11 Welding

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The document discusses the preparation, welding processes, and quality control methods for welding pipes together in pipeline construction.

The main steps involved in preparing pipe for welding are beveling the pipe ends, cleaning the pipe inside and out, and properly aligning the joint using a pipe lineup clamp.

The most commonly used welding process for joining pipes is the manual shielded metal-arc welding process. Automatic and semiautomatic submerged arc welding, inert gas metal-arc welding, and atomic hydrogen welding are also used, especially in shop operations.


Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines Pipeline Welding


Pipe Beveled by Manufacturer. Pipe to be welded is usually supplied with a single V

bevel of 32½ degrees with a 1/16-in. (1.6-mm) root face for pipe thicknesses up to ¾ in.
(19.1 mm). A single U groove is used for heavier pipe. If the pipe has not been properly
beveled or has been cut in the field, it must be beveled prior to welding.

Cutting of Pipe. This operation is necessary when pipe must be cut to suit a specific
length requirement. To ensure a leak proof welded joint, the pipe must be cut in a true
circle in a plane perpendicular to the center line of the pipe. This may be accomplished
by using a strip of heavy paper, cardboard, leather belting, or sheet gasket material with a
straight edge longer than the circumference of the pipe to be welded. The material is
wrapped around the pipe and overlapped and the pipe marked along the edge of the
material with a soapstone pencil. Pipe with a wall thickness exceeding 1/8 in. (3.2 mm)
should be cut first with a straight cut, then beveled with a hand torch to a 30 to 35 degree
angle, leaving a shoulder of approximately 1/8 in. (3.2 mm).

Cleaning of Pipe. After beveling, remove all rust, dirt, scale, or other foreign matter from
the outside of the pipe in the vicinity of the weld with a file, wire brush, grinding disk, or
other type of abrasive. If the bevels are made by oxyacetylene cutting, the oxide formed
must be entirely removed. The inside of the pipe in the vicinity of the weld may be
cleaned by a boiler tube and flue cleaner, by sandblasting, by tapping with a hammer with
an airblast followup, or by any other suitable method, depending on the inside diameter
of the pipe. Care must be taken to clean the scarf faces thoroughly.

Aligning the Joint.

A pipe lineup clamp should be used to align and securely hold the pipe ends before tack
welding. The spacing depends on the size of the electrode used for the root pass.

Standard Edge Preparation




Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines Pipeline Welding

Root Gap

Desired Range - 1.6 – 3.0 mm

Excessive Gap - No fusion
Less Gap - Lack of penetration

Root Face

Desired Range - 1.6 – 3.0 mm

Excessive Face - Lack of penetration
Less Face - Burn Through

Bevel Angle

Desired Angle - 60 – 70%

Excessive Bevel - High weld deposit
Less Bevel - Difficulty in electrode maneuverability


The most commonly used processes for joining pipe is the manual shielded metal-arc
process. Automatic and semiautomatic submerged arc, inert gas metal-arc, and atomic
hydrogen welding are also used, particularly in shop operations. Manual oxyacetylene
welding is generally limited to small size piping or to welding operations where
clearances around the joints are small.

Shielded Metal-Arc Process.

(1) The shielded metal-arc process can be used for welding pipe materials such as
aluminum, magnesium, and high chromium-nickel alloys that are difficult to weld by
other processes. In shielded metal-arc welding, the number of passes required for
welding ferrous metal piping varies with the pipe thickness, the welding position, the
size of the electrode, and the welding current used.

(2) The number of passes required for welding low alloy and low carbon steel pipe
depends on the thickness of the pipe, the welding position, the size of the electrode,
and the current used but, in general, is approximately one pass for each 1/8 in. (3.2
mm) of pipe thickness. When welding in the horizontal or rolled position, the number
of layers is usually increased 25 to 30 percent. Smaller electrodes are used to lessen
the heat concentration and to ensure complete grain refinement of the weld metal.

Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines Pipeline Welding

(3) The electrodes used vary from 1/8 to 5/32 in. (3.2 to 4.0 mm) diameter for the first
pass, 5/32 in. (4.0 mm) diameter for the intermediate passes, and up to 3/16 in. (4.8
mm) for the top passes and reinforcement.

