2004 Viking-Excalibur Manual

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Excalibur and Viking Manual

Version 3.0
Nov 2003


CAN MOD/SCM™ and SIDEWINDER®(pat pend) are Trademarks or Registered Trademarks
of AKALMP, Inc. Design rights and all rights reserved. All patterns, drawings, photographs, in-
structions or manuals remain the intellectual property of the manufacturer. Covered under US
Patent 5791328 and other Patents Pending. All rights will be strictly enforced.

All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be
reoproduced or used in any form or by any means without the written permission of
I. Safety Guidelines & Instructions
II. Specifications
III. Operating instructions
A. Power Supply
B. Compressed Air/Nitrogen Supply
C. Turning “ON & FIRING” the Marker
D. Velocity Adjustment
IV. Electronics
A. Equalizer Board
B. Nelson Board
V. Maintenance
A. Cleaning
B. Sidewinder
C. Ball Detents
E. Tornado Valve
F. Lightning bolt
G. Excalibur Hammer
H. Viking Hammer
I. Excalibur Ram
J. Trigger Frame
K. Solenoid valves
L. O-rings and Screws
VI. Troubleshooting
VII. Schematics
A. 2004 Excalibur®
B. 2004 Viking™
VIII. Warranty, Liability and Contact Information
Congratulations on purchasing an EXCALIBUR® or VIKING™ paintball marker. We hope you
enjoy using this marker. Please read the information in the manual and get familiar with you
marker before use.

This manual covers both the EXCALIBUR® and VIKING™ series of paintball markers as well as
covering the SIDEWINDER® regulator and the SCM™ low pressure pneumatics regulator. This
manual includes information for both the 2000-2003 and the 2004 models of EXCALIBUR® and
VIKING™. This manual is a work in progress and will be continuously updated as needed. If you
have suggestions to help improve this manual contact us through e-mail and let us know. We
decided to place the manual on disk for the simplicity of keeping it up to date and to eliminate
paper waste.

The specifications and photographs in this material are for information and general guidance
purpose only. Our products are continually updated and changes may be made to specification,
design or appearance from time to time. These changes are subject to change without notice.
AKALMP reserves the right to revise and improve its products as it sees fit.


CAN MOD/SCM™ and SIDEWINDER®(pat pend) are Trademarks or Registered Trademarks
of AKALMP, Inc. Design rights and all rights reserved. All patterns, drawings, photographs,
instructions or manuals remain the intellectual property of the manufacturer. Covered under US
Patent 5791328 and other Patents Pending. All rights will be strictly enforced.


• The EXCALIBUR® and VIKING™ are not toys.

• Careless or improper use, including failure to follow instructions in the operators manual, could
cause serious injury or death.

• Paintball industry standard head/face/throat/eye/ear protection designed specifically for paintball

meeting ASTM standard F1776 must be worn by user and any person within range of any paintball

• Do not shoot at a person at close range.

• Observe all local laws, regulations and guidelines.

• Use only on paintball fields where safety rules are strictly enforced.

• You must be at least 18 years of age to purchase the EXCALIBUR® or VIKING™.

• Individuals under 18 years of age must have adult supervision when using or handling the

• Use only nitrogen and compressed air from approved storage bottle. Do not use CO2.

• Do not exceed 850 psi input pressure.

• Read operator’s manual before use and comply with all safety instructions.

• Use .68 caliber paintballs only.

• Always keep EXCALIBUR® or VIKING™ turned off when not in use.

• Always switch gas source off when EXCALIBUR® or VIKING™ is not in use.

• Treat ever EXCALIBUR® or VIKING™ as if it is loaded.

• Never point the EXCALIBUR® or VIKING™ at anyone or anything you do not intend to shoot.

• Use approved barrel blocking devices on the EXCALIBUR® or VIKING™ when not in use.

• Never shoot at velocities in excess of 300 FPS.

• Never put fingers or any foreign objects into the paintball feed tube.

• Always remove all paintballs from the EXCALIBUR® or VIKING™ when not in use on or off the

• Regulators and LPR’s can store gas after the bottle has been removed. Always degas
EXCALIBUR® or VIKING™ when not in use or before working on the markers.

• When adjusting, servicing or using the Excalibur, ALWAYS WEAR EYE PROTECTION

• Before doing any work to the Excalibur® (pat pend), make sure it is turned off, the air source
has been removed, and all paintballs have been removed.

• Seek professional assistance for advice if you are unsure of anything.

• Model: Excalibur®(pat. pending) • Model: Excalibur®(pat. pending)
• Version: A • Version: B
• Caliber: .68 • Caliber: . 68
• Action: Closed Bolt Electro-pneumatic • Action: Closed Bolt Electro-pneumatic
Operation Operation
• Gas Source: Compressed air or Nitrogen • Gas Source: Compressed air or Nitrogen
• Power Supply: 9 Volt battery • Power Supply: 9 Volt battery
• ROF (Cyclic Rate): 13+BPS • ROF (Cyclic Rate): 13+ BPS
• Standard Barrel Length: 12.0" Javelin (unlimited ROF with EYE’s)
(AC Threads) • Standard Barrel Length: 12.0" Javelin
• Length: 8.0 inches (AC Threads)
• Height: 8.4 inches (Top of feed tube to • Length: 7.25 inches
bottom of grip) • Height: 8.3 inches (Top of feed tube to
• Width: 1.75 inches bottom of grip)
• Weight: 3. lbs (Without battery & barrel) • Width: 1.75 inches
• Operating Pressure: 140-180 PSI @ 280 • Weight: 3 lbs (Without battery & barrel)
FPS (depending on paint size) • Operating Pressure: 140-180 PSI @ 280
• Input PSI to SIDEWINDER: 400-850 PSI FPS (depending on paint size)
• Pneumatics Pressure: 65-85 PSI • Input PSI to SIDEWINDER: 400-900 PSI
• Pneumatics Pressure: 65-85 PSI
• Tornado® Valve(Pat. #5791328) Features:
• Lightning® Bolt (Delrin) with Quick Release • Tornado® Valve(Pat. #5791328)
Pin • Lightning® Bolt (Delrin) with Quick Release
• Javelin™ Barrel Pin
• 45 Grip • Javelin™ Barrel
• Wire Ball Detent • 45 Grip
• Built-In Vertical Mount • Dual ball Detent for centering the ball in the
• SIDEWINDER®(pat pend) Vertical breech
Pressure Reg. • Built-In Vertical Mount
• Threaded Vertical Feedtube • SIDEWINDER®(pat pend) Vertical
• Adjustable Trigger (3 adjustment points) Pressure Reg.
• Adjustable WAS circuit board • AKA Threaded Vertical Feedtube
• Adjustable Pneumatics Low Pressure • Adjustable Trigger (3 adjustment points)
Regulator (LPR). • Adjustable WAS circuit board
• Pull Through Cleaning • Ready to install Anti-chop eyes.
• Easy Disassembly & Low Maintenance • Adjustable SCM™ Low Pressure
• Rugged Design Regulator (LPR).
• Barrel Plug • Pull Through Cleaning
• Carrying Case • Easy Disassembly & Low Maintenance
• Model: Viking™(pat pend) • Model: Viking™(pat pend)
• Version: A • Version:B
• Caliber: . 68 • Caliber: .68
• Action: Open Bolt Electro-pneumatic • Action: Open Bolt Electro-pneumatic
Operation Operation
• Gas Source: Compressed air or Nitrogen • Gas Source: Compressed air or Nitrogen
• Power Supply: 9 Volt battery • Power Supply: 9 Volt battery
• ROF (Cyclic Rate): 13+BPS (unlimited • ROF (Cyclic Rate): 13+BPS (unlimited
ROF with EYE’s) ROF with EYE’s)
• Standard Barrel Length: 12.0" Javelin • Standard Barrel Length: 12.0" Javelin
(AC Threads) (AC Threads)
• Length: 8.0 inches • Length: 7.5 inches
• Height: 8.4 inches (Top of feed tube to • Height: 8.3 inches (Top of feed tube to
bottom of grip) bottom of grip)
• Width: 1.75 inches • Width: 1.75 inches
• Weight: 3. lbs (Without battery & barrel) • Weight: 3. lbs (Without battery & barrel)
• Operating Pressure: 140-180 PSI @ 280 • Operating Pressure: 140-180 PSI @ 280
FPS (depending on paint size) FPS (depending on paint size)
• Input PSI to SIDEWINDER: 400-850 PSI • Input PSI to SIDEWINDER: 400-850 PSI
• Pneumatics Pressure: 65-85 PSI • Pneumatics Pressure: 65-85 PSI

