A Novel Neural Network Model Based On Cerebral Hemispheric Asymmetry For EEG Emotion Recognition
A Novel Neural Network Model Based On Cerebral Hemispheric Asymmetry For EEG Emotion Recognition
A Novel Neural Network Model Based On Cerebral Hemispheric Asymmetry For EEG Emotion Recognition
Yang Li1,2 , Wenming Zheng1,∗ , Zhen Cui3 , Tong Zhang1,2 and Yuan Zong1
Key Laboratory of Child Development and Learning Science of Ministry of Education,
Southeast University, China
School of Information Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China
School of Computer Science and Engineering,
Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China
wenming zheng@seu.edu.cn
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18)
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18)
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18)
(3) Discriminative prediction. Like most supervised mod- Algorithm 1 Optimization of BiDANN.
els, we add a supervision term into the network so as Input:
to enhance the model’s discriminability. Concretely, we Training data set XS and Testing data set XT ;
use softmax function on the transformed hidden states to Ground-truth label set LS of training data set;
predict the class labels, i.e., Training (source) domain label set DS =[DSl , DSr ]={0}
qi = [hl1S , · · · , hlKS , hr1S T , · · · , hrKS T ]T , (9) and testing (target) domain label set DT = [DTl , DTr ] =
exp(Gqi + b) Initial learning rate α;
P (yi = c|qi , G, b) = P , (10)
k exp(Gqk + b) Output:
yei = arg max P (yi = c|qi , G, b), (11) Parameter: θ̂fl , θ̂fr , θ̂c , θ̂d , θ̂dl , θ̂dr .
1: Input XS and LS to update the parameters of Classifier:
where qi ∈ IR2Kdh ×1 , the variables G ∈ IRdL ×2Kdh and
θc ← θc − α ∂L l l ∂Lc r r
∂θc , θf ← θf − α ∂θ l , θf ← θf − α ∂θ r ;
c ∂Lc
b ∈ IRdL ×1 are respectively the transform matrix and f f
bias, c is the c-th class, yi is the ground-truth label of 2: Input XS , XT , DS and DT to update the parameters of
i-th training data, dL is the number of class. The loss global Discriminator:
function of class label prediction can be expressed as: θd ← θd − α ∂L l l ∂Ld r r ∂Ld
∂θd , θf ← θf + α ∂θ l , θf ← θf + α ∂θ r ;
f f
Lc (XS ; θfl , θfr , θc ) = L(Gc (Ef (XS ; θfl , θfr ); θc ), yi ) 3: Input XlS , XlT , DS
and DTl to update the parameters of
X left hemispheric local Discriminator:
=− log(P (e
yi = c|qi , G, b), (12) ∂Ll ∂Ll
θdl ← θdl − α ∂θld , θfl ← θfl + α ∂θld ;
t d f
4: Input XrS , XrT , DS
and DTr to update the parameters of
where Gc denotes the class label classifier of source do-
right hemispheric local Discriminator:
main. ∂Lr ∂Lr
θdr ← θdr − α ∂θrd , θfr ← θfr + α ∂θrd ;
d f
2.2 Optimization of BiDANN 5: If algorithm has scanned all data 100 times, then α ←
Through minimizing Lc and maximizing Lld , Lrd , Ld , we op- 0.9 × α and goto step1;
timize the objective function of Eq. (1) to achieve a saddle 6: return θ̂fl , θ̂fr , θ̂c , θ̂d , θ̂dl , θ̂dr .
point by:
(θ̂fl , θ̂fr , θ̂c ) = arg min L(XR ; (θfl , θfr , θc ), θ̂d , θ̂dl , θ̂dr ),(13)
θfl ,θfr ,θc
θ̂d = arg max L(XR ; θ̂fl , θ̂fr , θ̂c , θd , θ̂dl , θ̂dr ), (14)
θ̂dl = arg max L(XlR ; θ̂fl , θ̂fr , θ̂c , θ̂d , θdl , θ̂dr ), (15)
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18)
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18)
Method ACC/STD(%)
SVM [Suykens and Vandewalle, 1999] 56.73/16.29
KPCA [Schölkopf et al., 1998] 61.28/14.62
TCA [Pan et al., 2011] 63.64/14.88
T-SVM [Collobert et al., 2006] 72.53/14.00
TPT [Sangineto et al., 2014] 76.31/15.89
DANN [Ganin et al., 2016] 75.08/11.18 (a) The conventional EEG emo- (b) The personalized EEG emo-
tion recognition experiment. tion recognition experiment.
