CAL Bank

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The Virtual Annual General Meeting of CalBank PLC will be held at 10 a.m.

on Thursday 6th May 2021

Audited Condensed Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2020
For Full version of 2020 Annual Report, Financial Statements, AGM Notice and Proxy form, visit

in thousands of Ghana Cedis 2020 2019 in thousands of Ghana Cedis 2020 2019 in thousands of Ghana Cedis
Bank Group Bank Group Bank Group Bank Group
Interest income calculated using effective interest rate method 924,643 927,350 911,283 912,409 Cash from operating activities 2020 Stated Retained Revaluation Statutory Credit Risk Other
Interest expense (404,959) (404,479) (394,955) (394,303) Total
Group Capital Earnings Reserve Reserve Reserves Reserves
Net interest income 519,684 522,871 516,328 518,106 Profit for the Year 206,969 213,803 174,285 173,413
Balance at 1 January 400,000 189,473 104,636 288,353 - (7,675) 974,787
Fees and commissions income 42,007 51,167 57,565 64,625 Adjustments for: Total comprehensive income
Fees and commissions expense (19,662) (19,662) (18,028) (18,028) Depreciation and amortisation 34,435 34,596 27,854 27,996
Net fees and commissions 22,345 31,505 39,537 46,597 Profit for the year - 213,803 - - - - 213,803
Net impairment loss on financial assets 86,843 86,843 83,367 86,066 Transactions with equity
Net trading income 130,898 130,898 27,168 27,168 Net interest income (519,684) (522,871) (516,328) (518,106) holders of the Bank
Net gains on derivative assets 731 731 4,115 4,115 Net gains on derivative assets (731) (731) (4,115) (4,115)
Shares repurchased - - - - - (136) (136)
Revenue 673,658 686,005 587,148 595,986 Income tax expense 68,172 70,825 67,666 69,527
Dividends to equity holders - (55,682) - - - - (55,682)
Other income 2,149 2,600 674 406 Unrealised exchange loss 78,699 78,699 137,182 137,182
Operating income 675,807 688,605 587,822 596,392 Profit from disposal of property and equipment - - (298) (298) Other transfers
Finance cost on lease liabilities 4,298 4,298 4,585 4,585 Transfer to statutory reserve - (51,742) - 51,742 - - -
Net impairment loss on financial assets (86,843) (86,843) (83,367) (86,066) (40,999) (34,538) (25,802) (23,750) Transfer of emplyee benefit reserve - (7,091) - - - 7,091 -
Personnel expenses (140,344) (142,735) (131,074) (134,579) Changes in: Transfer to credit risk reserve - (40,066) - - 40,066 - -
Depreciation and amortisation (34,435) (34,596) (27,854) (27,996) Loans and advances to customers 438,701 438,701 (571,354) (571,354) Balance at 31 December 400,000 248,695 104,636 340,095 40,066 (720) 1,132,772
Finance cost on lease liabilities (4,298) (4,298) (4,585) (4,585) Other assets (4,401) (4,016) 9,221 9,221
Other expenses (134,746) (135,505) (98,991) (100,226) Derivative assets 4,115 4,115 - -
Total operating expenses (400,666) (403,977) (345,871) (353,452)
Deposit from banks and other financial institution 93,714 99,751 98,898 97,505
Profit before tax 275,141 284,628 241,951 242,940 Deposits from customers 481,043 481,043 616,521 616,521 2019
Other liabilities 72,807 72,467 (49,217) (51,562) Stated Retained Revaluation Statutory Other
Credit Risk
Bank Total
Income tax expense (68,172) (70,825) (67,666) (69,527) Capital Earnings Reserve Reserve Reserves Reserves
Interest received 919,787 921,500 906,228 907,297
Profit after tax 206,969 213,803 174,285 173,413 Interest paid (427,791) (427,474) (391,715) (391,063) Balance as at 1 January 400,000 58,140 63,526 244,782 16,042 (17,918) 764,572
Finance charges on lease liability paid (4,585) (4,585) - - Total comprehensive income
Other comprehensive income, net of tax Income taxes paid (116,594) (119,321) (91,594) (93,462) Profit for the year - 174,285 - - - - 174,285
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss: Net cash flows from operating activities 1,415,797 1,427,643 501,186 499,353 Other comprehensive income,
Fair value changes in financial assets at FVOCI - - 9,027 9,027
net of tax
Cash flows from investing activities
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss: Revaluation surplus on
Acquisition of trading assets (708,359) (708,359) (125,772) (125,772)
Revaluation surplus on property and equipment - - 41,110 41,110 Acquisition of investment securities (60,782) (72,662) (595,318) (593,004) property and equipment - - 41,110 - - - 41,110
Remeasurement of employee benefit - - 1,950 1,869 Changes in fair value on financial
Acquisition of property and equipment (42,223) (42,246) (32,162) (32,118)
Other comprehensive income, net of tax - - 52,087 52,006 assets at FVOCI - - - - - 9,027 9,027
Proceeds from disposal of property and equipment 243 243 304 304
Total comprehensive income 206,969 213,803 226,372 225,419 Expenditure on asset held for sale (160) (160) - - Remeasurement of employee benefit - - - - - 1,950 1,950
