The Rapture of The Saints
The Rapture of The Saints
The Rapture of The Saints
(Twofoldness 19-20) atchman Nee considered the Brethren of the early
to later 1800s to be the prophetic fulfillment of
Concerning the sharp dissension between Darby and the church in Philadelphia, about whose gifts and min-
Benjamin Newton on the rapture, Panton explains that istries he has much to say. He commends the Lord’s move
these two great men simply, “imbibed and expressed among the Brethren as having been more significant than
complementary halves of the the Reformation and a source
truth…This sharp severance of of help to all who have since
prophetic students is a remark- The recovered scriptural known the Lord. Concerning
able proof that the whole truth John Darby in particular, he
was not recovered and recon-
understanding concerning the adds, “When Darby joined [the
structed on the first revival of rapture being both before and Brethren], the light of heaven
prophetic study” (20). at the end of the tribulation is based poured down like a torrent”
(Orthodoxy 65). However, Nee
on the recognition of the
T he writings of Govett,
Panton, Pember, and oth-
ers concerning the twofold
twofoldness of the divine truth.
goes on to recount the decline
of the Brethren into the condi-
tion of the church in Laodicea,
truth of the rapture should be due in great part to the self-
considered as a portion of the Lord’s recovery of truths satisfaction of previously attained knowledge. He says,
that were lost and hidden from the church for many cen- “Because these brothers were stronger than others in con-
turies. However, these truths were never properly duct and in truth to the point that even a cook among
received by the Brethren and their successors. Rather, them knew more than a missionary in the Protestant
under the name of a “partial rapture” theory, they are churches, they became proud” (84), claiming that they are
commonly rejected (Question 98). Walvoord claims, “The “wealthy and have become rich and have need of nothing”
view is limited to a few adherents who are generally treat- (Rev. 3:17).
ed as heterodox by other pretribulationists” (98), and he
adds that this view “has not been recognized by any evan- The tragic error repeated many times since the
gelical Protestant group” (113). This attitude is regret- Reformation is that once a group of believers is blessed by
table, and it is inappropriate for the followers of Darby’s the Lord to receive a portion of His recovery of the truth,
teaching, because Darby himself also suffered this kind of they may, in time, become closed to subsequent revela-
accusation. Newton considered Darby’s dispensational tions and recoveries of the truth and may even oppose
teaching to be “the height of speculative nonsense” them. It is in such a closed spirit that the truth of the
(Ladd, Blessed Hope 41). Samuel Tregelles, an early Scriptures concerning the believers’ accountability to the
Brethren and noted New Testament philologist, purports Lord and His judgment for reward or punishment has
to trace Darby’s teaching to the ecstatic utterance of a been refused as novel and heterodox. Concerning this
mystic in the church of a heretic, concluding, “It came recovered truth, Govett notes, “It is a novelty too; though
not from Holy Scripture, but from that which falsely pre- old on the page of Scripture” and observes very truly, “It
tended to be the Spirit of God” (35).2 Since that time, is not expected that these truths will ever be popular.
Darby’s teachings have sometimes been labeled as novel, They boast no great names; they flatter not. They rest only
unheard of, and a new invention not known previously in on the proofs of God’s word” (Entrance preface). May we
the church. guard against the failure of the church in Laodicea and
In Revelation 19:10, the one speaking with John says, “I Stanton expresses the dispensational viewpoint that the
am your fellow slave and a fellow slave of your brothers “brothers” and the remnant of Israel, who are about to be
who have the testimony of Jesus.” Here the testimony of saved, cannot be on the earth at the same time. He asks,
Jesus belongs to “your brothers.” Verses 9 through 11 of
chapter 6 say, When before did God ever have two separate witnessing
bodies upon earth? God is not a God of confusion. Does
When He opened the fifth seal, I saw underneath the He not terminate a former course of action before estab-
altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the lishing a new one?…We need not put God in such a
word of God and because of the testimony which they dilemma. (68-69)
had. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long,
O Master, holy and true, will You not judge and avenge Nevertheless, the presence of both Jews and believers on
our blood on those who dwell on the earth? And to each the earth during the great tribulation cannot be denied.
