Module 1 Educ 3
Module 1 Educ 3
Module 1 Educ 3
“Teachers are the most responsible and important members of society because their professional efforts affect the fate
of the earth.”- Helen Caldicott
In this chapter, you are expected to:
summarize at least seven philosophies of education and draw their implications to teaching-learning
formulate your own philosophy of education
discuss and internalize the foundational principles of morality
accept continuing values of education as an integral part of your personal and professional life
clarify if you really value teaching
explain teaching as a vocation, mission and profession
embrace teaching as a vocation, mission and profession
Lesson I
Your Philosophical
“To philosophize is so essentially human-and in a sense to philosophize means living a
truly human life.”- J.Pieper
We are heirs to a rich philosophical heritage. Passed on to us are a number of philosophies of various thinkers who
lived before us. These thinkers reflected on life in this planet. They occupied themselves searching for answers to questions
about human existence. These essential questions come in different versions. “What is life?” ”Who am I? ”Why am I here? ”or
“ What am I living for? ”What is reality? ”Is the universe real? ”What is good to do? ”How should I live life meaningfully?”
and the like. In the school context, these essential questions are: “Why do I teach? ”How should I teach? What is the nature
of the learners?” How do we learn?”
Find out to which philosophy you adhere. To what extent does each statement apply to you? Rate yourself 4 if you agree with the
statement always, 3 if you agree but not always, 2 if you agree sometimes and 1 if you don’t agree at all.
Statements 1 2 3 4
1. There is no substitute for concrete experience in learning.
2. The focus of education should be the ideas that are relevant today as when they were first
3. Teachers must not force their students to learn the subject matter if it does not interest them.
5. In the classroom, students must be encouraged to interact with one another to develop social
virtues such as cooperation and respect.
6. Students should read and analyze the Great Books, the creative works of history’s finest thinkers
and writers.
7. Help students expand their knowledge by helping them apply their previous experiences in
solving new problems.
8. Our course of study should be general, not specialized, liberal, not vocational, humanistic, not
9. There is no universal, inborn human nature. We are born and exist and then we ourselves freely
determine our essence.
10. Human beings are shaped by their environment.
11. Schools should stress on the teaching of basic skills.
12. Change of environment can change a person.
13. Curriculum should emphasize on the traditional disciplines such as Math, Natural Science,
History, Grammar and Literature.
14. Teacher cannot impose meaning; students make meaning of what they are taught.
15. Schools should help individuals accept themselves as unique individuals and accept for their
thoughts, feelings and actions.
23.The learner must be taught how to communicate his ideas and feelings.
24.To understand the message from his students, the teacher must listen not only to what
his students are saying but also to what they are not saying.
If you have two answers of 2/4 in numbers 1, 3, 5, 7- you are more of a progressivist. 2,4,6,8- you
are more of a perennialist 9,15,20,25- you are more of an existentialist 10,12- you are more of a
behaviorist 11,13,17,18- you are more of an essentialist 14,16,,21,22- you are more of a constructivist
19, 23, 24 – you are more of a linguistic philosopher.
If you have two scores of four in several of the seven clusters, you have an eclectic philosophy, which
means you put the philosophies together. If your scores are less than four, this means that you are not
very definite in your philosophy. On the other hand, if your scores are less than three in most of the items,
this means your philosophy is quite vague.
After you have gotten an idea on the philosophy, let us know more about them.
Why Teach?
This philosophy contends that teachers teach learners to acquire basic knowledge, skills and values. Teachers teach “not to
radically reshape society” but rather” to transmit the traditional moral values and intellectual knowledge that students
need to become model citizens.”
What to Teach?
Essentialist programs are academically rigorous. The emphasis is on academic content for students to learn the basic skills
or the fundamental R’s-reading, writing, arithmetic, right conduct- as these are essential to the acquisition of higher or more
complex skills needed in preparation for adult life. The essentialist curriculum includes the “traditional disciplines such as
Math, Natural Science, History, Foreign Language and Literature. Essentialists frown upon vocational courses or other
courses with watered down academic content. The teachers and administrators decide what is most important for the
students to learn and place little emphasis on student interests, particularly when they divert time and attention from the
academic curriculum.
How to Teach
Essentialist teachers emphasize mastery of subject matter. They are expected to be intellectual and moral models of their
students. They are seen as “fountain” of information and as paragon of virtue, if ever there is such a person. To gain
mastery of basic skills, teachers have to observe “core requirements, longer school day, a longer academic year. With
mastery of academic content as primary focus, teachers rely on the use of prescribed textbooks, and drill method and
other methods that will enable them to cover as much academic content as possible like the lecture method. There is a
heavy stress on memorization and discipline.
Why Teach?
Progressivist teachers teach to develop learners into becoming enlightened and intelligent citizens of a democratic society.
