051 Tech and Toys 3

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Stock #37-2651


John Zeleznik
Greg Hyland

FROM THE EDITOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

ULTRA-TECH TOO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
by Kenneth Peters


by Demi Benson ISSUE
In a boundless tomorrow of infinite possibilities, there’s
by David L. Pulver one rule that holds fast: You can always use more stuff. This
month’s installment of Pyramid returns to the mall of imagina-
NEAR-FUTURE COMBAT UNIFORMS . . . . . . 28 tion with new marvels (mechanical or otherwise) designed to
by Dan Howard augment your fantastic futures.
Kenneth Peters, co-author of the GURPS Fourth Edition
RANDOM THOUGHT TABLE: version of GURPS Ultra-Tech, brings you more future-per-
BETTER, FASTER, STRONGER . . . . . . . 36 fect goodies in Ultra-Tech Too. Discover stats for additional
by Steven Marsh, Pyramid Editor weapons, defenses, and other gear, plus suggestions for
updating select rules found in Ultra-Tech. This feature is
ODDS AND ENDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 tastier than a tube of nanopaste!
featuring Murphy’s Rules Expanding on the information and options in Ultra-Tech,
APPENDIX Z: THE PSI-SWORD . . . . . . . . . 39 your favorite dystopian anti-hero can Live Better With
by Jason “PK” Levine Cybernetics. Equip your shady black-market surgeons with these
optional rules for creating custom cybernetic devices, including
ABOUT GURPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 appropriate limitations and dozens of sample augmentations.
When the GURPS Spaceships guidelines for designing
giant robots is too detailed, use your exoskeleton to grab
Modular Mecha. The latest Eidetic Memory offering from
We never stop investigating. We are Ultra-Tech co-author David L. Pulver streamlines the process
to a quick five steps. Stats for three basic models and several
never satisfied that we know enough to customization features are on the showroom floor, waiting to
get by. Every question we answer leads on be walked off.
GURPS Low-Tech contributor Dan Howard brings his
to another question. This has become the expertise in armor systems to the future as he discusses how
greatest survival trick of our species. nanotube technology may revolutionize Near-Future Combat
Uniforms. Marvel at the utility of nanotubes, and make your
– Desmond Morris own suits (with GURPS stats) from an array of options, or pick
one of the predesigned samples.
Cut the opposition down to size with your mind and The
Psi-Sword. Presented by GURPS Psionic Powers author Jason
“PK” Levine, this seemingly innocuous object allows psi users
to focus their abilities for devastating effects. It includes the
Article Colors damage results for all of the powers in the Basic Set and
Each article is color-coded to help you find your Psionic Powers.
favorite sections. Get some ideas of how to tweak existing tech with this
month’s Random Thought Table, then consider some techno-
Pale Blue: In This Issue logical advances you might not have thought of in Odds and
Brown: In Every Issue (letters, humor, editorial, etc.) Ends. And if all else fails, this month’s Murphy’s Rules fully
Dark Blue: GURPS Features supports your efforts to blow up the universe and try again.
Purple: Systemless Features Whether you’re adding corroded chrome to an imperfect
near-tomorrow or outfitting your optimistic explorers in the
latest and greatest, this month’s Pyramid is geared to please!

Editor-in-Chief ❚ STEVE JACKSON Art Director ❚ SAMUEL MITSCHKE Chief Operating Officer ❚ PHILIP REED
e23 Manager ❚ STEVEN MARSH Assistant Art Director ❚ Director of Sales ❚ ROSS JEPSON
Assistant GURPS Line Editor ❚ Production Artist ❚ NIKOLA VRTIS JUSTIN DE WITT


THE TOYS ARE Technological marvels are like passports to adventure,
heroic upgrades, and portable plot points – all rolled up into
BACK IN TOWN . . . one. We hope this issue of Pyramid provides you with many
hours of heroic helpers and scenario starters.
One of my earliest comic-book memories was of the Super-
mobile, which was an airplane with fists that Superman flew
when he was powerless. It was made of Supermanium. (Look
it up online; it’s even goofier than I make it sound.) As a child What an outlandish contraption,
of single-digit age, my mind absolutely devoured that comic . . . Kryptonian!
and the reason behind it is at the core of why technology is so
cool – especially for gamers. – Amazo, in Action Comics #481
The Supermobile took a hero I already knew and enjoyed
(Superman) and gave him new abilities and context to enjoy
him in (flying an airplane with fists). In the same way, technol-
ogy allows the addition of new abilities or adventure possibili-
ties to our heroes, without saddling them with an integral part
Of course, we don’t know what effect the unleashing of
of their being. Admittedly that gets fudged a bit with cybernet- our technological terrors has upon the world unless you tell
ics (pp. 12-21), but the principle’s the same: Letting the heroes us about it! Did our open house of inventive impossibilities
stomp around in ready-made mecha (pp. 23-27) opens up new rev your engines? Or did any of our ideas blow up on
avenues to excitement . . . and when they tire of it, they can the launch pad? Let us know how were doing privately at
replace or upgrade it to discover new possibilities, without fun- pyramid@sjgames.com, or join the outspoken super-scien-
damentally altering the heroes inside the tin cans. tific community at forums.sjgames.com.

Pyramid, GURPS, Warehouse 23, and the all-seeing pyramid are registered trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. e23 and the names of all products
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The Sandman lived near the garage district, in a decaying GURPS Ultra-Tech is a catalog of science-fiction technol-
crawler with peeling white anti-radiation paint. He was 100 years ogy. It covers a bewildering array of exotic technologies, from
old (didn’t look a day older than 200), stank of Tarrelian Rotgut, hyperspectral sensors to neural interfaces, and includes many
and his scraggly beard had more fleas than a tabby lovebot. But he devices that blur the line between realistic and fantastic. But it
had contacts from Old Terra to New Samarkand, and could peel couldn’t cover every possibility or every path that technology
open a compcore security lockout faster than anyone I knew. I could take in only 240 pages!
once asked the Sandman where he got his name – it seemed odd This article fills in some gaps and expands the wondrous
for a netrat. Turns out computers were once made from silicon ultra-technology available in GURPS Ultra-Tech. You also
chips instead of collapsed matter. should check out GURPS Psi-Tech, GURPS Bio-Tech,
Fancy that. Pyramid #3/12: Tech and Toys, and Pyramid #3/37: Tech and
– Tisephone Logos, >warangel>heavenweb>solnet Toys II for more gadgets and goodies.

The implementation of thermobarics may offer the first major shift in explosives
application since the introduction of the shaped charge. If the underlying principles
can be understood and consistently controlled, a significant new weapons system
or series of weapons systems may become available to the warfighter.
– National Research Council, Advanced Energetic Materials

Antibiotics. Fission power. Transistors. All technologies build titanic artifices to live and travel among the stars, and
that reshaped society. And the future will bring new technolo- power the ubiquitous electronics that permeate the very air
gies, new changes to the lives of billions. and bodies of the citizens. See Civilization and Power in Ultra-
Tech (p. 21) for examples of power sources that can be tapped
at each TL.
Kardashev’s calculation of the energy needed to transmit vast Nuclear-Enhanced Mana Area
quantities of information from more highly developed civiliza-
tions to ones less developed led him to postulate the existence of (NEMA) Reactors (TL7^)
three types of technological civilizations. The amount of energy it These technomagical fission reactors form the cornerstone
controlled determined the type of each civilization. of the thaumatologically enhanced civilization of GURPS
– George Basalla, Civilized Life in the Universe Technomancer. They exploit the close relationship between
radiation and necromantic magic to produce both electricity
Ultra-tech societies are energy-constrained systems. Craft- and exotic oz particles that can be readily channeled by those
ing everyday miracles requires an astounding amount of with Magery. NEMA reactors create a high mana zone that
energy if the society wants to dig ever-deeper into the crusts of mages can use, in addition to providing an almost unlimited
planets and asteroids, refine and assemble advanced materials, source of energy.


The mana-enhanced power is carried away from the
reactor using power cables sheathed with stabilized ecto-
plasm, allowing it to be tapped thousands of miles away
at technomagical enchanting centers. Models at TL8^+
NEMA Mana Fields
Nuclear reactions slightly weaken reality in GURPS Tech-
incorporate “passive safety” design elements (i.e., blessed nomancer, enhancing magic around them by creating high
sodium cooling, low-enrichment necronium, rune- fluxes of exotic oz particles, which can then be manipulated
inscribed fuel rods). These features almost eliminate the by wizards as mana. Fission and fusion reactors create a
possibility of critical core meltdowns and hostile entity small zone of very high mana immediately around the core,
materializations. Nonetheless, the reactors still require dropping off to a band of high mana for a few yards outside
physical shielding and Resist Radiation (GURPS Magic, of the reactor housing.
p. 182) enchantments, and their fuel is just as dangerous This mana field can be hidden with Conceal Magic
as a mundane fission reactor. (Magic, p. 122). Suspend Mana (Magic, p. 125) simply sup-
Large NEMA reactors are vast complexes that also presses the high mana zone; it does not impact the operation
contain fuel-processing facilities, mana-active waste- of the reactor or prevent magic energy from being trans-
storage pools, and research annexes secured by armed ported through the no-mana zone using ecto-shielded cables.
guards, combat mages, and multiply redundant
Pentagram (Magic, p. 124) wards. More compact models
can be used in spacecraft (see GURPS Spaceships 7:
Divergent and Paranormal Tech, p. 13, and the Practical No machine is exploited, either; the idea here being that any
Astromancy article in Pyramid #3/30: Spaceships). Portable job can be automated in such a way as to ensure that it can be
models have obvious military and exploration applications. done by a machine well below the level of potential conscious-
ness; what to us would be a stunningly sophisticated computer
Expedition NEMA Reactor (TL9^): A heavily warded semi- running a factory (for example) would be looked on by the
portable NEMA fission reactor that can power an entire expe- Culture’s AIs as a glorified calculator, and no more exploited than
dition base is $150,000, 2,000 lbs. LC1. It also creates a an insect is exploited when it pollinates a fruit tree a human later
one-yard-radius zone of high mana around the reactor. It uses eats a fruit from.
highly enriched uranium and necronium fuel rods that can – Iain M. Banks, State of the Art
power the reactor for up to 50 years; refueling and mainte- In retrotech settings (Ultra-Tech, p. 10) based on TL6 pro-
nance is $75,000. A mage in contact with the reactor or the jections of the future, computers are often monstrous assem-
ecto-shielded power cables can draw up to 3 energy per second blages of sparking wires and glowing vacuum tubes that
to power his magic using the oz current. Drawing all of the require the careful ministration of techno-savants to manually
electrical power with the use of Draw Power (Magic, p. 180) feed them programs in the form of punch cards. At TL7, the
doubles this amount. image is that of starships filled with banks of refrigerator-sized
mainframes, flashing diagnostic lights and spinning magnetic
Quantum Nucleonic Reactor (TL9^) tape readers. Now, in our enlightened age of TL8 fiction, we
Still a promising candidate for a real-world emergent super- imagine future computers to be much like they exist now, just
science (Ultra-Tech, p. 10), quantum nucleonic reactors pro- smaller and with bigger storage capacities.
duces power using the precisely controlled release of energy The truth is, computer technology is advancing so rapidly,
from a nuclear isomer (e.g., hafnium-178 activated by a beam of and serves so many masters, that any speculation is invariably
X-rays). Quantum nucleonic reactors produce radiation, but going to look quaint in the near future. However, based on
they require less shielding than conventional fission reactors. physical limits for computational tasks, it’s possible to set
Additionally, the fuel poses much less of a proliferation or radi- some benchmark values – an applied example is the rescaled
ological contaminant threat. Complexity ratings given in Thinking Machines from Pyramid
A lighter, safer replacement of the fission generator (Ultra- #3/37: Tech and Toys II.
Tech, p. 20) that uses quantum nucleonic technology is
$200,000, 100 lbs. LC3. Its internal fuel supply operates it for Hardware
up to 15 years; refueling and maintenance is $20,000. Ultra-Tech never ties specific technologies to higher-TL
improvements over modern silicon-based transistor processors.
Zero Point Energy Reactor (TL11^) However, for added verisimilitude, here are some possibilities in
A zero point energy reactor (ZPER or “zipper”) applies a conservative or hard-science-fiction setting (Ultra-Tech, p. 9):
exotic physics to tap the tiny fluctuations of electromagnetic TL9: Molecular circuits using quantum-interference switch-
fields in the churning “quantum vacuum” of otherwise empty ing, with holographic memory and data storage systems.
space between atoms. It can charge a typical TL11 E cell in two TL10: Stabilized degenerate-matter processors with macro-
minutes. $5,000, 10 lbs. LC3. molecular lattices that store information in the form of local-
ized conformation changes or charge separations.
COMPUTERS TL11: Femto-scale “computronium” processors with data
stored in layers of high density matter.
Briefly, nothing and nobody in the Culture is exploited. It is TL12: Micro-singularity information processing units, with
essentially an automated civilization in its manufacturing bulk data stored in high-temperature plasmas (may be mis-
processes, with human labor restricted to something indistin- taken for bombs by less sophisticated cultures).
guishable from play, or hobby.


Storage devices and will invent new hobbies, tools, or avenues of
research to do so.
Terabytes (1,000 GB) are the standard measure of com-
puter storage for all TL9 ultra-tech computer systems (Ultra-
Tech, p. 21), with base storage capacity expanding by three
Design Switch: Technical Vagueness
Because GURPS Complexity is only loosely tied to the
orders of magnitude every additional TL. Canny readers may
number of instructions or floating point math operations
have noticed that this is mostly a cosmetic detail, as only a few
that can be computed per second – and storage capacity is
entries list storage requirements for their recorded informa-
already set dressing – you may wish to ignore storage
tion or databases (e.g., VR environmental databases in Ultra-
requirements entirely. With this design switch, Complexity
Tech, pp. 54-55, and the 100-TB requirement for an archived
conflates computational speed and data storage capacity.
mind emulation noted in Ultra-Tech, p. 220).
Complexity may be rated in teraquads, megapulses, brain val-
This is intended, as the reality is that programs and data-
ues, or other vague, but cool-sounding terms. This is a conven-
bases bloat in size as data-storage densities increase; con-
ient method of avoiding arguments between players familiar
sumers and researchers abhor capacity vacuums and will push
with real-world computer technology, who often object to role-
the limits of their data networks and analysis tools to fill them!
playing abstractions.
In other words, experience has shown that people seek out
novel ways to fill the empty storage capacity in their digital
Electromagnetic Hardening
By default, Ultra-Tech computers have no particular
resistance to electromagnetic pulse (EMP) effects produced
Styling by nuclear explosions and radiofrequency weapons (see EMP
in GURPS High-Tech, p. 196, and EMP warheads in Ultra-
Replace the Styling rules (Ultra-Tech, p. 15) with the fol-
lowing, to bring it in line with the changes made in the Tech, p. 157). In some settings, the default assumption is that
more recently published GURPS Low-Tech. the use of vacuum tubes, optronics, or nanomechanical sys-
tems confers a degree of robustness against electromagnetic
Styling: Styling alters the device’s appearance to appeal interference.
to the potential customer’s aesthetic sensibilities. Styling
grants a bonus to reaction rolls from collectors and poten- Design Switch: Rugged Electronics
tial buyers, and to Merchant skill rolls made as Influence With this design switch, all ultra-tech computers have +3
rolls (p. B359) on such people: +1 to rolls for ¥2 cost, +2 for to HT to resist the affliction effect linked to electromagnetic
¥5 cost, or +3 for ¥10 cost. pulses or surge attacks, for no increase in cost and weight.
Purchasing the Hardened option increases the bonus to +5.

The equipment in Ultra-Tech is personal. The gadgets are losing most of my sex drive, or even risking the occasional “seri-
powerful, but they expand the possibilities of character inter- ous” side effect . . . so long as I felt safe.
action rather than with replacing it
with bolts of scientific lightning.
However impressive the hard-
ware, it remains a tool; built to Combofoods
serve the mind and hand (or tenta- Advanced technology allows for unusual combinations of tastes that could never be
cle) that wields it. found in nature. These are genetically engineered (TL9) or vat-grown (TL10) foods
designed with exotic aromas, flavors, and textures. For example, “alibanas” – tailored
bananas with scaly skins that taste like a combination of alligator meat and banana –
may be the latest taste sensation that is sweeping the nation!
When early versions of Parepin
first went into our water supply, Fauxfoods
the brief outcry was squashed pri- These are foods with no special properties, but are marketed so that many buyers
marily by evoking the horrors of believe they do. These are candidates for minor addictions or quirk-level delusions
bioterrorism and presenting and obsessions. Examples include:
Parepin as a key defense.
“Would you rather suffer a few Black Bear Beer: “Taste the bear bile advantage!”
mild side effects, or put yourself Maas Dreambars: “We imagine for you.”
and all your loved ones at risk of Mars Chocolate: “From authentic Martian spidergoats!”
dying a gruesome death?” Orbital Farms Dairy Products: “Low-G means low fat and big taste!”
I know what my answer was for Technogen Sweetmeats: “Serving up automatic emotion.”
a long time. I didn’t care a bit about
being constipated, or twitchy, or


Then I met an old friend of mine. He seemed different from paste, and hundreds of variations can be selected right from
everyone else. Sharper. Healthier, even. He told me he’d been off the packaging. A one-day supply is $20, 0.5 lbs.
Parepin for four years solid. I didn’t believe him at first, but he
was very convincing. He said he’d been off Parepin during the
northeastern bio-attack in ’19 and didn’t suffer a thing. ENVIRONMENT
– I Am Trying to Believe, Year Zero
Traditional methods of growing, storing, and processing Grab this high-tech diving gear for exploring the Earth’s
foods do not vanish with the arrival of ultra-tech nutritional last frontier or oceans on other worlds!
pastes, fauxflesh, and custom-engineered plants and animals.
In fact, archaic methods and foods may be preferred over their Liquid Breathing Rig (TL9)
technically superior replacements: Some people might have
A liquid breathing rig consists of an assisted breathing sys-
serious concerns about the long-term effects of “frankenfoods”
tem (with mask) and a tank of sterile oxygenated liquid. A recy-
with their nutrient and drug additives. In other cases, it could
cling system treats used liquid and recharges it with oxygen
simply be fashionable to shun them and grow your own wheat
from a separate air tank (Ultra-Tech, p. 176). (Artificial gills
from 2,000-year-old lineages as a hobby.
cannot be used at extreme depths because there is not enough
It is also realistic for “old style” home-grown food to be
usable oxygen to extract.)
another mark of high Wealth – it proves you have a lot of time,
The system provides Pressure Support 2 and eliminates the
resources, and space available, if nothing else! Furthermore,
usual problems associated with breathing high pressure gases,
while vat-grown or chemically synthesized food paste may be
allowing arbitrarily fast descents and ascents without decom-
nutritionally complete and resource-efficient, it could be con-
pression. However, breathing the liquid is tiring – even light
sidered the kind of thing that only the indignant and desper-
exertion costs 1 FP per hour – and speaking is impossible.
ately poor regularly eat. Likewise, companies don’t specify
Usually worn with a drysuit. $20,000, 20 lbs.
what “helpful” nanodrugs they dose processed food
with, so if you can afford better food . . .
The selection and brand of foods people eat is as
much a component of maintaining their Status as 150 Fathoms Deep
the choice of living accommodations and clothing!
Standard TL9+ diving equipment uses air tanks (Ultra-Tech,
p. 176) or artificial gill systems that can extract dissolved oxygen
Food Additives (TL9) from the surrounding water (Ultra-Tech, p. 177). Both of these sys-
These are quirk-level Ultra-Tech Drugs (p. B425) tems use integrated closed-circuit rebreathers that can function to
that strengthen short-term memory, trigger espe- depths of about 100 yards, using small tanks of mixed-gas diluents
cially weird dreams, induce sexual arousal, cause to mediate oxygen partial pressure and allow the rebreather lungs
mild hallucinations, or have other desirable effects. to inflate against hydrostatic pressure. They do not prevent the
They are used to improve normal meals and bever- bends (p. B435); quick returns to the surface risk death or disable-
ages, and as nutritional supplements. Particularly ment. Manned exploration of greater depths requires pressurized
useful compounds, such as cognitive enhancers, may vehicles or the use of the liquid breathing rig.
be added to the drinking water and baby food, which For additional information on underwater experiences, see
could justify widespread IQ boosts and other neuro- GURPS Transhuman Space: Under Pressure and the GURPS
logical enhancements. In more dystopian futures, Fathom Five article in Pyramid #3/26: Underwater Adventures.
they have a “social engineering” payload, such as
causing Horrible Hangovers or reducing Will. It’s a Feature
For consistency with High-Tech, air tanks and gill systems give
Nanopaste (TL11) Doesn’t Breathe (while the air tanks hold out) and No Sense of
This form of programmable matter coats what Smell/Taste. Ultra-Tech air masks (p. 176) do not suffer from No
are effectively nutritional supplements. New fla- Peripheral Vision.
vors and textures can be programmed into the

