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Homeschooling, also known as home education, is the education of children inside the home.

Home education is usually conducted by a parent or tutor. Many families that start out with a formal

school structure at home often switch to less formal ways of imparting education outside of

school. "Homeschooling" is the term commonly used in North America, whereas "home education" is

more commonly used in the United Kingdom, elsewhere in Europe, and in many Commonwealth


In 1642, the Massachusetts Bay Colony passed a law that required parents to make sure their

children could read. Just five years later, they passed another law that required towns with fifty families

or households to establish an elementary school. Towns with at least 100 households were required to

establish a grammar school. The first public school, the Boston Latin School, opened in 1635. By the

mid-1600s, schools began to crop up in other New England towns. Many of these were plain, one-room

schoolhouses. Public school did not become mandatory in the United States until individual states began

to enact compulsory attendance laws in the mid-to late-1800s. Even then, it was difficult for every child

to attend school. Some children were kept at home by inclement weather, snowstorms, or floods. Not

every child could walk the distance to and from school, and mass transportation was not yet an option.

These children continued to be educated at home by parents or taught by a tutor, while others received

instruction in a nearby church.

As the Industrial Revolution swept the country, school transportation improved and so did
attendance at public schools. However, in the 1960s and 1970s, some families, disappointed with the
public school system, began teaching their children at home. Early homeschooling pioneers and advocates
broke new ground in the homeschooling territory. Family-centered education began moving to the
forefront of society once again. The number of homeschooled children continues to increase each year.
More parents are homeschooling because they feel they are best able to pass morals and value systems on
to their children, and because they believe they have more time for their child, as well as a better
understanding of their child's educational needs. By the mid-1980s, the successes and benefits of

homeschooling had become more apparent. Research was documented, books were printed, dedicated
magazines took hold, and word spread like wildfire. It was estimated that approximately 150,000 to
200,000 children were homeschooled in the mid-1980s. By the mid- 1990s, the number had grown to
approximately 500,000 to 600,000. (Mendez, B. 2010, July.


In this part of the study, the researchers conducted an interview based on the following statement

of the problem:

1. Determining the Reasons for and Impressions toward Home Schooling.

2. Negative and Positive Expectations in the Home School set-up.

3. Negative and Positive Expectations in the Transition from Regular School to Home School)

in terms of:

A. Learning competence

B. Parent and child responsibility

C. Parent-child relationship

D. Child's social interactions / relationships

E. Finances

F. Reception (support / acceptance from family members, relatives, friends)

4. Realization of the Negative or Positive Expectations in SOTP 2.


Symbolic Interactionism Theory, formulated by Blumer (1969) is the process of interaction in the

formation of meanings for individuals. The inspiration for this theory came from Dewey (1981), which

believed that human beings are best understood in a practical, interactive relation to their environment.

The theory consists of three core principles: meaning, language and thought. These core principles lead to

conclusions about the creation of a person’s self and socialization into a larger community (Griffin,


Meaning states that humans act toward people and things according to the meanings that give to

those people or things. Symbolic Interactionism holds the principal of meaning to be the central aspect of

human behavior. Language gives humans a means by which to negotiate meaning through symbols.

Humans identify meaning in speech acts with others. Thought modifies each individual’s interpretation of

symbols. Thought is a mental conversation that requires different points of view.

With these three elements the concept of the self can be framed. People use ‘the looking-glass

self’: they take the role of the other, imagining how we look to another person. The self is a function of

language, without talk there would be no self-concept. People are part of a community, where our

generalized other is the sum total of responses and expectations that we pick up from the people around

us. We naturally give more weight to the views of significant others.

The theory is used in effective evaluating of human interaction. Different meanings can easily

lead to communication problems. Problems can arise if the lines of communication are not open and

assumptions are made. (Griffin, 1997)






From the theory of Symbolic Interactionism applied to our study “The Decision to

Homeschooling Versus Public Schooling: Reasons, Expectations and Benefits” the researchers will

determine why did the respondents engage with homeschooling, their expectations and what are the

benefits that they can get from homeschooling. Using symbolic Interactionism theory, the researchers

concluded that every person (respondent) have different reasons, expectations and benefits towards


The figure above simply explains different factors that homeschooling answers. Every respondent

has their own reasons. But, the only answer to their query is homeschooling. That’s why the arrows are

pointed to homeschooling.

With the help of the respondents’ reasons and expectations, the researchers can easily know the

benefits they will get from homeschooling. That will be elaborated furthermore in Chapter 4.


In this part of the study the researchers are conducted and assume that:

1. The researchers will determine all of their reasons why did they engage with homeschooling.

2. The homeschooling students’ expectations can either be positive or negative or both

depending on how they perceive homeschooling.

3. The researchers will determine the respondents’ expectations upon their transition period

from public schooling to homeschooling.

4. After the study, the researchers will determine if the expectations of the home schooled

students were met or not.


This study will be significant to the following:

STUDENTS it will help them generate their relationship with their parents, siblings and other members of the

family. Homeschooling will be beneficial to a student or it will depend upon their purpose of choosing this

alternative education. It will also give those capabilities to spend more time with their families, such as doing indoor

activities, tutorial lessons, a bible study, an important conversation or a family gets together. Homeschooling gives

strong foundation and connection of family relationship.

PARENTS because they have different reasons and purposes why they home schooled their child. Simply

because they wanted the best for their child. Homeschooling will help parents for the betterment of the learning of

their child at home because they can focus to their child properly. It is for them to give attention so that they can

encourage their child to study harder and to learn new things. Parents will have contact and togetherness with their

child for less or more than an hour. It is also for them to be aware and sure enough of what their child is learning.

They can also teach religious statements. They can assure that homeschooling is better than commuting or traveling

to go to school and that their child is safe and secure with them.

HOME SCHOOL TEACHERS because they will have more time to rest to lessen their stress because of

their students. In other aspects, if the teacher is the one who will teach a home schooled student, it is a big sacrifice

for his/her time. But if he/she can give flexibility to interact with the student and its family, then the teacher will not

have a hard time in adjusting being a home school teacher unlike those teachers who are teaching inside a classroom

with almost 50 students per class. There are big differences in terms of teaching strategies and techniques and the

teacher will have bigger income for he/she is only focused with one student.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS for them to have an idea about the effects, benefits and if homeschooling can

really develop our modern way of learning nowadays by the guidance of this study. Moreover, this research can help

them to be their basis for their future research papers.


 This study will explain the advantages and disadvantages of being a home schooled student.

 This study will determine the benefits of having decision about home schooling versus public


 The reasons and expectations toward homeschooling will be elaborated in this study.

 This study will not focus on the risk factors that show the development of education among

person who are elites and celebrities.


 The researchers will choose specific respondents who have engaged in homeschooling

program. However, this study will be focused on identifying the benefits, reason and

expectations of homeschooling. The study was conducted to the 3 homeschooled students’

respondents (students).


For better understanding of the study here are the important words that will be defined:

Eradicates- to remove (something) completely: to eliminate or destroy (something harmful)

Home School Legal Defense Association- (HSLDA)

Overbearing- often trying to control the behavior of other people in an annoying or unwanted way

Pedagogical- of or relating to teachers or education




This chapter represents the review on related literature and studies regarding the topic about “ The

Decision to Homeschooling Versus Public Schooling: Reasons, Expectations and Benefits” Its

goal is to give certain information about homeschooling and to have different perspectives about it. This

chapter also includes the history of homeschooling on where it is originated and accepted in Philippines.


Nations were increasingly explicitly Christian, often requiring the signing of statements of faith

and excluding secular homeschoolers. First and foremost among the new leaders of the home school

movement was Michael Farris. Michael Farris, a home school parent and attorney, founded the Home

School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) in 1983. Early in the decade homeschoolers had generally

worked together with local public school officials, aided as needed by the efforts of Holt and Moore.

However, as relations with local officials became more tendentious (in part as a result of the entrance of

more oppositional and less cooperative evangelical and fundamentalist homeschoolers), a variety of

organizations, some religious and some secular, engaged in legal efforts on behalf of homeschoolers and

worked to change state laws. HSLDA was one of these organizations, though others did most of the heavy

lifting before it came into existence or while it was still in its infancy. In the early 1990s, HSLDA made a

name for itself by bringing about the end of the last remaining holdouts. Michael Farris used both his

acclaim for fighting the last remaining legal battles and his connections to other influential home school

leaders such as Greg Harris and Sue Welch to position HSLDA to become “the nerve center of a national

movement infrastructure.” Aided by these other, newer home school leaders, Farris carried out a virtual

coup of the home school movement and by the mid-1990s came to control both the movement’s

networking system and its public image. Secular home school groups and organizations still

Homeschooling is one of the different educational programs that some parents choose for their children.

In U.S.A Homeschooling is popular educational option for parents that they want for their children. It is

difficult to measure the exact number of how many parents have chosen the educational homeschooling

program for their children. The research shows that the numbers of homeschooling increased over the

years. In the early twenty-first century, the numbers of 600,000 to 800,000 students choose to be

homeschooled. (Lundt, 2004)

The U.S. Department of Education estimated the numbers of students to 2,000,000 students that

chose to homeschool by their parents. (U.S. Department of Education, 2011). United States of America is

one of the countries in wherein this kind of educational program is being chosen by the parents. This

increasing number of homeschooling has the reasons behind why parents chose to homeschool their

children. In 350 BC Alexander the Great is the first known case of Homeschooling. In late 1700's early

education consisted of learning in basic life skills. In 1830's Abraham Lincoln received 18 months of

homeschooling at home. The states began adopting the compulsory education. In Mid 1960's

Homeschooling movement begins. That result for about half of the states had legalized hhome-schooling.

