INS21 Softbook
INS21 Softbook
INS21 Softbook
• A transfer system, in which one party – the insured – transfers the chance of
financial loss to another party – the insurance company or the insurer.
• A contract between the insured and the insurer that states what potential costs of
loss the insured is transferring to the insurer and expresses the insurer’s promise
to pay for those costs of loss in exchange for a stated payment by the insured.
Insurance is a system that enables a person, family, or business to transfer the costs of
losses to an insurance company. The insurance company, in turn, pays for covered
loses and, in effect, distributes the costs of losses among all insureds (that is, all insureds
share the cost of a loss).
Thus, insurance is a system of both transferring and sharing the costs of losses.
Transferring the Costs of Losses
By transferring the costs of their losses to insurance companies, insureds exchange the
possibility of a large loss; insureds exchange the possibility of a large loss for the
certainty of a much smaller, periodic payment (the premium that the insured pays for
insurance coverage).
An insurance policy is a contract that states the rights and duties of both the insured and
the insurer regarding the transfer of the costs of losses.
A loss exposure, or simply an exposure, is any condition or situation that presents the
possibility of a loss.
It is not necessary for a loss to occur for a loss exposure; simply there should be a
possibility of a loss.
Insurance Companies estimate future losses and expenses to determine how much they
must collect from insureds in premiums.
One popular method that Insurance Companies use for predicting future losses is the
mathematical principle The Law of Large Numbers.
The law of large numbers is a mathematical principle stating that as the number of
similar but independent exposure units increases, the relative accuracy of
predictions about future outcomes (losses) based on these exposure units also
A property loss exposure is any condition or situation that presents the possibility that a
property loss will happen.
The term property is further categorized into Real Property and Personal Property.
Real property means immobile fixed assets such as land, building and other structures
attached to the land or embedded in it.
Personal Property consists of all tangible or intangible property that is not real property
such as furniture, fixtures, fittings, plant and machinery, money, so on and so forth.
Net income also forms part of Personal Property. Net income refers to the income or
revenue minus expenses during a given period.
A liability loss is a claim for monetary damages because of injury to another party or
damage to another party’s property.
Liability claims might result from bodily injury, property damage, libel, slander,
humiliation, defamation, invasion of privacy and similar occurrences.
Human and Personnel Loss Exposures
A Human loss exposure, also called a personal loss exposure, can be defined as any
condition or situation that presents the possibility of a financial loss to an individual or a
family by such causes as death, sickness, injury or un-employment.
In a broader sense, the term personal loss exposure can also be used to include all loss
exposures faced by individuals and families, including property and liability loss
The method adopted by insurance companies to quote premium is the Law of Large
numbers, which clearly states that larger the number of similar exposure units larger shall
be the accuracy of future loss predictions.
An ideally insurable loss exposure must be common enough that the insurer can pool a
large number of homogeneous, or similar, exposure units. This characteristic is
important because it enables the insurer to predict losses accurately and to determine
appropriate premiums.
Losses that are accidental
In order to have an exposure insurable the losses need to be accidental from the
standpoint of the Insured. If an exposure is certain to result in loss or damage then
insurance companies are sure to pay the claim. In such a case, the core principle of
insurance is defeated in total.
To be insurable, a loss should have a definite time and place of occurrence and the
amount of loss must be measurable in pecuniary terms.
If the time and location of a loss cannot be definitely determined and the amount of loss
cannot be measured, writing an insurance policy that defines what claims to pay and how
much to pay in the event of a loss is highly impossible. Also losses are impossible to
predict if they cannot be measured.
Under this topic, the crux is that Insurance business should have a reasonable
Geographical Spread.
Effective pooling of exposure units assumes that the exposure units are independent.
Independence means that a loss suffered by one insured does not affect any other insured
or group of insureds. If exposure units are not independent, a single catastrophe could
cause losses to sizable proportions of Insureds at the same time.
This tendency of insurers not to insure catastrophic losses does not mean that they are not
interested in covering catastrophic perils like flood, inundation, storm, typhoon, tempest,
hurricane, tornado, etc.,
Insurance companies seek to cover only loss exposures that are economically feasible to
Because of this constraint, loss exposures involving small losses as well as those
involving a high probability of loss are generally considered uninsurable.
Writing insurance to cover small losses does not make sense when the expense of
providing the insurance probably exceeds the amount of potential losses.
It also does not make sense to write insurance to cover losses that are almost certain to
Insurance as a Business
This section provides a brief overview of the business of insurance in regard to the
• Types of insurers
• Insurance operations
• Financial performance of insurers
• State insurance regulation
• Benefits and costs of insurance
Types of insurers
• Private Insurers
• Federal Government Insurance Programs
• State Government Insurance Programs
Private Insurers
Some federal government insurance programs exist because of the huge amount of
financial resources needed to provide certain types of coverage and because the
government has the authority to require mandatory coverage.
Social Security is the best example of such a program. Generally, the number of Social
Security beneficiaries and the range of coverages are beyond the scope of private
Additionally, the federal government provides coverage that only certain segments of the
population need.
The National Flood Insurance Program provides insurance for owners of property located
in flood-prone areas and for others concerned about the exposure of flooding.
The Federal Crop Insurance Program insures farmers against damage to their crops by
drought, insects, hail and other causes.
The federal government also insures depositors against loss resulting from the failure or
insolvency of banks (through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) and credit
unions (through the National Credit Union Administration).
All states require that employers be able to meet the financial obligations based on
workers compensation laws.
Fair Access to Insurance Requirements (FAIR) plans have been implemented in many
states to provide basic property insurance to property owners who cannot otherwise
obtain needed coverage.
Through automobile insurance plans and other programs, states make auto insurance
available to drivers who have difficulty obtaining such insurance from private insurers.
Insurance Operations
• Marketing
• Underwriting
• Claim handling
• Ratemaking
Marketing is the process of identifying customers and selling and delivering a product or
service. Insurance marketing enables insurers to reach potential customers and retain
current ones.
Claim handling enables insurance companies to determine whether a covered loss has
occurred and if so the amount to be paid for the loss.
The primary sources of income for insurance companies are premiums and investments.
Insurance Companies have investments because they receive premiums before they pay
for losses and expenses.
Insurers need to generate enough revenues from premiums and investments to pay for
losses, meet other expenses and earn a reasonable profit. In addition to loss payments,
insurance companies incur several other types of expenses such claim settling expenses,
viz., surveyors’ and investigators’ fees, marketing expenses such as providers’
commission and advertisement expenses, payment of taxes, viz., income tax, service tax
and other expenses such as salaries and other overheads.
A major concern of insurance regulators is that insurers be able to meet their obligations
to insureds. A financially weak insurer may not have the resources necessary to meet its
Every state has an insurance department that regulates the insurers doing business in the
state. Almost all aspects of the insurance business are regulated to some degree, but most
insurance regulation deals with rates, insurer solvency, and consumer protection.
State insurance departments regulate insurance rates to protect consumers from excessive
rating and thereby avoid discriminations.
Most states require that insurance companies file their policy forms with the insurance
department so that the department can approve policy language.
Benefits of Insurance
The primary role of insurance is to indemnify individuals, families and businesses that
incur losses. When an insurance company pays an insured for a loss, the company has
indemnified the insured.
To indemnify means after a loss to restore the insured in the same financial position as
he had enjoyed immediately before the loss.
Reduction of Uncertainty
Because insurance provides financial compensation when covered losses occur, it greatly
reduces the uncertainty created by many loss exposures.
A family’s major financial concerns, for instance, would probably center around the
possibility of a breadwinner’s death or the destruction of a home. When such an
uncertainty is transferred to an insurer, the family practically eliminates these concerns.
Insurance companies have greater certainty than individuals about losses, because the law
of large numbers enables them to predict the number of losses that are likely to occur and
the financial effects of those losses.
Insurance companies often recommend loss control practices that people and business
can implement.
Loss control means taking measures to prevent some losses from occurring or to reduce
the financial consequences of losses that do occur.
Individuals, families, and businesses can use measures such as burglar alarms, smoke
alarms, and deadbolt locks to prevent or reduce losses.
Loss control generally reduces the amount of money insurers must pay in claims.
It is a common practice that individuals and business organizations set aside a certain
amount from their income to face future uncertainties. By transferring such uncertainties
to the insurers they can use such reserves for further development by individuals and
business organizations, in exchange for a relatively small premium.
Before advancing a loan for purchase of any property, lender wants assurance that the
money will be repaid. Insurance makes loans to individuals and businesses possible by
guaranteeing that the lender will be paid if the collateral for the loan (such as house or a
commercial building) is destroyed or damaged by an insured event, thereby reducing the
lender’s uncertainty.
In fact, almost any one who provides a service to the public, from an architect to a tree
trimmer might need to prove that he or she has liability insurance before being awarded a
contract for services.
One of the greatest benefits of insurance is that it provides funds for investment. When
insurers collect premiums, they do not usually need funds immediately to pay losses and
expenses. Insurance Companies use some of these funds to provide loans and make other
investments, which is helpful for economic growth and job creation. Moreover additional
income generated by the insurers helps to keep insurance premium at reasonable levels.
Costs of Insurance
The benefits of insurance are not cost-free. Among the costs of insurance are both direct
and indirect costs including the following: -
Insurers must charge premiums in order to have the funds necessary to make loss
payments. In fact, an Insurance company must collect a total amount of premiums that
exceeds the amount needed to pay for losses in order to cover its costs of doing business.
Usually premium rating shall be structured in such a manner that a portion of premium is
used for other expenses of the insurers.
Like any business, an insurance company has operating costs that must be paid to run the
day-to-day operations of the company. Those costs include salaries, agent commissions,
marketing expenses, licensing fees, taxes, reserves for future losses and growth, an
element of profit, etc.,
Opportunity Costs
If capital and labor were not being used in the business of insurance, they could be used
elsewhere and could be making other productive contributions to society. Therefore,
whatever resources the insurance industry uses in its operations represent lost
opportunities in other areas – in other words, opportunity costs. These opportunity costs
represent one of the costs of insurance.
Increased Losses
Fraudulent Claims
Exaggerated / inflated claims
Claims on account of careless on the part of the insured
Because of insurance, a person might intentionally cause a loss or exaggerate a loss that
has occurred. Many cases of arson or suspected arson involve insurance; some property
owners would rather have the insurance money than the property.
Inflated claims of loss are more common than deliberate losses. For example, an insured
might claim that four items were lost rather than the actual three or that the items were
worth more than their actual value. In liability claims, claimants might exaggerate the
severity of their bodily injury or property damage. In some cases, other parties such as
physicians, lawyers, garage owners, repairers, etc., encourage exaggerated claims.
Some losses might not be deliberately caused, but they might result from carelessness on
the part of the insured.
Increased Lawsuits
Liability insurance is intended to protect people who might be responsible for injury to
someone else or damage to someone’s property. The number of liability lawsuits has
increased steadily in recent years. One reason for this increase is that liability insurers
often pay large sums of money to persons who have been injured. The increase in
lawsuits in the United States is an unfortunate cost of insurance in our society.
Insurance is a contract entered into between two parties wherein one party viz., the
insurer promises to pay the other viz., insured for a loss which is indemnifiable as per the
policy terms conditions and exceptions for a return of a consideration viz., premium.
The four basic types of insurance (property, liability, life and health) are generally
divided into two broad categories:
Many types of insurance are classified as property insurance such as the following: -
Fire and allied lines: - Fire and allied lines insurance covers direct damage to or loss of
insured property. The term “allied lines’ refers to insurance against causes of loss usually
written with (allied to) fire insurance, such as windstorm, hail, smoke, explosion,
vandalism, and others. Examples of such policies are a dwelling policy and commercial
property policy.
Business income insurance: - Business income insurance covers the loss of net income or
additional expenses incurred by a business as the result of a covered loss to its property.
