The Rapture of The Saints

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The Rapture of the Saints (1)

A t the Lord’s first coming, He was the Sower to sow

Himself as the seed of life into the believers (Matt.
13:3-8, 24). Since that time, all those who have been
earth to pass through the great tribulation for their disci-
pline and perfection. In this way the rapture prior to the
tribulation should be considered one aspect of the reward
regenerated are God’s cultivated land to grow a produce or discipline of the believers, based on their maturity in life
of Christ (1 Cor. 3:6-7, 9). By receiving, enjoying, and at the Lord’s coming.
assimilating the elements of the divine life, the believers
are perfected and completed to become mature, full- In this article we will consider basic issues concerning the
grown, in Christ (Col. 1:28; Eph. 4:13). This process of rapture of the saints and deal primarily with the book of
growth unto maturity progresses in each believer until the Revelation. In the following installment we will consider
end of his life. Then those who die in Christ pass into the rapture in the Gospels and the Epistles.
Paradise in the pleasant part of Hades and, in the state of
maturity in which they died, await the resurrection and The Expectation of the Early Church Fathers
glorification of their bodies, the resurrection of life, at the
end of this age (John 5:28-29). However, those who live Although believers throughout the entire church age have
unto the end of this age, until the second coming of looked for the second coming of the Lord, many of the
Christ, will be raptured into His presence. Thus, the riches of the truths concerning His coming, the rapture,
appearing of Christ in glory and our glorification and rap- and the coming millennial kingdom have been unveiled
ture at His coming are the blessed hope of the saints, the progressively.1 Among many church fathers who affirmed
hope of glory (Titus 2:13; Col. 1:27). the premillennial coming of Christ, the common expecta-
tion was that the believers in the last generation of the
When Christ returns at the end of this age, He will judge church age would endure the sufferings of the end times,
rebellious mankind and clear up the negative situation on after the manifestation of Antichrist and before the open
the earth. At the same time, Satan will be cast down out of coming of Christ. Irenaeus of Lyons, the first significant
heaven, and in his anger he will persecute God’s people theologian of the early church fathers, speaks very clearly
and bring destruction to the earth (Rev. 12:9, 17). This of the coming thousand-year reign of Christ with His
period of time is foretold in the prophecy of the seventy saints. In Book 5 of Against Heresies, he also speaks con-
weeks in Daniel 9:24-27. In particular, the last of the sev- cerning the coming of Antichrist and the tribulation at the
enty weeks signifies the final seven years of this age. At the end of this age. He says,
end of this age, Antichrist will make a firm covenant with
the Jews for one week, that is, for seven years. In the mid- When in the end the Church shall be suddenly caught up
dle of the week he will break the covenant, destroy the from this, it is said “There shall be tribulation such as has
worship of God, blaspheme God, persecute His people, not been since the beginning, neither shall be.” For this is
and destroy the holy city, Jerusalem. This second half of the last contest of the righteous, in which, when they
the week is the final three and a half years of this age, overcome, they are crowned with incorruption. (558)
which is also known as “a time and times and half a time”
(7:25; Rev. 12:14), “a thousand two hundred and sixty
days” (v. 6), and “forty-two months” (11:2; 13:5). Con-
cerning this period, the Lord Jesus said, “At that time there
I t is apparent that he expected the believers to pass
through the time of tribulation in order to overcome
in the “last contest.” This matches his feeling in general
will be great tribulation, such as has not occurred from the that, “tribulation is necessary for those who are saved”
beginning of the world until now, nor shall by any means for the purpose of their purification and to be “fitted for
ever occur” (Matt. 24:21). Prior to this time of great tribu- the royal banquet” (557). Similarly, Tertullian interprets
lation, the overcoming, watchful, and mature believers the sequence in Luke 21:25-28 as applying to the New
who are living on the earth will be raptured to the throne Testament believers, indicating that our redemption at the
of God in the heavens. However, those immature believ- coming of the Lord will take place only after the super-
ers, who are genuinely saved but who are consumed with natural signs at the end of the great tribulation, that is,
the anxiety and enjoyment of this age, will remain on the “after all these things have been previously transacted”

74 Affirmation & Critique

(560-561). Hippolytus, a student of Irenaeus and the teachings of Origen and his allegorical method of inter-
greatest of the early Roman fathers, interprets the woman preting the Scriptures. Then in the following century, the
in Revelation 12 as the church, and the sun, moon, and systematic writings of Augustine dispelled this belief
stars as the Father’s word, heavenly glory, and the twelve almost altogether, and amillennialism, together with the
apostles, respectively. He sees the thousand two hundred doctrine of purgatory, became the predominant eschatol-
and sixty days as the time during which “the tyrant is to ogy for many centuries. In the context of this void of truth,
reign and persecute the Church” (217). In the same vein, the details of the rapture of the saints with respect to the
Commodianus predicts that Antichrist will “rage against great tribulation lost their significance. Even the reformers
the Christians three years and a half ” (Coxe 219). of the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries failed to
Applying the terminology of modern eschatology to the recover much truth related to the Lord’s second coming,
writings of the first centuries, George Eldon Ladd of and the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation were most
Fuller Seminary concludes, often interpreted historically, that is, in terms of past or
then present figures and events. In the eighteenth century,
Every church father who deals with the subject expects Thomas Brightman, John Owen, Daniel Whitby, and
the Church to suffer at the hands of Antichrist. God others popularized postmillennialism, the belief in a
would purify the Church through suffering, and Christ thousand-year latter-day glory on earth in the present age,
would save her by His return at the end of the Tribulation which again minimized the importance of the teaching of
when He would destroy Antichrist, deliver His Church, the Lord’s second coming. However, beginning at least in
and bring the world to an end and inaugurate His millen- the seventeenth century with the writings of Johann Alsted
nial kingdom. The prevailing view is a posttribulation and Joseph Mede, the truth of the premillennial coming
premillennialism. (Blessed Hope 31) of Christ began to be recovered in a clearer way, and in
the course of that century a
Using more guarded language, renewed study of Hebrew and
John F. Walvoord of Dallas Theo- Although the majority the prophecies of the Old
logical Seminary, concedes, Testament revived an interest
of the church still living in the eschatological position
The postapostolic Fathers at the end time will pass through of the Jews and the salvation
tended to identify their con- the tribulation, a minority— of Israel. Finally, around the
temporary persecutions with turn of the nineteenth century,
the great tribulation immedi-
the overcomers— the prophetic word of the
ately preceding the second will be delivered from it. Scripture began to shine more
advent. Although they usually brightly (2 Pet. 1:19), and the
linked this with the view that recovery of the truths concern-
Christ’s coming could occur at any time, they do not ing the Lord’s personal, premillennial return and the
seem to have contemplated a period between the transla- establishing of His kingdom began to be intensified.
tion of the church and the second advent of Christ to set
up His thousand-year kingdom. (Hope 16-17)

Practically speaking, this means that, in the view of promi-

T his revival of prophetic study provided the basis for a
systematic doctrine of premillennialism, which was
more fully developed by John Nelson Darby and the
nent early fathers, the church will pass through the great British Brethren, beginning at the latest in the 1830s.
tribulation and be raptured only at the second coming of Darby’s eschatology emphasized a literal, futurist inter-
Christ. Again, Walvoord says, “The preponderance of evi- pretation of prophecy and the dual coming of Christ—His
dence seems to support the concept that the early church imminent, “any moment” coming to rapture the church
did not clearly hold to a rapture as preceding the endtime prior to the great tribulation and His open coming in
tribulation period” (24). Although this concept lacked the power to establish His kingdom at the completion of the
structure of a systematic eschatology, it was the common tribulation. Thus, the pretribulation rapture is an essential
expectation of the early church. As we shall see, however, element of Darby’s prophetic system. Although in dis-
this is an incomplete understanding of the nature and pur- agreement on this latter point, Ladd concedes in general,
pose of the rapture. Although the majority of the church
still living at the end time will pass through the tribulation, Darbyism to many Christians meant the rediscovery of
a minority—the overcomers—will be delivered from it. the precious Biblical truth of Christ’s glorious second
coming…Once more, as in the early church, the return of
The Loss and Rediscovery of Precious Truths Christ became a living and vital expectation in the lives
of Christian people and in the pulpit ministry of many a
Beginning in the third century, the belief in a literal mil- preacher…Darbyism in fact restored something precious
lennial reign of Christ subsided, due in great part to the which had long been lost. (Blessed Hope 43)

Volume XI  No. 2  October 2006 75

The premillennial interpretation of prophecy was further exposition of Revelation is one of the most profound works
developed and propagated in Bible conferences, the chief of its kind, bringing “to his interpretation a more thorough
of which met at Niagara on Lake Ontario from 1883 to knowledge of the Scriptures in their bearing on the last
1897. These were attended by many prominent teachers, book of the Bible than any other writer of his generation”
who may be considered as the founders of modern funda- (28). In Entrance into the Kingdom, written in 1853, Govett
mentalism. These included James H. Brooks, Arthur T. begins to unveil that the believers’ enjoyment of the com-
Pierson, Nathaniel West, William J. Eerdmans, A. J. Gor- ing millennial kingdom is conditioned on their life and
don, J. Hudson Taylor, Robert Cameron, Arno C. Gaebelein, work in the present age, for which they will give an account
and C. I. Scofield, although not all of these accepted the at the judgment seat of Christ (2 Cor. 5:10; Rom. 14:10),
details of Darby’s system. As a result of the Niagara con- and in subsequent writings he concludes that the rapture
ference and the later Sea Cliff conference on Long Island, prior to the tribulation will be a reward to a minority of
Scofield published his Reference Bible in 1909, the stan- believers for their watchfulness. He tells us that many
dard of North American evangelicalism and the most believers, the “remnants of the churches,” will be “left
influential channel for the dissemination of the eschatol- behind to pass through the Great Tribulation” (Revelation
ogy of Darby’s dispensationalism. In the twentieth 313, 319). He writes, “The majority of Christians, as nei-
century, through the teachings of Scofield, Gaebelein, R. ther watching nor praying so to escape, are left to pass
A. Torrey, Harry A. Ironside, and Lewis Sperry Chafer, the through the Great Trouble of that day…The rapture takes
pretribulation rapture became the position held by most place, not in the day of grace, but in the day of reward
Bible conferences and Bible institutes (Reiter 23-24). according to works” (Studies 54, 65).

