2004 Viking-Excalibur Manual
2004 Viking-Excalibur Manual
2004 Viking-Excalibur Manual
Version 3.0
Nov 2003
All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be
reoproduced or used in any form or by any means without the written permission of
I. Safety Guidelines & Instructions
II. Specifications
III. Operating instructions
A. Power Supply
B. Compressed Air/Nitrogen Supply
C. Turning “ON & FIRING” the Marker
D. Velocity Adjustment
IV. Electronics
A. Equalizer Board
B. Nelson Board
V. Maintenance
A. Cleaning
B. Sidewinder
C. Ball Detents
E. Tornado Valve
F. Lightning bolt
G. Excalibur Hammer
H. Viking Hammer
I. Excalibur Ram
J. Trigger Frame
K. Solenoid valves
L. O-rings and Screws
VI. Troubleshooting
VII. Schematics
A. 2004 Excalibur®
B. 2004 Viking™
VIII. Warranty, Liability and Contact Information
Congratulations on purchasing an EXCALIBUR® or VIKING™ paintball marker. We hope you
enjoy using this marker. Please read the information in the manual and get familiar with you
marker before use.
This manual covers both the EXCALIBUR® and VIKING™ series of paintball markers as well as
covering the SIDEWINDER® regulator and the SCM™ low pressure pneumatics regulator. This
manual includes information for both the 2000-2003 and the 2004 models of EXCALIBUR® and
VIKING™. This manual is a work in progress and will be continuously updated as needed. If you
have suggestions to help improve this manual contact us through e-mail and let us know. We
decided to place the manual on disk for the simplicity of keeping it up to date and to eliminate
paper waste.
The specifications and photographs in this material are for information and general guidance
purpose only. Our products are continually updated and changes may be made to specification,
design or appearance from time to time. These changes are subject to change without notice.
AKALMP reserves the right to revise and improve its products as it sees fit.
• Careless or improper use, including failure to follow instructions in the operators manual, could
cause serious injury or death.
• Use only on paintball fields where safety rules are strictly enforced.
• Use only nitrogen and compressed air from approved storage bottle. Do not use CO2.
• Read operator’s manual before use and comply with all safety instructions.
• Always switch gas source off when EXCALIBUR® or VIKING™ is not in use.
• Never point the EXCALIBUR® or VIKING™ at anyone or anything you do not intend to shoot.
• Use approved barrel blocking devices on the EXCALIBUR® or VIKING™ when not in use.
• Never put fingers or any foreign objects into the paintball feed tube.
• Always remove all paintballs from the EXCALIBUR® or VIKING™ when not in use on or off the
• Regulators and LPR’s can store gas after the bottle has been removed. Always degas
EXCALIBUR® or VIKING™ when not in use or before working on the markers.
• When adjusting, servicing or using the Excalibur, ALWAYS WEAR EYE PROTECTION
• Before doing any work to the Excalibur® (pat pend), make sure it is turned off, the air source
has been removed, and all paintballs have been removed.
Features: Features:
• Tornado®Valve (Pat. #5791328) • Tornado® Valve(Pat. #5791328)
• Lightning® Bolt(Delrin) with Quick Release • Lightning® Bolt (Delrin) with Quick Release
Pin Pin
• Javelin™ Barrel • Javelin™ Barrel
• 45 Grip • 45 Grip
• Wire Ball Detent • Dual ball Detent for centering the ball in the
• Built-In Vertical Mount breech
• SIDEWINDER®(pat pend) Vertical • Built-In Vertical Mount
Pressure Reg. • SIDEWINDER®(pat pend) Vertical
• Threaded Vertical Feedtube Pressure Reg.
• Adjustable Trigger (3 adjustment points) • AKA Threaded Vertical Feedtube
• Adjustable Equalizer circuit board • Adjustable Trigger (3 adjustment points)
• Adjustable Pneumatics Low Pressure • Adjustable Equalizer circuit board
Regulator (LPR). • Ready to install Anti-chop eyes.
• Pull Through Cleaning • Adjustable SCM™ Low Pressure Regulator
• Easy Disassembly & Low Maintenance (LPR).
