Guideline 5 Mid-Term Review and Completion Review 5

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Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review Mid-Term Review and Completion


Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

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Development and Planning Commission

August 2018
Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

Instructions for Stages of Public Project Development and Implementation

Guideline 5: Mid-Term Review and Completion Review
1. Introduction
Guideline 5 and the accompanying template - Template 5 - are issued under authority of the
Regulation governing the Public Projects Management System (PPMS). Specifically, it relates
to Section 4.1, ‘Public Projects Implementation, Adjustment, Monitoring and Evaluation’,
and Section 4.2, ‘Public Projects Handover and Basic Completion Review’. It supports the
monitoring and evaluation function and the basic completion review function.
The Guideline provides advice on preparing a Mid-Term Review and a Basic Completion
Review. It then goes on the give instructions on completing a summary and assessment for
both type of review. Since the reviews are very similar in their scope, the same template is
used to summarize and assess both.
Mid-Term Review forms part of the monitoring function. It is not mandatory for all projects,
but it is useful to make sure than longer-duration projects are on track. Timing is variable,
but there must be sufficient time elapsed from the start of the project to observe progress
and sufficient time remaining to act on the findings. Obviously, it is less useful for shorter-
duration projects. Line ministries are encouraged to carry out a Mid-Term Review for all
medium projects. For large projects, NPC will generally require a Mid-Term Review.
A Mid-Term Review can be schedule in the Implementation and Monitoring Plan (a planned
review) or triggered by negative findings on project implementation revealed by regular
monitoring (a contingent review).

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Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

Box 1 gives the contents of a Mid-Term Review.

Box 1: Contents of Completion Review

1. General Project Information

2. Implementation Findings
 Total project costs compared to approved budget
 Actual implementation schedule compared to approved plan
 Project management arrangements
 Safety and environmental standards
 Unplanned effects
 Risks and residual risks
3. Progress toward Project Results
 Output delivery
 Effects of cost adjustments
 Project rationale
4. Recommendations
 Project implementation
 Project design
 Project re-appraisal

Basic Completion Review is a mandatory requirement of the Regulation for all projects.
Within one year of completion of construction of a project and handover to the operating
entity, a Completion Review should therefore be undertaken. It is better if some time has
elapsed since handover, at least until the new facility has begun delivering services, so that
an initial assessment of operational performance can be made.
The Completion Review is an accountability and performance management tool. It holds the
project management team and project owner to account for delivery of the project outputs
on time, to budget and to specification. It is also an opportunity to highlight any outstanding
issues that need to be dealt with to ensure that a project will perform optimally and deliver
the anticipated outcomes. It also provides an opportunity for improving overall public
investment performance through lesson-learning and application.

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Box 2 gives the contents of a Completion Review.

Box 2: Contents of Completion Review

1. General Project Information

2. Implementation Findings
 Project costs compared to budget
 Actual implementation schedule compared to plan
 Project management arrangements
 Safety and environmental standards
 Unplanned effects
 Risks and residual risks
3. Project Accomplishments
 Outputs delivered
 Performance standards
 Realisation of services and sustainability
4. Open Issues
5. Lessons Learned
6. Formal Contract Closure

For medium and large projects, Mid-Term and Completion Reviews should be undertaken
by a team especially assembled for the task combining those involved in the project and
others not directly involved in project implementation. Ideally it should be led by a unit of
the responsible line ministry. There may, however, be a need to call upon additional
external expertise, depending on the nature of the project. Once completed, the review
should be summarised by the responsible line ministry using Template 5 to that shows that
it meets the required standards. The review should then be quality controlled by an
independent assessor to verify it has indeed achieved the required standards and to make
sure that any lessons learned are recognised and adopted. In the case of medium and large
projects, the independent assessor will be the NPC.
As far as small projects are concerned, the project task team will complete Mid-Term and
Completion Reviews, and prepare the summaries using Template 5. The responsible line
ministry will then perform the independent assessment. Although reviews for small projects
are conducted internally, the completed reviews, summaries and assessments should be
shared with the NPC.
The NPC will prepare an annual report aggregating the findings of Completion Reviews for
medium and large projects. This will include statistical analysis of implementation
performance across the portfolio as well as pulling together recommendations and lessons
for planning and management of the programme of public projects as a whole. The annual
report will serve as a dissemination tool for such findings. Additionally, suitable candidate
projects for more in depth ex post evaluation at a later date (see Guideline 6) will be flagged
The rest of Guideline 5 is divided into three parts. The next two parts give guidance on
completing a Mid-Term Review and Completion Review, respectively. The final part explains
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how to complete the summary and assessment template - Template 5 - which is used for
both reviews.
2. Preparing a Mid-Term Review
2.1 General Project Information
The general information on the project should begin with a summary of the scope of the
project as planned, covering the problem/opportunity to be addressed, main activities and
outputs, and costs. This should be as recorded in the Implementation and Monitoring
The objective, scope and timing of the Mid-Term Review should be explained, drawing
attention to any special features. If it is a contingent review, the factors influencing the
decision to carry out the review need discussing.
Finally, it will be important present the review team, emphasising their suitability for task,
especially in terms of objectivity.
2.2 Implementation Findings
Total project costs
Total project costs to date and the disbursement profile should be compared to the
approved budget and disbursement forecasts as set out in the Implementation and
Monitoring Plan. Any actual or emerging deviations - under- or over-execution - from the
spending plan should be identified and explained. Cost increases or decreases on particular
project activities or components should be explained, as well as movements in the
aggregate figure. If there have already been requests to adjust the approved total project
cost these should be explained and their status described.
An assessment should be made as to whether any significant deviations should have been
foreseen and are therefore as a result of weak planning, whether they have occurred
because of project management failings, or whether they have arisen from unforeseeable
Implementation schedule
The achieved implementation timetable should be compared to the planned
implementation schedule. If there have been or are very likely to be any significant
deviations, slippages in particular, the reasons should be explained.
An assessment should be made as to whether significant deviations in the implementation
schedule should have been foreseen and are therefore as a result of weak planning,
whether they have occurred because of project management failings, or whether they have
arisen from unforeseeable factors.
Project management
The effectiveness of current project management arrangements should be assessed. Major
management problems or notable successes should be identified. The aim is to identify any
systemic weaknesses in the organisational arrangements or in the procedural arrangements
and their application, not to blame individual officials for any weaknesses.

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If there have been any significant adjustments to the project during implementation, the
efficiency with which these were handled by the responsible parties should be assessed.
Safety and environment
Implementation may have led to serious safety or environmental issues or risks that were
not foreseen during planning. An assessment of how these might have been or could be
avoided should be made.
Unplanned effects
Unplanned side-effects may have emerged, or risk emerging, during implementation. Any
such effects - both positive and negative - should be identified and their importance
assessed. The extent to which they should have been foreseen during planning should also
be examined.
Risks and residual risks
Important implementation risks, their likelihood and their impact should have been
identified during planning and set out at the appraisal stage. The Implementation and
Management Plan should have set out how the identified risks would be mitigated or
managed. The Mid-Term Review should assess the success of mitigation measures in
reducing the likelihood of risks occurring – did certain risks materialise in spite of mitigation
measures? - and the success of any management measures to reduce the impact of risks – if
certain risks did materialise, were their impacts contained? If risks have emerged there were
not foreseen, their impact and the management response should be assessed and the
extent to which they might have been foreseen discussed.
2.3 Progress toward Project Results
Delivery of outputs
Some outputs may have already been delivered by the time of a Mid-Term Review, while
others will still be in the process of being produced. The review should assess the efficiency
of delivery – were activities performed on-time and to budget? - and the quality of those
outputs that have already been delivered, and draw out any lessons for the completion of
ongoing activities for the remaining outputs. For those outputs still to be completed, the
review should assess progress to date and whether delivery is on track. This will involve
looking at both financial and physical implementation. Particular attention should be paid to
whether milestones have been achieved as planned or are on track to be achieved on time.
Any major deviations from plan should be explained and remedial measures proposed
where necessary.
Effect of cost adjustments
Significant cost adjustments, actual or proposed, may suggest the need to change the scope
of the project in order to achieve an acceptable level of social profitability and/or to stay
within budget constraints. Changing the project scope in terms of the volume and
specification of outputs will, most likely, have an impact on the achievement of the project
outcomes/purpose (the delivery of planned benefits to the target group), and hence its
social profitability (as captured in the ENPV and EIRR). The review should assess the scale of
the impact on benefits, where such a change in scope is being considered. If outcome

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targets need to be reduced, this should be indicated. Ultimately, lower outcome targets will
affect the achievement of the impact/goal of the project and this should also be assessed.
Rationale for the project
The project will have been developed as a strategy to address identified problems,
constraints or opportunities. Implementation may reveal new information or new factors
may have emerged during implementation. New information might concern the
technological approach to the project and the relationship between activities, outputs and
outcomes. New factors might include shifts in demand patterns or arrival of competing
services from other projects. The review should therefore re-examine the rationale for the
project to make sure that it still holds good in the light of experience and/or events. Any
adjustments in the formulation of the results chain and the associated targets and indicators
that might be called for should be signalled. The Mid-Term Review is an opportunity to
propose these more fundamental changes.
2.4 Recommendations
Project implementation
Recommendations may concern adjustments to costs or the implementation schedule, or
changes to project implementation arrangements.
In the case of a Mid-Term Review triggered by a proposal for a significant cost adjustment,
the review may be used as a basis for confirming (or otherwise) the cost adjustment, while
at the same time encompassing a thorough examination of progress to ensure that the
additional expenditure is not wasted on a failing project.
In the case of a planned Mid-Term Review, the review gives a broad opportunity to examine
the project and perhaps trigger any necessary adjustments, in management, schedule or
Project design
Frequent and large adjustments in cost or schedule may, among other things, reveal
problems with the technical design. The review should point out any such areas of
weakness, where further work and re-design might be required. There may also be
recommendations to be made on the conceptual design as expressed through the results
chain (with related technical dimensions if outputs and associated activities change).
Project re-appraisal
Re-appraisal is obligatory if total costs have already risen by more than 30%, however, if
there are strong signs that costs are heading in this direction, and earlier re-appraisal may
need to be recommended. There may be other reasons for recommending a re-appraisal,
even when cost increases are lower than this. These might include significant reductions in
the benefits side of the social profitability equation, or other factors that undermine the
continued validity of the original economic analysis. The appearance of significant new risks,

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even if they have not yet materialised, might be another reason for looking again at the
3. Preparing a Completion Review
3.1 General Project Information
The general information on the project should begin with a summary of the scope of the
project as planned, covering the problem/opportunity to be addressed, main activities and
outputs, and costs. This should be as recorded in the Implementation and Monitoring
The description of the project should be in general terms. Later in the report, there is a
discussion of the specifics of the outputs delivered.
The objectives, scope and timing of the completion review should then be described. Timing
should be related to the completion and handover dates of the project. Establishing
accountability for implementation performance will be a core objective, as will lesson
learning for performance improvement. There may, however, be project-specific objectives
The composition of the completion review team, including position, expertise and
organisation of team members, should then be described.
3.2 Implementation Findings
Project costs compared to budget
This section should examine the actual costs of the project in comparison to the planned
costs as recorded in the Implementation and Monitoring Report. The analysis of costs
should look at total costs and costs by outputs and major activities. Any significant variances
should be identified and the reasons for the variances explained. Cost overruns are
obviously of most concern, but any savings made will also be of interest.
An assessment should be made of whether any significant cost increases were foreseeable
and should have been planned for or resulted from factors that could not have been
foreseen. Cost increases may also have arisen from risks arising that were foreseen during
planning. This should be noted at this stage, but risk planning is examined in more depth in
Section 3.6.
Significant cost increases may lead to a curtailment in project scope if budgets are
restricted. Such changes in scope may involve a reduction in project outputs or a reduction
in the quality of these outputs. These issues are addressed in more depth in Section 3, but
any such effects should be identified here.
An assessment of the quality of project development and design should be made and a
conclusion reached on how well designed the project was and whether costs were properly
estimated. The extent of stakeholder participation in project development should also be
assessed. It will also be important to examine any critical assumption made and determine
whether these turned out to be correct.
Actual implementation schedule compared to plan

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This section should examine the actual implementation schedule of the project in
comparison to the planned implementation schedule as recorded in the Implementation
and Monitoring Report. The analysis should look not just at the completion date for the
whole project, but also at the planned and actual dates for achievement of project
milestones. Any significant variances should be identified and the reasons for the variances
explained. Delays are obviously of most concern, but any savings made will also be of
An assessment should be made of whether any significant delays cost increases were
foreseeable and should have been planned for, or whether they resulted from factors that
could not have been foreseen. Delays may also have arisen from risks arising that were
foreseen during planning. This should be noted at this stage, but risk planning is examined in
more depth in Section 3.6.
Significant delays may be inter-related with cost increases. Any links between delays and
costs should be identified. Implementation delays may also have affected the delivery of the
planned public services resulting from the project. Any such effects should be discussed.
Project management arrangements
Project management arrangements are often critical to project success. The project
management arrangements should be described and an assessment made of how effective
they were in supporting achievement of the objectives of delivering the project on time, to
budget. Any notable problems or successes in project management should be noted. If
there are any obvious ways in which project management could have been improved these
should be identified.
If there were any significant adjustments to the project in terms of scope and/or costs, the
respect of procedures and efficiency with which these were handled by the project
management team should be assessed.
Safety and environmental standards
There may have been serious safety or environmental issues that arose during
implementation. Examples might include unusually high work-related injuries or noise and
air pollution affecting residential areas. The review should identify these, assess their impact
and consider whether and how they might have been avoided. Proposals for preventing the
repeat of such negative effects should be presented.
Unplanned effects
It is possible that there were important negative side-effects from project implementation
that had not been foreseen during planning and appraisal. Examples might include
unacceptable traffic delays or disruption of utility services for neighbouring residents or
businesses. Unexpected problems arising from resettlement and land compensation should
also be included. Such effects should be identified and an assessment made of whether they
should have been foreseen and what measures could have been put in place to avoid or
reduce them.
It is equally possible that there were unplanned positive effects and these should also be