This group of teachers teaches learners so they may live life fully now not to prepare them for adult life.
What to Teach?
The progressivists are identified with need based and relevant curriculum. This is a curriculum that responds to students’ needs
and that relates to students’ personal lives and experiences. Progressivists accept the impermanence of life and the
inevitability of change. For the progressivists, everything else changes. Change is the only thing that does not change. Hence,
progressivist teachers are more concerned with teaching the learners the skills to cope with change. Instead of occupying
themselves with teaching facts or bits of information that are true today but become obsolete tomorrow, they would rather
focus their teaching on the teaching of skills or processes in gathering and evaluating information and in problem-solving. The
subjects that are given emphasis in progressivist schools are the Natural and Social Sciences. Teachers expose
students to many new scientific, technological and social developments, reflecting the progressivist notion that progress and
change are fundamental. In addition, students solve problems in the classroom similar to those they will encounter outside of
the schoolhouse.
How to Teach
Progressivist teachers employ experiential methods. They believe that one learns by doing. For John Dewey, the most popular
advocate of progressivism, book learning is no substitute for actual experience. One experiential teaching method that
progressivist teachers heavily rely on is the problem-solving method. This makes use of the scientific method. Other hands-on-
minds-on-hearts-on teaching methods used are field trips during which students interact with nature or society. Teachers also
stimulate students through thought-provoking games and puzzles.
Why Teach –We are all rational animals. Schools should Why Teach- The main concern of the existentialists is “to
therefore, develop the students’ rational and moral powers. help students understand and appreciate themselves as
According to Aristotle, if we neglect the students’ reasoning unique individuals who accept complete responsibility for
skills, we deprive them of the ability to use their higher their thoughts, feelings and actions”. Since “existence
faculties to control their passions and appetites. precedes essence”, the existentialist teacher’s role is to help
students define their own essence by exposing them to
What to Teach- The perennialist curriculum is a universal one various paths they take in life and by creating an
on the view that all human beings possess the same essential environment in which they freely choose their own preferred
nature. It is heavy on the humanities, on general education. way.
It is not a specialist curriculum but rather a general one.
There is less emphasis on vocational and technical education. What to teach- In an existentialist curriculum, students are
Philosopher Mortimer Adler claims that the Great Books of given a wide variety of options from which to choose.
ancient and medieval as well as modern times are Students are afforded great latitude in their choice of
repository of knowledge and wisdom, a tradition of culture subject matter. For example, rather than emphasizing
which must initiate each generation”. What the perrenialist historical events, existentialists focus upon the actions of
teachers teach are lifted from the Great Books. historical individuals, each of whom provides possible
models for the students’ own behavior.
How to Teach- The perennialist classrooms are “centered
on teachers”. The teachers do not allow the students’ How to Teach- Focus on the individual. Learning is self-
interests or experience to substantially dictate what they paced, self-directed. It includes a great deal of individual
teach. They apply whatever creative techniques and others contact with the teacher, who relates to each student openly
tried and true methods that are believed to be most and honestly. To help students know themselves and their
conducive to disciplining the students’ minds. Students place in society, teachers employ values clarification
engaged in Socratic dialogues or mutual inquiry sessions to strategy. In the use of such strategy, teachers remain non-
develop an understanding of history’s most timeless judgmental and take care not to impose their values on their
concepts.” students since values are personal.
Why Teach – Behaviorist schools are concerned with the modification and shaping of students’ behavior by providing
for a favorable environment, since they believe that they are a product of their environment. They are after students
who exhibit desirable behavior in society.
What to Teach- Because behaviorists look at “ people and other animals as complex combinations of matter that
act only in response to internally or externally generated physical stimuli, behaviorist teachers teach students to
respond favorably to various stimuli in the environment.
How to Teach- Behaviorist teachers ought to arrange environmental conditions so that students can make the
responses to stimuli. Physical variables like light, temperature, arrangement of furniture, size and quantity of visual
aids have controlled to get the desired responses from learners. Teachers ought to make the stimuli clear and
interesting to capture and hold the learners’ attentions. They ought to provide appropriate incentives to reinforce
positive responses and weaken or eliminate negative ones.
Why Teach- To develop the communication skills of the learner because the ability to articulate, to voice out the
meanings and values of things that one obtains from his experience of life and the world is the very essence of man. It
is through his ability to express himself clearly, to get his ideas across, to make known to others the values that he has
imbibed, the beauty that he has seen, the ugliness that he rejects and the truth that she has discovered. Teachers teach
to develop in the learner the skill to send messages clearly and receive messages correctly.
