CTS Welder (Pipe) NSQF
CTS Welder (Pipe) NSQF
CTS Welder (Pipe) NSQF
(Duration: One Year)
(Revised in 2019)
Version: 1.2
Developed By
1. Course Information 1
2. Training System 2
3. Job Role 6
4. General Information 8
5. Learning Outcome 10
6. Assessment Criteria 11
7. Trade Syllabus 15
In the one-year duration, trainee learns about elementary first aid, firefighting,
environment regulation and housekeeping etc. The practical part starts with basic pipe work
viz. cutting of pipes, threading, joining, etc. Cutting Pipes in different angles, joining of pipes
of different diameter and angles by gas welding, thread cutting on different types of pipes &
fittings accessories. On completion of each job the trainees will also evaluate their jobs by
visual inspection, and identify the defects for further correction/improvement. They learn to
adapt precautionary measures such as preheating; maintaining inter-pass temperature and
post weld heat treatment for Welding Alloy steel, Cast Iron etc. The Work Shop calculation
taught will help them to plan and cut the required jobs economically without wasting the
material and also used in estimating the Electrodes, filler metals etc. The Workshop Science
taught will help them to understand the materials and properties, effect of alloying
elements etc. Engineering Drawing taught will be applied while reading the job drawings
and will be useful in understanding the location, type and size of weld to be carried out.
Welder (Pipe)
The Directorate General of Training (DGT) under Ministry of Skill Development &
Entrepreneurship offers a range of vocational training courses catering to the need of
different sectors of economy/ Labour market. The vocational training programmes are
delivered under the aegis of Directorate General of Training (DGT). Craftsman Training
Scheme (CTS) with variants and Apprenticeship Training Scheme (ATS) are two pioneer
schemes of DGT for strengthening vocational training.
Welder (Pipe) trade under CTS is one of the popular courses delivered nationwide
through network of ITIs. The course is of one year duration. It mainly consists of Domain
area and Core area. The Domain area (Trade Theory & Practical) imparts professional skills
and knowledge, while Core area (Workshop Calculation science, Engineering Drawing and
Employability Skills) impart requisite core skills, knowledge and life skills. After passing out
of the training program, the trainee is awarded National Trade Certificate (NTC) by DGT
which is recognized worldwide.
Can join industry as Technician and will progress further as Senior Technician,
Supervisor and can rise up to the level of Manager.
Can become Entrepreneur in the related field.
Can take admission in diploma course in notified branches of Engineering by lateral
Can join Apprenticeship programme in different types of industries leading to
National Apprenticeship certificate (NAC).
Can join Crafts Instructor Training Scheme (CITS) in the trade for becoming instructor
in ITIs.
Can join Advanced Diploma (Vocational) courses under DGT as applicable.
Welder (Pipe)
Notional Training
S No. Course Element Hours
1st Year
1 Professional Skill (Trade Practical) 1000
2 Professional Knowledge (Trade Theory) 280
3 Workshop Calculation & Science 80
4 Engineering Drawing 80
5 Employability Skills 160
Total 1600
The trainee will be tested for his skill, knowledge and attitude during the period of
course through formative assessment and at the end of the training programme through
summative assessment as notified by the DGT from time to time.
a) The Continuous Assessment (Internal) during the period of training will be done by
Formative assessment method by testing for assessment criteria listed against learning
outcomes. The training institute have to maintain individual trainee portfolio as detailed in
assessment guideline. The marks of internal assessment will be as per the formative
assessment template provided on www.bharatskills.gov.in
b) The final assessment will be in the form of summative assessment. The All India Trade
Test for awarding NTC will be conducted by Controller of examinations, DGT as per the
guidelines. The pattern and marking structure is being notified by DGT from time to time.
The learning outcome and assessment criteria will be the basis for setting question papers
for final assessment. The examiner during final examination will also check the individual
trainee’s profile as detailed in assessment guideline before giving marks for practical
For the purposes of determining the overall result, weightage of 100% is applied for
six months and one-year duration courses and 50% weightage is applied to each
examination for two years courses. The minimum pass percent for Trade Practical and
Formative assessment is 60% & for all other subjects is 33%. There will be no Grace marks.
Welder (Pipe)
Welder (Pipe)
Welder, Gas; fuses metal parts together using welding rod and oxygen acetylene flame.
Examines parts to be welded, cleans portion to be joined, holds them together by some suitable
device and if necessary makes narrow groove to direct flow of molten metal to strengthen joint.
Selects correct type and size of welding rod, nozzle etc. and tests welding, torch. Wears dark
glasses and other protective devices while welding. Releases and regulates valves of oxygen and
acetylene cylinders to control their flow into torch. Ignites torch and regulates flame gradually.