of them was given a white robe; and it was said to them The repeated mention of those who have the testimony
In chapter 8 the seventh seal is opened, and the first four Posttribulationists have to face not only the fact that the
trumpets of that seal are sounded, intensifying the super- body of Christ, or the universal church, is not mentioned
natural calamities as God’s more severe judgments on but also that there is no local church on earth…There is
man’s environment. At this point, verse 3 says, “Another really no way to explain the total absence of any mention
Angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer, of either a local church or the universal church in a
and much incense was given to Him to offer with the detailed account of end-time events. The description of
prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was the saved as saints of both Jewish and Gentile back-
before the throne.” This indicates that at the opening of grounds is quite in contrast to the reference to them as
the seventh seal, there still will be saints praying on the combined in one body, the church, in most of the New
earth. Testament. (Question 261)
Verse 5 says, “She brought forth a son, a man-child, who Revelation 12 is one of the most outstanding portions of
is to shepherd all the nations with an iron rod.” When the Bible that speak of the rapture. George H. Lang, who
Christ returns in power, He will shepherd the nations with met with the Open Brethren in the middle of the twen-
an iron rod; that is, He will rule with strong power those tieth century, calls this the crux interpretum of Reve-
nations who remain after He smites them with His judg- lation. He adds,
ing word (19:15). However, 2:26-27 uses the same lan-
guage to describe the reward of the millennial kingdom to It is here that the two principal schools of futurist expos-
the overcomers: “He who overcomes and he who keeps itors have both failed; the one insisting that all Christians
My works until the end, to him I will give authority over must be taken from the earth before the time of the
the nations; and he will shepherd them with an iron rod, Beast, and the other by insisting that no saints can escape
as vessels of pottery are broken in pieces, as I also have that period. Neither school has been able to deal accu-
received from My Father.” The overcomers will sit with rately and fully with this chapter. (Revelation 219)
Christ on His throne, as He sits with the Father on the
Father’s throne, to rule with Christ over the whole earth In this chapter a stronger portion—the man-child—will be
Revelation 14 is another significant chapter, showing how While it is evident that Israel’s national conversion will not
God in His wisdom, righteousness, and sovereignty will be complete until the revelation of Christ [that is, at the
deal with all the people on earth in the proper way and at end of the tribulation]…, nevertheless a remnant from
the proper time during the great tribulation. (Israel is not among Israel shall be redeemed and become God’s pri-
dealt with in this chapter, because it has already been cov- mary witnessing body during the Tribulation. (259)
ered in chapter 7 with the vision of the sealing of the one
hundred and forty-four thousand chosen Israelites.) Verse
1 of chapter 14 says, “I saw, and behold, the Lamb stand- A lthough it is not unreasonable that individual Jews
will be saved prior to the salvation of the entire house
ing on Mount Zion, and with Him a hundred and forty- of Israel at the coming of the Lord in power, to claim that
four thousand, having His name and the name of His these will become God’s primary witnessing body is
Father written on their foreheads.” The one hundred and simply an assumption of dispensationalism and is very
forty-four thousand in chapter 14 is in contrast to the one weak ground upon which to build a major ecclesiologi-
hundred and forty-four thou- cal doctrine. In any case, the
sand in chapter 7 (Nee, Works argument that 14:1-5 depicts
16:124-125; Govett, Revela- The woman and the “rest of her seed,” saved Jews upon the earth is
tion 266-268). First, the group unnecessary, since the scene is
mentioned in 7:4 is composed
who keep the commandments of God in heaven, not on earth. The
of those selected from “every and the testimony of Jesus will be left on multitude is seen standing on
tribe of the sons of Israel,” but earth to pass through the three and Mount Zion with the Lamb.
the group in chapter 14 is According to the chronology
“purchased from the earth”
a half years of the tribulation and be of events depicted from 14:6
and “purchased from among raptured only at the end of that time. to 16:21, the description in
men” (vv. 3-4). Those in chap- 14:1-5 is that of the situation
ter 7 are marked out with the at the beginning of the great
“seal of the living God” (v. 2), but those in chapter 14 have tribulation. At this point, the Lamb is already standing on
the name of the Lamb and the name of His Father written Mount Zion. Therefore, this cannot be the physical Zion
on their foreheads (v. 1). This corresponds to the promise in Israel, since the Lord does not return to it until chapter
to the overcomers in the church in Philadelphia that 19, at the end of the tribulation. At the time of chapter 14
Christ will write upon them the name of His God (3:12). the earthly Zion is still in the hands of the Gentiles (11:2).
Thus, the one hundred and forty-four thousand in chapter Moreover, the firstfruits in chapter 14 are before the
14 are taken from the church. throne of God, where the four living creatures and the
twenty-four elders are (v. 3). This indicates strongly that
M oreover, the multitude in 7:3 are “slaves” of God, the scene here is on the heavenly Mount Zion (Heb.
but those in chapter 14 are sons of God, as implied 12:22), denoting God’s habitation and the center of His
by the name of “Father,” which in Revelation is revealed universal administration before the descent of the New
only in relation to the church (1:6; 2:27; 3:5, 21). The Jerusalem to the earth in Revelation 21:2. This is also indi-
group in chapter 7 is related to Christ as the Angel (v. 2; cated by purchased from the earth in 14:3. What we see in
Gen. 22:11-12), but the group in Revelation 14 is related chapter 14 is a number of believers from the church age
to Christ as the Lamb (v. 4), the title of Christ in His raptured to the heavens before the great tribulation.
