Neus Gracia Garcia 5HRF - 56696251
Neus Gracia Garcia 5HRF - 56696251
Neus Gracia Garcia 5HRF - 56696251
2.2 Analyse how the HR function varies between organisations. Include a comparison
HA has only an administrator as a paid employee looking after the HR side as a standalone
role with several volunteers assisting to carry the duties required to assist the department
and reporting to the Service Director in the Head Office team.
This would consequently mean an Ulrich model could be followed on a basis of Head of
Grants would be an HRBP and also assisting with the recruitment; whilst the administrator
would be in charge of the shared services. Therefore, a centre of excellence would be
outsourced when needed in this particular case due to the size of the business as in paid
employees.(Hospitality Action, 2020)
People strategy is crucial to becoming part of the business strategy but the enterprises
above prove a different approach due to needs and resources that can affect different
sectors, size, values and objectives.
CX being a larger organisation has a structure that will adapt to the business growth and
needs according to threats and opportunities, including a focus on wellbeing, mental health
and career plans which might reflect in a lower turnover in the long run. However, HR will
always be relying on budgets and the company’s profitability, an example would be due to
Covid19 many redundancies took place across the business.
HA being a non-profitable organisation might not have the resources to provide the above
services to their workforce. Alongside, due to the size and sector might not require a full-time
HR role and might require the administrator to adapt and take further responsibilities which
will add pressure in a role that needs expertise and capability. However, if their absenteeism
is high on paid employees, there is always a volunteer available to assist to provide the
business needs.
CIPD Membership number: 56696251 May 20 -5HRF
1.1 Summarise the organisational objectives that the HR function is responsible for
HR objectives might vary from business to business depending on their size, sector, values
and business objectives.
Shared Services (SS)
Ulrich Model states SS as part of the three-legged stool model. Larger businesses adapted
to this model to deliver a service where all the parts are embedded within the business
strategy instead of feel isn’t part of it across their roles. Several functions can be provided
remotely like the Core system previously mentioned as part of the EE in CX. (Avado, 2020)
Advantages Disadvantages
Focus on specific projects within HR. A smaller business might not be able
Having a SS role might be beneficial to adhere to this model due to costs.
for companies instead of several Might seem impersonal as most of
roles. the data and requests might be
Able to outsource service and target accessed online or via a call centre.
the core objectives of the business Due to SS be a more generalistic
via BRP and centre of excellence. role, there is required a higher
knowledge across HR functions
Outsourcing is an option that has been taken by several businesses to fulfil a gap within the
structure of the business, applying it from models in large companies such as Ulrich’s to
small businesses that outsourced the whole HR functions due to lack of resources or using
software such as Deputy for shift planners and tracking system or learning and development
resources. (Gracia, 2020) (Avado, 2020)
Advantages Disadvantages
Cost-effective for smaller Not located within the company, so
businesses. might be harder to reach or to be
Focus on other areas of the aligned with recent events/changes.
Business as done externally. When is a priority or a sudden need
Expertise and more specialized of that service might not be available
services available. at short notice.
Might seem impersonal as most of
the data and requests might be
accessed online or via a call centre.
CIPD Membership number: 56696251 May 20 -5HRF
SS and Outsourcing share advantages and disadvantages as whilst will assist the teams to
focus and direct the in-house expertise onto the core of the business; however, they could
become extremely impersonal and lose the people management touch due to the distance
and or systems created that would avoid a person to assist the workforce.
