The Light Body Process Symptoms and Healing 1
The Light Body Process Symptoms and Healing 1
The Light Body Process Symptoms and Healing 1
- Collection of Articles –
Stankov, Georgi Alexandrov
The Light Body Process – Symptoms and Healing;
The “Georgi Alexandrov Stankov” Protocol
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Light Body Process in the End Times
- first published on January 15, 2011 –
My ongoing analysis of the esoteric and channelled literature of the New Age
since the early 90s has revealed that there is virtually not a single competent
book on Light Body Process (LBP), as I have experienced it since I had en-
tered the most intensive phase in 1999. Therefore, everything I will be writing
in this essay is based on personal experience and is founded in the new Gen-
eral Theory of Science of the Universal Law, which is the new Science of
Ascension. This scientific theory will truly unfold after 2012, when humanity
will ascend to the 5th dimension and will enjoy a much more expanded con-
sciousness than currently.
There are probably two reasons for this lack of information, which I assume,
but cannot prove beyond any doubt:
1) It is not intended that many incarnated entities should go through the indi-
vidual LBP (cosmic ascension), which is extremely exhausting and physically
debilitating. Very few personalities will have the stamina to survive all the
tortures of the LBP for such a long period of time, in my case, for more than
12 years in the last and most intensive phase without a single pause. It will be
2) Most evolved souls will go anyway through the three days of Stasis on
December 21, 2012 and will automatically ascend to the lower levels of the
5th dimension (planetary ascension), which will still retain a kind of physica-
If I would have known, how strenuous the individual LBP would be, I would
have never given my consent. As you see, it is always the stupidity and the
lack of knowledge of the incarnated entity that the soul most of the time ex-
ploits, and not only the dark Ahriman forces from the 4th astral dimen-
sion. Only their ends differ. For that reason, I would not advise anybody to
begin with the individual LBP with the same totality as I did. This statement
is an indispensable introduction into the LBP.
However, I must specify on this issue. All adult and old souls (indigo and
crystalline children) are already in the LBP in one or another way. Most of the
currently channeled messages address the initial phases of this process from
many different angles. I am sure that most of the readers of this essay are
already in this phase for a long period of time. The fact that they are interested
in LBP is a clear indication for their evolution.
The initial phase is, from a psychological and mental point of view, the most
difficult one, because it triggers two processes that have not been very com-
mon in the history of mankind and have been experienced only by few adepts.
Now this has become a mass movement among light workers. This is the novel
aspect of our times.
This process is supported by the massive high frequency waves that flood
earth in the last 10-15 years and prepare the shift of both, earth and mankind
to the 5th dimension.
1) The entity has to surrender his ego to the soul. This is the most poignant
experience, any individual can make on earth, as it contradicts the whole hu-
man experience so far. Fortunately, the collective attitude has evolved on this
issue in the last several years, and one can now encounter more understanding
from his surroundings. This makes the process somewhat easier.
Practically, the entity must give up all mundane efforts and activities and fol-
low the inner voice of the soul, which now becomes predominant. The reason
for this is that any effort to comply with the demands of the society affords
a process of adaptation to the low frequency, psycho-mental, fear based col-
lective patterns of survival (self-preservative patterns) that reign in current
society, and this is contrary to what LBP is all about.
Besides, present-day society is doomed to disappear completely in the next
two years, so why continue functioning according to its demands. By surren-
dering the ego to the Higher Self, one must have an unrestricted faith in his
soul and allow her to arrange his personal plan, although the entity may not
always understand the far-sighted decisions of the soul.
If the entity struggles against the decisions of the soul, it will experience many
unpleasant situations, until it ultimately succumbs. The less one fights against
the guidance of the soul - the easier and smoother the everyday life will be.
I am speaking now from my personal experience. In this respect I had a good
training in my youth, as I was a dissident in the early 70s in Bulgaria
(see bio in "about the author"), which was a repressive communist dictator-
ship, so that I had to cut all bonds with society. I have preserved this distinct
attitude for the rest of my life. But this is just one part of the equation.
There are so many flawed behavior patterns, which the entity has internalized
since early childhood, which have to be questioned now in the LBP and in
most cases put aside. The surrendering of the ego is not a single event, but a
prolonged process. It takes time to eliminate low frequency, fear-based sur-
vival patterns and to substitute them with enlightened ones.
Physiologically, it takes at least a month to change an old behavior pattern by
establishing the proper neurological paths in the brain to support a new pat-
tern. But the old pattern is still present and fades away only very slowly, so
that there is a period of time when both antagonistic patterns co-exist. This is
the psychological and emotional strife, which not only any entity on earth, but
also mankind experiences all the time in the duality of 3d-space-time. This is
a huge astral-neurological subject that goes beyond the objective of this essay.
All wars, battles, and other atrocities on earth are external projections of this
inner strife of ideas that cannot be solved within the mental and emotional bo-
dies of the individual but erupt instead as social conflicts in the outer world.
As human incarnated entities are compelled to alter their belief patterns all the
time in order to survive in an ever-changing world, their inability to solve this
inner energetic strife between new and old patterns within the psycho-mental
confines of the human personality, but to experience them instead as external
perennial conflicts, is the most clear indicator for the low grade of spiritual
evolution of present-day humanity. This attitude, which dominates currently
the social and political life on this planet, must dramatically change in the
course of the next two years.
For that reason, too much involvement in esoteric disputes, as many light
workers like to indulge in, is nothing else, but more of the same. This is not
the path of spiritual evolution. For this reason, a true spiritual teacher never
aims at having numerous disciples because he prefers to make all of them
masters, so that he can enjoy the spiritual discussion with elevated beings and
learn something new from them. This is true Empowerment of other entities,
which is but an aspect of unconditional love that is free of any manipulation.
Only a teacher, who has spiritual deficiencies, indulges in his role as a guru,
because he needs the co-dependence of his pupils, who render him with their
devotion the missing power to cover up his deficiencies. These are the many
hidden traps, which any entity has to avoid, after he has made up his mind to
go along the lonely path of individual Ascension and LBP.
Additionally, there are many intellectual ideas in the society, which an indi-
vidual entity cannot reject or overcome. In particular, I am speaking of all
scientific ideas, which dominate our technological society and run contrary to
any idea of transcendence.
Modern empirical science for instance bluntly rejects the existence of the soul.
In order to accept the leading role of the soul, the entity has therefore to reject
current science. But how will he do it, if he is not competent in science? Here
we encounter the fundamental dilemma of current mankind and, in particular,
of all light workers.
They follow correctly the inner voice of their soul but are not in the position
to present any irrefutable proofs for her existence. The "Proof of
God" ("Gottesbeweis" in German) has been the central effort of all theologi-
ans and philosophers since Antiquity, and they have all failed (read all my sci-
entific books on New Gnosis). So, how have the individual fortitude to resist
the seduction of empirical science and have a faith in your soul?
Observe that the current preoccupation of most light workers with the so
called "First Contact" is nothing else, but a symptom of their inability to fully
trust the existence of their soul and hence the need - out of fear, doubt, etc. -
for external proofs, which will inevitably eliminate current empirical science
as a camouflage and a barrier to true knowledge, by proving the existence of
highly evolved civilisations in the infinite universe.
This event will automatically reject the evolution doctrine and most of current
science - for instance, by proving the existence of energetic levels beyond the
electromagnetic space-time (photon space-time), which experimental science
can only measure at present (see my article on free photon energy).
By making this statement, I am deliberately neglecting the fact, that the secret
services in many countries have contacts with the Greys and the Reptili-
ans and have developed some crude technologies that use astral energies from
the 4th dimension. I am speaking here about the current scientific dogmas that
determine collective human thinking and prohibit the popularisation of true
spiritual ideas
The inferiority-complex of most light workers vis a vis science is much deeper
and profound than many would like to admit and determines often their irra-
tional behavior at the subconscious and conscious level. This will be a huge
psychological problem, which they will have to overcome during the next two
years prior to Ascension.
As you see, the surrender of the ego to the soul is the chief hurdle that one has
to overcome before the individual LBP can really commence.
Most of the ideas that I have elaborated above are translated by the left hem-
isphere of the brain. Essentially, they are fear-based patterns and beliefs that
must be eliminated before the higher frequency idea patterns of the soul can
descend in the mental and emotional fields/bodies of the incarnated entity.
Observe that Ascension is first and foremost a "descend" of the Higher Self
(causal body) in the physical vessel, precisely, in the four bodies - biological,
mental, emotional, and ethereal (astral). This process can be easily under-
stood by employing current wave theory (see article on "Energetic gradi-
ents" and my last book "The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction").
2. The second hurdle that the incarnated entity has to overcome are the ener-
getic malfunctions of the four bodies/fields, as already mentioned above.
The first and most important process is the opening of the 4th heart chak-
ra (emotional centre). This chakra is blocked in most entities, and for this
reason most of them are not in the position to experience unconditional love.
Most of the problems that light workers have nowadays or are discussed in
their channelled messages can be attributed to this blockage and gradual open-
ing of the 4th heart chakra.
The vast majority of human entities do not have these problems because their
heart chakra is closed and will stay so in many of them. Purely for this reason
they will not ascend. The advantage of a closed heart chakra is that you do not
have to cope with the many psycho-emotional problems, which most light
workers are currently encountering, while cleansing their personal dross from
that past and that of humanity.
The opening of the 4th chakra is associated with the conscious experience of
various angst (fear) patterns that shape the psycho-mental structure of the
incarnated entity. These fears are coded in the cells, in the DNA, by the soul
and affect human behavior in a profound and invisible manner as long as the
4th chakra is closed. They are, so to say, the "Pavlov reflexes" of the incar-
nated entities.
This is the basic energetic mechanism, which the dark Ahriman forces of the
Anunnaki and the Reptilians from the 4th astral dimension are using in the
current End Times to manipulate the fear driven behavior of most incarnated
human entities.
The blockage of the heart is as old a theme as religion - you must have heard
of the term "the hardening of the heart" ("Verstockung des Herzen" in Ger-
man), which is a major topic among believers since early Christianity. Please,
observe the people around you and you will easily find the difference in be-
havior between entities with closed and opened 4th chakra.
Here, I will give you some technical information on the opening of the
4th chakra, which you may not find in any other book on this issue.
As you may know, this chakra is associated with the thymus. This organ is in
front of the lungs and is rudimentary in most human beings - it is not evolved
at all. When the 4th chakra begins to open, the thymus starts to grow. At a
later stage, this can be even determined by CT (computer tomography).
The growth of the thymus is associated with chest pains, asphyxia, acute epi-
sodes of severe bronchitis and pneumonitis, which are erroneously diagnosed
as flu or pneumonia by most doctors, who have no idea of LBP and Ascen-
sion. The most disturbing symptom is, however, heart arrhythmia, which is
due to the adjustment of the heart regulation to the new, powerful astral ener-
gies, which now flow unrestricted in the physical body after the 4th chakra
has been opened. The arrhythmia can last from 6 months up to one year.
When I first wrote about this symptom in my book "Evolutionary Leap of
Mankind" in 2001, this phenomenon was virtually unknown. In the meantime,
I have many friends who entered this stadium and complain about arrhythmia,
which is always associated with fear bursts that aggravate the mental situation
of the entity.
They usually run to the doctor and get prescribed a ß-blocker or an anti- ar-
rhythmic drug, which increase mortality and hinder the LBP (see volume III).
Therefore, it is very important that the entity should know exactly what is
going on during the LBP and should not succumb to his fears, believing to be
ill and visiting physicians. This is a huge problem nowadays that hinders the
I can assure you that the transient arrhythmia episodes are absolutely harmless
and disappear without any treatment as soon the opening of the 4th chakra is
completed. However, one can make use of ß-blockers intermittently, when
such symptoms occur. The advantage of a ß-blocker (preferably metoprolol)
is that it, at the same time, has a sedating, calming effect and mitigates the
acute fear experience that is associated with a LBP-induced heart arrhythmia.
This is a huge topic, and I have only scratched on the surface in this essay.
But this information is extremely important for anybody, who enters this
phase of the LBP.
According to my observation, the opening of the 4th heart chakra has reached
many light workers (adult and old souls) in the autumn of 2009 and has been
progressing at a rapid pace since then. In 2011, I expect a peak in the cardial
symptoms, associated with the opening of this chakra in most light workers
and in the broad population, as the influx of high frequency waves from the
central sun of our galaxy will significantly increase in the process of Ascen-
Most of these energies can only enter the physical body through the heart
chakra. This is a key event in the LBP in the End Times, which is, unfortu-
nately, not really discussed by most channels, at least not in such a way as to
promote the understanding of the light workers. It is a pity, as this problem is
of great practical relevance and existential urgency for most light workers in
the End Times, who need a good professional advice with respect to their
clinical symptoms, which they cannot adequately interpret.
As soon as these two hurdles are overcome, the LBP can truly unfold. This is
associated with the opening of the 6th and 7th body chakra, which are
closed in most entities.
Just for your information: Before the soul incarnates, she makes a decision on
the energetic characteristics of the incarnated entity. One very important de-
cision is, which chakras should be the dominant ones.
As you may know, chakras are energetic rotational wave systems, which play
an intermediary role and convey the higher frequency, life-supporting astral
energies of the causal body, through the ethereal body, into the electromag-
netic waves of the organic body. In this way, the incessant regulation of the
biological organism is taking place at any point in time (see "Cosmic Laws of
Creation and Destruction" and "Evolutionary Leap of Mankind").
This is an extremely complex process of energy exchange, which is virtually
unknown to present-day bio-science. I have made some major contributions
to the understanding of this process in my book "The General Theory of Bio-
logical Regulation" (volume III). However, it is not necessary to know this
theory in order to begin with the LBP - this book is for those scientists, who
will not go through the LBP, but must have a theoretical idea of what is hap-
pening currently on earth, so that they may eventually qualify for Ascension
after 2012.
And now comes an information, you may not have heard yet. Therefore, be
The soul decides, which two chakras should be dominant in the entity - this
means that the astral energy flows predominantly through these two chakras at
a ratio of 70% to 30% in the human body.
In most entities, only the lower three chakras are dominant: The 1st chakra
(bottom chakra, instinctive centre) is associated with the suprarenal gland,
where the adrenalin/ noradrenalin production is located. This chakra is re-
sponsible for the activation of the self-preservative instincts (survival pat-
terns) of the entity.
The 2nd chakra (sexual centre, sexual organs); and the 3rd chakra (power
chakra), which is associated with liver, pancreas, and stomach, are responsi-
ble for the expression of the vital forces of the entity in the three-dimensional,
material reality on this planet. These chakras are well developed in most
young souls, which represent the majority in the current population (for fur-
ther information see "Evolutionary Leap of Mankind" and the article "Ascen-
sion 2012 - The Ongoing Scenario".
The dominance of the lower chakras in the broad population can be observed
in the irrational behavior of most human entities, which will culminate in the
next two years. It will be rather easy for any enlightened observer to discern,
which entities in his surroundings are acting and reacting exclusively from
their lower chakras, because their upper chakras are closed, and which entities
are behaving from their opened unified chakra, as I shall explain below.
The 5th intellectual chakra (thyroid gland) is currently selected as dominant
in a growing number of people - hence the huge number of scientists nowa-
days, who exceed the number of all scientists, who have ever lived in the past.
The 6th spiritual chakra (hypophysis, pituitary gland) and the 7th ecstatic
chakra (epiphysis, pineal gland) are closed in most entities upon birth (with
the exception of the crystalline children after 2000).
This is the actual blockade of the incarnated personality from the Higher Self
and the reason for the lack of medial abilities and spirituality in most human
beings on earth. It is the actual cause for the so called "veil of forgetfulness".
The reason for this common energetic malfunction is the necessity for the
incarnated entity to concentrate on 3d-life on earth and live in the illusion that
he is a separated entity.
When the LBP really commences, these two chakras must be opened in the
first place, so that the two glands begin to grow. In the esoteric literature, these
two upper chakras are referred to as the "third eye", by putting them together
in one functional term. This is not wholly wrong, as they operate in a coordi-
nated fashion.
At a later stage, the hypertrophy of the two brain glands can be detected by
CT, and this is an irrefutable proof for the progress of the LBP, and the exist-
ence of Higher Realms of Creation (scientific Proof of God).
When the 4th chakra is fully opened, it encompasses the lower three chakras
and brings them in alignment with the three upper chakras, which transmit
intellectual (5th chakra), inspirative (6th chakra) and ecstatic (7th chakra) en-
ergies. In this way a unified chakra is built, which rotates with a much greater
velocity and is able to transmit much more and higher frequency energies in
the four bodies of the incarnated entity.
This leads automatically to the elimination of many local blockades and fear
based patterns of low vibration according to the laws of constructive and
destructive interference as explained in my last book "The Cosmic Laws of
Creation and Destruction".
The building of a unified body chakra is a corner stone in the LBP. When this
stage is reached, the entity has fully qualified for Cosmic Ascension (beyond
the 5th dimension). This does not, however, mean that the LBP is finished, as
there is no upper limit in this process. The entity may continue to ascend be-
yond the 5th dimension, while still dwelling in a physical vessel.
This aspect is not well understood in esoteric circles. An incarnated entity may
have already ascended to the 5th dimension, according to current standards,
but he may still stay in a physical vessel and continue augmenting his body
frequencies beyond this level. In this case, the entity will reach, upon the final
transformation of his physical body into light body, the 6th to 8th dimensions,
and even beyond that.
If we quantify the levels of vibration in terms of octaves, then the light body
of an ascended master on earth may vibrate beyond the 144-octave of univer-
sal creation, which is also the octave of the crystalline grid of the ascending
earth. It vibrates with the frequencies of the highest 5th-dimensional levels.
The 144-grid of earth will be completed by about 93%, when the star portal
11.11.11 will open in the fall of this year. This vibrational level will be suffi-
cient for the First Wave of Ascended Masters to take place.
At the final star portal 12.12.12, the crystalline 144-grid of the earth will be
completed, and this will enable the Mass Ascension of the majority of the
human incarnated entities on earth to the lower levels of the 5th dimension.
There will be, however, ascended human masters, who will automatically
reach the 6th and higher dimensions and will communicate with the ascended
humanity in the lower 5th dimension from these higher realms, where there
will be no necessity to have an individual light body, as the ascended master
will be of pure energy and can create immediately any conceivable light body
at his discretion.
Now back to human chakras! The opening of the two higher chakras and fur-
ther chakras above the human body (8th to 14th) paves the path for the en-
trance of higher frequency energies from the 5th and higher dimensions,
which are associated with various symptoms and specific somatic experi-
ences. It does not make any sense to discuss them at present. When an entity
enters this phase, they can be extensively elaborated, otherwise such a discus-
sion will only put the entity unnecessarily under stress and will only stimulate
his hypochondriacal inclinations.
This is essentially an initial synoptic introduction into the individual LBP.
Let me now make the following final observation once again at this place: The
entity cannot make decision on the initiation of the LBP, but only the soul –
that is, the individual LBP must be in the soul contract.
But the entity may eventually hinder the planned individual LBP, if he has not
developed the proper attitude and rejects or hinders it through its irrational
behavior and thinking. However, only the entity can know, what is in his per-
sonal soul contract. No external person can discern it.
Therefore, it is always of great advantage for any entity to be fully informed
- at best, in scientifically correct, though popular terms - about the energetic
mechanisms of LBP. After all, it is all about Energy and nothing else.
The internalizing of this simple fact eliminates most of the fears and emotional
incompatibilities, which any entity inevitably encounters in the course of the
LBP. In this case, relaxation, meditation and, above all, a good portion of
Heavenly Humor to counterbalance the toxic madness of this planet is the best
tactics to promote the LBP.
This essay was first written as an email on December 15, 2010 to the channeling group
around "" (CAC - Cosmic Awareness Communications) and later on
published in my last book "The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction.."
At the beginning of 2011, I revised this email to a popular scientific essay on LBP, which
is published for the first time in August 2011 on this new website.
Georgi Alexandrov Stankov
The Function of Left and Right Brain in
the Light Body Process
First published on August 15, 2011,
In most human beings, the two hemispheres of the brain do not function in
synchronicity, although they are anatomically connected through corpus cal-
losi. I describe this phenomenon as energetic malfunction of current incar-
nated human beings.
There are some other significant deficiencies in the energetic structure of hu-
man beings, e.g. the blockage of the 4th heart chakra (emotional centre),
which separates the three lower body chakras (1st to 3rd chakra) from the
three higher chakras (5th to 7th) as part of the energetic malfunction of hu-
mans (for further information see publication "Light Body Process in the End
Times". This topic is very painful to the ego of the incarnated entity, and for
this reason it is not currently discussed by any channel.
In the course of the Light Body Process (LBP), the heart chakra opens, en-
compasses, and synchronizes the lower and the higher chakras. Ultimately,
the entity develops a Unified Chakra, which can transform much more astral
energy in the body than normally. I have dedicated a whole book on this issue,
based on sound and irrefutable scientific data ("The Evolutionary Leap of
The only malfunction that is mentioned by channels nowadays is the reduction
of the DNA of human entities to two strands by the current controllers on
earth (The Anunnaki from the Orion Empire and the Reptilians) and their po-
tential development to 12 and more strands in the course of Ascension.
However, none of the channelers have the necessary scientific background to
comprehend these messages on DNA, which are channeled in a rather trivial,
unscientific manner. It is not that the DNA-strands evolve to 12 and more
biochemical strands that could be experimentally observed, e.g. through re-
combinant DNA-techniques, but that the so called junk-DNA, which contains
the whole information of all incarnations of the soul and much more, is now
activated at higher frequency astral levels, where the actual regulation of the
DNA-encoding by the soul takes place.
These overlapping high frequency levels of stored information cannot be cur-
rently assessed by material instruments, because their limit is determined by
the Planck's constant, which is the elementary action potential of photon
space-time, the smallest quant of energy that could be measured with material
devices. This phenomenon is currently known as Heisenberg uncertainty
principle and is central to the conventional interpretation of quantum me-
chanics (see Tetralogy of Science and all scientific books on New Gnosis).
The DNA-levels which the channels are talking about are beyond the Planck's
constant and cannot be currently assessed.
I do not want to further indulge in scientific details, but I would like to make
you aware of the fact that this topic is also at the heart of free photon energy.
The actual physical background of this energy presupposes an understanding
of the new Transcendental Physics of the Universal Law of Nature (see
also my book "Thoughts"). The latter can only be acquired after current phys-
ical theory is profoundly re-written and relieved from many basic flaws and
I have performed this scientific achievement by developing the new Physical
Theory of the Universal Law in two volumes of 1100 pages (volume I
and volume II (full version). In this theory, I have elaborated the theoretical
background of photon energy to the highest scientific standards.
For instance, I rejected the second law of entropy, which is in an apparent
contradiction to the first law of thermodynamics of energy conservation,
by deriving a new law, called Stankov`s Law of photon thermodynamics.
This law is basic for the future development of new power engines, which will
use photon energy after Ascension in the 5th dimension. (see publication
on free photon energy).
What I want to demonstrate by this elaboration, is that all channeled messages
in the last somewhat 20 years take due account of the individual knowledge
of the channeler and they will never transmit a more complex information,
which will inevitably put him under intellectual stress.
In this sense, all current channeled messages that circulate in Internet - be they
from Kryon, Metatron or Kirael - are preliminary, meta-scientific informa-
tion of what is potentially possible in the 5th dimensional levels. But they, in
no way, meet even the current low standards of scientific elaboration (see my
discussion on this issue in "The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction").
It is very important to observe this fact without offending personally any
channeler whatsoever. I am simply making a general, dispassionate observa-
tion. Spiritual high-esteem seems to be the most common trait, and basic hu-
man angst, among light workers in the current Vanity Fair of New Age eso-
tericism, as well as a trap to intellectual perfection. These critical comments
are indispensable for a proper understanding of the brain function.
The apparent neglect of the left brain by most light workers nowadays ex-
plains their overt preoccupation with their right brain. They have to first over-
come their emotional negativity, before they can really enter the light body
process (see publication "LBP in the End Times").
Emotions are, however, never separated from abstract logical thinking. In
fact, emotions modulate and distort the logical thinking in such a profound
way, that most human beings are not even aware of it. This is the central en-
ergetic malfunction of human incarnated beings at present that has not been
apprehended by all light workers so far.
It is not even considered as a problem, and this ignorance is the source of most
intellectual and emotional problems, most light workers have to deal with.
This is another huge theme, which I will not discuss for the moment. I only
want to demonstrate to the reader, how intricately interwoven all gnostic top-
ics are. To this issue, I have dedicated many scientific books on New Human
Now, I shall give you some information, based on my personal and scientific
research experience, which will explain, why the left brain is the gateway of
the human body to high frequency energies from the 6th and higher dimen-
sions, when the light body process truly unfolds. This information cannot be
found in any other source or book on LBP:
This is the faulty logic human brain is subjected to. It is the energetic source
that creates the common plane of existence of all human beings on 3d-earth.
As long as it operates, the way it does, one cannot escape this hallucinatory
reality and open for the real multidimensional existence of the higher realms.
The famous "veil of forgetfulness" is created in the left brain. It is responsible
for the separation of the incarnated entity from the Source and is in the core
of all human malaise. Therefore, the function of the left brain must be changed
profoundly in the course of the light body process. Otherwise, the incarnated
entity cannot ascend. By opening the left brain portal, human consciousness
leaves the illusionary linearity of 3d-space- time and opens for the multidi-
mensionality of the higher realms.
The left brain is not only a gateway to higher Christ energies, but it is also
connected for the first time with the right brain in the course of the light body
process, so that both, emotionality and spirituality (no more intellectuality),
are finally synchronized. The reason for this is that:
I will illustrate this fact with a simple example from wave theory. Take a
short-wave radio signal that is transmitted from a long distance. It consists of
a carrier-wave that is of high frequency and a modulating lower frequency
wave that transmits the actual verbal information. Both waves are superim-
posed and interrelated.
Likewise, emotions are lower frequency astral waves, often referred to as the
4th astral dimension, and the mental ideas and concepts being higher fre-
quency waves are referred to as the 5th and higher dimensions. Emotions mo-
dulate Spirit, Pure Consciousness, and give the incarnated personality direct
information from the soul.
It is not a coincidence that ancient Greeks used the same word "psyche" for
the emotional body and the soul at the same time. They knew that the soul
manifests itself mostly through feelings. Purely for that reason many channels
speak at present that human beings will inhabit after Ascension simultane-
ously the 4th and 5th dimensions, because they cannot be separated, as they
are superimposed energy levels.
The left brain is the portal to the Higher Self that is conceived as pure con-
sciousness ("reine Vernunft", according to Kant) or pure ideas according
to Plato. All consciousness in the higher realms is expanded awareness. This
fact elucidates the importance of the enlargement of the brain after Ascension
(stasis) as to acquire 50 and more percent of its original potential.
This is a leitmotif of the author in all his publications, dedicated to Ascension
of humanity. It is the left brain that will be largely involved in this mental
expansion after Ascension.
The new General Science of the Universal Law, as presented on this web-
site, will be then fully comprehended by most ascended entities and will be-
come the new Science of Ascension. It will be further developed by numerous
practical implementations.
Today, this greatest intellectual achievement in the written history of modern
mankind cannot be fully apprehended by any "mortal" human being on earth.
This situation will change radically after Ascension. This circumstance also
explains, why the author is destined to become the First Ascended Master
of the new Science of Ascension.
There is always a turning point in time (= frequency) in the evolution of any
civilisation in the 3d-solar universes, which can only be embodied by a single
personality. Such was the role of Buddha, Jesus, and Lao Tse in the past.
Prior to Mass Ascension on December 21, 2012, the left brain can be opened
only by the soul - it is an arrogant assumption to believe that human beings
can make a decision on this issue. The incarnated entity can only give his
consent for the initiation of the light body process and, if it is part of the soul
contract, it will be triggered by the soul.
The whole process, which is extremely exhausting and tedious and is accom-
panied by numerous somatic symptoms, is entirely the domain of the soul.
The only thing, a humble human being can do, is to bear the burden of it and
develop daily strategies in order to survive somehow in an unfriendly and ig-
norant world with respect to such phenomena.
Precisely for this reason, the left brain is made completely open for the higher
Christ energies when the light body process really commences.
Concerning myself, this process began 12 years ago. Since then, I hear these
high frequency energies 24 hours a day and feel their incessant vibrations
throughout my whole body. The energy flow is a column with a diameter of
about 20 cm with an expanded visible quantum field of about 100 meters.
Please, observe that my vision has also increased its frequency spectrum, so
that I can see quantum waves.
What I hear, is not exactly the astral energies, but the atoms in the air, which
are involved in the rotations of the 6th to the 14th chakra within my expanded
astral field. Their rotational velocity has increased significantly in comparison
to normal human beings. This high frequency sound is heard predominantly
in the left ear, while the cosmic energies from the highest realms flow through
the open portal of my left brain hemisphere.
There are many different qualities of cosmic energies, which I can discern by
their specific tone and vibration pattern. Each specific astral wave is associ-
ated with a different set of somatic symptoms and psycho-mental experiences.
I can distinguish in the meantime more than 20 different qualities of cosmic
waves that enter daily my body. Thus, I can precisely predict what kind of
symptoms I will experience in the following time.