I am Light Plasma Projector, model LPP 91, series two, con- store via command buttons. Unauthorized use is both prohib-
structed in A/4882.4 at Manufactory Six in the Spanshacht- ited and punishable. Skill requirement 12-75%C.
Trouferre Orbital, Ørvölous Cluster. Serial number 3685706. – Iain M. Banks, State of the Art
Brain value point one. AM battery powered, rating: indefinite.
The power and scale of ultra-tech weaponry cannot
Maximum power on single bolt: 3.1 ¥ 810 joules, recycle time
be overstated. Even the most libertarian societies will
14 seconds. Maximum rate of fire: 260 RPS. Use limited to
restrain killing technologies out of a desire to preserve
Culture genofixed individuals only through epidermal gene
the continuity of civilization in the event of a conflict.
analysis. To use with gloves or light armor, access “modes”


Indeed, this is reflected in Ultra-Tech to some extent by the
generally lower Legality Class and higher costs assigned to EXPLOSIVES
weapons compared to their High-Tech equivalents. All ultra-tech explosives listed here have the following
Ubiquitous surveillance, even if fiscally or technically feasi- properties.
ble, could not preempt all armed criminal activity. (There are
Detonators: These create small precursor explosions power-
significant signal-to-noise issues that make deploying hun-
ful enough to detonate the main charge. They include a micro
dreds of thousands of square yards of surveillance swarmbots,
radio communicator (Ultra-Tech, p. 43) for remote triggering.
for example, rather impractical.) The next best thing is to at
This can be disabled and replaced with a timer (built-in) or
least inconvenience a would-be malefactor through taxes,
optical cable (Ultra-Tech, p. 43). $20, neg. weight, LC3.
restricted production, international bans on “excessive”
Insensitive: Small explosive charges are needed to detonate
devices, and so on.
the explosive. Standard impact, friction, heat, and sparks have
no effect (e.g., lighting it on fire, shooting it, or hitting it with
an electrolaser).
Legality: Standard explosives are LC2.
They lowered the Malleable: The explosives can be mixed with a plasticizer to
give them a variable consistency (usually between that of clay
handguns reluctantly. and toothpaste).
Taggants: Embedded taggants (Ultra-Tech, p. 89) are stan-
Racal IR laser carbines, dard on all legal explosives. Packaged explosives may also
include a homing beacon (Ultra-Tech, p. 105) and other fail-
Greg noted absently, safe devices.
restricted to military Toxic: These explosives should not be consumed, even on
a dare. Eating a small amount of ultra-tech explosive causes
sales only. 2d toxic damage and both retching and seizures (see
Afflictions, pp. B428-429) after a 15-minute delay, with no HT
– Peter F. Hamilton, roll to resist. Burning explosives will not detonate (see
above), but will produce hazardous fumes. As an area-effect
The Nano Flower respiratory agent, it has a 10-second delay and HT-2 roll to
resist, and causes retching.
See High-Tech, pp. 181-183 for additional optional rules, in
addition to the basic guidelines for Explosions (pp. B414-415).

FIREARMS Standard Explosives

Pyramid #3/37: Tech and Toys II contains two articles of
Ultra-Tech explosives rely on more energetic molecular
particular interest to those with a penchant for ultra-tech
structures (e.g., octanitrocubane), the use of super-fine
ultraviolence: David Pulver’s Blaster and Laser Design pro-
nanopowders in filler, metastable materials, and the develop-
vides a design system for beam weapons, and Mark Gellis’
ment of improved techniques for safely encapsulating their
More Ultra-Tech Guns and Heavy Weapons adds over two
lethal cargo. The default explosive fillers for warheads and
dozen new weapons.
ammunition are listed in the Standard Explosives Table
(below), along with their Relative Explosive Force (REF;
WARHEADS p. B415) and nominal cost per pound.
Ultra-technology offers the possibility of projectile bodies Design Switch: Plasma Explosive Replacements
composed of exotic nanolaminates. Their composition is for- Using explosive power cells may snap the disbelief sus-
mulated to add energy to the explosive. Projectiles might also penders of some readers. With this switch, they are replaced by
be constructed of solid explosives milled to shape and coated one of the following options.
with a thin protective shell.
Strained Bond (TL11): These materials store energy by
deforming the crystalline lattice structure of carefully organ-
Reactive Fragments (TL9) ized layers of compressed thin films. Tearing the film releases
Reactive warhead fragments are compounds embedded in the stored energy.
a plastic matrix that undergo an exothermal reaction on Caged Charge (TL12): This stores electrical charges within
impact. When an explosion propels a reactive fragment into a its specially arranged atomic structure. When the structure
solid target (DR 1+), the composite shock-ignites and reacts collapses this energy is released as heat and light.
violently with oxygen in the air after a short delay. This reac-
tion produces an additional explosion inside the target. TL Type REF Cost/lb. Description
Any warhead that inflicts fragmentation damage (p. B414) 11 Strained Bond 10 $100 Explosive energy
can use reactive fragments. The fragments do normal cutting stored in
damage, but with a ¥3 wounding modifier (it’s an internal deformed lattice
explosion, p. B415). Multiply final warhead cost by ¥1.2. LC is 12 Caged Charge 20 $100 Trapped electron
unaffected. Only works in atmosphere. charges


Standard Explosives Table
TL Type REF Cost/lb. Description Notes
8 Demex (RDX) 1.4 $40 Extrudable filler
9 Plastex B 4 $20 Polynitrocubane compound
10 High-Energy Explosive 6 $40 Metastable solid
11 Plasma Explosive 10 $100 Explosive power cells [1]
12 Plasma Explosive 20 $100 Explosive power cells [1]

[1] Plasma explosive damage also has the surge damage modifier (p. B105).

Advanced Explosives Table

TL Type REF Cost/lb. Description Notes
8 CL-20 2.3 $40 Hexanitro hexaazaisowurtzitane
9 VOMEX 15 $20 Advanced thermobaric compound [1]
10 Isomers 100 $500 Triggered nuclear isomers [2]
11 Super Isomer 500 $700 Advanced nuclear isomers [2]

[1] Produces an explosive cloud that is then detonated. Blast radius is increased (see Explosion, p. B104); damage is divided by
2 ¥ distance in yards from the blast instead of the usual 4 ¥ distance. Only works in atmosphere.
[2] Isomer explosive damage also has the radiation damage modifier (p. B105).

Advanced Explosives
Ultra-Tech makes rather conservative assumptions Explosive Swarms
about the power of TL9+ explosives, both for demolition
A one-square-yard collection of swarmbots (Ultra-Tech,
use and explosive filler, in order to keep warhead damage
pp. 35-37) using a modified Pollinator design can carry up
somewhat reasonable and provide a niche for nuclear and
to a pound of explosives and a distributed detonation sys-
antimatter weapons. However, realistic energetic materials
tem. Divide the explosion damage by (2 ¥ distance in yards
could be many times more powerful than the default com-
from center of blast).
The explosives listed in the Advanced Explosives Table
(above) are difficult to synthesize and have limited applica-
tions due to safety or proliferation concerns. The costs reflect an edge in down-and-dirty brawls and scrums. Commandos and
late-TL improvements. Multiply cost by at least ¥10 for early spies will still carry knives and the like for discrete violence, of
experimental use. course.

Nanoscale Thermite (TL9) Low-Tech Hypertech

Nano-energetic mixtures, broadly known as metastable inter- To clarify design intent, and bring the Ultra-Tech physical
molecular compounds (MIC), replace conventional thermite weapons (Ultra-Tech, pp. 163-164) into full compatibility with
(High-Tech, p. 188) at TL9. However, it is more volatile than the later High-Tech and Low-Tech books, the following
conventional thermite and can be very hazardous to handle: 3 changes are suggested.
points of burning or electrical damage will ignite it prematurely.
Superfine Blade: This is a weapon-quality grade (see Melee
It cannot be extinguished by any conventional means.
Weapon Quality, p. B274). Superfine blades are -3 to break
The burning reaction occurs very rapidly once initiated.
when parrying (see Parrying Heavy Weapons, p. B376).
Burning nanoscale thermite does 2d¥10 corrosion damage per
Superfine weapons cost six times list price (this replaces other
second to whatever it is touching, along with linked 3d burn-
multipliers for superfine listed in Ultra-Tech).
ing damage with the explosion modifier; burning splashes,
Monowire Blade: This is a blade-composition option (see
sparks, and radiated heat are a significant hazard! It will burn
Blade Composition, p. B275). The cutting edge is completely
for five seconds/pound. $200 per pound. LC2.
replaced by the cutting wire; the bulk of the blade becomes a
reinforced backing. All blade-quality options are available, but
MELEE WEAPONS they only affect breakage chance, not weapon damage or
armor divisor. Ignore the reference to p. B406 (that applies to
Future technology doesn’t just lead to deadlier and more effi- monowire whips).
cient ways of killing your enemies at a distance . . . it also gives Monowire Whip: For other rules, see p. B406.


Vibroblade: This is a blade-composition option. Armor divi- Nanomaterials: This blade-composition option is available at
sor is (3), or (5) if combined with superfine. TL9. A nanomaterial weapon uses advanced composites and
Hyperdense Blade: This is a blade-composition option. It is metal laminates to create blades that are lighter, stronger, and
already superfine quality. Change TL to TL11^. hold an edge better than steel. Halve weight, and double cost.
Nanothorn Blades: This is a blade-composition option. It is Use the original weight of the weapon when checking for break-
already superfine quality. age. Most nanomaterial weapons are also very fine or superfine.
Poorly Balanced: -1 to skill. Multiply cost by 0.5. Mutually
Only one weapon-quality grade and one blade-composition
exclusive with balanced.
option can be applied to a weapon. Note that all TL8+ melee
Vibrowire Blade: This is a blade-composition option, avail-
weapons are fine quality by default (p. B274).
able at TL10^. It combines vibroblade technology with small
monomolecular cutting teeth, with effects similar to a chain-
Additional Melee Weapon Options saw – it is not an elegant weapon! Vibrowire blades add +2d to
The following options can also be applied to Ultra-Tech cutting damage, with a (5) armor divisor, or (10) if superfine.
melee weapons. Many melee weapons are also styled (p. 6), If it fails to penetrate the DR of the target, immediately check
especially if they are ceremonial (such as the swords carried by for weapon breakage. A broken blade whips around and strikes
modern U.S. Marines) or coveted tools. the wielder for 2d(5) cutting damage. Vibrowire blades cost 30
times as much as regular melee weapons.
Balanced: +1 to skill. Multiply cost by 5.

Ultra-Tech Swashbuckling
Those with a taste for swordplay may wish to stack the Campaigns set in environments where a stray shot
deck in favor of melee weapons by carefully selecting situ- could prove catastrophic – such as aboard a starship, space
ations and technologies to encourage their use over station, or domed city – will almost certainly outlaw the
firearms in their campaigns. classes of ranged weapons preferred by adventurers. How-
ever, they may still permit melee weapons for self-defense.
Law and Custom Of course, less-than-lethal weapons (such as stunners)
I, Mark Phellius of the Independent Republic of New might be able do a similar job, but where’s the fun in that?
Samarkand, given the insult to my word and honor, demand
satisfaction from Phi’kl’ataraph of the N’kan Empire by Special Protection
blood and blade. Woe! Only a slow moving mass can penetrate the Over-
lord’s Shadowfield! If only there was some way to still
Legal codes or social customs, enforced by sophisti-
injure him through the direct application of kinetic energy.
cated detection systems, make it a felony or very bad man-
But what weapon could perform such a miraculous task
ners to carry a firearm, but self-defense laws still allow
when our hyperdarts, quasar beams, and nucleonic explo-
bladed “tools.” Strongly hierarchical societies may permit
sives have failed?
different lengths and type of weapon depending on Social
Status. This allows plenty of opportunity for knife or Superscience armor materials may protect against rav-
swordplay, especially if honor duels and other flashy dis- enous energy beams, hypervelocity projectiles, and crush-
plays of martial skill are tolerated. ing explosions . . . but be entirely bypassed by an expertly
aimed blow at an almost invisible gap. Alternatively, if
Environment force field defenses (Ultra-Tech, pp. 190-193) exist, a com-
Warning! Assault cannons are prohibited aboard the New mon science-fiction trope is that they may only be built
Hawai’i station. Defense Force personnel have been dispatched with the energy or velocity option. If so, relatively slow-
to your position to ensure that you place your weapons in our moving melee or thrown weapons may ignore them, lead-
armory until you depart. Thank you, and have a nice day! ing to a return of close-range combat.

Bryan’s hands kept feeling up and down the coat, hands “Nanocomposite? Spider-silk? What are you, a mad doctor
searching for any sign of the bullet impact, but the fabric felt nor- or something?”
mal. “What the hell is this made out of?” “He’s not mad,” Alder said. “But he is a doctor. Thrice over. My
“The core is a layer of shear-thickening fluid,” Adam said. “It’s grandson holds doctorate degrees in physics, metallurgy and
sandwiched on either side by nanocomposite and fronted by spi- medieval history.”
der-silk protein fiber-matrix.” – Scott Sigler, Nocturnal


Military interests usually drive research into defen-
sive technologies for fixed installations, vehicles, and
combat personnel. Nonetheless, considerable economic
incentives exist to develop armor for civilians in unstable
political or cultural milieus. Buzzwords
Coming up with plausible-sounding technical jargon can be
BODY ARMOR a daunting task, especially in cinematic settings where strict
scientific accuracy and consistency are not important. In these
Advanced weapons are extraordinarily deadly, and cases, the GM can use the following chart to quickly come up
even the heaviest body armor listed in Ultra-Tech is with sources for vexing plot-related malfunctions and name
rarely proof against a well-directed shot. The best exotic new components.
defense is to not be in the line of fire in the first place Roll 2d three times, once for each column. Put the results
through stealth and mobility, or strike down foes before together and you have a new term! The results may not make
they ever get in range. That said, it would be an error to a lot of sense, but that’s never stopped science-fiction authors
assume that TL9+ soldiers will not wear armor just and television scriptwriters in the past . . .
because it isn’t perfect protection – most can still guard
against fragmentation, lower TL weapons, and environ- Result Roll 1 Roll 2 Roll 3
mental hazards. 2 Quantum Flux Catalyst
3 Muon Polarity Converter
4 Plasma Induction Generator
Armor Features 5 Nano Containment Grid
Ultra-Tech armor without microclimate systems 6 Energy Displacement Field
(Ultra-Tech, p.171) incorporate undergarments with 7 Resonance Imaging Device
moisture-wicking (High-Tech, p. 64) properties. Any 8 Hyperspectral Routing Chamber
armor that covers the torso includes attachment points 9 Digital Space-Time Accelerator
that make it the equivalent of a basic-quality load-bear- 10 Antimatter Subspace Coil
ing vest (High-Tech, p. 54). Rigid armor vests provide 11 Thermal Radiation Crystal
attachment points for backpacks (High-Tech, p. 54) and 12 Multiphasic Conversion Initiator
climbing equipment (High-Tech, p. 55). Arm and leg
armor have pockets for the insertion of knee or elbow
pads (High-Tech, p. 71).
Multiple Optics (TL9)
DEFENSE SYSTEMS Helmets built without a faceplate (Ultra-Tech, p. 187) can
use distributed optical sensors. This provides the advantages
The well-prepared combatant now has a few more options. of No Eyes due to multiple redundancies. The extra cameras
cost $500.
Cerablate Resin (TL9)
This polymer nanocomposite is spackled on rigid armor to
provide temporary protection; it’s flexible and subject to the
blunt trauma rule (p. B379) if painted on the skin or clothing. Kenneth Peters is a scholar and a gentleman, with a fine
Cerablate is a semi-ablative material (see p. B47) and loses 1 education in both anthropology and spatial analysis. He is the
DR for every 10 points of basic damage it resists. co-author of GURPS Ultra-Tech and has contributed to a
A typical application of cerablate resin provides DR 10. number of other technology-related GURPS volumes. He is
Enough resin to cover a full-body suit is 4 lbs. and $400. Use happily employed as a professional student in Idaho, working
the tailored armor rules for partial coverage (Ultra-Tech, on novel ways to predict radioisotope concentrations in het-
p. 174). LC3. erogeneous environments.

Syna exploded through the door and plowed into the soldier, shoulder first.
The Tse fell back and tried to bring his autofléchette to bear, but Syna already
had her monoblade in hand. She pulled back on the blade’s activator and the
monomolecular edge of the sword blurred into the life. The soldier blanched
at the characteristic shriek of the blade, and she could see him mouth
the weapon’s feared nickname – screamsword.
– J.C. Hay, Heart and Minds


Cyborgs are humans (or other animals!) with machine parts living metal can remove any of them. See Mitigators (p. 16)
either added to or replacing existing body parts. These machine and Maintenance (p. 16) for further discussion these aspects,
parts (or cybernetics) can be broadly categorized as implants plus Variant Equipment for customization suggestions.
(discussed on pp. 13-15) and bionics (described on pp. 15-21). Although those section specifically address bionic issues,
See GURPS Ultra-Tech (pp. 207-208) for more information some ideas are applicable for implants.
about features, repairs, and installation procedures.

