theory.

A contract is implied-in-fact when, although the parties have not expressed agreement,
their intent to enter into a mutually binding bargain is evident from their conduct and the
surrounding circumstances. Since Hart remained unconscious for the entire period dur-
ing which Meder rendered services, he could not have acted in a way which manifested
the intent to make a binding contract. B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because
quasi-contract recovery is usually based on the value of the detriment sustained by the
plaintiff, rather than that of the benefit received by the defendant. Where they exist,
"good Samaritan" statutes protect physicians against negligence liability in connection
with treatment which they render without expectation of compensation at accident or
other emergency scenes. Although "good Samaritan" statutes do not extend this protec-
tion to a physician who charges for her services, they do not prevent her from doing so.
D is, therefore, incorrect.

112. C A contract for the lease of realty is not illegal even though the lessee might have an ille-
gal activity in mind when he enters into the lease.

Ordinarily, the courts will not aid either party to an illegal contract, unless the party
seeking relief was not equally guilty (i.e., in pari delicto) with the other party. A and B
are incorrect, however, because the contract to lease realty did not have an illegal pur-
pose. D is incorrect because impossibility excuses performance only if it is brought
about through no fault of the breaching party.

113. A Prospective inability to perform arises when a party to a contract, by his own conduct,
divests himself of the power to perform. Although this is not necessarily a breach which
would entitle the other party to damages, all jurisdictions agree that prospective inabil-
ity to perform excuses the other party's performance if she has justifiably and detrimen-
tally relied on it. Here, Maxine's purpose was to gain a tax advantage which required the
investment of exactly $4,000. Since her knowledge that Gale had already sold the paint-
ing probably made it reasonable for her to believe that Gale would not be able to deliver
it to her as promised, she was justified in relying on Gale's prospective inability by
investing the $4,000 in sculpture. Maxine's non-performance is, therefore, excused.

B is incorrect because contract liability in general, and the doctrine of prospective

inability in particular, operate regardless of fault. C is incorrect because there is no indi-
cation that Maxine knew or should have known of the existence of the re-acquisition
clause and because, in any event, the uncertainty of Gale's re-acquisition of the painting
probably justified Maxine's reliance on the prospective inability. Since Gale delivered
the painting to Maxine as promised, it is true that no breach occurred and that Gale
might not be liable to Maxine. But D is incorrect because Maxine's performance was
excused as explained above.

114. A Although Maxine's refusal to accept the painting is excused by her reinvestment of the
money in reliance on of Gale's prospective inability to perform, her refusal of Gale's
tender discharges Gale from further obligation to perform.

B is incorrect since Gale's obligation to deliver is not dependent on Maxine's reason for
making the purchase. C and D are incorrect since Maxine's refusal to accept delivery
constitutes a waiver of any specific performance rights which she otherwise might have

115. A An offer is a manifestation of willingness to be bound to specified terms which gives an

offeree the power to create a contract by accepting. Since an advertisement rarely does
this, it is usually regarded as a mere invitation rather than as an offer unless the circum-
stances indicate that the party who published the advertisement did so with the intent of
empowering another to tum it into a binding contract simply by accepting it. Usually,
such an intent is found only where the advertisement indicates the number of items on
sale and contains words indicating an intent to be bound. Here, the phrase "While they
last" makes clear that a reader of the advertisement does not have the power to tum it
into a binding contract by accepting, and so indicates an intent not to be bound.

B, C and D are incorrect because the language used indicates an intent not to be bound
to any person who responds.

116. D There have been two assignments: Gru assigned contract benefits to New; Muse
assigned contract benefits and delegated contract obligations to Bro. Unless specifically
released by the obligee, an assignor remains liable for obligations under the contract.
Gru, thus, continues to be obligated under the contract. Bro's right, however, depends
upon whether the assignment to him by Muse was valid. Usually an assignment and
delegation is invalid if the obligation which it purports to delegate is the performance of
personal services. This is because the services performed by the assignee cannot be
identical to those of the assignor, and the obligee, therefore, would not be receiving
what he had bargained for. (Note: Since making music is an art, a contract for a musical
performance is generally regarded as one for personal services, and therefore is not

A is incorrect, since it is usually understood that benefits of a contract may be freely

assigned. It is true that such an assignment will be regarded as ineffective if it results in
the imposition of a burden on the obligor which is heavier than that to which he origi-
nally agreed. Here, however, the wedding was at the same place and on the same day, so
the burden remained the same. The statement in B is irrelevant since Gru assigned only
the benefit of the contract, but retained the obligation to pay. C contains an incorrect
statement since only a novation - requiring consent by the other party - would relieve
the assignor of obligations under a contract.

117. C Since Gru's assignment to New did not increase the burden of Muse, it was valid, and
New is entitled to the performance to which Gru was entitled. Since the contract called
for music to be played by Muse, music played by Bro would not satisfy Muse's obliga-
tion unless it was identical to music played by Muse. The contract would, thus, have
been breached. Unless he is specifically released by the obligee, an assignor is liable for
breach of the contract. For these reasons, Muse would be liable to New under the condi-
tion set forth in C.

D is, therefore, incorrect. So long as assignment of a contract benefit does not increase
the other party's burden, it is effective in spite of a clause which prohibits assignment. A
is, therefore, incorrect. B is factually inaccurate since the wedding was to take place on
the same day and at the same place as originally agreed.

118. D A condition subsequent is an event which, by agreement of the parties, discharges a


duty of performance that had already become absolute. The language of the sales agree-
ment makes it clear that Suzanne's promise to have the downstairs apartment vacated
was to be performed prior to payment by Balbo. Since it could not be undone once it
was performed, there can be no condition subsequent to it. Thus, D is an inaccurate

A, B, and C are accurate statements since performances which are to be exchanged

simultaneously are usually found to be concurrently conditioned on each other.

119. B When a contract calls for performance by one party prior to performance by the other,
the first party's performance is generally held to be a condition precedent to the other
party's performance. A condition precedent is an event without which a party's obliga-
tion does not become absolute. Since the contract provided that Balbo's obligation was
void if the downstairs apartment was not vacant within three months after the transfer of
title, vacancy of the downstairs apartment was an express condition precedent to
Balbo's obligation to pay the additional two thousand dollars. An obligor's obligation is
discharged upon failure of a condition precedent to it.

A is incorrect since Suzanne is no longer the owner of the premises and therefore lacks
standing to bring a proceeding to evict Tenn. C is incorrect because the contract speci-
fies that in the event the apartment remained occupied, Balbo's remedy is to avoid his
obligation to pay the additional two thousand dollars. D is incorrect because the contract
specifically provides that Balbo's obligation to pay the additional two thousand dollars
is non-existent if the apartment is not vacant within three months after the passage of

120. A vee Section 2-102 provides that "this Article applies to transactions in goods."
Although many of the sections of Article 2 create special rules for transactions involv-
ing merchants, many other sections apply to all transactions in goods, whether the par-
ties are merchants or not. Therefore, B is incorrect. C is incorrect because many
commercial transactions (e.g., sales of realty) are not "transactions in goods" and,
therefore, are not covered by Article 2. D is incorrect because transactions in services
are not covered by Article 2.

121. C A promise which is unenforceable for lack of consideration or because it fails to satisfy
the requirements of the Statute of Frauds may nevertheless be enforceable under the
doctrine of promissory estoppel if the promisee justifiably relied upon it to his detri-
ment. If, however, no express or implied promise was made to the plaintiff, then prom-
issory estoppel is not applicable. Although it is not certain that the trier of the facts
would find that no promise was implied, the argument in C is the only one listed which
could possibly support Wanda's position.

A person who acts without having been asked to and under circumstances such that his
action was not called for by the situation is sometimes referred to as an "officious inter-
meddler" and is prevented from receiving compensation for his performance. A is
incorrect because Wanda asked for help, and also because the emergency called for
Robinson's action. In a claim based on promissory estoppel, the promisee's recovery is
not based on the value received by the promisor but on either the promise made by the
promisor or the detriment sustained by the promisee. Thus, the value of Pilot's life is not

relevant to Robinson's claim and B is incorrect. D is incorrect because under the doc-
trine of promissory estoppel a promise may be enforceable without consideration.

122. C An offer is a manifestation of the offeror's willingness to enter into a contract on the
terms specified. It is sometimes said that a communication is an offer if an acceptance is
the only thing necessary to tum it into a binding contract. The language used by Ansel
- "Are you still interested?" -leaves some doubt about whether the letter expressed
a willingness to be bound. Some courts might find that it does; some courts might find
that it does not. But if a court held that the letter was not an offer, C is the only reason
listed which would justify that conclusion.

An acceptance is an unconditional manifestation of willingness to be bound by the

terms of an offer, and is, therefore, the last step which must be taken to form a contract.
Ansel obviously did not intend his letter to result in a contract since he asked Collard to
let him know whether he was still interested and whether the price was acceptable.
Thus, even if Collard's letter of March 11 was an offer - which is doubtful- Ansel's
letter of April 17 could not have been an acceptance of it. For this reason A is incorrect.
Under the UCC, the omission of terms in what would otherwise be a contract implies
reasonable terms. Specifically, the omission of a payment term implies that full payment
is to be made at the time and place of delivery. B is, therefore, incorrect. Similarly, an
offer which omits to indicate how acceptance should be made implies that acceptance
may be made by any reasonable means. D is, therefore, incorrect.

123. A A contract is formed upon acceptance of an offer. Thus, if Ansel's letter of April 17 was
an offer, a contract was formed if Collard's acceptance was effective before the offer
was revoked. Ordinarily, an acceptance is effective upon dispatch if communicated in a
manner authorized by the offer. Since an offer which does not specify a means of com-
municating acceptance authorizes acceptance in any reasonable manner, a contract was
formed on April 21, when Collard dispatched the telegram, if sending a telegram was a
reasonable way of communicating acceptance.

Good faith means honesty and fair dealing. B is incorrect because there is no indication
that Ansel failed to act in good faith. C is incorrect because an offer not specifying a
means of acceptance authorizes acceptance in any reasonable manner. Revocation of an
offer is effective when notice is received by the offeror. Since Ansel did not notify Col-
lard of his change of mind, it could not have effected a revocation. Thus, D is incorrect.

124. A Under UCC Section 2-204, an agreement sufficient to constitute a contract for sale may
be found even though the moment of its making is undetermined. Conduct by both par-
ties which recognizes the existence of a contract may be sufficient to establish an agree-
ment. Although it may be difficult to determine which communication was an offer and
which communication was an acceptance, the fact is that after receiving a telegram in
which Manson agreed to pay $16,000 for the settee, Ansel shipped it to Manson. There
is nothing equivocal about Manson's language; its meaning is clear - Manson was
willing to pay $16,000 for the piece. Ansel must have intended to be bound by the terms
of Manson's telegrams, or he would not have shipped after receiving it. Thus, Ansel's
shipment in response to Manson's telegram indicates that a contract existed.

B and C are incorrect because the conduct of the parties indicates that a contract was

formed, whether or not any particular communication can be regarded as an offer or as

an acceptance. Sometimes a prior course of dealing is used to help interpret the lan-
guage and conduct of the parties. D is incorrect, however, because the meaning of their
language and conduct is not in doubt.

125. A Ordinarily, a promise is not enforceable unless it is supported by consideration. Consid-

eration is something which is bargained for and given in exchange for the promise.
Although consideration frequently is found in some benefit conferred upon a promisor
in exchange for a promise, it is generally understood that a detriment suffered by the
promisee is sufficient consideration for a promise if it was bargained for and given in
exchange for that promise. Since Francis desired for Amy to be near him, he promised
to give her a franchise if she would move to Westlake and live near him. Whether or not
Francis gained any benefit from her move, Amy suffered the detriment of moving from
her home to Westlake. This detriment, having been bargained for in exchange for Fran-
cis's promise, is sufficient to satisfy the requirement of consideration.

A promise which is unsupported by consideration may be enforceable anyway under the

doctrine of promissory estoppel if the promisee justifiably relied on it to her detriment.
B is incorrect, however, because Francis' promise was supported by consideration, and
the doctrine of promissory estoppel applies only in the absence of consideration. It is
sometimes argued that where a promise is made to confer a benefit on another person in
return for some act which is of no benefit to the promisor, the promise is one for a con-
ditional gift, and is therefore unenforceable. This argument does not apply, however,
where the detriment suffered by the promisee was something which the promisor
wanted and was an inducement for the promisor's promise. Since Francis desired for
Amy to live near him in Westlake, and since it was this desire which motivated his
promise to her, C is incorrect. Affection is not enough to support a promise and cannot
serve as consideration, because it is not something bargained for in exchange for a
promise. D is incorrect, however, because the promise made by Francis was given not
merely out of affection for Amy, but to induce Amy to move to Westlake.

126. D Section 2-601 of the VCC provides that if goods delivered fail in any respect to conform
to the contract of sale, the buyer may reject the whole, accept the whole, or accept any
commercial units (i.e., quantities which may be sold commercially without substantially
impairing their value) and reject the rest. I and II are, therefore, correct. Section 2-607
provides that acceptance does not of itself impair any other remedy for non-conformity.
Since Section 2-714 permits a buyer to recover damages resulting from the non-confor-
mity of accepted goods III is also correct.

127. D If the circumstances which resulted in destruction of the structure excused performance
by Bilden, his refusal to continue was not a breach. Since, however, he did not perform
as promised, his only remedy would be in quasi-contract. If the circumstances did not
excuse performance by Bilden, his refusal to continue was a breach. Even a breaching
builder may be entitled to a quasi-contract remedy, however, if the owner of the pre-
mises received some benefit as a result of his work. In either event, Bilden's recovery
would be limited to the value of the benefit received by Owwens. Since the structure
was completely destroyed, Owwens received no benefit from Bilden's work. Bilden is,
therefore, not entitled to any recovery.

A seller's damages for the buyer's breach of a contract for the sale of goods may consist
of the difference between the contract price and the market value of the goods. The
measure of damages expressed in A seems to be based on this rule, but is incorrect
because it is not an accurate statement of that rule, and because this is not a contract for
the sale of goods. B and C are incorrect because quasi-contract damages are measured
by the benefit received by the defendant, and Owwens received no benefit at all.

128. D A condition precedentto a contractual obligation is an event which must occur before a
party will be under a duty to pef'fortn. Real estate· brokerage contracts frequently make
the broker's commission due upon her producing a buyer who is "ready, willing, and
able" to purchase on the agreed terms. In the contract by which Salzburger agreed to
pay a 6 percent commission to Ritchie, however, there were two express conditions pre-
cedent to Salzburger's obligation to pay. First, the commission was only due if the
house was sold to a buyer who made an offer during a two-month period beginning Sep-
tember 1. Second, the commission was only due upon the closing of title. Although
Ritchie found a buyer during the agreed period, the house was not sold to that buyer. In
addition, title did not close. Since there was a failure of these conditions precedent,
Salzburger's obligation to pay Ritchie's commission never became absolute, and
Ritchie is entitled to no recovery from Salzburger.

A, B, and C are, therefore, incorrect.

129. B Under the Statute of Frauds, a promise to pay the debt of another is unenforceable over
objection unless it is written and signed by the party to be charged. Thus, if Sante's
statement was a promise to pay Burdy's debt to Crowley, it would be unenforceable
under the Statute of Frauds. (Note: While it is unlikely that a trier of facts would come
to that conclusion, the language of B requires the assumption that it would.)

A is incorrect because, although the Statute of Frauds requires an agreement for the sale
of goods with a price of $500 or more to be in writing, this provision does not apply to
loan agreements. C is incorrect because ifthe offer accepted by Crowley was an offer to
pay the debt of another, the Statute of Frauds would require a writing. Although a check
may be a writing sufficient to satisfy the requirements of the Statute of Frauds, D is
incorrect because Crowley's check was not signed by Sante, and Sante is the party
whom Crowley seeks to charge.

130. A One who will derive a benefit from a contract to which he is not a party is a third party
beneficiary of that contract. If the contracting parties meant for their contract to benefit
him, he is an intended third party beneficiary. At some point, an intended third party
beneficiary may acquire the right to enforce the contract even though he was not a party
to it. Some jurisdictions hold that he acquires that right upon learning of the contract;
others hold that he acquires that right upon justifiably and detrimentally relying on the
contract; still others hold that he acquires the right either upon relying or upon assenting
to the contract. All agree, however, that justified and detrimental reliance by an intended
third party beneficiary gives him the right to enforce the contract. If Samuel relied on
the agreement between Marilyn and Fred by cancelling his contract to purchase a resi-
dence, he is entitled to enforce the agreement against Fred's estate.

If the benefit to a third party was intended to fulfill an obligation which one of the con-

tracting parties owed him, the third party is referred to as a creditor beneficiary. Other-
wise the third party is a donee beneficiary. B is incorrect because the distinction is based
on the intentions of the contracting parties at the time the contract was formed, and
because neither Marilyn nor Fred owed Samuel an obligation which was to be satisfied
by leaving him the realty. Samuel was, thus, a donee beneficiary of the contract between
Marilyn and Fred. C is incorrect, however, because a donee beneficiary may enforce a
contract if the contracting parties intended to confer a benefit on him (subject to the
above rules regarding the rights of intended third party beneficiaries). If, by its terms, an
agreement is not capable of being perfonned within one year, the Statute of Frauds
requires a writing. Since the agreement between Marilyn and Fred was in writing, its
enforceability does not depend on whether it could be performed within one year. D is
therefore incorrect.

131. B Although a mutual mistake may prevent the formation of a contract because it may
result in a lack of assent, a unilateral mistake does not have that effect. In the majority
of jurisdictions, a party is not excused from performance because of a unilateral mistake
unless the other party knew or should have known of it. Thus, if Bilder knew or should
have known of Wirco's mistake, Wirco's performance would be excused.

A is incorrect because Wirco's unilateral mistake alone would not excuse performance
unless Bilder knew or should have known of it. Since the agreement between Bilder and
Wirco was made after Bilder had bid on the renovation project, their rights should not
be determined by what Bilder contemplated when bidding. C is therefore incorrect. If
Bilder knew of the mistake made by Wirco in calculating its price, Wirco is excused
from performance even though it could have performed without sustaining a loss. If
Bilder did not know of the mistake, Wirco's performance would not be excused, even if
such performance would result in a loss. The condition expressed in D is, therefore,
irrelevant, and D is incorrect.

132. C An offer is rejected when the offeror receives notice of the offeree's intent not to accept
it. Rejection of an offer terminates the offeree's power of acceptance. Since Elco's offer
was to do all the electrical work on the renovation job, Bilder's contract with Wirco was
inconsistent with an acceptance by Bilder of Elco's offer. If Elco learned of Bilder's
contract with Wirco, it was justified in concluding that Bilder had rejected its offer.

Although Dee §2-205 makes enforceable without consideration a written promise by a

merchant to hold open an offer regarding the sale of goods, that section is inapplicable
to a contract for services. A and B are, therefore, incorrect. Although reliance by Bilder
might make enforceable without consideration Elco's promise to hold the offer open,
Bilder's failure to rely is not the only thing which would relieve Elco of liability (as seen
in option C). D is, therefore, incorrect.

133. B An effective assignment transfers all of the assignor's rights to the assignee. If Dataflo
made an effective assignment of her rights under the contract with Kunkel and Will-
iams, she can no longer enforce those rights, and the court must find against her.

Since the contract called for payment of $5,000 within 30 days after installation of the
hardware, and did not require design of the software until several months later, the par-
ties could not have intended design or its commencement to be conditions precedent to

payment. A is, therefore, not an effective argument. C is incorrect because the contract
apportioned $6,000 to the value of the hardware, making the obligation to pay (at least
the initial $5,000) unrelated to fulfillment of other obligations under the contract. A
divisible contract is one in which separate obligations are regarded as separately
enforceable agreements. If this contract was divisible, then the obligation to pay for the
hardware already delivered would not be dependent on any other obligation. D is incor-
rect because this argument would hurt, rather than help, Kunkel and Williams' cause.

134. D An obligor is discharged of liability to the obligee's assignee to the extent of any pay-
ments made to the original obligee prior to notice of the assignment. Thus, if Kunkel
and Williams paid $5,000 to Dataflo before being advised that Dataflo had assigned her
rights to Antun, they could not be required to pay that sum to Antun.

Since the $5,000 in question was payment for computer hardware which had already
been delivered, the fact that Antun might not be capable of carrying out any of the other
obligations under the contract is not relevant to her right to collect. A is, therefore,
incorrect. In general, all rights under a contract are assignable, so a contract which is
silent about the right to assign, impliedly permits assignment. B is, therefore, incorrect.
A modification of a contract occurs when the parties agree to change the performance
required. An assignment is a transfer of contract rights. Since assignment of a right does
not change the performance required, the right asserted by Antun was not the result of a
modification. C is, therefore, incorrect.

135. A Under uee Section 2-210, a party to a contract may treat the other party's delegation of
duties as a reasonable ground for insecurity, and may demand assurances from the dele-
gatee. Until assurances are furnished in response to that demand, the obligee may sus-
pend his own performance. Having demanded assurances from McOwen, Kunkel and
Williams were under no obligation to furnish specifications until they received those

B is incorrect because the assignee of a contract steps into the shoes of the assignor,
receiving whatever rights the assignor had, in spite of the fact that the assignee is not
actually in privity with the obligor. Although the delegator of duties under a contract
continues to be liable to her obligee, this liability is generally regarded as secondary. For
this reason, without losing rights against the delegator, the obligee is entitled to demand
assurances from the delegatee as explained above. C is, therefore, incorrect. D is incor-
rect because performance of conditions by Kunkel and Williams was suspended pend-
ing receipt of assurances from McOwen.

136. A An anticipatory repudiation is an unequivocal statement that she will not perform made
by a party before performance is due under a contract. Upon a party's anticipatory repu-
diation, the other party has an immediate right to sue for breach of contract. In general
all duties under a contract are delegable, except those which call for personal services or
special skills. Since the design of a software program required special skills and knowl-
edge, Dataflo lacked the right to delegate that duty to McOwen, and Dataflo continued
to be under an obligation to perform. Her statement on August 16 was, thus, an anticipa-
tory repudiation, giving Kunkel and Williams an immediate right of action against her.

B is incorrect because an assignment of all rights under a contract is generally under-


stood to delegate all duties under that contract. Since anticipatory repudiation results in
an immediate right of action, the fact that perfonnance is not yet due does not prevent a
suit for breach on that ground. C is, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because the duty
to design a program involved personal services and special skills, so even though it was
delegated by Dataflo's sale to McOwen, the delegation did not relieve Dataflo of her
duties under the contract.

137. C Even after a valid delegation of contractual duties, the delegator is secondarily obli-
gated. I is, therefore correct. Persons who will deriv~ a benefit from a contract to which
they are not parties are third party beneficiaries of that contract. If the parties to the con-
tract intended for those third party beneficiaries to benefit, they are intended third party
beneficiaries. If one of the purposes of the contracting parties was to satisfy an obliga-
tion owed by one of them to third party beneficiaries, then they are creditor beneficia-
ries of the contract. Intended creditor beneficiaries may enforce a contract even though
they were not parties to it. The assignment of rights under a contract implies a delega-
tion of duties as well. Since Dataflo assigned her rights (and therefore delegated her
duties) under the contract with Kunkel and Williams to McOwen, Kunkel and Williams
were intended creditor third party beneficiaries of the agreement between Dataflo and
McOwen, and can enforce it against McOwen even without privity. II is, therefore, cor-

138. D Vnder the parol evidence rule, extrinsic evidence of prior or contemporaneous agree-
ments or negotiations is inadmissible if offered to contradict the tenns of an unambigu-
ous written contract which was intended by the parties to be the complete expression of
their agreement. If, however, the tenns of a writing are ambiguous, evidence of prior or
contemporaneous discussions may be admissible to clear up. the ambiguity. Since the
language of this writing could reasonably be understood to mean what each party claims
it means, it is ambiguous. Thus, the evidence is offered to explain rather than contradict
the tenns of the writing, and is admissible for that purpose.

A is, therefore, incorrect. Although the vee provides that evidence of a prior course of
dealing or of usage in the trade may be admitted to explain even an apparently unambig-
uous contract, B and C are incorrect because these are not the only kinds of evidence
which are admissible.

139. C Ordinarily, a promise is unenforceable unless supported by consideration. Since consid-

eration involves a bargained-for exchange, a preexisting obligation cannot serve as con-
sideration for a new promise, since it was not given in exchange for that promise.
Except for the $250 per month which Zooloo was already obligated to pay Victoria,
Zooloo gave nothing in return for Victoria's promise to deliver the tiger. Thus, Victo-
ria's promise was unsupported by consideration, and is, therefore, unenforceable.

A is incorrect for two reasons: first, the vee defines "merchant" in tenns of the sale of
goods, not services, so there can be no merchant as to the sale of services; second, the
requirement of consideration is not suspended when one of the parties to a promise is a
merchant. vee Section 2-209 provides that an agreement modifying a contract under
vee Article 2 needs no consideration to be binding. B is incorrect, however, because
under vee Section 2-102, Article 2 applies only to transactions in goods. Since the
original contract between Victoria and Zooloo was for veterinary services, it does not

come under Article 2. Therefore, Section 2-209 does not apply to the attempted modifi-
cation. D is incorrect because an agreement to modify a contract need not be in writing
to be valid unless the contract, as modified, comes within the provisions of the Statute
of Frauds. Since the Statute of Frauds requires a contract for the sale of goods with a
price of $500 or more to be in writing, and since this agreement - even as modified -
called for services, and goods without a price of $500 or more, it does not fall within the
provisions of the Statute of Frauds.

140. D Under uec Section 2-209 an agreement· to modify a contract fof the sale of goods
needs no consideration to be binding. Since a contract for the sale of a tiger is a contract
for the sale of goods, the agreement which Victoria made to "throw in a pig" for Borah
is binding and may be enforced by Zooloo.

A, B, and C are incorrect because the provisions of Section 2-209 do not distinguish
contracts between merchants from contracts between non-merchants.

141. A Under uee Section 2-606, acceptance occurs when the buyer fails to make an effective
rejection. Under Section 2-602 rejection must be made within a reasonable time after
delivery and is ineffective unless the buyer seasonably notifies the seller. Since Benson
was aware of the nonconformity the day the boards were delivered, but failed to notify
Surly of the nonconformity until Surly sued him four months later, he accepted the
boards. Ordinarily, a buyer who accepts the nonconforming goods may claim damages
as a setoff against the contract price. Under uee Section 2-607, however, a buyer who
accepts delivery of nonconforming goods and fails to notify the seller within a reason-
able time after discovering the nonconformity is barred from any remedy.

B is incorrect because a buyer who notifies the seller within a reasonable time may
revoke his acceptance or may use damages resulting from nonconformity of the goods
as a setoff against the contract price. Although the boards did not conform to the con-
tract of sale, C is incorrect because Benson failed to seasonably notify Surly of the non-
conformity. D is incorrect because it has no basis in existing law. Even if the seller could
have avoided the nonconformity by making a reasonable inspection, he is entitled to
collect the contract price of goods which the buyer accepts without notifying him of the

142. B A buyer who rightfully rejects nonconforming goods is entitled to damages for non-
delivery. Under uee §2-713(1), these consist of the difference between the contract
price and the market price at the time when the buyer learned of the breach. Since Ben-
son learned of the non-conformity on January 15, B is correct.

C is, therefore, incorrect. A would be the correct measure of damage if Benson had kept
the 7-foot boards, but is incorrect because he returned them to Surly. Rejection of non-
conforming goods may be made within a reasonable time after receiving them.
Although Benson did not act immediately upon discovering the nonconformity, the
return of the goods two days later was probably within a reasonable time. Even if two
days was not a reasonable time, however, Surly's agreement to their return would pre-
vent him from making that assertion. D is, therefore, incorrect.

143. A An assignment confers upon the assignee whatever rights the assignor had against the

obligor at the moment of the assignment, and only those rights. For this reason, any
defense which the obligor could have asserted against the assignor 'prior to the assign-
ment can be asserted against the assignee. If Johnson's purchase of the ring from
Pawnie was based on Pawnie's representation that the stone was a diamond, then -
whether or not Pawnie's misrepresentation resulted from fault- Pawnie was liable to
Johnson for breach of contract damages. This liability of Pawnie could be asserted by
Johnson as a setoff against any subsequent claim which Pawnie might make against
Johnson, whether related to the sale of the ring or not. Since Ascot stepped into
Pawnie's shoes by receiving the assignment, Johnson's setoff can be asserted against
Ascot as well.

Although tort liability for misrepresentation requires fault, B is incorrect because liabil-
ity for breaching a sales contract is based on the delivery of nonconforming goods,
whether or not the nonconformity resulted from the seller's fault. No rule of law
requires notification prior to the assertion of a setoff. C is, therefore, incorrect.
Although personal defenses against an assignor which arose subsequent to the assign-
ment cannot ordinarily be asserted against the assignee, all defenses against the assignor
(including personal defenses) which existed at the time of the assignment can be raised
against the assignee. D is, therefore, incorrect.

144. C Although an assignment does not imply a warranty that the obligor will perform, an
assignment for consideration does not imply a warranty that at the time of the assign-
ment the obligor has no defenses. Since at the time of Pawnie's assignment to Ascot,
Johnson had a defense based on the nonconformity of the ring delivered by Pawnie the
previous month, Pawnie's implied warranty to Ascot was breached. Pawnie is, there-
fore, liable to Ascot.

A and B are incorrect because there has been a breach of the implied warranty that the
obligor has no defenses. D is incorrect because no warranty that the obligor will per-
form is implied by an assignment, even for consideration.

145. D Consideration usually consists of some legal detriment suffered by the promisee which
is given in exchange for the promisor's promise. Since Tracto gave nothing in return for
Moto's promise to keep the offer open, her promise was not supported by consideration.

Under DCC Section 2-205 an assurance given by a merchant in a signed writing that an
offer regarding the sale of goods will be held open is called a "firm offer," and may be
enforced without consideration. A is incorrect, however, because although such an offer
may be binding without consideration, it is not supported by consideration unless the
offeree suffers some detriment in exchange for it. B is incorrect for a similar reason.
Sometimes justified and detrimental reliance may make a promise enforceable even
though it was not supported by consideration, but, although detrimental reliance may
serve as a substitute for consideration, it is not consideration. Although a subsequent
purchase by Tracto might constitute legal detriment, it could not be consideration for
Moto's promise, because Moto did not require it in exchange for her promise. Cis,
therefore, incorrect.

146. C An offer is an expression of the willingness of the offeror to enter into a contract with
the offeree on the terms specified. Since Tracto's letter expressed a willingness to enter

into a contract for the purchase of three model #614 motors on the terms specified in
Moto's letter of April 15, it was an offer to purchase three model #614 motors on those

An offer cannot be accepted after it has been revoked, and is revoked when the offeree
learns that the offeror has performed an act wholly inconsistent with the terms of the
offer. Since Moto had only three model #614 motors left, her sale oftwo of them to Sec-
ond was wholly inconsistent with her offer to sell all three to Tracto. Thus, when Tracto
learned of the sale, Moto's offer to sell all three was revoked and could no longer be
accepted by Tracto. Although uee Section 2-205 (concerning firm offers) might have
made Moto's offer irrevocable until June 1, Tracto's knowledge on June 2 that the
motors had already been sold to another deprived Tracto of the power to accept it. A is,
therefore, incorrect. Although Moto's letter of April 15 offered to sell any or all of the
remaining three motors, B is incorrect because Tracto's letter clearly indicated his intent
to be bound only to a contract for the purchase of three motors. Since the offeror is said
to be king of the offer (i.e., has the sole right to determine on what terms he is willing to
be bound), D is incorrect for the same reason. Having said that he would purchase three
motors, Tracto could not thereby be bound to a contract for the purchase of one motor.

147. A uee Section 2-209 provides that the modification of a sales contract is valid, even
without consideration. Moto's agreement to accept $200 as payment in full, is, there-
fore, enforceable as a modification of the original contract.

B is incorrect because a modification need not be in writing unless, as modified, the

contract comes under the Statute of Frauds. Since the modification set a purchase price
of $200 (i.e., less than $500) the fact that it was not written does not affect its enforce-
ability. C is incorrect because Section 2-209 specifically dispenses with the need for
consideration. Duress is a compulsion or constraint which deprives a party of the ability
to exercise free will, and generally involves physical threats. Economic pressures do not
constitute duress unless the one exerting them brings about a desperate economic situa-
tion of the other party. Even then, most jurisdictions refuse to call such pressure duress.
D is, therefore, incorrect.

148. D Upon breach by the buyer, the seller's damages generally consist of the difference
between the contract price and the fair market value. If the seller succeeds in reselling
the goods, her damages consist of the difference between the contract price and the
price which she actually received. Since Moto resold the motor for more than Tracto
had agreed to pay, however, she has sustained no damage under this formula. uee Sec-
tion 2-708 provides that if this measure of damages is inadequate "to put the seller in as
good a position as performance would have done," the seller is entitled to collect the
profit which she would have received if the buyer had not breached. This rule, however,
is generally understood to apply only when the seller has an unlimited supply of goods
for sale. Here, since Moto only had one motor to sell, and since she succeeded in selling
it for a price as good as (in fact, better than) that which Tracto had agreed to pay, she has
sustained no damage at all, and is not entitled to any recovery.

A, B, and C are, therefore, incorrect.

149. C Ordinarily a promise is not enforceable unless there was consideration (i.e., something

given in exchange for and to induce the promise) for it. Since Edward's service had
already been rendered without expectation of payment, it was not given in exchange for
the promise and is not consideration for it. Some cases have held, however, that a prom-
ise to do that which the promisor is morally obligated to do should be enforceable. Since
this is an infrequently applied exception to the requirement of consideration, it is
unlikely that a court would come to this conclusion. C is the only one of the arguments
listed, however, which could result in a victory for Edward.

A is incorrect, because an otherwise unenforceable promise is not made enforceable

simply because it is in writing. Sometimes, a promisee's justified and detrimental reli-
ance makes a promise enforceable, serving as a substitute for consideration. Detrimental
reliance means, however, that the promisee changed his position for the worse because
he believed that the promise would be kept. B is incorrect since there is no fact indicat-
ing that Edward relied on her promise by changing his position because of it, or that he
was worse off as a result. When a person confers a benefit on another with a reasonable
expectation of payment, an implied-in-fact contract may result. D is incorrect, however,
because there is no fact indicating that Edward had any expectation of payment when he
rescued Boss, particularly because he thought Boss was dead when he leaped into the

150. B If, at the time a contract is formed, the parties to it are operating under a mutual mistake,
the resulting lack of mutual agreement excuses non-performance by either party. Thus,
if both Bertrand and Gail mistakenly believed that "Sunset" was painted by Van Gook,
Bertrand's non-performance would not constitute a breach.

A is incorrect for two reasons: first, the Statute of Frauds requirement that the writing be
signed by the party to be charged may be satisfied by Bertrand's check; and, second,
delivery by the seller satisfies the Statute of Frauds. vee §2-302(1) (and some jurisdic-
tions in non-Vee cases) hold that if a contract was unconscionable at the time it was
made, the court may refuse to enforce it. C is incorrect, however, because the equality
of bargaining positions in a contract between experts (such as an art dealer and an art
collector) prevents a voluntary agreement from being unconscionable unless one of
them deliberately withholds knowledge from the other. To avoid interfering with the
freedom to bargain, courts rarely consider the adequacy of consideration, except in con-
sumer contracts when equitable relief is sought. D is, therefore, incorrect.

151. C Vnder the parol evidence rule, evidence of a prior or contemporaneous oral agreement
is inadmissible for the purpose of contradicting or modifying the terms of an unambigu-
ous writing intended to be a complete expression of the agreement between the parties.
Oral evidence may be admitted, however, for the purpose of showing an ambiguity in
the terms of a writing, and for explaining that ambiguity. Based on his conversation with
Gail, Bertrand may successfully argue that the description "a painting entitled 'Sun-
set'," as used in the writing, was an ambiguous term which was meant to indicate that
the painting was by Van Gook.

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because if oral testimony shows that there was
an ambiguity in the terms of a writing, it may also be used for the purpose of explaining
and clearing up that ambiguity. D is incorrect because the parol evidence rule permits
the use of oral testimony to show and explain ambiguity in a written agreement.

152. D Rescission of a contract is available if the agreement resulted from a willful misrepre-
sentation or from a mutual mistake by the parties. If Gail accepted Bertrand's money,
knowing that he was unwilling to pay $50,000 for a forgery, then she either shared his
mistake or wilfully misrepresented the identity of the painter. In either event, Bertrand is
entitled to rescission.

A is incorrect because the remedy of rescission may be available even after the terms of
the contract have been performed. Although the tort remedy for misrepresentation
requires proof of fault (intent or negligence), rescission may be available even in the
absence of fault. B and C are, therefore, incorrect.

153. B A contract which had an illegal purpose when it was made is unenforceable by either
party. Of course, the fact that one of the parties had an illegal objective in mind when he
entered into an otherwise lawful contract is not enough to make that contract illegal.
These facts indicate, however, that both parties knew the illegal purpose for which the
premises were to be used, that Lawrence agreed to equip it specifically for that purpose,
and that computation of the rent was based on Tennyson's profits from his unlawful
activity. Under the circumstances, the contract was an agreement to engage in an unlaw-
ful activity. Even though the operation of a "sports book" subsequently became lawful,
the illegality of the contract at the time of its formation makes it unenforceable.
Although refusing to require the return of Tennyson's deposit is likely to benefit
Lawrence, public policy considerations justify such refusal. When asked to enforce a
contract with an unlawful purpose, the court will leave the parties as it found them.

The contract between Lawrence and Tennyson was not a gambling contract, since none
of the obligations depended upon the outcome of an event over which neither had con-
trol. A is, therefore, incorrect, even though public policy does prohibit the enforcement
of gambling contracts. Sometimes the courts will come to the aid of one party to a con-
tract with an unlawful purpose, arguing that he was not in pari delicto (i.e., equally
guilty) with the other party. C is incorrect, however, because the fact that two parties
were in pari delicto is never used to justify granting relief to one of them. When an
unforeseeable change in circumstances makes a contract fail of its essential purpose, the
parties to it may be excused from performance under the doctrine of frustration of pur-
pose. D is incorrect because the change in circumstances in this case did not interfere
with the essential purpose of the contract, but rather aided it.

154. D When an unforeseeable change in circumstances makes a contract fail of its essential
purpose, the parties to it may be excused from performance under the doctrine of frus-
tration of purpose. The essential purpose of the contract between Lawrence and Tenny-
son was the operation of a "sports book." Since an unforeseeable change in state law
made that activity illegal, the contract has failed of the essential purpose contemplated
by both parties at the time it was formed. Tennyson is, thus, excused from performance
under the doctrine of frustration of purpose. Since his non-performance is, therefore, not
a breach, he is entitled to the return of his deposit.

A is incorrect because the agreement between Lawrence and Tennyson was not a gam-
bling contract. B is incorrect because the subsequent and unforeseeable illegality of the
contract's purpose makes the doctrine of frustration of purpose applicable. "In pari

delicto" means "equally guilty:" e is incorrect because at the time the contract was
formed, neither party was guilty.

155. e Generally, a buyer's damages for a seller's non-delivery consist of the difference
between the contract price and the market price on the day of delivery. Since the market
price and the contract price are identical, Barton has sustained no real damage as a result
of Seeder's non-delivery of 1,000 bushels. (Although Barton may be entitled to inciden-
tal damages, which include the cost of finding another seller, e is still correct because
of its emphasis on Barton's lack of "substantial" damage.)

Ordinarily, a circumstance which prevented a party from performing will excuse non-
performance only if its occurrence was not foreseeable to the parties at the time of con-
tracting. This is true whether that circumstance is described as an act of God or not.
(After all, almost everything a farmer does depends on acts of God.) Since there is no
fact indicating that the April storms were unforeseeable, A is incorrect. A breach of con-
tract is not excused simply because the breaching party gave notice in advance that there
would be a breach. There is a rule that one who treats an anticipatory repudiation as an
immediate breach is required to mitigate damages. That rule is inapplicable here, how-
ever, because Barton did not treat Seeder's statement as an immediate breach, taking no
action until Seeder's non-delivery. B is, therefore, incorrect. The rights of contracting
parties are not ordinarily relative to the obligations which they may owe under other
contracts. Thus, the fact that Seeder owed obligations to Amos under a separate contract
would not affect the obligations which she owed to Barton under her contract with him.
D is, therefore, incorrect.

156. B An anticipatory repudiation occurs when a promisor makes a positive statement to the
promisee that she will not perform her contractual duties. An anticipatory repudiation
by a promisor may be treated as an immediate breach by the promisee. One who repudi-
ates before the time for performance may withdraw her repudiation unless the other
party relied upon it. Since Barton relied on Seeder's repudiation by making other
arrangements for the purchase of 1,000 bushels, Seeder is prevented from withdrawing
her repudiation, and Barton is relieved of his obligation to her with respect to 1,000

Novation is the substitution by mutual consent of a third party for one of the original
parties to contract. Since there has been no such substitution, A is incorrect. "Nudum
pactum" is a phrase which refers to a promise which is not supported by consideration.
Since the promises of Seeder and Barton were each given in return for the other, C is
incorrect. Impossibility of performance excuses performance when an event which was
unforeseeable at the time of formation occurs prior to the time of performance, making
performance impossible. Its effect is to relieve both parties of their obligations under the
contract. The doctrine is inapplicable here because performance was not impossible for
either Seeder or Barton. D is, therefore, incorrect.

157. e Under uec Section 2-209 a modification of a contract is valid even though unsup-
ported by consideration. That same section provides, however, that the Statute of Frauds
applies to a contract which, as modified, is within its provisions. Since the agreement
made on April 15 between Amos and Seeder called for the purchase of 1000 bushels at
the American Kung Bean Exchange price as of May 1, and since that price was $2.00

per bushel, the contract called for the sale of goods with a price of $2,000. Since the
Statute of Frauds applies to the sale of goods with a price of $500 or more, this oral con-
tract as modified falls within its provisions, and is, therefore, unenforceable over the
objection of Amos.

Although farmers are generally free to negotiate prices for the sale of Kung beans,
Seeder is bound by the price which she already negotiated. A is, therefore, incorrect. B
is incorrect for tworeasons: first, no consideration is required for the modification of a
contract under the uee, so the fact that each promise was consideration for the other is
irrelevant; and, second, the Statute of Frauds requires this contract to be in writing,
whether it is supported by consideration or not. Since liability for breach of contract is
imposed regardless of fault, a party's liability is not dependent on her ability to perform.
D is, therefore, incorrect.

158. B A unilateral contract is one in which only the offeror promises to perform, and only if
the offeree performs a specified act. Since Homer's offer was to pay $1,000 to the per-
son who "finds the thief," he has made an offer for a unilateral contract. As with any
offer, an offer for a unilateral contract does not become binding unless it is accepted
before it is effectively revoked. Since an offer for a unilateral contract can only be
accepted by performing the required act, Joe could accept Homer's offer only by catch-
ing the thief before Homer effectively revoked the offer. (Note: Many authorities hold
that an offeror may not effectively revoke after substantial performance by the offeree in
reliance on the offer.)

Some jurisdictions hold that an offer for a unilateral contract becomes irrevocable after
an offeree substantially commences performance. Joe did not commence performance,
however, so his statement alone is not sufficient to make Homer's offer irrevocable even
in those jurisdictions. A is, therefore, incorrect. A bilateral contract is one in which the
parties exchange promises, each promise serving as consideration for the other.
Although Joe's statement might be construed as a promise, Homer's offer made clear
that acceptance could be made only by catching the thief. For this reason, Joe's promise
(if it was a promise) could not be an acceptance of Homer's offer, and no bilateral con-
tract could have been formed. C is, therefore, incorrect. An offer is a manifestation of
the offeror's intention to enter into a contract with the offeree on the terms specified,
which raises in the reasonable person an expectation that nothing more than acceptance
is required to create a contract. Since Homer's statement expressed an intention to pay
the specified amount to any person who performed the specified task, it is an offer. Dis,
therefore, incorrect.

159. D Acceptance is an unequivocal indication that the offeree agrees to the terms of the offer.
For this reason, an offer for a unilateral contract cannot be accepted by a person who
was not aware of its existence. Thus, if Galen was not aware of Homer's offer until after
she had caught the thief and recovered the stool, her act could not have been an accep-
tance of the offer.

Under the objective rule of contracts, a statement may be an offer, even though the per-
son making it did not intend to be bound by it, if the reasonable person would have
believed that he did intend to be bound by it. Thus, even if Homer's statement was made
in the "heat of passion," it is a binding offer, because there is nothing in the facts to

indicate that a reasonable person would have known that he did not intend to be bound
by it. A is, therefore, incorrect. The facts set forth in B might raise an interesting causa-
tion question in a tort action by Homer against the thief. The reward offered by Homer
for the capture of the thief, however, is not related to the question of whether the thief's
act caused any damage to Homer. For this reason, B is incorrect. In addition to the
power to specify the terms of his offer, an offeror has the power to limit the class of per-
sons who may accept his offer. Homer could, therefore, have restricted his offer to per-
sons who were present in Joe's Bar at the time he made it. He did not, however. By its
terms, Homer's offer was to pay $1,000 to "anyone" who caught the thief. Thus, so
long as Galen knew of the offer when she caught the thief, she accepted it by catching
the thief. C is, therefore, incorrect.

160. C A liquidated damages clause is a provision in a contract fixing the amount of damages
should a breach occur. Courts enforce liquidated damages clauses so long as the amount
set is reasonable, the actual damages are difficult to ascertain, and the contract tailors
the liquidated damages to the circumstances. If any of these requirements is unfulfilled,
the clause is unenforceable as a "penalty." In that event, the parties may collect only
the actual damages which resulted from the breach. I is, therefore, correct. The purpose
of an agreement as to liquidated damages is to eliminate the problems that may arise in
establishing or defending against actual damage claims in certain circumstances. For
this reason, if the liquidated damages clause is enforceable, it provides the only damage
remedy. It does not, however, prevent the wronged party from seeking other non-dam-
age relief. Thus, even if the liquidated damages clause did not establish a penalty (i.e.,
was enforceable), Barksdale may be entitled to the equitable remedy of specific perfor-
mance. II is, therefore, correct.

161. B The standard measure of damages for buyer's breach of a sales contract is the difference
between the price which the buyer agreed to pay and the reasonable market value or
price received by the seller upon resale in a commercially reasonable manner. Under the
standard measure for damages, Sun Auto would not be entitled to recover from Barlow,
since it sold the car to Otter at the same price which Barlow agreed to pay. UCC section
2-708 provides, however, that where the standard measure of damages "is inadequate to
put the seller in as good a position as performance would have done," the seller may
recover the profit which it would have made from full performance by the buyer. If Bar-
low had performed as agreed, Sun Auto would have made one profit from the sale of a
car to Barlow and a second profit from the sale of a car to Otter. As a result of Barlow's
breach, Sun Auto made only one profit - that derived from its sale to Otter. The stan-
dard measure of damages is thus insufficient to put Sun Auto in as good a position as if
Barlow had performed as agreed. For this reason, Sun Auto is entitled to the profit
which it would have made upon selling the car to Barlow. Since its profit consists of the
difference between the wholesale price and the retail price, B is correct.

A and C are incorrect for the reason discussed above. In addition to being incorrect for
this reason D is incorrect because it is not based on any of the existing rules for measur-
ing damages, and also because it bears no logical relationship to damages actually
resulting from Barlow's breach.

162. B A contract may make the happening of a particular event a condition precedent to the
performance of a contractual duty. If so, the obligation to perform that duty does not

become absolute until the condition precedent is fulfilled. Thus, if Ruskin's remaining
in law school was a condition precedent to Lulu's obligation to pay, the fact that Ruskin
withdrew in December 1985 would relieve Lulu of that obligation. A condition prece-
dent may be express (i.e., stated in words or a substitute for words) or implied (i.e., not
stated but capable of being reasonably inferred from the conduct or language of the par-
ties). The fact that Lulu's promise was not to be performed until july 1, 1986 might jus-
tify the inference that Ruskin's remaining in law school until that time was a condition
precedent to Lulu's obligation. Although it is not certain that such an inference would
be drawn, B is the only argument listed which might support Lulu's position.

Since it might take longer than one year to complete law school, and since Lulu prom-
ised to pay within one year, it is obvious that completion of law school could not have
been a condition precedent to Lulu's obligation. A is, therefore, incorrect. Consideration
may consist of some legal detriment suffered by a promisee in return for the promisor's
obligation. A person suffers a legal detriment when he does or undertakes to do some-
thing which he is not already under an obligation to do. Since Ruskin was not legally
obligated to stop drinking or to go to law school, his promises and undertakings to do so
were legal detriments, and, therefore, may serve as consideration for Lulu's obligation.
For this reason, C is incorrect. The Statute of Frauds makes an oral contract unenforce-
able over objection if, by its own terms, it cannot be performed within one year.
Although the agreement between Ruskin and Lulu required Ruskin to go to law school
and to stop drinking for the rest of his life, these obligations could have been fully per-
formed within one year since Ruskin could have died within that period. D is, therefore,

163. A An assignment involves the transfer of the assignor's rights to the assignee. Since
Ruskin's letter of September 3, 1985 indicated that Ruskin would pay Barker after
Ruskin received money from Lulu, it was obviously not intended to transfer to Barker
the right to receive that money from Lulu. For this reason, it was not an assignment of
that right.

Since an assignment is not a promise, but a present transfer of a right, it does not have to
be supported by consideration. B is, therefore, incorrect. An obligor who has not been
notified of the obligee's assignment is discharged from liability to the obligee's assignee
to the extent that the obligor has made payment to the obligee (the assignor). C is incor-
rect, however, because Barker's letter to Lulu was notice to Lulu of Barker's claim and
was delivered to her prior to any payment by Lulu. D is incorrect because, without an
agreement to the contrary, rights against an obligor ordinarily may be assigned without
the obligor's consent.

164. C Under modem law, forbearance to assert a claim against another party is consideration
for the other party's promise to pay money if the party who forbears reasonably believes
his claim to be valid. Thus, if Barker reasonably believed his claim for unpaid bar bills
to be valid (whether or not Ruskin believed this), his forbearance to assert that claim is
valid consideration for the promise to pay which Ruskin made in his letter of September
3, 1985. Under these circumstances, that promise would be enforceable.

A unilateral contract is one in which a party exchanges his promise for the other party's
act. An offer for a unilateral contract can only be accepted by performing the act for

which the offeror called. Since Ruskin's letter offered to pay if Barker would refrain
from suing him (i.e., to exchange Ruskin's promise for Barker's act of forbearance), it
was an offer for a unilateral contract. As such, it could only be accepted by Barker's
performance (i.e., forbearance to sue). For this reason, Barker's failure to respond to
Ruskin's letter would not be relevant to the issue of whether or not Ruskin's offer was
accepted. A is, therefore, incorrect. If Barker did not reasonably believe that Ruskin
owed him $10,000, he suffered no legal detriment by forbearing to assert a claim for
that sum. His forbearance could not, therefore, be consideration for Ruskin's promise.
Ruskin's promise would thus be unenforceable, and B is, therefore, incorrect. Barker's
claim is not based on the promises Ruskin made when he incurred the alleged bar bills,
but on the promise which Ruskin made in the letter of September 3, 1985. If that prom-
ise is enforceable, it is independent of the original claim for unpaid bar bills. For this
reason, the enforceability of the claim for unpaid bar bills is not relevant. D is, therefore,

165. C A transfer of contract rights is called an assignment; a transfer of contract duties is

called a delegation. In general, contract duties are delegable so long as delegation would
not prevent the obligee from getting what he bargained for. Duties which involve per-
sonal services (i.e., which depend upon the obligor's special skills, training, or exper-
tise) are not delegable, because an obligee who bargained for the obligor's special
abilities would not be receiving them if the obligor's duties were performed by another.
Whether crop-dusting is an activity which depends on the unique skills of the crop-
duster (i.e., calls for personal services) is uncertain. But even if it is, the fact that Duster
did not herself participate in the activity would indicate that Flores probably did not bar-
gain for and certainly would not have received her special skills anyway. Thus, the del-
egation to Airco would not deprive Flores of what he bargained for, and would,
therefore, not be a violation of Flores' rights.

Although the statement contained in A is an accurate one, it would not provide Duster
with an effective response to Flores' claim, because if a contract duty requires personal
services it is not delegable. If a contract duty requires the personal services of the obli-
gor, it is generally understood that the obligee bargained for its performance by the obli-
gor herself. B is incorrect because such a duty may be non-delegable even if the
delegatee possesses skills equal to or greater than those of the delegator. In general, con-
tract rights are assignable so long as the assignment does not increase the burden of the
obligor's performance. Although it requires the obligor to pay a different person than
the one he agreed to pay, an assignment of the right to collect money usually does not
increase his burden since it does not change the amount of money which the obligor
must pay. D is incorrect, however, because Flores has not objected to Duster's assign-
ment of rights, but rather to Duster's delegation of duties.

166. C Although an assignment of contract rights divests the assignor of those rights, a delega-
tion of contract duties does not have the same effect, even when consented to by the
obligee. For this reason, Duster will remain liable to Flores for any breach of their con-
tract. On the other hand, a delegatee of contract duties also becomes liable to the obligor
for breach since the obligor is an intended third-party creditor-beneficiary of the con-
tract of delegation. For this reason, Flores may be entitled to collect from either Duster
or Airco.

A and B are, therefore, incorrect. The standard measure of damage for breach of con-
tract is the difference between the contract price and the reasonable market value of the
services contracted for. In the event of a major breach, however, the wronged party may
elect the remedy of rescission and restitution. Rescission involves cancellation of the
contract. Restitution requires the return to the wronged party of any unearned benefit
which he conferred on the breaching party. Since Airco's refusal to perform is obviously
a major breach, Flores may seek rescission and restitution. D is, therefore, incorrect for
this reason and because it fails to account for the fact that Flores has paid Duster.

167. B Ever since 1677, the Statute of Frauds has required a promise to answer for the debt of
another to be in writing. Since Bullion's promise was to pay the debt of Mart Corpora-
tion, it would be unenforceable over Bullion's objection if it was not in writing.

Although a promise made under duress (i.e., induced by an improper threat) is void,
economic duress rarely justifies avoidance of a promise. In addition, in order for any
duress to make a promise void, the duress must have resulted from some improper
threat made by the promisee. Since the economic distress of Mart Corporation did not
result from any conduct or threat by Trust Bank, and since Trust Bank's refusal to lend
money without a personal guarantee was not improper, the economic fears which
induced Bullion's promise will not result in its avoidance. A is, therefore, incorrect. A
promise is generally not enforceable unless it is supported by consideration. But consid-
eration may consist of either some benefit conferred upon the promisor or some detri-
ment incurred by the promisee. Since Trust Bank lent money to Mart Corporation in
return for Bullion's promise, Trust Bank incurred a detriment which satisfies the
requirement of consideration even if Bullion gained no benefit from it. C is, therefore,
incorrect. D is incorrect because a surety becomes liable immediately upon default by
the principal debtor, and is not entitled to have the creditor proceed first against the prin-
cipal debtor's assets. (Even without applying this principle, however, D can be elimi-
nated because Bullion promised to pay if Mart Corporation did not, and Mart
Corporation did not.)

168. A Ordinarily, contracts may be enforced by parties to them or by intended third-party ben-
eficiaries. Thus, if Bullion was an intended third-party beneficiary of the May 11 con-
tract between Mart Corporation and Trust Bank, she can enforce it. (Note: Although it is
doubtful that Bullion was an intended beneficiary, use of the word "if" in Option A
requires the assumption that she is.) Since the contract required Trust Bank to sell the
assets at market value, its sale at less than market value was a breach entitling Mart Cor-
poration and intended third-party beneficiaries to damages.

A fiduciary relationship is one involving trust. For this reason, fiduciaries owe obliga-
tions which non-fiduciaries might not owe. B is incorrect, however, because the issues
in Bullion's claim against Trust Bank are not dependent on the obligations which Mart
Corporation owed to Bullion. Although Bullion was not a party to the May 11 agree-
ment between Mart Corporation and Trust Bank, she may be entitled to enforce it as an
intended third-party beneficiary. C is, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because the
contract called for sale at the market value and not merely in a commercially reasonable
manner. (Note: Do not be confused by DCC provisions which provide that upon buyer's
breach the seller is entitled to resell in a "commercially reasonable manner" goods
which were the subject of the contract.)

169. A Novation is the substitution by mutual consent of a third person for a party to a contract.
By assigning to Su, Theobald agreed to substitute Su for himself. It may be argued that
by accepting rent from Su with the knowledge that Theobald had assigned to Su, Layton
was also consenting to the substitution of Su for Theobald as a party to the contract.
Although it is not certain that a court would come to that conclusion, the argument set
forth in A is the only one which could possibly be effective in Theobald's defense.

An accord is· an agreement by which a new obligation is imposed on one of the parties
to a contract in place of one which the contract originally created. Satisfaction occurs
when the party on whom that obligation was imposed fulfills it. A party who satisfies
the new obligation imposed upon him as a result of the accord is discharged from the
performance of the original obligation for which the new one was substituted. Since
Layton's accepting rent from Su did not result in the imposition of any new obligation
on Theobald, it was not an accord. Therefore, there could have been no satisfaction. For
this reason, B is not an effective argument in Theobald's defense. Consent is willing-
ness. Implied consent is willingness which the reasonable person would gather or infer
by observing the conduct of a party. Since Layton accepted rent directly from Su know-
ing that Theobald had assigned the balance of the lease to Su, the reasonable person
might gather or infer that Layton was willing for that assignment to take place. It might,
thus, be correct to conclude that Layton impliedly consented to the assignment. C is not
an effective argument in Theobald's defense, however, because after an assignment, the
assignor remains secondarily liable for performance under the contract. This is so even
when the other party has consented, expressly or impliedly, to the assignment. The word
"alienation" is sometimes used to mean the transfer of an interest in real property, and
since an assignment is a transfer, a prohibition against assigning a leasehold interest is a
restraint against alienation. Since the courts look with disfavor on restraints against
alienation, they are strictly construed. D does not present an effective argument in
Theobald's defense, however, for two reasons: first, restraints on alienation, if properly
drawn, are enforceable; and second, the secondary liability of an assignor as described
above makes the question of whether the assignment was a valid one irrelevant (i.e., if
the assignment was invalid, Theobald would be primarily liable; if the assignment was
valid, Theobald would be secondarily liable).

170. A A promise is ordinarily not enforceable unless it is supported by consideration. Thus, a

promise to make a gift is not usually enforceable. Once a gift has been completed, how-
ever, the donee's rights do not depend on the donor's promise. Thus, although a promise
to make a gift may be unenforceable, a completed (or executed) gift creates an irrevoca-
ble right in the donee. The completion of a gift requires an intent to create a property
right coupled with delivery and acceptance of some symbol of that right. It is clear that
Thorn intended to create a right in Ardiste. Delivery and acceptance probably occurred
when Ardiste was advised of Pressley's promise. While it is not certain that a court
would come to that conclusion, A is the only argument listed that could possibly pro-
vide Ardiste with an effective response to Thorn's defense of no consideration.

An assignment is a transfer from assignor to assignee of the assignor's right to receive

performance under a contract. Since Thorn's contract with Pressley did not give Thorn
the right to be hired by Pressley as a book illustrator, the benefit which Ardiste received
could not have been received by assignment. B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect

because the law of contracts does not recognize any special rule about consideration in
agreements between husband and wife. Although D addresses consideration which
Pressley received for his promise, it is incorrect because it does not address Thorn's
defense (i.e., that there was no consideration for Thorn's promise to Ardiste).

171. A Contracts frequently benefit persons other than the contracting parties. Such persons are
called third-party beneficiaries. If the contracting parties meant for those persons to
benefit from the contract, they are intended beneficiaries; otherwise, they are incidental
beneficiaries. If a proniisot's performance is intended to satisfy a preexisting obligation
owed by the promisor to the third-party beneficiary, she is a creditor beneficiary; if not,
she is a donee beneficiary. Once an intended third-party beneficiary's rights have vested,
the contracting parties are no longer free to modify or rescind the portion of their con-
tract which benefits her. Since Thorn and Pressley intended that Ardiste benefit from
Pressley's promise to employ her, and since this was not intended to satisfy a preexist-
ing obligation which Thorn owed Ardiste, Ardiste is an intended donee beneficiary. In
some jurisdictions the rights of a donee beneficiary vest as soon as she learns of the con-
tract. In other jurisdictions, her rights vest only when she detrimentally relies on the
contract. In other jurisdictions, her rights vest when she detrimentally relies or expresses
assent. Since Ardiste learned of the contract, assented to it, and detrimentally relied on it
by notifying other clients that she could not work for them, her rights have vested in all
jurisdictions, and she may succeed in her claim against Pressley.

B is incorrect for two reasons; first, consideration for Pressley's promise was furnished
by Thorn's giving him a low rate; and, second, the doctrine of promissory estoppel
makes Ardiste's detrimental reliance a substitute for consideration. The Statute of
Frauds requires a promise which cannot be performed within a year to be in writing. C
is incorrect because Pressley's promise was to employ Ardiste for one year, and was,
therefore, not required to be in writing. D is incorrect because after the donee benefi-
ciary's rights have vested, the contracting parties may not rescind without her consent.

172. D An offer can ordinarily be accepted at any time prior to its termination. An offer termi-
nates, however, when the offeree becomes aware that the offeror has acted in a manner
inconsistent with the offer. When Brantley learned that Salo had sold the painting to
someone else, Salo's offer terminated, depriving Brantley of the power to accept it. This
is true, even though Brantley did not learn of the offer's termination directly from Salo.

A is, therefore, incorrect. Since Brantley gave nothing in return for Salo's promise to
keep the offer open until February 2, his promise was unsupported by consideration.
Ordinarily, a promise to keep an offer open for a specified period of time is unenforce-
able unless supported by consideration. Under UCC section 2-205 a written promise by
a merchant to hold an offer open for a specified period not to exceed three months is a
"firm offer," enforceable without consideration. B is incorrect, however, because there
is no fact indicating that Salo was a merchant. The standard remedy for breach of con-
tract is a judgment for damages. Although specific performance is available in the case
of a contract for the sale of a unique chattel, the wronged party may still choose to seek
a judgment for damages. C is, therefore, incorrect.

173. D UCC section 2-202 provides that a writing intended by the parties to be a final expres-
sion of their agreement cannot be modified by evidence of a prior or contemporaneous

agreement. It further provides, however, that its terms may be explained by usage of
trade. UCC section 1-205 defines "usage of trade" as a practice or method of dealing
which is so regularly observed in a trade as to justify the expectation that it will be
observed in a particular transaction. Since Salley's testimony would show that calling
scmods "rock lurgid" is a usage of trade, it should be admitted to explain the meaning
of that term.

A is, therefore, incorrect. Since the law of contracts does not require contracting parties
to agree to the market price, B is incorrect. A contract is supposed to be interpreted
according to the intentions of the parties. For this reason, usage of trade is admissible
because it tends to show what members of a particular trade intended by the use of cer-
tain language. If one of the parties to a contract was unaware of a particular trade usage,
he may attempt to prove this to a court or jury to convince it that the trade usage mean-
ing was not what he intended. Since the trade usage may still be evidence of what the
other party intended, however, it should be admitted. C is, therefore, incorrect.

174. D Contracts frequently benefit persons other than the contracting parties (i.e., third-party
beneficiaries). In general, contracts can only be enforced by parties to them. Under
some circumstances, however, intended third-party beneficiaries can enforce contracts
to which they are not parties. Whether a third-party beneficiary is an "intended" bene-
ficiary depends in part on whether the contract called for performance to be made
directly to that third party. If not, she is merely an "incidental" beneficiary and has no
right of enforcement. Although Barto knew that Finley intended to give the house to
Doris, Barto may argue that Doris was not an "intended beneficiary" because the con-
tract did not require Barto to perform directly for Doris (i.e., the lot was Finley's). A
court might rule differently, but D is the only argument listed which might be effective
in Barto's defense.

When performance is not designed to satisfy a preexisting obligation to a third-party

beneficiary, that third-party beneficiary is a "donee beneficiary." When performance is
designed to satisfy a preexisting obligation to a third-party beneficiary, she is a "credi-
tor beneficiary." Because there is some question about whether Finley owed Doris any
obligation as a result of his oral promise to her, it is difficult to determine whether she is
a donee or creditor beneficiary. A and B are both incorrect, however, because both
donee and creditor beneficiaries may be able to enforce contracts to which they are not
parties. C is incorrect because the facts indicate that Doris cancelled a contract to buy a
house as a result of Finley's promise.

175. B In attempting to enforce Finley's promise, Doris faces two problems. First, the Statute
of Frauds requires a writing for a promise to convey an interest in real estate, and Fin-
ley's promise was oral. Second, a promise is not ordinarily enforceable if made without
consideration, and Doris gave nothing in return for Finley's promise. The doctrine of
promissory estoppel might solve both problems, making Doris' detrimental reliance on
Finley's promise a substitute for both a writing and consideration. To be more precise,
Doris' reliance might cause Finley to be estopped from raising either the lack of a writ-
ing or the lack of consideration as a defense. Since Doris' cancellation of the contract
which she had already made could subject her to liability and will cause her to lose the
benefits of her previous bargain, it could qualify as detrimental reliance. In any event, B
is the only argument listed which could possibly support Doris' claim.

The argument in A is not that modification violated Doris' rights, but that the modifica-
tion was unenforceable without consideration. It is generally understood, however, that
the parties to a fully executory bilateral contract may agree to rescind, the necessary
consideration being furnished by each party's giving up the right to the other's perfor-
mance. The parties are then free to make a new contract by exchanging new promises.
Thus the absence of consideration would not invalidate the new agreement between Fin-
ley and Barto. A is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect for two reasons: first, the writing
did not contain any promise to Doris; and, second, even if the Statute of Frauds is satis-
fied, the problem of consideration for Finley's promise to Doris remains unsolved. Con-
sideration is something given in return for a promise. Since Doris had married and
decided to retire from the military before Finley's promise was made, her marriage and
retirement could not be consideration for his promise. D is, therefore, incorrect.

176. B An offer is an expression by the offeror of willingness to enter into a contract with the
offeree on specified terms. A valid offer creates in the offeree the power of acceptance.
In order to determine whether a particular communication qualifies as an offer, it is thus
necessary to decide whether the reasonable person in the position of the offeree would
believe that nothing more than his acceptance is required in order to form a contract.
Although Scott's letter of January 5 used the word "offer" it indicated that it was being
made to four different people. Since he had only one diamond ring for sale, it must have
been obvious to each of the people who received Scott's letter that someone else might
purchase it first. For this reason, none of them could reasonably have believed that his
own acceptance was all that was necessary to form a contract. Scott's letter was, there-
fore, not an offer, but merely an invitation to negotiate. At best, then, Asher's letter was
an offer. Since Scott did not accept it, no contract was formed between Scott and Asher.

A is incorrect for two reasons: first, as explained above, Scott's letter to Asher was not
an offer; and, second, if it had been an offer it could not have been revoked after Asher
accepted it by his letter of January 14. C is incorrect because Scott's letter was not an
offer. Since Scott was under no obligation to sell the ring to Asher, the date of his nego-
tiation and agreement with Barrell is irrelevant in Asher's case. D is, therefore, incor-

177. C Although the usual remedy for breach of a sales contract is a judgment for damages,
specific performance is available to a buyer if the subject of the contract was unique or
highly unusual. This is nearly always true of contracts for the sale of realty, because
every piece of realty is regarded as unique. Though not as common in the sale of chat-
tels, specific performance may be granted in the event of a breach by one who has
agreed to sell a highly unusual chattel.

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because the award of specific performance does
not depend on whether or not the parties to the sales contract are merchants. Since a
seller can usually resell a chattel upon the buyer's breach and recover as damages the
difference between the contract price and the resale price, specific performance is not
usually available to a seller. D is incorrect for this reason, and also because the rule that
specific performance should be available to one contracting party whenever it would
have been available to the other is now obsolete.

178. C Dee section 2-609 provides that when one party to a contract has reasonable grounds
for insecurity about the other's performance, it may demand assurances and suspend its
own performance until they are received. The section also provides that failure to fur-
nish such assurances is a repudiation of the contract. Since section 2-210 provides that a
delegation of contract duties is a reasonable ground for insecurity, Seedco's sale to
Allgrass gave Nursery the right to demand assurances from Allgrass. Since Allgrass
failed to provide assurances, Nursery was entitled to suspend performance and did not
breach by doing so.

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because section 2-210 specifically provides that
delegation of contract duties provides the other party with reasonable grounds for inse-
curity. D is incorrect because Dee section 2-210 provides that (except under the special
circumstances set forth in that section) a party may perform its contract obligations
through a delegate.

179. A Ordinarily, a party to a contract may assign its rights or delegate its duties to another.
Dee section 2-210 provides, however, that delegation does not relieve the delegator of
contract duties or of liability for breach. Since Seedco delegated its duties to Allgrass,
and since Allgrass breached those duties by failing to provide assurances as required
[see previous explanation], Seedco (as well as Allgrass) is liable to Nursery for the

An agreement to substitute the performance of a third person for that of the obligor
accompanied by a specific agreement to release the obligor from its contractual duties is
a "novation" which relieves the released obligor of any further obligation. Nursery's
consent to Seedco's assignment/delegation would not have that effect, however, because
Nursery did not specifically agree to release Seedco. Band C are incorrect for this rea-
son. C is also incorrect because Dee 2-210 provides that a party who demands assur-
ances from a delegatee does not thereby prejudice its rights against the original obligor.
Although an assignment of rights implies a delegation of duties, is incorrect because
the assignor/delegator is secondarily liable upon breach by the delegatee.

180. D When parties to a contract agree that one of the benefits of the contract will flow
directly to a non-contracting party, that person is an intended third party beneficiary. If
the agreement was made for the purpose of satisfying an· obligation which one of the
contracting parties owed to the third party beneficiary, she is a creditor beneficiary. Oth-
erwise, she is a donee beneficiary. Once her rights have vested, a donee beneficiary can
enforce the contract even though she was not a party to it. Some jUrisdictions hold that a
donee beneficiary's rights vest when she learns of the contract; others hold that her
rights vest when she relies on the contract to her detriment. All agree, however, that
until her rights vest, the parties may modify the contract without incurring any liability
to the donee beneficiary. Since Donia did not learn of the contract until after the parties
had modified it to eliminate the benefit to her, she has no right to enforce it. I is, there-
fore, incorrect. Ordinarily, one to whom a gift has been promised has no right to enforce
that promise since it was unsupported by consideration. An exception exists which per-
mits a donee beneficiary to recover from the donor funds which the donor has received
under the contract to which the donee had a vested right. II is incorrect because the con-
tract between Otten and Pullen was modified before Donia received any vested right to
enforce it. Thus, D is correct.

181. A An accord is an agreement to substitute a lesser obligation for that which existed under
a contract. Like any other agreement, it does not ordinarily have binding effect (i.e.,
does not discharge the original contract obligation) unless supported by consideration.
Consideration usually consists of some legal detriment suffered in return for the benefit
received. The benefit received by Otten was a reduction in the price of the paint job. If
Otten did not give anything in return (i.e., consideration) for this reduction, Pullen
would be entitled to collect the balance due. If Otten did not reasonably believe that
PUllen's work was not "satisfactory," he was not entitled to seek damages under the
contract and gave up nothing in return for the reduction in price. However, if he did rea-
sonably believe that Pullen's work was not "satisfactory," he had a right to seek dam-
ages under the contract. By giving up this right, he has given consideration for the
reduction in price.

Although vee §2-209(l) permits modification of a sales contract without consider-

ation, B is incorrect because that provision does not apply to modification of contracts
calling for services. The statute of frauds requires that an agreement to modify a con-
tract be in writing if, as modified, the contract falls within the scope of the statute of
frauds. Although a contract for the sale of goods at a price of $4,500 would be within
the scope of the statute of frauds, C is incorrect because this was not a contract for
goods, but rather for services, and was, therefore, not within the statute of frauds. A
contracting party who suffers a legal detriment has given consideration, even if the
other party has received no real benefit. If Otten gave up rights which he reasonably
believed that he had under the contract, he has suffered a legal detriment. Although
Pullen may have received no real benefit from it, Otten's detriment was consideration
for the reduction in price even if Pullen did not believe he was receiving anything in
return for the reduction. D is, therefore, incorrect.

182. C When a contract calls for performance to take place after a specified event, the obliga-
tion to perform does not become absolute until the specified event occurs (i.e., the spec-
ified event is a condition precedent to the obligation to perform). Since the brokerage
contract called for payment of the commission on closing of title, closing was a condi-
tion precedent to Sinclair's obligation to pay the commission. In every contract, how-
ever, there is an implied agreement that the parties will not interfere with performance
of any of the conditions precedent to their own obligations. Breach of this implied
agreement excuses performance of the cOIidition precedent. Thus, the obligation of a
party who breaches that implied agreement may become absolute even though the con-
dition precedent has not been satisfied. Since Sinclair refused to go through with the
transaction, thus preventing the closing of title, his obligation is absolute in spite of the
fact that the condition precedent to it (i.e., closing of title) has not been satisfied.

Thus, A is incorrect. B is incorrect because Ruse is seeking to enforce the agreement

between herself and Sinclair rather than the one between Sinclair and Basic. D is incor-
rect because Sinclair's interference with the condition precedent to payment of the com-
mission makes him liable for payment of the commission whether title ever closes or

183. A When a contract calls for performance to take place after a specified event, the obliga-
tion to perform does not become absolute until the specified event occurs (i.e., the spec-

ified event is a condition precedent to the obligation to perform). Since the brokerage
contract called for payment of the commission on closing of title, closing was a condi-
tion precedent to Sinclair's obligation to pay the commission. Since title never closed,
Sinclair's obligation has not become absolute.

If Basic's repudiation resulted from some fault by Ruse, Sinclair would not be obligated
to pay Ruse a commission. B is incorrect, however, because, as explained above,
Ruse's fault is not the only thing which would prevent Sinclair's obligation from
becoming absolute. Although the contract indicated that the commission would be
earned when Ruse found a ready, willing, and able buyer, it also made closing of title a
condition precedent to Sinclair's obligation to pay the commission. Since title did not
close, Sinclair's obligation has not become absolute. C is, therefore, incorrect. Since
the contract made closing of title a condition precedent to payment, Sinclair would not
have any obligation to pay Ruse's commission unless title closed. D is incorrect
because this would be true even if Sinclair succeeded in collecting breach of contract
damages from Basic.

184. D Under the parol evidence rule, evidence of prior contemporaneous oral agreements is
inadmissible for the purpose of modifying the terms of an unambiguous written contract
which the parties intended to be a complete expression of their agreement. The parol
evidence rule does not prevent the use of such evidence for other purposes, however.
Here, since the language of the contract is ambiguous, parol evidence is admissible to
clear up the ambiguity.

B is, therefore incorrect. In construing a contract, the court is primarily concerned with
the intentions of the contracting parties. Although custom and usage may help to deter-
mine what the parties had in mind when they used particular language, it is not the only
way to resolve that question. A is, therefore, incorrect. Although Brosnan hired Subic
to help him fulfill his obligations under his contract with Otto, the language of that con-
tract does not determine the meaning of Brosnan's contract with Subic. C is, therefore,

185. C A non-contracting party who will benefit from a contract between two other persons is a
third party beneficiary. If the contracting parties intended that the benefit flow to her
when they contracted, she is an intended beneficiary. If they did not, she is an incidental
beneficiary. Although an intended beneficiary may be entitled, under certain circum-
stances, to enforce the contract, an incidental beneficiary is not. In determining whether
a third party is an intended beneficiary, courts usually consider whether a statement to
that effect was made during negotiations or in the contract, and whether performance or
payment is to flow directly to the beneficiary. Since the contract between Forde and
Boudreau called for the construction of a house on property which belonged to Forde,
and since there was no mention made of any contract right flowing to Dale, Dale is
probably an incidental beneficiary and not entitled to enforce the contract against Bou-

A is, therefore, incorrect. Although a contract calling for personal services is not ordi-
narily assignable, B is incorrect because Forde has made no attempt to assign to Dale
his rights under the contract with Boudreau. A donee beneficiary is an intended third
party beneficiary to whom neither party was under an obligation at the time the contract

between them was formed. Even if Dale were a donee beneficiary, however, D would
be incorrect because a donee beneficiary may have rights to enforce the contract.

186. A Ordinarily, a promise is not enforceable unless it is supported by consideration. Consid-

eration is some legal detriment suffered by promisee in exchange for the promise. Since
Dale did not suffer any legal detriment to induce the Forde's promise, Forde's promise
is not supported by consideration. Under the doctrine of promissory estoppel, however,
a promise which is unsupported by consideration may be enforceable if the promisee
justifiably relied upon it to her detriment. Since Dale canceled a contract which she had
already made as a result of Forde's promise, she has relied to her detriment, and may be
permitted to enforce Forde's promise.

Although a donee beneficiary of a contract to which she is not party may share the
donor's right to enforce the contract against the other party, the fact that the donor has
entered into a contract in contemplation of his promise to the beneficiary does not give
her any new rights against him. B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because Dale's
detrimental reliance may take the place of consideration. If an unforeseeable event
makes a contract fail of its essential purpose, the doctrine of frustration of purpose
might excuse performance by the parties. Since it is still possible for Forde to deed the
land to Dale and to have a house built on it by some other contractor, however, the fact
that Boudreau has refused to perform does not frustrate the purpose of any agreement
which exists between Forde and Dale. D is, therefore, incorrect.

187. A Ordinarily, no promise is enforceable without consideration. Consideration consists of

some legal detriment suffered by the promisee in return for the promise. Since Bethel
suffered no legal detriment in return for Sandez's promise to keep the offer open, San-
dez's promise is unenforceable.

UCC section 2-205 provides that a promise to keep an offer open for a specified period
of time is binding without consideration if made by a merchant, in a signed writing, and
the transaction involves the sale of goods. This kind of offer is known as a "firm
offer." The section also provides that the maximum time for which a firm offer is bind-
ing is three months. B, C and D are all designed to trap examinees who are confused
about section 2-205. All are incorrect because section 2-205 applies only to transac-
tions in goods and has no application to the sale of realty. In addition, B is incorrect
because the section sets a time limit of three months rather than 30 days. D is also incor-
rect because the section requires only that the offeror be a merchant and fixes no such
requirement about the offeree.

188. A An assignment transfers the assignor's rights to the assignee and extinguishes those
rights in the assignor. Thus, if Crawford has made a valid assignment of his rights to
Anchor, Crawford no longer has those rights and cannot enforce them against Hamlin.

A non-contracting party who will benefit from the contract is a third party beneficiary.
If the contracting parties intended him to benefit, he is an intended third party benefi-
ciary; if not he is an incidental beneficiary. If they intended him to benefit to satisfy an
obligation which one of the contracting parties owed him, he is a creditor beneficiary; if
not, he is a donee beneficiary. Since the agreement between Landsman and Hamlin
specified that part of the price was to be paid directly to Crawford, the contracting par-

ties clearly intended that Crawford benefit from the contract. For this reason, he was an
intended beneficiary. Since they did so to satisfy a debt which Landsman owed Craw-
ford, Crawford is a creditor beneficiary. B and D are incorrect because a creditor bene-
ficiary may enforce the contract even though he is not a party to it. C is incorrect
because Crawford is an intended rather an incidental beneficiary.

189. C It is frequently said that an assignee stands in the shoes of his assignor. All this means is
that the assignee receives whatever rights the assignor had - no more and no less.
Thus, if Crawford Was entitled to collect $10,000 under the contract, his assignment to
Anchor makes Anchor entitled to collect it.

Usually, contract language which provides that there shall be no assignment of rights is
held to destroy the right but not the power to assign. This means that an assignment
serves as a valid transfer of rights, but that the assignor might be liable for damages
resulting from his breach of the covenant not to assign. Since this would have no effect
on Anchor's right to collect, A is incorrect. An assignment is a transfer of rights under
a contract; a delegation is a transfer of obligations. It is generally understood that an
obligation to perform personal services cannot be delegated because to do so would
deprive the promisee of that for which he has bargained (i.e., the personal services of
the promisor). An assignment of the promisor's rights would not have that effect, how-
ever, since the promisee would still be receiving the services of the promisor. For that
reason, the fact that Landsman's obligation was to perform personal services would not
prevent an assignment of his right to payment for those services. B is, therefore, incor-
rect. Ordinarily, a promise is not enforceable unless it was given in exchange for consid-
eration. For this reason, a promise to make a future gift (i.e., a promise to make a
transfer without consideration) usually is not enforceable. On the other hand, a transfer
without consideration which has already been made (i.e., an executed gift) is valid.
Since Crawford has already assigned (i.e., transferred) his right to Anchor, the fact that
he did or did not receive consideration for the transfer is irrelevant. For this reason, the
fact that Anchor gave no consideration for the assignment which he received from
Crawford has no effect on Hamlin's obligation to pay. D is, therefore, incorrect.

190. C In general, contract obligations are freely delegable unless the obligee has a special
interest in having the obligations performed personally by the obligor. It is usually held
that construction contracts are delegable, since any reputable builder can construct
whatever was contracted for if provided with the proper plans. Since a moat is simply a
hole in the ground, and since Digger completed the moat in complete conformity with
Landsman's plans, Landsman's delegation of the digging work was probably not a
breach of contract.

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because Hamlin's interest in having the job
done by a well-known architect is probably satisfied by the fact that Landsman designed
the plan and executed most of the work himself, coupled with the fact that the moat was
dug in complete conformity with Landsman's plan. D is incorrect for two reasons:
first, contract rights are not freely assignable if the assignment would impose an addi-
tional burden on the assignor's obligor; and second, a transfer of contractual obligations
is a delegation, not an assignment.

191. B Ordinarily, the damage remedy is designed to put the parties in the position in which

they would have been had the contract not been breached. If Berry had not breached the
contract, Frost would have a building which conformed to his specifications at a price of
$250,000. In order to make Frost whole, then, Berry should be required to pay the cost
of making the building conform to the specifications.

Although the building has the same value it would have if it conformed to the specifica-
tions, it is not the building that Frost contracted for, and it would cost Frost $12,000 to
make it so. Since damages should place the parties in the position for which they bar-
gained, A is incorrect. Since it would only cost $12,000 to make the building conform
to the bargained-for specifications, it would be unjust to pennit Frost to receive a wind-
fall by making Berry pay damages based on the difference between the building's value
and the value which resulted from an increase in construction costs. C is, therefore,
incorrect. D is incorrect because Frost has received some value, and should not be per-
mitted to keep it without paying for it.

192. C If Frost had not breached his contract, Berry would have collected $250,000 from which
he would have had to pay the costs of completing the building. Since the damage rem-
edy should be designed to place the parties in the positions for which they bargained,
Berry should receive the contract price less the cost of completing the building.

A is incorrect because Berry did not bargain for and should not receive the benefit of a
windfall resulting from increased construction costs. B is incorrect because it fails to
take into account the expenses which Berry would have had in earning the contract
price. A builder who commits a substantial breach may have no remedy other than
quasi-contract for the detriment which he has suffered. Since Berry has not committed
a breach, however, he should not be restricted to this remedy. D is, therefore, incorrect.

193. B An offer is a manifestation of present intent to be bound to specified terms. One of the
tests of whether a statement should be construed as an offer is whether a reasonable per-
son in the shoes of a person receiving it would believe that only his expression of assent
is necessary to form a binding contract. Since each of the recipients knew that there
were three other recipients, and each knew also that his own expression of assent might
not result in a contract because it might not be the highest offer, and since Stubb's letter
referred to the responses which he expected to receive as "offers," a court would prob-
ably hold that it was nothing more than an invitation for offers. While it is not certain
that a court would come to that conclusion, B is the only option listed which could pos-
sibly be correct.

Under uee section 2-205, a "firm offer" is a written promise by a merchant to hold an
offer to buy or sell goods open for a specified period of time. Since there is no indica-
tion that Stubbs was a merchant, his letter could not have been a firm offer. A is, there-
fore, incorrect. An option is an agreement to hold an offer open for a specified period of
time, and (except for the provisions of uee section 2-205) is not enforceable without
consideration. Since none of the recipients of Stubb's letter gave anything in return for
it (i.e., consideration), it could not have been an option. C is, therefore, incorrect. An
auction is a public sale of property to the highest bidder conducted in the presence of all
prospective buyers or their agents. Stubb's letter could not have been an auction because
it was not a public sale, and because the bidders were not present. D is, therefore, incor-

194. A An offer is a manifestation of present intent to be bound to specified terms. Since

Stubb's letter expresses an unequivocal intention to sell the piano to Better for $2,000, it
is an offer.

C is, therefore, incorrect. An acceptance is an agreement to be bound to the terms of an

offer. Stubb's letter could not be an acceptance unless Better's letter was an offer. Since
Better's letter did not actually say that he would pay $2,000 (i.e., did not express a will-
ingness to be bound), but rather asked whether Stubbs would accept $2,000, it was not
an offer, and Stubb's response· could not have been an acceptance. B is, therefore, incor-
rect. Since Stubbs never agreed to sell the piano to Altom, his offer to Better could not
be a repudiation of an agreement with Altom. D is, therefore, incorrect.

Numbers refer to Question Numbers

I. Homicide
A. Intended killings : 8,27-28,38,52,57,58-60, 77, 78, 88, 90,
95, 111-112,124, 128, 131-132, 139
1. Premeditation - deliberation 8, 35-36, 52, 76, 88, 128
2. Provocation 25,48,52, 77, 88, 90, 139
B. Unintended killings : 8,48, 115-116, 139
1. Intentto injure ; 17-18,48,58-60,78,88,90,99
2. Reckless and negligent killings 25,32,33-34,57,63, 77, 78,
3. Felony-murder 25,30-31,64, 78, 94, 115-116, 133-134
4. Misdemeanor-manslaughter. 32,57,86,93

II. Other crimes

A. Theft
1. Larceny 7, 9, 23, 24, 39-41,47, 53-54, 62,
2. Embezzlement 9,47,53-54,66,98
3. False pretenses 44,66
B. Receiving stolen goods 23,96, 108, 118-120
C. Robbery 42-43,53-54,64,66,82-83,87,
]). Burglary 39-41,49,62,64,67,121-122
E. Assault and battery 29,58-60,61, 111-112, 130
F. Rape; statutory rape ; 4-5, 10-13,35-36,61,64,68-69, 77, 95
G. Kidnapping 64, 68-69, 82-83, 117
H. Arson 16,24, 74-75, 92,115-116, 121-122

III. Inchoate crimes; parties

A. Inchoate offenses
1. Attempts 9,10-13,16,17-18,19,44,62,63,85,95,111-112,
113-114, 118-120, 126-127, 131-132, 137, 140
2. Conspiracy 7, 10-13, 14-15,27-28,39-41,87, 103-105,
115-116, 118-120, 133-134, 140
3. Solicitation 24,68-69
B. Parties to crime 10-13, 14-15,27-28,39-41,53-54,55-56,61,65,

IV. General principles 32-34,53-54, 74-75,85,92,98, 118-120

A. State of mind 124
1. Required mental state 4-5,10-13,17-18,25,37,39-41,49,50,55-56,

115-116, 121-122, 128, 130, 137, 139

2. Strict liability 4-5, 10-13,55-56,126-127, 137
3. Mistake of fact or law 10-13, 16, 19,45,55-56,96, 118-120,
126-127, 128, 131-132
B. Responsibility
1. Insanity 58-60, 76, 78, 124
2. Intoxication 4-5,25, 77, 95, 130
C. Causation 33-34,37,39-41, 78,86,99, 111-112
D. Justification 4-5,20-21,35-36,37,38,45,48,58-60,64, 71-72,81,

V. Constitutional protection of accused persons

I A. Arrest, search and seizure

B. Confessions
1-2,3,6,22,26, 51, 70~ 73, 79-80, 84, 91,
97, 101-102, 109, 118-120, 125, 135-136
C. Lineups and other forms of identification 20-21, 106-107
D. Right to counsel 20-21,106-107, 135-136
E. Doublejeopardy 29,84, 103-105, 110, 129


Questions 1-2 are based on the following fact situation. application for the warrant did not identify
the informant.
The public prosecutor had information that unlawful
(C) the information contained in the affidavit
ga1llbling activities Were being conducted at a tavern
submitted in support of the application for
known as the Second Bedroom on Main Street. She
the warrant was uncorroborated.
obtained a warrant for the search of the Second Bed-
room by presenting an affidavit which stated that she (D) the information contained in the affidavit
had received information regarding the illegal activities submitted in support of the application for
from an informant who had observed the reported the warrant did not properly identify the
activities while present at the tavern. The affidavit defendant's premises.
stated that the informant frequently gave information to
the police and prosecutor and that the information
2. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
received from the informant in the past had always
the warrant was properly issued and executed
been found to be accurate. It did not give the name of
with respect to the tavern. Assume further that
the informant, however, because it stated that his ano-
Darryl is charged with gambling, and that he
nymity needed to be preserved both for his own protec-
moves to suppress the use of gambling records
tion and to continue his effectiveness as an informant.
found on his person. The court should
The warrant which was issued authorized the search of
(A) grant the motion, because the court which
"the premises known as the Second Bedroom and
issued the warrant did not have probable
located at 481 Chambers Street" and of "all persons in
cause to believe that any customers in the
said premises at the time of the execution of the war-
tavern were engaging in unlawful gam-
rant who are found to be in possession of gambling
bling activities.
records." There was a furniture store known as the Sec-
ond Bedroom located at 481 Chambers Street, but the (B) grant the motion, because the warrant did
officers assigned to execute the warrant went to the not properly identify the persons to be
Second Bedroom tavern on Main Street. Upon search- searched.
ing the premises, they found gambling records in a cash (C) deny the motion, because a warrant which
drawer located behind the bar. In addition, a customer authorizes a search of premises may also
named Darryl who was in the tavern was searched and authorize the search of persons present on
found to be in possession of unlawful gambling those premises.
(D) deny the motion, because the fact that Darryl
was found to be in possession of unlawful
1. Assume for the purpose of this question only that gambling records corroborated the infor-
the owner of the tavern is charged with violating mation contained in the affidavit which the
the state's gambling law. Assume further that he public prosecutor submitted in support of
moves to suppress the use of gambling records the application for the warrant.
found in the cash drawer. His most effective argu-
ment in support of that motion is that
3. Daniele checked her suitcase when she made a
(A) the affidavit submitted in support of the cross country airplane flight. When the plane
application for the warrant was based landed, a police dog which was trained to recog-
entirely on hearsay. nize the smell of marijuana was allowed to sniff
all checked baggage as part of a routine inspec-
(B) the affidavit submitted in support of the tion procedure. Upon sniffing Daniele's bag, the

dog gave signs which it had been trained to give (B) Donnel was so drunk that he did not realize
when it recognized the smell of marijuana. that he was engaging in sexual intercourse.
Daniele was allowed to claim the suitcase when
(C) Vera was so drunk that she did not realize
she got off the plane. After she claimed it, a
that Donnel was engaging in sexual inter-
police officer arrested her for possession of a
course with her.
dangerous drug as she carried the suitcase
through the airport. The arresting officer then (D) Vera was so drunk that immediately after
searched the suitcase and found a package of intercourse began, she forgot who Donnel
marijuana. was and believed him to be her husband.

Prior to her trial on drug possession charges,

5. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Daniele made a timely motion to suppress the use

I of the marijuana as evidence against her. Should

the motion be granted?

(A) Yes, unless the arresting officer had a war-

Vera consented to the intercourse, but that a stat-
ute provided that it was unlawful to engage in
sexual intercourse with a female under the age of
18 years. If Donnel believed that Vera was over
the age of 18 years, is he guilty of statutory rape?
rant for Daniele's arrest.
(B) Yes, because allowing the dog to sniff (A) No, because he believed Vera to be over the
Daniele's luggage was an unreasonable age of 18 years.
(B) No, if the reasonable person who was not
(C) No, because the possibility of airline hijack- intoxicated would have believed Vera to be
ing makes the routine examination of pas- over the age of 18 years.
sengers' luggage necessary to protect the
(C) Yes, unless Vera assured him that she was
public against a clear and present danger.
over the age of 18 years.
(D) No, if when Daniele was arrested the arrest- (D) Yes, but only if Donnel realized that he was
ing officer had probable cause to believe
having intercourse.
that she was in possession of marijuana.

6. In which of the following fact patterns is Defen-

Questions 4-5 are based on the following fact situation. dant's motion to suppress the evidence most
likely to be granted?
Donnel met Vera in a bar where both were drinking.
Because Donnel was too drunk to drive, Vera offered (A) Defendant was riding in a car owned by
him a ride home. In Vera's car, Donne! put his arms Baxter. Police stopped the car and asked to
around Vera and attempted to kiss her. Vera told him see Baxter's driver's license. After Baxter
that she wasn't interested, and tried to push him away, showed it to them, they asked his permis-
but Donnel overpowered her and succeeded in having sion to search the car. Baxter said, "Sure,
sexual intercourse with her. Vera was 17 years old. go ahead." Upon searching under the seat
in which Defendant had been sitting the
4. Assume for the purpose of this question only that police found a package of heroin which
Donnel was charged with forcible rape. If only was offered at Defendant's trial for ille-
one of the following facts or interferences were gally possessing narcotics.
true, which would be most likely to lead to Don- (B) Defendant was staying at a hotel, but was
nel's acquittal on that charge? two weeks behind on his room charges.
The hotel desk clerk permitted the police
(A) Donnel was so drunk that he believed Vera to search Defendant's room while he was
was willing to have sexual intercourse with out. Upon doing so, the police found in the
him. room contraband of which Defendant was

subsequently charged with possession. (B) Conspiracy only.

(C) Defendant was arrested for driving while (C) Larceny and conspiracy.
intoxicated. After he was taken to jail, his
(D) Neither larceny nor conspiracy.
car was towed to the police auto pound.
There, a police officer taking inventory of
the car's contents found a weapon in the 8. Darrel knew that his neighbor Volmer had a weak
car which had been used in the commis- heart and that Volmer had suffered several heart
sion ofa crime with which Defendant was attacks in the past. Because he was angry at
subsequently charged. Volmer, Darrel decided to try to frighten him into
another heart attack. He watched Volmer's house
(D) While Defendant was driving, police offic-
and when he saw Volmer leaving through the
ers stopped him for going through a red
front door, he ran towards him shouting, "Look
light. A routine check of his license
out. Look out. The sky is falling," Although Dar-
through the police department computer
rel was not sure that this would kill Volmer, he
indicated that a bench warrant had been
hoped it would. When Volmer saw Darrel run-
issued for his arrest for failing to appear in
ning toward him, shouting, he became frightened,
connection with four parking tickets which
had a heart attack and died on the spot.
had been issued to vehicles registered to
him. The officers advised him that he was
The jurisdiction has statutes which define first
under arrest. Although they did not hand-
degree murder as "the deliberate and premedi-
cuff him, they ordered him to empty his
tated killing of a human being," and second
pockets onto the hood of the police car. A
degree murder as "any unlawful killing of a
marijuana cigarette which was in one of
human being with malice aforethought, except
his pockets was subsequently offered
for a killing which constitutes first degree mur-
against him at his trial for possession of a
der." In addition, its statutes adopt common law
controlled substance.
definitions of voluntary and involuntary man-
7. Julie had lost her job and needed to make some
money quickly. While visiting a local tavern, she Which of the following is the most serious crime
ran into Charlie, an old friend. When Julie told of which Darrel can properly be convicted?
Charlie about her financial problems, Charlie
pointed to an expensive-looking coat which was (A) First degree murder.
hanging on a coat rack and said, "Why don't you
(B) Second degree murder.
steal that coat. It looks like you should be able to
sell it for at least one hundred dollars." Because (C) Voluntary manslaughter.
Julie said that she was afraid the owner of the (D) Involuntary manslaughter.
coat would see her, Charlie agreed to sing in a
loud voice to create a diversion so that Julie could
steal the coat while everyone was watching Char- 9. Dennison was having dinner in a restaurant with
lie. As soon as Charlie began to sing, Julie took his employer Vale, when Vale left the table to go
the coat from the coat rack and ran from the tav- the restroom. As Vale walked away, Dennison
ern. In fact, the coat actually belonged to Charlie, noticed that Vale's wristwatch had fallen off
who had been joking when he told Julie to steal Vale's wrist onto the table. Since it looked like a
it. rather valuable watch, Dennison decided to steal
it. Picking up the watch, he put it into his pocket.
Of which of the following crimes may Julie be A few moments later, he began to feel guilty
properly convicted? about stealing from his employer, so when Vale
returned to the table, Dennison handed him the
(A) Larceny only. watch and said, "Here, you dropped this, and I

put it into my pocket for safekeeping." by the use of an intoxicating substance and
would have completed the act of inter-
Which is the most serious crime of which Denni- course but for Gerald's physical inability
son can be properly convicted? to perform.
(B) guilty, because Gerald was under the legal
(A) Larceny.
age of consent.
(B) Attempted larceny.
(C) not guilty, because Fanny was under the age
(C) Embezzlement. of 17.
(D) No crime. (D) not guilty, because Fanny was a female.

Questions 10-13 are based on the following fact situa- 11. Assume that the laws in state define a conspiracy
tion. as ''An agreement to commit a crime between
two or more persons with the specific intent to
One day when Edward's parents were away, Edward, commit a crime." If Edward is charged with con-
Fanny, and Gerald, who were students at the same high spiracy based on his agreement with Fanny
school, cut classes to go to Edward's home and listen to regarding the seduction of Gerald, Edward's most
records. Edward was 17 years of age; Fanny and Ger- effective argument in defense would be that
ald were each 15. Edward and Fanny knew that Gerald
was very shy. Since Fanny had engaged in sexual rela- (A) the seduction of Gerald would not have been
tions with several other boys at the high school, she and possible without Fanny's participation.
Edward secretly agreed that Fanny would try to seduce (B) Edward did not commit any overt act which
Gerald. Fanny had some marijuana in her purse, and was likely to accomplish the seduction of
she and Gerald smoked some of it. When Gerald was Gerald.
high, Fanny undressed him and attempted to have sex-
ual intercourse with him. Although at first Gerald was (C) Fanny was unsuccessful in having inter-
unwilling to have intercourse while Edward was in the course with Gerald.
room, Fanny gave him more marijuana to smoke until (D) intercourse between Fanny and Gerald
he became so intoxicated that he was willing to try. By would not have been a crime.
then, however, his intoxication made him physically
unable to perform. Instead, Fanny had intercourse with
Edward while Gerald watched. Gerald knew the ages 12. If Edward is charged with committing rape in the
of Edward and Fanny. Gerald knew that it was unlaw- third degree by having intercourse with Fanny,
ful to have intercourse with a female under the age of the Court should find him
16. Edward believed that it was lawful to have inter-
course with a female over the age of 14. (A) guilty, because Edward was over the age of
17 and Fanny was under the age of 16.
A statute in the jurisdiction provides that, ''A person is (B) guilty, only if he knew that Fanny was under
guilty of rape in the third degree when, being seventeen the age of 16.
years of age or more, he or she engages in sexual inter-
course with a person under the age of sixteen years." (C) not guilty, if Fanny instituted the conduct
which led to sexual intercourse between
10. If Fanny is charged with attempting to commit
rape in the third degree as a result of her attempt (D) not guilty, because Edward believed that it
to have intercourse with Gerald, she should be was lawful to have sexual intercourse with
found a female over the age of fourteen.

(A) guilty, because she overcame his resistance 13. If Gerald is charged with being an accessory to

third degree rape, he should be found (D) Bribery in the second degree and conspiracy
to commit bribery.
(A) guilty, b~cause he knew that it was unlawful
for a male 17 years of age to have sexual
15. If Dobson is prosecuted for attempted bribery in
intercourse with a female under 16 years of
the second degree, the court should find him
(B) guilty, only if Edward was first charged with (A) not guilty, because bribery in the second
and convicted of the same crime. degree is an attempt crime, and there can
(C) not guilty, if sexual intercourse between
be no liability for attempting to attempt.
Edward and Fanny could have been (B) not guilty, because it was Cook who made
accomplished without Gerald's assistance. the initial offer.
(D) not guilty, because he did not actually aid, (C) not guilty, because Dobson committed brib-
abet, or facilitate sexual intercourse ery in the second degree when he agreed to
between Edward and Fanny. pay Cook for altering the records, and the
attempt merged with that crime.
Questions 14-15 are based on the following fact situa- (D) guilty, because attempting to commit bribery
tion. in the second degree is a lesser offense
included in that crime.
Dobson wanted to erect a new storage building so that
he could expand his business of selling animal food
16. Dana called her attorney and asked whether it
and veterinary supplies. He was afraid, however, that
would be a crime to bum down her own home.
the building department would not issue him a permit
The attorney said that arson was defined as the
to begin construction. Cook, a building department
intentional burning of any dwelling and that
clerk, said that she would make a false entry in the offi-
arson was a serious crime. In fact, Dana's attor-
cial records to indicate that a permit had already been
ney was incorrect because the applicable statute
issued if Dobson would pay her $500. Dobson agreed,
in the jurisdiction defines arson as "the inten-
and said that he would bring the money the following
tional burning of the dwelling of another".
day. The next day, however, when Dobson went to
Believing what the attorney told her, however,
Cook's office with $500, he was told that she had been
Dana burned down her own home for the purpose
of collecting the proceeds of her fire insurance
policy. A statute in the jurisdiction defined the
A statute in the jurisdiction provides that: "Any person
crime of insurance fraud as "the intentional
who shall give or accept a fee not authorized by law as
destruction of any property for the purpose of
consideration for the act of any public employee is
obtaining insurance proceeds."
guilty of bribery, a felony. Any person who shall offer
to commit a bribery is guilty of bribery in the second
If Dana is charged with attempted arson, she
degree, a felony."
should be found

14. If the jurisdiction applies the common law defini- (A) guilty, because a mistake of fact does not
tion of conspiracy, of which of the following prevent a person from being guilty of a
crimes can Cook properly be convicted? criminal attempt.
(B) guilty, because her mistake of law resulted
(A) Bribery in the second degree only. from reasonable reliance on the advice of
(B) Conspiracy to commit bribery only. an attorney.
(C) Bribery in the second degree or conspiracy (C) not guilty, because Dana did not intend to
to commit bribery, but not both. bum the dwelling of another.

(D) not guilty, because Dana's attempt is sub- (B) guilty, because her intent to cause great
sumed in the substantive crime of insur- bodily harm resulted in the death of Alex.
ance fraud.
(C) not guilty, because she did not intend to
cause the death of any person.
Questions 17-18 are based on the following fact situa- (D) not guilty, because the crime of attempted
tion. murder merges with the crime of murder.

Angry because her co-worker Ventura had insulted her,

Delman decided to get revenge. Because she worked 19. Dustin was charged with the attempted murder of
for an exterminator, Delman had access to cans of a Volmer. If only one of the following facts or
poison gas called Terminate which was often used to inferences were true, which would be most likely
kill termites and other insects. She did not want to kill to result in an acquittal?
Ventura, so she carefully read the use manual supplied
by the manufacturer. The manual said that Terminate (A) Volmer was already dead when Dustin shot
was not fatal to human beings, but that exposure to it him, although Dustin believed him to be
could cause serious ailments including blindness and alive.
permanent respiratory irritation. When she was sure (B) Volmer was alive when Dustin shot him,
that no one would see her, Delman brought a can of although Dustin believed that Volmer was
Terminate to the parking lot and released the poison gas already dead.
into Ventura's car. At lunchtime, Ventura and his friend
Alex sat together in Ventura's car. As a result of their (C) Dustin's gun was unloaded when he aimed it
exposure to the Terminate in the car, Alex died and at Volmer and pulled the trigger, although
Ventura became so ill that he was hospitalized for over Dustin believed it to be loaded.
a month. (D) Intending to poison Volmer, Dustin put a
harmless substance into Volmer's drink,
17. If Delman is charged with the murder of Alex, although Dustin believed that the sub-
she should be found stance was lethal.

(A) guilty, because Alex's death resulted from Questions 20-21 are based on the following fact situa-
an act which Delman performed with the tion.
intent to cause great bodily harm to a
human being. Devlin had been arraigned on a charge of burglarizing
(B) guilty, because the use of poison gas is an the home of Watson. He was assigned a public
inherently dangerous activity. defender and pleaded not guilty, but because he was
unable to post bail, was in jail awaiting trial. Ulrich, an
(C) not guilty, because she did not know that
undercover police officer, was ordered by his com-
Alex would be exposed to the poison gas. manding officer to pose as a prisoner and was placed in
(D) not guilty, because she did not intend to the same cell as Devlin. Ulrich was instructed not to
cause the death of any person. question Devlin about the charge against him. The day
before Devlin's trial, Devlin and Ulrich were told that
they were to appear in a lineup. Devlin asked for his
18. If Delman is charged with the attempted murder
lawyer to be present at the lineup, but was told that he
of Ventura, she should be found had no right to his lawyer's presence.

(A) guilty, because Ventura suffered a serious ill- Mter appearing in the lineup, Devlin and Ulrich were
ness as the result of a criminal act which sent back to their cell. While walking through the corri-
she performed with intent to cause him
dor of the jail, Devlin told Ulrich that he had commit-
great bodily harm.. ted the burglary with which he was charged. He

bragged that he was sure to get away with it because 22. "The Heights" was a poor section in the City of
the night of the burglary was too dark for any of the Maple. Because many of the residents of The
witnesses to identify him. Heights had been complaining aboutthe exploita-
tion of tenants by absentee landlords, and about
At Devlin's trial, Watson testified that she had been the lack oflaw enforcement in their neighbor-
returning home on the night of the burglary when she hood, the City Attorney instituted a campaign of
saw a man running from her house. She said that she neighborhood reform in The Heights. The City
recognized Devlinas the man whom she had identified Attorney obtained a series of warrants for inspec-
as the burglar at a lineup the day before. Ulrich testified tIon of buildings in The Heights. He accom-
to the conversation which he had with Devlin in which plished this by presenting an affidavit which
Devlin admitted his guilt. stated that many health and safety violations had
been observed in buildings located in The
Heights by police and building inspectors travel-
20. If Devlin's attorney makes a timely objection to
ing through the neighborhood. Pursuant to the
the identification made by Watson, the court
warrants, police officers and building inspectors
were ordered to inspect certain buildings. As a
result, an apartment building owned by Donder
(A) sustain the objection, because Devlin was
was found to have more than twenty violations of
entitled to have his attorney present at the
the city's building code. Donder was prosecuted
under a state law which made it a felony for any
(B) sustain the objection, unless there were at landlord to willfully fail to correct health and
least five other men in the lineup and all safety violations in a building which he or she
were of approximately the same height, owned.
weight, and skin color as Devlin.
If Donder moves to suppress the evidence against
(C) overrule the objection, unless Devlin's
him which was obtained as a result of the inspec-
refusal to participate in the lineup was
tion of his building, his motion should be
overcome by force or the threat of force.
(D) overrule the objection, because any taint (A) granted, unless the affidavit which was sub-
connected with the lineup procedure has mitted in support of the request for a war-
been purged by Watson's subsequent re- rant specifically stated that violations had
identification of Devlin in the courtroom. been observed in Donder's building.
(B) granted, because the inspections were part of
21. If Devlin's attorney objects to the testimony of a general scheme to enforce the law in a
Ulrich regarding the statement which Devlin particular neighborhood only.
made to him in the corridor, the objection should
(C) denied, because no warrant is needed to
inspect buildings for health or safety viola-
(A) sustained, because the statement was made
to a police officer in the absence of and (D) denied, if there was. probable cause to
without the consent of Devlin's attorney. believe that violations would be found in
some of the buildings of The Heights.
(B) sustained, because Ulrich entrapped Devlin
into making the statement
23. On Darr's birthday, his friend Mead gave him a
(C) overruled, only if Ulrich was placed in Dev-
new television as a gift. The following day, when
lin's cell pursuant to a warrant.
Darr opened the box and began using the televi-
(D) overruled, because Devlin made the state- sion, he noticed that there was no warranty docu-
ment voluntarily. ment with it. Darr phoned Mead and asked Mead
for the missing warranty document. Mead said, "I

can't give it to you because the television was drunk that she passed out. Unaware of
stolen." Darr kept the television and continued what she was doing, she walked to her car
using it. in an unconscious state, got behind the
wheel, and started the engine. Because she
Darr was guilty of had left the car parked in gear, it lurched
forward, striking a pedestrian who was
(A) receiving stolen property only. standing in the roadway. The pedestrian
died of his injuries later that night.
(B) larceny only.
(C) At a New Year's Eve party, defendant was
(C) receiving stolen property and larceny.
told that his wife was having sexual inter-
(D) no crime. course with Victor in a bedroom of the
house where the party was taking place.
Infuriated, defendant ran out to his car and
24. In which of the following fact situations is Dandy
got an iron bar which he kept in the trunk.
most likely to be convicted of the crime charged?
He slipped it into his pants leg so that no
Assume that the jurisdiction applies the common
would see it when he re-entered the party.
law definition of all crimes.
He waited for half an hour outside the
room where his wife and Victor were in
(A) Dandy offered an acquaintance one thou-
bed together. Intending to break Victor's
sand dollars to burn down Dandy's factory,
collarbone, defendant swung the iron bar
but the acquaintance refused. Dandy was
at him as Victor exited the bedroom.
charged with solicitation to commit arson.
Defendant aimed at Victor's shoulder, but
(B) Dandy deliberately burned down his home in attempting to move out of the way, Vic-
and collected the proceeds of his fire insur- tor was struck in the head, sustaining a
ance policy. Dandy was charged with lar- fractured skull. Victor died of his injuries.
ceny by trick.
(D) On New Year's Eve, believing Victor to be
(C) Dandy deliberately burned down Vonn's away at a party, defendant broke into Vic-
store because he wanted to put Vonn out of tor's house for the purpose of stealing cash
business. Dandy was charged with arson. and other valuables. When he entered the
(D) Dandy attempted to bum down his neigh- bedroom, Victor and his wife, who had not
bor's house because he disliked his neigh- gone out as planned, jumped out of bed.
bor. He poured gasoline on the door of the Taking from his pocket a gun which he
house and threw a match onto it. The knew to be unloaded, defendant grabbed
flames had just charred the door when it Victor's wife and held the gun to her head,
started to rain and the fire went out. Dandy saying, "Don't move or I'll shoot her."
was charged with arson. Victor took a loaded pistol from under his
pillow and shot at defendant. The bullet
missed and killed Victor's wife.
25. In which of the following fact situations is defen-
dant LEAST likely to be convicted of murder?
26. A small but valuable piece of jewel-encrusted
(A) At midnight on New Year's Eve, defendant statuary had been stolen from an antique shop,
fired his pistol out the window into the and all foot patrol officers in the area were noti-
street below for the purpose of making a fied by walkie-talkie to look for the thief. When
loud noise. One of the bullets ricocheted an officer saw Dinger running down the street
off a brick wall and struck a passing away from the direction of the antique shop, she
motorist, killing him. became suspicious of him. The officer stopped
Dinger and asked him his name and his reason for
(B) At a New Year's Eve party, defendant got so running down the street. When Dinger said, "Just

jogging," the officer ordered him to raise his his change of mind. Instead, saying that he needed to
hands, and then frisked him to see if he was in use the bathroom, he ran away. Tom went into Van-
possession of the stolen statue. She felt a hard ney's room by himself, found the medicine where Sam
object in his pocket and, believing it to be the had left it on the night table, and threw the medicine
statue, reached inside. The object which she felt away. Later that night, Vanney had an asthma attack
turned out to be a pistol for which Dinger did not and died because he was unable to find his medicine.
have a permit as required by law.
A statute in the jurisdiction provides that persons the
Prior to Dinger's trial on the charge of unlawfully age of Tom, John and Sam are adults for purposes of
possessing a concealed weapon, he moved to sup- criminal liability.
press the use of the pistol. His motion should be
27. If Sam is charged with conspiracy, a court will
(A) granted, because it was obtained as the result
probably find him
of an unlawful search.
(B) granted, because it was not the item which (A) guilty, because he knowingly aided and
the officer was seeking when she frisked abetted in the commission of a crime.
(B) guilty, because he committed an overt act in
(C) denied, because the officer reasonably sus- furtherance of an agreement to throwaway
pected him of stealing the statue. Vanney's medicine.
(D) denied, because it was discovered as part of (C) not guilty, because he did not agree to com-
a valid pat-down search. mit any crime.
(D) not guilty, because John effectively with-
Ques#ons 27-28 are based on the following fact situa- drew from any conspiracy which existed.
28. If John is charged with the murder ofVanney, a
Tom, John and Sam were teenaged boys staying at a
court will probably find him
summer camp. One evening Vanney, a camp counselor,
ordered Tom and John to go to bed immediately after
(A) guilty, because he and Tom agree to throw
dinner. Outside the dining hall, Tom and John decided
away Vanney's medicine in the hope that
to get even with Vanney. Having seen Vanney take
doing so would cause Vanney's death.
medicine for an asthma condition, they agreed to kill
Vanney by finding his medicine and throwing it away. (B) guilty, because he aided and abetted in caus-
Tom and John did not know whether Vanney would die ing Vanney's death.
without the medicine, but they both hoped that he (C) not guilty, because he did not physically par-
would. ticipate in throwing away Vanney's medi-
Sam, who disliked Vanney, overheard the conversation
between Tom and John and hoped that their plan would (D) not guilty, because he withdrew from the
succeed. He decided to help them without saying any- conspiracy before any overt act was com-
thing about it. Going into Vanney's room, Sam mitted.
searched through Vanney's possessions until he found
the medicine. Then he put it on a night table so that 29. As part of her campaign for re-election, the Presi-
Tom and John would be sure to find it. dent of the United States was driving through the
main street of a city in the state of Fedora in a car
As Tom and John were walking towards Vanney's with a bubble-shaped roof made of bullet-proof
room, John decided not to go through with the plan. glass. Intending to shoot the President, Dosset
Because he was afraid that Tom would make fun of
crouched on the roof of a building and aimed a
him for chickening out, he said nothing to Tom about

high-powered rifle at the glass top of her car. He

fired three times, striking the glass with each bul-
30. If Delbert is charged with the murder of Conn,
let. None ofthe bullets penetrated the glass, and
Delbert's most effective argument in defense is
because of the noise of the cheering crowd the
President was unaware that any shots had been
fired. A police officer observed Dosset firing at
(A) Conn was not a victim of the felony which
the President, however, and placed him under
resulted in his death.
arrest. D()sset was subsequerttly charged with
violating a federal statute which makes it a crime (B) Perry was justified in shooting Conn.
to attempt to assassinate the President, and was
(C) the use of toy guns made it unforeseeable
acquitted in a federal court.
that the robbery would result in the death
of any person.
If Dosset is prosecuted in a court of the state of
Fedora, and charged with criminal assault under (D) Delbert lacked malice aforethought.
the state law, a court should find him
31. If Delbert is charged with the murder of Nora, the
(A) not guilty, because he has already been
court should find him
acquitted in the federal court.
(B) not guilty, because the President was (A) guilty, because Nora's death resulted from
unaware that shots had been fired. Delbert's attempt to commit a robbery.
(C) guilty, because Dosset intended to hit the (B) guilty, only if he drove the car in a crimi-
President with the bullets. nally negligent manner.
(D) guilty, because Dosset's conduct would (C) not guilty, if he was in reasonable fear for
cause the reasonable person to be placed in his own life when attempting to flee in the
fear of her life. automobile.
(D) not guilty, because Nora's death did not
Questions 30-31 are based on the following fact situa- occur during the commission of a felony.
32. Although Donnum had been licensed to drive for
Conn had just been released from prison after serving a fifteen years, he allowed his license to expire
three year term for aggravated assault. In need of while he was temporarily out of the country.
money, he called his old friend Delbert and asked When he returned, he meant to get it renewed or
whether Delbert would be interested in joining Conn in reinstated, but did not get around to doing so.
the robbery of Perry's Pawnshop. Delbert agreed, but Although a statute made it a misdemeanor to
only after making Conn promise that there would be no drive without a license, Donnum continued to
violence. Upon Delbert's insistence, they carried realis- drive. One day he accidentally dropped his ciga-
tic-looking toy guns and when they entered Perry's rette while driving his car. He felt around for it
Pawnshop, they drew their toy guns and ordered Perry while he drove, until his fingers encountered its
to give them all the money in his cash register and all glowing tip. Taking his eyes off the road for a
the gems in his safe. Perry took a gun from the safe and moment to pick up the still-burning cigarette, he
shot Conn, killing him. Perry then aimed the pistol at failed to see Vonderhaven who stepped out from
Delbert, who fled from the store. As Perry ran out into between parked cars. Donnum struck Vonder-
the street with his pistol in his hand, Delbert jumped haven, who died instantly.
into the car which he and Conn had left parked at the
curb. Speeding away from the scene, Delbert acciden- If Donnum is charged with homicide as a result
tally struck Nora, a pedestrian, who died of her injuries. of Vonderhaven's death, which of the following
By statute, the jurisdiction has adopted the felony-mur- would be the prosecutor's most effective argu-
der rule.

ment? pool terminated when Boss permitted her

to leave at 8 P.M.
(A) Vonderhaven's death resulted from Don-
(C) Susan's death resulted from Watcher's fail-
num's commission of a dangerous misde-
ure to render aid.
(D) She did not intend Susan's death.
(B) Donnum's violation of the statute which
required a driver's license made him guilty
of culpable negligence per se since the 34. If Watcher is charged with criminal homicide in
statute was designed to protect users of the death of Susan, the court should find her
public roads against unqualified drivers.
(A) guilty, because she could have saved Susan
(C) While mere negligence is insufficient to sus-
without any risk to herself.
tain a murder charge, it is sufficient to sus-
tain a charge of involuntary manslaughter (B) guilty, if she knew that she was the only per-
where it results in death. son present who was aware of Susans's
plight and who was able to rescue her.
(D) Donnum created a high and unreasonable
risk of death or serious injury when he (C) not guilty, unless she was related to Susan.
took his eyes off the road while driving.
(D) not guilty, because she had no duty to aid
Questions 33-34 are based on the following fact situa-
Questions 35-36 are based on the following fact situa-
Larraby worked as a lifeguard from 5 P.M. to 10 P.M.
every night at a public swimming pool operated by the
Vena was addicted to heroin, and frequently committed
City of Muni. When she arrived at work Wednesday
acts of prostitution to obtain the money she needed to
evening she asked her supervisor Boss whether she
buy drugs. One night she was out looking for custom-
could leave early, because she had a date. Since there
ers for prostitution when she was approached by
were only a few people at the pool, Boss said that Lar-
Dorian who asked what her price was. When she told
raby could leave at 8 P.M. At 8 P.M., Larraby told Boss
him that she would have intercourse with him for $20,
she was going and left, although the pool had become
he said that he would get the money from a friend and
quite crowded with adults and young children. At 9
see her later. When Vena went home several hours
P.M., Susan, a nine-year-old child, fell into the pool,
later, Dorian was waiting inside her apartment. He said
striking her head against its edge. Watcher, one of the
that he wanted to have sex with her, but when Vena
adults swimming in the pool, saw Susan fall and real-
repeated her demand for $20, he said that he had no
ized that the child would drown if someone did not res-
money. She told him to get out or she would call the
cue her. Watcher had seen Larraby leave and knew that
police. Dorian took a knife from his pocket, saying that
there was no lifeguard present, but made no effort to
if she did not have intercourse with him he would kill
rescue Susan although Watcher was a strong swimmer
her. Silently, Vena took off her clothes and had inter-
and could easily have done so with no risk to herself.
course with him.
Susan drowned.
Immediately afterwards, Dorian fell asleep. Vena tied
33. If Larraby is charged with criminal homicide in his hands and feet to the four comers of the bed, and
the death of Susan, which of the following would woke him. She said, "Now you are going to be pun-
be her most effective argument in defense? ished for what you have done. I should kill you, but I
won't because I want to make sure that you suffer for
(A) She was not present at the time of the the rest of your life." Using his own knife, she began to
drowning. cut and jab him with it, planning to torture but not to
kill him. She stabbed and blinded him in both eyes,
(B) Her duty to assist people in the swimming

then cut off his sex organs. She also severed the tip of board's licensing exam. Brenda asked Diedre to
his nose and made a series of cuts across his face and abort the pregnancy, saying that she would kill
chest. herself if Diedre refused. Reluctantly, Diedre
agreed to perform the abortion in Brenda's
kitchen. Diedre performed a surgical procedure
35. If Dorian is charged with rape, the court should
which usually resulted in abortion, but because
find him
the pregnancy had advanced as far as it did, the
baby was alive when separated from Brenda's
(A) guilty, because he overcame Vena's refusal
body. Diedre held the baby's head under water in
to have intercourse with him by threaten-
an attempt to end his life, but after a short time
ing to kill her with his knife.
her conscience bothered her. She pulled the baby
(B) not guilty, because Vena's demand for from the water and gave him mouth-to- mouth
twenty dollars made her resistance condi- resuscitation, directing Brenda to call an ambu-
tional and therefore less than total. lance. When the ambulance arrived, the baby was
breathing on his own. He was taken to a hospital
(C) not guilty, because Vena offered no resis-
where, because of brain damage, he remained in a
tance and Dorian did not use physical
coma until he died five years later.
(D) not guilty, because of the injuries inflicted If Diedre is charged with murdering the baby, her
by Vena. most effective argument in defense would be that

(A) Brenda had a constitutional right to an abor-

36. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Dorian dies as a result of the injuries inflicted by
Vena. Assume further that she is charged with (B) Diedre attempted to save the baby's life by
first degree murder in a jurisdiction which giving him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
defines that crime as "the unlawful killing of a
(C) the baby's death five years later after Die-
human being committed intentionally, with delib-
dre's act was not proximately caused by
eration and premeditation." The court should find
Diedre's act.
(D) Diedre lacked the necessary state of mind to
(A) not guilty, because Vena did not intend to be guilty of criminal homicide, because the
cause Dorian's death. surgical procedure which she performed
usually resulted in abortion.
(B) not guilty, because Vena was acting in self-
38. Donnelly shot Vasily to death. She was subse-
(C) guilty, because Dorian's death resulted from
quently charged with voluntary manslaughter.
Vena's commission of a dangerous felony.
Which of the following additional facts, if true,
(D) guilty, because Dorian's death resulted from would lead to an acquittal on that charge?
(I) At the time of the shooting, Donnelly
believed that Vasily was going to stab her,
37. Brenda was in her eighth month of pregnancy but the reasonable person in her place
when her husband left her. Unwilling to face life would not have held that belief.
as a single parent, she asked her doctor to per-
(II) At the time of the shooting, the reasonable
form an abortion. Her doctor refused, explaining
person in Donnelly's place would have
that abortion so late in pregnancy could be dan-
believed that Vasily was going to stab her,
gerous. Brenda's cousin Diedre had graduated
but Donnelly did not hold that belief.
from medical school and was waiting for news
about whether she had passed the state medical
(A) I only.

(B) II only. (B) acquitted, because she intended to return the

pen in a week or two.
(C) Either I or II.
(D) Neither I or II. (C) convicted, because Professor Vinton was
permanently deprived of the pen.
(D) convicted, because theft of the pen from her
Questions 39-41 are based on the following fact situa-
briefcase was foreseeable.

Donald and Denise were law students in Professor Vin- 41. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
ton's Contracts class. Knowing that Professor Vinton the jurisdiction has a statute which defines the
kept his lecture notes in a cabinet in his office, they crime of "larcenous conversion" as "intentionally
planned to break into the office for the purpose of carrying off property known to belong to another
copying his notes. Donald purchased a miniature cam- person." If Donald is charged with being an
era for this purpose, after discussing the purchase with accessory to the larcenous conversion of Profes-
Denise and collecting half the cost from her. When they sor Vinton's pen, he should be found
saw Professor Vinton leave his office at lunch time they
went there. Denise opened the locked door by slipping (A) guilty; because Denise committed the larce-
a strip of plastic under its latch. Once inside the office, nous conversion while with Donald.
Donald found Professor Vinton's notes and photo-
(B) guilty, because Denise took the pen to keep
graphed them with the camera which he had purchased.
Vinton from noticing that his notes had
Denise noticed a gold-plated pen on the Professor's
been disturbed.
desk and put it into her pocket without telling Donald.
She did so with the intention of returning the pen in a (C) not guilty, because Donald did not expect
week or two, hoping that in the meantime the professor that Denise would take the pen.
would be so upset about the loss of his pen that he (D) not guilty, because Donald did not know that
would not notice that his notes had been disturbed. The Denise took Professor Vinton's pen.
following day, however, The pen was stolen from Den-
ise's briefcase. The jurisdiction applies the common
law definitions of larceny and burglary. Questions 42-43.

Read the summaries of the decisions in the four cases

39. Of which of the following crimes may Donald
(A-D) below. Then decide which is most applicable as
properly be convicted?
a precedent to each of the cases in the questions that
(I) Conspiracy to commit burglary. follow, and indicate each choice by marking the corre-
sponding space on the answer sheet.
(II) Conspiracy to commit larceny.
(A) Amy was walking on a crowded street with
(A) I only.
her purse hanging from a strap over her
(B) II only. shoulder when Defendant yanked the purse
(C) I and II. with sufficient force to break the strap, and
ran off with it into the crowd. Defendant's
(D) Neither I nor II. conviction for robbery was reversed.
(B) Defendant took a package of meat from a
40. If Denise is charged with larceny as a result of showcase in a supermarket and slipped it
her taking the gold-plated pen, she should be under his shirt. He left the store without
paying for it. When Benton, a store cash-
(A) acquitted, because theft of the pen from her ier, ran after him into the parking lot and
briefcase was a superseding cause. stepped in front of him blocking his path,
Defendant took a straight razor from his

pocket and grabbed another customer. He picking up the briefcase and walkingoff with it
held the razor to the customer's throat tell- as he went by. Veeney, believing that he had
ing Benton to get out of the way. Benton taken it by mistake, ran to him and said, "Pardon
stepped aside, and Defendant ran away, me, sir. You've taken my bag." Doaks drew a
releasing the other customer. Defendant's realistic-looking toy pistol, pushed her into a seat,
conviction for robbery was affirmed. and ran away. Doaks was charged with robbery.
(C) Carrie, a school teacher, took her sixth grade
class to visit a display of medieval torture 44. Herpo earned his living by catching poisonous
devices at the museum. She sat in a reptiles for sale to zoos and private collectors. He
wooden torture-chair and had herself had been commissioned to capture a rare, highly
shackled intoit to demonstrate its opera- poisonous speciesknown as the bowsnake. Herpo
tion to her students. Defendant, who hired a professional biochemist named Kemo to
worked at the museum, surreptitiously develop and manufacture a drug which he could
photographed her with an instant camera. take before handling the bowsnake, and which
He then went to the office of Carrie's hus- would protect him against the reptile's poison in
band Huss, and showed Huss the photo- the event that he was bitten. Although Kemo
graph of Carrie in the torture chair. knew that the bite of the bowsnake was usually
Defendant said that his confederates would fatal and that there was no defense against its
torture her unless he called them on the venom, she welcomed the opportunity to earn
phone and told them that Huss had given some easy money. She sold Herpo a bottle of tab-
him five hundred dollars. Huss gave him lets telling him that they were based on her secret
the money. Defendant's conviction for rob- formula and that they would protect him against
bery was reversed. the bowsnake's venom. Actually, the tablets were
(D) When Edmund purchased a ticket at the air- made of nothing more than sugar, but Kemo
port for his flight, he checked his baggage. thought that if Herpo believed strongly enough in
La1er, Defendant, wearing a mask and car- their power he would handle the snakes so confi-
rying a gun, entered the room where dently that he would not be bitten. Herpo caught
checked baggage was stored. Forcing the a bowsnakeand took one of Kemo's tablets
room attendant to lie face down on the before handling it, following the instructions
floor, Defendant opened Edmund's suit- which she had given him. While he was handling
case and removed several hundred dollars the bowsnake, it bit him. Because the tablets did
worth of negotiable securities. Defendant's not protect him against the venom, Herpo became
conviction for robbery was affirmed. ill as a result of the snakebite and almost died.

If Kemo is prosecuted for her sale of the tablets to

42. Vogt fell asleep on a train, while traveling from Herpo, she may properly be found guilty of
, one part of the state to another. Defen, who had
earlier seen Vogt removing cash from a money- (A) attempted murder only.
belt which Vogt wore under his shirt, slipped into
(B) obtaining property by false pretenses only.
the seat beside Vogt. While Vogt slept, Defen
used.a knife to cut off the buttons of Vogt'sshirt, (C) attempted murder and obtaining property by
and to cut the moneybelt from Vogt. He then took false pretenses.
it to another car of the train where he removed
(D) neither attempted murder lior obtaining
sev((ralth,ousand dollars. Defendant was charged
property by false pretenses.
with robbery.

45. Diller purchased an ounce of cocaine and divided

43. Between flights, \feeney' set her briefcase down
it into fifty packets of about one-half gram each.
beside her seat in the airport waiting room. Doaks
She was selling them outside the local high
saw this an~ walked past her in a casual fashion,

school when Gunn, a cocaine user, noticed her (D) While making a series of calls from a public
and saw the opportunity to get some free drugs. phone Defendant went in search of change,
Gunn stepped up beside her. With his hand in the leaving the phone off the hook and leaving
pocket of his jacket, he thrust his finger forward her briefcase in the booth. A police officer
inside the pocket and jabbed her in the ribs with who had been keeping Defendant under
it. Snarling, he said, "I've got a gun. Give me the surveillance examined the contents of the
dope or I'll blow you away." Diller reached into briefcase and discovered illegal drugs
her purse. drew asmall pistol which she kept which were offered in evidence against
there, and shot Gunn, killing him. Defendant.

If Diller is charged with the murder of Gunn, she

47. After looking at a car which Samson had adver-
should be found
tised for sale, Berrigan agreed to purchase it for
three thousand dollars. Berrigan gave Samson
(A) guilty, because it was unreasonable for her
one hundred dollars cash, promising to bring the
to use deadly force to protect illegal con-
balance and to pick up the car the following day.
In fact Samson was a thief who had no intention
(B) guilty, if Gunn was unarmed. of selling the car, and had been collecting cash
(C) guilty, because Diller was committing a down payments from buyers allover the state. As
crime and therefore had no privilege of soon as Berrigan left, Samson ran off with the
self-defense. hundred dollars. One week later, Samson was
arrested and charged with embezzlement and lar-
(D) not guilty, if it was reasonable for her to ceny by trick. He can properly be convicted of
believe that her life was in danger.
(A) embezzlement only.
46. In which of the following fact patterns is the evi- (B) larceny by trick only.
dence offered most likely to be suppressed
(C) embezzlement and larceny by trick.
because it was obtained in violation of the defen-
dant's Fourth Amendment right to be secure (D) neither embezzlement nor larceny by trick.
against umeasonable search and seizure?
48. Walton was extremely hot tempered and very
(A) Border officials required Defendant to
possessive of her husband Harris. She frequently
empty his pockets when he walked across
flew into a hysterical rage if he even looked at
the border from Mexico to the United
another woman. One evening Walton and Harris
States. A packet of cocaine which was thus
were in a bar when they began arguing. Wanting
discovered was offered against Defendant.
to hurt Walton, and knowing that it would infuri-
(B) Defendant called a public official on the ate her, Harris asked Mary, who was sitting at the
telephone several times to offer her a bribe. next table, to dance with him. Mary accepted, but
At the request of the police, the official as she and Harris began to dance, Walton became
tape recorded one of her telephone conver- enraged and ran at them, striking Harris over the
sations with Defendant. The tape recording head with a wine bottle. Later that night, Harris
was offered in evidence against Defendant. died of a head injury resulting from the blow.
(C) An undercover police officer trained in lip Walton was charged with murder, but her lawyer
reading testified that he had observed the argued that the charge should be reduced to vol-
Defendantmake a telephone call from a untary manslaughter because Walton was acting
public booth, and that he was able to deter- out of extreme passion when she struck Harris. Is
mine what the Defendant was saying by Walton's lawyer correct?
reading the Defendant's lips. He offered to
testify to the words used by the Defendant. (A) Yes, on the theory of deliberate provocation.

(B) Yes, because of Walton's extreme feelings of

possessiveness regarding Harris. (A) He did not use force to effect an entry.
(C) No, if the ordinary person in Walton's situa- (B) He did not enter by "breaking," since the
tion would not have become violently door was not locked.
enraged by Harris's dancing with Mary.
(C) When he opened the door and entered the
(D) No, on the theory of mistaken justification. apartment, he had no intention of commit-
ting a crime.
49. Compco was a retailer of computer hardware and (D) He left a note explaining his actions.
software. It frequently sold its products on credit,
requiring customers to pay twenty percent down
50. Drake suffered a severe head injury in an acci-
and to sign notes agreeing to pay the balance in
dent which occurred three years ago. As a result,
monthly installments which included interest at
she experienced eight incidents of sudden uncon-
the lawful rate. In addition, credit customers were
sciousness, each lasting approximately two min-
required to execute security agreements giving
utes. All the incidents occurred within a three
Compco in the event of default in payment the
month period immediately following the acci-
right to repossess the goods sold without resort to
dent, and all occurred while Drake was at home.
judicial proceedings. Ritter was employed by
Last week she was driving her automobile in a
Compco as a collection agent. As such, his job
lawful manner when she suddenly lost conscious-
was to contact customers whose payments were
ness as a result of the head injury which occurred
past due and to repossess computer hardware
three years ago. Her car swerved out of control
when necessary.
onto the sidewalk, striking and permanently
injuring Vincent, a pedestrian. Drake was charged
Viola purchased computer hardware from Com-
with violating a state statute which defines the
pco at a total cost of two thousand dollars, paying
crime of "reckless maiming" as "causing perma-
four hundred dollars down and executing a note
nent injury to another person by acting in know-
and security agreement as described. She made
ing disregard of the plain and strong likelihood
no monthly payments to Compco for a period of
that death or serious personal injury will result."
six months, in spite of Ritter's many attempts to
collect from her. One night, Ritter went to her
Which of the following is Drake's most effective
home to demand that she either make her pay-
argument in defense against the charge of reck-
ments or return the computer hardware. Although
less maiming?
he heard a radio playing inside Viola's apartment,
no one answered his knock. Ritter tried the door,
(A) Drake's head injury was not the result of any
thinking that his knock might not have been
culpable conduct by Drake.
heard over the sound of the radio. Finding the
door unlocked, he opened it and entered the (B) After losing consciousness while driving,
apartment. He called Viola's name as he walked Drake was no longer capable of exercising
from room to room, but found that nobody was control over the operation of her vehicle.
home. He was about to leave when he saw the (C) Drake reasonably believed that she would
computer hardware which Viola had purchased not have any further incidents of uncon-
from Compco on a table. He left a note which
said, "I have repossessed your computer," and
which he signed, "Ritter, for Compco," and took (D) Drake did not know that her driving would
the equipment with him. lead to death or serious injury.

If Ritter is charged with common law burglary,

51. As part of a plan to market a new line of invest-
which of the following would be his most effec- ment securities, Merchant's Bank assigned Veep,
tive argument in defense?
one of its vice presidents, to study the accounts of

some of its major depositors. Veep performed a the door, and when Valens opened the door Daf-
computer analysis to determine at what times of ton shot and killed him. State statutes codify the
the year the accounts of the depositors in question common law definitions of voluntary and invol-
reflected the most activity. Veep had been reading untary manslaughter, and define first degree mur-
in the newspaper about a series of unsolved bank: der as "the deliberate and premeditated killing of
robberies in the area. In examining the reports, a human being," and second degree murder as
Veep noticed that Doge had made a substantial "the killing of a human being with malice afore-
deposit on the day following each of the unsolved thought."
robberies. Veep telephoned the police to report
his discovery. Following the conversation, two If Dafton is charged with voluntary manslaughter,
police officers went to the Bank: to examine with the court should find him
Veep the records of Doge's account. As a result
of their findings, the police investigated Doge's (A) guilty, if he intended the death of Valens
whereabouts on the days of the bank: robberies because he believed that Valens had killed
and eventually obtained further evidence that he his wife and children.
had participated in them. Doge was arrested and
(B) guilty, because the killing of Valens was
prosecuted for the bank robberies.
deliberate and premeditated.
If Doge makes an appropriate motion to suppress (C) not guilty, because the killing of Valens was
the evidence of his involvement in the robberies, deliberate and premeditated.
the motion should be (D) not guilty, if Valens was the killer of Daf-
ton's wife and children.
(A) granted, if police examination of Doge's
bank account record was the only fact
which led the police to suspect and investi- Questions 53-54 are based on the following fact situa-
gate Doge. tion.
(B) granted, unless the prosecution can establish
Domer was the chief cashier at a supermarket. As part
that evidence associating Doge with the
of her duties, she deposited the day's receipts in the
bank robberies would have eventually and
company safe each night. One Friday night when the
inevitably surfaced without the facts dis-
store was to be closed for the entire weekend, after
covered by examination of Doge's bank:
depositing the day's receipts in the safe, Domer
account record.
removed $500 from the safe without permission. She
(C) denied, only if police examination of Doge's knew that no one would be looking for the money in
bank: account record disclosed no informa- the safe during the weekend and planned to take it with
tion in addition to that which the police her on a gambling junket to Las Vegas. Her intentions
had already received from Veep. were to gamble with the money, and, if she won, to
(D) denied, because it was not reasonable for return it on Monday morning. If she lost, she planned
Doge to expect information contained in to alter the store records to hide the fact that the money
his bank: account record to be private. was missing.

On Monday morning, Domer returned to the supermar-

52. Dafton came home from work to find that his ket. Having won a few hundred dollars during her
wife and two of his children had been slashed and weekend gambling trip, she returned the money which
cut and were lying dead in a pool of blood. His she had taken from the safe. Sears, one of her co-work-
third child was also cut and bleeding severely. As ers, saw her returning the money and questioned her
Dafton approached, the child said, "Valens hurt about it until Domer admitted what she had done. Sears
Mommy." Dafton said, "I'll kill that son of a stopped her before she closed the safe and said that
bitch." Then he loaded his shotgun and went next unless Domer gave him $25 of the store's money, he
door to the home of the Valens. He knocked on would tell the boss. Domer knew that she could get

away with taking $25 because the store records were 18 years. She also told him that if she ever heard of his
frequently off by that much and the boss never worried violating the statute while working at the Twilight Bar
about it. Thus, she took out $25 from the safe and gave she would fire him immediately. Later that night Kidd,
it to Sears. a 17-year old who looked like he was 25, ordered a
glass of wine. Kidd showed Bart an altered driver's
license which falsely stated his age to be twenty. Bart
53. If Domer is charged with larceny for taking $500
was not sure whether the phrase "intoxicating sub-
from the safe on Friday night, she should be
stance" in the statute included wine, and served it to
Kidd. An undercover police officer who was at the bar
observed the transaction. Hoping to make an arrest, the
(A) not guilty, because the owner of the super-
officer deliberately waited until after the wine was
market was not deprived of its use.
served. He then showed his badge, demanding to see
(B) not guilty, because when she took the money Kidd's identification. Recognizing the driver's license
she intended to return it if she won. as a forgery, he arrested Bart.
(C) guilty, because she withheld $25 on Monday
morning. 55. If Bart is charged with violating the statute, his
(D) guilty, because she planned to keep the most effective argument in defense is that
money if she lost.
(A) he did not know whether the statutory phrase
"intoxicating substance" included wine.
54. Of which one of the following crimes is Sears
(B) he reasonably believed Kidd to be over the
most likely to be guilty as a result of his conduct
age of 18 years.
on Monday morning?
(C) the undercover police officer entrapped him.
(A) Robbery, because he obtained money from
(D) the wine was not an intoxicating substance
Domer by threat and intimidation.
because Kidd never got a chance to drink
(B) Larceny, because he obtained money by it.
inciting and encouraging Domer to steal
twenty-five dollars from the safe.
56. Assume that Darla is charged with violating the
(C) Embezzlement, because he obtained his statute, and that the prosecutor asserts that she
employer's money by violating his duty to should be held vicariously liable for Bart's act.
report Domer's conduct. Which of the following would be Darla's most
(D) Fraud, because he obtained money by with- effective argument in defense?
holding information which he had a duty to
disclose. (A) Darla did not have personal knowledge of
the sale to Kidd.
(B) Darla cautioned Bart against violation of the
Questions 55-56 are based on the following fact situa-
(C) Bart is not guilty of violating the statute.
A statute provides as follows: "Any person who know- (D) Bart was not acting within the scope of his
ingly sells an intoxicating substance to a person under employment when he sold wine to a minor
the age of 18 years shall be guilty of a misdemeanor." in violation of the statute.
Darla, the owner of a cocktail lounge called the Twi-
light Bar hired Bart to work asher bartender. Before
Bart began working, Darla read him the above statute 57. A state law requires automobiles to be equipped
and explained the need for him to check the identifica- with a device to reduce the emission of air-pollut-
tion of all persons who appeared to be under the age of ing substances and provides that any person who

knowingly removes such a device from an auto- wall, and held it in front of him. When Grover saw this,
mobile shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Dell he handed his knife to Nelson and knelt before him,
was the operator of an automobile service station crying and saying, "forgive me, Lord of the Galaxy."
at which she conducted minor repairs. Velma Although he realized that Grover was no longer trying
brought her car to Dell's station and asked to kill him, Nelson struck him heavily on the head with
whether there was anything that Dell could do to the plastic sword, causing a fracture of Grover's skull.
improve the car's fuel economy. Dell said that Grover grabbed his knife out of Nelson's hand and
removing the air~pollution control device would sta.bbed Nelson With it, ihflicting a slight injury. Grover
make the car use less fuel, and offered to do so was arrested and charged with the crime of battery.
for a fee. Velma paid the fee, and Dell removed
the device. Although Dell worked carefully, she
58. If Grover asserts that he acted in self-defense, he
accidentally loosened a connection in the exhaust
should be found
system without knowing she had done so. As a
result, when Velma drove away, exhaust gases
(A) not guilty, because the injury which he
were leaking from the exhaust system into
ihflicted upon Nelson was significantly
Velma's car. Mter driving for a short time, Velma
less serious than the injury which Nelson
was poisoned by the gases and died.
ihflicted upon him.
If Dell is prosecuted for the homicide of Velma, (B) not guilty, if the force which he used against
she should be found Nelson was reasonable.
(C) guilty, if he knew that the sword in Nelson's
(A) guilty of involuntary manslaughter under the
hand was made of plastic.
unlawful act doctrine, because Velma's
death would not have occurred but for (D) guilty, because he was the initial aggressor.
Dell's removal of the air-pollution control
59. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
(B) guilty of voluntary manslaughter, only if she Grover asserts that he is not guilty by reason of
knew there was a possibility that death insanity. If the jurisdiction applies the M'Naghten
could result from a leak in the exhaust sys- rule, the court should find that Grover is
(A) insane, because a court has already declared
(C) guilty of involuntary manslaughter, because
him to be insane.
an automobile is a dangerous instrumental-
ity and Dell was culpably negligent. (B) insane, if his delusion made him believe that
although his conduct was unlawful, it was
(D) not guilty.
not morally wrong.
(C) insane, if he had been suffering from mental
Questions 58-60 are based on the following fact situa- illness for a substantial period of time, and
tion. if his attack on Nelson resulted from that
mental illness.
Mter striking a police officer with a baseball bat,
Grover was charged with felonious assault. He was (D) sane, if he knew that he was stabbing a per-
found not guilty by reason of insanity, but the judge son and that it was unlawful to do so.
directed that he report to a state-employed psychiatrist
for weekly psychotherapy treatments. One day, while 60. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
he was in the waiting room of the doctor's office, two weeks after the incident, Grover died as a
Grover drew a knife and waved it at Nelson, a nurse result of the fractured skull which he sustained
employed there, shouting, "Vader must die. The when Nelson struck him with the plastic sword. If
Empire will be restored." Nelson took a heavy decora- Nelson is prosecuted for criminal homicide, he
tive hard plastic replica. of a medieval sword from the

may properly be found candy dish on a shelf with several other items and
took it to give his sister as a wedding present. He
(A) guilty of murder, if he knew when he struck subsequently changed his mind, however, and
Grover that Grover would sustain a serious returned it to Foster.
injury as a result.
Of which of the following crimes may Daner
(B) guilty of voluntary manslaughter, if he did
properly be convicted?
not intend to inflict a serious injury by his
(A) Larceny.
(C) not guilty of involuntary manslaughter, if a
(B) Burglary.
reasonable person in his position would
have believed that Grover was still trying (C) Attempted burglary.
to kill him
(D) No crime.
(D) not guilty of any crime, because he acted in
63. Dutt was a nightclub performer who was billed as
"the man with second sight." As part of his night-
61. Davis was a narcotics addict in desperate need of club act, he would put on a blindfold and walk
a shot. He offered to permit Randall, a drug between the tables, identifying the contents of
dealer, to have sexual intercourse with his wife pockets and purses of members of the audience.
Wilma in return for drugs. Randall accepted the One day, as a publicity stunt, he had himself
offer and went home with Davis. When Davis blindfolded and attempted to drive an automobile
told Wilma about the arrangement, however, she in rush-hour traffic. Because he was unable to see
refused to have any contact with RandalL Davis the road, he collided with the vehicle in front of
struck her several times, and held her down while him. As a result of the impact, the other vehicle
Randall had intercourse with her forcibly. After- burst into flames and three of its occupants were
wards, Randall handed a packet of heroin to severely burned, one so badly that he perma-
Davis. nently lost the use of his legs. If they had not
been rescued by a fire company which happened
Which of the following is the most serious crime to be passing by, all three would have died.
of which Davis can be found guilty?
On a charge of attempted involuntary manslaugh-
(A) Rape. ter, Dutt should be found
(B) Battery.
(A) guilty, since his reckless behavior nearly
(C) Procuring for prostitution. resulted in the death of another human
(D) Possession of narcotics. being.
(B) guilty, since he had completed all steps nec-
essary to result in guilt for involuntary
62. Daner was about to go to his sister's wedding
manslaughter, and the deaths of the victims
when he remembered that he had inadvertently
were prevented by an independent agency.
left his camera at his friend Foster's house.
Although he knew that Foster was out of town, (C) not guilty, since he lacked the requisite state
Daner went to Foster's house in the hope of find- of mind to be liable for an attempt.
ing some way to get the camera so that he could
(D) not guilty, since the crime of involuntary
take pictures at the wedding. The door was
manslaughter is a lesser offense included
locked, but when Daner shook the doorknob vig-
in murder.
orously with his hand, the door opened. Daner
entered and searched for his camera, but could
not find it. As he was leaving, he saw a silver 64. A state statute provides that "any person who

brings about the death of another human being charge against him is that
with the intent to cause said death or in the course
of committing burglary, rape, robbery, or kidnap- (A) a person cannot be tried as an accessory until
ping shall be guilty of murder in the first degree." the principal has first been tried and con-
The jurisdiction applies common law definitions victed.
for the four enumerated felonies. Dalton was
(B) he did not assist Daniels in the commission
attempting to use dynamite to blow open the door
of the crime.
of a warehouse so that he could enter to steal its
contents. Williams, his accomplice, was waiting (C) no person can be charged as an accessory if
in the getaway car parked at the curb. When Dal- the crime could not have been committed
ton detonated the charge, the resulting explosion without his participation.
damaged the building wall, causing bricks and
(D) the law was intended to protect people in
chunks of mortar to fly through the air. A brick
Wallace's position against people in
crashed through the windshield of the getaway
Daniel's position.
car, striking Williams in the head and killing him.

If Dalton is charged with murder in the first 66. Defendant, in need of money, waited in an alley
degree, which of the following arguments would until Vicki walked by on the street. Then, step-
be his most effective defense? ping out of the alley, he stuck his hand in his
pocket with his finger thrust forward and said,
(A) The statute was not intended to protect the "I've got a gun in this pocket." Snatching Vicki's
accomplice of a felon. purse with the other hand, he ran away. Because
she thought that he had a gun, Vicki did not
(B) Burglary as defined by common law is not a
attempt to stop him.
dangerous felony.
(C) Williams's death was not proximately Of which of the following offenses would Defen-
caused by Dalton's attempt to commit any dant be most likely to be properly convicted?
of the crimes enumerated by the statute.
(A) Robbery.
(D) Williams assumed the risk by participating
in the commission of a felony. (B) Larceny by trick.
(C) Embezzlement.
65. Wallace, who had applied for employment with
(D) False pretenses.
the Axtel Corporation, learned that the decision
as to whether to hire him would be made by the
company's personnel manager, Daniels. Anxious 67. When Boswell went away on vacation, he left the
to receive the job, Wallace offered to give key to his apartment with his neighbor Crawford,
Daniels his first week's pay if Daniels would hire who promised to water Boswell's plants until he
him. Daniels accepted Wallace's offer and hired returned. One day, as Crawford was watering
him, later accepting the payment. Subsequently, Boswell's plants, she suspected one ofthem to be
Wallace and Daniels were both charged with vio- marijuana. She watered the rest of the plants and
lating a state law which provided that, "it shall be then went to the public library where she con-
a felony for any person with responsibility for sulted a reference book and found that the suspi-
hiring others to solicit, demand, or receive any- cious plant was indeed marijuana. She went back
thing of value from persons hired in exchange for to Boswell's apartment and let herself in with the
hiring said persons." They were tried jointly, key. Then she pulled the marijuana plant out by
Daniels as a principal and Wallace as an acces- its roots and destroyed it by stuffing it into the
sory. garbage disposer in her own apartment.

Wallace's best argument for a dismissal of the The jurisdiction applies the common law defini-

tion of larceny, and has a statute defining bur- (C) ordering the bank manager to go from the
glary as "breaking and entering into the premises bank lobby to the back room was inciden-
of another for the purpose of committing lar- tal and necessary to the commission of the
ceny." If charged with larceny and burglary, robbery.
Crawford should be found guilty of
(D) the bank manager was an adult.
(A) larceny only.
70. Dana sold a pistol to Wilson. Later Wilson was
(B) burglary only.
stopped by police who were routinely checking
(C) larceny and burglary. the licenses of motorists. The officers thoroughly
searched Wilson's car and discovered the pistol in
(D) neither larceny nor burglary.
the glove compartment. Subsequently, Dana was
charged with violating a statute which makes it a
Questions 68-69 are based on the following fact situa- crime for any person "to sell or offer for sale any
tion. firearm which has not been properly registered
pursuant to law."
In the course of robbing a bank, Siddon pointed a gun
at three bank tellers and the bank manager and ordered Dana's motion to prevent introduction of the pis-
them to go from the bank lobby to the back room while tol into evidence will most likely be
his confederate attempted to open the safe. Threatening
to shoot them if they refused, he then ordered one of (A) denied, since the routine license check was
the bank tellers to undress, and commanded the bank not a violation of Wilson's rights.
manager to have sexual intercourse with her. Fearful
(B) denied, because Dana has no standing to
that they would be killed otherwise, the manager and
object to the search of Wilson's car.
teller obeyed Siddon's command without protesting.
(C) granted, if Wilson objected to the search of
his car at the time it took place.
68. Of which of the following crimes is Siddon
guilty? (D) granted, because the search of Wilson's car
was excessive in scope.
I. Solicitation to commit rape.
11. Rape.
Questions 71-72 are based on the following case sum-
maries. Read the summaries in the four cases (A-D)
below. Then decide which is most applicable as a pre-
(A) I only. cedent to each of the cases in the questions that follow,
and indicate each choice by marking the corresponding
(B) 11 only. space on the answer sheet.
(C) I and 11.
(A) People v. Yonson - Yonson was walking
(D) Neither I or 11. down the street when an intoxicated pan-
handler began to push and shove him. Yon-
69. If Siddon is charged with kidnaping the bank son pointed a pistol at the panhandler with
manager, his most effective argument in defense his finger on the trigger. When the panhan-
would be that dler pushed him again, the pistol went off,
killing the panhandler. Yonson testified
(A) he did not demand a ransom. that he believed the pistol to be unloaded.
Held: Not guilty of murder.
(B) he released the bank manager as soon as the
robbery was completed. (B) State v. Abel- When Abel became rowdy in
a bar, the bouncer asked him to leave. Abel

responded by punching the bouncer in the ied martial arts, struck Edwards in the throat with
face. The bouncer grabbed Abel's wrist, his clenched fist, killing him. Prosser is charged
but Abel picked up a wine bottle with his with third degree murder under a statute which
other hand and struck the bouncer over the defines that crime as "the killing of a human
head with it, killing him. Held: Guilty of being committed with the intent to cause bodily
voluntary manslaughter. harm."
(C) Commonwealth v. Karat ~ As Karat was
leaving the high school where she worked, 73. Melba belonged to the Sigma Sigma sorority at
a student began chasing after her, waving a Rogers College. Members of the sorority who
toy plastic baseball bat and threatening to paid a rent of one hundred dollars per semester
hit her with it. She ran as fast as she could, were entitled to a single- occupancy bedroom in
but he ran after her. When she felt she the sorority house. Although house residents
could run no further, she took a pistol from shared kitchen and dining room facilities, the
her purse and shot him with it, injuring bedrooms were not communal and were normally
him. Karat testified that she believed the kept locked by their occupants. With the knowl-
baseball bat to be real. Held: Not guilty of edge of its members, the sorority kept duplicates
battery. of all keys so that copies could be made in the
(D) People v. Harris ~ While he was walking event that a resident lost her key. Rita, a member
her home, Harris's date asked her to have of the sorority, suspected that Melba was selling
sexual intercourse with him. Offended, marijuana. One weekend, when she knew that
Harris slapped his face. When she raised Melba had gone home to visit her parents, Rita
her hand to slap him again, her date called the police and told them of her suspicions.
knocked her to the ground and began kick- In response to her call, two officers came to the
ing her in the chest and head. As he contin- sorority house to interview Rita. During the
ued kicking her, she struggled to her feet, course of their conversation, Rita stated that she
and struck him in the head with a rock, was Melba's roommate, and offered to let them
killing him with one blow. Held: Not into Melba's room. In fact, Rita was not Melba's
guilty of voluntary manslaughter. roommate. The key which she used to open the
door was actually one of the duplicates kept by
the sorority. Upon entering, the police officers
71. Ferris made his living by forging endorsements saw a tobacco pipe containing traces of marijuana
on welfare checks which he stole out of residen- residue on a night table. Melba was subsequently
tial mailboxes. Dick was an undercover police prosecuted for possession of marijuana. Prior to
officer who suspected that Ferris was the forger trial, she made an appropriate motion to suppress
he was after. Dressed in plain clothes, Dick sur- the use of the pipe and its contents as evidence.
reptitiously followed Ferris in hopes of catching
him in the act. Ferris noticed Dick following him Which of the following would be the prosecu-
and saw the gun which Dick wore in a shoulder tion's strongest argument in opposition to
holster. Believing that Dick was a thief who Melba's motion?
wanted to rob him, Ferris ducked into an alley.
When Dick followed him into the alley, Ferris (A) Rita had apparent authority to permit the
threw a steel garbage can at him, striking and entry into the room.
killing him with it. Ferris is charged with murder.
(B) Rita had probable cause to believe that the
officers would find marijuana in the room.
72. Prosser, a thief, deliberately bumped into
(C) Melba did not have a reasonable expectation
Edwards while trying to pick his pocket. Edwards
of privacy, since she knew that the sorority
felt Prosser's hand in his pocket and pushed him
kept a duplicate of her room key.
away. Then Edwards pulled out a knife and
lunged at Prosser with it. Prosser, who had stud- (D) The Fourth Amendment prohibition against

unreasonable search and seizure should not result in liability as an accessory.

be strictly applied to students at educa-
(D) not guilty, because she was, at most, an
tional institutions.
accessory after the fact.

Questions 74-75 are based on the following fact situa- 76. Anthony was a resident patient at the state mental
tion. hospital, where he had been receiving treatment
for a mental illness diagnosed as chronic para-
Because they were bigots, Allen and Barbara were noid schizophrenia. As a result of his illness, he
angry when the Ryders, a black family, moved into a believed that the governor of his state was part of
house on their street. Deciding to drive them away and a nationwide plot to tum all voting citizens into
to set an example which would discourage other black drug addicts. He felt that the only way to foil the
people from moving into the neighborhood, they plot was to kill the governor, but realized that the
agreed to set fire to the Ryders' home. They went to the law prohibited such an act. He knew that if he
Ryders' house, and Allen started pouring gasoline was caught making any attempt on the governor's
around it. A crowd of onlookers began to gather. Terry, life he would be punished, but concluded that it
one of the onlookers, shouted, "Burn their house would be better to be convicted and punished for
down," intending that Allen and Barbara would do so. a crime than to be turned into a drug addict.
Sal, another onlooker, hoped that Allen and Barbara
would bum the house down, but said nothing. Mter Knowing that the governor visited the hospital
Allen finished pouring the gasoline, Barbara lit a match every few months, and that when he did he usu-
and set it afire, burning the Ryders' house to the ally ate in the hospital dining room, Anthony vol-
ground. unteered for a job in the hospital kitchen. On the
governor's next visit, Anthony placed poison in
74. On a charge of arson, Terry is food he knew would be served to the governor,
intending to cause the governor's death. The gov-
(A) guilty, because he aided and abetted in the ernor ate the food and died' as a result. If Anthony
crime by his presence coupled with his is charged with murder in a jurisdiction which
criminal intent. has adopted only the M'Naghten test of insanity,
Anthony should be found
(B) guilty, because, intending that Allen and
Barbara would burn the house down, he (A) guilty, since he knew the nature of his act,
shouted encouragement. and that it was prohibited by law.
(C) not guilty, because his words did not create a (B) guilty, unless Anthony can establish that his
clear and present danger which did not mental illness made him unable to resist
already exist. the impulse to kill the governor.
(D) not guilty, because words alone are not suffi- (C) not guilty, since Anthony's conduct was the
cient to result in criminal liability. result of mental illness.
(D) not guilty, if his delusion was the result of
75. On a charge of arson, Sal is mental disease, and if his conduct was rea-
sonable within the context of that delusion.
(A) guilty, because she made no attempt to stop
the crime from being committed.
77. In which of the following situations is Defen-
(B) guilty, because her hope that Allen and Bar- dant's claim of intoxication most likely to result
bara would burn the house down amounted in his or her being found not guilty?
to criminal intent.
(C) not guilty, because mere presence coupled (A) In a jurisdiction which applies the common
with silent approval is not sufficient to law definition, Defendant is charged with

involuntary manslaughter for the death of a death.

pedestrian whom she struck while driving
(C) Believing Carl to be asleep, Jones fired ten
an automobile. Defendant asserts that at
bullets into his head. In fact, Carl had died
the time of the accident, she was so drunk
of a heart attack moments before Jones
that she did not see the pedestrian in the
entered the room, and was already dead
when Jones shot him.
(B) In a jurisdiction in which the statutory age of
(D) Jones stole a check from Smith's mailbox
consent is 18, Defendant is charged with
and attempted to cash it in a bank by mas-
statutory rape after having sexual inter-
querading as Smith. Suspecting forgery,
course with a female who was seventeen
the bank teller signaled to the bank guard.
years of age. Defendant asserts that he was
As the guard approached, Jones shot at
so intoxicated that he did not realize that
him. When the guard returned Jones's fire,
he was engaging in sexual intercourse.
one of the guard's bullets ricocheted off a
(C) In a jurisdiction which applies the common wall and struck David, killing him.
law definition, Defendant is charged with
murder for the death of a person whom she
struck with her automobile. Defendant Questions 79-80 are based on the following fact situa-
asserts that without her knowledge, an tion.
unknown person put alcohol in her fruit
juice, as a result of which she became so Maggie was the owner of a three dwelling unit residen-
intoxicated that she could not see clearly or tial building. She lived in an apartment on the third
control the movements of her hands and floor, her son Derek lived with his wife in an apartment
feet. She further asserts that, unaware that on the second floor, and the ground floor apartment
she was drunk, she believed the visual and was rented to Paul, a police officer, and his family. One
physical difficulties to be the result of ill- day, while Derek and his wife were out of town, Mag-
ness, and was attempting to drive to a hos- gie and Paul were having coffee together in Maggie's
pital when the accident occurred. apartment. During the course of their conversation,
Maggie said that she was worried about Derek because
(D) In a jurisdiction which applies the common once, while visiting him, she saw a substance in his
law definition, Defendant is charged with apartment which she believed to be cocaine. Since she
voluntary manslaughter after killing his really did not know what cocaine looked like, however,
wife. He asserts that he was so drunk that she was not sure. Paul said, "Don't worry, Maggie. For
he imagined that he saw another man in all you know the stuff you saw was talcum powder. I'm
bed with her, and that he killed her in the a cop, so I know coke when I see it. If you'd like, I'll
drunken rage which resulted. have a look and let you know whether or not there is
anything for you to worry about."
78. In which one of the following situations is Jones
least likely to be guilty of murder? Using her key to open the door to Derek's apartment,
Maggie brought Paul inside. Lying on a table in the
(A) Having been hired by a third person to beat entrance hall inside the apartment was a plastic pouch
Ann severely enough to "put her in the containing white powder. Paul sniffed it and said,
hospital," Jones struck Ann repeatedly "That's coke, all right," putting it in his pocket. Then
with a baseball bat in the knees. Although he noticed a television in the living room which looked
Jones intended only to break Ann's legs, like one stolen from an appliance store in the neighbor-
she died of shock. hood. Without saying anything about the television to
Maggie, Paul obtained a search warrant by submitting
(B) Because he suffers from mental disease, an affidavit indicating that he had seen certain items in
Jones believed Basil to be Adolph Hitler. Derek's apartment which he had probable cause to
Intending to kill him, Jones shot him to believe were stolen. Later, he returned, entered, and

thoroughly searched the apartment pursuant to the war- attorney advised him that he was pleading guilty
rant. The television which he had seen on his first visit to a "Youthful Offense" rather than to a crime,
was not stolen, but during the course of his search, he and that because he was assigned to a Youth
found several items which were stolen. Eventually Supervision Officer he would have no criminal
Derek was charged with criminal possession of danger- record as a result of the proceeding. Dixon
ous drugs and with burglary. believed this advice, but it was, in fact, false in
that thecharge to which he pleaded guilty was a
criminal one.
79. On the charge of possessing dangerous drugs, if
Derek makes an appropriate motion to suppress
Twenty years later, Dixon applied for employ-
use of the plastic pouch of cocaine which Paul
ment with the state. In his application, he stated
found in his apartment, his motion should be
under oath that he had never been convicted of a
(A) denied, since the plastic pouch was in plain
sight when Paul entered the apartment.
A state statute reads as follows:
(B) denied, since Maggie, the owner of the
building, had given Paul permission to Perjury in the second degree consists of mak-
enter. ing any statement under oath with the knowl-
edge that such statement is false. Perjury in
(C) denied, since Derek was not under suspicion the second degree is a felony punishable by a
at the time that Paul entered the apartment. term not to exceed five years in the state
(D) granted. prison.

If Dixon is charged with perjury in the second

80. On the charge of burglary, if Derek makes an degree, the court should find him
appropriate motion to suppress the use of stolen
items found in his apartment, his motion should (A) not guilty, because he lacked the mental
be state required by the statute.

(A) denied, since the stolen items were obtained (B) not guilty, because reliance on the advice of
as the result of a lawful search. counsel is a complete defense.

(B) denied, since it would not serve the interests (C) not guilty, because a plea of guilty is not the
of justice to require a police officer to same as a conviction.
ignore a discovery which he has probable (D) guilty.
cause to believe is contraband.
(C) granted, if the search warrant was issued as Questions 82-83 are based on the following fact situa-
the result of information obtained in an tion.
unlawful search.
(D) granted, since his possession of stolen items Maxine was a collector of antique automobiles. One
is not necessarily proof that he stole those day, she took her infant daughter Mary for a ride in a
items. 1921 Maple, one of the most valuable cars in her col-
lection. On her way, she stopped to buy a newspaper.
Because Mary had fallen asleep in the back seat, Max-
81. When he was nineteen years old, Dixon pleaded ine left her in the car when she got out. Dover, a profes-
guilty to pettylarceny. Because of his age, he was sional car thief who happened to be at the newspaper
not sentenced to prison, but was required to stand, jumped into Maxine's car and drove it away,
report to a Youth Supervision Officer every without noticing Mary in the back seat.
month for one year. At the end of that period he
was discharged from supervision. At the time, his Dover realized that he would not be able to sell a stolen

car as unusual as the Maple, so he parked it in a friend's ing in the back seat.
garage, still unaware of the presence of the sleeping
child. Getting Maxine's name and phone number from
84. Nichols was appointed to a post as U.S. Customs
some papers in the glove compartment of the car,
Inspector at a station located in the state of Aristo
Dover phoned her and left a message on her telephone
on the border separating the U.S. from Mexico.
answering machine telling her that if she did not imme-
His supervisor Supe, training him in the proper
diately bring one thousand dollars in cash to a certain
procedure for questioning and searching return-
location, he would set the Maple on fire.
ing Americans, said, "I'll search the next car that
comes through just to give you an idea of how it
When Maxine realized that her car, with Mary in the
should be done." At that moment Daryll, who
back seat, was gone, she became frantic and rushed
was driving across the border from Mexico,
home. When she picked up her phone to call the police,
arrived at the border station. Supe asked him to
her answering machine played Dover's message. Upon
open the trunk of his car and began searching it
hearing it, Maxine brought one thousand dollars to the
while Nichols watched. In the course of the
location specified. Dover, who was waiting for her,
search, Supe discovered three pounds of mari-
took the money and returned the car. Mary was still
juana. Daryll was subsequently charged with the
sleeping quietly in the back seat.
illegal importation of a controlled substance and
was tried in a federal court. While his trial was
82. If Dover is charged with kidnapping, he should pending, the state of Aristo charged him with vio-
be found lation of a state statute which provided that, "any
person in possession of more than one ounce of
(A) guilty, since he confined and moved Mary marijuana shall be guilty of a felony," based on
without her consent. his possession of the marijuana discovered by
Supe. While the federal court trial is in progress,
(B) guilty, since the asportation of Mary resulted
if Daryll moves to dismiss the state court prose-
from his commission of a serious felony.
cution on the ground that it violates the double
(C) not guilty, since his primary purpose was to jeopardy clause of the United States Constitution,
steal the car, and the movement of Mary his motion should be
was only incidental to his accomplishing
that purpose. (A) granted, since both the prosecutions resulted
from the same transaction.
(D) not guilty, since he did not know that Mary
was in the car. (B) granted, since Supe did not have probable
cause for the search.
83. Which of the following additional facts or infer- (C) denied, since he has not yet been placed in
ences if it were the only one true, would be most jeopardy in the federal court.
likely to lead to a conviction of Dover on a
(D) denied, since the two prosecutions are not by
charge of robbery of one thousand dollars from
the same sovereign.

(A) The car was in Maxine's possession when 85. Because he was a professional thief, Dudley
Dover took it. owned a skeleton key which could be used to
open many different locks. One evening, when he
(B) Maxine paid the money to prevent injury to
knew that Vivian was away on vacation, Dudley
went to her home for the purpose of stealing cash
(C) Maxine paid the money to prevent damage which he believed was hidden inside. While he
to her automobile. was trying unsuccessfully to use his skeleton key
to open Vivian's door, Dudley was arrested by a
(D) By the time Maxine showed up with the
police officer. In fact, Vivian had placed her cash
money, Dover had discovered Mary sleep-

in a bank safety deposit box before going on malum in se.

vacation, and her house contained nothing of
(C) Yes, because driving while intoxicated is a
dangerous act.
If charged with violating a statute which makes it (D) Yes, if, but only of, he knew or should have
a crime to "possess any skeleton key with the known that driving without a license could
intent to use it for the purpose of committing an result in loss of life.
unlawful entry onto the property of another," he
should be found
87. Mildred and Bonnie were college students who
needed money. One night, Mildred suggested that
(A) guilty, because the statute was designed to
they hold up a local convenience store. When
protect the public against professional
Bonnie told her that she was afraid to get
involved in a robbery, Mildred offered to go into
(B) guilty, because he possessed a skeleton key the store alone if Bonnie would wait outside in
with the intent to use it for the purpose of the car with the engine running so that they could
committing an unlawful entry. make a getaway after the robbery. Bonnie agreed
on condition that they split the take. The follow-
(C) not guilty, because the crime defined by the
ing day, they went together to a sporting goods
statute is merged into the crime of
store where Mildred purchased a shotgun. That
attempted burglary.
night, Bonnie drove Mildred to the convenience
(D) not guilty, because to convict him would be store and waited in the parking lot with the
to punish him merely for having a guilty engine running. Mildred went into the store with
mind. the shotgun hidden in a paper bag. Once inside,
she pointed it at the store clerk and made him
give her the contents of the cash register. Then
86. A statute provides that, "If the death of any per-
she ran out to the car. When Bonnie saw Mildred
son proximately results from the commission of
running toward the car, she became frightened
or attempt to commit any misdemeanor or non-
and drove away without waiting for Mildred.
forcible felony, the person committing said mis-
demeanor or nonforcible felony shall be guilty of
Bonnie is guilty of
third degree manslaughter."
(A) conspiracy only.
Because he had been convicted three times of
driving while under the influence of alcohol, Dur- (B) robbery only.
ban's driving license was revoked. One night,
(C) conspiracy and robbery.
while driving home from a party, Durban lost
control of his automobile and collided head-on (D) either conspiracy or robbery, but not both.
with a vehicle traveling in the other direction.
Two occupants of the other car were killed. Dur-
88. In which of the following fact situations is Defen-
ban was charged with driving without a license,
dant least likely to be properly convicted of mur-
which was a misdemeanor, and with third degree
manslaughter under the above statute. Should the
court find Durban guilty of third degree man-
(A) Defendant came home to find his wife lying
on the floor of their apartment semi-con-
scious and severely bruised. When he
(A) No, unless the deaths were proximately
asked her what happened, she said that
caused by his operation of a motor vehicle
their neighbor Fredericks, had raped and
without a license.
beaten her. The following morning, Defen-
(B) No, because driving without a license is not dant hid behind some bushes waiting for

Fredericks to leave his home. When Fred- he did, the game warden arrested Dalton. If Dal-
ericks stepped out of his door, Defendant, ton is charged with attempting to violate the
intending to kill him, shot him, causing his Flivver Protection Act, which of the following
death. would be his most effective argument in defense?
(B) A state law required every motor vehicle
(A) He actually succeeded in killing a flivver
registered within the state to be covered by
prior to his arrest.
a valid policy of liability insurance. Defen-
dant was-operating a vehicle for which no (B) The act which he intended to commit was
liability insurance policy had been issued not a crime.
when he struck Norris, who later died of
(C) Albert was in pari delicto with Dalton
the resulting injuries.
because he was unaware that the law had
(C) Defendant placed a small quantity of ant been changed.
poison in a cup of coffee that he was serv-
(D) The attempted crime merged with the com-
ing to a date. He did not intend to cause
pleted act.
any serious injury, but he hoped that the
poison would make her slightly ill so that
he could induce her to spend the night in 90. Dingle had suspected for some time that his wife
his apartment rather than to go home. His Wilma was unfaithful to him. One night when she
date drank the coffee and died as a result. came home later than usual, Dingle confronted
her, demanding to know where she had been.
(D) Defendant's daughter was suffering from a
Tearfully, Wilma confessed that she had been out
lingering, incurable, fatal disease. One day,
with a male friend, and that she had sexual inter-
while Defendant was visiting her in the
course with him. Dingle flew into a rage, striking
hospital, she screamed and writhed in pain.
Wilma repeatedly about the face and head with
Wanting to end her suffering, Defendant
his clenched fist. The following day, Wilma died
passed a pillow over her face and held it
as a result of the injuries which Dingle had
there until she died of suffocation.
inflicted. Dingle was subsequently charged with
murder. At Dingle's trial, his attorney asserted
89. The flivver is a rare migratory bird which is pro- that under the circumstances Dingle should not
tected by international treaty. For this reason, be convicted of any crime more serious than vol-
hunting of the bird is restricted to seasons fixed untary manslaughter.
by a law known as the Flivver Protection Act.
Until recently, the Act permitted hunting of the Which of the following would be the prosecuting
flivver only during the months of March and attorney's most effective argument in response to
April. The law was changed last year, however, to that assertion?
permit flivver hunting during the additional
months of May and June. (A) Dingle's conduct indicated an intent to kill
Dalton did not know that the law fixing the hunt-
(B) Dingle's conduct indicated an intent to
ing season had been changed. Because he did not
inflict great bodily harm on Wilma.
like to compete with other hunters, he planned to
go flivver hunting in May, believing that the sea- (C) Dingle did not catch Wilma "in flagrante
son ended in March. He invited his friend Albert delicto."
to join him, but Albert refused. Albert, who was (D) In Dingle's position, a person of ordinary
also unaware that the law had been changed, temperament would not have become
informed a game warden about his conversation angry enough to lose normal self-control.
with Dalton. Dalton went flivver hunting on May
15. He shot at several flivvers and missed, before
he succeeded in killing one of them. As soon as 91. Because of a series of early morning burglaries

which had been committed in a suburban neigh- person engaging in the use of fireworks have a
borhood known as Ashurst, police officers license and provides that the license may be
assigned to patrol the area were instructed to stop issued only upon successful completion of a
and question all persons traveling through the safety course conducted by the fire department.
neighborhood between the hours of 2 and 5 A.M. Although Dahle had never completed the safety
One morning at 3:30 A.M., police officer Oswald course and had no license to engage in the use of
noticed Damson running along a street in the fireworks, he believed that he was competent to
Ashurst area, Oswald pulled his patrol car against do so without causingany danger. During the
the curb and ordered Damson to stop. Damson party, Dahle set off some of the fireworks in
said, "What for? Am I under arrest?" Hays' back yard. Although Dahle acted reason-
ably, one of them exploded prematurely, causing
Oswald responded, "No. I just want to talk to a fire which completely destroyed Hay's home.
you." Oswald got out of the car and opened the
back door, pointing his finger at the back seat. If Dahle is charged with arson, he should be
When Damson got into the back of the patrol car, found
Oswald said, "Now, I think you'd better tell me
why you're running here at this hour." (A) guilty, because he violated the statute requir-
ing a license for the use of fireworks.
Damson said, "I guess you already know. I just
(B) guilty, because the fire resulted from his
broke into a house around the comer."
Oswald arrested Damson, who was subsequently (C) not guilty, if Hays consented to Dahle's use
charged with burglary. At the trial, two witnesses ofthe fireworks.
testified that they saw Damson leaving the bur- (D) not guilty, because Dahle did not intend
glarizedhouse shortly before his arrest. In addi- damage to Hays' home.
tion, the prosecution offered the testimony of
Oswald regarding his conversation with Damson
in the back of the patrol car. Damson moved to 93. Because he was convicted of driving while intox-
exclude evidence of his statement. icated, Durwood's driving license was sus-
pended. One day, he made a series of repairs to
Which of the following would be the prosecu- the engine of his car. That night, after coming
tion's most effective argument in response to home from a party, Durwood decided to test his
Damson's motion? car by driving it on State Street, a quiet residen-
tial street on the outskirts of town. Traveling
(A) Independent evidence tends to establish that north toward the intersection of State Street and
Damson did commit the burglary with Columbia Avenue, he accelerated until he was
which he is charged. driving at a speed of 100 miles per hour. Vinson,
who was driving west on Columbia Avenue, pro-
(B) Damson was not in custody at the time of the
ceeded across State Street in violation of a red
traffic signal light. Durwood saw Vinson's car,
(C) Damson was not a suspect at the time of the but because of the speed at which Durwood was
conversation. traveling, was unable to avoid striking it. Vinson
was killed in the collision. A statute in the juris-
(D) Oswald's questioning of Damson was part of
diction provides, "No person shall operate a
a routine investigation.
motor vehicle on any public road or highway in
this state unless such person shall be the holder of
92. Dahle was invited to a party at the home of Hays. a valid driving license. Violation of this section
Because he wanted to help make the party a suc- shall be punishable by a maximum of 30 days in
cess, Dahle purchased fireworks and brought the county jail."
them to the party. A state statute requires that any

If Durwood is convicted of the murder of Vinson,

it will most likely be because
95. In which of the following fact situations is defen-
dant's claim of intoxication LEAST likely to be
(A) driving while intoxicated is evidence of cul-
an effective defense?
pable negligence.
(B) his speed was evidence of a wanton disre- (A) Charged with rape, defendant asserts that
gard for human life. immediately before the act he drank a great
deal of liquor, and that as a result he was so
(C) the jurisdiction applies the "misdemeanor
intoxicated that he believed the victim to
manslaughter" rule.
be his wife.
(D) Vinson's death resulted from Durwood's
(B) Charged with murder, defendant asserts that
unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle.
immediately before she shot the victim, an
unknown person puf alcohol in her orange
94. Victoria was the owner of a hardware store. juice without her knowledge, and that as a
When she went away on vacation, she left her result she was so intoxicated that she
assistant Askins in charge of the store. One day believed her gun to be a harmless toy.
while Askins was alone in the store, Dennis
(C) Charged with attempted robbery, defendant
entered and pointed a realistic-looking toy pistol
asserts that at the time she pointed her pis-
at Askins, demanding all the money in the cash
tol at the victim and demanded money she
register. Askins believed that the pistol in Den-
was so intoxicated that she thought the vic-
nis's hand was real, and complied with Dennis's
tim was a friend of hers and would know
demand because he was afraid that if he did not
that she was joking.
Dennis would shoot him.
(D) Charged with larceny of an automobile,
The following day, Victoria returned from her defendant asserts that after injecting heroin
vacation. When Askins told her about the holdup, into his bloodstream he was so intoxicated
Victoria became so upset that she suffered a cere- that he believed the automobile to be his
bral hemorrhage and died. own.

The jurisdiction has a statute which provides that

96. In which ofthe following fact situations is Defen-
"Any person who causes the death of another
dant most likely to be convicted of criminally
human being with the intent to cause such death
receiving stolen property?
or in the course of committing a dangerous felony
shall be guilty of murder." If Dennis is charged
(A) After Harris was arrested for car theft, the
with the murder of Victoria, he should be found
district attorney offered to let her plead
guilty to a lesser offense in return for her
(A) guilty, because robbery is a dangerous fel-
cooperation in the apprehension of Defen-
dant. At the district attorney's request,
(B) guilty, because it was foreseeable that the Harris offered to sell Defendant the car
robbery would result in the death of Victo- which she had been caught stealing, telling
ria. Defendant that it was stolen. Defendant
agreed to purchase it forthree hundred dol-
(C) not guilty, because Victoria's death did not
lars, and was arrested as he handed the
occur while Dennis was committing a dan-
cash to Harris.
gerous felony.
(B) Quincy told Defendant that the police were
(D) not guilty, because the toy pistol which Den-
after him for stealing a car, and that he
nis used could not foreseeably have
wanted to get rid of the car as soon as pos-
inflicted an injury upon another person.
sible. When he offered to give the car to

Defendant, Defendant said, "Give it to my ences, if it were the only one true, would provide
brother, but don't tell him it's stolen." the prosecution with its most effective opposition
Quincy gave the car to Defendant's brother to Deacon's motion?
without telling him that it was stolen.
(A) When he told the officers where to find the
(C) An undercover police officer contacted
drugs, Deacon fully understood his Fifth
Defendant, saying, "Are you interested in
Amendment right to remain silent.
buying stolen cars?" Defendant said, "If
the price is right, I'll take all you can get." (B) Axel was unaware that Deacon could over-
Requisitioning a car from the police hear his conversation with Barber from the
department's property division, the officer back of the police car.
showed it to Defendant, telling him that
(C) Deacon's statement about the location of the
the car was stolen. Defendant agreed to
drugs was voluntary.
purchase the car and was arrested as he
handed cash to the officer. (D) The search of Deacon's kitchen and the
arrest of Deacon for possession of one
(D) Intending to make a fraudulent claim under
ounce of PLN were lawful.
his automobile theft insurance policy,
Baker sold his car to Defendant, telling
him that the car was stolen. When Baker 98. Dander was employed as store manager by Hard-
was subsequently arrested and charged ware, a retailer of tools and equipment. One day,
with insurance fraud, he told the police as part of her duties, Dander was rearranging
about the circumstances of his sale to merchandise in the storeroom while examining
Defendant, who was then charged with store inventory records. After moving a gasoline-
receiving stolen property. powered lawnmower to a position next to the rear
door inside the storeroom, Dander discovered
that the lawnmower was not listed in the inven-
97. After observing Deacon for several weeks, police
tory records. Realizing that the lawnmower
officers concluded that he was engaged in the
would, therefore, not be missed, Dander decided
illegal sale of PLN, a dangerous drug. Officers
to steal it. She planned to take the mower out
Axel and Barber obtained a warrant, and searched
onto the loading dock behind the store just before
Deacon's kitchen while Deacon was present.
the store closed, and from there to put the mower
Finding an ounce of the substance, the officers
in her car after the store closed. Before removing
arrested Deacon and advised him of his rights.
it from the storeroom, however, Dander changed
While driving to the police station, Axel said to
her mind, leaving it where she had placed it, and
Barber, "I'll bet Deacon has the rest of the drugs
adding it to the store inventory list.
stashed somewhere. If some kids get their hands
on it, it could kill them. Then we'll have the SOB
Of which of the following crimes may Dander be
on a murder rap."
properly convicted?
Deacon, who overheard Axel's statement from
(A) Larceny only.
the back of the police car, said, "Wait, I've got ten
pounds of the stuff hidden in the tool shed behind (B) Embezzlement only.
my garage." The officers returned to Deacon's (C) Larceny and embezzlement.
house and found the rest of the PLN in the tool
shed. Deacon was charged with violating a statute (D) Neither larceny nor embezzlement.
which made it a felony to possess more than eight
ounces of PLN. Prior to trial, Deacon moved to
99. Ventana was a professional basketball player
suppress the PLN found in his tool shed. scheduled to play in an important basketball
game on Sunday. On Friday, after wagering
Which of the following additional facts or infer- heavily on the game, Duggan attacked Ventana

with a baseball bat. Duggan's intent was to inflict

injuries severe enough to require hospitalization
Questions 101-102 are based on the following fact sit-
and thus keep Ventana from playing as planned.
As a result of the beating, Ventana was taken to a uation.
hospital, where he was treated by Dr. Medich.
Harris, a state police officer, was investigating a series
The following day, Dr. Medich injected Ventana
of car thefts. Golden was a federal officer assigned to
with a medicine to relieve his pain. Because of an
assist Harris under a federal statute which permits the
allergic reaction to the drug, Ventana died within
U.S. Department of Justice to aid local police depart-
ments in investigating certain crimes. Because of Mar-
tin's criminal record, Harris went to Martin's home and
If Duggan is charged with the murder of Ventana,
questioned him regarding the recent thefts. She did not
he should be found
inform Golden that she was going to do so. During the
course of the questioning, Harris drew her gun and
(A) not guilty, because Ventana's allergic reac-
tion to the drug was an intervening cause threatened to shoot Martin if Martin did not immedi-
ately admit his guilt. Martin confessed to the thefts,
of death.
identifying his partner as Dellaroche. Harris left Mar-
(B) not guilty, if Ventana's death was proxi- tin, saying, "I'll be back for you later." Then, after
mately caused by Dr. Medich's negligence. obtaining the necessary warrant, Harris arrested Del-
(C) guilty, only if Ventana's death was proxi- laroche.
mately caused by Duggan's attack.
Unaware of Harris's activity, Golden examined a stolen
(D) guilty, unless Dr. Medich's conduct is found vehicle which had been recovered by the state police.
to be reckless or grossly negligent. Golden found fingerprints in locations which indicated
that they were made by a person breaking into and
100. Delbert was charged with first degree murder starting the car. Using a U.S. Department of Justice
under a statute which defines that crime as "the computer, Golden identified the fingerprints as Mar-
<ieliberate and premeditated unjustified killing of tin's. Golden obtained the necessary warrant and
a human being." At his trial, Delbert offered the arrested Martin. Dellaroche and Martin were charged
testimony of a psychiatrist who attempted to tes- in a state court with car theft.
tify that Delbert had a violent temper, and that at
the time of the killing, Delbert was so enraged 101. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
that he was not in control of his acts. Martin movesto dismiss the prosecution on the
ground that his constitutional rights were violated
In a jurisdiction which has adopted only the by Harris. His motion should be
M'Naghten test of insanity, is the testimony of
the psychiatrist admissible? (A) granted, because Harris failed to advise him
of his Miranda rights.
(A) Yes, because it tends to establish that Del-
bert was insane at the time of his act. (B)· granted, because Harris threatened to shoot
him if he did not confess to the crimes.
(B) Yes, because it tends to establish that the
killing was not "deliberate and premedi- (C) denied, because Golden and Harris were
tated." employed by different sovereigns.

(C) No, because it does not tend to establish (D) denied, because his arrest resulted from an
insanity under the M'Naghten rule. independent investigation by Golden.

(D) No, because in a prosecution for criminal

homicide, provocation should be measured 102. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
by an objective standard. Dellaroche moves to dismiss the prosecution

against him on the ground that his identification

was obtained during the course of an unlawful (A) not guilty, if he could not have anticipated
interrogation of Martin. Which of the following that Michael would drive the car across the
would be the prosecution's most effective argu- state line.
ment in opposition to Dellaroche's motion?
(B) not guilty, if he did not agree to transport the
car across a state line.
(A) The discovery of Dellaroche's identity was
inevitable. (C) not guilty, if transportation of the car across
the state line was not necessary to the suc-
(B) The discovery of Dellaroche's identity was
cess of the criminal enterprise.
the result of an independent investigation
which purged any taint resulting from the (D) guilty.
illegality of the interrogation of Martin.
(C) The interrogation of Martin did not violate 104. On the charge of conspiracy to violate the Dyer
Dellaroche's constitutional rights. Act, Norman should be found
(D) Dellaroche was not in custody at the time of
(A) guilty, because he agreed to steal the car.
Martin's interrogation.
(B) not guilty, if he is convicted of violating the
Dyer Act.
Questions 103-105 are based on the following fact sit-
uation. (C) not guilty, if he did not agree to transport the
vehicle across a state line.
Michael and Norman were roommates at college. (D) not guilty, because he did not actually partic-
Michael heard of someone in a nearby town who ipate in the transportation of a stolen vehi-
bought stolen cars. Because they needed money to pay cle across a state line.
their rent, Michael proposed to Norman that they steal
a car and sell it. Norman agreed, and the two of them
went out illlffiediately looking for a car to steal. When 105. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
they found a late-model convertible parked at the curb, Norman is charged in a state court with larceny
Michael slipped a wire coat hanger under the convert- for the theft of the car. He should be found
ible top and used it to open the door. Then Michael
short-circuited the wires under the car's dashboard so (A) not guilty, unless he is guilty of conspiracy
that he could start it without a key. Michael got behind to commit larceny.
the wheel and drove the car while Norman sat beside (B) guilty, if he was willing to help Michael start
him. Later, because he felt drowsy, Norman climbed the car if necessary.
into the back seat and went to sleep.
(C) not guilty, since he did not aid or abet Nor-
While Norman was sleeping, Michael thought that he man in starting or driving the car.
noticed a police car following them. Hoping to avoid (D) guilty, unless he is convicted in a federal
contact with the police, he turned off onto a road which court of any crime arising from the inci-
led into a neighboring state. Shortly after crossing the dent.
state line, Michael and Norman were arrested by fed-
eral police. They were subsequently charged in a fed-
eral court with violating the Dyer Act, which makes the Questions 106-107.
interstate transportation of stolen vehicles a federal
crime, and with conspiracy to violate the Dyer Act. Read the summaries of the decisions in the four cases
(A-D) below. Then decide which is most applicable as
a precedent to each of the cases in the questions that
103. On the charge of violating the Dyer Act, Norman follow, and indicate each choice by marking the corre-
should be found sponding space on the answer sheet.

106. Doyle, an attorney, was vice president of PI Corp,

(A) People v. Ascot - After hearing gunshots, a manufacturer of children's pajamas. After sev-
police officer Oswald ran toward the eral children were burned to death while wearing
sound. Finding Vaca lying dead in a pool PI Corp's product, both Doyle and the corpora-
of blood, Oswald asked a group of persons tion were charged with criminal negligence. Mter
who were standing nearby what happened. placing Doyle under arrest and informing her of
Ascot, who was among the bystanders, the charge against her, the arresting officer said,
replied, "I shot the son of a bitch." At "Now your answers may be used against you so
Ascot's murder trial, the court denied a you don't have to give any, and you're entitled to
motion to exclude Oswald's testimony an attorney." Doyle said, "I am an attorney," and
regarding Ascot's statement. answered questions which the officer then put to
her regarding her corporate duties. At her trial,
(B) State v. Rinh - Binh, a recently arrived
Doyle moved to exclude evidence of her answers
immigrant from Southeast Asia, was
to those questions, although she conceded that
arrested for burglary. After the arresting
her statement was not coerced.
officer read him his Miranda rights, she
asked, "Do you understand what 1just
said?" Binh replied, "Yes, 1 break in the 107. After being indicted for violations of a state anti-
house for steal." Binh's pretrial motion to racketeering statute, Degnan was placed under
exclude evidence of his confession was arrest and brought to the police station where a
granted. police officer asked him to appear in a lineup.
(C) Commonwealth v. Cartier - Following a The officer advised him that he was entitled to
series of assaults, police officers went to have an attorney present during the lineup, but
Cartier's home. The officers told Cartier said that if Degnan did not insist on calling his
that she was not under arrest, but that they lawyer first, the officer would ask the prosecutor
would appreciate her cooperation in "to go easy on" him. Degnan agreed to participate
answering their questions. Cartier said, without contacting a lawyer. At his trial, Degnan
"I'm innocent, and I'm willing to prove it moved to exclude the testimony of a witness who
by standing in a lineup." She then accom- identified him at the lineup.
panied the police officers to the police sta-
tion where two assault victims picked her 108. After Carpenter was arrested for selling large
out of a lineup. At Cartier's trial on a quantities of illegal substances, he agreed to
charge of assault, her motion to exclude assist the police in return for a promise that the
evidence of the lineup identification was charges against him would be reduced. In further-
denied. ance of their agreement, the police set Carpenter
(D) People v. Edwards - When Edwards was up in the used car business and spread the rumor
awakened at 3 a.m. by the sound of knock- that Carpenter dealt in stolen vehicles. Subse-
ing on his front door, he opened it to find quently, Tanner came to Carpenter's lot offering
three uniformed police officers. One of to sell Carpenter a stolen car. After conferring
them said, "We have reason to believe that with a police officer assigned to the investigation,
there is stolen property in your house. Do Carpenter purchased the car from Tanner. When
you mind if we search?" Edwards let the he had done so, the police arrested Tanner and
officers in. During the course of their notified the car's owner that it had been recov-
search they seized a stereo set which had ered. The following day, Dee came to Carpenter's
been stolen from a local appliance store. lot and said that he wished to purchase a stolen
At his trial for criminally receiving stolen car. At the direction of an undercover police
property, Edwards's motion to suppress officer, Carpenter sold Dee the car which he had
use of the stereo as evidence was granted. purchased from Tanner.

If Dee is charged with receiving stolen property, closet door was opened.
which of the following would be his most effec-
tive argument in defense?
110. Dobbs was waiting for a bus on a street comer
shortly after midnight when three young men
(A) Dee was entrapped by an agent of the police.
approached him and demanded that he give them
(B) The car which Dee purchased was not stolen some money. Fearing that they would attack and
property. injure him, Dobbs drew a pistol from his pocket.
(C) Carpenter's cooperation with the police was The three men began running away, but Dobbs
coerced. shot each of them in the back, seriously injuring
two and killing the third. As a result, Dobbs was
(D) The police can not bargain away a defen- charged with two counts of aggravated assault
dant's rights in an agreement with a third and one count of murder. By the time a grand jury
person. was convened, the incident had received a great
deal of media attention, several newspapers refer-
109. Mike and Wanda had been living together and ring to Dobbs as "The Vigilante Hero." Dobbs
sharing a bedroom for five months, when they presented no evidence to the grand jury, but after
began arguing regularly. After one such argu- hearing the prosecution's evidence, the grand jury
ment, Mike stormed out of the apartment. Angry refused to indict. Following the proceeding, the
at him, Wanda called the police to report that prosecuting attorney stated that she believed that
Mike was in possession of nearly a kilogram of the grand jury's decision resulted from publicity
marijuana. Two officers came to talk to Wanda in surrounding the incident, and that she intended to
the apartment. When they asked how she knew bring the matter before another grand jury. Three
that Mike had that much marijuana, Wanda said, weeks later, a second grand jury issued an indict-
"I've seen it. Mike keeps it in our closet. Would ment against Dobbs. If Dobbs moves to dismiss
you like to look?" One of the officers said that the indictment on the ground that it violates his
they would, and Wanda led them to the closet in rights under the Double Jeopardy Clause of the
the bedroom which she shared with Mike. When United States Constitution, his motion should be
Wanda opened the closet door, a plastic bag con-
taining one and one-half pounds of marijuana fell (A) granted, because the first grand jury's failure
from the shelf. One of the officers took it. Later, to indict is res judicata.
Mike was arrested and charged with the unlawful (B) granted, if the charges brought before the
possession of a dangerous drug. If Mike makes a second grand jury were identical to the
timely motion to suppress use of the marijuana as charges brought before the first grand jury.
evidence, which of the following would be the
(C) denied, unless the decision of the first grand
prosecution's most effective argument in opposi-
jury was motivated by sympathy or undue
tion to his motion?
(A) Their conversation with Wanda gave the (D) denied, because no trial has begun.
police officers probable cause to believe
that there was marijuana in the closet.
(B) Failure to seize the marijuana immediately
might have given Mike time to dispose of Questions 111-112 are based on the following fact situ-
it before the police officers could obtain a ation.
search warrant.
(C) Wanda invited the police officers to search Deborah, who was a law student, was attempting to
the closet. study for her final examinations. She was having diffi-
culty concentrating because the people in the apartment
(D) The marijuana was in plain view when the above hers were having a loud party, and Deborah

found the noise distracting. She telephoned, asking her said, "I'm going to get even with you for all the grief
neighbors to stop making so much noise, but they you've caused me." The following day, Bonnie's friend
refused to do so. Finally, Deborah fired a pistol through Frieda told Bonnie that Alice had purchased a gun.
the ceiling of her apartment. She did not intend to hit Frieda also said that Alice told her that she was going
anyone with the bullet, but hoped that the shot would to shoot Bonnie the next time she saw her. As a result,
frighten her neighbors and chill the atmosphere. After Bonnie began carrying a loaded pistoL Several days
passing through the floor of the apartment above Debo- later, realizing that she still had the key to Bonnie's
rah's, the bullet struck a piece offumiture and rico- apartment, Alice went back to return it. Bonnie was
cheted. It struck Vincent, lodging in his shoulder and leaving her apartment when she saw Alice walking
injuring him. toward her. As Alice reached into her pocket for the
apartment key, Bonnie drew her pistol and shot Alice,
aiming to hit her in the chest. The bullet grazed Alice's
111. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
shoulder, inflicting a minor injury. Alice immediately
an ambulance was called to transport Vincent to a
drew her own pistol and shot Bonnie with it, striking
hospital for treatment, and that, because the
her in the thigh, and inflicting a serious injury.
ambulance driver was driving negligently, the
ambulance was involved in a collision which
resulted in Vincent's death. If Deborah is acquit- 113. If Bonnie is charged with attempted murder,
ted on a charge of murdering Vincent, it will most which of the following would be her most effec-
likely be because the court finds that tive argument in defense?

(A) Deborah did not intend to strike anyone with (A) Alice's injury was not serious enough to
the bullet. result in death.
(B) Vincent's death was proximately caused by (B) Bonnie did not succeed in striking Alice in
the negligence of the ambulance driver. the chest as she intended.
(C) Deborah was privileged to abate a nuisance (C) It was reasonable for Bonnie to believe that
by self-help. Alice was reaching into her pocket for a
(D) Deborah's conduct did not show a wanton
disregard for human life. (D) The force which Bonnie used was not
112. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Vincent did not die. Which of the following is the 114. Assume that Alice is charged with attempted
most serious crime of which Deborah may be murder. If Alice asserts the privilege of self-
properly convicted? defense, she will most probably be found

(A) Battery. (A) guilty, if it was reasonable for Bonnie to

believe that Alice was reaching into her
(B) Attempted involuntary manslaughter.
pocket for a gun.
(C) Attempted voluntary manslaughter.
(B) guilty, because Alice's injury was not seri-
(D) Attempted murder. ous enough to result in death.
(C) guilty, because the fact that Alice was carry-
Questions 113-114 are based on the following fact situ- ing a pistol is evidence of premeditation.
ation. (D) not guilty.

Alice and Bonnie were roommates until they began

arguing bitterly. During one argument, Alice moved Questions 115-116 are based on the following fact situ-
out of the apartment which they shared. As she left, she ation.

(D) I and II.

Sal and Terry were members of a militant political
group known as the Environmental Protection Army.
117. There were three employees and three customers
As a protest against the use of harmful agricultural
in the Smalltown Bank when Dart entered and
chemicals, they planned to burn down a factory which
drew a pistol from his pocket. Waving the pistol
produced such chemicals. To be certain that no persons
in the air, Dart shouted, "Freeze. This is a
would be injured in the explosion, they chose a time
holdup." Threatening to shoot him ifhe did not
when they knew thatthe factory was closed. At 10 p.m.
obey, Dart ordered one of the tellers to open the
they broke into the factory and wired a fire bomb to a
vault. After the teller had done so, Dart directed
timer which was set to detonate at 11 p.m. At 10:45
everyone present to lie down on the floor. Dart
p.m., they telephoned the local police and told them
then removed all the cash from the vault and left
that the factory would be bombed in 15 minutes, warn-
the bank, forcing one of the customers at gun-
ing them to evacuate any persons who might happen to
point to accompany him into his car as a hostage.
be in the area. At 11 p.m. the bomb detonated, causing
After driving for about fifteen minutes, Dart
flames which totally destroyed the factory. 1\vo tran-
opened the car door and permitted the hostage to
sients who had broken into the factory at 10:30 p.m. in
get out.
search of a place to sleep were killed by the blast.
Of how many kidnappings may Dart properly be
115. If Sal and Terry are charged with murder, they convicted?
should be found
(A) O.
(A) not guilty, because they did not desire or
(B) 1.
know that their act would result in the
death of a human being. (C) 2.
(B) not guilty, because the deaths of the tran- (D) 6.
sients were totally independent of their
purpose in blowing up the factory.
Questions 118-120 are based on the following fact situ-
(C) guilty, because it was not reasonable to ation.
believe that the police could successfully
evacuate the area in fifteen minutes. Agsten and Bates, who were undercover police offic-
(D) guilty, because the deaths resulted from their ers, received an anonymous tip that Dakewas engaged
commission of a dangerous felony. in buying and selling stolen cars. They decided to catch
Dake by pretending to be criminals. Bates arranged to
meet Dake, telling Dake that his friend Agsten was
116. Assume for the purpose of this question only that looking for a buyer for stolen cars. When Dake said
the jurisdiction had a statute which extends the that he might be interested in purchasing one for resale,
common law definition of arson to buildings Bates offered to put up half the money and to buy it
other than dwellings. Of which of the following with him as a partner. Dake agreed, and Bates gave him
crimes may Sal and Terry be properly convicted? $1,000 in cash as his share. Bates had requisitioned the
I. Arson. money from the police department for that purpose and
had it marked in a way which would pennit its subse-
II. Conspiracy. quent identification. Bates then introduced Dake to
Agsten, saying that Agsten was a car thief. Agsten
offered to sell Dake a car which he said he had stolen,
(A) I only. but which he had actually requisitioned from the police
department for that purpose. After agreeing on a price
(B) II only.
for the car, Dake paid Agsten with the marked money
(C) I or II, but not both. which Bates had given him. Agsten immediately

placed Dake under arrest. actually intended to participate in the pur-

chase or sale of a stolen vehicle.
118. Assume for the purpose ofthis question only that (D) not guilty, because the car which he agreed
Dake is charged with criminally receiving stolen to purchase from Agsten was not actually
property. Which of the following would be his stolen.
most effective argument in defense against that
Questions 121~122 are based onthe~following fact sit-
(A) The car which Dake purchased from Agsten uation.
had been requisitioned from the police
department. Four weeks after breaking her engagement with Goss,
(B) The money which Dake used to purchase the Dealy was angry because Goss still had not returned a
car from Dake had been requisitioned from stereo set which he borrowed from her. She wentto his
house one night to demand its immediate return. When
the police department.
she got there, Goss was not at home and his door was
(C) Bates and Agsten entrapped Dake into pur- unlocked. Dealy entered to look for her stereo, but
chasing the car. could not find it. While searching, she noticed that
(D) The anonymous tip received by Bates and Goss had a new couch. Thinking that the couch was
Agsten was not sufficient to give them worth as much as her stereo, she tore open one of its
probable cause to believe that Dake was cushions and set it on fire before leaving. The fire
guilty of a crime. destroyed the couch completely, and charred the walls
and ceiling of the room, although the house itself was
not seriously damaged. Dealy was subsequently prose-
119. Assume for the purpose of this question only that cuted. Statutes in the jurisdiction adopt the common
Dake is charged with attempting to criminally law definitions of burglary, larceny, and arson.
receive stolen property. The court should find
121. If Dealy is charged with burglary and arson, she
(A) guilty, if he is convicted of criminally can properly be convicted of
receiving stolen property.
(B) guilty, only if he is not convicted of crimi- (A) burglary only.
nally receiving stolen property. (B) arson only.
(C) not guilty, because he was operating under a (C) burglary and arson.
mistake of law at the time he agreed to pur-
chase the car from Agsten. (D) neither burglary nor arson.

