Biofilms in Pharmaceutical Waters
Biofilms in Pharmaceutical Waters
Biofilms in Pharmaceutical Waters
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1 author:
Frank Riedewald
University College Cork
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Introduction different.8 Costerton et al.8 states, “We first noted that biofilm
iofilms are found in most natural and industrial cells are at least 500 times more resistant to antibacterial
aquatic systems.7,32 Single motile bacterial cells agents. Now we have discovered that adhesion triggers the
(known as planktonic cells) have been shown to expression of a σ factor that derepresses a large number of
prefer to attach themselves to and reproduce on any genes so that biofilm cells are clearly phenotypically distinct
available surface rather than remain in a planktonic state.7,32 from their planktonic counterparts.”
Attachment of bacteria to a surface is an important feature of
micro-organisms.7,24 In their attached form, biofilm forming Growth of a Biofilm
micro-organisms possess resistance properties far surpass- In the pharmaceutical industry, the successful manufacture
ing those of their planktonic counterparts.7,23 and distribution of purified and distilled water is of para-
In the pharmaceutical industry, the most deleterious effect mount importance. Bacterial growth within purified water
of a biofilm is the bacterial contamination of purified water systems presents potentially serious problems due to bio-
systems and possible contamination of product.11 The detec- deterioration of the purified water and product. Water puri-
tion, removal and prevention of a biofilm are therefore impor- fication or distribution systems are inherent sites for biofilm
tant considerations in the production of pharmaceutical wa- activity because the four conditions necessary for their growth,
ter. Production may be impeded if the purified water genera- namely water, nutrients, a support surface and the presence
tion or distribution systems are contaminated by biofilm of planktonic bacterial cells are generally present.
Beneficial uses of biofilms include their use in trickling Water
filters in waste water treatment plants and in the metal Since bacteria are the oldest and most successful life-form on
leaching processes of biohydrometallurgy. earth, it should not be surprising to find bacteria in almost all
forms and concentrations of water. Biofilms have been de-
What is a Biofilm? scribed in varied and surprising locations from potable and
A biofilm is defined as a bacterial population composed of cells domestic water distribution systems,5 to within copper pipes
which are firmly attached as micro-colonies to a solid sur- of a disinfection distribution system.13,14 In the pharmaceuti-
face.7,8 The bacterial cell colony secretes a substance, prima- cal industry, biofilms have been found in purified and distilled
rily polysaccharide, which has a slimy, tacky consistency.5 water distribution systems.11,14,25
This slime encourages the attachment of other organisms,5 is
a trapping device for nutrients and also protects the biofilm Nutrients
from the action of biocides e.g., chlorine.7,22 In general, bacteria growth is limited by the available nutri-
Biofilm bacteria are not just simply planktonic cells at- ents.8 Microbiologists usually grow and maintain bacteria on
tached to a surface. They are demonstrably and profoundly laboratory media containing high concentrations of organic
carbon i.e. > 2000 mg per liter.32 In nature; however, olig-
otrophic conditions i.e. starving conditions of between 1-15
mg carbon per liter are more common than one might think.32
In the deep waters of the oceans, dissolved organic matter
concentrations can be as low as 0.5 to 0.8 mg/liter of which
most is not bio-available.26 Some bacterial strains such as
Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus citreus, Bacillus megaterium
and Proteus vulgasis have been reported to grow and multiply
in oligothropic waters containing less than 0.4 mg organic
carbon per liter.17 However, organic carbon concentrations of
0.5 mg/liter are often detected in distilled water.
Favero10 investigated the growth of bacteria (Pseudomonas
aeruginosa) in distilled water, “When the organism is found in
distilled water, it is often assumed that it is simply surviving
or else growing very slowly.” Instead, he found that Pseudomo-
Figure 1. The three phases of biofilm growth.3,7 nas aeruginosa can grow at a rapid rate in distilled water. He
ment since new planktonic cells can simply settle on the already
formed biofilm.
reported the growth of this bacteria in distilled water for 3. increasing their swimming speed
hospital use from 4,300 to 1,100,00 cells per milliliters at a
temperature of 25 °C within a 24-hour period. 4. slowing their metabolic rate
of most interest.7,8,24 Small, starved bacteria are the primary sanitation strategy.13,14 A dead biofilm remaining in a system
colonizers of surfaces.24 Mueller27 showed that Pseudomonas provides an easy surface for planktonic micro-organisms to
fluorescens cells increased their rate of adsorption onto sur- attach to and feed on.13,14 If a dead biofilm remains in a system,
faces by a factor of four when forced to starve in low nutrient a new biofilm may form faster than the old one.29,37
waters. Marshall24 observed the regrowth of starved bacteria
to their normal size while attached to a surface in low nutrient Removal of a Biofilm by the Shear Forces
waters. The bacteria multiplied every 60 minutes in nutrient- of a Flowing Fluid
poor waters, but no growth was observed for the same type of Jennings18 investigated the role of turbulence, time, tempera-
bacteria while still suspended in the water phase as plank- ture and cleaning solution strength on the removal of soil
tonic cells. deposits from pipelines in the dairy industry. He suggests a
The formation of a biofilm offers the following advantages minimum Reynolds number of 25,000 as, “There was little
for bacteria to grow.7,8 cleaning action at any lower Reynolds number.”