This is a very important feedback mechanism between my lower and Higher
Self, which mitigates somewhat the usually traumatic physical experience of
the light body process, as I can prepare myself mentally and psychologically
for the somatic consequences of the next nasty cosmic wave.
Real LBP has nothing to do with the fluffy, rosy stuff that most light workers
distribute on this topic in the last years. It is hard work - the hardest - an in-
carnated human entity can ever accomplish on this toxic planet.
Yet, I have not come upon a single description of this process in any channeled
or other literature. From this I deduce, that there are only very few selected
individuals that are as advanced as I am on earth and have, at the same time,
the neutrality and objectivity of an enlightened scholar to describe this process
in an immaculate scientific manner, as I have done it in my first gnostic book
"The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind", written in 2000- 2001.
This is essentially the role of the left and right brain in the latest and most
advanced stages of the individual light body process in human incarnated en-
tities. It is quite possible that this unique experience will become much more
common in the coming months prior to Mass Ascension at the end of 2012,
when many star seeds will have to advance significantly in their light body
process as to ascend individually and lead the masses to their greatest collec-
tive adventure in the history of human civilisation.
How to Interpret Correctly the Clinical
Symptoms of Your Light Body Process
First published on September 24, 2011,
Why You Should Not Trust Your Doctor When You Are
in the LBP and Experience Various Clinical Symptoms
Current established medicine has no idea of the LBP and the underlying bio-
chemical and energetic processes, which involve the transmutation of your
DNA and your cell metabolism, and the total restructuring of your chakras,
thus changing dramatically the energetic tissue of your bodies.
In the first place, medicine and bio-science have virtually no idea as to how
the metabolism of human cells and the body operates and how it is regulated.
All doctors exert their profession in a total ignorance with respect to the Na-
ture of biological matter.
When you go to the doctor, you do so because you consider yourself to be
incompetent to deal with the alleged disease or symptoms you suffer and thus
you delegate your personal power over your body to the "expert", who is sup-
posed to know more about your organism than you as a patient. At least, you
must believe that your doctor is a better expert than you are, otherwise you
will not attend his practice.
This is probably the greatest and most grievous blunder of humanity in these
times. You must finally realize that your doctors know less than you about
your body in particular and about any biological body in general. In your fear
that something must be wrong with your body, you simply forget for a mo-
ment that you are immortal, highly creative multidimensional beings and thus
sovereign masters of your physical vessel, which you have created to experi-
ence your illusory separation from the Source in the 3d-density of earth.
The latter is on the cusp of leaving this density and will be catapulted in No-
vember this year in the 4th and 5th dimension when the stargate 11.11.11 will
be opened. I have discussed this most dramatic cosmic event in my last three
articles on Elenin, the magnetic pole shift and in my last interview with the
Arcturians on the Shift and Ascension of mankind and Gaia in November this
Most of the doctors, you visit when you feel ill, are young souls and com-
pletely ignorant on the LBP and its implications for you as incarnated entities,
as well as for the whole mankind. Most of my colleagues are so dumbed down
by the current flawed medical education and health care system that they are
completely blind to the plethora of spiritual information that floods Internet
in these days about LBP and Ascension of humanity to the 5th dimension.
In the first place, the kind of medicine they represent is completely flawed.
Although my colleagues, the doctors, have described and introduced thou-
sands of new diseases and syndromes in the last 70 years, since the end of
WW2, which they have designated with their personal names in an act of ab-
sent scientific modesty, they always forget to tell their patients that they actu-
ally do not know the true cause of any disease, they are treating with fervor
and very often with a touch of arrogant aggressiveness and deliberate profes-
sional malignancy. To this I shall say much more below.
In order to substantiate my statement, I would recommend my readers to
check the latest edition of the voluminous standard textbook for physicians
"Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine". You will not find there a single
disease or a syndrome, the aetiology of which has been definitely determined.
You will only find hypotheses and inconsistent facts about the origin of dis-
eases. You can then go to another standard textbook on therapy "Goodman
and Gilman`s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics" and you will again
discover that all the doctors and pharmacologists, who treat you with numer-
ous drugs, do not have the faintest idea, how they function in the body and
what, if any, positive effects they exert upon your disease.
If you need more proves on why all doctors and bio-scientists are completely
ignorant on the true Nature of biological matter, I would recommend you to
read my scientific book on medicine and bio-science "The General Theory of
Biological Regulation" .
At this place, I would like to make my readers aware of one simple and self-
evident fact, which, surprisingly, cannot be perceived by most people nowa-
days. Up to the present day, bio-scientists and doctors have failed to render a
valid and objective definition of what is "health" and what is "disease". How
can we, humans, discern between the state of health, which is currently asso-
ciated with the absence of symptoms and complaints, and the state of disease,
which is associated with numerous symptoms, complaints and impaired phys-
iological functions, which make you run to the doctor?
Please observe that you may be severely ill in the absence of any symptoms
and complaints, as is the case with most cancer diseases in the early stages.
Vice versa, you may have complaints or even symptoms, but you are none-
theless quite healthy, as is the case with most people when they fully enter the
LBP. Without the existence of a clear-cut definition of health and disease,
actually nobody should be allowed to exert the profession of a physician or a
healer. I hope that you now begin to comprehend the cause for the current
great confusion of humanity with respect to health and LBP.
You can check the numerous volumes on medicine in any scientific library or
in Internet, and you will be surprised to find out that humanity has not yet
established a valid criterion, which tells us when we have left the normal,
healthy state of biological regulation of the body and have entered the state of
an impaired, dysfunctional biological regulation and disease that needs a treat-
This finding is extremely important for all of you, who have entered the LBP,
as you already experience, or will very soon experience, prolonged episodes
of body transformation, which are associated with numerous symptoms that
may mimic the condition of one of the numerous diseases, described in the
textbooks of your ignorant doctors. In fact, these are just physiological adjust-
ments of your bodies to the high frequency energy waves that flood your phys-
ical vessel through the now fully opened seven body chakras, thus building
your new crystalline light bodies of Ascension.
Your bodies are existing in a perfect harmony with All-That-Is, which is the
sole achievement of your soul and its astral programs regulating your organ-
ism. The soul, or the Higher Self, regulates the biological processes of the
organism through the seven body chakras with the help of a very complex
system of energetic input-output data stored in the ethereal and the higher
frequency bodies of the incarnated entity. It consists of infinite energetic feed-
back mechanisms, which are more complex in each individual organism than
the whole computer system of Internet with all its interlinked servers, pro-
grams and the like.
Therefore, it is not at all surprising that your doctors have virtually no idea
about the regulation of your bodies. In their exuberant ignorance, they mas-
sively intrude in your bodies by employing numerous, deleterious surgical and
diagnostic procedures, and obsolete medical treatments with drugs, exhibiting
many life-threatening, adverse effects, while your doctors are insidiously ma-
nipulating your mental and emotional helplessness as a patient.
This delegation of your power to other less evolved human entities disables
your intrinsic ability to heal yourself effectively with the help of your soul,
which is in fact the only way of real healing. Please, do not forget that the soul
is the sovereign Creator of the human body, and that it can only be healed, if
the soul gives her permission. This is what the free will of humans is actually
all about.
As I have proved in an irrevocable manner in my scientific work "The General
Theory of Biological Regulation", about 90% of all drugs, currently registered
and available on the market, are cell-inhibiting drugs and thus increase sig-
nificantly mortality and morbidity in all patients. This fact has been indepen-
dently confirmed by many excellent double-blind, placebo-controlled cli-
nical trials, which have been published in peer international medical journals,
such as Lancet, Internal Medicine, New England of Journal Medicine, etc.
I quote in my book more than 50 pivotal trials that confirm in an impeccable
statistical manner that such cell-inhibiting drugs as ß-blockers, antiarrhyth-
mics, antibiotics, cytostatics, (chemotherapy), non-steroidal antirheumatic
drugs, etc. (please observe that their very names already imply the knowledge
that they are cell-inhibiting drugs), cause more deaths in patients than com-
pared to those treated with placebo, that is to say, with no active treatment in
the sense of current pharmacology (The placebo effect is already considered
in the statistical evaluation by the double-blind design.).
All trials proved that between 1% and 3% of the tested patients are killed by
such cell-inhibiting drugs. When you extrapolate these figures to the world-
wide patient population, treated extensively with such cell-inhibiting drugs,
you will easily find out, just as I did in the early 90s, that humanity is a col-
lective victim of the greatest genocide in the history of this planet, committed
by doctors, pharmaceutical industry, and health care system. The latter is, just
like the financial system, firmly in the hands of the Powers That Be - the
Orion/Reptilian Empire. This you can read in my last book on Gnosis "The
Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction".
Every year, millions of innocent and ignorant patients are exterminated on a
massive scale by the Western type of health care system around the globe.
This is done at the expense of the taxpayers, who are in addition impoverished
or ruined by the exponentially growing costs of this disastrous system, as is
currently the case in the USA, where the health care system is already collaps-
ing under the burden of unlimited financial debt.
This genocide on humanity was deliberately instigated for two major reasons:
1. The Powers that Be and their human minions in the health care sector, up
to the top of the political Elite in every country, want to exterminate as many
human beings as possible in the End Times. The reason for this crime is that,
because of the rapidly growing human population in the End Times when
many human souls want to participate in the cosmic event of Ascension, the
Greys/Anunnaki and the Reptilians are stretched thin and can no longer effec-
tively enslave humanity, as they have done this in the past. Thus they urge
their human minions in the pharmaceutical and health care sector to develop
only such treatments and therapeutic procedures that essentially kill the pa-
tients. Just for your information: When I was born 60 years ago, the human
population on earth was about 2.5 billion people. Today, it is estimated to be
seven billion. This explains the dilemma, in which the Powers That Be are
trapped in the current End Times.
2. The second reason, why the Dark Forces have developed this insidious
pharmaceutical industry, producing only poisons for the humans, and the cur-
rent health care system of indoctrinated doctors and involuntary proxies of the
Powers That Be, performing uncritically numerous medical interventions in
the patient's body in a state of complete ignorance with respect to the astral
regulation of the human organism, is to inhibit the LBP in the broad popula-
tion, which was known to unfold on a mass scale in the End Times. All med-
ical procedures used in the health care system introduce negative, low fre-
quency energies in the patients' physical vessels and hamper them to cleanse
their four bodies - physical. emotional, mental, and ethereal. This is, however,
an indispensable prerequisite to advance in the LBP and to ascend.
Therefore, my strong advice as a medical doctor and an Ascended Master at
this place: Never visit a doctor as soon as you have entered the last and most
intensive phase of the LBP. If you have survived the perils of this toxic planet
up to the present moment and you are fully in the LBP, you are not entitled to
experience physical death, but to continue augmenting your frequencies, so
that you can ascend at the latest on December 21, 2012.
This is the divine plan for this planet, and no visit to the doctor will bring you
near to this end but will only hamper your LBP. You do not need any doctors
and the current health care system. Let your ego go of and leave the manage-
ment of your body regulation and the healing of your alleged diseases to your
soul, and she will heave you to the 5th dimension because she loves you un-
conditionally and wants the best for you. This is my message to you.
The Transformation of the Seven Body Chakras in
the LBP
and affect human behavior in a profound and invisible manner as long as the
4th chakra is closed. Below, I will discuss the clinical and somatic symptoms,
associated with this massive angst experience.
Here, I will give you some technical information on the opening of the
4th chakra, which you may not find in any other book or channeled message
on this issue. As you may know, this chakra is associated with the thy-
mus. This organ is in front of the lungs and is rudimentary in most human
beings - it is not evolved at all. When the 4th chakra begins to open, the thy-
mus starts to grow. At a later stage, this can be even determined by CT (com-
puter tomography). The growth of the thymus is associated with chest
pains, asphyxia, acute episodes of severe bronchitis and pneumonitis, which
are erroneously diagnosed as flu or pneumonia by most doctors, who have no
idea of LBP and Ascension. The most disturbing symptom, however, is heart
arrhythmia, which is due to the adjustment of the heart regulation to the new,
powerful astral energies, which now flow unrestricted in the physical body
after the 4th chakra has been opened. The arrhythmia can last from 6 months
up to one year. When I first wrote about this symptom in my book "Evolu-
tionary Leap of Mankind" in 2001, this phenomenon was completely un-
known. In the meantime, I have many friends, who have entered this stage and
are now complaining about heart arrhythmia, which is always associated
with fear bursts that aggravate the mental situation of the entity.
They usually run to the doctor and get prescribed a ß-blocker or an anti- ar-
rhythmic drug, which increase mortality and hinder the LBP, as I have already
explained above. Therefore, it is very important that the entity should know
exactly what is going on during the LBP and should not succumb to his fears,
believe to be ill and visit physicians. This is a huge problem nowadays that
impedes the LBP.
I can assure you that the transient arrhythmia episodes are absolute harmless
and disappear without any treatment as soon the opening of the 4th chakra is
completed. However, one can make use of ß-blockers intermittently, when
such symptoms occur. The advantage of a ß-blocker (preferably metoprolol)
is that it, at the same time, has a sedating, calming effect and mitigates the
acute fear experience that is associated with a LBP-induced heart arrhyth-
mia. But you must restrict the use of metoprolol only to the acute fear epi-
sodes, as this drug is rather toxic when chronically administered. The above
information is extremely important for anybody, who enters this last and most
intensive phase of the LBP.
According to my observation, the opening of the 4th heart chakra has reached
many light workers (adult and old souls) in the autumn of 2009 and has been
progressing at a rapid pace since then. In 2011 most light workers have expe-
rienced a peak in the cardiac symptoms, associated with the opening of this
chakra. The broad population is now following this avantgarde of mankind,
as the influx of high frequency waves from the central sun of our galaxy has
significantly increased in the course of this summer and will peak in October
and November during the Shift and Ascension of Gaia and Humanity to the
4th and 5th dimension after the stargate 11.11.11 will be opened.
Most of these energies of Ascension can only enter the physical body through
the heart chakra. This is a key event in the LBP in the End Times, which is,
unfortunately, not really discussed by most channels, at least not in such a way
as to promote the understanding of the light workers. It is a pity, as this topic
is of great practical relevance and existential urgency for most light workers,
who need a good professional advice with respect to their clinical symptoms,
which they cannot adequately interpret.
As soon as these two hurdles are surmounted, the LBP can truly unfold. This
is associated with the opening of the 6th and 7th body chakra, which are
closed in most entities.
Just for your information: Before the soul incarnates, she makes decision on
the energetic characteristics of the incarnated entity. One very important de-
cision is, which chakras should be the dominant ones. As you may know,
chakras are energetic rotational wave systems, which play an intermediary
role and convey the higher frequency, life-supporting astral energies of the
causal body, through the ethereal body, into the electromagnetic waves of the
organic body. In this way, the incessant regulation of the biological organism
is taking place at any point in time.
This is an extremely complex process of energy exchange, which is virtually
unknown to present-day bio-science. I have made some major contributions
to the understanding of this process in my book "The General Theory of Bio-
logical Regulation" (volume III). However, it is not necessary to know this
theory in order to begin with the LBP - this book is for those scientists, who
will not go through the LBP, but must have a theoretical idea of what is hap-
pening currently on earth, so that they may eventually qualify for Ascension
after 2012. And now comes an information, you may not have heard yet.
The soul decides which two chakras should be dominant in the entity - this
means that the astral energy flows predominantly through these two chakras at
a ratio of 70% to 30% in the human body. In most entities, only the lower
three chakras are dominant: The 1st chakra (bottom chakra, instinctive
centre) is associated with the suprarenal gland, where the adrenalin/ nora-
drenalin production is located. This chakra is responsible for the activation of
the self-preservative instincts (survival patterns) of the entity. These survival
instincts are currently massively deleted, as they will no longer exist in the 5th
dimension. These instincts are associated with the carbon based human bod-
ies, which will be transformed into crystalline light bodies after Ascension.
These fears are responsible for numerous clinical symptoms, which I will dis-
cuss in the next chapter.
The 2nd chakra (sexual centre, sexual organs); and the 3rd chakra (power
chakra), which is associated with liver, pancreas, and stomach, are responsi-
ble for the expression of the vital forces of the entity in the three-dimensional,
material reality on this planet. These chakras are well developed in most
young souls, which represent the majority in the current population (for fur-
ther information see "Evolutionary Leap of Mankind" and the article "Ascen-
sion 2012-The Ongoing Scenario").
The dominance of the lower chakras in the broad population can be observed
in the irrational behavior of most human entities, which will culminate in the
fall of this year when the financial collapse will first take place and then the
knowledge of the coming Shift and Ascension at the stargate 11.11.11 will
finally reach the minds of most incarnated human entities on this planet, which
are currently vegetating in a deep slumber.
It is rather easy for any enlightened observer to discern, which entities in his
surroundings are acting and reacting exclusively from their lower chakras, be-
cause their upper chakras are closed, and which entities are behaving from
their opened unified chakra, as I shall explain below. This is a very good
mental exercise in spiritual discernment, which I will recommend to all my
The 5th intellectual chakra (thyroid gland) is currently selected as dominant
in a growing number of people - hence the huge number of scientists nowa-
days, which exceeds the number of all scientists, who have ever lived in the
past. This chakra is associated with the dominance of the left brain, which is
responsible for the hallucinatory perception of 3d-space-time, as the infor-
mation coming from the limited human senses is processed in the left brain
The 6th spiritual chakra (hypophysis, pituitary gland) and the 7th ecstatic
chakra (epiphysis, pineal gland) are closed in most entities upon birth (with
the exception of the crystalline children after 2000). This is the actual block-
ade of the incarnated personality from the Higher Self and the reason for the
lack of medial abilities and spirituality in most human beings on earth. It is
the actual cause for the so called "veil of forgetfulness".
The reason for this common energetic malfunction is the necessity for the
incarnated entity to concentrate on 3d-life on earth and live in the illusion that
he is a separated individual.
When the LBP really commences, these two chakras must be opened in the
first place, so that the two glands begin to grow. In the esoteric literature, these
two upper chakras are referred to as the "third eye", by putting them together
in one functional term. This is not wholly wrong, as they operate in a coordi-
nated fashion. At a later stage, the hypertrophy of the two brain glands can be
detected by CT, and this is an irrefutable proof for the progress of the LBP
and the existence of Higher Realms of Creation (scientific Proof of God).
When the 6th and 7th chakras are fully opened, the left brain, being responsi-
ble for most human hallucinations, especially for the separation of the incar-
nated entity from the Soul and the Source, is completely restructured. In my
case, this happened in 1999. After that the left brain hemisphere begins to
operate as a huge individual left brain portal for high frequency energies
from the highest realms, respectively, from the 8th to 14th chakras of the
causal centre of the soul (for further information on the brain function see also
my article on psychedelic drugs).
The incarnated human entity begins to hear the high-frequency metallic hum
of the rapidly rotating higher chakras (8th to 14th), predominantly in the left
ear and around the head. This hum does not come from the astral energies, as
they are beyond the electromagnetic spectrum and cannot be perceived by the
human ear. The hum is a by-product of the air molecules, which are involved
in the rapid rotations of these astral energies. In this way, the gas molecules
collide more often with each other and thus create this high frequency metallic
hum. You will not find this physical explanation anywhere else. Therefore, it
is not a coincidence that many light workers in the LBP are erroneously
treated for tinnitus.
The energy flow through the left brain portal is like a column of about 20-30
cm in diameter. It flows throughout the whole body along the vertebral col-
umn and reaches all other chakras. This energy, which some channels describe
as "Ka" and others as "kundalini" exits the human body through the heels. In
this way, it merges the lower three chakras with the energy field of Gaia. As
Gaia's field has been augmented now to the 4th and lower 5th dimensions, so
do the three lower chakras of the incarnated entity in the LBP.
Finally, I must add that there are two further minor chakras, which must also
be fully developed in the LBP, before the unified chakra could be built. The
first one is situated about 20 centimeters below the 1st bottom chakra and the
second one around the knees. This is an important information, as it explains
why many light workers in the LBP suffer from severe joint pains in the knees
for at least one or more years. After this chakra is fully built, the pains disap-
pear forever. As many people are fully unaware of this fact, they go to ortho-
pedists and allow them being operated on the knees for various wrong reasons,
such as degenerative arthritis.
When the 4th chakra is fully opened, it encompasses the lower three chakras
and brings them in alignment with the three upper chakras, which transmit
intellectual (5th chakra), inspirational (6th chakra) and ecstatic (7th chakra)
energies. In this way a unified chakra is built, which rotates with a much
higher velocity and is able to transmit much more and higher frequency ener-
gies in the four bodies of the incarnated entity. This leads automatically to the
elimination of many local blockades and fear based patterns of low vibration
according to the laws of constructive and destructive interference as ex-
plained in my last book "The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction".
The building of a unified body chakra is a corner stone in the LBP. When this
stage is reached, the entity has fully qualified for Ascension. This does not,
however, mean that the LBP is finished, as there is no upper limit in this pro-
cess. The entity may continue to ascend beyond the 5th dimension, while still
dwelling in a physical vessel.
This aspect is not well understood in esoteric circles. An incarnated entity may
have already ascended to the 5th dimension, according to current standards,
but he may still stay in a physical vessel and continue augmenting his body
frequencies beyond this level. In this case, the entity will reach after the final
transformation of his physical body into light body the 6th to 8th dimensions,
and even beyond that.
If we quantify the levels of vibration in terms of octaves, the light body of an
ascended master on earth may vibrate beyond the 144-octave of universal
creation, which is also the octave of the crystalline grid of the ascending
earth. The 144-grid vibrates with the frequencies of the highest 5th-dimen-
sional levels.
The 144-grid of earth will be completed by about 93%, when the stargate
11.11.11 will be opened in the fall of this year. This vibrational level will be
sufficient for the First Wave of Ascended Masters to take place. These star
seeds belong to the Planetary Ascension Team (PAT), who will delegate
their three lower chakras to the Gaia's field and will help it to ascend to the
4th and 5th dimensions in November this year. Most of the members of the
PAT will ascend to the higher levels of the 5th dimension or even beyond that.
Some of them, as the author, will return to the interim 4d-earth in light body
and will help humanity to manage this difficult transitional period.
This will be the most dramatic cosmic event in the history of this planet and
human civilisation. It is a pity that the vast majority oi humanity and many
light workers have no clear idea about what is awaiting mankind in the next
several months. Therefore, I urge all my readers to read or subscribe for free
my articles on this and other coming events, published in "Breaking Astral
News" on my website
At the final star portal 12.12.12, the crystalline 144-grid of the earth will be
completed, and this will enable the Mass Ascension of the majority of human
incarnated entities on earth to the lower levels of the 5th dimension.
There will be, however, ascended human masters, who will automatically
reach the 6th and higher dimensions and will communicate with the ascended
humanity in the lower 5th dimension from these higher realms, where there
will be no necessity to have an individual light body, as the ascended master
will be of pure energy and can create immediately any conceivable light body
at his discretion.
The opening of the two higher chakras and further chakras above the human
body (8th to 14th) paves the path for the entrance of high frequency energies
from the 5th and higher dimensions, which are associated with various symp-
toms and specific somatic experiences, which I will discuss in the next chap-
Let me now make the following final observation at this place, which may be
already known to many of my readers: The entity cannot make a decision on
the initiation of the LBP, but only the soul – that is, the individual LBP must
be in the soul contract. However, only the entity can know, what is in his
personal soul contract. No external person can discern it.
But the entity may eventually hinder the planned individual LBP, if he has not
developed the proper attitude and rejects or impedes it through his irrational
behavior and fearful thinking. One major danger that lurks in the current rather
uneducated human society is to seek medical treatment in the current health
care system, whenever one experiences a somatic symptom or believes to have
the right to complain about such. Instead, you should have much more faith
in the healing abilities of your soul and let go of your ego, which wants to
control everything, first and foremost, your physical body. The ego loves to
control the human body, despite of the fact that it has absolutely no idea as to
how it is really regulated. Its astral regulation by the soul is, so to say, "free
lunch" for the ego.
Therefore, it is always of great advantage for any entity to be fully informed
- at best, in scientifically correct, though popular terms - about the energetic
mechanisms of the LBP and its somatic manifestations. After all, it is all
about Energy and nothing else. The internalizing of this simple fact elimi-
nates most of the fears and emotional incompatibilities, which any entity in-
evitably encounters in the course of the LBP. In this case, relaxation, medita-
tion and, above all, a good portion of Heavenly Humor to counterbalance the
toxic madness of this planet is the best tactics to promote the LBP.
Departing from our elaboration on the role of the chakras in the LBP process,
we shall now discuss the most common symptoms associated with their trans-
formation. Some of these symptoms were already mentioned above. We shall
summarize them once again in this chapter.
The first and second chakras are fear-based chakras and harbor the self-preser-
vation instincts of the incarnated entity. When they start to be cleansed, these
fear-based patterns come on the surface and must be consciously experienced.
This psychical experience is as individual as the fear patterns harbored in these
chakras, so that they cannot be discussed at this place. However, they are reg-
ularly associated with severe symptoms of the renal and urinary tract.
The person in this stage of the LBP regularly suffers from episodes of inter-
mittent nephropathy with lumbar pains, which are projected into the pelvic
region and from a concomitant inflammation of the urinary bladder (cysti-
tis) and the urethra, causing burning and acute pain during urination. These
symptoms usually last for 2 to 4 days and rapidly disappear when the trans-
formation energy wave of the two lower chakras is completed. I recommend
only to drink as much water and liquids as possible and to use various herbal
teas that promote the relaxation of the urinary tract muscles and stimulate di-
The most difficult part of the LBP is the transformation of the 3rd chakra,
which involves liver, gallbladder, pancreas and stomach. It may last for 5 or
more years. Even when the process is completed, these organs are vulnerable
to any new high frequency wave, coming from the left brain portal down
through the body. It is always associated with various specific symptoms of
these organs.
In the first place, the ascension candidate in the LBP has complaints associ-
ated with the gallbladder and the stomach, such as hyperacidity, acute pains
in the right upper abdomen, especially after mealtime, nausea, vomiting, and
other similar symptoms that may lead the doctors to believe, the person should
be treated or even operated for severe gastritis, peptic ulcers, stomach tumors,
gallbladder stones, pancreas inflammation and tumors, liver cirrhosis, etc.
The effect of such interventions is that the patient is in most cases lost for the
LBP, not so much because of the direct physical intervention of the physi-
cians, but because he has succumbed to his fears and has delegated the power
over his body to incompetent doctors. With such a mind-set, there is no LBP
and no Ascension.
Fortunately, there is a very simple and highly effective therapy, which I
strongly recommend to all ascension candidates in the LBP, when they enter
the transformation process of the 3rd chakra. You must know that upon enter-
ing the LBP, you have also acquired enormous healing energies from your
soul, which you can now use to mitigate the most severe symptoms of the LBP
and to support it in a very effective manner. You must only believe that this
is possible.
In this particular case, as soon you begin to experience stomach, liver or gall-
bladder pains in the right upper abdomen, you should lay your both hands
upon this part of your body and meditate as long as the pain starts to disappear.
At first, it may take 5 to 10 minutes to heal the pain. Later, when you become
more experienced and your frequencies augment, the healing effect becomes
more pronounced and you will be able to eliminate your abdominal pains of
the 3rd chakra within a couple of minutes.
At the end of my LBP, I could treat such pains with my right hand within 10
seconds. As quickly as these pains come, as quickly they disappear after lay-
ing my hand upon my right upper abdomen. Another additional technique that
mitigates the pain effectively is to employ quick deep breathing, which helps
release the negative energies in your 3rd chakra very quickly.
The symptoms associated with the heart chakra were already discussed above
because of their more severe and imminent character. In addition to them, the
opening of the 4th chakra is also associated with a profound transformation of
the lungs. There are specific energy waves that enter the left brain portal and
affect in the first place the respiratory system. When you have entered this
phase of the LBP, you will begin to discern the various wave qualities and you
will know in advance, which organs will be affected and what kind of symp-
toms you should expect several days later.
It is important to stress at this place that when a high frequency wave, coming
from the causal centre of your soul, enters your physical vessel through the
left brain portal, it takes some time, before this wave fully reaches the lower
body organs and induces the corresponding symptoms and complaints.
In the case of the respiratory astral wave, it affects in the first place the upper
airways, such as nose, pharynx and larynx, before it descends within 24 hours
to the trachea and the bronchi, until it finally reaches the alveoli of the lungs.
The result is a dry, acute, severe broncho-pneumonitis, (bronchitis and pneu-
monitis) which can be rather dramatic and can manifest itself clinically
as acute pneumonia.
At the beginning, this broncho-pneumonitis is always associated with high
fever, however, at a later stage, you will no longer be able to develop fever in
your body, as this symptom is associated only with the metabolism of the car-
bon based organism and is no longer existent in the new crystalline light body,
which you are about to build. This is a very exciting field of clinical LBP
research, about which I could tell you much more, but I will refrain from this
for the moment, as not to make matters much more complicated.
The acute broncho-pneumonitis lasts for 2 weeks and represents the most in-
tensive and extensive transformation episode during the LBP. Fortunately, it
occurs only once or twice per year and leads to a massive release of density
in the physical body. This event involves in the first place the 5th and 4th heart
chakra but has also a lasting impact on the lower three chakras.