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Risks and residual risks

The review should examine the risks that were foreseen during planning, as set out in the
Implementation and Monitoring Report, and identify whether any of them materialised. If
risks did materialise, the review should assess whether the risk management plans were
effective in dealing with them. If there were any weaknesses in risk management, these
should be pointed out and improvements suggested. If any risks materialised that were not
planned for, then an assessment should be made about whether they should have been
foreseen or whether they can be classified as genuine uncertainties.
3.3 Project Accomplishments
The specific outputs delivered by the project should be described quantitatively and
compared to the project as designed. Any deviations in the volume of delivered outputs
should be explained and their potential impacts on project outcomes assessed.
Performance standards
The technical performance standards of the project - e.g., maximum capacity, design life,
operating and maintenance regimes - compared to the specification in the project design
should be assessed. Any deviations in performance standards should be explained and their
potential impacts on project outcomes assessed.
Services realisation & sustainability
Evidence should be assembled to show that the project has started to deliver the planned
public services. If the project has been handed over but is not yet operating, an explanation
should be provided.
It may be too early to assess fully the realised benefits of the project (this may done in a
later ex post evaluation), but there should be evidence of the initial volumes and quality of
service delivery from the facilities upon opening. If there is any readily available information
on user uptake of services and level of satisfaction, this should be presented and subject to
a Inconclusive assessment.
The review should examine whether there are any external constraints to delivery of
services as planned and look at the sustainability of service delivery. Are there, for example,
any problems in providing for adequate operating and maintenance expenditures.
3.4 Open Issues

Although the project may have been completed and handed over, there may be some
significant unresolved implementation or operational issues remaining. These should be
raised and their importance assessed in terms of the realisation and sustainability of the
project outcomes. Proposals for addressing these open issues should be made, including
identification of who should be responsible and how any actions will be paid for. If there are
any outstanding contractual issues remaining these should be indicated and the status of
any proceedings assessed. The scale of any contingent liabilities should also be assessed.
3.5 Lessons Learned

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The lessons learned from the project should be summarised and recommendations made
about for the design and management of projects with similar characteristics? Lessons and
recommendations should be organised around the following topics:
 Project development & design
 Stakeholder participation
 Cost control
 Timeliness of timetable
 Quality standards and specifications
 Project management, including monitoring and evaluation
 Risk management
3.6 Formal Contract Closure

The report should formally record the procedures for contract closure and handover of the
facility to the operating entity. This means listing the key documents, dates and signatories,
including minutes of meetings and signed agreements and acceptances. Copies should be
annexed to the report.

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4. Summarising and Assessing the Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

Template 5 should be used for summarizing and reviewing the Mid-Term Review and Completion
For medium and large projects, the responsible line ministry should use Template 5 to summarize
the review and as a basis for carrying out its own assessment. The process of summarizing and
reviewing the review may lead the line ministry to conclude that there are some weaknesses and
gaps in the plan. In this case, it would be better for the line ministry to return the plan to the project
owner for further work. In some cases, the project owner and the responsible line ministry will be
the same. In this case, summarizing the review should be carried out by a department separate from
the department responsible for implementing the project.
The line ministry’s summary and review as set out in Template 5 should then be subject to
independent assessment. For Completion Reviews of medium and large projects, this will be carried
out by the NPC. NPC will also assess Mid-Term Reviews for large projects. For small projects (and
medium projects in the case of Mid-Term Review), the independent assessor will be the line
ministry, preferably involving a party with no direct involvement in the project.

For a Mid-Term Review, the questions in Template 5 should be interpreted as addressing progress
towards project completion. All the questions in Part 1 (‘General Project Information’) and Part 2
(‘Implementation Findings’) should be answered in this way. In Part 3 (‘Project Accomplishments’), Q
3.3 will generally not be answered as service delivery will not have begun, unless the project is being
implemented in phases. Part 4 (‘Open Issues’) and Part 5 (‘Contract Closure and Handover’) will be
left blank for Mid-Term Review, because they do not apply to projects still under implementation.

Instructions for completing Template 5 now follow. These are laid out in the format of the template
for ease of use.

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Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

Mid-Term Review and Project Completion Report Summary and Assessment Form
Executive Information
Basic administrative information should be provided, together with the original and revised (if any) estimate of total project costs and the original and
revised (if any) completion dates
1. General Project Information
Parameter Question Summary and Assessment of the Report on the Independent Assessment
Project Completion Review by Responsible Line
Q 1.1: Is the planned scope of Provide a summary description of the project –  Positive = The project scope is accurately summarized
the project accurately described problem/opportunity to be addressed, main activities and and consistent with the Implementation and Monitoring
and consistent with the outputs and total costs - and verify that it is consistent with Plan
Implementation and Monitoring the Implementation and Monitoring Plan.  Inconclusive = There are some areas of the project scope
Plan? that require clarification
 Not adequate = The description of the project scope is
incomplete and/or inconsistent with the
Implementation and Monitoring Plan
Q 1.2: Is the purpose of the Briefly describe the purpose of the Completion Review, its  Positive = The purpose of the Completion Review and
Completion Review and the timing and the composition of the team assembled to carry the composition of the team are clear.
participation in it clearly it out. The aim should be to verify the competence and  Inconclusive = There are some areas requiring
explained? independence of the review team. Any non-standard aims clarification
behind the review should be included.  Not adequate = The purpose of the review is not
properly stated and/or the information on the team is
2. Basis for Implementation Monitoring
Parameter Question Summary and Assessment of Plan by Responsible Line Independent Assessment
Q 2.1: Have any serious cost Present a summary comparison of planned and realised  Positive = The explanation and analysis of cost overruns
overruns been properly costs. Show total costs and costs by main components. Give is clear, or there were no serious cost overruns
recorded and explained? a short explanation of the major deviations, with an  Inconclusive = Further clarification of some of the
emphasis on the reasons for overruns. Verify whether or explanations would be useful

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not overruns ought to have been foreseen.  Not adequate = The discussion of cost overruns is
incomplete or provides inadequate analysis of causes
Q 2.2: Have any serious delays Present a summary comparison of the planned and realised  Positive = The explanation and analysis of delays is clear,
been properly recorded and implementation timetable, focusing on milestones and or there were no serious delays
explained? completion. Give a short explanation of the major  Inconclusive = Further clarification of some of the
deviations, with an emphasis on the reasons for delays. explanations would be useful
Verify whether or not delays ought to have been foreseen.  Not adequate = The discussion of delays is incomplete or
provides inadequate analysis of causes
Q 2.3: Have any weaknesses Briefly describe how well the project management  Positive = There is a clear explanation of the
and successes in project arrangements worked. Identify any weak areas or notable effectiveness of the project management arrangements
management and adjustment successes. If there were any major adjustments to  Inconclusive = Further clarification would be useful in
been properly explained? activities, costs or timetable assess how efficiently these some areas
were handled.  Not adequate = The discussion of project management
arrangements is incomplete or provides inadequate
analysis of the issues arising
Q 2.4: If there were any serious Briefly describe any serious safety or environmental issues  Positive = A clear explanation and analysis of safety and
safety or environmental issues, that arose during implementation. Assess their impact and environmental issues is provided, or there were no such
is it clear how serious these assess whether they should have been foreseen and issues
were and how they might have mitigated during planning.  Inconclusive = Further clarification would be useful in
been avoided? some areas
 Not adequate = The discussion of safety and
environmental issues is incomplete or provides
inadequate analysis of the issues arising
Q 2.5: Have any serious Briefly describe any consequences of the project that were  Positive = Any unintended consequences have been
unintended consequences of not intended. The focus should be on detrimental properly described and analysed, or there were no such
the project been properly consequences, such as Not adequate impacts on effects
explained? neighbouring residents and businesses, or problems with  Inconclusive = Further clarification would be useful in
resettlement and land compensation. Assess whether these some areas
ought to have been foreseen and planned for.  Not adequate = The discussion of unintended
consequences is incomplete or provides inadequate
Q 2.6: Have any weaknesses in Summarise the risks identified in the Implementation and  Positive = The assessment of the adequacy of risk

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planning for risks been properly Monitoring Plan, indicate if any of these risks occurred and management planning is clear and complete, or no
identified and analysed? assess the adequacy of the planning for managing those serious risks to project implementation occurred
risks that did occur. Identify if any risks occurred that were  Inconclusive = Further clarification would be useful in
not foreseen and assess whether they ought to have been some areas
foreseen and planned for.  Not adequate = The discussion of risk management
planning arrangements is incomplete or provides
inadequate analysis of issues arising
3. Project Accomplishments
Parameter Question Summary and Assessment of the Report on the Independent Assessment
Project Completion Review by Responsible Line
Q 3.1: Is it clear whether the Describe in quantitative terms the project outputs delivered  Positive = Project outputs are clearly identified and
planned outputs were on completion and verify that these are the same as those compared to what was planned.
delivered? included in the Implementation and Monitoring Plan. If not,  Inconclusive = Further clarification would be useful
account for any differences. concerning some outputs
 Not adequate = Information on project outputs is
incomplete and/or there is no comparison with the plan
Q 3.2: Is it clear whether the Describe the essential quality characteristics – maximum  Positive = Quality characteristics of project outputs are
outputs met the planned operating capacities, design life, O&M regimes, etc. - of the clearly identified and compared to what was planned.
quality/specification? delivered outputs and verify that these are consistent with  Inconclusive = Further clarification would be useful in
the project as designed. some areas
 Not adequate = Information on quality characteristics of
project outputs is incomplete and/or there is no
comparison with the plan
Q 3.3: Is evidence presented to Present summary evidence to show that the project has  Positive = Evidence is presented to show that the project
show that the project has begun begun delivering services. If data on utilisation is available has begun delivering services or there is an appropriate
delivering the expected services present the main features and compare to forecast explanation of why this is not yet the case
to the target group of demand.  Inconclusive = Further clarification of some aspects of
beneficiaries? service delivery would be helpful
 Not adequate = Information on service delivery is
incomplete or inadequate
4. Open Issues

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Parameter Question Summary and Assessment of the Report on the Independent Assessment
Project Completion Review by Responsible Line
Q 4.1: Has a fair assessment Summarise any open issues that still remain to be resolved  Positive = A satisfactory description of open issues has
been made of any open issues so that the project operates as planned and is sustainable. been provided and appropriate follow-up proposals
and have requirements for Open issues may include unresolved contractual disputes or made or there are no open issues
follow-up actions been complementary activities or actions outside the project  Inconclusive = Further clarification of some open issues
identified? boundary. Briefly describe any follow-up actions and would be helpful
indicate who is responsible and how these will be paid for.  Not adequate = The description of open issues and
follow-up action is incomplete or inadequate
5. Lessons Learned
Parameter Question Summary and Assessment of the Report on the Independent Assessment
Project Completion Review by Responsible Line
Q 5.1: Are relevant lessons Summarise the main lessons that can be drawn from the  Positive = Relevant lessons are identified, where
drawn from any significant preceding analysis of project implementation and appropriate, and recommendations on their wider
problems or successes during accomplishments, where such lessons exist, drawing applicability are made
implementation and are particular attention to the following key areas, if relevant:  Inconclusive = Further clarification of some of the
recommendations made on the  Cost control lessons would be helpful
wider applicability of these  Timeliness of delivery  Not adequate = Lesson learning is incomplete or
lessons?  Quality standards and specifications for outputs inadequate
 Project management, including monitoring and
 Risk management
Indicate the wider applicability of any lessons.
6. Contract Closure and Handover
Parameter Question Summary and Assessment of the Report on the Independent Assessment
Project Completion Review by Responsible Line

Q 6.1: Does the report Show how the formal requirements for project closure have  Positive = Satisfactory evidence of contract closure is

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demonstrate that all the been met, including references of relevant documents, presented
necessary formalities for dates and names/positions of signatories.  Inconclusive = Further clarification of some of the
contract closure have been evidence on contract closure would be helpful
completed satisfactorily?  Not adequate = Evidence of contract closure is
Q 6.2: Does the report Show how the formal requirements for project closure have  Positive = Satisfactory evidence of project handover is
demonstrate that all the been met, including references of relevant documents, presented
necessary formalities for dates and names/positions of signatories.  Inconclusive = Further clarification of some of the
handover to the operating evidence on project handover would be helpful
entity have been completed  Not adequate = Evidence of project handover is
satisfactorily? incomplete
Q 6.3: Does the report Summarise the arrangements for sustainable operation of  Positive = Satisfactory evidence of sustainable
demonstrate that all the the project, including sources of funding for operations and operations is presented
necessary arrangement are in maintenance  Inconclusive = Further clarification of some of the
place for sustainable operation evidence on sustainable operations would be helpful
of the completed project?  Not adequate = Evidence of sustainable operations is
7. Sign-Off by Responsible Line Ministry
Summary to be signed by responsible minister before formal submission to NPC for review.
8. Independent Opinion on Quality of Completion Report and Recommendations
Q 8.1: Overall assessment of the Independent Assessor to select one of the following quality assessments:
quality of the Report on the A) The Report on the Completion Review is of a good standard
Completion Review B) The Report on the Completion Review is of an adequate standard, but future reports would benefit from more
attention to [list parameters where assessments were inconclusive]
C) The Report on the Completion Review falls short of an adequate standard and the following issues should be
addressed [list parameters where assessments were not adequate or inconclusive]

A) requires no parameters to be assessed as not adequate and only 2 parameters to have an inconclusive assessment. B)
requires no parameters to be assessed as not adequate and only 8 parameters to have an inconclusive assessment. All
other assessments are C)
Q 8.2: Key recommendations Complete the recommendations section drawing from the most important recommendation from the Report on the
arising from the completion Completion Review and adding any further recommendations, if any, that the Independent Assessor considers to be

The National Planning Commission Page 16

Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

report important:

The following recommendations taken from the Report on the Completion Review are considered to be important to the
success of other similar projects and should be adopted:

The Independent Assessor would also make the following additional recommendations based on its own assessment of the
information contained in the Report on the Completion Review.