In 1993 Home education is legal in every state. (Barfield, R. History of Homeschooling) While in other

books and authors it is said that in 1642, the Massachusetts Bay Colony passed a law that required parents

to make sure their children could read. Just five years later, they passed another law that required towns

with fifty families or households to establish an elementary school. Towns with at least 100 households

were required to establish a grammar school. The first public school, the Boston Latin School, opened in

1635. By the mid-1600s, schools began to crop up in other New England towns. Many of these were

plain, one-room schoolhouses. Public school did not become mandatory in the United States until

individual states began to enact compulsory attendance laws in the mid-to late-1800s. Even then, it was

difficult for every child to attend school. Some children were kept at home by inclement weather,

snowstorms, or floods. Not every child could walk the distance to and from school, and mass

transportation was not yet an option. These children continued to be educated at home by parents or

taught by a tutor, while others received instruction in a nearby church. As the Industrial Revolution swept

the country, school transportation improved and so did attendance at public schools. However, in the

1960s and 1970s, some families, disappointed with the public school system, began teaching their

children at home. Early homeschooling pioneers and advocates broke new ground in the homeschooling

territory. Family-centered education began moving to the forefront of society once again. The number of

homeschooled children continues to increase each year. More parents are homeschooling because they

feel they are best able to pass morals and value systems on to their children, and because they believe

they have more time for their child, as well as a better understanding of their child's educational needs. By

the mid-1980s, the successes and benefits of homeschooling had become more apparent. Research was

documented, books were printed, dedicated magazines took hold, and word spread like wildfire. It was

estimated that approximately 150,000 to 200,000 children were homeschooled in the mid-1980s. By the

mid- 1990s, the number had grown to approximately 500,000 to 600,000. (Sherri Linsenbach, 2001)

The modern home school movement began in the 1970s when John Holt, an educational theorist

and supporter of school reform, began arguing that formal schools’ focus on rote learning created an

oppressive classroom environment designed to make children compliant employees. Holt called for

parents to liberate their children from formal education and instead follow a method today known as

“unschooled.” Early Holt followers connected through Holt’s newsletter, growing without Schooling,

which was founded in 1977. Soon after Holt’s arguments inspired the first homeschoolers, Holt’s friend

educational theorist Raymond Moore added his voice, arguing that early schooling was detrimental to

children and that children should be schooled at home until age eight or nine in order to give them a firm

educational, psychological, and moral foundation. Moore’s 1981 Home Grown Kids quickly became

popular and was often the first book homeschoolers read. When Holt and Moore first began advocating

homeschooling, educating children at home was legal in every state, but subject to varying regulations,

which were sometimes quite stringent (for example, six states required parents to have teaching licenses).

Early homeschoolers generally worked with their local school boards, meeting requirements and

submitting their home education plans. In the early 1980s, Moore stated that in 80 to 90% of all cases,

“local public school administrators and primary teachers … understand.”

In those cases where homeschoolers faced challenges, organizations founded by Holt and Moore

offered help in mediating with local officials and, if needed, legal aid. During the 1980s the tenor of

homeschooling changed as a new wave of individuals entered the movement. These were evangelical and

fundamentalist Christians engaged in culture wars rhetoric about public schools as “Satanic hothouses.”

Given credibility by Focus on the Family founder James Dobson and initial supports by Moore, these

newer homeschoolers took an antagonistic outlook toward public school administrators and were

unwilling to cooperate with public schools they saw as evil. It was at this point that the legal battles began

in earnest as homeschoolers found themselves faced with newly uncooperative local public school

officials and the negative feedback cycle that ensued as officials responded even more negatively when

faced with litigation. Also in play was the fact that some school officials felt threatened by the growing

number of homeschoolers. For all these reasons, the head of one secular homeschooling group call the

mid-1980s “the look over your shoulder time.”

Homeschoolers responded to the changed situation by turning from the local level to the state

level, petitioning state legislatures to change laws to accommodate for homeschooling. Homeschoolers

fought among themselves over how much oversight the laws should contain; while some homeschoolers

were comfortable with standardized testing and submitting curriculum plans, others felt that such

requirements were oppressive. The story of the legalization of homeschooling is really fifty different

stories: Some states saw education policy change without the need for legislative action, some added only

a few words or a sentence to their statutes, and others composed and passed detailed home school statutes.

Oversight of homeschooling today differs widely from state to state; some states have no

oversight at all while others impose various requirements such as testing or curriculum approval. By 1989

the vast majority states had made peace with homeschoolers, with only a few states holding out into the

early 1990s. The 1980s was also the time of what historian Milton Gaither has called “the changing of the

guard.” By 1990, homeschooling was no longer connected to the liberal-leaning educational reform

movement, as it had been in the 1970s, but rather to conservative religious ideas and the Christian Right.

While Holt and Moore together essentially singlehandedly founded the home school movement, their

books and publications serving as the lifeblood of the fledgling movement in its early years, their

leadership did not last past the 1980s. Holt died in 1985, and Moore found himself marginalized by new

home school leaders who did not consider him, as a Seventh Day Adventist, “Christian” enough. While

religious and secular homeschoolers had worked together to form local, state, and national organizations

and fight legal battles throughout much of the 1980s, this alliance began to fracture toward the end of the

decade. In 1990, Moore appealed vainly to the home school community to remain united even as home

school groups and organizations existed, but they were overshadowed by the political power and

organizational strength of HSLDA, which was aided by its commitment to hierarchical structure. While

early home school leaders had focused on liberating children from the constraints of formal schooling and

freeing them to follow their interests, these new leaders had a different goal and vision. These new leaders

created a radical social and religious vision in which children would be homeschooled with the explicit

purpose of being launched into government, education, and the entertainment industries in order to

transform the United States into a nation based in Christian beliefs.

While their beliefs and practices varied, some of these leaders have embraced a more extreme

ideology that held that women should not attend college or endorsed a full return to Old Testament law.

In contrast to the earlier focus on liberating children, these leaders have generally focused on properly

training children, and in many cases have placed more emphasis on religious ideology than on education.

Meanwhile, homeschooling has continued to grow by leaps and bounds, especially as it has increasingly

come to be seen as an acceptable educational alternative. A growing number of families have begun

homeschooling for neither pedagogical nor religious reasons but rather for individual pragmatic reasons,

including concerns about bullying or the poor quality of local schools. This increasing diversity,

combined with the advent of the internet, has opened up information networks once controlled almost

solely by Christian homeschooling groups and has the potential to change the face of the movement.

(Coalition for Responsible Home Education, 2012)

According to the source that researchers read, homeschooling define as a substitute education for

the students instead of sending them out of their home to learn. The researcher’s perception about the

history of homeschooling in United States they said that most of the Americans relied on their family and

churches to provide education. They always choose church schools even though schools already appeared

in populated areas in the 1700’s, all early colleges were designed to train the ministers. They also told that

in 1852 Massachusetts copied the Prussian model of compulsory education which spread evenly to all

other states by 1917, because of copying the Prussian system because they designed the structure to

manipulate their masses.

When 1960 came, there were another protests developed because of systematic secularization of

public education. Homeschooling was developed with people that had religious conviction, parents are

responsible to teach or train their children. Way back then homeschooling was illegal in most states

because of the language of compulsory school laws. That generation, many parents and students had

struggled from homeschooling because it was not socially acceptable. Curricula options were limited. In

our new generation, most of the parents enjoy the freedom to home school and now it is socially

acceptable. Based on the source, technology on individual’s school experience had helped improve the

success of distance or online schooling. This study is likely want to bring some changes on how the

government or other people see homeschooling. (History of homeschooling/ 2002)

As year passed by Philippines is one of the countries that enable to legalize the Homeschooling

Educational program as stated in as stated in the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines

Article XIV: Section 1 : The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at

all levels, and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all. Section 2. The State

shall: (1) Establish, maintain, and support a complete, adequate, and integrated system of education

relevant to the needs of the people and society; (2) Establish and maintain a system of free public

education in the elementary and high school levels. Without limiting the natural right of parents to rear

their children, elementary education is compulsory for all children of school age. (Article XVI,

Constitution of the republic of the Philippines, 1987)

Based on the memorandum by The Department of Education Memo no.216 S. 1997 entitled as

“Home education program that states if a homeschooled student wants to transfer into a different kind of

education or school either must be accredited by Department of Education. (Department of Education

Memorandum, http://www.hslda.org/hs/international/Philippines/) Before Department of Education

(DepEd), there was DECS, and before that was the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports whose

educational powers and functions (Section 5) were enumerated under Executive Order 117, series of

1987. Section 5 included item b, as follows, “Sec. 5. Powers and Functions. (The 1987 Constitution of the

Republic of the Philippines. (1987). Retrieved Dec.10 from http://www.chanrobles.com/article14.htm)


"Describing the typical homeschooled family is not unlike describing the typical public school family- the

range demographics, philosophies and practices make such a generalization practically impossible"

(Kunsman,2009,p.313) as the quote describe homeschooling in different situations he observed that

during the time of his study it similarly becomes that his families is like teachers and from that from each

ideas of the family and ways to think the best is a benefit of a student in homeschooling.

There are many misconceptions about homeschooling that people need to know about the facts and

reality in homeschooling also the advantages you may take. In the journal of College

Admission notes that homeschooler's ACT and SAT score are higher than those students who are from

public schools.

And base on research it is said that Home-educated college students perform as well as or better than

the traditionally educated students. (Gaither, Milton. “New Ray Study of Homeschooler and

Demographics Achievement.” Homeschooling research notes 3 May 2010 Web. 27 March 2011)

Homeschooling is one-on-one tutoring – Some studies have shown that in schools, the smaller the

students-teacher ratio, the better the students learn.  Among other benefits, the students are helped

individually, and teachers ensure that all students master a basic skill or concept before going to a more

advanced one.  It ensures that genuine learning is taking place.  Homeschooling is, in effect, one-to-one

ratio of teaching.

