Prophet Mohammad As A Teacher

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And learn

Assignment topic:

 The Holy Prophet (PBUH) as a Teacher

 Etiquettes for students

Submitted to: Ma’m Shazia Afzal

Submitted by: Ghulam Abbas
Roll No: BSM-P-19-09
class: BS-Physics 3rd semester (Morning)
1. The Holy Prophet as a Teacher
Prophet Mohammad (‫ )ﷺ‬adopted a distinctive approach to teach his
followers and companions the basics and concepts of Islam, which comes from
divine revelation; his teachings cover all aspects of life, work, living and human
dealings, which are suitable everywhere and anytime. The significant of this
approach in individuals learning motivate us to highlight those ways in a scientific
methodology. In this paper, we have classified the ways and methods adopted by
the Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬in the education for Muslims. Nowadays,
many of the modern learning methods may contains or depends on some learning
basics comes from Prophet Mohammad school.
Practical application
He (‫ )ﷺ‬used the practical application to teach his followers the five
pillars of Islam. An example when someone new to Islam asked the prophet about
the prayers and their times, Prophet asked him to pray with people two days to
learn, so that man just kept watching Muslims when they pray five times a day,
after two days when last pray finished, Prophet ask where is that man who wished
to learn prayers and their times? The man replied here I am, I learned them well.
Praise for asking question
The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬also encouraged the companions to engage in
discussions. By questioning his companions, the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬managed
to further capture their attention and develop in them a sense of desire to seek for
answers. As a result, this stimulated their minds into a thinking process. The
Prophet was very approachable, showing interest in what people said before him,
or in what they asked him about. They would interrupt him in the pulpit and ask
questions, upon which he would answer and praise them for asking the question.
He carefully understands and then answer to the question properly in an
understandable way by giving examples. Most of the hadith consist of answering
questions or correcting mistakes.
Asking another student to answer a question in order to train him
This is another important aspect of the Prophet’s method in teaching. He did not
only teach merely for the sake of reaching out. Instead, he also ensured that the
Companions were empowered with confidence and resilience. Placing trust and
responsibility to someone who is developing will help instill a positive moral
upliftment in them.
Encourage Another approach is letting one of the learners give the lesson to the
others, one day two men invoked to the Prophet; he diverted the judgment to one
of his followers who said how to make a judgment in your presence? The Prophet
replied, if you make right, you'll be rewarded ten, but if you make a wrong
decision, you’ll get one reward only. Here the prophet encouraged Muslims to take
the responsibilities of each other, not to limit for group of them.
Mental persuasion
The Prophet fostered mental persuasion development, which are the key of
scientific discoveries' growth of the human mind. An example of utilizing mental
persuasion, when a man came to the Prophet and said:( O Messenger of Allah, my
boy was born black (suspect in his wife), the Prophet said: Do you have camels?
Man said: Yes, Prophet said, what colors? He said: Reds, said: Is one of them
grey? Man said: Yes, Prophet said: How so? Man said: mutation, Prophet Said:
Perhaps your son is mutation).
Eye contact
The Prophet would get students attention by eye contact, by facing them, or
occasionally touching them. Ibn Mas’ud tells us: ‘And then he put his hand on my
shoulder and said…’ or: ‘He was teaching me the Tasha-Hud while holding both
my hands and looking into my eyes, making me repeat after and correcting my
mistakes.’ Touching also gave emphasis and was used to encourage the students.
He once asked a Companion a question, and when he gave a good answer, the man
said: ‘He thumped me in the chest and said: “Well done, how excellent your
knowledge is, Abu Mund’hir (God be pleased with him)!”
No distinction between students
In classrooms all over the world, it is a common practice for teachers to separate
the strong students from the weak. The latter of which are delegated to less
challenging classes that do nothing to nurture the mind, while the “smarter”
students are given every opportunity to excel. Prophet Muhammad made no
distinction between students based on intelligence level, or any other classification
that separates us in society. He also never sought to exclude or expel anyone from
the religion of Islam. But rather delivered a message that was all-inclusive to the
whole of mankind. The Prophet Muhammad said:

"By Allah! If He may guide through you a single man to Islam, it would be
better for you than red camels. (Al-Bukhari)"
Know when to introduce new material
The Prophet does not simply pour material out at his listeners. This teacher knew
when to introduce new material, and when not to, as one Companion said: ‘He
would select only suitable moments to teach us.’ We know that he instructed his
Companions to make things easy, rather than hard. When he sent a Companion to
teach a community for away, he said: ‘First call on them to believe in one God. If
they believe in that, then call on them to do the obligatory prayer.
Competition spirit among learners raises best learning and practicing. The Prophet
encouraged his followers in competition, as an example when he said: (If people
know what excellence reward is there in Azan and first row of prayer, they'll
conduct voting on them. And if they know what excellence lies in joining the
prayer in the first Takbir (call for prayer), they would have vied with each other.
And if they know what excellence lies in the night and morning prayers, they
would have definitely come even crawling on their knees).
Dialog and discussions play a role in minds mutual enrichment, by creating new
ideas and thoughts, clear what previously considered obvious and present hidden
information The Prophet utilized this approach to enhance his followers' thinking,
help them to go ahead in their duties.
The Prophet used attention-grab as a way to teach his followers for some subjects
that need more attention; utilizing visual, audio, arguments and persuasion &
intimidation. The Prophet said:( Do you want me to inform you of the greatest sins
(three times)? They said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah, said: Polytheism in Allah,
disobeying parents, then he sat down and was leaning and said: False speech and
false testimony, still repeat until the followers said: Would he keep silent). Thus,
audio effects went deep when he told his followers the three most sins that the
Muslim must avoid them, and make it a solid doctrine in their minds.
Gesturing was also a common practice of the Prophet, as when he said: ‘Real piety
is HERE’ (- pointing to his chest). ‘Restrain THIS’ (-touching his own tongue).
The Prophet told of an earlier prophet, who was beaten by people and they injured
his head, so that blood ran down his face. The narrator said: ‘I can still visualize
the Prophet wiping his own face.’
Cause and effects
The Prophet used causes' explanation method to specify the reasons and problems
that have made a particular issue or ruling on its current form; this way works very
well in many cases, for example when He said: (If a fly fallen in a bowl of you,
then dip it in the whole and get it out, there is in one of its wings a disease and in
the other healing). In this conversation between the Prophet and his followers the
wisdom of dipping the fly, all in the pot or drink, and explained that in one of the
wings of the fly's disease and in other heal.
Wondering and interrogative
The Prophet utilize wondering and interrogative while teaching his followers, this
style is one of the important and influential methods in the field of education that
creates positive interaction between student and teacher. The prophet utilized the
interrogative question as an educational style with his followers by directing them
to various questions trigger their attention and stimulate their minds for thinking
and understanding. The Prophet questions to his companions or they asked him
about it may categorized under: testing, analytical, ordering, attention attraction,
event preparation, aims identification.
Step by step teaching
Step by step instructions given to the individuals are very useful in changing their
behavior and to avoid misunderstanding or rejection, Prophet said (Talk to the
people according to their knowledge, you would not like making lies on Allah and
his messenger). (Al-Bukhari) At the beginning of Islam, one of the difficulties was
how to convince Muslims to stop drinking alcohol permanently. The Prophet gave
advices depending on verses of Quran, which starts by explaining the
disadvantages of drinking alcohol, later another exposure of how harmful it is,
finally prohibition of alcohol became inevitable.
Brainstorming is targeting an innovative problem solving, find new projects,
stimulate thinking and creativity training and apprentice students. A brainstorming
used by the Prophet when asked his followers: (What are the trees whose leaves
never falls, that looks like the Muslim? [he meant that the Muslims good work
never gone away]; Tell me about it? After a while the Prophet answered his
question: The palm tree). Here the Prophet does not specify a particular person to
get the answer from, instead his question was in a plural form to give the group of
people a chance to think and discuss before answering, not to relate it to a
particular person, which may have the impression of embarrassing.
Hitting parables
Making comparisons among objects and events to derive the solution are from the
nature of the human brain, hitting parables clearly shown in most of the dialogs
and arguments. The Prophet gave preliminary and great importance to the way of
hitting parables and metaphor for being an effective and influential role in the
process of teaching and development of moral and social values.
The perfect speaker
Prophet Muhammad was methodical in his teaching methods and never rushed his
lessons. According to his beloved wife Aisha, he:

…spoke in such a way that if one were to count his words, they could be
counted. (Al-Bukhari)
The Prophet also, according to his companions, would repeat his words thrice. The
words that he spoke and the lessons he delivered were unambiguous, which helped
students of Islam excel at perfecting their faith and committing the Quran to their
hearts. The perfection of Prophet Muhammad’s speech was intentional as a means
to really drive the message home to each one of his students through repetition,
which is an excellent learning tool.


Perhaps one of the greatest qualities that made Prophet Muhammad such a
phenomenal teacher is that he led by example. He often lectured to his companions
about the Oneness of God Almighty, living a life in accordance with Islam and
being mindful of the Hereafter. In every aspect of his life, Prophet Muhammad was
an exemplar and practiced what he preached. This made it easy for his companions
to see how to live their lives in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah.