As soon as the respiratory astral wave that triggers the acute broncho-pneu-
monitis enters the body through the 6th and 7th chakra, the brain is also fully
involved in the human suffering. From the very beginning, this wave leads to
extreme tension headache and rigidity of the neck muscles that is almost un-
bearable. This tension headache lasts at the beginning for at least 24 hours. Its
duration may diminish to 12-15 hours later on, when you enter the final stages
of the LBP.
It affects predominantly the left brain hemisphere but may sometimes appear
as a right brain tension headache. Please do not confuse this headache with a
migraine. The best drug to use during this episode is dipyrone (metamizole),
Novalgin, Hoechst). However, this analgesic drug helps only at the latest stage
of the tension headache attack and thus only shortens the duration of the pain.
At the peak, no drugs can help. Therefore, forget it.
The best measure to mitigate the tension headache, is to put your head every
half an hour under cold water shower. and make a massage of the head and
the neck with your hands. Another technique that helps a little bit is to build
a triangle with the thumbs and fingers of both hands above the crown chakra.
In this way you create an energetic shield over your head and relay part of
high frequency energies along your arms to the body, instead of directly flow-
ing through your brain and neck.
Now, there is a remarkable peculiarity, which I must mention at this place.
When such a massive wave starts to enter your left brain, it is transported
predominantly through the nervous system. As some of you may know, the
efferent neuronal strands of the brain, the so called "pyramidal tracts (corti-
cospinal tracts)", are crossing in the lower brain (medulla oblongata) in the
so called decussatio pyramidalis (decussation of pyramidal tracts), before
they leave the brain.
In this case, the efferent pathways of the left brain are responsible for the in-
nervation of the right body and vice versa. Therefore, this huge astral wave
reaches predominantly the right half of the body and triggers a moderate form
of right body hemiparesis with rigidity of the corresponding muscles. This
kind of hemiparesis is associated with an impairment of the fine muscle coor-
dination and transient joint pains in the pelvis, knees, and ankles. The fingers
of the right hand are very rigid and clumsy during this wave. The right elbow
is suffering most of the time and may be painful for days. It feels like a "tennis-
elbow injury".
I call such a massive wave - cc-wave, from cc = commotio cerebri (concus-
sion), because when this wave hits you first, you feel as if you have boxed
twelve rounds with the two Klitchko-brothers at the same time in the ring and
they have knocked you down every 30 seconds. I do not want to scare my
readers with this description, as it may be the case that very few of you will
ever experience such a massive episode of LBP-transformation.
In my particular case, I had such episodes every two to three days in the last
7 years, according to my diary on the LBP, which I am keeping with diligence
since then. Sometimes, I have had a series of 3 to 5 cc-waves each day in a
raw in the course of one week.
Let me observe now that not all cc-waves lead to acute broncho-pneumonitis.
Most of the time, they only lead to a light or moderate inflammation of the
airways or do not affect them at all. Only when the cc-wave exceeds the usual
intensity, it will trigger an acute broncho-pneumonitis. When you have gone
through such an episode, you will never forget it and you will immediately
recognize it the next time.
Every cc-wave leads to a huge augmentation of the body frequencies and to a
massive release of fear-based patterns and other negative energies that have
been stored for many incarnations in your bodies. These negative fear patterns
are predominantly stored in the so-called junk-DNA, which is in fact the hu-
man memory of all past incarnations. Please do not forget that you are now
cleansing the whole karma of all your present, past, and parallel incarnations,
as to achieve the full integration of all your lives with the centre of your soul
and soul family, respectively with the monad.
This is essentially my synopsis on the clinical symptoms during the LBP,
which you may or may not experience in this totality and intensity. I am giving
you here a catalogue of most common symptoms and complaints, which one
can possibly encounter during this process in conjunction with the function
and transformation of the seven body chakras during the process. But please
do not use the above discussed symptoms as a curriculum for your hypochon-
driac inclinations. This has nothing to do with LBP.
The author of this article is a medical doctor and has vast experience in clinical research.
He has conducted and managed many large international clinical trials with new drugs in
the 80s and 90s. In 1991, he founded the private institute for Drug Investigation, Auditing,
and Statistics, DIAS Institute, in Munich, Germany. In 1994-1995 he discovered the Uni-
versal Law in bio-science and later on in physics and developed the General Theory of
Science of the Universal Law that is planned to unfold fully after mass Ascension of hu-
manity in the 5th dimension. Therefore, it is correct to say that the new scientific theory of
the Universal Law is at the same time the Science of Ascension. This article is a concrete
popular scientific application of the Theory, explaining the clinical symptoms that occur
during the LBP.
Update on the Energies of the LBP
First published on December 27, 2011
The last discussion on the real cosmic energies behind the LBP and the role
of the sexual energy "kundalini", respectively the lack of any role of this low
frequency energy in this process, revealed that there is a great need for further
clarification and elaboration of this central topic in the current End Times
which will lead to ascension of humanity to the 5th dimension. I have dis-
cussed the LBP extensively in my two previous articles, so that I will concen-
trate here on the new energies that are flooding earth and humanity since the
opening of the stargate 11.11.11 with our help and are now contributing de-
cisively to the acceleration of the LBP in all incarnated human beings.
As there are many false ideas and concepts regarding the LBP circulating
among light workers and in the esoteric community, I will explain at some
length what kundalini actually is and why this low frequency sexual energy
does not play any role in the current LBP. The importance of kundalini has
been wrongly exaggerated not only by Ute recently, but also by some other
readers of this website, so that I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to
shed some light one more time on this rather convoluted energetic process,
which is determining the destiny not only of all star seeds as the members of
the PAT, but also of humanity in one or another way.
Those people who will be ready to open their personal fields for the energies
of the LBP will acquire the chance to ascend by the end of 2012. Those who
have almost completed their LBP and are now ready for cosmic ascension to
become transliminal souls, as is the case with the PAT members, will also
profit from this discussion. Due to the delay of the shift and first ascension at
11.11.11, they have now the possibility to ascend higher than previously
planned for this incarnation, if they establish a clear understanding of this pro-
cess and support it mentally and emotionally in the last days prior to their
The idea that kundalini should play any role in the current LBP, as suggested
by Ute and some other readers is a complete misapprehension of the actual
energetic situation during this process, and I must decisively repudiate it. It
contradicts absolutely what I have experienced in the last 12 years during my
LBP and what many members of the PAT have also experienced and reported
to me.
Moreover, these wrong views do not coalesce with the new physical theory
of the Universal Law, which must be applied to the LBP in order to under-
stand its underlying energetic mechanism in a consistent scientific manner.
After all, the LBP is an energetic phenomenon and the Universal Law is the
only physical law of All-That-Is which assesses the nature of Energy = Space-
Time in all its infinite manifestations.
Ute and some other readers supported the view that kundalini is essential for
the initiation and progress of the LBP. This flawed concept was presented in
different facets. One reader believed that kundalini is responsible for the har-
monization of the seven body chakras. All these faulty ideas stem from the
lack of physical understanding as to how Nature = Energy operates as a
Whole and in particular systems, such as the human organism.
Let me say it from the very beginning: Kundalini does not play any role in the
harmonization of the seven body chakra during the LBP. The actual energetic
principle is completely different as I have written extensively in my two arti-
cles on the LBP and in my last article on the "Cosmic Law of Energy Optimi-
First of all, there is no such thing as "harmonization" during the LBP, but
exactly the reverse process - the incessant building of energy gradients in the
mental, emotional and physical body which are perceived by the incarnated
entity as psychomental disharmonies or imbalances, for instance, as conflict-
ing ideas and antagonistic feelings.
The actual harmonization with the higher realms is coming from the opening
of the 4th heart chakra, which begins to enlarge and to encompass the three
lower chakras and to put them in alignment with the three upper chakras and
later on with the higher frequency energies of the monad and the source. This
process has been discussed in numerous channeling messages in the last sev-
eral years, but without giving any technical explanations as the channelers are
not prepared for them and would have been overwhelmed. I will explain be-
low how this "harmonization", which is actually a temporary disharmony of
the human energetic fields during the LBP, is accomplished from a physical
point of view.
The opening of the stargate 11.11.11 accelerated this process and many mem-
bers of the PAT experienced this acute opening and expanding of the heart
chakra and have reported it on numerous occasions in the ascension re-
ports. Parallel to the opening of the 4th heart chakra, the left brain portal is
also opened. These two processes overlap in the second half of their opening
period. In my case, the opening of the 4th chakra occurred in the period of
1997-1999 and the opening of the left brain portal in 1999. I now receive reg-
ularly emails from members of the PAT, who report about the massive open-
ing of their left brain portal and the associated clinical symptoms (see for in-
stance report-43).
There are many wrong ideas as to what the human chakras really are. I will
not delve into them. In reality, the seven human chakras are, from an energetic
point of view, interceptions between the high frequency energies coming from
the soul and the higher dimensions and the electromagnetic space-time of the
biological organism.
I have proved irrevocably in the new General Theory of Biological Regula-
tion based on the Universal Law that the human organism is a complex su-
perimposed electromagnetic wave system. The reason for this is that all cells
operate as more or less spherical electromagnetic capacitors which transform
the chemical energy from the food during their metabolism into stored elec-
tromagnetic energy of the membrane potentials of the human cells. This sci-
entific discovery was made for the first time in the history of science by my-
self in 1994, after I discovered the Universal law for organic matter, and be-
fore proving its universal validity for physical matter and for All-That-Is a
year later.
Geometrically regarded, the chakras have the form of rotational cones with
their peaks rooted in the front and in the back of the body at the according
level and associated organs. These cones are vortexes that rotate with different
rotational velocities and this kinetics determines their actual frequency and
function. The rotational velocity and the frequency augments from the 1st bot-
tom chakra (instinctive centre) to the 7th ecstatic chakra, which is associated
with the pineal gland.
Please observe in this context that waves = frequencies are rotations and vice
versa - the origin of every wave and frequency is a closed rotation. In this
sense all objects and systems in All-That-Is are superimposed rotational sys-
tems. They are U-sets that contain All-That-Is and themselves as an element.
This also holds true for the human chakras. I have discussed this basic gnostic
and physical topic, which is also underpinning present-day quantum mechan-
ics, at length in my last book "The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction".
When the chakras are closed, as is the case in more than 90% of the current
human population, they harbor numerous debris and crystals in their cone
fields, which impede their rotational kinetics. These astral debris and crystals
represent the actual blockages and past dross of the incarnated human entity,
which he has to cleanse during the LBP.
When the chakras begin to open, these blockages are eliminated step by step
and the front and back cones/vortexes begin to enlarge their energetic field
and to merge into a complete spherical field. This starts with the heart chakra
and slowly encompasses the three lower chakras, where kundalini is induced
only in those incarnated entities, who have closed 4th to 7th chakras (for fur-
ther details see report-42 and report-43).
Many human beings have in addition closed lower chakras. In most cases they
have only opened the 1st basic chakra which is responsible for the animalistic
self-preservation instincts (survival instincts) and the 3rd power chakra of
human dominance, which is associated with liver, stomach, pancreas and
gallbladder. The latter chakra is well developed in all dark entities, which
dominate the current debased society as politicians, managers and other min-
ions of the Orion/Reptilian Empire. Their driving force in life is to exert power
and dominance over the rest of humanity as to feel safe, as the three lower
chakra harbor all basic fears of humanity that determine human behavior and
shape society according to the principle of angst.
Many of these entities have a closed 2nd chakra, which is the actual sexual
chakra that also generates kundalini. The 2nd chakra is not only responsible
for the pure sexual energy during the sexual act, experienced as orgasm by
those who are able to enjoy it, but also for the creative artistic energies in the
incarnated human entity. In this particular case I doubt seriously that those
who talk extensively about kundalini and its role in the LBP belong to the
group that enjoys orgasm, as large trials on sexual human behavior have
clearly revealed that less than 50% of the human population have ever expe-
rienced orgasm in their life due to their closed second chakra. In this respect
I also recommend to read the Kinsey report.
This is where the term "kundalini" actually comes into play. Many artists,
painters, writers, but also scientists have profited from this energy during an
intensive sexual intercourse and have made use of this sexual energy more or
less in an unconscious manner to achieve remarkable intellectual and creative
results in a short period of time. For instance, it is reported that while Schrö-
dinger had a stormy sexual affair with his mistress for several months during
the winter of 1926 in a mountain hut in the Alps, he developed his famous
Schrödinger equation of quantum mechanics and wrote several basic publica-
tions which laid the foundation of this new physical discipline.
Sex, being a stimulus for great artistic achievements, is a commonplace in the
world literature and I do not need to quote particular titles here. Suppressed
sexual energies in the Victorian and Biedermaier societies of the 19th century
(read also the novels of Henry James about the prudent US-society on the East
coast at that time) was the driving inspirational force that determined the
mainstream of the Western novel (prose) tradition.
This trend merged with the esoteric movement known as Mesmerism (Mes-
mer, a French physician), which postulated the existence of a mythic "vis vi-
talis", which penetrates all Creation - hence the verb "mesmerize" in the Eng-
lish language, which points to the popularity of this teaching since that time.
It was from this cultural background that the idea of kundalini gained popu-
larity in the 20th century. The term was initially borrowed from the Asian
esoteric tradition, which reached the Western minds through the esoteric tea-
chings of Blavatsky (theosophical society). Essentially, "kundalini" was in-
troduced in the West as it is mainly practiced in the tantric tradition, where it
was seldom, if ever, used as a source of inspiration. otherwise we must have
heard more about its artistic achievements in Asia.
Only the unhealthy combination of ill-guided Western esoteric tradition with
unyielding Asian tantric teachings led to the mythologizing of this sexual en-
ergy known as "kundalini".
This short tour de force through the historic background of this term is neces-
sary as to highlight how some dubious and unclear concepts gain broad ac-
ceptance in the poorly educated Western society, as is the case with the current
New Age movement. The New (Old) Agers in North America have seldom a
true understanding of the cultural traditions in the rest of the world and how
certain spiritual concepts evolved throughout time and became fully perverted
at the end.
Ute makes in this respect no exception - she combines the proverbial Ger-
man/European ignorance with the same Anglo-Saxon ignorance in a perfect
manner. The End Times are unfortunately in the first place the times of col-
lective ignorance - this is the most despicable aspect of them, and that is why
it is so hard to stay any day longer on this primitive planet. Being in addition
a "prison planet" bothers me less as I always have been a free man.
This is the cultural background of the term "kundalini" that is currently on the
best way to completely confuse the light workers' understanding of the ener-
getic processes underlying the current LBP. Therefore, I suggest to every star
seed, who is seriously interested in progressing in the LBP, to delete this word
from his vocabulary.
Another major source of the current confusion with regard to the evaluation
of the LBP is that most people depart from different initial energetic condi-
tions, which are inherent to their esoteric weltanschauung. Let me elaborate
on this issue.
When the left brain portal is fully opened and the 4th heart chakra fully ex-
panded as to encompass the three lower and three higher chakras, this basic
energetic condition of the LBP actually leads to the so called "cosmic ascen-
sion" beyond the 144-octave or the 5th dimension. Most of the members of
the PAT are that much advanced and will finish their current incarnation with
a cosmic ascension. Their number hardly exceeds 2000 at best. The number
of all star seeds and light workers is estimated to be about 30 million at pre-
sent. Some of them will have a cosmic ascension, but many of them will not
make it and will end up with planetary ascension or die next year and ascend
in this way.
The "planetary ascension" is reserved for the huge masses of unenlightened
people, who are supposed to awaken in the course of the next year as to ascend
to the lower second level of the 5th dimension in Dec 2012, where they will
still experience some kind of physicality and their ability to create immedi-
ately through imagination will not be developed yet.
The ascended masters that will go beyond the 5th dimension in the course of
their cosmic ascension will be able to create immediately and will enjoy mul-
tidimensional experiences in the horizontal and vertical dimension. It is very
important to clearly present these basic facts as I have made the experience
that they are confused all the time, even by members of the PAT.
According to my observations, most of the light workers are currently labor-
ing on the opening of their 4th heart chakra and have not yet opened their left
brain portal. This crucial threshold will be reached by some of them in 2012,
so that they will be able to accelerate their LBP in the coming days and weeks
under the powerful influence of the 11.11.11 energies and the follow-up en-
ergies after the portals 12.12 and 21.12 were opened.
There is a small number of human entities, such as most of the PAT members,
who are in the final phase of the LBP and operate for many years with an
opened left brain portal. The others have not had this experience so far, but
this does not hinder them to discuss this issue as if they were experts in LBP.
To indulge in such discussions will be as futile as explaining to blind people
the beauty of the visible colors. It does not work.
This is the case with Ute for example, She has recommended herself with her
remarks on kundalini as a paradigm for all blind New-Old Agers, who believe
that they can "doctor" on esoteric themes by throwing with empty shells of
words at their readers, borrowed from antiquated Asian or other esoteric
sources or by worshipping past gurus such as Adi Da, whose teachings nobody
remembers anymore.
The LBP is a very tedious recurrent, iterative process. This is the reason why
it is so exhausting and so difficult to bear. Each new wave that enters the body
is of a higher frequency than the previous one, but it essentially accomplishes
the same job as the previous one. Only the intensity and the severity of the
accompanying clinical symptoms is greater and this makes life on earth for
anybody who is fully in the LBP a real torture.
This is the p(l)ain truth and any "sugar coating" as Wilfred says (see report-
43) is a treacherous confusion that distracts the entity away from ascension
and spiritual evolution. This must be said openly and firmly at this place.
There is no point in deluding us and other people, but helping us and them to
ascend very soon and leave this hell on earth for ever. This can only be done
if we see the true reality with eyes wide open.
Now let me specify: There are numerous wave patterns and energy qualities
that enter the human body through the left brain portal during the LBP. Under
this circumstance, the seven body chakras almost completely lose their initial
function, except to still participate in the usual automatic coordination of the
biological body. The body chakras are now subjugated to the higher frequen-
cies coming from the 8th to 14th chakras, which are the highest possible fre-
quencies, coming actually from the Source. (8th to 12th dimensions).
When these energies enter the body and flow through the KA tube and the
neuronal pathways as described by myself in my two articles on the LBP, they
begin to augment the frequencies of the seven body chakra according to
the cosmic laws of constructive and destructive interference - by deleting low
frequency patterns and substituting them with higher ones as explained in my
last article on the "Cosmic Law of Energy Optimization". This is a highly re-
petitive process that lasted in my case 12 years without a pause. Now this
process will be accelerated as the energies are more powerful and favourable
on earth after 11.11.11.
For instance, it took me 7-8 years to cleanse my third power chakra and during
that time I had most of the time acute gastric, pancreatic and liver pains. Even
today when there is a new wave, as was recently the case around the two por-
tals 12.12 and 21.12, these organs always suffer. But I have developed a spe-
cial breathing technique to mitigate these pains coming from the 3rd chakra
within seconds.
These powerful heavenly energies from the source, flowing through the left
brain portal from the 8th to 14th chakra over-drive and suppress the low fre-
quency energies transmitted by the three lower chakras. These chakras have
in the meantime augmented their vibrations well beyond the spectrum of sex-
ual energies experienced in a various way and defined as "kundalini" in the
literature in the past.
From this disquisition it follows succinctly that one should not throw all con-
cepts in a huge barrel, mix them and hope that something good will come out
of it. There is a rigid systematics in the presentation of the LBP and one should
not confuse the individual stages, underlying phenomena and particular ener-
To understand them properly. one has to have an intimate knowledge of anat-
omy and medicine as well as to comprehend the new theory of the Universal
Law, which describes consistently all systems and objects of All-That-Is
as superimposed rotational systems. One has to follow this paradigm to be
able to explain the LBP correctly and without any contradictions and blunders.
Unfortunately, nobody does this so far on this planet except myself and some-
times I really doubt the sense of my efforts to educate the people when they
have no idea of true science but believe to be chosen to comment on such
complex issues as the LBP. I must admit that I am sometimes really exasper-
ated by the continuous denial of the people to start thinking logically, axio-
matically and to organize their knowledge in a systematic manner.
Now that I have explained the LBP for the third time after my two articles,
which obviously few people have carefully read, I would like to ask all my
readers to start asking me detailed questions on the LBP and I will answer
them in my emails to them and publish them in the ascension report. From our
past discussion on the putative role of kundalini in the LBP, I came to the
conclusion that there is still a fundamental confusion among some of my read-
ers about the real energetic mechanisms of the LBP. If you, being the most
evolved human beings on earth, are dwelling in such a confusion, what should
one expect from the rest of humanity that has not even heard the word "LBP"
When I think about this, it makes me really nauseated.
Chapter VI: Light Body Process and
Evolutionary Leap
From the book “Evolutionary Leap of Mankind”, 2000/2001
From the previous remarks, we now come to the following definition of the
reincarnation cycle:
The eschatology of the reincarnation cycle is the developing and acquiring of
sovereignty of human consciousness (mind, psyche and body) as a separate
reference point to the soul and thus to All-That-Is for the purpose of self-ac-
knowledgment of the soul and the Whole.
The separation of the soul in an incarnation creates the condition of imperfec-
tion. The actual evolution of the incarnated soul that takes place on the histor-
ical stage and only assumes the appearance of a social evolution is actually
her return to initial perfection, her fusion with All-That-Is. The path to unity
can vary, depending on the nature of the incarnation cycle and planet, but the
ultimate goal is predetermined.
1. Energetic background
of new worlds through direct experiences and through personal messages by
the Elohim, our monad, in the following 18-19 years since I wrote this book.)
The evolution of human consciousness, as we find it in this moment and which
we only know, is the product of an incarnation history that began about a hun-
dred thousand years ago on earth and was already linked to the achievements
of past civilisations. In this case, I mean not such social achievements as ar-
chitecture, engineering, degree of organization and rites, which are of interest
to most esotericists, but the energetic web that such civilisations have devel-
oped and delivered to Earth, so that the present civilisation on this planet could
There have been, for example, local, geographically isolated civilisations that
have been established by collective incarnations of complete soul families,
that is to say, an entire family of over a thousand souls incarnates in a single
human body. Such civilisations have existed on the basis of related soul com-
munities. This kind of collective incarnation is easier to bear because the de-
gree of separation is much lower than the present one, where a single soul
inhabits one body. Had this collective form of incarnation not existed on earth,
the current incarnation experiment based on individual souls could not have
been possible in the first place.
The incarnation of a soul family or several souls in one body lifts the person
to a higher frequency level. The human individual that comes to life in this
way has much greater spiritual forces and energetic possibilities than an ordi-
nary man, representing the incarnation of an individual soul.
This kind of collective incarnation is called "transpersonal soul" and corre-
sponds to the energy of the Priest (6). It is very rarely employed nowadays,
only when a soul family undertakes special tasks on earth. The best-known
transpersonal soul of a living person at present is Sai Baba in India (he died
later), about whom many books have been written.
Many experiences of earlier civilisations were intertwined in the energy web
of the astral plane of the earth - the 7F-creationary level, which is energeti-
cally closest to the 3D space-time of earth and is also known as the "4th astral
dimension". They were stored there and could be retrieved very easily on de-
mand. Part of this information was provided to the current civilisation in var-
ious difficult periods of social transformation. The mere idea of the complex-
ity of such energetic interactions would immediately make every man "brain-
dead". They can be understood only in the Spirit worlds in the disembodied
state and in the presence of an expanded awareness.
I mention these aspects at this place as to expand the viewing angle of the
reader for the energetic background of a reincarnation cycle in the 3D space-
time of the earth because the current esoteric literature has focused mainly on
the immediate karmic and individual aspects of the reincarnation cycle and
pays no attention to the overall organizational prerequisites for the implemen-
tation of a collective incarnation cycle with myriads of souls on a single
This overarching approach is essential insofar, as it gives us a clue about the
upcoming Evolutionary Leap that is both a collective and an individual ener-
getic phenomenon. Especially the analysis of the close interrelationship be-
tween individual soul and collective consciousness is of crucial importance in
this respect. To understand this, we must again resort to the energetic charac-
teristics of the individual soul age.
The incarnation of a soul in a body is associated with amnesia, which is neither
complete nor constant. It is a variable, depending on both the biological age of
the personality and the soul age.
Newborn infants have largely an unhindered contact to the Spirit worlds, even
if, or just because, this is overlooked by their parents and adults, or most of
the time denied. The intensity of this contact slowly decreases from the age of
five and reaches a nadir in the first pre-puberty latency period (11-12 years).
At the same time the formation of the mature personality commences as
an ego.
From adolescence to maturity, the human entity must be confronted with the
external challenges of the society. During this period, the connection to the
soul must be very quiet - all the attention of the mind and the psyche is dedi-
cated to the coping with the tasks of life and the accumulation of existential
However, currently many old and mature souls are born (beginning since
1988) that enjoy genetically a more open channel to their soul and the higher
realms and also retain this medial ability as adults. This is possible because
they arrive on an energetically altered earth, which has entered since 1987
(first Harmonic Convergence) its most intense, final phase of the Evolutionary
The connection to the soul increases dramatically in mature age, especially
after the 4th decennium, when the individual has accumulated enough expe-
rience to recognize the illusory nature of human institutions and activities and
is psychologically prepared to distance himself from old collective beliefs.
A similar curve of amnesia can be observed during the different ages of the
soul. The baby soul enjoys a largely unimpeded connection to the Spirit
worlds. Since she is the most anxious among all incarnated souls, she feels
unjustly thrown out in the cold cruel world of three-dimensionality and can
handle just the minimal requirements of an earthly incarnation as to survive.
The child soul loses, like a child after the age of five, increasingly her con-
nection to the inner truth. Her attention is directed to the outer world, which
she cautiously explores and begins to conquer step by step. Any physical and
mental activity for the purpose of exploring the outer world is supported by
an appropriate mental wave that flows directly from the soul and is sensed as
a life-spending force by the incarnated entity.
Any kind of discomfort, sluggishness and seclusion, which the individual
feels at certain times, can be explained with the withdrawal of this force. Only
very few old souls are aware of these energetic ebbs and flows of the soul and
accommodate to their rhythm, while surmounting their fear structure, which
is determined by the urge of performing all kinds of human activities for the
sake of survival. Baby souls do not perceive such stimuli in a conscious way
but follow this natural rhythm of pleasure and reluctance in an involuntary,
instinctive way.
The child soul begins to disregard this rhythm of the life-spending force com-
ing from the soul. Therefore, such individuals are often not centered, irritable,
easily and permanently unhappy without knowing why. They are like little
kids, who get to the limits of their physical strength and do not know how to
deal with their fatigue and irritability. Such souls choose largely sheltered life
biographies and cautiously approach the challenges of earthly life.
Like small children, they need an intact and manageable environment - in a
large family or in traditional societies with low social dynamics and solid re-
lationships. Since in such countries the child mortality is very high due to
inadequate medical care, they have the assurance of being able to leave earth
prematurely if they cannot cope with the challenges of their incarnation.
Many Third World countries are inhabited mainly by baby and child souls.
This fact can be seen for example in the high AIDS rates in several African
and Asian countries. In developed countries, there is a high proportion of baby
and child souls among the rural population, which is, as a rule, the most con-
servative one.
The maximum amnesia is observed in the young soul, who is also the most
willing to deny the existence of the Higher Self. She wants to know what she
can achieve in the 3D space-time. As a carrier of the energy of the War-
rior, she wants to fight and manipulate matter and people and often exhibits a
rash courage that can bring her also a lot of merits. The flip side of a young
soul are the features, which we can also observe in wanton, reckless youth.
Individuals with a young soul are generally healthy and rarely suffer from
disease and physical ailments, even if they do not pay attention to their body
demands. This robustness is desired and programmed by the soul. The body
of a young soul is of the densest energy layers and is wrapped with the lowest
frequencies of fear, which allow an optimal adaptation to the terrestrial con-
ditions of separation at the expense of the soul dimension and at the same time
impede the experience of internal contradictions.
Because of this specific energetic construction, young souls are inaccessible
(refractory) to transcendental knowledge and deny the inner voice of truth ve-
hemently. Because they are focused on social success, they fear any personal
failure. When a young soul becomes rich, she always surrounds herself with
rich and successful people of the same soul age. The losers are despised
wholeheartedly by the young soul, precisely because her 4th heart chakra is
still closed at this soul age, and she gives them readily the blame for their
failure. Losers and dissenters are excluded. The social commitment is very
A suitable model of study for the life and behavior of young souls offer the
suburbs of the rich and wealthy citizens. The emotional pressure for confine-
ment against the uncertain outer world can be gauged very accurately by the
height of the hedges around their houses. The highest hedges can be found in
the Munich area, for example, in Grünwald - the suburb of the millionaires.
The residents of Starnberg, another place of millionaires, with the highest in-
comes in Germany, refused recently successfully to approve the construction
of social homes for aged people on the territory of their community because
they felt disturbed in their tranquility.
When the young soul fails, she always looks for the causes for her failure in
other people or regards her misfortune as a bad fate. She knows no individual
grace, compassion or love, and leaves the order of society to the heartless law
and its watchdogs. The experience, which a young soul makes, corresponds
to the degree of her amnesia. Since the intra-psychic dimension remains hid-
den from her superficial daily consciousness, it is usually not in her soul plan
to experience situations in life, which will confuse her and cause internal
doubts or will urge her to fight against unjust social norms and show civil
The young incarnated soul enjoys rather a life of uncritical adaptation and
conformism according to the American motto: "It is indecent to be different,"
of conquest, of clean social success, and, towards the end of the cycle, of so-
cial failure. She considers her life to be an upward spiral, where an increase
in quality is always measured by a greater abundance of tangible material and
financial assets. Young souls prefer consistently smooth, materialistic ori-
ented biographies, which do not demand from them any profound emotional
conflicts. These experiences remain reserved for the cycle of the adult (ma-
ture) soul.