Q 8.3: Assessment of Project Assess the project against each of the criteria using a red-amber-green scale, where red is poor and green is good.
Implementation Success
On budget – green is within -5% of approved budget; amber is within - 20% of approved budget; red for higher budget
On-time – green is within +5% of timetable; amber is within +20% of approved timetable; red for longer delays
On-specification – green is for negligible variations in output quality and volumes; amber is for minor variations in output
quality and volumes; red is for significant variations in output quality and volumes
Service delivery: green is for service delivery volumes within -5% of forecasts; amber is for services delivery volumes
within - 20% of forecasts; red is for service delivery volumes more than 20% below forecasts.

 On-budget – red/amber/green
 On-time – red/amber/green
 On-specification – red/amber/green
 Service delivery – red/amber/green

The assessment of a project under implementation [Mid-Term Review] will reflect progress towards achieving the plan
with respect to budget, timing and specification.

The National Planning Commission Page 17

Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review Mid-Term Review and Completion

1.መግቢያ ...................................................................................................................................... 1
2. የፕሮጀክቶች የመካከሇኛ ዘመን ግምገማ አዘገጃጀት ................................................................................. 4
3.ትኩረት የሚሹ ወይም ቀጣይ እርምጃዎች ........................................................................................... 10
4.የመካከሇኛ ጊዜ ግምገማ እና የፕሮጀክት ማጠናቀቂያ ሪፖርት የማጠቃሇያ ግምገማ ቅፅ..................................... 13
Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

ይህ መመሪያ 5 እና የመመሪያው 5 አካሌ የሆነው ቅጽ 3 በመንግስት ፕሮጀክቶች
አስተዲዯር ስርዓት ዯንብ ክፍሌ 4 የመንግስት ፕሮጀክቶች ትግበራ፣ክሇሳ፣ክትትሌና
ግምገማ መስፇርቶች) እና በክፍሌ 4.2 መሰረት የመንግስት ፐሮጀክቶችን
አተገባበር፣ክትትሌና ግምገማን አዯራረግን ሇማብራራት የተ዗ጋጀ ነው፡፡
መመሪያው የመንግስት ፕሮጀክቶችን ሇመተግበርና ሇመከታተሌ የሚያስችለ ዕቅድችን
እንዳት እንዯሚ዗ጋጁ፣ አስፇጻሚ መስሪያ ቤቶች የዕቅድቹን ማጠቃሇያ እንዳት
ማ዗ጋጀት እንዲሇባቸው እና በፕሊንና ሌማት ኮሚሽን በተ዗ጋጀ የግምገማ ቅጽ መሰረት
እንዳት መገምገም እንዲሇባቸው ያብራራሌ፡፡ መመሪያው በፕሊንና ሌማት ኮሚሽን
ያ዗ጋጃቸውን የግምገማ መስፍርቶችና ምክረ-ሃሳቦችን ያካተተ ነው፡፡

መመሪያው የፕሮጀክቶች መካከሇኛ ጊዛ ግምገማ እና መሠረታዊ ማጠቃሇያ ግምገማን

ሇማ዗ጋጀት ምክር ይሰጣሌ፣ ሇሁሇቱም የግምገማ አይነቶች የግምገማ ማጠቃሇያ እና
ሇግምገማን አ዗ገጃጀት የሚረዲ ምክረ-ሀሳብ ይሰጣሌ፡፡ ሁሇቱም ክሇሳዎች ተመሳሳይነት
ስሊሊቸው በተመሳሳይ ቅጽ ተጠቃሇው መቅረብ ይችሊለ፡፡

የመካከሇኛ ጊዛ ግምገማ የክትትሌ አንዴ አካሌ ሲሆን፣ ሇሁለም ፕሮጀክቶች በግዳታ

መከናወን አይኖርበትም፡፡ ነገር ግን ረ዗ም ሊሇ ጊዛ የሚቆዩ ፕሮጀክቶች አፇፃፀምቸው
በሚፇሇገው አቅጣጫ መሰረት መሆናቸውን ሇማረጋገጥ ጠቃሚ ነው፡፡ አጭር
የትግበራ ጊዛ ያሊቸው ፕሮጀክቶች የመካሇኛ ዗መነ ግምገማ እምብዚም ጥቅም
ስሇማይኖረው የትግበራ ጊዙያቸው ረ዗ም ሊለ ፕሮጀክቶች መከናወን አሇበት፡፡
የሚኒስቴር መስሪያ ቤቶችም ሇሁለም መካከሇኛ ተብሇው በመንግስት ፕሮጀክቶች
አስተዲር እና አመራር ዯንብ ሊይ ሇተመዯቡ ፕሮጀክቶች የመካከሇኛ ጊዛ ግምገማ
ማዴረግ አሇባቸው፡፡ በከፍተኛ ፕሮጀክቶች ሊይ የመካከሇኛ ዗መን ግምገማ ተ዗ጋጅቶ
በፕሊንና ሌማት ኮምሽን መቅረብ አሇበት፡፡

የፕሮጀክቶች የመካከሇኛ ዗መን ግምገማ መርሃግብር፣ በፕሮጀክቱ የክትትሌና ግምገማ

ዕቅዴ ዉስጥ በተቀመጠው መርኃ ግብር ወይንም በመዯበኛ የክትትሌና ግምገማ ወቅት
የፕሮጀክቱ አፇፃፀም በተቀመጠው አፇፃፀም መርኃ ግብር ሊይ አለታዊ ግኝቶች
ተሇይተው በሚገኙበት ወቅት ሉካሄዴ ይችሊሌ፡፡

የፕሊንና ልማት ኮሚሽን Page 1

Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

ሳጥን 1 ፡የመከከሇኛ ዗መን ግምገማ ይ዗ቶች

ሳጥን 1: የመካከሇኛ ዘመን ግምገማ ይዘት

5. አጠቃሊይ ስሇፕሮጀክቱ መረጃ

6. የፕሮጀክቱ የትግበራ ግኝቶች
 አጠቃሊይ የፕሮጀክት ወጪዎች ከጸዯቀው በጀት ጋር ሲነፃፀር
 የፕሮጀክቱ አፋፃፀም ሁኔታ ከታቀዯው አንጻር
 የፕሮጀክት አስተዲዯራዊ አዯረጃጀት
 የዯህንነትና እና አካባቢያዊ ዯረጃዎች
 ያልተጠበቁ ተጽእኖዎች
 ያጋጠሙ ስጋቶች እና ሉያጋጥሙ የሚችለ ስጋቶች
7. የፕሮጀክት ውጤት ሊይ ሇመድረስ ሉታዩ የሚገባቸው ነጥቦች
 ፕሮጀክቱ የሚፈሇገውን ዉጤት ሉሰጥ የሚችልበት መንገድ
 የወጪ ማስተካከያዎች ተጽእኖዎች
 የፕሮጀክቱን አስፈሊጊነት የሚያስረደ ምክንያቶች
8. ምክረ- ሃሳቦች
 በፕሮጀክት ትግበራ
 በፕሮጀክት ዱዛይን
 የፕሮጀክት ክሇሳ ግምገማ

በመንግስት ፕሮጀክቶች አስተዲዯር ስርዓት ዯንብ መሰረት ሇተጠናቀቁ ሁለም

ፕሮጀክቶች የማጠናቀቂያ ግምገማ ፕሮጀክቱ በተጠናቀቀና አገሌግልት መስጠት
በጀመረበት በአንዴ ዓመት ውስጥ የማጠናቀቂያ ግምገማ ተ዗ጋጅቶ መቅረብ አሇበት፡፡
ፕሮጀክቱ ከተጠናቀቅ እና ወዯ ስራ ከገባ ከተወሰነ ጊዛ በኋሊ የማጠናቀቂያ ግምገማ
ማቅረብ ፕሮጀክቱ ወዯ ሰራ ገብቶ አገሌግልት በሚሰጥበት ወቅት በመነሻ ሁኔታ
ያሇውን አቅም ከተቀመጠው የፕሮጀክቱ ግብ አኳያ ሇማየት የሚያግዜ በመሆኑ ነው፡፡

የማጠናቀቂያ ግምገማ አንደ የተጠያቂነት እና የአፇጻጸም አስተዲዯር መሣሪያ ሲሆን

የፕሮጀክት አስተዲዯር ቡዴን እና የፕሮጀክት ባሇቤት ፕሮጀክቱ የታሇመሇትን ዉጤት
ሇማስገኘት፣በታቀዯው በጀት፣ጥራትና ጊዛ እንዱጠናቀቅ ና ሃሊፉነት እንዱወስደ
ያዯርጋሌ፡፡ ፕሮጀክቱ እንዱያስገኛቸው የታቀደ ዉጤቶችን የሚገዲዯሩ ክስተቶችን
ሇማየት እዴሌ ይሰጣሌ፡፡በተጨማሪም የተገኙ ተሞክሮዎችን በመጠቀምና በመተግበር
አጠቃሊይ የመንግስት ፕሮጀክቶች አስተዲዯር ስርዓት እንዱጎሇብት ያዯርጋሌ፡፡

የፕሊንና ልማት ኮሚሽን Page 2

Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

ሳጥን 2 ፡የማጠናቀቂያ ግምገማ ይ዗ቶች

ሳጥን 2: የማጠናቀቂያ ግምገማ ይዘቶች

1. አጠቃሊይ የፕሮጀክት መረጃ
2. የፕሮጀክቱ ትግበራ ግኝቶች
 አጠቃሊይ የፕሮጀክት ወጪዎች ከጸዯቀው በጀት ጋር ሲነፃፀር
 የፕሮጀክቱ አፈፃፀም ከታቀዯው አንጻር
 የፕሮጀክት አስተዲዯራዊ አዯረጃጀት
 የዯህንነትና እና አካባቢያዊ ዯረጃዎች
 ያልተጠበቁ ተጽእኖዎች
 ያጋጠሙ ስጋቶች እና ሉያጋጥሙ የሚችለ ስጋቶች
3. የፕሮጀክት አፈፃፀሞች
 ውጤቶች
 የአፈጻጸም መመዘኛዎች
 በፕሮጀክቱ የታቀደ የአገልግሎቶችን እውን መሆን እና ዘሊቂነትን ማረጋገጥ
4. ያልተጠናቀቁ ወይም ትኩረት የሚሹ ጉዲዮች
5. የተገኙ ተሞክሮዎች
6. መዯበኛ የኮንትራት መዝጊያ

ሇትሊሌቅ እና መካከሇኛ ኘሮጀክቶች በፕሮጀክቱ ሊይ ተሳትፎ ያሇቸውን እና

በፕሮጀክት ትግበራ በቀጥታ የማይሳተፈ ባሇሙያዎችን በማዯራጀት የማጠናቀቂያ
ግምገማው መካሄዴ አሇበት፡፡እነዙህ ግምገማዎች ፕሮጀክቱን በበሊይነት
በሚያስተዲዴረው ሚኒስቴር መስሪያ ቤት ስር ባለ የስራ ክፍልች ቢመራ የተሻሇ
ይሆናሌ፡፡ እንዯ ፕሮጀክቱ አይነትና መጠን ገሇሌተኛ ባሇሙያ በመጋበዜ ግምገማው
ሉከናወን ይችሊሌ፡፡ ግምገማው በተ዗ጋጀው ቅጽ 5 መሰረት ተጠቃሌል
በአስፇጻሚ መ/ቤቶች መቅረብ አሇበት፡፡ የተጠቃሇሇው ግምገማ አስፇሊጊውን የጥራት
ዯረጃ ማሟሊቱ እና ከግምገማው የተገኙ ተሞክሮች በስራ ሊይ እንዱውለ በገሇሌተኛ
ወገን ሉረጋገጥ ይገባሌ፡፡ ሇከፍተኛ እና መካከሇኛ ፕሮጀክቶች ግምገማውን
የሚያረጋግጠው ገሇሌተኛ አካሌ የፕሊንና ሌማት ኮሚሽን ይሆናሌ፡፡

አነስተኛ ፕሮጀክቶችን በተመሇከተ የሚቋቋመው ግብረ ሀይሌ የማጠናቀቂያ

ግምገማውንና የመካከሇኛ ዗መን ግምገማውን ያካሂዲሌ፣ የማጠቃሇያ ግምገማ በቅጽ 5
መሰረት ያ዗ጋጃሌ፡፡ አስፇጻሚው ሚንስቴር መስሪያ ቤት የውስጥ ገሇሌተኛ ግምገማውን
ያከናዉናሌ፡፡ በመጨረሻም የተ዗ጋጁት ግምገማዎች እና ማጠቃሇያዎች ሇፕሊንና
ሌማት ኮሚሽን ያሳውቃሌ፡፡

ከፍተኛና መካከሇኛ ፕሮጀክቶችን በተመሇከተ በቀረቡት የማጠናቀቂያ እና የመካከሇኛ

዗መን ግምገማ ግኝቶች ሊይ በመመስረት ሇፕሊንና ሌማት ኮሚሽን ዓመታዊ
ሪፖረቶችን ያ዗ጋጃሌ፣ በአፇጻጸም ሊይ የተገኙትን ተሞክሮዎችና ምክረ-ሃሳቦችን
በማጠናቀር ሇቀጣይ ፕሮግራሞችና ዕቅድች እንዱሁም የመንግስት ፕሮጀክቶች
አስተዲዯር ስርዓትን ሇማሻሻሌ እንዯግብዓት እንዱዉለ ያዯርጋሌ፡፡ በፕሮጀክቶች ሊይ
በዙህ ግምገማ መሰረት በፕሊንና ሌማት ኮሚሽን የሚ዗ጋጅ ሪፖርት ከፕሮጀክቶች
የተገኙ ተሞክሮችን በተዯራጀ ሁኔታ ሇማሰራጨት መሳሪያነት ያገሇግሊሌ፤፡
በተጨማሪም ከተዯረገው የማጠነቀቂያ ግምገም በተጨማሪ ሇቀጣይ በረዥም ጊዛ