What to Teach- Learners should be taught to communicate clearly-how to send clear, concise messages and how to
receive and correctly understand messages sent. Communication takes place in three ways- verbal, non-verbal and
paraverbal. Verbal component refers to the content of our message, the choice and arrangement of our word. This can
be oral or written. Non-verbal component refers to the message we send through our body language while paraverbal
component refers to how we say what we say-the tone, pacing and volume of our voices. There is a need to teach
learners to use language that is correct, precise, grammatical, coherent, and accurate so that they are able to
communicate clearly and precisely their thoughts and feelings. There is need to help students expand their vocabularies
to enhance their communication skills. There is need to teach the learners how to communicate clearly through non-
verbal means and consistently through para- verbal means. There is need to caution the learners of the verbal and
non-verbal barriers to communication. Teach them to speak as many languages as you can. The more languages one
speaks, the better he can communicate with the world. A multilingual has an edge over the monolingual or bilingual
How to Teach- The most effective way to teach language and communication is the experiential way. Make them
experience sending and receiving messages through verbal, non-verbal and para verbal manner. Teacher should make
the classroom a place for the interplay of minds and hearts. The teacher facilitates dialogue among learners and
between him students because in the exchange of words, there is also an exchange of ideas.
Why Teach- To develop intrinsically motivated and independent learners adequately equipped with learning skills for
them to be able to construct knowledge and make meaning of them.
What to Teach- The learners are taught how to learn. They are taught learning processes and skills such as searching,
critiquing and evaluating information, relating these pieces of information, reflecting on the same, making meaning out
of them, drawing insights, posing questions, researching and constructing new knowledge out of these bits of information
How to Teach- In the constructivist classroom, the teacher provides students with data or experiences that allow them
to hypothesize, predict, manipulate objects, pose questions, research, investigate, imagine and invent. The constructivist
classroom is interactive. It promotes dialogical exchange of ideas among learners and between teacher and learners.
The teacher’s role is to facilitate this process. Knowledge is not a thing that can be simply deposited by the teacher
into the empty minds of the learners. Rather, knowledge is constructed by learners through an active, mental process
of development; learners are the builders and creators of meaning and knowledge. Their minds are not empty. Instead,
their minds are full of ideas waiting to be “midwife” by the teacher with his skillful facilitating skills.
We have a very rich philosophical heritage. Only seven philosophies were discussed here: essentialism,
progressivism, perennialism, existentialism, behaviorism, linguistic philosophy and constructivism. The rest are
assigned to you as research work. The seven philosophies differ in their concepts of the learner and values, in
why we teach (objectives), what should be taught (curriculum) and how should the curriculum be taught (teaching
strategies). However, there exist also some similarities among the philosophies. These you will see more as you
proceed to the activities.
Notes: Philosophy is your attitude, viewpoint, thinking, and way of life, values or beliefs. Linguistics is the study of language,
and how language works. Heritage is something that you inherit.
Test I. Directions: Answer each with a YES or NO. If your answer is NO, explain your answer in a sentence.
1. Do essentialists aim to teach students to reconstruct society?
2. Is the model citizen of the essentialist the citizen who contributes to the re-building of society?
3. Do the essentialist teachers give up teaching the basics if the students are not interested?
4. Do the essentialist teachers frown on long academic calendar and core requirements?
1. Do the progressivist teachers look at education as a preparation for adult life?
2. Are the students’ interests and needs considered in a progressivist curriculum?
3. Does the progressivist curriculum focus mainly on facts and concepts?
4. Do the progressivist teachers strive to simulate in the classroom life in the outside world?
1. Are the perennialist teachers concerned with the students’s mastery of the fundamental skills?
2. Do the perennialist teachers see the wisdom of ancient, medieval and modern times?
3. Is the perennialist curriculum geared towards specialization?
4. Do the perennialist teachers sacrifice subject matter for the students’ interests?
1. Is the existentialist teacher after students becoming specialist in order to contribute to society?
2. Is the existentialist concerned with the education of the whole person?
3. Is the course of study imposed on students in the existentialist classroom?
4. Does the existentialist teacher make heavy use of the individualized approach?
1. Are behaviorists concerned with the modification of students’ behavior?
2. Do behaviorist teachers spend their time teaching their students on how to respond favorably to various
environmental stimuli?
3. Do behaviorist teachers believe that they have control over some variables that affect learning?
4. Do behaviorist teachers believe that students are a product of their environment?
Linguistic Philosophy
1. Do linguistic philosophers promote the study of language?
2. Is the communication that linguistic philosophers encourage limited to verbal language only?
3. Do linguistic philosophers prefer the teacher who dominates discussion to save time to a teacher who encourages
4. Is the curriculum of the linguistic philosopher open to learning of as many languages like Mother Tongue as possible?
1. Does the constructivist agree to a teaching methodology of “telling”?
2. Do constructivists believe that students can construct knowledge?
3. Do constructivists approve of teaching learners skill to learn?
4. Do constructivists believe that meaning can be imposed?
Test II. A. Directions: Test your mastery. You may need to research further in order to gain mastery. The first exercise in this
lesson may help. (an exercise to determine your philosophy in life) To which PHILOSOPHY does each theory of man belong?