It is important to emphasize at this point, that every soul plans and coordinates
her life on earth in her own free will in cooperation with other young souls,
who want to experience similar favorable conditions on earth. The life of a
young soul is no less precious than that of an old soul. At the end, the young
soul makes all kinds of experience, which an old soul has also made by the
end of her incarnation cycle.
From the vertical perspective, this aspect should be clear. From the horizontal
perspective of the current incarnation, mature and old souls have, however,
much to chew on the current hostile living conditions that have been estab-
lished and dictated by the majority of the young souls. The following videos
discuss in an excellent didactic and vivid way the specific psycho-mental
characteristics of the five soul ages and how they manifest in the society (see
also previous chapter):
2. The Energetic Influence of Jesus on the Incarnation
History of the Earth
The history of mankind in the last 2 000 years was determined by the needs
of young souls, who have been in the majority since then. They stepped up on
the stage of history with the appearance of Jesus Christ, whose mission was
to initiate the transgression of the child souls, who were at that time in the
majority, into the cycle of the young soul (As I wrote in the previous chapter,
I argue in this book from the conventional point of view and assume that Jesus
really existed for the sake of simplicity on an otherwise very complex topic
and deliberately neglect the fact that Jesus Christ is a myth, a Christian saga,
based on the life of Apollonius of Tyana, who was a famous spiritual teacher
in the Roman Empire and lived at the same time as Jesus was reported to have
lived by the authors of the Gospels, whoever they were, at least one century,
most likely two centuries later; see also below).
After his crucifixion, which was a near-death experience, he could ascend and
turned into a multidimensional personality. He had completed his Light
Body Process already in his lifetime - hence the many healing miracles that
he could perform thanks to his superior energy. Here I am referring to the
Christian myth, which is energetically as real on earth as the true story of the
two entities, Jeshua and Apollonius of Tyana, whose biographies were used
by the Orion Empire to create the Christ myth as a composite in order to fur-
ther dumb down Christian humanity. His crucifixion was only a stage play
that was orchestrated by the astral realms to fulfill the predictions of the
prophets in the Old Testament in order to impress the simple minds of the
child souls in that era.
The tremendous impact of Jesus is neither related to his Crucifixion, nor to
the short period of time in which he preached. Also, he was not even very
famous in his lifetime in his home country. His immense influence on the
history of mankind, which continues to this day and brings many people into
astonishment, is due to his energetic mission as a multidimensional personal-
ity after his crucifixion, which in its most intense phase lasted for about 400
years throughout the whole time of the Church synods. He became thus
a transliminal soul. This term requires special consideration, because it plays
a major role in the upcoming Evolutionary Leap.
Jesus was an old soul in her last incarnation (7th level). He was the last soul
of his soul family, his soul tribe (seven soul families) and his soul union (7x7
soul families). Most of the families of his soul union had already left the soul
worlds of the 5th dimension, where the souls dwell while they are still in the
cycle of reincarnation, and had united to new entities in the parent causal
worlds. The termination of the reincarnation cycle of a soul family always
ends up with the union of all souls to a new entity. This conversion takes place
after a thorough assessment of the just completed incarnation cycle, which
leads to a fusion of all incarnation experiences. The result is an enormous
increase in the frequencies, which allows the entry of the soul family as
a monad into the causal worlds (9th to 12th dimensions).
The causal worlds are an independent dimension of the 7F-creationary lev-
els, which have a higher frequency than the energetic spectrum of the soul
levels that are still involved in the reincarnation cycle in one or another form.
The causal worlds are no longer so closely associated with the physical 3D
space-time as is the case with the astral realms of the souls who are still in the
cycle of reincarnation.
Nevertheless, the causal worlds send approximately every 2000 years a rep-
resentative on the earth, pursuing an energetic mission. Jesus was such a rep-
resentative. After his crucifixion, he could transform his body and bring it to
the higher realms through transmogrification (cosmic ascension, transfigura-
tion). He thus became a multidimensional personality. During this transfor-
mation, he could dissolve the boundaries of his earthly personality and con-
sciousness, by being able to get access to the entire experience and knowledge
of his soul and his soul tribe.
The knowledge and energy that he received from now on also contained spir-
itual elements from the causal worlds, which were alien to the soul family of
Jesus and which he himself did not know in this form from his sojourns in the
dream state in the astral worlds of the 5th dimension. The body of the human
being with the name of Jesus became a vessel for the vast cosmic energies of
the causal worlds, which could henceforth act as Christ Consciousness on
The "Ascended Christ" became a transliminal soul, who was freed from the
limitation of space and time. Such a soul is associated with the powerful en-
ergy of the King (7). In reality, a transliminal soul represents all seven energies
which merge in the causal worlds.
Jesus was able to materialize and dematerialize at any location, and thus di-
rectly affect the people of the early Christian era. He could also very effec-
tively exert his influence through telepathy and dreams on the protagonists of
the early Christian church, such as Paul. The idea of the "Holy Spirit" as a
Miracle of Pentecost could be also attributed to this ubiquitous effect of Christ
The light gestalt Jesus was a transducer of the energies of the causal worlds,
which he brought to the incarnated entities on earth with the help of his soul
family, which had to wait in the astral realms for their final association and
transition into the causal worlds as long as he still lingered on the ground. All
of the so-called "saints" in the Church received his energetic influence as in-
spiration, wills, dreams or visions. Jesus appeared to many people also di-
rectly in his crystalline light body.
Everyone who was touched by his energy was converted and opened to the
cosmic love and the feeling of grace, which was until then known only theo-
retically but had not been practiced. The people could not distinguish Jesus
from a mortal man.
The effect of a transliminal soul rests in the first place on her immediate astral
energy transfer. The astral field of a multidimensional personality opens all
the chakras of an incarnated entity who happens to be in her vicinity. This
effect can be experienced by the person as ecstasy or a state of grace. The
same effect can also be achieved by an astral energetic action at a distance,
triggered by the causal worlds.
The so-called "spiritual enlightenment", which plays a central role in the
Christian religion and was experienced by some mystics and saints in ad-
vanced soul age, is such an energetic process that leads to a temporary opening
of all body chakras (see chapter IX). In this way, the incarnated entity experi-
ences a tremendous emotional stirring, which dissolves the boundaries of his
psyche and mind.
A person in a state of spiritual epiphany is flooded by the astral forces of love,
which stir him both emotionally and deeply sensually and remind him of his
true existence as an immortal soul. During such an episode the earthly person-
ality experiences the state of unconditional grace out of the realization that
she is immortal as her soul and that her alleged enemies on earth are her soul
sisters and brothers, with whom she is united in love for ever.
In a word, the process of sudden spiritual enlightenment represents a massive
withdrawal of amnesia. In this condition, human incarnated beings can dwell
only for a short period of time at their current stage of energetic light body
evolution because the astral energies that they receive during this epiphany are
of immense intensity and may burn out their physical vessels. However, this
event imprints in their minds lasting memories that transform their personality
structure for ever.
From this experience, the most important mystical and Christian Scriptures
were written: They were mental efforts to put into words the indescribable.
Even the Miracle of Pentecost was such a collective epiphany, in which the
participants could suddenly remember their old incarnations and languages
and recognized each other from previous lives (as is the case with many mem-
bers of the PAT in the current End Time). The memory of such energetic ex-
periences at the soul level is the stuff, from which religions arise and solidify
to meaningless rituals thereafter.
The immediate energetic effect of a transliminal soul, who is the carrier of
causal energies, corresponds thus to the energetic effect leading to epiphany
and sudden enlightenment. Enlightenment is thus a pure energetic process and
has nothing to do with religion. Religions are a possible anthropocentric in-
terpretation of this holy experience. In this sense, it is not even holy because
the concept of "holiness" is also an earthly one. From the perspective of the
higher realms, there is neither holiness nor religious mysticism but just pure
This is a very important finding, because the Light Body Process can be de-
scribed as an "enlightenment in installments", where the true epiphany comes
with the ascension and the blissful merging with the Source. This kind of cos-
mic experience cannot to be measured by earthly standards - it is infinitely
more intense. The Light Body Process has, therefore, nothing to do with pre-
sent-day Christianity - it only initiates its last act known as the "The Second
Coming of Christ".
The light body of a transliminal personality is immortal and needs no food or
sex. Because of its high frequency vibrations, it may not be visible to every-
one. The energy of a transliminal soul who presents herself as a human being,
relieves the anxiety of those present and accelerates their energetic transfor-
mation. In her presence, the incarnated souls come in touch with the state of
sudden spiritual enlightenment, which is associated with a temporary lifting
of amnesia. This ability exhibit only some adult and most old souls.
The energy of a transliminal soul is perceived by all young and immature souls
as extremely disturbing and unpleasant, because it strengthens the internal dis-
cords in their characters. That is why dark entities hate light. Such souls can-
not directly benefit from the energetic effect of a transliminal soul.
For this reason, a group of adepts is formed around her, who translate and
dilute the impact and the teaching of the transliminal soul in a verbal form,
which can be understood and received by younger souls. In this sense, a trans-
liminal soul acts on earth as a multidimensional personality. In this case, the
circle of adepts represents her personal multidimensionality, which can truly
unfold only in the higher astral realms.
The question whether each multidimensional personality is also a transliminal
soul, i.e. also carries energies of the causal worlds, can not be answered defi-
nitely at this point. My intuition tells me that there can be multidimensional
personalities, who are exempt from the restrictions of space and time both on
Earth and in the astral worlds without the support of energies from the causal
worlds. Ultimately, such a distinction is irrelevant because all systems are U-
sets of All-That-Is.
What are the consequences of this discussion for the upcoming Evolutionary
Leap of mankind?
The Light Body Process that currently applies to all incarnated souls in one
way or another causes an increase in the body frequencies, corresponding to
the soul age and as encoded in the soul plan for this incarnation.
Mature and old souls are much more advanced in their soul evolution than the
rest of the population and will experience the Light Body Process directly.
Baby, child and young souls, whose bodies are surrounded with dense low
frequency layers, will experience the Light Body Process primarily as a fun-
damental shift in values. This mental shift is accompanied by a slow degrada-
tion of the densest layers of fear. These layers have been substantially re-
moved in all old souls (indigo and crystalline children). As they vibrate with
higher frequencies, they can absorb the energies of the Light Body Process,
which is a continuous frequency increase, much better and transform much
faster their carbon-based bodies into crystalline light bodies.
The process is individual and there may be deviations from this rule. New
blockages can be introduced or old ones reinforced by negative mental atti-
tudes (fear) towards the process that can bring it to a halt. Such persons must
then finish their incarnation earlier, e.g., die from various diseases and will try
it again at later date.
The Light Body Process is a central energetic phenomenon of the Evolution-
ary Leap of mankind on Earth, which includes yet other far-reaching cosmic
energetic processes that occur intensively since 1987. In 1999, all people on
the ground were at least in the third stage of the Light Body Process, which
can be divided for didactic purposes in twelve sequential steps (stages), alt-
hough these steps occur simultaneously in reality and have no practical sig-
nificance. Ascension is only possible after completion of the 11th stage of the
Light Body Process (footnote 1).
For further details on the subject, I recommend the channeled book "What is
Lightbody" by Tashira Tachi-ren, which contains a popular technical intro-
duction into this process. Unfortunately, the psychic and somatic aspects of
the Light Body Process, which, in my experience, come to the fore and present
the greatest hurdles to the person involved, are not discussed in this short de-
scription. These clinical aspects should be elaborated individually in discus-
sions with advanced personalities (as was the case with the members of the
PAT on this website eleven years later. Actually this book is no longer rele-
vant as the energetic advancements which the PAT brought about for Gaia
and humanity are so profound that they changed the energetic situation on the
earth for ever. This website is a seamless chronicle of the planetary and indi-
vidual ascension process since 2011 and unique in the world literature.).
It must be clearly said at this place that only old souls, who are at the seventh
level of their old soul cycle and are in their last incarnation, will acquire the
ability to terminate the current incarnation with a cosmic ascension. Accord-
ing to rough estimates, there are currently about two to five million old souls
at the 7th level who are incarnated on earth, out of which only a fraction has
achieved the biological age to ascend over the next ten years (From the sum-
mer of 2001, when the book was finished, to 2012, when the first wave of
ascension candidates, essentially the PAT, indeed ascended to 5D during the
stargate 12.12.12 - 12.21.12. Therefore, this was a fairly good prediction at
that time.).
The Apocalypse (Greek: appearance, revelation) of the Evolutionary Leap
will be initiated with the first ascension of a suitable person. In the Bible, this
process is been announced as the "Second Coming of Christ" (Greek: parou-
sia). This person will be a transliminal soul and will exert his mission on earth
as a representative of the causal worlds. His appearance will trigger a mental
revolution on the collective level and a fundamental paradigm shift in society.
The materialistic doctrine of evolution will be rejected as false and the priority
of Spirit over matter will be ultimately accepted. Science, religion, philosophy
and ethics will plunge into their greatest crisis of identity in the modern history
of mankind. Old beliefs of popular pseudo-scientific character will be quickly
abandoned and replaced by the new Weltanschauung of the theory of the Uni-
versal Law. Old patterns of behavior that are rather difficult to change are
already "gasping thin air" and engender many individual tragedies.
As our material world is a mirror image of our ideas, it will collapse in the
wake of this paradigm shift and will be replaced with new social forms and
norms (outside as inside, inside as outside). In particular, the current economic
and political order will come to an end. The physical principles, such as gov-
ernment, finance, production and power monopolies, competition, state sepa-
ration, etc., upon which present-day society is based, will be replaced by truly
spiritual principles.
It is easy to perceive that these changes will affect primarily the young souls,
which will be transformed by the Ascension of the first multidimensional per-
sonality in the cycle of the adult soul.
The population of the young souls has established a set of collective beliefs
and dogmas, which are represented with conviction by both politicians and
business leaders, as well as by their henchmen in science and culture. Since
these beliefs, with the exception of a few outsiders, are not yet called into
question by the general public - the power position of the young souls in the
society takes care of this - they will be recognized as false only after the offi-
cial appearance of the new transliminal soul will take place.
The new transliminal personality will demonstrate the energetic possibilities
of the soul, such as teleportation, bilocation, telepathy, energetic healing,
overcoming of space and time, and simultaneous existence in multiple dimen-
sions, etc. Many young souls will, however, refuse to accept the true nature
of human existence and will leave this world prematurely. The others will
radically change their world view and will begin to open to the influences of
the soul.
This delimitation of consciousness is always accompanied by a disillusion-
ment with the current state of affairs, which implies the collapse of social
structures that were built by young souls and designated only for their limited
needs. No structure can last much longer as soon as the people begin to ques-
tion it collectively, because it lacks the spiritual force that maintains it as a
matrix in the 3D or any other higher dimensional reality.
The outer world is only a projection of the inner-soul dimension. As outer
reality and inner world are intertwined in a closed loop, so that the inner im-
ages are projected outwards and materialize as preconceived reality, which in
its turn determines human consciousness, any inner spiritual transformation
of humanity is always associated with an external one. For many, who cling
to old ideas, this conversion will take the form of an apocalypse, whereas the
negative connotation of this word will be actually experienced as individual
People, who can hardly wait for this change and affirm its necessity (as the
members of the PAT do), will experience the onset of the Evolutionary Leap
as the ecstatic event, which it really is. Those "On the Eve" (Turgenev's novel)
of the Flood, who will be tormented and paralysed by their angst, will experi-
ence this inner reality as an external cataclysmic crisis.
This psychological dichotomy in human expectations will temporarily split
the destiny of mankind. This important process at the End Time is explicitly
predicted in the New Testament:
"For as they ate and drank in the days before the flood, marrying and
giving in marriage, ... until the flood came and swept all away: so it
will be with the coming of the Son of God. Then shall two be in the field:
the one is taken away, the other is left behind. Two men shall be grind-
ing at the mill,.. One will be taken away, the other will be left behind.
(Matthew 24, 38-41)."
What changes will the mature souls experience in this process? To understand
this, one must keep in mind the needs of the adult soul cycle. While the young
soul usually enjoys robust health, the experience of the fragility and transience
of the human biological body is reserved to the mature soul, who now has the
courage to explore the existential limits of this fear-laden reality.
This finding shows all too clearly that diseases are by no means a technical
failure of the body, such as currently assumed in medicine, but deliberate ex-
perience of the soul. In general, dis-eases are an expression of mental fears,
which are not perceived by the mind directly and have for this reason to man-
ifest at the somatic level. They are a learning tool of the soul, with which she
trains the human mind and psyche, so that they can in turn benefit and grow
from this valuable experience with fear-laden human conditions.
For this reason, a chronic disease can be cured completely only when the
mentality of the entity changes and the lesson, anchored in the soul plan, is
adequately learned. While the adult soul is confronted with her illness, she
learns to deal with her fears and to cope with them in a sovereign manner.
The young soul is spared as a rule from such experiences, because she is not
ready to be confronted with her inner fears. In this area the free will of the
human is endowed with a wide margin of choices that can be reduced to two
fundamental alternatives - the incarnated entity can only consciously, or sub-
consciously, decide to experience the state of health or disease. The indicator
is in both cases the level of fear, which is projected at the somatic level and
manifests as a dis-ease.
For this reason, many mature souls are currently experiencing an increase and
accumulation of various diseases that afflict these people literally "out of the
blue", so that they can be drawn out of the usual "human traffic". The adult
soul is anxious to finish in a timely fashion with her karmic tasks in the area
of the physical body before the actual Evolutionary Leap will take place and
thus gain valuable experiences that will allow her to enter the cycle of the old
soul with completely different requirements.
These diseases have a dual function: firstly, they are part of the soul plan,
secondly, the "sick" people get the social rectification to remove themselves
from work and daily duties at home and start reflecting on themselves and the
world around, so that they can prepare mentally for the impending Evolution-
ary Leap. Also, they are given the opportunity of overcoming their deep-
seated fears and mentally strengthen their psyche. This has a positive effect
on the Light Body Process. Unfortunately, many mature souls do not recog-
nize this experience as an opportunity and try to deliberately prevent their
spiritual growth in the course of this process, by stubbornly clinging to their
old habitual hallucinations.
The old souls are long on the spiritual path of evolution. Many old souls (in-
digo), who are currently also biologically old (over 50), are pioneers of the
Evolutionary Leap. They have served to humanity in its darkest period since
World War II by tacitly supporting the transformation of Gaia and humanity
with their high frequency energetic fields. Many of these star seeds have made
their way in full solitude.
Their contributions cannot be properly appreciated from an earthly point of
view. This is only possible in the disembodied state in the astral realms. Some
of them are at the end of their physical powers and are slowly losing faith in
the long-awaited change. Such persons will benefit most from this Gnosis,
which they should discuss together. Being in the company of like-minded old
souls will give them courage and raise their frequencies, so that they can ex-
perience the official beginning of this process with the First Ascension (This
scenario, predicted by myself 18 years ago in 2001, was realized in 2011 when
I connected the members of the PAT around this website and together we
opened the stargate 11.11.11 that guaranteed the success of the planetary as-
cension and that of part of humanity, which was rather uncertain before that.).
young and mature souls and will show to the people new spiritual ways of
social life. They will ensure a more or less smooth transformation of the pre-
sent humanity to a community based on love.
For this reason, they will replace the helpless and hapless representatives of
the old structures, such as politicians and business leaders (footnote 2). The
new Ascended Masters will be able to handle the new structures of humanity
without major cataclysms; they will coordinate the efficient allocation of hu-
man resources in the new technologies and social forms, which they will trans-
mit and supervise. The paramount goal of this harmonious cooperation will
be to overcome the schism of mankind in almighty Ascended Masters and
alleged "mortals" without great social conflicts to the benefit of all mankind.
The new spiritual human being, who will live in harmony with his soul and
cosmic Spirit and will act in love and in a constructive interference with both,
will renounce the present fear-driven power structures of the national state
because they will only hinder him in his spiritual evolution. Like all religions,
the national state will also be dismantled like an old shirt - it will implode and
vanish from the New Earth.
The new Man of Spirit (Geistmensch) (footnote 3) will prefer to live in small
communities with like-minded people in the country. These communities will
be completely self-sufficient due to the new technologies, that is to say, they
will have a decentralized, efficient energy supply based on the new energies
of the 7F-creationary realms. The new Man of Spirit will organize agriculture
in a completely new way, in the knowledge that man is only temporary on this
planet and that he cannot own the land of this holy Earth but only use it as a
responsible caretaker for his nourishment. Thus the land will be taken away
from the "wicked tenants" and will be given to the "good tenants" as it goes
in the famous Jesus parable about the current wicked tenants (Matthew, 21,
New environmentally friendly, post-industrial technologies based on bio-ag-
ricultural products will be introduced and developed. The infrastructure on the
territory of the commune will be established by consensus of its members and
in cooperation with neighboring municipalities and will be managed in the
spirit of the highest common good. The municipalities will communicate via
Internet or a novel-term network and exchange information on the know-how
of the new technologies and products directly and in an altruistic manner.
There will no longer be patents or monopoly, as all technologies provided by
the higher astral realms will be available to the entire humanity. Each munic-
ipality will efficiently carry out its own medical treatment on the basis of new
bio-energetic therapies. In a largely free of fear, enlightened society of Men
of Spirit, the spectrum of diseases will change significantly and will diminish
Within a municipality, money will be abolished as superfluous. Between the
communes local exchange of goods will be organized on the basis of a very
simple, transparent numerical clearing system that will exclude fraud and cor-
ruption. Banks and other financial intermediary, profit-oriented structures will
cease to exist. The people may decide to pay voluntary tax for charitable pro-
jects between municipalities. The national state will be abolished because of
its numerous redundant and inefficient institutions. The production efficiency
will increase enormously as only meaningful activities will be performed. The
work will be fun. People will have plenty of time for spiritual activities.
The new individual consciousness will be all-planetary (new word) and every
individual will feel connected with the needs of all humanity. This high level
of personal responsibility will make the need of written laws and their en-
forcement unnecessary. Misconduct will be treated with love, knowing fully
well that the individual soul needs this experience and, being a co-creator of
the new earth, cannot be sanctioned by any human law whatsoever. The cur-
rent jurisdiction, which is a product of the predominant young souls and their
mentality, is based on their archetypal agnostic and, therefore, distorted view
of crime and punishment and will be abolished forever.
That the subject of "Crime and Punishment" (a novel by Dostoevsky) is pre-
dominant in the mentality of the majority of young souls, is proven in an ex-
emplary manner in the selection of plots in modern movies. The vast majority
of the movies, especially the Hollywood productions, deals in recent decades
only with judicial dramas, violent crime (detective stories, shockers), brutal
vigilante justice (Western, action-thrillers, etc.), where the judiciary fails reg-
ularly and primitive reckless justice is imposed at the expense of senseless,
highly destructive brutal actions, while these actions are located in the present
(social drama) or in the future (science fiction). Both the motives (greed, ego-
tism, competition, lack of love, mental aberrations and psychic perversions,
inclination to violence, etc.), and the actions of the protagonists (violent crime,
all sorts of destructive activities) reflect almost exclusively the world view of
the young soul - the world, in which she mentally lives and feels very com-
fortable. How should we otherwise explain the success of such Hollywood
"block busters"? Such debased topics are projections of the most fundamental
fears of the young souls, where the future is regularly shown as an even more
horrible and exaggerated version of their present obnoxious features.
For example, there is virtually no films that deal in a serious way with gnostic
themes without putting human violence in the foreground. In addition, all the
filmmakers are lacking the appropriate artistic means to treat these matters in
an adequate manner. The few films that deal "seriously" with scientific topics,
such as presenting biographies of famous scientists, are bursting with embar-
rassing naivety, what science is and, above all, what knowledge really
means. Such movies are a mirror image of the agnostic primitive nature of
the young soul, who does not care at all about true knowledge.
The comprehension that every incarnated soul chooses her various mundane
experiences free from any sin and only in accordance with the cosmic law of
karmic balance - a point of view that Jesus wanted to establish on earth in vain
with his alleged crucifixion - will slowly, but surely, prevail after the Evolu-
tionary Leap of mankind.
These processes will be completed in the New Earth within the time span of
an average human life, so that most of the readers will still enjoy and partici-
pate in these transforming events (Here I have in mind the transition period
on the new 5D earth after 2012, although I refrained at that time from speaking
about "mass ascension" as not to scare my readers, who would have consid-
ered me a crazy person. In 2001 the idea of mass ascension in 2012 was not
even a topic in the New Age movement and even when I published my English
book "The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction" on the Internet in 2010,
there was an outrageous indignation and a lot of disbelief with respect to this
Ascension scenario among most light workers, which has become in the
meantime an accepted outcome by all channels and esoteric sources.)
1. Even when the twelve steps (stages) of the Light Body Process presented in this book
discuss important and necessary transformations in the psychological, mental and somatic
area, I can confirm this classification for my part only to a very limited extent. It is first
and foremost of limited practical value because of the immense intensity of the astral
waves, entering the biological body and transforming it fundamentally; the latter are cou-
pled with unbearable somatic hardships that are not discussed at all in this small book.
Since most people, who are affected as old souls one way or another, are just at the begin-
ning of their Light Body Process when the psycho-mental realignment of the personality
with the Higher Self stands in the foreground, there is a tendency in esoteric circles to resort
to diminution and purposeful beautification of this incredibly difficult process ("Love and
Light illusion" of the New Age) as to lull their fears in front of the upcoming hardships. I
fear that many light workers will have a rude awakening when they fully enter the Light
Body Process (which is exactly what happened in the following years after 2001 and in
particular in the last several years after we opened the heart chakras of the second and third
waves of ascension candidates and are now opening the masses, as I could experience it
first hand).
2. One should only consider the frantic responses out of pure anxiety by the elite in the
Western countries to the recent terrorist attack in New York City (9/11) from this perspec-
tive. The resorting to brute force abroad and to restrictive, undemocratic measures inside
these countries is symptomatic for the reaction of the collective - political and medial - ego
of the young souls to the onset of the global confusion, which will increase even more in
the coming years. The brutal violence and despicable comments, with which the conformist
media and politicians attacked the few isolated thoughtful voices of some intellectuals, is
a symptom of the pathologically increased angst of these young souls, who feel slowly, but
unmistakably, that they have nothing, absolutely nothing "under control" any more.
3. The term "Geistmensch" (man of spirit) was first introduced by Rudolf Steiner, although
he used it in a rather vague and ambiguous manner. One can interpret R. Steiner and the
numerous influential esotericists at the beginning of the 20th century as heralds of the Evo-
lutionary Leap and the Light Body Process. This penultimate incarnation wave of old souls
prepared the ground for the actual Ascension process. At all times, there have been medi-
ally gifted people, who have kept human esoteric knowledge alive according to their indi-
vidual and social maturity.
Chapter IX: The Role of the Chakras in the
Light Body Process and the Evolutionary
From the book “Evolutionary Leap of Mankind”, 2000/2001
dependence in the reverse order, since space-time is closed (self-contained).
This is the actual unification of gravitation with electromagnetism by the new
theory of the Universal Law, which present-day physics is still unable to
achieve – hence its inability to explain gravitation or to develop new sources
of free electromagnetic (photon) energy.
Read also: The Mechanism of Gravitation – for the First Time Explained
In Volume II, I also show that the electric and magnetic field constants are in
turn average magnitudes of the heavenly bodies: they assess statistically the
average radius and the average rotational speed of all celestial bodies in the
universe. This is the ultimate proof that the space-time is a closed entity,
within which its U-subsets, such as gravitation and electromagnetism are in-
terrelated and interdependent levels.
Since gravitation depends on each spot of the universe on the gravitational
constant G (Newton's law of gravitation) and propagates with the finite speed
of light c, this fact proves irrevocably that gravitation and electromagnetism
are superimposed wave forces of a primordial energy, which we can discern
mathematically in terms of fundamental constants but not in reality: en-
ergy/space-time is a unity.
Now, the reader must extend this common and easily understandable presen-
tation and include the energies of the 7F-creationary levels in this model. The
superposition of the four fundamental forces of 3D space-time have an upper
limit of time or frequency f, which is quantitatively determined by the radia-
tion of black holes. It is at the same time the upper limit of the electromagnetic
spectrum and the elementary particles measured as the Compton frequency,
which is a known fundamental physical constant (see Table above).
The superposition of the wave forces of Nature does not stop at this point but
goes further. It does not end at the experimental limit of discrimination by
material instruments, which, as we have already discussed, is determined by
Planck's constant h.
We have also seen that this constant is a fundamental quantity of electromag-
netism, of photon space-time: It is the basic action potential of this level.
Since all elementary particles of matter are composed of h, as presented in the
Table above, this smallest measurable amount of energy proves to be the basic
action potential of space-time (see Volume I and II). For this reason, I speak
in my books also of h-space-time.
Between this limit of 3D space-time, within which human life is unfolding,
and the 7F-creationary realms that have their own elementary action poten-
tials, there is an enormous frequency leap, which we can also describe as a
time leap or energy leap, for E~f.