• Rugged Design • Pull Through Cleaning
• Barrel Blocking Device • Easy Disassembly & Low Maintenance
• Carrying Case
The ECALIBUR® and VIKING™ uses a 9-volt SUPPLY.
battery stored in the grip as its power supply. The EXCALIBUR® and VIKING™ are
For maximum number of shots and velocity designed to operate on nitrogen or
stability you should only use high quality compressed air. It requires a high flow of
alkaline batteries. CLEAN gas. Most adjustable nitrogen
systems or preset bottle systems, will work
Installing a Battery: fine. The EXCALIBUR® and VIKING™ are
Step 1: Make sure the marker is unloaded, supplied with a SIDEWINDER® regulator
de-gassed and turned off. Remove one of the which has been designed to work at the low
two screws holding the grip panel on the left pressure range in which the EXCALIBUR®
side of the marker. Rotate the panel out of the and VIKING™ operate. The input pressure to
way. Remove the 9-volt battery from the the SIDEWINDER® regulator should be 400
battery cable. Make sure not to pull the to 500psi if you have an adjustable nitrogen
battery cable apart. system. If you have a preset bottle then the
850 psi input is okay but the Low Pressure
Step 2: Install the new 9-volt battery on the 450 nitrogen bottles are better.
battery cable and place it back into the grip
frame. Make sure no wires on the battery
cable are pinched. Gently loop the wiring and CAUTIONS:
lay it on the side of the battery. Air supplied at fields and tournaments is
often dirty if a compressor is used. Scuba air
Step 3: Rotate the grip panel back into place. is not always clean either. This dirty air is one
Then replace the grip panel screw. Your reason for paintball guns and regulator
EXCALIBUR® and VIKING™ is now failures. Next time your gun or regulator fails
powered and ready to use. at a tournament, stop - before blaming the
manufacturer of the paintball gun or regulator,
and check your air supply. Some of this dirt
eventually ends up in the marker. Electronic
markers with solenoid valves are particularly
vulnerable to dirt. For this reason, we
recommend a portable filter such as the
GUARDIAN™ for filling your nitrogen system
or a nitrogen system with a built-in filter when
using the EXCALIBUR® or VIKING™.
D. Velocity adjustment.
The velocity of the EXCALIBUR® and
VIKING™ is controlled directly through the
Installation and Usage Manual for
AKA Viking and Excalibur
EqualizerTM is a trademark of Wicked Air Sportz
All material including, but not limited to photographs, text, and concepts contained in this manual
is copyright ©2002-2003 By Wicked Air Sportz and Jim Drew. Distribution of this data without
permission is strictly prohibited! All rights reserved, worldwide. Reprinted with permission. This
section provided by Wicked Air Sportz http://www.wickedairsportz.com/home.htm.
Introduction Liability
Thank you for purchasing the EqualizerTM board. By using this product, you agree to hold
This board is a direct replacement for the stock Wicked Air Sportz free from any type of
circuit board found in your AKA marker. liability either directly or indirectly due to
the use of this product.
Please read through this entire manual before
you attempt the installation of your EqualizerTM
All defective units will be returned to the Step 4 – Mounting the Board Into the Grip
customer via USPS Priority Mail. At the time of Frame Tray
printing this manual, this rate is $4.40. This Carefully press the EqualizerTM into the area
amount must be included with any unit to be designed for the circuit board to fit in. Make
repaired, or the unit will be returned UPS COD/ sure that you do not pinch any wires in the
Freight collect. harness. Line up the holes (opposite corners
of the EqualizerTM). Now, insert the plastic
screws into the holes and tighten the screws
until they are just snug. DO NOT
Step 5 – Testing the Board SECTION 2 – USAGE
Before reassembling the marker, you should do
a quick test to make sure that connections are The EqualizerTM has numerous features,
correct and that the board is working. Making which can be a bit overwhelming to those
sure that nothing is grounding the grip frame, that are not use to having so much
move the power switch to the on position. If flexibility.
everything is working, you should see the LED
light up orange. If this occurs, turn the power
switch to the off position and continue to step 6. The Boot Sequence
When the EqualizerTM boots up, the LED will light
If you don’t see the LED light up, make sure up orange and then either green (NORMAL
your battery is connected. If that is not the mode) or red (COMPETITION mode).