Direction of Welding.

(1) In manual shielded metal-arc welding, as much welding as possible is done in the flat
or downhill position using suitable power driven equipment for rotating the pipe at a
speed consistent with the speed of welding. When the pipe is in a fixed horizontal
position, the weld is usually made from the bottom uphill. With thin or medium
thickness pipe, the welding is done downward. More metal is deposited when welding
upward. Complete grain refinement is easier to achieve, and welding downward
requires a much higher degree of manual skill.

(2) When the pipe is in a fixed vertical position, it is customary to deposit the filler metal
in a series of overlapping string beads, using 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) maximum electrodes,
and allowing 25 to 30 beads per square inch of weld area.



9 O'Clock 9 3



Weld Positions

Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines Pipeline Welding

Vertical Down v/s Vertical up

Vertical down uses high welding currents and fast travel speeds to make joints with
several beads. This method is fast and economical on pipe under ½" wall thickness. With
downhill arc welding, the speed is approximately three times that of the uphill welding
method. Most cross country pipelines are welded with vertical down technique.

Vertical up uses low currents, slow travel speeds and often low hydrogen electrodes to
produce joints with relatively few, heavy beads. Cleaning time is reduced giving the
vertical up method a speed advantage over vertical down on heavy wall pipe. The low
hydrogen electrodes and slow travel speed of vertical up effectively eliminate gas holes.
Welds made by this method are best able to meet the X-Ray requirement for high
pressure, high temperature or low temperature piping.

Multipass Arc Welding sequence

Root Pass (Stringer Bead)

After the pipe is lined up and held in position with a clamp, welder makes the first and
most important weld, the root pass. The stringer bead is made using a drag technique. The
electrode coating rests on the bevel as the electrode is dragged downhill around the

Hot Pass

The root pass is thoroughly cleaned with power wire brushing or disc grinding before
starting the hot pass. Hot pass is applied with sufficient heat to burn out all wagon tracks
and float any remaining slag on the surface. Hot pass is started immediately after
completion of Stringer bead.

Filler Pass

A slight side to side weave is used when applying filler passes to completely fill the

Stripper Pass

Before applying the Cover pass, it is sometimes necessary to flush up concave portions of
the weld. These generally occur in the 2-5 o’clock position on the pipe. These short welds
are called stripper passes.

Cover Pass

The cover pass is usually 1/32” to 1/16” higher than the pipe wall and overlaps the
groove by 1/16” on each side. Better stress distribution is achieved by keeping the cover
pass as narrow as possible.

Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines Pipeline Welding

Designations of Butt Weld Positions in Pipes

1 G (Rotated) 5 G (Fixed)

45 + 5 deg.

2 G (Vertical) 6 G (Inclined)


Horizontal Pipe Fixed Position Weld (5G)

After tack welding, the pipe is set up so that the tack welds are oriented approximately as
shown in figure below. After welding has been started, the pipe must not be moved in any

4 3


2 1


Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines Pipeline Welding

When welding in the horizontal fixed position, the pipe is welded in four steps.
Step 1 Starting at the bottom of 6 o'
clock position, weld upward to the 3 o'
clock position.
Step 2 Starting back at the bottom, weld upward to the 9 o'
clock position.
Step 3 Starting back at the 3 o'
clock position, weld to the top.
Step 4 Starting back at the 9 o'
clock position, weld upward to the top overlapping the

When welding downward, the weld is made in two stages. Start at the top overlapping the
bead. Work down one side 1 to the bottom, then return to the top and work down the
other side 2, to join with the previous weld at the bottom.


2 1

Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines Pipeline Welding

Aligning the joint using internal clamping

Pipe Fitup

Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines Pipeline Welding

Aligned Joint


Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines Pipeline Welding


Designation : E XXXX – X

First two digits : Tensile strength in ksi

Third & Fourth digit : Indicates welding position, Current type and type of

Suffix letter : Chemical composition or special characteristics

1 indicates requirements for improved toughness

HZ indicates requirement for diffusible hydrogen test: Z is 4, 8 or 16 ml of H2/100 g