The dimensionless Reynolds number is defined9 as the
1. Fatty acids, alcohols and other organic molecules consum- quotient of the velocity w of the fluid, its density 'ρ' and the
able by micro-organisms tend to accumulate on any avail- pipe diameter 'd' divided by the dynamic viscosity 'η' of the
able interface or surface. It is energetically more favorable fluid:
for such organic molecules to be at an interface, than to be
in solution.1 wρd
Re = ________
2. Attached cells which have died can be used as nutrients by η
neighboring cells.7
Dimensionless numbers such as the Reynolds number can be
3. The exopolysaccharide matrix formed at the biofilm-water misleading. Pipe diameter influences the Reynolds number,
interface acts as a nutrient trapping device.7 so a high Reynolds number in one occasion can mean a high
fluid velocity, and in another a low fluid velocity (assuming
Some bacteria can colonize a surface by moving along it and constant density and viscosity). The fluid velocity in a pipe is
feeding off accumulated nutrients. Marshall24 observed the directly related to the shear stress which a biofilm experi-
migration of a bacterium along a surface in oligotrophic ences. It is the shear stress induced by the fluid onto a biofilm
waters. “The small, starved bacteria obviously scavenged the that is of interest; therefore, in the discussion of biofim
surface-bound fatty acid, grew to normal size, began to divide, removal, fluid velocity is a more meaningful parameter to use
and surprisingly, the newly divided cells began to slowly than the Reynolds number.
migrate from each other across the membrane surface. The Powell30 conducted experiments on the removal of bacterial
migration rate was very variable and extremely slow (0.04- cells from glass surfaces using fluid shear. He used various
0.19 µm/min, i.e., from about 5 to 25 min to move 1 µm, the water flow rates through rectangular capillaries containing
length of a cell)”.24 biofilms. Cell detachment was measured visually via micro-
scopic examination of the glass surface while a certain shear
Biofilm Detection stress was employed. Critical sheer stresses for various
The presence of a biofilm in a purified water system can be bacteria studied are summarized in Table B.
difficult to detect. Water quality is normally monitored by The results indicate that the type of bacteria has a high
sampling the bulk phase of the water. Such samples do not degree of influence on the critical shear stress 'τc'. The critical
reflect the location or extent of a biofilm.13,14 No correlation shear stress 'τc' is defined as the stress necessary to remove all
exists between the bacterial count of a bulk phase sample and but 2% of the cells.30 Power30 speculates that the critical shear
the biofilm thickness.13,14 A low bacterial count of a bulk phase stresses 'τc' for glass may be equally applicable to other
sample could in fact mean extensive biofilm activity, since materials since detachment of bacteria by fluid shear is not
sheared off bacteria from a biofilm may be diluted by the great influenced by surface characteristics.
volume of the water.14 Alternatively, particles of biofilm may In turbulent flow situations, common in technical systems,
randomly contaminate the bulk water and this might result the following equation allows the calculation of the average
in wildly varying bacterial counts, a bacterial count of 1000 velocity ' w ' from the shear stress at the pipe wall 'τw'.33 The
CFU/ml in one bulk water sample and 10 CFU/ml in another
sample is thus possible.11
Detection of a biofilm therefore requires sampling from
internal surfaces.13,14 Internal surface sampling can be prob-
lematic as a biofilm can be patchy,3,17 especially in nutrient-
poor conditions such as in water for pharmaceutical use or in
situation where the fluid velocity is relatively high. Areas at
risk for biofilm growth include gaskets, pipe bends and
locations were the fluid velocity is lower, such as short dead
legs, heat exchangers and holding tanks.