problem, then check the connector plugs. If you
require further assistance, please email the
technical support department Feature Descriptions
(tech@wickedairsportz.com). Dwell
Dwell is the amount of time that the
Step 6 – Reassemble the Marker solenoid will be activated. This time is
Reassemble your marker by attaching the grip measured in milliseconds (1/1000th of a
frame to the body, and using the two screws to second). The user can alter the Dwell only
hold them together. when in NORMAL mode. In COMPETITION
mode, it is not possible to change settings
Congratulations! You have now successfully via the trigger programming. The factory
completed the installation of your EqualizerTM default is 8.0ms. Changes can be made in
board! .1ms units via the Equalink.
Debounce is the amount of time the trigger
switch must be stable in the up position
before checking for another trigger pull.
This time is measured in milliseconds. The
user can alter the Debounce only when in
NORMAL mode. Possible values are from
1ms to 255ms. The factory default is 10ms.
Changes are made in 1ms units.
DETENT. supplied with a wire ball detent to keep
The ’04 EXCALIBUR® and ’04 VIKING™ paintballs from double feeding.
has been supplied with a dual ball detent to
keep paintballs from double feeding and to Replacement of ball detent:
keep paintballs centered directly in the
The wire ball detent may need cleaning or
breech for better detection by eyes when
become worn or broken over time. This is
normal. The EXCALIBUR® and VIKING™
uses an F4 wire nubbin. They are available
Replacement of dual ball detent:
through your local dealers or AKA.
The dual ball detent may need cleaning or
become worn or broken over time. This is
To replace the detent.
normal. The ’04 EXCALIBUR® and ’04
1. Remove the two 4-40 button head screws.
VIKING™ detents are available through your
2. Lift the cover plate away from the body of
local dealers or AKA.
3. Remove the detent and replace with a new
To replace the detent.
1. Remove the two 4-40 button head screws.
4. Re-install the cover plate and the two
2. Lift the cover plate away from the body of
screws. Do not over tighten, just snug them
3. Remove the detent springs.
4. Remove the ball detents.
Ball Detent Parts Chart:
5. Clean and replace parts that are needed.
Part Description: Qty: Part
6. Re-install the ball detents, the springs, the
cover plate and the two screws. Do not over
Ball detent cover plate 1
tighten, just snug them down.
F4 ball detent 1
4-40x.250 button head screws 2
Ball Detent Parts Chart:
Part Description: Qty: Part
Ball detent cover plate 1 2000-2003 EXCALIBUR® and VIKING™
Plastic ball detents 2 WIRE DETENT.
Detent springs 2
4-40x.250 Button head screws 2
Troubleshooting: Reg-pin 1
Air leaking from the front of the regulator: -003 O-ring 1 ORB003-0000
1. Check the o-ring around the piston. Reg-pin Spring1
Adaptor Body 1
-015 O-ring (buna) 2 ORB015-0000
-015 O-ring 2 ORU015-0000
Air leaking from solenoid:
1. Check the solenoid valve, it may need to be
2. Check the hammer piston quad-ring. Air
may be leaking around it. If air is leaking
around it, replace the hammer piston quad-
ring. 2000-2003 EXCALIBUR HAMMER.
Mechanical Hammer adjustment:
Air leaking around the front of the hammer: There is no mechanical adjustment to the
1. Check the quad-ring seal around the hammer itself. Simply screw the hammer
hammer shaft. It may need to be replaced. cartridge in until it stops against the body.
2. Check the o-rings on the outside of the
cartridge. Hammer maintenance:
The o-ring on the hammer piston is sized to
’04 Excalibur® Hammer Parts: maintain a constant friction to the inside of the
Part: Qty: Part Number: bore of the hammer cartridge. Keeping a
Hammer Weight 1 constant friction on the bore is important to
keep a consistent velocity. If the o-ring wears
Hammer Endcap 1 out, the friction will change and in turn change
Urethane bumper 1 the consistency of force with which the
-010 quad-ring 1 hammer strikes the valve. So, it is important
to keep that o-ring in good order and properly
Hammer Bushing 1 oiled.
-010 o-ring 1 ORU010-0000
To pull the hammer cartridge out of the
Hammer Shaft 1 marker: Use the pneumatics reg removal
-010 quad-ring 1 wrench and unscrew the hammer cartridge.