SURGERY To handle multiple modifications to a single device more
The surgeries for replacing an organic body part with a effectively, use a “cost factor” (CF), instead of a straight multi-
bionic replacement are described in Ultra-Tech (pp. 207- plier. For existing modifications, convert the multiplier to a
218). The surgery for replacing an existing bionic with cost factor by subtracting 1. New modifications presented in
another bionic is at least one step easier; replacing a bionic this article include appropriate cost factors. Next, decide
limb with another bionic limb is thus a simple procedure. If which modifications apply to the implant or bionic and total
both the new and old bionics are detachable, no extra surgery all relevant CFs. Then, multiply the desired cybernetic device’s
is required. Some entries list the procedure in terms of a listed cost by (1 + total CF). If total CF is below -0.8, treat it
basic bionic (e.g., a micromanipulator arm lists “bionic hand as -0.8; thus, final cost cannot be below 20% of base cost.
procedure”), indicating that to acquire such a bionic, the user
must either have an existing bionic and buy a replacement
with the upgrade, or get the basic procedure and arrange for ARMORING CYBERNETICS
the new bionic to include the upgrade. As machines of metal, plastic, and ceramic, bionic
The surgical techniques for bionic and implanted devices replacements have inherent DR that can be improved with
improve at later tech levels. Unless otherwise specified, purpose-built armor. Most implants do not have inherent
reduce the difficulty of a surgery by one step every two tech DR, because of fragility, small size, diffuse nature, or flexibil-
levels after the device’s introduction (but no lower than “sim- ity requirements. Bionic hearts, gill implants, hive implants,
ple”). Use the best TL of the culture’s medical science, and ripsnakes are rigid and compact enough to be armored.
biotechnology, or wet nanotech. Count them as extremities for armoring purposes.
Costs may be lower for particularly common procedures
(implant radios), or higher for those that are rare (“You want
me to put what in your chest?!”).
Rigid Armor
All rigid cybernetics can be armored beyond the free DR 2
they get as machinery. The normal maximum DR that can be
LIKELY DISADVANTAGES built-in is equal to the crippling threshold (pp. B420-421) of
the replaced part in HP times (TL-8). For each additional
Any abilities improved above the racial baseline, whether
level of Unnatural Features (up to 5), add +1 to effective TL.
bionics or implants, should be bought with some combina-
Increased rigid armor supersedes the DR that comes with
tion of Temporary Disadvantages such as Electrical, Unheal-
basic bionic limbs.
ing (Total), or Maintenance (1 person, weekly, or monthly).
However, advanced cybernetics and bionics might not have Example: A TL9 bionic arm for an average person can be
any of those! Electrical-system hardening can remove Elec- armored to DR 5 without attracting notice, while the TL12 ver-
trical (or assume a +10 bonus instead of total immunity). sion can have DR 20. The same TL9 arm with Unnatural Fea-
Superior energy storage and self-repairing systems might tures 2 can have DR 15, but looks heavily armored.
remove Maintenance. Technology based on bioplastic or


At TL9, rigid armor costs $80 and weighs 1.6 lbs. per point of DR of equivalent rigid parts; these versions have Ablative and
DR for whole-body coverage; reduce cost and weight to the frac- Tough Skin.
tion covered for that bionic part. At TL10, the armor is $50 and Flexible flesh-like armor is a weak form of dermal armor;
1 lb. per point; at TL11, $40 and 0.8 lbs; at TL12, $25 and 0.5 lbs. don’t combine them with real dermal armor (see Pyramid
#3/12: Tech and Toys, p. 11, for the results of more than one
Flexible Flesh-Like Armor layer). This type of armor should be purchased as lightweight
partial suits of flexible armor (Ultra-Tech, pp. 172-174) appro-
Realistic flesh biomorphics can be made with tougher mate-
priate for that TL.
rial – up to half the maximum DR of equivalent rigid parts
Bionic limbs can have both rigid internal armor and flesh-
(above). Realistic flesh biomorphics have Semi-Ablative and
like external armor. Bionic eyes can only have rigid armor.
Flexible. Living flesh and synthetic organs can have up to 1/4

Implants are machines added to living tissue to enhance activation (e.g. pushing on a biomonitor to activate the
natural abilities or bestow new ones. Many implants are too screen, or tapping on a subdermal printed computer). A
complex to be fully manipulated by conscious thought; these device implanted just below or in the skin that doesn’t require
are often controlled by an internal computer system with a precise placement is typically -1 CF, and the surgery is one
much simpler interface usable by the cyborg. Implants either step easier than if it were placed elsewhere. If the device has
perform a function on the user (like an intestinal recycler or a reflexive muscle trigger to turn it on and off (like cyber-
psych implant), or perform an action for the user (like an claws) add +1 CF, or +2 CF if its function can be dialed up
implant radio or computer implant). and down like a dimmer. If it requires biometric, positional,
or physical feedback from the body (like an autoinjector, or
the radar skin on p. 14), include +1 CF.
IMPLANTED GADGETS To send to or receive from an existing simple sense (like
Many external devices can be implanted into living bodies. hearing or basic skin pressure) is +4 CF; +8 CF for complex
Tiny implants are powered by the user’s motion, body-heat information (like vision or the full sense of touch); or +12 CF
gradient, or nanomachines consuming blood sugar. Any for any number of senses. To both send and receive via an
implanted gadget that uses a B cell or larger probably needs existing sense, add half again the CF (an extra +2, +4, or +6).
real power cells and an access port to change them or the bio- To send non-human sensory information via another human
power tap (p. 14). Cybernetics located in the torso can have sense (e.g., sensing magnetic field density via simulated tactile
their power-cell port or charging socket located between two pressure) is also half again the CF of the target sense. Interfac-
ribs and covered by synthetic flesh. ing with complex senses is a major procedure and probably
Tiny cybernetics implants (less than 0.05 lb.) can be placed requires eye or brain surgery.
anywhere in the body. Small ones (0.05-0.25 lb.)
should be anchored to bones (ribs, a spinal disk,
skull, pelvis) to prevent internal lacerations from
hard acceleration like falls, slams, or high-G
maneuvers. Medium-sized implants (0.25-1 lb.)
Perks vs. Powers
should be suspended in the body on shock Most implanted gadgets can be bought with an Accessory perk –
mounting or distributed into multiple pieces for example, Accessory (Radio) [1]. The perk means the gadget has
around the body. Larger implants (larger than 1 some plot protection and is almost always available. Since it’s only a
lb.) almost always should be distributed into perk, the item it represents must still be used in the regular manner.
smaller pieces. Double all devices’ weights to Thus, a built-in radio would still need a Ready action before use or
account for the bio-compatible shell and added when adjusting any controls.
internal support structures and any access ports With enough practice or when particularly beneficial, some
for data cables, ammunition, or power cells. implants can become or be taken as full-fledged advantages. They’re
Many sensors can be built as distributed arrays used like inborn abilities, allowing their full use without taking Ready
in the same manner as ladar smartskin (Ultra- actions, such as an implant radio that provides Telecommunication
Tech p. 64), taking up negligible internal space, (Radio) [10]. When taken as an ability, the advantage has total plot
but with added weight. protection and is always available, barring its own limitations.
Most simple implants count as an Accessory Because it’s a built-in ability, it doesn’t require Ready or Concentrate
perk. However, some may be versatile enough actions to use unless limitations indicate otherwise, such as a built-in
or the user is so familiar with them that they radio that can frequency hop or change bands with a thought. See also
may be better represented as full advantages. New Limitation: Cybernetic (p. 17) for a limitation on advantages suit-
See Perks vs. Powers (below) for more discus- able for implants or bionics.
sion on these options. Most cybernetic devices start off as Accessories, and are bought up to
Basic implantation has +2 CF and is a minor more complex advantages to reflect the cyborg internalizing the ability.
procedure that gives the device push-button


To transmit information from the device to the user via sur- Accessory (Force Shield) [1] if it requires a Ready maneuver and
face thoughts is +8 CF, or +18 CF to include full two-way com- conscious use; otherwise, use the stats below.
munication. Both versions need major brain surgery
Statistics: DR 100 (Hardened 1, +20%; Directional, Front and
procedures and cannot be performed until TL10.
Shield-side, -10%; Electrical, -20%; Maximum Duration, 30 min-
A device that must use an implant computer or implant radio
utes, -25%; Requires active defense, -40%) [125] + Defense
instead of linking directly to a brain is only +2 CF. However, the
Bonus* 3 (Electrical, -20%; Maximum Duration, 30 min-
implant computer or radio must be acquired separately.
utes, -25%) [50]. 175 points.
If the cybernetic system requires modifying most of the body
Availability: Minor procedure. $6,000, B/30 min. LC3.
(for example, the skin, all nerves, or all blood vessels) rather than
a simple implant, increase the surgery difficulty by one step. * Combines Enhanced Block, Dodge, and Parry.

Radar Skin (TL10)

Oh, and Marty, be careful around An array of subcutaneous radar emitters and receivers dis-
tributed throughout the body. Built as three small multi-mode
that Griff character. He’s got a few radar arrays (for 360° coverage; Ultra-Tech, pp. 64-65)
short circuits in his bionic implants. implanted (+2 CF) throughout the body with positional feed-
back (+1 CF and difficult surgery). It also has two-way mental
– Dr. Emmett Brown, communication (+18 CF) and a one-way full sensory output
Back to the Future II (+12 CF) which overlays its map in the visual field with hear-
ing and touch as secondary sub-channels. Bearing and range
to target comes as subconscious knowledge thanks to the two-
way mind interface.

NEW IMPLANTS Statistics: Radar (Extended Arc, 360°, +125%; Low-Proba-

bility Intercept, +10%; Maximum Duration, 8 hours, -5%;
For additional implants, flip through pp. 208-218 of Multi-Mode, +50%; Targeting, +20%; Temporary Disadvan-
Ultra-Tech. List costs include the CFs presented in the fol- tage, Electrical, -20%) [56]. 56 points.
lowing descriptions. Availability: Major brain procedure. $102,000, 3B/8 hrs. LC3.

Autoinjector Implant (TL9) Skin Remote (TL9)

A biomonitor autoinjector (Ultra-Tech p. 197) implanted in A 3” by 5” surface typically placed in the forearm or thigh,
the torso. This is not under the user’s control. Instead, it trig- mainly used as an ever-present interface to better computers
gers based on physiological conditions. The refill/interface or as a universal remote. This tiny computer has compact and
device is $100, 0.5 lbs. LC4. printed options (Ultra-Tech, pp. 22-23). It is implanted with
Statistics: Accessory (Autoinjector) [1]; Accessory (Biomon- push-button controls (+2 CF) in the skin (-1 CF, easier sur-
itor) [1]. 2 points. gery). It aso a radio microcomm, with the same implantation
Availability: Minor procedure (simple at TL11-12). $400. LC4. (total +1 CF) but only accessible via the computer (+2 CF).
Statistics: Accessory (Printed computer) [1]. 1 point.
Bio-Power Tap (TL10) Availability: Simple procedure. $240. LC4.
An implanted flexible power cell and electric trickle-charger
powered by the user’s blood sugar using the same technology Sound Projector (TL9)
as gastrobot power supplies (Ultra-Tech p. 36). Unlike the ones A small sonic projector (Ultra-Tech p. 52), implanted (+2
for tiny implants, this produces enough energy to charge larger CF) in the bridge of the nose with a tunable muscle activation
power cells. However, it requires the user to consume signifi- (+2 CF). It beams the user’s speech directly ahead of him.
cant quantities of food. Higher TL taps are more efficient, but
higher TL power cells hold more energy. A bio-power tap can Statistics: Accessory (Sonic Projector) [1]. 1 point.
charge a C cell of its own TL in one day at TL10, three days at Availability: Minor procedure. $250. LC4.
TL11, and 10 days at TL12.
This device powers bionics or implants, including those Water Vapor Lungs (TL10)
that would otherwise require removable power cells, such as
This vapor collection system is similar to that of a vapor can-
the gill implant (Ultra-Tech p. 213).
teen (Ultra-Tech p. 76). Its collection vanes are spliced into the
Statistics: Accessory (C Cell) [1]; Internal Create 1 (Electri- lungs, pulling moisture from both inhaled and exhaled air and
cal Energy; Temporary Disadvantages, Electrical and feeding it into the bloodstream. An automated shutoff stops col-
Increased Consumption 1, -20%) [4]. 5 points. lection if the user is already well-hydrated. Adds +2 (quality) to
Availability: Minor procedure (simple at TL12). $4,000. LC4. Survival skill where potable water is not abundant. Collection
rate and power use are the same as the vapor canteen.
Deflector Arm (TL11^) Statistics: Doesn’t Eat or Drink (Accessibility, Requires
A force shield bracelet (Ultra-Tech p. 192) implanted (+2 CF) humidity, -10%; Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%;
in the forearm (replacing the ulna) with a basic muscle trigger Water Only, -50%) [2]. 2 points.
(+1 CF). Uses Shield skill, not Shield (Buckler). Represent this as Availability: Major procedure (minor at TL11-12). $2,000. LC4.


Wonder Glands (TL9) lifestyle chemicals. This implant can also be used to refill the
drug and poison reservoirs of stingers (Ultra-Tech, p. 211) and
This upgraded version of the encapsulated cell implant
similar weapons.
(GURPS Bio-Tech, p. 120) includes a specialized, programma-
ble biomonitor that releases a dose when certain conditions Statistics: Any advantages or disadvantages granted, modi-
are met. Any of the drugs from Bio-Tech (pp. 148-161) or fied to fit the dosage requirements and triggering criteria. After-
Ultra-Tech (p. 205) are appropriate; the usual choice is Ascepa- math, Limited Use, Takes Recharge, and Trigger are all
line or Hyperstim, triggered if the subject is badly injured (HP appropriate modifiers.
0 or worse) or unconscious. Availability: Minor procedure (simple at TL10-12). $500 plus
Wonder glands typically dispense drugs that must be a microbe culture worth the cost of a single dose at LC4, multi-
administered immediately, such as combat enhancers or emer- plied by 10 for every LC lower. LC is that of the drug released.
gency healing drugs, although some people use them for

Bionics are machine replacements for living tissue, bones, or human (ST 10) – stronger or weaker limbs cost more or less
organs. They may be simple stand-ins that perform the same than the base model. For every point of ST above 10, increase
function, but no better than the original (with any benefits out- the price of the limb by 10%. For every point of ST below 10,
weighed by the drawbacks). Alternatively, they can be significant decrease the price by 5%. Any ST increase above +2 should
improvements on the original, offering high strength, incredible take the Unsupported Strength limitation (Bio-Tech, p. 215)
toughness, and superhuman improvements. unless braced by equally strong bionic legs Ultra-Tech (pp. 209-
210) and spine (p. 21).

Bionic replacements are assumed to be about the same
size and weight as the body part they replace. By default,
How Much Metal?
they are sculpted (see Biomorphics, Ultra-Tech, p. 28); Bionic replacements take up the whole body part and part
while they have an obviously artificial appearance, it does of the attaching joint. Fingers include the knuckle leading to
not fall within the “uncanny valley” and so does not (nor- the palm. Thumbs include a section of the hand. Hands
mally) count as an Unnatural Feature (p. B22). Some include the wrist and part of the forearm. Arms include the
replacements might qualify as Distinctive Features. shoulder. Feet include the ankle and part of the lower leg. Legs
Bionics are also lightly sealed to keep out everyday dust include the hip and part of the pelvis. Eyes include at least
and water, such as from walking in the rain or swimming. some of the socket and musculature. Ears can be entirely
However, unless the ability is added at extra cost, they are internal, or might have noticeable external components.
not sealed enough to resist driving sand storms, vacuum, or
ocean depths.
Certain changes in various features – such as ST that Basic Bionic Arms and Hands
varies from the racial average and unusual SM – include cost The bionic arms in Ultra-Tech (p. 209) are listed with +2 ST,
modifiers. These price changes are an adjustment to the base and the bionic hand on the same page has +1. Without the extra
cost, not a CF – apply all of them before adding the CF from ST, a single bionic arm for an average human costs $10,000 and
any modifiers. is worth 0 points; a basic bionic hand is $7,000 and -2 points.

Body Parts ST and Distinctive or Unnatural Features

Bodies come in all sizes and shapes. General fitness and Users can have bionic limbs with different ST than their
musculature have a big influence on distribution of body body’s ST. Up to two levels of ST (or +/-20% of racial average, for
weight. While this is by no means a comprehensive chart, it other races) in either direction falls within normal variance. The
will serve as a gameable approximation of weight distribution. bionic arms listed in Ultra-Tech (p. 209) already include that +2
ST bonus. Any further difference gives Unnatural Features 1 for
Body Section Percentage of Body Weight every 20% difference from racial average. Higher TLs also allow
Head 6-9% hidden strength augmentation of +1 ST per TL above TL9. Thus,
One Eye 6-8 gr (about 0.0132-0.0176 lbs.) a TL12 bionic arm for an average person can have ST 15 and still
Torso 39-60% look normal, but a TL9 version would give Unnatural Features 2
One Hand 0.6-0.8% for being over the +20% threshold.
One Arm and One Hand 5-6% Obviously artificial limbs don’t incur Unnatural Features,
One Foot 1.3-1.6% but could qualify for Distinctive Features instead.
One Leg and One Foot 15-20%
Variant ST External bionics use the biomorphic lenses in Ultra-Tech
Bionic limbs and extremities must be matched to a user’s (p. 28). Basic ones are simply sculpted. See also On the Cheap
body. The bionic limbs listed in Ultra-Tech are for an average (p. 17) and Decorations (p. 17).


Odd-Sized Limbs the devices would have to be specially built. Modify for dif-
ferent ST and SM as usual.
In a human-centered setting, limbs for people of different
SM may cost more due to rarity. At TL9, limbs larger than
usual are +25% cost per SM larger; limbs smaller than usual Mitigators
are +10% cost per SM smaller. Replaced body parts should give the appropriate crippling
At higher TLs, odd-sized limbs may be more common or disadvantage (One Arm, Legless, etc.) with the Mitigator limi-
easier to design and build. At TL10, ignore one SM of differ- tation. Ultra-Tech (p. 207) specifies the -70% version, and
ence; at TL11, ignore two; at TL12, ignore three. Odd-sized states that it includes the effects of Electrical, monthly Mainte-
limbs should also buy the base ST up or down to match natu- nance (see below), and Unhealing (Total).
ral limbs at the usual cost. Cyberwear that doesn’t need monthly Maintenance, that
Significant size changes affect the amount of concealable doesn’t have the drawbacks of Electrical, or is capable of self-
armor a limb can have (see Armoring Cybernetics, pp. 12-13). repair and thus not Unhealing is a Mitigator worth -80%. If it
Multiply maximum DR by 2/3 per SM smaller than SM 0, and has two of these benefits, it is a Mitigator worth -90% (ignore the
by 1.5 per SM larger. Use a factor of 2 for SM difference of 2. usual -80% cap when dealing with disadvantages). If it has all
three, it is as good as the thing it replaces, so simply get
rid of the disadvantage altogether.
See also New Limitation: Cybernetic (p. 17) for a
Integrated Gadgets limitation on bionic- or implant-related advantages.
Not all of a bionic’s volume is taken up with machinery. Small
weapons or simple gadgets (those with one or two functions) can be Maintenance
built into replacement parts. These gadgets must be designed into Replacement limbs usually have the Maintenance
and integrated within the bionic device – they can’t be added to an limitation on advantages, which should be incorpo-
existing bionic, and are nonfunctional if removed. Integrated gadg- rated into the Cybernetic limitation (p. 17), if that
ets add a CF of (12-TL) squared. option is being used. This maintenance represents the
The maximum supported size of integrated gadgets is based on need for regular cleaning, swapping power cells, top-
the BL of the original body part. Cybernetic fingers and thumbs ping up lubricants, and so on. By default, this
can support BL/300 each, hands can support BL/30, arms can requires an hour’s worth of skilled attention at the
support BL/6, feet can support BL/10, and legs can support BL/2. stated frequency. The GM may permit exchanging
If the bionic has any modifiers, divide the above value by the this for unskilled labor at a higher frequency or longer
weight modifiers listed on the Cybernetic Modifiers Table (p. 17). duration. Rather than “1 person, weekly,” either “1
For example, a cheap bionic has less space available, while an unskilled person, daily” or “1 unskilled person, 8
expensive one has more space. Although the actual weight of the hours, weekly” could be used for cyberlimbs that
integrated gadget is lower as it doesn’t have any casing, structural need removing power cells and running it through an
members, or interfaces, use the gadget’s original weight (modified automated cleaner, or just a bit of brushing off but
as per TL Improvements, below) to decide whether it can fit in a longer recharging periods. If the limbs last a long
desired bionic. Assume any gadget with “neg.” weight are actually time between cleaning, don’t have consumable parts,
0.001-0.01 lbs. each. and have batteries that can be swapped or charged
Complex gadgets or ones bonded onto a bionic still require quickly and easily, then replace Temporary Disadvan-
external controls and a free hand to operate. These types should use tage (Maintenance) in all cyberlimbs with a single
the Combination Gadgets rules in Ultra-Tech (p. 16). quirk, “Cybernetics require occasional maintenance,”
Integrated weapons lack sights (but see Gunsight, p. 18), and and reduce the effect of the Mitigator limitation as
weapons in lower limbs will be very awkward. The maximum Acc described in Mitigators (above).
for an index finger mount is 6, a middle finger mount is 4, all other
digits are 2, a hand or arm is 3, a foot is 1, and a leg is 0. Double the
maximum Acc for beam weapons. TL Improvements
Integrated gadgets and weapons do cost points. Many gadg- Better materials and cheaper fabrication means
ets are simply Accessory perks while some are advantages (see all bionics improve with TL. Each TL after introduc-
Perks vs. Powers, p. 13, for a discussion of this distinction). tion reduces the cost of a bionic by 20% and the
Weapons should be built as Innate Attacks (p. B61). weight by 10%. The weight savings can be used
directly for hidden compartments (Ultra-Tech,
p. 211) or integrated gadgets (see above).

Unusual Shapes
Most bionics will be designed and made for the dominant VARIANT EQUIPMENT
species (humans in most settings). Bionics made for other Cybernetics can come in a variety of qualities, toughness,
species will cost more depending on their rarity. Bionics and styling. Some of these features modify the device’s HT
for common species (dogs, horses, common aliens on a rolls (when hit with surge attacks, rolling vs. crippling, and so
human-owned space station) or ones similar to humans on). Some affect the weight and DR of those devices that have
(chimpanzees) would add +4 CF. Those for a rare species non-negligible weight, such as bionic limbs. Treat weight
(elephants, dolphins, alien visitors to Earth) would add +19 changes as a 0-point feature, but enough heavy ones might jus-
CF. For exotic species (octopuses, newly discovered aliens), tify Cannot Float [-1].