A person :
1. Is a product of his environment.
2. Has no universal nature.
3. Has rational and moral powers.
4. Has no choice; he is determined by his environment.
5. Can choose what he can become.
6. Is a complex combination of matter that responds to physical stimuli.
7. Has no free will.
8. Has the same essential nature with others.
9. Is a rational animal.
10. First exists then defines himself.
11. Is a social animal who learns well through an active interplay with others.
12. Is a communicating being.
13. Is a maker of meaning.
14. Is a constructor of knowledge.
progressivism The universe is real We must relate to the Values differ from To help develop
and is in constant universe and interact place to place from students who can
change with others intelligently, time to time from adjust to a changing
scientifically and person to person what world and live with
experientially. The is considered good for others in harmony.
curriculum stresses on one may not be good
Science and for another.
experiential learning
such as hands-on-minds
on-hearts on learning
Test III. Directions: With which philosophy do you associate the following quotations?
You have been acquainted with various philosophies. With which do you identify yourself? What is your personal
philosophy of education? You are expected to formulate it in this second lesson.
Your philosophy of education is your “window” to the world and “compass” in life. Hence, it may be good to put that
philosophy of education in writing. You surely have one just as everybody has only that sometimes it is not well articulated.
Your philosophy of education is reflected in your dealings with students, colleagues, parents and administrators. Your attitude
towards problems and life as a whole has an underlying philosophy. In this lesson, you will articulate your thoughts on how
you perceive the learner on what are the right values, on what and on how you must therefore teach. If you articulate your
philosophy of education, you will find yourself more consistent in your dealings with other people, in your actions and decisions.
What does a philosophy of education contain or include? It includes your concept about:
-the human person, the learner in particular and the educated person
-what is true and good and therefore must be taught
-how a learner must be taught in order to come close to the truth
Here is an example:
I believe that there are unchanging values in changing times and these must be passed on to every child by my modeling,
value inculcation and value integration in my lessons.
I believe that my task as a teacher is to facilitate the development of every child to the optimum and to the maximum by:
Reaching out to all children without bias and prejudice towards the “least” of the children
Making every child feel good and confident about him thru his experiences of success in the classroom
Helping every child master the basic skills of reading, communicating in oral and written form, arithmetic and
computer skills
Teaching my subject matter with mastery so that every child will use his basic skills to continue acquiring
knowledge, skills and values for him to go beyond basic literacy and basic numeracy
Inculcating or integrating the unchanging values of respect, honesty, love and care for others regardless of
race, ethnicity, nationality, appearance and economic status in my lessons
Consistently practicing these values to serve as model for every child
Strengthening the value formation of every child thru “hands-on-minds on- hearts-on” experiences inside and
outside the classroom
Providing every child activities meant to develop the body, the mind and the spirit.
It is important that you make explicit your philosophy of education. Your philosophy of education is your “window” to the
world and “compass” in life. Your philosophy is your own thought and formulation, never formulated for you by another
that is why you were advised to begin stating it with the phrase “I believe”. It is best to state it in the concrete not in the
abstract like a theory because this is your blue print to daily life.
Activity 1
Analyze the given example in your small group, and then answer the following questions.
Who, according to the Grade School Teacher’s philosophy is the good and educated person?
Do her concepts of the learner and the educated person match with how he will go about his task of facilitating every child’s
full development?
You notice that the teacher’s thought on the learner, values and method of teaching begin with the phrase” I believe. Will it
make a difference if the grade school teacher wrote his philosophy of education in paragraph form using the third person
Activity 2
Formulate your own personal philosophy of education. Do it well for this will form part of your teaching portfolio, which you
will bring along with you when you apply for a teaching job. Write it down here. Share it with the class after writing.
Lesson III
“When you carry out acts of kindness, you get a wonderful feeling inside.
The Foundational
It is as though something inside your body responds and says, yes, this is how I ought to
Principles of Morality
feel”.- unknown
and YOU
Someone once wrote of teachers: Even on your worst day on the job, you are still some children’s best hope.” Indeed society
expects much from you, the teacher. Henry Brooks Adams said it succinctly: A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where
his influence stops.”
For you to be able to cope with these expectations you should be anchored on a bedrock foundation of moral and ethical
principles. Let us begin this lesson by defining what morality is.
What is morality?
As defined by one textbook author, morality refers to “ the quality of human acts by which we call them right or
wrong, good or evil.” (Panizo, 1964) Your human action is right when it conforms with the norm, rule or law of morality.
