Cardio Patho

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1.This artery supplies the walls of the left atrium and left ventricle.. Single choice.

posterior interventricular artery

marginal artery
circumflex artery
anterior interventricular artery
Your answer to question 1 is wrong. Correct answers: circumflex artery
4.Select all the modifiable risk factors.. Multiple choice.
African American ethnicity
Your answer to question 4 is wrong. Correct answers: DM, HTN, Depression
6.This artery supplies the ventricular walls.. Multiple choice.
posterior interventricular artery
marginal artery
circumflex artery
anterior interventricular artery
Your answer to question 6 is wrong. Correct answers: posterior interventricular artery, anterior
interventricular artery
7.Select the atypical signs and symptoms of unstable angina.. Multiple choice.
chest pain
jaw pain
Your answer to question 7 is wrong. Correct answers: fatigue, nausea, breathlessness
8.Select the chronic venous disorders from the choices below:. Multiple choice.
varicose veins
venous stasis ulceration
chronic venous insufficiency
superficial thrombophlebitis
Your answer to question 8 is wrong. Correct answers: varicose veins, venous stasis ulceration, chronic
venous insufficiency
9.The following are primary causes of acute heart failure except:. Single choice.
Acute MI
Valvular disorder
Hypertensive crisis
Ventricular septal defects
Your answer to question 9 is wrong. Correct answers: Valvular disorder
11.Select all primary causes of hypertension. Multiple choice.
increase SNS activity
congenital narrowing of aorta
increased sodium intake
use of NSADS, MAOIs, and sympathetic stimulants
excessive alcohol intake
Your answer to question 11 is wrong. Correct answers: increase SNS activity, vasoconstrictors,
increased sodium intake, DM, excessive alcohol intake, smoking
12.Select the acute venous disorders from the choices below:. Multiple choice.
varicose veins
venous stasis ulceration
chronic venous insufficiency
superficial thrombophlebitis
Your answer to question 12 is wrong. Correct answers: thrombophlebitis, superficial
thrombophlebitis, DVT
14.The following are clinical manifestation of chronic venous insufficiency, except.
(SATA). Multiple choice.
shiny skin
chronically swollen legs
unilateral chronic leg swelling
thick, coarse, brownish skin around the ankles
venous stasis ulceration
itchy skin
rest pain
scaly skin
Your answer to question 14 is wrong. Correct answers: shiny skin, unilateral chronic leg swelling, rest
15.Select all the clinical manifestations of Raynaud's disease.. Multiple choice.
bilateral or symmetrical involvement
classic color changes in hands
digital ulcerations as manifested by color or temperature changes in the fingers
gangrene limited to the tips of the digits
cold sensitivity
claudication type of pain at the arch of the foot
pulsations in posterior tibialis and dorsalis pedis are weak and absent
intermittent attacks of pallor or cyanosis
Your answer to question 15 is wrong. Correct answers: bilateral or symmetrical involvement, classic
color changes in hands, gangrene limited to the tips of the digits, intermittent attacks of pallor or
16.Select all the clinical manifestations related to deep vein thrombosis. Multiple
redness, induration, warmth, and tenderness along a vein
discomfort relieved by applying heat
usually asymptomatic
activity is encouraged
unilateral leg swelling
low grade fever
Your answer to question 16 is wrong. Correct answers: usually asymptomatic, unilateral leg swelling,
low grade fever
17.Select all the clinical manifestations of Buerger's disease.. Multiple choice.
bilateral or symmetrical involvement
classic color changes in hands
digital ulcerations as manifested by color or temperature changes in the fingers
gangrene limited to the tips of the digits
cold sensitivity
claudication type of pain at the arch of the foot
pulsations in posterior tibialis and dorsalis pedis are weak and absent
intermittent attacks of pallor or cyanosis
Your answer to question 17 is wrong. Correct answers: pain, digital ulcerations as manifested by color
or temperature changes in the fingers, cold sensitivity, claudication type of pain at the arch of the
foot, pulsations in posterior tibialis and dorsalis pedis are weak and absent
18.The following are included in the endothelial control of the coronary vascular
tone. Select all that applies.. Multiple choice.