The Cybernetic Modifiers Tables (below) lists common Cybernetic Modifiers Table
alterations made to equipment along with their CF and their
Quality CF HT Weight DR Notes
effect on the device’s HT, weight, and DR. Some of these
modifiers require further explanation. For additional infor- Cheap -0.5 +0 x1.5 x1 [1]
mation on cheap, expensive, rugged, and styling modifiers, see Cheap (Numb) -0.5 +0 x1 x1 [2]
Ultra-Tech (p. 15). Basic +0 +0 x1 x1
Expensive +1 +0 x2/3 x1

On the Cheap Durability CF HT Weight DR Notes

Cheap bionics may have poor-quality interfaces, which Fragile -0.25 -2 x1 x0.5
would give Numb (Partial). Cheap manufacturing makes the Tough +0.5 +1 x1.1 x1.5 [3]
bionic larger and heavier; such shoddy design is also ugly, Rugged +1 +2 x1.2 x2 [4]
removing one level of Appearance (p. B21) in the same way as Surge-Protected +1 +0 x1 x1 [5]
One Eye (p. B147), at the GM’s option. See also Cheap Hands Styling CF HT Weight DR Notes
(p. 19) for more notes on low-quality equipment. Stylish 1-9 +1-+9 +0 x1 x1 [6]
Downgraded optics may be available. Cheap-quality ones
are larger and heavier, and might be so much bigger that they Other Modifiers CF HT Weight DR Notes
need more space than an eye socket has. Such bionic can be Detachable +0.1 +0 x1 x1
ugly or disturbing (bulging out of the socket) or designed with without tools
a modicum of aesthetics. Detachable +0.05 +0 x1 x1
with tools
Durability Notes
Fragile bionics reduce the device’s HT, while tough and [1] Ugly; may remove one level of Appearance (see On the
rugged devices improve HT. A surge-protected item is immune Cheap, above).
to electrical disruptions. [2] Limb has Temporary Disadvantage (Numb).
[3] Gives the limb Pressure Support 1.
Decorations [4] Gives the limb Pressure Support 2 and Vacuum Support.
Use decorations (Low-Tech, p. 38) only for obvious cyber- [5] Remove Temporary Disadvantage (Electrical)
netics. Sculpted biomorphics can be highly decorated. [6] May modify reaction rolls.
These count as styling (Low-Tech, p. 14) for purposes of
reaction rolls (p. B494) and Influence rolls (p. B359) in
certain circumstances. Whether the bonus comes from
diamond-studding and gold-plating, or the sleek ultra- New Limitation: Cybernetic
minimalist look of top fashion designers is up to the Variable
players and the GM. Your ability is due to an artificial construct such as a
Cybernetics with Unnatural Features might be bionic limb or implanted cybernetic device. The default ver-
unstylish. Mannequin and semi-sculpted sit right in the sion is equivalent to the limitation Temporary Disadvantage
middle of the uncanny valley. When noticed, they (Electrical). -20%.
reduce Appearance by one level (mannequin) or two If your ability is from an external bionic or a significant
levels (semi-sculpted) for whole-body biomorphics, or surface implant (and therefore targetable in combat), it may
half that if the face and torso are still living flesh. also have Temporary Disadvantage (Unhealing, Total),
which adds -30%, and it may have the enhancement Injury
Detachable Tolerance (Unliving), which adds +20%. Bioplastic (Ultra-
Tech, pp. 170-171) constructs should not have either of
Bionic limbs and eyes can be designed for easy removal
these; living metal should have Injury Tolerance, but not
from the body, leaving only a modular socket with the
cybernetic interface. This is useful for easy repair and
If the limitation also includes Temporary Disadvantage
maintenance, and it also allows the creation of a modular
(Maintenance, 1 person, monthly), add -2%. For Temporary
cyborg whose parts have many different options which he
Disadvantage (Maintenance, 1 person, weekly), add -5%.
exchanges depending on the situation. Only pay for the
When including this meta-limitation with advantages,
highest point-value bionic part that can fit in a particular
make a note of which limitations it includes.
socket. There are two levels of detachability:
Detachable without tools: The bionic simply snaps into
or out of its housing. It can be removed in five seconds and
attached just as easily. +0.1 CF.
Detachable with tools: The bionic requires electronics tools
Bionic replacements of living organs have Injury
or a mini-tool kit to remove, but is still relatively simple.
Tolerance (Unliving). They reduce damage modifiers from
Removal takes 10 minutes and requires an Electronics Opera-
piercing and impaling attacks. They have twice the HP of the
tion+3 (cybernetics or medical) skill roll. Failure means
original part. Moreover, damage does not affect the user’s
another try and more time. Critical failure disables the device,
HP total.
requiring repairs before it can function. +0.05 CF.


Total cyborg (Ultra-Tech, p. 27) bodies are entirely made of serving as a weight at the end. The wire can be used two-handed
constructed machinery, which gives them the Machine meta- as a garrote (use Garrote skill), or one-handed as a one- to two-
trait (p. B263). They are affected by damage to replaced parts yard-long whip (use Whip skill). Cutting Attack 1 point (Melee
since their entire body is replaced parts. Attack, Reach 1-2, Cannot Parry, ST-Based, +70%; No Knock-
back, -10%; Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) [3].
Damage to Bionic Organs $100, 0.25 lbs. LC3. 3 points.
Partial cyborgs whose internal organs have been replaced
probably have Injury Tolerance (No Vitals) [5] along with Cutters (TL9)
Terminally Ill with a Mitigator. Their organ replacements can A set of two digits on the same hand (either the thumb and
be targeted at the usual penalties. For hits to the vitals, roll 1d: index finger, or index and middle fingers) can have sharp inner
On 1, this is a heart hit; on 2-3, this is the lungs; on 4-6, this is edges mounted so that they function exactly like wire cutters or
the other internal organs. scissors. Used as a weapon, they can snip for 1d-2(2) cutting
If an artificial heart is disabled, the victim immediately damage. This is a mostly external modification, taking up half
suffers the heart attack mortal condition (p. B429) unless a the usual internal volume. Cutters may be upgraded with the
functioning secondary heart is present. A disabled breathing improved blade types in Ultra-Tech (pp. 163-164). Since this
system causes the choking incapacitating condition (p. B428) device has an obviously bionic look to it, the GM may allow it to
as soon as the cyborg’s air is used up; Breath-Holding and qualify for certain appearance-related disadvantages. Cutting
Doesn’t Breathe (Oxygen Storage) may greatly increase this Attack 1d-2 (Armor Divisor 2, +50%; Melee Attack, Reach C,
time! For other organ replacements failing, these trigger Ter- Cannot Parry, -35%) [4]. $60, 0.25 lbs. LC4. 4 points.
minally Ill with deadline and effects based on which organs
have failed. Finger Printer (TL9)
Treat a bionic heart as having the same crippling threshold This is the fingerprint-only portion of an electronic thumb
as a hand; artificial lungs, the same as an arm; and the other (Ultra-Tech, pp. 96). It can be added to any bionic digit, taking
internal organs (liver, stomach, intestines, etc.) together as the up only half the usual internal volume as its mechanism is
same as an arm. largely external. Elastic Skin (Fingers Only, -95%; Temporary
Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) [4]. $3,000, 0.125 lbs., A/200
hrs. LC3. 4 points.
For a wide selection of bionics, review pp. 208-218 of Ultra- Gunsight (TL9)
Tech, plus check out the cybernetic skins in Pyramid #3/12: This periscope (p. 19) or micro-light finger (below) – chosen
Tech and Toys. List costs include the CFs mentioned in the fol- before installation – has high precision motors that lock it into
lowing descriptions. place to function as a HUD gunsight or laser sight (respec-
tively) for weapons integrated into a bionic hand or arm. The
gunsight adds +2 CF to the digit. The hand or arm also has +1
Bionic Digits CF because of the locking motors. It must be installed at the
Basic bionic digits are tougher than the original, but not same time as the weapon it’s associated with.
much stronger.
Heater (TL9)
Bionic Finger (TL9) The fingertip contains a small electric heating coil that glows
A replacement for a whole finger. white hot within a second. It can be used like a lighter, and will
Statistics: DR 2 (One Finger, -140%) [2]; Missing Finger ignite flammable material or boil a cup of water in a minute. If
(Mitigator, -70%) [0]. 2 points. touched against bare skin, it does 1 point of burning damage per
Availability: Minor procedure. $600. LC4. turn. Burning Attack 1 point (Melee Attack, Reach C, Cannot
Parry, -35%; Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) [1].
Bionic Thumb (TL9) $500, 0.08 lbs., 5A/1 min. LC4. 1 points.
A replacement for a whole thumb. Not much larger than a
finger, but considerably more complex. Micro-Light (TL9)
The digit contains a penlight (Ultra-Tech p. 74) with the
Statistics: DR 2 (One Thumb, -140%) [2]; Missing Thumb expensive option and multi-spectral laser sight (Ultra-Tech,
(Mitigator, -70%) [-1]. 1 point. p. 149). Accessory (Illumination) [1]; Accessory (Laser Sight)
Availability: Minor procedure. $1,500. LC4. [1]. $20, 0.07 lbs., 2A/24 hrs. LC4. 2 points.

Integrated Digit Gadgets Monowire (TL9^)

Many gadgets and weapons can be added to bionic fingers The fingertip is removable and is connected to a miniature
and thumbs before they are installed in the user; apply the spool containing 12’ of monowire. The monowire spool can reel
rules under Integrated Gadgets (p. 16). See also Integrated in or out on mental command, with the fingertip serving as a
Bionic Weapons (p. 19) for other options to add to digits. weight at the end. It can be used two-handed as a garrote (use
Garrote skill), or one-handed as a one- to four-yard-long whip
Combat Wire (TL9) (use Whip skill). Cutting Attack 1d-2 (Armor Divisor 10, +200%;
Removing a fingertip reveals a miniature spool containing 6’ Low Signature, +10%; Melee Attack, Reach 1-4, Cannot Parry,
of thin, strong wire, with one end connected to the tip. The wire ST-Based, +80%; No Knockback, -10%; Temporary Disadvan-
spool can reel in or out on mental command, with the fingertip tage, Electrical, -20%) [11]. $500, 0.25 lbs. LC3. 11 points.


Periscope (TL9) It can be deployed and retracted with a Fast-Draw (Cyber-
This puts a camera on the tip of a finger. It overlays its Blade) roll or a Ready action.
image over one bionic eye’s visual field. By default it has the Strong: Costs $500/lb. of the blade’s weight, and adds 30%
same stats as an expensive flatcam (Ultra-Tech, p. 51), but can to weight. This gives it an ejection ST equal to the bionic limb’s
be upgraded like a bionic eye. This also requires a minor eye ST. It can be deployed and retracted with a Fast-Draw (Cyber-
procedure if the chosen eye is already bionic, or no extra pro- blade) roll or a Ready action.
cedure if installed at the same time as a bionic eye. Enhanced
Powered mechanisms can unsheathe through regular cloth-
Tracking (Temporary Disadvantages, Electrical and Tunnel
ing, and might push their way out through armor, environment
Vision, -45%) [3]. $100, 0.065 lbs., A/10 hrs. LC4. 3 points.
suits, and so on. Check maximum thrust damage vs. the cover-
ing’s or target’s DR to see if it penetrates. An exit port can be
Zapper (TL9) built into gloves and footwear for $20 ($200 for a sealed suit).
This digit functions a low-power zap glove (Ultra-Tech
To buy the pop-out blade, add the cost and weight of
p. 165). It has no “kill” setting, and only stuns on a HT-3 roll.
the blade and mechanism, then adjust as per Integrated
Affliction 4 (HT-3; Armor Divisor 0.5, -30%; Melee Attack,
Gadgets (p. 16).
Reach C, Cannot Parry, -35%; Temporary Disadvantage, Elec-
trical, -20%) [8]. $300, 0.15 lbs., B/30 shots. LC3. 8 points.
Cheap Hands
Integrated Limb Gadgets A simple mechanical gripper or crude grasper can be
installed instead of a fully articulated bionic hand. The simpli-
Most gadgets can be added to bionic limbs before they are
fied nerve connections and motors greatly reduce the cost of
installed by using the rules under Integrated Gadgets (p. 16).
the hand. Minor hand surgery (instead of the usual major sur-
gery) results in nerve connections that are such low quality
Tool-Kit Hands (TL9) that every hand in that socket has at least Ham-Fisted 1 regard-
Mini-toolkits (Ultra-Tech, p. 82) and multi-tools (High-Tech,
less of the quality of the bionic hand.
p. 26) can be built into a bionic hand. If the toolkit is constructed
upon the exterior of an obviously cybernetic hand instead of
One Gripper Hand (TL9)
internal in a realistic hand, it takes up half the usual space.
When including integrated gadgets (p. 16), multiply the
gripper hand’s available space by 1.5.
Integrated Bionic Weapons Statistics: Ham-Fisted 1 (One Hand, -80%) [-1]; One Hand
Most weapons can be built into bionic digits, hands,
(Mitigator, -70%) [-4]. -5 points.
arms, and legs before they are installed applying the rules
Availability: Bionic hand procedure. $4,000. LC4.
under Integrated Gadgets (p. 16). A few options warrant spe-
cial mention. For weapons that replace limbs, see Heavy
One Grasper Hand (TL9)
Weapon Arm (Ultra-Tech, p. 212) and the weapons in Other
When including integrated gadgets, multiply the grasper
Bionic Limb Options (below).
hand’s available space by 5.
Built-in Glove Weapon (TL9) Statistics: Ham-Fisted 2 (One Hand, -80%) [-2]; One Hand
Include glove weapons like the zap glove and neuroglove (Mitigator, -70%) [-4]. -6 points.
(Ultra-Tech, p. 165) normally as per Integrated Gadgets (p. 16). Availability: Bionic hand procedure. $1,000. LC4.
However, they take up only half the usual internal volume as
their mechanisms can be integrated into a bionic hand’s outer Other Bionic Limb Options
surface. Subtract the cost and weight of the protective glove to
Many other possibilities exist for personalizing bionic
find the gadget’s base stats.
Cyber-Blades (TL9)
Knives, swords, and other long, thin blades can be built to
Gun Hand (TL9)
A ranged weapon instead of a bionic hand. The weapon is
pop out of bionic digits, hands, arms, and feet. To account for
undroppable and may give a bonus to Intimidation (see One
guide rails and the ejector mechanism, the effective maximum
Hand, p. B147).
length of the blade is half the length of the body part it’s stored
in. Thus, for average humans, this is 1” to 2” in the palm of a Statistics: One Hand [-15] and an Innate Attack (p. B61).
bionic hand, 3” to 6” in a forearm or foot, or 6” to 9” for a Availability: Bionic hand procedure. $1,000 plus $100/lb. of
downward heel spike stored behind a shin. Higher TLs have weapon weight. LC of the weapon.
better mechanisms or telescoping blades. At TL10, increase the
lengths by 20%; at TL11, by 40%; at TL12, by 100%. Hand Slammer (TL9)
The releasing mechanism comes in three strengths. This bionic hand has ruggedized joints, and hardened, rein-
forced knuckles and edges. It is designed for punching, stab-
Unpowered: Costs $50/lb. of the blade’s weight, and adds
bing, and chopping (using Exotic Hand Strike technique,
10% to weight. Unsheathing the blade takes a Ready action
GURPS Martial Arts, p. 71). The knuckles are formed into
and a flick of the limb to make the blade slide free. Sheathing
stubby spikes and the hand’s edges taper to an obvious curved
it takes another Ready action and a hand or other firm surface
ridge. This modification gives +2 damage for both regular
to push the blade back in.
punches and exotic hand strikes. The hand counts as very fine
Weak: Costs $250/lb. of the blade’s weight, and adds 20% to
for the purposes of parrying.
weight. This gives it an ejection ST of 1/2 the bionic limb’s ST.


The hand must have DR 3 or higher to include this option. of the same type doubles the cost and weight. There are no
Installing this bionic gives the user a Distinctive Feature. restrictions on the number of levels, barring available space.
An improved zoom that can function as either telescopic or
Statistics: Perk (Striking Surface) [1] + Crushing Attack 1
microscopic is double cost.
point (Melee Attack, Reach C, ST-Based, +70%) [4]. 5 points.
Availability: Bionic hand procedure. Include +0.2 CF to the
Deadeye Weapon (TL9)
hand, and +0.1 CF to any additional hand armor. LC3.
This is a larger implant that fully replaces an eye with a
weapon mount, making the user One-Eyed (or blind, with two
Micromanipulator Arm (TL9) of them).
A bionic arm can be equipped with precision motors to
allow super-fine movement. Allows up to TL/2 levels of High Statistics, One Eye: Buy it as an Innate Attack (p. B61); One
Manual Dexterity. If combined with a Mechanics (Microma- Eye [-15].
chines or Nanomachines) mini-tool hand (see Tool-Kit Hands, Statistics, Two Eyes: Buy it as an Innate Attack (p. B61);
p. 19), and enough microscopic vision (either external or Blindness [-50].
bionic), this is equivalent to a micro-manipulator tool bench Availability, Each Eye: Bionic eye procedure. $500 ¥ (13 -
(Ultra-Tech, p. 82). TL). The lower of LC2 or the LC of the implanted weapon.
Statistics: High Manual Dexterity (Temporary Disadvan-
Eyebite Weapon (TL9)
tages, Electrical and Maintenance, 1 person, weekly, -25%)
A tiny weapon can be built into a bionic eye. The best can-
[3.75/level]. 3.75 points per level, rounded up.
didates are beam weapons and drugged darts. This cannot be
Availability: Bionic hand procedure. $5,000 per level. LC4.
built into an eye covered by an eyeshield (below).
Sensitive Touch (TL9) Statistics: Buy it as an Innate Attack (p. B61).
The bionic hand’s fingertips are modified with enhanced Availability: Bionic eye procedure. $2,000 ¥ (13 - TL). The
tactile receptors, making them extremely sensitive. lower of LC2 or the LC of the implanted weapon.
Statistics: Sensitive Touch (Temporary Disadvantage, Elec-
Eyeshields (TL9)
trical, -20%”) [8]. 8 points.
Armored shades (Ultra-Tech, p. 176), implanted into the
Availability: Bionic hand procedure. $15,000. LC4.
eye sockets. Since the eyeshield completely covers the eye, the
shield can completely hide additional eye cybernetics. This fea-
Sword Hand (TL9) ture allows double the internal capacity for integrated gadgets
A melee weapon instead of a bionic hand. The weapon is
(p. 16). If both eyes are covered, this gives the perk Hard to
undroppable and may give a bonus to Intimidation (see One
Read, which gives -1 to anyone trying to read the cyborg in any
Hand, p. B147).
of the situations covered by Easy to Read (p. B134). A covered
Statistics: One Arm [-20] and a Striker (p. B88). eye is also sealed and vacuum-proof. At higher TLs, the shields
Availability: Bionic hand procedure. $1,000 plus $20/lb. of offer additional DR.
weapon weight. LC of the weapon.
Statistics, One Eye: Nictitating Membrane 8 (One
Eye, -50%) [4]. 4 points.
Tentacle Arm (TL9) Statistics, Two Eyes: Hard to Read [1]; Nictitating Mem-
A bionic arm can be built as an extra-flexible tentacle. In
brane 8 [8]. 9 points.
addition to the usual benefits of a flexible arm (p. B53), the
Availability, Each Eye: Minor eye procedure. $200. LC3.
user gets +1 to grapple or strangle.
Statistics: Add Extra Flexible (+50%) to existing arm. 5 points. Improved Night Vision (TL9)
Availability: Bionic hand procedure. $12,000. LC3. All basic bionic eyes have Night Vision 2. Higher quality
sensors allow higher levels. At TL9, five extra levels can be
bought, and another level at each of TL10-11.
Bionic Eye Upgrades
Bionic eyes can include better visual capabilities such as Statistics, One Eye: Night Vision (Temporary Disadvan-
hypervision and telescopic zoom, or combat modifications like tages, Electrical and No Depth Perception, -35%) [0.65/level].
armor and micro-weapons. All of these upgrades must be Statistics, Two Eyes: Night Vision (Temporary Disadvan-
designed and built into a bionic eye prior to installation. tage, Electrical, -20%) [0.8/level].
Bionic eyes are very small and don’t have much room for Availability, Each Eye: Bionic eye procedure. $200 per level,
improvements. A realistic-looking basic bionic eye can hold halved at each higher TL. LC4.
0.004 lbs. of integrated gadgets at the usual gadget density. At
TL10, it can hold 0.008 lbs. At TL11, it holds 0.01 lbs. At TL12, Improved Telescopic Zoom (TL9)
it can have 0.012 lbs. An obviously artificial eye doesn’t need to All basic bionic eyes have Telescopic Vision 1. Only a total of
stay within an eye socket, so can be much larger to accommo- TL-6 levels of Telescopic Vision can give a bonus to aiming due
date extra gadgets. to the limits of image stabilization. Higher levels are still useful
for noncombat purposes. This bionic can be combined with the
Telescopic Zoom (below) and Microscopic Zoom (p. 20): microscopic zoom feature (p. 20). See the note above for addi-
These improvements require not just better sensors, but actual tional information about levels and multifunction capabilites.
internal machinery. The first additional level of zoom is $250
and 0.002 lbs., halved at each higher TL. Each subsequent level Statistics, One Eye: Telescopic Vision +1 (Temporary Disad-
vantages, Electrical and No Depth Perception, -35%) [3.25/level].