of deposited metal

R requirements of absorbed moisture test

M intended to meet most military requirements

AWS 5.1 – Specification for C – Steel / Low Alloy Steel Electrodes

Electrode Type of covering Welding Type of current

E 6010 High cellulose sodium F, V, OH, H DCEP
E 6011 High cellulose potassium F, V, OH, H AC or DCEP
E 6012 High titania sodium F, V, OH, H AC or DCEN
E 6013 Iron oxide titania potassium F, V, OH, H AC or DCEP or DCEN
E 6020 High Iron oxide F, H – Fillets AC or DCEN
E 7010 – X High cellulose sodium F, V, OH, H DCEP
E 7011 – X High cellulose potassium F, V, OH, H AC or DCEP
E 7014 Iron powder titania F, V, OH, H AC, DCEP or DCEN
E 7015 Low Hydrogen sodium F, V, OH, H DCEP
E 7016 Low Hydrogen Potassium F, V, OH, H AC or DCEP
E 7018 Low H2, Iron powder potassium F, V, OH, H AC or DCEP
E 7018 M Low Hydrogen Iron Powder F, V, OH, H AC or DCEP
E 7020 – X High Iron oxide H Fillets AC or DCEN
E 7024 Iron Powder, Titania H – Fillets, F AC or DCEP or DCEN
E 7027 High Iron oxide, Iron Powder H – Fillets, F AC or DCEN
E 7028 Low H2, Iron powder potassium H – Fillets, F AC or DCEP
E 7048 Low H2, Iron powder Potassium F, V, OH, H AC or DCEP

Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines Pipeline Welding

Electrode Type of covering Welding Type of current

V Down
E 8010 – X High cellulose sodium F, V, OH, H DCEP
E 8011 - G High cellulose potassium F, V, OH, H AC or DCEP
E 8013 – G High titania potassium F, V, OH, H AC or DCEPor DCEN
E 8015 – X Low H2 Sodium F, V, OH, H AC or DCEP
E 8016 – X Low H2 Potassium F, V, OH, H AC or DCEP
E 8018 – X Low H2 Iron Powder Potassium F, V, OH, H AC or DCEP

X : A1, B1, B2, BL, B3, B3L B4L, B5, B6, B6L, B7, B7L, B8L, B9, C1, C1L, C2, C3,
C4, C5L, NMI, D1, D2, D3, G, M, M1, P1, W1,W2

Tensile Test requirements

Tensile strength Yield strength %

(Mpa) (Mpa) Elongation
E 6010 414 331 22
E 6011 414 331 22
E 6012 414 331 17
E 6013 414 331 17
E 6020 414 331 22
E 7014 482 399 17
E 7015 482 399 22
E 7016 482 399 22
E 7018 482 399 22
E 7024 482 399 17
E 7027 482 399 22
E 7028 482 399 22
E 7048 482 399 22
E 7018 M 482 365-496* 24

Charpy V Notch Test requirements

Electrode Average of 3 Single value

E 6010, E 6011
E 6027, E 7015
27 J at – 29 Deg.C 20 J – 29 Deg.C
E 7016, E 7018
E 7027, E 7048
E 6019, E 7028 27 J at – 18 Deg.C 20 J at – 18 Deg.C
E 6012, E 6013
E 6020, E 6022 Not Specified Not specified
E 7014, E 7024

Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines Pipeline Welding



API 1104 covers gas and arc welding for the production of high-quality welds in
carbon and low-alloy steel piping used in the compression, pumping, and
transmission of crude petroleum, petroleum products, and fuel gases, and where
applicable, to distribution systems.

This code covers the many different types of welding processes, such as those done
by Shielded Metal-arch Welding (SMAW), Submerged Arc Welding (SAW), gas
tungsten-arc welding (GTAW), gas metal-arc welding (GMAW) etc.

It also covers the acceptance standards to be applied to production welds tested to

destruction or inspected by radiography, and includes the procedure for
radiographic inspection.


