The document discusses the importance of conserving and sustainably using the world's oceans. Oceans are crucial for regulating the climate system and supporting billions of people and economies, but face many threats like overexploitation, pollution, and climate change. International cooperation is needed to strengthen protections for marine habitats and fisheries to ensure long-term sustainability and livelihoods. Individual actions like reducing plastic use and choosing sustainable seafood can also help safeguard oceans.
The document discusses the importance of conserving and sustainably using the world's oceans. Oceans are crucial for regulating the climate system and supporting billions of people and economies, but face many threats like overexploitation, pollution, and climate change. International cooperation is needed to strengthen protections for marine habitats and fisheries to ensure long-term sustainability and livelihoods. Individual actions like reducing plastic use and choosing sustainable seafood can also help safeguard oceans.
The document discusses the importance of conserving and sustainably using the world's oceans. Oceans are crucial for regulating the climate system and supporting billions of people and economies, but face many threats like overexploitation, pollution, and climate change. International cooperation is needed to strengthen protections for marine habitats and fisheries to ensure long-term sustainability and livelihoods. Individual actions like reducing plastic use and choosing sustainable seafood can also help safeguard oceans.
The document discusses the importance of conserving and sustainably using the world's oceans. Oceans are crucial for regulating the climate system and supporting billions of people and economies, but face many threats like overexploitation, pollution, and climate change. International cooperation is needed to strengthen protections for marine habitats and fisheries to ensure long-term sustainability and livelihoods. Individual actions like reducing plastic use and choosing sustainable seafood can also help safeguard oceans.
What’s the goal here? exploitation have led to an alarming level of degra- 3 billion To conserve and sustain- ably use the world’s ocean, seas and marine resources. dation. Current efforts to protect key marine envi- ronments and small-scale people Why? fisheries, and to invest depend on in ocean science are not Oceans are our planet’s yet meeting the urgent marine and life support and regulate need to safeguard this the global climate sys- vast, yet fragile, resource. coastal biodiversity tem. They are the world’s The drastic reduction in largest ecosystem, home human activity brought to nearly a million known about by the COVID- species and containing vast untapped potential for 19 crisis, while rooted in tragedy, is a chance for for their scientific discovery. Oceans and fisheries continue to oceans to recuperate. It is also an opportunity to livelihood support the global popu- chart a sustainable recov- lation’s economic, social ery path that will ensure and environmental needs. livelihoods for decades Despite the critical impor- to come in harmony with tance of conserving oceans, the natural environment. decades of irresponsible So what’s the problem? Unless carefully man- protect vulnerable hab- aged, tourism can pose a itats. Establishing com- The ocean absorbs around major threat to the nat- prehensive, effective and 23 per cent of annual CO2 ural resources on which equitably managed sys- emissions generated by it depends, and to local tems of human activity and helps culture and industry. government-protected mitigate the impacts of areas should be pur- climate change. The ocean How is the ocean sued to conserve bio- has also absorbed more connected to our health? diversity and ensure a than 90% of the excess sustainable future for heat in the climate system. The health of the ocean the fishing industry. Ocean heat is at record is intimately tied to our levels, causing wide- health. According to On a local level, we should spread marine heatwaves, UNESCO, the ocean can make ocean-friendly threatening its rich eco- be an ally against COVID- choices when buying prod- systems and killing coral 19 – bacteria found in the ucts or eating food derived reefs around the world. depths of the ocean are from oceans and con- used to carry out rapid sume only what we need. Increasing levels of debris testing to detect the Selecting certified products in the world’s oceans are presence of COVID-19. is a good place to start. also having a major envi- And the diversity of spe- ronmental and economic We should eliminate cies found in the ocean impact. Every year, an esti- plastic usage as much offers great promise mated 5 to 12 million metric as possible and orga- for pharmaceuticals. tonnes of plastic enters the nize beach clean-ups. ocean, costing roughly $13 Furthermore, marine fish- Most importantly, we billion per year – including eries provide 57 million can spread the message clean-up costs and financial jobs globally and pro- about how important losses in fisheries and other vide the primary source marine life is and why industries. About 89% of of protein to over 50% we need to protect it. plastic litter found on the of the population in least ocean floor are single-use developed countries. To find out more items like plastic bags. about Goal #14 and So what can we do? other Sustainable About 80% of all tour- Development Goals visit: For open ocean and deep ism takes place in coastal sea areas, sustainabil- areas. The ocean-related sustainabledevelopment ity can be achieved only tourism industry grows an through increased inter- estimated US$ 134 bil- national cooperation to lion per year and in some countries, the industry already supports over a third of the labour force.