Features: Features:
• Tornado®Valve (Pat. #5791328) • Tornado® Valve(Pat. #5791328)
• Lightning® Bolt(Delrin) with Quick Release • Lightning® Bolt (Delrin) with Quick Release
Pin Pin
• Javelin™ Barrel • Javelin™ Barrel
• 45 Grip • 45 Grip
• Wire Ball Detent • Dual ball Detent for centering the ball in the
• Built-In Vertical Mount breech
• SIDEWINDER®(pat pend) Vertical • Built-In Vertical Mount
Pressure Reg. • SIDEWINDER®(pat pend) Vertical
• Threaded Vertical Feedtube Pressure Reg.
• Adjustable Trigger (3 adjustment points) • AKA Threaded Vertical Feedtube
• Adjustable Equalizer circuit board • Adjustable Trigger (3 adjustment points)
• Adjustable Pneumatics Low Pressure • Adjustable Equalizer circuit board
Regulator (LPR). • Ready to install Anti-chop eyes.
• Pull Through Cleaning • Adjustable SCM™ Low Pressure Regulator
• Easy Disassembly & Low Maintenance (LPR).
• Rugged Design • Pull Through Cleaning
• Barrel Blocking Device • Easy Disassembly & Low Maintenance
• Carrying Case
The ECALIBUR® and VIKING™ uses a 9-volt SUPPLY.
battery stored in the grip as its power supply. The EXCALIBUR® and VIKING™ are
For maximum number of shots and velocity designed to operate on nitrogen or
stability you should only use high quality compressed air. It requires a high flow of
alkaline batteries. CLEAN gas. Most adjustable nitrogen
systems or preset bottle systems, will work
Installing a Battery: fine. The EXCALIBUR® and VIKING™ are
Step 1: Make sure the marker is unloaded, supplied with a SIDEWINDER® regulator
de-gassed and turned off. Remove one of the which has been designed to work at the low
two screws holding the grip panel on the left pressure range in which the EXCALIBUR®
side of the marker. Rotate the panel out of the and VIKING™ operate. The input pressure to
way. Remove the 9-volt battery from the the SIDEWINDER® regulator should be 400
battery cable. Make sure not to pull the to 500psi if you have an adjustable nitrogen
battery cable apart. system. If you have a preset bottle then the
850 psi input is okay but the Low Pressure
Step 2: Install the new 9-volt battery on the 450 nitrogen bottles are better.
battery cable and place it back into the grip
frame. Make sure no wires on the battery
cable are pinched. Gently loop the wiring and CAUTIONS:
lay it on the side of the battery. Air supplied at fields and tournaments is
often dirty if a compressor is used. Scuba air
Step 3: Rotate the grip panel back into place. is not always clean either. This dirty air is one
Then replace the grip panel screw. Your reason for paintball guns and regulator
EXCALIBUR® and VIKING™ is now failures. Next time your gun or regulator fails
powered and ready to use. at a tournament, stop - before blaming the
manufacturer of the paintball gun or regulator,
and check your air supply. Some of this dirt
eventually ends up in the marker. Electronic
markers with solenoid valves are particularly
vulnerable to dirt. For this reason, we
recommend a portable filter such as the
GUARDIAN™ for filling your nitrogen system
or a nitrogen system with a built-in filter when
using the EXCALIBUR® or VIKING™.

Most metal fittings and steel braided hoses

are nickel-plated brass which can leave metal
shaving in your marker when you install a
hose. Always run air through the hoses and
fittings before attaching them to a marker to
make sure the air line is clear of debris. Metal
shaves can damage the internals of the
Use only steel braided hose and stainless SIDEWINDER®(pat pend) regulator mounted
steel quick disconnects or Macro-line. Micro- vertically in front of the trigger frame. The
line restricts airflow and unsafe for use in SIDEWINDER®(pat pend) regulator is
paintball. standard on the EXCALIBUR® and VIKING™
and is adjusted in this fashion while looking at
DO NOT USE TEFLON TAPE. Improper use the bottom of the SIDEWINDER®(pat pend)
of Teflon tape can result in pieces of tape regulator. When making velocity adjustments
going through the regulator and into the you should use extremely fine adjustments so
marker. This can cause blockages and as not to go past the desired velocity. If you
damage to solenoid valves. are unsure where your operating pressure is,
simply turn the pressure down until the velocity
Do not use of pro-connects and fittings like drops to about 200 fps then slowly turn the
those, they restrict airflow which can cause a pressure back up.
drop in efficiency or can cause drop off
problems while firing the EXCALIBUR® or
VIKING™. They do not have a high enough Do not exceed a
airflow for low pressure markers.
velocity of 300 FPS.
C. Turning “ON” the marker. 1. Turning the adjuster screw clockwise will
1. After making sure the marker is unloaded lower the pressure, thus lowering the velocity.
and de-gassed and you have installed the
battery. 2. Turning the adjuster screw counter-
clockwise will increase the pressure raising
2. Turn on the air source. On the the velocity.
EXCALIBUR®, if the bolt is not in its forward
position it will now move forward closing the
breech. The bolt on the VIKING™ will move to
the rear of the marker.

3. Pointing the marker in a safe direction

away from you and others. Turn the marker
“ON” using the recessed power switch on the
side of the marker or in the back of the
marker. When the LED starts blinking then the
marker is ready to fire.

4. The paintball marker is now ready to fire.

5. Simply point in a safe direction and pull the

trigger. Always keep your finger out of the
trigger guard when you are not firing the
paintball marker.

D. Velocity adjustment.
The velocity of the EXCALIBUR® and
VIKING™ is controlled directly through the

Installation and Usage Manual for
AKA Viking and Excalibur
EqualizerTM is a trademark of Wicked Air Sportz

All material including, but not limited to photographs, text, and concepts contained in this manual
is copyright ©2002-2003 By Wicked Air Sportz and Jim Drew. Distribution of this data without
permission is strictly prohibited! All rights reserved, worldwide. Reprinted with permission. This
section provided by Wicked Air Sportz http://www.wickedairsportz.com/home.htm.
Introduction Liability

Thank you for purchasing the EqualizerTM board. By using this product, you agree to hold
This board is a direct replacement for the stock Wicked Air Sportz free from any type of
circuit board found in your AKA marker. liability either directly or indirectly due to
the use of this product.
Please read through this entire manual before
you attempt the installation of your EqualizerTM

Step 1 – Removing the Grip Frame

Installation Requirements Before disassembling the marker, make
sure the marker power switch is in the off
To install your EqualizerTM board, you will need position.
the appropriate sized allen wrenches and a flat,
clean, work surface. Remove the two screws that hold the grip frame
to the body.
The installation of the EqualizerTM board is not
difficult. If after reading through this manual, you Step 2 – Removing the Circuit Board From
believe you cannot perform the installation, the Grip Frame Tray
please seek someone who can assist you. Two plastic screws are used to hold the circuit
board in place. Using the proper size flat tipped
This manual should provide ample information screw driver, carefully remove the screws that
and clarity to install this product. holds the circuit board in place.

Warranty Information Once the screws are removed, gently pull up on

the circuit board assembly to give yourself
The EqualizerTM board carries a limited lifetime enough room to grab a hold of it.
warranty. Units subject to improper installation,
misuse, abuse, or modifications will not be Step 3 – Disconnecting/Connecting the
covered under this warranty. Plugs
Carefully remove each connector from the stock
Wicked Air Sportz may at its discretion either board (one by one) and place each connector
repair or replace the unit. The customer will pay in the same socket location on the Equalizer
all freight charges to and from Wicked Air board. Refer to Figure 1 for proper plug
Sportz. placement.

All defective units will be returned to the Step 4 – Mounting the Board Into the Grip
customer via USPS Priority Mail. At the time of Frame Tray
printing this manual, this rate is $4.40. This Carefully press the EqualizerTM into the area
amount must be included with any unit to be designed for the circuit board to fit in. Make
repaired, or the unit will be returned UPS COD/ sure that you do not pinch any wires in the
Freight collect. harness. Line up the holes (opposite corners
of the EqualizerTM). Now, insert the plastic
screws into the holes and tighten the screws
until they are just snug. DO NOT
Step 5 – Testing the Board SECTION 2 – USAGE
Before reassembling the marker, you should do
a quick test to make sure that connections are The EqualizerTM has numerous features,
correct and that the board is working. Making which can be a bit overwhelming to those
sure that nothing is grounding the grip frame, that are not use to having so much
move the power switch to the on position. If flexibility.
everything is working, you should see the LED
light up orange. If this occurs, turn the power
switch to the off position and continue to step 6. The Boot Sequence
When the EqualizerTM boots up, the LED will light
If you don’t see the LED light up, make sure up orange and then either green (NORMAL
your battery is connected. If that is not the mode) or red (COMPETITION mode).
problem, then check the connector plugs. If you
require further assistance, please email the
technical support department Feature Descriptions
(tech@wickedairsportz.com). Dwell
Dwell is the amount of time that the
Step 6 – Reassemble the Marker solenoid will be activated. This time is
Reassemble your marker by attaching the grip measured in milliseconds (1/1000th of a
frame to the body, and using the two screws to second). The user can alter the Dwell only
hold them together. when in NORMAL mode. In COMPETITION
mode, it is not possible to change settings
Congratulations! You have now successfully via the trigger programming. The factory
completed the installation of your EqualizerTM default is 8.0ms. Changes can be made in
board! .1ms units via the Equalink.

Increasing your Dwell will increase the

NOTE: The Equalizer board can be used with velocity of your marker. If you are
either the Viking or Excalibur markers. The experiencing a great variance in your
Equalizer detects which marker it is installed chrono results, try increasing your Dwell.
in, and adjusts parameters to handle the If your dwell is too low, consistency will
different firing sequences and eyes modes. suffer greatly.

Debounce is the amount of time the trigger
switch must be stable in the up position
before checking for another trigger pull.
This time is measured in milliseconds. The
user can alter the Debounce only when in
NORMAL mode. Possible values are from
1ms to 255ms. The factory default is 10ms.
Changes are made in 1ms units.