የፕሊንና ልማት ኮሚሽን Page 3

Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

ፕሮጀክቶች ሊይ የዴህረ ትግበራ ግምገማ ሇማዴረግ የሚያስችለ መረጃዎችን እና

ፕሮጀክቶችን ሇመምረጥ ያስችሊሌ፡፡

በሚቀጥለት ክፍሌ ይህ መመሪያ 5 በሶስት ክፍልች ተከፍል ሉካተቱ በሚገቡ ጉዲዮች

ሊይ ማብራሪያ ያቀርባሌ፡፡በሚቀጥለት ሁሇት ክፍልች የመካከሇኛ ዗መን እና
የማጠናቀቂያ ግምገማ አዯራረግ መመሪያ ያቀረበ ሲሆን በመጨረሻው ክፍሌ
የመካከሇኛ ዗መን እና የማጠናቀቂያ ግምገማ ሪፖርቶችን ማጠነቀቂያ እና መቅረቢያ
ቅፆችን አሞሊሌ ያብራራሌ፡፡

2. የፕሮጀክቶች የመካከለኛ ዘመን ግምገማ አዘገጃጀት

2.1 አጠቃሊይ የፕሮጀክት መረጃ

አጠቃሊይ የፕሮጀክት መረጃ ሲ዗ጋጅ የፕሮጀክቱን አዴማስ/ወሰን፣ሇመቅረፍ የታሰበው

ችግር፣ሇመጠቀም የተፇሇገውን መሌካም አጋጣሚ፣ የፕሮጀክቱ ዋና ዋና ተግባራት፣
ሉገኙ የታሰቡት ውጤቶችና የፕሮጀክቱን በጀት/ወጪ ማብራሪያ በሚሰጥ መሌኩ
መሆን አሇበት፡፡ ይህም በፕሮጀክት ትግበራና ክትትሌ ሪፖረት መሰረት ሉሆን

የመካከሇኛ ዗መን ግምገማ ሲካሄዴ፣ የግምገማው ዓሊማ፣የግምገማው ወሰን እንዱሁም

ግምገማው የሚካሄዴበት ጊዛ ትኩረት ሉሰጠው ይገባሌ፡፡ ግምገማው ዴንገተኛ ና
አስቸካይ ከሆነ፣ይህ አይነቱ ግምገማ እንዱካሄዴ ያስገዯደ ምክንያቶች ተብራርተው
መቅረብ አሇባቸው፡፡

2.2 የትግበራ ግኝቶች

አጠቃሊይ የፕሮጀክት ወጪዎች

አጠቃሊይ የፕሮጀክት ወጪ ወቅታዊነቱ እና ፍሰቱ ከታቀዯውና ከጸዯቀው አንጻር

በማነጻጸር ሉገመገም ይገባሌ፡፡ ከታቀዯው የገን዗ብ ፍሰት ውጪ የተከናወኑ
አፇጻጸሞችም ካለ ተሇይተው መቅረብ አሇባቸው፡፡ ተጨማሪ ወይም ተቀናሽ ወጪ
የተዯረገባቸው የፕሮጀክቶች ክፍልች/ተግባራት ካለ ተሇይተውና ተብራርተው መቅረብ
አሇባቸው፡፡ አጠቃሊይ የፕሮጀክቱን ወጪ ሇመከሇስ የቀረቡ ጥያቄዎችም ካለ እና ምን
ዯረጃ ሊይ እንዲለ ተብራርተው ሉቀርቡ ይገባሌ፡፡

በፕሮጀክቱ ሊይ ተጽእኖ ፇጣሪ የሆኑ ሇውጦች ተከስተው ከሆነ እና ሇዉጦቹ

የተከሰቱበት ምክንያት ቀዯም ብሇው ግምት ውስጥ ያሌገቡና ያሌታዩ
መሆናቸውን፣በጠንካራ ፕሮጀክት አስተዲዯር አሇመኖር የተፇጠሩ መሆናቸውን ወይም
ዯግሞ ባሌተጠበቀ መሌኩ የተከሰቱ መሆናቸውንና አሇመሆናቸውን ሇማረጋገጥ
የሚያስችሌ ዲሰሳ መከናወን አሇበት፡፡

የትግበራ መርሃ-ግብር

ፕሮጀክቱን ሇመተግበር የታቀዯው የጊዛ ሰላዲ ተግባራዊ ከሆነው የጊዛ ሰላዲ ጋር

በማነጻጸር ሌዩነቶች ወይም ክፍተቶችን በመሇየትና ምክንያቶች በትክክሌ ሉብራሩ
ይገባሌ፡፡ ክፍተቶችም ሉፇጠሩ የቻለበት ምክንያት፣ ግምት ውስጥ ያሌገቡና ያሌታዩ
መሆናቸውን፣ ጠንካራ የፕሮጀክት አስተዲዯር ባሇመኖር የተፇጠሩ መሆናቸውን ወይም

የፕሊንና ልማት ኮሚሽን Page 4

Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

ዯግሞ ባሌተጠበቀ መሌኩ የተከሰቱ መሆናቸውንና አሇመሆናቸውን ሇማረጋገጥ

የሚያስችሌ ዲሰሳ መከናወን አሇበት፡፡

የፕሮጀክት አስተዲዯር ተቋማዊ አዯረጃጀቶች፤

ተግባራዊ የተዯረገው የፕሮጀክት አስተዲዯር አመራር ውጤታማነቱ ሉዲሰስ ይገባሌ፡፡

የዲሰሳው ዋና ዓሊማም ያጋጠሙ ችግሮችን እና የተገኙ ጥሩ ውጤቶችን መሇየት ሲሆን
ሇሚያጋጥሙ ዴክመቶቹ ግሇሰቦችን ከመውቀስ ይሌቅ፡፡ በአስተዲዯራዊ መዋቅሩ ሊይ
ወይም በአካሄዴ ችግር ካሇ ሇመሇየት እና ሇማስተካከሌ ነው፡፡

በሚተገበርበት ወቅት ሇፕሮጀክቱ አስፇሊጊ የሆነ ክሇሳ አስተዲዯር ከሆነ፣ የክሇሳው

አተገባበር ውጤታማነቱንና የሚመሇከታቸው አካሊት ክሇሳውን ያካሄደበት መንገዴ
መብራራት አሇበት፡፡

ዯህንነት እና አካባቢ ተፅዕኖ

ፕሮጀክት ሲተገበር የዯህንነት እና የአካባቢ ተፅእኖ እንዱሁም በዕቅደ ዉስጥ ታሳቢ

ያሌተዯረጉ ችግሮችን ሉያስከትሌ ይችሊለ፡፡ ስሇዙህ እነዙህን ችግሮች በምን አይነት
መንገዴ ሇማስወገዴ እንዯታሰበ የሚያስረዲ ዲሰሳ መከናወን አሇበት፡፡

ያሌተጠበቁ ተጽእኖዎች

በፕሮጀክት ትግበራ ወቅት ያሌተጠበቁ አለታዊም ይሁን አዎንታዊ የጎንዮሽ

ተጽእኖዎች ሉከሰቱ ይችሊለ፡፡ ስሇሆነም ተጽእኖዎቹ ተሇይተውና በምን ዓይነት
መንገዴ መፇታት እንዯነበረባቸው በመመረመር ተብራርተው ሉቀርቡ ይገባሌ፡፡
በተጨማሪም በፕሮጀክቱ ዜግጅት ወቅት እነዙህ ያሌተበቁ ችግሮች መታየት
በነበረባቸው ዯረጃ መታየት የነበረባቸው መሆኑን በሚያሳይ መሌክ ምርመራ
ሉዯረግባቸው ይገባሌ፡፡

ስጋቶች እና እንዯስጋት ያሌታዩ ጉዲዮች

በፕሮጀክት ትግበራ ወቅት የሚያጋጥሙ ስጋቶች የመከሰት እዴሌ እና የሚያስከትለት

ተጽእኖ በፕሮጀክት የአዋአጭነት ግምገማ ዯረጃ ሉታዩና ሉሇዩ ይገባሌ፡፡ የትግበራና
የአስተዲዯር ዕቅዴ ሲ዗ጋጅም የተሇዩት ችግሮች በምን ዓይነት መንገዴ መከሊከሌ እና
ማስወገዴ እንዯታሰበ መብራራት አሇበት፡፡

የመካከሇኛ ዗መን ግምገማ ሲ዗ገጅ የተሇዩ ችግሮችን/ስጋቶችን ሇመፍታት ተግባራዊ

የተዯረጉ የመከሊከያ መንገድች ምን ያህሌ ውጤታማ እንዯሆኑ እና እንዲሌሆኑ
በመሇየት መዲሰስ ይኖርበታሌ፡፡ በፕሮጀክቱ የመከሊከሌ እርምጃ ተወስድባቸው
የተከሰቱ የፕሮጀክቱ ስጋቶች ተከሰተው የነበረ መሆኑንን እንዱሁም ስጋቶችንን
ሇማስተዲዯር የተወሰደ አርምጃዎች ስኬታማነት እንዱሁም ሳይሇዩ ሇተከሰቱ ስጋቶች
በፕሮጀክቱ አመራር የተወሰደ እርምጃዎች ምን እንዯነበሩ እንዱሁም እነዙህ ያሌታዩ
ስጋቶች ሉሇዩ ያሌቻለበት ምክንያቶች መብራራት አሇበት፡፡

2.3 የፕሮጀክት ውጤቶች ሇማሳካት የሚዯረግ ሂዯት

የሚፇሇጉ ውጤቶችን ማጠናቀቅ

አንዲንዴ የፕሮጀክት ዉጤቶች የመካከሇኛ ዗መን ግምገማ እስከተከናወነበት ዴረስ

ሉጠናቀቁ ይችሊለ፡፡ ላልች ዯግሞ በሂዯት ሊይ ሉሆኑ ይችሊለ፡፡ የመካከሇኛ ዗መን
የፕሊንና ልማት ኮሚሽን Page 5
Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

ግምገማ ሲካሄዴ፣ ከተጠናቀቁ ዉጤቶች በሂዯት ሊይ ሊለ ውጤቶች ግብዓት የሚሆኑ

ተሞክሮዎች መወሰዲቸውን፣የተጠናቀቁት ዯግሞ ጥራታቸውንና በዕቅዴ መሰረት
መተግበራቸውን፣የፊይናንስና የፉዙካሌ ስራዎች ከታቀዯው አንጻር ምን ዯረጃ ሊይ
መሆናቸውን እና ከታቀዯው ውጪ የተከናወኑ ሇውጦች መኖራቸውን በማብራራት
መ዗ጋጀት አሇበት፡፡ የፕሮጀክቱ ግምገማ እስከሚከናወነብት ጊዛ ዴረስ መጠናቀቅ
የነበረባቸው የፕሮጀክቱ ውጤቶች ያለበትን ዯረጃ እና የመሳካት አዴሊቸውን መገምገም
አሇበት፡፡ ግምገማው የፊይናንስ እና የፉዙካሌ አፇፃፀሞችን መገምገም አሇበት፡፡
የፕሮጀክቱ ወሳኝ አፇፃፀም አመሌካቾች መሳካታቸውን ወይንም ሇማሳካት በሀዱዴ ሊይ
መሆናቸው ትኩረት ሉሰጣቸው ይገባሌ፡፡ ከፕሮጀክቱ እቅዴ የተሇዩ አፇፃፀሞች ካለ
የተከሰቱበትን ምክንያት እና ሉ ወሰደ የሚገቡ የእርምት እርምጃዎቸ ማቅረብ አስፇሊጊ

የፕሮጀክቱ ሊይ የተዯረጉ የክሇሳ ተጽእኖዎች

መሰረታዊ የሆነ የወጪማስተካከያዎች ሲዯረጉ፣ ማህበራዊ ፊይዲቸውን ሇመጠበቅ ሲባሌ

የፕሮጀክቱን ወሰን ሉያስቀይሩ ይችሊለ፡፡ የፕሮጀክቱ ወሰን መቀየሩ ዯግሞ ፕሮጀክቱ
ያሳካሌ ተብል የተቀመጠሇትን ዓሊማ እና የሚጠበቁ ስኬቶችን ሊይ ተፅእኖ (በተሇይ
ፕሮጀክቱ ተጠቃሚ ሉያዯርጋቸው በታሇመው ቡዴኖች) ሉያዯርስ ይችሊሌ፡፡በዙህም
በፕሮጀክቱ ማህበራዊ ተጠቃሚነት ሊይ ተፅእኖ ያዯርሳሌ፡፡ ስሇዙህ ዲሰሳው ሲካሄዴ
የተዯረገው የወሰን ሇውጥ በማህበራዊ ፊይዲው (በተሇይ በፕሮጀክቱ ኢኮኖሚያዊ NPV
እና EIRR) ሊይ ያስከተሇው ተጽእኖ መመሊከት አሇበት፡፡ የስኬትአመሌካቾች ሇዉጥ
ካሇ ዯግሞ በምን ያህሌ ዯረጃ የሚሇው መመሊከትና መዲሰስ አሇበት፡፡

የፕሮጀክቱ መነሻ ሀሳብ/ምክንያት

አንዴ ፕሮጀክት እንዯስትራቴጂ ሲታቀዴ ፣የተሇዩ ችግሮችን ሇመቅረፍ ወይም የተገኙ

መሌካም አጋጣሚዎችን መጠቀም ዋና ዋና ምንያቶች ናቸው፡፡ ነግር ግን በፕሮጀክቱ
ትግበራ ሂዯት ሊይ የሚስተዋለ ላልች አዲዱስ ምክንያቶች ሉከሰቱ እና ሉስተዋለ
ይችሊለ፡፡ እነዙህ ምክንያቶች በፕሮጀክቱ ተግባራትና ውጤቶች መካከሌ የሚኖረውን
ግንኙነት ምን እንዯሚመስሌና አዲዱሰ መረጃዎችን ሇምሳላ ከቴክኖልጂ ጋር
ተያያዥነት ያሊቸው ሉሰጡ ይችሊለ፡፡ በተጨማሪ የፕሮጀክቱን አስፇሊጊነት የሚገዲዯሩ
ላልች ተመሳሳይ ፕሮጀክቶች ሉከሰቱ ይችሊለ፡፡ ስሇዙህ ዲሰሳው ሲካሄዴ የፕሮጀክቱን
መነሻ ሃሳቦችን በዴጋሚ በመፇተሽ ሇዉጦች የሚኖራቸውን ዕዴምታ በመገምገም
ፕሮጀክቱ የታሇመሇትን አሊማ ማሳካት እንዯሚችሌ መረጋገጥ አሇበት፡፡ በእነዙህ
ሇውጦች ምክንያት በፕሮጀክቱ የተግባራት እና የውጤት ሰንሰሇት ሊይ ሉከሰት የሚችሌ
ሇውጥ ተሇይተው ሉመሊከቱ ይገባሌ፡፡ የመካከሇኛ ዗መን ግምገማ በተሇይ ሁኔታ
እነዙህን ሇውጦች ሇማስተናገዴ ጥሩ እዴሌ ይሰጣሌ፡፡