BiDANN-R1 76.97/11.08
BiDANN-R2 82.22/07.61 Figure 5: The confusion matrices in our experiments.
BiDANN 83.28/09.60
Table 2: The mean accuracies (ACC) and standard deviations (STD) 3.3 Confusion Matrix
on SEED database for personalized EEG emotion recognition exper- To see the results of recognizing each emotion, we depict the
iment. confusion matrices corresponding to the experimental results
of our BiDANN. Fig. 5 shows the confusion matrices of con-
ventional and personalized EEG emotion recognition exper-
iments on SEED database respectively. From these two fig-
emotion, we can see that using the right hemispheric data has
ures, we can obtain two observations:
a much better performance than the left ether in DANN or
BiDANN-R1, which shows that the right hemisphere can bet- (1) Our BiDANN method performs well in recognizing all
ter process negative emotion than left hemisphere does. For three types of emotion, especially the positive emotion
positive emotion, the performance of left hemispheric EEG as the accuracies are more than 90% either in conven-
data approximates that of right hemispheric data in the experi- tional or personalized EEG emotion recognition tasks.
mental result of DANN method, and in BiDANN-R1 method, This shows that there indeed exists similarities in the
the performance of left hemispheric EEG data improves 3% same emotion of EEG signal. It is efficient to use the
compared with right hemispheric data, which shows that the EEG emotion signal to decode human emotion.
left hemisphere can better process positive emotion than right
hemisphere. (2) The mean accuracies of three types of emotion in all
subjects are negative 86.15%, neutral 93.61%, positive
Personalized (Subject-Independent) EEG Emotion Recognition 96.89% in conventional EEG emotion recognition task
from Fig. 5(a) and negative 80.51%, neutral 74.51%,
In this experiment, we adopt a leave-one-subject-out cross positive 91.04% in personalized EEG emotion recogni-
validation strategy to evaluate the performance of our model, tion from Fig. 5(b). We can observe that positive emo-
which is same with the protocol of Zheng et al. [Zheng and tion is much easier than negative and neutral emotions
Lu, 2016]. This strategy takes one subject’s EEG as the test- to be recognized. In addition, negative and neutral emo-
ing data while the rest 14 subjects’ EEG as training data. We tions are much more likely to be confused than positive
calculate the mean accuracy of 15 times experiments as the emotion. Maybe the positive emotion stimulus materials
evaluation criterion. cause more resonance in participants.
Here we compare our BiDANN with linear SVM [Suykens
and Vandewalle, 1999], KPCA [Schölkopf et al., 1998], 4 Conclusion
TCA [Pan et al., 2011], T-SVM [Collobert et al., 2006],
TPT [Sangineto et al., 2014] and the baseline methods, i.e., Emotion is a basic and common phenomenon which exists
DANN, BiDANN-R1 and BiDANN-R2. TCA and KPCA are in every human being. The technology of EEG provides a
infeasible to include all the training EEG data due to limits direct means to study emotion by measuring the signal of
of memory and time cost for singular value decomposition. nerve activity in brain. EEG emotion recognition models
Thus in the experiment, we use the randomly selected 5000 should consider the neurophysiology nature of brain and the
samples as the training data for TCA and KPCA. statistics characteristics of EEG signal. In this paper, we uti-
lize cerebral hemispheric asymmetry to deal with EEG emo-
Table 2 shows the performance on SEED database. We can tion recognition problem and propose a novel EEG emotion
see that BiDANN-R2 improves 5.2 percent compared with recognition framework called BiDANN. BiDANN first ex-
BiDANN-R1, which shows the importance of considering the tracts time dynamic features of left and right hemispheric
discrepancy between left and right cerebral hemispheric data EEG data separately and then narrows the distribution gap be-
for EEG emotion recognition. Furthermore, BiDANN with tween training and testing data by using local and global dis-
local discriminators has a better performance than BiDANN- criminators. The experimental results show that our BiDANN
R2 about 1 percent. This reveals that local discriminators are is superior to the baselines even other deep learning methods.
useful to further narrow the distribution difference between In the future work, we will investigate the effect of hemi-
source and target domains on both hemispheres. sphere data on more types of emotion.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18)
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