Ammonia Safety
Ammonia Safety
Ammonia Safety
• Meat, poultry and fish processing facilities
• Dairy and ice cream plants
• Wineries and breweries
• Fruit juice, vegetable juice and soft drink processing
• Cold storage warehouses
• Other food processing facilities
AMMONIA • Seafood processing facilities aboard ships
• Petrochemical facilities
What Is Anhydrous Ammonia?
Process Safety Management
Anhydrous ammonia (ammonia gas) occurs naturally and is
an important source of nitrogen that is needed by plants and The key to preventing ammonia leaks is hazard recognition.
animals. It is commercially produced by the reaction of nitrogen Facilities that use 10,000 pounds or more of anhydrous ammonia
and hydrogen under conditions of high temperature and pressure. must comply with the Process Safety Management (PSM)
Ammonia (Chemical Abstracts Service No. 7664-41-7) boils Standard, 29 CFR 1910.119. A key provision of this standard is
at –28.1 degrees F and is highly soluble in water. Anhydrous the requirement for the employer to conduct a hazard analysis
ammonia is typically shipped as a liquid under pressure and for each process,1 i.e., a careful review of what could go
readily converts to a gas when released to air, forming a white wrong and what safeguards must be implemented to prevent
“smoke” by freezing moisture in the air. releases of highly hazardous chemicals. Process hazard analyses
must be updated and revalidated at least every five years and
Why Is Ammonia Hazardous?
retained for the life of the process.
Ammonia is considered a high health hazard because it is
corrosive to the skin, eyes and lungs. Exposure to 300 parts per ______________________
million (ppm) is immediately dangerous to life and health. 1. A process includes any activity or combination of activities
Ammonia is also flammable at concentrations of about 15 percent including any use, storage, manufacturing, handling or the
to 28 percent by volume in air. When mixed with lubricating oils, on-site movement of highly hazardous chemicals (HHC). A
its flammable concentration range is increased. It can explode if process includes any group of vessels that are interconnected
released in an enclosed space with a source of ignition present, and separate vessels located such that HHC could be involved
or if a vessel containing anhydrous ammonia is exposed to in a potential release.
The PSM Standard requires a written program that includes to disconnect the hoses.
other employer requirements, such as, but not limited to, Hoses that are used for loading or unloading ammonia into
compiling process safety information on all covered processes; or from refrigeration systems have a limited life. The user
written operating procedures; pre-startup safety review; must be alert to any signs of deterioration before hose failure
mechanical integrity of process equipment (including hoses used can occur. Hoses that are designed and marked for use with
for the transfer of a highly hazardous chemical); management ammonia must be used and replaced according to manufacturer
of change to process equipment; and communication between recommendations.
host employer and contractor employers regarding how the Accidental release of ammonia from
work of the contractors’ employees will impact a covered storage vessels due to vessel failure can result
process. The PSM Standard also requires the issuance of hot from improper design and installation
work permits for hot work operations conducted on or near a (including improperly designed relief
covered process, incident investigations (including “near valves), thermal expansion or contraction,
misses”) within 48 hours, and employee involvement and corrosion, overfilling, or external damage
training. (for example, from a forklift).
Preventing Ammonia Leaks Available Resources
Some of the operations associated with ammonia The PSM Standard as well as other information used in the
refrigeration systems are ammonia receiving and development of this hazard alert regarding the use of anhydrous
storage, the condenser area, piping and pressure ammonia and ammonia refrigeration systems can be accessed
vessels, refrigeration spaces, and the machine room. Ammonia through the OSHA Web site:
receivers and storage vessels are permanently connected to a The OSH Division’s Consultative Services Bureau provides
mechanical refrigerating system by inlet and outlet pipes for free services to employers around the state. See the NCDOL
the storage of the liquid refrigerant. Web site at for
Ammonia refrigeration systems are closed systems for which information about this program and to download a request form.
the most obvious hazard is an ammonia release. A release can
occur as a result of improper ammonia receiving operations or
ammonia storage in vessels or the use of improper hoses. This industry alert provides general information about the
Ammonia is delivered by an outside source (rail car, over- hazards associated with the use of anhydrous ammonia in
the-road tank car or cylinder) to a facility. The ammonia is refrigeration systems and ways to prevent releases that can
transferred to the storage vessel or some other portion of the have catastrophic consequences. This document is not intended
system using pumps, compressors or simply differential pressure. to be a substitute for the compliance with the requirements of the
Once the transfer is complete, workers must perform standard Process Safety Management Standard or any other applicable
shutdown operations to turn off the pumps or compressors and OSH standard.
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