Pipes & Fittings - API 5L / ASTM Specifications

Consumables - AWS A 5.1, 5.2, 5.5, 5.17, 5.18, 5.20, 5.28, 5.29


Essential variables

i) Welding process & method of application – Manual, Semi-automatic, Automatic

ii) Base Material

o Group 1 – Yield Strength < 42 ksi
o Group 2 - Yield Strength – 42 to 65 ksi
o Group 3 – Yield Strength > 65 ksi

iii) Filler Metal

Group AWS spec Electrode / Flux

A 5.1 E 6010 / 6011
A 5.5 E 7010 / 7011
2 A 5.5 E 8010 / 8011
A 5.1 / 5.5 E 7015 / 7016 / 7018
A 5.5 E 8015 / 8016 / 8018
4 A 5.17 EL 8/P6XZ (SAW)
5 A 5.18 ER 70S-2 (GMAW)
6 A 5.18 ER 70S-6 (GMAW)

Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines Pipeline Welding

Group AWS spec Electrode / Flux

7 A 5.28 ER 80S-D2 (GMAW)
8 A 5.2 RG 60, 65 (FCAW)
9 A 5.20 E 61T – GS – GTA Root
10 A 5.29 E 71T8-K6 (GTAW)
11 A 5.29 E 91T8-G (GTAW)

iv) Joint Design - V or U groove & Major changes in Bevel angle and root face and

v) Welding position : Rolled or Fixed

vi) Wall Thickness

vii) Electrical characteristics – Change in Polarity DCEP (Direct Current Electrode

Positive) to DCEN (Direct Current Electrode Negative) or AC (Alternating
Current) or vice – versa.

In DCEP the electricity flows into the tip of the welding rod and concentrates
about two-thirds of the heat, which gives good penetration. DCEP is usually used
on thicker steels.

In DCEN the electricity flows out of the rod, concentrating about one-third of the
heat on the rod. DCEN is usually used for thinner steels.

viii) Time between passes – Maximum time between completion of Root bead and
start of second bead.

ix) Direction of welding – Vertical Down Hill or Up Hill

x) Shielding gas flow rate

xi) Speed of travel (For automatic welding)


Transverse Tensile Tests

Nick Break Test
Bend Test (Face, Root & Side bend

Location of Test Butt – Weld specimens is shown in the figure below:

Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines Pipeline Welding

Type & No. of test specimens

OD mm Nick Root
Tensile Face Bend Side Bend
Break Bend
Wall Thickness < 12.7 mm
< 60.3 (2 pipes) - 2 2 - -
60.3 – 114.4 (1 pipe) - 2 2 - -
114.3 – 323.8 (1 pipe) 2 2 2 2 -
> 323.8 (1 pipe) 4 4 4 4 -
Wall Thickness > 12.7 mm
<114.3 (1 pipe) - 2 - - 2
114.3 – 323.8 (1 pipe) 2 2 - - 2
> 323.8 (1 pipe) 4 1 - - 8


Tensile Requirements
The tensile strength of the weld including the fusion zone of each specimen shall be equal
to or greater than the specified minimum tensile strength of the pipe material, but need
not be equal or greater than the actual tensile strength of the pipe material. If the tensile
test specimen breaks outside the weld and fusion zone, i.e. in parent pipe material, and
meets the specification minimum tensile strength requirements, the weld shall be
accepted as meeting the requirements.

If the specimen breaks in the weld or fusion zone and the observed strength is equal to or
greater than the minimum specified tensile strength of the pipe material and meets the

Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines Pipeline Welding

requirements for soundness set forth in the Nick Break test, then the weld shall be
accepted as meeting the requirements.

Nick Break Test

The exposed surfaces of each specimen shall show complete penetration and fusion. The
greatest dimension of any gas pocket shall not exceed 1/16” and the combined areas of all
the gas pockets shall not exceed 2% of the exposed surface area. Slag inclusions shall not
be more than 1/32” in depth nor 1/8” or ½ the nominal wall thickness, whichever is
smaller in length.


In lieu of Destructive Testing, companies can Adopt Radiographic Test.