Homeschooling tailors learning to specific children’s educational needs – Parents are able to assess

their kids’ strength, weaknesses, leaning styles and interests. Homeschooling allows parents to customize

their children’s education to maximize learning, strengthen weaknesses and allow focus on special areas

of interest or giftedness.  This makes kids highly motivated to learn, and thus results in kids developing a

love for learning.

Homeschooled students tend to think more independently – They are also unlikely to follow the ideas

of a group without first making up their own minds. College students who were in Home Schooled

express that they feel more mature than their dorm mates, because they know how to think for themselves

and aren’t influenced as readily by peer pressure.

Homeschooling eradicates boredom – Since learning is specifically tailored to individuals, it make them

put consistent effort into learning.  Also, kids do not have to waste time on what they already mastered

while other kids are catching up.

Homeschooling makes kids work for the knowledge, instead of grades.

Homeschooling provides a safe learning environment – Children who are homeschooled are not

exposed to teasing, bullying, negative peer pressure, bad influences, and in some cases, bad or even

misbehaving teachers.

Homeschooling gives a sense of security in kids with “attachment parenting” – This is an

increasingly popular approach that involves round-the-clock physical contact with children and

immediate responses to all their cues.

Homeschooling strengthens closeness of the family, and parents’ relationships to children are made

deeper – Parents spend more time with their kids, and are able to watch their children grow.  Families are

able to travel, practice their religion and observe holy days.

Homeschooling accommodates special needs.- Homeschooling prevents children who are

hyperactive or not behaving according to the norm, but otherwise have good intellect, from being

unfairly labeled as needing special education.


If homeschooling has positive effects to the student, it also has lots of disadvantages. Like for

instance is that no matter how well designed the system of education for the homeschoolers, if their

mentors do not have the skills equal to the professionals, they cannot apply it to their students. Every

parents needs to research more about the topic that they will be discussing everyday so that the questions

of the child will be answered by his or her parent. This issue is one of the reasons why many people are

against homeschooling. Homeschooling is a full time job so you need to give more attention to make this

possible and successful for your student or children. One of the negative effects of homeschooling is that

your children cannot interact with other people and he or she will have struggles in socializing but there

are evidences that can prove this issue. Education is very important to everyone so that parents must think

very carefully for the future of their children if he or she will going to learn better from public school or

homeschooling. (Brown, M. · Feb. 25, 2013http://www.schoolmoney.org/homeschooling-advantages-


As people become more oriented with the current education system there has been a rise in the

instances of parents deciding to homeschooled their children as indicated by homeschooling statistics.

This is not a decision to be taken lightly; there are many serious disadvantages of homeschooling.


When parents take the responsibility of educating their children at home, they may need to set

aside time to make it work. The task of homeschooling a child is certainly not easy, especially for

working parents, single parents or stay-at-home parents. They have to take time to organize and prepare

lessons, teach, give tests, and plan field trips. Homeschooling is a full-time commitment and to make sure

that the child receives a quality education, parents need to invest time and effort needed.


In comparison to public schools, where education is free, homeschooling can be costly.

Purchasing the newest curriculum and teaching tools can be very expensive. Parents may choose to use a

paid homeschooling program, such programs may have added benefits, but may increase the cost of the

child’s education. There are also other costs to keep in mind, like project materials, stationery, books,

computer software and field trips. Parents who choose to home school their children should be prepared

to spend more money than parents who send their children to public schools.


Home schooled children may not have as many opportunities to interact with other children in

comparison to children who attend regular schools. Forming bonds and socializing with children their

own age is important for the child’s developmental health and development of social skills. If home

schooled, they may be deprived of the chance to form friendships and may suffer socially. Of course, they

can make friends with other home schooled children, but it is quite different when special effort has to be

made to arrange meetings. The lack of socialization may affect them in later stages of life.


It is quite impossible that a home can be as well-equipped as a regular school in terms of

facilities. For classes that require experiments like physics and chemistry, it can be hard to get all the

necessary chemicals, materials, apparatus, and so on. The home would also lack facilities for sports like

swimming pools, running tracks, gyms, and fields.


One of the reasons why homeschooling is bad is the fact that parents may lose patience when they

are trying to educate their children. Some parents may be too overbearing or impatient,

This may cause the child to react in a negative manner. It is may be hard for parents to draw the line

between educator and parent in the child’s mind.


One of the most glaring negative effects of homeschooling is the matter of motivation. Some

children need to be challenged to excel in their studies. In this sense, they thrive when they are involved

in some competition. Children who are homeschooled would not have this motivation because most of

them are educated separated


Since there are different sides to the issue of home schooling along with different reasons why parents

decide to home school, there was a study conducted and backed by the Home School Legal Defense

Association to determine academic success in home schooled children (Academic


In a time when many of us talk about the importance of parents spending time with their children,

scholars, educators, researchers, as well as parents themselves can make a good argument for parents who

choose to homeschool. A study surrounding parental involvement reflects on the positive outcomes of

parental involvement on the front line versus as a secondary person to the public educational system.

Since it is one of the common goals of parents to strengthen their relationship with their child while being

homeschooled, it would be hard to argue the communication, emotional intimacy, and close family life is

not a driving force in choosing homeschooling over public school education (Romanowski, 2001.

http://www.educationcorner.com/benefits-disadvantages-of-homeschooling.html ).

The following are results of a conducted survey by Rudner, Lawrence M. The following were the

reasons of the parents why they chose homeschooling for their children:

Can give child better education at home

-Want to be aware of what the child is learning.

-Religious reasons – allow to teach faith in depth

-Poor learning environment at school

-Family reasons

-Home atmosphere is more relaxed, and schedule can be tailored to child’s needs

-To develop character/morality

-Object to what school teaches

-School does not challenge child

-Other problems with available schools

-Student behavior problems at school

-Child has special needs/disability


-Child not old enough to enter school / Child could not get into desired school

-Enable family to travel.



This chapter includes the research design used in the study. This also includes data collection and
data analysis.


This study aims to determine whether students of homeschooling will learn better in

homeschooling or in public schooling. It goes without saying that the main problem of homeschooling is

having no human interactions. This only shows that you are bounded with only what you see regardless of

what you exactly explore on the outside world. As the population increases, more and more parents were

encouraged to home school their children without realizing that some factors were affected such as:

learning competence, parent and child responsibility; parent child relationship; child social

interactions/relationships; finances and reception. And in dealing with this factors, you would always

come up with different reasons and expectations toward homeschooling and surely you will also

encounter the negative and positive expectations in the home school set up clearly this is not just an

ordinary topic for all of the researchers. Everything will be adjusted and we are also here, the researchers

to take part to the solution we are heading for. This is not a war against nations rather it is the war of

ideas. But just like every war of ideas there comes a turning point of the negative and positive

expectations of every problem.

The researchers used the inductive approach to observe and gather data according to the specific

topic of the research Homeschooling vs. Public Schooling. All of the researchers made questions to

interview students who are currently experiencing homeschooling. Through observation and interviews,

researchers can conclude the best education system for the students. Before this research begun, every

researcher doesn’t have any idea about this topic but every time that the researchers gather data or they

have more information that will be added to their mind, the researchers can explore their knowledge

between homeschooling and public schooling.

The purpose of this research is to help and provide information that will benefit the individual

who are experiencing the same treatment about homeschooling, their teachers and even public school

teachers, parents of the said homeschooled students and future researchers. This study will determine the

importance of homeschooling about the affected persons that the researchers discussed in the chapter one.

The study is limited to analyzing the reasons behind homeschooling with regards of the benefits,

(both positive and negative) of having decision about home schooling versus public schooling for the

parents to know which is more appropriate to their child and how effective it is. The study will also

discuss the reasons and impressions toward homeschooling and its real effect. But, this study will not

focus on the risk factors that show the development of education among person who are elites and

celebrities and elites who are being part of homeschooling and others because obviously they are more

likely to engage with homeschooling because of their special cases. This study will also explain the

advantages and disadvantages of being a homeschooled student. This study has specific respondents who

have engaged in homeschooling program. The study was conducted among 3 specific respondents


In terms of Qualitative Research, the researchers are supposed to use words or describe their data

with the use of interview or focus group discussion. Mostly, the participants are only 3 respondents who

are experiencing the exact situation or study we are supposed to give answers. It is subjective, meaning to

say, we need to interpret the research based on the results we have gathered. Lastly, it takes place in the



The researchers used phenomenology study because it will discuss about the experiences of the

particular respondents and how homeschooling benefited their life. The purpose of this study is to look

for the answers to the respondents who are experiencing homeschooling. This study may change the ideas

of the people who are against for homeschooling. Also, this research paper will provide some information

to the future researchers who has an interest to make homeschooling as their topic for their study.


In this section of Chapter 3, the researchers did one-on-one interview. The researchers used the

interview method for this study to get some information about the certain study. The researchers have

gone to some libraries and find books that were related with the study that about homeschooling. Each

researcher scanned books with regards the topic. The researchers also browse some websites and read the

articles, Journals, PDF files and gathered information that can help the study. The participants

(homeschooled students) will be interviewed one-on-one with the guide questions that is interconnected

with the statement of the problem and will give information to help the study. The researchers got some

information from the internet with credible source.



The researchers used purposive selection technique of non-probability method in

selecting their participants. The researchers chose those participants who are currently undergoing

homeschooling as of now. The importance of their participation in this study is for us to have exact

answers that the researchers are looking with connection to the topic: “The Decision to

Homeschooling Versus Public Schooling: Reasons, Expectations and Benefits” From them,

we can know what would be the possible results or outcomes of our research. They are the most

appropriate respondents for we wanted to have different answers coming from different home schoolers

who do not know each other personally and did not come from the same places.