For example, when a business has a serious fire, it might have to close until repairs to the
building are made and personal property is replaced because of which there shall be loss
of net income. This insurance pays the insured for such loss of income or additional
expenses that the insured incurs.
Crime Insurance: - Crime Insurance protects the insured against loss to covered property
from various causes of loss such as burglary, robbery, theft and employee dishonesty.
Coverage is provided for money, securities, merchandise and other property under this
insurance. Individuals can avail this cover under Homeowner’s policy and business
organizations have to go in for separate insurance.
Ocean marine insurance: - This includes hull insurance (which covers ships) and cargo
insurance (which covers the goods transported by ships).
Inland marine insurance covers miscellaneous types of property, such as movable
property, goods in domestic transit, and property used in transportation and
Auto physical damage insurance: - covers loss or damage to specified vehicles owned by
the insured and sometimes covers vehicles borrowed or rented by the insured. Auto
physical damage is generally considered to mean loss or damage to specified vehicles
from collision, fire, theft, or other causes.
Liability Insurance
An insurance policy is a contract between the insured and the insurance company, and
these two are usually the only parties involved in a property loss. Liability insurance,
however, is sometimes called “third-party insurance” because three parties are involved
in a liability loss; the insured, the insurance company, and the party who is injured or
whose property is damaged by the insured.
• Auto Liability
• Commercial general Liability
• Personal Liability
• Professional Liability
Auto Liability Insurance covers an insured’s liability for bodily injury to others and
damage to the property of others resulting from automobile accidents.
Commercial general liability insurance covers businesses for their liability for bodily
injury and property damage. It can also include liability coverage for various other
offenses that might give rise to claims, such as libel, slander, false arrest, and advertising
Personal liability insurance provides liability coverage to individuals and families for
bodily injury and property damage arising from the insured’s personal premises or
One of the most severe causes of financial loss to a family is the premature death of a
family member, especially the primary wage earner. Life insurance can greatly reduce
the adverse financial consequences of such premature death.
Although there are many variations of life insurance, the three basic types are: -
Whole life insurance provides lifetime protection (to age 100). Whole life insurance
policies accrue cash value and have premiums that remain unchanged during insured’s
Cash Value is a savings fund that accumulates in a whole life insurance policy and that
the policy holder can access in several ways, including borrowing, purchasing paid-up
life insurance, and surrendering the policy in exchange for the cash value.
Term Insurance is a type of life insurance that provides temporary protection (for a
certain period) with no cash value.
Universal life insurance combines life insurance protection with savings. A universal
life insurance policy is a flexible premium policy that separates the protection, savings
and expense components.
The two types of Health Insurance cover are a) Medical Insurance and b) disability
income insurance.
Medical Insurance covers the cost of medical care, including doctors’ bill, hospital
charges (including room and board), laboratory charges, and related expenses.
Disability income insurance is a type of health insurance that provides periodic income
payments to an insured who is unable to work because of sickness or injury.
This chapter deals with various types of insurers to start with, and also details out how
and why insurance is regulated by various states.
Types of Insurers
Private Insurers
Numerous kinds of private insurers provide property and liability coverages for
individuals, families, and business.
This section discusses various types of private insurers, primarily in terms of:
To start with, the following shows the differences amount major types of private insurer
(and Lloyd’s of London)
A Stock Insurance Company is an insurer that is owned by its stockholders and formed
as a corporation for the purpose of earning a profit for these stockholders.
Insurance formed for the purpose of making a profit for their owners are typically
organized as for – profit (stock) corporations. By purchasing stock in a for-profit insurer,
stockholders supply the capital the insurer needs when it is formed or the additional
capital needed by the insurer to expand its operations. Therefore, one of the primary
objectives of a stock insurance company is returning a profit to its stockholders. The
stock form of ownership also provides financial flexibility for the insurer. For instance,
stock insurance companies can sell additional stocks for its expansions, etc.,
One traditional difference among mutual insurers involves the insurer’s right to charge its
insureds an assessment, or additional premium, after the policy has gone into effect.
Known as an assessment mutual insurance company, this type of mutual insurer is less
common today than in the past.
Lloyds Association
Two types of Lloyd’s associations exist – Lloyds of London and American Lloyds.
Lloyds of London
Each individual investor of Lloyd’s belong one or more groups called syndicates, which
conducts insurance operations and analyzes insurance applications for insurance
The insurance written by each individual Name is backed by his or her entire personal
fortune and assumes liability only for the insurance he or she agrees to write. Lloyd’s of
London has earned a reputation for accepting applications for very unusual types of
insurance, such as insuring legs of a famous football player against injury. But most of
the insurance written through Lloyds is commercial property and liability insurance.
American Lloyds associations are much smaller than the Lloyd’s of London, and most
are domiciled in Texas, with a few in other states. The liability of American Lloyds is
limited to their investment in the Lloyds association. State laws require a minimum
number of underwriters (ten in Texas) for each Lloyds association. American Lloyds are
usually small and operate as a single syndicate under the management of an attorney – in
– fact.
Three factors have contributed to the growth of captives in recent years viz., low
insurance cost, insurance availability, and improved cash flow.
Reinsurance Companies
Reinsurance is a type of insurance in which one insurer transfers some or all of the loss
exposures from policies written for its insureds to another insurer.
In reinsurance, the primary insurer is the insurance company that transfers its loss
exposures to another insurer in a contractual arrangement.
A reinsurer is the insurance company that accepts the loss exposures of the primary
Both the federal government and state governments have developed certain insurance
programs to meet specific insurance needs of the public.
Some federal government insurance programs serve the public in a manner that only the
government can.
One federal government insurance programs that requires mandatory participation is the
Social Security program.
The social security Program formally known as Old Age Survivor’s Disability and Health
Insurance Program (OASDHI) is a comprehensive program that provides benefit to
millions of Americans, though certain private insurers have similar coverages, they
cannot match the scope of Social Security Program.
The Social Security Administration, a federal government agency, operates the program
and provides four types of benefits: -
Losses, which are highly concentrated and are also catastrophic nature, are not preferred
risks by private insurers. Hence, federal government have come out with certain plans
like National Flood Insurance Program and Federal Crop Insurance Program.
Among the most common insurance programs provided or operated by state government
insurance programs are: -
In addition, all states have some type of insurance guaranty fund designed to pay for
covered loses in the event that an insurer is financially unable to meet its obligations to its
A Monopolistic Fund is a State workers compensation insurance plan that is the only
source of workers compensation insurance allowed in that state.
A Competitive State Fund is a state workers insurance plan that competes with private
insurers to provide worker’s compensation insurance.
A residual market plan (or shared market plan) is a plan that makes insurance
available to those who cannot obtain coverage because private insurance will not
voluntarily provide coverage such coverage for various reasons.
A Guaranty Fund is a state fund that provides a system to pay the claims of insolvent
insurers. Generally, the money in guarantee funds comes from assessments collected
from all insurers licensed in the state.
The possibility that an insurance company might not be able to pay legitimate claims to
or for its policyholders is the primary concern of the insurance regulators who monitor
the financial condition and operations of the insurance companies.
Despite the difference among the state regulations, the primary objectives of
insurance regulations are
• Rate Regulation
• Solvency Surveillance
• Consumer Protection
Rate Regulation
Because insurers develop insurance rates that affects most people, the laws of
nearly all states give the state insurance commissioner the power to enforce
regulation of insurance rates
Ratemaking is the process insurer use to calculate the rates that determine the
premium for insurance coverage.
A Rate is the price of insurance for each unit of exposure. The rate is multiplied
by number of exposure units to arrive at the premium.
An Actuary analyzes data on past losses and expenses associated with losses and
combining this with other information develops insurance rates. In other words,
an actuary is a person who uses complex mathematical methods and technology to
analyze loss data and other statistics to develop system for determining insurance
To protect consumers, states also require that insurance rate not be excessive.
Excessive rates could cause insurers to earn unreasonable profits. Determining
whether rates are either excessive or inadequate is difficult, especially since
insurers must price insurance policies long before the results of the pricing
decision are known.
Since insurance is a system of sharing the costs of losses, each insured should pay
a fair share of the insurer’s losses and expenses. Some disagreement exists as to
how this fair share should be determined.
• Prior approval law – Rate must be approved by the state insurance department
(commissioner) before they can be used. The commissioner has certain period
typically 30 to 90 days to approve or reject the filing. Some states have deemer
provision (delayed effect clause) that causes the rates to be deemed approved if
the commissioner does not respond to the rate filing within the specified time
• Flex Rating Law – Prior approval is required if the new rates are specified
percentage and above or below previously filed rates.
• File and use Law – Rates must be filed but do not have to be approved before use.
• Use and File Law – Rates must be filed within a specified period after they are
first used in the state.
• Open Competition (No File Law) – Rates do not have to be filed with the state
regulatory authorities. This approach is called open competition, because it
permits insurers to compete with one another by quickly changing rates without
review by the state regulators. Market forces determine rates under this approach.
• State Mandated Rates – This system requires all insurers to adhere rates
established by the state insurance department for particular type of insurance.
Solvency Surveillance
Solvency is the ability of insurance company to meet its financial obligations as they
become due even those resulting from insured losses that might be claimed several years
in the future.
Two major aspects of Solvency Surveillance are Insurance Company Examinations and
Insurance Regulatory Information Systems (IRIS).
Consumer Protection
• Licensing Insurers
• Licensing Insurance Company Representatives
• Approving Policy Forms
• Examining Market Conduct
• Investigating Consumer Complaints
Licensing Insuring
Most insurance companies must be licensed by the state insurance department before they
are authorized to write insurance policies in that State.
• Licensed Insurer (admitted insurer) is one who is authorized by the state insurance
department to sell insurance in that state.
• Domestic Insurer is an insurance company that is incorporated in the same state in
which it is writing insurance.
• Foreign Insurer is an insurance company licensed to operate in that state but is
incorporated under the laws of another state.
• Alien Insurer is an insurance company licensed to undertake business in a State
but incorporated in another country.
All the states have licensing requirement for certain representatives of the insurance
companies like agents, brokers and claim representatives to transact insurance business in
the State. A license is usually granted only after the applicant passes an examination on
insurance laws and practices.
For example, when an insurer wants to change language of a particular policy, it must
submit the new form for approval.
It consists of state laws that regulate the practices of insurers in regard to the four areas of
operations, i.e., Sales and Advertising, Underwriting, Rate Making and Claim Handling.
If there be any unfair trade practices, the license of the particular insurance company
involved will be revoked or suspended by the authorities.
Every State Insurance Department has a consumer complaints division to enforce the
consumer protection objectives of the state insurance department and to help insureds
deal with problems that they have encountered with insurance companies and their
This consists of insurance coverages usually unavailable in the standard market, that are
written by unlicensed insurers.
The Standard Market collectively refers to insurers who voluntarily offer insurance
coverage at rates designed for customers with average or better than average loss
exposures. Such insurers write the majority of commercial property, liability insurance in
the United States.
Changes in the business practices, arrival of a new technology, might create new loss
exposures not contemplated in traditional insurance policies. These types of exposures
are often covered under Excess and Surplus Line Insurance by non-traditional insurance
Unlicensed Insurers are those who are not licensed in many states in which they operate
and who exclusive write only Excess and Surplus lines of business.
One of the requirements of the Commercial Insurable loss exposure is that large number
of similar exposure units should exist. If the exposure does not meet with this
requirement standard insurers are often unwilling to provide this coverage. This type of
insurance known as non-appearance insurance is written by E & S Insurers. For example,
singer not showing up for a performance, in which sponsors suffer a financial loss
because of his non-performance.