As a conclusion, An embodiment of all the ideal qualities both outwardly and

inwardly. What better model to look at and emulate from than the one who
possesses all these qualities, our beloved teacher and prophet, Muhammad (
‫ )ﷺ‬Scholars and teachers who possess the useful knowledge and the
mentioned qualities are inheritors of the prophet that will continue to spread light
and bring benefit to all of humankind. In a hadith narrated by Imam At-Tirmizi:

‫ال ُعلَ َماء َو َرثَةُ األَنبِيَاء‬

"Scholars are the inheritors of the prophet "

2. Etiquettes for students
Manners and etiquette play a vital role in the personality development and
character building of an individual. They can make or build your career. No
number of certificates can get you a good job if you have poor manners. Following
are the etiquettes for students:
1. Be on time for class. Arriving late to class is bad for you and it is bad for other
students. When you walk in late, you interrupt the work that has begun. Lean to be
punctual! Punctuality teaches discipline, builds self- confidence, and is a key factor
to achieve success in life. Statistics show that punctual students perform better than
students who are not punctual. Attending all classes on time is another aspect of
punctuality.  Regularly arriving late to class signals a level of disrespect --
whether you mean to send that signal or not. If this only happens once it's
probably not a big deal but If it happens more often than logical explanation
should be given to the instructor or when absent, communicate the reason to
your teacher or authorities in charge.
2. Respect others: You are sharing your classroom with several other people who
are just as important as you. Don't try to make others feel embarrassed. Don't
make fun of others. Respect the work and the words of your classmates. If you
don't like an idea, be polite. Never say anything that would embarrass a classmate.
If you really don't like an idea, you can explain why without being rude.
3. Do not carry on private conversations in class and Avoid Side
If you have big news to share with your friends, do so before or after class -- but
refrain from doing so during class. Besides being more respectful to the students
and teacher, you'll actually learn more information by being actively involved in
the class rather than in your own side conversation.
4. Contribute to the Class Discussion When Appropriate. Do respond when the
teacher seeks input or asks for questions or discussion. Don't interrupt the teacher
or another student, and don't dominate the discussion - let other people have a
chance to talk /contribute to the dialogue.
5. Be organized, Be Prepared and Keep supplies stocked. Maintain a
checklist and bring your finished homework and projects to class with you on the
due date. Keep basic student needs like pens, pencils, erasers, notebook or other
necessary stuffs in-hand when you need it! Don't become a constant borrower.
6. Turn Off Your Cell Phone. Unless you are expecting an important call or text,
the proper thing to do is turn your cell phone completely off as soon as you enter
class. Some students switch to vibrate mode. If your phone does ring, make a quick
apology like “so sorry!”
7. Recording equipment. I've had a few students who have asked permission to
record lectures or discussions on a laptop or other device. You should ask the
teacher in advance about recording class activities.
8. Avoid Signaling, Sending Signs That Class Time is Up. Students sometimes
to hurry the end of class by beginning to gather books, by shutting their books
loudly, unzipping and zipping their backpacks, and otherwise making noises that
class time is complete. This is rude, particularly when others are trying to hear
what the instructor is saying at the end of class.
9. Addressing the teacher Properly. If you're unsure of a teacher status, the best
solution is to address him/her as " Sir or Madam ". "Mister" will always be
technically correct (for male professors, of course).
10. Saying “thank you” or “please” suggests that the person is feeling gratitude
11. Respect your instructor: Teachers act as agents of change. They play a
significant role in your lives, regardless of your age. They are as much
instrumental in shaping your careers as much as your parents. They groom young
pupils to become responsible adults. Furthermore, they have been in the same
shoes as you. They have been students at one point of time in their lives, so they
understand you more than what you think. Maintain an eye contact with the
instructor unless you are writing or taking down notes. However, remember
teachers are people too. How would you feel if you were trying to help someone
and got an attitude in return? Or when someone expects you to be picture-perfect?
Accord them with the respect they deserve. Respect is always reciprocated and
good manners make you a better person.
12. While the Teacher is Talking
Look at the teacher to make eye contact, unless you're writing notes.
 Don't whisper.
 Don't pass notes.
 Don't throw things.
 Don't laugh.
 Don't make funny faces to make other people laugh.
13. When You Have a Question
 Wait for your turn to ask a question. If someone else is speaking, simply
wait with your hand raised (or whatever process your teacher requires).
 Don't say "me, next" or "oh" when you're waiting with your hand raised.
You will be noticed.
14. When Working Quietly in Class
 Don't hum or fidget to distract other students.
 Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
 Don't brag if you finish first.
 Don't make rude comments about another student's work or habits.
15. When Working in Small Groups
 Respect the work and the words of your group members.
 If you don't like an idea, be polite. Never say "that's dumb," or anything that
would embarrass a classmate. If you really don't like an idea, you can
explain why without being rude.

 Speak to fellow group members in a low voice. Don't speak loud enough for
other groups to hear.

16. During Student Presentations

 Don't try to distract the speaker.
 Keep your eyes on the speaker.
 Don't make rude comments.
 Try to think of a question if the speaker invites the class to ask.
17. During Tests
 Remain quiet until everyone is finished.
 Don't get up and walk around unless it's absolutely necessary.
Everybody likes to have fun, but there is a time and a place for fun. Don't try to
have fun at the expense of others, and don't try to have fun at inappropriate times.
The classroom can be fun, but not if your fun involves rudeness.

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