Kami Export - Biogeochemical - Cycles - Webquest1
Kami Export - Biogeochemical - Cycles - Webquest1
Kami Export - Biogeochemical - Cycles - Webquest1
1. Water Cycle
Precipitation, evaporation, and
condensation are all terms that you
recognize, but what do they really
mean? They are all part of the water
cycle, which is a complex process
that not only gives us water to drink,
and food to eat, but also helps our
plants grow. Only about 3% of the
Earth’s water is fresh, and 1% of that
water can be used for many human
purposes. Why can’t we use the other
2% of the fresh water found on the
Earth? What about the other 97% of
the water found in the world? To find
these answers and to discover more,
come along for an interactive journey
through the water cycle!
Evaporation is the process where a liquid changes from its ______________________
state to a _______________________ state.
Condensation is the opposite of __________________________.
When the __________________________ atmospheric pressure
and ___________________________ are right,
the small droplets of water in clouds form larger droplets and precipitation
2. Carbon/Oxygen Cycle
Why do plants and other photosynthetic organisms need CO2 from the
CO2 builds their parts, such as the leaves and stems.
How much carbon is stored in the atmosphere as CO2? ________________________
waste/organic debris
What is detritus? ______________________________________________________________
Describe one of the many paths a carbon molecule can take through the
carbon cycle.
A carbon molecule can be absorbed by a plant and turned into sugar, during the process of
3. Nitrogen Cycle
The nitrogen cycle represents one of the
most important nutrient cycles found in
terrestrial ecosystems. Nitrogen is used by
living organisms to produce a number of
complex organic molecules like amino
acids, proteins, and nucleic acids. The
majority of nitrogen is found in the
atmosphere, where it exists as a gas
(mainly N2). Other major reserves of
nitrogen include organic matter in soil
and the oceans. Despite its large quantity
in the atmosphere, nitrogen is often the
most limiting nutrient for plant growth. This
problem occurs because most plants can
only take up nitrogen in two solid forms:
ammonium ion (NH4+ ) and the ion nitrate
(NO3- ). Specialized bacteria “fix”
nitrogen, converting it to a form that can
be used by organisms. By fixing nitrogen,
these bacteria are a critical link between
atmospheric nitrogen and life on Earth.
How is nitrogen important in our lives?
Nitrogen can be found in the human body. Nitrogen is a component of DNA, RNA, proteins,
and many other molecules.
Nitrogen gas makes up ____________________________ of the air we breathe.
fixation nitrogeon
Nitrogen __________________________ converts ____________________________ to
_____________________________ for organisms to use.
Plants use both __________________________ nitrate
and ________________________ to
incorporate nitrogen into DNA, protein, and other molecules.
Explain how nitrogen cycles through the land and ocean ecosystems.
The growth, death, and decomposition of organisms into river flows.
How does the human impact of fertilizers impact the nitrogen cycle?
The industrial production of fertilizer creates a fixed or excess amount of nitrogen.
Once in plants and animals, explain how does nitrogen return to the atmosphere?
When organisms die, their bodies decompose-- bringing the nitrogen into soil or water. Bacteria
alter the nitrogen into a form that plants are able to use.
4. Phosphorous Cycle
Phosphorus is an important
chemical for plants and
animals. It is part of DNA,
certain fats in cell membranes,
bones, teeth and shell of
animals. Phosphorus circulates
through water, the Earth's
crust, and living organisms. It is
not in the atmosphere and is
most likely to enter food chains
following the slow weathering
of rock deposits. Some of the
released phosphates become
dissolved in soil water which is
taken up by plant roots.
Phosphorus is therefore the
main limiting factor for plant
growth in most soils and aquatic ecosystems.
Animals obtain phosphorus by eating plants and/or herbivores. Dead organisms and
animal wastes return phosphorus to the soil, to streams, and eventually to ocean
floors as rock deposits.
Explain why phosphates are a critical part of life.
Phosphates make up an important part of the structural framework that holds DNA and RNA together,
and are a critical component of ATP.
How is the phosphorus cycle different from other biogeochemical cycles? Explain.
The phosphorus cycle differs from the other biogeochemical cycles because it does not include a
gas phase.
The largest reservoir of phosphorus is in _____________________________ rock.
Explain how phosphorus travels through the cycle from rock to omnivores.
Through rain, phosphates are removed from rocks and are distributed through both soils and
water. Plants then take up phosphate ions from the soil. The phospates then move from plants to
animals when consumers eat the producers or herbivores.
How does the soil-based view of the phosphorus cycle compare/contrast with the
global-view of the phosphorus cycle?
The soil-based view focuses on rocks and soil, while the global view is everything.