(D) not guilty, because he was operating under a

mistake of fact at the time he agreed to 122. If Dealy is charged with larceny as a result of the
purchase the car from Agsten. destruction of the couch, which of the following
would be her most effective defense against that
120. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Dake is charged with conspiracy to criminally (A) Goss' door was unlocked when she entered.
receive stolen property. The court should find
him (B) She believed the couch to be equal in value
to her stereo set.
(A) guilty.
(C) She did not physically move the couch.
(B) guilty, unless he is convicted of attempting
to criminally receive stolen property. (D) She did not intend to benefit from the
destruction of the couch.
(C) not guilty, because neither Agsten nor Bates

123. Mter being arrested and charged with bribery, injuries which she sustained in the fall.
Dalke spent one night in a detention cell at the
county jail. Cecil, who had been arrested on a If Dominguez is prosecuted for the murder of
charge unrelated to Dalke's case, was assigned to Viola, his most effective argument in defense
the same detention cell as Dalke. The following would be that as a result of mental illness,
morning, Dalke and Cecil were released on bail.
Leaving the jail together, they stopped for break- (A) he did not know that his act was wrong.
fast and chatted about the charges against them.
(B) he lacked criminal intent.
During the course of their conversation, Dalke
told Cecil that he was in fact guilty of bribery, (C) he was unable to control his conduct.
and that he had paid unlawful fees to several pub- (D) he did not appreciate the nature and quality
lic officials. At Dalke's trial, Cecil was called as a of his act.
prosecution witness. Cecil stated that he spoke to
Dalke about the bribery case because the police
had offered to drop charges against him in return 125. Thomas, a teacher at a privately operated high
for help in getting evidence against Dalke. Cecil school, found an anonymous note on his desk
then attempted to testify to the conversation in stating that the writer had heard through the
which Dalke admitted his guilt. If Dalke's attor- grapevine that Donell, one of Thomas' students,
ney objected and moved to exclude the testimony was unlawfully selling drugs to other students.
on the ground that Dalke was not warned that Thomas immediately showed the note to the
anything he said to Cecil might be used against school administrator, Adams, who ordered
him, should Cecil's testimony regarding Dalke's Donell to report to her office. When Donell did
admission of guilt be excluded on that ground? so, Adams reached into Donell's trouser pocket
where she found 23 capsules containing drugs.
(A) Yes, if the police asked for Cecil's help
Donell was subsequently prosecuted for unlawful
before putting him in a cell with Dalke.
possession of a controlled substance. In an appro-
(B) Yes, because at the time of Cecil's conversa- priate proceeding, Donell moved to suppress evi-
tion with Dalke, Cecil was acting as an dence of the capsules found by Adams on the
agent of the police. ground that she had violated his Fourth Amend-
ment rights by searching him.
(C) No, because the prosecution may not bargain
away the rights of one defendant in a deal
Which of the following is the most effective argu-
with another.
ment in opposition to Donell's motion?
(D) No, if Dalke was not in police custody when
he admitted his guilt to Cecil. (A) Adams was not working for the government.
(B) The special relationship between a high
124. As a result of mental illness, Dominguez was school administrator and a student implies
obsessed with the delusion that his wife Viola the student's consent to a search by the
was building a bomb in the basement of their administrator.
house, and that she was going to use it to blow up
(C) Special concern for the well-being of young
the world. Because he twice tried to kill Viola, he
people justifies a warrantless search of a
had been confined to a state mental hospital on
student suspected of selling drugs to other
two occasions. After his most recent release from
confinement, Dominguez discussed his belief
with the police, but they did not take him seri- (D) Adams had probable cause to believe that
ously. Although he knew that he would be impris- Donell was in possession of dangerous
oned for murder if he was caught, he pushed drugs.
Viola down a flight of stairs, thinking that he
would save the world by killing her. Viola died of
Questions 126-127 are based on the following fact sit-

uation. tion to a person under the age of 16 years.

(B) guilty, only if it was unreasonable for Okner
Okner was the owner of a department store. One day,
to assign Shafer to the sporting goods
Okner asked Shafer, who was employed in the store's
department without properly instructing
shoe department, to temporarily replace a sporting
him regarding the statute.
goods salesman who did not show up for work. Yule,
who was 15 years ofage, subsequently entered the (C) not guilty, unless Okner was present when
sporting goods department and asked Shafer to sell her Shafer made the sale to Yule.
ammunition for a pistol. Shafer placed a box of ammu- (D) not guilty, because holding one person vicar-
nition on the counter and said, "That'll be nine dollars, iously liable for the crime of another vio-
please." Realizing that she did not have any money lates the constitutional right to due process
with her, Yule left the store without the ammunition, of law.
saying that she would return for it later. A statute in the
jurisdiction provides as follows: "Any person who sells
ammunition for a firearm to a person below the age of 128. DeLong and Verona had hated each other for
16 years shall be guilty of a felony. The employer of years. One day, DeLong waited outside Verona's
any person who violates this section during the course office building with a loaded pistol, planning to
of such employment shall be guilty of a misdemeanor kill Verona. When DeLong saw Ralston leave the
punishable by a fine not to exceed $250. It shall not be building, she believed Ralston was Verona and
a defense to a violation of this section that the defen- shot at her, aiming to kill her. Ralston was struck
dant had no knowledge of the age of the person to by the bullet, and died of the bullet wound. If
whom the sale was made." DeLong is charged with Ralston's murder in a
jurisdiction which applies the common law defi-
nition, DeLong should be found
126. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Yule did not return to the store. If Shafer is (A) guilty, but only if the jurisdiction applies the
charged with attempting to violate the above stat- doctrine of transferred intent.
ute, which of the following would be Shafer's (B) guilty, because DeLong intended to bring
most effective argument in defense against that about the death of the person at whom she
charge? shot.
(A) Shafer did not know of the statute or its pro- (C) not guilty.
(D) guilty, because DeLong created an unrea-
(B) Shafer did not know that Yule was below the sonable risk that a human being would die.
age of 16 years.
(C) Okner should be prosecuted under the stat- 129. Federal agents arrested Delta and others in the
ute, since she was Shafer's employer. state of Columbus pursuant to a warrant issued by
(D) Shafer is customarily employed in the shoe a federal court. At the time of the arrest, federal
department, and should not be held to the officers seized one quarter ounce of heroin which
same standard as a person in the business was in Delta's possession. As a result, Delta was
of selling firearms and ammunition. convicted of violating a federal statute which pro-
hibits the possession of heroin with the intent to
engage in interstate distribution thereof. Follow-
127. Assume for the purpose of this question only that ing her conviction in the federal court, federal
Yule subsequently returned to the store with officials offered to permit the state of Columbus
money and that Shafer sold her the ammunition. to use the seized heroin as evidence in a state
If Okner is prosecuted under the statute, Okner prosecution of Delta. Delta was subsequently
should be found charged in a state court with conspiracy to sell a
(A) guilty, because her employee sold ammuni- controlled substance in violation of a state of

Columbus statute. If Delta moves to dismiss the (D) Dane had never before been overcome by
state prosecution on the sole ground that it vio- the alcohol in one drink.
lates her rights under the double jeopardy clause
of the United States Constitution, her motion
should be Questions 131-132 are based on the following fact sit-
(A) granted, if the same evidence that was used
to convict her in the federal prosecution Balin was the owner of a tavern. On two occasions in
will be used to convict her in the state the recent past, thieves entered Balin's tavern after
prosecution. closing time and stole several thousand dollars worth
(B) granted, because the crime of conspiracy is a of liquor. In an attempt to protect himself against fur-
lesser offense which was constructively ther thefts, Balin began sleeping in the tavern at night
included in the federal prosecution. with a loaded pistol by his side. Oden was a police
officer assigned to patrol the street on which Balin's
(C) denied, because she is being charged in the tavern was located. One night while on his rounds,
state of Columbus court with the violation Oden noticed that one of Balin's windows was open
of a different statute than that which she and climbed through the window to investigate. Hear-
was convicted of violating in the federal ing the sound of someone moving about his tavern,
court. Balin stood up and cocked his pistol. When Oden heard
(D) granted, because a person may not be prose- the sound and saw the outline of a person standing by
cuted by different sovereigns for the same the bar with a pistol in his hand, Oden shouted, "Drop
offense. that gun or I'll shoot." Balin and Oden fired their pis-
tols at each other. Each was struck by the other's bullet.

130. Mter Dane entered a tavern and sat on a stool at

the bar, a friend sitting beside him said, "Did you 131. If Balin is charged with attempted murder
ever have a Russian bomber?" Dane ordered one, because of his shooting of Oden, the court should
although he had never heard of a Russian bomber. find him
Although he realized that it had some alcohol in (A) not guilty, if Balin reasonably believed that
it, he was unaware that it was 90% alcohol. When his life was in danger.
the bartender placed the drink in front of Dane,
Dane drank it quickly. A few moments later, (B) guilty, because deadly force is not permitted
Dane fell off his bar stool because he was over- in defense of property.
come by the alcohol in the Russian bomber which (C) guilty, because the intent to kill or inflict
he had drunk. He fell against an elderly man great bodily harm can be inferred from
named Thatcher, knocking him against the wall Balin's conduct.
and causing Thatcher to fracture several ribs. If
Dane is charged with committing a criminal bat- (D) guilty, because at the time of the shooting
tery against Thatcher, which of the following Oden was a police officer acting within the
additional facts or inferences, if it was the only scope of his official duties as such.
one true, would provide Dane with his most
effective argument in defense? 132. If Oden is charged with attempted murder
(A) Dane did not intend to become intoxicated because of his shooting of Balin, his most effec-
by drinking the Russian bomber. tive defense would be that

(B) Dane did not know that drinking the Russian (A) at the time of the shooting, Oden was a
bomber would cause him to falloff the bar police officer acting within the scope of his
stool. official duties as such.

(C) Dane did not intend to make contact with (B) the circumstances gave Oden probable cause
Thatcher. to believe that a crime was in progress in

Balin's tavern. 134. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Dailey was charged with conspiracy to commit
(C) deadly force may be used by a police officer
robbery. The court should find Dailey
who reasonably believes that his life is in
danger. (A) not guilty, because he did not agree to partic-
ipate in the actual perpetration of the rob-
(D) it was unreasonable for Balin to fire without
taking steps to determine the identity of the
person at whom he was firing. (B) not guilty, because Dailey's agreement to
permit Reavis to stay at his apartment fol-
lowing the robbery was not per se unlaw-
Questions 133-134 are based on the following fact sit- ful.
(C) guilty, because he was an accessory to the
Dailey and Reavis had been in the same cell together robbery.
while serving time in prison. Soon after their release, (D) guilty, because he agreed to furnish Reavis
Reavis asked Dailey to join with him in robbing a bank. with a place to hide in return for a portion
Dailey refused, stating that he did not want to go back of the proceeds of the robbery.
to prison. Reavis then said that he would rob the bank
himself if Dailey would provide him with a place to
hide afterwards. Dailey agreed that Reavis could hide Questions 135-136 are based on the following fact sit-
in Dailey's apartment following the robbery in return uation.
for one fourth of the proceeds of the robbery. The fol-
lowing day, Reavis robbed the bank. While he was After being advised by an informant thatDage was
attempting to leave the bank, a security guard began growing marijuana in a large field, two police officers
shooting at him, and Reavis fired back, killing a flew over the field in an airplane and observed mari-
bystander. One week later, Reavis was arrested at Dai- juana growing there. Because of particularly dense
ley's apartment where he had been hiding, and was cloud formations, it was necessary for them to use spe-
charged with robbery and felony murder. cial equipment to photograph the field. The following
day, the officers drove to the field and looked through
the barbed wire fence which surrounded it. Although
133. Assume for the purpose of this question only that nothing was growing in the field, they observed that
Daily was subsequently charged with felony mur- something had recently been harvested. They also
der on the ground that he was an accomplice to observed a series of footprints leading to a barn located
the robbery committed by Reavis which resulted in the field. After obtaining a search warrant, the offic-
in the death of a bystander. The court should find ers entered the field and searched the barn, where they
Dailey found two suitcases containing marijuana.
(A) not guilty, because he was an accessory after
the fact. The officers arrested Dage and advised him of his
Miranda rights. Dage asked to have his attorney
(B) not guilty, if he did not know that Reavis
present and telephoned her office, leaving a message
was going to use deadly force to accom-
that he had been arrested. When the attorney received
plish the robbery.
the message, she telephoned the county sheriff, asking
(C) guilty, only if it was foreseeable that some- where Dage was being held. The sheriff said that he did
one would be shot dUring the course of the not know. As a result, it took the attorney several hours
robbery. to find Dage. While waiting for the attorney, one of the
officers said to Dage, "Why don't you tell us about it?"
(D) guilty, because an accomplice is responsible
whereupon dage admitted growing the marijuana. Dage
for all crimes committed in furtherance of
was subsequently charged with violating a state law
the crime to which he is an accomplice.
which prohibits growing marijuana.

135. Assume for the purpose of this question only that (A) guilty, because he sold liquor between mid-
Dage's attorney made an appropriate motion to night and 8 A.M.
exclude the marijuana contained in the suitcases.
(B) guilty, if he should have known the actual
Should the evidence be excluded?
(A) Yes, because the police used special equip- (C) not guilty, unless the statute did not require
ment to photograph the field. specific intent.
(B) No, if the reliability of the informant can be (D) not guilty, because he believed that the time
established. was five minutes past eleven.
(C) Yes, if it was reasonable for Dage to believe
that nobody would look into his field. 138. Vinton borrowed fifty dollars and a watch worth
an additional fifty dollars from Dover. Although
(D) No, because the officers had a warrant to
Dover repeatedly requested that Vinton return the
search the barn.
watch and the money, Vinton refused to do so.
Dover and Vinton belonged to the same exercise
136. Assume for the purpose of this question only that club. One day while Vinton was in the shower,
Dage's attorney made an appropriate motion to Dover opened Vinton's locker and took $100
prevent the use of Dage's statement as evidence from Vinton's wallet, returning the wallet to the
against him. The motion should be locker. It was Dover's intention to keep $50 of
the money to pay himself back for the money he
(A) granted, because Dage asserted his right to had loaned Vinton, and to keep the other $50 to
have an attorney present. pay himself for the watch which Vinton had
refused to return. A statute in the jurisdiction
(B) granted, only if the sheriff actually knew
adopts the common law definition·of larceny and
Dage's whereabouts when he said that he
provides that a larceny of $50 or less is a misde-
did not.
meanor while a larceny of more than $50 is a fel-
(D) denied, if the sheriff actually did not know ony. Dover is guilty of
Dage's whereabouts when he said that he
did not. (A) one misdemeanor only.
(D) denied, because Dage waived his right to (B) two misdemeanors only.
remain silent when he admitted growing
(C) a felony.
the marijuana.
(D) no crime.
137. A statute prohibited the sale of liquor between the
hours of midnight and 8 A.M. When a customer 139. In which of the following cases is a charge of
came into Donohue's liquor store and asked to murder most likely to be reduced to a charge of
buy a bottle of liquor, Donohue looked at the voluntary manslaughter?
clock and saw that it said five minutes past
eleven, so he sold the liquor to the customer. (A) People in a neighboring apartment were hav-
Donohue believed that the clock was correct and ing a noisy party. Intending to frighten
did not realize that the previous day the state had them so that they would stop making so
changed from standard time to daylight savings much noise, Defendant knocked on the
time. In fact, the correct time was five minutes door of the apartment where the party was
past midnight. being held and, when the door was opened,
fired a pistol into the room. Defendant did
If Donohue is charged with attempting to violate not intend to strike anyone, but the bullet
the statute, he should be found struck a person, killing her.

(B) Mter repairing the transmission of his auto-

mobile, Defendant drove the automobile
on a street in a residential neighborhood at
a speed of 110 miles per hour to test the
transmission. The vehicle struck a child,
killing him.
(C) After learning that Victor had raped Defen-
dant's daughter, Defendant shot Victor
with the intention of killing him. Victor
died as a result of the bullet wound.
(D) After stealing a car, Defendant robbed a
bank and was driving the stolen car away
from the robbery in a reasonable manner
when he collided with a pedestrian who
was jaywalking. The pedestrian was killed
by the impact.

140. Joe, Al and Bob met while in prison and decided

that when they were released they would rob a
bank together. Soon after their release, they
planned the robbery, agreeing that Al would steal
and drive the getaway car and that Joe and Bob
would commit the actual robbery. Al stole a car
for the robbery and brought it to Joe's house, but
the day before the robbery was to be committed,
AI was arrested for violating the conditions of his
parole and was returned to prison. The following
day, Joe and Bob went ahead with the plan, enter-
ing the bank and threatening to shoot the cashiers
if they did not hand over all available cash. A
teller pushed a button which alerted the police,
and Joe and Bob were arrested before leaving the

Of which of the following crimes is AI guilty?

I. Attempted robbery.
II. Conspiracy to commit robbery.

(A) I only.
(B) II only.
(C) I and II.
(D) II or II, but not both.

1. D An officer executing a warrant for the search of premises is limited to a search of the
place described in the warrant. A misidentification will invalidate the search unless the
officer could not mistake the place to be searched. The officer executing the warrant
could not have been certain whether it was a tavern known as the Second Bedroom
(which was located on Main Street) or for premises known as the Second Bedroom and
located at 481 Chambers Street (but which contained a furniture store rather than a tav-
ern). It may, therefore, be successfully argued that the warrant did not properly identify
the defendant's premises, and the search was invalid. While it is not certain that a court
would come to this conclusion, D is the only argument listed which could possibly sup-
port the motion to suppress.

A is incorrect because an affidavit submitted to establish probable cause may be based

entirely on hearsay. If it establishes the credibility of the informant and the reliability of
his information, it may serve as the basis for the warrant, even though it does not name
the informant. B is incorrect because the affidavit indicated that the informant had given
information in the past which had always proved to be accurate (thus establishing his
credibility), and that he had observed the activities himself (thus establishing the reli-
ability of his information). Even without establishing credibility and reliability, an affi-
davit which fails to identify the informant could support the issuance of a warrant if the
information which it contains is corroborated by other independent evidence. C is incor-
rect, however, because if credibility and reliability are established, corroboration is

2. B A warrant authorizing the search of persons must clearly identify the particular persons
to be searched, although it is not necessary that they be identified by name. This warrant
identified them in terms of a fact which could not be determined until they had been
searched, however (i.e., "all persons ... who are found to be in possession of unlawful
gambling records"). It therefore lacked the required particularity. If there was probable
cause to arrest a person, a search performed incident to that arrest would be valid. While
it is uncertain whether a court would find that there was probable cause to arrest Darryl,
B is the only answer listed which could possibly be correct.

Probable cause means that facts are known which would lead the reasonable person to
believe that a crime was being committed. If the reasonable person would believe that
gambling activities were being conducted in the tavern, he would certainly be justified
in believing that some of the people present were engaging in them. A is, therefore
incorrect. Although a warrant which authorizes the search of premises may also autho-
rize search of persons present on said premises, C is incorrect because this warrant does
not identify the people to be searched with sufficient particularity. D is, incorrect
because if corroboration is required, it must exist prior to the issuance of the warrant,
not after its execution.

3. D A police officer who has probable cause to believe that the defendant is in the process of
committing a crime may arrest the defendant without a warrant. Upon making a lawful
arrest, the police officer may search the defendant's person and packages within the

defendant's control to prevent the loss of evidence and to protect the officer.

A is incorrect because if probable cause existed, the arrest was lawful even without a
warrant. Some courts have held that one who ships baggage on an airline has no reason-
able expectation of privacy with respect to the contents of the baggage; other courts
hold that sniffing of baggage by a dog does not violate the reasonable expectation of pri-
vacy because it is non-intrusive. Either way, most agree that such an inspection is not an
unreasonable search. B is, therefore incorrect. Since the dog sniffed the baggage after
the plane haalanded, and since it Was sniffing for marijuana rather than weapons, C is a
non sequitur, and, therefore, is incorrect.

4. B Rape is a "general intent" crime, which means that a conviction may be had even
though the defendant did not intend to engage in intercourse without the female's con-
sent if he acted recklessly or was criminally negligent in determining whether or not she
consented. It is necessary, however, that the defendant intend to engage in intercourse. If

I Donnel did not intend to have intercourse, he cannot be convicted.

A is incorrect because it may have been reckless or criminally negligent for Donnel to
believe that Vera consented. Since Vera initially attempted to resist Donnel's advances,
it may be found that the intercourse was without her consent even though she was so
drunk that she was unaware that it took place or unaware of Donnel's identity. C and D
are, therefore, incorrect. C is also incorrect since most courts agree that sexual inter-
course with a woman lacks the capacity to consent because she is unconscious or intox-
icated is without her consent and, therefore, is rape. In addition, D is, incorrect because
a rape takes place when penetration occurs without consent, and is not undone if the vic-
tim subsequently consents.

5. D Some courts say that statutory rape is a strict liability crime, requiring no intent at all;
other courts say that it is a general intent crime requiring only the intent to have sexual
intercourse. Under either view, this means that a defendant who has sexual intercourse
with a female who is too young to consent is guilty if he was aware that he was engag-
ing in intercourse. This is so even though he did not know that she was underage, even
though the reasonable person would not have known it, and even though she told him
that she was over the age of consent.

A,B and C are, therefore incorrect.

6. B Although a warrantless search is usually invalid, it may be valid if consented to by one

with authority to consent. Since a guest in a hotel is entitled to exclusive possession of
the room which he occupies, the hotel keeper does not have the power to consent to the
search of a guest's room, even if the guest is overdue in his payments. The motion in B
would probably be granted for this reason.

On the other hand, the owner of an automobile does have the power to consent to a
search of it, so the motion in A would fail. After a defendant's automobile has been
impounded by the police, they have the right to search it for the purpose of making an
inventory of its contents. Although the reason for the inventory search is to protect the
police against possible subsequent claims that contents of the impounded vehicle were
taken or converted while the vehicle was in police custody, evidence which is inciden-

tally discovered during the course of such a search is admissible against the defendant.
The motion in C would, therefore, fail. In D, the search did not take place until the
defendant was placed under arrest. A search of the defendant's person conducted inci-
dentally to a lawful arrest is not a violation of his Fourth Amendment right to be secure
against unreasonable search and seizure, so the motion in D would fail.

7. D Larceny is defined as a trespassory taking and carrying off of personal property known
to be another's with the intent to permanently deprive the owner thereof. A taking is
trespassory if it violates the rights of the owner. Since the coat was Charlie's and since
Charlie told Julie to take it, the taking did not violate Charlie's rights and was, therefore,
not trespassory. A and C are, therefore, incorrect.

A criminal conspiracy is committed when two or more persons with the specific intent
to commit a crime agree to commit that crime. Since Charlie knew that the coat was his,
he did not have the specific intent to commit a crime when he agreed to help Julie take
it. B and C are, therefore, incorrect.

8. A A killing is intentional if the defendant desired or knew to a substantial degree of cer-

tainty that it would result from his act. A killing is deliberate and premeditated if the
defendant was capable of reflecting upon it with a cool mind and did in fact do so. Since
Darrel hoped for (i.e., desired) Volmer's death, the killing was intentional. Since he
reflected on it in advance with a cool mind, it was deliberate and premeditated.

Since first degree murder is the most serious crime listed, B, C and D are incorrect. Vol-
untary manslaughter is an intentional killing resulting from extreme emotional distur-
bance or in the mistaken belief that it is justified. C is also incorrect because there is no
indication that Darrel was emotionally disturbed or mistakenly believed that his act was
justified. Involuntary manslaughter is an unintended killing which results from criminal
negligence. D is also incorrect because Darrel intended the death of Volmer.

9. A Larceny is defined as a trespassory taking and carrying off of personal property known
to be another's with the intent to permanently deprive the owner thereof. A trespassory
taking is an acquisition of possession contrary to the rights of the owner and without the
owner's consent. Since Dennison acquired possession without Vale's permission, he
committed a trespassory taking. A carrying off occurs when the defendant moves the
property, even slightly, with the intention of exercising dominion over it. Since Denni-
son moved the watch from the table to his pocket with the intention of keeping it, he
carried it off. Since he knew that the watch belonged to Vale and intended to keep it for
himself, he had knowledge that the property was another's and intended to deprive the
owner of it. He, therefore, committed a larceny, making A correct.

A person is guilty of a criminal attempt when with the specific intent to bring about a
criminally prohibited result, he comes substantially close to bringing it about. Although
Dennison is probably guilty of attempted larceny, B is incorrect because larceny is a
more serious crime. Embezzlement is defined as· a criminal conversion of personal
property by one in lawful custody of that property. Employees who steal property from
their employers while in custody of it because of the employment relationship may be
guilty of embezzlement. C is incorrect, however, because Dennison did not come into
possession of the watch as a result of his employment relationship with Vale. D is incor-

rect because Dennison is guilty of larceny for the reasons stated above.

10. C At common law, rape can be committed by using intoxicants to overcome the victim's
resistance. Under the given statute, however, third degree rape is committed only when
a person over the age of seventeen has sexual intercourse with a person under the age of
sixteen. Since Fanny was only fifteen, she cannot be guilty of committing it.

A and B are, therefore incorrect. D is incorrect because the statute specifically provides
that the crime can be committed by a female.

11. D Under the state's definition, conspiracy requires an agreement to commit a crime with
the specific intent to commit a crime. If the act which Edward and Fanny agreed to com-
mit was not a crime, Edward lacked the specific intent required. Since neither the com-
mon law nor the statute given prohibit sexual intercourse between persons of Gerald's
and Fanny's age, intercourse between them would not have been a crime, and the agree-

I ment between Edward and Fanny was not a conspiracy.

Wharton's Rule provides that there can be no conviction for conspiracy unless one of
the parties to the agreement was not logically essential to the commission of the act
which they agreed to commit. A is incorrect, however, because although Fanny's partic-
ipation was essential to the seduction of Gerald, Edward's participation was not. Con-
spiracy is a separate crime and is committed when the conspiratorial agreement is made.
Some jurisdictions also require that there have been an overt act in furtherance of the
conspiracy. B is incorrect, however, because such an act need only be committed by one
of the co-conspirators, and Fanny's acts would suffice. Since the crime is committed
when the agreement is made, the fact that the act which parties agreed to commit never
actually took place is not a defense. C is, thus, incorrect.

12. A Statutory rape is a crime for which no intent is required other than the intent to have sex-
ual intercourse. The given statute defines it as sexual intercourse between a person 17 or
older and a person under 16. Since Edward engaged in sexual intercourse with Fanny
while he was 17 and she was 15, he is guilty of violating the statute.

Since the crime charged is a strict liability crime, B and C are incorrect because it is not
necessary for the defendant to have knowledge of the "victim's" age, or to be the one
who instituted the intercourse. D is incorrect because ignorance of the law ordinarily is
not a defense.

13. D A person may be guilty as an accessory or accomplice if he intentionally aids, abets, or

facilitates the commission of a crime. Standing by in silent acquiescence, however, does
not constitute aiding, abetting, or facilitating unless the defendant is ready, willing, and
able to render assistance in its commission if needed. Here there is no indication that
this was so.

Since mere knowledge that a crime is being committed is not enough to result in liabil-
ity, A is incorrect. B is incorrect because in the majority of jurisdictions it is no longer
necessary for the principal to be convicted before an accomplice can be tried. A person
who intentionally aided, abetted or facilitated the commission of a crime may be con-
victed even though his participation was not essential to its commission. C is, therefore,


14. A Cook is obviously guilty of bribery in the second degree because she offered to alter the
official records for five hundred dollars. She cannot be guilty of conspiracy, however,
because of Wharton's Rule, which provides that there can be no conspiracy unless the
agreement involves at least one person who is not essential to the commission of the
crime to which the conspirators agreed. Since the crime of bribery could not have been
committed by either Cook or Dobson acting alone, neither can be found guilty of con-
- -

spiring with the other to commit it.

B, C and D are, therefore, incorrect. C is additionally incorrect because conspiracy is a

separate crime which does not merge with the crime which the conspirators agreed to

15. D A lesser included offense is an offense the elements of which are completely included
among the elements of a more serious crime. Attempting to commit a crime is always a
lesser included offense, since its elements are always included among the elements of
the completed crime. One who commits a crime is guilty of all lesser included offenses.
Since Dobson offered to commit bribery (as explained below), he is guilty of bribery in
the second degree, and since the attempt is included in the completed crime, he is guilty
of attempting to commit bribery in the second degree.

A person is guilty of attempting to commit a crime when, with the specific intent to
commit that crime she comes substantially close to committing it. A is incorrect because
bribery in the second degree is not an "attempt" crime. It is statutorily defined as offer-
ing to commit bribery and is committed when the offer is made. B is incorrect because,
although Cook first offered to accept the money, Dobson's subsequent agreement was
also an offer to pay the money. In addition, Dobson's trip to Cook's office the following
day was for the purpose of offering to pay the money. C is based on a misinterpretation
of the law. A lesser included crime is said to "merge" with the more serious one, but this
means only that a defendant cannot be convicted of both. There is no reason why he
cannot be convicted of the lesser one only.

16. C A person is guilty of a criminal attempt when, with the specific intent to bring about a
result which is criminally prohibited, she comes substantially close to bringing about
that result. Since, under the applicable statute, burning down one's own house is not
arson, the result which Dana specifically intended to bring about was not criminally
prohibited by the arson statute. For this reason, Dana could not be guilty of attempted
arson. C is, therefore, correct.

Even though it was factually impossible for a defendant to commit a particular crime,
she may be convicted of an attempt if the crime would have been committed had the
facts been as the defendant thought them to be. For example, if Dana burned her own
house believing it to be the dwelling of another, she could be convicted of attempted
arson. Thus, A is an accurate statement of the law. A is incorrect, however, because
Dana did not make a mistake of fact (i.e., she knew that the dwelling was her own).
Since guilt for attempt requires the specific intent to accomplish a purpose which is
criminally prohibited, a person cannot be guilty if what she intended to accomplish was
not criminally prohibited. This is true even if she believes that it is criminally prohib-

ited, no matter how that mistaken belief was formed. B is, therefore, incorrect. D is
incorrect for two reasons: fIrst, while a defendant cannot be convicted of both a substan-
tive crime and an attempt to commit that substantive crime, she can be convicted of the
attempt instead of the substantive crime; and, second, Dana is charged with attempted
arson, not attempted insurance fraud.

17. A Murder is the unjustifIed killing of a human being with malice aforethought. Malice
aforethought includes the intent to cause great bodily harm to a human being. A defen-
dant "intends" a particular consequence if she desires or knows to a substantial degree
of certainty that it will occur. Since Delman desired and/or knew that exposure to Ter-
minate was likely to result in great bodily harm to Ventura, she intended to cause great
bodily harm to a human being. Since Alex died, Delman may be found guilty of his
murder. A is, therefore, correct.

B is incorrect because engaging in an inherently dangerous activity is not equivalent to

malice aforethought. C is incorrect because Delman's intent to cause great bodily harm
to any human being is sufficient to make her guilty of murder in causing the death of
Alex. Although the intent to kill is a form of malice aforethought, D is incorrect because
the intent to cause great bodily harm is also a form of malice aforethought.

18. C A person is guilty of a criminal attempt when, with the specifIc intent to bring about a
prohibited result, she comes substantially close to doing so. Thus, all attempts are "spe-
cific intent" crimes. This means that although murder does not require a specifIc intent
to cause the death of a person, attempted murder does. Since Delman did not intend to
cause the death of a human being, she lacks the intent required to make her guilty of
attempted murder.

A is, therefore, incorrect. The death of Alex does not satisfy the specific intent require-
ment unless Delman intended to bring it about. For this reason, B is also incorrect.
Although the attempt to murder a person may merge with the actual murder of the per-
son, D is incorrect because Ventura did not die, and so could not have been murdered.

19. B A person is guilty of a criminal intent when, with the specific intent to bring about a
criminally prohibited result, he comes substantially close to achieving .that result. Thus,
all attempts are "specific intent" crimes. This means that, although murder may be com-
mitted without the intent to kill, attempted murder may not. If Dustin believed that
Volmer was already dead, he could not have intended to kill him, and so could not be
guilty of attempted murder.

A defendant with the specifIc intent to commit a particular crime may be guilty of
attempting it even though accomplishing the intended result was factually impossible. A
is incorrect because Dustin's intent to kill Volmer could make him guilty of attempted
murder even though the fact that Volmer was already dead made murder factually
impossible. C is incorrect because Dustin's belief that the gun was loaded could estab-
lish that he had the specifIc intent to kill Volmer, even though the fact that the gun was
unloaded made it factually impossible for him to accomplish the result which he
intended. D is incorrect because Dustin's belief thatthe substance was a poison could
help establish that he had the specifIc intent to kill Volmer, even though the fact that the
substance was harmless made it impossible for him to· accomplish the intended result.

20. A Because of the possibility that manipulation of the circumstances of a lineup will result
in a likelihood of inaccurate identification, the United States Supreme Court has held
that after the filing of formal charges against him, a prisoner is entitled to the presence
of counsel at a lineup.

B is incorrect because requirements as to lineup procedures are more flexible than those
listed. It has even been held that a one-person "showup" may be valid if it is conducted
properly.~ Since all prisoners are expected to obey the commands of their jailors, no pris-
oner is required to resist violations of his constitutional rights by those in apparent legal
authority. C is incorrect because it suggests that failure to resist results in waiver. The
taint of an improper lineup procedure may be purged by evidence that the in-court iden-
tification was arrived at by means distinguishable from the lineup. D is incorrect, how-
ever, because Watson's courtroom identification of Devlin was nothing more than a
repetition of the lineup identification.

21. A Under the Massiah rule, a criminal suspect may not be interrogated in the absence of his
attorney once formal charges have been brought. It has been held that placing a secret
police agent to elicit incriminating statements violates this rule even though the officer
asks no questions.

B is incorrect because "entrapment" refers only to conduct by a police officer which

induced the defendant to commit a crime which he was not otherwise inclined to com-
mit. C is incorrect because a warrant does not justify a police interrogation in violation
of the Massiah rule. D is incorrect because even a voluntary statement violates the Mas-
siah rule if made as a result of a police interrogation conducted without the presence or
consent of the defendant's attorney.

22. D Even in the absence of probable cause to believe that health and safety violations exist
in a particular building, a warrant to search it for such violations may be issued upon
probable cause to believe that such violations exist in buildings in the neighborhood.

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because such a scheme justifies the issuance of
warrants like those issued here, rather than invalidating it. Although the courts have
considerable leeway in issuing warrants for health and safety inspections, C is incorrect
because warrants are required by the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitu-

23. D The crime of receiving stolen property consists of acquiring stolen property with the
knowledge that it was stolen and the intent to permanently deprive the owner thereof.
Since Darr did not know that the television was stolen when he acquired possession of
it, he cannot be guilty of receiving stolen property. A and C are, therefore, incorrect.

The crime of larceny consists of the trespassory taking and carrying off of personal
property known to be another's with the intent to permanently deprive the owner
thereof. Since Darr did not know that the television was the property of another when he
took it (i.e., received it from Mead), he cannot be guilty of larceny. B and C are, there-
fore, incorrect.

24. D At common law, arson is defined as the intentional or malicious burning of the dwelling
of another. Any burning which chars some actual part of the structure is sufficient to
result in a conviction. Since the door was charred, there was sufficient burning to estab-
lish Dandy's guilt.

Although modem statutes prohibit the acts described in A, B, and C, the question speci-
fies that the jurisdiction applies common law definitions of all crimes. Since common
law arson involves a burning of the dwelling of another, and since the structure which
Dandy attempted to bum was not a dwelling and was his own, A is incorrect. At com-
mon law, larceny by trick is committed when the defendant defrauds another into part-
ing with temporary possession of personal property. Since the insurance company gave
Dandy title to rather than temporary possession of the policy proceeds, B is incorrect.
Since the building which Dandy burned in C was not a dwelling, C is incorrect.

25. B Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought. Malice
aforethought may consist of intent to kill, intent to cause great bodily harm, wanton
reckless disregard for human life, intent to commit a felony, or intent to resist a lawful
arrest. Since defendant was unconscious, she lacked any of the requisite intents. Since
she did not know that she was starting her car, she did not act with a wanton reckless
disregard for human life.

In A, defendant's conduct might show wanton reckless disregard for human life. In C,
defendant clearly had the intent to cause great bodily harm. Although it might be found
that defendant acted in the heat of passion, reducing his crime to voluntary manslaugh-
ter, a conviction for murder is likely because he had sufficient opportunity to cool off
before attacking Victor. The defendant in D could be convicted because his threat -
even with an empty pistol - might constitute a wanton reckless disregard for human
life in view of the fact that some people are likely to react to such a threat with violence,
and because a death which occurs in the course of a burglary may be murder under the
felony-murder rule.

26. A An officer who reasonably suspects a person of a crime may be justified in questioning
that person about his identity and activity. If during the course of the conversation, she
has reason to suspect that he may be armed, she is justified in frisking him for weapons.
If during the course of a legitimate frisk for weapons, she discovers contraband in his
possession, it may be seized and used as evidence against him. Dinger was not frisked
for weapons, however, but for the stolen statue. In the absence of a warrant or valid
arrest, such a search violates the Fourth Amendment guarantee against unreasonable
search and seizure.

B is incorrect because if a frisk is valid, items discovered during its course may be
seized and used as evidence, even though they were not what the officer was seeking. C
is incorrect because there is no fact to indicate that the officer's suspicion was reason-
able, and because even a reasonable suspicion does not justify any warrantless search
other than a frisk for weapons. D is incorrect because the search was for contraband, and
not for a weapon, so it was not a valid pat-down search.

27. C A criminal conspiracy is an agreement to commit a crime and is complete when two or
more persons make such an agreement. Although Sam privately decided to assist Tom

and John in the commission of a crime, he did not agree with them that he would do so.
Re is, therefore, not guilty of conspiracy, and C is correct.

One who knowingly aids and abets in the commission of a crime is guilty of that crime
as an accessory. For this reason, Sam might be guilty of murder. A is incorrect, however,
because Sam is charged not with murder but with conspiracy. Some jurisdictions hold
that to convict for conspiracy it is necessary to prove an overt act in addition to an
agreement to commit a crime. Even in these jurisdictions, however, Sam would not be
guilty of conspiracy because he did not agree to commit a crime. B is, therefore, incor-
rect. Co-conspirators are guilty of the crime of conspiracy when their agreement is
made and are not rendered innocent by the withdrawal of one or more of them from the
conspiracy. D is incorrect for this reason, and because Sam was never part of the con-
spiracy in the ftrst place.

28. A Murder is the unjustifted killing of a human being with malice aforethought. Malice
aforethought includes the intent to kill, which means the desire or knowledge that the
defendant's act will bring about the death of another person. Since Tom threw away
Vanney's medicine with the desire that doing so would bring about the death of Vanney
and since Vanney died as a result, Vanney was murdered. A criminal conspiracy is an
agreement to commit a crime. Since Tom and John agreed to kill Vanney, they were
involved in a criminal conspiracy. Co-conspirators are vicariously liable for any crimes
committed in furtherance of the conspiracy. Since the murder of Vanney was committed
by Tom in furtherance of his agreement with John, John is vicariously liable for it. A is,
therefore, correct.

Since John did no physical act which enabled Tom to bring about Vanney's death, he did
not aid or abet him in bringing it about. B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because
the principle of vicarious liability as explained above makes it unnecessary for John to
physically participate in the commission of the crime with which he is charged. One
who effectively withdraws from a conspiracy before its goal is accomplished may avoid
vicarious guilt for the substantive crime, although not for the crime of conspiracy. In
order for a withdrawal to be effective, however, the withdrawing conspirator must at
least do something which places his co-conspirator on notice of his withdrawal. Since
John did not do so, he has not effectively withdrawn from the conspiracy, and D is

29. C There are two different forms of criminal assault - conduct which intentionally
induces fear, and attempted battery. Criminal battery is the intentional or reckless appli-
cation of force to the body of another. A person is guilty of a criminal attempt when,
with the speciftc intent to bring about a criminally prohibited result, he comes substan-
tially close to achieving that result. Since Dosset shot at the President with the intention
of hitting her, he attempted a battery. Since he did not succeed, his crime was assault.

A is incorrect because the crime of which he was acquitted in the federal court was not
the same crime with which he is charged in the state court. It is generally held that the
constitutional protection against double jeopardy is not offended by separate prosecu-
tions for violating the laws of two different sovereigns (i.e., federal and state govern-
ments) even though both arise from the same act. Assault based on intentionally
inducing fear requires that the victim was aware of the defendant's conduct and that as a

result the victim experienced reasonable apprehension of contact. B and D are incorrect,
however, because assault based on attempted battery requires no such awareness or

30. B Many jurisdictions hold that the defendant will not be guilty of the murder of a co-felon
under the felony murder rule if the co-felon's death resulted from a justifiable attempt
by the crime-victim to prevent the crime. Although this is not the law in all jurisdic-
tions, it is the only argument listed which would provide Delbert with any defense at all.

A is incorrect because the felony murder rule is applied to deaths which occur during
the commission of a felony, even though the person killed is not the intended crime-vic-
tim. C is incorrect because the normal reactions of victims, bystanders, and police,
make violence a foreseeable result of any robbery. D is incorrect because jurisdictions
which apply the felony murder rule regard the intent to commit a felony as a form of
malice aforethought.

31. A The felony murder rule provides that the intent to commit a felony is malice afore-
thought, and that a death which results from the perpetration of a felony is, therefore,
murder. For this purpose, the perpetration of a felony continues during the defendant's
attempt to escape to a place of seeming safety. Nora's death thus occurred during the
perpetration of a robbery, and Delbert could be convicted of murder even if he was driv-
ing carefully at the time it occurred.

B, C, and D are, therefore, incorrect.

32. D Involuntary manslaughter is an unintended killing which results from conduct which
created a high and unreasonable risk of death or serious injury, or from the commission
of a malum in se misdemeanor. If Donnum's conduct created such risk, he could thus be
guilty of involuntary manslaughter. While it is not certain that a court would come to
this conclusion, D is the only argument listed which could possible support the prosecu-

The unlawful act doctrine (also called the misdemeanor-manslaughter rule) might make
a death resulting from the commission of a misdemeanor involuntary manslaughter, but
only if the misdemeanor involved is inherently dangerous or malum in se. Since driving
without a license is neither, A is incorrect. B is incorrect because it is based on a perver-
sion of a rule of tort law which provides that the violation of a statute which was
designed to protect a class of persons to which the plaintiff belongs from the risk which
resulted in harm may be described as negligence per se. There is no counterpart in the
criminal law, however. C is not an accurate statement since mere negligence will not
result in a criminal conviction.

33. B Ordinarily, an omission (i.e., failure to act) does not lead to criminal responsibility
unless it violated a legal duty to act. Larraby's duty to aid people at the swimming pool
existed only because she was employed as lifeguard and, therefore, only during her
hours of employment. Since her supervisor allowed her to leave at 8 p.m., her hours of
employment ended at that time. For this reason, she may successfully argue that she had
no duty to rescue someone who came into peril after she left the pool.

If she did have a legal duty to render aid, her absence could be a violation of that duty. A
is, therefore, incorrect. Since any death may have more than one cause, the fact that
Watcher's inaction was a cause of Susan's death does not establish that criminal conduct
by Larraby was not also a cause. C is, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because at
common law and under statutes there are many forms of criminal homicide which can
be committed without the intent to cause the death of a person.

34. D In the absence of special circumstances, no person is under a legal duty to render aid to
another. Since a failure to act can lead to criminal responsibility only in the face of a
duty to act, Watcher's failure to rescue Susan was not a crime.

This is true even though she could have saved Susan without risk to herself, even
though she knew that there was no one else who could rescue the child, and even if she
was related to Susan. A, B and C are, therefore, incorrect.

35. A Rape is committed when the defendant intentionally has sexual intercourse with a
female not his wife without consent. Although it is necessary that the victim be unwill-
ing, it is not necessary for her to put up a fight if it would be futile for her to do so or if
she reasonably believes that resisting will cause her to sustain serious injury. Since
Vena's refusal was overcome by a threat which would have led a reasonable person in
her place to fear for her life, the intercourse was without her consent.

If her resistance had been overcome by payment, the intercourse would not have been
against her will. But the fact that she was willing to accept payment does not mean that
she consented to intercourse with one who did not offer payment, or even with one who
did. B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because Vena's resistance was overcome by
Dorian's threat of physical force. Since Vena inflicted the injuries after the intercourse
occurred, her conduct in inflicting them could not possibly relate to whether she con-
sented to the intercourse. D is, therefore, incorrect.

36. A Since the statute requires intent, and since Vena did not intend Dorian's death, she is not
guilty of first degree murder under the statute.

B is incorrect because once Dorian was asleep (and certainly once he was tied to the
bed), Vena was no longer in danger and therefore not privileged to use force in self-
defense. Although some first degree murder statutes include deaths resulting from the
commission of dangerous felonies, this particular statute does not. C is, therefore, incor-
rect. Many first degree murder statutes include death resulting from torture, but this one
does not. D is, therefore, incorrect.

37. C Murder is the unjustified killing of a human being with malice aforethought. Since mal-
ice aforethought includes the intent to kill, and since Diedre held the baby's head under
water in an attempt to end his life, Diedre had the necessary mental state and committed
the necessary act to make her criminally responsible for murder. It is also necessary,
however, for the prosecution to show that her act was a proximate cause of the baby's
death. Since there is no clear indication that this is so, it is possible that Diedre may be
acquitted of murder. In addition, many states have rules which fix a period of time (usu-
ally one to three years) following a defendant's act and provide that no death occurring
after that time is proximately caused by the act. Although it is not certain that her argu-

ment will succeed, it is the only one listed which could possibly provide her with an
effective defense.

A is incorrect because no constitutional right to an abortion has been found to exist in

the last three months of pregnancy, and because the baby was born alive. Diedre's
attempt to save the baby's life after she tried to kill him is not sufficient to relieve her of
criminal liability for his death if his death was proximately caused by her previous con-
duct. B is, therefore, incorrect. Even though the surgical procedure which Diedre per-
formed did not usually result in the death of a human being, her attempt to kill the baby
after he was born makes D incorrect.

38. D One who intentionally kills another under the mistaken but reasonable belief that she
was defending herself against imminent bodily harm may be protected by the privilege
of self-defense, and therefore not guilty of any criminal homicide. If her belief was
unreasonable, however, she is still guilty of voluntary manslaughter, although not of
murder. I is incorrect because if the reasonable person would not have had held the
belief, Donnelly is guilty of voluntary manslaughter. II is incorrect because if Donnelly
did not hold the belief, she is not only guilty of voluntary manslaughter, but of murder
as well.

39. D Persons are guilty of conspiracy to commit a particular crime when they agree to com-
mit it. At common law, burglary is defined as breaking and entering into a dwelling at
night for the purpose of committing a larceny or any felony therein. Since the agreement
was to break into an office rather than a dwelling and to do so at lunchtime rather than
nighttime, it was not a conspiracy to commit burglary. At common law larceny is
defined as intentionally taking and carrying off the personal property of another with the
intent to permanently deprive the owner of it. Since the agreement was to copy but not
carry off the notes of Professor Vinton, it was not a conspiracy to commit larceny.

40. B At common law, larceny is defined as intentionally taking and carrying off the personal
property of another with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of it. Since Denise
planned to return the pen to the professor in a week or two, she lacked the intent to per-
manently deprive him of it.

A is incorrect because if she had the requisite intent at the time she took the pen, the fact
that it was later taken from her would not undo the crime which she had already com-
mitted. C is incorrect because Denise lacked the requisite intent. There are no facts jus-
tifying the inference on which D is based, but even if there were, Denise's taking would
not be a larceny unless she intended (i.e., was substantially certain) that Vinton would
be permanently deprived of the pen.

41. B Co-conspirators are vicariously liable for crimes committed by members of the conspir-
acy in furtherance of its goals. Since one of the goals of Donald's and Denise's agree-
ment was to avoid Vinton's notice, and since Denise's taking of the pen was an attempt
to accomplish that goal, Donald is vicariously liable for it.

A is incorrect because mere presence during the commission of a crime is not enough to
result in guilt. C and D are incorrect because a co-conspirator's vicarious liability does
not depend on whether he knew or foresaw that the crime would occur, but simply on

whether it was in furtherance of the conspiratorial goal.

42. A In order to be applicable as a precedent, a previously decided case must resolve an issue
similar to the one which appears in the subject case. In the fact pattern which appears in
item 42, Defen was charged with robbery after accomplishing the theft of Vogt's money
belt by the use of physical force directed against the property itself. Robbery is a larceny
committed by the use of force or the threat of force. Although Defen clearly committed
a larceny (i.e., the trespassory taking and carrying off of personal property known to be
another's with··the intent to permanent1ydeprive)~an issue arises as to whether force
directed against the victim's property rather than his person satisfies the force require-
ment. Since the same issue arose in A, where Defendant used force to break the strap of
Amy's handbag, A is most likely to be applicable as a precedent.

In B, although force was used to retain the property after a larceny had been committed,
no force whatsoever was used in acquiring it. For this reason, the issue is not suffi-
ciently similar to make the case applicable as a precedent to the facts in item 42. In C,
Defendant acquired the property of the victim by threatening the victim with force to be
directed at another person. In D, the victim's property was acquired by using or threat-
ening force against the person in custody of it. Since the facts in item 42 did not involve
the use or threat of force against any person, C and D are not likely to be applicable.

43. B Robbery is larceny accomplished by physical force or threat. Doaks clearly committed a
larceny. Although he acquired possession and carried off the briefcase without the use
of force, the issue is whether his subsequent use of force to retain possession was suffi-
cient to make him guilty of robbery. B is the only case in which this issue arose.

In A, no force was used after acquisition of the purse. In C and D, although force was
used to acquire the stolen property, none was used thereafter.

44. B Obtaining property by false pretenses is committed when, with the intent to cause the
victim to transfer title to personal property, the defendant makes a fraudulent misrepre-
sentation which causes the victim to do so. Since Kemo told Herpo that the pills were
made from a secret formula which would protect him against the venom when she knew
that statement to be false, and since she did so for the purpose of obtaining money from
him and succeeded in doing so, she is guilty of "false pretenses."

Attempted murder requires a specific intent to cause the death of a human being. Intent
to cause death requires either the desire or substantial certainly that death will result.
Since Kemo believed that Herpo would not be bitten if he took the sugar pills, she
lacked the intent necessary to make her liable for attempted murder. A, C, and Dare,
therefore, incorrect.

45. D Self defense is a privilege to use reasonable force to protect oneself against aggression.
In determining whether force was reasonable, courts usually balance the danger likely
to result from its use against the benefit of using it. If the benefit which would be appar-
ent to the reasonable person in the defendant's situation outweighs the danger which
would be apparent to the reasonable person in defendant's situation, the force which the
defendant used was reasonable. Since it is generally understood that the reasonable per-
son would consider the benefit of saving her own life to be of greater weight than the

danger of killing an assailant, it is usually held that lethal force (i.e., force likely to kill
or do serious bodily harm) is reasonable if used by a person who reasonably believes
that she is being attacked with lethal force. Thus, if it was reasonable for Diller to
believe that her life was in danger, it was probably reasonable for her to use lethal force
to protect it.

A is incorrect because Diller was attempting to protect herself rather than the cocaine.
Even if Gunn was actually unarmed, Diller's reasonable belief that he had a pistol might
have privileged her use oflethal force in self defense. B is, therefore, incorrect. A per-
son who is committing a crime has no right to defend herself against a lawful arrest.
Since Gunn was not attempting to arrest Diller, however, the fact that she was commit-
ting a crime at the time of his attack is irrelevant. C is, therefore, incorrect.

46. D Ordinarily, a search violates a defendant's Fourth Amendment rights unless it is con-
ducted pursuant to a warrant or as an incident to a lawful arrest. Since the examination
of Defendant's briefcase did not comply with either, it violated Defendant's rights if it
was a search. A search occurs when a defendant's effects are inspected under circum-
stances which violate the defendant's reasonable expectation of privacy. Since people
do not ordinarily look into the briefcases of others, a person may reasonably expect the
contents of her briefcase to remain private. This is not true if it has been abandoned.
Since the defendant left the phone off the hook when she left her briefcase in the booth
to go in search of change, however, she would probably not be held to have abandoned
it or to have given up the expectation that its contents would remain private.

The United States Supreme Court has held that border guards may reasonably search
persons crossing the border without violating their Fourth Amendment rights. A is,
therefore, incorrect. Since each party to a conversation knows that the other has a right
to repeat a conversation to others, it is generally held that a person's expectation of pri-
vacy is not defeated when one to whom he voluntarily speaks records or repeats the con-
versation. B is, therefore, incorrect. Since the user of a public phone knows that others
may be visually observing him, his reasonable expectation of privacy is not violated by
evidence of such visual observation. C is, therefore, also incorrect.

47. D Embezzlement is the conversion of personal property known to be another's with the
intent to defraud, by a person in lawful possession of the property. Since Samson's pos-
session was the result of fraud and therefore not lawful, he is not guilty of embezzle-
ment. A and C are, therefore, incorrect. Larceny by trick is committed when the
defendant fraudulently induces the victim to deliver temporary possession of personal
property to the defendant. If the victim transfers title to the property involved, the crime
of larceny by trick has not been committed. Since Berrigan's intention was to make
Samson the owner of the money, he transferred title to the money, and B and C are

48. C Although killing with the intent, at least, to cause great bodily harm is ordinarily classi-
fied as murder, it may be reduced to voluntary manslaughter if the defendant was acting
in the heat of passion. This is only so, however, if the provocation which produced the
passion would have done so in the person of ordinary temperament.

A is a fabrication; there is no "theory of deliberate provocation." B is incorrect because


the objective standard described above (i.e., the person of ordinary temperament) makes
Walton's emotional peculiarities irrelevant. D is based on a misinterpretation of the law.
An intentional killing may be reduced from murder to manslaughter if the defendant
was acting under the mistaken belief that the killing was justified. This is known as the
theory of mistaken justification. D is incorrect because Walton did not act in the mis-
taken belief that she was justified, and because D would erroneously apply the theory to
prevent reduction to manslaughter.

49. C·· At common law, burglary is defined as breaking and entering intoa·dwelling at night
with the intent to commit a larceny or felony therein. If at the time Ritter entered he did
not intend to commit an act which would amount to a crime, he cannot be guilty of bur-

A "breaking" occurs when the defendant creates the opening through which he enters,
even though no force is used. A and B are incorrect because by opening the door to
Viola's apartment, Ritter created the opening through which he entered, thus commit-
ting the necessary "breaking." The crime of burglary is committed, if at all, at the time
the unlawful entry takes place with the requisite state of mind. Conduct performed sub-
sequently (i.e., leaving a note), does not undo a crime which has already been commit-
ted. D is, therefore, incorrect.

50. C Since all the incidents of unconsciousness occurred within three months after the acci-
dent and nearly three years ago, it was probably reasonable for Drake to believe that
they·would not occur again. If she entertained that belief, and if it was reasonable, she
cannot be said to have knowingly disregarded the plain and strong likelihood of harm as
required by the statute. Although it is not certain that a court would come to that conclu-
sion, C contains the only argument listed which could possibly support Drake's defense.

A is incorrect because if Drake did knowingly disregard the plain and strong likelihood
of further blackouts, it would not matter what caused them. B is incorrect because the
crime, if any, took place when Drake drove in knowing disregard (etc.), and so would
have already been committed by the time Drake passed out. D is incorrect because the
statute does not require knowledge that death or serious injury will result, but only
knowledge that there is strong likelihood that it will.

51. D Ordinarily, a search violates a defendant's Fourth Amendment rights unless it is con-
ducted pursuant to a warrant or as an incident to a lawful arrest. Since the examination
of Defendant's bank records conformed to neither, it violated Defendant's rights if it
was a search. A search occurs when a defendant's effects are inspected under circum-
stances which violate the defendant's reasonable expectation of privacy. Since bank
records are commercial instruments, the United State Supreme Court has held that they
are not confidential communications, and that a depositor has no reasonable expectation
that they will remain private. Thus their inspection, even by police, does not constitute a
search and, therefore, does not violate the depositor's Fourth Amendment rights. Since
the examination did not violate Doge's rights, his motion should not be granted.

A, B, and C are, therefore, incorrect.

52. A Voluntary manslaughter is committed when the defendant, with the intent to cause death

or great bodily harm, causes the death of a human being under circumstances such that
the defendant is acting in the "heat of passion." The belief that Valens brutally murdered
his family probably is sufficient to furnish the heat of passion which reduces the crime
from murder to manslaughter.

B is incorrect for two reasons: first, deliberation and premeditation require a mind
which is capable of thinking coolly and rationally, and under the circumstances Dafton's
probably wasn't and, second, deliberation and premeditation are not elements of volun-
tary manslaughter. Since voluntary manslaughter is a lesser offense included in first
degree murder, Dafton could be convicted of voluntary manslaughter even if he were
guilty of first degree murder. C is incorrect because it suggests that guilt of first degree
murder would prevent a conviction for voluntary manslaughter. Convicting and sen-
tencing for crime are functions of the court, not of the family of the crime's victim. Dis
incorrect because it suggests a law of vendetta (i.e., that if Valens was the killer Dafton
could punish him without incurring criminal responsibility).

53. D Larceny is a trespassory taking and carrying off of personal property known to be
another's with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of it. Although Domer
planned to return the money in the event of one contingency, she planned not to return it
in the event of another. This contingent intent to permanently deprive is sufficient to
make her guilty of larceny when she took and carried off the money on Friday night.

A is incorrect because she took the money with the intent (contingent at least) to perma-
nently deprive the owner. B is incorrect because she intended not to return it if she lost.
Since the crime was committed when she took the money, the fact that she did or did not
return it all on Monday morning is irrelevant. C is, therefore, incorrect.

54. B One who incites and encourages another to commit a crime may be guilty as an accom-
plice or accessory, especially when he derives some direct benefit from the crime. Since
Sears demanded $25 to cover up Domer's crime while they were standing in front of the
open safe, then watched as Domer reached into the safe and handed it to him, he can be
found guilty as an accessory to larceny.

Robbery is larceny committed by force or threat of force. A is incorrect because the

threat which Sears made was not of force. Embezzlement is the fraudulent taking of
property which is lawfully in the defendant's possession. Since the $25 which Sears
took from Domer was not in Sear's possession to begin with, he did not embezzle it. C
is, therefore, incorrect. Crimes characterized by the term "fraud" involve takings which
are committed by making misrepresentations which induce the owner to willingly part
with possession or title. D is incorrect because the owner of the supermarket was not
induced to part with the money by reliance on a misrepresentation.

55. B Although most statutes which forbid the sale of alcohol to minors impose strict liability
(i.e., defendant's knowledge is not an element), this one does not because it only prohib-
its the knowing sale. If Bart reasonably believed that Kidd was over the age of 18, he
lacked the knowledge which is requisite to a conviction.

Not knowing whether wine was an intoxicating substance under the statute would not be
a defense because all persons are conclusively presumed to know the law. Ignorance of

the law is not a defense. A is, therefore, incorrect. Entrapment is available as a defense
only when a police officer induced the defendant to commit a crime which he was not
already disposed to commit. C is incorrect because the police officer did nothing to
encourage the sale. The statute prohibits the sale of intoxicating substances, without
regard to whether or not anyone becomes intoxicated by them. D is therefore, incorrect.

56. C Vicarious liability refers to responsibility which is imposed on one person for a crime
committed by another. If Bart was not guilty of violating the statute, there has been no
crime for which Darla can be held vicariously liable. Although it is not certain that this
argument will succeed, it is the only one listed which could possibly support Darla's

A is incorrect because when vicarious liability is imposed, the fault (or lack of fault) of
the person on whom it is imposed is irrelevant. B is similarly incorrect because vicari-
ous liability may be imposed for the crime committed by an agent even though the agent
violated specific instructions in committing it. D is incorrect because a bartender selling
drinks to a bar customer is acting in the scope of employment, since his conduct is
designed to benefit his employer, and since he is subject to the employer's right of con-
trol while doing so.

57. D Under the "unlawful act doctrine" (also known as the "misdemeanor-manslaughter
rule") a person may be guilty of involuntary manslaughter if a death results from her
commission of a crime which is malum in se or inherently dangerous. Neither of these
factors exists here. Therefore, A is incorrect. B is incorrect because voluntary man-
slaughter requires the intent to kill or cause great bodily harm, and the knowledge that
death is "possible" is not sufficient to constitute such intent. Most jurisdictions hold that
criminal or culpable negligence which results in death may support a conviction for
involuntary manslaughter. In some of those jurisdictions, culpable negligence is defined
as unreasonable conduct in the face of a foreseeable risk. In others, more is required:
either that the defendant knew of the risk and wilfully disregarded it, or that under the
circumstances known to defendant, her conduct created a high degree of risk of death or
serious bodily injury. Since the facts do not indicate that Dell engaged in unreasonable
conduct in the face of a foreseeable risk, that she wilfully disregarded a known risk, or
that under the circumstances which she knew her conduct created a high degree of death
or serious bodily injury, C is incorrect because there is no evidence of criminal negli-

58. B Self-defense involves a privilege to use reasonable force to prevent what is reasonably
perceived as a threat of imminent bodily harm. Since Nelson had already struck Grover
hard enough and with an object heavy enough to fracture Grover's skull, and since Nel-
son still had the weapon in his hand, the perception that Grover was in danger of immi-
nent bodily harm was probably reasonable. Thus, if the force which he used to protect
himself against it was reasonable, its use was privileged.

The difference between the seriousness of the injuries inflicted by Nelson and Grover
does not, alone, establish that the force used by Grover was reasonable, making A incor~
rect. Since the plastic sword was not only heavy enough to cause a serious injury, but in
fact did cause such an injury, the fact that Grover knew that it was plastic would not
alone make his response to its threatened use unreasonable. C is, therefore, incorrect. A

person against whom force is initiated is privileged to use reasonable force to defend
himself against it. Thus, one who initiates aggression is not ordinarily privileged to use
force in response to reasonable force which his adversary is using in self-defense. D is
incorrect, however, because when Grover surrendered his knife and fell to his knees, his
initial act of aggression had ended. Since Nelson's use of force was not privileged,
Grover was privileged to defend himself against it.

59. D Under the M'Naghten rule a person is insane if, at the time the otherwise criminal act
was committed, as a result of mental illness he did not understand the nature and quality
of his act or that it was wrong. For this purpose, knowledge that an act is unlawful is
knowledge that it is wrong. If Grover knew that he was stabbing a person, he knew the
nature and quality of his act; if he knew his act was unlawful, he knew it was wrong.

A is incorrect because the finding that Grover was not guilty of felonious assault by rea-
son of insanity meant only that he did not know the nature and quality of his act or that
it was wrong at the time he struck the police officer. B is incorrect because a person who
knows his conduct to be unlawful knows it to be "wrong" under the M'Naghten rule.
Mental illness does not result in insanity under the M'Naghten rule unless it deprives
the defendant of the ability to know the nature and quality of his act or that it is wrong.
C is, therefore, incorrect.

60. A Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought. Malice
aforethought may consist of intent to cause great bodily harm. A defendant has intent to
cause great bodily harm when he desires or knows that his act will result in serious
injury. Thus, if Nelson knew that his act would inflict a serious injury, he may be found
to have acted with malice aforethought.

Voluntary manslaughter is the unlawful killing of a human being with the intent to cause
death or great bodily harm, but under circumstances of great emotional distress or mis-
taken justification. B is incorrect because if Nelson did not intend serious injury, he
lacked the intent necessary to make him guilty of voluntary manslaughter. Self defense
is a privilege to use reasonable force to protect oneself against a threatened contact.
Even if no contact is actually threatened, a defendant who uses force to protect himself
against an apparent threat may be privileged if he reasonably believed that a contact
would occur. If a defendant actually believed that contact was threatened, deciding
whether that belief was reasonable requires determining what the reasonable person in
his position would have believed. If the defendant did not actually believe that contact
was threatened, however, he had no privilege to use force even if the reasonable person
in his position would have believed that such force was necessary. C and D are incorrect
because the facts indicate that when Nelson struck Grover, he was aware that the threat
was over.

61. A A person is guilty as an accessory to a crime when he aids and abets in its perpetration.
At common law, a defendant commits rape when he has sexual intercourse with a
woman who is not his wife without the woman's consent. Although under this definition
a husband cannot be guilty as a principal of raping his wife, he can be guilty as an acces-
sory if he aids and abets another to have sexual intercourse with her without her con-
sent. Since Davis assisted Randall in committing rape (i.e., having intercourse with
Wilma without her consent), he is guilty of rape as an accessory.

Depending on the statutory definitions of procuring for prostitution and possession of

narcotics, Davis may be guilty of all the crimes listed. B, C and D are incorrect, how-
ever, because rape is clearly the most serious of them.

62. A Larceny is defined as the trespassory taking and carrying off of personal property
known to be another's with the intent to permanently deprive the owner thereof. Since
Daner's taking and carrying off of the candy dish was inconsistent with Foster's rights,
it Was trespassory. Since Daner knew that theeandy dish was Foster's and since giving
it to his sister as a wedding present would permanently deprive Foster of it, he commit-
ted larceny, and A is correct.

Burglary is the breaking and entering into a dwelling house for the purpose of commit-
ting a felony therein. Since Daner entered to recover his own camera, his purpose was
not to commit a felony and he is not guilty of burglary, B is, therefore, incorrect. A per-
son is guilty of a criminal attempt when, with the specific intent to bring about a result
which is criminally prohibited, he comes substantially close to bringing about that
result. Since Daner did not have the purpose of committing a felony inside Foster's
home, he lacked the intent necessary to burglary, and, therefore, could not be convicted
of attempted burglary. C is, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because Daner is guilty
of larceny as explained above. The larceny was committed at the moment that Daner
carried off the candy dish with the requisite intent, and was not uncommitted when he

63. C A person is guilty of attempting to commit a crime when, with the specific intent to
bring about a criminally prohibited result, he comes substantially close to achieving that
result. Since involuntary manslaughter is unintended homicide, there can be no attempt
to commit it because the requisite state of mind cannot exist.

A and B are therefore incorrect. Since there is no requirement that a person be prose-
cuted for the highest possible crime which he committed, D is incorrect.

64. C Dalton obviously did not have the intent to cause the death of Williams, and was obvi-
ously not engaged in committing rape, robbery, or kidnapping at the time that Williams
was killed. Under the COInmon law definition, burglary is a breaking and entering into a
dwelling at night for the purpose of committing a felony therein. Since Dalton was not
attempting to enter a dwelling house, he was not committing a burglary either.

A is incorrect because most jurisdictions apply the felony murder rule to the killing of
one felon by another. B is incorrect because the statute does not require that the felony
being committed is a dangerous one. While assumption of the risk is a defense in tort
actions, it is not in criminal prosecutions. D is therefore incorrect.

65. D The victim of a crime does not share the guilt of the perpetrator, even though the vic-
tim's participation was necessary to the crime's commission. If the law was designed to
protect people in Wallace's position against people in Daniel's position, Wallace can be
regarded as the victim of Daniel's act, and thus escape criminal liability. While it is not
certain that a court would be persuaded by this argument, it is the only one listed which
could possibly result in dismissal.

Although the statement contained in A was correct at early common law, it is no longer
true in a majority of jurisdictions. B is factually incorrect, since Daniels could not have
committed the crime if Wallace had not paid him the money. Under Wharton's Rule,
persons who agree to commit a crime cannot be convicted of conspiracy unless at least
one of them was not essential to the commission of that crime. Since the crime created
by the statute could not have been committed by one person alone, Wharton's Rule
would prevent the conviction of Daniels and Wallace for conspiracy to commit it. C is
incorrect, however, because Wallace is not being charged with conspiracy but with
being an accessory to the substantive crime, and because accessories frequently are peo-
ple without whom the crime could not have been committed.

66. A Robbery is larceny accomplished by force or a threat of force directed at the lawful pos-
sessor of the property taken. Defendant's snatching of the purse was accomplished by
force, and the hand in his pocket coupled with his words constituted a threat of force.

Larceny by trick requires that the victim give up the property in reliance on the defen-
dant's fraud. Since Vicki's purse was taken by force, B is incorrect. Embezzlement is
criminal conversion of personal property by one in lawful possession. C is incorrect
because Defendant did not obtain possession of the property lawfully. Larceny by false
pretenses involves a misrepresentation of fact which is intended to and does in fact
cause the victim to transfer title to property. D is incorrect because Vicki did not transfer
title to Defendant.

67. A Larceny is a trespassory taking and carrying off of property known to be another's with
the intent to permanently deprive. There is no requirement that the victim's possession
of the property be lawful. Crawford's taking of the plant was trespassory, and therefore
a larceny, because she had been authorized to water it, not to carry it off. Therefore, it
was a larceny. Crawford could not be guilty of burglary since her use of the key which
Boswell gave her prevents her entry from constituting a "breaking" which requires force
against the premises.

68. B Rape is sexual intercourse without consent of the female. Since the bank teller's resis-
tance was overcome by Siddon's threat and her resulting fear of death, the intercourse
occurred without her consent. One who commands another to do an act is responsible
for the criminal consequences thereof. Although Siddon did not himself have sexual
intercourse with the teller, he is guilty of rape because he commanded the bank manager
to do so. II is, therefore, correct. Solicitation is committed by encouraging, ordering, or
commanding another to commit a crime. If the person solicited actually commits the
crime, however, solicitation merges with the substantive crime and is not subject to sep-
arate prosecution. I is, therefore, incorrect.

69. C Kidnapping is the intentional asportation and confinement of a person against the per-
son's will by means of force or threat and without lawful authority. Although itis obvi-
ous that Siddon intentionally confined the bank manager against his will by means of
force and threat and without lawful authority, there is some question as to whether there
was an asportation. Ordinarily, any moving of the victim satisfies the requirement of
asportation. Many jurisdictions now hold, however, that there is no asportation if the
movement of the victim was incidental to and a necessary part of the commission of

some other substantive crime. Although it is not certain that a court would accept that
view, the argument in C is the only one listed which could possibly support Siddon's

In some jurisdictions, a ransom demand makes the defendant guilty of a more serious
degree of the crime, but no jurisdiction requires a ransom demand as an essential ele-
ment of kidnaping. A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because, once committed, a
crime cannot be uncommitted. D is incorrect because the crime of kidnaping can be
committed against an adult as well as a child.

70. B Ordinarily, no person has standing to assert the constitutional rights of another. For this
reason, a defendant who seeks to suppress evidence seized as the result of the search of
another person may not successfully argue that the search and seizure were unconstitu-
tional unless he had a sufficient possessory or proprietary interest in the thing searched
to give him a reasonable expectation of privacy which was violated by the search. Since
the car and the pistol were both Wilson's, and since Dana thus could not have a reason-
able expectation of privacy, Dana has no standing to object to the search, and his motion
should be denied.

For the reasons stated above, C and D are incorrect. Usually, a search without a warrant
violates the rights of the person searched unless it is incidental to a lawful arrest. Since
the facts do not indicate that Wilson was arrested prior to the search of his glove com-
partment, the search probably did violate his rights. A is, therefore, incorrect.

71. C A person is justified by the privilege of self-defense to use such force as reasonably
appears necessary to protect himself from what he reasonably believes to be an immi-
nent threat of bodily harm. Although there was no real threat of harm to Ferris, he
believed there was and used force to prevent it. Since Karat also used force in the mis-
taken belief that she was under attack, her case is probably applicable as a precedent.

In A, the mistake made by the defendant related to the degree of force he was using, not
to the danger which he faced, so C is a better choice. B and D are not applicable because
there the issue was whether the violence against which the defendants sought to protect
themselves was a reasonable response to their own unprivileged aggression.

72. D Although the privilege of self-defense may justify the use of force against one who
threatens the defendant with imminent bodily harm, it does not justify the use of force if
the harm threatened was a reasonable response to the defendant's own unprivileged
aggression. Since Prosser first made unprivileged contact with Edwards, the issue is
whether Edward's response was excessive and, if so, whether the force used by Prosser
was a reasonable response to it. The same issues are resolved in B and D, but since the
bouncer's response to Abel's punch in B was obviously not excessive, D is a better

A and C are inapplicable since they do not involve force used by the victim in response
to initial aggression by the defendant.

73. A A search may be lawful if consent is given by one in apparent authority to do so. If Rita
actually was Melba's roommate, she would have had authority to consent to a search of

common areas of their room. Since she told the police that she was, and since she had a
key to the room, it was probably reasonable for them to believe her. Her apparent
authority might, thus, justify the search. While a court might not find it to be so, the
argument in A is the only one listed which could possibly result in denial of Melba's

B is incorrect because although information received from an informant might furnish

probable cause sufficient to permit the issuance of a warrant, the informant's belief is
not sufficient to justify a warrantless search.C is incorrect because Melba had no
expectation that any other person would enter the room in her absence. Although she
knew that the sorority retained a copy of her room key, she knew also that this was done
to facilitate duplication in the event a resident lost her key. D is incorrect because even
though there are some cases indicating that a primary or secondary school administrator
can consent to a search of a locker used by a student, this view has not been applied to
college students or to searches of a student's room, and Rita was not a school adminis-

74. B One who, with the intent that a crime will be committed, encourages another to commit
that crime, is liable for it as an accessory.

A is incorrect because mere presence at the scene of a crime is not sufficient, even if the
defendant intended or was willing for the crime to be committed. C is incorrect because
the words of encouragement need not create a new danger in order for liability to be
imposed. D is incorrect for two reasons: first, under some circumstances words alone
might be sllfficient; and, second, here the words were coupled with intent.

75. C Unless a defendant was ready, willing, and able to give affirmative assistance in the
commission of the crime, her presence and silent acquiescence are not sufficient to
result in criminal liability.

Ordinarily, one is not under any obligation to attempt to prevent a crime from being
committed. A is therefore incorrect. B is incorrect because, even with criminal intent,
mere presence at the scene of a crime is not sufficient to satisfy the requirement of actus
reus. Sal was not an accessory at all since her presence was not sufficient participation,
but in any event she could not have been an accessory after the fact, since the crime was
committed after her involvement began. D is therefore, incorrect.

76. A Under the M'Naghten test, a person may be found not guilty by reason of insanity only
if mental illness prevented him from knowing the nature and quality of his act or from
knowing that the act was legally wrong. Since Anthony knew what he was doing (i.e.,
that he was poisoning the Governor) and knew that it was against the law, he was not

B refers to the irresistible impulse supplement, and is incorrect because the facts indi-
cate that the jurisdiction has adopted only the M'Naghten test. C is incorrect because it
refers to the Durham rule, which is no longer applied in any jurisdiction. In some juris-
dictions, a defendant is insane under the M'Naghten rule if mental disease caused him!
her to suffer from a delusion within the context of which the defendant's act would be
lawful. D is incorrect, however, because even within the context of Anthony's delusion,

Anthony knew that killing the governor was an unlawful act.

77. B Although statutory rape is sometimes called a strict liability crime, this means only that
liability can be imposed even though the defendant was not aware that the female with
whom he was having intercourse was under age. No liability can be imposed, however,
unless the defendant had intent to engage in intercourse.

A is incorrect because liability for involuntary manslaughter may be imposed if the vic-
-tim's-death resulted from reckless conduct bythe defendant. .Driving while drunk may
be sufficiently reckless to result in liability. C is incorrect because even if the defendant
did not know that she was drunk, it may have been reckless for her to drive while she
knew that her vision and motor abilities were impaired. Since voluntary manslaughter is
the killing of a human being with the intent to kill or to cause great bodily harm under
circumstances of great emotional distress, D is incorrect because the facts asserted by
Defendant would inculpate rather than exculpate him.

78. C Murder is defined as criminal homicide with malice aforethought. Since homicide
involves an act which causes the death of human being, and since Carl's death did not
result from Jones' act, Jones could not be guilty of murdering Carl.

Malice aforethought consists of the intent to kill, to cause great bodily harm, to commit
a felony, to escape from lawful custody, or of wanton disregard for human life. A is
incorrect because Jones's desire to cause Ann great bodily harm might constitute malice
aforethought. B is incorrect because knowledge of the victim's identity is not a material
element of either murder or of malice aforethought. Since Jones did intend to cause
Basil's death, he had the requisite mens rea, even though he believed Basil to be some-
one else. D is incorrect for two reasons: first, shooting at the bank guard was a felony,
and the intent to commit a felony may constitute malice aforethought in a prosecution
for the death of any person killed during the course of that felony; and, second, starting
a gun battle in a bank can be regarded as wanton disregard for human life, which may
also constitute malice aforethought.

79. D An examination of a defendant's effects is a search if it is conducted under circum-

stances which violate the defendant's reasonable expectation of privacy. Ordinarily, a
person has a reasonable expectation that an apartment which slhe has the exclusive right
to occupy will remain private. For this reason, the inspection of Derek's apartment prob-
ably violated his reasonable expectation of privacy and, therefore, was a search. Ordi-
narily, a search of a defendant's effects violates hislher Fourth Amendment rights unless
it is conducted pursuant to a warrant. Since the examination of Derek's apartment was
conducted without a warrant, it violated Derek's rights. Evidence seized in violation of a
defendant's Fourth Amendment rights is inadmissible under the exclusionary rule.

A is incorrect because the plastic pouch was not in plain sight until Paul entered, and the
entry itself violated Derek's rights. B is incorrect because a landlord does not have the
power to waive her tenant's constitutional rights - even if she is the tenant's mother. At
one time, Miranda warnings were not required until a person became a suspect. No such
qualification ever applied to the right to be secure against unreasonable search and sei-
zure however. C is therefore incorrect.

80. C Since one·purpose of the exclusionary rule is to deter police officers from violating the
Fourth Amendment, information obtained as a result of an unlawful search may not be
used to justify the issuance of a warrant authorizing further search.

Such a warrant is invalid, and anything found pursuant to it is excluded as one of the
fruits of the original unlawful search. A is therefore incorrect. B is incorrect for the
same reason, even though it sounds philosophically sound. Although possession of sto-
len items is not, alone, sufficient to permit the conclusion that the possessor was the
thief, it is certainly acceptable as circumstantial evidence to be considered by a jury. D
is therefore incorrect.

81. A Since the statute requires knowledge that the statement is false, and since Dixon
believed the statement to be true, he lacked the required mental state to be guilty of per-

D is therefore, incorrect. If, as the result of his attorney's advice, Dixon believed that he
had not been convicted of a crime, he lacked the knowledge necessary to make him
guilty under the statute. However, Dixon's reliance on the advice of counsel would not,
alone, have prevented him from being guilty unless he actually believed that advice, so
B is incorrect. Since a guilty plea is equivalent to a conviction, C is incorrect.

82. D Kidnapping is defined as the intentional asportation and confinement of a person against
that person's will, by force or threat, and without lawful authority. Since Dover did not
know that Mary was in the car when he drove it away, he lacked the requisite intent.

A is therefore incorrect. B is incorrect because kidnapping has no equivalent of the fel-

ony murder rule. C is incorrect, since if he knew that Mary was in the car, Dover could
be guilty of kidnapping even if the asportation of Mary was secondary to his stealing of
the car.

83. D Robbery is a larceny which is committed by force or threat to use force against the law-
ful possessor of the property taken or any other person. If Maxine gave Dover one thou-
sand dollars because he knowingly threatened to injure Mary if she did not, his taking of
the money was robbery. Although he did not know that Mary was in the car when he
first made the threat, it could be found that the threat was continued by his conduct.
Thus, if he knew that Mary was in the car when he received the money from Maxine, it
might be concluded that he obtained the money by a threat to bum Mary.

A is incorrect for two reasons: first, he did not take the car by force; and, second, he is
charged with robbery of the cash, not of the car. B would not make him guilty of rob-
bery, unless he knew that Mary was in the car when he threatened to bum it. C is incor-
rect since for robbery most jurisdictions require that the threat be directed against a

84. D The double jeopardy clause prevents a person from being placed twice in jeopardy for
the same offense. This does not prevent prosecution by two separate sovereigns for
crimes arising out of the same transaction, however, because a different offense has
been committed against each sovereign. In addition, the two crimes with which Darryl
is charged are not identical. (The federal prosecution is for illegal importation; the state

prosecution is for illegal possession.)

A is therefore incorrect. B is incorrect since it has been held that customs agents have
probable cause to search the car of any person entering the U.S. C is incorrect because it
is generally understood that jeopardy begins as soon as a trial commences.

85. B Since the statute prohibits possession of a skeleton key with the intent to commit an
unlawful entry, and since Dudley was, in fact, attempting to effect an unlawful entry
with his skeleton key, he is guilty of Violating the statute.

A is incorrect because the fact that Dudley was a professional thief is not enough to
make him guilty of violating any law, even one designed to protect the public against
professional thieves. The crime defined by the statute would merge into the crime of
attempted burglary if Dudley was charged with or convicted of attempted burglary. But
in the absence of an attempted burglary charge, there is no reason why the lesser crime
cannot be prosecuted. C is therefore incorrect. A careful reading of the statute discloses
that it punishes conduct (i.e., possession of a skeleton key) coupled with a guilty mind.
D is therefore incorrect.

86. A Since the statute defines as third degree manslaughter any death which proximately
results from the commission of a crime, Durban cannot be found guilty under the statute
unless the victim's death proximately resulted from his crime.

Although the common law misdemeanor-manslaughter rule is applied only to deaths

resulting from the commission of misdemeanors which are mala in se, the statute given
makes no such requirement. B is therefore incorrect. C is incorrect for the same reason,
and because there is no indication that Durban was driving while intoxicated at the time
the accident occurred. D is incorrect because neither the common law rule nor the stat-
ute requires that the risk be a foreseeable one.

87. C One who intentionally aids or facilitates the commission of a crime is guilty of the
crime as an accessory. Robbery is larceny committed by force or threat of force.
Although Bonnie did not point a gun and demand money, she aided and abetted Mildred
by operating the getaway car. She is thus guilty as an accessory. Conspiracy is an agree-
ment to commit a crime made by two or more people who have specific intent. Bonnie
and Mildred committed the crime of conspiracy when they agreed on the commission of
the robbery.

A, B and D are incorrect because the crime of conspiracy is separate from and does not
merge into the substantive crime which the conspirators agreed to commit.

88. B A defendant is guilty of murder when he proximately causes the death of another human
being unlawfully and with malice aforethought. Malice aforethought consists of the
intent to kill, the intent to cause great bodily harm, escape from lawful custody, the
commission of a felony, or reckless disregard for human life. Since there are no facts
indicating that the defendant in B intended to kill or cause harm, was escaping from
lawful custody, or engaged in conduct demonstrating a reckless disregard for human
life, the only way he could be convicted of murder would be if Norris's death proxi-
mately resulted from the commission of a felony. There is no fact indicating that viola-

tion of the insurance statute was a felony. Even if it was, the violation was not causally
related to Norris's death since the death would have occurred whether or not the vehicle
was insured. For this reason, the defendant could not be convicted of murder.

An unlawful killing committed with the intent to kill or inflict great bodily harm might
be voluntary manslaughter if the defendant was acting under extreme emotional distress
or mistaken justification. The defendant in A might still be convicted of murder, how-
ever, because the lapse of time between his discovery of the atrocity which Fredericks
committed and his killing of Fredericks·could prevent a court from finding that he was
acting under extreme emotional distress. A is, therefore, incorrect. Although the defen-
dant in C did not have an intent to kill, his conduct might be regarded as sufficiently
reckless to result in a conviction for murder. Although it is possible that the defendant in
D was acting under sufficient emotional distress for the killing to be regarded as volun-
tary manslaughter rather than murder, courts rarely make special allowances for
"mercy" killings. D is, therefore, incorrect.

89. B A person is guilty of a criminal attempt when, with the specific intent to bring about a
criminally prohibited result, she performs some act which comes substantially close to
achieving that result. Many jurisdictions hold that if the result which the defendant spe-
cifically intended to bring about was not a crime the defendant cannot be guilty of a
criminal attempt. This is sometimes known as the doctrine of legal impossibility.
Although not all jurisdictions recognize this defense, it is the only argument listed
which could furnish Dalton with an effective defense in any jurisdiction.

Since the elements of criminal attempt are often included among the elements of the
substantive crime which was attempted, criminal attempts are often lesser included
offenses of the substantive crimes. Lesser offenses are said to merge with the crime in
which they are included, which means that a person who is convicted of a substantive
crime cannot also be convicted of attempting it. There is no requirement that a defen-
dant be prosecuted for the highest or most serious crime resulting from his act, however.
This means that a prosecutor may choose to charge a defendant with attempting a crime,
even if a conviction for the substantive crime could have been obtained. For this reason,
the fact that Dalton actually succeeded in killing a flivver would not prevent his convic-
tion for attempting to do so, and A and D are incorrect. A person is in pari delicto with
another when they are equally guilty. Since Albert did not commit or attempt to commit
a crime, he is not guilty of anything and, therefore, not in pari delicto with Dalton. Cis,
therefore, incorrect.

90. D Voluntary manslaughter is the killing of a human being with the intent to kill or inflict
great bodily harm, under circumstances of extreme emotional distress (or mistaken jus-
tification). Frequently, the rage which accompanies a discovery of infidelity by a spouse
has been held to be sufficient emotional distress to reduce an intentional homicide from
murder to voluntary manslaughter. Most jurisdictions apply an objective standard, how-
ever, in judging a defendant's emotional distress. Thus, if a person of ordinary tempera-
ment would not have lost self-control, Dingle's emotional distress would not have been
sufficient to result in a reduction of his. crime from murder to manslaughter.

A and B are incorrect because although a killing with the intent to kill or inflict great
bodily harm may be murder, extreme emotional distress may reduce it to voluntary man-

slaughter even though the defendant intended to kill or inflict great bodily harm.
Although anger which results from the defendant's catching his spouse in flagrante
delicto (i.e., in the act) may justify reducing a murder charge to one of manslaughter, C
is incorrect because there is no requirement that defendant's emotional distress result
from this particular circumstance.

91. B Evidence obtained in violation of a defendant's constitutional rights may not be used
against him. The United States Supreme Court has held that Miranda warnings must be
given before questioning a person in custody. An interrogation conducted without giv-
ing the required Miranda warnings thus violates a defendant's rights, making confes-
sions so obtained inadmissible. The warnings are required only when the person being
questioned is in custody, however. Thus, if Damson was not in custody at the time his
statement was made, his rights have not been violated, and his statement should not be
excluded. A person is in custody when the police deprive him of his freedom of action
in any significant way. It is possible that a court would find that Oswald's pointing
toward the back seat of the patrol car was an order coupled with an implied threat suffi-
cient to deprive Damson of his freedom, and that he was therefore in custody. It is also
possible, however, that Damson's entry into the police car was voluntary, and that it did
not, therefore, amount to custody. Of all the arguments listed, this is the only one with
any possibility of success.

Even if a defendant's confession is excluded because of a failure to give the required

Miranda warnings, he may be convicted on the basis of other evidence. The existence of
such independent evidence, although it may convict the defendant, does not make
admissible the confession which was obtained in violation of his rights. A is, therefore,
incorrect. Prior to the Miranda decision, the Supreme Court's Escobedo decision
required that a suspect be given certain warnings as soon as he became the focus of a
police investigation. C is incorrect, however, because Miranda subsequently changed
the "focus" test to a "custody" test, requiring that warnings be given only after the sus-
pect was in custody. Whether or not the investigation was routine, Miranda warnings
are required whenever the person interrogated is in custody. D is therefore, incorrect.

92. D Arson is the intentional or reckless burning of the dwelling of another. Although Dahle
caused the burning of Hay's dwelling, he did not do so intentionally since he believed
that there would be no damage. [Note: Although some jurisdictions hold that a reckless
burning may be arson, the facts indicate that Dahle acted reasonably.]

Although violation of a statute may be evidence of negligence or even of recklessness, a

statutory violation is not alone sufficient to satisfy the mens rea requirement for arson.
A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because it would impose criminal liability with-
out the necessary mens rea. C is incorrect because consent by Hays to Dahle's use of
fireworks is not equivalent to consent to the burning of his home.

93. B Murder is a killing with malice aforethought. Malice aforethought includes wanton dis-
regard for human life, which means acting in deliberate disregard of the plain and strong
likelihood that death or great bodily harm would result. Operating a motor vehicle at a
speed of 100 miles per hour might or might not be found to constitute wanton disregard
for human life, but of the reasons listed, B is the only one which could result in a con-
viction for murder.

A is incorrect for two reasons: first, culpable negligence is insufficient to constitute

malice aforethought; and, second, the facts do not indicate that Durwood was intoxi-
cated at the time the accident occurred. Under the "misdemeanor-manslaughter" rule, a
death resulting from the commission of a misdemeanor might be classified as man-
slaughter. Since driving without a license carries a maximum sentence of less than one
year (i.e., 30 days) it is properly classified as a misdemeanor. C and D are incorrect,
however, because the misdemeanor-manslaughter rule cannot lead to a conviction for

94. C All jurisdictions which recognize a felony murder rule apply it only when the victim's
death (or the injury which leads to it) occurs during the commission of a felony. Since
the stroke which caused Victoria's death did not occur until the day after Dennis robbed
the store, it did not occur during the perpetration of a felony by Dennis, and the felony
murder rule does not apply.

A and B are, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because many cases have held that since
the victim of a robbery is likely to respond with force, even a robbery with a toy gun is
a dangerous felony.

95. A "Specific intent" crimes are those which require a state of mind amounting to a desire or
knowledge by the defendant that his conduct will result in a consequence which is crim-
inally proscribed. "General intent" crimes are those for which conviction may be based
on recklessness or criminal negligence. Voluntary intoxication may provide a defense to
crimes requiring specific intent since it may prevent its formation. Awareness of the
effect which alcohol is likely to have on the capacity to assess risks, however, prevents
voluntary intoxication from serving as a defense to crimes involving general intent.
Since rape may consist of recklessly having intercourse without the victim's consent, it
is a general intent crime, and voluntary intoxication is not a defense to it.

Involuntary intoxication, on the other hand, may be a defense to crimes involving reck-
lessness as well as to specific intent crimes. Defendant's assertion in B, might, there-
fore, provide her with an effective defense. Since attempted robbery requires the
specific intent to commit a larceny by force or threat of force, defendant's intoxication
in C may have prevented her from having the intent required and may thus provide her
with an effective defense. In D, defendant's assertion is that he lacked the intent to
deprive the rightful owner of possession of the automobile. Since this specific intent is
an essential element of larceny, his intoxication may provide him with an effective

96. B Receiving stolen property consists of the acquisition of stolen property with the knowl-
edge that it has been stolen and with the intent to permanently deprive its owner of it.
Acquisition occurs when the defendant takes possession of the property himself, or
when he directs that possession be delivered to another. Thus although Defendant did
not personally take possession of the car which Quincy stole, he "received" it when he
directed that it be delivered to his brother.

In A, the car which Defendant received had already been recovered by the police, and
was, therefore, not stolen at the time of the sale. In C and D, there is no indication that

the cars sold to Defendant ever had been stolen. A, C, and D are, therefore, incorrect.

97. B After being advised of his Miranda rights, a suspect in custody cannot be subjected to
police interrogation unless he voluntarily and intelligently waives those rights. If Axel
was unaware that Deacon could overhear his conversation with Barber, Axel's comment
was not an interrogation of Deacon, and Deacon's statement was not obtained in viola-
tion of his rights.

If Deacon's statement was the result of an interrogation, it violated his rights unless he
waived them voluntarily and intelligently. A is incorrect because it would make Dea-
con's waiver intelligent but not necessarily voluntary (e.g., he may have been intimi-
dated by the presence of police). C is incorrect because it would make Deacon's waiver
voluntary, but not necessarily intelligent (e.g., he might not have understood his rights).
The Constitution protects Deacon against custodial interrogations, even if the custody
itself is lawful. D is, therefore, incorrect.

98. D Larceny is the trespassory taking and carrying off of personal property known to be
another's with the intent to permanently deprive. In this definition, "trespassory" means
without the consent of the owner. Since rearranging the merchandise in the storeroom
was part of Dander's duties and therefore done with Hardware's consent, her moving of
the lawn mower was not trespassory. "Taking" means acquiring possession. Since Dan-
der did not transfer the lawn mower from her employer's possession to her own, she did
not take it. Although any exercise of dominion accompanied by even a slight movement
may constitute a "carrying off," Dander moved the lawn mower as part of her duties and
without any intention - at that time - of making it her own. She, therefore, did not
carry it off. In order for a person to be guilty of larceny, the intent to permanently
deprive must exist at the time she took and carried off the chattel involved. Although
Dander did decide to permanently deprive Hardware of the lawn mower, she did not
perform any act which might be taking or carrying off after making that decision. For
these reasons, Dander is not guilty of larceny. Embezzlement is a criminal conversion of
personal property by one in lawful custody of it. Conversion takes place when the
defendant seriously interferes with the rights of the owner, usually by exercising domin-
ion or control over the chattel. Because Dander never did anything inconsistent with
Hardware's rights in the lawn mower, and never exercised dominion or control over it,
she cannot be said to have converted it. She is not, therefore, guilty of embezzlement.

99. C Murder involves malice aforethought coupled with an act which proximately results in
the unlawful killing of a human being. Since malice aforethought includes the intent to
inflict great bodily harm, and since it was Duggan's intention to severely injure Ventana,
the only issue to be resolved in determining Duggan's guilt is whether Duggan's act was
a proximate cause of Ventana's death. If it was, then Duggan is guilty of murder.

Intervening proximate causes of Ventana's death would not prevent Duggan's act from
also being a proximate cause, unless those intervening causes could be characterized as
unforeseeable or independent. Although Ventana's allergic reaction to the drug was an
intervening cause of harm, there is no indication that such an allergic reaction was
unforeseeable. Since the drug was given to relieve pain which resulted from the beating,
neither its administration nor the patient's allergic reaction to it can be termed indepen-
dent. A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because Ventana's death may have had

several proximate causes. The fact that Dr. Medich's conduct was one of them does not
mean that Duggan's conduct was not also one of them. Since Ventana's death would not
have occurred without Dr. Medich's conduct, Dr. Medich's conduct was afactual cause
of death. Since Dr. Medich's conduct occurred after Duggan's, Dr. Medich's conduct
was an intervening cause of that death. But an intervening cause does not break the
chain of proximate causation, unless that intervention was unforeseeable. Sometimes
gross negligence or recklessness by an intervenor is held to be unforeseeable. This is not
an inflexible rule, however. Under some circumstances, even reckless conduct or gross
negligence has been held foreseeable. For this reason, a finding that Dr. Medich's con-
duct was reckless or grossly negligent - without an additional finding that it was
unforeseeable - would not be sufficient to result in the conclusion that Duggan's con-
duct was not one of the proximate causes of Ventana's death. D is, therefore, incorrect.

100. B When the words "deliberate and premeditated~' appear in a murder statute, "deliberate"
means that the defendant was possessed of a cool mind capable of reflection, and "pre-
meditated" means that the defendant actually did reflect on his act before committing it.
Since the psychiatrist's testimony indicates that Delbert may have been incapable of
cool reflection at the time of his act, it may be admitted for the purpose of showing that
the killing was not "deliberate and premeditated."

A is incorrect because under the M'Naghten test, a defendant is insane only if mental
disease made him incapable of knowing the nature and quality of his act, or that it was
wrong. C is incorrect because the testimony may be admitted to establish lack of delib-
eration and premeditation, even though it does not establish that Delbert was insane. An
intentional killing may be reduced from murder to voluntary manslaughter if the defen-
dant was acting in the heat of passion caused by sufficient provocation. for this purpose,
the provocation and defendant's response to it are usually judged by an objective stan-
dard. D is incorrect, however, because, as explained above, psychiatric evidence of Del-
bert's state of mind may be relevant to the elements of deliberation and premeditation.

101. D If the only evidence against Martin was excluded because it was obtained by coercing
his confession, his motion to dismiss might be granted. But although a coerced confes-
sion cannot be used in a criminal prosecution against the person who made it, evidence
which was obtained independently of the coerced confession can be used. Since Golden
obtained evidence of Martin's identity without knowledge of Martin's statement, Mar-
tin's motion must be denied.

A and B are, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because if Golden's discovery of the

evidence against Martin resulted from a violation of Martin's constitutional rights, it
might be excluded in spite of the fact that Golden was employed by the federal govern-
ment and Harris by the state.

102. C Statements obtained from a suspect in violation of his constitutional rights (and, some
authorities suggest, the fruits of such statements) cannot be used against him. Only the
person from whom the statement was obtained, however, has standing to assert the con-
stitutional violation. Since the interrogation of Martin did not violate Dallaroche's
rights, Dellaroche lacks the necessary standing to assert its unconstitutionality.

A and B are incorrect because there are no facts indicating that Dellaroche's complicity

would have been discovered without Martin's statement. Since the interrogation of Mar-
tin did not violate the constitutional rights of Dellaroche, it does not matter whether
Dellaroche was in custody at the time it took place. D is, therefore, incorrect.

103. D A conspiracy is an agreement to commit a crime. Conspirators are vicariously liable for
crimes committed in furtherance of the conspiratorial goal by other members of the con-
spiracy. This is so even if those crimes were unforeseeable, not included in the original
plan, or unnecessary to the success oithe conspiracy, so long as they were committed in
furtherance of the conspiratorial goal. Since Michael transpoited the car across a state
line for the purpose of aiding their escape it was in furtherance of the conspiratorial
goal. A, B, and C are, therefore, incorrect.

104. C A conspiracy is an agreement to commit a crime. Since the Dyer Act prohibits the inter-
state transportation of stolen vehicles, a person can be guilty of conspiring to violate it
only if he agrees to transport a stolen vehicle across a state line. Thus, although Norman
may be guilty of violating the act,· he could not be guilty of conspiring to violate it
unless he expressly or impliedly agreed to do so.

A is incorrect because an agreement to steal a car is not necessarily an agreement to

transport it across a state line. B is incorrect because a substantive crime does not merge
with the crime of conspiring to commit it. Thus, conviction of the substantive crime
does not prevent conviction for conspiracy. D is incorrect because the crime of conspir-
acy is committed when parties agree to commit a crime, and is complete before the sub-
stantive crime is committed (or even if it is never committed).

105. B A person is guilty as an accessory if, with criminal intent, he aided and abetted in the
commissionof a crime, or if he stood by ready and willing to give aid in its commission.
Thus if Norinan was willing to help Michael steal the car, he is guilty of larceny as an

Although a co-conspirator is vicariously liable for crimes committed in furtherance of

the conspiracy, this is not the only way that Norman might be found guilty of larceny.
As explained above, he may have been guilty as an accessory. A is, therefore, incorrect.
C is incorrect because a person may aid and abet in the commission of a crime by mak-
ing himself available to assist in its perpetration if necessary. D is incorrect because the
Double Jeopardy Clause of the United States Constitution does not apply to prosecu-
tions by different sovereigns (such as by the United States and a state).

106. B A statement made in response to a custodial interrogation of a suspect is admissible

against her only if,after being advised of her Miranda rights, she makes a voluntary and
intelligent waiver. Since Doyle concedes that her statements were voluntary, the only
remaining issue is whether she had sufficient knowledge and understanding of her rights
to intelligently waive them. The same issue was resolved in B, in which Binh's response
to the officer's question made it doubtful that Binh understood his constitutional rights.

In A, since Ascot was not in custody at the time he answered the officer's questions (and
since the question was probably not an "interrogation"), the issue of waiver did not
arise. Although a person who has been formally charged with a crime is entitled to
counsel at a lineup, C is not applicable since Cartier had not been formally charged with

any crime, and since, therefore, she was not entitled to counsel, no issue of waiver arose
in her case. The Fourth Amendment protects against warrantless search, but this protec-
tion may be waived by a person who voluntarily and intelligently consents to such a
search. Waiver was, therefore, an issue in D. Although the officer's statement might not
have been sufficient to make Edward's waiver intelligent, the circumstances - an unex-
pected, middle-of-the-night visit by three uniformed police officers - also raise serious
doubts about its voluntariness. For this reason, B (in which the only issue was the intel-
ligence of the waiver) is more applicable as a precedent. [Note: Case-summary-analysis
qu.estions are usually as uncertain as this one. Fortunately, they are no longer common
on the MBE.]

107. D After being formally charged with a crime, a suspect is entitled to counsel at a lineup.
The lineup in which Degnan participated may have been valid,however, if Degnan vol-
untarily and intelligently waived his right to counsel. The officer's statement - which
suggested that Degnan's reliance on his constitutional rights would keep the prosecutor
from going easy on him - raises doubts about both the voluntariness and intelligence
of his waiver. In D, the middle-of-the-night appearance of the police at Edward's door
raised the same doubts.

In B there was an obvious issue relating to the intelligence of Binh's waiver. In addition,
it could be argued that the presence of a police officer was coercive enough to raise an
issue of voluntariness. Since the conduct of the officers in D was more obviously coer-
cive, however, D is a better precedent [Note: Case-summary-analysis questions are usu-
ally as uncertain as this one. Fortunately, they are no longer common on the MBE.] In
A, since Ascot was not in custody at the time he answered the officer's question (and
since the question was probably not an "interrogation"), the issue of waiver did not
arise. Although a person who has been formally charged with a crime is entitled to
counsel at a lineup, C is not applicable since Cartier had not been formally charged with
any crime. Because Cartier was not entitled to counsel, no issue of waiver arose in her

108. B The crime of receiving stolen property is committed when the defendant receives stolen
property with the knowledge that it is stolen and with the intent to permanently deprive
the owner of it. Since the car which Dee purchased was in the lawful custody of the
police, it could be argued that it was no longer stolen. Although it is not certain that this
argument would succeed, it is the only one listed which coUld possibly be effective in
Dee's defense. B is, therefore, correct.

Since the police are supposed to prevent crime rather than instigate it, many jurisdic-
tions hold that a defendant who was induced by the police or an agent of the police to
commit a crime which he was not otherwise disposed to commit is entrapped and has a
valid affirmative defense to the crime charged. A is incorrect, however, because Dee
came looking for a stolen car and was, therefore, already disposed tQ commit the crime
with which he was charged. Ordinarily, a defense may not be based on the assertion of
another's rights. If Carpenter's cooperation was coerced, Carpenter's rights may have
been violated. C is incorrect, however, because Dee may not base his defense on· the
invasion of Carpenter's rights. D is incorrect because no right of Dee's was bargained

109. C If a warrantless search violates a reasonable expectation of privacy held by the person
whose property is searched, it violates that person's Fourth Amendment rights. Since
each person who shares property with another knows that the other has access to it, nei-
ther of them has a reasonable expectation that the property will remain private. For this
reason, a search is generally valid if authorized by one of the persons who shares the
property which is searched. Since Wanda shared the apartment, the bedroom, and the
closet with Mike, Mike could have no reasonable expectation that these areas would
remain private, and Wanda's consent to the search made it valid.

Although a search warrant may not be issued without probable cause, probable cause
does not justify a search without a warrant. A is, therefore, incorrect. If police discover
contraband during hot pursuit of a suspect, they may be permitted to seize it without a
warrant if necessary to prevent disposal or destruction. B is incorrect, however, because
the police were not in hot pursuit of Mike when they discovered the marijuana. The sei-
zure of contraband "in plain view" might be valid because its discovery was not the
result of a search. D is incorrect, however, because the police officers had already begun
their search (i.e., by having Wanda open the closet door for them to look inside it) when
the marijuana fell into view.

110. D The Double Jeopardy Clause provides that no person shall for the same offense be
placed twice in jeopardy. It is generally understood, however, that jeopardy does not
begin until the commencement of a trial, which occurs when a jury is empaneled. Since
a grand jury proceeding is not "jeopardy", there is no constitutional reason why a matter
should not be brought before a grand jury several times.

A and B are, therefore, incorrect. In addition, A is incorrect because the term "res judi-
cata" is applied only to a final determination by a court. C is incorrect because jeopardy
has not yet begun, so the motion must be denied whether or not the first grand jury's
decision was motivated by prejudice.

111. D Murder is the unjustified killing of a human being with malice aforethought. Malice
aforethought means a wanton disregard for human life, or an intent to kill, inflict great
bodily harm, commit a felony, or resist a lawful arrest. Since it is clear that Deborah did
not intend to commit a felony, to resist a lawful arrest, or to strike anyone with the bul-
let, she can be found guilty of murder only if her conduct showed a wanton disregard for
human life. Thus, if she is acquitted, it can only be because the court found that her con-
duct did not show a wanton disregard.

A is incorrect because malice aforethought may exist without an intent to kill. Since any
result may have many proximate causes, the fact that the ambulance driver's conduct
was a proximate cause of Vincent's death does not establish that Deborah's conduct was
not also a proximate cause of that death. B is, therefore, incorrect. The privilege to abate
a nuisance permits the use of reasonable force only. Although the conduct of Deborah's
neighbors may have constituted a nuisance, it is obvious that the use of a deadly weapon
was not a reasonable response to it. C is, therefore, incorrect.

112. A Criminal battery consists of the intentional, reckless, or criminally negligent application
of force to the body of another. Deborah's act of shooting through the ceiling into an
apartment in which she knew there were people probably was, at least, criminally negli-

gent, and so probably constituted a battery.

A person is guilty of attempting to commit a crime when, with the specific intent to
bring about a criminally proscribed result, she comes substantially close to accomplish-
ing that result. Since involuntary manslaughter is an unintended homicide, no person
can have the specific intent to commit it. Thus, there can be no attempt to commit it. B
is, therefore, incorrect. Attempted murder and attempted voluntary manslaughter both
require an intent to kill. Since Deborah did not intend to strike anyone with the bullet, C
and D are incorrect.

113. C A person is privileged to use reasonable force to protect herself from what she reason-
ably believes to be a threat of imminent bodily harm. Potentially lethal force is reason-
able when used in response to what the defendant reasonably perceives to be a threat of
potentially lethal force. Thus, if Bonnie reasonably believed that Alice was reaching for
a gun, her use of a gun in response may have been reasonable, and therefore privileged.
While it is not certain that a court would come to this conclusion, the argument in C is
the only one listed which could possibly provide Bonnie with an effective defense.

A person is guilty of a criminal attempt when, with the intent to bring about a criminally
prohibited result, she comes substantially close to achieving it. A is incorrect because
the fact that a death did not actually occur will not prevent a conviction for attempting
to cause one. If Bonnie had the intent to kill Alice when she aimed her pistol at Alice's
chest, she would be guilty of attempted murder if she came subsequently close to caus-
ing Alice's death. this might be so even if she did not strike Alice in the chest, or even if
she did not strike Alice at all. for this reason, B is incorrect. D is incorrect because
deadly force is force which is likely to result in death or great bodily harm. The use of a
pistol thus constitutes deadly force even though the harm which it actually causes hap-
pens to be slight.

114. D A person is privileged to use reasonable force to protect herself from what she reason-
ably believes to be a threat of imminent bodily harm. Since Bonnie fired a pistol at
Alice, and was (or appeared to be) capable of firing it again, it was reasonable for Alice
to believe herself threatened with imminent bodily harm, and was probably reasonable
for her to respond with deadly force.

If Bonnie's belief that Alice was about to shoot her was a reasonable one, Bonnie's use
of force may have been privileged. A is incorrect, however, because, although an
aggressor has no right of self-defense against a reasonable response to her initial aggres-
sion, Alice committed no act of aggression until after Bonnie fired at her. Self-defense
may privilege the use of deadly force in response to what is reasonably perceived as
deadly force. Even though the force used by Bonnie had not yet caused death or serious
injury, it was capable of doing so, and can, therefore, be regarded as deadly force. B is,
therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because even .a premeditated killing may be privi-
leged by self-defense.

115. D Murder is the unjustified killing of a human being with malice aforethought. In addition
to reckless disregard for human life, and the intent to kill, to cause great bodily harm, or
to resist a lawful arrest, malice aforethought includes the intent to commit a felony.
Since arson is a dangerous felony, D is correct.

A is incorrect because malice aforethought may exist even though the defendants did
not intend to kilL Some jurisdictions have held that the felony murder rule cannot be
applied unless the deaths were totally independent of the defendants' purpose in com-
mitting a felony. B is a misstatement of this rule, and is, therefore, incorrect. C is incor-
rect because unreasonable conduct is not sufficient to constitute malice aforethought.

116. D At common law, arson was defined as the intentional burning of another's dwelling.
Under the statute given, the definition includes buildings other than dwellings as welL
Since Sal and Terry desired to bum down the factory, they had the necessary intent.
Since they succeeded in doing so, they are guilty of arson. I is, therefore, correct. Con-
spiracy consists of an agreement to commit a crime. Since Sal and Terry agreed to com-
mit arson, they are guilty of conspiracy. II is, therefore, correct. Conspiracy does not
merge with the substantive crime and may be the basis of separate prosecution and con-
viction. D is, therefore, correct.

117. B Kidnapping consists of intentionally transporting and confining a person against that
person's will by force or threat and without legal authority. The essential difference
between kidnapping and criminal false imprisonment is the requirement of asportation:
unless the defendant has moved the victim to the place of confinement, there is no kid-
napping. Since Dart forced the hostage to accompany him to his car where he confined
her for a period of fifteen minutes, he has kidnapped her. Because he did not move any
of the other victims to the place of their confinement, he did not kidnap them.

A, C, and D are, therefore, incorrect.

118. A A defendant is guilty of criminally receiving stolen property when he acquires stolen
personal property with knowledge that it is stolen and with the intent to permanently
deprive its owner. Since the car which Dake purchased from Agsten had been requisi-
tioned from the police department, it was not stolen property. Since Dake never received
stolen property, he cannot be guilty of this crime.

B is incorrect because guilt does not require that the defendant pay for stolen property
with his own money (or that he pay for it at all). Police officers are supposed to prevent
crime, not to cause it. For this reason, many jurisdictions hold that a defendant who was
entrapped (i.e., induced by a police officer to commit a crime which he was not other-
wise inclined to commit), cannot be convicted of committing it. Agsten and Bates did
not entrap Dake because Dake indicated his inclination to purchase a stolen car before
either Agsten or Bates suggested that he do so. C is, therefore incorrect. A search or
arrest warrant may not be issued without a showing of probable cause, but no such
showing is required before beginning an investigation. For this reason, D is incorrect.

119. B A person is guilty of a criminal attempt when with the intent to bring about a criminally
prohibited result he comes substantially close to achieving it. Since Dake intended to
receive property in the belief that it was stolen and with the intent to permanently
deprive the owner, and would have done so had the facts been as he believed them to be,
he is guilty of attempting to receive stolen property. Since the elements of criminally
receiving stolen property include all the elements of attempting to criminally receive
stolen property, however, the attempt is a lesser offense included in the substantive

crime. For this reason, Dake cannot be convicted of both receiving and attempting to
receive. Thus, he can be found guilty of the attempt only if he is not convicted of crimi-
nally receiving stolen property.

A is, therefore, incorrect. In many jurisdictions, a person who performs a lawful act in
the mistaken belief that it is prohibited (i.e., while operating under a mistake of law)
cannot be guilty of a criminal attempt, since the result which he intended to achieve was
not criminally prohibited. C is incorrect, however, because Dake was not operating
under a mistake of law; the result which he intended to accomplish - the purchase of a
stolen car - was actually unlawful, as he believed it to be. On the other hand, if the
defendant intends to accomplish an unlawful result, but his mistake about the facts pre-
vents the result of his act from actually being unlawful, he can be convicted of a crimi-
nal attempt. Here, Dake's intent was to purchase a stolen car. Since the car was not
stolen, he could not be guilty of receiving stolen property. But since he believed it to be
stolen, and would have been guilty of receiving stolen property if the facts were as he
believed them to be (i.e., if it was stolen), he can be convicted of the attempt. Dis,
therefore, incorrect.

120. C A criminal conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime.
Without such an agreement, there can be no conspiracy. Since neither Agsten nor Bates
actually intended to commit a crime, Dake never made such an agreement with either of
them, even though he believed he did. For this reason, he cannot be guilty of conspiracy.

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect for this reason, and because conspiracy is a sep-
arate crime which does not merge with the substantive crime which the conspirators
agreed to commit. Thus, if there had been an agreement to receive stolen property, Dake
could be convicted of conspiracy in addition to being convicted of attempting to receive
stolen property. Since the crime of conspiracy is complete when the conspirators agree
to commit a crime, the fact that they never actually accomplished the purpose of their
conspiracy does not prevent a conspiracy conviction. D is, therefore, incorrect.

121. B Arson is the intentional or malicious burning of the dwelling of another. Since even the
slightest charring of the walls or ceiling is regarded as a burning, there was a burning of
Goss' dwelling. Since malice includes recklessness, and since it was clearly reckless to
set fIre to a couch while it was inside the house, the necessary state of mind is present.
Dealy is, therefore, guilty of arson.

Burglary is the trespassory breaking and entering of the dwelling of another at night
with the intent to commit a larceny or any felony therein. Dealy entered Goss' dwelling
at night. The unauthorized opening of a closed door can constitute a breaking, and any
unauthorized entry is trespassory. Although Dealy did commit a felony inside (i.e.,
arson), she cannot be guilty of burglary unless she intended to do so when she entered.
Since at the time Dealy entered Goss' house she meant only to retrieve her own prop-
erty, she did not have the requisite intent to make her guilty of burglary. A and Care,
therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because Dealy is guilty of arson as explained above.

122. C Larceny is a trespassory taking and carrying off of personal property known to be
another's with the intent to permanently deprive the owner. Since Dealy did not physi-
cally move the couch, she may successfully argue that because there was no asportation

(i.e., carrying off), there was no larceny.

It is sometimes argued that one who enters through an unlocked door committed no
breaking and, therefore, is not guilty of burglary. A is incorrect, however, because
"breaking" is not an element of larceny. If a defendant carried off personal property
which actually was her own, she could not be guilty of larceny because she did not take
the property of another. If she mistakenly believed that it was her own, she still would
not be guilty of larceny, because she did not carry off property known to be another's.
The couch was not Dealy's, however, and she knew that it was not hers. The fact that it
was equal in value to her stereo would not, therefore, justify her taking or carrying it off.
B is, therefore, incorrect. A person who takes and carries off personal property known
to be another's with the intent to permanently deprive is guilty of larceny without regard
to whether or not she intended to benefit by doing so. D is, therefore, incorrect.

123. D Because of the inherently coercive nature of police custody, the United States Supreme
Court held (in Miranda) that inculpatory statements resulting from custodial interroga-
tion of a defendant are inadmissible unless the defendant received certain warnings
prior to making the statements. Among the required warnings is a caution that anything
which the defendant says may be used against him. Because Cecil was working for the
police, it is possible that his conversation with Dalke amounted to a police interrogation.
Thus, if Dalke was in custody at the time, his statement might be inadmissible because
he had not received Miranda warnings. The Miranda rule applies only to custodial
interrogations, however. So if Dalke was not in custody at the time of his conversation
with Cecil, the lack of Miranda warnings would not make his statement to Cecil inad-

A is incorrect because even though Cecil might have been an agent of the police at the
time he and Dalke shared a cell (i.e., while Dalke was clearly in custody), the statements
in question were not made at that time. B is incorrect because Miranda warnings are
required for custodial interrogations only. The issue to be determined is whether the
conversation between Cecil and Dalke was a custodial interrogation, and therefore a
violation of Dalke's rights. C assumes that Dalke's rights were violated and uses that
assumption to prove that Dalke's rights were violated. This is circular reasoning and is,
therefore, incorrect.

124. C Under the "irresistible impulse" test, a person is not guilty by reason of insanity if men-
tal disease made him incapable of controlling his conduct at the time of the alleged
criminal act. Although not all jurisdictions accept this definition of insanity, under the
facts given C is the only argument listed which would serve as an effective defense in
any jurisdiction.

The M'Naghten rule provides that a person is not guilty of insanity if, at the time of the
allegedly criminal act, mental disease prevented him from knowing either the nature
and quality of his act or that it was wrong. A defendant is said to know that his act is
"wrong," however, if he is aware that it is prohibited by law. Since Dominguez knew
that if he was caught he would be imprisoned for murder, he had sufficient understand-
ing that his act was wrong to make him sane under this rule. A is, therefore, incorrect.
The concept of "intent" relates to the defendant's state of mind regarding the immediate
consequences of his act, quite apart from the concept of "motive" which refers to a

defendant's purpose in bringing that consequence about. Since Dominguez desired to

kill Viola, he had the necessary intent to make him guilty of murder, in spite of his noble
motive (i.e., to save the world). B is therefore, incorrect. A person who, by reason of
mental illness, is incapable of understanding the nature and quality of his act is insane
under the M'Naghten rule discussed above. The phrase "nature and quality of the act,"
however, refers to the physical character of the act and to its physical consequences.
Since Dominguez understood that he was pushing Viola down the stairs and that this
could her death, he did understand the nature and quality of his act. D is, there-
fore, incorrect.

125. A The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution protects against unreasonable
search and seizure. Ordinarily, a warrantless search is regarded as unreasonable and,
therefore, unlawful under this clause. This constitutional provision applies only to
searches conducted by the police or by other government officials, however. For this
reason, the fact that Adams was not a government employee - and was not working in
conjunction with any government employee - would make the Fourth Amendment
protection absolutely inapplicable here.

As to Choice B, there is some Supreme Court support for the proposition that a student's
consent to an administrative search may sometimes be implied from the special relation-
ship between students and administrators. But that consent would be unlikely to extend
to something as intrusive as a bodily search (which is what occurred here when Adams
reached into Donell's pocket) on only the weak hearsay evidence that was present here.
And in any evident, this explanation is not as good as Choice A, which resolves the
issue automatically. Therefore Choice B is wrong. Similarly, Choice C's "special con-
cern for the well-being of young people" rationale might support certain types of
searches, but wouldn't support a bodily search with the much-Iess-than-probable-cause
hearsay-type evidence here; Choice C, too, is thus clearly worse than Choice A.

D is incorrect for three reasons: first, an anonymous note does not ordinarily give any-
one probable cause to believe its contents, especially where the note is itself based on
hearsay; second, probable cause does not justify a warrantless search by a government
official; and, third, Adams' search of Donell did not violate his Fourth Amendment
rights even if she did not have probable cause, because as explained in Choice A Donell
was not a government actor.

126. B A person is guilty of a criminal attempt when, with the specific intent to bring about a
criminally prohibited result, he comes substantially close to bringing about that result.
Thus, while certain crimes may be committed without intending the prohibited conse-
quences, criminal attempt always requires the specific intent to bring about the prohib-
ited result. Although Shafer could be convicted of violating the statute if he actually
sold ammunition to Yule who was under the age of 16, he could not be convicted of
attempting to violate the statute unless he knew that Yule was under the age of 16 and
intended to sell her the ammunition.

For obvious practical reasons, there is usually an irrebuttable presumption that all per-
sons know the .law. Ignorance of the law, therefore, would not provide Shafer with a
defense. A is, therefore, incorrect. The fact that Okner is vicariously liable under the
statute would not furnish Shafer with a defense, since the statute imposes liability on

both employee and employer. C is incorrect for this reason, and because the statute
imposes vicarious liability on the employer only if the employee actually makes a sale,
which Shafer did not do. D is incorrect because the statute does not make knowledge or
experience an element of guilt.

127. A Some cases have held that the imposition of a prison term on the basis of vicarious lia-
bility for a strict-liability crime committed by a defendant's employee is a violation of
due process. It is generally understood, however, that the imposition of a fine on this
basis is constitutionally valid. Since this statute makes an employer vicariously liable
for the payment of a fine if an employee sells ammunition to a minor, and since Okner's
employee sold ammunition to a minor, Okner may be convicted.

B and C are incorrect because of the specific language of the given statute: B because
the statute imposes strict liability, and does not make negligence or unreasonable behav-
ior a basis of guilt; and C because the statute does not make the employer's presence an
element of guilt. D is incorrect because it is overinclusive: there are many situations in
which the criminal law may validly impose vicarious liability for the crime of another
(e.g., co-conspirators are vicariously liable for each other's crimes committed in further-
ance of the conspiracy).

128. B At common law, murder is the unlawful killing of a human being with malice afore-
thought. One state of mind which constitutes malice aforethought is the intent to kill a
human being. Since knowledge of the victim's identity is not an essential element of
murder, the fact that DeLong was mistaken about the identity of the person at whom she
was shooting does not prevent her from having the necessary state of mind (i.e., intent
to kill). For this reason, DeLong may be convicted even without application of the doc-
trine of transferred intent.

A is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because DeLong unlawfully killed Ralston with
the intent to kill a human being, and is, therefore, guilty of murder. Although a wanton
disregard for human life may constitute malice aforethought, mere negligence does not.
Since the creation of an unreasonable risk is merely negligent, this fact is not sufficient
to justify a finding that DeLong had malice aforethought, which is necessary to a con-
viction for murder. D is, therefore, incorrect.

129. C The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides, in part, that "no per-
son shall ... be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb."
This prevents a defendant from being charged twice with the same crime. The charge
against Delta in the state court involves the violation of a statute which is different from
the one which she was convicted of violating in the federal court, however. The state
prosecution is, thus, not for the same offense. For this reason, the double jeopardy
clause does not require its dismissal even though the same evidence will be used in both

A is, therefore, incorrect. A criminal conspiracy consists of an agreement between two

or more persons to commit a crime, and is complete when the agreement is made. It is a
crime separate from the substantive crime which the conspirators agreed to commit, and
does not merge with that substantive crime. B is incorrect for this reason, and because
prosecutions for violating state and federal statutes are not for the same offense, even

though based on a single act by the defendant. D contains an incorrect statement since
violations of the statutes of different sovereigns constitute different offenses; therefore,
separate prosecutions are not barred by the double jeopardy clause.

130. D Criminal battery consists of the intentional, reckless, or criminally negligent application
of force to the body of another. Since it is, thus, a general intent crime, it may be com-
mitted without the intent to make contact with the victim. While voluntary intoxication
is no defense to a general intent crime, involuntary intoxication ordinarily is. A person
has become involuntarily intoxicated when his intoxication was the result of an unpre-
dictable and grossly excessive reaction to an intoxicating substance. Thus, if Dane had
never before been overcome by the alcohol in one drink:, it may be that his intoxication
was involuntary, and that it will provide him with a defense to the charge of criminal
battery. It is not certain that this defense would be successful, since a court might find
that although the response was unpredictable, it was not grossly excessive. The fact set
forth in D, however, is the only one listed which might possibly provide Dane with an
effective defense.

A person may become "voluntarily" intoxicated even without the intent to become
drunk: so long as he is aware that the substance which he is taking has an intoxicating
potential. Since Dane was aware that the Russian bomber had some alcohol in it, his
intoxication may be called voluntary even if he did not intend to become drunk. A is,
therefore, incorrect. If Dane's conduct in drinking the Russian bomber was reckless or
criminally negligent he could have the necessary mens rea to be guilty of battery (i.e.,
general intent), even though he did not specifically know what risk he was creating (i.e.,
that he would falloff the bar stool). B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because bat-
tery is a general intent crime, and, therefore, does not require the intent to make contact
with another human being.

131. A A person is privileged by self-defense to use reasonable force to protect himself against
what reasonably appears to be an imminent threat of bodily harm. In this connection,
reasonable force is the force which would appear necessary to the reasonable person.
Even deadly force is reasonable if the person using it reasonably believes that he is
being threatened with deadly force. Thus, if Balin reasonably believed that his life was
in danger, the force which he used in self-defense was probably reasonable, making
Balin not guilty of attempted murder.

Although deadly force is not ordinarily considered reasonable in defense of mere prop-
erty, B is incorrect because Balin's shot was probably fired in response to a threat
against his person, and may have been justified by self-defense. Although the intent to
kill or inflict serious injury can be inferred from the fact that Balin fired at Oden, Cis
incorrect because, if reasonable, his conduct was privileged by self-defense. Since Balin
had no way of knowing that the person threatening him was a police officer, Oden's sta-
tus as such can have no bearing on the reasonableness of Balin's actions. D is, therefore,

132. C Police officers, like private citizens, are privileged to use reasonable force to protect
themselves against attack. This privilege does not permit the application of deadly force
by a police officer unless he is confronted by what reasonably appears to be deadly
force against him. When Oden heard the sound of a pistol being cocked and saw the out-

line of a person with a pistol in his hand, it may have been reasonable for him to believe
that deadly force was about to be used against him. Although it is not certain that a court
would find Oden's belief to be reasonable, C is the only argument listed which could
possibly provide Oden with an effective defense.

Although police officers may be entitled to use more force than private citizens under
certain circumstances, A is incorrect because the fact that a defendant was a police
officer is never, alone, sufficient to privilege his conduct. An officer who has probable
cause to believe that a crime is being committed may be privileged to make an arrest. B
is incorrect, however, because deadly force is not privileged in effecting that arrest,
unless the crime is an "atrocious" one. Since Oden's shot was not fired in response to
Balin's shot [Note: Read the facts again if you think that it was], the reasonableness of
Balin's conduct cannot be relevant to the reasonableness of Oden's. D is, therefore,

133. C One who intentionally aids, abets, or facilitates the commission of a crime is criminally
responsible for the crime as an accomplice. In addition, an accomplice is criminally
responsible for all the foreseeable consequences of the crime which he facilitated. Since
the use of Dailey's apartment to escape detection was part of Reavis' plan in preparing
for the robbery, Dailey's agreement to permit Reavis to use it facilitated the robbery,
making Dailey an accomplice to it. As such, Dailey may be guilty of felony murder in
the death which· resulted from the robbery, but only if it was foreseeable that such a
death would occur.

One who becomes an accessory after a crime has been committed (i.e., accessory after
the fact) by knowingly harboring the person who committed it is not criminally respon-
sible for prior acts committed by the person harbored. A person who facilitates the com-
mission of a crime by agreeing in advance that he will harbor the perpetrator after the
crime is committed is guilty as an accomplice (i.e., accessory before the fact), however.
As such he is criminally responsible for all foreseeable consequences of the crime to
which he was an accomplice. A is, therefore, incorrect. Since an accomplice is crimi-
nally responsible for those consequences which were foreseeable, the fact that Dailey
did not actually know that Reavis would use a gun does not protect him from liability if
Reavis' use of a gun was foreseeable. B is, therefore, incorrect. A conspirator is crimi-
nally responsible for all crimes committed by co-conspirators in furtherance of the sub-
ject of the conspiracy. D is incorrect, however, because an accessory is criminally
responsible only for consequences which were foreseeable.

134. D A conspiracy is an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime. Ordinarily,

one who agrees to furnish services to another which the other will use in committing a
crime is not guilty of conspiracy merely because he knows the purpose to which the ser-
vices will be put. Where, however, the supplier has a stake in the criminal enterprise, his
agreement to furnish services may constitute a conspiracy to commit the crime. Since
Dailey knew that Reavis would be using his apartment as a hideout following the rob-
bery, and since Reavis' promise to compensate Dailey by paying him a percentage of
the loot gave Dailey a stake in the criminal enterprise, Dailey may be guilty of conspir-

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect for two reasons: first, Dailey's agreement prob-

ably was per se unlawful, since he knew that Reavis would be hiding in his apartment to
escape detection (i.e., that he would be harboring a felon); and, second, Dailey had a
personal stake in Reavis' crime. The crime of conspiracy to commit robbery is complete
when the defendant agrees with another to commit the robbery, and is a separate crime
from the robbery itself. Thus, the fact that a defendant is guilty of robbery is not rele-
vant to the issue of whether he conspired (i.e., agreed) to commit it. For this reason, Cis

135. C The United States Constitution protects criminal defendants against unreasonable
search and seizure. To give this protection meaning, the courts exclude evidence
obtained as the result of an unreasonable search. Not every observation or inspection by
police officers is properly classified as a search, however. In general, it is understood
that a search occurs only when the police inspect a place in which the defendant has a
reasonable expectation of privacy. If the field was such a place, the overflight and sub-
sequent visit by police constituted searches, and, since they were performed without a
warrant, the evidence obtained as a result of those searches should be excluded. On the
other hand, if the field was not a place in which Dage had a reasonable expectation of
privacy, the overflight and visit were not searches and the evidence should not be

A is incorrect because if Dage had no reasonable expectation of privacy, the use of spe-
cial equipment to photograph what the police observed would not be a search. The Con-
stitution provides that a warrant may be issued only upon a showing of probable cause.
For this reason, a warrant obtained solely on the basis of information received from an
informant may be invalid unless the reliability of the informant can be properly estab-
lished. B is incorrect, however, because the warrant in this case might have been issued
on the basis of the police officers' observations. The constitutional protection against
unreasonable search and seizure prevents the use of evidence obtained directly or indi-
rectly as a result of an improper search (i.e., "fruit of the poisonous tree"). Thus, if the
warrant was issued as the result of observations which the officers made in violation of
Dage's constitutional rights, the evidence will be excluded even though it was discov-
ered after the warrant was issued. D is, therefore, incorrect.

136. A Once a criminal defendant has asserted his right to have an attorney present, further
interrogation in the absence of the attorney makes any incriminating statements by the
defendant inadmissible. Since Dage was questioned after asserting his right to counsel,
the statement which he made in response to that questioning should be excluded.

B and C are, therefore, incorrect. Even after asserting his right to counsel, a defendant
may waive that right by making incriminating statements during a discussion which he
himself initiates. Since. Dage's statement was made in response to a question by the
police officer, however, it does not constitute a waiver of his rights and is, therefore,
inadmissible. D is, therefore, incorrect.

137. D A person is guilty of a criminal attempt when, with the specific intent to bring about a
result which is criminally prohibited, he comes substantially close to accomplishing that
result. Since Donohue believed that the time was five minutes past eleven, and since it
would have been lawful to sell liquor at that time, he did not have the specific intent to
bring about a result which was criminally prohibited. For this reason, he could not be

guilty of attempting to violate the statute.

A and B are, therefore, incorrect. Attempt always requires specific intent, even where
the substantive crime does not. Thus, even if the statute did not require specific intent,
Donohue could not be guilty of attempting to violate it without specifically intending to
sell liquor after midnight. C is, therefore, incorrect.

138. A At common law, larceny is defined as a trespassory taking and carrying off of personal
property known to be another's with the intent to permanently deprive the owner
thereof. A person who is reclaiming his own property is not committing larceny since he
is not carrying off the property of another. Thus, Dover's taking of $50 to pay himself
back for the money which Vinton owed him was not a larceny. Except in the case of
fungible goods, however, this rule does not protect a defendant who takes something
which is not his own, even though it is equivalent in value to the property which he
seeks to reclaim. Thus, Dover's taking of $50 cash to pay himself for the watch which
Vinton refused to return is a larceny.

Since the statute provides that a larceny of $50 or less is a misdemeanor, A is correct,
and B, C and D are incorrect.

139. C A defendant is guilty of voluntary manslaughter when, with the intent to kill or cause
great bodily harm, the defendant causes the death of a human being under circum-
stances of extreme emotional distress or mistaken justification. Many cases have held
that the emotional distress which results from learning that a close relative has been
raped or otherwise injured is sufficiently extreme to justify the reduction of a charge of
murder to a charge of voluntary manslaughter where the defendant kills the rapist.
Although it is not certain that a court would reduce it, C is the only fact pattern listed in
which the murder charge could possibly be reduced to voluntary manslaughter.

Since the defendants in A, B and D did not have the intent to kill or inflict great bodily
harm, the defendants in these cases could not have committed voluntary manslaughter.
A, B and D are, therefore, incorrect.

140. C A criminal conspiracy is an agreement to commit a crime and is complete when the
agreement is made. Since AI agreed to commit a robbery with Joe and Bob, he is guilty
of conspiracy. II is, therefore, correct. A person is guilty of a criminal attempt when,
with the specific intent to bring about a result which is criminally prohibited he comes
substantially close to bringing about that result. Since Joe and Bob intended to rob the
bank and came substantially close to doing so, they are guilty of attempted robbery. Co-
conspirators are vicariously liable for crimes committed in furtherance of the agree-
ment. Since the attempted robbery was committed in furtherance of the agreement
between Joe, Al and Bob, AI is criminally liable for the attempt even though he did not
physically participate in it. I is, therefore, incorrect.

Numbers refer to Question Numbers

I. Presentation of evidence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102, 135-136

A. Introduction of evidence 100-101
1. Requirement of personal knowledge .4, 11,48,52, 64-65, 70, 95-96
2. Leading questions 28-29, 140
3. Refreshing recollection 24-26,68-69,91,94,95-96, 121-123, 124
4. Objections and offers of proof. 56-58,91,102,121-123
5. Lay opinions and expert witnesses 1,2-3, 10, 13-14, 17-18,28-29,42,
43, 45-46, 56-58, 64-65, 68-69, 84, 90, 92,
103-104, 105, 119, 125-128, 131-132, 140
6. Competency of witnesses 48,90,125-126
7. Judicial notice 102, 113
8. Roles of judge and jury 113,117,125-126,127,
128, 131-132, 142-143
9. Limited admissibility 2-3, 19,20,31-32,33,55, 71, 72,
103-104, 118, 120, 134, 135-136
B. "Burden of proof" 40-41
1. Burden of producing evidence 103-104, 105, 113, 114
2. Burdenofpersuasion 105,125-126
3. Presumptions 121-123
C. Cross-examination; right, form, and scope " 13-14,55,88,111-112,
133, 140
D. Impeachment and rehabilitation 13-14,49-50, 61, 70, 100-101,
125-126, 133
1. Prior inconsistent statements 35-36, 75, 93, 115-116, 136-137
2. Bias and interest. 2-3,111-112,131-132
3. Conviction of crime 15,21-23,37-38, 111-112, 135-136
4. Specific instances of conduct. 21-23,54,97,111-112
5. Character for truthfulness 30, 111-112
6. Ability to observe, remember, or relate accurately 125-126, 133

II. Privileges and other policy exclusions 98

A. Husband-wife 42-43, 139
B. Attorney-client. 8-9, 12, 35-36, 42-43, 63, 108, 110
C. Physician-patient 98, 119
D. Self-incrimination 5,51,59,62,64-65, 73, 88,
93, 100-101, 115-116, 134
E. Insurance coverage 19,33,55, 129-130
F. Remedial measures 39,49-50, 72, 118
G. Compromise and plea negotiations 120, 129-130
H. Payment of medical expenses 129-130
I. Other privileges 5,8-9,62, 77, 93, 97, 115-116

III. Relevancy and reasons for excluding relevant evidence

A. Probative value 19,49-50,71,73,117,119,134,142-143
1. Definition of relevancy 1,2-3,8-9,17-18,19,20,24-26,30,31-32,33,
111-112, 114, 117, 118, 127-128, 129-130, 134, 139
2. Exclusion for unfair prejudice, confusion, or
waste of time ;.6-7,17-18,56-58,71,73,117,119,134
B. Character; similar happenings; habit 82-83, 117
1. Other crimes, wrongs or acts 30, 54, 134, 135-136
2. Similar happenings and transactions 31-32,49-50,54,85-86,
95-96, 117, 142-143
3. Methods of proving character 24-26, 54, 82-83
4. Habit and routine practice 24-26,87,94, 109, 127-128, 135-136
C. Experimental and scientific evidence 8-9, 125-126, 135-136, 142-143
D. Real and demonstrative evidence 48,95-96, 135-136

IV. Writings and other communications

I A. Authentication and identification

B. Original document rule
.4, 10, 34, 52, 56-58, 74, 84, 94,
95-96, 103-104, 114, 142-143
C. Completeness rule 31-32,52

V. Hearsay and circumstances of its admissibility

A. Definition of hearsay 6-7,11,16,20,21-23,24-26,27,33,35-36,40-41,
106-107, 114, 121-123, 131-132, 135-136, 139
B. Admissions of a party-opponent 2-3, 12, 16, 17-18,27,35-36,39,40-41,51,
C. Former testimony 8-9,37-38,40-41,60, 76, 115-116, 136-137
D. Statements against interest 37-38,53, 139
E. Dying declarations 53, 72, 106-107
F. Present sense impressions and excited
utterances , 6-7, 11,21-23,68-69,76,85-86,106,
G. Statements of mental, emotional, or physical
condition 6-7, 11,20,24-26,44,80-81,99,106-107,119
H. Business records " 16,21-23,24-26,78-79,80-81
I. Public records and reports 15, 16,21-23,40-41,78-79
J. Past recollection recorded 21-23,40-41,68-69, 76, 78-79, 94
K. Other exceptions to the hearsay rule 6-7,33,45-46,80-81,84
99, 100-101, 125, 126


1. Finney operated a chain of fast food restaurants

which specialized in fried fish. Finney entered
into a valid written contract with C-Foods, for the Questions 2-3 are based on the following fact situation.
purchase of "six thousand pounds of frozen pink-
tail fish filets of frying quality," to be delivered While visiting the United States from the Central
by C-Foods over a period of six months. One American Republic of Platano, Perez purchased a
week after C-Foods made its first delivery pursu- sweater at Alfred's Department Store and paid for it at
ant to the contract, however, Finney notified C- the appropriate cash register. In ringing up the sale,
Foods that the product delivered was unaccept- however, the store employee neglected to remove a
able because the filets delivered weighed only security tag which was still affixed to the sweater to
eight ounces each, and that they were cut from prevent theft. As a result, the tag caused an electronic
Grade B pinktail fish. Finney offered to return the security alarm to ring as Perez attempted to exit the
unused portion of the delivery, and refused to store with the purchased merchandise. Security guards
make payment. immediately accosted her and placed her under citi-
zen's arrest. Eventually, the police were called, and a
C-Foods subsequently brought an action against more thorough investigation was instituted. As a result,
Finney for breach of contract. At the trial of that it was determined that Perez had paid for the merchan-
action C-Foods offered the testimony of Cooke. dise. Authorities of Alfred's Department Store apolo-
Cooke testified that he was the head chef at a gized to Perez, and permitted her to leave.
leading hotel, and that he had been employed as a Subsequently, Today magazine erroneously reported
chef in fine restaurants for more than thirty years. that Perez had been arrested, charged with shoplifting
He testified further that in that time he had pur- at Alfred's Department Store, and taken into police
chased large quantities of fish on numerous occa- custody. Because Perez was a candidate for political
sions, and was familiar with the terminology used office in the Republic of Platano, newspapers in that
in the wholesale fish industry. Cooke stated that country reprinted the Today magazine article. Perez lost
when the phrase "pinktail fish filets of frying the election, and instituted an action against Today
quality" is used in the wholesale fish business, it magazine for damages resulting from defamation.
means boneless pieces from six to nine ounces in
weight and cut from Grade A or B pinktail fish. 2. At the trial of Perez's action, Today called as a
Upon proper objection by Finney's attorney, witness Colombo, who resided in the Republic of
Cooke's testimony as to the meaning of the Platano and who testified that he was familiar
phrase should be with Perez's reputation in that country. He stated
that in Platano, Perez was generally known as a
(A) admitted as evidence of trade terminology. thieving and corrupt politician. If Perez's attorney
(B) admitted, only if Cooke qualifies as an moves to strike that testimony, the motion should
expert on the preparation of fried fish in be
fast food restaurants.
(A) granted, since reputation evidence is not
(C) excluded, since it is an opinion. admissible for the purpose of establishing
(D) excluded, unless the parties specifically a party's conduct at any particular time.
agreed to be bound by the terminology of (B) granted, since evidence of a party's charac-
the wholesale fish industry. ter is admissible only in criminal cases.
(C) denied, since evidence of the plaintiff's rep-
utation is relevant to her claim for damage

resulting from defamation. I. Waller's testimony as to her recollection of

the purchase price.
(D) denied, since the evidence is relevant to the
truth or falsity of the statements made in II. The copy which Waller authenticated.
the Today magazine article.
(A) I only.

3. Assume the following facts for the purpose of (B) II only.

this question only: On cross-examination Perez's (C) I and II.
attorney asked Colombo whether he and Perez
(D) Neither I nor II.
were political rivals, and Colombo answered that
they were not. Perez's attorney subsequently
offered the testimony of Macias, a Platano public 5. Investigating a hold-up of the First Bank, state
official, who stated that in a recent election police obtained descriptions of the robbers from
Colombo ran against Perez for political office, bank employees. A warrant for the arrest of Abel
and that Colombo won the election by engaging was issued on the basis of one of those descrip-
in a campaign of false accusations against Perez. tions. After his arrest, Abel was identified by
Upon appropriate motion of Today's attorney, the Tella, a bank employee who picked him out of a
testimony of Macias should be police line-up. Abel was charged with armed rob-

I (A) admitted, since it tends to attack Colombo's

credibility by showing bias.
bery in the state court. A federal prosecutor
learned of the arrest and subpoenaed Abel to
appear before a federal grand jury investigating
the robberies of federally insured banks. After
(B) admitted, since Today opened the door by
bringing Perez's reputation into question. being granted use immunity by the federal prose-
cutor, Able admitted that he had participated in
(C) admitted, since it is evidence of an admis- the robbery of the First Bank and identified Bell
sion. and Charles as his co-felons. As a result, indict-
(D) excluded. ments were issued against Bell and Charles for
the violation of a federal law which prohibited
the robbery of any federally insured bank. At his
4. At the trial of an action by Purco against Venco trial in the state court on the robbery charge, Abel
for breach of contract, Purco alleged that Venco was convicted solely on Tella's testimony. Abel's
failed to deliver three thousand filters as agreed. attorney moved to set the conviction aside on the
Purco asserted further that, as a result, it was ground that Abel had been granted immunity by
required to. purchase filters on the open market at the federal prosecutor. The motion should be
a price substantially higher than that agreed upon
in its contract with Venco. As part of its case, (A) denied, since a state court is not bound by a
Purco offered the testimony of Waller who stated federal prosecutor's grant of use immunity.
that she was Purco's purchasing agent. She said
that when Venco breached its contract with (B) denied, since the testimony which Abel gave
Purco, she had been assigned to purchase filters at the grand jury proceeding was not used
elsewhere. In answer to a question, she said, "I against him.
recall buying three thousand filters at a price of (C) granted, since the state court proceeding had
twenty-three dollars per hundred." Purco's attor- been instituted prior to the grant of use
ney then showed her a paper which Waller identi- immunity.
fied as a photocopy which she personally had
(D) granted, since the state court is bound by the
made ofPurco's file on that purchase, explaining
federal prosecutor's grant of use immunity.
that the original was kept in Purco's home office
which was located in another state. Upon objec-
tion by Venco's attorney, which of the following
should the court admit into evidence?

Questions 6-7 are based on the following fact situation. After a minor impact caused a Wildflight automobile to
explode, killing all its occupants, the Wildbird Motor
At the trial of a personal injury action, the plaintiff Corporation which manufactured the car was charged
claimed that he had sustained a shattered elbow when with criminal negligence and prosecuted by the state of
he was knocked from his bicycle by the defendant's Madlington. At the trial, Neer, an automobile safety
car. Dr. Withey testified for the plaintiff, stating that design expert, testified under oath on behalf of the
she examined him for the first time on the morning of prosecution. He stated that in his opinion the Wildflight
trial and that her examination was made specifically in was poorly designed, and that because of the construc-
preparation for her testimony. tion of its engine, an explosion was inevitable if the
front end of a Wildflight collided with any object at an
impact speed in excess of thirty-five miles per hour.
6. Dr. Withey stated that during the course of the
examination the plaintiff said, "My arm hurts so
Subsequently, Pennet was injured when the Wildflight
much, I don't see how I'll ever be able to go back
which he was driving exploded after striking another
to work." Which of the following would be the
vehicle in the rear. Pennet brought an action in the state
defendant's strongest argument in support of a
of Richmond against Wildbird Motor Corporation for
motion to strike the testimony?
personal injuries.
(A) The plaintiff's statement was made in con-
templation of litigation. 8. At the trial of Pennet's action against Wildbird,
Pennet offers a properly authenticated transcript
(B) The doctor was not examining the plaintiff
of Neer's testimony at Wildbird's criminal negli-
for the purpose of treatment.
gence trial in the state of Madlington. Upon
(C) The plaintiff's statement was self-serving. objection by Wildbird's attorney, the transcript
(D) Evidence of the plaintiff's statement is more should be
prejudicial than probative.
(A) admitted, if Neer is unavailable to testify at
the trial of Pennet's action.
7. Dr. Withey then stated that during the course of
(B) admitted, if Wildbird was convicted of crim-
the examination the plaintiff also said, "When I
inal negligence at the trial in the state of
was struck by the car my right elbow struck the
ground so hard that I heard a sound like a gun-
shot." If the defendant objects to this testimony, (C) excluded, if Wildbird's attorney did not
the court should cross- examine Neer at the criminal negli-
gence trial.
(A) sustain the objection, since the statement is
(D) excluded, if Neer is unavailable for cross-
examination at the trial of Pennet's action.
(B) sustain the objection, since the examination
was not performed for the purpose of diag-
9. Pursuant to a subpoena which had been served on
nosis or treatment.
Wildbird, Pennet's attorney called upon Wildbird
(C) overrule the objection, since the statement to produce records of tests which it had per-
was part of a pertinent medical history. formed on the Wildflight before marketing it.
(D) overrule the objection, since the statement Wildbird's attorney objected, on the ground that
described a former sense impression. Wildbird had turned the test records over to its
attorney in preparation for trial. Should the trial
court require production of the records?

(A) No, since they are privileged as an attorney's

Questions 8-9 are based on the following fact situation.
work product.

(B) No, since they are privileged as materials appointment, she left Child in the care of Welch's
prepared for litigation. friends Dole and Smith. While in their custody,
Child began to cry. In an attempt to quiet her,
(C) No, since they are privileged as a confiden-
Dole beat her severely, striking her repeatedly
tial communication to an attorney.
across the back and raising a series of welts and
(D) Yes, since they are relevant to the issues and bruises. Soon afterwards, Welch returned and
not protected by privilege. took Child home. As Welch was undressing Child
to prepare her for bed, she noticed the marks on
Child's body and asked, "What happened?" Child
10. In an action by Percy against the city of Muni,
responded by saying, "Dole spanked me." Dole
Percy alleged that he sustained injury as a result
was subsequently arrested and charged with child
of the negligence of a Muni employee in the
abuse. At Dole's trial on that charge, Welch was
operation of a bus. As part of Percy's case, Dr.
called as a witness by the prosecution on the pre-
Treet testified that she had been consulted by
sentation of its direct case. When Welch
Percy shortly after the accident. She stated that
attempted to testify to the above conversation
she had examined him clinically and by X-ray,
between herself and Child, Dole's attorney
and that she had diagnosed his injury as a frac-
objected on the ground that Child's statement was
tured collarbone. On cross-examination, Muni's
attorney asked Dr. Treet whether she had brought
Percy's X-ray with her. She answered that she
The prosecutor's most effective argument in
had given it to Percy's attorney several months
opposition to the objection would be that the
ago, and had not seen it since.
statement is admissible as
As part of the defendant's case, Dr. Radell testi-
(A) a present sense impression.
fied that he had been consulted by Muni's attor-
ney prior to trial. He stated that at his request the (B) an excited utterance.
X-ray taken by Dr. Treet had been sent to him by
(C) a statement of present physical condition.
Percy's attorney, and that he had studied it care-
fully. He stated that it was his opinion that the X- (D) an identification.
ray did not disclose a fracture of the collarbone.
If the X-ray is neither produced in court nor
12. At the trial of Darien for receiving stolen prop-
shown to be unavailable, on appropriate motions
erty, the prosecution called Wescott to the witness
by counsel, which of the following statements is
stand. Wescott testified that in a conversation
most correct?
which he had with Darien in jail shortly after
Darien's arrest, Darien admitted that he knew that
(A) The testimony of Dr. Treet should be admit-
the car which he had been driving was stolen.
ted, but the testimony of Dr. Radell should
Which of the following facts or inferences would
be excluded.
best support Darien's motion to exclude
(B) The testimony of Dr. Radell should be Wescott's testimony?
admitted, but the testimony of Dr. Treet
should be excluded. (A) At the time of their conversation, Wescott
told Darien that he was an attorney.
(C) The testimony of Drs. Treet and Radell
should be admitted. (B) At the time of their conversation, Darien
reasonably believed that Wescott was
(D) The testimony of Drs. Treet and Radell
employed as an investigator for Darien's
should be excluded.
(C) Wescott had offered to recommend an attor-
11. Welch was the mother of a four-year-old girl
ney to Darien, and had asked Darien to tell
named Child. One day, because Welch had an
him the facts of the case.

(D) Wescott had been charged with a crime, and nal injuries, Robinson's attorney asked her
on the day of Darien's trial had negotiated whether, in her opinion, it was possible for a per-
a favorable plea-bargain in return for his son to sustain a herniation of the spinal braggis in
testimony. a fall down a flight of steps. Dr. Tue stated that in
her opinion it was not possible to sustain such an
injury in that way. On cross-examination,
Questions 13-14 are based on the following fact situa- Packer's attorney asked Dr. Tue whether she had
tion. ever examined or treated Packer. Dr. Tue
answered, "I have never even met Ms. Packer."
Packer was injured when she fell down a flight of steps Packer's attorney then moved to strike the testi-
at the Robinson Bartending School. She subsequently mony which Dr. Tue had given on direct exami-
sued Robinson for damages, asserting that the accident nation. The motion should be
resulted from Robinson's negligence in allowing parts
of the stairway to become loose. At the trial, Dr. Won (A) granted, since Dr. Tue's opinion is not based
testified that he had examined and treated Packer fol- on matters within her personal knowledge.
lowing the accident. On direct examination he stated
that, in his opinion, Packer had sustained a herniated (B) granted, since Dr. Tue's opinion is based on
spinal braggis as a result of her fall. He also stated that matters not in evidence.
in making the diagnosis he did not take a spinal braggi- (C) denied, since Dr. Tue was testifying in
gram, because he regarded it as a dangerous procedure. response to a hypothetical question.
(D) denied, since an expert's testimony may be
13. On cross-examination, Robinson's attorney asked based on observations made in the court-
Dr. Won whether he had ever read the work of a room.
specialist in spinal injuries named Dr. Martha
Tue. Dr. Won replied that he had heard of Dr.
Tue, but that he had never read any of her work. 15. At the trial of People v. Morgan, Wellesley, testi-
Robinson's attorney then opened a book by Dr. fying on behalf of the prosecution, stated that he
Tue entitled Injuries of the Spine, and said, "In saw Morgan shoot the victim three times in the
this book, Dr. Tue says that it is impossible to back. During the defendant's case, Morgan's
diagnose herniation of the spinal braggis without attorney offered two properly authenticated judg-
taking a braggigram. How do you justify your ments of conviction. One showed that Wellesley
diagnosis in view of that statement?" If Packer's had been convicted two years ago of attempted
attorney objected to the question, the court should murder, which was a felony. The other showed
that Wellesley had been convicted one year ago
(A) sustain the objection, since Dr. Tue has not of knowingly making false statements in an
testified in the proceeding. application for a business license, which was a
misdemeanor. Over objection by the prosecution,
(B) sustain the objection, since no proper foun- the court should admit the judgment(s) of convic-
dation has been laid. tion of
(C) overrule the objection, since an expert may
be cross-examined regarding the works of (A) attempted murder only.
other experts in the field. (B) knowingly making false statements in an
(D) overrule the objection, since Dr. Won admit- application for a business license only.
ted having heard of Dr. Tue. (C) both crimes.
(D) neither crime.
14. On the defendant's case, Robinson's attorney
called Dr. Martha Tue to the stand. After estab-
lishing that she was an expert in the field of spi- 16. Specker, an inspector employed by the State
Aeronautics Bureau, was assigned to investigate

the crash of a Jetco Airlines flight. During the (A) sustained, unless independent evidence
course of his investigation, Specker questioned establishes that Fritz was the person to
Renich, a Jetco mechanic who had worked on the whom Valens was speaking.
plane just before it took off on its last flight.
(B) sustained, since Valens did not actually see
Renich said that while going over the plane, he
the person to whom he was speaking.
had discovered some dangerous cracks in its
engine parts, but that when he called them to the (C) sustained, since the statement is hearsay.
attention of his supervisor, he was told to forget (D) overruled.
them. He stated also that after the crash, he was
fired as part of a cover-up. Specker included a
verbatim transcript of Renich's statement in the 18. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
report which he filed as required by Bureau pro- Valens stated that the man on the phone spoke
cedure. In an action brought against Jetco under with a heavy German accent like Fritz's. If Fritz's
the state's wrongful death statute by the surviving attorney makes a proper objection to this testi-
spouse of a passenger who died in the crash, the mony, the testimony should be
plaintiff offered Specker's written report into evi-
dence. Upon objection by Jetco, the portion of the (A) admitted, if Valens testifies that he recog-
report containing the transcript of Renich's state- nized the voice as that of Fritz.
ment should be (B) admitted, only if Valens qualifies as an
expert on voice identification.
(A) admitted, if Specker is dead or legally
unavailable. (C) excluded, unless Valens can establish that
Fritz was the only person in the household
(B) admitted, if Renich is dead or legally called who speaks with a German accent.
(D) excluded, since the probative value of such
(C) admitted, as a vicarious admission by Jetco. evidenced is outweighed by its prejudicial
(D) excluded, since it is hearsay. effect.

Questions 17-18 are based on the following fact situa- 19. A statute provides that the owner of a motor vehi-
tion. cle is vicariously liable for the negligence of any
person driving with said owner's permission. In
Fritz, a house painter, was charged with stealing three an action for personal injuries brought by Pru-
valuable figurines from the home of Valens while dence against Olivia, Prudence alleges that she
painting the interior of that home. was injured as a result of the negligent driving of
Martha, who was operating Olivia's car with
Olivia's permission at the time of the accident.
17. At Fritz's trial, Valens testified that he first Olivia denies ownership of the vehicle in ques-
noticed that the figurines were missing about an tion. Over the objection of Olivia's attorney, Pru-
hour after Fritz left his home. He stated that he dence offers into evidence an insurance policy
looked Fritz's number up in the telephone book issued by the Grail Mutual Insurance Company.
and properly dialed the number listed therein. The policy is authenticated by the testimony of an
Over objection by Fritz's attorney, Valens stated officer of Grail who states that the policy was
that a man answered the phone by saying, "Fritz purchased by and issued to Olivia, and that on the
speaking." Valens stated that he then said, "Fritz, day of the accident the policy was in force on the
where are the figurines?" and that the person at vehicle in question. The policy and authenticating
the other end of the line said, "I'm sorry. I took testimony should be
them." The objection by Fritz's attorney should
be (A) admitted, since it tends to establish that
Olivia was the owner of the vehicle at the

time of the accident.

(B) admitted, since it is relevant to Olivia's abil- 21. Onder testified that as he was getting out of his
ity to pay a judgment rendered against her. cruiser, he heard an unidentified person in the
(C) excluded, because policy prohibits the intro- crowd shout, ''A tall man pushed him off the
roof." Brasi's objection to the statement should
duction of evidence that a party did or did
not have liability insurance on the day of be
an accident.
(A) overruled, since it does not establish with
(D) excluded, because it has no probative value certainty that Brasi was the person referred
relative to the issues in the case. to in the declarant's statement.
(B) overruled, if the person making the state-
20. Bonnie and Clyde were charged with committing ment did so while in a state of excitement
an armed robbery which occurred on a.Saturday. resulting from what he had just observed.
Although they were being tried together, Bonnie
(C) sustained, since the identify of the person
and Clyde were represented by different attor-
making the statement is unknown.
neys. Both asserted that they were together at a
rock concert in another state on the day of the (D) sustained, unless there are no eyewitnesses
robbery. At the trial, Wellington testified on available to testify in court.
behalf of the defendants. On direct examination,
Bonnie's attorney asked Wellington about a con-
22. The prosecuting attorney asked Onder whether he
versation he had with Bonnie on the Thursday
interviewed any of the people in the crowd.
before the robbery. Wellington stated that during
Onder replied that he interviewed an eyewitness,
that conversation, Bonnie told him that she and
but that he no longer remembered her name or
Clyde were planning to leave for the rock concert
what she told him. He then said that he had accu-
together on Friday morning and would not be
rately recorded the contents of the eyewitness's
back in town until some time Monday. upon
statement in his notebook as she was making it
timely objection by the prosecution, the testi-
and that he had brought the notebook to court
mony of Wellington should be
with him. The prosecuting attorney asked Onder
to read the contents of the statement to the jury. If
(A) admitted, only in so far as it refers to Bon-
Brasi's attorney objected, the court should
(B) admitted, only in so far as it refers to Clyde. (A) sustain the objection, since the statement of
the eyewitness is hearsay, not within any
(C) admitted, in so far as it refers to both Bonnie
and Clyde. exception to the hearsay rule.
(B) overrule the objection, since the statement is
(D) excluded as hearsay.
a past recollection recorded.
(C) overrule the objection, since the statement is
part of the res gestae.
(D) overrule the objection, since the officer's
Questions 21-23 are based on the following fact situa- notebook is a business record.

Brasi was charged with murdering Laber, a prominent 23. The prosecuting attorney then asked Onder
union leader, by throwing him off the roof of an office whether he knew the defendant Brasi. Onder said
building. At Brasi's trial, the prosecution offered the that prior to the death of Laber he had arrested
testimony of Onder, a police officer who arrived at the Brasi three times for aggravated assault, and that
scene moments after Laber's death. Brasi had been convicted each time. The prosecu-

tor offered properly authenticated court records published without malice.

of the convictions. Upon timely objection by
(B) admitted as a declaration of Wright's state of
Brasi's attorney, the court should admit into evi-
(C) admitted as a self-serving declaration.
(A) Onder's testimony only.
(D) excluded as hearsay.
(B) the court records only.
(C) both Onder's testimony and the court 25. Tribune's attorney next offered the testimony of
records. Ed, an editor employed by Tribune. Ed testified
that it was his job to note retraction demands in
(D) neither Onder's testimony nor the court
an office file, and that as a matter of company
policy and practice all such demands were
promptly reported to him for that purpose and
Questions 24-26 are based on the following fact situa- promptly noted by him. He said that on the morn-
tion. ing of trial, he had searched the file for note of
any retraction demand made by Pastor, and found
Pastor was the spiritual leader of the First Drive-in none. If Tribune's attorney offers the file in evi-
Church of the Lord and conducted religious services in dence, Pastor's objection should be
a drive-in theater every Sunday morning, with mem-
bers of the congregation remaining in their cars during (A) sustained, since the absence of a notation
the entire service. Occasionally the services were tele- cannot be used as evidence that an event
vised. Pastor was a frequent guest on television talk: did not occur.
shows, where he was known as a witty and entertaining
(B) sustained, since the file is self-serving.
speaker. Pastor usually spoke about what he termed
"popular religion," entreating television viewers to "Go (C) overruled, if the file itself is admissible as a
to church for the fun of it!" which was the slogan of his business record.
congregation. Tribune, the publisher of a large daily (D) overruled, since Ed used the file to refresh
newspaper, printed an article by Wright, a journalist in his recollection.
its employ. The article accused Pastor of misusing
church funds. Pastor commenced a defamation action
against Tribune. In its answer, Tribune affirmatively 26. Tribune's attorney subsequently called Member,
pleaded that Pastor was a public figure, asserting a con- who said that she had belonged to Pastor's con-
stitutional privilege to print defamatory statements gregation for several years, was active in church
about him in the absence of malice. As a separate affairs, and knew most of the other members. She
defense, Tribune asserted Pastor's non-compliance then stated that long before the Tribune article
with a state law which limited damages for defamation appeared it had been rumored among church
unless a demand for retraction is made. members that Pastor was misusing church funds.
If Pastor's attorney objects, the court should

24. At the trial of the defamation action, Tribune's (A) sustain the objection, since rumor evidence
attorney called Tender, who worked in a bar near is hearsay not within any exception to the
the Tribune office. Tender stated that on the day hearsay rule.
after Wright's article appeared in the Tribune,
Wright told him, "When I wrote that piece on (B) sustain the objection, since character evi-
Pastor, I believed every word of it." On objection dence is not admissible in a civil proceed-
by Pastor's attorney, Tender's testimony should ing.
be (C) overrule the objection, since Pastor's reputa-
tion is in issue.
(A) admitted as evidence 'that the article was

(D) overrule the objection, only if Pastor testi- attorney objected. The objection should be
fied in his own behalf.
(A) sustained, unless Arrow qualifies as an
expert on the speed of moving vehicles.
27. Doltum was an orderly employed by the hospital
in which Trolley died. Ad, the administrator of (B) sustained, since no proper foundation was
Trolley's estate, sued Doltum, seeking the return laid.
of a watch which he claimed that Doltum had (C) overruled, since a police officer is regarded
taken: from Trolley's hospital room after Trolley as an expert on the speeds of moving vehi-
died. At the trial, Doltum testified that about one cles.
week prior to Trolley's death, Trolley called him
into his room and handed him the watch, saying (D) overruled, since a lay person may express an
"Doltum, you've been kind to me. This is for opinion regarding the speed of a moving
you." If Ad objects to the testimony, the court vehicle.
29. Arrow then stated that she chased Dunk in her
(A) overrule the objection, since the statement is patrol car, apprehended him, and ordered him out
an admission. of his car. The prosecutor asked, "Did you notice
(B) overrule the objection under the applicable anything in particular about his breath at that
Dead Man's Act. time?" Arrow answered, "Yes, it smelled like
alcohol." Dunk's attorney objected to the ques-
(C) overrule the objection, since Trolley's state-
tion and moved to strike the answer. The motion
ment had a direct legal effect on Doltum's
should be
right to possess the watch.
(D) sustain the objection, since the statement is (A) granted, because the question was leading.
hearsay, not within any exception to the
(B) granted, since Arrow's answer was a conclu-
hearsay rule.
(C) granted, since Arrow's statement went to an
Questions 28-29 are based on the following fact situa- ultimate issue in the case.
(D) denied.
Following his arrest on New Year's Eve, Dunk was
charged with reckless driving and driving while under 30. Charged with forcible rape, Derby relied on a
the influence of intoxicating liquor. Arrow, the arrest- defense of alibi. At the trial, Vonda testified that
ing officer, testified at Dunk's trial on those charges. Derby was the man who accosted her on the
street, dragged her into the basement of an apart-
28. Arrow stated that she was a highway patrol ment building, and forced her to submit to sexual
officer, that she was familiar with the stretch of intercourse. During the case, Derby's attorney
state highway on which Dunk was arrested, and offered the testimony of Mary, who stated that
that she had extensive experience observing and she was familiar with Vonda's reputation in the
estimating the speed of moving vehicles. She said community and that Vonda was thought of as a
that she was in her patrol car observing traffic prostitute. Derby's attorney also offered into evi-
from behind some bushes when she saw Dunk dence a certified court record indicating that
drive by at what appeared to be an excessive rate Vonda had been convicted of prostitution, a mis-
of speed. When asked by the prosecuting attorney demeanor, two months prior to the alleged rape.
whether she formed an opinion of Dunk's speed
at that time, she replied that she had. When the Upon proper objection by the prosecution, which
prosecutor asked her to state that opinion, Dunk's of the following should the court admit?

(A) Mary's testimony only. 32. Vidco offered the testimony of Schipper, who
stated that he was Vidco's shipping manager and
(B) The court record only.
in charge of filling orders for blank videotapes
(C) Mary's testimony and the court record. received by Vidco. Schipper testified that Telink
(D) Neither Mary's testimony nor the court had not ordered any videotapes from Vidco for a
record. period of six months prior to the January 15
order. He stated further that until four months
ago, Vidco had packaged its product in plastic
Questions 31-32 are based on the following fact situa- cases, but that the rising cost of plastics had made
tion. it impractical to continue doing so. Over objec-
tion by Telink's attorney, Schipper stated that in
Telink was a small retail store which sold televisions, the past four months, it had shipped videotapes
video-cassette recorders, and blank videotapes. On Jan- packaged in paper boxes to twenty other custom-
uary 15, after receiving a brochure from Vidco adver- ers, and that none had rejected them. The objec-
tising a sale of blank video-tapes at an especially tion should have been
reduced price, Telink ordered two thousand blank vid-
eotapes from Vidco for resale. When the tapes were (A) overruled, since evidence of previous deal-
delivered, however, Telink's manager Layton refused ings is usually admissible for the purpose
to accept delivery, asserting that she had expected the of establishing the parties' state of mind at
tapes to be packaged in plastic cases, but that those the time the contract was formed.
delivered were packaged in paper boxes. Vidco sued
(B) overruled, since Telink opened the door by
Telink for breach of contract.
offering the testimony of Layton.
(C) sustained, unless the twenty customers to
31. At the trial of Video v. Telink, Layton testified that which Schipper referred were of the same
it is easier to sell videotapes when they are pack- general size and class as Telink.
aged in plastic cases. She attempted to testify fur-
ther that she had ordered blank videotapes from (D) sustained, since such transactions are not
Vidco on three previous occasions, and that the relevant to the agreement between Vidco
tapes received in response to each order had been and Telink.
packaged in plastic cases. If Vidco's attorney
objects to this testimony, which of the following 33. A statute provides that "No person shall operate a
would be Vidco's most effective argument in sup- motor vehicle on the public roads of this state
port of the objection? who is not covered by a policy of automobile lia-
bility insurance with a limit of no less than fifteen
(A) Evidence of past conduct is not admissible thousand dollars. Any person in violation of this
for the purpose of establishing a party's section shall be guilty of a felony." Following an
conduct on any particular occasion. automobile accident in which a vehicle driven by
(B) The order was in writing, and made no men- Dirkson collided with a vehicle driven by Peter-
tion of the way in which the products were son, Dirkson was charged with operating an unin-
to be packaged. sured vehicle in violation of the statute. After
trial, Dirkson was found guilty of violating the
(C) The videotapes were being sold at an espe-
section, and sentenced to a term of imprisonment.
cially reduced price to permit resale at a
Subsequently Dirkson died, and Peterson com-
lower price.
menced an action against Dirkson's estate for
(D) Videotapes are commonly packaged in paper personal injuries sustained in the collision. In
boxes like those in which the blank video- selecting the jury, Peterson's attorney asked each
tapes had been delivered to Telink. of the prospective jurors whether he or she owned
stock in any automobile liability insurance car-
rier. During the trial of the action, Dirkson's

attorney offered into evidence a judgment of Questions 35-36 are based on the following fact situa-
Dirkson's conviction for driving an uninsured tion.
vehicle. Upon objection by Peterson's attorney,
the judgment should be After his vehicle collided with Pringle's on March 1,
Dicton retained Addie, an attorney, to represent him in
(A) admitted, since Peterson's attorney has any possible litigation which might develop. Addie
falsely suggested that Dirkson was insured hired Vesto, a private investigator, to interview Pringle
at the time of the accident. regarding the facts of the accident. On March 5, Vesto
followed Pringle into a bar, sat next to him, and
(B) excluded, since evidence that a party is or is
engaged him in conversation. During the conversation,
not covered by liability insurance is inad-
Pringle described the accident which he had with Dic-
missible to establish fault or freedom from
ton, and said, "Just between you and me, I drank a six-
pack of beer just before the accident happened. It's a
(C) excluded, since it is self-serving. good thing nobody smelled my breath." Eventually
(D) excluded, since it is hearsay, not within any Pringle commenced a personal injury action against
exception to the hearsay rule. Dicton. At the trial of the action, Pringle testified on
direct examination that he had been driving at a slow
rate of speed when Dicton's vehicle suddenly pulled
34. During the trial of a personal injury claim arising out of a driveway into his path.
from an automobile accident, the defendant
offered a videotape into evidence after properly
marking it for identification and testifying that it 35. On cross-examination, Dicton's attorney asked
was an accurate representation of the accident Pringle whether he had drunk alcohol during the
scene. On voir dire examination by the plaintiff's hour prior to the accident. Pringle answered that
attorney, the defendant stated that he hired Vido he had not. Dicton's attorney then asked, "Didn't
to make a videotape of the place where the acci- you tell an investigator from my office that you
dent occurred and that the tape which had been had consumed an entire six-pack of beer just
offered in evidence was a copy of the tape made before the accident?" If Pringle's attorney objects
by Vido. He stated further that after Vido gave the to the question, the court should
copy to him, he mislaid it for several months, and
that his wife found it only a few days before the (A) sustain the objection, since Pringle's prior
trial. When asked about the location of the origi- statement was not made under oath.
nal videotape, the defendant said that he did not (B) sustain the objection, since it was unethical
know where it was or even whether it still for Dicton's attorney to make contact with
existed. Pringle through an investigator.
(C) sustain the objection, since the statement is
Upon objection by the plaintiff's attorney, the
hearsay not within any exception to the
court should rule that the videotape copy is
hearsay rule.
(A) inadmissible, because the original videotape (D) overrule the objection.
has not been shown to be unavailable.
(B) inadmissible, because there is a period of 36. During presentation of the defendant's case, Dic-
time during which custody of the video- ton's attorney called Vesto to the stand. Over
tape cannot be established. objection by Pringle's attorney, Vesto described
(C) admissible. the conversation which he had with Pringle in the
bar on March 5, and stated that Pringle told him
(D) inadmissible, because Vido has not authenti- that he had consumed a six-pack of beer just prior
cated it. to the accident. Vesto's testimony was

(A) admissible for impeachment purposes only. unrelated to his duties as an employee of
(B) admissible as substantive evidence only. Sellco.

(C) admissible for impeachment purposes and as

(B) Manny's conviction was subsequently
substantive evidence. reversed on the ground that the evidence
used against him was obtained in violation
(D) inadmissible. of the Fourth Amendment to the United
States Constitution.
Questions 37-38 are based on the following fact situa- (C) The crime of which Manny was convicted
tion. was a misdemeanor.
(D) The crime of which Manny was convicted
In an action by Sellco against Buyco for breach of con-
was a malum prohibitum felony.
tract, Sellco's manager Manny testified that after
Buyco refused to accept delivery of merchandise as
agreed, he personally arranged for the resale of the 39. Plant was a student at the Drysdale Academy, a
goods at a price which was three thousand dollars less private high school. One day, while leaving the
than that which Buyco had agreed to pay. school building in the rain, Plant slipped on the
wooden steps which led from the school to the
street. He immediately experienced pain in his
37. On cross-examination, Buyco's attorney asked,
elbow, but got up and went home. Later, the pain
"Didn't you once plead guilty to violating Penal
became so severe that he went to see a doctor
Code section 22.9(a)?" Which of the following
who X-rayed the elbow and told him that it was
additional facts or inferences, if it were the only
fractured. Eventually, Plant commenced an action
one true, would most effectively support Sellco's
for negligence against Drysdale, claiming that the
objection to the question?
paint which had been used on the wooden steps
became extremely slippery when wet with rain,
(A) Manny's plea of guilty was the result of a
and that Drysdale was negligent in using it.
plea bargain after he had originally been
charged with a more serious crime.
At the trial, Plant subpoenaed Manny, the
(B) Manny subsequently withdrew the guilty school's maintenance manager. Manny testified
plea. that he stripped the old paint from the wooden
steps the day after Plant's accident, and repainted
(C) Penal Code section 22.9(a) prohibits operat-
the steps with a paint which did not become slip-
ing an automobile without proper liability
pery when wet with rain. Upon objection by
insurance coverage.
Drysdale's attorney, Manny's testimony should
(D) Manny was not in the employ of Sellco at be
the time of his guilty plea.
(A) admitted, since it is an admission.
38. Assume for the purpose of this question only that (B) admitted, if the steps were stripped and
the court overruled the objection, and that Manny repainted before Drysdale learned about
denied ever pleading guilty to the code section. Plant's accident.
Buyco's attorney subsequently offered a tran-
(C) excluded, if it is offered for the purpose of
script of Manny's conviction for violating the
proving that the steps were in a dangerous
code section. If only one of the following facts or
condition at the time of the accident.
inferences were true, which would most effec-
tively support Sellco's objection to its admission (D)' excluded, since evidence of subsequent
into evidence? repair is not admissible in an action for
(A) Manny's violation of the code section is

Questions 40-41 are based on the following fact situa- the time of the accident.
(C) excluded, since Currier is not available for
cross-examination regarding his guilt or
Postum was crossing the street on foot when she was
innocence of the charge of reckless driv-
struck by a delivery van driven by Currier, a Daxco
employee in the process of making a delivery. Follow-
ing the accident, Currier was charged with reckless (D) excluded, since it is not relevant to the issues
driving and pleaded not-guilty. At the trial on the on trial.
charge of reckless driving, Currier testified in his own
defense. He stated that at the time of the accident, he
Questions 42-43 are based on the following fact situa-
had taken his eyes off the road to look for the address
of the place to which he had to make his delivery, and
that as a result he didn't see Postum crossing the street.
Alicia and Benton, both attorneys, had been dating for
several months. Benton was driving Alicia home from
40. Posturn subsequently brought an action against a party which they had attended together, when his car
Daxco under the theory of respondeat superior collided with a car operated by Pentel. Police who
for personal injuries resulting from Currier's neg- arrived at the scene of the accident moments later
ligence. At the trial of Postum v. Daxco, Posturn arrested Benton and charged him with driving while
proved that Currier remained in Daxco's employ intoxicated. Alicia immediately advised the arresting
until Currier died from causes not related to the officers that she was Benton's attorney, accompanied
accident. Postum then offered a transcript of Cur- them to the police station, and arranged for Benton's
rier's testimony at the reckless driving trial. Upon bail. Benton was eventually tried and acquitted, with
objection by Daxco's attorney, the transcript Alicia representing him at the trial. Several months
should be after the trial, Pentel instituted an action against Benton
for personal injuries resulting from the accident. Ben-
(A) admitted, under the prior testimony excep- ton retained a different attorney to defend him in the
tion to the hearsay rule. civil action.
(B) admitted, under the past recollection
recorded exception to the hearsay rule. 42. At the trial of Pentel v. Benton, Pentel's attorney
(C) admitted as a vicarious admission, under the called Alicia as a witness. After Alicia testified
public record exception to the hearsay rule. that she had been in the car with Benton at the
time of the accident, Pente!'s attorney asked her
(D) excluded as hearsay, not within anyexcep- whether Benton appeared to be intoxicated
tion to the hearsay rule. immediately following the accident. Benton's
attorney objected on the ground of attorney-client
41. Assume for the purpose of this question only that privilege. The objection should be
the court refused to admit the transcript of Cur-
rier's testimony. Upon presentation of Daxco's (A) sustained, since Alicia defended Benton
case, Daxco's attorney offered into evidence a against the charge of driving while intoxi-
properly certified transcript of a court record cated.
indicating that Currier had been acquitted after (B) sustained, unless Alicia qualifies as an
trial on the charge of reckless driving. Upon expert on intoxication.
objection by Postum's attorney, the transcript
(C) overruled, unless Alicia objects and asserts
should be
the privilege.
(A) admitted as an official record. (D) overruled, since the question does not
require Alicia to testify to a confidential
(B) admitted, to raise a conclusive presumption
that Currier was not driving recklessly at

43. Assume for the purpose of this question only that Questions 45-46 are based on the following fact situa-
Alicia and Benton married after the criminal trial, tion.
but divorced before the civil trial. If Pentel's
attorney asked her to state how much alcohol she Dally, a police officer who had recently joined the
had observed Benton consume at the party, Ben- police department, was charged with the murder of his
ton's objection should be wife under a statute which defined the crime as "the
unlawful killing of a human being with the intent to
(A) sustained, since Alicia's testimony would bring about the death of said human being." At the
involve a confidential marital communica- trial, the prosecution claimed that while on a visit to the
tion. country, Dally's wife was walking across a meadow
(B) sustained, under the spousal privilege. when Dally shot her from three-quarters of a mile away
with a Firetag 401 rifle equipped with a telescopic
(C) sustained, since a rule of policy prevents the sight. Dally admitted firing the rifle, but maintained
testimony of a former spouse from being that his wife's death was an accident. On the presenta-
used against a party. tion of Dally's case, his attorney called Gunn, a fire-
(D) overruled. arms expert, who testified that the Firetag 401 was not
reliably accurate at any distance in excess of one-half
44. Vason was found dead in his garage, hanging by
the neck from a rope tied to a roof beam. His
widow Alma brought an action against Vason's 45. On direct examination, Dally's attorney showed
psychiatrist Si under the state's wrongful death Gunn a treatise entitled Rating the Weapons, and
statute. In her complaint, Alma alleged that Si asked him whether he had ever heard of it. Gunn
was negligent in his treatment of Vason, whom he said that he had, that the treatise was a recognized
knew or should have known to be suicidal. In his authority in the field of firearms and ballistics,
answer, Si denied that he knew Vason to be sui- and that he used it in forming his own opinion
cidal, denied that he had treated him negligently, regarding the capabilities of the Firetag 401. Over
and denied that Vason's death was a suicide. At objection by the prosecutor, Dally's attorney read
the trial of the wrongful death action, Nina, a Gunn a passage of the treatise which stated that
nurse employed by Si, testified that the day the accurate range of the Firetag 401 was one-
before Vason's death, she heard Vason say to Si, half mile, and asked whether Gunn agreed with
"I think suicide is the only way out." Upon objec- that statement. When Gunn said that he did,
tion by Si's counsel, which of the following state- Dally's attorney offered the treatise in evidence.
ments is most correct? The trial court will most likely

I. The statement should be admitted for the (A) sustain the objection, since direct examina-
purpose of establishing that Vason's death tion of an expert regarding the materials
was a suicide. which he used in forming his opinion is not
II. The statement should be admitted for the permitted.
purpose of establishing that Si knew or
should have known that Vason was sui- (B) sustain the objection, since although the
cidal. questioning was proper, the treatise itself is
not admissible in evidence.
(A) I only. (C) overrule the objection, since Gunn's testi-
(B) II only. mony that the treatise was a reliable
authority laid a proper foundation for
(C) Both I and II. admission of the treatise in evidence.
(D) Neither I nor II. (D) overrule the objection, since Gunn's testi-

mony that he relied on the treatise in form- thousand dollars from someone who
ing his opinion laid a proper foundation for wanted to purchase the motorcycle.
admission of the treatise in evidence.
(C) The testimony of a used motorcycle dealer
who had never seen Angel's motorcycle,
46. In rebuttal, the prosecutor called Rookie, a police but who, after examining a photograph of
officer who joined the police force at the same it, stated that motorcycles like it were reg-
time as Dally. Rookie testifiedthat he and Dally ularly bought and sold for prices ranging
had attended firearms classes together at the from three thousand five hundred to four
police academy, and that Dally had been with him thousand two hundred dollars.
in a fireanns class when their instructor said that (D) The testimony of an amateur motorcycle
the Firetag 401 rifle was capable of remarkable collector, who had bought and sold many
accuracy at distances of up to two miles if fired motorcycles like Angel's, that two days
by a good marksman. On objection by Dally's before the accident he had looked at
attorney the testimony of Rookie should be Angel's motorcycle because he was inter-
ested in buying it, and that in his opinion
(A) admitted, only for the purpose of proving the motorcycle had been worth four thou-
that Dally believed the rifle to be accurate sand dollars.
at the distance involved.
(B) admitted, only for the purpose of proving
48. At the trial of the case of Stanley v. Gardiner,
that the rifle was accurate at the distance
which of the following is LEAST likely to be
admitted into evidence for the purpose of deter-
(C) admitted for the purpose of proving that mining whether a certain letter was written by
Dally believed the rifle to be accurate at Gardiner?
the distance involved, and for the purpose
of proving that it was accurate at that dis- (A) A sample of Gardiner's signature, together
tance. with the testimony of a handwriting expert
that the letter was signed by the same per-
(D) excluded as hearsay.
son who created the sample.
(B) A sample of Gardiner's signature submitted
47. Angel was insured by Innco Insurance Company
to the jury together with the letter in ques-
under a policy which required Innco to pay the
total value of any damage to Angel's motorcycle
resulting from collision. Mter Angel's motorcy- (C) The testimony of a layperson who stated that
cle was totally destroyed in a highway accident, he saw Gardiner sign the letter in question.
Angel submitted a claim to Innco as required by (D) Testimony that the letterhead on the letter in
the terms of her policy. Innco offered only two question was Gardiner's.
thousand dollars, although Angel claimed that the
motorcycle was worth twice that amount. Angel
subsequently instituted an action against Innco Questions 49-50 are based on the following fact situa-
for benefits under the policy. At the trial of tion.
Angel's action against Innco, which of the fol-
lowing is LEAST likely to be admitted as evi- Lanham was the owner of a three-story professional
dence of the motorcycle's value? building. The entire second floor of Lanham's building
was rented to Dr. View, an optometrist. Persons visiting
(A) Angel's testimony that it was worth four the office of Dr. View either rode in an elevator located
thousand dollars. inside the building or climbed a stairway which was
fastened to the outside of the building and which led
(B) Angel's testimony that two days before the
from the street level to the second floor only. Priller
accident she had received an offer of four

was a patient of Dr. View's. One day upon leaving Dr. occurred in the past is not relevant to the
View's office and descending the stairway on the out- issues on trial.
side of the building, Priller fell, sustaining serious inju-
(B) Yes, unless there is evidence that Walker
ries. She commenced an action against Lanham,
would have heard of such accidents had
alleging that the stairway was dangerous in that it was
they occurred.
too steep, it lacked a handrail, and the stair treads were
too narrow. Lanham denied that the stairway was dan- (C) No, if Lanham raised a defense of contribu-
gerous. In addition, as an affirmative defense, he tory negligence.
denied control over the stairway, asserting that it had (D) No, since Walker was called as Priller's wit-
been leased to Dr. View as part of the second-floor ness.

51. Alex and Bailey, who were employed as clerks in

49. At the trial, Priller called Walker, who had been the law office of Counsel, disliked each other
employed by Lanham as building manager at the intensely. On February 6, they argued bitterly,
time of the accident, but who was presently almost coming to blows. Later, Alex went to the
unemployed. Walker testified that two days after company parking lot and discovered that the tires
the accident Lanham instructed him to install a and canvas top on his car had been slashed with a
handrail on the stairway, and to post a sign which knife. Angrily, he returned to the office and
read, "CAUTION: Steep and narrow stairway!" accused Bailey of the vandalism in the presence
Lanham's attorney objected to the testimony and of Counsel, saying "I dare you to deny it, Bailey."
moved that it be stricken. Which of the following Alex subsequently instituted a tort action against
would be Priller's most effective argument in Bailey for damage to his auto. At the trial, Coun-
response to the objection and in opposition to the sel testified on behalf of Alex. After describing
motion to strike? the events which took place in his office on Feb-
ruary 6, he stated that when Alex dared Bailey to
(A) Walker is no longer in Lanham's employ. deny damaging his car, Bailey said nothing.
(B) The testimony is relevant to establish that Counsel stated that he, Counsel, then said,
the stairway was dangerous. "Bailey, if I thought you did this, I'd have to fire
you. Now did you?" and that Bailey still said
(C) The testimony is relevant to establish that
nothing. Counsel testified further that he gave
Lanham was aware that the stairway was
Bailey another opportunity to deny Alex's accu-
sation, and that after Bailey refused once again to
(D) The testimony is relevant to establish that answer, Counsel fired him. If Bailey's attorney
Lanham was in control of the stairway. objected to the testimony, the court should

(A) overrule the objection, if the reasonable per-

50. On cross-examination by Lanham's attorney,
son in Bailey's situation would have
Walker testified that he had been employed by
denied slashing the tires and canvas top.
Lanham as building manager for a period of three
years prior to the accident. He stated that the con- (B) overrule the objection, since Bailey is a
dition of the stairway was substantially the same party to the action and will have an oppor-
during that period as it was on the day of Priller's tunity to deny making the statement.
accident, and that although many people used the (C) sustain the objection, since silence cannot be
stairway every day, Walker had never before used as an admission or form the basis for
heard of anyone falling while using it. Priller's civil liability.
attorney objected to this testimony. Should the
court sustain Priller's objection? (D) sustain the objection, since answering Coun-
sel's question might have tended to incrim-
(A) Yes, since evidence that no accident had inate Bailey.

52. In an action by Pillow Products against Daphne, (C) admitted as a self-inculpating statement
Pillow alleged that it had entered into a written exculpating another.
contract with Daphne for the purchase of satin (D) excluded as hearsay.
material which Pillow intended to use in manu-
facturing its products, and that Daphne failed to
deliver the material as promised. At the trial, 54. Suspecting that some students at State College
Legg testified that he worked in the Pillow Prod- were trafficking in illegal drugs, the college chan-
ucts legal department, and that he had negotiated cellor requested assistance from the state police
the contract in question. He stated further that, in apprehending the traffickers. In response to the
although the original and all copies of the con- request, Mark, an undercover police officer, reg-
tract had been destroyed in an office fire, he knew istered at State College as a student. While
the substance of its contents. When Pillow's attending classes, Mark became friendly with
attorney began to question Legg about the con- Drummond, who was rumored to be involved in
tents of the contract, Daphne objected. The trial the illicit drug traffic. One day, while chatting
court should with Drummond, Mark said, "Hey, Drummond,
how about selling me some heroin?" Drummond
(A) sustain the objection, since Legg's testimony responded by saying, "I don't know what you're
would violate the parol evidence rule. talking about." But Mark said, "Come on, every-
body knows about it. And I really need the stuff."
(B) sustain the objection, since Legg's testimony
Drummond again denied knowing anything about
would violate the best evidence rule.
drugs, but Mark insisted, displaying a fifty dollar
(C) overrule the objection, since the absence of bill. "I'm really strung out," Mark said. "I'll give
the original document has been explained. you fifty for twenty-five dollars' worth. Come
on. How about it?" At this, Drummond handed
(D) overrule the objection, since the Statute of
Mark a packet of heroin and took the fifty dollar
Frauds is satisfied by the fact that a written
bill. Drummond was subsequently arrested and
memorandum of agreement was made.
charged with the unauthorized sale of a danger-
ous drug. At his trial, he asserted the defense of
53. At the trial of Draper on a charge of criminal entrapment. The prosecution offered the testi-
homicide, the prosecution alleged that Draper, mony of several other students who stated that on
Wellum, Robins, and Victor had been quarreling various occasions in the past they had purchased
in the cabin of Victor's boat, and that Draper had heroin from Drummond. Drummond's attorney
stabbed Victor to death in a battle which ensued. objected to the introduction of the testimony of
Draper asserted that Robins stabbed Victor and the students. The objection should have been
Draper, and then shot Wellum and himself. The
prosecution offered the testimony of a sheriff's (A) sustained, since character evidence is not
deputy, who stated that he had boarded the drift- admissible against a defendant in a crimi-
ing boat after it smashed against a rock. He said nal proceeding.
that after ascertaining that Robins and Victor
(B) sustained, since proof of unconvicted bad
were dead, and that Draper's wounds were not
acts is not admissible for the purpose of
serious, he attempted to attend to Wellum. He tes-
establishing a person's character.
tified that Wellum stared at him and said, "Don't
bother. It's too late. I shot Robins, and now I'm (C) overruled, since such evidence would tend
dying," and that Wellum then died. If Draper to prove that Drummond was predisposed
objects to this testimony, it should be to commit the crime with which he has
been charged.
(A) admitted as Wellum's dying declaration. (D) overruled, since evidence of past conduct is
(B) admitted as a declaration against Wellum's relevant to establish that a defendant

engaged in criminal behavior on a particu- mance" in violation of a state law.

lar occasion.
56. At the trial of People v. Schauer, the prosecution
55. Pleasance slipped on a wet spot on the floor of called Proffer to the stand. Proffer testified that
the produce department in Key Supermarket. He she was a professor of film arts and the author of
commenced an action for damages two years and several books on the art of erotic filmmaking.
... eleven months later, just before the three year She said that although she believed the erotic film
statute of limitations would have run. In her to be a valid art form, she found "Nude Awaken-
opening statement at the trial of the action, Key's ing" to be devoid of any literary or artistic merit.
attorney said that it was her client's contention She stated further that in her opinion, it was
that the delay in instituting action indicated that obscene. In objecting to this testimony, which of
Pleasance had not sustained any real injury, and the following would be Schauer's most effective
that the damage claimed by Pleasance was fabri- argument?
(A) Proffer's opinion relates to an ultimate issue
Pleasance testified in his own behalf. During in the prosecution.
cross- examination, Key's attorney asked him
(B) Proffer's opinion is stated in legal terms.
when he consulted for the first time with an attor-
ney regarding the accident. Pleasance answered, (C) Proffer does not qualify as an expert.
"Not until a few months ago, because a man from (D) Since the matter at issue is a subjective one,
Key offered to settle for three thousand dollars, expert testimony is inadmissible.
and I was trying to get a better offer."

If Key's attorney moved to strike that part of the 57. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
answer which referred to settlement negotiations, without offering the film itself in evidence, the
the motion to strike should be prosecution offered the testimony of Sanders,
who stated that he viewed "Nude Awakening" at
(A) denied, since evidence of the settlement the prosecutor's request. The prosecutor asked
negotiations is admissible to explain the Sanders to describe the subject matter of the film
plaintiff's delay in instituting the action. and to summarize the content of scenes depicting
explicit sexual conduct. If Schauer's attorney
(B) denied, since the settlement offer is relevant
objected, the court would most likely
to establish that Key believed itself to be at
(A) admit the testimony, since it is relevant to
(C) granted, since a rule of policy prevents evi- contemporary community standards.
dence of settlement negotiations from
(B) admit the testimony, only to the extent that
being admitted.
Sander's descriptions are factual rather
(D) granted, since that portion of the answer was than statements of his opinions.
not responsive to the question asked.
(C) exclude the testimony, unless the court
determines independently that it would be
Questions 56-58 are based on the following fact situa- scandalous to display the film to a jury.
tion. (D) exclude the testimony, if the film is not
shown to be unavailable.
Executing a valid warrant, police raided the Cinem-
adult Theater, lawfully arresting Schauer, its proprietor,
and lawfully seizing a copy of "Nude Awakening," the 58. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
film he was showing. Schauer was subsequently the prosecution offered the film of "Nude Awak-
charged with "conducting an obscene film perfor- ening" in evidence. Which of the following state-

ments is most correct about whether or not the sold an ounce of cocaine to an unidentified per-
film should be admitted? son. Damon's attorney was given an opportunity
to cross-examine Wolfe, but did not do so. A jury
found Damon not guilty. Subsequently, Damon's
I. The court may prevent the showing of the
film if it determines that its probative value employer fired him. Damon asserted a tort claim
would be outweighed by its prejudicial against his employer for wrongful termination. At
effect. the trial of Damon's claim, the attorney for his
former employer offered into evidence atran~
II. The court must view the film in camera for script of the testimony which Wolfe gave at the
the purpose of determining whether it is
criminal trial.
suitable for viewing by the jury before
allowing it to be shown to the jury.
If Damon's attorney objects, the court should
(A) I only. hold that the transcript is

(B) II only. (A) admissible as prior testimony.

(C) I and II. (B) admissible, but only if Wolfe is unavailable
(D) Neither I nor II. to testify at the trial.
(C) inadmissible, unless Wolfe testifies at the
59. After bonds which Pettigrew purchased from trial.
Danzig proved to be worthless, Pettigrew insti- (D) inadmissible, because Damon's attorney did
tuted an action against Danzig for breach of con- not cross examine Wolfe at the preliminary
tract and misrepresentation. At the trial, hearing.
Pettigrew's attorney subpoenaed West, Danzig's
chief bookkeeper. West appeared in court in
response to the subpoena, but refused to take the 61. Darnell, who was charged with armed robbery,
stand. The trial judge told West that unless he retained Ames as his attorney. In preparing the
took the stand, he would be held in contempt of defense of his client, Ames interviewed Willis.
court. West continued to refuse, asserting his Willis told Ames that he and Darnell had been
privilege against self-incrimination under the together at a baseball game at the time of the rob-
Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitu- bery. At Darnell's trial, Ames called Willis to the
tion. Should West be held in contempt? witness stand and asked if he had seen Darnell on
the day of the robbery. Willis said that he had not.
(A) Yes, since the privilege against self- incrimi- Ames subsequently called Sutcliffe, to testify that
nation applies only to testimony at crimi- he had seen Willis and Darnell together at the
nal proceedings. baseball stadium at the time of the robbery. The
trial judge should rule that Sutcliffe's testimony
(B) Yes, since West was not a party to the pro- is
(C) Yes, since the privilege against self- incrimi- (A) inadmissible, because Ames cannot impeach
nation does not justify a refusal to take the his own witness.
stand in a civil proceeding. (B) inadmissible, because Ames is bound by the
(D) No, if West reasonably believed that his tes- testimony of his own witness.
timony could tend to incriminate him. (C) admissible, because Willis is a hostile wit-
60. After Damon was arrested and charged with sell- (D) admissible, because Sutcliffe's testimony is
ing a dangerous drug, a trial was held at which relevant to material issues.
Wolfe testified that he was present when Damon

62. Rider, an investigative reporter for the Daily ing the summons, Thomas, the president and sole
Globe, wrote a series of articles exposing corrup- stockholder of Transport Inc., notified Lottie, the
tion in city government. In the articles, he said company attorney. Lottie said that she wanted to
that "a building permit can be obtained for just meet with Thomas and the driver of the truck. At
about anything in this town if bribes are given to Lottie's request, Thomas went to Lottie's office
the right city officials." As a result of the series, a with Darla, who had been driving the truck at the
grand jury began investigating the allegations of time of the accident. While discussing the case
corruption. When Rider was called to testify, with Lottie in the presence of Darla, Thomas said
however, he refused to divulge the sources of his that on the day before the accident he was aware
information, claiming reportorial privilege. Rider that the truck's brakes were not working properly,
was charged with contempt. While his prosecu- but that because of a heavy work load he post-
tion on that charge was pending, the grand jury poned making the necessary repairs.
continued with its investigation by causing the
city's mayor, Mayo, to be served with a sub- At the trial of Pelton's suit against Transport, Pel-
poena. When asked whether she knew of any city ton attempted to have Darla testify to the state-
official accepting bribes for the issuance of build- ment which Thomas made to Lottie about the
ing permits Mayo refused to answer, invoking her brakes. Transport's attorney objected on the
Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimi- ground of the attorney-client privilege.
nation. Mter being granted use immunity, how-
ever, she testified that Cooms, the city's building Should Darla be permitted to testify to Thomas's
commissioner, regularly accepted bribes for the statement?
issuance of permits, and that Cooms regularly
shared the bribe money with Mayo. After Mayo's (A) Yes, because the attorney-client privilege
testimony, both Mayo and Cooms were indicted does not apply to testimony by one who
by the grand jury on charges of bribery. Because does not stand in a confidential relation-
there was no other evidence against Mayo, prior ship with the person against whom the evi-
to the trial, the prosecutor agreed to accept a plea dence is offered.
to a lesser offense from Cooms if he would testify
(B) Yes, because it is presumed that a communi-
against Mayo. At Mayo's trial, if Mayo objects to
cation made in the presence of third per-
the testimony of Cooms, the objection should be
sons is not confidential.
(A) sustained, if the prosecutor had no evidence (C) Yes, because communications made by or on
against Cooms other than Mayo's testi- behalf of corporations are not privileged.
mony. (D) No.
(B) sustained, since a prosecutor may not bar-
gain away the rights of one co-defendant in
Questions 64-65 are based on the following fact situa-
a deal with another.
(C) overruled, because the proceeding was insti-
tuted as a result of the statements made in At the trial of People v. Hobbs, Munson testified that
the articles by Rider, not as a result of the on the day of the incident she looked up Hobbs's num-
testimony of Mayo at the grand jury hear- ber in the phone book and dialed it, and that a male
ing. voice answered, "Hobbs speaking." Munson stated fur-
(D) overruled, if the testimony of Cooms was ther that she then asked, "Are you the animal that
voluntary and not the result of coercion. exposed his privates to my daughter?" to which the
voice replied, "Yes, I couldn't help myself."

63. Pelton sued Transport Inc. for damage which 64. If Hobbs's attorney objects to Munson's testi-
resulted from a collision between Pelton's motor- mony regarding the identification of Hobbs's
cycle and one of Transport's trucks. After receiv- voice, the judge should rule this testimony

graph, except that on the day of the accident

(A) admissible, since the usual accuracy of the some of the trees on the street had small Christ-
telephone directory coupled with the self- mas ornaments on them. Upon objection, should
identification of the person who answered the photograph be admitted in evidence?
makes it likely that the person who
answered was Hobbs. (A) Yes, if the absence of Christmas tree orna-
ments did not prevent the photograph from
(B) admissible, since there is a presumption that
being a fair representation of the intersec-
a person who gratuitously identifies him-
tion at the time of the accident.
self when answering a telephone will do so
accurately. (B) Yes, but only ifthe photograph was taken
within a reasonable time following the
(C) inadmissible, unless Munson testifies that
she was familiar with Hobbs's voice, and
recognized it when speaking to him on the (C) No, unless the photographer who made the
phone. photograph testifies to its authenticity.
(D) inadmissible as a violation of Hobbs's privi- (D) No, not under any circumstances.
lege against self-incrimination.
67. Peterson was sitting in his car at a dead stop wait-
65. Assume for the purpose of this question only that ing for a traffic light to change color, when his
Munson testified further that she knew it was vehicle was struck in the rear by a car operated by
Hobbs on the phone because she had once chatted Dodge, rendering Peterson unconscious. Police
with him outside the grocery store and recog- were called to the accident scene and as a result
nized his voice. If Hobbs moves to strike this tes- of their investigation Dodge was charged with
timony, the motion should be "operating an unregistered vehicle," a misde-
meanor. The following day, Dodge pleaded guilty
(A) granted, since one conversation is not suffi- to the charge and was sentenced to five days in
cient to justify testimony as to voice identi- jail.
Peterson subsequently asserted a claim for dam-
(B) granted, since expert testimony is required
ages resulting from Dodge's negligence. Because
for the identification of a voice.
of admissions which were made in the pleadings,
(C) denied, since a voice may be identified by a a hearing was held on the sole questions of
layperson who testifies that she recognized whether Dodge was negligent. At the hearing, a
it because she had heard it before under transcript of Dodge's conviction for operating an
circumstances connecting it with the unregistered vehicle should be
alleged speaker.
(D) denied, if but only if Munson testifies to (A) admitted.
some distinctive characteristic about (B) excluded, because it is not relevant to the
Hobbs's voice which permitted her to rec- question of negligence.
ognize it.
(C) excluded, because it was not the result of a
66. At the trial of an automobile accident case, for
(D) excluded, because it is hearsay, not within
the purpose of showing the relationship and
any exception.
directions of the streets involved, the plaintiff
offered into evidence a photograph of the inter-
section where the accident occurred. The plaintiff Questions 68-69 are based on the following fact situa-
testified that on the day of the accident the inter- tion.
section looked exactly as depicted in the photo-

In a personal injury action by Piersall against Dockery, (C) exclude Willham's testimony, because a lay
Piersall claimed that the accident occurred because person is not competent to form an opinion
Dockery, who was operating a blue Ford sedan, was as to the speed of a moving automobile.
driving at an excessive rate of speed. At the trial, Pier-
(D) exclude Willham's testimony, because Will-
sall's attorney called Wilcox as a witness on Piersall's
ham did not have an adequate opportunity
direct case. Wilcox testified that after hearing a broad-
to form an opinion regarding the speed of
cast on a police radio on the day of the accident, she
looked out of her window and saw Dockery's blue Ford
sedan strike Piersall's red convertible on Main Street.
Wilcox said that she did not have a present recollection 70. At the trial of a personal injury action instituted
of what she had heard on the police radio, but that she by Pearson against Danick, Danick testified on
made a written note of it immediately following the his own behalf as part of his direct case. In
broadcast. Piersall's attorney showed her a piece of response to a question by his attorney, Danick
paper which had been marked for identification, and stated that shortly after the accident he told a
Wilcox said that she now remembered that she had police officer that the traffic signal light had been
heard a police dispatcher saying that officers were in red against Pearson. Upon objection by Pearson's
pursuit of a blue Ford sedan which was traveling down attorney, the court should hold that Danick's testi-
Main Street at an excessive rate of speed. mony regarding his statement to the police officer
68. If Dockery's attorney objects to the testimony of
(A) inadmissible hearsay.
Wilcox regarding what she heard on the police
radio; the court should hold that her testimony is (B) admissible, because Danick's testimony was
based on first-hand knowledge.
(A) inadmissible as hearsay, not within any (C) admissible as a prior consistent statement.
(D) admissible, because Danick was on the wit-
(B) admissible as a sense impression. ness stand and available for cross examina-
(C) admissible as a past recollection recorded. tion.
(D) admissible as present recollection refreshed.
71. Charged with the rape of Ellen, Randall claimed
that he and Ellen had frequently engaged in sex-
69. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
ual intercourse in the past, and that they some-
Piersall's attorney next called Willhamwho testi-
times played a game in which Ellen pretended to
fied that she was walkingon Main Street at the
resist him and he pretended to overcome her
time the accident occurred and that, although she
resistance by force. He asserted that on the day of
did not see the vehicles before the collision, she
the alleged rape, either Ellen consented to the
knew that Dockery's vehicle was traveling at a
intercourse or her condu.ct led him to reasonably
high rate of speed because of the screeching
believe that she consented. At his trial, Ellen tes-
sound made by his tires immediately before the
tified that Randall forced her to have sexual inter-
impact. If Dockery's attorney objects to this testi-
course with him on the day in question. On cross-
mony, the court should
examination, Randall's attorney asked Ellen
whether she ever had sexual intercourse with
(A) permit Willham to testify, but should give
Randall willingly before the alleged rape. If the
the jury a cautionary instruction regarding
prosecutor objects to this. question, the objection
lay opinions.
should be
(B) permit Willham to testify, because a lay per-
son is competent to form an opinion (A) sustained, since past sexual behavior of the
regarding the speed of a moving atitomo- complainant is not materialtothe allega-
bile. tions of a rape prosecution.

(B) sustained, since the probative value of her transactions taking place during business hours.
answer is likely to be outweighed by its At the trial of Dabney, a black man charged with
prejudicial effect. robbing the Friendly Finance Company, the pros-
(C) overruled, in the absence of a statute prohib-
ecution offers a videotape made by the hidden
camera at the time the robbery occurred. Dab-
iting the inquiry, since the complainant's
ney's attorney objects to introduction of the vid-
past sexual behavior is logically relevant to
eotape on the ground that, while it is clear from
the elements of a rape prosecution.
the tape that the robber was a black man, there is
(D) overruled, since the question and the testi- no certainty that the man pictured was Dabney.
mony which it will elicit are relevant to Should the objection be sustained?
Randall's defense of consent.
(A) Yes, since use of the tape violates Dabney's
privilege against self-incrimination.
72. A state statute provides that the owner of any
motor vehicle operated on the public roads of the (B) Yes, because the tape's value is outweighed
state is liable for damage resulting from the negli- by unfair prejudice.
gence of any person driving the vehicle with the
(C) No, since if Dabney is pictured in the tape, it
owner's permission. Pavlov was injured when a
is admissible as an admission.
vehicle operated by Dawson struck her while she
was walking across the street. At the scene of the (D) No, if the tape would tend to prove that Dab-
accident, Dawson apologized to Pavlov, saying, ney was the robber.
"I'm sorry. It isn't my car. I didn't know that the
brakes were bad." Pavlov subsequently instituted
74. Avery sued Lavell for defamation after being
an action against Oster for her damages, asserting
defeated by him in a statewide election. In his
that Oster owned the vehicle. She alleged that
complaint, Avery alleged that Lavell's campaign
Oster was negligent in permitting the vehicle to
literature accused Avery of dishonesty and cor-
be driven while he knew that the brakes were in
ruption. At the trial of the action, Avery offered
need of repair, and that he was vicariously liable
the testimony of several witnesses who stated that
under the statute for the negligence of Dawson.
they had received printed brochures from Lavell
Oster denied ownership of the vehicle. At the
which stated that Avery was dishonest and cor-
trial, Pavlov offered testimony by Mecco, a
rupt. Lavell moved to strike their testimony.
mechanic, that on the day after the accident Oster
Lavell's motion to strike the testimony should be
hired him to completely overhaul the brakes.
Upon objection by Oster, the evidence is
(A) denied, since a defamatory communication
is one which would tend to injure the
(A) admissible, to show that Oster was the
plaintiff's reputation in the minds of any
owner of the vehicle.
substantial group of respectable people.
(B) admissible, to show that the brakes were in
(B) denied, since an action for defamation may
need of repair on the day of the accident.
be based on statements which were not
(C) inadmissible, because the condition of the made in writing.
vehicle on any day other than that of the
(C) granted, unless Avery produces the bro-
accident is irrelevant to show its condition
chures or shows that they are unavailable.
at the time the accident occurred.
(D) inadmissible, under a policy whichencour-
(D) granted, unless the witnesses testify to the
exact language of the brochures.
ages safety precautions.