Statistics, Two Eyes: Telescopic Vision +1 (Temporary Dis- possible, reinforcing intestines and major blood vessels, and
advantage, Electrical, -20%) [4/level]. armoring the primary and secondary artificial hearts. The user
Availability, Each Eye: Bionic eye procedure. See above for also gains weight – typically about 10% of torso weight.
cost. LC4.
Statistics: HP +5 (Torso, -10%) [9]; DR 4 (Tough Skin, -40%;
Vitals Only, -30%) [6]; Hard to Kill 3 (Temporary Disadvan-
Microscopic Zoom (TL9)
tage, Electrical, -20%) [5]; Improved G-Tolerance (0.3G) [5];
Microscopic zoom uses similar equipment to improved tel-
No Vitals (Only to prevent first heart attack, -40%) [3]; Resist-
escopic zoom, but is optimized for targets within one yard. (If
ant to Metabolic Hazards +3 [10]; Terminally Ill (Up to one
the eye is not multifunctional, and thus does not use the same
month; Mitigator, -70%) [-30]. 8 points.
equipment, it takes a Ready maneuver to switch between
Availability: Radical procedure (major at TL11-12), or 10
lenses.) This device can be combined with the improved tele-
major procedures over time. $80,000. LC3.
scopic zoom feature (p. 20). See the note on p. 20 for addi-
tional information about levels and multifunction capabilites.
Bionic Spine (TL9)
Statistics, One Eye: Microscopic Vision (Temporary Disad- This artificial spine and pelvic anchor is tougher than the
vantages, Electrical and No Depth Perception, -35%) [3.25/level]. original, and allows bionic limbs to perform beyond the limits
3.25 points per level, rounded up. of mere bone and muscle. The user may buy higher Lifting ST
Statistics, Two Eyes: Microscopic Vision (Temporary Dis- by increasing the ST of the bionic arms, legs, and spine. Any
advantage, Electrical, -20%) [4/level]. 4 points per level. increased ST also counts as neck ST for resisting Neck Snaps
Availability, Each Eye: Bionic eye procedure. See above for (Martial Arts, p. 77), Wrench Spine, and Backbreaker (both
cost. LC4. Martial Arts, p. 82). The built-in DR also protects against the
later two techniques. The spine is heavier than a natural one –
Ultravision (TL9) the user gains 5% of torso weight.
This adds a sensor to detect ultraviolet light. The eye can
Statistics: DR 3 (Spine, -80%) [3]; HP+2 [4]; Quadriplegic
project UV light in a narrow cone from emitters in a ring
(Mitigator, -70%) [-24]. -17 points.
around the iris. The emitters are 0.002 lbs.
Availability: Radical procedure (major at TL10-12). $25,000.
Statistics, One Eye: Accessory (UV Flashlight) [1]; Ultravi- LC3.
sion (Temporary Disadvantages, Electrical and No Depth Per-
ception, -35%) [7]. 8 points. Independent Focus (TL10)
Statistics, Two Eyes: Accessory (UV Flashlight) [1]; Ultravi- This is just the neural modifications to allow the eyes to move
sion (Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%) [8]. 9 points. and focus independently. This doesn’t require bionic eyes.
Availability, Each Eye: Bionic eye procedure. $1,000 ¥ (13 -
Statistics: Enhanced Tracking 1 (Temporary Disadvantage,
TL). LC4.
No Depth Perception, -15%) [5]. 5 points.
Availability: Major brain procedure. $10,000. LC4.
Body Systems
Other parts of the body can receive mechanical Skeletal Hardening (TL9)
modifications. The largest bones are hardened with metallic strips along
likely impact angles. This makes bones less likely to break and
Bionic Jaw (TL9) more resistant to crushing attacks. The added metal clearly
An artificial jaw, tongue, and lips. A bionic voicebox (Ultra- shows up on diagnostic scanners, but metal detectors are at -4
Tech, p. 210) can be added at the same time – just add the cost since the metal is covered in flesh.
of the voicebox.
Statistics: HP+2 [4]; DR 5 (Skull Only, -70%; Tough
Statistics: Cannot Speak (Mitigator, -70%) [-3]; DR 2
Skin, -40%) [5]; DR 3 (Limited, Crushing, -40%; Tough
(Jaw, -60%) [4]. 1 point.
Skin, -40%) [3]. 12 points.
Availability: Major procedure (minor at TL11-12). $7,000.
Availability: Radical procedure (major at TL10, minor at
TL11-12). $10,000. LC3.
Cheap Bionic Jaw (TL9)
The lips and tongue have much less articulation that nor-
mal, and may be noticeably artificial.
Enhance or acquire abilities!
Statistics: Cannot Speak (Mitigator, -70%) [-3]; DR 2 (Jaw, -
60%) [4]; Disturbing Voice [-10]; Unnatural Features 1 [-1]. -10
Availability: Major procedure (minor at TL11-12). $4,000.
Demi Benson lives in Boston, the hub of the universe.
Bionic Organ Reconstruction (TL9) After trying her hand at rocket science and computer secu-
Installs the full suite of bionic organ transplants (Ultra-Tech, rity, she’s now automating the coming of the Robopocalypse,
p. 210) and any needed encapsulated cell implants (Bio-Tech, teaching hooligans to ride motorcycles, and occasionally
p. 120), shock-mounting and ruggedizing as many systems as writing for gaming companies.



Giant human-piloted robots – call them mecha – are huge run, jump, take cover, pick up and carry an object – but on a
multi-ton fighting machines resembling a giant in powered mammoth scale.
armor. Cybernetically controlled by the pilot who rides inside One of my players was an anime fan who wanted to build his
it, protected by advanced super-dense armor, powered by a own mecha, but he wasn’t into using a complex design system
nuclear reactor and armed with an array of the most lethal like the GURPS Spaceships rules, or juggling the points needed
weapons known to man, the mecha is the ultimate fusion of when using the character creation system. To keep him inter-
armor and infantry, combining the agility of the individual ested I came up with a basic system to build “game balanced”
soldier with the firepower and protection of the main battle TL10 mecha whose offensive and defensive capabilities were
tank. They can do (nearly) anything a human soldier can: closely matched with each other. A fairly narrow range of arma-
ment and gear is included, along with a simple price system.

Start by selecting a mecha class from the Standard Mecha nanotubes), ceramics, and exotic synthetics. This counts as
Table and recording its statistic block. They are available in laminate armor with its DR doubled against shaped charges
three weight classes. and plasma bolts.
The lower body houses the power plant, a well-shielded
Light Mecha: Approximately the same weight as a light tank
nuclear fusion reactor (GURPS Ultra-Tech, p. 20) capable of 20
or infantry fighting vehicle, designed for easy air or space
years operation. It supplies power to electric motors in the arms,
transport and often used for armored reconnaissance mis-
legs, torso, and head-turret, all of which are capable of independ-
sions. It stands about 17-23’ tall.
ent movement. The mecha also has an energy bank providing
Medium Mecha: The mass of a medium main battle tank, this
10 minutes of auxiliary power in the event of generator failure.
is a standard battlefield machine. It stands about 24-27’ tall.
Heavy Mecha: Approximately the same
weight as a heavy main battle tank, this is a
powerful fighting machine. It stands 28-33’
tall. Even the largest conventional aircraft Mecha Design Checklist
have difficulty transporting more than one of 1. Pick the standard mecha’s class: light, medium, or heavy. Record
these machines. stat block.
All standard mecha are assumed to have 2. Select the quality of the mecha (from a super model to piece of junk)
the following characteristics: and modify the cost shown in the stat block. Note the Design Point Total.
The mecha is humanoid with two legs, two 3. Pick and record design features whose total DP value exactly equals
arms, a torso, and a head (independent turret). the mecha’s Total Design Point Total. Modify stat block based on chosen
It has a metallic skeleton covered with exotic features.
composite armor. The exact composition can 4. Select what weapons are carried, and optionally any handheld
vary from setting to setting, but a typical mate- weapons.
rial might be titanium metal matrix nanocom- 5. Name the mecha.
posite (titanium alloy reinforced by carbon


This also sustains the plasma containment field long enough turret and on its shoulder. A trio of laser rangefinders (10,000-
to power down in the event of a catastrophic breach. A fire- yard range) are in the turret and each arm to paint targets, giv-
suppression system puts out fires aboard the mecha on a 3d ing +3 to Acc for aimed shots when in use (though this warns
roll of 14 or less (roll each second). a target with laser sensors). The mecha’s computer runs target-
The mecha is controlled by a single driver (often called a ing programs (+2 to all Artillery and Gunner skills) and a tac-
pilot). He uses Driving (Mecha) skill to maneuver it and Elec- net program (+2 to Tactics skill). Thus, usually the mecha pilot
tronics Operation (Communications and Sensors) to operate will get a +5 targeting system bonus.
its onboard systems. Most mecha pilots also have Artillery The mecha’s head-turret can rotate at 180° per second and
and/or Gunner skills for whatever weapons they’re armed with. is typically used as a sensor and communications mount, and
The pilot’s one-man cockpit is located in the torso. It has lim- sometimes a weapon mount. Built into the head is a large
ited life support (see Ultra-Tech, p. 224) providing 50 hours of radio (1,000-mile range) with a medium laser communicator
air, food, and water. The cockpit has no windows, relying on (500-mile range; see Ultra-Tech, pp. 43-44, for both), and
video cameras spaced about the vehicle to give an effective 360° searchlight (Ultra-Tech, p. 74). The head counts as an inde-
arc of vision. Access is via a hatch in the torso. The mecha will pendent stabilized turret. The turret also has a pair of smoke
often be parked in a kneeling position to allow entry; it also has dischargers (High-Tech, p. 229). These can fire up to four
a retractable ladder or winch. The pilot has a well-padded seat times to create a 50¥25-yard smoke screen up to 50 yards
with a computerized crew station and a head-up display (see away. Usually radiant prism smoke is used, which obscures
Ultra-Tech, p. 24; +1 to Driving (Mecha) skill). Provision is made radar, imaging laser, radar, infrared, and visible light.
for direct neural interface control if the pilot has an appropriate Each of the two arm and legs have motors that give the
implant or a neural interface helmet (see Ultra-Tech, p. 48). mecha a transitory Striking Strength four times that of its
Built into the cockpit is a personal computer (Complexity 7; ST/HP score. The arms end in a reasonably dextrous hand, but
Hardened; stores 100 petabytes data). Other instruments the mecha still counts as Ham-Fisted (p. B138). Standard mecha
include a tactical ESM detector that detects radar and laser sig- arms incorporate the same auto-stabilization systems as a stabi-
nals (Ultra-Tech, p. 62), plus GPS and inertial navigation system lized turret, allowing weapons to be fired on the move. Each leg
(+5 to Navigation skill; see Ultra-Tech, p. 74). has large feet to reduce ground pressure; they are also capable
The standard sensor and targeting system is a pair of tacti- of kicking or stomping opponents. A mecha can climb or jump
cal sensor turrets (20¥ Hyperspectral Vision, +3 Acc when aim- the same way that a human can, but it is too heavy to swim
ing; see Ultra-Tech, p. 66) mounted atop the mecha’s own unless equipped with the submersible design feature (p. 26).

Standard Mecha Statistics

TL Type ST/HP Hnd/SR HT Move LWt. Load SM Occ. DR* Cost Loc.
10 Light 145 +4/3 12 15/15 25 0.4 +3 1 900/600 $3M 2A2Lt
10 Medium 170 +3/3 12 15/15 40 0.5 +4 1 1,050/750 $5M 2A2Lt
10 Heavy 200 +2/3 12 15/15 65 0.6 +5 1 1,200/900 $7M 2A2Lt
* The higher DR applies across a 120° front arc and top for the body and the turret. Lower DR applies to the body and turret
from other angles and to arms and legs. All armor is laminate (with doubled DR vs. shaped charges and plasma bolts.)
DR values are divisible by 2, 3, or 5 to make armor divisor calculations simpler.

MECHA QUALITY pilots – the GM decides what quality of machine they will start
with. He might reward victorious ace pilots with higher-qual-
After deciding on the base features, select the quality of ity designs.
mecha. If PCs are buying their own mecha the quality will The table below shows the various grades and modification
modify the mecha’s cost. In a campaign where mecha are to cost and the Total Design Points (DP) that must be used to
issued to the protagonists – for example, if they’re military buy design features (see pp. 25-26).

Mecha Quality Table

Description Total DP Cost Example
Super Model 5 ¥100 A prototype super weapon
Elite Model 4 ¥20 A high-tech new prototype
Advanced Model 3 ¥4 A state-of-the-art design
Enhanced Model 2 ¥2 An expensive or upgraded model
General Model 1 ¥1 A good-quality, mass-produced design
Basic Model 0 ¥0.75 No-frills “grunt” mecha
Cheap Model -1 ¥0.5 Mass-produced downgrade or “export” design
Piece of Junk -2 ¥0.3 Inferior or obsolete design


Most mecha differ in some way from the baseline Vehicles With Legs
standard design. A variety of mecha design features are On the Vehicle Hit Location Table (p. B554), legs are hit on
available. Each has a cost in Design Points (DP). Much as a 6-7 (right leg or legs) and 13-14 (left leg or legs) with the
with advantages and disadvantages, these can be positive same effects as leg hits to humans and humanoids (see p.
or negative. The GM may allow PCs to customize their B552, note 5).
own mecha (especially if they are paying for it), or he
may decide on the features if the robots are provided by
a Patron or job.
Add the small glass windows location (g) to the mecha’s Loca-
Select design features from the Mecha Design Feature Table
tion stat block.
shown below. The total DP cost of all features must equal the
Cargo: The mecha adds 0.5 tons of cargo space to its Load.
mecha’s Total DP, as shown on the Mecha Quality Table. A
Cargo is in a leg or torso.
given design feature can only be taken once unless marked
Cockpit in Head: A mecha pilot is normally seated in the
with an asterisk; if so marked it can be taken twice. Modifica-
well-armored torso, for safety. A simpler alternative is to place
tions that are exact opposites (e.g., +1 Health and -1 Health)
the cockpit in the head – this simplifies the design (as there’s
are incompatible. After choosing the desired features, adjust
more room for the power plant), but the head (as an independ-
the mecha’s vehicular stat block accordingly and go on to
ent turret) is easier to disable.
select weaponry (p. 26-27).
Combustion Engine: The mecha uses an air-breathing inter-
nal combustion or gas turbine instead of the more common
Mecha Design Feature Table nuclear reactor. The mecha can operate for 10 hours with Range
400 miles, and is also somewhat noisy (+2 to detect via Hearing).
Description DP Description DP If in vacuum, underwater, or atmospheres lacking oxygen, or
Active Defense System 1 Move -5 1* trying to be quiet, it must switch to its auxiliary battery power
Airborne 1 Jump Jets 1 and can only operate for 30 minutes (Range 20 miles).
Canopy -1 Jump Jet Extra Fuel 1* Ejection Seat: The mecha is fitted with an ejection seat and
Cargo 1* Multispectral 1 parachute that can blast its crew free in only one second if the
Cockpit in Head -1 Chameleon mecha is disabled and about to crash, explode, etc. The system
Combustion Engine -1 No Hands -2 can be set to work even if the crew are unconscious. (If the
DR +150 (front torso) 1* No Laminate -1 mecha location containing the cockpit is disabled, roll against
DR +150 (rest of torso) 1* Occupancy +1 1 the mecha’s HT to see if it works.)
DR +150 (head) 1* One Hand -1 Foot Rollers: Legs can be fitted with small semi-retractable
DR +150 (both arms) 1* Psi-Amplifier 1 rollers in their feet, allowing the mecha to skate across smooth
DR +150 (both legs) 1* Radar Jammer 1 ground. It takes a Ready action to switch to them. On a com-
DR +30 (entire mecha) 1* Sensor Periscope 1 pletely flat, hard-surfaced ground like a road or building inte-
DR -30 (entire mecha) 1* Stealth 1 rior, using foot rollers doubles the mecha’s Top Speed (but not
Ejection Seat 1 ST/HP +50 1 its Acceleration). However, the mecha is considered to be Road
Foot Rollers 1 ST/HP -50 -1 Bound when using them. It is also at -1 to Handling and SR.
Full Life Support 1 Submersible 1 Full Life Support: Instead of limited life support, the mecha
Handling +1 1* Surveillance Array 1 can provide unlimited water and air (see Ultra-Tech, p. 224). It
Handling -1 -1 Tactical AESA 1 still only has a two-day food supply; extra meals should be car-
Health +1 1 Volatile -1 ried as cargo.
Health -1 -1 Weapon +1 1 High Maintenance: Complex, jury-rigged, or advanced sys-
High Maintenance -1 Weapon -1 -1 tems impose -2 on rolls to repair or maintain it. Usually, the
Move +5 1* vehicle spends a lot of time in the workshop.
Jump Jets: A compact nuclear rocket engine allows free
* This feature can be taken twice (if desired). flight with aerial Move 20/60 using Piloting (Vertol) skill;
Hnd/SR is unchanged. Heavy fuel consumption limits it to 30
Feature Descriptions seconds of thrust unless extra fuel is added (see below). It’s for
Active Defense System: This missile defense system auto- quick “jumps” rather than sustained free flight. In space, it has
matically tries to intercept incoming grenade launcher, rocket, 1.5G acceleration and delta-V 600; use Piloting (High-Perform-
missile, or indirect fire artillery projectiles fired from at least ance Spacecraft). The plasma wash does 6d¥2 burning damage
100 yards away. Check after an attack hits but before Dodging. to anything directly under it within a 10-yard long, 60° cone.
It works on 13 or less on 3d; if multiple hits in one turn, apply The jet makes the mecha easy to spot on infrared; it is detected
a cumulative -1 per projectile after the first. at +3 and visual or infrared stealth is useless.
Airborne: The mecha’s joints are reinforced giving it the Jump Jet Extra Fuel: An extra reaction mass tank – usually
equivalent of Catfall advantage. It is also equipped with a para- ordinary water is used – that adds a further 60 seconds of
chute that allows it to be air dropped into action even if it lacks thrust (delta-V 1,200) to jump jet capability.
jump jets (see below). Multispectral Chameleon Surface: A sensor-controlled active
Canopy: Instead of the pilot relying on sophisticated inter- camouflage system (see Ultra-Tech, p. 98) adds +8 to Stealth vs.
nal holographic displays for situational awareness, the mecha ordinary and IR vision, +4 vs. hyperspectral vision, and +2 vs.
employs a transparent bubble canopy like a fighter aircraft. extended high- or low-band hyperspectral. Halve this if moving.