Otherwise it is said to be wrong. For instance, when Juan gets the pencil of Pedro without the latter’s permission, Juan’s action
is wrong because it is contrary to the norm, ”stealing is wrong”. A man’s action, habit or character is good when it is not
lacking of what is natural to man, i.e., when it is in accordance with man’s nature. For instance, it is not natural for man to
behave like a beast. He is man and unlike the beast, he has the intellect and the free will. That intellect makes him capable
thinking, judging and reasoning. His free will gives him the ability to choose. Unlike the beast, he is not bound by instincts. It
is natural occurrence for beasts when a male dog meets a female dog on the street and mate right there and then as they
are not free but bound by their instinct, like sexual instinct. But it is contrary to man’s nature when a man and a woman do as
the dogs do. To do so is to go down to the level of the beast.
What is meant by foundational moral principle? The word principle comes from the Latin word “princeps” which
means a beginning, a source. A principle is that on which something is based, founded, originated, and initiated. It is likened
to the foundation of a building upon which all other parts stand. If we speak of light, the principle is the sun because the sun
is the body from which the light of this world originate. A foundational moral principle is therefore the universal norm upon
which all other principles on the rightness or wrongness of an action are based. It is the source of morality.
Where is this foundational moral principle? It is contained in the natural law. Many moralists, authors and philosophers
may have referred to this fundamental moral principle in different terms. But it may be acceptable to all believers and non
believers alike to refer to it as natural law.
What is the natural law? It is the law “written in the hearts of men”,(Romans 2:15). For theists, it is man’s share in the
Eternal Law of God.(Panizo, 1964) St. Thomas defines it as the “light of natural reason, whereby we discern what is
good and what is evil, an imprint on us of the divine light.(Panizo 1964) . It is the law that says: Do good and avoid
All men and women, regardless of race and belief, have a sense of this foundational moral principle. It is ingrained
in a man’s nature. It is built into the design of human nature and woven into the fabric of the normal human mind. “We are
inclined to do what we recognize as good and avoid that which we recognize as evil.
As a laid down in the preamble of our Code of Ethics of Professional teachers, “teachers are duly licensed
professionals who posses dignity and reputation with high moral values as well as technical and professional competence. In
the practice of their profession, they strictly adhere to observe and practice this set of ethical and moral principles, standard
and values.”
From the above preamble, the words moral values are mentioned twice, to accentuate on the good moral
character expected of you, the teacher. When are you of good moral character? One Christian author describes four
ways of describing good moral character: 1) being fully human – you have realize substantially your potential as a
human person, 2) being a loving person- you are caring in an unselfish and mature manner with yourself, other people
and God 3) Being a virtuous person- you have acquired good habits and attitudes and you practice them consistently
in your daily life and 4) being a morally mature person- you have reached a level of development emotionally,
socially, mentally, spiritually appropriate to your developmental stage. (Cosgrave, William, rev. ed.2004, 78-79). In
short, you are on the right track when you strive to develop your potential, you love and care for yourself and make this
love flow to others, you lead a virtuous life, and as you advance in age you also advance in your emotional, social,
intellectual and spiritual life.
The foundational moral principle is “ Do good; avoid evil”. This is contained in the natural law. The natural law is
engraved in the heart of every man and woman. We have in us the sense to do the good that we ought to do and to avoid
the evil that we ought to avoid. This foundational moral principle of doing good and avoiding evil is expressed in many other
ways by different people. The famous Chinese philosopher, Kung-fu-tzu taught the same principle when he said: Do not do
unto others what you do not like others do to you.” Immanuel Kant taught the same: Act in such a way that same moral
principle in their Eightfold Path. The Muslims have this foundational moral principle laid down in their Koran and the Five
Pillars. For the Christians, the Bible shows the way to the good life- the Ten Commandments and the Eight Beatitudes. The Ten
Commandments and the Eight Beatitudes are summarized in the two great commandments of love for God and love for
Our act is moral when it is in accordance with our human nature. Our act is immoral when it is contrary to our human
nature. Our intellect and free will make us different from and above the beast. As a teacher, you are expected to be a
person of good moral character. You are a person of good moral character when you are:
1. Human
2. Loving
3. Virtuous
4. Mature
Test your understanding
Directions: Answer the following with a Yes or No. If your answer is No, explain your answer.