2.4 ምክረ- ሃሳቦች

በፕሮጀክት ትግበራ

ምክረ ሀሳቦች በዋነኝነት የፕሮጀክቱን ወጭ፣ የትግበራ መርኃ ግብር ወይም የትግበራ
ተቋማዊ አዯረጃጀትን ከመከሇስ አንፃር ሉሆን ይችሊሌ፡፡

የፕሊንና ልማት ኮሚሽን Page 6

Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

የዋጋ ክሇሳ ባስፇሇገበት ወቅት የሚዯረግ የመካከሇኛ ዗መን ግምገማ የግምገማው

ውጤት ክሇሳውን ተቀባይነት እንዱኖረው ሇማረጋገጥ ወይም ዯግሞ አዋጭንት ባላሇው
ፕሮጀክት ተጨማሪ ሀብት እንዲይባክን ሇማዴረግ ያገሇግሌ፡፡

የታቀዯ የመካከሇኛ ጊዛ ግምገማ ሲካሄዴ ዯግሞ ዲሰሳው የፕሮጀክቱን ሂዯት በጥሌቀት

ሇመገምገምና አስፇሊጊ የሆኑ የአስተዲዯራዊ፣ የመርሃ-ግብርና የዋጋ ክሇሳዎችን
ሇመፇተሽ ዕዴሌ ይሰጣሌ፡፡

ፕሮጀክተ ዱዚይን

ተዯጋጋሚና መጠነ-ሰፉ የወጪ እና/ወይም የመርሀ-ግብር ማስተካከየ ከሚያስከትለ

ምክንያቶች የዱዚን ችግር ሉጠቀስ ይችሊሌ፡፡ ስሇዙህም የመካከሇኛ ግምገማ ሲዯረግ
የዱዚይን ችግሮችን በመሇየት ክሌሳ የሚያስፇሌጋቸው ካለ ዯግሞ በመሇየት ሇምክረ-
ሃሳብ እንዱውሌ መዯረግ አሇበት፡፡

የፕሮጀክት የዴጋሚ አዋጭነት ግምገማ

ፕሮጀክቶች ከተመዯበሊቸው አጠቃሊይ ወጪ ከ30% በሊይ ጭማሪ ካስፇሇገው ወይም

30% ቅናሽ ካሳየ የፕሮጀክቱን አዋጭነት ግምገማ በዴጋሚ መዯረግ አሇበት፡፡ ነገር ግን
የፕሮጀክቱ አካሄዴ ከሊይ የተጠቀሱትን ሇውጦች የሚያስከትሌ መሆኑ አሳማኝ
ምሌክቶች ሲታዩ ግምገማው ከጅማሮው እንዱካሄዴ ይመከራሌ፡፡ ከዙህ በተጨማሪ
የወጭ ጭማሪው ከ30 በመቶ በታች ቢሆንም ፕሮጀክቱ ሊይ በዴጋሚ የአዋጭነት
ግምገማ እንዱዯረግ ምክረ ሀሳብ መስጠት ጠቃሚ ሉሆን ይችሊሌ፡፡ሇምሳላ መሰረታዊ
የሆነ የማህበረሰብ ተጠቃሚነት ሊይ ተጽእኖ የሚዯርስ ከሆነ፣አዲዱስ ችግሮች ሲስተዋለ
እና ላልችም የፕሮጀክቱን ኢኮኖሚያዊ ጠቀሜታን የሚያሳንሱ ምክንያቶች ሲስተዋለ
ዴጋሚ የአዋጭነት ግምገማ እንዱዯረግ የመካከሇኛ ዗መን ግምገማው ማመሊከት
አሇበት፡፡ በፕሮጀክቱ ሊይ ከፍተኛ ተፅእኖ ሉያሳዴሩ የሚችለ ስጋቶች ባይከሰቱ
እናኳን ከታዩ በፕሮጀክቱ ሊይ ዴጋሚ አዋጭነት ግምገማ ማዴረግ አስፇሊጊ ሉሆን

2.3. የማጠናቀቂያ ግምገማ አ዗ገጃጀት

2.3.1 አጠቃሊይ የፕሮጀክት መረጃ

አጠቃሊይ የፕሮጀክት መረጃ ሲ዗ጋጅ የፕሮጀክቱን አዴማስ/ወሰን፣ሇመቅረፍ የታሰበው

ችግር፣ሇመጠቀም የተፇሇገውን መሌካም አጋጣሚ፣ የፕሮጀክቱ ዋና ዋና
ተግባራት፣ሉገኙ የታሰቡት የፕሮጀክቱ ስኬቶች፣ የፕሮጀክቱን በጀት/ወጪ ማብራሪያ
በሚሰጥ መሌኩ መሆን አሇበት፡፡ ይህም በፕሮጀክት ትግበራና ክትትሌ ሪፖረት
መሰረት ሉሆን ይገባሌ፡፡ በዙህ ክፍሌ የሚሰጠው መረጃ በአብዚኛው በማጠቃሇሌ መሌክ
መሆን ያሇበት ሲሆን በቀጣይ ክፍሌ ስሇፕሮጀክቱ ውጤቶች እና ተግባራት ዜርዜር
መረጃዎች የሚቀርቡ ይሆናሌ፡፡

የመካከሇኛ ዗መን ግምገማ ሲካሄዴ፣ የግምገማው ዓሊማ፣የግምገማው ወሰን እንዱሁም

የግምገማው የሚካሄዴበት ጊዛ ትኩረት ሉሰጠውና ሉብራራ ይገባሌ፡፡መርኃ ግብር
ሲባሌ ዯግሞ ፕሮጀክቱ የሚጠናቀቅበትና ርክክብ የሚዯረግበትን በሚገሌጽ መሌኩ
መብራራት አሇበት፡፡ የግምገማው ዋና ዓሊማ በፕሮጀክቱ ትግበራ አፇጻጻም ወቅት

የፕሊንና ልማት ኮሚሽን Page 7

Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

ተጠያቂነትን ሇማስፇን ሲሆን ከአፇጻጸሙ የተገኙ ተሞክሮዎችን ሇቀጣይ እንዯ ግብዓት

ሇማዋሌም ይጠቅማሌ፡፡

የማጠናቀቂያው ግምገማ የሚያካሂዯው ግብረ-ሀይሌ ስብጥሩ፣ስሌጣን፣ሙያ እና የግብረ-

ሀይለን አዯረጃጀት ተብራርቶ መቅረብ አሇበት፡፡

2.3.2 የፕሮጀክቱ የትግበራ ግኝቶች

የፕሮጀክቱ ወጪ ከታቀዯው በጀት አንጻር

በዙህ ክፍሌ በፕሮጀክቱ የክትትሌና ግምማ ዕቅዴ መሰረት በተጨባጭ ሇፕሮጀክት
የወጣ ወጪ ከታቀዯው አንጻር በማነጻጸር የሚብራራበት እና ትንታኔ የሚ዗ጋጅበት
ነው፡፡ የፕሮጀክቱ ወጭ አፇፃፀም ትንታኔ ሲ዗ጋጅ አጠቃሊይ የፕሮጀክቱ ወጪ፣ ዋና
ዋና ተግባራትንና ውጤትን መሰረት ያዯረገ የወጭ ትንታኔ መሆን አሇበት፡፡ ከዙህ
በተጨማሪ መሰረታዊ ሇውጦችን በመሇየትና የሇውጦቹ ምክንያቶች ሉብራሩ ይገባሌ፡፡
ከታቀዯው በሊይ የወጪ ጭማሪ በፕሮጀክት ሊይ መታየት ያሇበት ዋና አመሌካች
ቢሆንም፣ ከታቀዯው ወጪ በታች አፇፃፀም ከታየ ተብራርቶ መቅረብ አሇበት፡፡
የስጋት ትንታኔ በክፍሌ 3.6 በዜርዜር የተገሇጸ ቢሆንም የተከሰተው የዋጋ ጭማሪ
ወይም የወጪ ቅናሽ በዕቅዴ ታሳቢ በተዯረጉ ምክንያቶች መከሰቱ፣ ታሳቢ ባሌተዯረጉ
ምክንያቶች መከሰቱ ወይም ሉተነበዩ በማይችለ ምክንያቶች መከሰቱን በዙህ ክፍሌ
መብራራት አሇበት፡፡
የተጋነነ የዋጋ ጭማሪ ካሇ በበጀት እጥረት ምክንያት የፕሮጀክቱን ወሰን ሉገዴብ
ይችሊሌ፡፡ ይህ ሁኔታ ዯግሞ የፕሮጀክቱን ዉጤታማነትን እና የውጤቶቹን ጥራት
ይጎዲሌ/ይቀንሳሌ፡፡ እነዙህ ጉዲዮች በጥሌቀት በክፍሌ 3 የሚብራሩ ቢሆንም በዙህ
ክፍሌ ግን ተሇይተው መቅረብ አሇባቸው፡፡
የፕሮጀክቱ ዜግጅትና ጥናት ጥራት፣ የፕሮጀክቱ የወጪ ግምትና ፕሮጀክቱ ምን ያህሌ
በጥራት እንዯተ዗ጋጀ የሚገሌጽ መዯምዯሚያ መቅረብ አሇበት፡፡ በፕሮጀክቱ ዜግጅት
ወቅት የባሇዴርሻ አካሊት ተሳትፎ፣ የተወሰደ እሳቤዎችና ግምቶች ትክክሌ
መሆናቸውንና አሇመሆናቸውን ሉዲሰስ ይገባሌ፡፡
የፕሮጀክቱ ትግበራ መርሀ-ግብር ከታቀዯው አንጻር
በዙህ ክፍሌ በፕሮጀክቱ የትግበራ ክትትሌ ግምገማ ዕቅዴ መሰረት በተጨባጭ
በፕሮጀክቱ ሊይ የታየው የትግበራ መርሀ-ግብር ከታቀዯው አንጻር በማነጻጸር
የሚብራራበት እና ትንታኔ የሚ዗ጋጅበት ነው፡፡ ትንታኔው የፕሮጀክቱን አጠቃሊይ
የማጠናቀቂያ ጊዛ ብቻ ሳይሆን የፕሮጀክቱ ዋና ዋና ተግባራት የሚጠናቀቁበት የታቀዯ
ጊዛና ትክክሇኛው የተጠናቀቁበት ጊዛ በማነጻጸር ሉ዗ጋጅ ይገባሌ፡፡ ከዙህ በተጨማሪ
መሰረታዊ ሇውጦችን በመሇየትና የሇውጦች ምክንያቶች ሉብራሩ ይገባሌ፡፡ ከታቀዯው
በሊይ የጊዛ መጓተትና ከታቀዯው በፉት የማጠናቀቅ ሁኔታም ካለ ተብራርተው
መቅረብ አሇባቸው፡፡
የስጋት ትንታኔ በክፍሌ 3.6 በዜርዜር የተገሇጸ ቢሆንም የተከሰተው የጊዛ ጭማሪ
ወይም የጊዛ ቅናሽ በዕቅዴ ታሳቢ በተዯረጉ ምክንያቶች መከሰቱ፣ ታሳቢ ባሌተዯረጉ
ምክንያቶች መከሰቱ ወይም ሉተነበዩ በማይችለ ምክንያቶች መከሰቱን በዙህ ክፍሌ
መብራራት አሇበት፡፡

የፕሊንና ልማት ኮሚሽን Page 8

Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

መሰረታዊ የሆነ የጊዛ መጓተት ከዋጋ ጭማሪ ጋር ሉያያዜ ስሇሚችሌ በመካከሊቸው

ያሇው ግንኙነት በመሇየት ሉብራራ ይገባሌ፡፡ በተጨማሪ የጊዛ መጓተት፤ፕሮጀክቱ
ሉሰጣቸው የታሰቡ አገሌግልቶች፤በታቀዯው መሌኩ እንዲይሰጥ የሚያዯርጉ ተጽእኖዎች
ተብራርተው መቅረብ አሇባቸው፡፡

የፕሮጀክት አስተዲዯር

የፕሮጀክት አስተዲዯር ተቋማዊ አዯረጃጀቶች ሇፕሮጀክቶች ስኬታማ አፇፃፀም ወሳኝ

ናቸው፡፡ ተግባራዊ የተዯረገው የፕሮጀክት አስተዲዯር ስርዓት በመሇየት የፕሮጀክቱን
ዓሊማ ሇማሳካት ያበረከተው አስተዋጽዖ ምን ያህሌ ዉጤታማ እንዯሆነ ሉዲሰስ
ይገባሌ፡፡ በፕሮጀክቱ አስተዲዯር የታዩ ማንኛውም ውጤቶች ወይም ችግሮች
መመሊከት(መታየት) አሇባቸው፡፡ የፕሮጀክቱ አስተዲዯር ስርዓት የሚሻሻሌባቸው
ማንኛዉም መንገድችም ካለ ሉመሊከቱ ይገባሌ፡፡ የፕሮጀክት አስተዲዯር ተቋማዊ
አዯረጃጀቶች ሉሻሻለ የሚችለባቸው አግባቦች ከነበሩ መመሊከት አሇባቸው፡፡