Nevertheless, many prominent attendants of the Niagara

conference—including West, Erdman, Gordon, and
Cameron—came to believe and teach that the rapture of
G ovett’s successor at Surrey Chapel, Norwich, was
David M. Panton, founder and editor of The Dawn
magazine. He argues that both saving faith and the work
the saints would take place after the tribulation. West, the of a believer are two essential requisites for rapture. “All
founder of the first prophetic Bible conference and later a the passages dealing, technically and expressly, with requi-
teacher at Moody Bible Institute, believed that there sites for rapture,—and which therefore must be decisive
would be no appreciable interval between the rapture and on the question—assert personal watchfulness and wor-
the judgment of Antichrist and that the remnant of the thiness as essential” (52). This personal responsibility
woman in Revelation 12, who will endure persecution dur- related to the rapture is the “just balance between two
ing the great tribulation, is the “surviving portion of the sharp extremes” (53) and reconciles the two opposing views
Gentile Church” (242). He writes, “The Christian Church concerning its timing: “Truth ever flies on two wings; and
will not be removed from the earth, or become extinct no prophecy is of isolated interpretation…It is in the
under persecution, but, reduced and suffering, will also live union, not in the antagonism, of these apparently conflict-
to see the Advent,” that is, the second coming of Christ in ing Scriptures that the truth is to be found” (20).
power at the end of the tribulation (245). Another atten-
dant at Niagara, Henry W. Frost, who served as home George H. Pember, one of the most respected prophetic
director for the China Inland Mission, writes, “Living Chris- scholars of the late 1800s, compared the situation of
tians will go into and through the tribulation” (69). believers at the time of the Lord’s coming to that of Lot
and his wife in Genesis 19. He writes,
A More Complete Recovery of the Truth
If any man hesitates but for a moment, he may, like Lot’s
It is clear from the foregoing that the time of the rapture wife, be involved in the destruction, even though his con-
was a matter of significant debate, each side of which has veyance out of danger should be already in progress…For
been represented by reliable scholars and notable teachers when the unknown time arrives, the Lord will, without a
who claim proof from many passages in the Scriptures. As moment’s warning,…take to Himself those only whom
in the case of the great debate between Calvinism and He finds faithful and watching. (138-139)
Arminianism in the seventeenth century, the truth can be
found neither entirely in one school nor in the other but in If believers will mingle with the world and seek after its
a proper synthesis of both views. The measure of grace to pleasures, if, despite warnings, they will suffer their affec-
see this synthesis was given to several teachers contempo- tions to become rooted in it, they must certainly, so far as
rary with Darby and the later Bible conferences, beginning this life is concerned, be involved in its ruin. Weighted by
especially with Robert Govett in England. Charles Spur- earthward desires, they will be unable to ascend to their
geon considered Govett one of the foremost teachers of Lord, when He calls them: therefore, He will not deliver
the futurist view of Revelation and included his writings in them from the hour of temptation which is coming upon
Spurgeon’s own The Sword and the Trowel periodical. the whole world [Rev. 3:10]; but will leave them to be
Wilbur M. Smith of Fuller Seminary states that Govett’s purified in the furnace of affliction…Every believer who

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is found striving to obtain pleasure from this world, will Walvoord replies in defense of recovered truth, “The fact
be left below. (162-163) is that the development of most important doctrines took
centuries, and it is not surprising that even in the twenti-
A Failure to Recognize an Advance eth century new light should be cast on our understanding
in the Recovery of the Truth of Scripture” (Question 50). Charles Ryrie says similarly,
“Discovery and refinement of doctrine does not mean at
The recovered scriptural understanding concerning the all that such doctrine is extra-Biblical” (Basis 18). He
rapture being both before and at the end of the tribula- compares the recovery of the truth of the premillennial
tion is based on the recognition of the twofoldness of the coming of Christ to the recovery of the great doctrines of
divine truth. Govett notes, the Reformation, concluding, “Neither is there any reason
to reject recent findings in the field of eschatology” (18).
The Scripture is twofold in character, like the God who Nevertheless, these very men reject the findings of Govett
gave it…From this twofoldness of truth designed difficul- and others on the basis of novelty and minority opinion,
ties arise. Thus does God try mankind. Thus does He try the same way in which accusations against Darby’s teach-
His people. Will they receive both His statements on His ings were made.
simple assertion? Most will not, for they are one-sided.

(Twofoldness 19-20) atchman Nee considered the Brethren of the early
to later 1800s to be the prophetic fulfillment of
Concerning the sharp dissension between Darby and the church in Philadelphia, about whose gifts and min-
Benjamin Newton on the rapture, Panton explains that istries he has much to say. He commends the Lord’s move
these two great men simply, “imbibed and expressed among the Brethren as having been more significant than
complementary halves of the the Reformation and a source
truth…This sharp severance of of help to all who have since
prophetic students is a remark- The recovered scriptural known the Lord. Concerning
able proof that the whole truth John Darby in particular, he
was not recovered and recon-
understanding concerning the adds, “When Darby joined [the
structed on the first revival of rapture being both before and Brethren], the light of heaven
prophetic study” (20). at the end of the tribulation is based poured down like a torrent”
(Orthodoxy 65). However, Nee
on the recognition of the
T he writings of Govett,
Panton, Pember, and oth-
ers concerning the twofold
twofoldness of the divine truth.
goes on to recount the decline
of the Brethren into the condi-
tion of the church in Laodicea,
truth of the rapture should be due in great part to the self-
considered as a portion of the Lord’s recovery of truths satisfaction of previously attained knowledge. He says,
that were lost and hidden from the church for many cen- “Because these brothers were stronger than others in con-
turies. However, these truths were never properly duct and in truth to the point that even a cook among
received by the Brethren and their successors. Rather, them knew more than a missionary in the Protestant
under the name of a “partial rapture” theory, they are churches, they became proud” (84), claiming that they are
commonly rejected (Question 98). Walvoord claims, “The “wealthy and have become rich and have need of nothing”
view is limited to a few adherents who are generally treat- (Rev. 3:17).
ed as heterodox by other pretribulationists” (98), and he
adds that this view “has not been recognized by any evan- The tragic error repeated many times since the
gelical Protestant group” (113). This attitude is regret- Reformation is that once a group of believers is blessed by
table, and it is inappropriate for the followers of Darby’s the Lord to receive a portion of His recovery of the truth,
teaching, because Darby himself also suffered this kind of they may, in time, become closed to subsequent revela-
accusation. Newton considered Darby’s dispensational tions and recoveries of the truth and may even oppose
teaching to be “the height of speculative nonsense” them. It is in such a closed spirit that the truth of the
(Ladd, Blessed Hope 41). Samuel Tregelles, an early Scriptures concerning the believers’ accountability to the
Brethren and noted New Testament philologist, purports Lord and His judgment for reward or punishment has
to trace Darby’s teaching to the ecstatic utterance of a been refused as novel and heterodox. Concerning this
mystic in the church of a heretic, concluding, “It came recovered truth, Govett notes, “It is a novelty too; though
not from Holy Scripture, but from that which falsely pre- old on the page of Scripture” and observes very truly, “It
tended to be the Spirit of God” (35).2 Since that time, is not expected that these truths will ever be popular.
Darby’s teachings have sometimes been labeled as novel, They boast no great names; they flatter not. They rest only
unheard of, and a new invention not known previously in on the proofs of God’s word” (Entrance preface). May we
the church. guard against the failure of the church in Laodicea and

Volume XI  No. 2  October 2006 77

remain open to the twofold truth in God’s Word concern- consequent rejection of a distinct Jewish remnant, with
ing the rapture of the saints. Jewish hopes and Jewish piety, is to deny and destroy the
proper faith of the church of God, and to set the church
itself aside. (11:122)
The Dispensational Demand on Eschatology