CIPD Membership number: 56696251 May 20 -5HRF
1.3 Evaluate the business case for managing HR in a professional, ethical and just
HR Professionals are bound by the Code of Conduct (CC) alongside the New Professional
Map (NPM) that acts as a framework of the right behaviours, knowledge, purpose and
values. As mentioned on 5CHR “HR act as a role model by ensuring the CIPD CC is pursued
at all-time providing integrity and discrete manners in work actions.” (Avado, 2020) (Gracia,
2020) (CIPD, 2020)
As mentioned on 5DVP, an HR Professional prioritises the values of the NPM such as
Evidence-Based, as should they fairly document their decisions with equal documentation;
Principles-Led, where their standards are that work, people and professionalism matter and
finally Outcome-driven, where their input creates a positive environment in all the aspects of
their employees. An example of consistency to achieve those values is showcased via our
Interview Question designed specifically for each role and/or department which ensures the
consistency, equality, pragmatic decisions and professionalism. (Avado, 2020) (Gracia,
2020) (CIPD, 2020)
The TT advocates business ethics with a fair and ethical recruitment process, ensuring the
decisions are in line with those values and evidence-based. HR drives ethics in all the
processes and culture without bias and promoting integrity as per CC, not due to
repercussions on the business or brand.“ To create a fair process based on the evidence
accuracy is needed in the Personal Specification, Job Description and Competency
Framework so all records can be reviewed by the TT once all candidates are on final-stage.
Also, this knowledge is vital to approach the right talent. As mentioned in 5CHR CIPD’s CC
sets the standard of ethics in HR, where it’s expected to act with fairness and transparent
process whilst maintaining confidentiality alongside GDPR, moral and ethical values. HR act
as a role model by ensuring the CIPD CC is pursued at all-time providing integrity and
discrete manners in work actions. (Avado, 2020)
Just Manner (JM)
JM is demonstrated by the fairness of the actions an HR Professional should conduct
themselves in the utmost integrity, promoting fair reasonable standards amongst all
employees. Equality Act 2010 would be an example that by breaking any of the above by
being bias or discriminatory alongside not following ethical and professional behaviour the
CIPD Membership number: 56696251 May 20 -5HRF
business would be breaking the law. Therefore, if they are not always followed the business
could be prosecuted due to discrimination, HR ensures everyone is treated equally
throughout their employee, assessing them in the same manner from the interview process,
hence the Interview questions are crucial in ensuring the process is there to facilitate the
same system to every candidate with specific questions to their role, maintaining consistency
in conducting the HR role in JM alongside ethics and professionalism. Failing to conduct it
this way it could affect the brand, higher turnover, customer service would get affected and
even be prosecuted if laws and regulations aren’t followed.
CIPD Membership number: 56696251 May 20 -5HRF
1.2 Explain the major theories of effective change management and how these are
Change models are vital whilst there is anticipated a reform within the business, they aren’t
only crucial at anticipating refusals from the workforce but also at setting strategies to tackle
and overturn any threats.
Kubler Model
As mentioned in 5CHR, Kubler designed a visual which demonstrate the stages the
employees might go through, the reactions from the HR and management to emotions are
particularly relevant to drive the change. (Avado, 2020)
1. Shock/denial
Shock is the first stage where the team might not agree to the changes. In 2019 the Staff
Canteen got refurbished and HR received a mix of different views, unexpectedly, people
were concerned, didn’t agree with the need for this change. HR has an open-door policy and
welcomed the staff members at any time to provide all the answers to their questions
alongside explaining the reasons behind that change, including the arrangements scheduled
for the canteen to be accommodated in a conference room, whilst the works were taking
2. Anger
Anger follows shock which in this specific circumstances an employee was clearly upset the
canteen would be closed so she couldn’t take her breaks at times desired and in the table
she enjoyed. HR planned the breaks for the staff and coordinated with the conferences and
the kitchen team to have an area and an alternative menu. The organisation, clear
communication and empathy are critical steps to take at this point.
3. Depression
Depression appeared when the canteen refurbishment took longer than initially expected.
Some employees had negative feelings and resemble a lack of interest in the positive
outcome that will result from this project. HR had to lead by example as a role model,
engaging in the beneficial outcomes of the new space, and the menu that had been
requested several times in the GPTW survey.