As with the harmonic continuum, there are tones and harmonics that occur as
octaves (frequency ranges) and, although they overlap and are mutually de-
pendent, are separated by frequency intervals from each other. Just as our ears
cannot perceive the ultrasonic waves, e.g. of the dolphins, conventional de-
vices are not capable of registering the frequencies of the 7F-creationary
realms. To conclude from this that these energy ranges do not exist, is the
greatest blunder of modern science.
In this sense, the present scientific Gnosis deals with the energetic phenomena
of the 7F-creationary realms, as they appear in the 3D space-time of the earth.
Since these phenomena can be perceived only by the human mind, and the
latter exhibits different skills in mediumship depending on the soul age, they
can only be experienced by old souls in the manner described herein.
In this context, the Light Body Process means an evolution of human tran-
scendental cognition, which I also define as "sensory perception". In the late
stages of this process, the intensity of the 7F-creationary energies increases to
such an extent that the entity perceives in a direct way, physically and men-
tally, the interference patterns of these high frequency energies with the low
frequency energies of the physical body day and night.
From the earthly point of view, the transformation of the 7F-creationary ener-
gies in organic and inorganic, physical 3D space-time can be described as fol-
The soul segment that incarnates on earth from the 7F-creationary realms must
significantly reduce the incredibly high frequencies of these energies before
they can manifest as matter. This is an energetic transformation, similar to the
well-known conversion of heat into electricity or mechanical work and vice
From a theological point of view, this energy transformation is interpreted as
an "act of creation." It is a central theme of all religions. In physics, it is pre-
sented in cosmological terms as a "big bang" (?).
Read also: The “Big Bang” Is Yet to Come in the Empty Brain Cavities
of the Cosmologists – Two PAT Opinions
Both religions and science have in this respect, however, committed a funda-
mental error in thinking. While they understand this creative act as a single
event, which they usually set at the beginning of world history, they deprive
themselves of the opportunity to witness the incessant existence of this crea-
tion, which takes place in front of our eyes every moment in the Now.
We are dealing here with the classical situation, where a false belief signifi-
cantly restricts and deforms human perception of reality.
Currently, Nature - organic and inorganic – is regarded by conventional sci-
ence as a "self-runner", which, placed once in motion as an evolution, devel-
ops and prospers from that point onward on its own. The mechanism of evo-
lution is interpreted as self-organization of matter. This view also includes the
materialistic experimental dogma according to which, what one cannot meas-
ure with external instruments should not exist.
In other words, modern science ignores entirely the continuous creation of
matter and “Nature” by the 7F-creationary realms because it denies the exist-
ence of this energy conversion and disregards it as an object of study. Hence
the cognitive blindness of all scientists, which is, however, intended at the
present very primitive stage of soul evolution of all representatives of failed
human science.
Read also: The Fraud of Modern Science
In reality, the existence of 3D space-time, i.e., of the solar universes and all
living entities, is a continuous act of Creation - a constant energy conversion
from the 7F-creationary realms in 3D space-time which we perceive as matter
or nature and vice versa. This continuous exchange of energy follows the law
of energy conservation (first law of thermodynamics) because All-That-Is is
a unity.
If we apply this knowledge concretely to the organic system "man", this would
mean that both his creation as conception, pregnancy and birth, as well as his
ongoing biological regulation that keeps him alive as an organism, is a con-
tinuous energy conversion between the 7F-creationary levels of the soul and
the fundamental forces of the organic material body. This also applies to the
organisation and coordination of individual human behavior and relationships
in society, the latter being summarized in the esoteric scene with a certain
negative connotation as "karma".
Although the human mind, operating as day consciousness, was designed by
the soul as an external reference point of Spirit in order to make certain deci-
sions on the existential and societal level in its own responsibility, in the sense
of free will, and at the same time to ponder on "God and the world", man
cannot in reality exist a single moment on his own, that is to say, from his own
Rather, he requires some "unconditional behavior patterns" that are installed
by the soul. They operate apart from the mind that even needs to be turned off
at times, so that the human being can survive in novel and unusual situations.
Even if humans perceive it differently because they are energetically con-
strained to do so, the relationship of the human mind to the soul is like an
infant to the mother: a human being, guided by his rational mind, can only
survive if he is carried forward by the life-spending force of his invisible soul.
The idea that man is self-sufficient enough to live from his own mind, a view
that is currently culminating in the official denial of the existence of the soul,
is the greatest illusion of being human, which, of course, is wanted and sup-
ported by the soul at this lower stage of his spiritual evolution. With the onset
of the Light Body Process and the Evolutionary Leap of mankind, this biggest
illusion of today's mankind will finally come to an end.
These phenomena are a central object of study of this scientific Human Gno-
sis. Their dynamics determines psychologically, mentally and physically the
energetic evolution of every individual in a profound way and writes his role
in the great drama during the paradigm shift that will take place on the histor-
ical stage in the course of this year of 2019. For this reason, these processes
must be elaborated at this place.
It is important to point out that the current esotericism has failed to adequately
describe these phenomena. Not to mention the religions! For the reasons dis-
cussed above, they are also not taken into consideration by science and phi-
But before I go into detail, I have to make my reader acquainted with the hu-
man chakras and, if he has already heard of them, to whittle down his
knowledge. Because there is no other esoteric topic, about which so much
nonsense has been written and told as about human chakras. Many schools
based on obscure beliefs and various arcane practices have evolved around
this theme that only obfuscate the understanding and mislead the people. We
therefore begin with the question:
Chakras are energy centres in and around the human body, which con-
vert the seven basic astral energies (7F-creationary levels) of the in-
carnated soul fragment in an efficient, optimized, automated, i.e. spon-
taneous way in 3D energy, respectively biological matter of the organ-
ism and vice versa. Since the human body operates as an electromag-
netic cell system, the chakras represent energetically interfaces of as-
tral and electromagnetic forces at the same time.
Chakras are U-subsets of the incarnated soul fragment. Their enormous com-
plexity makes a descriptive representation of their energetic mode of action
almost impossible. It would also be without relevance for the psychological
needs of the incarnated personality. We also use various electrical devices like
the computer without knowing much about their inner structure. For this rea-
son, we will remain in the subsequent discussion of the chakras at the opera-
tional level of the psyche and the mind and will let all the far-reaching state-
ments and suppositions that can be encountered on the subject aside. This does
not mean that the issue would not be of importance as such. It is only not of
relevance at the present stage of soul evolution of mankind.
It is well known that the human body possesses seven body chakras that cor-
relate with the seven basic energies (7F-creationary levels) of All-That-Is. In
addition, there are other chakras within and outside the body, which we will
not describe for the moment being, although they play huge role in the ascen-
sion process.
The seven body chakras are grouped along the body axis and can be divided
for didactic purposes in three lower and three upper chakras. These two groups
are distributed roughly symmetrically around the middle chakra. Typically,
they are numbered from bottom to top (one to seven).
All the chakras correlate to specific internal organs: Their energy flows pref-
erably through these organs.
Each chakra corresponds with one of the seven basic astral energies that man-
ifest themselves physically, that is, these basic energies can be manifested
psychologically (emotionally), mentally (rationally, intellectually) or in a me-
chanic-kinematic way (physically, sexually). In this context, I also speak of
"reactions", because these energies occur for both the participant and the ob-
server always spontaneously as innate “unconditional responses" or hereditary
reflexes (instincts). For this reason, it is appropriate to describe the chakras
also as "reaction centres". I will discuss this aspect in more detail below.
The first chakra is the bottom chakra (1), which is associated with the ad-
renal glands in the kidneys and controls their function. It is also known as
instinctive reaction centre. The astral energy converted by the first chakra
guarantees the survival of the human beings, by enhancing fast, life-saving
responses, which we refer to as “instincts” or “unconditional reflexes”. The
“escape reflex” in mortal danger is such a reaction that is triggered by the
rapid, reflex-like secretion of adrenaline from the adrenal glands.
As the name of this particular reflex suggests, it cannot be solely triggered by
the first chakra. It also needs the participation of the motion reaction centre,
which accomplishes physically this escape movement of the body (see below).
This example illustrates the fundamental fact that all chakras cooperate with
each other in order to exert their action. As in an orchestra, there is always
one particular chakra that plays the “first fiddle” within a specific body reac-
tion and thus dominates the concerted action of the other participating chak-
The action of the chakras can be only comprehended when the role of the mind
is fully considered. We have already learnt that the human mind only func-
tions as memory, that is to say, it reacts only to stimuli that come from the
past and must be first stored in a special electromagnetic memory organ within
the mental body. The functioning of the mind is thus sequential and rather
slow. In addition, the mind needs a certain amount of time to process the in-
coming information before it can make decision and put it into physical action
with the help of the body.
In life-threatening conditions, the mind is thus of no value or it may even
hamper the escape reaction. For this reason, it is more or less switched off by
the quickness of the instinctive reaction on the one hand and by the intensity
of the transmitted energy by the two lower chakras on the other. Such reac-
tions are referred to in bio-science as “hereditary instincts” or “unconditional
reactions” and this presentation contains some grains of truth. We have here
standardized reactions of the soul, which are transmitted by the chakras in a
direct manner by short-circuiting the mind and eliminating its impact on hu-
man behavior. Such reactions may appear as life-saving instincts or irrational
acts, as we shall discuss this topic in conjunction with karma.
The human mind has a very limited scope of perception. Much important in-
formation runs below the threshold of the daily human consciousness and can-
not be registered in a rational manner. Significant vibrations, which are emit-
ted by individuals or groups of people, are perceived by human Spirit as part
of the Higher Self below the conceptual threshold of the rational mind and
lead, still under this threshold, to subsequent standardized reactions, which
are directly triggered by the chakras.
If an innocent outsider enters for example in the conference room of a com-
pany, where the participants discuss about lay-offs, cutbacks and restructuring
that involve the fate of these people, he will immediately, even before his
mind captures the situation, perceive the low-frequency vibrations of fear and
aggressiveness of those present and will immediately respond defensively,
without being affected by the measures discussed. The same applies to natural
disasters and hazards of life. In such cases, the person benefits from the direct,
spontaneous recognition of the soul, who provides him with vital information,
which is transmitted by the first chakra as instinctive reflexes. He will then be
"on guard", even though he may not know whence this cautionary information
comes from.
Were such instincts essential for the survival of the primitive man in a hostile
environment, they are now of little help as uncontrolled instincts in a devel-
oped, sedentary society, where the living conditions pose other demands on
the individual. In an evolved community, in which the ability to cooperate and
to solve conflicts is in the foreground, such response patterns, coming from
the first chakra, would rather prove to be a great disadvantage.
For this reason, the reaction pattern of the incarnated personality changes dur-
ing the historical development of mankind. More precisely: According to de-
mand, the soul may emphasize different chakras and forge the emergence of
new patterns of reaction in the incarnated population. An essential part of the
so-called biological evolution from primitive man to social, ethical being has
taken place in this way. This finding is also important for an understanding of
the Light Body Process, where the seven human chakras are fundamentally
restructured (see below).
The reader can expand this discussion and consider the function of the other
chakras and the preordained soul matrix of the incarnated personality and he
will automatically come to the conclusion that there are infinite individual
psychological variations that determine the character and behavior of every
person. The expression of the chakras as a specific response pattern depends
not only on the specific conditions, under which the soul incarnates, but also
on the individual and collective soul age of the actual incarnated population.
The discussion of this topic offers unexpected views, it explains, for instance,
the rise and decline of matriarchy and the current overemphasis on male ag-
gression in the political and economic life, which is now being dismantled in
the wake of the Light Body Process and the Evolutionary Leap of mankind.
Various karmic dramas will be closely related to these dramatic energetic pro-
(Note: This prophetic discussion from 2000 was confirmed this month of July,
2019 when massive energies and codes from the Source were sent to earth to
open the heart chakras of most humans, so that they begin to perceive the truth
about themselves unequivocally and prepare for the LBP and their ascension
in the distant future. This will also change the function of the mind that has
been extensively manipulated by the dark forces in the past and mired in false
illusions. From now on, the mind will only register the truth coming from the
heart chakra as "heartmind" (see below), but will not be able to make decisions
at his whim, as was the case in the past that led to all catastrophies, wars,
genocides and all other bad things that humanity has experienced throughout
its history. It is not an exaggeration to say that the human mind is the perpe-
trator of all evil on earth, just as it is also the creator of all material progress
of humanity, even though all progressive ideas come first as intuition and in-
spiration from the soul.
The activation of the heart chakras of humans is now happening in an alchem-
ical reaction through my heart chakra that was ignited by and aligned with the
divine heart chakra of the Source on July 1st, 2019 through the world heart
chakra power centre of the threefold flame (blue, yellow and pink), which
we anchored in Diano Marina in June 2019. This happened in a most dramatic
moment that I may present to the general public at a later date when the col-
lective understanding has evolved enough to grasp the importance of this cru-
cial energetic event. The opening of the heart chakras of most humans will be
accomplished when they go through the Lion's Gate portal on August 8th,
2019, 8/8 portal and the results will be seen soon thereafter at the societal level
as described in the ascension scenario, which I have outlined in this and many
other books and articles.
This is the penultimate proof that all evolution of mankind is occurring under
the influence of higher dimensional energies and through a thorough modifi-
cation of the human chakras that transform these energies into the human en-
tity and determine him as an energetic system. The ultimate proof will be my
ascension and appearance as ascended master in front of humanity.)
From this introduction, we recognize that the chakras are not abstract esoteric
entities but that they are linked very closely with the personality and the be-
havior in a particular historical epoch. Without their involvement, the karma
game on earth could not be properly understood. For this reason, I shall intro-
duce the other six chakras and their patterns of response in a concise manner.
The second lower chakra, also called sacral or sexual chakra, determines
decisively the sexual behavior of humans and is closely related to the gonads.
The sexual behavior encompasses a wider range of activities than the mere
intercourse. The sexual centre, like the rest of the lower chakras, has to do
with movement and physical action in the first place.
The lower three chakras mediate the vital forces that promote the expansion
drive of the individual in the society and in the physical space. This urge for
activity is the outstanding characteristic of the young soul and for this reason
the lower three chakras are dominant in today's population of incarnated souls.
They not only determine the individual and collective behavior but also influ-
ence significantly the social norms and forms under which human life unfolds.
The esoteric statement that humanity today is driven by the lower three chak-
ras is in this sense correct, though a too simplified statement.
Before I go into the lower third chakra, I ought to discuss at this place the
common energetic characteristics of the chakras. Basically, the chakras rep-
resent complex harmonic frequency patterns of the seven astral energies,
whereas in each chakra there is a basic energy that prevails. Overall, the chak-
ras differ from each other not only qualitatively in terms of their specific en-
ergy pattern but also quantitatively in terms of their frequency level.
Viewed from the bottom up, that is to say, with increasing number, the fre-
quency level (the vibration rate) of the chakras also increases. In the energetic
sense, they therefore build an hierarchical structure. The knowledge that the
frequency rate of the chakras is growing from bottom to top, that is to say,
from the coccyx to the crown, is very important both for the psyche as well as
for the mind.
It is a basic rule in All-That-Is that the higher frequencies dominate over the
lower ones and modulate them. Depending on the local intensity, it may hap-
pen that lower frequencies can dominate over higher frequencies, as it has
been the case on this toxic planet for a long time. The Evolutionary Leap of
mankind is the reversal of this situation. Constructive and destructive inter-
ference can thus occur in both directions. In the hierarchical structure of All-
That-Is, the higher frequency dimensions clearly dominate: They are the lead-
ers and gestalt the low frequency ranges. Local deviations, as we observe them
on earth, are intentional exceptions to this rule and are only possible through
the massive application of high frequency energies to seal this reverse condi-
tion from the rest of All-That-Is. This explains the separation of earth and
humanity from the Source which is now being reversed in the End Time.
We have discussed this issue in detail in the context of fear and love. Fear
represents a deliberate low-energy pattern that acts as a barrier, blocking the
higher-frequency vibrations of love emitted by the soul so that they cannot
enter the human body. The human mind cannot receive enough vibrations of
love and it must now create them in an independent manner. This is the fun-
damental challenge of the reincarnation cycle on earth – to develop the human
mind to a responsible sovereign creator of love conditions (conditions of con-
structive interference). In this effort, emotions are just means to this end.
With increasing soul age, the capacity for love also steadily augments and the
angst barrier is reduced in the same range. Fear has the function of a litmus
test for the opening of the mind and the heart (psyche) for the higher frequen-
cies of the soul. At the end of a cycle, the last incarnated personality merges
completely with the soul and the oversoul and experiences the maximum pos-
sible ecstasy, which is equivalent to a total constructive interference with the
corresponding basic energies of the soul family and All-That-Is, respectively
the Source.
Just as fear can be overcome by love, the upper chakras can modulate and
refine the response patterns of the lower chakras. A total suppression of the
lower instincts, like some esoteric and religious purists recommend from a
dualistic anthropocentric point of view, is neither possible nor desirable. A
reasonable control of all energies that flow through the chakras, with or with-
out knowledge of their mode of action, is a major goal in the reincarnation
cycle of the soul.
The third chakra, also called solar plexus chakra, is closely related to the
upper abdomen, stomach, liver, gallbladder and pancreas and is responsible
for motion. It is also known as the motor centre. As with the other two lower
chakras, the term “motion” includes more than the mere physical mo-
tion/movement of the individual. The motor activity can manifest both as a
sporting quality as well as mental agility. This largely depends on the center-
ing of the personality in the individual chakras, as I will explain below.
When this chakra is closed, for example, the person feels an impotent rage or
hopeless fear that temporarily puts him in an energetic state, in which he is
not able to perform any movement or feel any other emotion. His ability to
think is fully paralysed. This rigidity is a product of the blockade of the life-
spending energy of the soul, which flows through the third chakra of the solar
When this motor centre is activated, then the accumulated blocked energy
such as rage can unload in an irrational act. With such energetic blockages
and discharges, which are precisely initiated and controlled by the soul (and
by the many dark entities that had taken possession of humans for eons of time
but have now been eliminated in July in the course of the opening of the hearts
chakras of most humans), one can explain the various deviant behaviour pat-
terns among humans - from unexplained mass murders of a crazed gunman to
collective atrocities and genocides on mankind.
Such actions are part of the karma game, which is ongoing and provides a
wealth of experience for the incarnated souls. Superficially, such acts are at-
tributed to the personality and her free will. This finding may be painful for
many readers because it does away with the delusion of independence and
absolute discretion of the individual.
Man, mainly in the West, has a split attitude toward dependence. On the one
hand, Western human being insists on his independence, on the other hand,
he goes voluntarily into a variety of dependencies, which the modern capitalist
society lays as traps on his social way. The problem of dependence is purely
psychological and is rooted in the current limited view of what is an individual
or an incarnated personality. When the multidimensionality of the soul is in-
cluded in this world view, then the problem is resolved by itself. This attitude
is crucial for the initiation of the Light Body Process (see below).
The lower three chakras mediate energies that lead to actions. They encourage
active behavior. This behavior is in many ways without reflection because it
takes place during the simultaneous elimination of rational thinking (5th
chakra) and destructive because it occurs in a state of inability to love (block-
ade of the 4th heart chakra, see below).
In the Freudian psychoanalysis, one speaks in this context of “instinctive be-
havior” (triebhaftes Benehmen). This moralistic approach fails to appreciate
the role of the life-sustaining function of the reaction patterns that are medi-
ated by the lower three chakras but it illuminates at the same time the prevail-
ing brutal habits of mankind in the last two to three thousand years.
The effect of the three lower chakras can only be fully appreciated when we
realize that they are energetically separated from the three upper chakras by
the fourth chakra, also called heart chakra. For this reason, they may, under
certain circumstances, "go crazy" without being receptive for a correction
from above. We encounter here a clearly faulty design of the human organism,
which is consciously willed by the soul in this way, so that she can make cer-
tain experiences under carefully selected, extremely difficult energetic condi-
tions. The lower three chakras vibrate often at the frequency level of angst,
which they convey through their reaction patterns. They are then inaccessible
to the higher frequencies of love.
The fourth heart chakra binds preferably to the thymus. Through this chakra
human emotions and the psyche are largely manifested and regulated. For this
reason, we also speak of emotional centre. The fourth chakra is largely closed
in child and young souls, so that their emotionality is not particularly devel-
oped. Child and young souls love and know nothing of love, they have angst
all the time and know nothing of their fears. This is due to the fact that the
soul wants to promote at this soul age the expression of the lower three chak-
ras and for this reason she does not want to instigate her fears particularly, as
the perception of angst and fear is a preferred incarnation task at the mature
and old soul age (see my note above).
The close relationship between the effectiveness of a chakra and the function-
ality of the corresponding organs is demonstrated exemplary by the thymus.
We will meet again this close relationship with the pituitary and pineal gland.
The unimpeded flow of energy through an astral chakra promotes the growth
of the corresponding organ.
The thymus is in newborns disproportionately large and powerful and later
undergoes a marked involution, such that it is barely detectable in the elderly.
In the first years of life, man enjoys a largely open contact to his soul. In this
phase, the astral energies of the soul flow freely through the chakras in the
child's body. This explains the unwavering optimism of the children who dis-
play with an effortless ease their spiritual integrity, whereas the grown-ups
always grieve and worry about something (anxiety patterns, footnote 1).
The corresponding organs are well developed and functional in the presence
of an open chakra. The thymus is, for instance, quite pronounced in many
birds, which leads to the assumption that these birds are closely linked to the
astral realms that enable them difficult migrations. This aspect has been thor-
oughly misunderstood by the bio-sciences. Their explanation as to why hu-
mans have an underdeveloped thymus gland, while it is highly developed in
lower animals, is so confused and moronic that it should be cogent to every-
body that scientists have no clue about human chakras and their role in the
regulation of the human organism. Thus, we come to the conclusions that,
depending on the level of evolution of the incarnated soul, human organs may
experience a different manifestation.
As part of the Light Body Process, the heart chakra begins to open and to build
a unified chakra, by incorporating the lower three chakras and bringing them
into resonance with the three upper chakras. In such people, who are in an
advanced stage of the process, the thymus begins to increase its volume (hy-
pertrophy). This is also true, as I shall show below, for the pituitary and pineal
gland (see my note above).
People, who are about to develop a unified chakra, go through various symp-
toms that may mimic a heart attack. These symptoms are caused by the ex-
pansion of the heart chakra, which also brings a change in the neurological
heart regulation with it. When the heart chakra is fully open, one feels due to
the strong emanation of love energies from this centre a constant heat and
burning sensation in the chest area, which can be accompanied, depending on
the intensity of the Light Body Process, by shortness of breath (asphyxia) and
heart palpitations.
(This was the case with many members of the PAT after opening the stargate
11.11.11, when I activated their heart chakra on November 22nd, 2011 as re-
ported at that time. Asphyxia, dry mouth due to excessive release of adrena-
line in a state of enhanced anxiety, heart palpitations and asthma-like difficul-
ties to breathe are now very common symptoms among many humans who
have begun with the opening of their 4th heart chakra under our guidance
through the world heart chakra centre in Diano Marina, which we built in June
2019 (see note above). As they have no idea what is happening with them
energetically, this will become an overwhelming medical problem very soon
as the doctors also have no clue and will only come up with fake diagnoses
that will worsen the clinical condition of the patients. That is why I am hopeful
that the healing centre in Diano Marina, which is ready now, will very soon
manifest, so that we can take over the healing of humanity from the old failed
medical health care system with the help of new higher dimensional tech-
niques in full acceptance of the existence of the soul.)
These symptoms are completely harmless. I strongly warn against the consul-
tation by doctors who know nothing about these astral processes and are in-
clined to interpret these symptoms in terms of a heart disease. In this way,
they reinforce the fear structure of the affected person, thus preventing his
energetic transformation in the course of the Light Body Process. Many fright-
ened people may die prematurely in this way.
The three upper chakras are the higher frequency chakras of the body, which
connect to Spirit of the soul (Higher Self). However, this can happen only in
advanced soul age. In young souls, these chakras, especially the 6th and 7
chakra, are still closed.
The fifth chakra, also called throat chakra, connects to the thyroid gland
and transmits energies that mainly act on the rational mind, of which humans
are so proud nowadays. For this reason, this chakra is also known as the in-
tellectual centre. Based on this chakra, I will explain how an impediment of
the energy flow caused by false beliefs leads to chakra-specific diseases.
Persons, in whom the 5th chakra is dominant (see centering of chakras below)
pay great attention to logic and reason. This chakra governs the perception
and the delivering of information, including such of abstract nature, the pro-
cessing of images and the structuring, and clarification of the received
knowledge. These tasks are handled mainly by the left brain hemisphere be-
fore they are integrated in the body. In order to cope with these tasks, the right
brain hemisphere, which is mainly dedicated to the processing of emotions,
must be excluded from this intellectual process.
In the case of persons, who are not yet in the Light Body Process, that is to
say, mainly young souls, the two halves of their brain are largely separated
from each other: it is very difficult for these persons to synchronize them.
Such people cannot integrate emotion and intellect: They tend to set the pri-
ority of abstract, rational thinking before their feelings.
The human rational thinking is, however, very limited: it quickly reaches the
boundary of logical analysis, as it is currently practiced by intellectually dom-
inated individuals. The new Axiomatics of the Universal Law is of course
exempted from this finding as this disquisition reveals. It includes the dynam-
ics of emotions within human thinking and perception and easily explains
their interrelationships.
The limits of conventional logical analysis are set in reality by human fears
and are thus invisibly tainted by negative human emotions, even if this is ne-
gated by most scientists and other related humans. The experience of an intel-
lectually centered person to reach very quickly the limits of logical knowledge
overwhelms him with such a great fear and makes him so anxiously unsettled,
that he willingly gives up his true logic under the whispers of his high-looming
fears and rather entrenches with passion behind pseudo-intellectual barricades
and arguments, as this can be seen not only among scientists, but also among
most New Age representatives.
Why any person, who employs the tools of traditional logic, must very quickly
and inevitably reach the limits of human knowledge, lies in the fact that these
logical tools are in reality a hodgepodge of traditional beliefs, as I have ex-
plained in earlier chapters: All categorical systems, which man has developed
and amassed throughout history, and are currently being viewed as products
of human logic and rational thinking, contain N-sets, that is to say, categories
of thought, which exclude themselves as an element and are, in the strict sense
of the Logos, the Universal Law, not consistently logical. They must all be
discarded as false images of reality.
This would mean that everything that such persons consider to be logical and
important must be abandoned once and for all. Such a decision requires a lot
of courage and honesty and these properties are in present-day society as rare
as diamonds.
The current categorical systems pertaining to science and everyday thinking,
which preposterously decorate themselves with the title of being "logical” and
“rational", contain actually many inherent contradictions, to which any intel-
lectual thinker must inevitably come, but out of fear to give up what he has
already learnt and thought, he rather prefers to rigorously negate the disturb-
ing existence of such contradictions.
This is the avenge of the separation of intellectuality from emotionality. Be-
cause our feelings, when correctly interpreted, makes us aware in an infallible
manner, whether what we think is right or wrong. The right thinking always
generates an intra-psychic harmony, which is perceived by the mind as a
pleasant sensation (This is what is happening now with the heart chakra that
assumes the function of a heartmind, while the mind is being reduced to a
mere observer and a registration tool of this heart generated truth and wisdom,
which actually comes from the soul and the Source; see also previous notes
on this subject above.)
The intellectually centered person frequently arrives in everyday life at the
limit of his knowledge, because he ignores and discards all the information
and experience coming from his feelings that cause him anxiety and discom-
fort. He simply cannot center in his psyche. It is, therefore, no coincidence
that emotionality is largely frowned upon especially in academic circles.
Such people often suffer from diseases, which are symptomatic of such be-
havior. Insufficient emotionality leads faster to disease than insufficient rea-
soning, because emotions directly affect the body. They have diseases of the
ears, the organs of speech, complain about tension in the neck muscles,
blurred vision, headaches, brain tumors or develop other degenerative dis-
eases of the CNS, as was the case with Stephen Hawking, whose neurological
disability was blatantly misused by the dark cabal to promote fake scientific
ideas that suited their heinous plan to install the NWO.
These diseases are often the result of an over-emphasis of mental energy and
the conviction that the mind is capable of solving sufficiently well all the prob-
lems of life and can render easily digestible explanations for all the secrets of
nature, including the above-mentioned diseases. Such flawed beliefs have
only the function to lull the fears of the intellectually centered person by pre-
tending to give him a rational resolution of his urgent problems (footnote 2).
Since the proportion of intellectually centered personalities in the current pop-
ulation is quite high - this is already cogent from the fact that in the whole
history of mankind there has never been so many scientists as today - the
above-described circumstances and human behavior acquire collective patho-
logical traits.
The sixth chakra, also known as the forehead chakra, acts primarily on the
pituitary gland. This gland controls the hormone regulation of the body (the
pituitary gland - hypothalamus-axis). The 6th chakra connects the human
spirit with the soul. For this reason, it is also called spiritual centre. When
this chakra is open, there is a pronounced expansion and transcendence of the
human mind: The spiritual energy principle of human existence "is revealed
in the flesh." This chakra promotes mediumship, the ability to establish tele-
pathic contact with other incarnated people and with disembodied souls in the
astral realms. Most inspirations of creative and scientific nature are mediated
through the forehead chakra. This chakra can be activated only in advanced
soul age.
