Hana Aptitude Summary
Hana Aptitude Summary
Hana Aptitude Summary
hana zajmovic
YouScience.com hana zajmovic: Discussion & Recommendation Guide
Statements about you and your aptitudes
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My Highlights
Here's what I learned about myself. Use these statements to build recommendation letters, resumes,
college essays, and as talking points.
WORK APPROACH • When I'm interested in something, I want to learn everything about
it from the best resources and experts.
TIMEFRAME ORIENTATION • I'm adaptable to changing goals and can focus easily on immediate
PATTERN MEMORY • I'm drawn to things with visual patterns and memorize them easily.
VISUAL COMPARISON • My visual radar catches most glaring errors so long as I don't move
SPEED too fast.
VISUAL MEMORY • I can remember numbers and other data when I need to, but it's
not automatic for me.
• Less important numbers might sneak off when I'm not looking so I
keep notes to help me.
ASSOCIATIVE MEMORY • I benefit from repetition when learning scientific terms, foreign
languages, or medical vocabulary. With practice, I can master them.
• I should take advantage of study tools like flash cards and oral
repetition when learning a foreign language or formulas.
IDEA GENERATION • I can work for long periods on a single idea. This allows me to be
extremely effective on a team or project.
SEQUENTIAL REASONING • I work best with established processes, guidelines, and structured
• Process for its own sake doesn’t bog me down: why reinvent the
organizational wheel?
INDUCTIVE REASONING • I prefer to have all the facts and dislike being forced to jump to
VOCABULARY • I might know more words from a specialized field or interest I enjoy
NUMERICAL REASONING • I don't see numerical patterns or trends automatically. I'm more
comfortable letting someone else interpret numerical data.
• When I need to makes sense of piles of data, I'd rather use a given
formula than come up with a new one on my own.
Enterprising: I like persuasive or competitive tasks that require high energy and risk-taking, like Activism,
Business, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Event Planning, Fundraising, Hospitality, Insurance, Management,
Politics, Real Estate, Recruiting, and Sales.
Investigative: I like intellectual and theoretical tasks that involve experimentation, like Computer
Science/Information Technology, Economics, Higher Education, Law, Medicine, Psychology/Psychiatry,
Research, and Theoretical Sciences.