It is crucial to understand that the system of dispensation-

alism developed from Darby’s original teachings is much T hus, the mutual exclusion of the church and Israel is a
matter that touches “the whole order of the dispensa-
tions of God” (11:119). Just as the church had its begin-
more than a school of eschatology. Rather, it is an entire
theology, based on certain leading tenets, including (1) that ning on the day of Pentecost, it must have its end on the
history is divided into ages, each characterized by a distin- day of the Lord’s secret coming prior to the tribulation.
guishable governmental economy of God; (2) that in the Only in this way can the remnant of Israel be saved and
dispensation of the law in the Old Testament, the church the order of the dispensations maintained. By this we can
was entirely unknown and unforeseen; (3) that the church is see that the entire theology, ecclesiology, and eschatology
a parenthesis, an intercalation, in God’s plan for Israel; of dispensationalism demand a pretribulation rapture of
(4) that Israel, although once rejected, will be restored to the entire church. This is the meaning of Walvoord’s rule
be the “central vehicle of the manifestation of God’s grace” that the “doctrine of the church is…determinative” in
in the theocratic millennial kingdom (Walvoord, Kingdom understanding the rapture. This indicates that the dispen-
136); (5) that to this end the Lord will preserve a remnant sational treatment of prophecy cares first for the sub-
of the Jews to be saved at His coming; and (6) that the lit- suming, governing theology and second for the normal
eral, historical-grammatical hermeneutic is the only reliable rules of interpretation. However, the flaw in this system is
method to discern these truths in the Scriptures.3 It is the that not all the Scriptures pertinent to this issue support a
ecclesiological component of the above tenets that most universal pretribulation rapture, and even when a proper
often comes to the forefront of dispensationalism. Lewis exegesis of these passages would otherwise yield a con-
Sperry Chafer says, “Throughout the ages God is pursuing trary result, the demand of dispensationalism becomes an
two distinct purposes: one related to the earth with earth- overriding external hermeneutic to force an a priori con-
ly people and earthly objectives involved, while the other clusion. We will see examples of this as we consider sev-
is related to heaven with heavenly people and heavenly eral portions of the Scriptures.
objectives involved” (448). Ryrie concludes, “The essence
of dispensationalism, then, is the distinction between Israel A Misconception of Rapture in Revelation 4
and the church” (Dispensationalism 41). Because of this,
Walvoord writes, the rapture and the tribulation are a The rapture of the saints is revealed in several portions of
“major theological problem…The doctrine of the church is, the book of Revelation. In considering this matter, we
then, determinative in the question of whether the church come to one of the strongest examples of the demand of
will go through the Tribulation” (Question 14, 165). dispensational theology on the view of the rapture. The
question focuses on whether or not the church can be seen
between Revelation 4:1 and 19:4. Darby proposes, “The
T he sharp distinction between Israel and the church as
the sine qua non of dispensationalism has very practi-
cal ramifications for the understanding of the disposition
only places in which the church is seen in its Christian
affections and position is in the beginning and at the end
of the church at the end of the age. The Scriptures clear- of the book, before the subject of it is opened and after it
ly promise that at the time of Christ’s coming, Israel as is closed” (5:233). Again he says, “The church is seen
God’s covenanted people will turn to Him and be saved exclusively in heaven in the prophetic part of the
(Dan. 12:1; Zech. 13:8-9; Rom. 11:26-27). This requires Revelation” (8:74). The theological foundation for this
that a remnant of the Jews remain on the earth as the conclusion is the dispensational paradigm, which insists
recipients of God’s promises in the Old Testament. Until that the tribulation is distinctly for the Jews. It will be a
Israel is restored, the church will have borne the testimony “time of distress for Jacob” (Jer. 30:7), a time of distress
of the Lord on the earth. However, Darby argues that the for “your [Daniel’s] people” (Dan. 12:1), as confirmed by
blessing to Israel cannot be brought in until the church Matthew 24:1-31 (but not, as we shall see in the follow-
age has come to a completion and the entire church has ing installment of this article, by verses 32 through 44). To
been removed from the earth. For Darby, the denial of Darby, the passages that speak of the tribulation
the rapture of the entire church prior to the salvation of
the remnant of Israel is tantamount to a denial not only apply it distinctly to Jacob, Jerusalem, and Judea, and the
of the existence of that remnant but also of the nature of Jews, not to the church. It is entirely another order and
the church itself: sphere of things from the church, and professedly
so…The passages which speak of the tribulation first
The great object of the enemy in denying the rapture of apply it directly to the Jews on one side, and then exclude
the saints before the appearing of the Lord, and in the the church from it on the other. (11:111, 113)

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In Revelation the practical foundation for this conclusion human accompaniment. If John’s being carried to heaven
is found partly in chapter 4. Verse 1 says, “After these implies the company of the entire church, then we must
things I saw, and behold, a door opened in heaven, and the also conclude that the entire church was also carried into
first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with the great wilderness, the abode of the harlot in Revelation
me, saying, Come up here, and I will show you the things 17. This is not logical.
that must take place after these things.” Darby and his
successors see the rapture of the entire church in the The Twenty-four Angelic Elders
phrase come up here. Gerald B. Stanton is representative Not Signifying the Church
of this view, stating,
Another reason put forth to justify that the entire church
With the words “come up hither,” the scene moves into is translated to heaven at the beginning of chapter 4 is the
the future and shifts from earth to heaven…Chrono- presence of the twenty-four elders. Ryrie says, “Most iden-
logically, the rapture most probably occurs between the tify the twenty-four elders as representing the church, and
third and fourth chapters. The Tribulation section of the since they are seen in heaven in Revelation 4:4 and 5:8-10,
Revelation presumes that rapture is past, and neither rap- the church is mentioned as in heaven” (Rapture 60), and
ture nor Church find mention at all in it…From this point Walvoord completes the logic: “The fact that they are in
on, the redeemed are seen in glory…From the viewpoint heaven would support a pretribulational Rapture” (Ques-
of Revelation 4:1, John looks down upon a world torn by tion 259). This is a clear case of what Watchman Nee called
Tribulation judgments, from which the Church and the the “presumptions and assumptions” of this school of teach-
restraint of the Holy Spirit have already been removed. ing (Works 19:517). To say that the twenty-four elders rep-
(198-200) resent the entire church is unreliable for several reasons.
First, the twenty-four elders
That come up here is taken to sit on thrones and wear golden
imply the rapture is a clear The New Testament overcomers crowns (Rev. 4:4). The New
indication that dispensational Testament overcomers, how-
theology, not clear exegesis, is
are not rewarded to co-reign ever, are not rewarded to co-
the rule of interpretation. Revela- with Christ until the time reign with Christ until the
tion is composed of four major of the seventh seal, time of the seventh seal, which
visions, each being introduced is opened near the end of the
in similar ways. The vision of
which is opened near the end great tribulation (11:18), and
the churches in chapters 1 of the great tribulation. it is only in the coming millen-
through 3 begins with, “I was nial kingdom that they will sit
in spirit on the Lord’s Day and with Christ on His throne to
heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet” (1:10). The participate in His authority as co-kings to rule over the
vision of the destiny of the world in chapters 4 through 16 whole earth (Matt. 19:28; Rev. 20:4). In Revelation 4 and
begins with, “Immediately I was in spirit; and behold, there 5, however, the twenty-four elders sit on thrones before
was a throne set in heaven” (4:2). The vision of Babylon the the Lord’s second coming.
Great in chapters 17 through 20 begins with, “And he car-
ried me away in spirit into a wilderness” (17:3). Lastly, the
vision of the New Jerusalem in chapters 21 and 22 begins M oreover, that the twenty-four elders are clothed in
white garments and have a harp and golden bowls
with, “And he carried me away in spirit onto a great and full of incense (4:4; 5:8) indicates that they are now
high mountain” (21:10). In order to see the things on earth priests before God. It will not be until the millennial
and in heaven, present and future, John was in his regener- kingdom that the reigning overcomers will be the priests
ated spirit and was carried away not only to heaven but also of God and of Christ (20:6). In addition, Christ Himself
to a wilderness and to a great and high mountain. is not seen with a crown on His head until 19:12. To be
Moreover, as the seer of divine revelation, he was carried sure, the church cannot reign before Christ does. Hence,
away to these places “not that he might abide there, but the twenty-four elders cannot be representatives of the
that he might be instructed there” (Newton 63-64). This church. When one of the elders asks John concerning the
is indicated in 4:1 by the phrase come up here, and I will great multitude in 7:9-10, John replies, “My lord, you
show you. John’s experience is similar to that of Paul in know” (vv. 13-14). My lord (kuvriev mou) is not an appro-
2 Corinthians 12:1-4, in which he was caught away to the priate address from John, who was an elder (2 John 1;
third heaven and again into Paradise, not to remain there 3 John 1), to another elder. If the elder had been simply
but to receive “visions and revelations of the Lord.” an elder in a church, his position of status and superior
knowledge cannot be explained.
In addition, in each instance in which John received spir-
itual realization and a divine view, it was apart from any In 4:11 the twenty-four elders say, “You are worthy, our

Volume XI  No. 2  October 2006 79

Lord and God, to receive the glory and the honor and the For this and other reasons, the dispensational argument
power, for You have created all things, and because of Your for a pretribulation rapture between Revelation 3 and 4
will they were, and were created,” and in 5:9 and 10 they does not stand.
sing, “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its
seals, for You were slain and have purchased for God by The Church in the Great Tribulation
Your blood men out of every tribe and tongue and people
and nation, and have made them a kingdom and priests to According to the dispensational paradigm, the church
our God; and they will reign on the earth.” The praise of cannot be present on the earth when God turns His
the elders in 4:11 is related to the created universe, which attention to the salvation of Israel. This is the theological
is not characteristic of the praise of the redeemed New motivation for asserting the pretribulation rapture of the
Testament believers. The song in 5:9 is a song of redemption, entire church. Ryrie writes,
but it is not the elders themselves who are the redeemed
ones. The King James Version reads, “Thou wast slain, and The question boils down to whether or not the church is
hast redeemed us to God.” Most versions, however, a distinct entity in the program of God…Is the church
acknowledge that the object of purchased, or redeemed, is distinct from Israel? If so, then the church will not be a
omitted from the Greek text. This is reflected by Darby’s participant in the Tribulation, since during that time God
New Translation, which reads, “Thou hast been slain, and will be dealing primarily with Israel once again. (Rapture
hast redeemed to God, by thy blood, out of every tribe, 62)
and tongue, and people, and nation.” Other versions sup-
ply men rather than us, based on verse 10 which says, The gap between the premise and conclusion in the above
“Made them a kingdom” and “they will reign,” in the third statement is bridged only if one first accepts dispensa-
person plural. The twenty-four elders sing a song of praise tionalism in its totality. Douglas J. Moo rightly critiques
for God’s redemption of men, who are to them a third this assumption:
A total and consistent separation of Israel and the church
The Elders in Heaven Not Implying does not necessarily entail any specific view of the time of
the Rapture of the Church the Rapture. Since this is the case, an approach to the
topic that assumes no particular view on this ecclesiologi-
Twenty-four is not the number of the church. In Revelation cal question cannot be deemed illegitimate. Furthermore,
the church is represented by the number seven (1:4, such an approach is to be preferred because it paves the
11-12, 20; 2:1). Since seven is the number for completion way for more objective exegesis of the relevant texts.
in God’s operation, the seven churches are for God’s move (Reiter 172)
in completion. Twenty-four is the number of the divisions
of the priests and Levites to carry out God’s administrative
service (1 Chron. 24:1-19; 25:1-31). In the same principle,
the twenty-four elders are angelic elders who carry out
I f we do not allow dispensational ecclesiology to become
an overriding demand on our exegesis, we will be able to
see that Revelation portrays New Testament believers as
God’s administration in the universe. Among God’s cre- being on the earth during the tribulation. First, we must
ation the angels are the most ancient ones, and their elders consider the fact that the word church is not found
are the elders of the whole creation of God. Before the between Revelation 3:22 and 22:16. Darby believes this to
creation of man, the leading angels were His priests and be an indication that after chapter 3 the church remains
ruling instruments. According to Ezekiel 28:13-14, before on the earth only in appearance and not in reality: “There
Satan fell, he was a priest and a king before God. When is no candlestick which God owns, nor light at all. The
Satan tempted the Lord Jesus, he showed Him all the king- carcase may be there which hindered and corrupted; the
doms of the world, saying, “To You I will give all this soul is fled…There is nothing which God owns in the
authority and their glory, because to me it has been deliv- earth as a corporate testimony” (5:235). However, that
ered, and to whomever I want I give it” (Luke 4:5-6). Jesus the word church is not utilized does not preclude the fact
did not dispute that the kingdoms of the world had been of the presence of the church. Several portions of
given to Satan, the primeval archangel (John 12:31; Dan. Revelation point to the church without referencing the
10:13). This confirms that the angels are ministering spir- term itself. We have seen, for example, that the church of
its in God’s administration of the universe (Heb. 1:13-14), the redeemed is indicated in the song of the twenty-four
and their elders hold the place of authority over creation elders, but the redeemed are not called the church.
until redeemed man has been perfected and glorified to be Similarly, those who have washed their robes in 7:14 are
the proper priests and kings (Gen. 1:26; Rev. 20:6). clearly the church, but they are not called by that name.
Likewise, the bride of Christ in 19:7 is called “His wife,”
It is reasonable to conclude that the twenty-four elders and those who follow Christ from heaven at His coming
are neither members nor representatives of the church. back are simply called “the armies” (v. 14). In fact, church