75. At Mable's trial for murder, Winston testified that

73. A hidden videotape camera at the office of the
he heard three gunshots immediately after hear-
Friendly Finance Company routinely records all
ing Mableshout, "I'll kill you." Mable's attorney

asked no questions on cross-examination, but organization, Keller was offered immunity if he

reserved the right to call Winston back to the would testify against other members of the orga-
stand at a later time. Subsequently, Mable's attor- nization. He did so, and his testimony resulted in
ney offered the testimony of a police officer who several convictions. Keller subsequently wrote
stated that in an interview at the scene of the and published a book entitled Contract Killer, in
shooting Winston said that he did not hear any which he described in detail many of the crimes
gunshots. The police officer's testimony is which he committed, including the shotgun mur-
der of Vicuna. Following the publication of Con-
(A) admissible for impeachment purposes only. tract Killer, Vicuna's wife commenced an action
against Keller for damages resulting from the
(B) admissible as substantive evidence only.
wrongful death of her husband. At the trial, a
(C) admissible for impeachment purposes and as police officer who had been called to the scene of
substantive evidence. Vicuna's shooting testified that just before
(D) inadmissible, since it is hearsay not within Vicuna died he heard him say, "I saw Keller pull
any exception. the trigger on me." If Keller moves to strike the
police officer's testimony, his motion should be

76. After derailment of a Webster Railroad passenger (A) granted, since a dying declaration is admis-
train, the Webster Railroad 90rporation was sible only in a trial for criminal homicide.
charged with criminal negligence under a statute
(B) granted, if Keller received transactional
which made corporations criminally liable for the
criminal negligence of their employees. At the
trial of People v. Webster Railroad Corporation, (C) denied, if Vicuna believed himself to be
Phillips, a state railroad inspector, testified that dying when he made the statement.
on the day of the derailment, the driver of the
(D) denied, if the jurisdiction has a "dead man's
derailed train was operating the train while intox-
icated. The jury found Webster Railroad Corpora-
tion not guilty of criminal negligence. Taylor, a
passenger on the derailed train, subsequently Questions 78-79 are based on the following fact situa-
instituted an action against Webster Railroad Cor- tion.
poration for personal injuries which he sustained
as a result of the derailment. Although Taylor's After the crash of Wing Airlines Flight 123, an action
attorney properly served Phillips with a sub- for wrongful death was brought by the husband of a
poena, he failed to appear at the trial. If Taylor's passenger killed in the crash. During the trial, the plain-
attorney offers evidence of the testimony which tiff called Weston, an employee of the State Aviation
Phillips gave at the criminal proceeding, the evi- Agency which investigated the circumstances sur-
dence is most likely to be admissible as rounding the crash.

(A) an admission.
78. Weston testified that during the course of his
(B) past recollection recorded. investigation he questioned a mechanic named
(C) former testimony. Marshall on the day of the crash. He said that
Marshall stated that he and a mechanic named
(D) a sense impression. Stevens had been assigned by the Wing Airlines
airport supervisor to inspect Flight 123 before
77. Keller had been a member of a professional crime take-off, but that they did not inspect the plane as
organization for twenty years, and had partici- directed. If Weston's testimony is objected to, the
pated in many crimes during that period of time. judge should rule it admissible
Because Keller's testimony was crucial to the
district attorney's attempt to break the crime (A) if Weston testifies that Marshall claimed to

be an employee of Wing. plained of pain almost continually from the time

she arrived until the time she left. Upon proper
(B) only if independent evidence indicates that
objection by the defendant, this testimony should
Marshall was employed by Wing at the
time the statement was made.
(C) only if independent evidence indicates that (A) admitted as a part of a pertinent medical his-
at the time the statement was made, Mar- tory.
shall was authorized to speak for Wing.
(B) admitted as a statement of present physical
(D) if Marshall is unavailable to testify. sensation.
(C) not admitted, since pain is a purely subjec-
79. Weston also read aloud from an investigation tive matter, and not a proper subject of tes-
report which quoted an unidentified witness to timony by anyone but the injured party.
the crash as stating that she heard an explosion
(D) not admitted, since it is hearsay.
several seconds before she saw the plane burst
into flames. He testified that the report from
which he was reading was one kept in the regular 81. Hiert's attorney next offered a properly authenti-
course of business by the State Aviation Agency, cated County Hospital record. After examining
that the entry from which he was reading had the record, the defendant's attorney, outside the
been made by another investigator who worked presence of the jury, moved to exclude a portion
for the Agency, that the investigator who made of the record which read: "History: Ladder col-
the entry was sworn to investigate airplane lapsed. Patient fell." The motion to exclude that
crashes and to keep honest and accurate records portion of the record should be
of the results of those investigations, and that the
investigator who made the entry was now dead. (A) granted, if, but only if, it can be excluded
Upon appropriate objection, the evidence should without causing any physical damage to
be ruled the record.
(B) granted, because it has no bearing on the
(A) admissible as a business record.
plaintiff's medical condition.
(B) admissible as an official written statement.
(C) denied, if the history was taken for the pur-
(C) admissible as past recollection recorded. pose of diagnosis or treatment.
(D) inadmissible as hearsay not within any (D) granted, since hospital personnel are not
exception. experts in determining the causes of acci-
Questions 80-81 are based on the following fact situa-
tion. Questions 82-83 are based on the following fact situa-
Hiert was injured when the ladder on which she was
standing collapsed without warning. Immediately fol- Kane's dog frequently dug holes in the lawn of Kane's
lowing the accident, Hiert was taken to County Hospi- neighbor Nixon, who had telephoned Kane to complain
tal where she remained for approximately six hours. At in a loud voice on several occasions. One day, after the
the trial of Hiert's action against the manufacturer of dog dug up Nixon's prize rosebush, Nixon ran to
the ladder, Nathan, a nurse employed by County Hospi- Kane's house and banged on Kane's front door. When
tal, was called to the stand by Hiert's counsel. Kane opened the door, Nixon shouted, "You dirty son
of a bitch." Kane struck him in the face with his fist,
and closed the door. Nixon later sued Kane for battery,
80. Nathan testified that he was on duty when Hiert
and Kane asserted the privilege of self-defense. At the
was brought into the hospital, and that Hiert com-
trial Kane offered the testimony of a local shopkeeper

who stated that he knew Nixon's reputation in the tion by the defendant, Dr. Ortho's opinion should
neighborhood, and that Nixon was known as "a bad be
actor who will fight at the drop of a hat." He also
offered the testimony of the local parish priest who (A) excluded, because the X-ray was hearsay,
stated that he had known Kane for years, and that and she stated that her opinion was based
everyone in the community thought of him as a peace- on it.
able man who would never resort to violence except in
(B) excluded, unless the X-ray is unavailable.
(C) admitted, if but only if, she testifies that she
would have formed the same opinion with-
82. If Nixon's attorney objects to the testimony ofthe out inspection of the X-ray.
shopkeeper, the objection should be
(D) admitted, since the opinion of an expert may
(A) sustained, since evidence of Nixon's charac- be based on matters not in evidence.
ter is not relevant to his action for battery.
(B) sustained, since Nixon is not the defendant. Questions 85-86 are based on the following fact situa-
(C) overruled, since the testimony is relevant to
Kane's assertion of the privilege of self-
While walking down a stairway which led to the
women's restroom at the Biloxi theater, Prell fell and
(D) overruled, since Nixon placed his character sustained serious injuries to her shoulder. She sued
in issue by bringing the lawsuit. Biloxi for damages, alleging that it had negligently per-
mitted the stairway to be littered with scraps of paper,
and that she had slipped on one of them.
83. If Nixon's attorney objects to the testimony of the
parish priest, the testimony should be
85. At the trial, Manny testified that he had been
(A) excluded, if it is offered as circumstantial employed as Biloxi's theater manager for a
evidence to prove that Kane did not strike period of three weeks prior to the accident, that as
Nixon without justification. such he was the person to whom accidents would
(B) excluded, unless the priest testified that his ordinarily be reported, and that in the three-week
own opinion of Kane coincided with what period preceding the accident he had received no
the community thought about him. reports of accident or injury occurring on those
particular stairs. The judge should rule this testi-
(C) admitted, because Kane is the defendant. mony
(D) admitted, for the limited purpose of estab-
lishing Kane's state of mind at the time of (A) admissible, because it tends to prove that
the occurrence. Prell did not use the care which would
have been exercised by a reasonable per-
84. At the trial of a negligence action, Dr. Ortho testi-
fied that she was the orthopedic surgeon who (B) admissible, because it tends to prove that
treated the plaintiff. She stated that, at her direc- Biloxi was generally careful about main-
tion, technicians in her office X-rayed the plain- taining the stairway.
tiff's left leg. She stated further that based upon (C) inadmissible, because it is self-serving.
her examination of the plaintiff's leg and upon
(D) inadmissible, because it is not probative of
her study of the X-ray, it was her opinion that the
Biloxi's exercise of due care on this partic-
plaintiff had suffered a fracture of the tibia (a
ular occasion.
bone in the leg). The X-ray was not produced in
court or offered in evidence. Upon proper objec-

86. Manny testified further that immediately follow- (D) admitted, to prove that the notice of appeal
ing the accident, a crowd formed around the was actually mailed on that day.
fallen Prell, and he heard someone in the crowd
shout, "She was taking the stairs three at a time
88. At the trial of an action for personal injuries
and she missed one." The judge should rule this
resulting from an automobile accident which
occurred in Treeville, Wagner testified for the
defendant. He stated that he was standing on a
(A) admissible as an excited utterance.
street comer at the time of the accident and
(B) admissible if, but only if, Manny can iden- observed the plaintiff's car go through a red light.
tify the person who made the statement. The plaintiff's attorney had information indicat-
(C) inadmissible, unless the person who made ing that Wagner was not even in Treeville on the
the statement testifies to it him-or herself. day of the accident, and had been observed on
that day committing an armed robbery in Green
(D) inadmissible as hearsay. City located at the other end of the state. On
cross-examination, she asked, "Weren't you actu-
87. A state's code of civil procedure provides that no ally robbing a store in Green City on the day this
appeal may be prosecuted unless a notice of such accident occurred?" Wagner refused to answer,
appeal is mailed within twenty days after the invoking the privilege against self-incrimination
entry of the final judgment which is being under the Fifth Amendment to the United States
appealed. An appellee moves to dismiss an Constitution. Over objection by the defendant's
appeal on the ground that the notice of appeal attorney the judge ordered that Wagner's entire
was not timely served. At a hearing on the motion testimony be stricken. Subsequently, the defen-
to dismiss, a secretary in the office of the appel- dant appealed from a judgment for the plaintiff,
lant's attorney testifies that he personally asserting that the trial court erred in striking Wag-
enclosed the notice of appeal in a properly ner's testimony. Which of the following would be
addressed envelope which he then sealed. He the plaintiff's most effective argument in
states further that he placed the envelope in a bas- response to the defendant's assertion?
ket marked "outgoing mail" in the office confer-
ence room at 2 p.m. on the eighteenth day after (A) The privilege against self-incrimination is
the judgment appealed from was entered. He effective only in criminal proceedings.
states that as a matter of office routine the "out- (B) The trial record, independent of Wagner's
going mail" basket is emptied and its contents testimony, does not indicate that Wagner's
taken to the post office everyday at 4 p.m. by answer would incriminate him.
another employee, although he does not person-
(C) Since the trial determined the rights of per-
ally know whether it was done on that particular
sons other than Wagner, the requirement of
day. The testimony should be
due process outweighed Wagner's privi-
lege against self-incrimination.
(A) excluded, since evidence of past conduct is
not relevant to what was done on any par- (D) Wagner's refusal to answer prevented ade-
ticular day. quate cross-examination.
(B) excluded, unless some evidence is offered
that the envelope which was deposited in 89. Dessel, a college student, was charged with the
the basket was actually mailed that day. attempted murder of Victorio, a fellow student
(C) admitted, only if the office employee who outside of one of the college classrooms. At th~
usually mails the contents of the "outgoing trial, Dessel's attorney called Fran, the school's
mail" basket testifies to what is customar- dean of students, to the witness stand. Fran testi-
ily done. fied that immediately following the stabbing
which led to the prosecution, she interviewed

Dessel, and that he stated that when Victorio does not indicate a sufficient opportunity
insulted him, he stabbed Victorio in anger. She to observe Tilsit's behavior.
testified further that she had taken notes of the
(C) admitted, because the opponents of the will
conversation, which she then placed in Dessers
opened the door by introducing the testi-
student file. If the prosecutor offered Dessel's
mony of Nolan.
student file in evidence as a business record,
which of the following would be Dessers most (D) admitted, since a medical doctor may qual-
effective argument in support of an objection to ify as an expert on the sanity of a patient.
the admission of the file?
91. At the trial of Patters personal injury action
(A) Fran had an independent recollection of the
against Daumier, Wechsler was called as a wit-
events and was present in court to testify.
ness on Patters direct case. Wechsler, a police
(B) The investigation of crimes is not a regularly officer, testified that he arrived at the scene of the
conducted business activity for the college. accident about ten minutes after it occurred. He
stated that when he got there he had a conversa-
(C) The business record exception to the hearsay
tion with Koppel, another police officer who was
rule does not apply in criminal trials.
already on the scene. When Wechsler said that he
(D) Dessers statement is second level hearsay. had no independent recollection regarding the
nature of their conversation, Patters attorney
showed him a copy of an official police report,
90. In a challenge to the will of Tilsit, opponents of
and asked whether he recognized it. Wechsler
the will called Tilsit's next-door neighbor Nolan
identified it as the report which he filed following
to the stand. Nolan testified that she had observed
his investigation of the accident. Patters attorney
Tilsit acting strangely for several months before
offered the report in evidence. Daumier's attor-
and after the date on which his will had been exe-
ney objected to its admission on the ground that it
cuted. When asked to specify in what way his
contained the following statement:
behavior was strange, she said that he frequently
appeared in his front yard wearing nothing but a Officer Koppel reports that an unidentified
towel and a football helmet, turning his face to witness told him that Daumier went through
the sky and shouting, "Bring on the saucers. I'm a red light without stopping.
ready to do battle." She said that there were also Should the police report be admitted into evi-
times when she found him wandering about the dence?
street in a daze, and that on several occasions she
had to take him home because he told her that he (A) Yes, because Wechsler used it to refresh his
didn't know where he was. In rebuttal, propo- recollection while testifying.
nents of the will called Dr. Medich to the stand.
(B) Yes, because it is a business record.
Dr. Medich testified that he had seen Tilsit only
three days before the execution of the will for his (C) No, because a police report is not a record
semi-annual medical checkup, and that he did not kept in the usual course of business.
observe any strange behavior at that or any other
(D) No, because neither Wechsler nor Koppel
time. If opponents of the will seek to exclude Dr.
saw the accident.
Medich's statement from evidence, the statement
should be
92. Bolter, an American importer, contracted with
(A) excluded, since evidence that abnormal VanderHaag, a Dutch manufacturer, for the pur-
behavior was not observed is inadmissible chase of trivets to be manufactured in Holland by
to establish the sanity or competence of a VanderHaag. When VanderHaag delivered the
decedent. trivets, however, Bolter refused to accept them,
asserting that he had contracted for genuine por-
(B) excluded, because Dr. Medich's testimony
celain, and that the trivets delivered by Vander-

Haag were imitation porcelain. Bolter died a controlled substance. Subsequently, David-
shortly afterwards. VanderHaag sued Bolter's son's motion to suppress the use of the cocaine as
estate in the United States for breach of contract, evidence was granted, and the charges against
claiming that he explained to Bolter during nego- him were dismissed. Davidson thereupon com-
tiations that the trivets would be made of imita- menced an appropriate proceeding against the
tion porcelain. police department for recovery of his automobile.
On presentation of his direct case, Davidson testi-
At the trial, the attorney for Bolter's estate called fied that he owned the seized automobile, but had
Bolter's brother Worden as a witness. Worden registered it to a friend for purposes of conve-
testified that he spoke some Dutch, and had been nience. On cross-examination, the attorney repre-
present at the negotiations between Bolter and senting the police department asked, "After your
VanderHaag. He said that VanderHaag and Bolter arrest, did you tell the arresting officers that it
asked him to assist by translating when necessary, wasn't your car?"
because neither spoke the other's language very
well. He stated further that when the trivets were If Davidson's attorney objects to this question,
being discussed, VanderHaag said something in the objection should be
Dutch which Bolter said he did not understand.
Bolter then asked Worden to translate, and (A) sustained, because Davidson's interrogation
Worden replied, "He says that the trivets will be was in violation of his Miranda rights.
genuine porcelain." VanderHaag's attorney
(B) sustained, because Davidson's motion to
objected to Worden's last statement and asked the
suppress was granted.
court to exclude it from the record.
(C) overruled, because the automobile in which
Worden's statement should be the cocaine was transported is "fruit of the
poisonous tree."
(A) admitted, because it is relevant to Bolter's (D) overruled, because his denial that he owned
intention at the time the contract was the car was a prior inconsistent statement.
(B) admitted, only if the jurisdiction has a "dead
94. In an action by Prussian Dyes against Dyeco for
man's statute."
breach of contract, the attorney for Prussian Dyes
(C) excluded, unless Worden qualifies as an called Wilmington as a witness. Wilmington tes-
expert on the Dutch language. tified that she was the employee of Prussian Dyes
in charge of the Dyeco account. She said that on
(D) excluded, because it is hearsay not within
May 17, she had supervised a shipment of dyes to
any exception.
Dyeco. She stated that she did not personally
inspect the shipment, but that immediately after
93. After receiving a tip, police officers stopped a car the company shipping clerk inspected the ship-
being driven by Davidson, and forced him to ment he told her its contents and she listed them
open the trunk. In it, the officers discovered a on an invoice and signed it. A copy of the invoice
canvas bag containing seven pounds of cocaine. was then sent to Dyeco in accordance with stan-
They seized the car and the cocaine as evidence, dard company practice. She said that she no
and placed Davidson under arrest. Without advis- longer had any independent recollection of what
ing him of his rights to remain silent and to con- the shipment contained, but that the original
sult with an attorney, they questioned him about invoice was now in the hands of the company
the cocaine. During the questioning, Davidson attorney. When the attorney representing Prussian
said, "I don't know anything about it. It isn't even Dyes showed her a document and asked her to
my car." identify it, she said that it was the invoice to
which she had referred, and that the signature on
Davidson was charged with illegal possession of it was her own. When the attorney for Prussian

Dyes offered it in evidence, the attorney for Worley testified to those dates, Finischco's attor-
Dyeco objected. ney offered the chart which Worley had prepared
into evidence. Should the chart be admitted into
If the court admits the invoice into evidence, it evidence over the objection of Varilac's attorney?
will most probably be as
(A) Yes, as a summary of a business record.
(A) past recollection recorded.
(B) Yes,as an illustration of Worley's testimony.
(B) a record kept in the usual course of business.
(C) No, because it is not the best evidence of the
(C) an original document under the best evi- contents of Finishco's files.
(D) No, because a witness may not refresh her
(D) present recollection refreshed. recollection by reference to materials
unless they are in court and marked for
Questions 95-96 are based on the following fact situa-
97. At Doane's trial on a charge of rape, Ventura tes-
Finishco was a commercial furniture-finisher. Varilac tified that after meeting him ina bar, she accom-
was a manufacturer.of commercial furniture finishing panied Doane to his apartment where he forced
supplies. In an action by Finishco against Varilac for her to have sexual intercourse with him against
breach of contract, a dispute arose as to the meaning of her wilL Doane's attorney did not cross-examine
the term "unit of lacquer" which appeared in a contract Ventura.
between theparties. Worley, an officer of Finishco, tes-
tified on her company's direct case. In his opening statement, Doane's attorney said
that although his client admitted to having sexual
intercourse with Ventura shortly after they first
95. Assume for the purpose of this question only that met on the night in question, he intended to prove
Worley testified that in the furniture finishing that Ventura consented to the intercourse. Then,
industry the term "unit of lacquer" means 55 gal- on direct presentation of Doane's case, his attor-
lons oflacquer, IfVarilac's attorney objects, Wor- ney attempted to offer evidence of Ventura's prior
ley's testimony should be sexual conduct with other men.

(A) excluded as a self-serving statement. Upon objection by the prosecution, this evidence
(B) excluded as hearsay, not within any excep- should be
tion to the hearsay rule.
(A) admitted for the purpose of impeachment
(C) admitted as evidence of business habit.
(D) admitted, because it serves to establish a
(B) admitted as substantive evidence only.
trade usage.
(C) admitted as substantive evidence and for the
purpose of impeachment.
96. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Finishco's attorney then asked Worley whether (D) excluded.
Finishco and Varilac had ever done business in
the past. In response, Worley said, "Definitely. In 98. In the trial of a tort action in a United States Dis-
fact, before coming to court today, I refreshed my trict Court, if the substantive law of the state is
recollection by looking at company files. Then, being applied, which of the following statements
based on my own knowledge, I prepared a chart, is correct regarding confidential communications
which accurately indicates the dates of the occa- between psychotherapist and patient?
sions we have done business together." Mter

I. The United States District Court MUST uation.

recognize the psychotherapist-patient priv-
ilege if it is recognized by the law of the Dustin pleaded not guilty to a charge of committing an
state. armed robbery of Lendco. When Dustin appeared in
II. The United States District Court MAY rec- court on the day of trial, his head was completely bald.
ognize thepsychotherapist-patient privi-
lege even if it is not recognized by the law
Qfthe state. . 100. The prosecuting attorney called Verona as a wit-
ness on the·prosecution's direCt case. Verona tes-
(A) I only. tified that she was employed by Lendco, and that
she was present when the robbery was commit-
(B) II only. ted. She stated that the robber had bushy red hair.
(C) I and II. When asked whether Dustin was the robber, she
looked at him sitting inthe courtroom and said
(D) Neither I nor II. that she was not sure. The prosecuting attorney
then asked her whether she had identified Dustin
99. In an action by Peterson against Docker for per- as the robber at a lineup conducted on the day of
sonal injuries resulting from negligence, Peter- the robbery. If Dustin's attorney objects to that
son's attorney called Melba as a witness on question, the objection should be
Peterson's direct case. Melba's testimony was
offered to prove that Peterson suffered physical (A) sustained, since her statement is hearsay not
pain from his injuries. Melba testified that she within any exception.
was Peterson's mother and that during the weeks (B) sustained, since the prosecuting attorney
following theaccideIlt, she observed Peterson may not impeach his own witness.
taking pink pills on several occasions. Peterson's
attorney then asked Melba if she knew why (C) overruled, since Verona is on the witness
Peterson was taking the pink pills. When stand and available for cross-examination.
Docker's attorney objected, Peterson's attorney (D) overruled, since Verona is a disinterested
withdrew the question and asked whether Melba witness.
was present when Dr. Treat examined Peterson
the day after the accident. Melba responded that
she heard Peterson say, "My neck hurts," and that 101. The prosecuting attorney next called Warder as a
Dr. Treat handed Peterson the pink pills and said, witness. Warder testified that she was employed
"These pink pills are very effective for pain." as a guard in the county house of detention where
Dustin had been in custody since the day of his
If Docker's attorney moves to exclude Melba's arrest. She stated that when she saw Dustin on the
testimony about what Dr. Treat said, that testi- day of his arrest, he had bushy red hair. She stated
mony should be further that, at Dustin's request, she provided
Dustin with shaving articles on the morning of
(A) admitted as a declaration of present physical trial and remained outside his cell where she
sensation. watched while he shaved his head. If Dustin's
attorney objects to this testimony, the testimony
(B) admitted as a declaration of past physical should be
(C) excluded as hearsay, not within any excep- (A) excluded, as extrinsic evidence of a collat-
tion to the hearsay rule. eral matter.

(D) admitted as evidence of a medical history. (B) excluded, under Dustin's privilege against

Questions 100-101 are based on the following fact sit- (C) admitted, to explain why Dustin no longer

has bushy red hair. he thought it necessary.

(D) admitted, as evidence of an admission by
conduct. 103. If the prosecuting attorney objects to Wesley's
testimony on the ground that it violates the best
evidence rule, the objection should be
102. Derringer was charged with violating a federal
law which prohibits the unlicensed transportation
(A) sustained, unless Danziger proves that the
of specified toxic wastes across a state line. At
original or a qualified duplicate of the
his trial in a federal district court, the prosecution
union constitution is unavailable.
proved that Derringer had transported certain
toxic wastes from Detroit, Michigan to Chicago, (B) sustained, unless Wesley's knowledge of the
Illinois. The prosecuting attorney then moved union rules was obtained from some
that the court take judicial notice that it is impos- source other than the union constitution.
sible to travel between those two cities without
(C) overruled, unless Wesley's statement is
crossing a state line. Upon proper objection by
offered to prove the contents of the union
Derringer's attorney, the prosecution's motion
should be
(D) overruled, unless the prosecuting attorney
(A) granted, if it is generally known within the proves that the original or a qualified
territorial jurisdiction of the court that it is duplicate of the union constitution is avail-
impossible to travel from Detroit to Chi- able.
cago without crossing a state line.
(B) granted, but only if the prosecution presents 104. Danziger's attorney then called Forman, the
the court with a reputable map or other ref- former president of the union. Forman testified to
erence work indicating that a state line lies a conversation which took place between him and
between the cities of Detroit and Chicago. Danziger before Danziger ordered the pay raise.
Forman stated that when Danziger asked him
(C) denied, but only if Derringer's attorney
whether the union president was permitted to
demands an offer of proof for the record.
raise his own salary, Forman told him that the
(D) denied, if the fact that Derringer traveled president could do so whenever he deemed it nec-
across a state line concerns an ultimate essary. If the prosecuting attorney objects to For-
issue of fact. man's testimony on the ground that it is hearsay,
Forman's testimony should be
Questions 103-104 are based on the following fact sit-
(A) admitted as evidence of Danziger's state of
Soon after his election as labor union president, Dan- (B) excluded as hearsay, not within any excep-
ziger raised his presidential salary from $35,000 to tion.
$60,000 per year. As a result, he was subsequently (C) excluded, unless Forman qualifies as an
charged with violating a state law making it a felony expert on the union's rules.
for union officials to knowingly misappropriate union
funds. Danziger admitted granting himself the pay (D) admitted, because the out of court assertion
raise, but claimed as a defense that when he did so he was made by the witness himself.
believed the union rules authorized such action. At
Danziger's trial, his attorney called Wesley, the union 105. Draper was charged with the second degree mur-
secretary, as a witness. On direct examination, she tes- der of Valle under a statute which defined that
tified that before Danziger ordered the pay raise, Wes- crime as "the unlawful killing of a human being
ley told him that the union constitution gave the with malice aforethought, but without premedita-
president the power to raise his own salary whenever

tion." Draper's attorney asserted a defense of cluding that Pasadena's statement was NOT a
insanity, and called Draper as a witness in his dying declaration?
own behalf. After Draper testified on direct and
cross-examination, his attorney called Dr. Wen- (A) Pasadena's statement did not identify the
dell to the witness stand. Dr. Wendell stated that person who she believed to be responsible
he was a psychiatrist, had practiced for thirty for her death.
years, had treated thousands of patients with ill-
(B) Pasadena was in court when Winton testified
_ J1eSSeS like Draper's, and hadtestifi~d as <m to her statement.
expert in hundreds of criminal homicide trials. He
testified, ''After listening to Draper's testimony, I (C) The proceeding was a civil one.
am of the opinion that Draper did not have malice (D) Pasadena was not dying at the time her state-
aforethought as our law defines it on the day of ment was made.
Valle's death." On cross-examination, Dr. Wen-
dell admitted that he had never spoken to or seen
Draper before, and that his opinion was based 107. Winton's testimony is
entirely on his observations of Draper's testi-
mony. (A) admissible as evidence of an excited utter-
Which of the following would be the prosecuting (B) inadmissible as hearsay, not within any
attorney's most effective argument in support of a exception.
motion to exclude Dr. Wendell's statement?
(C) admissible as evidence of a declaration of
(A) Dr. Wendell's testimony embraces the ulti- present state of mind.
mate issue. (D) admissible as evidence of a declaration of
(B) Dr. Wendell's opinions were based entirely past state of mind.
upon courtroom observations.
(C) Dr. Wendell had insufficient opportunity to 108. Callahan retained Lewis, an attorney, to represent
examine Draper. him in connection with a boundary dispute
between Callahan and his neighbor. Subse-
(D) Whether Draper had "malice aforethought"
quently, Callahan sued Lewis for malpractice,
is a question to be decided by the jury.
alleging that Lewis negligently failed to institute
an action to quiet title before such action was
Questions 106-107 are based on the following fact sit- barred by the statute of limitations. At the trial,
uation. Lewis testified that he advised Callahan to com-
mence an action to quiet title, but that Callahan
At the trial of her negligence action against Deventer, instructed Lewis not to do so, stating that he
Pasadena exhibited her leg to the jury and testified that feared that because of the litigation his neighbor
following the accident her leg was so badly mangled might find out that Callahan had once been con-
that she believed that she was going to die. Pasadena's victed of a felony. Callahan objected on the
attorney then called Winton who testified that he ground that his communication with Lewis was
arrived at the scene of the accident moments after it confidential. In a jurisdiction which recognizes
occurred, and found Pasadena lying in the roadway in a the common law attorney-client privilege, Calla-
pool of blood. Winton stated that he heard Pasadena han's objection should be
scream, "Oh, God, I had the green light in my favor and
now I'm dying." Deventer's attorney made timely (A) sustained, because Callahan's statement was
objection to Winton's testimony. related to the reason for his consultation
with Lewis.

106. Which of the following is the best reason for con- . (B) sustained, only if Callahan's statement was

necessary to his consultation with Lewis. accident. Watt refused to represent Dorah, and
Felton thereafter retained another attorney. At the
(C) overruled, if Lewis' testimony is relevant to
trial of Prawley's action against Dorah and Fel-
the issue of Lewis' negligence.
ton, Watt was called as a witness on Prawley's
(D) overruled, because an adversary proceeding direct case. When Prawley's attorney attempted
between attorney and client terminates the to question him regarding the conversation which
confidential relationship between them. he had with Dorah, Dorah's attorney objected on
the ground that the conversation was privileged.
In a jurisdiction which recognizes the common
109. In a negligence action brought by Pauling against
law attorney-client privilege, should the objection
Davidson, Pauling alleged that Davidson failed to
to Watt's testimony be sustained?
signal before making a left tum onto Front Street.
During the presentation of Davidson's direct
(A) Yes, because Felton's designation as Dorah's
case, Weigand was called as a witness. Weigand
legal guardian made his presence at the
testified that she was Davidson's secretary and
consultation necessary.
that Davidson drove her to work every morning.
She said that she was in Davidson's car on the (B) Yes, because all communications made by a
morning of the accident, but did not see him sig- client to an attorney while seeking advice
nal because she was reading a magazine at the are privileged.
time. She added, however, that she had seen
(C) No, because Dorah and Felton are joint
Davidson tum at that intersection many times,
and that he always signaled before doing so. If
Pauling's attorney objects to this testimony by (D) No, because Watt never agreed to represent
Weigand, her testimony should be Dorah and Felton.

(A) excluded, unless there were no eyewitnesses

Questions 111-112 are based on the following fact situ-
to Davidson's behavior on the morning in
(B) excluded, because evidence of past behavior Dempsey was charged in a state court with third degree
is inadmissible for the purpose of proving arson on the allegation that he set fire to his own house
reasonable care on a particular occasion. for the purpose of collecting benefits under a fire insur-
(C) admitted, as circumstantial evidence that ance policy. At his trial, Dempsey called Wrangler as a
Davidson signaled on the morning of the witness in his favor. On direct examination by Demp-
accident. sey's attorney, Wrangler testified that at the time of the
fire he and Dempsey were together at a baseball game
(D) admitted, but only if it is corroborated by fifty miles away from Dempsey's home.
Davidson's testimony.

111. On rebuttal the prosecuting attorney offered evi-

110. Dorah, a sixteen-year-old child, was involved in dence that two years earlier Wrangler was
an accident while driving a friend's car. At the released from custody after serving a five -year
request of Prawley, who was injured in the acci- sentence in a federal prison following his convic-
dent, a court designated Dorah's father Felton as tion for perjury. If Dempsey's attorney objects to
Dorah's legal guardian for the purpose of defend- the introduction of this evidence, the objection
ing Prawley's lawsuit against Dorah. Prawley should be
then sued Dorah, joining Felton as a defendant as
required by state law. Dorah and Felton consulted (A) overruled, but only if Wrangler is given a
Watt, an attorney, about the lawsuit. Felton was subsequent opportunity to explain the con-
present when Dorah told Watt that she had been viction.
driving over the speed limit at the time of the
(B) overruled, because perjury is a crime involv-

ing dishonesty. take judicial notice of that section. Darling's

motion to dismiss should be
(C) sustained, because the conviction was not
more than ten years old.
(A) granted, unless the jurisdiction permits a
(D) sustained, unless the prosecuting attorney court to take judicial notice of municipal
asked Wrangler on cross-examination ordinances.
whether he had ever been convicted of a
(B) granted, because the alleged violation of
. Section 481 of the· Code of Municipal
Ordinances is an ultimate issue to be deter-
112. The prosecuting attorney then offered proof that mined by the trier of fact.
Wrangler had been arrested as an accessory to the
(C) denied, because the contents oflocallaw
burning of Dempsey's house, and that the charge
need not be proven in a criminal prosecu-
against him was still pending. If Dempsey's attor-
ney objects to this evidence, the objection should
be (D) denied, unless the court qualifies as an
expert on the contents of the City of Haw-
(A) sustained, because evidence of unconvicted thorne Code of Municipal Ordinances.
bad acts is inadmissible to extrinsically
impeach a witness.
114. Purcell and Danton were running against each
(B) sustained, because the arrest of Wrangler is other for the office of mayor of their city. One
not material to the charge against Demp- month before the election, Danton was inter-
sey. viewed on a television program called "Meet the
Candidate." Mter the program appeared on tele-
(C) overruled, because the pending charge
vision, Purcell sued Danton, claiming that Dan-
against Wrangler is evidence that Wrangler
ton made defamatory statements about him
is a biased witness.
during the interview. At the trial, Purcell called
(D) overruled, because the arrest is evidence that Wellman as a witness. Wellman testified that he
Wrangler has a bad reputation for honesty was employed as a video engineer by the produc-
and truthfulness. ers of "Meet the Candidate" and that he was
present in the studio when Danton was inter-
viewed. He stated that he heard Danton say, "Pur-
113. Section 481 of the City of Hawthorne Code of
cell is as crooked as any thief in the USA" in
Municipal Ordinances provides in part, "In any
response to a question by the interviewer. On
municipal parking lot operated by the City of
timely objection and motion by Danton's attor-
Hawthorne, it shall be a misdemeanor for any
ney, Wellman's testimony should be
person to park a vehicle more than seventeen feet
in length in a space marked 'Compact Car
(A) admitted.
Only'." At Darling's trial on a charge of violating
that section, the public prosecutor rested after (B) excluded, if a videotape of the interview is
proving thatDarling's car was more than seven- available.
teen feet in length, and that it had been parked in
(C) excluded, because it is hearsay.
a municipal parking lot operated by the City of
Hawthorne in a space marked "Compact Car (D) excluded, unless Danton admits making the
Only." Without offering any evidence, Darling statement.
moved to dismiss on the ground that the public
prosecutor had failed to prove the contents of
Questions 115-116 are based on the following fact situ-
Section 481 of the City of Hawthorne Code of
Municipal Ordinances. In response to Darling's
motion, the public prosecutor asked the court to
State Police Commissioner Watkins was subpoenaed to

appear before a state grand jury investigating corrup- (A) granted, because state grants of use immu-
tion in state law enforcement agencies. After being nity must be honored in federal courts.
sworn, Watkins refused to answer any questions,
(B) granted, under the Double Jeopardy Clause
asserting his privilege against self-incrimination under
of the United Stated Constitution.
the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
After the state prosecutor granted him use immunity, (C) denied, because use immunity does not pre-
however, Watkins testified that for years he had been vent prosecution in any jurisdiction.
aware that his assistant Dacey and certain other mem- (D) denied, because federal courts are not
bers of his department were receiving bribes from required to honor use immunity granted by
members of nationwide organized crime syndicates. a state prosecutor.
Dacey was subsequently charged in a state court with
receiving bribes. At Dacey's trial, Watkins was called
as a witness for the defense. On direct examination, 117. While crossing Marshal Boulevard in the City of
Watkins testified that he had never heard of Dacey or Burg, Proust was struck by a northbound hit and
any other member of his department engaging in cor- run motorist and severely injured. In a subsequent
rupt acts. negligence action against the City of Burg, Proust
asserted that there was a dangerous curve on
Marshal Boulevard just south of the place where
115. On cross-examination the prosecuting attorney the accident occurred, and that the City of Burg
asked Watkins, "Didn't you testify at a grand jury was negligent in failing to post signs warning
proceeding that you had been aware for years that pedestrians and motorists of the danger.
Dacey had been taking bribes?" Watkins refused
to answer on the ground that he had received As part of its defense, the City of Burg called
immunity before testifying at the grand jury pro- Wenzel as a witness. Wenzel testified that she had
ceeding. Should the court compel Watkins to been the City of Burg traffic commissioner for
answer the question? the past 20 years. Wenzel stated that because of
her official position, all reported traffic accidents
(A) Yes, but the answer is admissible only for in the City of Burg were brought to her attention
the purpose of impeaching Watkins' credi- whether or not they resulted in lawsuits. She
bility. stated further that although Marshal Boulevard
(B) Yes, but the answer is admissible only as was a busy thoroughfare, she had never heard of
substantive evidence against Dacey. an accident on Marshal Boulevard prior to
Proust's injury.
(C) Yes, and the answer is admissible for the
purpose of impeaching Watkins' credibil-
Upon proper motion by Proust's attorney, the tes-
ity and as substantive evidence against
timony of Wenzel should be
(D) No. (A) admitted, only if Marshal Boulevard south
of the accident location was substantially
unchanged during the period of Wenzel's
116. Watkins was subsequently charged in a federal
court with violation of a federal statute which
made it a crime for state law enforcement offi- (B) admitted, only if the court issues a special
cials to knowingly permit members of their instruction to the jury regarding the dan-
departments to accept bribes from interstate gers of negative evidence.
crime syndicates. Prior to trial, Watkins moved to (C) excluded, because it is possible that acci-
dismiss on the ground that he had been granted dents occurred which were not reported.
use immunity by the state prosecutor. Watkins'
motion should be (D) excluded, because of the inherent unreliabil-
ity of negative evidence.

ment is outweighed by the possibility of

118. In a negligence action against the Dixie Hotel,
Poulter asserted that while she was a guest at the (C) Yes, because statements made to a physician
Dixie Hotel she slipped on wet pigeon droppings are privileged.
in an alley located next to the hotel, sustaining (D) No, because the statement described what
injury. In defense, the Dixie Hotel denied that it the plaintiff was feeling at the time.
was negligent, .and denied ownership and control
ofiliealley in wliichthe accident occurrea. At the
trial, Poulter called Wells, a hotel maintenance 120. In an action against DelMonte, Praxton asserted
employee, as a witness. Wells testified that that as a result of DelMonte's negligent driving,
although employees of the Dixie Hotel had never Praxton's car was damaged. In defense, Del-
before cleaned pigeon droppings from the alley, Monte denied that there was any damage to Prax-
they began doing so after Poulter commenced her ton's car and denied that she was negligent. At
lawsuit against the hotel. If the Dixie Hotel the trial, Praxton testified that following the acci-
objects to the testimony of Wells, the testimony dent DelMonte said, "I'm sure my insurance
should be company would give you $500 if you agree not to
sue me for damages." DelMonte's attorney
(A) admitted. immediately moved to strike that portion of Prax-
ton's testimony from the record.
(B) excluded, because subsequent cleaning of
pigeon droppings may have been nothing
Should the motion of DelMonte's attorney be
more than a response to the litigation.
(C) excluded, because of a policy which encour-
ages the taking of remedial measures fol- (A) Yes, but only if the statement is offered to
lowing an accident. prove that DelMonte was negligent.
(D) excluded, because the Dixie Hotel denied (B) Yes, if the statement is offered to prove that
that it was negligent. there was damage to Praxton's car.
(C) No, because the statement is an implied
119. At the trial of a personal injury action, Dr. Wat- admission.
son testified that she examined the plaintiff on the (D) No, because DelMonte opened the door by
day of trial, and that at that time the plaintiff told denying that there was damage to Prax-
her that she felt pain in her knee. On cross-exam- ton's car.
ination, the defendant's attorney asked Dr. Wat-
son whether she had ever met the plaintiff before
the day of trial. Dr. Watson responded that she Questions 121-123 are based on the following fact sit-
had not, and that her sole purpose in examining uation.
the plaintiff was to prepare for testifying at the
trial. The defendant's attorney then moved to At George's trial on a charge of criminal battery, the
strike that portion of Dr. Watson's testimony prosecutor called Vinson as a witness. Vinson testified
which referred to the plaintiff's complaint of that he had argued with George in a bar shortly before
pain. In a jurisdiction which applies the common- he was struck in the head from behind. He said that he
law rule regarding confidential communications did not see who struck him, but that a moment before
between patient and physician, should the defen- the blow he heard a voice which he did not recognize
dant's motion be granted? shout, "Watch out for George."

(A) Yes, because the examination was solely for

121. If George's attorney objects to Vinson's state-
the purpose of litigation.
ment about what he heard, that statement should
(B) Yes, because the probative value of the state- be

(C) Bierman is permitted to corroborate the

(A) excluded, because Vinson could not identify hearsay by testifying independently to
the person who shouted. what he observed prior to shouting.
(B) excluded, because Vinson's testimony is (D) Bierman's testimony qualifies as a present
self-serving. recollection refreshed.
(C) admitted.
(D) eXcluded, because there was no proofthat 124. Procedural delays caused five years topass
the person shouting had personal knowl- before Poe's personal injury claim against Del-
edge of the assailant's identity. Monte was ready for trial. At the trial, Poe's
attorney called Wolf, an eyewitness to the acci-
dent. Wolf testified that before coming to court,
122. The prosecutor next called Bierman, who testi- she had refreshed her recollection by looking at
fied that he was working as bartender at the time written notes of her interview with Poe's attorney
and place where Vinson was attacked. In answer which took place the week after the accident. On
to a question by the prosecutor, Bierman said that proper motion by DelMonte's attorney, the court
he did not remember whether he shouted any-
thing immediately before the attack. The prosecu- (A) should strike Wolf's testimony, unless it is
tor showed George's attorney a written report of a shown that the notes themselves are
conversation between Bierman and an investiga- unavailable.
tor, and had it marked for identification. Then the
(B) may direct that the notes be brought into
prosecutor showed the report to Bierman and
court for inspection by DelMonte's attor-
asked whether it refreshed his recollection. If
George's attorney objects to this procedure, the
objection should be (C) may not properly direct that the notes be
brought into court because they have not
(A) sustained, unless the report has been admit- been offered into evidence.
ted into evidence.
(D) should admit the notes into evidence as an
(B) sustained, because the report is inadmissible admission of a party.
(C) overruled, because Bierman testified that he Questions 125-126 are based on the following fact sit-
did not remember whether or not he uation.
shouted anything prior to the attack.
(D) overruled, but only if the prosecutor offers During the presentation of plaintiff's direct case in a
the report into evidence. personal injury action, the plaintiff's attorney called Dr.
Wallace to the stand for the purpose of establishing that
the plaintiff had sustained an injury to her epiglammis
123. Assume for the purpose of this question only that, gland.
without looking at the written report, Bierman
said, "I remember now. I shouted, 'Watch out for
George.' " If George's attorney moves to strike 125. When the plaintiff's attorney began to question
this testimony on the ground that it is hearsay, the Dr. Wallace about her qualifications, the defen-
prosecutor's most effective argument in opposi- dant's attorney conceded on the record and in the
tion to that motion would be that presence of the jury that Dr. Wallace was an
expert on injuries of the epiglammis gland and
(A) the shout was an excited utterance. objected to any further questions regarding the
qualifications of Dr. Wallace. Should the plain-
(B) the shout was not an out-of-court statement tiff's attorney be permitted to continue question-
because Bierman testified to it in court. ing Dr. Wallace regarding her qualifications?

was not in the area designated as a crosswalk at the

(A) No, because the qualifications of Dr. Wal- time of the accident. Padilla's attorney called Wagner
lace are no longer in issue. as a witness on Padilla's behalf.
(B) No, if the court is satisfied that Dr. Wallace
qualifies as an expert on diseases and inju- 127. Wagner testified that she and Padilla were close
ries of the epiglammis gland. friends, that they walked over that intersection
together almost every day for three years prior to
-(0) . Yes., becaus_e thecQurt lUns! determine for
itself whether a witness qualifies as an the accident, and that when doing so, Padilla
expert, and cannot allow the matter to be always walked in the area designated as a cross-
determined by stipulation of the parties. walk. If Daggett's attorney objects to Wagner's
statement, the objection should be
(D) Yes, because the jury may consider an
expert's qualifications in determining her (A) sustained, unless Wagner has a specific rec-
credibility. ollection of whether Padilla was in the
crosswalk at the time of the accident.
126. On direct examination, Dr. Wallace testified that (B) sustained, because Padilla's practice at any
after receiving a positive result in a test known as time other than that of the accident is a col-
a glandular arviogram she concluded that the lateral matter.
plaintiff had sustained an injury to her epiglam-
(C) overruled, but only if Padilla corroborates
mis gland. On cross-examination, the defendant's
Wagner's testimony by stating that she was
attorney showed Dr. Wallace a book entitled
in the crosswalk at the time of the accident.
"Glandular Arviography" and asked whether she
relied on it in forming her diagnosis. Dr. Wallace (D) overruled, since evidence of Padilla's habit
stated that she did not, but admitted that it was a is relevant to her conduct at the time of the
well-respected work in the field. The defendant's accident.
attorney then asked Dr. Wallace to read aloud a
passage from the book which stated that a posi-
128. Wagner then testified that she held a valid
tive result in a glandular arviogram almost
driver's license, that she had been driving an
always indicated that there was no injury to the
automobile for forty years, that she had seen Dag-
patient's epiglammis gland. If the plaintiff's
gett's car just before it struck Padilla, and that in
attorney objects, can that passage be read to the
her opinion it was moving at a speed in excess of
the thirty-five miles per hour speed limit. If Dag-
gett's attorney objects to Wagner's testimony
(A) Yes, for the purpose of impeachment only.
regarding the speed of Daggett's vehicle, which
(B) Yes, as substantive evidence only. of the following would be the most effective
(C) Yes, for the purpose of impeachment and as
argument in support of that objection?
substantive evidence.
(A) Wagner did not qualify as an expert on the
(D) No. speed of a moving automobile.
(B) Wagner's statement of opinion concerned an
Questions 127-128 are based on the following fact sit- ultimate fact in the litigation.
(C) Wagner did not have sufficient opportunity
to form an opinion regarding the speed of
Padilla brought a negligence action against Daggett for
Daggett's vehicle.
personal injuries which Padilla sustained when she was
struck by Daggett's car while she was a pedestrian. In (D) The speed of Daggett's vehicle was a fact,
defense, Daggett asserted that he was not negligent, and therefore cannot be established by
and that Padilla was contributorily negligent in that she opinion evidence.


Questions 129-130 are based on the following fact sit- At the trial of an action brought by Pallas against Dal-
uation. bey for breach of contract, Waite was called as a wit-
ness by Pallas's attorney. Waite identified the signature
Pasko was a passenger in a car driven by Dooley when on a document as Dalbey's, testifying that he knew
the car struck a pole. Pasko subsequently asserted a Dalbey's signature because he and Dalbey had once
claim against Dooley, alleging that injuries which been parttiers, and that he had seen Dalbey's signature
resulted from Dooley's negligent driving caused Pasko many times during the course of their partnership.
to be hospitalized for more than a month. At trial, on
the presentation of Pasko's direct case Pasko testified
that immediately after the accident, while Dooley was 131. Upon proper motion by Dalbey's attorney,
extremely nervous and upset, Dooley said, "Don't Waite's testimony regarding the signature should
worry, I've got plenty of insurance." be

(A) excluded, unless Waite is found to be an

129. Upon objection by Dooley's attorney, that portion expert on handwriting.
of Pasko's testimony should be
(B) excluded, unless Waite is found to be an
(A) excluded, because it is not relevant to a expert on Dalbey's handwriting.
material issue. (C) admitted.
(B) excluded, because it relates to a compromise (D) excluded, because it is the jury's function to
offer. decide whether the signature was Dal-
(C) admitted as evidence of an admission of a bey's.
(D) admitted as evidence of an excited utterance. 132. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Waite testified to other matters, and that on cross-
examination Dalbey's attorney asked Waite,
130. Assume for the purpose of this question only that "Didn't the partnership between you and Dalbey
Pasko then testified that following his release break up because Dalbey accused you of dishon-
from the hospital, Dooley's insurance company esty?" If Pallas's attorney objects to that question,
paid Pasko's hospital bill of $20,000. Upon the objection should be
objection by Dooley's attorney, this portion of
Pasko's testimony should be (A) sustained, because the question seeks to
elicit hearsay not within any exception to
(A) admitted, unless the payment of Pasko's the hearsay rule.
hospital bill is found to be an offer of com-
promise. (B) overruled, because the question seeks to
elicit an admission.
(B) excluded.
(C) overruled, because the question seeks to
(C) admitted, only if reference to the fact the elicit evidence which is admissible for pur-
Dooley was insured can be severed from poses of extrinsic impeachment.
the rest of Pasko's statement.
(D) overruled, because the question seeks to
(D) admitted as circumstantial evidence that elicit evidence which would tend to estab-
Dooley regarded himself to be at fault in lish that Waite is a biased witness.
causing the accident.

133. At Danek's trial on charges of criminal assault

Questions 131-132 are based on the following fact sit- and battery, Weary was called by the prosecutor

as a witness. Weary testified that while he was licenses in Danfield's possession tends to
walking through a parking lot at night, Danek establish a criminal plan.
attacked and beat him. Weary stated further that
(B) The number of credit cards in Danfield's
although there were no artificial lights of any
possession makes it likely that she had sto-
kind in the vicinity of the parking lot, he was able
len them.
to see Danek clearly in the light of the full moon.
After direct examination of Weary by the prose- (C) Danfield should be required to explain why
cutor, Danek's attorney waived cross-examina- she possessed so many credit cards belong-
tion, and Weary left the courtroom. ing to other people.
(D) Danfield's possession of 41 credit cards
Danek's attorney subsequently called an expert
bearing names other than her own is an
witness to testify that there was no moon at all on
admission by conduct.
the night of the alleged crime. The prosecutor
conceded the expert's qualifications.
Questions 135-136 are based on the following fact sit-
Upon timely objection by the prosecutor, the uation.
expert's testimony should be
Handel, a federal officer, had been informed that a per-
(A) admitted to show that Weary's testimony is son arriving from Europe on a particular airline flight
not worthy of belief. would be carrying cocaine in his baggage. Handel went
(B) admitted, because it is part of the res gestae. to the airport and stood at the arrival gate with Findo, a
dog which had been specially trained to recognize the
(C) excluded, because Weary was not given an scent of cocaine. When Dodd walked by carrying his
opportunity to explain his testimony in bag, Findo began barking and scratching the floor in
view of the additional evidence. front of him with his right paw. Handel stopped Dodd
(D) excluded as extrinsic evidence of a collateral and searched his bag. In it, he found a small brass
matter. statue with a false bottom. Upon removing the false
bottom, Handel found one ounce of cocaine. Dodd,
who was arrested and charged with the illegal importa-
134. Danfield was arrested after she used a credit card tion of a controlled substance, claimed he had pur-
bearing the name of Timothy Nolan to pay for a chased the statue as a souvenir and was unaware that
purchase. Danfield was subsequently charged there was cocaine hidden it its base.
with fraudulent use of a credit card. At her trial, a
police officer testified that when she arrested
Danfield, she found her to be in possession of 5 135. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
credit cards bearing the name of Timothy Nolan Dodd's attorney moved for an order excluding
and 36 other credit cards bearing a total of 36 dif- the use of the cocaine as evidence at Dodd's trial.
ferent names. In addition, the officer stated that At a hearing on that motion, Handel testified that
Danfield's wallet contained driver's licenses to he was an expert dog trainer and handler, that he
match each of the various names on the credit had personally trained Findo to signal by barking
cards. and scratching the floor in front of him with his
right paw whenever he sniffed cocaine, that
If Danfield's attorney moves to exclude evidence Findo had successfully found and signaled the
that Danfield possessed credit cards or driver's presence of cocaine on several previous occa-
licenses other than that which she was charged sions, and that Findo had given the signal when
with fraudulently using, which of the following Dodd walked away. If Dodd's attorney moves to
would be the prosecutor's most effective argu- exclude Handel's testimony regarding the way
ment in opposition to that motion? Findo acted when Dodd walked by, that testi-
mony should be
(A) The number of credit cards and driver's

(A) excluded, because the sounds and move- that you didn't know how fast you were going at the
ments made by Findo are hearsay and not time of the accident?" Danesh's attorney objected to
within any exception. the question.
(B) excluded, unless Findo is dead or otherwise 137. The objection of Danesh's attorney should be
(C) admitted, but only if Findo's effectiveness is (A) sustained, because a proper foundation was
established by· an in"-court demonstration. not laid.

(D) admitted, because a proper foundation has (B) sustained, because Danesh was·not under
been laid. oath at the settlement conference.
(C) overruled, because the statement which
Danesh made at the settlement conference
136. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
tends to establish that Danesh is not wor-
at Dodd's trial the prosecution offers to prove that
thy of belief.
Dodd had been convicted fifteen years earlier of
illegally importing cocaine by hiding it in the (D) sustained, because Packard's attorney failed
base of a brass statue. If Dodd's attorney objects, to confront Danesh prior to asking her
the court should rule that proof of Dodd's prior about the statement.
conviction is
138. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
(A) admissible, as evidence of habit.
Packard's attorney subsequently called as a rebut-
(B) admissible, because it is evidence of a dis- tal witness Westcott, a law clerk who was present
tinctive method of operation. in the judge's chambers during the settlement
(C) inadmissible, because evidence of previous conference, and that Packard's attorney asked
conduct by a defendant may not be used Westcott whether he had heard Danesh say that
against him. she did not know how fast she was going at the
time of the accident. If Danesh's attorney objects
(D) inadmissible, because the prior conviction to the question, the objection should be
occurred more than ten years before the
trial. (A) sustained, because Danesh was not given an
opportunity to explain the inconsistency
while she was on the witness stand.
Questions 137-138 are based on the following situa-
tion. (B) sustained, unless Danesh is given a subse-
quentopportunity to explain the inconsis-
Packard brought a negligence action against Danesh tency.
for damages resulting from personal injuries sustained
(C) overruled, because the statement is admissi-
in an automobile accident. Prior to trial, the parties and
ble for the purpose of extrinsic impeach-
their attorneys attended a settlement conference in the
judge's chambers. During the course of the settlement
conference, the judge asked Danesh how fast she was (D) overruled, under the collateral witness rule.
going at the time of the accident, to which Danesh
replied, "I really don't know, your honor." Danesh was
139. Decco was arrested for driving under the influ-
not under oath.
ence of alcohol while operating a car which he
borrowed from a friend earlier that day. After the
At the trial, Danesh testified on her own behalf. In
arrest, the police conducted an inventory search
response to a question by her attorney, Danesh said,
of the vehicle and found a container of marijuana
"When the accident occurred, I was definitely not
in the trunk. As a result, Decco was charged with
exceeding the speed limit." On cross examination,
violating a state law which made it a crime to
Packard's attorney asked Danesh, "Did you ever say

knowingly possess marijuana. Testifying on his

own behalf at the trial, Decco stated that he was
141. Which of the following is NOT self authenticat-
not aware there was marijuana in the trunk. On
cross examination, after properly marking it for
identification, the prosecutor showed Decco a let-
(A) A will with the attestation of witnesses
ter which had been taken from his coat pocket
affixed to it.
following his arrest, and asked whether he recog-
nized it. When Decco said that it was a note from (B) A newspaper.
his wife, the prosecutor showed it to Decco's
(C) A directory of public service telephone num-
attorney and offered it in evidence. Among other
bers issued by the state civil services
things, the note said, "We sure got high on that
stuff we smoked last night."
(D) A copy of a divorce decree prepared by the
If Decco's attorney objects to admission of the attorney for one of the divorced spouses
letter, his objection should be and certified correct by the clerk of the
(A) sustained, because the letter is hearsay not
within any exception to the hearsay rule.
Questions 142-43 are based on the following fact situa-
(B) sustained, because the letter is not relevant tion.
to a material issue.
(C) overruled, because the letter is a declaration Peterson was riding a motorcycle manufactured by
against the penal interest of Decco's wife. Byko when he collided with an automobile, sustaining
serious personal injuries. Following the accident,
(D) overruled, unless the jurisdiction recognizes examination of the motorcycle revealed that its fork
the common law spousal privilege. was severely bent. Peterson claimed the fork bent when
he drove the motorcycle over a bump in the road, and
140. At the trial of an action for breach of contract the bending of the fork caused him to lose control and
brought by Pacetti against Decker, Pacetti's attor- strike the automobile. Peterson asserted a personal
ney called Pacetti as a witness in her own behalf. injury claim against Byko on the ground that the
On direct examination, Pacetti's attorney asked, motorcycle was equipped with a fork which was not
"Do you own a German shepherd with a white strong enough to withstand the pressures of normal
forepaw?" Pacetti said that she did. No other operation and was, therefore, defective in design. Byko
questions were asked on direct examination. On denied that the motorcycle was defective and claimed
cross examination, Decker's attorney asked Pac- that the accident resulted from Peterson's negligent
etti, "Your dog is generally known to be gentle, operation of the motorcycle and that the fork did not
isn't that correct?" bend until the motorcycle collided with the automobile.

If Pacetti's attorney objects to the question, the 142. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
objection should be Byko called as a witness Walters, who was
employed by Byko as vice president in charge of
(A) sustained, if the question went beyond the safety. Walters testified that he had held that posi-
scope of cross examination. tion for six years, that in that time the company
(B) sustained, because the question is leading. had sold more than 10,000 motorcycles identical
to the one ridden by Peterson, and that Walters
(C) overruled, because Pacetti is a hostile wit- had never heard about a fork bending in normal
ness. operation. If Peterson's attorney objects, Walter's
(D) overruled, if Pacetti is an expert in dog testimony should be

(A) admitted, but only if the judge gives the jury

a special instruction regarding the uncer-
tainty of negative evidence.
(B) admitted, ifWalters was the person to whom
all complaints of product failure would be
(C) excluded, because it is possible that acci-
dents occurred which were never reported
to the company.
(D) excluded, because negative evidence is
inherently unreliable.

143. Assume for the purpose of this question only that

Byko's attorney attempted to offer a film into evi-
dence. The film showed a test being conducted on
a motorcycle fork identical to the one on Peter-
son's motorcycle. In the test, the fork was sub-
jected to the application of more than 15,000
pounds ofpressure and did not bend. If Peter-
son's attorney objects, the film should be

(A) excluded, unless it is properly authenticated

by the photographer who made the film.
(B) excluded, because it is not the best evidence
of the test which was performed.
(C) excluded, if the test conditions were not
identical to the conditions which Peterson
claims existed at the time of the accident.
(D) admitted.

1. A Under both common law and the UCC, evidence of trade terminology is admissible for
the purpose of establishing the meaning of a particular term in a contract between par-
ties in the trade. Since the contract calls for the sale of fish at wholesale, evidence of
trade terminology used in the wholesale fish industry is relevant to establish the mean-
ing ofth~ term in question.

Ordinarily, a witness is not permitted to testify to her opinion. A witness who qualifies
as an expert in a particular field, however, may be permitted to testify to an opinion
regarding her field of expertise. Since Cooke is not offering an opinion regarding the
preparation of fried fish in fast food restaurants, he need not qualify as an expert in that
particular field. B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because an expert may offer an
opinion regarding her field of expertise. D is incorrect because even if parties have not
specifically agreed to be bound by the terminology of a particular industry, that termi-
nology may be relevant in determining the meaning of unexplained terms in a contract
so long as both parties are likely to have been aware of the meaning of the trade termi-

2. C Damages in a defamation action are supposed to compensate the plaintiff for an injury
to her reputation. Since the injury would be less severe if the plaintiff's reputation was
not a good one to begin with, evidence of Perez's reputation in Platano is relevant to the
issue of damages, and is, therefore, admissible.

A is incorrect because the evidence was not offered for the purpose of proving that
Perez engaged in any particular conduct. If proper, character evidence may, with some
limitations, be used in any litigation, whether civil or criminal. B is, therefore, incorrect.
D is incorrect because evidence of reputation is not usually admissible for the purpose
of establishing that the person in question did or did not act in a particular way on a par-
ticular occasion.

3. A Evidence which tends to impeach a witness' credibility by showing bias is admissible.

The fact that Columbo and Perez were political rivals, and that Columbo had used
smear tactics in campaigning against Perez in the past would tend to show bias, and is
therefore likely to be admitted.

B is incorrect because the fact that Today brought Perez's reputation into issue is not,
alone, sufficient to require the admission of evidence of a type which would otherwise
be inadmissible. An admission is a statement by a party which is offered against that
party. Since Macias is not a party, nothing said by him could be regarded as an admis-
sion. C is, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect, since the evidence was admissible to
show bias.

4. C The best evidence rule requires production of an original or qualified duplicate when the
terms of a writing are in dispute or when a writing is offered as evidence of a fact, and
when the writing is not shown to be unavailable. I is correct because Waller's testimony
was based on her own recollection and is not dependent on Purco's file on the purchase.

II is correct because a photocopy is admissible as a qualified duplicate.

5. B A grant of use immunity prevents testimony given under such immunity, or its fruits,
from being used against the person who gave it, but does not prevent prosecutions from
being based on evidence which was obtained without reference to such testimony.

A grant of use immunity would prevent use of the testimony in any criminal proceeding
against the witness in any state or federal court in the United States. A and C are, there-
fore, incorrect. D is also incorrect, however, since the grant of use immunity would not
prevent prosecution of the witness or the use of testimony, like that of Tella's, which
was not obtained as a result of the testimony given under the grant of immunity.

6. D Hearsay is an out of court assertion offered for the purpose of proving the truth of the
matter asserted. Thus, if the plaintiff's statement to Dr. Withey is being offered to prove
that the plaintiff was experiencing pain in his arm, the statement would be hearsay. An
exception to the hearsay rule, however, permits the admission of statements made as
part of a medical history given in connection with a medical examination made for the
purpose of treatment or diagnosis. Since Dr. Withey's examination was being made for
the purpose of diagnosis, the patient's statement should be admissible. Under PRE
803(4), the circumstances surrounding the medical examination in which a patient's
statement was made go to the weight rather than to the admissibility of that statement.

I Thus the fact that the examination was not made for the purpose of treatment or that it
was made in contemplation of litigation is not, alone, sufficient to prevent admission
unless the prejudicial effect of the statement is likely to outweigh its probative value.
While a court might not come to that conclusion, the argument in D is the only one
listed which could possibly support the motion to strike.

A and B are incorrect because, unless the probative value is likely to be outweighed by
the prejudicial effect, the fact that the examination was not being made for the purpose
of treatment or that it was being made in contemplation of litigation would not be suffi-
cient to result in its exclusion. C is incorrect because there is no rule which prevents the
admission of self-serving statements.

7. C Under PRE 803(4), statements purporting to describe the way in which a physical con-
dition came about are admissible as part of a medical history if made for the purpose of
diagnosis, and if pertinent to diagnosis. "Diagnosis" refers to the nature and origin of an
injury. Even though Dr. Withey's examination was performed to enable her to testify,
she was attempting to form a diagnosis. Since the sound made by the plaintiff's elbow
striking the pavement might be pertinent to a determination of the nature and origin of
plaintiff's injury, (i.e., diagnosis) the statement is admissible.

A is incorrect because a statement made as part of a medical history is admissible as an

exception to the hearsay rule. B is incorrect because even though the examination was
performed in contemplation of Dr. Withey's testimony, one of its purposes was to allow
Dr. Withey to diagnose (i.e., determine the nature of) the plaintiff's injury. Although a
witness might be permitted to testify to his own former sense impression, there is no
exception to the hearsay rule for a witness's repetition of a declarant's former sense
impression. D is, therefore, incorrect.

8. A Under PRE 804(b)(l), prior testimony is admissible as an exception to the hearsay rule
if it was given under oath by a presently unavailable declarant and is offered against a
party which had the opportunity and incentive to cross-examine when the testimony was
given. Since Neer testified under oath at a proceeding in which Wildbird had the right to
cross-examine, the prior testimony is admissible if Neer is unavailable.

B is incorrect because the admissibility of prior testimony does not depend on the dispo-
sition of the proceeding in which it was given. If the party against which the prior testi-
mony is offered had the opportunity and incentive to cross-examine, the fact that it
chose not to do so is not relevant. C is, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because
Neer's unavailability would make the prior testimony admissible, not inadmissible.

9. D The records are relevant to the issues since they would tend to establish what knowledge
Wildbird had regarding the effects of the Wildflight's design. They are not privileged
for the following reasons.

They are not an attorney's work product because they do not contain mental impressions
formed by an attorney. A is, therefore, incorrect. They are not materials prepared for lit-
igation since they were made before the car was even marketed. B is, therefore, incor-
rect. They were not prepared for the purpose of communicating with Wildbird's
attorney, so C is incorrect.

10. A When the terms of a writing are in issue, the best evidence rule requires production of
the original uriless it is shown to be unavailable. For this purpose, an X-ray is regarded
as a writing. Oral testimony as to its contents is not permitted uriless the X-ray is either
produced or shown to be unavailable. An expert may testify to an opinion based on mat-
ters not in evidence. Since Dr. Treet's opinion was formed as the result of various fac-
tors, of which the X-ray was orily one, her testimony is not about the contents of a
document, so her opinion is admissible even without production of the X-ray. On the
other hand, Dr. Radell's opinion was based entirely upon the X-ray. In effect, his testi-
mony was nothing more than a description of the X-ray's contents. For this reason, the
best evidence rule would require either that the X-ray be produced or that it be shown to
be unavailable. Without such a showing, Dr. Radell's testimony is inadmissible. A is
therefore correct, and B, C, and D are, therefore, incorrect.

11. B Since hearsay is an out of court statement offered for the purpose of proving the matter
asserted in that statement, and since Child's statement that Dole struck her is offered for
the purpose of proving that Dole struck her, the statement is hearsay. PRE 803(2) pro-
vides, however, that an excited utterance may be admissible as an exception to the hear-
say rule. An excited utterance is a statement made about a startling event while the
declarant is under stress caused by the event. The common law equivalent - spontane-
ous declaration - could not ordinarily be applied if the statement was made in response
to a question. The PRE have eliminated that condition however. While the passage of
time might lead a court to conclude that the Child was no longer under stress produced
by the beating and hold that the statement is not admissible, B is the orily argument
listed which could possibly be effective in response to the objection.

Although a witness is permitted to make statements regarding her own sense impres-
sions, and these statements may include identification of other persons, there is no hear-

say exception for such statements when they are made out of court. A and Dare,
therefore, incorrect. Similarly, while a witness may make statements regarding her own
physical condition including explanations of the causes for that condition, C is incorrect
because Child's statement was made out of court, and was not given in connection with
a medical examination done for the purpose of treatment or diagnosis.

12. B The attorney-client privilege applies to communications made to an attorney by a per-

son seeking legal advice.Generally, the privilege of confidential communication with an
attorney extends also to the employees or agents of that attorney who are acting in fur-
therance of the attorney-client relationship. Some jurisdictions hold that where one mis-
takenly confides in another believing the other to be an attorney, there is a privileged
relationship so long as that mistaken belief was reasonable. Thus, if Darien reasonably
believed that he was communicating with an agent of his attorney, the conversation may
have been privileged. While it is not certain that a court would come to that conclusion,
the argument in B is the only one listed which could possibly support the motion.

A is incorrect because Wescott's statement would not result in a privilege unless Darien
was speaking with Wescott for the purpose of obtaining legal advice. C is incorrect
because Wescott's offer would not make disclosure of the facts to him essential to the
relationship between Darien and his attorney. Police interrogation of a person in custody
might violate the prisoner's constitutional rights. Unless Wescott had been sent by the

I police for the purpose of obtaining a statement from Darien, however, the fact that he
negotiated a plea-bargain on the day that his testimony was given would not violate
Darien's rights, and would not prevent Westcott's testimony from being admissible as
an admission. D is, therefore, incorrect.

13. B In many jurisdictions, an expert witness may be cross-examined in reference to a text

not in evidence only if his opinion was based upon it. Under FRE 803(18) it is not nec-
essary to show that the witness relied on the text involved, but it is necessary to estab-
lish that it is a reliable authority. B is correct because neither of these two foundations
has been laid.

A is incorrect because there is no requirement that the author of a text used on cross-
examination be a witness at the proceeding. C is only partially correct, since it is first
necessary to show such works to be reliable authorities before they can be used in cross-
examination. Since Dr. Won's admission that he has heard of Dr. Tue is not sufficient to
establish that her work is a reliable authority, D is incorrect.

14. C An expert may testify in answer to a hypothetical question so long as the facts assumed
in that hypothetical have been established (or will be established) by evidence offered.
Since Packer's case involves the assertion that her fall down the stairs resulted in her
injury, it was proper for Robinson's attorney to ask for Dr. Tue's opinion as to whether
such an injury was possible in such facts.

The expert's answer may be based on the facts assumed in the hypothetical and need not
be based on facts actually in evidence or known by her. A and B are, therefore, incor-
rect. Although an expert's opinion may be based on observations made in the court-
room, D is incorrect because Dr. Tue's was not.

15. C Under FRE 609, convictions may be used to impeach the credibility of a witness. A
court may not exclude proof of such convictions if they are for felonies or for misde-
meanors involving dishonesty. Since attempted murder is a felony, and since the other
crime was a misdemeanor involving dishonesty, evidence of both was admissible.

16. D Hearsay is an out-of-court assertion offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted.
Since Renich's statement was made out of court and is offered to prove the truth of what
it asserts, it is inadmissible as hearsay.

Although the record filed by Specker might qualify as either a business record or an
official document, the transcript which it contains of a statement made by Renich makes
this a multiple hearsay problem. While the record itself might be admissible under one
of the two named exceptions to the hearsay rule, only that information which was within
Specker's personal knowledge may be admitted. The fact that either the declarant or the
person who made the record is dead is not, alone, sufficient to make the statement
admissible. A and B are, therefore, incorrect. Under both the common law and FRE
801(d)(2)(D), a statement by an employee may be admissible as a vicarious admission
of the employer only if the statement was made within the scope of employment and
while the employment relationship existed. Since Renich had been discharged before
making the statement in question, C is incorrect.

17. D Under FRE 901(5), voice identification can be made by a witness who testifies that he
properly dialed a number listed in the telephone book, and that circumstances including
self-identification show that the person listed was the one who answered.

A and B are, therefore, incorrect. Since Fritz's statement is contrary to his interests, it is
an admission, which is not hearsay under the FRE and is admissible as an exception to
the hearsay rule under common law. C is, therefore, incorrect.

18. A The identity of a speaker may be established by evidence that the speaker's voice or
manner of speaking had a distinctive characteristic.

B is incorrect because any person can testify to the identity of a speaker if he had expe-
rience with the voice sufficient to allow him to identify it. C and D are incorrect since
evidence is relevant if it tends to establish the fact which it offered to prove, even
though it is not, alone, sufficient to establish that fact.

19. A Although evidence of insurance is not admissible for the purpose of showing fault or
wrongful conduct, it is admissible for other purposes if relevant to them. Evidence is
logically relevant if it tends to prove or disprove a fact of consequence. Since a person
would probably not purchase liability insurance on a vehicle which she does not own,
the fact that Olivia purchased the policy and that it was in force on the day of the acci-
dent tends to establish that she was the owner of the vehicle on that day. It is thus rele-
vant to the issue of ownership, and therefore, admissible.

B is incorrect, since a defendant's ability to pay a judgment against her is not relevant to
either liability or damages in a negligence case. C is incorrect because the policy men-
tioned prevents such evidence only if offered to establish fault or wrongful conduct. D
is incorrect because the evidence tends to establish ownership, which has been disputed

by Olivia.

20. A Under PRE 803(3), declarations of a declarant's then-existing intentions are described
as statements of present state of mind and are admissible as exceptions to the hearsay
rule. They may be relevant to establish that the declarant acted in a way which was con-
sistent with those stated intentions; however, such evidence is relevant only to establish
the conduct of the declarant herself. The view taken by the majority and by the PRE is
that they are not relevant to establish the conduct of others. Courts generally admit such
statements with limiting instructions directing the jury to consider the only on the issue
of the declarant's actions.

B, C and D are, therefore, incorrect.

21. B Under FRE 803(2), a statement relating to a startling event which was made while the
declarant was under the stress of excitement from that event is admissible as an (excited
utterance) exception to the hearsay rule.

A is incorrect because the uncertainty of the identification goes to the weight of the evi-
dence rather than to its admissibility. C is incorrect because a statement may be admissi-
ble as an excited utterance even though the identity of the person making it is unknown.
An excited utterance is admissible as an exception to the hearsay rule whether or not
other evidence is available. D is, therefore, incorrect.

22. A The statement of the eyewitness fits the classic definition of hearsay: an out-of-court
statement offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted in that statement.

Exceptions to the hearsay rule are made for past recollection recorded and business
records, but only if the person recording the information knew it to be true of his own
knowledge when the record was made. Since Onder could not have known of his own
knowledge whether the statement of the eyewitness was true, B and D are incorrect. Res
gestae is sometimes used as a synonym for excited utterance, but C is incorrect because
the fact that the statement resulted from an interview would probably prevent it from
being an excited utterance and because there is no indication that the witness made the
statement under stress.

23. D Evidence of past crimes might be admissible to impeach a witness' credibility, but never
solely for the purpose of showing that a criminal defendant had a disposition to commit
a particular kind of crime. Since there is no indication that Brasi testified, there is no
reason to impeach his credibility.

A, Band C are, therefore, incorrect.

24. D Hearsay is defined as an out-of-court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter
asserted in that statement. Since Tribune can only be offering Wright's statement to
prove that he believed the statement, it is hearsay.

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because under PRE 803(3), a statement of

declarant's past state of mind is admissible only in a will contest. That a statement is
self-serving may keep it from being admitted under certain exceptions to the hearsay

rule, but is never grounds for its admission. C is, therefore, incorrect.

25. C Under both PRE 803(7) and the majority rule, if a business record is otherwise admissi-
ble, the absence of entries in it may be used to establish non-occurrence of a particular
event if it was the practice of the business to promptly record all such events.

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because the fact that evidence is self-serving is
not, alone, sufficient to make it inadmissible. Although almost anything may be used by
a witness to refresh his recollection, the fact that a document was so used is not suffi-
cient to permit its admission into evidence. D is, therefore, incorrect.

26. C Since a defamation action seeks damages for injury to the plaintiff's reputation, evi-
dence that the plaintiff's reputation was already tarnished is relevant to the issue of

Evidence of the rumor is not hearsay since it is offered not to prove the truth of the
rumor, but to establish the quality of Pastor's reputation. A is, therefore, incorrect. B is
based on an inaccurate statement of law, since character evidence - if properly pre-
sented - may be admitted in a civil as well as a criminal case. D is incorrect because
evidence of a defamation plaintiff's reputation is admissible whether he testifies or not,
since his reputation is in issue.

27. C Hearsay is an out of court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted in
that statement. If offered for any other purpose it is not hearsay. If an out-of-court state-
ment has a direct legal effect apart from its communicative effect, it is not hearsay, since
it is offered not to prove the truth of any matter asserted, but to prove its direct legal
effect. Since Doltum is attempting to establish that the watch was a gift to him, and
since Trolley's words coupled with delivery by handling Doltum the watch would have
the legal effect of creating an executed gift, the statement is admissible.

An admission is a statement made by a party and offered against that party. Since Trol-
ley is not a party to the proceeding, his statement cannot be termed an admission. A is,
therefore, incorrect. The Dead Man's Act, where it exists, prevents evidence of a con-
versation with a decedent from being offered against the interests of that decedent. B is
incorrect, since the Dead Man's Act, if it existed, would require that the objection be
sustained, not overruled. Trolley's statement was not hearsay, since it is offered to estab-
lish its direct legal effect apart from its communicative effect. D is, therefore, incorrect.

28. D Most modem courts, and FRE 701, allow lay persons to give opinions regarding matters
within the competence of the ordinary person so long as a proper foundation is laid.
This foundation requires a showing that the witness had experience which would enable
them to form an opinion, that she had an opportunity to perceive, and that she formed an
opinion based on that perception. Since Arrow has so testified, her testimony regarding
Dunk's speed should be admitted as a lay opinion.

A and B are, therefore, incorrect. Although some police officers might qualify as
experts on the speeds of moving vehicles, C is incorrect for two reasons: first, a witness
to the speed of a vehicle need not be an expert; and, second, not all police officers qual-
ify as experts.

29. D Lay persons may testify to their sense impressions in terms of opinion when there is no
other practical way to describe these sense impressions. The only possible way of
describing the smell of alcohol is to say that it smells like alcohol, and testimony so
describing it is admissible.

A leading question is one which would cause the reasonable person to believe that the
questioner was seeking one specific'answer rather than another. A is incorrect because
the questiori did not indicate what answer it sought. B is incorrect because under the cir-
cumstances, a conclusion was the only possible way of describing Arrow's sense
impression. Although it was once held that opinion testimony was not admissible if it
went to an ultimate issue in the case, the prohibition has been abandoned under the PRE
and in a majority of common law jurisdictions. C is, therefore, incorrect.

30. D Under FRE 412, reputation evidence of the past sexual behavior of the victim is not
admissible in a trial for rape under any circumstances. Evidence of the victim's past is
not admissible except for conduct with the defendant offered to support a defense of
consent, or conduct with others offered to show that the defendant was not the source of
semen or the victim's injury. Since the court record is not offered for these purposes, it
is not admissible.

A and C are, therefore, incorrect. Under theFRE, evidence of conviction for a crime is
admissible for the purpose of impeaching a witness's credibility if the crime was a fel-
ony or a misdemeanor involving dishonesty. Since prostitution is neither, the conviction
is not admissible to impeach Vonda's credibility. B is, therefore, incorrect.

31. C Evidence of past dealings between the parties to a contract is usually admissible to
prove the intentions of the parties at the time the contract was formed. This is only so,
however, if conditions at the time the previous dealings took place are substantially the
same as conditions which existed at the time the contract was formed. If the videotapes
were being sold at an especially low price, evidence of past sales at the regular price
might not be relevant in determining the intentions of the parties.

A is incorrect because the evidence is not being offered for the purpose of establishing
Vidco's conduct, but rather for the purpose of establishing Telink's intentions. The parol
evidence rule prohibits the introduction of oral testimony of prior or contemporaneous
agreements for the purpose of contradicting the terms of an unambiguous written con-
tract. B is incorrect, however, since the absence of any reference to the way in which the
product was to be packaged would make the contract ambiguous, and oral evidence
could be offered to explain the ambiguity. D is incorrect because the common practice
would not, alone, be sufficient to overcome the expectations which might have resulted
from past transactions between the parties.

32. D In interpreting terms in a contract, courts attempt to determine what the parties had in
mind when they agreed to those terms. Since evidence of prior transactions between the
same parties may be relevant indications of what they were thinking or expecting when
they formed the agreement, such evidence is ordinarily admissible. However, evidence
of transactions which did not involve Telink would not give any indication of Telink's
state of mind unless Telink was aware of those transactions. Since the facts do not show

that Telink was aware of the transactions in question, D is correct.

A is incorrect because such evidence is only admissible if it involved the same parties.
B is incorrect because Schipper's statement is not directly relevant to any statement
made by Layton. Even if the twenty customers were of the same general size and class
as Telink, evidence of their responses does not tend to establish anything at all about
Telink's intentions or expectations at the time the contract was formed. C is, therefore,

33. A Evidence that a party is insured is inadmissible to establish fault or damage, because
insurance coverage or the lack of it is not logically or legally relevant to those issues.
For this reason, it is ordinarily improper for either party to comment on insurance or the
lack of it during the trial of a negligence action. If a plaintiff falsely suggests that the
defendant is insured, however, a defendant may be permitted to counter the suggestion
by proving that he lacked insurance. Since the plaintiff's attorney asked jurors whether
they owned stock in an automobile liability insurance carrier, a court might conclude
that a false suggestion of insurance coverage has been made and that the defendant
should therefore be permitted to prove that he had none. While it is not certain that a
court would come to this conclusion, A is the only option which could possibly be cor-

B is incorrect because the evidence involved was not offered for the purpose of estab-
lishing fault or freedom from it. C is incorrect because there is no prohibition against
the offer of evidence which is self-serving (a party's evidence almost always is). The
FRE specifically authorize the admission of a judgment of conviction when it is rele-
vant. D is, therefore, incorrect.

34. C If relevant, photographs and films are admissible if a witness testifies that they are accu-
rate representations of what they purport to be. Since the defendant has identified the
videotape copy as a fair and accurate representation of the accident scene, and since the
appearance of the accident scene is relevant in the trial of an accident claim, the video-
tape is admissible and C is correct.

Under the best evidence (i.e., original document) rule, where the contents of a document
are iIi issue,secondary evidence of its contents is inadmissible unless the original or a
qualified duplicate are shown to be unavailable. Although a videotape could be
regarded as a document for this purpose, A is incorrect because the contents of the vid-
eotape are not in issue; the tape is offered to show what the accident scene looked like.
Since the defendant testified that the tape is an accurate representation of the accident
scene, it is admissible without regard to its custody and whereabouts since made. B is,
therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because any witness may authenticate a pictorial rep-
resentation by testifying that it is an accurate representation of what it purports to be.

35. D Since a person who makes statements which contradict each other might not be worthy
of belief, a witness may be impeached on cross-examination by inquiry regarding prior
inconsistent statements.

If a prior inconsistent statement is offered as substantive evidence, it must have been

made under oath and at a trial. But a prior inconsistent statement used merely to

impeach does not need to fulfill those requirement. Since only impeachment use is
being made here, A is incorrect. Although it may be unethical for an attorney to make
contact directly with an adversary known to be represented by counsel, information
obtained by such a contact is not necessarily inadmissible. In any event, B is incorrect
because there is no reason to believe that Pringle was represented by counsel at the time
of his conversation with Vesto, or, if he was, that Addie knew him to be. A statement of
a party offered against that party is admissible as an admission. Under FRE 801(d)(2),
an admission is not hearsay; under the common law, an admission is an exception to the
hearsay rule. C is, therefore, incorrect.

36. C Hearsay is an out-of-court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted in
that statement. If Pringle's statement is offered to impeach Pringle by showing that he is
not worthy of belief because he tells different stories on different days, it is not hearsay.
His statement is, therefore, admissible for impeachment. At common law, a statement of
a party offered against that party (Le., an admission) is hearsay but is admissible under
an exception to the hearsay rule. Under PRE 801(d)(2), an admission is not hearsay at
all. Either way, Pringle's statement would be admissible as substantive evidence. Cis,
therefore, correct.

37. B Under PRE 410(4), a withdrawn guilty plea cannot be used in any subsequent action or
proceeding, so if the plea was withdrawn, Buyco's attorney can properly be prevented
from asking about it.

A and C are incorrect because the circumstances in which and the crime to which the
plea was given go to the weight rather than to the admissibility of the evidence. D is
incorrect because the impeachment of Sellco's witness does not depend on Sellco's
employment of that witness.

38. B Proof that a witness was convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor involving dishonesty
may be admissible for the purpose of extrinsically impeaching the credibility of the wit-
ness, but not if the conviction was subsequently reversed for any reason.

A is incorrect because the evidence is offered to impeach Manny's credibility as a wit-

ness, and this is not related to his employment by Sellco. The fact that the conviction
was for a misdemeanor would not prevent its admission if the misdemeanor was one
which involved dishonesty. C is, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because if the crime
of which the witness was convicted was a felony, it may be admissible without regard to
the nature of the felony.

39. C Because of a policy to encourage repairs of dangerous conditions, evidence that a defen-
dant repaired a condition subsequent to the occurrence of an accident is inadmissible for
the purpose of establishing negligence or that the condition was dangerous at the time of
the accident.

A is incorrect for that reason, and because the term "admission" ordinarily describes an
out-oj-court statement made by a party. B is incorrect because the rule of policy applies
whether or not the defendant has received notice of the accident and pending lawsuit. D
is incorrect because it is overindusive. Such evidence is admissible for some purposes
(like establishing ownership or control).

40. C Since an employer is vicariously liable for the negligence of an employee committed
within the scope of employment, statements tending to establish that the accident
resulted from Currier's negligence are relevant in Postum's action against Daxco. The
evidence should, thus, be admitted unless excluded under the hearsay rule. Hearsay is
an out of court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted. These facts
raise what is sometimes called a multiple level hearsay problem (i.e., a problem involv-
ing an out of court statement which contains another out of court statement). This is so
because Currier's testimony at the reckless driving trial was not made during the negli-
gence trial and so is an "out of court" statement, and because the evidence of his state-
ment is contained in a transcript which was also not made as part of the negligence trial
and so is an "out of court" statement. In order for multiple level hearsay (i.e., the tran-
script containing Currier's statement) to be admissible each level must be separately
admissible. The fIrst level of hearsay is the testimony by Currier at the reckless driving
trial. Under the common law, statements by an employee are admissible against the
employer only if the employee had the authority to make them. But PRE 801(d)(2)(D)
requires only that the employee's statement concerned a matter within the scope of his
employment, and was made while the employment relationship existed. Currier's state-
ment is therefore a vicarious admission which is an exception to the hearsay rule at
common law, and is not hearsay at all under the FRE. The second level of hearsay is the
transcript. Since it was made by a public official (the court reporter), regarding "matters
observed pursuant to duty imposed by law as to which matters there was a duty to
report" (that Currier made the admission), the transcript qualifIes as a public record or
report under PRE 803(8). C is, therefore, correct.

Under PRE 804(b)(1), prior testimony is admissible as an exception to the hearsay rule
only if the party against whom it is offered had an incentive and an opportunity to cross-
examine when the testimony was fIrst given. Since Daxco was not a party to the pro-
ceeding at which Currier's testimony was given, the testimony does not qualify for
admission under this exception. A is, therefore, incorrect. The past recollection recorded
exception requires that the record was made from the recorder's own knowledge and
requires the recorder to authenticate the record in court. B is incorrect because Currier's
statement was not authenticated or recorded by Currier. D is incorrect for the reasons
stated above.

41. D A plaintiff in a negligence action is not required to prove that the defendant or its
employee acted recklessly or committed any crime. Currier's acquittal on the criminal
charge or reckless driving is therefore irrelevant to the issues in Postum's action.

Thus, even though a court record might be admissible as an official written statement, A
is incorrect because this record is not relevant. B is incorrect for two reasons: fIrst, the
fact that Currier was not driving recklessly is not relevant to Postum's claim; and, sec-
ond, since the burden of proof in a criminal case differs from the burden of proof in a
civil case, acquittal in the criminal court cannot determine the issues in a civil case. If a
court record were covered under an exception to the hearsay rule, the unavailability of
the person who was the subject of the proceeding from which the record emanated
would not prevent its admission. C is, therefore, incorrect.

42. D Although Alicia and Benton may have been in an attorney-client relationship at the time

Alicia made the observations under examination, the attorney-client privilege only pro-
tects confidential communications. Although a communication may be non-verbal as
well as verbal, Benton's appearance can not be regarded as any communication at all,
and is therefore not privileged.

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because a lay person may be competent to tes-
tify to appearances commonly observed by lay persons including the appearance of
into4ication. C is incorrect because the attorney-client privilege belongs to the client,
and need not be raised by the attorney.

43. D A is incorrect for two reasons. First, a confidential marital communication is one which
takes place during the course of the marriage, and Alicia and Benton were not married
at the time of the party. Second, the privilege only protects confidential communica-
tions, and Benton's consumption of alcohol at the party would not be determined to be a
confidential communication. Although the common law spousal privilege might pre-
vent adverse testimony by a party's spouse even though it.concerns events which pre-
ceded the marriage, B is incorrect because the privilege does not survive the marriage
and would have terminated with Alicia's and Benton's divorce. C is a fabrication, with
no basis in law. D is, therefore, correct.

44. C Under PRE 803(3), statements of a declarant's then-existing state of mind are admissi-
ble as an exception to the hearsay rule. Since it is likely that a suicidal state of mind
such as that indicated by Vason's statement to Si would continue until the following day,
and since it is likely that a person with that state of mind would commit suicide, the fact
that Vason was of a suicidal state of mind on the day before his death is relevant to the
question of whether his death was a suicide. I is, therefore a correct statement. Hearsay
is an out-of-court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted in that state-
ment. If Vason's statement to Si is offered for the purpose of establishing that Si knew
or should have known that Vason was suicidal, it is not hearsay, since it is not offered to
prove the truth of the matter asserted (i.e., that suicide is the only way out). II is, there-
fore, a correct statement.

45. B Under PRE 803(18), statements contained in a published treatise may be called to the
attention of an expert on direct or cross-examination, and, if the treatise is established to
be a reliable authority, may be read into the record. To prevent the jury from misunder-
standing and misapplying a work written by and for experts, however, the treatise itself
is not admissible.

A, C and D are, therefore, incorrect.

46. A Hearsay is defined as an out-of-court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter
asserted in that statement. The statement of the firearms instructor is relevant to estab-
lish what Dally believed, since Dally was present when he said it, and it is likely that he
believed what his instructors said. If offered to prove Dally's state of mind rather than
the range of the rifle, it is not hearsay because it is not offered to prove the truth of what
was asserted (i.e., that the rifle is accurate at 2 miles).

On the other hand, if offered to prove the range of the Firetag 401 (i.e., the matter
asserted in the statement) it would be inadmissible as hearsay. B and C are, therefore,

incorrect. D is incorrect because the statement is not hearsay if used to prove Dally's
state of mind.

47. B Since a statement as to the value of a chattel is a statement of opinion, and since lay
opinions are not usually admissible, some qualification is necessary to demonstrate the
competence of a person stating an opinion regarding the value of a chattel. Since an
unaccepted offer to purchase a chattel suggests the offeror's opinion as to its value, an
unaccepted offer to purchase is not usually admissible to establish the value of the sub-
ject chattel because the offeror is notrrecessarily an expert in the value of such chattels,
and because even if the offeror were an expert, his out of court statement as to its value
would be hearsay. For this reason, evidence of an offer to purchase the motorcycle is
probably inadmissible, and B is the correct answer.

In the belief that the owner of a chattel has some special knowledge about his property,
courts usually allow a chattel's owner to give an opinion regarding its value. A is, there-
fore, likely to be admitted. In C, the motorcycle dealer would probably qualify as an
expert on the value of motorcycles. An expert may testify to an opinion in response to a
hypothetical question, even though he has no personal knowledge of the facts in a par-
ticular case. Thus, if the photograph can be shown to be a fair and accurate representa-
tion of the motorcycle immediately prior to the accident, the motorcycle dealer's
opinion of its value may be admissible. D would be admissible since an expert's qualifi-
cations may be based on experience with the matter in issue, and the amateur motorcy-
cle collector's previous purchases and sales might qualify him as such.

48. D Under common law, self-identifying statements are not sufficient to establish the source
of a writing. FRE 902 creates some exceptions to this rule, but letterheads are not
among them.

A is admissible since an expert may state an opinion concerning the authorship of a par-
ticular writing based upon a comparison of the writing in question with an exemplar of
the defendant's writing. B is admissible because the trier of the facts may form a conclu-
sion about the authorship of a particular writing based upon its own comparison of that
writing with an exemplar of the defendant's handwriting. C is admissible, since any per-
son may testify to what he has seen if it is relevant to the facts in issue.

49. D Although evidence of subsequent repairs is inadmissible to establish that a condition

was dangerous or that the defendant was negligent, it may be admitted if relevant to
some other issue. Since it is not likely that Lanham would have taken the action indi-
cated if he were not in control of the stairway, the evidence may be admitted for the pur-
pose of establishing control.

A is incorrect because it suggests that some rule of privilege prevents testimony by the
defendant's employee, when no such rule exists. The admissibility of Walker's testi-
mony does not, therefore, depend on his employment status. B and C are incorrect
because of the rule of policy which prohibits evidence of subsequent repairs to establish

50. B Testimony that a witness never heard of similar accidents in the past may be admitted as
circumstantial evidence that the condition was not dangerous if a proper foundation is

laid. This requires showing that the condition was substantially the same on the day of
plaintiff's accident as it was during the period described by defendant, that there was
sufficient traffic over the condition and sufficient time to provide an opportunity for
such accidents to have occurred, and that the witness was likely to have heard of such
accidents had they occurred. Since Walker testified that the stairs were in substantially
the same condition throughout the period described, that many people used them every
day for three years, and that he never heard of such an accident, the only element of the
necessary foundation which is lacking is evidence that he probably would have heard of
suchan accident if it had occurred. His testimony is thus admissible if this can be
shown, but is not admissible otherwise. B is, therefore, correct.

A is incorrect because the fact that no accident had previously occurred would tend to
establish that the condition was not a dangerous one. Evidence of the non-occurrence of
similar accidents in the past might tend to prove that the plaintiff did not use the care
exercised by ordinary persons in encountering the situation. C is incorrect, however,
because without evidence that Walker would have heard of such accidents had they
occurred, the assertion of contributory negligence is not, alone, sufficient to make
Walker's statement probative. D is incorrect because there is no rule which prevents a
party from objecting to improper testimony elicited by cross-examination of its own

51. A Silence may be regarded as a tacit admission of a fact asserted in the presence of the
person remaining silent under circumstances such that the reasonable person would
have denied the assertion. Evidence of Bailey's refusal to answer Alex's assertion, is,
therefore, admissible as an admission so long as the reasonable person would have
denied the assertion.

If it were not otherwise admissible, however, the mere fact that Bailey was a party and
able to deny it would not be sufficient to make the testimony admissible. B is, therefore,
incorrect. C is incorrect because silence may constitute an admission as stated above.
The Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination might prevent an inference of
guilt from being drawn in a criminal case from the silence of a defendant, but does not
prevent such an inference from being drawn in a civil case. D is, therefore, incorrect.

52. C Under the best evidence rule, where the terms of a writing are in issue, the writing itself
must be offered into evidence unless the writing is shown to be unavailable through no
action in bad faith. Since the original and all copies of the contract were destroyed in a
fire, oral testimony as to its contents is admissible.

The parol evidence rule prohibits oral testimony of prior or contemporaneous agree-
ments to alter the terms of a contract intended to be a complete integration of the parties,
but does not prevent oral testimony regarding the contents of a written agreement. A is,
therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because the writing has been shown to be unavail-
able. The Statute of Frauds provides that certain contracts are unenforceable unless in
writing, but does not relate to the evidence used to establish the existence of a contract.
D is, therefore, incorrect.

53. D Hearsay is defined as an out-of-court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter
asserted in that statement. Since Wellum's statement that he killed Robins is being

offered to prove that Wellum did kill Robins (thus discrediting Draper's assertion that
Robins killed himself), it is hearsay, and should be excluded unless admissible under an
exception to the hearsay rule. Wellum's statement is not an exception for the following

A dying declaration is admissible as a hearsay exception if it was made from his own
knowledge and with a sense of his own impending death by a presently unavailable
declarant concerning the cause and circumstances of his own death. Since Wellum's
statement did not concern the cause of his own death, it is not admissible as a dying dec-
laration. A is, therefore, incorrect. Under FRE 804(b)(3), a statement is admissible as a
declaration against interest in two ways. A statement may be admitted if it is so contrary
to the declarant's financial interests that a reasonable person in his position would not
have made it unless it was true. The rationale for this exception to the hearsay rule is
that a person is not likely to make false statements if he knows that they will probably
damage his financial interests. When a person believes himself to be dying, however, he
is not likely to worry about damage to his financial interests, and, for this reason, a
statement made by a person who believes he is dying will probably not qualify under
this exception. B is, therefore, incorrect. A statement may also be admitted if it is con-
trary to the declarant's penal interest in that it inculpates him. Such a statement may be
admissible only if offered to exculpate the accused and only if independent evidence
corroborates its trustworthiness. C is incorrect for two reasons: first, there is no inde-
pendent evidence to corroborate Wellum's declaration; and, second, since Draper's
prosecution is for murdering Victor, Wellum's statement that Wellum killed Robins does
not exculpate Draper.

54. C The defense of entrapment applies if the police were responsible for inducing the defen-
dant to commit a crime which he was not otherwise likely to commit, and does not
apply if the defendant was predisposed to commit the crime charged. Since Drummond
has raised the defense of entrapment, evidence that he had previously sold heroin is rel-
evant to establish his predisposition to do so at the time when Mark made the purchase.

Although character evidence is not admissible for the purpose of showing that a crimi-
nal defendant committed a certain act, it may be admissible against him for other pur-
poses. A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because the evidence was being offered
not to establish Drummond's character, but to establish that Mark provided the opportu-
nity for the crime (which is not entrapment) rather than that he induced Drummond to
commit it (which would have been entrapment). D is incorrect because character evi-
dence may not be used for that purpose.

55. D Since an attorney is entitled to control the direction of his examination, an answer which
is otherwise admissible may be stricken if it is not responsive to the question asked.
Since Key's attorney did not ask why Pleasance delayed consulting with counsel, Pleas-
ance's explanation is unresponsive to the question and may be stricken. D is, therefore,

Although policy prevents admission of settlement negotiations to prove damage, the

rule of limited admissibility permits admission of such evidence if it is offered for some
other purpose, such as to explain the delay in instituting an action. A is incorrect, how-
ever, because, although otherwise admissible, that portion of the answer may be stricken

as unresponsive. B is incorrect because the rule of policy specifically prohibits the

admission of settlement negotiations for the purpose of establishing fault. C is incorrect
because the policy rule does not apply if the evidence is offered for a proper purpose.

56. B At one time, the courts recognized a prohibition against opinion testimony relating to an
ultimate issue in the case on trial. Now, however, it is recognized that such testimony
may be admitted in evidence so long as the opinion is not couched in legal terms. Since
the word "obscene" has special legal significance, Proffer may not state an opinion that
the ftlm was obscene.

A is incorrect for the reason stated above. C is not the best argument. Since a witness
may qualify as an expert by a showing of her knowledge, skill, experience, training, or
education in a particular area, the fact that. Proffer is a professor of film arts and an
author of several books on the topic of erotic filmmaking would probably be sufficient
to qualify her as an expert. D is incorrect because PRE 702 abandons the requirement of
strict necessity for expert testimony, and permits it whenever the witness's specialized
knowledge will assist the jury to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue.

57. D When the terms of a writing or the contents of a film are in issue, the best evidence rule
requires production of the original, unless the original is shown to be unavailable. Since
the question of whether "Nude Awakening" is obscene depends on its specific content,
the best evidence rule applies.

A and B are, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because even a finding that it would be
scandalous to show the film to the jury would not justify admitting descriptions of its
contents when the film itself is available.

58. A So long as it does not abuse its discretion, a court may exclude evidence if it finds that
the probative value would be outweighed by prejudicial effect. Thus, the court may pre-
vent the showing of the film if its prejudicial effect would outweigh its probative value.
I is, therefore, correct.

II is incorrect, because although the court may fust view the film in camera to deter-
mine whether its probative value will be outweighed by its prejudicial effect, it is not
required to do so.

59. C Although the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination protects a witness in
a civil or criminal case against being required to give testimony which might tend to
incriminate him, it does not justify a complete refusal to take the stand, except by a
defendant in a criminal prosecution.

The privilege applies to any testimony anywhere if it might subsequently be used in a

criminal proceeding against the person who gave it. A and B are, therefore, incorrect. D
is incorrect because West's belief would justify his refusal to answer certain questions,
but not his complete refusal to take the stand.

60. B Under FRE 801(d)(l), prior testimony is admissible as substantive evidence if it was
given under oath by a presently unavailable declarant in a proceeding in which the party
against whom it is now offered had an opportunity to cross examine. Since Wolf's testi-

mony was given under oath at a hearing in which Damon had an opportunity to cross
examine, it is admissible if Wolfe is presently unavailable.

A and C are incorrect because the prior testimony is not admissible unless Wolfe is
unavailable. So long as the party against whom prior testimony is offered was given an
opportunity to cross examine when the testimony was first given, the testimony is
admissible without regard to whether he availed himself of that opportunity. D is, there-
fore, incorrect.

61. D Evidence is admissible if relevant, and relevant if it tends to prove or disprove a fact of
consequence. Since Darnell could not have committed the crime if he was elsewhere at
the time, evidence of his whereabouts tends to establish his guilt. or innocence and is,
therefore, relevant.

A and B are incorrect statements because FRE 607 expressly permits a party to impeach
his own witness. A hostile witness is one who manifests hostility to the attorney ques-
tioning him, not just one who gives unexpected answers. Since Willis did not manifest
hostility, C is incorrect.

62. A Although use immunity does not prevent prosecution relating to the transaction which
was the subject of the testimony for which the immunity was granted, it does prevent
the subsequent use of that testimony or its fruits. The "fruits" include all evidence
gained as a direct or indirect result of the testimony. If the prosecutor had no evidence
against Cooms other than Mayo's testimony, then Cooms' testimony was one of the
"fruits" of Mayo's, and should be excluded.

B is incorrect because it is based on a distorted view of the facts. By making a deal for
the testimony of Cooms, the prosecutor has not bargained away any "rights" of Mayo. C
is incorrect because the .articles by Rider did not identify Cooms. Cooms's evidence
must, therefore, be seen as one of the fruits. of Mayo's testimony. D is incorrect because·
the use immunity granted Mayo makes Cooms' testimony inadmissible. The fact that it
was given voluntarily and without coercion is not, alone, enough to make it admissible.

63. D A client is privi1eg~dto prevent another from disclosing the contents of a confidential
communication with his attorney. Although the presence of third persons usually results
in a finding that the communication was not intended to be confidential, this is not so if
the presence of those persons was essential to the communications with the attorney.
Darla's presence does not prevent Thomas's communication .with Lottie from being
confidential since, as the driver of the truck, she was essential to the conference between
Thomas and Lottie.

A is incorrect since, if the communication was confidential, the client's privilege applies
to any attempt to disclose it. B is incorrect because Darla's presence was essential to the
purpose of the conference. C is incorrect because corporations are entitled to the privi-
lege, which clearly applies to communications between lawyers and high-ranking offic-
ers of the corporation.

64. A Under FRE 901(b)(6), voice identification can be made if the witness testifies that she
properly dialed a number listed in the directory and circumstances, including self-iden-

tification, show the person answering to be the one listed and called.

B is a fabrication; there is no such presumption. Although the combination of a listing in

the telephone directory and self identification by the person answering the phone may
result in an inference regarding that person's identity, there is no presumption that the
person who answered identified himself accurately. C is incorrect since the FRE make
independent recognition unnecessary under the circumstances described above. The
privilege against self-incrimination protects against "testimonial communications," but
does not prevent testimony by others than the defendant concerning admissions made
by the defendant. D is, therefore, incorrect.

65. C Any person who recognizes a voice because of experience which she has had with that
voice may testify as to the identification of the speaker. Since Munson had experience
with Hobbs's voice in a face-to-face conversation and claims to recognize it as a result,
her testimony identifying Hobbs as the speaker is admissible.

A is incorrect because the extent of the experience which a witness had with the voice
she is identifying goes to the weight of the evidence rather than to its admissibility. B is
incorrect because everyday experience with speech places the identification of a voice
within the capacity of a layperson who has experience with the voice sufficient to recog-
nize it. Although a witness may testify to a distinctive characteristic which helped her to
recognize a voice, D is incorrect because she is not required to do so.

66. A If relevant, a photograph or pictorial representation is admissible if a witness identifies

it as a fair and accurate representation of what it purports to be. Since the directions and
relationship of the streets which were the scene of an accident are relevant to the way in
which the accident occurred, a photograph which fairly and accurately depicts them is
admissible. Thus, even though the absence of Christmas tree ornaments in the photo-
graph prevents it from showing all aspects of the accident scene exactly as they
appeared on the day of the accident, it is admissible if it fairly and accurately represents
the directions and relationship of the streets. Since the plaintiff testified that it does, the
photograph should be admitted.

B is incorrect because a photograph which fairly and accurately represents what it pur-
ports to represent is admissible without regard to when it was taken. C is incorrect
because the authentication of a photograph may be made by any competent witness who
is familiar with what the photograph purports to represent, and need not be made by the
photographer herself. D is incorrectfor the reasons stated above.

67. B Evidence is relevant if it tends to prove or disprove a fact of consequence. Since the
hearing is being held on the sole question of whether Dodge was driving negligently, the
only facts of consequence relate to that question. Dodge was driving negligently if he
was driving in a way in which the reasonable person would not. Since the fact that the
vehicle was unregistered is not related to how it was being driven, the conviction for
operating an unregistered vehicle is not relevant to the question of negligence.

A is, therefore, incorrect. An admission is a statement made by a party and offered

against that party. C is incorrect because, if it is relevant, a guilty plea may be admissi-
ble as an admission. At common law, admissions fall under an exception to the hearsay

rule. Under FRE 801(d)(2), an admission is not hearsay. Either way, D is incorrect.

68. A Hearsay is an out of court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted in
that statement. Since the statement that a blue sedan was traveling at an excessive speed
was made out of court, and since it was offered to prove that Dockery's blue sedan was
traveling at an excessive speed, it is hearsay. A is, therefore, correct.

A witness may testify to her sense impression, even though that testimony is stated as an
opinion. Since Wilcox is nottestifying to her own sense impression:; but rather to some-
thing that she heard another person say, B is incorrect. Under the hearsay exception
known as "past recollection recorded", a witness may read from a written note if she
made it herself based on information which she knew of her own knowledge while the
information was fresh in her mind. The note which Wilcox read does not qualify, how-
ever, because it was not based on something which she knew of her own knowledge, but
rather on something she had heard another person say. C is, therefore, incorrect. A wit-
ness may refresh her recollection while testifying by examining almost anything which
will have that effect. She may then testify from her refreshed recollection, but only if
her testimony is otherwise admissible. Since the statement to which Wilcox is attempt-
ing to testify is hearsay, it is inadmissible, and is not made admissible by the fact that
she refreshed her recolle.ction by looking at a writing. D is, therefore, incorrect.

69. D A lay witness may be permitted to testify to opinions if those opinions are rationally
based on the personal perceptions of the witness. This requires, of course, that the wit-
ness have an adequate opportunity to perceive that on which her opinion is based. Since
Willham did not see Dockery's car before the accident, and since tires may screech even
when vehicles are being operated at reasonable speeds, Willham's opinion as to the
speed of Dockery's car is probably not based on sufficient opportunity to perceive, and
should be excluded.

A and B are, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because if she had sufficient opportunity
to perceive and form an opinion, a layperson is competent to form and testify to some

70. A Hearsay is defined as an out of court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter
asserted in that statement. Since Darrick's statement that the light was red was made out
of court, and since it apparently offered to prove that the light was red, it is hearsay, and
therefore, inadmissible. Although Danick may testify to facts which he knows of his
own knowledge (i.e., that the light was red against Pearson) he may not testify to an out
of court statement for the purpose of proving the truth of the matter asserted in that
statement (i.e., hearsay).

Since his testimony is not that the light was red but rather that he told the police officer
it was red, B is incorrect. Evidence of a prior consistent statement may be admissible to
rebut a claim of recent fabrication. C is incorrect, however, because there is no indica-
tion that Pearson has claimed that Danick's statement about the color of the light is a
recent fabrication. Hearsay is inadmissible even though the declarant is present in court
and available for cross examination. D is, therefore, incorrect.

71. D Under PRE 412, a rape victim's past sexual conduct is generally not admissible in a

prosecution for her rape. An exception is made, however, for evidence of past sexual
conduct between the defendant and the complainant if offered to support the defense of
consent. Since evidence regarding past sexual conduct between Randall and Ellen might
tend to support Randall's assertion that he reasonably believed that Ellen consented, it
should be admitted.

A and B are therefore incorrect. C is incorrect because the complainant's past sexual
conduct does not ordinarily tend to establish that defendant did or did not have sexual
intercourse with her against her will on the occasion in question.

72. A The law seeks to encourage safety precautions by prohibiting evidence of subsequent
remedial measures from being used for the purpose of showing fault. Such evidence
may be admissible for other purposes, however. Here, Oster had denied ownership of
the vehicle. Since it is unlikely that anyone other than the owner would arrange to have
the brakes overhauled, the testimony of Mecco is relevant to establish Oster's owner-
ship and should, therefore, be admitted.

B is incorrect because of the above stated rule of policy. C is incorrect because the evi-
dence is being used to establish that Oster was the owner of the vehicle, not to establish
the condition of the brakes. D is incorrect since the evidence is admissible to establish

73. D Evidence is relevant if it would tend to establish a fact in issue. If the tape would tend to
prove that Dabney was the robber, it is logically relevant. It should, therefore, be
excluded only if it violates some other rule of evidence, or if its probative value is sub-
stantially outweighed by its prejudicial impact.

A is incorrect because the privilege against self-incrimination applies only to "testimo-

nial communications," and does not prevent evidence based on observations of the
defendant. Whether or not it is certain that the person pictured in the videotape was the
defendant is a question for the jury. The robber's skin-coloring (like his height, weight,
and walk) is relevant to his identification. Since there are many people with the same
skin color, the fact that the robber's was the same as the defendant's is not, alone,
enough to result in prejudice which outweighs the probative value of the videotape. B is,
therefore, incorrect. An admission by conduct is an act by a defendant from which the
logical inference may be drawn that he believes himself to be criminally liable. Usually,
it refers to flight, the use of an assumed name, fabrication of evidence, or some other act
committed after the crime. C is, therefore, incorrect.

74. C Under the best evidence rule, where the terms of a writing are in issue, the writing itself
must be offered unless it is unavailable. In a defamation action, the precise words used
by the defendant are essential to a determination of whether they were defamatory.
Since the defamatory statements were contained in a writing, the best evidence rule

A accurately states the definition of defamation but is incorrect since the question con-
cerns itself with proof that a defamatory statement was made. Although an oral state-
ment may be the basis of defamation liability, B is incorrect because this action is
founded upon a written statement. The oral testimony suggested by D is inadmissible

under the best evidence rule, making D incorrect for the reason stated above.

75. A Hearsay is defined as an out-of-court assertion offered for the purpose of proving the
truth of the matter asserted. The fact that a witness made a prior contradictory statement
is relevant to his credibility as a witness, whether or not the prior statement was actually
true, since people who tell different stories on different days may not be worthy of
belief. If offered for that purpose, and not to prove the absence of gunshots, the officer's
testimony is not hearsay. If offered to prove that there were no gunshots (i.e., as substan-
tive evidence), however, it is hearsay.

B and C are, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect since for purposes of impeachment the
statement is not hearsay because it is not offered to prove the truth of what it asserted.

76. C Former testimony is admissible if it was given under oath by a presently-unavailable

declarant in a proceeding where the party against which it is now offered had an oppor-
tunity and incentive to cross-examine. Since Phillips did not respond to the subpoena,
he is presently unavailable. Since his testimony was given at a criminal prosecution of
Webster at which Webster had opportunity and incentive to cross examine, the former
testimony is admissible. Although the facts do not indicate how Phillips knew that the
driver was intoxicated or why he was permitted to so testify at the criminal negligence
trial, C is the only reason listed which could result in the admission of his statement.

An admission is a statement made by a party which is offered against that party. Since
Phillips is not a party, A is incorrect. A past recollection recorded must have been pre-
pared by the witness while the information was fresh in his mind, and requires the wit-
ness to testify that the record was true when made. Since Phillips did not record the
statement and is not present to testify, B is incorrect. A sense impression is a statement
describing an event which was made while or soon after the declarant perceived the
event. Since there is no indication that Phillips perceived the event, D is incorrect.

77. C Under PRE 804(b)(2), a statement is admissible as a dying declaration in a civil or crim-
inal case if it was made by a person now unavailable, about the cause of his death, upon
personal knowledge, and under a sense of immediately impending death. Since Vicuna
is presently unavailable and said that he saw Keller shoot him, his statement is admissi-
ble if he made it with a sense of impending death.

Although the common law made such statements admissible in cases of criminal homi-
cide only, A is incorrect because the PRE extend the exception to civil litigation as well.
Transactional immunity prevents criminal prosecution, but does not prevent civillitiga-
tion. B is, therefore, incorrect. Where it exists, the effect of the "dead man's statute" is
to exclude certain evidence, not to make it admissible. D is, therefore, incorrect.

78. B Hearsay is an out of court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted in
that statement. An admission is an out of court statement made by a party which is
offered against that party. Under the common law, admissions are admissible as excep-
tions to the hearsay rule. Under PRE 801(d)(2), admissions are admissible because they
are not hearsay. If an employee of a party makes a statement which is offered against the
employer, the statement may be admissible as a vicarious admission of the employer if
it was made while the employment relationship existed and concerned a matter within

the scope of the declarant's employment. If Marshall was employed by Wing as a

mechanic, his statement that he failed to inspect Flight 123 does concern a matter within
the scope of his employment. It would not be admissible as a vicarious admission of
Wing, however, unless it can be established that Marshall was so employed. If Marshall
made an out of court statement that he was so employed, it would be hearsay if offered
to prove his employment by Wing. For this reason, independent evidence of the
employment relationship is required.

A is, therefore, incorrect. Although the common law requires that the declarant be one
authorized to speak for the party, C is incorrect because the PRE has abolished that
requirement. D is incorrect because the unavailability of a declarant is not, alone, suffi-
cient to make his out-of-court assertion admissible.

79. D Hearsay is defined as an out-of-court assertion offered for the purpose of proving the
truth of the matter asserted. Since there appears to be no reason for offering the state-
ment of the unidentified witness except to prove the truth of the matter which it asserts,
it is hearsay. A business record may be admitted under an exception to the hearsay rule
only if it was made by one who had personal knowledge of the information recorded or
received it from an inherently reliable source. Since the investigator did not have per-
sonal knowledge and there is no indication that the witness interviewed by the deceased
investigator was an inherently reliable source, A is incorrect. An official written state-
ment may be admitted as an exception to the hearsay rule only as to information which
the public official who recorded it knew of his own knowledge. Since the quote from
the unidentified witness concerns information which the investigator did not know of
his own knowledge, B is incorrect. Past recollection recorded is also admissible only if
the record was made from the recorder's own knowledge and if the recorder is present
in court to authenticate it. C is incorrect for these reasons, and because even if it were
admissible, past recollection recorded can be read to the jury but not physically intro-
duced into evidence.

80. B Under PRE 803(3), an assertion of a declarant's then-existing physical sensation is

admissible as an exception to the hearsay rule.

Statements made as part of a medical history may be admissible if made for purposes of
diagnosis or treatment. Ordinarily, "medical history" refers to statements made by a
declarant about physical sensations and events in the past. A is incorrect for this reason,
and because Nathan's testimony does not indicate that Hiert's complaints were made for
the purpose of facilitating a diagnosis or treatment. C is incorrect because others than
the injured party may testify to objective signs of pain, or to the injured party's state-
ments about the pain if they fit into exceptions to the hearsay rule. D is incorrect
because of the present physical sensation exception.

81. C FRE 803(4) and (6) permit the introduction of hospital records containing statements
made by the patient for purposes of diagnosis. Since the circumstances which led to the
injury are relevant to a diagnosis of the injury, they may be included in the record
offered in evidence.

A and B are, therefore, incorrect.D is incorrect since the statements in the record were
not of opinion and, therefore, do not require the testimony of experts.

82. C Evidence is relevant if it tends to prove or disprove a fact of consequence. Relevant evi-
dence is ordinarily admissible. Self-defense is a privilege to use force which the reason-
able person in Kane's shoes would have considered necessary to prevent an attack upon
himself. Evidence of Nixon's reputation for unprovoked violence is relevant because it
tends to establish whether the reasonable person in Kane's shoes would have believed
himself to be under attack.

A and B are incorrect because the evidence is relevant to the reasonableness of Kane's
fear. D is incorrect because the plaintiff's character is not related to the essential ele-
ments of a battery action.

83. A Character evidence is not ordinarily admissible for the purpose of proving a person's
conduct on a particular occasion. Thus, if evidence of Kane's character is offered to
prove anything about his conduct on the occasion of the incident in question, it is not

B is incorrect because a witness who testifies to a person's reputation is not required to

know that person or to have any personal opinion about him. The "mercy" rule which
permits a defendant to offer evidence of his own character as circumstantial evidence of
his innocence applies only to criminal prosecutions. C is, therefore, incorrect. If the evi-
dence were allowed for the purpose stated in D, it would be to prove that Kane did not
strike Nixon without justification. D is, therefore, incorrect for the same reasons that
make A correct.

84. D An expert may testify to an opinion based upon material not in evidence so long as it is
material upon which the reasonable expert would have based an opinion, even if the
material itself would be inadmissible.

A is, therefore, incorrect. An X-ray is regarded as a writing, and if a witness is testifying

only to its contents, it may be covered by the best evidence rule. If so, such testimony
may be excluded unless it can be shown that the X-ray itself is not available. In this
case, however, the witness was not testifying solely to the contents of the X-ray, but to
an opinion which she formed based upon examination of the plaintiff's leg in addition to
study of the X-ray. B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because an expert may base
her opinion testimony on material not in evidence.

85. D Evidence of the non-occurrence of similar accidents might be admissible to prove that
the area was not dangerous, but only if the condition during the period testified to was
substantially the same at the time of the accident. Since there is no indication that the
stairs were littered with paper during the period described by Manny, the fact that no
similar accidents occurred does not prove that the condition was not unsafe when Prell

A and B are, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because it is perfectly permissible and

proper for witnesses to give self-serving testimony (That they often do is illustrated by
the fact that criminal defendants frequently say, "I didn't do it," when taking the stand.)

86. A Under PRE 803(2), a statement is admissible under the excited utterance exception to

the hearsay rule if it was about a startling event and made while under the stress of
excitement resulting from that event. The FRE further provides that the statement may
be admissible even if the identity of the declarant is unknown.

Band C are, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because an excited utterance is admissi-

ble as a hearsay exception.

87. D Under PRE 406, evidence of an established business practice is admissible as circum-
stantial proof that it was followed on a particular day.

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because the evidence offered establishes cir-
cumstantially that the notice was mailed. C is incorrect because any office employee
who knows about the practice of his own knowledge may testify to it.

88. D Since cross-examination about Wagner's whereabouts is directly relevant to impeach-

ment of his direct testimony, his refusal to answer makes meaningful cross-examination
impossible. When a witness cannot be subjected to full cross-examination, his direct
testimony should be stricken.

A is incorrect because the privilege is available whenever testimony of the witness

might lead to criminal prosecution of the witness, even though the matter in which the
testimony is elicited is not a criminal proceeding. The privilege against self-incrimina-
tion would offer little protection if it was necessary for the person invoking it to show
how the statement might be incriminating. Thus, unless it is impossible to conceive of
circumstances in which the answer called for would be incriminating, the witness may
invoke the privilege. B is, therefore, incorrect. C is a fabrication without any basis in
law; in any event, it is patently incorrect since the issue is not whether Wagner should
have been allowed to invoke the privilege, but whether his direct testimony should have
been stricken.

89. B A writing may be admitted under the business record exception to the hearsay rule if it
was made in the course of a regularly conducted business activity from the recorder's
own knowledge or from an inherently reliable source and was accurate when made. If
the investigation of crimes is not a regularly conducted business activity for the college,
its record of such an investigation would not be admissible as a business record.
Although it is not certain that a court would come to that conclusion, the argument in B
is the only one listed which could possibly support Dessel's objection.

A is incorrect because a business record may be admissible even though the person who
made it is available and has testified. C is incorrect because it is an inaccurate statement
of law; the exception applies in all trials. Hearsay is an out-of-court statement offered to
prove the truth of the matter asserted in that statement. The phrase "second level hear-
say" is sometimes used to describe a hearsay which is included in another statement
which is also hearsay. Here, for example, Dessel's statement was made out of court and
is offered to prove that Dessel stabbed Victorio (i.e., the matter asserted). The file which
includes the statement is also anout-of-court statement which is offered to prove the
truth of what it asserts (i.e., that Dessel said he stabbed Victorio). D is incorrect, how-
ever, because Dessel's statement is an admission, which FRE 801(d)(2) defines as a
statement made by a party and offered against that party, and which that rule specifically

provides is not hearsay.

90. B Evidence that the witness never observed strange behavior in a testator is admissible to
prove he was competent, but only if the nature of the witness' experience with the testa-
tor is such that he is likely to have observed such behavior if it occurred. Semi-annual
examinations of the testator probably are not frequent enough to permit the inference
that behavior which did not occur on those visits did not occur at other times.

A is incorrect since, if a witness does have sufficient opportunity to observe, the testi-
mony will be admitted. C is incorrect since the door is thus opened only to testimony
which is not otherwise inadmissible. D is incorrect because Dr. Medich is not testifying
to his opinion but to his observations.

91. D The FRE recognizes an exception to the hearsay rule for business records. Some courts
interpret the PRE in a way which makes police records inadmissible under this excep-
tion to the hearsay rule. Other courts interpret the PRE in a way which makes police
records admissible under this exception. Under PRE 803(6), a written report is admissi-
ble as a business record if it was made in the regular course of business, while the trans-
action recorded was fresh in the entrant's mind, regarding facts within his own
knowledge or. from an inherently reliable source. The statement contained in the police
record filed by Wechsler was not based on a fact known by Wechsler of his own knowl-
edge. It might still be admissible, however, if it had been received from an inherently
reliable source. Although officer Koppel may be regarded as such a source, he did not
have personal knowledge either. Since the source of the recorded fact was an unidenti-
fied witness, and since an unidentified witness is not an inherently reliable source, the
record is not admissible.

Although a testifying witness may refresh his recollection by reference to documents

which are not in evidence, his doing so does not make those documents a<imissible. A
is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect for the reason given above, Since the police are in
the business - among other things - of investigating accidents, a police report may be
regarded as a record kept in the usual course of business, ,and may be admissible as such
if all the other requirements are met. C is, therefore, incorrect.

92. A Unless it is excluded by some rule of law, evidence is admissible if it is relevant to a

material issue. Since contracts are interpreted in accordance with the intentions of the
parties, Bolter's intentions are material to VanderHaag'saction for breach of contract.
Since Bolter did not understand VanderHaag's statement, Worden's translation of that
statement would tend to establish (i.e., is relevant to) Bolter's intentions. It should,
therefore, be admitted.

In jurisdictions which have a "dead man's statute," that law may prohibit the admission
of evidence regarding a transaction with a decedent. B is incorrect because although the
"dead man's statute" may result in the exclusion of evidence, it is never used as a justi-
fication for its admission. If Worden were testifying to the meaning of a Dutch word or
expression, his testimony would not be admissible unless he qualified as an expert on
the Dutch language. C is incorrect, however, because Worden's testimony is not offered
for the purpose of explaining the meaning of VanderHaag's language, but for the pur-
pose of showing what Bolter believed it to mean. Hearsay is an out-of-court statement

offered for the purpose of proving the truth of the matter asserted in that statement.
Since Worden's statement to Bolter was made out-of-court, it would be hearsay if
offered for the purpose of proving the truth of anything which it asserted. D is incorrect,
however, because the statement is offered not to prove the truth of what was asserted by
either VanderHaag or Worden, but to establish Bolter's state of mind at the time of the
negotiation. It is, therefore, not hearsay.

93. D The fact that a witness made prior statements which were inconsistent with his testi-
mony indicates that he In~y not be a credible witness, or at least that his testimony may
not be worthy of belief. Thus, for the purpose of impeachment, a witness may be cross-
examined about prior inconsistent statements. Since Davidson's statement to the arrest-
ing officers was inconsistent with his statement on the witness stand, he may be cross-
examined about it.

The purpose of the exclusionary rule which prohibits the use of illegally obtained evi-
dence or confessions is to remove police incentive for violating the constitutional rights
of suspects. For this reason, statements obtained in violation of a prisoner's Miranda
rights cannot be used against him in a criminal prosecution. Because use of such state-
ments for impeachment in a civil proceeding is not ordinarily contemplated by the
police, prohibiting such use is not likely to affect police conduct. For this reason, it has
been held that statements obtained in violation of a prisoner's Miranda rights may be
used for purposes of impeachment in civil proceedings. A is, therefore, incorrect. B is
incorrect for two reasons: first, Davidson's motion was to suppress the use of the physi-
cal evidence, rather than the use of statements made during the interrogation; and, sec-
ond, even an order suppressing the use of his statements in the criminal prosecution
would not prevent their use in this civil proceeding. If statements are obtained from a
prisoner in violation of his constitutional rights, the same policy which prohibits their
use as evidence prohibits also the use of leads obtained as a result of those statements.
This is the "fruit of the poisonous tree" doctrine. Although this doctrine may result in
the exclusion of evidence, it never is used to justify the admission of evidence. Cis,
therefore, incorrect.

94. B Under FRE 803(6), a properly authenticated written record qualifies as an exception to
the hearsay rule if it was made as part of the regular course of business while the trans-
action recorded was fresh in the entrant's mind regarding facts within her personal
knowledge or from an inherently reliable source. This invoice was kept in the regular
course of business, and has been authenticated by Wilmington. Although Wilmington
did not personally know the contents ofthe shipment, the shipping clerk's business duty
to report accurately makes him an inherently reliable source, and Wilmington made the
entries immediately upon receiving the information from him.

A is incorrect because the past recollection recorded exception applies only if the record
was prepared from the witness' own knowledge, and permits it to be read to the jury but
not admitted into evidence. The best evidence rule provides that where the contents of a
writing are in issue, secondary evidence of the writing is inadmissible unless the origi-
nal is shown to be unavailable. C is incorrect because the effect of the best evidence rule
is to exclude certain classes of evidence, and not to make admissible evidence which
would otherwise be inadmissible. A witness whose present recollection has been
refreshed by reference to a document may testify from her refreshed recollection. D is

incorrect because Wilmington stated that she had no present recollection, and because
the attorney for Prussian Dyes sought to introduce the document itself.

95. D Under the uee, evidence of the usage of trade terminology is admissible to prove the
meaning of such terms in a contract between parties in the trade. Since both Finishco
and Varilac are in commercial industry, Worley's evidence of trade usage should be

Witnesses frequently make self-serving statements. In fact, almost anything said by a

party-witness is likely to be self-serving (e.g., a criminal defendant's testimony that she
is "not guilty," or a personal injury plaintiff's testimony that the defendant went through
a red light). A is incorrect because there is no rule of law which excludes self-serving
statements from evidence. Hearsay is defined as an out-of-court statement offered for
the purpose of proving the truth of the matter asserted in that statement. Since Worley's
testimony is not of an out-of-court statement, it cannot be hearsay. B is, therefore, incor-
rect. Although proof of an established business custom may be offered as evidence that
it was followed on a particular occasion, C is incorrect, because Worley has not testified
to any particular custom of her company.

96. B Physical illustrations of a witness's testimony are admissible to illustrate that testimony
if the witness testifies from personal knowledge that the illustration is a fair representa-
tion of what it purports to be. Since Worley testified from her own knowledge that the
chart was an accurate representation of the dates on which her company had done busi-
ness with Varilac, it may be admitted for that purpose.

FRE 803(6) permits the admission of business records if they were kept in the regular
course of business and made while the transaction recorded was fresh in the entrant's
mind regarding facts within her personal knowledge or from an inherently reliable
source. This exception to the hearsay rule applies only to the record itself, however, and
not to any summary of it. A is, therefore, incorrect. Under the "best evidence rule," sec-
ondary evidence of a writing is not admissible to prove the terms of the writing unless
the original or a qualified duplicate is shown to be unavailable. This rule is only applica-
ble, however, when the terms of the writing are in dispute. Since the contents of Fin-
ishco's files are not in dispute, the best evidence rule is inapplicable. Introduction of the
chart might be said to place the contents of the chart in issue. Since the chart is an origi-
nal, however, the best evidence rule does not exclude it. C is incorrect for these reasons.
Materials used by a witness to refresh her recollection while she is testifying must be
shown to opposing counsel and marked for identification. The court may also require
the production of materials that were used to refresh a witness' recollection before trial.
D is incorrect, however, because FRE 612 leave this requirement to the court's discre-

97. D Under FRE 412, evidence of specific acts involving the victim's past sexual behavior is
admissible in a rape trial only if it is relevant to an issue regarding the source of semen,
or if it involves past sexual behavior between the victim and the defendant, and is
offered for the purpose of establishing the defense of consent. Since Doane admits to
having sexual intercourse with Ventura, there is no issue regarding the source of semen.
Although Doane has asserted a defense of consent, the evidence offered by his attorney
does not relate to prior sexual contact between Doane and Ventura. The evidence is,

thus, inadmissible.

A, Band C are, therefore, incorrect.

98. A FRE 501 provides that in the trial of a civil proceeding in whiCh state law provides the
rule of decision, the rules of privilege shall be determined in accordance with state law.
Thus, if a civil action is being tried in a federal court under the substantive law of a
state, the federal court must apply the state law of privilege. If the state law recognizes a
psychotherapist~patient privilege, the federal court must recognize it as well. I is, there-
fore, correct. If the state law does not recognize a psychotherapist-patient privilege, the
federal court may not. II is, therefore, incorrect.

99. C Hearsay is an out-of-court assertion offered for the purpose of proving the truth of the
matter asserted. Since Melba's testimony referred to Dr. Treat's assertion that the pink:
pills were for pain, and was offered for the purpose of proving that Peterson took them
for pain, that assertion is hearsay.

A declaration of the declarant's present physical sensation is admissible as an exception

to the hearsay rule. Peterson's statement, "My neck hurts," might thus be admissible. A
is incorrect, however, because Dr. Treat's statement did not declare anything about his
own physical state. B is incorrect for the same reason. Statements of a declarant's past
physical sensation are admissible under the medical history exception if made to a doc-
tor for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment. D is incorrect, however, because the
objection was to testimony regarding a statement by Dr. Treat.

100. C Under FRE 801(d)(1)(C), evidence of prior identification is not hearsay, if the declarant
is on the witness stand and available for cross-examination.

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect for two reasons: first, a party is permitted to
impeach his own witness; and second, to impeach means to attack the witness' credibil-
ity, .which the prosecuting attorney has not attempted to do to Verona. D is incorrect
because although a jury may consider the fact that a witness is interested or disinterested
in weighing the value of her testimony, the interest of a witness does not affect the
admissibility of her testimony.

101. C Unless excluded by a rule of law, all evidence is admissible which tends to prove or dis-
prove a fact in issue. The robber's identification is obviously a fact in issue. Since
Warder's testimony tends to establish that at the time of his arrest Dustin's physical
appearance fit the description of the robber given by witnesses, her testimony is admis-
sible for the purpose of explaining why Dustin no longer has bushy red hair.

A rule of evidence prohibits impeachment of a witness by extrinsic evidence of a collat-

eral matter. A is incorrect, however, because Warder's testimony is not offered for the
purpose of impeaching Dustin, and because the identity of the robber is not a collateral
matter. The Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination protects a person
from being compelled to give evidence which might be used against him in a criminal
proceeding. B is incorrect, however, because the privilege relates only to testimonial
evidence, and does not prevent another from testifying to what she has seen the defen-
dant do. An admission by conduct occurs when a defendant does some act which logi-

cally indicates that he believes himself to be guilty. Although Dustin's attempt to

change his appearance might suggest such a conclusion, the fact that there are many
other legitimate reasons for Dustin to shave his head makes this a weak argument in this
case. D is, therefore, incorrect.

102. A To save time and expense in proving facts which cannot reasonably be disputed, and to
avoid the embarrassment which might result from a judicial finding which is contrary to
well-known fact, a court may take judicial notice of certain facts without requiring evi-
dence to establish thern.Courts will taKe judicial notice of facts which are either gener-
ally known within the territorial jurisdiction of the trial court or capable of accurate and
ready determination by resort to sources whose accuracy cannot reasonably be ques-
tioned. Thus, if it is generally known within the territorial jurisdiction of the court that it
is impossible to travel from Detroit to Chicago without crossing a state line, the court
may judicially notice that fact, making proof of it unnecessary.

Although the presentation of a map or other reputable reference would permit the court
to take judicial notice, B is incorrect because this is not the only way; in the case of facts
which are generally known, such references are not required. If the fact in question is
one which qualifies for judicial notice, the objection of a party or the fact that it bears on
an ultimate issue in the case will not prevent the court from judicially noticing it. C and
D are, therefore, incorrect.

103. C Where the terms of a writing are in issue, the best evidence rule prohibits secondary evi-
dence to prove its contents unless the original or a qualified duplicate of the writing is
shown to be unavailable. Since Danziger's guilt may depend on the terms of the union
constitution, Wesley's testimony would violate the best evidence rule if it was offered
for the purpose of proving the constitution's contents. If it is offered for any other pur-
pose, however, the best evidence rule would be inapplicable.

Since the statute which Danziger is charged with violating requires the "knowing" mis-
appropriation of funds, Danziger's state of mind is relevant. Danziger's state of mind
may be· related to what he heard from Wesley, even if what Wesley told him was not
actually correct. Wesley's testimony is thus offered to prove Danziger's state of mind,
and not to prove the contents of the union constitution. A and B are, therefore, incorrect.
D is incorrect for this reason, and because if the best evidence rule were applicable, the
burden ofproving the unavailability of the original or a qualified duplicate would be on
Danziger, the party.offering the secondary evidence.

104. A Hearsay is an out-of-court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted in
that statement. If Forman's statement was offered to prove that the president was per-
mitted to raise his own salary (i.e., the matter asserted), it would, thus, be hearsay. Since
Danziger's defense is that he believed the union rules permitted him to act as he did,
evidence of his state of mind is material. Since what he heard from the former president
is likely to have affected his state of mind, Forman's testimony is relevant to Danziger's
state of mind. Thus, it is not hearsay if offered to prove what Danziger thought, rather
than to prove the truth Of Forman's statement (i.e., that Danziger was entitled to raise his
own salary).

B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because Forman is not telling the jury his opin-

ion, but rather testifying that he stated that opinion in a conversation which he had with
Danziger. This is offered not to prove that his opinion was correct, but to establish Dan-
ziger's state of mind as a result of hearing Forman's opinion. An out-of-court statement
offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted in that statement is inadmissible as hear-
say even if the person who made that statement testifies to it himself. D is, therefore,

105. D It is the jury's job to determine whether the evidence proves facts sufficient to satisfy
the requirements of law as charged by the court. Expert opinion may be admitted to
assist the trier of fact to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue, but it
may not be stated in a way which would deprive the jury of its power to determine facts.
Since the jury must decide whether Draper had malice aforethought, expert testimony
regarding Draper's mental capacity would be admissible. Dr. Wendell's statement, how-
ever, did not express an opinion regarding Draper's mental condition, but rather his
opinion whether Draper had malice aforethought.

Although the common law once prohibited expert testimony which "embraced the ulti-
mate issue," A is incorrect because FRE 704 (and many states) have eliminated this
restriction. The opinions of an expert may be based solely on courtroom observations
(or may even be based on assumed facts contained in a hypothetical question). The fact
that a testifying psychiatrist has never spoken to the subject or even seen him outside a
courtroom may reflect on the weight (i.e., persuasive value) of his testimony, but not on
its admissibility. Band C are, therefore, incorrect.

106. B Under FRE 804(b)(2), a statement qualifies for the dying declaration exception to the
hearsay rule if it was made by a presently unavailable person under a sense of immedi-
ately impending death upon personal knowledge respecting the cause and circumstances
of death, and is offered in a criminal homicide trial or a civil action. Since Pasadena was
in court, she is not presently unavailable, and her statement does not qualify as a dying

A is incorrect because it is sufficient that the statement concerned a cause or circum-

stance of what Pasadena believed was her impending death. Although the common law
restricted the use of dying declarations to criminal homicide trials, C is incorrect
because the PRE specifically authorize their admission in civil proceedings. The PRE
do not require that the declarant actually be dying in order to qualify her statement as a
dying declaration, so long as she believed herself to be dying at the time she made it. D
alone is, therefore, not sufficient reason to prevent Pasadena's statement from being
admissible as a dying declaration.

107. A Under PRE 803(2), an excited utterance is a statement relating to a startling event made
while the declarant was under the stress of excitement caused by that event, and is
admissible as an exception to the hearsay rule.

B is, therefore, incorrect. Statements of a declarant's then-existing state of mind also fall
under FRE 803(3)'s hearsay exception for descriptions of the declarant's intention, atti-
tude, emotional condition, or mental feeling. C is incorrect, however, because although
"I'm dying" might qualify as a declaration of Pasadena's state of mind, "I had the green
light in my favor" does not, since it does not describe her mental state. D is incorrect for

two reasons: first, Pasadena's statement said nothing about her past mental state; and,
second, PRE 803(3) permits declarations of past state of mind to be admitted only in
certain will cases.

108. C In general, evidence is admissible if it is relevant to a material issue. Since Lewis' neg-
ligence is a material issue in a malpractice action against him, testimony which is rele~
vant to Lewis' negligence is admissible unless excluded under one of the rules of
evidence. The common law attorney-client privilege prevents an attorney from testify-
ing, over his client's objection, to confidential communications by the client which were
related to the professional relationship. The privilege does not prevent such testimony,
however, in litigation relating to a breach of duty arising from the relationship.

Thus, A is incorrect. B is incorrect for the above reason and because even unnecessary
statements may be privileged if they relate to the purpose of the consultation. Ordi-
narily, the attorney-client privilege survives the relationship, protecting the confidential-
ity even after the attorney-client relationship ceases to exist. Thus, D is incorrect.

109. C Circumstantial evidence is proof of one fact from which another can be inferred. The
fact that Davidson always signals at that intersection may permit the inference that he
did so on this particular occasion, if it is logically relevant to that conclusion. PRE 406
provides that evidence of a person's habit "whether corroborated or not and regardless
of the presence of eyewitnesses" is relevant to prove that his conduct on a particular
occasion was consistent with that habit. Weigand's testimony should, therefore, be
admitted as circumstantial evidence of that fact.

A is incorrect because the FRE specifically dispenses with the requirement that there
were no eyewitnesses. B is incorrect because the above section authorizes the use of
such evidence for that purpose. D is incorrect because the language of the cited section
makes corroboration unnecessary.

110. A At common law, a confidential communication made to an attorney by a person seeking

legal advice is generally privileged. If the communication is made in the presence of a
third person, an inference may be drawn that the person speaking did not intend for the
communication to be confidential. But, if the presence of the third person was neces-
sary, such an inference cannot be drawn, and the communication remains privileged.
Since state law provided for the designation of Felton as Dorah's legal guardian and
required his joinder as a defendant in an action against her, his presence at the consulta-
tion with Watt was necessary so that he could assure that Dorah's rights were protected.

B is incorrect because it is over-inclusive; only those communications which the client

intended to be confidential are privileged. Where two or more clients have consulted an
attorney together on a matter of common interest, their communications are not privi-
leged if one client seeks to offer them as evidence against the other. C is incorrect, how-
ever, because unless Felton is seeking to offer Watt's testimony against Dorah (or vice-
versa), the mere fact that Dorah and Felton are joint defendants is not sufficient to
destroy the privilege. A confidential communication made to an attorney while seeking
legal advice is privileged at common law, whether or not the attorney actually gives
advice or agrees to represent the person who made the communication. D is, therefore,

111. B Under FRE 609, conviction for a crime punishable by imprisonment for one year or
more. or by death is admissible for the purpose of impeaching a witness. If either the
conviction or the termination of incarceration occurred within the past ten years, the
trial judge has discretion to exclude such a conviction only if it was not for a crime
involving dishonesty. Since Wrangler's perjury was punished by five years in prison,
since his period of incarceration terminated within the past ten years, and since perjury
is obviously a crime involving dishonesty, the trial judge is without discretion to
exclude evidence of Wrangler's conviction.

Although the common law requires confrontation prior to the use of certain evidence
offeredfor the purpose of impeachment, A is incorrect because the PRE completely dis-
pense with that requirement. The FRE provide that if more than ten years have elapsed
since the conviction or termination of incarceration (whichever is later), the conviction
is inadmissible unless the trial court finds that its probative value substantially out-
weighs its prejudicial effect. C is incorrect because if, as here, fewer than ten years
elapsed, the conviction is admissible. Under the FRE, extrinsic evidence of prior incon~
sistent statements by a witness is admissible for the purpose of impeachment, but only if
the witness is given a subsequent opportunity to explain the inconsistency. D is incor-
rect, however, because no such requirement exists regarding the use of convictions.

112. C Although evidence of unconvicted bad acts is inadmissible for the purpose of proving
bad character, if relevant it may be admissible for the purpose of attacking a witness'
credibility by showing bias. An acquittal of Dempsey would affect the prosecution of
Wrangler on the charge of being his accessory. Thus, the pending prosecution against
Wrangler is relevant evidence of bias, and is admissible for impeachment purposes.

A is, therefore, incorrect. The bias of a witness is always material to his credibility. For
this reason, evidence of such bias is admissible, even though it may relate to a matter
which is not material to the charge against the person on trial. B is, therefore, incorrect.
D is incorrect because, although it may be used to establish bias, extrinsic evidence of
unconvicted bad acts is not admissible for the purpose of proving that a witness has a
bad or dishonest character.

113. A Judicial notice is a doctrine which permits courts to accept as true facts or propositions
of law without specific evidence. A fact which has been judicially noticed becomes part
of the record and requires no further proof. Although judicial notice is commonly taken
of the statutes of the state in which a particular court is sitting, most jurisdictions do not
permit municipal ordinances to be judicially noticed, requiring that their contents be
proven as facts. Thus, unless the jurisdiction permits a court to take judicial notice of
municipal ordinances, the prosecution has failed to make out a case against Darling. On
the other hand, if the jurisdiction permits judicial notice of municipal ordinances, the
court could judicially notice the section in question and deny Darling's motion for dis-

In determining whether there has been a violation, the trier of fact may consider facts
which have been judicially noticed by the court. B is, therefore, incorrect. The contents
of relevant law must be proven unless they are judicially noticed by the court. Since
courts frequently refuse to take judicial notice of municipal ordinances, C is over-inclu-

sive, and, therefore, incorrect. Ordinarily, judicial notice is taken of facts which are
commonly known. This may include the contents of laws, since all are presumed to
know them. D is incorrect for two reasons: first, the judge's personal expertise or
knowledge of particular facts is not sufficient to justify his judicially noticing them;
and, second, judicial notice may be taken of commonly known or readily verifiable
facts, even though the judge lacks personal expertise.

114. A Unless it is excluded by some rule of law, evidence is admissible if it is relevant to a

material issue. In a defamation action, the contents of defendant's statement are relevant
to a material issue, since the essence of the plaintiff's claim is that the statement was a
defamatory communication. Wellman's testimony is, therefore, admissible unless a rule
of law excludes it. For the following reasons, none of the statements listed would
exclude the testimony.

If the contents of a videotape are in issue, the best evidence rule might prohibit second-
ary evidence of those contents unless the videotape is shown to be unavailable. If Pur-
cell claimed damage resulting from the broadcast, the contents of the videotape would
be in issue. The facts do not indicate that he did, however. Since defamation liability can
be based on the publication of a defamatory communication about the plaintiff to any
third person, (e.g., to persons in the studio when the statement was made), Danton's
statement could be the basis of a defamation action whether or not it actually appeared
in a videotape of the broadcast. The contents of the videotape are thus not in issue, and
B is, therefore, incorrect. Hearsay is an out-of-court statement offered to prove the truth
of the matter asserted in the statement. If Wellman's testimony regarding Danton's out-
of-court statement was offered to prove that Purcell really was a crook, it would be
hearsay. In a defamation action, it is necessary for the plaintiff to prove that the defen-
dant made a defamatory statement. For this reason, the words of the defendant are oper-
ative facts having independent legal significance. Evidence of Danton's statement was
not offered to prove that Purcell was a crook (i.e., the matter asserted in that statement),
but to prove that Danton made a defamatory statement. It is, therefore, not hearsay, and
C is incorrect. If Danton admits making the statement, there would be no issue as to
whether he made it. Wellman's testimony might then be excluded because it would not
be relevant to a material issue. D is incorrect because it argues that such an admission
by Danton would make Wellman's testimony admissible, rather than inadmissible.

115. C A witness who testifies under a grant of use immunity is protected against use of that
testimony in any subsequent criminal proceeding against him. Since Watkins was not a
defendant in the prosecution, use immunity did not prevent the use of his statement.
FRE 613 permits the admission of prior inconsistent statements of a witness for the pur-
pose of intrinsically or extrinsically impeaching the credibility of that witness. Evidence
of Watkins' prior statement is, thus, admissible for the purpose of impeachment. FRE
801 permits the use of a witness's prior inconsistent statement as substantive evidence if
it was given under oath subject to the penalty of perjury at a trial, hearing, or other pro-
ceeding. Since Watkins' statement was made under oath at a grand jury proceeding, it is
admissible as substantive evidence as well.

A, B, and D are, therefore, incorrect.

116. C A witness who testifies under a grant of use immunity is protected against use of that

testimony or its fruits in any subsequent criminal. proceeding against him. He is not
immune from prosecution, however, so long as the prosecutor does not attempt to use
the testimony which had been obtained under the grant of use immunity or the fruits of
that testimony.

Although a state grant of use immunity must be honored by the federal courts, A is
incorrect because use immunity does not prevent prosecution. The Double Jeopardy
Clause protects a person against being prosecuted twice for the same offense. It is inap-
plicable to these facts, however, because Watkins was never before prosecuted for the
crime with which he is charged in the federal court. B is, therefore, incorrect. Although
Watkins' motion should be denied, D is incorrect because federal courts are required to
honor state grants of use immunity.

117. A If a proper foundation is laid, evidence that a place has been used over a period of time
without any accident is logically relevant to prove that the place was not dangerous. The
foundation for such negative evidence requires proof, however, that the place was used
a substantial number of times under substantially similar conditions. Wenzel's testi-
mony that Marshal Boulevard was a busy thoroughfare is probably sufficient to estab-
lish its use a substantial number of times. Unless, however, it is established that Marshal
Boulevard was substantially unchanged, proof that there were no prior accidents is irrel-
evant to Proust's claim that there was a dangerous curve in the road.

B is incorrect because if a proper foundation is laid for the introduction of negative evi-
dence, there is no requirement that the court issue a special instruction to the jury. The
argument in C is one which Proust's attorney may make to the jury in an attempt to per-
suade it not to draw from Wenzel's testimony an inference that Marshal Boulevard is
safe. C is incorrect, however, because if a proper foundation for the evidence is laid,
that argument goes to its weight rather than to its admissibility. Although negative evi-
dence presents severe relevancy problems, the laying of a proper foundation resolves
them, making such evidence admissible. D is, therefore, incorrect.

118. A Unless otherwise provided by law, all evidence is admissible which has a tendency to
prove or disprove a fact of consequence (i.e., which is relevant). Since the Dixie Hotel
has denied ownership and control of the alley, evidence relevant to ownership or control
is, therefore, admissible. The testimony of Wells is relevant to ownership or control,
since it is unlikely that hotel employees would clean the alley if the hotel did not own or
control it. His testimony is, therefore, admissible.

Hotel employees might have begun cleaning the alley even though the hotel did not own
or control it, and the hotel attorney may try to convince a jury not to infer ownership or
control from the remedial measure. B is incorrect, however, because the argument
which it states goes to the weight rather than the admissibility of the evidence. Although
a policy seeks to encourage safety by prohibiting evidence of subsequent remedial mea-
sures for the purpose of proving fault, C and D are incorrect because the testimony of
Wells is admissible for the limited purpose of proving ownership or control.

119. D Under FRE 803(3), an assertion of the declarant's then-existing physical sensation is
admissible as an exception to the hearsay rule. The common law makes a distinction
which prohibits the admission of such statements if they were made in contemplation of

litigation. The PRE does not make such a distinction, however, allowing the circum-
stances under which the statement was made to go to the weight rather than the admissi-
bility of the evidence.

A and B are, therefore, incorrect. Where it is recognized, the physician-patient privilege

may prevent the admission of testimony by a doctor regarding confidential communica-
tions with the patient over objection by the patient. C is incorrect because an objection
based on the privilege would not be available to anyone but the patient.

120. B Because of a rule of policy which encourages out-of-court settlements, evidence of set-
tlement offers is inadmissible for the purpose of establishing liability or the value of a
claim. If the statement is offered to prove that there was damage to Praxton's car, it is
inadmissible because it would thus be evidence of the claim's value.

A is incorrect because it is too restrictive. Evidence of a settlement offer is inadmissible

not only if offered to prove negligence, but also if offered to prove the value of a claim.
Whether or not a settlement offer is an implied admission is doubtful, since people
sometimes settle cases just for the purpose of avoiding vexatious litigation. C is incor-
rect in any event, however, since public policy prevents the admission of such evidence.
D is incorrect for the same reason.

121. C Under FRE 803(2), a statement relating to a startling event made while the declarant
was under the stress of excitement caused by the event is admissible as an excited utter-
ance. This is so even if the declarant's identity is unknown.

A is, therefore, incorrect. The term "self-serving declaration" usually refers to an out-
of-court statement made by a party and which is offered by that party to prove an ele-
ment of his case. Like any other hearsay, it is inadmissible unless it falls into one of the
exceptions to the hearsay rule. (For example, a document containing self-serving decla-
rations might be admissible as a business record.) Since Vinson is not a party to the
prosecution, it is probably not correct to call his testimony self-serving. More important,
although self-serving declarations made out-oj-court may be excluded from evidence as
hearsay, there is no rule prohibiting self-serving testimony. For these reasons, B is incor-
rect. Although an excited utterance is admissible only if made by a declarant with per-
sonal knowledge, such knowledge is presumed. D is, therefore, incorrect.

122. C In order to get the whole story, a direct or cross examiner may attempt to refresh a wit-
ness's present recollection by showing the witness's physical objects or writings. If the
purpose is to refresh the witness's recollection (rather then to expose the item to the
jury) any item may be used, so long as it is first shown to opposing counsel and marked
as an exhibit (i.e, for identification). Before refreshing items can be used, however, the
witness must have exhausted his unrefreshed memory. Since Bierman stated that he
could not remember whether he shouted (i.e., that his present memory was exhausted),
the prosecutor was permitted to attempt to refresh his recollection in the manner

Since the report was used only to refresh Vinson's recollection, but was not itself being
used to prove anything, it need not be admitted, admissible, or offered into evidence. A,
B, and D are, therefore, incorrect.

123. A Under PRE 803(2), a statement relating to a startling event made while the declarant
was under the stress of excitement caused by the event is admissible as an excited utter-
ance. Since the shout described the imminent attack on Vinson and was made by a per-
son who was excited by that attack, it was an excited utterance.

Except in connection with the authentication of written statements, the admissibility of

a hearsay declaration does not depend on who testifies to it. Thus, Bierman may testify
to his own excited utterance. It is important to recognize that the shout is hearsay (i.e.,
an out-of-court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted in that state-
ment), but is admissible under the "excited utterance" exception to the hearsay rule. The
fact that a declarant testifies that he made a certain statement out of court does not,
alone, prevent that statement from being hearsay or make it admissible. B is, therefore
incorrect. Using independent evidence to establish the truth of an assertion contained in
a hearsay declaration does not make the hearsay admissible. C is, therefore, incorrect.
Although a witness who refreshes his recollection while testifying may testify from his
refreshed recollection, the fact that he has refreshed his recollection does not by itself
make his testimony any more admissible than it would have been if he had not needed
the refresher. D is, therefore, incorrect.

124. B A witness is permitted to refresh her recollection before testifying by reviewing past
notes, depositions and other statements. FRE 612 gives the trial court discretion to
require the production at trial of any writings that were used to refresh a witness's recol-
lection before trial.

Secondary evidence to prove the contents of a writing is inadmissible under the best evi-
dence rule unless the original or a qualified duplicate is shown to be unavailable. Thus,
if Wolf were testifying to the contents of the notes, her testimony would be inadmissible
unless the notes were shown to be unavailable. She is not testifying to the contents of
the notes, however, but from her memory after refreshing it by looking at the notes. For
this reason, the best evidence rule is inapplicable, and A is incorrect. Although the notes
have not been offered into evidence, they have been used to refresh Wolf's recollection
before trial. For this reason, the court may require their production under PRE 612. Cis,
therefore, incorrect. An admission is a statement by a party which is offered against that
party. Since Wolf is not a party to the proceeding, her statements cannot be admissions.
D is, therefore, incorrect.

125. D Although the court decides whether evidence is admissible and whether a witness is
competent to testify, it is for the jury to decide what weight to give testimony which the
court has admitted. In doing so, the jury must determine how credible it finds a particu-
lar witness to be. If that witness is an expert testifying to her opinions, it would be
impossible for the jury to make that determination without knowing the witness' qualifi-
cations. The concession by the defendant's attorney is not sufficient, since it is very
likely that the jury will hear contrary opinions given by other experts. To decide which
of the experts it believes, the jury must be able to compare their qualifications. For this
reason, the details of Dr. Wallace's qualifications remain an issue even though the
defendant's attorney concedes that she is sufficiently qualified to testify to her opinions.

A and B are, therefore, incorrect. If all parties agree to a fact, a court may accept it as

true without requiring further proof. Thus, if all parties agree that a particular witness
qualifies as an expert, the court may - on the basis of that stipulation - dispense with
the requirement of further proof (although it may not prevent the party offering the testi-
mony of that witness from questioning her about her qualifications). C is, therefore,

126. C In some jurisdictions, a learned treatise can be used on the cross-examination of an

expert witness only if the witness relied upon that treatise in forming her opinion. PRE
803(18) dispenses with that requirement; however,· making the .contents of a learned
treatise an exception to the hearsay rule to the extent that they are called to the attention
of a witness during cross-examination. This provision makes portions of learned trea-
tises on medicine admissible both for impeachment and as substantive evidence. (Note:
Such portions may be read aloud, but a copy may not be physically admitted into evi-

A and B are, incorrect because they are under-inclusive. D is incorrect because the
above section makes the contents of a learned treatise an exception to the hearsay rule.

127. D PRE 406 provides that evidence of the habit of a person, whether corroborated or not, is
relevant to prove that her conduct on a particular occasion was in conformity with the
habit. A, B, and C are, therefore, incorrect.

128. C It is generally understood that a lay witness may testify to opinions regarding matters
within the contemplation of the ordinary person so long as the opinion is rationally
based on the witness' personal perception. In order for an opinion to be rationally based
on the witness' personal perception, however, it is necessary to show that the witness
had sufficient opportunity to perceive the matter about which she formed an opinion.
Since Wagner testified that she first saw Daggett's car just before it struck Padilla, her
opportunity to perceive was probably not adequate to support her opinion. While it is
not certain that a court would sustain the objection, the argument in C is the only one
listed which could possibly support the objection.

A is incorrect because the ordinary driver is competent to form an opinion regarding the
speed of a moving vehicle. PRE 704 specifically provides that if opinion testimony is
otherwise not objectionable, it is not objectionable simply because it concerns an ulti-
mate issue to be determined by the trier of the facts. B is, therefore, incorrect. It is some-
times said that witnesses must testify to facts, and inferences are to be drawn by the jury.
For this reason, lay opinions are usually not admissible if it would be reasonably practi-
cal for the witness to state the separate facts which caused her to form that opinion so
that the jury could draw whatever inferences it deems proper. On the other hand, if it is
not reasonably practical to express the separate factors that caused the witness to form a
particular opinion, the witness may be permitted to state the opinion which she formed.
Since the factors which go into an opinion regarding the speed of a moving vehicle can-
not ordinarily be expressed as separate facts, a witness who is competent to form an
opinion as to that speed will be permitted to express that opinion. D is, therefore, incor-

129. A In general, evidence is admissible if it is relevant to a material issue (i.e., tends to estab-
lish some fact of consequence) in the litigation. Since liability for negligence does not

depend on whether the defendant was insured, the fact that Dooley was or was not
insured is not of consequence (i.e., not relevant to a material issue) in the litigation. It is,
therefore, not admissible.

A compromise consists of a payment or a promise to pay given in return for a promise

to discontinue or not to assert a claim. Since Dooley was not offering anything in return
for a promise not to assert a claim, his statement was not a compromise offer. B is,
therefore,. incorrect. Admissions are words or acts of a party offered against that party.
Under the common law, admissions ofa party may be admissible as exceptions to the
hearsay rule; under FRE 801(d)(2), admissions of a party are not hearsay at all. Like all
other evidence, however, admissions may be admitted only if relevant to a material
issue. Since the fact that Dooley was or was not insured is not material, his statement-
even if it could be regarded as an admission - is inadmissible. (Note: It might be
argued that Dooley's statement implies that he knew himself to be at fault. This argu-
ment would not make the statement admissible, however, because PRE 411 specifically
provides that evidence that a party was insured is not admissible for the purpose of
establishing that party's fault or liability.) FRE 803(2) provides that an excited utterance
may be admissible as an exception to the hearsay rule, and defines an excited utterance
as a statement relating to a startling event or condition which is made while the
declarant is under stress or excitement caused by that event or condition. D is incorrect
for two reasons: First, Dooley's statement that he had plenty of insurance is not related
to the accident which produced his excitement; and, second, like any other evidence, an
excited utterance is not admissible unless it is relevant to a material issue.

130. B Under PRE 409, offers to payor actual payments of medical or hospital bills are inad-
missible for the purposes of proving negligence, liability, or the value of a claim.
Although there are purposes for which such evidence might be admissible, none are
listed among the options.

A is incorrect because FRE 409 excludes evidence of payment of hospital bills, whether
or not such payments are part of an offer of compromise. C is incorrect for this reason
and because a statement which is otherwise admissible may remain admissible even
though it is inseparable from a statement about insurance. D is incorrect because PRE
409 specifically excludes such evidence if it is offered for the purpose of establishing

131. C Although lay witnesses are usually permitted to testify only to facts, a lay opinion may
be admissible if it would be helpful to a clear understanding of the witness's testimony
and if it is rationally based on the witness's perceptions. For this reason, any person who
is familiar with the handwriting of another may offer an opinion regarding its identifica-

A and B are, therefore, incorrect. Although it is the jury's function to determine the
identity of the signature, opinion evidence is admissible to help the jury do so. Dis,
therefore, incorrect.

132. D A cross-examiner is given broad leeway in attempting to impeach a witness intrinsically

(i.e., by eliciting testimony from that very witness). In general, a cross-examination
question is proper if it has a logical tendency to discredit the testimony of the witness

being cross-examined. A witness thus may be questioned about any facts which tend to
show that the nature of his relationship to a party gives him a bias (i.e., motive to be less
than objective in his testimony). Since Dalbey's accusation that Waite was dishonest
would be likely to result in making Waite angry at Dalbey and therefore biased, the
question is proper and the objection should be overruled.

Hearsay is an out-of-court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted in
that statement. If Dalbey's statement that Waite was dishonest were offered to prove that
Waite was dishonest, it would be hearsay.-Since it is offered for another purpose (i.e., to
show that Waite is biased), however, it is not hearsay. A is, therefore, incorrect. An
admission is a declaration by a party which is offered against that party. Since Dalbey's
declaration that Waite was dishonest would be offered in favor of Dalbey, it is not an
admission. B is, therefore, incorrect. "Extrinsic" impeachment is evidence tending to
impeach a witness which does not come from that witness's own testimony. Since the
evidence which would tend to impeach Waite is sought from Waite himself, it cannot be
called "extrinsic". C is, therefore, incorrect.

133. A The credibility of a witness may be impeached extrinsically (i.e., by evidence which
does not come from the witness's own mouth) by evidence which tends to show that his
testimony is not worthy of belief because he was incapable of perceiving accurately.
Since Weary stated that his identification of Danek was by the light of the full moon,
evidence that there was no moon that night would tend to show that Weary's identifica-
tion is unworthy of belief because he was incapable of making accurate observations.

The phrase "res gestae" was formerly used to refer to statements made under stress
resulting from a startling event. Its use has largely been replaced by the "excited utter-
ance" concept. B is incorrect because the testimony of the expert did not refer to any
statement made while under stress or excitement. Except for evidence of prior state-
ments, the PRE does not require confrontation as a foundation for the introduction of
extrinsic evidence offered to impeach a witness. C is, therefore, incorrect. A matter is
described as "collateral" if it is not material to issues in a case. D is incorrect because a
witness's ability to perceive or remember is always regarded as material.

134. A Although evidence of unconvicted bad acts is generally inadmissible to extrinsically

impeach a witness, PRE 404 provides that it may be admissible for other purposes. One
of the most common permissible uses of such evidence is to create an inference that the
defendant is guilty of the crime charged by showing that it was part of a general crimi-
nal plan or scheme. Since Danfield's possession of 41 different credit cards bearing 36
different names suggests that she planned to make fraudulent use of them all, evidence
of that fact may be admissible. Such circumstantial evidence must be subjected to close
examination to determine whether its probative value is outweighed by its prejudicial
effect, so it is not certain that a court would admit the evidence. Of all the arguments set
forth, however, A is the only one which could possibly provide the prosecutor with an
effective argument in opposition to the motion to exclude.

Since Danfield is not charged with stealing credit cards, an inference that she did so is
not relevant to any fact of consequence in the prosecution. For this reason, B is incor-
rect. (Note: It might be logical to argue that such an inference is relevant because a per-
son who would steal credit cards is probably disposed to make fraudulent use of them.

Such an argument would fail, however, because evidence of unconvicted acts is inad-
missible for the purpose of proving a mere criminal disposition.) Under the Fifth
Amendment privilege against self-incrimination, a criminal defendant cannot be
required to explain her conduct. C is, therefore, incorrect. An admission by conduct
occurs when a party engages in conduct which indicates her own belief that she is guilty
of the crime charged (e.g., attempting to bribe an arresting officer to let the defendant go
free or attempting to flee after being charged with a crime). Since possession of credit
G.ards bearing other names does not indicate that Danfield believed herself to be guilty
of fraudulently using the card bearing the name of Timothy Nolan, it is not an admission
by conduct. D is, therefore, incorrect.

135. D Ordinarily, evidence of the behavior of a trained dog is admissible if a foundation is laid
similar to the foundation required for any other kind of scientific evidence. This means
that it must be shown that the dog was competent to do the job which it was doing and
that its handler was competent to interpret the result. Since Handel was an expert dog
trainer and handler, and since Findo successfully detected cocaine on several prior occa-
sions, the proper foundation has been laid, and the evidence is admissible.

Hearsay is an out of court statement offered for the purpose of proving the truth of the
matter asserted in that statement. Although our society tends to personify dogs, dogs are
not persons and are not capable .of making statements. For this reason, the behavior of a
dog cannot be hearsay (Since a primary reason for the hearsay rule is that out of court
declarants are not subject to cross examination and since a dog could not be cross exam-
ined in any event, it would not be logical to apply the hearsay rule to a dog's behavior.)
A is therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because, since the dog could not testify, its avail-
ability is irrelevant to the admissibility of its behavior. Although a court might permit
demonstration of a scientific method, there is no requirement that it do so. C is, there-
fore, incorrect.

136. B In general, evidence of a defendant's character or disposition is inadmissible for the pur-
pose of proving that he acted in a particular way on a particular occasion. An exception
is made, however, for evidence which shows a definite, particular, and strong inference
that the defendant did the precise act charged. Included in this exception is evidence
tending to establish that the defendant uses a distinctive modus operandus (MO), or
method of operation. For this reason, the fact that Dodd previously smuggled cocaine
using a brass statue with a false bottom could be admissible. Although it is not certain
that a court would admit the evidence for this purpose, B is the only answer listed which
could possibly be correct.

PRE 406 permits evidence of habit to be used as circumstantial evidence that on a par-
ticular occasion the defendant's conduct was consistent with his habit. A is incorrect,
however, because habit evidence requires a showing that the actor in question consis-
tently acts in a particular way, and one prior experience is not sufficient to establish a
habit. Although evidence of a defendant's previous conduct is inadmissible if offered
against him for some purposes, it may be admissible if offered against him for others. C
is thus incorrect because it isoverinclusive. Evidence of a prior conviction is not usually
admissible for the purpose of impeaching a witness if the conviction occurred more than
ten years prior to the trial at which it is offered. D is incorrect, however, because Dodd's
prior conviction is not being offered to impeach his credibility, but rather to establish a

distinctive MO.

137. C The fact that a witness has previously made a statement which is inconsistent with her
testimony indicates the she is not always honest and that, therefore, her testimony is not
worthy of belief. For this reason, a witness may be cross-examined about prior inconsis-
tent statements. Although the common law requires that the witness first be told when
and to whom the statement was made, the FRE has dispensed with this requirement.

For the above reason, A and D are incorrect. Under some Circumstances, former testi-
mony given under oath may be admissible as substantive evidence, but prior inconsis-
tent statements are admissible for purposes of impeachment even if not made under
oath. B is, therefore, incorrect.

138. B Under certain circumstances a witness may be impeached by extrinsic (i.e., not from the
witness's own mouth) evidence that she made a prior inconsistent statement. Although
the common law requires that the witness be confronted with and given an opportunity
to explain the inconsistency before the extrinsic evidence is offered, PRE 613 provides
that extrinsic evidence of prior inconsistent statements by a witness is admissible if the
witness is given a prior or subsequent opportunity to explain the inconsistency. For this
reason, the objection should be sustained unless Danesh is given a subsequent opportu-
nity to explain the inconsistency.

A and C are, therefore, incorrect. The "collateral matter rule" provides that extrinsic
evidence is not admissible for purposes of impeachment unless it relates to a substantive
issue in the case. D is incorrect, however, because there is no principle of law known as
the "collateral witness rule."

139. B In general, evidence is admissible only if it is relevant to a material issue. Evidence is

relevant to a material issue if it tends to establish some fact of consequence. Since
Decco is charged with knowingly possessing the marijuana found in the trunk, the only
material issue is whether Decco knew it was there. The note from his wife may indicate
that they smoked marijuana together on some other occasion (although her use of the
word "stuff" makes even this questionable), but it does not tend to establish anything
about Decco's knowledge of what was in the trunk of the borrowed car. For that reason,
it is not relevant to a material issue and should be excluded.

Hearsay is an out of court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted in
that statement. There is some doubt about the reason for offering the note from Decco's
wife. If it is offered for any reason other than to prove that they "got high on the stuff
[they] smoked last night" it is not hearsay. Even if it is offered for that purpose, how-
ever, it probably falls under an exception to the hearsay rule since it is a declaration
against the penal interests of Decco's wife. Although declarations against the penal
interest are not exceptions to the hearsay rule at common law (which makes exception
only for declarations against financial interest), they are exceptions under PRE
804(b)(3). A is, therefore, incorrect. Although the statement contained in the note from
Decco's wife is a declaration against her interest and, therefore, an exception to the
hearsay rule, it is not admissible because, as explained above, it is not relevant to a
material issue. C is, therefore, incorrect. Under the common law spousal privilege one
spouse may not give evidence against another in a criminal case. Thus, if the jurisdic-

tion recognizes the common law spousal privilege, it would probably result in the exclu-
sion of the note from Decco's wife. D is incorrect, however, because its language
indicates that this would be the only reason for excluding the note, and, as explained
above, the note would be excluded even if the jurisdiction did not recognize this privi-

140. A Most jurisdictions hold that cross examination should be limited to inquiry into matters
to which the witness testified on direct examination. Some jurisdictions grant broader
latitude. All agree, however, that questions which go beyond the scope ofcross exami-
nation are improper. Thus, if the question went beyond the scope of cross examination,
the objection should be sustained.

B is incorrect because leading questions are permitted on cross examination. A hostile

witness is one who has demonstrated anger or hostility to the attorney questioning her.
e is incorrect because there is no indication that Pacetti has done so. Since the question
is not whether the dog is gentle, but whether the dog is generally known to be gentle,
Pacetti's expertise (or lack of it) on the subject of dog behavior is irrelevant. D is, there-
fore, incorrect.

141. A Ordinarily a will must be authenticated by witnesses who testify to its execution. A is,
therefore, correct. FRE 902 provides that periodicals, publications issued by public
authorities, and certified copies of public records are self authenticating. B, e, and D
are, therefore, incorrect.

142. B If a proper foundation is laid, evidence that a particular product has been used many
times without accident is admissible as circumstantial evidence that its condition is not
dangerous. The required foundation includes evidence that the conditions under which
the product was used were identical to those which existed at the. time of the accident
and that the witness would have heard if there had been any accidents. Since Walters
testified that more than 10,000 of the motorcycles were sold, and since presumably they
were used on roads, and since most of the roads have bumps, the requirement of use in
identical conditions has probably been satisfied. To complete the required foundation, it
is thus necessary only to show that Walters was the person to whom all complaints of
product failure would have been made.

A is incorrect because although a judge may choose to give a special instruction regard-
ing the uncertainty of negative evidence, there is no rule of law requiring such an
instruction. e is incorrect because the objection that it raises goes to the weight rather
than the admissibility of the evidence. D is incorrect because under conditions such as
those described above, negative evidence is admissible.

143. e Evidence of a scientific test or experiment is admissible only if a foundation is laid

which indicates the substantial identity of material conditions. Thus, if the test condi-
tions were not substantially the same as the conditions which existed at the time of the
accident, evidence of the test and its results should be excluded.

A is incorrect because a film may be authenticated by anyone who knows it to be an

accurate representation of what it purports to be. The best evidence rule provides that
when the contents of a document are in dispute, secondary evidence is not admissible in

the absence of a showing that the original or a qualified duplicate is not available. Since
there is no dispute about the contents of any document, the best evidence rule is not
applicable, and B is incorrect. D is incorrect for the reasons given above.

Numbers refer to Question Numbers

I. Ownership of land
A. The estate system
1. Classification of estates (including the law
of landlord and tenant) 14,15-16,17-18,19-20,30,31,35,43,52,
101-102, 105-107, 108-109, 124, 129-130,
131, 133-134, 138, 140, 146-147
a. Problems of vesting (including class
gifts) 32-33,34,52,62,64,82,88,
105-107, 132, 138, 146-147
b. Rule against perpetuities 15-16,32-33,34,55,62,63,64,88,
124, 132, 138, 146-147
c. Rules relating to restraints on alienation 31, 75, 101-102, 140
2. Rights of use and exploitation incident to
ownership or possession 17-18,30,43,45-48, 71, 77, 103, 124, 131
B. Cotenancies (including those rights resulting from
a formal or an informal marital relationship) 73, 126
1. Tenancy in common 13,45-48, 71, 94, 104, 126, 135
2. Joint tenancy 4, 13,45-48, 74, 94, 104, 126, 135
C. Equitable interests in land (including rights and
duties of trustees, interests and rights of
beneficiaries, and rights of third parties) 3, 13, 14,86-87, 119
D. Legal and equitable remedies relating to
ownership ofland 3,17-18,30,31,43,45-48,53,63,71,100-102,
103, 108-109, 124, 129-130, 131, 133-134, 140

II. Rights in land

A. Covenants
1. Covenants running with the land 9-10, 27, 42, 65-66, 104,
127-128, 143-145
2. Restrictive covenants in equity 9-10,42,54,65-66, 127-128, 143-145
B. Easements, profits, and licenses 11-12, 28-29, 36, 39-41, 51, 56, 68, 83-84,
90, 108-109, 113, 120-121, 141-142
C. Fixtures (including relevant application of
Article 9, VCC) 23-24, 56, 103
D. Crops and timber 17-18
E. Rights in space 28-29,83-84, 143-145

1. Air 28-29,83-84, 143-145

2. Lights 28-29,83-84, 143-145
3. Environment. 28-29, 83-84
F. Water rights 122-123, 139
G. Legal and equitable remedies relating to
rights in land 9-10, 11-12,28-29,36,39-41,42,51,54,
65-66, 113, 127-128, 139, 143-145

III. Vendor and purchaser

A. The·real estate contract - construction
and performance (incuding installment
contracts) 6-7,26,27,38,54,72,85,119,141-142
B. Marketable title 8,38, 72, 74, 141-142, 143-145
C. Statute of frauds 54
D. Risk ofloss 6-7, 26, 80-81, 86-87, 119, 148
E. Security interests
1. Mortgages , .. 3,13,23-24,69-70,95-96,110-112,125,137
2. Deeds of trust 125
F. Legal and equitable remedies relating to
vendor, purchaser, or parties to security
transactions 3,6-7,23-24,26,38,74,80-81,86-87,95-96,

I IV. Titles
A. Adverse possession
110-112, 119, 125, 137, 141-142, 143-145

2, 8, 19-20,37,49,57-58,61,93,
108-109, 118, 120-121, 136
B. Conveyancing 5, 27
1. Deeds , 1, 5,45-48,57-58, 74, 78-79,
85,91-92,97-98, 105-107
a. Delivery 4,25,59,60,78-79,91-92,115-116
b. Land description 6-7,78-79,115-116
c. Boundaries 78-79
d. Covenants for title 21-22,39-41,44,57-58,69-70,
e. Construction .44,54, 78-79, 85,141-142
2. Assignments and subletting of leasehold
estates 31, 75, 101-102, 133-134, 140
C. Priorities and recording 5, 21-22, 39-41, 50, 55, 57-58, 60,
D. Legal and equitable remedies relating to
titles 3,25,39-41,69-70,95-96,97-98, 105-107, 108-109


1. Sosa owned a five acre tract of realty known as to remove the encroachment, and Fowl has filed a
Greenacre in fee simple. In desperate need of counterclaim, requesting ajudgment declaring
money, Sosa prepared a deed purporting to con- him to be the owner of the portion of Nearacre on
vey Greenacre in fee simple to "Bearer," and took which his chicken coop encroaches.
it to the office of Bell, a real estate investor. For a
cash payment of five hundred dollars which Bell Which of the following additional facts, if it were
paid him on the spot, Sosa signed the deed and the only one true, would be LEAST likely to
handed it to Bell saying, "You own it now." result in a judgment for Polsky?

A statute in the jurisdiction provides that no doc- (A) Ever since he built the chicken coop, Fowl
ument purporting to convey any interest in real has given the owner of Nearacre one dozen
property shall be recorded unless it is in writing, eggs per week in return for permission to
clearly identifies the grantor, the grantee, and the encroach on the land.
interest conveyed, and is signed and acknowl-
(B) Mter a portion of the chicken coop had been
edged by the grantor.
built on Nearacre, the owner of Nearacre
told Fowl that it could remain there so long
Bell subsequently instituted a proceeding to eject
as Fowl used it to house chickens.
Sosa from Greenacre. Sosa defended by asserting
that he held a fee simple in Greenacre and was (C) Soon after building the chicken coop Fowl
therefore entitled to possess it. Which of the fol- told the owner of Nearacre that he realized
lowing arguments would most effectively support that he was encroaching, and thathewould
Sosa's assertion? remove the encroachment whenever the
owner of Nearatre asked him to.
(A) The deed was unrecordable. (D) Polsky purchased Nearacrefrom the prior
(B) The deed failed to identify the grantee. owner fifteen years after the chicken coop
was built, and commenced the action
(C) Five hundred dollars was inadequate consid-
against Fowl six years after acquiring title.
(D) Sosa acted under economic duress in selling
3. On March 1, Sharp owned a tract of realty called
Greenacre to Bell.
Stoneacre, and on that date sold it to Uno for ten
thousand dollars. Uno paid two thousand dollars
2. Twenty-two years ago, Fowl built a chicken coop cash to Sharp when the deed was delivered and
near the edge of his yard. In fact, about one-third executed a note for the balance secured by a
of the structure was built on Nearacre, the neigh- mortgage on the realty. Neither the deed nor the
boring parcel of real estate. Polsky, the present mortgage was recorded. On April 1, Sharp again
owner of Nearacre, has demanded that Fowl purported to sell Stoneacre, this time to Dewey
remove the part of his chicken coop which for eight thousand dollars. Dewey paid cash upon
encroaches upon Nearacre. Fowl has refused to receiving a deed to the property. Although Uno's
do so, claiming that he has become the owner of note called for monthly payments to Sharp begin-
that part of Nearacre by adverse possession. A ning on April 1, Uno made no payments until
statute in the jurisdiction fixes the period of time September. Then, when Sharp threatened to fore-
for acquiring title to land by adverse possession close on the mortgage, Uno reconveyed the prop-
at twenty years. Polsky has instituted legal pro- erty to Sharp. In November, Dewey learned about
ceedings against Fowl for an order directing Fowl Sharp's sale to Uno and Uno's reconveyance to

Sharp. If Dewey institutes an action against Sharp Arnold's interest on Arnold's death.
to quiet title to Stoneacre, the court should find
5. Gebhart sued to quiet title to a certain parcel of
realty, seeking judgment declaring her as its
(A) Dewey, since Sharp is estopped from deny-
owner. Bosco opposed her claim, asserting that
ing Dewey's title
she had delivered to Bosco a deed purporting to
(B) Dewey, ifSharp's sale to him on April 1 was convey all of her interest in the realty. Which of
fraudulent. the following additional facts or inferences, if it
(C) Sharp, unless Dewey recorded Sharp's deed was the only one true, would provide Gebhart
to him. with the most effective argument in response to
Bosco's assertion?
(D) Sharp, because at the time of his conveyance
to Dewey, Sharp did not hold title to Stone- (A) Bosco gave no consideration for the convey-
acre. ance.
(B) The deed did not indicate what interest was
4. Maria, who was ill, executed a deed to her home being conveyed.
naming her sons Arnold and Benton as jointten-
(C) The deed was not signed by Gebhart or her
ants. Because Benton was on an extended trip out
of the country, she handed the deed to Arnold
saying that she wanted him to let Benton know (D) The deed was not recorded.
about it as soon as possible. She told Arnold that
she was conveying tPe property while she was
alive because she did not want her sons to be Questions 6-7 are based on the following fact situation.

I responsible for inheritance tax, but that she

wished to continue living in the house until her
death. Arnold had the deed duly recorded, and
then returned it to Maria, asking that she keep it
After looking at most of the real estate in the county,
Clubb decided that Landsman's ranch, The Flying L,
would be ideal for the golf course and country club
which he wanted to build. Since the two-story ranch
for him in her safe-deposit box. Maria continued
living in the home until the time of her death one residence building was in good condition, Clubb
month later. Arnold died the following week planned to renovate and convert it into the club restau-
without occupying the realty and without telling rant. The other buildings on the Flying L were old and
Benton about the conveyance. Maria's will left all run-down and it was Clubb's intention to tear them
her property to her sister Sissy. Arnold's will left down. After negotiations, Clubb and Landsman entered
all his property to his friend Fred. Who is entitled into a contract for the sale of the farm, describing it as
to the .realty? follows: ''All that realty known as The Flying L Ranch,
and identified as Tract 14, Lot 249, Parcel 61 in the
(A) Fred, because Maria delivered the deed only Tract Index maintained by the office of the Recorder of
to Arnold, and Arnold devised the property the County of Parsons; said realty consisting of 240
to Fred. acres more or less, one two-story residential building,
one 60-foot by 140-foot cattle barn, and nine small
(B) Sissy, because Maria delivered the deed to wooden sheds measuring approximately 50 square feet
Arnold in an attempt to avoid tax liability each." The contract set the purchase price at $240,000,
while making a testamentary disposition. with title to close two months from the date that the
(C) Sissy, because Arnold never occupied the contract was signed. Two weeks after signing the con-
realty and the deed was in Maria's posses- tract, Clubb experienced a drastic change in his finan-
sion at the time of her death. cial position, and decided not to go through with the
purchase of The Flying L.
(D) Benton, because Arnoldreceived the deed as
Benton's agent and Benton succeeded to

6. Assume for the purpose of this question only that objection to the validity of the description
before Clubb had a chance to contact Landsman by signing a contract containing an identi-
about his change in plan, a severe windstorm cal description.
blew down two of the small wooden sheds on the
(C) Clubb, because the contract and deed lacked
property. Assume further that immediately after
a metes and bounds description.
the destruction of the two sheds, Clubb notified
Landsman that he would not purchase The Flying (D) Clubb, unless it was standard practice in the
L on the ground that part of the realty had been area to use descriptions like the one con-
destroyed. In a jurisdiction which has rejected the tained in the contract and deed.
doctrine of equitable conversion, if Landsman
sued Clubb for damages resulting from Clubb's
8. Sanderson entered into a valid written contract
refusal to conclude the sale, the court should find
with Barberi for the sale of a parcel of real estate
known as Sandy Woods. The contract provided
that Sanderson was to deliver marketable title.
(A) Clubb, because the realty no longer con-
Prior to the date of closing, Barberi learned that
forms to the description of it in the contract
Planchet had been in possession of Sandy Woods
of sale.
for a period in excess of that required for adverse
(B) Clubb, because the risk of loss from causes possession, and that he had paid no rent and
not the fault of either party remained with entered into no agreement with Sanderson. On
Landsman until the closing of title. the day title was to close, Barberi refused to
accept the deed tendered by Sanderson on the
(C) Landsman, because the risk of loss from
ground that Sanderson's title was not marketable,
causes not the fault of either party passed
and demanded the return of his deposit. Sander-
to Clubb immediately upon execution of
son refused to return the deposit, and demanded
the contract.
that Barberi accept the tendered deed. In litiga-
(D) Landsman, because the sheds were not tion between Barberi and Sanderson, who will
essential parts of the realty and abatement win?
of the purchase price would have been a
suitable remedy. (A) Sanderson, unless Planchet is successful in
an action to quiet title to Sandy Woods.
7. Assume for the purpose of this question only that (B) Sanderson, if he was ready, willing and able
the realty was not damaged, and that Clubb did to furnish Barberi with a policy of title
not notify Landsman of his change in plan. insurance which specifically insured
Assume further that at the time and place of clos- against claims of adverse possessors.
ing Landsman tendered a deed containing a
(C) Barberi, but only if Planchet has complied
description of the realty which was identical to
with all the requirements for acquiring title
that which appeared in the contract of sale, but
by adverse possession.
that Clubb refused to accept it. In a subsequent
action by Landsman against Clubb for damages (D) Barberi, if there is doubt about whether
resulting from breach of contract, the court Planchet has acquired title by adverse pos-
should find for session.

(A) Landsman, if his land was the only realty in

Questions 9-10 are based on the following fact situa-
the county which was known as The Fly-
ing L, and the only parcel identified by the
Tract, Lot and Parcel numbers used in the
Devel was the owner of a tract of realty which she
contract description.
divided into 40 lots in accordance with the state's sub-
(B) Landsman, because Clubb has waived any division statute. When Devel prepared deeds to all the

lots in the subdivision, the deeds to all lots numbered subdivision plan.
21 through 40 contained language restricting the use of
the land to one-story single family residences, but the
deeds to lots numbered 1 through 20 contained no such Questions 11-12 are based on the following fact situa-
restriction. Devel sold lot 1 to Yarrow, conveying it by tion.
a deed which contained no restrictions. Albert subse-
quently purchased lots numbered 25 through 30 from Ossie was the owner of six. acres of land, the northern
Devel for investmentpurposes",receiving deeds con-
boundary of which fronted on Country Road, and the
taining the above restriction. Before construction began southern boundary of which fionted()n Quiet Lake.
on any of the lots in the subdivision, Albert sold lot 25 Ossie's house was located in the middle of the property,
to Barbara, conveying it by a deed which contained no about half way between the road and the lake. Pursuant
restrictions. Lots 1 and 25 were located across the to the laws of the jurisdiction, he divided the land into
street from each other, each visible from the other. three lots. Lot 1, the northernmost lot, fronted on Coun-
try Road; Lot 3, the southernmost lot, fronted on Quiet
Lake. Lot 2, which contained Ossie's house, was
9. Assume for the purpose of this question only that located between Lots I and 3, with no frontage on
Barbara began construction of a three-story, either Country Road or Quiet Lake. The only ingress
three- family residence on lot 25, and that Yarrow and egress to Lot 2 was over a clearly marked and
sued for an injunction to prevent its construction. graded dirt driveway which crossed Lot 1, connecting
Which of the following would be Barbara's most Lot 2 with Country Road.
effective argument in defense?
Ossie continued to live in his house on Lot 2, but sold
(A) The deed which she received did not men- Lot 1 to Rhodes, and Lot 3 to Laker. The deed to
tion any restriction in the use of lot 25. Rhodes reserved an easement over the dirt driveway
(B) The deed which Yarrow received did not which connected Lot 2 with Country Road. Ossie had
mention any restriction in the use of lot 25. never used the lake, and there was no clearly marked
road or path to it across Lot 3. The deed to Laker, how-
(C) Yarrow was not aware of the restriction con- ever, reserved an easement described by metes and
tained in the deed to lot 25, and did not bounds across Lot 3 for the purpose of access to Quiet
rely on it in purchasing lot 1. Lake from Lot 2.
(D) The restriction in the deed to lot 25 did not
touch and concern the land. 11. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
five yearS after Ossie's conveyanceto Rhodes,
10. Assume for the purpose of this question only that the county constructed New Road along the west-
Yarrow began construction of a gas station on Lot ernmost boundary of Lots 1, 2, and 3, and that
1.1f Barbara institutes an action for an injunction New Road led from Country Road to Quiet Lake.
prohibiting Yarrow from building anything other Assume further that Ossie began using New Road
than a one-story single family residence, will she for ingress and egress to his property, maintaining
win? but not using the dirt driveway which crossed Lot
1. If Rhodes, desiring to sell Lot 1, brought an
(A) Yes, on the theory of implied reciprocal ser- action to enjoin Ossie from further use of the
vitudes. right of way across Lot 1, the court should find
(B) Yes, iflot 25 is held to be restricted to use
for one-story single family residence. (A) Ossie, because his easement was created by
(C) No, unless Yarrow was aware of the restric- express reservation.
tion in the deeds to lots 21 through 40 (B) Ossie, because an implied easement by
when he purchased lot 1. necessity does not terminate upon the ter-
(D) No, if such a restriction was not part of the mination of the necessity.

(C) Rhodes, because an implied easement by The Heights. Soon afterwards, Bob committed
necessity terminates upon termination of suicide without repaying the loan. The following
the necessity. year, Fred died, survived only by his daughter
(D) Rhodes, because continued use of the ease-
ment by Ossie will unreasonably reduce
Assuming that the jurisdiction has a statute which
the value of Lot 1.
provides that a mortgagee of realty holds equita-
ble title to the realty, which of the following state-
12. Assume for the purpose of this question only that ments best describes Susan's interest in The
two years after Ossie's conveyance to Laker, Heights following the death of Fred?
Laker sold Lot 3 back to Ossie. Assume further
that one month later, Ossieconveyed Lot 3 to (A) Susan holds The Heights as a joint tenant
Waters by a deed which made no mention of any with Loanco.
easement over Lot 3. Ossie subsequently sold his
(B) Susan holds The Heights as a tenant in com-
home and Lot 2 to Middel, executing a deed
mon with Loanco.
which granted Middel a right-of-way over Lot 3
for access to the lake, identical to the easement (C) Susan is the sole owner of The Heights, sub-
described in the original grant from Ossie to ject to Loanco's lien for the amount owing
Laker. When Middel attempted to cross Lot 3, by Bob.
however, Waters refused to permit him to do so. (D) Susan is the sole owner of The Heights, and
lf Middel institutes an action for an injunction her interest is not subject to any lien on
directing Waters to refrain from interfering with behalf of Loanco.
Middel's right of way over Lot 3, the court
should find for
14. Tona was the owner of a parcel of undeveloped
(A) Middel, because the rightto cross Lot 3 was realty known as Tonacre. When she died, her will
expressly granted by Ossie in the deed to devised the realty to her husband Hernando "for
Lot 2. life, remainder to such person as Hernando shall
designate by his will." Three months after Tona's
(B) Middel, because the easement to cross Lot 3
death, Hernando married Walley. As a wedding
was created by the deed which conveyed
present, he executed a deed purporting to convey
Lot 3 to Laker.
Tonacre to Walley in fee simple absolute. The
(C) Waters, because Ossie's non-use of the ease- day after executing the deed, Hernando died
ment across Lot 3 resulted in its termina- intestate survived only by Walley. Walley subse-
tion. quently agreed to sell Tonacre to Benton by a
contract which required the conveyance of mar-
(D) Waters, because the easement to cross Lot 3
ketable title. On the day set for closing, Benton
terminated when Ossie repurchased Lot 3
refused to accept the deed tendered by Walley
from Laker.
and demanded the return of his deposit. In litiga-
tion between Walley and Benton, a court should
13. Fred was the owner in fee simple absolute of a find for
parcel of realty known as The Heights. He exe-
cuted a valid will in which he devised The (A) Benton, unless the deed tendered by Walley
Heights to "those of my children who survive me, contained a covenant of general warranty.
to hold equally, share and share alike, as joint ten-
(B) Benton, because Tonacre reverted to Tona's
ants." Fred's son Bob and daughter Susan, both
estate upon the death of Hernando.
adults, were his only living children at the time
his will was executed. Three months later, Bob (C) Walley, because Hernando's conveyance to
borrowed money from Loanco, a financial insti- Walley was a valid exercise of the power
tution, executing a note secured by a mortgage on of appointment which he received under

Tona's will. livestock pasture. The purchase price was $100,000 of

which Telly paid $50,000 in cash. The balance of
(D) Walley, if she was the only person qualified
$50,000 was to be paid in full ten years after the clos-
to inherit from Hernando under the laws of
ing of title, with interest of eight percent per annum to
be paid on a monthly basis until then. Mter receiving
title to Rolling Hills, Telly entered into possession and
Questions 15-16 are based on the following fact situa- paid the interest to Roland as agreed. In addition, Telly
tion. paid real estate taxes of $1,000 per year as they came
due. Mter occupying the realty with his wife Wilma for
Givers executed a deed to his realty known as Givacre, nine years, Telly died. His will devised Rolling Hills to
which contained the following clause: Wilma for life, remainder to Telly's brother Bertrand.
Mter Telly's death, Wilma remained on Rolling Hills,
"To Senior Center, for so long as the realty making monthly interest payments to Roland. The next
shall be used as a home for the elderly, but if year, the balance of the purchase price became due, and
racial discrimination is practiced in the admis- Wilma received a tax bill from the county assessor for
sion of residents to said home, to Senior Life $1,000.
for so long as the realty shall be used as a
home for the elderly."
17. As between Wilma and Bertrand, which of the
Senior Center and Senior Life were both charitable following correctly states their respective obliga-
institutions devoted to the needs of indigent elderly tions regarding payment of the real estate taxes
persons. and principal balance owed by Telly?

(A) Wilma is obligated to pay the real estate

15. On the day after the deed was executed, Givers' taxes and to pay $50,000 to Roland.
interest in Givacre is best described as
(B) Wilma is obligated to pay the real estate
(A) a valid reversion. taxes, but Bertrand is obligated to pay
$50,000 to Roland.
(B) a valid possibility of reverter.
(C) Bertrand is obligated to pay the real estate
(C) a valid right of re-entry. taxes, but Wilma is obligated to pay
(D) void under the Rule Against Perpetuities. $50,000 to Roland.
(D) Bertrand is obligated to pay the real estate
16. On the day after the deed was executed, Senior taxes and to pay $50,000 to Roland.
Life's interest in Givacre is best described as a
18. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
(A) valid contingent remainder. the fences surrounding the livestock pastures on
(B) valid executory interest. the realty were in decaying condition, and that
Wilma made arrangements to have some of the
(C) void contingent remainder. trees cut down for use in repairing the fences.
(D) void executory interest. When Bertrand learned of Wilma's plan, he
brought a proceeding for an injunction to prevent
her from doing so. In response to Bertrand's peti-
Questions 17-18 are based on the following fact situa- tion, a court should find for
(A) Wilma, ifthe cutting of trees on the land was
Roland sold a parcel of realty known as Rolling Hills to a reasonable way of maintaining the
Telly. The realty consisted of one hundred acres, of fences.
which thirty acres were wooded and the balance was in
(B) Wilma, because a life tenant has an unlim-

ited right to make use of natural resources 20. Which of the following correctly describes the
of the realty. interest which Eddie had in the realty on the day
after the death of Tess?
(C) Bertrand, because destruction of trees on a
parcel of realty constitutes ameliorating
(A) Vested remainder subject to complete divest-
ment on the happening of a condition sub-
(D) Bertrand, if the fences were permitted to sequent.
decay during Telly's lifetime.
(H) contfngerit remairiCler.
(C) Springing executory interest.
Questions 19-20 are based on the following fact situa-
tion. (D) No valid interest in the realty.

Tess willed her realty "to my nephew Ned for twenty

Questions 21-22 are based on the following fact situa-
years, remainder to my niece Nellie if she is living at
that time; but if Nellie is not living at the termination of
Ned's estate, to the oldest child of Nellie who is living
On March, 1, Marcel conveyed a tract of realty to her
at the time of my death." Tess died in January 1961,
daughters Andrea and Bessie as joint tenants. On April
survived by Ned, Nellie, and Nellie's two children--
1, Marcel purported to sell that same tract to Parton by
Paul, who was fourteen, and Eddie, who was seven. In
general warranty deed. Parton paid cash for the prop-
January 1962, Adder moved onto the realty, living in a
erty and was unaware of the prior conveyance to Mar-
shack which he constructed from discarded packing
cel's daughters. Andrea and Bessie recorded their deed
crates. Nellie died in 1970. In January 1981, twenty
on April 3. Parton recorded his deed on AprilS. Andrea
years after the death of Tess, Paul discovered that
died on April 7.
Adder had been in possession of the realty for nineteen
years. He made no attempt to have Adder removed
from the realty until January 1983, when Adder had 21. Assumefor the purpose of this question only that
been in possession for twenty-one years. A statute in the jurisdiction has ONE of the following stat-
the jurisdiction fixes the period for acquisition of title utes:
by adverse possession at twenty years. Another statute
fixes the age of majority at eighteen years.
I. "No conveyance of real property is effec-
tive against a subsequent purchaser for
19. If Paul sued to have Adder removed from the value and without notice unless the same
realty in January of 1983, the court should find be recorded."
n. "Every conveyance of real estate is void as
(A) Paul, because the period of adverse posses- against any subsequent purchaser in good
sion began running against him when he faith andfor value whose conveyance is
became the owner ofthe realty in 1981. first duly recorded."

(B) Paul, because the period of adverse posses- Is.Bessie's right superior to Parton's on April8?
sion began running against him when Nel-
lie died in 1970. (A) Yes, only if the jurisdiction has Statute I.
(C) Paul, because the period of adverse posses- (B) Yes, only if the jurisdicti()nhas Statute n.
sion began running against him when he
was no longer an infant under the laws of (C) Yes, if the jurisdiction has Statute I or Stat-
the jurisdiction. ute II.
(D) No.
(D) Adder.

22. Assume for the purpose of this question only that they could not be removed. The new tank was then per-
the jurisdiction has a statute which provides, "In manently fastened to the brackets. Seckin made several
determining the priority of conflicting interests in monthly payments to Dairyman's Bank on the mort-
land, the first such interest to have been recorded gage note, but then missed three consecutivepayments.
shall have priority." Who has priority on April 8?
23. If Dairyman's Bank sues for the amount of the
(A) Bessie, because the conveyance to Andrea
missed paytIlents, who may be held personally
and Bessie was recorded before the con-
liable to Dairyman'S Bank for the amount owing?
veyance to Parton was recorded.
(B) Bessie, because the realty was conveyed to (A) Derry only.
Andrea and Bessie before the conveyance
(B) Furth only.
to Parton was recorded.
(C) Derry and/or Furth.
(C) Parton, because Bessie's interest did not
ripen until after Parton's interest was (D) Neither Derry nor Furth.
(D) Parton, because Marcel conveyed to him by 24. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
general warranty deed. Dairyman's Bank was unsuccessful at collecting
on the note, that it instituted foreclosure proceed-
ings, and that as a result an appropriate court
Questions 23-24 are based on the following fact situa-
directed the sale of all property subject to the
mortgage. Should the cooling tank purchased and
installed by Seckin be included in the foreclosure
Derry was the owner of a dairy farm known as Bovine
Acres. The farm consisted of 300 acres of land, 200
dairy cows, and a series of buildings. Among the build-
(A) Yes, if installation of the tank converted it to
ings was a "processing plant" in which fresh milk was
a fixture.
filtered, chilled, and stored until the next daily pickup.
About five years ago, Derry decided to build a new (B) Yes, because Seckin made several of the
barn for his animals and borrowed thirty thousand dol- monthly payments.
lars for that purpose from Dairyman's Bank. At the (C) No, because the cooling tank was brought
time he made the loan, Derry executed a note requiring onto the realty after the execution of the
monthly payments of a specified sum and secured by a note and mortgage.
mortgage on Bovine Acres. The following year, Derry
sold the farm to Furth, conveying it by a deed which (D) No, because Seckin took the property "sub-
stated, "Grantee expressly assumes the note and mort- ject to" the mortgage.
gage previously executed by Grantor to Dairyman's
Bank." The deed was signed by Furth as well as by 25. On January 3, Vender and Purcher entered into a
Derry. The year after that, Furth sold the farm to written contract for the sale of Vender's realty
Seckin, conveying it by a deed which stated, "The located in the state of Columbia. At the time the
realty described herein is conveyed subject to an exist- contract was signed, Purcher handed Vender a
ing note and mortgage held by Dairyman's Bank." check drawn on a foreign bank in payment of the
entire purchase price. Pursuant to the contract,
Several months after buying Bovine Acres, Seckin pur- Vender executed a deed to the realty and depos-
chased a new cooling tank for the processing plant. The ited it with a commercial escrow company, with
tank had a five"'-thousand-gallon capacity and weighed instructions to deliver the deed to Purcher as soon
several tons when empty. In installing the cooling tank, as Purcher's check cleared the bank. Purcher's
Seckin had the wooden floor of the processing plant check cleared the bank on January 15, but
tom out and replaced with concrete. Brackets were because of a strike by certain bank employees,
placed in the wet concrete so that when it hardened

the escrow company did not learn that the check fire insurance policy on the house in effect, plan-
had cleared untilJanuary 21, and did not deliver ning to cancel it upon conveying title to Bryant.
the deed to Purcher until January 22. On January In addition, Bryant purchased a policy of fire
17, Purcher executed a deed purporting to convey insurance on the house immediately after con-
the realty to Jackson. A statute in the state of tracting for purchase of the house. Two weeks
Columbia makes it a misdemeanor for any person after Bryant moved in, a fire of unknown origin
"to execute any document purporting to convey partially destroyed a portion of the roof, the entire
an interest in real estate which the person execut- kitchen, and parts ofthe exterior of-the house.
ing said document did not actually hold at the Bryant immediately notified Singer that he was
time the document was executed, regardless of unwilling to complete the transaction at the price
whether the person executing said document was originally agreed upon, but that he would be will-
aware that slhe did not hold the interest which the ing to renegotiate to determine a new price based
document purported to convey." If Purcher is on the diminished value of the real estate as the
charged with violating the above statute by exe- result of the fire.
cuting a deed to Jackson on January 17, he should
be If Singer sues for damages based upon Bryant's
anticipatory repudiation of the contract of sale,
(A) convicted, because he did not become the Singer's most effective argument would be that
owner of the realty until the deed was the court should find for him because
delivered on January 22.
(A) the risk of loss passed to Bryant when he
(B) convicted, because he did not become the
took possession of the premises pursuant
owner of the realty until January 21, when
to the contract.
the escrow company learned that the check
had cleared. (B) Bryant purchased a policy of fire insurance
covering the premises prior to the contract.
(C) acquitted, because his title to the property
relates back to January 15 when his check (C) Singer had a policy of insurance insuring
cleared the bank. him against fire damage to the house.
(D) acquitted, because when his check cleared (D) a fire is presumed to be the fault of the per-
the bank his title to the property related son who is in possession at the time it
back to January 3 when the contract of sale occurs.
was executed.
27. Sollen was the owner of a 40-acre tract of land.
26. After working twenty years for the People's Trust Complying with the state's subdivision law, he
Company, Singer was promoted from assistant subdivided the tract, creating 20 building lots in
manager of the Twin Oaks branch to manager of addition to the necessary public areas. Sollen
a branch located in another state. When he retained five acres on which he installed a well
learned that Bryant was moving to Twin Oaks to and water-purifying equipment. He laid pipes
replace him as assistant manager, he offered to from his water-purifying plant to all of the other
sell Bryant his home in Twin Oaks for $60,000. lots in the subdivision. Every conveyance of land
After inspecting the premises, Bryant accepted in his subdivision contained a restriction requir-
the offer. They entered into a written contract of ing the grantee to purchase from Sollen all water
sale calling for closing of title six weeks after the used on the realty. Bangor contracted to purchase
signing of the contract. Because their employer a lot in the subdivision from Sollen by a written
was eager to have them both start at their new agreement in which Bangor agreed that after the
positions as soon as possible, the contract con- closing of title he would purchase all water used
tained a clause permitting Bryant to move into on the realty from Sollenat a specified price for a
the house immediately. Bryant did so a few days period often years. At the closing, Sollen deliv-
after signing the contract of sale. Singer kept the ered adeed with the aforementioned restriction,

but Bangor did not sign it. Three years after clos-
ing, Bangor installed his own well and stopped (A) Servo, since an appurtenant easement is not
buying water from Sollen. If Sollen asserts a alienable.
claim for damages against Bangor, the court
(B) Servo, since Powerco's proposed activity is
should find for
outside the scope of the easement.
(A) Sollen, because Bangor contracted to pur- (C) Dom, since an appurtenant easement may be
chase water frOIll Sollen for a period of ten divisible for purposes incidental to its con-
years. templated use.
(B) Sollen, because a discrepancy between a (D) Dom, since every appurtenant easement
contract for the sale of realty and a convey- contains and includes an easement in
ance is resolved by looking to the contract. gross.
(C) Bangor, because the agreement to purchase
water did not touch and concern the land of 29. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Sollen. the house which Dom was constructing on Lot I
was to be three stories tall and would block the
(D) Bangor, because Bangor did not sign the
view from Servo's picture window of the Ragged
Mountains. If Servo seeks an injunction to pre-
vent the construction of Dom's house in a manner
Questions 28-29 are based on the following fact situa- likely to obstruct Servo's view, the court should
tion. find for

Onner owned a parcel of real estate which fronted on a (A) Servo, because Servo's house was built
major road. At the other end of the property, the before Don began construction.
Ragged Mountains rose majestically toward the sky. (B) Servo, because the construction of Dom's
Onner divided the parcel into Lot I which fronted on house as planned, will interfere with
the road, and Lot IT which did not. He sold Lot I to Servo's natural easement for air, light, and
Servo, conveying title by a deed which reserved a view.
thirty-foot-wide ingress and egress easement for the
benefit of Lot IT. Servo immediately constructed a (C) Dom, because Servo has no right to an
house on Lot I, taking advantage of the spectacular undisturbed view of Ragged Mountains.
view of the Ragged Mountains by installing a picture (D) Dom, unless he was aware of the view from
window in his living room on the wall facing Lot IT. Servo's picture window when he pur-
Dom then purchased Lot II frOIll Onner, receiving a chased the property from Onner.
deed which included the aforementioned easement
over Lot I. After purchasing Lot II, Dom visited Servo,
admiring the view from Servo's picture window. Sev- 30. Benefactor inherited from her grandfather an old
eral years later, Dom began construction of a home on building located in the City of Magnolia and
Lot IT. known as the Benefactor Theater. Upon her
death, she willed it "to the City of Magnolia for
as long as the building is used as a theater for the
28. Assume for the purpose of this question only that presentation of dance, drama, and the arts." Sub-
Dom executed a deed to Powerco, the electric sequently, the Magnolia city council passed a
company, granting it the right to erect poles on valid resolution empowering the mayor to autho-
and string wires over his right-of-way across Lot rize temporary use of the theater building by an
I for the purpose of bringing power to Lot II. If appropriate production company. The mayor
Servo sues for an injunction preventing Powerco orally authorized the Magnolia Ballet to occupy
from erecting poles on or stringing wires over Lot the theater without charge, and to use it for the
I, the court should find for presentation of dance productions. Three months

after moving into the Benefactor Theater, the Questions 32-33 are based on the following fact situa-
director of the Magnolia Ballet advertised for tion.
bids from contractors for the renovation of the
building. In requesting the bids, the director Grande died leaving a will which, among others, con-
announced that it was his intention to remove all tained the following clauses:
interior walls from the building, thus converting
the Benefactor Theater into a "theater-in-the- CLAUSE X - I hereby devise my realty
round." The City of Magnolia instituted a_pro- located on Main Avenue to my wife for life,
- - -- -- - - -- --- .. - - -

ceedingin which it sought an injunction to pre- remainder to those of my children who

vent the Magnolia Ballet from permitting any achieve the age oftwenty-one years. If any
permanent alteration in the structure of the Bene- child of mine shall predecease me, or if any
factor Theater. If the City of Magnolia is success- child of mine shall survive me but shall die
ful, it will probably be because the Magnolia before achieving the age of twenty-one years,
Ballet that child's share shall be distributed equally
among any of that child's children who shall
(A) paid no rent to the city. marry, but if such child of mine shall die with-
out issue, then his or her share shall be distrib-
(B) has not entered into any lease with the city. uted among my children who achieve the age
(C) was a tenant at sufferance. of twenty-one years.