Sometimes loss exposures do not meet the underwriting requirements of the standard
insurance market. This might be evidence of poor loss experience that cannot be
adequately controlled and the premiums of the standard insurers normally charged are not
adequate to cover these exposures. An E & S insurer might be willing to write these
types of coverages with a premium substantially higher than the standard insurers would
Some businesses demand very high limits of coverage especially for liability insurance.
A standard insurance company might not be willing to offer limits as high as insured
needs. The E & S market often provides the needed limits in excess of limits written by
standard insurers.
E & S insurance is usually written by non admitted (un licensed) insurers. These insurers
are not required to file their rates and policy forms with state insurance departments,
which gives them more flexibility than standard insurers. Although, non-admitted
insurers are generally exempted from laws and regulations applicable to licensed insurers,
the E & S market is subject to regulation. More states have surplus lines laws that require
that all E & S business be placed to Excess & Surplus Line broker. The E & S broker is
licensed by the state to transact insurance business through non-admitted insurers. When
an insurance producer seeks insurance with non-admitted insurers he or she must arrange
an E & S broker to handle the transaction.
Insurer Profitability
Like any other business, an insurance company must manage its income and expenses to
produce an overall gain from its operations and to ensure the profitability on which its
survival depends.
• Sale of Insurance
• Investment of Funds
Premium Income is the money an insurer receives from its policyholders in return for
the insurance coverage it provides. When measuring its total premium income for the
year, an insurance company must determine what portion of its written premiums is
considered as earned premium and unearned premium incomes.
Written Premiums are premiums on policies put into affect or written during a given
Earned Premium represents the portion of the written premium that is recognized as
income only as time passes and as the insurance company provides the protection
promised under the insurance policies.
Un Earned Premium is the portion of written premium that applies to the part of the
policy period that has not occurred.
Investment Income An insurance company collects premiums from its policyholders and
pays claim for its policyholders, the insurer handles large amount of money. Insurers
invest available funds to generate additional income particularly during periods of high
interest rates and high returns in the stock market, the income generated by these
investments are Investment Income.
Expenses The major expenses incurred by insurance company are claim payments for
insured who has suffered losses and costs incurred in handling these losses.
The insurers also incur operating expenses in providing and servicing its insurance
products. For an insurer to be profitable its combined premium and investment income
must exceed its total loss payments and other expenses.
Paid Losses All claim payments that an insurer has made in a given period.
Incurred Losses For a particular period equal to sum of paid up losses and changes in
losses reserves (loss reserves at the end of the period minus loss reserves at the beginning
of the period).
Loss Reserves these are the amounts designated by insurance companies to pay claims
for losses that have already occurred but not yet settled. A loss reserve for a particular
claim is the insurer’s best estimate of the total amount that will pay in the future for the
losses that has already occurred.
Incurred But Not Reported Losses The Losses that are incurred in a particular period
but not reported to the insurance company in the given period.
Other Underwriting Expenses In addition to the losses and loss expenses the cost of
providing insurance includes other significant underwriting expenses. The major
category of insurers’ underwriting expenses is
• Acquisition Expenses
• General Expenses
• Taxes and fees
Acquisition Expenses The expenses associated with acquiring new business are
significant such as payment of commission, brokerage, bonus paid on the sales, profit and
other measures of productivity, etc., Advertising expenses can be significant component
of acquisition expenses for most of the insurers, regardless of whether the advertising is
directed towards the general public or specifically towards insurance producers.
General Expenses The General Expenses include expenses associated with staffing and
maintaining insurance departments such as accounting, legal, research, product
development, customer service, electronic data processing and building maintenance. In
addition insurers must provide office space, telephones and other utility services for
smooth running of the organization.
Taxes and Fees All the insurance companies in the fifty states levy premium taxes
usually between 2 to 4 percent on all premiums generated by the insurers in a particular
state. Fees component include such things as expenditure involved for licensing and
participating in various insurance programs such as Guarantee Funds and Automobile
insurance plans.
Gain or Loss from Operations An insurers net underwriting gain or loss is its earned
premium minus its losses and underwriting expenses for the specific period. When an
insurer adds its net investment gain or loss results to its net underwriting gain or loss, the
resulting figure is the overall gain or loss from the operations.
Net Income before tax is its total earned premium and investment income minus its total
losses and other expenses in the corresponding period.
Income Taxes Like other businesses insurance company pay income taxes on the taxable
Net operating income or loss After an insurance company has paid losses and reserved
money to pay additional expenses, losses and income taxes the reminder is net operating
income, which belongs to the owners of the company.
Insurer’s Solvency
The ability to pay claims in the event of occurrence of losses depends upon financial
condition of the insurer. So an insurance company must remain financially sound to pay
losses. Its assets, liabilities and policyholder surplus measure the financial position of the
insurance company at any particular time.
Assets These are property both tangible and intangible in nature, owned by an entity, in
this case an insurance company. These include money, stocks and bonds, buildings,
office furniture equipment and accounts receivable from agents, brokers and reinsurers.
Admitted Assets are types of property such cash and stocks, that regulators allow
insurers to show as assets on their financial statements. Such assets are easily convertible
to cash at or near property’s market value.
Non Admitted Assets are types of property such as office furniture and equipment, that
insurance regulators do not allow insurers to show assets on financial statements because
these assets cannot readily be converted to cash at or near their market value.
Liabilities are financial obligations or debts owned by a company to other entity, usually
the policy holder in the case of an insurance company. There are two major type of
liabilities found on an insurer’s financial statement: -
• Loss Reserve
• Unearned Premium Reserve
Loss Reserve is a financial obligation owned by the insurer to estimate final settlement
amount on all claims that have occurred but have not yet been settled.
Policyholder Surplus of an insurance company is equal to its total admitted assets minus
its total liabilities. In other words, policyholder surplus measures the difference between
what the company owns and what it owes.
Monitoring the financial performance of insurers
The objective of most insurers include being profitable and remaining in business in the
long term, insurance companies must carefully monitor their financial performance.
Insurers must record and report financial information in a consistent manner using
various financial statements which include: -
• Balance Sheet
• Income statements
Balance Sheet is a type of financial statement that shows the company’s financial
position at a particular point of time and includes the company’s admitted assets,
liabilities and policyholder surplus.
Income Statements is a type of financial statement that shows the company’s revenues,
expenses and net income for a particular period, usually one year.
Analyzing the relationship of different items that appear on the insurer financial
statements helps determine how well insurance companies are performing. Comparing
two items produces a ratio that highlights a particular aspect of financial performance.
Several such ratios are widely used in the insurance business. These ratios are broadly
known as Profitability Ratio.
Profitability Ratio
• Loss Ratio
• Expense Ratio
• Combined Ratio
• Investment Income Ratio
• Overall operating Ratio
Overall Operating Ratio is calculated by subtracting the invest income ratio from the
combined ratio.
A Producer is any person who sells insurance products for an insurance company.
However, agent, broker, sales representative and other titles are also used to denote
special category of producer.
Agency is a legal relationship that is formed when one party, the principal, authorizes
another party, the agent to act as a legal representative of the principal. In the agency
relationship, the principal is the party that authorizes the agent to act on its behalf. In
agency relationship, the agent is the party that is authorized by the principal to act on
principal’s behalf.
An agency relationship is usually created by written contract between principal and the
agent. In insurance, the insurance company is the principal that appoints insurance
agents to serve as its representatives; a written agency contract specifying the scope of
the authority given to an agent formalizes this relationship.
An Agency Contract or Agency Agreement is a written agreement between the
insurance company and the agent that specifies, among other things, the scope of the
agent’s authority to conduct business for the insurer.
Insurance Agents are legal representatives of the insurance company for which they
have contractual agreement to sell insurance.
The agency relationship, which is based on the mutual trust and confidence, empowers
the agent to act on behalf of the principal and imposes significant responsibilities on both
the parties.
• Loyalty
• Obedience
• Reasonable Care
• Accounting
• Relaying Information
The Principal’s primary duty is to pay the agent for the services performed. The principal
also has a duty to indemnify the agents for any losses or damages suffered without the
agent’s fault but arising out of agent’s acts on behalf of the principal. An important
factor involved in this duty is exposure of insurance agents to errors and omissions
claims, which might arise from agent’s negligent action.
Errors and Omissions are negligent acts committed by a person in the conduct of
insurance business that give rise to legal liability for damages. E & O Claims can also
arise from the failure to act that creates a legal liability.
An agency relationship also creates responsibilities to the Third Parties. The agent’s
authorized acts on behalf of the principal legally obligate the principal to Third Parties in
the same way as if the principal acted alone.
Thus from insured point of view, little distinction exists between insurance agent and
insurance company. The Law presumes that knowledge acquired by the agent is the
knowledge acquired by the insurance company. According to the agency law, the fact
that the agent knew about the exposure means that the insurer is presumed to know about
Authority of Agents
Insurance agents generally have three types of authorities to transact business on behalf
of the insurers: -
• Express Authority
• Implied Authority
• Apparent Authority
Express Authority is the authority that the principal specifically grants to the agent to
sell the insurance company’s product or that the agent has the authority to bind coverage
upto a specified limit. Binding authority is generally granted to the agent in the agency
contract and thus is a form of express authority.
A Binder, which can be either written or oral, is a temporary contract between the
insurance company and the insured that makes insurance coverage effective.
Implied Authority is the authority that arises from actions of the agent that are in accord
with the accepted custom and that are considered to be within the scope of authority
granted by the principal, eventhough such authority is not expressly granted orally or in
agency contract.
Apparent Authority is the authority based on the Third Party’s reasonable belief that an
agent has authority to act on behalf of the Principal.
Insurance Marketing Systems
Most Insurers use one or more of the following traditional marketing systems: -
One of the main distinguished features between independent agency system and other
marketing systems ownership of the agency expiration list which is the record of present
policy holders, the dates that policies expire (owning the expiration means, the agency
expiration list of an independent agency belongs to the agency and gives the agency the
right to solicit those policy holder for insurance).
An Exclusive agent is an agent that has a contract to sell insurance exclusively for one
insurance company or a group of related companies. Usually, the agency contract
entered into between the Insurer and the agent contains an agreement that, upon
termination of agency contract the insurance company will by the expiration list from the
exclusive agent. But in certain cases, an exclusive agent owns the list and has a right to
sell it to another party also.
The direct writing system of an insurance marketing uses sales representatives who are
employees of the insurance company.
A direct writer is an insurer that uses the direct writing system to market insurance. Such
sales representatives are paid commission as well as office expenses. In this system,
expiration does not belong to the sales representative and is exactly owned by the
insurance company only.
A direct response system includes any insurance marketing system that does not depend
primarily on individual producers to locate customers and sell insurance but relays
primarily on mail, phone and internet sales.
This is a system which refers to the use by the insurer of more than one marketing
Differences Among Traditional Insurance Marketing System
While some producers receive a salary, commissions provide the primary form of
compensation for producers. Two types of commissions that producers typically earn are
sales commissions and contingent commissions.
Sales Commission (or simply a commission) is a percentage of the premium that insurer
pays to the agency or producer for the new policies sold or existing policies renewed.
The commission compensates the agency not only for making the sale but also for
providing service before and after the sale. Service provided before the sale includes
locating and screening the insurance prospects, conducting a successful sales solicitation,
getting the necessary information to complete an application, preparing a submission to
the insurance company and presenting a proposal to the prospect. To make a sale, an
agent must also evaluate the prospects’ needs and recommend appropriate coverage for
the client to sell it. After the sale, the agent often handles the paper work that
accompanies policy changes, billing and claim handling among other things. While the
policy is getting to be renewed, the agency must again analyze the coverage needs and
consider any changes in the insurance coverage.