80 Affirmation & Critique

is found neither in 1 Corinthians 15:50-53, which speaks that they should rest yet a little while, until also the num-
of the saints’ resurrection at the Lord’s coming, nor in ber of their fellow slaves and their brothers who were
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18, which speaks of rapture. The about to be killed, even as they were, is completed.
absence of the word church is not a determinative point.
The fact of the church is found throughout Revelation,
including those portions that speak of the great tribula- T he fifth seal discloses Christian martyrdom from the
first century to the time near the end of this age. In
figure, the altar is in the outer court of the tabernacle and
tion. This indicates that at least some in the church will be
left on the earth during that time. the temple, and the outer court signifies the earth. Hence,
the area underneath the altar is the region underneath the
The “Brothers” and Those Who Have earth, where the souls of the martyred saints are, the
the Testimony of Jesus Paradise to which the Lord Jesus went after His death
(Luke 23:43). According to the context of Revelation 6,
The presence of believers in the tribulation can be seen the cry of the martyred saints should take place just prior
in several passages. Revelation 12:17 says, “The dragon to the great tribulation, indicating that the fellow slaves
became angry with the woman and went away to make and brothers who were about to be killed are the martyrs
war with the rest of her seed, who keep the command- in the tribulation (20:4).
ments of God and have the testimony of Jesus.” Those
who keep the commandments of God are the sealed Brothers is a designation not only of believers in the church
Israelites (7:1-8) who will keep the commandments but also of the church itself. Hebrews 2:11 and 12 say,
during the great tribulation, including the first and second “Both He who sanctifies and those who are being sancti-
commandments, which forbid the worship of a false fied are all of One, for which cause He is not ashamed to
god and the erection of an idol call them brothers, saying, ‘I
(13:4, 14-15). However, those will declare Your name to My
who have the testimony of The fact of the church is found brothers; in the midst of the
Jesus must be New Testament church I will sing hymns of
believers. A passage parallel
throughout Revelation, including praise to You.’” In Revelation
to 12:17 is 14:12, which says, those portions that speak of the the testimony of Jesus is the
“Here is the endurance of the great tribulation. This indicates that testimony of the “brothers,”
saints, those who keep the com- that is, the testifying church.
mandments of God and the
at least some in the church will be left The lampstands in chapter 1,
faith of Jesus.” The testimony on the earth during that time. the great multitude of the
of Jesus in 12:7 is the faith of redeemed in chapter 7, the
Jesus in 14:12. The faith of Jesus bright woman with her man-
is possessed uniquely by New Testament believers for child in chapter 12, the harvest with its firstfruits in chap-
their justification and life in Christ and is in contrast to ter 14, the overcomers on the sea of glass in chapter 15,
the works of the law, which characterize Israel of the old the bride ready for marriage in chapter 19, and the New
covenant (Rom. 3:22, 26; Gal. 2:16; Phil. 3:9). Con- Jerusalem in chapters 21 and 22 are all the testimony of
cerning the “faith of Jesus,” Govett says, “This may mean Jesus. Christ is the Witness of God (1:5), the testimony and
either their belief in Jesus, or the articles of faith delivered expression of God, and the church is the testimony and
by Jesus. Either way it seems to prove, that there are those the expression of Christ. As such, the church is the repro-
once members of the church of Christ still on the earth” duction of the testimony and the expression of God in
(Revelation 305). Christ (Lee, Recovery Version, Rev. 1:2, note 1).

In Revelation 19:10, the one speaking with John says, “I Stanton expresses the dispensational viewpoint that the
am your fellow slave and a fellow slave of your brothers “brothers” and the remnant of Israel, who are about to be
who have the testimony of Jesus.” Here the testimony of saved, cannot be on the earth at the same time. He asks,
Jesus belongs to “your brothers.” Verses 9 through 11 of
chapter 6 say, When before did God ever have two separate witnessing
bodies upon earth? God is not a God of confusion. Does
When He opened the fifth seal, I saw underneath the He not terminate a former course of action before estab-
altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the lishing a new one?…We need not put God in such a
word of God and because of the testimony which they dilemma. (68-69)
had. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long,
O Master, holy and true, will You not judge and avenge Nevertheless, the presence of both Jews and believers on
our blood on those who dwell on the earth? And to each the earth during the great tribulation cannot be denied.
of them was given a white robe; and it was said to them The repeated mention of those who have the testimony

Volume XI  No. 2  October 2006 81

of Jesus, the “brothers,” is a clear indication that some Chapter 13 speaks of the coming of the two beasts, signi-
believers will still be on the earth during that time. fying Antichrist and his false prophet, who receive
authority for forty-two months, that is, the entire duration
A Parenthesis: The Great Multitude before the Throne of the great tribulation. Verse 7 says, “Permission was
given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome
The seven seals, which begin to be opened in Revelation 6, them,” and verse 10 continues, “Here is the endurance
are the contents of God’s economy concerning the church, and the faith of the saints.” The saints here constitute the
Israel, the world, and the universe. The first four seals sig- rest of the woman’s seed mentioned in 12:17, which con-
nify the preaching of the gospel, war, famine, and death, sists of the Jews, who keep God’s commandments, and
that run like riders on four horses throughout the course the believers, who bear the testimony for Christ. Again,
of the church age until Christ comes back (vv. 1-8). The 14:12 says, “Here is the endurance of the saints, those
fifth seal (vv. 9-11) is the cry of the souls underneath the who keep the commandments of God and the faith of
altar, the prayer of the martyred saints from Paradise for Jesus.” These passages provide more proof that in the
vengeance; this cry will take place just prior to the begin- great tribulation there will still be believers on the earth
ning of the great tribulation. The sixth seal (vv. 12-17) is who are not yet raptured.5
the shaking of the earth and heaven, the beginning of
supernatural calamities, to initiate the great tribulation,
the “great day of Their wrath.” Following this, chapter 7 is
a vision inserted between the sixth and seventh seals,
T he dispensational argument against the presence of the
church in the great tribulation is primarily an ecclesio-
logical one. Darby comments, “I am aware, as to the rem-
showing how God cares for His people while He is about nant of her seed, difficulty has been raised from the
to execute His judgment on the earth. Verses 1 through 8 expression, ‘the testimony of Jesus Christ’…It will be a
unveil the sealing of the 144,000 of the twelve tribes, the prophetic, not a church, testimony—a very different thing”
chosen Israelites who will keep the commandments of (11:163). To Darby, what is very different about the saints
God during the great tribulation (12:17; 14:12). Following in the tribulation is that they will bear a kind of individual,
this, 7:9-17 gives us a vision of a great multitude, com- prophetic testimony, not the testimony of the church.
posed of the redeemed ones from the nations, throughout After the commencement of the great tribulation, he says,
all generations, as the constituents of the church. That
they stand before the throne indicates that they are rap- There are yet saints on the earth in whom heaven is inter-
tured to the heavens, to the presence of God. In order to ested…We now enter on the scene in which those saints
preserve His earthly people, the Jews, God will seal them are placed who had learned to look up to heaven…not the
and keep them on earth, but in order to preserve His heav- church, as we have seen, but yet heavenly in the source
enly people, the church, God will take them away from of their hopes…It is the Lamb who opens the course of
the earth by rapture. This indicates that the rapture of the judgments to which men themselves are exposed, so that
believers must begin near the time of the sixth seal, before for the saints found there there is a sure warrant of
the great tribulation, but it will not conclude at this time. guardian care through the trial. (5:239-240)
Although the portion of all the believers who live until the
Lord’s coming is to be raptured into God’s care and the Stanton insists, “The very nature of the Church demands
Lamb’s shepherding, the entire book of Revelation shows exemption from the Tribulation” (68), and suggests that
that some believers will first pass through the great tribu- phrases such as those who dwell on the earth (Rev. 6:10)
lation. Thus, the vision inserted in 7:9-17 gives us an indicate that only the earthly people, Jews and Gentiles,
overall view, in a general way, from the beginning of the will pass through the great tribulation. However, Darby
rapture until eternity. Accordingly, it provides no details as clearly acknowledges that a heavenly people, the saints,
to the specific timing of the rapture. will remain on the earth during the tribulation, although
he argues that this does not make them the church.
The Saints in the Great Tribulation Walvoord expands on this latter thought:

In chapter 8 the seventh seal is opened, and the first four Posttribulationists have to face not only the fact that the
trumpets of that seal are sounded, intensifying the super- body of Christ, or the universal church, is not mentioned
natural calamities as God’s more severe judgments on but also that there is no local church on earth…There is
man’s environment. At this point, verse 3 says, “Another really no way to explain the total absence of any mention
Angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer, of either a local church or the universal church in a
and much incense was given to Him to offer with the detailed account of end-time events. The description of
prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was the saved as saints of both Jewish and Gentile back-
before the throne.” This indicates that at the opening of grounds is quite in contrast to the reference to them as
the seventh seal, there still will be saints praying on the combined in one body, the church, in most of the New
earth. Testament. (Question 261)

82 Affirmation & Critique

It is a matter of fact, as Walvoord points out, that no local not flee into the wilderness after Christ ascended, as we
church is named after Revelation 2 and 3; this cannot be know from Acts 1:9 and 14. Likewise, neither is it accu-
disputed. However, we cannot presume a clear conclusion rate to say that Israel fled into the wilderness after the
as to the reasons behind this fact. It is important to under- ascension of Christ. None of the subsequent signs in
stand that the arguments of Walvoord and others are Revelation 12—including the thousand two-hundred sixty
directed primarily against posttribulationism, the teaching days, the great red dragon (who is associated here with
that the entire church should, must, and will pass through Antichrist, 13:1), the casting of Satan down to the earth,
the tribulation. We cannot agree with this school of and the persecution of the woman—can be said to have
thought, since 3:10 promises that the overcomers in the followed the ascension of Christ. Rather, the bright
church in Philadelphia will be kept out of the hour of trial. woman signifies something universal, not local, as the nation
Nevertheless, it is acknowledged by all that there will be of Israel is.
saints on the earth during the tribulation, as Walvoord
says, “of both Jewish and Gentile backgrounds.” To insist
that every one of these, without exception, will be saved
only after the beginning of the tribulation is an a priori
I n Genesis 37:9 Joseph in his dream saw the sun, the
moon, and the eleven stars, signifying his father, his
mother, and his eleven brothers. There the sun, the moon,
conclusion of dispensationalism. There is no clear evi- and the eleven stars, plus Joseph himself, signified the
dence in the Scriptures as to the time of the salvation and totality of God’s people on the earth. Based on the princi-
regeneration of these saints. Rather, the clear statement of ple of that dream, the sun, the moon, and the twelve stars
the Bible is twofold: first, that some believers will be rap- in Revelation 12 signify the totality of God’s people on
tured prior to the beginning of the great tribulation, and earth. The sun signifies God’s people in the New
second, that some believers, “saints,” will be on the earth Testament age. The coming of Christ was the visit of the
during the hour of trial. rising sun from on high, a great
light to shine upon the people
The Woman The clear statement of the Bible in darkness (Luke 1:78-79;
Matt. 4:16). That the woman
and the Man-child is twofold: some believers will be in Revelation 12 is clothed with
The central portion of Reve- raptured prior to the beginning the sun means that “when the
lation, from 4:1 to 22:5, is divi- of the great tribulation, and sun shines the brightest, it is
ded into two sections. Chap- shining upon her,” the one
ters 4 to 11 provide a general
some believers, “saints,” will be on through whom God reveals
view of the things to come, the earth during the hour of trial. Himself in the present age
from Christ’s ascension to eter- (Nee, Glorious Church 72). The
nity future, and 12:1 through church composed of all the
22:5 gives details of the important things and crucial mat- believers, symbolized by the sun, shines collectively in the
ters occurring from the last three and a half years of the day with the glory of God (Phil. 2:15; Eph. 5:8; 1 Thes. 5:5).
present age, the period of the great tribulation, to the eter-
nal age of the new heaven and new earth. The first of these Accordingly, the time before the coming of Christ was the
important matters is the universal, bright woman with her time of darkness. Hence, the moon signifies the people of
man-child in chapter 12. Verses 1 and 2 say, God in the Old Testament, the age of the law. The light of
the moon is a reflecting light; it has no light of its own. All
A great sign was seen in heaven: a woman clothed with the the things in the age of the law merely reflect the things
sun, and the moon underneath her feet, and on her head a in the age of grace. The law as “the testimony” (Exo.
crown of twelve stars; and she was with child, and she 25:16; 31:18; Psa. 19:7) was God’s expression, a revela-
cried out, travailing in birth and being in pain to bring tion of God to His old covenant people, and was merely a
forth. type of Christ, who is God’s Word and God’s testimony,
His expression in reality (John 1:1, 18; Rev. 19:13). Thus,
The woman in chapter 12 has been interpreted both as the law, as a reflecting light, has a subservient role in God’s
Mary, the mother of Jesus, and as Israel, and the man- economy, as signified by the fact that the moon is under
child (v. 5) has been thought to be Christ. According to the woman’s feet in 12:1. The woman wears on her head
Scofield, the man-child being caught up signifies the a crown of stars, which signify the patriarchs, God’s peo-
ascension of Christ (1341, margin), but here the man- ple before the law was given. All God’s people in these
child is caught up to heaven as soon as he is born, which three ages—the age of the patriarchs, the age of the law,
was not the case with Christ. Moreover, the sign of the and the age of the church—who together constitute this
woman is seen in heaven (v. 1); neither Mary nor the woman, are light-bearers. Hence, she is the bright woman
nation of Israel have this position. After this woman bears shining throughout all generations, the greatest portion of
the man-child, she flees into the wilderness, but Mary did whom is the church (Lee, Revelation 402).

Volume XI  No. 2  October 2006 83

The Man-child Signifying the Overcomers in the coming millennial kingdom (20:4; Matt. 19:28). For
throughout History this reason, it is incorrect to identify the man-child as sig-
nifying Christ alone. The man-child consists of the over-
Verse 5 says, “She brought forth a son, a man-child, who comers, who are one with Christ in His victory over the
is to shepherd all the nations with an iron rod.” In the enemy and who will share His rule over the earth.
Bible, woman signifies the weaker vessel, and man, the
stronger one (1 Pet. 3:7). According to this principle, the The Man-child Caught Up and the Woman Fleeing
man-child signifies the stronger part of God’s people. On
the one hand, he is fully a part of her, having been hidden Revelation 12:5 says, “She brought forth a son…and her
within her and nourished by her. On the other hand, he is child was caught up to God and to His throne.” Brought
distinguished from her by reason of his strength. This forth signifies resurrection (Acts 13:33-34). The man-child
matches the principle of the overcomers in Revelation 2 is composed of the overcomers who have died and been
and 3. From among all of God’s people in the seven resurrected, as indicated by the words unto death in
churches, the overcomers are those who maintain their Revelation 12:11. These are the “brothers” in verse 10 who
first love for Christ and partake of Him as their life sup- have been opposed and accused by Satan, the dragon,
ply (2:4, 7), are faithful even unto death (vv. 10-11), the enemy of God, but have overcome him by the blood of
and are not drawn away by empty teachings but rather the Lamb, by the word of their testimony, and by not lov-
are nourished by Him in the most private and intimate ing their soul-life even unto death. To be caught up in verse
way (“hidden manna”) to be transformed for His building 5 is to be raptured. After being resurrected prior to the
(“white stone” and “a new name”; vv. 14-15, 17). The over- great tribulation, all the overcomers of the past generations
comers are also those who refuse demonic and heretical will be caught up, raptured, to the throne of God.
teachings, keep the Lord’s works until the end (vv. 20, 24,
26), and have a walk and living that are unspotted by
death (3:1, 4). They serve the Lord by utilizing the power
He gives them, keep His word, and do not deny His name
F ollowing this, verse 6 says, “The woman fled into the
wilderness, where she has a place there prepared by
God so that they might nourish her there a thousand two
(v. 8), and they also pay the price (“buy”) to gain operat- hundred and sixty days.” After the rapture of the man-
ing faith and the divine nature of God (“gold”), conduct child, the woman is left on earth to suffer persecution
that can be approved by the Lord (“white garments”), and (v. 13). Verse 17 says, “The dragon became angry with the
the anointing Spirit for spiritual sight (“eyesalve”; v. 18). woman and went away to make war with the rest of her
Such excelling virtues and diligent exercises distinguish— seed, who keep the commandments of God and have the
not divide—the man-child from the woman as a whole. testimony of Jesus.” The rest of her seed signifies the weak-
From experience and observation, we cannot honestly say er part of the woman, the people of God other than the
that all believers in the church throughout all the forego- man-child. Among them, some are Jews, who keep the
ing centuries have been characterized by the above commandments of God, and some are the believers, who
qualities. On the other hand, neither can we say that no have the testimony of Jesus. Both will pass through the
believers have demonstrated these virtues, for throughout great tribulation and suffer the dragon’s persecution and
the generations there have been stronger ones among attack. That the woman will be preserved and nourished
God’s people. It is apparent that only some among God’s by God for a thousand two hundred and sixty days (the
people, a minority, are worthy of the designation of “over- three and a half years of the great tribulation) is a strong
comer.” These are signified by the man-child, the stronger proof that the rapture of the remainder of God’s people
part of the woman, in Revelation 12. will take place on the last day of the tribulation.