(D) was guilty of ameliorating waste. CLAUSE XI - I further direct that my realty
located on Barret Drive be sold, and that the
proceeds of such sale be given to a charity to
31. Lawson was the owner of a two bedroom house be selected by my executor from among those
which he rented to Tanner pursuant to a three- to which I made contributions during the year
year lease which provided, "Tenant agrees that he immediately prior to my death, provided,
will not assign or sublet the premises without the however, that out of said proceeds two thou-
written permission of the landlord." Seven sand dollars shall first be given to each of my
months after taking possession under the lease, children and grandchildren who survive to the
Tanner asked Lawson's permission to sublet the age of twenty-two years.
house for a period of three months. Although
Tanner offered to submit the names of potential
subtenants to Lawson for approval, Lawson said At the time of Grande's death, he had no grandchildren,
that he would not approve the sublease to any and was survived by three children: Alice who was
person under any circumstances. Tanner thereaf- eighteen years of age, Burton who was nineteen years
ter sublet the premises to Subtor. Which of the of age, and Carrie who was twenty-two years of age.
following statements is most correct regarding Two years after Grande's death, Alice gave birth to a
the rights of Lawson? child whom she named Gretchen. One week after
Gretchen's birth, Alice died at the age of twenty. At the
I. Lawson may elect to terminate the lease
time of Alice's death, Burton was twenty-one years of
and evict Subtor.
age, and Carrie was twenty-four.
II. Lawson may successfully assert a claim
against Tanner for breach of covenant.
32. If Gretchen marries at the age of eighteen, will
(A) I only, she be entitled to share in the Main Avenue prop-
(B) II only.
(C) I and II. (A) Yes, because her interest vested within
twenty-one years after the death of
(D) Neither I nor II.
(B) Yes, because her interest vested within

twenty-one years after the death of Alice. died, her will left a parcel of realty "to all chil-
dren of my husband Herman, including those
(C) No, because at the time of Grande's death it
children not born of our marriage, and whether
was possible that Gretchen's interest
legitimate or illegitimate." At the time of
would not vest until more than twenty-one
Wendy's death, Calli'sinterest in the realty can
years after the deaths of Alice, Burton, and
be described as
(D) No, because at the time of Alice's death it (A) vested subject to partial divestment, since
was possible that a grandchild would sub- Herman may have more children in his
sequently be born who would marry more lifetime.
than twenty-one years after the deaths of
(B) absolutely vested, since the class of persons
Alice, Burton,and Carrie.
to whom the realty was devised closed
immediately upon Wendy's death.
33. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
(C) contingent, since Herman may subsequently
Grande's realty on Barret Drive was sold by the
acknowledge his paternity of other illegiti-
executor of Grande's will for a price in excess of
mate children in being at the time of
one million dollars, that Carrie demanded the
Wanda's death.
executor pay her two thousand dollars under
CLAUSE XI of Grande's will, and that the execu- (D) void, since the birth of a person not in being
tor refused to pay, asserting that Carrie's interest at the time the interest was created may
was void under the Rule Against Perpetuities. affect Calli's right in the realty.
Carrie should
35. As part of a divorce settlement between Wanda
(A) lose, because the interests of a charity can-
and Harold, Wanda conveyed a parcel of realty
not be made to depend upon the happening
"to Harold for life; remainder to the children of
of an event which might occur after expira-
Wanda who survive Harold." Which of the fol-
tion of the period of perpetuities.
lowing interests does Harold have the power to
(B) lose, because it is possible that a grandchild convey to Bart?
will be born whose interest will not vest
until more than twenty-one years after the (A) The right to possess the realty until Harold's
death of all persons in being at the time of death.
Grande's death.
(B) The right to possess the realty until Wanda's
(C) win, because Carrie's interest vested upon death.
Grande's death, and is not dependent upon
(C) The right to possess the realty until Bart's
the number of children or grandchildren
who survive to the age of twenty-two
years. (D) No right to possess the realty.
(D) win, because Carrie is the first person who
can possibly qualify to take under 36. Forty years ago, the city of Rock Hill built a dam
CLAUSE XI. on Rock Creek for improvement of the city water
supply. The city already owned the realty on
which the dam was to be built, but before com-
34. When Wendy married Herman, he had a child
mencing construction it obtained from all down-
named Alba from a previous marriage, and had
stream owners grants of the right to interfere with
acknowledged himself to be the father of an ille-
the creek water. Each of these grants included a
gitimate child named Barco. Together, Wendy
conveyance of the right to completely stop the
and Herman had a child named Calli, and legally
flow of Rock Creek by erecting the dam and of
adopted another child named Delta. When Wendy
the right to release water from the dam into Rock

Creek when necessary in the city's discretion for (A) Vestor, only if the removal of Holden in Jan-
proper management of the dam. All such grants uary 1969 was by court order.
were properly recorded. Since construction of the
(B) Vestor, only if the removal of Holden in Jan-
dam, the city has not released water from the dam
uary 1969 was by self-help without a court
into Rock Creek. As a result, Rock Creek has
been completely dry for the past forty years. This
year, because of an extremely wet winter, city (C) Vestor, whether the removal of Holden in
hydrologists in charge of dam management have January 1969. was by self-help or by court
decided to release water from the dam into Rock order.
Creek. Rogers is the owner of a 250 acre parcel (D) Holden, because his removal in January
of realty downstream from the dam and crossed 1969 was temporary and therefore consis-
by Rock Creek. tent with his claim of right.
If Rogers institutes an action for an injunction to
prevent the city ofRock Hill from releasing water 38. Sercer and Bardel entered into a written contract
into the creek, the court should find for for the sale of Sercer's realty. The contract was
complete in all other respects, but failed to indi-
(A) Rogers, because no easement is valid which cate the quality of title to be conveyed or the type
purports to authorize the maintenance of a of deed to be used. If the other party failed to per-
private nuisance. form, who could successfully sue for breach of
(B) Rogers, because the rightto release water in
the creek was terminated by the city's non-
(A). Sercer only, because the contract is clear as
use of it for forty years.
to Bardel's obligations.
(C) the city, because an incorporeal heredita-
(B) Either Sercer or Bardel, because the contract
ment lies only in grant.
requires conveyance of marketable title by
(D) the city, because it obtained the right to whatever deed is customarily used in the
release water into the creek from all down- area.
stream owners before constructing the
(C) Either Sercer or Bardel, but only if parol evi-
dence is available as to the intentions of
the parties regarding the quality of title to
37. Vestor owned a large tract of realty in a wooded be conveyed and the type of deed to be
and undeveloped region of the state. Holden, used.
knowing that Vestor rarely visited his realty, built (D) Neither Sercer nor Bardel, because of lack
a cabin on it and began to occupy it on January 1, of mutuality of obligation.
1964, in hopes that Vestor would not discover his
presence. Five years later in January 1969, Vestor
learned that Holden was occupying the realty, and Questions 39-41 are based on the following fact situa-
had him removed. In February 1969, however, tion.
Holden moved back in without Vestor's knowl-
edge, and remained in possession for an addi- Several years ago, the Johnson Chemical Company
tional sixteen years until March 1984. The law in developed a plan to use underground pipes for the pur-
the jurisdiction provides that one who openly, pose of transporting non-poisonous chemical wastes to
notoriously, hostilely, and continuously occupies a waste storage center located several miles away from
realty for a period of twenty years acquires title to its plant. At that time, it began negotiating for the right
it by adverse possession. If Vestor instituted an to lay an underground pipeline for that purpose across
action in April 1984 to eject Holden from the several tracts of realty. In return for a cash payment, the
land, the court should find for owner of Westacre executed a right-of-way deed for the
installation and maintenance of the pipeline across his

land. The right-of-way deed to Johnson Chemical (A) Sofield, because Belden relied on the
Company was properly recorded. Westacre passed abstract of title prepared by Titleco in pur-
through several intermediate conveyances until it was chasing Westacre.
conveyed to Sofield about fifteen years after the right-
(B) Sofield, because Sofield was without knowl-
of-way deed was recorded. The intermediate deeds
edge of any defects in the title to Westacre.
were recorded, but none mentioned the right-of-way.
(C) Belden, because the covenants in Sofield's
'I'woyears later,·Sofield agreed to sell Westacre to deed to Belden were breached.
Belden, by a written contract in which, among other
(D) Belden, because Sofield negligently misrep-
things, Sofield agreed to furnish Belden with an
resented the condition of title to Westacre.
abstract of title. Sofield hired Titleco, a reputable
abstract company, to prepare the abstract. Titleco pre-
pared an abstract and delivered it to Sofield. The 41. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
abstract omitted any mention of the right-of-way deed. Belden sued for an injunction prohibiting the
Sofield delivered the abstract of title to Belden. After installation of the underground pipeline across
examining the abstract, Beldon paid the full purchase Westacre. Which one of the following additional
price to Sofield who conveyed Westacre to Belden by a facts or inferences, if it was the only one true,
deed which included covenants of general warranty would be most likely to lead the court to issue the
and against encumbrances. At the time of closing, injunction?
Sofield, Belden, and Titleco were all unaware of the
existence of the right-of-way deed. After possessing (A) The Johnson Chemical Company sold its
Westacre for nearly a year, Belden was notified by the entire business to another company which
Johnson Chemical Company that it.planned to begin was planning to continue operating the
installation of an underground pipeline on its right-of- business exactly as Johnson had operated
way across Westacre. it, and it was the new company which was
attempting to install the underground pipe-
39. Assume for the purpose ofthis question only that
Belden subsequently asserted a claim against (B) The Johnson Chemical Company's opera-
Titleco for damages which Belden sustained as a tion had changed since the conveyance of
result of the existence of the right-of-way. The the right-of-way, and it was now planning
court should find for to use the pipeline for the transportation of
poisonous wastes.
(A) Titleco, because it was unaware of the exist- (C) No use of the right-of-way has been made
ence of the right-of-way deed. since the conveyance eighteen years ago,
(B) Titleco, because the right-of-way deed was and the law of the jurisdiction sets a ten
outside the chain of title. year period for acquiring title by adverse
possession or acquiring an easement by
(C) Belden, because Belden was a third party
beneficiary of the contract between Sofield
and Titleco. (D) In purchasing Westacre Belden detrimen-
tally relied on the absence of any visible
(D) Belden, because the deed executed by
encumbrances, and the installation of an
Sofield contained a covenant against
underground pipeline will result in sub-
stantial reduction in the value of the realty.

40. If Belden sues Sofield because of the presence of

42. Immediately after World War II, the return of
the right-of-way, the most likely result will be a
thousands of servicemen to the City of Pleas-
decision for
antville resulted in a severe housing shortage. To
ease the problem, an area at the east end of town

which had been used primarily for agriculture to Tollup, an attorney, under a three year lease
was rezoned for residential use. As soon as the which fixed rent at six hundred dollars per
change in zoning took place, Buldin purchased a month. Lance was unable to obtain a tenant to
200 acre farm located in that part of Pleasantville rent any other space in the building. Six months
and subdivided it in accordance with applicable later, Tollup vacated the premises. In a claim by
laws, naming the subdivision Pleasant Estates. Lance against Tollup for rent for the balance of
Setting aside space for public streets, a public the term, which one of the following additional
school, drainage, and utility easements, he cre- facts, if it were the only one true, would be most
ated 500 building lots. He constructed a single likely to result in a judgement for Tollup?
family residence on each lot, and sold them all.
Every deed contained a covenant restricting the (A) The day after Tollup vacated, Lance rented
land to single family residential use. In addition, the ground floor to another attorney on a
a subdivision plan containing a description of the month-to-month basis at a rent of five hun-
subdivision and of the deed restrictions was filed dred dollars per month.
and a copy furnished to all buyers. Many of the
(B) The day after Tollup vacated, Lance began
residences in Pleasant Estates have since changed
using the ground floor as a management
ownership, but all conveyances have contained
office for the building.
restrictions similar to those originally used.
Because Buldin was primarily interested in a (C) The reason Tollup vacated was that the
quick profit, he built the houses cheaply. As a building was located in a part of town not
result, most of them are now in decaying condi- easily accessible by public transportation,
tion. Several of the owners have reconstructed and as a result many of Tollup's clients
their homes. A few have tom them down com- refused to travel to see him there.
pletely and replaced them with new single-family (D) The reason Tollup vacated was that he had
dwellings. Commers is the owner of a lot in been disbarred and was disqualified from
Pleasant Estates, having inherited it from his the practice of law.
father who was one of the original purchasers
from Huldin. Commers has tom down his house,
and is about to begin construction of a three-story 44. Sorrel agreed to sell Blenheim a tract of realty
professional building in which he is planning to known as Newacre by a written contract which
rent office space to doctors, lawyers, and dentists. said nothing about the interest to be conveyed.
If a group of homeowners in Pleasant Estates sue Sorrel subsequently delivered a deed which was
for an injunction to prevent Commers from build- complete in all other respects, but failed to indi-
ing the office building, are they entitled to the cate the interest conveyed. Blenheim received the
injunction? deed and had it duly recorded. Which of the fol-
lowing statements is most correct about the effect
(A) Yes, because of the restrictions contained in of the deed?
the deeds.
(A) It conveys a fee simple absolute, resulting in
(B) Yes, if the majority of homeowners oppose
liability for damages if Sorrel did not, in
any change in the development.
fact, hold such an interest at the time the
(C) No, if most of the buildings in the subdivi- deed was delivered.
sion are in a state of decay and therefore
(B) It conveys whatever interest Sorrel had at
require reconstruction.
the time the deed was delivered.
(D) No, because of the changing character of the
(C) It conveys whatever interest Sorrel had at
the time the contract of sale was formed.
(D) It does not effectively convey any interest in
43. Lance Industries completed construction of a new the realty.
office building and rented the entire ground floor

(C) Ada, Nuco, and Connie hold the land as ten-

ants in common, but Ada and Connie have
Questions 45-48 are based on the following fact situa- rights of survivorship as to each other's
tion. interests.

When Dado died, he was the owner of two hundred (D) Ada and Connie hold equal shares of a two-
acres of undeveloped land. His will devised the land to thirds interest in the land as joint tenants,
histhree daughters, Ada, Beatrix, and Connie as joint and Nuco holds a one third interest in the
tenants. All three of them lived in a distant state, but land as a tenant in common.
after Dado's death Ada moved onto the land and began
cultivating it. She grew grain and beans, realizing sub- 47. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
stantial profits from these farming activities almost the land had a reasonable rental value of $12,000
immediately. per year. Assume further that after Ada began
realizing a profit from her farming enterprise,
45. Assume for the purpose of this question only that Connie asserted a claim against Ada for $4,000
shortly after Dado's death Ada became ill and per year, equivalent to one-third of the reasonable
died. Assume further that Ada's will devised her rental value. Which of the following facts or
entire interest in the realty to Connie. Which of inferences, if it were the only one true, would be
the following most correctly states the propor- most likely to result in a judgment for Connie?
tional interests which Beatrix and Connie would
hold as a result? (A) Farming wasthe best and highest use of the
(A) Connie and Beatrix would be tenants in (B) A real estate developer had offered to pur-
common with equal interests in the realty. chase the land for substantially more than
(B) Connie and Beatrix would be joint tenants its reasonable market value, but Ada
with equal interests in the realty. refused to sell her interest.

(C) Connie and Beatrix would be tenants in (C) Connie had attempted to move onto the land,
common, with Connie holding a two-thirds but Ada prevented her from doing so.
interest and Beatrix holding a one-third (D) Ada erected permanent structures On land
interest in the realty. which she occupied for residential and
(D) Connie and Beatrix would be joint tenants, agricultural purposes.
with Connie holding a one__third interest
and Beatrix holding two-thirds interest in 48. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
the realty. three years after Dado's death Connie executed a
quitclaim deed which purported to convey her
46. Assume that Ada recovered from her illness. interest in the farm to Pearl. If Pearl asserts a
Assume for the purpose of this question only that claim against Ada for a share of the profits which
Beatrix subsequently sold her share of the land to result from Ada's operation of the farm, which of
Nuco by a valid deed containing covenants of the following would be Ada's most effective
general warranty. Which of the following state- argument in defense against Pearl's claim?
ments would correctly describe the relationships
between the parties? (A) A quitclaim deed is not sufficient to convey
a joint tenant's interest in realty.
(A) Ada, Nuco, and Connie hold the land as joint (B) A quitclaim deed conveys only the interest
tenants. held by the grantor.
(B) Ada, Nuco, and Connie hold the land as ten- (C) A quitclaim deed is not sufficient to convey
ants in common. the grantor's right of survivorship.

(D) Joint tenancy requires unity of title. adverse possession cannot result in a sub-
division ofrealty.
49. Oliphant purchased a ten acre tract of realty (D) Poser is the owner of all ofSellacre, since he
known as Sellacre from Sella, paying one-half the occupied part of it under color of title to
purchase price upon closing, and giving Sella a the entire tract.
note for the balance secured by a purchase money
mortgage. Although Oliphant never missed a
50. Several yearsagoOstend conveyed realty called
payment on the note, Sella foreClosed on Sellacre
Leafacre to Apple. Apple immediately resold
six months later by falsely certifying that Oliph-
Leafacre to herpartner Banner, without recording
ant was in default, and by falsely swearing that
the deed which she had received from Ostend.
notice of the foreclosure proceeding had been
Banner duly recorded the deed which he received
given to Oliphant as required by statute. Poser
from Apple, and resold Leafacre two years later
purchased Sellacre at the resulting foreclosure
to Compton, who immediately recorded his deed.
sale, receiving a sheriff's deed. Poser immedi-
One year after Compton's purchase of Leafacre,
ately recorded the deed and took possession of
Ostend purported to convey it to Zieman who
the realty. He constructed a residence on the land,
immediately recorded his deed. The jurisdiction
and put a fence up around the building and a
has a statute which provides that no conveyance
small area surrounding it. Since then he has
of real estate is effective against a subsequent
openly and continuously occupied the land
purchaser for value without notice unless it shall
enclosed by the fence, but made no use of the
have been recorded. The official recording office
land outside it.
does not maintain a tract index.
Oliphant continued making payments to Sella
If Zieman asserts that his title is superior to
according to the terms of his note. Because he
Compton's, and sues Compton to quiet title to
lived in a distantpart of the state, he was unaware
Leafacre, which of the following would be Zie-
of the foreclosure sale until eleven years later
man's most effective argument?
when he attempted to sell the realty. Then, when
an abstract company informed him of the sale, he
(A) The deed from Apple to Banner was
sued for an order setting aside the sheriff's deed
recorded outside the chain of title.
to Poser and ejecting Poser from Sellacre. Poser
counterclaimed for a judgment declaring him to (B) Apple did not have the power to convey
be the owner of Sellacre by adverse possession. Leafacre.
(C) Ostend was guilty of intentional misrepre-
A statute in the jurisdiction sets the period for
sentation in the sale of Leafacre to Zieman.
acquiring title to realty by adverse possession at
ten years. If the court decides that the sheriff's (D) Banner had .constructive notice that Apple
deed should be set aside, which of the following had not recorded the deed which she
comments is most correct about Poser's interest received from Ostend.
in Sellacre?
51. Docker owned a small parcel of real estate which
(A) Poser has no lawful interest in Sellacre since
fronted on Blue Lake, with a dock providing
he possessed it under color of a title which
access to the lake. Because his friend Fischer
proved to be defective.
owned a boat and enjoyed fishing on Blue Lake,
(B) Poser is the owner of the area surrounded by Docker told him orally that he could launch his
his fence, but has no lawful interest in the boat from the dock whenever he wanted to.
land outside the fence since he did not Docker subsequently sold the realty to Ballantine,
occupy or possess it. advising him that Fischer had permission to
launch his boat from the dock. When he took
(C) Poser is the owner of all of Sellacre, since
title, Ballantine assured Docker that he would

continueto permit Fischer to use the dock. The dollars payable at the beginning of each month.
next time Fischer attempted to do so, however, The lease contained a provision stating that in the
Ballantine ordered him off the realty and told him event Torrelson failed to pay rent as agreed,
not to enter it again. Lardner had the right to terminate the tenancy
and re-enter the premises. After Torrelson missed
If Fischer sues for an order directing Ballantine to two rent payments, Lardner threatened to institute
permit him to continue using the dock for launch- an eviction proceeding unless the unpaid rent was
ing his boat, the court should find fOI paid immediately. The following day, Torrelson
moved out, sending Lardner a check for one thou-
(A) Fischer, because Ballantine purchased the sand dollars in payment of rent already owing.
realty with knowledge of Fischer's right. Also enclosed was an additional check for five
hundred dollars in payment of the following
(B) Fischer, because anellsementin 'gross sur-
month's rent and a letter which stated that it was
vives the sale of th6 servient estate.
Torrelson's intention to surrender the premises
(C) Ballantine, because Fischer's right to use the immediately. Lardner made no attempt to re-rent
dock terminated or was revoked. the warehouse, and it remained vacant for the bal-
(D) Ballantine, because an easement appurtenant ance of the term of Torrelson's lease. Upon its
does not survive the sale of the servient expiration, Lardner asserted a claim against Tor-
estate. relson for unpaid rent from the date Torrelson
vacated until the end of the lease term.

52. In January, TOrrey executed a will leaving a tract In deciding Lardner's claim against Torrelson,
of realty known as Torrey Pines to "my brother the court should find for
Bob for life, remainder to be divided equally
among Bob's children, share and share alike." At (A) Lardner, since Torrelson failed to pay the
the time of the will's execution, Bob had two rent as agreed.
daughters, Donnie and Deborah. In March, Don-
(B) Lardner, since the lease reserved a right of
nie and Deborah were killed in a boating acci-
dent. The following June" Torrey died. Fifteen
years later, Bob executed a deed to Pomme pur- (C) Torrelson, since the lease reserved Lardner's
porting to convey "all my right, title, and interest right of re-entry.
in Torrey Pines." A year' after he executed that
(D) Torrelson, since, in effect, he gave Lardner a
deed, Bob died without a will. Bob was survived
month's notice of his intention to vacate.
by his six year old son, Sol.

Which of the following correctly describes Sol's 54. Older lived on 40 acres of land in a remote area.
interest in Torrey Pines inunediately BEFORE He split the land into two twenty-acre parcels.
the death of Bob? Lot 1 which contained his house, and Lot 2 on
which there were no buildings. He subsequently
(A) Vested remainder subject to complete divest- negotiated for the sale of Lot 2 to Benedict. Dur-
ment. ing the course of their discussions, Benedict told
Older that he planned to build a small cannery on
(B) Vested remainder subject to partial divest-
the land for the commercial processing of locally
grown produce. They subsequently entered into a
(C) Contingent remainder written contract for the sale of Lot 2, which con-
(D) No valid interest. tract contained no mention of restrictions regard-
ing the use of the subject land.

53. Lardner rentedawarehouseto Torrelson pursuant Older thereafter realized that the construction of a
to a lease which fixed the rent at five hundred commercial cannery on land adjacent to his home

might disturb his peace and quiet, and reduce the Opus granted Farmcorp the right to purchase the
value of his property. At the time scheduled for land at a fixed price thirty years from the date the
the closing of title, Older delivered a deed which agreement was executed. The following year,
stated: "Grantee does hereby covenant for him- Opus had a heart attack and sold the land to Pom-
self, his successors and assigns that the realty mard.
conveyed herein shall not be used for any pur-
pose other than the construction of a single story In subsequent litigation, a court should declare
. residential building." Benedict read the deed and that Farmcorp's-interestunder the option agree-
accepted it, paying the full purchase price as mentwas
agreed, but when Older asked him to sign the
deed, Benedict refused to do so. The following (A) invalid, unless Farmcorp recorded the option
day, Benedict had the deed recorded in accor- agreement.
dance with law. Several months later Benedict
(B) invalid under the Rule Against Perpetuities.
completed construction of a commercial cannery
on the land. (C) valid only if Pommard had actual notice of
the option when he purchased the land
If Older sues Benedict for damages resulting from Opus.
from Benedict's construction of the cannery on (D) valid because Farmcorp gave consideration
the land adjacent to Older's, the court should find for the option.

(A) Older, because the operation of a commer- 56. Sculpin was a sculptor who had created several
cial cannery adjacent to a private residence well-known statues using a rare stone known as
constitutes a private nuisance. webbed granite which she purchased in Europe.
While visiting the home of her friend, Patron, in
(B) Older, because of the restrictive covenant
the United States, she discovered a rich deposit of
contained in the deed.
webbed granite on his land. When she told Patron
(C) Benedict, because at the time the contract how much money she had to payfor the stone in
was made Older knew that Benedict Europe, he told her that she could take as much
intended to use the land for the construc- webbed granite as she wanted from his land with-
tion of a commercial cannery. out charge for as long as he owned the land.
Sculpin purchased a machine called a stone sur-
(D) Benedict, because he did not sign the deed
facer for use in processing and removing the
containing the restrictive covenant.
stone from Patron's land. The stone surfacer
weighed 40,000 pounds and was approximately
55. Farmcorp was a holding company which owned 20 feet long by 20 feet wide by 20 feet tall. It was
controlling interests in several agricultural enter- delivered in sections and assembled after deliv-
prises. Because many of Farmcorp's holdings ery, but was not fastened to the ground in any
were expanding rapidly, Farmcorp retained a con- way.
sultant to project and predict Farmcorp's real
estate needs for the next fifty years. Based on Two years later, Patron entered into a written con-
advice which it received from its consultant, tract to sell the land to Bannister. The contract
Farmcorp began looking for more land. Because referred to the subject of the sale as "all the realty
Opus owned a 400 acre farm· in the vicinity of located at... " followed by a metes and bounds
one of Farmcorp's holdings, Farmcorp offered to description which adequately identified Patron's
purchase the land from him. Opus refused to sell, land. Prior to the closing, Sculpin dismantled and
saying that he planned to work the land until he removed the stone surfacer. A statute in the juris-
retired from farming. Instead, Opus and Farm- diction provides that if part of the realty which is
corp entered into a written option agreement pur- subject to a contract of sale is removed or
suant to which, for an immediate cash payment, destroyed prior to closing of title, the buyer may

elect to take title subject to appropriate abatement Federal Mining Act.

of the purchase price, On the date set for closing,
(B) Yes, unless Prospect has been in openand
Bannister discovered that the stone surfacer had
notorious possession of the land long
been removed and demanded that the selling
enough to acquire title by adverse posses-
price of the realty be abated under the above stat-
(C) No, if a reasonable inspection of the realty at
Should the selling price be abated? the time of Campbell's purchase would
have disclosed that Prospect was in posses-
(A) Yes, because the size and weight of the stone sion.
surfacer made it non-movable. (D) No, if at the time Bostoria conveyed Stream-
(B) Yes, ifthe stone surfacer was a fixture which side to Campbell Bostoria was aware that
became part of the realty. Prospect was in possession to Streamside.
(C) No, if Patron gave Sculpin permission to
remove the stone surfacer. 58. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
a court declared Campbell's interest to be inferior
(D) No, because the stone surfacer was not fas-
to Prospect's. If Campbell instituted an action
tened to the ground.
against Bostoria for damages, the court should
find for

(A) Bostoria, unless at the time Bostoria con-

veyed Streamside to Campbell, Bostoria
Questions 57-58 are based on the following fact situa- was aware that Prospect was in possession
tion. of Streamside.
Several years ago, Owen sold a one acre parcel of (B) Bostoria, since his conveyance to Campbell
realty called Streamside to Prospect, who immediately contained no covenants of title.
moved onto the land, built a cabin, and set up a (C) Campbell, since Bostoria did not give value
mechanical apparatus for removing gold from the for Streamside.
stream which flowed across the realty. Prospect never
recorded the deed because he heard that he could save (D) Campbell, if a reasonable inspection by Bos-
money on taxes that way. Two years later Owen, who toria would have revealed that Prospect
was aware that Prospect had not recorded the deed, was in possession of Streamside.
purported to sell Streamside to Arthur by a deed which
Arthur immediately recorded. As a gift, Arthur subse- 59. When Olivera died, among her personal effects
quently conveyed the land to Bostoria, who recorded was found a deed by which she purported to con-
the conveyance. Neither Arthur nor Bostoria ever saw vey an"interest in the Olive Vista Ranch to her
or inspected the land. Last month Bostoria sold Stream- nephew, Niles. Based on the deed, Niles claimed
side to Campbell, delivering a quitclaim deed which to have an interest in the realty, but the adminis-
Campbell immediately recorded. The jurisdiction has a tratrix of Olivera's estate denied the claim. Which
statute providing in essence that no conveyance is valid of the following facts or inferences, if it was the
against a subsequent purchaser for value without notice only one true, would provide Niles with his most
unless it is recorded. effective argument in support of his claim?

57. Is Campbell's interest in Streamside superior to (A) Before she died, Olivera told Niles that he
Prospect's? would become the owner of the Olive
Vista Ranch after she was gone.
(A) Yes, unless Prospect filed a claim under the (B) Niles was out of the country on the day that

Olivera executed the deed. ing Linville or obtaining his permission. Benson
fenced most of the land, paid the real estate taxes
(C) The deed names as grantees, "Olivera and
as they came due, and lived in a house which he
Niles as tenants in common."
constructed on The Gables. He continued to
(D) Olivera signed the deed two hours prior to occupy the realty until 1982, when Linville died
her death. without ever having learned of his brother's pos-
session of The Gables. Under the jurisdiction's
applicable statute of limitations, title by adverse
60: ·~Because ifwas her niece Nancy's oirthday, San-
possession may be acquired after ten years of
dra duly executed a deed by which she conveyed
continuous, open notorious, and hostile posses-
her realty known as Sandy Acres to Nancy. San-
sion of realty. In 1982 Roberts discovered that
dra was elderly and had been chronically ill for
Benson was in possession of The Gables, and
several years. On days when she did not feel well
commenced an action to eject him. Benson coun-
enough to go out, she frequently sent Chapel, her
terclaimed, seeking a judicial decree that he had
chauffeur, to run errands for her. One morning,
acquired title by adverse possession. ,
she called Chapel into her room and handed him
an envelope. "I want you to give this deed to my
Which of the following arguments is most likely
niece Nancy," she said. "I also want you to go to
to result in a victory for Roberts?
the bank and the grocery store. Be sure and call
me before you come home." Chapel went first to
(A) Benson's possession of The Gables was not
the bank, and then to the grocery store. Then,
hostile, since he was Linville's brother.
before going to Nancy's house, he called Sandra
to ask whether there was anything else she (B) Benson's possession of The Gables was not
wanted him to do. He was advised on the tele- open and notorious, since Linville did not
phone that Sandra had died soon after he left the know that he was occupying it.
house. Upon hearing this news, he returned
(C) The period of limitations did not begin run-
immediately, without giving the deed to Nancy.
ning against Roberts until Linville's death
Eventually, Nancy learned about the deed, and
in 1982.
claimed title to Sandy Acres.
(D) Absent a unity of possessory right, no tack-
Which of the following is the most effective argu- ing of successive periods of adverse pos-
ment in opposition to Nancy's claim? session is permitted.

(A) Title does not pass until there is a physical

62. In 1982 Tillie died, leaving a will which in perti-
delivery to the grantee or her agent.
nent part read as follows: "I hereby give, devise,
(B) Sandra died before the deed could be and bequeath my realty known as Whitehall to
recorded. my husband for life, remainder to my children. If,
however, any of my children shall predecease my
(C) The deed remained in Sandra's control until
husband, said child's share shall pass to said
her death.
child's children to be distributed equally among
(D) The deed was an attempted testamentary them, share and share alike." When the will was
substitute. executed in 1976, Tillie was married to Fred, and
they had two children, Arthur and Belle. Fred
died in 1977, in an automobile accident which
61. In 1954 Oola died, leaving a will which devised
also killed Arthur. Arthur had no children. The
The Gables, a tract of real estate, "to Linville for
following year, Tillie married Sam. At the time of
life, and then to Roberts." Linville, who lived in a
her death in 1982, Tillie was survived by Sam,
distant state, never took possession of The
Belle, and Charles. Charles, who had been born
Gables. In 1956 Benson, who was Linville's
in 1981, was her child by Sam.
brother, moved onto The Gables without inform-

In a jurisdiction which has abolished the Rule in contained in the deed by which Monty
Shelley's Case, but which applies the common conveyed the property to him.
law Rule Against Perpetuities, which of the fol-
(C) lose, because the restrictive language of the
lowing most accurately describes the interests
deed violated the Rule Against Perpetu-
held by Tillie's children and grandchildren?
(A) The remainder to Tillie's children is valid, (D) lose, because the language of the deed cre-
but thesubstitutionary~giftto her grand~ ated no more than a contractual obligation.
children is void since the size of the class
was not determinable at the time the inter-
64. In a will which is offered for probate today, realty
est was created.
is devised "to my children, but if my friend Mor-
(B) The remainder to Tillie's children and the ris is still alive thirty years after my death, to
substitutionary gift to her grandchildren Morris." The interest of Morris is
are void since it was possible for Tillie to
marry a person who was unborn at the time (A) a valid contingent remainder.
their interests were created.
(B) a valid executory interest.
(C) The remainder to Belle is valid, but the
(C) an invalid contingent remainder.
remainder to Charles and the substitution-
ary gift to his children are void since their (D) an invalid executory interest.
lives were not in being at the time the
interest was created.
Questions 65-66 are based on the following fact situa-
(D) The remainder to Tillie's children and sub- tion.
stitutionary gift to her grandchildren are
valid. Owen was the owner of a 200 acre parcel of unim-
proved realty located on the edge of the town of Tree-
wood. In 1978, when the area was largely uninhabited,
63. Monty conveyed Blackacre to Wilson by a deed
she platted and obtained government approval for a
which contained the following provisions:
subdivision of 100 acres to be known as Towne Estates.
Monty hereby conveys the described realty to It was divided into 200 building lots, with necessary
Wilson in fee simple, in return for Wilson's streets, and utilities and drainage easements. All lots in
agreement that he shall use the land for resi- Towne Estates were conveyed during 1978, every deed
dential purposes only, and that he will require containing provisions restricting use of the lots to sin-
any person to whom he grants an estate in said gle-family, one-story residences. Each deed contained
land to make the same promise. the following language:
The restrictions contained herein are binding
Wilson used Blackacre for residential purposes on the grantee, her heirs and assigns, and may
for a period of twenty-two years, after which he be enforced by the owner or lawful occupant
commenced construction of a supermarket on the of any lot in the Towne Estates development.
land. If Monty institutes an appropriate action in
which he seeks a judgment declaring that Blacka-
The second parcel, known as Towne Heights, remained
cre has reverted to him because of the change in
undeveloped. When the subdivision was created in
use, Monty should
1978, applicable zoning ordinances permitted the use
of land in the area for any purpose other than agricul-
(A) win, because the language of the deed cre-
ture or heavy industry. In 1980, however, the opening
ated a fee simple subject to an executory
of an airplane factory six miles from Treewood resulted
in a population expansion. In 1981, the zoning laws
(B) win, because Wilson has violated a covenant were changed to restrict the use of land in the areas

known as Towne Estates and Towne Heights to resi- (C) All deeds to lots in Towne Heights contain a
dential use for one, two or three family dwellings. clause providing that the restrictions con-
tained therein can be enforced by any resi-
dent of either Towne Heights or Towne
65. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Zevon purchased a lot in Towne Estates in 1978
and sold it to Feldman, who built a one-story sin- (D) Towne Heights is regarded as a part of a
gle family residence thereon in 1979. Assume common development scheme which
further that the house burned down~in 1983, and includes the land known as Towne Estates.
that Feldman applied for a building permit for the
construction of a three family dwelling on the
67. Oliver held a tract of land known as Rolling Hills
same site. If a resident of Town Estates brings an
in fee simple absolute. On March 1, she sold it to
appropriate action to prevent the construction of a
Garland for thirty thousand dollars cash, execut-
multiple family dwelling, the court will most
ing and delivering a deed of general warranty. On
April 1, discovering that Garland had never
recorded his deed, Oliver purported to sell the
(A) not prevent the construction, since zoning
realty to Harriet, who was unaware that it had
laws supersede restrictions contained in
been previously sold to Garland. Harriet recorded
her deed on April 13, after conducting a title
(B) not prevent the construction, unless Zevon's search. Ira, who knew of the previous sale to Gar-
deed to Feldman contained a restriction land, told Harriet about it on April 15, offering
like that contained in Owen's deed to her twenty-eight thousand dollars if she would
Zevon. quitclaim the property to him. Fearful that she
might lose the property to Garland, Harriet
(C) prevent the construction, because the restric-
accepted the offer, executing and delivering to Ira
tion contained in the deeds to the lots in
a quitclaim deed that same day. Garland recorded
Towne Estates runs with the land.
on April 16. Ira recorded on April 17.
(D) prevent the construction, since a building
destroyed by fire must be replaced, if at all, The jurisdiction has a recording statute which
by a building of the same general character provides that, "No conveyance of an interest in
and use. realty shall be good against subsequent purchas-
ers unless it shall have been recorded." Whose
interest is superior?
66. Assume for thepurpose of this question only that
Owen now seeks to develop the parcel known as
(A) Garland's, since his recording of April 16
Towne Heights as a residential subdivision of 75
placed Ira on constructive notice of his
lots. She wishes to place restrictions. in the deeds
limiting the use of lots in the subdivision to resi-
dential, and wants to make the restrictions (B) Garland's, since Ira had actual notice of the
enforceable by residents of Towne Estates. Under sale to Garland.
which of the following circumstances would her
(C) Ira's, since Ira purchased for value before
scheme be most likely to succeed?
Garland recorded his deed.
(A) Restrictions in deeds to lots in Towne (D) Ira's since Garland acquired no rights in
Heights limit their use to one, two, or three Rolling Hills until April 16, which was
family dwellings. after Ira's purchase from Harriet.
(B) Restrictions in deeds to lots in Towne
Heights are consented to by all purchasers 68. Oren was the owner of a 100 acre tract of land.
of lots contained therein. Mter obtaining the necessary government
approval, he platted a 75 acre subdivision consist-

ing of 135 building lots, with streets and utilities on or before October 10. On October 10,1995, Olive
easements. He then sold the subdivision to a executed and delivered to Penny a deed which con-
developer, retaining the other 25 acres for his tained a covenant against encumbrances. On October
own residential use. After the developer began 11, 1995, Loner duly recorded his mortgage on Olive
building houses on the subdivision, the Jingle View. On October 14, 1995, Penny recorded her deed.
Telephone Company asked Oren to grant it an
easement across a comer of his land so that it A statute in the jurisdiction states: "In the event of a
could bring service to the lots in the subdivision. dispute between parties claiming conflicting interests
Oren agreed and, by an appropriate written docu- in realty, the interest which shall first have been
ment which Jingle duly recorded, granted Jingle recorded shall have priority."
an easement over a described strip of his land
"for the erection ofsuch poles, and the placement
69. Assume for the purpose of this question only that,
of such wires, as Jingle shall require for the pur-
using funds which she had received from Penny
pose of providing telephone service."
upon the sale of the farm, Olive paid her debt to
Loner in full on October 16, 1995, receiving and
Two years later, Cable Television Company
duly filing a satisfaction of mortgage. If Penny
entered into a contract with Jingle pursuant to
institutes an appropriate action against Olive for
which it was licensed by Jingle to transmit cable
breach of the covenant against encumbrances,
television signals through Jingle's wires, in return
Penny is entitled to
for which it agreed to pay Jingle a substantial fee.
The cable television signals sent through the
(A) rescission of the deed, since the covenant
wires were similar to telephone signals, and nei-
was breached at the time the deed was
ther increased the wear and tear on Jingle's wires
nor increased the burden on Oren's land.
(B) damages for breach of contract, since the
If Oren brings an action against Jingle for an covenant was breached at the time the con-
order enjoining it from permitting Cable's use of tract was made.
thewires, which of the following statements most
(C) nominal damages only, since Penny sus-
accurately explains why Oren will lose?
tained no actual damages as a result of the
existence of Loner's interest.
(A) All easements appurtenant are freely alien-
able. (D) nothing, since there has been no breach of
the covenant.
(B) All easements in gross are freely alienable.
(C) Although non-commercial easements in
70. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
gross are not alienable, commercial ease-
Olive did not pay Loner; that two years later
ments in gross are alienable.
Penny conveyed Olive View to Quentin by a deed
(D) Oren derived commercial benefit from the dated October 30, 1997 which contained a cove-
easement which he granted Jingle. nant against encumbrances; that Loner instituted
foreclosure proceedings one month after Quentin
took title to the land; and that Quentin satisfied
Questions 69-70 are based on the following fact situa-
Loner's mortgage on December 10, 1997 by pay-
ing the debt contracted by Olive. Assume further
that the statutory period of limitations on actions
On January 1, 1995, Olive borrowed $15,000 from
for breach of any covenant contained in a deed is
Loner, signing a note secured by a mortgage on Olive
one year. If Quentin instituted an action against
View, her farm. The following August 1, Olive entered
Olive on December 20, 1997 for breach of the
into a valid written contract to sell Olive View to
covenant against encumbrances, which of the fol-
Penny. The contract contained a provision by which
lowing would be Olive's LEAST effective argu-
Olive promised to deliver title free from encumbrances

ment in defense? ties?

(A) Quentin has an adequate remedy against

I. Bill and Carlo must pay a portion of the
sum which Asa spent on improving the
(B) An action for breach of a covenant contained property.
in a deed can only be brought by the
grantee named in that deed. II. Bill and Carlo must pay a portion of the
(c) Quentin had constructive notice of the mort- sum which Asa spent to pay principal,
interest, and taxes on the property.
(D) The statute of limitations bars Quentin's III. Any right which Asa has against Bill and
action against Olive. Carlo is subject to a setoff for the reason-
able rental value of the premises.
71. Asa was in the business of manufacturing furni-
(A) I only.
ture and occupied a factory building which he
rented for that purpose from Lawrence. When (B) II only.
Lawrence told Asa that he was thinking of selling
(c) II and III only.
the building, Asa discussed with his brothers Bill
and Carlo the possibility of purchasing it as an (D) I, II, and III.
investment. After negotiation, they bought the
building from Lawrence, who conveyed it by a
72. In January, Samuels bought a parcel of realty as
deed which referred to the grantees simply as
an investment. In February, Brewer approached
"Asa, Bill, and Carlo," but did not specify the
Samuels about purchasing the property, offering
tenancy created. The purchase price was one hun-
to pay substantially more than Samuels had paid
dred thousand dollars, of which the three brothers
for it. After negotiation, they entered into a con-
paid half in cash at the time the deed was deliv-
tract for the purchase and sale of the property.
ered. At the same time, the three brothers exe-
The contract was complete in all other respects,
cuted and delivered a deed of trust to secure a
but made no mention of the quality of title to be
note for the balance of the purchase price. It was
conveyed. Is the contract enforceable?
the intention of the three brothers to hold the
building until rising real estate prices made it
(A) No.
possible for them to sell it at a profit. Until then,
it was understood that Asa would continue to (B) Yes, and Samuels will be required to convey
occupy and use it for his business. whatever title he held on the date the con-
tract was signed.
Subsequently, after requesting but not receiving (C) Yes, and Samuels will be required to convey
contributions from his brothers, Asa spent six whatever title he holds on the date title
thousand dollars to improve the building by add- passes to Brewer, but will be liable for
ing another bathroom, and three thousand dollars damages if such title is inferior to the title
to preserve the building by repairing the roof
he held on the date the contract was
which had begun to leak. In addition, Asa alone signed.
paid principal and interest on the outstanding
trust deed obligation, and all real estate taxes on (D) Yes, and Samuels will be required to convey
the property. marketable title.

If Asa does not sue for partition, but brings an

73. ana conveyed a tract ofland known as Whiteacre
appropriate action for contributions against Bill to Bob and Carole. In which of the following cir-
and Carlo, which of the following statements cumstances are Bob and Carole most likely to
most accurately describes the rights of the par-

hold Whiteacre as tenants by the entirety? even if her title was unmarketable.
(C) Presley, since a title granted by quitclaim
(A) Bob and Carole were not married, but Ona,
deed is unmarketable.
believing them to be married, executed a
deed "to Bob and Carole as tenants by the (D) Presley since the devise contained in the will
entirety." of Frances gave interests in Oldacre to
Dotty, Alice, Babs, and the children of
(B) Bob and Carole had been_livingtogether for
Alice and Babs.
twenty years, but were not married. Ona
knowing that they were not married, exe-
cuted a deed "to Bob and Carole as tenants 75. When Tallen graduated from business college, he
by the entirety. decided to go into the retail shoe business. He
leased a small store for this purpose from Larson
(C) Bob and Carole were not married, but
for a period of three years. The written lease con-
believed themselves to be married. After
tained a clause which prohibited subletting with-
Ona executed a deed "to Bob and Carole as
out the written permission of the landlord. After
joint tenants," Bob and Carole reconveyed
six months, Tallen found the shoe business unsat-
Whiteacre to themselves "as tenants by the
isfactory. He asked Larson to release him from
the lease, but Larson refused to do so. One month
(D) Bob and Carole were married, and Ona exe- later, Tallen assigned the balance of the lease to
cuted a deed "to Bob and Carole." Anne, who moved in immediately. When Larson
learned of the assignment, he demanded that
Anne vacate the premises.
74. In 1970 Ollie, who owned a tract of land known
as Oldacre in fee simple absolute, executed and
If Larson commences an appropriate proceeding
delivered a valid deed which conveyed Oldacre
to remove Anne from the premises on the ground
"to my sisters Frances and Gala as joint tenants."
that the assignment to her was void Larson
Frances died in 1974, leaving a will which
devised "all my interest in Oldacre to my daugh-
ter Dotty for life, then to Dotty's daughters Alice
(A) win, since the lease prohibited alienation of
and Babs for life, then to all children of Alice and
the leasehold interest.
Babs whenever born." Gala died in 1976, leaving
a will which devised "all my interest in Oldacre (B) win, since in the absence of a specific agree-
to my friend Mary." In 1977, Mary quitclaimed ment to the contrary, a tenant may not
Oldacre to Iris in return for payment of $20,000. assign without the landlord's express per-
In 1983 Iris contracted to sell Oldacre to Presley,
(C) lose, unless the lease contains an express
promising to convey marketable title. When she
reservation of the landlord's right to tellll1-
tendered a general warranty deed on the date that
nate the leasehold in the event of a breach.
title was to close, Presley refused to accept it on
the ground that Iris's title was unmarketable. (D) lose, since restraints on alienation of estates
in land are strictly construed.
In an appropriate action by Iris against Presley
for damages resulting from his breach of contract,
76. Bilder constructed an office building and leased it
the court should find for
to Tennyson for a period of twenty years. A
clause of the lease provided that, "nothing herein
(A) Iris since Gala became the sole owner of
shall be construed to prevent the assignment of
Oldacre upon the death of Frances in 1974.
rights or obligations hereunder by either the land-
(B) Iris since her tender of a general warranty lord or the tenant." Three years later, Tennyson
deed gave Presley sufficient protection, assigned his interest under the lease to Acme

Investments, notifying Bilder of the assignment. which he owned on Barrett Road. He also owned a
The assignment agreement was signed by both rectangular two hundred acre parcel known as Ogden's
Tennyson and Acme, and contained a promise by Retreat located outside of town. On his son Edward's
Acme to make rent payments directly to Bilder. birthday, Ogden executed a deed naming Edward as
grantee, and containing the following descriptions:
If Acme defaults in rent payments, which of the
following statements is most correct about the (1) All of my property located on Barrett Road,
rights of Bilder? consistingof four acres of undeveloped
I. Bilder can recover from Acme as a third (2) Five acres of Ogdens' Retreat, being those
party beneficiary of the assignment agree- five acres which lie at the northeast comer
ment. of said realty, and constituting a square
with its northernmost and easternmost
II. Bilder cannot recover from Tennyson sides lying on the north and east bound-
under the lease. aries of Ogden's Retreat respectively.

(A) I only. As soon as he finished executing the deed, Ogden

(B) II only. handed it to Edward, saying "Consider this a birthday
present." Edward examined the deed, thanked his
(C) I and II. father, and handed it back to him asking that Ogden
(D) Neither I nor II. hold the deed for safekeeping. Ogden took it and
locked it in the drawer of his desk. The following day,
Ogden died. The executor of Ogden's estate has
77. Assume that a life tenant is in possession of realty refused to deliver the deed to Edward and claims that
the reasonable rental value of which exceeds the there has been no valid conveyance of any land by
sum necessary to pay principal and interest on an Ogden to Edward.
obligation secured by an encumbrance on the
realty. Which of the following correctly states the
rule regarding the obligations of the life tenant 78. If Edward commences an action to quiet title to
and remainderman with respect to payment of an the realty on Barrett Road, Edward should
obligation secured by an encumbrance on the
realty? (A) lose, since a deed which purports to convey
more land than the grantor owns is void.
(A) The life tenant must pay both principal and (B) lose, since there has been no delivery of the
interest. deed.
(B) The life tenant must pay interest, and the (C) lose, since there was no consideration for the
remainderman must pay principal. transfer.
(C) The life tenant must pay principal, and the (D) win.
remainderman must pay interest.
(D) The remainderman must pay both principal 79. Is the description identified as (2) legally suffi-
and interest. cient to result in a conveyance if all other require-
ments are found to have been satisfied?
Questions 78~79 are based on the following fact situa-
tion. (A) Yes, if it adequately identifies the realty
Ogden was the owner of a three acre parcel of undevel- (B) Yes, but all that it can convey is an unidenti-
oped land on Barrett Road. This was the only land fied fractional portion of the land kllown as

Ogden's Retreat. the realty.

(C) No, since it lacks either metes and bounds or (D) Mutual, since at the time Bennet purchased
reference to existing government surveys. the policy of insurance, he had no insur-
able interest in the realty.
(D) No, since a deed cannot convey less than the
entire parcel of realty to which it refers.
81. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
the jurisdiction does not recognize the doctrine of
Questions 80-81 are based on the following fact situa-
equitable conversion. Which of the following
correctly states the rights of Bennet and Osgood?
A state statute provides that:
(A) Bennet is not required to purchase the prop-
No fire insurance proceeds shall be payable erty, and Osgood must return any monies
under any policy issued in this state except to already received from Bennet in connec-
a person who holds an insurable interest in the tion with the purchase.
insured property at the time a fire loss occurs. (B) Bennet is not required to purchase the prop-
For purposes of this section, an insurable erty, but Osgood may retain any monies
interest in realty is held only by the person already received from Bennet in connec-
suffering the risk of loss. tion with the purchase.
(C) Bennet is required to purchase the property,
On May 10, Osgood contracted with Bennet for the and must pay the full price agreed upon in
sale of Osgood's home, title to close on or about July 1. the contract of sale.
According to the terms of the contract, Bennet was to
move into the house on June 1, and to pay rent of $350 (D) Bennet is required to purchase the property,
per month until title closed. On May 11, Bennet pur- but the purchase price should be abated to
chased a policy of fire insurance on the house from the extent of the damage.
Mutual Insurance Company. Bennet moved in as
planned on June 1. On June 10, Bennet fell asleep 82. When Oliphant was seventy-eight years of age,
while smoking in bed. His cigarette ignited the bed- her doctors advised her that she had a terminal
clothing, causing a fire which severely damaged the disease. She immediately arranged to have a will
house. prepared in which she devised her realty "to my
twin brother Michael for life, remainder to his
80. Assume for the purpose of this question only that children in fee simple." At the time of Oliphant's
Bennet filed the appropriate proof of loss with death, Michael was alive, and had two living chil-
Mutual Insurance Company, but that Mutual dren: Alvin, aged fifty-five, and Betty, aged fifty-
refused to pay on the ground that Bennet lacked three. The jurisdiction has a statute permitting the
the necessary insurable interest. Assume further alienation of all future interests in land.
that Bennet sued Mutual for breach of contract. If
the jurisdiction recognizes the doctrine of equita- Which of the following most correctly describes
ble conversion, a court should find for the interest held by Alvin and Betty at the time of
Oliphant's death?
(A) Bennet, since the risk of loss passed to him
as soon as he contracted to purchase the (A) Contingent.
house. (B) Indefeasibly vested.
(B) Bennet, if, but only if, the fire resulted from (C) Vested subject to complete defeasance.
his negligence.
(D) Vested subject to partial defeasance.
(C) Mutual, if Osgood was the legal owner of

Questions 83-84 are based on the following fact situa- of lot 2.

tion. (C) Johnson, since an easement by necessity ter-
minates when the need for it ceases to
Ohner was the owner in fee simple of a rectangular par-
cel of real estate, the north edge of which fronted on
Joseph Street. He subdivided it into three lots, identi- (D) Johnson, since the construction of a three-
fied as Lots 1,2, and 3. Lot 1 was the northernmost lot, story building by Ohner will increase the
and fronted on Joseph Street. Lot 3 was the southern- burden of the servient estate.
most lot, with Lot 2 located between the other two.
After the subdivision, Ohner conveyed Lot 1 to Allen
84. In an action by Benson to enjoin Ohner from
and Lot 2 to Benson, and retained Lot 3 for himself.
completing construction of the three-story build-
Since there was no access to Lots 2 and 3, the deed to
ing in such a way as to obstruct the view from
Allen created an easement across Lot 1 for access in
Benson's picture window, the court should find
favor of the occupants of Lots 2 and 3, and the deed to
Benson created an easement across Lot 2 for access in
favor of the occupants of Lot 3.
(A) Benson, because upon purchasing lot 2 from
Ohner, he received an implied easement
As soon as she received title, Allen constructed a resi-
for light, air and view.
dence on Lot 1. When it was completed, she sold the
property to Johnson. Benson subsequently built a resi- (B) Benson, because he acquired by prescription
dence on Lot 2 with a large picture window facing an easement to an unobstructed view from
south. Because the view from the window was the picture window.
unspoiled, the existence of the window increased the (C) Benson, if, but only if, he notified Ohner of
value of Benson's property. his intention to build the picture window at
the time of his purchase of Lot 2 from
Twenty-five years after Benson constructed the house, Ohner.
Primrose Lane, a public road, was dedicated and built
along the westernmost boundary of Lots 1,2, and 3, (D) Ohner.
providing convenient access to all three parcels. When
Primrose Lane was completed, Johnson informed Ben- 85. Oxford's employer transferred him to a branch of
son and Ohner that he would no longer allow them to the firm located in another state, so Oxford listed
cross his land to get to theirs, and erected a barrier his home for sale with Agee, a licensed real estate
across the access road which they had been using. broker. Since the house had not been sold by the
time Oxford was to move, he signed and deliv-
Ohner then began construction of a three-story, one ered to Agee a power of attorney which stated, "I
family residence on his lot. If the building is com- hereby appoint Agee as my attorney-in-fact, and
pleted, it will substantially interfere with the view from authorize her to contract for the sale of my home
the picture window in Benson's house, reducing its on Baker Street." Three weeks later, Perk offered
value. to buy Oxford's home. After showing Perk the
power of attorney which Oxford had given her,
83. In an action by Ohner to enjoin Johnson from and after negotiations, Agee prepared a contract
interfering with his continued use of the right of for the sale of Oxford's home. The qontract was
way across lot 1, the court should find for complete in every other respect, but said nothing
about the kind of deed which was to be executed.
(A) Ohner, since the removal of the need for the Perk and Agee both signed the contract, Agee
easement did not affect the right to the signing, "Oxford, by Agee, his agent and attor-
easement. ney-in-fact." At the time when title was to pass,
Oxford executed and tendered a quitclaim deed to
(B) Ohner, since to hold otherwise would the realty, but Perk refused to accept it. If Oxford
adversely affect the rights of the occupants

institutes an action against Perk for breach of

contract, a court should find for
87. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
the jurisdiction does not apply the doctrine of
(A) Oxford, since the power of attorney was
equitable conversion. In litigation between the
silent as to the type of deed which Oxford
parties, which of the following additional facts, if
was willing to execute.
it was the only one true, would be most likely to
(B) Oxford, if the title which he held at the time result in a finding that Baxton is obligated to pur-
the deed was tendered Was, ill fact, market- chase the premises at the price agreed upon in the
able. contract of March 1?
(C) Perk, if the use of general warranty deeds is
customary in the area. (A) On March 1, Baxton purchased a policy of
fire insurance on the premises which was
(D) Perk, since a quitclaim deed does not convey in force on the day that the house was
valid title to realty. destroyed by fire.
(B) In accordance with an agreement between
Questions 86-87 are based on the following fact situa- the parties, Baxton was in possession of
tion. the house on the day of the fire.
(C) On March 1 it was foreseeable to the parties
On March 1, Ogilvie and Baxton entered into a valid
that fire could damage the realty prior to
written contract for the sale of Ogilvie's home to Bax-
the closing of title.
ton at a price of $80,000, with title to close on June 15.
It was further agreed that Baxton could move into and (D) Destruction of the house resulted in a rela-
occupy the premises until title passed, at a rent of $500 tively minor reduction in the value of the
per month to be added onto the purchase price and paid realty.
to Ogilvie at the time of closing. On April 15, before
the closing, a fire completely destroyed the house. The
88. By a will executed in 1983, Ogden devised a par-
fire was not the result of fault by either party.
cel of commercial realty known as Greenacre "to
my niece Agnes and her heirs for as long as the
86. Assume for the purpose of this question only that property is not used for the sale of alcohol; but if
the jurisdiction applies the doctrine of equitable the property is ever used for the sale of alcohol,
conversion. In litigation between the parties, to the National Cancer Association, a charitable
which of the following statements best describes organization." Ogden died on July 7, 1985.
the rights of the parties?
In a jurisdiction which applies the common law
(A) Baxton is obligated to purchase the premises Rule Against Perpetuities, which permits the
at the price agreed in the contract. alienation of all future interests in land, and
which has abolished the destructibility rule,
(B) Baxton is obligated to purchase the pre-
which of the following most correctly describes
mises, with the price reduced by the value
the interest of the National Cancer Association in
of the house which was destroyed.
Greenacre on July 8, 1985?
(C) Baxton may choose either to purchase the
premises with the price reduced by the (A) Valid contingent remainder.
value of the house which was destroyed, or
(B) Valid executory interest.
to cancel the contract and receive a refund
of any monies paid by him to Ogilvie. (C) Void executory interest.
(D) The sales contract is canceled by operation (D) Void contingent remainder.
of law, and Baxton is entitled to the return
of any monies paid by him to Ogilvie.

89. OnJanuary 15, 1985, OIly executed a deed con- Devo subdivided it into 60 building sites, dedi-
veying a parcel of realty "to Antoine and his heirs cating roads and drainage easements as required
until the United States goes to war with the by state law. None of the roads in Devo's subdivi-
Republic of Platano, and in that event to Borsell sion followed the path of Arcturo's easement, but
and her heirs." On January 17, 1985, members of two paved roads led from Carpenter Road to Arc-
the armed forces of the Republic of Platano turo's driveway. Arcturo began using the paved
placed the president of that country under arrest, roads as soon as they were completed to gain
and declared themselves to be "The Revolution- ingress and egress to his property. Two months
ary Government of the Republic of Platano." The later Devo began building a house on the site of
following day, the President of the United States Arcturo's easement.
ordered the United States Marine Corps to invade
the Republic of Platano for the purpose of pro- If Arcturo asks a court to stop Devo from build-
tecting American university students who were ing over his easement, the court should find for
studying there.
(A) Devo, because the dedication and construc-
On January 16, 1985, Antoine's interest in the tion of roads leading to Arcturo's driveway
realty is best described as removed the strict necessity for the initial
(A) a fee simple absolute.
(B) Devo, because unity of ownership resulted
(B) a fee simple determinable on speciallimita- in a destruction by merger of the easement.
(C) Arcturo, because he did not consent to relo-
(C) a quasi-life estate subject to a condition sub- cation of his easement.
(D) Arcturo, because an easement in gross is
(D) void under the Rule Against Perpetuities. freely alienable by the holder of the domi-
nant estate.
90. Ossie was the owner of a forty-acre tract of realty
the northern boundary of which lay along the Questions 91-92 are based on the following fact situa-
shore of Lake Hammer, and the southern bound- tion.
ary of which lay along Carpenter Road. Twenty
years ago, Ossie split the tract into two equal par- Olsen was the owner in fee simple of a parcel of realty
cels. Parcell fronted on Lake Hammer, and Par- known as Oldacre. On May 1, Olsen executed two
cel 2 fronted on Carpenter Road. Ten years later, deeds. Deed #1 purported to grant an undivided one-
Ossie sold a lot consisting of a three-acre portion quarterinterest in Oldacre to Olsen's chauffeur Cal-
of Parcell to Arcturo. Arcturo's lot fronted on lender. Deed #2 purported to grant an undivided one-
the lake, and was surrounded on its other three quarter interest in Oldacre to Olsen's nephew Norton.
sides by the balance of Parcel 1. Because ingress
and egress to the lot without crossing Ossie's land On May 1, Olsen handed Callender Deed #1, saying,
was impossible, Ossie granted Arcturo an ease- "Because you have been a good and faithful chauffeur
ment from Carpenter Road to the lot. The ease- for all these years, I'm giving you this deed. But it isn't
ment crossed Parcels I and 2 at a location which to take effect until after my death." Callender thanked
was described by metes and bounds in the grant Olsen and took the deed.
deed. Arcturo built a cabin on the lot, and con-
structed a driveway leading from the cabin to his On May 2, Olsen sent for her nephew Norton. She said,
easement. "I was planning to leave you an interest in Oldacre in
my will, but 1 see no reason why you should have to
Five years later, Ossie sold the remaining land to pay inheritance tax. So I'll give it to you while I'm still
Devo. alive if you promise to move in here with me some
time during the next year." Norton promised that he

would do so, and Olsen gave him Deed #2, saying, Hampshire River ran along the western edge of
"Then it's yours." Norton read the deed, thanked Olsen, Hampshire Heights, the City of Hampshire built a
and handed the deed back to Olsen for safekeeping. bridge across the river more than fifty years ago.
Olsen placed it in a drawer of her desk. The eastern part of Hampshire Heights had once
been used as a storage yard for city maintenance
On May 7, Olsen argued with Norton. Angry, Olsen equipment, and was surrounded by an eight foot
tore Deed #2 into eight pieces and returned them to her chain link fence. The part of Hampshire Heights
desk drawer. On Max 10, Olsen died, leaving llQ will. between the fenced yard and the bridge had been
Following Olsen's death, Callender and Norton each used primarily as a dirt road connecting the
claimed a right to an undivided one-quarter interest in bridge to the storage yard.
Oldacre. The administrator of Olsen's estate denied
both claims. Due to periodic flooding of the Hampshire River,
the City of Hampshire stopped using the Hamp-
shire Heights storage yard and bridge thirty years
91. If Callender seeks a judicial declaration that he
ago. At that time, Adpo built a wooden shack on
held a possessory interest in Oldacre on Olsen's
that portion of Hampshire Heights which had for-
death which would be his most effective argu-
merly been used as a dirt road between the stor-
age yard and the bridge. Since then, Adpo has
been living in the shack and has been raising don-
(A) Callender's possession of Deed #1 raises an
keys on the land formerly used as a dirt road. In
irrebuttable presumption that the convey-
addition, he planted a vegetable garden which
ance was effective at the time the deed was
produced food for himself and his donkeys.
(B) On May 1 Callender received a remainder Earlier this year, the City of Hampshire decided
interest in Oldacre. to begin using the Hampshire Heights storage
yard again and demanded that Adpo remove him-
(C) The deed was a testamentary substitute.
self and his possessions. Adpo refused, asserting
(D) Olsen's death completed delivery of the that by adverse possession he had become the
deed. owner of the land which he occupied. A statute in
the jurisdiction conditions ownership by adverse
possession on twenty years' continuous, hostile,
92. In an appropriate proceeding, should a court find
open and notorious possession.
that Norton held a possessory interest in Oldacre
on Olsen's death?
If the City of Hampshire institutes a proceeding
to eject Adpo from Hampshire Heights, the out-
(A) No, because Deed #2 was an a.ttempted tes-
come is most likely to tum on whether
tamentary substitute.
(B) No, because Olsen's possession of the deed (A) the City of Hampshire had knowledge that
raises an irrebuttable presumption that Adpo was in possession of part of Hamp-
there was no effective delivery. shire Heights.
(C) Yes, because there was an effective convey- (B) the jurisdiction permits the acquisition of
ance to Norton on May 2. city property by adverse possession.
(D) Yes, because Norton detrimentally relied by (C) Adpo paid taxes on the land which he occu-
promising to move in with Olsen. pied.
(D) Adpo occupied Hampshire Heights under
93. The City of Hampshire owned land known as color of title.
Hampshire Heights which was located outside
the city limits, east of the city itself. Because the
94. Soon after Harold and Wilhemina married, they

became interested in the purchase of a home with

a price of $75,000. Because neither of them had
been employed for very long, they were unable to Questions 95-96 are based on the following fact situa-
find a bank to lend them money for the purchase. tion.
The seller indicated that he would be willing to
accept a note for part of the purchase price if Folger was the owner in fee simple absolute of a tract
Harold and Wilhemina could obtain an accept- ofland known as Flying Acres. On January 10,1983,
lible_co-signor. Folger borrowed $20,000 from Lender, and executed a
note secured by a mortgage on Hying Acres. On April
Wilhemina's mother Marion said that she would 30, 1983, as a twenty-first birthday present, Folger exe-
give them the money for the down payment and cuted a grant deed conveying Flying Acres to his son
co-sign the note if Wilhemina and Harold prom- Santor. The deed made no mention of the mortgage
ised to make all payments on the note as they held by Lender. On May 15, 1983, Lender dilly
came due, and if the three of them took title to the recorded his mortgage. On May 17, 1983, Santor duly
property as joint tenants. All agreed. On the day recorded his deed. Neither Folger nor Santor ever made
title closed, Marion paid $25,000 cash to the any payments to Lender.
seller, and she, Harold, and Wilhemina all signed
a note promising to pay the balance, secured by a 95. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
mortgage on the realty which they all executed. the jurisdiction has a statute which provides that
The seller executed a deed conveying the realty "No conveyance, transfer, or mortgage of real
to Harold, Wilhemina, and Marion as joint ten- property shall be good and effectual in law or
ants. equity against creditors or subsequent purchasers
for value and without notice, unless the same be
Harold and Wilhemina moved into the house, but recorded." If Lender attempts to foreclose on the
Marion never did. The following year Marion mortgage, will he succeed?
died, leaving a will purporting to devise her inter-
est in the realty to her husband Allan. The year (A) Yes, because Folger executed the mortgage
after that, Wilhemina and Harold were divorced. to Lender before executing the deed to
Wilhemina subsequently executed a deed pur- Santor.
porting to convey her interest in the realty to Ber-
nard.. Harold subsequently executed a deed (B) Yes, because Lender recorded his mortgage
purporting to convey his interest in the realty to before Santor recorded his deed.
Charles. (C) No, because Santor did not take Flying
Acres "subject to" Lender's mortgage.
Which of the following best describes the inter-
(D) No, because Lender is not a purchaser for
ests of Allan, Bernard, and Charles in the realty?
(A) Allan, Bernard, and Charles are tenants in
common, each holding a one-third interest. 96. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
(B) Bernard and Charles are tenants in common, the jurisdiction has a statute which provides that
each holding a one-half interest. "Every conveyance of an interest in real estate
which shall not be recorded shall be void against
(C) Bernard and Charles are joint tenants as toa any subsequent grantee in good faith of the same
two-thirds interest, and tenants in common real estate or any portion thereof whose convey-
as to a one-third interest. ance shall be first duly recorded." If Lender
(D) Allan, Bernard and Charles are joint tenants, attempts to foreclose the mortgage, will he suc-
each holding a one-third interest. ceed?

(A) No, because Lender's mortgage was


recorded outside the chain of title. enjoyment runs with the land.
(B) No, because Santor did not have actual or (D) Berkleybecause Onda's covenant was
constructive knowledge of Lender's inter- breached when Alton purported to convey
est at the time Flying Acres was conveyed Northacre to Berkley.
to him.
(C) Yes, because Lender's interest was recorded 98. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
prior to Santor's interest. Berkley institutes an appropriate proceeding for
(D) Yes, because Santor did not give consider- an order declaring himself to be the owner of
ation for the conveyance from Folger. Northacre. Which of the following would be
Berkley's most effective argument in support of
his claim?
Questions 97-98 are based on the following fact situa-
tion. (A) Naylen's conveyance of Northacre to Alton
was the result of an attempt by Onda to
On April 1, Onda's grandmother died, leaving a will conform the title to the covenant.
which purported to devise to Onda a 90 acre parcel of
(B) Alton has an effective remedy against Onda.
realty known as Southacre and an adjoining 10 acre
parcel known as Northacre. (C) Alton's intention was to convey Northacre to
Berkley on July 1.
On May 1, Onda executed a general warranty deed (D) Alton's conveyance to Berkley on June 15
containing covenants of title and quiet enjoyment, estops Alton from asserting his title to
which purported to convey to Alton "a 100 acre tract of Northacre.
land consisting of a 90 acre parcel known as Southacre
and a 10 acre parcel known as Northacre."
Questions 99-100 are based on the following fact situa-
On June 15, Alton sold Northacre and Southacre to tion.
Berkley, executing a general warranty deed describing
both parcels, and containing covenants of title. Orr was the owner of two parcels of land, one known as
Greenacre, and the other known as Redacre. Bya deed
On July 1, Onda learned that just before her death, his dated January 1, she granted Greenacre "to First Foun-
grandmother had sold Northacre to Naylen. Unaware dation for as long as the realty is used as a home for the
of Alton's conveyance to Berkley, Onda offered Nay- elderly, but if said realty shall ever cease to be used as a
len $10,000 to convey Northacre to Alton. On July 2, home for the elderly, to Second Foundation." By a deed
Naylen accepted Onda's offer, and conveyed Northacre dated January 2, she granted Redacre "to Nephew for
to Alton, by general warranty deed containing cove- life, remainder to Niece, but if the realty shall ever be
nants of title. used for any purpose other than residential, to Second
Foundation." First Foundation and Second Foundation
are both charitable organizations. Nephew and Niece
97. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
are relatives of Orr.
Berkley institutes an action against Onda for
breach of covenant. The court should find for
99. Second Foundation has a valid future interest in
(A) Onda because he cured the breach by pro-
curing a conveyance of Northacre to (A) Greenacre only.
(B) Redacre only.
(B) Onda because Onda did not purport to con-
(C) Greenacre and Redacre.
vey the realty to Berkley.
(D) Neither Greenacre nor Redacre.
(C) Berkley because the covenant of quiet

100. Assuming that Second Foundation's interest in hold to Bates. Bates paid rent directly to Lattimer
Redacre is valid, it is best described as a for two additional months and then stopped pay-
ing rent and abandoned the premises. In an action
(A) vested remainder subject to divestment upon by Lattimer against Antun for unpaid rent, the
a condition subsequent. .court should find for
(B) contingent remainder.
(A) Lattimer.
(C) shifting executory interest.
(B) Antun, because Bates paid rent directly to
(D) springing executory interest. Lattimer for two months.
(C) Antun, because there was no privity of con-
Questions 101-102 are based on the following fact sit- tract between Lattimer and Antun.
uation. (D) Antun, because Antun was only obligated to
pay rent so long as he remained in posses-
Lattimer leased an office to Torry for a period of five sion of the premises.
years by an agreement which prohibited assignment by
the tenant without the landlord's written permission.
Two years after taking occupancy, Torry requested Lat- 103. Pursuant to a written lease, Tolliver rented a two
timer's permission to assign the balance of his lease- acre parcel of realty from Lockett for a period of
hold to Antun. After checking Antun's credit, Lattimer two years. During the period of his tenancy, Toll-
wrote Torry that the assignment was acceptable to him iver made substantial and valuable improvements
so long as Antun personally assumed all obligations of to the realty. Prior to the termination of the lease
the lease. Torry's attorney prepared an agreement by period, Tolliver told Lockett that he intended to
which Torry assigned all his rights under the lease to remove the improvements. Lockett objected,
Antun and Antun agreed to personally assume all obli- asserting that the improvements had become part
gations under the lease. After the agreement was signed of the realty and threatening to sue Tolliver if he
by Torry and Antun, Torry's attorney sent a copy of it made any attempts to remove the improvements.
to Lattimer. Antun moved into the premises and began Tolliver thereupon sued for a judicial declaration
paying rent to Lattimer. that he was entitled to remove the improvements.

Which of the following additional facts or infer-

101. Assume for the purpose of this question only that ences, if it was the only one true, would be most
after paying rent for six months, Antun aban- likely to result in a judgment for Tolliver?
doned the premises and made no further payment.
If Lattimer asserts a claim against Torry for dam- (A) The value of the improvements made by
ages resulting from Antun's non-payment of rent, Tolliver exceeded $20,000.
the court should find for
(B) The improvements made by Tolliver were
(A) Torry, because Lattimer consented to Torry's not of a kind which the reasonable landlord
assignment to Antun. would have expected a tenant to make.

(B) Torry, because there was a novation. (C) The written lease was silent regarding the
tenant's right to make or remove improve-
(C) Torry, because Antun personally assumed all ments.
obligations under the lease.
(D) The improvements made by Tolliver could
(D) Lattimer. be removed without causing any damage
to the realty.
102. Assume the following facts for the purpose of
this question only: Mter paying rent for six 104. Ocie was the owner in fee simple of a rectangular
months, Antun assigned the balance of the lease- parcel of realty which was five hundred feet deep

with one hundred feet of frontage on Cameron named Albert. In 1980, Albert was heavily in debt to
Avenue. He divided it into two building lots, each Koppell who was threatening to commence an involun-
forty-five feet wide by five hundred feet deep, tary insolvency proceeding against him. To induce
with a strip ten feet wide and five hundred feet Koppell to refrain from commencing the proceeding,
deep between them. He sold one lot to Anthony Albert executed a quitclaim deed conveying his interest
and the other to Bernice, deeding the ten foot in Testacre to Koppell.
strip between the lots to Anthony and Bernice as
tenants in common. Anthony and Bernice both When Testor died in 1982, Brooke had a twenty-two
wish to construct commercial buildings toward year old daughter named Babs. In 1983, Babs sold her
the rear of their lots, and plan to use the ten-foot interest in Testacre to Lincoln, executing a quitclaim
strip between the lots as a driveway for access to deed which named him as grantee.
the buildings in the rear. Each fears, however,
that the other will sell, and that the new owner In January 1985, Carmody gave birth to a baby boy
will sue to partition the ten foot strip, cutting off whom she named Carrera. In June 1985, Agatha died.
access to the rear of the lot. Her only surviving child was Albert. At the time of
Agatha's death, Brooke's only living child was Babs
If Anthony and Bernice seek your advice as to and Carmody's only living child was Carrera.
how best to prevent this from happening, you
should suggest that they Statutes in the jurisdiction abolish the Rule in Shelley's
Case and pennit the alienation of future interests in
(A) enter into a contract not to partition, insert- land.
ing language which specifically makes the
agreement binding on the heirs, assigns,
105. Assume the following facts for the purpose of
and successors of each.
this question only: In August 1985, Albert con-
(B) convey the property to themselves as joint tracted to sell a one-third interest in Testacre to
tenants. Porch, agreeing to convey marketable title. On
(C) take no legal action, since tenants in com- the day title was to pass, Albert tendered a gen-
mon have no right of partition. eral warranty deed, but Porch refused to accept it,
asserting that the quitclaim which Albert had exe-
(D) partition the strip into two five-foot wide cuted in 1980 was a cloud on the title. If Albert
strips, each granting the other an easement sues Porch for breach of contract, the court
over hislher strip and recording the right- should find for
of-way deeds.
(A) Porch, since a quitclaim deed conveys what-
ever interest the grantor possesses at the
Questions 105-107 are based on the following fact sit-
time of its execution.
(B) Porch, since Albert received no valid inter-
In 1976, Testor executed a will by which he devised his est in Testacre.
realty known as Testacre "to Agatha for life; and upon
(C) Albert, since even if title was not market-
the death of Agatha as follows: a one-third interest to
able, his tender of a general warranty deed
the children of Agatha, a one-third interest to the chil-
gave Porch sufficient protection.
dren of Brooke, and a one-third interest to the children
of Carmody, but if any of Carmody's children should (D) Albert, since he held marketable title to a
fail to survive to the age of 25 years, then the interest of one- third interest in Testacre.
such child or children of Carmody shall pass to all
grandchildren of Carmody equally, share and share
106. Which of the following best describes Lincoln's
interests in Testacre on the day AFfER Agatha's
At the time the will was signed, Agatha had a son

action to quiet title was pending. Because it could take

(A) An indefeasible one-third interest. several years for such an action to reach conclusion and
because the easement claimed by Nabor would not sig-
(B) A one-third interest subject to partial defea-
nificantly interfere with building plans, the church
sance should Brooke have any subsequent
attorney advised granting him the easement which he
claimed to hold. Church officials subsequently exe-
(C) A one-third interest subject to complete cuted a deed granting Nabor the easement which he
defeasance should Brooke have any subse- claimed.
quent children. .-
(D) No valid interest. 108. Which of the following best describes the interest
held by Oldham in the realty on the day after his
107. Which of the following best describes Carrera's grant to the Church of the Lord?
interest in Testacre on the day BEFORE Agatha's
death? (A) Contingent remainder.
(B) Reversion.
(A) Valid contingent remainder.
(C) Possibility ofreverter.
(B) Contingent remainder, void under the Rule
(D) Shifting executory interest.
Against Perpetuities.
(C) Valid vested remainder subject to a condi-
tion subsequent. 109. Assume for the purpose of this question orily that
on the day after the Church of the Lord granted
(D) Vested remainder subject to a condition sub- an easement to Nabor, Oldham asserted that
sequent, void under the Rule Against Per- Nabor's use of the premises was other than for
petuities. church purposes, and instituted an action for an
order declaring thathe was the owner of the
realty. Which of the following would be the
Questions 108-109 are based on the following fact sit-
Church of the Lord's most effective argument in
opposition to Oldham's claim?
By grant deed, Oldham conveyed a parcel of realty "to
(A) The Church of the Lord acted in good faith
the Church of the Lord so long as the property is used
on the advice of its attorney.
for church purposes, but if the grantee permits the
property to be used for any purpose other than a church (B) Thelanguage of the deed created a feesim-
purpose, the property shall revert to the grantor." Two pIe determinable.
weeks after receiving title, the Church of the Lord filed
(C) Nabor's easement pre-existed Oldham's
an application with the county Building Department for
grant to the Church of the Lord.
a permit to construct a house of worship on the parcel.
Prior to issuing the permit, the Building Department (D) Oldham's interest violated the Rule Against
published notice of the Church's application as Perpetuities.
required by state law. Upon seeing the notice, Nabor,
who owned an adjacent parcel, advised Church offi-
Questions 110-112 are based on the following fact situ-
cials that he had been driving across the gain
access to his land for more than thirty years. He
claimed that he had thus acquired an easement by pre-
When Oliphant purchased her home, she borrowed part
scription and threatened to commence an action to
of the purchase price from National Bank. Simulta-
quiet title to the realty for the purpose of having his
neously with receipt of title to the realty, she executed a
easement judicially recognized. The county Building
note payable to National Bank and secured by a mort-
Department informed officials of the Church of the
gage on the realty. Subsequently, Oliphant sold the
Lord that no building permit could be issued while an

realty to April who took it subject to the mortgage and against Carrol. If Carrol opposes the foreclosure,
assumed the· mortgage. Two years later, April sold the the court should find for
property to Beryl who also took it subject to the mort-
gage and assumed the mortgage.· The following year, (A) Investco, but only if the mortgage executed
Beryl sold the propertyto Carrol, who took it subject to by Oliphant contained a clause permitting
the mortgage, but did not assume the mortgage. assignment by National Bank.
(B) Investco, if payments due under the note
For two years, Carrol made payments on the noteto
executed by Oliphant continue to be
National Bank. Then, because of changes in the area,
the property decreased sharply in value, and Carrol
stopped making payments. (C) Investco, but only if the value of the realty
exceeds the unpaid balance on the note.

110. Assume for the purpose of this question only that (D) Carrol, because she did not assume the mort-
National Bank sued Carrol on the note. The court gage.
should find for
113. Ostendigger was the owner of a parcel of realty
(A) National Bank, because it is a third party which was 600 feet deep with 100 feet of front-
beneficiary of the agreement between Car- age on the north side of Public Road. Mter com-
rol and Beryl. plying with all his state's legal requirements, he
(B) National Bank, only if the mortgage exe- subdivided the parcel into three lots, each 100
cuted by Oliphant contained a "due on feet by 200 feet in size. Lot 1 was the only one
sale" clause. which fronted on Public Road. Lot 2 was north of
Lot 1, and Lot 3 was north of Lot 2. In order to
(C) Carrol, only if the mortgage executed by
assure that the occupants of Lots 2 and 3 would
Oliphant contained a clause permitting
have access to their property, the deeds created a
buyers of the realty to take it "subject to"
12-foot-wide easement from Public Road across
the mortgage.
Lot 1 for the benefit of Lots 2 and 3, and across
(D) Carrol, because she did not agree to pay the Lot 2 for the benefit of Lot 3. Ostendigger sold
note. Lot 1 to Aggie, Lot 2 to Bolton, and Lot 3 to
Corfu. Bolton and Corfu used the easement for
three years,· creating by their use a bare dirt road
111. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
across Lots 1 and 2. They found, however, that
the mortgage executed by Oliphant contained a
whenever there were heavy rains, the dirt road
clause which specifically permitted buyers of the
became muddy and passage became difficult.
premises to take them "subject to the mortgage"
Because Corfu was in the construction business,
and/or to "assume the mortgage." If National
he offered to construct a 24-foot-wide paved road
Bank sues Oliphant, April and Berylon the note,
across Lots 1 and 2, at his own expense, for use
from which of them is it entitled to recover?
by all persons with a legal right to the easement.
Aggie consented to its construction across Lot 1,
(A) Oliphant only.
but Bolton stated that he would not permit Corfu
(B) Beryl only. to construct such a road on Lot 2. If Corfu insti-
tutes a proceeding for an order compelling Bolton
(C) Oliphant and Beryl only.
to permit the construction across Lot 2, the court
(D) Oliphant, April, and Beryl. should find for

(A) Corfu, if the construction is necessary to

112. Assume for the purpose of this question that
prevent the road from becoming muddy
National Bank assigned the mortgage to Investco,
after heavy rains.
and that Investco instituted a foreclosure action

(B) Corfu, because he is willing to construct the was dying, Orsican executed a deed purporting to con-
road at his own expense. vey a portion of Westacre to his sister Geriardy, who
lived in another state. The deed described the realty
(C) Bolton, because the construction of such a
conveyed as, ''A portion of Westacre two hundred feet
road would impose an additional burden
by two hundred feet in size, with its northeastern comer
on the servient estate.
located at the eastern end of the northern border of
(D) Bolton, unless construction of a paved road Westacre." On Sunday, Orsican placed the deed in an
would improve the values of Lots 2 and 3. envelope with the proper postage affixed, addressed it
to Geriardy, and placed it on his dining-room table with
the intention of mailing it the following day. That night
114. When Bridey and Gallon married, Gallon's
Orsican died. The following morning, unaware that his
mother decided to give them a parcel of realty
father had died, Orsican's son Sal found the envelope
known as Whiteacre as a wedding present. She
on the table and mailed it. Geriardy died on Tuesday.
executed a deed conveying Whiteacre "to Gallon
The letter carrier delivered the envelope containing the
and Bridey, husband and wife, as joint tenants"
deed to Geriardy's house on Wednesday. Without open-
and handed it to them at the wedding reception.
ing the envelope, Geriardy's daughter Dot wrote the
Two years later, Bridey left Gallon. Although she
word "deceased" across it and handed it back to the let-
and Gallon did not divorce, Bridey began living
ter carrier, asking him to return it to the sender. The
with a man named Thomas. At Thomas' request,
envelope reached Orsican's house on Friday. When it
Bridey executed a quitclaim purporting to convey
did, Sal opened the envelope and tore up the deed
her interest in Whiteacre to Thomas. In a jurisdic-
which it contained. Orsican's will left everything he
tion which recognizes tenancy by the entirety,
owned to Sal. Geriardy's will left everything she
which of the following statements is most correct
owned to Dot. Subsequently, both Sal and Dot asserted
about the interest which Thomas received as a
ownership of the realty described in the deed.
result of the quitclaim executed by Bridey?

(A) Thomas received no valid interest, sin~e a 115. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
quitclaim extinguishes the rights of the the description was sufficient. In litigation
person executing it, but does not necessar- between Dot and Sal regarding title to the realty
ily confer any rights on the person receiv- described in the deed, the court should find for
ing it.
(B) Thomas became a joint tenant with Gallon, (A) Sal, because Geriardy died before the enve-
since a quitclaim conveys whatever title lope containing the deed reached her
the grantor held at the time of its execu- house.
tion. (B) Sal, because Orsican died before the enve-
(C) Thomas became a tenant by the entirety with lope containing the deed was mailed to
Gallon, since a quitclaim conveys what- Geriardy.
ever title the grantor held at the time of its (C) Dot, because she did not know that the enve-
execution. lope contained a deed when she asked the
(D) Thomas became a tenant in common with letter carrier to return it to the sender.
Gallon, since conveyance by a joint tenant (D) Dot, because when the deed was mailed to
severs the joint tenancy. Geriardy, the sender relinquished control
over it.
Questions 115-116 are based on the following fact situ-
ation. 116. If the deed were enforceable in all other respects,
would the description which it contains be suffi-
Orsican was the owner of a two hundred acre parcel of cient to effect a conveyance?
realty known as Westacre. Because he knew that he

(A) No, because it does not set forth metes and sion of the realty for 16 years, Grayson sued on
bounds. Stephen's behalf to eject Altman. In her defense,
Altman asserted that she had become the owner
(B) No, unless there is a man-made or natural
of the realty by adverse possession.
monument at the eastern end of the north-
ern border of Westacre.
A statute in the jurisdiction fixes the time for
(C) Yes, if it identifies the realty conveyed with acquiring title by adverse possession at 15 years.
reasonable clarity.
(D) Yes, but only if there are no government sur- Has Altman become the owner of the realty by
vey markers in the area. adverse possession?

(A) NO,because the statutory period will not

117. Lessee leased a parcel of realty from Lord for a begin to run against Stephen until he
term of five years. During that term, the entire achieves majority at the age of 18 years.
parcel was taken by eminent domain. Which of
(B) No, because the statutory period began to
the following statements is correct about the
run against Stephen when he inherited the
rights of Lessee?
realty in 1977.
(C) No, because the statutory period began to
I. Lessee may continue to occupy the pre-
mises for the balance of the term unless the run against Stephen when Grayson became
leasehold interest was specifically men- aware that Altman was in possession of the
tioned in the condemnation award. realty i111980.
(D) Yes.
II. Lessee is freed ofthe obligation to pay rent
for the balance of the term.
119. Statler was an architect and interior designer. She
lived in a house which she had designed, and fre-
III. Lessee is entitled to a share of the condem- quently invited potential clients to her home so
nation award based on the value of the that she could show them the quality of her work.
unexpired term of the leasehold less rent The house was located on a 20-acre parcel of
which would have become due during that
realty which Statler had inherited from her grand-
mother. Because the land had once been part of a
(A) I only. farm, there were many old farm buildings on it,
most ofwhich were in a badly deteriorated condi-
(B) II only. tion. Statler used one of these old buildings as a
(C) III only. barn for a horse which she kept as a hobby.

(D) II and III only. When Statler was offered a position working for a
real estate developer in another state, she decided
118. In 1970, without Odette's permission, Altman to sell her realty. She entered into a valid contract
moved onto Odette's realty and constructed a to sell the property to Buchanan for $250,000.
dwelling. Since then, she has lived there continu- She also offered to sell Buchanan her horse, but
ously, openly, and notoriously. In 1977, Odette Buchanan said that he was not interested in keep-
died, leaving the realty to his 2-year-old son ing any animals. Since Statler needed to relocate
Stephen. At that time Grayson was appointed as to her new job location immediately, she gave
Stephen's legal guardian. In 1980, Grayson Buchanan permission to move onto the realty
became aware that Altman was in possession of before the closing of title. Mter Buchanan had
the realty which Stephen had inherited from done so and prior to the closing, the building
Odette. In 1986, after Altman had been in posses- which Statler had used for a barn burned down as
the result of a fire which did no other damage.

Prior to the date set for closing, Buchanan

claimed that the purchase price should be reduced
120. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
by a sum equivalent to the value of the barn.
when Boylan asked Atkins to contribute to the
cost of paving the dirt road, Atkins refused on the
If Statler consults you regarding Buchanan's
ground that she was not the holder of an ease-
claim, you should advise her that she is entitled to
ment. If Boylan asserts a claim against Atkins
collect the full $250,000
under the above statute, Boylan's most effective
argument would be that Atkins held an easement
(A) because the barn was not an essential part of
the realty.
(B) because Buchanan's possession of the realty (A) dedication.
when the barn burned down raises a pre-
(B) implication.
sumption that he was at fault.
(C) express reservation.
(C) if the jurisdiction applies the doctrine of
equitable conversion. (D) express grant.
(D) unless the barn burned without any fault by
Buchanan. 121. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
after Boylan paved the road, Obie told Atkins
that she could no longer use it to cross his prop-
Questions 120-121 are based on the following fact sit-
erty for river access. If Atkins claims that she has
acquired a prescriptive easement, which of the
following would be Obie's most effective argu-
Obie was the owner of two adjacent parcels of realty
ment in response to that claim?
known as Lot A and Lot B. The northern boundary of
Lot A was the southern boundary of Lot B. An old dirt
(A) Atkins had been using the road with Obie's
road crossed both parcels, providing access to a river
permission, and Obiehad a right to .with-
which flowed along the southern boundary of Lot A.
draw his permission. .
Obie sold Lot B to Boylan by a grant deed containing a
river access easement permitting the holder of Lot B to (B) The road was no longer in the same condi-
use the dirt road which crossed Lot A. Subsequently, tion as when Obie told Atkins that she
Obie divided Lot A in half. He retained the southern could use it.
portion, conveying the northern portion to Atkins. The (C) Atkins' deed made no mention of an ease-
deed to Atkins contained no mention of an easement
ment across Obie's property.
for river access over the property which Obie retained.
At the closing, however, Obie told Atkins that she was (D) The road was no longer in the same condi-
welcome to use the dirt road across his property for tion as it was during the ten-year period of
river access. use by Atkins.

During the next ten years, Boylan and Atkins fre-

Questions 122-123 are based on the following fact sit-
quently used the dirt road across Obie's property for
gaining access to the river. Then, because weather con-
ditions made it necessary, Boylan paved that portion of
Upton is the owner of a hillside parcel of realty known
the road.
as Slopeacre, on which he grows apples for sale to a
company which makes juice from them. For several
A statute in the jurisdiction fixes ten years as the period
years, Upton has been irrigating his apple trees with
for obtaining an interest in realty by prescription or
water from a stream which flows across Slopeacre.
adverse possession. Another statute provides that all
After flowing across Slopeacre, the stream flows
holders of an easement shall share equally the expenses
through Flatacre, a parcel of realty located in the valley
of maintaining it.

below Slopeacre. Downey, who owns Flatacre, lives an annual rent of $1,000. Twenty years before the
there with his family. Downey's family uses water from scheduled expiration of the lease, the entire par-
the stream for household purposes. This year, Upton cel was taken by the state for the construction of a
informed Downey that he was planning to build a small reservoir. At a condemnation proceeding, the trier
dam across the stream so that he would be able to pump of the facts found that the balance of Teeter's
water out of it more easily for irrigating his apple trees. leasehold was valued at $30,000. Of the total
Downey immediately instituted a proceeding to pre- condemnation award, Teeter should receive
vent Upton from constructing the dam.
(A) $30,000, but Teeter will be required to pay
The jurisdiction determines water rights by applying Larrick a sum equivalent to the rent for the
the common law. balance of the lease term.
(B) nothing, because Teeter's interest violates
122. If it were the only one true, which of the follow- the Rule Against Perpetuities.
ing additional facts or inferences would be most (C) $30,000, and Teeter will have no further
likely to cause a court to grant the relief requested obligation to Larrick.
by Downey?
(D) $30,000 minus a sum equivalent to the rent
(A) Construction of a dam will increase Upton's for the balance of the lease term, and Tee-
consumption of water from the stream. ter will have no further obligation to Lar-
(B) Construction of a dam will change the natu-
ral flow of the stream.
125. Oster purchased a parcel of realty, borrowing
(C) Construction of a dam will cause Upton to
$50,000 for that purpose from Bank and execut-
consume more water from the stream than
ing a note and mortgage on the realty for that
is reasonably necessary for the enjoyment
amount in favor of Bank. Bank did not record the
of Slopeacre.
mortgage. Five years later, because he needed
(D) Upton can continue to pump water from the money to go into business, Oster borrowed
stream without constructing a dam. $20,000 from Finance, executing a note and trust
deed on his realty for that amount in favor of
Finance. Finance recorded the trust deed immedi-
123. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
ately. 1\vo years later, Oster defaulted on both
because of a drought there is enough water in the
notes. As a result of a foreclosure proceeding
stream to satisfy the needs of either Flatacre or
brought jointly by Bank and Finance, a court
Slopeacre, but not both, and that there are no
approved the sale of Oster's realty for $50,000.
other riparian owners. Who is entitled to use the
The jurisdiction has a recording statute which
provides, "No transfer of an interest in real prop-
(A) Upton, because he is the upstream owner.
erty shall be good against subsequent transferees
(B) Upton, because he needs the water for agri- for consideration and without notice unless it is
cultural use. recorded."
(C) Downey, because he needs the water for
If Bank and Finance both claim a right to the pro-
household use.
ceeds of the foreclosure sale, whose claim should
(D) Downey, because he is the downstream receive priority?
(A) Finance, because the mortgage held by Bank
was not recorded.
124. Larrick executed a document purporting to lease
a parcel of real estate to Teeter for fifty years at (B) Finance, because Bank had constructive

notice of the trust deed in favor of Finance. Green consisting of 50 parcels of land with necessary
(C) Bank, because the priority of security inter-
access and utility easements. Soon afterwards, he con-
ests is not governed by recording statutes. veyed one of the parcels to Amador by a properly
recorded deed which they both signed, and which con-
(D) Bank, because the mortgage held by Bank tained the following language:
was a purchase-money mortgage.
The parties hereto hereby covenant for them-
selves, their heirs, successors, and assigns that
126. Soon afterthey were married, Wendy and Hal the realty herein conveyed shall not be used
purchased a house, taking title as tenants by the for any purpose other than residential, and that
entirety. They made a $20,000 down payment all conveyances of realty in the subdivision
and executed a note and mortgage for the bal- known as Farmer's Green shall contain this
ance, agreeing to make payments of $600 per covenant.
month. Three months later, realizing that it would
be difficult for them to make the payments, Amador subsequently sold half of his parcel to Berge,
Wendy offered to make her grandmother Claire a conveying it by a deed which contained no covenants
part owner if she would help them pay for the or restrictions. Six months later, because he was unable
house. Claire agreed to contribute $300 per to sell any of the other parcels, Farmer resumed agri-
month toward the payments, and at Claire's cultural activities on his remaining land. At the same
request Wendy and Hal executed a deed recon- time, Berge began construction of a gas station on the
veying the property to themselves and Claire as realty which he had purchased from Amador.
joint tenants. A statute in the jurisdiction permit-
ted a joint tenancy to be created in this manner.
Wendy subsequently died, leaving a will which 127. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
named Hal as her sole distributee. Berge commences a proceeding to prevent
Farmer from engaging in agricultural activities
Which of the following most correctly describes on the land in Farmer's Green, on the ground that
the relationship between Hal and Claire follow- such activities are not for residential purposes.
ing the death of Wendy? Which of the following would be Farmer's most
effective argument in opposition to Berge's pro-
(A) Joint tenants, with each holding a one-half ceeding?
interest in the realty.
(A) Berge's deed contained no language of cove-
(B) Joint tenants, with each holding a one-third nant or restriction.
interest in the realty, and tenants in com-
mon as to the other third. (B) Farmer did not covenant to refrain from
using the land for agricultural purposes.
(C) Tenants in common, with Hal holding a two-
thirds interest in the realty, and Claire (C) Berge and Farmer were not in privity.
holding a one-third interest in the realty. (D) The covenant in Farmer's deed to Amador
(D) Tenants in common, with each holding a did not touch and concern the land.
one-half interest in the realty.
128. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Questions 127-128 are based on the following fact sit- Farmer commences a proceeding to prevent
uation. Berge from constructing a gas station on the
realty. Should the court grant the relief requested
Farmer was the owner of a large tract of land on which by Farmer?
he grew crops. Because his income was declining, he
decided to subdivide and sell his land. With govern- (A) No, because Farmer did not sell any of the
ment approval, he platted a subdivision called Farmer's other land in Farmer's Green.

(B) No, because Berge did not agree to refrain when the month ended twenty days later. If Tha-
from non-residential use of the land. ler refused to vacate the premises at the end of
that time and Lawson instituted a judicial pro-
(C) Yes, because the covenant in Farmer's deed
ceeding to evict Thaler, the court should find for
to Amador ran with the land.
(D) Yes, because the construction of a gas sta- (A) Lawson because the written agreement of
tion by Berge was likely to inhibit sale of January 1 specified that either party could
the remaining parcels in Farmer's Green. terminate on 20 days written notice.
(B) Lawson only if Lawson can prove that Tha-
Questions 129-130 are based on the following fact sit- ler violated a covenant contained in the
uation. written agreement of January 1.
(C) Thaler only if Lawson breached an express
On January 1, Lawson and Thaler entered into a written covenant contained in the written agree-
agreement by which Thaler rented a furnished apart- ment of January 1.
ment from Lawson. According to their agreement, Tha-
ler was to occupy the apartment for one month at a (D) Thaler because the written agreement of Jan-
rental of $250 payable in advance. The agreement fur- uary 1 implied a covenant of fair dealing.
ther provided that its terms were to be automatically
renewed at the end of each month unless either party 131. When Fletcher died he left his farm to his son
terminated it by giving 20 days written notice to the Sam for life with remainder to Unity Church.
other. Upon signing the agreement and pursuant to its Because Fletcher had been a farmer, Sam tried
terms, Thaler paid Lawson $150 as a security deposit, farming the land for a while, but found the work
with the understanding that Lawson could elect to unpleasant. Although gravel had never before
apply it to any unpaid rent upon termination of the been mined or removed from the land, Sam
agreement. learned that he could derive a substantial income
by doing so. He therefore dug a deep and exten-
Thaler occupied the apartment for six months during sive pit on the land from which he began remov-
which time he complained to various government ing gravel for sale to builders and other
agencies about building and health code violations commercial purchasers.
which he believed existed in the premises. Although
the government agencies investigated Thaler's com- If Unity Church asserts a claim against Sam
plaints, Lawson was never charged with code viola- because of his removal of gravel the court should
(A) grant Unity Church a proportionate share of
129. Which of the following best describes Thaler's any profits derived from the sale of gravel
interest in the realty after executing the written removed from the land.
agreement on January 1? (B) issue an injunction against further removal
of gravel and order Sam to account to
(A) Tenancy for years. Unity Church for profits already derived
(B) Tenancy at wilL from the sale of gravel removed from the
(C) Periodic tenancy.
(C) deny relief to Unity Church, because no
(D) Tenancy at sufferance. right of action will accrue until Unity
Church's interest becomes possessory at
130. Assume for the purpose of this question only that the termination of Sam's estate.
ten days after receiving Thaler's rent for the sev- (D) deny relief to Unity Church, because a life
enth month, Lawson served Thaler with a written tenant is entitled to remove minerals from
notice purporting to terminate Thaler's tenancy

an open pit. mises were vacated, a total of seven months rent

remained unpaid.
132. Orr's will devised a parcel of realty "to all the
children of my son Seth equally, share and share 133. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
alike." At the time of Orr's death, Seth had two Lawrence asserts a claim against Arthur for
children named Judy and Pete. One year after unpaid rent. The court should award judgment for
Orr's death, Seth's third child, Ella, was born. Lawrence in the sum of
Because Seth's estate was sizable, probate court
procedures were not completed until several (A) nothing, since Burton agreed to be person-
months after Ella's birth. ally liable.
(B) $2,000, the rent which accrued while Callo-
Who received a valid interest in the realty under
way occupied the premises.
Orr's will?
(C) $5,000, the rent which accrued while Daniel
(A) Judy and Pete only. occupied the premises.
(B) Judy, Pete, and Ella only. (D) $7,000, all unpaid rent.
(C) Judy, Pete, Ella, and any other children of
Seth born subsequently. 134. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Lawrence asserts a claim against Calloway for
(D) Neither Judy, Pete, nor Ella because the
unpaid rent. The court should award judgment for
devise of an interest to them is void under
Lawrence in the sum of
the Rule Against Perpetuities.
(A) nothing, since Calloway did not agree to be
Questions 133-134 are based on the following fact sit- personally liable.
uation. (B) nothing, since Calloway and Lawrence are
not in privity of contract.
Lawrence, who was the owner of a commercial office
building, leased an office in the building to Arthur pur- (C) $2,000, the amount of rent which remains
suant to a 10 year lease calling for rent in the sum of unpaid for the period during which Callo-
$1,000 per month. Arthur occupied the premises for a way occupied the premises.
period of two years, paying the rent as it became due (D) $7,000, the amount of rent which remains
each month. At the end of that period, he assigned the unpaid for the period during which Callo-
balance of the leasehold to Burton by a document in way and his assignee Daniel occupied the
which Burton agreed to be personally liable for all obli- premises.
gations under the lease and which was signed by
Arthur and Burton. Immediately following execution
of the assignment, Arthur sent a copy of it to Lawrence. 135. In January 1987, Alvarez, Barnum, and Curtis
Burton occupied the premises for several years, paying took title to a parcel of realty as joint tenants. In
the rent as it came due. When seven months of the lease March of that year, after obtaining the written
period remained, Burton assigned the balance of the consent of Barnum and Curtis, Alvarez purported
leasehold to Calloway. Calloway did not agree to be to convey her interest in the realty to her daughter
personally liable for all obligations under the lease, and Dot. In January 1988, Barnum died, leaving a
Lawrence was not informed of the assignment. Callo- will in which he purported to leave his interest in
way occupied the premises for two months, but did not the realty to his son Sonny.
pay rent. At the end of that period, Calloway assigned
the balance of the lease to Daniel. Daniel occupied the Which of the following most accurately states the
premises for five months without paying rent, abandon- interests of the parties in the realty?
ing the premises when the lease expired. When the pre-

(A) Curtis, Dot, and Sonny are tenants in com- money from Morgan, executing a note secured by
mon, each holding an undivided one third a mortgage on Oylacre. The following March,
interest. Oyler conveyed Oylacre to his niece Norwood as
a gift by a deed which made no mention of Mor-
(B) Curtis and Dot are joint tenants and Sonny is
gan's mortgage. Norwood recorded the deed on
a tenant in common, each holding an undi-
March 15. Morgan recorded the mortgage on
vided one third interest.
March 18. The jurisdiction has a recording statute
(C) Curtis and Dot are jointtenants,each hold- which provides that "no interest in realty shall be
ing an undivided one half interest. good against a subsequent purchaser for value
(D) Curtis and Dot are tenants in common, with and without notice unless it shall first have been
Curtis holding an undivided two thirds recorded." Payment to Morgan was not made as
interest, and Dot holding an undivided one required by the note, and Morgan attempted to
third interest. foreclose on Oylacre.

When Norwood received notice of the foreclo-

136. Oscar, the owner of a summer beach cabin, con- sure proceeding, she opposed it on the ground
veyed it to his daughter Debra as a gift for her that her interest was superior to Morgan's. Is Nor-
sixteenth birthday. Two years later, on her eigh- wood correct?
teenth birthday, Debra went to the cabin for the
first time and found Adamo in possession of it. (A) No, because Oyler executed the mortgage to
When she asked what he was doing there, Adamo Morgan before executing the conveyance
said, "Anyone who lives around here can tell you to Norwood.
that I've been coming here every summer." In
(B) No, because a mortgage is not regarded as
fact, Adamo had occupied the beach cabin every
an interest in realty under recording stat-
summer for the past ten years, but had not occu-
pied the cabin during other seasons. Debra insti-
tuted a proceeding to evict Adamo. In defense, (C) Yes, because Norwood recorded the deed
Adamo claimed that he had acquired title to the before Morgan recorded the mortgage.
cabin by adverse possession. Statutes in the juris-
(D) Yes, because the conveyance to Norwood
diction fix the period for acquiring title to realty
made no mention of the mortgage.
by adverse possession at 10 years and the age of
majority at 18 years.
138. Owings conveyed a parcel ofland "to Agar for
Has Adamo acquired title by adverse possession? life, but if Agar should ever use liquor on the pre-
mises to Chevalier for life; then to Baretto.
(A) No, because computation of the period of Baretto's interest is best described as
adverse possession begins anew each time
there is a change in ownership of the realty. (A) a reversion.
(B) No, because for the past two years the owner (B) a contingent remainder.
of the cabin was under a legal disability.
(C) a vested remainder.
(C) Yes, if occupancy only during the summer
(D) void under the rule against perpetuities.
was consistent with the appropriate use of
the cabin.
139. Anderson and Bradshaw own adjacent parcels of
(D) Yes, if Adamo had Oscar's permission to
realty. In 1985, Anderson constructed ten houses
occupy the cabin during the summers.
on his realty and a well which tapped the under-
ground aquifer to supply water to the houses.
137. Oyler was the owner of a parcel of realty known Since that time, Anderson has been renting the
as Oylacre. On January 11, Oyler borrowed houses to tenants. Recently, Bradshaw began

construction of a house and well on his realty. Boyer for damages resulting from breach
Bradshaw's well will tap into the same aquifer as of the covenant.
Anderson's and will reduce the water available to
(C) Lenox waived his rights under the covenant
Anderson's tenants. If Anderson institutes a pro-
by consenting to the assignment by Ash-
ceeding against Bradshaw asking the court to
down to Boyer.
issue an order directing Bradshaw to cease con-
struction of the well, the court should find for (D) The transfer by Boyer to Cole was not an
assigtIIIl.ent but a sublease.
(A) Anderson, because Anderson's well supplies
water to more users than Bradshaw's will.
Questions 141-142 are based on the following fact sit-
(B) Anderson, only if Anderson's use of the uation.
water is found to be reasonable.
(C) Bradshaw, because Anderson is deriving a Owsley was the owner of a large tract of realty with its
profit from use of the water. southernmost boundary fronting on a public road. Ows-
ley divided the tract into two parcels, one to the north
(D) Bradshaw, if Bradshaw's planned use of the of the other. Owsley named the southernmost parcel,
water is found to be reasonable. which fronted on the public road, Southacre. He named
the northernmost parcel Northacre, and sold it to
140. Lenox was the owner of a commercial building Archer. Northacre did not have road frontage, and was
which he leased to Ashdown for use as a retail accessible only by a visible dirt road which crossed
shoe store for a period of five years. In the lease, Southacre. The deed by which Owsley conveyed
Ashdown covenanted not to assign the premises Northacre to Archer contained language granting a
without Lenox's written consent. A clause of the right-of-way easement over the dirt road. Several years
lease reserved Lenox's right to terminate the after purchasing Northacre, Archer purchased Southa-
lease in the event of a breach of this covenant. cre from Owsley. Archer never occupied Northacre and
Two years after Ashdown began occupancy, he never used the dirt road which crossed Southacre.
sold the business to Boyer, his store manager.
After obtaining Lenox's written consent, Ash- 141. Assume for the purposes of this question only
down assigned the balance of the lease to Boyer. that Archer subsequently sold Northacre to Barn-
Boyer operated the shoe store for several months hart by a deed which made no mention of a right-
and then sold it to Cole. As part of the sale, Boyer of-way easement across Southacre. If Barnhart
executed a document purporting to transfer to claims that he received a right-of-way easement
Cole all remaining rights under the lease. Boyer over Southacre, which of the following would be
did not obtain Lenox's permission for this trans- Barnhart's best argument in support of that
fer. When Lenox learned of this transfer to Cole, claim?
he instituted a proceeding in which he sought
Cole's eviction on the ground that the covenant (A) The visible dirt road across Southacre which
not to assign had been violated. provided access to Northacre was a quasi-
Which of the following would be Cole's most
effective argument in opposition to Lenox's (B) Since there was no other access to Northa-
claim? ere, Barnhart received an easement by
implied reservation.
(C) Since there was no other access to Northa-
cre, Barnhart received an easement by
(A) The covenant against assignment is void as a necessity.
restraint against alienation.
(D) The grant of a right-of-way easement across
(B) Lenox's only remedy is an action against Southacre contained in the deed by which

Owsley conveyed Northacre to Archer Hills contained language prohibiting the keeping of
benefits all subsequent purchasers of horses anywhere within the subdivision. The subdivi-
Northacre. sion plan which had been filed when Green Hills was
created provided that persons occupying realty in
Green Hills were permitted to operate small businesses
142. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
in their homes so long as such operation did not inter-
Coates subsequently contracted to purchase
fere with or annoy other residents in the subdivision.
Southacre from Archer after Coates inspected
Southacre and saw the dirt road which crossed it
prior to contracting, and that the purchase con- 143. Assume for the purposes of this question only
tract made no mention of an easement or of the that Typer operated a typing service from an
quality of title to be conveyed. Assume further office in her home in Green Hills, and that Foley
that prior to closing of title, Coates refused to go entered into a contract to buy Typer's typing ser-
through with the transaction on the ground that vice and home. After entering into the contract of
the existence of an easement across Southacre sale, however, Foley learned of the zoning law
made Archer's title unmarketable. If Archer which prohibited the operation of any business in
asserts a claim against Coates for breach of con- a residential zone. He immediately informed
tract, which of the following would be Archer's Typer that he would not go through with the pur-
II).ost effective argument in support of his claim? chase of Typer's home because of the zoning vio-
lation. If Typer asserts a claim against Foley for
Cf\.) A contractto purchasereal property IJ1erges breach of contract, the court should find for
with the deed by which the title is con-
veyed. (A) Foley, because the purchaser of realty can-
not be forced to buy potential litigation.
(B) Coates had notice of the easement at the
time he entered into the contract to pur- (B) Foley, but only if he could not have discov-
chase Southacre. ered the zoning violation by reasonable
inquiry prior to entering into the contract
(C) The existence of an easement does not make
of sale.
title unmarketable.
(C) Typer, because the zoning law which prohib-
(D) The purchase contract did not specify the
ited the operation of Typer's business
quality of title to be conveyed.
existed before the contract of sale was
Questions 143-145 are based on the following fact sit- (D) Typer, because her business was permitted
uation. by provisions of the Green Hills subdivi-
sion plan.
Zoning laws in Green City provided that all land on the
north side of Main Street was restricted to residential
use, and that commercial use was permitted on all land 144. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
on the south side of Main Street. The zoning laws also Graves purchased the land owned by Homer, tore
provided that up two horses could be kept on any land down the existing house, and began construction
zoned for residential use, but that no business could be of a three story office building. Kaham, who
operated on land zoned for residential use. Although all operated a business known as a water slide on the
the other realty on the south side of Main Street was adjacent realty, objected on the ground that the
being put to commercial use, Homer owned and building which Graves was constructing would
resided in a one story house located on the south side of block off Kaham's air and light, thus diminishing
Main Street. the value of his realty. If Kaham commences an
appropriate proceeding against Graves seeking an
Green Hills was a housing development located on the order which would prohibit construction of the
north side of Main Street. All deeds to realty in Green building, the court should find for

the conveyance.
(A) Graves if the construction of a three story
(B) fee simple absolute.
office building is pennitted by the zoning
law. (C) fee simple detenninable, since Geller's
interest will tenninate if liquor is ever sold
(B) Graves because commercial use of the realty
on the premises.
is the highest and best use.
(D) fee simple subject to a condition subsequent,
(C) Kaham, because previous use by Homer cre-
which will ripen into a fee simple absolute
ated an implied easement for air, light, and
if liquor is not sold during a period mea-
sured by a life or lives in being plus
(D) Kaham, if residential use by Homer was a twenty-one years.
continuing non-confonning use.
147. Which of the following best describes the interest
145. Assume for the purpose of this question only that of the Foundation for Hereditary Diseases in the
Equis, a resident of Green Hills, began keeping realty on the day after Geller began selling liquor
horses in his yard. If his neighbor, Ralph, com- on the premises?
mences a proceeding in which he seeks an order
preventing Equis from keeping horses, the court (A) fee simple absolute if the Foundation for
should find for Hereditary Diseases is a charity.
(B) right of re-entry.
(A) Equis because the zoning law pennits the
keeping of horses. (C) no interest, since at the time of the convey-
ance it was possible that the interest which
(B) Equis only if keeping horses is part of ordi-
the deed purported to grant to Foundation
nary residential use.
would not vest within a period measured
(C) Ralph because of the language in Equis's by a life or lives in being plus twenty-one
deed which prohibits the keeping of years.
(D) valid shifting executory interest which will
(D) Ralph only if keeping horses is a nuisance. not become possessory until the Founda-
tion for Hereditary Diseases takes some
step to exercise its right.
Questions 146-147 are based on the following fact sit-
148. When Suzanne said that she was interested in
Olsen conveyed a parcel of realty "to Geller so long as selling her home and the lot on which it stood,
liquor is not sold on the premises, but if liquor is sold Balbo expressed interest in purchasing it. Aftet
on the premises, to the Foundation for Hereditary Dis- negotiations, Balbo and Suzanne entered into a
eases." Two years later, Geller began selling liquor on written contract which provided that Suzanne
the premises. would sell the realty to Balbo for $60,000, and
that delivery of title was to occur on or before
August 1. Suzanne further promised that at the
146. Which of the following best describes Geller's time title was delivered the house would be
interest in the realty on the day before he began vacant. A clause in the contract provided that
selling liquor on the premises? "The risk of loss from non-negligent causes shall
remain with the seller until delivery of title." On
(A) void, since the interest of the Foundation for July 15, through no fault of Suzanne or Balbo, the
Hereditary Diseases could have vested house burned down. Suzanne had not yet moved
more than 21 years after the death of all out of the house, and title had not yet been trans-
persons who were in being at the time of ferred to Balbo.

Following the destruction of the house, if Balbo

seeks to rescind the contract, he

(A) can, since the parties agreed that the risk of

loss would not shift to Balbo until passage
of title.
(B) can, if, but only if, the jurisdiction has
rejected the doctrine of equitable conver-

(C) cannot, unless the jurisdiction recognizes the

doctrine of equitable conversion.
(D) cannot, because the risk of loss passed to
Balbo immediately upon execution of the
contract to purchase.

1. B Under common law, a conveyance of real estate is not valid unless it identifies the
grantor, the grantee, and the property conveyed. The statute simply codified this rule.
Realty cannot be conveyed by the use of negotiable paper (i.e., to bearer). For this rea-
son, the document conveyed no interest.

A is incorrect because even an unrecordable deed may affect the rights of grantor and
grantee as against each other. C is incorrect for two reasons: first, consideration is not
required to make a deed effective; and, second, courts do not generally inquire into the
adequacy of consideration. Although a claim of economic duress has occasionally been
used to avoid the legal effect of documents which are otherwise valid, it is not applied
consistently enough to make D the correct answer and is not applied unless the duress
was created by the party against whom it is asserted.

2. D So long as the adverse possessor has remained openly, notoriously, hostilely and contin-
uously in possession for the statutory period, he may acquire title to the land even
though it changed ownership during the period of his adverse possession. Thus, the fact
that Polsky bought the land from a prior owner during the period of Fowl's possession
would not result in a judgment for Polsky.

Possession of realty is hostile if it is contrary to the rights of the owner. Since occupying
realty which has been rented from the owner is not contrary to his rights, the payment of
rent would have prevented Fowl's possession from being hostile. Since a dozen eggs per
week could be construed as rent, A might result in a judgment for Polsky and is, there-
fore incorrect. Permission from the owner of Nearacre would have had the same effect,
making B incorrect. If Fowl said that he would remove the chicken coop whenever the
owner of Nearacre asked him to, and the owner of Nearacre did not, it might likewise be
concluded that the chicken coop remained by permission of the owner of Nearacre.
Fowl's possession would not, therefore, be hostile, making C incorrect.

3. A Under the doctrine of estoppel by deed, one who conveys realty in which he has no
interest is estopped from denying the validity of the conveyance if he then acquires the

A fraudulent transaction might result in liability for damages, but fraud is not alone suf-
ficient to result in a finding that title has passed. B is, therefore, incorrect. Compliance
or non-compliance with recording statutes may affect the rights of a grantee as against
future grantees, but does not relate to his rights as against the grantor. C is, therefore,
incorrect. D is incorrect because of the estoppel doctrine described above.

4. D A deed is effective upon delivery to and acceptance by the grantee or his agent. Deliv-
ery of a deed to one co-tenant is usually viewed as delivery to all co-tenants. Thus, the
delivery to Arnold was a delivery to Benton as well. If a conveyance is beneficial to a
named grantee, acceptance by that grantee is presumed. Since the transfer was benefi-
cial to Benton, it is presumed that Benton accepted delivery of the deed. These facts,
coupled with recording by Benton's co-tenant, are sufficient to result in an effective

conveyance to Benton of a joint tenancy in the land. Since joint tenants have the right of
survivorship, Arnold's interest passed to Benton upon Arnold's death.

A is incorrect because the delivery to Arnold was a delivery to his co-tenant as well, and
because Benton's right of survivorship made Arnold's devise to Fred ineffective. A tes-
tamentary disposition is a transfer made by will. Since Maria conveyed the realty inter
vivos (i.e., while alive), B is incorrect. C is incorrect because occupancy by a grantee is
not necessary to make the grant effective, and because the conveyance was effective
upon delivery and acceptance of the deed and was not undone by the grantee's return of
the deed to the grantor for safekeeping.

5. C Unless a deed is signed by the grantor or the grantor's agent, it does not effectively con-
vey an interest in realty.

A gift is a transfer without consideration. A is incorrect because an interest in realty

may be conveyed as a gift, and such a conveyance is valid even though no consideration
was given for it. B is incorrect because a deed which is silent as to the interest being
conveyed is presumed to convey whatever interest the grantor holds. Recording a deed
gives the world constructive notice of the grantee's interest, but does not affect the
validity of the deed. D is incorrect because an unrecorded deed is effective at least
against the grantor.

6. D Under the doctrine of equitable conversion, the risk of loss of realty passes to the buyer
as soon as a contract of sale is executed. In jurisdictions which have rejected the doc-
trine of equitable conversion, the risk of loss of realty subject to a contract for sale
remains with the seller until the transfer of either title or possession to the buyer. Most
jurisdictions agree, however, that if destruction of an immaterial part of the realty

I occurs prior to that time, the seller may enforce the contract after the price is abated to
account for the damage. Since the facts make it clear that the sheds were inconsequen-
tial and that Clubb intended to demolish them after taking title to the realty, they may be
regarded as immaterial parts of the realty.

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because the sheds were not material parts of the
realty. In jurisdictions which have rejected the doctrine of equitable conversion, C is an
inaccurate statewent of the law.

7. A A contract for the sale of realty is unenforceable unless it adequately describes the sub-
ject realty. Similarly, a deed is ineffective unless it adequately describes the realty con-
veyed. For these purposes, any description of realty is adequate if it clearly identifies the
property being conveyed. There can be no doubt that the description would be adequate
if Landsman's was the only realty in the county known as the Flying L and identified by
the Tract, Lot, and Parcel numbers given. (Note: So long as it clearly identified the
property involved, the description in the deed tendered by Landsman would have been
adequate even if the property was not the only parcel in the county known as the Flying
L, or was not the only parcel known by the Tract, Lot, and Parcel numbers given.) If the
description is adequate, the contract of sale is enforceable, and Landsman has fulfilled
his obligation under it by tendering the deed. Clubb's refusal to accept the deed would,
thus, be a breach which would entitle Landsman to damages.

A contract for the sale of realty, like any other contract of sale, must identify the subject
of the agreement. If it does not, it is unenforceable because the court would be unable to
fashion a remedy for its breach. B is incorrect because it suggests that a contract which
is not sufficiently specific to be enforced becomes enforceable simply because the par-
ties entered into it. C and D are incorrect because any description which clearly identi-
fies the realty is sufficient even if it is not expressed in metes and bounds or the standard

8.-- D Marketable title is title which the well-infonned, reasonably prudent buyer would be
willing to accept. Since the reasonably prudent buyer is not usually willing to buy a law-
suit, any doubt about the title held by Sanderson (i.e., about the rights acquired by
Planchet) would make the title unmarketable. Since the contract of sale required Sand-
erson to deliver marketable title, he would thus be in breach.

This is so even if Planchet might ultimately lose his claim for title by adverse posses-
sion. A and C are, therefore, incorrect. Although a policy of title insurance might pro-
tect against economic losses resulting from Sanderson's failure to deliver good title,
delivery of such a policy would not make the title marketable. B is, therefore, incorrect.

9. C Ordinarily, restrictions contained in a conveyance cannot be enforced to benefit realty in

which the grantor has no interest. Since Devel had already conveyed Lot 1, he had no
interest in it when he conveyed Lot 25 to Albert. For this reason, restrictions contained
in the deed for Lot 25 can not be enforced for the benefit of Lot 1. An exception is
sometimes made in the case of a subdivision if it can be shown that a prior purchaser
bought in reliance on restrictions to be contained in deeds to subsequent purchasers.
Since there is no indication that Yarrow was aware that the deed to Lot 25 would con-
tain a restriction, however, he could not have relied on it when purchasing Lot 1 and
cannot enforce it. C is, therefore, correct.

A is incorrect because a restriction may be enforced against a covenantor's successor,

even though the deed by which the covenantor conveyed to his successor did not men-
tion it. Thus, the fact that Barbara's deed did not mention the restriction is not sufficient
to prevent the issuance of the injunction. B is incorrect because, as explained above, if
Yarrow knew that the restriction would be contained in the deed to Lot 25 and relied
upon that restriction, he may have acquired the right to enforce it even though it was not
mentioned in his deed. A covenant is said to "touch and concern" the burdened land if
only the possessor of that land may perform it, and is said to "touch and concern" the
benefitted land if the resulting benefit is tied to possession of that land. Since only the
possessor of Lot 25 can comply with the use restriction, it touches and concerns Lot 25.
Since Lot 1 is in close physical proximity and in full view of Lot 25, its value will be
affected by the use to which Lot 25 is put. The restriction, therefore, touches and con-
cerns Lot 1. For these reasons, D is incorrect.

10. D Ordinarily, realty is not subject to restrictions unless they appear in the chain of title or
in the deed which conveys it. Exceptions might be made for restrictions which appear in
a general subdivision plan, if a purchaser of realty in that subdivision is aware that such
restrictions exist. Since there were no restrictions in the chain of title to Lot 1 or in the
deed by which it was conveyed to Yarrow, there are no restrictions on the use of Lot 1
which can be enforced by Barbara unless restrictions on Lot 1 were part of the general

subdivision plan. Thus, if such a restriction was not part of the general subdivision plan,
Barbara will not win.

If a purchaser buys realty in a subdivision with knowledge that there are restrictions in
the deeds to other parcels in the subdivision and with knowledge that restrictions which
appear in the general subdivision plan apply to the lot which he purchases, that lot might
be subject to the restrictions under a theory of implied reciprocal servitudes, even if they
do not appear in the purchaser's deed. A, B, and C are incorrect, however, because there
is no fact indicating that restrictions applicable to Yarrow's lot appear in the general
subdivision plan, or that when Yarrow purchased Lot 1 he was aware of any restrictions
in the deeds to Lots 21 through 40.

11. A An easement by express reservation is one for the benefit of the grantor which he cre-
ates by language contained in the deed by which he conveys the servient estate. It does
not terminate with non-use, unless there is a clear manifestation of the intention to aban-
don it by the easement-holder. Ossie's maintenance of the right-of-way across Lot 1
indicates that it was not his intention to abandon it.

An implied easement by necessity terminates when the strict necessity ceases to exist. B
and C are both incorrect, however, because the easement across Lot 1 was by express
reservation. The existence of an easement generally does diminish the value of the ser-
vient estate. D is incorrect because this reduction in value, even if unreasonable, is not
alone sufficient to invalidate the easement.

12. D An appurtenant easement is terminated by merger if the dominant and servient estates
come into common ownership, and does not automatically revive if they are severed.
Thus, when Laker sold Lot 3 back to Ossie, the easement terminated. When Waters

I received Lot 3 from Ossie by a grant which did not mention the right-of-way, he took it
free of the right-of-way.

Since waters received title to Lot 3 free of the easement, Ossie could not unilaterally
revive it. A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because the easement terminated by
merger when Ossie re-acquired Lot 3. C is incorrect because non-use is not, alone, suf-
ficient to terminate an easement which was created by express reservation or grant.

13. D Fred's will did not speak until Fred's death and devised an interest in the realty only to
those children who survived Fred. Since Bob predeceased Fred, Bob never received an
interest in the realty; his purported mortgage to Loanco did not give Loanco any inter-
est. For this reason, Fred's interest was unaffected by the mortgage and was absolute.
As Fred's only surviving child, Susan received Fred's interest upon Fred's death.

Since Loanco held no interest in the realty, A, B, and C are incorrect.

14. B Tona has given Hernando a power of appointment. A power of appointment is the legal
right to designate subsequent transferees of realty. It may only be exercised in the man-
ner specified by the donor of the power. If the donee of the power fails to exercise it, the
realty subject to the power of appointment reverts to the estate of the donor. Since Tona
specified that Hernando's power of appointment could only be exercised by will, and
since Hernando failed to exercise it by his will, Tonacre reverted to the estate of Tona

upon Hernando's death. Marketable title is title which is free from claims which would
lead a reasonable person to doubt its validity. Since the realty reverted to Tona's estate,
Walley had no interest in it subsequent to the death of Hernando. Her inability to deliver
marketable title is a breach of her contract with Benton, entitling Benton to the relief
which he seeks.

Covenants for title in the deed might have given Benton a lawsuit against Walley if the
title which the deed purported to convey proved to be defective, but they would not
have made the title marketable. A is, therefore, incorrect. Since Tona specified that Her-
nando's power could only be exercised by will, his inter vivos conveyance to Walley
was without effect. C is, therefore, incorrect. Tonacre did not pass to Hernando's heirs
under the laws of intestacy, because Hernando's failure to exercise the power by will
resulted in reversion of Tonacre to the estate of Tona. D is, therefore, incorrect.

15. B A reversion is a future interest of the grantor which will automatically follow a prior
estate which will inevitably terminate (e.g., a life estate; a leasehold). A possibility of
reverter is a future interest of the grantor which will automatically follow a prior estate
which will not inevitably terminate (e.g., fee simple determinable). A right of re-entry is
a future interest of the grantor which does not revert automatically, but which requires
some act by the grantor in order for him to re-acquire a possessory right, and which fol-
lows an estate which will not inevitably terminate. Since the property was conveyed
only for so long as it is used as a home for the elderly, it will automatically revert to the
grantor if that use is ever discontinued. It is, thus, either a reversion or a possibility of
reverter. Since it is not certain that it ever will cease to be used as a home for the elderly,
however, the prior estate is not one which will inevitably terminate. For this reason, the
grantor's interest is a possibility of reverter.

A is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because if the property ever ceases to be used as
a home for the elderly, no act of the grantor is necessary to make his interest possessory.
D is incorrect because the Rule against Perpetuities does not apply to a grantor's inter-

16. B A remainder is a future interest in a grantee which will automatically become posses-
sory following a prior estate which will terminate inevitably (e.g., a life estate). An
executory interest is a future interest in a grantee which will not automatically become
possessory and which follows a prior estate which will not terminate inevitably. Since
the interest of Senior Life will only become possessory if racial discrimination is prac-
ticed by Senior Center, and since this may never happen, the interest of Senior Life is
best classified as an executory interest. Under the Rule Against Perpetuities, no interest
is good unless it must vest, if at all, during a period measured by a life or lives in being
plus 21 years. Since Senior Center might begin practicing racial discrimination after the
period proscribed by the Rule, the interest of Senior Life seems to violate the Rule.
Because of an exception, however, the Rule Against Perpetuities does not apply to the
interest of a charity which follows the interest of a charity. Since Senior Center and
Senior Life are both charitable institutions, the Rule Against Perpetuities does not apply,
and the interest of Senior Life is valid.

D is, therefore, incorrect. A and C are incorrect because it is not inevitable that the inter-
est of Senior Center will terminate, and the interest of Senior Life, therefore, can not be

a remainder.

17. B A life tenant is required to pay real estate taxes which become due during the term of
her life tenancy. Although a life tenant is required to pay interest on outstanding encum-
brances, the remainderman is under an obligation to pay principal.

A is incorrect because as life tenant, Wilma should not be required to pay principal. C is
incorrect for this reason, and because as remainderman, Bertrand should not be required
to pay the real estate taxes. D is incorrect for the latter reason.

18. A A life tenant is entitled to make reasonable use of natural resources for the purpose of
maintaining the realty.

B is incorrect, however, because this right is limited to reasonable use. The term
"waste" is used to describe any substantial change in realty which occurs while it is in
the possession of a person holding less than a fee interest. If the change is beneficial to
the value of the realty, it is known as "ameliorating waste." C is incorrect for two rea-
sons: first, the destruction of trees on a parcel of realty is not necessarily ameliorating
waste, since that term would be used only if such destruction benefits the value of the
realty; and, second, since ameliorating waste benefits the realty, a court is not likely to
enjoin it. D is incorrect because a life tenant is not required to permit decay to continue
simply because it began while the realty was possessed by a prior tenant.

19. A Acquisition of title by adverse possession results from application of a statute of limita-
tions which prevents the record owner from enforcing any rights which he might have
against the adverse possessor. For this reason, the period does not begin to run until a
cause of action by the record owner accrues. Thus, it does not begin running against an
infant owner until he achieves majority; it does not begin running against a remainder-
man until the preceding estate terminates. (Note: If the realty was held in fee simple
when th~ period of adverse possession began, it may continue in spite of changes in
ownership of the fee.) Until Ned's estate terminated, Paul had no right to sue Adder.
(After all, Adder may have been a tenant of Ned's.) For this reason, the period of
adverse possession did not begin running until Paul became the owner of the realty in

B is incorrect because Paul's right was not possessory until the termination of Ned's
estate. C is incorrect because even after achieving majority (circa 1964), Paul's interest
in the realty was not possessory. D is incorrect because Adder's period of adverse pos-
session against Paul did not begin until Paul's interest became possessory. Another way
of looking at the problem is to recognize that the adverse possessor acquires no greater
interest than is held by the person against whom his possession is adverse. Thus,
Adder's possession during Ned's term could not have resulted in more than his acquisi-
tion of a 20. year term (i.e., Ned's interest) by adverse possession.

20. D Tess's will devised a contingent remainder to Nellie and an alternate contingent remain-
der to the oldest child of Nellie living at the time of Tess's death. Since Eddie was not
the oldest child living at the time of Tess's death, he received no interest.

He did not receive a vested remainder since he had no right at all to take the realty. A is,

therefore, incorrect. He did not receive a contingent remainder because there was no
condition which would result in his taking the realty. B is, therefore, incorrect. He did
not receive an executory interest because there was no condition which would entitle
him to divest a previous estate and assert an interest in the realty. C is, therefore, incor-

21. B Under Statute I (a pure notice type statute), Parton's interest would be superior to
Bessie's because while Bessie's interest was unrecorded, he purchased for value and
without notice of the prior conveyance. Under Statute II (a race-notice type statute)
Bessie's interest would be superior even though Parton purchased for value and in good
faith (i.e., without notice of the prior conveyance), because Parton's interest was not
recorded before Bessie's.

22. A Under this recording statute (a pure race type statute), the first interest recorded is supe-
rior. Bessie's interest derives from the deed which was recorded on April 3. Since Par-
ton's deed was not recorded until April 5, Bessie's interest had priority.

B is incorrect because under a race type statute, all that matters is the order in which the
interests were recorded. C is incorrect because Bessie's interest derives from the deed
which was recorded on April 3. The general warranty deed by which Marcel conveyed
to Parton will determine Parton's rights against Marcel. But D is incorrect because the
recording statute determines the rights of Parton and Bessie as against each other.

23. C One who assumes a mortgage when purchasing realty agrees to pay the note which the
mortgage secures and becomes personally liable for such payments. Furth is, therefore,
liable. Neither a subsequent assumption nor a subsequent taking subject to a mortgage,
will release from personal liability the original mortgagor or one who previously
assumed the mortgage. Derry is, therefore, liable.

A, B and D are, therefore, incorrect.

24. A A mortgage given as a security interest in realty covers all of the realty at the place
described therein, including parts which are affixed after the mortgage is created. A fix-
ture is a former chattel which has become part of realty. Once it becomes part of the
realty, it is subject to a security interest created by a mortgage on that realty even if the
mortgage was given before the fixture became part of the realty. Thus, if the cooling
tank was a fixture; the mortgage which Derry gave Dairyman's Bank includes a security
interest in it. (A chattel becomes a fixture when it is permanently affixed to the realty or,
even if it is not permanently affixed, when its installation is essential to the use of a par-
ticular building. Since both of these conditions were met by the installation of the cool-
ing tank, it was probably a fixture. It is unnecessary to make this decision, however,
since the language of option A [i.e., the word "if'] requires the assumption that the tank
was a fixture.)

The question of whether a chattel has become a fixture does not depend on whether the
person installing it made payments on a note, so B is incorrect. C is incorrect because a
fixture is subject to a mortgage on the realty even if affixed to the realty after the mort-
gage was created. Seckin is not personally liable for payment of the note because the
property was conveyed "subject to" the mortgage, but the realty - including fixtures -

is subject to enforcement of the mortgagee's rights. D is, therefore, incorrect.

25. C When a deed is deposited with a commercial escrow agent with instructions to deliver it
to the grantee upon the happening of a condition outside the grantor's control, title
passes automatically upon the happening of the specified condition. Purcher thus owned
the realty as soon as his check cleared on January 15, and is not guilty of violating the

A and n are, therefore, incorrect. In some jurisdictions the risk of loss passes to the
buyer upon execution of a contract for the sale of realty. D is incorrect, however,
because the passage of title does not relate back to the execution of the contract.

26. A Whether they apply the doctrine of equitable conversion, the Uniform Vendor and Pur-
chaser Risk Act, or some other system for apportioning the risk of loss under a real
estate sales contract, most jurisdictions agree that the risk of loss from causes other than
the fault of the vendor passes to the vendee when he takes possession of the realty prior
to closing. Although a small minority of jurisdictions disagree, A is the only argument
listed which could possibly support Singer's position.

B and C are incorrect because passage of the risk of loss does not depend on the pur-
chase of fire insurance by either party. D is incorrect because no jurisdiction recognizes
such a presumption.

27. A No reason appears in the fact situation why the contract between Sollen and Bangor is
not enforceable. Since the contract contains Bangor's promise to purchase water from
Sollen, he will be liable to Sollen for damages resulting from his breach.

B is incorrect because there is no discrepancy between the contract and the deed, and
because - at least in determining what estate the grantee has received - discrepancies
between a deed and a contract for sale are resolved by looking to the deed. Since only
the possessor of the land on which the well and water-purifying plant were located
could benefit from the covenant to purchase water, and since only the possessor of the
land granted by Sollen could comply with it, both the benefit and the burden resulting
from the covenant touched and concerned the land. Although this is not relevant to
Bangor's obligations under the contract, the inaccuracy of the statements makes C
incorrect. D is incorrect for two reasons: first, acceptance of a deed containing restric-
tions may bind the grantee to those restrictions even though he did not sign the deed;
and second, Bangor agreed to purchase water in the contract of sale.

28. B The holder of an easement may not use it in a way which goes beyond the scope of use
contemplated at the time of its creation, Since the easement across Lot I was created for
ingress and egress to Lot II, its use for the purpose of erecting poles and stringing power
lines exceeds its scope.

A is incorrect because an appurtenant easement is ordinarily transferred by conveyance

of the dominant estate, and is, therefore, ali~nable. In addition to the fact that calling an
easement "divisible" says nothing about it, C is incorrect because the stringing of wires
was not incidental to the contemplated use of the ingress-:egress easement. An easement
is appurtenant if it is designed to benefit the holder of a particular piece of realty. An

easement in gross is not designed to benefit the holder of a particular piece of realty.
Since this easement was for access to Lot II, it was appurtenant. D is incorrect because
it is a meaningless and incorrect statement of the law.

29. C Ordinarily, no person has a right to an unspoiled view. Thus, in the absence of special
circumstances (such as those making the interference a nuisance), interference with the
view is not actionable even if the person complaining was there first, or if the newcomer
knew that his building would obstruct a view.

A, B and D are, therefore, incorrect.

30. B A tenancy with no fixed duration is a tenancy at will and can be terminated by either
party. Since the mayor's authorization did not specify a duration, it created a tenancy at
will. Since the city can terminate the occupancy, it has the right to prevent occupancy
other than under conditions which it sets, and, therefore, to obtain an injunction against
violations of those conditions.

Since the Ballet's agreement with the city did not obligate it to pay rent, its non-pay-
ment of rent is not a breach which would give the city any rights which it would not
have had otherwise. A is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because a tenant at suffer-
ance is one who entered under a valid lease which has since expired or terminated.
Ameliorating waste is the name given to substantial alterations made by the tenant of
leased premises which do not diminish the value of the real estate. D is incorrect
because the fact that there was no lease probably makes the term an inappropriate one,
because there is no indication that the proposed changes would not diminish the value of
the realty, and because courts are not always willing to enjoin ameliorating waste.

31. B A tenant's violation of a lease provision prohibiting sublet or assignment of a leasehold

is usually regarded as a breach of covenant for which the tenant may be liable for dam-
ages. II is therefore a correct statement. Because courts favor the alienability of estates
in land, however, the violation does not ordinarily result in a finding that the assignment
or sublease is void. A lease may expressly reserve the landlord's right to terminate the
lease if the covenant against alienation is breached. If so, the landlord may elect to evict
the subtenant or assignee as a holdover. I is incorrect, however, because the lease
between Lawson and Tanner did not expressly reserve that right.

32. C Under the Rule Against Perpetuities, no interest is good unless it must vest, if at all, dur-
ing a period measured by lives in being plus twenty-one years. Since Gretchen's mar-
riage might have taken place more than twenty-one years after the deaths of Alice,
Burton and Carrie, her interest might not have vested until after the period prescribed by
the Rule expired, and thus violates the Rule.

A and B are incorrect because the interest might have vested after the period expired;
the fact that it actually did not does not make it valid. The birth of other grandchildren
would not affect the interests of Gretchen, since the will provided that the share of a pre-
maturely deceased child should be divided among issue of that child, and Alice could
not possibly have any children after her own death. D is, therefore, incorrect.

33. C Grande's will specified the amount to be paid to each child and grandchild who reached

twenty-two, so Carrie's share does not depend on the number of children and grandchil-
dren who will meet that condition. Since she was twenty-two at the time of Grande's
death, she already met the condition, and her interest vested immediately without any
possibility of defeasance.

A is incorrect for two reasons: fIrst, there are situations in which the interest of a charity
might be valid although it does not vest until after the period of perpetuities (as when its
executory interest is to vest following termination of the interest of another charity);
and, second, because the effect which the vesting of her interest has on that of the char-
ity is immediate. B is incorrect because Carrie's share is specifIc, and, therefore, does
not depend on the number of people in the class. The validity of Carrie's interest
depends on whether it must vest, if at all, before the expiration of the period of perpetu-
ities. D is incorrect because there is no reason why this should depend on whether or not
she is the fIrst person to qualify.

34. B If a gift is made to a class of persons some of whom are in being and ascertained at the
time the gift is made, the class opens and closes immediately. Since the gift was made in
Wendy's will, it became effective at her death. Since some of Herman's children were in
being and ascertained at that time, the class closed immediately.

A is incorrect because, as explained above, the class closed upon the death of Wendy.
An interest is contingent if its vesting is subject to a condition precedent. Calli's right to
take a share of the realty does not depend on the happening of a condition precedent,
and so it is not contingent. C is, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because the class
closed immediately upon the death of Wendy, and because even if it had not, Calli's
right would be vested subject to partial divestment, and, therefore, not void.

35. A Harold may convey the interest which he holds. Since his interest is a life estate (i.e., the
right to possess for a period measured by his own life), A is correct.

Since Wanda or Bart might outlive him, B and C are incorrect. Since life estates are
alienable, D is also incorrect.

36. D An easement by express grant does not terminate by non-use unless there is a clearly
manifested intent to abandon it. Since there is nothing to indicate that the city intended
to abandon the right to empty water into the creek which crossed Rogers' land, it may
exercise that right even though it has not done so for forty years.

A private nuisance is a tortious interference with the plaintiff's right to use and enjoy
realty. Since the easement privileged the city to dump water into the creek, its conduct
in doing so is not a violation of any right held by Rogers. A is, therefore, incorrect. B is
incorrect because there was no manifestation of an intent to abandon the easement. C is
a fabrication whichhas no meaning at alL

37. C In order for a possessor to acquire title by adverse possession, he must possess openly,
notoriously, hostilely (i.e., under claim of right), and continuously for the statutory
period. Temporary absences do not necessarily break the continuity of the possession if
they are consistent with the adverse possessor's claim of right. If the possessor's
absence is the result of either a court order directing eviction or self-help by the true

owner, however, such absence is not consistent with the possessor's claim of right (i.e.,
not hostile), and breaks the continuity of his possession.

D is, therefore, incorrect. A is incorrect because the removal would have interrupted the
continuity of Holden's possession even if it had been without a court order. B is incor-
rect because the removal would have interrupted the continuity of Holden's possession
even if it had been by a court order.

38. B In the absence of language to the contrary, a cOIltract for the sale of realty is presumed to
call for conveyance of marketable title by whatever form of deed is customarily used in
the area. Thus, the contract is complete, valid, and enforceable, even though silent about
these two requirements.

A and D are incorrect because the contract so construed is enforceable by either party.
Although parol evidence may be admitted for the purpose of determining the intentions
of the parties to a contract, this contract can be enforced without it, based upon the pre-
sumption described above. C is, therefore, incorrect.

39. C Some jurisdictions hold that an abstractor of title impliedly warrants the abstract to be
accurate; all jurisdictions agree that there is at least an implied warranty that the service
will be performed in a reasonable manner. Since the right-of-way deed was properly
recorded, Titleco's failure to include it in the abstract which it furnished was a breach of
either the promise to perform reasonably or the implied warranty of accuracy. In either
event, since Belden was an intended creditor beneficiary of the contract between Sofield
and Titleco, Belden can enforce it.

If there was an implied warranty of accuracy, A is incorrect because liability is imposed

without fault for its breach. If there was no implied warranty of accuracy, A is incorrect
because liability may be imposed if Titleco's lack of awareness of the right-of-way
resulted from its failure to act reasonably. Since the right-of-way deed from the owner
of Westacre to Johnson Chemical Company was properly recorded before any of the
grants of Westacre took place, it was not outside the chain of title, and B is incorrect. D
is incorrect because the liability of Titleco does not depend on covenants made by

40. C The covenant against encumbrances is a representation that there are no easements or
liens burdening the realty. If the realty is, in fact, burdened by such an encumbrance, the
covenant is breached and liability is imposed on the covenantor.

This is so even though the purchaser relied on assurances in addition to the covenant,
and even though the grantor was unaware of 'the existence of the encumbrance at the
time he executed the covenant. A and B are, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because
there is no indication that Sofield failed to act reasonably (i.e., was "negligent").

41. B The holder of an easement may not unreasonably burden the servient estate by using it
in a way not contemplated when the easement was created. Since the dangers incident to
the possible leakage of poisonous materials are much greater than those incident to the
possible leakage of non-poisonous materials, the change in Johnson's intended use
would unreasonably burden the estate of Belden.

An easement the benefit of which is directly tied to a particular parcel of realty (e.g., an
easement across the servient estate for ingress and egress to the dominant estate) is
known as an easement appurtenant. An easement the benefit of which is not directly tied
to a particular parcel of realty (e.g., an easement held by the power company to erect
poles and string wires across the servient estate) is known as an easement in gross. An
easement in gross is commercial if its benefit is designed to result in a profit to its
holder. Johnson's easement may have been an easement appurtenant since it directly
benefitted the realty on which the chemical plant was located..On the other hand, it may
have been an easement in gross since its use did not require ownership of the realty on
which the chemical plant was located. Since most jurisdictions agree that, so long as
alienation does not increase the burden on the servient estate, easements appurtenant
and commercial easements in gross are freely alienable, A is incorrect. Non-use of an
easement created by express grant is not sufficient to terminate it unless the holder of
the easement manifests a clear intention to abandon it. Since there is no indication that
Johnson manifested such an intention, C is incorrect. Since the easement was created by
deed which was properly recorded, Belden had constructive notice of it when he pur-
chased, and would not have been justified in relying .on. the absence of visible encum-
brances. D is, therefore, incorrect.

42. A If a deed contains a restriction or covenant prohibiting the grantee from using the realty
in a particular way, that restriction may be equitably enforced (i.e., by injunction) by a
successor to the grantor's interest against a successor to the grantee's interest if the
restriction constitutes an equitable servitude. A restriction may be held to constitute an
equitable servitude if it creates a burden which touches and concerns the land of the
original grantor and a benefit which touches the land of the original grantee, if the orig-
inal parties intended it to run with the land, and if the person against whom enforcement
is sought had actual or constructive notice of the burden when s/he received her/his
interest. The restriction touches and concerns the land of Commers (against whom
enforcement is sought) because only the occupant of Commers's land can comply with
it. The restriction touches the land of the other residents of the subdivision (who seek to
enforce it) because the value of their realty will be affected by the use to which Com-
mers's lot and other realty in the subdivision are put. The fact that the subdivision plan
which was filed contained a description of the deed restrictions indicates that the origi-
nal parties intended it to be enforceable by all residents of the subdivision and also
serves to give successors to original grantees constructive knowledge of the restriction.
Thus, the restriction is enforceable as an equitable servitude against Commers by other
residents of the subdivision.

B is incorrect because the enforcement of restrictive covenants in the deeds to lots in a

subdivision does not depend on the will of other members of the subdivision. Restric-
tions which touch and concern the land outlive buildings which are on the land, and do
not cease to be enforceable simply because those buildings have ceased to be operative.
C is, therefore, incorrect. Changes in the community may result in a decision to stop
enforcing deed restrictions only where the changes are such that it is no longer substan-
tially possible to secure the benefits which the restrictions were intended to create. D is
incorrect because no facts indicate that such a change has occurred.

43. B Ordinarily, a tenant who abandons the premises before the expiration of the lease is lia-

ble for rent for the balance of the term. If, however, the landlord surrenders its rights
under the lease, the tenant will be free from liability for the balance of the term. A sur-
render generally takes place when the landlord occupies the premises for its own pur-

Reletting the premises for the balance of the term might be a surrender of the landlord's
rights or might be performed on the defaulting tenant's account to mitigate damages,
depending on the intent of the landlord. Where, as here, there is much other vacant
space in the building, and the landlard has relet the premises for rent lower than pro-
vided in the lease, and on a month-to-month basis, it is not likely that its intent was to
surrender its rights but rather to mitigate damages. A is, therefore, incorrect. The agree-
ment between Lance and Tollup did not restrict use of the premises to any particular
activity. For this reason, the fact that the premises are not well suited to the activity
which Tollup had in mind, or that Tollup is no longer licensed in the practice for which
he planned to use them, is irrelevant to his liability under the lease. C and D are, there-
fore, incorrect.

44. B If a conveyance of realty is complete in all other respects but silent as to the interest
which is being conveyed, it is presumed to convey whatever interest the grantor holds at
the time the conveyance is executed.

Thus, A and C are incorrect. Although a deed to realty should expressly identify the par-
ties, the realty, and the interest conveyed, D is incorrect because, without language to
the contrary, the deed is presumed to convey whatever interest the grantor held.

45. B The distinguishing feature of joint tenancy is that it includes the right of survivorship.
This means that, although a joint tenant may sever a joint tenancy during herlhis life-
time, if s/he dies without doing so, herlhis interest passes to surviving joint tenants. The
result is that unless the joint tenancy is severed by one of the joint tenants, the joint ten-
ant who lives the longest will become the holder of the combined interests of all the
original joint tenants. In order to give effect to this principle, it is understood that upon
the death of one of the joint tenants, herlhis share passes to the remaining joint tenants,
increasing the fractional shares which they hold in joint tenancy. Since a will speaks
only upon the death of the testatrix, Ada's purported devise to Connie did not occur dur-
ing Ada's life and, therefore, could not sever the joint tenancy. As a result, Beatrix and
Connie continue to be joint tenants, the share ofeach being increased from one third to
one half.

A and C are incorrect because Beatrix and Connie continue to be joint tenants for the
reason given above. D is incorrect because Ada could not sever the joint tenancy by
will, and her interest, therefore, will be divided equally between Beatrix and Connie, the
surviving joint tenants.

46. D If a joint tenant sells her interest, she severs the joint tenancy as to her interest, but not
as to the interests of the other joint tenants. Nuco, therefore, acquired a one-third inter-
est in the realty, but as a tenantin common. Ada and Connie continued to be jointten-
ants as to their two one-third interests.

A is incorrect because Nuco is a tenant in common. B and C are incorrect because Bea-

trix and Connie are joint tenants.

47. C Ordinarily, a co-tenant has a right to occupy and possess the premises without being
required to account to other co-tenants for rent. A co-tenant who has ousted another co-
tenant or prevented her from occupying the premises may be required to account for
profits and the reasonable value of rent, however.

A contains a familiar phrase, but is not related in any way to the rights and obligations
which arise from c04enancy. B is incorrect because a co-tenant is not obligated to sell
her interest, and no new obligations arise from her failure to do so. The construction of
permanent buildings on the land may increase the value of the interests of other co-ten-
ants, but does not obligate the co-tenant who builds them to account for rent. D is, there-
fore, incorrect.

48. B Ordinarily, a co-tenant is not required to account to other co-tenants for profits taken
from the realty. Connie, therefore, did not have a right to a share of Ada's profits from
farming the land. Since a quitclaim conveys only the right which the grantor held, Pearl
did not acquire such a right.

A is incorrect because a quitclaim does transfer the grantor's right (except that the
grantee of a joint tenant takes as a tenant in common). Sale by a joint tenant of her inter-
est severs the joint tenancy, so C is a correct statement of the law - a joint tenant's
right of survivorship is not alienable. C is not a correct answer, however, because the
right of survivorship is not related to the right to a share of the profits earned by a co-
tenant. Since the law regarding the right to a share is the same for joint tenants as for
tenants in common, D is also incorrect.

49. D Ordinarily an adverse possessor of realty acquires title only to that portion of the realty
which he actually occupied and possessed. One who occupies any portion of a parcel of
realty under "color of title" (i.e., pursuant to a written instrument which appears to con-
vey title), however, is said to occupy it all. Since Poser openly, notoriously, hostilely,
and continuously occupied a portion of Sellacre for the statutory period under color of
the title conveyed by the sheriff's deed, he has acquired title to that entire parcel of
realty by adverse possession.

Although the document under which Poser believed himself to have title proved to be
defective, A is incorrect because of the interest which he acquired by adverse posses-
sion. B is incorrect because he occupied a portion of the realty under color of title.
Although possession of part of the premises under color of title may result in acquisition
of title to the whole, the general rule is that the adverse possessor may only acquire title
to that portion of the premises. which he has actually occupied. C is, therefore, incorrect.

50. A A conveyance is recorded outside the chain of title if a reasonable search of the chain of
title to the realty conveyed would not disclose that it occurred. A tract index identifies
parcels of realty by number and enables a title searcher to trace the chain of title by
searching for transactions involving realty identified by the appropriate number. By
using a tract index to search for transactions involving Leafacre's parcel number, a title
searcher would discover that Leafacre had been conveyed by Apple to Banner and by
Banner to Compton. Without a tract index, a title searcher traces the chain of title by

searching for transactions involving appropriate grantees and grantors. Without a tract
index, a title searcher would have no way of determining that the realty conveyed by
Apple to Banner and by Banner to Compton was Leafacre, because Ostend's convey-
ance of Leafacre to Apple had never been recorded, and so there was nothing in the
record to connect Apple with Leafacre. Thus, the conveyance from Apple to Banner
was recorded outside the chain of title. For the purpose of determining priorities under a
recording statute, a conveyance outside the chain of title is treated as an unrecorded
conveyance. Under the statute, no conveyance of realty is effective against a subsequent
purchaser without notice of it unless it was recorded. Since the deed from Apple to Ban-
ner is treated as unrecorded, neither it nor the subsequent deed from Banner to Compton
(which is also out of the chain of title) is effective against Zieman, who purchased with-
out notice.

Recording statutes determine the priority of interests. Under the statute given, Apple's
conveyance to Banner and Banner's conveyance to Compton are not effective against
Zieman for the reasons given above, and, as a result, Zieman's interest takes priority
over Compton's. This does not mean, however, that Apple did not have the power to
convey the realty. If Ostend purported to sell to a purchaser who had notice of Ostend's
previous conveyance to Apple, for example, Apple's conveyance to Banner would have
been effective against that purchaser. For this reason, B is incorrect. Intentional misrep-
resentation by Ostend might make Ostend liable in tort for damages, but does not affect
the rights of Compton and Zieman as against each other. C is, therefore, incorrect. Since
Zieman is seeking to establish that his title is superior to Compton's, knowledge by
Compton's predecessor is not relevant. D is, therefore, incorrect.

51. C An easement is an interest in realty. A license is permission to use realty. An interest in

realty cannot be conveyed except by written instrument. Thus, the oral permission
which Docker gave Fischer could not have created an easement, and must have created
a license. Unless consideration is given for it, a license to use realty is revokable at will
by the licensor or his successor. In most jurisdictions, a license automatically terminates
when the realty is sold by the licensor. In those jurisdictions, Fischer's license termi-
nated upon Docker's sale to Ballantine. In a few jurisdictions, a license survives the sale
of the realty, but if it was a revokable license, it remains revokable. Since Fischer did
not give consideration for the license, it was revokable, and if it survived the sale to Bal-
lantine, it was effectively revoked when Ballantine ordered Fischer off the property.

A is incorrect because knowledge by a grantee that the grantor created a license to use
the realty does not cause the license to survive the sale. B and D are incorrect because
the oral permission could not have resulted in any easement. D is also incorrect because
an easement appurtenant does survive the sale of the servient estate.

52. B A remainder is a grantee's future interest which will become possessory upon the termi-
nation of a prior estate which is certain to terminate. If the remainder is not subject to
any conditions precedent other than the event which terminates the prior estate, it is said
to be vested. If it is subject to an additional condition precedent, it is said to be contin-
gent. Since Bob will surely die, the termination of Bob's life estate is inevitable, and
Sol's interest is a remainder. Since there are no other conditions precedent to Sol's inter-
est becoming possessory, it is a vested remainder. Since the gift is to be shared by all of
Bob's children, however, the interest which Sol receives will be diminished if Bob has

any more children before his death. It is thus subject to partial divestment.

A is incorrect because there is no condition which would. result in complete divestment

of Sol's interest. A gift to an unborn person is usually regarded as contingent (i.e., upon
her birth). For this reason, Sol's interest at the time of Torrey's death could be described
as a contingent remainder. When Sol was born, however, the contingency was satisfied,
and his interest became vested (subject to partial divestment). C is, therefore, incorrect.
D is incorrect because Sol had a vested remainder subject to partial divestment.

53. A Ordinarily, a tenant who abandons the premises before the expiration of the lease is lia-
ble for rent for the balance of the term.

The lease may reserve to the landlord the right to terminate the tenancy and re-enter in
the event of non-payment, but B is incorrect because this is alternative to the right to
collect rent, not the source of it. A landlord who elects to terminate the tenancy, will not
be entitled to collect rent for the balance of the term. C is incorrect, however, because a
landlord may elect not to terminate, as did Lardner, and hold the tenant for rent. D is
incorrect because neither party to a lease may avoid obligations under it merely by giv-
ing notice, unless the lease so provides.

54. B In determining the extent of the estate conveyed and the restrictions to which it is sub-
ject, the courts look to the deed which conveyed it. If there is a disagreement between
the contract of sale and the conveyance, the language of the conveyance prevails.
Although the Statute of Frauds requires the transfer of an interest in realty to be in writ-
ing and signed by the party to be charged, most courts hold that accepting and recording
a conveyance containing restrictions in the use of the land conveyed binds the grantee to
those restrictions even though he did not sign the deed in which they appeared or agree
to them in the contract of sale.

The operation of a commercial cannery next to a residence might constitute a private

nuisance, depending on the character of the neighborhood and the way in which the can-
nery is operated. A is incorrect, however, because such an operation is not necessarily a
nuisance. C is incorrect because the restriction in the deed is controlling. D is incorrect
because Benedict accepted and recorded the deed.

55. B Under the Rule Against Perpetuities, no interest is good unless it must vest, if at all,
within a period measured by a life or lives in being plus twenty-one years. Options to
purchase realty are required to meet the requirements of the Rule Against Perpetuities
unless they are attached to a lease or other interest in the realty held by the optionee.
Since the option purports to convey a right to purchase at a time beyond the period pre-
scribed by the Rule, it is void.

A and C are incorrect because notice, whether actual or constructive (i.e., by recording),
does not make valid an interest which violated the Rule. D is incorrect because the
option violates the Rule Against Perpetuities.

56. B The contract called for delivery of "all the realty." The statute provides for abatement of
the price if any of the realty subject to a contract of sale is removed prior to closing.
Since the stone surfacer was removed prior to closing, Bannister is entitled to abatement

of the price if the stone surfacer was realty. Realty is generally defined as land or any-
thing permanently attached to the land. According to another definition, realty is non-
movable property. A fixture is a chattel which has become part of the realty. In deciding
whether a chattel has become part of the realty, the phrases "permanently attached" and
"non-movable" are not always helpful, because, with the right equipment just about
anything can be moved. For this reason, in deciding whether a chattel is a fixture which
has become part of the realty, courts usually look to the intentions of the parties. Since
the permission which Patron gave Sculpin was oral and not in return for consideration,
it was probably a revocable license. It is doubtful that the holder of a revocable license
would bring an expensive piece of equipment onto the licensor's realty with the inten-
tion that it would become a permanent part of the realty. For this reason, a court is likely
to hold that the stone surfacer was not a fixture and therefore not part of the realty. It is
clear, however, that if it was found to be part of the realty, Bannister would be entitled to
abatement of the price under the statute. B is, therefore, correct.

A is incorrect because if it was not Sculpin's intention that the stone surfacer become
part of the realty, the fact that its weight made it difficult to move would not make it a
fixture. C is incorrect because if the stone surfacer was realty, Bannister is entitled to
abatement under the statute even though Sculpin's removal of it was not wrongful. Dis
incorrect because if Sculpin intended the stone surfacer to be part of the realty, the fact
that it was not physically fastened to the ground would not prevent it from being a fix-

57. C Under the recording statute given, Campbell's interest is superior to Prospect's only if
Campbell was without notice of Prospect's interest. While Campbell lacked actual
notice or constructive notice that would have resulted from a recording of Prospect's
interest, he is said to be on "inquiry notice" (i.e., constructive notice) of the interests of
any person whose possession would have been disclosed by a reasonable inspection of
the realty.

A is pure fabrication, offered as bait for those who so doubt their own knowledge that
they are tempted to select the unfamiliar. It is incorrect because there is no Federal Min-
ing Act which is relevant to determining the rights of those who hold unrecorded inter-
ests in realty. In B, the word "unless" indicates that the only way prospect's interest
could possibly be superior to Campbell's would be if he acquired title by adverse pos-
session. B is incorrect because Campbell's "inquiry notice" is enough to make Pros-
pect's interest superior to Campbell's even without adverse possession. D is incorrect
because Bostoria's knowledge is not relevant to the rights of Campbell and Prospect as
against each other.

58. B A quitclaim deed resembles a release, since it purports to convey only the interest which
the grantor holds at the time of its execution. It includes no implied warranties for title,
so the grantor incurs no liability if the title that he held proves less than perfect.

This is true even if the grantor knew that this title was defective at the time the quitclaim
was executed, A is, therefore, incorrect. Whether or not Bostoria gave value for the
realty is not relevant in determining the effect of Bostoria's conveyance to Campbell,
since an interest in realty may be acquired without payment of consideration. Cis,
therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because a quitclaim does not imply a promise by the

grantor to act reasonably.

59. C A deed does not effectively convey an interest in realty until it has been "delivered" to
the grantee. Delivery to one tenant in common is usually regarded as delivery to all. If
the deed named Olivera and Niles as tenants in common, it can be successfully argued
that possession by Olivera indicates delivery to her as a grantee, which would satisfy the
requirement of delivery to Niles, her co-tenant. While it is not certain that a court would
come to this conclusion, C is the only one of the additional facts listed which could pos-
sibly support Niles's claim.

Delivery of a deed may occur even though the deed is not physically placed in the
grantee's hands, but only if there is some act by which the grantor manifests the inten-
tion to make the deed presently effective. In A, Olivera's words simply indicate her
intention that the transfer not take effect until her death. A is therefore incorrect. B is
incorrect because the fact that Niles was out of the country on the day Olivera executed
the deed does not indicate anything about her state of mind when she executed it. D is
incorrect because when the deed was signed is irrelevant in determining the intent of the

60. C Title to realty does not pass by deed unless the deed is delivered to the grantee while the
grantor is alive. In order for delivery to occur, the grantor must perform some act which
manifests an intention for the conveyance to be presently effective. Usually, this is done
by physically placing the deed in the grantee's hands. Although this is not the only
available method of delivery, it is apparently the one which Sandra chose, since she
instructed her chauffeur Chapel to bring the deed to Nancy. Since Chapel was Sandra's
employee, however, Sandra retained the right and power to change her mind and
instruct him not to give the deed to Nancy, or even to tear it up. Since she retained this
control over the deed, it might be concluded that she never manifested an intention to
make a presently effective transfer. While it is not certain that a court would come to
this conclusion, C is the only argument listed which could possibly be effective in oppo-
sition to Nancy's claim.

Although physical delivery to the grantee is a common way of manifesting the intention
to make a presently effective transfer, A is incorrect because it is not the only way.
Recording statutes determine the priority of interests in realty, but do not determine the
validity of those interests. For this reason, a valid transfer of realty can occur without
recording. B is, therefore, incorrect. An attempted testamentary substitute is a living
person's attempt to make a disposition of property after her death without complying
with the statutory formalities required for wills. The law regards these formalities as so
important that an attempt to make a testamentary disposition without them is usually
invalid. D is incorrect, however, because if the deed had been delivered to Nancy prior
to Sandra's death, it would have been effective immediately, and would thus have been
an inter vivos transfer rather than a testamentary disposition.

61. C Title by adverse possession results from the operation of a statute of limitations which
prevents an action to recover possession from being brought after a specified period of
time. But the statute does not begin to run against a potential plaintiff until he has a pos-
sessory right in the realty. Since Roberts had no right to possession during the life of
Linville, the statute did not begin running against him until Linville's death. Since Lin-

ville did have a possessory interest at the time Benson's occupancy began, the statutory
period ran against Linville. As a result, Benson had probably acquired Linville's interest
by adverse possession. Since Linville's interest was a life estate, however, Benson's
interest terminated upon Linville's death.

A is incorrect, since "hostile" means against the right of the owner. Possession without
the owner's permission is hostile. B is incorrect because "open and notorious" means in
full view of the world, and does not require that the owner have actual krl0wledge. D is
a fabrication which lacks any meaning at all. IIi any event, "tacking" refers to one
adverse possessor's getting credit for a previous adverse possessor's time.

62. D Depending on the law of the jurisdiction, the "husband" to whom Tillie's will refers is
either Fred, to whom she was married when the will was executed, or Sam, to whom she
was married when she died. Under the Rule Against Perpetuities, no interest is good
unless it must vest, if at all, within a period measured by. a life or lives in being plus
twenty-one years. A will is effective upon the death of the testatrix. If the will gave a
life estate to Fred, the rights of the children and grandchildren vested immediately upon
Tillie's death, since Fred is already dead. Since this is within the period described by the
Rule Against Perpetuities, their interests are valid. If the will gave a life estate to Sam,
the interests of the children and grandchildren will vest upon the death of Sam. Since
this is within the period described by the Rule Against Perpetuities, their interests are

If a class to which an interest in realty is given can be determined at the time the interest
vests, the interest is valid even though the class could not be determined when the inter-
est was created. If the will left a life estate to Fred, A is obviously incorrect since the
size of the class was already determined when the interest was created (i.e., on the death
of Tillie). If the will left a life estate to Sam the only grandchildren who will take are
those born to a child of Tillie's who dies before Sam. Since the deceased child could not
have any children after his/her own death, the class of grandchildren who will receive
the substitutionary gift can be determined at the time the interest vests. A, therefore,
would still be incorrect. Since a will is effective upon the death of the testatrix, the inter-
ests devised by Tillie's will were created when Tillie died. Since she could not marry
after her death, B is incorrect. If the will left a life estate to Sam, the interests of
Charles's children will vest only if Charles dies before Sam. Since Charles's life and
Sam's life were both in being when the interest was created (i.e., when Tillie died), the
interests will vest, if at all, during a period measured by a life or lives in being. Cis,
therefore, incorrect.

63. D Frequently deeds contain language restricting the way the realty conveyed may be used.
Such language may help to define the estate conveyed by imposing a condition which
limits the possessory right of the grantee, or it may simply create a contractual obliga-
tion between the grantor and the grantee. A conveyance of realty in fee simple transfers
absolute ownership, subject to any limitations which appear in the conveyance. A fee
simple may be restricted by language which makes it determinable, or which subjects it
to defeasance upon the happening of a condition subsequent, or which subjects it to an
executory limitation. If the language indicates that the grantor will automatically get the
realty back upon the happening of a stated event, it creates a fee simple determinable. If
the language indicates that the grantor has a right to do something to get the realty back

upon the happening of a stated event, it creates a fee simple subject to defeasance upon
the happening of a condition subsequent. On the other hand, restrictive language in a
deed may simply create a contract between the grantor and the grantee, which, if
breached by the grantee entitles the grantor to damages. Usually, courts hold that the
restrictive language creates nothing more than a contract unless it specifically provides
for termination of the grantee's estate in the event the restrictions are violated. Since the
language of the restriction in Monty's deed to Wilson does not specifically provide for
the termination of Wilson's estate in the event that the realty is used for purposes other
than residential, it probably created no more than a contractual obligation. While it is
not certain that a court would come to this conclusion, D is the only answer listed which
could possibly be correct.

An executory limitation gives a future interest to someone other than the grantor, and so
if the language in the deed created an executory limitation it would not result in judg-
ment for Monty. B is incorrect because the violation of a covenant contained in a deed is
not sufficient to divest the grantee of the realty. C is incorrect because the Rule Against
Perpetuities is not applicable to the interest of a grantor.

64. B A grantee's future interest which will become possessory upon the termination of a prior
estate is either a remainder or an executory interest. If termination of the prior estate is
inevitable, the interest which follows it is a remainder. The remainder is contingent if
there is a condition precedent to it other than termination of the prior estate. If termina-
tion of the prior estate is not inevitable, the interest which follows it is an executory
interest. Under the language of the will, the estate of "my children" will not terminate
unless Morris lives another thirty years. Since this is not inevitable, Morris's interest is
executory. Under the Rule Against Perpetuities, no interest is good unless it must vest, if
at all, within a period measured by a life or lives in being plus twenty-one years. Since
Morris's interest will vest, if at all, during Morris's lifetime, his executory interest is

D is, therefore, incorrect. Morris's interest is not a remainder since the prior estate will
not terminate unless Morris lives another thirty years, and this is not inevitable. A and C
are, therefore, incorrect.

65. C In order for a burden imposed by a deed restriction to be applied to the grantee's (cove-
nantor's) successor, it must be one which runs with the land. A burden runs with the
land if it touches and concerns the land, and if there is privity of estate between the cov-
enantor and his successor as well as between the covenantor and the covenantee (the
original grantor) and if the parties so intended. A restriction touches and concerns the
burdened land if only the possessor of that land can comply with it. It touches and con-
cerns the benefitted land if the benefit of the restriction is directly tied to the land. In this
case, the building restriction touches and concerns the land because it affects the value
of the lot in question and of the surrounding land, and because only the holder of the
burdened land can comply with it. The necessary privity exists because Feldman pur-
chased from Zevon, and because Zevon purchased from Owen. The language indicates
that the parties intended the covenant to run. It, therefore, may be enforced against Feld-

A is incorrect because zoning laws only supersede deed restrictions when those zoning

laws are more restrictive than the deed restrictions. B is incorrect because if the burden
runs with the land, a successor to the covenantor is bound by the covenantor's promise.
D is a fabrication, with no basis in law.

66. D Ordinarily, a covenant cannot be used to benefit lands owned by third persons. Since the
land in Towne Estates is no longer owned by Owen, the restrictions contained in deeds
to lots in Towne Heights would not, therefore, be enforceabk by residents of Towne
Estates. If, however, it can be shown that when residents of Towne Estates purchased
their lots it was with the expectation that similar restrictions would be imposed on sub-
sequent purchasers of lots in Towne Heights, they will be permitted to enforce the cove-
nants made by Towne Heights purchasers on a theory of implied reciprocal servitudes.
The best way of establishing this expectation is by showing that Towne Estates was part
of a common development scheme with Towne Heights.

A is incorrect, since the lack of privity between residents in Towne Heights and those in
Towne Estates would prevent the restriction from being enforceable by residents of
Towne Estates. Although B might result in burdens being imposed on purchasers of lots
in Towne Heights, it would not make the restrictions enforceable by residents of Towne
Estates. B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because such a clause would only bind
the grantees of the deeds, but would not burden successors to those grantees, since there
will be no privity between them and the residents of Town Estates.

67. C The recording statute provides that a conveyance which has not yet been recorded is not
effective against a subsequent purchaser for value.. Since Harriet purchased before Gar-
land recorded, Garland's title was inferior to Harriet's. Since Harriet's quitclaim to Ira
conveyed whatever interest Harriet had, the interest which Ira received (i.e., Harriet's)
was superior to Garland's. Since Ira's purchase occurred before Garland recorded, the
conveyance from Oliver to Garland is not effective against Ira.

The effect of the recording statute is that a conveyance is not effective against a subse-
quent purchaser unless it was recorded prior to that purchase. Since Ira purchased on
April 15 and Garland did not record until April 16, Garland's deed is not effective
against Ira. A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because the statute does not require
that the subsequent purchaser be without notice. Although recording statutes determine
the priority of interests to realty, they do notdetermine the rights which exist between a
grantor and grantee. It is not accurate to say that Garland received no rights until he
recorded, because the conveyance by Oliver gave him rights at least against Oliver. Dis,
therefore, incorrect.

68. C An easement is in gross if it is created for the benefit of a grantee in a status other than
that of an owner of a specific piece of realty. Since this easement was created for the
benefit of the phone company rather than for the owner of a specific parcel of realty, it
was in gross. It is generally understood that commercial easements in gross may be
alienated, so long as such alienation does not increase the burden on the servient estate.

Although the statement in A is accurate, it is inapplicable and therefore incorrect

because an easement appurtenant is one which is created for the benefit of a grantee in a
status as owner of a specific piece of land. B is incorrect because non-commercial ease-
ments in gross are generally held to be inalienable. Even if it were an accurate state-

ment, D would not result in Oren's defeat. It is not an accurate statement since Oren
sold the subdivision before he created the easement.

69. C A covenant against encumbrances is a grantor's promise that the title conveyed is free
from liens. If a lien exists when the covenant is made (i.e., on delivery of the deed),
there is a breach which entitles the grantee to damages. Olive's satisfaction of the mort-
gage cut off any rights to the realty which Loner had. Thus, although there has been a
breach of covenant, Penny has sustained no actual damages. Most jurisdictions would
allow recovery of nominal damages,however.

A is incorrect because the appropriate remedy for breach of the covenant against
encumbrances is an action for damages. B is incorrect because the covenant which was
contained in the deed was not breached until the deed was delivered. There was a
breach, though, because the encumbrance existed at the time when Olive delivered the
deed. D is, therefore, incorrect.

70. A The fact that a plaintiff has an adequate remedy against a third person is no defense for
a defendant against whom the plaintiff has an otherwise enforceable right.

B might be an effective defense because most jurisdictions hold that the requirement of
privity makes covenant against encumbrances enforceable only by the grantee of the
deed containing that covenant. In many jurisdictions, the existence of an encumbrance
which is known to the grantee is not a breach of the covenant against encumbrances. C
might be an effective defense since Loner's mortgage was recorded prior to Penny's
interest. Quentin was, therefore, on notice of it. D is an effective defense since a statute
of limitations on actions for breach of covenant contained in a deed begins to run upon
delivery of the deed containing the covenant.

71. B Unless a contrary intention is shown, a conveyance to two or more persons is presumed
to create a tenancy in common. Tenants in common are obligated to share in the pay-
ment of principal, interest, and real estate taxes. II is, therefore, correct.

Although co-tenants are required to share in the costs of maintenance, I is an inaccurate

statement because in the absence of a specific agreement they are not required to share
in the costs of improvements. III is an inaccurate statement because, unless he has
ousted (i.e., denied possession to) his co-tenants, a tenant in possession is not required
to account to co-tenants for the rental value of the property occupied.

72. D In the absence of an agreement to the contrary, the seller of realty is required to deliver
marketable title. A, B, and C are, therefore, incorrect.

73. D In jurisdictions which recognize tenancy by the entirety, a conveyance to a husband and
wife is presumed to create a tenancy by the entirety in the absence of a contrary inten-

A, B, and C are incorrect because only persons who are validly married to each other
may hold land as tenants by the entirety.

74. A Marketable title is generally a title that a reasonable buyer, fully informed of the facts

and their legal significance, would be willing to accept. It is often impossible to tell in
advance whether a third person's claim to an interest in realty will be successful. Since
the reasonable buyer is not usually willing to purchase an interest which slbe may lose
in later litigation, title is not marketable if anything could give a third person a reason-
able chance of successfully asserting a claim to an interest in the realty. Thus, the title
tendered by Iris was marketable only if there was no reasonable doubt about the success
or validity of a claim which might then be asserted by persons claiming under Dotty,
Dotty's children, or Dotty's grandchildren. Frances and Gala were joint tenants, who
have the right of survivorship. Thus, Gala received Frances's interest upon Frances's
death, and Frances's attempt to will her interest was ineffective. As a result, Mary
received an unclouded title from Gala, and since a quitclaim conveys the grantor's inter-
est, Iris received an unclouded title from Mary. While there is nothing to prevent the
assertion of a lawsuit by Dotty, her children, her grandchildren, or persons claiming
under them, there is no reasonable chance of success for such a lawsuit. The title which
Iris tendered to Presley is, thus, marketable, and Presley's refusal to accept it was a

B is incorrect, since if the title was unmarketable, Presley would not be required to buy
a lawsuit by accepting any deed at all from Iris. A quitclaim conveys whatever interest
the grantor holds. C is, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because the effect of a joint
tenant's right of survivorship is that the interest of a joint tenant cannot be devised by

75. D Assignment of a leasehold interest occurs when the holder of the interest transfers to
another all that remains of herlhis interest. Sublease of a leasehold interest occurs when
the holder of the interest transfers part but not all of herlhis remaining interest. Since
Tallen transferred all of his remaining interest to Anne, he made an assignment. The
lease prohibited subletting. Because courts favor the free alienation of interests in land,
contractual restraints on alienation are strictly construed. For this reason, a clause which
prohibits subletting does not prohibit assignment.

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is an incorrect statement of the rule; assignment of a lease is

permitted in the absence of an agreement to the contrary. Even if the lease contained an
express reservation of the landlord's right to terminate in the event of a breach, Larson
could not terminate Anne's leasehold since Tallen's assignment did not breach his
agreement not to sublet. C is, therefore, incorrect.

76. A Since the parties to the assignment agreement intended that payments be made by Acme
to Bilder, Bilder was a third party beneficiary of the assignment agreement, and can
enforce it against Acme. I is, therefore, correct. Unless released by the obligee, a party
to a lease, like a party to any other contract, continues to be responsible for performance
of the obligations thereunder even after assigning rights or delegating duties which exist
under the lease. This is true even if the lease permits assignment and even if the obligee
consents to the assignment. II is incorrect because Bilder has not released Tennyson
from his obligations under the lease and, therefore, can still collect from Tennyson.

77. B Although all of the statements might be logical ways of solving this problem, the law is
clear that a life tenant is required to pay interest - to the extent of the reasonable rental
value of the realty - and a remainderman is required to pay principle.

A, C, and D are, therefore, incorrect.

78. D So long as a description is sufficient to identify the realty conveyed, it is legally ade-
quate, even though it contains some error with respect to the size of the parcel. Since
Ogden owned only one parcel of realty on Barrett Road, description (1) can only iden-
tify one parcel, and is, thus adequate.

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is mcorrect because delivery occurred when Ogden handed
the deed to Edward, telling him that it was a birthday present. The fact that Edward
returned it to Ogden is not relevant, since he only asked Ogden to hold it for safe-keep-
ing. C is incorrect because there is no requirement that a deed be supported by consider-
ation, and because once the deed was delivered, there was an executed gift.

79. A A description in a deed is legally sufficient if it adequately identifies the realty being
conveyed. Thus, although the description used by Ogden is not in the traditional form, it
is legally sufficient if it adequately identifies the subject realty.

Where a deed purports to convey a portion of a parcel of realty by a description which

clearly states the amount of land conveyed but does not adequately describe it, it is
sometimes held that the deed conveys an unidentified fractional portion of the parcel. B
is incorrect, however, if the description adequately identifies the realty being conveyed.
Although metes and bounds and reference to government survey markers are the most
commonly used forms of description, C is incorrect because they are not the only
acceptable forms. D is a fabrication with no basis in existing law and is, therefore,

80. A Under the doctrine of equitable conversion, the risk of loss passes to the buyer of real
estate as soon as the contract is made. On the day of the loss, Bennet thus had an insur-
able interest as defined by the statute.

Although various jurisdictions disagree about when the risk of loss passes in a sale of
realty, all agree that if a party causes a loss, he bears the risks which result from it. For
this reason, ifthe fire resulted from Bennet's negligence, he probably bore the risk of
loss. B is incorrect, however, because it indicates that this is the only way Bennet would
bear the risk of loss, and, under the doctrine of equitable conversion the risk of loss fell
upon him as soon as the contract of sale was formed. Under the doctrine of equitable
conversion, as soon as the contract of sale is formed, the risk of loss passes to the pur-
chaser, despite the fact that the seller continues to be the legal owner until the closing of
title. C is, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because the statute recognizes that an
insurable interest is held by the person suffering the risk of loss, and the doctrine of
equitable conversion passes the risk to the buyer when the contract is formed.

81. C All jurisdictions agree that a party who damages realty bears the risk of the resulting
loss. This means that since the destruction of the premises resulted from Bennet's negli-
gence, he will not be relieved of his obligations under the contract.

A and B are, therefore, incorrect. D might be correct if the damage did not result from
the fault of either party, but is incorrect because the damage resulted from Bennet's neg-


82. D A remainder interest is vested if there are no conditions precedent to its becoming pos-
sessory other than the termination of the prior estate. If there are additional conditions
precedent, the remainder is contingent. Since it is inevitable that Michael will die, and
since there are no conditions precedent to the interests of Alvin and Betty, their interests
are vested. It is possible, however, that Michael will have additional children. If so,
Alvin and Betty will share in the realty, but their shares will be diminished. Their inter-
ests are therefore subject to partial divestment.

A is incorrect, since there are no conditions precedent to the vesting of their interests. B
is incorrect because of the possible partial defeasance described above. C is incorrect,
because although their shares may be diminished, they will receive some share.

83. A An easement created by express grant is not affected by the fact that the reason for its
creation no longer exists.

B is incorrect because the rights of third persons are not relevant in the consideration of
easement disputes between landholders. C is based on an accurate statement of the law
about implied easements by necessity, but is incorrect because the easement in question
was created by grant, and was, therefore, not an implied easement by necessity. Since
the three-story building is to be a one-family residence, its existence will not apprecia-
bly increase the burden on the servient estate. D is, therefore, incorrect.

84. D The law does not recognize an easement for light, air, or view, unless it was created by
express grant.

A and B are, therefore, incorrect. C suggests an estoppel theory, but an easement by

estoppel exists only where there is evidence of an attempt to create an express easement
which attempt failed for formal reasons. Since the facts indicate no attempt to create an
express easement for light, air, or view, C is incorrect.

85. C Absent an agreement to the contrary, a contract for the sale of realty calls for the execu-
tion and delivery of whatever deed is customarily used in the area. Thus, if the use of
general warranty deeds is customary, Oxford's tender of a quitclaim was a breach which
would excuse Perk from performance.

A is incorrect because the creation of a power of attorney to sell realty implies the
power to contract for whatever deeds are customarily used in the area. Quitclaims are
not customarily used anywhere, except under special circumstances. A quitclaim con-
veys whatever title the grantor held at the time it was executed, and thus conveys mar-
ketable title if the grantor held same. B is incorrect, however, because even if title is
marketable, a quitclaim does not give a grantee recourse against the grantor if problems
should develop, and because the contract implied a promise to deliver the kind of deed
customarily in the area. D is incorrect because a quitclaim conveys valid title if the
grantor held valid title.

86. A Under the doctrine of equitable conversion a purchaser of realty becomes its equitable
owner as soon as the sales contract is formed, and suffers the risk of loss resulting from

damage to the premises prior to the passage of title. Thus, in a jurisdiction which applies
the doctrine of equitable conversion, the loss would be suffered by Baxton. He is, there-
fore, obligated to pay the full contract price in spite of the fact that the value of the
realty has been diminished through no fault of his own.

B, C, and D are, therefore, incorrect.

87. B In most jurisdictions which do not apply the doctrine of equitable conversion, the risk of
loss remains with the vendor until the traIlsfer of either title to. or possession of the pre-
mises. If Baxton was living in the house at the time of the fire, his possession would,
therefore, result in passage of the risk of loss to him. Although a minority of jurisdic-
tions disagree, B is the only additional fact listed which could result in that finding in
any jurisdiction.

Although some states hold that a purchaser of realty acquires an insurable interest as
soon as the sales contract is formed, his purchase of insurance does not cause the risk of
loss to pass to him. A is, therefore, incorrect. If destruction of the house was foreseeable
when the contract was formed, a party might be prevented from asserting a defense
based on impossibility of performance. If the risk of loss did not pass to the buyer, how-
ever, the fact that such loss was foreseeable would not affect his right to cancel the con-
tract or to abate the purchase price in proportion to the damage. C is, therefore,
incorrect. Even if the risk of loss has not passed to the purchaser, the vendor in a con-
tract for the sale of real property is entitled to enforce it against the purchaser so long'-as
damage to the premises does not materially affect its value. D is incorrect, however,
because even under those circumstances, the purchaser is entitled to a proportional
abatement of the contract price.

88. C A remainder is a grantee's future interest which is to become possessory after the termi-
nation of a prior interest which will inevitably terminate. An executory interest is a
grantee's future interest which follows an interest which will not inevitably terminate.
Since the interest of the National Cancer Association was to become possessory only if
Greenacre was used for the sale of alcohol, and since this event is not inevitable, the
interest of the National Cancer Association must be executory. A and D are, therefore,
incorrect. Under the Rule Against Perpetuities no interest is good unless it must vest, if
at all, within a period measured by a life or lives in being plus twenty-one years. Since
Greenacre might not be used for the sale of alcohol until after the expiration of the
period of perpetuities, and since the interest of the National Cancer Association will not
vest until that time, its interest is void under the Rule Against Perpetuities. [Note: An
exception to the Rule Against Perpetuities is made for a shift from one charity to
another. This exception does not apply in this case since Agnes is not a charity.] Cis,
therefore, correct, and A is, therefore, incorrect. [Note: The common law "destructibil-
ity rule" resulted in a merger of a present possessory interest and a future interest held
by the same person, even if there were intervening contingent remainders. Although the
question indicates that the jurisdiction has abolished the destructibility rule, its exist-
ence or non- existence has no application to these facts.]

89. B A grant to a named grantee "and his heirs" traditionally conveys a fee interest. A fee
simple determinable on special limitation is a fee interest which will terminate automat-
ically upon the happening of a specified contingency. The grant of a fee followed by the

word "until" is usually held to create a fee simple determinable, because the language
indicates that the grantee's interest will not continue beyond the happening of the speci-
fied contingency.

A fee simple absolute is a possessory interest which includes all present and future
interests in the realty. A is incorrect because the grant limits the interest of Antoine,
making it terminate upon the happening of a specified event. A life estate is a posses-
sory interest in realty which will terminate at the end of a specified life. Since the inter-
est conveyed to Antoine by the deed will not terminate arthe end of a specified life, it is
not a life estate. The law does not recognize any interest known as a "quasi life estate."
C is, therefore, incorrect. Under the Rule Against Perpetuities no interest is good unless
it must vest if at all within a period of time measured by a life or lives in being plus
twenty-one years. Since the interest of Borsell would not vest until the United States
went to war with the Republic of Platano, and since this could have occurred hundreds
of years after the conveyance was made, Borsell's interest was void under the Rule
Against Perpetuities. The fact that a portion of a grant is void under the Rule Against
Perpetuities, however, does not affect the validity of other interests created by that
grant. For this reason, and because Antoine's interest vested immediately, D is incorrect.

90. C If the location of an easement is precisely indicated by a written instrument such as the
deed which created it, neither the holder of the dominant estate nor the holder of the ser-
vient estate may relocate it without the consent of the other. Sometimes, the fact that the
holder of an easement has stopped using it for a substantial period of time justifies the
conclusion that he has abandoned it. This always requires some additional evidence of
an intent to abandon, however. Ordinarily, two months is not a sufficient length of time
to indicate abandonment, and, since there is no additional evidence of Arcturo's intent
to abandon the easement, his use of the paved road for two months does not imply con-
sent to a relocation. Since this easement was described by metes and bounds in the deed
which created it, and since Arcturo has not. consented to its relocation, it continues to
exist in its original location. Since the holder of the servient estate is not permitted to
interfere with the easement holder's use of the easement, Arcturo is entitled to the relief
which he seeks.

Although an implied easement by necessity terminates when the strict necessity for it
terminates, an easement created by express grant does not terminate without abandon-
ment, consent, or condemnation. A is incorrect because Arctufo's easement was created
not by implication, but by grant. When the dominant and servient estates come to be
owned by the same person, there is said to be a merger, and preexisting easements
which the dominant estate held over the servient estate are extinguished. B is incorrect,
however, because after Arcturo's easement was created, Arcturo's lot was the dominant
estate and Parcels I and 2 were the servient estates, and the dominant and servient
estates were not owned by the same person. An easement which directly benefits
another parcel of realty (e.g., a right-of-way for ingress and egress) is an easement
appurtenant. An easement which benefits an individual regardless of his relationship to
another parcel of realty (e.g., a power company's right to install power lines) is an ease-
ment in gross. Easements appurtenant are freely alienable; easements in gross are not. D
is incorrect for three reasons: first, Arcturo's easement was an easement appurtenant;
second, easements in gross are not freely alienable; and, third, the case raises no issue
regarding alienability.

91. B A deed does not operate to convey any interest in land until it has been delivered. Phys-
ical transfer of a deed which is absolute on its face constitutes a delivery only if the
grantor intended to make a presently effective transfer of an interest. When Olsen
handed Callender a deed and said that it was not to take effect until his death, his intent
may have been to make a present transfer to Callender of a future interest which would
become possessory upon his death. Such an interest is a remainder. While it is not cer-
tain that a court would come to this conclusion, B is the only argument listed which
could possibly support Callender's position.

Although possession by a grantee raises a presumption that there has been a valid and
effective delivery, A is incorrect because the presumption is not irrebuttable; it may be
rebutted by proof that the grantor did not intend to effect a present transfer. A testamen-
tary substitute is an attempt by a living person to dispose of property after his death
without complying with the formalities which statutes require of valid wills. C is incor-
rect because an attempted testamentary substitute is ineffective. Delivery is complete
when the grantor does some voluntary act which manifests his intention to make a pres-
ently effective transfer. Since there is no indication that Olsen's death was voluntary, it
could not have completed delivery. D is, therefore, incorrect.

92. C An otherwise valid conveyance is effective upon delivery. Delivery occurs when the
grantor, by words or conduct, manifests an intention that the deed have a present opera-
tive effect. Transfer of physical possession of the deed to the grantee raises a presump-
tion that the grantor had such intent. In this case, Olsen's statement, "Then it's yours"
supports that presumption.

An attempt to make a gift which is to become effective only after the donor's death may
fail because it is essentially a testamentary gift which does not meet the formal require-
ments for wills. A is incorrect, however, because Olsen's language indicated that she
intended the transfer of an interest to Norton to take effect immediately. A grantor's
possession of a deed may raise a presumption that there has been no effective delivery.
B is incorrect, however, because the presumption may be rebutted by proof that there
was a delivery, and that the grantee thereafter returned the deed to the grantor for safe-
keeping only. When consideration is an issue, detrimental reliance may take the place of
the required consideration. D is incorrect, however, since a deed may be valid without

93. B Adpo has been in continuous possession for more than twenty years. His possession was
hostile, because it was'contrary to the rights of the City of Hampshire, the land's true
owner. It was open and notorious because it was not hidden,and knowledge of his pos-
session could have been obtained by anyone who looked. Having fulfilled all the statu-
tory requirements, he would ordinarily be correct in his assertion that he has acquired
title by adverse possession. Most jurisdictions, however, prohibit the acquisition of city
or state property by adverse possession. This being the only legal obstacle to Adpo's
assertion, the outcome will most likely depend on whether the jurisdiction permits the
~cquisition of city property by adverse possession.

A is incorrect because if the possession was open and notorious as described above, it
does not matter whether the actual owner ever really knew of it. Some adverse posses-

sion statutes establish a condition that the adverse possessor pay taxes on the realty dur-
ing the period of his adverse possession. C is incorrect, however, because this statute
did not contain such a requirement. An adverse possessor who occupies land under
color of title may become the owner of all the land which he believed he owned, includ-
ing that which he did not actually occupy. Since Adpo asserts ownership only of the
land which he occupied, however, color of title is irrelevant, and D is incorrect.

94. B Joint tenancy is a form of co-ownership in which the joint tenants have the right of sur-
vivorship. This means that upon the death -of one joint tenant, the others receive equal
shares in her interest. When Marion died, Harold and Wilherninareceived equal shares
of her interest. The joint tenancy of Harold and.Wilhernina continued, but each held a
one-half interest in the whole instead of a one-third interest. Joint tenants may convey
their interests inter vivos without each other's consent, but a joint tenant's grantee takes
as a tenant in common with the remaining owners. Thus, upon Wilhernina's conveyance
to Bernard, Bernard and Harold were tenants in common, each with a one-half interest.
Upon Harold's conveyance to Charles, Charles and Bernard became tenants in common,
each with a one-half interest.

A is incorrect because as a joint tenant, Marion could not effectively pass her interest by
will. Since a conveyance by a joint tenant makes the grantee a tenant in common, nei-
ther Bernard nor Charles received a joint tenancy in any part of the estate. C is, there-
fore, incorrect. D is incorrect for this reason, and because Allan received no interest at
all under Marion's will.

95. A Today, all jurisdictions have recording statutes which determine priorities. In cases not
covered by the recording statutes, however, common law rules of priority apply. The
statute in this question determined the priority of interests in cases in which the subse-
quent taker was a purchaser for value and without notice. Since Santor received the con-
veyance as a gift, he gave nothing in return for it, and was, therefore, not a purchaser for
value. As a result, the statute does not apply, and common law rules of priorities do. At
common law, priorities between successive transferees of interests in real property are
determined simply on the basis of chronology - "first in time, first in right." Thus,
since Lender received his interest before Santor received his interest, Lender's is supe-

If the statute was applicable, Lender's interest would have been superior to Santor's
only if Lender's mortgage was recorded before Flying Acres was conveyed to Santor. If
the mortgage was not recorded before the conveyance occurred, the fact that the mort-
gage was recorded before the conveyance was recorded would not give priority to the
mortgage. B is, therefore, incorrect. Unless an applicable recording statute has a con-
trary effect, a grantee of mortgaged realty takes subject to the mortgage, whether or not
the existence of the mortgage is mentioned in the grantee's deed. Since the recording
statute is not applicable to Santor's interest, Santor took the realty subject to Lender's
mortgage. C is, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect for two reasons: first, the statute
imposes the requirement of value on junior claimants, and Lender is the senior claimant;
and, second, Lender was a purchaser for value since he gave consideration (i.e., a loan
of $20,000) in return for an interest in realty (i.e., the mortgage).

96. C The given statute is a "race-notice" type statute, in that it makes good faith and prior

recording conditions for a subsequent grantee's priority. Although Santor took the realty
in good faith, he did not record before Lender. Lender's interest is, therefore, superior to

An interest is said to be recorded outside the chain of title when it was recorded in a way
which would have prevented the reasonable title searcher from discovering it. In most
jurisdictions, an interest recorded outside the chain of title is regarded as not having
been recorded at. all. Under the given statute, however, the first interest has priority so
long as it was recorded before the subsequent interest was recorded. Since Santor's
interest was recorded two days after Lender's, and since there was no reason why a title
searcher would not have discovered Lender's interest at that time, A is incorrect.
Although the statute's "good faith" requirement is probably satisfied by the fact that
Santor lacked actual or constructive notice of Lender's interest at the time Flying Acres
was conveyed to him, B is incorrect because the statute imposes the additional require-
ment that the subsequent interest be recorded before the earlier one. Most "notice" and
"race-notice" statutes establish the payment of value as a condition of the junior claim-
ant's priority. A careful reading of this statute will show that it does not, however. Dis,
therefore, incorrect.

97. B Warranties of title contained in a deed are representations that the grantor has a right to
convey the title which he purports to convey. If those warranties are breached, it is by
the delivery of a deed which purports to convey title which the grantor does not have a
right to convey. The warranties can thus be breached only at the time that the deed is
delivered. For that reason, most jurisdictions hold that only the grantee can maintain an
action for damages resulting from the breach. Since Berkley was not Gnda's grantee,
Berkley will not succeed in his action against Gnda.

Since the breach occurs upon delivery of the deed, it is not "cured" by any subsequent
act of the grantor. A is, therefore, incorrect. The covenant of quiet enjoyment is a war-
ranty that the grantee shall peaceably and quietly enjoy possession without interference
by anyone with a lawful claim of title. It is breached only by some interference with the
right of possession, not merely by the existence of superior interests. Although the cov-
enant of quiet enjoyment can be enforced by successors to the grantee's interest, Cis
incorrect because there has been no interference with Berkley's possession. Because
covenants of title can be breached only upon the covenantor's delivery of the deed,
Gnda's covenant could not be breached by Alton's conveyance. D is, therefore, incor-

98. D If a person without ownership purports to convey an estate which he does not have and
he subsequently acquires title to that estate, the doctrine of estoppel prevents the grantor
from asserting his title against his grantee and causes the after-acquired title to pass
directly to the grantee by operation of law.

Since the covenants made by Onda were breached only by Onda's delivery of a deed
purporting to convey title which he did not have, and since only his grantee could sue
for damages resulting from such breach, Gnda's covenants to Alton are not relevant in
Berkley's action. A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because Berkley's rights
against Alton are independent of any rights which Alton may have against Onda. Thus,
the existence of an effective remedy which Alton can exercise against Gnda is not,

alone, sufficient to entitle Berkley to the relief he seeks from Alton. Although Alton's
intention may have been to convey Northacre to Berkley on June 15, he was incapable
of doing so at that time since he had not received title to Northacre from Onda. For this
reason, Alton's conveyance to Berkley could not have conveyed an interest in Northa-
cre, no matter what Alton intended. C is, therefore, incorrect.

99. A Under the Rule Against Perpetuities, no interest is good unless it must vest, if at all, dur-
ing a period measured by a life or lives in being plus 21 years. Since it is possible that
the change in use would occur after the end of this period, both grants to Second Foun-
dation would appear to violate the Rule. The Rule Against Perpetuities is not applied,
however, to shifts from one charity to another, so Second Foundation's interest in
Greenacre is valid. Since Nephew and Niece are not charities, Second Foundation's
interest in Redacre is invalid. B, C, and D are, therefore, incorrect.

100. C An executory interest is a grantee's future interest in land which will become possessory
upon the termination of a prior estate, which termination is not inevitable. If the execu-
tory interest replaces the interest of another grantee, it is a shifting interest. Since the
termination of Nephew's and Niece's interests in Redacre is not inevitable, Second
Foundation holds an executory interest. Since its interest will replace that of Nephew or
Niece, it is a shifting executory interest.

A and B are incorrect because a remainder is a future interest which will become pos-
sessory upon the termination of a prior estate, which termination is inevitable, and the
termination of Nephew's and Niece's interests in Redacre is not inevitable. D is incor-
rect because a springing interest is one which will cut off the possessory right of the

101. D While a tenant who vacates after an assignment is no longer in privity of estate with the
landlord, he continues to be in privity of contract under the initial lease and continues to
be liable for rent. The assignor's liability is secondary while the assignee's liability is
primary. Thus, if Lattimer is successful in collecting from Torry, Torry may seek indem-
nity from Antun. This does not, however, protect Torry from liability to Lattimer.

The lease required Torry to obtain Lattimer's permission before assigning. If he had not
done so, some jurisdictions might permit Lattimer to avoid the assignment, although the
majority would not. In any event, however, Lattimer's consent does not operate to
destroy his contract rights against Torry. A is, therefore, incorrect. A novation is an
agreement by which parties to a contract substitute a new party for one of the original
parties. In order for a novation to occur, there must be an agreement by the new party to
assume the contractual obligations of the party whom he is replacing, and an agreement
by the original obligee to extinguish the contractual obligations of the party who is
being replaced. Although Antun agreed to personally assume Torry's obligations under
the lease, Lattimer did not agree to relieve Torry of those obligations. Thus, there was
no novation, and B is incorrect. Usually, an assignee of a tenant's rights under a lease is
liable to the landlord only for rent which accrued during the assignment period. An
assignee who personally assumes obligations under the lease may also be liable for rent
accrued before the assignment took place or after reassignment. The assumption of obli-
gations by an assignee might, thus, impose additional duties on that assignee. It does
not, however, relieve the assignor of any of his initial obligations to the landlord. Cis,

therefore, incorrect.

102. A An assignee of a tenant's rights under a lease is in privity of estate with the landlord, and
is, therefore, liable for rent accrued during the period of his possession. If he personally
assumes the obligations of the lease he is also liable for rent accrued before the assign-
ment went into effect and after it terminates. Since in his agreement with Torry, Antun
personally assumed the obligations of the lease, he is personally liable for rent accrued
throughout the entire duration of the lease. Although Lattimer was not a party to this
agreement, he can enforce it as an intended, creditor, third party beneficiary.

By collecting from subsequent assignees, a landlord does not waive the right to collect
rent from an assignor who is obligated to pay it. B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect
because Lattimer was a third party beneficiary of the contract between Antun and Torry,
and can therefore enforce the promise made by Antun. Because Antun agreed to person-
ally assume the obligations of the lease, he was obligated to pay all sums due under it.
Since the obligation to pay rent under a lease does not depend on whether or not the les-
see is in possession of the premises, Antun is liable for all rent which accrued through-
out the duration of the lease whether he was in possession of the premises or not. Dis,
therefore, incorrect.

103. D A fixture is a former chattel, which, by reason of its annexation to realty, has become
part of the realty. A tenant is entitled to use leased realty, but not to remove parts of it
when he leaves. Thus, if the improvements made by Tolliver were fixtures (i.e., became
part of the realty), Tolliver would not be entitled to the judgment which he seeks. One of
the factors considered in determining whether an improvement made by the tenant was
so annexed to the realty as to be a fixture is whether it can be removed without causing
any substantial damage to the realty. If so, the improvement may be regarded as a chat-
tel which belongsto the tenant, and which he is, therefore, entitled to remove, rather
than as a fixture which has become part of the realty. Although this factor alone might
not be sufficient to keep the improvements from being regarded as fixtures, it is the only
one listed which could support the conclusion that they are not.

The value of the improvements is not relevant, since even a valuable improvement may
be a fixture if it became part of the realty, and if so, it belongs to the landlord. A is,
therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because an improvement is a fixture if it has become
part of the realty, and this does not logically depend on whether it was foreseeable that
the tenant would make it. The general rule is that the tenant may not remove fixtures,
unless the parties agreed to the contrary. Absent such an agreement, the general rule
applies. C is, therefore, incorrect.

104. D An easement is the right to use realty of another. The realty subject to the easement is
called the servient estate. If the benefit which the holder of an easement receives is asso-
ciated with her/his ownership of a particular parcel of realty, the easement is appurte-
nant, and the realty benefitted by that easement is called the dominant estate. Easements
appurtenant are freely alienable, usually transferred with a conveyance of the dominant
estate. If an easement is recorded, subsequent grantees of the servient estate have con-
structive notice of its existence and take the servient estate subject to the easement.
Since according to the advice in option D the easements which Anthony and Bernice
would grant each other would be for access to their own parcels of realty, they would be

easements appurtenant. The effect of the transaction would be that Anthony and Bernice
each would own half of the driveway and hold an easement over the other's half. Since
the easements would be appurtenant, they would be transferable to any transferees of
the dominant estates. Since they would be recorded, they would bind any transferees of
the servient estates. Thus, each property owner would have the right to use the entire
driveway (i.e., the half which s/he owns and the half over which s/he has an easement),
and neither would have the right to interfere with the other's use.

A is incorrect because such a contract would only bind the parties to it. If the successor
to either were to partition, the only remedy would be an action for damages against the
original promisor. B is incorrect since a joint tenant may sell her interest, the grantee
becoming a tenant in common with the remaining party. This would leave the remaining
party in the same position in which she was in the beginning. C is based on an inaccu-
rate statement of the law, since tenants in common do have the right to partition.

105. D Valid title is not necessarily marketable. Since no one should be required to purchase a
lawsuit, marketable title means title about which there is no reasonable doubt of valid-
ity. To decide whether Albert held marketable title in August 1985, it is necessary to
determine whether the quitclaim which he executed in 1980 could possibly have
affected his title to the realty. A will speaks on the death of the testator. This means that
no devise of an interest in realty created by Testor's will was of legal effect until
Testor's death in 1982. Albert, thus, had no interest at all in Testacre in 1980 when he
executed the quitclaim to Koppell. Since a quitclaim conveys only the interest which the
grantor holds at the time of its execution, Albert gave up no interest in the realty as a
result of the 1980 quitclaim. Under Testor's will, Albert received a remainder in a one-
third interest in Testacre which became possessory upon the death of Agatha in June
1985. His title was, therefore, marketable on the day he tendered the deed to Koppell.