The same applies to the last seventh chakra, the crown chakra, which binds
to the pineal gland. It allows the maximum possible dissolution of boundaries
in the incarnated state and the feeling of Oneness with the inseparability of
All-That-Is. For this reason, it is also called ecstatic centre. This chakra is
also closed in most people and opens only in very old souls (star seeds).
It can, however, be activated with psychedelic substances, such as DMT (di-
methyl-triptamine), which is naturally produced by the pineal gland and is re-
leased when this gland is activated. Vice versa, DMT can open the crown
chakra to transcendental experience of the astral realms, which is now being
clumsily described as "psychedelic" experience by fake science in order to
hide the true nature of such experiences.
Read here: The Appropriate Use of DMT, Psilocin, Mescalin, Ecstasy in
the Preparation for Ascension
As part of the Light Body Process, these two upper chakras are reactivated, so
that the pituitary and pineal glands begin to grow. This increase can be de-
tected in late stages with the help of computer tomography (CT). This finding
is an empirical proof for the correctness of the new Gnosis of the Universal
Law, even though its universal validity is so obvious that it requires no special
evidence: Being is its proof.
Before a soul incarnates on earth, she makes the basic decisions on the soul
matrix of the incarnated personality. This includes the centering of the soul
in two reaction centres, that is to say, the soul chooses before each incarna-
tion to emphasize two particular body chakras. The soul energy flows then
preferably through these two chakras. Their response patterns have a lasting
effect on the human personality because they reveal themselves as innate char-
acteristics. They largely determine the attitude of the individual towards life
and in dealing with the environment, that is to say, they determine, by and
large, his survival strategy.
For obvious reasons, the two upper chakras, the 6th and 7th chakra, are ex-
cluded from this centering (alignment with the soul). They can be only tem-
porarily opened in a state of enlightenment (ecstasy, epiphany). This exclu-
sion of the forehead and crown chakra is not an irreversible deprivation of the
incarnated personality by the soul but is only related to the current soul age of
The centering of only two chakras and the blockage of the 6th and 7 chakra is
an expression of the faulty energetic design of the incarnated personality that
I have discussed above. Ideally, all the chakras should be free of any block-
ages and open to the higher frequency astral energies. Only through the for-
mation of a united chakra during the Light Body Process can this design flaw
be overcome by the soul (see below). This process builds the basis of the Evo-
lutionary Leap of the species "man".
The majority of the incarnated souls are currently baby, child and young souls.
At this age, the soul is expressed mainly through the three lower chakras,
which also emphasize the instinctive nature in humans. For the same reason,
the heart chakra is largely closed in this soul population. This chakra is also
known as the chakra of grace because it gives the feeling of love and grace
(compassion). Unconditional love always leads to grace, compassion and for-
Feelings are sensual perceptions: they are perceived not only mentally as emo-
tions, but also physically (somatically) as well-being or discomfort. Their in-
tensity can be strong and determines human behavior.
The three lower chakras of survival instinct (1), sexuality (2) and motion (3),
whereby the latter reaction pattern manifests at present mainly as a manipula-
tive power-driven behavior, determine decisively the individual and collec-
tive conduct in present-day society, which is dominated by obnoxious norms
and behavioral standards.
(Note: Watch Trump as a classical example of this young soul mentality,
which he, himself, being a mature soul, has brilliantly adopted from the young
souls and uses in a brilliant, very creative, playful-manipulative manner in
order to achieve his goals, which both satisfy his narcissism and his half-de-
veloped ethics and morality of a ripe soul that drive his motivation to become
a politician. Nonetheless, this represents a great spiritual progress compared
to the behavior of the present-day young obnoxious souls as paradigmatically
represented by his political opponents and stooges of the deep state and ex-
plains his ongoing success against all heinous adversities he encounters in the
swamp of Washington D.C. and elsewhere in the Empire of Evil that he wants
to reform with old-fashioned political and economic means to no avail. This
will determine his ultimate failure when our ascension will happen in the
course of this year, but his historical importance should not be, therefore, un-
derestimated, as there are a very few courageous souls in this multiverse, who
are willing to expose themselves to so much personal toxicity as he receives
currently from the unhinged democrats, who are fully decompensating under
the barrage of the powerful ascension energies coming from the Source and
being distributed by us to the rest of humanity.).
The current karma that was exclusively introduced by the souls for the
sake of accumulating experience, is based on the dominance of the three
lower chakras and the simultaneous exclusion of the propensity of love
(closed 4th heart chakra), the logic of the mind (insufficient 5th chakra)
and in a state of almost complete blockade of the spiritual (6) and ec-
static centre (7).
Under these limiting energetic conditions it is not at all difficult for the soul
to maneuver her incarnation in all sorts of entanglements that would be un-
thinkable in the activation of the three upper chakras. These aberrations in
human behavior include: murder, torture, betrayal, love withdrawal, acts of
ruthlessness, brutality, irresponsibility, in other words, all kinds of debased
demeanor that one can excessively watch on TV and in Hollywood films.
Most karmic entanglements are linked to the cycle of the young soul and re-
solved in a responsible manner in the cycle of the mature and old soul, for
karmic bonds can be resolved only by the ability to love, which is reached
only in the late soul age. When karmic deeds are committed, the incarnated
entity is usually manipulated by the soul through the three lower chakras, be-
cause there are agreements in the astral realms that must be adhered to. In such
cases, free will is repealed. Such involvement can take place only in the kar-
mic condition of lovelessness.
For this reason, in the last two to three thousand years, the three lower chakras
were primarily emphasized, with the help of which appropriate karmic re-
sponse patterns can be triggered. It is no coincidence that the known human
history is an unbroken chain of wars and violence, while the principle of grace
that was exemplified by Jesus was only theoretically known, but not practi-
cally lived.
3. Energetic Aspects of the Light Body Process and the
Evolutionary Leap of Mankind
Based on this discussion on the effects of the chakras and their importance in
shaping the individual psyche and personality, I will illuminate at the end rel-
evant aspects of the Light Body Process and the Evolutionary Leap of man-
The first process represents an increase in the frequencies of the physical body
to match the frequencies of the astral body, which allows a transition of the
physical carbon-based body into crystalline light body and vice versa. At the
same time the personality acquires the energetic and intellectual abilities of
the soul and becomes a multidimensional personality that can exist in many
realities at the same time. These abilities include: Telepathy, teleportation,
bilocation, telekinesis, spontaneous recognition, universal awareness, for ex-
ample, of new higher dimensional technologies that will be introduced on the
earth, total recall of all past incarnations, immediate creation, etc.
This sounds very simple and wonderful but it is really much more complicated
and difficult than the innocent reader suspects at first glance. The process is,
especially in mental, psychological and physical terms, extremely stressful
and challenging. During the Light Body Process, the person involved experi-
ences the purgatory on earth. Why? I already anticipated the answer to this
question in part in my previous discussion. I will summarize it here again.
Human being, and his personality, is not a fixed, predetermined magnitude,
but an energy system that is in constant change. The current psychological
and mental structure of man is a product of his historical evolution and the
selection of his soul matrix in the astral worlds. Both psyche and mind have
developed slowly in several millennia, until they have reached the present
level. And now they have to evolve in a few years so radically in order to
achieve the perfect awareness of the soul, at least in some areas, before man
can ascend in his light body.
This Evolutionary Leap takes place under the condition of severe amnesia and
the restrictions of physicality. The Light Body Process is thus a powerful,
time-compressed program that only old souls can handle at the end of their
incarnation cycle. They must experience how their old behavior patterns,
which they have acquired in their long cycle of incarnations, including the last
incarnation, are coming up. These behavioral patterns dominate the actual per-
sonality for a short period of time and must be overcome with the help of the
will and a loving psyche. These are low frequency, destructive, fear-based
patterns, which can take different gestalt, depending on the individual. By be-
ing recognized as energetic epiphenomena that do not belong to the essence
of the personality, they are eliminated (cleansed) by human Spirit in construc-
tive interference with the psyche by harmonizing all human emotions.
In practice, the mind rationally deals with these fear patterns and recognizes
their illusory nature. This inner dynamic is certainly not easy because the pat-
terns are laden with very strong deep-seated fears and the temptation of the
mind to succumb to their internal pressure is often unbearable.
The personality does not have to do anything at all. During this time she must
try to be her soul - for soul is Being and not doing - and in a society based on
doing, the biggest challenge of all is the conscious Non-Doing. Instead, she
must think and re-think a lot about herself and All-That-Is. In this way, the
incarnated personality frees herself from all socially, family and historically
grafted opinions, beliefs and behavior patterns that have imbued her character.
She is thus cleansed.
Specifically, this process is felt as if one goes through the purgatory and re-
news himself like the famous phoenix in ancient Egyptian mythology, which
arises from the ashes. It is the proverbial Resurrection, which all Christian
theologians so profoundly misunderstand. However, this is not a solitary act,
as there are numerous energy waves, which occur over many years, each time
increasing in intensity and representing a unique hurdle for the person.
At the end of the Light Body process, the person develops an unconditional
love for nature and all living creatures that he has never known before. At the
same time, he dissolves all ties with the material world that have put shackles
on him. From an entangled personality, he now becomes a loving observer,
who is capable of expressing a dispassionate understanding for even the most
deviant behavior observed on this toxic planet.
This distanced comprehension should not be confused in any way with the
Buddhist, Stoic indifference towards all ills of this world. Rather, one must
imagine the Light Body Process as if one weaves his psyche and his mind
anew by ultimately shoveling the inner spiritual core of his personality from
the dung of worldly experience.
However, the person experiences at the beginning of the process a firework of
unpleasant events that put him into a state of total helplessness. From this he
learns to surrender the free will of his ego completely to the soul and to vol-
untarily go into the care of the soul and Universal Spirit. From this point on-
ward, the soul determines the fate of the earthly personality.
This severing of the umbilical cord to the last illusion regarding the self-suf-
ficiency of human existence is very painful and requires the surmounting of
existential fears, about which a young soul has no clue. At the same time, the
person in the Light Body Process must allow his soul to transform his physical
vessel, he must willingly affirm it and stoically endure and actively support it
during the long period of this exhausting process.
The transformation of the physical body is massive and unimaginably exhaus-
tive, not least, because in present-day society one has not yet developed a
concept of this process, and the person in the Light Body Process has to endure
the lack of understanding and consideration by the environment. Rather, he is
exposed to the many irrational acts of hostility and aggression by the young
souls, which he must endure in addition to the physical and mental tortures of
the Light Body Process. The thought of death is a constant companion at this
time. The biochemical and energetic aspects of this transformation cannot be
discussed here.
Externally, the Light Body process takes the form of a serious chronic disease
that occurs in waves. The total physical and mental exhaustion is accompanied
by many symptoms that are known from various degenerative diseases of the
CNS and muscle-skeletal apparatus.
Since the organism is rejuvenated in the course of the Light Body Process in
order to achieve immortality at the end, the outer appearance of the person is
in blatant contradiction to the subjective persistent feeling of psycho-mental
depression and to the objectively reduced efficiency of the body (an oxymo-
The mind is largely eliminated in this process; it must watch helplessly how
the body is controlled by higher forces and still boldly affirm and promote this
painful process. In the later stages, when the mind is able to cope better with
it, it can give valuable clues to the soul. If the intensity of the waves of light
body transformation is too strong or too long a period, then one can ask for a
break and the soul will give it to him whenever possible (However, this does
not occur very often, as the soul has her own agenda how to proceed with the
Light Body Process.).
The light body process is, as the reader can already surmise from this short
expose, the greatest and most daring challenge, which an embodied soul can
currently undertake on earth. One must endure with every cell of his body,
with every thought of his mind and with every feeling of his psyche the mighty
power of the faulty collective beliefs and behavior patterns in order to realize
the grandest vision of himself on earth – achieve a cosmic ascension and be-
come a transliminal soul.
He cannot hope of any help from the society or family, for no man, who him-
self is not in the Light Body Process, can understand and empathize with what
he is going through. The current society has no experience with such processes
and what people do not know, they also do not accept. The rejection, which a
person in the LBP experiences from his environment, can be extreme indeed,
all the more as the people are not aware of their rejection consciously - they
simply reject his formidable higher frequency fields that make them feel un-
comfortable in their deep-seated, unprocessed fears, which are exposed as
soon as they come in contact with the energies of the person in the LBP. In
his light body transformation marathon, the enlightened man builds a solitary
pair with his soul and must encapsulate himself from society and family, at
least temporarily. This behavior is often misunderstood, and the exhausted
person faces multiple fear-laden prejudices from the immediate surroundings,
which he cannot refute at this stage.
At the end of the Light Body Process, the frequencies and the energy intensity
augment to such an extent that the power of the aura that such a person radiates
is unbearable for others. Particularly, young and immature souls, but also ma-
ture, non-centered souls, feel very uncomfortable in the presence of a person
standing at the end of the process. They do not know what to do with him
because their low frequency fields no longer correlate with his high frequency
unified energy field.
The united, cleansed chakra of a person at the end of his transformation does
not allow any interactions with the blocked lower chakras of ordinary people
who vibrate with the frequencies of fear. Since all human relationships come
about through such astral interference, most people unconsciously feel that
they cannot handle such a person. They develop, depending on the individual
and situation, strong aggression, rejection or anger against him, or simply feel
fear and discomfort. As they do not comprehend that they are the actual source
of these negative feelings, they may react extremely irrationally and blame
him by projecting their aggression onto him. The high energy of a person at
the end of the Light Body Process reinforces the disharmony in immature
souls, and since they are not in position to recognize the cause in themselves,
they tend too quickly to demonize such a light gestalt.
One must learn to live with this human rejection for the rest of his life as the
LBP does not end, but constantly increases in frequencies, so that the ener-
getic incompatibility with other human beings also grows. This was also the
fate of Jesus, as this is vividly depicted in the Bible. Since the individual in
LBP is in a very close contact with his soul, it usually does not bother him to
be left on his own. In addition, his mind is more open to other parallel realities,
so that he is barely susceptible to everyday stimuli. Since he is no longer truly
involved in earthly life, he can look down upon the bustle around him with
calmness and detached comprehension.
Nevertheless, the person in Light Body Process must still linger for a while
on earth and he cannot avoid switching on and off into the general atmosphere
of fear in everyday life. This process is then perceived as particularly painful:
One feels the insatiable longing to leave this world full of disgust and inter-
personal atrocities as soon as possible (footnote 3).
At least this is the current situation at this moment (2001). In the foreseeable
future, the public attitude towards such persons must definitely change. The
people will have to learn to deal with such evolved human beings with more
understanding than is the case today: People will soon realize that they will
be dependent on each ascended master to survive.
(Note: I wrote these lines 2 years after I entered the final most intense phase
of the LBP in 1999 and one year after I first ascended to 5D in July 2000. Now
I urge the reader to imagine the scope of my suffering in the following almost
two decades, while my frequencies were constantly rising, so that a higher
version of myself could ascend on January 12th, 2019 to the 9th dimension,
which is now potentially opened to me as well, although I dwell most of the
time in the 7th dimension. This has never been achieved before by an individ-
ual soul that is still incarnated in 3D in the entire multiverse and I remember
the jubilant celebration which the souls in 9D organized for me - it stirred me
to tears as I ascended in full consciousness. This ascension was then con-
firmed by the Elohim in a message. We are talking here about energetic expe-
riences and modalities, for which human language does not have any proper
words and concepts, and humanity, as a whole, has no clue. This highlights
the impending total collective confusion when I will ascend and show up.).
These old souls, who have given their consent to go through with the Light
Body Process, embody the heroic myth of All-That-Is, whose true scope and
importance they will discover in full only after their cosmic ascension. At the
moment of Ascension, they will enter a state of incredible serenity, full con-
tentment and blissful fulfillment that will compensate for all the hardships of
their long and tedious reincarnation cycle and can only be described as ec-
stasy. I know what I am talking about as I experienced it consciously as a
higher version of myself when I ascended to 9D.
The individuals (such as the members of the PAT), who will successfully
complete this process, will be an example for the rest of humanity that is still
in the middle or the last third of their reincarnation cycle. They will embody
what is in principle possible for all incarnated souls and can be achieved at
the end of the cycle of reincarnation.
When this shift in awareness occurs, the earth will be energetically completely
renewed. Many processes that previously required centuries to come to frui-
tion, will be realized much faster now. Also, the karma of the past will change
fundamentally. Humanity will no longer be the same species.
Instead of today's materialistic principles, spiritual principles will be adopted.
The horizontal human consciousness will expand its knowledge in the vertical
astral dimension and will throw overboard today's limited ideas. However, life
on earth will continue to provide some challenges of physicality for the ma-
jority of the incarnated souls. This time they will though enjoy a much wider
range of opportunities and resources to create their earthly existence more
comfortably and spiritually than is the case today.
The ascended multidimensional personalities (such as the members of the
PAT) will establish the connection to the higher astral dimensions and other
planets and realities that are inhabited by incarnated souls. The terrestrial civ-
ilization will evolve as a result of the Evolutionary Leap and the Light Body
Process to a transgalactic civilisation of loving souls. This will take some
time. This vision, which some readers will experience still in this incarnation,
will be so magnificent that it can hardly be put into words. So I will stop at
this place.
1. Even Jesus refers to the lower amnesia of the children who have a largely unimpeded
access to their souls and the Spirit worlds, as he blesses the children (Mark,10,14-15): “Let
the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to
such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little
child will never enter it.” Like most statements in the Bible, this one is also not properly
understood by Church, theologians and all Christians.
2. In this context, I recommend the reader to watch or listen to any health program on
television or radio, and he will come to the same conclusion. Such programs are paramount
examples of how the media operate with the subliminal fears of diseases among all people
and how they address these fears with scientifically flawed concepts. This is the stuff, with
which most traditional beliefs are woven. Such medical programs have a potentiating effect
through the mass media. They amplify and spread in this way the collective patterns of
fear, and their striking effect on the psyche of the viewers and listeners should not be un-
derestimated in any way; read also: Thoughts – Part I.
3. This psychological aspect is very convincingly expressed in the Bible, when Jesus, com-
pletely disgusted by his followers, while performing one of his healing miracles, cries in
exasperation to God: “Oh, you, unfaithful folks! How long shall I dwell among you? How
long shall I put up with you?” (Mark, 9,19-24)
The Universal Role of Energetic Gradi-
ents in the Creation of All-That-Is
Human Bodies Are Electromagnetic
first published on July 13, 2011, Copyright 2011
Some readers approached us, after they have read my last article on "free
photon energy", and asked me to explain in depth the role of thermal or any
other energetic gradient in the Creation/Gestalt of All-That-Is. I am now re-
sponding to this request.
While human beings use all kinds of energetic gradients in everyday life and
in industrial production, the theoretical background of this universal phenom-
enon of Nature has not been truly comprehended by all scientists and the rest
of mankind so far.
Let me, therefore, depart from what is known to all of you, before I expand
my discussion.
When we plug an electric device in the electric grid, we use an energetic, elec-
tric gradient. This gradient may differ from country to country, so that you
need an adapter. For instance, in Europe we use the 220 voltage, which is
another technical term for electric gradient. Some other countries use the 110
voltage, etc.
What we, however, seldom realize, is that without the use of an energy gradi-
ent, there will be no technology at all, and we will still dwell as cave men.
Let us stay by electricity and illustrate this ubiquitous fact, so that everybody
can easily perceive it for himself.
In order to produce electric power, we build, for instance, dams on rivers and
lakes and create a water gradient, which is the most evident form of an energy
gradient. When the dam is closed, and no water flows, the water stored in the
dam has a "potential energy", which can be converted into electric energy.
Here, we have another word or synonym for a gradient - a "potential". A
potential is stored energy that can be transformed anytime into active, kinetic
Those of you, who still have some knowledge of physics from school, may
remember that there are only two forms of energy - potential and kinetic en-
ergy. When you carry a ball to the roof of your house, it has acquired a grav-
itational potential, which will only depend on the height of your house.
When you drop the ball, this gravitational potential is fully transformed into
kinetic energy of the falling ball. Kinetic energy is energy in motion, while
potential energy is energy at rest.
What does this observation tell us actually? That energy cannot be destroyed,
but can only exist in a stored, static state or in a kinetic form, in motion. This
is the law of conservation of energy as already discussed in my previous
article on free photon energy.
From a teleological point of view, the above observation, which, I hope,
should be cogent to all my readers, tells us actually that:
As human senses are rather limited, we, in fact, can only observe energetic
gradients, when they perform a kinetic action that is mainly accessible to our
vision and, to a lesser extent, to the other senses.
For many centuries, electromagnetic energy in matter was not known to hu-
mans because they could not manifest its action as a movement and use it for
their needs. If you have no idea of power turbines that transform the falling
water from the dam into electric energy, you will never perceive that the dam
reservoir contains potential electric power.
Before I proceed with the discussion, I would like to clear another potential
source of semantic confusion at this place - "energy" and "power" are, in
practice, one and the same. In reality, there is only Energy, which is a syno-
nym for Nature, respectively for All-That-Is, and power is a specific, abstract
mathematical presentation of Energy.
At this place, I must make an important statement that should be in the core
of all human understanding of Energy = All-That-Is = Nature:
The same holds true for free photon energy, which I also define as photon
space-time, because it surrounds all material objects and creates the illusion
of empty space, respectively, of space-time, in which all material objects, such
as stars, planets, and galaxies are embedded.
As long as human beings have no direct or indirect access to free photon en-
ergy in terms of visible, kinetic energy in practical motion, which they can use
in everyday life, they will continue to assume that there is no such thing as
free photon energy.
This sensual limitation of human beings is the source of their current enslave-
ment by the Powers That Be from the Orion/Reptilian Empire. These dark
aliens from the 4th dimension exploit shamelessly the restricted senses of the
incarnated human entities to subjugate them to their hideous plans instead of
expanding their perception, as the Forces of Light are currently doing in nu-
merous channeling messages from the higher realms.
The current hallucinatory perception of reality by human beings is created by
the highly restricted function of human senses. I will dedicate a special article
on this fundamental gnostic topic and will explain in depth, how human mind
creates the illusionary idea of space-time as static empty space, by processing
the limited data, generated by the five human senses, and especially by human
vision. Or as I put it, I will explain why human beings are blind Eye-Animals,
in German: "Augentiere". This key gnostic problem is extensively discussed
in all my scientific books on the New Gnosis of the Universal Law.
This aspect of restricted human cognition is currently totally unknown, pre-
cisely, neglected by empirical science and explains, why it has failed to un-
derstand the Nature of All-That-Is. For further information, I recommend the
reader to check my discussion in Part I of my last book "The Cosmic Laws of
Creation and Destruction", published on this website.
We have shown that this is the case with matter and all material objects, which
contain huge nuclear, atomic, electric (electrons), and thermodynamic, kinetic
forces/energies. This also holds true for the astral energies of the higher
realms, which are invisible to our senses, but will very soon manifest them-
selves in the course of human Ascension.
The thermodynamic forces in matter are currently explained in physics with
the motion of electrons and other electrically charged molecules, which is a
rather simplistic, mechanical interpretation of current physics, as I have
proved in my books on the new Physical Theory of the Universal Law (see
volume I and volume II, full version).
The very term "force" implies the existence of a gradient. Force is a specific
mathematical presentation of the term "gradient". The same holds true for the
term "power".
Both magnitudes, force and power, are abstract mathematical presentations of
Energy = All That Is. They have no meaning outside human consciousness.
Currently, scientists believe that these magnitudes are intrinsic properties of
physical matter. This is another cognitive imbecility of present-day scientists,
whose pristine perception of All-That-Is has been dumbed down to such an
extent by the current manipulated educational system of the Powers That Be,
that they are virtually blind to the Nature of All-That-Is, which they are sup-
posed to explore empirically.
They should re-member the wisdom of the ancient Greek thinkers that science
is not a random search for scattered facts in the outer world, but a remem-
brance of who we really are. But that is another huge theme, which I should
elaborate in a special essay (see also my book "Cosmic Laws of Creation and
This is another fundamental cognitive knowledge that all scientists have failed
to comprehend so far. Hence their total agnosticism with respect to All-That-
Is. This collective ignorance of mankind will surface in the coming months,
after the first wave of Ascension of human beings has taken place and will
dominate the theoretical discussion prior to Ascension for several reasons,
which I will introduce at this place;
The human organic body is nothing else, but a product of huge energetic, elec-
tric gradients.
This fact is not known to bio-scientists so far, and this ignorance has hindered
their understanding of the current light body process, LBP, in which most
light workers are involved at the conscious level and many other human enti-
ties at the subconscious.
This is, indeed, terra incognita for all my readers, but I must introduce you in
this area, if you want to transform your carbon-based bodies into crystalline
light bodies in order to overcome physical death and ascend to the 5th dimen-
I warn you that the following discussion is a real roller-coaster and you had
better fasten your seatbelts, as you will hear some facts for the first time in
your life that will fundamentally change your destiny.
I begin with my first new basic statement that offsets all current ideas in bio-
science and medicine so far.
The human or any organic body is not the product of biochemical metabolism,
as you may read in any textbook on biochemistry or physiology, but an elec-
tromagnetic system that employs chemical moieties to create an electric
(electromagnetic) gradient in every cell and organelle, in every chemical mol-
ecule, and within every organ, as well as in the whole multi-cellular organism.
This new knowledge revolutionizes our very idea of who we really are, and
how organic matter operates in the context of us being multidimensional en-
tities as an integral part of All-That-Is.
After my reader has digested this information, I will proceed with the details.
I promise you that my explanations will remain very general and I recommend
that you check the details in Volume III: " The General Theory of Biological
Regulation in Bio-Science and Medicine" on this website.
The crux of the matter is that this fact ought to be known to all bio-scientists.
It is a well-established fact that all cells and organelles, such as mitochondria,
create a huge electric gradient across their membranes that surround these bi-
ological structures and determine not only their form, but also their function.
The electric field (force) of the membrane gradients of human cells and or-
ganelles is in the order of 10 (high 7 to 8), that is to say, it is one billion to one
trillion V/m (Voltmeter per meter distance). Such powerful electric fields can
only be observed in the stratosphere, where lightnings/ discharges of cosmic
proportions take place. I am the first scientist to have properly calculated these
gradients and to have comprehended their function for the regulation of the
cell and the organism (volume III).
Now you are surprised to learn that the same powers/gradients are stored in
each of your cells. Wait until you realize what powers are stored in your
thoughts, which you now regard as chimeric phenomenon without any practi-
cal and material relevance.
All the chemical energy that we receive as food intake and degrade in our
bodies in the process of cell metabolism is transformed into stored electric
energy of the membrane potentials of cells and organelles. This stored energy
is used for the regulation of the cell and the body.
By modulating these potentials in an infinite, discrete manner, the fine-tuned
regulation of the cells and the organism is effected.
All physical substances, such as drugs and pollution agents, being electric
charged chemical molecules, interfere with the electric potentials of the cells
and affect them in a positive or deleterious manner. The extent of their effects
depends only on the magnitude of their dipole moment.
This is not known in bio-science and medicine at present. Hence the great
confusion in these disciplines that leads to a collective genocide of humanity
by the health care system and the pharmaceutical industry (see my last book
"Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction.." and volume III, also my article
on the use of psychedelic drugs).
The whole organic human body is an electromagnetic stationary wave, a huge
quantum soliton or a crystal, if you wish, that is regulated by the software
programme of the soul, known as the astral or ethereal body through the
chakra system.
This novel fact about our human bodies was discovered for the first time by
the author in 1993 in the course of his clinical research activities and led fi-
nally to the discovery of the Universal Law of All-That-Is.
It explains how it is possible to transform our present carbon-based bodies
to crystalline-based light bodies, and why we may not need food any more
in the 5th dimension as the cell membrane gradients in our future light bodies
will be directly created without the need of food-intake.
Now I would like to suggest that the reader be honest and self-reflective and
answer the following question: Has he ever heard of these fundamental scien-
tific facts about how his human body is organized and regulated and why he
may not need food in the 5th dimension, in case he has pondered on this issue?
I have, personally, not come upon a single channeled or other esoteric text that
covers this issue or even mentions it, as these messages are not intended for
scientists, and most of the light workers are not scientists or competent in sci-
ence. But the topics which I discuss in this series of popular scientific articles,
will become central after Ascension, when human beings will have to learn
very quickly, how All-That-Is is organized as to become responsible creators
on their own.
My articles are the first introduction to this wave of new knowledge that will
flood the consciousness of the ascended entities. But then it has to be compre-
hended at the theoretical level. This is the chief objective of the new Scientific
Theory of the Universal Law as developed by the author - it builds the basis
of the new Theory of Ascension.
Finally, let me explain one last scientific aspect that is in the core of free pho-
ton energy.
We have proved so far that every system or phenomenon of All-That-Is is a
product of energy gradient - gravitation, electricity, engines of combustion
(gas pressure as mechanical, adiabatic gradient), and even our body cells are
products of energetic gradients.
How about photon space-time? In my previous article I have proved that free
photon energy = space-time can build numerous thermodynamic gradients,
which we can use as a free source of energy in our everyday life.
But photon space-time has in addition a huge electromagnetic gradient of cos-
mic proportion, which I have discovered for the first time in the history of
human science and have defined it in my theory as the "world gradient of
photon space-time". It is in the order of 10 (high 16) Voltmeter.