No Hands: The mecha has arms (acting as strikers and pos- Volatile: The mecha’s power plant, fuel, ammo, or energy
sibly weapon mounts) but has No Manipulators and cannot bank can explode when damaged. It has the Fragile (Explosive)
grapple, carry handheld weapons, etc. (see p. B136) disadvantage. If it has an ejection seat (p. 25), roll
No Laminate: The armor’s DR is not doubled against vs. HT; on a successful roll the pilot ejects before it blows.
shaped charge warheads, etc. Weapon +1/-1: The mecha has one extra or one less weapon
Occupancy +1: The mecha has a seat for a gunner/sensor than usual (see Weaponry, below).
operator. The gunner operates turret weapons and independ-
ent comm systems, surveillance sensors, or sensor turrets,
while the pilot drives the mecha, controls arms, and uses arm WEAPONRY
and torso-mounted weapons. A light mecha normally has two weapons, a medium has
One Hand: The mecha effectively has the One Hand disad- three weapons, and a heavy mecha has four weapons (as
vantage. Not compatible with No Hands. modified by design features). Pick the weapons the mecha
Psi-Amplifier: Some mecha pilots are psis, and their mecha has from the Ranged Weapon Table (p. 27). When a weapon is
can amplify their power! A large psi-amplifier built into the chosen, decide where it is located. One weapon can be
mecha’s cockpit adds +4 to one psi talent. mounted on or carried in each arm (in an arm mount). Up to
Radar Jammer: Jams radar signals, giving -6 to radar and -4 two weapons can be mounted in the head (in the same turret
to imaging radar to detect the mecha. This also applies to mount). Up to two weapons can be mounted in the torso (in
attack rolls made with any type of radar-homing missiles. It a fixed mount). It’s usually a good idea to mount weapons in
can spoof radar signals as detailed in Ultra-Tech (p. 99). the head or arms if possible, for the best field of fire, but
Sensor Periscope: The mecha’s tactical sensor turret and laser since the torso is normally better armored, a fixed weapon
rangefinder can extend on a telescoping mast up to 21’ to see there can be more survivable.
over hills, while submerged, etc. (see Ultra-Tech, p. 66). A mecha operator can fire one weapon at a time, or two dif-
Stealth: A combination of radar stealth and infrared cloak- ferent weapons with an All-Out Attack.
ing. It gives the vehicle -6 to be detected via infrared sensors Remember that laminate armor gets double DR vs. a
and radar plasma lance or a missile’s shape-charged warhead.
Submersible: The mecha is designed for underwater opera-
tions in up to a mile of water. It has a torso-mounted pump jet Light Missile Pod: Launches guided missiles that can be set
propulsion system giving it 1/5 its ground acceleration but full for either Homing (Hyperspectral) or Homing (Imaging Radar).
top speed underwater. Use Submarine (Minisub)/TL10 skill to The typical warhead is a high-explosive multi-purpose shaped
maneuver. Sensors are augmented with a large tactical sonar charge inflicting crushing incendiary damage and a linked
(40,000-yard range, Ultra-Tech, p. 65) and large hydrophone crushing explosion. Alternatively, it can use any 100mm war-
(+14 detection; Ultra-Tech, p. 63, p. 65). head from Ultra-Tech usable with missiles (except APEP or
Surveillance Array: An array of indirect sensors: a TL10 tac- APDS. Damage is 6d¥10 pi++ with a solid warhead.
tical sound detector, tactical chemsniffer, and medium rad- Heavy Missile Pod: As above, but launches a missile that is
scanner (see Ultra-Tech, pp. 61-63). more accurate and longer ranged, with a heavy high-explosive
Tactical AESA: The mecha skin incorporates a distributed anti-tank shaped charge warhead. Damage is 6d¥12 pi++ with
tactical AESA (200-mile-range multi-mode radar; see Ultra- a solid warhead.
Tech, p. 65). If using the radar for active targeting, it gives Particle Beam: A high-energy charged particle beam weapon
+9 (instead of +3 for laser rangefinder and +2 for Targeting similar to that of a blaster cannon, but built for enhanced dam-
program.) age at the expense of much shorter range.


Ranged Weapon Table
This abbreviated weapon table covers mecha weapons described on pp. 26-27. All are TL10 and LC1 weapons, and all are
mounted (M) with Bulk -10 if dismounted.
Weapon Damage Acc Range RoF Shots ST Rcl

ARTILLERY (GUIDED MISSILE) (IQ-5 or other Artillery-4)

Light Missile Pod 6d¥12(10) cr inc 5 1,000/6,000 7 21(20i) 40 1
linked 8d¥2 cr ex
Heavy Missile Pod 6d¥15(10) cr inc 6 1,500/20,000 3 6(20i) 40 1
linked 6d¥3 cr ex

GUNNER (BEAMS) (DX-4 or other Gunner-4)

Particle Beam 5d¥20(5) burn sur 15 6,000/18,000 1 * 100 1
Plasma Lance 6d¥20(10) burn exp 8 20/200 1 * 100 2
Rainbow Laser 6d¥25(3) burn 18 10,000/30,000 1 * 100 1

GUNNER (CANNON) (DX-4 or other Gunner-4)

Railgun, 40mm 6d¥25(3) pi+ 8 8,000/29,000 5 200(5) 150 2
Railgun, 64mm 6d¥30(3) pi+ 8 12,000/40,000 1 60(5) 150 2
* Relies on mecha’s internal energy bank; the number of Shots depends on the type of mecha: 15 for light, 30 for medium, 60
for heavy. The power plant can recharge 1/30 its total shots every second if neither moving nor firing a beam weapon or railgun.

Plasma Lance: A very high-energy short range plasma beam Vehicles with arms (such as giant robots and Japanese-
weapon, a hybrid of flamer and fusion gun. Note that laminate style mecha) often carry oversized swords, axes, and similar
armor gets doubled DR against it. weapons. Rules for giant-sized melee weapons can be found in
Rainbow Laser: A heavy multi-frequency laser weapon, sim- GURPS Low-Tech Companion 2: Weapons and Warriors
ilar to the laser cannons in Ultra-Tech but with a higher- (pp. 20-21), which scales weapons based on Size Modifier. To
energy focal array optimized for battlefield lethality rather get through armor, they’ll need to be either superfine vibrob-
than extreme range. lades or monomolecular blades (Ultra-Tech, p. 164).
Railguns: These fire electromagnetically accelerate projec-
tiles. The 40mm weapon is similar to the railgun in Ultra-Tech
but with a lower rate of fire to better fit in a mecha; the 64mm MECHA SHIELDS
is a larger-caliber but slower-firing weapon. Mecha often carry large shields reinforced with ultra-tech
materials. These aren’t built in and so count against encum-
brance. A mecha can only carry a single shield.

The pilot chamber rang like a bell, Mecha Shield Table

and Matt grunted with the shock of Type DB Cost Weight DR/HP
a physical blow. Through the interface Light Shield 1 $10,000 80 320/120
Small Shield 1 $16,000 320 360/180
suit, he felt the chill touch of long, Medium Shield 2 $24,000 600 400/240
bladelike talons. Large Shield 3 $36,000 1,000 480/360

– Brett Patton, Mecha Corps All shields are laminated. Light, small, or medium are also
available as a buckler (see p. B287). All can be used to shield
bash; including a spike adds $400 and 100 lbs. to weight.


If a mecha with hands wants to use additional weapons but
David L. Pulver is a Canadian freelance author. An avid SF
lacks the space to install them, it may carry them externally.
fan, he began roleplaying in junior high with the newly released
Handheld versions of all beam weapons and railguns have a
Basic Dungeons & Dragons. Upon graduating from university,
loaded weight of 1,200 lbs. and cost $500,000 each. Spare mag-
he decided to become a game designer. Since then, David has
azines for the railguns are 150 lbs. and cost $1,500 each.
written over 70 roleplaying game books, and he has worked as a
Handheld missile pods are 500 lbs. and $25,000 each (but much
staff writer, editor, and line developer for Steve Jackson Games
more bulky). All handheld weapons are lightly armored with DR
and Guardians of Order. He is best known for creating
50 and are SM +1. Handheld beam and gun weapons are less
Transhuman Space, co-authoring the Big Eyes, Small Mouth
accurate; multiply their Acc by 2/3 and treat them as Bulk -4 for
anime RPG, and writing countless GURPS books.
purposes of firing when moving (due to stabilization).


Advanced combat uniforms have been part of science fic- demonstrated in a war-game exercise at Fort Polk. Cost
tion for decades – from the powered armor worn by Heinlein’s blowouts saw the contract taken away from Raytheon, and
Starship Troopers to the Colonial Marines in Aliens, who were an attempt was made to replace military-spec technology
kitted out in integrated armor, sensors, communications, and with parts bought off the shelf from commercial electronics
cameras. It seems that every year or so, the Pentagon or one of suppliers. This brought the price down dramatically, but the
its contractors announces a new vision or innovation for the result was too fragile to survive field operations. In 2003, a
army of the future. They are heralded with much fanfare, but contract was awarded to General Dynamics to create a more
few concepts ever make it to the battlefield. rugged version of the system.
By 2005, units started to be delivered for field trials. These
were still considered to be too heavy and unreliable for use in
HISTORY the combat arena, so further enhancements were made that
In the late 1980s, General Electric investigated integrated managed to reduce the weight further. In early 2007, the 4th
combat systems for ground soldiers, but it was determined to Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT) performed the first
be unfeasible with the available technology of the time. In operational assessment of Land Warrior, and its sister pro-
1994, the Land Warrior System was announced, and a develop- gram, Mounted Warrior (for vehicle crewman), at Fort Lewis.
ment contract was awarded to Raytheon Systems. It was envi- With their experiences and suggestions, improvements were
sioned that Land Warrior would give the soldier “enhanced made. Additionally, the weight was pared down even more –
tactical awareness, lethality and survivability.” This project partly by storing some batteries in vehicles rather than on the
centered on an advanced fighting load vest with integrated soldiers. Even then, many soldiers were not impressed. They
gadgets and computing power. It included GPS and naviga- complained about the software being too slow and having to
tion, digital and voice communications, body armor and hel- spend too much time fixing problems. They didn’t see how the
met, and a weapons-targeting system. The aim was to link alleged improvement in tactical effectiveness was worth the
soldiers, vehicles, and sensors into a global military intranet additional weight. Many soldiers believed that they could get
where a commander in a remote operations base could moni- the same results with traditional maps, GPS units, and radios.
tor and coordinate every individual, and every soldier in the It took eight months of training and improvements for the
field could instantly know everyone else’s position and current skeptics to admit that Land Warrior might be worth using (by
status – to improve communications and situational aware- now the weight was down to around 10 lbs.).
ness, thus minimizing the so-called fog of war.
Land Warrior During this time the entire Land Warrior concept was being
Raytheon developed and tested various prototypes of Land questioned. Did every soldier need to be “wired up” and
Warrior, and it was quickly discovered that weight was a pri- “plugged in”? How much of the equipment was superfluous to
mary concern. It was extremely difficult to produce a system day-to-day operations? Was the Army focused too much on
that was robust enough to survive field operations while being what might be desired in the future instead of giving soldiers
light enough for the soldier to endure. Power was another what they needed right now? In addition, other, more advanced
problem – the weight of the batteries in early prototypes projects were under various stages of development such as
exceeded the weight of the actual equipment. Moreover, there Ground Soldier Ensemble (p. 29) and Objective Force Warrior
were logistical problems keeping troops supplied with new (p. 29) – all of which were competing for limited funding.
batteries or recharging existing ones. In February of 2007, the Department of Defense
Despite many hurdles, in the year 2000, around 100 announced the proposed termination of the Land Warrior
Land Warrior “proof-of-concept” units were successfully program. The 4th SBCT was sorely disappointed at this news.


Despite the cut, their commander decided to take it to Iraq in combat uniform. Thermal and low-light imaging, CCD-TV
June anyway, since all of the systems and support had already sensors, laser targeting, and head-up display will be inte-
been funded. It proved to be successful – improving effective- grated into the helmet. The clothing will combine ballistic
ness and saving lives. Congress made some appropriations for armor with chem-bio and physiological sensors, in addition
the program so that the 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team to microclimate conditioning. The power sources are all to be
could take it to Afghanistan in 2009. worn by the soldier and are envisioned to be a combination
After many setbacks, the program is finally being success- of solar cell, fuel cell, and micro gas-turbine technologies.
fully used in the field, but Land Warrior is unlikely to ever be Some of the technologies are available today, while others
widely distributed. Despite having a system that is proven in still need to be developed. It is proposed that the program be
battle, the Army is already looking for something new. implemented in stages with each subsystem being introduced as
it is made ready. This means that each new piece of equipment
Ground Soldier Ensemble needs to be backwards compatible with existing technology, but
the soldiers will be using some of the advanced hardware much
Touted as the next generation of Land Warrior, the function-
sooner than if the whole system were kept for one large rollout.
ality of the Ground Soldier Ensemble is very similar, just with
more advanced technology. In 2009, the program was renamed
Ground Soldier System (GSS) and given the nickname “Nett
Warrior” after Robert B. Nett, a WWII Medal of Honor recipi-
ent. In October of the same year, the three contractors, General
Our intent is to stir
Dynamics, Raytheon, and Rockwell Collins all delivered proto- imaginations, and start
types for assessment.
However, technology has been changing too fast for devel- a dialogue about how best
opers to keep up; in the last few years, consumer electronics
have overtaken the military prototypes. The contractors were
to equip the soldier.
working on a hand-held device that consisted of a computer – Natick Soldier Centre,
with viewing monitor attached to an eyepiece, plus control
unit, navigation system, radio, microphone and headphones. Future Soldier
In 2011, Natick Soldier Center was ordered to transfer all of
the above functions into a smart phone, which was smaller and
2030 Initiative
lighter than any of the prototypes in development. This project
has been nicknamed “Droid Warrior” after the open-source
Android operating system. Connecting Nett Warrior with
smartphone technology has already been successfully demon- NANOTUBES:
strated, but the system needs to be “military-hardened” to sur-
vive field operations and the 3G communications needs to be
changed to a more secure protocol. Arguably one of the most exciting innovations in materials
science in recent decades is the nanotube. Discovered in 1991
by electron microscopist Sumio Iijima at NEC in Japan, his
FUTURE finding has sparked a whole new era of scientific research. As
The Natick Soldier Centre has a project called the Future more breakthroughs in nanotube research are made, scientists
Soldier Initiative. Its vision is to equip every future soldier and engineers are speculating that nanotubes, alone and com-
“physically, cognitively, socially and with the appropriate bined with other materials, will form the basis of many tech-
materiel to conduct Full Spectrum Operations.” According to nological advances for decades to come.
Natick, in order to achieve this, the soldiers will require
“agility, adaptability, mobility and the ability to act efficiently Structure and Properties
and effectively to simultaneously perform operations in many A nanotube can be thought of as a sheet of benzene rings, a
traditional and non-traditional roles including but not limited “hex-grid” of carbon atoms, that has been rolled up to make a
to warfighting in complex, rapidly changing environments seamless cylinder – similar in appearance to rolled-up chicken
around the world.” wire – and capped by a hemisphere of the same structure (called
a fullerene). Just a nanometer across, the cylinder can be tens of
Future Force Warrior microns long, although technologies are emerging to enable the
This is a U.S. military advanced technology demonstration creation of longer ones. These structures exhibit an amazing
project exploring the various capabilities that a soldier might array of properties such as the ones described below, and more
take into combat in the future. It investigates the use of radical are being discovered constantly.
technologies to see how they may be used in the field. The Coherence: Nanotubes demonstrate very large coherence
Objective Force Warrior system is one aspect of the Future lengths and do not contain magnetic impurities. This means
Force Warrior project. that they would be useful in “spintronics,” where the spin of
electrons is used for various applications. Nanotubes could
Objective Force Warrior also be used for magnetic-sensing or switching applications.
The goal of this program is to create “wearable technology.” They would be the ideal choice for ultra-fast switches – perfect
All of the electronics are to be integrated into the soldier’s for digital computation.


Containers: Being hollow in the center, a nanotube can act is sandwiched between two of these nanotube electrodes, a
as a container for other molecules. A good candidate is hydro- thin, flexible supercapacitor is created.
gen. By storing hydrogen inside these tubes, it should make it Thermal: Nanotubes have a thermal conductivity at least as
a much safer material with which to work, and could possibly good as the world’s current best heat conductor – diamond – and
lead to the widespread use of pure hydrogen in fuel cells. it is resistant to flame damage. In addition to acting as a fire
Electrokinetic: The application of electricity to a sheet of shield, nanotubes would be perfect as the basis of a tempera-
nanotubes causes it to flex in a similar manner to muscle tis- ture-regulation system for combat uniforms, keeping the soldier
sue. This could provide the principal material needed to build comfortable despite extreme climate conditions. This would also
artificial muscles for bionic limbs and tiny robotic devices. The reduce the chance of detection by thermal imaging devices.
opposite effect is also possible. When nanotube sheets are
bent, their electrical resistance changes, making it possible to Combined Applications
convert mechanical energy to electricity. This property could
Consider a jacket for a soldier fashioned from fabric made of
be used in power plants, utilizing wind or wave energy to gen-
multiple layers of nanotube composites. This jacket will have
erate electricity. A suit made from nanotube fabric would gen-
three-dimensional circuitry with phenomenal computing power
erate power every time the wearer moved. This could be used
and a built-in antenna for communication. It will also be a
to recharge batteries, which in turn, could be used to power
flame-resistant ballistic shield able to stop bullets with a capac-
various electronic gadgets.
ity to generate and store its own power – all in one fabric! Add
Field Emission: Nanotubes emit electrons out of their ends,
to this a microclimate control system that will regulate the suit’s
which can be used to produce nanoscopic writing with molec-
temperature, keeping the soldier comfortable while simultane-
ular “ink,” or to stimulate light-emitting substances. Recently,
ously helping him evade infrared detection. Field-emitting nan-
carbon nanotubes have been integrated into organic light-
otubes will create adaptable camouflage patterns. A molecular
emitting transistors (OLET). This combination was then incor-
filtration layer will protect the soldier from biochemical
porated into a layer of organic light emitting diodes (OLED).
weapons. It may even have a limited capacity to self-repair.
The technology will lead to thin, flexible, extremely high-reso-
lution display screens. An extension of this technology could
be used to produce fabric with the same attributes. The fash-
ion industry will have clothing able to be programmed to dis-
play any conceivable combination of colors and patterns.
Machinery: Micro machinery at its finest – adding a few
Many of the technologies discussed in the Future Force
benzene rings perpendicular to the tube produces nanogears.
Warrior program are described in GURPS Ultra-Tech. They
Metallic: The properties of nanotubes can change simply by
are combined here to create a modular combat uniform for the
varying the way the sheets are rolled. If the sheet is rolled so
soldier of the near-future (TL9). This work speculates that
that its hexagons line up straight along the tube’s axis, the nan-
woven sheets of nanotubes and other nano-materials could be
otube acts as an electrical conductor that is better than copper,
manufactured with different properties. Each nanofiber
and whose resistance does not vary according to its length.
“layer” (or gadget) could be combined with others to form a
This means it should be possible to create extremely long, but
multi-purpose fabric – each incorporating a different technol-
very thin wires. With copper-wire diameter starting to limit the
ogy utilizing one or more of the above-mentioned properties of
size of computer chips, this could dramatically alter the com-
nanotubes. This fabric could be manufactured into a combat
puter and electronics industry.
uniform weighing little more than a standard ballistic vest, and
Resistance Variability: Upon exposure to various molecules,
able to be tailored with different technologies to suit the vari-
the electrical resistance of nanotubes dramatically changes.
ous types of action a particular unit might see.
This response is faster and more sensitive than current solid-
The following rules give a modular system for tailor-
state sensors. Nanotube sensors have been, and continue to be,
designing combat uniforms by adding layers onto a basic
developed to detect a wide range of substances.
foundation to create a suit similar to the flexible, sealed tac-
Semiconductor: If the sheet is rolled on the diagonal, so
suit in Ultra-Tech (p. 178), but more customizable. Most fea-
that the hexagons spiral along the axis like a barber’s pole,
tures cannot be retro-fitted; they must all be specified at the
the nanotube becomes a semiconductor – the type of mate-
time of manufacture.
rial used to make transistors, diodes, and many other elec-
tronic components.
Strength: Nanotubes are over 100 times stronger than steel Basic Combat Uniform
and have a high strain to failure rating. Fabric woven from The Nanotech Basic Combat Uniform (NBCU) incorporates
strands of nanotubes has the potential to create extremely two layers: NanoShield and NanoComp (see below). Other layers
tough body armor and cord that is virtually unbreakable. may be added for additional cost and weight. It is possible to
Supercapacitors: Capacitors store energy in the form of an have more than one layer of some technologies. For example, a
electric field of charged particles created by two electrodes. particularly complex suit may consist of multiple layers of
They can be charged and drained many more times and more NanoGen (p. 31) or NanoCaps (p. 31) to avoid power shortages.
quickly than a chemical battery. However, storage potential Weight savings are made by combining multiple technologies in
is limited by the surface area of the electrodes. Covering the one housing (see Combination Gadgets, Ultra-Tech, p. 15).
electrodes with nanotubes greatly increases the surface area
and thus the amount of energy that the capacitor can store. NanoShield
A suspension of nanotubes can also be sprayed onto a sur- A more primitive (TL9) version of nanoweave (Ultra-Tech,
face, which can act as an electrode. When an electrolyte gel p. 172). NanoShield’s main function is as ballistic armor.