Although a quitclaim conveys whatever interest the grantor possesses· at the time of its
execution, A is incorrect because Albert held no interest in Testacre when he executed
the quitclaim to Koppell in 1980. A remainder is a future interest which will become
possessory upon the termination of a prior estate the termination of which is inevitable.
Since Agatha's death was inevitable, Albert received on the death of Testor a remainder
which became possessory on the death of Agatha. Albert's interest was, therefore, valid,
making B incorrect. A general warranty deed ordinarily contains a grantor's warranty
that he holds the interest which is conveyed. But no one is required to buy a lawsuit. A
warranty of title provides a remedy against the grantor, but it does not make the title
marketable. Were title unmarketable at the time Albert tendered the deed, Albert would
be failing to fulfill his obligation under the contract of sale, andPurch could not be
required to go through with the transaction. C is, therefore, incorrect.

106. A A "class gift" is a gift to a group of persons undefined in number when the gift is made,
to be ascertained at a time subsequent to the making of the gift, the share of each being
dependent on the ultimate number of persons within the group. Since Testor's devise of
a one-third interest following Agatha's death was to "the children of Brooke," the share
received by each child of Brooke was dependent on the total number of Brooke's chil-
dren. Since Testor's will spoke upon his death, and since Brooke could continue having
children after Testor's death, this number was undetermined at the time the gift was
made. The gift to the children of Brooke was, thus, a class gift. Since Babs was a mem-

ber of that class (i.e., the children of Brooke) at the time the gift was made (i.e., on the
death of Testor) she received a vested interest immediately upon Testor's death. But
since enjoyment of her interest was postponed until the death of Agatha, and since it
was possible for Brooke to have more children (thus enlarging the size of the class, and
diminishing the share of each of its members) before Agatha died, the interest of Babs
was subject to partial defeasance until Agatha's death. So, when Babs conveyed to Lin-
coln, he received an interest which was subject to partial defeasance for as long as the
class remained open. When enjoyment of a class gift is postponed until the happening of
a specified event (here, the death of Agatha), the class closes upon the happening of that
event, so long as there are class members at that time. Since Babs was in existence at the
time of Agatha's death, the class closed at that time. No new members could be added to
the class, and Babs' interest, which had by then been conveyed to Lincoln, was no
longer subject to partial defeasance. Thus, on the day after Agatha's death, Lincoln held
an indefeasible one-third interest.

B is incorrect because even if Brooke had more children, they could not take, since the
class closed on the death of Agatha. C is incorrect for that reason, and because even if
the class remained open, the addition of new members would decrease the share of each
old member, but would not completely displace that share. Since Testor's will imposed
no conditions on Babs' interest except the death of Agatha, and since the death of
Agatha was inevitable, Babs' interest was vested (subject to partial defeasance) when
she conveyed it to Lincoln. D is, therefore, incorrect.

107. C A remainder is a future interest which will become possessory upon the termination of a
prior estate the termination of which is inevitable. If some further condition must be met
BEFORE the remainder will become possessory (i.e., a condition precedent) it is con-
tingent. If no further condition must be met before the remainder will become posses-
sory (i.e., if it will automatically become possessory upon the termination of the prior
estate), it is vested. If some condition exists which could destroy the interest AFTER it
becomes possessory, the remainder is subject to a condition subsequent. Since the
devise in Testor's will provided that a one-third interest would go to the children of Car-
mody "upon the death of Agatha" and imposed no other conditions precedent, Carrera's
interest was a vested remainder. Since, however, the interest would pass to another if
Carrera failed to survive to the age of 25, Carrera's vested remainder was subject to a
condition subsequent.

Under the Rule Against Perpetuities, no interest is good unless it must vest, if at all,
within a period of time measured by a life or lives in being plus 21 years. Since Car-
rera's interest was already vested, the Rule Against Perpetuities does not apply to it. B
and D are, therefore, incorrect. Since there was no condition precedent to Carrera's
remainder's becoming possessory, it was not contingent. A and B are, therefore, incor-

108. C After granting an interest in realty, a grantor may continue to hold one of three future
interests in the realty. If the grantor has conveyed any interest which is less than that
which slhe holds, herlhis future interest is a reversion (e.g., Grantor, who holds a fee
simple absolute, conveys only a life estate or an estate for years. Grantor retains a rever-
sion.) If the grantor conveys herlhis interest in a way which may result in the grantee's
eventual loss of the interest conveyed, the grantor's possible future interest is either a

possibility of reverter or a right of re-entry. If the grantee's interest is to terminate auto-

matically upon the happening of a specified event, the grantee's interest is determinable,
and the grantor's future interest is called a possibility of reverter (e.g., Grantor, who
holds afee simple absolute, conveys "to Grantee for so long as the premises are used for
residential purposes." If the premises ever cease to be used for residential purposes,
Grantee's estate will terminate automatically and the fee will revert to Grantor. The con-
veyance has given Grantee a fee determinable, and Grantor retains a possibility of
reverter.) Onthe other hand,if the grantee's interest will not terminate automatically,
but the grantor retains the right to"tenninate the grantee's interest on the happening of a
specific event, the grantee's interest is subject to a condition subsequent, and the
grantor's future interest is a right of re-entry (e.g., Grantor, who holds a fee simple abso-
lute, conveys "to Grantee, but if the premises ever cease to be used for residential pur-
poses, Grantor may re-enter." The conveyance has given Grantee a fee subject to a
condition subsequent, and Grantor retains a right of re-entry.)

Although the conveyance executed by Oldham contains language which may result in
the Church's loss of its interest, it does not convey an interest less than that held by Old-
ham. For this reason, the future interest retained by Oldham cannot be a reversion and
must be either a possibility of reverter or a right of re-entry. The deed makes use of the
realty for non-church purposes an event which could result in the Church's loss of its
interest. From the language of the deed, however, it is difficult to tell whether the
Church's interest is one which will terminate automatically (i.e., a fee determinable) or
which can be terminated by some act of Oldham (i.e., a fee subject to a condition subse-
quent). It is thus difficult to determine whether Oldham's future interest is a possibility
of reverter or a right of re-entry. Since right oire-entry is not listed among the options,
however, C is the correct answer.

A remainder is a future interest held by a grantee which will become possessory fol-
lowing the inevitable termination of a prior estate. Since Oldham was the grantor rather
than a grantee, his interest cannot be a remainder. A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incor-
rect because Oldham did not convey less than his entire interest. An executory interest
is a future interest held by a grantee which will become possessory following the termi-
nation of the prior estate when termination is not inevitable. Since Oldham was the
grantor rather thail a grantee, his interest cannot be executory. D is, therefore, incorrect.

109. C Nabor asserted that his easement pre-existed the grant by Oldham. If it did, it could not
be said that the Church of the Lord permitted a use other than for church purposes, since
it had no power to do otherwise. Since Oldham's right was to become possessory only if
the church permitted use other than for church purposes, this argument might defeat
Oldham's claim. While it is not certain that a court would come to this conclusion, C is
the only argument listed which might support the Church's position.

A is incorrect because if the church permitted use of the property for other than church
purposes, thus violating the limitation (or fulfilling the condition subsequent) contained
in the grant, then the interest of the Church of the Lord would terminate, even though
there may have been sound motivation for its conduct. It may be true that the language
of the deed created a fee simple determinable. B is incorrect, however, because this con-
clusion would result in the termination of the Church of the Lord's interest. Although
Oldham's interest under the deed will not necessarily vest within the period prescribed

by the Rule Against Perpetuities, D is incorrect because the Rule Against Perpetuities
does not apply to a future interest of the grantor.

110. D One who "assumes" an existing mortgage when purchasing realty personally undertakes
to pay the note which the mortgage secures and is thus personally liable for payments
on the note. On the other hand, one who merely takes "subject to" the mortgage does
not undertake to satisfy any personal obligations. Since Carrol took the realty subject to
the mortgage, without agreeing to personally undertake obligations under the note,
National Bank cannot collect from her under the note.

If Carrol made an enforceable promise to Beryl to pay the note, National Bank would be
a third party beneficiary of that promise and would be entitled to enforce it. A is incor-
rect, however, because by taking "subject to the mortgage," Carrol did not promise to
pay the note. A "due on sale" clause makes the entire debt under a mortgage note pay-
able when the mortgaged realty is sold, thus effectively prohibiting a purchaser from
taking subject to or from assuming the mortgage. B is incorrect, however, because a
"due on sale" clause does not impose any personal obligations on a purchaser. Because
courts favor the alienability of interests in real property, a purchaser of realty may take
"subject to" or "assume" an existing mortgage unless a clause of the mortgage specifi-
cally prohibits such a transaction.C is incorrect for this reason and because one who
merely takes "subject to" a mortgage does not thereby undertake any personal obliga-

111. D One who assumes an existing mortgage when purchasing' realty personally undertakes
to pay the note which the mortgage secures and is thus personally liable for payments
on the note. Subsequent sales of the realty, even to other purchasers who "assume" the
mortgage, do not relieve prior obligors of personal obligations which they agreed to
assume. Since Oliphant promised to pay (by executing the initial note) she continues to
be personally liable. Since April and Beryl promised to pay (by assuming the mortgage)
they continue to be personally liable.

A, B, and C are, therefore, incorrect.

112. B So long as payments due under a mortgage note remain unpaid, the mortgagee, or its
assignee, is entitled to foreclose.

In the absence of a specific agreement to 'the contrary, rights under a contract in general,
and a mortgage in particular, are assignable, so long as the assignment does not impose
any additional burden on the obligor. Since the assignment by National Bank to
Investco imposed no additional burden on anyone obligated to make payments under
the mortgage note, it was valid. A is, therefore, incorrect. Some jurisdictions require a
mortgagee to elect a remedy upon default, offering a choice of foreclosure or an action
on the note, but not both. Although the value of the realty relative to the amount due
under the note might make one choice strategically better than another, C is incorrect
because the mortgagee is always free to choose foreclosure. One who takes property
"subject to" a mortgage is not personally liable for payments on the mortgage note. D is
incorrect, however, because the mortgagee's right to foreclose is not extinguished by a
sale of the premises. [Note: An obvious meaning of the phrase "subject to" is "affected
by," and should make it clear that the rights of one who takes subject to a mortgage may

be affected by that mortgage.]

113. C An easement is a right to use, but not to possess, the land of another. The land which is
subject to an easement is known as the servient tenement or estate. The holder of an
easement may not overburden the servient estate. This means that the easement holder
may not change the easement or use it in a way which was not contemplated when it
was created. An easement holder has the right and the duty to maintain the easement,
but may not do so in a way which would overburden the servient estate. Some cases
haveheTd-that paving an easement which hlfslong existed as a. dirnoad overburdens the
servient estate. Whether or not a court would so hold in this case is unknown. The ease-
ment created by the deeds was only 12 feet wide, however, and Corfu now seeks to
widen it to 24 feet. This would undoubtedly overburden the servient estate, since it
would increase the portion of that estate which is subject to use by the easement holder
and reduce the portion available for unlimited use by its owner.

Sometimes a change in circumstance may justify a change in use of an easement. The

fact that the road becomes muddy after a heavy rain for example, might justify paving it.
A is incorrect, however, because doubling the width of the easement is a change sub-
stantial enough to result in an overburdening of the servient estate. The holder of a ser-
vient estate has no obligation to maintain an easement running across it, while the user
of such easement is required and is entitled to maintain it at his own expense. This does
not give the easement holder the unilateral right to make changes in the easement, how-
ever, simply because he is willing to pay for them himself. B is, therefore, incorrect.
Even if the construction of the road which Corfu proposes to build would improve the
value of the lots affected, Bolton is free to reject the improvement in value, choosing to
keep his land the way it is. D is, therefore, incorrect.

114. D Some jurisdictions recognize a special co-tenancy known as tenancy by the entirety
which can be held only by a husband and wife. Where it exists, tenancy by the entirety
is like joint tenancy in that it gives each co-tenant the right of survivorship, but is unlike
joint tenancy in that neither co-tenant may sever it without the consent of the other. In
those jurisdictions which recognize tenancy by the entirety, it is presumed that any con-
veyance to a husband and wife creates a tenancy by entirety. Most such jurisdictions
hold that the presumption may be rebutted by evidence that some other form of owner-
ship was contemplated by the parties to the conveyance. The conveyance to Bridey and
Gallon "as joint tenants" rebuts the presumption and results in a joint tenancy. Although
a joint tenant may convey her interest without the consent of the other joint tenant, such
a conveyance severs the joint tenancy as to the interest conveyed and makes the grantee
a tenant in common. (Note: In some jurisdictions, there is an irrebuttable presumption
that a conveyance to husband and wife creates a tenancy by the entirety. In these juris-
dictions, Bridey's purported transfer to Thomas would be void unless Gallon consented
to it. Of the ansWers listed, however, D is the only one which could possibly be correct.)

A quitclaim extinguishes the rights ofthe person executing it by conveying those rights
to the person receiving it,· although it does not specify what those rights are or warrant
that they exist. A is, therefore, incorrect. Although a quitclaim ordinarily transfers what-
ever interest is held by the person executing it, any transfer by a joint tenant severs the
joint tenancy. Forthis reason, Bridey's conveyance to Thomas severed the joint tenancy,
and B is incorrect. C is incorrect because only a husband and wife may hold title as ten'"

ants by the entirety.

115. B A deed does not effectively convey realty until it is delivered. Although delivery does
not always require a transfer of physical possession of the deed by the grantor to the
grantee, it does require some word or act by the grantor which manifests his intent that
the conveyance shall have a present operative effect. When Orsican placed the envelope
on the dining-room table, it was with the intention of mailing it the following morning.
Since it was always possible for him to change his mind before mailing it, the fact that
he planned to mail it is not· sufficient to manifest an intent that it would be presently
operative. Since he died without doing anything which would manifest such an intent,
there was no delivery.

Conveyance by deed is not effective unless the deed is accepted by the grantee, but if
the grant is beneficial, the grantee's acceptance is presumed. Thus, if Orsican had mani-
fested the necessary intent (e.g., by mailing the deed), a delivery might have taken place
even though Geriardy died before she became aware of the conveyance. A is, therefore,
incorrect. The presumption that a grantee has accepted a deed can be rebutted by proof
that she rejected it. Such a rejection could not take place, however, unless the grantee
knew about the deed. For this reason, if Geriardy had sent back the envelope containing
the deed without knowing its contents, she would not have rejected it by so doing. C is
incorrect, however, because Dot was not the grantee, and because there was no delivery
to Geriardy. Ordinarily, a grantor's delivery of a deed to a third person with instructions
to deliver it to the grantee is a delivery to the grantee so long as the grantor relinquished
all control. It may be that mailing a deed has that effect, since the sender ordinarily loses
control over an envelope once it is delivered to the postal authorities. D is incorrect,
however, because Orsican did not relinquish control over the envelope before his death.

116. C Although the most common forms of description involve reference to metes and
bounds, manmade and natural markers, government survey markers, or property
address, any method of description is sufficient if it establishes the identity of the realty
conveyed with reasonable clarity. Under the facts, it cannot be determined whether the
description identifies the realty conveyed with reasonable clarity. If it does, however,
the description is adequate.

A, B, and D are, therefore, incorrect.

117. D The taking of an entire parcel of realty by eminent domain results in acquisition by the
taker of all present and future interests in the realty. For this reason, the leasehold inter-
est passes with the rest of the property whether or not it is specifically mentioned in the
judicial decree. I is, therefore, incorrect. Since the lessee thus loses his right to occupy
the property, he is freed from the obligation of paying rent due under the balance of the
lease. II is, therefore, correct. A leasehold interest is a non-freehold but possessory
interest in real property. As with any property interest, if it is taken for public use, its
holder is entitled to "just compensation" under the Fifth Amendment to the United
States Constitution. Since taking the realty by eminent domain results in a condemna-
tion of the leasehold as well as the landlord's reversion, the lessee is entitled to a propor-
tionate share of the condemnation award. Since he is entitled to be compensated for
what he has lost, his share should be based on the value of the unexpired balance of his
term. Since he is no longer obligated to pay rent, however, the rent which he would have

otherwise had to pay should be deducted from the value. III is, therefore, correct.

118. D A person may acquire title to realty by adverse possession if she occupies it without its
owner's permission openly, notoriously, and continuously for the statutory period of
time. This occurs because the running of a statute of limitations then makes it impossi-
ble for the adverse possessor to be judicially ejected. Since a new owner acquires the
old owner's right to eject an unlawful possessor, the statutory period of limitations con-
tinues to run in spite of changes in ownership. Since Altman has adversely possessed
the realty for more than 15 years, she has acquired title by adverse possession.

For the above reason, the fact that Stephen became the owner in 1977 did not restart the
period. If the owner of the realty is under a legal disability (e.g., infancy) at the time the
adverse possession begins, commencement of the statutory period is delayed until the
legal disability has terminated. If the owner is not under a legal disability at the time the
possession begins, however, the fact that he subsequently suffers a legal disability or
that title subsequently passes to a person who is under a legal disability will have no
effect on the running of the statutory period. Since there is no fact indicating that Odette
was under any legal disability in 1970 when Altman began her possession of the realty,
the running of the statutory period commenced at that time, and continued without inter-
ruption upon the passage of title to Stephen. A is, therefore, incorrect. Since only a per-
son with a right of possession can sue to eject an unlawful possessor, the statute of
limitations cannot work against the holder of a future interest. Thus, an adverse pos-
sessor acquires only the possessory interest which existed at the time of her possession.
If, for example, Odette had been the holder of a life estate with a remainder in Stephen,
Altman's adverse possession during Odette's life could have led only to Altman's acqui-
sition of a life estate by adverse possession. Then, upon Odette's death in 1977, a new
period of possession would have begun against Stephen's fee interest. The will by
which Stephen received title spoke only upon Odette's death, however. This means that
when Altman began possession in 1970, Stephen had no future interest at alL Since
there is no fact to the contrary, Odette's interest must have been a fee when Altman
moved on, and it was this fee which Altman acquired by adverse possession. For this
reason, B is incorrect. C is incorrect for the reasons given above, because at the time
Altman's adverse possession began, the holder of the fee interest (Odette) was under no
disability, and because if the possession is open and notorious, it does not matter
whether the owner is aware of it.

119. C Under the doctrine of equitable conversion, the risk of loss passes to a buyer of realty as
soon as a contract of sale is formed. Thus, if the jurisdictions applies this doctrine,
Buchanan must sustain the loss resulting from destruction of the barn.

If an essential part of the realty is destroyed prior to passage of the risk of loss, a buyer
might be excused from performing his obligations under the contract of sale. On the
other hand, if a non-essential part of the realty is destroyed, the buyer might be required
to go through with the purchase with an abatement of the price to compensate for the
loss. Thus, if the risk of loss had not passed to Buchanan, the fact that the barn was not
an essential part of the realty might prevent him from withdrawing from the transaction,
but would not permit Statler to collect the full price. A is, therefore, incorrect. Although
many jurisdictions hold that the risk of loss passes to a buyer as soon as he takes posses-
sion of the realty, there is no principal of law by which possession creates a presumption

of fault. B is, therefore, incorrect. Once a risk of loss passes to a party, that party suffers
the consequence of such a loss even if it did not result from his fault. Since there are
various theories which might have passed the risk of loss to Buchanan (e.g., the doctrine
of equitable conversion; possession), the fact that he was without fault would not, alone,
be sufficient to prevent him from bearing the loss. D is, therefore, incorrect.

120. B Under the facts given, it is possible that the conveyance to Atkins created an "easement
implied by prior use" (similar to "easement by necessity"). This may arise when a
grantor conveys a portion of his land,· retaining a part over which an apparent previous
use existed which was reasonably necessary to the enjoyment of the portion conveyed
and could have been the subject of an easement. Since the existence of a dirt road made
previous use across Obie's land apparent, and since river access might be reasonably
necessary to the use and enjoyment of Atkins' land, the deed to Atkins may thus have
created an easement by implication. Although it is not. certain that a court would come
to this conclusion, B is the only argument listed which might be effective for Boylan.

An easement by dedication is a use granted to the public either by deed or by operation

of law. Since there is no indication that the dirt road ever became a public right-of-way,
A is incorrect. An easement by express reservation is created by a deed in which the
grantor retains a right to use ~the realty conveyed. Since Atkins was a grantee, she could
not have obtained an easement by express reservation. C is, therefore, incorrect. An
easement by express grant is created by a deed which specifically conveys to a grantee
the right to use .the property of another. Since Obie's deed to Atkins did not mention the
easement, and since there is no fact indicating that Atkins ever received it by convey-
ance, there was no easement by express grant. D is, therefore, incorrect.

121. A An easement by prescription (similar to title by adverse possession) may be acquired by

hostile, continuous, open, and notorious use of another's realty for the statutory period
of time. In order to be hostile, the use must be inconsistent with the rights of the owner.
Since the owner of realty has the right to permit use of his realty, use with his permis-
sion is not inconsistent with his rights (i.e., hostile). Since Atkins was using the road
with Obie's permission, she could not have acquired rights by prescription.

B and D are incorrect because changes in conditions of the realty do not affect the
acquisition of prescriptive rights to use it. C is incorrect because prescriptive easements
do not require express grants.

122. C Those who own land adjacent to a flowing body of water (i.e., riparian owners) have
some rights to use that water. Under modem common law, each riparian owner has the
right to make reasonable use of the water. If construction of a dam would result in the
consumption of more water than is reasonably necessary, a court might hold that Upton
has no right to build the dam.

A is incorrect because Upton's increased use of the water might still be reasonable. At
one time it was said that no riparian owner was permitted a use which altered the natural
flow of the stream. If "natural flow" is given a literal meaning, this would make it virtu-
ally impossible for anyone but the furthest downstream owner to use the water. For this
reason, the natural flow rule has given way to a rule which bases riparian rights on rea-
sonable use. Thus, even if the dam altered the natural flow, Upton would have a right to

construct it so long as his use was reasonable. B is, therefore, incorrect. Under the rea-
sonable use test, Upton may dam the stream so long as doing so would not make his
water use unreasonable. D is incorrect because this would be so even if he could accom-
plish the same without damming the stream.

123. C Under the existing reasonable use doctrine, when it is necessary to determine which
riparian owner is entitled to water which is in limited supply, the courts consider many
factors. Most important, however, is the use to which each owner puts the water.
Although a.gricultural use is considered "higher" than most other uses, domestic or
household use is universally acknowledged to be the "highest" use of all, entitling it to
priority over all other uses. Since the choice to be made is between Upton's agricultural
use and Downey's household use, Downey's rights will prevaiL

A is incorrect because upstream owners do not ordinarily have greater rights than down-
stream owners. B is incorrect because household use is a higher use than agricultural
use. D is incorrect because with the retreat from the natural flow doctrine, downstream
owners do not have greater rights than upstream owners.

124. D If leased realty is taken by eminent domain, the leasehold and the reversion merge in the
taker, the leasehold is terminated, and the obligation to pay rent ceases. Since both the
lessor and the lessee have had something of value taken for public use, each is entitled
to receive just compensation for what she has lost. The lessor is entitled to receive the
value of the leased premises (including the value of rent to be received) minus the value
of the leasehold interest which he has already conveyed. The lessee is entitled to receive
the value of the leasehold. If not for the condemnation, however, the lessee would have
been required to pay rent in order to enjoy the benefits of her leasehold. Since the con-
demnation terminates that obligation, the rent which the lessee otherwise would have
been required to pay should be deducted from the value of her leasehold.

A is incorrect because the taking terminates the leasehold, and with it, the obligation to
pay rent. The Rule Against Perpetuities provides that no interest is good unless it must
vest if at all within a period of time measured by a life or lives in being plus twenty-one
years. Since a lessee's interest in leased premises vests at the moment the lease is exe-
cuted, the Rule Against Perpetuities is inapplicable to it. B is, therefore, incorrect. Since
the condemnation terminates Teeter's obligation to pay rent for the balance of the lease
term, allowing her to keep the entire $30,000 would result in her receiving more than
she has actually lost. For this reason, C is incorrect.

125. A Proceeds of a foreclosure sale are taken by holders of security interests in the order of
the priority of their respective interests. Since mortgages and trust deeds create security
interests in realty, the priority of the conflicting claims will be determined in accordance
with the recording statute. The statute given is a typical notice statute. According to its
terms, the interest held by Bank cannot take priority over the interest held by Finance
because Bank's mortgage had not been recorded when Finance received its interest,
Finance gave value for its interest, and there is no fact indicating that Finance was
aware of Bank's mortgage when Finance received its interest.

Since neither the statute nor the common law makes priority depend on whether any
person has notice of the interests of subsequent takers, B is incorrect. Recording stat-

utes generally do apply to security interests in realty. In addition, this statute specifically
refers to the transfer of "an interest in realty," and so, by its tenus, applies to security
interests. C is, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because in determining priorities of
interests in real property, purchase-money mortgages do not receive any greater priority
than other mortgages.

126. A Probably the best-known characteristic of the joint tenancy is the right of survivorship.
Under it, when a joint tenant dies, her interest is not inherited by her heirs and distribu-
tees, but passes to the remaining joint tenants. At common law, a joint tenancy could not
exist unless the shares and possessory rights of the joint tenants were equal, and unless
the interests of the joint tenants were created at the same time, and by the same docu-
ment. (These are known as the four unities - unity of interest, possession, time, and
title.) Many states have modified these common law requirements by statute, but even
in those states the shares of joint tenants are presumed equal unless there is an agree-
ment to the contrary. For this reason, the reconveyance by Wendy and Hal created a
joint tenancy, with Wendy, Hal, and Claire each holding a one-third interest. Upon
Wendy's death, her third passed to Hal and Claire in equal shares, continuing them in
joint tenancy with each holding a one-half interest in the realty.

B, C, and D are incorrect because upon the death of a joint tenant, the surviving joint
tenants continue in joint tenancy. In addition, B and C are incorrect because upon a joint
tenant's death, her share passes equally to the surviving joint tenants.

127. B The language of the covenant in Farmer's deed to Amador contained two parts. The first
part restricted the use of the land conveyed by that deed. Since Farmer was not engaging
in any activity on that land, this part of the covenant does not burden him at all. The sec-
ond part required all further deeds to land in Farmer's Green to bear the same covenant.
Since Farmer has not yet conveyed any of the other land in Farmer's Green, none of it is
burdened by the covenant.

A covenant which runs with the land benefits successors to the original covenantee, and
burdens successors to the original covenantor. Thus, a covenantee's successor may
enforce it even though it was not mentioned in his deed, and even though he was not in
privity with the covenantor. For this reason, A and C are incorrect. In order for a cove-
nant to run, it must touch and concern the land. A covenant restricting the use of land in
a subdivision touches and concerns the covenantor's estate because it affects the value
of the burdened estate, and because only the person in possession of that estate can pos-
sibly be burdened by it. Such a covenant touches and concerns the covenantee's estate
because the permitted uses of land in a subdivision necessarily affect the value of other
land in the subdivision. For these reasons, D is incorrect.

128. C Ordinarily, if a covenant would have been enforceable as between the covenanting par-
ties, it is enforceable by and against their successors if it runs with the land. A covenant
is said to run with the land if the covenanting parties intended that it would bind their
successors, if the covenant touches and concerns the land involved, and if the necessary
privity exists between the covenanting parties, and between the parties by and against
whom enforcement is sought. The language of the covenant, "for themselves, their
heirs, successors, and assigns," is the language traditionally used to indicate that the
parties intended that their successors be bound. The covenant touches and concerns the

land for the reasons given in the explanation for Option D in the previous question. The
necessary privity existed between Farmer and Amador because they were grantor and
grantee. The necessary privity exists between Farmer and Berge because Berge suc-
ceeded to Amador's interest. For these reasons, the covenant contained in Farmer's
deed to Amador runs with the land, thus binding Berge. Although covenants running
with the land are usually enforceable only at law (i.e., by a judgment for damages), they
may be enforceable as equitable servitudes (i.e., by injunction) if money damages
would not be an adequate remedy. Since it was Farmer's intention to create a residential
community, since the presence of a gas station would probably interfere with the resi-
dential character of the community, and since money damages would not prevent this
from happening, the remedy at law is probably not adequate and the covenant is proba-
bly enforceable by injunction as an equitable servitude.

This is true whether or not Farmer succeeds in selling the rest of the subdivision. Some
cases hold that when passage of time and change of circumstances make restrictive cov-
enants fail of their initial purpose, they may cease to be of effect. Perhaps this could
eventually lead a court to find that the restriction, obviously designed to protect the res-
idential nature of the subdivision, is unenforceable because the neighborhood is not
really residential in nature. A is incorrect, however, because six months is not a suffi-
ciently long period of time to justify such a conclusion. Equitable servitudes may be
enforced against successors to the covenantor even though they did not agree to be
bound by them. This is particularly so where recording of the deed gives those succes-
sors constructive notice of the existence of the restriction. B is, therefore, incorrect. If
the covenant runs with the land, it is enforceable against Berge whether or not his viola-
tion of it will result in actual damage. If the covenant does not run with the land, it is not
enforceable against Berge, even if its violation would result in actual damage. For this
reason, D is incorrect.

129. C A periodic tenancy is a tenancy which will continue for a stated period and for repeated
similar periods unless terminated by proper notice from one of the parties. Since the
written agreement created a tenancy for one month which was to automatically renew
each month unless terminated as provided, it created a periodic tenancy.

A tenancy for years is an estate for a fixed determinable period of time (not necessarily
measured in years). Since the written agreement did not fix a time for the expiration of
Thaler's tenancy, it did not create a tenancy for years. A is, therefore, incorrect. A ten-
ancy at will is an estate without a fixed duration which will continue until terminated by
either party. By its nature, it is continuous until affirmatively terminated. Unlike the
periodic tenancy, its continuation does not depend on the automatic renewal of an agree-
ment for a stated period. Since the written agreement of January 1 was for one month
subject to automatic renewal, B is incorrect. When a tenant fails to vacate at the expira-
tion of his leasehold, he becomes a tenant at sufferance. C is incorrect because a tenancy
at sufferance is not created by written agreement.

130. A One of the features of a periodic tenancy is that at the end of the period it can be termi-
nated by either party on notice and without cause. At common law, one month was
required to terminate a month-to-month periodic tenancy. Today, however, it is under-
stood that the parties are free to negotiate their own terms including the notice required
for termination. Since the written agreement specified that either party could terminate

on 20 days notice, and since Lawson gave 20 days notice, the court should find for Law-

Since a periodic tenancy can be terminated on notice without cause, it is not necessary
for Lawson to show that Thaler has violated any covenant. B is, therefore, incorrect.
Although a breach of covenant by Lawson might entitle Thaler to damages or give him
the right to terminate, it would not prevent Lawson from terminating. Thus, even·· if
Lawson did violate some express covenant of the agreement, the court should find for
Lawson in this evictionproceeding. C is, therefore, incorrect. Some jurisdictions have
held that implicit in alease is a covenant of good faith and fair dealing. D is incorrect,
however, because, even if such a covenant was implied by the agreemffnt, there is no
evidence that Lawson was not acting in good faith or dealing fairly. [Note: Although the
facts state that Thaler made complaints, there is no indication that the complaints moti-
vated the eviction. Although some jurisdictions presume that an eviction is retaliatory if
it occurs within 90 days after complaints by a tenant, there is no indication that Law-
son's notice was served within 90 days after Thaler's complaint~. Thus, even if the juris-
diction forbids "retaliatory eviction," Thaler cannot prevail on this theory.]

131. B Voluntary waste consists of some act by a possessory tenant which diminishes the value
of the realty or otherwise "injures the inheritance." One of the ways in which it is com-
mitted is by removing minerals from the land. Ordinarily, when a life tenant commits
voluntary waste, the holder of. a vested remainder is entitled to bring an immediate
action at law for damages. In the alternative, the remainderman may be entitled to the
equitable remedies of injunction and an accounting for profits already derived from the
sale of such minerals. [Note: Although it is understood that a possessory tenant may
remove minerals from realty which is good for no other purpose, or may continue
removing minerals from a mine which was open when his tenancy began, neither of
these exceptions applies under the facts in this case.]

A possessory tenant who commits voluntary wqste is not entitled to retain any of the
profits from his activity. For this reason, Unity Church is entitled to all profits derived
from the sale of gravel, rather· than merely to a proportionate share. A is, therefore,
incorrect. It is sometimes held that the holder of a contingent remainder or a remainder
subject to defeasance has no right to sue for waste until its interest vests indefeasibly.
Since the remainder interest held by Unity Church is already vested, however, C is
incorrect. The rule which permits a possessory tenant to continue removing minerals
from a mine which was open when he. began his .tenancy is sometimes known as the
"open pit" doctrine. D is incorrect, however, because. the facts indicate that gravel had
never before been mined or removed from the land.

132. A A class gift is a gift to a group of persons undefined in number when the gift is made.
Orr's will created a class gift, since it devised the realty to all children of Seth without
specifying their names or their number. A class gift passes to all persons who are in the
class at the time the class opens or who enter the class prior to its closing. Ordinarily a
class opens at the time the gift is created. Since Orr's will spoke at the time of Orr's
death, and since Judy and Pete were already in existence at that time, they are obviously
within the class and entitled to an interest in the realty. In determining whether Ella
received an interest, it is necessary to decide when the class closed. If there are members
of the class in existence at the time the. class gift is created, the class opens and closes

immediately upon creation of the gift. Since Judy and Pete were in existence at the time
of Orr's death, the class closed immediately upon Orr's death. For this reason, Ella did
not enter the class before its closing, and, therefore, received no interest in the realty.

B. and C are incorrect for the above reason. Under the Rule Against Perpetuities, no
interest is good unless it must vest, if at all, within a period of time measured by a life or
lives in being plus twenty-one years. Since Seth was in being at the time Orr's will
spoke, and since Seth could not have children after his own death, no interest created by
~Orr's wil1~could possibly vest after a period measured by the life of Seth:-D is, therefore,

133. D In the contract between Lawrence and Arthur (i.e., the lease), Arthur agreed to pay rent
of $1,000 per month for the entire term ofthe lease. Arthur cannot unilaterally change
this obligation by assigning the lease to another. Thus, although the assignment to Bur-
ton might make Burton responsible for rent, it does not free Arthur of such liability. For
this reason, Lawrence is entitled to collect from Arthur all unpaid rent.

A is incorrect beca,use Burton's liability is additional to Arthur's and does not free
Arthur from liability. B and C are incorrect because Arthur agreed to pay rent for the
entire lease period.

134. C An assignee of a leasehold interest is under an obligation to pay rent accruing under the
lease so long as he is in possession of the preJ;llises. For this reason, Calloway is respon-
sible for the rent which was unpaid during his occupancy.

If the assignee agrees to be personally liable for all obligations under the lease, he may
be responsible for unpaid rent which accrued before or after his period of occupancy as
well. One who does not agree to be personally liable is not responsible for rent which
accrued before and after his occupancy. A is incorrect, however, because even if he does
not agree to be personally liable for all obligations, .he is required to pay rent accrued
during his occupancy. Although Calloway and Lawrence are not in privity of contract,
Lawrence may collect from Calloway on two theories: first, as an occupant of the pre-
mises, Calloway was in privity of estate with Lawrence which at least allows Lawrence
to collect rent from him for that period; and second, an assignment of rights includes an
implied delegatiol1 of obligations, which Lawrence may enforce directly against Callo-
way as an intended creditor third party bleneficiary. of the agreement between Calloway
and Burton. B is, therefore, incorrect. Since Calloway did not agree to be personally lia-
ble for all obligations under the lease, he is not responsible for rent which accrued after
his assignment of the leasehold to Daniel. D is, therefore, incorrect.

135. D Probably the best known attribute of joint tenancy is the right of survivorship. This
means that when one joint tenant dies, the remaining joint tenant(s) inherit(s) the inter-
est of the deceased. Sale of an interest by a joint tenant destroys the joint tenancy as to
the seller's interest, and the buyer takes as a tenant in common. The other joint tenants
continue to be joint tenants, however. This means that when Alvarez conveyed her inter-
est to Dot, Dot became a tenant in common with a one third interest, while Barnum and
Curtis continued to be joint tenants as to the remaining two thirds. Because of the right
of survivorship, Barnum's attempt to transfer his interest by will was ineffective. As a
result, upon Barnum's death, Curtis (as Barnum's joint tenant) survived to Barnum's

interest, and Sonny received no interest at all. Since Curtis already held a one third
interest and since he inherited Barnum's interest, Curtis ended up with a two thirds

A is incorrect because, as a result of Curtis's right of survivorship, Barnum's will could

not pass an interest to Sonny. B is incorrect for the same reason, and because sale by a
joint tenant breaks the joint tenancy as to the seller's interest, which means that Dot
took as a tenant in common. C is incorrect because Dot took as a tenant in common and,
therefore, did not receive any share of Barnum's interest upon Barnum's death.

136. C Title to property may be acquired by adverse possession if the person claiming such title
occupies the realty openly, notoriously, hostilely, and continuously for the statutory
period. Possession is "open and notorious" if the possessor has, in general, behaved as
an owner. Since Adamo occupied the premises every summer, his possession was open
and notorious. Possession is "hostile" if it is contrary to the rights of the owner. Since
the facts do not indicate that Adamo had the owner's permission to occupy the cabin,
his occupancy was hostile. While possession must be "continuous," it need not be with-
out interruptions if the interruptions are consistent with the appropriate use of the realty.
Since this was a summer cabin, occupancy only during the summers might have been
consistent with its appropriate use. If it was, Adamo has acquired title by adverse pos-

Once the period of possession has begun, it continues to run in spite of conveyances or
other changes in ownership. Thus, A is an inaccurate statement and is, therefore, incor-
rect. If the owner of realty is under a legal disability at the time adverse possession
begins, computation of the period of possession does not start until the disability ends.
If, however, the owner is not under a legal disability at the time adverse possession
begins, subsequent legal disability or legal disability of a subsequent owner does not
interrupt the running of the period. B is, therefore, incorrect. Because of the requirement
that adverse possession be hostile to the rights of the owner, one who occupies with per-
mission of the owner cannot acquire title by adverse possession. D is, therefore, incor-

137. A By its terms, the given recording statute applies only where the subsequent taker is a
"purchaser for value." Since Norwood received the realty as a gift, she is not a pur-
chaser for value. The recording statute, therefore, does not apply, In the absence of an
applicable recording statute, the common law rule of "first in time - first in right" pre-
vails. Since Morgan received his interest before Norwood received hers (i.e., Morgan is
first in time), Morgan's interest is superior to Norwood's.

By definition, a mortgage is a security interest in realty. B is, therefore, an inaccurate

statement and is incorrect. As explained above, the absence of an applicable recording
statute makes Norwood's interest inferior to Morgan's because it was created after Mor-
gan's. C is, therefore, incorrect. Since the conveyance to Norwood made no mention of
Morgan's mortgage, Norwood is without notice of its existence. The statute only pro-
tects a person without notice, however, if she is a purchaser for value. D is, therefore,

138. C A grantee's future interest is a remainder if it follows an estate which is certain to termi-

nate. If there are no conditions precedent to the remainder's becoming possessory other
than termination of the prior estate, the remainder is vested. If there are additional con-
ditions precedent, the remainder is contingent. Since Baretto's estate becomes posses-
sory on the death of either Agar or Chevalier, and since these deaths are certain to occur,
Baretto's interest is a vested remainder.

A is incorrect because only a grantor can hold a reversion. C is incorrect because,

except for the death of the life tenant, there is no condition precedent to Baretto's inter-
est becoming possessory. Under the rule against perpetuities, no interest is good unless
it must vest, if at all, during a period measured by a life or lives in being plus twenty-
one years. Since Baretto's interest is vested, it does not violate the rule against perpetu-
ities. D is, therefore, incorrect.

139. D Most jurisdictions in the United States apply the doctrine of "reasonable use" to dis-
putes involving underground percolating waters. This means that owners of realty are
permitted to make whatever use of the aquifer is reasonable, even if it adversely affects
their neighbors. Thus, if Bradshaw's planned use of water tapped from the aquifer is
found to be reasonable, the court will not enjoin him from using it. Although a minority
of jurisdictions disagree, D is the only answer listed which could be correct in any juris-

A is incorrect because the number of persons using a well is not relevant in determining
the rights of other users of the aquifer. Since both Anderson and Bradshaw are entitled
to make reasonable use of water taken from the aquifer, B is incorrect. C is incorrect
because a court could find Anderson's use of the water reasonable even though he
derives a profit from it.

140. C Under the "Rule in Dumpor's Case," many jurisdictions hold that if a landlord consents
to an assignment by the tenant, the covenant against assignment is thereafter waived and
the assignee may in turn assign to another without being bound by the covenant.
Although it is not certain that the court in this jurisdiction would apply the rule, C is the
only option listed which could possibly be effective in Cole's defense.

Courts strictly construe restraints against the alienation of leasehold interests. This
means that a covenant against assignments does not prevent subleases, and vice versa. A
is incorrect, however, because although such covenants are strictly construed, they are
not void. Ordinarily, an assignment made in violation of a covenant not to assign is
valid, and the landlord has no remedy other than an action for damages resulting from
the breach. Where, as here, however, the landlord reserves the right to terminate the
lease in the event of a violation of the covenant, the assignment is voidable at the land-
lord's election. B is, therefore, incorrect. An assignment is a transfer of all remaining
rights under a lease; a sublease is a transfer of less than all remaining rights. Since
Boyer transferred all remaining rights to Cole, the transfer was an assignment, and D is

141. C An easement is a right to use the land of another. If the right benefits a parcel of realty,
that parcel is known as the dominant estate and the one burdened by the easement is
known as the servient estate. If both the dominant and servient estates were owned by
the same person, and if a right-of-way easement across the servient estate is necessary

to provide access to the dominant estate, the sale of either parcel results in an implied
easement by necessity. Northacre and Southacre were both owned by Archer, and since
the only access to Northacre was over the dirt road which crossed Southacre, Barnhart
received an implied easement by necessity over Southacre when he purchased it.

When the common owner of two parcels uses one of them for the benefit of the other,
and when signs of that use are visible, a quasi-easement may exist which passes by
implication to the buyer of the parcel which received the benefit of such use. A is incor-
rect, however,because Archer never actually used Northacre or the dirt road which
crossed Southacre. A grantor of realty may reserve for himself an easement to use it,
and under some circumstances (e.g., strict necessity), such a reservation may be
implied. B is incorrect, however, because only a grantor can receive an easement by res-
ervation. Ordinarily, an easement of record benefits subsequent owners of the dominant
estate even if it is not mentioned in the deeds by which the dominant estate was con-
veyed to them. When the dominant estate and the servient estate merge (i.e., are owned
by the same person), however, all existing easements terminate. D is, therefore, incor-

142. B Although the existence of an easement may make title to realty unmarketable, most
courts hold that this is not so where the buyer was aware of the easement at the time he
contracted to purchase the realty. Since Coates saw the dirt road prior to contracting, it
is likely that a court would hold that its existence does not prevent the title from being
marketable. While it is not certain that a court would come to this conclusion, the argu-
ment in B is the only one listed which could possibly provide support for Archer's

If a buyer accepts a deed which does not conform to the requirements of the purchase
contract, he has waived his rights under the contract because the contract is said to
merge with the deed. A is incorrect,. however, because Coates did not accept the deed
and so is still protected by the terms of the contract. Marketable title means title that is
reasonably secure against attack. Since the existence of an easement would provide the
holder of a dominant estate with a ground to attack the rights of the holder of the servi-
ent estate, an undisclosed easement is usually sufficient to render title to the servient
estate unmarketable. C is, therefore, incorrect. A covenant to deliver marketable title is
implied in a contract for the sale of realty unless some other quality of title is specified.
Since the contract between Archer and Coates did not specify the quality of title to be
conveyed, Archer is required to convey marketable title. D is, therefore, incorrect.

143. A Every contract for the sale of realty contains an implied covenant by the seller that he
will deliver marketable title. Marketable title means title which is reasonably secure
against attack. It is generally understood that title to property which is being used in vio-
lation of a zoning law is not marketable. If a seller is unable to deliver marketable title,
the buyer is not required to complete the transaction because no person should be
required to purchase potential litigation. Since Foley's agreement to purchase the house
was connected with his purchase of the business, it is likely that a court would find that
the zoning violation constitutes a defect which excuses Foley from going through with
the purchase. Although it is not certain that a court would come to this conclusion, A is
the only option which could possibly be correct.

Band C are incorrect because the courts usually hold that an existing zoning violation
makes title unmarketable. D is incorrect because a public law which prohibits a particu-
lar activity takes precedence over a private rule which pennits it.

144. A Ordinarily zoning laws detennine the use·to which land may be put. Thus, if the zoning
law pennits the construction of a three story office building, Graves may construct it.

B is incorrect because there is no rule which requires a court to pennit the highest and
best use of realty. Although an easement for air, light, and view may be created by
express grant, C is incorrect because courts do not recognize an implied easement for
air, light, or view. If land was being used in a way which violates a zoning law passed
after the use began, the non-confonning use is pennitted to continue. D is incorrect,
however, because the non-confonning use is never required to continue.

145. C Developers are pennitted to create conditions on the use of land in their subdivisions
which are more restrictive than public laws. Thus, even where zoning law pennits a par-
ticular activity, deed restrictions may validly prohibit it. Since restrictions contained in
all the deeds to land in Green Hills prohibit the keeping of horses, a court will enforce
these restrictions, and Ralph should receive the relief which he seeks.

A is, therefore, incorrect. Where a zoning law restricts land to residential use but does
not define that use, the resolution of a dispute about whether a particular activity can be
conducted there will depend on whether that activity is part of ordinary residential use.
B is incorrect, however, because the deed restrictions in Green Hills clearly prohibit the
keeping of horses. Although a court may enjoin a nuisance, D is incorrect because a
court may enforce the deed restrictions without regard to whether keeping horses is a

146. C A fee simple detenninable is a fee interest which will tenninate automatically upon the
happening of a specified event. Courts almost always hold that a grant to a particular
grantee "so long as" something does not happen creates this interest. Although the
phrase "but if' makes it uncertain that a court will come to this conclusion, C is the only
answer listed which could possibly be correct.

Although an interest which might vest after a period measured by a life or lives in being
plus twenty one years is void under the rule against perpetuities, this does not affect the
validity of any prior estate. For this reason, even if the interest of the Foundation for
Hereditary Diseases violates this rule against perpetuities, that has no effect on the
validity of Geller's interest. A is, therefore, incorrect. A fee simple absolute is complete
ownership which is not subject to defeasance. B is incorrect because of the speciallimi-
tation created by the phrase "so long as." A fee simple subject to a condition subsequent
is an interest which is subject to defeasance on the happening of a specified event, but
which does not tenninate until the holder of the future interest takes some step to make
his interest possessory. Courts frequently hold that the phrase "but if' creates a condi-
tion subsequent which allows the holder of a future interest to take action to tenninate
the estate upon the happening of that condition. D is incorrect, however, for two rea-
sons. First, the phrase "so long as" probably results in a fee simple detenninable. The
second reason relates to application of the Rule Against Perpetuities. Although the Rule
may prevent interests which violate it from vesting, this does not affect the validity or

character of interests which become possessory during the period prescribed by the
Rule. This means that even if the interest of the Foundation is void under the Rule, the
character of Geller's interest does not change.

147. C Under the rule against perpetuities, no interest is good unless it must vest, if at all, dur-
ing a period measured by a life or lives in being plus twenty one years. Since liquor
might be sold on the premises after the expiration of this period, it is possible that the
interest of the Foundation for Hereditary diseases would vest beyond the period of per-
petuities. For this reason, it received no valid interest.

The future interest of a charity is not subject to the rule against perpetuities if it follows
the estate of another charity. Otherwise, the rule against perpetuities applies as it would
to any other grantee. A is incorrect because there is no indication that Geller is a charity.
B is incorrect because only a grantor can hold a right of re-entry. An executory interest
is a future interest which follows an estate which is not certain to terminate. If it follows
the estate of a grantor, it is a springing executory interest. D is incorrect, however,
because the interest of the Foundation for Hereditary Diseases is void as explained

148. A In those jurisdictions which apply the doctrine of equitable conversion, a purchaser
under a real estate sales contract becomes the equitable owner of the realty and bears the
risk of loss as soon as the contract is formed. In those jurisdictions which have adopted
the Uniform Vendor and Purchaser Risk Act, the risk of loss does not pass to the buyer
until either title or possession has passed. But both these rules apply only when the par-
ties have not agreed to the contrary. Parties to a contract are free to agree as to when the
risk of loss is to pass. In this contract, the parties agreed that the risk of loss would not
pass until title was conveyed.

B, C, and D are incorrect because they ignore the agreement of the parties.

Numbers refer to Question Numbers

I. The intentional torts

A. Basis of liability 180, 185
1. Assault and battery 15,18-19,52,81,86-87,111,124,134,138,170
2. False imprisonment ............................•........ 11,99, 147, 178-179
3. Trespass to land 38,52, 75, 137, 138, 150-152, 162, 163
4. Trespass to chattels and conversion , 64, 78,82-83, 157-159
5. Intentional infliction of mental distress , 18'-19, 127, 178-179, 180
B. Privileges and defenses 34-35,52, 75, 81, 82..;83, 91, 105-106,
111, 124, 134, 138, 150-152, 170

D. Strict liability
A. Basis of liability , 185
1. Defective products 1-3,6,13-14,21-22,24-25,26,27-28,37,
87,103-104, 115-117, 128, 133, 142-143,
2. Abnormally dangerous things and activities 31,32,38,94, 162-163, 192
3. Animals 20, 24-25, 53,76
B. Defenses , 21-22,51,54,94

ID. The negligence action 10,29-30,34-35,40,47,51,56-58,68,86,87,

105-106, 107-110, 121-123,157-159
A. Risk and duty 1-3,4,6, 7-8, 9, 10,26,27:'28,29-30,42,47,56-58,59,61,
65-66, 73-74, 79-80; 81, 84-85, 105-106, 107-110, 113,
121-123, 132, 144, 145, 148, 153-154, 171-173,
174-176, 180, 181-182, 185, 188-189, 192
B. Standard of conduct
1. General 1-3,26,27-28,29-30,31,41,42,47,61,73-74,76,79-80,81,
128, 131, 132, 133, 145, 150-152, 153-154, 157-159,
2. Statutory 6, 7-8, 34-35, 50, 90, 120, 153-154,
171-173, 190-191, 195-196
3. Special classes of persons 24-25,84-85,90,103-106,114,115-117,
118-119, 128, 174-176, 183, 188-189
C. Proof of fault including res ipsa
loquuur 1-3, 13-14,53,86-87, 115-117, 121-123, 174-176, 183, 192
D. Causation
1. Cause in fact. 1-3,7-8,17,29-30,31,32,34-35,56-58,68,84-85,
88-89, 107-110, 113, 129, 148, 150-152, 153-154,
162-163, 168-169, 186-187, 190-191
2. Legal or proximate cause 7-9,29-31,32,34-36,47,56-59,65-66,68,

73-74,79-80,86-87,88-89,97, 103-104, 107-110, 113,

121-123, 129, 148, 150-152, 153-154, 157-159, 168-169,
171-173, 174-176, 181-182, 186-187, 190-192, 193-194
3. Multiple actors 7-8,9,17,29-30,32,34-35,36,45-46,47,56-58,65,
150-152, 153-154, 157-158, 168-169, 171-173,
174-176, 181-182, 186-187, 190-191, 193-194
E. Apportionment of liability, including
contribution and indemnity 9,21-22,55,56-58,69-71, 144,
155-156, 164-165, 166-167, 184
F. Special problem areas
1. Owners and occupiers of land ., 4,73-74,81,84-85,95,105-106,
107-110, 121-123, 124, 131, 132,
145, 174-176, 181-182, 185
2. Mental distress 21-22, 115-117, 162-163
G. Liability for acts of others 55, 118-119, 157-159, 193-194
1. Vicarious liability and agency 1-3, 17,27-28,29-30,40,41,
56-58,96, 115-117, 133, 164,
165, 171-173, 193-194
2. Joint enterprise , 1-3,17,27-28,56-58,115-117,129
3. Independent contractors and
nondelegable duties .41, 174-176, 193-194
H. Defenses 34-35,65-66, 155-156, 184, 188-189
1. Assumption of risk 21-22,34-35,61,76,84-85,86-87,131,145,
146, 157-159, 162-163, 188-189, 195-196
2. Contributory fault and last clear
chance 1-3,23,34-35,47,50,51,79-80,95,107-110,118-119,
145, 157-159, 181-182, 184, 188-189, 193-194
3. Comparative negligence , 1-3,34-35,54,69-71,131,

I IV. Nuisance; public and private

155-156, 164-165, 184

53, 62-63, 111, 141, 162-163, 195-196

V. Defamation
A. Basis ofliability 12,43-44,60,92, 100-102, 149
B. Common-law privileges and defenses 43-44, 149
C. Constitutional limitations 100-102, 149

VI. Privacy
A. Basis of liability 39,98,135, 160-161, 162-163
B. Common-law privileges and defenses 39, 135, 160-161
C. Constitutional limitations 39, 135, 160-161

VII. Misrepresentation 21-22,33,48-49,54,93, 125-126, 139-140

A. Deceit 5,48-49, 139-140
B. Negligent misrepresentation 16, 139-140


Questions 1-3 are based on the following fact situation. journal of the hair-care industry.
(C) The reasonable person would not have
Delphi was the manufacturer of a product known as
expected the use.of Delphi's Follicle to
Delphi's Follicle, which was sold over the counter for
result in an irritation of the scalp of some-
the treatment of dandruff and dry scalp conditions.
one with Patrick's allergy.
Patrick purchased a bottle of Delphi's Follicle at
Farma's drugstore. A statement on the label read, "This (D) At the time it manufactured the product pur-
product will not harm normal scalp or hair." Patrick chased by Patrick, Delphi was aware that
used the product as directed. Because of a scalp condi- its ingredients could irritate the scalp of
tion making him allergic to one of the ingredients, the persons with allergies like Patrick's.
product irritated his scalp, causing him much pain and
3. In an action by Patrick against Farma, which of
the following would be Patrick's most effective
1. In an action for negligence by Patrick against argument?
Delphi, which of the following additional facts or
inferences, if it was the only one true, would be (A) Any negligence by Delphi is imputed to
most effective in Delphi's defense? Farma.
(B) The product was defective as labeled.
(A) Patrick did not read the statement on the
label. (C) Farma breached an express warranty.
(B) The reasonable person in Delphi's position (D) A drugstore is under a special duty to be
would not have foreseen that the product aware of possible allergic reactions to
would injure persons with Patrick's products which it sells.
(C) The product was manufactured for Delphi 4. Drake lived in a neighborhood in which the inci-
by another company. dence of violent crime had been increasing. Poll
and Drake were having tea together in Drake's
(D) Delphi was unaware that an allergy existed
kitchen, when there was a knock at the door of
like that suffered by Patrick.
Drake's home. Although the door was equipped
with a peephole which would have enabled Drake
2. In an action by Patrick against Delphi on the the- to see who was outside before opening, Drake
ory of strict liability in tort, which of the follow- opened the door without looking. As soon as the
ing additional facts or inferences, if it was the door was opened, Thug, an armed robber, entered
only one true, would be most helpful to Patrick's with a gun. Thug struck Poll several times with
case? the barrel of his pistol before robbing her of her
money and leaving. Poll subsequently asserted a
(A) Injuries of the kind sustained by Patrick do negligence claim against Drake for injuries
not ordinarily result from the use of a prod- resulting from the attack, alleging that it was neg-
uct like Delphi's Follicle unless the manu- ligent for Drake to open the door without looking
facturer was negligent. to see who was there.
(B) Prior to Patrick's purchase ofthe product, an
Which of the following additional facts if it was
article regarding the allergy from which he
the only one true, would be most helpful to Poll's
suffered had appeared in a widely-read
claim against Drake?

highway adjacent to the land.

(A) Drake was aware of the high incidence of
crime in the neighborhood.
6. Patton was injured when a robber shot her with a
(B) Poll was aware of the high incidence of pistol manufactured by Gunco. She asserted a
crime in the neighborhood. claim against Gunco, alleging that the pistol with
(C) Drake had invited Poll for tea because she which she had been shot was meant to be sold for
hoped to sell Poll herused living room fur- a price under $50. Which of the following argu~
niture. ments is most likely to lead to a judgment for Pat-
(D) One of Drake's neighbors had been robbed
and attacked by Thug in a similar manner (A) Gunco is vicariously liable for battery, since
the previous day. it was foreseeable that a purchaser of the
pistol would shoot another person with it.
5. Homsted had been living on the family farm most (B) Gunco breached an implied warranty that
of his life. Because he was ready to retire, he the gun was merchantable, since a pistol
advertised his farm for sale. Devel, a real estate which is meant to be sold for under $50 is
investor and developer, had been secretly advised unfit for ordinary use.
by a friend in the state highway department that a
(C) Gunco is liable for negligence, since the
major highway would soon be built adjacent to
criminal law is designed to protect persons
Homsted's land. Knowing that this would
like Patton from becoming the victims of
increase the value of the property, Devel con-
tacted Homsted and offered to purchase the farm.
Devel said that she would be willing to pay the (D) Gunco is liable for negligence, since the low
fair market value as determined by any licensed selling price of the pistol made it foresee-
real estate appraiser selected by Homsted. Hom- able that it would be used in connection
sted hired Prays, a licensed real estate appraiser, with a crime.
who determined the fair market value to be
$400,000. Devel purchased the land, paying that
price. Questions 7-8 are based on the following fact situation.

I Three weeks after the closing of title, the state

announced plans to build a highway adjacent to
the land. This announcement increased the value
of the land to $4,000,000. If Homsted institutes
Sippy was already intoxicated when he entered Barr's
Tavern. At first, Barr refused to serve him any more
alcohol. Sippy insisted, however, and at his insistence,
Barr served him three more drinks. When Sippy left the
an action for misrepresentation against Devel, the bar he was unable to start his car. He asked Helper, who
court should find for was driving by, to assist him. Helper, who realized that
Sippy was drunk, determined that Sippy's battery was
(A) Devel, if Homsted knew her to be a real weak, and started Sippy's car by connecting a cable to
estate investor. her own battery. Later, while driving, Sippy struck
Pedex, who was walking across the street.
(B) Devel, because she allowed Homsted's
appraiser to determine the fair market 7. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
value of the land. Pedex asserted a claim for his personal injuries
against Helper. Which one of the following facts
(C) Homsted, because Devel's failure to disclose or inferences, if it was the only one true, would
the coming of the highway was a breach of provide Helper with the most effective defense?
a fiduciary obligation.
(D) Homsted, if Devel had an obligation to dis- (A) The state had a statute making a barkeeper
close that the state would be building a liable for damage done by a person who

purchased alcohol from the barkeeper after Which of the following is Danvers's most effec-
already being intoxicated. tive argument in defense against Blandings's
claim for permanent loss of earning capacity?
(B) Helper was in the business of rendering road
service to motorists having trouble with
(A) Blandings was a super-sensitive plaintiff,
their cars.
since he was already blind in one eye.
(C) Sippy drove 200 miles before striking
(B) Parker acted unreasonably by leaving a
loaded rifle in the back seat of his car.
(D) Sippy would not have struck Pedex if he had
(C) Blandings was outside the foreseeable zone
not been intoxicated.
of danger.
(D) The reasonable person would not have
8. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
expected that Danvers's conduct would
Pedex asserted a claim for his personal injuries
cause any person to be rendered blind.
against Barr. Which of the following would be
Barr's most effective argument in defense?
10. Burg broke into Gro's grocery store in the middle
(A) Sippy was already intoxicated when he came of the night. After stealing all the money that was
into the bar. in the cash register, she blew open the door of the
safe with nitroglycerin and stole its contents as
(B) The accident would not have occurred if
well. Then, as she was leaving, she stole a six-
Helper did not help Sippy get his car
pack of Three Star Beer. Because of poor quality
control at the Three Star brewery where it was
(C) The reasonable person would not have made, the beer contained a toxic ingredient. Later
expected Sippy to drive when he left the that night, Burg drank three cans of the beer and
bar. was made seriously ill by the toxic ingredient
(D) Persons outside Barr's tavern were not in which it contained. In an action by Burg against
privity with Barr. Three Star, the court will most likely find for

(A) Burg, if her injury was proximately caused

9. Danvers was driving down Main Street at an by the negligence of Three Star.
unreasonably fast rate of speed when, as a result,
(B) Burg, since Three Star breached an express
he collided with Parker's car which was standing
unattended against the curb. The impact caused a
loaded rifle which Parker had left in the back seat (C) Three Star, since Burg does not come into
of the car to fire. The bullet went through the car court with "clean hands."
window and traveled four blocks before striking
(D) Three Star, if Burg's theft ofthe beer is
Blandings, who was leaving the Rainbow paint
regarded as unforeseeable.
factory after work. Although Blandings had lost
the sight in his left eye in an accident which
occurred when he was a child, he was employed 11. Global Studios was filming part of a motion pic-
by the Rainbow Paint Company as a color coordi- ture at a large residential apartment building with
nator. As a result of his being struck by the bullet the permission of the building owner. To avoid
from Parker's rifle, Blandings lost the sight in his interference by curious onlookers, Global's secu-
right eye. This rendered him totally blind, caus- rity agents set up a command post in the lobby of
ing him to lose his job. Blandings subsequently the building. No persons were allowed to enter
asserted a negligence claim against Danvers, the building without identifying themselves and
alleging permanent loss of earning capacity in explaining their reasons for being there. Rezzie,
addition to other items of damage. who lived in an apartment in the building, was
returning from a fishing trip late one night.

Unaware of Global's activities, he was stopped made it.

by Global employees as he attempted to enter.
(D) Dresden knew or should have known that
Because he was not carrying identification, Rez-
harm would result from the statement.
zie was unable to establish his identity. For this
reason, the employees refused to allow him to
enter. After trying unsuccessfully to convince Questions 13-14 are based on the following fact situa-
them that he lived there, Rezzie stayed with his tion.
sister who lived a block away. The following
morning, he contacted the building owner who Farmer owned 500 acres of land on which she grew
spoke to Global officials and arranged to have wheat. By a valid written contract, she agreed to
them allow Rezzie to enter. deliver all her wheat to Bredco to be used by that com-
pany in the production of bread for sale to the general
If Rezzie asserts a claim against Global for false public. While harvesting the crop, she realized that a
imprisonment, which of the following would be blade on her harvesting machine was broken, and that
Global's most effective argument in defense? fine slivers of metal were becoming mixed with the
wheat. She said nothing about this when she delivered
(A) Global employees did not know that Rezzie the wheat to Bredco, since she knew that Bredco ordi-
was entitled to enter the building. narily cleaned its wheat before using it. The harvesting
(B) The conduct of Global employees was not machine had been manufactured and sold by Tracto.
Bredco used the wheat which it purchased from Farmer
(C) Rezzie was not imprisoned. to manufacture a loaf of bread which it sold to Deli,
(D) Rezzie sustained no damage as a result of who operated a sandwich shop. Deli used the bread to
the conduct of Global employees. make a sandwich. Because the bread contained slivers
of the blade from Farmer's harvesting machine, Pawnie
lacerated the lining of his throat when he swallowed a
12. Prescott, who owned an appliance repair shop, bite of the sandwich.
was at a cocktail party when he saw Dresden, one
of his competitors. Approaching Dresden, Pres-
cott said, "I'm glad to run into you. I was hoping 13. Which of the following additional facts or infer-
ences, if it was the only one true, would be most

that we could discuss the possibility of going into
partnership instead of competing with each helpful to Farmer in defense against an action
other." Dresden responded, "I wouldn't go into brought by Pawnie on a theory of strict liability in
business with you because you're the most tort?
incompetent person I've ever known."Audit, a
customer of Prescott's, overheard the conversa- (A) If Bredco acted reasonably, the slivers of
tion. As a result, the following day, Audit can- metal would have been removed from the
celled a contract which he had with Prescott. wheat before it was baked into bread.
(B) The sandwich which contained the slivers of
If Prescott asserts a claim against Dresden for metal had been purchased by one of
defamation, Prescott will be successful if Pawnie's co-workers who gave it to
Pawnie after changing his mind about eat-
(A) Dresden knew or should have known that ing it.
the statement was defamatory when he
made it. (C) Bredco made substantial changes in the
wheat before it reached Pawnie.
(B) Dresden knew or should have known that
the statement was false when he made it. (D) The blade on Farmer's harvesting machine
was defective when she purchased it from
(C) Dresden knew or should have known that Tracto.
the statement would be overheard when he

14. In an action by Pawnie against Bredco, can ing this statement to be true. Bender purchased
Pawnie successfully rely on the doctrine of res the house from Solet and moved into it. Three
ipsa loquitur? months later, Bender discovered that the frame-
work of the house had been damaged by termites,
(A) Yes, if the exercise of reasonable care in the and that the termites had been damaging the
baking process would ordinarily have framework for several years. He subsequently
eliminated all metal slivers from the asserted a claim against Solet on a theory of neg-
wheat. ligent misrepresentation.
(B) Yes, if the presence of metal slivers made
Which of the following is Solet's most effective
the bread defective.
argument in defense against Bender's claim?
(C) No, if the presence of the metal slivers in the
wheat resulted from Farmer's failure to use (A) Solet did not know that there were termites
reasonable care. in the house.
(D) No, if it was unforeseeable that a broken (B) Solet had no duty to tell Bender whether
blade on Farmer's harvesting machine there were termites in the house.
would result in the presence of metal sliv-
(C) Solet's statement that there were no termites
ers in the wheat.
in the house was an expression of opinion.
(D) Solet's belief that there were no termites in
15. Purtle and Delfin were drinking at the same bar
the house was reasonable.
when Purtle began insulting Delfin by calling
him names which were ethnically offensive.
When they started to argue with each other, the 17. Preston purchased a box labeled "Generic Break-
bartender asked them both to leave. Purtle got fast Cereal" from Riteway Supermarket. While
into his car and drove away. Angry, Delfin began he was eating it, he broke a tooth on a stone
chasing him in his own car. When he caught up which the product contained. The product sold by
with Purtle, De1:tin began passing Purtle's car on Riteway and labeled "Generic Breakfast Cereal"
the left. As he did so, he swerved his car towards is furnished by three different companies: Acme,
Purtle's for the purpose of frightening Purtle. Pur- Birdco, and Cullen. Each sells an approximately
tle did not know that the car swerving toward him equal quantity to Riteway. In addition, all pack-
was Delfin's but he became frightened that it age their product in identical wrappers, so that it
would hit him and steered away from it, striking a is impossible to tell which of them furnished any
fire hydrant and sustaining injury. given box of breakfast cereal. Although the com-
panies compete with each other, at Riteway's
If Purtle institutes an action against Delfin, a request they worked together to design the prod-
court should hold Delfin liable for uct wrapper.

(A) battery only. If Preston is successful in an action for damages

against Riteway, it will probablybe because
(B) assault only.
(C) both battery and assault. (A) Riteway, Acme, Birdco, and Cullen were
involved in a concerted action in the manu-
(D) neither battery nor assault.
facture and marketing of the product.
(B) Riteway, Acme, Birdco, and Cullen estab-
16. Bender was interested in purchasing Solet's
lished standards on an industry-wide basis,
house. Because Bender knew that some of the
which standards made identification of the
houses in the area were infested with termites, he
product's manufacturer impossible.
asked Solet whether there were any termites in
his house. Solet said that there were none, believ- (C) the negligence of either Acme, Birdco, or

Cullen resulted in harm to Preston under ages resulting from her heart attack on a theory of
circumstances such that it was impossible intentional infliction of mental distress, the court
to tell which of them caused the harm; and should find for
Riteway is vicariously liable for that negli-
gence. (A) Napper, because the heart attack occurred
the day after Dot's return.
(D) either Acme, Birdco, or Cullen manufac-
tured a defective product, and Riteway (3) Napper,ifMabe's pre-existing condition
sold that product while it was in a defec- made her especially susceptible to heart
tive condition. attack.
(C) Mabe, if the heart littackwas caused by Nap-
Questions 18-19 are based on the following fact situa- per's outrageous conduct.
tion. (D) Mabe, because Napper should have foreseen
that his conduct would result in harm.
Dot, athirteen-year-old girl, was a member of Survival
Scouts, a nationalyoung people's organization. As part
of a Survival Scout project, she planned to spend an 20. Starr was a retired motion picture actor whose
entire weekend camping alone in the woods. Napper, career had consisted primarily of a series of small
who knew about the project, phoned Dot's mother roles in films about the jungle. Starr owned a
Mabe the day after Dot left home. Napper said, "We leopard named Spots, which Starr had trained and
have your daughter. We've aIfeady beaten her up once, which had appeared with him in motion pictures.
just to hear her scream. Next time, we might kill her." Spots had always been tame and gentle, even
Napper instructed Mabe to deliver a cash ransom to a when young. When Starr retired, Spots was old,
specified location within one hour. Since there was no almost blind, somewhat slow moving, and the
way to locate Dot's campsite in the woods, Mabe could size of a large dog. Starr brought the animal to
not find out whether Napper was telling the truth. Hor- live with him, keeping it in the fenced yard
rifiedthat her daughter mightbe beaten and injured or alongside his house. Paston was a thirteen-year-
killed, she delivered the ransom as instructed. She old girl who delivered newspapers to Starr. One
remained ina hysterical state until Dot returned from day, she came to Starr's home to collect for the
her camping trip, and Mabe realized that the ransom past week's deliveries. Since she knew Spots,
demand had been a hoax.· Mabe, who already suffered Paston opened the gate and called the animal so
from a heart ailment, had a heart attackthe day after that she could pet him. Spots bounded toward the
Dot's return. place from which the sound had come, but
because he was almost blind, he bumped into
Paston. Paston fell to the ground, fracturing her
18. If Mabe asserts a claim against Napper for ankle.
assault, the court should find for
If Paston asserts a claim against Starr on a theory
(A) Mabe, because Napper was aware that his of strict liability, the court should find for
conduct would frighten her.
(B) Mabe, because the court wllltransfer Nap- (A) Starr, because the injury did not result from
per's intent. a trait which made it dangerous to keep a
(C) Napper, because Mabe did not perceive
injury being inflicted upon Dot. (B) Starr, because Spots was not a wild animal.
(D) Napper, because Mabe had no reason to (C) Paston, because it was unreasonable for
expect to be touched by Napper. Starr to keep Spots in his yard.
(D) Paston, because Starr should have antici-
19. If Mabe asserts a claim against Napper for dam- pated .that a child would attempt to pet

Spots. (B) A sign on the bargain counter where Primm

found the suit said, "Sale Merchandise. All
sales final."
Questions 21-22 are based on the following fact situa-
tion. (C) Primm knew that paper bathing suits like the
one she had purchased sometimes dis-
While Primm was visiting her daughter, the two of solved when they became wet.
them decided to go swimming at a nearby publicpool. (D) Deppcould·not implead Sutter into the
Since she had not brought a bathing suit along on her action because Sutter had gone out of busi-
visit, Primm went to Depp's store to purchase one. ness.
While looking at the suits on the bargain counter, she
found one which had been manufactured by Sutter. The
package which contained it bore a label which read, 23. Mater needed butter for the cookies which she
"Disposable Bathing Suit. This garmentis made com- was baking, so she asked her seven-year-old son
pletely from recycled paper. Although it is strong Sammy to go to the store on Main Street. Because
enough to be worn several times and is even washable, traffic on Main Street was sometimes heavy,
it's inexpensive enough to be thrown away after one Sammy was not usually permitted to ride his
use. Buy several, and take them with you on trips to the bicycle on the roadway there. Mater needed the
beach." Primm bought the bathing suit and wore it at butter right away, however, so she told him that
the public swimming pool. After swimming for a few he could ride in the roadway if he was sure to stay
minutes, she climbed up to the diving board. She was on the left side so that he could see cars coming
preparing to dive into the pool when the wet paper towards him. Danzing was driving his car on
bathing suit suddenly dissolved and fell from her in Main Street when he was momentarily blinded by
shreds, leaving her completely naked. Horrified, the sun. He did not see Sammy, who was riding
Primm climbed down from the diving board as quickly toward him in the roadway, and struck him, caus-
as she could, calling to her daughter who ran over and ing Sammy tq sustain serious injuries. Sammy
wrapped her in a towel. subsequently asserted a claim for negligence
against Danzing. Danzing raised a defense based
on contributory negligence. In a jurisdiction
21. If Primm asserts a claim against Sutter for dam- which applies the "all or nothing" rule of contrib-
ages resulting from her embarrassment, Sutter's utory negligence, Danzing's defense will succeed
best argument in defense is that only if

(A) Sutter made no representations to Primm. (A) Sammy acted unreasonably.

(B) Primm sustained no physical injury or symp- (B) Mater acted unreasonably.
(C) Either Mater or Sammy acted unreasonably.
(C) Primm purchased the suit from Depp.
(D) Both Mater and SammY acted unreasonably.
(D) Sutter acted reasonably in manufacturing
and labeling the bathing suit.
Questions 24-25 are based on the following fact situa-
22. Which of the following additional facts or infer-
ences, if itwas the only one true, would be most Leadco manufactured a device called the Leadco
helpful to Depp's defense in an action by Primm Trainer, for training dogs. The Leadco Trainer con-
against Depp? sisted of a leather strap fastened to a collar made of
metal links. The links were connected to each other in
(A) Depp had sold Sutter's products for several such a way that a pull on the leather strap would cause
years, and had never heard of any problem the collar to tighten painfully around the neck of the
like the one experienced by Prilll1ll. dog wearing it. In this way, the dog being trained could

be disciplined immediately upon perfonning improp- ful death statute.

erly. Doughty, a professional dog trainer, was working
with a dog known as Rommel in her unfenced front If Preston is successful in his action against
yard and was using a brand new Leadco Trainer. Passer Annie, it will probably be because
was walking past the yard when Rommel began to
snarl and lunge at him. When Doughty yanked on the (A) Annie was negligent in giving the rag doll to
leather strap of the Leadco Trainer it suddenly broke, Sonny.
freeing Rommel.The dog sprang forward, biting
(B) the rag doll was unfit for ordinary use.
(C) the rag doll was defective when Annie gave
it to Sonny.
24. If Passer asserts a claim against Leadco alleging
that the Leadco Trainer used by Doughty was (D) the rag doll was unreasonably dangerous
defective, the court should find for when Annie gave it to Sonny.

(A) Leadco, because Passer was not a purchaser

Questions 27-28 are based on the following fact situa-
or consumer of the product.
(B) Leadco, if the Leadco Trainer had been sub-
mitted to all reasonable tests and inspec- Because Pauling had a headache, he took two headache
tions before being marketed. tablets from a bottle which had been purchased by his
wife at the Mart grocery store. The tablets had been
(C) Passer, if Rommel was a dog of average size
manufactured by Tabco which sold them to Mart in
and strength.
sealed bottles for resale. Because of a toxic ingredient
(D) Passer, because it was foreseeable that a which the tablets contained, Pauling became ill as a
leather lead would eventually weaken and result of taking them.
break when used as the Leadco Trainer
was meant to be used.
27. If Pauling asserts a claim based on negligence
against Mart for his damages, the court should
25. If Passer asserts a claim against Doughty, find for
Passer's most effective argument in support of his
claim would be that (A) Pauling, because Tabco's negligence is
imputed to Mart.
(A) Doughty is strictly liable for damage result-
(B) Pauling, because a retailer has an absolute
ing from her use of a defective product.
duty to provide safe products.
(B) it was unreasonable for Doughty to work the
(C) Mart, because the bottle containing the tab-
dog in her front yard.
lets was sealed when Mart received it.
(C) Doughty's conduct was a concurring cause
(D) Mart, because the tablets had been pur-
of harm.
chased by Pauling's wife.
(D) Doughty was a professional dog trainer.

28. If Pauling asserts a claim against Tabco based on

26. On Sonny's first birthday, his aunt Annie bought a theory of strict liability in tort, the ruling should
him a rag doll as a gift. The toy was made of turn on the question of whether
plush material with buttons sewn on for eyes.
While playing with the toy, Sonny pulled one of (A) Tabco knew that the tablets contained a toxic
the buttons off, put it in his mouth, and choked to ingredient.
death on it. Sonny's father Preston commenced
(B) headache tablets which contain a toxic
an action against Annie under the state's wrong-
ingredient are inherently dangerous.

(C) it was reasonable for Tabco to market the leg.

(D) Danton, if Peri would not have been injured
(D) the reasonable consumer would expect head- but for Secon's striking her.
ache tablets to contain a toxic ingredient.
31. Nuke operated a nuclear power plant on the sea-
Questions 29-30 are based on the following fact situa- shore just outside the city of Columbia and sold
tion. .electricity generated by its operations to Colum-
bia residents. To cool its equipment, Nuke drew
Danton was looking for an address as he drove down water from the ocean and piped it through por-
the street, and was not watching the road in front of tions of its plant. Because this operation made the
him. As a result, he did not see Peri crossing the street water highly radioactive, Nuke stored used water
in front of him, and struck her with his car, knocking in a series of large concrete holding ponds. The
her down. Danton immediately got out of her car to water stored in this fashion was subjected to a
help Peri. When he saw that she was unconscious, he series of procedures designed to "neutralize" it by
became afraid to move her, and left her in the roadway removing the radioactivity before it was returned
while he ran to a nearby phone. While Danton was to the ocean. Because of an earthquake, one of
gone, Secon drove down the same street. Because he the concrete holding ponds cracked, permitting
was intoxicated by the drug PCP, Secon did not see Peri several million gallons of neutralized water to
in the roadway, and drove over her, fracturing her leg. escape. Although the escaping water was not
radioactive, it caused substantial damage to the
fields of Farmer as it passed over them.
29. If Peri brings an action against Secon for dam-
ages resulting from her fractured leg, Secon's lia- If Farmer asserts a claim against Nuke for dam-
bility will most probably turn on whether it was age to his realty, the court should find for
foreseeable that
(A) Farmer, because operating a nuclear power
(A) Danton would drive negligently and would plant is an abnormally dangerous activity.
leave Peri lying in the roadway after strik-
ing her. (B) Farmer, because water is a substance which
is likely to do great harm if it should
(B) a person struck by an automobile would be escape from captivity.
involved in a second accident within a
short period of time. (C) Farmer, because it was unreasonable to
operate a nuclear power plant in an area
(C) a person would be in the roadway. where an earthquake could occur.
(D) Secon would drive while intoxicated by the (D) Nuke, because the damage resulted from an
drug PCP. act of God.

30. In an action by Peri against Danton for damages 32. Blowco was a manufacturer of explosives used in
resulting from her fractured leg, a court is most mining for gold and silver. Its warehouse, which
likely to find for contained large quantities of explosives, was
located a short distance from the town of Mastiff.
(A) Peri, if Danton's negligence was a factual A group of political extremists known as the
and legal cause of Peri's fractured leg. Holy Terrors were planning to set off a series of
(B) Peri, since the negligence of Secon is bombs in public places in Mastiff. Several mem-
imputed to Danton. bers broke into the Blowco warehouse for the
purpose of stealing explosives to use in making
(C) Danton, since his conduct was a legal cause
bombs. Their entry set off an alarm which
but not a factual cause of Peri's fractured
brought the police. Rather than surrender to the

police, the terrorists committed suicide by deto- (B) Sanders, because Berry purchased the hay
nating the explosives which they had stolen. The wagon for the undisclosed purpose of prof-
blast caused the entire warehouse to explode. A iting from his investment.
house owned by Parbal and located a half mile
(C) Berry, because he was not required to dis-
away was damaged by the explosion.
close his purpose in purchasing the hay
If Parbal asserts a claim for damages against
Blowco on the ground that storing explosives was (D) Berry, if Sanders was initially satisfied with
an abnormally dangerous activity, which of the the price which Berry paid her for the hay
following would be Blowco's most effective wagon.
argument in defense?
Questions 34-35 are based on the following fact situa-
(A) The explosion did not result from unreason-
able conduct by Blowco.
(B) The damage did not result from a physical A state statute provides that no person shall transport
invasion of Parbal's realty by any tangible passengers for hire in an airplane unless that person
object in the control of Blowco. shall be licensed as a commercial airplane pilot. Wing
(C) The conduct of the terrorists was an inter- owned a small private airplane, but did not have a com-
vening cause of harm. mercial pilot's license. Rider, who had a business
engagement in the city of Atlantis, offered Wing $200
(D) It was not foreseeable that terrorists would to fly him there in Wing's plane. Wing agreed, after
deliberately detonate explosives in the informing Rider that he did not have a commercial
warehouse. pilot's license as required by law. While the were flying
over the city of Byzantine, Wing realized that he had
33. Sanders kept an antique hay wagon in front of her miscalculated the amount of fuel which he needed for
house as a yard ornament. On several occasions, the trip. As a result, he was forced to land at the Byzan-
she offered to sell the hay wagon to her neighbor tine Airport. After landing and while waiting to be
Berry for $500. Although Berry admired it, he refueled, Wing's plane was struck by a plane which
had always been unwilling to pay Sanders' price. was being negligently operated by Delbert. Wing and
Mter reading a magazine article about the Rider were both injured in the collision. The jurisdic-
increasing popularitY of farm antiques, Berry tion applies the "all-or-nothing" rule of contributory
concluded that the value of Sanders' hay wagon negligence.
was likely to increase, and that it would therefore
be a good investment. One day.he approached 34. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
her, saying, "Ifyou're still interested in selling Rider asserts a claim against Wing, alleging that
that hay wagon, I'll pay $500." Sanders was sur- Wing was negligent in miscalculating the quan-
prised that he had changed his mind, but did not tity of fuel needed to make the trip to Atlantis.
ask him why because she was afraid that he Which of the following arguments would be
would change it back again. Instead, she said, Wing's most effective argument in defense?
"I'll take your offer," and sold him the wagon.
Two months later, an antique dealer who saw the (A) Rider assumed the risk, because he knew
wagon in Berry's yard bought it from him for that Wing did not have a commercial
$2,000. pilot's license.

If Sanders' asserts a misrepresentation claim (B) Rider was contributorily negligent in accept-
against Berry, the court should find for ing a ride with Wing whom he knew to be
(A) Sanders, if Berry knew more about the value (C) Wing's miscalculation was not a legal cause
of antique hay wagons.than Sanders did. of the injury sustained by Rider, because

Wing's plane was safely on the ground In a negligence action by Patient against Medco,
when struck by the plane operated by Del- if one of the following facts or inferences were
bert. true, which would provide Medco with its stron-
gest argument in defense?
(D) Wing's miscalculation was not a factual
cause of the injury sustained by Rider,
(A) It was unforeseeable that a doctor with Dr.
because the harm would not have occurred
Daley's training and experience would
if Delbert had not been negligent.
mistake Slid-Kleen forMedihol, since they
were two different colors.
35. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
(B) If Dr. Daley had been acting reasonably, she
Wing asserted a claim against Delbert for dam-
would have realized that the product which
ages resulting from personal 'injuries which he
she was using was not Medihol, since it
received in the collision. A court is most likely to
was red instead of colorless.
find for
(C) Dr. Daley's failure to notice that the product
(A) Wing, because the accident resulted from the which she was using was red, and there-
negligence of Delbert in the operation of fore was not Medihol, amounted to gross
his airplane. negligence.
(B) Delbert, because Wing's transportation of a (D) Dr. Daley's conduct was an intervening
passenger for hire in violation of the stat- cause of Patient's injury.
ute was negligence per se.
(C) Delbert, because Wing's original flight plan 37. Which of the following persons is most likely to
did not include a stop at Byzantine Airport. recover in an action against the manufacturer of a
hypodermic needle?
(D) Delbert, under the doctrine of necessity.
(A) A doctor's child who found the needle in the
36. Medco was the manufacturer of various products doctor's medical bag and was injured
used by physicians engaged in practice and when a defect caused it to break while the
research. One of its products was Medihol, a col- child was playing with it.
orless alcohol used by physicians for cleaning the
(B) The patient of a doctor who was injured
skin of patients before administering injections.
when a defect caused the needle to break
Another of its products was Slid-Kleen, a red liq-
while the doctor was injecting him with it.
uid for cleaning glass microscope slides used in
medical and research laboratories. (C) A dentist who lost profits when she was
unable to inject a patient with the needle
Because Slid-Kleen contained a strong solvent because a defect caused it to break.
which was damaging to .human skin, the label (D) A narcotics addict who contracted hepatitis
normally affixed to bottles in which it was sold because the needle was infected with the
contained language advising users to wear rubber
microbe which caused that disease.
gloves while handling the product.

As a result of an oversight at the Medco plant, 38. Dusty was a "crop duster," an occupation which
Medihollabels were erroneously placed on sev- required her to spray insecticides onto growing
eral bottles of Slid-Kleen. One of the mislabeled crops from an airplane which she flew within fif-
bottles was delivered to Dr. Daley's office. In teen feet of the ground. In locating the fields of
giving an injection to Patient, Dr. Daley used the her customers, she used a map which the county
Slid-Kleen, believing it to be Medihol. As a published for that purpose, and on which every
result, Patient sustained damage to his skin. parcel of real estate in the area was identified by a
parcel number. Arrow, a farmer, hired Dusty to

spray his fields with insecticide. Arrow knew that invasion of privacy, the court should find for
his farm was identified on the county map as par-
ce1612, but by mistake told Dusty that it was par- (A) Raker, since the documents in Semble's safe
cel 621. As a result, Dusty sprayed the farm were newsworthy.
which the county map identified as parcel 621.
(B) Raker, since he was protected by the First
That farm belonged to Plower, who had con-
Amendment to the United States Constitu-
tracted to grow his crop without chemical insecti-
- cides and to sell it to an organic produce
distributor. As a result of Dusty's spraying, (C) Raker, since Semble made the documents a
Plower was unable to fulfill his contract and sus- matter of public record at the press confer-
tained serious economic losses. ence.
(D) Semble, since Raker entered her office with-
If Plower asserts a claim against Dusty for dam-
out her permission and broke into her safe.
ages resulting from trespass to land, the court
should find for
40. Nichol, who was 11 years of age, was playing
(A) Plower, because crop dusting is an abnor- with Paul, who was ten years of age. While they
mally dangerous activity. were playing together, Nichol offered to show
Paul his new air rifle. The air rifle was manufac-
(B) Plower, because Dusty intentionally flew
tured by the Loly Company. Nichol purchased it
through the air space above his land.
from Storr, with money which he earned by mow-
(C) Dusty, because she reasonably believed that ing the lawns of several of his neighbors. While
the farm which she was spraying belonged demonstrating the air rifle to Paul, Nichol acci-
to Arrow. dentally shot him with it, severely injuring Paul's
eye. Paul subsequently asserted a negligence
(D) Dusty, because there was no damage to
claim against Storr.
Plower's land.
If Paul is successful in his claim against Storr, it
39. Semble, a member of the state senate, was chair will be because a jury finds that
of the Senate Investigations Committee which
was looking into accusations of corruption in the (A) any negligence by Loly Company in the
Governor's office. Because reports of committee design of the air rifle should be imputed to
agents were beginning to indicate that there was a Storr.
sound basis for the accusations, Semble kept
(B) the air rifle was defectively designed.
them locked in her office safe to prevent them
from becoming public knowledge before the (C) the air rifle was defectively manufactured.
investigation could be completed. Raker was an
(D) it was unreasonable for Storr to sell the air
investigative journalist who specialized in expos-
rifle to Nichol.
ing dishonesty in government. One night he
broke into Semble's office, picked the lock on her
safe, and photographed the documents which it 41. Carrent was in the auto rental business, under the
contained. The following day, realizing that the name "Rent-A-Lemon." His rates were low
security of the documents had been compro- because the cars in his inventory were all at least
mised, Semble conducted a press conference in six years old, and many of them were in poor
which she made their contents known. Before she condition. In order to keep his expenses as low as
had completed the conference, however, newspa- possible, he had his cars serviced by Fixer, a 17
pers containing Raker's story about the papers in year old student at the High School of Automo-
Semble's safe were being sold. tive Trades. Fixer worked on Carrent's cars in his
parents' garage after school and on weekends,
If Semble instituted an action against Raker for charging fees which were lower than any of the

professional repair shops in town. Sometimes Denner about it, Denner said that all company employ-
Carrent found it necessary to send a car back to ees were expected to put in extra time when necessary,
Fixer three or four times before Fixer finally suc- and that he had no intention of compensating Pellum
ceeded in repairing it correctly, but since Fixer for the excess hours. Pellum resigned immediately and
did not charge for the return trips Carrent did not advised Denner that he would hold the tools which
mind doing so. One of Carrent's cars had a leak- Denner had issued to him until he received payment.
ing frammis in the carburetor, which Carrent
knew made it unsafe to drive. He had the frammis
43. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
repaired by Fixer and then rented the car to Pom-
after Pellum's resignation, Denner wrote him a
mel. One hour later while Pommel was driving
letter in which he said, "You were never any good
the car, the frammis began leaking again. As a
as a mechanic, and in addition you were the most
result, the car exploded, injuring Pommel.
dishonest employeethis company ever had," and
that these statements were false. Pellum's mother,
If Pommel asserts a claim against Carrent, Pom-
who lived with Pellum and frequently opened his
mel's most effective argument in support of her
mail, read the letter as soon as it arrived. In an
claim would be that
action by Pellum against Denner for defamation,
a court should find for
(A) Carrant is vicariously liable for the negli-
gence of his employee;
(A) Pellum, because Denner's statements were
(B) the duty to maintain a safe car was non-dele- published to Pellum's mother.
(B) Pellum, only if Denner had reason to know
(C) Fixer was an independent contractor. that someone other than Denner would
(D) it was unreasonable for Carrent to hire Fixer open and read the letter.
to repair the car. (C) Denner, because the statements contained in
the letter were communicated only to Pel-
42. Which statement most correctly completes the
following sentence? A retailer owes its customers (D) Denner, because of the employer's privilege.

(A) no duty to inspect products furnished by rep-

44. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
utable manufacturers.
Pellum applied for a job with Nuco, and that
(B) a duty to inspect the packages of all products Nuco wrote to Denner asking for an evaluation of
sold, but no duty to inspect the contents of Pellum's honesty and ability. Denner wrote a let-
those packages. ter to Nuco which stated, "When Pellum left my
(C) a duty to inspect only those products which company a valuable set of tools left with him.
are furnished by manufacturers whose This disappearance has never been properly
products are not well-known to the retailer. explained or straightened out." As a result, Nuco
did not hire Pellum. If Pellum asserts a claim
(D) a duty to make a reasonable inspection of all against Denner for defamation, Pellum should
products which are sold by that retailer.
(A) lose, if Pellum did not return the tools which
he took when he left Denner's employ.
Questions 43-44 are based on the following fact situa-
tion. (B) lose, because Denner's statement was made
in response to a specific request by Pel-
Pellum was employed by Denner as chief field lum's prospective employer.
mechanic. When he received his salary, Pellum noticed
(C) win, because Denner's statement could not
that he had not been paid for the overtime which he had
have benefitted Denner's own business
worked the previous month. When he complained to

interests. ter.
(D) win, if Denner's statement accused Pellum (C) Kopto, since Homer was not a user of the
of stealing tools. helicopter.
(D) Kopto, if the accident proximately resulted
Questions 45-46 are based on the following fact situa- from the conduct of either Max or Pard.
47. Grav was the owner of a gravel pit in the northern
Flier was injured when the helicopter which he was fly- part of the state. Because the land on which the
ing ran out of fuel and fell from the air, crashing into pit was located was usually covered by a thick
the roof of Homer's house. Flier purchased the helicop- layer of snow during the winter months, Grav did
ter from its manufacturer, Kopto, two months before not conduct operations at the pit during the win-
the accident occurred. The helicopter came equipped ter, and the land remained unoccupied during that
with a fuel gauge which was manufactured by Instru- season. Grav was aware of the fact that neighbor-
ments, Inc. The day after Flier purchased the helicop- hood children used a steep slope on his realty for
ter, he noticed that the fuel gauge gave incorrect sledding during the snow season, and feared that
readings. He complained to an officer of Kopto who one of the children would be injured by sledding
told him to have it fixed and to send Kopto the bill. A onto the public road adjacent to the property.
week before the accident Flier hired an independent Although he could have prevented this from hap-
airplane mechanic named Max to repair the fuel gauge. pening by erecting a small fence at a cost of
Max worked on the gauge, but failed to repair it prop- under $200, Grav was unwilling to expend that
erly. The day before the accident Flier's partner, Pard, sum. Instead, he posted a sign which read, "No
flew the helicopter, using most of the fuel in the tank. Sledding, Keep Out." Three weeks later, Childer,
Although Pard noticed that the fuel gauge continued to an eight year old boy, was sledding down the hill
indicate that the tank was full, he neither mentioned it on Grav's property when his sled coasted onto the
to Flier nor replaced the fuel in the tank. On the day of adjacent public road into the path of a vehicle
the accident, the fuel gauge indicated that the tank was driven by Carrol. Childer sustained serious inju-
full, although it was actually almost empty. ries when he was struck by Carrol's vehicle.

45. If Flier wishes to assert a claim for damages on a If Childer asserts a negligence claim against
theory of strict liability in tort, he is most likely to Grav, the court should find for
recover against
(A) Childer, because danger invites rescue.
(A) Kopto only. (B) Childer, if Grav's failure to erect a fence to
(B) Kopto and Pard only. prevent the accident was unreasonable.

(C) Kopto and Max only. (C) Grav, because Carrol had the last clear
chance to avoid injuring Childer.
(D) Kopto, Pard, and Max.
(D) Grav, if Carrol's conduct was an intervening
cause of harm.
46. If Homer institutes an action for damage to his
house against Kopto on a theory of strict liability
in tort, the court should find for Questions 48-49 are based on the following fact situa-
(A) Homer, since the doctrine of res ipsa loqui-
tur applies to aircraft accidents. Samuels knew that the zoobie of his car's engine was
cracked. Because he wanted to sell the car, he filled the
(B) Homer, if the accident proximately resulted
crack with putty and painted it so that the crack would
from a defect in the fuel gauge which
not show. Then he brought the car to Barton, a used car
existed when Flier purchased the helicop-

dealer, and offered to sell it for $1,000 cash. Barton could not stop, and continued into the intersec-
placed the car on a lift so that he could inspect it from tion. Burger, who was driving east on First Ave-
underneath and noticed the filled crack, but thought nue, saw Arnold go through the red light.
that he would be able to resell the car in spite of it. Bar- Because the light was green in his favor, how-
ton offered $500, which Samuels accepted. The next ever, Burger did not stop, but continued into the
day, Barton was showing the car to Poynter, a cus- intersection, believing that he could avoid strik-
tomer, when the crack in the zoobie caused the engine ing Arnold by steering around him. The two vehi-
to explode, necessitatirrg $500 in repairs and injuring cles collided in the intersection. Although
Poynter. damage to Arnold's car was minimal, Burger's
car was totally destroyed. The jurisdiction has a
statute which prohibits entering an intersection
48. If Barton institutes an action against Samuels for
against a red traffic signal light and another stat-
misrepresentation, which of the following would
ute which adopts the all or nothing rule of con-
be Samuels's most effective argument in defense?
tributory negligence.
(A) Samuels made no representation concerning
In an action by Burger against Arnold, the court
the zoobie.
should find for
(B) Barton did not rely on Samuels's representa-
tions concerning the zoobie. (A) Arnold, since Burger had the last clear
chance to avoid the accident.
(C) Barton was not justified in relying on Sam-
uels's representations concerning the zoo- (B) Arnold, if it was unreasonable for Burger to
bie. enter the intersection when he did.
(D) Barton did not sustain damage. (C) Burger, if Arnold's violation of statute was a
substantial factor in producing the damage.
49. If Poynter asserts a claim against Samuels for (D) Burger, since Arnold's conduct was negli-
injuries which he sustained when the engine gence per se.
exploded, which of the following would be Poyn-
ter's most effective theory?
51. Fridge was the operator of an appliance store.
Once, while testing a refrigerator prior to selling
(A) Battery, because Samuels knew that the zoo-
it, she discovered a defect in its wiring. Realizing
bie was cracked.
that the defect would make it dangerous for a per-
(B) Intentional misrepresentation, because Sam- son to touch the refrigerator while it was plugged
uels knew that the zoobie was cracked. in, she resolved not to sell it. Instead, she placed
it on the sidewalk in front of her store to attract
(C) Negligent misrepresentation, because Sam-
the attention of passersby. After two years, the
uels had a duty to disclose that the zoobie
refrigerator became so dirty that she decided to
was cracked.
get rid of it. In crayon, Fridge wrote "AS IS -
(D) Negligence, because Samuels should have $25" on its door. Pally, who was building a food
anticipated that a customer of Barton smoker, needed the body of a refrigerator. When
would be injured as a result of the cracked he saw the one in front of Fridge's store, he
zoobie. bought it. As she was loading it onto Pally's pick-
up truck, Fridge said, "I hope you know that this
refrigerator doesn't work." Pally said that he did.
50. Arnold was driving north on Canal Street. As he
When Pally got the refrigerator home he plugged
approached the intersection of First Avenue, he
it in, and received a severe electrical shock while
noticed that the traffic light was red against him.
attempting to open its door.
Preparing to stop, he stepped on his brake pedal.
Because the brakes were not working properly, he
In an action by Pally against Fridge for damages

resulting from his injury, the court will probably Langoa frequently capture young felicets and,
find for after taming them, keep them as house pets. Dog-
gel grew up on the Island of Langoa where he
(A) Pally, if it was unreasonable for Fridge to obtained his pet felicet. When he immigrated to
sell the refrigerator without warning him the United States five years ago, he was permitted
about the wiring defect. to bring his felicet with him after submitting it to
a six week period of quarantine. The cat had been
(B) Pally, since the refrigerator was unfit for
gentle ever since Doggel tamed it eight years
ordinary use.
before leaving Langoa. Recently, Doggel's neigh-
(C) Fridge, since Pally purchased the refrigera- bor Pruitt was walking past Doggel's house when
tor "AS IS." the felicet tore through a window screen, jumped
(D) Fridge, if it is found that Pally had the "last into the street, and attacked Pruitt, seriously
clear chance" to avoid being injured. injuring him. Pruitt subsequently asserted a claim
against Doggel for his damages.

52. Danker was hunting rattlesnakes on his land with If Pruitt is successful in his claim against Doggel,
a pistol when he saw Hunt carrying a shotgun and it will probably be because
attempting to enter Danker's land by crawling
under the barbed wire fence which surrounded it. (A) Pruitt's damage resulted from Doggel's
He waited until Hunt had gotten past the fence keeping of a wild animal.
and approached him, telling him that he was tres-
(B) it was foreseeable that the felicet would do
passing and ordering him to leave. Hunt said, "I
something unforeseeable.
only want to shoot some birds. I got a right to do
that if I want to, don't I?" After Hunt said this, (C) the thing speaks for itself (res ipsa loquitur).
Danker placed his hand on Hunt's chest and
(D) Pruitt's keeping of the felicet amounted to a
pushed him gently backward, repeating his
private nuisance.
demand that Hunt leave. Hunt shoved Danker
away from him and pointed his shotgun at
Danker, saying "Nobody pushes me, Mister." 54. Helmco manufactured a safety helmet in hopes of
Danker immediately drew his pistol from the hol- selling it to the United States Marine Corps for
ster on his belt and fired at Hunt, striking him in general utility purposes, but was unsuccessful in
the aim and causing him to drop his shotgun. doing so. Instead, it sold the helmets to the gen-
eral public under the name Head Shields. Head
If Hunt asserts a claim against Danker for battery, Shields were packaged in boxes which showed
the court should find for pictures of three persons wearing the helmet: one
riding a horse, one riding a motorcycle, and one
(A) Danker, if he fired at Hunt to defend his doing construction work. Post found a Head
realty against a trespass. Shield which someone had discarded in its origi-
nal box. He wore it the next day while riding his
(B) Danker, if he fired at Hunt to defend himself
motorcycle and sustained a severe head injury
against Hunt's threat with the shotgun.
when he fell from his motorcycle.
(C) Hunt, because Danker struck the first blow.
(D) Hunt, because Danker did not use force Post asserted a claim against Helmco for his inju-
against him until his entry onto the realty ries in a jurisdiction which has adopted a rule of
was complete. "pure comparative negligence." At the trial, Post
proved that the Head Shield was not suitable for
use as a motorcycle helmet and that if it had been
53. The felicet is a species of wild cat which inhabits he would not have sustained injury.
the Island of Langoa in the Creolic Ocean.
Although the wild felicet is ferocious, natives of The court should find for

fifty-pound package labeled "Mayflower Seeds" from

(A) Helmco, because Post found the Head Deal, who was in the business of selling supplies for
Shield. bird and livestock breeders. Deal had bought the sealed
package from Miller, a wholesaler of seed and grain.
(B) Helmco, if Head Shields were not designed
Because of negligence at Miller's plant, the seeds in the
or intended for use as motorcycle helmets.
package were poisonous. Quill ate some of the may-
(C) Post, unless his fall from the motorcycle flower seeds while he was mixing the bird food, and
resulted from his own unreasonable con- became ill several hours later as a result. Before
duct. becoming ill, Quill fed the seeds to several of his birds,
(D) Post, because the box in which the Head which died as a result.
Shield was sold contained a picture of a
person wearing the Head Shield while 56. If Quill brings an action against Miller for the
riding a motorcycle. value of the birds which died, a court is most
likely to find for
55. When Ocie brought his car to Meck's Fixit Shop
(A) Quill, if it was foreseeable that poisonous
for repairs, Meck told him that he would test
seeds would kill birds.
drive the car after repairing it. While Meck was
test driving the car, he struck Walker, a pedes- (B) Quill, but only if it was reasonable for Deal
trian. A statute in the jurisdiction provides that to resell the seeds without inspection.
"The owner of any motor vehicle operated on the
(C) Miller, since Miller had no contractual rela-
roads of this state shall be vicariously liable for
tionship with Quill.
the negligence of any person operating said
motor vehicle with said owner's permission." (D) Miller, unless Quill is unable to recover
Walker instituted an action against Ocie and damages from Deal.
Meck, and obtained a judgment against both of
them for $10,000.
57. If Quill institutes a personal injury action against
Deal for damages resulting from his illness,
If Ocie pays the judgment in full, which of the
Quill's most effective theory of recovery would
following is correct regarding Ocie's rights
against Meck?
(A) negligence, since the unreasonable conduct
(A) Ocie may recover $10,000 from Meck.
of Miller is imputed to Deal.
(B) Ocie may recover $5,000 from Meck.
(B) negligence, if the contents of a sack of may-
(C) Ocie may recover $7,500 from Meck. flower seeds would not ordinarily be poi-
sonous unless they were defective when
(D) Ocie may not recover from Meck.
(C) breach of express warranty, since the label
Questions 56-58 are based on the following fact situa-
"Mayflower Seeds" implies that the ingre-
dients are fit for human consumption.
Mayflower seeds are a common ingredient in bird food. (D) strict liability in tort, if it was reasonable for
Although they are sometimes processed for use as Quill to believe that he could eat the seeds
cooking oil, they are not usually eaten raw by human without being made ill.
beings because they have a bitter oily taste. Quill was a
breeder of exotic birds. Since he had studied bird nutri-
58. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
tion, he preferred to mix feed for his birds according to
Quill is successful in his action against Deal. If
his own formula instead of using commercially avail-
Deal subsequently asserts a claim against Miller
able mixes. For this purpose, he purchased a sealed

for total indemnification, the court will probably assured Thurston that he was in excellent finan-
find for cial condition, and they both laughed at the
(A) Miller, since Deal is a joint tortfeasor.
If Prann asserts a defamation claim against Den-
(B) Miller, unless Quill named Miller in the
tin, which of the following would be Dentin's
original action.
most effective argument in defense?
(C) Deal, if Deal was free from fault.
(D) Deal, but only if a statute in the jurisdiction (A) Prann did not experience mental suffering.
creates such a right. (B) Prann did not sustain damage to his reputa-
tion as a result of the statement.
59. Although he had been warned that swimming (C) Dentin was only repeating what he had
within one hour after eating was likely to cause a heard.
cramp, Sal went swimming in the lake immedi-
(D) Dentin did not publish any statement about
ately after lunch. He had been swimming for a
few minutes when he developed severe cramps.
Finding himself unable to swim any further, he
began calling for help. Sal's cries attracted the 61. Pullo was employed as an insulation installer by
attention of Ralph, who happened to be walking various builders and general contractors for a
near the lake. Ralph jumped into the water, swam period of thirty-five years. During that time, he
to Sal's side, and, grabbing Sal by the hair, towed was repeatedly exposed to an insulating material
him to safety. In getting out of the lake, however, known as plastic wool which was manufactured
Ralph cut his leg on a fragment of glass which by Wooleo. Last year it was discovered for the
was embedded in the lake bottom. first time that exposure to plastic wool is a cause
of cancer, and that Pullo had contracted cancer as
If Ralph asserts an action against Sal for personal a result of his contact with the product.
injuries, the court should find for
In a jurisdiction which applies the "all -or-noth-
(A) Ralph, if it was negligent for Sal to swim so ing" rule of contributory negligence, if Pullo
soon after eating. asserts a negligence claim against Wooleo for
damages resulting from Pullo's exposure to plas-
(B) Ralph, because his injury occurred while he
tic wool, Wooleo's most effective defense would
was attempting to rescue Sal.
be based on the argument that
(C) Sal, because danger invites rescue.
(D) Sal, if the glass fragment is an intervening (A) Pullo assumed the risk.
cause of Ralph's injury. (B) Wooleo did not know that contact with plas-
tic wool would result in cancer.
60. Thurston was a manufacturer of computer hard- (C) The reasonable person in Wooleo's situation
ware. Dentin was a retailer who purchased prod- would not have anticipated that exposure
ucts from Thurston. At an industrial convention, to plastic wool would result in cancer.
Dentin told Thurston that he heard that their
(D) Pullo's only remedy is that created by work-
mutual friend Prann was about to go into personal
ers' compensation statutes.
bankruptcy. Thurston did not believe what Dentin
was telling him, and resolved to mention it to
Prann as soon as the opportunity presented itself. Questions 62-63 are based on the following fact situa-
The following day, Prann called Thurston to dis- tion.
cuss computer hardware. Thurston told Prann
what Dentin had said at the party. Prann laughed, The Chemco insecticide factory was located on the

edge of the city of Pinetree. When the wind blew from hung her coat on the coat rack. When she was
the east, foul-smelling waste gases from Chemco fac- leaving, she removed from the rack a coat which
tory chimneys were blown over Pinetree, causing most looked like hers, but which actually belonged to
of the residents to experience a burning of the eyes and Perdu. At the time she took it, Darran believed it
throat. to be her coat, but when she had driven two miles
from the restaurant, she realized that it was not
hers. She turned around and was driving back to
62. Assume the following additional facts for the
the restaurant when she was involved in an auto-
purpose of this question only: Gro's flower and
mobile accident. Perdu's coat was completely
plant shop was located across the street from the
destroyed in the accident.
Chemco factory in a building which Gro rented
from Laird. Gases from the Chemco factory
If Perdu asserts a claim against Darran for tres-
caused some of the potted plants which Gro had
pass to chattel, the court should find for
for sale in his shop to die. One of Gro's employ-
ees, Edwards, suffered from allergies. As a result,
(A) Perdu, because the coat was completely
he found the gases so irritating to his eyes that he
destroyed after Darran took it.
was unable to continue working at Gro's shop,
and had to quit his job. Who may successfully (B) Perdu, unless the automobile accident in
assert a private nuisance claim against Chemco? which the coat was destroyed occurred
without fault by Darran.
(A) Laird only. (C) Darran, because she believed the coat to be
(B) Laird and Gro only. her own when she took it.
(C) Gro and Edwards only. (D) Darran, if she was making a reasonable
effort to return the coat when it was
(D) Laird, Gro, and Edwards.

63. Assume the following additional facts for the

Questions 65-66 are based on the following fact situa-
purpose of this question only. Packer was a resi-
dent of Pinetree. On several occasions, she
attempted to persuade the City Attorney to seek
Penler was eating cherry pie in Joe's Restaurant when a
an injunction against Chemco. The City Attorney
cherry pit contained in the pie stuck in his throat.
refused, however, because the City Council was
Unable to breathe, Penler began choking. Doc, a physi-
afraid that doing so would drive Chemco from
cian who was eating in the restaurant, ran to Penler's
the area. If Packer seeks an injunction by assert-
aid and performed an operation known as an emer-
ing a claim against Chemco on a theory of public
gency tracheotomy. She did this by cutting the skin of
nuisance, which of the following would be
Penler's throat with a pocket knife and creating an
Chemco's most effective argument in defense?
opening in his windpipe through which Penler was able
to breath. Then, at Doc's direction, Penler walked
(A) The City Attorney's decision is binding.
across the street to Mercy Hospital so that the opening
(B) Packer has not sustained harm different from which Doc created could be cleaned and bandaged.
that of the general public. Because hospital employees negligently failed to enter
(C) A private citizen may not seek an injunction Penler's name in the emergency room register, he sat in
against environmental polluters. the emergency room for six hours without further atten-
tion. At that time, an earthquake caused a portion of the
(D) A private citizen may not sue on a theory of hospital's structure to fall, striking Pember in the head
public nuisance. and fracturing his skull.

64. When Darren entered a restaurant for lunch, she 65. In an action by Penler against Mercy Hospital for

damages resulting from his fractured skull, the and disabling him for a period of time.
court is most likely to find for
In an action by Hume against Green for damages
(A) Mercy, but only if the state has a "good resulting from breach of warranty, which of the
Samaritan" statute. following comments is most correct?
(B) Mercy, unless Doc's conduct was found to I. There was no implied warranty that the
be foreseeable. product.was fit for Hume'sparticular pur-
pose, because his purpose was the same as
(C) Mercy, unless it was foreseeable that Penler the product's ordinary use.
would be injured by an earthquake if left
waiting for six hours. IT. There was no implied warranty of mer-
chantability since Hume relied on Green's
(D) Penler, since a hospital owes its patients a recommendation in purchasing the prod-
duty to protect them against natural disas- uct.
(A) I only.

66. Assume for the purpose of this question only that (B) II only.
Doc's conduct in performing the emergency tra- (C) I and II.
cheotomy was unreasonable, and that if Doc had
acted reasonably, Penler would have coughed up (D) Neither I nor IT.
the pit without any injury. In an action by Penler
against Doc for damages resulting from his frac- 68. Comcorp is a supplieroftelephone service to the
tured skull, will Penler win? City of Burg. Many of the wooden poles from
which Comcorp's wires are strung have been
(A) Yes, since he would not have been in Mercy standing for more than forty years and are in rot-
Hospital if Doc had not performed the tra- ted condition. Driver lost control of his automo-
cheotomy. bile because he was driving while intoxicated,
(B) Yes, if it was foreseeable that Penler would and collided with one of Comcorp's rotted poles.
be required to wait six hours in the hospi- As a result of the collision, the pole fell over,
tal's emergency room. striking a parked car and injuring Pessel, who
was sitting in it.
(C) No, since he would not have been injured
were it not for the cherry pit contained in In an action by Pessel against Comcorp, the court
the pie. should find for
(D) No, if the earthquake was an independent
intervening cause of Penler's injury. (A) Pessel, if it was unreasonable for Comcorp
to permit its poles to become rotted.

67. Hume went to Green's Garden Supply Store to (B) Pessel, since it was foreseeable that if a pole
purchase fertilizer for the apple trees which grew fell it would injure a person sitting in a
in his backyard. Since he did not know what parked car.
brand was best for his purposes, he asked the (C) Comcorp, since Driver's conduct either
store's proprietor Green to recommend a fertilizer amounted to gross negligence or was crim-
which was especially good for apple trees. Green inal.
suggested Fedem, a product which he said was
good for all fruit trees. Hume purchased the prod- (D) Comcorp, if the force of the collision would
uct, and applied it as the label directed. While have caused even a reasonably good pole
doing so, he got some of the Fedem on his hands. to fall.
Because of an allergy which he had, the product
irritated his skin, causing him considerable pain,

Questions 69-71 are based on the following fact situa- (C) $1,000.
(D) O.
Automobiles driven by Andrews and Zell collided in
an intersection. Andrews and Zell asserted negligence 71. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
claims against each other for damage to their vehicles. the jurisdiction had a statute which provided that
In addition, Petro, who was a passenger in Andrews's "In any negligence action, a plaintiff's recovery
car at the time of the accident, asserted a negligence shall not be barred by that plaintiff's fault, but the
claim against both of them for her personal injuries. recovery of said plaintiff shall be diminished in
The claims were all consolidated and tried together. In proportion to such plaintiff's fault unless that
answer to specific questions posed by the court, the plaintiff's fault shall be greater than that of the
jury found that the accident was 60 percent the fault of defendant, and in such event the plaintiff's recov-
Andrews and 40 percent the fault of Zell. In addition, ery shall be barred." Which of the following cor-
the jury found that damage to Andrews' car amounted rectly states the sum which Petro is entitled to
to $1,000, that damage to Zell's car amounted to receive from Zell?
$10,000, and that damage to Petro amounted to
$100,000. The court ruled that Andrews and Zell were (A) $60,000 (60% of $100,000).
jointly and severally liable for Petro's injuries.
(B) $40,000 (40% of $100,000).
(C) $100,000.
69. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
the jurisdiction had a statute which provided that (D) O.
"In any negligence action, a plaintiff's recovery
shall not be barred by that plaintiff's fault, but the 72. Michael, who was eleven years old, received a
recovery of said plaintiff shall be diminished in sled manufactured by Rosebud from his uncle as
proportion to that plaintiff's fault." Which of the a Christmas present. Since he already had a better
following correctly states the sum to which Zell sled, Michael sold the Rosebud to his neighbor
is entitled? Petey. Petey was riding the Rosebud sled down a
snow-covered hill when one of the bolts which
(A) $6,000 ($10,000 less 40%). held it together broke, causing the sled to over-
(B) $4,000 ($10,000 less 60%). turn and injure Petey severely. The bolt broke
because of a crack which existed when the sled
(C) $10,000.
left the Rosebud factory, but which was too
(D) O. minute to be discovered by reasonable inspection.
If Petey brings an action against Rosebud, the
court should find for
70. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
the jurisdiction had a statute which provided that
(A) Petey, if the cracked bolt was a defect.
"In any negligence action, a plaintiff's recovery
shall not be barred by that plaintiff's fault, but the (B) Petey, but only if Michael did not use the
recovery of said plaintiff shall be diminished in sled before selling it to Petey.
proportion to such plaintiff's fault, unless that (C) Rosebud, since the sale by Michael was out-
plaintiff's fault shall be greater than that of the side the regular course of business.
defendant, and in such event the plaintiff's recov-
ery shall be barred." Which of the following cor- (D) Rosebud, because the crack was too minute
rectly states the sum to which Andrews is to be discovered upon reasonable inspec-
entitled? tion.

(A) $600 ($1,000 less 40%).

(B) $400 ($1,000 less 60%).

Questions 73-74 are based on the following fact situa- Clyde about it. Which of the following would be
tion. Lord's most effective argument in defense?

Lord was the owner of a four-story office building. The (A) Lord did not owe Clyde a duty to repair the
entire second floor of the building was leased to Less, elevator, since Lord's promise was not
an attorney, and the other floors were divided into made to Clyde.
offices and leased to various other tenants. Pursuant to
(B) Clyde was a mere licensee, since his pres-
the lease between Lord and Less, a building manager
ence did not confer a benefit on Lord.
employed by Lord was to be on duty daily between the
hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. The building was to be open (C) It was not foreseeable that Less would per-
to the public during those hours. At other times Less mit Clyde to use the elevator, since Less
was free to enter by using his key. On Aprill, Less was knew it was not working properly.
riding in the building elevator when it suddenly and (D) It was unreasonable for Less to permit Clyde
without warning plunged swiftly downward, shaking to use the elevator, since Less knew that it
Less up severely. Less immediately notified Lord, who was not working properly.
promised to fix it. Lord did nothing about it, however.
On April 2, Clyde called to make an appointment to
consult with Less for legal advice. Because Clyde was 75. Trokker was driving a truckload of gravel over a
unable to come to Less's office during regular business highway in a rural part of the state, when through
hours, Less told Clyde to come the following morning no fault of her own, one of the tires on her truck
at 6:30 a.m. On April 3, Less met Clyde at the entrance blew out, causing the truck to go out of control.
to the building, let them both in with his key, and led The truck overturned, spilling the gravel onto the
Clyde to the elevator. While they were riding in the ele- land of Owner, which was adjacent to the road.
vator to Less's office, the elevator suddenly plunged Trokker, who was unhurt, returned later with
swiftly downward, stopping short when it reached the another truck and a tractor equipped with a power
bottom of the elevator shaft. Clyde was severely shovel. Vsing the power shovel, Trokker scooped
injured in the fall. up the spilled gravel and loaded it onto the other
73. Assume for the purpose of this question only that If Owner asserts a claim against Trokker for tres-
Clyde asserted a negligence claim against Less pass to land, the court should award Owner a
for damages resulting from the elevator accident. judgment for
The court should find for
(A) nominal damage only.
(A) Clyde, if Less knew or should have known
that the elevator might not be working (B) all damage resulting from the spilling of
properly. gravel onto Owner's land.
(B) Clyde, because the entire second floor had (C) only the damage caused by Trokker's
been leased to Less. removal of the gravel from Owner's land.
(C) Less, if the lease required Lord to keep the (D) no damage.
elevator in good repair.
(D) Less, because he was only a tenant in the 76. Stabel owned and bred horses, and was an excel-
building. lent rider. He purchased a horse known as Thun-
der even though he had heard that Thunder was
wild and dangerous, because he hoped that he
74. Assume for the purpose of this question only that would be able to "break" or train him. Each time
Clyde asserts a claim against Lord for damages Stabel attempted to approach the horse, however,
resulting from his injuries, alleging that Lord was Thunder reared and kicked at him. Finally, Stabel
negligent in failing to fix the elevator or warn hired a professional horse trainer named Parte to

break Thunder. Mter explaining that Thunder had asking him to sell it for her. Doane said that he
repeatedly attacked him, Stabel showed Parte to would attempt to do so on consignment, at a com-
Thunder's corral. While Stabel stood outside mission consisting of twenty percent of the sale
watching, Parte entered the corral holding out his price. Percy said that the terms were acceptable to
hand and making soft murmuring noises to attract her, but that because she had recently spent $800
Thunder's attention. When Thunder saw Parte, for a custom two-tone black and silver paint job,
the horse kicked him, fracturing Parte's leg. she wanted the car kept out of the sun. Doane
_agreed, lIDd PerGykft the car with_him. _
If Parte asserts a claim for damages against Sta-
bel, the court should find for Doane left the car in the sun, which caused its
paint to fade. Believing that a new paint job
(A) Parte, since Stabel knew that Thunder had a would make the car easier to sell, Doane had it
propensity to attack human beings. paintedred without consulting Percy. Before it
was repainted, Doane drove Percy's car 4,000
(B) Parte, since Thunder was a wild animal.
miles on his own personal business. After it was
(C) Parte, since Stabel acted unreasonably in painted, Doane's customers drove it an additional
permitting Parte to enter the corral under 1,000 miles while deciding whether to purchase
the circumstances. it. Although the value of Percy's car did not
(D) Stabel, since Parte knew that Thunder was change while it was in Doane's possession,
dangerous when he entered the corral. Doane was unable to sell the car. Percy subse-
quently asserted a conversion claim against
77. Harold bought a used car from Dann's Car Sales.
Although Dann assured Harold that he believed IfPercy is successful in her conversion action,
the car to be in good condition, the contract of she will be entitled to recover
sale signed by both Harold and Dann contained
the phrase "This Vehicle Sold AS IS" in large (A) the value which the car had at the time Percy
black letters. Harold was driving the car the fol- delivered it to Doane.
lowing day when the steering jammed, causing
(B) the value which the car had at the time Percy
the car to collide with a power pole. Harold's
delivered it to Doane, plus the cost of
wife Wanda, who was sitting beside him in the
restoring its paint to the congition which
car, was injured in the crash.
existed at the time she delivered it to
If Wanda asserts a claim for damages against
Dann, on the grounds that Dann breached the (C) the value which the car had at the time Percy
implied warranty of merchantability, the court delivered it to Doane, plus the cost of
should find for restoring its paint to the condition which
existed at the time she delivered it to
(A) Dann, because the contract of sale contained Doane, plus the reasonable value of the
the phrase "This Vehicle Sold AS IS." car's use for 4,000 miles.
(B) Dann, because he did not enter into any con- (D) the value which the car had at the time Percy
tractual relationship with Wanda. delivered it to Doane, plus the cost of
restoring its paint to the condition which
(C) Wanda, because the vehicle was unfit for
existed at the time she delivered it to
ordinary use.
Doane, plus the reasonable value of the
(D) Wanda, because Dann said that he believed car's use for 5,000 miles.
the car to be in good condition.

78. Percy brought her car to Doane, a used-car dealer,


Questions 79-80 are based on the following fact situa- (B) The Term-Aid was defective since its label
tion. did not adequately warn of the dangers
connected with its use.
Drubb manufactures a product called Term-Aid, con-
(C) Term-Aid is an inherently dangerous prod-
sisting of chemical pellets which emit fumes that are
poisonous to termites and their eggs. Because Term-
Aid fumes are poisonous to human beings as well, (D) Clener's theft of the Term-Aid pellets was a
Drubb sells the product to professional exterminators concurring cause of Puella's harm.
only, requiring that each purchaser show his or her state
exterminator's license when making a purchase. Mato,
81. Houser was the owner of a warehouse which was
a licensed exterminator, bought a large container of
usually unattended at night. As a result, burglars
Term-Aid from Drubb for use in his business. The con-
had broken in on several occasions and had stolen
tainer bore a label which read: "Term-Aid. For killing
valuable merchandise from the warehouse.
termites. Caution: This product is intended for use by
Houser looked into the possibility of hiring a
professional exterminators only. Unauthorized use by
security guard, but decided that it would be too
any other persons may be dangerous." Mato placed the
expensive. Instead, he installed an explosive
container on a shelf in his shop where it was discovered
device in the doorway, rigging it to explode if
by Clener, an independent contractor whom Mato peri-
anyone opened the door without first inserting a
odically hired to clean his shop. Since Clener thought
key in a specially constructed slot. Burg was
there were termites in his house, he opened the con-
attempting to break into Houser's warehouse for
tainer and poured some of the chemical pellets into a
the purpose of stealing, when the explosive
plastic bag which he then brought home. The next day,
device detonated while he was trying to open the
Clener's three-year-old daughter Puella found the plas-
door. Burg was seriously injured in the explosion.
tic bag containing the Term-Aid pellets and ate some of
them, becoming seriously ill as a result. A statute in the
If Burg is successful in an action against Houser,
jurisdiction adopted the all-or-nothing rule of contribu-
it will most probably be because the court finds
tory negligence.

79. In a negligence action by Puella against Drubb, (A) it was negligent for Houser to install the
Drubb's most effective argument in defense explosive device, since it was foreseeable
would be that that a person entering on legitimate busi-
ness might be injured by it.
(A) Clener was contributorily negligent. (B) Houser used excessive force to defend his
(B) Mato's conduct was an intervening cause of property, since the explosive device was
harm. liable to inflict serious or deadly injury.
(C) Clener's conduct was an intervening cause (C) the use of a mechanical device is not permit-
of harm. ted in defense of property.
(D) Drubb did not act unreasonably. (D) the explosive device was just as likely to
injure an innocent bystander as a thief.
80. In an action by Puella against Mato, which of the
following would be Puella's most effective argu- Questions 82-83 are based on the following fact situa-
ment? tion.

(A) Mato should have foreseen that the Term- Mter living together for several months, Mike and
Aid would cause injury to someone in Wanda began to argue frequently. On Monday, after an
Puella's position if left on an exposed shelf argument, Mike left their apartment in anger, saying
in his shop. that he didn't know when he was coming back. On

Tuesday, Wanda changed the lock on the front door and instituted, Wanda could not re-acquire pos-
began advertising for a roommate. The following Sat- session of the television set from Ina.
urday, Wanda took all of Mike's possessions, including
his television set which was valued at six hundred dol-
lars, to a swap meet in hopes of selling them. At the Questions 84-85 are based on the following fact situa-
swap meet, she put up a sign which said, "Moving. tion.
Everything Must be Sold Today."
Packs and Draiv lived on the same street and worked in
Ina was browsing at the swap meet when she saw the same office so they formed a car pool, each driving
the television set at Wanda's booth. She asked his own car on alternate days. One day while Draiv was
whether it was in good condition, and when driving, the car in front of his stopped suddenly and
Wanda said that it was, she asked the price. without warning. Since Draiv had taken his eyes off the
Wanda said, "Fifty dollars." Ina immediately road for a moment to look at Packs, he was unable to
handed Wanda the cash, placed the television in stop in time and collided with the rear of the stopped
her station wagon, and hurried home. car. Packs was injured as a result of the collision.
84. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
82. In an action by Mike against Ina for conversion, a a statute in the jurisdiction provides that "No per-
court should find for son shall maintain an action for damages result-
ing from negligence in the operation or
(A) Mike, since Ina desired to make the televi- ownership of an automobile if said person was a
sion her own, and did so. guest in said automobile at the time said damages
allegedly occurred." In an action by Packs against
(B) Mike, since the price of fifty dollars should Draiv for damages resulting from his injuries,
have made Ina aware that there was some- which of the following arguments is most likely
thing suspicious about the sale. to result in a judgment for Packs?
(C) Ina, since it was reasonable for her to
believe that Wanda owned the television (A) The fact that most drivers have insurance
set and that the price was low because makes the statute obsolete.
Wanda needed to sell it in a hurry. (B) Packs was not a guest, since his driving on
(D) Ina, since the television was not in Mike's alternate days was consideration for the
.possession when she acquired it. ride.
(C) Draiv's conduct was reckless, and therefore
83. If Mike instituted an action against Wanda for constituted aggravated negligence, a law-
trespass to chattel, which one of the following suit for which is not prohibited by the stat-
additional facts or inferences, if it was the only ute.
one true, would be most helpful to Wanda's (D) Enforcement of the statute will leave Packs
defense? without a remedy.

(A) Mike's leaving the apartment constituted

implied consent to Wanda's sale of his pos- 85. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
sessions. there was no automobile guest statute in the juris-
diction. In an action by Packs against Draiv,
(B) Wanda's interference with Mike's right to which of the following would be Draiv's most
the television was serious enough to justify effective argument in defense?
a forced sale.
(C) Ina committed a conversion by purchasing (A) Packs assumed the risk since he knew that it
the television set at the swap meet. was possible that Draiv's car would be
involved in an accident while traveling to
(D) At the time Mike's action against her was

work. incident to its use, Respro's most effective argu-

ment in defense would be that
(B) Draiv's conduct was not a cause-in-fact of
harm, since the accident would not have
(A) it had acted reasonably in its marketing and
occurred if the car in front of his had not
sale of the Res-Nibbler.
stopped suddenly.
(B) it was unforeseeable that a person with
(C) Draiv did not owe Packs a duty of reason-
Charles' training would direct someone
able care, since Packs was a licensee.
whom he knew to be untrained to use the
(D) It was not negligent for Draiv to take his Res-Nibbler.
eyes off the road for a moment.
(C) Fred assumed the risk, since he attempted to
use the device without proper training.
Questions 86-87 are based on the following fact situa- (D) Fred's attempt to use the machine without
tion. training was an independent intervening
cause of harm, which broke the chain of
Respro is the manufacturer of a device known as the proximate causation.
Res-Nibbler, which was designed for use by profes-
sional rescuers in removing accident victims who have
become pinned in automobiles. The Res-Nibbler con- 87. If Ponder instituted an action against Charles,
sists of power- scissors which, when connected to a Ponder's best theory would be
portable power-pack, are strong enough to rapidly cut
through the metal of a car body. Because the Res-Nib- (A) negligence.
bler is heavy and powerful, improper use of it could (B) battery.
result in serious harm to the user as well as to the per-
son being rescued. For this reason, Respro sells it only (C) strict products liability.
to fire, police, and other rescue agencies, and offers a (D) res ipsa loquitur.
free training course to members of any such agencies
which purchase it.
Questions 88-89 are based on the following fact situa-
The Town of Mayberry fire department purchased a tion.
Res-Nibbler from Respro, and Charles, its fire chief,
attended the Respro training course on its use. Subse- As a result of Nancy's negligence, Polly's shoulder and
quently, the Mayberry fire department was called to the eye were both injured. Polly went immediately to Dr.
scene of an accident in which Ponder was trapped in Glass, her eye doctor. Dr. Glass treated the injury to
her car. Charles directed Fred, a volunteer fire-fighter, Polly's eye, but suggested that she see an orthopedist
to use the Res-Nibbler to free Ponder from her car, for treatment of her shoulder. The following day, Polly
although he knew that Fred had not been trained in its visited Dr. Bonz, an orthopedist who treated Polly's
use. Then, while Fred attempted to do so, Charles shoulder.
began spraying the road with foam to prevent gasoline
which had been spilled in the accident from catching Because of negligent treatment by Dr. Glass, Polly's
fire. nose became infected and because of negligent treat-
ment by Dr. Bonz, she lost the use of her elbow.
Fred, who had never heard of the Res-Nibbler
before, used it improperly, injuring both himself
88. In an action by Polly against Dr. Glass, a court is
and Ponder.
most likely to hold Dr. Glass liable for

86. If Fred instituted an action against Respro, alleg- (A) nothing, since all of the injuries were caused
ing that the Res-Nibbler was defective because it by the negligence of Nancy.
lacked attached warnings regarding the dangers (B) the injury to Polly's nose, since it is the only

one of her injuries which was caused by (A) Tippel, if but only if Lipp failed to defend
his negligence. him the way a reasonable attorney would
have done.
(C) the injury to Polly's nose and the injury to
Polly's elbow, since both were caused by (B) Tippel, since it was unreasonable for Lipp to
his negligence. practice law without a license.
(D) the injuries to Polly's nose, shoulder, and (C) Tippel, since the law which prohibited prac-
elbow, since all were caused by his negli- ticing law without a license was designed
gence. to keep unqualified persons from practic-
ing law.
89. In an action by Polly against Nancy, which of the (D) Lipp, since not even a licensed attorney
following parts of Polly's body is a court most guarantees results.
likely to find were injured as a proximate result
of Nancy's negligence?
91. Penny was attending a nightclub at which Dr.
I. Nose. Hypno was performing. Before the show began, a
request was made for a volunteer to assist Dr.
II. Elbow.
Hypno with his act, and Penny volunteered. She
(A) I only. was taken backstage to Dr. Hypno's dressing
room where she and Dr. Hypno had a conversa-
(B) II only. tion. Following their conversation, Penny agreed
(C) I and II. to participate in Dr. Hypno's show. During the
course of the performance, Dr. Hypno attempted
(D) Neither I nor II. to hypnotize Penny on stage. He then touched her
skin with an electric cattle-prod (a device which
90. After taking and failing the state bar exam on produces an electric shock and is used for han-
twelve different occasions, Lipp decided to prac- dling stubborn cattle) causing her great pain and
tice law without a license. Moving to a small discomfort.
town, he hung out a shingle which proclaimed
him to be an attorney and ran advertisements in Penny subsequently instituted an action against
the local newspaper referring to himself as an Dr. Hypno. In it, she alleged that he committed
attorney. Having seen one of the advertisements, various intentional torts against her by touching
Tippel retained Lipp to defend him against a her with the cattle prod. If one of the following
charge of driving while intoxicated. Lipp facts were established at the trial, which would be
attempted to negotiate a plea to a lesser charge, most helpful to Penny in responding to Dr.
but because he was unable to do so, a trial was Hypno's defense of consent?
held. Lipp appeared on. behalf of Tippel, but Tip-
pel was convicted. During the course of the trial, (A) During the conversation in Dr. Hypno's
the district attorney became suspicious of Lipp's dressing room, Dr. Hypno stated that he
credentials. Following an investigation which the was going to attempt to hypnotize Penny
district attorney instituted, Lipp was charged with on stage, stated that he was usually suc-
violation of a state law which made it a crime to cessful in hypnotizing volunteers, and
practice law without a license. He pleaded guilty stated further that if he was successful, the
and was sentenced to six months in jail. cattle prod would cause her no discomfort.
(B) During the conversation in Dr. Hypno's
If Tippel brings an action against Lipp for negli- dressing room, Dr. Hypno promised to pay
gence in the way Lipp handled his defense, a her $100 for participating in the show; he
court should find for never did pay her; and, in fact, when he
promised that he would pay her, he did not

intend to do so. photo and caption did not read the story.
(C) During the conversation in Dr. Hypno's (C) a substantial group of respectable persons
dressing room, Dr. Hypno stated that the would have read the story.
electric cattle-prod produced a mild elec-
(D) the reasonable person would not have read
tric shock which would cause no real dis-
the story.
comfort, when he knew that this was not
93. Strong, a member of the USA's 2002 Olympic
(D) When Penny consented to participating in
team, and a multiple gold medal winner, appeared
Dr. Hypno's act, she did not know that
in a television commercial. While films of his
contact with the electric cattle-prod would
medal- winning performances showed in the
result in great pain and discomfort.
background, Strong ate a Power candy bar. He
said that he had been eating Power candy for
92. Speeger, a professor at City University, has pub- energy ever since he was a child. He ended the
licly stated her opposition to the consumption of commercial by smiling, and saying, "Who
alcohol. As a result, she is much in demand as a knows? Maybe Power candy gave me the power
lecturer on the evils of intoxication. One of her to win."
slogans is, "When you drink, make it fruit juice."
Sweetapple Corporation, a producer of packaged Purlie purchased a case of twenty-four Power
apple juice, invited Speeger to participate in a candy bars after seeing the commercial several
promotional apple- juice-drinking contest which times on television. After tasting one, however,
it was holding. Speeger, who succeeded in drink- he found he did not like the flavor. If Purlie
ing one and one-half quarts of chilled apple juice brings an action against Strong for misrepresenta-
without stopping for a breath, was declared the tion, which of the following arguments will be
winner. most helpful in Strong's defense?

The Bugle, the City University student newspa- (A) Strong is not in the business of selling Power
per, ran a photo of Speeger holding the winner's candy.
trophy over a caption which read, "City U Prof.
(B) The script for the commercial was not writ-
Speeger drinks them all under the table, winning
ten by Strong.
first prize at the Sweetapple Corporation's drink-
ing contest." A story which described the fruit- (C) Purlie was not in privity with Strong.
juice drinking contest in detail appeared on the (D) Purlie has not sustained damage as the result
same page as the photo, but some distance from of a false assertion by Strong.
it. The day after the photo and story appeared, an
organization which had hired Speeger to lecture
on the evils of alcohol canceled its contract with 94. Horace was a breeder of valuable thoroughbred
Speeger because, after seeing the photo and cap- race horses. Blass was a demolition contractor
tion in the Bugle, some members believed that who had been hired by Constructo to demolish a
Speeger was a drinker of alcohol. large office building located one-half mile from
Horace's farm. Blass was using dynamite for that
If Speeger sues the Bugle for defamation, the purpose. On Thursday, Horace telephoned Blass
court should instruct the jury that the statements to complain that the sounds of the explosions
made by the Bugle in the photo and caption were were frightening his animals. He said, "If any-
not defamatory if thing happens to my horses, I'm planning to hold
you personally responsible." On Friday, sounds
(A) the reasonable person would have read the of the explosions so frightened one of Horace's
story. horses that she tried to jump over a fence, injur-
ing herself in the process.
(B) the organization members who saw the

(C) I and II.

If Horace institutes an action against Blass on a
(D) Neither I nor II.
strict liability theory, which of the following
would be Blass' most effective argument in
defense? 96. Spec was a building inspector employed by City
to conduct periodic inspections of business pre-
(A) Horace's farm was not within the foresee- mises located in a territory to which she was
able zone of danger. assigned. The instruction manual which City fur-
nished to its inspectors contained instructions on
(B) The possibility that noise will frighten ani-
testing draperies for fire-retardant properties. In
mals is not one of the risks which makes
large bold-face letters, the manual stated,
blasting an ultra-hazardous activity.
(C) Blass used reasonable care in setting off the WHILE THEY ARE HANGING IN PLACE."
(D) Blass was working under contract to Con- One of the businesses in Spec's territory was a
structo. nightclub known as The Spot. On one of her
inspections of The Spot, Spec asked the manager
of the business whether the window draperies
95. Landers was the owner of a small office building. were fire- retardant as required by City's building
Her own office was located on the ground floor code. The manager responded that they were.
of the building, the second floor was leased to Although Spec was familiar with the instructions
Boss, and the third and fourth floors were divided in the manual, she was in a hurry. Taking a ciga-
into smaller offices which were rented to various rette lighter from her pocket, she held its flame
tenants on a month-to-month basis. Although the under one of the draperies where it was hanging.
building was equipped with an elevator, occu- The drapery caught fire, which spread, com-
pants of the building frequently used a stairway pletely destroying the building. Paulette, a pass-
over which Landers retained control. Hirt was erby, was injured in the fire.
employed by Boss on the second floor of the
building. One day, while Hirt was walking down If Paulette brings an action for damages against
the stairs from the second floor, she cut her hand City on a theory of respondeat superior, Paulette
on a jagged part of the handrail which ran along- will
side the stairs. She commenced an action against
Landers, alleging that the handrail was jagged (A) lose, since Spec was acting in violation of
because of negligence by Landers. specific instructions from her employer
(B) lose, if a building inspector's duties involve
Which of the following is an accurate statement
the exercise of unsupervised discretion
about the case of Birt v. Landers?
(C) win, if Spec was negligent
I. Hirt was an invitee, since she was an (D) win, whether or not Spec was negligent
employee of one of Landers' tenants.
II. Hirt was contributorily (or comparatively) 97. A statute provides that every motor vehicle must
negligent if the reasonable person in her be equipped with an ignition lock, and that it
situation would have noticed the jagged shall be a misdemeanor for any person to park a
condition of the handrail and would have
motor vehicle without locking it and removing
avoided being injured by it.
the ignition key. David left his car parked on a
(A) I only. public street with the ignition key in it in viola-
tion of the statute. Kidd, a fourteen year old child,
(B) II only. saw the key in the ignition and stole the car.
While driving it, he struck and injured Pell. In an

action by Pell against David, Pell will ened by a classmate, and left the room. The class-
room had been painted the previous day with a
(A) win, if but only if it was unreasonable for paint to which Peter was allergic, although nei-
David to leave his keys in the ignition. ther Professor Hardy, Tay, nor Peter knew about
it. As a result of his exposure to the paint in the
(B) win, if, but only if, the statute was designed
room, Peter developed allergic symptoms later
to prevent accidents involving stolen cars.
that day which required hospitalization.
(C) .lose, unless Kidd's intervention is held to
have been foreseeable. If Peter institutes an action for false imprison-
ment against Professor Hardy, who will win?
(D) lose, if Kidd's conduct is found to be an
intervention which proximately caused the
(A) Peter, because his illness resulted from
Hardy's intentional confinement of him.
(B) Peter, since a professor owes her students a
98. The state governor was attending a major league
duty to refrain from exposing them to
baseball game when a member of the home team
unreasonable risks of foreseeable harm.
hit a home run. The governor jumped to his feet
and cheered loudly, along with the rest of the (C) Hardy, since she did not know with substan-
crowd. Frank, a freelance photographer, took his tial certainty that harm would result from
picture while he was cheering. When the photo- locking the door.
graph was developed, Frank had it imprinted on
(D) Hardy, since she did not confine Peter
targets. With toy plastic darts, Frank marketed
against his will.
them under the name of "The Cheering Governor
Dart Board Game" and sold several thousand.
The governor sued Frank for invasion of privacy. Questions 100-102 are based on the following fact sit-
On which of the following theories is the gover-
nor most likely to be successful in his action The Lovers ofthe Lord (LOL) is a small religious sect
against Frank? which had its origins in colonial America. Originally,
members of the sect believed that physical acts of love
(A) Appropriation of identity. were holy. During the Nineteenth Century, they were
(B) Public disclosure. prosecuted for engaging in religious rituals which
involved public nudity and group sex. At the start of
(C) Intrusion. the Twentieth Century, the leaders of the sect revised
(D) False light. its philosophy and prohibited the sex acts that they had
formerly encouraged. Some non-members of the sect
continue to associate it with illicit sex, and continue to
99. Professor Hardy was disturbed by the fact that call its members "Makers," a term coined by Nine-
students frequently left the room during her lec- teenth Century journalists who campaigned against the
tures, so she instructed Tay, a teaching assistant, LOL.
to lock the door of her classroom ten minutes
after the class began, and not to unlock it again Preech is a minister ordained in the Church of Love, a
until ten minutes before the class was scheduled religious organization which is not associated in any
to end. On Thursday Peter attended Professor way with the Lovers of the Lord. Preech delivered the
Hardy's four o'clock class. By five minutes past benediction at the year's first meeting of the Town
four, Peter was sound asleep in his seat. At ten Council of Smallville. The following day, the Small-
minutes past four,. Tay locked the classroom door ville Globe, a daily newspaper, printed an article about
as instructed by Professor Hardy, unlocking it at the meeting. The article referred to Preech as "a minis-
ten minutes to five. When the class ended at five, ter of the Church of Love, better known as the Makers
Peter who llad slept through the class, was awak- (LOL)." Preech instituted an action against the Small-

ville Globe, alleging thatthe reference to him as a min- only one true, would be most helpful to Preech in
ister of "the Makers (LOL)" was defamatory. opposing the motion to dismiss?

(A) Editors of the Smallville Globe knew that

100. In his lawsuit, Preech must prove that the Small-
Preech was not a member of the organiza-
ville Globe
tion known as the Makers when they pub-
lished the statement.
(A) knew, or that the reasonablepublisher would
have kn:own, lhat Preech was not affiliated (B) Freech was so upset upon reading the Small-
with the Lovers of the Lord. ville Globe's statement about him that he
became physically ill.
(B) entertained serious doubts about whether or
not Preech was affiliated with the Lovers (C) Editors of the Smallville Globe disliked
of the Lord. Preech, and wanted to injure his reputa-
(C) knew that "the Makers (LOL)" were associ-
ated with shame or disgrace in the minds (D) Preech is neither a public official nor a pub-
of some readers. lic figure.
(D) made the statement, but Preech is not
required to prove fault since Preech is not a Questions 103-104 are based on the following fact sit-
public person. uation.

Mashco was in the business of developing and manu-

101. Which of the following is a court most likely to
facturing machinery used in other industries. Having
find about the statement which appeared in the
developed a zoobie machine for shaping and stamping
Smallville Globe?
widgets, Mashco manufactured and sold seven of them
to widget companies throughout the United States. One
(A) The statement is not defamatory if the Mak-
of the zoobie machines manufactured by Maschco was
ers (LOL) can be classified as a religion
sold to the Johnson Widget Company, which used it
under the First Amendment to the United
without problems for three years. At the end of that
States Constitution.
time, however, Johnson redesigned its widgets. Since
(B) The statement is not defamatory if members the zoobie machine that it had purchased from
of the Lovers of the Lord do not currently Maschco was inadequate for the production of
engage in improper activities. Johnson's improved widget, Johnson sold the machine
(C) The statement is not defamatory if a substan- to Discount, a company specializing in selling products
tialgroup of right-thinking people know which, since they were slightly out of date, could be
that members of the organization known as produced and sold at low prices.
the Makers no longer engage in improper
activities. Mashco learned that the finnegan pins in its zoobie
machines tended to wear out after three or four years,
(D) The statement is defamatory if many people making the machines dangerous. It contacted the
continue to believe that members of the Johnson Widget Company, offering to replace the worn
organization known as "the Makers" part for one thousand dollars, which was what the
engage in improper activities. repair would cost Mashco to make. When Johnson
advised Mashco that the machine had been sold to Dis-
102. Assume for the purpose of this question only that count, Mashco contacted Discount and made the same
the Smallville Globe moved to dismiss Preech's offer. Because Discount did not want to spend the
action on the grounds that his complaint con- money, however, it refused Mashco's offer. Two
tained no allegation of damage.. Which of the fol- months later, Worker, a Discount employee, was
lowing additional facts or inferences, if it was the injured when the worn part in the zoobie machine
caused it to explode.

the rain when she rounded a bend and saw a cow stand-
ing directly in her path. She immediately jammed on
103. Assume for the purpose ofthis question only that
her brakes and pulled the steering wheel to the right in
Worker instituted an action against Mashco on a
an attempt to avoid striking the cow. As a result, she
theory of strict liability in tort. Assume further
lost control of her car, which skidded off the road and
that the jury specifically found that the finnegan
into Basil's yard. Basil, who was in the process of
pin made the zoobie machine defective when sold
installing an automatic watering system, had dug a
by Mashco to Johnson and, that it had not been
trench across the yard for pipes. When the wheels of
substantially changed since then. The jury should
Alice's car hit the trench, the car stopped abruptly,
find in favor of
throwing Alice forward into the windshield, and caus-
ing her to be injured.
(A) Worker, only if workers' compensation stat-
utes prevent her from suing her employer.
105. In an action by Alice against Basil for negligence,
(B) Worker, if the defect in the zoobie machine
will a court decide that Basil owed Alice a duty
was a proximate cause of her injury.
of reasonable care?
(C) Mashco, if the machine had been removed
from the stream of commerce when sold (A) Yes, if it was foreseeable that persons driv-
by Johnson to Discount. ing on Country Road might lose control of
(D) Mashco, only if Discount's refusal to spend their vehicles and skid into Basil's yard.
one thousand dollars to repair the machine (B) Yes, if, but only if, the cow was in the road
was unreasonable. because of some conduct by Basil.
(C) No, because it was not unreasonable for
104. Assume for the purpose of this question only that Basil to dig a trench on his own land.
Worker instituted a negligence action against
(D) No, because Alice was a trespasser.
Mashco, and that Mashco's defense was based on
the assertion that prior to the accident, Mashco
neither knew nor reasonably could have known 106. In an action by Basil against Alice for negligence,
that the finnegan pin would wear out. If the jury which of the following arguments would be most
believes this assertion, Worker will effective as a defense for Alice?

(A) win, since Mashco is deemed to be an expert (A) Her conduct did not result in damage.
in its field, and has a duty to know all rele-
(B) She was not required to act reasonably
vant facts about the product which it
because she was confronted by an emer-
(B) win, since it is foreseeable that if the finne-
(C) She was privileged by the doctrine of neces-
gan pin did wear out someone would be
(D) It was foreseeable that users of Country
(C) win, since a manufacturer is strictly liable
Road would deviate onto adjacent private
for defects in its product, whether or not it
land in connection with their use of the
could have prevented those defects.
(D) lose.

Questions 107-110 are based on the following fact situ-

Questions 105-106 are based on the following fact sit- ation.
Carp, who was building a house on his own property,
Alice was driving her automobile on Country Road in had posted a sign which said, "No Trespassing." He

was working on the framework of his roof when he 108. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
found that he had brought the wrong hammer onto the the representative of Truck's estate instituted an
roof with him. Without looking to see if anyone was appropriate action against Carp, in a jurisdiction
around, he tossed the hammer to the ground, shouting, which applies the "all or nothing" rule of contrib-
"Heads up!" utory negligence, alleging that Carp's throwing of
the hammer without looking was negligence. If it
Truck was a truck driver assigned to deliver lumber on was the only one true, which of the following
the street where Carp was building a house. Carp had additional facts or inferences would be most
not ordered lumber, but when Truck saw Carp working effective in Carp's defense against that allega-
on the roof of an unfinished house, he incorrectly tion?
assumed that Carp was the person to whom he was sup-
posed to deliver the lumber. He parked his truck at the (A) It was reasonable for Carp to believe that no
curb and was walking across Carp's property toward one would be struck by the hammer.
the unfinished house to talk to Carp about the delivery,
(B) It is customary in the construction industry
when he was struck in the head by the hammer thrown
for people working on a roof to toss
by Carp. Truck cried out in pain, and then fell to the
unwanted tools and objects to the ground
ground, unconscious and bleeding. Carp saw it happen,
without looking, so long as they shout,
but merely shrugged and continued working.
"Heads up!"
A moment later a passerby who had seen what hap- (C) Truck could have avoided being struck by
pened called an ambulance. When it arrived, Truck was the hammer if he had seen it coming.
still unconscious. The driver, Ann, loaded Truck into (D) The blow of his hammer would not have
the ambulance and began driving to the hospital. caused a serious injury to a normal person,
Because of Ann's negligent driving, the ambulance but seriously injured Truck because his
struck a pole. Truck was killed in the crash. head was extraordinarily sensitive.

107. Assume for the purpose of this question only that 109. In a negligence action by the representative of
the representative of Truck's estate instituted an Truck's estate against Carp, a court will most
appropriate action against Carp, alleging that probably find Carp
Carp's failure to call for medical assistance after
he saw the hammer strike Truck was negligence. (A) liable for Truck's death only if Carp's negli-
Which of the following comments is most accu- gence was a proximate cause of Truck's
rate regarding that allegation? head injury.

(A) Carp owed Truck no duty to call for help if (B) liable for Truck's head injury if Carp's negli-
Truck was a trespasser. gence was a proximate cause of it, but not
liable for Truck's death since the negli-
(B) Truck's estate is entitled to punitive (exem-
gence of Ann was an intervening cause.
plary) damages if Carp was substantially
certain that there was a possibility of harm (C) liable for Truck's head injury if Carp's negli-
resulting from his failure to act. gence was a proximate cause of it, but not
liable for Truck's death since the ambu-
(C) Carp's failure to call for medical aid was not lance accident was an intervening cause of
a factual cause of harm to Truck, since it.
someone did call moment later.
(D) not liable for Truck's death, since Carp's
(D) Truck was an invitee since he was a user of conduct was not a factual cause of Truck's
the public street who had entered upon
adjacent private land.

110. If the representative of Truck's estate instituted


an appropriate action against Ann under the children, they had enjoyed playing "practical
state's "wrongful death" statute, the court would jokes" on each other. Frequently, they would
be most likely to find for spend hours together, laughing about the tricks
they had played on each other. One day, planning
(A) Ann, if Carp's conduct was foreseeable to have some fun with Vik, Trik bought a large
rubber spider from a toy store. Knowing that Vik
(B) Ann, since a rescuer is not under an obliga-
was horrified of spiders, Trik came into work
tion to use reasonable care in the face of an
early, and placed the toy spider in the top drawer
ofVik's desk. Later, when Vik arrived at work, he
(C) Truck's estate, since Ann's negligence was a opened his top drawer to get out a letter opener
proximate cause of Truck's death and saw the rubber spider. Believing it to be real,
(D) Truck's estate, unless Carp is found to be lia- and terrified that it would bite him, Vik screamed
ble for Truck's death in fear, fainted, and fell to the floor. As he fell, he
struck his head on the corner of his desk, sustain-
ing a serious fracture of the skull.
111. Rend had been operating a soap factory in Travis
County for fifty years. When the factory was first If Vik asserts a claim for assault against Trik for
opened, the nearest residential settlement was the injury which he sustained in the fall, which of
Growtown, six miles away. Because the factory the following arguments would be most effective
has been in existence for fifty years, Travis in Trik's defense?
County zoning ordinances were drafted to allow
its continued operation. In the past fifty years, (A) Vik's fear of being bitten by a spider was not
however, Growtown has expanded in size. Now apprehension of a battery.
the edge of town is only a quarter of a mile from
(B) The reasonable person in Vik's position
Rend's factory. On days when the wind is blow-
would not have become apprehensive at
ing from the direction of the factory, residents of
the sight of a spider.
the town are annoyed by the obnoxious odor
emanating from the factory chimneys. Cooke, (C) Vik impliedly consented to the prank by
who moved to Growtown three years ago, has engaging in a course of practical joking
asked the Growtown Town Attorney to seek an with Trik.
injunction to prohibit Rend from emitting foul
(D) Trik was not substantially certain that Vik
odors, but the Town Attorney has refused.
would be injured as a result of the joke.
If Cooke sues Rend for damages resulting from
the odors on a theory of public nuisance, which 113. Pierre commenced an action against Marc, and
of the following will be Rend's most effective proved the following:
argument in defense?
Marc and Mary were both slingshot enthusiasts
(A) Rend's operation preceded the growth of known for the accuracy of their aim. They were
Growtown. planning to compete against each other in a sling-
shot tournament to be held on Sunday. On Satur-
(B) Cooke came to the nuisance.
day, without consulting the other, each went
(C) Cooke's damages are no different from those independently to the woods outside of town to
of other residents of Growtown. practice hislher skill. Since not many people fre-
(D) A lawful activity cannot constitute a public quented the area, Marc and Mary were both
nuisance. somewhat casual about their targets, each shoot-
ing at anything that moved without properly
checking to make sure of what they were shoot-
112. Trik and Vik had been friends for years, and ing at. Pierre, who had gone to the woods to read
worked in the same office. Ever since they were in solitude, was struck by a steel ball shot from

one of the slingshots. Since Marc and Mary were Questions 115-117 are based on the following fact situ-
using the same kind of ammunition, it is impossi- ation.
ble to determine which of them fired the ball
which struck Pierre, but it is certain that one of Fruitco manufactures several kinds of cooked-fruit des-
them did. serts, which are marketed in packages labeled, "Person
Pleasers." Each such package consists of an aluminum
If the court finds for Marc, it will probably be for can containing cooked fruit packed in syrup, and a
which one of the following reasons? plastic spoon. The aluminum can is equipped with an
"easy- open" lid which can be removed by pulling an
(A) Marc did not owe Pierre a duty of reasonable aluminum ring fastened to the top of the can.
care, since not many people frequented the
area. One morning on his way to work, Pederson purchased
a package of Person Pleasers from Gordon's Grocery
(B) There is no evidence that Marc acted unrea-
Store. Later that day, while eating lunch, Pederson
opened the package, removed the lid from the alumi-
(C) The evidence does not establish that Marc's num can, and began eating the contents with a spoon.
conduct was a factual cause of the injury. After consuming more than half of the product, Peder-
son noticed parts of a rat's tail mixed with the cooked
(D) Even if Marc's conduct was a factual cause
of the injury, it is impossible to tell fruit..
whether it was a legal cause of the injury.
115. If Pederson asserts a claim against Fruitco on the
114. Statutes in the state of Avery provide that persons theory of strict liability in tort, which of the fol-
lowing would be Pederson's most effective argu-
under the age of twenty years are incompetent to
enter into contracts, may not marry without the
written consent of their parents, may not lawfully
(A) The presence of a rat's tail was a defect
purchase alcoholic beverages, and are subject to
which made the product unreasonably dan-
local curfew regulations. Melanie, a nineteen-
year old, was fishing for pleasure from a pier in
the state of Avery when she accidentally struck (B) Pederson was in horizontal privity with Gor-
Pearson in the eye with a fish hook on the end of don's Grocery Store, and there is no need
her line. Pearson commenced a negligence action for vertical privity.
against Melanie. The trial court should find that
(C) The labeling and packaging of Person Pleas-
Melanie was negligent
ers implied a promise that the contents of
the package purchased by Pederson was fit
(A) if she failed to act like the reasonable nine-
for human consumption.
teen- year old with her experience and
intelligence, because under the laws of (D) The doctrine of res ipsa loquitur applies,
Avery she is still a child. since the product was sold in a sealed
(B) if she failed to act like the reasonable adult,
because fishing is an adult activity.
116. If Pederson asserts a claim for negligence against
(C) if she failed to act like the reasonable adult,
Gordon's, the court should find for
because at nineteen she is old enough to be
treated as an adult by the law of torts.
(A) Pederson, because any negligence by the
(D) because the risk of injury by being struck manufacturer of a product is imputed to a
with a fish hook outweighs the utility of retailer selling that product.
fishing for pleasure.
(B) Pederson, if the product was defective when
Pederson purchased it from Gordon's Gro-

cery Store. which will make it impossible for him to support, feed,
or care for himself for the rest of his life. The jurisdic-
(C) Gordon's, unless Gordon's failed to act rea-
tion applies the all-or-nothing rule of contributory neg-
sonably in selling the product to Pederson.
(D) Gordon's, because a retailer is under no duty
of reasonable care when selling products
packaged in sealed containers. 118. If Mona asserts a negligence claim against Den-
ton for the medical bills which she incurred as a
result of Sal's injury, which of the following may
117. In an action by Pederson against Fruitco, which Denton assert in defense?
of the following additional facts or inferences, if
I. The accident resulted from Sal's negli-
it were the only one true, would provide Fruitco
with its most effective defense?
II. The accident resulted from Mona's negli-
(A) Fruitco did not act unreasonably in manufac- gence.
turing, packaging, or marketing the prod-
uct purchased by Pederson. (A) I only.

(B) Pederson sustained no injury as a result of (B) II only.

the presence of parts of a rat's tail in the (C) I and II.
(D) Neither I nor II.
(C) Fruitco complied with all statutory require-
ments for quality control in the production
of Person Pleasers. 119. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Denton was acting unreasonably when her car
(D) Pederson purchased the product on the rec- struck Sal. If Sal asserts a negligence claim
ommendation of a sales clerk at Gordon's against Denton for his injuries, the court should
Grocery Store. find for

(A) Sal, unless the accident resulted from his

Questions 118-119 are based on the following fact situ-
own unreasonable conduct.
(B) Sal, because a nine-year-old is presumed
Denton was driving her car north on Ocean Boulevard incapable of contributory negligence.
when the car in front of hers stopped suddenly to avoid
(C) Sal, under the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur.
striking a cat which had run into the roadway. Since
there were no cars coming toward her, Denton swerved (D) Denton, if it was unreasonable for Mona to
over the centerline and into the southbound lane. When give Sal permission to walk his bicycle
she did so, she struck and injured Sal, a nine-year-old along the roadway.
boy who was walking a bicycle south in the south-
bound lane. Because the sun was in her eyes, Denton
120. Darby was towing a small travel-trailer with his
did not see Sal until her car struck him.
automobile when the hitch which attached the
trailer to the car broke, causing the trailer to col-
Half an hour before the accident, Sal's mother Mona
lide with the vehicle of Venden which was parked
told Sal that she did not want him riding his bicycle on
at the curb. A statute in the jurisdiction provides
Ocean Boulevard because it was a heavily travelled
that "No person shall operate a motor vehicle or
roadway with no sidewalks. She gave him permission,
trailer on the roads of this state unless said motor
however, to walk his bicycle carefully along the road
vehicle or trailer is covered by a valid policy of
liability insurance." Darby was in violation of
that statute in that he knew that his trailer was not
As a result of the accident, Sal sustained brain damage
covered by a valid policy of liability insurance at

the time of the accident. Is his violation of statute (A) Yes, because it applies in exploding bottle
relevant to the issue of negligence in an action cases.
brought against him by Venden?
(B) Yes, because Popco was in exclusive control
of the bottling process.
(A) Yes, because the statute was designed to pro-
tect the victims of automobile and trailer (C) No, because the bottles were knocked over
accidents. by Officers Axel and Barber.
(B) Yes, because the reasonable person does not (D) No, because the bottles were not in Popco's
knowingly violate a statute. possession at the time Frieda's injury
(C) No, because the law encourages the pur-
chase of automobile insurance, and there-
fore absolutely prohibits disclosure to the 122. In an action by Tanya against Super, a court is
jury about whether or not a defendant was most likely to find for
(A) Tanya, because she could not have done
(D) No, because compliance with the statute
anything to protect herself against the kind
does not prevent automobile or trailer acci-
of injury which occurred.
(B) Tanya, if Super's conduct in restacking and
selling the bottles was unreasonable under
Questions 121-123 are based on the following fact sit- the circumstances.
(C) Super, if the conduct of Officers Axel and
One night police officers Axel and Barber received a Barber is found to be a proximate cause of
message that a burglary was in progress at the Super the injury sustained by Tanya.
Grocery Store. Rushing to the location, they discovered (D) Super, because Tanya and Super were not in
that the back door of the store was open. Entering cau- privity.
tiously, they saw two burglars hiding in the storage
room. In the ensuing attempt to effect an arrest in the
dark, Axel and Barber knocked over several stacks of 123. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
merchandise, including cases of bottled soda-pop man- when the stacked groceries fell over during the
ufactured by Popco. This caused minute cracks in all chase in the storage room, a bottle broke, and a
the bottles. The following day, store employees cleaned fragment of flying glass struck Officer Axel,
up the mess, restacking the cases of soda-pop. Approx- injuring him. If Axel institutes an action against
imately one week later, six of the cases were placed on Super, Axel will
display in the store. Frieda purchased one of the bottles
from these six cases but did not notice the minute crack (A) win, since the fact that he was attempting to
in it. apprehend a criminal who was burglariz-
ing Super's store made him an invitee.
That evening Frieda was placing the bottle on the din- (B) win, if but only if Super's conduct was a
ner table when the bottle exploded because of the crack physical cause of the harm.
in it, sending fragments of glass flying in all directions.
Both Frieda and her daughter Tanya were cut by the (C) lose, since he was a bare licensee at the time
flying glass. . the injury occurred.
(D) lose, if it was unforeseeable that persons
121. In an action by Frieda against Popco, may she would be chasing around the storeroom in
successfully rely on the doctrine of res ipsa loqui- the dark.
124. After several neighboring stores had been bur-

glarized, Keeper decided to take steps to protect was painted by Degas. That would make it worth at
her own grocery store against burglars. She pur- least $250,000."
chased an alarm bell and wired it to the store cash
register so that it would make a loud noise if the Collins answered, "It's by Degas, all right. It's worth
register was forced open. In addition, she con- every cent you're asking. But I already have several
nected a canister of X-Eleven gas to the system paintings by Degas in my collection, and I don't need
so that as the alarm went off, the gas would be another."
discharged into the area around the cash register.
Keeper had read a government report which indi- Barton, who was browsing in Dillon's gallery, over-
cated that X-Eleven had no harmful effects, but heard the conversation between Collins and Dillon.
that a person exposed to it would become tempo- Barton knew very little about art, but had just inherited
rarily disoriented. She hoped that if a burglar a large sum of money. Because he knew that Collins
attempted to steal from her cash register, the and Dillon were art experts, he believed what he heard
combination of disorientation produced by the them saying. Mter Collins left the gallery, Barton
gas and the loud noise produced by the bell asked Dillon if she would accept $200,000 for "The
would frighten the burglar away. That night, Petticoats." Dillon said that she would not take any-
Baron broke into Keeper's store. When he thing less than $250,000. Mter negotiation, Barton pur-
attempted to open her cash register, the alarm bell chased it for $225,000. Barton subsequently learned
began to sound and the canister discharged X- that "The Petticoats" had not been painted by Degas,
Eleven gas into the area. Baron became fright- and was worth only $600.
ened, and ran away, but because he was unusually
sensitive to the ingredients of X-Eleven gas,
125. If Barton asserts a tort claim for misrepresenta-
exposure to it permanently damaged his vision.
tion against Dillon, which of the following would
be Dillon's most effective argument in defense?
If Baron asserts a claim against Keeper for his
damages, the court should find for
(A) A statement of opinion cannot be construed
as a misrepresentation, since there is no
(A) Baron, if the alarm system created by
such thing as a false idea.
Keeper constituted a trap.
(B) Barton did not sustain damage as a result of
(B) Baron, because a human being's vision is of
his reliance on a statement by Dillon.
greater value than mere property.
(C)Dillon did not know that Barton would rely
(C) Keeper, because no duty is owed to a tres-
on the statements which she made to Col-
passer who enters for the purpose of com-
mitting a crime.
(D) The value of any work of art is a matter of
(D) Keeper, if she used reasonable force to
defend her property.

126. If Barton is successful in a tort action for misrep-

Questions 125-126 are based on the following fact sit-
resentation, the court is likely to award him a
judgment for
Collins was a well-known collector of art. Dillon was
(A) $250,000 (the value which Dillon stated).
an art dealer who operated a gallery in which she sold
paintings and other works of art. One day, while Col- (B) $250,000 (the value which Dillon stated), on
lins. was visiting Dillon's gallery, Dillon showed him a condition that Barton return "The Petti-
new painting called "The Petticoats" which she had coats" to Dillon.
received that day. (C) $225,000 (the price which Barton paid to
"The artist didn't sign it," Dillon said. "But I'm sure it

(D) $224,400 (the price which Barton paid to day, after meeting in the club's cocktail lounge,
Dillon less the value of "The Petticoats"). they argued about which of them could hit a golf
ball farthest. To settle the dispute, they agreed to
a contest and wager. Each handed one hundred
127. As a joke, Jason knocked on Pamela's door,
dollars to Carter, who offered to hold the stakes.
wearing a police officer's uniform which he had
Their understanding was that each would hit a
rented from a costume shop. When Pamela came
single golf ball, and that the one whose balltrav-
to the door, Jason told her that her husband had
eled the greatest distance would win the bet.
just been killed in a highway accident, and that
Anson and Baker went together to the club's driv-
she would have to come with him to claim the
ing range. Both struck their golf balls at the same
body. Pamela, who recognized Jason and knew
time. A moment later, they heard a shout coming
that he was not a police officer, slammed the door
from the far end of the driving range. Upon
in his face and told him to leave her alone. She
investigating, they found Pauling, another mem-
was outraged at his attempt to play such a joke on
ber of the club, lying unconscious on the ground
her, but sustained no physical or mental injury.
with a single lump on his head. Lying beside him
were the balls driven by Anson and Baker. Paul-
If Pamela asserts a claim against Jason for inten-
ing subsequently asserted a claim for damages
tional infliction of emotional distress, the court
against Anson and Baker. He succeeded in prov-
should find for
ing that the ball which struck him had been
driven by one of them, but was unable to show
(A) Pamela, because Jason's conduct exceeded
which. The court found that both Anson and
all bounds normally tolerated by decent
Baker had acted negligently, and that they were
involved in a concert of action.
(B) Pamela, because Jason's conduct was calcu-
lated to cause severe mental suffering. Which of the following statements is most correct
about the relationship of the parties?
(C) Jason, because his intention was merely to
playa joke on Pamela.
(A) Either Anson or Baker may avoid liability
(D) Jason, because Pamela sustained no physical by proving that his ball was not the one
or mental injury as a result of Jason's con- which struck Pauling.
(B) Neither Anson's nor Baker's conduct was a
factual cause of harm, because each
128. Which of the following most correctly states the induced the other's conduct to be a sub-
duty owed to customers by a druggist who dis- stantial factor in producing Pauling's
penses prescription drugs? injury.
(C) Anson's conduct and Baker's conduct were
(A) To know all the harmful side effects of the
legal causes of harm, but neither was a fac-
drugs being dispensed.
tual cause of harm.
(B) To warn of all the harmful side effects of the
(D) Anson and Baker may each be held vicari-
drugs being dispensed.
ously liable for the other's conduct.
(C) To sell only those drugs which are not defec-
130. Medco is the manufacturer of a drug known as
(D) To make whatever inspection of the drugs is HLP, which is used in the treatment of certain
reasonable before dispensing them. cancers. Because HLP induces an allergic reac-
tion in about ten percent of the people treated
with it, Medco has sent every doctor in the
129. Anson and Baker were members of the same golf
United States a brochure describing the possible
club and frequently played golf together. One
side-effects,and suggesting methods for deter-

mining in advance whether a patient is allergic to and physical infirmity made him unable to clean
the drug. In addition, Medco has published warn- or maintain the pool himself. Instead, he agreed
ings about the drug in The Physician's Medical to allow his fourteen-year-old neighbor Nellie to
Guide, a book which describes the effects of all swim in the pool anytime she wanted to without
prescription drugs sold in the United States and notifying Dalton or asking his permission, in
which is part of the library of virtually every exchange for Nellie's services in cleaning and
practicing physician. Pattie was being treated by maintaining the pool.
Dr. Oncol for cancer of the epiframmis gland. In
the course of treatment, Dr. Oncol prescribed the On Friday morning, Nellie thorougWy cleaned
use of HLP. Although Dr. Oncol had read the Dalton's pool. Later that day, Dalton drained all
Medco brochure, and was aware of the possibility the water from the pool and did not refill it. Sat-
of an allergic reaction, she did not take any steps urday morning, Nellie woke up early and decided
to determine whether Pattie was allergic to the to go swimming in Dalton's pool. She put on her
drug. Because Pattie was allergic to HLP, its use bathing suit and went into Dalton's yard, running
caused her to lose the sight of one of her eyes. onto the diving board of his swimming pool and
diving in without looking first. Nellie was
Pattie subsequently retained Laird, an attorney, to severely injured when she fell to the concrete bot-
commence a malpractice action against Dr. Oncol tom of the empty swimming pool.
for the damages which resulted from her allergic
reaction to HLP. Although the statute of limita- If Nellie asserts a negligence claim for her inju-
tions on such an action fixed a period of one year, ries against Dalton in a jurisdiction which has a
more than one year passed before Laird com- pure comparative negligence statute, the court
menced an action against Dr. Oncol. As a result, should find for
no such action could ever be brought. Pattie even-
tually sued Laird, alleging that Laird's failure to (A) Nellie, because the pool constituted an
bring the action on time was negligent. attractive nuisance.
(B) Dalton, because Nellie was a trespasser.
Which one of the following additional facts or
inferences, if it was the only one true, would be (C) Nellie, if it was unreasonable for Dalton to
most effective as part of Laird's defense? drain the pool without warning her.
(D) Dalton, if the reasonable person in Nellie's
(A) Laird had been admitted to the bar only three position would have known the risk of div-
weeks beforebeing retained by Pattie. ing into an empty swimming pool.
(B) Laird honestly believed that the statutory
period of limitations for the commence-
132. Power and Light Company (PALCO) was the
ment of medical malpractice actions was
owner of electrical generating equipment located
two years.
on a parcel of real estate in the City of Haven.
(C) After discussing the case with Dr. Oncol's Electrical power lines ran from the equipment to
attorney, Laird came to the conclusion that a sixty-foot power pole, also located on the realty.
Pattie's case against Dr. Oncol was weak. Spikes had been driven into the pole every twelve
inches, for use as steps by persons climbing the
(D) Cancer of the epiframmis gland would have
pole to service the wires fastened to it. Twelve
led to Pattie's death within a few months if
feet above the ground, a wooden platform was
left untreated, and HLP was the only drug
mounted on the pole, with a hole in its center so
available for its treatment.
that a person climbing up the pole could climb
through the hole onto the platform.
131. Dalton was an elderly man who lived in a house
with a swimming pool in the back yard. Although The playground of Haven Grammar School was
Dalton enjoyed swimming in the pool, his age directly adjacent to the PALCO property, sepa-

rated from it by a six-foot wire mesh fence. the explosion, has asserted a claim against Explo.
PALCO officials were aware that a large gaping
hole in this fence had existed for approximately Which of the following facts or inferences, if it
one year, and that children frequently crept were the only one true, would provide Explo with
through the hole to play on PALCO property. its most effective argument in defense?

One morning, Paulette, a twelve-year-old student (A) Explo did not do anything unreasonable or
at the Haven Grammar School, entered the irresponsible in manufacturing, packaging,
PALCO property through the hole in the fence. or labeling its product.
Paulette began climbing the spikes which had
(B) When Explo shipped the cases of explo-
been driven into the pole. When she reached the
sives, they had been properly labeled with
wooden platform located twelve feet above
:firmly affixed labels identifying their con-
ground, she put her head through the hole in its
tents, but the labels had somehow come off
center to see what was above it. Her head came
in transit.
into contact with a high-voltage wire which had
been strung over the platform, causing her to sus- (C) Explo had assigned an employee to make
tain serious injuries. sure that all cases of explosives shipped by
Explo were properly labeled, but the
In a negligence action by Paulette against employee had forgotten to inspect this
PALCO, which one of the following additional shipment.
facts or inferences, if it were the only one true,
(D) The storage of explosives by Warehouse was
would provide PALCO with its most effective an ultra-hazardous activity.
argument in defense?

(A) Paulette entered the premises without 134. In which one of the following cases is the defen-
PALCO's permission. dant LEAST likely to be held liable for battery?
(B) To PALCO's knowledge, no child had ever
(A) Defendant is a six-year-old boy who shot
before attempted to climb the pole.
plaintiff with a bow and arrow, because he
(C) Paulette was old enough to comprehend the wanted to see if she would shout when the
dangers associated with an attempt to arrow hit her.
climb the pole.
(B) Defendant is an insane woman who struck
(D) The fence which separated the PALCO the plaintiff because she believed the
property from the school yard was located plaintiff to be a horse which was attacking
completely on realty occupied by the her.
Haven Grammar School.
(C) Defendant is a man who was on a date with
the plaintiff, and who suddenly took her
133. Explo was a manufacturer of explosives. Several into his arms and kissed her because he
cases of explosives which Explo had shipped to a believed that she wanted to be over-
buyer in another state were being stored by Ware- whelmed by his passion.
house pending delivery. While the explosives (D) Defendant is a mentally retarded adult who
were there, the Warehouse facility was struck by
threw a stone at the plaintiff and struck her
lightning, causing the explosives to explode. The
with it, because he believed that the plain-
cases containing the explosives did not bear any
tiff was going to hurt him.
description of their contents. If Warehouse
employees knew that the cases contained explo-
sives, they would have stored them in a way 135. Fred Fredericks was a comedian who continued
which would have prevented the explosion. Prax- performing until he was ninety years old. During
ton, who sustained property damage as a result of his seventy-year career in the entertainment busi-

ness, his trademark was always a cigar which he damage to his house, the court's decision is most
clenched between his teeth or held in his hand likely to turn on whether
while delivering his jokes. As part of an inter-
view on the Bill Ball television show, Ball asked (A) Fennel acted reasonably.
Fredericks whether he really smoked cigars. Fre-
(B) the hitch was defective in manufacture or in
dericks replied, "Sure. I always smoke Georgia
Cigars. They're the best cigars made."
(C) Fennel was a merchant.
The following day, Georgia Cigar Company, the
(D) Perlman could have foreseen the damage.
manufacturer of Georgia Cigars, placed several
advertisements in newspapers. All of the adver-
tisements said, "Fred Fredericks says Georgia 137. Flier was a helicopter pilot employedby a radio
Cigars are the best cigars made. He always station as a traffic reporter. One day, while flying
smokes Georgia Cigars, and you should too." in his helicopter, he hovered over the home of
Pauline. Using powerful binoculars, he looked
If Fredericks asserts a claim against Georgia into her window to watch her while she was exer-
Cigar Company for invasion of privacy by misap- cising in the nude. If Pauline institutes an action
propriation of identity, the court should find for against him, which of the following facts or infer-
ences must she establish in order to make out a
(A) Georgia Cigar Company, because Fredericks prima facie case of trespass to land?
had in fact made the statement which
appeared in the advertisement. (A) The altitude at which Flier hovered over her
(B) Georgia Cigar Company, because the adver-
tisement constituted a constitutionally pro- (B) Damage to her land, or to her right to enjoy
tected form of commercial expression. it, which resulted from Flier's conduct.
(C) Fredericks, because when he made the state- (C) That she had a reasonable expectation of pri-
ment on the Bill Ball television show, it vacy while exercising nude in her own
was unforeseeable that Georgia Cigar home.
Company would use it in its advertising.
(D) That she was in lawful possession of the pre-
(D) Fredericks, because Georgia Cigar Company mises at the time that Flier hovered over
used his name to sell its product without her house.
his permission.
138. When Chevan discovered that her car had been
136. Fennel grew fruit trees on her farm outside of Vil- stolen, she reported the theft to the police. Then,
lage. In addition, she operated a fruit store in Vil- while she was walking home from the police sta-
lage. Every day during the harvest season, in a tion, she saw her car in Homer's driveway where
trailer which she towed with her pickup truck, she the person who stole it had abandoned it after
hauled fresh fruit from her orchards to her store. using it in a bank robbery. When she began walk-
One day, as she was towing the trailer filled with ing toward the automobile, Homer ran out of his
fruit up a hill on her way to village,· the hitch house, shouting, "Hey, you. Where do you think
which fastened the trailer to the pickup truck you're going?" Chevan explained that she was
failed, permitting the trailer to break loose and attempting to retrieve her car, but Homer pushed
roll down the hill, striking and damaging the her, saying, "Get off my land." Chevan, who sus-
home of Perlman. Subsequent investigation tained no physical or mental injury as a result of
revealed that the hitch failed because one of its Homer's contact with her, got into her car and
parts was made of defective steel. drove it away. Chevan subsequently commenced
a battery action against Homer. If, in response to
If Perlman asserts a claim against Fennel for Chevan's claim, Homer asserts the privilege to

defend realty, the court should find for Hudson prove in order to establish a cause of
action for misrepresentation against Adjust?
(A) Homer, because Chevan was not in hot pur-
I. If Hudson's wrongful death action against
suit of her car when she entered Homer's
X & L was not dismissed, it would have
realty. resulted in a judgment for Hudson in
(B) Homer, because Chevan was not injured as a excess of $1,000.
result of his contact with her. II. When Adjust made the statements to Hud-
(C) Chevan, because force is never permitted in son, Adjust knew or should have known
that the statements were false.
defense of realty.
(D) Chevan, because she was privileged to enter (A) I only.
and retake her automobile. (B) II only.
(C) Both I and II.
Questions 139-140 are based on the following fact sit-
uation. (D) Neither I nor II.

Hudson asserted a claim against Adjust, alleging that 140. Which of the following would be Adjust's
statements made by Adjust were misrepresentations. LEAST effective argument in defense against
Attorneys for both parties agreed on the following Hudson's claim?
(A) Liability should not be imposed on Adjust,
Hudson's wife died when shejumped in front of a train because he was acting within the scope of
operated by the X & L Railroad Corporation. Two his employment when he made the state-
weeks later, Adjust, a representative of X & L, con- ments to Hudson.
tacted Hudson. Adjust said that although X & L was
not legally responsible for the death of Hudson's wife, (B) Statements regarding the law are statements
X & L was willing to pay $1,000 in full settlement of of opinion, because all persons are pre-
all claims arising from the death of Hudson's wife. sumed to know the law.
When Hudson said that he wanted to discuss the matter (C) Hudson did not rely on the statements made
with an attorney, Adjust said, "If a lawyer gets by Adjust, because he consulted with an
involved, we won't pay you anything. You haven't got attorney before accepting Adjust's offer.
a legal leg to stand on anyway. You couldn't possibly
win a suit against X & L." Hudson doubted that Adjust (D) Hudson was not justified in relying on the
was telling him the truth, so he consulted with Laird, an statements made by Adjust, because Hud-
attorney. Mter interviewing Hudson, Laird said that son knew that Adjust represented X & L.
she did not think Hudson would win an action against
X & L under the state's wrongful death statute, and 141. Tweeter was a manufacturer of dog-whistles, and
refused to represent Hudson in such action. Hudson operated a factory for that purpose. The whistles
thereafter accepted Adjust's offer to settle all claims for manufactured by Tweeter issued a sound so high-
$1,000, and executed a general release in return for X pitched that it could not be heard by human ears;
& L's payment in that amount. Subsequently, Hudson- only dogs could hear it. For this reason, before
- represented by a different attorney -- instituted a leaving the assembly line, each whistle was tested
wrongful death action against X & L. Upon motion by by a machine which blew air through it and
X & L, the court dismissed that action on the ground metered the sound which it made. After
that Hudson had released X & L of all liability as part Tweeter's factory had been in operation for fif-
of the settlement. teen years, Ken moved onto the adjoining realty
and began operating a kennel. Ken bred and
139. Which of the following additional facts must raised pedigreed dogs and boarded customers'

dogs as part of his business. Two weeks after reliance on a statement which Feather
moving onto the realty, Ken discovered that the caused to be printed on the label of its
dogs in his kennel were being disturbed by the product.
testing of dog-whistles in Tweeter's factory. He
(D) Clubmart, if no Clubmart employee knew
wrote Tweeter a letter advising him that
what statements were contained on the
Tweeter's operation was making it impossible for
Feather detergent label.
Ken to remain in business, and demanding that
Tweeter change his methods so that the sounds of
the whistles would not upset Ken's dogs. When 143. If Perry asserts a claim against Feather on the
Tweeter refused, Ken commenced a private nui- ground that the product was not merchantable,
sance action against him. Which of the following which of the following additional facts or infer-
would be Tweeter's most effective argument in ences, if it were the only one true, would provide
defense against Ken's claim? Feather with its most effective defense?

(A) The operation of a dog-whistle factory is a (A) Perry's allergic reaction was the only such
lawful business. reaction which ever occurred.
(B) Ken came to the nuisance. (B) Clubmart purchased the product from an
(C) Tweeter did not intend to cause harm to Ken independent wholesaler which purchased it
or to Ken's business. from Feather.
(C) Before marketing the product, Feather made
(D) Ken's damage resulted from the fact that
Ken was making an ultra-sensitive use of a reasonable effort to determine whether
the land. the product would be harmful to normal
(D) Prior to manufacturing and marketing the
Questions 142-143 are based on the following fact sit-
product, Feather received approval for its
sale from the federal Food and Drug
Perry purchased a bottle of Feather dishwashing deter-
gent from Clubmart, a self-service supermarket. Perry
selected the product from the Clubmart store shelves, 144. Hubert bought a new sailboat, although he had
carried it to a checkout counter, and paid the cashier. never been on one before. When he purchased the
Perry then placed the bottle in a bag furnished by Club- boat, the salesman told him to be sure and receive
mart and carried it home. The product purchased by boating instruction before attempting to use the
Perry was manufactured by Feather. After using the boat, because this particular model required con-
product for washing dishes, Perry experienced a seri- siderable skill to operate. Although Hubert had
ous rash on his hands and wrists as the result of an not received any instruction at all, and although
allergic reaction to a chemical in the product. he heard a weather report which warned of severe
storms, he decided to take the boat out for a test
sail by himself. A few minutes after he left the
142. If Perry asserts a claim against Clubmart for
dock with his boat, the storm struck, causing high
breach of express warranty, a court should find
and dangerous waves. Fearful that Hubert would
be killed at sea, his wife Wanda stood crying on
the shore. Sam, an experienced sailor who knew
(A) Perry, if the label stated that the product
Hubert and Wanda, heard Wanda crying for her
would not harm the skin of a user.
husband's safety. Without saying anything to
(B) Perry, if the product was unfit for ordinary Wanda, Sam went out in his own boat to look for
use. Hubert. Hubert returned unhurt an hour later, but
Sam's boat capsized in the storm, severely dam-
(C) Clubmart, if Perry's injury resulted from
aging his boat, and causing Sam to sustain injury.

If Sam asserts a claim against Hubert for the pated that the contents of the package
damage which he sustained, the court should find would cause harm to a passenger in her
for car.
(C) Harold was contributorily negligent in
(A) Sam, if his damage resulted from Hubert's
touching the wet package.
failure to act reasonably.
(D) Harold assumed the risk of injury resulting
(B) Sam, because a rescuer is entitled to indem-
from contact with the wet package.
ni.ty from the person whom he was
attempting to rescue.
146. Preston, a photographer's model, decided to have
(C) Hubert, because Sam was an officious inter-
a rosebud tattooed on her shoulder in the hope
that it would increase the demand for and the
(D) Hubert, unless Hubert was aware that Sam value of her modeling services. She went to Toll-
would attempt to rescue him. iver, a tattoo artist, for that purpose. After Toll-
iver explained that tattooing involved the
insertion of needles into the skin and was there-
145. Carolyn was driving to visit her fiancee who was
fore a painful process, Preston selected the tattoo
staying in Smallville, about fifty miles away.
which she wanted and told Tolliver to proceed.
Before she left, her friend Frieda asked her to
While Tolliver was tattooing Preston's shoulder,
deliver a small package to someone in Smallville.
the tattoo needle broke off in Preston's skin,
The package contained a bottle of caustic chemi-
injuring Preston. If Preston asserts a strict liabil-
cal. Because she was afraid that Carolyn would
ity claim against Tolliver on the ground that the
refuse to carry it if she knew its contents, Frieda
tattoo needle which Tolliver used was defective,
wrapped the package in brown paper and did not
Tolliver's most effective argument in defense
tell Carolyn what was in it. Carolyn placed the
would be that
package in the glove compartment of her car and
began driving to Smallville. Along the way, Car-
(A) Tolliver did not sell the needle to Preston.
olyn saw Harold hitchhiking by the side of the
road. Since they had gone to high school together, (B) Tolliver was not the manufacturer of the
Carolyn offered Harold a ride. While Harold was needle, and therefore had no control over
sitting in the front seat beside Carolyn, the pack- its quality.
age in the glove compartment began to leak, drip-
(C) Preston assumed the risk of injury.
ping liquid onto Harold's trousers. Without
saying anything to Carolyn, Harold opened the (D) A tattoo needle is not an inherently danger-
glove compartment and removed the wet pack- ous product.
age. As soon as the caustic liquid touched
Harold's hand, it burned his skin severely.
147. Stroll enjoyed walking vigorously in the hours
before sunrise, and was doing so when Osman, a
If Harold commences a negligence action against
police officer, drove by in a patrol car. Whe~
Carolyn in a jurisdiction which has no automo-
Osman saw Stroll hurrying down the street In the
bile guest statute and which applies the all-or-
early morning darkness, he pulled his car over to
nothing rule of contributory negligence, which of
the curb and ordered Stroll to stop and identify
the following would be Carolyn's most effective
himself. Stroll showed Osman his driving license,
argument in defense?
told him that he lived only a few blocks away,
and explained that he was just taking a walk.
(A) Harold was a mere licensee, and was only
When Osman told Stroll to get into the back of
entitled to a warning of those conditions
the patrol car, Stroll asked whether he was under
which Carolyn knew were dangerous.
arrest. Osman replied, "No, but if you know
(B) Carolyn could not have known or antici- what's good for you, you'll get into the car and

shut up while I decide whatto do with you." would not have anticipated that driving a
Stroll got into the car and sat quietly in the back truck on Main Street would affect any per-
seat with the door open, while Osman called son at Merced Hospital.
Stroll's description into police headquarters over
(C) Dr. Hoffman was guilty of aggravated negli-
the radio. About fifteen minutes later, satisfied
gence in continuing to operate on Pirtle
that Stroll was not wanted for violating any law,
under the circumstances then existing.
Osman told him that he could go. If Stroll asserts
a cHum against Osman. fot false imprisonment, (D) Pirtle's scarring was caused by the conduct
the court should find for of Dr. Hoffman. .

(A) Osman, if the rear door of Osman's patrol

149. The Leopards and the Sharks were major league
car remained open all the time that Stroll
baseball teams headquartered in the city of York.
sat in the car.
Shea and Murphy were sportswriters who wrote
(B) Osman, because Stroll did not object to sit- for competing newspapers in York. Because most
ting in the patrol car. of Shea's articles praised the Leopards, and most
of Murphy's articles praised the Sharks, a rivalry
(C) Stroll, if the language used by Osman
developed between Shea and Murphy. One of
induced Stroll to obey Osman's order.
Murphy's recent columns contained the follow-
(D) Stroll, only if he sustained damage as a ing statement:
result of his detention by Osman.
Shea's team can't play ball, and Shea can't
write his way out of a paper bag. The only
148. Because he was driving in an unreasonable man- thing more boring than reading Shea's stuff is
ner, Carter's truck collided with a power pole on reading it while watching the Leopards play.
Main Street. The power pole fell down as a result
of the impact, causing electrical power to fail in If Shea commences an action for defamation
the operating room of Merced Hospital on Broad against Murphy, which of the following would be
Street, two blocks away. At the time of the power Murphy's mosteffective argument in defense?
failure, Pirtle was undergoing facial surgery in
the Merced Hospital operating room. The hospi- (A) Shea is a public figure.
tal's emergency generator went on automatically, (B) The statements made by Murphy were
supplying enough electrical power to dimly light expressions of opinion.
the operating room. Dr. Hoffman, the surgeon
who was operating on Pirtle, was able to com- (C) Murphy's occupation makes him a media
plete the surgery on Pirtle's face, but the opera- defendant.
tion left Pirtle with permanent and disfiguring (D) Murphy's statements were privileged by the
scars. If the power had not failed, Dr. Hoffman defense of competition.
would have been able topreventthe scarring. If
Pirtle asserts a claim for negligence against
Carter, which of the following additional facts or Questions 150-152 are based on the following fact sit-
inferences, if it were the only one true, would uation.
provide Carter with his most effective defense?
Patterson was a commercial pilot, who operated a
(A) The reasonable surgeon in Dr. Hoffman's package air-delivery service. Having been hired to
position would not have proceeded with deliver a parcel to an airport located 300 miles away, he
the operation while the operating room had his plane filled with fuel supplied by Marveleo Oil
was dimly lit by the hospital's emergency Refining Company. The fuel which was put into Patter-
generator. son's fuel tank had been contaminated before leaving
the Marveleo refinery, but neither Patterson nor Mar-
(B) The reasonable person in Carter's position veleo knew about the contamination. After Patterson

had flown one hundred miles from the airport, the con- 152. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
taminants in the fuel caused his engine to faiL Patterson Patterson was injured in the emergency landing
looked for a place to make an emergency landing and and that he asserted a negligence claim against
chose the parking lot of the Contemporary Art Marveleo for his injuries. If it were the only one
Museum, because it was the only levelland in the true, which of the following additional facts
vicinity. The Contemporary Art Museum housed a rare would be most likely to result in a judgment for
and valuable collection of art. Patterson?

(A) The contaminated fuel furnished by Mar-

150. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
veleo was unreasonably dangerous.
Patterson succeeded in landing in the parking lot
without causing any damage. If the Contempo- (B) The reasonable oil refining company would
rary Art Museum asserts a claim against Patter- not sell fuel which it knew to be contami-
son for trespass to land, which of the following nated.
arguments would be most effective for Patter- (C) A reasonable inspection of the fuel before it
son's defense? left the Marveleo refinery would have
revealed that it was contaminated.
(A) The engine failure which resulted from con-
taminated fuel was unforeseeable. (D) Contaminated airplane fuel defeats the rea-
sonable expectations of the reasonable
(B) Patterson did not intend to enter the realty of consumer.
the Contemporary Art Museum.
(C) Landing on the parking lot of the Contempo-
Questions 153-154 are based on the following fact sit-
rary Art Museum was reasonable, consid-
ering the risk to Patterson and his airplane.
(D) The accident was caused by a defect in the At 9 a.m., Ansel parked his car on Village Road in front
product furnished by Marveleo. of the play yard of Village Elementary SchooL At the
time he parked the car, Ansel knew that he was violat-
ing a statute which prohibited parking within two
151. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
blocks of any elementary schooL At 10 a.m. on the
the building of Contemporary Art museum was
same day, because she was driving at an unreasonably
damaged by Patterson's landing. If the Contem-
fast rate of speed, Baker lost control of her car and
porary Art Museum asserts a claim against Mar-
struck Ansel's parked vehicle. The impact caused Prin-
veleo on the theory of strict liability in tort, the
gle, a passenger in Baker's car, to be thrown against the
court should find for
windshield, severely cutting her face, and rendering her
unconscious. If Ansel's car had not been parked where
(A) the Contemporary Art Museum, if the con-
it was, Baker would have collided with a six- foot con-
taminants in the fuel supplied to Patterson
crete wall which surrounded the school play yard.
made the fuel defective.
(B) the Contemporary Art Museum, unless Mar-
153. If Pringle asserts a negligence claim against
veleo acted unreasonably.
Ansel, which of the following additional facts or
(C) Marveleo, only if the contamination of fuel inferences, if it was the only one true, would be
before it left the Marvelco refinery was most likely to lead to a judgment for AnseL
(A) The statute which prohibited parking within
(D) Marveleo; because it had no business rela- two blocks of any elementary school was
tionship with the Contemporary Art designed to protect schoolehildren.
(B) The accident would not have occurred if
Baker had not been operating her vehicle

in an unreasonable manner. (A) $100,000.

(C) If Baker's car had hit the concrete wall, (B) $80,000 ($100,000 less 20%).
Pringle would have sustained injuries as
(C) $40,000 (40% of $100,000).
serious as those sustained in the collision
with Ansel's car. (D) None.
(D) Baker's unreasonable driving was an inter-
vening cause of harm. 156. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
prior to the entry of judgment, Preston collected
$10,000 from an insurance company under a pol-
154. If Pringle asserts a negligence claim against
icy in which it agreed to pay any medical bills
Baker, the court should find for
which Preston might incur as the result of an
automobile accident. Which of the following cor-
(A) Baker, unless it was foreseeable that a car
rectly reflects the sum which Preston is entitled to
would be illegally parked in front of an
collect from Wonder and Tudor?
elementary school play yard.
(B) Baker, if Ansel's conduct can be regarded as (A) $90,000, because Preston's damage of
gross and willful misconduct. $100,000 should be diminished by a sum
proportional to Preston's own fault, less
(C) Pringle, if it was likely that collision with a
any loss against which Preston has insured
stationary object would result in injury to a
passenger in Baker's car.
(B) $80,000, because Preston's damage of
(D) Pringle, unless there were other causes of
$100,000 should be diminished by a sum
proportional to Preston's own fault, with-
out regard to sums which Preston has
Questions 155-156 are based on the following fact sit- received under the insurance policy.
uation. (C) $70,000, because Preston's damage of
$100,000 should be diminished by a sum
At the trial of Preston v. Wonder and Tudor, the jury proportional to Preston's own fault, and
found that Preston was damaged to the extent of further diminished by the sum which Pre-
$100,000. The jury further found that Preston's damage
ston received under the insurance policy.
was caused 20 percent by Preston's negligence, 40 per-
cent by Wonder's negligence, and 40 percent by (D) $60,000, because Preston's damage of
Thdor's negligence. The jurisdiction had a statute $100,000 should be diminished by a sum
which read as follows: proportional to Preston's own fault, and
In a negligence action, no plaintiff shall be barred from Wonder's and Tudor's proportional shares
recovery because of that plaintiff's contributory negli- should each be further diminished by the
gence, but such plaintiff's recovery shall be diminished sum which Preston received under the
in proportion to plaintiff's own fault. insurance policy.

The court held that Wonder and Tudor were jointly and
Questions 157-159 are based on the following fact sit-
severally liable for Preston's damage, and enteredjudg-
ment for Preston consistent with the jury's verdict.
While waiting for a bus, Barrera decided to go into
155. Assume for the purpose of this question only that Joe's Bar to use the public phone. Capewell, one of
Wonder became insolvent following the entry of Barrera's neighbors, was seated at the bar when Barrera
judgment. How much money is Preston entitled entered. Although Barrera realized that Capewell was
to collect from Tudor? drunk, Barrera asked Capewell for a ride home.
Capewell agreed and left with Barrera at once. Because

he was drunk, Capewelliost control of his car and col- apparent to the reasonable sober person.
lided with a car driven by Austin, injuring Austin and
(B) only if the possibility that Capewell would
Barrera, and damaging Austin's car.
collide with another vehicle was apparent
to Capewell.
157. Assume for the purpose of this question only that (C) because Capewell intended to drive his car,
Austin asserts a negligence claim against Barrera and an unauthorized interference with
for damages resulting from the accident. The Austin's chattel resulted.
court should find for
(D) only if Capewell wanted to collide with
(A) Austin, if Barrera's negligence was a proxi- another car or knew that he would do so.
mate cause of Austin's injuries.
(B) Austin, unless Barrera's conduct was a Questions 160-161 are based on the following fact sit-
superseding cause of Austin's injuries. uation.
(C) Barrera, only if Barrera's conduct was a con-
The Historic Investor is a monthly publication of inter-
curring cause of Austin's injuries.
est primarily to persons who deal in the purchase and
(D) Barrera, because a passenger in an automo- sale of historic buildings as an investment. It is read by
bile is under no obligation to control the approximately 1,000 subscribers each month. An issue
conduct of its driver. of the Historic Investor contained an article about the
recent sale of Montebello, an old house which had once
been owned by a United States president. The article
158. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
stated that Montebello had been purchased by Paulette
Barrera asserts a negligence claim for his injuries
Pepin for $450,000. It described Pepin as a bank presi-
against Capewell in a jurisdiction which applies
dent earning a salary of $100,000 per year, and stated
the all-or-nothing rule of contributory negligence.
that she had purchased Montebello with part of the one
Which of the following arguments would be
million dollar fortune which she inherited from her
likely to provide Capewell with an effective
defense to that claim?
I. Barrera was contributorily negligent in Writers of the article had obtained information about
accepting a ride from Capewell when he the sale of Montebello from public records of the
knew Capewell to be drunk. Office of the County Recorder. Information about
II. Barrera assumed the risk by accepting a Pepin's employment and salary had been obtained from
ride from Capewell when he knew public records of the state Department of Banks, and
Capewell to be drunk. information about her inheritance from public records
of the state Probate Court. All statements made in the
(A) I only. article were accurate.
(B) IT only.
(C) Neither I nor II. 160. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Pepin asserts a claim for invasion of privacy
(D) I and IT. against The Historic Investor on the ground that
the article publicly disclosed facts about her sal-
159. Assume for the purpose of this question only that ary and inheritance. The court should find for
Austin asserts a trespass to chattel claim against
Capewell for damage to his car. The court should (A) Pepin, if most members of the general public
find for Austin were unfamiliar with records of the state
Department of Banks and the state Probate
(A) if the possibility that Capewell would collide Court.
with another vehicle would have been (B) Pepin, because there is no right to publish

information regarding the personal wealth which Perkins occupied. Although the dust did no
of a person who is not a public employee. physical harm to the cabin or to Perkins, Perkins com-
plained to officials of Blocko that the dust annoyed her.
(C) The Historic Investor, because liability can-
Because Blocko received no other complaints from
not be imposed for publication of the truth.
Harris Valley residents, however, it continued using
(D) The Historic Investor, because Pepin's sal- unbagged cement.
ary and inheritance were a matter of public
162. If Perkins wishes to assert a tort claim against
Blocko on account of the cement dust which con-
161. Assume for the purpose of this question only that tinually settles on the cabin, which of the follow-
Pepin asserts a claim for invasion of privacy ing would be her most effective theory?
against The Historic Investor on the ground that
The Historic Investor appropriated her identity by (A) Invasion of Privacy.
publishing the article about her without her per-
(B) Public nuisance.
mission. Which of the following would be The
Historic Investor's most effective argument in (C) Trespass to land.
(D) Strict liability for engaging in ultra-hazard-
ous activity.
(A) Information about the purchaser of Monte-
bello was of interest to readers of The His-
toric Investor. 163. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Perkins asserts a negligence claim against
(B) The article about Pepin did not enrich The
Blocko. Which of the following would be
Historic Investor because Pepin was not a
Blocko's most effective argument in defense?
(C) The sale of Montebello to Pepin was a mat- (A) Changing from bagged cement to unbagged
ter of public record. cement resulted in substantial financial
(D) Publication of the article was not the result savings to Blocko.
of "actual malice" as defined by the United (B) Blocko's conduct was not a factual cause of
States Supreme Court. Perkin's discomfort because no other resi-
dents of Harris Valley complained about
the dust.
Questions 162-163 are based on the following fact sit-
uation. (C) Perkins assumed the risk by continuing to
live in Harris Valley.
Blocko operated a factory in Harris Valley. For many (D) Perkins sustained no damage as a result of
years, powdered cement used by Blocko in its factory Blocko's conduct.
was delivered in ninety pounds sacks. Recently, how-
ever, Blocko officials determined that it would be con-
siderably less expensive to purchase unbagged cement. Questions 164-165 are based on the following fact sit-
Since then, Blocko has maintained a huge bin contain- uation.
ing unbagged powdered cement in a yard outside its
factory building. As a result of Blocko's change to Allen was driving a pickup truck owned by Company
unbagged cement, the amount of cement dust in the air when he collided with an automobile owned and oper-
around its factory has increased substantially. ated by Boren. Pachter, a passenger in Boren's car, sub-
sequently asserted a claim against Company, Allen, and
Perkins lived in a cabin in Harris Valley. After Blocko Boren for injuries sustained in the accident. At trial the
began using unbagged cement, cement dust from jury fixed the amount of Pachter's damages and found
Blocko'soperation continually settled on the cabin that Allen was 40% at fault, Boren was 60% at fault,

and Pachter was not at fault. It was also found that

Allen was acting within the scope if his duties as an
166. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
employee of Company when the accident occurred. In
after the entry of judgment, Peckham succeeded
issuing a judgment for Pachter, the court held that
in collecting $10,000 from Aspen. Which of the
Allen and Boren were jointly and severally liable for
following correctly states the amount which
Pachter's injuries, and that Company was vicariously
Peckham is entitled to collect from Botkin?
liable for Allen's tort. The jurisdiction had statutes
which- adopted pure comparative negligence and recog~
(A) $50,000 (60% of $100,000 minus $10,000
nized a right of contribution between joint tortfeasors.
already collected).
(B) $60,000 (60% of $100,000).
164. In enforcing the judgment, what portion.of her
damages is Pachter entitled to collect from Allen? (C) $90,000 ($100,000 minus $10,000 already
(A) 0%
(D) $100,000.
(B) 40%
(C) 50% 167. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
after the entry of judgment, Peckham succeeded
(D) 100%
in collecting $100,000 from Aspen. In an action
for contribution by Aspen against Botkin, which
165. Assume for the purpose of this question only that of the following correctly states the amount
in enforcing the judgment Pachter succeeded in which Aspen is entitled to collect from Botkin?
collecting $100,000 from Company. If Company
asserts a claim against Allen seeking compensa- (A) O.
tion for Company's payment to Pachter, Com-
(B) $40,000 (40% of $100,000).
pany is entitled to recover
(C) $50,000 (50% of $100,000).
(A) nothing, because Company was found to be (D) $60,000 (60% of $100,000).
vicariously liable for allen's tort.
(B) $40,000 as partial indemnity.
(C) $50,000 as contribution.
Questions 168-169 are based on the following fact sit-
(D) $100,000 as complete indemnity. uation.