First Participant

First Participant

Sophia Dela Merced from Las Pinas City and from Catholic Filipino Academy she is now a grade

10 student .This participant was chosen because when she was enrolled in homeschooling since she was

in her grade 7 until recent, she is homeschooled because of the reason that she suffered from skin asthma

or called as eczema.

Second Participant

Andrea Amistoso, from Manila city. She is 15 years old. She is a Grade 7 student and enrolled into a

homeschooling program at The Master’s Academy. Her parents decided to enroll her into a

homeschooling program because they want to monitor their daughter’s study and also to spend more time


Third Participant

Mico Cazie Lopez lives in Pasay City and a Grade 10 student from Arellano Mabini Campus. He

is a 16 year old and a proud survivor from bone cancer. His parents enrolled him in to homeschooling

because of his condition and for him to continue his studies while he is undergoing therapy and



The researcher used different kinds of instrument that is needed in the study to be done

successfully. The different instruments used has an important part in this research study. In this section it

includes the uses of the instruments used in the study.

Laptops, computers, cellphones, internet connections, flash drives, phone recorder, books, time,

effort, money and patience are used in this study. The researchers also used a guide questionnaire for the

one-on-one interview that will answer the questions that is connected and to the certain topic that the

researchers need. The researcher used the interview guide to gather or collect data or information. The

following are the guide questions that will be asked to the participants during the one-on-one interview.

Table 1. List of Questions

TITLE: The Decision to Homeschooling Versus Public Schooling: Reasons, Expectations and


1 What are the reasons why you are enrolled in homeschooling?

2 A. What are your expectations before you entered homeschooling?

B. While you are engage with homeschooling?
C. After you have undergone homeschooling?

3 Do you think your knowledge is just the same with what the normal students learn
from public schools? Why? Why not?

4 Are you satisfied with the knowledge you receive in homeschooling? Explain.

5 What are the benefits that you are able to experience while you are under homeschooling in terms

A. Learning competence
B. Parent and child responsibility
C. Parent- Child relationship
D. Social interactions/ Relationships
E. Finances
F. Reception (Support/acceptance from family members, relatives and friends)

6 If you would have a chance to choose a school, what type of school do you want? Homeschooling
or public schooling? Why? Why not?

7 Do you think you will be successful person someday even though you are only learning by
homeschooling? Why? Why not? Explain.

8 As a homeschooled student, would you still encourage other students to enroll in the said
program? Why? Why not?


Being a researcher is not that easy especially when you will perform this task by group for some

reasons of misunderstanding, conflict of schedules, financial problems, decision making, lack of

respondents, and doubts that this research will not finish in time.

At first, each member suggested topics for this study but deciding a topic is not that easy because

there are things need to be considered when you are doing this research like having a good and reliable

respondents, time management, information must be based on facts so that you can defend your topic and

the most important, each member should cooperate for the sake of this study. The researchers choose the

topic about “The Decision to Homeschooling Versus Public Schooling: Reasons, Expectations

and Benefits” and when the researchers decided their topic already they started to search for available

respondents. Two of the researchers presented themselves to find respondents.

The researchers conducted an interview to the three (3). Home schooled students are from Pasay

Manila and Las Pinas City. Before the interview was finish there are struggles the researchers

experienced like for instance they arrived at home late and the researchers adjusted their schedule for the

interview. Sometimes respondents are not around so that the researchers need to find them. When the

researchers ask the respondents, they need to focus and give their attention so that they will see the

gestures and if the answers were connected to the statement of the problem. The researcher waited the

respondent #1 because he is busy and needed to finish something. The respondent#2 has many

responsibilities in life that caused 3 times cancelled interview.




The researchers will report the data gathered through interviews on the questions that the

researchers made that was all about home schooling. Those questions will help the researchers to know if

home schooling is a helpful and reliable for the students who have disability or complications that their

parents want them to take a home schooling rather than public schooling. By the help of the interview, it

will answer or solve the statement of the problem.

In this chapter, the researchers will discuss the result of the interview between the respondents

and the researchers. The researchers will also discuss the gestures and the observation of the respondents

while the interview.

It is very important for the researchers to know the gestures of the respondents because they will

determine if they are comfortable while answering the question. The researchers conclude that if they are

going to interview the respondents, they must ask them the questions that is needed to be answered in a

good way so that they will not feel uncomfortable and make sure that the respondents will give the perfect

information that the researchers need yet if not, the researchers need to ask them another question that

will help them to give the correct answer.


The researchers during the interview asked the first question to the Respondents (What are the

reasons why you are enrolled in homeschooling?) and the First respondent (Respondent 1) answered

“Firstly dahil sa parents ko” (Firstly because of my parents) While sitting and holding the balloon and

respondent 1 had an eye contact while answering the question. The second (Respondent 2) respondent

answered the same question “Gusto din kasi ni lola para di ako mahirapan sa sakit ko” (My

grandmother wants me to be enrolled in this program because of my disorder (bone cancer)). While

sitting and holding his phone and had an eye contact whenever he answered the question. The third

respondent answered “Kasi po dahil sa sakit ko to na skin asthma” (It is because of my illness, skin

asthma) while having eye contact with the interviewer. The researchers’ analysis is that the respondents

choose homeschooling for the reason that most of the parents want them to focus on study and have time

together and for also the reason of having health complications. That the respondent parents wants them

to have a healthier environment for them and to monitor them because of their situation.

The second question asked to the respondents (What are your expectations before you entered

homeschooling?) The Respondents answers were: First Respondent (Respondent 1) answered “Ahhm.

Probably mas magets ko yung mga lessons ko.” (To understand the lessons more) (Playing the balloon

that is beside her while answering the question) and the Second Respondent (Respondent 2) answered

“Before matututo ako kahit magisa ako madami akong malalaman.” (Before I could learn a lot even

though I know I'm alone) Texting while answering the question and also frowned

when he answered. Respondent 3 answered, “ahm yung expectation ko is matututo naman ako kasi may

tutor naman” (My expectation is I will learn in a way that I will have a tutor) by the researchers’ analysis

the respondents expectation before they entered homeschooling is to learn more and understand the lesson

even they are alone. The respondents have their positive views or expectation about homeschooling

before they undergo with it.

The next question that’s been asked was “What are your expectations while engaged with

homeschooling?” And the first respondent answered “Okey naman.” (For me it’s okay.) (Rub her eyes.)

The second respondent also answered the same question “Masaya marami akong natutunan kahit na

mgisa ako” (I’m happy. I learn a lot even though I'm alone) and the last respondent answered “madami

akong natutunan at mas naiintindihan ko yung mga lessons” (I learn a lot and understand more the

lessons). The analyzation for this question the respondents have learn a lot and understand more their

lessons and it seems that they are satisfied and happy with homeschooling.

The question that been asked to the respondents “after you have undergone homeschooling?”

Hindi pa naman ako tapos maghomeschool. (I’m not yet done with homeschooling.) Said by the first

respondent. The second respondent said that “Hindi pa naman ako tapos eh” (I’m not yet done with

homeschooling). The third respondent also answered the same question “Naghohomeschool padin

naman ako eh. Di pako tapos” (I’m still homeschooling. I’m not yet done with homeschooling) .For the

analysis for the question “after you have undergone homeschooling?” that the respondents is not yet done

with homeschooling and they are still undergoing in homeschooling program.

The next question asked to the respondents was “Do you think your knowledge is just the same with

what the normal students learn from public schools? Why? Why not?” The respondent answered “Yes,

kasi parehas lang naman tayo sa mga books ganun. Yun hihi” (Yes, because we have the same learning

materials like books.) the second respondent answered the question “Oo, Parehas lang naman natututo

din naman ako ng parehas tulad sa public school” (I think yes I also learn and have the same with

public school students.) The last respondent answered the question “Yes, Kasi parehas lang naman ng

mga pinagaaralan. Mga libro na binabasa.” (Yes, because we have the same lessons that we need to

study. The books that we read). As an analysis the knowledge that the home schooled students have is the

same with the normal students learned from public schools because of books and the lessons that they

also studied.

The question asked to the respondents during the interview was “Are you satisfied with the

knowledge you receive in homeschooling?” the first respondent answered “Satified naman, kasi ano

minsan kasi pag sa mga regular schools kasi minsan nahihiya kasi magtanong sa teacher para

magpaexplain palagi. Eh pag sa homeschooling kasi mas open ka kasi parents mo naman yun mas na-

eexplain sayo”. (I’m Satisfied because sometimes when you’re in a regular school there are times that

you can’t understand the lesson and you’re shy to ask the teacher to explain it to you for you to

understand it. Compared to homeschool that you can understand it and ask when you didn’t understand.)

And the respondent maintains the eye contact while answering the question. The second respondent also

answered “Oo naman naiintindihan ko yung mga lesson na kailangan nakakarelate din ako sa mga

pinaguusapan ng mga normal na tao sa school” (Yes, I understand the lessons that I need to learn. I can

also relate within the topics that normal people in school.) Also have an eye contact with the interviewer.

The respondent 3 answered “Satisfied naman kasi nga mas naiintindihan ko yung lessons at mas

nafofocus ako sa pagaaral” (I'm satisfied because I understand the lessons more and also I can focus in

my study) The question “Are you satisfied with the knowledge you receive in homeschooling?” the

respondents maintain eye contact while answering the question that may proves that the respondents were

saying the truth and also they were also satisfied with the knowledge they receive in homeschooling.