If you find that your marker is double firing,

increase the Debounce time. To make your
marker fire faster due to being more
responsive to the trigger, decrease the common, this does happen enough to
Debounce time. justify the creation of this mode. The
factory default is Delayed.
Remember, if you pull the trigger once and
the recoil causes your marker to fire again
by itself, it is NO LEGAL for tournament play The Eye Mode can be set to one of four
and is a SEVERE SAFETY HAZARD! different modes for the Excaliburâ:
Eye Mode
Bypass - The anti-chop system is disabled.
The Eye Mode is can be set to one of four When this occurs, the maximum rate of fire
different modes for the VikingTM: is limited to 10 balls per second to help
prevent chopping of balls in the breech.
Bypass - The anti-chop system is disabled.
When this occurs, the maximum rate of fire Normal – In this mode, the chambered ball
is limited to 13 balls per second to help will fire (if there is one) and the bolt will open
prevent chopping of balls in the breech. for up to ¾ of a second before automatically
closing. If a ball is found before this time
Delayed – This is like the normal method expires, the bolt will immediately close.
of firing used in the original Intimidator This is the default eye mode.
select fire and semi-only boards. If you pull
the trigger and noball is found in the
breech within ¾ of a second, the marker is Classic – In this mode, the chambered ball
fired anyways. If a ball is found before the will fire (if there is one), and the bolt will stay
time expires, the marker will immediately open as long as you keep holding the
fire (before the ¾ of second time is up). This trigger (just like a stock Autococker).
is the default eye mode.
Sniper – In this mode, the chambered ball
Forced – In this mode, the marker will not will fire (if there is one), and the bolt will not
fire unless there is a ball in the breech. In cycle until you release the trigger. When
this mode, your marker will not “dry fire” the trigger is released, bolt will open for up
ever. This is the recommended eye mode. to ¾ of a second before automatically
closing. If a ball is found before this time
Simulate – In this mode, a ball is simulated expires, the bolt will immediately close.
to be in the breech. This allows you to fire
the marker with just air, at the full speed that NOTE: IN ALL CASES, IF YOU DO NOT
the marker is capable of firing! This mode HAVE AN EYE SYSTEM, THE COMPUTER
can be used for practicing trigger pull WILL AUTOMATICALLY SWITCH TO
methods, without wasting paint. DO NOT BYPASS MODE!

It is highly recommended that tournament

players use the Forced mode. Ifyou have Hopper Trigger
a hopper jam or something hangs up in the
feed tube, and you are using Delayed The EqualizerTM hardware has the ability to
mode, it is possible to chop a ball if one generate a positive or negative going
breaks free at the instant the firing pulse, for a duration that is user
sequence starts. Although this is not programmable. Although the EqualizerTM
cannot supply power to your hopper to run system. If a shell fragment entered the
it (in place of its own batteries), it can breech, it could be cleared on the next shot.
provide a trigger that could force activation Thus, disabling the anti-chop system
for a programmable period of time. More immediately on the first problem is
information about the interface to the something that the EqualizerTM does not do.
EqualizerTM will be provided in separate
documentation. Possible values are .1 to With an eye system, the rate of fire is limited
2.0 seconds, with either a positive or only by how fast the pneumatics will cycle,
negative going pulse. The factory default is how fast you can pull the trigger, and how
positive pulse, lasting 1.0 second. This fast your loader can feed your marker.
configuration was designed to work
directly with the Warpfeed from Air Gun Because the EqualizerTM can easily exceed
Designs. Changes to these parameters the feed rate of standard agitated hoppers,
require the Equalink cable. it is recommended that you use an
advanced hopper (TurboRev equipped
LED Colors and Meanings Revolution) or a force-feed type of hopper
The LED is a type that can light up in one for the best possible performance.
of 3 different colors. The EqualizerTM uses
this to indicate to the user when certain While in programming mode, the marker’s
events are occurring. This is a breakdown ability to shoot is completely disabled.
of what the LED states represent:
Tournament Lock
• Solid Green - In or entering It is possible to put the EqualizerTM into a
programming mode. tournament lock (COMPETITION) mode.
• Blinking Green - Normal operation, You can do this by making sure the power
anti-chop system is enabled. switch is in the off position, grounding
• Blinkin g Orange - Normaloperation, (connecting) the two center pins on the
anti-chop system is disabled. Equalink interface connector, and then
• Blinking Red - Battery is low. moving the power switch to on position.
• Red/Green toggle - There is an error Each time you ‘reboot’ with the pins
with the anti-chop system. grounded, the NORMAL and
COMPETITION modes will toggle. The
General Usage Tips marker will not fire with the jumper in place!
The LED boot sequence is as follows: solid Removing the jumper will allow the normal
orange (booting), solid green (normal operation of the marker.
mode) or solid red (competition mode
Programming the Dwell, Debounce, and Eye
You can manually bypass the anti-chop Mode Using the Trigger
system by moving the bolt forward The Dwell, Debounce, and Eye Mode
(blocking the infrared beam) and pulling the functions are programmable by following
trigger 3 times. When the anti-chop system these instructions:
is bypassed the LED will blink orange
(instead of green). Make sure the power switch is on the off
position. During programming, make sure
The first two times you pull the trigger, the that your marker has a barrel condom in
LED will toggle red/green to let you know place or the air supply shut off. Although it
that an error occurred with the anti-chop is not possible to fire the marker while in
programming mode, it is always good to Dwell and Debounce
practice safe marker handling. Once the LED stops flashing, you can now
pull and release the trigger once for every
Pull the trigger, and hold it in the back 1ms of time you want the setting to be. For
position. Now, turn the power switch to the example, if you were programming the
on position. The LED will light green. Now, Debounce for 5ms, you would pull and
immediately release the trigger. The LED release the trigger 5 times. On each pull of
will light red. the trigger, the LED will light up (indicating
that the pull has been detected). If you have
Pulling and releasing the trigger will toggle decided not to program this mode, simply
the LED color between red, green, and do not touch the trigger for 5 seconds. The
orange. LED will toggle green/red alternately to
indicate there was a programming error,
Red indicates you are in the Dwell and then go back to the programming
programming mode, green indicates you starting point.
are in the Debounce programming mode,
and orange indicates you are in the Eye Eye Mode
Mode programming mode. Once you have Once the LED stops flashing, you can now
reached orange, an additional trigger pull pull and release the trigger the number of
will start the sequence of colors over again. times necessary to set the Eye Mode.
This is also known as the “programming
starting point”. The following is a list of the possible Eye
Modes and the flashes (also trigger pulls
When you decide which programming required):
mode you want, pull the trigger and hold it
until the LED goes out and then release the • 1 flash – Bypassed mode (for
trigger. There will be a 2 second pause, and Viking and Excalibur)
then the LED will flash the same color of • 2 flashes - Delayed mode (Viking)
the programming mode you are in or Normal mode (Excalibur)
(red=Dwell, green=Debounce, orange=eye • 3 flashes – Forced mode (Viking)
mode). or Class mode (Excalibur)
• 4 flashes - Simulate mode (Viking)
For the Dwell and Debounce programming or Sniper mode (Excalibur)
modes, each flash represents 1ms
(millisecond) of time. For example, if you If you pull and release the trigger more than
were programming the Dwell and the 4 times, then the LED will toggle green/red
settings were the default, you would see alternately to indicate there was a
the LED flash red 8 times in a row, indicating programming error, and then go back to the
the dwell is set to 8ms. The flashing of the programming starting point.
LED shows you the current setting before
you program it. Programming Complete
Once you pulled and released the trigger
For the Eye Mode programming mode, the the number of times necessary to set the
total number of flashes represents the function, wait a few seconds. The LED will
mode of the anti-chop system. flash red/green/orange in rapid succession
(numerous times) to let you know that the
new setting has been saved. After this, the
LED will return to the color representing
what the current programming mode is. At
this point, you can once again press and
release the trigger to toggle between Dwell,
Debounce, and Eye Mode programming

You can perform a complete reset of the

Dwell, Debounce, and Eye Mode to the
factory defaults when you are in the
program starting point (where you can
toggle the programming mode).
To do this, just hold down the trigger for 5
full seconds. It does not matter what
programming mode you are currently in
(Dwell, Debounce, or Eye Mode). The
LED will start flashing red, letting you
know that a reset operation is being
performed. After this occurs, you will be
back to the programming starting point.
Note: As of April 2003 these boards are no
longer being used or produced for the
EXCALIBUR® or VIKING™ this section is
only being include as a reference for people
still using the old Nelson boards.

(The Excalibur®(pat pend) is controlled by a

state of the art software driven computer
board. The board is equipped with many
features that are not found on other electronic
paintball markers. First the board is equipped
with a special voltage regulation and control
system not found on any other electronic Rate of Fire adjustment:
marker. This system will increase the life span The only way for the EXCALIBUR® and
of the battery. The board is made with VIKING™ parameters to be changed is
connectors for every attachment necessary. through adjusting the software via a computer.
No soldering of wires is needed. If the trigger The only way to adjust the rate of fire is to
micro switch goes bad just unplug it and adjust the dwell settings. This does three
replace with a new one. The same goes for things:
the battery plug, the LED, the on-off switch,
and the solenoid valves. There is also a First, it allows for very fine adjustment to the
programming port and a recharging port. dwell settings. You can adjust each parameter
When using rechargeable batteries you don’t a millisecond at a time if you like.
have to remove the battery just use an adaptor
and recharge the battery. There is also a port Second, whenever there is an update, instead
that will support a Warp Feed and an Intella- of having to change the board you can just
feed system. The circuit board is protected download the new software.
against moisture, but do not immerse the
Viking™(pat pend) in water. The Viking™(pat Third, it makes the marker completely
pend) is tournament legal, as the board tournament legal since there is no physical
operates in semi-automatic mode only. ) way on the board to adjust the firing
Circuit board schematics:
2nd GENERATION NELSON CIRCUIT EXCALIBUR® factory dwell parameters:
BOARD. • Hammer drive: 10ms
The HAMMER DRIVE is the total amount of
time that the hammer solenoid stays turned on
pushing the hammer forward against the
Tornado®(Pat # 5791328) valve thus also
opening the valve and releasing air to shoot
the paintball.