Guides flame along joint and heats it to melting point, simultaneously melting welding rod and
spreading molten metal along joint shape, size etc. and rectifies defects if any. May join part at
various spots to prevent distortion of shape, form dimension etc. May preheat materials like cast
iron prior to welding. May also weld by other gases such as argon coal etc.
Welder, Electric; Arc Welder fuses metals using arc-welding apparatus and electrodes (welding
material). Examines parts to be welded, cleans them and sets joints together with clamps or any
other suitable device. Starts generator or transformer (welding apparatus and regulates current
according to material and thickness of welding. Clamps one lead (insulated wire carrying current
from generator) to part to be welded, selects required type of electrode and clamps it to holder
connected with other lead). Generates sparks between electrode and joint, simultaneously
guiding and depositing melting electrode uniformly for welding. Takes precautionary measures
such as wearing rubber gloves, holding welding screen of dark glass etc. May join parts first at
various points for holding at specified angles, shape, form and dimension.
Welder, Machine; operates gas or electric welding machine to joint metal parts by fusion. Sets
machine for operation by igniting burners and adjusting flames or by switching on current.
Regulates flow of gas or current and adjusts machine according to material to be welded. Checks
cooling system and adjusts movement of conveyor, if any. Feeds material to be welded with
either one by one or in batch according to type of machine and welds them by pressing paddle,
or by automatic arrangements. May use fixtures or other suitable devices for mass production
work.Is designated as SPOT WELDER, FLASH WELDER, etc. according to machine and type of
work done.
Gas Cutter; Flame Cutter cuts metal to required shape and size by gas flame either manually or
by machine. Examines material to be cut and marks it according to instruction of specification.
Mounts template and sets machine to cut to specifications. Makes necessary connections and
fits required size of nozzle or burner in welding torch. Releases and regulates flow of gas in
nozzle or burner, ignites and adjusts flame. Guides flame by hand or machine along cutting line
at required speed and cuts metal to required size. May use oxyacetylene or any other
appropriate gas flame.
Brazer; fuses metal parts by heating using flux and fillings. Cleans and fastens parts to be joined
face to face by wire, by seaming or by any other suitable means and prepares paste of flux and
fillings. Applies it to joint and hearts in furnace or by torch to melt filling into joint. Allows it to
cool down. Examines joint and cleans them by filing, buffing etc.
Welder (Pipe)
Reference NCO-2015:
(i) 7212.0100 – Welder, Gas
(ii) 7212.0200 – Welder, Electric
(iii) 7212.0300 – Welder, Machine
(iv) 7212.0400 – Gas Cutter
(v) 7212.0500 – Brazer
Welder (Pipe)
Essential Qualification:
Relevant National Craft Instructor Certificate (NCIC) in any of the
variants under DGT.
Note: Out of two Instructors required for the unit of 2 (1+1), one
must have Degree/Diploma and other must have NTC/NAC
qualifications. However both of them must possess NCIC in any of
its variants.
Welder (Pipe)
Learning outcomes are a reflection of total competencies of a trainee and assessment
will be carried out as per the assessment criteria.
Welder (Pipe)
2. Join MS sheet by Gas Plan and select the nozzle size, working pressure type of flame,
filler rod as per requirement.
welding in different
Prepare, set and tack the pieces as per drawing.
positions following
Setting up the tacked joint in specific position.
safety precautions.
Deposit the weld following proper welding technique and safety
Carry out visual inspection to ascertain quality weld joint.
3. Perform straight, bevel Plan and mark on MS plate surface for straight/bevel/circular
&circular cutting on
Select the nozzle size and working pressure of gases as per
MS plate by Oxy- requirement.
acetylene cutting Set the marked plate properly on cutting table.
process. Perform the straight and bevel cutting operation maintaining
proper techniques and all safety aspects.
Perform the circular cutting operation by using profile cutting
machine maintaining proper techniques and all safety aspects.
Clean the cutting burrs and inspect the cut surface for soundness
of cutting.
4. Perform different Plan and prepare the development for a specific type of pipe joint.
types of MS pipe joints Mark and cut the MS pipe as per development.
by Gas welding (OAW). Select the size of filler rod, size of nozzle, working pressure etc.
Set and tack the pieces as per drawing.
Deposit the weld bead maintaining proper technique and safety
Welder (Pipe)
5. Welddifferent types of Plan and prepare the development for a specific type of pipe joint.
MS pipe joints by Mark and cut the MS pipe as per development.
SMAW. Select the electrode size and welding current for welding.
Set and tack the pieces as per drawing.
Deposit the weld bead maintaining proper technique and safety
Insect the welded joint visually for root penetration, uniformity of
bead and surface defects.
6. Weld Stainless steel, Plan and prepare the pieces for welding.
Cast iron, Aluminium Select the type and size of filler rod and flux, size of nozzle, gas
and Brass by OAW. pressure, preheating method and temperature as per
Set and tack plates as per drawing.