4. Bargaining
Bargaining happened once the refurbishment was completed, the new canteen was
inaugurated, with the majority of the employees ecstatic to the new environment, we still had
an apathetic employee that was trying to negotiate to have the old chairs as didn’t like the
CIPD Membership number: 56696251 May 20 -5HRF
new look for the area, whilst intending to adjourn the unavoidable outcome. HR needs to
provide encouragement to the employees and make them comfortable with the transition. In
this specific case as the cuisine provided was going to get a new and healthier menu HR
had the consideration of ensuring previous dishes that were popular before to keep them in
the new menu, so employees might feel more comfortable with the new changes.
5. Acceptance
Acceptance, the final stage where employees approved the new space, some desisted on
challenging the change and the overall engagement improved. HR focused on promoting the
improvements and recollected a series of events in the new space.
Lewin’s Three Phase Model
Lewin’s model was developed in 1947 and compared to a block of ice as a metaphor of the
1. Unfreeze
Unfreeze would be the point where the company is prepared for the possible change by
breaking down the current status quo by challenging the values of the current system.
2. Change
Design the process including setting a framework for the leaders, including the benefits that
might repercuss to the business and individuals. Awareness that not all the workforce might
benefit from the change and preempt any hindrance as a consequence is fundamental.
3. Refreeze
Following the changes have been implemented; employees would need to be encouraged to
embrace the change, alongside celebrating its success.
Kubler's model focuses on the workforce as individuals throughout the process which it can
preempt the reactions but also it has been criticised due to assuming everyone would follow
the same steps in a change process. Whilst Lewin’s model is used across many large
businesses due to being easy to use, also it can become extremely simple alongside
focusing in the possible resistances without confirmation of them, consequently will utilise
the time that could be spent in another project.
CX could have used Lewin’s model instead, preempting the possible workforce reactions as
is been proven not all the employees reacted in the same way to the changes, aware that
might not benefit them all and that it will have an effect into engagement levels so can plan
according to how to tackle the possible issues that might arise from it.
CIPD Membership number: 56696251 May 20 -5HRF
3.1. Discuss the main criteria and methods used to evaluate the contribution of the
HR function
HR will require like any other department to track their development and consistency, so
systems as the following are in place to ensure this is pursued alongside having records that
will assist to lead the evidence-based as per CC.
Key Performance Iindicators (KPI’s)
KPI’s aims at supporting the individual to achieve their objectives alongside tracking their
successes. KPI’s are used as key data on internal promotion and appraisals amongst others
where productivity can be analyzed based on evidence-based data. KPI’s could be set within
the role or adapted as the business changes. The TT at CX has the KPIs reflected on their
role and as average the time to hire expected for a new employee since the vacancy form is
received is 24 days versus an average of 40 days prior the TT was created. (Avado, 2020)
(Gracia, 2020)
An essential tool when analyzing the business data as alongside comparing it with metrics at
different ambits it can also track the data that is essential for HR such as cost across
recruitment, training, absences or pay schemes and turnover. (Avado, 2020) (Gracia, 2020)
Internal benchmarking
Is used to review different departmental variances, in CX could be used as a
comparison on factors such as turnover across the different hotels or to look for best
External or competitive benchmarking
External would most of the time include competitive as will not only look inside and
outside of the business but also at the competitors. In CX this was often carried when
looking at the payment schemes and training cost and offered in the market against
Functional benchmarking
Functional departments can be compared to other departments across the markets in
all sectors, not only having access to improve a system but the whole functionality of
the service. CX could be compared not only as a hotel but as a department has one
of the HR managers being nominated to the best HR Manager across the sector at
the Caterer awards.
CIPD Membership number: 56696251 May 20 -5HRF
Different cultures and organisations can still have similar benchmarks because best
practices are crucial in any business and are about how the information is taken and
CX arrange the appraisals at 3 and 6 months from the onboarding and then on yearly basis.
Appraisals are crucial within HR and within the business as a whole, to ensure performance
reviews are conducted alongside setting objectives as an individual and as a department.
