Reticulocyte Hemoglobin Content: Alan E. Mast, Morey A. Blinder, and Dennis J. Dietzen
Reticulocyte Hemoglobin Content: Alan E. Mast, Morey A. Blinder, and Dennis J. Dietzen
Reticulocyte Hemoglobin Content: Alan E. Mast, Morey A. Blinder, and Dennis J. Dietzen
Under normal conditions, reticulocytes are the youngest erythrocytes released from the bone marrow into
circulating blood. They mature for 1–3 days within the bone marrow and circulate for 1–2 days before
becoming mature erythrocytes. Measurement of cellular hemoglobin concentration has long been reported
by automated hematology analyzers as one of the red blood cell indices. The reticulocyte hemoglobin con-
tent (CHr or Ret-He) provides an indirect measure of the functional iron available for new red blood cell pro-
duction over the previous 3–4 days. Measurement of reticulocyte hemoglobin content in peripheral blood
samples is useful for diagnosis of iron deficiency in adults (Mast et al., Blood 2002;99:1489–1491) and chil-
dren (Brugnara et al., JAMA 1999;281:2225–2230; Ullrich et al., JAMA 2005;294:924–930; Bakr and Sarette,
Eur J Pediatr 2006;165:442–445). It provides an early measure of the response to iron therapy increasing
within 2–4 days of the initiation of intravenous iron therapy (Brugnara et al., Blood 1994;83:3100–3101).
Sequential measurements of reticulocyte hemoglobin content in patients with iron deficiency anemia
provide a rapid means for assessing the erythropoietic response to iron replacement therapy (Brugnara
et al., Blood 1994;83:3100–3101). It is also an early indicator or iron-restricted erythropoiesis in patients
receiving erythropoietin therapy (Fishbane et al., Kidney Int 1997;52:217–222; Fishbane et al., Kidney Int
2001;60:2406–2411; Mittman et al., Am J Kidney Dis 1997;30:912–922; Tsuchiya et al., Clin Nephrol
2003;59:115–123; Chuang et al., Nephrol Dial Transplant 2003;18:370–377). Thus, reticulocyte hemoglobin
content is a recent addition to an expanding list of biomarkers that can be used to differentiate iron defi-
ciency from other causes of anemia. Am. J. Hematol. 83:307–310, 2008. V C 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Background also within this range [2,3]. In contrast, serum ferritin had
Diagnostic tests for the evaluation of possible iron defi- an average AUC of 0.95 confirming that it is the best single
ciency anemia include indicators of disrupted heme synthe- test for assessment of body iron stores. However, ferritin is
sis such as zinc protoporphyrin or free erythrocyte proto- an acute phase reactant so its diagnostic utility is limited in
porphyrin, mature erythrocyte indices including MCH, MCV, patients with chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheu-
and RDW, as well as markers of iron stores, uptake, and matoid arthritis or cancer. In studies including anemic
metabolism, which include serum ferritin, serum iron, trans- patients with coexisting inflammatory disease the AUCs for
ferrin saturation, and soluble transferrin receptor. The pub- the diagnosis of iron deficiency by ferritin ranged from 0.57
lished sensitivity and specificity of these markers is highly to 0.89 [1,4,5].
variable. Results vary with patient population and different
‘‘gold standards’’ used to define iron deficiency. The long Technical Aspects and Performance
established gold standard is assessment of stainable mar- CHr is measured during reticulocyte analysis by auto-
row iron; however, due to interobserver variability and the mated hematology analyzers produced by Siemens (Advia
presence of iron stores in patients with anemia of chronic 120 and 2120). It was approved for clinical use on the
inflammation, it is not a perfect gold standard for iron defi- Advia analyzers in the United States by the FDA in 1997.
ciency. Measurement of the erythropoietic response to iron CHr is determined from measurements of light scatter at
therapy is perhaps a better gold standard; yet, it has been two different angles following isovolumetric sphering of oxa-
employed only rarely in published studies. More recently, zine 750-stained reticulocytes. The volume and hemoglobin
multivariate biochemical indices suggestive of decreased concentration of individual reticulocytes are independently
iron stores such as the soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR)- measured from the amount of light scattered at two differ-
ferritin index have been used as a gold standard assay to ent angles [6]. CHr is the product of the cellular volume
define iron deficiency [1]. and the cellular hemoglobin concentration. The hemoglobin
Measures of mature erythrocyte indices obtained on concentration increases and the cell volume decreases as
automated hematology analyzers are not sensitive indica-
tors of early iron deficient erythropoiesis because of the
slow turnover of erythrocytes (120 days) and broad inter- 1
Blood Research Institute, Blood Center of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI;
individual variability. Receiver operator characteristics 2
Department of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, St.
(ROC) analysis is used to assess the combined sensitivity Louis, MO; 3Department of Pathology and Immunology, Washington Univer-
sity School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO; 4Department of Pediatrics, Washing-
and specificity of diagnostic assays. A test with perfect sen- ton University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
sitivity and specificity will have an area under the curve
*Correspondence to: Alan E. Mast, Blood Research Institute, PO Box 2178,
(AUC) of 1.0. The AUC of a test with no diagnostic utility is Milwaukee, WI 53201-2178. E-mail:
0.5. A review of 55 studies assessing the clinical utility of Received for publication 20 July 2007; Revised 6 September 2007; Accepted
mean cellular volume, mean cellular hemoglobin, random 11 September 2007
distribution width, and erythrocyte protoporphyrin displayed Am. J. Hematol. 83:307–310, 2008.
area under the curves (AUCs) between 0.62 and 0.77 Published online 20 November 2007 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.
when compared to bone marrow iron content as the gold
standard assay [2]. The AUC for transferrin saturation is DOI: 10.1002/ajh.21090
C 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.