• Hammer Draw Enable: 10ms
This is a new type of dwell setting not
seen before in an electronic paintball the circuit board stops drawing power from
marker. This setting is used with a new the battery.
feature that has been added to the circuit
board that increases battery life. This dwell Example. The bolt fires for 55 milliseconds
setting is used in conjunction with the hammer and the Bolt Draw Enable dwell is set for 20
drive dwell setting to control the amount of milliseconds. This means that during the 55
time that the circuit board draws power from milliseconds that the bolt is activated the
the battery to charge the coils on the hammer battery is only supplying power to the solenoid
solenoid and to charge up the capacitors that for the first 20 milliseconds of the bolt cycle
will continue to power the hammer solenoid the rest is from the capacitors.
after the circuit board stops drawing power
from the battery. • Bolt release: 25ms
The BOLT RELEASE is the amount of time
Example. The hammer fires for 10 after the bolt solenoid has turned off for the
milliseconds and the Hammer Draw Enable bolt to return to the closed position loading a
dwell is set for 7 milliseconds. This means that paintball in the process. This setting allows
during the 10 milliseconds that the hammer is the bolt to completely close and seal the ball
activated the battery is only supplying power to into the barrel of the marker. If this time is set
the solenoid for the first 7 milliseconds of the too short the marker may skip during high rate
hammer cycle the rest is from the capacitors. of fire (ROF) and the effectiveness of the ball
shot will drop off. You should never have to
• Hammer release: 5ms change this setting.
The HAMMER RELEASE is the amount of
time after the hammer is fired before the bolt The software will calculate the max rate of fire
is activated. It delays the activation of the bolt, with the dwell settings you have chosen.
thus allowing the ball to clear the barrel and These numbers control the rate of fire of the
eliminates blow back through the feed tube. Excalibur®(pat pend). You can change these
numbers directly to change the rate of fire.
• Bolt drive: 55ms
The BOLT DRIVE is the amount of time that VIKING™ factory dwell parameters:
the bolt solenoid stays turned on, thus • Hammer drive: 17ms
controlling the time that the bolt stays open The HAMMER DRIVE is the total amount of
allowing a ball to drop into the breech. time that the hammer solenoid stays turned on
pushing the hammer forward against the
****NEW, READ CAREFULLY, NEW**** Tornado®(Pat # 5791328) valve thus also
• BOLT Draw Enable: 20ms opening the valve and releasing air to shoot
This is a new type of dwell setting not the paintball.
seen before in an electronic paintball
marker. This setting is used with a new ****NEW, READ CAREFULLY, NEW****
feature that has been added to the circuit • Hammer Draw Enable: 17ms
board that increases battery life. This dwell This is a new type of dwell setting not
setting is used in conjunction with the bolt seen before in an electronic paintball
drive dwell setting to control the amount of marker. This setting is used with a new
time that the circuit board draws power from feature that has been added to the circuit
the battery to charge the coils on the bolt board that increases battery life. This dwell
solenoid and to charge up the capacitors that setting is used in conjunction with the hammer
will continue to power the bolt solenoid after drive dwell setting to control the amount of
time that the circuit board draws power from marker body. There are two locating pins in
the battery to charge the coils on the solenoid the grip plate so the grip plate and grip cannot
and to charge up the capacitors that will move sideways. This is why the grip assembly
continue to power the solenoid after the circuit must be pulled straight away from the marker.
board stops drawing power from the battery. Then carefully unplug the two solenoid valves
from the connector sockets on the circuit
Example. The hammer fires for 17 board. Place the marker body to the side.
milliseconds and the Hammer Draw Enable Remove the two plastic screws that hold the
dwell is set for 10 milliseconds. This means circuit board to the grip plate. Carefully lift the
that during the 17 milliseconds that the circuit board out of the grip plate. Unplug the
hammer is activated the battery is only plugs from the connector sockets that are for
supplying power to the solenoid for the first 10 the trigger switch, battery connector, LED and
milliseconds of the hammer cycle the rest is on-off switch.
from the capacitors.
When plugging the connectors back in, the
• Hammer release: 60ms order from the back end of the board moving
The HAMMER RELEASE is the amount of forward is as follows. The on-off switch, then
time that the bolt takes to retract and allow a the battery, and finally the trigger switch.
ball to drop into the chamber.
When connecting the solenoids the three-pin
The software will calculate the max rate of fire connector is the bolt and the two pin
with the dwell settings you have chosen. connector is the hammer.
These numbers control the rate of fire of the
Viking™(pat pend). You can change these Be careful not to pinch or bind the wires. On
numbers directly to change the rate of fire. the battery cable it is best to make a loop and
then lay the loop on the side of the battery.
Dwell adjustments: This will reduce the movement of the battery
To change the firing parameters of the marker, and keep the wires from getting damaged.
first make sure the marker is unloaded, de-
gassed and turned off. Refer to the
programmer instructions.

Warp Feed and Intella feed:

The Warp Feed and Intella-Feed ports allows
you to attach the Warp Feed system from Air
Guns Designs and/or an Intella-Feed style
system to your hopper. If a second board is
designed to go into a VL loader that will use
the same signal as the Warp Feed system but
run the VL loader off of its own power supply
this will give you an Intella-feed system.

Removing the circuit board:

To remove the circuit board, simply remove
the two screws holding the grip frame and
grip plate onto the marker body. Then carefully
pull the grip assembly straight away from the
VIKING™ are American threads. All
A. CLEANING. setscrews are American sizes.
A clean marker is a happy marker. The barrel
on the EXCALIBUR® and VIKING™ can be If the EXCALIBUR® is to be stored for more
cleaned during a game by either unscrewing then a few months, remove the valve spring.
the barrel from the marker or by removing the This will increase the spring’s lifespan. It is a
bolt and swabbing through the marker and the good idea to do this with both hammer and
barrel. valve springs on any paintball gun that is to be
stored for a long time.
The bolt can be field-stripped from the
EXCALIBUR® and VIKING™ while the
marker is pressurized with gas. This allows
you to clean the marker and oil the bolt when
B. SIDEWINDER®(Pat Pending)
needed. REGULATOR.
The SIDEWINDER®(Pat Pend) regulator was
The Excalibur® and VIKING™ should be originally designed specifically for use on the
cleaned externally using a cotton cloth. EXCALIBUR® because of its extremely low
operating pressure of approximately 140-180
All external and internal moving parts should psi. This regulator will work well on other guns
be lubricated using light synthetic oil only. Oil also. The design of the regulator permits the
can be added by placing a few drops in the air hose to be connected to the gun in any
input quick disconnect on the location the user wishes within a 360 degree
SIDEWINDER®(pat pend) regulator and then circle around the base of the regulator, while
dry firing the gun. A few drops should also be still allowing the regulator to be externally
placed on the o-rings on the Lightning bolt. adjusted from the bottom. The top end cap of
This should be done every time you play, the regulator can be replaced with different
and the bolt should be oiled throughout length ones to allow the user to adjust total
the day of play. length of the reg.

Recommended lubricants: Extreme-lube from SIDEWINDER®(pat pend) Specifications:

AKALMP or Palmer Pursuits paintball gun oil. • Model: SIDEWINDER®(pat pend)
Under no circumstances should you use • Version: B
Vaseline, WD-40, Grease of any kind (ie. • Gas Source: Compressed air, Nitrogen or
NO DOW 33), Engine Oil, 3-in-1, gun oils, CO2
and any similar oils. If you have a • Length: 4.875 inches
question about the type of paintball gun • Width: 1.00 dia main body/1.125 dia
oil you are using e-mail us. swivel sleeve
• Weight: .275 lbs (With quick disconnect)
The electronics are protected against • Externally Adjustable Output Pressure:
moisture, but the EXCALIBUR® and 0-700 PSI
VIKING™ electronic components should • Input pressure: 0-900 PSI
never be immersed in water or damage may
occur. Adjusting the SIDEWINDER®(pat pend)
All the threads on the EXCALIBUR® and Decrease output:
Looking at the regulator from the bottom, turn of 900 psi.
the allen wrench clockwise to decrease the
pressure. Use only steel braided hose and stainless
steel quick disconnects or Macro-line. Micro-
Increase output: line restricts airflow and is unsafe for use in
Looking at the regulator from the bottom, turn paintball.
the allen wrench counter clockwise to
increase the pressure. Disassembly of SIDEWINDER®(pat pend)
Dead Zone: To properly disassemble the
Since the SIDEWINDER®(pat pend) SIDEWINDER®(pat pend) regulator and not
regulator was designed to go down to zero scratch the outside, you will need a few items:
psi output, there is space after it reaches zero Two pieces of 2x4s about 4 inches long, a
that the adjuster screw can be turned farther. If cloth strap wrench which can purchased at a
you turn the adjuster screw gently until it hardware or automotive store, a bench vise, a
bottoms out, then it will be 3 to 4 turns counter good adjustable wrench and a set of allen
clockwise until the pressure starts to rise wrenches. The strap wrench can be used on
again. This is the dead zone. many different things outside of paintball so its
handy to have around. Just follow the
Side Notes and Troubleshooting: instructions and it will be easy.
Remember to shoot the gun several times
after any adjustment to the 1. Remove all air sources.
SIDEWINDER®(pat pend) regulator so you 2. Clamping the reg. upside down. Clamp the
can make sure the velocity stabilizes. reg. body upper and reg. middle between the
two pieces of wood. The wood will keep the
If the regulator creeps in pressure range, regulators outside surface from getting
check to make sure there is not a piece of scratched up.
debris in between the regulator seat and the 3. Using the adjustable wrench on the swivel
regulator piston. If it continues to creep nut un-screw the swivel assembly from the
replace the regulator core. bottom of the regulator. Once loose, unscrew
the two pieces. Be careful not to lose the reg.
If the regulators pressure drops and then washer that is inside this portion of the
slowly creeps back up the reg. seat may need regulator.
to be replaced. 4. Reclamp the regulator between the two
pieces of wood, clamp on the reg. body upper.
When using the SIDEWINDER®(pat pend) Using the strap wrench loosen the reg. body
with CO2 you will have to oil the regulator on a middle from the reg. body upper. Inspect the
more regular basis. The CO2 carries the oil o-rings for damage or wear. Replace if
away from the moving parts quickly. needed.
5. Once the two halves are separated you can
Make sure the vent hole on the side of remove the piston and springs from the
regulator body middle is open and clean. If it regulator body middle. Be careful not to
is plugged the regulator will not function damage the piston or the o-rings. Remember
properly. in what order the parts came out of the
regulator. Replace o-rings or springs if
The SIDEWINDER®(pat pend) regulator is needed.
only designed for a maximum input pressure
6. To disassemble the swivel joint, clamp the SIDEWINDER®(pat pend) Parts Chart:
threaded end of the swivel between the two SIDEWINDER®(pat pend) Regulator:
pieces of wood. Use the adjustable wrench to
loosen the swivel nut. The swivel nut is BLUE
LOCTITED in place. Part: Qty: Part Number:
7. Using a gentle twisting action gently pull the
swivel sleeve from the regulator body lower. Regulator body upper 1
Inspect the o-rings for damage or wear. -017 o-ring 1 ORB017-0000
Replace if needed. -015 o-ring 1 ORU015-0000
8. Use an allen wrench and unscrew the
regulator core from the regulator body lower. Regulator body middle 1
The core comes out through the front of the -008 o-ring 1 ORU008-0000
regulator body lower. Do not try backing it out.
Be careful not to damage any o-rings. If Regulator piston 1
needed replace the o-rings or if the reg. seat -113 o-ring 1 ORU113-0000
is damaged replace the whole core assembly. Belleville springs 8
9. You can now replace the major components
to the regulator if needed. The regulator goes Regulator washer 1
back together easily. Use the strap wrench to
tighten. Do not over-tighten, just snug down Regulator Sleeve 1
and use a drop of blue Loctite on the threads -017 o-ring 2 ORB017-0000
of the swivel nut to keep it tight. When Male Quick Disconnect 1
installing the lower swivel assembly keep the
regulator upside down so the brass washer Regulator body lower 1
stays in the counter-bore inside the reg. body -017 o-ring 1 ORB017-0000
middle. If this is not done damage to the
washer and piston may accure. Regulator core 1
-010 o-ring 2 ORU010-0000
10-32 cap screw 1