የታዩ የዋጋ፣ የወሰንና ላልችም ሇውጦች ካለ እነዙህ ሇውጦች በአስተዲዯሩ ክፍሌ

የተያዘበት ሁኔታና ችግሮች የተፇቱበት መንገዴ ሉብራራ ይገባሌ፡፡

ዯህንነትና አካባቢያዊ ዯረጃዎች

በፕሮጀክት ትግበራ ወቅት ሉያጋጥሙ የሚችለ ያሌተሇመደና ከስራዉ ጋር የተያያዘ
ጉዲቶች እና የአካበቢ ብክሇቶችን ሇምሳላ ማህበረሰቡን ሉረብሽ የሚችሌ የዴምጽ
ብክሇት፣ የአየር ብክሇቶች በጥንቃቄ ሉዲሰሱ ይገባሌ፡፡ ዲሰሳው ችግሮችንና ችግሮቹ
ሉፇቱበት የሚችለ የመፍትሄ ሃሳቦችን ሉጠቁም ይገባሌ፡፡ እነዙህ ተፅእኖዎች በላልች
ተመሳሳይ ፕሮጀክቶች ሊይ እንዲይከሰቱ መወሰዴ ያሇባቸውን ሌምድች ማመሊካት
ያሌታቀደ ተጽእኖዎች
የፕሮጀክት ትግበራ ሲታቀዴና ሲገመገም ታሳቢ ያሌተዯረጉ አለታዊ ተጽእኖዎች
ሉኖሩ ይችሊለ፡፡ ሇምሳላ አሊስፇሊጊ የትራፉክ መጨናነቅ፣ጎረቤቶችን የሚረብሽ
የአገሌግልት አሰጣጥ፣ ከመሌሶ ማስፇርና ካሳ ክፍያ ጋር ተያይ዗ው የሚመጡ ችግሮች
በሙለ በመሇየት እንዳት ሉቀረፈ እንዯሚችለ በሚያሳይ መሌኩ ዲሰሳ መከናወን
አሇበት፡፡ እነዙህ ያሌተጠበቁ ተፅእኖዎች መሇየት የሚቻለ ከነበሩ መታየት ያሇባቸው
ሲሆን በዙህም መወሰዴ የነበረበት እርምጃዎች መመሊከት አሇባቸው፡፡ በተቃራኒው
ያሌተጠበቁ አዎንታዊ ተጽእኖዎችም ካለ ሉገሇጹ ይገባሌ፡፡

የፕሊንና ልማት ኮሚሽን Page 9

Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

ስጋቶች እና እንዯስጋት ያሌታዩ ጉዲዮች

በፕሮጀክት ትግባራ ሉያጋጥሙ የሚችለ ችግሮችና ስጋቶች በትግበራና ክትትሌ ዕቅደ

መካተታቸውን እና ተገቢውን ትኩረት ማግኘታቸውን በዙህ ዲሰሳ ሉታዩ ይገባሌ፡፡
ችግሮቹን ሇመፍታት የተዯረገው ጥረት ምን ያህሌ ዉጤታማ እንዯነበርም ማብራራት
አሇበት፡፡ ስጋቶች አፇታት ሊይ የታዩ ዯካማ ጎኖች እና መሻሻሌ ያሇባቸው ነጥቦችም
መሇየት አሇባቸው፡፡ በዕቅዴ ዉስጥ ያሌተካተቱና ታሳቢ ያሌተዯረጉ ችግሮችም ካለ
መታየት የነበረባቸው ወይም ሇመተንበይ አስቸጋሪ መሆናቸውን ማብራራትና መግሇጽ
አስፇሊጊ ነው፡፡

2.3.3 የፕሮጀክት የስኬት አመሌካቾች

ፕሮጀክቱ ያስገኛቸው ዜርዜር ዉጤቶች በአሀዚዊ መንገዴ መጠናቸውንና ከታቀዯው
አንጻር ተብራርቶ እና ከፕሮጀክት ዱዚይን ጋር ተነፃፅሮ ሉቀርብ ይገባሌ፡፡
ከፕሮጀክቱ ዱዚይን አኳያ በውጤቶች ሊይ ሇውጦች ካለ በፕሮጀክቱ ስኬት ሊይ
የሚኖረው ተጽእኖ መገምገም ይኖርበታሌ፡፡፡፡
የአፇጻጸም ዯረጃዎች
የፕሮጀክቱ ቴክኒካዊ የአፇጻጸም ዯረጃዎች፣ ሇምሳላ የፕሮጀክቱ ክፍተኛ አቅም፣
የአገሌግልት ጊዛ፣ የአገሌግልት መስጫና የጥገና ሁኔታዎች፣ በፕሮጀክቱ ዱዚይን ሊይ
ከተቀመጠው ዯረጃ ጋር በማነጻጸር ሉዲሰሱ ይገባቸዋሌ፡፡ በእነዙህ ሊይ ከፕሮጀክቱ
ዱዚይን ውጭ የተዯረጉ ሇውጦች ካለ ተብራርተውና ሉያስከትለት የሚችለ ተጽኖዎች
መዲሰስ አሇባቸው፡፡
የአገሌግልት እውን መሆን እና ቀጣይነት
ፕሮጀክቱ ተጠናቆ ርክክብ ከተዯረገ በሗሊ የታቀዯሇትን አገሌግልት መስጠት
መጀመሩን የሚያረጋግጡ በቂ መረጃዎች መጠናቀር አሇባቸው፡፡ ከፕሮጀክት ርክክብ
በሗሊ አገሌግልት መስጠት ካሌጀመረ ዯግሞ ያሌጀመረበትን ምክንያት እና ማብራሪያ
መቅረብ አሇበት፡፡
ፕሮጀክት ሉሰጥ የታሰበው አገሌግልቶች በሙለ ተግባራዊ መሆናቸውን በዙህ ዯረጃ
ማረጋገጥ ከባዴ ሉሆን ስሇሚችሌ (በዴህረ-ግምገማ ሉሰራ ስሇሚችሌ) በከፉሌም ቢሆን
የተጀመሩና ተግባራዊ የተዯረጉትን አገሌግልቶች መኖራቸውን የሚያስረደ መረጃዎች
መቅረብ አሇባቸው፡፡ ከተጠቃሚዎች እርካታ ጋር የተያያ዗ የተ዗ጋጀ መረጃም ካሇ በዙህ
ዲሰሳ ውስጥ መካተት አሇበት፡፡
ፕሮጀክቱ የታቀዯውን አገሌግልት እንዲይሰጥ ተጽእኖ የፇጠሩ የውጭ ችግሮች
ካለ፣ሇምሳላ በቂ ያሌሆነ የፕሮጀክት ስራ ማስኬጃና ጥገና ወጪዎች እጥረት ካሇ፣
ሉዲሰስ ይገባሌ፡፡

3.ትኩረት የሚሹ ወይም ቀጣይ እርምጃዎች

ፕሮጀከቱ ተጠናቆ ርክክብ ከተዯረገ በሗሊ ያሌተፇቱ አንዲንዴ የትግበራና አገሌግልት
በመስጠት ዯረጃ ሲዯርስ የተፇጠሩ ችግርች ሉኖሩ ይችሊለ፡፡ እነዙህ ችግሮች
ተሇይተው የፕሮጀክቱን ስኬታማነትና ቀጣይነት ሊይ የሚያሳዴሩት ተጽእኖ ሉዲሰስ

የፕሊንና ልማት ኮሚሽን Page 10

Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

ይግባሌ፡፡ እንዱሁም ችግሮቹን ሇመፍታት ሃሊፉነት የሚውስዴ አካሌ መሇየትና

የመፍትሄ ሃሳቦችም ተሇይተው መቅረብ አሇባቸው፡፡ ከኮንትራክተር ጋር የተያያዘ
ችግሮችና ዴንገተኛ ተጋሊጭነቶች ካለ በግሌጽ ሉመሊከቱና ሉዲሰሱ ይገባሌ፡፡
1.2 የተገኙ ተሞክሮዎች

ከፕሮጀክት ትግበራው የተገኙ ተሞክሮዎችን በመቀመር ሇላልች የሚተገበሩ

ተመሳሳይ ፕሮጀክቶች ዱዚይና የፕሮጀክት አስተዲዯር ግብዓት እንዱዉለ
መዯረግ አሇበት፡፡ የተገኙ ተሞክሮችና ምክረ-ሃሳቦችም በሚከተለት አርዕስቶች
ዘሪያ መ዗ጋጀት አሇባቸው፡-
 ከፕሮጀክት ዜግጅት ዱዚይን የተገኙ ተሞክሮዎች
 የባሇዴርሻ አካሊት ተሳትፎ
 የወጪ አስተዲዯርና አያያዜ
 ከጊዛ መርሀ-ግብር አጠቃቀም
 የጥራት ዯረጃዎችንና ስታንዲርድች
 የፕሮጀክት አስተዲዯር፣ ክትትሌና ግምገማን ጨምሮ
 የስጋት/አዯጋ አስተዲዯርና አፇታት ዗ዳ

1.3 መዯበኛ የኮንትራት መዜጊያ

የኮንትራት መዜጊያ ሪፖርት ሲ዗ጋጅ የኮንትራት መዜጊያ ሂዯቶችን እና ባሇቤቱ

የተረከባቸውን የፕሮጀክቱ ክፇልች በሚያሳይ መሆን አሇበት፡፡ ማሇትም፣ ወሳኝ
የሆኑትን ሰነድች በመጥቀስ፣ቀን፣ፉርማ፣ የስብሰባው ዯቂቃችን ጨምሮ፣ የተፇረሙ
ስምምነቶችና ተቀባይነቶችን በማካትት ሉ዗ጋጅ ይገባሌ፡፡ የነዙ ሁለ ግሌባጭ/ኮፒ
ከሪፖርቱ ጋር ተያይዝ መቅረብ አሇበት፡፡

1.4 የመካከሇኛ ጊዛ ግምገማንና የማጠናቀቂያ ግምገማዎችን ማጠቃሇሌና መዲሰስ

የመካከሇኛ ጊዛ ግምገማንና የማጠናቀቂያ ግምገማዎችን ማጠቃሇያና ዲሰሳ በቅጽ 5

መሰረት መከናወን አሇበት፡፡

ሇከፍተኛና መካከሇኛ ፕሮጀክቶች፣ ሃሊፉነት የተሰጣቸው አስፇጻሚ ሚ/ር መ/ቤቶች

ቅጽ 5ን በመጠቀም የማጠቃሇያ የግምገማውን ዉጤት ሉያ዗ጋጁ ይገባሌ፡፡ የማጠቃሇያ
ሂዯቱ የሚንስቴር መስሪያ ቤቶች/የታዩ ክፍተቶችንና ዴክመቶችን ሇማወቅ
ይረዲቸዋሌ፡፡ ይህም ግምገማ ሇፕሮጀክት ባሇቤቶች እንዱመሇስና ተስተካክል
እንዱቀርብ እዴሌ ይሰጣሌ፡፡ በአንዲንዴ ሁኔታ ግምገማውን የሚያከናውነው ሚኒስቴር
መስሪያ ቤት እና የፕሮጀክቱ ባሇቤት ተመሳሳይ ተቋም ሉሆን ስሇሚችሌ ግምገማን
ማዴረግ እና ቅፁን መሙሊት ያሇበት ፕሮጀክቱን ከሚተገብረው ዱፓርትመንት ዉጪ
የሆነ አካሌ መሆን አሇበት፡፡

በአስፇጻሚ ሚ/ር መ/ቤቶች በቅጽ 5 መሰረት የተ዗ጋጀ ግምገማ ሇገሇሌተኛ ወገን

ግምገማ ቀርቦ መገምገም አሇበት፡፡ ሇከፍተኛና መካከሇኛ ፕሮጀክቶች ገሇሌተኛ

የፕሊንና ልማት ኮሚሽን Page 11

Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

የማጠናቀቂያ ግምገማ መከናወን ያሇበት በፕሊንና ሌማት ኮሚሽን ሲሆን ሇአነስተኛ

ፕሮጀክቶች ዯግሞ አስፇጻሚ መ/ቤቶች ናቸው፡፡ በተጨማሪ፣ ሇከፍተኛ ፕሮጀክቶች
የመካከሇኛ ዗መን ግምገማ በፕሊንና ሌማት ኮሚሽን የሚከናወን ሲሆን ሇመካከሇኛ
ፕሮጀክቶች ዯግሞ አስፇጻሚ መ/ቤቶች በፕሮጀክቱ ትግበራ ሊይ ያሌተሳተፇ ገሇሌተኛ
ወገንን በመሳተፍ ሉከናወን ይችሊሌ፡፡

ሇመካከሇኛ ዗መን ግምገማ፣ በቅጽ 5 የቀረቡ ጥያቄዎች ፕሮጀክቱን ሇማጠናቀቅ

የሚወስደ ሂዯቶችን በሚያሳይ መሌኩ ሇማቅረብ የታሰበ መሆኑ ግንዚቤ ሉያዜ
ይገባሌ፡፡ ክፍሌ 1 (አጠቃሊይ የፕሮጀክት መረጃ) እና ክፍሌ 2 (የፕሮጀክት ትግበራ
ግኝቶች) የተቀመጡ ጥያቄዎች በዙሁ መሌኩ መመሇስ አሇባቸው፡፡ በክፍሌ 3
(የፕሮጀክት አፇጻጸም) ስር የቀረበው ጥያቄ ቁጥር 3.3 ፕሮጀክቱ አገሌግልት መስጠት
እስካሌጀመረ ዴረስ ወይም ዯግሞ የፕሮጀክቱ አተገባበር በምዕራፍ ካሌሆነ በስተቀር
መሌስ መስጠት ግዴ አይሆንም፡፡ በቅጹ የተቀመጡ ክፍሌ4 እና ክፍሌ 5 የመካከሇኛ
዗መን ግምገማ ሲካሄዴ ክፍት መተው አሇባቸው ምክንየቱም በትግበራ ሂዯት ሊይ ሊሇ
ፕሮጀክት ተግባራዊ አይዯለም፡፡