Urethane bumper 1 Then gently pull it out the back of the
EXCALIBUR®(pat pend).
Hammer tube 1
-015 o-ring 4 ORU015-0000 Use the hammer spanner wrench and an allen
wrench to loosen the hammer endcap.
Unscrew the endcap from the hammer
cartridge and gently pull pieces apart. You can
now replace the o-rings. Re-assemble in
reverse order.
Air leaking from solenoid:
1. Check the solenoid valve, it may need to be
2. Check the hammer piston o-ring. Air may
be leaking around it. If air is leaking around it,
replace the hammer piston o-ring.
2000-2001 EXCALIBUR® Hammer
Air leaking around the front of the hammer:
1. Check the o-ring seal around the hammer
shaft. It may need to be replaced.
2. Check the o-rings on the outside of the
Hammer Endcap 1
Urethane bumper 1
-013 o-ring 1 ORU013-0000
-015 o-ring 1 ORU015-0000
-010 o-ring 1 ORU010-0000 H. 2004 VIKING™ HAMMER.
Mechanical Hammer adjustment:
Hammer Plate 1 There is no mechanical adjustment to the
hammer itself. Simply screw the hammer
Hammer Shaft 1 cartridge in until it stops against the body.
-010 o-ring 1 ORU010-0000
Urethane bumper 1 Hammer maintenance:
The ’04 VIKING™ hammer uses 2 quad-rings
Hammer tube 1 instead of o-rings. This gives the hammer a
-015 o-ring 4 ORU015-0000 smoother action. It is important to keep the
quad-ring on the hammer in good working
order and properly oiled when needed.
Ram Shaft 1
Urethane bumper 1
-010 o-ring 1 ORU010-0000
Ram Plate 1
Ram Encap 1
-015 o-ring 1 ORU015-0000
2000-2003 EXCALIBUR RAM.
7/16x.093 u-cup 1
Removal of Pneumatic Cyclinder (ie: the
-010 o-ring 1 ORU010-0000
-013 o-ring 1 ORB013-0000
De-gas the marker and remove all paint.
Urethane bumper 1
Remove the bolt, the body endcap, and
pneumatics regulator. Then remove the ram
H-bar 1
retaining pin that holds the ram in place.
Ram Retaining Pin 1
Using a plastic dowel rod, gently push the ram
out through the back of the marker body. 2001-2003 EXCALIBUR® Ram
Insert a 1/4" dia metal rod in the setscrew pin
hole. You may have to polish the 1/4" rod just
a little to get it to fit properly. Then, using an
adjustable wrench, unscrew the front nose
from the ram tube by using the 1/4" dia rod to
2000-2001 EXCALIBUR® Ram When adjusting the spring tension on the
trigger, it is best to leave some spring tension
so normal movement during play will not
accidentally activate the trigger. The spring
can be interchanged with those used on AC™
triggers so you can personalize it to your own
spring tension.
J. TRIGGER FRAME. The electronics are on but the gun won’t fire.
1. Check to make sure that none of the trigger
Adjusting the trigger pull:
setscrews have moved out of adjustment.
There are 3 set screws for adjusting the total
trigger movement: (1) forward stop, (1)
Grip frame and trigger Parts:
rearward stop and (1) micro-switch activation
Part: Qty: Part
Grip frame (Double trig.) 1
When adjusting the trigger, start with the
Blade trigger 1
forward and rearward trigger stops. Adjust the
6-32 setscrew 1
trigger until you have the amount of movement
8-32 setscrew 2
you want. Then adjust the micro-switch screw
8-32 setscrew 1
until it activates the micro-switch during the
10-32 setscrew 1
trigger pull. Make sure to use a small amount
1/8 dia pin 1
of BLUE Loctite to keep the setscrews from
(short trigger pin)
coming loose. Whenever you make any
1/8 dia pin 2
adjustments to the trigger you should always
(long grip tray pins)
make sure the micro-switch activates when
6-32 button head screws 4
you pull the trigger and re-sets when you
10-32 button head screw 1
release the trigger.
Grip panels 2
K. SOLENOID VALVES. valve, replace the valve or check the o-rings of
the hammer or ram.