Baker was riding her bicycle in a reasonable manner

Questions 166-167 are based on the following fact sit-
when she was struck by a car negligently driven by
Foy. As a result, Baker was thrown to the ground,
breaking her left leg. A moment later, while lying in the
In a negligence action by Peckham against Aspen and
road, Baker was struck by a car negligently driven by
Botkin, the court found that Peckham's injuries were
Salmi, breaking Baker's right Leg.
proximately caused by the combined negligence of
Aspen and Botkin, and that Aspen and Botkin were
jointly and severally liable to Peckham in the sum of 168. If Baker asserts a claim against Foy, will Foy be
$100,000. The court also found that in producing Peck- held liable for damages resulting from Baker's
ham's injury, Aspen was 40% at fault, and Botkin was broken RIGHT leg?
60% at fault. The jurisdiction has a statute recognizing
the right of contribution between joint tortfeasors, and (A) No, because Salmi was required to take
that contribution shall be based on apportionment of Baker as he found her.
(B) No, if Baker's right leg would not have been

broken but for Salmi's negligence. lapsed. When Castle began the building, he knew that
the steel which he was using for that purpose was of
(C) Yes, if it was foreseeable that a person lying
poor quality, but decided to use it anyway. If the steel
in the roadway with a broken leg would be
had not been of poor quality, the earthquake would not
struck by a second car.
have caused the building to collapse.
(D) Yes, because Baker's right leg would not
have been broken but for Foy's negligence. Dacy was employed by Gasco to operate a gasoline
truck. She had parked the truck on Third Streetin front
of the Castle construction site moments before the
169. If Baker asserts a claim against Salmi, Salmi will
earthquake. When the building collapsed, falling debris
be held liable for damages resulting from Baker's
struck the truck, causing it to rupture and causing its
I. broken left leg. cargo of gasoline to leak. A stream of gasoline which
IT. broken right leg. leaked from the truck flowed for three blocks until it
reached Sixth Street. There, unaware of the presence of
(A) II only. gasoline, Hankin tossed a lit cigarette into the street.
The cigarette caused the gasoline to explode, injuring
(B) I and II. Page.
(C) I and IT, but only if Foy's conduct was fore-
171. If Page asserts a claim against Castle, alleging
(D) Neither I nor II. that Castle's use of poor quality steel in the con-
struction of a building on Third Street was negli-
gent, the court should find for
170. During the course of an argument about politics,
Darrell slapped Pack in the face. Angry, Pack
(A) Castle, if the presence of the gasoline truck
pointed an unloaded pistol at Darrell. Darrell
was an intervening cause of Page's harm.
immediately drew a knife and stabbed Pack with
it, injuring him severely. Pack subsequently (B) Castle, because an earthquake is an "Act of
asserted a battery claim against Darrell. The only God".
defense raised by Darrell was self-defense. (C) Page, because the earthquake was a minor
In determining Darrell's liability to Pack, the
most important issue that must be decided is (D) Page, if the use of poor quality steel in the
whether construction of a building on Third Street
created an apparent danger to persons on
(A) the use of a knife by Darrell constituted Sixth Street.
deadly force.
(B) Darrell knew or should have known that he 172. If Page asserts a claim against Dacy, alleging that
could safely and easily retreat without sus- it was negligent for Dacy to park a gasoline truck
taining harm. in front of a construction site, which of the fol-
lowing would be Dacy's most effective argument
(C) Darrell was the initial aggressor.
in defense against Page's claim?
(D) Pack knew that his pistol was unloaded.
(A) Castle's use of poor quality steel was a
superseding cause of Page's injury.
Questions 171-173 are based on the following fact sit-
uation. (B) The explosion would not have occurred if
Hankin did not throw a lit cigarette into the
As a result of a minor earthquake, the framework of a street.
building which Castle was erecting on Third Street col- (C) Dacy could not have anticipated that falling

debris from the construction site would plates, but advised the store's night manager that the
cause the truck to rupture and leak. job was complete. The following morning when the
store opened, Parker entered to purchase a particular
(D) The explosion which injured Page was prox-
brand of soft drink. When he was attempting to leave,
imately caused by the earthquake.
he stepped on the step-plate which Ingram had
installed. Because of a short-circuit in the step-plate,
173. If Page asserts a claim against Gasco, alleging the door swung toward him, striking and injuring his
-that Gascois liable for the negligence of Dacy, face.
which one of the following additional facts or
inferences, if it was the only one true, would be
174. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
most likely to result in a judgment for Gasco?
Parker asserts a claim for his injuries against
Mart. Which one of the following additional facts
(A) Dacy parked the truck on Third Street so that
or inferences, if it was the only one true, would
she could keep an appointment with her
be most likely to result in a judgment for Parker?
personal physician.
(B) A statute in the jurisdiction prohibited park- (A) Parker's injury resulted from a defect in the
ing gasoline trucks on Third Street. step-plate.
(C) A Gasco company rule prohibited parking (B) Ingram was not negligent in his installation
any Gasco truck on a public street while of the automatic door~opener.
the truck was loaded with gasoline.
(C) A reasonable inspection by Mart would have
(D) The person employed by Gasco to supervise disclosed that the door opened improperly.
Dacy had specifically instructed Dacy not
(D) Parker made a purchase from Mart before
to park on Third Street.
being struck by the door.

Que$tions 174-176 are based on the following fact sit-

175. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Parker asserts a claim against Stepco on the
ground that the step-plate was defective when
Mart, the operator of a supermarket, purchased an auto-
sold by Stepco. Which of the following would be
matic door-opener from Stepco, its manufacturer. The
Stepco's most effective argument in defense?
device included rubber step-plates which were to be
installed on the floor on both sides of the door. When a
(A) It was not foreseeable that a person install-
person stepped on one of the step-plates, the machine
ing the automatic door-opener would dis-
was designed to swing the door away from him or her.
regard the warning contained in the
Stepco furnished detailed installation instructions
which contained the following warning:
(B) Stepco did not act unreasonably in designing
"After installing step-plates, test by stepping or manufacturing the automatic door-
on one of them. If the door swings toward you opener, or in furnishing the instructions
instead of away from you, disconnect the which came with them.
automatic door-opener at once and make no
further use of it until you have called our hot- (C) Parker was not a purchaser of the automatic
line for further directions." door-opener.
(D) Mart was negligent in selecting Ingram to
Mart hired Ingram to install the automatic door-opener install the automatic door-opener.
while the store was closed for the night. Ingram read
the instructions furnished by Stepco, but disregarded
the above warning. When he finished installing the 176. In a claim by Parker against Ingram, which of the
device, he did not test it by stepping on one of the step- following would be Parker's most effective argu-

ment? father Giles, however. One weekend, while David was

visiting with Farnham, a friend of Moira's phoned her.
(A) Ingram's liability is established by res ipsa The friend said that she heard that Farnham was plan-
loquitur. ning to remove David from the state permanently.
(B) It was unreasonable for Ingram to disregard
Panicked, Moira ran to the home of Giles and pounded
the warning contained in the instructions
on the door. When Giles came to the door, Moira
furnished by Stepco.
demanded, in a loud voice, that Giles tell here where
(C) The automatic door-opener was installed in Farnham and David were. Giles knew that Farnham
a way which made it unfit for ordinary use. had taken David to the movies and would soon be
(D) The short circuit in the step~plate made the returning. Because Moira's manner frightened him,
automatic door-opener defective. however, Giles said that he had no idea where they
were or when they were corning back and refused to
talk to Moira any further.
177. Pagan, an adult, took his neighbor's 7 year old
son Johnnie to see Cirque's circus. During the As a result, Moira became highly upset. She visited her
show, many children left their seats to watch the physician, who prescribed a mild tranquilizer, but she
performance from the edge of the area on which remained nervous until Farnham brought David to her
it took place. Johnnie did so with Pagan's permis- home that evening.
sion. When Cirque's trained lions were perform-
ing, one of the animals got away from its
178. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
enclosure and struck Johnnie with its paw, injur-
ing him. Horrified, Pagan ran from his seat and Moira asserts a claim against Giles for false
chased the lion away from Johnnie. Pagan was imprisonment. The court should find for
not touched by the lion, but became highly ner-
(A) Giles, because Moira sustained no physical
vous as a result of the incident.
injury as a result of the incident.
If Pagan asserts a claim for battery against Cir- (B) Giles, if he did not prevent Moira from leav-
que, the court should find for ing his home.
(C) Moira, only if she was legally entitled to
(A) Pagan, but only if the jurisdiction applies the
custody of David.
doctrine of transferred intent.
(D) Moira, because Giles prevented her from
(B) Pagan, because Pagan experienced mental
seeing or communicating with David.
suffering as a result of harmful contract
inflicted upon Johnnie.
(C) Cirque, because Pagan was hot touched by 179. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Moira asserts a claim against Giles for intentional
the lion.
infliction of emotional distress. The court should
(D) Cirque, unless Cirque knew that the lions find for Moira
would attack a member of the audience
when Cirque exhibited them. (A) because Moira was treated by a physician
for mental suffering which resulted from
Giles' refusal to tell her where Farnham
Questions 178-179 are based on the following fact sit-
and David were.
(B) if it was unreasonable for Giles to refuse to
When Moira was divorced from her husband Farnham, tell Moira where Farnham and David were.
the court awarded custody of their 4 year old son David
(C) only if Giles was certain that refusing to tell
to Moira. Moira frequently permitted David to spend
Moira where Farnham and David were
weekends with Farnham at the home of Farnham's

would cause Moira to experience mental Paynter, asking him to remove the ladder. Paynter said
suffering. he would come back for the ladder, but did not do so.
(D) only if the reasonable person would have
Two days later, Lewis, a government employee, was
known that refusing to tell Moira where
walking across Owen's lawn while delivering mail. On
Farnham and David were would cause
several occasions in the past, Owen had asked her to
Moira to experience mental suffering.
use the sidewalk and not to walk on his lawn. Owen
180. Daly was driving down a residential street when saw Lewis walking towards Paynter's ladder on his
he saw Chase, a 5 year old child, riding a tricycle lawn, but did not warn Lewis because he believed that
in the roadway in front of him. Daly attempted to she saw it. Although the lawn had recently been
stop his car, but was unable to do so because he mowed and the ladder was in plain view, Lewis did not
was traveling at an excessive rate of speed. see the ladder and tripped over it, injuring her knee.
Daly's car struck and killed Chase, flinging the
child and tricycle through the air. The jurisdiction applies the all-or-nothing rule of con-
tributory negligence.
Pagel was standing in her living room when she
heard the screech of Daly's brakes. Glancing out
181. If Lewis asserts a negligence claim against Owen
through her window, she saw Chase's bloody
for damages resulting from her injury, which of
body fly through the air and land on her front
the following would be Owen's most effective
lawn. Pagel was so shocked by what she saw that
argument in defense?
she suffered a heart attack and needed to be hos-
pitalized for several weeks.
(A) Owen did not know with certainty that
Lewis would be injured.
If Pagel asserts a claim against Daly for damages
resulting from mental distress which she experi- (B) The dangerous condition was created by
enced because of the incident, which one of the Paynter.
following additional facts or interferences, if it
(C) Owen believed that Lewis knew that the lad-
was the only one true, would be most likely to
der was there.
result in a judgment for Pagel?
(D) A landowner owes no duty to government
(A) The reasonable person would have expected employees entering on official business.
someone to be in Pagel's position and to
experience mental suffering as a result of
182. If Lewis asserts a negligence claim against Payn-
the incident.
ter for damages resulting from her injury, which
(B) The jurisdiction applies the doctrine of of the following would be Paynter's most effec-
transferred intent. tive argument in defense?
(C) The jurisdiction applies the doctrine of
(A) The ladder was in plain view.
transferred consequences.
(B) Lewis was trespassing at the time the acci-
(D) The reasonable person would regard Daly's
dent occurred.
speed as outrageous.
(C) Paynter owed no duty to licensees of Owens.

Questions 181-182 are based on the following fact sit- (D) Owens was negligent in not warning Lewis
uation. about the ladder.

Owen hired Paynter to paint the outside of Owen's 183. Six months after Dr. Danh performed surgery on
house. About two hours after Paynter had finished the her, Peck was x-rayed by another doctor. The x-
job and left, Owen noticed Paynter's ladder lying
ray disclosed a surgical instrUlnent inside Peck's
across Owen's front lawn. Owen immediately phoned

chest. Danh was the only person who had ever

performed surgery on Peck. Peck subsequently (A) $100,000 reduced by 20%.
asserted a medical malpractice claim against
(B) $100,000 reduced by $10,000 and further
Danh, alleging that Danh had negligentlyleft the
reduced by 20%.
surgical instrument inside her while operating on
her. (C) 40% of $100,000.
(D) 40% of the amount derived by subtracting
If an expert testifies that surgeons do not usually $10,000 frorn $100,000.
leave instruments inside a patient's body unless
they are acting unreasonably, may Peck rely on 185. When Perl, a law student, told her cousin Joe that
res ipsa loquitur in her claim against Danh? she needed a place to study, Joe gave her the key
to his mountain cabin and said that she could use
(A) No, because the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur it. Because Perl had never been there before, Joe
is not applicable to a claim for professional drew a map and wrote instructions on how to find
malpractice. it. Perl followed the map and instructions, but
when she arrived she found five identical cabins
(B) No, because a jury oflaypersons is not com-
in a row and did not know which one was Joe's.
petent to infer that a physician was negli-
She tried the key which Joe had given her. When
it opened the door of one of the cabins, she went
(C) Yes, because a surgeon is under an absolute inside, believing the cabin to be Joe's.
duty not to leave instruments inside a
patient's body. Actually, the cabin which Perl entered did not
belong to Joe, but to his neighbor Darrin. Joe
(D) Yes, because Danh was the only person who
knew that his key fit the doors of all five of the
had ever performed surgery on Peck.
cabins, but had forgotten to mention it to Perl.
While Perl was inside the cabin, she attempted to
184. Ashby and Bloomfield were driving their vehi- turn on the gas stove. Because of a defect in the
cles in an unreasonable manner when they col- stove, it exploded, injuring Perl.
lided. The collision caused Ashby's vehicle to
strike and injure Walker, a pedestrian who was If Perl asserts a claim against Darrin for her inju-
crossing the street in the middle of the block. ries, the court should find for
Walker was hospitalized as a result of the acci-
dent, but had hospitalization insurance which (A) Perl because the stove was defective.
paid $10,000 towards his hospital bill.
(B) Perl ifDarrin should have anticipated that a
person would enter his cabin by mistake.
Walker subsequently asserted a claim against
Ashby and Bloomfield. At the trial, in response to (C) Darrin only if Perl was a trespasser at the
the judge's instructions, the jury found that time of the explosion.
Walker sustained damage of $100,000, and that (D) Darrin unless Darrin knew or should have
the accident resulted 40% from the negligence of known that someone would be injured by
Ashby, 40% from the negligence of Bloomfield,
the stove.
and 20% from the negligence of Walker. The
judge ruled that Ashby and Bloomfield were
jointly and severally liable to Walker, and entered Questions 186-187 are based on the following fact sit-
judgment in accordance with the jury's verdict. uation.

Which of the following statements correctly One evening in Alfred's tavern, Yeong, who was 17
describes the amount which Walker is entitled to years old, drank alcoholic beverages which Alfred sold
collect from Ashby in a jurisdiction which has a her. Yeong then left and went to Barney's tavern where
pure comparative negligence statute? she drank alcoholic beverages which Barney sold her.

When Yeong left Barney's tavern, she attempted to ride because Alfred had previously sold Yeong
home on her motorcycle. Because Yeong was intoxi- enough alcohol to make her intoxicated.
cated, she struck and injured Palco, a pedestrian. Palco
subsequently asserted claims against Alfred and Bar- (A) I only.
ney under a state law which provides as follows: "If a (B) II only.
minor under the age of 20 years injures another while
intoxicated, any person who sold said minor the alco- (C) I and II.
hol which resulted in said minor's intoxication shall be (D) Neither I nor II.
liable to the injured person."

Questions 188-189 are based on the following fact sit-

186. Assume for the purpose of this question only that uation.
Alfred did not sell Yeong enough alcohol to make
Yeong intoxicated, and that the alcohol which Ocampo hired Anderman, a professional architect, to
Barney sold Yeong would have made Yeong draw plans for a two story residence to be constructed
intoxicated even if Alfred had sold Yeong no on Ocampo's realty. The plans which Anderman pre-
alcohol at all. In determining Palco's claim pared called for a staircase to be supported by a single
against Barney, the court should find that concrete pillar. Ocampo then hired Brown, a licensed
building contractor, to construct a house in accordance
(A) Barney's conduct was not the cause of with Anderman's design. Upon examining the plans,
Yeong's intoxication because Alfred's con- Brown told Ocampo that she did not think that one pil-
duct was a substantial factor in making lar would provide sufficient support for the staircase.
Yeong intoxicated. When Ocampo discussed Brown's objection with
(B) Barney is liable under the statute even if Anderman, however, Anderman insisted that one pillar
Barney's conduct did not cause Yeong to would be sufficient. Ocampo told this to Brown and
become intoxicated. convinced Brown to rely on Anderman's plan.

(C) Barney's conduct was a cause of Palco's Brown completed the building as agreed and turned it
injury because Yeong would not have over to Ocampo on April 1. Two weeks later, Ocampo
become intoxicated if Barney did not sell hired Myers to move a piano onto the second floor of
Yeong alcoholic beverages. the house. While Myers was carrying the piano up the
(D) Barney's conduct was a cause of Yeong's staircase, the staircase collapsed causing Myers to sus-
intoxication, but was not a cause of Palco's tain injury. If the staircase had been supported by two
injury because Yeong's driving superseded columns, it would not have collapsed.
188. If Myers asserts a negligence claim against
187. Assume for the purpose of this question only that Brown, the court should declare that
the amount of alcohol which Alfred sold Yeong
would have made Yeong intoxicated even if Bar- (A) Brown assumed the risk because she sup-
ney sold Yeong no alcohol at all, and that the ported the stairway with only one pillar
amount of alcohol which Barney sold Yeong even though she was aware of the danger
would have made Yeong intoxicated even if of doing so.
Alfred sold Yeong no alcohol at all. Which of the (B) Brown is not liable because she had turned
following statements is/are most correct? the building over to Ocampo prior to the
I. Alfred did not cause Palco's injury because accident.
Barney subsequently sold Yeong enough (C) Brown is not liable if it was reasonable for
alcohol to make her intoxicated.
her to rely on Anderman's instructions in
II. Barney did not cause Palco's injury constructing the stairway.

(D) Brown absolved herself of the risk by or consume Wheatstraw's product.

objecting to supporting the stairway with
(C) Prill, because the liquorcontained poison
only one pillar.
when it left Wheatstraw's factory.
(D) Wheatstraw, because the poison could not
189. If Myers asserts a negligence claim against
have been detected by reasonable inspec-
Anderman, which of the following would be
Anderman's most effective argument in defense?

(A) It was reasonable to support the stairway 191. If Prill asserts a claim against Barr based on
with only one pillar. Barr's violation of the above statute, which of the
following would be Barr's most effective argu-
(B) Anderman owed Myers no duty since
ment in defense against that claim?
Anderman was employed by Ocampo.
(C) Brown had the last clear chance to avoid the (A) Barr did not serve Drinker enough liquor to
accident. make him intoxicated.
(D) The use of a single pillar to support the stair- (B) The statute was not meant to prevent people
way was a matter exclusively within from drinking liquor which had been poi-
Anderman's professional judgment as an soned.
(C) Serving Old Wheatstraw alcoholic liquor to
Drinker was not a cause of Prill's injuries.
Questions 190-191 are based on the following fact sit- (D) Fuller's conduct was a superseding cause of
uation. Prill's injuries,

Drinker was obviously intoxicated when he entered

Barr's tavern one night and ordered a drink of Old 192. Pursuant to a contract with the federal govern-
Wheatstrawalcoholic liquor. A statute in the jurisdic- ment, Rocketcorp manufactured and launched
tion prohibits serving alcoholic liquor to any intoxi- rockets used for placing communications satel-
cated person. Barr knew that Drinker was intoxicated, lites into space. Shortly after Rocketcorp
but because Drinker was a good customer, Barr opened launched one of its rockets, the rocket exploded
a new bottle of Old Wheatstraw and poured him some in the air. It then crashed into a storage building
of it. After drinking the liquor, Drinker left the tavern owned by Medco which contained antibiotics
and began driving home. with a value of $180 million, totally destroying
the building and its contents. No one could deter-
The liquor which Barr served Drinker was manufac- mine the cause of the explosion. Although Rock-
tured by Wheatstraw. Before the liquor left Wheat- etcorp used reasonable care in all aspects of the
straw's factory, Fuller, an angry employee, added a manufacturing and launching process, a few of
poison to it which could not have been discovered by Rocketcorp's rockets had exploded in the past
reasonable inspection. While Drinker was driving in a shortly after launch. Each time this happened, the
reasonable manner, the poison caused him to die. As a rocket involved was completely destroyed while
result, Drinker's car struck Prill, injuring her. in the air and caused no damage on the ground.

If Medco asserts a claim against Rocketcorp for

190. If Prill asserts a claim against Wheatstraw, the the loss of its building and contents, the courts
court should find for should find for

(A) Wheatstraw, because Fuller deliberately poi- (A) Medco, if the construction and launching of
sonedthe liquor before it left the factory. rockets is an extremely hazardous activity.
(B) Wheatstraw, because Prill did not purchase (B) Medco, under the doctrine of res ipsa loqui-

tor. Treetop to sell the belt truck after learning

that it was not equipped with an accelera-
(C) Rocketcorp, if the reasonable person would
tion suppressor.
not expect antibiotics worth 180 million
dollars to be stored in one building. (B) Beltco, because if McCann had acted rea-
sonably in setting the belt idle, Plum
(D) Rocketcorp, because none of Rocketcorp's
would not have been injured.
rockets caused any damage on the ground
in the past. (C) Plum, because persons who maintain belt
trucks frequently set the belt idle above 15.
(D) Plum, because the negligence of McCann is
imputed to Beltco.
Questions 193-194 are based on the following situa-
tion. 194. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Plum asserts a negligence claim against McCann.
Beltco manufactures belt trucks, which are small, open Which one of the following additional facts or
motor vehicles equipped with conveyor belts and used inferences, if it was the only one true, would be
by airlines for handling baggage. Beltco officials are most likely to result in a judgment for McCann in
aware that persons who maintain belt trucks frequently a jurisdiction which applies the "all-or-nothing"
set the belt idle above 15. They are also aware that this rule of contributory negligence?
can cause the belt truck to lurch forward when the belt
is activated, unless it is equipped with an acceleration (A) Belt trucks are usually equipped with accel-
suppressor. For this reason, Beltco's design calls for eration suppressors.
every belt truck to be equipped with an acceleration
suppressor. (B) If Plum had been in the driver's seat when
she started the belt truck she would not
Several months ago Beltco learned that, because of a have been injured.
factory error, it had sold to Treetop Airlines a belt truck (C) The omission of an acceleration suppressor
which was not equipped with an acceleration suppres- was a manufacturing defect in the belt
sor. Beltco officials immediately notified Treetop, truck.
offering to install the acceleration suppressor without
charge. Treetop never responded to the notice. (D) Treetop failed to notify Cloud about the
need for an acceleration suppressor.
Two months later, Treetop went out of business and
sold the belt truck to Cloud Airlines. McCann, an inde- Questions 195-196 are based on the following fact sit-
pendent contractor hired by Cloud to maintain Cloud's uation.
equipment, set the belt idle above 15. Subsequently
Plum, an employee of Cloud, attempted to activate the Kemco operated a manufacturing plant just outside the
belt while standing beside the belt truck. She was city of Town. Breezes frequently carried fumes from
injured when the belt truck lurched forward and struck Kemco's plant into Town. Although the fumes did not
her. violate state air pollution laws, they caused many
buildings in Town to need frequent repainting, and led
193. Assume for the purpose of this question only that many homeowners to complain about it to Kemco.
Plum asserts a claim against Beltco on the ground Kemco did nothing about it, however, because the cost
that the absence of an acceleration suppressor of eliminating the fumes was extremely high.
made the belt truck defective. The court should
find for Fox who owned a house in Town in which he resided
with his son Sal, had to repaint his house several times
(A) Beltco, because it was unreasonable for because of the fumes. In addition Fox's son Sal devel-
oped a respiratory illness as the result of an unusual

reaction to the fumes. Fox did not notify Kemco about

the damage to his paint, but did complain to Kemco
about Sal's illness. When Kemco responded by offer-
ing to buy Fox's house, Fox refused.

195. Assume for the purpose of this question only that

Fox asserts a private nuisance claim against
KerIlco for the damage to his paint, asserting that
Kemco was negligent in failing to eliminate the
fumes. Which of the following would be
Kemco's most effective argument in defense
against Fox's claim?

(A) The operation of Kemco's plant did not

result in a physical invasion of Fox's
(B) The fumes affected others in substantially
the same way as they affected Fox.
(C) Kemco officials did not know that the fumes
would affect the paint of Fox's house.
(D) The cost of eliminating the fumes would
have driven Kemco out of business.
196. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Fox asserts a public nuisance claim on behalf of
Sal in which he seeks an order directing Kemco
to eliminate the fumes. Which of the following
would be Kemco's most effective argument in
response to this claim?

(A) The claim is not for special damages.

(B) Sal's illness was the result of an unusually
sensitive reaction to the fumes.
(C) Fox assumed the risk by refusing to sell the
property to Kemco.
(D) The fumes did not violate state pollution

1. B If the risk of injury to Patrick was not foreseeable, then Delphi could not be said to have
acted unreasonably in the face of a foreseeable risk. Since negligence is usually defined
as failure to act reasonably in the face of a foreseeable risk, this would mean that Delphi
was not negligent.

Conduct is a cause of harm if the harm would not have occurred without it. Thus, if the
label contained a warning which Patrick disregarded or failed to read, his conduct could
be contributory or comparative negligence which helped cause his injury. Since the label
did not contain any warning, however, his injury would have occurred whether he read it
or not. For this reason, his failure to read it was not causally related to the harm he suf-
fered and does not provide Delphi with a defense. If Patrick sued for breach of warranty,
he might be required to show that he relied on some statement contained on the label,
and his failure to read it might prevent him from establishing such reliance. Since his
lawsuit is based on negligence, however, A is incorrect. Even if the product was manu-
factured by another, Delphi would be under a duty to use reasonable care in marketing
it, so that fact alone would not protect Delphi against liability to Patrick. C is, therefore,
incorrect. D is incorrect because Delphi's lack of awareness might have been negligent
if the reasonable person in Delphi's shoes would have been aware.

2. C Strict liability in tort is imposed, regardless of fault, on a professional supplier who sells
a product while it is in a defective condition. Courts usually define a product as defec-
tive if its condition would defeat the reasonable expectation of the reasonable consumer
or of the reasonable manufacturer. If the reasonable person would not have expected the
product to irritate the scalp of a person with Patrick's allergy, then the product's condi-
tion would defeat the reasonable expectation of the reasonable consumer and was defec-

Under the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur, an inference of negligence can be drawn from
the fact that a particular kind of accident does not usually occur without negligence. A is
incorrect, however, because Patrick's theory is strict liability in tort, and since strict lia-
bility is imposed without regard to fault, an inference that the defendant was negligent is
not relevant to it. The facts in B and D would suggest that Delphi knew or should have
known about Patrick's allergy. This knowledge is not sufficient,however, to establish
that the product's condition would have defeated the reasonable expectation of either the
reasonable consumer or the reasonable manufacturer (i.e., that the product was defec-
tive). For this reason, B and D are incorrect.

3. B A seller of a product which is defective at the time it was sold is held strictly liable for
damages which result. Thus, if the product was defective when Farma sold it, Farma
would be strictly liable to Patrick. A product is "defective as labeled" if its condition
would defeat the expectations which the reasonable person would fonn upon reading its
label. While it is not certain that a court would come to this conclusion about Delphi's
Follicle, the argument in A is the only one listed which could possibly support Patrick's

A is incorrect because the negligence of a manufacturer is not ordinarily imputed to a

retailer. C is incorrect because any express warranty which was made referred to "nor-
mal hair and scalp," and would therefore be inapplicable to Patrick. Although a drug
store might be under the type of duty set forth in D, there is no indication that Parma
failed to act reasonably in pursuance of such a duty. D is, therefore, incorrect.

4. A Negligence is unreasonable conduct in the face of a foreseeable risk. Drake's awareness

of the high incidence of crime in the neighborhood would make the risk foreseeable,
and might result in a finding that it was unreasonable for her to open the door under the
circumstances. While it is not certain that a court would come to this conclusion, the
fact in A is the only one listed which would help support Poll's case.

Poll's knowledge would not impose any duty on Drake, so B is incorrect. Although
Drake's intention to sell furniture to Poll might make Poll an invitee, and thereby
impose upon Drake a duty to act reasonably, the duty would not be breached unless
Drake had some reason to know that there was a danger in opening the door. C is, there-
fore, incorrect. D is incorrect because unless Drake knew or should have known of the
incident, it would have no relevance to the reasonableness of Drake's conduct.

5. D A misrepresentation is a false assertion of material fact made with the intent to induce
the plaintiff's reliance. If the defendant knew that the statement was false, and if the
plaintiff justifiably relied upon it, the defendant is liable for damage which results. If a
party to a transaction is under a legal obligation to disclose a fact, non-disclosure may
be an assertion that the fact does not exist. Thus, although Devel said nothing about the
coming of the highway, if she had an obligation to disclose that it was coming, her
silence was an assertion that there was no highway coming. Since she knew this asser-
tion to be false, she is liable for misrepresentation if Homested's reliance on it was justi-
fied. While it is not certain that a court would conclude that such reliance was justified,
D is the only answer which could possibly be correct.

Since real estate investors are usually experts in determining the value of real estate, the
fact that Homested knew Devel to be a real estate investor might have justified his reli-
ance on her misrepresentation. A is incorrect because this would be likely to result in a

I victory for Homested rather than Devel. If Devel's non-disclosure was a misrepresenta-
tion, she probably repeated the misrepresentation by permitting an appraiser to deter-
mine value without disclosing the coming of the highway. B is, therefore, incorrect. A
fiduciary relationship is one based on trust. Since buyer and seller are adversaries, nei-
ther is the other's fiduciary. C is, therefore, incorrect.

6. D Negligence is the failure to act reasonably in the face of a foreseeable risk. If selling a
pistol for less than $50 created a foreseeable risk to Patton, it might be found that
Gunco's conduct in doing so was unreasonable and that Gunco is liable to Patton for
negligence. While it is not certain that a court would come to this conclusion, the argu-
ment in D is the only one listed which could possibly support Patton's claim.

Intent is an essential element of battery. In a battery case, intent means that the defen-
dant desired (or knew with substantial certainty) that harmful or offensive contact with
the plaintiff would occur. A is incorrect because the fact that harm is foreseeable (rather
than substantially certain) is not sufficient to result in liability for battery. In every sale

by a merchant, there is an implied warranty that the product sold is merchantable, or fit
for ordinary use. There is no indication, however, that the pistol did not function as a
pistol ordinarily functions. B is, therefore, incorrect. It is sometimes said that violation
of a criminal statute establishes negligence if the statute was designed to protect a class
of persons to which the plaintiff belongs against risks like the one which led to harm. C
is incorrect, however, because there is no indication that Gunco violated a criminal stat-

7~ -C -One-whose conduct creates a. foreseeable risk to any person owes that person a duty of
reasonable care. One who helps an intoxicated person get his car started is creating a
foreseeable risk to all who are likely to be endangered by that person's driving. If the
injury to Pedex occurred two hundred miles away from the place where Helper assisted
Sippy, however, it may successfully be argued that the reasonable person in Sippy's sit-
uation would not have anticipated harm to him, because Sippy could be expected to
sober up in the time it took to drive that distance. While it is not certain that a court
would come to this conclusion, the argument in C is the only one listed which could
possibly support Helper's defense.

Although a statute like the one mentioned in A might impose liability on Barr, it would
not have the effect of relieving any other person of liability, making A incorrect. B is
incorrect because being in the road service business does not exempt any person from
her common law duty to act reasonably in the face of a foreseeable risk. D would estab-
lish that Sippy's intoxication was a cause of the accident, but would not establish that
Helper's was not. If anything, it would prove the cause and effect relationship between
Helper's conduct and the accident. D is, therefore, incorrect.

8. C Negligence is a breach of the duty of reasonable care. Ordinarily, a defendant owes a

plaintiff a duty of reasonable care only if the defendant's conduct creates a foreseeable
risk to the plaintiff. A risk is foreseeable if it is one which the reasonable person would
anticipate or expect. Thus, if the reasonable person would not have expected Sippy to
drive upon leaving the bar, the risk which led to Pedex's injury was not a foreseeable
one, Barr owed Pedex no duty to act reasonably to protect against it, and Barr could not
have been negligent. Negligence does not lead to liability unless it is a proximate cause
of damage. Courts usually hold that conduct is not a proximate cause of a particular
injury unless the injury was a foreseeable result of that conduct. If the reasonable person
would not have expected Sippy to drive upon leaving the bar, the accident which
resulted from his driving was unforeseeable, and Barr's conduct was not a proximate
cause of it. While it is not certain that a court would come to these conclusions, the
argument listed in C is the only one which could possibly support Barr's defense.

A is incorrect because serving three drinks to Sippy may have increased the risk by
making him even more intoxicated. Although the argument in B establishes that
Helper's conduct was a cause in fact of the accident, it does not provide Barr with a
defense, since any accident may have more than one cause, and Barr's negligence also
may have been a cause. D is incorrect since liability for negligence does not depend on
the existence of a contractual relationship (i.e., privity) between the plaintiff and defen-

9. C Negligence liability requires a breach of the duty of reasonable care which is a proxi-

mate cause of the plaintiff's damage. To say that the plaintiff was outside the foresee-
able zone of danger is simply another way of saying that because of where the plaintiff
was located the injury to him was not foreseeable. This argument could help support
Danver's defense in two ways. First, if harm to Blandings was not foreseeable, Danvers
did not owe him a duty of reasonable care. This would mean that, although Danver's
conduct might have been negligent as to Parker, it could not have been negligent as to
Blandings. Second, unless some injury to Blandings was a foreseeable result of Dan-
ver's conduct, that conduct was not a proximate cause of it. Although a court might not
agree that Blandings was outside the foreseeable zone of danger, .the argument in C is
the only one listed which could possibly support Danver's defense.

It is generally understood that if an injury to the plaintiff was foreseeable, all its compli-
cations are foreseeable too, no matter how improbable those complications actually
were. For this reason, A and D are incorrect. Joint tortfeasors are two or more persons
whose torts proximately caused the same injury. In most jurisdictions, they are jointly
and severally liable for the full extent of the plaintiff's injury. The argument in B would
establish that Parker was negligent, but this would not provide Denver with a defense,
since he and Parker might be found to be joint tortfeasors.

10. A All persons are liable for the harm which proximately results from their negligence.
Thus, if Burg's injury was proximately caused by Three Star's negligence, Three Star is
liable to her.

An express warranty is an assertion of fact which becomes part of the basis of the bar-
gain. B is incorrect because there is no indication that an express warranty was made. C
is incorrect because the "clean hands" doctrine, which is relevant in equity proceedings,
is not applicable to an action for money damages. If it is foreseeable that Burg would
obtain the beer in some manner, the precise manner in which Burg obtained the beer is
immaterial. D is, therefore, incorrect.

11. C False imprisonment occurs when the defendant intentionally confines the plaintiff. The
plaintiff is confined when his will to leave a place with fixed boundaries is overcome in
a way which would similarly overcome the will of the reasonable person in the plain-

I tiff's situation. Since Rezzie was not prevented from leaving, he was not confined (i.e.,

In a false imprisonment case, "intent" means a desire or knowledge that the defendant's
act will result in a confinement of the plaintiff, and does not depend on whether the
defendant knew that the plaintiff's rights were being violated. Thus, if the acts of Glo-
bal's employees had resulted in a confinement of Rezzie, the fact that they did not know
they were violating Rezzie's rights would not provide them with an effective defense. A
is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because false imprisonment is an intentional tort
of which unreasonable conduct is not an essential element. D is incorrect because dam-
age is not an essential element ofliability for false imprisonment.

12. C Although liability ordinarily results from the publication of false defamatory statements
about the plaintiff, the courts have always required that publication be either intentional
or the result of negligence. Dresden's statement to Prescott was not a publication, since
Prescott is the plaintiff. The fact that it was overheard by Audit does not satisfy the

requirement of publication unless either Dresden intended that Audit hear it or Audit
heard it as a result of Dresden's unreasonable conduct in the face of the foreseeable risk
that Audit would hear it. If Dresden knew that Audit would hear it, he intended the pub-
lication. If he should have known that Audit would hear it, he acted unreasonably in say-
ing it.

The courts have never required proof that the defendant knew the statement to be defam-
atory, so A is incorrect. The United States Supreme Court has held that in some defama-
tion cases· the plaintiff must prove that the defendant knew or should have known that
the statement was false when he made it. B is incorrect, however, because the require-
ment has not been applied to a defamation action brought by a private person against a
non-media defendant. D is incorrect because knowledge that harm will result is not an
essential element of any defamation case.

13. C Strict liability is imposed on the seller of a product which is in a defective condition
when sold and which reaches the consumer in a condition which is substantially
unchanged. If the wheat was substantially changed before reaching Pawnie, Farmer
could not be held strictly liable for damages which resulted from a defect in it.

A is incorrect because intervening negligence, unless it was unforeseeable, is not suffi-

cient to relieve the supplier of a defective product from liability. Although privity or
some substitute is relevant to warranty liability, strict liability in tort may be applied to
benefit any plaintiff whose contact with the product was foreseeable. B is, therefore,
incorrect. Since strict liability is not based on fault, proof that the defect resulted from
some circumstance beyond the defendant's control is not sufficient to free that defen-
dant from liability. D is, therefore, incorrect.

14. A Res ipsa loquitur permits an inference of unreasonable conduct to be drawn where the
accident is one which would not ordinarily have occurred without negligence, and the
defendant was in exclusive control of the circumstances which produced the harm.
Since Bredco was in exclusive control of the baking process, res ipsa loquitur would
apply if reasonable care in baking would ordinarily have eliminated the slivers (i.e., if
the accident would not ordinarily have occurred without negligence).

B is incorrect because liability for negligence (which is the only theory to which res
ipsa loquitur applies) does not depend on whether a product is defective. Pawnie's harm
was caused by the presence of the metal slivers in the bread. C is incorrect because even
if Farmer's negligence caused them to be in the wheat, Bredco may be liable for the
harm if its negligence caused them to be in the bread. If reasonable care would have pre-
vented the slivers from getting in the bread, it does not matter how they got into the
wheat. Thus, even if the breaking of Farmer's blade was unforeseeable, Bredco might be
liable to Pawnie for its negligence in failing to keep the slivers out of the bread. Dis,
therefore, incorrect.

15. C Assault results when the defendant, with the intention of causing either offensive con-
tact or apprehension of offensive contact, induces apprehension of such contact in the
plaintiff. Battery results when the defendant, with the intention of causing either offen-
sive contact or apprehension of offensive contact, causes offensive contact with the
plaintiff. Delfin, intending to cause apprehension of offensive contact, induced such

apprehension, making him liable for assault. With intent to induce apprehension, he also
caused offensive contact, making him liable for battery.

16. D A negligent misrepresentation is a false assertion of fact which is made without knowl-
edge of its falsity but under circumstances such that a reasonable person in the defen-
dant's situation would have had such knowledge. Thus, if Solet's belief that there were
no termites in the house was reasonable, his misrepresentation was not negligent.
Although there are not enough facts to determine whether a court would come to this
conclusion, D is the only argument listed which could possibly support Solet's position.

A is incorrect because lack of such knowledge would be negligent if the reasonable per-
son would have known. Whether or not Solet had a duty to disclose the presence of ter-
mites, when he discussed termites, he had a duty to do so honestly and reasonably. B is,
therefore, incorrect. A statement is of opinion if it concerns a subjective matter or con-
tains an expression of doubt. Since Solet's statement was neither, it was not of opinion.
C is, therefore, correct.

17. D Strict liability is imposed on the seller of a product which is in a defective condition
when sold. Thus, if Riteway sold the product while it was defective, Riteway would be
held strictly liable no matter who manufactured it.

Parties who work together to accomplish a particular result are involved in a concert of
action which may make anyone of them vicariously liable for torts committed by the
others. A is incorrect, however, because the facts indicate that the manufacturers and
retailer did not work together on manufacturing or marketing the product. It has been
held that where there are a small number of manufacturers in a particular industry,
where all belong to an industry-wide association which establishes industry standards,
where those standards result in their products' being defective, and where all members
of the industry and the association are named as defendants, liability may be imposed on
an industry-wide basis. B is incorrect, however, because there is no indication that the
number of cereal manufacturers is small or that they belong to an industry-wide associ-
ation which sets standards or that their standards made the product defective or that all
members of the industry and their association have been named as defendants. Under
the alternate liability theory, where two or more defendants commit identical acts of
negligence under circumstances which make it impossible to tell which one injured the
plaintiff, it will be presumed that all of them factually caused the plaintiff's injury. Cis
incorrect, however, because there is no indication that all of the parties named commit-
ted identical acts of negligence or that any of them was negligent at all.

18. D Assault occurs when, with the intent to induce such apprehension, the defendant induces
in the plaintiff a reasonable apprehension that a harmful or offensive contact with the
plaintiff will occur. Since Mabe did not fear contact with herself, she was not assaulted.

A and B are incorrect because Napper's conduct did not induce Mabe to apprehend con-
tact with herself. If Napper's conduct did give Mabe reason to apprehend contact with
herself, it would not matter whether she had perceived contact with Dot. C is, therefore,

19. C A defendant is liable for intentional infliction of mental distress if, with the intent to

cause mental distress, he engages in outrageous conduct which causes serious mental
suffering. The defendant intends the plaintiff's mental distress if he desires or knows
that it will result from his conduct. Because of the affection normally associated with
the mother-daughter relationship, Napper probably knew (i.e., intended) that his threats
to injure or kill Dot would cause her mother to experience mental distress. If his conduct
was outrageous and caused her to experience mental distress, Napper is liable to her for
the mental distress and any physical manifestations of it.

A is incorrect because the passage· of time is not sufficient to prevent liability for an
injury which was caused by the defendant's tortious conduct. If the reasonable person
would not have experienced any suffering as a result of Napper's conduct, then a plain-
tiff who did experience suffering might not be permitted to recover for it because the
law does not seek to benefit a supersensitive plaintiff. If the reasonable person would
have experienced some suffering, however, the plaintiff will be permitted to recover for
her suffering even if a pre-existing condition makes it unusually severe. (This rule
sometimes leads courts to exclaim, "The defendant takes the plaintiff as he finds her.")
B is, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because liability for intentional infliction of
mental distress requires intent, not merely a foreseeable risk.

20. A Strict liability is imposed on the keeper of a wild animal, but only for harm which prox-
imately results from an aspect of the animal which made keeping it dangerous. Leop-
ards are dangerous because they bite or attack. The risk that they may clumsily knock
someone over is not one which makes them more dangerous than a dog or other domes-
tic animal.

B is incorrect because an animal is "wild" if it comes from a species which cannot ordi-
narily be safely kept without special training or restraint. Since this is true with leop-
ards, Spot's tameness does not prevent it from being so classified. C and D are incorrect
because strict liability does not depend on the reasonableness of a defendant's conduct.

21. B A claim for damages resulting from contact with a product manufactured or sold by the
defendant may be based on several theories, including negligence, misrepresentation,
breach of warranty, and strict liability in tort. In most jurisdictions, however, mental suf-
fering is not a recoverable item of damage in a claim based on· any of these theories
unless the mental suffering is the result of a physical injury or has a physical manifesta-
tion. Although a few jurisdictions permit recovery even in the absence of physical inju-
ries, the argument in B is the only one listed which could possibly support Sutter's

A is incorrect for two reasons: first, even without a representation, Sutter could be held
liable on negligence, implied warranty, or strict liability theories; and second, the state-
ment that the suit was "strong enough to be worn several times" was probably a repre-
sentation. C is incorrect because none of the theories requires that the plaintiff be in
privity with the manufacturer. Although the argument in D might provide an effective
defense to a negligence claim, D is incorrect because the other theories which are avail-
able do not depend on unreasonable conduct by the defendant.

22. C Assumption of the risk is a defense in all approaches to products liability (although
some jurisdictions have merged it with the concept of comparative fault), and occurs

when the plaintiff voluntarily encounters a known risk. If Primm knew that the paper
suit was likely to dissolve when wet and. wore it anyway, she voluntarily encountered
(and therefore assumed) a known risk.

A is incorrect because Depp may be held liable without fault for selling a defective
product. B is incorrect because a sign like the one described is not sufficient to apprise
the buyer that the product is being sold without any warranty of merchantability, or to
prevent the reasonable consumer from expecting the bathing suit to hold together when
wet. Although a product retailer who is held liable for selling a defective product has a
right to be indemnified by the product's manufacturer, the right of the injured plaintiff to
recover does not depend on this right of the retailer. D is, therefore, incorrect.

23. A Under the all-or-nothing rule of contributory negligence, unreasonable conduct by the
plaintiff which contributes to the happening of an accident is a complete bar to recovery
by the plaintiff. Thus, if Sammy's conduct was unreasonable, Danzig's defense of con-
tributory negligence will succeed.

B, C, and D are incorrect because the negligence of a parent in supervising a child is not
imputed to the child. The reasonableness of Mater's conduct is, therefore, not in issue.

24. C Strict liability is imposed on the seller of a product which is in a defective condition
when sold. A product is defective if its condition would defeat the reasonable expecta-
tions of the reasonable consumer. Since the reasonable consumer probably would not
expect a brand new training leash to break when used on a dog of average size and
strength, one which did was probably defective.

Strict liability may be applied to benefit any person whose contact with the defective
product was foreseeable, so A is incorrect. B is incorrect because strict liability does not
depend on the reasonableness of the defendant's conduct. D is incorrect because the risk
which it describes as foreseeable is not the one which led to the harm in this case since
the Trainer was brand new when it broke.

25. B Negligence is a failure to act reasonably. Thus, if it was unreasonable for Doughty to
work the dog in her front yard, her conduct was negligent and could result in liability.
While it is not certain that a court would come to this conclusion, the argument in B is
the only one listed which could possibly support Passer's claim.

Strict liability for damage resulting from a product defect is imposed only against a pro-
fessional supplier who placed the product in the stream of commerce. Since Doughty
was a user of the Trainer rather than a supplier of it, A is incorrect. Conduct which
causes damage can result in tort liability only if the damage was intended or resulted
from negligence or an activity for which strict liability is imposed. Without establishing
one of these bases of liability, calling Doughty's conduct a cause of harm would not be
sufficient to result in liability. For this reason, the argument in C is incomplete, making
C incorrect. Although some special standard of care might be imposed because of
Doughty's profession, D is incorrect because there is no indication that the standard was

26. A A person is liable for all harm which proximately results from her negligence. Thus, if

Annie was negligent in giving the doll to Sonny, she may be held liable for the injury
which resulted. It is possible that a court would come to this conclusion, since it may
have been foreseeable that a child of Sonny's age would swallow the button and be
injured. Although the result is not certain, the argument in A is the only one listed which
could possibly result in a judgment for Preston.

In every sale by a merchant, there is an implied warranty that the product sold is fit for
ordinaryuse.]f the product is unfit, breach of warranty liability is imposed without
-regard to·fault: Similarly, if a product is defective or unreasonably dangerous, strict tort
liability may be imposed on the supplier. B, C, and n are incorrect, however, because
these theories are available only against a defendant who is a professional supplier of
products, which Annie was not.

27. C Since negligence is a breach of the duty to act reasonably, Mart could only be held liable
under that theory if it acted unreasonably. Since the tablets were delivered in a sealed
bottle, and since the reasonable merchant does not ordinarily open sealed products
before selling them, Mart probably did not breach the duty which it owed to Pauling.

A is incorrect because a manufacturer's negligence is not imputed to a retailer. B is

based on an incorrect statement of the law. A retailer's duty is to use reasonable care.
The breach of this duty is negligence. Although aretailer may be held liable without
fault under a theory of strict liability, this liability is based not on the breach of "an
absolute duty," but on a policy which attempts to distribute the risks of being injured by
defective products. D is incorrect because negligence liability depends on the foresee-
ability of the risk, not upon the existence of any contractual relationship.

28. D Strict liability is imposed on the seller of a product which is in a defective condition
when sold. A product is defective if its condition would defeat the reasonable expecta-
tions of the reasonable consumer. Thus, if the reasonable consumer would not have
expected the tablets to contain a toxic ingredient, the presence of one makes them defec-

A is incorrect because strict liability is imposed regardless of fault or knowledge by the

defendant. Although the classification of a product as "inherently dangerous" was sig-
nificant during a certain historical period in the development of the law of torts, deci-
sions which. followed .Mc~herson v. Buick have deprived it of significance. B is,
therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because strict liability in tort does not depend on the
reasonableness of the defendant's conduct.

29. C A defendant owes a plaintiff a duty of reasonable care if the defendant's conduct creates
a foreseeable risk to the plaintiff. Thus, if it was foreseeable that a person would be in
the roadway, Secon owed that person a duty to drive as the reasonable person. Once it is
established that such a duty existed, its breach by driving while intoxicated is obvious.

Since Peri's presence in the roadway was part of the set stage (i.e., pre-existed the
defendant's tortious act), it does not matter whether the circumstances which put her
there were foreseeable. A and B are, therefore, incorrect. Although a plaintiff must
establish that her injury was a foreseeable result of the defendant's negligent conduct,
she is never required to establish that the defendant's negligence was foreseeable. Dis,

therefore, incorrect.

30. A A person whose conduct is negligent is liable for damage which is proximately caused
by that negligence. Conduct is a proximate cause of harm if it is a factual and legal
cause of that harm. Thus, if Danton's negligence was a factual and legal cause of Peri's
broken leg, Danton is liable for it.

B is incorrect because there was no relationship between Danton and Secon which
would result in such an imputation. C is an impossibility, since nothing can be regarded
as a legal cause of harm unless it was a factual cause of that harm. The reasoning of D
establishes that Secon's conduct was a cause of harm, but does not establish that Dan-
ton's conduct was not. D is, therefore, incorrect.

31. B Strict liability is often imposed on one who uses his land in a non-natural manner for the
storage of a substance which is likely to do harm upon its escape from storage. The stor-
age of water frequently leads to the application of this principle.

Although strict liability is imposed on one who engages in an abnormally dangerous

activity, it is imposed only for damage which results from the dangerous nature of the
activity. Although the operation of a nuclear power plant may be an abnormally danger-
ous activity, A is incorrect because harm in this case did not result from any of the
aspects of operating a nuclear power plant which make it abnormally dangerous. If
Nuke. knew or should have known that an earthquake might occur in the area of the
nuclear power plant, it might have been unreasonable to operate it there. But absent such
actual or constructive knowledge, Nuke's conduct cannot be presumed to be unreason-
able. C is, therefore, incorrect. The intervention of an act of God does not free an ante-
cedent wrongdoer from liability unless that intervention was unforeseeable. Dis,
therefore, incorrect.

32. D Strict liability may be imposed for damage resulting from participation in abnormally
dangerous activities such as the manufacture and storage of explosives. Even under a
theory of strict liability, however, a defendant is not liable for harm unless it was proxi-
mately caused by the defendant's activity. Conductwhich is a factual cause of harm is a
proximate cause of that harm if the harm was a foreseeable result and was not brought
about by unforeseeable intervention. Thus, if the intervening conduct of the terrorists
was not foreseeable, the harm sustained by Parbal was not proximately caused by the
conduct of Blowco. While it is not certain that a court would come to this conclusion, D
is the only argument listed which could possibly support Blowco's defense.

A is incorrect because strict liability may be imposed regardless of fault and regardless
of whether the defendant's conduct was reasonable. Most jurisdictions hold that there
can be no liability for trespass to land unless there was a physical invasion of the plain-
tiff's realty. B is incorrect, however, because Blowco may be held liable on a strict lia-
bility theory, which does not require a physical invasion. Even though a defendant's
conduct was a factual cause of harm, that defendant will not be held liable if there was
an unforeseeable intervening cause of the harm. C is incorrect, however, because the
intervening cause will not prevent such liability unless the intervention was unforesee-

33. C Non-disclosure of a fact is not an assertion (i.e., representation) unless the fact is one
which is essential to the transaction and the circumstances are such that the other party
is reasonably entitled to expect disclosure of it. Since Berry had no special expertise, his
reason for purchasing the hay wagon was not a fact essential to the transaction, and
there were no circumstances which entitled Sanders to expect disclosure of his hope of
making a profit.

A and B are incorrect because slight differences in knowledge concerning the subject of
a particular transaction are fiot sufficient to impose a dutyof disclosure. D is incorrect
because Sanders' initial satisfaction would not prevent her from recovering if it had
been induced by a misrepresentation by Berry.

34. C A defendant's conduct is not a proximate cause of harm if the harm was brought about
by an independent intervening cause. An intervening cause is "independent" if it did not
result from one of the normal risks resulting from defendant's conduct. Since Wing's
plane was safely on the ground at an airport when struck by Delbert's plane, it can be
argued that the collision was independent of the risks created by Wing's miscalculation.
While it is not certain that a court would come to this conclusion, the argument in C is
the only one listed which could possibly be effective in Wing's defense.

A plaintiff may be barred from recovery by assumption of the risk when the harm results
from a danger of which the plaintiff was aware and which he voluntarily encountered.
Since there is no indication that Wing's miscalculation resulted from his lack of a com-
mercial pilot's license, the harm did not result from a risk of which Rider knew. A is,
therefore, incorrect.Under the "all or nothing" rule, a plaintiff's negligence may prevent
recovery if it was causally related to the harm which he sustained. Since there is no indi-
cation that Wing's miscalculation resulted from his lack of a commercial pilot's license,
any negligence by Rider in accepting a ride from him was not causally related to the
accident. B is, therefore, incorrect. Conduct is a factual C(l.use of harm if the harm would
not have occurred without it. The argument in D states that the harm would not have
occurred if Delbert had not been negligent. This is obviously true and establishes that
Delbert's negligence was a factual cause of the accident. The argument also states, how-
ever, that Wing's miscalculation was, therefore, not a factual cause of the accident.
Since the accident would not have occurred if Wing's plane had not been on the ground,
and since Wing's plane would not have been on the ground had Wing not miscalculated,
Wing's miscalculation was also a factual cause of the accident. D is, therefore, incorrect.

35. A A person is liable for the proximate results of his negligence. Since Delbert was negli-
gent and since his negligence was a proximate cause of Wing's harm, Delbert is liable
for it.

Although violation of a statute may be negligence per se, B is incorrect because there is
no causal relation between Wing's violation and the accident since the accident might
have happened even if Wing had a license. (Note: Violation of a licensing statute is usu-
ally held to be unrelated to the happening of an accident.) Since Wing was on the
ground and at a stop when Delbert struck him, it does not matter how he got there. Thus,
Wing's original flight plan is of no relevance, and C is incorrect. The doctrine of neces-
sity privileges intentional and reasonable invasion of property rights in the face of an
emergency. It has no application to the facts in this case since Delbert's conduct was

neither intentional nor reasonable and there is no indication that Delbert was faced with
an emergency. D is, therefore, incorrect.

36. A Patient's injury would not have occurred without Medco's negligence, so Medco's neg-
ligence was a cause of it. Since Patient's injury would not have occurred without Dr.
Daley's error, and since Dr. Daley's error came between Medco's conduct and Patient's
injury, Dr. Daley's error was an intervening cause of Patient's injury. If negligence
which is a cause of harm is followed by. an intervening cause of harm which was not
foreseeable, the intervention is regarded as a superseding cause which relieves the ante-
cedent wrongdoer of liability. Thus, if Dr. Daley's error was unforeseeable, Medco
would not be liable to Patient.

If Dr. Daley's conduct was foreseeable, it would constitute a concurring cause of harm
and, as such, would not shield the antecedent wrongdoer from liability. This is true
whether that intervention was reasonable or not, and whether it is classified as gross
negligence or not. B, C, and D are, therefore, incorrect.

37. B All theories of products liability (with the exception of misrepresentation under Restate-
ment (2d) §402B) require that the plaintiff's contact with the product be foreseeable.
Since hypodermic needles are commonly used by doctors to give injections to patients,
the patient's contact with the needle is foreseeable.

It is less foreseeable, if it is foreseeable at all, that a three-year-old would play with a

hypodermic needle, so A is incorrect. C is incorrect because none of the products liabil-
ity theories permit the recovery of losses which are unrelated to personal injury or prop-
erty damage. D is incorrect because there is no indication that the needle was infected
when sold by the manufacturer or that the infection resulted from the manufacturer's
negligent conduct.

38. B Trespass to land is defined as intentional entry on the plaintiff's realty without authori-
zation. Since realty includes the air space immediately above th~ land, Dusty entered
Plower's realty when she flew through the air fifteen feet above his land. Although she
believed that she had authority to do so, she did not have such authority. Her overflight
was, thus, a trespass if her entry onto the realty was intentional. A defendant has the
necessary intent to be liable for trespass to land if s/he desires or knows that her/his act
will result in an entry onto the realty which s/he entered. This is so regardless of
whether s/he knows whose realty s/he is entering or that the entry is unauthorized. Since
Dusty did desire to fly over parcel 621, she had the necessary intent and will be liable
for trespass to the land of Plower.

Without intent, there is no trespass liability. A is incorrect because participation in an

abnormally dangerous activity does not satisfy the requirement of intent. C is incorrect
because intent means a desire to enter the land or air space above it (without regard to
knowledge of the plaintiff's right). n is incorrect because damage to the realty is not an
essential element of trespass to land.

39. D The tort known as invasion of privacy can be committed in various ways. One, called
"intrusion," is committed by intentionally invading the plaintiff's right to solitude in a
manner which would offend the reasonable person. An invasion of plaintiff's solitude

occurs when the defendant causes a physical entry into the plaintiff's private space.
Since Raker deliberately entered Semble's private office, opened Semble's private file,
and copied Semble's private documents, there is no doubt that Raker intentionally
invaded Semble's solitude. Although it can never be certain that a court or jury will
decide that the reasonable person would have been offended by any particular conduct,
Dis the only answer listed which could possibly be correct.

A and B are incorrect because freedom of the press under the First Amendment does not
privilege invasions of privacy fonhe purpose of obtaining documents, even if they are
newsworthy. C is incorrect for two reasons: first, the documents were not made public
until after Raker invaded Semble's privacy by obtaining them; and, second, the privilege
to publish facts which are matters of public records does not include a privilege to
invade privacy for the purpose of obtaining them.

40. D The facts specify that Paul's claim is for negligence. Negligence is unreasonable con-
duct. It may be unreasonable to sell a device as dangerous as an air rifle to an eleven-
year-old, because the risk that he will use it to shoot another child is foreseeable. In any
event, D is the only finding listed which could result in a judgment for PauL

A is incorrect because negligence of a manufacturer is not imputed to a retailer. B and C

are incorrect for two reasons. First, there is no indication that the air rifle was defective.
Second, negligence liability requires unreasonable conduct, and there is no indication
that Storr acted unreasonably. Thus, even if the air rifle was defective, there would be no
reason to impose negligence liability on Storr.

41. D Since Carrent knew that Fixer's repairs were frequently not successful until the third or
fourth attempt, it was probably unreasonable for Carrent to trust him with the repair of a
condition which Carrent knew made the car unsafe to drive. While it is not certain that a
court would come to this conclusion, the argument in D is the only one listed which
could possibly result in a judgment for PommeL

Under the doctrine of respondeat superior, an employer is vicariously liable for torts of
an employee committed within the scope of employment. In determining whether one
who renders services to the defendant is an employee, courts generally hold that if the
employer has a right to control the details of performance, the worker is an employee,
while if the employer does not have a right to control the details of performance, the
worker is an independent contractor. Since Carrent did not control the details of Fixer's
performance, Fixer probably was not an employee. A is, therefore, incorrect. Statutory
duties are sometimes held to be "non-delegable," but B is incorrect because no statute is
given. Since employers of independent contractors are not ordinarily held vicariously
liable for the torts of those contractors, C is incorrect.

42. D Like other suppliers of products, a retailer owes its customers a duty to act reasonably.
This includes a duty to make whatever inspection is reasonable. Sometimes the circum-
stances make it reasonable for a retailer to make no inspection at all, but in such a case
no inspection constitutes a reasonable inspection.

A, B, and C are incorrect because under some circumstances the conduct specified
would not be reasonable. (Note: Beware of slogans and shibboleths which are overly

broad or general. For example, some writers and judges have stated that "a retailer owes
the customer no duty to inspect products furnished by reputable manufacturers." Do you
think that this statement would be true if the retailer knew that a shipment of glassware
furnished by a reputable manufacturer was dropped by the delivery company, or that
many customers had found dead rats in the jars of peanut butter which were furnished
by a reputable manufacturer? It is safer to recognize that a retailer, like any other sup-
plier of products, owes customers a duty to act reasonably, and that under some circum-
stances failure to inspect merchandise furnished by reputable manufacturers is
reasonable, while under other circumstances it is not.)

43. B There can be no liability for defamation unless the defendant intentionally or negli-
gently communicated the defamatory statement to a person other than the plaintiff.
Communication of the accusation to Pellum's mother would satisfy this requirement
only if Denner knew or should have known that she would see the letter that contained

A is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because the statements actually were communi-
cated to Pellum's mother, who read the letter. Courts have sometimes held that an
employer who defames a former employee in a communication with a prospective
employer of that former employee is privileged if he believes reasonably and in good
faith that his statements are true. This reasoning does not apply to the facts given, how-
ever, because Denner's statements were not being made to a prospective employer of
Pellum. D is, therefore, incorrect.

44. D A statement is defamatory if it would tend to hold the plaintiff up to shame, disgrace, or
ridicule in the minds of a substantial group of respectable people. Since most respect-
able people believe that theft is disgraceful, an accusation that the plaintiff is a thief is
probably defamatory. In a defamation action, a statement means what the reasonable
person reading it would think it means. The reasonable person reading Denner's state-
ment might believe that it accuses Pellum of stealing tools. Whether this is so is a ques-
tion for the jury, but it is clear that if Denner's statement accused Pellum of stealing
tools, it was defamatory and might lead to liability.

If Pellum did not return the tools, Denner's statement is literally true. Since a statement
means what the reasonable person hearing it thinks it means, and. since the reasonable
person might think that Denner's statement accused Pellum of theft, the literal truth of
the statement would not prevent Denner from being liable. A is, therefore, incorrect. A
defendant may be privileged to make defamatory statements in a reasonable and good
faith attempt to protect a legitimate interest. In deciding whether a former employer was
acting in good faith when making a defamatory statement to a plaintiff's prospective
employer, courts frequently look to whether the former employer made the statement
gratuitously (making it less likely that she was acting in good faith) or in response to a
request for information (making it more likely that she was acting in good faith). B is
incorrect, however, because this fact alone is not sufficient to privilege a defendant's
publication. C is incorrect because if the defendant was acting reasonably and in good
faith, the interest which a former employer has in common with a prospective employer
might be sufficiently legitimate to make the privilege apply.

45. A Strict liability is imposed on the professional seller of a product which is in defective

condition when sold. Neither Pard nor Max sold the helicopter, so B, C, and D are

46. B If it was foreseeable that the plaintiff would be affected by a product, the seller of the
product is strictly liable for injuries which the plaintiff sustained as the result of a defect
in the product which existed when the seller placed it in the stream of commerce. Since
aircraft fly over the ground, it is foreseeable that a defective aircraft will affect people
on the ground. For this reason, the fact that Homer would be affected by the helicopter
was foreseeable, and Kopto will be strictly liable to Homer if the helicopter was defec-
tive when Kopto sold it. A product is defective if its condition would defeat the reason-
able expectation of the reasonable consumer. Since the reasonable consumer generally
expects all the parts of a finished product to function properly, a defect in the fuel gauge
which prevents it from functioning properly will make the helicopter defective. Thus, if
the accident proximately resulted from a defect in the fuel gauge which existed when
Flier purchased the helicopter from Kopto, Kopto would be strictly liable for the dam-
age to Homer.

A is incorrect for two reasons: first, res ipsa has no application to cases based on strict
liability; second, although res ipsa may be applied to airplane accidents, it is commonly
applied only against the pilot, since he is the one in exclusive control of the circum-
stances which produce the harm. C is incorrect because any person whose contact with
the product is foreseeable may benefit from the application of strict liability in tort.
Since any harm might have several proximate causes, D is incorrect.

47. B A trespassing child is entitled to reasonable care if it was foreseeable that a child would
trespass and be injured, and if the child's age made it likely that he would fail to recog-
nize the danger. Thus, although Childer was a trespasser, the fact that Grav could fore-
see his presence and foresee that he would be injured by the proximity of the hill to the
road, imposed upon Grav the duty to act reasonably and to keep the premises reasonably
safe. If Grav's failure to erect a fence was unreasonable, Grav was negligent and proba-
bly is liable to Childer.

The phrase "danger invites rescue" is usually used to explain why a person who created
a danger to another owed a duty of reasonable care to a rescuer who came to the aid of
that other. A is incorrect because it has no application to these facts. Last clear chance is
a doctrine which accomplishes only one thing: under the proper circumstances it
negates the effect of a plaintiff's contributory negligence. Only the plaintiff raises it, and
only for the purpose of negating the effect of his own negligence. C is incorrect because
it would put the argument at the disposal of a defendant. An intervening cause does not
free an antecedent wrongdoer from liability unless its occurrence was unforeseeable.
Thus, the mere fact that Carrol's conduct was an intervening cause would not lead to a
judgment for Grav. D, is therefore, incorrect.

48. B A misrepresentation is a false assertion of material fact made for the purpose of induc-
ing the plaintiff's reliance. If the defendant knows that the assertion is false, and dam-
ages result from the plaintiff's justified reliance on it, the defendant may be held liable.
It may be argued successfully that by concealing the crack, Samuels falsely asserted that
it did not exist. No liability will result from that assertion, however, unless Barton relied
on it. A plaintiff relies on a misrepresentation when it is a significant factor in the plain-

tiff's decision. Since Barton discovered the crack, the assertion that it did not exist could
not have been a factor in his decision to buy the car. For that reason, he did not rely on it,
and is not entitled to recover damages.

A is incorrect because a court would probably hold that the affirmative act of concealing
the crack was an assertion that it did not exist. Since Barton did not rely on Samuels's
representation, it does not matter whether such reliance would have been justified. Cis,
therefore, incorrect. Since the facts indicate that Barton was required to spend $500 on
repairs, D is an inaccurate statement of fact and is, therefore, incorrect.

49. D Negligence is the failure to act reasonably in the face of a foreseeable risk created by
defendant's conduct. Since it probably was foreseeable that Barton would show a cus-
tomer the car·after buying it for resale, Samuels owed such customers a duty of reason-
able care which probably was breached by his failure to disclose the crack. Although it
is not certain that a court would come to this conclusion, D is the only argument listed
which could possibly lead to recovery by Poynter.

Battery is committed by intentionally causing the harmful or offensive contact with the
plaintiff. In a battery case, intent means a desire or knowledge that there will be harmful
or offensive contact with the plaintiff or that the plaintiff will become apprehensive of
such contact. Although Samuels knew that the zoobie was cracked, there is no indica-
tion that he desired or knew that the crack would result in harmful or offensive contact
with any person or that it would cause apprehension of such contact. Although these
risks may have been foreseeable, battery liability cannot be imposed without intent. For
this reason, A is incorrect. Misrepresentation liability is imposed only for the benefit of
a plaintiff who justifiably relied on the defendant's false representation. Since Poynter
did not rely on any express or implied statement made by Samuels, B and C are incor-

50. B Under the all-or-nothing rule of contributory negligence, a plaintiff is completely barred
from· recovering damages if his own unreasonable conduct contributed to the occur-
renee. Since Burger saw Arnold in the intersection, it was probably unreasonable, and
therefore contributorily negligent for him to enter the intersection when he did. It is
unnecessary to decide whether this is so, however, because the use of the word "if' in
option B requires the assumption that Burger acted unreasonably. Assuming that he did,
his contributory negligence would provide Arnold with a complete defense.

The doctrine of last clear chance does no more than negate the effect of a plaintiff's con-
tributory negligence. If a defendant had "the last clear chance" to avoid injuring the
plaintiff, the defendant might be held liable in spite of the plaintiff's negligence. The
plaintiff never loses a case, however, simply because that plaintiff had "the last clear
chance" to avoid being injured. A is, therefore, incorrect. C and D are incorrect for two
reasons: first, the presumption which results from a defendant's violation of a statute
(sometimes called negligence per se) may ordinarily be rebutted by proof that the viola-
tion resulted from circumstances beyond the defendant's control; and, second, even if
Arnold could not rebut the presumption that he was negligent, Burger's contributory
negligence is still available to him as a defense.

51. A Although the phrase "AS IS" disclaims implied warranties of merchantability or fitness

for a particular purpose, it does not free a seller from the duty of acting reasonably.
Since it probably was foreseeable that the purchaser of a refrigerator would plug it in
even after being advised that it did not work, Fridge had a duty to take reasonable pre-
cautions against the harm which might result therefrom. If her failure to warn Pally was
unreasonable, it was negligence which was a proximate cause of harm and would result
in liability.

B is incorrect because the phrase "AS IS" is an effective disclaimer of the implied war-
ranty of merchantability (i.e., fitness for ordinary use). C is incorrect because Fridge is
still liable under a negligence theory. D is basedon a misinterpretation of the doctrine of
"last clear chance" which accomplishes nothing more than undoing the effect of a plain-
tiff's contributory negligence. (If a defendant had "the last clear chance" to avoid injur-
ing the plaintiff, the defendant might be liable in spite of the plaintiff's negligence. The
plaintiff never loses a case, however, simply because that plaintiff had "the last clear
chance" to avoid being injured.)

52. B Self defense is a privilege to use reasonable force to defend oneself against a threatened
contact. Reasonable force is that force which would appear necessary to the reasonable
person. Courts generally hold that it is reasonable to use deadly force in defense against
what reasonably appears to be a threat of deadly force.

A is incorrect because it is never reasonable to use deadly force for the sole purpose of
preventing a trespass to land or chattel. C is incorrect because Danker's initial use of
gentle force was privileged in defense of property, making Hunt's response to it a threat-
ened battery. Hunt's trespass did not end when he completed his entry, but continued so
long as he refused to leave in response to Danker's demand. D is, therefore, incorrect.

53. A One who keeps a wild animal is strictly liable for harm which proximately results from
his keeping of it. An animal is "wild" if it comes from a species which cannot ordinarily
be kept safely without special training or restraint. For this purpose, the felicet was a
wild animal even though it had been tamed.

The terms "foreseeable" and "unforeseeable" are mutually exclusive. Thus if the cat's
behavior was unforeseeable, it could not have been foreseeable. B is incorrect for this
reason, and because the foreseeability of harm is not, alone, sufficient to result in liabil,;.
ity. C is incorrect for several reasons: first, res ipsa does not apply in strict liability
cases; second, there is no reason to believe that the injury would not ordinarily have
occurred without negligence; third, res ipsa does not apply when there is direct evidence
of the defendant's conduct. D is incorrect because private nuisance is an interference
with plaintiff's right to use and enjoy realty and there was no interference with Pruitt's
right to use or enjoy realty.

54. D If a product fails to live up to an express assertion of fact which a supplier made about it,
the supplier may be liable without regard to fault on theories of breach of express war-
ranty and misrepresentation (under section 402B of the Restatement (2d) of Torts). For
this purpose, an assertion of fact may be made by the use of models or pictures. The
photo on the box probably was an express assertion that the helmet was suitable for use
as a motorcycle helmet. Since it was not suitable for such use, Helmco is liable for
breach of express warranty and misrepresentation. In addition, strict product liability

may be imposed for damage which results from a defect in a product supplied by defen-
dant. For this purpose, a product is defective if its condition would defeat the reasonable
expectations of the reasonable consumer. Since the photo on the box showed the helmet
being used as a motorcycle helmet, the reasonable person probably would have expected
it to be suitable for such use. Since it was not, Helmco is strictly liable for damage.

A is incorrect because the misrepresentation and strict product liability theories dis-
cussed above do not require privity between defendant and plaintiff, and because under
the express warranty theory, it has been held that the necessary privity exists between
anyone who made the express assertion and anyone who relied on it. B is incorrect
because even if the product was not intended for use as a motorcycle helmet, the photo
on the box probably was an assertion that it was suitable for such use. C is incorrect for
three reasons. First, the jurisdiction's "pure comparative negligence" system would
diminish the plaintiff's recovery in proportion to his own fault, but would not com-
pletely bar that recovery. Second, since the purpose of a motorcycle helmet is to protect
the user in an accident, the defendant's assertion and the reasonable person's expecta-
tion might have been that the helmet would be effective even if the accident was the
wearer's own fault. Third, most jurisdictions hold that comparative negligence is not a
defense to actions which are not based on fault (i.e., breach of warranty, misrepresenta-
tion, strict product liability).

55. A The statute given is typical of the "owner-consent" statute which exists in a number of
jurisdictions. It requires the owner to pay for the tort committed by the driver. Whenever
the law imposes vicarious liability on one for damage which another has caused, the one
who pays is entitled to complete indemnity from the one who should have paid.

B would be correct if the accident resulted from some fault by Ode in addition to that of
Meck, but is incorrect because there is no indication that Ode acted unreasonably. C is
incorrect because there is no factual basis for determining that Ode is himself responsi-
ble for any portion of the loss. D is incorrect because of Ode's right of indemnity.

56. A Negligence is a proximate cause of harm if it is a factual cause of it and if the harm was
a foreseeable result. Miller's negligence is given. It was a factual cause of harm since
the birds would not have died without it. Thus, if the death of the birds was a foresee-
able result, Miller's negligence was a proximate cause.

Since Deal sold the seeds in the same package in which they came, Deal's failure to
inspect them was foreseeable whether or not it was reasonable. B is incorrect because a
foreseeable intervention, even if unreasonable, does not free an antecedent wrongdoer
from liability. Although liability for breach of warranty may require privity, the theories
of negligence and strict liability in tort do not. C is, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect
because strict liability is imposed on the seller of a product which is in a defective con-
dition when sold, without regard to the possibility that some other seller of the same
product might be liable. Thus a manufacturer and retailer of a defective product may be
jointly and severally liable as joint tortfeasors.

57. D Strict liability is imposed on the seller of a product which is in a defective condition
when sold. A product is defective if its condition would defeat the reasonable expecta-
tions of the reasonable consumer. If it was reasonable for Quill to believe that he could

eat the seeds without being made ill, then the fact that the seeds were poisonous made
them defective.

A is incorrect because the negligence of a manufacturer is not imputed to a retailer.

Proof that the product was defective when sold is not proof that the seller acted unrea-
sonably in selling it. Since negligence liability is imposed only for unreasonable con-
duct, B is incorrect. An express warranty is an assertion of fact which is made in words.
All that the phrase "Mayflower Seeds" expresses is that the contents are "Mayflower
Seeds." Any assertion that they are fit for consumption is made impliedly rather than
expressly. C is, therefore, incorrect.

58. C Although strict liability is liability without fault, most jurisdictions agree that any loss
which results from the sale of a defective product should ultimately be borne by the
manufacturer of that product. Thus, even though Deal may be held liable for furnishing
a defective product, he should be entitled to receive full indemnification from Miller so
long as he was, himself, free from fault in causing the loss.

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because the right to indemnification does not
depend on whom the injured party chooses to sue. D is incorrect because unlike contri-
bution, indemnification is a right recognized by the common law.

59. A Since the coming of a rescuer is generally viewed as a foreseeable result of peril, negli-
gence which causes peril is often held to be a breach of a duty owed to a rescuer. Thus,
if Sal's negligence caused the need for Ralph to rescue him, it was a breach of duty
owed to Ralph.

B is incorrect because if Sal had not acted negligently, there would be no basis for hold-
ing him liable to Ralph. The phrase "danger invites rescue" is often used to explain why
one who imperils another owes a duty of reasonable care to a rescuer attracted by that
peril. If that principle had any application to these facts, it would be to establish liability,
not to free Sal from such liability. C is, therefore, incorrect. An intervening cause does
not prevent an antecedent wrongdoer from being liable unless the intervention was
unforeseeable. D is, therefore, incorrect.

60. B There is some question about whether it is defamatory to say that a person is impover-
ished or on the verge of bankruptcy. But even if Dentin's statement was defamatory, it
was oral and, therefore, classified as slander. Ordinarily, there is no liability for slander
unless the plaintiff establishes actual damage to his reputation. Since Thurston did not
believe what Dentin told him, there was no damage to Prann's reputation, and Dentin
will not be held liable for saying it.

A is incorrect because mental suffering is not an essential element of defamation. Since

liability for defamation is imposed on the publisher of a defamatory statement, the fact
that Dentin was only repeating what he heard would not, alone, protect him against lia-
bility. C is, therefore, incorrect. Since publication is defined as communication to any
person other than the plaintiff, D is incorrect.

61. C Since negligence is defined as a failure to act reasonably in the face of a foreseeable
risk, Woolco cannot be called negligent if the reasonable person in its situation would

not have acted any differently than it did.

Assumption of the risk requires that the plaintiff have knowledge of the risk which he is
voluntarily encountering. Since there is no indication that Pullo knew of the risks asso-
ciated with exposure to plastic wool, A is incorrect. B is incorrect because Woolco's
lack of knowledge would not prevent liability if the reasonable person in Woolco's situ-
ation would have known. Workers' compensation may be the exclusive remedy against
an injured party's employer, but since Pullo did not work for Woolco, D is incorrect.

62. B A claim for private nuisance can be asserted only by a plaintiff who claims that the
defendant's conduct interfered with his use and enjoyment of realty in which he has a
present or future possessory interest. Since Gro held a leasehold interest and Laird a
reversion, they can successfully assert a private nuisance claim.

A is incorrect because as a tenant, Gro had sufficient interest in the realty. C and D are
incorrect because since Edwards was only an employee of Gro's, he lacked the property
interest necessary to the assertion of the claim.

63. B A private individual can successfully assert a claim for public nuisance only if the harm
which she sustained was different from that sustained by the general public (i.e., "partic-
ular" harm). Since no fact indicates this to be so of Packer, she may not assert the public
nuisance claim.

A is incorrectbecause if Packer had sustained "particular" harm, the decision of the City
Attorney would not prevent her from suing for damages. Although it is generally held
that a private individual may not seek an injunction on a public nuisance theory, C is
incorrect because there are other theories on which a private individual may receive an
injunction against environmental polluters. D is incorrect because a private individual
who sustains particular harm as result of a public nuisance may sue for damages.

64. A Trespass to chattel is intentional interference with the plaintiff's chattel resulting in
damage. For this purpose, intent consists of a desire or knowledge that the chattel will
be involved, without regard to whether the defendant knows that the chattel is the plain-
tiff's or that the plaintiff's rights are being violated. Interference can consist of any act
regarding the chattel which only its rightful possessor is entitled to perform. Since Dar-
ren desired to take that particular coat, she had the necessary intent, regardless of her
belief that the coat was her own. Since only Perdu was entitled to take the coat, Darren
interfered with it. Since the coat was destroyed while Darren possessed it, her interfer-
ence resulted in damage to Perdu. Darren is, therefore, liable to Perdu for trespass to

B is incorrect because the tort was committed when Darren took the coat and the tort led
to the coat's destruction. In trespass to chattel, intent does not require knowledge that
the chattel belongs to another or thatthe defendant's act will affect the rights of another.
C is, therefore, incorrect. Trespass to chattel was committed when Darren took the coat.
If she had succeeded in returning the coat, damages might have been mitigated (i.e.,
reduced), but the tort would not have been undone. D is incorrect because her unsuc-
cessful attempt to return the coat could not even mitigate damages.

65. C Liability is imposed on a defendant for damage which was proximately caused by
defendant's negligence. Since it is given that Mercy was negligent in keeping Penler
waiting 6 hours, it is necessary to determine whether that negligence was a proximate
cause of his injury in the earthquake. Conduct is a proximate cause of harm if it was a
factual and legal cause of that harm. Conduct is a factual cause of harm if the harm
would not have occurred without it. Since Penler would not have been struck by the
debris which fell in the earthquake if he had not been present, the delay occasioned by
Mercy's negligence was a factual cause of his injury. If conduct is a factual cause of
harm, it is a legal cause ifthe harm was foreseeable. Thus, ifit was foreseeable that Pen-
ler would be injured by an earthquake, Mercy's negligence was a legal cause of that
injury and Mercy is liable for it. Otherwise, Mercy is not liable.

"Good Samaritan" statutes, where they exist, only protect doctors who voluntarily ren-
der emergency aid at the scenes of accidents. A is, therefore, incorrect. Although the lia-
bility of an antecedent wrongdoer might depend on whether subsequent intervention
was foreseeable, since Doc's conduct preceded Mercy's, Mercy's liability does not
depend on whether Doc's conduct was foreseeable. B is, therefore, incorrect. D is too
absolute a statement to be correct. Even if a hospital owes its patients some duty with
respect to natural disasters, that duty is only to act reasonably in the face of them.

66. D It is given that Doc's conduct was negligent. Even if a defendant's conduct was negli-
gent, however, the defendant is not liable for the plaintiff's injuries unless they were
proximately caused by that conduct. Conduct is a proximate cause of an injury if it is a
factual and legal cause of the injury. Conduct is a factual cause of injury if the injury
would not have occurred without it. Since Penler would not have been in the hospital
and injured by the falling of the hospital structure except for Doc's conduct, Doc's con-
duct was a factual cause of Penler's injury. If conduct was a factual cause of harm, it was
a legal cause of that harm if the harm was foreseeable and not brought about by super-
seding intervening causes. An intervening cause of harm is superseding if it was unfore-
seeable or independent of the risks created by the defendant's conduct. Thus, if the
earthquake was an independent intervening cause of Penler's fractured skull, it was a
superseding cause which prevented Doc's negligence from being a legal or proximate
cause of the fractured skulL

A establishes that Doc's conduct was a factual cause of the fractured skull, but is incor-
rect because it does not deal with the problem of legal cause. Doc's conduct was not a
legal cause of the fractured skull unless the fractured skull was a foreseeable result of
it. The fact that the wait might have been foreseeable does not make the fractured skull
foreseeable. B is therefore incorrect. C establishes that the presence of the cherry pit
was a factual cause of Penler's injury, but does not establishthat Doc's conduct was not
also a cause of it. C is, therefore, incorrect.

67. D If the seller of a product knows the buyer's purpose in buying it, and knows also that the
buyer is relying on the seller's skill in selecting a product to suit that purpose, the sale is
accompanied by an implied warranty that the product is fit for the buyer's particular pur-
pose (VCC §2-315), even where that purpose is identical to the ordinary use of such a
product. I is, therefore, incorrect. Similarly, even where the implied warranty of fitness
for the buyer's particular purpose is present, the implied warranty of merchantability
accompanies every sale by a merchant (VCC §2-314) unless it is effectively disclaimed.

II is therefore incorrect.

68. D Comcorp is not liable for harm unless its conduct was a factual and legal cause of it. Its
conduct was a factual cause of harm only if the harm would not have occurred without
it. If the force of the collision would have caused a good pole to fall, then the fact that
the pole was rotten is not a factual cause of its falling.

A and B are incorrect because they do not establish that Comcorp's conduct was a fac-
tual cause of harm, and liability cannot be imposed unless it was. If Comcorp's conduct
was a factual cause of harm, Driver's intervention might be a superseding cause which
protects Comcorp from liability, but only if the intervention was unforeseeable. This
does not necessarily depend on whether it was criminal or grossly negligent. C is, there-
fore, incorrect.

69. A The statute given is typical of the "pure comparative negligence" approach. Since Zell's
loss amounted to $10,000, and since it was 40% by his own fault, 40% of $10,000 (or
$4,000) must be deducted from his recovery. The balance which he is entitled to collect
is $6,000.

70. D The statute given is typical of the "modified" comparative negligence approach. A
deduction is made from the plaintiff's recovery based on the percentage of fault which
was the plaintiff's. But if the plaintiff's fault exceeds the defendant's, the plaintiff
receives nothing. Since the jury found Andrews to be 60% at fault, he can recover noth-

71. C The statute given is typical of the "modified" comparative negligence approach. Since
Petro was not at fault at all, however, it has no relevance to her rights. No matter what
approach a jurisdiction takes to contributory or comparative negligence, most agree that
joint tortfeasors are jointly and severally liable to the injured plaintiff. In this case, the
court specifically held that Andrews and Zell are jointly and severally liable. This means
that Petro can collect all her damage from Andrews, or Zell, or the two of them in any

72. A Strict liability is imposed on the seller of a product which is in a defective condition
when sold. Since the bolt was cracked when the sled left the Rosebud factory, Rosebud
would be held liable if the crack constituted a defect.

B and C are incorrect because the use and/or sale by Michael would not prevent the
imposition of strict liability if the sled was defective when it left Rosebud's factory, so
long as such use or sale did not substantially change its condition. D is incorrect because
strict liability in tort does not depend on unreasonable conduct by the defendant.

73. A Negligence is the failure to act as the reasonable person would act in the face of risks
which are foreseeable or known to exist. Since the reasonable person would not ordi-
narily subject others to unnecessary risks, it would probably have been unreasonable
(i.e., negligent) for Less to subject Clyde to the danger of a defective elevator if Less
knew or should have known of the danger.

However, if Less did not act unreasonably, he would not be negligent even though he

occupied the entire second floor. Thus, B is incorrect. Ordinarily obligations in a lease
flow only between parties to that lease. Some jurisdictions hold that a landlord's lease
obligation to keep premises in good repair may impose on the landlord a duty to invitees
of tenants. C is incorrect, however, because Less continues to be liable for the proximate
results of his own negligence even though Lord might also be liable. While a tenant
might not have an obligation to repair the leased premises, D is incorrect because Less
might be liable for his negligence in allowing Clyde to use the elevator.

74. C Even if a defendant's conduct is negligent, the defendarttis Ilotliablefor the plaintiff's
injuries unless they were proximately caused by that conduct. Conduct is a proximate
cause of harm if it was a factual and legal cause of the harm. Conduct is a factual cause
of harm if the harm would not have occurred without it. Since Clyde would not have
been hurt if Lord had fixed or warned him about the elevator, Lord's failure to do so was
a factual cause of Clyde's injuries. Conduct which is a factual cause of harm is a legal
cause if the harm was a foreseeable result of it and not brought about by an unforesee-
able intervening cause (i.e., a superseding cause). Since Clyde would not have been hurt
if Less had not permitted him to use the elevator, Less's conduct was also a cause of
Clyde's injury. Thus, if it was not foreseeable that Less would permit Clyde to use the
elevator, Less's conduct was a superseding cause of Clyde's injury, and Lord's failure to
repair or warn Clyde about it was not. While it is not certain that a court would come to
this conclusion, C is the only argument listed which could possibly support Lord's

Although Lord's promise to repair the elevator might not be enforceable by Clyde, A is
not an effective argument because, apart from the promise, one who holds realty owes a
duty of reasonable care to invitees. An invitee is a person whose presence confers an
economic benefit on the landholder. Clyde was Less's client, and Less would not have
rented space in the building unless his clients could come to see him there. For this rea-
son, Clyde's presence did confer an economic benefit on Lord, and Clyde was Lord's
invitee. (Note: It is usually held that invitees of a tenant are also invitees of the land-
lord.) B is, therefore, incorrect. Although an unforeseeable intervening cause may be
superseding (i.e., prevent the antecedent wrongdoer from being liable), the fact that it
was unreasonable is not sufficient to make it superseding. D is, therefore, incorrect.

75. C One who enters the realty of another to retrieve a chattel which got there through no
fault of her own has a qualified privilege to do so, but must compensate the landholder
for any actual damage which results.

A and D are, therefore, incorrect. Unless damage to the realty of another results from
participation in an abnormally dangerous activity, liability for it is imposed only if the
entry resulted from fault (i.e., was intentional or negligent). Since transporting gravel is
not an abnormally dangerous activity, and since the gravel was spilled without any fault
on the part of Trokker, Trokker is not liable for damage resulting from spilling the
gravel. B is, therefore, incorrect.

76. D One who voluntarily encounters a known risk assumes that risk, and is not entitled to
damages resulting from it.

A, B, and C are all incorrect since assumption of risk is available as a defense in claims

based on negligence or strict liability. In addition, B is incorrect because horses are not
regarded as wild animals, and C is incorrect because the fact that Parte, a professional
horse trainer, had been warned of the animal's propensity indicates that Stabel's conduct
was reasonable.

77. A The phrase "AS IS" disclaims the implied warranty of merchantability. In addition, it
may be argued that it modifies any express warranties or representations which resulted
from Dann's assurance that he believed the car to be in good condition, and that it would
have placed the reasonable consumer on notice that the car might not be in good condi-
tion. In any event, A contains the only combination of conclusion and reason which are
reasonably related to each other.

B is incorrect because all jurisdictions permit an action for breach of the implied war-
ranty of merchantability to be brought by any member of the purchaser's household. C
and D are incorrect because the phrase "AS IS" disclaimed the implied warranty that the
car was fit for ordinary use.

78. A A judgment for conversion effects a forced sale, requiring the defendant to pay plaintiff
the value which the chattel had at the time it was converted, and making the defendant
the owner of it upon satisfying the judgment. A court might find that Doane converted
the car by leaving it in the sun, by driving it 4,000 miles on his own personal business,
or by painting it a different color without Percy's permission. If so, Percy would be enti-
tled to recover from Doane the value which the car had immediately prior to the act
which constituted a conversion. Since the car's value did not change while in Doane's
pos~ession, the value whi,ch it had at the time it was delivered to him would be the cor-
rect measure of damage no matter which of his acts is found to have been a conversion.

Because a judgment for conversion effects a forced sale as of the time the act of conver-
sion was committed, the plaintiff is not entitled to collect additional sums for damage
done to the chattel or for benefits received by the defendant as a result of the conversion.
B, C, and D are, therefore, incorrect.

79. D Negligence is unreasonable conduct. If Drubb did not act unreasonably, it could not
have been negligent. Although a court might not come to this conclusion, the argument
in D is the only one listed which could possibly support Drubb's defense.

A is incorrect because contributory negligence is unreasonable conduct by a plaintiff. In

this case the plaintiff is Puella, not Clener. Band C are incorrect because an intervening
cause of harm does not cut off a wrongdoer's liability unless that intervening cause was

80. A If the harm to Puella was foreseeable, then Mato had a duty to act reasonably in the face
of it. His failure to do so would constitute negligence, for which he may be liable to
Puella. Although a court might not come to this conclusion, the argument in A is the
only one listed which could possibly support Puella's claim.

Strict liability is imposed on the seller of a defective product, but since Mato did not sell
the Term-Aid pellets to Clener, B is incorrect. Although in the absence of privity a man-
ufacturer's duty to act reasonably in designing or producing a product once existed only

if the product was an inherently dangerous one, the courts now impose that duty on the
manufacturers of all products. For this reason, the question of whether a product is
inherently dangerous is no longer of any importance, and C is incorrect. Unless Mato
was negligent, questions of causation are irrelevant. D is, therefore, incorrect.

81. B A landholder is entitled to use reasonable force to prevent a trespass. Serious or deadly
force is not regarded as reasonable, however, since human life is so much more valuable
than mere property. The use of such force is therefore a battery.

Negligence is the breach of a duty of reasonable care owed by the defendant to the
plaintiff. Ordinarily, a defendant owes a plaintiff a duty of reasonable care if the defen-
dant's conduct creates a foreseeable risk to the plaintiff. Thus, if the risk to persons
entering on legitimate business was foreseeable, Houser owed a duty of reasonable care
to such persons. This does not mean that he owed such a duty to everyone, however, or
that he owed it to Burg. A is incorrect for this reason, and because of a rule applied by
most jurisdictions that a landholder owes no duty of reasonable care to trespassers. C is
incorrect because no rule of law prohibits the use of mechanical devices unless they
inflict excessive force. Although courts have made statements like that in D, it is irrele-
vant here since the device did not injure an innocent bystander. D is, therefore, incorrect.

82. A An intentional exercise of dominion and control over a chattel by defendant is a conver-
sion if the plaintiff was lawfully entitled to possession of the chattel, and if he was
thereby damaged. In a conversion case, "intent" means a desire (or knowledge with cer-
tainty) that the defendant's act will affect the particular chattel involved. In this case,
Ina's desire to make the television hers and to carry it off satisfies the intent requirement
even though it was reasonable for her to believe that the sale was legitimate.

B and C are, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect since the plaintiff need not be in posses-
sion of the chattel at .the time of conversion, so long as he had a right to possess it.

83. A Consent (i.e., willingness) is a defense to all intentional torts. While it is not likely that
this inference would be drawn, it would give Wanda a complete privilege if it was.

B is incorrect because the plaintiff has a right to elect whether to sue for conversion or
trespass to chattel. C is incorrect because Ina's liability would not prevent Wanda from
being liable as well. The remedy for trespass to chattel is money damage. D is therefore

84. B A guest rides free. If something of value - like rides on alternate days - is given in
return for passage, courts will conclude that the passenger was not a guest for purposes
of the automobile guest statute.

In a negligence claim, the existence of insurance coverage is not relevant in determining

liability. A is incorrect for this reason, and because the "guest" statute was originally
created to protect insurance companies against collusive claims. Recklessness or aggra-
vated negligence is usually held to be actionable in the face of a statute which prohibits
actions for negligence. C is incorrect, however, because the facts do not indicate the
conscious disregard of an obvious and serious risk which aggravated negligence
requires. D is probably an accurate statement. It is incorrect, however, because it does

not justify non-enforcement of the statute.

85. D Negligence means failing to act like the reasonable person. If Draiv can convince the
trier of the facts that the reasonable person occasionally takes his eyes off the road while
driving, and that his conduct was therefore not negligent. Pack's negligence action
against him will fail. While a court might not come to this conclusion, D is the only
argument listed which might be effective in Draiv's defense.

A is incorrect because assumption of the risk requires a voluntary encounter with a

known risk. For this purpose, a risk is "known" if the plaintiff is substantially certain
that harm will probably occur. Recognition of a possibility of harm is not sufficient. B is
incorrect because, although it establishes that the other car's sudden stop was a cause of
the accident, that does not mean that Draiv's conduct was not also a cause. C is incorrect
since the special rules about duties owed to licensees applies only to accidents which
occur on a defendant's land.

86. B If the defect in a product was a factual case of harm, it was a legal cause of that harm if
the harm was foreseeable and not brought about by unforeseeable intervening causes.
Thus, if it was unforeseeable that a person with Charles's training would direct an
untrained person to use the Res-Nibbler, Charles's intervention would prevent any
defect in the product from being regarded as a proximate cause of the harm to Fred.
Although a court might not conclude that Charles's conduct was unforeseeable, the
argument in B is the only one listed which could possibly be effective in Respro's

Strict liability may be imposed regardless of whether the defendant was negligent. Since
the basis of Fred's action is a claim that the product was defective (i.e., strict liability in
tort), the fact that Respro acted reasonably would not furnish it with an effective
defense. A is, therefore, incorrect. A plaintiff assumes the risk when he knows of it and
voluntarily encounters it. Since Fred had never heard of the Res-Nibbler before, he
could not have known of the risk or assumed it. C is, therefore, incorrect. An interven-
ing cause of harm is one which came between the defendant's conduct and the plaintiff.
It is "independent" if it is not related to the risk created by the defendant. D is incorrect
for two reasons: First, a plaintiff's own conduct is not usually regarded as an intervening
cause of harm; and second, since Fred's assertion is that the device was defective
because it failed to carry a warning, the risk that an untrained person would use it is not
an independent one.

87. A It was probably unreasonable for Charles (who knew the dangers connected with the use
of the product by an untrained person) to permit Fred (whom he knew to be untrained)
to use the product. Although a court might not find that Charles was negligent, A is the
only theory listed which could result in a judgment for Ponder.

Unless Charles had a substantial certainty that harm would result, he lacked the intent to
make him liable for battery. B is, therefore, incorrect. Strict products liability is imposed
only on a professional supplier of a defective product. Since Charles was not in the busi-
ness of supplying Res-Nibblers, C is incorrect. D is incorrect because res ipsa only per-
mits an inference of negligence to be drawn from the circumstances when there is no
direct evidence of the defendant's conduct.

88. B Since it is given that the injury to Polly's nose resulted from Dr. Glass's negligence, Dr.
Glass is liable for it.

It is, of course, possible for harm to have more than one proximate cause. Thus, even if
Nancy's conduct was a proximate cause of the injury, Dr. Glass's conduct may also be a
cause of it, making Dr. Glass liable as a joint tortfeasor. (In most jurisdictions, joint tort-
feasors are jointly and severally liable.) A is, therefore, incorrect. Conduct is a factual
cause of harm if the harm would not have occurred without it. Since the injuries to
Polly's elbow and shoulder would have occurred even without the negligence of Dr.
Glass, his conduct was not a factual cause of those injuries, and Dr. Glass could not be
held liable for them. C and D are, therefore, incorrect.

89. C A defendant is liable for damage which was proximately caused by her negligence. A
defendant's conduct is a proximate cause of harm if it is a factual and legal cause of that
harm. Conduct is a factual cause of harm if the harm would not have occurred without
it. Since Polly would not have sustained any injuries at all were it not for Nancy's negli-
gence, Nancy's negligence is a factual cause of all her injuries. Conduct which is a fac-
tual cause of harm is a legal cause of that harm if the harm was foreseeable and not
brought about by unforeseeable or independent interventions. Courts usually hold that
in treating injuries inflicted by a defendant, the malpractice of a physician is neither
unforeseeable nor independent of the conduct which caused the initial injuries. For this
reason, all complications caused by the malpractice of Drs. Glass and Bonz were proxi-
mately caused by Nancy, making Nancy liable for them. C is, therefore, correct. (Note:
The negligent doctors may also be held liable as joint tortfeasors.)

90. A One who holds himself out to be an attorney, even if unlicensed, is required to act like
the reasonable attorney. If Lipp did not, he will be held liable for damages which proxi-
mately resulted.

Negligence does not lead to liability unless it is a cause of damage. Thus, although vio-
lation of a statute sometimes results in a presumption of negligence, it does not result in
liability unless it was a cause of the plaintiff's damage. Negligence is not a cause of
damage which would have occurred without it. Since licensed attorneys sometimes lose
cases, it cannot be said that Lipp would not have lost the case if he had had a license. B
and C are incorrect for this reason, and because courts usually hold that violation of a
licensing statute does not result in a presumption of negligence. D is incorrect because
even though an attorney does not guarantee results, he is liable for damages which result
from his negligence.

91. C Consent means willingness, and the affirmative defense of consent is effective because
of the rule that a plaintiff who is willing for a particular thing to happen to her has no
right to complain when it does. For this reason, a defendant does not commit a tort when
he does something to which the plaintiff has consented. If the defendant induces her
consent by fraud, however, the consent does not have this effect, and does not privilege
the defendant's conduct. A defendant induces consent by fraud when he knowingly mis-
represents the nature of the act to which the plaintiff is consenting. Thus, if Dr. Hypno
told Penny that the cattle prod would produce no real discomfort when he knew that this
was false, he fraudulently induced her consent to contact with it, and was not privileged

by her consent.

In A, Penny consented to the contact even though she was aware that Dr. Hypno was not
always successful in hypnotizing volunteers and that if he was not successful in hypno-
tizing her, the cattle prod might cause discomfort. Since she knew the nature of the act
to which she was consenting, her consent would furnish Dr. Hypno with a privilege. A
is, therefore, incorrect. In B, although Dr. Hypno defrauded Penny by promising money
which he did not intend to pay, the fraud did not relate to the nature of the act to which
she was consenting. He would, therefore, be privileged by her consent, and B is, there-
fore, incorrect. A mistake which induces consent does not destroy the effect of that con-
sent unless the defendant is aware of the mistake. Since there is no indication in D that
Dr. Hypno was aware of Penny's mistake regarding the effect of a cattle prod, her con-
sent privileged him, and D is, therefore, incorrect.

92. A A statement is defamatory if it is likely to cause a substantial group of respectable peo-

ple to lose respect for the person about whom it is made. A statement that Speeger drank
a large quantity of alcohol might be defamatory because many people regard such con-
duct as disreputable, and because it implies that Speeger's public statements were dis-
honest. A statement that she drank a large quantity of fruit juice clearly would not be
defamatory. If an allegedly defamatory statement is ambiguous (i.e., has two possible
meanings) it is held to mean what the reasonable person would think it means. Thus, the
statements made in the photo and caption would not have been defamatory if the reason-
able person wold have believed them to mean that Speeger drank fruit juice. If the rea-
sonable person would have read the story, she or he would have known that this was
what the statements in the photo and caption meant.

Band C are incorrect because the standard used to determine the meaning of an ambig-
uous statement is objective, and does not depend on what any particular group of per-
sons thought. D is incorrect because if the reasonable person would not have read the
story, the photo and caption might mean that Speeger had drunk a large quantity of alco-
hol, and thus might be a defamatory statement.

93. D Liability for misrepresentation may be.imposed upon a defendant who makes an inten-
tionally (or, in some jurisdictions, negligently) false assertion of fact upon which the
plaintiff justifiably relies to his detriment. Strong's only assertion of fact was that he ate
Power candy bars for energy. There is no indication, however, that this assertion was
false. Strong made no assertion about the flavor of the candy bar, so even if Purlie's dis-
like of the flavor can be regarded as damage, it is not damage which proximately
resulted from his reliance on an assertion by Strong.

A is incorrect because misrepresentation liability can be imposed on anyone who makes

a misrepresentation, and also because the facts indicate that Strong is in the business of
selling Power candy. If Strong's statements were misrepresentations, the fact that he
said them could result in liability even though they were written by someone else. B is,
therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because liability for intentional misrepresentation
may be imposed to benefit anyone who was damaged by his justified reliance on the
misrepresentation, regardless of privity.

94. B Although blasting is generally recognized to be an ultra-hazardous activity, strict liabil-


ity applies only to harm which resulted from the risks which made the activity ultra-haz-
ardous. The possibility of noise frightening animals accompanies a great many activities
which are not ultra-hazardous, so it is probably not one of the risks which makes blast-
ing ultra-hazardous.

A is incorrect because Horace's phone call announcing that harm was occurring on his
farm made it foreseeable that harm would continue to occur there if the activity was
continued. C isincorrect because strict liability may be imposed even though the defen-
dant acted reasonably. While Blass'· relationship with Constructo might impose liability
on Constructo as well, it would not relieve Blass fromliability for his acts. D is, there-
fore, incorrect.

95. C An invitee is one whose presence confers an economic benefit on the landholder. That
which enables a tenant to do business on the premisesc()nfers economic benefit on the
landholder by making the premises attractive to the tenant. This applies to the presence
of tenant's employees, and makes them invitees of the landlord. I is therefore an accu-
rate statement. Contributory (comparative) negligence is unreasonable conduct by the
plaintiff. If the reasonable person in Hirt's shoes would have seen and avoided the dan-
gerous condition, then Hirt's failure to do so was negligent. IT iS,therefore, an accurate

96. C Under the doctrine of respondeat superior, an employer is vicariously liable for the neg-
ligence of an employee committed within the scope of employment. An employee is
acting within the scope of employment if her conduct is intended to further the interests
of her employer and if her employer has a right to control her conduct. Since Spec was
attempting to find out whether the drapes were fire retardant, which was part of what
City hired her to do, and since City had the right to tell her how to test drapes, she was
acting within the scope of her employment even if she was violating· specific instruc-
tions which she received from City.

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is a fabrication with no basis in law, since even when an
employee's conduct is unsupervised, respondeat superior may result in the imposition of
vicarious liability on her employer. D is incorrect because under respondeat superior an
employer is only vicariously liable for that for which the employee is liable.

97. C It may have been unreasonable for David to leave his keys in the ignition. If so, he was
negligent. Even if his conduct was not unreasonable, his violation of the ignition key
statute may result in a presumption of negligence if the statute was designed to prevent
accidents involving stolen cars. Negligence does not result in liability, however, unless it
is a proximate (i.e., factual and legal) cause of harm. Conduct is a factual cause of harm
if the harm would not have occurred without it. Since Kidd probably would not have
stolen David's car and struck Pell with it had David not left his key in the ignition,
David's conduct was a factual cause of Pell's injury. A factual cause of harm is a legal
cause if the harm was foreseeable and not brought about by an unforeseeable interven-
ing cause (i.e., a superseding cause). Since the accident would not have occurred with-
outKidd's conduct and since Kidd's conduct came between David's conduct and Pell's
injury, it was an intervening cause. If it was unforeseeable, it Was a superseding cause of
Pell's harm, and David's conduct was not a proximate cause of it. Thus, Pell will lose
his case against David unless it is found that Kidd's intervention was foreseeable.

Even if David's conduct was reasonable, his violation of statute might result in a pre-
sumption of negligence. A is, therefore, incorrect. Even if the violation of statute does
not result in a presumption of negligence, David's conduct might have been unreason-
able and, therefore, negligent. B is, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because an inter-
vening cause of harm is not superseding unless it was unforeseeable.

98. A Appropriation of identity is committed when the defendant, without the plaintiff's per-
mission, uses the plaintiff's identity for conunercial purpose. Since Frank sold games
which were imprinted with the governor's likeness, a court could conclude that he is lia-
ble for appropriation.

Public disclosure is. committed when the defendant publicly discloses a private fact
about the plaintiff, the disclosure of which would offend the reasonable person in the
plaintiff's position. Since a photo of the governor's face as it appeared in a public place
is obviously not a private fact, B is incorrect. Intrusion is committed by intentionally
invading the plaintiff's private space in a manner which would offend the reasonable
person in the plaintiff's position. Since Frank snapped the photo in a public place, he did
not invade the governor's private space, and C is incorrect. False light is committed by
publishing false statements about the plaintiff which, although not defamatory, are in
some way embarrassing or damaging. Since Frank did not publish any statements about
the governor, D is incorrect.

99. D False imprisonment requires intentional confinement, which is an overcoming of the

plaintiff's will to leave. Since a sleeping person has no will to leave, Peter was not con-
fined by the locked door.

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is based on an inaccurate statement since the risk probably
was not a foreseeable one, but is incorrect in any event because false imprisonment
requires intent. If Hardy intentionally confined Peter, she would be held liable for all the
harm which foreseeably resulted. C is incorrect, however, because she did not confine

100. A In a defamation action by a private person against a professional publisher (media

defendant) the plaintiff must prove either actual malice or negligence. If the Globe knew
the statement to be false, it had actual malice. If the reasonable publisher would have
known the statement to be false, the Globe acted negligently.

B describes actual malice and is incorrect because a plaintiff who is not a. public person
is not required to prove actual malice. C is incorrect because no liability can be imposed
unless the Globe knew or reasonably should have known that the statement was false. D
is incorrect since the Supreme Court has specifically indicated that liability without
fault cannot be imposed in an action for defamation against a professional (media defen-
dant) publisher.

101. D A statement is defamatory if it would lead a substantial group of respectable people to

associate the person about whom it is said with shame or disgrace.

A is incorrect since a judgment for Preech will not violate either the Establishment

Clause or the Free Exercise Clause. B is incorrect because what matters is what a sub-
stantial group of respectable people would believe about the plaintiff as a result of the
statement. The fact that a substantial group of right-thinking people would not associate
the plaintiff with shame or disgrace does not prevent the statement from being defama-
tory if there is also a substantial group of respectable people who would. C is, therefore,

102. A Most states permit a plaintiff to succeed in an action for libel without proof of actual
damage, but the United·States Supreme Court has indicated that unless malice is shown,
actual damage must be proved. If editors of the Globe knew that the statement was false,
they had the requisite malice.

When a plaintiff in a defamation case is required to plead and prove actual damage, he
must show harm to his reputation. Since "reputation" involves the opinion that other
people have of the plaintiff, proof that he became ill upon reading the statement which
was made about him does not satisfy that requirement. B is incorrect for this reason, and
because even if Preech did sustain the necessary harm, it was not pleaded in his com-
plaint. C would establish "malice" in its traditional sense, but would not satisfy the
Supreme Court's requirement because in defamation actions "actual malice" means
either that the defendant knew the statement was false, or that it entertained serious
doubts about whether the statement was true. D is incorrect because actual damage must
always be proved in the absence of malice (or at least negligence) in the case of a private
person suing a media defendant.

103. B A professional supplier who sells a product in a defective condition is strictly liable for
harm which proximately results from the defect. Thus, if the defect in the machine was
a proximate cause of Worker's injury, Mashco is strictly liable for it.

A is incorrect because Worker's rights against Mashco are independent of any rights she
might have against her employer. C is incorrect because the machine was defective
when Mashco placed it in the stream of commerce, and nothing happened to change its
condition thereafter. The unreasonable conduct of an intervenor is not a superseding
cause of harm unless it is unforeseeable. D is, therefore, incorrect.

104. D Negligence is the failure to act reasonably in the face of a foreseeable risk. If the risk
was not foreseeable, Mashco's failure to guard against it was not negligence.

A is incorrect since an expert is only expected to know that which the reasonable expert
would know. If the risk that it will wear out was not foreseeable, knowledge that harm
would occur if it did wear out does not result in a duty to protect against its wearing out.
B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because Worker's action is based on negligence.

105. A Holders of land owe a duty of reasonable care to travelers who foreseeably deviate onto
the land for reasons related to their use of the adjacent public way.

B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because although the reason given explains why
Basil's conduct was not negligent, it fails to explain why he had no duty. Although a
landholder generally owes no duty of reasonable care to a trespasser, D is incorrect
because a strayed traveler as described above is entitled to reasonable care as an excep-

tion to the general rule.

106. A Although damage is not an essential element of an action for trespass to land, it is an
essential element of a negligence action. Since there is no indication that Basil was
damaged, A is correct.

B is incorrect because even in an emergency a person is expected to act as the reason-

able person would under the circumstances (although conduct which would ordinarily
be regarded as unreasonable might be reasonable in an emergency). While necessity is a
defense to actions for intentional tort, it is not a defense to actions founded in negli-
gence. C is, therefore, incorrect. D is probably an accurate statement, but its effect is to
impose a duty of reasonable care on Basil, not to relieve Alice of liability for negli-

107. C Conduct is a factual cause of harm if the harm would not have occurred without it. Since
medical assistance was summoned just a moment later, and since the facts do not indi-
cate that Truck was worse off for the momentary delay, Carp's failure to summon aid
was not a cause of harm.

Most jurisdictions agree that a landholder owes no duty of reasonable care to a tres-
passer. When the landholder knows of the trespasser's presence, however, and knows
that the trespasser has been imperiled by some affirmative act of the landholder, the
landholder does have a duty to act reasonably to protect the trespasser from that act.
Since Carp knew that his act of throwing the hammer created the need for aid, he proba-
bly did owe Truck a duty to act reasonably in summoning it. A is, therefore, incorrect.
Punitive damages may be available against a defendant who intended harm by his act.
Intent requires a substantial certainty that the harm will probably occur, however.
Knowledge that harm is possible is not intent, and is not sufficient to result in liability
for punitive damages. B is, therefore, incorrect. A user of the public way who enters
upon private land foreseeably and in connection with his use of the public way is enti-
tled to some measure of reasonable care. D is incorrect, however, because he does not
thereby become an invitee, and, further, because Truck's entry onto Carp's realty was
not connected with Truck's use of the public way.

108. A Negligence is a breach of the duty of reasonable care. Most cases hold that a defendant
does not owe a duty of reasonable care unless it is foreseeable (i.e., the reasonable per-
son would anticipate) that his act will cause harm. If it was reasonable for Carp to
believe that his act would cause no harm, he owed no duty of reasonable care. If Carp
owed no duty of reasonable care, Carp could not have been negligent.

B is incorrect because custom does not determine what reasonable care is. Although
Truck's contributory negligence might prevent him from recovering, there is no indica-
tion that Truck's failure to see the hammer was negligent. C is, therefore, incorrect. D is
incorrect because of the rule that a defendant takes the plaintiff as he finds him. (Note:
What this means is that if an injury to the plaintiff is foreseeable, the full extent of that
injury is foreseeable even though some special sensitivity of the plaintiff was a contrib-
uting factor to its extent.)

109. A A defendant is liable for harm which is proximately (i.e., factually and legally) caused

by his negligence. Conduct is a factual cause of harm if the harm would not have
occurred without it. Since Truck would not have been killed in an ambulance accident if
Carp had not thrown the hammer, Carp's conduct was a factual cause of Truck's death.
A factual cause· of harm is a legal cause if the harm was forese.eable and. was not brought
about byan,unforeseeableintervening cause. Since motorists are frequently negligent,
courts usually hold that the negligence of any driver is foreseeable. For this reason, it
probably was foreseeable that the ambulance in which Truck was riding would be
involved in an accident and that further injuries would occur. Thus, ifQarp's negligence
-was a-proximate cause of the injury-which requiredTruck's-rransportation in the ambu-
lance, it probably was a proximate cause of the injury which occuned in the ambulance
accident. While it is not certain that a court would come to this conclusion, A is the only
answer listed which is logically correct.

B and Care incorrect because, unless it was unforeseeable, an intervening cause does
not prevent an antecedent wrongdoer from being held liable., n isinconect because, as
explained above, Carp's. conduct was a factual cause ofTruck's death.
, ,

110. C Since the death would not have occurred without Ann~s:Il,egligence, her,negligence fac-
tually caused it. Since it is obviously foreseeable that an automobileaccjdent will result
in the death of a passenger, Ann's negligence was also a legal cause of the. harm.

Since Carp's conduct preceded Ann's, it was not an intervening cause. For this reason,
the foreseeability of Carp's conduct is not relevant, and A is· incorrect.. Although "rea-
sonable care" may require .less in an emergency than it does under. ordinary circum-
stances, one faced with an emergency is still required to ,~ct ,as, a reasonable person
would under similar circumstances. B is, therefpre,incorrect. Evenif Carp is liable for
Truck's death, Ann would be liable also if her negligence proximately-caused it. Dis,
therefore, incorrect.

111. C A private individual may sue for public nuisance only if his damages were different in
kind from those sustained by the general public.

A and B are incorrect because the fact that the defendant's conduct pre-existed the
plaintiff's presence is not, by itself, a defense to nuisance unless it can be shown that the
plaintiff came to the nuisance specifically for the purpose of instituting litigation. D is
an incorrect statement of the law; even a lawful activity may constitute a public nui-
sance if it is conducted in a way which unreasonably interferes with the rights of the

112. C Consent - plaintiff's willingness - is a complete defense to most intentional tort

actions. Consent is implied if the reasonable person would infer from the plaintiff's con-
duct and the surrounding circumstances that the plaintiff i~ willing for the defendant's
act to occur. The fact that Trik and Vik have been enjoying each other's jokes for years
could result in the inference that Vik was willing to have a joke played upon him.
Although it is not certain that a court would come to this conclusion, the argument in C
is the only one listed which could support Trik's defense.

A is incorrect because assault requires apprehension of harmful contact, but not neces-
sarily of battery. Ordinarily, the apprehension experienced by plaintiff must be such as a

reasonable person in his shoes would experience. B is incorrect, however, because an

exception to this objective standard is made when the plaintiff has a special sensitivity
about which the defendant knows, and because Trik knew that Vik was horrified of spi-
ders. D is incorrect because assault requires an intent to cause apprehension, not neces-
sarily an intent to cause injury.

113. C Conduct is a factual cause of harm if the harm would not have occurred without the con-
duct. Since thereis no way of knowing whether Marc's shot struck Pierre, it cannot be
established that Pierre's hann Was factually caused by Marc's conduct. (Note: Do not
confuse these facts with the rule of Summers v. Tice in which both negligent persons
were named as defendants.)

Marc's duty of reasonable care might not require the same vigilance that would be
required in an urban area, but A is incorrect because the possibility that someone would
come by required some vigilance. Since it is likely that a person struck by a pellet shot
from a slingshot would be seriously injured, it is probably unreasonable to shoot a sling-
shot without taking some precaution against hitting other persons. B is, therefore, incor-
rect. If Marc's conduct was a factual cause of the harm it was a legal cause if the harm
was foreseeable. Since it is clearly foreseeable that a person struck by a slingshot pellet
will sustain an injury, D is incorrect.

114. C Although the law recognizes a special standard for judging the negligence of children, it
is applied only when the youth of the defendant is likely to prevent her from exercising
the same mature judgment as an adult. When a child is old enough to have acquired the
judgment of an adult with respect to a particular activity, the child standard no longer
applies. It is rare for a court to apply the child standard to persons over the age of four-
teen years.

A is, therefore, incorrect. An adult activity is one which is substantially more likely to
be dangerous when performed by a child than by an adult or one in which only adults
traditionally engage. B is incorrect because fishing is neither. The balancing test which
is sometimes used to determine whether conduct is negligent weighs the risks which
foreseeably result from acting a certain way against the utility of acting that particular
way. D is incorrect because it distorts that rule by weighing the risk of handling a fish
hook in whatever way Melanie was handling it against the utility of fishing in general.

115. A Strict liability in tort is imposed on the supplier of a product for damages which result
from a defect in the product which existed at the time it left that supplier's hands and
which made the product unreasonably dangerous. Since a defect is a condition which
would defeat the reasonable expectations of the reasonable consumer, and since the rea-
sonable consumer probably does not expect to find a rat's tail in food products, the pres-
ence of a rat's tail was probably a defect. Since a product is unreasonably dangerous if
the benefits of its condition are outweighed by its disadvantages, and since the presence
of a rat's tail has no advantage and is likely to be a source of disease and disgust in a
person eating it, the presence of a rat's tail in a food product probably makes that prod-
uct unreasonably dangerous.

B is incorrect because strict liability in tort may be imposed for the benefit of any plain-
tiff whose contact with the product was foreseeable, without regard to the existence of a

contractual relationship (i.e., privity). Although the sale of a product by a merchant

implies a warranty that the product is merchantable (i.e., fit for ordinary use) C is incor-
rect because the question stem specifies the theory of strict liability in tort, and this the-
ory does not depend on the existence of an implied promise. The doctrine of res ipsa
loquitur is applied to establish circumstantially an inference that the defendant acted
unreasonably. Since the reasonableness of the defendant's conduct is not relevant to the
imposition of strict liability, D is incorrect.

116. C Negligence consists of a failure to act reasonably. Since the question stem specifies an
action for negligence, Pederson cannot win without establishing that Gordon's was neg-
ligent (i.e., acted unreasonably).

A is incorrect because it is based on an inaccurate statement of law: the negligence of a

manufacturer is not ordinarily imputed to a retailer selling products made by that manu-
facturer. Although a retailer may be held strictly liable for damages resulting from a
defect which existed when the product was sold by that retailer. B is incorrect because
negligence liability is not imposed unless the defendant acted unreasonably. D is incor-
rect because it is based on an inaccurate statement of law; a retailer owes its customers a
duty of acting reasonably, which may require the inspection of products packaged in
sealed containers.

117. B All of the products liability theories require proof that the plaintiff sustained damage as
a result of his contact with the product. If Pederson did not, he cannot succeed against
Fruitco on any theory.

A is incorrect because some of the approaches to products liability (i.e., strict liability in
tort and breach of warranty) do not depend on the unreasonableness of the defendant's
conduct. C is incorrect because compliance with statute is not a defense to any products
liability theory. A seller who recommends a particular product knowing why the pur-
chaser wants it and that the purchaser is relying on the seller's judgment may be held
liable for breach of warranty if the product is unfit for the buyer's particular purpose. D
is incorrect, however, because imposing liability on Gordon's would not prevent its
being imposed on Fruitco.

118. C A parent's claim for medical bills incurred as a result of injuries negligently inflicted on
a child is a derivative one, subject to any defenses which could have been raised in
response to an action by the child. Since Sal's negligence could be asserted by Denton in
response to a claim by Sal, I is correct. Since a plaintiff's contributory negligence may
be asserted in defense, and since Mona is the plaintiff, II is also correct.

119. A Negligence is unreasonable conduct. Thus, if Denton was acting unreasonably, she was
negligent, and should be liable for Sal's injuries. Under the "all-or-nothing" rule of con-
tributory negligence, however, a plaintiff is completely barred from recovery if his/her
own negligence contributed to the happening of the accident. Contributory negligence is
unreasonable conduct by a plaintiff. Thus, if Sal's injury resulted from his own unrea-
sonable conduct (i.e., contributory negligence), he will not recover, in spite of the fact
that Denton was also negligent.

A child is said to have been negligent if he failed to act like the reasonable child of the

same age, experience, and intelligence. B is, therefore, incorrect. Res ipsa loquitur per-
mits an inference that the defendant was negligent to be drawn from certain circumstan-
tial evidence. Since Denton's negligence is given (in the stem of the question) res ipsa
loquitur is inapplicable, and C is incorrect. Unreasonable conduct by a third person is no
longer imputed to a plaintiff as contributory negligence, even when the third person is
the plaintiff's parent. D is, therefore, incorrect.

120. D Violation of statute is relevant to the question of negligence only if the statute violated
was designed to protect a class of persons to which the plaintiff belongs against risks
like the one which resulted in harm to the plaintiff. Since insurance would not have pre-
vented the trailer hitch from failing, the statute was not designed to protect against the
risk that it would. Its violation is, therefore, not relevant.

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because the violation is not relevant unless the
statute was designed to protect against the risk involved. Public policy generally prohib-
its disclosing to a jury that a defendant was or was not insured. Such disclosure is not
absolutely prohibited, however, since there are circumstances under which such disclo-
sure could be made to a jury (e.g., to establish ownership of a vehicle). C is, thus, based
on an overinclusive statement of the law, and is, therefore, incorrect.

121. C An inference of negligence may be established under the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur
when the accident was one which would not ordinarily have occurred without negli-
gence, and the circumstances eliminate the probability that the negligence was anyone's
but the defendant's. Bottles don't usually explode unless the company which was in
exclusive control of the bottling process acted negligently, so res ipsa frequently is
applied in exploding bottle cases. But where, as here, some other event was as likely a
cause of the explosion, res ipsa cannot be applied.

A and B are, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because the fact that the bottles were not
in the defendant's possession when the accident occurred is not, alone, sufficient to
eliminate the probability that the negligence was anyone's other than the defendant.

122. B A defendant's conduct is a proximate cause of harm if it was a factual and legal cause of
that harm. Conduct is a factual cause of harm if the harm would not have occurred with-
out it. Since Tanya would not have been injured by the bottle if Super had not restacked
and sold the bottles, Super's conduct was a factual cause of Tanya's injury. Conduct
which is a factual cause of harm is a legal cause of that harm if the harm was a foresee-
able result of it. Since the contents of bottles of soda-pop are under pressure, it is proba-
bly foreseeable that a crack in the bottle will result in an explosion and injury. Super's
conduct was thus a proximate cause of Tanya's injury. A defendant is liable for the prox-
imate results of its negligence. For this reason, if Super's conduct was negligent, Tanya
is likely to win her lawsuit against it.

A is incorrect because the plaintiff's helplessness is not, alone, a basis of the defendant's
liability. C is incorrect because harm may have more than one proximate cause. The fact
that the conduct of the officers was a proximate cause of the plaintiff's harm does not
mean that the negligence of Super was not. Since privity is not an essential element of a
negligence action, D is also incorrect.

123. D Negligence is the breach of a duty of reasonable care. A defendant owes a plaintiff a
duty of reasonable care when the defendant's conduct creates a foreseeable risk to the
plaintiff. If it was unforeseeable that persons would be running about the storeroom in
the dark, the stacked groceries did not pose a foreseeable risk to the plaintiff. There
would, therefore, be no duty to protect him against them and no negligence.

A is incorrect because an invitee is only entitled to reasonable care, and unless Super's
conduct was unreasonable, the duty to Axel was not breached. B is incorrect for the
same reason, since unless the conduct was negligent there is no liability. The fact, alone,
that Axel was a licensee would not be sufficient to defeat his case, since even a licensee
is entitled to reasonable warnings about known hidden dangers on the premises. C is
therefore incorrect.

124. D The privilege to defend property permits the use of reasonable force to prevent a tres-
pass to realty. Thus, if the force used by Keeper was reasonable, it was privileged, and
would not be the basis of liability to Baron.

A is incorrect because the use of a trap to defend realty might be privileged, if the force
which resulted from the use of the trap was reasonable. Reasonable force is the force
which would appear necessary to the reasonable person. If the reasonable person would
have believed that X-Eleven gas was harmless, its use might have been reasonable, even
though in fact it resulted in damage to Baron's vision. B is, therefore, incorrect. C is
incorrect, because it is over-inclusive: a landholder owes trespassers at least a duty to
refrain from using excessive force against them.

125. C An essential element of tort liability for misrepresentation is the defendant's intent to
induce the plaintiff's reliance on the defendant's statement. If Dillon did not know that
Barton would rely on the statements which she made to Collins, she could not have
intended to induce Barton's reliance on those statements. Since there is no indication
that Dillon was aware that Barton had overhead her conversation with Collins, C is cor-

A is overinclusive, and, therefore, incorrect: statements of opinion, especially when

made by experts, may be regarded as assertions of fact (i.e., the fact that the speaker
actually held that particular opinion). Since Barton paid $250,000 for something worth
only $600, based on his belief in what he had overheard Dillon saying, he did sustain
damage as a result of his reliance on Dillon's statement. B is, therefore, incorrect. D is
incorrect for two reasons. First, as indicated above, an expert may incur misrepresenta-
tion liability by stating that she holds an opinion which she doesn't actually hold. Sec-
ond, Dillon's statement was not only an evaluation of the painting's value, but included
a statement about who had painted it.

126. D Since Barton received something for his money, the measure of his damage must con-
sider the value which he has received. In some jurisdictions, damage for misrepresenta-
tion is measured by the difference between what the plaintiff received and what the
defendant told him he would be receiving (benefit of the bargain theory). In this case,
that would be $250,000 less $600, or $249,400. In other jurisdictions, the damage is
measured by the difference between what the plaintiff paid and what he actually
received (out of pocket theory). In this case, that would be $225,000 less $600 or

$224,400. D is, therefore, correct.

A and C are incorrect because they ignore the value of what Barton actually received. B
is incorrect because it describes a rescission remedy, which may be available in a claim
for breach of contract, but is not available in this tort claim for damages.

127. D Intentional infliction of emotional distress requires intentional, outrageous conduct

which results in severe mental suffering. Since Pamela did not experience any mental
injury, Jason is not liable to her for this tort.

Conduct is "outrageous" if it exceeds all bounds normally tolerated by decent society

and is calculated to cause mental suffering. Conduct is "calculated to cause mental suf-
fering" if suffering in the mind of a reasonable person is an almost inevitable result.
Jason's conduct probably was both. A and B are incorrect, however, because Pamela
sustained no mental injury. Outrageous conduct is "intentional" if the defendant desired
or knew with substantial certainty that it would result in mental suffering in the plaintiff.
C is incorrect because Jason might have had such a desire or knowledge, even though
his motive was to playa joke.

128. D A seller of products owes her customers the duty to act reasonably. If it would be rea-
sonable to inspect a product before selling it, then the druggist owes his customers a
duty of doing so.

A, B, and C are overinclusive statements. Since some of the harmful side effects or
defects associated with a particular drug might be unknown even to the reasonable drug-
gist, a druggist cannot be said to have a duty to know them all. [Note: A druggist who
sells a defective drug may be held strictly liable for damages which result. This is
because strict liability is not based on fault, however, and does not justify the conclusion
set forth in C.]

129. D Persons engaged in a concert of action are regarded as members of a joint enterprise. As
such, they are vicariously liable for torts committed by other members of the enterprise.
Thus, Anson and Baker may each be held liable for the other's tort.

To recover against either or both of them, Pauling need prove only that his injury was
caused by the negligence of some member of the enterprise. A is, therefore, incorrect. B
suggests that one thing cannot be a cause of harm if some other thing is. Since any effect
may have more than one cause, B is incorrect. C is incorrect because nothing can be a
legal cause of harm unless it is a factual cause of that harm.

130. D Negligence does not result in liability unless it was a proximate cause of damage.
Although Laird's failure to commence Pattie's action against Dr. Oncol was probably
negligent, no liability will result unless Laird's negligence was a proximate cause of
damage. If Pattie would have lost her lawsuit against Dr. Oncol anyway, Laird's failure
to institute it did not result in damage, since Pattie lost nothing as a result. If Dr. Oncol's
use of HLP did not result in damage to Pattie, Dr. Oncol would not have been liable to
her even if her conduct was negligent. If HLP saved Pattie's life at the expense of her
eye, it probably did not result in damage, since what Pattie gained from its use exceeded
what she lost. This means that Pattie would have lost her lawsuit against Dr. Oncol, and

that Laird's failure to assert it did not result in damage.

A is incorrect because even an inexperienced lawyer is required to act as the reasonable

attorney. Laird's honest belief is no defense unless the reasonable attorney would have
held it. Band C are therefore incorrect.

131. C Under pure comparative negligence statutes, a plaintiff's recovery in a negligence action
is diminished in proportion to the plaintiff's fault, but is not barred by the plaintiff's own
negligence. Thus, Nellie would be entitled to recover part of any damages which she
sustained as a result of Dalton's conduct if Dalton's conduct was unreasonable.

In most jurisdictions, a landholder owes a duty of reasonable care to an invitee, but owes
no duty of reasonable care to a trespasser. For this purpose, an invitee is one whose pres-
ence confers an economic benefit on the landholder, and a trespasser is one who enters
without permission. Since Nellie's use of Dalton's pool was consideration for valuable
services which she rendered, she was an invitee. Under the "attractive nuisance" doc-
trine, a trespassing child may be entitled to reasonable care, but it is inapplicable here
because Nellie was an invitee rather than a trespasser. A and B are, therefore, incorrect.
If Nellie's conduct was unreasonable, the amount of her damages would be diminished
accordingly. The language of option D may suggest defenses based on comparative neg-
ligence and on assumption of the risk. If it suggests a comparative negligence defense, it
is incorrect because in a pure comparative negligence system the plaintiff's recovery is
diminished in proportion to her own fault but is not barred completely. In most jurisdic-
tions, assumption of the risk is a complete bar to recovery by the plaintiff. A plaintiff
assumes the risk when slhe voluntarily encounters a risk of which she knows. The
knowledge requirement is subjective, meaning that unless the plaintiff herself was
aware of the risk, the fact that the reasonable person would have been is irrelevant. D is
also incorrect for this reason, and because the facts indicate that Nellie dove in without
looking and was, thus, unaware that the pool was empty.

132. C Since Paulette entered without PALCO's permission, she was a trespasser. Ordinarily, a
landholder owes trespassers, even if they are children, no duty of reasonable care with
respect to dangerous conditions of the premises. A trespassing child may be entitled to
reasonable care, however, if it was foreseeable that children would trespass, and it was
foreseeable that a child who trespassed would be injured, and if the child was too young
to comprehend the danger. Thus, if Paulette was old enough to comprehend the danger
associated with an attempt to climb the pole, PALCO owed no duty of reasonable care
to protect her against it. Although a minority of jurisdictions holds that a landholder
owes a duty of reasonable care to all who enter, C is correct because it is the only argu-
ment listed which could provide PALCO with an effective defense in any jurisdiction.

A is incorrect because under the rule stated above, a duty of reasonable care may be
owed to a trespassing child. The fact that no child had ever before attempted to climb
the pole would not prevent the rule from being applied if it was foreseeable that a child
would do so in the future. B is, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because even if
PALCO could not repair the fence, there may have been other steps which the reason-
able person in PALCO's position would have taken to prevent the danger which resulted
in Paulette's injury.

133. B Praxton's lawsuit may be founded either on negligence or upon strict products liability.
Negligence involves unreasonable conduct. If the explosives were properly labeled,
Explo's conduct was not unreasonable. Strict liability is imposed only if the product
which caused harm left the defendant in a defective condition. A product may be defec-
tive because of the way in which it is labeled, but if the labels were properly affixed
when the cases left the Explo plant, the product was not defective at the time it left
Explo's hands.

A is incorrect because strict liability may be imposed even though the defendant acted
reasonably. C is incorrect because the negligence of an Explo employee would be
imputed to Explo. Although the storage of explosives is usually regarded as an ultra-
hazardous activity, resulting in the imposition of strict liability upon one storing it, D
would not furnish Explo with a defense, since the imposition of liability on Warehouse
would not prevent liability from being imposed on Explo.

134. B Battery requires the intent to make a harmful or offensive contact with another person.
If defendant believed plaintiff to be a horse, she lacked the requisite intent. B is there-
fore the scenario in which the defendant is LEAST likely to be liable.

A is incorrect since a child who intends to make an offensive (i.e., unauthorized) contact
wiUbe held liable if an .offensive or harmful contact occurs as a result. If the child
desired to 'strike plaintiff with the arrow, he intended an offensive contact. Since he
struck her, an offensive contact occurred. If the belief of the defendant in C was reason-
able, he would be privileged by consent. There is no: fact indicating that such belief was
reasonable, however. If the belief of the defendant in D was reasonable, he would be
priVileged by self-defense. There is no fact indicating that such belief was reasonable,

135. D Misappropriation of identity is an invasion of privacy which consists of the unautho-

rizeduse of the plaintiff's identity for a commercialpurpose. Since Georgia used Fred-
erick's' name without his permission for the purpose of selling its product, it has
committed this tort against Fredericks.

Although .the truth ofthe statement made in the advertisements might justify its publica-
tion Jorsome purposes, its uSe for a commercial purpose is not privileged. A is, there-
fore, incorrect. Although the protection of the First Amendment to the United States
.constitution has been extended to commercial expression, it has not been extended to
the unauthorized use of another's identity for a commercial purpose. B is, therefore,
incorrect. C is incorrect because liability for misappropriation of identity does not
. depend on the foreseeability of the defendant's conduct.

136. A .Tort liability may be imposed only for harm which resulted from intent, negligence, or
any activity for which strict liability may be imposed. Since there is no indication that
Fennel intended the harm, and since her activity was not an abnormally dangerous one,
the. only theory available to Perlman is negligence. Negligence is a breach of the duty of
reasonable care. The duty exists if defendant's conduct creates a Joreseeable risk to the
plaintiff. Since the operation of a motor vehicle on a roadway creates foreseeable risks
to persons owning property along the roadway, the operator of a vehicle owes a duty of
reasonable care to such persons. The question of whether Fennel breached that duty

depends on whether Fennel acted reasonably.

A professional seller of products (i.e., a merchant) may be held liable for damage result-
ing from a defect in a product which s/he supplied, on theories of strict liability in tort or
breach of the implied warranty of merchantability. Since Fennel did not supply the
trailer, however, neither of these theories can be applied to her. Thus, the questions of
whether the hitch was defective or Fennel was a merchant are not relevant. B andC are,
therefore, incorrect. Although negligence liability is often made to depend on whether
the reasonable person in the position ofthe defendant would have foreseen the harm, D
is incorrect because it is never necessary that the harm be foreseeable to the plaintiff.

137. A The old rule that "she who holds the land holds upward unto heaven" is no longer true.
All jurisdictions agree that a flight over land is a trespass to the land only if it was below
a certain altitude (although they frequently disagree about what that altitude is). Thus,
unless Pauline can prove the altitude at which Flier hovered, she cannot establish a tres-

B is incorrect because damage is not an essential element of an action for trespass to

land. C is incorrect since an action for trespass is not one for invasion of privacy, but
rather for invasion of the right to exclusive possession of realty. D is incorrect because
even one whose possession is unlawful may sue for trespass.

138. D A person entitled to possess a chattel who enters the realty of another for the purpose of
recovering that chattel is privileged to make such entry, provided that she does so in a
reasonable manner (and provided further that the chattel did not get onto the realty
through any fault of her own). Chevan's entry onto Homer's realty was therefore privi-
leged. Since Chevan's entry was privileged, Homer was not entitled to use force against
her to defend his realty, and his use of such force constituted a battery.

A privilege to use force against the wrongful dispossessor of a chattel exists only when
that force is used in hot pursuit of the dispossessor. A is incorrect, however, because hot
pursuit is not a prerequisite to the privilege to enter realty to recover a chattel. B is
incorrect because injury is not an essential element of battery. C is incorrect because a
possessor of realty is privileged to use reasonable force to prevent a trespass to that

139. C An action for misrepresentation requires proof that the defendant made a statement
which he knew was false, or (in some jurisdictions) which he should have known was
false, for the purpose of inducing plaintiff's reliance, and that the plaintiff was damaged
by his justified reliance on the statement. The facts given establish that Adjust made
statements to Hudson for the purpose of inducing him to settle his claim. Hudson's inde-
pendent consultation with Laird would at least create a jury question about whether
Hudson was acting in reliance on Adjust's statements. The fact described in I would
have to be proved, however, to establish that Adjust's statements were false, and to
establish that Hudson's reliance on them led to damage. The fact described in II would
have to be proved to show that Adjust had the necessary fault (i.e., that he knew or
should have known that the statements were false).

140. A [Warning: This question calls for the "LEAST" effective argument. In effect, this means

the one argument which could not be effective at alL] The fact that a tortfeasor was act-
ing within the scope of employment might result in the imposition of vicarious liability
upon the tortfeasor's employer, but would not relieve the tortfeasor himself of liability.

Misrepresentation liability requires that the plaintiff was damaged by his justified reli-
ance on false assertions of fact made by the defendant. B might be an effective defense,
because the irrebuttable presumption that everyone knows the law usually results in the
conclusion that statements regarding the law are statements of opinion rather than asser-
tions of fact. That the plaintiff "relied" on the defendant's statements means that the
statements were a significant factor in the plaintiff's decision. Since Hudson did not
believe Adjust, and did not decide to accept the settlement offer until Laird advised him
that she did not think he would win, a jury could conclude that Adjust's statements were
not significant factors in Hudson's decision to settle for $1,000. C might, therefore, be
an effective defense. A plaintiff's reliance on defendant's statements is only justified if
the reasonable person in plaintiff's position would have believed and relied upon those
statements. Since settlement negotiations are adversarial in nature, there is some doubt
about whether the reasonable person would have believed statements that his claim was
not a valid one when made by a representative of his adversary. D might, therefore, be
an effective defense.

141. D Private nuisance may consist of an intentional and unreasonable interference with the
plaintiff's right to use and enjoy his realty. Interference is intentional if the defendant is
substantially certain that it will occur. Since Tweeter continued testing dog-whistles
after Ken notified him that the testing procedure was interfering with Ken's business,
the interference with Ken's use and enjoyment of land was intentional. The interference
was not unreasonable, however, unless Tweeter's conduct would have interfered with
ordinary use or enjoyment of Ken's realty. So, if Ken's damage resulted from an ultra-
sensitive use of Ken's land, it would not be the result of an unreasonable interference.
Since only dogs could hear the sound, and since most people are not in the business of
keeping dogs, the argument in D might be successful. Of the arguments listed, it is the
only one which could possibly be successful.

A is incorrect because even a lawful business may constitute a private nuisance if it is

operated in a way which unreasonably interferes with the use and enjoyment of plain-
tiff's realty. B is incorrect because if a defendant's activity unreasonably interferes with
plaintiff's use and enjoyment of his realty, the fact that the defendant was engaging in it
before the plaintiff arrived is not alone sufficient to prevent that activity from being
characterized as a nuisance. Since the intent requirement is satisfied by Tweeter's
knowledge that his activity was interfering with Ken's use of his land, C is also incor-

142. A An express warranty is a representation regarding a condition of the product sold. Lia-
bility for breach of express warranty is imposed on the warrantor, regardless of fault, if
the product's failure to be what it was represented to be results in damage. If the label
said that the product would not harm the skin, the fact that it harmed Perry's skin would
be a breach of warranty.

Although liability may be imposed for the breach of an implied warranty of fitness for
ordinary use (i.e., merchantability), express warranty liability requires some assertion of

fact about the product. B is, therefore, incorrect. Liability for breach of express warranty
is imposed on whoever made the warranty which was breached. A retailer who delivers
a product makes whatever warranties are printed on its label. C is, therefore, incorrect.
D is incorrect because liability for breach of express warranty is imposed without regard
to fault.

143. A "Merchantable" means fit for ordinary use. Proof that Perry's allergic reaction was the
only one which ever occurred indicates that it was an unusual one. If Perry's allergy was
unusual enough to be regarded as extraordinary, the product may have been fit for ordi-
nary use (i.e., by ordinary persons) although unfit for use by Perry. While a court might
not come to this conclusion, A is the only fact listed which could possibly support
Feather's defense.

Most jurisdictions hold all members of the chain of commercial product distribution lia-
ble for a condition of the product which breaches the implied warranty of merchantabil-
ity. B is, therefore, incorrect. Although reasonable inspection may have revealed that the
product was safe for persons with "normal" skin, C is incorrect for two reasons. First,
warranty liability does not depend on unreasonable conduct by defendant; and, second,
ordinary use may include use by persons with skin which is not normal. D is incorrect
because government approval or compliance with government requirements does not
prevent common law liability.

144. A As a general rule, the courts hold that the coming of a rescuer is foreseeable. This is
what is meant by the well-known phrase, "Danger invites rescue." For this reason, one
who unreasonably creates a danger to any human being - including himself - creates
a risk to a potential rescuer as well, and owes a potential rescuer a duty of reasonable
care. Thus, if Hubert's conduct was unreasonable, it was a breach of a duty he owed

B is based on an over-inclusive statement of law; a rescuer's right to collect from the

person whom he rescued must be based either on the breach of duty to act reasonably, or
on an implied contract, but is otherwise non-existent. An officious intermeddler is a per-
son who acts without a legitimate reason. C is incorrect because a human life was at
stake, giving Sam a legitimate reason to act. The rule which is characterized by the
phrase "Danger invites rescue" makes D incorrect, because Sam's attempt to rescue
Hubert is regarded as foreseeable for the reason given.

145. B Negligence is a failure to act reasonably in the face of a foreseeable risk. If it was not
foreseeable that the contents of the package would cause harm to a passenger in her car,
Carolyn's conduct with respect to the package could not have been negligent. Although
it is not certain that a court would come to this conclusion, the argument in B is the only
one listed which is supported by the facts.

A is incorrect because the rule limiting the duty owed to a licensee applies only to con-
ditions of realty occupied by a defendant. Contributory negligence is unreasonable con-
duct by plaintiff which contributes to the happening of the accident. Since Harold could
not have known that the contents of the package were caustic, there is no reason to con-
clude that his conduct was unreasonable. C is, therefore, incorrect. A plaintiff is said to
have assumed the risk when he voluntarily encounters a known risk. D is incorrect

because Harold did not know that the contents of the package were caustic, and touch-
ing it did not, therefore, constitute an encounter with a known risk.

146. A Strict liability in tort may be imposed upon a professional supplier of products who
places a defective product into the stream of commerce. Since a tattoo artist does not
sell tattoo needles to his customers, he does not place them in the stream of commerce,
and cannot be held strictly liable for damage which results from his customer's contact
with them.

B is incorrect because strict liability is imposed regardless of fault and therefore may be
imposed on a defendant although s/he did not exercise any control over the quality of
the product. A plaintiff assumes a risk when she knows of it and voluntarily encounters
it. Although Tolliver informed Preston that the process was likely to be a painful one,
there is no indication that Preston knew that the needle would break off in her skin. Cis,
therefore, incorrect. Strict liability may be imposed upon the supplier of defective prod-
ucts, without regard to whether those products would be dangerous without the defect
(i.e., inherently dangerous). D is, therefore, incorrect.

147. C False imprisonment consists of the intentional confinement of plaintiff. Confinement is

an overcoming of the plaintiff's will to leave in a manner which would overcome the
reasonable person's will to leave. Since the reasonable person usually obeys the direc-
tions of a police officer, Osman's words would have been sufficient to overcome the rea-
sonable person's will to leave. For this reason, if Osman's language overcame Stroll's
will to leave, it confined him.

A is incorrect because if it was reasonable for Stroll to believe that an attempt to leave
would result in some harm to him, then he was confined even though no physical barri-
ers prevented him from getting out of the police car. B is incorrect because Osman's
assertion of legal authority and threatening language would have made any protest by
Stroll a futile - and thus unnecessary - gesture. D is incorrect because damage is not
an essential element of false imprisonment.

148. B A defendant owes a duty of reasonable care to a plaintiff if the defendant's conduct cre-
ates a foreseeable risk to that plaintiff. A foreseeable risk is a danger that the reasonable
person would anticipate. If Carter's conduct created no foreseeable risks to persons in
Merced Hospital, Carter did not owe such persons a duty of reasonable care and could
not be held liable to them for negligence.

The intervening act of a third person may be a superseding calIse of harm, relieving the
original wrongdoer of liability for plaintiff's injuries. This is so, however, only if the
intervention was unforeseeable. A is incorrect because the negligence of a surgeon is
usually regarded as foreseeable. C is similarly incorrect because even aggravated negli-
gence may be foreseeable. Since any result may have several causes, the fact that the
scars were caused by the conduct of Dr. Hoffman does not establish that they were not
also caused by the negligence of Carter. D is, therefore, incorrect.

149. B There can be no liability for making defamatory statements unless those statements are
false. The United States Supreme Court has held that statements of opinion cannot be
false because there is no such thing as a false idea. Statements which are expressions of

the writer's feelings regarding subjective matters are statements of opinion. Since the
quality of Shea's writing is a subjective matter, Murphy's statements are opinions.

A media defendant may be held liable for defaming a public figure if the defamatory
statements were made with actual malice. A and C are, therefore, incorrect. Although a
business person may be privileged to compete by making unflattering reference to his
competitor's products, D is incorrect because the privilege is qualified by the require-
ment of good faith.

150. C Under the doctrine of private necessity, a defendant is privileged reasonably to invade
the property rights of another in the face of an emergency which threatens life or prop-
erty and requires immediate action. Since Patterson was obviously faced with such an
emergency, his landing was privileged if it was reasonable. In determining whether an
entry onto the land of another was reasonable, courts usually compare the importance of
what the defendant was trying to protect with the importance of the right which the
defendant invaded to protect it. Since Patterson was trying to protect his life and since
his entry caused no damage, the landing was probably a reasonable invasion of Contem-
porary's rights and privileged by private necessity. Although a defendant whose entry is
privileged by private necessity is required to pay for any actual damage which resulted
from his entry, Patterson will not be required to pay damages since his entry caused no
harm. C is correct for this reason and because it is the only argument listed which could
possibly provide Patterson with an effective defense.

A is incorrect because the reasonableness of the entry depends on the above compari-
son, and not on the foreseeability of the emergency which required it. B is incorrect
because it is based on an inaccurate interpretation of the facts. Since Patterson deliber-
ately chose to land his plane on the parking lot, he "intended" his entry. Although D
would show that Marvelco is liable for damages, it is incorrect because Marvelco's lia-
bility would not free Patterson from responsibility.

151. A One who supplies a product is strictly liable for damage which results from a defect in
the product which existed at the time the product left that supplier's hands. Since the
fuel was contaminated before it left the Marvelco refinery, a finding that the contami-
nants made the fuel defective would result in the imposition of strict liability upon Mar-
velco. Strict liability in tort may be imposed for the benefit of any plaintiff on whom the
effect of defendant's product was foreseeable. Since an airplane which falls from the
sky might damage any person under it, the Contemporary Art Museum falls into this

Band C are incorrect because strict liability does not depend on whether the defendant's
conduct was reasonable. D is incorrect because privity is not an essential element of
strict products liability.

152. C Marvelco owed Patterson a duty of reasonable care since it was foreseeable that he
would be affected by their product. Since negligence is a breach of the duty of reason-
able care, Marvelco's failure to discover what would have been revealed by a reasonable
inspection is negligence.

Conversely, if Marvelco did not act unreasonably, the fact that its product was unreason-

ably dangerous would not result in liability for negligence. A is, therefore, incorrect. B
is incorrect because the sale of contaminated fuel is not unreasonable unless the seller
knows or should know that the fuel is contaminated. A product which defeats the rea-
sonable expectations of the reasonable consumer is defective. D is incorrect, however,
because negligence liability is not imposed unless the defendant acted unreasonably.

153. C A defendant is liable only for harm caused by his conduct. Conduct is a cause of harm
only if the harm would not have occurred without that conduct. If Pringle's harm would
have occurred without Ansel's conduct, Ansel's conduct could not have been a cause of
Pringle's harm.

Although the violation of statute is relevant to the issue of negligence if the statute was
designed to protect persons like plaintiff against risks like that which produced plain-
tiff's harm, A would not be an effective defense for two reasons. First, the fact that the
statute was designed to protect schoolchildren does not prove that it was not also
designed to protect automobile passengers. Second, even if the statutory violation is not
relevant to the issue of negligence, Pringle might succeed in establishing common law
negligence (i.e., that Ansel failed to act reasonably). An intervening cause of harm may
be a superseding cause which shifts responsibility from the original wrongdoer to the
intervenor, but only if the conduct of the intervenor was unforeseeable. Since the negli-
gence of motorists is a common occurrence, Baker's negligence was probably foresee-
able. B and D are, therefore, incorrect.

154. C Negligence is a breach of the duty to act reasonably. Since it is given that Baker was
driving unreasonably, the question of whether Baker's unreasonable conduct was negli-
gence depends on whether she owed Pringle a duty to drive reasonably. A defendant
owes a plaintiff a duty of reasonable care if defendant's conduct creates a foreseeable
risk to the plaintiff. If it was likely that collision with a stationary object would result in
injury to Pringle, then Baker owed Pringle a duty to act reasonably to avoid such a colli-

Since a collision with any stationary object was likely to have the same result, it is not
necessary that the presence of Ansel's parked car specifically could have been antici-
pated. A is, therefore, incorrect. Since any harm can have several causes, and since each
person whose negligence proximately caused harm may be held liable for the full
amount of the damage, neither B nor D would affect the outcome of Pringle's claim
against Baker. B and D are, therefore, incorrect.

155. B Since Wonder and Tudor were found to be jointly and severally liable, the plaintiff can
collect the entire amount of his judgment from either of them, or from both of them in
any combination. Under the pure comparative negligence statute which existed in the
jurisdiction, Preston's judgment should be for the amount of his damages, diminished in
proportion to his own fault. Since Preston's injury was found to have resulted 20 percent
from Preston's own negligence, his judgment should be for $100,000 less 20 percent, or

A is incorrect because it does not diminish Preston's recovery in proportion to his fault.
C is incorrect because joint tortfeasors are jointly and severally liable. In an "all or noth-
ing" contributory negligence jurisdiction, a' plaintiff who was contributorily negligent

will receive nothing, even though the defendant may have been negligent as well. Under
the "pure comparative negligence" statute given, however, Preston's recovery is not
completely barred by his negligence. D is, therefore, incorrect.

156. B Under the given "pure comparative negligence" statute, Preston's damage should be
diminished by 20 percent, since 20 percent of his injury resulted from his own negli-
gence. Under the collateral sources rule, applied in most jurisdictions, money which the
plaintiff has received from collateral sources (i.e., those other than tortfeasors) is not rel-
-evant to his rights against tortfeasors who caused his injury. The insurance money which
Preston received was from a collateral source, and should, therefore, not play any role in
determining the damages.

A, C,·and D are, therefore, incorrect.

157. A A person is liable for damage which was proximately caused by his negligence. Negli-
gence is the breach of a duty of reasonable care which the defendant owes the plaintiff.
A defendant owes a plaintiff a duty of reasonable care if the defendant's conduct creates
a foreseeable risk to the plaintiff. A court might find that Barrera created a foreseeable
risk to other users of the road by encouraging Capewell to drive when he knew Capewell
was drunk, and that encouraging Capewell to drive was unreasonable in view of Bar-
rera's knowledge that Capewell was drunk. If a court came to this conclusion, it would
find that Barrera was negligent. While it is not certain that a court would so conclude, it
is clear that if Barrera's negligence was a proximate cause of Austin's injuries, Barrera
would be held liable for the resulting damage.

An intervening cause of harm is a causal force which occurred after the defendant's con-
duct. Some intervening causes are classified as superseding causes, others as concurring
causes. Neither expression can be applied to the defendant's conduct, however, since by
definition the defendant's own conduct could not be an intervening cause. For this rea-
son, both B and C are incorrect. People are not ordinarily under any duty to control the
conduct of other persons. D is incorrect, however, since Barrera could be liable for his
own negligence in encouraging Capewell to drive while drunk.

158. D Contributory negligence is unreasonable conduct by the plaintiff without which his
injury would not have occurred. Since Barrera would not have been injured if he had not
accepted a ride from Capewell, and since doing so was obviously unreasonable, Barrera
was contributorily negligent. I is, therefore, an effective argument in Capewell's
defense. Assumption of the risk occurs when plaintiff voluntarily encounters a known
risk. Since Barrera kllew that Capewell was drunk and voluntarily rode with him, Bar-
rera assumed all the risks which normally accompany riding in a car driven by a person
who is drunk. II is, therefore, an effective argument in Capewell's defense.

159. D Trespass to chattel occurs when the defendant intentionally interferes with plaintiff's
possessory interest in a chattel, causing damage. Although Capewell damaged Austin's
car by colliding with it, he cannot be held liable for trespass to chattel unless he had the
necessary intent. In a. trespass to chattel case, intent means a desire or knowledge that
the particular chattel involved would be affected by the defendant's volitional act. Thus,
unless Capewell wanted (i.e., desired) to collide with another car or knew that such a
collision would occur, he could not have had the intent necessary to make him liable for

trespass to chattel.

While the foreseeability of a risk is relevant to negligence liability, it dpes not satisfy the
requirements of intent. A and B are, therefore, incorrect. The intentional torts require
desire or knowledge that a particular consequence will result from the defendant's act. C
is incorrect because a desire to perform the act which happened to lead to a particular
consequence is not enough to satisfy this requirement.

160. D Invasion of privacy by public disclosure of private facts consists of publishing offensive
and previously unknown facts about the plaintiff. The United States Supreme Court has
held, however, that First Amendment guarantees of free expression prohibit imposing
liability for the publication of facts which are already matters of public record. The
Court said that this rule applies even to facts which are not commonly known, since the
press often serves as eyes and ears for a public too busy to search public records for

A and B are incorrect for the above reason. B is also incorrect because a privilege to
publish information about one who is involved in a matter of public interest may exist
even though that person is not a public employee. C is incorrect because virtually all of
the cases imposing liability for this tort have involved publication of the truth. Although
publication of the truth cannot lead to liability for defamation, publication of private
facts which are not newsworthy may result in liability when it would offend the reason-
able person,even if those facts are true.

161. A Tortious appropriation of identity is committed by making commercial use of plaintiff's

name, likeness, or identity without her permission. It has been repeatedly held, however,
that newsworthy publications about the plaintiff do not constitute commercial use, and
therefore cannot result in liability for this tort. It has also been held that information
may be regarded as "newsworthy" for this purpose, even though the group to which it is
of interest is a limited one.

Since the use of a non-celebrity's identity might be put to commercial gain (e.g., the
photograph of an unknown but muscular person in an advertisement for exercise equip-
ment), it is not necessary that the plaintiff be a public figure. Many of the cases impos-
ing liability for this tort have involved plaintiffs who were not celebrities. B is incorrect
for this reason, and because every article of interest to a publication's readers enriches
the publisher by increasing the demand for its product. Although the publication of facts
which are contained in public records is protected by the First Amendment, the com-
mercial use of such information is not necessarily protected. For this reason, although C
would be an effective defense against a claim of public disclosure, it is not necessarily
an effective defense against a claim of appropriation. The United States Supreme Court
has indicated that liability for false light privacy invasions cannot be imposed without a
showing of actual malice, but no such requirement exists for the tort of appropriation. D
is, therefore, incorrect.

162. C Trespass to land consists •of intentional unauthorized entry on realty possessed by the
plaintiff. There is no requirement of damage. Since Perkins' complaint gave Blocko
knowledge that dust from its operation was settling on the cabin, ~d since Blocko
thereafter continued operating as it had been, the necessary intent is present (i.e., Blocko

was substantially certain that entry would occur). Some cases have held that the settling
of dust constitutes a tangible entry on affected realty; other cases have held that it does
not. For this reason, it is not certain that a court would find that a trespass occurred. Of
all the theories listed, however, trespass to land is the only one which might possibly
result in a judgment for Perkins.

Invasion of privacy by intrusion involves an interference with the plaintiff's interest in

solitude, and requires some kind of prying into plaintiff's affairs or pri"ate life. This did
not occur here. Other privacy theories - appropriation, public disclosure, false light -
are not even remotely applicable. A is, therefore, incorrect. Unlike trespass which
requires no damage, nuisance liability is imposed only where the plaintiff has sustained
some substantial harm. An individual may assert a public nuisance claim only if the
harm which she sustained differed from that sustained by the general public. B is incor-
rect for these reasons. An ultra-hazardous activity is one which necessarily involves a
serious risk of harm which cannot be eliminated by acting reasonably. Since there are no
facts indicating that the use of unbagged cement is such an activity, D is incorrect.

163. D Damage is an essential element of a negligence action. There are circumstances under
which a plaintiff's mental suffering, although unrelated to physical injury, may be
regarded as damage. Mere annoyance, however, is probably not damage sufficient to
justify recovery for negligence. While it is not certain that this argument would defeat
the claim of Perkins, D is the only argument listed which could possibly lead to a judg-
ment for Blocko.

The reasonableness of a defendant's conduct is ordinarily determined by weighing the

risks which it creates against the benefits which it confers. The argument set forth in A
is not an effective defense, however, because it considers only the benefit resulting from
the use of unbagged concrete without balancing it against the resulting risks. A is, there-
fore, incorrect. Conduct is a factual cause of any result which would not have occurred
without it. Since Perkins would not have experienced annoyance if Blocko had not used
unbagged cement, the use of unbagged cement was a factual cause of Perkins' annoy-
ance. B is, therefore, incorrect. A plaintiff assumes a risk when she knows of it and vol-
untarily encounters it. C is incorrect because there is no indication that Perkins'
encounter with the dust was voluntary.

164. D When tortfeasors are jointly and severally liable, a plaintiff is entitled to collect all her
damages from anyone of them (i.e., "severally"), or to collect her damages from them
together (i.e., "jointly") in any combination whatsoever. Since the court held Company,
Allen, and Boren to be jointly and severally liable to her, Pachter is entitled to collect
100 percent of her damages from Allen if she chooses to do so.

A, B, and Care, therefore, incorrect. (Note: Comparative negligence statutes determine

the effect of the plaintiff's fault. Since the jury found the plaintiff to be free of fault, the
existence of a comparative negligence statute is irrelevant. Statutory and common-law
contribution systems give joint tortfeasors certain rights against each other but do not
affect a plaintiff's right to collect from them jointly and/or severally.)

165. D The doctrine of "respondeat superior" makes an employer vicariously liable to a plain-
tiff for torts committed by an employee acting within the scope of employment. But the

concept of indemnity may shift the burden of payment from the one who actually did
pay to the one who should have paid. Therefore, an employer who has been required to
pay for a tort committed by an employee is entitled to complete indemnity (i.e., repay-
ment) from the employee.

The concept of vicarious liability determines a plaintiff's rights against a tortfeasor's

employer, but does not determine the rights of that employer against its employee. A is,
therefore, incorrect. When parties are found tQ be jointly and severally liable to a plain-
tiff, the plaintiff may collect all her damages from any one- of them or from all of them
in any combination whatsoever. For this reason one of the joint tortfeasors may be
required to pay more than its fair share of the plaintiff's damages. After this happens,
most jurisdictions allow the one who has paid to seek partial repayment from the others
so that each ends up paying a fair share. The majority of jurisdictions apply the equal
apportionment approach, determining fair shares by dividing the amount paid by the
number of joint tortfeasors (treating an employee and employer who is vicariously lia-
ble for his tort as a single unit for this purpose.) In these jurisdictions, joint tortfeasors
who pay more than their fair share are said to seek "contribution." Other jurisdictions
apply the apportionment of fault approach, basing the determination of fair shares on
the relative fault of the joint tortfeasors. In these jurisdictions, joint tortfeasors who pay
more than their fair share are said to seek "partial indemnity." B and C are both incor-
rect, however, because all jurisdictions recognize that a party who pays only because he
is vicariously liable for the tort committed by another person is entitled to complete
indemnity from that person. (Note: If Company succeeds in receiving full indemnity
from Allen, the equitable concept of subrogation would enable Allen to stand in Com-
pany's shoes for the purpose of recovering contribution or partial indemnity from
Boren. This is not relevant to the question asked, however.)

166. C That joint tortfeasors are "jointly and severally liable" means that the plaintiff may col-
lect all of her damages from either of them or from both of them in any combination.
Obviously, however, the fact that there are multiple tortfeasors does not entitle a plaintiff
to collect her damages more than once. Since Aspen and Botkin were jointly and sever-
ally liable to Peckham for $100,000, Peckham is entitled to collect $100,000 from either
or both of them in any combination. Since Peckham has already received $10,000 from
Aspen, she is entitled to collect the remaining $90,000 from Botkin.

A and B are incorrect because a statute basing contribution on apportionment of fault

affects the rights which joint tortfeasors have against each other, but does not affect their
joint and several liability to the plaintiff. D is incorrect because Peckham has already
received $10,000 from Aspen, and to allow her to collect an additional $100,000 from
Botkin would result in her collecting her damages more than once.

167. D Until recently, most states which recognized a right of contribution between joint tort-
feasors based their contributive shares on a system of equal apportionment. This meant
that where there were two joint tortfeasors, each contributive share was 50 percent,
regardless of their proportionate fault. Recently, statutes in several jurisdictions have
provided that contribution shall be based on apportionment of fault. Although the plain-
tiff can still collect her judgment from either of them or from both of them in any com-
bination, as between themselves, their contributive shares will be in proportion to their
fault. Thus Peckham could collect $100,000 from Aspen. After paying this sum, how-

ever, Aspen is entitled to contribution from Botkin in a sum proportionate to Botkin's

fault. Since Botkin was 60 percent at fault, Aspen is entitled to collect 60 percent of
what he paid, or $60,000.

A is incorrect because the jurisdiction recognizes a right of contribution. B is incorrect

because the court found that Botkin was 60 percent at fault. C is incorrect because the
given statute based contribution on apportionment of fault.

168. C One who is neglIgent is liable for all harm proximately caused by that negligence. Neg-
ligence is a proximate cause of harm if that negligence was a factual cause of the harm,
and if the harm was a foreseeable consequence of (i.e., legally caused by) the negli-
gence. Since Baker's right leg would not have been broken if Foy had not negligently
knocked her off her bicycle into the roadway, Foy's negligence was a factual cause of
Baker's broken right leg. Thus if it was foreseeable that Baker would by struck again
while lying in the roadway, Foy's negligence was a proximate cause of the injury which
she sustained in the second accident.

The principle that "a defendant takes the plaintiff as he finds her" is sometimes used to
make a defendant whose negligence proximately caused harm to the plaintiff pay for
complications which would not have occurred if the plaintiff had not been supersensi-
tive. (e.g., a defendant who negligently puts out the good eye of a one-eyed plaintiff
might have to pay for total blindness, even though the defendant's negligence would
have left an ordinary person with one good eye.) This principle might help to determine
the extent of Salmi's liability to Baker. Since Foy's liability does not depend on Salmi's,
however, A is incorrect. If Baker's right leg would not have been broken but for Salmi's
negligence, Salmi's negligence was a cause of it. Since an injury might have several
causes, however, the fact that Salmi's negligence was one of them does not prevent
Foy's negligence from being one of them also, or prevent Foy from being liable for it. B
is, therefore, incorrect. Foy's negligence was a factual cause of Baker's broken right leg,
because it would not have been broken if Foy hadn't knocked her off her bicycle and
caused her to be lying in the roadway. D is incorrect, however, because a defendant is
not liable for an injury which was factually caused by his negligence unless that injury
was a foreseeable result of the negligence (i.e., the negligence was a legal cause of it).

169. A One who is negligent is liable for all harm proximately caused by that negligence. Neg-
ligence is a proximate cause of harm if that negligence was a factual cause of the harm,
and if the harm was a foreseeable consequence of the negligence. Since Baker's right
leg would not have been broken without Salmi's negligence, and since a broken leg is a
foreseeable consequence of being run over by a car, Salmi's negligence was a proximate
cause of Baker's broken right leg. II is, therefore, correct. Since Baker's left leg would
have been broken without Salmi's negligence, Salmi's negligence was not a factual
cause of it, and Salmi cannot be held liable for it. I is, therefore, incorrect.

170. B Self-defense is a privilege to use reasonable force to protect oneself against a threatened
tortious contact or confinement. Some jurisdictions hold that it is never reasonable to
use deadly force when it is reasonably safe to retreat. But even in those jurisdictions
which do not require retreat, Darrell's privilege is likely to tum on whether he knew or
should have known that he could safely retreat. In connection with the privilege of self-
defense, "reasonable force" means the force which would have appeared necessary to

the reasonable person in the defendant's situation. If Darrell knew or should have known
that he could safely and easily retreat without sustaining harm, the reasonable person in
his situation would probably not have considered it necessary to use any force at all in
self-defense. On the other hand, if Darrell could not have known that he could safely
and easily retreat, the reasonable person in his situation might have considered the use
of a knife necessary because of the extreme danger facing a person who has a pistol
pointed at him.

Deadly force may be reasonable in self-defense if the person using it is being threatened
by what reasonably appears to be deadly force. Since Pack was threatening Darrell with
a pistol, the use of a knife - even if it was deadly force - may have been privileged in
self-defense. For this reason, A is incorrect. If Darrell initiated the aggression by slap-
ping Pack, then Pack was privileged to use reasonable force to defend himself against
the possibility of further blows by Darrell. Thus, if the force with which Pack threatened
Darrell was reasonable, it would have been privileged, and, therefore, not tortious. If
that was so, then Darrell would not have been privileged to use force to defend himself
against it. (This reasoning accounts for the rule that an initial aggressor is not privileged
to use force to defend himself against a reasonable response to his aggression.) If, how-
ever, Pack's use of a pistol was unreasonable (i.e., excessive force), it was not privileged
by self-defense. Then, the contact with which Pack threatened Darrell would have been
tortious, and Darrell would have been privileged to defend himself against it by using
reasonable force. Thus, even if Darrell was the initial aggressor, he might have been
privileged to use a knife to defend himself against Pack's use of a gun. C is, therefore,
incorrect. Since reasonable force depends on what the reasonable person in the defen-
dant's situation would have considered necessary, Darrell's privilege depends on how
Darrell perceived or should have perceived the threat with which he was confronted.
Whe.ther or not Pack knew that the pistol was loaded, Darrell's use of a knife might have
been reasonable if Darrell believed that the pistol was loaded. D is, therefore, incorrect.

171. D Negligence is the breach of a duty of reasonable care. In general, a defendant owes a
plaintiff a duty of reasonable care if defendant's conduct creates a foreseeable risk to
that plaintiff. Since it was obviously unreasonable for Castle to use steel which he knew
to be of poor quality, he will probably be held liable to Page if he owed her a duty of rea-
sonable care. He owed such a duty if his use of poor quality steel created an apparent
danger (i.e., a foreseeable risk) to persons situated as Page.

If Castle was negligent, he is liable to Page if his negligence was a proximate cause of
Page's injury. If Page's injury was brought about by a superseding (i.e., unforeseeable)
intervening cause, Castle's negligence was not a proximate cause. On the other hand, if
the injury resulted from a concurring (i.e., foreseeable) intervening cause, Castle's neg-
ligence was a proximate use. Thus, the fact that the presence of the gasoline truck was
an intervening cause of harm is not, alone, sufficient to prevent Castle's conduct from
being a proximate cause of that harm. A is, therefore, incorrect. Like any other interven-
ing cause ofharm, an intervening "act of God" may be a superseding cause if its occur-
rence was unforeseeable. Not every "act of God" is unforeseeable, however (e.g., April
showers). Thus, the fact that the earthquake was an "act of God" is not, alone, sufficient
to make it a superseding cause of harm. For this reason, B is incorrect. On the other
hand, if the earthquake was unforeseeable - whether it was major or minor - its
occurrence could be regarded as a superseding cause of harm, relieving Castle of liabil-

ity. C is, therefore, incorrect.

172. C A defendant's conduct is a proximate cause of the plaintiff's harm if it was both a fac-
tual and legal cause of that harm. Conduct is a factual cause of harm if the harm would
not have occurred without it. Since the truck would not have leaked gas if it had not
been parked in front of Castle's construction site where it was struck by falling debris,
Dacy's parking it there was a factual cause of Page's harm. Conduct is a legal cause of
harm if the harm was a foreseeable result of it, and was not brought about by an unfore-
seeable intervention. Since the explosion would not have occurred if debris had not
fallen onto the truck after Dacy parked it, the falling debris was an intervening cause of
Page's harm. If that intervening cause was foreseeable, however, Dacy's conduct could
still be regarded as a legal cause of the explosion. On the other hand, if the intervention
of the falling debris was unforeseeable, Dacy's conduct would not be regarded as a legal
cause of the explosion, and Dacy could not be held liable for the resulting damage.
Whether Dacy could have anticipated that debris would fall and damage the truck can-
not be determined from the facts, but C is the only argument listed which could possibly
be effective in Dacy's defense.

A superseding cause of harm is an unforeseeable intervening cause. An intervening

cause is something which happened after the defendant's conduct, and without which
the accident would not have occurred. Although Castle's use of poor quality steel was a
cause of Page's injury (because the injury would not have occurred without it), it pre-
ceded Dacy's conduct, and so was not an intervening cause. It could not, therefore, have
been a superseding cause. For this reason, A is incorrect. The fact that the explosion
would not have occurred if Hankin had not thrown a lit cigarette into the street proves
that Hankin's conduct was a cause of Page's harm. The fact that Hankin's act occurred
after Dacy's conduct makes Hankin's act an intervening cause. B is incorrect, however,
because unless its occurrence was unforeseeable, the fact that there was an intervening
cause is not sufficient to prevent Dacy's conduct from being a proximate cause of Page's
injury. Since any result may have several proximate causes, it is never correct to con-
clude that one thing was not a proximate cause because another thing was. D is incorrect
because Dacy's conduct and the earthquake could both have been proximate causes of
Page's injury.

173. A Under the doctrine of respondeat superior, an employer is vicariously liable for torts
committed by an employee acting within the scope of employment. At any given time,
an employee is acting within the scope of employment if her conduct is likely to confer
an economic benefit on her employer and if she is subject to the employer's right of con-
trol. Since Dacy's visit to her personal physician was not likely to confer an economic
benefit on Gasco, she was not acting within the scope of her employment if she parked
the truck for that purpose.

On the other hand, if she had been acting within the scope of employment, the fact that
she violated a statute, or that she violated instructions from her employer, would not
relieve Gasco of vicarious liability for her torts. B, C, and D are, therefore, incorrect.

174. C The law of torts knows only three possible bases of liability: intent, negligence, or strict
liability. Since intent is desire or knowledge with substantial certainty that harm will
occur, and since Mart did not desire or know that any person would be struck by the

door, no recovery is possible on an intent theory. Although strict liability is imposed on

the sellers of defective products, strict liability is not available against Mart because
Mart did not sell the product which injured Parker. The only remaining theory is negli-
gence, which involves unreasonable conduct in the face of a duty of reasonable care.
Since Parker entered the premises for the purpose of making a purchase, he is an invitee.
The duty owed to an invitee is to keep the premises reasonably safe by making reason-
able inspections and reasonable repairs. Thus, if a reasonable inspection would have
disclosed the problem, then Mart was either negligent in not inspecting or negligent in
failing to discover what a reasonable inspection would have disclosed.

A is incorrect because only a professional seller of products like the one which caused
injury can be held strictly liable for defects in that product. The liability of a defendant
does not depend upon the availability of remedies against others. Thus, even if the fact
that Ingram was not negligent might leave Parker without a remedy, it would not affect
the liability of Mart. B is, therefore, incorrect. A landholder owes an invitee a duty of
reasonable care to keep the premises reasonably safe, while it owes a lesser duty to lic-
ensees and trespassers. For this reason, it might be relevant to determine whether Parker
entered Mart's premises as an invitee. An invitee is one whose presence is likely to con-
fer an economic benefit on the landholder, or one who has entered the premises in
response to a public invitation. Supermarkets ordinarily invite the public (either
expressly or impliedly) to enter their premises for the purpose of examining their wares.
In addition, the courts usually hold that a person who is likely to buy confers an eco-
nomic benefit by entering business premises, even if he does not actually make a pur-
chase while there. For these two reasons, Parker was an invitee whether or not he made
a purchase before leaving. D is, therefore, incorrect.

175. A Although the manufacturer of a defective product may be held liable without fault to a
person injured, it is necessary for the plaintiff to show that his injury was proximately
caused by the product's defect. If there was a superseding intervening cause of the harm,
the defect was not the proximate cause. An intervening cause of harm is a superseding
cause if its occurrence was unforeseeable. Thus, if it was unforeseeable that the Ingram
would disregard the warning, Ingram's conduct would be a superseding cause of
Parker's injury. Although many cases have held that intervening negligence is foresee-
able, many cases have held that when the intervention involves the disregard of a known
risk, it is unforeseeable. For this reason, it is impossible to tell whether Ingram's inter-
vening conduct would be found to be unforeseeable. Of all the arguments listed, how-
ever, A is the only one which could possibly be effective in Stepco's defense.

B is incorrect because strict liability may be applied to make the manufacturer of a

defective product liable without regard to whether it acted reasonably. C is incorrect
because strict product liability may be imposed to benefit any injured person whose
contract with the defective product was foreseeable, without regard to the existence of a
business relationship between the defendant and plaintiff. D is incorrect for two reasons:
first, there is no fact indicating that the reasonable person in Mart's position would not
have selected Ingram to do the job; and, second, intervening negligence by a third party
is not a superseding cause of harm unless it was unforeseeable.

176. B Negligence is a breach of the duty to act reasonably. A defendant owes such a duty to a
plaintiff when the defendant's conduct creates a foreseeable risk to the plaintiff. Since

the installation of an automatic door-opener creates obvious risks to future users of the
device, the installer owes them a duty to install it in a reasonable manner. If Ingram
failed to do so, he was negligent. Whether or not it was unreasonable to disregard the
warning is probably a question of fact for the jury. The argument in B is the only one
listed, however, which could possibly support Parker's claim.

When the defendant's conduct is unknown, the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur allows an
inference that the defendant acted unreasonably to be established circumstantially by
proof that the accident was one which would not ordinarily have occurred without negli-
gence, and that the defendant was in exclusive control of the circumstances. It is inappli-
cable when the defendant's conduct was known and the question to be determined is
whether that conduct was unreasonable. A is incorrect for this reason, and because there
is no fact indicating that this kind of accident would not ordinarily occur without negli-
gence by the installer. According to UCC section 2-314, every sale by a merchant
implies a warranty that the product sold is fit for ordinary use (i.e., merchantable). Cis
incorrect, however, because Ingram did not sell the automatic door-opener, and, there-
fore did not impliedly warrant its fitness. The seller of a defective product may be held
strictly liable for damage resulting from the product's defect. D is incorrect, however,
because Ingram was not the seller of the automatic door-opener.

177. C Battery is committed by intentionally causing harmful or offensive contact with the
plaintiff. Since there was no contact with Pagan, he could not successfully maintain a
battery claim.

A, B, and D are incorrect for the above reason. In addition, A is incorrect because the
doctrine of transferred intent does not apply unless the defendant had a tortious intent,
and there is no fact indicating that Cirque desired or knew (i.e., intended) any conse-
quence which would be tortious. Use of the word "unless" is an additional reason why
D is incorrect. As used in D, "unless" means that if Cirque knew that the lions would
attack, Cirque would be liable to Pagan for battery. Since there was no contact with
Pagan, however, this could not be correct.

178. B False imprisonment is committed by intentionally confining plaintiff. For this purpose,
"confining" means overcoming the plaintiff's will to leave. If Giles did not prevent
Moira from leaving, he did not confine her and could not be liable to her for false

A is incorrect because damage is not an essential element of false imprisonment.

Although Giles' conduct may have prevented Moira from obtaining physical custody of
David, Moira cannot maintain an action for false imprisonment unless she herself was
confined. C and D are, therefore, incorrect.

179. C Intentional infliction of emotional distress requires an outrageous act by the defendant,
committed with the intent to inflict mental suffering on the plaintiff, and which does
inflict severe mental suffering. In this connection, "intent" means that the defendant was
substantially certain that the plaintiff would experience suffering as a result of his act. If
Giles was not certain that his conduct would cause Moira to experience mental suffer-
ing, he lacked the intent necessary to be liable for this tort.

A is incorrect because in the absence of the requisite intent, the fact that a plaintiff expe-
rienced mental suffering is not sufficient to result in liability. The fact that defendant's
conduct was unreasonable, or that the reasonable person would have known that suffer-
ing would result from it, is not sufficient to result in liability, since intent is an essential
element of this tort and since intent depends on what the defendant subjectively knew. B
and Dare,. therefore, incorrect.

180. A Since the facts do not indicate that Daly intended contact with Chase or harm of any
kind to.Pagel, the only claim which could possibly succeed against him would be one
founded on negligence. Negligence is a breach of the duty of reasonable care. Generally,
a defendant owes a duty of reasonable care to a plaintiff only if his conduct created a
risk to that plaintiff which was foreseeable to the reasonable person. Thus, if the reason-
able person would not have expected (i.e., foreseen) harm to Pagel, Daly would have
owed her no duty of reasonable care and could not be held liable to her for negligence.
Many jurisdictions apply the "zone of danger" rule which holds that a plaintiff may not
recover for mental suffering which she experienced upon seeing another person sustain
a physical injury unless she was in the same zone of physical danger as the injured per-
son. In those jurisdictions, Pagel could not succeed against Daly even if the harm to her
was foreseeable. A is correct, however, because of all the additional facts listed it is the
only one which could possibly result in a judgement for Pagel.

B is incorrect because the doctrine of transferred intent applies only when the defen-
dant's intent was tortious to begin with. Since the facts do not indicate that Daly desired
or knew with certainty that his car would strike Chase, he had no tortious intent. C is
incorrect because there is no rule of tort law which transfers consequences or which is
known as the "doctrine of transferred consequences." Liability for intentionally inflict-
ing emotional distress requires outrageous conduct by the defendant. This tort also
requires the intent to cause mental suffering, however. Since Daly lacked such intent, he
could not be held liable for intentionally inflicting mental distress even if his conduct
was outrageous. D is, therefore, incorrect.

181. C Negligence is the breach of a duty of reasonable care. In some jurisdictions, the duty
which a landholder owes to a plaintiff who enters the land depends on the plaintiff's sta-
tus as trespasser, licensee, or invitee. In other jurisdictions, the duty does not depend on
the plaintiff's status. All jurisdictions agree, however, that a defendant does not owe a
plaintiff anything more than reasonable care, no matter what the plaintiff's status. Since
the lawn had recently been mowed and since the ladder was in plain view, it probably
was reasonable for Owen to believe that Lewis saw it. If so, Owen's failure to warn
Lewis about it probably was reasonable also, and, therefore, probably was not negligent.
While it is not certain that a court would come to this conclusion, the argument in C is
the only one listed which could possibly support Owen's defense.

The fact that Owen did not know with certainty that Lewis would be injured means that
he did not intend her injury. A is incorrect, however, because negligence liability does
not require intent or knowledge with certainty that harm will result. B is incorrect
because a landholder's obligation to warn or protect others against dangerous conditions
of his land may extend to conditions which he did not himself create. D is an incorrect
statement of the law; in general a government employee entering on official business is
at least a licensee, entitled to be warned of dangerous conditions known to the land-

holder and hidden from the licensee's view.

182. A Under the "all-or-nothing" rule of contributory negligence, unreasonable conduct by a

plaintiff is a complete bar to recovery. Since the ladder was in plain view, it was proba-
bly unreasonable (i.e., contributorily negligent) for Lewis not to see it. Although it is not
certain that a jury would come to this conclusion, A is the only argument listed which
could possibly provide Paynter with an effective defense.

Bis incorrect because the special rules which limit the duty owed to trespassers protect
only the landholder, and no one· but he or a member of his household may successfully
assert them in defense. C is incorrect because a defendant owes a duty of reasonable
care to any person who may foreseeably be injured by his conduct, whether such per-
sons are licensees of another or not. One whose negligence proximately causes an injury
to another is liable for damages even though there were other causes of that injury. For
this reason, D is incorrect.

183. D Under the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur, an inference that the defendant acted unreason-
ably can be drawn from the facts that the injury involved was one which does not usu-
ally occur without· unreasonable conduct and that the defendant was the only person
whose conduct could have caused the injury (i.e., the defendant had exclusive control of
the circumstances). If an expert witness testifies that surgeons do not usually leave
instruments inside a patient unless they are acting unreasonably, Peck can rely on the
inference established by res ipsa loquitur if she can show that Dr. Danh was the only
person who could have left the instrument inside her. Since Danh was the only person
who had ever performed surgery on Peck, Danh is the only person who could have left
the instrument inside her.

A is incorrect because it is based on an inaccurate statement of law; there are many

medical malpractice cases in which the plaintiff was permitted to rely on res ipsa loqui-
tur. (Note: These frequently involve foreign objects which were left in the plaintiff's
body during surgery). Ordinarily, in drawing an inference of negligence under the doc-
trine of res ipsa loquitur, a jury relies on what it knows about human experience to
determine whether a particular accident is of a kind which does not usually occur with-
out negligence. Because of its lack of specialized knowledge, a jury is not competent to
decide whether the particular result of a professional's conduct is one which would not
usually occur without negligence. Once a jury has heard testimony to that effect from an
expert witness, however, it may base an inference of negligence on its decision about
whether or not it believes that witness. This is a decision which a jury is uniquely com-
petent to make. For this reason, B is incorrect. C is incorrect because res ipsa loquitur is
not dependent on the existence of any "absolute duty," but rather on circumstantial evi-
dence which justifies the inference that a particular defendant acted unreasonably.

184. A In an "all-or-nothing" contributory negligence jurisdiction, a plaintiff whose own negli-

gence contributed to the accident can not recover any damages for injuries which he sus-
tained. Under pure comparative negligence statutes, a plaintiff's negligence does not bar
his recovery, but results in a reduction of damages in proportion to his own fault. Since
the jury found Walker's damage to be $100,000, and found Walker to be 20% at fault,
Walker is entitled to collect $100,000 reduced by 20%. When two defendants are
"jointly and severally" liable to the plaintiff, the plaintiff may collectthe entire amount

of his judgment from either of them (several liability), or may collect it from both of
them in any combination whatsoever (joint liability). Since the court found Ashby and
Bloomfield to be jointly and severally liable to Walker, Walker can collect the full
amount of his judgment from Ashby alone.

B is incorrect because of the "collateral source rule" which provides that money which a
plaintiff receives from parties other than tortfeasors or their representatives is irrelevant
in determining his damages. For this reason, the sum of $10,000 which Walker received
froUl his own hospitalization insurer plays no part in determining the amount which he
can collect from Ashby or Bloomfield. C is incorrect because the court found Ashby
and Bloomfield to be jointly and severally liable to Walker as explained above. D is
incorrect under the collateral source rule as explained above.

185. D In general, there are only three potential bases for tort liability: intent, negligence, and
liability without fault. Liability without fault is ordinarily imposed upon a person who
knowingly engages in abnormally dangerous activities or who is a professional supplier
of products. Since Darrin was neither, liability without fault cannot be imposed. Inten-
tional tort liability is imposed upon a defendant who knew to a substantial degree of cer-
tainty that his act would harm the plaintiff. Unless Darrin knew that the stove would hurt
someone, he cannot be liable for committing an intentional tort. Negligence is unreason-
able conduct in the face of a risk about which the defendant should have known (i.e., a
foreseeable risk). Unless Darrin should have known that his stove would injure some-
one, he cannot be liable for negligence.

Although liability without fault (i.e., strict liability) may be imposed upon a profes-
sional supplier who sells a defective product, A is incorrect because Darrin was neither
a professional supplier of stoves nor did he sell the defective stove. If Darrin should
have anticipated that a person would enter his cabin by mistake, he might have owed
Perl a duty to act reasonably. B is incorrect, however, because there is no fact indicating
that he breached that duty by acting unreasonably. It is often held that a landholder owes
a trespasser no duty of reasonable care. Thus, if Perl was a trespasser at the time of the
explosion, Darrin would probably not be liable to her for negligence. Even if she was
not a trespasser, however, Darrin would not be liable unless he knew or should have
known that the stove would injure someone. Perl's trespass is, therefore, not the only
thing that would result in a judgment for Darrin. C is, therefore, incorrect.

186. C Under the "but for" rule of causation, defendant's conduct is a cause of plaintiff's injury
if the plaintiff's injury would not have occurred without it. Since Palco would not have
been injured without Yeong's intoxication, and since Yeong would not have become
intoxicated without Barney's conduct, Barney's conduct was a cause of Palco's injury.

A is incorrect for two reasons. First, given the facts it is uncertain whether Alfred's con-
duct was a substantial factor in making Yeong intoxicated. Second, even if Alfred's con-
duct was a cause of the harm (i.e., a substantial factor in producing it), Barney's conduct
was also a cause of that harm. B is incorrect because the language of the statute (" ... any
person who sold said minor the alcohol which resulted in said minor's intoxication ...")
indicates that liability depends on a causal relationship between the defendant's conduct
and the minor's intoxication. Since Palco's injury would not have occurred without
Yeong's intoxication, any cause of Yeong's intoxication must also have been a cause of

Palco's injury (see above explanation of "but for" rule). D is, therefore, incorrect.

187. D Under the "substantial factor" rule of causation, defendant's conduct is a cause of a par-
ticular consequence if it was a substantial factor in bringing that consequence about.
Conduct which would have produced a particular consequence all by itself was a sub-
stantial factor in producing that consequence even if other factors happened to combine
with that conduct to bring the consequence about. Since either Alfred's conduct alone or
Barney's conduct alone would have made Yeong intoxicated, each was a substantial fac-
tor in making Yeong intoxicated. Each was, therefore, a cause of Yeong's intoxication.
Under the "but for" rule of causation, a condition is a cause of harm if the harm would
not have occurred without that condition. Since Palco's injury would not have occurred
had Yeong not been intoxicated, Yeong's intoxication was a cause of Palco's injury.
Since the conduct of Alfred and Barney were causes of Yeong's intoxication, and since
Yeong's intoxication was a cause of Palco's injury, the conduct of Alfred and Barney
were causes of Palco's injury. For this reason, neither I nor II is correct.

188. C Negligence is unreasonable conduct in the face of a foreseeable risk. If Brown acted rea-
sonably in relying on Anderman's instructions, she could not have been negligent.

A plaintiff may be prevented from recovering for damages resulting from a defendant's
negligence if the plaintiff "assumed the risk" by voluntarily encountering a risk of
which he knew. A is incorrect because this concept applies only to the conduct of a
plaintiff. B is incorrect because a defendant owes a duty of reasonable care to all per-
sons who are placed at a foreseeable risk as a result of that defendant's conduct. Since it
was foreseeable that Ocampo would hire a mover to bring furniture into the new house,
Brown thus owed Myers a duty to act reasonably in building the house, and could be lia-
ble to Myers for breaching it. D is incorrect because a ritualistic protest is not sufficient
to absolve a person of liability for the results of her conduct if that conduct is unreason-

189. A The fact that an accident occurred is not enough to prove that Anderman was negligent,
even if he could have avoided the accident by using two pillars. Negligence is unreason-
able conduct. If Anderman's conduct was reasonable, it could not have been negligent.
Since the facts are not sufficient to permit a conclusion as to whether or not Anderman's
conductwas reasonable, it is not certain that a jury would be convinced by Anderman's
contention. A is the only argument listed, however, which could possibly provide
Anderman with an effective defense.

A defendant owes a duty of reasonable care to all persons who are placed at foreseeable
risk as a result of that defendant's conduct. Since it was foreseeable that Ocampo would
hire a mover to bring furniture into the new house, Anderman thus owed Myers a duty
to act reasonably in designing the house, and could be liable to Myers for breaching it.
B is, therefore, incorrect. The doctrine of "last clear chance" has become obsolete in
most jurisdictions. All it ever did (and all it does in those jurisdictions in which it sur-
vives) is excuse a plaintiff from the consequences of his own contributory negligence. It
was never an argument which a defendant would advance, because it never benefitted
any party but a plaintiff. For these reasons, it is inapplicable to this problem, and C is
incorrect. D is incorrect because the unreasonable exercise of professional judgement in
making a decision is negligence (or malpractice) and may result in liability.

190. C The manufacturer of a product is strictly liable for damage which results from a defect
in the product which existed at the time the manufacturer placed that product in the
stream of commerce. In this connection, a product is defective if its condition would
defeat the expectations of the reasonable consumer. Since a reasonable consumer would
not expect liquor to contain poison, the liquor was defective. Since that defect existed
when the liquor left Wheatstraw's factory, Wheatstraw is strictly liable for Prill's inju-

A is incorrect because strict liability is imposed regardless of the reason for the exist-
ence of the defect. B is incorrect because strict liability is applied for the benefit of any
foreseeable plaintiff regardless of whether she was a purchaser, consumer or bystander.
D is incorrect because strict liability (i.e., liability without fault) does not depend on the
defendant's unreasonable conduct.

191. B Violation of a statute may establish the violator's negligence (or liability) in a particular
case if the statute was designed to protect against the risk which led to the plaintiff's
harm. Prill was not hurt because Drinker was drunk, but because Drinker had been poi-
soned. (Note that the facts indicate that Drinker was driving reasonably.) If the statute
was not meant to protect against the risk of drinking poison, then its violation would not
be relevant in the case of an injury which resulted from drinking poison. Since poison
could as easily be drunk in non-alcoholic drinks, it is unlikely that the statute in this case
was designed to protect against drinking poison.

A is incorrect because the language of the statute appears to prohibit the sale of alcohol
to a person who is already intoxicated, without regard to how he got intoxicated. C is
based on an inaccurate statement. Conduct is a cause of harm if that harm would not
have occurred without the conduct. Since Drinker's death and the resulting accident
would not have occurred if Drinker had not drunk the poisoned Old Wheatstraw liquor,
service of the liquor was a cause of Prill's injuries. C is, therefore, incorrect. If an inter-
vening cause of harm was unforeseeable, it may be called a superseding cause and
relieve a defendant of liability by resulting in the conclusion that his conduct was not a
"legal" or "proximate" cause of the injury. Causes which existed or occurred prior to the
defendant's conduct are not intervening causes, however, and, therefore, cannot be
superseding causes of harm. D is incorrect because Fuller's conduct preceded Barr's
service of liquor to Drinker.

192. A Strict liability (i.e., liability without fault) may be imposed on one who engages in an
extremely hazardous activity. In this connection, an activity is sufficiently hazardous to
result in strict liability if it is not a common activity and necessarily involves a serious
risk of harm which risk cannot be eliminated by reasonable care. While it is not certain
that a court would come to this conclusion, A is the only option which could possibly be

Although the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur may permit an inference of negligence to be
drawn from circumstantial evidence, it does not impose negligence liability on a defen-
dant who was not negligent. Since the facts indicate that Rocketcorp acted reasonably,
negligence liability should not be imposed. B is, therefore, incorrect. Although tort lia-
bility is sometimes limited by the concept of foreseeability, the amount of damage need

not be specifically foreseeable so long as the type of damage is. C is, therefore, incor-
rect. D is incorrect because a type of harm may be foreseeable even though it never hap-
pened before (e.g., It is foreseeable that a person will die even though she has never died
before.) The fact that no such damage had ever occurred in the past is, therefore, not suf-
ficient to make that damage unforeseeable.

193. C A manufacturer is strictly liable for injuries which result from a defect in its product if
the defect existed when the manufacturer placed the product in the stream of commerce.
- -Beltco~wilI-thus becStrictly liable if the absence--of an. acceleration suppressor was a
defect. A defect is a condition which would defeat the expectations of the reasonable
consumer. Unless the belt truck is equipped with an acceleration suppressor, it will lurch
forward if the belt idle is adjusted improperly. The reasonable consumer probably does
not expect a vehicle to lurch forward when it is being used for its intended purpose.
Since persons who maintain belt trucks frequently adjust the belt idle improperly, belt
trucks will frequently lurch in the absence of an acceleration suppressor. Its absence,
therefore, is probably a defect.

The absence of an acceleration suppressorwas a factual cause of Plum's injury because

Plum would not have been injured if the truck had been equipped with one. The fact that
the injury would not have occurred without the subsequent acts of others (i.e., interven-
ing causes) would not prevent Beltco from being liable unless those subsequent acts
(i.e., intervening causes) were unforeseeable (i.e., superseding causes). Since humans
are frequently negligent, the unreasonable conduct of Treetop and McCann may have
been foreseeable. For this reason, A and B are incorrect. D is incorrect because it is
based on an inaccurate statement. Sometimes the relationship between two persons
makes one of them responsible for conduct of the other (i.e., conduct of one is imputed
to the other). There is no relationship between McCann and Beltco which would result
in such an imputation, however.

194. A Negligence is unreasonable conduct in the face of a foreseeable risk. Thus, unless the
risk which McCann created was foreseeable, it was not negligent for McCann to create
it. Adjusting the belt idle improperly does not cause a belt truck to lurch if it is equipped
with an accelerator suppressor. Thus, if belt trucks are usually equipped with accelera-
tion suppressors, it might not be foreseeable that adjusting the belt idle improperly
would cause a belt truck to lurch. If this risk was not foreseeable, McCann was not neg-
ligent in creating it. Although it is not certain that a jury would come to this conclusion,
the additional fact listed in A is the only one which could possibly result in a judgement
for McCann.

Under the "all-or-nothing" rule, a plaintiff whose own negligence contributed to the
accident is prevented from recovering. B is incorrect, however, because there is no fact
indicating that it was negligent for Plum to attempt to activate the belt while standing on
the ground. C and D are incorrect because a defendant is liable for damage which was
proximately caused by his negligence eventhough there are other causes or other parties
who may also be liable.

195. D Private nuisance involves a tortious invasion of the plaintiff's right to use and enjoy
realty. Although the fumes invaded Fox's right to use and enjoy his realty, their emission
was not a nuisance unless it resulted from liability-forming (i.e., tortious) conduct by

Kemco. Since Fox has alleged that Kemco's conduct was liability-forming in that it was
negligent, liability will depend on whether Kemco's conduct was unreasonable (i.e.,
negligent). Ordinarily, in determining whether conduct is unreasonable, it is necessary
to weigh the risks resulting from such conduct against the burdens of eliminating those
risks. If the cost (Le., the burden) of eliminating the fumes would drive Kemco out of
business, a court might find that the burden was so much heavier than the risk which it
would eliminate that it was not unreasonable for Kemco to continue emitting the fumes,
and that Kemco therefore, was not negligent. While it is not certain that a court would
come to this conclusion, n is the only argument listed which could possibly provide
Kemco with an effective defense.

A is incorrect because nuisance requires an invasion of plaintiff's rights in realty, but

does not require a physical invasion of the realty itself. In order for an individual to pre-
vail in a claim for public nuisance, he must show that the harm which he sustained was
substantially different from that sustained by the general public. B is incorrect, however,
because no such showing is required in a claim for private nuisance. If Fox's claim were
based on intent, it would be necessary for him to show that Kemco knew that its activity
was interfering with his right. Since his claim is based on negligence, however, it is suf-
ficient for him to show that such interference was foreseeable. C is, therefore, incorrect.

196. A Public nuisance is a tortious invasion of some right of the general public. Ordinarily, a
public nuisance action is brought on behalf of the general public as an entity, and may
result in a judgment for damage and/or an injunction. An individual may bring a public
nuisance action on his own behalf, but only by showing that the public nuisance which
the defendant created caused the individual plaintiff to sustain harm so different from
that of the general public that his damages would not be included in a judgment on
behalf of the general public. Most jurisdictions hold that in such an action, the plaintiff's
only remedy is a judgment for those damages. Since Sal's claim is for an injunction
rather than for Sal's special damage, public nuisance is not an appropriate vehicle for it.

An activity which does not disturb anyone but a super-sensitive plaintiff is probably not
a public nuisance, since it does not interfere with a public right. If an activity does dis-
turb the general public, however, and is, therefore, a public nuisance, the fact that the
plaintiff's damage resulted from a special sensitivity will not prevent him from recover-
ing for that damage. (Note: This is the essence of the famous "eggshell skull" hypo in
which defendant accidentally drops an object which strikes the head of a plaintiff whose
skull is as thin as an eggshell. If it was not foreseeable that dropping the object would
injure the ordinary person, defendant was not negligent in dropping it. But if it was fore-
seeable that dropping it would injure the ordinary person, then defendant was negligent
in dropping it and would be liable for the full extent of plaintiff's injury even though the
ordinary person in the plaintiff's shoes would not have sustained an injury as serious as
that of the plaintiff.) B is, therefore, incorrect. Aplaintiff "assumes the risk" when he
voluntarily encounters a risk of which he has knowledge. Although assumption of the
risk is a complete defense in many jurisdictions, C is incorrect because the claim was
asserted on behalf of Sal, and Fox could not "assume the risk" for Sal. n is incorrect,
because, although violation of statute sometimes helps to establish tort liability, compli-
ancewith statute does not ordinarily prevent a defendant from being liable in tort.


1. Deakin was looking out through the open win- (A) Donco may not impeach its own witness.
dow of his house when he saw Thead knock
(B) The question is leading.
down Elder, who was an old and feeble woman,
and snatch her handbag. As Thead ran off with (C) The question is argutllentative.
Elder's purse, Deakin grabbed a wooden board (D) The question goes beyond the scope of cross
and jumped through his window. After chasing examination.
Thead for two blocks, Deakin caught up with him
and struck him on the head with the wooden
board. Deakin retrieved the purse. and returned it Questions 3-4 are based on the following fact situation.
to Elder. Thead subsequently died as the result of
being struck by Deakin. After being informed that members of a college frater-
nity were engaged in the unlawful sale of cocaine,
If Deakin is prosecuted for criminal homicide, his police officers obtained a warrant to search the frater-
most effective argument in defense would be that nity house. While searching, the officers discovered
he used force which Gina, a guest of one of the fraternity's members, sitting
on a bed in a room of the house. Under the bed was a
(A) Elder would have been privileged to use to locked trunk. Inside the trunk, the officers found a box
defend herself. of cocaine. They immediately placed Gina under arrest
for possession of cocaine and, upon searching her,
(B) the reasonable person in Deakin's position
found a plastic bag in her pocket containing marijuana.
would have used to defend Elder.
Subsequently charged with the unlawful possession of
(C) the reasonable person in Elder's position marijuana, Gina moved to suppress use of the mari-
would have used to defend her property. juana as evidence against her.
(D) the reasonable person in Deakin's position
would have used to prevent Thead's escape 3. Which of the following would be the prosecu-
from a crime. tion's most effective argument in response to
Gina's motion?
2. At the trial of an action brought by Pelton against
Donco for damages resulting from breach of con- (A) Marijuana foundin Gina's possession could
tract, Pelton's attorney called Wayman as a wit- properly be seized as fruit of the poisonous
ness on Pelton's direct case. After Wayman was tree.
sworn, Pelton's attorney asked only one question: (B) Gina's proximity to the trunk gave the offic-
''Are you employed by Donco, the defendant in ers probable cause to believe that she was
this case?" Wayman answered, "Yes." Pelton's guilty of possessing cocaine.
attorney then said, "I have no further questions."
(C) The officers searching the fraternity house
were entitled to frisk all persons present to
On cross-examination, Donco's attorney asked
protect themselves against the possibility
Wayman, "Do you have any personal knowledge
of physical attack.
of the contract which is the basis of this lawsuit?"
(D) A warrant authorizing the search of speci-
If Pelton's attorney objects to the question, which fled premises permits the arrest of all per-
of the following would be the most effective sons·present at the time the warrant is
argument in support of that objection? executed.

4. If it was the only one true, which of the following (D) Both Sadler and Bain were mistaken about
additional facts or inferences would be most the identity of the parcel described in the
likely to result in a granting of Gina's motion? contract.

(A) The officer who searched Gina was male.

6. A state law provides that no person may hold
(B) Gina was not guilty of possessing cocaine. elective state office while acting as a practicing
(C) Gina'sarrestfor pDssessioD- of cocaine was member of the clergy of any religious organiza-
not lawful. tion. Causton, a practicing member of the clergy
of a religious organization known as the Church
(D) The warrant for the search of the fraternity of the Lord, asked the state commissioner of elec-
house was issued solely on the basis of tions to enter his name as a candidate for the
hearsay. office of state legislator. The commissioner
advised Causton that under the state law
5. Upon inheriting her Aunt's ranch, Sadler subdi- described above, she could do so only if Causton
vided it into 1,000 separate numbered parcels of resigned his position within the Church of the
realty and offered them for sale. After inspecting Lord.
a parcel which had no building on it, Bain and his
attorney Lawler went to see Sadler in her sales If Causton challenges the constitutionality of the
office. After negotiation, Sadler accepted Bain's state law on the ground that it violates the free
offer to purchase the parcel for $15,000. At exercise clause of the First Amendment, which of
Bain's request, Lawler prepared a contract of the following arguments best supports the con-
sale, using a printed form which Lawler had clusion that the statute is unconstitutional?
brought with her. While doing so, Lawler asked
Sadler how to identify the parcel involved. (A) A state may not set qualifications for elec-
Although its correct identification was "Parcel tive state office which are different from
241;' Sadler inadvertently referred to it as "Par- those for elective federal office.
ceI341." None ofthem was aware of Sadler's (B) The state may not set qualifications for prac-
error. As soon as Lawler finished preparing it, ticing members of the clergy of religious
Sadler and Bain signed a contract which organizations.
described the realty as Parcel No. 341.
(C) The statute creates political divisiveness
along religious lines.
Although Parcels No. 241 and No. 341 were the
same size, Parcel No. 341 had a valuable building (D) The statute discriminates against persons
on it which made it worth $80,000. Prior to the because of their religious affiliations.
date set for closing, Sadler realized her mistake.
She immediately informed Bain of the error. If

I Bain sues Sadler for an order directing her to con-

vey Parcel No. 341 to him for $15,000, which of
the following would be Sadler's most effective
argument in defense?
7. Semon owned a wooden pier which jutted out
into the ocean, and a restaurant located on that
pier. The structure was supported by wooden pil-
ings driven into the ocean floor. Although the
bottom ends of the pilings were under water, the
top ends protruded several feet above the water's
(A) Bain should have known that realty with a
surface. Because he wished to sell the property,
building on it was more valuable than
Semon painted the pier, the restaurant and the
realty without a building on it.
exposed parts of the pilings that supported the
(B) Bain selected Lawler to prepare the contract. structure.
(C) Parcel No. 341 was substantially more valu-
able than Parcel No. 241. Palen, who was interested in purchasing the prop-
erty, inspected the building and pier. He did not

ask Semon about the condition of the pilings or with a deadly weapon.
inspect the parts which were beneath the surface
of the water because the fresh paint on the pilings If Reger asserts the privilege of self defense, he
made them look relatively new. Mter purchasing should be found
the property, Palen learned that portions of the
pilings below the surface of the water were rot- (A) guilty, because as the initial aggressor Reger
ten, and would require expensive repairs. had no privilege to use deadly force.
(B) guilty, if Reger could have successfully
If Palen asserts a claim for damages against
escaped in his car without being shot by
Semon, alleging that Semon's failure to disclose
the rotten condition of the pilings below the sur-
face of the water was a misrepresentation, the (C) not guilty, if Reger's fear of being shot by
court is most likely to find for Santana was reasonable.
(D) not guilty, because Santana should have
(A) Palen, if Semon knew or should have known known that by loading his pistol he was
that portions of the pilings which were inviting the use of deadly force by Reger.
located below the surface of the water
were rotten.
9. Palma was a passenger on a motorcycle operated
(B) Palen, because Semon painted the portions
by Causey when it collided with an car operated
of the pilings which were above the sur-
by Daniel. As a result of the collision, Palma sus-
face of the water.
tained injuries which required her hospitalization.
(C) Semon, because Palen did not ask Semon Although Palma's hospital bills were high, they
about the condition of the pilings. were paid in full by the Mutual Insurance Com-
pany under a policy which Palma had purchased
(D) Palen, if knowledge that the pilings were
previously. In a litigation by Palma against
rotten below the surface of the water
Daniel for negligence, a jury found for Palma in
would have prevented Palen from purchas-
the sum of $50,000. Prior to the entry of judg-
ing the property.
ment, Daniel's attorney made an appropriate
motion asking the court to reduce the damage
8. Santana, who was employed as a security guard, award by the amount which Palma had already
was required to carry a loaded pistol on the job. received from Mutual Insurance Company.
While traveling to and from his job, however, he
kept the pistol unloaded. Driving to work one The motion to reduce Palma's damage award
day, Santana's car was struck from behind by a should be
car operated by Reger. In the discussion which
ensued, Reger used language which Santana (A) denied, because the Mutual Insurance Com-
found offensive. At that point, Santana turned his pany was not acting for any person liable
back on Reger and attempted to walk away. to Palma for negligence.
Angry, Reger ran after Santana and slapped him
(B) denied, because payment by the Mutual
in the face. Although Santana did not intend to
Insurance Company was not the result of a
shoot Reger, he pulled his pistol from its holster
judicial determination.
and began loading it, hoping that Reger would
become frightened and leave him alone. When (C) granted, because Palma should not be per-
Reger saw Santana loading the pistol, he thought mitted to receive a double recovery.
of running away, but was afraid that Santana (D) granted, because Daniel is entitled to partial
would shoot him if he tried to do so. Drawing a indemnity.
switchblade knife from his pocket, Reger stabbed
Santana in the chest. Reger was subsequently
arrested and charged with assaulting Santana 10. Morefield operated a computer repair business,

servicing the computers of several large organiza- For $100 and other good and valuable con-
tions with the assistance of her daughter Danbury. sideration, I hereby offer to sell my antique
When Morefield decided to retire, she sold the Arrowhead automobile to Barnes at a price
entire business to Danbury. As part of the sale, of $5,000. If Barnes decides to purchase the
she assigned to Danbury a written contract to vehicle, the $100 which I have received from
repair and service all of Execuco's computers for her shall be applied to the purchase price. If
a period of three years in return for a fixed Barnes does not decide to purchase the vehi-
monthly payment. cle, I will keep the $100. I promise to hold
this offer open until October 1.
The day after her assignment to Danbury, More- On May 15, Barnes informed Schilling that she
field notified Execuco about it by telephone. had decided to purchase the Arrowhead, but
Because Execuco knew that Danbury had worked Schilling said that she had already sold the car to
on his computers in the past, he consented to the someone else.
assignment and orally agreed to release More-
field from all further obligation or liability under If Barnes asserts a claim against Schilling based
their contract. Execuco subsequently became dis- on Schilling's promise to keep the offer open
satisfied with Danbury's service, however, and until October 1, the court should
asserted a claim against Morefield for breach of
contract. (A) enforce the promise as an option contract.