Fatty acids
Endothelial cells
Aerobic metabolism
Anaerobic metabolism
Anti-thrombogenic properties
Your answer to question 18 is wrong. Correct answers: Endothelial cells, Anti-thrombogenic
19.This artery supplies the walls of the right atrium and right ventricle.. Single
posterior interventricular artery
marginal artery
circumflex artery
anterior interventricular artery
Your answer to question 19 is wrong. Correct answers: marginal artery
20.Select all the criteria for diagnosing primary Raynaud's disease. Multiple
manifestation for at least 2 years
cold sensitivity
intermittent attacks of pallor or cyanosis of digits
bilateral involvement
ulcerations in digits
no evidence of occlusive disease
gangrene limited to the skin of tips of the digits
Your answer to question 20 is wrong. Correct answers: manifestation for at least 2 years, intermittent
attacks of pallor or cyanosis of digits, bilateral involvement, no evidence of occlusive disease,
gangrene limited to the skin of tips of the digits
21.The following are primary causes of chronic heart failure, except:. Single
Congenital heart disease
Cor Pulmonale
Your answer to question 21 is wrong. Correct answers: PE
24.The following are the clinical manifestations in an abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Select all that applies.. Multiple choice.
pulsating mass in the abdomen
groin pain
abdominal rigidity
flank pain
bruits sounds heard over aneurysm
mottling of the extremities
severe pain
Your answer to question 24 is wrong. Correct answers: pulsating mass in the abdomen, groin pain,
flank pain, bruits sounds heard over aneurysm, mottling of the extremities
25.Vasospastic Raynaud's syndrome includes the following, except:. Multiple
rheumatoid arthritis
Your answer to question 25 is wrong. Correct answers: scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, SLE
26.This is also known as postphlebitic syndrome.. Single choice.
Varicose veins
Chronis Venous Insufficiency
Venous Stasis Ulceration
Your answer to question 26 is wrong. Correct answers: Chronis Venous Insufficiency
27.Which of the following statements are not correct with regards to Venous
stasis ulceration?. Single choice.
Prolonged venous pressure slows nutrient blood flow.
Skin of the lower leg ulcerates, causing a stasis ulcer.
Compression devices are indicated.
End-stage of chronic venous insufficiency.
Your answer to question 27 is wrong. Correct answers: Compression devices are indicated.
28.This is a key factor in atherosclerosis.. Single choice.
Fat deposits
Narrowing of lumen
Your answer to question 28 is wrong. Correct answers: Inflammation
31.Most common type of cardiomyopathy.. Single choice.
dilated CM
restrictive CM
asymmetric septal hypertrophy (hypertrophic CM)
symmetric hypertrophy (hypertrophic CM)
Your answer to question 31 is wrong. Correct answers: dilated CM
33.Select all the precipitating causes of heart failure. Multiple choice.
acute MI
rupture of papillary muscle
Option 8
Your answer to question 33 is wrong. Correct answers: anemia, infection, thyrotoxicosis,
34.Receptors found in the aortic arch and carotid artery that causes an increase in
the heart rate.. Single choice.
None of the above
Your answer to question 34 is wrong. Correct answers: chemoreceptor
35.The following events are included in the metabolic syndrome, select all that
applies.. Multiple choice.
Increased levels of C-reactive protein
Insulin Resistance
Central Obesity
Diabetes Mellitus
Prothrombic state
BP persistently > 130/85 mmHg
Your answer to question 35 is wrong. Correct answers: Increased levels of C-reactive protein, Insulin
Resistance, Central Obesity, Dyslipidemia, Prothrombic state, BP persistently > 130/85 mmHg
36.Select all the clinical manifestations related to superficial thrombophlebitis..