Biofilm Removal
Mechanical cleaning techniques, or the shear forces induced
by fluids may be used to detach biofilms from their support
surface. Biocides such as chloride or ozone may be used to kill
biofilm bacteria. Removal of a biofilm from a system is much Figure 3. Effect of different fluid velocities on the removal of an
more important than its disinfection and should be part of a ozone weakened biofilm.14
Table B. Critical shear stresses 'τ'c required to detach selected bacteria from glass surfaces,30 and the equivalent water and steam velocities
required for electropolished steel, calculated using equation.2
Fleming suggests that by extending the lag phase of biofilm 4. Frequent Sanitation and Cleaning
development, the growth of a biofilm may be delayed, sanitation Frequent sanitation and cleaning of the water system should
and cleaning intervals can then be extended.14 To achieve this, be performed as a preventative measure.14
the design of a purified water system should consider incorpo-
rating the following suggestions: 5. Checking Effectiveness of Sanitation and Cleaning
The effectiveness of sanitation and cleaning should be checked
1. high water velocities on representative surfaces.14 Bacterial counts of water samples
are only indirectly - if at all - related to biofilm activity. Short
2. biocides pieces of removable pipe may be installed into a very long
distribution system to act as representative surfaces. These
3. smooth surfaces surfaces should be checked before and after any sanitation is
performed, to evaluate its effectiveness.
4. frequent sanitation and cleaning
6. Monitoring
5. checking effectiveness of sanitation and cleaning Monitoring representative surfaces for evidence of biofilm
growth will ensure that early intervention is possible. Prelimi-
6. monitoring nary research indicates that younger biofilms are easier to
remove than older ones.14
7. minimizing nutrients
7. Minimizing Nutrients
1. High Water Velocities Maintaining nutrient concentrations at organic carbon con-
High water velocities hamper the attachment of bacteria to a centrations well below 0.5 mg per liter might be the best
surface, since a discrete time interval is required for cell method of biofilm prevention.13 In extremely nutrient defi-
attachment.36 Biofilm thickness also will be reduced as a cient environments, bacteria will not attach to surfaces.8 If
result of the increased shear forces of the fluid.3,30 bacteria do attach in these very low nutrient waters, they will
The maximum growth rate of a biofilm occurs at fluid not be able to form a biofilm since they lack “the metabolic
velocities of ca. 1m/s varying with the bacterial type. At very capability for exopolysaccaride production to accomplish cel-
low fluid velocities (laminar flow), biofilm thickness is limited lular adhesion and biofilm formation.”8
by nutrient diffusion. At very high velocities (turbulent flow
with velocities >1 m/s), thickness is limited by the shear stress Conclusion
of the flowing fluid2,33,34 - Figure 4. Biofilms consist of bacterial cells which display survival
Bryers3 studied biofilm formation in turbulent flow condi- capabilities far surpassing their planktonic counterparts.
tions, and he observed biofilm growth up to a Reynolds number Biofilms therefore are highly resilient structures. If a biofilm
of 28,800. i.e. approximately 2.2 m/s. Therefore, fluid velocities has been identified as the source of bacterial contamination in
lower than 2.2 m/s should not prevent biofilm formation. As a purified water system, its complete removal is crucial.
many factors may influence biofilm formation, it is difficult to However, the complete removal of a biofilm from an enclosed
pinpoint the critical water velocity required to prevent a biofilm system can be difficult to achieve.
forming. Nevertheless, it can be suggested that the water Prevention of biofilm growth is the ideal control strategy;
velocity within distribution pipelines should be as high as is however, it may be easier to achieve in theory than in practice.
practicable (2m/s or higher). Nevertheless, purified water systems should be designed
with the prevention of biofilms as an important consideration.
2. Biocides Constant vigilance is required in the successful manage-
Biocides may be used to kill planktonic micro-organisms. ment of purified water systems. Biofilm control strategies
However, the thickness of a biofilm can not be reduced by should include the use of high water velocities, biocides to kill
simply reducing the number of planktonic cells in the bulk planktonic organisms and to weaken a biofilm. Smooth sur-
water.13 Biocides may be employed to weaken a biofilm faces should be specified and available nutrients must be kept
structure, and fluid shear forces will then be more effective in to a minimum. Frequent sanitation and cleaning routines
the prevention and removal of the biofilm. Flemming14 suggests should be incorporated and their effectiveness checked. Rep-
using an ozone concentration of between 0.5 to 1.0 ppm to control resentative surfaces should be monitored for early detection of
biofouling. biofilm growth.
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23. LeChevallier, M.W., C.D. Cheryl, R.G. Lee, (1988), Factors Frank Riedewald is Process Engineering Manager with
Promoting Survival of Bacteria in Chlorinated Water Sup- Process & Industrial Design Consultants Ltd. Ireland.
plies, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Vol. He holds a BE in mechanical engineering from the
54, pp. 649-654. Technische Universität Clausthal and a ME in chemical
24. Marshall,K.C., (1988), Adhesion and Growth of Bacte- engineering from the Technische Universität Berlin. He
ria at Surfaces in Oligotrophic Habitats, Canadian is a chartered engineer and a member of the IChemE and
Journal of Microbiology, Vol. 34, pp. 503-505. the AIChE.
He can be contacted at Tel: 353-21-613521.