How have I measured it?
Read volume II on physics and you will find out. This would say that we,
humans, and the whole planet and solar system, just as all celestial bodies, are
immersed in a huge photon field of free energy with a potential that is many
times greater than the membrane potentials of our body cells, which are indeed
extremely powerful.
But this fact tells us also that our bodies have evolved within this powerful
field, which is, but an envelope of the incredible forces of the astral energies
that create photon space-time and the 3d-reality of the solar universes.
From this point onward our knowledge becomes metaphysical and for this
reason I will stop at this place.
The Incredible Healing Effects of Nystatin
First published on April 21, 2012, Copyright 2012
I have been elaborating in the last days on a business model that will help the
members of the PAT to achieve personal abundance and also help establish
the new PAT-Foundation. This will be an act of pure creation and I hope that
all of you will participate in it in one or another way. As some of you may
guess, it is about nystatin which I have patented in the USA, Canada and Eu-
rope in the 90s. I want to share now with you my ideas and trigger a general
discussion before we proceed with the plan and enjoy abundance.
I have cherished this project since the early 90s and have never given up since
then. I know all too well how many millions severely ill patients could have
be saved with nystatin. I must admit that I am still angry with my soul for
rigorously blocking me in the past to pursue this goal, But this was a protective
measure by my soul as otherwise the dark ones who control the current Orion
health care system, established only to commit human genocide, would have
killed me long time ago,
This has to do with the way I wanted to promote nystatin, while at the same
time exposing this organized crime of the national Western states against hu-
manity by allowing the pharmaceutical industry to develop and launch on the
market since WW2 only cell-inhibiting drugs that increase mortality and
morbidity in all patents at an average rate of about 2-3 % compared to placebo
(no treatment). This would say that since the end of WW2 many hundred mil-
lion human beings were deliberated exterminated by the current pharmaceu-
tical industry and health care system as to cull the growing human population
in the End Times that is thinning out the small number of the Orion PTB (less
than 1%) and their human minions and thus jeopardizes their total control over
The current human genocide was the chief weapon of the dark ones from the
Orion Empire to combat the forces of light that are preparing Gaia and hu-
manity for ascension and to establish the New World Order as advocated of-
ficially by Henry Kissinger, G. Bush senior and many other dark representa-
tives sitting in the Trilateral Commission and the Council of Foreign Affairs
(the hidden US-government).
This highlights the background upon which I will now present my nystatin
project. In my volume III "The General Theory of Biological Regulation " I
have proved that the killing potential of most current drugs is well known to
the scientific community since the early 80s. There are many excellent, large,
double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, published in the best international
medical journals that prove this crime irrevocably. I have quoted the results
of more than 50 such trials in volume III that show that the medical Mafia
kills in the average 2 - 3 people prematurely in 100 chronically treated patients
with antibiotics, most cardiovascular drugs, cytostatics and other chemother-
apeutics, including all currently used drugs against AIDS and other viral dis-
I do not want to indulge here in medical details as you can read my book,
where I prove this global genocide beyond any doubt and furnish in addition
the theoretical theory that explains how these drugs harm the human organ-
ism. This is the most comprehensive and coherent theory of biological regu-
lation that has been developed in the history of mankind, and I am ready to
discuss it with the best specialists in the world, if they dare enter such a dis-
cussion with me. At the latest after our ascension they will hide in a mouse
hole - this is my definite forecast about the future behavior of these people.
So much about the validity of my scientific proofs on behalf of the incredible
healing potential of nystatin.
This website contains all the information, which all these lackeys of the dark
Orion empire could read as to stop culling humanity anymore. In this sense
the current collapse of the health care system in the USA as discussed in our
last ascension report-88 is the best thing that can happen to mankind, as the
less the people are treated with old therapies and drugs, the less they will be
harmed and will thus have a greater chance to survive in the End Times and
eventually ascend.
This is the ongoing social dynamics which will help us realize the new nysta-
tin project leading to PAT's abundance.
I have cured cancer patients, all kinds of allergies, neurodermatitis, bronchial
asthma, most dermatological diseases. Any chronic disease I have treated so
far, such as chronic leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, other immunological dis-
eases as CAD (cold agglutinine disease), even heart failures, all gastrointes-
tinal diseases such as morbus Crohn and colitis ulcerosa, but also many neu-
rological disorders and even diabetes mellitus have shown a remarkable im-
provement or were completely healed.
The reason for this universal healing potential of Nystatin lies in its unique
pharmacological mode of action, which is based on how human cells and the
organism are regulated by the ethereal program of the soul. I will say at this
place that much:
Nystatin is a universal cell-stimulating chemical moiety and improves the per-
formance of all human cells
But first and foremost, it stimulates all immune cells, which are responsible
for the effectiveness and regeneration of all human tissues. Most human dis-
eases are the result of an impaired immune system. This is a well-known fact.
Nystatin's mode of action is closely linked to the function of the cell mito-
chondria, which are the energetic power units in the cells. These organelles
transform the higher frequency energies of the soul into electromagnetic en-
ergy of the cells and the body. If we assume that there are one trillion cells in
the human body and each cell has between 100 and 200 mitochondria as its
power engines, then these organelles are the actual converters of the vital Ka-
energy of the soul into biological matter and electromagnetic energy of all
human and other organic cells.
At this place I must tell you that all cells are first and foremost electromagnetic
power units, which build huge electric gradients across their cell membranes.
The whole regulation of the cells and the organism is accomplished by mod-
ulating the cell membrane potentials and releasing stored electromagnetic en-
ergy that is converted into biochemical energy in the cell and vice versa. This
energy exchange follows the first thermodynamic law of conservation of en-
ergy, which is an application of the Universal Law that I have discovered.
The best known electromagnetic effects in the human body are in heart muscle
cells, which are registered as ECG, and in neurons in the brain as EEG. But
all other cells also exhibit an electromagnetic membrane potential, through
which they are regulated by the ethereal program of the soul, mainly through
the seven body chakras.
Only few bio-scientists on this planet know and appreciate the fundamental
fact that the whole energy released through human cell metabolism in the pro-
cess of infinite biological redox reactions and bio-cycles in the cell ultimately
produces electrons and protons that are expelled across mitochondrial mem-
branes in order to create an electromagnetic gradient. The mitochondrion is
the most awesome organelle that has ever been created in the whole universe.
The mechanism that creates this mitochondrial electromagnetic gradient is the
same as the pharmacological mode of action of nystatin and is known as "ox-
idative phosphorilation" (OP). I have discussed this process extensively in
volume III.
Nobody on this planet is currently fully aware of the fact what immense role
the mitochondria play in the LBP. These organelles function like powerful,
tiny black and white holes in the human cells that convert the high frequency
energy from the ethereal program of the soul into organic matter and vice
versa. The whole creation of the human biological vessel and its ongoing reg-
ulation and rejuvenation is carried out through the mitochondrial network in
the human body and cells.
By administering Nystatin, the performance of the mitochondria and thus of
all cells in the body is hugely augmented. That is why I also define this drug
as cell-stimulating drug and the most powerful immuno-stimulating drug
on this planet. This is the reason why nystatin can mitigate LBP-related symp-
toms and diseases in the early phase of the LBP. Later on, when the star seed
has already created his crystalline light body, this drug is still very effective,
but the level of regulation has already shifted beyond the chemical level.
While the huge transformation of the biological body during the LBP leads to
a decrease in the physical performance of the organism, the application of
nystatin counterbalances these effects and mitigates the effects of the LBP,
while supporting it. This is a highly dynamic energetic interaction that can
only be fully understood from the new General Theory of Biological Regu-
lation, which I have developed from the Universal Law. It is the only coherent
and true bio-theory on this planet, while the current bio-sciences are the great-
est Orion fraud that has been established on the earth.
Now you may argue why this drug has not been appreciated much earlier, as
you will be confronted with many critical opinions when you start to advocate
nystatin for its unprecedented therapeutic potential. I can only quote at this
place my email exchange with the PAT member Marco from New York who
is also a physician and is doing clinical research for the pharmaceutical indus-
try, just as I have done in the past. Only several days ago while discussing the
nystatin project he wrote to me the following:
"Shortly after you started trials and publishing about Nystatin in the
90s, it was all the rage in the USA for a huge variety of immunological
disorders and given to almost every AIDS patient prophylactically. But
somehow shortly after that, starting with the year 2000, the drug was
totally demonized and deemed 'toxic' and not recommended at all for
anything but topical candida. If you ask an American doctor about us-
ing this for anything else, they would immediately caution you to never
take this drug for anything as you might die! I am not joking! So, of
course, I did some of my own research which only confirmed that it does
in fact work as you discovered, in fact it worked so well and so cheaply
that it immediately was labeled deadly! Well you know the rest of the
story and why .... but just a little look at the amazing American medical
system.. oh and I asked several colleagues HOW they now suddenly
knew that Nystatin was deadly, the answer was unanimously: they read
it in an article published in the pharmaceutical journal... I mean this
would be a hysterically funny comedy if it wasn't really happening."
Let me now explain why nystatin is the safest drug currently available on the
market, and where this whole confusion has been deliberately started from.
Currently nystatin is considered to have only topical effects in the gastro-in-
tenstinal tract (gut) and that it is not at all absorbed from the gut and cannot
enter the human body. The reason for this is that nystatin is not found in blood
plasma or serum.
There is a very simple explanation of this pharmacokinetic behaviour of the
drug. Nystatin is highly lipophilic and avidly associates with the cell mem-
branes which are known to be lipid bilayers of fatty acids and cholesterol.
When nystatin is absorbed through the mucosa of the gut, it enters the so-
called deep compartments of the body. Precisely, it is transported by the
lymph, that carries all fatty substances to the liver, pancreas and all other sec-
ondary immunologically competent organs.
In particular, nystatin affects the leukocyte network in the gut mucosa which
is the most important defense wall of the human immune system against all
foreign organic bodies such as food. Most immune diseases occur when this
immunological defense in the gastrointestinal tract is impaired. This medical
aspect is not at all appreciated in current medicine, although the clinical and
experimental evidence is overwhelming and generally acknowledged. Thus
by taking nystatin chronically, you automatically and very effectively repair
this first and most important defense wall of the human immune system and
heal a variety of immunological and other chronic disorders.
There are studies that show that when nystatin is traced in the feces, it cannot
be found at all. What happens then with the drug in the gut if it should not be
absorbed as current pharmacology makes us believe? Obviously, it has been
absorbed through the lymph system and distributed through the lymph in all
inner organs and lymph nodes that actually need its huge therapeutic effect.
Of course, if you give nystatin in low dosage and only for a few days as is the
case now in its limited application against candida, you will not see much
clinical effects as to challenge the idea that nystatin is not absorbed in the
human body. You will continue to reiterate the fraudulent idea that it has only
a topical effect, as all Orion-manipulated doctors erroneously believe nowa-
days and Marco has convincingly shown.
Although nystatin has been orally administered to millions of patients since it
was first discovered in 1951 and is thus as old as I am, there is not a single
severe adverse drug effect that has been reported in the literature. I have
checked the whole literature and all original publications (about 3000) dedi-
cated to this drug between 1951 and 2000 and could not find a single report
of a serious adverse effect. How could one say that this drug is toxic when
there is absolutely no evidence for this obviously false statement?
The reason why the doctors perpetuate such a scientific fraud lies in the expe-
rience with another drug, amphotericin which has a very similar chemical
structure as nystatin and is only approved for systemic i.v. application. When
this drug is administered in the veins it does indeed cause some severe adverse
effects in heart, kidneys and liver. The reason for this is that it enters directly
the blood system, where it is normally not found after oral application. You
can now see the primary source of all deliberate confusion around nystatin
without being specialists. This experience with amphotericin has been pro-
jected onto nystatin and the dark Orion-tainted puppets in the health care sec-
tor will tell you that this drug could be rather toxic. Nothing can be further
from the truth.
And here you have the whole irony of these infamous statements finally ex-
posed. The toxic effects of amphotericin, which has a similar therapeutic po-
tential as that of nystatin but is much more expensive as it is only produced in
small quantities for i.v. application, are the best proof for the healing potential
of nystatin. Why? Because both drugs known in pharmacology as polyenes
are powerful cell-depolarising drugs. They do exactly the same job as some
highly specialised protein- pumps do in all cell membranes – they expel ions,
protons and electrons across the cell membrane and thus create and maintain
the cell membrane potentials of all cells.
When these effects are maximal, they may lead to cell lysis. High dosage of
free, unbound nystatin may also cause cell lysis and trigger adverse events as
seen with i.v. amphotericin. But never in a lipid-bound state. When taken
orally, nystatin is always and fully lipid-bound and thus absolutely safe, while
it still exerts its cell-depolarizing and cell-stimulating effects on the cell mem-
The building of electromagnetic gradient in mitochondria is the end result of
the whole cell metabolism. This membrane gradient is based on the same
mode of action as that of nystatin and is called "oxydative phosporilation" as
mentioned above. If you have understood these energetic interrelationships in
the cell, you have grasped for the first time how the human organism operates
better than all bio-scientists put together and thus you can also understand the
mechanism of building the crystalline light body in the LBP – a rather com-
plicated matter which I have so far spared you for good reasons. But now I
will say a few words on it.
During the current LBP, the mitochondria in the cells are the actual power
engines that transmute the high frequency energies flowing through your left
brain portal in the body. In the first place, huge amounts of ATP are built.
This energy-rich molecule is central in the active expulsion of protons and
electrons across all biological membranes. ATP is considered the universal
energetic molecule in the cell that participates in most bio-reactions and this
is in principle correct. But the current explanation in bio-science of the role of
ATP is utterly wrong as it stays at the chemical level and does not consider
the astral energies of the human ethereal body.
When the ATP-level is hugely increased in the cell and the organism (as
ATP/ADP ratio), this automatically leads to an increase in the whole cell me-
tabolism. The future consumption of prana by our crystalline light bodies will
be essentially accomplished by the higher concentration of ATP which can be
directly activated by the sun photons (energy) and elicit energy packages in
the cell to promote its metabolism. Now you begin to discern how intricately
intertwined all these processes really are that prepare us for our ascension.
The mode of action of Nystatin is essentially the same as ATP in the cell and
much more as ATP alone has no effect. ATP is the central molecule in all ion-
pumps in the cell membrane as ATP-ases, Na-K-pumps etc. These pumps are
trans-membrane proteins.
Nystatin functions as a universal trans-membrane protein that accomplishes
the same function as all these specialized trans-membrane proteins and recep-
tors with the help of ATP.
This is the most sophisticated explanation on the mode of action of nystatin
that you will not find in any textbook, but that is how nystatin operates. And
if anybody tells you something else, he is only ignorant. You can find the
details in volume III.
What is then the role of nystatin in the LBP? First you must know that our
crystalline bodies are already completed and that they are only kept in the
current carbon-based state as long as we must stay on this planet and help
humanity augment its light quotient. In order to maintain the current carbon-
based form and function of our biological bodies, our cells have developed
under the auspices and regulation of our souls a special protective mechanism
that keeps our body cells still functioning with the old carbon-based metabo-
lism, while they are actually already of crystalline nature.
For this purpose, our souls produce great quantities of electrons in our body
with the help of the fully opened unified chakra, which can now be called an
electron chakra. Normally the number of electrons in the human body must
be equal to the number of protons, so that there is a balanced state of electro-
neutrality that is constantly preserved in biological matter. This is an invari-
ant physical principle in all 3d-matter, be it organic and inorganic. Only when
you have a separation of the two particles – electron and proton - you have an
electromagnetic gradient as is the case in mitochondrial and cell membranes,
but also in batteries and condensers,
At present our unified chakra produces huge amounts of extra electrons during
the LBP that are transported on the outer side of all cell membranes and har-
boured there in the so called "sialic acid shield". The sialic acids are nega-
tively charged moieties that are attached to all trans-membrane proteins and
built the outer electron coat of all cell membranes. In this way the outer mem-
brane of our cells is hugely negatively charged. You may not grasp at first
glance the reason for this negative charge of our body cells, but I will give
you now a clue. Normally all cells are negatively charged inside and thus har-
bour more electrons inside that outside, while the positively charged protons
are expelled by the ATP-ionic pumps (ATP-ases) across the cell membranes
outside the cell, in the so-called interstitial space.
This protective electron layer around all our crystalline cells during the LBP
eliminates de facto the electromagnetic polarity that exists in all organic mat-
ter as membrane potentials, but also in inorganic matter as magnetism. The
new crystalline cells we have already built thus display already the non-po-
larity of the higher 5th-dimension, observed from the higher vantage point of
view of our souls. But as long as our body cells still function in the 3d-reality,
they continue operating in the old way, still using the membrane potential and
its incessant de- and repolarization in the course of their regulation. They pro-
duce specific action potentials that can be seen at best in heart muscle cells .
When we ascend, there will be an immediate phase transition of our carbon-
based bodies into crystalline light bodies, as this transformation is already ac-
complished during our LBP and now only waits for this change to happen.
Nystatin helps the LBP exactly because it operates as a universal trans-mem-
brane ion-channel that helps the protons and electrons to cross the cell mem-
branes more freely, as this is also done with the help of ATP in the trans-
membrane ion-pumps (ATP-ases). In this way nystatin actually facilitates the
transformation process in the human cells which must still follow the normal
cell metabolism, but at a much higher energetic level. Nystatin stimulates all
human cells and makes them more adaptive and effective to the frequency
increase coming from the soul and the higher dimensions, In this way the
crystalline structures within the cells are much more easily built as nystatin
also helps the establishment of the negatively charged electron shield on the
outer side of the cell membranes.
Is this too complicated for you?. Maybe. But I must give you this information
at this place, so that you can have a glimpse into the intricate processes during
your LBP. You must also consider that most human beings are now entering
the LBP when they will hugely profit from the chronic administration of nys-
tatin, both to improve their physical performance during this debilitating pro-
cess and to foster the LBP in their bodies.
Please bear also mind that the sun energy mainly comes to us as a proton
stream, from which all matter and all chemical elements in the Mendeleev
periodic table are built. That is why it is essential what happens with our sun,
as these same changes also happen in our bodies. In fact, it is a joint venture
between our higher selves and the sun – the energy from the sun is used by
our souls to modulate it and to regulate it as KA-energy for our bodies, but
also to trigger our LBP.
The Appropriate Use of DMT, Psilocin,
Mescalin, Ecstasy in the Preparation for
The Astral-Energetic and Pharmacological Basis of Psy-
chedelic Drugs in Opening Human Consciousness for
the Multidimensionality of the 5th Dimension From the
Point of View of the New General Theory of Biological
Regulation of the Universal Law
A Novel and Unique Scientific Approach to Human Psyche-
delic, Transcendental Experience
First published on July 14, 2011
This article opens a new venue in our scientific approach as to how human
consciousness and its physical vessel - the brain - operates from an astral-
energetic point of view. For the first time in the history of science I will pre-
sent a unique and novel explanation to two fundamental aspects of human
existence and experience that have not been understood at all by both, scien-
tists and spiritually evolved persons:
1. What mechanism is responsible for the amnesia - for the veil of forgetful-
ness with respect to the pristine realms of the soul - that is laid upon human
consciousness at birth when the soul enters irreversibly the physical body of
the incarnated entity? This amnesia is at the core of all human experience in
the duality of the 3d-space-time on earth and is the source of all atrocities and
dark actions, which are so typical for humanity on this planet.
2. How can the amnesia of the human brain and the narrow-minded daily con-
sciousness of the incarnated entity be responsibly lifted as to enable the entity
to acquire a glimpse into the staggering multidimensionality, simultaneity and
synchronicity of the 5th and higher dimensions of the soul, which many hu-
man beings will begin to experience by the end of this year and certainly after
mass Ascension in December 2012?
When Spirit enters the human physical vessel and associates with the brain, it
loses its cognitive ability to perceive All-That-Is in a simultaneous, multidi-
mensional manner. Thus, it becomes "human consciousness". I refer to this
kind of limited consciousness as "daily consciousness", as human spirit ac-
quires its original multidimensionality every night in the dream state. All hu-
man beliefs and prejudices that shape the current, rather primitive human civ-
ilisation stem from our daily consciousness by neglecting the multidimen-
sional dream experience when the veil of forgetfulness is lifted and human
perception expanded.
The Ascension of humanity to the 5th dimension will be in essence a full re-
turn of human consciousness to the dream state of Spirit, by eliminating all
the limitations of daily consciousness once and for all. This is one valid defi-
nition of Ascension. There are many others, being aspects of the multidimen-
sionality of All-That-Is.
Human consciousness in the incarnated state, also defined as "mind", is lim-
ited by its sequential function, which prohibits the simultaneous experience
of many parallel realities. The mechanism, how the sequential, slow operation
of the human mind is achieved is not at all understood in present-day science.
In fact, this basic fact is not even realized in psychology and neurobiology.
We can regard Spirit, in its individuation as human consciousness, as the soft-
ware program of cognition of the incarnated entity and the brain - as its hard-
ware. In this case, the brain fulfils the function of a bio-modulator which
transforms the astral-energetic signals of Spirit into biological, neurological
signals with the purpose of regulating and moving the physical vessel of the
incarnated entity in the 3d-space-time.
In this case, it is a fundamental blunder to believe that human consciousness
can be found in the human skull, as all neuro-biologists erroneously preach
nowadays. I recommend the reader to watch the recent interviews of Charlie
Rose in Internet with prominent neuro-biologists on the functioning of the hu-
man brain, in order to realize the total confusion of present-day, empirically
indoctrinated scientists with regard to the nature of human brain and mind.
The CNS of human species is created in such a way as to function sequentially
and to be able to harbor numerous energetic blockages. The latter have been
deliberately inserted by the genetic co-creators of human species, the Anun-
naki from the Orion/Reptilian Empire, and later on somewhat improved by
the Sirians and other representatives of the Galactic Federation as to allow
for the gradual evolution of humans in the course of their long incarnation
cycle on earth.
During the current End Times, humanity already experiences a tremendous
evolution of the human brain and mind, which is essentially achieved by elim-
inating step by step the numerous energetic blockades in the CNS, as well as
in the mental and emotional body.
These blockades are fear-based patterns that operate according to the law of
destructive interference at the biological and astral-emotional level. I have
discussed the laws of constructive and destructive interference, which are
the Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction in my last book titled "The
Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction.". The blockades are eliminated by
creating new conditions of constructive interference in the brain and human
consciousness as part of Spirit and by augmenting the frequencies of the men-
tal and emotional body, thus attuning them to the universal resonance of All-
That-Is, which we perceive and define as "unconditional love".
The establishment of constructive interference in the CNS is achieved by
building new synaptic connections, which cannot be detected by current neu-
robiology, as they are beyond its ability to verify them experimentally. I shall
now present a novel scientific approach in order to explain for the first time,
how the soul regulates the human brain and prepares it energetically for As-
cension in the 5th dimension, where its capacity will be increased from the
current modest 8-10% to 50% and more. Present-day bio-science is com-
pletely unaware of this central theoretical aspect of the human brain in the
current End Times.
Human consciousness (and perception) is highly compartmentalized - it is di-
vided into numerous tiny facets of cognition. This is the chief reason for the
highly illogical nature of human thinking as observed today, which I am trying
to improve since 1995 with a modest success by having developed a novel
axiomatic, logical method of thinking (see volume II (full version) on physics
on this website). The improvement of human logical thinking will be the chief
spiritual objective of all entities after Ascension in the 5th dimension.
The key mechanism for this compartmentalisation of human consciousness
and the brain will be now elucidated for the first time in the history of modern
The CNS of humans can be regarded as an assembly of neurons, which are
connected through neuronal synapses. A synapse is a junction between two
neurons - a pre-synaptic and a post-synaptic neuron - with respect to the flow
of neurological impulses. The latter are called in bio-science "action poten-
In my article on energetic gradients on this website, I have shown that all en-
ergy interactions, which we observe in All-That-Is, are products of energy
gradients because Energy = All-That-Is manifests itself in form of energy gra-
dients. The action potential of neurons, and of all body cells, is the universal
energetic (electromagnetic) gradient, with the help of which the soul regulates
the multi-cellular organic body of the incarnated entity, via the seven body
chakras (see book "Evolutionary Leap of Mankind". This topic is huge and
can only be marginally mentioned in this article.
Every human cell builds an electromagnetic gradient across its membrane,
called "membrane potential at rest". This potential represents the universal
form of storing energy in the organic body. This energy comes from the cell
metabolism, which is essentially a cascade of chemical redox reactions that
degrade human food, such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to protons and
electrons. These are actively expelled on every biological membrane to build
a cell membrane potential. The same potentials are also observed in cell orga-
nelles, in particular, in mitochondria.
I am the first scientist to have realized the true nature of cell membrane po-
tentials for the regulation of the organic body and to have explained it in an
immaculate manner, after I discovered the Universal Law of Nature in 1994.
Essentially, cell and human metabolism has only one purpose: To degrade
food in the course of cell metabolism to protons and electrons and to build
numerous membrane potentials in the cells. This is the stored electro-magnetic
energy of the organism, which is now used to regulate the cells and the body
and to build new biochemical compounds for the regeneration of the cells and
the organism.
In other words, the electro-chemical energy of the membrane potentials is the
universal "vis vitalis" - the life-spending force - that keeps our bodies alive.
All biological cells are highly sophisticated electromagnetic units based on
carbon compounds and represent an advanced technology of the souls from
the higher realms with the purpose of having experience in a material 3d-en-
There are many other incarnation experiments in the solar 3d-universes of All-
That-Is that have developed different forms of three-dimensional life, which
have nothing to do with the carbon-based organic matter, as we know it on
earth. For instance, the new light bodies of the ascended human beings after
2012 will be of crystalline nature.
I am discussing here various aspects of bio-science in the context of the up-
coming Ascension of humanity as to demonstrate how all aspects of this cos-
mic event are intrinsically linked with the foundation of present-day science,
which has no idea about these key topics that will determine the destiny of
humanity in the course of this and next year.
Let us summarize the basic tenets of our new energetic approach to organic
matter in general, and to the CNS of humans in particular.
All human cells build a membrane potential. When they are at rest, the poten-
tial represents stored electromagnetic energy, which is obtained from the deg-
radation of food in cell metabolism. When a cell, for instance a neuron, is
activated, the membrane potential is released in form of an "action potential".
An action potential is the basic electromagnetic wave of all human cells, with
which the stored electromagnetic energy is transformed into biochemical en-
ergy, and the cells and the organism are kept alive.
This knowledge is currently not known in bio-science, although the existence
of membrane potentials and action potentials in all body cells is known for
more than 80 years. The well-known EEG and ECG of the brain, respectively,
of the heart, are superimposed electromagnetic waves of all cells pertaining to
these organs. It is astounding that this simple fact has not been theoretically
elucidated in bio-science so far. Hence the total confusion which empiric sci-
ence will experience this year, after these facts are revealed to the broad public
in the course of Ascension.
The whole biochemical energy from our food-intake is transformed in the
body cells into electromagnetic energy (excluding the heat due to the body
temperature that is radiated to the surroundings) of the membrane potentials
and then again transformed into biochemical energy or matter in the course of
the body regulation by the astral program of the incarnated soul; the latter
includes the body chakras and further body-regulatory astral systems of the
soul. This is currently not known to all conventionally thinking scientists. All-
That-Is = Energy is Energy-Exchange. Energy always flows from one form
into another, as I have extensively explained in all my books.
Now that we have understood the energetic basis of body and cell metabolism,
let us concentrate on the CNS and discuss its structure. The brain, the CNS, is
an assembly of neurons which are connected through synapses. Each neuron
consists of a cell body and several axons, which are prolongations of the cell
body. All synapses in the CNS are built between the axons of the neurons or
between axons and cell bodies. The whole brain function is exerted through
such synapses.
Essentially, there are two kinds of synapses: a) excitatory and b) inhibitory
When an action potential is triggered in a neuron, it propagates along the ax-
ons and reaches the synapses. When this action potential is transferred to the
post-synaptic neuron and triggers an action potential in it, we speak of "ex-
citatory synapse". When the action potential of the pre-synaptic neuron is
inhibited on the synapse and cannot be propagated to the post-synaptic neu-
ron, we speak of "inhibitory synapse".
The whole regulation of the CNS is effected by such excitatory and inhibitory
synapses, which are highly dynamic and are incessantly rearranged in the
brain by the astral program of the soul. The whole intellectual evolution of the
incarnated entity from a baby to an adult, including its reversal in the elderly,
is based on the perennial rearrangement of infinite synapses in the human
brain, which are as numerous as all stars in the Milky Way together.
All specialized neurological reactions, which are an object of study in neuro-
biology, are accomplished by such numerous synapses and clusters of synap-
ses, topologically defined as "brain centres" - e.g., of vision, motion, etc.
However, the actual coordination of the human body is effected by the astral
program of the soul, and the brain is merely a bio-modulator that translates
these astral-energetic signals in specific clusters of synaptic impulses, which
are then propagated by the peripheral nervous system throughout the whole
body and trigger the various cell contractions and motions of muscles and
internal organs. This is basic physiology that should be known by all readers
from school biology.