Deposit the weld maintaining appropriate technique and safety
Cool the welded joint by observing appropriate cooling method.
Use post heating as per requirement.
Clean the joint and inspect the weld for its uniformity and different
types of surface defects.
7. Perform Arc gauging Plan and select the size of electrode for Arc gouging.
on MS. Select the polarity and current as per requirement.
Perform gouging adapting proper gouging technique.
Clean and check to ascertain the required stock removed.
8. Perform Plasma Plan and mark on MS plate surface for straight/bevel cutting.
cutting. Set the plasma cutting machine.
Set the marked plate properly on cutting table.
Perform the Plasma cutting on M.S plate by Plasma cutting
maintaining proper techniques and all safety aspects.
Clean the cutting burrs and inspect the cut surface for soundness
of cutting.
9. Carry out single V Prepare, set and tack weld the plates as per drawing.
groove welds on MS Select size of SMAW electrode welding current as per
Welder (Pipe)
10. Carry out single V Prepare, schedule 40 pipes and tack the pieces as per drawing.
Select size of SMAW electrode, welding current as per
groove welds on MS
pipes by SMAW in 1G, Set up and tack weld the joints.
2G, 5G and 6G Deposit the root pass weld by SMAW in 1G, position adapting
positions. proper welding technique and safety aspects.
Carry out LP test to ensure quality of root pass weld.
Deposit the intermediate and cover pass welds by SMAW in 1G
position adapting proper welding technique and safety aspects.
Clamp the pipes in 2G,5G and 6G positions and carry out root pass
Inspect the root pass welds by visual inspection and correct
defects if any.
Deposit the intermediate and cover pass welds by SMAW in
1G,2G,5G and 6G positions adapting proper welding technique and
safety aspects.
12. Perform Root pass on Prepare, schedule 60 pipes and schedule as per drawing.
weld single Vee butt Set the GTAW machine and select the type of welding current, size
joints on schedule 60 and type of tungsten electrode, size of nozzle, gas flow rate and
welding current as per requirement.
Welder (Pipe)
and schedule 80 pipes Set and tack the piece as per drawing.
Clamp the pipe and deposit the root pass weld in 6G position
in 6G positions by
maintaining proper technique and safety aspects.
GTAW and Clean and inspect the root pass welds for quality of welding by LP
intermediate and cover test.
pass weld by SMAW. Deposit the intermediate and cover pass welds by SMAW in 6G
position adapting proper welding technique and safety aspects.
Clean and inspect the weld for quality of welding.
Prepare, schedule 80 pipes and schedule as per drawing.
Set the GTAW machine and select the type of welding current, size
and type of tungsten electrode, size of nozzle, gas flow rate and
welding current as per requirement.
Set and tack the piece as per drawing.
Clamp the pipe and deposit the root pass weld in 6G position
maintaining proper technique and safety aspects.
Clean and inspect the root pass welds for quality of welding by LP
Deposit the intermediate and cover pass welds by SMAW in 6G
position using Low hydrogen type of electrode and adapting
proper welding technique and safety aspects.
Clean and inspect the weld for quality of welding.
13. Perform single Vee butt Prepare, schedule 40 and schedule 60 pipes as per drawing.
joint welding on MS Set GMAW machine and select size of electrode wire, welding
pipes by GMAW in 1G voltage, gas flow rate and wire feed rate as per requirement.
Set and tack the piece by as per drawing.
Deposit the root pass weld in 1G position maintaining proper
technique and safety aspects.
Deposit the cover pass welds in 1G position maintaining proper
technique and safety.
Inspect the joint for soundness of weld.
14. Carry out Dimensional Plan and select the job and clean the surface thoroughly.
inspection and testing Carry out dimensional inspection of weldments.
of weldments. Carry out visual inspection of welds.
Select the appropriate non destructive testing methods and carry
out Non destructive testing of welds adapting standard operating
Prepare Bend test specimen and carry out bend test according to
codes and standards.
Accept/reject the job based on test result.
Welder (Pipe)
Welder (Pipe)
Professional Perform straight, 12. Straight line beads on M.S. Basic electricity applicable
Skill 225Hrs; bevel & circular plate 10 mm thick in flat to arc welding and related
cutting on MS position. (15hrs.) electrical terms &
plate by Oxy- 13. Weaved bead on M. S plate definitions.
acetylene cutting 10mm thick in flat position.
63Hrs Heat and temperature and
process. (10hrs.)
its terms related to welding
14. Square butt joint on M.S.
Principle of arc welding.
sheet 2 mm thick in flat
And characteristics of arc.
Position. (12hrs.)
15. Fillet "T" joint on M. S. Plate Common gases used for
10 mm thick in flat position. welding & cutting, flame
(13hrs.) temperatures and uses.
