Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Q: Name the various proofs for the existence of God. Discuss which argument is the strongest one in your opinion .
Answer: This question of proof for existence of god is often raised in gatherings and humans acknowledge this fact that a
superior power exists. Despite the fact that that humans have conflicts on everything, the belief in higher power is consistent
in all times in all culture. The arguments for the proof for the existence of god are the fitrah argument the design and
designer scientific reasoning and religious phenomenon and observations.
The fitrah argument, basically fitrah means the state of purity and innocence the knowing of right and wrong. When we are
born we all have fitrah in us. For example when we give child a candy and then snatch it from him he will cry because he
knows that what we did is wrong so he cries. Deep inside everyone’s heart there is a creator of him which he needs all the
time. Whenever we are in distress we always turn towards his lord to seek help and guidance.
“Every child is born in a state of fitrah, it is the parent that will make him to be Jew, a Christian, or a majausi”
Bukhari Al Muslim
According to Abu Hurera (RA) fitrah is associated with deen of islam. Allah`s fitrah is engraved in every ibne adam
with the concept of Tauheed (oneness of Allah). Islam is deen-e-fitrah, the religion of human as its teachings and
laws are integrated and in full harmony with human nature by which he submits himself to the creator.
Second argument is the design and designer argument. According to Plato and Aristotle wherever there is a design
there has to be a designer. Everything around us did not just pop out on its own there is someone who placed all
these things which reflects his intelligence. There is this very famous saying in Urdu
This design around us is just not a normal design this reflects the intelligence of Allah SWT. These verses of Al
Jathiya explains it as
“Indeed, within the heavens and earth are signs for the believers.
And in the creation of yourselves and what He disperses of moving creatures are signs for people who are certain
[in faith].
And [in] the alternation of night and day and [in] what Allah sends down from the sky of provision and gives life
thereby to the earth after its lifelessness and [in His] directing of the winds are signs for a people who reason.”
Ayah 3-5
This whole nizaam of the universe reflects the fact that there was one creator who made ll this if there were two
designers there would be conflicts and all this wouldn’t have function in harmony. Their attributes their commands
would have been different resulting in chaos in the environment.Just like a camel leaves jis footprints in dessert
Allah swt has left signs of his existence in yhis universe.
He for Whom is the kingdom of heavens and earth and He has not taken a son for Himself
And He has no partner in His kingdom, and after creating everything, He has ordained it
On a right estimate.
(Al-Furqan, 25/2)
Third argument is the scientific proof argument. Science believes in Big Bang theory of creation of our universe.
Edwin Hubble in 1920 explains the movement of stars and galaxy by demonstrating it on the balloon. He took a
deflated balloon put some black dots on it and then blew it, the dots slowly started to drift apart from each other as
more air started to go in it. He applied this analogy to the expansion of the universe like a balloon and galaxies are
like dots on it, which are going far away from each other at the rate of the expansion if it is reversed it will go back
to that single point where it all started from. There various other examples which have been proved by allah swt in
quran 1400 years ago but the scientist have discovered these recently. For instance we all know water is one of the
most important thing its vital for human life but Quran makes aver unusual claim
We made every living thing from water will they not believe?
Quran 21:30
This verse clearly points out that water is the origin of life all living cells are mostly made of water. And this was only
discovered after the invention of microscope. Moreover iron its not natural to earth it did not formed here it came
down from the outer space. According to scientist earth was struck by the iron meteors and the quran says
following about the iron
“We sent down iron with its great inherent strength and its many benefits for humankind”
Quran 57:25
It is clearly stated that iron is not a earthly material rather it was sent down for the benefit of humanity. Furthermore
sky protection, the sky plays a very crucial role in protecting the earth from the direct sun rays. Not only protects
from sun rays but also acts like a blanket has it prevented the earth from the cold of the outer space where the
temperature is -270c. If this temperature was to reach earth it would have freeze over instantly. The Quran asks us
to consider the sky in the following verse
“we made the sky a protective ceiling and yet they are turning away from our signs”
Quran 21:32
The quran points to sky protection as a sign from god. Later the protective properties were later discovered.
Furthermore there are several examples like mountains, expansion of universe and etc. their benefits were
explained in quran thousand of years ago but scientist just discovered them toady.
Last argument is Religious phenomena and observation. Islam is not a new religion rather it is the extension of
previous divine religion. When our last prophet Hazrat Muhammed PBUH came allah swt perfected the religion and
sent it for his believers. The best evidence for the presence and lordship of Allah is found in the inborn encounters
of the heart. These encounters help to discover comfort, internal harmony, moral instruction and significance in the
life of devotees which are the otherworldly products of a genuine religion. In Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism,
Sikhism and Zoroastrians, the idea of unity of God is winning with moment contrasts. They have numerous different
divine beings yet somewhere inside they accept in one single God. That is the reason they solicit assistance from
the Lord from rulers, even the skeptic look for help of God in time of emergency. Indeed, even in the old civic
establishments, the confidence in One God existed. Afterward, they swung to polytheism (confidence in more than
one God). In any case, the idea of monotheism (confidence in one God) was there in some structure. In Quran, the
Oneness of God is announced in Surah Ikhlas.
is one great proof about the nearness of the unity of God among all the inborn occupants of the world in various
occasions. In viewpoints of relative examination of the contemporary religions on the planet, we can see that the
idea of prophet hood, wonders and acknowledgment of "dua" (supplications) are the basic convictions. These
realities can't be effectively created by any position of human race. These drawing realities likewise invalidate the
complaints and created tales about the refusal of landing of prophets and their lessons with respect to Oneness of
God to each country were comparable. On the opposite, it increased the legitimacy and discredited the non-
Lastly I would like to conclude with that one of the most important argument that goed do exist which clearly proofs
that god exists is design and designer argument and the religious observation. Looking around this perfect universe
around us where everything is made with exact proportion and measurements the only thing that comes to our
mind is that this doesn’t seems to be a human work.
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