The next question that was being asked to the respondents was “What are the benefits that you are

able to experience while you are under homeschooling in terms of LEARNING COMPETENCE ” The

first respondent “Ganun din naman” (The same.) And obviously confused with her answer with the

question. While the second respondent answered the same question as

“Parehas lang naman natututo din naman ako ng parehas tulad sa public school” (I think we learn the

same I also learn and have the same with public school students.) The last respondent answered,

“Kapareha lang naman sa public school. Natututo” (The same with public school. I learn.) In terms of

learning competence the homeschooled students have the same perception that the have the same with the

public school because they learn from it.

What are the benefits that you are able to experience while you are under homeschooling in terms of

PARENT AND CHILD RESPONSIBILITY? The next questioned asked by the interviewer to the

respondent. The first respondent answered the question. “Mas nagiging responsible ka kapag sa

homeschooling kasi as in minsan ikaw lang magtuturo sa sarili mo. (I became more responsible

because there are times that you need to teach yourself about the lessons).

(Confident answering the question and maintain eye contact) as the second respondent answered “Mas

responsible mga kailangan mo tapusin” (I became more responsible to the things that you needed to do

and finish). The last respondent answered the same question “Mas nagiging responsible kasi nga

kailangan mo matuto kasi magisa ka di tulad sa regular school na may tutulong sayo.” (Become more

responsible because you need to learn even you’re alone. Unlike in regular schools there is someone to

help you.) As an analysis for the parent child responsibility the researchers therefore conclude that a

homeschooled student became more responsible for the things and tasks that they needed to do by


The next question asked was “What are the benefits that you are able to experience while you are

under homeschooling in terms of Parent- child relationship” “Mas nagiging close kayo ng parents mo”

(You became more open to them and the close) The second respondent answers the same question “Mas

nagkakaroon ng time for bonding and time para sa isat isa” (We have a lot of time for bonding and for

each other.) The last respondents answer was “Nagiging close ka sa parents mo tapos may oras para sa

bonding” (You became closer with your parents and then you have time for bonding.) For the analysis

about parent child relationship the parents and their children develop their relationship to each because of

homeschool wherein they have more time to spent for bonding and other activities for each other.

In terms of social interactions/relationships is the next questioned asked by the interviewer and as

the respondents answered “Nakakaano parin naman. Namemeet ko parin naman yung mga friends ko

dati”. (The same with the old times. I still meet and bond with my old friends (Napa smile while

answering this) and the second respondent answered the question “Di naman hadlang yung homeschool

nakakameet padin ng mga new friends” (Homeschooling is not a hindrance to meet other people and

new friends.) The last respondent answered the question “Naver na nakaapekto ang homeschooling

nakakameet ako ng mga friends at may time for bonding kasama sila.” (Homeschooling never affects

because I can meet friends and also have time for bonding with them.) As the respondents answer the

researchers’ analysis about the whole question is that homeschooling is not a hindrance for the

homeschooled students’ social interaction with other people and also with their relationships.

Homeschooling didn’t have any bad effects for the social interactions of a homeschooled person.

Another question asked to the respondents about “the benefits that you are able to experience

while you are under homeschooling in terms of finances” Respondent 1answered “May allowance ako.”

(I have my allowance.) (Maintained eye contact and smiled when she answered the question) and then the

respondent 2 also answered the same question “Sa finances stable naman sila mama at papa di naman

ganun kamahal yung sa homeschool eh.” (In finances my parents is stable because homeschooling is

not that expensive.) The last respondent answered that “Hindi naman ganun ka mahal and okey lang

naman kila mama na ganun dahil sa sakit ko kesa daw magstop ako” (It’s not that expensive and its

okey with my mom because of my illness than stop my studies.) Substantially it shows that

homeschooling is not that kind of expensive education that other people think and a normal people can

afford not only for the elites.

The another question was “What are the benefits that you are able to experience while you are

under homeschooling in terms of Reception (support /acceptance from family members, relatives and

friends) the respondents answered “Wala naman si ate lang” (Everything’s fine except to my older

sister) and the other one answered “Mas nakikita ko yung support kasi minsan tinutulungan pa nila

ako sa lessons ko kapag nahihirapan ako” (I see more of their support to me because sometimes they

helped me with my lessons when I was struggling.) The last respondent answered the given question

“Masaya tinuturuan pa nga nila ako sa mga subjects na magaling sila eh.”(Its fun they teach me with

the subjects that they excel with.) As a result of all the responses of the respondents shows that home

schooled students get the support and acceptance from the people around the and also the one who helped

them whenever they were in struggles.

If you would have a chance to choose a school, what type of school do you want? Homeschooling

or Public Schooling? Why? Why not? This is another question asked to the respondents and the first

respondent answer “Mas pipiliin ko yung homeschooling”. (I will choose homeschooling)” Kasi sa

home school mas nakakapagrelax ka paminsan kasi mas sa sports ko kasi mas nagiging ano. Mas

hawak ko yung time ko.” (Because in homeschool I can relax more in times. And also because of my

sports I have flexible time.) The respondent maintained eye contact while answering the question. While

the next respondent’s answer was “Homeschooling mas nafofocus ako sa studies and the same time

hawak ko oras ko for gala and others.” (Homeschooling, because I can focus more on my studies and

the same time my time's flexible for bonding.) Having eye contact when he answered the question while

holding his phone and chatting. The third respondent answered, “Homeschooling kasi para sakin mas

natututo ako and mas advantage sakin to kasi may sakit ako hindi ako ganun mahihirapan.”

(Homeschooling because for me I learn more and it’s an advantage for me because of my illness and I

will not be in a hard situation .) The researchers therefore conclude that the respondents answers the

question that they will choose homeschooling for the reasons that they have flexible time and also can

focus and relax while studying. The respondents take this as an advantage for them because of their

situation and the benefits that they get.

The second to the last question that’s been asked to the “Do you think you will be a successful

person someday even though you are only learning by homeschooling? Why? Why not?” And the first

respondent answered the question “Yeah. Kasi kapag sa homeschool mas mo balik balikan yung mga

lessons mo and mas namamaster mo siya so pagdating mo ng senior high or college siguro

makakapasa ako sa mga universities ganun.” (Yeah. Because in homeschool you have times to revisit

your past’s lessons and master it. I think when I’m in senior high or college I can pass to the universities

too.) (Answer the question with smile and eye contact with me) and the second respondent also answered

the question “Yes naman hindi naman kasi sa school yan eh kung anong klase pinapapasukan mo

nasa tao naman yan eh. Ang pinagkaiba lang nasa bahay ako nasa school sila” (Yes, because it is not

one which type of school you were enrolled. It is on the person who will depend on. We both just

studying eh the only difference is I’m at home they are in school.) And the last respondent answered the

same question “Yes, Kasi para sa akin nasa abilidad ng tao yan at nasa pagaaral mo yan.”(Yes,

because for me it will depend on your ability and also in your study) The researchers therefore conclude

that the homeschooled students believe that they can be a successful person someday.

The last question is as a homeschooled student, would you still encourage other students to enroll

in the said program? Why? Why not? Naeencourage ko naman sila (I encourage them) (Holding the

balloon and have eye contact with the interviewer) and a follow up question asked to the respondent

“Kaso depende pa din ba sa sarili sa parents?” (Do you think it depends on their parents too, their self?)

And the first respondent answered I think Finances. The second repsondents answered the question “Yes

kung nahihirapan sila sa regular school it helped them naman. Pag nahihirapan sa school

maghomeschool sila pag may problema sa family maghomeschool nalang din” (Yes, if they struggle at

normal schools and homeschooling can help them. And if they having a hard time in school they can

homeschool even if they have family problems.) And for the last respondent his answer was “Oo,

Encourage ko yung iba lalo na kung nasa punto na magstop sya sa pagaaral kasi may problema .

Yung mga tamad pati ibang may sakit” (Yes, I will encourage other people and the one who is in the part

that they will stop their studies because they have problems, the lazy people and also the persons who

have illness.) As an analysis for the answers in this last question the homeschooled students encourage

other people to homeschool if they have reasons and can’t attend a normal school in a way that

homeschooling will help them.


The researchers learned from their repondents that homeschooling is different from what ordinary

people think. Homeschooling can also get along with Public Schooling in terms of: knowledge because

according to our respondents, the books and lessons of Public Schools is just the same with what they can

learn from Homeschooling. The researchers can conclude that maybe the curriculum of both school

systems may be differ only because homeschooling is private and there is only one student to focused


But homeschooling is really specialized for those who are in need of more attention and safety as

a student. One of their reasons why they considered homeschooling as their way to learn is that their

parents or guardians also preferred it for them for a certain reason. They are not elites nor celebrities but

they have ailments/illness that makes them valid to undergo homeschooling.

From the interview, the researchers learned that homeschooling helped the respondents to be

more connected with their families. Before, they do not have enough time to be with their loved ones but

what makes them happy and satisfied is that they are safe and their parents/guardians know what they are

learning for they are just inside their house.

Homeschooling is not as expensive as what we think. In fact, the respondent said that they can

afford it like even the ordinary students too. Two of them chose to remain in homeschooling if they were

to choose what type of school they prefer if they will be the one to choose again. All of them are not yet

done in homeschooling but according to them they are all satisfied with what they have learned as of now.


Table 2. The Profile of the Respondents






Table 3.1 Reason, Expectation, and perspective about the knowledge received.



Before: I could learn a lot

RESPONDENT 1 My grandmother wants even though I know I'm
me to be enrolled in this alone I think yes I also learn and
program because of my While: Happy. I learn a lot have The same with public
disorder (bone cancer). even though I'm alone school students.
After: I’m not yet done
with homeschooling

Before: To Learn more

RESPONDENT 2 Firstly because of my and understand the lessons
parents more
While: homeschooling For Yes, because we have the
me it’s okay. same learning materials like
After: I’m not yet done books
with homeschooling.

