Iub Ir
Iub Ir
Iub Ir
The Islamia University of The Islamia University of The Islamia University of The Islamia University of
Bahawalpur Bahawalpur Bahawalpur Bahawalpur
F.T.N : 9020899-0 F.T.N : 9020899-0 F.T.N : 9020899-0 F.T.N : 9020899-0
Account No: 00427900166703 Account No: 00427900166703 Account No: 00427900166703 Account No: 00427900166703
Account Title: For Credit to Account Title: For Credit to Account Title: For Credit to Account Title: For Credit to
Collection Account of The Collection Account of The Collection Account of The Collection Account of The
Islamia University of Bahawalpur Islamia University of Bahawalpur Islamia University of Bahawalpur Islamia University of Bahawalpur
Challan No: 1000168300 Due Date: Challan No: 1000168300 Due Date: Challan No: 1000168300 Due Date: Challan No: 1000168300 Due Date:
03/09/2020 03/09/2020 03/09/2020 03/09/2020
Name Ali Hasnain Name Ali Hasnain Name Ali Hasnain Name Ali Hasnain
CNIC / Other 35303-3605943-3 CNIC / Other 35303-3605943-3 CNIC / Other 35303-3605943-3 CNIC / Other 35303-3605943-3
Program BS International Relations (M) Program BS International Relations (M) Program BS International Relations (M) Program BS International Relations (M)
Admission Processing Fee 1000/- Admission Processing Fee 1000/- Admission Processing Fee 1000/- Admission Processing Fee 1000/-
Amount (In Words): One thousand only Amount (In Words): One thousand only Amount (In Words): One thousand only Amount (In Words): One thousand only