DETENT. supplied with a wire ball detent to keep
The ’04 EXCALIBUR® and ’04 VIKING™ paintballs from double feeding.
has been supplied with a dual ball detent to
keep paintballs from double feeding and to Replacement of ball detent:
keep paintballs centered directly in the
The wire ball detent may need cleaning or
breech for better detection by eyes when
become worn or broken over time. This is
normal. The EXCALIBUR® and VIKING™
uses an F4 wire nubbin. They are available
Replacement of dual ball detent:
through your local dealers or AKA.
The dual ball detent may need cleaning or
become worn or broken over time. This is
To replace the detent.
normal. The ’04 EXCALIBUR® and ’04
1. Remove the two 4-40 button head screws.
VIKING™ detents are available through your
2. Lift the cover plate away from the body of
local dealers or AKA.
3. Remove the detent and replace with a new
To replace the detent.
1. Remove the two 4-40 button head screws.
4. Re-install the cover plate and the two
2. Lift the cover plate away from the body of
screws. Do not over tighten, just snug them
3. Remove the detent springs.
4. Remove the ball detents.
Ball Detent Parts Chart:
5. Clean and replace parts that are needed.
Part Description: Qty: Part
6. Re-install the ball detents, the springs, the
cover plate and the two screws. Do not over
Ball detent cover plate 1
tighten, just snug them down.
F4 ball detent 1
4-40x.250 button head screws 2
Ball Detent Parts Chart:
Part Description: Qty: Part
Ball detent cover plate 1 2000-2003 EXCALIBUR® and VIKING™
Plastic ball detents 2 WIRE DETENT.
Detent springs 2
4-40x.250 Button head screws 2


D. SCM™ & LPR’s
Do not install an external
(SODA CAN MOD) adjusting knob, this is an
The SCM™ is a modular pressure
compensating low pressure regulator that
illegal way of adjusting the
supplies air for the pneumatics of the velocity. If an SCM™ is sent
paintball markers. It can fit a large number of
different paintball markers.
in for repairs with an
external adjusting knob
The SCM™ pneumatics regulator controls the
air pressure fed to the solenoid valves, which
installed, it will be removed
in turn operate the rest of the marker. The and you will be charged for
maximum operating pressure of the solenoid
valves is 100 psi., but the components of the
replacement of the
EXCALIBUR® and VIKING™ needs only 60- Adjusting Cap. THE KNOB
85 psi to operate. Use of the SCM™
pneumatics regulator keeps the solenoid
valves from receiving too high a pressure,
and will keep them operating properly for To adjust the SCM™ regulator:
many years. 1. De-gas the marker.
2. Unscrew the hammer cartridge or end cap
The SCM™ pneumatics regulator is preset to from the back of the marker.
80-85 psi at the factory and should left at this 3. Install the pneumatics regulator test
setting when the marker is brand new. Once chamber into either the hammer tube or the
the marker is broken in the SCM™ pnuematics tube depending on what marker
pneumatics regulator can be adjusted down you are testing. Then install the low pressure
to a lower pressure setting ranging from 60 to gauge on the test chamber.
70 psi. If a replacement regulator is installed 4. Gas up the marker, set the
you need to check the pressure. The regulator SIDEWINDER™(pat pend) regulator to and
cartridge can be removed from the output of 200 psi.
EXCALIBUR® and VIKING™ without causing 5. Adjust the SCM™ to the desired pressure.
the pressure settings to change. The adjuster Once the correct pressure is achieved, turn
screw is on the front side of the regulator and the air on and off and cycle the marker several
should never be adjusted on the field or by a times to make sure the pneumatics regulator
non-qualified person. stays at the new setting.

The pneumatics regulator should be set Disassembly of the Pneumatics

at 80-85 psi output when the marker is Regulator:
brand new. 1. Unscrew the pneumatic regulator from the
front of the EXCALIBUR® or VIKING™ make
Do not adjust the pressure without a sure to look into the vertical mount to verify
gauge, you can easily over- pressurize that you are not clipping any
the system and damage the solenoid o-rings as you remove the SCM™. Only
valves. remove the SCM™ from the marker if you
need to change o-rings otherwise
maintenance to the SCM™ can be done on SCM™ Reg Parts Chart:
the marker. Part: Qty: Part Number:
2. Unscrew the “Reg End cap” from the front Reg endcap 1
of the SCM™. -014 o-ring Buna 1 ORB014-0000
3. Using a small set of needle nose pillars
gently pull the spring and piston out of the Reg spring 1
“Body Sleeve”. Now you can change the “Reg
Piston” o-ring if needed. Reg piston 1
4. Using a SCM™ tool or a small set of -014 o-ring 1 ORB014-0000
needle nose pillars gently unscrew the “Reg-
pin Fitting” from the SCM™. The rest of the Body Sleeve 1
parts underneath should come with it when
you remove it. You can change o-rings and Reg-pin Fitting 1
seats at this point. -008 O-ring 1 ORU008-0000
5. Re-assemble in reverse, and lightly oil the
parts as you install them. Reg-Seat 1

Troubleshooting: Reg-pin 1
Air leaking from the front of the regulator: -003 O-ring 1 ORB003-0000
1. Check the o-ring around the piston. Reg-pin Spring1

Adaptor Body 1
-015 O-ring (buna) 2 ORB015-0000
-015 O-ring 2 ORU015-0000


2000-2003 Stock EXCALIBUR® and
VIKING™ LPR Do not install an external
The pneumatics regulator controls the air
pressure fed to the solenoid valves, which in adjusting knob, this is an
turn operate the rest of the gun. The maximum illegal way of adjusting the
operating pressure of the solenoid valves is
100 psi, but the components of the velocity. If an
EXCALIBUR® and VIKING™ needs only 60- Excalibur (pat pend) is
85 psi to operate. Use of the pneumatics
regulator keeps the solenoid valves from sent in for repairs with an
receiving too high a pressure, and will keep external adjusting knob
them operating properly for many years.
installed, it will be removed
The pneumatics regulator is preset to 80-95 and you will be charged for
psi at the factory and should left at this setting
when the marker is brand new. Once the replacement of the
marker is broken in the pneumatics regulator pneumatics regulator core.
can be adjusted down to a lower pressure
setting ranging from 60 to 70 psi. If a THE KNOB WILL NOT BE
replacement regulator is installed you need to SENT BACK.
check the pressure. The regulator cartridge
can be removed from the EXCALIBUR® and
VIKING™ without causing the pressure To adjust the regulator:
settings to change. The adjuster screw is on 1. De-gas the marker.
the front side of the regulator and should 2. Unscrew the hammer cartridge from the
never be adjusted on the field or by a non- back of the marker.
qualified person. 3. Install the pneumatics regulator test
chamber into the hammer tube. Then install
This regulator stores air in the marker the low pressure gauge on the test chamber.
when the gas source is shut off. The 4. Gas up the marker, set the
stored gas is enough to cycle the gun SIDEWINDER™(pat pend) regulator to and
one or two times. output of 200 psi.
5. Adjust the LPR, once the correct pressure
The pneumatics regulator should be set is achieved, turn the air on and off and cycle
at 80-90 psi. output when the marker is the marker several times to make sure the
brand new. pneumatics regulator stays at the new setting.