ቅጽ 5ን ሇመሙሊት የሚያስችሌ መመሪያ እንዯሚከተሇው ይቀርባሌ፡፡

የፕሊንና ልማት ኮሚሽን Page 12

Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

4.የመካከሇኛ ጊዜ ግምገማ እና የፕሮጀክት ማጠናቀቂያ ሪፖርት የማጠቃሇያ ግምገማ ቅፅ

የመካከሇኛ ጊዛ ግምገማ እና የፕሮጀክት ማጠናቀቂያ ሪፖርት የማጠቃሇያ ግምገማ ቅፅ
የፕሮጀክቱ መግሇጫ/ዴርሞ/
መሠረታዊ የሆኑ የአስተዲዯራዊ መረጃዎች ፣ከፕሮጀክቱ አጠቃሊይ ወጪ ጋር የተያያዘ መረጃዎችና የፕሮጀክቱ የማጠናቀቂያ ጊዛ
(የታቀዯውንና የተከሇሰውን) የሚያብራራ መረጃ መቅረብ አሇበት፡፡
9. አጠቃሊይ የፕሮጀክት መረጃ
የመስፇርቱ ጥያቄ ሇፕሮጀክት ማጠናቀቂያ ሪፖርት የተሰጠ ገሇሌተኛ ግምገማ
የማጠቀሇያ ግምገማ (ሀሊፉነት በተሰጠው ሚንስተር
መስሪያ ቤት)

 አዎንታዊ-የፕሮጀክቱ ወሰን ግሌጽና ከትግበራና

1.1: የታቀዯው የፕሮጀክቱ ፕሮጀክቱ ሉቀርፊቸው የታሰቡ ችግሮቸ/ሇመጠቀም ክትትሌ ጋር አብሮ የሚሄዴ ነው፡፡
ወሰን ግሌጽና ከትግበራና የታሰቡት መሌካም አጋጣሚዎች፣ የፕሮጀክቱ  ውሳኔ መስጠት አያስችሌም- በፕሮጀክቱ ወሰን
ክትትሌ ዕቅደ ጋር አብሮ ተግባራት፣ ዉጤቶችና አጠቃሊይ የፕሮጀክት ወጪ ተጨማሪ ማብራሪያ የሚያስፇሌጋቸው ጉዲዮች
የሚሄዴ ነው? የሚገሌጽ ማብራሪያ እና የፕሮጀክቱ ወሰን አለ
ከትግበራና ክትትሌ ዕቅደ ጋር አብሮ የሚሄዴ  በቂ አይዯሇም = የፕሮጀክቱ ወሰን በአግባቡ
መሆኑን በማረጋገጥ መ዗ር዗ር ያስፇሌጋሌ፡፡ አሌተገሇጸም ፣ከትግበራና ክትትሌ ዕቅደ ጋር
አብሮ አይሄዴም፡፡
የማጠናቀቂያውን ግምገማ ዓሊማ፣ጊዛና ግምገማውን  አዎንታዊ-የግምገማው ዓሊማና ላልች ይ዗ቶች
1.2፡ የማጠቃሇያ ግምገው የሚያካሂዯው ግብረ-ሀይሌ ስብጥር ተብራርቶ ግሌጽ ናቸው፡፡
ዓሊማ እና በግምገማው ሊይ መቅረብ አሇበት፡፡ ዋና ዓሊማውም የግብረ-ሀይለ  ውሳኔ መስጠት አያስችሌም- በግምገማው
ተሳታፉ የሆኑ አካሊት ገሇሌተኛነት ሇማረጋገጥ ሲሆኑ ላልችም ካለ ተጨማሪ ማብራሪያ የሚያስፇሌጋቸው ጉዲዮች
በግሌጽ ተብራርቷሌ??\ መካተት አሇባቸው፡፡ አለ
 በቂ አይዯሇም = ግምገማው በአግባቡ
አሌተገሇጸም ፡፡
10. የትግበራ ክትትሌ መነሻዎች
2.1: በፕሮጀክቱ ሊይ  አዎንታዊ-የወጪ ጭማሪ ማብራሪያውና
የተመ዗ገበ ትርጉም ያሇው የፕሮጀክት የወጪ ጭማሪ ተከስቶ ከሆነ፣ ከታቀዯው ትንታኔው ግሌጽ ነው፡፡/ምንም የዋጋ ጭማሪ

የፕሊንና ልማት ኮሚሽን Page 13

Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

የወጪ ጭማሪ አሇ? ወጪ አንጻር በማነጻጸርና የወጪ ጭማሪውን አሊጋጠመም፡፡

ምክንያቶች በማብራራት መቅረብ አሇበት፡: ወጭ  ውሳኔ መስጠት አያስችሌም- ትንታኔው ተጨማሪ
እንዱጨምር ምክንያት የሆኑ ጉዲዮች በፕሮጀክቱ ማብራሪያ ይፇሌጋሌ፡፡
ጥናት ውስጥ ታሳቢ መዯረግ እንዯነበረባቸውና  በቂ አይዯሇም = ግምገማው በአግባቡ
እንዲሌነበረባቸው ማረጋገጥም አስፇሊጊ ነው፡፡ አሌተገሇጸም/የተሟሊ አይዯሇም ፡፡
 አዎንታዊ-የጊዛ መጓተት ማብራሪያውና
2.2.በፕሮጀክቱ ትግበራ ሊይ ተግባራዊ የሆነው የጊዛ መርሀ-ግብር ከታቀዯው ትንታኔው ግሌጽ ነው፡፡/ምንም የጊዛ መጓተት
ያጋጠሙ የጊዛ መጓተቶች አንጻር በተጠናቀቁ ስራዎች ሊይ ትኩረት በማዴረግ አሊጋጠመም፡፡
በትክክሌ ተመዜግበዋሌ፣ ማጠቃሇያና ማብራሪያ መ዗ጋጀት አሇበት፡፡ ሇጊዛ  ውሳኔ መስጠት አያስችሌም- ትንታኔው ተጨማሪ
ተብራርተዋሌ? መጏተት የሆኑ ምክንያቶችም አጭር ማብራሪያ ማብራሪያ ይፇሌጋሌ፡፡
ማ዗ጋጀት ያስፇሌጋሌ፡፡ የትግበራ ጊዛው  በቂ አይዯሇም = ግምገማው በአግባቡ
እንዱራ዗ም ምክንያት የሆኑ ጉዲዮች በፕሮጀክቱ አሌተገሇጸም/የተሟሊ አይዯሇም ፡፡
ጥናት ውስጥ ታሳቢ መዯረግ እንዯነበረባቸውና
እንዲሌነበረባቸው ማረጋገጥም አስፇሊጊ ነው፡፡
 አውንታዊ-የፕሮጀክቱአስተዲዯር ዉጤታማነትና
በፕሮጀክቱ አስተዲዯር አሰራ እንዳት አንዯነበር፣ ዴክመቶች ዘሪያ የቀረበው ማብራሪያና ትንታኔ
2.3.በፕሮጀክት አስተዲዯርና ያጋጠሙ ስኬቶች እና እጥረቶች ምን እንዯነበሩ ግሌጽ ነው፡፡
ክሇሳዎች ወቅት የታዩ መብራረት አሇበት፡፡ የፕሮጀክቱ አስተዲዯር  ውሳኔ መስጠት አያስችሌም- ትንታኔው ተጨማሪ
ዴክመቶችና ስኬቶች ተግባራዊነት፣ የጊዛ፣የገን዗ብና ላልች ማስተካከያዎች ማብራሪያ ይፇሌጋሌ፡፡
በትክክሌ ተብራርተዋሌን? የተፇቱበት መንገዴ፣ በፕሮጀክቱ ትግበራ ወቅት  በቂ አይዯሇም -ግምገማው በአግባቡ
የታዩ ዴክመቶችና ጥንካሬዎችም ተብራርተው አሌተገሇጸም/የተሟሊ አይዯሇም ፡፡
መቅረብ አሇባቸው፡፡
 አውንታዊ-ከዯህንነትና አካባቢ ጋር ተያያዥነት
2.4 ከዯህንነትና አካባቢ ከዯህንነትና አካባቢ ጋር ተያያዥነት ያሊቸውን ያሊቸውን ጉዲዮች ዘሪያ የቀረበው ማብራሪያና
ጋር ተያያዥነት ያሊቸውን ጉዲዮች ካለ ምን ያህሌ ትኩረት የሚሹ እንዯነበሩና ትንታኔ ግሌጽ ከዯህንነትና አካባቢ ጋር ተያያዥ
ጉዲዮች ካለ ምን ያህሌ እና በዕቅዴ ዯረጃ እንዳት መቀረፍ እንዲነበረባቸው ነት ያሊቸው ጉዲዮች የለም፡፡
ትኩረት የሚሹ እንዯሆኑ እንዱሁም ያስከተለት ተጽእኖ መዲሰስ አሇበት፡፡  ውሳኔ መስጠት አያስችሌም- -ትንታኔው ተጨማሪ
እና እንዳት መቀረፍ ማብራሪያ ይፇሌጋሌ፡፡
እንዲሇባቸው በግሌጽ  በቂ አይዯሇም = ግምገማው በአግባቡ
ተቀምጧሌ? አሌተገሇጸም/የተሟሊ አይዯሇም ፡፡

የፕሊንና ልማት ኮሚሽን Page 14

Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

2.5 ፕሮጀክቱ ያስከተሊቸው ፕሮጀክቱ ያስከተሊቸው ያሌተጠበቁ ማንኛውም  አውንታዊ-ፕሮጀክቱ ያስከተሊቸው ያሌተጠበቁ
ያሌተጠበቁ ተጽእኖዎች ዓይነት ተጽእኖዎች ካለ ተብራርተው መቅረብ ተጽእኖዎች ዘሪያ የቀረበው ማ ብራሪያና
ተብራርተው ቀርበዋሌ? አሇባቸው፡፡ሇምሳላ በፕሮጀክቱ አካባቢ የሚኖሩ ትንታኔ ግሌጽ ነው/ ፕሮጀክቱ ያስከተሊቸው
ነዋሪዎች ሊይ፣የንግዴ ቦታዎችና ከመሌሶ ማስፇርና ያሌተጠበቁ ተጽእኖዎች የለም ፡፡
ካሳ ክፍያ ጋር የተያያዘ ችግሮች ካለ ሉዲሰሱ  ውሳኔ መስጠት አያስችሌም- ትንታኔው ተጨማሪ
ይገባሌ፡፡ ማብራሪያ ይፇሌጋሌ፡፡
 በቂ አይዯሇም = ግምገማው በአግባቡ
አሌተገሇጸም/የተሟሊ አይዯሇም ፡፡
 አውንታዊ-ችግሮችንና ሇችግሮቹ መፍትሔ
በትግበራና ክትትሌ ዕቅዴ ዉስጥ ስጋቶችና ስጋቶች አስቀዴሞ ከማቀዴ ሊይ የነበሩ ዴክመቶች ዘሪያ
2.6 ስጋቶችና ሇስጋቶች መከሰታቸውንና ስጋቶችን በመፍታት እንዱሁም የቀረበው ማ ብራሪያና ትንታኔ ግሌጽ ነው/
መፍትሔ አስቀዴሞ በማስተዲዯር ረገዴ የታየው ዴክመት ዉይም ችግሮችንና ሇችግሮቹ መፍትሔ አስቀዴሞ
ከማቀዴ ሊይ የነበሩ ዉጤታማነት መዲሰስ አሇበት፡፡ በዕቅደ ሊይ ከማቀዴ ሊይ የነበሩ ዴክመቶች የለም፡፡
ዴክመቶች ተሇይተው ያሌተካተቱ ነገር ግን የተከሰቱ ችግሮችም ካለ፣  ውሳኔ መስጠት አያስችሌም- ትንታኔው ተጨማሪ
ተተንትነዋሌ? ሇምን እንዲሌተካተቱና በምን መሌኩ መካተት ማብራሪያ ይፇሌጋሌ፡፡
እንዯነበረባቸው ሉዲሰስ ይገባሌ፡፡  በቂ አይዯሇም = ግምገማው በአግባቡ
አሌተገሇጸም/የተሟሊ አይዯሇም ፡፡
11. የፕሮጀክት የስኬት አመሌካቾች
3.1 የታቀደት ዉጤቶች  አዎንታዊ =የፕሮጀክት ውጤቶች ተሇይተው
በታቀዯው መንገዴ የታቀደት ዉጤቶች በታቀዯው መንገዴ የታወቁ ከታቀዯው ጋር ተነጻጽረው ቀርበዋሌ፡፡
መጠናቀቃቸው በግሌጽ መጠናቀቃቸውንና በትግበራና ክትትሌ ዉስጥ  ውሳኔ መስጠት አያስችሌም- -ትንታኔው ተጨማሪ
ተቀምጧሌ? የተካተቱ መሆናቸውን በማረጋገጥ መጠናቸውን ማብራሪያ ይፇሌጋሌ፡፡
በመጥቀስ አሀዚዊ በሆነ መንገዴ ሉብራራ ይግባሌ፡፡  በቂ አይዯሇም = ግምገማው በአግባቡ
ከዕቅደ አንጻር ሌዩነት ካሇ ዯግሞ ተብራርቶ አሌተገሇጸም/የተሟሊ አይዯሇም ፡፡
ሉቀርብ ይገባሌ፡፡
የተጠናቀቁት የፕሮጀክቱ ዉጤቶች ጥራታቸው፣  አዎንታዊ =የፕሮጀክት ውጤቶች ተሇይተው
3.2 የፕሮጀክቱ ውጤቶች አገሌግልት የመስጠት ብቃታቸው፣ የአገሌግልት የታወቁ ከታቀዯው ጋር ተነጻጽረው ቀርበዋሌ፡፡
የታሇመሊቸውን ጥራትና ዗መናቸው፣ የጥገና ጊዛአቸውንና ላልች መረጃዎች  ውሳኔ መስጠት አያስችሌም- ትንታኔው ተጨማሪ
ዯረጃ ማሟሊታቸው ከዕቅዴ ና ዱዚይን ጋር በማነጻጸር ተዲሰውና ማብራሪያ ይፇሌጋሌ፡፡
ተብራርቷሌ? ተብራርተው ሉቀርቡ ይገባሌ፡፡  በቂ አይዯሇም = ግምገማው በአግባቡ