Multiple choice.
redness, induration, warmth, and tenderness along a vein
discomfort relieved by applying heat
activity is encouraged
unilateral leg swelling
low grade fever
Your answer to question 36 is wrong. Correct answers: redness, induration, warmth, and tenderness
along a vein, discomfort relieved by applying heat, activity is encouraged
37.This is characterized by an impaired ventricular filling due to an abnormally
stiff ventricle.. Single choice.
dilated CM
restrictive CM
hypertrophic CM
CM in general
Your answer to question 37 is wrong. Correct answers: restrictive CM
39.Select all the characteristic of an arterial ulcer.. Multiple choice.
occurs in the toes or foot
occurs in the malleolus or metatarsal
slopped edges
irregular shape
present sensations
absent pulses
variable pain
collapsed veins
dilated veins, varicosities, edema
severe pain
Your answer to question 39 is wrong. Correct answers: occurs in the toes or foot, cold, absent pulses,
collapsed veins, severe pain
40.The concern of this type of cardiomyopathy is power failure. Single choice.
dilated CM
restrictive CM
asymmetric septal hypertrophy (hypertrophic CM)
apical hypertrophy (hypertrophic CM)
Your answer to question 40 is wrong. Correct answers: dilated CM
41.Obstructive Raynaud's syndrome includes the following, except:. Multiple
rheumatoid arthritis
Your answer to question 41 is wrong. Correct answers: cold, nicotine, caffeine, stress
42.This is a peripheral artery disorder in which clients have rest pain in the
forefoot and toes. There may be calf muscle atrophy, loss of hair on the dorsum
of the foot, and shiny, scaly skin.. Single choice.
Intermittent Claudication
Rest Pain syndrome
Acute arterial occlusion
Your answer to question 42 is wrong. Correct answers: CLTI
44.Select all the characteristic of an venous ulcer.. Multiple choice.
occurs in the toes or foot
occurs in the malleolus or metatarsal
slopped edges
irregular shape
present sensations
absent pulses
variable pain
collapsed veins
dilated veins, varicosities, edema
Your answer to question 44 is wrong. Correct answers: occurs in the malleolus or metatarsal, slopped
edges, irregular shape, warm, present sensations, variable pain, dilated veins, varicosities, edema
49.In arterial disorders, non-atherosclerotic origins cause the following, except:.
Single choice.
medial necrosis
atheroma build-up
vasospastic condition
Your answer to question 49 is wrong. Correct answers: atheroma build-up
50.Select all predisposing factors for infectious and valvular heart diseases..
Multiple choice.
history of valvular heart disease
open heart surgeries
prosthetic valve replacement
GU/OB surgeries
IV drug abuse
dental surgery
dental extraction
prolonged antibiotic therapy

2.Trace the pathophysiology of Thomboangitis Obliterans. .

Correct answers: inflammation and irritation of vessels, vasospasms causing pain, increase lesion formation in arterial
walls, impaired functioning of arteries, thrombus formation, chronic occlusive disease causing ischemia, necrosis,
sepsis and bacteremia, septic shock, death
3.Trace the pathophysiology of myocardial ischemia. .
Correct answers: plaques increase in size partially occluding the vessel lumen, some unstable plaques are prone to
ulceration and rupture, underlying tissues of the vessel are exposed to platelet adhesion and thrombus formation,
suddenly cut-off blood supply to heart muscles, acute MI, progression to infarction if vessel obx cannot be reversed
rapidly, myocardial oxygen deficit
5.Trace the pathophysiology of Raynaud's phenomenon.. .
1Correct answers: arterial spasm causing pallor, increase resistance to blood flow, decrease blood flow and perfusion
(cyanosis), ischemia, necrosis, increase in bacterial growth, sepsis and bacteremia , septic shock, death
10.Trace the pathophysiology of myocarditis.. .
Correct answers: myocardial lesion, enlargement of muscle layers, hypertrophy, loss of contractility, heart failure,
13.Trace the pathophysiology of varicose veins. .