Visual Inspection

Weld shall be free from cracks

Depth of Undercut shall not be more than 0.79 mm or 12.5% of wall thickness
whichever is small
In any 12” length, length of undercut shall not be more than 2”

Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines Pipeline Welding



For M/s XYZ company: Welding of Petroleum Gas Pipe & Fittings

Process : SAW
Material : API 5L X65
Dia & Wall Thickness : 18” & 6.4 mm
Joint Design : Single Vee
Filler material : AWS 5.1 E 7010-G
No. of Beads : 5
Electrical Characteristics : 24 – 28V, 120-140 A, DCSP
Position : 1G
Direction of welding : Downhill
No. of welders : 1
Time lapse between passes : 2 minutes
Type of clamps : External
Removal of clamps : Remove after root pass
Cleaning & Grinding : Use only hand tools
Preheat : Not required
Stress Relief : Not required

Tested : Welder :
Approved : Supervisor :
Adopted : Chief Engineer:


1/32" - 1/16"

1/16" + 1/32"

Approx 1/16"
Standard V - Bevel Butt

Approx 1/8"

Sequence of Beads

Bead No. Electrode Size & Type Voltage Amperage & Polarity Speed

Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines Pipeline Welding


Qualification Options

1) Single Qualification for specific Butt / Fillet Weld – Rolled / Fixed Position
2) Multiple Qualification

Essential Variables

1) Welding Process or combination of processes

2) Direction of Welding – Vertical Downhill or Uphill
3) Welding position – Rolled or Fixed
4) Joint Design – V or U Groove and major changes in bevel angle and root face and
Gap or fillet
5) Filler Metal

Group AWS spec Electrode / Flux

A 5.1 E 6010 / 6011
A 5.5 E 7010 / 7011
2 A 5.5 E 8010 / 8011
A 5.1 / 5.5 E 7015 / 7016 / 7018
A 5.5 E 8015 / 8016 / 8018
4 A 5.17 EL 8/P6XZ (SAW)
5 A 5.18 ER 70S-2 (GMAW)
6 A 5.18 ER 70S-6 (GMAW)
7 A 5.28 ER 80S-D2 (GMAW)
8 A 5.2 RG 60, 65 (FCAW)
9 A 5.20 E 61T – GS – GTA Root
10 A 5.29 E 71T8-K6 (GTAW)
11 A 5.29 E 91T8-G (GTAW)

6) Outer dia of pipe

a) < 60.3 mm
b) 60.3 mm – 323.8 mm
c) > 323.8 mm

7) Wall Thickness
a) < 4.78 mm
b) 4.78 mm – 19.05 mm
c) > 19.05 mm

8) Prescribed tests for Butt Welds

Transverse Tensile Tests

Nick Break Test
Bend Test (Face, Root & Side bend

Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines Pipeline Welding



Discontinuities are interruptions in the typical structure of a material. These interruptions

may occur in the base metal, weld material or "heat affected" zones. Discontinuities,
which do not meet the requirements of the codes or specification used to invoke and
control an inspection, are referred to as defects.

General Welding Discontinuities

The following discontinuities are typical of all types of welding.

Cold lap is a condition where the weld filler metal does not properly fuse with the base
metal or the previous weld pass material (interpass cold lap). The arc does not melt the
base metal sufficiently and causes the slightly molten puddle to flow into base material
without bonding.

Porosity is the result of gas entrapment in the solidifying metal. Porosity can take many
shapes on a radiograph but often appears as dark round or irregular spots or specks
appearing singularly, in clusters or rows. Sometimes porosity is elongated and may have
the appearance of having a tail. This is the result of gas attempting to escape while the
metal is still in a liquid state and is called wormhole porosity. All porosity is a void in the
material it will have a radiographic density more than the surrounding area.

Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines Pipeline Welding

Cluster porosity is caused when flux coated electrodes are contaminated with moisture.
The moisture turns into gases when heated and becomes trapped in the weld during the
welding process. Cluster porosity appear just like regular porosity in the radiograph but
the indications will be grouped close together.

Slag inclusions are nonmetallic solid material entrapped in weld metal or between weld
and base metal. In a radiograph, dark, jagged asymmetrical shapes within the weld or
along the weld joint areas are indicative of slag inclusions.

Incomplete penetration (IP) or lack of penetration (LOP) occurs when the weld metal
fails to penetrate the joint. It is one of the most objectionable weld discontinuities. Lack
of penetration allows a natural stress riser from which a crack may propagate. The
appearance on a radiograph is a dark area with well-defined, straight edges that follows
the land or root face down the center of the weldment.

Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines Pipeline Welding

Incomplete fusion is a condition where the weld filler metal does not properly fuse with
the base metal. Appearance on radiograph usually appears as a dark line or lines oriented
in the direction of the weld seam along the weld preparation or joining area.

Internal concavity or suck back is condition where the weld metal has contracted as it
cools and has been drawn up into the root of the weld. On a radiograph it looks similar to
lack of penetration but the line has irregular edges and it is often quite wide in the center
of the weld image.

Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines Pipeline Welding

Internal or root undercut is an erosion of the base metal next to the root of the weld. In
the radiographic image it appears as a dark irregular line offset from the centerline of the
weldment. Undercutting is not as straight edged as LOP because it does not follow a
ground edge.

External or crown undercut is an erosion of the base metal next to the crown of the
weld. In the radiograph, it appears as a dark irregular line along the outside edge of the
weld area.

Offset or mismatch are terms associated with a condition where two pieces being
welded together are not properly aligned. The radiographic image is a noticeable
difference in density between the two pieces. The difference in density is caused by the
difference in material thickness. The dark, straight line is caused by failure of the weld
metal to fuse with the land area.

Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines Pipeline Welding

Inadequate weld reinforcement is an area of a weld where the thickness of weld metal
deposited is less than the thickness of the base material. It is very easy to determine by
radiograph if the weld has inadequate reinforcement, because the image density in the
area of suspected inadequacy will be more (darker) than the image density of the
surrounding base material.

Excess weld reinforcement is an area of a weld that has weld metal added in excess of
that specified by engineering drawings and codes. The appearance on a radiograph is a
localized, lighter area in the weld. A visual inspection will easily determine if the weld

Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines Pipeline Welding

reinforcement is in excess of that specified by the engineering requirements.

Cracks can be detected in a radiograph only when they are propagating in a direction that
produces a change in thickness that is parallel to the x-ray beam. Cracks will appear as
jagged and often very faint irregular lines. Cracks can sometimes appear as "tails" on
inclusions or porosity.

Acceptance Standards for Non Destructive Testing


Inadequate penetration Length of individual IP not to exceed 1”. The aggregate
(IP) length of indication in any continuous 12” length shall not
exceed 1”. The aggregate lengths of IP shall not exceed 3% of
total weld length.
Inadequate penetration The length of IPD shall not exceed 2”. The aggregate length
due to High-Low (IPD) of IPD in any continuous 12” length shall not exceed 3”.
Incomplete fusion (IF) Length of individual IF not to exceed 1”. The aggregate
length of indication in any continuous 12” length shall not
exceed 1”. The aggregate lengths of IF shall not exceed 3% of
total weld length.
Incomplete fusion due The length of IFD shall not exceed 2”. The aggregate length
to cold lap (IFD) of IFD in any continuous 12” length shall not exceed 3”.
Burn – through (BT) Maximum BT shall not exceed ¼”. Aggregate BT in any 12”
length shall not exceed ¼”.
Elongated Slag The length of ESI shall not exceed 2”. The aggregate length
inclusions (ESI) of ESI in any 12” length shall not exceed 2”. Width of ESI
shall not exceed 1/16”.
Porosity (P) Size of individual pore shall not exceed 1/8”. Size of pore
shall not exceed 25% of nominal wall thickness. Diameter of
cluster porosity shall not exceed ½”.
Undercut (U) Aggregate length of U shall not exceed 2” in any continuous
12” length of weld.
Crack (C) Crack of any length or any size not acceptable. Crater-crack
shall not exceed 5/32”.

Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines Pipeline Welding


During inspection, if cracks whose size is more than 8% of weld length are
detected, the cracks are not repairable. The situation may call for replacement
of the entire joint.

During inspection, if cracks whose size is less than 8% of the weld length are
detected, repairs are permitted under the supervision of Technician
experienced in Repair Welding.

During inspection, if other weld defects (Incomplete penetration, Slag, Burn

through etc.) exceed the acceptable limits, repairs are permitted under the
supervision of Technican experienced in Repair Welding.

Repair procedure must include the following:

o Method of crack removal

o Welding procedure with all welding conditions clearly stipulated
o Repair weld is made by a qualified welder
o Repaired regions to be re-inspected by Radiography, PT & MT


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