redemption. The Jews will not accept Jesus as the Lamb
prior to seeing Him in glory (Zech. 12:7-12; Matt. 24:30). The Firstfruits and the Harvest
In addition, Revelation 14:4 tells us that the firstfruits are
virgins. To the Lord’s New Testament disciples, virginity is Verse 4 says, “These were purchased from among men as
a gift (Matt. 19:12; 2 Cor. 11:2). On the contrary, to be a firstfruits to God and to the Lamb.” The firstfruits are the
virgin among the Israelites was a curse, whereas to marry first ripe ones in a field. Exodus 23:19 says, “The first of
and bear children was a blessing (Exo. 23:26; Deut. 7:14; the firstfruits of your ground you shall bring into the house
Judg. 11:38; 1 Sam. 2:5; Psa. 113:9). Thus, the one hun- of Jehovah your God,” and Leviticus 23:10 says, “You
A s we have seen, the firstfruits stand upon the heav- of our salvation is the completing stage, the stage of glori-
enly Mount Zion before the throne of God for His fication, which includes the transfiguration of our body,
enjoyment and satisfaction. The majority of the harvest, the redemption of our body, full conformity to the Lord,
however, is taken to meet Christ in the air (1 Thes. 4:17), and glorification (Phil. 3:21; Rom. 8:23, 29-30). This is
not the heavens. This again corresponds to the picture of the harvest of the full-grown seed in the future for the full
the firstfruits and harvest in the Old Testament. The expression of the Triune God (Rev. 14:4, 15).
firstfruits were taken to the house of God in Jerusalem to
be offered there, but the harvest was stored in barns,
which typically were placed between the field and the T he eschatology of the universal rapture of the church
prior to the great tribulation is according to the theol-
house. Concerning the timing of the harvest and the place ogy of judicial, forensic redemption, in which a pretri-
to which it was taken, Lang notes, bulation rapture is considered an entitlement of all the
redeemed ones, and it is also according to the theology of
The Firstfruits and the Harvest are from the same sowing, dispensationalism, which interprets prophecy according to
grown in the same field, and are of the same class of grain. the need to maintain a strict distinction between Israel
There is no distinction between them, save that the for- and the church. However, the proper, biblical theology is
mer, having ripened earlier, did not need the intense that of God’s economy, which begins with objective, judi-
summer heat and so were gathered before it set in…As cial redemption and proceeds through subjective, organic
the End Times approach one company of the redeemed— salvation. In the light of God’s economy for the accom-
the smaller portion, as firstfruits are less than the whole plishment of His eternal purpose, the biblical eschatology
subsequent harvest, and as a man-child is less than the defines rapture as the glorification of the body, the culmi-
remainder of the family—reach the upper heavens prior to nation of the believers’ transformation and conformation
the arising of the Beast, whilst a second company are taken to the image of Christ in their experience of God’s full
Because the dispensational theology and eschatology of The exemption from the hour of trial that is promised to
John Darby, the Brethren, and their doctrinal successors the church in Philadelphia will be accomplished by an early
are the basis for the prevailing, popular view of the rapture rapture of the overcomers prior to the commencement of
among many fundamental, evangelical Christians today, the great tribulation. However, dispensationalism assumes
we have devoted much of this article to demonstrating too much from Revelation 3:10. Walvoord concludes,
that there will be many believers from the church age who “Here the promise given to Philadelphia is addressed to the
remain on the earth during the great tribulation. However, entire church” (Question 257, emphasis added). This is the
we must emphasize that we do not agree with the school case only if the church in Philadelphia represents the entire
of posttribulationism, which teaches that the entire church, that is, all the churches on the earth at the time of
church at the end of the age will pass through the tribula- the Lord’s coming. Although the seven epistles in chapters
tion. Representing this school, Ladd writes, 2 and 3 are the record of the actual situation existing on the
earth at the time these epistles were written, they are also
God’s people have always suffered persecution, tribula- signs (1:1), signifying prophetically the progress of the
tion; why then should we expect God to change the church in seven stages. In addition, they also signify the
divine order which has marked the entire course of seven kinds of churches in church history: the initial
redemptive history? Why should God do something for church, the suffering church, the worldly church, the apos-
the Church at the end of the age when He has never done tate church, the reformed church, the recovered church,
it before?…God will not deliver His people from such and the degraded recovered church. By any means of inter-
tribulation, but He will preserve them in it. (Blessed Hope preting the seven churches, it cannot be said that one
128-129) church stands for the entire church on the earth, including
every believer. At no point in history, for example, can we
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