We have learned so far that the action potential of a neuron is propagated
along its axons and reaches the synapse to the next neuron. And now it be-
comes a little bit more complicated. The action potential is not simply trans-
ferred to the next neuron as an electromagnetic wave does in a wire, although
the axons of the neurons can be regarded as biological wires for didactic pur-
Each two neurons are separated at their synapse by the so called "intrasyn-
aptic gap". The action potential cannot jump like a lightning from one neuron
to the next one. Instead it has to be first transformed into chemical energy in
the intrasynaptic gap.
The action potential of each cell is nothing else, but a quick depolarisation
of the membrane potential at rest. This depolarisation triggers a global stim-
ulation of the cell. Its metabolism is rapidly augmented and it produces nu-
merous biochemical compounds as part of the cell metabolism. In the case of
neurons, the action potential triggers the excretion of neurotransmitters in
the intrasynaptic gap of the synapse.
Neurotransmitters are physiological compounds of the neurons that can in-
duce a new depolarisation of the adjacent post-synaptic neuron and depolarise
it. Thus, they induce a post-synaptic action potential that is further propagated.
This is the principal energetic mechanism, according to which our brain and
the whole nervous system operate.
Neurotransmitters are basic biomolecules that participate in the brain function
and modulate it in numerous ways. Most neurotransmitter are depolarising
and activate the post-synaptic neuron by triggering a new action potential.
Such an action potential is called "excitatory post-synaptic potential "
Few neurotransmitters in the brain are of the repolarising type, i.e., they in-
duce a repolarisation of the membrane potential at rest, so that the threshold
of cell activation is increased and the post-synaptic neuron becomes inactive.
It cannot trigger a new action potential. Such potentials are called "inhibitory
post-synaptic potentials" (IPSP). This is basic neurophysiology.
In fact, the inhibitory and excitatory synapses of the brain neurons are created
by connecting their axons in a various manner. For instance, an axon of the
pre-synaptic neuron is connected to another axon of an adjacent neuron, which
is propagating an action potential to the second axon so that the latter can no
longer be activated. Thus, the synapse, which it builds, is inactivated and it
behaves as an inhibitory synapse. There are numerous morphological connec-
tions between the various neurons and their axons in the CNS that create in-
hibitory or excitatory synapses. In this respect they ultimately create both,
EPSP and IPSP, although the vast majority of neurotransmitters in the CNS
are of the depolarising type, This fact is not at all comprehended in pharma-
cology - hence its huge confusion on this issue, as we shall show below.
At this place the reader may have asked himself, how does the author distin-
guish between depolarising and repolarising neurotransmitters. Indeed, this
distinction is not known to current bio-science. I was the first researcher to
discover this property of all biological compounds and to explain it with the
physical theory of the Universal Law.
Principally, there are two kinds of bio-chemical moieties in the organism: de-
polarising and repolarising substances. Most of the neurotransmitters in the
nervous system are of the depolarising type. However, there is a small number
of neurotransmitters that cause a repolarisation of the membrane potential at
rest. I have discussed this issue extensively in volume III.
2. All repolarising neurotransmitters or other bio-substances augment the
threshold of activation of the membrane potential at rest and slow down cell
metabolism. Such moieties cause maturation of the cell.
Both actions are physiological and are universally applied by the software-
programme of the soul to regulate the physical body. Between these two states
- depolarisation and repolarisation of the body cells - there are infinite discrete
energetic states that are responsible for the fine-tuned regulation of all cells in
the body under the condition of global constructive interference. Please ob-
serve that all body cells are superimposed electromagnetic wave systems. This
optimal state of the multicelllular organic body is described in popular lan-
guage as "health" .
The entire body regulation is effected by these two energetic phenomena -
depolarisation and repolarisation. All biological compounds that are pro-
duced by the cells and excreted in the interstitial space between the cells and,
from there, in the lymph and the blood system, contribute to this kind of stim-
ulation of the body cells. This is the common effector level of all physiological
compounds, but also of all drugs and other substances that are inserted in the
human or any other organism.
This fundamental novel knowledge was first elaborated by myself in 1993-
1994 in the course of my clinical research activities and led ultimately to the
discovery of the Universal Law - first in organic matter and shortly thereafter
in physical matter. This discovery was only possible with the active support
and inspiration from the Highest Realms of Cosmic Providence as part of the
enlightenment program for humanity in the End Times. To this, I shall say
much more in future articles.
In the meantime, I hope that the competent reader has already asked himself
the next crucial question: "How does the author discriminate between depo-
larising and repolarising substances, given the fact that this phenomenon is
not known to bio-scientists yet?" This is, indeed, a very important question.
Here, I come to my next intellectual achievement in the field of bio-science -
the so called "dipole model". This model is an application of the physical,
quantum theory of the Universal Law in biochemistry. The full description of
this model is rather complicated, as it presupposes a detailed knowledge of
the chemical structures of most organic substances and their function in the
cell and the organism.
I have extensively discussed the dipole model in volume III on biological reg-
ulation published on this website. To this I shall say that much: I have tested
the validity of the dipole model on most drugs, currently available on the mar-
ket (more than 4000 chemical moieties) and on many important organic com-
pounds and I have not found a single substance that does not comply with this
The new dipole model is of universal validity, as is the whole scientific theory
of the Universal Law. It is based on the dipole moment of each chemical
substance that can be elucidated from its chemical structure. I have established
some very precise rules how to evaluate such substances based on their elec-
tromagnetic, quantum structure. As already said, the new dipole model, based
on these rules, has been confirmed on many thousand bio-chemical moieties
and drugs without a single exception.
At this place, I come inevitably to a very depressing aspect of bio-science and
medicine. According to the dipole model, all chemical moieties can be either
cell-stimulating or cell-inhibiting - that is to say, they either stimulate the
cell metabolism by triggering depolarisation or repolarisation of their mem-
brane potentials or they inhibit the physiological regulation of the body cells
by simply deleting the electromagnetic membrane potential with their numer-
ous positively charged N-groups.
I have found out that about 90% of all synthetic drugs that are currently reg-
istered by FDA and other pharmaceutical regulatory bodies and are available
on the market are cell-inhibiting drugs. Such drugs disrupt the physiological
regulation of the body cells, which is exerted through physiological depolari-
sation and repolarisation of the membrane potentials, and thus increase mor-
bidity and mortality in the patients, especially when they are administered
I have calculated that the current health care system in the Western world,
where it was primarily developed after WW2 parallel to the development of
the pharmaceutical industry, has caused a massive holocaust among the hu-
man population that is much greater than the holocaust of Slavonic and Jewish
people in this war. This holocaust is still ongoing!
To prove this conclusion, I have analysed and quoted many excellent double-
blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials that have been performed and pub-
lished after 1988, when the new FDA recommendations for drug approval de-
manded for the first time the conduct of placebo-controlled trials (see volume
Before 1988, all drugs were registered on insufficient or poor clinical evi-
dence. These drugs make the bulk of all registered drugs nowadays.
When the new FDA recommendations were established, the clinical research-
ers, such as myself, found out that most tested active drugs for registration
significantly increase mortality and morbidity when compared to placebo, that
is to say, to no treatment. In the mean, between 1 and 3% percent of all tested
patients were exterminated by the active drug treatments in comparison to
I have quoted more than 50 such "negative trials" in my book on biological
regulation, which were published in such famous journals as Lancet and New
England Journal of Medicine and should be known to all specialists in this
field, However, until now most of these drugs are still on the market, although
the irrefutable scientific proof that they kill patients has been furnished long
time ago.
I have no other explanation for this dreadful fact, but to point out to the mach-
inations of the Powers That Be that exert a firm control on the health care
system in the Western countries and promote a genocide of incredible propor-
tions on the human population with the aim of reducing it substantially in or-
der to better control it in the End Times.
This background information is indispensable, as it will help us understand
why some psychedelic drugs, which have been proven to have pronounced
healing effects in many diseases and are known to have practically no adverse
or side effects, have been forbidden for broad use by the dark forces in the
pharmaceutical sector and the health care system.
Currently, scientists believe that the human brain uses only about 10% of its
capacity. The rest of the brain neurons are believed to be redundant. This re-
dundancy in the brain function has led in the past to the performance of such
savage operations as brain lobotomy, where the two hemispheres are surgi-
cally severed in psychic patients. This criminal practice is still not wholly
abandoned in some countries.
Now, let us take the concept of "biological redundancy" and analyse it from
the point of view of common sense, because it is in the core of the present-
day confusion in bio-science and medicine.
What does this term really mean? Does it postulate that Nature - understand
All-That-Is or God - is so stupid as to have created redundant organs and tis-
sues that have no apparent physiological purpose in the body? If this were
true, God/Nature/the Soul, being the Creator of the incarnated entity, must be
very stupid indeed. The other alternative is that scientists are so stupid that
they cannot understand the purpose and function of organic matter and its
When the specialists in genetics tell us that 95% of all DNA has no function
and should be considered "junk DNA", we, being enlightened people, must
immediately discern that this is a vivid manifestation of their imbecility that
makes them susceptible to such faked concepts.
In reality, this concept was promoted by the Anunnaki (Greys) to cover-up
their current genetic experiments with humans underground, which have led
to the production of numerous human clones that now live among normal hu-
man beings.
If the scientific community would have properly understood the role of the
rest DNA for the astral regulation of the incarnated human entity, for instance
to store the whole information of all his previous and future incarnations that
exist simultaneously in the "Now" of the higher realms, this would have auto-
matically led to the insight that human species is not a petty product of Dar-
win's biological evolution, but a multidimensional astral being and a powerful
creator of his physical vessel and social destiny as an incarnated entity.
Human enslavement on earth has always been achieved by dumbing down the
pristine knowledge of the incarnated human entity about his true energetic
nature. Nowhere has, however, human deception been so profound and reck-
less as in science, and bio-science is the crowning of it.
However, the concept of biological redundancy of the CNS holds the key to a
proper understanding as to how the amnesia of human beings is created in the
The actual redundancy of the brain is that 90% of all its neuronal synapses are
inhibitory and hinder the propagation of action potentials in the CNS. Only
10% are excitatory synapses and contribute to the propagation of neuronal
signals within the brain. This well-known fact has not been apprehended by
all neuro-biologists so far. It is the key to an understanding of the pharmaco-
logical basis of psychedelic drugs.
There is another remarkable fact, namely, that we observe the reverse situation
in the peripheral nervous system, where 90% of all motoneurons build excit-
atory synapses.
The regulation of the brain synapses is a highly dynamic process that takes
place throughout the whole life. The modulation of the level of neuronal inhi-
bition correlates closely with the degree of human amnesia with respect to the
pristine realms of the soul. This fact is not at all apprehended in present-day
The neuronal inhibition is comparatively low in the child's brain and grows
steadily after puberty when the ego is established and the orientation of the
incarnated personality to the outer world reaches its peak. After the climac-
teric, the level of neuronal inhibition in the brain diminishes slowly so that the
elderly person gains again a better access to the inner realms of his soul and
the astral dimensions.
It is not a coincidence that the spiritual enlightenment of most people truly
unfolds at advanced age, usually after the 5th decennial (7X7), when all seven
chakras can be opened, depending on the soul age of the incarnated entity.
This holds true in particular for the hypophysis (6th spiritual chakra) and the
pineal gland (7th ecstatic chakra). Both chakras are involved in the building
of human amnesia. When they are closed, the entity experiences a maximal
amnesia. When they begin to open, the amnesia decreases and the conscious-
ness is more susceptible to astral influences from the soul level.
Both chakras have a central role in the use of psychedelic drugs. Especially
during the light body process, LBP, both, the pineal gland and the hypophy-
sis, are liberated from their inhibitory neuronal synapses by the astral program
of the soul and can open for the higher frequency energies of the 5th dimen-
sion. During the LBP, the two glands begin to grow. In the late phase of the
LBP, their hypertrophy can be directly detected by computer tomography,
which is a clear proof for their involvement in human amnesia, respectively,
in its elimination with the help of psychedelic drugs.
From this elaboration we conclude that the level of inhibition at the neuronal
synapses is instrumental for the establishment of human amnesia during in-
The higher self of the incarnated entity is not influenced by this phenomenon
in the brain, as it is always open to the multidimensionality of the higher
The middle self, which also contains the astral program for the regulation of
the brain as bio-modulator of astral signals, is fully involved in the building
and rearrangement of neuronal inhibitory synapses. In fact, it is programmed
by the soul and its genetic co-engineers, the Anunnaki, in such a way as to
establish such energetic blockades at the biological level of the CNS. As the
middle self is connected to the CNS, it can only operate in this restricted man-
ner by sustaining the level of amnesia throughout the whole life and thereby
enriching it with numerous prejudices, fear-based beliefs and hallucinatory
perceptions, which it avidly adopts from the surroundings.
The lower self operates at the subconscious level and is predominantly in-
volved in the daily regulation of the organism, which takes place under the
radar of daily consciousness of the incarnated entity. Only in cases of disease,
injury, pain or great hunger does this invisible regulation immerse at the con-
scious level and can be actively experienced by the mind. Most of the time,
the function of the lower self in body regulation is considered by the middle
self as a "free lunch".
This is the reason why bio-scientists have no theory on the function of the
higher, middle, and lower self of the incarnated human beings and their par-
ticipation in the creation of human amnesia. They are not even aware of the
existence of these astral-energetic systems as part of human species. This is
the reason why human amnesia is completely unknown as a phenomenon to
scientists, and why they have failed to comprehend the psychedelic effects of
such drugs as DMT, psilocin, mescalin, ecstasy, etc.
Obviously, the veil of forgetfulness, which the soul creates upon incarnation,
is accomplished at the brain level by establishing an extensive inhibition of
most neuronal synapses that block the free access of the middle self, around
which the ego evolves in the course of human life, to the multidimensionality
of the higher realms of the soul.
This inhibition is a dynamic process that changes throughout human life ac-
cording to the demands of each biological age; the latter are carefully deter-
mined by the soul prior to incarnation.
Children have, for instance, the lowest level of amnesia and are more open to
the impulses of the soul - they are, so to say, nearer to God. This fact has been
explicitly stated by Jesus in the New Testament, but it has been grossly mis-
interpreted by the Church.
All chemical compounds that enter the brain and influence the regulation of
neuronal synapses, also influence human amnesia. This pharmacological fact
is not at all understood by all specialists at present.
For instance, all neurotransmitter of the CNS, such as adrenalin, noradrena-
lin, dopamine (catecholamines), etc. which cause depolarisation of the neu-
rons, have a pronounced effect on human amnesia. In most cases, high levels
of these neurotransmitters lower the degree of amnesia and augment the de-
gree of ecstasy.
However, there are many other substances that trigger the same effect. There
are many peptides that also cause depolarisation of the neuronal membrane
potentials and influence human amnesia. The so called enkephalins, also
known as opioid peptides, have the same effect as the above mentioned neu-
rotransmitters. Not enough! Many amino acids, which were earlier considered
to only build proteins, have a similar depolarising effect in the brain as the
specialized neurotransmitters.
This fact proves that all chemical moieties exert an electromagnetic effect on
the membrane potential of cells due to their dipole moment and can modulate
it in terms of depolarisation or repolarisation. This finding was made for the
first time by myself, when I applied the Universal Law to explain the regula-
tion of organic matter.
Let us now introduce the group of psychedelic drugs and explain their phar-
macological effects on the background of this theoretical elaboration. This
group is a separate group of substances and should not be confused with other
drugs such as cannabis (marijuana) and cocaine. Psychedelic drugs are also
called "hallucinogens" or "psychotomimetica". Both terms are confusing
and wrong.
Psychedelic experience is an experience of the multidimensionality of the
soul, or higher self, by expanding the daily consciousness of the middle self.
This experience is not a hallucination, but the only true experience of cosmic
In fact, the experience of the 3d-space-time by the sequentially operating daily
consciousness is the actual hallucinatory perception that creates the energetic
plane of human experience as incarnated entities. This is not at all understood
by all neurobiologists. Hence their total confusion.
A typical hallucinatory idea of the middle self is to believe that the brain is
the place, where human ideas are created and harbored. In fact, the brain can-
not think - it can only transform the astral impulses of the soul in neuronal
action potentials.
These action potentials have the specific property to be retarded at the neu-
ronal synapses during their propagation in the CNS. As we have pointed out
above, the action potential cannot simply jump from one neuron to the next
one at the synapse. Instead, the action potential of the pre-synaptic neuron
causes a depolarisation of the membrane potential at rest and thus stimulates
the excretion of neurotransmitters in the intrasynaptic gap. These neurotrans-
mitters cause, on their part, the depolarisation of the post-synaptic membrane
according to their dipole moment and thus trigger an excitatory or inhibitory
post-synaptic potential.
The release of neurotransmitters in the intrasynaptic gap and the exertion of
their effect on the post-synaptic membrane need some time. Therefore, it is a
well-known fact that all neuronal signals, being action potentials, exhibit a
pronounced retardation at all neuronal synapses during their propagation in
the CNS or in the peripheral nervous system.
This retardation at the synapses makes the human brain work very slowly and
in a sequential manner. This construction of the human brain has been delib-
erately created by the soul as to eliminate the perception of simultaneity of all
energetic interactions in the higher realms.
From a teleological point of view, it is precisely this retardation of the action
potentials at the neuronal synapses of the brain that creates the illusion of se-
quential time and the 3d-space-time reality of the incarnated human beings.
This fundamental gnostic fact has been extensively elaborated by myself in
the new Gnosis of the Universal Law (see German scientific books on Gno-
sis). It is in the core of all human cognition and its inherent limitations.
I have proved in the new physical theory of the Universal law that space s and
conventional time t are one and the same. To discriminate them, as it is done
today in physics and science, and from there in everyday life, is the greatest
illusion of human perception. This creates the hallucinatory idea of space-time
in terms of extent/space and sequential time t.
The energetic basis for this illusion lies in the deliberate retardation of the
neuronal impulses - the action potentials of the neurons - at every synapse in
the brain and in the peripheral nervous system.
Thus, for the first time in the history of science I have achieved a full synthesis
between all neuro-biological data and the apriori human idea of space-time,
which is at the core of all philosophical systems developed so far - for in-
stance, in Kant`s famous work "Kritik der reinen Vernunft" ("Critics of Pure
Consciousness"; see also the book "Philosophic Sources").
Let us now summarize our previous discussion. Psychedelic experience is not
a hallucination, as all pharmacologists erroneously believe nowadays, but the
experience of the only true multidimensional reality of the soul and the higher
realms. All experience of the human entities after Ascension will be in this
sense psychedelic experience.
To illustrate how big the mental confusion currently is, I will quote a conven-
tional description of the effects of psychedelic drugs, which can be found in
the standard textbook on pharmacology "The Pharmacological Basis of Ther-
apeutics" by Goodman and Gilman (McGraw-Hill, Intern.Edition, 1992, page
".. but the feature that distinguishes the psychedelic agents from other
classes of drugs is their capacity reliably to induce states of altered
perception, thought, and feeling that are not experienced otherwise ex-
cept in dreams or at time of religious exaltation. Most description of
the "psychedelic state" include several major factors. There is height-
ened awareness of sensory input, often accompanied by an enhanced
sense of clarity, but diminished control over what is experienced. Fre-
quently there is a feeling that one part of the self seems to be a passive
observer (a spectator "ego") rather than an active organizing and di-
recting force, while another part of the self participates and receives
the vivid and unusual sensory experience. The attention of the user is
turned inward, preempted by the seeming clarity and portentous quality
of his or her own thinking process. In this state the slightest sensation
may take on profound meaning. Commonly there is a diminished ca-
pacity to differentiate the boundaries of the object from another and of
the self from the environment. Associated with the loss of boundaries,
there may be a sense of union with "mankind" or the "cosmos".
It is indeed a conundrum yet to be solved, how it was possible that this precise
and vivid description of expanded multidimensional consciousness could
have led to such wrong conclusions in pharmacology with respect to the ef-
fects of psychedelic drugs? For instance, "the diminishing capacity to differ-
entiate the boundaries of objects from another and of the self from the envi-
ronment" is nothing else, but the return of the restricted daily consciousness
to the normal expanded perception of Oneness by the higher self, which
knows that it is an inextricable part of All-That-Is.
The feeling of Oneness - "a sense of union with mankind and cosmos" - is not
a pharmacological aberration of the psychedelic drugs on mind, as it is inter-
preted in pharmacology, but the ultimate goal of every incarnated entity on
the path of spiritual evolution that will be achieved with Ascension.
I hope that the reader now understands how profound the gnostic confusion in
bio-science and medicine nowadays is, and why these sciences have to be
fully eliminated in the 5th dimension. But this elimination must begin as men-
tal process in the End Times prior to mass Ascension. Hence the urgency of
this article prior to the first wave of Ascension of human beings that is sched-
uled for the fall of this year.
The first psychedelic drugs that were used by humans were of plant origin and
their use must have been as old as this mankind. The peyote cactus that con-
tains mescalin and many mushrooms that contain psilocin were known to the
indigenous population of South America since eons of time. Their healing ef-
fects were highly appreciated. Mescalin unleashed the first great interest of
scientists in the effects of psychedelic drugs at the beginning of the 20th cen-
tury, before LSD was discovered in 1943 and synthetically produced.
After that, there was a real boom in the research of psychedelic drugs. The
hope was to find a solution for many psychic disorders that were widely dis-
tributed in the highly restrictive society at that time, where free sexual expe-
rience was a taboo. In the 50s, numerous publications on the effects of LSD
appeared in prominent scientific journals. Many scientists, students, writers,
and artists experimented extensively with LSD in order to explore the creative
boundaries of human consciousness. Such powerful social movements as the
Beatniks, flower power, and the popular revolt against the Vietnam war, which
transformed the American society dramatically, were enhanced by the broad
use of psychedelic drugs.
In 1970, under the huge pressure of the pharmaceutical industry and many
conservative lobbies and state institutions, which were scared by the liberating
potential of psychedelic drugs on the collective human consciousness and by
the social consequences of such an expanded citizens' awareness, these drugs
were practically forbidden for broad use by classifying them in the same cat-
egory as heroin.
The same holds true for DMT (dimethyltriptamine), which is a physiological
compound of the human body, although it can be synthetically produced. The
drug was classified as a schedule I drug under the UN 1971 Convention on
psychotropic drugs, respectively under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970
in the USA, and thus also put in the same category as other notorious drugs of
This decision has absolutely no foundation in any scientific evidence so far,
even when we consider the data of present-day failed pharmacology and med-
icine. It has no other purpose, but to hinder the broad human population to
gain transcendental multidimensional experience. In many past traditions,
DMT was well-known and broadly used, and was referred to as the "God's
drug". I will talk below in more detail about this natural substance of human
As I have already said, pharmacologists have no clear idea about the real tran-
scendental effects of psychedelic drugs and their true pharmacological basis
in the brain. Purely for this reason even their chemical classification is rather
confusing and does not take into consideration the cell-stimulating or cell-
inhibiting properties of these substances according to the dipole model, as this
model is unknown to the conventionally thinking pharmacologists.
Departing from the dipole model, we can now establish a new rational classi-
fication and divide the psychedelic drugs in two sub-groups:
not totally diverted from the outer 3d-reality. For that reason the inward, tran-
scendental experience is not as profound and intense as this is the case, for
instance, with DMT or LSD.
The LSD-group consists of cell-inhibiting drugs. I have said above that the
vast majority of physiological compounds in the body are cell-stimulating
agents, either through depolarisation or repolarisation. However, there is a
small number of biological substances that are cell-inhibiting. Most of them
are found in bacteria and other primitive organisms.
Antibiotics are such a group of cell-inhibiting drugs that have an important
role in current medical therapy. However, Nature knows very well the cell-
inhibiting effect of such compounds and it produces them in the organism only
in tiny quantities, and uses them only for selective, timely restricted actions.
This is the case with DMT, which is produced in the brain predominantly in
the vicinity of the pineal gland and the hypophysis. This is also the reason
why this drug cannot be detected by neurobiologists with their crude experi-
mental methods in vivo, so that its existence in the brain is strongly questioned
at present.
The same holds true for antibiotics. Their beneficial effect on bacterial infec-
tions is only within the first three days of acute therapy, when they can elim-
inate the majority of pathogenic germs in the organism. After that they only
inhibit the immune system and contribute to the prolongation of the infection,
thus stimulating the selection of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms in the pa-
The occurrence of many antibiotic-resistant bacteria since the 80s was the re-
sult of the chronic antibiotic treatment of patients as recommended by all phar-
maceutical companies with the objective of boosting their sales at the expense
of the patients. The huge death rate of hospitalized patients due to MRSA
(methicillin-resistant Staphylococci aureus) in the USA is due to this criminal
practice of treating patients with antibiotics longer than three days. This addi-
tional explanation was meant to demonstrate how intertwined all medical and
pharmacological problems are, and how incompetently they are solved by my
colleagues, the medical doctors, and the pharmacologists.
As already mentioned, DMT is produced only in negligible quantities in the
brain, because it can very easily open huge portals to the 5th dimension, where
the higher self of the incarnated entity has an unlimited access to the multidi-
mensionality of All-That-Is. The middle self is thus expanded and its percep-
tion merges with that of the higher self. Especially in the current End Times,
when the ego must be put aside, and the daily consciousness of the incarnated
entities is lifted to the expanded cognition of the higher self in the course of
preparation for Ascension, such psychedelic drugs will play a very important
role in the evolution of human awareness.
However, they are currently prohibited by the Powers That Be, which have
their strongholds in the financial and the heath care sector. They observe rig-
orously that the human population does not make any transcendental, psyche-
delic experiences, which will automatically jeopardize their control over pre-
sent-day enslaved humanity. It is not a coincidence that among light workers
the concept that the earth is a "prison-planet" has been firmly established.
The LSD-group is thus more potent that the mescalin-group in enhancing the
number of excitatory synapses in the brain. This effect can be deduced with
the help of the dipole model, which is an excellent tool in predicting the phar-
macological effects of any drug based on its quantum-chemical structure. Ac-
cording to the dipole model, psilocin and DMT have a very similar dipole
moment and must therefore exhibit similar psychedelic effects. LSD is on the
other hand a much more potent cell-inhibiting drug, and its psychedelic effect
must be accordingly much more pronounced. This scientific prediction is bril-
liantly confirmed by the clinical evidence, as quoted in the above mentioned
textbook on pharmacology:
"LSD is longer acting and more than 100 times more potent than psilocibin
and psilocin, the active alkaloids in the Mexican "magic mushroom"; it is
4000 times more potent than mescalin in producing altered states of con-
We have already explained from a theoretical point of view why the mescalin-
group is less potent than the LSD-group. This conclusion is now brilliantly
confirmed by the clinical evidence, rendered by independent researchers. This
fact demonstrates the ubiquitous validity of the dipole model in predicting the
pharmacological effects of all drugs in the context of the General Theory of
the Universal Law.
I have calculated in the late 90s that the implementation of this model in the
pharmaceutical industry would have saved up to 400 billion dollars futile in-
vestments in the development of new drugs worldwide. However, this is not
the cosmic plan for this planet. The pharmaceutical industry will collapse this
year and will not exist anymore in the 5th dimension, where all humans will
have crystalline bodies, which will be free of dis-ease and will be practically
wave of ascension candidates at the stargate 12.12.12 – 12.21.12, such as the
PAT, the members of the Planetary Ascension Team, the captain of which
this author is).
Not a single person, who has experienced the altered psychedelic state of One-
ness with mankind and All-That-Is, will ever be able to fight a war and kill
other human beings, as the USA is currently doing in three countries (Iraq,
Afghanistan and Pakistan) officially and in many other countries unofficially.
The "God's drug" DMT will be the pacemaker for real peace on this planet in
the remaining 17 months prior to mass Ascension. Therefore, it should be pro-
moted by the current health care system extensively, after it has been liberated
this year from the despicable influence of the dark ones on this planet. Let us
not forget that the psychedelic drug DMT, which I strongly recommend in this
case, can be very cheaply produced and made available to the whole human-
Therefore, I will finally present some basic information on this drug, which
the reader may expand by checking other encyclopedic sources.
The biosynthesis of DMT is fairly simple. The drug is stored as acid salts
(powder). Its freebase form is better for inhalation because it has a lower boil-
ing point. The standard dose varies between 15 - 60 mg. DMT is generally
inhaled (smoked) in a few successive breaths. The onset of psychedelic effects
begins in less than 45 seconds and lasts for 5 to 15 minutes.
These properties make DMT the ideal psychedelic drug. In the 60s, when its
consumption was still allowed, DMT was often described as "the business-
man's trip".
DMT is not known to have any serious adverse or side effects. Its healing
properties are well known and highly appreciated among the indigenous pop-
ulation in South and Central America. There is substantial clinical evidence
that DMT is released in great quantity from the pineal gland prior to death and
is responsible for the near-death experience (NDE). As already said, the use
of DMT is practically forbidden by the registration authorities since 1970.
The author of this article has vast experience in clinical research and has conducted and
managed many large international clinical trials in the 80s and 90s. In 1991, he founded
the private institute for Drug Investigation, Auditing, and Statistics, DIAS Institute, in Mu-
nich, Germany. In 1994-1995 he discovered the Universal Law in bio-science and later on
in physics and developed the General Theory of Science of the Universal Law that is
planned to unfold fully after mass Ascension of humanity in the 5th dimension. Therefore,
it is correct to say that the new scientific theory of the Universal Law is at the same time
the Science of Ascension.
Further information on the use of psychedelic drugs can be found in the book "Thoughts"
in German language.