It can resist high-velocity projectile attacks as well as cut-
ting blows. NanoShield is flexible with a split DR.
t provides full DR against piercing and cutting attacks, and NBCU Computing Power
uses its reduced DR against all other types of damage. It The computers in Ultra-Tech are more advanced than
comes in three grades. today’s computers. A small computer (Ultra-Tech, p. 22)
costs $100, weighs 0.5 lbs., has Complexity 4, and stores 10
Concealable NanoShield: DR 14/5*, $500, 2 lbs. Don 20 TB. It requires 2 ¥ A power cells to operate it for 20 hrs.
sec. Holdout +0. However, the computer in the NBCU has been integrated
Tactical NanoShield: DR 20/10*, $800, 6 lbs. Don 30 sec. into a thin layer of fabric and can be treated as a printed
Holdout -3. small computer (Ultra-Tech, p. 23). It has also been hard-
Assault NanoShield: DR 36/16*, $2,000, 12 lbs. Don 45 ened (Ultra-Tech, p. 23) to survive electromagnetic attacks,
sec. Holdout -8. and ruggedized (Ultra-Tech, p. 15) to survive field opera-
The above figures are for a vest that only covers the torso tions. A printed small computer is the same weight (0.5 lb.)
(areas 9-11). Use the Hit Location Table in GURPS Low-Tech and cost ($100) but only has Complexity 3 and 0.01 TB stor-
(p. 100) for armor that covers other parts of the body. For age. Hardening takes it up to 1 lb. and $200. Rugged
example, long sleeves would add 50% to the cost and weight increases it to 1.2 lbs and $400.
for a total of $750, 3 lbs. for concealable NanoShield.

NanoComp to power other devices just like a power cell. Each layer that
A computer with three-dimensional circuitry and fast pro- covers the entire body (torso, arms, legs) can hold the equiva-
cessing speeds, built into a layer of nanofibers. This is the lent of a C cell. NanoCaps can be drained and recharged indef-
“brain” of the NBCU and forms an integral part of any combat initely. They can be charged at a maximum rate of one A cell
uniform. It has multiple CPUs for parallel processing, including per second (100 seconds to fully charge it). In addition to inte-
redundant systems in case part of the suit is damaged. However, grated gadgets, external devices (e.g., combat helmets and
its data storage capacity is limited. It also has interfaces for energy weapons) can be plugged into the suit enabling the
external devices, including connectivity to the soldier’s combat NanoCaps to provide power directly to the device. Multiple
helmet and weapons systems, which contain their own elec- NanoCaps may be required for more complex NBCUs. Treat as
tronic devices. The software that comes in a standard Nano- a flexible (Ultra-Tech, p. 19), rugged (Ultra-Tech, p. 15) C cell;
Comp includes applications for navigation, communications, $80, 0.6 lbs. LC4.
IFF (“Identify Friend or Foe”), media playback, targeting, and NanoFilter: Works in conjunction with SensorWeave
helmet interface, which use up almost all of its internal data (p. 32) to protect the body from contaminants. It stops chem-
storage. $400, 1.2 lbs., Complexity 3, 0.01 TB, B/1 day. LC4. ical, biological, and radiation threats. It only uses power
Only one NanoComp is needed for each NBCU, but it will when a threat is detected and NanoFilter is activated. $1,000,
require additional storage to accommodate applications for 1 lb., A/1 day LC4.
additional layers in the suit. Each 0.1 TB of hardened data NanoGen: This generates power any time the wearer moves.
storage costs $20 and adds 0.02 lbs. to the weight. Additional The greater the physical activity, the more power that is pro-
data storage is one of the few modifications that can be added duced. A layer of NanoGen produces enough power to recharge
after the NBCU has been manufactured. This data storage one A cell for every hour of normal activity (e.g., walking). Power
comes in flexible modules that are installed in interfaces on the generation is doubled during periods of physical exertion (e.g.,
suit. Power comes from external power cells (Ultra-Tech, running or fighting). NanoGen stops making power during pro-
pp. 18-19) or a flexible power cell that is integrated into its own longed periods of reduced movement (e.g., sleeping or sniping).
layer in the NBCU (see NanoCaps, below). Multiple layers of NanoGen may be purchased for additional
cost to increase power output (e.g., three layers are equivalent to
Additional Functionality three A cells per hour). $5,000, 8 lbs.
All of the following layers require an entire suit of Nano- NanoMuscles: Simulates human muscle tissue, effectively
Shield, covering the torso, arms, and legs. The base cost and giving the wearer a temporary exoskeleton. NanoMuscles can
weight for this is 250% of a torso-only vest. For example, a suit give a slight boost (up to +2) to the wearer’s ST or DX for phys-
of tactical NanoShield (above) costs $2,000 (2.5 ¥ $800) and ical skills (except for skills that require manual dexterity, such
weigh 15 lbs. (2.5 ¥ 6). Don time is 75 seconds (2.5 ¥ 30). The lay- as Lockpick). The wearer can choose either ST or DX but not
ers also require a sealed helmet such as the infantry combat both at the same time; two layers must be installed for both ST
helmet in Ultra-Tech (p. 180), ideally with integrated communi- and DX to function simultaneously. Each second of use
cator (Ultra-Tech, p. 43) and camcorder (Ultra-Tech, p. 52). requires the capacity of an entire B cell for +1 and a C cell for
Each layer of added functionality increases the amount of data +2, so it can’t be used for long. $5,000, 8 lbs., LC3.
storage needed. The cost and weight of the 0.1 TB module is NanoRes: Generates high-resolution images on its surface,
included in the stats of each layer. An additional 0.1 TB of data similar to the varicloth technology in Ultra-Tech (p. 39). This
storage ($20, 0.02 lbs.) is also required for each installed appli- can be used for a variety of purposes such as programmable
cation (see NanoComp Applications, pp. 32-33). NBC Suit skill camouflage (Ultra-Tech, p. 99) or a video display. It can also
(p. B192) is needed to get in or out of the combat uniform create a basic reflec armor (Ultra-Tech, p. 173), and it has a
quickly or to gauge its state of repair, but there is no DX penalty. “distress pattern” (a bright color to assist search and rescue).
NanoRes must be the outermost layer of the NBCU for it to be
NanoCaps: Nanotube electrodes combined with an elec- useful, so it cannot be used in conjunction with SolarWeave
trolyte create a capacitor to store power. This can then be used (below). $2,000, 1 lb. A/1 day. LC4.


SensorWeave: Not a discrete layer like many others, Sensor- to be cooled down, surplus heat is converted to electricity. If
Weave is incorporated through all the other layers from the the soldier needs to be warmed up, stored power can be used
outside of the suit to the inside. The network of sensors – to produce heat. In temperate climates, enough power to
including electromagnetic detectors, pressure sensors, chem- recharge two A cells per day is generated. In hot climates,
sniffers (Ultra-Tech, pp. 61-62), biomedical sensors (Ultra- power generation is doubled. In cool climates, there is negli-
Tech, p. 187), and input from external sources (e.g. helmet gible power generation. In Arctic conditions, the microcli-
cameras and microphones) – constantly feed data to the mate system requires one A cell per hour to keep the wearer
NanoComp. The information includes everything from details warm. $3,000, 2 lbs., LC4.
about the environment to the wearer’s physiological condition. ThermoWeave (IR): Regulates the outside temperature of
Without SensorWeave, many other functions could not oper- the suit, creating infra-red shielding. If the surface of the suit
ate. $3,000, 2 lbs. A/1 day. LC4. is kept at the same temperature as the surrounding environ-
SolarWeave: A layer of thin, flexible solar panels over the ment, thermal imaging devices will not be able to detect it.
surface of the NBCU convert light into electricity. On a sunny When used by itself, it gives +4 to Stealth against infrared
day it generates enough power to recharge one A cell per detection. This is halved (round down) if moving. When used
hour. Overcast skies produce energy for one A cell every four in conjunction with NanoRes (p. 31) it provides a thermo-optic
hours. A well-lit room generates enough for one A cell every chameleon surface (Ultra-Tech, p. 98). For more details, see
six hours. SolarWeave cannot be worn in conjunction with Dynamic Camouflage (below). $3,000, 2 lbs., A/1 hr. LC3.
NanoRes (p. 31) since it needs to be the outermost layer to WRWRS (Waste Reclamation and Water Recycling
function. It is the cheapest way to generate power for the System): Nicknamed “whir-whirs,” it combines the waste-
NBCU. $1,000, 1 lb. LC4. relief system (Ultra-Tech, p. 187) with the desert environ-
ThermoWeave: A “thermal layer” of nanotube fiber, with mental suit (Ultra-Tech, p. 187) and the vapor canteen
components including thermocouples and thermal diodes, reg- (Ultra-Tech, p. 76). Whir-whirs collects and packages the
ulates the temperature of the suit and converts the heat gener- wearer’s waste products in a hygienic manner, and recycles
ated from the wearer and the environment into electrical about 90% of his body fluids for reuse. The recycled water is
energy. ThermoWeave can be used for two main functions, stored in a reservoir for drinking, which is topped up by the
microclimate control (MC) and infra-red shielding (IR). It has to vapor canteen technology. In all but the driest of climates,
be purchased twice for a suit to have both functions. the wearer should never run out of water. $5,000, 12 lbs., B/1
ThermoWeave (MC): Regulates the inside temperature of day. LC4. Weight includes around a quart of water (2 lbs.) in
the suit, creating a microclimate system. If the soldier needs the drinking reservoir.

Miscellaneous Systems
Power Consumption All of the items in Miscellaneous Accessories in Ultra-
Tech (p. 187) can be applied to the NBCU and may be
Many of the technologies of the NBCU require power in retrofitted. For example, if the suit was not initially fitted
order to operate and Ultra-Tech uses power cells for this with a WRWRS (above), then a waste-relief system could
(pp. 18-19). Just like in Ultra-Tech, each layer (or gadget) be retrofitted later on.
incorporated into the NBCU is listed with the type of cell it
uses and the length of time it can operate. Flexible power cells
(see NanoCaps, p. 31) can be incorporated into the NBCU and
NanoComp Applications
are rechargeable. If additional power is required, then regular These aren’t separate layers in the suit but specialized
power cells can be inserted in ancillary battery packs – usually applications (“apps”) that enable existing layers to per-
on the soldier’s belt or load-bearing harness. form additional functions. Since apps are just software,
Each layer can use a different size or number of power cells. they can be installed at any time. However, each applica-
To make all of the integrated gadgets run off the same size of tion requires an additional 0.1 TB of data storage ($20,
power cell, adjust endurance based on relative cell size. Since a 0.02 lbs.) for the NanoComp. The cost of this is included
D cell is 10 times the power of a C cell, a gadget that switched in the package when it is purchased, but the total weight
from using one D cell to using C cells will need 10 of them to of the suit needs to be increased by 0.02 lbs. per app.
operate for the same length of time (i.e. one C cell will operate Dynamic Camouflage: Requires SensorWeave and
for 1/10 as long). Don’t forget that changing the types of power NanoRes. The Deluxe version (below) requires Thermo-
cells will modify the weight of the suit – subtract the weight of Weave. SensorWeave constantly receives data about the
the old power cell(s), and add the weight of the new one(s). color and texture of the local terrain and allows NanoRes
If a suit doesn’t have enough power to run all of its func- camouflage to adapt to the surroundings (see Chameleon
tions then they start to shut down. Noncritical systems are Surface, Ultra-Tech, p. 98).
affected first, such as NanoMuscles and NanoRes. The last The Basic version automatically selects from an exten-
two to shut down are SensorWeave and finally NanoComp. sive database of preset camouflage patterns, and changes
When there is no power at all, the NBCU becomes a regular the pattern whenever it deems it necessary. This is supe-
NanoShield ballistic armor with a lot of superfluous weight. A rior to programmable camouflage (Ultra-Tech, p. 99)
suit should be fitted with at least one power-generating layer because it takes the operation out of the user’s hands, and
such as NanoGen (p. 31) or SolarWeave (see above) to keep it has a much greater variety of camouflage patterns from
the critical systems functioning at all times. which to choose. +3 to Stealth against ordinary vision
(only +1 when moving). $500, 0.02 lbs. A/1hr. LC4.


The goal of our Army is to continue the transformational process
of building a campaign quality expeditionary Army that can support
our combatant commanders in the challenges of the 21st century across
the full spectrum of conflict.
– Gen. George Casey

The Deluxe version generates patterns “on the fly,” creat- NanoCap to help repair the suit. If the suit is damaged, some
ing an almost infinite number of variations to more closely of the fluid is released into the damaged area. The NanoComp
emulate the immediate surroundings. It gives +4 to Stealth can then manipulate a localized electric field to enable the
skill against ordinary vision. When used in conjunction with nanocrystals in the damaged layers to regrow, thus allowing
ThermoWeave, it becomes a thermo-optic chameleon sur- the NBCU to self-repair. The rate of repair is fairly slow, about
face (Ultra-Tech, p. 98), giving +4 against infrared detection, 10 minutes per HP per layer (e.g., NanoShield + NanoComp +
+2 against hyperspectral or ultraviolet vision, and +1 against SensorWeave + two NanoCaps takes 50 minutes to heal 1 HP).
extended high- or low-band hyperspectral vision. All NanoRepair only uses power when it is in active repair mode
bonuses are halved (round down) if moving. $5,000, 0.02 lbs. at a rate of A/10 minutes. $500, 0.02 lbs. LC4.
2A/1hr. LC3. ScentMask: Requires NanoFilter. It reverses the NanoFilter
Heat Shield: An advanced application that requires both ver- so that it stops chemicals from leaving the suit. See Scent
sions of ThermoWeave (MC and IR) to help protect the wearer Masking (Ultra-Tech, p. 100). $500, 0.02 lbs. A/1 day. LC4.
from heat and flame damage. It attempts to disperse as much SensorWeave Detectors: Requires SensorWeave. Many of the
heat as possible in as short a time as possible to prevent the detectors in Ultra-Tech can be simulated by special apps
wearer being injured. The NanoShield armor can normally designed to interpret specific types of data being processed
absorb up to the second value of its split DR of heat damage through SensorWeave. Examples include computer monitoring
(e.g., tactical NanoShield armor can absorb up to 10 points). mini scanner (Ultra-Tech, p. 100), ESM detector (Ultra-Tech,
Additional heat is either converted into electricity or is distrib- p. 62), and RF bug detector (Ultra-Tech, p. 106). Each of these
uted over the rest of the suit, which acts as a heat sink. It gives apps costs $500 and the 0.1 TB storage module weighs 0.02 lbs.
the armor an effective +10 DR vs. heat damage. Any more than A/12 hr. Requisite skills and the LC are described in Ultra-Tech.
this, and the wearer starts to burn. Some of the converted heat
is fed into NanoCaps (if available) at a rate of one A cell per Miscellaneous Applications
second until they are all full. Heat could also be deliberately
The above apps are specifically designed to be used in mil-
applied to the suit (e.g., by standing in a camp fire) to help
itary contexts, but there are plenty of other uses to which the
recharge NanoCaps. The source would need to deliver the right
equipment can be put. The GM should allow the players to be
amount of heat damage per turn – if it were less than the
creative so long as their ideas won’t upset game-balance. Here
NanoShield’s DR, no power would be generated, and if it were
are some suggestions.
more than DR+10, the excess heat would burn the wearer.
$5,000, 0.02 lbs. LC4. Focused Light: Requires NanoRes. This application manip-
NanoFlex: Requires both SensorWeave and NanoMuscles. ulates the NanoRes layer so that it can emit a beam of light,
NanoFlex detects and tracks low-velocity attacks (i.e., muscle- just like a flashlight, from any single point on the suit (see
powered weapons) and makes the suit rigid for an instant, Flashlights and Searchlights, Ultra-Tech, p. 74). The effect of a
localized at the point of impact, providing enhanced protec- penlight requires one A cell every six hours; a mini flashlight,
tion. This means that the armor’s full DR can be applied to one B every six hours, and a heavy flashlight, one B every three
impaling and crushing damage, and the wearer does not suffer hours. $500, 0.02 lbs.
from blunt trauma. Every attack it attempts to stop uses up Media Recording: Requires the cameras, microphones, and
one B cell. $2,000, 0.02 lbs. LC4. HUD display on the combat helmet. The NanoComp is per-
NanoMed: Requires SensorWeave and NanoMuscles to fectly capable of using its interface with the combat helmet to
function. NanoMed keeps track of the body’s medical condi- record audio and video, but it doesn’t have the data storage
tion. If it notices any abnormalities, it can act to rectify them. capacity. This is a simple app that enhances the media record-
NanoMuscles constrict around a wound, preventing further ing and playback function of the NanoComp and gives enough
blood loss or act as a splint for broken limbs. Drugs can be storage to hold around 100 hours of compressed, but high-def-
delivered into the body in a similar fashion to how nicotine inition audio-video recordings on its 0.1 TB module. It also
patches work today, allowing a more controlled release into includes the ability to transmit recordings between NBCUs or
the bloodstream. Once activated, it uses one A cell per hour. to remote data storage. $100, 0.02 lbs.
The NanoMed package includes the trauma maintenance sys- Resistance Training: Requires Nanomuscles. This applica-
tem (Ultra-Tech, p. 189), which is retrofitted to the suit. tion manipulates the NanoMuscles to provide the wearer with
$3,000, 0.02 lbs. LC4. a regimen of isotonic and isometric exercises without the need
NanoRepair: Requires SensorWeave and NanoCaps. This for weights and machines. It requires the power of one C cell
app can be handy if armor damage rules are being used. every minute, so it is only really practical when the suit is
NanoRepair makes use of some of the electrolytic fluid in a plugged into an external power supply. $100, 0.02 lbs.