If Morefield's only defense is that Execuco (B) not enforce the promise.
agreed to release her from all further obligation (C) enforce the promise because it was a firm
or liability under their contract, which of the fol- offer in writing.
lowing would be Execuco's most effective argu-
ment in response to that defense? (D) enforce the promise only if Barnes relied to
her detriment on Schilling's promise to
(A) Morefield is attempting to use parol evi- keep the offer open.
dence to contradict or modify the terms of
an unambiguous written agreement. 12. Congress passes a law providing that no one who
(B) There was no consideration for Execuco's has been a member of an organization which uses
agreement to release Morefield of further unlawful means to deprive any group of persons
obligation or liability under the contract. of their rights under the United States Constitu-
tion is eligible for employment by the federal
(C) The agreement to release Morefield of fur- government. If the constitutionality of that law is
ther obligation or liability under the con- challenged, it should be held
tract was not in writing.

I (D) Morefield's delegation to Danbury and (A) unconstitutional, because it is an ex post

Execuco's agreement to release Morefield facto law.
constituted an accord and satisfaction. (B) unconstitutional, because it prohibits mem-
bers of certain organizations from holding
11. Schilling and Barnes were collectors of antique public office without regard to whether
automobiles. On April 15, Schilling told Barnes those members knew the purpose of the
that she was thinking of selling an antique organizations to which they belonged.
Arrowhead automobile which she owned. Barnes (C) constitutional, because employment by the
said that she might be interested in buying it. federal government is not a right but a
After discussion, Barnes paid Schilling $100 in privilege.
cash, and on April 15 Schilling signed a docu-
ment which contained the following language: (D) constitutional, because the federal govern-
ment has the right to protect itself by not

employing persons who hold views incon- Nelsen of incompetence resulting in the death of
sistent with the United States Constitution. a patient, Dock disliked Nelsen. In fact, however,
the doctor who made the accusation had mistaken
Nelson for another nurse, and Nelsen had been
13. The Ocalala river is located entirely within the
cleared of blame by a Welby Clinic board of
State of Ocalala. Acting under authority granted
by Congress, the Federal Transportation Com-
mission awarded a contract to-Bell Contracting
Hoping that Nelsen's job application would be
Company for the construction of a bridge, to be
rejected, Dock wrote on the questionnaire, "I
known as the Ocalala Bridge, over the Ocalala
once heard that Nelsen's incompetence resulted
river. The contract required that all materials used
in the death of a patient." Mercy Hospital did not
in constructing the bridge be purchased within
hire Nelsen.
the State of Ocalala.
If Nelsen asserts a defamation claim against
A statute of the State of Ocalala imposes a 6 per-
Dock for Dock's statement in the questionnaire,
cent sales tax, to be paid by the buyer, on any pur-
the court should find for
chases made within the state. Upon purchasing
steel in the State of Ocalala for use in the con-
(A) Dock, if Dock reasonably believed that
struction of the Ocalala Bridge, Bell Contracting
Nelsen's incompetence resulted in the
Company refused to pay sales tax. As a result, the
death of a patient.
State of Ocalala prosecuted Bell Contracting
Company for violating the sales tax statute. (B) Dock, because the statement clearly indi-
cated that Dock had heard the accusation
If Bell Contracting Company's only defense is from another.
that in fulfilling a contract with the federal gov- (C) Nelsen, because Dock's dislike of Nelsen
ernment it was immune from the state sales tax and Dock's hope that Nelsen's job applica-
statute, the court should find Bell Contracting tion would be rejected amounted to actual
Company malice.
(A) not guilty, if the Ocalala Bridge was to be (D) Nelsen, if the statement resulted in Mercy
used in interstate commerce. Hospital not hiring Nelson.
(B) not guilty, because the state lacks power to
tax activities of the federal government. Questions 15-16 are based on the following fact situa-
(C) guilty, because independent contractors
working for the federal government are
In December 1984, Sada, a manufacturer of packaging
subject to state taxes.
materials, entered into a written agreement with Bald-
(D) guilty, unless Bell Contracting Company's win, a wholesaler of cazbah melons. The agreement
contract with the Federal Transportation provided that Baldwin would purchase from Sada all
Commission was on a cost-plus-fixed- the boxes required by Baldwin for packaging cazbah
profit basis. melons in 1985, but that in no event would the number
of boxes required be less than 2,000.
14. When Nelsen applied for ajob as a nurse at
After the agreement was executed, the price of cazbah
Mercy Hospital, the hospital's personnel depart-
melons fell from $1.00 per melon to $.80 per melon. As
ment sent questionnaires to doctors on its staff,
a result, Baldwin notified Sada in January 1985 that he
requesting information about Nelsen. Dock, a
intended to package cazbah melons in bags instead of
doctor on staff, knew Nelson from when they had
boxes, and that he would not order any boxes from
both been employed at Welby Clinic. Since Dock
Sada in 1985.
had heard another doctor at Welby Clinic accuse

15. Assume for the purpose ofthis question only that A riot broke out during a political rally in the town of
in January 1985 Sada instituted an action against Burg. Subsequently, The Herald, a daily newspaper,
Baldwin for damages. If Baldwin asks the court published an editorial about the rally and the ensuing
to dismiss Sada's action, should the court do so? disruption. The editorial stated that "Police present at
the rally beat and kicked innocent bystanders and
(A) Yes, because Baldwin might still order 2,000 engaged in other acts of senseless and unnecessary bru-
boxes by the end of 1985. tality." Following publication of the editorial, four
police officers who were present at the rally asserted a
(B) Yes, because the provision which required
defamation claim against The Herald.
Sada to furnish all the boxes required by
Baldwin in 1985 makes it impossible for
the court to determine Sada's damages. 17. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
(C) No, because damages are presumed to result the only argument raised by The Herald in
from every breach of contract. defense is that the statements contained in the
editorial did not identify the plaintiffs. The court
(D) No, because Baldwin has stated that he will should find for
not fulfill his obligations under the con-
tract. (A) plaintiffs, if the number of police present at
the rally was so small that readers who
16. Assume for the purpose of this question only that knew the plaintiffs would believe that the
Sada instituted an action for damages against statement had been made about them.
Baldwin in January 1986. At the trial, Baldwin (B) plaintiffs, but only if they were the only
attempted to testify that in the cazbah melon police present at the rally.
industry it was generally understood that mini-
(C) The Herald, unless the statement is found to
mum requirements set forth in contracts for the
be slander per se.
supply of packaging materials were of no effect
when the price of cazbah melons fell drastically. (D) The Herald, because the statement did not
Should the court admit Baldwin's testimony over specifically name the plaintiffs.
Sada's objection?
18. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
(A) Yes, because evidence of a regularly
all parties agree that The Herald lacked actual
observed business practice may be offered
malice in making the statement, and that this is
to explain the terms of a written agree-
the only defense raised by The Herald. Which of
the following arguments would be most likely to
(B) Yes, but only if the written agreement was result in a judgment for The Herald?
not intended by the parties to be a final
expression of their agreement. (A) There is no such thing as a false idea.
(C) No, if the parties did not contemplate a (B) The plaintiffs were in a position of apparent
decline in the price of cazbah melons. control over public affairs.
(D) No, because the fact that the parties speci- (C) The editorial and resulting lawsuit made the
fied a minimum requirement of 2,000 public familiar with the plaintiffs.
boxes shows that they did not intend to be
(D) The plaintiffs were public employees.
bound by any pre-existing industry stan-
Questions 19-20 are based on the following fact situa-
Questions 17-18 are based on the following fact situa-
Vestco, a manufacturer of police equipment, obtained a

patent for a bullet-proof vest made entirely of recycled City Police Department's most effective argu-
aluminum cans. On April I, the Green City Police ment in defense against that claim?
Department entered into a written contract with Vestco
providing for the purchase and sale of thirty of Vestco's (A) The destruction of Vestco's factory reason-
bullet-proof vests per month for the next year at a spec- ably appeared to frustrate the purpose of
ified price. For the following three months, both parties the contract between the Green City Police
performed as required by the agreement. On July 5, Department and Vestco.
soon after the third delivery, Vestco's only factory
(B) Vestco's failure to respond to the Green City
burned completely to the ground without any fault on
Police Department's letter of July 10
the part of Vestco. On July 10, officials of the Green
resulted in a prospective inability to per-
City Police Department wrote to Vestco, asking
whether Vestco would continue to deliver as agreed.
When Vestco failed to respond within a reasonable (C) Vestco's contract with the Green City Police
time, the Green City Police Department entered into an Department was divisible.
agreement with another company for the purchase of (D) The Green City Police Department's con-
thirty bullet-proof vests per month. tract to purchase bullet-proof vests from
another company was a repudiation of its
19. Assume for the purpose of this question only that contract with Vestco.
Vestco failed to deliver any more bullet-proof
vests, and that the Green City Police Department 21. Pargas asserted a tort claim against Diaz for bat-
subsequently asserted a claim against Vestco for tery, but died of cancer before the trial. At the
breach of contract. Which of the following would trial, Westall was called as a witness by the attor-
be Vestco's most effective argument in defense ney for Pargas's estate. Westall testified that she
against that claim? was a police officer called to the scene of a shoot-
ing' and that when she arrived she found Pargas
(A) The destruction of Vestco's factory made lying on the ground in a pool of blood. Westall
delivery commercially impossible. stated that when she asked Pargas to tell her what
(B) Vestco's failure to respond to the Green City happened, Pargas replied, "Tell my wife to meet
Police Department's letter of July 10 me at the hospital and tell her that Diaz shot me."
resulted in a prospective inability to per-
form. Diaz objected. If the court finds that Pargas's
statement to Westall was not a dying declaration,
(C) Vestco's contract with the Green City Police
it will probably be because
Department was divisible.
(D) The Green City Police Department's con- (A) Pargas did not believe that he was dying
tract to purchase bullet-proof vests from when he made the statement.
another company was a repudiation of its
(B) Pargas did not die as a result of the shooting.
contract with Vestco.
(C) Westall's testimony was not being offered at
the trial of a criminal prosecution.
20. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
after the Green City Police Department con- (D) Pargas's statement was not made spontane-
tracted with another company for the purchase of ously.
bullet-proof vests, Vestco delivered 30 bullet-
proof vests to the Green City Police Department, 22. Partco manufactured airplane parts in a factory
but the Green City Police Department refused to which it rented from Landis. Under a contract
accept them. If Vestco asserts a claim against the dated June 15, Partco sold three thousand cou-
Green City Police Department for breach of con- pling rods to Aerocorp, a manufacturer of air-
tract, which of the following would be the Green planes. The contract of sale required payment by

Aerocorp on or before August 15. On June 30, On application by the State Parole Board, is judi-
because Partco was unable to pay the rent on its cial review by the United States Supreme Court
factory, its officials executed a document assign- available?
ing to Landis the right to collect from Aerocorp
under the June 15 contract, and sent a copy of the (A) No.
assignment to Aerocorp.
(B) Yes, by certiorari only.
After a dispute developed between Partco and (C) Yes, by appeal only.
Landis, however, Partco officials told Partco's (D) Yes, by either certiorari or appeal.
plant manager Martin that, as a bonus, he could
collect and keep the money owed by Aerocorp
under the June 15 contract. Partco officials then 24. Dakota was charged with violating a state law
wrote to Aerocorp and Landis, notifying them which made it a crime to knowingly issue a
that Partco had revoked its previous assignment worthless check. On the presentation of its direct
to Landis and had assigned its rights to Martin. case at trial, the prosecution offered into evidence
Martin thereafter demanded that Aerocorp make a properly authenticated judgment showing that
payment directly to him. Upon Aerocorp's refusal Dakota had been convicted of violating the same
to do so, Martin asserted a claim against Aero- law three years earlier. Dakota's counsel
corp. objected. Which of the following statements is
correct about the judgment of conviction?
If Martin's claim against Aerocorp is UNSUC- I. It is admissible as substantive evidence of
CESSFUL, it will probably be because M.O. (modus operandi).

(A) Partco's assignment to Martin was not in ll. It is admissible to impeach Dakota's credi-
writing. bility.

(B) Partco's assignment to Martin was not sup- (A) I only.

ported by consideration.
(B) II only.
(C) Aerocorp did not consent to Partco's assign-
(C) I and II.
ment to Martin.
(D) Neither I nor II.
(D) an assignee steps into the shoes of his
25. Ann and Bob met while serving abroad in the
military. They lived together for more than fifteen
23. After serving a portion of his sentence in a state
years after their return to the United States
prison, Apollo applied for parole in accordance
although they never married. Ann's mother
with state law. His application was denied follow-
Marsh was a religious woman who did not
ing a State Parole Board hearing at which Apollo
believe that unmarried men and women should
was not permitted to appear either in person or by
live together. For this reason, Ann told Marsh that
counsel. Apollo subsequently instituted a pro-
she and Bob had married while living overseas.
ceeding in a state court in which he claimed that
the hearing violated his right to due process under
Marsh was the owner of a parcel of realty known
the federal and state constitutions. The state court
as Greenacre located in a jurisdiction which rec-
found for Apollo. On appeal by the State Parole
ognizes tenancy by the entirety.. When Marsh
Board, the highest appellate court in the state
died, she left Greenacre "to Ann and Bob."
affirmed. In its decision, the court refused to con-
Shortly after Marsh's death, Ann and Bob sepa-
sider claims under the federal constitution, but
rated. Upon Ann's death, she left a will devising
concluded that the state constitution had been
her interest in Greenacre to Armstrong. Bob, who
was alive at the time of Ann's death, then exe-

cuted a quitclaim purporting to transfer all his

interest in Greenacre to Boaz. Which of the fol- Wells purchased a food and beverage processing
lowing correctly states the relative interests of machine as a gift for her husband Harris. The machine
Boaz and Armstrong in Greenacre? was manufactured by Blendco, and was purchased by
Wells from Storr, a retailer. When Wells got home, she
(A) Boaz and Armstrong are tenants in common, unpacked the machine, placed it on the kitchen counter,
each holding a one-half interest. and plugged it into an electrical outlet. When she
started the machine, however, she noticed a jarring
(B) Boaz and Armstrong are tenants by the
vibration. She immediately switched the machine off
entirety, each holding an undivided one-
and telephoned Storr. Mter she described the vibration
half interest.
to a Storr employee, the employee said, "If the proces-
(C) Armstrong is the sole owner. sor vibrates like that, it is defective. Don't try to use it.
(D) Boaz is the sole owner. It's inherently dangerous."

Because Wells was in a hurry to go bowling, she left

26. Davin leased an automobile from Auto Rental for the processing machine on the counter still plugged in
one year at $400 per month, by a valid written and went out for the evening. Harris arrived home soon
contract which gave Davin an option to purchase afterwards. With him was Nesbitt, a neighbor. When
the vehicle for $9,000 at the end of the term. A Harris saw the processing machine on the counter, he
clause of the contract provided that in the event decided to use it to mix drinks for Nesbitt and himself.
Davin did not exercise the option, anything which After placing the necessary ingredients in the
had been added to the vehicle during the lease machine's glass container, Harris switched it on. The
period would become the property of Auto machine immediately began to vibrate, causing the
Rental. Because this clause appeared in small glass container to shatter. Nesbitt was seriously injured
print, Davin did not read it and was not aware of by flying glass.
its existence.

At the end of the lease period, Davin offered to 27. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
purchase the car for $8,500, but Auto Rental Nesbitt asserts a claim against Storr for damages
rejected her offer. Before returning the vehicle, resulting from a defect in the processing machine.
Davin removed a radio which she had installed in Which of the following would be Storr's most
it, damaging the car's dashboard in the process. effective argument in defense against that claim?

If Davin is· charged with larceny as a result of her (A) Nesbitt was a bystander.
removal of the radio, she should be found (B) Wells had assumed the risk by leaving the
processing machine plugged into the elec-
(A) guilty, because her removal of the radio trical outlet.
resulted in damage to the property of Auto
(C) The processing machine was defective at the
time it left Blendco's factory.
(B) guilty, because a person who signs a contract
(D) Wells's conduct in leaving the processing
is presumed to know its contents.
machine plugged into the electrical outlet
(C) not guilty, because a person cannot be con- was a superseding cause of harm.
victed of stealing her own property.
(D) not guilty, because she did not know that the 28. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
radio belonged to Auto Rental. Nesbitt asserts a claim against Wells, alleging
that it was negligent for her to leave the process-
ing machine plugged into an electrical outlet after
Questions 27-28 are based on the following fact situa-
learning that it was dangerous. In determining

Nesbitt's claim, a court should find for ment be required unless Berg obtains and pre-
sents to Orca prior to July 30 a Certificate of
(A) Nesbitt, under the doctrine of res ipsa loqui- Satisfactory Completion issued by Arch follow-
tur. ing final inspection by Arch."
(B) Nesbitt, unless Wells's conduct was foresee-
On July 15, after making all periodic payments
required by the contract, Orca asked Arch to
(C) Nesbitt, only if Wells's conduct was unrea- delay issuing a Certificate of Satisfactory Com-
sonable. pletion until after July 30. Arch agreed to do so.
(D) Wells, if the negligence of either Storr or On July 20, Berg notified Arch that the building
Blendco was a proximate cause of Nes- was complete, and requested final inspection.
bitt's injury. Arch did not inspect the building or issue a Cer-
tificate of Satisfactory Completion until August
15. On August 16, Berg requested final payment
29. Hirsh challenges the constitutionality of a state from Orca, presenting the Certificate. Orca
law which provides that no contraceptive device refused to make payment on the ground that Berg
which requires insertion into a cavity of the did not obtain the Certificate prior to July 30 as
human body may be sold without a prescription. required by the contract.
If the only argument used by Hirsh is that the
statute violates the equal protection clause of the In an action by Berg against Orca for breach of
Fourteenth Amendment because only women use contract, which of the following would be Berg's
such devices, which of the following would be most effective argument?
the most effective argument in opposition to
Hirsh's claim? (A) The contract between Berg and Orca
imposed upon Arch an obligation to act
(A) Gender is not a suspect classification. reasonably in issuing the Certificate of Sat-
(B) The statute has a rational basis because isfactory Completion.
devices inserted into the human body are (B) Berg substantially performed all conditions
more likely to cause harm than devices of the contract by completing the building
manufactured solely for external use. prior to July 30.
(C) The right to protect citizens against their (C) As a result of Orca's request that Arch delay
own lack of judgment is included in the issuing the Certificate of Satisfactory
state's police powers. Completion, Berg was not required to
(D) The statute bears a substantial relationship to obtain it prior to July 30.
an important government interest because (D) Applying an objective standard, satisfactory
devices inserted into the human body are completion was achieved prior to July 30.
more likely to cause harm than devices
manufactured solely for external use.

30. On January 10, Berg, a builder, entered into a Question 31-33 are based on the following fact situa-
written contract with Orca to construct a building tion.
on Orca's realty. The contract required Berg to
build to specifications furnished by Arch, an At Domino's trial on criminal charges, undis-
architect, and required Orca to make periodic puted evidence established that Domino and
payments to Berg during construction. A final Philip had planned to take a certain fur coat from
payment of $30,000 was to be made when the Fleming's fur shop by threatening Fleming with a
building was complete. The contract provided, pistol carried by Philip; that when they did so
however, that "In no event shall said final pay- Fleming began shooting at them; and that Philip

shot back with his pistol, intentionally killing (A) It was unforeseeable that Fleming would
Fleming. begin shooting.
(B) Domino did not know that Philip's pistol
Testifying on behalf of the prosecution, Philip
would be loaded.
stated that Domino knew that Philip's pistol
would be loaded. He also stated that Fleming had (C) Fleming's death did not occur during the
handed Domino the coat, that Philip had returned course of one of the crimes specified in the
his own- gun to his pocket, and that he and Dom- applicable statute.
ino were on their way out of Fleming's shop (D) The statute was not intended to impose crim-
when Fleming began shooting at them. inalliability on one person for the acts of
Domino testified that the coat in question had
previously been stolen from her by Fleming, and
that she and Philip were trying to retrieve it. 33. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
the jury believes the testimony of Philip and the
Statutes in the jurisdiction define First Degree testimony of Domino. On a charge of involuntary
Murder as the intentional unlawful killing of a manslaughter, Domino should be found
human being, and Second Degree Murder as the
unintentional killing of a human being by defen- (A) guilty, because Fleming's conduct was in
dant or an accomplice during the course of a bur- response to the initial act of aggression
glary, robbery, rape, kidnapping, or arson committed by Philip and Domino.
committed by the defendant. (B) guilty, if Philip's use of a loaded pistol made
it likely that death or serious injury would
31. Assume for the purpose of this question only that result from her conduct.
Domino is charged with First Degree Murder on (C) not guilty, if Domino's thoughts were
the ground that as a co-conspirator and accom- inflamed by the heat of passion at the time
plice she is vicariously liable for Philip's shoot- she and Philip attempted to retrieve her
ing of Fleming. If the jury does not believe the coat.
testimony of Philip or of Domino, Domino
should be found (D) not guilty, because Domino was privileged
to retrieve her property by a threat of force.
(A) guilty, because she and Philip planned to
take the coat by threatening Fleming with Questions 34-35 are based on the following fact situa-
Philip's pistol. tion.
(B) guilty, because she was present when Philip
shot Fleming. On February 1, Oakley conveyed a parcel of realty to
Arnett as a gift. Oakley execuJed the deed in the pres-
(C) not guilty, because Fleming shot first.
ence of Carmody, a notary public, and Carmody affixed
(D) not guilty, because she did not aid or abet his seal as required by law. On March 1, after Oakley
Philip in shooting Fleming. learned that Arnett had not recorded his title, Oakley
purported to convey the same parcel of realty to Badel
for value. Badel was unaware that Arnett held any
32. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
interest in the realty. On March 15, Arnett recorded the
the jury believes the testimony of Domino, but
deed which he had received from Oakley in February.
does not believe the testimony of Philip. Which
In June, Badel executed a deed conveying the realty to
of the following would be Domino's most effec-
Carmody. Carmody immediately recorded the deed.
tive argument in defense against a charge of Sec-
ond Degree Murder?
34. Assume for the purpose of this question only that

a statute in the jurisdiction provides that "No to encourage the girls to drink beer at the party in order
transfer of an interest in real property shall be to get them so drunk: that they would allow the boys to
good against a subsequent purchaser for value have sexual intercourse with them.
without notice of such transfer unless it shall
have been recorded." In litigation between Arnett When Charles got home from school, he began to
and Carmody, who should be declared owner of regret agreeing to get the girls drunk, since he
the realty? knew that Betty was only 17 years old. Without
saying anything to Dave, Charles telephoned
(A) Arnett, because Carmody had notice that the Adrian and told her about the plan. Adrian
realty had first been conveyed to Arnett. laughed, saying, "It doesn't sound like a bad idea
to me. I've always wanted to be seduced." Adrian
(B) Arnett, unless Badel recorded his deed
said nothing to Betty, but that night neither
before Arnett recorded his deed.
Adrian nor Charles went to Dave's house. Betty
(C) Carmody, but only if Carmody purchased did, however, and drank a great deal of beer and
the realty for value. permitted Dave to have sexual intercourse with
(D) Carmody, because Badel purchased the her.
realty from Oakley before Arnett recorded
his deed. A statute in the jurisdiction provides that any
male person who has sexual intercourse with a
female whom he knows to be under the age of 18
35. Assume for the purpose of this question only that shall be guilty of second degree rape.
a statute in the jurisdiction provides that "Every
conveyance of real estate which shall not be
recorded is void as against any subsequent pur- 36. If Dave is charged with second degree rape under
chaser of the same real estate in good faith and the above statute, which of the following facts or
for a valuable consideration whose conveyance inferences, if it was the only one true, would pro-
shall be first duly recorded." In litigation between vide Dave with his most effective defense to that
Arnett and Carmody, who should be declared charge?
owner of the realty?
(A) Dave was 17 years of age at the time of the
(A) Carmody, because Arnett did not purchase alleged crime.
the realty from Oakley for value. (B) Dave did not know that Betty was below the
(B) Carmody, if Badel recorded his deed prior to age of 18 years when he had sexual inter-
conveying the realty to Carmody. course with her.

(C) Arnett, unless Badel recorded his deed (C) Dave was intoxicated at the time he had sex-
before Arnett recorded his deed. ual intercourse with Betty.

(D) Arnett, because any recording by Badel was (D) Betty was not intoxicated, and, in fact, con-
outside the chain of title. sented to having sexual intercourse with

Questions 36-37 are based on the following fact situa-

37. In a prosecution for conspiracy to commit second
degree rape, which of the following persons is
most likely to be properly convicted?
Adrian and Betty were 17-year-old girls. Charles and
Dave were boys who attended the same high school as (A) Adrian, Betty, Charles, and Dave.
Adrian and Betty. At school one day the four of them
(B) Adrian, Charles, and Dave only.
agreed to have a party that night at Dave's house,
knowing that Dave's parents would be out for the (C) Betty and Dave only.
evening. Later that afternoon Charles and Dave agreed

(D) Charles and Dave only. (C) Terhune, because Terhune's violation of stat-
ute was not a factual cause ofPachos's
38. At the trial of a negligence action, a jury found
that the plaintiff's damage was valued at $10,000. (D) Terhune, because Terhune did not violate a
The jury also found that the damage was caused statute which was designed to protect a
70% by the fault of the defendant and 30% by the class of persons to which Pachos belonged.
fault of the plaintiff. A statute in the jurisdiction
imposes a system of pure comparative negli-
40. O'Brien conveyed a lakefront parcel of realty to
gence. Based on the jury's findings, the court
Carmichael "unless the realty is used for non-res-
should enter judgment for
idential purposes in which case grantor or his
successors may reobtain possession." Two years
(A) Defendant.
later, by a properly executed document which
(B) Plaintiff in the sum of $4,000 (70% of was subsequently recorded, Carmichael granted
$10,000 minus 30% of $10,000). Fuller a license to enter the realty for a period of
five years to fish from the lake on which it
(C) Plaintiff in the sum of $7,000 ($10,000
fronted. If O'Brien commences an appropriate
minus 30% of $10,000).
proceeding seeking possession of the realty, Car-
(D) Plaintiff in the sum of $10,000 since Defen- michael's mosteffective argument in defense
dant's fault exceeded that of Plaintiff. would be that

(A) the condition contained in O'Brien's deed to

39. Terhune was driving her truck across the Moun-
Carmichael violates the rule against perpe-
tain River Bridge when the bridge collapsed,
causing a car driven by Pachos to fall into the
river. Pachos subsequently asserted a negligence (B) fishing is a residential use of the realty.
claim against Terhune for injuries which he sus-
(C) O'Brien's deed created a fee simple subject
tained in the fall.
to a condition subsequent.
A statute in the jurisdiction prohibits the opera- (D) the condition contained in O'Brien's deed to
tion of a vehicle weighing more than 20,000 Carmichael is void as a restraint on alien-
pounds at a speed in excess of 25 miles per hour ation.
on any bridge in the state. At the trial, it was
proven that Terhune's truck weighed 30,000
41. Adair was a well-known architect whose work
pounds, and that Terhune was driving it at a speed
was frequently featured in popular magazines.
of 40 miles per hour when the bridge collapsed. It
Slack was a well-known sculptress whose work
was also proven that a truck weighing 30,000
was displayed in many museums throughout the
pounds would have been more likely to cause the
United States. Slack decided to have a studio
Mountain River Bridge to collapse if driven
built which would artistically complement her
across it at a speed under 25 miles per hour than
sculpture and hired Adair to design it and to
at a speed over 25 miles per hour.
supervise its construction. Slack told Adair that
she was hiring her because she had confidence in
In Pachos v. Terhune the court should find for
her artistic judgment, and that she intended to
require the builder of her studio to obtain Adair's
(A) Pachos, because Terhune's violation of the
artistic approval at various stages of the construc-
statute was negligence per se.
tion. Slack and Adair entered into a written con-
(B) Pachos, because Terhune's violation of the tract providing that "neither party shall assign or
statute raises a presumption that Terhune's delegate this contract without the other party's
negligence was a proximate cause of written approval."
Pachos's injuries.

Slack subsequently lrired a builder who began in the judge's chambers before testifying.
construction. As work progressed, Slack and
(B) admitted, because the person to whom Pacer
Adair argued frequently. When the building was
spoke on the telephone identified himself
85 percent complete, Adair refused to continue
as Dail.
working for Slack and executed a document pur-
porting to assign the contract to another architect. (C) excluded, because Pacer had never spoken
Slack immediately ordered the builder to stop to Dail prior to the telephone conversation.
construction and sued Adair for an order direct- (D) excluded, because Pacer had not dialed
ing her to specifically perform her obligations Dail's telephone number before speaking
under the contract. to him on the telephone.

Should the court grant the relief requested by

Slack? 43. A chemical known as green saltpeter which is
used in the manufacture of munitions, is fre-
(A) Yes, if the architectural work which
quently found floating, as dust, in the air of muni-
remained to be completed at the time of
tions factories. Since prolonged inhalation of
Adair's assignment involved personal ser-
green saltpeter can cause lung disease, Congress
passes the Green Saltpeter Control Act. Among
(B) Yes, because the agreement between Slack other things, the Act prohibits the operation of
and Adair prohibited assignment. any munitions factory in which airborne green
saltpeter levels exceed specified standards. The
(C) No, because an agreement not to assign
Act establishes the Green Saltpeter Control
destroys the power but not the right to
Agency, authorizes it to inspect munitions facto-
make a valid assignment.
ries, and empowers it to issue Closure Orders
(D) No, if the architectural work which enforceable by the Department of Justice, and
remained to be completed at the time of directing the closing of any factory operating in
Adair's assignment involved personal ser- violation of the Act. Section 34 of the Act pro-
vices. vides that Closure Orders do not become effec-
tive until ten days after their approval by the
National Defense Committee of the Senate.
42. At the trial of a breach of contract action brought
by Pacer against Dail, Pacer testified in her own
After determining that airborne levels of green
behalf. Pacer stated that a man who called her on
saltpeter exceed statutory standards in a muni-
the telephone said that he was Dail and ordered
tions factory operated by General Explosives, the
goods from her at an agreed price. She said that
Green Saltpeter Control Agency issues a Closure
when she tried to deliver the goods, Dail refused
Order, sending copies to the United States
to accept them. Pacer stated further that she had
Department of Justice and to the Senate National
never spoken to Dail before or after that tele-
Defense Committee as required by the Act. The
phone conversation, but that she had heard his
Senate National Defense Committee refuses to
voice in the judge's chambers immediately before
approve the Closure Order.
the trial began and that she recognized it as the
voice of the person to whom she had spoken on
If the Department of Justice challenges the con-
the telephone.
stitutionality of § 34 of the Green Saltpeter Con-
trol Act in an appropriate proceeding, the court
If Dai!'s attorney asks the court to exclude
should find this section
Pacer's testimony regarding the identification of
the voice on the telephone, Pacer's statement
(A) constitutional, because circumstances
should be
known only to the Senate National
Defense Committee might make the con-
(A) admitted, because Pacer heard Dill's voice
tinued operation of a particular munitions

factory necessary to national security. to defuse it, but that if they did not, the bomb
would explode when the plane landed. Air Lines
(B) constitutional, because after delegating its
paid Defendant as instructed. In reality, Defen-
power to an administrative agency, Con-
dant had not placed a bomb in any plane belong-
gress may continue to act in a supervisory
ing to Air Lines.
(C) unconstitutional, because Congress may not 46. A state law requires a permit for the use of certain
delegate to an admiliistrative agency the recreational facilities in state parks, and fixes the
power to impose criminal or quasi-crimi- annual fee for such permits at $25 for residents
nal sanctions. and $200 for non-residents. If a non-resident of
the state challenges the law as unconstitutional
(D) unconstitutional, because Section 34 would the LEAST effective argument in support of th~t
allow the passage of legislation by a com- claim would be that the law violates
mittee of Congress.
(A) the Equal Protection clause of the Four-
teenth Amendment.
Questions 44-45. Each describes an offense. In each
question, select from the choices below (A-D) the most (B) the Obligation of Contracts clause of Article
serious offense of which the defendant is likely to be I.
properly convicted.
(C) the Privileges and Immunities clause of Arti-
cle IV.
(A) Robbery.
(D) the Commerce clause of Article I.
(B) Extortion.
(C) Larceny by trick.
47. Seitz and Batista entered into a valid written con-
(D) Embezzlement. tract for the sale of Seitz's home to Batista. Sub-
sequently, Seitz's neighbor Darnell telephoned
Seitz and said, "If you don't back out of your
44. Robin, who lived alone, was a collector of
contract with Batista, there's going to be an acci-
antiques. One day, Defendant followed Robin to
dent and one of your children is going to be seri-
work. Knowing that Robin's valuable antique
ously hurt. Understand?" Before Seitz had a
collection was stored in her home, Defendant
chance to answer, Darnell hung up. Seitz became
phoned Robin at work and told her that he had
so frightened by Darnell's threat that he suffered
placed a bomb in her home. He said that if she
an immediate heart attack.
immediately paid him $1,000 in cash, he would
give the police information necessary for them to
If Seitz asserts a claim against Darnell for assault,
defuse the bomb. If she did not pay him, he said
which ofthe following would be Darnell's
would detonate the bomb, destroying her home
LEAST effective argument in defense against
and her collection of antiques. Robin paid Defen-
that claim?
dant as instructed. In reality, Defendant had not
placed a bomb in Robin's home.
(A) Darnell's statement did not justify apprehen-
sion of immediate harm.
45. Air Lines was a commercial air transport com-
(B) Darnell told Seitz that he could avoid harm
pany which carried passengers for hire in its air-
by complying with a specified condition.
planes. Defendant phoned Air Lines and stated
that he had placed a bomb in one of its planes (C) Darnell's threat was not directed against the
which was already in the air and carrying passen- person of Seitz.
gers. Defendant said that if Air Lines immedi- (D) Darnell committed no physical act.
ately paid him $20,000 in cash, he would tell
them where the bomb had been hidden and how

48. At his trial on a charge of arson committed in the (B) II only.

city of Vicksville, Dague testified that on the day
(C) I and II.
of the fire he was not in Vicksville, but was actu-
ally 1,000 miles away in another state. The prose- (D) neither I nor II.
cution subsequently called Walen who testified
that on the day of the fire she was in a liquor store
50. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
in the city of Vicksville when Dague came into
Ambler's wife Jane died two years after Ambler
-the storevviTh a gun ana robbed its owner. Over
contracted with Mineco, and that Borman then
timely objectionby Dague's attorney, Walen's
demanded that Ambler pay Borman all funds
testimony should be
which Ambler would subsequently receive from
Mineco as proceeds of Mineco's gold mining
(A) admitted for impeachment only.
operation on the realty and as rent on the build-
(B) admitted as substantive evidence only. ings. Borman is entitled to receive
(C) admitted for impeachment and as substan-
(A) proceeds of the gold mining operation only.
tive evidence.
(B) rent on the buildings only.
(D) excluded.
(C) proceeds of the gold mining operation and
rent on the buildings.
Questions 49-50 are based on the following fact situa-
tion. (D) neither the proceeds of the gold mining
operation nor rent on the buildings.
Odell was the owner of a parcel of realty on which
there were several buildings and a gold mine. Odell
Questions 51-53 are based on the following fact situa-
lived in one of the buildings and personally worked the
gold mine, earning a comfortable living by selling the
gold which he removed, The other buildings were
Rider, a reporter for The Daily Blade, wrote an article
vacant. When Odell died, his will devised the realty "to
about Peppard which contained several unflattering
Ambler, but if Ambler should die without issue from
statements. Mter the article was published in The Daily
his wife Jane, to Borman." Soon after Odell's death,
Blade, Peppard threatened to sue Rider and The Daily
Ambler entered into a contract with Mineco. Pursuant
Blade for libel. After negotiation, Peppard, Rider, and
to the contract, Mineco was to work the gold mine for
The Daily Blade entered into a written contract on
ten years, and to pay Ambler 50% of the gross proceeds
March 5. According to its terms, The Daily Blade
from the sale of gold removed from the mine. In addi-
agreed to pay Peppard $20,000 in cash, Rider agreed to
tion, Ambler leased all the buildings on the realty to
convey to Peppard some realty which she owned, and
Mineco for ten years, for use by Mineco employees as
Peppard agreed not to sue either of them as a result of
living quarters. Ambler and Jane never had any chil-
the article's publication. All parties were to draw up the
necessary documents and exchange them on March 11
at an office in a bank where The Daily Blade main-
49. Which of the following statements is correct tained an account.
about Borman's interest in the realty?
On March 11, Peppard and Rider appeared at the bank
I. If Odell died before Jane, Odell's will gave
as agreed. While they were there, a representative of
Borman a shifting executory interest in the
realty. The Daily Blade telephoned to say that the officials of
The Daily Blade had changed their minds and would
ll. If Odell died after Jane, Odell's will gave not pay any money to Peppard.
Borman a vested remainder in the realty.

(A) I only. 51. Which of the following statements correctly

describes Peppard's rights against The Daily

Blade? Blade was a condition precedent to Pep-

pard's promise not to sue Rider.
(A) Peppard's only remedy is to sue The Daily
(D) Yes.
Blade for libel.
(B) Peppard's only remedy is to recover $20,000
from The Daily Blade. Questions 54-55 are based on the following fact situa-
(C) Peppard may recover $20,000 from The
Daily Blade and sue The Daily Blade for At Dalby's trial on a charge of rape, Vanna testified that
libel. on March 1, Dalby forced her to have sexual inter-
(D) Peppard may recover $20,000 from The course with him against her will. Testifying in his own
Daily Blade or sue The Daily Blade for defense, Dalby admitted that he had engaged in sexual
libel, but he may not do both. intercourse with Vanna on that date, but claimed that
Vanna had consented. Dalby stated further that Vanna
had not accused him of rape until April 3, when she
52. Which of the following statements is most accu- discovered that he was married and was living with his
rate about the agreement of March 5? wife.
I. Peppard's promise not to sue and The
Daily Blade's promise of payment created 54. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
concurrent conditions. the prosecutor subsequently offered a properly
II. Rider's conveyance of realty to Peppard authenticated public record indicating that Dalby
was a condition precedent to Peppard's had been convicted of state income tax fraud in
promise not to sue Rider. another jurisdiction two years earlier. On objec-
tion by Dalby's attorney, the record should be
(A) I only.
(B) II only. (A) admitted.

(C) I and II. (B) excluded, unless state income tax fraud is a
felony in the jurisdiction where Dalby was
(D) Neither I nor II. convicted.
(C) excluded, unless state income tax fraud is a
53. Assume the following additional facts for the felony in the jurisdiction where Dalby was
purpose of this question only: After Peppard and being tried for rape.
Rider were informed that The Daily Blade would
not make payment, Rider tendered a conveyance (D) excluded, unless the court finds that the pro-
of her realty to Peppard as agreed on March 5, bative value of the offered evidence out-
but Peppard refused to accept it. Peppard subse- weighs its prejudicial effect.
quently sued Rider for libel. If Rider raises the
March 5 agreement as a defense, and asserts a 55. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
counterclaim based on Peppard's refusal to the prosecutor subsequently called Vanna's
accept her conveyance on March 11, should the neighbor Willey to the stand. Willey testified that
court enforce the agreement of March 5? while she was conversing with Vanna on March
7, Vanna suddenly burst into tears and told her
(A) No, if the contract of March 5 was divisible. that she had been raped by Dalby a week before.
(B) No, because it would violate public policy to Upon objection by Dalby's attorney, Willey's
enforce a promise not to sue which was statement should be
given in return for a conveyance of realty.
(A) admitted, because Vanna's statement was an
(C) No, if payment of $20,000 by The Daily excited utterance.

(B) excluded, because it is hearsay not within 57. In which one of the following fact situations is
any exception. the defendant most likely to be properly con-
victed of violating a state law which prohibits
(C) admitted, because it contradicts Dalby's
depriving any person of a right conferred by the
claim that Vanna did not accuse him of
Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth
rape until she learned that he was married.
Amendment to the United States Constitution?
(D) admitted, because Vanna's statement was a .
sense impression. (A) Defendant, the president of a university
operated by a religious organization,
refused to admit certain students solely
56. Files had been convicted of fraud on three sepa-
because of their religion.
rate occasions and served three different prison
sentences as a result. Soon after his most recent (B) Defendant, a federal court official, pre-
release, Files proclaimed himself to be the "Min- vented certain persons from serving on
ister of St. Roquefort" and began conducting federal juries solely because of their race.
prayer meetings on Sunday nights. During these
(C) Defendant, the principal of a public high
meetings, Files stated that his vows as the Minis-
school, expelled certain students solely
ter of St. Roquefort prevented him from working
because they were pregnant.
for money, and asked the people present to make
cash contributions to provide for his personal (D) Defendant, the vice president of a bank,
needs. After collecting several hundred dollars in refused to grant loans to certain applicants
this fashion, Files was arrested and charged with solely because of their place of national
fraud under a state law which prohibits any per- origin.
son from making statements which he knows to
be false for the purpose of obtaining money from
58. Kemco was the manufacturer ofWoxibol, a
chemical used by photo processors. Foto, a pro-
fessional photographer, customarily used Woxi-
In defense, Files asserted that a court could not
bol in his processing laboratory. On August 15,
convict him without questioning the sincerity of
1986, while working in his laboratory, Foto read
his religious beliefs, and that the prosecution,
the label of a bottle of Woxibol which he had pur-
therefore, violated his First Amendment rights to
chased several months earlier. The label said,
freedom of religion. He asked that the court dis-
"Woxibol. Best when used prior to June 1,1986."
miss the prosecution on that ground.
Although Kemco knew that Woxibol fumes were
extremely toxic, the label contained no other
Should the prosecution be dismissed?
statements. Foto poured the contents of the bottle
down a drain which emptied into a municipal
(A) Yes.
sewer. Because the sewer was cracked, toxic
(B) No, because a court may determine the sin- Woxibol fumes entered the home of Pena causing
cerity of a person's religious beliefs with- Pena to become seriously ill. Pena's home was
out violating First Amendment rights to located one-half mile from Foto's laboratory.
freedom of religion.
Pena subsequently asserted a claim for damages
(C) No, because First Amendment rights to free-
against Kemco on the ground that the absence of
dom of religion cannot be used to justify
a warning on the Woxibol bottle made the prod-
what would otherwise be a criminal act.
uct defective and unreasonably dangerous.
(D) No, because First Amendment rights to free-
dom of religion protect beliefs, but not Which of the following additional facts or infer-
actions. ences, if it was the only one true, would provide
Kemco with its most effective defense to Pena's

to Hill and said, "Please put it in the safe deposit box at

(A) The reasonable person would not have antic- the bank." Hill did so, but never recorded the quitclaim.
ipated that Pena would come into contact
with Woxibol or its fumes. Ward subsequently recovered from her heart
attack and was moved from the hospital to a rest
(B) Foto acted negligently in pouring Woxibol
home where she resided until 30 years later when
down the drain.
she died from other causes. At Ward's request,
(C) Perra's damage would not have occurred but Hill continued to occupy, maintain, and pay taxes
for the crack in the municipal sewer. on Wardacre throughout that period of time. Dur-
(D) Foto had purchased the Woxibol from a ing the last nine years of her life in the rest home,
retail store which had purchased it from a Ward was attended by Norton, a nurse. When
wholesaler which had purchased it from Ward died, her will purported to leave Wardacre
Kemco. "to my faithful nurse Norton." Hill and Norton
subsequently asserted conflicting claims to Ward-
59. In a medical malpractice action by Phoenix
against Dr. Davis, Phoenix alleged that Davis, a
physician, was negligent in treating a disease of 60. Which of the following additional facts or infer-
Phoenix's pancreas. In order to establish that ences, if it was the only one true, would be most
Davis was negligent, Phoenix must prove that likely to result in a judgment for Hill?
(A) Ward intended the quitclaim to be a testa-
(A) failed to act like the reasonable physician. mentary substitute.

(B) failed to act like the reasonable physician (B) The quitclaim to Hill was a gift causa mor-
who specializes in treating diseases of the tis.
pancreas. (C) The safe deposit box into which Ward asked
(C) failed to act like the reasonable person of Hill to put the quitclaim was held jointly
Davis's intelligence and experience. by Ward and Hill.

(D) acted in a way which reasonable physicians (D) The statutory period for adverse possession
would regard as negligent. is less than 30 years.

61. Which of the following arguments would be most

likely to lead to a judgment for Norton?
Questions 60-61 are based on the following fact situa-
(A) Hill did not record the quitclaim.
(B) A quitclaim is. relevant only in disputes
Ward was the owner of a parcel of realty known as between grantor and grantee.
Wardacre on which she lived with her husband Hill.
(C) No warranties of seisin or quiet enjoyment
Ward was admitted to a hospital following a severe
are created by a quitclaim.
heart attack. While her husband Hill was visiting her in
the hospital, Ward said, "I know I'm dying, and I want (D) Ward did not intend for the quitclaim to be
to be sure that you have Wardacre after I'm gone. effective until after her death.
Please have our lawyer take care of it." The following
day, Hill asked the family attorney to prepare a quit-
62. Assuming that the appropriate objection is made,
claim deed to Wardacre for execution by Ward. Hill
in which of the following fact situations is the
brought the document to Ward in the hospital where
offered evidence LEAST likely to be excluded
she executed it according to the requirements of law.
under the original document rule?
After signing the quitclaim, Ward handed the document

attempt to sell the realty.

(A) In an action for breach of contract, plaintiff
(D) Bale, under the doctrine of impossibility of
offers a photocopy of the contract, assert-
ing that the original is kept at the plaintiff's
branch office which is located in a foreign
country. 64. Minx was employed by Bibb to clean his office
and to sweep the parking lot every night. While
(B) In a prosecution ofdefendant for forging a
sweeping one evening, MinX found Bibb's wallet
check, the prosecution ~ without produc-
where he had dropped it in the parking lot. The
ing the check or explaining its absence -
wallet contained $300. Planning to return it to
offers to call a witness who will testify that
Bibb the next morning, Minx took the wallet
the defendant paid the witness for mer-
home for safekeeping. That night, however, real-
chandise with a check to which the defen-
izing that nobody knew that she had it, Minx
dant signed the name James Grant.
decided to keep Bibb's wallet. She went out and
(C) In a personal injury action, the defendant - spent $4 of Bibb's money on ice cream. The fol-
without producing the X-ray or explaining lowing morning, Minx felt guilty about keeping
its absence - calls a medical expert who Bibb's money. She replaced what she had spent
testifies that based solely on the examina- and returned the wallet and cash to Bibb.
tion of an X-ray, it is her opinion that the
plaintiff did not sustain a fracture of the If Minx is prosecuted for crimes resulting from
skull. the above incident, she may properly be con-
(D) In a lawsuit by plaintiff against the state tax victed of
collector, plaintiff offers to testify to the
contents of her state income tax return, (A) larceny only.
asserting that she sent the original to the (B) embezzlement only.
state tax collector as required by law, and
(C) neither larceny nor embezzlement.
that she did not keep a copy.
(D) larceny and embezzlement.
63. Bale and Schmid entered into a valid written con-
tract for the sale of Schmid's home. Prior to 65. Resa purchased property in a popular resort area
March 1, the date set for closing, Bale's employer and constructed a restaurant on it. Resa's restau-
transferred her to a company office in another rant was equipped with a walk-up window, so
state. On March 1, Bale informed Schmid that that people who chose to do so could purchase
she would not go through with the purchase of food and soft driIlks without entering the restau-
the realty for that reason. Schmid made no further rant. Resa kept his restaurant and walk-up win-
attempt to sell the realty, but asserted a claim dow open every night until 2 A.M. Soon, large
against Bale one year later for breach of contract. noisy crowds of young people began congregat-
In adjudicating Schmid's claim, the court should ing in front of Resa's restaurant, making occa-
find for sional purchases at the walk-up window and
remaining there until it closed. On many nights,
(A) Schmid, in a sum equivalent to the differ- members of the crowd openly smoked marijuana
ence between the price which Bale had and used profane language in loud voices. Pahl,
agreed to pay and the fair market value of who resided in a house next to the restaurant,
the realty on the date set for closing. telephoned Resa. Pahl complained that the value
of his home was being diminished by the walk-up
(B) Schmid, ina sum equivalent to any money
window and by noise from the restaurant. He
which had already been paid by Bale in
asked Resa to close the restaurant each night at 11
contemplation of the purchase.
p.m., but Resa refused.
(C) Bale, because Schmid made no further

If PaW subsequently asserts a claim against Resa Which of the following statements correctly
for damages resulting from the reduction of his describes ownership of the realty following their
home's value, which of the following theories deaths?
would be most likely to result in a judgment for
Pahl? (A) The heirs of Susan hold a one-half interest,
the heirs of Webb hold a one-quarter inter-
(A) Trespass to land. est, and the heirs of Harris hold a one-
(B) Intentional infliction of emotional distress.
(B) The entire property is held by the heirs of
(C) Private nuisance.
(D) Invasion of privacy.
(C) The heirs of Susan hold a one-third interest,
the heirs of Webb hold a one-third interest,
66. Because of severe economic recession, the State and the heirs of Harris hold a one-third
of Lenape has enacted a statute imposing a tax on interest.
corporations which have gross sales within the
(D) The heirs of Webb hold a one-half interest
state in excess of one million dollars during a cal-
and the heirs of Harris hold a one-half
endar year. The statute applies to all such corpo-
rations, whether incorporated inside or outside
the State of Lenape. It establishes a sliding scale
tax schedule with a maximum tax rate of ten per- 68. Odden was the owner of a large tract of realty
cent of gross sales in excess of one million dol- located in a heavily forested area. In January
lars. 1987, Odden leased the realty to Torres for a
period of 20 years. In March 1987, Odden sold
Which of the following persons or entities is most the realty to Arnold, executing a general warranty
likely to have standing to challenge the constitu- deed containing covenants of seisin, quiet enjoy-
tionality of the statute on the ground that it vio- ment, the right to convey, and a covenant against
lates the Commerce Clause of the United States encumbrances. In April 1987, Arnold conveyed
Constitution? the realty to Best by a deed containing covenants
substantially identical to those contained in the
(A) The governor of a neighboring state. deed which Arnold had received from Odden. In
May 1987, Arnold became insolvent. In June
(B) The stockholders of a State of Lenape corpo-
1987, Best attempted to move onto the realty, and
ration with annual gross sales of one and
was prevented from doing so by Torres, who
one-half million dollars in the State of
claimed a superior right.
(C) The stockholders of an out of state corpora- If Best subsequently asserts a claim for damages
tion with annual gross sales of one-half against Odden, Best's most effective theory
million dollars in the State of Lenape. would be that Odden breached the warranty
(D) A taxpayer in the State of Lenape.
(A) of seisin.
(B) against encumbrances.
67. When Olson died she left a one-half interest in a
parcel of realty to her niece Webb and Webb's (C) of the right to convey.
husband Harris as joint-tenants, and a one-half
(D) of quiet enjoyment.
interest in the realty to Susan, the 13 year-old
unmarried daughter of Olson. One year later
Webb, Harris, and Susan were killed simulta- Questions 69-70 are based on the following fact situa-
neously in an automobile accident. tion.

Carroll was the operator of a summer camp for chil- in a position to make up his mind until July.
dren. Penny, was a nine-year-old child staying at the Sackett said that she would hold the realty for
camp, her parents having paid Carroll a fee. Penny was Boland until then and signed a paper on which
playing softball with other children on a field which she wrote:
Carroll set aside for this purpose. When one of the chil-
"I hereby offer to sell Sackacre to Boland for
dren hit the ball, it rolled into a group of bushes along- $80,000 cash. In return for one dollar which
side the field. Running into the bushes after the ball, I have on this date received, I promise to
Penny tripped on a tree-root which was covered by a hold this offer open until July 15."
pile of leaves.
On July 1, Boland told Sackett that he was ready
69. Assume for the purpose of this question only that to purchase Sackacre, but Sackett told him that
Penny asserted a claim against Carroll alleging she had changed her mind and did not want to
that Carroll's negligence was a proximate cause sell. Boland asserted a claim against Sackett
of injuries which Penny sustained when she based on her written promise to keep the offer
tripped on the tree root. The court should find for open until July 15. At the trial, Sackett proved
that she never actually received one dollar from
(A) Carroll, if the tree root was a natural condi- Boland in return for her promise. In deciding
tion of the land. Boland's claim, the court should find for
(B) Carroll, because Penny assumed the risk by
(A) Boland, because the parol evidence rule pre-
chasing the ball into the grove of bushes.
vents Sackett from relying on oral evi-
(C) Penny, because Carroll owed her an absolute dence that she did not actually receive one
duty to keep the premises safe. dollar.
(D) Penny, if the reasonable person in Carroll's (B) Boland, because Boland detrimentally relied
position would have discovered and on Sackett's promise to keep the offer open
removed the tree root. until July 15.
(C) Sackett, because the realty is obviously
70. Assume for the purpose of this question only that worth more than one dollar.
Penny asserted a battery claim against Carroll for (D) Sackett, because nothing was bargained for
damages she sustained when she tripped over the or given in exchange for Sackett's promise
tree root. The court should find for to keep the offer open until July 15.
(A) Penny, if the jurisdiction applies the theory
of transferred intent. Questions 72-73 are based on the following fact situa-
(B) Penny, but only if Carroll knew that a child
would trip over the tree root.
On March 1, Carlson, a well-known collector of
(C) Carroll, unless Carroll knew or should have antique automobiles, mailed to a newspaper an adver-
known that a child might trip over the tree tisement which read, in part: "I will pay $100 for infor-
root. mation leading to purchase of 1927 Ford." On March 2,
(D) Carroll, because a danger which is not before the advertisement appeared in the newspaper
apparent to the reasonable person consti- and without knowing about it, Samsel phoned Carlson
tutes a trap. collect and offered to sell him a 1927 Ford.

On March 3, Wright saw Carlson's advertisement in the

71. Sackett owned a 10 acre parcel of realty known newspaper and remembered meeting someone who
as Sackacre. On March 6, Sackett offered to sell owned a 1927 Ford. Mter calling a few friends, Wright
Sackacre to Boland for $80,000. Boland said that obtained the owner's name and address and mailed it to
he might be interested, but that he would not be Carlson on March 3 with a request for the $100 reward.

years of age. At the trial of Paula v. Davey,

On March 4, Carlson looked at Samsel's 1927 Ford and Paula's attorney called Paula to testify on the
purchased it. Later that day, Carlson mailed to the plaintiff's direct case. After interviewing her, the
newspaper for publication a second advertisement trial judge ruled that because of Paula's youth,
which in part read, "No reward for 1927 Ford. I hereby she was unable to appreciate her duty to testify
withdraw my previous request for information about truthfully, and therefore was not a competent wit-
1927 Ford." The second advertisement did not appear ness. Paula's attorney subsequently called Wise-
in the newspaper until March 6. lllM, Paula's neighbor. Wiseman testified that
immediately after the incident in question Pallia
On March 5, Carlson received Wright's letter, but dis- had come running up to her on the street, crying
carded it because he had purchased Samsel's 1927 and with her nose bleeding. Wiseman testified
Ford. further that at that time Paula said, "Davey
pushed me and gave me a bloody nose."
72. If Samsel subsequently learned of the advertise-
If Davey's attorney objects to Wiseman's state-
ment which was published on March 3 and
ment about what Paula said to her, the court
asserted a claim against Carlson for $100, the
should rule that evidence
court should find for
(A) admissible as an excited utterance.
(A) Samsel, because the advertisement was a
general offer for a reward. (B) admissible because Paula's incompetence to
testify made her a presently-unavailable
(B) Samsel, because he contacted Carlson after
Carlson mailed the reward offer to the
newspaper. (C) inadmissible because it is hearsay.
(C) Carlson, because Samsel was not aware of (D) inadmissible because Paula was incompetent
the advertisement when he contacted Carl- to testify.
(D) Carlson, because Samsel was, himself, the 75. Pursel asserted a claim against Diamond for inju-
seller of the automobile. ries which Pursel received when she was struck
by a truck owned by Diamond and driven by one
of Diamond's employees. At trial, Pursel's attor-
73. If Wright asserts a claim against Carlson for
ney called Wren as a witness on the presentation
$100, the court should find for
of Pursel's direct case. In response to questions
asked by Pursel's attorney, Wren stated that she
(A) Carlson, because he mailed the second
was presently employed by Diamond, and that
advertisement before receiving Wright's
she had been driving Diamond's truck on the day
of the accident. Pursel's attorney then asked,
(B) Carlson, because Wright's letter did not lead "You were going faster than 35 miles per hour,
to the purchase of a 1927 Ford. weren't you?" Diamond's attorney objected to
the question on the ground that it was leading.
(C) Wright, because he mailed the letter to Carl-
son before Carlson purchased a 1927 Ford.
If the objection of Diamond's attorney is over-
(D) Wright, because Carlson received Wright's ruled, it will probably be because
letter before the second advertisement was
published. (A) Wren is employed by an adverse party.
(B) Wren is a hostile witness.
74. Paula, who was 4 years of age, was the plaintiff
(C) leading questions are permitted on cross
in a battery action against Davey, who was 7

(D) the question was not leading. negligence.

(B) Myatt assumed the risk of explosion,
Questions 76-77 are based on the following fact situa- because Myatt knew or should have known
tion. that Gilroy's truck contained gasoline.
(C) Gilroy was inside the bank at the time the
Gilroy, the owner of a gasoline delivery service, oper- accident occurred.
ated a tank truck for delivering gasoline. Gilroy's truck
was tliiitY"::flve feet "in length and had the words "DAN- (D) The collision was a superseding cause of the
GER - GASOLINE" printed on it. One day, while on explosion.
the way to a gasoline delivery, Gilroy stopped at a bank
on Baker Street. Although she saw an official sign Questions 78-79 are based on the following fact situa-
which prohibited parking in that location, Gilroy tion.
parked her truck directly in front of the bank. A statute
in the jurisdiction prohibited parking any vehicle Mary Halsey, a seven-year-old girl, was admitted to a
longer than thirty feet on a city street. Another statute hospital unconscious. Doctors who examined her asked
prohibited parking any vehicle directly in front of a Mary's parents to consent to a blood transfusion for
bank. Gilroy was aware of both statutes. Mary, stating that Mary would probably die otherwise.
Mary's parents refused, saying that they did not believe
While Gilroy was in the bank, Myatt, who was driving in blood transfusions.
on Baker Street, lost control of her car and struck Gil-
roy's truck. As a result, a large quantity of gasoline in A state statute provides that if a child is admitted to a
Gilroy's delivery tank exploded, injuring Myatt. Paige, hospital with a life-threatening disease or injury, and
a bank employee who was sitting at his desk inside the the parents of that child refuse to consent to treatment
bank, was also injured in the explosion. which in the opinion of hospital officials is necessary to
save the child's life, the court shall designate the hospi-
76. Assume that Paige asserts a claim against Gilroy tal administrator to act as the child's guardian for the
for his injuries. If Paige's claim is successful, it purpose of consenting to such treatment. The hospital
will most likely be because administrator immediately commenced a proceeding in
a state court to have herself declared Mary Halsey's
(A) the statute which prohibited parking vehicles guardian under that statute. Mary's parents petitioned a
longer than thirty feet on a city street was a federal court to enjoin the state court from granting the
traffic safety statute. hospital administrator's application on the ground that
the state law is unconstitutional on its face. Prior to the
(B) Gilroy was aware that a statute prohibited disposition of either proceeding, Mary died.
parking any vehicle in front of a bank.
(C) the reasonable person would not park a vehi-
78. If the statute is found to be unconstitutional, it
clein violation of an official sign which
will most likely be because the statute
prohibits parking.
(D) transporting large quantities of gasoline is an (A) violates the Equal Protection clause of the
unusually dangerous activity. Fourteenth Amendment.
(B) is vague.
77. If Myatt asserts a negligence claim against Gilroy (C) violates the Free Exercise clause of the First
for her injuries, which of the following would be Amendment.
Gilroy's most effective argument in defense
against that claim? (D) interferes with a fundamental right.

(A) Myatt's injury did not result from Gilroy's 79. If the proceeding instituted by Mary's parents is

dismissed, it will most likely be because and went into a tobacco store where he tele-
phoned the police and told them about the
(A) Mary's death has turned the controversy into planned robbery. While Downing was in the
a non-justiciable political question. store, Jensen left and robbed the bank himself.
Because the police believed Downing's call to be
(B) Mary's death has made the proceeding moot.
a hoax, they took no steps to prevent the robbery.
(C) the court lacks jurisdiction under the Elev- Later, Jensen was apprehended and convicted of
enth Amendment. robbing the bank.
(D) the issues are not ripe since the highest state
court has not yet ruled on the constitution- If Downing is subsequently arrested and prose-
ality of the statute. cuted for conspiracy to commit bank robbery, he
should be found

80. After Isidore died without a will, the state trea- (A) not guilty, if he removed his keys from the
surer instituted a proceeding for a declaration that car when he got out to phone the police.
Isidore's assets should escheat to the state, on the
(B) not guilty, if he notified Jensen that he had
ground that there were no living persons eligible
changed his mind about going through
to inherit. Nancy opposed the proceeding, claim-
with the plan.
ing that she was Isidore's niece, and therefore his
heir under the state law of intestate distribution. (C) not guilty, if Downing's telephone call to the
In support of her claim, Nancy offered a Bible. police led to the apprehension and convic-
She testified that the Bible had belonged to her tion of Jensen.
deceased mother Marilyn, and that Marilyn had
(D) guilty.
made notations in it indicating that her husband,
Nancy's father, was Isidore's brother, and indicat-
ing the date of birth of her daughter, Nancy. The 82. Hicks was the owner and operator of a hotel.
state treasurer objected to admission of the Bible. Because electrical wiring in the hotel was begin-
ning to deteriorate, Hicks hired Lectric, a
If the notation in the Bible is admitted into evi- licensed electrician, to repair it. While doing so,
dence, it will probably be as Lectric negligently connectedthe wiring in room
201 to a dangerous high-voltage supply line
(A) an ancient document. instead ofto a safe low-voltage supply line. The
following day, when Greenleaf registered at the
(B) a statement of Marilyn's personal history or
hotel, Hicks assigned him to room 201. That
evening, while Greenleaf was attempting to
(C) a transaction recorded under the "dead adjust the electric heater in room 201, he received
man's statute." a severe electric shock as a result of the fact that
(D) a record of vital statistics. the room had been connected to a high-voltage
supply line.

81. Downing and Jensen agreed to rob a bank and If Greenleaf asserts a claim against Hicks for
planned the robbery for several weeks. According damage resulting from the electric shock, the
to their plan, Downing's car would be used as the court should find for
getaway vehicle. Downing was to drive to and
from the robbery, and was to wait in the car while (A) Hicks, if Hicks hired Lectric as an indepen-
Jensen went into the bank to hold it up. While dent contractor.
driving to the bank with Jensen on the day the
(B) Hicks, if reasonable inspection by Hicks
robbery was to take place, however, Downing
would have failed to discloseLectric's
began to have second thoughts. Mter a brief con-
versation with Jensen, Downing stopped the car

(C) Greenleaf, if Hicks failed to use adequate (B) Officials of The Daily responsible for pub-
care in hiring Lectric. lishing the article reasonably believed the
statement to be true.
(D) Greenleaf, if Lectric's error made the wiring
in room 201 ultra-hazardous. (C) Patton was a public figure.
(D) Patton failed to prove that damage resulted
83. When Oddo's mother died, she left him a 640 from the statement.
acre parcel of realty known as the Smith and
Baker tract. Soon afterwards, Oddo executed a
85. Moran was the owner of a house in which she
general warranty deed to his sister Silver convey-
lived with her 23 year old son David. After
ing realty described as "the north 40 of the parcel
receiving a tip that David was involved in the
of land known as the Smith and Baker tract."
unlawful sale of drugs, two police officers went
Oddo thereafter executed a quitclaim in favor of
to Moran's home for the purpose of questioning
his wife Wiley to "all my right title and interest in
David. When they arrived, David was not in, but
a parcel of realty known as the Smith and Baker
Moran admitted them to the house. The officers
tract." If Wiley subsequently institutes a proceed-
explained why they had come, and asked whether
ing against Silver seeking to declare herself the
they could see David's room. Moran showed
owner of the entire Smith and Baker tract, should
them to David's room and permitted them to
the court grant the relief requested by Wiley?
enter, saying that David never locked his door.
When the officers saw a footlocker in the room,
(A) No, because one who executes a quitclaim
they asked Moran whether they could look inside
does not warrant that he holds any interest
it. She told them that David was the only one who
in the property described.
had a key to the footlocker, but said if they could
(B) No, if the description in Oddo's deed to Sil- find some way to open it, she had no objection to
ver was reasonably sufficient to identify their looking inside. While Moran watched, one
the property conveyed. of the officers picked the lock and opened the
footlocker. In it they found a plastic bag contain-
(C) Yes, if the jurisdiction is one in which refer-
ing cocaine. The officers left the plastic bag
ence to government survey markers is cus-
there, and returned later with a search warrant
tomarily used in describing realty in
which they obtained by swearing that they had
general warranty deeds.
seen cocaine in David's footlocker. After seizing
(D) Yes, because a deed which conveys a portion the cocaine, they arrested David for unlawful
of a parcel of realty must describe the por- possession of a dangerous drug. Prior to trial,
tion conveyed in terms of "metes and David asked the court to suppress use of the
bounds" or other survey terminology. cocaine as evidence.

David's motion should be

84. The Daily, a newspaper, published an article stat-
ing that Patton had once been convicted of armed
(A) denied, because Moran gave the police per-
robbery. In fact, Patton had never been convicted
mission to open the footlocker.
of any crime. If Patton asserts a defamation claim
against The Daily, which one of the following (B) denied, but only if Moran had apparent
additional facts or inferences, if it was the only authority to permit the search of David's
one true, would be most likely to result in a judg- room.
ment for The Daily?
(C) granted.

(A) Official government records indicating that (D) denied, if the officers had probable cause to
Patton had never been convicted of rob- believe that they would find cocaine in the
bery were available for public inspection. footlocker.

86. After negotiation, Biddle and Sadick entered into (B) The Z-14 gas was defectively designed.
a valid written contract for the sale to Biddle of
(C) The Z-14 gas was defectively manufactured.
Sadick's realty. The contract provided for closing
of title "on or before June 15." On June 12, (D) Z-14 gas is extremely deadly.
Sadick informed Biddle that she would not be
able to close until June 16. On June 16 Sadick
88. In 1968 Ford took a drug known as RST which,
tendered a conveyance. Although Sadick com-
in the form of tablets, was routinely prescribed
plied with the requirements of the contract in all
for increasing the fertility of males. At that time,
other respects, Biddle refused to accept the con-
only five pharmaceutical companies manufac-
veyance on the ground that the date for perfor-
tured and marketed RST tablets, and these tablets
mance had passed.
were identical in every respect. Since, then, 95
percent of all the male children born to fathers
If Sadick asserts a claim against Biddle as a result
who were taking RST at the time of conception
of Biddle's refusal to accept Sadick's conveyance
have proved to be sterile.
on June 16, the court should find for
Ford's son Stewart was conceived in 1968 while
(A) Biddle, if circumstances contemplated by
Ford was taking RST. In 1986 Stewart, then eigh-
the parties at the time the contract was
teen years of age, learned that he was sterile.
formed made it essential that the convey-
Medical experts agree that Stewart's sterility was
ance occur on or before June 15.
caused by the RST which Ford was taking when
(B) Biddle, only if the contract contained the Stewart was conceived. Because it was not possi-
phrase "time is of the essence" or language ble to determine which company manufactured
of similar import. and marketed the particular RST tablets taken by
Ford, Stewart asserted a claim against Drugstore,
(C) Sadick, only if a conveyance after June 15
a retailer of drugs. In support of his claim, Stew-
would not cause Biddle to sustain damage.
art alleged that all RST tablets were defective,
(D) Sadick, if she made a reasonable effort to and that the tablets taken by Ford had been pur-
comply with the terms of the contract. chased from Drugstore. Drugstore admitted that
all RST tablets were defective, but denied liabil-
87. Gascorp was the manufacturer of a gas known as
Z-14, which it sold for commercial use. Gascorp
The outcome of Stewart's claim against Drug-
produced the gas at its factory, and stored it in a
store will most likely turn on whether
large tank located behind the factory building.
Although Gascorp made reasonable inspections
(A) the RST tablets taken by Ford were pur-
of its storage tank at reasonable intervals, a leak
chased from Drugstore.
in the tank allowed some Z-14 gas to escape. A
wind carried the escaped gas to the home of (B) the five manufacturers of RST were
Palmer, located one-half mile from the Gascorp involved in a concert-of-action.
factory. Palmer died as a result of his exposure to
(C) liability for damage resulting from defects in
the Z-14 gas.
RST can be imposed on an industry-wide
In a strict liability claim against Gascorp for dam-
ages resulting from Palmer's exposure to Z-14 (D) drugstore's sales of RST represented a sub-
gas, which of the following must Palmer's per- stantial market share in 1968.
sonal representative prove in order to prevail?
89. Pall asserted a negligence claim against Diner
(A) The tank in which Gascorp stored the Z-14
Restaurant for personal injuries sustained when
gas was defective.
Pall fell down a stairway while leaving the res-

taurant. Diner asserted a defense of contributory (B) if there is a rational basis for restricting
negligence. At the trial, Diner's attorney called employment by the State of Caliope to citi-
Westbrook as a witness. Mter answering several zens of the United States.
preliminary questions, Westbrook testified that
(C) if a Sanitary Street Engineer Class III per-
she observed Pall leaving the restaurant just
forms policy-making functions or has
before the accident, and that Pall appeared to be
broad discretion in the execution of public
intoxicated. Upon timely objection by Pall's
attorney, Westbrook's statement that Palr -
appeared to be intoxicated should be (D) unless employment by the state is found to
be a fundamental right.
(A) excluded, unless the judge decides that
Westbrook's opinion is rationally based on
91. So many pigeons and other birds gathered in the
her personal perceptions.
branches of trees in front of the Wave Crest Hotel
(B) excluded, unless the judge decides that that bird droppings frequently made the city side-
Westbrook is an expert on intoxication. walk there slippery. For this reason, Wave Crest
employees washed away the droppings on the
(C) admitted,butthejudgeshouldinstructthe
sidewalk in front of the hotel with a hose every
jury to disregard it unless the jury decides
morning. One morning they failed to do so.
that Westbrook is an expert on intoxica-
While leaving the hotel later that day, Palko, a
paying guest, slipped on the droppings and fell,
(D) admitted,but the judge should instruct the fracturing his elbow. Palko subsequently insti-
jury to disregard it unless the jury decides tuted a claim against Wave Crest, alleging that his
that Westbrook's opinion is rationally injury resulted from its negligent failure to wash
based on her personal perceptions. bird droppings from the city sidewalk in front of
the hotel.
90. The Department of Sanitation was established as
If the only defense asserted by Wave Crest is that
an agency of the State of Caliope in the year
it has no duty to wash bird droppings from the
1860, for the purpose of providing free sanitation
city sidewalk, the court should find for
services to the people of the state. Since its incep-
tion, the Department's activities have included
(A) Wave Crest, unless wave Crest was in pos-
garbage collection and street cleaning. Ambriz,
session and control of the trees in which
an alien residing within the State of Caliope,
the birds gathered.
applied for a job as a Sanitary Street Engineer
Class III with the state Department of Sanitation. (B) Wave Crest, because the city sidewalk on
Although he qualified in all other respects, the which the accident occurred was not the
state Personnel Division rejected Ambriz's appli- property of Wave Crest.
cation on the sole ground that he was not a United
(C) Palko, because Wave Crest is strictly liable
States citizen. A statute of the State of Caliope
for injuries sustained by invitees while
provides in part that "no person shall be eligible
entering and leaving Wave Crest business
for employment as a Sanitary Street Engineer
Class TIl who is not a citizen of the United
States." Ambriz challenged the constitutionality (D) Palko, if the past conduct of Wave Crest
of that statute in a appropriate proceeding. employees led Palko to reasonably believe
that the sidewalk would be free of bird
The statute should be found constitutional droppings.

(A) because street cleaning is a traditional gov-

Questions 92-93 are based on the following fact situa-
ernment activity in the State of Caliope.

fence, the cougar sprang toward Pierce. Because

Because of a deficit in the city transportation budget, the fence was badly deteriorated, it collapsed
the city council raised the fare on city buses from $.75 under the cougar's weight and fell on Pierce,
to $1.00. Although all members ofthe city council are inflicting serious injuries.
well-to-do, 80 percent of the people who travel on city
buses during peak hours have low incomes. If Pierce asserts a negligence claim against Down
as a result of her injuries, the court should find
92. Which of the following is most likely to have
standing to challenge the constitutionality of the
(A) Pierce, because the keeping of a wild animal
fare increase?
is prima facie negligent.
(A) The Drivers Union, an organization of city (B) Pierce, but only if the reasonable person in
bus drivers which claims that without the Down's position would have repaired the
fare increase many of its members will fence.
lose their jobs. (C) Down, because Pierce assumed the risk by
(B) The Bus Riders Association, an organization standing by the fence and looking at the
dedicated to promoting low fares on public cougar.
transportation systems throughout the (D) Down, unless Down knew that the fence was
state. in need of repair.
(C) A person with a low income who does not
normally travel on city buses, but who
Questions 95-96 are based on the following fact situa-
fears that the fare increase may prevent
him from doing so in the future.
(D) A wealthy stockbroker who travels on city On March 1, Grauer, a farmer, entered into a written
buses to commute to and from her office. contract with Trout. By its terms, Trout agreed to plow
Grauer's fields by April 1, using Trout's own tractor. In
return, Grauer promised to pay $2,000 upon comple-
93. Assuming that a person or organization with
tion of the work. On March 25, while Trout was plow-
standing to do so institutes a proceeding to chal-
ing Grauer's field, her tractor broke down. Trout
lenge its constitutionality, the fare increase
informed Grauer that because the tractor needed exten-
should be found
sive repairs it would be impossible to finish the job by
April 1 unless she rented another tractor. Trout said that
(A) constitutional, if it has a rational basis.
she could rent one for $600, but would not do so unless
(B) constitutional, only if it is necessary to serve Grauer agreed to add the rental charge to Trout's fee for
a compelling interest of the state. preparing the field. Grauer agreed without complaint,
(C) unconstitutional, only if it is found to inter- afraid that the value of his crop would be reduced if the
fere with a fundamental right. field was not plowed in time. Trout returned to work
after renting a tractor for $600.
(D) unconstitutional, ifit is found to discrimi-
nate against a discrete class of persons. While plowing, Trout saw Grauer's prize bull fall into
the creek. Knowing that the bull was worth $5,000 and
94. Down kept a pet cougar in a yard which was sur- that it was likely to drown in the creek, Trout rescued
rounded by a wire chain-link fence. Pierce, who the bull, sustaining injury in the process. When Trout
lived in the vicinity, frequently walked on the rescued the bull, she did not expect compensation, but
public sidewalk adjacent to Down's yard. One when Grauer learned of Trout's injury, he promised to
day, while Pierce was standing on the public side- pay her an additional $1,000 for rescuing his bull. After
walk looking at the cougar through Down's Trout finished plowing Grauer's field, however, Grauer
refused to pay her any more than $2,000.

should find for

95. If Trout asserts a claim against Grauer on account

(A) Pachek, because Daisy was present in the
of Grauer's promise to pay an additional $600 for car at the time of the accident.
the rental of a tractor, which of the following
would be Grauer's most effective argument in (B) Pachek, if Daisy consciously disregarded the
defense? fact that Irvin was intoxicated when she
allowed Irvin to drive her car.
(A) Grauer's promise to pay for the tractor rental (C) Daisy, unless the accident resulted from
was not in writing. Irvin's intoxication.
(B) Grauer's promise to pay for the tractor rental (D) Daisy, because Daisy was not driving the car
was unsupported by consideration. at the time of the accident.
(C) Grauer's promise to pay for the tractor rental
was induced by economic duress.
Questions 98..99 are based on the following fact situa-
(D) Grauer detrimentally relied on Trout's origi- tion.
nal promise to complete plowing of the
field by April 1 at a price of $2,000. Read the summaries of the decisions in the four cases
(A-D) below. Then decide which is most applicable as
a precedent to each of the cases in the questions that
96. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
follow, and indicate each choice by marking the corre-
Trout subsequently asserted a claim against
sponding space on the answer sheet.
Grauer on account of Grauer's promise to pay
$1,000 to compensate her for rescuing the bull. If
(A) People v. Allison - Believing that Vertin
Grauer's only defense is lack of consideration,
was attacking her, Allison swung a tennis
which of the following would be Trout's most
racket at Vertin hoping to frighten Vertin
effective argument in support of her claim?
away, but not meaning to strike Vertin with
it. The tennis racket struck Vertin in the
(A) Grauer's promise was given in exchange for
head, causing his death. At Allison's trial,
Trout's rescue of the bull.
over Allison's objection, the judge
(B) Grauer was morally obligated to compensate instructed the jury to find Allison guilty of
Trout for rescuing the bull. involuntary manslaughter if the force used
by Allison was excessive. Allison's con-
(C) Allowing Grauer to avoid compensating
viction for involuntary manslaughter was
Trout for rescuing the bull would unjustly
enrich Grauer.
(B) Boddy v. State - Boddy's wife was admit-
(D) Trout detrimentally relied on Grauer's prom-
ted to the intensive care unit of a hospital
ise by completing the plowing of Grauer's
following an automobile accident. While
visiting her, Boddy overheard doctors say-
ing that there was no hope of saving the
97. After Daisy and Irvin met at a party, Daisy life of a certain patient who would be in
offered to give Irvin a ride home in her new car. intense pain and paralyzed for as long as
When they got to the car, Irvin asked Daisy to let she lived. Mistakenly believing that they
him drive it. Although Daisy knew that Irvin was were talking about his wife, Boddy subse-
intoxicated, she permitted him to drive the car quently smothered her to death with a pil-
while she sat in the passenger seat. While Irvin low while she was asleep in the hospital
was driving, he collided with a car driven by bed. Boddy was convicted of murder after
Pachek. If Pachek asserts a claim against Daisy the court refused to charge the jury that if
for injuries sustained in the accident, the court Boddy believed that his wife was hope-

lessly ill and in intense pain they could edible mushrooms. Daisy, who was deer hunting,
find him guilty of voluntary manslaughter. noticed movement in the bushes. Seeing Van's
Boddy's conviction for murder was deerskin cloak, and believing him to be a deer,
reversed. she shot at Van, wounding him severely. When
she found that she had shot a human being
(C) Commonwealth v. Cain - While Cain was
instead of a deer, she was shocked. Van begged
robbing a tavern, the bartender attempted
her to take him to a hospital, but she ran to her car
to grab Cain's gun. During the struggle, the
and fled without making any attempt to secure
gun accidentally went off, seriously injur-
aid for Van. Two hours later, having received no
ing the bartender. At Cain's trial for
medical treatment, Van died of the bullet wound.
attempted murder, the court instructed the
If Daisy is charged with the murder of Van in a
jury to return a verdict of not guilty if they
jurisdiction which applies the common law defi-
found that Cain did not intend to cause the
nition of murder, her most effective argument in
bartender's death. Cain's acquittal was
defense would be that
(D) People v. Derby - Mter Derby quarreled (A) she did not intend to kill Van.
with her lover, she fired a gun at him while
(B) Van would have died of his bullet wounds
he was with his wife. The bullet missed
even if Daisy had gotten him to a hospital.
Derby's lover, but struck and killed his
wife. At Derby's trial, it was established (C) Van's wearing of the deerskin during the
that she fired with the intention of frighten- deer hunting season was contributory neg-
ing both her lover and his wife, but that she ligence.
did not mean to strike either of them.
(D) Van's death was not the result of any affir-
Derby was convicted of murder after the
mative act committed by Daisy.
court refused to charge the jury on invol-
untary manslaughter. The conviction was

98. At Elridge's trial for attempted murder, the prose-

cution proved that Elridge tried to strangle his
wife while she was sleeping in bed beside him.
Elridge testified that he had just awakened from a
vivid dream in which he saw his wife having sex-
ual intercourse with another man, and that when
he tried to strangle her he believed that the dream
was true. Elridge asked the court to charge the
jury on attempted voluntary manslaughter.

99. At Fordham's trial for murder, the prosecution

proved that Fordham was driving while intoxi-
cated when his car struck another car, killing all
its occupants. Fordham appealed from his convic-
tion for voluntary manslaughter.

100. Van, who lived alone in the woods, frequently

dressed in the skins of animals. One day during
the deer hunting season, Van was crawling along
on the ground, dressed in deerskin, looking for


Questions 101-103 are based on the following fact sit- after the driveway was paved, Bickley promised
uation. to pay Paver $2,000 for the job. In a jurisdiction
that adopts the view of the Restatement (2nd) of
Adam, who owned a home in a residential develop- Contracts, ifBickley then refused to pay, and
ment, decided to have his driveway paved. He called Paver sued him for breaching his promise, which
Paver, a licensed contractor who specialized in residen- of the following additional facts or inferences, if
tial driveways, and asked for an estimate on the job. it was the only one true, would be most likely to
Although the standard market price to pave a driveway result in a judgment for Paver?
the size of Adam's was $2,750, Paver was willing to do
the job for $2,500 since business was slow. Adam (A) When Bickley promised to pay, Bickley
agreed to hire him to do the job at that price and filled knew that Paver had already paved his
out and signed a detailed work order for Paver's work driveway.
crew. Since Adam was planning to go on vacation for
(B) When Bickley promised to pay, Bickley did
two weeks, he and Paver agreed that the job would be
not know that Paver had already paved his
finished by the time Adam returned.
Three days later, Paver's work crew went out to do the (C) Bickley decided to have his driveway paved
job described in Adam's work order. By mistake they before speaking with Paver.
paved Bickley's driveway which was identical to (D) Bickley did not decide to have his driveway
Adam's except that it was on a different street. Bickley paved until speaking with Paver.
was out of town at the time. The job cost Paver $2,600
in labor and materials and increased the value of Bick-
ley's realty by $2,100. Adam did not communicate 103. Assume that Adam asserts a breach of contract
with Paver while away on vacation. When he returned claim against Paver because of Paver's failure to
and discovered that his driveway had not yet been pave Adam's driveway. Which of the following
paved, he demanded that Paver perform as agreed, but additional facts or inferences, if it was the only
Paver refused. one true, would be most likely to result in a judg-
ment for Paver?

101. Assume for the purpose of this question only that (A) Paver did not succeed in collecting from
Paver asserts a claim against Bickley on a quasi- Bickley.
contract theory. If Paver is successful, he is enti-
tIed to (B) In filling out the work order, Adam acciden-
tally wrote down Bickley's address instead
(A) $2,100 (the increase in the value of Bick- of his own.
ley's realty). (C) Paver could not pave Adam's driveway at
(B) $2,500 (the agreed price in the contract the agreed price without sustaining a loss.
betw~en Paver and Adam).
(D) There is another contractor who is willing to
(C) $2,600 (Paver's cost in paving Bickley's pave Adam's driveway for $2,500.
(D) $2,750 (the standard price of the paving 104. Alonzo and Brookler, both residents of the State
job). of DelMava, entered into an installment contract
for the sale of goods. When a dispute arose
between them under the contract, Alonzo asserted
102. Assume for the purpose of this question only that a claim for $52,000 against Brookler in a United

States District Court in the State of DelMava.

Brookler moved to dismiss the claim on jurisdic- (A) At the time Paba purchased Oilcorp stock,
tional grounds. Oilcorp's financial condition was a matter
of public record.
Did the United States District Court have juris-
(B) Dabbs's statement "I think Oilcorp is a good
diction to adjudicate the claim?
investment" was an expression of opinion.
(A) Yes, if a statute of the State of DelMava (C) Paba did not purchase the edition of The
grants concurrent state and federal juris- Bugle which contained Dabb's statement,
diction over contract disputes. but read it after finding it on a bus.
(B) Yes, if a federal statute grants jurisdiction to (D) Dabbs did not know that any person would
hear such a claim to the United States Dis- rely on her statement.
trict Court.
(C) No, under Article III of the United States Questions 106-107 are based on the following fact sit-
Constitution. uation.
(D) No, under the Eleventh Amendment to the
United States Constitution. Upon borrowing money from Ausler, Odish executed a
note and a mortgage on her realty in favor of Ausler.
Ausler immediately and properly recorded the mort-
105. Oilcorp was a major corporation with shares of gage. One month later, Odish borrowed money from
stock traded on several stock exchanges. When Britt, executing a note and a mortgage on the realty in
rumors began to circulate that Oilcorp was expe- Britt's favor. Britt immediately and properly recorded
riencing financial difficulties, the price of Oilcorp the mortgage. Odish died soon afterwards, leaving a
stock fell drastically. Dabbs was a journalist who will which devised the realty to Lazarus for life,
wrote a financial news column for The Bugle, a remainder to Richards. Lazarus subsequently moved
daily newspaper. onto the realty. Neither Ausler nor Britt received pay-
ment as required by the notes executed by Odish.
One day, while Dabbs was discussing the Oilcorp
rumor with her friend Frasier, Frasier said, "I
wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing was 106. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
some kind of stunt to manipulate the price of without notifying or serving process on Lazarus
stock." Dabbs was aware that Frasier knew noth- and Richards, Ausler asks a court to order a fore-
ing about the stock market or about Oilcorp. The closure sale of the realty, the court should
following day, based solely upon what she had
heard from Frasier, Dabbs made the following (A) order the sale of a life estate only.
statement in her column: (B) order the sale of a remainder only.
"Don't be fooled by rumors that Oilcorp is in (C) order the sale of a fee interest.
trouble. Insiders say that the whole thing is a

stunt to manipulate the price of the stock. I (D) deny Ausler's request.
say Oilcorp is still a good investment."
After reading The Bugle, Paba invested in Oil- 107. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
corp stock in reliance on Dabbs's statement. Two Ausler does not institute a judicial proceeding,
days later, Oilcorp filed a petition in bankruptcy, but that Britt institutes a proceeding in which he
and its stock became worthless. If Paba asserts a joins Lazarus, Richards, and Ausler as parties,
claim against Dabbs for misrepresentation, which and in which Britt asks a court to order a foreclo-
one of the following facts or inferences, if it were sure sale of the realty. Should the court order a
the only one true, would be most likely to result sale?
in a judgment for Dabbs?

(A) No, because Ausler's interest in realty is against Pailey. In a prior deposition given under oath,
superior to Britt's. Westphal had stated that, at the time of the accident the
light was green in Pailey's favor. '
(B) No, unless Ausler waives his prior right in
(C) Yes, and the proceeds may be used to satisfy 109. Assume the following facts for the purpose of
the debt owed to Britt because first in time this question only: Westphal was called by Dick-
is first in right. man and her testimony was given on direct exam-
ination by Dickman's attorney. On cross-
(D) Yes, but proceeds of the sale must first be examination Westphal authenticated the deposi-
applied to satisfy the debt owed to Ausler tion described above, and Pailey's attorney
because Ausler's right is superior to offered it in evidence. Over Dickman's objection
Britt's. the deposition should be

(A) admitted for impeachment only.

108. Dustin and Hodges, who resided in the City of
Bronston, purchased rifles. Because neither of (B) admitted as substantive evidence only.
them had ever fired a rifle before, they decided to
(C) admitted for impeachment and as substan-
take them to the municipal dump to try them out.
tive evidence.
Although both believed that the dump was out-
side City of Bronston municipal limits, it was (D) excluded.
actually within municipal limits. At the dump,
Dustin shot his rifle in Hodges's direction, aim-
110. Assume the following facts for the purpose of
ing slightly to the right to miss Hodges. The bul-
this question only: Westphal had been called by
let struck a rock and ricocheted, hitting Hodges in
Pailey and her testimony was given on direct
the back and causing his death.
examination by Pailey's attorney. After Westphal
left the stand Pailey's attorney offered the above-
A City of Bronston ordinance provides that "Any
described deposition, properly authenticated, into
person who shall discharge a firearm knowing
evidence. Over objection by Dickman's attorney,
that he is within the municipal limits shall be
the court should rule that the deposition is
guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a maxi-
mum fine of $100." Which of the following is the
(A) not admissible, unless Westphal was asked
most serious crime of which Dustin may properly
about it before leaving the stand.
be convicted?
(B) notadmissible, because Westphal was
(A) Murder. Pailey's own witness.
(B) Voluntary Manslaughter. (C) admissible, because Westphal was a hostile
(C) Attempted murder.
(D) admissible, only if Westphal is given a sub-
(D) Discharging a firearm within the municipal
sequent opportunity to explain the incon-

Questions 109-110 are based on the following fact situ-

Questions 111-112 are based on the following fact situ-
Pailey asserted a personal injury claim against Dick-
By a valid written contractBrant and Sandler agreed to
man for injuries which she sustained when their cars
the purchase and sale of Sandler's 40 acre apple
collided at an intersection. At the trial, Westphal, an
orchard. Mter the contract was executed but prior to
eyewitness to the accident testified that, when it
the closing of title and while Sandler was still in pos-
occurred, the traffic light at the intersection was red

session of the property, a hurricane caused some of the is most likely to give Congress the power to pass
apple trees to be uprooted and destroyed. Although a law making it a federal crime for persons or
both Brant and Sandler had an insurable interest in the corporations in the construction industry to prac-
realty at the time of the hurricane, neither had pur- tice racial discrimination in their hiring practices?
chased insurance. On the day set for closing Sandler
tendered a conveyance, but Brant refused to go through (A) The Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amend-
with the purchase. ment.
(B) The Involuntary Servitude Clause of the
111. If Sandler asserts a claim against Brant for breach Thirteenth Amendment.
of contract in a jurisdiction which applies the (C) The Equal Protection Clause of the Four-
common law doctrine of equitable conversion, teenth Amendment.
the court should find for
(D) The Previous Condition of Servitude Clause
(A) Brant, if the damaged trees were a material of the Fifteenth Amendment.
part of the realty.
(B) Brant, because the trees became a personal Questions 114-115 are based on the following fact situ-
property when the wind severed them from ation.
the realty.
On March 1, Sack entered into a written agreement
(C) Sandler, because the risk of loss passed to
with Richmond, a licensed real estate broker. By its
Brant upon execution of the contract of
terms, Sack agreed to pay Richmond a commission
equal to 6 percent of the price if, prior to April 15,
(D) Sandler, but if the damaged tress were a Richmond procured a buyer ready, willing, and able to
material part of the realty the purchase pay $50,000 for Sack's realty. In return, Richmond
price will be reduced in proportion to the agreed to make reasonable efforts to sell it.
value of the damage.
After the agreement was executed, Richmond adver-
tised Sack's property and showed it to several prospec-
112. If Sandler asserts a claim against Brant for breach
tive buyers. On April 10, Bader signed a document
of contract in a jurisdiction which has adopted
agreeing to purchase Sack's realty for $50,000 but stat-
applicable provisions of the Uniform Vendor and
ing that her agreement was contingent upon her success
Purchaser Risk Act, the court should find for
in obtaining the necessary financing. The same day,
Richmond presented to Sack the document which
(A) Brant, if the damaged trees were a material
Bader had signed. Sack read it, thought for a moment,
part of the realty.
and handed it back to Richmond, saying, "I won't even
(B) Brant, because the storm changed the condi- consider a deal built around a contingency." Although
tion of the realty through no fault of Richmond protested that the agreement between him
Brant's. and Sack did not specify a sale without contingencies,

I (C) Sandler, because the risk of loss passed to Sack refused to discuss the matter any further.
Brant upon execution of the contract of
On April 11, Richmond informed Bader of Sack's
response. Bader then obtained a cashier's check for
(D) Sandler, but if the damaged trees were a $50,000 payable to Sack. She delivered the check to
material part of the realty the purchase Richmond together with a signed document in which
price will be reduced in proportion to the she agreed to purchase Sack's realty for that sum. On
value of the damage. April 14, Richmond presented the second document to
Sack with the cashier's check. Sack said, "I've changed
my mind. I'm not interested in selling."
113. Which of the following constitutional provisions

114. If Richmond asserts a claim against Sack for a (B) Ponce, but only if Darcy negligently oper-
commission, the court should find for ated or maintained her car.
(C) Ponce, if Darcy had the last clear chance to
(A) Sack, because he did not agree to sell the
avoid damaging his realty.
realty to Bader.
(D) Darcy, because she was privileged by neces-
(B) Sack, because his rejection of Bader's offer
sity to enter Ponce's realty.
on April 1Q, terminated his agreement with
(C) Richmond, because Sack's oral rejection of Questions 117-118 are based on the following fact situ-
Bader's written offer of April 10 was ation.
invalid under the Statute of Frauds.
In an action by Pinto against Dean, Pinto claimed that
(D) Richmond, because on April 14 Bader was Dean breached a contract to market Pinto's products.
ready, willing, and able to purchase Sack's At the trial Pinto testified that she and Dean had
realty for $50,000. reached an agreement at a conference held in the office
of Pinto's attorney Alvarado on October 15. She stated
115. If Bader institutes a proceeding against Sack for that she and Dean discussed five separate products on
an order directing Sack to sell her the realty for that occasion. On direct examination of Pinto,Alva-
$50,000 the court should find for rado asked her to name the products which had been
discussed. Pinto named four of them, but said she could
(A) Sack, because he did not agree to sell the not remember the fifth. After having them properly
realty to Bader. marked for identification, Alvarado offered to show
Pinto notes which Alvarado had made during the con-
(B) Sack, unless his attempt to orally modify his ference, asking whether looking at them would refresh
written agreement with Richmond was Pinto's recollection.
(C) Bader, but only if she can show that the 117. Assume for the purpose ofthisquestion only that
realty is unique or that a judgment for Dean's attorney objected to Pinto's looking at the
damages would not be an adequate rem- notes. The objection should be
(D) Bader, because her written agreement to pur- (A) sustained, because the notes had not been
chase was delivered with the cashier's made by Pinto.
check prior to April 15. (B) sustained, because the notes were not in evi-
116. Darcy was driving her caron State Street when its (C) sustained, because Alvarado's question was
steering mechanism failed, causing her to lose leading.
qontrol of the vehicle. The vehicle spun approxi-
mately 250 degrees before skidding across (D) overruled.
Ponce's lawn and colliding with the side of
Ponce's house, causing serious structural damage 118. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
to the building. Dean's attorney did not object to Pinto's looking
at the notes, and Pinto stated that looking at the
If Ponce asserts a claim against Darcy for damage notes refreshed her recollection. Assume further
to his realty, the court should find for that after looking at the notes Pinto named the
fifth product, and that Alvarado then offered the
(A) Ponce, because Darcy entered his realty notes in evidence. If Dean's attorney objects to
without his permission. admission of the notes in evidence, the objection
should be

120. Assume the following facts for the purpose of

(A) overruled, because the notes constitute a this question only: The petitioner argued that the
business record. registration schedule was discriminatory, proving
that a substantial percentage of persons who
(B) overruled, because Pinto used the notes to
owned land in the township of Danvers were
refresh her recollection while testifying.
males who commuted to work in a city 45 miles
(C) sustained, because the notes are hearsay not away and were unable to register during the
within any exception. scheduled hours without missing a day's work
(D) sustained, because the notes constitute an and incurring a loss of income. In response, the
attorney's work product. Township Council argued that the registration
schedule had a rational basis, proving that its tim-
ing allowed the process to be carried out with
Questions 119-120 are based on the following fact situ- volunteer labor which would save the Township
ation. the cost of hiring special registration personnel. If
these are the only arguments made, the court
A state law empowers any municipality within the state should declare the registration schedule invalid
to collect a property tax from its landowners if a plan to because
do so is proposed by its governing body and approved
by a majority of its eligible voters. The Township of (A) it discriminates against commuters on the
Danvers is a municipality governed by a Township basis of their lifestyle.
Council. Pursuant to the above law, the Danvers Town-
(B) it discriminates on the basis of wealth by
ship Council proposed a property tax plan and sched-
excluding those who cannot afford to lose
uled a special election for August 15 to submit the plan
a day's work.
for voter approval. The Township Council declared that
only persons owning land within the township were eli- (C) it results in benign sex discrimination.
gible to vote in the special election, and that eligible (D) the right to vote is a fundamental right.
voters were required to register for that purpose at the
Danvers Township Hall between the hours of 1 p.m.
and 3 p.m. on Tuesday July 15. The constitutionality of 121. Charron was the manufacturer of the "Charron
the special election was challenged in an appropriate Reclining Basket Chair," which she usually sold
proceeding by a petitioner with standing. only to furniture dealers. When Charron recently
stopped making the product, she found that she
had only 75 Reclining Basket Chairs left. As a
119. If the special election is found to be unconstitu- result, Charron published the following advertise-
tional, it will probably be because ment in a popular magazine:
(A) the eligibility requirements violated the Fif- "For Sale to the Public. Charron Reclining
teenth Amendment by excluding a discrete Basket Chairs at $100 each (or $80 each in
orders of 10 or more). Act fast. There are
class of persons.
only 75 left. When they're gone, don't ask
(B) the registration requirement had the effect of for any more."
imposing a residence qualification for
On February 12, Furness a furniture dealer saw
voter eligibility.
the advertisement and wrote to Charron, "We will
(C) all persons who did not own land were purchase all 75 Charron Reclining Basket Chairs
excluded from the voting process. at the wholesale price."
(D) conducting the special election on an at-
large basis could have the effect of diluting On February 15, Charron received Furness's let-
the political power of a particular interest ter and wrote to Furness saying, "This will con-
group. firm our agreement to the sale of 75 Charron
Reclining Basket Chairs at $80 each. Shipment to

follow immediately." decide whether either of them accurately

represents the stove in question.
On February 20, Furness telephoned Charron to
(B) admit only the photograph offered by Pabst.
say that he had changed his mind and did not
want the chairs after all. Within the next two (C) admit only the photograph offered by Dis-
weeks, Charron sold all the chairs for$80 each to count.
individuals who purchased one chair each.
(D) not admit either photograph.
If Charron asserts a claim against Furness for
damages resulting from breach of contract, the Questions 123-124 are based on the following fact sit-
court should award Charron uation.

(A) a sum equivalent to the profit which Charron Luz, the owner of a seven-story office building, leased
would have made by selling all the chairs the entire sixth floor to Tuck, an attorney, for a period
to Furness. of five years by a written lease which fixed the rent at
$2,000 per month. There were only two offices on the
(B) a sum equivalent to the total of the differ-
sixth floor, identified as Office 6A and Office 6B. A
ence between $100 per chair and the price
clause in the lease provided that in the event it ever
which Charron actually received.
became necessary to determine how the rent payments
(C) a sum equivalent to the difference between were apportioned, it was understood that $900 of each
the price which Furness had agreed to pay month's rent was to be applied to Office 6A, $900 was
and the actual market value of the chairs. to be applied to Office 6B, and $200 to the hallways
(D) nothing because Charron sustained no loss and other common areas. The lease prohibited assign-
as a result of Furness's failure to purchase ment by Tuck without Luz's written permission, and
the chairs. provided that such permission would not be unreason-
ably withheld.

122. Pabst brought an action against Discount for inju- One year after executing the lease, Tuck entered into a
ries which he sustained when a gas stove which written agteement with Seaver. Under its terms, Seaver
he purchased from Discount exploded while he was to occupy Office 6A for the balance of Tuck's term
was attempting to use it. At the trial, Pabst pro- at a monthly rental of $1,500 payable to Tuck. Seaver
duced a snapshot photograph which he said had was an attorney with a better reputation and a more
been taken by him prior to the accident and which lucrative practice than Tuck's.
he said was an accurate representation of the
stove. On behalf of Discount, a Discount
employee named Weber testified that he had 123. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
installed the stove. Weber produced a photograph Luz refused to consent to Tuck's arrangement
from an advertising brochure and stated that it with Seaver, and that Luz subsequently asserted a
fairly and accurately represented the stove which claim against Tuck for breaching the lease provi-
Pabst had purchased from Discount and which sion prohibiting assignment. Which of the fol-
Weber had installed. The stove in the photograph lowing would be Tuck's most effective argument
offered by Discount was clearly different from in response to that claim?
the stove in the photograph offered by Pabst.
(A) Tuck's agreement with Seaver was not an
Both photographs were offered into evidence, assignment because the rent paid by
and each party's attorney objected to admission Seaver was not in the same sum as the rent
of the other party's photograph. Inresponse to the paid by Tuck.
objections, the court should (B) Tuck's agreement with Seaver was not an
assignment because it only gave Seaver the
(A) admit both photographs and allow the jury to right to occupy part of the sixth floor.

(C) The clause prohibiting assignment was an

invalid restraint on alienation. WKKW was a public service radio station supported
entirely by contributions from listeners. Every year,
(D) Luz's refusal to consent was not reasonable
WKKW conducted a public auction at which it sold
because Seaver's credit was as good as
merchandise which had been donated by listeners. The
auction was conducted over the radio, with announcers
describing the goods which were on sale and identify-
124. Assume the following additional facts for the ing the persons who had donated them, and with listen-
purpose of this question only: Luz consented to ers phoning in their bids.
the arrangement between Tuck and Seaver, but
one month before the term expired Seaver Swiss, a cheese manufacturer, notified WKKW offi-
vacated the premises and made no further pay- cials that he would donate 1,000 pounds of cheese to
ments. After Seaver moved out, the office which WKKW for sale at the fund-raising auction. At the
Seaver had occupied remained vacant. For the request of WKKW, Swiss sent the radio station a certif-
final month of the lease term, Tuck paid only icate containing the following language:
$1,100 to Luz, although Luz demanded an addi-
tional $900. In an appropriate proceeding, Luz "For value received, WKKW hereby desig-
can collect $900 from nates the following person to receive 1,000
pounds of cheese from Swiss. The cheese
(A) Tuck only. referred to herein is a gift from Swiss to radio
station WKKW to enable the station to con-
(B) Seaver only.
tinue serving the public good."
(C) Tuck and/or Seaver.
(D) Neither Tuck nor Seaver. During the radio auction, WKKW announcers stated
that 1,000 pounds of cheese donated by Swiss was up
for sale. Colby bid $120 for the cheese and was
125. Romero wrote a column about life in suburbia declared the highest bidder. Subsequently, Colby gave
which appeared regularly in the Daily Times, a WKKW a check for that amount and WKKW officials
newspaper of general circulation. In one of his signed the above certificate, writing Colby's name in
columns, Romero mentioned his neighbor Nadel the blank space provided. Swiss, who had heard the
by name, and referred to him as "a silly pig." If auction on the radio, was outraged that the cheese was
Nadel asserts a defamation claim against Romero sold for only $120. As a result, when Colby presented
as a result of this reference, which of the follow- the certificate, Swiss refused to deliver the cheese.
ing would be Romero's most effective argument
in defense?
126. IfColby asserts a claim against WKKW for
(A) Romero did not have actual malice when he breach of contract, the court should find for
made the statement.
(A) WKKW, because WKKW relied to its detri-
(B) Reasonable persons would not believe that
ment on the promise made by Swiss.
the statement asserted a fact about Nadel.
(B) WKKW, if WKKW made all reasonable
(C) Reasonable persons would not believe the
efforts to provide Colby with the cheese.
statement to be true.
(C) Colby, but only if Colby is unsuccessful in
(D) At the time Romero made the statement he
recovering damages from Swiss.
was of the opinion that it was an accurate
assertion of fact. (D) Colby, because Colby did not receive the
cheese as promised by WKKW.

Questions 126-127 are based on the following fact sit-

uation. 127. If Colby asserts a claim against Swiss on account

of Swiss's failure to deliver the cheese, the court scheme when Bishop purchased lot 2 from
should find for Odum.

(A) Swiss, because Swiss made no promise to

129. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Appel later sold lot 1 to Eubank:, and that Colum-
(B) Swiss, because Swiss received no consider- bus subsequently announced his intention to erect
ation for his promise to deliver 1,000 a motorcycle repair shop on lot 17. If Eubank:
.pounds of cheese. - - . instituted a proceeding seeking to prevent
(C) Colby, as an assignee ofWKKW's rights Columbus from doing so, the court should find
against Swiss. for

(D) Colby, as an intended third-party creditor (A) Eubank:, if Odum's grants to Appel and
beneficiary of the contract between Bishop resulted in an implied reciprocal
WKKW and Swiss. servitude.
(B) Eubank:, because permitting the construction
of a motorcycle repair shop in a residential
tract is likely to decrease the value of other
Questions 128-129 are based on the following fact sit- real estate within the tract.
(C) Columbus, because Columbus was never in
privity with Appel or Eubank:.
After inheriting a large tract of land, Odum subdivided
it into 60 numbered lots pursuant to state law, filing a (D) Columbus, if Columbus's deed did not con~
plat map and development scheme which indicated that tain language restricting lot 17 to residen-
all lots in the subdivision would be restricted to resi- tial use.
dential use. Odumthereafter conveyed lot 1 to Appel
and lot 2 to Bishop by deeds containing a condition
Questions 130-131 are based on the following fact sit-
restricting the lots to residential use. Subsequently
Columbus, who knew of the development scheme,
bought lot 17 from Odum.
Eno was hired as a probationary employee by the State
Harbor Commission, an agency of the state, pursuant to
128. Assume for the purpose of this question only that a written contract. The contract provided that at the end
Bishop announced his intention to erect a motor- of one year the parties could agree to renew the con-
cycle repair shop on lot 2, and that Appel insti- tract for an additional one year period, but that either
tuted a proceeding seeking to prevent Bishop party could, without cause, elect not to renew.
from doing so. Which of the following additional
facts or inferences, if it was the only one true, Eleven months after hiring him, the State Harbor Com-
would be most likely to result in a decision in mission informed Eno in writing that his contract
Appel's favor? would not be renewed at the end of the year. Eno asked
the State Harbor Commission for a hearing on his fit-
(A) Appel's deed to lot 1 was recorded prior to ness to be rehired, but his request was denied. Eno sub-
Bishop's purchase oflot 2. sequently instituted a proceeding to challenge the
decision of the State Harbor Commission on the ground
(B) Appel purchased lot 1 before Bishop pur-
that its failure to hold a hearing before deciding not to
chased lot 2.
rehire him violated his right to due process.
(C) Appel was aware of Odum's development
scheme when Appel purchased lot 1 from
Odum. 130. Which of the following would be the State Har-
bor Commission's most effective argument in
(D) Bishop was aware of Odum's development

response to Eno's challenge? the airport was not disturbing to Pinson.

Recently, however, the Country of Durban
(A) Due process was not required, since the adopted an ordinance allowing other kinds of air-
decision not to rehire Eno did not deprive craft to use the airport. Since then, noise levels
him of life, liberty, or property. from the airport have increased, disturbing the
quiet atmosphere of Pinson's home.
(B) State employment is a privilege rather than a
right since no pers()n is guaranteed_
If Pinson desires to assert a claim against De La
employment by the state.
Fuente on account of noise from the airport,
(C) There would beno point in holding a hear- which of the following would be his most effec-
ing in Eno's case, since the hearing officer tive theory of recovery?
would be an employee of the State Harbor
Commission and the findings would neces- (A) Private nuisance.
sarily support the decision already made
(B) Prescriptive aeronautical easement.
by the Commission.
(C) Inverse condemnation.
(D) Eno's constitutional rights could not have
been violated by the decision not to renew (D) Continuing trespass.
his contract, since the contract provided
that the decision could be made without
cause. Questions 133-134 are based on the following fact sit-

131. If it was the only one true, which of the following While Dangler and his wife Mary were standing in line
additional facts or inferences would be most outside a movie theater, Dangler whispered to Mary
likely to lead to an order requiring the State Har- that he had committed a series of robberies the previ-
bor Commission to hold a hearing before decid- ous week. Dangler was subsequently arrested and
ing not to rehire Eno? charged with the robberies in a jurisdiction which holds
that confidential marital communications are privi-
(A) During the same year, the State Harbor leged.
Commission held hearings before deciding
whether to rehire certain other probation-
ary employees. 133. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Lennon, a prosecution witness, attempted to tes-
(B) The decision not to rehire Eno was based in tifythat he overheard Dangler's whispered state-
part on the fact that while employed by the ment to Mary while standing behind them in the
State Harbor Commission he had actively movie line. If Dangler objects to this testimony,
campaigned for a political candidate. his objection should be
(C) The decision not to rehire Eno was likely to
damage Eno's reputation. (A) sustained, because communications made
within a marriage are presumed to be con-
(D) The job held by Eno was vital to the efficient fidential.
operation of the State Harbor Commission.
(B) sustained, because the statement is inadmis-
sible hearsay.
132. Pinson purchased realty in the County of Durban
in 1950 and has lived on it since then. The realty (C) overruled, because the statement is admissi-
is located approximately one mile from a private ble as an admission.
airport owned and operated by De La Fuente. At (D) overruled, because a communication con-
the time of Pinson's purchase, County of Durban cerning a crime is not subject to the marital
ordinances restricted the use of De La Fuente's privilege.
airport to aircraft of a particular type. Noise from

134. Assume for the purpose of this question only that (A) There was no consideration for Unger's
Mary is called as a prosecution witness, and that promise to repay Neal's debt.
the prosecutor attempts to question her about the
(B) Unger died before Landry accepted his offer
statement which Dangler made to her while they
to guarantee payment.
were waiting in the movie line. Which of the fol-
lowing statements is most correct? (C) Unger's obligations under his suretyship
agreement with Landry were terminated by
Unger's death.
I. The court should exclude this testimony if
Mary is willing to testify but Dangler (D) There was no agreement in writing between
objects to her testimony. Unger and Landry.
IT. The court should exclude this testimony
even if Dangler and Mary make no objec- 136. Dale was charged with assaulting Vollmer. At the
tion to it. trial, Vollmer testified that he accidentally
(A) I only. bumped into Dale while walking on a crowded
street, and that Dale responded by repeatedly hit-
(B) IT only. ting and punching him. As part of his defense,
(C) I and IT. Dale denied that he had ever struck any person
intentionally, and testified that any contact
(D) Neither I nor IT. between Vollmer and him had been accidental.

135. On Monday, Neal asked Landry to lend him The prosecutor subsequently called Whelan as a
$1,000 to buy a car. Landry said that she would witness. Whelan testified that she and Dale were
have to think it over, since she knew that Neal did divorced, but that she had been married to him
not have a steady job. Neal then asked his uncle for ten years. She stated that during the period of
Unger to help him. At Neal's request, Unger their marriage, Dale had frequently struck her
called Landry on Tuesday and said, "If you lend with his fists in public places. If Dale's attorney
Neal the money he needs to buy a car, I promise objects and asks the court to exclude Whelan's
to pay you back if Neal doesn't." testimony, the testimony should be

On Wednesday, Landry loaned Neal $1,000, (A) excluded, only if the jurisdiction recognizes
requiring Neal to sign a document promising to a privilege for marital communications.
repay the loan within one year. The same day, (B) excluded, because it is not relevant to a
Landry made a photocopy of the document which material issue. _
Neal had signed, and sent it to Unger with a letter
(C) admitted, because it bears on Dale's reputa-
informing Unger that Landry had loaned the
tion for truth and veracity.
money to Neal as Unger requested. The photo-
copy and Landry's letter were delivered to (D) admitted, because Dale testified in his own
Unger's home on Friday, but Unger had died on defense.
Thursday. Upon Neal's subsequent default in
payment, Landry asserted a claim against
Unger's estate on account of Unger's promise to Questions 137-138 are based on the following fact sit-
pay if Neal did not. uation.

Which of the following arguments would provide Coyne showed his silver coins to Fowler and asked
the administratrix of Unger's estate with the most whether Fowler would be interested in trading them for
effective argument in opposition to Landry's chickens. Mter inspecting the coins, Fowler and Coyne
claim? placed them in a bag which they sealed together and
left with a banker whom they both knew. Then in a
writing signed by both of them they agreed to the trade.

Pursuant to the terms of their agreement, Fowler was to has made performance by Coyne impossi-
deliver 6,000 fryer chickens to Coyne on July 1, at ble.
which time the bag of coins would be turned over to
(D) Fowler, because Fowler tendered the chick-
Fowler as payment in full. In May, weather conditions
ens as required by the contract.
were such that the price of fryer chickens increased to
three times what it had been when the agreement was
signed. 139. Waterco, a water supply company, owned a well
adjacent to O'Dowd's land. By a conveyance
which properly described the size and location of
137. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
the easement, O'Dowd granted Waterco an ease-
on July 1, Fowler refused to deliver 6,000 fryer
ment across his realty "for the installation of
chickens to Coyne. If Coyne asserts a claim
underground pipe or pipes for the transport of
against Fowler for breach of contract, the court
water to customers of Waterco." Pursuant to the
should find for
easement, Waterco subsequently installed a sin-
gle underground pipe across O'Dowd's land.
(A) Fowler, if in January neither party knew that
After the installation, Waterco regularly entered
the market price of fryer chickens would
O'Dowd's land to service its underground pipe,
occasionally excavating for that purpose. Twenty
(B) Fowler, because the likelihood of fluctuation years after the easement had been granted, con-
in the value of money makes this contract struction of a nearby housing development
aleatory. caused the number of Waterco's customers to
double, making it necessary for Waterco to trans-
(C) Coyne, if it was foreseeable that the market
port more water than the single pipe could carry.
price of fryer chickens would change dra-
Waterco notified O'Dowd that it planned to
install a second underground pipe alongside the
(D) Coyne, because the transaction was not a first within the area over which Waterco had an
sale as defined by the Uniform Commer- easement. O'Dowd objected and instituted an
cial Code. appropriate proceeding to stop Waterco from
installing a second underground pipe.
138. Assume the following facts for the purpose of
Which of the following arguments would be most
this question only: In May Fowler notified Coyne
likely to result in a judgment for O'Dowd?
that because of the increase in the price of chick-
ens, Fowler would not be able to accept the bag
(A) Twenty years of continuous use by Waterco
of coins as payment for 6,000 fryer chickens in
established the scope of the easement.
July. Coyne immediately sold the coins to a third
person. On July 1, Fowler attempted to deliver (B) The initial installation of a single pipe by
6,000 fryer chickens to Coyne, but Coyne refused Waterco established the scope of the ease-
to accept delivery. If Fowler asserts a claim ment.
against Coyne for breach of contract, the court
(C) When the easement was granted, neither
should find for
party could have anticipated that the num-
ber of Waterco's customers would double.
(A) Coyne, because Fowler said that he would
not accept the coins as payment for the (D) O'Dowd's grant to Waterco did not specify
chickens. the number of pipes which could be
(B) Coyne, because Coyne's sale of the coins
has resulted in Coyne's prospective inabil-
ity to perform. 140. By a contract calling for the delivery of market-
able title, Swinton agreed to sell Barney a parcel
(C) Fowler, because sale ofthe coins by Coyne
of realty consisting of 4 adjacent lots. On the date

set for closing, Swinton informed Barney that one uation.

of the 4 lots was encumbered by a utility com-
pany easement, Swinton said that it was unlikely Richey was out walking when she saw Palermo, a
that the utility company would ever attempt to seven-year-old child, suddenly chase a ball into the
exercise its easement, and offered to either exe- street in the path of a car driven by Driscoll. Afraid that
cute a general warranty deed to the entire parcel Palermo would be hit by the car, Richey ran into the
including a covenant against encumbrances, or to roadway and pushed Palermo out of the way. Driscoll's
convey the remaining three lots to Barney, car struck Richey. Palermo wasnorhit by Driscoll's
deducting from the purchase price the reasonable car, but hurt his knees when he fell to the ground as a
value of the encumbered lot. Barney refused both result of being pushed by Richey. The jurisdiction
offers. applies the all-or-nothing rule of contributory negli-
In litigation between Swinton and Barney for
breach of contract, a court should find for
142. If Palermo asserts a negligence claim against
Richey for the injuries to his knees, which one of
(A) Swinton, because a covenant against encum-
the following additional facts or inferences, if it
brances would have given Barney suffi-
was the only one true, would be most likely to
cient protection.
result in a judgment for Richey?
(B) Swinton, if title to the remaining three lots
was marketable, and if abatement of the (A) Palermo's injury was proximately caused by
purchase price would assure Barney of the negligence of Driscoll.
receiving the value for which he had bar-
(B) If Richey had not pushed him out of the way,
Palermo would have been struck by
(C) Barney, but only if Swinton knew of the Driscoll's car and killed.
easement at the time the contract of sale
(C) Richey was severely injured as a result of
was formed.
being struck by Driscoll's car.
(D) Barney, because Swinton failed to deliver
(D) The situation confronted Richey with an
marketable title.

141. At the trial of a personal injury action brought by

143. If Richey asserts a claim against Driscoll for inju-
Pacheco against Dagley and arising out of an
ries which she sustained as a result of being
automobile accident, Pacheco attempted to testify
struck by Driscoll's car, the court should find for
that immediately following the accident, Dagley
offered to pay $500 to fix Pacheco's car. Over
objection by Dagley's attorney, Pacheco's state-
(A) because Richey assumed the risk by running
ment should be
into the path of Driscoll's car.
(A) excluded, unless Dagley is given an oppor- (B) unless Driscoll was driving the car in an
tunity to explain his offer. unreasonable manner.
(B) excluded, because to admit such evidence (C) if Palermo was contributorily negligent in
would violate public policy. running in front of Driscoll's car.
(C) admitted, as a declaration against Dagley's (D) if Richey had the last clear to avoid being
pecuniary interest. injured.
(D) admitted, as an implied admission of a party.
144. If Palermo asserts a negligence claim against
Driscoll for the injuries to his knees, which of the
Questions 142-144 are based on the following fact sit-

following would be Driscoll's most effective tation computers, the Champlain legislature enacted a
argument in defense? statute which prohibited operating such a device from
within the state.
(A) It was unreasonable for Palermo to chase a
ball into the street in the path of Driscoll's Saleco, a manufacturing company doing business in the
car. state of Champlain, planned to use the telephone solici-
tation computer to market its products within the state.
(B) Palermo's injuries did not result from a
Mter passage of the law, Saleco attempted to hire an
physical impact with Driscoll's car.
out-of-state company to set up a telephone solicitation
(C) Richey removed Palermo from the zone of computer system connected to phone lines outside the
physical danger. state for the purpose of making calls to telephones
(D) Danger invites rescue. within the state of Champlain. When Saleco learned
that the cost of doing so would far exceed the cost of
setting up such a system inside the state, Saleco chal-
145. At a jury trial Dahn was convicted of aggravated lenged the constitutionality of the state law.
assault. On appeal Dahn's conviction was
reversed on the ground that as a matter of law the
evidence against her was insufficient to establish 146. The most effective argument in support of
guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Subsequently, Saleco's claim is that the statute is unconstitu-
the prosecutor attempted to try Dahn again on the tional because
same charge. If Dahn asserts that the subsequent
prosecution violates the constitutional protection (A) federal statutes and regulations regarding
against double jeopardy and moves to dismiss it, telephone communications have pre-
her motion should be empted the field, making the statute
invalid under the supremacy clause.
(A) denied, because the reversal of her convic- (B) regulation of communication is not one of
tion ended any jeopardy which attached as the enumerated powers of the states under
a result of the initial prosecution. the Tenth Amendment.
(B) denied, because the reversal amounted to a (C) the statute discriminates against interstate
declaration that the trial was a nullity and commerce because the cost of using the
that she had, therefore, never been in jeop- telephone solicitation computer from loca-
ardy as a result of the initial prosecution. tions outside the state of Champlain to
(C) granted. communicate with telephones inside the
state is higher than the cost of using it from
(D) denied, because Dahn waived the constitu- locations inside the state for that purpose.
tional protection against double jeopardy
by appealing her conviction. (D) the statute imposes an undue burden on
interstate commerce by making the cost of
marketing products to consumers in the
Questions 146-147 are based on the following fact sit- state of Champlain higher than the cost of
uation. marketing those products to consumers
outside the state of Champlain.
The telephone solicitation computer is a device which
dials telephone numbers and plays a pre-recorded
147. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
advertising announcement to anyone who answers.
Saleco's only claim is that the statute violates the
Although there are many federal statutes and regula-
First Amendment protection of freedom of
tions regarding telephone communication, none
expression. Saleco's most effective argument in
addresses the use of this kind of device. After many
support of that conclusion is that the statute is
residents of the state of Champlain complained of
being annoyed by calls received from telephone solici-

(A) overbroad because it could intetfere with (C) was a communication which led to a written
non-commercial communications as well contract.
as with commercial communications.
(D) was an invitation to negotiate.
(B) content-related because it is more likely that
the telephone solicitation computer would
149. In 1980, Ortiz conveyed a parcel of realty known
be used for commercial communications
as Greenacre to her oldest son Amaro in fee sim-
than_for non-commercial communications.
ple absolute as a gift. At Ortiz's request, Amaro
(C) likely to have a chilling effect on expression did not record the conveyance. In 1982, Ortiz
because of the increased cost of using the borrowed $10,000 from Marcus, executing a note
telephone solicitation computer from loca- purporting to be secured by a mortgage on Green-
tions outside the state. acre. Marcus did not record the mortgage. In
(D) not justified because prohibiting use of the 1984, Ortiz purported to convey Greenacre in fee
telephone solicitation computer from loca- simple to her youngest son Benedict as a gift.
tions within the states does not directly Benedict immediately recorded the deed. On
advance a substantial government interest. default by Ortiz, Marcus now seeks to foreclose
on Greenacre.

148. The state Department of Transportation published A statute in the jurisdiction provides that "No
an advertisement calling for bids "for a contract transfer of an interest in real property shall be .
to be the exclusive supplier of fuel for Depart- good and effectual in law or equity against credi-
ment of Transportation vehicles." Petrol submit- tors or subsequent purchasers for value and with-
ted a bid and, after negotiation, entered into a out notice unless it shall be recorded."
written contract to supply at a specified price per
gallon for a period of one year "all fuel ordered Is Marcus entitled to foreclose on Greenacre?
by the Department of Transportation." Several
months after executing the contract, Petrol (A) No, because his mortgage was not recorded.
learned that the Department of Transportation
(B) No, because Benedict recorded his deed in
was purchasing substantial amounts of fuel from
other suppliers.
(C) Yes.
Petrol asserted a claim against the Department of
(D) No, because Amaro owns Greenacre in fee
Transportation for breach of contract. At the trial,
simple absolute.
Department of Transportation attorneys offered
the written contract into evidence and pointed out
that its language did not specifically state that 150. Pace bought from Dartmouth Motors, a car
Petrol was to be the exclusive supplier. When dealer, a new car manufactured by Gasden Auto
Petrol attempted to offer a copy of the advertise- Company. The vehicle was equipped with a seat
ment calling for bids into evidence, Department belt warning indicator, although the law did not
of Transportation attorneys objected on the require such a device. The indicator was designed
ground that the advertisement was inadmissible to cause a bright red light on the dashboard to
under the parol evidence rule. Petrol's most effec- begin glowing when the engine was started and to
tive argument in response to the Department of remain lit until the driver's seat belt was fastened.
Transportation's objections would be that the When the car was delivered to Pace, an employee
advertisement of Dartmouth Motors explained to Pace that the
seat belt warning indicator was not working, but
(A) tends to show that the written contract was that Dartmouth Motors would repair it without
ambiguous. charge as soon as the necessary parts were
(B) was in writing.

The following day, Pace was involved in an acci- realty by a deed containing the following lan-
dent while driving the new car. As a result of the guage:
impact, she was thrown from the vehicle and sus-
tained an injury when her head struck the pave- (A) ... to Sander unless the family farmhouse is
ment. If she had been wearing a seat belt at the physically changed or painted any color
time, she would not have been injured. other than white.
(B) ... to Sander and his heirs, but if the family
Pace subsequently asserted a claim against Dart-
farmhouse is physically changed or
mouth Motors for her injuries on the ground that
painted any color other than white, to
the failure of the seat belt warning indicator made
Dawn and her heirs.
the vehicle defective. Which of the following
would be Dartmouth Motors's most effective (C) ... to Sander and his heirs, but if within 40
argument in response to that allegation? years the family farmhouse is physically
changed or painted any color other than
(A) When Pace drove the vehicle, she was aware white, to Dawn and her heirs.
that the seat belt warning indicator was not (D) ... to Sander for life, remainder to Dawn.
(B) The law did not require the vehicle to be
152. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
equipped with a seat belt warning indica-
Ortega died leaving a will which devised the
property "to Sander for life, but if within 40 years
(C) It is impossible to prove with certainty that Sander attempts to sell or mortgage his interest,
Pace would have worn a seat belt if the to Dawn for life." If, in an appropriate proceed-
seat belt warning indicator had been work- ing, Sander challenges the validity of the restric-
ing. tions on his estate his most effective argument
would be that the restrictions
(D) The failure of the seat belt warning indicator
was the result of the negligence of Gasden
(A) constitute a disabling restraint on alienation.
Auto Company.
(B) constitute a forfeiturial restraint on alien-
Questions 151-152 are based on the following fact sit-
uation. (C) constitute a promissory restraint on alien-
Ortega was the owner of a small farm which had been (D) violate the rule against perpetuities.
in his family for many generations and which had
become a well-known community landmark. Ortega
had a son named Sander and a daughter named Dawn. 153. After PiCo instituted litigation against Dee Corp,
Because Ortega was advanced in age, he was con- Dee Corp's attorney demanded that PiCo furnish
cerned about what would happen to the property after the answers to a list of interrogatories as provided
his death. He wanted to keep it in the family for as long by the state code of civil procedure. Interrogatory
as possible, and he wanted Sander to have the use of it #4 was "List PiCo's gross sales receipts for each
throughout his lifetime. In addition, he wanted to be month during the four-year period in contro-
sure that the old family farmhouse would not be physi- versy." In response to this interrogatory, PiCo
cally changed, and that it would always be painted responded, "Gross receipts for the period in ques-
white. tion are contained in an industry publication
known as The Commercial Journal."

151. If Ortega consulted you for advice about how At trial, Dee Corp's attorney attempted to offer
best to prevent physical change to the family into evidence those portions of The Commercial
farmhouse, you should advise him to convey the Journal listing PiCo's gross receipts for the

months in question. Upon objection by PiCo's tion was a substantial factor in producing
attorney, the court should rule those portions of Hamilton's death.
The Commercial Journal
155. If Wilma is prosecuted for the murder of Hamil-
(A) inadmissible, because the contents of The
ton, she should be found
Commercial Journal have not been shown
to be accurate.
(A) not guilty, if Hamilton's death was proxi-
(B) inadmissible as hearsay not within any mately caused by the conduct of Danico.
(B) not guilty, unless the jurisdiction recognizes
(C) admissible as an admission of a party. that she had a duty to secure medical atten-
tion for Hamilton.
(D) admissible, only if The Commercial Journal
is shown to be a reputable source which (C) guilty, only if she knew that Hamilton was
reasonably well-informed people regard as likely to die if he did not receive prompt
accurate. medical attention.
(D) guilty, because she knew that Hamilton was
Questions 154-155 are based on the following fact sit- in need of immediate medical attention.
Questions 156-157 are based on the following fact sit-
After Hamilton lost all his money to Danico in a dice
game, the two men began to argue. During the course
of the argument, Danico stabbed Hamilton in the leg
A statute of the state of DelMara grants state employ-
with a knife. Hamilton staggered home and pounded on
ees an annual 5% salary increase. Another statute pro-
the door, begging his wife Wilma to let him in. Wilma
vides that upon retirement a state employee shall
realized that Hamilton needed medical attention
receive an annual pension equivalent to 60% of the sal-
because he was bleeding badly, but she was so angry at
ary received during the year immediately prior to
him for gambling that she refused to open the door or
retirement. The state also maintains a group health
call a doctor. Hamilton collapsed on the doorstep and
insurance plan for state employees. After determining
died an hour later from loss of blood. Wilma could
that the health insurance plan could be operated less
have secured immediate medical attention for Hamil-
expensively if it did not include persons over the age of
ton, and if she had done so, Hamilton would not have
65, the state legislature passed a compulsory retirement
law requiring state employees to retire at the age of 65.

154. If Danico is prosecuted for the murder of Hamil- Robello, who was employed by the state of DelMara as
ton, which of the following would be his most a station engineer, reached the age of 65 several years
effective argument in defense? after the compulsory retirement law was passed. When
he was informed that he was required to retire, Robello
(A) Danico did not cause Hamilton's death challenged the constitutionality of the mandatory
because Hamilton would not have died if retirement law. In support of his challenge, Robello
Wilma had secured prompt medical atten- proved that a federal law permits station engineers
tion. employed by the federal government to continue work-
inguntil they are 70.
(B) Leg wounds do not usually result in death.
(C) It was unforeseeable that Wilma would
156. In deciding Robello's claim, the court should
refuse to secure medical attention for
hold that the state's mandatory retirement law is
Hamilton when she knew that he needed it
so badly.
(A) invalid under the Supremacy Clause.
(D) Wilma's omission to secure medical atten-

(B) invalid, if Robello's job did not require skills Megahog contracted boarsitis, a highly contagious and
or abilities which were related to age. frequently fatal disease of hogs. Swiney notified Fair
on June 22 that because of the disease he could not
(C) valid, if the state could operate its employee
exhibit Megahog as agreed. When Fair advised the
health insurance plan on a more economi-
public that Megahog would not be appearing at the
cally efficient basis by mandating retire-
Agricultural Exposition, many people who had planned
ment at 65.
to purchase tickets changed their minds and did not do
(D) valid, because thefederal·govemment may so. Fair subsequently asserted a claim against Swiney
not impose economic burdens on the state. for damages resulting from Swiney's refusal to exhibit
Megahog as agreed.
157. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Robello's only argument was that the mandatory 158. Swiney's most effective defense to Fair's claim
retirement law violated the obligation of con- would be based on
tracts clause of Article I of the United States Con-
stitution. If it was the only one true, which of the (A) rescission.
following additional facts or inferences would
(B) impossibility of performance.
best support Robello's claim?
(C) frustration of purpose.
(A) Robello was a state employee prior to the
(D) prospective inability to perform.
time the mandatory retirement law was
159. Which of the following additional facts, if it was
(B) Robello borrowed money for the purchase of
the only one true, would be most likely to result
a retirement home, planning to pay it back
in a judgment in favor of Fair?
from his salary as a state employee.
(C) Robello is as physically fit as the average (A) On May 1 Swiney was aware that many
person 60 years of age. hogs in the area had contracted boarsitis.
(D) Robello's job as a state employee does not (B) On June 21 the state Department of Live-
require any physical labor or strain. stock learned that Megahog had contracted
boarsitis and issued an order prohibiting
the exhibition of Megahog.
Questions 158-159 are based on the following fact sit-
uation (C) On June 22 Swiney owned a hog with quali-
ties equivalent to Megahog's.
Swiney, a farmer, was the owner of a prize-winning (D) On the day of the trial Fair could prove
male hog known as Megahog. When Megahog was exactly how much revenue Fair lost as a
declared the American Champion at a national live- result of Swiney's failure to exhibit Mega-
stock show, Fair asked Swiney to exhibit the animal at hog.
an Agricultural Exposition which Fair was conducting.
On May 1, Fair and Swiney entered into a written con-
tract agreeing that Swiney would exhibit Megahog at 160. The Department of Highway Transportation is the
Fair's Agricultural Exposition on June 30 in return for agency of state government responsible for main-
a fee to be paid at the conclusion of Megahog's appear- taining state highways. While driving on a state
ance. highway, Dain attempted to pass Parnell's vehicle
on the right. As she did so, one of Dain's wheels
After executing the contract, Fair advertised the Agri- struck a pothole, causing her car to go out of con-
cultural Exposition extensively. All his advertising trol and strike Parnell's car. The pothole existed
emphasized that Megahog, the American Champion, because the Department of Highway Transporta-
would be exhibited at the Exposition. On June 20, tion was negligent in maintaining the road sur-

face. Dain would not have lost control of her car

if she had not hit the pothole while driving at an (A) privileged as part of an attorney's work
unreasonably fast rate of speed. A statute in the product.
jurisdiction prohibits passing on the right.
(B) records kept in the course of business.
Parnell subsequently asserted a negligence claim (C) inadmissible hearsay.
against Dain for injuries sustained in the accident. (D) confidential communications between client
If Dain's only argument in defense is that the pot- and attorney.
hole was a superseding cause of harm, the court
should find for
Questions 162-163 are based on the following fact sit-
(A) Parnell, because Dain's attempt to pass Par- uation.
nell on the right was a violation of an auto-
mobile safety statute. Thies leased a parcel of real estate from Larsen for one
year at a monthly rent of $2,000 with an option to buy
(B) Parnell, if potholes are often found on the
it for a specified price at the termination of the lease.
road surfaces where the accident occurred.
After moving onto the realty, Thies erected a storage
(C) Dain, unless the concept of governmental building on it. The construction cost of the building
immunity has been abolished in the juris- was $6,000, but when it was completed, its value was
diction. $8,000. Thies's employer subsequently transferred him
(D) Dain, because the accident would not have to a company office located in a different state. As a
happened but for the existence of the pot- result, Thies vacated the realty four months before the
hole. expiration of the lease, advising Larsen that he would
not exercise his purchase option. On the same day,
Larsen conveyed the property to Barash.
161. Caswell had an exclusive five-year contract to
sell products manufactured by Defcorp. When
Defcorp canceled the contract in its third year, 162. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
Caswell entered into a similar contract with when Thies vacated the premises he left the stor-
another manufacturer. Caswell then asked Larkin, age building behind, and did not pay rent for the
an attorney, to sue Defcorp for breach of contract. remaining four months of the lease term. Assume
Because the compensation plans in Caswell's further that the premises remained vacant for the
contracts with Defcorp and the other company balance of the lease term. In a proceeding against
were extremely complex, Larkin was unable to Thies for unpaid rent, Thies should be required to
determine whether Defcorp's breach had dam- pay
aged Caswell. Before agreeing to represent
Caswell, Larkin therefore arranged for Caswell to (A) nothing, since Larsen conveyed the realty to
meet with Ander, an accountant. At Larkin's Barash on the day that Thies vacated it.
request, Ander interviewed Caswell, obtained (B) $8,000 (4 months rent at $2,000 per month).
certain facts from her, and made mathematical
(C) nothing (4 months rent at $2,000 per month,
calculations which she submitted to Larkin.
minus $8,000), since the value of the
building which Thies left behind was
Larkin subsequently commenced a lawsuit
against Defcorp on Caswell's behalf. At the trial,
Defcorp's attorney called Ander as a witness and (D) $2,000 (4 months rent at $2,000 per month,
attempted to question her about her interview minus $6,000), since the building which
with Caswell. If Larkin objects to the examina- Thies left behind cost Thies $6,000 to
tion of Ander, the most effective argument in sup- build.
port of her objection would be that statements
made by Caswell to Ander are

163. Assume for the purpose of this question only that official told him that nothing could be done about it.
Barash moved onto the realty on the day Thies
vacated it, and that all parties agreed that, there-
164. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
fore, Thies would have no further obligation to
Tena asserts a claim based on public nuisance for
pay rent. If Thies wishes to remove the storage
injunctive relief against Agriprod for its emission
building, but Larsen and Barash object, which of
of foul smelling fumes. Which of the following
the following statements is correct?
would be Agriprod's most effective argument in
defense against that claim?
I. Larsen and Barash may prevent removal of
the building by declaring it to be realty and (A) Tena came to the nuisance.
tendering its reasonable value to Thies.
(B) Tena's discomfort does not differ substan-
II. If a court prevents Thies from removing tially from the discomfort experienced by
the building, declaring that it has been other residents of Gold County.
annexed to the realty, Thies is entitled to
receive its reasonable value from Larsen or (C) All factories which manufacture a similar
Barash. product produce the same odor.

(A) I only (D) The fumes cause no physical harm to per-

sons, property, or crops.
(B) II only
(C) I and II. 165. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
(D) Neither I nor II. Tena asserts a claim against Agriprod based on
private nuisance, seeking damages for discomfort
which he experiences as a result of the bad smell
Questions 164-165 are based on the following fact sit- produced by Agriprod's factory. Which one of the
uation. following additional facts or inferences, if it was
the only one true, would be most likely to result
Agriprod is the manufacturer of an agricultural insecti- in a judgment for Agriprod?
cide known as Larvaway. Since Gold County is prima-
rily devoted to farming, Agriprod has manufactured (A) There is no other factory within 1,000 miles
Larvaway at its factory there for the past 50 years. which manufactures a product similar to
Although Larvaway is an important product commonly Larvaway.
used by farmers for the control of an insect higWy
destructive to food crops, only three other companies (B) Tena does not own realty in or reside in Gold
have a similar product. County.
(C) It is impossible to manufacture a product
Due to the manufacture of Larvaway, fumes which similar to Larvaway without producing a
issue from the Agriprod factory frequently have an bad smell.
unpleasant odor. These fumes cause no physical harm
to persons, property, or crops, but residents .of Gold (D) Tena's discomfort does not differ substan-
County frequently complain about the foul smell. All tially from the discomfort experienced by
of the factories which manufacture a product similar to other residents of Gold County.
Larvaway produce the same odor.
Questions 166-167 are based on the following fact sit-
Tena, a farmer, began growing crops on a field near the uation.
Agriprod factory less than a year ago. Tena leases the
field from its owner in return for a percentage of his At the jury trial of an action by Bank against Dakin on
crop. When he telephoned Agriprod to complain about a promissory note, Dakin testified that the signature on
the bad smell emanating from its factory, an Agriprod the note wa~ not his. An employee of Bank testified

that she recognized the signature as Dakin's. Which one of the following additional facts or
inferences, if it were the only one true, would
best support Churchill's assertion?
166. If Bank's attorney offers the promissory note in
evidence it should be
(A) In the past two years, Churchill has received
three such summonses from Olander, but
(A) admitted, because any dispute regarding the
she has never received one from another
genuineness of a signature should be
decided by the jury.
(B) In the past two years, Olander has issued a
(B) admitted, only if the judge decides that the
total of 300 summonses for driving in
evidence is sufficient to support a finding
excess of the statutory speed limit on
that the signature on the note was Dakin's.
National Boulevard, all of which were
(C) admitted, only if the jury is given an authen- issued to members of Churchill's ethnic
ticated sample of Dakin's signature so that group.
it can decide whether the signature on the
(C) Properly compiled statistics indicate that
promissory note is Dakin's.
members of Churchill's ethnic group do
(D) admitted, only if the judge decides that the not customarily drive faster than members
signature on the promissory note is of any other ethnic group.
(D) At the time Olander issued the summons to
Churchill, many people who did not
167. Assume for the purpose of this question only that belong to Churchill's ethnic group were
Dakin's attorney asserts that the promissory note driving on National Boulevard at speeds in
is hearsay. Bank's most effective response to that excess of Churchill's speed, and Olander
assertion would be that did not issue summonses to any of them.

(A) the promissory note is a business record.

Questions 169-170 are based on the following fact sit-
(B) the promissory note is an original document. uation.
(C) the promissory note is not being offered to
prove that any statement which it contains Dafoe knew that he often became intoxicated upon
is true. drinking small quantities of alcoholic beverage. He fre-
quently visited the neighborhood tavern because he
(D) Dakin is in court. liked the atmosphere, but he usually ordered orange
juice or some other non-alcoholic beverage. While at
168. National Boulevard is a public road located the tavern one night, Dafoe drank half of a friend's
within the City of Haven. Churchill belongs to an glass of beer. Soon afterwards, he began shouting and
ethnic minority which constitutes 10% of the throwing objects about the tavern. A chair which he
general population of the City of Haven. Approx- hurled across the room struck the bartender, injuring
imately 10% of the motorists driving on National her severely. As a result, Dafoe was subsequently
Boulevard are members of Churchill's ethnic arrested and prosecuted. At Dafoe's trial, the defense
minority. One day, while Churchill was driving attorney called a psychiatrist to the witness stand to tes-
her automobile on National Boulevard, police tify that Dafoe suffered from a mental illness which
officer Olander stopped her and issued a traffic made him extremely susceptible to the effects of alco-
summons charging her with driving in excess of hol. The psychiatrist offered to testify further that even
the statutory speed limit. In her defense, . a small quantity of beer was likely to make Dafoe
Churchill asserted that the traffic statute was become physically violent, and that when this hap-
unconstitutional as applied. pened to him, he was not aware that his conduct would
result in injury to others.

169. Assume for the purpose of this question only that price. If Babcock asserts a claim against Sandag
Dafoe's prosecution was for criminal battery. If for breach of contract, the court should find for
the prosecutor moves to exclude the psychiatrist's
testimony, the motion should be (A) Sandag, because the Statute of Frauds
requires a contract for the sale of realty to
(A) granted, because Dafoe knew that he often be in writing and to state the price.
became intoxicated upon drinking small
(B) Sandag, iftheparties did not agree on a
quantities of alcoholic beverage.
method for determining the price.
(B) granted, because the sanity of a defendant is
(C) Babcock, if the value of real estate in the
a question of fact to be determined by a
area can be objectively determined.
(D) Babcock, because where a written contract
(C) denied, because a jury might find that
omits the price term, the price is to be a
Dafoe's intoxication prevented him from
reasonable price.
forming the intent to injure the bartender.
(D) denied, because that testimony could estab-
172. Dacon was a college student preparing to take an
lish that Dafoe's intoxication was involun-
important exam. Before the exam, she sneaked
into the professor's office hoping to steal a copy
of the exam answer. The exam answer was, in
170. Assume for the purpose of this question only that fact, locked securely in the dean's safe, however,
Dafoe's prosecution was for attempted murder. If and Dacon was therefore unable to find it. While
the prosecutor moves to exclude the psychiatrist's she was looking, the professor discovered her in
testimony, the motion should be his office, and Dacon told him her reason for
being there. If Dacon is charged with attempting
(A) granted, because Dafoe knew that he often to violate a state statute which prohibits the theft
became intoxicated upon drinking small of certain specifically defined "information;' she
quantities of alcoholic beverage. should be found
(B) granted, if Dafoe's intoxication was volun-
(A) not guilty, because the exam answers were,
in fact, securely locked in the dean's safe
(C) denied, only if Dafoe's intoxication was and Dacon could not possibly have stolen
involuntary. them.
(D) denied, because a jury might find that (B) not guilty, if an exam answer is "informa-
Dafoe's intoxication prevented him from tion" as defined by the statute, but Dacon
forming an intent to kill. believed that it was not.
(C) guilty, because the theft of an exam answer
171. Babcock and Sandag signed a written document by one preparing to take the exam is
agreeing to the sale of Sandag's realty to Bab- "inherently immoral."
cock. The document adequately described the
(D) guilty, if an exam answer is "information" as
realty, required Sandag to deliver marketable title
defined by the statute, but Dacon believed
by a general warranty deed, and set the date for
that it was not.
closing. It also stated that the price would be
determined by agreement of the parties prior to
the date of closing. Three weeks before the date Questions 173-174 are based on the following fact sit-
set for closing, Babcock telephoned Sandag to uation.
discuss the price of the realty. Atthat time San-
dag told Babcock that she had changed her mind At the state nominating convention of a major political
and would not sell the realty to Babcock at any party, twelve persons who planned to make speeches

on behalf of nominees for the office of governor were quitclaiming his interest in the realty to his wife
seated on a raised platform before an audience of more Wilba. Subsequently Sally died, leaving a will
than 5,000 people. The speeches had been lengthy and which purported to devise her interest in the
the hour was late. When Platt stood up to make a realty to her daughter Dot. Which of the follow-
speech, Dudley, who was seated beside him on the plat- ing statements most accurately describes the
form, decided it would be a good idea to introduce rights ofWilba and Dot after the deaths of Bert
some humor into the proceedings by playing a joke on and Sally?
Platt. When Platt finished bis sp~ech and was about to
sit down, Dudley quickly pulled Platt's chair away (A) Wilba is the sole owner of the realty.
from where it had been. As a result, Platt fell to the
(B) Dot is the sole owner of the realty.
floor. The audience howled with laughter for several
minutes. Although Platt sustained no physical injury, (C) Wilba and Dot hold the realty as joint ten-
he was embarrassed by the incident. ants.
(D) Wilba and Dot hold the realty as tenants in
173. Assume for the purpose of this question only that common.
Platt asserts a claim against Dudley for battery.
The court should find for
Question 176-177 are based on the following fact situ-
(A) Platt, if it was foreseeable that moving the
chair would cause Platt to fall.
Congress authorizes the Tall Grasslands Bureau,
(B) Platt, only if Dudley knew that moving the a federal agency, to lease federally-owned land in
chair would cause Platt to fall. an area known as Rolling Prairie to livestock
ranchers for grazing purposes at specified rental
(C) Dudley, because Platt sustained no physical
rates. Realty Corporation also owns land in Roll-
ing Prairie which it leases for grazing purposes.
(D) Dudley, unless Dudley was substantially Realty Corporation complains that the rates
certain that Platt would be embarrassed as charged by the Tall Grasslands Bureau are signif-
a result of the incident. icantly lower than those charged by Realty Cor-
poration, and that this has resulted in unfair
competition which will cause Realty Corporation
174. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
an immediate loss of revenue. In an appropriate
Platt asserts a claim against Dudley for the inten-
proceeding, Realty Corporation challenges the
tional infliction of emotional distress. Which of
constitutionality of the federal lease.
the following would be Dudley's most effective
argument in defense?
176. Which of the following arguments would be most
(A) Dudley's intent was to play a joke on Platt. effective IN OPPOSITION TO Realty Corpora-
(B) It was not Dudley's purpose to cause embar- tion's claim?
rassment to Platt.
(A) The Property Clause of Article IV of the
(C) Platt could not have experienced apprehen- Constitution empowers Congress to dis-
sion since he was unaware that he would pose of federal land as it sees fit.
(B) The lease of federal land is valid under the
(D) Platt did not experience severe mental suf- Commerce Clause.
fering as a result of the incident.
(C) Realty Corporation lacks standing because
the activities of the Tall Grasslands Bureau
175. A will devised a parcel of real estate to Bert and do not affect it directly.
his sister Sally as joint tenants. Bert died after
(D) The federal government is immune from

claims based on allegations of unfair com- 178. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
petition. Milburn refused to pay the $250 which she had
promised Pattison, and that Pattison asserted a
claim against Milburn for that amount. The court
177. Assume for the purpose of this question that after
should find for Pattison
Realty Corporation institutes the proceeding, the
Tall Grasslands Bureau raises the rental rate on
(A) only if Pattison believed in good faith that
federal lands in Rolling Prairie to match Realty
Stuart was liable to her.
Corporation's rate. If the Tall Grasslands Bureau
moves to dismiss the proceeding on the ground (B) only if Milburn believed in good faith that
that it is moot, the most effective argument IN Stuart was liable to Pattison.
OPPOSITION TO that motion would be that (C) only if both Milburn and Pattison believed in
good faith that Stuart was liable to Patti-
(A) the proceeding raises an important federal son.
(D) if either Milburn or Pattison believed in
(B) a decision of the court is likely to have col- good faith that Stuart was liable to Patti-
lateral consequences. son.
(C) dismissal of the proceeding would leave the
Tall Grasslands Bureau free to lower its
179. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
rental rates again in the future.
Milburn paid $250 to Pattison, but refused to pay
(D) once issues have become ripe they are not an additional $1,000. If Pattison asserts a claim
mooted by subsequent changes in circum- against Milburn on account of Milburn's failure
stances. to pay the additional $1,000, which of the follow-
ing would be Milburn's most effective argument
in defense?
Questions 178-179 are based on the following fact sit-
uation. (A) Milburn was not legally obligated to pay for
damages done by her adult son Stuart.
Stuart and Pattison are adults. During an argument,
Stuart slammed a glass door against Pattison, causing (B) Milburn's promise to pay an additional
Pattison to sustain serious cuts on her hand. Mter Patti- $1,000 to Pattison was not supported by
son received medical treatment for her injuries, she consideration.
spoke to Stuart's mother Milburn about it. Pattison told (C) Milburn's payment of $250 to Pattison was
Milburn that she was thinking of suing Stuart for her an accord and satisfaction.
medical expenses, but that if Milburn would agree to
pay Pattison $250, Pattison would make no claim (D) Milburn's promise to pay the debt of Stuart
against Stuart for medical expenses. Milburn agreed in was not in writing.
writing that she would do so.
180. At the trial of a robbery prosecution, a witness for
Two weeks later, Stuart was prosecuted criminally as a the prosecution testified that the robber walked
result of the injuries which he had inflicted on Pattison. with a limp. While the witness was on the stand,
Pattison told Milburn that the prosecutor had asked the prosecutor asked the defendant to walk across
Pattison to testify against Stuart at the proceeding. Mil- the courtroom. If the defendant objects, asserting
burn begged her not to. Finally, Pattison said that if his Fifth Amendment privilege against self-
Milburn gave her an additional $1,000 for her pain and incrimination, his objection should be
suffering, she would not testify against Stuart. Milburn
orally agreed to do so. (A) sustained, because the defendant has not
waived the privilege by testifying in his
own behalf.

(B) sustained, because the jury is likely to inter- attorney present during the lineup.
pret a refusal by the defendant to walk
(B) The lineup deprived Dahms of the right to
across the courtroom as evidence that he is
confront her accusers.
(C) The lineup violated her right against self-
(C) overruled, because the Fifth Amendment
privilege applies only to testimony.
(D) Police officers coerced Dahms into appear-
(D) overruled, because the defendant has waived
ing in the lineup.
the privilege by personally appearing in
the courtroom.
182. If Dahms moves to exclude evidence that she
admitted participating in the burglaries, her
Questions 181-182 are based on the following fact sit- motion should be
(A) denied, because the police did not suspect
Following her indictment by a grand jury for bank rob- her of being involved in the burglaries
bery, Dahms voluntarily surrendered at police head- when they asked her about them.
quarters. After booking her, police officers advised
Dahms that she had a right to remain silent, that any- (B) denied, because she received Miranda warn-
thing she said might be used against her, that she was ings before being questioned about the
entitled to have an attorney present during questioning, burglaries.
and that if she could not afford an attorney one would (C) granted, because she stated that she did not
be furnished without cost to her. Dahms said that she wish to answer any questions until her
did not wish to answer any questions until her attorney attorney arrived and did not in any other
arrived. manner waive her Miranda rights.

The officers went to lunch and returned to headquarters (D) granted, because the police did not advise
an hour later. Upon their return, they ordered Dahms to her that she was suspected of committing
appear in a lineup for identification purposes in con- the burglaries before they questioned her
nection with the bank robbery. At first, Dahms refused. about them.
When the officer threatened to use force to compel her
appearance, however Dahms appeared without resist- 183. The Daily Tribune, a newspaper published in the
ing. Witnesses at the lineup identified her as the bank city of West, published a series of articles about
robber. unlawful drug-dealing at West High School.
Roman, an employee of The Daily Tribune, wr()te
Following the lineup, the officers asked Dahms the articles, furnished the photographs used to
whether she knew anything about a series of residential illustrate them, and wrote captions for the photo-
burglaries. Although they did not think that she had graphs. One of the photographs furnished by
committed the burglaries, they thought that she might Roman showed Pacifica, a student at West High
know the people who had. Dahms admitted participat- School, in conversation with another student in
ing in the burglaries, however. She was subsequently the school yard. The caption which Roman pro-
prosecuted for bank robbery and the burglaries. vided with the photograph read, "Drug deal in
progress at West High School." Although Paci-
181. If Dahms objects to the admission of evidence of fica was not involved in the use or sale of unlaw-
the lineup identification, which of the following ful drugs, Roman sincerely believed that she was.
would be her most effective argument in support
of her objection? When the photograph and caption were published
in The Daily Tribune, black squares were super-
(A) Dahms was deprived of her right to have an imposed over the faces in the picture so that they
could not be identified. Neither the caption nor

the article named Pacifica as one of the people in Rule Against Perpetuities, the interest of Ulysses
the photograph. Because she wore a distinctive should be declared
dress with an unusual floral design, however,
many West High School students recognized (A) void, unless God's Church and Mercy Hos-
Pacifica upon seeing the photograph. pital are charitable institutions.
(B) valid.
If Pacifica asserts a claim against Roman and The
Daily Tribune for invasion of privacy,under (C)- void, because there is no assurance that the
which of the following theories would she be interest of Ulysses will vest during the
most likely to succeed? period established by the Rule Against
(A) Appropriation of identity, because the pho- (D) void, if the interest of Mercy Hospital is
tograph which appeared in The Daily Tri- void.
bune was a publication of her likeness
without her permission.
185. Assume that five years after Olar's conveyance,
(B) Intrusion, because the photograph which
the size of the congregation of God's Church
appeared in The Daily Tribune was taken
increased, creating.the need for more space. As a
without her permission.
result, church officials sold the realty, planning to
(C) False light, because the photograph and cap- use the proceeds to buy a bigger church, and exe-
tion which appeared in The Daily Tribune cuted a deed purporting to convey the realty to
suggested that she unlawfully used or sold Real Estate Development Company. In subse-
drugs. quent litigation to determine the rights of God's
Church, Mercy Hospital, and Real Estate Devel-
(D) Public disclosure, because her identity was
opment Company, which of the parties should be
revealed by the publication of her photo-
found to have a present possessory interest in the
graph in a distinctive dress with an unusual
floral design.
(A) Real Estate Development Company, but
Questions 184-185 are based on the following fact sit- only if God's Church uses the proceeds of
uation. the sale to purchase realty for church use.
(B) Real Estate Development Company, because
By a properly executed and recorded deed, Olar con- Mercy Hospital's interest is void under the
veyed a parcel of real estate with a building on it as fol- Rule Against Perpetuities.
(C) Mercy Hospital, because the conveyance to
to God's Church for as long as the land is Real Estate Development Company termi-
used by God's Church for church purposes~ nated the estate of God's Church.
and when the land ceases to be so used, to (D) God's Church, because its conveyance to
Mercy Hospital for as long as the land shall Real Estate Development Company was
be used by Mercy Hospital for hospital pur- invalid under the grant from Olar.
poses; and when the land ceases to be so
used, to Ulysses if Ulysses is then living.
Questions 186-187 are based on the following fact sit-
God's Church moved onto the real estate, using the uation.
building as a house of worship.
After a nuclear power plant was built in the state of
Aritoma, the state passed the Nuclear Waste Act. The
184. If the validity of the interest held by Ulysses is Act regulates the storage of radioactive wastes, and
challenged on the sole ground that it violates the authorizes the construction of radioactive waste storage

facilities at specified locations within the state. Section 188. Barnett was a manufacturer of pine furniture.
40 of the Act provides that "No radioactive waste stor- Sandiferwas a lumber supplier who had sold pine
age facility in the state shall store or accept for storage lumber to Barnett on many occasions. On August
any radioactive waste resulting from activities con- 1, Barnett sent Sandifer a written order for "one
ducted more than 5 miles from said storage facility." unit of good quality white pine lumber" at a spec-
All storage facilities within the state which are autho- ified price to be delivered prior to August 30. On
rized by the Nuclear Waste Act are located more than 5 August 5, in a letter to Barnett, Sandifer wrote, "I
miles from the Aritoma. state-line. hereby acknowledge your order dated August 1. I
will deliver prior to August 30, but because of
problems at the mill, I cannot assure you that the
186. If the constitutionality of Section 40 is challenged
lumber will be of good quality." Barnett did not
in an appropriate proceeding, it is LEAST likely
respond to Sandifer's letter. Subsequently, on
to be declared unconstitutional under the
August 28, Sandifer delivered one unit of white
pine lumber to Barnett, but Barnett refused to
(A) Privileges and Immunities Clause of Article
accept it, claiming that the lumber delivered was
not of good quality.
(B) Privileges and Immunities Clause of the
Fourteenth Amendment. If Barnett subsequently asserts a claim against
Sandifer for damages resulting from Sandifer's
(C) Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth
failure to deliver good quality lumber, which of
the following would be Sandifer's most effective
(D) Due Process Clauses of the Fifth and Four- argument in opposition to that claim?
teenth Amendments.
(A) Sandifer's letter of August 5 was a rejection
of Barnett's offer.
187. Assume for the purpose of this question only that
the constitutionality of Section 40 is challenged (B) Barnett failed to respond to Sandifer's letter
on the sole ground that it violates the Commerce of August 5.
Clause. Which of the following additional facts
(C) Barnett refused to accept the lumber shipped
or inferences, if it was the only one true, would
by Sandifer.
be most likely to result in a conclusion that Sec-
tion 40 is constitutional? (D) Sandifer's delivery oflumber on August 28
was not an acceptance of Barnett's offer
(A) Prohibiting the storage of radioactive wastes because the lumber was not of good qual-
generated outside the state reduces the ity.
expense of operating nuclear power plants
within the state.
Questions 189-190 are based on the following fact sit-
(B) The transportation of radioactive wastes uation.
within Aritoma over distances greater than
5 miles would pose a significant health and The security guard of a warehouse was making his
safety hazard to Aritoma residents. rounds after closing time one night when he found
(C) There are only a few locations within the
Dandy walking around inside the warehouse. When the
state where radioactive wastes can be guard asked him what he was doing there, Dandy
stored safely. replied that he had been driving past the warehouse
when he noticed that its door was open, and that he had
(D) There are many locations outside the state entered to report this to the guard. The guard called the
where radioactive wastes can be stored police, and Dandy was arrested and charged with vio-
safely. lating a statute providing that "any person entering the
building of another for the purpose of committing a
crime therein is guilty of burglary."

the closing. On June 1, Pitts assigned his rights

At Dandy's trial, the prosecutor tried to prove that under the contract to Aquino. On June 15, Elberta
Dandy's van, parked outside the warehouse at the time acquired title to Fuzzacre by purchasing it from
of Dandy's arrest, had license plates on it which had Fuzz for $150,000. On July 15, Elberta tendered a
been stolen from an out-of-state vehicle the day before general warranty deed, but Pitts and Aquino both
Dandy's arrest. refused to go through with the transaction.

If Elberta asserts breach of contract claim for

189. Over objection by Dandy's attorney, evidence that
damages against Pitts, the court should find for
the license plates had been stolen should be
(A) Elberta, because at the time of closing
(A) inadmissible, because Dandy was not on
Elberta held marketable title to the realty.
trial for stealing license plates.
(B) Elberta, under the doctrine of estoppel by
(B) inadmissible, because Dandy was not con-
victed of stealing license plates.
(C) Pitts, because at the time of contracting,
(C) admissible, because it tends to establish that
Elberta did not hold title to Fuzzacre.
Dandy was likely to engage in criminal
behavior. (D) Pitts, because at the time of closing Elberta's
interest was outside the chain of title.
(D) admissible, because it tends to establish that
Dandy made special preparations for the
commission of a crime. Questions 192-193 are based on the following fact sit-
190. The prosecutor subsequently offered evidence
By a valid written contract, Ashe agreed to construct a
that Dandy had previously been convicted of a
house for Osman on Osman's realty at a price of
crime other than burglary. Which of the following
$60,000, with work to begin on June 1, and to be com-
additional facts or inferences, if it was the only
pleted by December 1. On May 15, however, Ashe
one true, would be most likely to result in the
wrote Osman that she did not believe it would be possi-
exclusion of that evidence?
ble to complete the work for less than $90,000. As a
result, Osman entered into a valid written contract by
(A) Dandy testified in his own behalf at the bur-
which he hired Bach to construct the house at a price of
glary trial and stated that he had never
been convicted of a crime.
(B) Dandy did not testify in his own behalf at the
burglary trial. 192. Assume the following additional facts for the
purpose of this question only: On June 1, Ashe
(C) Dandy's prior conviction was for involun- and Bach appeared at Osman's realty, both ready
tary manslaughter. to begin construction. Osman did not permit Ashe
(D) Dandy's prior conviction was rendered in to do so, advising her that he had hired Bach to
the court of another state. do the job. If Ashe subsequently institutes an
action against Osman for breach of contract,
Osman's most effective defense would be based
191. Fuzz was the owner of a peach orchard known as on the theory of
Fuzzacre. On May 15, Elberta contracted in writ-
ing to sell Fuzzacre to Pitts for $200,000 under (A) anticipatory repudiation.
terms specified. The agreement called for the
delivery of marketable title and set July 15 as the (B) frustration of purpose.
date for closing. Elberta did not own Fuzzacre on (C) novation.
May 15, but planned to acquire title to it prior to
(D) prospective inability to perform.

his motion should be

193. Assume the following additional facts for the
(A) granted, because evidence incidentally dis-
purpose of this question only: Ashe never
covered during Hammet's inventory search
appeared at Osman's realty. On June 1, Bach
could only have been used in the murder
commenced work. On July 1, Bach and Osman
agreed that if Bach completed the work by Octo-
ber 1, Osman would pay Bach $90,000. Bach sat- (B) granted, because no warrant had been issued
isfactorilycompleted the work by October 1, and for a search of the glove compartment by
Osman paid $90,000 as agreed. If Osman subse- Hammet and Infeld.
quently sues Ashe for damages resulting from (C) denied, because a search of the glove com-
breach of contract, the court should award Osman partment by Hammet and Infeld was inci-
dental to a valid arrest.
(A) nothing, because Ashe offered to build the
house for $90,000. (D) denied, because Hammet discovered the
watch during the course of a valid inven-
(B) $15,000, because it is the difference between tory search.
$60,000 and $75,000.
(C) $15,000, because it is the difference between
Questions 195-196 are based on the following fact sit-
$75,000 and $90,000
(D) $30,000, because it is the difference between
$60,000 and $90,000. Dento, a dentist, owned an apparatus for putting
patients to sleep while she operated on their teeth. The
apparatus consisted of two canisters, one filled with
194. Pursuant to a valid arrest warrant, police officers
oxygen and the other filled with anesthetic gas. By
Hammet and Infe1d stopped Daniels while he was
manipulating valves attached to the canisters, Dento
driving his car and arrested him on a murder
used the apparatus to mix and administer a proper com-
charge. Since Daniels was alone at the time of his
bination of gases to patients. Noticing that one of the
arrest, Hammet drove Daniels' car to the police
valves was beginning to wear out, Dento sent the appa-
parking yard for safekeeping, while Infeld trans-
ratus to its manufacturer MFR for repairs. After fixing
ported Daniels in the police car. Hammet exam-
the valve, MFR negligently filled the oxygen canister
ined the interior, trunk, and glove compartment of
with anesthetic gas and the anesthetic gas canister with
Daniels' car, listing the contents on a police
department form.
After MFR returned the apparatus to Dento, she
Later, Infeld told Hammet that in addition to the
attempted to use it on Paget, a patient. While treating
murder, he suspected Daniels of being involved
Paget, Dento decided that it was necessary to adminis-
in the robbery of a jewelry store near the murder
ter pure oxygen and manipulated the valves accord-
scene. Hammet remembered seeing some jewelry
ingly. Because ofMFR's error in refilling the oxygen
in Daniels' glove compartment, so they decided
canister with anesthetic gas, however, Dento adminis-
to see whether any of it had been stolen from the
tered pure anesthetic instead. As a result, Paget died in
jewelry store. In his car they found a watch in the
Dento's office.
glove box that matched a description on the list of
stolen jewelry. While Daniels was never prose-
cuted for murder, he was later charged with rob- 195. If Paget's personal representative asserts an
bing the jewelry store. appropriate claim against Dento for damages
resulting from the death of Paget, the court
If Daniels moves to suppress the introduction of should find that Dento is
the watch as evidence on the ground that it was
obtained in violation of his constitutional rights, (A) liable, only if Dento acted unreasonably in

treating Paget. should be found

(B) liable, under the doctrine of res ipsa loqui-
(A) guilty, if giving Hermes the antibiotic with-
out a prescription with knowledge that
(C) not liable, because Paget's death resulted Hermes would give it to Wanda shows a
from negligence by MFR. reckless disregard for human life.
(D) not liable, unless the apparatus was defec- (B) guilty, because he did not attempt to stop
tive when Dento attempted to use it on Hermes from killing Wanda.
(C) guilty, because he furnished the drug know-
ing that Hermes would use it to attempt to
196. If Dento asserts a claim against MFR for mental kill Wanda.
suffering which she experienced as a result of
(D) not guilty, because he did not believe that
Paget's death in her office, which of the follow-
Wanda would die.
ing would be Dento's most effective argument in
support of her claim?
198. If Hermes is prosecuted for conspiracy to murder
(A) MFR's error was outrageous because it cre- Wanda, which of the following would be his most
ated a high probability of serious harm. effective argument in defense?
(B) It was likely that MFR's error would lead
(A) Wanda did not die.
Dento to experience mental suffering.
(B) Pharma did not believe that Wanda would
(C) Dento assumed all risks associated with
using anesthetic gas.
(C) The drug which Hermes gave Wanda was
(D) There was substantial certainty that Dento
not likely to cause her death.
would use the apparatus on a patient.
(D) The inchoate crime and the substantive
crime merge when the defendant's overt
Questions 197-198 are based on the following fact sit- act brings him substantially close to
uation. achieving his intended result.
Hermes told his friend Pharma, a druggist, that he was
planning to kill his wife Wanda and asked Pharma to Questions 199-200 are based on the following fact sit-
help him by furnishing a poison. Although Pharma did uation.
not actually intend to help Hermes kill his wife, he said
that he would because he did not want his friend to be Delmar was arrested and charged in a state court with
angry at him. Pharma gave Hermes a commonly used the unlawful possession of a dangerous drug. As his
antibiotic, telling him that it was a deadly and undetect- defense, Delmar asserted that he was an undercover
able poison. Pharma knew that the antibiotic was not officer employed by the Special Division of the State
supposed to be dispensed without a prescription, and Police Department and that he had possessed the drug
that about 2 percent of the people who received it lawfully as part of an undercover assignment. During
developed an allergic reaction to it, but he did not the presentation of its case, the prosecution called Wal-
believe that it would hurt Wanda. That night while dron, an official of the State Police Department. Wal-
Wanda was asleep, Hermes injected her with the antibi- dron testified that he was the custodian of a personnel
otic which Pharma had given him. Because she was file which contained the names of all undercover offic-
allergic to the drug, Wanda became seriously ill and ers employed by the Special Division of the State
nearly died. Police Department and that he had studied the file
before corning to court. He said that all entries in the
file were made by the person who selected its person-
197. If Pharma is prosecuted for attempted murder he
nel and issued their assignments when the Special

Division was fonned and as new personnel were added.

199. Assume for the purpose of this question only that

the prosecution then offers to have Waldron tes-
tify that the file contains no mention of Delmar,
and that Delmar's attorney objects. Which of the
following additional facts and inferences, if it
was the only one true, would be most likely to
result in the admission of Waldron's testimony?

(A) The file itself is unavailable.

(B) The person who makes the entries in the file
is unavailable.
(C) The person who made the entries in the file
is dead.
(D) The personnel file is available for inspection
by the public.

200. Assume for the purpose of this question that the

prosecution offers the file itself into evidence for
the purpose of showing that it contains no men-
tion whatsoever of Delmar. If Delmar's attorney
objects, the personnel file should be

(A) admitted as a business record.

(B) admitted as past recollection recorded.
(C) excluded, because government documents
may only be used against the government.
(D) excluded, because it calls for an inference to
be drawn from negative evidence.


1. D A private citizen or police officer is privileged to use whatever non-deadly force he rea-
sonably believes is necessary to prevent the escape of a criminal from a crime. Although
there is some doubt whether the force used by Deakin against Thead was reasonable, or
indeed whether it was non-deadly, B is the only argument listed which could possibly
resl,l1tin ml acquittal.

In some jurisdictions, a person defending another against a threat of immediate bodily

harm is privileged to use whatever force the person being defended would have been
privileged to use. In other jurisdictions, a person defending another against a threat of
immediate bodily harm is privileged to use the force which reasonably appears neces-
sary to the defendant himself. Both A and B are incorrect, however, because Thead was
in the process of running away at the time of Deakin's blow, and Deakin, therefore, was
not defending Elder against a threat of bodily harm. A person who owns or is in charge
of property may use reasonable force to protect it. This may privilege the use of force to
stop a person who is in the process of unlawfully carrying that property off. C is incor-
rect, however, because Deakin was not the owner or custodianof Elder's handbag, and,
therefore, had no privilege to protect it.

2. D. Under PRE 611(b) (as well as the common law majority rule), cross-examination is lim-
ited to matters to which the witness testified on direct examination. Because Wayman
did not testify about the contract, the question asked by Donco's attorney probably
exceeds the scope of cross-examination. Since the trial court is given discretion in deter-
mining how far the scope of cross-examination extends, it is not certain that the court
would sustain the objection on this ground. Of all the arguments listed, however, the one
set forth in D is the only one which could possibly be effective in support of the objec-

A is incorrect for two reasons: first, Wayman was called by Pelton and, therefore, is not
Donco's witness; and, second, PRE 607 a party may impeach its own witness. A
leading question is one which contains a suggestion which would cause the ordinary
person to believe that the questioner desires one answer instead of another. B is incor-
rect because the question asked by DQnco's attorney contains no such suggestion and
because leading questions are permitted on cross-examination. Argumentative questions
are those which are used to emphasize some point to the jury rather than to elicit infor-
mation. Although argumentative questions are improper, C is incorrect because the
question asked by Donco's attorney did not seek to emphasize any particular point to the

3. B For the purpose of discovering weapons or preventing the destruction of evidence, offic-
ers may make an incidental search of a person who has been lawfully arrested. Thus, if
Gina's arrest was lawful, the search of her person was lawful as an incident to that
arrest. An officer may make an arrest without a warrant if there is probable cause to
believe that the person arrested has committed or is in the process of committing a fel-
ony. Thus, if Gina's proximity to the trunk gave the officers probable cause to believe
that she was guilty of possessing cocaine, her arrest and incidental search were lawful.

Probable cause means a belief that the defendant is guilty supported by facts that would
lead a reasonable person to entertain such a belief. While it is not certain that the offic-
ers had probable cause to believe Gina guilty, the argument set forth in B is the only one
listed which might provide the prosecution with an effective argument in response to
Gina's motion.

It is sometimes said that evidence discovered by violating a defendant's rights is inad-

missible because it is "fruit of the poisonous tree." A is incorrect because evidence so
classified is excluded, not admitted. Many states hold that officers executing a warrant
to search premises are entitled to frisk all persons present for weapons. The frisk, how-
ever, consists of a patting down of the outside of the clothing and does not justify reach-
ing into pockets unless the pat down has revealed something which feels like a weapon.
Since there is no indication that the bag of marijuana felt like a weapon, C is incorrect.
D is incorrect because, although a wartant to search premises might authorize a search
of persons present, it does not justify their arrest unless there is probable cause to
believe that they have committed or are committing a felony.

4. C Officers may make an incidental search of a person who has been lawfully arrested, for
the purpose of discovering weapons or to prevent the destruction of evidence. Thus, if
Gina's arrest was lawful, the search of her person was also lawful as an incident to that
arrest. On the other hand, if the arrest was unlawful, the search incident to it was also

The purpose for permitting a search incidental to a lawful arrest is to protect against the
dangers that the person arrested will attack the officers with a weapon or will destroy
evidence which is hidden on her person. Since waiting for an officer of a particular gen-
der might defeat both these purposes, the fact that the arresting officer is of a different
gender than the defendant is not enough to invalidate the search. A is, therefore, incor-
rect. A search incidental to an arrest is valid if the arrest was lawfuL Since even an inno-
cent, person may be lawfully arrested (i.e., if there is probable cause to believe that she
is guilty), the validity of an incidental search does not depend on whether the defendant
was actually guilty of the crime for which she was arrested. B is, therefore, incorrect. D
is incorrect because hearsay may be sufficient to support the issuance of a valid warrant.

5. D To be enforceable, a contract requires mutuality of assent. If both parties are mistaken

about a basic assumption of their a.greement (i.e., there is a bilateral mistake), there is no
mutuality of assent and no enforceable agreement can be formed. Both Sadler and Bain
believed that they were contracting for the purchase and sale of one parcel of realty
when in fact the written contract identified a different parcel of realty. Their bilateral
mistake thus prevented the mutuality of assent necessary to make their "contract"

If the mistake had been Sadler's alone (i.e., unilateral), it would not have prevented the

I formation of a contract unless Bain knew or should have known about it. For this rea-
son, if Bain had known that the parcel described in the writing (#341) had a building on
it while the parcel which he had inspected (#241) did not, Sadler's mistake would have
prevented the formation of a contract. A is incorrect, however, because Bain did not
know this at the time the writing was signed. If the only mistake in the formation of a
contract is made by an intermediary chosen by one of the parties, that mistake is

charged to the party who selected the intermediary. (If, for example, Lawler had said,
"My client wants to buy #341," and Sadler and Bain had agreed on a price for #341,
then Bain would have been obligated to buy #341 because his unilateral mistake would
not have prevented the formation of a contract.) In this case, however, the error was
bilateral- both Sadler and Bain believed that they were contracting for the purchase of
a different parcel. For this reason, B is incorrect. C is incorrect for two reasons: first, if
Sadler's mistake had been unilateral, the fact that she would suffer a substantial loss as a
result would not be enough to free her of obligations under the contract; and, second,
bilateral mistake regarding a basic assumption of the contract prevented the formation
of an enforceable contract for the sale of #341 whether it was more valuable than #241
or not.

6. D The First Amendment prohibits laws which interfere with the free exercise of religion.
A law which makes a benefit available to some people, but denies it to others because of
their religious affiliations may violate this provision because it imposes a burden on the
exercise of a religious belief. In 1978, the United States Supreme Court specifically held
(McDaniel v. Paty) that a statute which prohibited members of the clergy from running
for public office was invalid for this reason. Even without this decision, however, the
argument set forth in D is the only one listed which could possibly support Causton's

Although a state may not set qualifications for state office which violate rights protected
by the United States Constitution, there is no constitutional requirement that qualifica-
tions for state office be consistent with qualifications for federal office. A is, therefore,
incorrect. B is incorrect because the statute in question does not attempt to set qualifica-
tions for practicing members of the clergy. C is incorrect for two reasons: first, although
the creation of political divisiveness along religious lines may make a law invalid under
the establishment clause, this is not relevant to rights protected by the free exercise
clause; and, second, prohibiting members ofthe clergy from holding public office is not
likely to have that effect.

7. A A defendant is liable for harm resulting from a plaintiff's justified reliance on a misrep-
resentation made by the defendant if the falsity of the defendant's representation was the
result of fault (i.e., intent or negligence) by the defendant.· A seller's failure to disclose a
condition which would prevent the reasonable buyer from buying and about which the
reasonable buyer would expect disclosure may be regarded as an implied representation
that the condition does not exist. Thus, if Semon knew that the pilings were rotten (i.e.,
misrepresented intentionally) or should have known that the pilings were rotten (i.e.,
misrepresented negligently he may be liable to Palen.

It is sometimes held that an affirmative act by a seller which hides a defect from the
buyer is an implied representation that the condition does not exist. Thus, Semon's
painting of the exposed portion of the pilings may be regarded as an implied statement
that the pilings were in as good a condition as they appeared to be. B is incorrect, how-
ever, because unless Semon knew or should have known that the pilings were in rotten
condition, he lacked the fault necessary to make him liable for this implied misrepresen-
tation. On the other hand, if Semon knew or should have known the condition of the pil-
ings, that knowledge (actual or constructive), coupled with the fact that painting the tops
of the pilings disguised their condition, would have imposed upon him a duty to dis-

close their hidden condition whether or not Palen asked. C is, therefore, incorrect. A
plaintiff has "relied" on a misrepresentation if it was a significant factor in his decision,
even if it was not a determining factor. D is incorrect for this reason, and because even if
Palen was damaged by justified reliance on Semon's implied representation, liability
will not be imposed without proof of fault as described above.

8. C The. privilege of self-defense excuses a defendant from criminal liability when he is

using reasona~le force to protect l!im~elf a~ainst the_ commissi?n oj a__ crime. One is
never justified in using deadly force in self-defense, however, unless he reasonably
believes that he is in imminent danger of death or great bodily injury. Reger was not jus-
tified in slapping Santana's face; however, if Santana exceeded his privilege of self-
defense when he began loading his pistol in apparent retaliation, this made him the
aggressor. If Reger then had a reasonable (even though mistaken) belief that his life was
in danger, he was justified in using deadly force to defend himself.

During the course of a fight, the role of aggressor may shift from one person to the
other. Although a person is not privileged to defend himself against a privileged (i.e.,
reasonable) response to his own aggression, he is privileged to defend himself against
an unprivileged attack. Although Reger was the initial aggressor, he may have been
privileged to use force to defend himself against Santana's response to the slap if San-
tana's response was excessive (i.e., unprivileged). A is, therefore, incorrect. What force
is reasonable in self-defense depends not so much on the facts, as upon the way the facts
were perceived by the defendant and how they would have been perceived by the rea-
sonable person in the defendant's position. Thus even in jurisdictions which require a
defendant to make reasonable attempts to escape before using lethal force in self-
defense, the fact that Reger could have escaped would not be relevant unless the reason-
able person in his shoes would have realized that. B is, therefore, incorrect. D is incor-
rect because a determination of what force is reasonable in self-defense depends on the
state of mind of the defendant, not on that of the victim.

9. A Under the "collateral sources rule," sums which a plaintiff receives from anyone other
than· a tortfeasor or a tortfeasor's representative are not relevant in determining the
amount of damages to which the plaintiff is entitled. This is because a benefit which is
given to an injured person should not be used to the advantage of the person who
injured him/her. Since the Mutual Insurance Company paid under a policy which Palma
had purchased, Daniel should not derive a benefit from it by the reduction of damages
which he is required to pay.

If a plaintiff has received payment from a tortfeasor (e.g., in settlement), the amount of
such payment may be deducted from the plaintiff's damage to reduce the liability of
other tortfeasors. B is incorrect since this is true whether or not such payment was made
pursuant to a judicial determination. C is incorrect under the "collateral sources rule"
for the reasons stated above. Ordinarily, when one joint tortfeasor pays more than his/

I her fair share of a judgment, s/he is entitled to recover part of it from other joint tortfea-
sors. Some jurisdictions base this recovery on equal apportionment, referring to it as
"contribution" between joint tortfeasors. Other jurisdictions base this recovery on the
relative fault of the joint tortfeasors, referring to it as "partial indemnity." Since Mutual
Insurance Company was not a joint tortfeasor with Daniel, use of the term "partial
indemnity" is not applicable. D is, therefore, incorrect.

10. B Ordinarily, a promise is not enforceable unless it was supported by consideration. Con-
sideration is something of value given in exchange for the promise. Since Morefield
gave nothing of value in return for Execuco's agreement to release her, his agreement
was unsupported by consideration and, therefore, unenforceable. A novation is an
agreement to substitute the performance of a third party for that of a promisor coupled
with the promisee's express agreement to release the original promisor from further
obligation. In a novation, the third party's promise to perform for the promisee is con-
sideration for the promisee's agreement to release the original promisor. (For example,
X and Y have a contract requiring Y to perform. X, Y, and Z then agree that Z will per-
form instead of Y and Y is released from further obligation. Z's promise to perform is
consideration for X's agreement to release Y.) A court could find that there was no
novation in this case because Danbury's promise to perform had already been made,
and, therefore, was not given in return for (i.e., as consideration for) Execuco's agree-
ment to release Morefield. While it is not certain that a court would come to this conclu-
sion, the argument given in B is the only one listed which might be effective in response
to Morefield's claim.

The parol evidence rule prohibits evidence of a prior or contemporaneous oral agree-
ment to contradict or modify the terms of certain writings. Since Execuco's oral agree-
ment to release Morefield was made after their written contract, the parol evidence rule
does not apply to it. A is, therefore, incorrect. The original contract between Execuco
and Morefield was for a three year period (i.e., could not be performed within a year).
For that reason, the statute of frauds required it to be in writing. Since Execuco's agree-
ment to release Morefield had instant effect, however, the statute of frauds does not
apply to it. C is, therefore, incorrect. Accord occurs when contracting parties agree to
substitute a new obligation for an existing one; satisfaction occurs when that new obli-
gation is fulfilled. Since Morefield's delegation to Danbury did not create any new obli-
gation between Execuco and Morefield, it was not an accord; thus, there could have
been no satisfaction. D is, therefore, incorrect.

11. A Ordinarily, a promise to keep an offer open for a specified period of time is not enforce-
able unless supported by consideration. If such a promise is supported by consideration,
it is called an option contract, and is enforceable as any other contract would be. Since
Schilling's promise to keep her offer open until October 1 was given in return for Bar-
nes's payment of $100 cash, it was supported by consideration and is enforceable as an
option contract.

B is, therefore, incorrect. Under UCC § 2-205 a written and signed promise by a mer-
chant to keep an offer open for a specified time not to exceed three months is called a
firm offer and is enforceable without consideration. Since there is no indication that
Schilling was a merchant, and since the period specified in the writing exceeds three
months, it does not qualify as a firm offer. C is, therefore, incorrect. A promise which
does not qualify as a firm offer and which was not supported by consideration may still
be enforceable if the promisee justifiably relied upon it to her detriment. Since Schill-
ing's promise was supported by consideration, D is incorrect because a promise sup-
ported by consideration is enforceable even if the promisee did not detrimentally rely on

12. B Freedom of association is a corollary of the First Amendment freedoms of expression

and assembly. For this reason, it has been held that neither the federal nor state govern-
ment can impose a disability on a person as a result of membership in an organization
unless the organization advocates illegal conduct, and the person is an active member
who knows the organization's unlawful purposes and specifically intends to further
them. Since the law in question would impose a disability (i.e., ineligibility for federal
employment) solely because of membership in an organization without regard to knowl-
edge of the organization's purposes or the intent to further those purposes, it is unconsti-

An ex post facto law is one which imposes a criminal penalty on the basis of something
which occurred before the law was passed. Since the law in question does not impose a
criminal penalty, it is not an ex post facto law. A is, therefore, incorrect. Whether gov-
ernment employment is a privilege or a right, ineligibility for it is a disability. Since the
disability cannot be constitutionally imposed for mere membership in an organization,
C is incorrect. D may be incorrect for several reasons, but at least because the law does
not take into account the views held by the persons to which it applies.

13. C The federal government is immune from taxation by the states. It is generally under-
stood, however, that this immunity does not shield private parties from state tax liability,
even though they have a contractual relationship with the federal government. Although
Congress has the power to specifically exempt a particular contractor from state sales
tax liability, there is no fact here indicating that Congress exercised that power.

A state attempt to regulate interstate commerce may violate the Commerce Clause of
the U.S. Constitution. A is incorrect, however, because a sales tax imposed on the pur-
chase of materials used to build a bridge does not regulate interstate commerce, even
though interstate vehicles may eventually use the bridge. While the state lacks power to
tax the federal government, B is incorrect because, so long as it does not discriminate
against them, the state is free to tax persons doing business with the federal government.
This has been held to be so even though the cost of such taxes may eventually be passed
along to the federal government via cost-plus-fixed-profit contracts. D is, therefore,

14. A A person seeking to protect a legitimate interest is privileged to make defamatory state-
ments which he reasonably believes to be true, under circumstances where the publica-
tion is reasonable in its scope. Clearly, a doctor has a legitimate interest in attempting to
prevent the hiring of incompetent nurses by a hospital. Since Dock's response to the
personnel department questionnaire was likely to reach only those people who could
decide whether or not to hire Nelsen, it was probably reasonable in scope. Therefore, if
Dock reasonably believed the statement, then it was privileged, and Dock would not be
liable for defamation.

The publication of a false defamatory statement - unless privileged - ordinarily

results in liability, even though the publisher heard the statement from another and so
indicates when making the statement. B is, therefore, incorrect. The Supreme Court of
the United States has held that a plaintiff who is a public person may prevail in a defa-
mation action only by proving that the defendant had "actual malice." C is incorrect,
however, because the Court has stated that in a defamation action, "actual malice"

means that when publishing the statement the defendant either knew that it was false or
entertained serious doubts about its truth. C is also incorrect because actual malice
alone is not sufficient to result in defamation liability. In some defamation actions, the
plaintiff must prove that the defendant's publication resulted in actual damage to the
plaintiff. Proof of damage, however, is not sufficient to result in defamation liability
where other elements of the plaintiff's case have not been established or where the
defendant was privileged. D is, therefore, incorrect.

15. D A positive statement by the promisor to the promisee indicating that the promisor will
not perform his contractual duty is a repudiation of the contract. Even though perfor-
mance was not yet due at the time of repudiation, the non-repudiating party may usually
sue on a theory of anticipatory breach as soon as the repudiation occurs. Therefore, Sada
acquired an immediate right of action as soon as Baldwin communicated that he would
not order any boxes in 1985.

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect for two reasons: first, Dee § 2-306 specifically
recognizes the validity of "requirements" contracts and specifies the manner in which
their terms should be construed; and, second, damages for failing to order the specified
minimum requirement could be fixed with certainty. A party. who seeks damages for
breach of contract is required to prove those damages; they are not presumed. C is
incorrect for this reason, and because - strictly speaking - a repudiation is not a
"breach," but an "anticipatory breach."

16. A Dee § 1-205 defines usage of trade as a practice or method of dealing which is regu-
larly observed in a particular industry. Dee § 2-202 permits evidence of usage of trade
to explain the terms of a written contract, even when the contract was intended to be a
final expression of the agreement of the parties.

B, therefore, is incorrect. Ordinarily, parties to a contract are understood to accept the

economic risks resulting from subsequent events which were within their contemplation
at the time the contract was formed. This means that if the parties did contemplate a
decline in the price of cazbah melons, a strong argument could be made that Baldwin
should be bound by the 2,000-box minimum set forth in the contract. The fact that they
did not contemplate such a decline, if relevant at all, is thus more likely to support Bald-
win's position than it is to support Sada's. In any event, although the contemplation of
the parties might help determine the meaning of the terms which they used, it is not the
only factor to be considered.. In fact, the Dee specifically permits evidence of trade
usage to be considered as well. C is, therefore, incorrect. Ordinarily, in construing con-
tracts, courts consider the manifest intentions of the parties, and do so by examining the
language of the written agreement between them. A problem may arise, however, since
the words used may have meant different things to the different parties. Since trade
usage may indicate the meaning that certain 'terms generally have for people in the
industry involved, the Dee provision regarding trade usage is designed. to help deter-
mine what the parties meant by the terms they used. If, for example, it was generally
understood in the trade that minimum requirements were inapplicable in times of falling
prices, the parties might have specified a minimum number meaning it to be applicable
only if prices did not fall, even though this intention would not be apparent to persons
not in the trade. The argument set forth in D however, is based on what the language
means to people who are unaware of its special trade usage. For this reason, D is incor-


17. A In order to prevail in an action for defamation, a plaintiff must prove that defendant
published a defamatory statement about the plaintiff. A defamatory statement is about
the plaintiff if the reasonable person who knows the plaintiff would recognize the plain-
tiff from the statement. For this reason, a defamatory statement made about a group to
which the plaintiff belongs identifies the plaintiff so long as the group is small enough
to lead the reasonable person who knows that the plaintiff is a member of the group to
believe that the statement about the group is being made about the plaintiff.

A statement about such a group sufficiently identifies each of its members. Each might,
therefore, have an action for defamation. It is, thus, unnecessary for all members of the
group to join in the action. This makes B incorrect. A spoken defamation is called "slan-
der per se" if it accuses the plaintiff of a crime of moral turpitude, of having a loathsome
disease, of being an unchaste woman, or of being.unfit for the plaintiff's occupation. In
certain cases of slander per se, the plaintiff may be relieved of the need to prove actual
damage. C is incorrect for two reasons: first, the statement cannot be called slander
because it was in writing; and, second, calling a statement slander per se does not elimi-
nate the need to prove that the statement was made about the plaintiff. If the group of
police officers present at the rally was small enough, the statement about the group
identifies the plaintiffs (for reasons given above) even though it does not name them. D
is, therefore, incorrect.

18. B The United States Supreme Court has held that the First Amendment of the United
States Constitution require a public official or pUblic figure suing for defamation to
prove that the defendant had actual malice in making the defamatory statement. The
Court defined a public official as a public employee who has or reasonably appears to
have substantial control over the conduct of public affairs. The plaintiffs are clearly
public employees. Whether they reasonably appear to have substantial control over the
conduct of public affairs may be a question of fact, but B is the only argument listed
which could possibly result in a judgment for The Herald.

The United States Supreme Court has said that there is no such thing as a false idea.
Since defamation liability cannot be imposed for publication of the truth, this statement
by the Supreme Court prevents defamation liability from being imposed for the publica-
tion of an opinion. A is incorrect, however, because- even though it was contained in
an editorial - the statement that police beat and kicked bystanders is obviously an
assertion of fact. The Supreme Court has defined a public figure as either one who has
achieved such "pervasive fame and notoriety" that s/he is known to the great mass of
humanity, or one who has voluntarily "mounted the rostrum" in an attempt to influence
public opinion on a matter of public controversy. C is incorrect because there is no fact
indicating that either definition applies to the plaintiffs. In addition, C is incorrect
because the Supreme Court has held that a defendant may not successfully argue that
the plaintiff has become a public figure as a result of the defamatory statements which
the defendant published about the plaintiff. D is incorrect, since the Supreme Court's
definition of public official makes it clear that not all public employees fit into this cate-

19. A When, after the formation of a contract, the happening of an unforeseeable event makes

performance by one of the parties impossible or vitally different from what was within
their reasonable contemplation at the time of formation, the duties of both parties are
discharged. Whether the destruction of a party's factory is unforeseeable at the time a
sales contract is formed is uncertain. The argument set forth in A however, is the only
one listed which could possibly provide Vestco with an effective defense.

A party's prospective inability to perform may excuse performance by the other party,
but does not affect the obligations of the party who is prospectively unable to perform.
B is, therefore, incorrect. An agreement calling for a series of performances by the par-
ties may be regarded as a single contract or as a series of separate ones. Calling it "divis-
ible" simply means that the court will treat it as a series of separate contracts. It is
difficult to tell from the facts whether the contract between Vestco and the Green City
Police Department is or is not "divisible." In either event, however, whether it is a
breach of a single agreement calling for a series of performances, or of one of the sepa-
rate agreements which result from calling the contract divisible, Vestco's failure to
deliver bullet-proof vests might be a breach. For this reason, C would not furnish Vestco
with an effective defense and is, therefore, incorrect. A repudiation occurs when a party
to a contract unequivocally informs the other that he will not perform as required. D is
incorrect for two reasons: first, the Green City Police Department did not inform Vestco
of anything; and, second, the fact that the Green City Police Department contracted to
purchase 30 vests per month from another company does not indicate that it will not
also purchase 30 vests per month from Vestco.

20. B Under UCC § 2-609, whenever it reasonably appears that a party to a sales contract will
be unable to perform as required, the other party may demand an adequate assurance of
performance. If the party on whom such demand is made fails to respond within a rea-
sonable period of time, the party making that demand may treat the other party's pro-
spective inability to perform as a repudiation. Since the destruction of Vestco's only
factory raised reasonable questions about whether Vestco would be able to perform as
required, the Green City Police Department was entitled to demand assurances as it did
in its letter of July 10. When Vestco failed to respond within a reasonable time, the
Green City Police Department was relieved of any further obligation to perform.

When unforeseen circumstances eliminate the underlying reasons for contracting, the
doctrine of frustration of purpose may excuse performance by the parties. (If, for exam-
ple, all the criminals in Green City stopped using guns so that there was no longer any
reason for the Green City Police Department to need bullet-proof vests, the doctrine of
frustration of purpose might relieve it of its obligation to continue purchasing vests from
Vestco.) A is incorrect because the underlying reasons for the agreement between the
Green City Police Department and Vestco (i.e., the Green City Police Department's
need for bullet-proof vests) continued to exist even though the Vestco factory was
destroyed. For reasons given in the explanation to the previous question, determining
that the contract was divisible is not relevant in determining whether failure to perform
constitutes a breach. C is, therefore, incorrect. Even before the time of performance, a
party may treat the other party's repudiation as a breach. Thus, a repudiation by the
Green City Police Department might provide Vestco with an argument in support of its
position, but would not provide Green City with support for its position. D is, therefore,

21. A Under PRE 804(b)(2) a statement is admissible as a dying declaration if it was made
about the cause and circumstances of death by a presently unavailable declarant with a
sense of impending death, was based upon the declarant's personal knowledge, and is
offered at the trial of a criminal homicide prosecution or of any civil action. Since Par-
gas asked Westall to tell his wife to meet him at the hospital, it is possible that a court
would find that he did not believe himself to be dying. This conclusion is, of course, not
certain (since he may have been telling her where to claim his body), but A is the only
reason listed which could possibly justify finding that Pargas' statement was not a dying

B is incorrect because while the PRE requires the declarant to be unavailable, it does not
require that he have died from the incident described in his statement or even that he is
dead. Although some controversy exists at common law about whether a dying declara-
tion is admissible in anything but a criminal homicide prosecution, the PRE specifically
permits its use in a civil action. C is, therefore, incorrect. The common law provides
that an excited utterance may be admissible under an exception to the hearsay rule, but
only if the statement was spontaneous (e.g., not in response to a question). The PRE
exception for excited utterance does not specifically mention spontaneity, but some
cases indicate that excited utterances should be excluded under the PRE if they were
made in response to a question. D is incorrect, however, because neither the common
law nor the PRE requires that a dying declaration be made spontaneously.

22. D An assignment extinguishes the assignor's rights and vests them in the assignee. By its
assignment to Landis, Partco thus extinguished its own rights against Aerocorp. Since
an assignee receives only those rights which were held by his assignor (i.e., steps into
the assignor's shoes), and since Partco's assignment to Landis had already extinguished
any rights which Partco had against Aerocorp, Martin could receive no right against
Aerocorp unless Partco effectively revoked its assignment to Landis. Most jurisdictions
hold that assignments are not revocable if given for consideration. Since Partco
assigned to Landis in writing and for consideration (i.e., in lieu of rent), the assignment
to Landis could not be revoked. Martin, therefore, received no interest as a result of the
assignment to him.

A and B are incorrect because it is generally understood that an assignment may be

valid although not in writing and given without consideration. C is incorrect because in
the absence of an agreement to the contrary, the right to receive money is assignable
without the debtor's consent.

23. A Although the United Supreme Court interprets the federal constitution, it does not have
the power to interpret state constitutions. If it reviewed the decision of the state court, it,
therefore, could not disturb the holding that the due process requirement of the state
constitution was violated. Since that holding alone is sufficient to support the state
court's fmding on behalf of Apollo (i.e., the finding is based on an adequate and inde-
pendent state ground), the United States Supreme Court lacks the power to overturn the
state court decision. For this reason, review by the United States Supreme Court is not
available. (Note: Recent legislation has largely eliminated appeal as of right, but ques-
tions like this may still be used to test the availability of review.)

24. D Under PRE 803(22), a judgment of conviction may be admissible as an exception to the

hearsay rule. For any evidence to be admissible, however, it must be logically and
legally relevant. Whether a past conviction for passing bad checks is logically related to
any material issues in Dakota's prosecution is uncertain, but there is little doubt about
the legal relevancy of such evidence. Because of its capacity for arousing prejudice, evi-
dence bearing on a person's character is not admissible as circumstantial evidence that
his conduct on a particular occasion was consistent with that character. Thus, Dakota's
conviction for passing worthless checks is inadmissible if offered to support an infer-
ence that because he passed bad checks that time it is likely that he did it again this time.
If the crime charged had been committed in a highly distinctive way, evidence that
Dakota previously used that same distinctive M.O. would tend to establish that he was
familiar with it. It could be admissible since its purpose would not be to circumstantially
establish conduct by showing character. I is incorrect, however, because there is no fact
indicating that the crime with which Dakota is now charged and the crime of which he
was previously convicted involved the same distinctive M.O. Since the fact that a per-
son has committed a crime involving dishonesty suggests that his statements are not
worthy of belief, evidence that a witness has been convicted of such a crime may be
admissible for the purpose of impeaching that witness's credibility. Since Dakota has
not testified, however, his credibility is not in question. n is, therefore, incorrect.

25. A In states which recognize tenancy by the entirety, a conveyance to persons who are wife
and husband may be presumed to create a tenancy by the entirety. Since only persons
who are legally married may hold realty as tenants by the entirety, however, the rules
regarding this form of co-ownership do not apply in this case. In general, in the absence
of some specific language to the contrary, two or more persons who take real property
by descent or conveyance are presumed to be tenants-in-common with equal interests.
Tenants-in-common may freely sell or devise their interests, and those who receive
them thereby become tenants-in-common with the remaining co-owners. Thus upon
inheriting Ann's one-half interest, Armstrong became a tenant-in-common with Bob.
Subsequently, upon Bob's quitclaim of his one-half interest to Boaz, Boaz became a ten-
ant-in-common with Armstrong.

B is incorrect for several reasons, the most significant being that only persons who are
married to each other may hold realty as tenants by the entirety. C is incorrect because
Armstrong inherited a one-half interest from Ann. D is incorrect because Boaz received
a one-half interest by quitclaim from Bob.

26. D Larceny is the trespassory taking and carrying off of personal property known to be
another's with the intent to permanently deprive that other of it. Since Davin had not
read the fine print in the rental agreement, she did not know that its terms made the
radio the property of another. For this reason, she should not be convicted of larceny.

Although a person who intentionally destroys property which she knows to be another's
intending to deprive that other of it may thereby commit larceny, A is incorrect because
there is no indication that Davin intended the damage to the dashboard of the car, and
also because the "trespassory" requirement makes it impossible for a person to commit
larceny as to property lawfully in her possession at the time of her act. A person who
signs a contract may be bound by its terms even though she hasn't read it because of a
presumption that she has done so. The presumption exists because of the objective the-
ory of contracts combined with the fact that the reasonable person does not usually sign

something which she knows to be a contract without first reading it. For this reason,
Davin may be civilly liable for breach of contract or for the tort of conversion. B is
incorrect, however, because guilt for larceny requires subjective knowledge that the
property involved belongs to another. Thus, if Davin honestly believed that the radio
was her own, even if her belief was unreasonable, she cannot be guilty of larceny for
taking it. C is incorrect because a person can be convicted of stealing her own property
if she took it from a person whose rights she knew were superior to her own. (For exam-
ple, the owner of a_(;h~ttelmay commit larceny by taking it from one whom she knows
to hold (l valid mechanic's lien.)

27. D A professional seller who supplies a defective product is strictly liable for damage
which proximately results from the product's defect. A defect is a proximate cause of
harm if it was both a factual and a legal cause of it. A defect is a factual cause of harm if
the harm would not have occurred without it. Assuming that the vibrations resulted
from a defect, the defect was a factual cause of Nesbitt's injury, since the injury would
not have occurred without it. A defect is a legal cause of harm if the harm was a foresee-
able result of the defect, and not the result of unforeseeable interventions (i.e., supersed-
ing causes). Thus if the interVening conduct of Wells was a superseding cause of the
harm, then the product defect - although a factual cause of the injury - was not a
legal cause of it. Although it might take a jury to determine whether Wells's conduct
was unforeseeable (i.e., a superseding cause), D is the only argument listed which might
result in a judgment for Storr.

If all other requirements are satisfied, strict liability may be imposed to benefit any
plaintiff whose contact with the product was foreseeable, regardless of whether the
plaintiff is classified as a bystander. A is, therefore, incorrect. A plaintiff who voluntar-
ily encounters a known risk assumes that risk. B is incorrect, however, because Wells
was not the plaintiff, and only a plaintiff is said to assume a risk. If the processing
machine was defective when it left Blendco's factory, Blendco might be strictly liable
for Nesbitt's injuries which proximately resulted. C is incorrect, however, because if the
product was defective when it left Blendco's factory, it must have been defective when
it left·Storr's premises, making Storr strictly liable as well.

28. C Negligence is unreasonable conduct in the face of a duty to act reasonably. If the defen-
dant acted reasonably, she could not have been negligent. Unreasonable conduct by
Wells is, therefore, the only thing which could result in a judgment for Nesbitt in a neg-
ligenceaction against Wells.

When the defendant's conduct is unknown, res ipsa loquitur may permit a plaintiff to
establish an inference that the defendant acted unreasonably by relying on circumstan-
tial evidence. This evidence must prove that the accident was one which would not ordi-
narily have occurred without negligence, under circumstances which eliminate all
probabilities other than the negligence of the defendant (e.g., that defendant was in
exclusive control of the instrumentality involved). A is incorrect because, by alleging
the specific conduct of Wells and labeling it negligent, Nesbitt has made circumstantial
evidence unnecessary and inadmissible. A is also incorrect because the circumstances
do not exclude all probabilities other than negligence by Wells as a cause of the acci-
dent. If a defendant's conduct was negligent, she is liable for the harm which proxi-
mately resulted from that negligence. In determining whether a plaintiff's harm was

proximately caused by a defendant's conduct, the operative question is not whether the
defendant's conduct was foreseeable, but whether the plaintiff's harm was a foreseeable
result of it. B is, therefore, incorrect. Since any injury might have several proximate
causes, the argument that another person proximately caused the plaintiff's harm is
never sufficient to shield a defendant from liability. D is incorrect because even if the
negligence of Storr or Blendco was a proximate cause of Nesbitt's injury, the negligence
of Wells might also have been a proximate cause of it.

29. D A statutory system of classification which regulates social or economic interests is valid
under the equal protection clause if it has a rational basis. On the other hand, if it dis-
criminates against a suspect class of persons it is valid only if it is necessary to serve a
compelling state interest. (Note: To withstand a constitutional challenge based on the
claim that a statute interferes with a fundamental right, the statute must be necessary to
serve a compelling state interest. Since Hirsh's challenge is not based on that claim,
however, the compelling state interest standard does not apply.) Although it has been
held that a statutory classification based on gender does not discriminate against a sus-
pect class, the United States Supreme Court has developed a third, or middle, level of
scrutiny (sometimes called "rational basis with a bite") for such classifications. It has
been held that gender classifications are valid only if they are substantially related to an
important governmental interest. Since Hirsh's sole claim is that the statute discrimi-
nates against women, the statute would be valid if it satisfied this middle level of scru-
tiny. Although it is not certain that the statute would satisfy the requirements of this test,
the argument set forth in D is the only one listed which might possibly be effective in
opposition to Hirsh's claim.