Verse 5 says, “She brought forth a son, a man-child, who Revelation 12 is one of the most outstanding portions of
is to shepherd all the nations with an iron rod.” When the Bible that speak of the rapture. George H. Lang, who
Christ returns in power, He will shepherd the nations with met with the Open Brethren in the middle of the twen-
an iron rod; that is, He will rule with strong power those tieth century, calls this the crux interpretum of Reve-
nations who remain after He smites them with His judg- lation. He adds,
ing word (19:15). However, 2:26-27 uses the same lan-
guage to describe the reward of the millennial kingdom to It is here that the two principal schools of futurist expos-
the overcomers: “He who overcomes and he who keeps itors have both failed; the one insisting that all Christians
My works until the end, to him I will give authority over must be taken from the earth before the time of the
the nations; and he will shepherd them with an iron rod, Beast, and the other by insisting that no saints can escape
as vessels of pottery are broken in pieces, as I also have that period. Neither school has been able to deal accu-
received from My Father.” The overcomers will sit with rately and fully with this chapter. (Revelation 219)
Christ on His throne, as He sits with the Father on the
Father’s throne, to rule with Christ over the whole earth In this chapter a stronger portion—the man-child—will be

84 Affirmation & Critique

caught up to the throne of God prior to the great tribula- dred and forty-four thousand in Revelation 7 are distinct
tion, and that the weaker portion—the woman and the in several ways from those in chapter 14. By all indica-
“rest of her seed,” who keep the commandments of God tions, those in chapter 14 are New Testament believers.
and the testimony of Jesus—will be left on earth to pass
through the three and a half years of the tribulation and be The traditional argument that these are Jews who are
raptured only at the end of that time. saved after the beginning of the great tribulation is with
the view to proving that the church will not be on the
The Scene on the Heavenly Mount Zion earth during this time. Stanton claims,

Revelation 14 is another significant chapter, showing how While it is evident that Israel’s national conversion will not
God in His wisdom, righteousness, and sovereignty will be complete until the revelation of Christ [that is, at the
deal with all the people on earth in the proper way and at end of the tribulation]…, nevertheless a remnant from
the proper time during the great tribulation. (Israel is not among Israel shall be redeemed and become God’s pri-
dealt with in this chapter, because it has already been cov- mary witnessing body during the Tribulation. (259)
ered in chapter 7 with the vision of the sealing of the one
hundred and forty-four thousand chosen Israelites.) Verse
1 of chapter 14 says, “I saw, and behold, the Lamb stand- A lthough it is not unreasonable that individual Jews
will be saved prior to the salvation of the entire house
ing on Mount Zion, and with Him a hundred and forty- of Israel at the coming of the Lord in power, to claim that
four thousand, having His name and the name of His these will become God’s primary witnessing body is
Father written on their foreheads.” The one hundred and simply an assumption of dispensationalism and is very
forty-four thousand in chapter 14 is in contrast to the one weak ground upon which to build a major ecclesiologi-
hundred and forty-four thou- cal doctrine. In any case, the
sand in chapter 7 (Nee, Works argument that 14:1-5 depicts
16:124-125; Govett, Revela- The woman and the “rest of her seed,” saved Jews upon the earth is
tion 266-268). First, the group unnecessary, since the scene is
mentioned in 7:4 is composed
who keep the commandments of God in heaven, not on earth. The
of those selected from “every and the testimony of Jesus will be left on multitude is seen standing on
tribe of the sons of Israel,” but earth to pass through the three and Mount Zion with the Lamb.
the group in chapter 14 is According to the chronology
“purchased from the earth”
a half years of the tribulation and be of events depicted from 14:6
and “purchased from among raptured only at the end of that time. to 16:21, the description in
men” (vv. 3-4). Those in chap- 14:1-5 is that of the situation
ter 7 are marked out with the at the beginning of the great
“seal of the living God” (v. 2), but those in chapter 14 have tribulation. At this point, the Lamb is already standing on
the name of the Lamb and the name of His Father written Mount Zion. Therefore, this cannot be the physical Zion
on their foreheads (v. 1). This corresponds to the promise in Israel, since the Lord does not return to it until chapter
to the overcomers in the church in Philadelphia that 19, at the end of the tribulation. At the time of chapter 14
Christ will write upon them the name of His God (3:12). the earthly Zion is still in the hands of the Gentiles (11:2).
Thus, the one hundred and forty-four thousand in chapter Moreover, the firstfruits in chapter 14 are before the
14 are taken from the church. throne of God, where the four living creatures and the
twenty-four elders are (v. 3). This indicates strongly that

M oreover, the multitude in 7:3 are “slaves” of God, the scene here is on the heavenly Mount Zion (Heb.
but those in chapter 14 are sons of God, as implied 12:22), denoting God’s habitation and the center of His
by the name of “Father,” which in Revelation is revealed universal administration before the descent of the New
only in relation to the church (1:6; 2:27; 3:5, 21). The Jerusalem to the earth in Revelation 21:2. This is also indi-
group in chapter 7 is related to Christ as the Angel (v. 2; cated by purchased from the earth in 14:3. What we see in
Gen. 22:11-12), but the group in Revelation 14 is related chapter 14 is a number of believers from the church age
to Christ as the Lamb (v. 4), the title of Christ in His raptured to the heavens before the great tribulation.
redemption. The Jews will not accept Jesus as the Lamb
prior to seeing Him in glory (Zech. 12:7-12; Matt. 24:30). The Firstfruits and the Harvest
In addition, Revelation 14:4 tells us that the firstfruits are
virgins. To the Lord’s New Testament disciples, virginity is Verse 4 says, “These were purchased from among men as
a gift (Matt. 19:12; 2 Cor. 11:2). On the contrary, to be a firstfruits to God and to the Lamb.” The firstfruits are the
virgin among the Israelites was a curse, whereas to marry first ripe ones in a field. Exodus 23:19 says, “The first of
and bear children was a blessing (Exo. 23:26; Deut. 7:14; the firstfruits of your ground you shall bring into the house
Judg. 11:38; 1 Sam. 2:5; Psa. 113:9). Thus, the one hun- of Jehovah your God,” and Leviticus 23:10 says, “You

Volume XI  No. 2  October 2006 85

shall bring the sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to
the priest.” The first ripe portion of the land was to be
offered in God’s house for His satisfaction. The type of
T he firstfruits of the good land were gathered in the
spring or early summer. A certain time after this,
when the field was completely ripe, the remainder of the
the firstfruits was initially fulfilled in Christ on the day harvest was reaped. The harvest of the earth is God’s peo-
of resurrection (1 Cor. 15:20). In John 20:17 Jesus said, ple on earth, the believers in Christ. First Corinthians 3:9
“Do not touch Me, for I have not yet ascended to the says, “You are God’s cultivated land, God’s building.” The
Father.” The freshness of Christ’s resurrection was first believers, who have been regenerated in Christ with God’s
for the Father’s enjoyment, and His ascension early in the life, are a farm in God’s new creation to grow Christ. At
morning of the day of resurrection, prior to His return to His first coming to the earth, the Lord sowed Himself
the disciples late in the evening (vv. 19-20), was for the into His believers (Matt. 13:3-8, 24). All the believers
Father’s satisfaction. Whereas the man-child in Revelation since that time, who have received Him as the seed of life,
12 meets God’s need by fighting against His enemy have become God’s crop on the earth. The first-ripe of
(vv. 9-11), the firstfruits in chapter 14 meet His need for this crop will be reaped as the firstfruits to God before the
enjoyment and satisfaction. Moreover, the number one great tribulation, just as the firstfruits of the good land
hundred and forty-four thousand is twelve times twelve were reaped and brought into the temple of God before
times one thousand. Since twelve is the number of com- the harvest. However, the majority of God’s crop will
pletion in God’s eternal administration, the firstfruits are ripen only with the help of the sufferings in the tribula-
for the ultimate completion of God’s administration to tion, and they will be reaped, that is, raptured, at the end
fulfill His economy for eternity. These firstfruits are the of the tribulation.
overcoming believers of the New Testament age who are
still living at the time of the Lord’s return and who are rap- The Firstfruits’ Rapture Being Conditioned
tured to the throne of God in the heavens prior to the on Maturity and Readiness
commencement of the great tribulation.
Revelation 14:15 says, “Send forth Your sickle and reap,
The subsequent portion, from 14:6 to 16:21, depicts the for the hour to reap has come because the harvest of the
events of the great tribulation. In 14:6 and 7, the eternal earth is ripe.” Ripe here is “dried” (ejxhravnqh), signifying
gospel is preached to the inhabitants of the earth, in verse that God’s harvest must be “dried” of all the earthly
8 Babylon the Great falls, and in verses 9 through 12 an water in order to ripen. Speaking of the ripening of the
angel issues a warning against the worship of Antichrist. harvest, Govett notes,
Concerning this time, verse 12 says, “Here is the
endurance of the saints, those who keep the command- The dryness of the wheat is its perfection, and marks its
ments of God and the faith of Jesus,” and verse 13 adds, time of removal near. Thus the Christian’s deadness to the
“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. earth is indicative of his removal…But this deadness to
Yes, says the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; earth is as yet far from being characteristic of Jesus’ dis-
for their works follow with them.” The dead here are those ciples: it will require severe persecution to effect
who are martyred under Antichrist, as mentioned in 20:4. it…There is more than one rapture…At the first rapture,
some disciples were unready. They were left behind
Following this, verses 14 through 16 of Revelation 14 say, to pass through the Great Tribulation. They were not
accounted worthy to escape that scene of sin and trouble.
I saw, and behold, there was a white cloud, and on the But they have now withstood the seductions and com-
cloud One like the Son of Man sitting, having a golden pulsion of wickedness, and their trial is over. The heat
crown on His head and a sharp sickle in His hand. And of persecution has been blessed to wean them from the
another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud love of this present evil world. (Revelation 318-319)
voice to Him who sat on the cloud, Send forth Your sick-
le and reap, for the hour to reap has come because the J. Hudson Taylor, the founder of China Inland Mission,
harvest of the earth is ripe. And He who sat on the cloud compares the unprepared believers at the end of the age
thrust His sickle upon the earth, and the earth was reaped. to the “daughters of Jerusalem” in Song of Songs, those
who do not properly care for their need to love the Lord
In 10:1 Christ is hidden, being clothed with a cloud, and to grow in the divine life (1:5; 2:7). He says,
whereas here He is on the cloud. His being on the cloud
corresponds with 1 Thessalonians 4:17, which says, “Then We never find them occupied with the person of the
we who are living, who are left remaining, will be caught up Bridegroom; He is not all in all to them; they mind out-
together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the ward and earthly things…They will not form part of the
air.” At this point the Lord’s coming back is made public in 144,000, “the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb”
the air. Thus, it is near the time of the Lord’s open coming (Revelation 14:1-5). They have forgotten the warning of
that the majority of the harvest is reaped. our Lord in Luke 21:34-36; and hence they are not