1. Is morality for persons and animals?
2. Is the natural law known only by the learned?
3. Did the primitive people have a sense of the natural law?
4. Is an animalistic act of man moral?
5. Is it right to judge a dog to be immoral if it defecates right there in your garden?
6. Is the foundational moral principle sensed only by believers?
7. Is the foundational moral principle very specific?
8. Is the foundational moral the basis of more specific moral principles?
9. Is the foundational moral principle so called because it is the basic of all moral principle?
10. Are the Ten Commandments for Christians more specific moral principles of the foundational moral principle?
11. Is the natural law literarily engraved in every human heart?
12. Are the Five Pillars of Islam reflective of the natural law?
13. Is the Buddhist’s Eightfold Path in accordance with the natural law?
14. Is the Golden rule for Christians basically the same with Kung-fu-tsu’s Reciprocity rule?
Activity 1
Activity 2
“Do good; avoid evil” is the
By means of a song, a poem or an
foundational moral principle.
acrostic (on the word MORALITY),
show the importance of morality
List at least 5 good things that
you have to do as a teacher and 5
evil things you have to avoid
“ Values Formation and “Education in values means the cultivation of affectivity, leading the education and
YOU through the exposure to an experience of value and of the valuable.” – R. Aquino
As mentioned in Lesson 3, to be moral is to be human. Living by the right values humanizes. The question that may
raise at this point is: Is there such a thing as right, unchanging and universal value? Is a right value for me also a right value
for you? Are the values that we, Filipinos, consider as right also considered by the Japanese, the Americans or the Spaniards
as right values? Or are values dependent on time, place and culture?
There are two varied answers to this question, depending on the camp where you belong. If you belong to the
idealist group, there are unchanging and universal values. The values of love, care and concern for our fellowmen are
valuesfor all people regardless of time and space. They remain unchanged amidst changing times. There are called
transcendent values, transcendent because they are beyond changing times, beyond space and people. They remain to be
a value even if no one values them. They are accepted as value everywhere. On the other hand, the relativists claim that
there are no universal and unchanging values. They assert that values are dependent on time and place. The values that our
forefathers believed in are not necessarily the right values for the present. What the British consider as values are not
necessarily considered values by Filipinos.
In this lesson, our discussion on values formation is based on the premise that there are transcendent values. Most
Filipinos if not all believe in a transcendental being whom we call by different names, Bathala, Apo Dios, Kabunian, Allah,
and the like.
Another essential question we have to tackle is: “Are values caught or taught? Our position is that values are both
taught and caught. If they are not taught because they are merely caught, then there is even no point in proceeding to write
and discuss your values formation as a teacher here. Values are also caught. We may not be able to hear our father’s advice
“Do not smoke” because what he does (he himself smokes) speaks louder that what he says. The living examples of good men
and women at home, school and society have far greater influence on our value formation than those well prepared lectures
on values excellently delivered by experts who may sound like ”empty gongs and clanging cymbals.”
Values have a cognitive dimension. We must understand the value that we want to acquire. We need to know why
we have to value such. This is the heart of conversion and values formation. We need to know how to live by that value. These
are the concepts that ought to be taught. Values are in the affective domain of objectives. In themselves, they have an
affective dimension. For instance, it is not enough to know what honesty is or why one should be honest. One has to feel
something towards honesty, be moved towards honesty as preferable to dishonesty. (Aquino 1990) Values also have a
behavioral dimension. In fact, living by value is the true acid test if we really value a value like honesty.
Value formation includes formation in the cognitive, affective and behavioral aspects
Your value formation as teacher will necessarily include the three dimensions. You have to grow in knowledge and in wisdom
and in your “ sensitivity and openness to the variety of value experiences in life. (Aquino 1990) you have to be open to and
attentive in your value lessons in Ethics and Religious Education. Take active part in value sessions like fellowships, recollections
organized by your church group or associations. Since values are also caught, help yourself by reading the biographies of
heroes, great teachers and saints (for the Catholics) and other inspirational books. (it is observed that less and less teachers
read printed materials other than their textbooks). Your lessons in history, religion and literature are replete with opportunities
for inspiring ideals. Associate with model teachers. If possible, avoid the “yeast” of those who will not exert a very good
influence. Take the sound advice from Desiderata: Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexations to the spirit.” Join
community immersions where you can be exposed to people from various walks of life. These will broaden your horizon,
increase your tolerant level and sensitize you to life values. These will help you to “fly high” and “see far” to borrow the
words of Richard Bach in his book, Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
Value formation is a training of the intellect and will
Your value formation in essence is a training of your intellect and will, your cognitive and rational appetitive powers,
respectively. Your intellect discerns a value and presents it to the will as a right or wrong value. Your will wills to act on the
right values and wills to avoid the wrong value presented by your intellect. As described St. Thomas Aquinas, “The intellect
proposes and the will disposes.”
It is clear that “nothing is willed unless it is first known. Thought must precede the deliberation of the will. An object is
willed as it is known by the intellect and proposed to the will as desirable and good. Hence the formal and adequate object
of the will is good as apprehended by the intellect. (William Kelly, 1965)These statements underscore the importanceof the
training of your intellect. Your intellect must clearly present a positive value to be a truly a positive value to the will not as
one that is apparently positive but in the final analysis is a negative value. In short, your intellect must be enlightened by
what is true.