Before: My expectation is
I will learn in a way that I
RESPONDENT 3 It is because of my will have a tutor Yes, because we have the
illness, skin asthma While: I learn a lot and same lessons that we need
understand the lessons
to study. The books that we
After: I’m still
homeschooling. I’m not
yet done with

Table no 3.2 Satisfaction with knowledge received and the benefits in terms of learning competence and

Parent child responsibility

Q4.1 What are the Q4.2What are the

QUESTIONS Q3.Are you satisfied benefits that you are benefits that you are
with the knowledge you able to experience able to experience
receive in while you are under while you are under
homeschooling? homeschooling in terms homeschooling in terms
of: of:

A. Learning B. Parent and child

competence responsibility

RESPONDENT 1 Yes, Because I I learn a lot of trivia’s I became more

understand the lessons and lessons. responsible to the things
that I need to learn. I can that I needed to do and
also relate within the finish
topics that normal people
in school.

I’m Satisfied because

RESPONDENT 2 sometimes when you’re
in a regular school there The same and learn more I became more
are time that you can’t responsible because
understand the lesson there are times that you
and you’re shy to ask the need to teach yourself
teacher to explain it to about the lessons
you for you to
understand it. Compare
to homeschool that you
can understand it and ask
when you didn’t

RESPONDENT 3 I'm satisfied because I The same with public Become more
understand the lessons school. I learn responsible because you
more and also I can need to learn even you’re
focus in my study alone. Unlike in regular
schools there is someone
to help you

Table no 3.3 Benefits received in homeschooling interms of Parent-Child Relationship, Child’s Social

Interaction, And Finances

QUESTIONS Q4.3What are the Q4.4What are the benefits Q4.5What are the
benefits that you are that you are able to benefits that you are
able to experience experience while you are able to experience
while you are under under homeschooling in while you are under
homeschooling in terms of: homeschooling in
terms of: d. Child's social terms of:
c. Parent-child interactions/relationships e. Finances

We have a lot of time Homeschooling is not a In finances my

RESPONDENT 1 for bonding and for hindrance to meet other parents is stable
each other. people and new friends because
homeschooling is not
that expensive.

RESPONDENT 2 You became more The same with the old times. I have my allowance.
open to them and the I still meet and bond with my
closeness with your old friends
parents is different

RESPONDENT 3 You became closer Homeschooling never affects It’s not that expensive
with your parents and because I can meet friends and its okey with my
then you have time and also have time for mom because of my
for bonding. bonding with them illness than stop my

Table no. 3.4 The benefits of homeschooling in terms of Reception, Choosing between Homeschooling or
Public schooling, Future Perspective and encouraging others
Q4.5 What Q5. If you would Q.6 Do you think you Q.7 As a homeschooled
are the have a chance to will be a successful student, would you still
QUESTIONS benefits that choose a school, person someday even encourage other
you are able what type of though you are only students to enroll in the
to experience school do you learning by said program? Why?
while you are want? homeschooling? Why not?
under Homeschooling Why? Why not?
homeschooli or Public Explain.
ng in terms Schooling?
of: Why? Why not?
f. Reception
eptance from
relatives and

I see more of Homeschooling, Yes, because it is not Yes, If they struggles at

their support because I can one which type of normal schools and
RESPONDENT to me because focus more on my school you were homeschooling can help
sometimes studies and the enrolled. It is on the them and if they having
1 they helped same time my person who will a hard time in school
me with my time's flexible for depend on. We both they can homeschool
lessons when bonding. For just studying eh the even if they have family
I was parties and only difference is I’m problems.
struggling. bonding with at home they are in
friends. school.

I will choose Yeah. Because in

Everything’s homeschooling. homeschool you have I encourage them.
RESPONDENT fine except to Because in time to revisit your
my older homeschool I can past lessons and
2 sister. relax more in master it. I think when
times. And also I’m in senior high or
because of my college I can pass to
sports I have the universities too
flexible time.
Homeschooling Yes, I will encourage
It’s fun they because for me I Yes, because for me it other people and the one
RESPONDENT teach me with learn more and will depend on your who is in the part that
the subjects it’s an advantage ability and also in your they will stop their
3 that they for me because of study studies because they have
excel with my illness and I problems, The lazy
will not be in a people and also the
hard situation persons who have illness.



The research entitled “The Decision to Homeschooling Versus Public Schooling:

Reasons, Expectations and Benefits” Conducted by the researchers, this study aims to determine

whether students of homeschooling will learn better in homeschooling or in public schooling. It goes

without saying that the main problem of homeschooling is having no human interactions. This only shows

that you are bounded with only what you see regardless of what you exactly explore on the outside world.

As the population increases more and more parents were encouraged to home school their children

without realizing that some factors were affected such as: learning competence, parent and child

responsibility; parent child relationship; child social interactions/relationships; finances and reception.

And in dealing with this factors the respondents always come up with different reasons and impressions

toward homeschooling and surely you will also encounter the negative and positive expectations in the

home school set up clearly this is not just an ordinary topic for all of the researchers. In this conducted

research, the content of the study will be seen on the different chapters with different studies done by the



On the first chapter, the researchers stated the statement of the problems, the assumptions about

the study; the researchers also included who is the beneficiary of the study and the importance of it.

The theories and conceptualize used to support the study. The scope and limitation is also

included to specify and set boundaries on the research. On the last part of chapter 1 which entitled THE

PROBLEM AND IT’S SETTING will be seen the technical terms used in the research.

The second chapter contents were about the review of related literature. It contains different

studies related to the topic whether it is foreign or local study. The researchers have been to some libraries

and find books that were related with the study that the researchers doing. Each researcher scanned the

books that have something with regards out topic. The researchers also browse some websites and read

the articles, Journals, PDF files and gather information that help the study of the researchers. The

participants (Home-schooled students) of the study will be interviewed one-on-one with the guided

question that is interconnected with the statement of the problem and will give information to help the

study. The researchers get information from the internet with the credible source.

In the third chapter of the study it contains procedure done by the researchers in this research. It

also includes the research design used and the inductive approach to observe and gather data according to

the specific topic of the research Homeschooling vs. Public Schooling and its benefits.

All of the researchers made questions to interview students who are currently engaged in

homeschooling. The researchers used the interview method for this study in which to get some

information about the certain question.

Lastly, the chapter 4 is the results and the discussions. In this chapter it consist of the whole interview

to the respondents and the analysis for each questions asked by the researchers. The researchers used the

way per question way.

The researchers during the interview asked the first question to the Respondents (What are the

reasons why you are enrolled in homeschooling?) and come up with the respondent’s answer it shows that

their main reason is because of their parents and also because of some health reasons.

The second question asked to the respondents was (What are your expectations before you entered

homeschooling?) and by the respondents answer the researcher found out that analysis the respondents

expectation before they entered Home-schooling is to learn more and understand the lesson even they are

alone. Under the second question the researchers also asked the respondents “What are your expectations

while engaged with homeschooling?” and as a results of the respondents answers the researchers knew

that The expectations of the homeschooled students while engaged with homeschooling is fine and learn

the lessons even they are only at home. And the last follow up question for the expectation was “after you

have undergone homeschooling?” and the researchers found out that that the respondents are not yet done

with homeschooling.

The third question is asked to the respondents “Do you think your knowledge is just the same with

what the normal students learn from public schools? Why? Why not?” and as the respondent’s answer the

researchers knew that homeschooled students believe that the knowledge that they have is the same with

the normal student’s knowledge from public schools.

The fourth question asked to the respondents during the interview was “Are you satisfied with the

knowledge you receive in homeschooling?” and the respondents maintain eye contact while answering

the question that may proves that the respondents were saying the truth and they are satisfied with the

knowledge they receive in homeschooling. As the interview goes by the question asked to the respondents

was about the benefits that they get from homeschooling in terms of learning competence and as an

analysis for this the researchers found that the respondents (homeschooled students) that they are able to

be the same with public school. And for in terms of parent and child responsibility the researchers

therefore conclude that homeschooled students is responsible for the things and tasks that they needed to

do while in homeschooling. The benefits in terms of Parent- child relationship as a result from the

respondents answer the parents and their children develop their relationship to each because of

homeschool wherein they have more time to have time for bonding and for each other. In terms of

social interactions/relationships is the next question asked by the interviewer and as the respondents

answer this question the researchers found out that homeschooling is not a hindrance for the

homeschooled student’s social interaction with other people and also with their relationships.

Homeschooling didn’t have any bad effects for the social interactions of a homeschooled person.

“The benefits that you are able to experience while you are under homeschooling in terms of finances” is

one of the follow up question about the benefits and the researchers knew that Substantially it shows that

homeschooling is not that kind of expensive education that other people think and a normal people can

afford this kind of education, not only for the elites. And lastly for the benefits that homeschooled student

get in terms of Reception (support /acceptance from family members, relatives and friends) As a result to

the responses of the respondents this may show that homeschooled students get the support and

acceptance from the people around them and also the one who helped them whenever they were in


The next question after the benefits, the researchers asked the respondents “If you would have a

chance to choose a school, what type of school do you want? Homeschooling or Public Schooling? Why?

Why not?” The researchers therefore conclude that two (2) of the respondent answers the question that

they will choose homeschooling for the reasons that they have flexible time and also can focus and relax

while studying. The last participant answered the question that he will choose public school because of

the reason that he was bored and he was adept to be in public school before.

The second to the last question that’s been asked to the “Do you think you will be a successful

person someday even though you are only learning by homeschooling? Why? Why not?” and all of the

responses that the researcher get from the respondents that homeschooled students believe that they will

be successful someday even they are only enrolled in homeschooling.

The last question is as a homeschooled student, would you still encourage other students to enroll

in the said program? Why? Why not? And the researchers found out that homeschooled students

encourage other people to homeschool if they have reasons and can’t attend a normal school in a way that

homeschooling will help them.