A is incorrect because the fact that a system of classification does or does not discrimi-
nate against a suspect class determines the standard to be applied, but does not itself
determine whether the statute is constitutional. B is incorrect because a rational basis is
not sufficient to make constitutional a statute which discriminates on the basis of gen-
der. C is incorrect because the police powers, like all other powers of the state, may not
be exercised in a way which is inconsistent with the United States Constitution.

30. C The terms of a contract may provide that a party's performance is not required until the
happening of a specified event (i.e., a condition precedent). If so, the duty to perform
does not become absolute until that event has occurred (i.e., the condition precedent has
been satisfied). In this contract, Orca's duty to make final payment was conditioned
upon Berg's obtaining a Certificate of Satisfactory Completion from Arch prior to July
30. Thus, Orca's duty to pay would not become absolute until Berg satisfied the condi-
tion precedent by obtaining the certificate by that date. It is understood, however, that a
party who wrongfully interferes with the other party's fulfillment of a condition may not
rely on that unfulfilled condition to avoid performing. Sometimes this conclusion is
based on what is referred to as a breach of the "implied promise to cooperate." Some-
times courts simply say that wrongful interference excuses performance of the condition
precedent. Either way, since Orca's request caused Arch to delay issuing the certificate,
Orca's duty to make final payment may become absolute in spite of Berg's failure to ful-
fill that cOI!dition of the contract.

A is incorrect because Arch was not a party to the contract between Orca and Berg, and
that contract, therefore, could not have imposed duties on Arch. It is sometimes said that

express conditions of a contract must be fully satisfied, but that "substantial perfor-
mance" satisfies constructive conditions. Since the condition requiring Berg to obtain a
Certificate of Satisfactory Completion by July 30 was express, substantial performance
would not have been sufficient. B is, therefore, incorrect. Sometimes in a contract call-
ing for performance to the satisfaction of the other party, a dispute arises as to whether
that satisfaction is to be subjective or based on objective standards. Usually, in the
absence of a clear agreement to the contrary, the standard is understood to be an objec-
tive one. In this case, however, the express condition required not only satisfactory com-
pletion, but the obtaining of a certificate by a particular date. For this reason, the
application of an objective standard would not be sufficient to defeat Orca's claim. Dis,
therefore, incorrect.

31. A One who intentionally aids, abets, or facilitates the commission of a crime is an accom-
plice, and is guilty not only of the crime which she aided, but is vicariously liable for all
its reasonably foreseeable consequences. One who agrees with another to commit a
crime is guilty of conspiracy, and is vicariously liable for any crimes committed by a co-
conspirator in furtherance of the conspiracy. Since the jury did not believe Domino's
testimony, Philip was committing a robbery when he used a threat of force to steal the
coat from Fleming. Since Domino assisted him in doing so, she was an accomplice.
Since she agreed to do so, she was a co-conspirator. As an accomplice, she is probably
liable vicariously for Philip's intentional killing of Fleming, because her knowledge that
Philip would be using a gun to coerce Fleming into handing over the coat probably
made it foreseeable that he would shoot Fleming with the gun. As a co-conspirator she
is clearly liable vicariously for the shooting, since it was clearly in furtherance of the
robbery that she agreed to commit.

B is incorrect because being present while a crime is committed is not sufficient to make
a defendant an accomplice or a co-conspirator. Self-defense is a privilege to use reason-
able force to defend oneself against the use of force. A person who is being shot at may,
therefore, be privileged to defend himself by shooting back. C is incorrect, however,
because self-defense does not privilege the use of force in response to force which itself
was privileged by self-defense. Since Philip was menacing Fleming with a pistol, Flem-
ing was privileged to use a pistol in self-defense. Since Fleming's use of force was priv-
ileged, Philip was not privileged to use any force in defense against it. D is incorrect
because as a co-conspirator and accomplice to the crime of robbery, Domino is vicari-
ously liable for the shooting which was a foreseeable consequence and done in further-
ance of the robbery.

32. C Under the statute Domino can be guilty of Second Degree Murder only if Fleming dies
during the course of the commission of one of the enumerated felonies. Nothing in the
facts suggests that Domino or Philip was committing a rape, kidnapping, burglary, or
arson. Robbery is a larceny which is committed by force or a threat of force against a
human being. Larceny is a trespassory taking and carrying off of personal property
known to be another's with the intent to permanently deprive. Since the jury believed
Domino's testimony, the coat which she was attempting to obtain from Fleming was her
own. Her taking it could not, therefore, constitute a larceny. Her use of force to take it
was thus not a robbery.

A and B are incorrect because if a death occurs during the course of one of the felonies

specified, the felony murder rule is frequently applied even though the death was
unforeseeable. Since the statute provides that an unintentional killing is Second Degree
Murder if perpetrated by the defendant or an accomplice during the course of a listed
crime, D is obviously incorrect.

33. B Involuntary manslaughter is an unintentional killing of a human being which results

from conduct which is reckless (i.e., creates a high and unreasonable risk of death or
great bodily harm). Since the jury believes Philip's testimony, Domino knew that Philip
was going to use a loaded pistol. If this made it likely that death or serious injury would
result, then her conduct was reckless, and the resulting death can be termed an involun-
tary manslaughter.

If Fleming's conduct was a reasonable response to Philip's threat with a pistol, it was
privileged. If so, Philip's shot at Fleming was not privileged by self-defense. If, on the
other hand, Fleming's response was excessive (as Philip's testimony suggests), then it
was not privileged, and Philips return shot might have been privileged in self-defense.
The fact, then, that Fleming's conduct was in response to Philip's act of aggression is
not, alone, sufficient to deprive Philip or Domino of the privilege of self-defense. A is,
therefore, incorrect. At common law, an intentional killing is murder, but may be
reduced to voluntary manslaughter if committed in the "heat of passion." Since involun-
tary manslaughter involves an unintentional killing, however, passion does not provide
a defense. C is, therefore, incorrect.

Depending on when Fleming stole Domino's coat (if he indeed did so), and depending
on the substantive rules of the particular jurisdiction, it is possible that Domino was
privileged to use reasonable force to reclaim her property. However, deadly force -
force likely to cause death or serious bodily injury - is never permitted as a means of
reclaiming property. Since Domino knew that Philip's gun was loaded, and since Dom-
ino was acting in concert with Philip in using the loaded gun to achieve the "reclama-
tion" of property, Domino will be responsible for the use of deadly force and will forfeit
any protection the right to use reasonable force to reclaim property might have given
her. Therefore, D is incorrect.

34. D Since Carmody received his interest from Badel, the validity of Carmody's title depends
on the validity of Badel's title. For this reason, if Badel's title is superior to Arnett's,
then Carmody's title is superior to Arnett's. The validity of Badel's title depends on the
recording statute. The statute given is a typical "notice" statute. According to its provi-
sions, the interest of a subsequent grantee for value and without notice is superior to that
of a prior grantee unless the prior grantee's interest was recorded prior to the time the
subsequent grantee received his interest. Since Arnett's deed was not recorded prior to
Oakley's conveyance to Badel, Badel's interest is superior to Arnett's. Since Carmody
derives his interest from Badel's grant, Carmody's interest is also superior to Arnett's.

As a result of this reasoning, it is correct to say that one who derives his interest from a
bona fide purchaser for value (i.e., BFP) is protected by a recording statute even if he is
not a BFP himself. Thus, Carmody's possible knowledge would not deprive him of the
protection of the recording statute, and A is incorrect. B is incorrect because the lan-
guage of the statute makes the interest of a subsequent grantee superior to that of a prior
grantee unless the prior grantee's interest had been recorded prior to the subsequent

grant. Since Badel purchased for value, without notice of Arnett's interest and before
Arnett recorded, Badel's interest was superior to Arnett's. Since Carmody's title derives
from Badel's, it too is superior to Arnett's. C is, therefore, incorrect.

35. C Since Carmody received his interest from Badel, the validity of Carmody's title depends
on the validity of Badel's title. For this reason, if Badel's title is superior to Arnett's,
then so is Carmody's. The validity of Badel's title (and therefore of Carmody's) depends
on the recording statute. The statute given is a typical "race-notice" statute. According
to its provisions, the interest of a subsequent grantee for value and without notice is
superior to that of a prior grantee unless the prior grantee's interest is recorded before
the subsequent grantee's interest is recorded. Thus, if Arnett's interest was recorded
before Badel's, it was superior to Badel's (and therefore to Carmody's). If Badel
recorded before Arnett, however, Badel's interest (and therefore Carmody's interest)
was superior to Arnett's.

A is incorrect because although the statute makes the payment of value a condition for
the superiority of a subsequent grantee's interest, it does not impose such a requirement
on the prior grantee. Since the "race" aspect of the statute makes priority depend on who
recorded first, the fact that Badel recorded before selling to Carmody would not defeat
Arnett's interest since Badel may have recorded after Arnett did. B is, therefore, incor-
rect. Recording is "outside the chain of title" if it could not have been discovered by a
reasonable title search. (For example, if Arnett recorded before Badel, a reasonable title
search might not have disclosed a record of the deed from Oakley to Bade!. This is
because after finding a record of Oakley's grant to Arnett, the searcher would have
expected that the next grant of an interest in the property was by Arnett and would have
no reason to search for a subsequent grant by Oakley.) Most jurisdictions hold that a
recording outside the chain of title is no recording at all since it does not give the rea-
sonable searcher notice of the transaction. D is incorrect, however because if Badel
recorded prior to Arnett, the recording of Oakley's grant to Badel would have been
within the chain of title.

36. B Ordinarily, rape consists of sexual intercourse with a female not the wife of the defen-
dant without that female's consent. Under most statutory rape laws, a female below a
given age is determined to be incapable of consent, meaning that any male who has sex-
ual intercourse with her does so without her consent. For this reason, knowledge of the
victim's age is not ordinarily an element of statutory rape. Under the statute given in this
question, however, knowledge of the female's age is specifically required. For this rea-
son, Dave could not be convicted if he did not know that Betty was under the age of 18

So long as a male defendant is old enough to be convicted of a crime, he may be con-

victed of statutory rape even though his age is the same as or younger than that of the
female victim. A is, therefore, incorrect. Intoxication is a defense to a criminal charge
only if it made the defendant incapable of possessing the necessary state of mind
required. C is incorrect because there is no indication that Dave's intoxication affected
his knowledge regarding Betty's age or prevented him from knowing that he was having
sexual intercourse with her. Statutory rape, of which the crime charged is a form, is
based on the concept that certain persons are incapable of consenting to sexual inter-
course. For this reason, the victim's consent never furnishes a defense, and D is incor-


37. D A criminal conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime,
and is completed when the agreement is made. Thus, when Charles and Dave agreed to
get Adrian and Betty drunk so that they could have sexual intercourse with them they
may have committed the crime of conspiracy to violate the statute (depending on
whether Dave knew Adrian's or Betty's age). Although co-conspirators may be vicari-
ously liable for certain crimes committed by other members of the conspiracy, many
states hold that this vicarious liability terminates upon an effective withdrawal from the
conspiracy. (Note: It is unlikely that a court would find that Charles effectively with-
drew from the conspiracy, because he did not inform Dave of his change of intentions.)
Even if he did effectively withdraw, however, his withdrawal would not prevent him
from being found guilty of conspiracy to rape, which is a separate and distinct crime
from rape.

Without an agreement to participate in the crime, mere knowledge that others plan to
commit a crime is not enough to make a person guilty of conspiracy. Since Adrian did
not agree to participate in the crime, she could not be convicted of conspiracy. A and B
are therefore incorrect.

Where a crime necessarily requires two or more persons, but the legislature has imposed
punishment on only one for the substantive crime, the immune party cannot be punished
for conspiracy to commit that substantive crime. Since the legislature has chosen not to
punish the underaged female (Betty) for rape, this rule means that Betty cannot be con-
victed of conspiracy to commit rape either. For this reason, C is incorrect.

38. C Under pure comparative negligence statutes, plaintiff's recovery is not barred by plain-
tiff's fault, but is diminished in proportion to plaintiff's fault. Thus, if plaintiff's damage
of $10,000 was caused 70% by the fault of defendant and 30% by the fault of plaintiff,
plaintiff should recover $10,000 diminished by 30% (i.e., $7,000).

A is incorrect because under pure comparative negligence statutes plaintiff's recovery is

not completely barred by plaintiff's negligence. B is incorrect because the formula on
which it is based would result in diminishing plaintiff's recovery by a sum greater than
the proportion of plaintiff's own fault. D is incorrect because it would not diminish
plaintiff's recovery at all, even though a portion of the fault was plaintiff's.

39. C Although a defendant's violation of a statute may help the plaintiff establish that the
defendant was negligent, that negligence does not result in liability unless it was a fac-
tual and legal cause of the plaintiff's damage. Conduct is a factual cause of harm if the
harm would not have occurred without it. Since obeying the speed limit was more likely
to cause the collapse than exceeding it, the accident would have occurred if the statute
had been obeyed. Since the collapse would have occurred without it, the violation was
not a factual cause of the collapse.

In some jurisdictions, the violation of a statute may be negligence per se; in others it
may raise a rebuttable presumption of negligence; in others it may merely raise an infer-
ence of negligence. A is incorrect, however, because negligence does not result in liabil-
ity unless it was a factual cause of harm, and Terhune's violation of a statute - even if

it establishes negligence - was not a cause of Pachos' harm. Although violation of a

statute may raise a presumption of negligence, it does not result in any presumption as
to causation and is usually not relevant to issues of causation. B is, therefore, incorrect.
Unless the statute violated was designed to protect a class of persons which includes the
plaintiff, its violation is not relevant to the question of negligence at all. D is incorrect,
however, because it is generally understood that traffic laws are at least designed to pro-
tect other users of the roads.

40. B Since the condition imposed by O'Brien's deed prohibited non-residential use, Car-
michael's grant of a license to fish does not violate it if fishing is a residential use.
Whether or not this is so is uncertain, but B is the only argument listed which could pos-
sibly provide Carmichael with an effective defense.

Under the rule against perpetuities no interest is good if it can vest after a particular
period of time. The creation of an interest which might vest after the period is thus void
under the rule, but the rule has no effect on the termination of an existing interest. A is
incorrect for this reason, and because the rule against perpetuities is not applicable to
future interests of a grantor. The fee simple determinable and the fee simple subject to a
condition subsequent are possessory interests which may be terminated on the happen-
ing of a specified event. The most important difference between them is that the fee
simple determinable terminates automatically on the happening of that event, and the
fee simple subject to a condition subsequent does not terminate without some action
being taken. The language of O'Brien's deed makes it difficult to determine which of
those interests was conveyed to Carmichael, but the difference is insignificant to Car-
michael since his interest is subject to termination in either event. For this reason, C is
incorrect. A restraint on alienation is a condition which attempts to control the alienabil-
ity (i.e., power to convey an interest) of realty. If the condition attempts to do so directly
(e.g., the condition prohibits selling or mortgaging the realty) it may be declared void
under certain circumstances. Although use restrictions are likely to affect the alienabil-
ity of realty, policy does not require that they be declared void for this reason alone
because their effect is indirect. D is, therefore, incorrect.

41. D Ordinarily, specific performance is available as a remedy for breach of contract when
damages would not be an adequate remedy. For several reasons, however, courts do not
grant specific performance of contracts calling for personal service. These reasons
include the constitutional protections against involuntary servitude and of freedom of
association, as well as practical considerations which make it unwise for courts to
become unduly involved in the supervision of performance. Thus, if the architectural
work which remained to be completed involved personal services, specific performance
would not be granted.

A is, therefore, incorrect. An agreement not to assign usually destroys the right but not
the power to make an effective assignment. This means that an assignment made in the
face of such an agreement is usually valid, although the assignor might be liable for
damages resulting from the assignment and from her own failure to perform. For this
reason, damages are usually the only remedy available for breach of a promise not to
assign. B is, therefore, incorrect. C is a misstatement of the above rule. While an agree-
ment not to assign may destroy the right to make a valid assignment (i.e., one who vio-
lates it may be liable for breach of contract) it does not ordinarily destroy the power to

assign (i.e., an assignment made in violation of the assignor's promise may be valid).
For this reason, C is incorrect. (Note: The obligation to perform personal services is not
usually assignable or delegable. This rule is not relevant here, however, because the
question asks not about the validity of the assignment, but about the availability of spe-
cific performance as a remedy.)

42. A Under PRE 901(5) (and at common law), a voice may be identified by any person who
testifies that she recognizes it based upon hearing the voice under circumstances con-
necting it with the alleged· speaker. Although Pacer may not have known whose voice
she was hearing when she had the telephone conversation, if she subsequently heard
Dail's voice and recognized it as the same voice that she heard on the telephone, she is
competent to testify that it was Dail's voice which she heard on the telephone. This is
true even though her first real opportunity to connect Dail with the voice occurred on
the morning of trial.

If a person's telephone number is listed in the telephone book, there is a presumption

that one who properly dialed that number reached the premises of the person listed.
Under PRE 901(6), this presumption combined with other circumstances, including
self-identification of the speaker as the person listed, may justify the admission of
voice-identification testimony by a witness who dialed the number. Since Pacer did not
look up Dail's number in the telephone book or dial it, Dail's self-identification is insuf-
ficient to make Pacer's testimony admissible. B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect
because Pacer's subsequent hearing of Dail's voice is sufficient to make her voice-iden-
tification testimony admissible. The fact that Pacer had not dialed Dail's number before
speaking to him would prevent her voice-identification testimony from being admissi-
ble under the special FRE provision discussed above regarding telephone identifica-
tions. D is incorrect, however, because the fact that she recognized the telephone voice
as Dail's after hearing Dail's voice in the judge's chambers is sufficient to make her tes-
timony admissible without that special provision.

43. D Since the Green Saltpeter Control Act prohibits the operation of munitions factories in
which airborne levels of green saltpeter exceed statutory standards, it would take a new
law to permit the General Explosives factory to operate in violation of those standards.
In effect, by giving the Senate National Defense Committee the power to permit such
operation, § 34 purports to give it the power to make a law. Article I of the U.S. Consti-
tution provides that federal legislation must be passed by both houses of Congress and
then presented to the President for approvaL An attempt to legislate without fulfilling
these requirements violates the Constitution.

The committee system in Congress exists, in part, because it enables certain questions to
be considered by bodies which have had an opportunity to develop expertise in certain
areas. The principle of bicameralism established by Article I prevents those committees
from legislating, however. For this reason, A is incorrect. Although Congress may
supervise the activities of administrative agencies which it has created, the scope of
such supervision is, of course, limited by the provisions of the Constitution. As indi-
cated above, the system of supervision created by § 34 exceeds constitutional limita-
tions because it purports to give a Senate committee the power to legislate. B is,
therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect for two reasons: First, Congress may authorize an
administrative body to impose quasi-criminal sanctions (although not to create them);

and, second, § 34 does not give an administrative agency the power to impose sanctions,
but purports to limit that power.

44. B Extortion consists of obtaining property from another by threatening future harm to per-
sons, property, or economic interests. Since Defendant obtained money from Robin by
threatening to blow up her real and personal property, he can be convicted of extortion.

Robbery consists of obtaining property from another by using or threatening force

against a person. Since Defendant made no threat of harm to a person, A is incorrect.
Larceny by trick is a larceny committed by making a misrepresentation which induces
the victim to part with temporary possession of personal property. Since Robin did not
expect her cash to be returned, she was not parting with temporary possession of it, and
C is incorrect. Embezzlement is a criminal conversion of personal property by one in
lawful custody of it. Since Defendant was not in lawful custody of Robin's money, D is

45. A Robbery consists of obtaining property from another by threatening force against a per-
son. Since Defendant obtained $20,000 by threatening that a bomb would kill passen-
gers if he was not paid, he is guilty of robbery.

Extortion consists of obtaining property from another by threatening future harm to per-
sons, property, or economic interests. Although Defendant obtained $20,000 by threat-
ening to destroy passengers and an airplane, B is incorrect because robbery, since it
involves violence or a threat of immediate violence, is a more serious crime than extor-
tion. Larceny by trick is a larceny committed by making a misrepresentation which
induces the victim to part with temporary possession of personal property. Since Air
Lines did not expect its cash to be returned, it was not parting with temporary posses-
sion of it, and C is incorrect. Embezzlement is a criminal conversion of personal prop-
erty by one in lawful custody of it. Since Defendant was not in lawful custody of Air
Lines' money, D is incorrect.

46. B Article I, § 10 provides in part that no state shall pass any law impairing the obligation
of contracts. This prevents states from repudiating their own contractual obligations or
interfering with private contractual obligations except by regulations which are reason-
able and appropriate to a significant state purpose. Since the statute in question does not
result in a repudiation of the state's contractual obligations or interfere with private con-
tractual obligations, it does not violate the Obligation of Contracts Clause.

The Equal Protection Clause prohibits states from invidiously discriminating. Since the
statute requires higher fees from non-residents, it discriminates against them. Although
some such discrimination has been held to be valid, it is possible that this statute is not.
A therefore, could be an effective argument in support of the constitutional challenge,
making A incorrect. The Privileges and Immunities Clause of Article IV of the United
States Constitution provides that "The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privi-
leges and immunities of the citizens in the several states." Since this has been held to
prohibit certain discrimination against out-of-staters, C also could be an effective argu-
ment in support of the constitutional challenge, and is, therefore, incorrect. The Com-
merce Clause prohibits the states from discriminating against or imposing undue
burdens on interstate commerce. Violations have been found on both grounds in laws

which denied to out-of-staters advantages which were available to state residents. For
this reason, D also could be an effective argument and is, therefore, incorrect.

47. B An assault is committed by intentionally inducing plaintiff's reasonable apprehension of

immediate harmful or offensive contact. It has been held that a threatening act is not an
assault if accompanied by words which make clear that the threat will not be carried out,
since any apprehension experienced by the plaintiff would not be reasonable. It is
understood, however, that a defendant is not free to avoid assault liability by demanding
compliance with a condition which he has no legal right to impose. Since Darnell had
no legal right to require Seitz to back out of his contract with. Batista, the fact that he
told Seitz that he could avoid the threatened harm by doing so would not prevent Dar-
nell from being liable for assault. B is, therefore, not an effective argument in Darnell's

Since it was obvious from Darnell's statement that the threatened harm would not occur
until some time in the future, A would be an effective defense. Since the threat was of
harm to Seitz's children and not to Seitz, C would be an effective defense. Courts have
generally argued (although this argument is not always credible) that apprehension
induced by the defendant's mere use of words is not reasonable. This has led to a uni-
versally recognized rule that there can be no assault liability unless the defendant has
performed some physical act. D is, therefore, an effective defense.

48. C Although extrinsic evidence of unconvicted bad acts is not usually admissible for the
purpose of proving that a person has a bad character or was inclined to commit other
bad acts, such evidence may be admissible for other purposes. Proof that a fact is not as
stated by defendant may be admissible for the purpose of impeachment (i.e., to show
that his testimony is not to be believed). If such proof is extrinsic (i.e., not from the
defendant's own mouth) it may be used to impeach, but only if it relates to a material
issue in the controversy. Since Dague claimed to be 1,000 miles away from where the
crime of arson was committed, his whereabouts on the day of the crime are of conse-
quence (i.e., material) in the arson prosecution. Walen's testimony is, therefore, admis-
sible to impeach Dague. In general, evidence is admissible as substantive proof if it is
relevant to some fact of consequence in the controversy. Since Dague's whereabouts on
the day of the crime are material to the arson prosecution, Walen's testimony - which
tends to establish that Dague was in Vicksville on the day of the fire - is admissible as
substantive evidence.

49. C Since a will speaks upon the death of the testator, Borman's interest was created upon
the death of Odell. An executory interest is a future interest in a grantee which will
become possessory only upon the termination of a prior estate the termination of which
is not inevitable. Since, according to the devise, Ambler's interest was to terminate only
if he died without issue from Jane, and since prior to Jane's death it was not inevitable
that this would happen, if Borman's interest was created prior to Jane's death, it was
executory. A springing executory interest is one which will replace the interest of the
grantor. A shifting executory interest is one which will replace the interest of another
grantee. Since Borman's interest was to replace that of Ambler, it was a shifting interest.
I is, therefore, an accurate statement. A remainder is a future interest in a grantee which
will become possessory upon the termination of a prior estate the termination of which
is inevitable. It was inevitable that Ambler would die. Since Ambler and Jane never had

any children, after Jane's death it was inevitable that Ambler would die without issue
from Jane. The termination of Ambler's estate was thus inevitable. If Borman's interest
was created after Jane's death, it was, therefore, a remainder. If, in addition to the inevi-
table termination of the prior estate, there are conditions precedent to the remainder's
becoming possessory, it is a contingent remainder. If there are no conditions other than
the inevitable termination of the prior estate, then the remainder is vested. After Jane's
death without issue, the only thing necessary to make Borman's interest possessory was
the death of Ambler, which was inevitable. Borman's interest was thus a vested remain-
. der. II is, therefore, an accurate statement.

Since both I and II are accurate statements, A, B, and D are incorrect.

50. D One who holds a present possessory interest in real estate is entitled to make all normal
uses of the land and to keep the profits from those uses so long as he does not unreason-
ably decrease its value to the holders of future interests. This means, among other
things, that the holder of a present possessory interest in realty is permitted to rent the
realty and to keep the rent. For this reason, Borman has no right to the rents. On the
other hand, since the permanent removal of minerals from the land will inevitably
reduce the value of the realty, limitations on the removal of minerals are imposed on
holders of certain present possessory interests. If, however, the grantor had been
actively removing minerals from the realty, it is presumed that in granting a present pos-
sessory interest, the grantor intended to grant the right to continue removing minerals as
well. Since Odell had been mining the gold on the land, it is presumed that he intended
to grant Ambler the right to continue doing so, even though Ambler's interest in the
realty was less than a fee. Thus, Borman is not entitled to proceeds from the mining
operation either.

For the combination of reasons given above, A, B, and C are incorrect.

51. D The standard remedy for breach of contract is a judgment for damages. In awarding
damages for breach of contract, courts attempt to place the non-breaching party in the
position which he would have held if the contract had not been breached. Since Peppard
would have received $20,000 if The Daily Blade had performed as agreed, he is entitled
to receive $20,000 as damages for breach. Where the breach is a major one, however,
the non-breaching party may choose rescission as a remedy instead. Rescission is an
equitable remedy which results in cancellation of the contract. Since The Daily Blade
has not performed at all, its breach is obviously major, entitling Peppard to rescission
and thus freeing him of his obligation under contract. Peppard may, thus, choose to sue
for libel. Since the essence of rescission is a termination of the contract, a party who
chooses it as a remedy may not enforce the rescinded contract by seeking damages for
its breach. Peppard, therefore, may not sue for libel and for breach of contract.

A is incorrect because it would deprive Peppard of his right to damages. B is incorrect

because it would deprive Peppard oihis right to rescission. C is incorrect because it
would enable Peppard to cancel (i.e., rescind) the contract, and then enforce it anyway.

52. C A condition precedent is an event which must occur before a contractual obligation
becomes due. When each party's performance is a condition for the other's there are
"concurrent conditions." Since Peppard's promise not to sue required performance to

continue after payment byThe Daily Blade, The Daily Blade's payment was a condition
for it. Since Peppard could have sued between March 5 and March 11, the part of Pep-
pard's promise which required him to refrain from suit between those dates created a
condition precedent to payment by The Daily Blade. The promise thus created concur-
rent conditions. I is, therefore, correct. When the language of a contract does not specify
whether one party's performance is a condition for the other party's performance, the
courts usually hold that if the parties obviously intended one performance to come
before the other, it was a condition precedent to that other. Since Rider's conveyance
was obviously intended to occur before Peppard's forbearance to sue, it was a condition
precedent to Peppard's promise. II is, therefore, correct.

53. C An obligation to perform contractual duties does not become absolute until all condi-
tions precedent to it have been fulfilled. Thus, if The Daily Blade's obligation to pay
was a condition precedent to Peppard's promise not to sue Rider, the failure of that con-
dition would prevent Peppard from being obliged to perform.

D is therefore incorrect. If a contract consists of a pair of obligations each one of which

can be regarded as a separate agreement, the contract may be "divisible." If this is so,
the various obligations of a party do not depend upon each other, and a party's breach of
one of his promises would not prevent him from recovering for his performance of the
other promises. (For example, X agrees to sell Y a red widget and a green widget at a
specified price. Ordinarily, X's failure to deliver the red widget would relieve Y of her
duty to buy the green widget. If the contract is divisible, however, X may be able to
enforce Y's promise to buy the green widget even though X failed to deliver the red
widget.) If the contract between Peppard, Rider, and The Daily Blade was divisible,
breach by The Daily Blade would not prevent Rider from enforcing the promise which
Peppard made to her. A is, therefore, incorrect. An agreement not to sue in return for
something of value (i.e., a conveyance of real estate) is called a settlement or a compro-
mise. Such agreements promote public policy by reducing the need for litigation. B is,
therefore, incorrect.

54. A Under FRE 609, evidence that a witness has been convicted of a crime is admissible for
the purpose of attacking his credibility under two distinct sets of circumstances. Such
evidence is admissible if the crime was a felony and the court determines that the proba-
tive value outweighs the prejudicial effect to the defendant. Such evidence is also
admissible, however, if the crime is one which involved dishonesty. Since tax fraud is a
crime involving dishonesty, the evidence is admissible whether or not the crime was a
felony, and without an affirmative finding that its probative value outweighs its prejudi-
cial effect.

B, C and D are, therefore, incorrect.

55 C FRE 801(d)(l)(B) specifies that a prior consistent statement of a declarant is not hearsay
if the declarant has testified and is available for cross-examination, and if the statement
is offered to rebut a claim of recent fabrication. Since Vanna testified that Dalby raped
her, and since Dalby claimed that Vanna's complaint was fabricated on April 3, evi-
dence that Vanna made that same complaint to Willey on March 7 tends to rebut Dalby's
claim. Willey's testimony is, therefore, admissible.

Under FRE 803(2), a statement is admissible as an excited utterance if it was made

about a startling event while the declarant was under the stress of excitement caused by
that event. Ordinarily, this requires the statement to have been made either during the
event or immediately thereafter. Since a week passed between the alleged rape and
Vanna's statement to Willey, it probably does not qualify as an excited utterance. A is,
therefore, incorrect. Hearsay is defmed as an out-of-court statement offered for the pur-
pose of proving the truth of the matter asserted in that statement. If Vanna's out-of-court
statement to Willey is not offered to prove the truth of what she asserted (i.e., that Dalby
raped her), but is offered to prove that she did not fabricate her complaint after learning
that Dalby was married, it is not hearsay. FRE 801(d)(1)(B) specifically provides that
such a statement "is not hearsay." This means that in addition to being admissible for
the purpose of rebutting Dalby's claim of recent fabrication, Vanna's statement may be
admissible as substantive evidence as well. B is, therefore, incorrect. FRE 803(1) recog-
nizes a hearsay exception for a statement of declarant's sense impressions. This excep-
tion applies, however, only when the declarant's statement describing an event is made
during or immediately after the event. Since Vanna's statement to Willey was made a
week after the incident which it purported to describe, D is incorrect.

56. B In Wisconsin v. Yoder the United States Supreme Court specifically held that in deter-
mining whether a defendant's conduct is privileged by First Amendment rights to free-
dom of religion, it was proper to consider whether the defendant's religious beliefs were

A is, therefore, incorrect. Ordinarily, a state may prohibit specified activities whenever
such prohibition serves a rational basis. Under the "free exercise" clause of the First
Amendment, however, a state may not interfere with acts performed in the exercise of
religious beliefs unless the interference bears a rational relationship to a compelling
state interest. This means that there are some acts which the state may validly declare to
be criminal and prohibit, because the prohibition has a rational basis, but which may
still be performed by persons who are doing so in the exercise of their religious beliefs
if the prohibition does not bear a rational relationship to a compelling state interest.
Thus, First Amendment rights to freedom of religion might justify acts that would oth-
erwise be criminal. For this reason, C and D are both incorrect.

57. C The Equal Protection Clause provides that no state shall deny to any person within its
jurisdiction the equal protection of the Jaw. This means that any state agency which
employs a system of classification granting rights or privileges to some persons while
denying them to others may be violating rights conferred by the Equal Protection
Clause. Some systems of classification are valid if they have a rational basis; other sys-
tems are valid only if they are necessary to serve a compelling state interest. It is uncer-
tain whether the exclusion of pregnant students from a public high school system is
valid. Of the fact situations given, however, C is the only one which could possibly
involve a violation of rights granted by the Equal Protection Clause. This is because the
Equal Protection Clause only regulates state action, and C is the only fact situation
involving state action.

The defendant in A is employed by a religious organization. The defendant in B is a fed-

eral official. The defendant in D works in private enterprise. Since none of them is an
agency of the state, A, B and D are, incorrect.

58. A Strict liability is imposed on the professional supplier of a product which is defective
and unreasonably dangerous, if that defect proximately causes harm to a plaintiff whose
contact with the product was foreseeable. If the reasonable person could not have antic-
ipated Pena's contact with Woxibol (i.e., Pena's contact with it was unforeseeable),
strict liability cannot be imposed to benefit Pena.

If the plaintiff's harm was produced by an unforeseeable intervening event, the product
defect was not a proximate cause of it. Bis incorrect, however; because intervening neg-
ligence may be (and usually is) regarded as foreseeable. If Pena's injury would not have
occurred but for the crack in the sewer, the crack was also a cause of harm. The exist-
ence of an additional cause of harm is not sufficient to relieve any defendant of liability,
however, unless that additional cause was unforeseeable. Since there is no indication
that the crack in the sewer was unforeseeable, C is incorrect. D is incorrect because
strict product liability does not depend on the existence of a commercial relationship
(i.e., privity) between the defendant and any other person.

59. A In practicing medicine, a physician is required to act like the reasonable member of the
medical profession. Failing to do so is negligence or malpractice.

A physician who holds himself out as a specialist in a particular field is required to act
like the reasonable specialist in that field. B is incorrect, however, because there is no
fact indicating that Davis held himself out as a specialist in treating diseases of the pan-
creas. The concept of negligence (and malpractice is nothing more than that) is based on
an objective standard. Each person's conduct is judged by comparing it to that objective
standard. In some jurisdictions, a physician, is expected to act as, and to have the skill
and learning of, the reasonable physician. In others, a physician is expected to act as the
reasonable physician from the same geographical area. C is incorrect because it would
make negligence depend on the particular intelligence and experience of each particular
defendant, rather than on an objective standard which could be applied to all. Although
a plaintiff in a malpractice action must ordinarily offer the testimony of an expert who
holds the opinion that the defendant failed to act as the reasonable member of the pro-
fession, it is the jury which decides whether the defendant's conduct was negligent. A
plaintiff is neither required nor permitted to prove that reasonable members of the pro-
fession consider defendant's conduct negligent. D is, therefore, incorrect.

60. C An inter vivos conveyance of realty is not effective without delivery. Delivery occurs
when the grantor, by some words or act, manifests an intent that the deed have a present
operative effect. While Ward indicated that she wanted to be sure that Hill had the prop-
erty after her death, she may have intended the quitclaim to transfer an interest immedi-
ately. If instead of handing the document to Hill she had locked it in a safe deposit box
to which only she had access, it would be clear that she did not intend an immediate
transfer. On the other hand, if she simply handed it to Hill, it would be clear that she did
intend an immediate transfer. Here, because she was unable to leave the hospital, she
could not personally place it in a safe deposit box. When she handed it to Hill with the
request that he put it in the box, she may have intended to "deliver" it to him, or, without
intending any present effect, she may have been asking him to lock it away for her since
she was physically unable to do so herself. From the facts given it is impossible to deter-
mine with certainty what her intention was. If the safe deposit box was held jointly by

Ward and Hill, however, it is likely that she intended an immediate transfer since putting
the quitclaim in the box would place it in Hill's immediate possession. C is correct since
it is the only fact listed which could possibly result in a judgment for Hill.

Since the formal requirements for wills are usually more demanding than those for
deeds, a deed which is intended to take effect only on the death of a grantor (i.e., a testa-
mentary substitute) is invalid. A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because a gift
causa mortis is revoked by operation of law if the donor recovers from the illness which
threatened her life at the time the gift was made. D is incorrect because adverse posses-
sion requires possession inconsistent with the rights· of the owner, and Hill's possession
of Wardacre was at Ward's request.

61. D Since the formal requirements for wills are more demanding then those for deeds, a
deed which is intended to take effect only on the death of the grantor (i.e., a testamen-
tary substitute) is invalid. Thus, if Ward intended for the quitclaim to have no effect
until after her death, it is invalid. Although the facts make it impossible to determine
with certainty what Ward's intention was, D is the only argument listed which could
possibly result in a judgment for Norton.

A is incorrect because recording statutes protect only those who purchase for value.
Since Norton received by will and without consideration, Hill's failure to record would
not give Norton a priority. Although a quitclaim does not imply any warranties or cove-
nants, it does serve to transfer whatever interest the grantor held at the time of its execu-
tion. B and C are, therefore, incorrect.

62. A Under the best evidence rule (a/kIa the original document rule), secondary evidence of a
writing is not admissible to prove the contents of the writing unless the original or a
qualified duplicate is shown to be unavailable. If the writing involved is in the hands of
a person located outside the jurisdiction of the court, it may be regarded as unavailable.
This is not so, however, if the person who has it is the party offering secondary evi-
dence. Since the original contract is in the hands of the plaintiff, it, therefore, cannot be
regarded as unavailable. Nevertheless, the copy which the plaintiff offers in A will not
be excluded under the best evidence rule, since the FRE treats all photocopies as origi-

In B the defendant is charged with forging a check. This obviously, places the contents
of the check in issue. Since the check has not been shown to be unavailable, the best
evidence rule will exclude oral testimony as to its contents. Ordinarily, an expert wit-
ness may base her opinion on things which are not in evidence. In C however, the expert
has based her opinion solely on her examination of the X-ray. In effect, this means that
all she is really doing is telling the court what the X-ray says. By doing so, she placed
the contents of the X-ray in issue. Under the best evidence rule, her testimony is thus
inadmissible unless the X-ray is produced or its absence explained. If the writing in
question is in the control of an adverse party who has failed to produce the original after
receiving notice to do so, the document may be regarded as unavailable. In D however,
there is no indication that the state tax collector was asked to produce the plaintiff's
original tax return, or refused to do so. Until the plaintiff establishes this, or otherwise
establishes that the tax return is unavailable, the best evidence rule will prevent the
admission of secondary evidence of its contents.

63. A The standard measure of damages for breach of a sales contract is the difference
between the contract price and the fair market value on the date performance was

B is incorrect because the amount of money already paid by Bale in contemplation of

the purchase may bear no relation to the difference between the contract price and the
fair market value. It is generally understood that a nonbreaching party has a duty to mit-
.igate damages by acting reasonably following the other party's breach. This means that
he may not sit idly by allowing those damages to increase when reasonable conduct
would have prevented that from happening. Since the standard measure of damages is
based on the difference between the contract price and the fair market value at the time
the contract was to be peiformed, however, Schmid's failure to make an attempt to re-
sell did nothing to increase his damages. C is therefore, incorrect. Unforeseeable cir-
cumstances which made performance of contractual duties impossible may excuse per-
formance of those duties. D is incorrect, however, because although Bale's transfer may
have made it inconvenient for her to purchase the realty, it did not make it impossible
for her to do so.

64. B Embezzlement is criminal conversion of personal property known to be another's with

intent to defraud, committed by one in lawful possession of that property. (Note: Some
jurisdictions require that there be a fiduciary relationship between victim and defendant.
Since Minx's possession of the wallet resulted from her employment relationship with
Bibb, she may be found to have possessed it as his fiduciary.) When Minx spent some of
Bibb's money on ice cream, she converted it. Since she planned to keep the money (i.e.,
use it as her own) she had the intent to defraud. At the time, she was in lawful posses-
sion of the wallet. Her use of Bibb's money for the purchase of ice cream was, therefore,
an embezzlement. Once a crime has been committed, it cannot be un-committed. Thus,
her returning the money to Bibb would not prevent her from being convicted.

C is therefore incorrect. Larceny is a trespassory taking and carrying off of personal

property known to be another's with the intent to permanently deprive. A taking is tres-
passory if it violates the rights of the owner. When Minx found Bibb's wallet in the
parking lot and carried it off, she did not commit a trespassory taking since her purpose
prevented the taking from violating the rights of Bibb. For this reason, and because she
then lacked the intent to permanently deprive Bibb, she did not commit larceny by tak-
ing the wallet home. When she formed the intent to permanently deprive Bibb and when
she acted on that intent by spending some of the money, the wallet was already in her
possession, so she did not "take" or carry it off. For this reason, she did not commit lar-
ceny. A and D are, therefore, incorrect.

65. C Private nuisance involves liability-forming conduct by defendant which unreasonably

interferes with the plaintiff's right to use and enjoy his realty. A defendant's conduct
may be liability-forming if it involves an intentional invasion of the plaintiff's rights. A
defendant "intends" a particular result if he acts with the desire or substantial certainty
that it will occur. Here, as a result of his conversation with Pahl, Resa knew with sub-
stantial certainty that his conduct was interfering with Pahl's use and enjoyment of his
realty - and, therefore, by definition intended the interference. Thus, if the interference
was an unreasonable one, Resa is liable for nuisance. Although the (un)reasonableness

of the invasion depends on many factors not given, private nuisance is the only theory
listed which could possibly result in a judgment for Pahl.

Trespass to land requires an intentional unauthorized entry onto plaintiff's realty by

something tangible. Since there was no tangible entry onto Pahl's land, A is incorrect.
Intentional infliction of emotional distress requires outrageous conduct by which defen-
dant intentionally inflicts severe mental suffering upon the plaintiff. B is incorrect
because Pahl does not seek damages for mental suffering, but for reduction in the value
of his realty. Although an invasion of privacy may be committed by intentionally and
offensively interfering with plaintiff's solitude, D is incorrect because this theory
requires some physical intrusion into plaintiff's presence.

66. B The requirement of standing exists to assure that a person making a constitutional chal-
lenge will have incentive to fully and vigorously litigate the issues. For this reason,
standing requires that a person challenging the constitutionality of a statute show some
actual or immediately threatened· concrete personal injury that will be avoided if the
court grants the relief requested. Since the tax will reduce their profits, the stockholders
of a corporation with sales in the State of Lenape in excess of one million dollars will
suffer an actual injury under the statute. Since a finding that it violates the Commerce
Clause would result in a declaration that the statute is invalid, and will therefore prevent
the tax from being collected, the injury will be avoided if the court grants the relief
requested. Th~se stockholders, therefore, have standing to challenge the statute.

A is incorrect because there is no fact indicating that the people of the neighboring state
face any injury under the statute, and additionally because a state government does not
have standing as a representative of its residents. Since the corporation in option C does
not have annual gross sales in excess of one million dollars within the state of Lenape,
the statute imposes no tax on it. Thus, the corporation's stockholders lack standing
because they face no actual or immediately threatened injury under the statute. Cis,
therefore, incorrect. Some cases have held that state taxpayers have standing to chal-
lenge certain expenditures of state funds. D is incorrect, however, because this statute
provides for acquisition rather than expenditure of state funds.

67. A A transfer of realty to co-owners is presumed to convey equal interests unless its lan-
guage specifies otherwise. Since Olson's will made Webb and Harris joint tenants as to
a one-half interest, each is presumed to have received an equal interest in the one-half
interest, or a one-quarter interest in the whole. Joint tenancy is a form of co-ownership
best known for the right of survivorship. This means that upon the death of a joint ten-
ant, her/his interest passes to the surviving joint tenant. Since a one-half interest was
held by Webb and Harris as joint tenants, the death of either spouse would cause his/her
one-quarter interest in the realty to pass to the surviving spouse. Since neither spouse
survived the other, however, the interest of each passes to her/his heirs. A conveyance to
co-owners which does not specify the form of co-ownership is presumed to create a ten-
ancy in common. Since Olson's will did not specify the form of Susan's co-ownership,
it made her a tenant-in-common with Webb and Harris. Co-owners do not have a right
to survive to the interest of a tenant-in-common. For this reason, Susan's one-half inter-
est passes to her heirs.

B is incorrect because Susan's tenancy-in-common with Webb and Harris gave her no

right to their interest. C is incorrect because Olson's will did not make the shares of the
co-owners equal, but specified that Susan held a one-half interest, and that the other
one-half interest was held by Webb and Harris. D is incorrect because Olson's will gave
Susan a one-half interest.

68. D The covenant of quiet enjoyment is a promise that the grantee shall peaceably and qui-
etly enjoy possession without interference by the grantor or anyone with a lawful claim.
This covenant is breached only when an actual eviction or other interference with pos-
session occurs. For this reason, it flows from the covenantor to the grantee and his suc-
cessors. Since Torres interfered with Best's possession under a lawful claim of right, the
warranty was breached. Since it flowed from Odden to successors of Arnold, Odden
may be liable to Best for damages resulting from the breach.

The covenant of seisin is a promise that the grantor has title to and possession of the
realty. The covenant against encumbrances is a promise that no other person has encum-
brances or liens against the realty. If the realty is not as covenanted, these covenants are
breached the moment a deed containing them is delivered to a grantee. Since the cove-
nants are breached upon delivery of the deed, however, they do not flow to successors
of the covenantor's grantee. Since Odden did not have a right to possession (i.e., he had
leased the realty to Torres) and since Torres held a lien on the realty (resulting from the
lease) these covenants were breached by Odden when he conveyed the realty to Arnold
in March. Since they do not flow to Arnold's successors, however, Best could not suc-
ceed against Odden on these theories. A and B are, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect
because a covenant of the right to convey does not include a promise that the grantor is
entitled to possession, and this covenant was not breached by Odden at any time.

69. D Negligence is the breach of a duty of reasonable care owed to the plaintiff by the defen-
dant. Ordinarily a defendant owes a plaintiff a duty of reasonable care if the defendant's
conduct creates a foreseeable risk to the plaintiff. Most jurisdictions limit this duty if the
plaintiff is a trespasser or licensee on defendant's land. Since Penny's parents had paid a
fee for her to stay at Carroll's camp, however, she was an invitee to whom a duty of rea-
sonable care was owed. Since Carroll set aside a particular area for use by children as a
playing field, she owed the children who used it (i.e., her invitees) the duty of making
reasonable inspections and taking reasonable steps to protect the children against dan-
gerous conditions. Thus, if the reasonable person would have discovered and removed
the tree root, Carroll's failure to do so was negligent (i.e., unreasonable).

Many jurisdictions have held that a landholder is not obligated to protect even invitees
against dangers which result solely from natural conditions of the land. Since the way
softball is played and the nature of children make it foreseeable that children using the
field would run into the bushes, however, Carroll's designation of the field as a playing
field for children resulted in a risk greater than that created by nature (i.e., the tree root's
existence). Her creation of this risk imposed upon her a duty to act reasonably to protect
the children against it. A is, therefore, incorrect. A plaintiff assumes the risk when she
voluntarily encounters a danger of which she actually (i.e. subjectively) knows. Since
the pile of leaves covering the tree root prevented Penny from knowing about it, she did
not assume the risk by encountering it. B is, therefore, incorrect. Some writers have said
that an invitee is owed "the highest duty of care." This is a much-misunderstood state-
ment, however. All it really means is that the duty owed to invitees is generally higher

than that owed to trespassers or licensees. Basically, it is a duty of reasonable care, not
an absolute duty to keep invitees safe. It simply makes landholders liable if they fail to
act reasonably. C is, therefore, incorrect.

70. B Battery is intentional, harmful or offensive contact with the plaintiff. In a battery case,
intent means that the defendant desired or knew with substantial certainty that harmful
or offensive contact with the plaintiff would occur as the result of her act. There is no
fact indicating that Carroll knew Penny would trip on the tree root. So, if she did not
know that it would happen, she could not have intended it, and could not be liable for

The doctrine of transferred intent may transfer a tortious intent to an unintended conse-
quence. Since the facts do not indicate that Carrol desired or knew that harm would
come to anyone, she did not have a tortious intent on which the doctrine could operate.
A is, therefore, incorrect. Intent is a subjective matter - one who actually knows that a
particular result will occur intends that result; one who does not actually know that it
will occur does not intend it. This is so regardless of what anyone else in that person's
position would have known or of what that person "should" have known. Thus, even if
Carroll should have known that a child would trip, she did not intend it to happen unless
she actually knew that it would happen. C is, therefore, incorrect. Similarly, even if the
danger which led to Penny's injury could be called a "trap," Carroll could not be liable
for battery unless she desired or knew that the trap would injure someone in Penny's sit-
uation. D is, therefore, incorrect.

71. D Ordinarily a promise is not enforceable unless it is supported by consideration. Consid-

eration is a bargained-for exchange of something of value for the promise. Because par-
ties should be free to strike whatever bargains appeal to them, courts do not usually
inquire into the relative values of the promise and the thing given in return for it. For
this reason, the payment of one dollar could be consideration for a promise to hold open
an offer to sell realty for $80,000. This is only true, however, if the payment of one dol-
lar was bargained-for and given in exchange for that promise. Since Sackett did not ask
for or receive anything in exchange for her promise, it was unsupported by consider-
ation, and, therefore, unenforceable. In a few jurisdictions, a recital like Sackett's might
be held to create a promise to pay one dollar, and that promise might be held to be con-
sideration for Sackett's agreement to keep the offer open. D is correct, however, because
it contains the only reason listed which could possibly support the conclusion which
accompanies it.

The parol evidence rule prevents the use of extrinsic evidence of prior negotiations or
agreements to modify the terms of an unambiguous written contract which the parties
intended as a complete record of their agreement. Since the written statement that she
had received one dollar was not a term of agreement but merely a recital of fact, the
parol evidence rule does not prevent the use of extrinsic evidence to contradict it. A is,
therefore, incorrect. When a promisee justifiably relies to his detriment on a promise,
his detrimental reliance may make the promise enforceable without consideration. B is
incorrect, however, because there are no facts indicating that Boland changed his posi-
tion as a result of Sackett's promise (i.e., relied on the promise), that the reasonable per-
son would have relied on it (i.e., that reliance was justified), or that Boland was
damaged (i.e., suffered detriment) as a result of such reliance. C is incorrect for two rea-

sons: first, courts do not ordinarily consider whether consideration was equal in value to
a promise which it purports to support; and, second, the dollar was not recited to be con-
sideration for the realty itself, but for an option to buy it.

72. C A contract is fonned upon the acceptance of an offer. Ordinarily, an offer can only be
accepted by the person to whom it was made (i.e., the offeree). If an offer is made to the
general public, as was Carlson's, it can be accepted by any member of the general pub-
lic. Since acceptance of an offer involves assent to its tenns, however, acceptance can
occur only if the offeree is aware ofthe offer's terins. Since Sam.sefwas unaware of
Carlson's offer at the time that he telephoned Carlson, his communication with Carlson
could not have been an acceptance of Carlson's offer. Since Samsel did not accept Carl-
son's offer, Carlson was never bound by its tenns.

A and B are incorrect because a general offer can only be accepted by one who is aware
of it. Although an offeror is free to restrict his offer to certain classes of people, Carlson
did not. D is incorrect because the offer did not exclude sellers of automobiles.

73. B It has been said that the offeror is monarch of the offer. This means, of course, that the
person who institutes the contractual process by making an offer is in complete control
of that offer's tenns and, upon acceptance, is not bound to any tenns other than those.
Since Carlson's offer was to pay $100 for information "leading to purchase of 1927
Ford," he is not required to pay unless the infonnation furnished actually leads to the
purchase of a 1927 Ford. Since Wright's letter did not, it does not qualify Wright to
receive the reward.

A is incorrect because an offer to the general public which is made by advertisement

ordinarily is not revoked until a withdrawal is given approximately equal publicity. C
and D are incorrect because Carlson only offered to pay for information leading to pur-
chase, and Wright's did not.

74. A Under PRE 803(2), a statement is admissible as an excited utterance if it was made
about a startling event while the declarant was under the stress of excitement caused by
that event. Since being pushed down and injured is a startling event, and since Paula's
bleeding and crying indicate that she was under the stress of excitement which it pro-
duced, her statement qualifies as an excited utterance.

The fact that a declarant is presently unavailable is never, alone, sufficient to permit the
admission of her out-of-court statements. B isincorrect for this reason, and because the
excited utterance exception does not require that the declarant be unavailable. C is
incorrect because although Paula's statement is hearsay, it is admissible under the
excited utterance exception to the hearsay rule. The court found that Paula was incom-
petent to testify because she could not appreciate her duty to testify truthfully. The rea-
son that hearsay is customarily excluded is that the fact that the hearsay declarant was
under no duty to speak truthfully when making the out-of-court statement makes that
statement inherently untrustworthy. The excited utterance exception to the hearsay rule,
however, is based on the inherent trustworthiness of certain statements made even while
the declarant was under no legal duty to tell the truth. For this reason, Paula's inability
to appreciate her duty to tell the truth does not prevent her excited utterance from being
inherently trustworthy. D is, therefore, incorrect.

75. A Leading questions are those which would give the ordinary person the impression that
the questioner desires one answer rather than another, and are ordinarily improper if
asked on direct examination. FRE 611 recognizes an exception to this rule, permitting
leading questions to be asked in direct examination of a witness associated with an
adverse party. Since Wren is employed by Pursel's adversary, Diamond, the objection
should be overruled.

Leading questions may also beag-ked of hostile witnesses. B is incorrect, however,

because a hostile witness is one who has. manifested hostility or prejudice under exami-
nation, and there is no indication that Wren did so. While leading questions are permit-
ted on cross-examination, C is incorrect because the question was asked on direct
examination. (Note: The facts indicate that Wren was called by Pursel's attorney to tes-
tify on the presentation of Pursel's direct case.) Since the question made it clear that the
examiner wanted an affirmative answer, it was a leading question. Thus, D is incorrect.

76. D One who engages in an abnormally dangerous activity is strictly liable for harm which
proximately results from the dangerous nature ofthat activity. Most jurisdictions hold
that transporting large quantities of any explosive substance is such an activity.

If a statute is designed to protect a class of persons to which plaintiff belongs against

risks like the one which resulted in harm, its violation may raise an inference or a pre-
sumption of negligence, and may even be termed negligence per se. Since the statute
prohibited parking without regard to a vehicle's contents, it was obviously not designed
to protect against risks resulting from the explosion of a large quantity of gasoline. A
and B are, therefore, incorrect. Since the "No Parking" sign was also not designed to
protect against this risk, its violation is not relevant to determining whether Gilroy was
negligent. For this reason, C is also incorrect.

77. A Since Myatt's claim is based on negligence, Gilroy cannot be liable unless Myatt's inju-
ries resulted from Gilroy's negligence. A is, therefore, an argument which could result
in a judgment for Gilroy.

A plaintiff assumes the risk when she voluntarily encounters a danger of which she is
aware. Although the words printed on Gilroy's truck might have made Myatt aware of
the danger of explosion, there is no fact indicating that her encounter with that risk (Le.,
collision with the truck) was voluntary. B is, therefore, incorrect. If it was negligent for
Gilroy to park her truck as she did, the fact that she did not happen to be on the scene
when her negligence resulted in harm would not shield her from liability. C is, there-
fore, incorrect. A superseding cause of harm is an unforeseeable event which intervenes
between a defendant's negligence and a plaintiff's harm, and without which the harm
would not have occurred. Because the negligence of motorists is a common occurrence,
automobile collisions on city streets are usually regarded as foreseeable events. Dis,
therefore, incorrect. (In addition, a plaintiff's conduct is not ordinarily referred to as an
intervening or a superseding cause of her own harm.)

78. B The state statute could result in depriving Mary's parents of the liberty to decide what
treatment their daughter should receive. The Due Process Clauses of the Fifth and Four-
teenth Amendments require that a law which regulates a liberty interest must be clear

enough to be understandable by the person of ordinary intelligence. Otherwise, the law

may be void for vagueness. The statutory use of the phrase "life-threatening" could vio-
late this requirement, since the meaning of that phrase may depend on the opinion of the
person using it. The statutory reference to "hospital officials" may also be vague since it
is impossible to tell which officials the statute designates. Although the court might find
that the statute is not vague, the argument set forth in B is the only one listed which
could possibly result in the conclusion that it is unconstitutional.

The Equal Protection Clause prohibits invidious discrimination by the states. A is incor-
.rect because there is no indication that the statute discriminates against any particular
group. The Free Exercise Clause prohibits the government from interfering with the
exercise of religious beliefs. C is incorrect because Mary's parents have not claimed
that their refusal to consent to the blood transfusion was related to any religious belief
which they held. (Note: Beware of reading into a question facts which the examiners
did not write into it.) Determining whether a statute does or does not interfere with a
fundamental right is relevant in selecting the standard which it must meet in order to be
valid. D is incorrect, however, because the fact that a statute interferes with a fundamen-
tal right is never, alone, sufficient to justify the conclusion that it is unconstitutional.

79. B A proceeding is moot when there are no contested material issues for the court to
decide. Since Mary has died, the state court can no longer appoint the hospital adminis-
trator her guardian. Since the purpose of the federal proceeding was to stop the state
proceeding, and since the state proceeding must terminate in any event, there is no
longer any contested issue before the federal court. The issues have thus become moot.
An exception to the mootness rule exists when a controversy is capable of repetition and
evading judicial review. Under this exception, the federal court might decide to hear the
case even though Mary's death has made it moot. Mootness, however, is the only argu-
ment listed which could possibly result in dismissal of the proceeding brought by
Mary's parents.

A non-justiciable political controversy is a case in which a federal court is asked to

interfere with the operation of a co-equal branch of the federal government. A is incor-
rect because the challenge raised by Mary's parents is to a state law, not to an action of
the federal government. The Eleventh Amendment prohibits federal courts from hearing
certain claims against state governments. C is incorrect, however, because the Eleventh
Amendment does not prevent the federal courts from hearing claims that state action
violates the United States Constitution. Where a pending state court proceeding might
result in an interpretation of or a conclusion about a state statute which would resolve a
federal challenge to it, federal courts are usually unwilling to enjoin enforcement of that
statute. The reason given is sometimes said to be "equitable restraint." It is not related,
however, to the question of ripeness. So long as there is someone who can actually ben-
efit from a resolution of the issues, and so long as the issues are fully developed and
clearly defined, those issues are ripe. Thus, although the issues in this case may no
longer be "ripe," this is not because the highest state court has not decided, but because
there is no longer any person who will actually benefit from a resolution of the issues. D
is, therefore, incorrect.

80. B Statements by a now-unavailable declarant concerning - among other things - the

declarant's marriage, or relationship by blood or marriage, are admissible under the

FRE hearsay exception for statements of personal history, and under the common law
exception for statements of pedigree. Since Marilyn was deceased at the time of trial,
she was unavailable. Since the notations contained in the Bible were statements by
Marilyn about her marriage to Isidore's brother, about her relationship by marriage to
Isidore, and about her relationship by blood to Nancy, it qualifies for admission under
both PRE 803(13) and the common law.

The PRE permit the admission, as an "ancient document", of a properly authenticated

writing which is at least 20 years old. Common law usually requires 30 years. A is
incorrect under both systems, however, because there is no fact indicating the age of
Marilyn's notation in the Bible. In some jurisdictions, a law known as the "dead man's
statute" prevents the admission of certain evidence regarding certain transactions with a
person who is now deceased. Although the "dead man's statute" may prevent the admis-
sion of evidence, it never justifies the admission of evidence. C is, therefore, incorrect.
Under PRE 803(9), "records of vital statistics" including birth, death, and marriage,
may be admissible if such records were kept by a public office pursuant to the require-
ments of law. D is incorrect because the notation which Nancy offered into evidence
was not reported to or kept by a public office pursuant to the requirements of law.

81. D Criminal conspiracy consists of an agreement between two or more persons to commit a
crime. When Downing and Jensen agreed to rob a bank, the crime of conspiracy was
·complete - whether or not they ever actually went through with the plan.

In most jurisdictions, once a defendant has become guilty of a conspiracy (by agreeing
to commit a crime) he cannot avoid criminal responsibility for the crime of conspiracy
by withdrawing from or renouncing their plan. In a few jurisdictions, a defense to the
crime of conspiracy is available to a defendant who agreed to commit a crime but subse-
quently prevented its commission under circumstances which manifest a complete and
voluntary renunciation of criminal purpose. Even in these jurisdictions, however, this
defense would not be available to Downing since he did not prevent commission of the
crime. A, B and C are therefore incorrect.

82. C A defendant is liable for harm which proximately results from his breach of a duty of
reasonable care. Since a hotel keeper obviously owes a duty of reasonable care to hotel
guests, Hicks' failure to use adequate care in hiring Lectric would be a breach of that
duty, making Hicks liable for injuries resulting from Lectric's error.

Although one who employs an independent contractor is not vicariously liable for torts
committed by the contractor, the employer may be liable for his own negligence in fail-
ing to use adequate care in selecting the contractor. A is, therefore, incorrect. If reason-
able inspection by Hicks would have failed to disclose Lectric's error, then Hicks'
failure to discover Lectric's error would not be negligence. This alone would not be
enough to result in a judgment for Hicks, however, because Hicks may have committed
some other act of negligence (e.g., failing to use adequate care in selecting Lectric) for
which liability can be imposed. B is, therefore, incorrect. Strict liability may be imposed
upon one who engages in (or employs another to engage in) an ultra-hazardous activity.
Strict liability does not apply, however, to an ordinary activity which has become ultra-
hazardous because of a negligent error made by the person engaging in it. D is, there-
fore, incorrect.

83. B A quitclaim conveys the interest held by the grantor at the time of its execution. Wiley
could not own the entire Smith and Baker tract if Oddo had already conveyed part of it
to Silver. Although certain methods of describing realty are popular or traditional, any
description is adequate if it identifies the land conveyed with reasonable clarity. Thus, if
the description contained in Oddo's deed to Silver was reasonably sufficient to identify
the property conveyed, it effectively conveyed that property.

A conveyance by deed usually implies a warranty of title which, if breached, may give
the grantee a right of action against the grantor. A quitclaim does not. But although one
who receives a quitclaim has no right of action for breach of warranty against the
grantor, the quitclaim may effectively convey whatever interest the grantor did possess.
Thus, if Oddo's deed to Silver did not effectively convey part of the Smith and Baker
tract, his conveyance to Wiley by quitclaim could have been sufficient to make her the
owner of the entire Smith and Baker tract. A is, therefore, incorrect. C and D are incor-
rect because a description is sufficient if it identifies the realty conveyed with reason-
able clarity.

84. B The United States Supreme Court has held that a public person suing for defamation
must prove "actual malice," and that a private person suing a media defendant for defa-
mation must prove either "actual malice" or negligence.· A defendant had "actual mal-
ice" if, at the time he made a defamatory statement, he knew the statement to be false or
entertained serious doubts about its truth. A defendant was negligent if at the time he
made a defamatory statement, he did not know that the statement was false, but would
have known had he been acting reasonably. If officials of The Daily believed the state-
ment was true, they lacked "actual malice." If their belief was reasonable, they were not
acting negligently. Thus, if they had a reasonable belief in the truth of the statement,
The Daily would not be liable for defamation.

Although some states recognize a privilege to publish false statements which are con-
tained in public records, there is no privilege to misstate the contents of a public record.
A is, therefore, incorrect. A defendant who defamed a public figure may be liable if he
had "actual malice" as defined above. Thus, the fact that Patton was a public figure
would not be sufficient alone to protect The Daily against liability for defaming him. C
is, therefore, incorrect. A plaintiff asserting a claim for written defamation (i.e., libel) is
not required to prove damage in order to make out a case if the written statement was
defamatory on its face. Thus, Patton's failure to prove damage is not sufficient to pre-
vent recovery. For this reason, D is incorrect.

85. C The Fourth Amendment guarantee against unreasonable search and seizure is ordinarily
violated when a search is conducted without a warrant. In order to enforce this guaran-
tee, the United States Supreme Court has ruled that the fruits of an unlawful search
should be excluded from evidence. A search occurs when there has been an invasion of
an area as to which a defendant had a reasonable expectation of privacy. Since David
was the only person who had a key to the footlocker, it was reasonable for him to expect
that its contents would remain private. For this reason,· the officers' first look into the
footlocker was a search. Since the warrant was issued because of what the officers
found, its issuance was one of the fruits of that first unlawful search. For this reason,
David's motion to suppress the cocaine must be granted.

(Note: There are some special exceptions to the rule that a warrantless search is unlaw-
ful. The facts in this case do not satisfy the requirements of any of these exceptions, but
the nature of the question only makes it necessary to eliminate those listed in the
options.) Consent by a third party to search the property of the defendant makes a war-
rantless search lawful, but only if the person who consented had rights in the property
which were equal to those of the defendant. Since David was the only person who had a
key to the footlocker, Moran did not have rights to its contents which were equal to
David's. Thus, her consent did not eliminate the need for a warrant to search it. A is,
therefore, incorrect. Even the consent of a person who does not have an equal right to
the premises might justify a warrantless search if the police officers reasonably believed
that she had such a right (i.e., the person who consented had the "apparent authority" to
do so). B is incorrect, however, because even if Moran had apparent authority to consent
to a search of the room, the fact that David had the only key to the footlocker should
have made it obvious to the officers that Moran's authority did not extend to its con-
tents. Probable cause justifies an arrest without a warrant, but does not justify a search
without a warrant. Thus, probable cause could not justify the first search. Although a
search warrant may be issued upon a showing of probable cause, it is invalid if that
probable cause was itself the fruit of an unlawful search. Thus, probable cause does not
justify the issuance of the warrant, or the second search which was conducted pursuant
to it. D is, therefore, incorrect.

86. A Although a breach of contract may entitle the wronged party to suspend his own perfor-
mance, it does not always give him the right to terminate the contract entirely. Fairness
and the courts ordinarily require that the breaching party be allowed a reasonable period
of time in which to cure the breach. If it is cured within that period, the breaching party
may enforce the contract against the non-breaching party although she may be liable for
damages resulting from her breach. In determining whether the breach was cured in a
reasonable time, the courts consider the nature of the contract itself and the circum-
stances surrounding its formation. If the circumstances contemplated by the parties
made it essential that the conveyance occur on or before June 15, the court is likely to
determine that a conveyance on June 16 did not cure the breach.

Sometimes the phrase "time is of the essence" is inserted in a contract to make it clear
that the circumstances contemplated by the parties did make it essential that perfor-
mance occur by a certain date. Since those circumstances may be found to exist even
without the insertion of specific language, however, its insertion is not the only thing
which would result in a judgment for Biddle. B is, therefore, incorrect. Even if Sadick's
breach resulted in damage to Biddle, a court could fmd that the breach was cured within
a reasonable time, and that, therefore, Biddle's only remedy is damages. C is, therefore,
incorrect. D is incorrect because contract liability does not depend on fault and may be
imposed in spite of reasonable efforts to comply with the contract.

87. D One who engages in an ultra-hazardous or abnormally dangerous activity is strictly lia-
ble for damage which proximately results therefrom. Since most jurisdictions agree that
storing poisonous gases is an ultra-hazardous or abnormally dangerous activity, proof
that Z-14 is an extremely deadly gas would be sufficient to result in the imposition of
strict liability on Gascorp.

One who places a defective product - whether defective in design or in manufacture -

in the stream of commerce may be held strictly liable for damage resulting from the
product defect. A is incorrect, however, because Gascorp did not place the tank in the
stream of commerce. B and C are incorrect because Gascorp did not place the gas which
injured Palmer in the stream of commerce.

88. A Strict product liability is applied to make a professional seller of a defective product lia-
blewithout fault for damage resulting from the product's defect. Sinc_e Drugstore is a
professional retail seller of drugs, and since Drugstore admits that all RST tablets were
defective, and since the evidence indicates that Stewart's sterility was a result of that
defect, the only remaining question is whether the RST tablets which caused Stewart's
harm were purchased from Drugstore. If so, Drugstore will probably be liable to Stew-
art. If not, Drugstore will not be liable to Stewart. Although some jurisdictions refuse to
hold a druggist strictly liable for the sale of defective drugs, A is the only issue which
could possibly affect the outcome of Stewart's claim.

At least one jurisdiction has held that when manufacturers of a defective product are
involved in a concert-of-action in the marketing of that product, anyone of them may be
held liable for damages resulting from a defect in the product regardless of whether the
particular unit which injured plaintiff came from that manufacturer's factory. Since
Drugstore was not a manufacturer of RST, however, it would not have been part of the
concert-of-action described in B. B is, therefore, incorrect. At least one case has
imposed liability on an industry-wide basis where (1) there were only a few manufactur-
ers of a particular product, (2) all were named as defendants, (3) all complied with the
product standards which were created by an industry-wide organization, (4) all
belonged to the industry-wide organization, and (5) those standards resulted in the prod-
uct's being defective. C is incorrect because Drugstore was not a manufacturer of RST
(and because there are no facts indicating that requirements 2-5 of industry-wide liabil-
ityare satisfied). At least one jurisdiction has held that where a large number of compa-
nies manufactured and marketed identical products with identical defects, and where
plaintiff's injury resulted from the defect in one of those products under circumstances
which make identification of its manufacturer impossible, a manufacturer or group of
manufacturers which sold to a substantial share of the market might be held liable for
the plaintiff's injuries regardless of whether the particular unit which injured plaintiff
came from the manufacturer's factory. D is incorrect, however, because Drugstore was
not a manufacturer of RST.

89. A Lay witnesses are generally permitted to testify only to facts. When it would be helpful
to a clear understanding of the witness's testimony, however, the opinion of a lay wit-
ness may be admissible if it is rationally based on the perceptions of the witness. The
decision as to whether this is so and as to whether the lay opinion is admissible is made
in the court's discretion. Therefore, if the judge decides that Westbrook's opinion is
rationally based on her perceptions, it is admissible. Conversely, unless the judge so
decides, Westbrook's opinion should be excluded.

So long as they do not go beyond matters in common knowledge, lay opinions about the
physical and mental condition of another are usually admissible. For this reason, an
opinion that another person was intoxicated is admissible (so long as it is rationally
based on the witness' perceptions) even if the witness is not an expert on intoxication. B

and C are, therefore, incorrect. The admissibility of opinion evidence is a question of

law for the judge. This means that the judge cannot admit Westbrook's opinion testi-
mony unless she finds it to be rationally based on Westbrook's perceptions, and cannot
delegate that responsibility to the jury. D is, therefore, incorrect.

90. C The Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits a state from denying per-
sons within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law. A system of classification
contained in social or economic legislation is usually presumed to comply with this
requirement so long as it has some rational basis. When the classification is a "suspect"
one, the presumption of constitutionality is inverted, and the statute is unconstitutional
unless it is necessary to serve a compelling state interest. Since alienage is a "suspect
classification," a statute which discriminates against aliens is ordinarily required to
meet the compelling-state-interest test. Under the "political function" exception, how-
ever, a statute which prevents aliens from holding a particular state job may be constitu-
tionally valid if the job is one which should be performed only by people familiar with
and sympathetic to American traditions. The Supreme Court has held that the only jobs
falling into this category are those which invest the public employee with the power to
make policy, or with broad discretion in executing public policy.

A is incorrect because not all "traditional" government activities fall into this category.
Since alienage is a suspect classification, B is incorrect because a rational basis is not
sufficient to justify a classification based on alienage. Statutes which interfere with fun-
damental interests -like those based on "suspect classifications" - are also subject to
the compelling-state-interest standard. D is incorrect, however, because a classification
based on alienage is "suspect," making the compelling-state-interest standard applicable
even if the right with which the statute interferes is not a fundamental one.

91. D Negligence may consist of either an unreasonable act or an unreasonable omission (i.e.,
failure to act) in the face of duty of reasonable care. In order for an omission to be neg-
ligent, however, there must have been some duty to act. Generally, a defendant has a
duty to act only when the defendant's conduct creates a need for action. This may hap-
pen when the defendant's conduct actually creates a risk which did not previously exist,
or it may happen when the defendant's conduct causes a plaintiff to fail to protect him-
self against an already-existing risk because he has justifiably relied on the belief that
the defendant would protect him. Thus, if the past conduct of Wave Crest employees led
Palko to reasonably believe that the sidewalk would be free of pigeon droppings, Wave
Crest had a duty to act reasonably to protect Palko against the risks resulting from that

This would be so whether or not the initial danger (i.e., slippery sidewalk) was created
by Wave Crest's conduct or was located on Wave Crest's property. A and B are, there-
fore, incorrect. Defendants owe their invitees a duty of reasonable care to keep the pre-
mises reasonably safe. If they are negligent (i.e., fail to act reasonably in the face of that
duty), they may be liable for injuries sustained by their invitees - even while entering
or leaving the premises. This is so only if the harm results from their negligence, how-
ever. Since C would make Wave Crest liable without regard to negligence, it is overin-
clusive, and, therefore, incorrect.

92. D To assure that a person asserting a constitutional claim wi11litigate all issues fully and

vigorously, the concept of standing requires that she have a personal stake or direct
interest in the outcome. Most of the time this means that a person challenging the con-
stitutionality of a government action must be in danger of suffering some concrete
injury which would be prevented or remedied if the court grants the requested relief.
Since the stockbroker actually commutes on city buses, and since the action of the city
council will increase her expense in doing so, she will sustain a concrete loss as a result.
Since a decision that the increase is unconstitutional will prevent her from suffering that
loss, she has standing to challenge the increase.

Members of the Drivers' Union claim that the fare increase is necessary to protect their
jobs. A declaration that it is unconstitutional would, therefore, not prevent them from
suffering harm, but would cause the very harm which they fear. The Union thus lacks
standing to challenge the constitutionality of the increase. A is, therefore, incorrect. It
has been held that a mere intellectual interest in the outcome of the proceeding is not
sufficient to assure the complete and vigorous litigation of all issues. For this reason,
unless the Bus Riders Association alleges that its members actually ride city buses, it
lacks the personal stake necessary to confer standing. B is, therefore, incorrect. A per-
son who fears that the increase will affect him in the future lacks a personal stake in the
outcome unless he shows that the feared effect is likely to occur (i.e., that he will need
to ride city buses in the future). C is, therefore, incorrect.

93. A Economic regulation by the state is constitutionally valid if it has a rational basis. Regu-
lation is held to the "compelling state interest" standard only if it discriminates against a
suspect class or interferes with a fundamental right. The fare increase is an economic
regulation, and, therefore, subject to the rational basis standard.

Obviously, any legal requirement of payment may have the effect of discriminating in
favor of the wealthy and against the poor. The United States Supreme Court has rejected
arguments that classifications based on wealth are "suspect," however. For this reason,
A is correct, and B is incorrect. C is incorrect because even interference with a funda-
mental right may be constitutional if it is necessary to serve a compelling state interest.
All laws discriminate against somebody. (e.g., Penal codes discriminate against crimi-
nals; vehicle and traffic codes discriminate against people who don't have driving
licenses; etc.) Thus, unless a law has no rational basis (in the case of certain kinds of
regulation) or is not necessary to serve a compelling interest of the state (in the case of
certain other kinds of regulation) the fact that it discriminates against a discrete class of
persons is not enough to make it unconstitutional. D is, therefore, incorrect.

94. B Negligence is a breach of the duty of reasonable care. This duty is breached by a defen-
dant's failure to act like the reasonable person. Thus, unless the reasonable person
would have repaired the fence, Down's failure to do so was not negligent.

In most jurisdictions, a person who keeps a wild animal is strictly liable for damage
which it causes. The jurisdictions which do not apply this rule generally hold that keep-
ing a wild animal is prima facie negligent. Neither rule is applied, however, unless the
injury sustained by plaintiff resulted from the wild and dangerous nature of the animal
involved. Since even a domestic animal might knock over a fence which has become
badly deteriorated, Pierce's injury did not result from the wild and dangerous nature of
Down's cougar. For this reason, A is incorrect. A plaintiff assumes a risk when, know-

ing that it exists, she voluntarily encounters it. C is incorrect because there is no fact
indicating that Pierce knew that the fence was deteriorated enough to create a risk that
the cougar would injure her. In deciding whether a defendant's conduct was negligent, it
is compared to that of the reasonable person. What matters is not what the defendant
actually knew about the risks, but what the reasonable person in the defendant's position
would have known about those risks. D is incorrect because Down's failure to know that
the fence was in need of repair might itself have been negligent.

95. B Ordinarily, a promise is unenforceable unless it is supported by consideration. Consider-

ation is a bargained-for exchange of something of value given in return for and to
induce a promise. It usually consists of some benefit conferred upon the promisor, or of
some detriment incurred by the promisee. Consistent with this definition is the rule that
a promisee's undertaking to do something which she is already legally obligated to do
(i.e., performance of a preexisting duty) is not consideration for a new promise by the
promisor because it does not confer on the promisor any benefit which he was not
already entitled to receive, and does not impose on the promisee any detriment which
she had not already incurred. Since all that Trout gave Grauer in return for his promise
to pay for the tractor rental was her promise that she would finish plowing by Aprill,
and since she was alreadyJegally obligated to do so, Grauer may successfully argue that
his promise was unsupported by consideration. (Note: Although DCC §2-209(l) per-
mits the modification of a sales contract between merchants to be enforced without con-
sideration, it is inapplicable here because this was not a contract for sale.)

Although the Statute of Frauds makes an oral contract for the purchase of goods with a
price of $500 or more unenforceable over objection, A is incorrect because the agree-
ment between Grauer and Trout was not for the sale of goods. Duress is some compul-
sion or restraint which deprives a contracting party of the ability to exercise free will
and usually involves some physical force or threat. A few cases have recognized the
possibility of economic duress, but this defense is rarely applied, and, when it is,
involves much more desperate economic threats than any indicated by the facts in this
case. C is incorrect for this reason, and because a party to a contract is expected to show
reasonable firmness in asserting his contract rights. Since Grauer failed to object to the
additional charge, it is unlikely that a court would conclude that he did so under duress.
When a promise would ordinarily be unenforceable because it is unsupported by consid-
eration, or because it fails to satisfy the Statute of Frauds, justified detrimental reliance
by the promisee may result in enforcement on a theory of promissory estoppeL D is
incorrect, however, because Grauer's reliance on Trout's promise is not relevant to
Trout's attempt to enforce Grauer's promise.

96. B Ordinarily, a promise is not enforceable unless there was consideration for it (i.e., some-
thing given in exchange for and to induce the promise). Since Trout had already rescued
the bull without expectation of payment, the rescue was not given in exchange for or to
induce Grauer's promise, and is, therefore, not consideration for it. Some cases have
held, however, that a promise to do that which the promisor is morally obligated to do
should be enforceable even without consideration. Although this is an infrequently
applied exception to the requirement of consideration, the argument set forth in B is the
only one listed which could possibly provide Trout with effective support for her claim.

Since Trout had already rescued the bull without expecting compensation, the rescue

was not given in exchange for or to induce Grauer's promise. A is, therefore, incorrect.
In determining whether to rescind a contract because of mutual mistake, fraud, duress,
or undue influence, the court may attempt to decide whether its failure to rescind would
unjustly enrich one of the parties. Ordinarily, however, the fact that a party will be
unjustly enriched by something is not, alone, sufficient to result in the imposition of
contractual duty on the party. C is incorrect for this reason, and because the fact that
Trout rescued the bull without expectation of payment probably prevents Grauer's
enrichment from being unjust. Sometimes a promise which is unsupported by consider-
ation will be enforced under the doctrine of promissory estoppel if the promisee justifi-
ably relied upon it to her detriment. D is incorrect, however, because there is no fact
indicating that when Trout completed the plowing of Grauer's field she did so in reli-
ance on his promise to compensate her for rescuing the bull, or, if so, that she has suf-
fered some detriment as a result of that reliance.

97. C A person is liable for damages which were proximately caused by her negligence. It was
probably negligent for Daisy to permit Irvin to drive her car when she knew he was
drunk. Unless her negligence was a proximate cause of Pachek's harm, however, Daisy
is not liable for it. If the accident did not resultfrom Irvin's intoxication, Daisy's negli-
gence in allowing him to drive while intoxicated was not a factual (and therefore not a
proximate) cause of the harm. Thus, Daisy is not liable for Pachek's injuries unless they
resulted from Irvin's intoxication.

At one time, some jurisdictions applied a common-law rule which held the owner of a
vehicle vicariously liable for the negligence of any person driving with the owner's per-
mission and in the owner's presence. All jurisdictions have abolished that common-law
rule. Some have replaced it with an "owner-consent" statute which makes the owner of
an automobile vicariously liable for the negligence of anyone driving it with consent. A
is incorrect for two reasons, however: first, liability under "owner-consent" statutes
does not depend on the owner's presence in the vehicle~ and, second, there is no indica-
tion that Irvin was driving negligently at the time the accident occurred. Although
Daisy's conscious disregard of Irvin's intoxication was probably negligent, B is incor-
rect because there is no indication that it was causally related to the accident. D is incor-
rect because Daisy's negligence would have been a proximate cause of the accident if
the accident resulted from Irvin's intoxication. Daisy, therefore, could be liable to
Pachek even though she was not driving at the time.

98. B Voluntary manslaughter is the unlawful killing of a human being with the intent to kill
or inflict great bodily harm, but under circumstances of extreme emotional distress. A
person is guilty of attempting voluntary manslaughter when he comes substantially
close to unlawfully causing the death of another person with the intent to kill or inflict
great bodily harm, but under circumstances of extreme emotional distress. The majority
of jurisdictions apply an objective standard in deciding whether the defendant's emo-
tional distress was sufficient to reduce an aborted homicide from attempted murder to
attempted voluntary manslaughter. Thus, the defendant's emotional distress is usually
sufficient to reduce the charge only if the reasonable person in his situation would have
experienced similar distress to a similar extent. Under the Model Penal Code, however,
it is proper to consider the circumstances which the defendant believed to exist, even if
his belief was not reasonable. Thus, the disposition of Elridge's request for a charge on
attempted voluntary manslaughter depends on whether the court accepts the traditional

view or that of the MPC. Since Boddy's conviction was reversed because of the court's
failure to charge what is essentially the MPC view, the decision in Boddy is applicable
as a precedent in Elridge's case.

Allison, on the other hand, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter. Since involun-
tary manslaughter is an unintended killing which results from recklessness, and since
Elridge clearly intended his wife's death, the holding in Allison is inapplicable, and A is
incorrect. C is incorrect for a similar reason. Like voluntary. manslaughter, attempted
murder cannot be committed without intent to kill. This explains why the court's charge
in Cain was found to be valid. Since Elridge did intend to kill his wife, however, and
since the holding in Cain depended on a finding that there was no intent to kill, the Cain
case is inapplicable. In Derby the court held, in effect, that without the intent to kill
there could be no conviction for voluntary manslaughter. Since Elridge did have the
intent to kill, Derby is similarly inapplicable, and D is incorrect.

99. D Since there is no evidence that Fordham intended to cause death or great bodily harm,
the issue in the Fordham case is whether a person who lacks such intent can be con-
victed of voluntary manslaughter. Although voluntary manslaughter requires such
intent, murder does not. In Derby, the defendant was convicted of murder after bringing
about the death of another person without the intent to kill or inflict injury. The affir-
mance of her murder conviction established that the trial court was correct in refusing to
charge on voluntary manslaughter where the defendant lacked the intent to kill. Since
this has a direct bearing on whether Fordham (who also lacked the intent to kill) can be
convicted of voluntary manslaughter, Derby is applicable to the Fordham case.

The effect of Allison is to hold that one who acts unreasonably may be guilty of involun-
tary manslaughter. Since it does not say anything about what it would take to justify a
conviction for voluntary manslaughter, it is inapplicable to Fordham's case. A is, there-
fore, incorrect. Since Boddy had the intent to kill and Fordham did not, the decision in
Boddy that the court should have charged on voluntary manslaughter is inapplicable to
Fordham's case. B is, therefore, incorrect. Like voluntary manslaughter, attempted mur-
der requires the specific intent to cause death or great bodily harm. For this reason, C
appears at first glance to raise an issue similar to that raised in the Fordham case. Since
the crimes charged in the two cases were different, however, Cain is not really applica-
ble as a precedent in Fordham's case. (i.e., A holding that the defendant cannot be guilty
of attempted murder without specific intent does not logically relate to the question of
whether a defendant can be guilty of voluntary manslaughter without specific intent.) C
is, therefore, incorrect.

100. None It doesn't happen often, but the Bar Examiners sometimes goof and include a question
which has no correct answer. This is an example of such a question. The common law
definition of murder is the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought.
Since malice aforethought is satisfied not only by the intent to kill, but also the intent to
resist a lawful arrest, the intent to commit any felony, and wanton disregard for human
life, the lack of intent to kill is not a defense. A is, therefore, incorrect. Since B estab-
lishes that Daisy's conduct was a proximate cause of Van's death, it does not furnish her
with a defense. B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because contributory negligence
is not a defense to criminal liability. Since Van died of the wound inflicted by Daisy, D
is clearly an inaccurate statement of fact, and is, therefore, incorrect. (The only thing to

do with a question like this is guess and move on. The chances are it will be invalidated
by the Bar Examiners after early analysis of the Exam results.)


101. A A person who renders a measurable benefit to another with the reasonable expectation
of payment and not as an officious intermeddler may be entitled to recovery on a theory
of quasi-contract (i.e., restitution for unjust enrichment). (Note: Since Bickley did not
request Paver's performance, and since Bickley did not become aware of it until after it
had occurred, it is not at all certain that a court would find in favor of Paver on this the-
ory. But since the question calls for the assumption that Paver would be successful in his
claim, it is necessary to consider the relief to which he would be entitled if successful.)
Ordinarily, recovery on this theory is based on the benefit received by the person from
whom payment is sought. This benefit may be measured in terms of net enrichment or
cost avoided. If these amounts are unequal, the court will usually award the lowest of
them. In this case, Bickley's net enrichment is the increase in his realty's value -
$2,100. The cost avoided is what he would have had to pay another for the job (i.e., the
standard market price) - $2,750. Since the net enrichment is the lesser of these two fig-
ures, Paver would be entitled to receive $2,100.

B and C are incorrect because the benefit received by Bickley is unrelated to Paver's
agreement with Adam or to Paver's cost. D is incorrect because it exceeds the net
enrichment which Bickley received.

102. A Ordinarily, a promise is not enforceable unless something of value (i.e., consideration)
was given in return for it. Since Paver paved the driveway before Bickley promised to
pay, he could not have done so in return for the promise. The paving job, therefore,
could not have been consideration for Bickley's promise. Under the view of the Restate-
ment (2nd) of Contracts, however, a promise made in recognition of a benefit previ-
ously received by the promisor from the promisee is binding to the extent necessary to
prevent injustice. Thus, if Bickley knew that Paver had paved his driveway and made
the promise to pay in recognition of this benefit, the promise would be enforceable.

B is incorrect because Bickley's promise could not have been given in recognition of the
paving job if Bickley did not know about it at the time he made the promise. Since the
paving job done by Paver was not given in return for Bickley's promise, it would not be
consideration for that promise no matter when Bickley decided to have the job done. C
and D are therefore, incorrect.

103. B A condition is an event which must occur before performance of a contractual obliga-
tion is due. Obviously, Paver could not be expected to pave Adam's driveway until
Adam correctly identified the driveway to be paved. For this reason, correct identifica-
tion of the driveway by Adam may be seen as a condition to Paver's obligation to pave
it. An obligor is entitled to suspend performance until necessary conditions are fulfilled
and his obligation is discharged when it is too late for the conditions to be fulfilled.
Since the contract called for the job to be done before Adam returned from vacation,
and since Adam did not furnish the correct address before returning, Paver's duty was
discharged upon Adam's return.

The law of contracts does not guarantee anyone a profit. If Paver's obligation was other-

wise enforceable, the fact that he would lose money by performing or that he lost money
by paving Bickley's driveway does not relieve him of the duty to do so. A and Care,
therefore, incorrect. The standard measure of damage for breach of a contract for ser-
vices is the difference between the contract price and the reasonable market price of the
services. Since the standard market price was $2,750, the fact that there is a contractor
willing to do the job for less would not be sufficient to prevent Adam from recovering
the difference between the contract price and the market price. D is, therefore, incorrect.
(Note: The situation would be different if Adam actually had the driveway paved by
another contractor for $2,500. In that case, he would have sustained no damage and
would not be entitled to recover from Paver.)

104. C Article III of the U.S. Constitution vests federal judicial power in the United States
Supreme Court and in such inferior federal courts as Congress shall establish. In addi-
tion, by specifying what cases they may hear, Article ill establishes limits on the juris-
diction which may be exercised by the federal courts. Although it gives federal courts
the power (i.e., jurisdiction) to hear controversies between citizens of different states, or
between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants ofdifferent states, it does
not give the federal courts any power to hear contract disputes between residents of the
same state. Since the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, neither Congress
nor a state legislature can confer this power on the United States District Courts.

A and B are, therefore, incorrect. The Eleventh Amendment only prohibits the federal
courts from hearing certain claims against a state and is inapplicable because Alonzo's
claim is not against the State of DelMava. D is, therefore, incorrect.

105. D A misrepresentation is a false assertion of material fact intended to induce the plaintiff's
reliance. A defendant intends to induce the plaintiff's reliance if she knows with sub-
stantial certainty that a class of persons to which the plaintiff belongs will rely on her
statement. If Dabbs did not know that any person would rely on her statement, she could
not have intended to induce any person's reliance. Her statement would, therefore, not
be a misrepresentation.

In addition, misrepresentation liability cannot be imposed unless the plaintiff was justi-
fied in relying (i.e., the reasonable person in plaintiff's situation would have relied) on
the defendant's false statement. Since the reasonable person might believe a newspaper
account instead of personally checking public records, however, A is incorrect. B is
incorrect for two reasons: first, an expert's statement of opinion may be a misrepresen-
tation because it asserts as a fact that the expert actually holds that opinion; and, second,
Dabbs's statement that "Insiders say ... (etc.)" is an assertion of fact on which misrepre-
sentation liability could be based. In actions for negligent misrepresentation, it is fre-
quently held that without privity the defendants owes the plaintiff no duty of reasonable
care. In this case, however, since Dabbs knew that there was no basis for her statement,
her misrepresentation was intentional. C is incorrect because privity is not a prerequisite
to liability for intentional misrepresentation.

I 106. D One who inherits an interest in realty takes it subject to any existing prior interests.
Since Ausler and Britt received interests prior to the death of Odish, and since both of
those interests were immediately recorded, Lazarus and Richards took their interests in
the realty subject to those of Ausler and Britt. Thus, Ausler is entitled to succeed in a

foreclosure proceeding. Because of the constitutional requirement of due process, how-

ever, persons who may be deprived of property as the result of a judicial proceeding
must be given notice of an opportunity to be heard in that proceeding. For this reason,
all persons with existing present or future interests in the realty are necessary parties
who must be served with process in a foreclosure proceeding. Deciding who must be
served thus requires nothing more than determining who holds a property interest -
present or future - in the realty. Since Lazarus is the holder of a life estate. (i.e., has a
present interest), and Richards is the holder of a remainder (i.e., has a future interest),
both are necessary parties. Since neitlier has beeIi served or brought into the proceeding,
Ausler's request for a foreclosure sale must be denied.

A, B and C are, therefore, incorrect.

107. D Since Britt's mortgage was recorded before either Lazarus or Richards received their
interests, Britt's interest is superior to theirs, and he has the right to foreclose on the
realty. Since Ausler's interest was created and recorded prior to Britt's, however, it is
superior to Britt's. Thus, although Britt is entitled to foreclose, Ausler has a superior
right to receive the proceeds of any foreclosure sale.

A and B are incorrect because any lienholder may institute a foreclosure proceeding so
long as all other lienholders are joined as parties. C is incorrect because the prior cre-
ation and recording of his interest makes Ausler's right superior to Britt's.

108. A Murder is the uIilawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought. Malice
aforethought consists of a wanton disregard for human life, or of the intent to kill, or to
inflict great bodily harm, resist a lawful arrest, escape from custody, or commit a dan-
gerous felony. Because it was very likely to lead to death or serious injury, Dustin's fir-
iIig slightly to the right of Hodges probably showed a wanton disregard for human life.
This is particularly so in view of the fact that Dustin had never fired a rifle before, and
therefore could not have been sure that he would miss Hodges. Thus, since Dustin
caused the unjustified killing of Hodges with malice aforethought, he could properly be
convicted of murder. While it is not certain that he would be convicted, murder is the
oIily crime listed of which he could possibly be properly convicted.

Voluntary manslaughter is the intentional killing of a human being under mitigating cir-
cumstances. Since Dustin did not intend to hit Hodges with the bullet, he cannot be
guilty of voluntary manslaughter. Thus, B is incorrect. A person is guilty of a criminal
attempt when, with the intent of bringing about a criminally prohibited result, he comes
largely close to achieving that result. Thus, while murder does not require the intent to
kill or inflict great bodily harm, attempted murder does. Dustin did not intend to inflict
harm upon Hodges, so he cannot be guilty of attempted murder. Thus, C is incorrect. D
is incorrect because knowledge that the location is within the municipal limits is an
essential element of guilt, and Dustin did not know the dump was within these limits.

109. C The fact that a witness has made prior statements which are inconsistent with her testi-
mony suggests that her testimony is not worthy of belief. For this reason, such state-
ments are admissible for purposes of impeachment. In general, substantive evidence is
admissible if it tends to establish a fact in issue. Since the color of the traffic light is
material to the determination of Pailey's rights against Dickman (i.e, is a fact in issue),

the deposition in which Westphal said that the light was green for Pailey is relevant evi-
dence. Hearsay is ordinarily defined as an out-of-court statement offered to prove the
truth of the matter which it asserts. PRE 801(d)(1)(A) specifically provides, however,
that a deposition given under oath is not hearsay so long as the person who gave it is
available for cross-examination. Thus, Westphal's deposition is not hearsay, although it
was made-of-court and is offered to prove the truth of a matter asserted in it. For this
reason, it is admissible as substantive evidence. A, B and D are, therefore, incorrect.

110. D FRE;613(b) provides that extrinsic evidence of a prior inconsistent statement by a wit-
ness is not admissible unless the witness is afforded an opportunity to explain or deny
making it and the opposing party is afforded an opportunity to interrogate her about it.

A is incorrect because the FRE does not require that this opportunity be given prior to
the admission of the statement. Although some states prohibit a party from impeaching
her own witness, B is incorrect because PRE 607 does not. A hostile witness is one who
while testifying manifests hostility (i.e., anger or prejudice) against the attorney ques-
tioning her. Although Westphal did not give the answer which Pailey's attorney would
have liked, there is no indication that she manifested hostility. C is, therefore, incorrect.

111. C Under the doctrine of equitable conversion, the risk of loss occurring without fault of
either party passes to the vendee of real estate as soon as a contract for sale is formed.
Since the risk of loss has passed, the loss - even of a material part of the realty - is
suffered by the buyer. As a result, the seller is entitled to enforce the agreement against
the buyer even though the property no longer has the value that it did when the contract
was made.

A, B, and D are, therefore, incorrect. B is also incorrect because the trees were part of
the realty until uprooted by the storm.

112. A Under the Uniform Vendor and Purchaser Risk Act, if neither title nor possession has
passed to the purchaser and all or a material part of the realty is destroyed without fault
of either party, neither party may enforce the contract of sale. Thus, if the damaged trees
were a material part of the realty, Sandler cannot enforce the contract against Brant.

B is incorrect because if the damage to the realty was not material, Sandler would be
entitled to enforce the contract with an appropriate abatement in the purchase price. C is
incorrect because the effect of the Uniform Act is to prevent the risk of loss from pass-
ing until possession or title has been transferred to the purchaser. Although the Uniform
Act permits enforcement with a reduction in the purchase price in the event of immate-
rial damage, the risk of loss continues to remain with the seller. Thus, if there has been
material damage to the realty, the seller cannot enforce the contract at all. D is, there-
fore, incorrect.

113. B The Thirteenth Amendment provides that, except as a punishment for crime, "Neither
slavery nor involuntary servitude ... shall exist within the United States," and grants

I Congress the power to enforce that provision. The United States Supreme Court has
held that the prohibition against slavery was directed at individuals as well as at govern-
ment action. This, the Court stated, gives Congress the power to define badges of servi-
tude, and to eliminate them by enacting legislation regulating priv~te conduct. The

Court further ruled that racial discrimination could constitute a badge of slavery.

The Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment has been held to protect certain sub-
stantive individual rights. Since the Fifth Amendment only protects against action by
the federal government, however, it could not justify the regulation of private conduct.
Thus, A is incorrect. Since the Equal Protection Clause only prohibits invidious dis-
crimination by states, C is incorrect forthesarne reason. The Fifteenth Amendment pro-
vides that the right to vote shall not be denied on account of race or previous condition
of servitude. Since the legislation in question does not protect the right to vote, it cannot
be justified by the Fifteenth Amendment. D is, therefore, incorrect.

114. D A contract may make the happening of a particular event a condition precedent to the
performance of a contractual duty. If so, one party's strict compliance with the condition
makes the other party's conditional duty absolute. The terms of the commission agree-
ment made Richmond's delivery, prior to April 15, of a buyer ready, willing and able to
pay $50,000 for the realty a condition precedent to Sack's duty to pay a commission.
Since Richmond complied with that condition by presenting Bader's offer on April 14,
Sack's duty to pay has become absolute.

A is incorrect because the commission agreement did not make completion of the sale a
condition precedent to Sack's obligation to pay a commission. If an agreement specifies
its own duration, then the obligations which it creates are understood to exist for the
period specified. The commission agreement required Richmond to make reasonable
efforts to sell the realty until April 15, and required Sack to pay a commission if Rich-
mond procured a buyer prior to that date. Those obligations, therefore, continued to
exist until April 15. Sack's rejection of Bader's offer of April 10 terminated Bader's
offer, but did not affect the obligations created by Sack's contract with Richmond. B is,
therefore, incorrect. The Statute of Frauds simply provides that certain agreements are
unenforceable over objection unless they are in writing and signed by the party to be
charged. The Statute of Frauds would thus prevent the enforcement of any contract
which is claimed to have been formed as a result of Bader's April 10 offer. C is incor-
rect for this reason, and because while the Statute of Frauds may prevent an alleged oral
contract from being enforced, it does not have any effect on the validity of the rejection
of an offer.

115. A Specific performance is a remedy available for breach of a contract for the sale of some-
thing unique. Since each parcel of realty is regarded as unique, specific performance is
usually available as a buyer's remedy for a seller's breach of a contract for the sale of
realty. Unless such a contract has been formed and breached, however, no remedy is
available at all. A contract is formed by the acceptance of an offer. An offer is an
expression of an unequivocal willingness to enter into a contract with another on speci-
fied terms. Since Sack never indicated a willingness to enter into a contract with Bader
on any particular terms, he never made an offer to Bader. Bader twice made offers to
Sack, but Sack did not accept either of them. Thus, no contract was ever formed
between Sack and Bader, or breached by Sack. Bader is, therefore, without any remedy.

Whether Sack's statement to Richmond on April 10 was an attempt to modify an exist-

ing agreement is not at all certain under the facts regarding that agreement. B is incor-
rect in any event because the agreement between Sack and Richmond did not require

Sack to accept an offer procured by Richmond, and is not relevant to Bader's rights
against Sack. Specific performance is not usually available as a remedy for the breach
of a contract for sale unless the subject of the contract is unique or damages would be an
inadequate remedy. C is incorrect, however, because - for the reasons given above -
there has been no breach, and Bader, therefore, has no remedy at all. Since Sack made
no offer to Bader, the document which was presented to Sack on April 14 was nothing
more than an offer. Since Sack did not accept it, no contract between him and Bader was
formed. D is, therefore, incorrect.

116. B There are only three potential bases of liability in a tort action - intent, negligence, and
liability without fault (i.e., strict liability). It is clear from the facts that Darcy's entry
onto Ponce's realty was not intentional. Operating an automobile is not one of the activ-
ities for which strict liability is imposed. The only possible basis of liability is, there-
fore, negligence. Thus, Darcy can be liable only if she was negligent.

A is incorrect because an unauthorized entry onto realty is not a trespass unless it is

intentional. The doctrine of "last clear chance" is practically obsolete, but where it is
applicable, its only effect is to relieve a plaintiff of the consequences of her own contrib-
utory negligence. Since Darcy is not the plaintiff, whether or not she had the "last clear
chance" to avoid an accident is irrelevant. C is, therefore, incorrect. The privilege of
necessity permits the reasonable violation of property rights in the face of an emer-
gency. D is incorrect, however, for two reasons: first, necessity is only available as a
defense to intentional tort; and, second - even under the privilege of necessity - one
who invades the property rights of another to protect her own interests must pay for any
actual damage which results from that invasion.

117. D It is generally understood that, even while testifying, a witness may look at any docu-
ment (in fact, at anything at all) which serves to refresh her recollection about the mat-
ters to which she is testifying. Although there are dangers connected with this rule, it is
thought that these can be averted by investing the judge with discretion to determine,
while listening to the testimony, whether the witness; recollection has really been
refreshed by consulting such a document, or whether the witness has no real present rec-
ollection but is simply reading from the document. Since Pinto had not yet looked at the
notes or stated that looking at them would refresh her recollection, the judge is not yet in
a position to exercise this discretion, and must overrule the objection.

A is incorrect because any material may be used to refresh the recollection of a witness,
without regard to the origin of that material. B is incorrect because even material which
has not been admitted or is not capable of being admitted may be used to refresh a wit-
ness' recollection. A leading question is one which suggests a particular answer. C is
incorrect for two reasons: first, there are occasions when a direct examiner is permitted
to stimulate a witness' memory through the use of leading questions; and, second, since
Alvarado's question did not suggest a particular answer, it was not leading.

118. C Hearsay is defined as an out-of-court statement offered for the purpose of proving the
truth of the matter asserted in that statement. Since Alvarado's notes were made out of
court, and since the only apparent reason to offer them is to establish the truth of their
contents, they are hearsay.

PRE 803(6) recognizes a hearsay exception for properly authenticated business records
recorded as part of the regular course of business, while the transaction recorded was
fresh in the entrant's mind, regarding facts within the entrant's personal knowledge or
from an inherently reliable source. Since the facts do not indicate what information was
contained in Alvarado's notes, there is no way to determine whether all the information
actually contained in them was within Alvarado's personal knowledge or from an inher-
ently reliable source. An additional question exists as to whether an attorney's notes
regarding a negotiation between a client and another party are kept in the regular course
of business. No matter how these questions are resolved, however, Alvarado's notes
cannot be admitted as a business record unless they are authenticated by a person who
testifies to the record's identity and its mode of preparation. Since no one has testified as
such, A is incorrect. Documents which have been used to refresh a witness' recollection
while testifying may be consulted by an adverse party in cross-examining that witness.
In addition, an adverse party may introduce into evidence those portions of the docu-
ment which are relevant to the witness' testimony. B is incorrect, however, because the
fact that a party used a document to refresh her recollection is not sufficient to justify its
introduction by the party that used it. Under certain circumstances, an attorney may
resist discovery of his own work product, and prevent it from being received in evi-
dence. This privilege belongs to the attorney (and his client), however, not to his adver-
sary. For this reason, Dean's attorney could not successfully object on the ground that
the document was Alvarado's work product. D is, therefore, incorrect.

119. C The United States Supreme Court has held that constitutional requirements of equality
in the electoral process prohibit the use of property ownership as a qualification for
voter eligibility in general elections. An exception to this rule has been recognized for
special purpose elections on matters which relate only to the interests of landowners.
The election in question does not fit this exception, however, since municipal revenues
and their source are of interest to all residents of the municipality. For this reason, the
land ownership requirement probably makes the special election invalid.

The Fifteenth Amendment only prohibits exclusion of persons from the electoral pro-
cess on the basis of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. A is incorrect
because there is no indication that any persons will be excluded from voting in the spe-
cial election on this basis. B is incorrect because the United States Supreme Court has
held that states can constitutionally limit the vote to residents and has specifically
upheld residence requirements of up to 50 days and because persons owning land within
the township are not necessarily residents of the township. D is incorrect for two rea-
sons: first, unlike the election of representatives which may be conducted by district,
this is an election which could not be conducted in any other way but at-large; and, sec-
ond, in the absence of a specific intent to dilute the power of a particular interest group,
at-large elections are valid even if they have that effect.

120. D The Equal Protection Clause prohibits invidious discrimination by the state, but not all
discrimination is invidious. Ordinarily, statutory systems of classification (i.e., discrimi-
nation) are valid so long as they have a rational basis. If the discrimination is based on a
suspect classification or interferes with a fundamental right, however, it is presumed
invalid unless it is proven to be necessary to achieve a compelling state interest. The
Supreme Court has held that the right to vote is a fundamental right. For this reason, the
Township Council's assertion that the registration schedule had a rational basis would

not be sufficient to prevent it from being declared unconstitutional.

Discrimination on the basis of lifestyle or wealth has been held not to involve a suspect
classification. A and B are, therefore, incorrect. Some forms of sex discrimination,
referred to as "benign" because they are aimed at compensating for the demonstrated
economic disadvantages of women, have been found constitutional. Some forms of sex
discrimination, called "benign" because they are based on old thought patterns about
sex roles and the dependency of women, have been found unconstitutional. Thus, the
term "benign sex discrimination" is not relevant in determining whether a statute is con-
stitutional, and C is incorrect.

121. D Upon breach by a buyer, UCC § 2-706 provides that the seller may resell the goods in a
commercially reasonable manner and recover damages equivalent to the difference
between the contract price and the price which the seller actually received upon the
resale. Here, since Charron resold the chairs at the same price which she had agreed to
accept from Furness, she has sustained no damage at all. (Note: If Charron incurred
extra expense in making 75 individual sales of one chair each, rather than a single sale
of 75 chairs as agreed by Furness, recovery for the extra expense might be available as
incidental damages. D is correct, however, because the facts do not indicate that any
extra expense was actually incurred, and because no other answer listed correctly
describes damages which might be available.)

Where the goods which a breaching buyer contracted to buy are in unlimited supply, the
seller may be entitled to recover the profit which the seller would have realized if not
for the breach. Since there were a limited number of chairs, however, and since Charron
succeeded in selling them all, she is not entitled to this remedy. A is therefore, incorrect.
B is incorrect because Furness did not agree to pay $100 per chair. C is incorrect
because when the seller resells under UCC § 2-706, the damages are measured by dif-
ference between the contract price and the price which she actually received.

122. A Generally it is the judge's function to decide whether offered evidence may be consid-
ered by the jury (i.e., is admissible), and the jury's function to decide what weight to
give evidence which the judge decides they may consider. In order to find them admissi-
ble, a judge must determine whether photographs offered into evidence have been prop-
erly authenticated. A party seeking to authenticate a·photograph must establish that the
photograph is an accurate representation of what it purports to picture. Pabst has authen-
ticated his photo by testifying. that he took it of the stove in question and that it accu-
rately represents the stove. Weber has authenticated his photo by testifying that it
accurately represents the stove in. question. J30th photos have thus been sufficiently
authenticated to be admitted into evidence. Itwill then be the jury's job to decide which
witness it believes - if any -.. and which photo it therefore believes to be an accurate
representation of the stove in question.

B is incorrect pecause Weber's testimony that his photo fairly and accurately represents
the stove sufficiently authenticates it .even though he was not the photographer. C is
incorrect because Pabst's testimony that he took the snapshot and that it accurately rep-
resents the stove sufficiently authenticates it. D is incorrect for a combination of the rea-
sons that.makeB and C incorrect.

123. B Restraints on the alienation of leasehold interests are generally regarded as valid but are
strictly construed. For this reason, a restraint against assignment is held not to prohibit
sub-lease. Assignment of a lease takes place when a lessee transfers to another his entire
remaining interest in the premises. If any interest less than this is transferred, the trans-
fer is a sub-lease rather than an assignment. Since Tuck retained a right to one of the
offices, his transfer to Seaver was not an assignment and did not breach the lease provi-
sion prohibiting assignments.

A is incorrect because if a transfer of the lessee's entire remaining interest occurs, the
transfer is an assignment even though the terms in the agreement between assignor and
assignee are not identical to the terms in the agreement between the landlord and
assignor. Although courts generally disfavor restraints on the alienation of fee interests
in realty, C is incorrect because clauses prohibiting the assignment of leasehold interests
are generally regarded as valid. The financial status of a prospective tenant is only one
of the factors which a landlord considers in deciding whether to rent to him. (For exam-
ple, a landlord might be unwilling to rent to aperson with a good credit rating if that
person has a history of damaging leased premises or engages in an occupation inconsis-
tent with other uses of the premises.) D iS,therefore, incorrect.

124. C Unless a landlord specifically agrees to release a tenant from further obligations under a
lease, assignment or sub-lease does not relieve the original tenant from those obliga-
tions. For this reason, Luz can collect unpaid rent from Tuck. Since Luz was an intended
third-party creditor beneficiary of the agreement between Tuck and Seaver, Luz can also
collect from Seaver. A, B and D are, therefore, incorrect.

125. B The United States Supreme Court has held that because defamation liability can only be
imposed for a false statement, and because there is no such thing as a false opinion, def-
amation liability cannot be imposed for an assertion of opinion. The Supreme Court also
ruled that a statement is an assertion of opinion if reasonable readers would recognize
that it was an expression of the writer's feelings, and would not believe that it was
intended to assert a fact. Thus, if reasonable readers would not believe that the statement
asserted a fact, it was an expression of opinion, and, therefore, notsubj~Gt to defamation

Although the Supreme Court has held that a public person suin9for defamation must
prove actual tnalice (i.e., knowledge of falsity or reckless disregard for truth) this
requirement has not been imposed on private persons. For this reason, Romero could be
liable for publishing a defamatory statement about Nadel which he negligently believed
to be true even if he did not have actual malice when he made it. A is, therefore, incor-
rect. A statetnent, even if it is defamatory, will not subject its. publisher to defamation
liability unless it is false. But a defamatory statement is said to be false iiit is not sub-
stantially true, without regard to whether or not the reasonable person would believe it.
If damage results from the publication of a statement found to be defamatory (which
does depend on what the reasonable person would think: it means) and false (which does
not depend at all on what the reasonable person would think) defamation liability is
imposed. Although the amount of damage will probably be related to the number of
people who believed the defamatory statement and held it against the plaintiff, it does
not depend on whether or not those who did so were reasonable people. The argument
in C would not, therefore, be an effective defense for Rotnero. Although (for reasons

stated above) defamation liability is not imposed for stating an opinion, it may be
imposed for a false assertion of fact even though the maker of that statement believed it
to be true. Thus, if Romero's statement was defamatory, and if it was a false assertion of
fact, Romero could not escape liability by proving that he believed it (i.e., in his opinion
it was accurate) unless his belief was reasonable. D is, therefore, incorrect.

126. D The law of contracts imposes liability without fault. Thus if a person makes an enforce-
able promise to deliver 1,000 pounds of cheese and fails to do so, that person is liable
for damages to the promisee. Since WKKW promised Colby 1,000 pounds of cheese
and received consideration for that promise in the form of Colby's payment of $120,
WKKW's failure to deliver the cheese is a breach of contract for which Colby is entitled
to damages.

WKKW's detrimental reliance on the promise of Swiss might take the place of consid-
eration or of a writing (if one were required) in an action by WKKW against Swiss. It is
not relevant to the enforceability of WKKW's promise to Colby, however, because con-
tract liability is imposed without regard to fault. A and B are, therefore, incorrect. Since
WKKW made a promise to Colby, WKKW is liable for breaching that promise without
regard to the liability of any other person, and without regard to whether Colby attempts
to collect from any other person. C is, therefore, incorrect.

127. C An assignment is a transfer from an assignor to an assignee of the assignor's right to

receive a benefit from a third person. Since Swiss promised to donate the cheese to
WKKW, and since WKKW transferred this right to receive it to Colby, Colby is
WKKW's assignee. An assignee stands in his assignor's shoes, receiving whatever right
the assignor had at the time of the assignment. Swiss promised WKKW that it would
donate cheese. Since that promise was either supported by consideration (in the form of
free publicity) or by WKKW's detrimental reliance (in reselling the cheese), Swiss'
promise to WKKW would be enforceable by WKKW, and is enforceable by Colby as

A and Bare incorrect for the reasons given above. An intended third-party creditor ben-
eficiary of a contract is a third party to whom one of the contracting parties owed a pre-
existing debt, and to whom the other party therefore agreed to render performance.
Since WKKW owed no debt to Colby at the time of its agreement with Swiss, Colby
could not have been an intended creditor beneficiary of that agreement. D is, therefore,

128. C Since the restriction to residential use was contained in the deed by which Bishop
received his interest in lot 2, there is no question about whether the restriction is
enforceable against him. But since Appel was not a party to the transaction in which the
restriction on Bishop's use was created (i.e., the conveyance of lot 2), a question exists
about whether that restriction is enforceable by Appel. The facts are unclear about who
purchased first. (If Bishop purchased before Appel, the question would be an easier one.
Then, the benefit which Odum received from the restriction in Bishop's deed probably
ran with Odum's land and probably passed to Appel with the conveyance of lot 1.
Unfortunately, this is not one of the options.) Even if Appel purchased first he may be
able to enforce the restriction in Bishop's deed if at the time of his purchase he relied on
a representation by Odum that lot 2 would be similarly restricted. In that event, Appel

might succeed on two theories: first, that he was an intended creditor beneficiary of
Bishop's covenant; and, second, that there were implied reciprocal servitudes (see next
explanation). One way of establishing reliance on such a representation would be to
show that at the time of his purchase Appel was aware that the restriction was part of
Odum's development scheme. The additional fact in C might thus result in a decision
for Appel.

If Appel purchased before Bishop, the benefit which Odum received from the restriction
in Appel's deed probably passed to Bishop with lot 2 because that benefit ran with the
land. For this reason, the facts in A and B might be relevant if Bishop was trying to
enforce the restriction contained in Appel's deed. They are irrelevant to Appel's attempt
to enforce the restriction contained in Bishop's deed, however. For this reason, A and B
are incorrect. If Bishop purchased before Appel, Bishop might be able to enforce the
restriction in Appel's deed by showing that Bishop was aware of Odum's development
scheme when he purchased. But since the question involves Appel's attempt to enforce
the restriction in Bishop's deed, D is incorrect.

129. A An equitable servitude is a burden imposed on land. If a benefit which results from it
runs with the land, the servitude is enforceable without privity by a person to whose
land the benefit runs. Some cases hold that when a subdivider creates a restriction on the
use of land which he grants, a resulting implied reciprocal servitude burdens the land
which he retains with the same restriction. Other cases hold that an implied reciprocal
servitude results only if the grantor promises grantees that subsequent grants will con-
tain the same restriction. Other cases hold that no implied reciprocal servitude results
unless at the time of the earlier grants there was a general plan of development which
encompassed the restrictions involved. All agree, however, that if the grantor's land is
burdened by an implied reciprocal servitude, it burdens subsequent grantees who take
with notice of the restrictions in prior deeds, even though their own deeds contain no
mention of the servitude. Thus, if Odum's land was burdened by an implied reciprocal
servitude when Columbus bought it, Columbus' land would be burdened by it because
Columbus was aware of the development scheme.

Ordinarily, people are free to use their realty for any lawful purpose, even if it should
inconvenience neighbors or reduce the value of their land. For this reason, the fact that
Columbus's intended use might diminish the value of Eubank's land is not, alone, suffi-
cient to result in a finding for Eubank:. B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because
an equitable servitude may be enforced without privity. D is incorrect because an
implied reciprocal servitude may burden subsequent takers even though not mentioned
in their deeds.

130. A The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments provide in part that no person shall be deprived
of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. Since Eno's claim is that the State
Harbor Commission's decision violated his right to due process, his claim must fail
unless the decision deprived him of life, liberty, or property. If it did not, he was not
entitled to due process in the decision-making process. Cases have held that if a state
employee's contract provides that the state may decide not to rehire without cause, the
employee's expectation of being rehired is not a sufficient property interest to require
due process. Thus, the argument in A would probably be successful. Even without these
cases, however, A would be the only argument listed which could possibly be an effec-

tive response to Eno's challenge.

Although no person has a right to state employment (i.e., no person is guaranteed

employment by the state), the distinction between right and privilege is unimportant
where the interest involved is an "entitlement" which is seen to be a property interest. B
is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because the hearing officer would presumably act
properly in considering whatever evidence Eno might submit, and, therefore, might not
come to the same conclusion as the Commission. D is incorrect because it is based on an
overinclusive statement; even though the contract provided that the decision not to
renew could be made without cause, it could still have been made for a reason (e.g.,
based on race) or in a manner inconsistent with the requirements of the constitution,
thus violating Eno's constitutional rights.

131. B State action which imposes a penalty for the exercise of a constitutional right is a depri-
vation of liberty. If the decision not to renew Eno's contract was based on his speech (an
exercise of First Amendment rights), it interfered with a liberty interest. Since the Fifth
and Fourteenth Amendments protect against deprivation of liberty without due process,
the additional fact set forth in B could result in a finding that a hearing (i.e., due pro-
cess) was required.

A is incorrect because there is no indication that the contracts of the probationary

employees who received hearings permitted non-renewal without cause as did Eno's. C
is incorrect because the United States Supreme Court has specifically held that state
action does not require a prior hearing merely because it interferes with reputation, par-
ticularly since a tort action for defamation is available to prevent abuse. Sometimes
urgency plays a role in the court's decision about whether a prior hearing is required for
particular action. For example, it has been held that because the denial of welfare bene-
fits could leave a person in a desperate financial situation, a prior hearing is required.
Similarly, if delaying governing action until after a hearing is held is likely to result in
serious harm to the government, it might be appropriate to act without holding a prior
hearing. The fact set forth in D might justify the conclusion that keeping Eno on the job
until a hearing is held would result in serious harm to the state. In that case, it would
hurt rather than help Eno's cause.

132. A Private nuisance is a tortious interference with the plaintiff's right to use and enjoy
realty, and may be committed without any physical intrusion onto the realty. Although
the County of Durban ordinance permitted use of the airport by certain aircraft, De La
Fuente could still be liable for private nuisance if he was operating the airport in a man-
ner other than that contemplated by the ordinance. While it is not certain that Pinson
would recover on this theory, private nuisance is the only theory listed which could pos- .
sibly result in a judgment in his favor.

It is sometimes held that repeated overflights for a given period of time result in a pre-
scriptive aeronautical easement. B is incorrect, however, because this conclusion would
privilege the continuing overflights, thus providing De La Fuente with a defense to an
action brought by Pinson. The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution pro-
hibits the taking by government of private property for public use without just compen-
sation. If the County of Durban ordinance resulted in a reduction in the value of
Pinson's realty, the Fifth Amendment might require that the County of Durban pay just

compensation to Pinson. Although this right would be enforceable in an inverse con-

demnation proceeding, C is incorrect because this theory is available only against an
agency of the government. Trespass to land and the variant known as continuing tres-
pass require a physical or tangible entry onto the realty. D is incorrect because noise is
not tangible.

133. C An "admission" is a statement by a party offered against that party. Under the common
law it is admissible as an exception to the hearsay rule; under FRE 801(d)(2), it is not
hearsay. Since Dangler's statement to Mary is offered against Dangler it is an admission
and, therefore, admissible.

The marital privilege is designed to protect the confidentiality of the marital relation-
ship. For this reason, it prevents either spouse from testifying over objection by the
other to a confidential communication made during the marriage. For the same reason,
however, it does not prevent a stranger to the marriage from testifying to a communica-
tion which he overheard between the spouses. Thus, although communications made
within the marriage are presumed to be confidential, A is incorrect because Lennon did
not receive the communication within the marriage (i.e., as a marriage partner). B is
incorrect because an admission is not hearsay under FRE 801(d)(2), and is admissible as
an exception to the hearsay rule under common law. Communications which advance a
crime are not protected by privilege. Dangler's statement did not advance a crime, how-
ever, because it was about a crime which had already been committed. The fact that it
concerned a crime is not enough to take it out of the protection of the marital privilege,
making D incorrect.

134. A In jurisdictions which recognize the spousal privilege, a spouse is not permitted to tes-
tify to a confidential communication received during marriage if the spouse who made
the communication objects to the testimony. For this reason, the court should exclude
Mary's testimony if Dangler objects to it. I is, therefore, correct.

In general, all evidence which tends to establish a material fact is relevant and should be
admitted unless excluded by some rule of law. Since Dangler's statement that he com-
mitted the crimes he is charged with tends to establish that he did so, it is relevant. Hear-
say is an out of court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted in that
statement and is inadmissible unless it falls within an exception to the hearsay rule. A
statement by a party offered against that party is an admission, however. An admission
is admissible under common law as an exception to the hearsay rule and is not hearsay
under PRE 801(d)(2). Thus Dangler's statement should be admitted unless excluded by
the spousal privilege. A privilege may only be asserted by one who holds it. In some
jurisdictions (and the PRE follow local state law as to privileges), the spousal privilege
can be asserted only by the spouse who made the confidential communication. In other
jurisdictions, the privilege may also be asserted by the spouse who received the commu-
nication. But all jurisdictions agree that the communication may be excluded only if a
person holding it object. Therefore, if neither spouse asserts the privilege, it cannot be
used to exclude Mary's testimony. Thus, IT is incorrect.

135. D The Statute of Frauds provides that a promise to discharge the debt of another is unen-
forceable over objection unless it is in writing and signed by the party to be charged.
Since Unger never signed any writing in connection with his promise to Landry, the

promise is unenforceable under the Statute of Frauds.

Consideration is a bargained-for exchange of something of value given in return for and

to induce a promise. It may. consist of some benefit conferred upon the promisor in
return for his promise, or some detriment incurred by the promisee in return for the
promisor's promise. Here, in return for Unger's promise, Landry loaned money to Neal,
thereby incurring a detriment, and thus giving consideration for Unger's promise. A is,
therefore, incorrect. An offer to exchange the offeror's promise for the offeree's perfor-
mance is an offer for a unilateral contract. Unless the offer specifies otherwise, an offer
for a unilateral contract can only be accepted by performing the act which the offeror
demanded in return for his promise. Thus, by loaning Neal money as requested by
Unger, Landry accepted Unger's offer. While it is true that an unaccepted offer termi-
nates upon the death of the offeror, B is incorrect because Unger's offer to Landry was
accepted prior to Unger's death. C is incorrect because, once an agreement is formed,
the death of a party does not terminate his obligations under it.

136. B A basic principle of the law of evidence is that only evidence which is relevant to a
material issue may be received in evidence. Evidence is logically relevant to a material
issue if it has any tendency to prove or disprove a fact of consequence. Since Dale is
charged with assaulting Vollmer, and not Whelan, his beating of Whelan could not tend
to prove or disprove a fact of consequence in the prosecution. (It might seem logical to
argue that Whelan's testimony tends to establish that Dale is the kind of person who is
likely to have committed the crime with which he is charged. All jurisdictions agree,
however, that evidence of a defendant's character is not admissible to create the infer-
ence that he engaged in particular conduct on a particular occasion.)

In some jurisdictions, confidential marital communications are privileged and cannot be

revealed - even after the marriage has terminated - over the objection of the spouse
against whom they are offered. There is some disagreement about whether this privilege
applies to acts as well as communications. It is generally agreed, however, that commu-
nications or acts are privileged only if they were intended to be confidential. The fact
that the acts to which Whelan testified occurred in public places indicates that they were
not intended to be confidential, and the privilege, therefore, does not apply. A is incor-
rect for this reason and because, as explained above, the testimony may be excluded
even if the jurisdiction does not recognize the marital privilege. The credibility of a wit-
ness may be impeached by evidence relating to his reputation for truth and veracity. C is
incorrect, however, for two reasons: first, Whelan's testimony does not logically relate
to Dale's reputation at all; and, second, FRE 608(b) specifically provides that extrinsic
evidence (except for convictions) of specific conduct may not be used to impeach the
credibility of a witness. Although a defendant who testifies in his own behalf may be
impeached by cross-examination (i.e., intrinsically) regarding past conduct, FRE 608(b)
prevents the use of extrinsic evidence of specific acts of unconvicted bad conduct. Dis,
therefore, incorrect.

137. C Under the doctrine of impossibility of performance,a party may be excused from obli-
gations under a contract if an unforeseeable change in circumstances has made perfor-
mance vitally different than that which was contemplated by the parties at the time the
contract was formed. On the other hand, if the change which occurred was foreseeable,
the fact that it increases a party's burden of performance is not, alone, sufficient to

excuse that performance. Because contracts must remain stable even when the market
does not, it is generally understood that, for this purpose, fluctuations in market price
are foreseeable. In any event, if dramatic fluctuation in the price of chickens was fore-
seeable, then the increase in market price would not excuse Fowler's performance.

A is incorrect because if the change was foreseeable, it does not matter whether the par-
ties actually knew that it would occur. In an "aleatory" contract, one party agrees to con-
fer a benefit on the other upon the happening of a fortuitous event over which neither
party has control (e.g., X agrees to pay Y if Y's roll of the dice comes up 7). Since the
agreement between Coyne and Fowler was not conditioned upon the happening of any
event over which neither had control, it was not aleatory. B is, therefore, incorrect.
(Note: Under the reasoning of option B, all contracts for the future payment of money
would be aleatory and invalid.) D is incorrect for two reasons: first, the rights of the par-
ties would be the same under common law as under the UCC; and, second, the transac-
tion is deemed a sale by the language of the UCC, which defines a sale as a passing of
title from the seller to the buyer for a price.

138. A A party's unequivocal statement that she will not perform is an anticipatory repudiation
and entitles the other party to all rights resulting from a breach. Fowler's statement that
she would not accept the coins in payment for the chickens was such a statement. Its
result was to free Coyne from any further obligation under the contract and to give
Coyne a right to an immediate action against Fowler for breach of contract.

A prospective inability to perform occurs when a party engages in some conduct which
divests that party of the ability to perform. All jurisdictions agree that one party's pro-
spective inability to perform excuses the other party's performance, and some jurisdic-
tions hold that it gives him an immediate right to sue. B is incorrect, however, because
Coyne's prospective inability to perform would not in any jurisdiction give Coyne a
right of action. For the reason stated above, Coyne's refusal to accept delivery of the
chickens was excused by Fowler's anticipatory repudiation, and was, therefore, not a
breach. C is, therefore, incorrect. (Note: C may be confusing because of its use of the
word "impossible." If an unforeseeable change in circumstances makes it impossible for
a party to perform his obligation under a contract, his/her failure to perform might be
excused under the doctrine of "impossibility of performance." Since Coyne's refusal to
accept delivery did not result from an unforeseen change in circumstances, but rather
from his decision to treat Fowler's repudiation as an immediate breach, the doctrine of
"impossibility of performance" is not relevant to this case. If it were relevant, it would
tend to defeat Fowler's claim, not to support it.) Since Coyne chose to treat Fowler's
anticipatory repudiation as an immediate breach, Fowler cannot subsequently undo the
breach by offering to perform. D is, therefore, incorrect.

139. C When an easement is created by grant, the language of the grant determines the scope of
the easement. When that language is unclear, the courts most often determine the scope
of the easement on the basis of what could reasonably have been anticipated at the time
the easement was created. Although there are insufficient facts to determine whether the
argument in C would result in a judgment for O'Dowd, it is the only argument listed
which could possibly support his position.

If an easement is created by adverse use over a specified period of time (i.e., by pre-

scription), the use over that period detennines the scope of the easement. If the ease-
ment is created by grant, however, its scope is detennined by the language of the grant,
construed in the light of what the parties contemplated at the time of its creation. A is,
therefore, incorrect. The initial installment of a single pipe by Waterco might be evi-
dence of what the parties contemplated at the time the easement was created. It is not
conclusive, however, because the scope of an easement is usually understood to include
those changes in the activities of the dominant estate which could reasonably have been
foreseen. Thus, although Waterco only installed one pipe, it may be found that the par-
ties anticipated that the installation of a second pipe might one day be necessary. If so,
that anticipation would be relevant in detennining the scope of the easement granted by
the language given. B is, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because where the granting
language is not sufficiently specific the scope of the easement is detennined as
explained above.

140. D Since the sales contract called for delivery of marketable title to a parcel consisting of
four lots, Barney could not be required to accept anything less. Outstanding encum-
brances - including easements - make a title unmarketable. Since one of the four lots
was encumbered by an easement, Swinton was unable to deliver marketable title, and
was, therefore, in breach of contract.

A covenant against encumbrances is breached if an encumbrance exists at the time of

conveyance, and gives rise to an action against the covenantor for any damage resulting
from the existence of such an encumbrance. A is incorrect, however, because market-
able title means a title which can be enjoyed without the likelihood of litigation, and
title to encumbered realty is likely to lead to litigation. Since there may be reasons why
Barney would want to purchase a parcel consisting of four lots but not a parcel consist-
ing of three lots, he cannot be required to accept less than what he bargained for. Having
bargained for a parcel consisting of four lots, he cannot, therefore, be compelled to
accept a deed to only three of them. B is, therefore, incorrect. In a tort action for inten-
tional misrepresentation, it would be necessary for Barney to show that Swinton knew
that the easement existed when he promised to deliver marketable title. Breach of con-
tract liability is not based on fault, however, and may be imposed simply because the
promisor has failed to keep a promise which he made. Since Swinton promised to
deliver marketable title (i.e., title free of encumbrances), he may be liable for breaching
that contract without regard to whether he knew that it would be breached when he
made it. For this reason, C is incorrect.

141. B For various reasons, the law recognizes a policy to encourage settlements. Since a party
might refrain from making a settlement offer if he believed that his offer could be used
as circumstantial evidence of his liability, this policy prohibits the admission as evi-
dence of the offeror's liability of an offer to settle or compromise a claim.

Since the offeror's explanation for his offer would not always prevent the offer from
convincing a jury of his liability, policy would prevent the admission of evidence of the
offer even if the offeror was given an opportunity to explain it. A is, therefore, incorrect.
Although a declaration against pecuniary interest may be an exception to the hearsay
rule, and although the admission of a party is an exception to the hearsay rule under
common law, and not hearsay at all under FRE 801(d)(2), C and D are incorrect since
the settlement offer is being excluded, not because it is hearsay, but because of the pol-

icy to encourage settlements.

142. B The plaintiff in a negligence action must establish that the defendant breached a duty of
reasonable care, and that the breach was a proximate cause of damage. In concept, a
plaintiff has sustained damage as a result of a defendant's act if the plaintiff would have
been better off without that act. If Palermo otherwise would have died, then Richey's act
saved Palermo's life at the expense of his injured knees. Since Palermo's life was more
important (i.e., valuable) than his knees, he would not have been better off without
Richey's act, arid; therefore, sustained no damage.

Since a result might have several proximate causes, any damage which Palermo did sus-
tain could have been proximately caused by the negligence of Richey and by the negli-
gence of Driscoll. This would make Richey and Driscoll joint tortfeasors - in most
jurisdictions, jointly and severally liable for Palermo's damage. For this reason, the fact
that Driscoll's negligence was a proximate cause of Palermo's injury is not likely to
result in a judgment for Richey. A is, therefore, incorrect. If Palermo was damaged as a
proximate result of the negligence of Richey, Richey would be liable for Palermo's
damage. This is true regardless of any injuries which Richey might have sustained. Cis,
therefore, incorrect. Ordinarily a person who acts is required to act as the reasonable
person would in the same circumstances. Since emergencies call for quick response
without time for cool reflection, a person confronted with an emergency is not required
to act as she would if not confronted by an emergency. She is, however, required to act
like the reasonable person would if confronted with the same emergency. Thus, the fact
that an emergency existed does not excuse a defendant from the obligation of acting rea-
sonably. D is, therefore, incorrect.

143. B The law of torts recognizes only three possible bases of liability. These are intent, striCt
liability, and negligence. Since intent means a desire or knowledge that a harmful result
will occur, and since no fact indicates that Driscoll desired or knew that his car would
hit Richey, he could not be liable to Richey on an intent theory. Strict liability is ordi-
narily imposed only on persons who engage in ultra-hazardous or abnormally-danger-
ous activities. Since operating a car is not one of these, Driscoll could not be liable on a
strict liability theory. Negligence is unreasonable conduct in the face of a duty to act
reasonably. Thus, if Driscoll did not act unreasonably, he could not be liable on a negli-
gence theory either.

A plaintiff assumes a risk when he knows of the risk and voluntarily encounters it. It is
generally understood, however, that a person who rushes into danger to rescue another
person does not act voluntarily because she is impelled by the necessity of the moment.
For this reason she does not thereby assume the risk. A is, therefore, incorrect. Although
under the all-or-nothing rule, contributory negligence is a complete defense, C is incor-
rect because contributory negligence is unreasonable conduct by the plaintiff, and Pal-
ermo is not the plaintiff in this claim. In jurisdictions which apply it, the doctrine of
"last clear chance" may permit a plaintiff to recover in spite of his contributory negli-
gence. D is incorrect because the doctrine of last clear chance is never applied to prevent
a plaintiff from recovering.

144. A Under the all-or-nothing rule of contributory negligence unreasonable conduct by the
plaintiff which contributes to the happening of an accident completely bars recovery by

the plaintiff. Thus, if it was unreasonable for Palermo to run into the street, his contribu-
tory negligence would serve as a defense for Driscoll. In deciding whether the conduct
of a child was unreasonable, it is compared to that of the reasonable child of the same
age, experience, and intelligence. Since this is usually a jury question, it is impossible to
tell whether this argument would result in a judgment for Driscoll. It is the only argu-
ment listed, however, which could possibly lead to such a result.

Once popular, the impact rule provided that a plaintiff could not recover for mental suf-
fering resulting from the defendant's negligence unless the suffering had been caused by
some physical impact. Few jurisdictions continue to apply it. Even in this small minor-
ity, however, the impact rule would not apply to Palermo's claim since the claim is for
physical, not mental, harm. B is, therefore, incorrect. Sometimes it is said that a defen-
dant owes no duty of reasonable care to persons located outside the foreseeable zone of
physical danger. If Driscoll was negligent, however, it was in the way he drove his car
before Richey ran out from the street to rescue Palermo. Thus, the fact that Richey
removed Palermo from the zone of physical danger would not prevent Driscoll from
being liable for the proximate results of his negligence. C is, therefore, incorrect. A
defendant owes a plaintiff a duty of reasonable care if the defendant's conduct creates a
foreseeable risk to the plaintiff. Sometimes, in deciding whether a defendant whose con-
duct created a foreseeable risk to someone owed a duty of reasonable care to the plain-
tiff who was attempting to rescue that endangered person, courts have held that because
"danger invites rescue" the coming of a rescuer is foreseeable. For this reason, it is said,
if the defendant's conduct created the foreseeable risk that a person would need rescue,
the defendant owes a duty of reasonable care to the rescuer. D is incorrect because,
although this argument could be used to justify the conclusion that Driscoll owed
Richey a duty of reasonable care, it cannot logically be used to justify the conclusion
that Driscoll did not owe Palermo (or anyone else) such a duty.

145. C The Fifth Amendment to .the United States Constitution provides that no person shall for
the same offense be placed twice in jeopardy of life or limb. In general, this prevents a
person from being tried twice for the same crime. Since Dahn has already been tried, the
subsequent prosecution violates this constitutional protection. C is correct for this rea-
son, and because none of the reasons listed in the other options is sufficient to result in a
denial of her motion.

In order for the protection against double jeopardy to be violated by prosecution for a
crime, it must be found that the defendant has already been in danger (i.e., jeopardy) of
losing her liberty as a result of a prosecution for the same crime and that the danger has
ended. If the danger to Dahn which was created. by the first prosecution has ended, sub-
sequent prosecution would place her in danger again, thus violating the Double Jeop-
ardy Clause. A is, therefore, incorrect. It is sometimes argued that a reversal based on a
legal flaw in the trial results in the conclusion that the trial was a nullity, and that jeop-
ardy, therefore, never attached in the first place. If this were so, subsequent prosecution
would not violate the Double Jeopardy Clause because Dahn was never in danger as a
result of the previous prosecution. B is incorrect, however, because the reversal by the
appellate court was not based on a legal flaw, but on insufficiency of the evidence which
is equivalent to an acquittal after trial. Usually a convicted defendant who appeals her
conviction thereby waives the constitutional protection against double jeopardy. A
reversal based on insufficiency of the evidence, however, indicates that the initial trial

should have resulted in an acquittal which would have barred re-prosecution, and so in
such a case the defendant does not waive her rights under the Double Jeopardy Clause.
D is, therefore, incorrect.

146. A Under the Supremacy Clause of Article VI of the United States Constitution, a state law
is invalid if it is inconsistent with a valid federal law covering the same subject matter. It
is easy to decide whether a state law which specifically contradicts a federal law is
invalid under the Supremacy Clause. It becomes more difficult when, as here, the state
law prohibits somethingwhich the federal law does not mention at all. The fact that the
federal law is silent about use of the telephone solicitation computer might mean that
Congress has permitted its use by not prohibiting it. It could also mean, however, that
Congress deliberately left the matter to regulation by the states. In deciding which con-
clusion to draw, it is necessary to determine congressional intent. This can be done by
examining the policy expressed in the existing federal regulations. Since the text of
those regulations is not given, it is impossible to decide whether the argument set forth
in A would lead to the conclusion suggested by Saleco. Of all the arguments listed,
however, A is the only one which might possibly support Saleco's position.

The powers of the states are not enumerated by the United States Constitution, but are
understood to include all governmental powers which are not exclusively those of Con-
gress. The Tenth Amendment reserves these powers to the states, but does not enumer-
ate them. Thus, B could not be correct. A state law which discriminates against
interstate commerce by withholding from out-of-staters commercial benefits which are
available to state residents may be unconstitutional because it violates the Commerce
Clause. C is incorrect, however, because the Champlain law prohibits use of the tele-
phone solicitation computer within the state by anyone. A state law may also be uncon-
stitutional because it violates the Commerce Clause by imposing an undue burden on
interstate commerce. If the state law made it more expensive to call from outside the
state than from inside the state, it might be imposing such a burden. D is incorrect, how-
ever, because the state law does not regulate telephone rates. C and D are also incorrect
because, although a state may not make the cost of doing business higher for non-resi-
dents than for residents, there is no reason why it cannot make the cost of doing busi-
ness in the state higher than the cost of doing business in other states. (e.g., A state
income tax law makes the cost of doing business in the state higher than the cost of
doing business in a state which does not have such a law or which has a lower tax rate.
A state law requiring the purchase of a business license or the filing of a business certif-
icate also has such an effect.)

147. D Expression with a primarily commercial purpose may be regulated so long as the regu-
lation directly advances a substantial government interest by the least burdensome
means necessary. Whether protecting the public against annoyance by computerized
telephone calls is a substantial government interest, and whether the prohibition against
the use of the telephone solicitation computer within the state directly advances that
interest are two questions open to debate. If the answer to either question is "no," the
statute violates the First Amendment. It is far from certain that a court would come to
this conclusion, but the argument set forth in D is the only one listed which could possi-
bly support Saleco's position.

Because of the importance of free expression, the rules of standing are ordinarily

relaxed for First Amendment challenges based on a claim of overbreadth. Thus, a per-
son whose speech can be constitutionally punished may challenge the constitutionality
of a statute which punishes it on the ground that the statute is "overbroad" in that it also
punishes speech which cannot be constitutionally punished. The purpose of this rule is
to prevent the "chilling" of First Amendment rights by state regulations. Since it is
believed that advertisers are unlikely to be chilled by such regulations, however, this
rule does not apply in commercial speech cases. A is, therefore, incorrect. The selection
of a standard to be applied in deciding the constitutional validity of a law regulating
expression may depend on whether the regulation is content-related. This fact alone,
however, is never sufficient to justify the conclusion that the regulation is invalid. B is,
therefore, incorrect. A statute is said to have a "chilling" effect on freedom of expres-
sion if its terms are so unclear that the reasonable person could not tell what forms of
expression are prohibited, and might, therefore, be afraid to engage in unprohibited
forms of expression. Although the high cost of using telephone solicitation computers
outside the state to call numbers inside the state might discourage people from doing so,
this will not be because they are uncertain about what expression the law forbids. Thus,
the law cannot be said to have a chilling effect for this reason, making C incorrect.

148. A Under the parol evidence rule, extrinsic evidence of prior agreements or negotiations is
not admissible to contradict or modify an unambiguous written contract which the par-
ties intended as a complete expression of their agreement. The rule does not prevent the
use of extrinsic evidence for other purposes, however. Virtually all jurisdictions permit
its use to show that the written contract is ambiguous and to clear up the ambiguity.
Since the phrase "all fuel ordered by the Department of Transportation" might mean all
the fuel which the Department chooses to order from Petrol, or all the fuel which the
Department orders at all during that period, the contract is probably ambiguous on its
face. If it is not ambiguous on its face, the fact that the advertisement calling for bids
indicated that the contract would be exclusive tends to show an ambiguity since it might
mean that the parties intended Petrol to be the exclusive supplier even though the writ-
ten contract does not specifically say so. The advertisement is probably admissible for
this reason. Although it is not certain that a court would come to this conclusion, the
argument set forth in A is the only one listed which might provide Petrol with an effec-
tive response to the Department of Transportation's objection.

B is incorrect because the parol evidence rule may prevent the admission of extrinsic
evidence, whether it is oral or written. C and D are incorrect because the parol evidence
rule excludes extrinsic evidence of statements made prior to and during negotiations if
offered to modify the terms of an unambiguous written contract.

149. C At common law, priorities were determined by the dates of the transactions involved.
The person who received his interest first had priority over all others. In all jurisdictions
in the United States, recording statutes have modified the common law rule. Under the
statute given (typical of the "notice" variety) an unrecorded interest does not defeat the
rights of a subsequent taker for value and without notice. Since Benedict received the
property as a gift (i.e., did not give value), however, he is not protected by the statute.
For this reason, the interest of Marcus, since it was created before that of Benedict, has
priority over it. Since Marcus did give value for his interest, and since the facts do not
indicate that he was aware of Amaro's interest, Marcus is protected by the recording
statute. Under the statute, Amaro's interest is not good against Marcus, since Amaro's

deed was not recorded. Thus, the interest of Marcus has priority, and Marcus is entitled
to foreclose.

Although Marcus did not record his mortgage, it has priority over Benedict's interest
because Benedict - not having given value - is not protected by the recording statute.
Under the statute, the interest of Marcus - which is protected by the recording statute
- has priority over the previously created interest of Amaro because Amaro's interest
was unrecorded when Marcus received the mortgage. A is, therefore, incorrect. B is
incorrect· because Benedict is not protected by the recording statute for the reasons
given above. Since Marcus's interest is superior to Amaro's under the recording statute,
Amaro's interest is subject to the mortgage held by Marcus. D is, therefore, incorrect.

150. A Pace's allegation that the vehicle was defective means that her claim is based on the the-
ory of strict liability in tort. Assumption of the risk may be raised as an effective defense
to such a claim. Since a plaintiff assumes the risk when she voluntarily encounters a
danger of which she knows, Pace may have assumed the risk by driving with the knowl-
edge that the seat belt warning indicator light was not working.

B is incorrect because a product might be defective even though it does not violate a
safety statute. If Pace would have ignored the seat belt warning indicator light, its fail-
ure to operate was not a factual cause of her harm, and Dartmouth Motors could not be
liable for her injury. Factual cause is a question of fact for the jury, however, and a
plaintiff only needs to prove it by a fair preponderance of the evidence. Thus, even if
Pace cannot prove with certainty that she would have worn the seat belt had the indica-
tor been working, she may still win her case if the jury finds it more likely than not that
she would have. C is, therefore, incorrect. A professional seller who supplies a defective
product is strictly liable for resulting harm whether or not the defect resulted from that
seller's fault. D is, therefore, incorrect.

151. A The use of the word "unless" in this clause establishes a fee simple determinable on spe-
ciallimitation. An important characteristic of this estate is that it terminates automati-
cally upon the happening of the event specified in the limitation. Unless the conveyance
creates a future interest in another grantee, the termination of a fee simple determinable
causes the estate to revert to the grantor or his successors. Thus, under the clause in
option (A) the realty will revert to Ortega or to his heirs as soon as a possessor begins to
make the physical changes which Ortega is trying to avoid. Since the rule against perpe-
tuities does not apply to interests of the grantor, it does not operate to invalidate this

The phrase "but if' in options B and C creates a fee simple subject to a condition subse-
quent. It would give Dawn the power to terminate Sander's estate by taking action upon
the happening of the specified event. Under the rule against perpetuities, no interest is
good unless it must vest, if at all, within a period of time measured by a life or lives in
being plus 21 years. Since it is possible that the event would occur outside that period
(e.g., Sander and Dawn could die the day after the conveyance and the house could be
painted green 22 years later), the interest of Dawn and her heirs might vest outside the
prescribed period. Since Dawn's power to terminate is void, Sander's interest would not
be subject to it, and would, therefore, be absolute. B and C are, therefore, incorrect.
Since D would place no restrictions on Sander's use of the property, it would not pre-

vent him from physically changing the house during his lifetime or painting it a color
other than white. D is, therefore, incorrect.

152. A A direct restraint on alienation is a covenant or condition which attempts to control the
alienability of the estate granted. A disabling restraint purports to withhold the grantee's
power to alienate. A promissory restraint consists of a covenant not to alienate. It does
not withhold the covenantor's power to alienate, but subjects the covenantor to liability
for damages for breaching the covenant by alienating. A forfeitural restraint terminates
the estate upon an attempt to alienate it, causing the property to vest in someone else.
Direct restraints on the alienation ofjee simple estates are generally void and unenforce-
able, whether they are disabling, promissory, or forfeiturial. While disabling restraints
on the alienation of life estates are similarly void, promissory or forfeiturial restraints on
the alienation of life estates may be valid if reasonable. From the language of Ortega's
will it is difficult to determine whether the restraint which it creates is disabling or for-
feiturial. The argument presented in A is the only one listed, however, which might pos-
sibly support Sander's claim.

B and C are incorrect because promissory and forfeiturial restraints on the alienation of
life estates may be enforceable. D is incorrect in spite of the 40-year period which it
specifies, because Sander could not possibly alienate his interest except during his own
lifetime. Thus, the vesting of Dawn's interest could not possibly occur beyond a period
measured by a life in being (Sander's) plus 21 years, making the rule against perpetu-
ities inapplicable to it.

153. C An admission is a declaration by a party offered against that party. Under the common
law, admissions are admissible as exceptions to the hearsay rule; under FRE 80l(d)(2),
admissions are not hearsay. Matters to which a party has stipulated on the record are
known as "judicial admissions" and are conclusive in the proceeding in which they were
made. Since PiCo specified that the information contained in The Commercial Journal
was to be used as its response to Dee Corp's interrogatories, the appropriate portions of
The Commercial Journal may be regarded as a judicial admission.

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because an admission is either admissible hear-

say (under common law) or not hearsay at all (under the FRE). A court may take judi-
cial notice of facts contained in a reference work which is shown to be a reputable
source beyond reasonable dispute. Since the portions of The Commercial Journal are
admissible as admissions, however, judicial notice is not the only way that they would
be admissible. D is, therefore, incorrect.

154. C Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought. Among other
things, malice aforethought may consist of the intent to cause serious bodily harm or of
a reckless disregard for human life. Stabbing with a knife is evidence of both these
states of mind. Therefore, if Danico's stabbing of Hamilton proximately caused Hamil-
ton's death, it was probably murder. An act is a proximate cause of death if it was a fac-
tual and legal cause of the death. Denico's act was a factual cause of Hamilton's death
because Hamilton's death would not have occurred without it. Conduct is a legal cause
of death if the death was a foreseeable result of it, and if there were no superseding
intervening causes. Wilma's conduct was also a cause of Hamilton's death, since Hamil-
ton's death would not have occurred if Wilma had secured medical attention. Further,

her failure to do so was an intervening cause of Hamilton's death because it came after
Danico's act and before Hamilton's death. If Wilma's conduct was unforeseeable, it can
be called a superseding intervening cause of death. Under the definition given above,
this would prevent Danico's conduct from being a legal (or proximate) cause.

As indicated above, Danico's conduct was a factual cause of Hamilton's death, since the
death would not have occurred if Danico had not stabbed Hamilton. Wilma's failure to
secure prompt medical attention was also a factual cause of Hamilton's death, since it
would not have occurred if she had secured prompt medical attentioh. Any result may
have several causes; the fact that Wilma's conduct was a cause does not establish that
Danico's was not. A is, therefore, incorrect. If Hamilton's death was an unforeseeable
result of Danico's act, Danico's act was not a proximate cause of it. "Foreseeable," how-
ever, means that which the reasonable person would anticipate.· Thus, even an unusual
result may be foreseeable. For this reason, the fact that leg wounds do not usually cause
death does not necessarily justify the conclusion that Hamilton's death was an unfore-
seeable result of Danico's act. B is, therefore, incorrect. If Wilma's conduct was a sub-
stantial factor in producing Hamilton's death, it was a factual cause of that death. Any
result may have several proximate causes, however. D is incorrect because Danico's act
was also a cause of Hamilton's death.

155. B Failing to perform a particular act cannot be a crime unless there existed some legal
duty to perform that act. Ordinarily, no person owes to another a legal duty to protect
him from harm or to secure medical attention when he needs it. Thus, unless the law in
the jurisdiction imposed such a duty on Wilma, her failure to secure medical attention
for Hamilton cannot be murder.

A is incorrect because any result may have several proximate causes; thus finding that
Danico's conduct was a proximate cause does not establish that Wilma's was not. Mal-
ice aforethought may consist of an intent (i.e., desire or substantial certainty) that seri-
ous bodily harm will result from defendant's act, or a reckless disregard for human life.
Since Wilma's conduct may evidence both these states of mind, the fact that she did not
know that death would result is not, alone, sufficient to prevent her from being guilty of
murder. C is, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because, even if she knew that Hamil-
ton was in need of medical attention, Wilma's failure to secure it could not be murder
unless she was under a legal duty to do so.

156. C Unless it involves a fundamental right (i.e., voting, or marriage and procreation) or dis-
criminates on the basis of a suspect classification, state regulation of social or economic
interests is valid if it has a rational basis. Since the United States Supreme Court has
held that age is not a suspect classification, the state mandatory retirement law is valid if
it has a rational basis. Under this test, if any state of facts can be imagined that would
make the legislative choice a reasonable way to achieve a legitimate legislative purpose,
the law will be upheld. Since providing state employees with the best insurance protec-
tion at the lowest cost is a legitimate legislative purpose, the mandatory retirement law
probably has a rational basis which makes it valid. (Note: Although it is possible to con-
clude that the law does not have a rational basis because mandatory retirement is not a
reasonable means of achieving this objective, C is the only answer which could possibly
be correct.)

Under the Supremacy Clause a state law is invalid if it conflicts with a valid federal law
covering the same subject matter. Since the federal law fixes the retirement age for fed-
eral employees, and the state of DelMara law fixes the retirement age for state employ-
ees, the two laws do not cover the same subject matter and are therefore not inconsistent
with each other. A is, thus, incorrect. A law may have a rational basis even though its
application to one particular person does not advance its objective. Thus, if many other
state jobs require skills or abilities which are related to age, the fact that Robello's does
not will not be sufficient to invalidate the law. B is, therefore, incorrect. D is too general
a statement to be correct; the federal government may impose some economic burdens
on the states (e.g., may tax certain state activities).

157. A Article I Section 10 of the United States Constitution prohibits the states from passing
laws impairing the obligation of contracts. This prevents a state from unjustifiably repu-
diating its own contractual obligations or interfering with the contract rights of individ-
uals. If Robello was a state employee prior to the time the mandatory retirement law
was passed, the state of DelMara owed him certain obligations under the employment
contract. Under the laws which then existed, these included the obligations to grant an
annual salary increase and to pay a retirement pension based on the salary he earned the
year immediately prior to this retirement. Accompanying all contract obligations is the
implied warranty that the promisor will not willfully prevent the promisee from enjoy-
ing the benefits thereunder. By mandating retirement at 65, the state has prevented
Robello from further increasing his annual salary and thus increasing the amount of his
retirement pension. Since he had this right under the employment contract which
existed prior to passage. of the mandatory retirement law, the law may be held to impair
an obligation of contracts.

On the other hand, unless Robello was a state employee prior to the passage of the man-
datory retirement law, he has no contractual expectation of continued employment after
65. This is true even though he undertook financial obligations in contemplation of con-
tinued employment, because although he might have detrimentally relied on that expec-
tation, such reliance was not justified. B is, therefore, incorrect. The fact that Robello
was fit for continued employment after the age of 65 would not result in a finding that
the mandatory retirement law impairs the obligation of contracts because his fitness did
not create a contractual expectation unless he was employed prior to passage of the law.
C and D are, therefore incorrect.

158. B When, after the formation of the contract and prior to the date of performance, an
unforeseeable event occurs which makes performance of a contractual obligation
impossible, the doctrine of impossibility discharges that obligation. Thus, if it was
unforeseeable that Megahog would contract boarsitis, Swiney's contractual duty to
exhibit him at the Agricultural Exposition would be discharged. While the facts do not
indicate whether or not it was foreseeable that Megahog would contract the disease,
impossibility of performance is the only concept listed which could possibly provide
Swiney with an effective defense.

Rescission results when the contracting parties mutually agree to release each other
from further obligations under the contract. Since Fair did not agree to release Swiney,
there could not have been a rescission. A is, therefore, incorrect. Frustration of purpose
is frequently confused with impossibility of performance, but differs from it substan-

tially. When perfonnance is possible but an unforeseeable change in circumstances

destroys the underlying reasons for it, the doctrine of frustration may discharge the duty
to perform. (For example, if Megahog did not become ill, but on the day of the Agricul-
tural Exposition there was a rainstonn so severe that no one attended the Agricultural
Exposition, the doctrine of frustration might relieve either or both parties from perfonn-
ing because although the perfonnance was still possible, there was no longer any pur-
pose for it.) Since the underlying purpose for Megahog's exhibition continued to exist,
the doctrine of frustration of purpose does not apply, and C is incorrect. A prospective
inability to perfonn occurs when a party divests himself of the power to perfonn. Its
effect is to relieve the other party of obligations under the contract. The concept is not
applicable here for two reasons: fIrst, Swiney did not divest himself of the ability to per-
fonn; and, second, it is Swiney and not Fair who seeks to be excused from perfonnance.
D is, therefore, incorrect.

159. A There are various theories which might exclude perfonnance because of a change in cir-
cumstances, but all require that the change in circumstances be unforeseeable at the
time the contract was fonned. If Swiney knew on May 1 that many hogs in the area had
contracted boarsitis, it was probably foreseeable to him that Megahog would contract it
also. If Megahog's disease was foreseeable to Swiney, it would not excuse his perfor-
mance under any theory.

If perfonnance required by a contract becomes illegal after the contract is fonned, both
parties are excused from further perfonnance. Thus, if the state Department of Live-
stock issued an order prohibiting the exhibition of Megahog, Swiney would be excused
from exhibiting him, and the court would fInd against Fair. B is, therefore, incorrect. C
is incorrect because the contract called for the exhibition of Megahog, and not merely
for the exhibition of a hog with Megahog's qualities. D is incorrect because if the
change of circumstances which resulted in Fair's loss was unforeseeable, Fair cannot
collect for that loss even if it can be established with particularity.

160. B An intervening cause is an event without which the accident would not have occurred,
and which took place after the defendant's negligence. Dain's encounter with the pot-
hole was, thus, an intervening cause of the collision. A superseding cause is an unfore-
seeable intervening cause. In this context, the word "unforeseeable" may be used to
mean either something which the reasonable person would not have anticipated, or
something which in retrospect appears to have been extraordinary. If potholes are fre-
quently found on road surfaces in the area, the presence of the pothole was foreseeable
(in either sense of the word), and could not have been a superseding cause of harm.

A is incorrect because although violation of a statute may establish that the defendant
was negligent, it does not establish that the defendant's conduct was causally related to
the plaintiff's injury. A superseding cause may relieve a defendant ofliability by justify-
ing the conclusion that his conduct was not a legal cause of harm, whether or not the
person responsible for the superseding cause can be required to compensate the plain-
tiff. Thus, Dain's liability does not depend on whether the Department of Highway
Transportation is liable for its negligence or on whether governmental immunity has
been abolished. C is, therefore, incorrect. The fact that the accident would not have
occurred without the pothole proves that the pothole was one of its factual causes.
Unless the presence of the pothole was an unforeseeable intervening cause, however, it

was not a superseding cause of Parnell's hann, and would not relieve Parnell of liability.

161. D The majority of jurisdictions recognize a client's privilege to prevent disclosure of a

confidential communication which she made to her attorney while seeking legal advice
even before retaining her. In addition, the privilege applies to confidences which the cli-
ent communicates to an agent of the attorney in connection with the subject of the attor-
ney-client relationship. Since Caswell's communication with Ander was at Larkin's
request to enable Larkin to make decisions relative to her representation of Caswell, it is
protected by the attorney-client privilege.

A document prepared by or for an attorney which contains the attorney's mental impres-
sions may be privileged as an attorney's work product. A is incorrect, however, because
the conversation between Caswell and Ander was not a document and did not contain
Larkin's mental impressions. B is incorrect because there is no rule of privilege which
protects records kept in the course of business simply because of that fact. (Note:
Records kept in the course of business are sometimes admissible under an exception to
the hearsay rule.) An admission is a declaration by a party which is offered against that
party. Under common law, admissions are admissible hearsay; under PRE 801(d)(2),
admissions are not hearsay at all. Since Defcorp seeks to offer Caswell's statements
against Caswell, they cannot be classified as inadmissible hearsay. C is, therefore,

162. B A tenant who vacates leased premises is said to have abandoned them. Abandonment
prior to the expiration of a lease does not terminate the tenant's obligation to pay rent
unless the landlord relets on the tenant's account. A landlord is not obligated to do so,
however. Thus, the continuing vacancy of the premises for the balance of the lease term
results in a continuing obligation by Thies to pay rent - $2,000 per month for four
months, or $8,000.

If Larsen had relet, Thies might argue that he is thus relieved of the obligation to pay for
the balance of the term. Larsen's conveyance to Barash does not have that effect, how-
ever, since the premises remained vacant. (Note: It is common for the grantor of leased
property to assign to the grantee the right to receive rents. Even without an express
assignment, the grantee will probably acquire this benefit since it runs with the land. If,
for any reason, the right to receive rent does not pass to. the grantee, the tenant will be
required to continue paying it to the original lessor.) A is, therefore, incorrect. Since the
lease called for payment of the rent in money (i.e., $2,000 per month) the lessor is not
required to accept payment in any other form. Thus, Thies cannot require his landlord to
accept the storage building in lieu of rent. C and D are, therefore, incorrect.

163. D Under the doctrine of accession, the owner of realty becomes the owner, as well, of any-
thing which becomes part of it. Thus, if the storage building has become part of the
realty, Thies may not remove it. Unless the parties agree, however, the decision as to
whether the building has become part of (i.e., annexed to) the realty can only be made
by a court. I is incorrect because the landlord does not have the power to decide it uni-
laterally. n is incorrect because if the building has become part of (i.e., annexed to) the
realty, the landlord is already its owner by accession, and cannot be required to pay for

164. B Public nuisance is a tortious invasion of some right of the general public. Ordinarily, the
public is the plaintiff, and the claim is asserted on its behalf by the public attorney. A
private individual may assert a public nuisance claim on his own behalf only when a
public nuisance has caused him to sustain harm which is different in kind from the harm
sustained by the general public. Since Tena's harm did not differ from that sustained by
the general public, his claim for public nuisance should fail. B would, therefore, be an
effective argument in Agriprod's defense.

. In determining whether a particular activity is appropriate to the location, courts some-

times consider how long it has been conducted there. However, the fact that a defendant
was engaging in an offensive activity before the plaintiff arrived is not, by itself, suffi-
cient to permit the defendant to continue engaging in that activity. For this reason,
"coming to the nuisance" is not an effective defense, and A is incorrect. In the final
analysis, the standards of proper behavior in a particular industry are determined by the
courts, not by the members of that industry. Therefore, the fact that all members of the
insecticide industry act in a particular way is not sufficient to prevent that conduct from
being tortious. C is, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because a public nuisance may
be committed by interfering with the public comfort or convenience, despite the fact
that no physical damage occurs.

165. C Private nuisance is a tortious interference with the plaintiff's right to use and enjoy real
property in which he has a present or future possessory interest. In effect, a plaintiff
suing a defendant for private nuisance is claiming that the defendant's use of its realty
unreasonably violates the plaintiff's right to use his realty. For this reason, in deciding a
claim for private nuisance the courts must balance the rights of the plaintiff and defen-
dant in an attempt to determine which right is more worthy of protection. In doing so
courts consider many factors including the relative importance of the plaintiff's and the
defendant's activity, the appropriateness of each to the location, and the ability of each
to avoid the harm complained of. Because Larvaway is an important agricultural prod-
uct, the fact that it cannot be manufactured without producing bad smells could lead a
court to conclude that the production of bad smells is not a nuisance. It is by no means
certain that a court would come to this conclusion, but of all the additional facts listed,
C is the only one which might result in a judgment for Agriprod.

There was a time when a 1,000 mile distance might have made it impossible for farmers
to obtain the insecticide from other manufacturers. Then, in balancing the rights of
Agriprod against those of Tena, a court might have concluded that the importance of
Agriprod's activity outweighed the importance of Tena's, and that the manufacture of
Larvaway was, therefore, not a nuisance. Modem transportation makes that argument
unpersuasive, however. A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because a tenant (i.e.,
the holder of a leasehold interest) has sufficient possessory interest in realty to maintain
an action for private nuisance against one who interferes with his right to use or enjoy it.
A private individual may not maintain an action for public nuisance unless his harm is
substantially different from that sustained by the general public. No such requirement is
imposed on the plaintiff in a private nuisance action, however. He must show only that
the defendant tortiously interfered with his right to use and enjoy his realty. D is, there-
fore, incorrect.

166. B Ordinarily a relevant object is admissible into evidence if a witness testifies that she rec-

ognizes it. Because writings are particularly subject to fraud, however, special rules
have developed regarding their admission. Where the legal significance of a writing
depends upon its authorship, the writing cannot be admitted unless the court (i.e., judge)
finds that there is sufficient evidence to warrant a finding regarding its authorship. Here,
for example, the court may have to decide whether there was sufficient evidence that the
witness knew Dakin's signature.

Unless the court determines that there has been sufficient authentication the jury should
not be given an opportunity to See the document. A is, therefore, incorrect. FRE
901(b)(3) and the common law permit the jury to consider an authenticated exemplar of
a party's signature in determining whether a document in question was signed by the
party. C is incorrect, however, because this is not the only way of getting the promissory
note before the jury. D is incorrect because once the court determines that there is suffi-
cient evidence to justify a finding by the jury regarding the genuineness of a signature,
the question of whether it actually is genuine is one of fact for the jury.

167. C Hearsay is defined as an out-of-court statement offered for the purpose of proving the
truth of the matter asserted in that statement. The language of a promissory note creates
an indebtedness. It is offered into evidence for the purpose of establishing that indebted-
ness (i.e., for its independent legal significance), not for the purpose of establishing the
truth of any facts which it incidentally communicates. For this reason, it is not hearsay.

A is incorrect because there is no indication that the note was prepared in the regular
course of business, which is one of the requirements of a business record. Under the best
evidence rule, secondary evidence to prove the terms of a writing is not admissible
unless the writing itself is shown to be unavailable. This rule is thus a rule of exclusion.
Although it may prevent the admission of a document which is not an original, it does
not keep an original document from being hearsay, or permit the admission of an origi-
nal document which is inadmissible for other reasons. B is, therefore, incorrect. If an
out-of-court statement is offered to prove the truth of a matter which it asserts, it is hear-
say. The fact that the declarant (i.e., the person who made the statement) is in court does
not prevent it from being hearsay or permit its admission. D is, therefore, incorrect.

168. B A statute which establishes a system of classification which discriminates against mem-
bers of a particular ethnic group may violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Four-
teenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Even if a statute does not establish such a
system of classification, however, it may be enforced in a way which makes it unconsti-
tutional as applied. In determining whether the application of a statute violates the
Equal Protection Clause, the United States Supreme Court has examined statistical evi-
dence that the statute is being enforced in a discriminatory manner. Since the fact that
100 percent of Olander's speeding tickets were issued to members of an ethnic minority
constituting only ten percent of the population suggests a discriminatory application of
the speed limit statute, that fact furnishes effective support for Churchill's assertion.

On the other hand, the fact that Churchill has received such summonses only from Olan-
der does not indicate a discriminatory application of the statute by Olander unless it is
coupled with information about other summonses issued by Olander. A is incorrect for
this reason, and because three incidents are probably not enough to justify any generali-
zation. Coupled with the facts in option B, the facts in option C might support the con-

clusion that discrimination was behind the apparent inequity in Olander's issuing of
speeding tickets. Standing alone, however, the fact that members of Churchill's minor-
ity do not drive any differently from members of other groups does nothing to show that
the summons was issued to Churchill on a discriminatory basis. C is, therefore, incor-
rect. It is, of course, physically impossible for a police officer to apprehend all violators
of a particular statute. This means that some will be apprehended while others will not.
For this reason, the fact that one member of a particular ethnic group was apprehended
while some persons who did not belong to that ethnic group were not apprehended is
not, alone, sufficient to indicate that the apprehension of Churchill was the result of dis-
crimination. D is, therefore, incorrect.

169. A Criminal battery consists of the intentional, reckless, or criminally negligent application
of force to the body of another person. One who knows that he often becomes intoxi-
cated upon drinking small quantities of alcoholic beverage may be guilty of reckless-
ness or criminal negligence by drinking half a glass of beer in the company of other
people. Since this is all the mens rea required for a battery conviction, the fact that it
was the alcohol which made Dafoe become violent would not be relevant to any mate-
rial issue in the case. For this reason, the psychiatrist's testimony should be excluded.

The psychiatrist's testimony had no bearing on Dafoe's sanity under any definition of
that term currently applied in the United States, but might be admissible for some other
reason. B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because criminal battery may be com-
mitted recklessly or criminally negligently without the intent to injure (i.e., criminal bat-
tery is a general intent crime). A defendant's intoxication is involuntary if the intoxicant
was taken against his will or without knowledge of its intoxicating properties. Since
Dafoe was aware that even a small quantity of alcohol could intoxicate him, he cannot
be said to have become intoxicated involuntarily. The psychiatrist's testimony would
simply confmn what Dafoe already knew about himself when he drank the beer, and,
therefore, could not establish that the intoxication was involuntary. D is, therefore,

170. D A person is guilty of a criminal attempt when with the specific intent to bring about a
result which is criminally prohibited, he comes substantially close to achieving that
result. Thus, although murder can be committed without the intent to kill, attempted
murder cannot. If a defendant was unaware that his conduct could cause death, he can-
not be guilty of attempted murder. This is true even though it was his voluntary intoxi-
cation which prevented him from being aware of the dangers which his conduct created.
Since the psychiatrist's testimony indicates that Dafoe might not have been aware that
his conduct could result in danger to the bartender, it is relevant to material issues in his
trial and should be admitted.

A, Band C are incorrect because if intoxication (even voluntary intoxication) deprived

a defendant of the ability to form the specific intent required for guilt, he cannot be con-

171. B In order to be enforceable, a contract must be definite and certain in all its basic terms.
One way of determining whether a purported agreement is sufficiently definite and cer-
tain is to ask whether its terms make it possible for a court to fashion a remedy for its
breach. Most of the time, this requires that the agreement identify the parties, and show

that they have agreed to the subject matter, the time for performance, and the price. The
writing between Babcock and Sandag leaves the price to be determined by a later agree-
ment. But if the parties have not agreed as to how that subsequently-to-be-agreed-on
price shall be determined, there is no way that a court could fashion a remedy for its
breach. The Writing would thus fail because it is not sufficiently definite and certain.

The Statute of Frauds requires that an agreement to transfer an interest in real estate be
in writing. A writing might satisfy its requirements even though it does not specify a
price, so long as it indicates the method which the parties have agreed to use in setting
the price. For example, if the parties have agreed to set "a reasonable price" in the
future, the writing might satisfy the Statute of Frauds even though it does not specify
what the price will be. A is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because the parties did
not agree to be bound by the objective value of the property even if it could be deter-
mined. D is incorrect for two reasons: first, the Dee provision which deems an omitted
price term to call for a reasonable price applies only to transactions in goods; and, sec-
ond, this contract did not omit the price term, but provided that it would be set by
mutual agreement in the future.

172. D A person is guilty of an attempt when with the intent to bring about a result which is
criminally prohibited, she commits some act which brings her substantially close to
accomplishing that result. If the result which Dacon intended is criminally prohibited,
and if Dacon came substantially close to accomplishing it, she is guilty of attempting it.
If an exam answer is "information" as defined by the statute, its theft would be a crime
whether Dacon knew it or not. Similarly, if she intended to steal it and came substan-
tially close to doing so, she is guilty of an attempt to violate the statute even though she
did not know that what she was attempting to do was a crime.

A person may be guilty of attempting to commit a crime, even though facts unknown to
her would have made successful completion of the crime impossible. A is, therefore,
incorrect. As a matter of policy, all persons are irrebuttably presumed to know the law.
Thus a defense cannot be based on the defendant's ignorance of the statute which pro-
hibits her conduct (i.e., ignorance of the law is no excuse). B is, therefore, incorrect.
Since criminal attempt requires the intent to bring about a result which is criminally pro-
hibited, a person cannot be guilty simply because the result which she intended to
achieve was immoral. C is, therefore, incorrect.

173. B Battery is intentional harmful or offensive contact with the plaintiff. An unauthorized
contact is offensive. Since Platt's fall (i.e., contact with the floor) was unauthorized, the
requirement of offensive contact is clearly satisfied. Dudley's liability therefore depends
on whether he had the necessary intent. In a battery case, a defendant has the necessary
intent if he knows to a substantial degree of certainty that harmful or offensive contact
will result from his volitional act. Thus, unless Dudley knew that Platt would fall, he
could not be liable for battery.

A is incorrect because intent requires knowledge to a substantial degree of certainty, and

a risk which is merely foreseeable does not satisfy that requirement. C is incorrect
because if there was an offensive contact, battery does not require that any physical
injury result from it. If Dudley was substantially certain that an offensive (i.e., unautho-
rized) contact would occur, he will be liable for the results of that offensive contact,

even though he was not substantially certain that those particular results would occur. D
is incorrect because Dudley's knowledge that Platt would fall makes him liable for the
embarrassment which resulted, even if he lacked knowledge that embarrassment would

174. D Intentional infliction of emotional distress requires outrageous behavior which inten-
tionally results in severe mental suffering. Some jurisdictions require that the mental
suffering produce physical manifestations; some do not. All require, however, that the
mental suffering be severe. ~Since the facts indicate that Platt was merely embarrassed,
Dudley may argue that Platt's suffering was not sufficiently severe to result in liability.

If Dudley desired or knew that mental suffering would result from his volitional act, he
had the necessary state of mind to satisfy the intent requirement for his tort, even if his
motive was not a hostile one. A is incorrect because Dudley may have had the necessary
intent, even though his motive was to playa joke. Since intent may consist of knowl-
edge that mental suffering will result, the fact that Dudley did not desire to produce it is
not sufficient to establish that he lacked the requisite intent. B is, therefore, incorrect. C
is incorrect because, although apprehension is an essential element of assault, it is not an
essential element of intentional infliction of emotional distress.

175. D The right of survivorship is the best-known characteristic of a joint tenancy. It means
that if one of the joint tenants dies, the survivor becomes the owner of the deceased ten-
ant's share. Thus, if Bert died while he and Sally were joint tenants, Sally would have
become the sole owner of the realty. When a joint tenant conveys his interest, however,
the joint tenancy is severed, and his grantee becomes a tenant in common with the
remaining co-owner. Tenants in common do not have a right. of survivorship. Since a
quitclaim conveys the grantor's interest, Bert's quitclaim to Wilba severed his joint ten-
ancy with Sally, and made Wilma and Sally tenants in common. When Sally died, Dot
inherited Sally's interest, thus becoming a tenant in common with Wilba.

A and B are incorrect for the reasons given above. C is incorrect because Bert's quit-
claim to Wilba severed the joint tenancy.

176. A Article IV, Section 2, paragraph 2 of the United States Constitution contains what is
known as the Property Clause: "Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all
needful rules and regulations respecting.,. ,property belonging to the United States."
The United States Supreme Court has held that the Property Clause leaves the lease or
other disposition of federal property within the discretion ofCongress.

Although the Commerce Clause gives Congress the power to regulate interstate com-
merce, B is incorrect because there is no fact indicating that the lease of grazing land
was for that purpose or would have that effect. A person has standing to assert a consti-
tutional challenge if he is faced with some actual or immediately threatened concrete
harm which the court could avoid by granting the relief requested. If the low rate will
cause Realty Corporation to lose revenue, it faces an immediately threatened concrete
harm. If the court declares the federal lease unconstitutional, the problems created by
competition with the federal government will be solved, and the harm will be averted. C
is, therefore, incorrect. This proceeding challenges the constitutionality of the action of
Congress and the agency to which it delegated power. The authority of Congress and the

federal government is limited by the Constitution. If the federal government were

immune from such a challenge, constitutional limitations on its exercise of power would
be meaningless. Whether the federal government is immune from tort claims based on
allegations of unfair competition is irrelevant. D is, therefore, incorrect.

177. C A claim has become moot when there are no longer any contested questions essential
for the disposition of the controversy. This might make it possible for a litigant to tem-
porarily change its behavior, removing the apparent need to litigate the issues involved,
then have the proceeding dismissed on the ground of mootness only to return to its old
behavior immediately afterward. For this reason, it is generally understood that when an
issue appears to have become moot as the result of the voluntary conduct of the party
moving for dismissal, that party must show that there is no reasonable expectation that
the wrong will be repeated. Since the Tall Grasslands Bureau has not done so, a court
could properly decide to hear the case. While it is not certain that a court would come to
this conclusion, C is the only argument listed which could possibly result in denial of
the motion to dismiss.

Because of the case or controversy requirement of Article III of the United States Con-
stitution, the fact that a claim raises an important question'is not alone sufficient to jus-
tify hearing it if the issues have become moot. A is, therefore, incorrect. Sometimes the
disposition of a claim is likely to have an effect on one of the parties which is indirectly
related to the relief sought by the claimant (i.e., collateral consequences). If this is so,
the claim may be heard, even though all issues connected with the relief which the
claimant seeks have become moot. [For example, a person may appeal a criminal con-
viction even after serving the entire sentence, because the conviction may have resulted
collaterally in loss of the right to vote or to obtain a driving license.] Since there is no
fact indicating that the disposition of Realty Corporation's claim will have collateral
consequences, however, this rule would not provide Realty Corporation with an effec-
tive opposition to the assertion that the claim has become moot. For this reason, B is
incorrect. If no concrete harm has occurred or is immediately threatened, a claim is said
to be unripe. If a claim has become ripe, but because of a change in circumstances there
are no contested issues left to resolve, it is said to be moot. A claim never really
becomes moot until after it has become ripe. For this reason, D is an absurdity, and,
therefore, incorrect.

178. A Milburn's promise to pay $250 is enforceable only if it is supported by consideration.

Consideration is something of value - either benefit to promisor or detriment to prom-
isee - given in exchange for the promise. Since Pattison promised not to make a claim
for medical expenses against Stuart in return for Milburn's promise to pay $250, it is
necessary to determine whether, in doing so, Pattison was giving up anything of value.
Generally, it is understood that even if there is doubt about whether a claim would be
successful, a promise not to assert it is a thing of value (i.e., consideration) if the person
making that promise believed in good faith that her claim was a good one. This is true
whether or not the person promising to pay believed that the claim was a good one,
since she might be willing to pay just to save the expense of litigation. Thus, if Pattison
believed in good faith that Stuart was liable to her, her promise not to sue him was con-
sideration for Milburn's promise to pay $250, whether or not Milburn believed that Stu-
art would be liable.

B and C are, therefore, incorrect. On the other hand, if Pattison did not believe that Stu-
art was liable to her, her promise not to sue him was not something of value (i.e., con-
sideration) and Milburn's promise to pay would be unenforceable. D is, therefore,

179. B Milburn's promise to pay $1,000 is enforceable only if it is supported by consideration.

Consideration is something of value - either benefit to promisor or detriment to prom-
isee - given in exchange for the promise. A promise to do something which the promi-
sor has no legal rightto do cannot be regarded as consideration because ithas no value.
Unless a privilege exists, no person has the right to refuse to testify in a criminal prose-
cution. Certainly, no person may do so in return for payment. Thus Pattison's promise
not to testify was a promise to do something which she had no right to do. For this rea-
son, it would not have been consideration for Milburn's promise to pay $1,000.

A is incorrect because although Milburn was not legally obligated to pay for damage
caused by her adult son, she may have made an enforceable promise to do so. An accord
is an agreement to substitute a new obligation for one which already existed. Satisfac-
tion occurs when the accord is completely performed. Since Stuart may have had a duty
to pay all of Pattison's medical expenses resulting from his act, and since Pattison
agreed to accept $250 instead, there may have been an accord which was satisfied when
Milburn paid as promised. But this accord existed only with respect to the obligation to
pay medical expenses. Since the obligation to pay for pain and suffering is a separate
obligation, it is not extinguished by satisfaction of the accord regarding medical
expenses. C is, therefore, incorrect. A promise to pay the debt of another is unenforce-
able unless it is written. But a promise to pay in return for the promisee's forbearance to
sue (even a third person) is not a promise to pay the debt of another but rather a personal
obligation of the promisor. As such, it need not be in writing. D is, therefore, incorrect.

180. C The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides in part that "No person ... shall
be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself." The privilege only
prohibits the government from requiring a testimonial communication, however. It does
not protect a person against being required to participate in identification procedures
which might lead to his conviction. For this reason, the Fifth Amendment privilege does
not protect the defendant against being required to walk across the courtroom.

A defendant who testifies in his own behalf thereby waives the privilege and may even
be required to utter testimonial communications which might tend to incriminate him.
Since the Fifth Amendment privilege does not include non-testimonial communica-
tions, however, the question of waiver is irrelevant. A is, therefore, incorrect. A prose-
cutor may not comment on a defendant's assertion of the Fifth Amendment privilege;
the jury may not draw inferences from it. B is incorrect, however, because the Fifth
Amendment does not privilege the defendant to refuse to walk across the courtroom.
Since no penalty can be imposed for the assertion of a constitutional right, and since a
criminal defendant has a constitutional right to be present at his own trial, the defen-
dant's presence in the courtroom cannot be a waiver of any other right. D is, therefore,

181. A The United States Supreme Court has held that because manipulation of circumstances
surrounding a lineup could create considerable likelihood of inaccuracy, and because it

would be difficult at trial to fully develop evidence regarding such manipulation, the
Sixth Amendment requires the presence of counsel at a post-indictment lineup. For this
reason, Dahms' objection would probably be sustained for the reason given in A.

The constitutional right to confront witnesses requires that a defendant be given an

opportunity to cross.-examine such witnesses at a trial. It does not require, however, that
the defendant be given an opportunity to question those witnesses at any other stage of
the procyeding (i.e., at a lineup). B is, therefore incorrect. The Fifth Amendment protec-
tionagainst self~incriminationapplies only to testimonial communication. For this rea-
son, it does not prohibit compelling a defendant to show herself to witnesses for
identification purposes. C is, therefore, incorrect. Since a defendant has no constitu-
tional right to refuse to appear in a lineup, police may compel or coerce her to do so by
the use or threat of reasonable force. D is, therefore, incorrect.

182. C The Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination protects a defendant against
being coerced into answering questions asked by the police. Because police interroga-
tion of a person in custody is inherently coercive, a person in custody is entitled to
"Miranda" warnings like those given Dahms when she was first taken into custody. If,
after receiving such warnings, the person in custody asserts her right to have an attorney
present during questioning, all interrogation must stop and may not be continued with-
out the presence of an attorney or a subsequent valid waiver. Because any further inter-
rogation is regarded as coercive, a confession obtained in its course is not admissible in
evidence. Although these rights were once held to apply only to a person who was a sus-
pect, it is now clear that they apply to any person in custody.

A is, therefore, incorrect. B is incorrect because upon receiving the warnings. Dahms
asserted her right to have an attomeypresent during questioning. Although the police
are required to advise a defendant of her rights when she is in custody, they are not
required to advise her of their suspicions or of their reasons for asking a particular ques-
tion. D is, therefore, incorrect.

183. C The invasion of privacy known as false light is committed by publishing false state-
ments abqut the plaintiff which would tend to hold the plaintiff up to embarrassment.
Since the use of and sale of unlawful drugs is generally frowned upon, and since the
photograph which appears in The Daily Tribune suggested that Pacifica was involved in
an unlawful drug deal, it probably invaded her privacy by casting her in a false light.

Appropriation of identity is committed by making unauthorized use of plaintiff's like-

ness for a commercial purpose. The United States Supreme Court has held, however,
that liability may not be imposed for this tort if the use of the plaintiff's likeness was
newsworthy. Since the photograph which appeared in The Daily Tribune was used to
illustrate an article about drug dealing, it was newsworthy and not an appropriation of
her identity. A is, therefore, incorrect. Intr"usion (i.e., invasion of solitude) is committed
when the defendant enters the plaintiff's private space in a way which would offend the
reasonable person in the plaintiff's position. Since Pacifica was in the school yard, a rel-
atively public place, when the photograph was taken, and since there is no indication
that Roman came unnecessarily close to her in taking it, intrusion was probably not
committed by the taking of her photograph. B is, therefore, incorrect. Public disclosure
is committed by bringing private facts about the plaintiff to the attention of the public,

when such disclosure would offend the reasonable person in the plaintiff's position.
Since Pacifica's identity was not a private fact, public disclosure was not committed by
publishing a photograph which identified her. D is, therefore, incorrect.

184. B Under the Rule Against Perpetuities, no interest is good unless it must vest if at all
within a period measured by a life or lives in being plus twenty-one years. Thus, a
future interest which might never vest at all is valid under the rule so long as the lan-
guage which created it will prevent it from vesting after the prescribed period (i.e., if it
vests, it will do so during the prescribedcperiod). Since God's Church might never cease
using the land for church purposes, and since, even if it did, Mercy Hospital might never
cease using the land for hospital purposes, it is possible that Ulysses's interest as created
by Olar's deed will never vest at all. The language of Olar's deed provides, however,
that in no event is the interest of Ulysses to vest unless Ulysses is alive when the condi-
tions precedent are satisfied. Thus, since the interest of Ulysses must vest if at all during
a period measured by a life in being (i.e., Ulysses's life), it does not violate the Rule
Against Perpetuities.

Many jurisdictions recognize an exception to the Rule Against Perpetuities for the inter-
est of a charitable organization which follows the interest of another charitable organi-
zation. Ulysses is not a charitable organization, however, so this exception would not
prevent the Rule Against Perpetuities from applying to Ulysses's interest. A is, there-
fore, incorrect. C is incorrect because the Rule Against Perpetuities does not require that
the interest in question will vest during the prescribed period, but that if it vests at all, it
will be during that period. In a jurisdiction which does not recognize an exception for
the interest of a charity which follows the interest of another charity, Mercy Hospital's
interest would be void under the Rule Against Perpetuities. This is because the condi-
tion which would make its interest vest (i.e., cessation of use for church purposes) might
occur after the period established by the rule. Since Olar's deed provides that the inter-
est of Ulysses cannot vest unless it does so during the life of Ulysses, however, the
interest of Ulysses would not violate the rule even if the interest of Mercy Hospital did.
D is, therefore, incorrect.

185. C The grant of an interest in realty "for so long as" a certain condition continues to exist or
"until" a certain condition shall exist is traditionally held to create a fee simple deter-
minable on special limitation. One of the characteristics of this particular interest is that
it terminates automatically upon the happening of the specified event or condition.
Since the conveyance to God's Church was "for as long as" the land is used for church
purposes, it was a fee simple determinable on special limitation, and terminated auto-
matically when God's Church conveyed the land. According to the language of the
deed, the interest of Mercy Hospital was to become possessory at that time. Although
the condition precedent might not have occurred within the period prescribed by the
Rule Against Perpetuities, Mercy Hospital's interest is valid because in most jurisdic~
tions the rule does not apply to the future interest of a charity which follows the interest
of another charity. C is correct for this reason, and because it is the oilly option which
could possibly be correct in any jurisdiction.

The estate system, and in particular the law of future interests, was developed so that a
grantor could exercise some control over the subsequent use of the land conveyed. For
that reason, restrictive language such as that contained in Olar's deed is understood to

relate to the way the conveyed land itself is used. Although the sale by God's Church
might serve to enable God's Church to continue operation elsewhere, it violates the spe-
ciallimitation contained in alar's deed since it results in a cessation of the use of the
land itself for the purpose stated in that limitation. For this reason, A is incorrect. B is
incorrect for two reasons. First, as explained above, an exception prevents the interest of
Mercy Hospital from being void under the Rule Against Perpetuities. Second, the Rule
Against Perpetuities prevents the vesting of certain interests, but does not prevent the
divesting of any interest. Thus, even if the interest of Mercy Hospital was void under
the rule, the violation of the speeiallimitation contained in alar's grant would terminate
the interest of God's Church no matter when it occurred. The language of alar's grant
limited the use for which the realty conveyed could be put. Restrictions of this kind are
enforceable, even though they indirectly restrain alienation. The effect of the language
used by alar is to divest God's Church of its interest when God's Church ceases to use
the land for church purposes. Since the sale would have that effect, God's Church is
divested of its interest, and D is incorrect. (Note: Sometimes the language of a convey-
ance attempts to directly restrain subsequent alienation of the interest conveyed by pro-
hibiting such alienation. Most of the time, courts hold that direct restraints on alienation
are invalid. If a restraint on alienation is held to be valid, it might make the person who
violated it liable for damages, but it does not void the alienation. Thus, even if the con-
veyance created a direct restraint on alienation, it would not make the subsequent con-
veyance by God's Church invalid.)

186. D Although the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment (applied to state action by the
Fourteenth Amendment) prohibits the arbitrary regulation of economic interests, it is
almost never used to justify the conclusion that an economic regulation is unconstitu-
tional. In general, so long as such a regulation employs a means reasonably related to
accomplishing a purpose within the scope of a state's general police power and does not
amount to a "taking," it will be regarded as valid under the Due Process Clause. Since
regulating the storage of radioactive wastes is reasonably related to the legitimate police
power objective of protecting the public good, and since there is no indication that Sec-
tion 40 drastically interferes with the operation of out-of-state power plants, the section
does not violate the Due Process Clauses. Although it is not certain that Section 40
would be declared unconstitutional, due process is the only argument listed which could
not possibly result in such a declaration.

The Privileges and Immunities Clause of Article IV prohibits a state from arbitrarily
discriminating against out-of-staters. Since Section 40 effectively denies the use of Ari-
toma storage facilities to out-of-staters, it might violate this clause. A is, therefore,
incorrect. The Privileges and Immunities Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment prohib-
its a state from interfering with any of the rights which go with United States citizen-
ship. One of these is the right to travel freely from state to state. Since the section
effectively prevents the importation of radioactive wastes from outside the state, it may
be unconstitutional because it interferes with this freedom. For this reason, B is incor-
rect. The Equal Protection Clause prohibits invidious discrimination by a state. Since
Section 40 effectively disqualifies out-of-state producers of radioactive waste from
using facilities available to in-state producers it discriminates against them. If that dis-
crimination is invidious, the section is unconstitutional. C is, therefore, incorrect.

187. B Although the Commerce Clause gives Congress the power to regulate interstate com-

merce, some regulation by the states is permitted so long as the effect is not to discrimi-
nate against or impose an undue burden on interstate commerce. Even state regulations
which do discriminate against interstate commerce or impose a burden on it may be
constitutional, if they are aimed at a legitimate health or safety objective which cannot
be achieved by less drastic means. It is possible that the additional fact set forth in B
would result in a finding that Section 40 is valid because it protects the health and safety
of the people of Aritoma in the least drastic way possible. It is far from certain that a
court would come to this conclusion, but B is the only one of all the additional facts
listed which could possibly result in a finding of constitutionality.

One of the purposes of the Commerce Clause is to ban artificial barriers to interstate
competition. Since the fact in A would make creation of a business advantage for in-
state nuclear power plants a purpose of the section, it would show that the statute is
designed to create exactly the kind of artificial barrier which the Commerce Clause was
designed to prevent. A is, therefore, incorrect. The shortage of storage facilities within
the state underscores the competition for the use of such facilities. Thus, C would not
justify finding Section 40 to be constitutional, since its terms effectively eliminate out-
of-staters from that competition. Even if there are many safe storage locations outside
the state, there may be sound business reasons why out-of-staters prefer to use Aritoma
locations. The· discrimination resulting from the provisions of Section 40 would, thus,
not be justified by the existence of out-of-state locations. D is, therefore, incorrect.

188. B DCC § 2-207 provides that, between merchants, unless the language of an offer
expressly limits acceptance to the terms of that offer, additional terms contained in an
expression of acceptance are to be construed as proposals for additions to the contract.
The section further provides that unless those additional terms materially alter the con-
tract they are to be deemed accepted if not objected to within a reasonable time. Since
Barnett did not respond (i.e., object) to the additional term contained in Sandifer's letter,
he is deemed to have accepted it unless it materially alters the terms of Barnett's offer.
While it is not certain whether Sandifer's letter materially altered the terms of Barnett's
offer, B is the only argument listed which could support Sandifer's position.

A is incorrect because DCC 2-207 provides that an expression of acceptance operates as

an acceptance even though it contains terms different from those of the offer. C is incor-
rect because the DCC provides that a buyer who rightfully rejects non-conforming
goods is entitled to damages for non-delivery. D is incorrect for two reasons: first, as
explained above, Sandifer's letter of August 5 was probably an acceptance of Barnett's
offer; and, second, the DCC provides that an offer calling for the offeree's shipment of
goods is accepted by shipping conforming or non-conforming goods.

189. D In general, all evidence is admissible if it is relevant to a fact of consequence in the liti-
gation. The fact that there were stolen license plates on Dandy's van tends to establish
that he was attempting to avoid recognition, and therefore that he was planning to com-
mit some crime. Since the burglary statute requires an intent to commit a crime inside
the entered premises, Dandy's plan is relevant to a fact of consequence. For this reason,
evidence of the stolen license plates may be admissible in the burglary prosecution.

A is, therefore, incorrect. It is generally understood that evidence of unconvicted bad

acts by a defendant is inadmissible for the purpose of establishing that he had a criminal

disposition. Where such evidence is offered not merely to prove that defendant had a
criminal disposition, however, but to establish an inference that he committed the act
charged, it may be admissible. Here, evidence that Dandy made special preparations for
a crime justifies the inference that he entered the warehouse to commit a crime therein.
B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because evidence of unconvicted acts is inad-
missible for the purpose of establishing a criminal disposition.

190. B It is generally understood that evidence of a person's bad character is inadmissible for
the purpose of proving that he acted in a particular way on a particular occasion. Since
evidence of a criminal conviction is evidence of character, it is usually excluded by this
rule. Under PRE 609, a judgment of conviction may be admitted for the purpose of
impeaching the credibility of a witness, however, because it tends to establish that the
person convicted is untrustworthy. If Dandy did not testify, there is no reason to
impeach his credibility, and evidence of his prior conviction would be inadmissible.

On the other hand, if he did testify, evidence of his conviction would be admissible
under the FRE. A is, therefore, incorrect. Under PRE 609 evidence of a conviction for a
felony in any state or nation is admissible to impeach a witness without regard to the
nature of the felony. Since involuntary manslaughter is a felony, C is incorrect. Since
the PRE makes a conviction from any state or nation admissible, D is incorrect.

191. A Generally, in the absence of an agreement by the promisee to release the promisor from
his obligations under a contract, the promisor continues to be bound by his promise
even after assigning his rights. Thus, any rights that Elberta had against Pitts under the
contract of sale survived the assignment by Pitts to Aquino. Even in the absence of a
specific provision requiring it, a contract for the sale of real property is understood to
impose upon the seller an obligation to deliver marketable title. But the seller satisfies
this obligation if his title is marketable at the time set for performance (i.e., the closing).
Since Elberta acquired title to Fuzzacre prior to the closing, he is entitled to enforce the
contract of sale against Pitts.

The doctrine of estoppel by deed provides that when a seller acquires title to realty
which he has already purported to grant to another person, he acquires it on behalf of
that grantee, and is estopped from denying the validity of his previous conveyance. It is
inapplicable to this case because Elberta obtained title to Fuzzacre before attempting to
convey it to Pitts.. B is, therefore, incorrect. C is incorrect because the contract did not
require Elberta to deliver marketable title until July 15, and on that date he did hold
marketable title. An interest is said to be outside the chain of title if it could not have
been discovered by a reasonable title searcher. Sometimes this occurs when a person
claims to have received an interest from a grantor after a transfer of that same interest by
the same grantor had previously been recorded. (e.g., 0 transfers to A. 0 then transfers
to B. B records before A. A:s interest may be outside the chain of title, because a reason-
able title searcher finding O's transfer to B in the record would not look for any subse-
quent transfers of the same interest by 0.) D is incorrect, however, for two reasons: first,
this argument is normally relevant only in determining the priority of two different
interests; and, second, there is no indication that Fuzz had previously conveyed Fuzza-
cre to another person or that such a conveyance had been recorded before Fuzz's con-
veyance to Elberta.

192. A An anticipatory repudiation occurs when one party to a contract unequivocally informs
the other party that she will not perform. Upon anticipatory repudiation, the non-repudi-
ating party is excused from any further performance under the contract. Thus, if Ashe's
statement that she did not believe it possible to complete the work for less than $90,000
was an unequivocal statement that she would not perform, it freed Osman of any further
obligation. Although considerable question exists as to whether Ashe's statement
should be so construed, the theory set forth in A is the only one listed which could pos-
sibly provide Osman with an effective defense.

Under the doctrine of frustration of purpose, performance is excused if an unforeseen

event destroys the underlying reason for performing the contract. B is incorrect because
whatever reason Osman had for building a house on the realty continued to exist. Nova-
tion occurs when a promisee agrees to substitute the performance of a third person for
that of the promisor. (In this case, for example, a novation might have taken place if
Ashe agreed to build a house for Smith, with the understanding that Osman's obliga-
tions to her had been replaced by Smith's.) C is incorrect because no obligation was
ever substituted for that of Osman. A prospective inability to perform occurs when, by
her own action, a contracting party divests herself of the ability to perform as required.
Since there is no fact indicating that Ashe had become unable to perform as agreed, D is

193. B The standard measure of damages for a builder's breach of a construction contract is the
difference between the contract price and the owner's actual cost of completing the
building as agreed. Since the contract price was $60,000, and Osman actually paid Bach
$90,000, damages would - at first glance - appear to be $30,000. The agreement
between Osman and Ashe called for completion by December 1, however. Since it
would have cost Osman only $75,000 to have Bach complete the construction by that
date, Osman's damages should be based on the difference between $60,000 (the price he
had agreed to pay Ashe) and $75,000 (the price he would have had to pay Bach to com-
plete the building by December 1).

A and C are incorrect because the standard measures of damages is the difference
between the contract price and the cost of completion. D is incorrect because the cost of
completion as agreed would only have been $75,000.

194. B The United States Supreme Court has noted that in general the Fourth Amendment
requires that a warrant be obtained before a search may be carried out. Although there
are exceptional circumstances under which a warrantless search may be valid, none
applies here for reasons indicated below.

A is incorrect because if the watch had been validly obtained during the course of an
inventory search, it could be used in any prosecution to which it was relevant. Upon
making a valid arrest, police may make a warrantless search incidental to that arrest.
This incidental search is for the purpose of discovering weapons with which the pris-
oner might attack the officers and evidence which the prisoner might otherwise succeed
in destroying or hiding. Thus, while an incidental search may extend to the defendant's
person and anything within his immediate control including, perhaps, his glove com-
partment, the right to make such a search terminates when the need for it ends. Since
Daniels had been removed from his car and was being transported in a separate vehicle,

there was no longer any urgent need for an incidental search to discover weapons or evi-
dence in his car, C is, therefore, incorrect. If a defendant's property is to remain in
police custody for safekeeping, the police are entitled to inventory its contents to protect
the defendant from theft and to protect the police from false claims. If an inventory
search is valid, evidence incidentally discovered during its course may be used against
the defendant. The watch was not evidence discovered during the course of Hammet's
inventory search, however, because at the time, Hammet did not know that it was evi-
dence. When Hammet returned with Infeld, they were not there to make an inventory
but to search for evidence connecting Daniels with the jewel robbery. For such a search,
a warrant was required. D is, therefore, incorrect.

195. A The law of torts recognizes only three potential bases of liability - intent, negligence,
and strict liability. Since Dento did not desire or know (i.e., intend) that her conduct
would result in harm to Paget, she could not be liable on an intent theory. Since the use
of anesthetic by a professional has not been held to be an ultra-hazardous or abnor-
mally-dangerous activity (i.e., the kind of activity for which strict liability is applied),
and since Dento did not sell the defective apparatus to Paget, Dento could not be liable
on a strict liability theory. The only remaining theory is negligence. Since negligence is
unreasonable conduct, Dento can be liable only if she acted unreasonably in treating

Where there is no evidence as to what a defendant did, the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur
might allow an inference that her conduct was unreasonable to be drawn from the cir-
cumstances. This doctrine applies when the accident is one which would not ordinarily
have occurred without negligence, and when the defendant was in exclusive control of
the circumstances surrounding the plaintiff's injury. B is incorrect for two reasons: first,
since Dento's conduct is known, circumstantial evidence is unnecessary and res ipsa
loquitur is inapplicable; and, second, the fact that the canisters had been filled by MFR
prevented Dento from being in exclusive control. Since any harm may have several
proximate causes, the fact that Paget's death resulted from the negligence of MFR does
not establish that it did not also result from the negligence of Dento. For this reason, C
is incorrect. A professional seller of products who sells a defective product may be
strictly liable for harm which results from the product's defect. D is incorrect, however,
because Dento was not a professional seller of anesthetic apparatuses and did not sell
the apparatus to Paget.

196. B A plaintiff who experiences mental suffering as a result of witnessing the infliction of a
physical injury on another may recover from a person who negligently inflicted that
physical injury. Although the majority of jurisdictions permit such recovery only when
the plaintiff is in the same zone of physical danger as the person who sustained physical
injury, an important minority permits the plaintiff to recover if her mental suffering was
a foreseeable result of the physical injury which she witnessed. In this minority of juris-
dictions, Dento might recover from MFR for her mental suffering at witnessing Paget's
death if it was likely (i.e., foreseeable) that MFR's negligence in causing Paget's death
would lead to Dento's mental suffering. Because this is a minority rule, there is no guar-
antee that it would lead to a judgment for Dento. Of those listed, however, B is the only
argument which could possibly be effective in support of Dento's claim.

A defendant who engages in outrageous conduct with the intent to cause the plaintiff to

experience mental suffering may be liable for mental suffering which the plaintiff expe-
riences as a result. A is incorrect, however, for two reasons: first outrageous conduct is
conduct which exceeds bounds normally tolerated by decent society, not conduct which
creates a high probability of harm; and, second, there is no fact indicating that MFR
intended to cause Dento to experience mental suffering. When a plaintiff voluntarily
encounters a risk of which she knows, she assumes that risk. Since Dento did not know
that the oxygen tank contained anesthetic gas, she could not have assumed the risk
resulting from that fact. C is incorrect for this reason, and because assumption of the
risk would prevent Dento from recovering. A defendant who intends mental suffering to
result from its outrageous conduct may be liable for the intentional infliction of mental
harm. In this regard a substantial certainty that the suffering will occur is equivalent to
an intent to bring it about. D is incorrect, however, because even if MFR was certain
that the apparatus would be used on a patient, it did not intend Dento's suffering unless
it was certain that the patient would die and that Dento would suffer as a result.

197. D A person is guilty of a criminal attempt when, with the specific intent to bring about a
criminally prohibited result, he does some significant act which brings him substantially
close to accomplishing that result. Thus, although a person may be guilty of murder
without actually intending to bring about a death, he cannot be guilty of attempted mur-
der without the intent to bring about a death. Since Pharma did not really believe that
Wanda would die, he could not have intended to bring about her death, and cannot be
guilty of attempting to murder her.

Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought. Malice
aforethought includes a reckless disregard for human life. If Pharma's conduct showed a
reckless disregard for human life, and if it resulted in the death of Wanda, then Pharma
would be guilty of murder. A is incorrect, however, because no person can be guilty of
attempted murder without the specific intent to bring about a death or to cause great
bodily harm. B is incorrect for the same reasoIi,·and because ordinarily a person is under
no duty to stop another from committing a crime. Since Pharma did not believe the drug
which he furnished would harm Wanda, he lacked the specific intent necessary to make
him guilty of attempting to kill her. C is, therefore, incorrect.

198. B A conspiracy occurs when two or more persons with the specific intent to commit a
crime agree to commit it. Since Pharma did not believe that Wanda would be hurt by the
drug which he furnished, he did not have the requisite specific intent, and did not really
agree to commit murder. For this reason, there was never an actual agreement between
him and Hermes, and, therefore, no conspiracy.

Conspiracy, if it exists, is separate from the substantive crime, and is complete when the
unlawful agreement is made. For this reason, a defendant may be guilty of conspiring to
commit a particular crime even though he never succeeded and was not likely to suc-
ceed in committing it. A and C are, therefore, incorrect. D is incorrect because it is an
inaccurate statement of law: the inchoate crime of conspiracy never merges with the
substantive crime; a defendant can be convicted of both.

199. A Under FRE 803(8) the file itself may be admissible as an official written statement,
since it was made at or near the time of the matter recorded by a public official regard-
ing matters in the declarant's personal knowledge in the course of the declarant's duties.

(Note: The file may also be admissible as a business record - see next explanation.)
Even if the personnel file's contents are admissible, however, Waldron's testimony
about its contents might not be. Under the common law and PRE 1002, the best evi-
dence rule prohibits secondary evidence to prove the terms of a writing unless the writ-
ing itself is shown to be unavailable. Since the purpose of Waldron's testimony is to
prove the contents of the file, he will not be permitted to do so unless the file is shown to
be unavailable.

If the requirements of the best evidence rule are satisfied. Waldron's testimony would be
as admissible as the file itself. Since the FRE makes business records and official writ-
ten statements admissible without regard to the availability of the person who made
entries in them, Band C are incorrect. D is incorrect because the official written state-
ment exception, although it is sometimes called the "public document" exception, does
not require that the record be one which is available for public inspection.

200. A Under FRE 803(6) a properly authenticated writing may be admitted under the business
record exception to the hearsay rule if it was made in the regular course of business
while fresh in the declarant's mind about facts which the declarant knew or learned from
an inherently reliable source. Since Waldron's testimony satisfied all these require-
ments, the personnel file should be admitted as a business record. (Note: Do not be con-
fused about a controversy which exists over whether police records describing an
accident are kept in the "regular course of business." Police department personnel
records clearly are.)

B is incorrect because to be admissible as "past recollection recorded" a writing must

have been made by the witness himself, and because under PRE 803(5) and the com-
mon law the writing may be read aloud but not physically admitted into evidence. C is
incorrect because business records and official written statements may be used by any
party. Although negative evidence presents some special problems, FRE 803(7) specifi-
cally permits the absence of a business record to be admissible as evidence that an unre-
corded transaction did not occur.

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