Do not adjust the pressure without a Disassembly of the Pneumatics Reg:

gauge, you can easily over- pressurize 1. Using the pneumatics reg. removal tool,
the system and damage the solenoid unscrew the pneumatic reg from the front of
valves. the Excalibur(pat pend).
2. Gently clamp the Pneu-reg body between
the two pieces of wood.
3. Use the pneumatic reg removal tool and a
wrench and break the BLUE Loctite seal
between the two halves.
4. Unscrew the pneu-reg endcap. Remove the
reg-washer and o-ring from the end of the Troubleshooting:
pneu-reg body. You can also unscrew the reg Air leaking from the front of the regulator:
core from the pneu-reg endcap through the • 1. Check the o-rings around the reg-core.
back of it, but not through the front.
5. Using snap ring pliers remove the snap ring Pneumatics Reg Parts Chart:
from the end of the pneu-reg body. (only Part: Qty: Part Number:
needed on early version pneumatics Reg endcap 1
regulators) -015 o-ring 1 ORU015-0000
6. Gently push the reg piston and spring out of -013 o-ring 1 ORB013-0000
the pneu-reg body using something soft like a
plastic cap from a ball point pen which will not Reg core 1
damage the sealing area of the regulator -010 o-ring 2 ORU010-0000
piston. 10-32 setscrew 1
7. You can now replace all o-rings and
springs, if needed, and reassemble in Reg washer 1
Reg body end 1
There are two sides to snap rings and it is -008 o-ring 1 ORU008-0000
important which side faces out of the -015 o-ring 2 ORU015-0000
pneu-reg body. One side has squared off,
sharp edges and one side has edges that Reg piston 1
are rolled over. When installing the snap reg spring 1
ring make sure the sharp square edge -013 o-ring 1 ORB013-0000
faces to the outside of the pneu-reg body.
9/16 internal snap-ring 1

2002-2003 Pneu-reg 2000-2001 Pneu-reg

BLUE Loctite on the setscrew that holds the
E. TORNADO VALVE®(Patent valve body in the marker.
The TORNADO®(pat #5791328) valve is Troubleshooting:
used in the EXCALIBUR®, VIKING™ and Air leaking down the barrel:
MERLIN™. This version of the TORNADO® 1. Check the valve stem, it may need to be
valve is a bigger, stronger and more efficient replaced.
version then the original TORNADO® valve 2. Air may be leaking by the o-ring on the
designed for the cockers. The valve body. Take a 5/32 allen wrench and
TORNADO®(pat #5791328) valve has a loosen the valve retaining setscrew about a 1/
lifetime warranty that covers replacement of 8 of a turn. If the leak stops, tighten the screw
the valve unless you modify the valve. back. What happens is that the o-ring
sometimes shifts just a little and loosening the
Valve stem removal and maintenance: screw allows it to shift back.
Remove the valve chamber endcap by
unscrewing it from the marker body using the TORNADO® Valve(Patent #5791328)
3-pin wrench in the tool kit. Then slide the Parts:
endcap out. The valve spring and valve stem 2004 EXCALIBUR® and VIKING™
should come out with it. This will allow you to Part: Qty: Part
change the valve stem if there is a problem. Number:
Valve Chamber endcap (Excal) 1
To remove the valve body: Valve Chamber endcap (Viking) 1
With the valve chamber endcap, valve spring -015 o-ring buna 70D 1
and valve stem removed. Unscrew the ORB015-0000
hammer from the back of the EXCALIBUR®
or VIKING™. Then unscrew the setscrew on Valve Spring 1
the side of the marker that holds the
TORNADO® valve body in place. Valve Body 1
valve Stem 1
Using a plastic dowel rod, gently push the -015 o-ring 2
valve body out either end of the marker. When ORU015-0000
reinstalling the valve body, use a drop of 5/16-24 setscrew 1



TORNADO® Valve(Patent #5791328) To remove the bolt:
Parts: Pull the bolt pull pin knob straight up from the
2000-2003 EXCALIBUR® and VIKING™ bolt and gun body. The pin is designed to stay
Part: Qty: Part in the bolt. Then, slide the bolt out the back of
Number: the marker. To install the bolt, slide it into the
Valve Chamber endcap (Excal) 1 bolt bore to the location of the hammer or H-
Valve Chamber endcap (Viking) 1 bar.
-015 o-ring buna 70D 1 Then push the bolt pull pin down until it latches
ORB015-0000 into the hammer or H-bar.

Valve Spring 1 The setscrew in the back of the bolt adjusts

the tension and locking of the bolt pull pin. You
Valve Body 1 can adjust this to suit your feel. BUT, if you do
valve Stem 1 adjust the tension, do not adjust the tension
-015 o-ring 2 too loose or the pin may not lock into the
ORU015-0000 hammer or H-bar.
5/16-24 setscrew 1
Pull Pin stuck:
2000-2003 EXCALIBUR® TORNADO® 1. Check the tension on the ball bearing or
VALVE & SPRINGS ball plunger in the back of the bolt, it may be
adjusted to tight.

Bolt not sliding smoothly:

1. Check the o-rings on the bolt to make sure
they are not swollen. Replace them or
properly oil them. Make sure bolt and bolt
2002-2003 VIKING™ TORNADO® VALVE & bore is clean.
2004 Excalibur® Bolt Parts:
Part Description: Qty: Part Number:
Black Delrin
Lightning bolt 1
-015 o-rings (buna) 2 ORB015-0000
5/32 ball bearing 1
F. LIGHTNING® BOLT. Spring (short) 1
The only part on the EXCALIBUR® and 10-32x3/8 Setscrew 1
VIKING™ that may experience any possibility pull pin w/ knob 1
of wear is the LIGHTNING® bolt and pull pin.
The LIGHTNING® bolt is made of Delrin to 2004 EXCALIBUR® BOLT
help save wear and tear on the gun body.
Paintball gelatin is actually very abrasive and
can cause wear on the bolt. The pull pin is
designed with two flats milled on it. These two
flats fit into the H-bar on the ram or hammer,
this design reduces wear on the pin.
2004 Viking™ Bolt Parts: 2002-2003 Viking™ Bolt Parts:
Part Description: Qty: Part Number:
Part Description: Qty: Part Black Delrin
Number: Lightning bolt 1
Black Delrin ball plunger 1
Lightning bolt 1 pull pin w/ knob 1
5/32 ball bearing 1
Spring (long) 1
2002-2003 VIKING™ BOLT
10-32x3/8 Setscrew 1
pull pin w/ knob 1


2000-2003 Excalibur® Bolt Parts:

Part Description: Qty: Part Mechanical Hammer adjustment:
Number: There is no mechanical adjustment to the
Black Delrin hammer itself. Simply screw the hammer
Lightning bolt 1 cartridge in until it stops against the body.
-015 o-rings 2 ORB015-0000
-013 o-ring 1 ORB013-0000 Hammer maintenance:
ball plunger 1 The ’04 EXCALIBUR’s hammer uses 2 quad-
pull pin w/ knob 1 rings instead of o-rings. This gives the
hammer a smoother action. It is important to
keep the quad-ring on the hammer in good
2000-2003 EXCALIBUR® BOLT working order and properly oiled when

If the quad-rings need to be replaced pull the

hammer cartridge out of the EXCALIBUR®.
Using the pneumatics reg removal wrench
and unscrew the hammer cartridge. Then
gently pull it out the back of the
EXCALIBUR®(pat pend).

Using a 5/8 wrench and the pneumatics reg

removal wrench loosen the hammer endcap.
Unscrew the endcap from the hammer
cartridge and gently pull the pieces apart. You
can now replace the quad-rings if needed.
Re-assemble in reverse order. Oil the quad- 2004 EXCALIBUR® HAMMER
rings when you re-assemble the hammer also
use a small drop of blue-loctite on the threads
that hold the hammer cap on the hammer
cartridge to keep the hammer cap from
coming loose.

Air leaking from solenoid:
1. Check the solenoid valve, it may need to be
2. Check the hammer piston quad-ring. Air
may be leaking around it. If air is leaking
around it, replace the hammer piston quad-
ring. 2000-2003 EXCALIBUR HAMMER.
Mechanical Hammer adjustment:
Air leaking around the front of the hammer: There is no mechanical adjustment to the
1. Check the quad-ring seal around the hammer itself. Simply screw the hammer
hammer shaft. It may need to be replaced. cartridge in until it stops against the body.
2. Check the o-rings on the outside of the
cartridge. Hammer maintenance:
The o-ring on the hammer piston is sized to
’04 Excalibur® Hammer Parts: maintain a constant friction to the inside of the
Part: Qty: Part Number: bore of the hammer cartridge. Keeping a
Hammer Weight 1 constant friction on the bore is important to
keep a consistent velocity. If the o-ring wears
Hammer Endcap 1 out, the friction will change and in turn change
Urethane bumper 1 the consistency of force with which the
-010 quad-ring 1 hammer strikes the valve. So, it is important
to keep that o-ring in good order and properly
Hammer Bushing 1 oiled.
-010 o-ring 1 ORU010-0000
To pull the hammer cartridge out of the
Hammer Shaft 1 marker: Use the pneumatics reg removal
-010 quad-ring 1 wrench and unscrew the hammer cartridge.
Urethane bumper 1 Then gently pull it out the back of the
EXCALIBUR®(pat pend).
Hammer tube 1
-015 o-ring 4 ORU015-0000 Use the hammer spanner wrench and an allen
wrench to loosen the hammer endcap.
Unscrew the endcap from the hammer
cartridge and gently pull pieces apart. You can
now replace the o-rings. Re-assemble in
reverse order.