86 Affirmation & Critique

“accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall to the clouds on the descent of Christ thereto, after the
come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man”…We Tribulation under the Beast, and prior to the descent of
wish to place on record our solemn conviction that not all the Lord to the earth to destroy him. (Revelation 236-
who are Christians…will thus meet the Lord in the air. 237).
The Organic Aspect of the Rapture
Lang similarly sees that the early rapture of the saints is
conditioned on their living after they are saved. He A crucial matter concerning the firstfruits is the principle
writes, “Translation, both of the living, as of the dead by that among the believers living on earth at the time of the
the first resurrection, is consequent upon a life of faith Lord’s coming back, some will ripen earlier and, being the
which seizes upon the offer of the heavenly calling and first to mature, will become the firstfruits in God’s field.
shapes its course and conduct accordingly” (Firstfruits The principle of ripening indicates that there is an organic
11). Concerning the firstfruits and the harvest he writes, aspect of the rapture of the saints. The full salvation of the
Triune God, which the believers enjoy, is in three stages
The agricultural figure wrought into this chapter by the (Lee, Recovery Version, 1 Pet. 1:5, note 5). The initial
Holy Spirit is the key to its teaching…The First-fruits can- stage, the stage of regeneration, is composed of redemp-
not be a picture of the whole of the redeemed as they will tion, positional sanctification, justification, reconciliation,
finally appear at the end of the drama of those days, for and regeneration (1 Cor. 6:11; Rom. 3:24; 5:10). This is
first-fruits cannot be more than a portion of the whole har- the sowing of Christ as the seed of life into our human
vest…As between the gathering of the sheaf of first-fruits spirit, our innermost being (Matt. 13:3-4; John 3:6; 1 Pet.
and the ingathering of the harvest there came the intens- 1:23; 1 John 3:9). The second stage is the progressing
est summer heat, so between stage, the stage of transforma-
the removal of the First-fruits tion, which is composed of
and the reaping of the Harvest Biblical eschatology defines rapture freedom from sin, disposition-
there is placed (ver. 9-13) the al sanctification, growth in
Great Tribulation, that final
as the glorification of the body, life, transformation, building
persecution which…ripens the the culmination of the believers’ up, and maturing (Rom. 8:2;
matured grain. It is ripeness, transformation and conformation 6:19, 22; 12:2; Eph. 4:13, 16).
not the calendar or the clock, This is the full growth of the
that determines the time of
to the image of Christ in their seed of life in our soul—our
reaping (Mk. 4. 29). The Heav- experience of God’s full salvation. mind, emotion, and will—for
enly Husbandman reaps no our maturity in the divine life
unripe grain. (42-44) for the fulfillment of God’s
eternal purpose (1 Cor. 3:6-7; Col. 1:28). The final stage

A s we have seen, the firstfruits stand upon the heav- of our salvation is the completing stage, the stage of glori-
enly Mount Zion before the throne of God for His fication, which includes the transfiguration of our body,
enjoyment and satisfaction. The majority of the harvest, the redemption of our body, full conformity to the Lord,
however, is taken to meet Christ in the air (1 Thes. 4:17), and glorification (Phil. 3:21; Rom. 8:23, 29-30). This is
not the heavens. This again corresponds to the picture of the harvest of the full-grown seed in the future for the full
the firstfruits and harvest in the Old Testament. The expression of the Triune God (Rev. 14:4, 15).
firstfruits were taken to the house of God in Jerusalem to
be offered there, but the harvest was stored in barns,
which typically were placed between the field and the T he eschatology of the universal rapture of the church
prior to the great tribulation is according to the theol-
house. Concerning the timing of the harvest and the place ogy of judicial, forensic redemption, in which a pretri-
to which it was taken, Lang notes, bulation rapture is considered an entitlement of all the
redeemed ones, and it is also according to the theology of
The Firstfruits and the Harvest are from the same sowing, dispensationalism, which interprets prophecy according to
grown in the same field, and are of the same class of grain. the need to maintain a strict distinction between Israel
There is no distinction between them, save that the for- and the church. However, the proper, biblical theology is
mer, having ripened earlier, did not need the intense that of God’s economy, which begins with objective, judi-
summer heat and so were gathered before it set in…As cial redemption and proceeds through subjective, organic
the End Times approach one company of the redeemed— salvation. In the light of God’s economy for the accom-
the smaller portion, as firstfruits are less than the whole plishment of His eternal purpose, the biblical eschatology
subsequent harvest, and as a man-child is less than the defines rapture as the glorification of the body, the culmi-
remainder of the family—reach the upper heavens prior to nation of the believers’ transformation and conformation
the arising of the Beast, whilst a second company are taken to the image of Christ in their experience of God’s full

Volume XI  No. 2  October 2006 87

salvation. In Matthew 13 the Lord Jesus revealed that He of the hour (ejk th'" w{ra") of the trial. Henry Clarence
came to sow seed into the field. In 1 Corinthians 3 Paul Thiessen comments,
tells the Corinthians that they are growing as God’s farm.
Finally in Revelation 14 there are the firstfruits and the We should note that the promise is not merely to be kept
harvest. This gives us the basic concept with respect to the from the trial, but from the hour of trial, i.e., it holds out
rapture. In figure, the rapture is depicted as the harvest of exemption from the period of trial, not only from the trial
mature, ripened grain. Thus, our growth in life unto matu- during that period…When it would have been so easy to
rity is the prerequisite for partaking in the early rapture, write ejn th' w{ra, if the writer had meant preservation in
since, as Lang says, “The Heavenly Husbandman reaps no that hour, why should he write ejk th'" w{ra", as he did?
unripe grain.” Surely, this is no accident. (202-203)

Kept from the Hour of Trial A Promise to the Church in Philadelphia

Because the dispensational theology and eschatology of The exemption from the hour of trial that is promised to
John Darby, the Brethren, and their doctrinal successors the church in Philadelphia will be accomplished by an early
are the basis for the prevailing, popular view of the rapture rapture of the overcomers prior to the commencement of
among many fundamental, evangelical Christians today, the great tribulation. However, dispensationalism assumes
we have devoted much of this article to demonstrating too much from Revelation 3:10. Walvoord concludes,
that there will be many believers from the church age who “Here the promise given to Philadelphia is addressed to the
remain on the earth during the great tribulation. However, entire church” (Question 257, emphasis added). This is the
we must emphasize that we do not agree with the school case only if the church in Philadelphia represents the entire
of posttribulationism, which teaches that the entire church, that is, all the churches on the earth at the time of
church at the end of the age will pass through the tribula- the Lord’s coming. Although the seven epistles in chapters
tion. Representing this school, Ladd writes, 2 and 3 are the record of the actual situation existing on the
earth at the time these epistles were written, they are also
God’s people have always suffered persecution, tribula- signs (1:1), signifying prophetically the progress of the
tion; why then should we expect God to change the church in seven stages. In addition, they also signify the
divine order which has marked the entire course of seven kinds of churches in church history: the initial
redemptive history? Why should God do something for church, the suffering church, the worldly church, the apos-
the Church at the end of the age when He has never done tate church, the reformed church, the recovered church,
it before?…God will not deliver His people from such and the degraded recovered church. By any means of inter-
tribulation, but He will preserve them in it. (Blessed Hope preting the seven churches, it cannot be said that one
128-129) church stands for the entire church on the earth, including
every believer. At no point in history, for example, can we

I n this view, the suffering of the entire church will be not

only salutary for the believers but will also result,
through the church’s victory, in greater glory to God, as
say that the entire church was worldly, for even when the
church as a whole was characterized by worldliness, there
was still Antipas, the faithful witness (2:13). Likewise, we
persecution has always done. However, this interpretation cannot say that at any time in its history the entire church
neglects the promises to the overcomers of an early rap- was in a recovered state, and all the more we cannot expect
ture prior to the great tribulation. Perhaps the clearest this to be the case just prior to the Lord’s coming.
statement of this promise is Revelation 3:10, which says, Nevertheless, this is the implication of those who insist
“Because you have kept the word of My endurance, I also that the entire church will be raptured before the great
will keep you out of the hour of trial, which is about to tribulation, such as Stanton, who says, “This promise is
come on the whole inhabited earth, to try them who dwell given to the entire Church of Jesus Christ, not merely to
on the earth.” Trial denotes the great tribulation, com- one local assembly existing in the days of the Apostle John”
posed of the supernatural calamities of the sixth seal, the (47). In 3:16 the Lord tells another church, “Because you
seven trumpets of the seventh seal, and the seven bowls of are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I am about to spew
the seventh trumpet. Although keep sometimes denotes you out of My mouth.” Should we say that this verse also
the keeping power of God within a situation (John 17:11- is spoken to the entire church? That verse 10 is promised
12; 1 Thes. 5:23; Jude 1), the preposition out adds special to the entire church is untenable. The promise is given not
force, as in John 17:15, in which the Lord prayed that the to the entire church but only to the church in Philadelphia.
disciples would be kept “out” of the hands of the evil one,
not preserved while in his hands. Moreover, the Lord Having a Little Power, Keeping the Lord’s Word,
promised Philadelphia, the recovered church, that He and Not Denying His Name
would keep her not only out of the trial—“spiritual preser-
vation,” as Douglas J. Moo claims (Reiter 198)—but out The church in Philadelphia had its historical fulfillment in