It is evident that after the application of Symbolic Interactionism theory here in our study, the

researchers learned that after knowing determining the factors such as reasons and expectations, the

benefits will come out too. After the interview and studying the gathered information from them, the

query towards homeschooling is now settled. Knowing the different reasons and expectations of the

respondents, the specific benefits that the respondents get is based from their reasons and expectations.

According to the perception of every respondent, how they see homeschooling as the answer to

their problems is one of the applications of Symbolic Interactionism theory. But, their common

denominator is that all of them is being answered by homeschooling itself. If not because of

homeschooling as another way of learning, many students who are willing and eager to learn might not

have any chance to learn anymore.

Going back to our Statement of the Problem, all of them were broke finally, except from the fact

that the respondents did not give any negative expectations towards homeschooling. The rest are all

answered properly. Nothing more, nothing less.

In this study conducted by the researchers, the benefits that they got from homeschooling like for

example spending more time with their family, more focused with their studies and lessons are only one

of the few things homeschooling can give us compared to public schooling. They realize that while they

are undergoing homeschooling program, all of their expectations were met. Until now, they are satisfied

with what homeschooling can give them.

This study proved that all of what is significant for every person in our Chapter One’s Significant

of the Study has been answered for the homeschooled students, their parents, home school teachers and

for the future researchers. All of the information here can help them about their query in terms of reasons,

expectations and benefits.

The conclusions for the results and discussions is one the summary of results also found in

Chapter 5.


In the research conducted, the researchers strongly recommended that Homeschooling is another

formal ways of imparting education outside the school. It is a typical and other type of education that is

commonly used in some part of America and now in various countries as well, it is not just a simple type

of learning but it can also help the students especially the persons that have any complications to their

health or status in life., The researchers recommend that homeschooling is an effective decision making

for the education of a child or a student. Many people are against to homeschooling because they think

that it is not an applicable and reliable to the way of education just like the children who are studying in

public or normal school, this study want to change this type of thinking of other people about

homeschooling. Joining the homeschooling program will help the student not just for his/her learning but

also in the relationship between his/her parents and relatives. This study may also support the future

researchers if they want to make a research about homeschooling.

For Sudents, it is an effective method of education to provide good contact with the family.

This study wants to resolve all conflicts so it is strongly recommended by the study and the

researchers that homeschooling can have an impact to continue the development of knowledge of

a child or student in ways that he/she is with his/her parents discovering innovative knowledge

and creative activity and have confidence in front of people. This study will help students on

how they manage they capability of socializing to other people and show what they really feel

about something they want to express.

For the Parents, they should be the first one to know what’s happening to their child. Safety

is the most important aspects that parents are looking for, for their child when is comes to

education. The researchers is strongly recommended that this study will help the parents to

understand the situation of their child/children while they are at home. In this study conducted, it

can/may give attention of parents on what is their child is studying in the way of proper guidance

and by supporting the child.

For the Future Researcher, the study is about homeschooling that is effective

recommendations for future researchers who want to study the various benefits, and reasons

about homeschooling aspects. This study will give a hint and help the future researchers to

analyze and know the truth behind why homeschooling and public schooling are always




-Blumer, 1969

-Dewey, 1981

-Griffin, 1997

-Lundt, 2004

-U.S. Department of Education, 2011

-Barfield,R .http://www.home-school.com/news/history-of-homeschooling.php


-Sherri Linsenbach, 1998

-Coalition for Responsible Home Education 2013-2017

-http://howtohomeschool.us/history-of-homeschooling/, 2016

- http://www.gov.ph/constitutions/the-1987-constitution-of-the-republic-of-the-philippines/the-1987-


-The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines. (1987).

-Kunsman, 2009, p.313

-Gaither, Milton. “New Ray Study of Homeschooler and Demographics Achievement.”

-Homeschooling research notes 3 May 2010 Web. 27 March 2011

-Brown, M. Feb. 25, 2013http://www.schoolmoney.org/homeschooling-advantages-and-



-Romanowski, 2001. http://www.educationcorner.com/benefits-disadvantages-of-homeschooling.html



Table 1. List of Questions



1 What are the reasons why you are enrolled in homeschooling?

2 A. What are your expectations before you entered homeschooling?

B. While you are engage with homeschooling?
C. After you have undergone homeschooling?

3 Do you think your knowledge is just the same with what the normal students learn
from public schools? Why? Why not?

4 Are you satisfied with the knowledge you receive in homeschooling? Explain.

5 What are the benefits that you are able to experience while you are under homeschooling in terms

A. Learning competence
B. Parent and child responsibility
C. Parent- Child relationship
D. Social interactions/ Relationships
E. Finances
F. Reception (Support/acceptance from family members, relatives and friends)

6 If you would have a chance to choose a school, what type of school do you want? Homeschooling
or public schooling? Why? Why not?

7 Do you think you will be successful person someday even though you are only learning by
homeschooling? Why? Why not? Explain.

8 As a homeschooled student, would you still encourage other students to enroll in the said
program? Why? Why not?


Respondent #1 Mico Cazie Lopez

Location (Respondent’s House)

Date: Jan. 26, 2017

Time: 10:00 PM

Interview Duration: 5-10 mins.

Stef: What are the reasons why you are enrolled in homeschooling?

“Gusto din kasi ni lola para di ako mahirapan sa sakit ko” (My grandmother wants me to be

enrolled in this program because of my disorder (bone cancer). While sitting his holding his

phone and had an eye contact whenever he answering the questions.

Stef: What are your expectations before you entered homeschooling?

“Before matututo ako kahit magisa ako madami akong malalaman.” (Before I could learn a lot

even though I know I'm alone) Texting while answering the question and also frowned when he


“Masaya marami akong natutunan kahit na mgisa ako” ( Im happy. I learn a lot even though

I'm alone)

Stef: After you have undergone homeschooling?

“Hindi pa naman ako tapos eh” (Im not yet done with homeschooling)

Stef: Do you think your knowledge is just the same with what the normal students learn from

public schools? Why? Why not?

“Oo, Parehas lang naman natututo din naman ako ng parehas tulad sa public school” (I think

yes I also learn and have the same with public school students.)

Stef: Are you satisfied with the knowledge you receive in homeschooling? Explain.

“Oo naman naiintindihan ko yung mga lesson na kailngan nakakrelate din ako sa mga

pinaguusapan ng mga normal na tao sa school” (Yes, I understand the lessons that I need to

learn. I can also relate within the topics that normal people in school.)

Stef: What are the benefits that you are able to experience while you are under homeschooling in

terms of?

“Parehas lang naman natututo din naman ako ng parehas tulad sa public school” (I think we

learn the same I also learn and have the same with public school students.)

“Mas responsible mga kailangan mo tapusin” (I became more responsible to the things that you

needed to do and finish)

“Mas nagkakaroon ng time for bonding and time para sa isat isa” (We have a lot of time for

bonding and for each other.)

“Di naman hadlang yung homeschool nakakameet padin ng mga new friends”

(Homeschooling is not a hindrance to meet other people and new friends.)

“Sa finances stable naman sila mama at papa di naman ganun kamahal yung sa homeschool

eh.” (In finances my parents is stable because homeschooling is not that expensive.)

“Mas nakikita ko yung support kasi minsan tinutulungan pa nila ako sa lessons ko kapag

nahihirapan ako” (I see more of their support to me because sometimes they helped me with my

lessons when i was struggling.)

Stef: If you would have a chance to choose a school, what type of school do you want?

Homeschooling or Public Schooling? Why? Why not?

“Homeschooling mas nafofocus ako sa studies and the same time hawak ko oras ko for gala

and others.” (Homeschooling, because I can focus more on my studies and the same time my

time's flexible for bonding. For parties and bonding with friends.)

Stef: Do you think you will be a successful person someday even though you are only learning

by homeschooling? Why? Why not? Explain.

“Yes naman hindi naman kasi sa school yan eh kung anong klase pinapapasukan mo nasa

tao naman yan eh” (Yes, because it is not one which type of school you were enrolled. It is on

the person who will depend on. We both just studying eh the only difference is I’m at home they

are in school.)

Stef: As a homeschooled student, would you still encourage other students to enroll in the said

program? Why? Why not?

“Yes kung nahihirapan sila sa regular school it help them naman. Pag nahihirapan sa school

maghomeschool sila pag may problema sa family maghomeschool nalang din” (Yes, If they

struggles at normal schools and homeschooling can help them. And if they having a hard time in

school they can homeschool even if they have family problems.)

Respondent # 2 Andrea Amistoso

Location: Respondents House

Date: Jan 24, 2017

Time: 7:00 PM

Interview duration time: 5-10 mins.

Stef: What are the reasons why you are enrolled in homeschooling?

Andrea: Firstly dahil sa parents ko (Firstly because of my parents) (Nakaupo lang) (yakap yung


Stef: Sa tingin moa no yung reason nila mommy at daddy (What do you think is their reason for

you to be enrolled in homeschool?)

Andrea: Siguro para magspend ng time kami together. (I think their reason is to spend more

time together.) (Smiling while answering this question)

Stef: What are your expectations before you entered homeschooling?

Andrea: Am. probably mas magets ko yung mga lessons ko. (To Learn more and understand the

lessons more) (Nilalaro yung lobo na hawak nya)


Stef: What are your expectations while you entered homeschooling? (While yung nararanasan

mona sya?)

Andrea: Okey naman. (For me it’s okay.) (kinuskus yung mata gamit yung kamay parang


Stef: After you have undergone homeschooling?

Andrea: Hindi pa naman ako tapos maghomeschool. (I’m not yet done with homeschooling.)

Stef: Do you think your knowledge is just the same with what the normal students learn from

public schools? Why? Why not?