Carefully re-install everything and tighten

down the hammer endcap. Be careful not to
over-tighten. Make sure the -013 o-ring on the 2001-2003 EXCALIBUR® Hammer
endcap is in good condition. It will keep the
nose from coming loose. You will also want to
put a small drop of BLUE Loctite on the
threads as you re-assemble the hammer

Air leaking from solenoid:
1. Check the solenoid valve, it may need to be
2. Check the hammer piston o-ring. Air may
be leaking around it. If air is leaking around it,
replace the hammer piston o-ring.
2000-2001 EXCALIBUR® Hammer
Air leaking around the front of the hammer:
1. Check the o-ring seal around the hammer
shaft. It may need to be replaced.
2. Check the o-rings on the outside of the

2000-2003 EXCALIBUR® Hammer Parts:

Part: Qty: Part Number:
Hammer Weight 1

Hammer Endcap 1
Urethane bumper 1
-013 o-ring 1 ORU013-0000
-015 o-ring 1 ORU015-0000
-010 o-ring 1 ORU010-0000 H. 2004 VIKING™ HAMMER.
Mechanical Hammer adjustment:
Hammer Plate 1 There is no mechanical adjustment to the
hammer itself. Simply screw the hammer
Hammer Shaft 1 cartridge in until it stops against the body.
-010 o-ring 1 ORU010-0000
Urethane bumper 1 Hammer maintenance:
The ’04 VIKING™ hammer uses 2 quad-rings
Hammer tube 1 instead of o-rings. This gives the hammer a
-015 o-ring 4 ORU015-0000 smoother action. It is important to keep the
quad-ring on the hammer in good working
order and properly oiled when needed.

If the quad-rings need to be replaced pull the

hammer cartridge out of the VIKING™. To pull
the hammer cartridge out of the marker: Use
the pneumatics reg removal wrench and
unscrew the hammer cartridge. Then gently
pull it out the back of the VIKING™(pat pend). 2004 VIKING™ HAMMER

Using a 5/8 wrench and the pneumatics reg

removal wrench loosen the hammer endcap.
Unscrew the endcap from the hammer
cartridge and gently pull the pieces apart. You
can now replace the quad-rings if needed.
Re-assemble in reverse order. Oil the quad-
rings when you re-assemble the hammer also
use a small drop of blue Loctite on the
threads that hold the hammer cap on the
hammer cartridge to keep the hammer cap 2002-2003 VIKING™ HAMMER.
from coming loose. Mechanical Hammer adjustment:
There is no mechanical adjustment to the
Troubleshooting: hammer itself. Simply screw the hammer
Air leaking from solenoid: cartridge in until it stops against the body.
1. Check the solenoid valve, it may need to be
replaced. Hammer maintenance:
2. Check the hammer piston o-ring. Air may The o-ring on the hammer piston is sized to
be leaking around it. If air is leaking around it, maintain a constant friction to the inside of the
replace the hammer piston o-ring. bore of the hammer cartridge. Keeping a
constant friction on the bore is important to
Air leaking around the front of the hammer: keep a consistent velocity. If the o-ring wears
1. Check the u-cup or o-ring seal around the out, the fricton will change and in turn change
hammer shaft. It may need to be replaced. the consistency of force with which the
2. Check the o-rings on the outside of the hammer strikes the valve. So, it is important
cartridge. to keep that o-ring in good order and properly
2004 VIKING™ Hammer Parts:
Part: Qty: Part Number: To pull the hammer cartridge out of the
Hammer Weight 1 marker: Use the pneumatics reg removal
wrench and unscrew the hammer cartridge.
Hammer Endcap 1 Then gently pull it out the back of the
Urethane bumper 1 Viking™(pat pend).
-010 quad-ring 1
Use the hammer spanner wrench and an allen
Hammer Bushing 1 wrench to loosen the hammer endcap.
-010 o-ring 1 ORU010-0000 Unscrew the endcap from the hammer
cartridge and gently pull pieces apart. You can
Hammer Shaft 1 now replace all the o-rings. Re-assemble in
-010 quad-ring 1 reverse order.
Urethane bumper 1
Carefully re-install everything and tighten
Hammer tube 1 down the hammer endcap. Be careful not to
-015 o-ring 4 ORU015-0000 over-tighten. Make sure the -013 o-ring on the
endcap is in good condition. It will keep the
nose from coming loose. You will also want to
put a small drop of BLUE Loctite on the
threads as you re-assemble the hammer
cartridge. Removal of Ram:
De-gas the marker and remove all paint.
Troubleshooting: Remove the bolt, the body endcap, and
Air leaking from solenoid: SCM™ pneumatics regulator. Then remove
1. Check the solenoid valve, it may need to be the ram retaining pin that holds the ram in
replaced. place. Using a plastic dowel rod, gently push
2. Check the hammer piston o-ring. Air may the ram out through the back of the marker
be leaking around it. If air is leaking around it, body.
replace the hammer piston o-ring.
Air leaking around the front of the hammer: Insert a 1/4" dia metal rod in the ram retaining
1. Check the u-cup or o-ring seal around the pin hole on the body of the ram cartridge. You
hammer shaft. It may need to be replaced. may have to polish the 1/4" rod just a little to
2. Check the o-rings on the outside of the get it to fit properly. Then, using a 5/8 wrench,
cartridge. unscrew the front endcap from the ram tube
by using the 1/4" dia rod to turn the ram tube.
2002-2003 VIKING™ Hammer Parts: Pull the two halves apart. You can now replace
Part: Qty: Part Number: the two Quad-rings if need be. Re-assemble
Hammer Weight 1 in reverse order. Oil the quad-rings when you
re-assemble the ram also use a small drop of
Hammer Endcap 1 blue-loctite on the threads that hold the
Urethane bumper 1 endcap on the ram cartridge to keep the
-013 o-ring 1 ORU013-0000 endcap from coming loose.
-015 o-ring 1 ORU015-0000
-010 o-ring 1 ORU010-0000 When you re-install the ram it is a must that
you use BLUE loctite on the ram retaining pin
Hammer Plate 1 threads to keep it from coming loose when
the gun is in use. Do not over-tighten the ram
Hammer Shaft 1 retaining pin.
-010 o-ring 1 ORU010-0000
Urethane bumper 1
Hammer tube 1 Air leaking from solenoid:
-015 o-ring 4 ORU015-0000 1. Check the solenoid valve, it may need to be
2. Check the ram piston quad-ring. Air may be
2002-2003 VIKING™ HAMMER. leaking around it. If air is leaking around it,
replace the ram quad-ring.
2004 EXCALIBUR® Ram Parts: turn the ram tube. Pull the two halves apart.
Part Description: Qty: Part Number: You can now replace most of the O-rings and
H-bar 1 U-cups if need be. Reassemble in reverse
and tighten down gently. You must use a small
Ram Endcap 1 drop of BLUE Loctite on the threads to keep
Urethane bumper 1 everything tight. When you re-install the ram it
-010 quad-ring 1 is a must that you use BLUE Loctite on the
ram retaining pin threads to keep it from
Ram Bushing 1 coming loose when the gun is in use. Do not
-010 o-ring 1 ORU010-0000 over-tighten the ram retaining pin.

Ram Shaft 1 Troubleshooting:

-010 quad-ring 1 Air leaking from solenoid:
Urethane bumper 1 1. Check the solenoid valve, it may need to be
Ram tube 1 2. Check the ram piston o-ring. Air may be
-015 o-ring 5 ORU015-0000 leaking around it. If air is leaking around it,
replace the ram piston o-ring.
Ram Retaining Pin 1
2000-2003 EXCALIBUR Ram Parts:
2004 EXCALIBUR® Ram Part Description: Qty: Part Number:
Ram tube 1
-015 o-ring 5 ORU015-0000

Ram Shaft 1
Urethane bumper 1
-010 o-ring 1 ORU010-0000

Ram Plate 1

Ram Encap 1
-015 o-ring 1 ORU015-0000
2000-2003 EXCALIBUR RAM.
7/16x.093 u-cup 1
Removal of Pneumatic Cyclinder (ie: the
-010 o-ring 1 ORU010-0000
-013 o-ring 1 ORB013-0000
De-gas the marker and remove all paint.
Urethane bumper 1
Remove the bolt, the body endcap, and
pneumatics regulator. Then remove the ram
H-bar 1
retaining pin that holds the ram in place.
Ram Retaining Pin 1
Using a plastic dowel rod, gently push the ram
out through the back of the marker body. 2001-2003 EXCALIBUR® Ram

Insert a 1/4" dia metal rod in the setscrew pin
hole. You may have to polish the 1/4" rod just
a little to get it to fit properly. Then, using an
adjustable wrench, unscrew the front nose
from the ram tube by using the 1/4" dia rod to
2000-2001 EXCALIBUR® Ram When adjusting the spring tension on the
trigger, it is best to leave some spring tension
so normal movement during play will not
accidentally activate the trigger. The spring
can be interchanged with those used on AC™
triggers so you can personalize it to your own
spring tension.