Contingent Commissions
Marketing Management
As insurance selling is a one to one activity that often occurs in the producer’s office and
insurance companies do supervise their producers by using independent agents typically
known as marketing representatives who visit the independent agents representing the
company. They are employees of the insurer whose role is to visit agents representing
the insurer, to develop and maintain sound marketing relationships with those agents, and
to motivate the agents to produce a satisfactory volume of profitable business to the
Producer Motivation
Insurance companies need to motivate their producers to sell the types of insurance the
companies wants to sell. Motivation comes from the programs developed in the home
office by way of financial incentives that producers receive for selling of insurance
products. Different ways of motivation is payment of contingent commissions, Sales
contest, awards, remunerations, holiday trips, etc.,
Insurance Production is most successful when producers have a desirable product to sell
at a competitive price. Usually, Insurance Company’s marketing department strives to
give producers the products and the pricing they need. As the producers are involved in
the sales are often first to identify a need that could be addressed by either a new policy
or modifications of an existing policy as they are actually aware of the competition in the
market they recommend to the marketing department regarding the product management
and development.
Licensing Laws
Licensed producers are required to adhere to all laws regulating insurance sales in the
state or states in which they conduct insurance business.
These are State Laws that specify certain prohibited business practices. These laws
typically prohibit various unfair trade practices such as
It is an unfair trade practice for insurance agents to make issue or circulate information
that does any of the following: -
Tie – In – Sales
It is unfair trade practice for a producer to require that the purchase of insurance be tied
to some other sale or financial arrangement, i.e., a practice referred to as tie – in – sales.
Other than above, unfair trade practices laws prohibit other practices of insurers that are
deceptive or unfair to applicants and insureds like prohibiting an insurer and its agents
from making a false statement about the financial condition of another insurer.
Underwriting Activities
• Selecting insureds
• Pricing Coverage
• Determining Policy terms and conditions
• Monitoring Underwriting Decisions
Selecting Insureds
Insurers must carefully screen applicants to determine which one is desirable to insure. If
insurers do not properly select policyholders and price coverages, some insureds might be
able to purchase insurance at prices that do not adequately reflect their loss exposures.
The underwriting selection process is not limited to the underwriters but also include
producers and underwriting managers. Insurance company receives applications, but not
all applications result in issuance of policies. An insurance company cannot accept all
applicants for two basic reasons: -
• The insurer can succeed only if he selects applicants who are as a group present
loss exposure that are proportionate to the premiums that will be collected. In
other words, insurers try to avoid adverse selection.
• An insurer’s ability to provide insurance is limited by its capacity to write new
Adverse Selection is a situation that occurs because people with greatest possibility of
losses are the ones most likely to purchase insurance. Adverse Selection normally occurs
if the premium is low related to the loss exposure.
Capacity Considerations
Capacity refers to the amount of business an insurer is able to write usually based on the
comparison of the insurer’s written premium to the size of the policyholder’s surplus. An
insurer must have adequate policyholder surplus to be able to increase in the volume of
insurance it writes.
Since every insurer has limited capacity insurance companies must allocate their
available capacity. By spreading their risk among various type of insurance and different
geographical areas, insurance companies reduce the chances that overall underwriting
results will be adversely affected by large number of losses in one type of insurance or
one territory.
Arranging Reinsurance
If the reinsurance is readily available, insurance company can increase the number of new
policies they write by transferring some of the premiums and loss exposures to the
reinsurers. Thus the availability of reinsurance can affect an insurance company’s to
write business.
Pricing Coverage
The Underwriting pricing objective is to charge a premium that is commensurate with the
exposure. Commensurate means showing an appropriate relationship. A premium is
commensurate with the exposure when the appropriate relationship exist between the size
of the premium and exposure assumed by the insurer.
Premium Determination
Rate is a price of insurance charged per exposure unit, and an exposure unit is a measure
of loss potential used in rating insurance. The premium is determined by multiplying the
rate by number of exposure units.
Type of Rates
In determining the appropriate premium to charge for coverage, insurers use either class
rates or individual rates.
Class Rates
They are also called manual rates or rates that apply to all insureds in the same rating
category or rating class. Insureds with similar loss exposure are grouped into similar
rating classes.
Class Rates have traditionally been published in rating manuals – books used by
underwriters, raters and producers in pricing individual policies. Many insureds within a
rating class have loss characteristics that might not be fully reflected in Class Rate.
Merit Rating Plans modify class rates to reflect these characteristics. Merit Rating
serves two purposes: -
• It enables the insurer to fine tune the class rate to reflect certain identifiable
characteristic of a given insured.
• It encourages loss control activity by rewarding safety conscious insureds with
lower premium or rate than those who do not participate in loss control.
Individual Rates
Individual Rates are also called Specific rates are used for commercial property insurance
on unique structures. The rate is developed only after detailed inspection of the structure
and its contents. Each Individual Rates reflects characteristics such as building
construction, its occupancy, public and private fire protection and external exposure.
Judgment Rates
It is a type of individual rate is used to develop a premium for a unique exposure for
which there is no established rate. With judgment rating, the underwriter relies heavily
on his or her experience.
Selection and Pricing are intertwined with the third underwriting activity – determining
policy terms and conditions. The insurer must decide what type of coverage it will
provide to each applicant and then charge a premium appropriate to that coverage.
Insurance Advisory Organizations develop policy forms using standard insurance
wording. These policy forms are referred as standard forms that contains standardized
policy wordings. Some insurers develop their own standard forms that they use in
policies for their insureds.
Underwriters periodically monitor the hazards, loss experience, and other conditions of
specific insureds to determine whether any significant changes have occurred. Since
underwriting decisions involve an assessment of loss potential, hazards and other
conditions must be reviewed periodically.
Monitoring also applies to underwriting decisions on entire book of business. A book of
business also called as portfolio can refer to all policies in a particular territory or to all
policies providing a particular type of insurance business. A book of business can also
refer to all policies of an insurance company or agency or as a whole.
Underwriting Management
The head of insurance underwriting department participates with other members of the
insurance top management team in making broad business decisions regarding the
company’s objectives and how it plans to meet those objectives. Given a top
management consensus on the insurer’s broad goals and how its capacity should be
allocated, underwriting management must decide how underwriting activities can
contribute to these goals.
Arranging Reinsurance
Treaty Reinsurance
This involves a separate transaction for each reinsurance policy and it is not an automatic
binding between the primary insurer and the reinsurer that is the reinsurer evaluates
individually each policy that is asked to reinsure.
An underwriting authority is the limit on decisions that an underwriter can make without
receiving approval from someone at a higher level. The amount of authority given to
each underwriter usually reflects the underwriter’s experience, the job title and
responsibilities, and type of insurance handled. With some insurers underwriting
authority is highly decentralized i.e., Underwriting Management delegates extensive
underwriting authority to the personnel in the field offices. Other insurers are highly
centralized with many or all final underwriting decisions are being made in the home
Many insurance companies also grant some underwriting authority to the agents who
represent the company called frontline underwriters, these agents make the initial
decisions regarding applications and then forward to the company underwriter those
applications that meet underwriting guidelines.
Monitoring the results of Underwriting Guidelines includes taking steps to ensure that the
underwriters are following guidelines in that underwriting objectives are being met. If
the guidelines are not followed there is no evidence as to whether they will work. An
underwriting audit attempts to determine whether underwriters are following the
guidelines. If the guidelines are being followed it is necessary to determine whether they
are having the desired results.
The Underwriting Process
To make an underwriting decision, the underwriter should gather and analyze information
to determine what hazards the applicant presents.
Analyzing Hazards
• Physical hazards
• Moral hazards
• Morale (attitudinal) hazards
• Legal hazards
Moral Hazards are dishonest tendencies in the character of the insured (or applicant)
that increase the probability of a loss occurring.
Legal Hazards are characteristics of the legal or regulatory environment that affect an
insurer’s ability to collect a premium commensurate with the exposure to loss.
Hazards in a legal environment might include court decisions that interpret policy
language in a way unfavorable to insurers.
Most state requires that insurers notify the insured a specified period (such as thirty days)
before a policy is to be cancelled or non-renewed.
This notice is intended to give the insured an opportunity to replace the coverage.
Generally, restrictions of this kind help insurance to serve its purpose of providing
protection for policyholders.
However, such restrictions also limit the speed with which an underwriter can stop
providing coverage for an insured who has become undesirable.
The first party to an insurance contract is the insured. (Although the second party is
technically the insurer, the term second party I rarely used in insurance).
A third party to an insurance contract is a person or business that is not a party to the
contract but who might assert a claim against the insured.
Insurance professionals generally use the term claimant to refer to a third party who
submits a claim under an insured’s property. This text uses the term claimant to refer to a
third-party claimant.
The adjuster or the claim representative has the following responsibilities in the
processing of a claim which are as under: -
When a claim is reported, the claim representative need to respond to the claimant and
guide him in a manner which shall facilitate claims process. He should empathically, that
in the event of a claim, the loss experience might have been painful, frustrating,
agonizing, or even embarrassing.
Next in the process is to obtain adequate information pertaining to the claim to enable its
processing. A claim representative must verify whether the claim is covered under the
insured’s policy. If a question of coverage exists and insurer wishes to investigate, then a
reservation of rights letter might be sent to the insured.
A reservation of rights letter is a notice sent by the insurer to an insured advising that
the insurer is proceeding with investigation of a claim but that the insurer retains its right
to deny coverage later.
Valid and accurate information enables the claim representative to evaluate the claim.
This evaluation hinges on two critical elements of the claim handling process:
Throughout the claim handling process, the claim representative must remember that a
loss often produces strong emotions. Hence, he should ensure that those losses which are
covered as per the policy provisions are promptly and quickly paid and vice versa.
Types of Claim Representatives
An inside claim representative is an employee who handles claims that can be settled,
usually by telephone or letter, from inside the insurer’s office. They handle claims that
are clearly either covered or not covered and that do not involve questions about the
circumstances or validity of the claim. If a third party is involved the inside claim
representative might use a tape recorder to take statements about the loss from the
insured, the claimant and any witness after obtaining their permission to tape their
Independent Adjusters
They are independent claim representatives who offer claim handling services to
insurance companies for a fee. These independent adjusters can be either self employed
or work for an independent adjusting firm.
An agency usually receives the first notification of a claim. Depending upon the size of
the office, the agency can have one person, several people or a department responsible for
handling claims.
If an agent has a draft authority, he or she might actually settle claims.
A Draft is similar to a check, but it requires approval from insurance company before the
bank will pay it.
Draft Authority is given to agents because insurance companies have found that allowing
agents to handle small or routine claims results in both expense saving and increased
goodwill. Since agent is a person who gets all the relevant information about the claim
the delay and expenses involved in contacting the insurance claim staff are eliminated.
This results in reduction in the claim handling expenses both by the agent and the insurer
and it contributes to more competitively priced product.
Public Adjusters
A public adjuster is a person hired by the insured to represent the insured in handling a
claim. Usually insured hires a public adjuster either because of claim is complex in
nature or because of loss negotiation are not progressing satisfactorily.
Many organizations have developed self insurance plans to cover part or all of the loss
exposure. This involves handling of the claim through establishing an internal claim
department or by hiring third party administrator.
A Self Insurance Plan is an arrangement in which an organization pays for its losses
with its own resources rather than purchase an insurance. However, organization might
choose to purchase insurance for losses that exceed a certain limit.
The growth of self insurance plans has created a need for third party administrators who
agree to provide administrative services to other businesses that have self insurance plan
in handling their claims. Large independent adjusting firms sometimes function as TPAs
for self insured business in addition to providing independent claims handling services to
the insurers.
The claim handling procedures can vary widely depending on the type of claim involved.
In case of liability claims it takes years to settle and in case of property claims it might
take few months to settle despite the unique challenges and variations in case to case.
There are three steps that are involved in processing most claims: -
• Investigation
• Valuation
• Negotiation and Settlement.
Step 1: Investigation
When a claim representative receives the initial report of a claim, he or she must
investigate to gather further information relevant to the loss. This investigation is
necessary to determine the cause of loss, to assess the damage, and to verify the coverage.