This combat uniform is designed for reconnaissance mis-
A COMBAT UNIFORM sions. Its foundation is a tactical NanoShield suit (torso, arms,
First decide which functions you want to have in the NBCU. legs; stats: DR 20/10*, $2,000, 15 lbs., don 75 sec., Holdout -4).
You will need to look at the different “layers” that are available Other functions are as follows.
as well as any applications that you may want to install. NanoComp: $400, 1.2 lbs. Complexity 3. 0.01 TB. B/1 day.
Power requirements need to be calculated. Some functions, LC4.
such as the NanoComp and SensorWeave, are constantly drain- NanoFilter: $1,000, 1 lb., A/1 hr. LC4.
ing power while others, such as NanoFilter and NanoMuscles, NanoRes: $2,000, 1 lb., A/1 day. LC4.
only use power when they are activated. The constant-drain SensorWeave: $3,000, 2 lbs., A/1 day. LC4.
layers should be totaled first to get an idea of the minimum ThermoWeave (MC): $3,000, 2 lbs., -2A/1 day. LC4.
amount of power that is required for the suit. This will help ThermoWeave (IR): $3,000, 2 lbs., A/1 hr. LC3.
determine whether you need integrated power generation or
storage, or whether an external power cell would suffice. Installed apps include: ESM Detector ($500, 0.02 lbs., A/12
Start by converting all power requirements to A cells per day. hr.), ScentMask ($500, 0.02 lbs., A/1 day), and Dynamic
For example, a NanoComp needs a B cell per day, which is 10 Camouflage (Deluxe) ($5,000, 0.02 lbs., 2A/1 hr), which total
A cells per day. $6,000, 0.06 lbs.
The discount for combining multiple gadgets together (see If all functions were running all day, then total power
Combination Gadgets, Ultra-Tech, p. 16) has already been deter- requirements would be 131 A cells per day. Since the Nano-
mined so all you need to do is add all the costs and weights Filter only activates when a threat is detected, it would be
together. Every 5 lbs of extra weight gives an additional -1 to powered down most of the time. The Dynamic Camouflage
Holdout. For example, 11 lbs. of gadgets gives -3 Holdout. and ThermoWeave (IR) also could be deactivated until
For variations other than the versions described below, you needed. This reduces the daily power requirements to 12A
will need to start with a complete suit (torso, arms, legs) of per day, so a single layer of NanoCaps (100 A cells) could
NanoShield, which is 250% of the cost and weight listed in the power the basic functions for over eight days. An additional
descriptions of that layer (see Basic Combat Uniform, pp. 30- layer of NanoCaps could power the NanoFilter, Ther-
31). Some example NBCUs are described below. moWeave (IR), and Dynamic Camouflage (total 96 A cells)
for a little over one day. So a total of four NanoCaps ($320,
2.4 lbs) would be needed to power all functions for three
days. After that time, the basic functions would continue to
Our suits give us better eyes, better operate for a further five days.
ears, stronger backs (to carry heavier Recon NBCU: DR 20/10*, $20,720, 26.66 lbs., Don 75 sec.,
weapons and more ammo), better legs, Holdout -7. 4C/3 days (internal).

more intelligence (in the military Assault NBCU

meaning . . .), more firepower, This is a heavy-duty combat uniform designed for high-
greater endurance, less vulnerability. threat environments. Its foundation is an assault NanoShield
suit (torso, arms, legs; stats: DR 36/16*, $5,000, 30 lbs., don 113
– Robert Heinlein, sec., Holdout -8). Other functions are as follows.
Starship Troopers NanoComp: $400, 1.2 lbs. Complexity 3. 0.01 TB. B/1 day.
NanoFilter: $1,000, 1 lb. A/1 day. LC4.
NanoGen: $5,000, 8 lbs., -A/1 hr. LC4.
Standard Issue NBCU NanoMuscles: $5,000, 8 lbs., B/1 sec. (+1) or C/1 sec. (+2).
“Standard issue” consists of a simple Tactical NanoShield LC3.
vest (torso only) with an integrated NanoComp to interface NanoRes: $2,000, 1 lb., A/1 day. LC4.
with the weapons and helmet systems. Simply add the SensorWeave: $3,000, 2 lbs,. A/1 day. LC4.
NanoComp stats to the tactical NanoShield. ThermoWeave (MC): $3,000, 2 lbs., -2A/1 day. LC4
This combat vest has no power generation or storage ThermoWeave (IR): $3,000, 2 lbs., A/1 hr. LC3.
capacity, so a power cell would need to be installed in an WRWRS: $5,000, 12 lbs., B/1 day. LC4.
external battery pack on the soldier’s belt to keep the Installed apps include: Dynamic Camouflage (Deluxe)
NanoComp functioning. A standard B cell costs $3 and weighs ($5,000, 0.02 lbs., 2A/1 hr.), Heat Shield ($5,000, 0.02
0.05 lbs and will need to be replaced or recharged once per day lbs., -1A/1 sec.), NanoMed ($3,000, 0.02, A/1 hr.), NanoFlex
to keep the NanoComp functioning. A standard C cell costs $10 ($2,000, 0.02 lbs., B/1 attack), which total $15,000, 0.08 lbs.
and weighs 0.5 lbs, but will only need replacing or recharging NanoMed would only be required if the solder was wounded,
once every 10 days. Assuming a C cell is used, total cost is but it would be safer to include this power requirement as
$1,210 and weight is 7.7 lbs. part of the base load. If all functions including Dynamic
Camouflage were running all day, then total power require-
Standard Issue NBCU: DR 20/10*; $1,200, 7.2 lbs. Don 30 ments would be 105 A cells per day, plus one-off uses such as
sec. Holdout -4. B/1 day (external). LC3. NanoFlex (B per attack) and NanoMuscles (B or C per second).


This value assumes that the NanoGen generated an average of so. The flexible B cell required to run the NanoComp will need
12 A cells per day. A week’s operations (735 A cells) with no charging or replacing once per day. If this armor is concealed
recharging would require 800 A cells or eight NanoCaps. A under other clothing, then the SolarWeave will not function, so
couple more would be needed to get some use from NanoFlex an additional power cell will be required.
and NanoMuscles. Ten NanoCaps (1,000 A cells) cost $800 and
The BodyGuard: DR 14/5*, $9,450, 10.4 lbs. Don 50 sec.,
weigh 6 lbs.
Holdout -2, B/1 day (external), LC4.
There is enough power to run most functions for seven days
and have 26 B cells left for NanoFlex and NanoMuscles. If these
are expected to be used often, then the soldier will install exter-
nal B cells on his belt ,which can be used up first and discarded.
The described NBCUs become a viable option at TL9, but a
Assault NBCU: DR 36/16*, $48,200, 73.28 lbs. Don 113 sec. TL10 version would be more advanced. The base armor would
Holdout -15. 10C/7 days (internal). LC3. be the TL10 nanoweave in Ultra-Tech (p. 173) instead of the TL9
NanoShield described above. The NanoComp would remain
The BodyGuard effectively unchanged because, as computer technology
becomes more powerful and complex, so too do the software
This is a civilian version of the NBCU. It has been tailored
packages it is expected to run. NanoMuscles could boost attrib-
in two parts to resemble a tight-fitting jacket and pants but it
utes by more than 2 points or use less power. NanoRes might be
is light enough to be concealed under other clothing if
able to generate “refraction matching” camouflage, rendering
required. Its foundation is a concealable NanoShield suit
the wearer virtually invisible. Many of the layers would be so
(torso, arms, legs; stats: DR 14/5*, $1,250, 5 lbs., don 50 sec.,
thin that they could be incorporated directly into the structure
Holdout +0). Other functions are as follows.
of the nanoweave, which would effectively make them weight-
NanoComp: Complexity 3, 0.01 TB. $400, 1.2 lbs., B/1 day. less. The entire suit, with all of its additional functionality would
LC4. weigh the same as the nanoweave armor by itself!
NanoFilter: $1,000, 1 lb., A/1 hr. LC4.
SensorWeave: $3,000, 2 lbs., A/1 day. LC4.
SolarWeave: $1,000, 1 lb. LC4. ABOUT THE AUTHOR
Dan Howard has an arts degree in history and classical stud-
It also has a trauma maintenance system installed (Ultra-
ies. He is co-author of GURPS Low-Tech and author of many
Tech, p. 189): $2,000, A/1 year, LC4, which is linked to the
articles and supplements for Steve Jackson Games. Dan has
SensorWeave. There is a flexible filter mask (Ultra-Tech,
written a book titled Bronze Age Military Equipment, for Pen and
p. 177) built into the collar of the jacket using NanoFilter tech-
Sword Books Ltd. and has published an ebook called Compact
nology. In an emergency, it can be pulled over the entire head
Castles, available on e23. He holds a second dan black belt in Oh
and fastened around the throat to protect the wearer from
Do Kwan Tae Kwon Do and has competed internationally.
chem-bio-rad threats. $800, 0.2 lbs. AA/1 hr.
Other interests include military history, ancient armor research,
Even with interior lighting, SolarWeave can generate
permaculture gardening, and renewable energy. He lives in
enough power to run the SensorWeave indefinitely and keep a
Maitland, Australia, with his wife and three children.
flexible A cell charged for the NanoFilters to run for an hour or



When it comes to devising new technologically based toys possible to envision advances in technology that enable slide-
for the future, it can be worthwhile to take a step back and see walks (see GURPS Ultra-Tech, p. 222) to have a top speed of
what technology generally does. This can enable us to fabricate 60 mph instead of 30 (perhaps aided by personal force fields
new fictional technological possibilities and modify existing to keep air friction and discomfort to a minimum). Of course,
ones to bold new frontiers of coolness. with good-enough impossible science, a slidewalk could have
Here, then, is a list of the most common ways that techno- a top speed of 600 mph; being able to “walk” from
logical advances manifest, based on what they do . . . in an Washington, D.C. to New York City in half an hour could cer-
abstract sense. tainly a good example of “disruptive technology”!

We have the capability to build the Sometimes technological advances are significant because
world’s first bionic man. they enable something to be done better than before. For exam-
ple, advances in document-reproduction technology haven’t
– Oscar Goldman, gotten appreciably faster – modern photocopiers and com-
The Six Million Dollar Man series puter printers aren’t an amazing leap forward in speed com-
pared to older mimeograph machines – but the output is vastly
superior . . . even if stupid kids can no longer get high by sniff-
ing fresh prints.
The ability of technological advances to do things better but
not faster has caused consternation among some. For example,
DO IT FASTER typing and distributing a printed office memo is not apprecia-
The ability of technological advances to enable folks to do bly faster as a result of the computer revolution, but the output
stuff faster is one of the quintessential hallmarks of technol- is vastly superior-looking (how much time is spent fussing
ogy; indeed, it’s common shorthand to speak of technology with fonts?), the documents can be saved and recalled digi-
using lingo like, “The Fubar 2000 does the work of 40 workers tally, etc. Similarly it can be difficult for most people to tell
in half the time!” Whether you’re talking about the cotton gin, that (say) windshield technology has improved dramatically
the crop-harvesting combine, or DSL online connection, “do it over the past 100 years, since we aren’t usually in the habit of
faster” is usually easy to conceptualize. For example, modern testing the durability of windshields!
high-speed Internet connections certainly open up many more
possibilities than their old dial-up brethren, but they’re still
recognizable as being related to foregone tech.
In Game
In some cases, “faster” doesn’t adequately describe the soci- “Better” is a sometimes-ephemeral quality, but it does have
etal effects of the improvement. While the printing press does a certain quality of “I’ll know it when I see it.” For game effects,
produce copied material faster than monks scribing by candle- the rules for Styling (GURPS Social Engineering, p. 19) are
light, the speed advances were so amazing that it resulted in a one good way to model this. In the same way that a modern-
radical – even disruptive – leap forward for civilization. day office worker who produced business reports and propos-
als via inkjet printer (or even dot matrix!) would signify a lower
“status” than one who used high-quality laser printing, so too
In Game can advances in making things appear “better” be represented
For any existing technology, look at the speed or duration by a reaction bonus tied to an increased cost.
of the output, and tinker with it. For example, it’s certainly


Alternatively, a modest skill bonus can model slight improve- read, keyboards need to be big enough to type on, etc. Of course,
ments (similar to Equipment Modifiers, p. B345), as can more it’s entirely possible to handwave these away, with sufficient
unusual effects: reroll one failure per week/month/whatever innovation: “screens” projected directly onto eyeballs, virtual
attributable to the item’s presentation, provide a slight bonus laser keyboards that enable the user to “type” on tabletops, etc.
to self-control checks when using the item in stressful situa-
tions, etc.
However, in the world of weapons and defense, even a mod- DO SOMETHING THAT
est element of being “better” can provide a large advantage on
the battlefield! Be careful before adding too many offense or HASN’T BEEN DONE
defense bonuses to gear that heroes can easily get a hold of . . . In some instances, technology has enabled something that
As a final note, coming up with a timeline of “better” (or wasn’t possible previously. The entire space program is one
even mentioning the possibility in an ultra-tech campaign) can example; getting to the moon is not merely a matter of improv-
serve as a useful tool when crafting adventures that focus on ing your horse technology enough so you can ride there.
investigation or observation: “As you explore this abandoned
vehicle, you know it was made more than 20 years ago because In Game
the seat’s memory foam isn’t temperature-neutral.”
Of course, “something that hasn’t been done” encompasses
a lot of material! This is a good explanation for jumps in tech
DO IT CHEAPER level (many TL9 goodies are things that aren’t really possible at
all yet in our modern-day world). Alternatively, opening up
In many cases, “cheaper” is another word for “faster” or new branches of “science” or gear certainly fits this bill . . . say,
“better,” but it’s certainly possible to envision advances in tech- if the world figures out how to unleash psionics – and starts
nology that have enabled something to be done less expen- developing the gizmos from GURPS Psi-Tech as a result.
sively without an appreciable increase in speed or quality. As
one example, discounting the limitations of recording technol-
ogy, the creation of audio content itself rivals the golden age of
radio, with a commonplace desktop computer and free or low-
In some cases, technological improvements are noteworthy
cost software replacing a studio full of cutting-edge – and
because of what they let us not do. As some examples:
expensive – equipment. (Really, the existence of the podcast
industry would likely flabbergast any engineers of 1938 . . . and • Puncture-proof tires obviate the need to worry about most
the quality of the best podcast broadcasters who work for free standard flat-inducing situations.
or nearly free would terrify the best-paid radio performers of • Vaccines reduce or eliminate the possibility of infectious
the same era.) diseases.
• Advances in metal technology have ensured that our cut-
In Game lery doesn’t tarnish, our cars don’t rust, and our miniatures
don’t poison children who’ve mistaken a handful of Skavens
Simply take the cost of any of the gear in Ultra-Tech (or
for Skittles.
elsewhere) and lower the price! If the technology has plausi-
ble ties to other technology that you don’t want to adjust the
price of, you may need to do some hand-waving game-world In Game
chicanery to explain why the cheapness is limited to just that To simulate this, look for any limitations or drawbacks in
one example or subclass. For example, if you wanted to the item in question, then lessen or remove them. For exam-
reduce the price of 1/8”-diameter TL9 rope (Ultra-Tech, p. 81) ple, a Forensics roll can determine the exact brand of stan-
to $0.20/10 yards (instead of $2/10 yards) but keep the cost of dard nanocleanser (Ultra-Tech, pp. 69 and 83) used; perhaps
thicker-diameter ropes the same, then you might say the a new brand of nanocleanser doesn’t have this detectability
technological advance that allows for the cheapening of thin- limitation, because it introduces enough environmental
ner rope doesn’t scale up; even if the cheaper rope is braided “chaff” to make it difficult or impossible to tell that nan-
together, its individual strands still respond aversely to heav- ocleanser was used at all!
ier loads (necessitating older, more-expensive technologies Alternatively, it’s trivially easy to add some ailment into a
for the thicker stuff). game world that technology can fix. If you declare that the
space-jump mechanism (the only FTL travel means available)
afflicts those who use it with space nausea for a week, then a hel-
MAKE IT SMALLER met that reduces the illness to a day would be very desirable.
Sometimes an advance in technology simply means items
can do the same thing as they were able to do before with less
space or weight. For example, the MacBook Air wasn’t revolu-
tionary for its speed or abilities when it was introduced in 2008, ABOUT THE EDITOR
but it did lay claim to being the world’s thinnest notebook. Steven Marsh is a freelance writer and editor. He has con-
tributed to roleplaying game releases from Green Ronin, West
In Game End Games, White Wolf, Hogshead Publishing, and others. He
has been editing Pyramid for over 10 years; during that time, he
Simply reduce the weight or size of the technology. Keep in
has won four Origins awards. He lives in Indiana with his wife,
mind that most technology is hampered by the limitations of the
Nikola Vrtis, and their son.
human body; for example, screens need to be large enough to


Keep in mind that ideas can be hard to wrap your mind
around – in the same way cavemen would find credit cards
One aspect of “technology” that’s often forgotten is the fact baffling. However, all that’s required to make them work is
that ideas themselves are a form of “technology.” For example, to presume that the inhabitants of the world accept and abide
“money” is so commonplace that we forget it’s fairly high- by them.
minded: “I give you this worthless piece of paper, and you give
me stuff. Then, you give that piece of paper to
someone else who gives you stuff!”
The adaptation of ideas in a society is fre-
quently bolstered by technology. Money is
bolstered by the concept of counterfeit-resist-
ant currency, Kickstarter (an idea at its core)
is only possible because of the technological
underpinnings that allow its computer-heavy
conceit, and so on.
One way to introduce new “tech” to society
is to come up with an unusual or futuristic-
feeling idea, and hand-wave away the technol-
ogy that allows it exist. Here are a few ideas.
• AItruism: Unlike outdated models of
altruism, the omnipresent microchips in all
living beings allows for AItruism – a “cur-
rency” based on doing good deeds for others,
tracked by the faceless cloud computing that
underpins the whole thing. Thus, rather than
relying on old-fashioned models of “I did a
favor for you, so you owe me one,” people
accumulate AIts by helping others – which
can then be redeemed to extract help from
other participants (regardless of whether
they had been directly helped by the askee).
• Wholenet: In a repressive or low-band-
width universe with huge data-storage and
fast-copy options, it may be possible for peo-
ple to carry around their own private (static)
“Internet.” Those with Wholenet boxes can
interface them as they interact with long-lost
friends or associates, each side updating
their contents to the latest iterations of the
data stored.
• Data Blinders: In a setting where social
embarrassments or other blurring between
“private” and “public” might occur (which is
to say, any world post-social-media), society
may well come up with elaborate ideas of
what is private or public information. The
use of AIs, in particular, should permit the
rapid determination of whether a piece of
data was intended for the public at large. If it
isn’t, society pretends it doesn’t exist (unless
they’re in a position to know the person’s pri-
vate info); revealing or attempting to exploit
it is a big faux pas.


The psi-sword appears to be just a hilt, but through it, psis Even a blade that does fatigue or toxic damage is still solid
can focus energy into a potent melee weapon. It’s perfect for energy that can be used to parry incoming weapons – it just
anyone who could benefit from a light, easily concealed can’t damage them. The blade cannot break and does not
weapon or who could make use of its special damage effects. require a source of power apart from the psi.
As with all psychotronics, this can be “realistically” introduced
Anti-Psi: Toxic damage. Ignores all armor except that pro-
into any setting with psi, regardless of the tech level. In a fan-
vided via anti-psi or psi. Psis take 2¥ injury, or 3¥ if they have
tasy game, it might be a specially tuned crystal hilt that acts as
two powers, 4¥ if they have three, etc. (Only count powers for
a focus for psionic energy, while in a 20th-century game, it
which they have actual abilities, not just Talent and/or perks.)
could be a flux capacitor wrapped in an orgone shield.
Astral Projection: As for Astral Sword (Psionic Powers,
p. 28). Character points in the Astral Sword ability count triple
STATISTICS when calculating effective ST.
Ergokinesis: Burning surge damage with armor divisor (2) –
For all purposes except Damage, Notes, and possibly Cost
except vs. metal armor, which is treated as DR 1. Those injured
(only because the GM may wish to adjust the price to fit the
must roll HT (at -1 per 2 points of injury) or be stunned.
campaign), treat the psi-sword as a force sword (p. B272).
ESP: Fatigue damage. Ignores all armor except that pro-
Wield it with Force Sword skill; psionic Talent does not
vided via anti-psi or psi. Parry becomes +2F, but with no penal-
improve skill.
ties for encumbrance.
Damage depends on the psionic power being used to “ener-
Probability Alteration: Cutting damage with armor divisor
gize” the sword. Only a psi can cause a blade to form (requires
(2). Raise the critical success target number by 2 (so 3-6 nor-
a Concentrate maneuver); in the hands of a non-psi, this is a
mally, 3-7 with skill 15, or 3-8 with skill 16). If you roll a criti-
paperweight at best. The sword can only accept energy from a
cal failure vs. Force Sword, roll against it again; if this
single psionic power at a time, regardless of how many powers
verification roll succeeds, it’s just a normal failure.
the user has. Wielding the sword does not preclude using psi; all
Psychic Healing: Toxic damage with armor divisor (2). This
of the user’s abilities are still available, not tied up in the sword.
necrotic damage cannot be healed prematurely via surgery,
The sword does swing+(Talent) damage, but not based on
Psychic Healing, potions, Regeneration, etc. – only natural
the wielder’s actual ST. Instead, his effective ST equals the
healing. (Very Rapid Healing does apply.)
total number of character points he has in psionic abilities (for
Psychic Vampirism: Toxic damage with armor divisor (2).
that one power), divided by 3, rounded to the nearest whole
Every 5 full HP of injury inflicted in one blow restores 1 FP to
number. Only count the points in abilities – ignore points spent
the wielder.
on Talent, perks, or skills.
Psychokinesis: Cutting damage with armor divisor (10).
Example: Liz has Ergokinetic Talent 3 [15], EK Shield 5 Does an extra +1 damage per die and has Reach C-3.
[20], Lightning 4 [48], Interface [1], and the skills EK Telepathy: Wielder can switch between fatigue or toxic dam-
Shield-15 [8] and Lightning-16 [12]. Her effective ST is age as a free action. Ignores all armor except that provided via
(20+48)/3=23, for swing 4d+1. Her Talent adds directly to anti-psi or psi. Treats Mind Shield as DR.
this, for a net 4d+4 damage. Teleportation: Corrosive damage with armor divisor (10). As
a special effect, those injured have bits of blood and flesh tele-
The damage type and notes vary based on the power being ported 1d yards away in a random direction.
used; see below.

PSIONIC POWERS The power is all in your mind!

The armor divisor, damage type, and special effects related
to the psi-sword depend on the psionic power being used. This
list includes all of the powers on pp. B254-257, as well as the
new ones from GURPS Psionic Powers. (For the “additional ABOUT THE AUTHOR
powers” from that book, treat Animal Telepathy or Dream Jason “PK” Levine is the Assistant GURPS Line Editor and
Control as Telepathy, and Biokinesis or Psychometabolism as author of GURPS Psionic Campaigns, GURPS Psionic
Psychic Healing.) Powers, and GURPS Psis. He obviously likes this kind of stuff.


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