Andrea: Yes, kasi parehas lang naman tayo sa mga books ganun. Yun hihi. (Yes, because we

have the same learning materials like books.) (Nilalaro yung lobo)

Stef: Are you satisfied with the knowledge you receive in homeschooling? Explain.

Andrea: Satified naman, kasi ano minsan kasi pag sa mga regular schools kasi minsan

nahihiya kasi magtanong sa teacher para magpaexplain palagi. Eh pag sa homeschooling

kasi mas open ka kasi parents mo naman yun mas naeexplain sayo. (I’m Satisfied because

sometimes when you’re in a regular school there are time that you can’t understand the lesson

and you’re shy to ask the teacher to explain it to you for you to understand it. Compare to

homeschool that you can understand it and ask when you didn’t understand.) (Direct tingin sa

mata while answering the questions)

Stef: What are the benefits that you are able to experience while you are under homeschooling in

terms of:

Stef: Learning competence

Andrea: Hmmm. Paki explain (Hmmm. Can you explain) (Napalunok ng laway)

Stef: Kaalam mo from different things. Your knowledge about different things.

Andrea: Ganun din naman. (The same.)

Stef: b. Parent and child responsibility

Andrea: Mas nagiging responsible ka kapag sa homeschooling kasi as in minsan ikaw lang

magtuturo sa sarili mo. (I became more responsible because there are times that you need to

teach yourself about the lessons). (Confident na sagutin to and direct tingin sa mata ko)

Stef: c. Parent-child relationship

Andrea: Mas nagiging close kayo ng parents mo (You became more open to them and the

closeness with your parents is different) (iniikot yung upuan na inuupuan nya computer chair)

Stef: d. Child's social interactions/relationships

Andrea: Nakakaano parin naman. Namemeet ko parin naman yung mga friends ko dati. (The

same with the old times. I still meet and bond with my old friends (Napasmile while answering


Stef: Wala naman bang nagbago?

Andrea: Wala naman ganun padin. (Nothings change like the old ways.)

Stef: e. Finances

Andrea: May allowance ako. (I have my allowance.) (Napangiti sa akin)

Andrea: f. Reception (support/acceptance from family members, relatives and friends)

Stef: Is it okay? Or you’re shy? Irritated?

Andrea: Wala naman si ate lang (Everything’s fine except to my older sister. (Sabay tingin sa

ate nyang si sofia)


Stef: If you would have a chance to choose a school, what type of school do you want?

Homeschooling or Public Schooling? Why? Why not?

Andrea: Mas pipiliin ko yung homeschooling. I will choose homeschooling. (Nakaupo lang ng


Stef: Why homeschooling compare to public schooling?

Andrea: Am. Kasi sa home school mas nakakapagrelax ka paminsan kasi mas sa sports ko

kasi mas nagiging ano. Mas hawak ko yung time ko. (Am. Because in homeschool i can relax

more in times. And also because of my sports i have flexible time). (iniikot nanaman yung upuan

na parang nageenjoy )

Stef: Do you think you will be a successful person someday even though you are only learning

by homeschooling? Why? Why not? Explain.

Andrea: Yeah. Kasi kapag sa homeschool mas mo balik balikan yung mga lessons mo and mas

namamaster mo sya so pagdating mo ng senior high or college siguro makakapasa ako sa

mga universities ganun. (Yeah. Because in homeschool you have time to revisit your past

lessons and master it. I think when I’m in senior high or college I can pass to the universities

too.) (Answers this with smile and eye contact with me)

Stef: As a homeschooled student, would you still encourage other students to enroll in the said

program? Why? Why not?

Andrea: Naeencourage ko naman sila (I encourage them) (hinawakan yung lobo at nilalaro ulit


Stef: Kaso depende padin ba sa sarili sa parents (do you think it depends on their parents too,

their self?)

Andrea: I think Finances.

RESPONDENT #3 Sophie Dela Merced

Location: Respondent’s aunt house



Interview duration time:

Stef: What are the reasons why you are enrolled in homeschooling?

“Kasi po dahil sa sakit ko to na skin asthma” (It is because of my illness, skin asthma) eye contact

Stef: What are your expectations before you entered homeschooling?

“ahm yung expectation ko is matututo naman ako kasi may tutor naman” (My expectation is I will

learn in a way that I will have a tutor)

Stef: What are your expectations while you entered homeschooling?

“madami akong natutunan at mas naiintindihan ko yung mga lessons” (I learn a lot and understand

more the lessons).

Stef: After you have undergone homeschooling?

“Naghohomeschool padin naman ako eh. Di pako tapos” (I’m still homeschooling. I’m not yet done

with homeschooling)

Stef: Do you think your knowledge is just the same with what the normal students learn from

public schools? Why? Why not?


“Yes, Kasi parehas lang naman ng mga pinagaaralan. Mga libro na binabasa.” (Yes, because we have

the same lessons that we need to study. The books that we read).

Stef: Are you satisfied with the knowledge you receive in homeschooling? Explain.

“Satisfied naman kasi nga mas naiintindihan ko yung lessons at mas nafofocus ako sa pagaaral” (I'm

satisfied because I understand the lessons more and also I can focus in my study)

Stef: What are the benefits that you are able to experience while you are under homeschooling in

terms of: Learning Competence?

“Kapareha lang naman sa public school. Natututo” (The same with public school. I learn.)

Stef: b. Parent and child responsibility

“Mas nagiging responsible kasi nga kailangan mo matuto kasi magisa ka di tulad sa regular school na

may tutulong sayo.” (Become more responsible because you need to learn even you’re alone. Unlike in

regular schools there is someone to help you.)

Stef: c. Parent-child relationship

“Nagiging close ka sa parents mo tapos may oras para sa bonding” (You became closer with your

parents and then you have time for bonding.)

Stef: d. Child's social interactions/relationships

“Naver na nakaapekto ang homeschooling nakakameet ako ng mga friends at may time for bonding

kasama sila.” (Homeschooling never affects because I can meet friends and also have time for bonding

with them.)

Stef: e. Finances

“Hindi naman ganun ka mahal and okey lang naman kila mama na ganun dahil sa sakit ko kesa daw

magstop ako” (It’s not that expensive and its okey with my mom because of my illness than stop my


Stef: f. Reception (support/acceptance from family members, relatives and friends)


“Masaya tinuturuan pa nga nila ako sa mga subjects na magaling sila eh.”(Its fun they teach me with

the subjects that they excel with.)

Stef: If you would have a chance to choose a school, what type of school do you want?

Homeschooling or Public Schooling? Why? Why not?

“Homeschooling kasi para sakin mas natututo ako and mas advantage sakin to kasi may sakit ako

hindi ako ganun mahihirapan.” (Homeschooling because for me I learn more and it’s an advantage for

me because of my illness and I will not be in a hard situation.)

Stef: Do you think you will be a successful person someday even though you are only learning

by homeschooling? Why? Why not? Explain

“Yes, Kasi para sa akin nasa abilidad ng tao yan at nasa pagaaral mo yan.”(Yes, because for me it will

depend on your ability and also in your study)

Stef: As a homeschooled student, would you still encourage other students to enroll in the said

program? Why? Why not?

“Oo, Encourage ko yung iba lalo na kung nasa punto na magstop sya sa pagaaral kasi may problema .

Yung mga tamad pati ibang may sakit” (Yes, I will encourage other people and the one who is in the part

that they will stop their studies because they have problems, the lazy people and also the persons who

have illness.)


This is a short background about the researchers that includes the personal information of


The First Researcher is, Stefanie Kin Delos Santos born on October 10, 1999. She

finished her junior high school in San Antonio National High School Makati. Now she is

studying at Polytechnic University of the Philippines as a Humanities and social science student.

She loves to travel and make good memories with other people. She is a religious person and a

devotee at a young age. She believes that no problem can stop her achieving her dreams. In the

future she want to be a Policewomen because she wants to serve the country in her own way.

The Second Researcher is Karen Rapera Esplana born on September 21, 1999. She

finished her junior high at St. Francis De Assisi School of Quezon City. And now she is studying

at Polytechnic University of the Philippines. She is one of the fan of the famous love team named

James Reid and Nadine Lustre. She likes sweets. She believe that “Miracle is another word for

hard working”. In the near future she wants to be a successful TV Reporter or Newscaster, and

she want to serve her own country.


The Third Researcher is Princess Jade Almeron Flores born on January 14, 2000. She

finished her Junior High in Andres Bonifacio Integrated School in Mandaluyong City. And now

she is studying at Polytechnic University of the Philippines. She loves reading books writing

poetry whenever she’s bored, eating sweets and her favorite viands cooked by her Mom and

Grandmother and she is an ambivert. She is an active member of Highway Hills United

Methodist Church. She is part of a Girl Scout of the Philippines.

The Fourth Researcher is Aira Jessamae Julian born on December 2, 1999. She finished

her junior high at Ramon Magsaysay High School in Manila. And now she is studying at

Polytechnic University of the Philippines. She is passionate when it comes to a choosing clothes.

Her favorite food is pancake. She want to fulfill her goals and dream. Someday she want to be a

Filipino Teacher.

The Fifth Researcher is Aiko Llanera born on July 3, 2000. She finished her junior high at

General Tiburcio De Leon National High School in Valenzuela.And now she is studying at

Polytechnic University of the Philippines. She loves cooking, reading books and she’s a pet

lover. She believes that family is the best thing you could ever wish for during the struggles in

life. Someday, she want to become a good reporter as well.

The Sixth Researcher is Faye Mantiquilla born on November 11, 1998. She finished her

junior high at Lagro High School in Quezon City. And now she is studying at Polytechnic

University of the Philippines. She’s a dog lover. Her passion is dancing. She’s always competing

in Dance Contest. She wants to achieve her dreams and goals. Someday, she want to be a


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