Correct answers: virchow's triad, increase resistance to venous outflow from lower extremities, impaired venous
emptying, backflow or regurgitation, increase venous blood volume with mmHg, veins distended when venous mmHg
is constantly elevated, dilatation and distention, congestion
22.Trace the pathophysiology of a transient ischemic attack. .
Correct answers: reversible cellular changes, anaerobic metabolism, increase in lactic acid level, altered ventricular
compliance, decrease in stroke volume , decrease in cardiac output and coronary vessel perfusion, cardiogenic shock,
23.Trace the pathophysiology of angina pectoris starting from its systemic
response.. .
Correct answers: migration of WBC, platelets, and leukocytes to site, excessive release of thromboxanes by blood
platelets, coronary arterial spasm, stimulation of pain nerve endings, carried by sensory nerve endings to thoracic
nerve, chest pain
29.Trace the pathophysiology of MI (>20 mins). .
Correct answers: lack of response to electrical impulse, arrythmia, reduced myocardial contractility, impaired cardiac
pumping, heart failure, death
30.Trace the pathophysiology of chronic venous insufficiency.. .
Correct answers: persistent obstructive thrombus coupled with valvular damage, post-thrombotic syndrome,
inadequate expulsion of venous blood, stasis, venous HTN, superficial tissue becomes edematous and
hyperpigmented, fibrosis compromises tissue oxygenation, stasis ulceration, rupture of small veins
32.Trace the SNS stimulation in the compensatory mechanism during heart
failure.. .
Correct answers: cardioregulatory center and chemoreceptor in MO, sympathetic postganglionic neurons release NE,
positive intotropic and chronotropic effect, arterial vasoconstriction, increase in peripheral resistance, compensations
maintain cardiac output, increase in blood volume and blood pressure
38.Trace the pathophysiology of endocarditis.. .
Correct answers: deposition in heart valves and layers, triggers fibrin, platelet, leukocyte, aggregation to site,
engulfment of organism and development of vegetation, adhere to endocardial layers of the heart, leaflet swelling,
erosion of valves and beadlike vegetation, deformity, insufficiency, stenosis, and ulcerations, dysfunction of valve
leaflets, valvular heart disease, heart failure and eventually death
43.Trace the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis. .
Correct answers: endothelial lining damage, accumulation of cholesterol/LDL, cellular waste products, collagen,
oxidation of immune cells and molecules, triggering of more inflammatory response, monocytes enter the site of
injury, macrophages eats and digests cholesterol molecules, foam cells and accumulation causes fatty streaks,
atheroma, fibrous encapsulation of lesion, Atherosclerosis
45.Trace the pathophysiology of pulmonary edema in hypertension. .
Correct answers: increased left myocardial workload, increased left ventricular hypertrophy, dilatation and increased
volume with end diastolic mmHg, regurgitation, development of valvular lesions, increased LA mmHg, increased LA
hypertrophy, increased mmHg in pulmonary and capillary bed, pulmonary congestion
46.Trace the pathophysiology of Aneurysm starting from Medial Necrosis.. .
Correct answers: Medial necrosis, increase mmHg in tunica media, degenerative changes occur, atrophy, weakened
arterial walls, dilatation, development of aneurysm
47.Trace the pathophysiology of tissue scarring and necrosis.. .
Correct answers: increased tendency to form clots, intravascular coagulation, thromboembolic conditions, dislodge
thrombi (emboli), microinfarcts, avascularization of the area, loss of function and heart failure, death
48.Trace the pathophysiology of pericarditis.. .
Correct answers: tissue necrosis, inflammation reaction, irritation of pericardium, exudative thickening of pericardial
layers, influx of neutrophils, increase in pericardial permeability, release of cytokines and fluid shifting causing
pericardial effusion, obliteration of pericardial cavity, prevents diastolic dilatation and decreased movement of
contraction, cardiac tamponade then heart failure then death

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