For a property insurance claim investigation involves visiting the site to inspect the
damaged property in determining the cause of loss and assessing the damage occurred.
Investigation must reveal sufficient information to verify whether the coverage exists
under the policy and the physical condition of the property before the loss occurred.
Assessing damages involve such activities as valuation of the property damaged by
verifying the market value, bills of purchase, other books of records, etc., as required on a
case-to-case basis.
Verifying Coverage
In addition to determining the facts surrounding the loss the claim representative must
determine the coverage provided by the policy will pay any or all claims submitted.
Following are the checklist of questions which forms part of verifying the coverage: -
Step 2: Valuation
For a claim representative the valuation of loss can be most difficult aspect of settling
property insurance claims. In order to indemnify the insured according to the policy
provisions, the claim representative must be able to answer two questions: -
All property insurance policies include a valuation provision that specifies how to value
covered property at the time of loss. The most common property valuation methods are: -
Actual Cash Value is the replacement cost of the property minus depreciation.
Depreciation is the allowance for physical wear and tear or technological or economic
Replacement Cost is the cost to repair or replace the property using new material or like
kind and quality with no deduction for depreciation.
Agreed Value is a method of valuing property in which the insurer and the insured
agreed on the value of property at that time of policy is written, and that amount is stated
in the policy declarations and is the amount the insurer will pay in the event of total loss
to the property.
In commercial lines of insurance, in some policies, the term agreed value has a different
meaning and relates to the amount of insurance that the insured must carry to avoid a
penalty for underinsurance.
Once the claim representative has verified coverage and identified the valuation method
specified in the policy, the valuation process began. He must use some guidelines to
determine both replacement cost and actual cash value. Personal property and real
property present different valuation problems.
Personal Property
In case of replacement cost method the claim representative will buy the exact style and
brand of the damaged property if the property is not obsolete. If the party no longer
available, he identifies the closes substitute in style and quality and uses that substitute’s
value as replacement cost. For actual cash value however depreciation must be
Real Property
The replacement of the real property can be usually determined by using three factors: -
In case of partially damaged property, the claim representative usually prepares a repair
estimate or obtains repair estimates from one or more contractors. Replacing the property
when a partial loss had occurred involves restoring the property to its previous state as
closely as possible.
For policies specifying Actual Cash Value method, claim representative estimates
depreciation of real property using methods similar to those used for estimating
depreciation of personal property. In some claims, payment of ACV takes place
immediately, and payment of remaining amount takes place once the actual repair or
replacement is completed.
After the valuation process is complete, the final part is to arrive at a claim amount which
shall be mutually negotiated and settled between the parties to the insurance contract.
The two other factors that can affect insurer’s cost for property claims: -
• Subrogation
• Salvage rights
Subrogation is an insurer’s right to recover payment from a negligent third party. When
insurer pays an insured for a loss, the insurer assumes the insured’s right to collect
damages from a third party responsible for a loss.
Salvage Rights are the rights of the insurer to recover and sell or otherwise dispose of
insured’s property on which the insurer has paid a total loss or a constructive total loss.
Constructive Total Loss exists when a vehicle (or other property) cannot be repaired for
less than its actual cash value minus the anticipated salvage value.
Liability Claim handling can be complex for several reasons. In liability claims, the
claimant is a third party who has been injured (bodily injury) or whose property has been
damaged by the insured. While it is not always easy to determine the amount of loss in
the property damage liability claims, the problem becomes even more complex when the
loss involves bodily injury or death.
The following points concentrates on the issue of legal responsibility, which lies at the
heart of the liability claim handling process: -
Step 1: Investigation
After receiving the first report of injury or damage, the claim representative must gather
more detailed information relating to the liability claim. The amount of loss will be
relevant only if the loss is covered under the insured’s policy, if the insured is legally
responsible for the loss. The claim representative’s initial emphasis must be on
determining how much and why the loss have occurred and whether it appears that the
insured is responsible.
• Determining how the loss has occurred and assessing the situation
• Verifying Coverage
Step 2: Valuation
When bodily injury is involved, determining the amount of damage often depends on the
medical reports and the opinions of the attending physicians. Properly evaluating this
medical report is critical in determining the amount of damages and is a distinguished
factor in settlement of claims. The evaluation aspect of bodily injury claims requires
experience and skill.
Damage refer to a monetary award that one party is required to pay to another who has
suffered loss or injury for which first party is legally liable.
• Compensatory Damage
• Punitive Damage
Compensatory Damage includes both special and general damages that are intended to
compensate a victim for harm actually suffered.
Special Damages Specific, out of pocket expenses are known as special damages. In
case of bodily injury claims these damages usually include hospital expenses, Doctor and
miscellaneous medical expenses, ambulance charges, prescriptions and loss to wages for
the time spent away from the job during recovery.
General Damages are compensatory damages awarded for losses such pain and
suffering, that do not have a specific economic value.
Punitive Damages are damages awarded by a court to punish wrong doers who, through
malicious or outrageous actions, cause injury damage to others.
While the award for damages might result from court decisions, a very large percentage
of liability cases are settled out of court through negotiations between the claim
representative and the claimant or the claimant’s attorney. If negotiations do not bring
about a settlement, the claimant has option of suing for the alleged damages. The court
then decides who is responsible and determines the value of the injury or damage.
These laws are state laws that specify claim practices that are illegal. The prohibited
claims practices usually include
Elements of a Contract
Insurance Contract, called a policy, is an agreement between the Insured and the Insurer.
An insurance policy must meet the same requirements as a valid contract which is legally
enforceable agreement between two or more parties.
The validity of the contract depends upon four essential elements: -
The One essential element of the contract is that agreement must exist between the parties
of the contract. One party must make a legitimate offer and another party must accept the
offer. In other word there must be mutual assent.
Competent Parties
For the contract to be enforceable, all the parties must be legally competent. In other
words, each party must have legal capacity to make agreement binding. Individuals are
generally considered to be contract and able to enter into legally enforceable contracts
unless they are one or more of the following: -
• Insane
• Under the influence of drug or alcohol
• Minors
Another aspect of legal capacity involves the fact that, in most states, an insurer must be
licensed to do business in the state.
Legal Purpose
The courts might consider a contract to be illegal if its purpose is against the law or
against public policy.
Insurance contracts must involve a legal subject matter. If the property is illegally owned
or illegally possessed goods then it is a invalid contract. In addition, no insurance
contract will remain valid if the wrongful conduct of the Insured causes the operation of
the contract to violate public policy.
Insurance Contracts
• A personal contract
• A conditional contract
• A contract involving the exchange of unequal amounts
• A contract of utmost good faith
• A contract of adhesion
• A contract of indemnity
Personal Contract
The identities of the people insured are extremely relevant to the insurance company,
which has a right to select the insureds with whom it is willing to enter into contractual
agreement. Most insurance policies contain a provision (called assignment) that states
that insurer’s written permission is required before an insured can transfer a policy to
another party.
Conditional Contract
A conditional contract is a contract in which one more parties must perform only under
certain conditions. Coming to insurance contract, for instance, in the event of a loss,
insurer shall pay the same only if covered under policy conditions and insured has certain
duties as to the loss such as immediate notification, etc.,
Insurance contracts can involve exchange of unequal amounts. For instance, in the event
of a claim, it can be such that the claim amount paid is lesser than the premium collected
and vice versa.
Contract of Utmost Good Faith
Utmost Good Faith is the obligation to act in complete honesty. Insurance contracts rely
exclusively on the information provided by the proposer except in cases where the insurer
carries out pre acceptance inspection. Hence it is the duty of the proposer to disclose all
facts material to the subject mater. An Insurance company could be released from a
contract because of concealment or misrepresentation by the insured.
Material Fact
For insurance purposes, a material fact is any information that would affect the insurer’s
underwriting decision to provide or maintain insurance or that would affect claim
Courts have held that the insurer must prove two things in order to establish that
concealment has occurred.
First, it must establish that the failure to disclose information was intentional.
Second, the insurer must establish that the information withheld was material fact.
Contract of Adhesion
A contract of adhesion is a contract in which one party (insured) must adhere to the
agreement as written by the other party (insurer).
If dispute arises between the parties as to words and phrases used in the policy document
which results in ambiguity, the court will generally apply the interpretation that favors
Contract of Indemnity
In a contract of indemnity, the insurer agrees, in the event of covered loss, to pay an
amount directly related to the amount of the loss. Property insurance policies contain a
valuation provision that explains how the value of the insured property is to be
established at the time of loss. Liability insurance policies agree to pay on behalf of the
insured amounts that the insured becomes legally obligated to pay to others.
The principle of indemnity, states that the insured should not be better off financially
after a loss than before. In other words, the insured should not profit from an insurance.
Some insurance contracts are not contracts of indemnity but valued policies.
A valued policy is one in which the insurer pays a stated amount in the event of a
specified loss regardless of the actual value of the loss.
• Declarations
• Definitions
• Insuring Agreements
• Exclusions
• Conditions
• Miscellaneous provisions
The declaration page (also simply called declarations or dec) of an insurance policy is an
information page that provide specific details about the insured and the subject matter of
the insurance, such as
Since insurance policy contains technical terms or words that are used for specific
purpose. Most policies define these terms that have specific meanings with regard to the
coverages provided.
Insuring Agreements
An Insurance agreement in an insurance policy is a statement that the insurer will under
certain circumstances, make a payment or provide service.
Exclusions are policy provisions that eliminate coverage for specified exposures.
Insurance policy contains several conditions relating to the coverage provided. The
insured must generally comply with these conditions if coverage is to apply to a loss.
Miscellaneous Provisions
Insurance policies often contain provisions that do not qualify as one of the policy
components. These miscellaneous provisions sometimes deal with the relationship
between the insured and the insurer, or they might help to establish procedures for
carrying on the terms of the contract.
Standard Forms are insurance forms that contain standardized policy wordings.
Insurance advisory organizations develop standard forms that many insurers use in their
insurance policies. Some insurers develop their own standard forms that they use in
policies for their insureds.
Self-contained policy is a single document that contains all the agreements between the
insurer and the insured that forms a complete policy by itself.
Modular Policies
A Modular Policy consists of several different documents, none of which by itself form a
complete contract. Commercial Package Policies are examples of Modular Policy.
In case of personal auto policy, which contains four coverages in one form, a CPP
combines different forms depending on the coverages, a particular insured purchases. All
CPPs must contain common policy declarations and common policy conditions. The
CPP declarations contains information that applies to the entire policy such as name and
address of the insured, the policy period and the coverages on which the premium has
been paid. The common policy conditions are standard provisions that apply to all CPPs
regardless of the coverage included.
For example, if a business owner wanted to purchase property and liability insurance, the
CPP would include the following documents: -
Conditions common to most property and liability insurance policies, both personal and
commercial, include:
• Cancellation
• Changes
• Duties of the Insured after a loss
• Assignment
• Subrogation
Cancellation refers to the termination of a policy, by either the insurer or the insured,
during the policy period. The cancellation provision states the procedures that must be
followed when cancellation is initiated by the insured or by the insurer. Generally, when
the policy is cancelled by the insured he shall be eligible for a premium refund on short
period basis and when the insurer cancels a policy; he is eligible for a premium on pro-
rata basis.
Many policies contain a policy changes provision that states changes to the policy are
valid if the insurer agrees to change in writing.
A liberalization clause, on the contrary, is a policy condition that provides that if a
policy form is broadened at no additional premium, the broadened coverage
automatically applies to all existing policies of the same type.
There are certain duties which the Insured has to follow in the event of a loss. The first
and the foremost duty shall involve immediate notification of the claim.
The type of cooperation and the duties required depend on the type of coverage provided.
Other duties shall include providing insurer with all the necessary documents such as
bills, statement of accounts, etc., and assist insurers in speedy processing of claim.