**Do not cut the trigger guard off.**

J. TRIGGER FRAME. The electronics are on but the gun won’t fire.
1. Check to make sure that none of the trigger
Adjusting the trigger pull:
setscrews have moved out of adjustment.
There are 3 set screws for adjusting the total
trigger movement: (1) forward stop, (1)
Grip frame and trigger Parts:
rearward stop and (1) micro-switch activation
Part: Qty: Part
Grip frame (Double trig.) 1
When adjusting the trigger, start with the
Blade trigger 1
forward and rearward trigger stops. Adjust the
6-32 setscrew 1
trigger until you have the amount of movement
8-32 setscrew 2
you want. Then adjust the micro-switch screw
8-32 setscrew 1
until it activates the micro-switch during the
10-32 setscrew 1
trigger pull. Make sure to use a small amount
1/8 dia pin 1
of BLUE Loctite to keep the setscrews from
(short trigger pin)
coming loose. Whenever you make any
1/8 dia pin 2
adjustments to the trigger you should always
(long grip tray pins)
make sure the micro-switch activates when
6-32 button head screws 4
you pull the trigger and re-sets when you
10-32 button head screw 1
release the trigger.
Grip panels 2
K. SOLENOID VALVES. valve, replace the valve or check the o-rings of
the hammer or ram.
Removal of the solenoid valves:
Remove the grip frame and grip plate as one L. SCREWS & O-RINGS
piece. Carefully pull the grip and grip plate There are various screws and o-rings used in
straight away from the body. The grip plate the EXCALIBUR®, VIKING™,
locates on two pins in the marker body. SIDEWINDER® and SCM™ this list is for
reference. If you are unsure which
Carefully unplug the solenoid valves from the o-ring or screw to use check with a certified
circuit board. Using an allen wrench, remove airsmith.
the screws holding solenoid valve you want to
replace. Lift the valve and manifold straight SIDEWINDER® O-rings:
out of the marker body. Be careful not to lose -008 o-ring
the small o-rings that seal the solenoid to the -010 o-ring
body. -015 o-ring
-017 o-ring
Place the o-rings back into the o-ring grooves -113 o-ring
on the body. Place the correct solenoid valve
on the solenoid valve mounting bosses and SCM™ O-rings:
tighten down screws. The hammer solenoid -003 o-ring
valve cannot be installed in the bolt socket -008 o-ring
and the bolt solenoid valve cannot be -014 o-ring
installed in the hammer socket. Do not over -015 o-ring
tighten the screws.
Plug the solenoid valve back into the circuit rings.
board and gently put the grip frame back onto Serial # 1500+
the marker making sure not to pinch any 3.3x1.0mm o-ring
wires. Re-install the grip frame screws. -008 o-ring
-010 o-ring
Do not try to work on the solenoid valves. Do -010 quad ring
not try to exchange parts from one solenoid to -015 o-ring
another. The parts on the solenoid valves are
matched to each other when they are
assembled at the factory and can not be
mixed with other valves. If the solenoid valves
parts are mixed they may not work properly.

Air leaking from the solenoid valve:
1. Check the o-rings sealing the valve to the
2. Check to see if the air is leaking through
the solenoid valve. If air is leaking through the
2004 EXCALIBUR® Screws & Pins.
Serial # 1500+
Quanity: Type: Location:
1 5/16-24 x .3125 setscrew valve retaining screw
2 10-32 x 1.000 Button head screws grip frame
4 6-32 x .250 Button head screws grip panels
1 10-32 x .375 setscrew trigger stop
2 8-32 x .5 Setscrews trigger stop
1 6-32 x .250 setscrew trigger stop lock
1 10-32 x .375 button head screw grip plate/frame
4 4-40 x .5 button head screws solenoid valves
4 4-40 x .250 button head screws detent cover/on-off switch
4 4-40 x .187 button head screws data cover/solenoid valves
1 10-32 x .1875 setscrews pneumatics air passage plug
1 5/16-24 x 1.125 modified setscrew ram pin
2 4-40 x .250 plastic flat head screws circuit board
3 8-32 x .1875 setscrews air passage plug
1 1/4-20 x .250 setscrew air passage plug
2 1/8 x .750 dowel pins grip alignment pins
1 1/8 x .500 dowel pin trigger pivot pin
2 2x18mm pins micro-switch pins

2004 VIKING™ Screws and Pins.

Serial # 1500+
Quantity: Type: Location:
1 5/16-24 x .3125 setscrew valve retaining screw
2 10-32 x 1.000 Button head screws grip frame
4 6-32 x .250 Button head screws grip panels
1 10-32 x .375 setscrew trigger stop
2 8-32 x .5 setscrews trigger stop
1 6-32 x .250 setscrew trigger stop lock
1 10-32 x .375 button head screw grip plate/frame
2 4-40 x .5 button head screws solenoid valves
4 4-40 x .250 button head screws detent cover/on-off switch
4 4-40 x .187 button head screws data cover/solenoid valve
1 10-32 x .1875 setscrews pneumatics air passage plug
2 4-40 x .250 plastic flat head screws circuit board
3 8-32 x .1875 setscrews air passage plug
2 1/8 x .750 dowel pins grip alignment pins
1 1/8 x .500 dowel pin trigger pivot pin
2 2x18mm pins micro-switch pins
2000-2003 EXCALIBUR® Screws and Pins.
Quantity: Type: Location:
1 5/16-24 x .3125 setscrews valve retaining screw
2 10-32 x 1.000 Button head screws grip frame
4 6-32 x .250 Button head screws grip panels
1 10-32 x .375 setscrew trigger stop
2 8-32 x .500 Setscrew trigger stop
1 6-32 x .250 setscrew trigger stop lock
1 8-32 x .125 setscrew pivot pin screw
1 10-32 x .375 button head screw grip plate/frame
4 4-40 x .5 button head screws solenoid valves
2 4-40 x .250 button head screws detent cover plates
4 4-40 x .187 button head screws electronics cover plates
1 10-32 x .1875 setscrews air passage plug
1 5/16-24 x 1.125 setscrew ram pin
2 4-40 x .250 plastic flat head screws circuit board
2 2-56 x .1875 cap head screws on-off switch
2 8-32 x .1875 setscrews air passage plug
1 8-32 x .500 setscrew air passage plug
1 1/4-20 x .500 setscrew air passage plug
2 1/8 x .750 pins grip alignment pins
1 1/8 x .500 pin trigger pivot pin
2 2x18mm pins micro-switch pins

2002-2003 VIKING™ Screws and Pins.

Quantity: Type: Location:
1 5/16-24 x .3125 setscrews valve
2 10-32 x 1.000 Button head grip
4 6-32 x .250 Button head grip panels
1 10-32 x .375 setscrews trigger stop
2 8-32 x .500 Setscrews trigger stop
1 6-32 x .250 setscrew trigger stop lock
1 8-32 x .125 setscrew pivot pin screw
1 10-32 x .375 button head grip plate/frame
2 4-40 x .5 button head solenoid valves
2 4-40 x .250 button head detent cover plates
4 4-40 x .187 button head electronics cover plates
1 10-32 x .1875 setscrew air passage plug
2 4-40 x .250 plastic flat head screws circuit board
2 2-56 x .1875 cap head screws on-off switch
2 8-32 x .1875 setscrew air passage plug
2 1/8 x .750 pins grip alignment pins
1 1/8 x .500 pin trigger pivot pin
2 2x18mm pins micro-switch pins
Troubleshooting: Gas leaking
EXCALIBUR® or VIKING™ will not fire. • Leaking from TORNADO®(pat # 5791328)
• Is there a battery in the marker? valve?
• Is there air/nitrogen or CO2 gas present? • Leaking from ram (Excalibur®)?
• Was the compressed air or nitrogen clean? • Leaking from hammer (Excalibur® &
• Is the marker turned on? Viking™)?
• Is the trigger adjusted correctly? • Leaking from SCM™/LPR regulator?
• Is the bolt stuck? • Leaking from SIDEWINDER®(pat pend)
• Is the SCM™/LPR regulator working? Regulator?
• Is the circuit board working? • Leaking from solenoid valves?
• Are the dwells set correctly?
• Are the wires damaged. Electronic problems
• Are the solenoids working correctly? • Check battery power level.
• Check for damaged wiring.
Velocity too Low or too High. • Check circuit board dwell settings.
• Is output pressure from
SIDEWINDER®(pat pend) regulator set
• Is hammer dwell set correctly?
• Is hammer sticking?
• Is the SCM™/LPR regulator set correctly?
• Is the battery fresh and new?
• Is the Hammer solenoid working correctly?

Chopping paintballs
• Is your hopper working correctly?
• Is your bolt/hammer dwell set correctly
• Is your ball detent working?
• Is the SCM™/LPR regulator set correctly?
• Is the battery fresh and new?
• Is the bolt/hammer solenoid working

Firing too slow

• Is your rate of fire (ROF) set correctly?
• Are the dwell settings correct?
• Is the SCM™/LPR regulator set correctly?
• Is the battery fresh and new?

Excessive gas consumption

• Is hammer dwell set correctly?
• Is there a leak?










VIII. Warranty, Liability and Contact Information
The EXCALIBUR® or VIKING™ is warranted to be free from manufacturing defects for life.
AKALMP, Inc. expressly excludes coverage of defects and/or damage as a result of normal
wear and tear, accidents, additions, alterations, inadequate maintenance, misuse,
modifications, or other factors not directly related to the original manufacture of the

Circuit Boards and Solenoids are warranted by the original manufacturer.

Customer is responsible for all shipping costs, duties and taxes.

This warranty is extended to the original owner and is not transferable.

BUYER assumes the risk of damages, including but not limited to bodily injury, from the use of
this product. AKALMP, Inc. expressly disclaims any and all liability for any direct, indirect,
incidental, or consequential damages of any kind or nature arising from the use of this product.

Contact Information:

Phone: (317)-631-7200
Fax: (317)-631-0325
E-mail: akapp@akalmp.com
Website: akalmp.com

PO Box 441167
Indianapolis, IN 46244-1167

16 South Keystone Ave
Indianapolis IN, 46201

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