Acquisition of intangible assets (21,323) (21,350) (10,142) (10,667) Transactions with equity
Earnings per share (Ghana Cedis per share) Net cash flows used in investing activities (832,604) (844,534) (763,090) (761,257) holders of the Bank
- Basic earnings per share 0.3304 0.3419 0.2782 0.2772 Dividends to equity holders - (30,077) - - - - (30,077)
- Diluted earnings per share 0.3304 0.3419 Cash flows from financing activities
0.2782 0.2772 Other transfers
Dividends paid (55,766) (55,682) (30,077) (30,077)
CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2020 Transfer to statutory reserve - (43,571) - 43,571 - - -
Proceeds from borrowings 3,113,570 3,113,570 5,414,307 5,414,307
Repayment of borrowings (3,107,315) (3,107,315) (4,869,869) (4,869,869) Transfer from credit risk reserve - 16,042 - - (16,042) - -
in thousands of Ghana Cedis 2020 2019 Payment of lease liabilities (11,257) (11,257) (9,971) (9,971) Balance at 31 December 400,000 174,819 104,636 288,353 - (6,941) 960,867
Bank Group Bank Group Repurchase of issued shares (136) (136) - -
Assets Net cash flows (used in)/from financing activities (60,904) (60,820) 504,390 504,390
Cash and cash equivalents 1,211,761 1,211,766 854,886 854,891
Non-pledged trading assets 834,131 834,131 125,772 125,772 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 522,289 522,289 242,486 242,486
Derivative assets held for risk management 731 731 4,115 4,115 Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 898,290 898,295 637,565 637,570
Investment Securities 2,681,487 2,700,761 2,447,188 2,453,584 Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash and cash Stated Retained Revaluation Statutory Credit Risk Other
Group Total
Loans and advances to customers 2,400,950 2,400,950 2,920,026 2,920,026 equivalents held Capital Earnings Reserve Reserve Reserves Reserves
9,664 9,664 18,239 18,239
Investment in subsidiaries 2,038 - 2,038 - Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 1,430,243 1,430,248 898,290 898,295
Current tax asset 31,245 31,851 13,495 13,971 Balance at 1 January 400,000 73,666 63,526 244,782 16,042 (18,571) 779,445
Property and equipment 418,451 418,525 504,166 504,242 Total comprehensive income
Intangible assets 44,813 45,960 27,533 28,789 Profit for the year - 173,413 - - - - 173,413
Assets held for sale 104,493 104,493 - - Other comprehensive income
Right-of-use assets 84,917 84,917 87,236 87,236 CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2020
Revaluation surplus on
Deferred tax assets 36,377 36,404 5,705 5,788
Other assets 52,021 54,097 47,620 50,084 property and equipment - - 41,110 - - - 41,110
in thousands of Ghana Cedis Changes in fair value on
Total assets 7,903,415 7,924,586 7,039,780 7,048,498
financial assets at FVOCI - - - - - 9,027 9,027
Liabilities 2020 Stated Retained Revaluation Statutory Credit Risk Other
Total Remeasurement of employee benefit - - - - - 1,869 1,869
Deposit from banks and other financial institution 263,803 261,657 172,654 164,471 Capital Earnings Reserve Reserve Reserves Reserves
Bank Transactions with equity
Deposits from customers 4,164,301 4,164,301 3,694,513 3,694,513
Borrowings 2,098,225 2,098,225 2,028,126 2,028,126 Balance as at 1 January 400,000 174,819 104,636 288,353 - (6,941) 960,867 holders of the Bank
Lease liabilities 85,886 85,886 77,212 77,212 Total comprehensive income Dividends to equity holders - (30,077) - - - - (30,077)
Other liabilities 179,266 181,745 106,408 109,389 Profit for the year - 206,969 - - - - 206,969 Other transfers
Total liabilities 6,791,481 6,791,814 6,078,913 6,073,711 Transactions with equity holders Transfer to statutory reserve - (43,571) - 43,571 - - -
Shareholders’ equity of the Bank Transfer from credit risk reserve - 16,042 - - (16,042) - -
Stated capital 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 Shares repurchased - - - - - (136) (136) Balance at 31 December 400,000 189,473 104,636 288,353 - (7,675) 974,787
Retained earnings 227,273 248,695 174,819 189,473 Dividends to equity holders - (55,766) - - - - (55,766)
Revaluation reserve 104,636 104,636 104,636 104,636
Statutory reserve 340,095 340,095 288,353 288,353 Other transfers
Credit risk reserve 40,066 40,066 - - Transfer to statutory reserve - (51,742) - 51,742 - - -
Other reserves (136) (720) (6,941) (7,675) Transfer of employee benefit reserve - (6,941) - - - 6,941 -
Total shareholders’ equity 1,111,934 1,132,772 960,867 974,787 Transfer to credit risk reserve - (40,066) - - 40,066 - -
Total equity and liabilities 7,903,415 7,924,586 7,039,780 7,048,498 Balance at 31 December 400,000 227,273 104,636 340,095 40,066 (136) 1,111,934
The Virtual Annual General Meeting of CalBank PLC will be held at 10 a.m. on Thursday 6th May 2021
Audited Condensed Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2020
For Full version of 2020 Annual Report, Financial Statements, AGM Notice and Proxy form, visit