Assignment is the transfer of rights or interest in a policy to another party by the insured.
Most policies cannot be assigned without written permission of the insurer.
A Property Loss Exposure is any condition or situation that presents the possibility that a
property loss will happen.
Types of Property
Property is any item with value. One common approach of classifying property is to
distinguish between Real Property and Personal Property.
Real Property consists of land as well as buildings and other structures attached to the
land or embedded in it. The term “real estate” is commonly used to refer to real property.
Personal Property consists of all tangible or intangible property that is not real property.
Insurance practitioners use categories that relate to the insurance treatment of property,
such as: -
• Buildings
• Personal property (contents) contained in buildings
• Money and securities
• Motor vehicles and trailers
• Property in transit
• Ships and their cargo
• Boilers and machinery
These categories are listed separately here because they represent types of property for
which specific forms of insurance have been developed.
Buildings include more than bricks and mortar and other building materials such as
plumbing, wiring, heating and air conditioning equipment, some basic portable
equipment – fire extinguishers, snow shovels, lawn mowers, elevators, specially designed
portable platforms, hoists, tracks for use by window washers, wall to wall carpeting, built
in appliances, or paneling, etc.,
The contents of a typical home include personal property such as furniture, clothing,
televisions, jewelry, paintings and other personal possessions.
Money means currency, coins and bank notes. Traveler’s checks, credit card slips, and
money orders held for sale to the public are also considered money in certain cases.
Securities are written instruments representing either money or other property. Stocks
and bonds, for example, are securities.
For insurance purposes, money and securities are classified separately from other types of
contents because their characteristics present special features / problems.
To identify property loss exposures, Motor Vehicles and Trailers are broadly categorized
as under: -
In insurance, Auto is a broad term that includes cars, trucks, buses and other motorized
vehicles designed for use on public roads.
Recreational Vehicles are vehicles used for ports and recreational activities. Examples
include dune buggies and all-terrain vehicles.
Property in Transit
A great deal of property is transported by truck, but property is also moved in cars, buses,
trains, airplanes and ships. These property in transit are exposed to several losses such as
breakage, damage, leakage, fire, explosion, etc.,
Ships and their cargo are exposed to special perils not encountered in other means of
transit. For example, ships that operate along coastal waters can run aground, leaving the
cargo stranded. Moreover ocean cargoes fluctuate in their values according to their
Many businesses have objects that can be classified as Boilers and Machinery. Steam
Boilers, Domestic Boilers, unfired pressure vessels such as air tanks; refrigerating and air
Conditioning equipments; mechanical equipments such as compressors and turbines;
production equipment; and electrical equipment, transformers and other electrical
apparatus are all examples of boilers and machinery.
• They are susceptible to explosion or breakdown that can result in serious financial
• They are less likely to have explosions or breakdowns if they are periodically
inspected and properly maintained.
A cause of loss (or peril) is the actual means by which property is damaged or destroyed.
Examples include fire, lighting, windstorm, hail and theft.
Named perils are listed and described in the policy. Only losses caused by those listed
perils are covered.
Special form coverage (also called open perils) provides coverage for “risk of direct loss’
to property; In other words, coverage is provided for any direct loss to property unless the
loss is caused by a peril specifically excluded by the policy.
Hazard is anything that increases the likelihood of a loss or the possible severity of a loss.
An important difference between named perils and special form (“all-risks”) coverage
involves the burden of proof.
• With a named perils policy, for coverage to apply, the insured must prove that the
loss was caused by a covered cause of loss.
• With a special form coverage policy, if a loss to covered property occurs, it is
initially assumed that coverage applies. However, coverage may be denied if the
insurer can prove that the loss was caused by an excluded cause of loss.
The adverse financial effects of a property loss might occur in one or more ways: -
If the property can be repaired or restored, the reduction in value can be measured by the
cost of the repair or restoration. Property that must be replaced has no remaining worth,
unless some salvageable items can be sold as junk. If an item is lost, is stolen, or
otherwise disappears, its value to the owner is reduced just as though it had been
destroyed and retained no salvage value.
A further reduction in value might occur if repaired property is worth less than it would
be if it had never been damaged.
Property might have a few different “values” depending on the method by which the
value is determined. The most common valuation measures used in insurance policies
are replacement cost and actual cash value and also Agreed Value.
Lost Income
When property is damaged, income might be lost because the income producing capacity
of the property is reduced or terminated until the property is repaired, restored or
Determining the amount of business income that might be lost due to a property loss
requires estimating the future level of activity of an organization and doing a “what if”
analysis. This analysis involves projections of the organization’s revenues and expenses
in normal circumstances to determine the amount of income that would be lost in the
event of a property loss that disrupts normal operations. The comparison of projected
revenues and expenses reveals the potential loss of income.
Rental property also poses a similar situation because rental income would be lost, if the
property were damaged and the owner would continue to incur some expenses such as
mortgage payments, taxes, etc.,
Increased Expenses
When a property is damaged, in addition to the declination in value, the owner or the
other user might incur increased expenses in acquiring a temporary substitute or in
temporarily maintaining the property in usable condition.
Parties Affected by Property Losses
When a property of some value is lost, damaged or destroyed, the owner of the property
incurs a financial loss because of the cost of repairing or replacing the property.
Secured Lenders
When money is borrowed to finance the purchase of a property, the lender usually
acquires some conditional rights to the property, such as the right to repossess the
property, if the owner fails to make payments. Such a lender is therefore called a Secured
Lender or a Secured Creditor.
When properties are made collateral securities to borrow money, the secured lender is
called a mortgagee (or mortgage holder) and the borrower is a mortgagor.
In the event of a mortgage agreement, both the parties are exposed to loss. Property
insurance policies generally protect the secured lender’s interest in the financed property
by naming the lender on the insurance policy and by giving the lender certain rights
under the policy.
Users of Property
Some event result in losses to users of the damaged property, eventhough, the users do
not own the property. Payment of higher rent for alternate accommodation in the event
of damage to the leased building by the user, etc., are all examples.
Some parties are responsible for the safekeeping of property they do not own. Dry
cleaners, TV repair shops, common carriers, and many other businesses temporarily hold
property belonging to others. Holders of property entrusted to them by others are called
Property Insurance Policy provisions
Property Insurance is any type of insurance that indemnifies an insured who suffers a
financial loss because property has been lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed.
Property Insurance policies must specify exactly which property loss exposures are
covered – that is, the types and locations of property, cause of loss, and financial
consequences that are covered. Policies must also state what parties are covered and how
the value of insured property will be determined.
An insurance policy must carefully specify the property that is covered and where the
property is covered.
Many types of property insurance are designed primarily to cover buildings and personal
property. Stating the location of the property covered poses certain challenges. One
challenge lies in describing precisely what is and is not covered under an insurance policy
that provides building coverage. Another challenge lies in the fact that buildings and
personal property do not necessarily remain at a fixed location. Portions of the building
might be removed from the premises for repair or storage.
Other types of property insurance policies are designed to cover personal property that
often moves from place to place. Floaters are policies that are designed to cover
property that “floats” or moves fro location to location. Examples of such property are
camera, fur, jewelry, etc.,
A typical policy on a dwelling covers the “residence premises”, which is defined as the
location shown in the policy declarations. This shall also usually include structures
attached to the dwelling and materials and supplies located next to the building used to
construct, alter or repair. The coverage for residence premises does not apply to land.
“Structures attached to the dwelling” include an attached garage or carport. A
freestanding, detached structure is not part of the dwelling. A separate insuring
agreement for “other structures” covers such detached items. The need for separate
insurance agreement is that different policy limits (dollar amounts of insurance) apply for
dwelling and other structures.
Building and Other Structures
In commercial insurance, a permanent structure with walls and roof is usually called a
building. Other outdoor structures, such as carports, antenna towers, and swimming
pools, might not be buildings and should insured separately.
Personal Property
Although buildings and personal property can be insured in the same policy, they are
treated as separate coverage items. The reason being that an operation of an insured peril
in building can also definitely affect personal property and vice versa.
On the other hand, because personal property can be moved more easily than buildings, it
is exposed to additional perils such as theft. In addition, items such as valuable papers,
securities, accounts, computer programs, fine arts, stamps, give rise to loss exposures that
require special handling.
Exclusions eliminate all coverage for excluded property or causes of loss, limitations
place a specific dollar limit on specific property that is covered.
Business personal property also includes personal property in the open (or in a vehicle)
within 100 feet of the described premises.
Commercial property policies often include an additional coverage (known as a
“coverage extension”) that provides a certain limit, such as $10,000, of coverage for
property off-premises in the specified policy territory.
Autos are generally beyond the scope property insurance policies. Most auto insurance
policies do not cover personal while transported in autos, but some provide a minimal
amount of coverage for “personal effects”.
Non-owned Properties
Homeowners’ policies provide coverage for the personal property of others, such as
guests or residence employees, while the property is in the insured’s home.
Moveable Property
Business personal property also includes personal property in the open (or in a vehicle)
within 100 feet of the described premises.
The various types of crime losses, such as burglary and robbery, are covered by crime
insurance policies as well as by some package policies; special types of policies or
endorsements can cover losses from earthquake and flood
Personal and commercial property insurance policies on buildings and personal property
are available with three different degrees of coverage:
Fire is one of the most serious causes of loss, but not every fire cause loss. A gas fire in a
kitchen oven, an oil fire in a furnace, and a wood fire in a fireplace serve a specific
purpose and cause no loss-unless they blaze out of control. These are called a friendly
fire that stays in its intended place. A hostile fire on the contrary is a fire that leaves its
intended policy.
Some fires ensue from another peril. Lightning might strike a house and set it on fire. It
is standard practice that policies covering fire also cover loss caused by lightning.
These policies also include damage resulting from those conditions accompanying the
fire (such as heat and smoke) and those events that can be linked to the fire in an
unbroken chain of causation (such as collapse resulting from the fire or water damage
caused by fire fighters).
When these conditions occur because of a fire, the fire is considered the proximate cause
of the entire loss. The proximate cause of a loss is the event that sets in motion an
uninterrupted chain of events contributing to the loss.
Windstorm includes hurricanes and tornadoes. Less severe winds can also cause damage.
Water damage due to flood, waves, or spray sometimes accompanies a windstorm. Many
insurance policies cover windstorm damage but not water damage, unless wind causes an
opening to the structure through which water enters.
Hail consists of ice particles created by freezing atmosphere conditions. Hailstones the
size of marbles, golf balls, or baseballs can cause substantial damages to the insured
property. Light hail can cause damage to standing grain, blossoms on fruit trees.
Aircraft damage occurs when all or part of an airplane or satellite strikes property on the
Vehicle Damage
Vehicle Damage is a damage done by a motor vehicle to some other kind of property.
Both terms approximately refer to the same kind of unruly mob behavior.
The sudden or accidental release of large amounts of smoke can result in considerable
damage. When the smoke is resultant cause of a fire, fire is usually considered as a
proximate cause. All insurance policies covering fire damage also covers smoke.
However, the sudden malfunction of an oil-burning furnace might result in the discharge
of clouds of grimy, sooty smoke, which is usually excluded from the scope of insurance.
Sprinkler Leakage
Sprinkler leakage is the accidental leakage or discharge of water or other substance from
an automatic sprinkler system.
Sinkhole collapse is a cause of loss involving damage by the sudden sinking or collapse
of land into underground empty spaces created by the action of water or limestone or
Mine subsidence is a cause of loss involving the sinking of ground surface when
underground open spaces, resulting from the extraction of coal or other minerals, are
gradually filled in by rock and earth from above.
Volcanic Action
Volcanic Action is a cause of loss by lava flow, ash, dust, particulate matter, airborne
volcanic blast, or airborne shock waves resulting from a volcanic eruption.