የፕሊንና ልማት ኮሚሽን Page 15

Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

አሌተገሇጸም/የተሟሊ አይዯሇም ፡፡
3.3 ፕሮጀክቱ መስጠት ፕሮጀክቱ መስጠት የሚጠበቅበትን አገሌግልት  አዎንታዊ =ፕሮጀክቱ አገሌግልት መስጠት
የሚጠበቅበትን አገሌግልት ሇተጠቃሚዎች መስጠት መጀመሩን የሚያስረዲ መጀመሩን የሚያስረዲ መረጃ
እንደሁም ፕሮጀክቱ መረጃ መ዗ጋጀት አሇበት፡፡ የመረጃ አያያዜና ቀረቧሌ/አሌቀረበም፡፡
አገሌግልት መስጠት አጠቃቀም ስርዓት ካሇ ዯግሞ፣ የተጀመረው  ውሳኔ መስጠት አያስችሌም- ትንታኔው ተጨማሪ
ሊሇመው ቡዴን አገሌግልት አቅርቦቱ ምን እንዯሚመስሌና ሇወዯፉት ማብራሪያ ይፇሌጋሌ፡፡
(ሇተጠቃሚዎች) እና በፕሮጀክቱ ጥናት የተገመተው አገሌግልት  በቂ አይዯሇም = ግምገማው በአግባቡ
አገሌግልት መስጠት አሌተገሇጸም/የተሟሊ አይዯሇም ፡፡
ፍሊጎት ጋር በማነፃፀር መቅረብ አሇበት፡፡
መጀመሩን የሚያስረዲ
መረጃ አሇ?
4.Open Issues/ ትኩረት የሚሹ ወይም ቀጣይ እርምጃዎች

 አዎንታዊ ይፊ የሆኑና ያሌተፇቱ ችግርችን

4.1 ትኩረት የሚሹ ወይም ፕሮጀክቱ የታቀዯሇትን ዓሊማ እንዱያሳካ መፇታት ሇመሇየት ሇመከታተሌየሚያስችሌ የተካሄዯ ዲሰሳ
ቀጣይ እርምጃዎችበመሇየት ያሇባቸው ትኩረት የሚሹ ወይም ቀጣይ ተብራርቶ ቀርቧሌ፡፡
ሇመከታተሌ የሚያስችሌ እርምጃዎች፡፡ ሇምሳላ ከኮንትራት አሇመግባባቶች  ውሳኔ መስጠት አያስችሌም- ትንታኔው ተጨማሪ
የተካሄዯ ዲሰሳ አሇ? ካለ፣ከውጭ ላልች ችግሮች ሉሆሩ ይችሊለ፡፡ ስሇዙህ ማብራሪያ ይፇሌጋሌ፡፡
እነዙህን ችግሮች ሇመከታተሌና ሃሊፉነት ወስድ በቂ አይዯሇም = ግምገማው በአግባቡ
የሚፇታው አካሌም ተሇይቶ ሉቀርብ ይገባሌ፡፡ አሌተገሇጸም/የተሟሊ አይዯሇም ፡፡
5. የተገኙ ተሞክሮዎች
በፕሮጀክት ትግበራና ማጠናቀቂያ ወቅት የሚዯረጉ  አዎንታዊ= የተወሰደ ተሞክሮዎችና ምክረ-ሃሳቦች
5.1 በፕሮጀክቱ ሂዯት የዲሰሳ ጥናቶች ሇቀጣይ ጠቃሚ የሆኑ ተሞክሮዎችን ተብራርቶ ቀርበዋሇሌ፡፡
ውስጥ ካጋጠሙ ማናቸውም በመሇየት ጥቅም ሊይ እንዱዉለ መዯረግ  ውሳኔ መስጠት አያስችሌም- ትንታኔው ተጨማሪ
ችግሮች ወይም ስኬቶች አሇባቸው፡፡ በተሇይም ተሞክሮው በሚከተለት ማብራሪያ ይፇሌጋሌ፡፡
የተገኙ ጠቃሚ ተሞክሮዎች ርዕሶች ያተኮረ ቢሆን ይመረጣሌ፡-  በቂ አይዯሇም = ግምገማው በአግባቡ
አለ?  የወጪ አጠቃቀም/ቁጥጥር አሌተገሇጸም/የተሟሊ አይዯሇም ፡፡
 የጊዛ መርሃ-ግብር
 የፕሮጀክት ዉጤቶች ጥራትና ዯረጃዎች
 የፕሮጀክት አስተዲዯር ስርዓት፣ ክትትሌና
ግምገማን ጨምሮ
የፕሊንና ልማት ኮሚሽን Page 16
Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

 የችግሮች አፇታት
12. የኮንትራት መዜጊያ እና ርክብክብ
 አዎንታዊ= በቂ የሆን የኮንትራት መዜጊያ መረጃ
6.1 የግምገማ ሪፖርቱ ሇፕሮጀክት ኮንትራት መዜጊያ አስፇሊጊ ቀርቧሌ፡፡
ሇፕሮጀክቱ ኮንትራት የተባለትንና መሟሊት ያሇባቸውን፣ ሇምሳላ  ውሳኔ መስጠት አያስችሌም- ትንታኔው ተጨማሪ
መዜጊያ አስፇሊጊ የሆኑና አስፇሊጊ የሆኑ ሰነድችን በመጥቀስ፣ቀን፣ስም ና ማብራሪያ ይፇሌጋሌ፡፡
መሟሊት ያሇባቸውን ነገሮች ሃሊፉነት ወ዗ተ የመሳሰለትን በማካተት መ዗ጋጀት  በቂ አይዯሇም = ግምገማው በአግባቡ
ባካተተ መሌኩ አሇበት፡፡ አሌተገሇጸም/የተሟሊ አይዯሇም ፡፡
6.2 የግምገማ ሪፖረቱ  አዎንታዊ= በቂ የሆን ሇርክክብ የሚውለ
ሇርክክብ አስፇሊጊ የሆኑና ሇፕሮጀክት ርክክብ አስፇሊጊ የተባለትንና መሟሊት መረጃዎች ቀርበዋሌ፡፡
መሟሊት ያሇባቸውን ነገሮች ያሇባቸውን፣ ሇምሳላ አስፇሊጊ የሆኑ ሰነድችን  ውሳኔ መስጠት አያስችሌም- ትንታኔው ተጨማሪ
ባካተተ መሌኩ በመጥቀስ፣ቀን፣ስም ና ሃሊፉነት ወ዗ተ የመሳሰለትን ማብራሪያ ይፇሌጋሌ፡፡
ተ዗ጋጅቷሌ? በማካተት መ዗ጋጀት አሇበት፡፡  በቂ አይዯሇም = ግምገማው በአግባቡ
አሌተገሇጸም/የተሟሊ አይዯሇም ፡፡

 አዎንታዊ= ፕሮጀክቱ ቀጣይነት ባሇው መሌኩ

6.3. የግምገማ ሪፖርቱ ፕሮጀክቱ በ዗ሊቂነት አገሌግልት እንዱሰጥ ሇማዴረግ አገሌግልት ሇመስጠት የሚያስችለትን መረጃዎች
ፕሮጀክቱ ቀጣይነት ባሇው የሚያስችለትን ዜግጅቶች፣ ሇምሳላ የፕሮጀክቱን ቀርበዋሌ፡፡
መሌኩ አገሌግልት የጥገና ስራ ማስኬጃ ወጪ ምንጭ ጨምሮ ጠቅሇሌ  ውሳኔ መስጠት አያስችሌም- ትንታኔው ተጨማሪ
ሇመስጠት የሚያስችለትን ባሇ መሌኩ ተብራርቶ መቅረብ አሇበት፡፡ ማብራሪያ ይፇሌጋሌ፡፡
ዜግጅቶችና አስፇሊጊ  በቂ አይዯሇም = ግምገማው በአግባቡ
የሆኑና መሟሊት ያሇባቸውን አሌተገሇጸም/የተሟሊ አይዯሇም ፡፡
ነገሮች ባካተተ መሌኩ
13. ሀሊፉነት የተሰጠው ሚንስተር መስሪያ ቤት ፍርማ
የተ዗ጋጀው ማጠቃሇያ ሰነዴ ሇገሇሌተኛ ግምገማ ወዯ ፕሊንና ሌማት ኮምሽን ከመሊኩ በፉት ሃሊፉነት በተሰጠው ሚ/ር መ/ቤት ተፇርሞ
መቅረብ አሇበት፡፡
14. በተ዗ጋጀው የማጠቃሇያ ሪፖርት ጥራትና ምክረሃሳቦች ዘሪያ የሚሰጡ አስተያየቶች ( በገሇሌተኛ ወገን)

የፕሊንና ልማት ኮሚሽን Page 17

Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

ገሇሌተኛ ገምጋሚ አካሌ ከሚከተለት የጥራት ዯረጃዎች አንደን መምረጥ ይጠበቅበታሌ፡-

8.1: የማጠናቀቂያ ሪፖርቱ A) የማጠናቂያው የግምገማ ሪፖርቱ ጥሩ ዯረጃ ነው
ጥራት ሊይ አጠቃሊይ B) የግምገማ ሪፖርቱ ዯረጃ በቂ የሆነ ዯረጃ ነው፤ ነገር ግን ወዯፉት የግምገማ ሪፖርቶች ሇትርጉሙ
ግምገማ ተጨባጭ ማስረጃዎች በሚሰጡት ዜርዜር ሊይ ተጨማሪ ትኩረት ያግኙ.
C) የተጠናቀቀው ግምገማ ሪፖርት (ሪፖርቱ) በቂ የሆነ ዯረጃ የሇውም እና የሚከተለት ጉዲዮች
መፍትሔ ሉሰጣቸው ይገባሌ.

A) የሚሇውን የግምገማ ነጥብ ሇማግኘት አንዴ ፕሮጀክት በማጠናቀቂያ ግምገማው ነጥብ ጥያቄዎች በቂ
አይዯሇም የሚሌ ነጥብ ያሊገኘ ወይንም 2 እና ከዚ በታች ውሳኔ መስጠት አያስችሌም የሚሌ ውጤት
ማግኘት አሇበት፡፡ B) የሚሌ የግምገማ ነጥብ ሇማግኘት ፕሮጀክቱ ምንም በቂ አይዯሇም ውጤት ያገኘ
እና በግምገማ ነጥቦቹ 8 እና ከዚ በታች ውሳኔ መስጠት አያስችሌም- የሚሌ ነጥብ ያገኘ መሆን አሇበት፡፡
C) ከሁሇቱ ውጭ የግምገማ ነጥብ ያገኘ ፕሮጀክት ይህንን የግምገማ ነጥብ ያገኛሌ፡፡

8.2. ከመጠናቀቂያ ሪፖርቱ ከማጠናቀቂያ ሪፖርቱ የተገኙ እንዱሁም መካተት አሇባቸው ብል ያመነባቸው ላልች ጠቃሚ ምክረ ሃሳቦች
የተገኙ ምክረ-ሃሳቦች ካለ ገምጋሚው ማካተት ይገባዋሌ፡፡

ከዙህ በታች የተ዗ረ዗ሩት ምክረ-ሃሳቦች ማጠናቀቂያ ሪፖረቱን መሰረት በማዴረግ የተገኙ ተሞክሮዎች
ሲሆኑ ሇላሊ ተመሳሳይ ፕሮጀክት እንዯግብዓት ሉያገሇግለ ይችሊለ፡፡

ገሇሌተኛው ገምጋሚ አካሌ መካተት አሇባቸው ብል ያመነባቸው ተጨማሪ ምክረ- ሃሳቦች የሚከተለት

የፕሊንና ልማት ኮሚሽን Page 18

Guideline 5፡ Mid-Term Review and Completion Review

8.3. የኘሮጀክቱ ትግበራ የፕሮጀክቱ የትግበራ ስኬት ከታቀዯው ጋር በማነጻጸር ቀይ፣ሰማያዊ፣አረንጓዳ በሚለ ዯረጃዎች
ስኬት ሉገመገም ይገባሌ፡፡ ቀይ ዯካማ አፇጻጸምን ሲያመሇክት አረንጓዳ ጥሩ አፇጻጸምን ይወክሊሌ፡፡
በጀትን በተመሇከተ፡-የበጀት ጭማሪው -5% ከሆነ አረንገዳ፣ -20% ሰማያዊ እና ከ-20% በሊይ ከሆነ
ቀይ ይሆናሌ፡፡
ጊዛን በተመሇከተ፡- ከመርሃ ግብሩ በተጨማሪ +5% ተጨማሪ ጊዛ ከሆነ አረንገዳ፣+20% ሰማያዊ
እና +20% በሊይ ከሆነ ቀይ ይወክሊሌ፡፡
ከተቀመጠው ዯረጃ/ On-specification / አንጻር፡- በጥራትና መጠን ያሇው ሌዩነት እምብዚም ከሆነ
አረንጓዳ፣በጥራትና መጠን ያሇው ሌዩነት ጥቂት ከሆነ ሰማያዊ በጥራትና መጠን ያሇው ሌዩነት
ከፍተኛ ከሆነ ቀይ ይወከሊሌ፡፡
አገሌግልት አሰጣጥን በተመሇከተ፡- የአገሌግልት አሰጣጡ መጠን የታቀዯውን 5% በታች ከሆነ
አረንገዳ፣ -20% በታች ሰማያዊ እና ከ-20% በሊይ ከሆነ ቀይ ይሆናሌ፡፡

 ፕሮጀክቱ የተተገበረበት በጀት ቀይ / ሰማያዊ / አረንጓዳ

 ፕሮጀክቱ የተተገበረበት ጊዛ ቀይ / ሰማያዊ / አረንጓዳ
 የፕሮጀክቱ ዱዚይን ዜርዜር መስፇርቶች ቀይ / ሰማያዊ / አረንጓዳ
 የፕሮጀክቱ የአገሌግልት አሰጣጥ ዯረጃ ቀይ / ሰማያዊ / አረንጓዳ
ፕሮጀክቱ በትግበራ ሂዯት ሊይ እያሇ የሚዯረግ ግምገማ (የመካከሇኛ ዗መን ግምገማ) የታቀዯውን ዓሊማ
በጊዛ፣ጥራትና በጀት
ሇማሳካት የሚያስችሌ ቀጣይ የፕሮጀክቱን ሂዯት ያመሊክታሌ፡፡

የፕሊንና ልማት ኮሚሽን Page 19

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