Removal of the solenoid valves:
Remove the grip frame and grip plate as one L. SCREWS & O-RINGS
piece. Carefully pull the grip and grip plate There are various screws and o-rings used in
straight away from the body. The grip plate the EXCALIBUR®, VIKING™,
locates on two pins in the marker body. SIDEWINDER® and SCM™ this list is for
reference. If you are unsure which
Carefully unplug the solenoid valves from the o-ring or screw to use check with a certified
circuit board. Using an allen wrench, remove airsmith.
the screws holding solenoid valve you want to
replace. Lift the valve and manifold straight SIDEWINDER® O-rings:
out of the marker body. Be careful not to lose -008 o-ring
the small o-rings that seal the solenoid to the -010 o-ring
body. -015 o-ring
-017 o-ring
Place the o-rings back into the o-ring grooves -113 o-ring
on the body. Place the correct solenoid valve
on the solenoid valve mounting bosses and SCM™ O-rings:
tighten down screws. The hammer solenoid -003 o-ring
valve cannot be installed in the bolt socket -008 o-ring
and the bolt solenoid valve cannot be -014 o-ring
installed in the hammer socket. Do not over -015 o-ring
tighten the screws.
Plug the solenoid valve back into the circuit rings.
board and gently put the grip frame back onto Serial # 1500+
the marker making sure not to pinch any 3.3x1.0mm o-ring
wires. Re-install the grip frame screws. -008 o-ring
-010 o-ring
Do not try to work on the solenoid valves. Do -010 quad ring
not try to exchange parts from one solenoid to -015 o-ring
another. The parts on the solenoid valves are
matched to each other when they are
assembled at the factory and can not be
mixed with other valves. If the solenoid valves
parts are mixed they may not work properly.
Air leaking from the solenoid valve:
1. Check the o-rings sealing the valve to the
2. Check to see if the air is leaking through
the solenoid valve. If air is leaking through the
2004 EXCALIBUR® Screws & Pins.
Serial # 1500+
Quanity: Type: Location:
1 5/16-24 x .3125 setscrew valve retaining screw
2 10-32 x 1.000 Button head screws grip frame
4 6-32 x .250 Button head screws grip panels
1 10-32 x .375 setscrew trigger stop
2 8-32 x .5 Setscrews trigger stop
1 6-32 x .250 setscrew trigger stop lock
1 10-32 x .375 button head screw grip plate/frame
4 4-40 x .5 button head screws solenoid valves
4 4-40 x .250 button head screws detent cover/on-off switch
4 4-40 x .187 button head screws data cover/solenoid valves
1 10-32 x .1875 setscrews pneumatics air passage plug
1 5/16-24 x 1.125 modified setscrew ram pin
2 4-40 x .250 plastic flat head screws circuit board
3 8-32 x .1875 setscrews air passage plug
1 1/4-20 x .250 setscrew air passage plug
2 1/8 x .750 dowel pins grip alignment pins
1 1/8 x .500 dowel pin trigger pivot pin
2 2x18mm pins micro-switch pins
Chopping paintballs
• Is your hopper working correctly?
• Is your bolt/hammer dwell set correctly
• Is your ball detent working?
• Is the SCM™/LPR regulator set correctly?
• Is the battery fresh and new?
• Is the bolt/hammer solenoid working
VIII. Warranty, Liability and Contact Information
The EXCALIBUR® or VIKING™ is warranted to be free from manufacturing defects for life.
AKALMP, Inc. expressly excludes coverage of defects and/or damage as a result of normal
wear and tear, accidents, additions, alterations, inadequate maintenance, misuse,
modifications, or other factors not directly related to the original manufacture of the
BUYER assumes the risk of damages, including but not limited to bodily injury, from the use of
this product. AKALMP, Inc. expressly disclaims any and all liability for any direct, indirect,
incidental, or consequential damages of any kind or nature arising from the use of this product.
Contact Information:
Phone: (317)-631-7200
Fax: (317)-631-0325
E-mail: akapp@akalmp.com
Website: akalmp.com
PO Box 441167
Indianapolis, IN 46244-1167
16 South Keystone Ave
Indianapolis IN, 46201