Many property insurance policies used to specifically exclude losses caused by volcanic
eruption. However, since there were no volcanoes considered active in the continental
United States, specific reference to volcanoes began to disappear from insurance policies
as they were revised and simplified.
• Breakage of glass
• Falling objects
• Weight of snow, ice or sleet
• Sudden and accidental water damage.
Many property insurance policies provide an additional coverage for loss or damage
involving collapse, but only if caused by one or more of the basic or broad causes of
Other covered causes of collapse are hidden decay; hidden damage by insects or vermin;
weight of people or contents; weight of rain that collects on a roof; and use of defective
material or methods in construction, remodeling, or renovation if the collapse occurs
during the construction, remodeling, or renovation.
Crime Perils
E.g.: - A break-in is a burglary; a purse snatching or a holdup is a robbery; and both are
Insurance policies that provide auto physical damage coverage (property coverage for
autos) offer the following types of coverage:
• Collision
• Other than collision (also called comprehensive)
• Specified causes of loss (used primarily in commercial auto policies)
Collision covers damage to an insured motor vehicle caused by its impact with another
vehicle or object or by its upset or overturn.
Other than collision (or Comprehensive) is a type of open perils (all-risks) because it
covers any “direct and accidental loss” that is not caused by collision and is not
specifically excluded such as fire, theft, vandalism, falling objects, flood and various
other perils.
Some perils that affect a great many people at the same time are generally considered to
be uninsurable by insurance companies, since the resulting losses would be so
widespread that the funds of the entire insurance business might be inadequate to pay all
of the claims.
For this reason, almost all property insurance policies exclude coverage for losses from
catastrophes such war and allied perils, nuclear reaction and allied perils, Act of God
perils like earthquake, flood losses, etc.,
Maintenance Perils
Such losses are generally uninsurable because they either are certain to occur, over time,
or are avoidable through regular maintenance and care.
Property losses can lead to any or all of the following financial consequences: -
Direct loss is a reduction in the value of property that results directly and often
immediately from damage to that property.
Time Element (Indirect) Loss
These include loss of income or extra expenses resulting from direct loss to property.
This type of loss is called “time element” because it takes place over a period of time
such as days, weeks, months or even years following a direct loss.
Lost Income
Business income insurance protects a business from income lost because of a covered
direct loss to its building or personal property.
Covered business income includes the organization’s net profit (income minus expenses)
that would have been earned if the insured property had not been damaged.
It also includes the operating expenses that continue while the business is interrupted.
Extra Expenses
These are expenses that reduce the length of a business interruption or enable a business
to continue some operations when the property has been damaged by a covered cause of
This is a coverage in homeowners policies that indemnifies the insured for the additional
expenses incurred following a covered property loss so that the household can maintain
its normal standard of living while the dwelling is uninhabitable.
Depending on the policy terms and conditions, property insurance can protect the insured
and sometimes other parties that have an insurable interest in the property and that suffer
a financial loss because covered property is lost, damaged or destroyed.
The named insured is the policyholder whose name(s) appears on the declarations page of
an insurance policy.
In personal insurance, it also generally includes spouse even if not named in the policy.
However, coverage for the spouse of a named insured depends on the policy definition of
“named insured” and generally requires that the spouse live in the same household as the
named insured.
The first named insured is the person or organization whose name appears first as the
named insured on a commercial insurance policy and who, depending on the policy
conditions, might be the one responsible for paying premiums and the one who has the
right to receive any return premiums, to cancel the policy, and to receive the notice of
cancellation or renewal.
Secured Lenders
The insurable interest of such lenders is protected when they are listed in the policy.
Until the loan is paid in full, the lender has an insurable interest in the property because
destruction of the property could cause a financial loss to the lender.
The mortgage clause (or mortgage holders clause) of a property insurance policy
protects the insurable interest of the mortgagee by giving it certain rights, such as the
right to be named on claim drafts for losses to insured property and the right to be
notified in the event of policy cancellation.
The mortgagee has the following rights under the mortgage clause of the building
owner’s insurance policy: -
• The insurer promises to pay covered claims to both the named insured and the
mortgagee as their interests appear (that is to the extent of each party’s insurable
• The insurer promises to notify the mortgagee before any policy cancellation or
non-renewal. The notice enables the mortgagee to replace the policy with other
• If the insurer cancels the policy and neglects to inform the mortgagee, the
mortgagee’s interest is still protected, even if the named insured no longer has
• So that the policy will remain in effect, the mortgagee has the right to pay the
premium to the insurer if the insured fails to pay the premium.
• In case of loss, the mortgagee may file a claim if the insured does not.
• If a claim is denied because the insured did not comply with the terms of the
policy, the mortgagee may still collect under the policy.
Loss Payee
A loss payee is a lender, named on an insurance policy, who has loaned money on
personal property, such as a car.
A loss payable clause provides that a loss will be paid to both the insured and the loss
payee as their interests appear and gives the loss payee certain rights. However, a loss
payable clause does not extend as many rights to the lender as does a mortgage clause.
Many property insurance policies provide coverage to parties who are neither named
insureds nor secured lenders and following are few examples: -
• A homeowners policy can provide coverage for property owned by relatives and
other persons under the age of twenty-one who reside in the named insured’s
• A homeowners policy can provide coverage for property belonging to guests,
residence employees, and others while it is in the named insured’s home.
• A commercial property policy providing coverage on the named insured’s
personal property can also provide limited coverage for (1) the personal effects of
officers, partners, or employees and (2) personal property of others in the care,
custody, or control of the insured.
• A personal auto policy can provide coverage for collision damage if the named
insured borrows a car belonging to somebody else, the car sustains collision
damage and the owner of the borrowed car has no insurance.
In the above examples, the other parties do not enter into the insurance contract with the
insurer, and they have no specific rights to collect under someone else’s policy.
However, the named insured can request that the insurer pay claims of this type.
Amounts of Recovery
• Policy limits
• Valuation provisions
• Settlement options
• Deductibles
• Insurance-to-value provisions
• “Other insurance” provisions
Policy limits
When buying property insurance, the applicant usually requests a certain dollar amount
of coverage. If the insurer agrees to provide that amount of coverage, the policy limit is
established and the same is entered into the policy.
It is the maximum amount of money that can be recovered under a policy. It also enables
insured to know whether his property is adequately covered or whether there is any under
On the other hand, it shows insurer the maximum amount he has to pay in the event of a
claim under the policy. This enables insurance companies to keep a track of their
operation effectiveness in a given geographical area.
For most property insurance, the premium charged is directly related to the policy limit.
Valuation Provisions
The two most common valuation approaches in property insurance policies are
replacement cost and actual cash value. A third approach, used for certain types of
property, involves agreed value.
Settlement Options
• Paying the value (as determined by the valuation provision) of the lost or
damaged property.
• Paying the cost to repair or replace the property (if repair or replacement is
• Repairing, rebuilding, or replacing the property with other property of like kind
and quality.
These options for settling property losses can often reduce the insurer’s cost of settling
claims without diminishing the insured’s actual indemnification.
A deductible is a portion of covered loss that is not paid by the insurer. The deductible is
subtracted from the amount the insurer would otherwise be obligated to pay the insured.
Deductibles encourage insured to try to prevent losses. Shifting the cost of small claims
to the insured also enables the insurer to reduce premiums. Handling claims for small
amounts often costs more than the dollar amount of the claim. Thus, deductibles enable
people to purchase coverage for serious losses at a reasonable price without unnecessarily
involving the insurer in small losses.
Insurance-to-Value Provisions
These are provisions in property insurance policies that encourage insureds to purchase
an amount of insurance that is equal to, or close to, the value of the covered property.
Few losses are total. Unless all insureds purchase an amount of insurance close to the
full value of their property, some insureds will pay considerably less for what provides, in
most cases, the same recovery for a loss.
In cases, where more than one insurance policy exists covering the same property, “Other
Insurance” provision in a policy will prevent insured from profiting out of a claim from
all the policies covering the property.
Chapter 9
A liability loss is a claim for monetary damages because of injury to another party or
damage to another party’s property.
Liability claims might result from bodily injury, property damage, libel, slander,
humiliation, defamation, invasion of privacy and similar occurrences.
Legal Liability
Legal liability means that a person or organization is legally responsible, or liable, for
injury or damage suffered by another person or organization.
Sources of Law
The legal system in the United States derives essentially from the following: -
Constitutional Law
Constitutional law consists of the Constitution itself and all the decisions of the Supreme
Court that involve the Constitution.
Statutory Law
Statutory law consists of the formal laws, or statues enacted by federal, state, or local
legislative bodies.
Common Law
Common law or case law consists of a body of principles and rules established over time
by courts on case-by-case basis.
Criminal law is the category of law that applies to wrongful acts that society deems so
harmful to the public welfare that government takes the responsibility for prosecuting and
punishing the wrongdoers.
Crimes are punishable by fines, imprisonment, or, in some states, even death.
Civil Law is the category of law that deals with the rights and responsibilities of citizens
with respect to one another. Civil law applies to legal matters not governed by criminal
Civil law protects personal and property rights. If some invades the privacy or property
of another person or harms another’s reputation, the insured person may seek amends in
court. Thus Civil law contributes to the welfare and safety of society.
Criminal and civil law do not necessarily deal with entirely different matters. A
particular act can often have both criminal and civil law consequences.
A liability loss exposure involves the possibility of one party becoming legally
responsible for injury or harm to another party.
• The legal basis of a claim by one party against another for damages
• The financial consequences that might occur from a liability loss
Legal Basis of a Liability Claim
For an injured property to have a right of recovery from another party, some principle of
law must create a link between the two parties. This link can appear in tort law, in
contract law, or in statutory law. Any law or legal principle that establishes a relationship
between the two parties can be the basis for a claim of liability.
A legal right of
Can be based on
| | |
A tort is a wrongful act, other than a crime or breach of contract, committed by one party
against another.
Tort law is the branch of civil law that deals with civil wrongs other than breaches of
contract. The central concern of tort law is determining responsibility for injury or
Under tort law, an individual or organization can face a claim for legal liability on the
basis any of the following: -
• Negligence
• Intentional torts
• Absolute torts
Types of Torts
Vicarious liability is legal responsibility that occurs when one party is held liable for the
actions of another party. For example, parents might be found vicariously liable for the
actions of their minor children.
Intentional Torts
An intentional tort is a deliberate act (other than a breach of contract) that causes harm to
another person. Intentional torts include: -
Absolute Liability
Absolute liability (sometimes called strict liability) is legal liability that arises from
inherently dangerous activities or dangerously defective products that result in injury or
harm to another, regardless of how much care was used in the activity. Absolute liability
does not require proof of negligence. (“Strict liability” is also used to describe the
liability imposed by certain statutes, such as workers compensation laws).
A contract is a legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties. Contract law
enables an injured party to seek recovery because another party has breached a duty
voluntarily accepted in a contract. In such a case, it is the specific contract, rather than
law in general, that the court interprets.
Two areas of contract law important to insurance are liability assumed under a contract
and breach of warranty.
Parties to a contract sometimes find it convenient for one party to assume the financial
consequences of certain types of liability faced by the other. The party assuming liability
might be closer to the scene, exercise more control over operations, or have the ability to
respond to claims more efficiently.
A hold harmless agreement is a contractual provision that obligates one party to assume
the legal liability of another party. This provision requires that one party to “hold
harmless and indemnify” the other party against liability arising from the activity (or
product) that is specified in the contract.
Breach of Warranty
The law of contracts also governs claims arising from breach of warranty. Contracts for
sales of goods include warranties, or promises made by the seller. The law also implies
certain warranties. The buyer in such contracts does not have to prove negligence on the
part of the seller. The fact that the product does not work shows that the contract was not
Statutory liability is legal liability imposed by a specific statute or law. Statutory liability
exists because of specific statues. Although common law may cover a particular
situation, statutory law may extend, restrict, or clarify the rights of injured parties in that
situation or similar ones. One reason for such legislation is the attempt to ensure
adequate compensation for injuries without lengthy disputes over who is at fault.