(All currency amounts in the notes are in thousands of Ghana Cedis unless otherwise stated.) (All currency amounts in the notes are in thousands of Ghana Cedis unless otherwise stated.)

Basis of Preparation Nature of Business INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT

The condensed consolidated and separate financial statements have been extracted from the full financial The nature of business of the group is as follows:
statements of the Bank and the Group for the year ended 31 December 2020 (which is available on the Bank’s To the Members of CalBank PLC
• To carry on the business of banking;
website which is available for inspection at the Bank’s Head Office at 23 Independence Avenue, Accra.) which
are prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued by the International Accounting Standards Boards (IASB) and • To carry on the business of underwriters of securities, finance house and issuing house; Opinion
adopted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants Ghana (ICAG) and are consistent with those applied in the The condensed consolidated and separate financial statements, which comprise the condensed consolidated
• To undertake corporate finance operations, loan syndications and securities portfolio management; and separate statements of financial position as at 31 December 2020, and the condensed consolidated and
preparation of the annual audited financial statements. The condensed consolidated and separate financial
statements have also been prepared in line with the Bank of Ghana Guide for Publication for Banks & BoG • To engage in counseling and negotiation in acquisitions and mergers of companies and undertakings; separate statements of comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flow for the year then ended and
licensed financial institutions. related notes, are derived from the audited consolidated and separate financial statements of CalBank PLC for
• To engage in the business of acceptance of bills of exchange, dealing in bullion, export trade development and financing; the year ended 31 December 2020.
Regulatory Quantitative Disclosures • To carry on the business of hire-purchase financing and the business of financing the operations of leasing companies;
and In our opinion, the accompanying condensed consolidated and separate financial statements are consistent, in all
2020 2019 material respects, with the audited consolidated and separate financial statements, in accordance with the basis
Bank Group Bank Group • To engage in the counseling and financing of industrial, agricultural, mining, service and commercial v entures, subject described in the notes.
Tier 1 capital ratio 19.9% 20.3% 20.5% 20.7% to the relevant rules and regulations for the time being in force on that behalf.
Tier 2 capital ratio 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% Condensed Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements
Capital adequacy ratio 21.9% 22.3% 22.5% 22.7% Subsidiaries The condensed consolidated and separate financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by
Non-performing loan ratio 13.5% 13.5% 9.9% 9.9% International Financial Reporting Standards and in the manner required by the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)
CalBrokers Limited, a company incorporated in Ghana as a securities broker and a licensed dealing member of
Liquid ratio 216.7% 217.6% 142% 143% and the Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Institutions Act, 2016 (Act 930) applied in the preparation of the
the Ghana Stock Exchange.
Leverage ratio 10.0% 10.3% 10.8% 11.0% audited consolidated and separate financial statements of CalBank PLC. Reading the condensed consolidated
CalAsset Management Company Limited, licensed to manage assets by the Securities and Exchange and separate financial statements and our report thereon, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited
Compliance with statutory liquidity requirement Commission. consolidated and separate financial statements and our report thereon.
CalNominees Limited, incorporated in Ghana to hold and administer securities and other assets as a custodian
(I) default in statutory liquidity nil nil nil nil The Audited Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements and Our Report Thereon
(registered owner) on behalf of beneficial owners.
(Ii) default in statutory liquidity sanction (GHS’000) nil nil nil nil We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on the audited consolidated and separate financial statements in our
(Iii) other regulatory penalties (GHS’000) 84 84 24 24 CalTrustee Limited incorporated in Ghana to manage pension fund on behalf of beneficial owners as per report dated 31 March 2021. That report also includes the communication of key audit matters. Key audit matters
guidelines set out by National Pension Regulatory Authority (NPRA). are those matters that in our professional judgement, were of most significance in our audit of the consolidated
and separate financial statements for the current period.
Associated Undertakings
Risk Management Framework Ghana Leasing Company Limited (a non-banking financial institution) and Transaction Management Services Directors’ Responsibility for the Condensed Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements
