A Pastoral Letter Calling For The Feeding of The Hungry
A Pastoral Letter Calling For The Feeding of The Hungry
A Pastoral Letter Calling For The Feeding of The Hungry
BOX 85 ●
☎ 047-5322914 / 047-5326301 ● FAX: 047-5322914
✉ ssipuka@worldonline.co.za
"I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me
drink. Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these,
you did it to me.’ Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of
the least of these, you did not do it to me" (Mt. 45:35,40,45)
2. A Hungry Woman
I am at Savoy Spar in the evening to buy cereals and fruit,
and I notice a barefooted lady with worn out clothes and
hungry appearance who keeps looking at me, holding a
loaf of brown bread. Finally she approaches me and asks
me to help her pay for the bread. In addition to bread, we
take a few other items of food and I pay for them, and I
drive her to Pola Park where she stays. When we arrive, we
struggle to get matches to light, and when we eventually
succeed to get light, I discover that her place of abode is a
shack of about 3X3 meters cramped with a bed, a small
table with a flame stove, pots and dishes and a washing
basket in the corner. She tells me she now needs paraffin
to cook, and on my way home, I drive again with her to the
“spaza” shop where she buys the paraffin.
3. A Hungry Man
I am walking from the office to my house for lunch. I pass
the corner of Leeds and Stanford Streets where garbage
plastic bags are dumped. There is a barefooted man in
shabby clothes scavenging. I invite him to my house.
I am sure many of us can tell many similar stories, but the point of
these experiences is that there is hunger out there if we care to
Like the Apostles, we can give many reasons to avoid feeding the
hungry; we could say "what we have is not enough" or "the
government should do something" or "the poor will always be
there", etc. We are called not to accept poverty and hunger as an
inevitability and not to give in to the temptation that there is nothing
we can do about it.
If we start with the last point, what the Pope means is that as we
meet hungry people, we do something to make sure that they eat.
We could to this by:
Inviting the hungry person to come and eat with us
Sharing part of our grocery or cooked food with the person
we see to be hungry
Source food to be distributed on a regular basis, which
could take the form of cooked food e.g. soup kitchen or
food parcels.
The reality of hungry people is with us, and Jesus is calling us to
respond to this need. We are called to reach out to the hungry with
compassion and care that respects their dignity. The first thing we
are called to do is to meet the immediate need of hunger, and
secondly to participate in the struggle against the elimination of the
structural conditions of hunger.