Prominent examples of this kind of statutory liability involve no-fault auto laws and
workers compensation laws.
In an effort to reduce the number of lawsuits resulting from auto accidents, some states
have enacted “no-fault” laws. These laws recognize the inevitability of auto accidents
and restrict or eliminate the right to sue the other party in an accident, except serious
cases defined by the law. Victims with less serious injuries collect their out-of-pocket
expenses from their own insurance companies without the need for expensive legal
Such a statute eliminates an employee’s right to sue the employer for most work-related
injuries and also imposes on the employer automatic (strict) liability to pay specified
In place of the common law principle of negligence, workers compensation laws create a
system in which injured employees receive benefits specified in these laws. As long as
the injury is work-related, the employer pays the specified benefits regardless of who is at
A person must sustain some definite harm for a liability loss to result in a valid claim. To
those who can show that actual harm or injury was suffered, the court may award
damages in addition to the reimbursement of defense costs.
Damage refer to a monetary award that one party is required to pay to another who has
suffered loss or injury for which first party is legally liable.
• Compensatory Damage
• Punitive Damage
Compensatory Damage includes both special and general damages that are intended to
compensate a victim for harm actually suffered.
Special Damages Specific, out of pocket expenses are known as special damages. In
case of bodily injury claims these damages usually include hospital expenses, Doctor and
miscellaneous medical expenses, ambulance charges, prescriptions and loss to wages for
the time spent away from the job during recovery.
General Damages are compensatory damages awarded for losses such pain and
suffering, that do not have a specific economic value.
Punitive Damages are damages awarded by a court to punish wrong doers who, through
malicious or outrageous actions, cause injury damage to others.
Defense Costs
These costs include not only the fees paid to lawyers but also all the other expenses
associated with defending a liability claim. Such expenses can include investigation
expenses, expert witness fees, the premiums for necessary bonds, and other expenses
incurred to prepare for and conduct a trial.
Activities and Situations Leading to Liability Loss Exposures
Although the following list is far from exhaustive, liability can arise from any of the
following exposures: -
Liability Insurance covers losses resulting from bodily injury to others or damage to the
property of others for which the insured is legally liable and to which the coverage
Liability insurance differs from property insurance in several ways: -
• Property insurance claims usually involve only two parties – the insurer and the
insured. Liability insurance involve three parties; the insurer, the insured and a
third party – the claimant who brings a legal complaint against the insured for
injury or damage allegedly caused by the insured. Although the claimant is not a
party to the insurance contract, he or she is a party to the claim settlement.
• In property insurance, insurers pay claims to an insured when covered property is
damaged by a covered cause of loss during the period. In liability insurance, on
the other hand, insurer pays a third party on behalf of an insured against whom a
claim has been made, provided the claim is covered by the policy.
• Property insurance policies must clarify which property and causes of loss the
policy covers. In contrast, liability insurance policies must indicate the activities
and types of injury or damage that are covered.
In order to clarify the intent of the insuring agreement, the provisions of a liability
insurance policy must answer the following questions:
The extent of liability coverage provided to parties other than the named insured is
determined by their relationship to the named insured as well as by circumstances.
For example, the liability coverage of a typical homeowners policy applies to:
• The named insured and the named insured’s spouse, if the spouse is a resident in
the household.
• Relatives of the named insured or spouse, if the relatives reside in the household
• Children in the care of the named insured or spouse
• Any person or organization legally responsible for animals or watercraft owned
by an insured (except in business situations)
• Employees using a covered vehicle, such as a lawn tractor, and other people using
a covered vehicle on an insured location with the named insured’s consent.
Commercial liability policies, apart from the named insured, also cover: -
In contrast, general liability insurance covers all activities or sources of liability that are
not specifically excluded. In addition to excluding coverage for losses best handled
elsewhere, general liability insurance policies contain exclusions dealing with
uninsurable exposures, preventable losses, and exposures that would be too costly to
Bodily Injury
Bodily injury is any physical injury to a person, including sickness, disease and death.
“Bodily injury” means bodily injury, sickness or disease sustained by a person, including
death resulting from any of these at any time.
Given the above definition, the commercial general liability policy clarifies that it covers
claims for injury, sickness, disease and death.
Property Damage
Property Damage is physical injury to, destruction of, or loss of use of tangible property.
a. Physical injury to tangible property, including all resulting loss of use that
property; or
b. Loss of use of tangible property that is not physically injured.
“Property damage” means physical injury to, destruction of, or loss of use of tangible
Hence the above definitions make it clear that property damage includes both direct
losses and time element (or indirect) losses.
Personal Injury
In insurance, the term personal injury is generally used to mean injury, other than bodily
injury, arising from intentional torts such as libel, slander, or invasion of privacy.
For insurance purposes, intentional torts are usually considered personal injury offenses
and are either excluded from coverage or are specifically covered as a separate coverage.
A few policies define personal injury in a way that includes even bodily injury apart from
the offenses listed above.
However, the more common interpretation allows for separate coverage for bodily injury
and personal injury, in which case personal injury coverage supplements bodily injury
coverage. For example, the commercial general liability policy automatically includes
personal injury coverage under a separate insuring agreement. Coverage for personal
injury liability can be added by endorsement to a homeowners policy.
Advertising Injury
Some policies also cover other costs, such as supplementary payments and medical
A person who has suffered bodily injury, property damage, or personal injury for which
the insured is allegedly responsible might make a claim for damages. The claim is often
settled out of court, and the insurer pays the claimant on behalf of the insured.
• Compensatory Damage
• Punitive Damage
Compensatory Damage includes both special and general damages that are intended to
compensate a victim for harm actually suffered.
Special Damages Specific, out of pocket expenses are known as special damages. In
case of bodily injury claims these damages usually include hospital expenses, Doctor and
miscellaneous medical expenses, ambulance charges, prescriptions and loss to wages for
the time spent away from the job during recovery.
General Damages are compensatory damages awarded for losses such pain and
suffering, that do not have a specific economic value.
Punitive Damages are damages awarded by a court to punish wrong doers who, through
malicious or outrageous actions, cause injury damage to others.
Most liability insurance policies do not specifically state whether punitive damages,
intended to punish the insured for some outrageous conduct, are covered. There are
certain State Laws that prohibit insurance coverage for punitive damages.
These costs include not only the fees paid to lawyers but also all the other expenses
associated with defending a liability claim. Such expenses can include investigation
expenses, expert witness fees, the premiums for necessary bonds, and other expenses
incurred to prepare for and conduct a trial.
The insurer is obligated to defend an insured only when the claimant alleges that injury or
damage caused by a covered activity of the insured.
The expenses incurred for the defense, known, as Litigation Expenses are the expenses
incurred for legal defense, such as attorneys’ fees, expert witness fees, and the cost of
legal research.
Supplementary Payments
In liability policies, supplementary payments are amounts the insurer agrees to pay (in
addition to the liability limits) for items such as premiums on bail bonds and appeal
bonds, loss of the insured’s earnings because of attendance at trials, and other reasonable
expenses incurred by the insured at the insurer’s request.
Prejudgment Interest
Prejudgment Interest is interest that might accrue on damages before a judgment has been
Postjudgment Interest
Postjudgment Interest is interest that might accrue on damages after a judgment has been
entered in a court and before the money is paid.
Medical Payments
Medical payments coverage pays necessary medical expenses incurred within a specified
period by a claimant (and in certain policies, by an insured) for a covered injury,
regardless of whether the insured was at fault.
Personal auto insurance is usually written for a six-month term. Other types of liability
insurance are usually written for a one-year period, though other policy terms are also
A liability insurance policy states what must happen during the policy period in order to
“trigger” coverage. Depending on the type of policy, coverage is usually triggered by
• Events that occur during the policy period (in an occurrence basis policy)
• Claims made (submitted) during the policy period (in a claims – made policy)
Occurrence basis coverage covers liability claims that occur during the policy period,
regardless of when the claim is submitted to the insurer.
Occurrence policies do not limit the time period during which a claim can be submitted.
As long as the injury or damage occurs during the policy period, coverage applies even to
claims made years later.
Claims-Made Coverage
Claims-made coverage liability claims that made (submitted) during the policy period for
covered events that occur on or after the retroactive date and before the end of the policy
Because of period renewals and the possibility that the insured will shift coverage from
insurer to another, maintaining continuous coverage without gaps is perhaps the greatest
difficulty with claims-made coverage.
The extent of the insurer’s payment depends on the following types of policy provisions:
• Policy limits
• Defense Cost provisions
• “Other insurance” provisions
Policy limits
• An each person limit is the maximum amount an insurer will pay for injury to
any one person for a covered loss.
• An each occurrence limit is the maximum amount an insurer will pay for all
covered losses from a single occurrence, regardless of the number of persons
injured or the number of parties claiming property damage.
• An aggregate limit is the maximum amount an insurer will pay for all covered
losses during the covered policy period.
Split limits are separate limits that an insurer will pay for bodily injury and for property
A single limit of liability is the maximum amount an insurer will pay for the insured’s
liability for both bodily injury and property damage that arise from a single occurrence.
There are certain policies which states that defense costs should be within the overall
policy limit.
In cases, where more than one insurance policy exists covering the same property, “Other
Insurance” provision in a policy will prevent insured from profiting out of a claim from
all the policies covering the property.
Chapter 10
Risk Management is the process of making and implementing decisions to deal with
loss exposures. It involves identifying loss exposures and then applying various
techniques to eliminate, control, finance, or transfer those exposures.
Identifying Analyzing
Loss control:
Loss prevention
Loss reduction
Noninsurance transfer
3. Selecting the most appropriate techniques
To handle loss exposures, a risk manager must first identify them. Identifying Loss
Exposures involves developing a complete list of loss exposures and possible accidental
losses that can affect a particular household or organization.
The risk manager can start with a physical inspection of the premises and then use other
tools that aid in the identification process, such as loss exposure surveys and flow charts.
Physical Inspection
The most straight forward method of identifying loss exposure is a physical inspection of
all locations, operations, maintenance routines, safety practices, work processes and other
Loss Exposure Survey
A loss exposure survey can be a valuable tool to help the risk manager identify the
organization’s loss exposures.
The survey’s major weakness is that it might omit an important exposure, especially if
the organization has unique operations not included on a standard survey form. Hence,
the survey must be used as a guide to develop a comprehensive picture of the
organization’s operations and loss exposures.
A flowchart is a diagram that depicts the flow of a particular operation or set of related
operations within an organization.
Risk managers can use a flow chart to identify specific types of loss exposures. A
flowchart complements the loss exposure survey by providing a diagram of loss
exposures from certain operations. Also it forces the risk manager to examine each and
every aspect of the operation in detail.
Analyzing loss exposures involves determining the financial effect of a potential loss on
the household or organization. To determine the financial effect of losses, a risk manager
needs to measure both the likely frequency and the severity of the loss.
Loss Frequency
Loss frequency is a term used to indicate how often losses occur or are expected to occur.
Loss frequency is used to predict the likelihood of similar losses in the future.
Loss Severity
Loss severity is a term that refers to the dollar amount of damages that results or might
result from loss exposures. Loss severity is used to predict how costly future losses are
likely to be.
Properly estimating loss severity is essential in order to treat the exposure to loss. This
also enables on adopting of type of risk management technique.
Most property loss has a finite value and hence it is easy to estimate loss severity of a
property loss than a liability loss.
Financial management standards typically call for making those choices that promise to
increase profits and/or operating efficiency.
Implementation of the chosen technique requires that risk manager make decisions
Once the selection of technique is over, the risk manager must workout the details of how
to implement them.