Silicon-Doped Lifepo Single Crystals: Growth, Conductivity Behavior, and Diffusivity
Silicon-Doped Lifepo Single Crystals: Growth, Conductivity Behavior, and Diffusivity
Silicon-Doped Lifepo Single Crystals: Growth, Conductivity Behavior, and Diffusivity
Silicon-Doped LiFePO4 Single Crystals: Growth,
Conductivity Behavior, and Diffusivity
By Ruhul Amin, Chengtian Lin, Jubo Peng, Katja Weichert, Tolga Acartürk,
Ulrich Starke, and Joachim Maier*
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2009, 19, 1697–1704 ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1697
1698 ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Funct. Mater. 2009, 19, 1697–1704
Figure 4. Impedance spectra for a- and b-orientations at selected tem-
peratures (c-direction qualitatively the same) using ion blocking cell Ti/
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2009, 19, 1697–1704 ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1699
pure and doped samples had occurred, not only would the
X 0
VLi )VLi þ h
* (1)
1700 ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Funct. Mater. 2009, 19, 1697–1704
is less than the electronic conductivity along all three directions,
similar as for the pure LiFePO4 single crystal.[18,22]
For the purpose of quantification we performed DC polariza-
tion/depolarization measurements of the electron blocking cell
arrangement.[20,25] Immediately after switching on a constant
current I both ionic and electronic charge carriers flow
unimpeded according to their transference numbers while the
voltage jumps from zero to IReonRion/(Reon þ Rion). Rion and Reon
refer to the resistances due to Li ions and electronic carriers. With
increasing time, the partial current of the blocked electrons
decreases, eventually leading to a steady state (voltage being IRion)
in which electronic current has vanished and the total current is
carried by the non-blocked ions. The relaxation time of the
polarization process is td, from which the chemical diffusion
coefficient DdLi can be calculated via Figure 10. Extraction of ionic conductivity and diffusivity by fitting the
obtained cell voltage.
td ¼ (2) direction the cell voltage reached a steady state situation (the same
p2 DdLi was observed for [00l] orientation). The cell voltage along [h00],
however, did not reached a steady state value even at higher
temperatures and for longer waiting times (see Fig. 9b). In all
Owing to the internal concentration profiles, sion and DdLi are cases the depolarization was analogous.
averaged over a Li composition range which corresponds to the The long-time polarization voltage depends on time according
polarization voltage 70 mV.[26] to[25,26]
Figure 9 displays the time dependence of the polarization
voltage (galvanostatic mode) for [h00] and [0k0] orientations at
ip L s eon ip L 8 t
selected temperatures. We can see from Figure 9a that in the [0k0] Uion ¼ þ 1 2 exp (3)
s s s ion p td
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2009, 19, 1697–1704 ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1701
1.3, while the ratio for the values along the b- and a-axes is about
half an order of magnitude higher (5.0). This is similar to what
was observed for the Al-doped[23] and nominally pure sam-
ple,[18,22] the first factor being even closer to unity for the pure
one. Obviously ionic conductivities, and even more so the
electronic conductivities, are effectively two-dimensional.
1702 ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Funct. Mater. 2009, 19, 1697–1704
(second case). The second, positive value (in any case referring to The chemical composition was determined by ICP analysis and optical
unrealistic conditions) can be discarded. But also the value of emission spectroscopy (SPECTRO CIROS) as well as a hot-carrier-gas
extraction method (for oxygen, ONH-2000 ALTRA). EPR (X-band, Bruker ER
0.3 eV seems too low in magnitude in view of stability
041 Microwave Bridge) was used to identify paramagnetic impurities and
questions.[28] More reasonable values would be achieved by Fe3þ.
using expressions of the strongly associated regime,[23] but this The SIMS profiles were taken using TOF-SIMS IV from Ion-Tof (primary
would not be in line with the interpretation of seon and sion. In gun: Gaþ, 15 keV, 1.8 pA, analysis area 100 mm 100 mm. Sputtering gun
any case, the analysis of DdLi is much less reliable than for seon Oþ2 , 2 keV, 400 nA, sputtering area 500 mm 500 mm). Only the positive
and sion owing to higher complexity, lesser accuracy and in ions were measured.
Transport measurements were performed on oriented, well-polished
particular due to the fact that aLi was not kept constant during the
single crystals by employing the ion blocking cell Ti/LiFe(Si)PO4/Ti as well
experiment as assumed for the above analysis.[23,28] as the electron blocking cell LiAl/LiI/LiFe(Si)PO4/LiI/LiAl, both of which
had already been used for pure LiFePO4 single crystals [18,22]. For the ion
blocking cell, titanium metal films were evaporated onto the polished
surfaces with thickness of 300 nm. To establish the electron blocking cell
3. Conclusions the LiFe(Si)PO4 single crystal was contacted by LiI (Aldrich, 99.99%)
Si-doped single crystals of LiFePO4 have been successfully grown. pellets. A LiAl alloy whose polarization is small and quickly saturated was
used as the electrical contact. The contact resistance was minimized by a
We measured their electronic and ionic conductivities as well as
heat treatment at 200 8C for 20 h. The cell assembly was done inside a glove
Li diffusivities and explained them in terms of our defect box with controlled atmosphere (H2O/O2 content < 1 ppm).
chemical model given earlier.[28] Si-doping exerts a donor effect All electrochemical experiments for both cells were carried out inside an
and hence increases ionic and decreases electronic conductivity air-tight quartz tube under dry argon atmosphere. The total conductivity
(which indicates p-type conduction). The interpretation fits the was measured by using a high-resolution dielectric analyzer (Novocontrol)
general picture of a potentially Li-deficient hole-conducting in the frequency range of 107 to 102 Hz. Two point galvanostatic step
function experiments were performed in order to quantitatively determine
material, in which,
owing to the low temperature, neutral lithium
X electronic/ionic conductivity (steady state response) and chemical lithium
vacancies VLi also play a significant role. As in our earlier diffusivity (transient response, electron blocking cell).
samples the transport properties are anisotropic.[18,23] We found
similar conductivity and diffusivity values in the b–c plane,
whereas the values for the a-direction are considerably less. The
activation energy for electronic conduction can be explained in a
straightforward way by hole hopping (0.05eV) and Acknowledgements
association (0.6 eV), while the ionic association VLi Si:Fe seems We would like to thank Dr. Constantin Hoch and Gabi Götz for single-
negligible in the temperature range considered. crystal X-ray and powder X-ray measurements, respectively. We also
acknowledge Dr. D. P. Chen for helping with the crystal growth and Helmut
Wendel and Annette Zechmeister for crystal preparation.
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2009, 19, 1697–1704 ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1703
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1704 ß 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Funct. Mater. 2009, 19, 1697–1704