Limited (in liquidation) both incorporated in Ghana are associated undertakings of the Bank. These investments The directors are responsible for the preparation of the condensed consolidated and separate financial statements
The Bank’s dominant risks are: credit risk, liquidity risk, market risk and operational risk. in accordance with the basis described in the notes.
have been fully impaired from the bank’s book.
The Board of Directors has overall responsibility for the establishment and oversight of the Bank’s risk management Auditor’s Responsibility
The entity’s ability to continue as a going concern
framework. There are in place the Risk Management and Audit sub-committees of the Board and an established Our responsibility is to express an opinion on whether the condensed consolidated and separate financial
Asset and Liability committee (ALCO) which are responsible for developing and monitoring risk management The Board of Directors have made an assessment of the Bank and Group’s ability to continue as a going concern statements are consistent, in all material respects, with the audited consolidated and separate financial statements
policies in their specified areas. and is satisfied that it has the resources to continue in business for the foreseeable future. based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 810
(Revised), Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements.
The Bank’s risk management policies are established to identify and analyse the risks faced by the Bank, to set Management has considered the consequences of COVID-19 and other events and conditions, and it has
appropriate risk limits and controls, and to monitor risks and adherence to limits. Risk management policies and determined that they do not create a material uncertainty that casts significant doubt upon the entity’s ability to The engagement partner on the audit resulting in this independent auditor’s report is Labaran Amidu
systems are reviewed regularly to reflect changes in market conditions, products and services offered. The Bank, continue as a going concern. The Bank’s capital adequacy and liquidity ratios were not significantly impacted in
through its training and management standards and procedures, aims to develop a disciplined and constructive 2020, impairment charges increased by 0.9% between 2019 and 2020. (ICAG/P/1472).
control environment, in which all employees understand their roles and obligations.
Currently, the impact of COVID-19 on our business and results has not been significant, based on our experience
The process followed in risk management for the year ended 31 December, 2020 are consistent with those to date, we expect this to continue. While we delivered a resilient performance and continue to make good ................................................................
followed for the year ended 31 December, 2019. progress on our strategy, our primary objective now is safeguarding the health and well-being of our staff, For and on behalf of:
customers and communities while also protecting the Bank. KPMG: (ICAG/F/2021/038)
Directors’ Responsibility Statement
The Directors are responsible for the preparation of the condensed consolidated and separate financial statements Furthermore, the Directors are not aware of any material uncertainties that may cast significant doubt upon the 13 YIYIWA DRIVE, ABELENKPE
comprising the condensed consolidated and separate statement of financial position as at 31 December 2020 Bank’s ability to continue as a going concern. Therefore, the financial statements continue to be prepared on P O BOX GP 242
and the condensed consolidated and separate statements of comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash the going concern basis. ACCRA
flows and related notes to the condensed consolidated and separate financial statements for each financial year
which gives a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Bank and the Group. In preparing these condensed Auditors 31 March 2021
financial statements, the directors have selected suitable accounting policies and applied them consistently, In accordance with Section 134(5) of the Companies Act, 2020 (Act 992), KPMG will remain in office as
made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent and followed International Financial Reporting auditors of the Group.
Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and adopted by the Institute
of Chartered Accountants, Ghana (ICAG) as well as complied with the requirements of the Companies Act 2019, “The condensed, consolidated and separate financial statements do not contain untrue statements, misleading
(Act 992) and the Banks and Specialized Deposit-Taking Institutions Act, 2016 (Act 930) for the year ended 31 facts or omit material facts to the best of our knowledge.”
December 2020.
The Directors are responsible for ensuring that the Bank and the Group keep proper accounting records
that disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Bank. The directors are also Signed Signed
responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Bank and taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection Philip Owiredu Joe Rexford Mensah
of fraud and other irregularities. Director Director
Dated 31 March 2021

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