Chemistry of oxy-acetylene
Types of oxy-acetylene
flames and uses.
Oxy-Acetylene Cutting
Equipment principle,
parameters and
(14 hrs.)
Welder (Pipe)
Professional Weld different 41. Pipe welding 45 ° angle joint Electrode : types, functions
Skill 50 Hrs; types of MS pipe on MS pipe 0 50 and 3mm of flux, coating factor, sizes
joints by SMAW. WT. (08hrs) of electrode Coding of
42. Straight line beads on M.S. electrode as per BIS, AWS,
plate 10mm thick in
14 Hrs Effects of moisture pick up.
overhead position. (05hrs)
Storage and baking of
Special purpose electrodes
and their applications.
(04 hrs.)
Welder (Pipe)
Welder (Pipe)
Professional Perform Plasma 56. Familiarization with the Outline of the subjects to
Skill 25Hrs; cutting. machinery used in the trade. be covered
Professional Importance of pressure
57. Cutting practice on M.S.
Knowledge vessels and pipe welding
plates using gas cutting
07Hrs Gas cutting & plasma
methods. (6hrs.)
58. Cutting practice of M.S.
plates using plasma cutting Safety in welding (07 hrs.)
methods. (8hrs.)
59. Gouging practice. (5hrs.)
Professional Carry out single V 60. Edge preparation for plate Principles of Shielded Metal
Skill 125Hrs; groove welds on groove welding. (05hrs.) Arc Welding (SMAW).
MS plates by 61. Fit up of joints by tack
Professional Types of power source.
SMAW in 1G, 2G, welding using simple fixtures.
Knowledge Polarity type and arc
3G and 4G (05hrs.)
35Hrs length.
positions. 62. Pipe and plate flange joint
welding. (10hrs.) Welding positions and
63. T and Y and pipe joint importance.
welding. (15hrs.) Edge preparation and tack
64. Groove welding on plate in welding procedure.
1G & 2Gpositions. (10hrs.) Welding fixtures and
65. Inspection and clearance clamps.
using LPI testing during Root (14 hrs.)
pass and cover pass. (05hrs.)
66. Groove welding on plate in Electrodes - types -
3G position. (10hrs.) description and
67. Inspection and clearance specification - BIS, AWS,
using LPI testing during Root etc.
pass and cover pass. (15hrs.)
Functions of flux and
characteristic of flux.
(07 hrs.)
68. Groove welding on plate in Selection of electrodes
3G position. (10hrs.) (Rutile / Cellulosic / Low
69. Inspection and clearance hydrogen etc.) & coating
using LPI testing during Root factors.
pass and cover pass. (15hrs.)
Electrode storage and
backing temperature.
(07 hrs.)
70. Groove welding on plate in Types of metals and their
4G position. (10hrs.) characteristics.
Welder (Pipe)
Professional Perform Root 81. Root welding of pipes Procedure for welding
Skill 150Hrs; pass welds in (schedule 40) in 5G position. heavy wall pipes in 6G
Weld single Vee (10hrs.) position welding
butt joints on 82. Intermediate and cover pass
Knowledge Welding symbols
schedule 40 pipes welding in 5G position.
42Hrs (07 hrs.)
in 1G, 2G and 5G (10hrs.)
positions by 83. Inspection and clearance
GTAW. using LPI testing. (5hrs.)
84. Root welding of pipes Procedure for welding of
(schedule 40) in 5G position thin wall pipes in downhill
(10hrs.) position.
85. Intermediate and cover pass
Procedure for welding
Welder (Pipe)
Welder (Pipe)
Professional Carry out 119. Dimensional inspection of Pressure welding codes and
Skill 25Hrs; Dimensional weldments. (6hrs.) standards (IBR, ASME etc.)
inspection and 120. Visual inspection of
Professional Writing procedure for WPS
testing of weldments. (6hrs.)
Knowledge and PQR
weldments. 121. Non-destructive testing of
07Hrs Grouping of metals and
filler rods ( P& F number)
122. Bend Testing of specimen
(06 hrs.)
according to codes and
standards. (7hrs.)
Learning outcomes, assessment criteria, syllabus and Tool List of Core Skills subjects which is
common for a group of trades, provided separately inwww.bharatskills.gov.in.
Welder (Pipe)
Welder (Pipe)
The DGT sincerely acknowledges contributions of the Industries, State Directorates, Trade
Experts, Domain Experts, trainers of ITIs, NSTIs, faculties from universities and all others who
contributed in revising the curriculum.
Special acknowledgement is extended by DGT to the following expert members who had
contributed immensely in this curriculum.
List of Expert members participated in preparation of course curriculum of Welder (Pipe) trade
Welder (Pipe)
Abbreviations used:
Welder (Pipe)