88 Affirmation & Critique

the recovery of the proper church life in the early part of (3:1, 16, 20). To be sure, the believers and churches in this
the nineteenth century, when the Brethren were raised up condition at the end of this age will not share in the rap-
in England to practice the church outside all denomina- ture before the great tribulation.
tional and divisive systems. In principle, however, the
characteristics of the Philadelphian church are best identi- The overcomers in the church in Philadelphia also do not
fied by the Lord’s description in 3:7 through 13. First, the deny the Lord’s name (v. 8). The Lord’s word is the Lord’s
overcomers in the church in Philadelphia have a little expression, and the Lord’s name is the Lord Himself. To
power (v. 8). This indicates that what pleases the Lord is not deny the Lord’s name is to abandon all names other
not our doing much for Him but our doing our best for than that of the Lord Jesus Christ and to belong to Him
Him with what we have, as Mary did in grasping the absolutely. It is also to exalt Christ Jesus as Lord and call
opportunity to pour upon the Lord the best that she had upon the name of the Lord (Rom. 10:9-10, 12-13), open-
(Mark 14:8). This is according to the principle of the Body ly confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God
of Christ, in which even the smallest members must func- the Father (Phil. 2:11; 1 Cor. 12:3). However, history tells
tion according to the measure of faith apportioned to us that the church has denied the Lord’s unique name by
them (Rom. 12:3-5; 1 Cor. 12:14-22; Eph. 4:7), and it is denominating itself with many other names, such as Luth-
reminiscent of the Lord’s charge to the believers as His eran, Wesleyan, Anglican, Presbyterian, Baptist, and others
slaves, to whom He gives as little as one talent yet still (1:12-13). Many times even the debate over the millenni-
expects that they would trade with His gift and make a um and the rapture is exemplary of this degraded
profit (Matt. 25:15, 23). The Lord’s appraisal and reward condition, in which Christians strictly denominate them-
are not related to the size and quantity of our work but to selves by the names of certain “-isms” according to their
our faithfulness in using His gift to the fullest extent. To various schools of teaching.6 To deviate from the Lord’s
faithfully utilize the Lord’s gift is the characteristic of the word is apostasy, and to denominate the church by taking
church in Philadelphia. However, some believers usurp any name other than the Lord’s is spiritual fornication, the
and neglect the Lord’s grace, are negative and passive con- denial of the church’s nature as a pure virgin espoused to
cerning the gift He gives them, and hide their Lord’s tal- Christ (2 Cor. 11:2). The deviation from the Lord’s word
ent in the earth (vv. 24-25). Since these do not properly to heresies and the exalting of many names other than that
possess their “little power,” how can they be included of Christ are the most striking signs of degraded
with the overcomers in the church in Philadelphia, to Christianity. To deny the Lord’s name in this way will dis-
whom the Lord promises an early rapture? qualify many from sharing in the early rapture with the
church in Philadelphia.

T he overcomers in the church in Philadelphia also keep

the Lord’s word (Rev. 3:8). To keep the Lord’s word
is to not turn away from the word of the apostles’ teach-
Being Infused by God to Love Him
and All the Brothers
ing, the healthy teaching of God’s economy (1 Tim. 1:3-4;
2 Cor. 11:2-3; cf. Rev. 2:14-15) but to be nourished with The characteristic of the overcomers in Philadelphia is also
the words of the faith and of the good teaching, receiving their brotherly love. God is love (1 John 4:8, 16); love is the
the God-breathed Scripture by means of all prayer to be nature of God’s essence. To abide in love is to be infused
men of God with the breath of God (1 Tim. 4:6; Eph. by and constituted with the essence of God Himself in
6:17-18; 2 Tim. 3:14-17). This is to receive not only the order to live a life in which we love others habitually with
word of God’s judicial redemption but also the truth of the love that is God Himself so that He may be expressed
His organic salvation and even the highest peak of the in us, particularly in our love for the brothers. However,
divine revelation, the truth that in Christ, God became the expression of God is often lost in doctrinal debate
man to make man God, that is, the same as He is in life among Christians, and not the least in the debate over the
and in nature but not in the Godhead (Rom. 1:3-4; 1 John millennium and the rapture, in which opponents turn the
3:2; 5:12; 2 Pet. 1:4). However, the believers and church- arguments against one another and deal devastating blows
es in Asia, who were under Paul’s ministry, forsook him; to each other’s teachings. Contrary interpretations of
that is, they turned away from his teaching (Acts 19:9-10; prophecy are called aggressive sophistry, fanatic exegesis,
Rev. 1:4; 2 Tim. 1:15) to teach things other than God’s rubbish, and delusions, and their teachers are contemptu-
economy, which is the dispensing of God in Christ into ously styled as enemies, fools, cowards, heretics, and mys-
His chosen people to produce the church as His Body. tics, who dishonor God, wrest the Scriptures, grasp at
Because the churches turned away from Paul’s ministry, straws, engage in cover-ups, and lack common honesty.7
they declined into a situation full of degradation as indi- This caused Wilbur M. Smith to lament, “If there is any
cated by the Lord’s rebukes in Revelation 2 and 3. In their body of people in this country prone to divide bitterly, it is
degradation the churches received the false teachings of the students of prophecy” (Ladd, Crucial 12). Among the
Balaam, the Nicolaitans, and Jezebel (2:14-15, 20), and overcomers, however, love prevails. They are built togeth-
they fell into deadness, lukewarmness, and Christlessness er in love, and they shepherd one another out from their

Volume XI  No. 2  October 2006 89

love for the Lord and for the brothers (1 Cor. 13:4-8; Eph. bear the characteristics of Philadelphia at the time of the
4:16; John 21:15-17). For this most excellent attribute, the Lord’s return. Not all will be full-grown in Christ, mature
Lord calls them Philadelphia, and He promises them that and ready to be presented to Him as His bride (Col. 1:28;
He will deliver them from the hour of trial. On the con- Rev. 19:7). Not all will be the man-child, the stronger ones
trary, to those who beat their fellow slaves rather than give among the Lord’s people, who meet the Lord’s need by
food to His household at the proper time, the Master will overcoming His enemy and are caught up to God and to
come at a time they do not expect to give them a rebuke, His throne (12:5, 10-11). Likewise, not all will be the
not a reward (Matt. 24:45-51). firstfruits, the first-ripe ones, as a fresh enjoyment to God
and Christ, who are raptured to stand before the throne
Keeping the Word of the Lord’s Endurance on the heavenly Mount Zion (14:1, 4). Not all will use
and Being Pillars in the Temple of God their “little power” to the fullest, keep the Lord’s word,
and not deny His name (3:8). Moreover, not all will live
Those who are kept from the hour of trial are the over- by the essence of God, who is love, to habitually and spon-
comers who keep the word of the Lord’s endurance (Rev. taneously love all the brothers. Not all will keep the word
3:10). The word of the Lord’s endurance is the word of of Christ’s endurance, and not all will be transformed and
the Lord’s suffering. The believers are joint partakers not mingled with God in their entire being to be pillars in His
only of His kingdom but also of His endurance (1:9). To temple (vv. 10, 12). These excellent attributes and over-
keep the word of His endurance, we must bear His rejec- coming characteristics have never been the possession of
tion and persecution. However, not all believers are willing all the believers universally, and it is not reasonable to
to suffer with Christ; for example, even Demas, once a believe that all will be in such a condition at the time of
fellow worker with the apostle Paul, abandoned him, hav- the Lord’s return. It is only to the Philadelphian overcom-
ing loved the present age (Philem. 24; 2 Tim. 4:10). ers that the Lord says, “Because you have…, I also will
keep you out of the hour of trial, which is about to come
Finally, Revelation 3:12 says, on the whole inhabited earth, to try them who dwell on
the earth” (v. 10). The Lord’s great promise is condition-
He who overcomes, him I will make a pillar in the temple al, and as such, it is a great reward.
of My God, and he shall by no means go out anymore, and
I will write upon him the name of My God and the name by John Campbell
of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which des-
cends out of heaven from My God, and My new name. Notes
1For a history of millenarian beliefs, please see “The
T hat the name of God, the name of the New
Jerusalem, and the name of the Lord are written upon
the overcomer indicates that what God is, the nature of
Millennial Age,” Affirmation & Critique, X.1 (Apr. 2005): 47-
63, and X.2 (Oct. 2005): 74-92.
the New Jerusalem, and the person of the Lord have all 2The heretic was Edward Irving, who predicted that the
been wrought into him. Moreover, 21:22 says, “I saw no coming of Christ would take place in 1868 and was later
temple in it, for the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb deposed from the Church of Scotland for his false teachings on
are its temple.” For the overcomers to be pillars in the the nature of Christ. The mystic was Margaret Macdonald, a
temple means that they will be pillars in the Triune God; chronically ill adolescent who prophesied ecstatically concern-
that is, God is built into them, and they are built into ing the Lords’ coming. The name of Macdonald is still invoked,
God, subjectively and organically. This is to be mingled even up to the present time, to discredit differing views on the
with the Triune God in our human spirit and constituted rapture, as Charles Ryrie does, for example, in claiming that the
of Him through a lifelong process of transformation in our young mystic held “elements of partial rapturism, posttribula-
soul. To be sure, those who are pillars in the temple of tionism, perhaps midtribulationism, but never pretribula-
God are the overcomers, who, being mature and intrinsi- tionism” (Rapture 70-72). To wield an unfounded charge of
cally built into God, will be reaped as firstfruits by the heresy and mysticism to discredit a school of thought in scrip-
Lord and taken to the heavenly Mount Zion for His tural debate is as unworthy today as it was in Darby’s day.
enjoyment prior to the great tribulation. 3This, of course, is a sampling of leading features of dispen-
sational doctrine. Charles Ryrie’s Dispensationalism gives a
A Conditional Promise and a Great Reward systematic overview of this subject.
The Lord promised the Philadelphian overcomers that 4In Revelation 5:9, the Alexandrinus text in particular omits
before the great tribulation begins, He will take them the object and reads simply, hjgovrasa" tw'/ qew'/ (redeemed to
away and keep them not only from the trial but even from God). Sinaiticus renders hJma'" (us) in verse 9, but in verse 10 it
the time of trial. This is a great promise and a great agrees with Alexandrinus to render ejpoivhsa" aujtouV" (made
reward. As we have seen, however, not all believers will them) and basileuvsousin (they will reign) in the third person.

90 Affirmation & Critique

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Volume XI  No. 2  October 2006 91

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