It is therefore, necessary that you develop your intellect in its three functions, namely:”formation of ideas, judgment
and reasoning”. (William Kelly, 1965) it is also equally necessary that you develop your will so you will be strong enough to
act on the good and avoid the bad that your intellect presents. How can your will be trained to desire strongly desirable
and act on it? William Kelly explains it very simply:
Training of the will must be essentially self training. The habit of yielding to impulse results in the enfeeblement
of self-control. The power of inhibiting urgent desire, of concentrating attention on more remote good, of reinforcing
the higher but less urgent motives undergoes a kind of atrophy through disuse. Habitually yielding to any vice, while it
does not lessen man’s responsibility , does diminish his ability or resist temptation. Likewise , the more frequently man
restrains impulse, checks inclination, persists against temptation and steadily aims at virtuous living, the more does he
increase his self control and therefore his freedom, to have a strong will means to have control of the will, to be able to
direct it despite all contrary impulses.
Based on Scheler’s hierarchy of values, the highest values are those that directly pertain to the Supreme Being while
the lowest values are those that pertain to the sensual pleasures. We act and live well if we stick to Scheler’s hierarchy of
values, i.e. give greater preference to the higher values. We will live miserably if we distort Scheler’s hierarchy of values,
like for instance when we subordinate spiritual values to pleasure values. We act well when we give up the pleasure of
drinking excessive alcohol for the sake of our health. However, while we take care of our health, Christians will say, we bear
in mind that we do not live by bread alone, but also by the word that comes from the mouth of God. (Luke 4:4) life is more
than food and the body more that clothing. “LUKE 12:23 our concerns must go beyond the caring of our bodily health. As we
learned in Lesson 1, man is an embodied spirit and so we also need to be concerned with matters of the spirit like appreciation
of what is right and what is beautiful. The saints have been raised to the pedestal and are worthy of the veneration of the
faithful because they gave up their life for the faith in the Holy One. San Lorenzo Ruiz the first Filipino saint spurned offers
of liberty and life for his faith in God. Having done so, he affirmed the absolute superiority of the Holy. We also know of
Albert Schweitzer, the much honored physician, missionary and musician who because of his deep reverence for life spent
many years extending humanitarian assistance by treating thousands and thousands of sick people during his medical mission
in Africa. He also built the hospital and leper colony for the less unfortunate in Africa. We cannot ignore Blessed Mother
Teresa of Calcutta, India who chose to leave a more comfortable life in the convent in order to devote her life bathing,
consoling and picking up the dying outcasts in the streets of Calcutta out of genuine love and compassion.
Values Clarification
After introducing transcendent values, let me introduce you to the process of value clarification. In a
pluralistic society, we can’t help but face the value confusion and value contradictions of our times. When we do not
know what we really value or when we are not clear on what we really value, we end up lukewarm or
uncommitted to a value. The advocates of value clarification assert that we must clarify what we really value. The term
value is reserved for those “individual beliefs, attitudes and activities that satisfy the following criteria:
1. freely chosen
2. Chosen from among alternatives
3. Chosen after due reflection
4. Prized and cherished
5. Publicly affirmed
6. Incorporated into actual behavior
7 acted upon repeatedly in one’s life.
This means that if you value honesty you have chosen it freely from among alternatives and after considering its consequences.
You prize it and you are proud of it and so you are not ashamed for others to know that you value it. You practice and live
by honesty and have made it your habit to act and live honestly.
What is the effect of good habit (virtue) and bad habit (vice) on thee will?
According to advocates of value clarification, how can you test if a value is really your value?
Lesson 5
Teaching as Your “One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those
Vocation, Mission and who touched our human feelings.” Carl Jung
Vocation comes from the Latin word “vocare” which means a call. Based on the etymology of the word, vocation,
therefore, means a call. If there is a call, there must be a caller and someone who is called. There must also be a response.
For Christians, the Caller is God Himself. For our brother and sister Muslims, Allah. Believers in the Supreme Being will look
at this voiceless call to have a vertical dimension. For non- believers, the call is also experienced but this may be viewed
solely along a horizontal dimension. It is like a man calling another man, never a Superior being calling man.
Perhaps you never dreamt to become a teacher! But here you are now preparing to become one! How did it happen?
From the eyes of those who believed, it was God who called you here for you to teach, just as God called Abraham, Moses,
and Mary, of the Bible. Like you, these biblical figures did not also understand the events surrounding their call. But in their
great faith, they answered YES. Mary said: “Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done to me according to your word”.
(Of course, it is difficult explaining your call to teach as God’s call for one who, in the first place, denies God’s existence, for
this is a matter of faith.) The fact that you are now in the Collage of Teacher Education signifies that you positively responded
to the call to teach. Right? May this YES response remain a YES and become even firmer through the years. Can you believe
it? Better believe it!
