Rubric For Essay Evaluation
Rubric For Essay Evaluation
Rubric For Essay Evaluation
CRITERIA 1 2 3 4
Format _includes typed _includes typed final, __includes typed missing
final, prewrite or prewrite or outline, final, prewrite/ prewrite/outline, draft
outline, marked marked draft, & Works outline, draft, & or Works Cited;
draft, & Works Cited in prescribed Works Cited, but insufficient editing of
Cited in prescribed format insufficient editing draft or outline;
format of draft; several numerous errors in
errors in prescribed format
Understanding of writing shows writing shows strong, writing shows _writing shows little or
literature/ texts unusual insight clear understanding adequate no understanding of text
understanding understanding but
may be too general
or superficial
Idea __ presents fresh presents an effective presents a clearly poorly defined or
Development thesis in an thesis and development defined thesis, but inconsistent
original manner using a consistent, the development is development of thesis
while displaying careful manner too general or may that displays little insight
unusual insight incorporating examples not be marked by
Text Support _more than adequate/some errors in inadequate/several _inadequate/numerous
adequate/correct MLA format; generally errors in MLA errors in MLA format;
MLA format; smooth embedding format; some faulty ineffective embedding
smooth embedding
Organizational strong, interesting; organized; clear somewhat no attempt at
Pattern clear beg/middle/end; clear organized; attempt organization; lacks clear
beg/middle/end; thesis that is marked onat beg/middle/end; beg/middle/ end; thesis
strong thesis that draft thesis is weak or lacking or inappropriate
is marked on draft unclear - not - not marked on draft
marked on draft
Word Choice _ fresh/vigorous; vivid/interesting; attempt appropriate but not simple/vague; appears
contributes to to establish "voice" __ specific or vivid; to lack "voice"
"voice" __ very limited use of 1 and weak "voice" __ _excessive use of 1stand
limited use of 2nd person & "to be" weak attempt to 2nd person & "to be"
st nd
1 and 2 person & verbs limit use of 1st and verbs
"to be" verbs 2nd person & "to be"
Sentence correct/varied _ correct, but lacks sometimes incorrect frequent errors & lacks
Structure variety & lacks variety variety
Transitional smooth & somewhat smooth & many not smooth & not used &/or frequent
Devices effective; marked generally effective; most some errors in errors in usage; many
on draft marked on draft usage; many not not marked on draft
marked on draft
Language very few (if any) few errors; generally well several errors; numerous errors;
Mechanics errors; very well proofread requires additional appears not to have
proofread proofreading been proofread