Appraisals are not only useful for reviewing the development in performance and productivity
of the employee but also can give insight into the events that influenced the past so actions
can be taken. HR will act proactively and prior the meeting will interact with the rest of the
Management who a TT provides workforce and analyse all the feedback throughout the
meeting to improve and implement changes needed within the new objectives in the short-
medium and long term, alongside reflecting on the successes.
HR is a department that the contribution to the business is intangible in many cases, but they
influence the business as a whole creating and implementing engagement, consequently
affecting the turnover levels, ROI on training, recruitment, absences reports, career plans
within the business and several other objectives, which reflects on quantitative and
qualitative across the business and on the service the guest will receive consistently.
CIPD Membership number: 56696251 May 20 -5HRF
4.1. Identify and evaluate research evidence linking HR practices with positive
organisational outcomes
The author structures the report by research including Ulrich’s theory, which we have seen it
applied across Human Resource Management; followed by focusing in unions and how they
could affect HR influences, alongside pay performance and benefit on temporary workers.
(Avado, 2020) (Gracia, 2020)
Pay for performance (PFP)
With the statement “By aligning personal interests with company objectives, a pay-for-
performance program motivates workers to realize the strategic objectives of the HR
function” the authors introduce a theory as PFP; it has been previously discussed in 5UIN.
PFP is viewed as a crucial strategy to involve the workforce into business objectives where it
can be complemented by the other factors described. Therefore, HR can develop the
strategy by including incentives into their strategy.
Career development (CD)
The article reflects the several benefits from career development and reinforces the
workforce to be viewed as an asset that can be developed, and consequently increase the
profitability alongside benefiting from the workforce buying into changes that the business
might face. Therefore, HR can develop the workforce by implementing training programs into
their strategy and create career growth within the business.
Involving labour unions (LU)
Labour Unions have faced positive feedback but also blamed that is the cause they are
frictions with the management. However, Block and Berg (2009) claimed if LU and
management are cooperating the business will see a benefit as LU are a representation of
the workforce but also constantly involved in evolution and integration of updated systems.
Cases were compared regarding a business that integrates LU as part of the business
structure where employee engagement is promoted and the diverse views are welcomed
versus the non-LU business which it has a structure where the employee is more restrained
as all the actions have to be approved by the management or a committee. Therefore, HR
can work with the LU to increase workforce engagement levels and use it to positively
influence the employees.
Benefits of temp workers (TW)
The article identifies the TW as a human capital that can be beneficial for the business as
long as the business would invest in the workforce and include them within the workforce
CIPD Membership number: 56696251 May 20 -5HRF
4.2 Explain how high-performance working and investment in human capital impact
on organisational practices
Avado (2020) -Tools for measuring HR. Accessed on 20 th December 2020. Available
Avado (2020) - The purpose and objectives of HR.Accessed on 25th November
2020. Available
Avado (2020) - Change management models. Accessed on 25th November 2020.
Avado (2020) – Why are ethics important? - Ethics in the workplace. Accessed on
15th July 2020. Available at
Avado (2020) – People management and high-performance working. Accessed on
15th July 2020. Available at
Avado (2020) – Tools for measuring HR. Accessed on 10th January 2020. Available at
CIPD (2020) - CIPD Code of Professional Conduct. Accessed on 9th May 2020.
Available at
CIPD (2018) - The CIPD Profession Map. Accessed 5th June 2020. Available at
CIPD (2013) - HR Outlook Winter 2012-13. Accessed on 9th June 2020. Available at
Eaton, E. - 5 Human Resources Models Every HR Practitioner Should
Know.Accessed on 10th December 2020. Available at
Galton College (2020) – The Harvard Framework of HRM: Gaining employee
commitment and co-operation. Accessed on 15th July 2020. Available at
Gracia, N. (2020) – 5CHR. Accessed on 15th December 2020. Available at
Gracia, N. (2020) – 5DVP. Accessed on 15th December 2020. Available at
CIPD Membership number: 56696251 May 20 -5HRF