Teaching is also a mission. The word mission comes from the Latin word “mission” which means to send. You are called
to be a teacher and you are sent into the world to accomplish a mission , to teach. The Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary
defines mission as a task assigned. You are sent to accomplish an assigned task.
Teaching is your mission means it is the task entrusted to you in this world. If it is your assigned task then you’ve got
to prepare yourself for it. From now on, you cannot take your studies for granted. Your four years of pre service preparation
will equip you with the knowledge, skills and attitude to become an effective teacher. However, never commit the mistake of
culminating your mission preparation at the end of the four-year pre service education. You have embarked in a mission that
calls for a continuing professional education. As the saying goes,” once a teacher, forever a student.” More is said of continuing
professional education in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers in Chapter 5) Flowing from your uniqueness , you are
expected to contribute to the betterment of this world in your own unique way. Your unique and most significant contribution
to the humanization of life on earth is in the field where you are prepared for- teaching.
What exactly is the mission to teach? Is it merely to teach the child the fundamental skills or basic R’s of reading,
writing, arithmetic and right conduct? Is it to help the child master the basic skills so he can continue acquiring higher level
skills in order to become a productive member of the society? Is it to deposit facts and other information into the “empty
minds” of students to be withdrawn during quizzes and tests? Or is it to “ midwife” the birth of ideas latent in the minds of
students? Is it to facilitate the maximum development of his /her potential not only for himself but also for others? In the words
of Alfred North Whitehead, is it to help the child become “the man of culture and of expertise? Or is it to provide opportunities
for a child’s growth and to remove hampering influences” as Bertrand Russel put it? Recall the various philosophies in Lesson
1 and you can add more to those enumerated. To teach is to do all of these and more! To teach is to influence every child
entrusted in your care to become better and happier because life becomes more meaningful. To teach is to help the child
become more human.
Teaching: Mission and/or a Job?
If you are doing it only because you are paid for it, it’s a job
If you are doing it not only for the pay but also for service, it’s a mission If you quit
because your boss or colleague criticized you, it’s a job
If you keep on teaching out of love, it’s a mission
If you teach because it does not interfere with your other activities, it’s a job
If you are committed to teaching even if it means letting go of other activities, it’s a mission If you quit
because no one praises or thanks you for what you do, it’s a job
If you remain teaching even though nobody recognized your efforts, it’s a mission It’s hard to get
excited about a teaching job
It’s almost impossible not to get excited about a mission If our
concern is success, it is a job
If our concern is success plus faithfulness, it’s a mission
An average school is filled by teachers doing their teaching job
A great school is filled with teachers involved in a mission of teaching ADAPTED
Teaching like engineering, nursing, accounting and the like is a profession. A teacher is like an engineer, a nurse and
accountant is a professional. What the distinguishing marks of a professional teacher? Former Chairperson of the Professional
Regulation Commission, Hon. Hermogeners P. Pobre in his pithy address in a national convention of educators remarked : the
term professional is one of the most exalted in the English language, denoting as it does, long and arduous years of
preparation, a striving for excellence , a dedication to the public interest and commitment to moral and ethical values.
Why does a profession require ”long and arduous years of preparation and a striving for excellence? Because the
end goal of a profession is service and as we have heard many times we cannot give what we do not have.” We can give
more if we have more. His Holiness Pope Paul VI affirmed this thought when he said :”Do more , have more in order to be
more, continuing professional education is a must. For us teachers, continuing professional education is explicit in our
professionalization law and our Code of professional ethics.
Our service to the public as a professional turns out to be dedicated and committed only
when our moral, ethical and religious values serve as our bedrock foundation. The same moral, ethical and religious convictions
inspire us to embrace continuing professional education. If you take teaching as your profession, this means that you must be
willing to go through a long period of preparation and a continuing professional development. You must strive for excellence,
commit yourself to moral , ethical and religious values and dedicate yourself to public service.
Teaching is a vocation. For theist, it is a calling from God worthy of our response. For atheist, it is a calling without
vertical dimension. Teaching is also a mission, an assigned task. We are expected to write our “accomplishment report”
at the end of our mission. Teaching is also a profession. It is our way of rendering service to humanity. The quality of
our professional service is determined to a very great extent on our long and arduous period of preparation,
continuing professional education, and our commitment to ethical and moral values. If we give professional quality
service, then mediocrity has no place. If we live up to our name as professional teacher, a meaningful and fulfilled life
will not be far behind. No doubt this can readily happen when teaching has become your passion.
Activity 1
Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is real possession in the changing fortune of time, says
Desiderata. How can you keep your interest in your own career? Write your reflections here!